by Honda
©Copyright 2002 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved.
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This is a scene from the popular snuff series titled:
'Snuff Wars'.
This story is intended for adults only.
It contains snuff.
After these precautionary steps were taken, the next jumps through hyperspace were eventless with no reported problems or incidents of crewmembers going crazy anymore. Fraser made it a compulsory policy for all crewmembers to have sex before doing a hyper jump. The Dolcett II and its crew were ready to jump through space now. Every time before a jump, a sex alarm would go off indicating to everyone that they need to have sex. Nobody objected to the new rule. In fact everybody obeyed cheerfully and the result was a happy crew and huge sex orgies with lots of raunchy sex throughout the ship before each jump into hyperspace. Eventually after several more jumps through hyperspace the Dolcett II ran out of energy.
Luckily they located a mineral rich moon orbiting a small red planet with no apparent life for replenishing their reserves. Fraser sent down an away team to the surface to investigate but they found nothing of much interest there besides the mineral. There were no other life forms present, so they restricted their activities to only mining the required minerals.
Re-energizing of the Dolcett II had finished in no time at all and additional raw material was being loaded on board for future use. Minerals were being carried back to the ship. There were a lot of valuable resources. However, since most ground vehicles had been modified for the mining work there were not many vehicles left for transporting the minerals back on board. Luckily the moon had a breathable atmosphere. It was not pleasant and the sulphur made it quite toxic, but it was breathable air.
Unfortunately, the Dolcett II did not carry enough gas masks to equip such a big task force of workers. Fraser knew she would not be able to give everyone on her crew a gas mask that was required to protect their health. It was a high health hazard not to wear any. So she thought up a simple solution that would not endanger anybody from her crew but allowed enough workers on the planet to mine the minerals and get them back to the ship. She equipped a few guards with gas masks and assigned a few batches of the girls from the entertainment/snuff toy reserve to carry the cargo back to the ship. Most of the girls from this department had been volunteers, eager to be useful and serve their society. Some had special requests, such as to be used as food, or to be tortured to death as entertainment, but most of them had just volunteered for any use during the journey.
They had been kept in suspended hibernation to prevent them from aging and would only be awaken when their service was required. Fraser had a few groups of them awaken so they could help with the work on the planet. Labouring to death was not what these girls had expected when they volunteered but they did not mind the change of plan that much, after all, they are being used for a good cause. After a short reorientation session and explaining their new purpose and role for the betterment of Onixian society and the importance of the service they would be providing plus the severity of the suffering they would be required to endure, they gladly accepted their new mission.
Fraser was aware that using the girls this way would mean they might
have to cut short on the entertainment on board since the girls would mostly
all die from gas poisoning and their meat would not be able to be used
for food but they had brought plenty of reserves for their entertainment
and food with them so having a few of them die from gas poisoning or excess
work would not really be the end of the world. Some of the girls might
even enjoy the torture more than being butchered and probably be dying
happy with the knowledge that their death was for a good purpose and that
they had lived and provided a service to their people making their existence
and death worth something.
The girls were given the task of carrying the heavy bags of minerals
back to the ship. Each was given a heavy sack to carry back through the
hot dunes separating the spaceship and the rocky mines where they extracted
the minerals. After carrying a few of these loaded sacks back to the ship
through the hot dunes and having to breath the toxic fumes in the air,
several of the weakened girls collapsed from exhaustion. On several occasions
the guards had to piss on the girls to revive those that had collapsed
from dehydration. That was deemed the quickest way to providing them water
since the content of the water bottles they carried with them evaporated
very quickly. Soon it was established that the best way of utilising water
was to drink a lot of it at the camps or on the ship before heading off
to carry the minerals. The girls were instructed to drink a lot of water
before every trip to the mines. When any of their colleagues required liquids
the girls were to squat over them and provide the live saving liquid. So
during the day, there was a lot of squatting and pissing and lots of thirsty
mouths lapping at the dripping and pissing cunt holes squatted above their
faces. However, even with those measurements in place, some of the girls
still collapsed from exhaustion and dehydration. These girls who were caught
by exhaustion and unable to walk anymore, crawled across the hot sand dragging
the heavy sacks behind them. Some could not handle the heat and the toxic
air and expired from either dehydration or air poisoning pretty soon. Those
that died were left behind to rot in the sand since there was no further
use possible for those dead bodies. They had died like good Onixian girls
were supposed to and thus had fulfilled their destiny and rendered a service
to their society. To be able to endure hardship and enjoy being tortured
is what being an Onixian woman is all about. It was the deepest root and
essence of their existence and purpose in life. Most of the girls were
able to bring back a lot of the minerals from the mines before they expired
from the poisonous gas.
That took care of the solid raw materials. However, soon they ran out of containers for the liquid resources. They needed more containers to carry them. It was a very rare liquid and the abundance of it on this moon made it a waste not to harvest and take more of it with them. After some consultation with some of the research engineers they found an alternate type of containers to store the valuable liquid. Fraser assigned lieutenant Davies to handle the packaging since she was an expert in containment management. She had been a bottle maker before joining the military and had extensive knowledge and experience on that subject.
Davies had several more girls from the reserve assembled and had them thoroughly cleaned up internally. Each girl was given several enemas and long tubes were being inserted into their bodies through their mouths, assholes and vaginas. Then they were thoroughly rinsed clean. After that Davies ordered that all the girls’ orifices save the mouth to be sealed securely.
Slut #86751 was the first girl who underwent this process. She was a proud volunteer who wanted to be used in the most depraved way possible. She had two nozzles brutally forced into her asshole and pussy and then hot water was being pumped in and sucked out constantly. While that was happening she was forced to open her mouth wide and a long nozzle was pushed into her mouth through her throat and into her stomach. Her gagging and desperate attempt to catch some air was totally ignored. When she was finally pronounced clean, she had almost died of asphyxiation. Then a big anal plug was shoved into her asshole to seal it tightly.
It was twice the size of a human fist and hurt her terribly when it was forced into her. Next her cunt was sealed. A thin metallic thread was used to sew her cunt lips together. It was done with a little handheld sewing machine. Then a pair of red-hot pliers was used to seal her cunt permanently. A foil of thin metal was laid over her cunt lips and the hot pliers were placed around her cunt so that it held her lips between the tongues. Then the pliers were pressed together pressing the metallic foil against her pussy lips. The thin metal immediately melted and sealed her hole tightly, reinforcing the thin threads sewn in her lips.
When all the girls in the batch had been prepared just like Slut #86751, they were marched to the mines where they were filled up with the valuable liquid. The disgusting tasting liquid was pumped into them through their mouths making them reek with disgust at the odour and the taste. Then they were gagged with a rubber ball. When they had finished filling up the special ‘container girls’, they were taken back to the ship where they were immediately frozen. When they had finished loading, it was time for some preparation to take off and continue to explore the vastness of endless space with the hope of finding Terra.
But before they could leave they had to tend to the girls that were used to carry the minerals back to their ship. Most of them had died from either poisoning or exhaustion but about a dozen of them had survived the torturous conditions and needed to be terminated. Fraser decided to personally execute them individually. She had them dig a shallow mass grave and then told them to kneel in front of it in a straight line. Then she loaded her pistol and stepped behind the first girl pointing it straight at the back of her head and pulled the trigger. The girl plummeted forward into the shallow grave and was dead. Fraser then stepped over to the next girl and shot her in the head as well. One by one she shot them in the back of their heads and they in turn fell forward into their self-digged grave.
Simone was the last girl in the row awaiting execution. She was anxiously
waiting her turn and excitedly counted the shots and then the thud of the
falling girl until it was finally her turn. When the girl next to her was
shot she was almost close to orgasm. Knowing that the girl had died by
someone just pressing a trigger. How easy it was to take her life. She
had been used and now that her services were not required anymore she is
being disposed off. How simple it was. She heard a step behind her and
could feel the gun’s barrel pointing at the back of her head. Then there
was a shot followed by a thud. Her lifeless body fell into the grave like
all the other girls did. After Fraser pulled the trigger she quickly ran
back to the ship. Soon they left the moon on which they had mined for minerals
and were back in the blackness of space.
For more depravity read the whole Snuff Wars series.