by Honda
©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved.
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This is a scene from the popular snuff series titled:
'Snuff Wars'.
This story is intended for adults only.
It contains snuff.
Lieutenant Caroline Pickachew took charge of the food stock. She had all the undamaged meat assembled in one area and the damaged in another. The sight of the damaged meat wasn’t pretty. Some had lost all their limbs. There were bodies without arms or legs and even a few headless bodies. Pickachew had all body parts such as arms, legs, feet, fingers put into a pile. Then she ordered two of her subordinates, Tammy and Anita to sort out the usable and edible parts from the pile while the damaged meats were watching the process. Some of the meats were in obvious pain and whimpering silently.
Pickachew knew that they would eventually bleed to death. She felt sorry for the meat. It did not deserve something like this. Meat is supposed to be butchered and eaten. That’s what meat is for, not being wasted and bled to death without a proper butchering. Pickachew thought about that for a while and decided to create a makeshift butchery. That would allow her to butcher the damaged meats in some crude way, but it was much more humane than to just letting the meat unbutchered and bleeding to death on their own.
It was cruel not to butcher meat, depriving it of its only purpose of existence. Pickachew, like all the other Onixians understood this basic principle, unlike the Censorians who never understood anything, not even this simple principle by which all Onixians lived. The Censorians were so barbaric, so uncivilized.
Pickachew set up a big mast with shackles attached to it at about 2 meters from the ground. Then she picked up the first piece of meat that was labelled as MEAT #11397 and shackled her to the mast so that her arms were stretched out above her head. This piece of meat was only a little damaged. There was a piece of shrapnel stuck in her belly. Pickachew pulled it out and the sow howled in pain. Then she took a sharp blade and approached the meat with it. The meat understood her intention and eagerly stretched out her belly for her to gut it. It was very happy to be allowed to serve its purpose despite what had happened.
It was not the ideal butchering what every sow had sought for, but considering the circumstances, it was much better than no butchering at all. Pickachew pressed the sharp blade against the sow’s soft skin and slowly sank her knife into her belly. Then she slowly opened her up, cutting her wide open from her breastbone to her pubic bone. She watched her glistering intestines drop out from their cavity upon cutting her open. Then she pulled them completely out and cut off the ends.
Tears of happiness formed around the sow’s eyes as Pickachew finished cleaning her insides. Then she placed the sharp blade at the sow’s neck and cut through her throat. The sow involuntarily convulsed and then went still. Pickachew unshackled the dead sow and placed her into the shades. She was the first for the planned pile of gutted sows.
Next Pickachew’s friend and colleague Thomas picked a young girl who
had lost her left hand but otherwise was pretty much still intact. He shackled
her to the same mast and got ready to gut her as well. When the sow stretched
out her belly for him to open her up, he noticed her cute navel and immediately
got a hard on. He placed the sharp point of the knife against the girl’s
navel and pushed his knife in, slowly, as if he was pushing his cock up
her ass. Then he slowly pulled it out. The girl let out a gasp, surprised
about the unusual penetration. Thomas then pushed the knife in and out
again before replacing it with his rock hard cock. Then he pounded the
newly created fuck hole with his huge cock until his gooey white cum mixed
with her red blood. Then he pulled his blood-covered cock out of her navel
and rammed it into her cunt and fucked her hard. When he had finished with
her cunt hole, he quickly sodomised her tight little asshole as well before
continuing to gut her. The young girl screamed loudly while she was being
gutted until her throat was cut. She expired with a cute gurgling sound.
The next sow to be gutted was a redhead whose entire right arm was
badly burned. Pickachew dispatched this one. She and Thomas took turns
in gutting the sows. Pickachew strung her up with the shackles and grabbed
a small axe. She lifted the sow’s arm with her left hand while her right
hand was firmly holding the axe and aimed quickly. She quickly raised the
axe and brought it down swiftly. It easily cut through the charred meat
and had no problems with the soft bone. The sow screamed with fright. Her
severed arm fell off and dropped to the ground. Pickachew kicked it with
her left foot sending it rolling away in the dirt. Then she put down the
axe and took the knife again. The sow shuddered with excitement now that
she had realised what was happening. She had no more fear, instead she
was expecting the greatest pleasure a sow could get. She was in progress
of being butchered. There was nothing more exciting or satisfying for a
sow than this. It was the ultimate goal of every sow. Nothing was more
important or satisfying to a sow than being butchered. The blade cut deep
into the sow’s belly ripping its way though to her guts. Pickachew heard
her moan during her entire gutting session until she cut her throat.
Next Thomas picked a girl that had been impaled by a hollow tube. It protruded from her chest in the front and came out of her back just above her ass. Thomas pulled the tube out from the sow. She screamed in pain and collapsed. Thomas had to drag her to the mast and pull her up to the shoulders. She was too weak to move. Thomas did not think she would be able to survive a gutting and slit her throat straight away before gutting her. It wasn’t good practice to let the meat slip away and die during a butchering. The meat’s death was a very sensual and erotic event that both the butcher and the meat needed to experience together. It was the final bond and ultimate sign of love between the meat and her butcher. It was their last intimate gesture so Thomas looked the girl in the eyes when he cut her throat and she died staring back at him.
Then Caroline picked up a shacking cow. She must have been still in shock from the accident. Both her legs were missing and she was sobbing more from disappointment than pain. Her whole world had shattered. She had joined the Dolcett II as part of the ‘feed our brothers’ program and was looking forward to being butchered and eaten by her follow Onixians. However, the accident had completely ruined her dreams. Caroline carried the cow over to a big flat stone that she was planning on using as a butchering table. Then Carole used a long slim knife to cut her open. The girl moaned and trembled. Being gutted like a pig gave her an orgasm and she soon forgot about their accident and enjoyed the rather primitive slaughtering. Eventually, Caroline had completely cleaned her out and placed the sharp blade at her neck. She was in frenzy when the cold blade touched her neck and she died orgasming when her throat was cut slowly and the rest of her live drained away.
Suddenly, Caroline saw something moving in the corner of her eye. It looked like someone was crawling towards her just over the next little hill. She grabbed a rifle and went for a look while Thomas continued butchering a small Asian girl that was trapped under a big piece of metal. He had to cut off her left leg in order to pull her out from the wreck. Then he continued to butcher the rest of her petite body.
Caroline carefully advanced to the moving object in the distance. It looked like a person. It had two legs and a pretty little body. Two weak arms were slowly pulling it forward. Then Caroline recognised her. It was little Karen. She was one of the children they had brought with them. Caroline immediately ran towards her and the little girl almost broke out in tears when she was found. She must have crawled a long distance to reach her. Caroline called out for to Tammy to give her a hand. They carefully lifted her back to their camp, but little Karen seemed reluctant to let them carry her back. She kept on pointing towards the direction she had come from. There had to be something important there. Maybe there were more children over there. Caroline sent Tammy to investigate while she tried to calm Karen down and then continued her mission of despatching the injured cows.
Meanwhile Tammy followed the trails that Karen had made while crawling around looking for help. She followed the trail for several days until it leat her to a small forest and she discovered the remains of a small campfire and many little footsteps around it. There definitely had been some children around the place. She estimated around two dozens of them, which was about the number that they had taken with them. That was a good sign. The children might have all survived the crash. But where were they? It seemed that the fire had only been put out an hour ago, two at the most. But there were no traces leading away from the camp except for the ones that Karen made. Where did all the children disappear? What had happened to them? Tammy looked around the area trying to find any trace or hint of where they could have been gone to but found nothing except for some bones. Hastily, she took some paper and drew a map showing the way back to their camp in case they returned and then she went back herself.
Back at the camp, Karen had sufficiently recovered from her ordeal and after quenching her thirst, she was excitedly telling Caroline what had happened to her and her friends. They had been studying in the library when the Dolcett II was in trouble.
“We all went into the escape pots just like the manual said”, she told Caroline. “We did everything according to the book. None of us were badly hurt, but we had nothing to eat at all. We all stayed together and helped the injured. I tried using the communicator to call for help, but there was no reply. So we lit a fire to make smoke signals. But nobody came for us. Ami volunteered and we butchered and ate her. Then we saw some smoke in the distance but it contained no smoke signals. We had a vote and I was selected to try and get help.”
“How long were you out there?” Caroline asked her.
“We were in the forest for three days. I have been travelling for another three days before you found me.”
“You must be starved.”
“A little bit.”
“You poor girl, here, have a piece of leg meat.”
Karen hungrily accepted the slightly undercooked piece of a woman’s severed leg. Despite the lack of spices it tasted delicious to her.
Caroline watched the hungry girl munch on the piece of leg for a while and then continued her duties and butchered another suffering sow. She picked one that had some burn to her face and upper body. Her tits were still in good condition for eating. Caroline placed the sow face up on the stone table and began to cut her open and pull out the guts. The girl groaned and begged to be bisected. Caroline immediately grabbed an axe at this request and lifted it above her head for a swing. Who was she to refuse a dying sow her last request? She aimed carefully and brought the axe down between the sow’s cunt and split the cervical bone. Then she lifted the axe again and aimed a bit higher. Again she swung the axe down and this time split her belly wide open. When she swung the axe again she broke the sow’s ribcage and she coughed blood that spurted into Caroline’s face before she died. Caroline then finished off the job by hacking off the upper shoulders and her head that was badly burned.
Then Caroline continued to butcher a blonde that had a broken arm. She was quite happy to be butchered and since she was able to walk, went to the butchering stone all by herself and spread herself out on it in preparation to be butchered. Meanwhile Karen had finished eating and joined Caroline to watch her work. She excitedly watched as Caroline cut the sow open and expertly pulled out her guts before cutting them off at the ends and sensually cutting her throat. Karen orgasmed at the sight of that and remained at Caroline’s side and watched a few more butchering. She even got involved a bit and Caroline let her slit one of the cow’s throat when she was finished butchering it.
Suddenly little Karen got very excited. “Can I do her?”, she pointed excitedly at a young brunette that Thomas was leading to the mast to be butchered. “She was one of my classmates at school”, Karen quickly added. “Pretty, please!”, she begged.
Caroline had a look at the young girl that Thomas was tying to the mast. She had relatively big breasts for a young girl her age and the only wound Caroline could detect was a piece of a steel rod embedded in her thighs.
“Hey, Thomas, do you need help with that one?”, she shouted over to her friend.
Thomas looked back at her. “Not really, I think I can handle her all by myself without any problems.”
“This young lady here would like to help you a bit with that one? Apparently, they were school friends.”
“Well, why not. Come here and give me a hand young lady.”, Thomas invited her over.
Karen was happy and raced over to the mast where her friend was tied. She marvelled at her friend’s smooth skin and was a bit jealous about her well-toned body. Then Thomas handed her a knife and instructed her to make an incision just below her navel. Karen did what she was told to with expert precision. Butchering was one of her favourite classes and she had always paid good attention to the demonstrations they had on gutting. She had even helped her teacher Ms Yariman with a class demonstration when they had dissected her mother. Karen was quite a little experienced expert on that matter. Seeing her expertise, Thomas let her continue with the gutting of her friend. Karen expertly cut her friend open and pulled out her guts while she sensually and lovingly kissed her friend. Then she placed the knife at her friend’s throat and slowly cut through it while her other hand was rubbing her friend’s clit. Her friend died moaning and orgasming. The young girl had been snuffed very lovingly. Thomas had to congratulate Karen on her excellent performance and Karen smiled happily.
Karen remained with Thomas and helped him dispatch a few more sows.
They worked deep into the night until they finally had finished slaughtering
all the damaged cows and placed the butchered carcasses into a cool area
where it could be stored for a bit longer.
For more depravity read the whole Snuff Wars series.