by Honda
©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved.
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This is a scene from the popular snuff series titled:
'Snuff Wars'.
This story is intended for adults only.
It contains snuff.
Fraser initiated a snuff competition where the aim was to come up with the cruelest and most agonizing torture that can be done in space. The zero gravity factors gave the game a new aspect and lend to many new ideas. Fraser made it a group competition. Each group had to had at least five members with at least one male member. This ensured that there would not be too many groups since the ratio of males to female was ten to one on the Dolcett II, which is roughly the population ratio on Onixia as well.
A potential winner was a group playing with depressurisation. It was lead by Angela and her friend Fernandez. Also belonging to the group were Jessica, Tammy, Hilde, Xynothia, Xiao Fai and Rachel.
Angela was the oldest of the girls in this group with 23 years. She was a sergeant and turned out to be a great team leader. With her participation, she managed to get the best out of the team and used their combined synergy to drive everyone to accomplish their common goal of building their solution with the aim of winning against the competition. Amelia was a top cadet before joining the Dolcett II and was very proud of the fact that she had been personally hand picked and promoted to be a sergeant by Fraser, the famous Captain Fraser herself, up close and personal, her role model in fact. It was her duty to join up since she was selected, but personally she was overwhelmed with joy and very, very happy about her promotion. Angela was a red head with long slender legs. She had the figure of a fashion model, slim in the waist and curvy around the bust with two solid breasts on her chest screaming to be squeezed.
Jessica was a designer. She had the eye for making things look good and cram a lot of things into a small space without making them look messy or overcrowded. She also was had a talent which allowed her to take any object and turn it into an erotic looking thing. Everything she touched seemed to look sexier afterwards. Jessica herself was equally as sexy. She had long golden hair that almost reached down to her butt. She liked to wear very revealing clothes that showed lots of cleavage and showed off her pretty and almost perfect pair of legs. She also loved to show off her slender legs.
Rachel was an engineer responsible for the torpedo launcher. She was also very interested in acupuncture and spent most of her spare time studying it. Her luscious body complemented her pair of huge tits that were the size of melons.
Her friend Xynothia on the other hand was a small brunette who had dedicated her entire youth to studying the effects of vacuum and gravity. She practically knew everything there was to know on those topics; at least it seemed so to the other members of her team who did not know as much about it as she did. Anyway, she was eager to try out all that she had learned and put them into practice, especially since she was only able to theorize on zero gravity back on the planet and was now given the opportunity to actually try out all those theories she had formed in the past. For her it was the perfect opportunity for practice and she enthusiastically volunteered to design the torture program.
Tammy was a red head with long slender legs. She had the figure of a fashion model, slim in the waist and curvy around the bust with two solid breasts on her chest screaming to be squeezed. She was a carpenter and responsible for the maintenance of the living chambers of the crew. In addition to mould any material into the desired shapes using the various complex tools available to her, she had always been fascinated with the primitive and tribal tools that their ancestors had used many thousands of years ago.
Their solution did not consist of any fancy room or container. Angela, the group’s chosen leader, gave a sign and the spotlight beamed onto a feature that resembled a woman encased inside a space suit. However, it was not just an ordinary spacesuit, but a tailor made depressurisation suit that could depressurise any parts of the body enclosed inside it. The pressure suit was colourless and transparent. The naked features of the voluptuous black beauty inside it could be clearly seen. The lucky girl had a pair of huge round and firm breasts that stood out erect on her body. The rest of the black girl was equally as impressive. She had a nice flat and smooth belly with a cute belly button and her long slender legs made her stand quite tall. Her buttocks were very firm as well. She also had a completely shaved pussy with lips that were fully parted exposing the red insides and dripping with juices making it shine.
Then Angela introduced Tammy who smiled happily and held up a little doll that looked like a miniature version of the pressure suit for everyone to see.
“This is the control device”, she explained. “It sends out signals to the suit whenever I press down on any parts of it. That part on the suit will then be depressurised until the body part protected inside it will swell up and implode. This suit is specially designed so that only a little part at a time will depressurise and protect the rest of the body from being affected after the implosion.”
With that she took the doll’s tiny hand and squeezed it. Immediately the corresponding hand inside the suit began to swell and turn red until it finally imploded. That area of the suit turned red as it was splashed with meat and skin from the inside. Then Tammy through the doll up into the air and the black girl in the suit began to fly upwards and float in the air. The doll was floating as well but seemed to descend slowly. Tammy gently nudged it and it ascended again. It was like playing with a balloon. It could be kept floating around by just gently hitting it upwards. That’s what Tammy did for a short time. She kept the doll floating by gently hitting it to keep it afloat. The black girl in the pressure suit mimicked the little doll’s behaviour. She was in the air descending slowly and each time the doll was pushed upwards, she too was pushed upwards and slowly began to descent until she was pushed upwards again when the doll was hit.
That concluded the initial demonstration. Now it was time to let the fun begin. It was now time for Xynothia to join in. They would play a game similar to beach ball where the goal was to keep the ball in this case the doll in the air. Also there was no net and only two players. The doll could be hit anywhere but if the head was hit, the player would loose.
Tammy started by hitting the doll hard and sending her flying right into Xynothia’s face. She had hit the doll in the right buttocks and the black girl’s right butt cheek began to swell up as the doll flew over to Xynothia. Then just before it reached her face, the ass cheek imploded sending chunks of ass meat splashing against the bottom of the suit while the black girl screamed her lungs out in pain as she lost a part of her ass.
Xynothia had waited until the doll was almost at her face before she ducked and punched it back towards Tammy, hitting it hard in the centre of the butt. The doll went flying back to Tammy almost smashing against her headfirst. Tammy quickly dodged and just escaped hitting the doll in the head but managed to keep it afloat by hooking it by the left foot and slinging it back towards Xynothia.
The black girl grimaced in pain and terror. The remains of her once beautiful butt expanded to beyond recognition and then imploded shredding all that was left of her butt into chunks of floating meat inside the suit. In addition she was rocketing across the room headfirst. She got mighty dizzy from that. The speed scared her and she was screaming out load while she occasionally moaned enjoying the wicked pain of being slowly mutilated in such a bizarre way.
Xynothia saw the doll hurling towards her and punched it at the bottom of its left foot, almost smashing the small sole on the doll. It flew back to Tammy flying up high above her head. Meanwhile the black girl’s left foot was feeling the impact of the doll’s crushed sole. She first felt her sole crack. A sharp pain let her know that her foot was ruined and all bones had been crushed. She felt an almost blinding pain. Then she almost felt relieve as the pressure went away from her foot. However, to her terror, it soon caused her more discomfort as her foot began to expand and bloat. The crushed bone splitters cut randomly into her flesh from the inside like sharp knives. The pain was indescribable but she loved the feeling. She really craved for pain and enjoyed it n a twisted way. The girl was shaking her head frantically, almost insane with pain. Then her foot gave up and imploded after expanding way too much in the vacuum.
Tammy waited a bit until the doll fell closer to her and then hit it in the right breast sending it back to Xynothia. The black girl in the suit could hardly believe as she watched her own boob grow almost double in size until it also imploded and send her breast splattering against the insides of the suit. Xynothia easily managed to return the doll by hitting the other breast. Again, the black girl saw her boob grow and screamed with excitement and lust as she waiting in anticipation for the pain that was to come when she lost her second tit. She watched with fascination how her remaining breast doubled in size. Then she again felt the shocking pain in her chest as her breast imploded and splashed tit meat all against the suit.
The doll seemed to come at a low angle with relatively slow speed. Tammy took the opportunity and punched it in the belly hard. The black girl watched in amazement as her belly grew bigger almost like as if she were pregnant. Her swollen belly gave her the appearance of an eight-month expecting mother. Then her belly reached its maximum capacity and could not expand anymore. This was it for her belly. The black girl knew it too and she smiled just before her belly imploded sending her the intense feeling of someone ripping her belly out from the inside. While her belly was imploding, the doll was crashing back towards Xynothia and hit her in the face with its back. Xynothia, out of instinct to protect herself, slapped the doll away and it felt down to the ground hard. The black girl felt her back being crushed and her backbones break one after another. Then she fell down and broke her legs as well. But her pain was just about to start. Her back experienced many little implosions like a minefield that had been triggered. She felt like her whole body was on fire and being destroyed slowly. She loved the incredible feeling of the constantly random pain she felt. It was so intense and provided her with orgasm after orgasm. Her legs were next and she felt like they were being crushed through a big grinder. She felt ecstatic and lost in her own pleasure when she realised that Tammy was standing next to her smiling triumphantly. Apparently she had won and was holding the ragged doll ready to punch off its head. She held the doll in front of the black girl’s face showing her the abused doll and got ready to hit it.
The black girl knowing what it meant almost creamed herself at the thought of it. Once the doll’s head was hit, her own head would be crushed and her brains would be splattered against her glass helmet and she would be dead. She breathed excitedly and enjoyed her last moments of live and anticipated her coming last pleasure and death.
Then Tammy hit the doll’s head smashing it hard and almost ripping it
off the small little doll. The black girl felt an indescribable feeling.
Her brains were pushing against her skull and some brain matters were leaking
out of her eyes. The pressure was too intense and suddenly her skull cracked
releasing her brains from their prison inside her skull and hurling out
as if in a hurry to go somewhere. Then it all splashed against the helmet
and slowly dripped down towards the neck. Tammy and Xynothia took a bow
to the audience who all clapped very hard or were yanking or rubbing their
various body parts.
For more depravity read the whole Snuff Wars series.