Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The following story is a purely fictional account. Any relationship to anyreal person living or dead is absolutely coincidental. The narrative deals with torture and slaughter of innocent human beings. The author in no way condones or promotes such acts. This is the world of fantasy and fiction where the hidden corners of the psyche may be explored. The author believes that exploring such subject matter in this realm keeps it from ever needing to be explored, and much less fulfilled, in real life. There is violence in all of us. Otherwise there would be no crime, no war, no destruction. We must acknowledge the beast inside of us if we are to tame it. To ignore it and repress it is to invoke its appearance in our midst. Broken She was on her knees before him. He grabbed her long thick red hair and forced her head up to look down into her face. He was naked and his cock was already stiffly erect and its tip hovered half an inch from her parted lips. She stared up at him with dazed, half-closed eyes. He wore fingerless leather gloves and his free hand opened and closed threateningly as he spoke. "I'm gonna fuck your throat, you stupid twat," he said softly, meanly. "You ready for me?" She nodded and her eyes blinked slowly."Yes, s-sir," she whispered hoarsely. "First I want you tell me what a stupid cunt you are," he commanded pulling on her hair to twist her head back slightly her lightly freckled face fully offered up to him now. His bulging arm muscles flexed like steel cables. "I - I'm a s-stupid cunt, m-master," she said slowly, her beautiful deep-sea green eyes fixed on his. "A stupid, w-worthless cunt." "Go on." "I'm just a - a hole...just a h-hole for your c-cock." "That's right, pig," he sneered, his pulse racing, his prick now arching upward, his balls full. "I'm nothing...dirt...a dirty worthless hole, empty and begging." Her eyes opened a little wider and he saw a little shiver run through her body as her thighs pressed together.She sat on her haunches, naked, her smooth fair body coiled like a spring, her wrists roped behind her.She looked up at him now surrendering her soul to him."Without you I am shit, master...a lump of stinking shit..." "Yes," he smiled, drinking in her humiliation. "You are." "I'm not w-worthy of being your s-slut..." "No. You don't deserve it. You deserve only atrocious pain. Pain, bitch." "Yes, master." He leaned down and drew her face upward lifting her slightly, pulling hurtfully on her scalp. His hair was short-cropped and he was clean-shaven. He had bird-like, demonic features, a fiercely scowling look. "Do you like it when I hurt you?" "Y-yes, sir." "Do you like to take pain for me?" She watched the tatoo of the scorpion moving on his upper arm. "Mmm...ohhh yes...yes, master..." "Well, I'm gonna hurt you real good, don't worry about that. But first I'm gonna fuck your throat. Open your mouth wide for me....ahhh...that's right..." He held her there with her mouth open wide, her wet tongue curled down over her lower lip and just looked at her, smiling. His feet were far apart, strong legs braced as he held her by her hair like that, up off her knees just slightly, she staring up worshipfully, the way he liked it. Slowly, very very slowly, he stroked his prick with his free hand and felt it surge and swell. "Ohh yeahh..." he groaned. "I'm gonna enjoy you....Gonna take my time with you you pretty little pig...mmmm...gonna take you down slooww...." He leaned forward and as he did he drew her to him sliding his cock into the warm wetness of her mouth. She moaned and batted her pretty eye-lashes as he pushed slowly inward, the top ridge of his cock sliding along the roof of her mouth, sliding in, toward the back, toward the flesh-ringed cavity that waited for him. As his shaft filled her throat-hole she choked slightly and her eyebrows furrowed in discomfort. He watched and smiled as she struggled to control the gag reflex. "You can take it...that's it..." he urged... "mmmm....that's it, slut....take it...yeahh..take it deep, baby..." Her brows unfurrowed...her expression became gradually serene, resigned. He had a long fat cock, almost ten inches long, long enough to now slide down into the tightness of her throat as her eyes opened again, tearfilled, a tiny drop of spit leaking from the corner of her filled mouth."Uuuhhhh yessss..." he sighed feeling the yielding pressure of her throat-passage as he pressed forward and pulled her face toward his crotch. Already he was three quarters of the way to the end. Slowly he continued to penetrate her until her lips came right up to the root of his prick, until he had filled her completely, until there was nowhere else to go, until his balls rested against her smooth delicate chin.She had closed her eyes and he pulled on her hair. "Look at me, pig!" he snarled. "Look at your Master!" She stared up at him again, now with difficulty, her eyes almost rolling back up into her head from the steep angle, brows arched prettily. " know how I like it...fuck me...fuck me with your head..." "Mmmmmm..." she moaned and very very gradually began to bob back and forth on his cock, almost imperceptibly at first, then drawing back and pushing forward as his grip on her hair relaxed to let her move. "That's it..." he whispered. "Ahhhh goddamn fucking cunt....that's it.....make it harder and bigger, you bitch....harder and bigger for me..." She moaned enthusiastically in response and began to slide in and out on him, pushing forward to feel the fat head of his cock squeeze into her throat then rearing back to feel his shaft slide back out wetly on the surface of her tongue until his big prick bobbed in the air in front of her. Then, moaning hungrily she would thrust herself on it again, corkscrewing her head as she did, sucking him greedily into herself, her bound hands wriggling in vain against the rope. Every once in a while he would grip her hair hard holding himself hilted inside her, his cock jammed in her warm throat, he'd reach down with his free hand to pinch her nostrils shut. He smiled greedily as she gagged and choked, as her face grew flushed, as her eyes closed tightly, then he would let her go and she would slide back sputtering, syrupy streams of spit oozing from her lips. "Do you love me, pig?" he asked after the third choking, gently tipping her chin up to look into her bloodshot eyes. "Gghhh-ahh...yeah...yes...sir..." "Are you sure you love me? Really sure?" "Mmnnhh..there's n-no one else in the whole world but You, Master...You..." "You're a good little pig. I really enjoy taking you apart....Go on...suck me some more. Get me harder. Take me to the edge." "Ohhhmmmmm!" she groaned, sliding forward and filling herself with his hard phallus, a silvery drool of spit hanging from her chin. She rocked in and out enthusiastically now and he relaxed, leaning his head back, enjoying the passionate mouth-fucking, still holding her hair, keeping his slave reined in, his other hand on her shoulder guiding her desperate movements. And gradually as she worked him, breathless and eager, her wild eyes looking up, her shoulders wriggling as her arms fought the rope at her wrists, her hands hungry to seize the hard fleshspear and stroke his fat balls, gradually, gradually he grew tense again and began to steer her motions, began to control her as she panted and puffed, lips stretched to the limit, began again to hold her, nostrils pinched shut, to his demanding manhood.He choked her three...four...five times, each time his face growing meaner, his scowl angrier, each time going up on his toes, pulling her up by her scalp, filling her throat with his prick and stopping her breath....each time a little longer....each time releasing her to watch her more and more wildly thrust herself on his cock, drawing closer and closer to an orgasmic release but holding himself at bay. Finally when the tension reached its maximum peak, when just one more bob of her head would have unleashed spurt after spurt of hot semen he slid out of her mouth, released her and as she stared in surprise, mouth still open and drooling spit and lube-juice he drew back and slapped her as hard as he could right across the face, turning her head and making her topple sideways to the floor with a choked-off cry. "Fucking...goddamn...dirtbag....cunt..." he growled. She lay stunned, his hand etched in red across her cheek, the high-pitched whine from the explosion of the blow whistling in her ear. "You'll have to earn my cum." He rolled her over so that she lay flat on her back on top of her bound wrists, arms under her, tits jutting upward. She had nice plump tits. Plump but firm, wide as grapefruit halves with rosy perfectly shaped nipples, and there were faint, long- ago scar-lines on the pretty orbs. He crouched over her face and took those luscious jugs in his hands. The pungent sweaty mansmell filled her nostrils as he pressed his balls down on her mouth and squeezed her juicy boobs hard, as if he were steering a speedboat on storm-tossed waves, all the time rubbing his big fat sweaty hairy balls against her soft lips. The muscles on his crouched legs tensed as he rose up on his toes and let his balls dangle over her eyes... then he slowly lowered himself pressing his asshole into the ridge of her nose, pressing down and suffocating her under his weight. "Ahhhh...Tell me now how much you love me, you stupid cunt," he groaned. "Uhhh yeahhh...c'mon tell me..." "Mmffff..."she sputtered as he shoved his asshole against her pretty mouth. "What's the matter? Can't talk? Huh? Mmmm...ahhhh..." He rose slightly coming up off her. "Y-yes..." she gasped. "Ohh yess...I love you sooo much...c-crush me...sit on my face, sir...please...sit on mmggghhhhh...." He stopped her words turning them into incoherence as he rubbed himself down into her hard again, rocking on his feet, crushing his genital sacks against her lips, sealing her face between his big strong buttocks. "U-uhhhh yeahhh," he moaned, smiling, as she pushed her tongue up his rectum. He mauled her tits against her rib cage and twisted and pinched the hard nipples between his thumb and forefinger. "Spread your legs," he ordered continuing to sit on her face.She obeyed instantly moving her long supple thighs apart, bare feet scraping across the carpet as she opened herself for him."Wider...yeahh...wide as you can get 'em...More. That's right...fucking whore...all the way...Lift your butt off the floor. Yeah. That's it. Get that cunt up, up! C'mon...higher..." She felt him lean forward slightly then sensed but could not see the quick rise and fall of his arm as he brought his gloved hand down, palm first, in a sharp cunt-slap.She squealed and her legs drew back together instinctively.The one hand still remaining on her tit almost tore her nipple off. "KEEP YOUR LEGS WIDE OPEN, YOU WORTHLESS WHORE!" he shouted. She whined and squirmed under him and he sank down on her face pushing her head into the carpeted floor between his legs. "C'mon! Ass up! Gimme that cunt! C'mon...C'MON! Yeahh! Give it to me! GIVE!" Obediently she opened her legs again as she struggled to breathe, blinded and suffocated under his balls and ass, his long dick pointing forward between her tits as if indicating where the focus of the action should go, her buttcheeks coming up off the floor. Again his arm rose. He slapped her moist cunt hard making her jump and squeal. But this time, with some difficulty, she managed to keep her legs open.His gloved hand smacked again and again on her wet slit and eventually her legs no longer fought the instinct to close but remained wide for his attack and her squeals became moans of pleasure and her pussy got slimier as he spanked it. "Yeahh..." he grunted as he punished her cuntmound. "You're mine! You're fucking cunt is're fucking SOUL is mine, shitbag! You would eat my shit if I wanted you to...huh? Hmmm? If I shit you would lap it all up, wouldn't you? Yeahhh...yes you would...You're nothing but a....worthless....stinking.....douchebag....." He rose up off her slowly to look down at her face between his massive thighs. Her hair was all over her forehead and cheeks in sweaty strands and her nose and lips were flushed dark red and smeared with bits of shit and pubic hair. She gasped desperately for air and looked up at him, her eyes waiting for his command, hanging on his next whim. He stood over her slowly stroking his huge upstanding cock, turning so that her head was between his legs, his feet stepping on her spilled mane of hair on either side. "Open your mouth," he ordered softly. "I want to piss in it." He watched her lovely lips open wide, her eyes locked on his. He went on stroking his cock for a few moments, looking down at his open-mouthed whoreslave. He could feel the pleasant release of pleasure in his bladder and a broad grin spread his lips as his urine hissed from his cock. He aimed the yellow stream at her closing her eyes, matting her hair wetly, tracing the line of her cheek, piss streaming into her right ear, then the left ear, down through her mane into the carpet and right into the round 'o' of her mouth to gurgle and pool and spill out down the sides of her lovely face. "'re mine..." he said softly through the cruel grin. "All mine." Slowly, as he pissed on her, he stepped back so that the drizzle of urine tracked down between her tits which his hands had turned beet-red, down her flat belly and into her belly-button and finally on her flushed pussy-mound making her raise herself again and open herself for it as he urinated right on the slit he had just so viciously slapped. "Ugghhhhh," she grunted half-opened eyes looking up at her master, her pissed-on face gleaming wetly. "Yesss....Ahhmmm all....y-yours...master...mmm...I - am - your - s-slutttt...." When he finished urinating he shook the final drops loose on her, then, reaching down he grabbed her ankle and began to drag her across the room by her leg. He pulled her to the big leather cuffs that dangled on chains from the overhead pulley.He raised up each slender leg and buckled the black leather tight around the ankle so that both her well-shaped limbs pointed upward, her bare feet trapped, wriggling and arching as she felt the blood begin to drain from them. She watched him with a neutral expression on her face as he bound her. It was as if she was just an on-looker, an observer of her own destruction. She held each leg up for him willingly, his strong hands roughly handling her, his complete attention on the act of buckling the leather cuffs. Then, he went to the panel of switches on the wall. He pressed one of the buttons and a red light flashed just above it as a motor whirred quietly above in the ceiling of the torture chamber. Again stroking his cock slowly he watched as the machine slowly lifted his whore upward, her ass coming up off the carpet, her back, her shoulders and finally her head, long red mane dangling as she swung her head nervously from side to side. Her arms were still bound behind her and this impeded access to her curving back and shoulderblades so as she rose toward the ceiling he reached over and untied the wrist ropes, told her to let her arms dangle downward, then re-tied the wrists together so that now she was deliciously offered to him, hung way up off the floor upside down as the motor stopped whirring. She rotated slowly as she dangled, occasionally grunting from the uncomfortable stretched position, her rib-cage standing out beautifully, belly pulled flat, arms straight down, hands unable to touch the floor just two inches below. Piss dripped from her hair on to the carpet.He let her hang for a while just watching, just jerking off. An upside-down whore was a beautiful sight. He liked the way flesh sagged and accomodated itself to the unnatural position, the way the cheeks flushed and spilled on to the half-closed eyes, the way the titbags hung filled out, the exact definition of the arm and shoulder tendons and the concave inward dip of her shaved armpits, the way the muscles on the legs tensed and relaxed under the strain. The chains jingled as she moved, stretched, hands and fingers reaching for the ground just beyond her grasp. It was the most intensely helpless position a woman could be put in, her whole body now available for torture, its reversed beauty almost blasphemous. It was a position which violated all civilized tenets, all laws and all rules. It was almost, but not quite, as good as a crucifixion. She watched her master now walk to the large black cabinet, watched the spider-web weave of blue lines that were tattooed across his powerful back flex as he moved, her vision blurring. She bit her lower lip in anticipation, wondering if it would be just a whip, or a cane even though she knew...she knew it would be worse...The way he'd handled her this time she could sense the killing fury in him. It thrilled her and terrified her but she accepted it fully, had accepted it long ago. This was her fate. To belong to him. To be his slavewhore.It had taken months for her to recover from the last session. There were still fading marks on her abdomen, back and thighs. He had broken two ribs and one of her arms which now ached as it hung to the floor.But like a junkie she had come back. She'd always come back. Back to her master...Back to the vicious torture and humiliation like a helpless lamb to the slaughter. Even when he did not beckon her. "Got something new for ya, pig," he said now turning from the cabinet with the weapon in his hand.It was a wooden dowel with a long piece of chain secured to it. At the end of the chain there was a steel ball with spikes on it. It was a mace...a medieval weapon... or older perhaps. Something the gladiators would have used in battle in the ancient Roman coliseum, strong powerful men facing each other in the blazing sun in the arena. Now he came for her with it. She knew this time he was going all the way with her. This time she would not leave the torture chamber alive. As he walked toward her, he swung the terrible weapon through the air in a circle around his head and it swooshed sharply. About three feet away from her he stopped and she looked up into his vicious face. He stroked his cock slowly with his free hand and leered down at her. She saw his eyes travel up and down her body. She had stopped rotating so he reached out and gave her a slight push so that she began to revolve again helplessly in front of him."Yeahh..."he said hoarsely. "'re a beautiful fuckin' cunt, Sandy...a goddamn fuckin' beautiful piece of ass..." She swung slowly around, unable to see him, and around again until he came into view, slowly jerking off, his breath hissing and around again, the room upside down and spinning...As he spoke again she could sense his eyes devouring her soft fleshy ass."Beautiful fuckin' shitbag...I'm gonna finish you, shitbag. What do you think about that? Huh? You ready to die today? You ready to die for your Lord and Master?" Her lovely green eyes spun into view. "Yes, sir...I'm ready..." "You better be, bitch. You better be...Cause I'm gonna take my sweet time with you. You know that, don't you?" "Yes, master." His cock grew and arched as he stroked it. Each time she spun around it was bigger, jutting upward like a mindless slug. And now she heard his feet move on the carpet slightly as she faced away from him, felt his hand grip her leg and spin her back around to him. "I want you to see it comin'" he snarled and raised the spiked weapon. She saw the metal ball shoot down out of the air like a comet on the end of the chain. With a meaty thud it smacked into her thigh, stuck to her for a moment then slid off leaving three deep piercewounds that began to bleed almost immediately. The pain made her contort first then shriek then arch her back as he swung the weapon again. This time the ball ripped into her belly and stayed there until he yanked on the chain and tore it off. As she howled and jerked around she felt the hot trickle of blood down her chest and into the underside of her right tit.He took half a step back and swung harder, a long whistling lateral swing.The spiked ball smashed into the right side of her ribcage, right into the bones that had just barely healed this time splintering them, ripping a gash in her skin as she shrieked. "YEAHHH!" he shouted. "Scream...SCREAM!!" With all his strength he swung the weapon down across her left ribcage smashing the bones right into her lung, the spikes hilted in her, she coughing up blood and gasping as he tore the ball back and swung it again right into the soft yielding flesh of her lower belly. "Uugggggggg!" she grunted her body bending at the waist, head rising, face twisted in agony. "BITCH!" he yelled and swung the killing hammer in a downward swoop into her tit as her chest rose perpendicular to her hanging legs. "AAIIEEEE!" she keened as the spikes filled her titbag and then she slumped to hang down again as he tore the ball out of her and swung it again.The ball smashed into the side of her up-hung leg just above the knee.She felt the power of the blow all the way to her hip and the chains rattled accompanying her cries. As he yanked the ball out of her he stepped up to her and put his mouth to the wound in her leg sucking her blood greedily, sinking his teeth deep into the tender warm thighmeat."Ghaaaaa...yeahhh....yeahhh..." he growled pushing his mouth against her bleeding leg."I'm gonna eat you bitch...I'm gonna kill you and eat you..." Then he stepped back again."GODDAMN SLUTT!!" He swung hard and buried the spiked ball in her asscheek. As she screamed he tore it out of her kicking her away with his foot to pry the spikes out of the butt- muscles, starting her on a pendulum swing as she rotated, bleeding and crying, her bound hands reaching up beseechingly, her eyes looking for pity as he mercilessly pounded the hammer into her lovely rump-flesh, into the backs of her thighs, bloodspecks flying, blood running down her, blood spattering his legs and belly. He whipped her back with it placing deep gouge-cuts on either side of her spinal-ridge and several in her shoulderblades. The thump-thump-thump of the ball as it struck her was louder and more reverberant there, her pierced lungs acting like a sound board, her gasping shrieks melting into gulping, gurgling, choking, coughing gasps as blood drooled down her freckled face, down her cheeks into her eyes and hair- line... "GODDAMN FUCKIN' BITCH!!!" He was smiling now, a broad evil toothy demonic grin as he swung the mace into her knees. "OHH YEAHH!" he shouted as he swung again and again. One leg cracked as the joint came loose and the defenseless bitch wailed and wailed. And he swung at her knees again. And once more.Each brutal blow harder than the one before as she spun and now the spikes sank into the back of her knees, ripping vein and muscle, making the beaten wench howl dementedly and twist and gasp coughing up more blood from her shattered lung. Three more savage blows and her other leg snapped like a tree-branch. "Auughhhhhh!" she grunted, eyes suddenly very wide, her body shuddering traumatically then spasming as she fainted. He dropped the weapon and stepped up against his beaten bloody whoreslave rubbing his cock against her, his arms rising as his hands traveled up the sides of her broken legs feeling the mangled bones under the skin, the pulsing spikewounds. "Ahhhhh....fuckin' bitch....mmmm..." he sighed rubbing his face against the spurting blood-vessels in the back of her meaty thighs, straddling her... "Mmmmm...kill you...and eat you...yeahhh..." He climbed up onto her bracing his strong legs around her waist, his feet crossed just above her bleeding titmounds, his whole weight on his hanging slave, clutched to her like a giant spider-leech, his mouth buried in her pussy, man and woman spinning slowly in mid-air, the leather cuffs tightening viciously around the ankles, her foot twisting twisting twisting... until with a sharp loud crack the ankle- bone snapped Heedless, he went on biting and sucking at her cunt for a few minutes, dangling with her ...then he slid off to go to the wall-panel and switch the motor on reverse to let her down, down to the floor now on her back. In the large windowless bathroom he filled a bucket with cold water from the showerhead and returned to the chamber to splash it down on the inert woman. She came to with a gasp then twisted over on her side groaning in agony, coughing up blood. He pushed her over on her back again with his foot which he then put at her throat to hold her soaked head down and look at her smiling. "Still love me, Sandy? Huh? Still love your good buddy Andrew? Huh? SPEAK UP, CUNT!" "Y-yahhss..." she said softly choking between words, her eyes looking up at him sadly."...I...l-luuhvve..y-you...M-m-mahhster...I'll...a-always..l-luhhve.. .y-y ou..." "Mmmmm..." he moaned smiling, stroking himself, letting the sensation of power take over him and fill him, pressing the sole of his foot down into her warm throat, watching her choke and wince. He looked down at the empty steel bucket which still dangled from his hand and sensed a sudden inspiration. Turning away he went back into the bathroom and filled the bucket again.When he returned to his beaten woman he put the bucket down next to her and slid down to kneel between her beaten shattered legs. "I'm gonna fuck you now, slut," he said simply sliding his hands under her thighs to open and raise them. As he did the broken bones in her knees and ankle twisted and the bitch howled and sobbed. Andrew's cock surged hugely as his slavewhore's slit spread open before him, moist and juicy between her bloody thighs. Pushing her legs back and causing her intense fiery pain he positioned his shaft right at the base of her pink-fleshed snatch and pushed slowly into his gasping crying woman as he knelt in the wet carpet, thighs apart, his balls hanging heavily. He penetrated her slowly looking down into her face, she looking back at him, sobbing, bound arms stretched up above her head, the wounds on her belly, tits and thighs bleeding, one foot pointing straight up, the other, where the ankle had busted, twisted inward at an impossible angle. He put his weight into her now to slide deeper, to hilt his big prick in her, to fuck her while he sank his teeth hard into her calves and heels, gripping her broken foot in his mouth, biting hard, clamping down on the arch until blood filled his mouth. He bit the toes of both feet while he fucked her to a cruel unstoppable rhythm, she yielding to him, moaning, trembling with each downthrust of his powerful hips. Placing his hands on her thighs just above the broken knees he pushed the legs down slowly, opening her wider...pushed, pushed, until her bitten feet were flat against the floor on either side of her head, until she was in a hell of suffering, his cock pistoning in and out of her."That's it, cunt," he spat. "That's where you belong...On the end of my COCK!" "Uhh!" she grunted as he slammed her. "Uh! Uh! Uh!" "Take it, you bitch...TAKE IT!" "Ahh! ughh! Uh! Nngg!" Now he leaned forward and put his hands on her broken ribcage pushing down on her, fucking her faster, his chest bearing down on the backs of her thighs."Unnhhhgghh!" she groaned, coughing, sputtering. Blood jetted from her throat and into his face."Yeahhh!" he laughed.He bent down to maul his lips against hers and the blood geyesered into his mouth and he drank her and fucked her and crushed her against the floor. Her bound arms rose and wrapped around his neck and her pussy squeezed him spastically as he nailed himself into her victoriously. She took him and welcomed him, surrendered herself to his loveless fuck. "...cunt...cunt...cunt..." he growled as he pumped her. "Uh! Mmgghh! Uhhh! Nnnnn!" Pulling himself free of her arms he rose up half-way off her to look down into her face. "I wanna fuck your asshole," he snarled. She just looked at him in a daze. "You hear me?" She nodded. "I wanna fuck your asshole and I wanna hear you beg for it..." "Mmggg...P-please f-fuck...fuck me - uh - u-up the a-ass...pleease?" "Again. Beg me."His huge cock slid in and out of her. In and out. In and out. "Pleeease? ohh..uh! Fuhh-fuckk me Uh! Ahh! ...fuck me up the ass, Master!" "Filthy whore," he growled sliding out of her suddenly, grabbing her by the hips to roll her over on her belly. "You filthy goddamn piece of shit whore. Get your ass UP! Get it up for me! NOW!" She struggled on broken knees to lift herself as he crouched behind and between her bleeding thighs."You fucking piece of shit...that's right...get it up there!" He stroked himself, his cock hard to the point of bursting now, hot hard and throbbing."BEG ME!" he yelled. "Pleeeeease, sir! P-please put your d-dick in my a-a-ass...pleeeease?" Taking her by the hips, going down to kneel bethind her thighs which pressed against him and bled on him he put the engorged head of his cock to her rectal orifice.His prick, still slimy from being up her cunt, slid up against the puckered anal lips. "Bitch!" he whispered meanly and jammed himself up her bunghole. "Ahhhhhhhhhnhhhnnnnnnggg!" she groaned. He smiled like a vengeful demon as he now fucked her pitilessly up her ass, his hips thrusting and thrusting deliberately, his prick jabbing deep."Uhh! Worthless sluttt! Uh! Annhhh! Filthy piggg! Uhhh!" She held herself for him, taking the vicious fucking, face pressed against the dank, piss-stinking carpet. Now he felt himself build quickly toward orgasm, his cock hot and throbbing as it pummeled in and out of his broken bitch. He reached down and grabbed both her legs, his hands gripping both her slender ankles, one swollen from the snapped bone, and as he thrust into her holding her up with his huge cock he raised the broken limbs. He strained mightily, his powerful muscular body sweating and flexing as he raised her and split her simulteaneously, spreading and spreading her to an impossible limit. "AHHGGGHHHHH!" she shrieked bound hands clutching the carpet as both hips creaked, twisted, trembled then snapped, both legs now being bent back and apart on either side of her, as he slammed deep into her asshole, hilted inside her while he broke her, cracked her like an oven roaster on the banquet table, bones ripped through skin, arteries split and gushing.He lifted her upward as he rose to his feet grunting with the exertion holding her like a wheelbarrow. "Ahhh! Fffucckin' CUNT!" he shouted. "PUT YOUR HEAD IN THE BUCKET, YOU BITCH! IN THE GODDAMN BUCKET! I'M GONNA DROWN YOUUUUU!" "Ughhhh!" she grunted and obeyed him as he aimed her at the filled receptacle, going up on her weak arms, her hands walking on the wet carpet, as her face hovered over the surface of the water. He let her slide down now, her lovely red hair following her head with a splash into the bucket which spilled water down its sides as she gripped it between her bound arms."That's it, you stupid fuck! THAT'S ITT!" Blood and shit jetted up out of her around his cock as he slammed her broken body downward now and he heard her choking and sputtering inside the bucket."DROWN YOU FUCKING TWAT! DROWN! DROWN! DROWN!!!" He felt the first delirious shivers of orgasm building in his balls and he held his bitch firmly in position as she shuddered and spasmed and kicked. The water bubbled in the bucket around her hair as he jamthrust his prick up her shitsmeared asshole and he kept fucking and fucking and fucking until there was no movement left in her, until she went completely limp, until the water no longer bubbled and he kept on fucking and fucking and fucking her. He slid down on one knee as the first burst of orgasm speared through him, slid down with a grunt, fucking his dead whore, shooting his scum into her dead guts as the bucket clattered down and spilled on the rug her head still in it. The second burst took him all the way down on both knees and he thought it might be over but his cock was still hard, way he put it in her pussy and began again...he fucked the dead woman violently. He fucked her and cursed her. After a while he laid her on the floor pulled the bucket off her head, ripped her mouth open and fucked her mouth, dead eyes looking up at him glassily. He arched over her in a prone position as if he was doing push-ups over her face to send his cock into her dead throat and laugh and fuck his dead wet-headed whore's mouth, his cock coming up out of her all streaked with blood. He jammed down into her head until her jawbone broke with a crunch then pulling out he emptied his balls on her face filling her dead eyes with his sperm. After resting a few minutes laying next to the broken woman on the wet carpet he rose and got the butcher knife from the cabinet. He dragged her into the bathroom by her hair.He liked the way her legs looked, twisted and mangled, like the legs on a doll some kid had broken. Her feet were pulled all the way up to her shoulders, one pointing inward the other forward.He was getting hard again so he slid his prick into her cunt. She was still nice and warm and he moaned, smiled and started fucking her, knife in hand.As he fucked his dead twisted whore he began to stab her. Stab. Stab. Stab. Taking his time. Enjoying himself. Blood began to pool around him on the tiled floor. "...bitch...cunt...whore...sluttt...." he growled softly. Stabbing. Stabbing.He reached down and picked up her arm, her pretty pretty. The knife was very sharp. He sliced into the wrist, through skin, veins, muscle, bone. Blood spilled from the armstump. He rubbed her dead bleeding hand on his face, on his chest as he fucked the dead whore. Fucked. Fucked. Harder and harder. Deeper and deeper. He cut off her other hand. Cut the fingers from the hand. Chewed and sucked the flesh off a pinky. He cut off her tits. Sliced them to ribbons as he fucked and fucked feeling himself reeling with pleasure, bathed in her hot blood. Her mouth was wide open, broken jawed, eyes staring upward...Ahhhhhh...she seemed to be saying. she was enjoying the hideous desecrating fuck....Ahhhhhh...He laughed and slammed into her then shouted and scowled and grunted like an animal and began to cut her feet off her broken legs, to stab and stab her thighs...blood spattered the bathroom walls...the light bulb which hung from the ceiling...he had trouble cutting into the thighs...they were too thick...Ughhh! Yeahhh! He cut and cut...managed to slice one leg clean off but not the other...He raised the mutilated limb to his mouth and took a bite out of the luscious calf. He started to come. There was blood on his face and mouth. Ughhh! Ughhh! He stabbed her belly, gashed it open, reached into her, still so warm and juicy...mmmmmhhhhh! He ripped her guts out of her as he came ripped, ripped, ripped...then sliding out of the mess, getting to his feet he aimed his cock at her dead face and came. Later, when he roasted pieces of her on the blazing barbecue grill his cock would throb and pulse with the memory of the slaughter. It took him a few days to completely devour her, every bit of her, every last juicy delectable morsel. The last thing to be rid of was her hair...her thick lustrous dark red hair. He tossed it into the flames in the end and watched it burn and smoke until it was just gray-white ashes. WOODBURN