by Honda
©Copyright 2002 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved.
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This is a scene from the popular snuff series titled:
'Snuff Wars'.
This story is intended for adults only.
It contains snuff (human sacrifice).
While most of the crewmembers were occupied with the competition or enjoying the entertainment on board, some others were working hard. There was a group of dedicated scientists working very hard in the engineering room. This group of smart and hardworking scientists were busily working on an experiment involving space folding. The theory was that the distance between two points was elastic and could be moved closer. This technology was known as a space fold. The goal of their experiment was to artificially create such a phenomena that is also known as a wormhole. Hence the engine they had build was named the wormhole drive.
After endless times of theorizing and experimentation, they finally came up a workable implementation. Professor Nuttenfresser was the lead scientist on this project and with his careful supervision they had succeeded in creating a prototype which was installed into the Dolcett II before take off. However, there seemed to be a slight problem with the newly installed system so the scientists worked hard on solving it. After much hard work and endless overtime, they had finally fixed the problem and sought permission from captain Fraser to attempt a jump through hyperspace. Approval was given to carry on and they prepared the wormhole drive for their first jump through hyperspace. They worked hard on the preparation and were very close to being able to test it out.
In order to attract more luck, but mainly just to have more fun, Nina Putain, an expert in spacial anomalies, suggested they made an offering to the gods in the form of a human sacrifice. Everybody liked the idea since they had been working hard and did not had much of an opportunity to set aside some time for fun. They quickly did a search through the database to find a suitable sacrifice. Helen was the lucky girl chosen for this important and fun event.
Since Nina was the one who came up with the idea, she was given the honourable role as the high priestess that carried out the sacrifice. She was so happy and excited that she lost her composure for a short moment, babbling about something nobody could understand. Then she retired to her own quarters to calm down and read up on the proper procedure on making a human sacrifice so that the ritual was done properly. She carefully studied the section describing her role as high priestess.
She returned with full confidence to the lab that had been transformed into a temple by the other scientists while she was away.
Her friend Deborah helped her put on the ceremonial robe of the high
priestess. Everything was now prepared and ready. Helen was standing in
the centre of the room in a thin see through white gown. She was completely
naked underneath it. Everybody else was standing either to her left or
to her right dressed in black robes with hoods to cover most of their heads.
Nina’s robe was red with golden frills handing off it and she was wearing
a golden tiara with a big red ruby on her head. She stood there in a straight
line to Helen and watched as two of her colleagues dressed as priests walked
towards Helen and stood on either of her side. Then they slowly disrobed
her and dropped the garment to the ground. Helen now was standing naked
in front of everyone. Then the two priests led her forward towards the
stone altar behind her and laid her down on it so that she was laying on
her back and facing upwards. Helen watched how Nina slowly approached her
until she stood right in front of her and stretched her arms wide apart
as if welcoming someone invisible and then embracing him. Then Deborah
stepped beside Nina with a tray that was holding the sacrificial dagger.
Nina mumbled a chant and then took the dagger from the tray with both of
her hands and then held it up high above her head. Helen seeing this then
trussed up her belly and leaned her head backwards as much as she could.
Her chest was heaving heavily from her slow and excited breathing. Nina
looked Helen straight into the eyes and they both starred at each other
locked in their gaze. Then Nina send the dagger crashing into Helen’s ribs
and ripped her chest open. She then stabbed her a few more times in the
belly until Nina’s face was covered in blood. She then licked the blood
from her lips and pulled the skin aside on Helen’s chest exposing her still
beating heart. Then she grabs it with her left hand while her right hands
severs some of the arteries leading to the heart. Then abruptly she pulls
out Helen’s beating heart holding it high above her head she walks forward
to the stone statue in front of her and smears it red with the blood from
the heart in her hand.
For more depravity read the whole Snuff Wars series.