
Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. From rut455p@n... Fri Mar 07 11:09:36 2003 Return-Path: <Rut455P@n...> X-Sender: Rut455P@n... X-Apparently-To: Received: (EGP: mail-8_2_6_1); 7 Mar 2003 19:09:35 -0000 Received: (qmail 48108 invoked from network); 7 Mar 2003 19:09:35 -0000 Received: from unknown ( by with QMQP; 7 Mar 2003 19:09:35 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 7 Mar 2003 19:09:35 -0000 Received: from Rut455P@n... by (mail_out_v34.21.) id r.10a.6be982f (16216) for <>; Fri, 7 Mar 2003 13:59:01 -0500 (EST) Received: from n... ( []) by (v90_r2.5) with ESMTP id MAILININ14-0307135901; Fri, 07 Mar 2003 13:59:01 -0500 Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 13:59:01 -0500 To: Subject: Interview with Max Stryker MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <7F20FC16.190CF67F.001A5C39@n...> X-Mailer: Atlas Mailer 2.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-eGroups-From: Rut455P@n... (MS) From: rut455p@n... X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=52590245 X-Yahoo-Profile: rut455 I thought the list might appreciate this. Found it on the internet. Woodburn This interview appeared in Snuff Weekly, Vol.457, Number 2, Feb. 2003 (We caught up with Max Stryker for this rare one on one for Snuff just after he'd completed a series of vicious killings in the northern US. As usual his three female victims disappeared without a trace to join the ranks of the missing persons. Stryker claims a staggering figure of over five thousand kills, all young women and girls over the past fifteen years. That's over three hundred murders a year. He's managed this without ever arousing the suspicions of authorities, local or federal. Remarkably, most of Stryker's kills have taken place in the continental United States with very few excursions to third world countries or other less 'law-abiding' areas. This was the second interview with Max for Snuff, his first having been on our premiere issue back in 1995.) S. Max, good to have you back. MS. Hell, its nice to be back. You guys always provide the best accomodations. S. Yeah, Snuff is a five star operation. So how was your last hunt. MS. Real nice. I bagged a mom and her two daughters, a sixteen year old and a ten year old. S. Sounds delicious. Tell us about it. MS. Sure. If I can't share this with you guys who else am I gonna share it with. These bitches were camping in Franconia National park. S. That's one of your favorite locales. MS. Its one of them. Though I haven't done the outdoor thing for a while. But the weather was so nice this past weekend I thought what the hell and I packed my gear and took off. S. How much pre-planning did you do? MS. In this case, hardly any. Totally unlike me as you know. S. Yeah. You're usually a detail man. MS. True, but I felt like ripping loose a bit you know. Like doing one off the cuff, blowing some free-form riffs and shit. S. Know what you mean. MS. So I spotted these bunnies at a gas stop on the highway. I knew right away they were for me. You know how you get that feeling? Mom was in her mid thirties but well preserved, a little hefty, the way I like my older cunt. Short red hair. Green eyes. The teenager was precious. Slender but curvy, just a bit on the lanky side with long dark brown hair to the middle of her back. She had some lame-ass headphones on. Probably wired to some rock-and-roll or hip hop shit so she didn't have to hear mom's whining. Nice tight red shorts and red track shoes. The little one was precious. Red hair like her mom, kinda in a page cut. Freckles. Chubby cheeked. Little bubble ass. She was in some kinda pink and white t-shirt and short skirt with pink sneakers and white socks. S. Pink sneakers - hmmm - that'll get some pedophilic notice. MS. It got mine. (They laugh.) S. Do you have a strong preference for killing children. MS. What true sadistic male doesn't? Little girls are perfect victims. Innocent. Weak. Helpless. And so goddamn sweet to look at. Gets me hard just thinking about 'em. Not all little girls, of course. Some aren't even sexy. They're like squirrels or something, you know? Or rabbitts. Cuddly, I guess. I don't always get turned on by that type, although I know some guys do. S. What type does it for you? MS. Well its hard to say. Its just some over all quality. I find it in some young boys too but very very few. S. Have you done boys? MS. Now and then but very few. Like I said they don't have this - this quality I look for. S. I know what you're talking about. We've had a few exclusive pedo killers on this forum and they've pointed out these subtle differences. MS. And I'm not an exclusively pedo snuffer. I like females. Period. If I see some baby sweetie I like I'll take her down. I don't think twice about it. I will say this. The Stryker child victim is somewhere between cute and sexy - right at that point where the little bitches start to notice that they can get attention, you know? S. You mean like ten to twelve, like that? MS. Yeah. Like that. Those are prime. You see them in the malls all the time - they don't know what sex is yet but they imitate behavior and shit. Course, today you can get some eleven year olds that can suck cock like professional hookers. Wasn't so years ago. Now I will take down younger children too. I don't rule it out. Sometimes I get a real yearning for real young girl babymeat - even four and five year olds - S. Five year olds are nice targets. And they can't put up much resistance. MS. True. But such kills are the exception for me rather than the rule. I gotta be in the mood for the really young shit. Anyway this little cunt with the pink sneakers and her mom and her sister were so fucking perfect it was like they were out of a damn Woodburn story. S. Woodburn - We interviewed him last year. MS. I find him too long winded. Can't read all that shit, you know? I just cut to the good parts and fuck the rest. Anyway, I don't do much reading anymore. I'm out there practicing what he preaches. S. I hear ya. MS. So these three little cocksuckers - my little target family - gets in their SUV and they drive on and I follow them and they take a turn into one of the Franconia Park entrance roads so I know this is my lucky day. I've struck gold. S. So tell us what that's like, when you spot a victim and you know that's the one. What's your first step? MS. The first step is to make sure they're isolated when you take them down and that they won't put up resistance, or at least meaningful resistance. S. Well, you're a big guy. What are you, 6'4? MS. I'm big everywhere it counts. (They laugh.) MS. But seriously - you'd be surprised what one of these little cunts can put up. I've been in a couple of serious scrapes. One bitch almost cut my eye out with a kitchen knife. Another one pulled a gun out from under a sofa pillow. Bitches these days are not as wimpy as they used to be. A lot of them take self-defense courses and shit and they're ready when the bad shit happens. Also you have to look out for cell phones. I hate the damn things. You've got to control the situation quick before the cunts even think of reaching for them. That's one thing I like about Franconia Park - it seems to be in a dead spot as far as cell phones and most of the time you can't raise jack-shit in the valley until you get up in the mountains on the far side. Anyway these cunts drove into the valley camping ground - so I knew the phone might not be much of a problem. Also - when its mom and daughters you can usually control the situation by getting your hands on the baby first and using young ones as a hostage for negotiations. That usually works wonders. S. Is that the technique you used here. MS. You bet your ass. I waited until they'd set up their stupid tent and got all their shit out of the SUV and up into the woods. By then it was late afternoon. The moment came when mom was busy with something and teeny-cunt was listening to her music with her fucking head in the clouds as usual and that left the little one completely vulnerable. She was throwing pebbles into the water when I came up behind her grabbed her by her hair and put my knife to her throat. I told her to be a good girl and keep her fucking mouth shut and then I put my arm around her waist and hauled her up and carried her back to the camp. I told mom - this little doll dies unless you and the other one don't do what I say. I mean I laid down the fucking law for the day. For the rest of their fucking lives actually. S. Any problems? MS. Hell no. Mom and teeny-cunt turned over their cell phones - which I promptly tossed into the lake and then I tied all three of them up nice and tight, gagged and bagged, put 'em in my van and we were off to the races. S. So let me guess. Teeny cunt was the first to go down. MS. Yeah. That's par for the course with me. And the teen bitch was also kinda like the ice-breaker as far as the torture. I drove the three of them to the house up in Breakwater Mountains - that's real nice up there. Nobody around - just woods and cliffs - some breathtaking scenery. That house cost me a pretty penny but you know what? Its worth it. I really enjoy killing there. The feeling of power just flows there, man. Uninterrupted. Like being plugged right into the elements. S. Godlike? MS. Yeah. Absolutely. Anyway, first things first. I untie babypuss first and use her again to keep the other two cunts in line, you know? Wherever I take her I know they'll follow. They won't be tempted to run off into the woods and shit. After I let 'em loose and walk them out of the van they have no clue where the fuck I've taken them. Mom's offering me money and stock options and who knows what the fuck else until I slug her one to shut her up and take a moment to explain that its not about the money. You always gotta do that in these situations. Its hard for cunt to realize that what you want is their blood. It takes them a minute to get it. Then I take the three of them in the house. S. Time to lose the clothes. MS. You know it. I want all three sluts naked as the day they came into the world. Naked and crying and scared. S. That's the best scenario. MS. Nude terror looks good on any female. And wasn't mom surprised to find teeny-cunt had little gold rings through her nipples. S. Really? MS. Yeah. What are you gonna do with these fucking kids today? And a tattoo on her butt. S. Must have got you going. MS. You got it. That's when I knew teen princess was first in line. After I tied mom and babycakes together, back to back, mom on her knees, hands behind her - the little one strung to her by her neck and arms - I hung teeny-cunt from a suspension line by her wrists and tied her ankles together with barbed wire. S. Yeah. Terminal bondage. MS. That's my style. From rope to wire I use it all and use it well. I thought I'd waste teeny-cunt with this lead-tipped bullwhip. I hadn't whipped a victim to death in a long time and this little fuck deserved it real bad - I mean she was fuckin' askin' for it, you know? With her little nipple rings and her tattoo and this little swirly thing she wore around her upper arm. She also had a little gold chain around one ankle and these little friendship bands and bracelets on her left hand. I tore into the little pig and must have given her nearly five hundred before she finally went unconscious. S. Fuck. MS. Yep. Did that to 'er too - after about a hundred and fifty. I pulled her legs up and apart and had myself a good fifteen minute warm-up on teeny-cunt, right up her twat to the hilt. Made the little bracelets on her wrist jiggle up there on her cuffed arm. She was no virgin at least not in the cunt. I gave her another hundred and then tore out her nipple rings, turned her around and shoved my cock up her asshole. She was tight in there and probably had never done it that way but that was cool for me. By then she was covered with bloody streaks and half gone. It didn't take long to finish her with mom and little sis begging and screaming in the background, constantly. It set up a nice accompaniment. S. I notice you use musical terminology. Are you a musician? MS. Fooled with it for a while but didn't have the discipline. Love classical music. Its the best shit to use if you want to get a little ambience. I didn't use it on this last kill but I have used it before and I'll tell you - it really enhances the experience. Especially Stockhausen or Bartok. S. Did you cum when you killed the teenager? MS. Almost. But I held it back. I figured I'd keep the energy level high on this one and take all three down before my first cum. S. Was the teen a good kill? By your standards I mean. MS. She was ok. A bit on the quick side for me. Although like I said, I haven't used the whip to kill in a long time. Slashing a young girl that age to pieces is quite pleasing esthetically as well as physically. I mean you're tearing that sweet young skin, that healthy female body to pieces, striping and slashing. Its a great fucking workout. And its funny. The bitch when you're beating her is getting a workout too. They usually get exhausted from it. This one was jumping and swinging and jerking around and screaming her fool head off. I whipped her all over. Didn't spare her one bit. Even whipped her face. Little whore. I fucked her again near the end because I needed to put my cock in that, you know? That bloody mess that was once a nice looking youngster. That's one of my favorite things. Fucking them when they're just about gone - all bloody. She breathed her last with my prick up to the balls in her, right up against her goddamn uterus. Gave out a little sigh and her head dropped like a lead weight. Mom knew. She gave out this little girlish cry. Almost made me cum inside teeny. But I held back. Was it a good kill? Hell yeah. No more hip hop CD's for that bunny to listen to. She's pushing up daisies in the Breakwater Mountains courtesy of yours truly. S. So was mom next? MS. I had to think about that a minute, you know? I could kill mom and inspire absolute terror in the little one - knowing she'd be next - knowing no one would ever help her or save her. Or I could kill the little one and have mom watch - maybe mom would even suck my cock while I did it. I've explored those scenarios before. But I thought I'd try something different this time. S. Creative as usual. MS. That's the Stryker way. I untied the ten year old and made mom watch while I taught babycakes to suck my cock. I slapped the child around a bit just to get her face all flushed up. After about an hour that little shit was licking my balls and my asshole and just giving me a great old time. S. Was she still wearing her pink sneakers. MS. No by that time she was butt naked, except for this little gold chain around her neck with a cross on it. She had a hard time getting her lips around my tool - I don't like to brag but I'm pretty sizable there. I'm not made for a little babymouth. But I like to force my way in and I got far enough down her gullet to make it count. Then I got her up on the edge of a table and made mom watch me bust cherry. I was pretty pumped up by then and I busted babygirl up bad, slapping and punching her while I fucked her with her mom begging and pleading with me in the background. S. More musical accompaniment? MS. Music to my ears. Baby was screaming and after a while quiet and almost passing out and her cunt was bleeding around my cock. S. Better than vaseline. MS. Any day of the week. I pulled out of her and flipped her on her belly on top of the table and got my knife. Mom started going nuts then. She thought I was gonna finish babycakes. I told her to shut up and that I would kill babycakes if she didn't. That kinda threat usually works. I mean its hard to work when somebody's screaming in your ear. I told mom I was just gonna have me some fun with her...I mean what else are little girls for. Right? S. You cut her? MS. Little cuts. On her back and legs - on the soles of her tiny feet - before I put my cock up her ass. Then I stabbed her little butt a few times. Hard. S. Mmm. Sounds nice. MS. Stabbing babybutt is the shit, my man. I highly reccomend it to all your readers. S. Well you know some people have big problems with children. MS. Man, they need to get over that shit. There's no difference between a child or an adult. Both die the same way. A victim's a victim. And if you're a true killer and you take your pleasure from torturing and killing nothing is as perfect and sweet as torturing and killing a child. Its the best fucking high in the world. S. Its the most taboo thing any human can do. MS. That's so lameass hypocritical. You know that the policies of the US are forcing thousands of children across the world to die from poverty and starvation. But yet kidnap and kill one little blonde blue-eyed piglet and the whole country goes nuts. S. You're talking about Danielle - MS. - VanDam. Yeah. Loser parents. Loser neighbor. That little bunny could have been taken out without causing such a ruckus. A quiet disappearance of the whole family should have taken care of it. Anyway, fuck that and back to my story. Where the fuck was I? S. The little girl. MS. Yeah. Goddamn little redhead freckled bitch - I was assraping and knifing her and she was screaming something awful and her bleeding feet were kicking back against my chest so I banged her head against the table a couple of times to shut her up and calm her down and I busted up her cute little face some. By then I needed to plow some adult pussy. You know? S. Mom? MS. That's right. It was mom's turn to feel Stryker's heat. I cuffed little baby's hands behind her, mostly for the fuck of it. I like the way children look in bondage. And I got mom up on the table and made babycakes kneel behind me and under me and lick my balls and cock while I raped mommy for all she was worth. That hefty cow was a good fuck. A real good fuck.. I gave her plenty. Up the cunt and up the ass. Then I hauled her up on her feet, put her head in a rope noose and tied her wrists to her thighs. While she stood up there on her toes choking I uncuffed babycakes and put an icepick in the kid's hand. I told her that she had to start stabbing mommy's pretty legs or else I would use the big knife on mommy's throat and finish the job. S. Beautiful. MS. Course she didn't want to do it. I had to cut mommy's left breast off her before baby knew I meant business. S. Oh come on. You were probably gonna cut it off anyway. MS. You're right. (Laughs). She had nice fat jugs, man. I loved slicing that titmeat off her. It took a good fifteen minutes to do it. S. So, once you did that, did the kid start stabbing her mom. MS. Yeah. Kinda lamely at first but after I picked up a dogwhip and started using it on baby's back she got with the program. It was real nice watching baby stab momma with the ice pick. It made this great squelchy sound. And baby's aim wasn't so good. Pretty soon momma had a whole mess of small pierce wounds all over her legs and pussy mound. I swung momma around and made baby stab her ass. By then she was sinking the pick deep. I think she'd hit an artery too 'cause momma was squirting blood out of her thighs like a goddamn Italian fountain. Finally I got tired of that. I took the pick from baby and put it through mommy's eye. Then I yanked on the rope and hauled mommy off her feet to strangle her to death and break her neck. She was still hanging up there kicking and squirming when I pulled baby up by her hair and plunged the knife right into baby's little belly. She looked at me with those beautiful green eyes all wide. S. Bet she was surprised. MS. Surprised? (Chuckles) Yeah. I'll bet. I cut her open right up to her neck, stuffed my cock in her cunt and used her to jerk me off right to climax. She was dead before I came. S. And the disposal. MS. I dumped all three of them in a grave out in the woods. I've got a lot of them buried out there. Don't know exactly how many. S. Did you fuck the dead bodies. MS. You know it. Can't send a bitch on properly unless she's chock full of cum, right? S. That's the Stryker way. (They laugh.) MS. Tell you what else. I liked the little one's pussy so much I cut it out of her and fucked it. I also cut her head off and fucked her eyesockets. S. Wow. Did you - well - do you ever feel any pity for your victims? MS. You mean like this little one? S. Well - the slaughter of a child for sexual pleasure is considered the most depraved of acts, And you seem not only to carry it out without hesitation but also with deep enjoyment. MS. When I looked at this child's face, all covered with blood and cum, you know? I mean I held her little head right in front of me and studied it I did feel a little sorry for her. I mean she was an innocent victim. S. So were the mother and the older girl. MS. Yeah but this little cunt was completely blameless. She was a little angel. I felt just a little bad about it. S. Really? MS. I felt so guilty that I held that little head there, out in front of me by her hair you know? S. Yes. MS. And I pissed all over it. S. Goddamn. You're one sick motherfucker. MS. (Laughs.) Had you going though, didn't I? S. You're really sick - but then again so am I. So is this magazine. MS. Does that mean this interview is over. S. I think we've got enough for now but we'd like to have you back. MS. I'd love to do it again. Long as you put me up in that same Hilton. S. Only the best for Snuff's guests. MS. Ok. Until next time then. S. Happy hunting. MS. You too. ___________________ __________________________________________________________________ The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now! Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at