by Honda
©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved.
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This is a scene from the popular snuff series titled:
'Snuff Wars'.
This story is intended for adults only.
It contains snuff.
Fraser initiated a snuff competition where the aim was to come up with the cruelest and most agonizing torture that can be done in space. The zero gravity factors gave the game a new aspect and lend to many new ideas. Fraser made it a group competition. Each group had to had at least five members with at least one male member. This ensured that there would not be too many groups since the ratio of males to female was ten to one on the Dolcett II, which is roughly the population ratio on Onixia as well.
Johnny Savage was in a group trying out zero-g hanging. His team members were the raven haired Christine, the busty Melissa, hottie Amelia, sexy Karena, big Anne, tall Jodi and cute Jennifer. None of them knew each other before. They had randomly formed a group and Johnny came up with trying out zero gravity hanging. The rest of his team enthusiastically agreed to try it out. Johnny came up with this unique idea, but had absolutely no idea on how to implement it or whether it was feasible. He was a weapons expert for close contact combat and knew all about using knives, handguns, etc. but did not know much about the effects of zero-g nor how to make a noose. It just occurred to him to be a good idea since he enjoyed watching females hang to death on the entertainment channels back on Onixia.
They were first joined by Melissa who was a luscious brunette with a pair of huge tits the size of melons. Her expertise was in navigation and she knew a little bit about electronics that could be useful for the group. Jodi with her long sexy legs was an excellent fighter pilot and loved the excitement and adventure. She loved her fighter jet and almost lived in one.
Then Christine who was another fighter joined them. She had a perfect muscular and well tuned body that was suitable for any type of combat. In fact, she was one of those special ‘Amazon’ warriors before she was assigned to the Dolcett II. Her higher than average intelligence for an Amazon made her a good choice for the dangerous journey since there could be many unknown dangers laying ahead, things that no training could had prepared her for. So her additional intelligence made her a perfect candidate for the Dolcett’s crew. However, she was not so good in science.
Amelia and Jennifer were both quite young and part of the bridge staff responsible for communications. They were quite new and inexperienced in the job but were trying really hard in mastering your duties. Anne was an assistant cook and mainly responsible for cooking the crew’s meals when nothing special was on and did not require the efforts of their expert cook.
Luckily, they had Karena in their team who was an expert on the workings of the gallows. Karena was a young attractive woman in her early twenties. She was tall and well built with visible muscle toning all over her body. Her father owned a small execution equipment shop that had specialised in manufacturing and selling custom made gallows. Karena had been fascinated by her father’s business and had helped him out quite a lot when he was building his gallows and learned quite a few things on gallows designs and of course she knew how to make a noose or two. It had been one of the most popular items at her father’s shop and very frequently he had run out of supplies when demand was high and he had taught her how to make nooses so she could help him out when the demand for nooses was too high for him to handle by himself.
After some tremendous effort and good group work, the zero-g hanging group came up with a snuff device they proudly called the ‘Hangar’. The device was really a big cube that was almost the size of a small room. In the centre of it was a big noose attached to a little sphere that was situated exactly in the dead centre of the cube. It stayed there due to the magnetic force controlling it. The cube also had many invisible vents, which were used to control the airflow inside the cube. The little eddies that could be formed by the remote control could create suctions and also set the level and direction of the artificial wind currents created. Since the inside of the cube was not under the influence of gravity, the demonstration female could get into the cube and float around with the noose around her neck. The artificial winds and eddies could be controlled instantaneously and there also was an artificial gravity field which could be switched on and off and be applied to each of the planes of the cube.
The guinea pig they were given to demonstrate on was a luscious red head with shoulder length hair and white smooth skin with specifically soft breasts. She was lead to the ‘Hangar’ by Amelia and Jennifer who ripped her white gown down to shreds until she was completely naked. Then Karena who had made a special big noose slipped it around her lovely smooth neck and tightened it slightly. This special noose looked like hem, but in fact was made of a rubber-like material that was elastic. Then Amelia pushed her inside the ‘Hangar’ and Jennifer closed the opening so that the ‘Hangar’ was completely shut before she deactivated the gravity inside it. Johnny was given the honour of activating the sequences of carefully choreographed currents that would force the guinea pig to float around in certain ways that would cause the rope around her neck to alternately strangle and release her. His task was like that of a DJ, he had to jiggle and select the best sequences to provide a continuous and entertaining show, which ended with the death of the guinea pig.
Johnny started the show my activating the circle sequence which first sucked the guinea pig away from the centre towards one of the corners and then made her swing a full circle around the sphere to which the noose was attached to and resulting in a squeak from the surprised guinea pig as she spun around in a circle letting everyone that was sitting around the cube outside see a flash of her ass and pussy.
When the guinea pig had travelled a full circle, she abruptly stopped and the rope around her neck yanked tighter causing her to gasp. She was held in that position for a little while before she was pulled away from the centre causing the rope to grip her neck even tighter. Then suddenly she was yanked to the opposite side. The force moved her across the hangar but was suddenly interrupted by the rope. It pulled her back by her neck, and she gasped aloud again. The force was then released gradually and she slowly floated back to the other side while the slack given to the rope allowed the noose around her neck to loosen up a bit.
The next sequence made her swing around like a little girl on a swing but in her case she was not the girl sitting on the swing but she was the swing itself sliding from one side to the other side at different angles. Initially she swung around at a 45 degrees angle and gradually took on more velocity and a greater angle until she was swinging at a 180 degrees angle, all this happened while the noose was pulling at her throat and slowly squeezing the air out of it. Her face turned red from the pain. Then the force increased and she swung around a full 360 degrees for three times and then the swinging stopped causing the rope to cling around her neck and the rope was pulled taut.
The guinea pig remained motionless in that position for a short while and then moved away from the sphere in the centre giving the illusion of a free fall downwards and stopped when the rope was pulled tight again. However, instead of hanging there, an apposing force made her go up again into the opposite direction and then another force was released to pull her down again. This push and pull force gave the illusion of her jumping up and down like an acrobat on a trampoline with the only difference being that there was a noose around her neck that would tighten and loosen depending which direction she was going.
The variations of the many different and entertaining sequences continued for almost an hour until Johnny decided to finish the show off with a big bang. He increased the rotation to maximum that resulted in the guinea pig spinning around the hangar at a very high speed and being pushed away furthest from the centre. It acted like a huge centrifuge pushing the object inside it away from the gravitational centre it created which caused the noose around its neck to tighten to its fullest. Then Johnny disabled the spinning. The guinea pig continued to spin around in its path around the hangar, however, her mass gradually lost inertia and her spinning decreased in speed so everyone could see her passing by on her rounds much slower which allowed them to take a better look at her painfully distorted face. Tears were visible on her cheeks and the tight noose around her neck also showed its deadly effect. The guinea pig’s face had turned purple, almost blue and her tongue was protruding. Had it not been for the fast spinning motion, there would had been lots of drool around her slightly parted lips, but it had all been dispersed by the quick spinning motion.
The guinea pig was hardly able to breath anymore at this point and could
be seen choking on what must have been her own spit. The tight noose around
her neck had stopped any passage of air from her painfully exhausted lungs
and was causing her terrible pain. She would not have lasted much longer
like this. The end for her was very close. Johnny touched the control one
final time to activate the termination sequence. This resulted in the hangar
to be depressurised and all remaining air was pumped out. The poor guinea
pig felt like being ripped apart from the inside. Her entire body began
to expand and she became very bloated until her body could not keep it
together anymore and she exploded from the inside out. Her internals was
splattered all over the hangar and splashed against the viewing screens
so that everything turned red with her blood and guts. This ended the demonstration
of the first group. Everyone applauded to this excellent piece of art and
entertainment. It was enjoyed by everyone present and might even win the
contest. The whole team hugged ad congratulated each other for a show well
prepared and executed. They were all very hopeful that they would win the
contest. Fraser also thought that their demonstration was very good. It
had given her several orgasms while watching it.
For more depravity read the whole Snuff Wars series.