by Honda
©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved.
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This is a scene from the popular snuff series titled:
'Snuff Wars'.
This story is intended for adults only.
It contains snuff.
Fraser initiated a snuff competition where the aim was to come up with the cruelest and most agonizing torture that can be done in space. The zero gravity factors gave the game a new aspect and lend to many new ideas. Fraser made it a group competition. Each group had to had at least five members with at least one male member. This ensured that there would not be too many groups since the ratio of males to female was ten to one on the Dolcett II, which is roughly the population ratio on Onixia as well.
One of the groups was trying out zero-g electrocution. This team consisted of Ralph, Thomas, Caroline, Marie, Mai, Janet, Sachiko, Nicole and Natascha. Ralph had only recently made Thomas’ acquaintance when they both had arrived to the landing zone at the same time. When Ralph saw Thomas again, they just decided to form a team. Thomas had introduced Caroline into their team. Caroline had gone to the same school as Thomas so they knew each other pretty well and had been competing against each other at school. For a change, they decided to be working together in competition against others instead of competing against each other again.
The expert of this group was Mai who was an electronics expert. She was head of the maintenance crew on the Dolcett II and pretty knew everything that was required about electronics. She was also a very beautiful and stunning woman with long slender legs and an overall slim body and relatively big breasts. Her eyes, however, were her most noticeable features. She had relatively large round eyes making her look very cute.
Another member, Nicole, was a tailor whose magical hands could do wonders with a needle. Her delicate little hands were perfectly suited for the detailed needlework that she was able to do. Her every stitch was perfect. Apart from her talented hands, she also had a very talented tongue, which could lick and twirl around a cock in such a sensitive and vibrating manner that she was able to bring a man to cum in a very short time of teasing only. The rest of her body was not neglected by nature either. She had pert cone shaped tits that were crowned with dark areolas around them topped with big nipples.
They also had Sachiko who was a nurse. She had her long hair tied into a bundle behind her head and she liked to wear very revealing clothes, which did not hide her curvy breasts. Indeed, one could almost completely see her two luscious breasts except for her two large nipples, which she purposefully covered with a thin black lace bra just enough to excite anyone staring at them. She also loved to show off her slender legs. Sachiko was responsible for helping her crewmembers when they felt sick, but she also knew how to cause extreme pain and torture the body and mind.
And then there was Janet who was one of the teachers for the children that they had on board. She was petite and very smart. Despite her size, she could command respect from anyone she wished, not just the little kids who fearfully called her Ms Yariman.
Marie was one of the sexy waitresses that served the crew during meal times. Her duties were quite relaxing. Most of the time, she had little to do and could spend hours enjoying herself and trying out new recipes. Her dream was one day to become a good cook or to be cooked. She was not sure which of those it would be yet so she made sure her body was ready in case she decided to be cooked.
The last but not least of the group was Natascha who was an expert computer programmer. She was a good hacker as well and could easily break into any system that she wanted access to. A pair of long almost creamy looking set of legs supported her slender body. She was also equipped with an equally impressive set of bosoms that were as soft as a cushion.
They build something that looked like a big water tank. It was cylindrical in shape and had a motor, which span the cylinder around in a circular motion, which could accelerate to such a high speed so that it could act like a centrifuge. It could hold a woman inside it and would be filled with a bucket of water, which would just float around in the gravity less environment. The centrifuge like action of the motor would propel the water to separate into many little drops and randomly spread across the entire container. Randomly, they just send spikes of high voltage electricity through the container. Whenever it connected with the conducting water drops and the women inside it would zap her and send waves of incredible pain through her body.
They started their demonstration with a lot of fanfare. Caroline and Marie introduced their creation dressed in cheerleader outfits and cheered their team on to beat the competition and they also did several cartwheels. Then Thomas and Ralph wheeled in a big water tank like container and called their invention simply ‘The Tank’. This cylindrical container was initially empty and a luscious blonde was asked to climb in by their team’s spokesperson Ralph. He ordered her in and the pretty blonde with her massive jiggling breasts obediently climbed into what looked like a big water tank to her. Nicole was holding a bucket of cold water that she handed to Caroline. She then climbed on top of the tank and emptied it into the tank splashing the content of it all over the blonde who shivered when the cold water hit her skin.
Then Caroline closed the top of the cylinder and jumped back down from there. Ralph then explained to everyone how their invention worked.
“This water tank has a build in centrifuge that will be able to suspend the water that you have just seen being put into it around its inside. The water will be at first evenly distributed inside it with many drops of water all spread around inside. Then in the next step, the many little drops will form random patterns. At that point we will send an electric surge through the tank. As you all know, water is a very nice conductor of electricity. And to boost the effect, we have used salt water, which is even better. The blonde inside will be floating around the tank in a random fashion as well. Whenever she comes in contact with the many droplets of water, there is a big chance that she could be connecting up many of the droplets and form a circuit resulting in electrical shocks being send through her. This should allow us to fry her up a bit before we completely flood the tank. We hope you will enjoy ‘The Tank’”, he announced and then stepped away.
On his cue, Mai pressed the start button on the small remote she was holding. Immediately, the blonde inside began to float up and down inside the cylinder and the many shiny little drops of water began to circle her. Then suddenly there was a flash inside the tank. A bright light could be seen which jumped the many water drops from one to the other, quickly forming a chain. It then hit the blonde and created many more chains of water drops leading away from her. The surge went through the blonde’s body with lightening speed causing her to yelp in incredible pain. She felt like she was struck by lightning, but as soon as it manifested, the pain quickly dispersed again and was gone only to suddenly reappear again at a different position with a different pattern. This random jolts formed and disappeared repeatedly for many times and each zapped the blonde at different parts of her body sending her crying and screaming around inside the tank with nowhere to hide for cover. Everone could clearly see her pain each time she was hit by an electric shock. Tears of pain soon formed around her eyes. Then the next jolt hit her again running along her face and moving towards her tear-filled eyes. It shocked her very painfully and almost blinded the poor girl. But that was not all yet. She was also zapped inside her wet pussy. Like any other Onixian woman, she enjoyed being tortured and having pain inflicted upon her. It hurt but at the same time turned her on and made her pussy juices flow. And in this case, it also made electricity flow, through her pussy that is. The blonde orgasmed and orgasmed when her pussy was hit with an electric surge and she buckled wildly in shear ecstasy. Then she squirted which gave her an additional dose of electricity what went right through her entire body. She shook terribly as if caught by lightning. This last one was intense. She was left with several marks of burns. Who knew how badly the burns were internally.
Mai decided that it was time for the finale. She pressed the kill button; the only other button on the tiny remote and immediately, the tank was filling up with cold water. At first the blonde thought that she was going to be drowned and took in a deep breath before the whole tank filled up to the top. There were lots of large chunks of crystalline salt pieces floating in the water that reflected the light and shined brightly. Caroline dimmed the light in the room to increase the effect. Then a huge lightning erupted from the bottom of the tank, which consumed all the little crystals that sparkled and let the way to the blonde floating towards the centre of the tank. Then she was hit as well. The electricity ran through her body quickly and electrified every part of it. She convulsed in complete agony and felt herself burn from the inside and the outside as well. She was now part of a light display that sparkled radiantly within the tank until all her cells burned out and died.
Fraser was shacking frantically from her orgasm after watching the blonde
being snuffed this way and Ralph being the spokesman for his team took
it as his duty to explain every little detail of the blonde’s agony to
her while slamming his cock up her butt hole. When the blonde died, he
had build up a huge load of cum which he shot deeply inside Fraser’s colon.
She could feel how gallons of hot semen shot deep inside her bowels.
For more depravity read the whole Snuff Wars series.