PZA Boy Stories


Contact: cyberboyx8(at)yahoo(dot)com or feedback form (please type Cyberboy in the subject line).


Made Myself Into a Boy-Slave

Thanks to the digital age and free access to information and, ok, net-porn 3; a very young and precocious boy named Danny has come to an understanding of his own rather extreme sexuality, and now wants to do something about it.
consensual story
Story codes
Mbcons oral analbond spank
18,500 words (37 pages)

Trevor: "The Fire That Burns Sight"

This story is set in a fantasy world of sword and sorcery, like Conan the Barbarian, and involves our hero, Trevor, a young boy who is more than he seems, and his new, muscular, barbarian swordsman friend, Konnur.
consensual story
Story codes
Mbcons oral anal
15,000 words (30 pages)

Finished story Finished story — Work in Progress Work in Progress — Story was never finished Story was never finished — Status unclear Status unclear