by Honda
©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved.
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This is a scene from the popular snuff series titled:
'Snuff Wars'.
This story is intended for adults only.
It contains snuff.
Fraser initiated a snuff competition where the aim was to come up with the cruelest and most agonizing torture that can be done in space. The zero gravity factors gave the game a new aspect and lend to many new ideas. Fraser made it a group competition. Each group had to had at least five members with at least one male member. This ensured that there would not be too many groups since the ratio of males to female was ten to one on the Dolcett II, which is roughly the population ratio on Onixia as well.
Gwen was in a group that experimented with tiny razor sharp blades. Her team consisted of seven others, Paul Tyron, Kim, Isabel, Margarete, Anita, Jasmine, Fatima, Gertrude and Dorothy. She was the bright light of the team. Her cheerfulness had made everyone laugh at even the worst situations. She was an expert in psychology and was able to use her skills in both ways, making people happy and laugh which she did to her team members, but she could also scare the shit out of people and make them afraid of things they usually would not be scared of. These extraordinary skills of course were not obvious from her appearance. She looked sweet, almost innocent like a child, but could be so cold it would even make the cruellest of killers chill with fear and shock when she had her way with the individual. However, she could also be nice and friendly just like her appearance suggested and bring joy and happiness, cracking jokes and making awful things look less horrible.
The baby of the team was Dorothy who was a trainee mechanic who had excelled in her work and thus was selected as a crewmember on the Dolcett II. She already had mastered the techniques of building complete automatic pulley systems. She had topped every class she attended and won all competitions she had participated in so far. Her designs were exemplary and she was equally a great person. She had a very nice personality. Success had not gotten to her. She was always helpful and helped out anyone who required help. She never boasted about her achievements, but she was very proud of them, as one would expect. She had had many friends that she had had to leave behind on Onixia when she joined the Dolcett II. It was the hardest thing for her to part with her family and friends, but to participate in such an important mission was every Onixian’s dream and a few sacrifices had to be made which she had accepted. Nevertheless, as the officially youngest crewmember, it was not very easy for her to adjust to a new life on a spaceship as well as making friends with the slightly older crewmembers. Of course there had been children on board, who had been selected for their talents from various schools on Onixia, but those were not part of the official crew. They were given minor tasks to do but were generally regarded as passengers and had to attend a special school on board the Dolcett II.
Jasmine was a doctor and knew everything about the human body, how to heal it and also how to cause extreme pain. She was a real sadistic bitch when it came to the latter. Jasmine was a little chubbier than the other girls on the crew and had been the subject of several jokes in the past. One of her former boy friend had teased her and implied that if she ever was spit roasted, her weight would bend the spit or the whole framework would collapse and she would fall into the flames. But she had preferred to be oven roasted like a turkey anyway.
Their apparatus of death was a small hexagonically shaped room big enough to fit in a person. The tiny razors would be floating freely around inside the room. The woman that would be placed inside would be suspended in the middle originally, but once the snuffing session began, she would be randomly pulled towards one of the planes of the room. The walls in the room had been specifically made to bounce anything that touches them back at a random angle. Thus once activated the women inside would be bumping from one side of the room to the other like a ball inside a well-played pinball game. She would be hitting the many small razors spread all over the little room and have her skin cut each time she hit them while bouncing around the room. The angle of the bouncing could be controlled from little knobs outside the hexagon that could activate some triggers to create dents inside the hexagon to influence the bouncing.
This group was more modest with their presentation. Margarete and Anita who were selected to deliver the presentation showed everyone to a hexagonal room that they had prepared. The inside of the room could be observed from a big screen outside which alternated between the many little hidden cameras inside. There were already many tiny sharp razors all floating around inside the room. The show could begin. Anita explained to everyone that they were going to place an oriental girl into the room by means of ropes that Paul and Kim would be operating from the top of the room. And soon enough a small opening could be seen at the top of the room and a petite oriental girl with modest breasts and hairless pussy was lifted down to the centre of the room. Then the opening closed and the ropes suddenly disappeared leaving the oriental girl floating in the centre of the room amidst all the tiny little razor blades.
Gwen did the honours of starting the show. She took a small remote control that had only one red button. All she had to do was press it. The whole snuff sequence was automated and predetermined already. Once she activated the mechanism, there was no way to stop it or alter its course. It was a set course to guaranteed painful torture and final death. That was the brilliance of the idea, a completely mechanic solution with no emotion, and just cold-blooded precision to the end.
The mechanism was active and began to execute its program with precision. A big object that looked like a big paddle suddenly appeared inside the room from out of nowhere. It slowly approached the oriental girl and halted when it was positioned behind the girl. Then it moved backwards as if there was an invisible giant swinging it and flopped forwards hitting the girl in the butt and sending her flying across them room and crashing against the wall. Surprisingly, she immediately bounced off the wall and was sent bouncing off against another wall. The girl was bouncing off the wall like a ball in a game of squash, constantly being bounced against a wall and bouncing back again. In her case, she had six walls to bounce off on. It was quite an impressive sight and very interesting to watch. Everyone was fascinated and followed the unusual angles the girl was bouncing at. In addition to watching her bounce around, the little cameras also showed zoomed images of her sweet innocent face grimacing in pain as she hit the walls and also when the little razors cut through her skin as she crashed through them. The tiny cameras captured every detail of the razors cutting into her skin and successfully alternated between the cuts and the pain-filled and tear-streaked face of the girl. It was choreographed like a porn video with scenes of the penetration being shown and the moaning face of the woman being alternated.
Some of the great scenes were when one of the razors cut off the girl’s small left nipple while she was doing an unusual double bounce when she was trapped in a corner between the triangularly situated walls. But a well-choreographed boot kicked her out of the corner sending her crashing into a cloud of razors with her belly first. Many of the blades were stuck in her belly and it took several bouncing off other walls until they were shaken off again leaving her with a pretty tattoo like image on her soft belly. By that time, there were many tiny little cuts all over her body and lots of drops of blood were floating around inside the room. Sometimes it was getting hard to distinguish whether the red spots on her body were caused by being cut by the razors or hitting a drop of the floating blood drops. Nevertheless, it looked sexy either way, a young oriental body, her light brown skin covered with red spots all over. Some of the blades that had stuck to her skin looked like jewellery. This might start a new trend in fashion.
Another scene that caught a lot of interest was her cute little cunt making love with the razors. It seemed like the little razors were attracted to it like magic. Every time she bounced off a wall, there was always at least one razor that found its way to her pussy and caressed it making it blush bright red and sending back red drops of love juices. Gwen was very proud about the popularity of those scenes since she had been the driving force behind the choreography for those scenes. She had relentlessly pursuit the implementation of those scenes and finally after many hours of hard work she had managed to drive them into reality. The glory and happiness that she now felt was indescribable to her. It was her most joyous moment that she had ever had. And then came the finale, which was another masterpiece she had helped creating.
The razor blades were all lined up and moving one after another as if
they had been chained together. It looked like a chain of razor blades
curling around like a snake. That chain of blades then moved over the girl’s
body just missing her skin, sliding over it smoothly. Then each blade cut
into her smooth and so far untouched neck, one after another increasing
the depth of the incision one by one. When the last blade cut through her
neck, it completely severed her artery veins resulting in an explosion
of blood gushing out of her tiny neck and splattering most of the viewing
cameras. The display gradually faded into invisibility as the thick red
blood covered up the camera lenses. The program terminated with raising
the speaker’s volume to the maximum and everyone could hear one final gasp
as the girl died. Upon hearing this soft and sensual gasp of death, almost
all of the males in the audience creamed themselves shooting their goo
onto various faces some landing on Fraser’s cheeks. She was so very aroused
by all that and her orgasms were still continuing to come.
For more depravity read the whole Snuff Wars series.