The Adventures of Stampley Plantation
Chapters 10-11
Chapter 10 The Punishment (Part 2)
Jacob cried out in rage and despair.
It was the most chilling sound that James had ever heard – a combination of shriek, wail, and war cry. James stumbled to his feet to see what inspired such a violent reaction.
At Mr. Potter's side stood a Negro girl of startling beauty, no more than 13 or 14 years old. Her skin had a lustrous dark tone, somewhere between deep whiskey brown and shiny ebony black. She had large brown eyes; sharp, high cheekbones; a cute nose with wide nostrils; and purple-pink lips of medium thickness. Her coarse black hair was braided into pig-tails, and her bare arms and legs poked out of a tattered 'dress' that probably hadn't fit her for at least two years, and appeared to be made out of the burlap sacks used to carry feed for the horses. Her body was slender, almost skinny, but the two small breasts straining against the rough, tight fabric of her dress were obviously those of a girl blossoming into young womanhood.
To his great surprise, James's heart began racing at the sight of the pretty young slave-girl. Other than Becky, she was the first Negro female he'd seen up-close since his arrival at Stampley Plantation, and he found her oddly intriguing.
Elijah jerked his hand out from under his pants, where just seconds earlier he'd been yanking on his dick while watching his fellow slave get raped. Now his lust turned to surprise, guilt, and confusion at the sudden appearance of the girl he'd been pining after since that day by the creek. He slouched into his seat on the bale of hay, and hoped Laney wouldn't notice his presence
3; or worse, see that his dick was still hard from watching white men shove their dicks in her older brother's butt!
Mr. Potter seized Laney by the back of the neck and dragged her to the center of the stable, just several feet from Jacob.
"See what happens to niggers who start thinkin' they're good as whites?" Mr. Potter asked grimly. He grabbed Laney by the chin and forced her to focus on the sight before her. "Bet you never took your big brother for bein' a pussy-boy, did you, girl?"
Laney stumbled backwards when she realized the naked body slumped obscenely over the bale of hay belonged to her older brother. Tears filled her eyes and trickled down her mud-colored cheeks: partly with relief to see her big brother alive, and partly from the shock of seeing him in such a helpless and degraded position.
"Jesus Christ, nigger-bitches and their cryin'!" Mr. Potter complained, wiping gruffly at Laney's tears with his shirtsleeves. "Girl, you best be grateful your brother's alive!"
James shot Mr. Potter a scowl of surprise and disapproval when he realized the pretty slave-girl was Jacob's younger sister. He started to protest, but Mr. Potter cut him off, hissing in Laney's ear:
"And he'll most likely stay alive, so long's you cooperate with his punishment, you understand?"
Laney nodded and dried her cheeks with her scrawny bare arms. She turned away in disgust and embarrassment at the sight of her older brother's wide-spread legs and upturned buttocks, but not before noticing a stream of cum oozing out of his asshole, running down his leg into a sticky puddle on the stable's dirt floor.
Jacob buried his face in the hay, fighting back sobs of shame and defeat. He'd already been forced to endure more pain and humiliation in one afternoon than any human being should have to suffer in a lifetime. He'd been spit on, pissed on, finger-fucked, and ass-raped by the white men he despised. But he could endure all that when he thought it would be followed by death, or a lifetime of shameful but private memories.
But having Laney witness his degradation was a devastating blow to his pride and will to survive. He'd been Laney's only family since the death of their mother and sale of their father. He was her hero and protector; how could she ever again feel pride or respect for him after seeing him thrown on his stomach and fucked like a girl?
"Get her the fuck out of here!" Jacob shouted wildly, looking away from his sister and Mr. Potter. He locked eyes with James, who still seemed stunned by Laney's arrival.
"Please, Massuh James," Jacob pleaded in a softer tone, acknowledging the white man's authority for the first time that afternoon. "I'se
3; I'se beggin' you, Massuh James! Do what you wants to with me, Massuh, but leave my little sister be!"
Jacob seethed with self-hatred as he performed the role of begging 'darky,' knowing the white men had finally found the way to break his will.
"She don't deserve to be mixed up in this, Massuh!" Jacob continued. "She ain't the one that run away. And she ain't the one that
3; that hurt and robbed you neither. I'se a man, Massuh James. I can take what's comin' to me. Call me what you wants to, do what you wants to do to me. But Laney
3; Laney just a girl, Massuh. She ain't supposed to see nothin' like this, or be a part of it neither. I know you sees it, Massuh James. You ain't like them others."
James winced with guilt. Was he really any better than men like Mr. Potter? Sure, he'd spared Jacob from a whipping or worse. But his dick was still warm and slimy from eagerly raping the stable-boy's ass less than an hour earlier. And less than a week ago, hadn't he ordered Elijah to fuck his little brother, a boy no more than ten years old? Wasn't that far worse than anything Mr. Potter could now propose?
"Well, well, well, ain't you the humble nigger now!" Mr. Potter announced with sarcastic amusement. "What d'ya think, boys? That sound like the same nigger who was callin' us crackers and cursin' us all to hell not more than an hour ago?"
The other men laughed and shook their heads. They looked Laney up and down, tugging at their crotches and licking their lips like starving lions eager to pounce on their prey.
"Let this be a lesson to ya', Little Jimmy," Mr. Potter explained. "Niggers are goddamn sentimental fools when it comes to their kinfolk. Threaten their family and they'll get to sobbin' and screamin' and beggin' so bad, you'd almost think they was human."
He stroked Laney's crisp braided hair just as he would one of his beloved bloodhounds, and smiled at her with patronizing pity.
"Ain't no two ways about it, niggers be emotional creatures in a way most white folks just ain't. Can't say why exactly
3; it's just in their blood, I s'pose."
Elijah's heart sank as he crouched in the corner of the stable. Mr. Potter's words reminded him of his mother's haunting screams, heard first when his father was sold away, then again when Mr. Snopes first fetched Elijah for Master James, and yet again when she realized Thad too had been raped. Maybe the white man's right, Elijah thought to himself. He pictured his mother resting in Penny's cabin, literally sick from heartbreak and disappointment, and felt an overwhelming impulse to run from this sordid scene and throw himself in her arms.
"It's just the natural way of things, I reckon," Mr. Potter continued, still petting Laney's head. "Cryin' and wailin' and dancin' and singin' be in the niggers' blood just like fightin' and killin' and ownin' and sellin's a part of ours. If you don't believe me, just watch how they carry on 'round Christmastime, or listen to 'em singin' down by the creek on Sundays. Now don't get me wrong
3; it ain't a bad thing, really, as long as we keep it in check and use it to our advantage. Me, I try to make sure every nigger on my place has got at least one living relation. That usually keeps 'em nice and tame-like, and scares most of 'em from runnin' off. Plus it gives you more than just the whip to work with when a nigger starts actin' up. Just threaten to sell his Mama, rape his wife, or whip his boy, and even the feistiest buck will be cryin' 'yessuh, massuh' and 'sho' thing, massuh' in no time at all! Just look how fast this stable-nigger here's done changed his tune soon as we dragged his little sister into things!"
James blushed, realizing he'd already adopted Mr. Potter's strategy on his own. Hadn't he threatened to hurt and sell Elijah's mother and brother on his very first night with the boy? And hadn't he threatened to hurt Jacob's sister when first attempting to have his way with the stable-boy two days earlier?
James shuddered with self-disgust. Christ, I'm a fast learner, he thought to himself. He'd been in the South less than a month, and with little guidance or encouragement he was already nearly as bad as a born-and-bred slave-owning monster like Samuel Potter!
Maybe the man was right. Maybe white men belonged to a cold and calculating race, a people instinctively prone to violence and domination. That would certainly explain why his domination of black boys like Elijah and Abel came to him so effortlessly, like a talent instilled in him at birth. Perhaps Stampley Plantation was his fate, his hereditary destiny fulfilled?
No, that was an outrageous idea, James insisted to himself. No race, or individual human being for that matter, was 'naturally' violent or exploitative, or 'destined' to dominate and destroy! His mother was a white woman, and the kindest, gentlest Christian spirit he'd ever known. And Jacob, a black man, proved himself plenty capable of rape and violence two days earlier! Theories like Mr. Potter's were nothing more than desperate attempts to appease the white race's collective guilty conscience.
James clutched his head and shut his eyes tightly. Everything was spinning out of control. He was losing his grip on sanity, on everything stable and good from his former life, and he wanted to snatch them back before it was too late.
"The boy's right," James mumbled, looking nervously at Mr. Potter. "There's no need to bring the girl into this."
The overseers rolled their eyes and cursed under their breaths.
"Now wait just one second there, Little Jimmy," Mr. Potter replied sternly. "We had ourselves a deal, remember? You gave your word about not interferin', and I aim to finish what I started!"
"You're right, but you didn't say anything about involving anybody else," James argued weakly.
Even as he spoke, James knew he'd regret this rash interference in another hour or two. His conscience was always strongest in the aftermath of explosive orgasms like the one he'd just unleashed in Jacob's bowels. In fact, he could already feel a rising curiosity to see more of the Negro girl's body, and a titillating thrill at the thought of forcing her to witness and participate in her older brother's sexual humiliation.
"Don't worry, Little Jimmy, we ain't gonna hurt her," Mr. Potter explained. "She's just gonna help us show the boy what happens to runaway niggers. That it ain't a mistake affectin' him only, but also the ones he loves."
"But she
3; she's just a girl," James protested feebly, painfully aware of his statement's absurd hypocrisy.
"And a damn pretty young thing too!" Mr. Potter declared, licking his lips and looking at Laney as if seeing her for the first time. He caressed her smooth, tear-stained cheek with the back of his hand. Laney flinched from his touch, but had no choice other than to stand still and stare sullenly at the ground.
"Now her brother's shit-hole felt like a hot juicy cunt, and that's the goddamn truth," Mr. Potter continued, still stroking Laney's cheek with his hairy knuckles. "But ain't nothin' can compare to a pretty little nigger girl, 'specially when they're young and ripe like this one here. Ain't that right, boys?"
The other men grunted in enthusiastic agreement. Several of them sported obvious erections through their cotton pants.
"This has gone on long enough!" James exclaimed. He was frustrated with Mr. Potter's lack of cooperation, and embarrassed to feel his own dick stirring to life. "You've had your fun for the day. The boy's been punished to my satisfaction. Now I'm ordering you, let the girl be!"
Mr. Potter grinned from ear to ear.
"Now calm down there, Little Jimmy!" he said in a warm, condescending tone. "You bein' new to these parts and all, I'm afraid you ain't got the faintest idea what you're turnin' down! If you did, you wouldn't be speakin' that foolishness."
"I've made up my mind, Mr. Potter, and I'm insisting that you
3;" James continued, his face flushed with frustration.
"Ain't nothin' better than some fresh nigger pussy!" Mr. Potter cut him off.
He cupped Laney's chin in his palm and jerked her head from side to side, scrutinizing her face more closely.
"And I do believe this is one of the prettiest goddamn nigger girls I've ever laid eyes on!" Mr. Potter declared, shaking his head in exaggerated disbelief. "I knew your Uncle Walt had himself some cute nigger pups, but damn, Little Jimmy! This one's prettier than most virgins I pay prime dollar for out of Atlanta! I've got half a mind to pay you twice what you'd get for her on the market and take her home for myself. Enjoy her sweet little cunt for a week or two, and if she ain't knocked up after that, breed her with a few of my studs. She's probably good for poppin' out at least a dozen pickaninnies 'fore her pussy dries up, if you're lucky. And by the time that happens, her little girls and boys will be grown enough for you to fuck THEIR pussies!"
Laney's cheeks flushed a deep purple. She fixed her gaze straight ahead in sullen endurance, even as a rogue tear ran down her cheek.
Both Jacob and Elijah closed their eyes and tried their best to block out the white man's words.
"She isn't for sale!" James blurted out angrily.
He felt sorry for the helpless slave-girl in front of him. He imagined how terrifying it must be for a lone little black girl to be surrounded by ugly white men clutching at their crotches and salivating over her young body like a tender side of pork. But he also found himself hypnotized by the girl's quiet, stoic beauty, and Mr. Potter's wicked words only stoked his curiosity to see more of her body.
James averted his eyes and kicked nervously at the ground.
"Of course she ain't for sale," Mr. Potter replied with a knowing wink. "What man in his right mind would sell away a fine piece of nigger pussy like this?!?"
Mr. Potter stepped behind Laney and wrapped his thick, hairy arms around her skinny waist, pulling her body roughly against his own. He jerked Laney's head up by her chin, leaned down, and pressed his nose against her nappy, braided hair.
"God-DAMN, I love that nigger smell!" Mr. Potter exclaimed, inhaling deeply. He nuzzled the slave girl's smooth, sweaty neck, taking in another deep breath. "Ain't nothin' like the scent of nigger flesh!"
Mr. Potter smiled lecherously at James. He kept his eyes locked on the younger white man as he stuck out his tongue and slowly licked from the base of Laney's neck to her tiny dark earlobe, nibbling it between his teeth.
Laney's body stiffened with disgust and resentment.
As Mr. Potter licked crudely up and down Laney's salty tear-stained cheeks, his large hands groped at her slender body through the coarse, tight-fitting material of her dress. He ran his hands up her soft, skinny legs, caressed the curves of her hips, and clutched at her small breasts.
"Damn, she's got a tempting little body," Mr. Potter grunted as he sucked greedily at the slave-girl's neck. "Little Jimmy, you'd be a fool to pass up a chance like this! You just ain't lived 'til you've had a sweet piece of pussy like this!"
James looked uneasily at the ground. He knew the right thing to do was to storm forward and rescue the frightened girl from Mr. Potter's obscene clutches. But all he could do was stand there frozen, transfixed by the sight of the scared little Negro girl being mauled by the white man's hands and tongue. His heart pounded in his chest and his dick throbbed to life beneath his pants. He could only avert his eyes for a few torturous seconds before glancing guiltily back, eager to feast his eyes on more of the slave-girl's flesh.
"I can see it in your eyes, Little Jimmy," Mr. Potter said as he darted his tongue around the inside of Laney's right ear. "You got nigger fever just as bad as the rest of us. Right this minute, you're standin' there wishin' it was you with your hands pawin' at the girl 'stead of me."
James shook his head in embarrassed denial. But the obvious boner stretching out the front of his pants confirmed Mr. Potter's suspicions, and caused a few of the overseers to chuckle in spite of themselves.
"There ain't no use fightin' it," Mr. Potter explained, kneading Laney's breasts and taking another deep whiff of her hair. "You'd have better luck keepin' the sun from risin', or birds from flyin'. Niggers got somethin' white folks don't, some jungle spell or somethin' that keeps pullin' us back to 'em, no matter how hard or fast we run the other direction. I can't hardly even get my dick up with my wife no more, not after all the juicy nigger cunts I've enjoyed!"
Without warning, Mr. Potter seized the neckline of Laney's dress and tore the cloth from her left shoulder with a loud ripping sound. The left side of the slave-girl's upper body stood completely bare.
Laney instinctively moved to cover her naked breast, but Mr. Potter forced the girl's arms to her side. He then grabbed the cloth still covering Laney's right shoulder and ripped it off the girl's body.
Jacob winced when he heard the ripping of his little sister's dress. Still looking away with eyes tightly shut, he tried to will his imagination to another time and place. He hated the white men for humiliating his little sister, but hated himself even more for being helpless to stop it from happening.
Elijah peeked up from where he was sitting with his knees pulled to his chest. He'd sworn he wouldn't watch, no matter what happened. Laney was his friend. The girl he loved, the girl he imagined marrying one day. A sleazy scenario like this just didn't fit with his hazy, naive notions of romance and sex. But what if Laney never reciprocated his interest? Or what if Master James demanded his 'companionship' for weeks, months, or years to come, robbing him of the opportunity to show Laney his true feelings? And if such a thing happened, might this not be his last chance to see a girl naked? The sound of ripping fabric was too much for the teenage boy's horny curiosity, and Elijah glanced sheepishly in Laney's direction.
Despite the thick heat of the summer afternoon, Laney shivered from embarrassment, her pert little breasts exposed for the rest of the room to see. They were small but shapely, half-way between the flat, boyish chest of a prepubescent girl and the heavy voluptuous breasts of a mature woman. They protruded awkwardly from her body, with dark, perky nipples poking out from their tips.
James now stared shamelessly ahead, entranced by the sight before him.
Before today, James had felt only an abstract aesthetic interest in the female body. He'd always been bored and annoyed by the vanity and prissiness of his female pupils. And while he'd enjoyed plenty of friendships with women his own age, they'd always been strictly platonic in nature. His indifference to their flirtations, his utter lack of curiosity to know what lies beneath their blouses and corsets, stood in stark contrast to the strangling lust he frequently felt for his male friends and students.
Until now. To James's great surprise, the dark-skinned slave-girl's half-naked body thrilled and tempted him with its forbidden youth and exotic beauty. He felt a sudden urge to rush forward and devour every inch of the girl's soft black flesh. In just a matter of minutes, James's attitude had shifted from compassion to desire, his determination to rescue the slave-girl now replaced by a craving to possess her young body himself.
Winking playfully at James, Mr. Potter nibbled on Laney's neck. His hands roamed greedily across the girl's naked upper body as she squeezed her eyes shut in resentful endurance. He caressed the girl's stomach, circling her belly-button with the same index finger that had plunged into her older brother's asshole just an hour earlier. He ran his hands along her skinny ribcage until they reached the soft, slight mounds of her chest. Cupping her pointy young breasts in both hands, he clutched, squeezed and tweaked them so roughly that Laney winced with discomfort.
"Damn, these are some pretty nigger tits!" Mr. Potter sighed rapturously. "Not quite as ripe as I like 'em, but firm and fresh all the same."
Mr. Potter nodded invitingly toward James.
James shuffled his feet and scratched anxiously at his arm, paralyzed by guilt and indecision.
"I wish you could see yourself right now!" Mr. Potter laughed, shaking his head in amusement.
"Standin' there droolin' and fidgetin' like a goddamn virgin on his wedding night! When the hell you gonna grow up and realize there ain't nothin' worth cryin' over when it comes to niggers?!? She ain't nothin' but a piece of pussy, Little Jimmy! You wouldn't be blushin' and stutterin' and hesitatin' over ridin' a horse, would you? Or milkin' a cow, stealin' a hen's eggs, plowin' a field, or any other damn thing like it? She ain't no more or less than any other piece of property, and the sooner you pound that into your brain and let go of that goddamn Yankee foolishness 'bout niggers bein' human, the happier you'll be, I promise you. Now it's plain as day you want to feel the nigger's tits, so get your scrawny little ass over here and show her who's the Master 'round here!"
Like a snake summoned by its charmer's song, James stepped dizzily forward until he stood just inches from Laney's half-nude body.
"That'a boy!" Mr. Potter said encouragingly. "She ain't gonna bite!"
James stared apologetically into Laney's deep, sad eyes, but could only meet her gaze for a second before lowering his eyes in shame.
"For Christ's sake," Mr. Potter muttered with exasperation. "Do what comes natural, Little Jimmy!"
Mr. Potter reached out, seized James's right arm, and directed the younger man's hand toward Laney's left breast. James surrendered to Mr. Potter's guidance and brushed the back of his hand against Laney's thick, pointy nipple.
James shivered with excitement at this first contact with the slave-girl's warm, sweat-shiny flesh. He placed his palm over the fleshy little bud of a breast and squeezed softly. Emboldened by the strange but arousing sensation, James clutched the tit more firmly, cupping and caressing it beneath his clumsy, trembling fingers.
With his left hand, James reached out to fondle Laney's other breast. He stood there with both arms awkwardly outstretched, eagerly groping the Negro girl's chest.
"What d'ya think, Little Jimmy?" Mr. Potter asked, arching his eyebrows enthusiastically. "Ain't they just the cutest pair of nigger tits you've ever seen?"
James stared intently at the pretty lumps of flesh pressed beneath his palms, oblivious to Mr. Potter and everyone else around him.
"And just think, she's all yours," Mr. Potter whispered wickedly, clearly enjoying his role as both tempter and teacher. "You can paw at her little body all day if you like, and there ain't a thing she or anybody else can do about it."
James knew the older man was right. The slave-girl belonged to him, and him alone. Her nubile young body was his to enjoy in any way he pleased. He was the plantation puppeteer, and she was simply another addition to his growing collection of puppets. What a strange, seductive world this was, where pale, scrawny white men could snatch up pretty black girls from their families or playmates, any time day or night, and take pleasure from their bodies any way they wished!
James stroked and squeezed Laney's breasts, captivated by the feel of the freshly-sprouted blossoms beneath his fingers.
He glanced anxiously at Laney and noticed that she stared blankly ahead, almost as if this kind of inspection was a regular routine for her. Instead of stirring his sympathy, however, this only made him savor his power over her all the more, sweeping him up in a delirium of curiosity and lust.
James tugged and tweaked Laney's tits with aggressive enthusiasm. As if pulled by some magnetic force, he pressed his face against her ebony bosom and sucked her left tit into his mouth. He slurped on the slave-girl's breast like a starving man who doesn't realize how famished he truly is until seated in front of a feast.
James savored the salty sweetness of the girl's sweaty skin, moaning in surprised pleasure as he played with her nipple between his teeth. He explored every inch of the small breast with his tongue, lapping at it like a thirsty bloodhound after a hunt.
He came up for air only to seize Laney's other tit in his mouth. He sucked at it just as greedily, as if fearing the girl's body would be snatched from him at any moment.
"Well, I'll be damned!" Mr. Potter exclaimed, shaking his head with sincere surprise. "Looks like the Yankee's catchin' on quick, don't it, boys?"
The other men snickered as they rubbed their aching erect cocks in envy.
Jacob squeezed his eyes shut, sickened by the sucking sounds that left no doubt in his mind what was happening. He tried to push away the troubling image of his little sister's exposed body.
Elijah didn't know what to do. One minute, he stood and stared, eager to satisfy his curiosity. The next minute, he crouched in his seat and covered his face with his hands, ashamed of himself for being aroused by Laney's abuse. But he could only stay seated for several seconds before craving another guilty glimpse of the half-naked girl.
"And he ain't even got to the best part yet!" Mr. Potter chuckled. "The tits are fun to play with, I'll give you that. 'Specially nigger tits. But they're just the tease that gets your dick good and wet for the REAL prize."
James pulled his mouth reluctantly off Laney's breasts and stepped dizzily backwards. He stared hungrily at Laney's tits, now sparkling with saliva and branded with bite-marks. But he was also impatient to expose and explore the rest of his slave-girl's body.
"Go ahead, Little Jimmy," Mr. Potter urged, grinning proudly. "I know you're jumpin' at the bit to see the rest of the little nigger."
Mr. Potter released his grip on Laney's waist and stepped away.
James fixed his eyes on the cloth still covering Laney's middle region, eager to feast his eyes on the mystery between the girl's legs. Like a man stooping to drink from a desert oasis, he dropped to his knees so that his face was just inches from Laney's belly-button. He inhaled the intoxicating scent of the girl's skin and sweat, an odor sharp but somehow sweeter than her brother's.
James wrapped his hands around Laney's bare ankles and slowly moved them up the back of her smooth, warm legs. When they reached the edge of her dress, he slipped them beneath the coarse fabric and caressed the soft, round curves of her buttocks.
James thrilled at the touch of the Negro girl's warmth and softness. Desperate to enjoy the rest of her body, he grabbed the waistline of her torn dress and yanked the dirty rag of a skirt to the ground.
He stared ahead, giddy and speechless, at the naked ebony goddess before him. His gaze went immediately to the dark, mysterious region between her legs. To his surprise, there wasn't much to see beyond two slight mounds, divided by a tiny slit and covered in a fuzzy layer of nappy black curls.
"That right there's God's gift to mankind," Mr. Potter sighed, stepping around to get a better view. "And that's one of the prettiest I've seen in some time!"
Elijah jumped to his feet and strained to look over the white men's shoulders. He was eager to see Laney's most private of places for a second time in his young life. He remembered the strange effect it had on him that day by the creek, similar to his more recent and troubling interest in other boys' shit-holes. Maybe a good look at Laney's privates would help purge such nasty thoughts from his mind.
James stared with fear and fascination at the strange crevice between Laney's legs. It repulsed and enticed him at the same time. When he examined boys' bodies, he felt confident and in control. There was something familiar and comforting in the fact that their bodies were more or less similar to his own. They might vary in size, shape, and skin tone, but they didn't confront him with an exotic, unsettling mystery like the folds of flesh just inches from his face.
Sensing James's uneasiness, Mr. Potter stepped forward to the rescue.
"Let me give you a better look," he suggested.
James nodded with relief and staggered to his feet.
Just as he'd done a few minutes earlier, Mr. Potter stood behind Laney, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her tightly against his body.
Without warning, he crammed his fingers into Laney's mouth. She cried out in surprise, but opened her mouth to make room for the stubby fingers.
"That's a good little nigger," Mr. Potter coached, wiggling his fingers around the inside of Laney's mouth. "Get 'em good and wet for that tight pussy of yours."
Mr. Potter motioned for James to move away. He lifted Laney's body off the ground, kicked her crumpled dress to the side, and carried her several steps forward.
James stepped to the side in a daze, confused but intrigued to see what Mr. Potter had in store.
The stocky white man plopped Laney down so that she stood just two feet from where Jacob lay sprawled across the hay-bale, his face turned away in shame and anger.
"You best look this way, boy!" Mr. Potter warned, shoving his fingers in and out of Laney's alarmed mouth.
Still looking away, Jacob let out a groan that sounded more like a plea for mercy than a declaration of defiance.
"I ain't askin' twice," Mr. Potter barked. "If your eyes ain't on your sister by the next time I blink, I swear to God I'll snap the little cunt's neck in two. I don't give a damn HOW pretty she is."
Laney's eyes grew wide with terror. She begged Jacob to cooperate, but the fingers crammed in her mouth choked off her cries. Clenching his eyes shut in anger and dread, Jacob turned his head to face Mr. Potter and Laney.
"Eyes OPEN!" Mr. Potter demanded.
The muscles of Jacob's whip-scarred back rippled with repressed rage. But Jacob knew he was defeated. He knew white men would kill niggers with no more thought than they'd show to stomping a spider. He knew the slightest sign of resistance could end his sister's life. He cringed at how easily the white folks had cowed him into submission, but had no choice other than to open his eyes.
"That's better," Mr. Potter gloated. "You take your eyes off the girl for so much as a sneeze, I break the bitch's neck, you understand?!?"
Laney strained her eyes toward the roof, embarrassed to have her naked body flaunted in front of her brother.
Tears filled Jacob's eyes when he saw his little sister. Her nakedness made him squirm with discomfort. Every instinct in his body urged him to look away. But Mr. Potter's grim warning rang in his ears, and he glanced reluctantly at his sister's exposed body.
"Why don't you tell little sis here where I was puttin' these fingers 'bout an hour ago?" Mr. Potter taunted, thrusting his fingers in and out of Laney's mouth.
A lone, bitter tear rolled down Jacob's cheek. Having the white man's fingers shoved up his shit-hole had been humiliating enough. But being forced to describe that humiliation to his own sister while watching her lick his own crusted ass-juices off the white man's fingers was absolutely mortifying.
"You deaf, nigger?" Mr. Potter growled, pulling obnoxiously on Laney's tongue. "I guess you've mistook me for a man who repeats himself. You've got five seconds, nigger, 'fore I
"My ass," Jacob mumbled.
"Speak up, nigger!" Mr. Potter demanded.
"MY ASS!" Jacob yelled out. His face flushed purple in humiliated rage.
Laney grimaced and gagged, but her disgust only encouraged Mr. Potter to shove his fingers even deeper down her throat.
"You hear that, girl?" Mr. Potter whispered sadistically. "That's your big brother's shit-hole you've been tastin'! Your brother might play like he's some rough and tough nigger, but don't let him fool you. Not more than an hour ago, these fingers were fuckin' his ass just like pussy! And speakin' of pussy
Mr. Potter grinned and pulled his shiny spit-soaked fingers out of Laney's mouth.
"Let's give your new Master and brother here a better look, shall we?"
Mr. Potter reached down and slid his index finger into the tight slit between Laney's legs. She let out a slight gasp of pain as the older white man split her girlhood with his thick-knuckled finger.
Inspired by Laney's audible discomfort, Mr. Potter plunged two more spit-covered fingers into the tight, warm folds of the young girl's vulva.
"Lord Almighty, boys, this is one hell of a tight pussy!" Mr. Potter announced gleefully.
With both hands, Mr. Potter spread the dark folds of skin between Laney's legs to expose the purple-pink parts hidden within.
He winked at James, who leaned forward to stare in wide-eyed wonder. James thought it looked like an exotic flower, its petals spread in full bloom.
Elijah skulked behind the other onlookers, anxious to see what everyone else was staring at so excitedly. He peeked over the white men's shoulders and ducked to look between their legs – anything he could do to catch a glimpse of Laney's pussy. When he finally laid eyes on it, his dick leapt to life and made an embarrassing tent in the front of his ragged pants.
Jacob strained to keep his vision blurry and unfocused.
"You gettin' a good look at that pussy, nigger?!?" Mr. Potter asked as he rubbed Laney's dark-purple clit between his fingers.
His face lit up as if suddenly possessed with a wicked idea.
"Who the hell you tryin' to fool, actin' like you ain't just as interested in what's 'tween her legs as the rest of us?!? Come on, now
3; with a pretty young thing like this for a sister, you can't tell me you ain't never thought about her pussy! Wishin' she wasn't your sister so's you could shove that Mandingo spear of yours up inside her?!?"
"Go to hell, you nasty-ass cracker motherfucker!" Jacob hissed, forsaking caution in a fierce flash of temper.
Jacob told himself that his anger rose out of concern for Laney. But deep down, he knew it was because the older white man had touched on a disturbing truth.
It was the same defensiveness he felt when other niggers whistled as Laney walked past, or his buddies teased him about how much they'd love to fuck Laney if she wasn't his little sister. On a couple occasions, he even got into fistfights with men he felt were too vocal or crude in their appreciation of Laney's beauty. At the time, he convinced himself he was simply protecting his little sister. But he could never shake the nagging awareness that his outbursts were partly provoked by envy.
Deep down, he knew his buddies were right. Laney was one of the prettiest girls on Stampley Plantation. If she wasn't his sister, he'd drool over her sexy little body right along with them, and probably try his damnedest to charm his way between her legs. She even snuck into his sex dreams from time to time, usually after catching an accidental glimpse of her naked body while she undressed before bed. Jacob felt ashamed for entertaining such immoral thoughts, even in his sleep. But now, through this unexpected turn of events, his little sister's naked body was just inches away, and his white tormentor was taunting him with his most repressed desires.
"Wha'd'ya think, Little Jimmy
3; sounds like I touched a nerve, don't it?" Mr. Potter laughed.
James nodded distractedly, spellbound by the sight of Laney's spread-open petals.
"You ain't foolin' nobody, boy!" Mr. Potter scoffed, plucking at the folds of Laney's parted vagina. "You niggers are worse than my dogs when it comes to fuckin'! I swear, niggers will fuck anything that moves! Don't matter who or what it is, long as it gets their dicks wet. Women, men, girls, boys, dogs, horses, goats
3; Hell, you boys'd probably fuck your own assholes if the good Lord would let you!"
The other men laughed at their boss's joke and continued tugging at their dicks.
"You name it, I've seen niggers try it!" Mr. Potter explained. "Shit, one time I caught two niggers takin' turns at fuckin' a watermelon! Now we all know niggers love them some watermelon, but even for a jaded old man like me, that one was a first!"
Mr. Potter's story was met with another outburst of horny, liquor-thick laughter.
"My point bein'," Mr. Potter said more sternly, "that it don't matter if she's your sister or not. At the end of the day, a nigger like you don't care who the pussy belongs to, so long as it's pussy. So don't tell me you've been sleepin' under the same roof as a sweet piece of pussy like this, and never once thought about tryin' it out for yourself!"
"Fuck you," Jacob growled, but this time his voice cracked with guilt and fear. "Only crackers think 'bout fuckin' they own family!"
"Is that so?" Mr. Potter asked. "Well, listen to this, and tell me you don't wish it was your fingers feelin' up inside this tight little pussy!"
Mr. Potter forced his fingers in and out of Laney's vagina with obnoxious speed and intensity. The wetness of his saliva-slick fingers combined with an involuntary moistening between Laney's legs to make a noisy sucking-popping-slurping sound with every plunge of the white man's fingers.
James watched with envy and instinctively grasped his reawakened dick.
Elijah kneeled on the dirt-floor and watched the show between the overseers' legs. Without thinking, he slipped his hand down the front of his pants and began playing with the growing bulge beneath.
"Ain't that the sweetest sound you've ever heard?" Mr. Potter taunted.
Jacob tried to shut the sounds out of his mind. They made him think of the mysterious treasure between his little sister's legs. Sure, he'd jerked off to thoughts of Laney on one or two occasions. But he'd always felt disgusted with himself afterward! And he'd never seriously considered pursuing those desires. His steady stream of flings and girlfriends had always kept temptation at bay.
But now Jacob was presented with an opportunity to indulge his interest in his little sister's body. Deep down, he felt an unmistakable pang of excitement to think that a white man's perverse imagination might give him an excuse to explore his most taboo fantasy.
Jacob hated himself for entertaining such vile thoughts. Maybe the heat was going to his head! If not that, then surely the stress and suffering of the past two days had affected his sanity!
The sounds of fingers thrusting in and out of Laney's pussy throbbed maddeningly in his mind. Eventually, his curiosity got the better of him and he slowly focused his eyes on the forbidden space between his little sister's legs.
"It's a real beauty, ain't it?" Mr. Potter smiled, as if reading Jacob's mind.
Jacob gazed guiltily ahead, taking in his first close-up look at the most private part of his sister's body. It looked familiar, like the dozens of females he'd fucked over the years, yet strangely new and exciting. His dick twitched ever-so-slightly beneath him.
"Sit up, boy!" Mr. Potter ordered.
Jacob hesitated, reluctant to expose his naked front to Laney.
"C'mon now, nigger, we ain't got all day," Mr. Potter said impatiently. "It's only fair she gets to see your privates too, ain't it?"
Jacob knew there was no point in resisting. His bound hands made movement difficult, but with some effort he was able to flip himself into a sitting position on the hay-bale's edge.
Jacob's face flushed a deep purple. He stared sullenly at the ground, embarrassed anew by his nakedness in front of Laney and the white men. Specks of straw stuck to his sweaty, mud-caked chest, and his dick hung heavily over the hay-bale's edge.
Laney averted her eyes from the scene in front of her, but Mr. Potter grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look straight ahead.
"Wha'd'ya think, girl?" Mr. Potter whispered in Laney's ear as he fucked her with his fingers. "You must be real proud, havin' a handsome buck like him for a brother! I bet he's real popular with the women, ain't he?"
Laney's face showed little emotion beyond a kind of impatient annoyance with Mr. Potter's questions.
Mr. Potter continued cheerfully: "How's it make you feel, hearin' your girlfriends gossip 'bout how good it feels to have your brother's meat up inside 'em? I bet it makes your pussy all hot and juicy like it's gettin' right now, don't it?"
Laney scowled and shook her head in protest.
"C'mon now, this ain't no time for secrets," Mr. Potter coaxed. "You can admit to lettin' those pretty brown eyes of yours wander down to that bulge in the front of your brother's pants, wonderin' if it's longer or shorter, thicker or skinnier than the other dicks you've had 'tween your legs. Or sneakin' off to spy on big brother pumpin' his thick nigger cock into one of your friends? Listenin' to her moanin' and screamin' his name, wishin' he was buckin' 'tween your legs 'stead of hers? Wishin' he'd dump his hot load up inside you instead?"
Laney wrinkled up her nose in disgust.
Mr. Potter forced four fingers inside her, stretching her young vaginal walls to their limits.
Withdrawing his fingers from Laney's pussy with a loud plopping sound, Mr. Potter stepped forward and shoved them into Jacob's mouth. The stable-boy spat and sputtered in surprise, but didn't dare seal his lips or bite the white man's fingers. He relaxed his mouth to accommodate the intrusion, trying not to think about the fact that he was tasting his own little sister's pussy-juices.
"Sweet as Christmas candy, ain't it?" Mr. Potter asked, winking lewdly at Jacob as he wiped his sticky fingers on the slave-boy's tongue.
Jacob lowered his eyes, feeling small and defeated in the stocky white man's shadow.
"Well, it's a lucky day for both of you niggers, seein' as I'm in a generous mood," Mr. Potter said jovially. "Since neither of you seem ready to admit your dirty thoughts any time soon, I'm gonna make things easy for you!"
Mr. Potter pulled his fingers from Jacob's mouth and wiped them on the front of his pants. He reached into his back pocket, pulled out a knife, and cut loose the rope binding Jacob's hands.
Jacob shook the blood back into his hands, and awaited his next orders with anxiety and anticipation.
"Wha'd'ya say, boys?" Mr. Potter asked eagerly, spinning around to look at the other white men in the room. "Who wants to see the buck go at it with his little sister?"
The rest of the men roared with cheers of approval.
James shuffled his feet uneasily. He felt like he should interfere before things got carried away. But he had to hand it to Mr. Potter, the idea was definitely titillating.
Elijah had an uneasy flashback to a few days earlier, when Master James had forced him into a similar encounter. Yet somehow this felt different. Arousing in a way he couldn't quite understand. He wanted Laney's body for himself, but the thought of watching her get fucked by her own brother stirred curiosity and excitement instead of envy or possessiveness. He wrapped his hand around his sweaty teenage cock and pumped with increasing energy.
Mr. Potter looked directly at Laney and nodded in her brother's direction. "You heard 'em, girl! Give us a show we'll never forget, and maybe, just maybe, we'll let your brother live!"
Laney's jaw hung open in speechless surprise.
"Well, don't just stand there!" Mr. Potter barked impatiently. "Make your big brother's dreams come true!"
Laney's eyes flashed with fear and panic.
3; I don't understand," she mumbled in a soft, shaky voice.
"Oh, for Christ's sake, girl, don't play dumb with me!" Mr. Potter scoffed, ignoring the tears welling up in the slave-girl's eyes. "All I'm askin' is that you
"Leave her be!" Jacob interrupted. He sincerely wanted to save Laney from the shame of what she was being asked to do. But more than that, he wanted to spare himself the danger of actually enjoying such an encounter, something he knew Laney would never be able to fathom or forgive. He could already feel a stirring in his loins, and feared what he might do, should his naked sister step any closer.
"It ain't right," Jacob mumbled. "Makin' us do stuff together. She's just a kid
His voice trailed off in defeat. A selfish part of him hoped that his pleading would fall on deaf ears.
"Listen here, girl," Mr. Potter snapped. "I know you ain't a stranger to pleasurin' white men. All I'm askin' is that you treat big brother here like a white man, just this once. Show him and the rest of us what a little slut you are for his cock!"
Tears streamed silently down Laney's cheeks. She looked helplessly at Jacob, as if pleading for him to save her from this nightmarish turn of events. But Jacob could only look away, powerless to protect her from the ordeal to come.
For a fleeting moment, James wondered if Mr. Potter was going too far. But hadn't James himself done the very same thing a week earlier? His already-throbbing dick jumped at the memory of little Thad on all fours, stuffed with his big brother's cock. Wasn't this the ultimate power of slave ownership, this ability to defy the laws of nature, to pervert and pollute the sacred boundaries between brothers and sisters? To use an entire race of people as play-actors in one's most deviant and forbidden fantasies, with no fears of legal punishment or social exile?
"Jesus fucking Christ," Mr. Potter snarled.
He shoved Laney so hard that she stumbled into her brother, who caught her in his arms. Laney slumped half-kneeling, half-standing against Jacob's nude, seated body. She buried her face in his neck and burst into embarrassed sobs. Jacob reached his arms around her and patted her back in a clumsy effort to console her. Under ordinary circumstances, it would have been an innocent enough embrace; their nudity, however, made it a miserably awkward moment.
Laney's embrace was Jacob's first contact with a sympathetic human in what felt like an eternity, and he wished he could cling to his sister like that forever. But the warmth of Laney's skin stirred feelings quite different from normal brotherly affection. Her small body felt so soft, so inviting, and made him suddenly, acutely aware that it had been over two days since his last sexual release.
Jacob nuzzled the top of Laney's head.
"I'se sorry, Laney," he whispered tenderly in her ear. "I ain't mean for you to get dragged into this, I swear. I don't know what I'se gonna do if you don't forgive me."
Jacob wondered if he was apologizing for past or future transgressions. He took a deep, guilty breath and continued:
"But we
3; we gots to do what the white man say, else it'll be worse off for both of us. You gots to be brave, Laney. It'll all be over soon, I promise."
Laney stopped crying and looked up at Jacob with sad, scared eyes.
Jacob wiped away her tears with his knuckles, and then gently took her face in both hands. A streak of snot dripped to her full, fleshy lips, which were wet with spit and tears. Caught up in the intensity and inevitability of the moment, Jacob pulled Laney's face to his own, and covered her lips with his.
It was just a clumsy peck at first. Laney sputtered with surprise and disgust, and jerked her head back in protest. But Jacob held her face tightly and pulled her into another kiss. This time he pressed his lips against hers for several seconds, long enough to feel the wetness and contours of her lips.
The initial sensation was a bit queasy, not unlike a child's first kiss. But Jacob knew there was no going back now. Even if he'd wanted to stop, and he wasn't sure he did, he and Laney were surrounded by white men demanding that they continue.
Jacob locked his lips with Laney's in a longer, more urgent kiss. His thick, chapped lips sucked on her sweet, fleshy mouth – nervously at first, then with an increasing appetite. His tongue pushed past her lips to taste her teeth, gums, and tongue.
Laney resisted at first, but gradually relaxed her mouth to allow easier entry. She followed Jacob's lead, stiffly sucking on his lips in timid exploration. She broke away to let out a half-laugh, half-sob of shame and disbelief. But eventually she settled into a steady rhythm of shy but sensual kisses.
Mr. Potter exploded into hysterical laughter.
"Well, I'll be damned!" he exclaimed. "Looks like I was right, boys! Just look at them niggers goin' at it! Just like kissin' their own kin comes as natural to 'em as singin' and dancin'!"
Jacob heard the white man's laughter as a distant echo. He felt like he did when drinking dandelion whiskey with his buddies.
His conscience screamed at him, "You'se kissin' your little sister, you sick son-of-a-bitch!" But something more primal and powerful than conscience possessed him, pushing all thoughts of honor and morality aside. The taste of Laney's lips and the touch of her silky-smooth skin worked him into a frenzy of lust.
A sharp pang of self-hatred flashed across Jacob's mind: What if the white folks were right? Maybe niggers were natural breeders after all. Wild animals with huge dicks but tiny brains, skilled at fucking but not much else. That would explain why he and his buddies spent most of their time chasing after pussy, or bragging about their latest conquests, instead of learning to read or plotting an escape. It would also explain why he now found himself pawing at his little sister, eager to put his cock inside her. Maybe niggers' lack of self-control over their sexual appetites was just the natural way of things?
Jacob kissed Laney more passionately, as if doing so might purge such thoughts from his mind.
Laney seemed to be kissing him back. Jacob wondered if she was simply obeying orders out of fear for her life, or if she too was exploring a taboo attraction to him? His dick jumped at the thought, and continued stretching and stiffening with every slurp of Laney's lips.
Jacob wrapped his hands around Laney's waist and rested them rigidly on her back. He was eager to explore more of his little sister's body, but anxious about how she might react.
"Go ahead and feel her up, boy!" Mr. Potter shouted between gasps of wheezy laughter. "Ain't no point pretendin' you don't want to!"
Mr. Potter stepped impatiently forward, grabbed both of Jacob's hands, and placed them firmly on Laney's outturned buttocks.
Jacob hesitated at first, but then slowly sank his fingers into the smooth, soft flesh of his sister's high-rising ass-cheeks.
"Now that's more like it," Mr. Potter said with an approving nod. "Plenty of white men would pay a pretty penny to get their paws on a sweet little thing like her. You best not be ungrateful, boy!"
But Jacob no longer needed the white man's encouragement. The thrill of touching his little sister's naked body for the first time unleashed a rush of repressed desire. His breathing grew heavier, his kissing became more insistent, and his hands roamed hungrily all over Laney's backside.
He slid his hands up her smooth, skinny legs. He clutched at her bony shoulder blades, caressed the ridges of her spine, and covered the warm cushions of her ass-cheeks with both hands. As soon as he satisfied one curiosity, it was replaced with a dozen others.
As Jacob's tongue lunged deeper into Laney's mouth, he pressed his hand tentatively against her left breast and waited to see how she'd respond. Other than a slight gasp, she showed no resistance to his touch. Encouraged by this passivity, Jacob brought his right hand around to cup her other breast. He kissed her more fervently and clutched both breasts tightly in his hands. He could hardly believe that the slight budding mounds of his little sister's chest now lay naked beneath his hands.
Jacob broke away from his kissing to take Laney's tits in his mouth, sucking on their stiff nipples like a starving calf. He glanced nervously up at her, hoping she wasn't hurt or humiliated by his probing hands. Her eyes were clenched shut, and her body felt tense beneath his touch; whether in shame or pleasure he couldn't tell.
Elijah's jaw hung open and his dick jerked upward as he watched the bizarre scene unfold. He was surprised by the stable-boy's greedy groping, and aroused by Laney's awkward surrender to it. He knew he should be shocked and disgusted, but instead felt a heart-pounding eagerness to see more.
James was both troubled and titillated by the taboo encounter. It disturbed him to think of his complicit role in corrupting the relationship between brother and sister, all for a temporary taboo thrill. But he still couldn't bring himself to stop it. In fact, he felt a sense of sadistic pleasure in this power to defile and perhaps destroy one of the most intimate of human relationships.
Jacob tore his lips from Laney's and gently pushed her into a standing position. His hands slid slowly down her abdomen, pausing at the wooly patch of hair below her belly-button.
Jacob had seen plenty of pussies over the years, but none had ever been as mysterious and tempting as Laney's was to him in that moment. The fact that it belonged to his sister, and that under no other circumstances could he have ever had such intimate access to her beauty, made this part of her body a rare treasure in his eyes.
Jacob brushed the back of his hand against Laney's bush, thrilling to its soft, crisp touch. Trembling with anticipation, he gently pushed his index finger into the tight, moist crevice of her pussy. He slowly slipped a second, then a third finger into its folds, feeling its forbidden insides for the first time.
Laney's breathing tightened as Jacob wiggled his fingers inside her. He spread apart her pussy-mounds and played with the purple-pink flaps of flesh within. As he massaged her clit with his fingers, his cock stretched to a complete erection, jutting straight up in the air.
"I guess the idea of fuckin' your own sister ain't so gross after all," Mr. Potter observed, pointing at Jacob's hard-on.
Laney opened her eyes, startled and dismayed to see Jacob's coal-black cobra straining its precum-sticky head toward the space between her legs. Jacob shrugged his shoulders with a puppy-dog look of apology.
Mr. Potter stepped up to Laney and whispered in her ear:
"How's it feel, knowin' big brother sprung a boner after feelin' you up? First he takes it up the ass like a bitch, and now he wants to rape his own baby sister. Ain't quite the brother you thought he was, huh?"
Laney jerked her head away in annoyance. She stared sadly at Jacob as if begging him to refute the white man's words. But Jacob just stared at the ground in shame.
"Well, don't just stand there!" Mr. Potter exclaimed. "Now's your chance to see what the other girls be gossipin' about! Go ahead, I know you're droolin' for a taste of big brother's African warrior!"
Mr. Potter grabbed Laney by her pigtails and yanked her to her knees. He then kicked her in the back so that she fell forward, face-first into her brother's crotch.
Laney looked apprehensively at the dark pole towering in the air.
Jacob looked down at her sympathetically, torn between pity for his scared little sister and an intense craving to feel her pretty wet lips wrapped around his dick.
Mr. Potter gripped Laney by the back of the head and pushed her face against Jacob's wooly tangled pubic hair.
"Please, Massuh," Laney pleaded, her soft voice muffled by Jacob's musky crotch. "Please don't make me put his thing in my mouf, Massuh. It ain't right, Massuh. It ain't natural."
"What the hell you know about 'right' or 'natural'?!?" Mr. Potter snapped. "Shit, nigger girls nowadays are practically born with dicks in their mouths! So you best stop your cryin' and show us what those coon lips of yours was made for. 'Less you want to be visitin' your big brother in the nigger graveyard!"
Laney looked sheepishly up at Jacob, who guiltily avoided her gaze. She stared at the purple-black limb leaping toward her lips, and circled its base with her right hand. Choking back tears, she stuck out her tongue and licked slowly up its length.
"There you go," Mr. Potter coached. "Get it good and wet!"
Laney flinched from the first taste of Jacob's cock, but closed her eyes and licked up and down the length of its shaft. Once it was shiny with spit, she reluctantly placed its thick mushroom-head between her lips. She held it there for several seconds, as if debating whether to continue. Taking a deep breath, she slowly lowered her head to allow the first two inches [5 cm] of Jacob's cock to slide into her mouth.
Jacob gasped as his dick slipped between Laney's thick and juicy lips. He watched as she struggled to fit his massive manhood in her tiny mouth. She bobbed her head up and down, stiffly at first, then with increased ease and confidence. She rotated between rapid gulps and slow, sensual sucking, occasionally pausing to pant for air and spit a glob of saliva on Jacob's shaft. She devoted herself to her duties with a kind of detached, mechanical diligence that Jacob knew came from years of similar service in the laps of white men.
Jacob stared in disbelief as his dick disappeared in the dark, warm depths of Laney's mouth, sliding back out, shiny with spit, for only a second before diving back in again.
Elijah kneeled on the stable's dirt floor, his pants now pushed to his knees. He darted his head left and right to get the best view. He spit in his palm and circled it around his upward-straining shaft. Jerking up and down on his dick, he tried to imagine how Laney's lips would feel, wrapped around his dick. He wondered if they'd feel better or worse than a boy's.
James watched the scene breathlessly, unbuttoning his pants to release his aching cock. He didn't know what he envied more: Jacob's enjoyment of a beautiful girl's lips, or Laney's mouthful of glorious Mandingo manhood.
The rest of the white men crowded in a circle around Jacob and Laney, cheering as they would for a boxing match or cockfight. Their pants lay crumpled at their ankles, and their fists pumped furiously up and down their exposed, erect dicks. They watched with drunken excitement, leaning in for a close-up view as they shouted out instructions:
"Smack that nigger-meat against your face!"
And Laney swung Jacob's shaft so that it slapped her cheeks and neck with noisy, sticky smacking sounds.
"Suck on those sweaty nigger balls!"
And Laney dove down to take Jacob's large, midnight-black testicles reluctantly into her mouth, rolling them around with her tongue.
"Choke on that cock, bitch!"
Mr. Potter barked this last command as he gripped Laney by the back of the neck and forced her face all the way down on Jacob's towering ebony spear. Laney's brown eyes bulged with panic and she struggled to pull up for air. Her resistance only provoked Mr. Potter to push more violently. He shoved her face down until her nose was buried in Jacob's wild musky pubes, the entire shaft of his cock crammed up her throat.
The white men laughed at Laney's muffled screams, and cheered as she choked so violently that a foamy mixture of saliva and bile gushed from the corners of her mouth.
Mr. Potter allowed Laney to gag just to the point of passing out. Then he yanked up her head by its greasy pigtails, letting her gulp for air as her chin dripped with drool and precum. This reprieve lasted only a few seconds before he once again impaled Laney's face with her brother's cock, while the white men laughed cruelly at another round of noisy gagging.
Jacob felt the white men closing in on him like vultures. Their drunken laughter heightened his awareness of Laney's suffering, as well as his own complicity in their cruelty. But instead of making him go instantly soft, Laney's gags and stifled screams only made his cock strain to stab her mouth more deeply. The smallness of her lips and tightness of her throat milked his dick to full, throbbing life in spite of his pangs of conscience. He closed his eyes, tossed his head back, and surrendered to the pleasures of his little sister's mouth.
Without realizing it, Jacob began bucking his hips into the deepest reaches of Laney's throat. His breathing turned to tight, urgent gasps of desire. The world around him fell away, leaving only his body's desperate demand for pleasure and release.
"Hot damn, I've done seen it all!" Mr. Potter declared, shaking his head in amusement. "Looks to me like the nigger's taken a liking to his baby sister's mouth, don't it, boys?"
The other men grunted distractedly. They pulled fiercely at their red, stubby dicks, which jutted into the air like a circle of torches.
"Wha'd'ya say we let the horny ape try out her pussy, huh, boys?" Mr. Potter cried out eagerly.
Jacob's eyes jerked open in half-sincere alarm. Mr. Potter's words didn't exactly come as a surprise. Still, he feared that what came next would forever alter his relationship with Laney. And at the same time, he yearned for the precious prize between her legs.
Laney pulled her head off his dick, gasping for air and wiping her slobbery mouth on her bare arm. Her young bosom heaved up and down in dread.
"Please, Massuh," Jacob objected weakly. "It ain't s'posed to be like this 'tween kin."
"It don't look to me like that dick of yours gives a damn 'bout kin or no-kin," Mr. Potter said with a devilish smirk.
He pointed at Jacob's upward-strutting dick, which pulsed with anticipation as Laney's spit streamed down its sides.
Jacob blushed and lowered his eyes, lacking a convincing comeback.
What happened next seemed like flashes from a dizzy, delirious dream.
Mr. Potter ordered Jacob to stand up, and flung Laney onto the bale of hay so she lay sprawled on her back. He kicked at her legs, spreading them wide-open in obscene but irresistible invitation. With a sweeping gesture of his arm, he motioned for Jacob to take a place at the feast prepared for him.
Laney's arm draped over her face, as if trying to hide it from the hungry eyes staring at her from all directions.
Jacob hesitated, just long enough to feel a boot strike him from behind. It sent him stumbling forward so that his body fell into an awkward position atop his sister.
Jacob's muscles recoiled from the strange, sudden intimacy with his sister's naked body. An instinctive disgust seized hold of him, and he came perilously close to disentangling his body from hers. But he stayed frozen, his body smashed awkwardly against hers, his head just inches from the arm that covered her face in shame.
He felt her smooth, sweaty skin sticking to his as she squirmed under the weight of his muscular body. He smelled her familiar scent, a mixture of cooking grease, soil, and creek-water. He felt the nipples on her swollen little breasts stiffen against his chest. These sensations calmed Jacob's nerves and tempted him to experience his little sister's body in ways he'd never dared to dream of.
Most enticing of all, however, was the heat between Laney's legs. His hips churned instinctively in a gentle up-and-down motion, pressing his sweaty body even closer against Laney's.
Jacob leaned down and gently kissed the nape of Laney's neck.
"I'se sorry, Laney," he whispered sadly, but his breathless voice betrayed his true excitement. "I'll
3; I'll try to make it quick," he added sheepishly.
Jacob shifted his hips to line up with Laney's, and poked his rock-hard prick at the warm, moist crevice between her legs. Fumbling like an over-eager virgin, he reached down and guided his pussy-starved manhood to its desired target. He placed its flared head between the tiny mounds of Laney's vagina, and PUSHED. With one gentle but insistent thrust, he broke past his little sister's pussy-walls and sank all eight inches [20 cm] deep inside her dark squishy cave.
Laney's body went rigid with resistance, and squirmed to make room for the unwelcome intruder.
Jacob's entire body shivered from the overwhelming pleasure of feeling his cock in the clutches of his little sister's pussy. He slowly withdrew his dick from its grip, and then dipped it back in without a moment's hesitation. He repeated this again and again, pulling out gently and then plunging back in with tender but demanding thrusts.
With every downward push, his cock probed the contours of Laney's cunt, exploring for the first thrilling time its unique size and shape. He listened to his sister's reluctant sighs, and modified his movements to maximize her pleasure. He settled into a steady rhythm of slow, sensual strokes, his hips churning into her with gentle circular motions.
The circle of cock-stroking spectators closed in even tighter. The sound of their raspy breathing and dick-beating was punctuated with occasional grunts of "God-DAMN, this shit's got me hard as hell!" or "Fuck what I wouldn't give to take that stable-nigger's place!" From time to time, Jacob even felt a clammy hand clutching at his buttocks, forcing him to fuck Laney with faster and deeper thrusts.
Mr. Potter was the most vocal of the bunch.
"Now ain't that a sight for horny eyes!" he exclaimed excitedly. "That stable-nigger makes fuckin' his own sister look like the most natural thing in the world, don't he? Didn't I tell you that niggers be just like beasts when it comes to fuckin'?"
Jacob winced. There he was, his sweaty body smashed atop Laney's, fucking her pussy with little hesitation. He knew that in that moment he must look very much like the dumb, grunting animal the white men thought he was.
But the pleasure of burying his cock deep inside his little sister was simply too intense to resist. Laney's pussy felt tighter, hotter, and juicier than any he'd fucked before. In this frenzy of lust, everything else was forgotten: his hatred of white men, his fears for his life, his asshole still burning from its assault just an hour earlier. All terror and shame disappeared as he concentrated on the euphoric pleasure pulsing through his dick and balls.
Jacob's sensual, circular strokes accelerated into fast, aggressive thrusts. He propped himself up so that he could look down at his cock pumping in and out of his little sister's pussy, splitting open its dark mounds with sharp, relentless stabs. His ass arched higher with every thrust, bucking into Laney with wild abandon.
Laney's quiet sighs turned into loud, steady cries. Jacob wasn't sure if they were moans of pleasure or of pain, but at this point he didn't really care. The only thing that mattered now was his selfish, all-consuming lust for his little sister's body.
Jacob's breathing came short and fast as he pounded Laney repeatedly, urged on by the noisy slurping-smacking sounds of his cock slamming into her sopping-wet pussy. Sweat dripped from his body onto her shiny ebony bosom.
He seized her tender young breast-buds, squeezing them as his dick plunged into her with ever-increasing hunger. He buried his face in her neck, kissing and licking her sweaty skin. He mumbled half-intelligible apologies in her ear, even as his dick ripped open her insides with merciless intensity.
Jacob slammed into Laney's body with such speed and force that they nearly fell off the bale of hay. With every lunge of his hips, her breasts jiggled obscenely, and her legs kicked violently in the air. He could already feel pre-cum leaking into her cunt, and knew he wouldn't be able to hold off orgasm much longer. He felt a sudden, ferocious urge to shoot his steamy spunk deep inside his sister's privates.
As his body heaved itself into a final assault of staccato strokes, Jacob suddenly felt Laney's arms around his back, pulling him tighter against her body. Her small hands moved slowly, shyly down his back until they reached the high-arching slopes of his ass. Her skinny fingers stretched across his buttocks
3; tentatively at first, then in braver exploration
3; clutching and caressing them as she pulled him deeper into her. At the same time, her slender, silky-smooth legs closed around his back in a tight embrace. Her heels dug firmly into his ass-cheeks and refused him the option of withdrawal.
This sent Jacob's body plunging over the edge of orgasm. With a loud, euphoric grunt, he buried his cock in the warm, ravaged folds of Laney's pussy and blasted his pent-up juices deep inside her body. As his cock pumped stream after stream of hot, milky cum, Laney's body convulsed beneath him, and he realized she was enjoying a forbidden orgasm of her own.
He collapsed on top of Laney in a weary, sweat-soaked slump. Laney's hands released his buttocks and returned to cover her face. All he could hear was her labored breathing and his own pounding heartbeat.
Jacob felt a wave of shame sweep over him. Had he really just obeyed a white man's order to rape his little sister? Had he actually dumped a load of cum in his very own flesh and blood? He wondered if his relationship with Laney could recover from such a bizarre and unnatural encounter. She seemed to feel pleasure in the final moments of their fucking, but was that something she'd be able to admit or understand? If he lived past today, would she be able to look at him without resentment? Would their jokes have the same playfulness, the same innocence?
But even more disturbing was the possibility he'd want to do it again. Could he look at his sister's clothed body without recalling its nakedness? Could he look at her lips without wanting them wrapped around his dick? Could he sleep under the same roof, night after night, and resist the temptation to take pleasure from her body a second, third, or fourth time?
Jacob was startled back to reality by the shrill sounds of white men arguing with one another.
"You ain't gonna do a goddamn thing 'less I say so!" Mr. Potter was shouting angrily.
"Awwwww, come on, Potter!" Mr. Snopes replied impatiently. "You mean to tell me after rippin' off the bitch's clothes and danglin' her in front of us like a big ol' juicy worm on a hook, you ain't gonna let us fuck her?!? Just who you tryin' to punish, anyway
3; the runaway coon or your own men?!?"
The other overseers grumbled in agreement as their cock-tugging slowed to a frustrated halt.
"You best watch your tone with me," Mr. Potter warned. "Little Jimmy's put ME in charge here, and I aim to do things as I see fit. And I ain't through punishin' the stable-nigger just yet!"
Jacob's back-muscles tightened defensively.
"What's wrong, boy?" Mr. Potter asked, bending over to grin in Jacob's face. "You didn't think we were just going to let you enjoy some good pussy and head home for supper, did you? Come on, now
3; even niggers ain't that stupid!"
Jacob scowled and kept his head nuzzled against the nape of Laney's neck.
"What, you think shootin' nigger-juice up your baby sister's cunt makes you some kind of man again?" Mr. Potter taunted.
He leaned in so close that his spit sprinkled the back of Jacob's neck.
"Boy, that didn't prove nothin' 'cept that niggers will fuck anything that moves. It don't do a damn thing to change the fact that just an hour ago, you were givin' up that juicy ass-cunt of yours to a white man's prick! Shit, boy, my spunk's still swimmin' around your asshole, tryin' to make us a pretty mulatto baby!"
The other men chuckled nervously.
Jacob wished he could stop Laney from hearing the white man's words.
"Nigger, you're just as much a bitch as your sister!" Mr. Potter hissed in Jacob's ear. "You might as well have cut off your cock and called your asshole a cunt the minute you decided to strike a white man and run away! Baby sister might still think you're a man, but we're about to show her otherwise
3; ain't that right, boys?"
The other men shot each other disappointed looks, but mumbled a begrudging assent.
Mr. Potter snatched a handful of Jacob's hair and dragged him off of Laney's body.
As Jacob stumbled to his feet, cum oozed from the tip of his sticky-soft dick. Laney lay sprawled and exposed, her chest heaving with shame and fear.
"This ain't nap-time, bitch!" Mr. Potter barked at Laney. "Get on your pretty little knees and suck these men's dicks 'til they're hard enough to fuck your brother!"
The other men let out a collective groan of disappointment.
"For Christ's sake, shut the hell up with your complainin'!" Mr. Potter growled. "I know y'all want to see justice served out just as much as me. We just now showed this stable-nigger he ain't nothin' but a monkey, willin' and able to fuck his own kinfolk. And before that, Little Jimmy and me tried to tame the wild buck by rapin' his ass and robbin' his manhood. But we've only begun breakin' in the nigger-boy's pussy!"
Mr. Potter seized Jacob by the chin and showed his face off to the circle of men.
"You see the way he grits his teeth, like he's tryin' his damnedest not to spit in my face? And see that scowl in his eyes? I ain't leavin' 'til we've fucked that look clear off that cracker-hatin' face of his! Each and every one of us is gonna do our part in rippin' open his tight little asshole 'til it don't just feel and sound like pussy, but looks like one too! Now I ain't gonna ask you again, girl
Laney stood up timidly. She shot Jacob a shamefaced sideways glance and sank to her knees next to the bale of hay.
Mr. Potter bent Jacob over the bale of hay so that his globular whip-lashed buttocks arched into the air, his face just a couple feet from his kneeling sister.
"Okay, Richardson, let's give it another go!" Mr. Potter said gruffly.
Richardson shuffled hesitantly forward, his pants bunched at his feet and dick dangling in his right hand.
"Now I know it ain't what you're used to," Mr. Potter explained in a gentler tone of voice. "But that's where the bitch comes in handy. Use her mouth to get your prick good and hard, then poke it in the stable-nigger's shit-hole. Trust me, his boy-cunt will do the rest
3; and it'll feel ten times better than the wench's mouth!"
Richardson jerked his hips forward and dangled his shriveled cock in front of Laney's lips. The slave-girl's chin drooped against her chest as if sleeping on her knees.
"I know it ain't long and fat like your brother's," Mr. Potter said, winking playfully at Richardson, "but I better see a bit more excitement than a goddamn corpse! And your brother best keep his eyes on the show if he wants you leavin' here alive!"
Laney's chin dropped open, as if pulled by some mechanical lever. Her brow wrinkled in disgust as Richardson crammed his clammy dick in her mouth. Her lips closed instinctively around it and slowly slid back and forth in a reluctant sucking motion.
Richardson grabbed Laney's head and pulled her nose roughly against his overgrown pubic patch. Keeping a firm grip on her head, he slid his cock in and out of her mouth, like a bird pecking for worms. In a matter of seconds, his dick sprung from a wrinkled lump to a red, rigid pole.
Jacob watched with resentful obedience as Laney stretched her lips wide and took the man's prick into her small mouth. His face was close enough to smell her saliva and the stench of the white man's crotch.
Mr. Potter grinned in Jacob's ear.
"How's it feel, watchin' your baby sister suck a white man's dick? Not to worry, though. I'll bet she's given at least a hundred blowjobs before today, and I'm guessin' she'll give another thousand 'fore she's tossed aside for a new pup."
Jacob cringed at the thought. But this time he felt something far worse than his usual disgust and sympathy. It was jealousy churning within him, threatening to rise up and consume him if he gave it too much thought. Watching the white man's hideous red dick plunge in and out of Laney's lips filled him with a fierce but impotent rage, now that he knew firsthand the pleasure they were capable of giving. He felt a wild, strangling despair when he thought of never again possessing that pleasure for himself, while dozens, maybe even hundreds of white men defiled his sister's body for years to come.
Richardson's cock curved upward in a kind of crooked hook as it penetrated Laney's slobber-soaked lips. The overseer pulled out his dick and smacked it against Laney's nose, cheeks, and drool-covered chin. Then he shoved it back in with a brutal thrust, creating a monstrous bulge in the young girl's cheek.
"All right, Richardson, you've had your fun," Mr. Potter chuckled. "No more stalling. Looks to me like your cock's good and ready for its first taste of a nigger-boy's cunt!"
Chapter 11 The Punishment (Part 3)
James stared at the scene before him with shame and disbelief.
The naked body of his Negro stable-boy was thrown across a hay-bale in the middle of the barn, its buttocks arched invitingly into the humid afternoon air.
Just two feet [60 cm] away, the boy's sister kneeled nude on the stable's dirt floor. The overseer Richardson clutched the back of her head and crammed as much of his cock as possible into her small, disgusted mouth.
Minutes earlier, the stable-boy had raped his little sister with an eagerness that surprised everyone else in the room. Now he was forced to watch as an ugly white overseer used the girl's mouth in preparation to rape him.
Like vultures closing in on their prey, the other overseers formed a claustrophobic circle around the two black bodies. Their pants lay bunched at their ankles as they tugged on their pricks, each man anticipating his own turn at the pretty girl's mouth.
A black boy crouched behind them, his tattered pants pushed to his knees. He pulled on his dick and darted his head left and right to get the best possible view of the show.
James stood to the side and watched with bleary eyes. He knew he was witnessing the slow destruction of a young man's pride and future. He knew he was polluting an innocent girl's purity and self-respect, and corrupting the precious bond between she and her older brother. He knew that even if their bodies recovered, as they most likely would, their minds and souls never could.
But even as he recognized these things, James's usual compassion for human suffering slowly gave way to a breathless craving to see more. His pants parted open and his blotchy-red cock leapt vertically into the air. Instead of rushing to his slaves' rescue, as he'd initially tried to do, James stood sickened but spellbound by the scene in front of him.
"We ain't got all day, Richardson!" Mr. Potter barked at the greasy-haired overseer still jerking his cock in and out of the Negro girl's stretched lips.
"The girl's got a pretty little mouth, that's for damn sure. But this ain't some late-night nigger-fuck after a card game with the boys."
Mr. Potter stepped up to the bale of hay where Jacob lay shamefully sprawled on his stomach. He reached down, grabbed a thick handful of wooly, tangled hair, and jerked Jacob's face violently upward.
Jacob closed his eyes and gritted his teeth with seething resentment.
"We're here to show the boy what happens to niggers that get to thinkin' they're good as whites, remember?" Mr. Potter shouted, slapping Jacob's piss-crusted cheeks with his free hand.
"We're gonna fuck that smug nigger pride right off his ugly black face, 'til we've turned his little shit-hole into a permanent cum-dump!"
Jacob's asshole tightened instinctively, and the pit in his stomach expanded.
Mr. Potter released Jacob's hair, allowing the boy's head to drop heavily against the hay. With a devilish smirk, the burly white man circled Jacob's body and playfully smacked his high-curving, mud-caked buttocks.
"You boys need to trust me," Mr. Potter explained as he dug his fingers deep into Jacob's firm dark butt-flesh.
"I'm tellin' you, this right here is one sweet piece of pussy! I guarantee it'll feel ten times better than his baby sister's mouth. Now get your ass over here, Richardson, and see for yourself if I'm lyin'!"
Mr. Potter stepped to the side. He grinned and nodded at the stable-boy's arched butt as if to say, "It's all yours!"
Richardson scowled at Mr. Potter as he withdrew his dick from Laney's lips. With his pants still bunched at his ankles, he stumbled to where Jacob's upturned buttocks awaited him. Bending his knees slightly, he poked his prick clumsily into the pitch-black crease of Jacob's ass-crack.
Jacob stiffened defensively, causing the high-arching half-globes of his ass to rise another two inches [5 cm] in height.
But his clenched butt-muscles were no match for Richardson's persistent dick. The old man pushed past the stubbornly sealed crack and poked in exploration until he found the boy's hot, sweaty asshole.
Anxious to maintain his erection, Richardson shoved his cock into Jacob with a sudden, brutal thrust. The slickness of Jacob's cum-greasy rectum made the invasion quick and deep.
Jacob's body lunged forward, desperate to escape the stiff cock tearing into his asshole. After nearly an hour's rest, the abrupt invasion stung worse than when his anus had first been forced open by James and Mr. Potter.
But Jacob had nowhere to run. He lay pinned to the bale of hay, like a fish floundering on the tip of a fisherman's spear.
Richardson snorted with disgust at the initial sensation of fucking a nigger boy's ass. But he closed his eyes, folded his arms behind his back, and slowly began pumping with short, awkward strokes.
Just as Mr. Potter had promised, the young buck's asshole squeezed his prick with surprising strength, and the wet gurgling heat of the boy's guts kept his dick warm and aroused.
As he adjusted to these new sensations, Richardson grew bolder and more demanding. He gripped Jacob by the hips, which held the boy's forward-jerking body in place and forced it to swallow the entire length of his skinny red prick.
Jacob's mouth gaped open in a silent scream.
Just moments earlier, he'd been determined to face his fate as bravely as possible. Whether his punishment ended with execution, amputation, imprisonment, or release, he'd resolved to leave that stable with his pride and manhood intact.
But with every brutal stab of the white man's dick, Jacob felt his courage eroding. It felt like the man was taking pinecones, setting them ablaze, and then jamming them into his ass.
Jacob bit into the muscles of his right arm in an effort to keep from screaming. Beads of sweat broke out on every tense inch of his body, dripping off his shoulders, back, and chest onto the hay below.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jacob noticed Laney on her knees, watching with a kind of hypnotized horror as the white man pounded his ass. It was a look that would haunt him for years, if he was lucky enough to live past today. He wished he could somehow cover her eyes, to shield his brutal ass-rape from her gaze.
Jacob squeezed his eyes shut. With every invasive thrust, he felt the white man's cock burrowing into parts of his body that no human being, Jacob included, should ever touch. The gurgling-smacking-farting sounds of dick smashing into ass echoed throughout the otherwise quiet afternoon air, mocking Jacob's pain and intensifying his shame.
As his body rocked forward, Jacob wondered what would scar Laney worse: Watching the white men turn her strong, handsome brother, her best friend and protector since their father's sale a year ago, into a helpless, degraded pussy-boy? Or would it be the memory of his big black dick, crammed in her mouth and pussy as he cooperated like a coward with the white men's orders to rape her?
Either way, he reflected with a sting of regret, it would be impossible for her to ever look at him the same way again.
Richardson accelerated his assault on the stable-boy's ass. With a mixture of curiosity and disgust, he watched his skinny, shit-stained dick plunging in and out of Jacob's dark expanded asshole. As if in willful denial of the fact that he was fucking another man, he tossed his head backwards, closed his eyes, and concentrated on the pleasures provided by the nigger boy's squishy-warm guts.
"Looks like our man Richardson's found himself a new hobby, don't it, boys?" Mr. Potter announced, grinning with satisfaction.
The other men nodded uneasily as they tugged at their dicks and waited their own turns behind the stable-nigger's ass.
"With your eyes shut, don't it feel just like pussy?" Mr. Potter asked. "Better than pussy, in fact!"
Richardson grunted incoherently. His breathing grew louder and the speed of his thrusts increased.
Jacob scowled and winced each time the man's cock stabbed sharply into his rectum.
"Didn't I tell you, Richardson? It ain't so bad, once you get used to it!" Mr. Potter declared.
"And what's more," he added, spitting to the side and scratching his large stomach, "By stuffin' our cocks in the dirty coon's ass-cunt, we're robbin' him of his manhood, slowly but surely. We're fuckin' that stubborn nigger pride right out of him!"
Jacob bit into his arm and tried to block out the white man's words. Richardson, on the other hand, seemed inspired by Mr. Potter's speech, and slammed his body into Jacob's with ever-increasing intensity.
"You see, with bitches it's different," Mr. Potter continued, wiping his brow like a preacher on Sunday morning. "Even white bitches. 'Cause at the end of the day, womenfolk are just naturally docile creatures. Weaker vessels, like the Good Book says. Their bodies were made for our pleasure, with those soft tits and juicy cunts. And whether they like it or not, most bitches know they'll have at least one dick up inside 'em 'fore their time's up."
Mr. Potter paused as he noticed Richardson's heavy breathing turn into noisy eager grunts.
"Speakin' of bitches," he digressed. "One of you best use the girl's mouth to get your pole stiff 'fore Richardson blows his load!"
Mr. Snopes stepped forward without hesitation. Pants bunched at his ankles, he pushed his half-flaccid cock between Laney's lips.
Laney was no stranger to the man's shriveled cock. Like most of the female slaves, she'd had it stuffed in her mouth, cunt, and asshole at least a hundred times. In the early days, she'd screamed and sobbed and struggled against the white man's aggressive advances. She'd dreaded his toothless kisses, despised his foul breath, and cringed at his clammy touch. Now, four years later, she took him calmly into her mouth like a well-trained dog doing a trick for the thousandth time.
"That right there's exactly what I'm talkin' about," Mr. Potter continued, pointing at the cock-sucking slave-girl. "These days, we breed nigger wenches to crave white cock. And even those that don't like it, at least expect it. It's a mighty rare nigger-girl indeed who makes it past her fifteenth birthday without havin' had at least one white cock in one of her holes, 'least in these parts of the country. Just like growin' tits, or bleedin' once a month – white men 'tween their legs is just a part of growin' up for 'em."
Mr. Potter rested his hands on his knees, and stared at Jacob just as he might an exhibition in a traveling circus.
"But nigger bucks, on the other hand, now they're a different story," he grinned widely. "They expect to be worked near to death in the fields every day. They count on gettin' at least one or two whippin's a year. Most of 'em even get used to havin' their womenfolk dragged away from 'em in the middle of the night for some horny white man's fun. But it never occurs to 'em that one of those nights it might be them dragged away from their kinfolk and raped for a white man's amusement!"
Mr. Potter paused to belch in the stable-boy's face.
Jacob squeezed his hands into fists, and fought back the urge to strike the ugly man in the face. Instead, he lowered his head and twisted his body to accommodate Richardson's cock with the least amount of pain possible.
Grinning at the slave's visible discomfort, Mr. Potter continued:
"Bucks might work like mules in the heat from sunrise to sunset, but at least they've got a good hard fuck or two at the end of the day to look forward to. They think the worst that'll happen is for the white man to use their big ol' cum-loaded donkey dicks for breedin' his wenches. And what nigger's ever been known to turn down pussy?"
Mr. Potter laughed heartily, and looked around the room for confirmation from the other men.
"In fact, fuckin's just about the only thing we leave to niggers that reminds 'em they're still MEN. But it never dawns on 'em that one day some white man might take a fancy to the tight little cunts 'tween those high-ridin' ass-cheeks of theirs!"
Mr. Potter grabbed Jacob's chin and grinned gloatingly in the young man's face.
"Ain't that right, boy?" he taunted, smacking Jacob beneath the chin. "I bet you thought that stinky little shit-hole of yours was just for shittin' and scratchin' and fartin', huh? All those times that big coon dick of yours has been up some slutty nigger bitch's cunt, you never dreamed that one day you'd be the one cryin' and moanin' with your ass-cunt stuffed full of cock, did ya, boy?!?"
Jacob's jaw-muscles rippled and he resisted the temptation to spit in the white man's face, even as his body jerked obscenely back and forth to the rhythm of the cock slamming in and out of his ass.
Mr. Potter gave Jacob another patronizing smack beneath the chin.
"You see, boys, it's the surprise of the whole thing that makes this the perfect punishment. By poundin' his poop-hole into a flabby-loose cunt, we're takin' away the buck's one final shred of manhood. And fixin' things so that he can't never look another white man OR nigger in the face again!"
Jacob bit into his arm to keep from shouting a string of curses. Streams of sweat ran down his forehead and burned his eyes. He wasn't sure what he resented more: the stocky white man's insults, or the burning in his rectum.
He knew he should take Mr. Potter's speech as a challenge. He should defend his manhood to the bitter end, even if it meant his own death.
As his body lurched forward and back, forward and back, just like the dozens of bitches he'd fucked in the very same position (hell, some of them in this very barn!), Jacob spotted a pitchfork resting against the stable wall.
If he timed things just right, he could elbow Richardson in the face, leap off the hay-bale, rush for the pitchfork, and take out at least two or three white men before they had the chance to knock him out or shoot him dead. Either way, he'd be a dead man for sure. But at least he'd go out a hero, and not some pussy-boy coward with the spunk of eight white men swimming around his intestines. His story would be a legend told by slaves over their fires, the one about the nigger who killed crackers with a pitchfork when they stupidly tried to turn him into a squealing little bitch.
Jacob's heart pounded in his chest.
Was he really willing to die in defense of his pride? The possibility that he might be dead in a matter of minutes sickened him, and his instinct for self-preservation took over. He wanted to enjoy another good night's sleep, to taste another Christmas feast, to get drunk with his buddies off another jug of dandelion whiskey, to sing and dance and make everybody laugh like he'd done the night of Solomon and Cora's wedding, and of course to fuck as many more women as possible. Wasn't all that worth the surrender of his masculine pride for a few hours?
Besides, he reminded himself with a guilty rush of relief, he couldn't do anything so drastic without placing Laney's life at risk. If he showed even the slightest resistance, they'd snap her neck without a moment's hesitation. His only choice, it seemed, was the submission of his body to the white men's will.
As if sensing Jacob's resignation, Richardson launched into a series of aggressive staccato strokes.
Jacob let out sharp cries of pain, muffled only slightly by the arm-flesh filling his mouth. There was something shamefully familiar about the urgent, heavy breathing of the white man humping his back. Jacob knew all too well what that meant, and was impatient to get it over with.
Seconds later, Jacob felt the sickening sensation of thick slimy fluid squirting into his rectum.
With a shudder and a curse, Richardson spurted several ropes of cum into his very first nigger boy ass. After draining his balls completely, he pulled his cock out of Jacob's asshole and wiped it on the black boy's buttocks, leaving a trail of cum and fecal-slime smeared across their high firm mounds. Averting the other men's eyes, he jerked up his pants and staggered to the side of the room. There he took a flask out of his pocket and proceeded to drain it dry.
Snopes wasted no time taking his fellow overseer's place. Laney's warm dutiful mouth had coaxed his cock to a full erection, and fueled his craving to fuck
3; something, anything. If he couldn't fuck the girl, her brother would have to suffice.
Snopes scrunched up his nose at the stench of cum, shit, and nigger-sweat wafting up from the slave's buttocks.
He poked his yellow cock-stump at Jacob's greasy gaping asshole, and entered him completely with a greedy brutal shove.
Jacob bit into his hand to keep from crying out in pain.
Snopes exhaled with pleasure as he sank his jaundiced stub into the stable-boy's mushy-warm ass. He took an immediate liking to the new sensation, and grinded his hips to push deeper into the young buck's body.
"God-DAMN, that's a nice tight cunt!" the old overseer grunted with a toothless smile. "You sure wasn't kiddin', Potter! I swear this nigger's got a sweeter piece of pussy than his little sis!"
To gain the deepest access possible with his short, stubby cock, Snopes flattened Jacob's body against the hay. With his dick still lodged firmly in the black teen's ass, Snopes lay his whole body on top of Jacob's sweat-soaked back. Nuzzling Jacob's neck, he drilled into the boy's butt with short, insistent thrusts.
Jacob dug his dirty nails into the sides of the hay-bale. His breathing devolved into short, panicked gasps. He tried not to think of the humiliating fact that a cock was taking pleasure from his shit-hole.
But the struggle to forget was useless. Snopes seemed hell-bent on reminding Jacob that he was nothing more than the white man's plaything.
"You got yourself a sweet little ass, you know that, boy?" Snopes grunted as he humped Jacob's butt. "Maybe I should'a been comin' for you all those nights, 'stead of your baby sister! Wha'd'ya think about that, boy? You wanna be a white man's full-time pussy-boy?"
Jacob gritted his teeth. Snopes's hot rotting breath panted in Jacob's ears, and his untrimmed whiskers scratched against Jacob's cheeks. The plopping-soupy-slurping sounds of sodomy echoed throughout the stable, much to Jacob's disgust and embarrassment.
Meanwhile, Caleb McGreevey stepped forward to enjoy Laney's mouth.
James recognized him as the Potter overseer who suggested they should whip Jacob to death, no more than two hours earlier. With bushy black eyebrows and a burly build, he looked like a younger, meaner version of his boss. He carried himself with an air of arrogance and authority that led James to guess he was most likely the head overseer on the Potter Plantation.
Laney shrank back when she saw McGreevey's cock. Red and erect and straining toward her lips, it looked to be at least eight inches [20 cm] long and four inches [10 cm] wide. It was longer and fatter than many nigger dicks she'd seen, and certainly larger than any white cock she'd ever tried to fit in her mouth.
Laney leaned backward, shaking her head in fearful protest.
"Where the fuck you runnin' to, bitch?" McGreevey snarled, flashing a devilish grin.
Unfazed by the Negro girl's terror, he grabbed one of her pigtails and yanked her body toward him. Laney cried out in pain as her small naked body stumbled forward on its knees.
"Now maybe you've been spoiled," he snapped, leering down as he whacked his throbbing red monster against the girl's cheeks. "But Sam Potter's niggers know I ain't one for their games. So you can save all that cryin' for a white man that actually gives a fuck, you hear me, you little coal-faced, bug-eyed cunt?!?"
Laney shut her eyes tightly, nodded her head, and braced herself for the attack to come.
McGreevey seized the girl's head and shoved his huge cock in her mouth.
Laney's eyes bulged in fright, and she fought to fit the white man's dick into her mouth.
McGreevey showed no patience, however, and throttled her face with his dick in a rough and rapid-fire assault.
Laney screamed and squirmed to escape, but the scowling white man refused to let go of her head. Her flailing brown arms and strangled cries for mercy only seemed to inspire crueler, violent thrusts.
McGreevey fucked Laney's face like a battering-ram crashing into a vulnerable fortress's walls. The girl choked and sputtered noisily, grasping at the white man's wrists to free her face from his grip.
When McGreevey finally saw bile gushing from the girl's mouth, he chuckled cruelly and freed her to puke on the stable's dirt floor. Laney kneeled with her head to the ground, holding her throat and gasping for air above a small steamy puddle of phlegm.
"Now THAT'S what I like to see!" McGreevey laughed dryly as he stroked his slobber-soaked cock. "Ain't nothin' beats the sight of a pretty little nigger girl, pukin' on a white man's prick!"
With her naked arm, Laney wiped off the string of saliva still dripping from her chin to the stable's dirt floor. Her break lasted only seconds, however, before McGreevey snatched her up by her pigtails and stuffed his cock back in her mouth.
He stabbed the girl's throat like a chain-gang, pounding large spikes in the ground. Holding her face in his hands, he rammed his huge cock down her throat until once again spit and puke poured from the corners of her lips. He laughed with the other men as she sobbed and gasped for air, but only for a few moments before launching another assault.
Jacob listened to every gruesome, awful sound of his little sister's torture as Snopes slobbered in his ear like a rabid dog. He knew it was only a matter of seconds before the old man's hot spunk joined that of the three other white men recently dumped in his guts.
Jacob cringed as the skeletal overseer muttered the same nonsense that Jacob himself had grunted in so many girls' ears as the ecstasy of climax approached:
"Oh, baby, that ass feels good!" Snopes snorted in Jacob's ear. "C'mon, sweetie, TAKE it! You like that dick, don't you, nigger?!? Tell me you want it, baby. Tell me you want my white cock up your ass!"
Jacob covered his face with his hands and grunted unintelligibly.
"I can't hear you, baby!" the old man hissed in his ear. "I want to hear you BEGGIN' me to shoot my baby-juice up your stinky nigger shit-hole!"
Jacob grunted, a little more loudly this time. He was gambling that he could outlast the overseer's climax before submitting to such degrading demands.
The gamble paid off. Seconds later, the foul-breathed overseer bit into Jacob's neck and smashed his hips into the boy's buttocks for a silent, convulsive orgasm.
Jacob's face flushed purple with shame as he felt the old white man's cum gushing into his bowels. He shuddered to think how quickly his once off-limits ass had been turned into a spunk-dump for the men he hated most.
Snopes rolled onto his back at the stable-boy's side, his chest heaving up and down in post-coital bliss.
"That's a good piece of ass you got there, boy," Snopes whispered in Jacob's ear, stroking the young African's twig-littered hair. "You best get used to it, 'cause I aim to have that pussy of yours again, you hear me?"
Snopes noticed McGreevey towering above him, large throbbing cock in hand.
"What the fuck are you love-birds cooin' over?" growled the bushy-browed overseer. "Jesus Christ, Snopes. It's just a nigger, not your goddamn wife! Now get the fuck out of my way and let me show the filthy coon what a real cock feels like!"
Snopes cursed under his breath as he stood up, pulled on his pants, and stepped to the side of the room.
McGreevey stood behind the bale of hay and grabbed Jacob's legs to pull the boy's body toward him.
"You ready for this big white cock, boy?" McGreevey asked as he smacked and kneaded Jacob's greasy dark buttocks.
Without hesitation, McGreevey rammed his entire cock into Jacob's tight, sperm-coated ass-tunnel.
The sharp, sudden pain was even worse than Jacob had anticipated, and he let out an involuntary scream of agony. It felt like the man was shoving an entire tree-branch up his shit-hole, scraping against his ass-lining and ripping his intestines to shreds.
The sound of the Negro boy's screams only encouraged McGreevey's aggression. Bypassing the typical slow, cautious strokes, he launched immediately into a violent assault on the runaway slave's butt. Like an ax splitting open a tree stump, he threw the entire weight of his body into Jacob's tightened ass-cheeks. His thick veiny cock stretched Jacob's asshole and smashed down the weakened anal walls beyond.
McGreevey made little noise, but he fucked Jacob as if trying to kill him. Richardson and Snopes had fucked Jacob with curiosity and indifference, but McGreevey fucked the boy with a kind of grim, concentrated hatred for the body he was penetrating. Every brutal thrust seemed determined to inflict as much pain as possible.
And it was pain unlike anything Jacob had ever experienced. It took over his body completely, creating a kind of deafening roar that drowned out all thoughts of dignity and defiance.
As the white man's pace grew more brutal, Jacob's gasps turned more desperate. Against Jacob's will, groans of agony began to escape his lips. In no time at all, he was shouting and cursing shamelessly, just like a well-trained whore.
Jacob felt like a man possessed. He knew that his cries showed weakness, both to the white men as well as his sister, but he simply couldn't stifle them any longer. With every deep, demanding plunge of the white man's cock, he let out a savage, desperate yell that was half resentful curse, and half a cry for mercy.
"Jesus fuckin' Christ," Mr. Potter complained. "They're probably hearin' the nigger howlin' all the way in Atlanta!"
Mr. Potter stood directly in front of Jacob. As the stable-hand's pain-stricken face jerked toward him and away, toward him and away, Mr. Potter stroked the boy's wooly hair with a patronizing smile.
"Don't the nigger sound just like one of them circus monkeys, yelpin' and hollerin' like that?" Mr. Potter taunted, slapping Jacob's cheeks and rolling the boy's thick, chapped lips between his fingers. "Sounds like he still ain't satisfied, don't it, boys? I'm thinkin' he needs white cock stuffed in both of his holes!"
Jacob's eyes grew wide with surprise and dread.
"What the hell you boys waitin' for?" Mr. Potter snapped. "You there! Foster! Step up and give the nigger his first taste of a white man's cock!"
The youngest of the Stampley overseers shuffled reluctantly forward, pants bunched at his ankles and half-hard dick in his hand.
For the first time that afternoon, James noticed the young overseer's striking good looks. He had piercing blue eyes, freckles across his nose and high cheekbones, and a shaggy mop of dirty-blonde hair. His body was thin but muscled, and he looked to be no older than 17 or 18 years old. His skin was deeply tanned, with a flush of sunburn-red, and covered in a layer of fuzzy blonde hair. A modest but appealing 6½ inches [16 cm] hung between his slender legs beneath a jungle of sandy-blonde hair.
James relished the contrast of Foster's silky yellow hair and fair sunburned skin with Jacob's nappy, leaf-littered hair and ebony, mud-caked skin. James's dick leapt upward as he anticipated the handsome white teenager's slender golden cock, prying open the black man's thick virgin lips.
Foster frowned as he stepped in front of Jacob. After waiting impatiently for his blowjob from Laney, the substitute of her brother's dry, foul-breathed mouth seemed a severe disappointment.
"I don't mean you no disrespect, Mr. Potter, but I ain't so sure 'bout this," Foster confessed bluntly. "Don't get me wrong. I love gettin' my dick sucked and all, but I ain't never had it sucked by no nigger-boy before. I mean, what if he, you know, bites me or some shit like that? He ain't been broken in like his little sister!"
"He so much as scratches your dick with his teeth, I snap his sister's neck, simple as that!" Mr. Potter explained coldly. "You hear that, nigger? Consider that your first and only warning!"
Jacob glared at Mr. Potter as McGreevey bucked into his backside like a drunken bull.
Mr. Potter slapped Foster on the back and pushed him forward.
"There ain't nothin' to it," he assured the hesitant young overseer. "All you gotta do is put your cock in his mouth and pretend that those big nigger lips of his are some tight, wet pussy-walls! Trust me, the boy's mouth'll do the rest!"
Foster frowned skeptically, but rubbed the head of his dick against Jacob's rough, tightly-clenched lips.
Jacob gagged instinctively, and winced from the stench of the white man's unwashed balls.
He couldn't believe this was happening. Just a week ago he would have spit in the face of any man who dared call him a 'cocksucker,' or predict that one day he'd let a white man fuck him in the mouth.
As Jacob saw it, sucking another man's dick was a fate even worse than getting fucked in the ass. The latter demanded only passive surrender. Yes, it was humiliating and painful, but all it required was an endurance of the inevitable.
Sucking another man's cock, on the other hand, insisted on consciousness and cooperation. It demanded action and awareness, a willful sacrifice of one's manhood and open acknowledgement of one's sexual inferiority. Wasn't that precisely why he'd raped Master James's mouth with such vigor and satisfaction just two days earlier? Hadn't he relished the radical role reversal, the victory, however fleeting, that such an act symbolized?
Yet here he was with a white man's dick shoved in his face, about to be fucked in the mouth for the very first time.
Did he really have any choice? Mr. Potter's grim warning still echoed in his ears. If he didn't suck dick, Laney would be murdered before his very eyes. Maybe the white man was bluffing, but was that a risk Jacob was willing to take?
Jacob closed his eyes, took a deep breath, slowly parted his lips, and reluctantly allowed the white man access to his mouth. He wrinkled his nose in disgust as the half-stiff cock slipped past his lips and rested in the cave of his mouth.
It lay on his tongue for only a second before reality struck him with full, humiliating force. He spit the man's cock from his mouth and broke into desperate dry-heaves. He was glad he hadn't eaten since earlier that morning, a fact that spared him the pain and embarrassment of vomiting on the ground beneath him.
"Take it easy, there, boy!" Mr. Potter coached with sadistic amusement. "Just do what comes natural, you hear? Suckin' cock comes real natural to niggers
3; no different than singin' and dancin' and pickin' cotton."
Jacob glared at Mr. Potter and struggled to suppress his gagging.
"Don't fight the gift God gave you, boy!" Mr. Potter added sarcastically. "But remember to watch those teeth!"
Jacob took a deep breath before placing Foster's dick back between his thick crusty lips. He winced from its foul taste, and fought back the urge to gag again.
Foster shifted his feet nervously, uncertain what to do next. He tentatively placed his right hand on the back of Jacob's neck and slid his cock deeper into the black boy's mouth.
Jacob swallowed his pride and loosened his jaw muscles to accommodate the white man's cock.
As the young overseer pushed his dick slowly in and out of the slave's stiffly open mouth, Jacob noticed how parched his mouth was. His cracked lips scratched the white man's dick, and the inside of his mouth seemed dry and sticky. He strained to produce a mouthful of saliva, but all his reserves seemed drained dry.
"Fuck this," Foster grumbled, yanking his limp dick from Jacob's mouth. "No disrespect, Mr. Potter, but it feels like I'm fuckin' a pile of goddamn rocks!"
"The boy needs a drink of water," James interjected, more out of a selfish desire to watch his slave's punishment continue than any sincere compassion for the young man's obvious thirst.
"I've got a better idea," Mr. Potter grinned wickedly as he unbuttoned his fly and whipped out his cock.
He gripped Jacob's bottom row of teeth and jerked the boy's mouth open wide.
Before Jacob could protest, a geyser of hot piss shot into the back of his throat.
Jacob's throat tightened instinctively, and he tried to pull away, but Mr. Potter's strong grip on his chin held his face firmly in place. He choked and sputtered on the bitter piss splashing the back of his throat. Because he refused to swallow, it rapidly filled his mouth and spilled from the corners of his lips.
"You like the taste of my piss, boy?" Mr. Potter taunted.
He laughed cruelly and sprayed a steady stream of dark-yellow urine across Jacob's nose, teeth, and lips.
"You best not waste another drop, you hear me? 'Less you want every other white man in here pissin' down your throat as well!"
A look of hatred flashed across Jacob's face as the white man drenched him in piss. His body lurched obscenely forward and back as McGreevey continued to fuck his ass. Piss streamed down his face and trickled into the cracks and cuts on his lips.
Jacob forced himself to swallow the hot salty fluid gurgling in the back of his throat. He cringed as he choked down gulp after gulp of Mr. Potter's urine until the forceful stream slowed to a trickle, and then stopped, much to Jacob's relief.
Mr. Potter released his hold on Jacob's chin, leaving it to hang limply open as piss ran down its sides and dripped to the ground beneath.
"That should quench the nigger's thirst," Mr. Potter laughed smugly, stuffing his flaccid cock back in his pants.
"Go ahead and give the coon's mouth another try," he nodded to Foster. "Now that those lips are good and juicy, just like a nice slippery cunt!"
Foster plopped his soft cock between Jacob's fleshy piss-soaked lips. He gasped as it slid easily into the stable-boy's mouth, now warmer and wetter than before. His dick lurched to life, stretching until its stiff red muscle poked against the back of Jacob's throat.
Foster closed his eyes, clutched the back of Jacob's head, and slowly bucked in and out of the Negro boy's mouth. Remembering Mr. Potter's advice, he tried to imagine that the mouth he was fucking belonged to a pretty light-skinned nigger-girl instead of a filthy, coal-black, ape-looking runaway buck.
The tangy flavor of cock and the sour aftertaste of piss came close to making Jacob puke. He allowed the white overseer to shovel in and out of his mouth, but refused any cooperation beyond that. He tried to concentrate on keeping his jaws slack and the back of his throat open.
As Foster grew more comfortable with the idea of fucking a nigger boy's mouth, he pumped between Jacob's lips with increasing enthusiasm. Just as he'd done with so many slave-girls, he pushed his cock as deep into the young man's throat as possible, prompting Jacob to gag noisily. He also smacked Jacob's face and poked his cock obnoxiously into the sides of the stable-boy's cheeks.
Jacob's eyes bulged out in pain as McGreevey's cock plunged into his rectum, but the dick lodged firmly in his mouth muffled his noisy moans. Impaled by white dick at both ends, Jacob felt like a Christmas hog, roasting on a sharp iron spit.
James marveled at how easily Mr. Potter had turned a handsome, bitch-fucking buck like Jacob into a cock-sucking pussy-boy. Just a little bit of force and a threat to the sister he loved, and there he was, gagging on another man's cock!
"C'mon now, nigger, my Grandma's rotting cunt's got more energy than that!" Mr. Potter complained. "Don't just take the boy's dick, suck it!"
Jacob glared at Mr. Potter as he grasped Foster's cock with his hand and flickered his tongue against its large mushroom head. Taking it into his mouth, he bobbed up and down with stiff, awkward slurps. When he needed a break for air, he licked up and down the length of Foster's shaft.
"Suck the boy's balls!" Mr. Potter ordered, relishing the stable-boy's obvious humiliation.
Jacob nuzzled the young overseer's musky-smelling balls. He took them into his mouth and coated them with his hot breath and piss-flavored spit. Foster sighed hoarsely with pleasure, which only intensified Jacob's shame and self-loathing.
James wasn't sure what turned him on more: the sight of his stable-boy's reluctant first blowjob, or the view of the young overseer's pale, freckled butt-muscles, tightening and relaxing with each eager thrust.
"You ain't too bad for a beginner," Mr. Potter chuckled. "But I think little sis could teach you a lesson or two."
Mr. Potter motioned for Laney to join her big brother in front of the white overseer's cock. She froze as if in shock, but eventually shuffled forward on her skinny, scuffed-up knees to crouch beside her brother's dick-impaled face.
"Go ahead, sweetie, show him how it's done!" Mr. Potter commanded, pushing Laney's face closer to her brother's mouth.
Laney's small lips rubbed awkwardly along the side of Foster's slobber-wet shaft, nearly kissing her brother's lips that still sucked on the man's cock. Uncertain what to do next, she gently licked the overseer's balls while her brother continued his clumsy shut-eyed bobbing.
"Don't be so greedy, boy!" Mr. Potter scolded with a smirk. "I know that's some tasty white dick, but let your sister have a turn!"
Jacob released Foster's dick with a loud popping noise. It sprung toward the stable's roof as spit-suds ran down its red veiny sides. Jacob glared with embarrassment at the ground, doing his best to avoid his little sister's eyes.
Laney gripped Foster's cock in her hand and licked slowly along its underside, squinting with disgust as she tasted her brother's spit. Closing her eyes, she took the muscle into her mouth and sucked with slow, sensual strokes.
Clearly turned on by this new arrangement, Foster tugged on Jacob's chin for the boy to tongue his balls. Jacob sullenly obeyed, darting his tongue at the low-dangling balls as his face collided with Laney's drool-soaked chin. His sister's hot breath hit him full in the face, and the slurping sounds of her wet lips on the white man's pole echoed irritably in his ears.
Foster savored the thrill of staring down at two nigger siblings, forced to worship his cock. He slipped his dick out of the young girl's mouth, and shoved it into the boy's.
Jacob winced at the taste of his little sister's saliva, but dutifully took the cock into his mouth without protest. He imitated Laney's slow, deep sucking as much as he was able to without gagging. At the same time, Laney lapped at the white man's balls with poorly faked enthusiasm.
Meanwhile, McGreevey pounded Jacob's asshole with noisy grunts. Jacob's manhood swung softly and heavily between his legs, smacking against his stomach with each helpless lurch forward.
Foster's breathing grew heavier and his thrusts more insistent. He switched between the siblings' mouths with quick, greedy plunges, jabbing his cock into their spit-shiny lips like a child playing with two new toys.
Suddenly, Foster pushed Jacob's head off his dick just seconds before a rope of slimy-thick cum splattered across Jacob's mortified face. He jerked his dick to the side so that a second spurt of man-juice caught the side of Laney's nose and slid down her face. A third eruption splashed in Jacob's left eye, and the last shot landed on one of Laney's pigtails.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Potter, I ain't mean to bust so soon!" Foster apologized as he stumbled sheepishly backward from his explosive orgasm. "I ain't mean to shoot 'fore fuckin' the nigger, I swear to God I didn't!"
"Don't worry, son," Mr. Potter laughed, slapping the teenage overseer on the back. "Endurance comes with age, my boy, endurance comes with age. But damn if you didn't cover them niggers' faces with a nice pretty coating of white-boy baby-slime!"
"Yeah, I reckon I did," Foster grinned.
The white men stood gloating over the brother and sister's sullen, sperm-soaked faces.
"Wha'd'ya think, Little Jimmy?" Mr. Potter smiled over his shoulder at James. "Ain't that a sight to see? I bet those Yankee friends of yours never prepared you for nothin' like this!"
James nodded distractedly. There was no denying the taboo scene's appeal. If any of his Abolitionist friends HAD described such a lurid image, James certainly would have found it appalling.
But moral outrage in the abstract is easy, James realized. Seeing such 'horrors' in the flesh was another thing altogether. Standing there on this humid afternoon, just a few feet from the naked, cum-splattered bodies of a handsome Negro buck and his pretty little sister, James was breathlessly aroused, and anxious to see more. How could any mere mortal resist the temptation of such beautiful dark bodies, completely at one's mercy?
"Wha'd'ya say we make 'em lick each other clean?" Mr. Potter suggested.
James's eyes lit up, and he nodded his eager assent.
Jacob and Laney stared at the ground with hopeless, glazed-over eyes.
"You heard me right," Mr. Potter snapped. "Lick that nasty cum-slop off each other's faces, and not a drop of it better be wasted!"
Laney glanced hesitantly at her brother. Splotches of milky-white cum clung to his forehead, oozed down his nose, and dripped from his thick sealed lips. She scowled at Mr. Potter as she leaned into Jacob's face and slowly licked the cum off his forehead.
Meanwhile, McGreevey's eyes grew wild and his large, hairy balls slapped noisily against the back of Jacob's thighs. The volume of his grunts and vulgarity of his curses hinted at an impending climax.
As Jacob's cries of pain grew louder, Laney cradled his face in her hands with surprising tenderness. Like a midwife comforting a woman in labor, she kissed her brother's cum-sticky mouth and muffled his howls of pain with her lips. She caressed his cheeks and whispered soothing words in his ear. Like a mother cat bathing its kittens, she lapped up the quickly-cooling cum from his eyebrows, nose, and chin.
Tears welled up in Jacob's eyes. In this darkest of hours, perhaps one of his last, he was comforted by the touch of someone who still loved him, even though she had every reason not to. Just when his spirit seemed broken, this caring touch, a touch untainted by lust or cruelty, meant everything in the world to him.
Jacob tried to return the favor with equal calm, but the first tangy taste of the overseer's spunk set off a fit of convulsive gagging. Jacob felt like he was eating snot, and proceeded to dry-retch numerous times as he licked off the cum from his sister's brown skin.
As he gulped down the last disgusting drop, Jacob felt McGreevey's manhood expanding inside his ass-tunnel. He closed his eyes tightly and prayed that the end was near.
The red-faced overseer hurled his body into Jacob's like a madman in the midst of a seizure.
"Fuck you," McGreevey hissed, burying his cock deeply so that his bushy black pubes smashed into the stable-boy's ass-bone.
"FUCK you!" he repeated with even greater venom. "You dirty cocksucking nigger-monkey whore!"
With a deep, triumphant growl, McGreevey plunged his cock to the hilt and unleashed his scalding fluids into Jacob's aching bowels. He shouted a stream of vile curses as he drained the last drop from his heavy, hairy balls.
McGreevey jerked his cock out of Jacob's butt with a noisy-wet "plop," eliciting a final gasp of pain from Jacob. As he yanked up his pants, he spat on the black boy's left butt-cheek as a derisive final farewell.
Jacob was too sore and exhausted to care. His battered asshole gaped grotesquely wide-open, as if begging for another assault. Hot fluid leaked from his butt. An explosive, involuntary fart sprayed cum-juice and shit-slime in all directions, much to Jacob's helpless embarrassment.
But Jacob's punishment was far from over.
For the next half-hour, the remaining overseers enjoyed THEIR turns riding the stable-boy's ass, and eventually added their steamy loads to the cum-soup in Jacob's rectum.
The other overseers lay lazily around the barn, smoking and drinking and laughing at the runaway slave's ongoing humiliation.
When this first round was finished, Mr. Potter noticed the young nigger boy kneeling in the back of the stable with his dirty pants pushed to his knees.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here!" Mr. Potter grinned, nodding in Elijah's direction. "I'd gone and plumb done forgot about your nigger boy, Little Jimmy!"
Elijah stumbled to his feet, struggling to pull up his pants. Realizing that all eyes were suddenly on him, he froze and looked at the ground.
"Come a little closer, boy," Mr. Potter urged calmly.
Elijah stepped shyly forward. His heart pounded furiously in his chest, just as it had that first night in Master James's bedroom. He feared that he might be punished in the same way as Laney's brother.
"Don't worry, boy, you ain't got nothin' to be scared of," Mr. Potter assured him in a gentle fatherly voice. "You ain't the one bein' punished here, so there's nothin' for you to worry about."
Looking back at James, he asked:
"Now tell me again why this little nigger was with you? Somethin' 'bout stealin' tomatoes?"
He winked playfully at James, and Snopes stifled a drunken giggle.
James blushed and nodded uneasily. Elijah's mouth hung open as if poised to protest.
"Well, never mind that!" Mr. Potter stated, waving his arm dismissively. "Today we've got bigger fish to fry."
He nodded toward Jacob, who still lay sprawled on the bale of hay. Laney sat on the stable's dirt floor, her skinny brown legs spread apart.
Mr. Potter looked back at Elijah.
"What's your name, boy?" he asked gruffly.
"Elijah, suh," the boy mumbled in a raspy, adolescent voice.
As Elijah shuffled his feet nervously, his hard teenage cock made a comical bulge in the front of his loose cotton pants.
"Well, Elijah, let me ask you," Mr. Potter stated bluntly. "Do you enjoy watchin' nigger boys get fucked in the ass?"
Elijah blushed a deep purple. He felt the eyes of the other white men burrowing holes right through him. But far worse to his mind were the eyes he dared not meet, those of the girl he longed to impress.
3; um
3; uh
3; no, suh, it ain't like that, suh," Elijah stuttered.
"Oh, it ain't?" Mr. Potter chuckled, downing a sip from his flask and wiping his mouth on his sleeve.
"Here's the reason I'm askin'. It ain't been hardly a minute since I seen you pullin' on that snake 'tween your legs like a nigger wench milkin' a cow. Now was I just imaginin' things, boy?"
Elijah stared at the ground and dug his toe anxiously into the dirt at his feet.
"No, suh," he mumbled, wondering gloomily how a day starting off with such hope could end up going so terribly wrong.
"Now I ain't no scholar like your Master James," Mr. Potter smirked, "but when I see a nigger boy milkin' his cock, I get the idea that he likes whatever it is he's lookin' at. So I'm gonna ask you again. You like watchin' white men fuck nigger boys in the ass?"
Elijah fidgeted, uncertain how to reply.
He thought of how much he'd enjoyed his own little brother's butt. He remembered how he'd jerked off while feeling up his best friend's ass in the middle of the night. He recalled the warmth and tightness of the mulatto houseboy's shit-hole that he'd eagerly fucked that morning.
Elijah folded his arms and shrugged his shoulders.
"No, suh
3; I mean
3; well, I don't think so, suh
3; I mean, I don't WANT to, suh
3; I was just
3; I reckon I don't know, suh."
Mr. Potter laughed out loud, much to Elijah's bewilderment.
Mr. Potter stepped back to stand beside James, and lowered his voice so that only James could hear.
"Hot DAMN, Little Jimmy, I've gotta hand it to you," Mr. Potter whispered, patting the younger man on the back.
"You've mind-fucked that little nigger worse than I'd have guessed, at least for the short time you've had him. Nigger-lovin' Yankee, my ass! You've fuckin' corrupted that kid like a born and bred slave-owner! The poor little pickaninny don't know which way is up no more, thanks to you! Maybe I should be learnin' from YOU, Little Jimmy, 'stead of the other way around."
James felt queasy all of a sudden. It unsettled him to hear a sadist like Mr. Potter congratulating him as a co-conspirator in the corruption of the Negro race.
But wasn't the man speaking the truth? In less than a month, James had taken an innocent slave boy, a stranger to the world of male-on-male sex, and transformed him into an insatiable sex-hound with an obvious preference for sodomy.
But wasn't that a huge part of slavery's appeal for him? The power it gave him to pluck out some cute random nigger boy, deflower him against his will, and then rape him over and over until the boy's very identity was totally, irreversibly perverted?
There was a wicked part of him that longed to watch the corruption continue, regardless of the cost to Elijah's health, sanity, and happiness.
"You mind if I have a little bit of fun with the nigger?" Mr. Potter asked.
James cocked his head, startled.
"Jesus Christ, no, nothin' like that!" Mr. Potter laughed. "I'm just curious to see how messed up the kid really is."
James nodded weakly. He felt protective of Elijah, but also curious to see where Mr. Potter was going with this.
"Take off your clothes, boy!" Mr. Potter instructed.
Elijah arched his eyebrows. He was already feeling self-conscious enough, surrounded by hostile eyes. Surely he wasn't going to have to strip for the audience of white men
3; not to mention in front of Laney!
"You're tryin' my patience," Mr. Potter warned. "Now get your scrawny ass out of them rags 'fore I rip 'em off your black hide myself!"
Elijah shot James a helpless, pleading look, but the white man just nodded grimly for Elijah to obey.
Elijah stared sullenly at the ground and slowly unbuttoned his scratchy cotton shirt. He tugged his skinny smooth arms through its sleeves and tossed it to the side. His flat teenage chest, protruding ribcage, and shiny chocolate skin contrasted sharply with the pale muscular builds of the well-fed white men watching him as he stripped.
Elijah hesitated, but Mr. Potter nodded sternly for him to continue.
With an embarrassed smile, Elijah reluctantly pushed his pants to the ground and quickly covered his crotch with both hands.
"You obviously ain't never been up for auction," Mr. Potter observed. "So here's a word of advice, boy. When a white man tells you to strip, always let him see the goods 'tween your legs, you hear me?"
"Yessuh," Elijah mumbled.
He pried away his hands to expose the thick dark cock hanging heavily between his legs. He shivered, more out of nervousness than any actual chill in the air.
A few of the overseers whistled drunkenly, impressed by the size of a boy so young.
Looking Elijah up and down, Mr. Potter leaned in and whispered to James:
"He's a handsome little nigger, I'll give you that. Snopes sure knows how to pick 'em, don't he? Hell, I'd dig my cock up that cute little butt if you'd let me!"
James's stomach lurched with jealousy, and he shot Mr. Potter a cold look.
"Calm down, Little Jimmy, I'm only fuckin' with you," Mr. Potter laughed.
He turned his attention to the naked, trembling slave boy.
"How old are you, boy?" Mr. Potter asked.
"I'se fourteen, suh," Elijah's voice cracked in reply.
"Fourteen, huh?" Mr. Potter responded. "Well, for only fourteen, that's a mighty promisin' dick you've got hangin' 'tween those skinny little legs of yours. You know that, boy?"
Elijah shifted his weight uneasily from one leg to the other, uncertain how to respond.
3; Thank you, suh?" Elijah gambled.
"Shit, boy, if you was one of my niggers, I'd be usin' you for breedin' already," Mr. Potter declared with a slightly intoxicated slur of his words.
"Those big ol' balls of yours could probably spit out at least a good six dozen fresh pickaninnies a year! But only if you know how to use that gift the Good Lord placed 'tween your legs. You know how to use that snake of yours, boy?"
Elijah scratched his head nervously.
"Let me ask you this. You fuck a lot of girls?" Mr. Potter asked bluntly.
Elijah stared at the ground and shrugged his shoulders.
"I know you nigger boys lose count even 'fore you've sprouted hair on your balls, but give me a rough idea. Thirty? Twenty? A dozen?"
Elijah bit into his bottom lip, painfully aware of Laney's presence in the room.
3; I ain't never been with a girl before, suh," Elijah confessed sheepishly.
Mr. Potter dropped his jaw in mock amazement.
"Well, I'll be damned!" he exclaimed, slapping his knees with laughter. "You hear that, boys? There's such a thing as a nigger boy who ain't already wet his dick in every pussy on the plantation!"
The other men laughed as they puffed on their smokes and swilled from their flasks.
Elijah scowled with resentment at being turned into the butt of their joke.
"Alright, then, so you're a virgin to pussy," Mr. Potter stated in a voice still hoarse from laughter. "But what about ASS? You ever enjoyed yourself a good ride in another nigger's shit-hole? And don't you lie to me, boy."
Elijah glanced guiltily at Laney. To his surprise, the girl seemed barely to be paying attention. Her chin rested against her chest, and her eyes looked almost lifeless. Elijah wasn't sure if he should be hurt or relieved by Laney's indifference.
3; I'se done
3; thay
3; a couple of times, I guess," Elijah confessed with obvious embarrassment.
The overseers chortled with amusement.
"I ain't want to do it, though!" Elijah blurted out defensively.
"And how'd you like it?" Mr. Potter persisted obnoxiously. "You like the feelin' of a boy's shit-hole, squeezin' real tight on your pole?"
Elijah squirmed uncomfortably, and prayed to God his dick wouldn't get hard.
3; it was kinda weird-feelin'," Elijah shrugged. "But it's all right, I 'spose."
"Well, I'll tell you what, Elijah, today's your lucky day," Mr. Potter said playfully. "You seem like a nice kid. Well-behaved and respectful, unlike our stable-monkey over there. So I'll give you a choice."
The stable grew quiet with the exception of some birds playing in the rafters.
"You can fuck either the girl or her brother," Mr. Potter explained calmly. "But only one of them. It's up to you."
Mr. Potter folded his arms and winked at James.
"It don't really matter none to me," he shrugged. "Either way, the stable-nigger ain't gonna like it."
So this was the man's ploy to measure the slave-boy's corruption.
James had to admit it was a cruel but clever plan to torment the teenage boy. Mr. Potter was pitting Elijah's natural instinct toward pussy against his newly acquired craving for ass, and James was eager to see which would win out.
Elijah's mind did dizzying somersaults as it contemplated such an unexpected proposition.
What was there to debate?!? Hadn't he lusted after Laney's body for as long as he could remember, even before he knew what 'fucking' meant? Of course he'd always been too shy to make anything happen, and his clumsy attempts at courtship were pathetic competition against the natural charm and confidence of boys like Lil Rooster. This was his chance to experience what other boys had bragged about for years!
Laney was a pretty girl, there was no doubt about it. Elijah glanced at her naked body, sprawled on the stable's dirt floor. He stared at her tiny, pert breasts and imagined squeezing them beneath his fingers. He wondered how her warm, naked skin would feel pressed against his own. He lowered his eyes to the fuzzy patch between her legs, and imagined parting its mysteries with his cock. Why was he hesitating? Even Laney's own brother had jumped at the first opportunity to fuck her!
But it wasn't supposed to be like this, Elijah thought bitterly. Laney was his friend. The girl he'd dreamed of marrying one day. Their first time together should be tender and sweet, not raped against her will while a crowd of drooling white men drunkenly cheered them on.
Besides, Elijah reflected guiltily, he already knew for a fact that he liked ass-fucking. Everything else aside, didn't it make the most sense to choose a confirmed pleasure over the intimidating unknown?
Elijah glanced nervously at the stable-boy's dark, hilly buttocks. He thought of the wet plopping fuck-sounds that had filled the stable air for most of the afternoon. He had to admit, the idea of fucking an older, stronger boy excited him. A kind of payback for all the niggers who'd bullied him growing up.
But would Laney be able to forgive him for fucking her helpless brother? He hoped she'd understand that his choice was she or Jacob, and surely his fucking her brother was preferable to him raping her!
3; I don't know," Elijah stuttered. "I don't want to hurt nobody, suh."
"Awwwwww, that's really fuckin' sweet of you," Mr. Potter mocked. "I'm sure they 'preciate the sentiment and all, but I don't recall givin' you that choice. So make up your mind 'fore I come over there and fuck you myself!"
Elijah flinched from the white man's threat.
"Okay, okay," he blurted out. "I
3; I guess I'll
3; you know
3; put it in her brother."
Elijah hung his head in shame.
Mr. Potter grinned victoriously.
James breathed a sigh of relief, and looked forward to the show to come.
"Interesting choice
3; interesting choice indeed," Mr. Potter chuckled. "Well, we ain't got all day. Show us what you can do with that big ol' man-cock of yours!"
Elijah glanced sheepishly at Laney as he walked over to Jacob's dark greasy butt-melons. He tugged nervously on his dick, which sprang to its full nine inches [23 cm] at the sight of the stable-boy's buttocks.
Elijah looked anxiously at James, who eagerly nodded for him to continue.
Elijah clumsily poked his cock against the gaping, cum-soaked entrance to the dark squishy cavern it craved. With an awkward, enthusiastic thrust, it slipped into the older boy's ass-tunnel with surprising ease.
Jacob yelled at the top of his lungs and clung fiercely to the sides of the hay-bale. Elijah's cock was by far the biggest he'd taken that day, and seemed to drag the skin of Jacob's intestines to painfully new depths of his body.
Jacob panted in short panicked gasps as he endured the ghastly pain. It was humiliating enough, being face-fucked and ass-raped by a bunch of horny white men. But this was an all-time low. Being fucked in the ass by some greasy-skinned, wet-behind-the-ears little nigger with a dick even bigger than his own. He wondered if the boy would go home that night and brag to his buddies about turning Jacob into his bitch.
Elijah closed his eyes and savored the warm-wet squeeze of the stable-boy's asshole. He knew that just a month ago the very idea of this would have repulsed him. What kind of boy in his right mind would want to put his dick up a boy's smelly, shitty butt-hole?
But there he was, shoving his cock up another boy's butt like he'd been doing such things all his life. And not only that, he was enjoying it! In that moment, fucking the older boy's ass seemed like the sweetest pleasure on Earth. Nothing he could think of came close.
Elijah raised his ass high in the air and plunged into Jacob's rectum with deeper, more confident thrusts. He bit his bottom lip as sweat poured down his face and dripped onto the stable-boy's back.
James watched Elijah's buttocks rise high in the air before every downward thrust, ogling the slave boy's ass as if seeing it for the first time. He marveled at its high-sloping curves, its smooth, sweat-shiny skin, and firm, adolescent muscles.
It seemed like years since he'd tasted its exquisite pleasures. Like a thirsty desert traveler stooping to drink, James fell to his knees and buried his face between Elijah's sweat-sticky buttocks.
Elijah looked over his shoulder in surprise and annoyance.
The overseers let out a groan of disgust as they watched the Yankee bend over to lick a dirty nigger boy's butt-hole just as they might have licked a fresh pussy.
But James was oblivious to their groans. He clutched Elijah's ass-mounds greedily in both hands, and nuzzled his nose into the boy's moist tiny pucker. He closed his eyes and inhaled the thick pungent smell of the Negro boy's sweaty hole. Intoxicated by the odor, James lapped hungrily at the sweet wrinkled circle sealed tightly against invasion.
Elijah let out a raspy cry of pleasure as James's soft wet tongue circled the tight ring of his asshole. The sensation provided a thrilling accompaniment to the already-intense pleasure of butt-fucking, and he raised his ass to push the man's tongue deeper into his hole.
As James feasted on Elijah's sweet funky butt-hole, he suddenly felt a desire to possess his slave's body and his slave's mind. He wanted Elijah to know James was the reason he'd chosen ass over pussy. He wanted to leave no doubt in Elijah's mind about who still had the power to alter and control his life.
James dislodged his face from Elijah's ass, stumbled to his feet, and pushed his pants to the ground. He spat on the boy's pucker as his cock strained hungrily toward it. Then he spat into his hand, rubbed it up and down his shaft, and pushed the head of his cock against the fiercely resistant opening. Eventually it collapsed from the pressure and swallowed his entire cock.
The overseers gasped in a chorus of surprise, and shot each other knowing smirks.
James sighed as he sank his cock deep in the Negro boy's ass. He bent Elijah over to create a clumsy, precarious sandwich of sweaty human flesh. James grinded his hips into Elijah's split-open bubble-butt with slow, churning circles. At the same time, Elijah's eager black warrior speared Jacob's ass-mounds repeatedly in two.
Elijah squirmed to accommodate the white man's sharp prick, and strained to focus only on the pleasure engulfing his cock. Much to Elijah's surprise, his efforts seemed to work. The pain in his rectum dulled into a kind of deep, pulsing pleasure, similar to taking a long, pleasant shit. He bit his bottom lip to keep himself from moaning, lest James and the other white men should get the wrong idea.
James nuzzled Elijah's neck and fucked with wild abandon. He clutched the boy's face with both hands, sloppily caressing its cheeks and nose and lips as he grunted in his ears.
"I love you," James gasped, tonguing the boy's neck.
Elijah cringed at the man's words, and jerked his head away from the fingers carelessly groping his face.
3; remember
3;" James whispered between downward thrusts, quietly enough that only Elijah could hear. "Every
3; ass
3; you fuck
3; is one I let you fuck!"
Elijah ignored the man's words, concentrating on his own pleasure as his balls churned hotly for release.
"And your ass," James grunted, licking Elijah's ear, "is mine
3; and mine only, you hear me?!?
3; And don't
James slammed his cock into Elijah's ass until only his pubes were visible.
3; you ever
James stabbed Elijah's guts with full force.
3; forget it!"
As James hissed these words, he squeezed out his final drops of cum directly into the Negro boy's rectum.
At the same exact time, Elijah flooded Jacob's bowels with his hot, runny cum. He then collapsed sweaty and panting against the stable-boy's tense muscled back.
Jacob winced as Elijah's cum gushed into his body and burned his insides.
"Motherfuckin' Christ, I've done seen it all!" Mr. Potter laughed, holding up his flask as if making a triumphant toast.
James climbed off Elijah in a daze. Smiling sheepishly at Mr. Potter, he pulled up his pants and helped Elijah slide off of Jacob.
Elijah felt dizzy as James helped him back into his clothes. As the euphoria of orgasm wore off, it was quickly replaced with a rush of hot, throbbing shame. And what was that James had slobbered in his ear? Did it affect in any way the search for Elijah's father? Like a drunk waking up with a wretched hangover, Elijah sluggishly strove to make sense of the day's events.
James finally released Elijah to return home, but promised to summon him again soon.
Jacob and Laney, however, weren't quite as lucky.
Their torture continued until well past sunset.
The overseers threw Laney on her back, kicked open her legs, and took turns raping her while Jacob was forced to watch.
As one man split open her cunt, another man sat on her face, stuffing her mouth with his cock, or smearing his asshole across her nose, lips, and tongue. As they did this, a couple other men would grope her small tits with their hands.
When the men grew bored with Laney's stretched-open cunt, they flipped her on her stomach and fucked her pretty brown ass.
The men not fucking Laney were happy to use her brother as a substitute. When they'd each fucked Jacob's mouth and ass another two or three times, dumping their loads in his rectum or splattering them across his face, they grew eager to defile the stable-boy in incrementally crueler ways.
They scooped their own semen, fresh and steamy, right out of Laney's cunt, and forced him to lick it off their fingers.
They also dug out their spunk, warm and slimy, right out of Jacob's own ass, and shoveled it into his mouth.
Laughing raucously, they took turns bending over in front of Jacob's face, and ordered him to lick out their shit-holes.
When they'd bust too many nuts to even get hard, they shoved blunt objects up Jacob's raw shredded asshole. The ends of cigars, the necks of their liquor-bottles, and the handles of whips: anything they could find to inflict new pain on their victim.
McGreevey even jammed a loaded pistol up Jacob's ass, and in a drunken tantrum he threatened to fire it, before Mr. Potter talked him down.
They did the same thing to Laney, ramming blunt objects up her small brown butt. Then they'd shove them in Jacob's mouth, forcing him to taste his own little sister's ass-juices.
One of the men even suggested they bring in a couple of Mr. Potter's hounds, to fuck the brother and sister. But by that point they were all too drunk to see the idea through to completion.
James refused to participate in such sadistic debauchery, but he nevertheless sat back and watched it all without protest. Just a few hours earlier, he surely would have been sickened by such shocking, amoral acts. He would have called such behavior a crime against humanity, and fired every single man involved.
But the afternoon was littered with too many small surrenders of conscience. They weighed on his will and chipped away at his moral resolve. Not enough so that he joined in, but enough to keep his dick hard for the bulk of the evening, undeniably excited by the suffering of others.
By the time Mr. Potter declared that the punishment was officially over, three of the overseers were already passed out.
Laney slumped unconscious from the pain of her injuries, her lips and cunt swollen and her body covered in cum.
Jacob lay limply across the bale of hay. His lips were cracked and puffy, and streaks of dried piss and cum plastered his haggard face.
The pitchfork from the corner of the room now jutted into the air out of his butt, like a victory flag planted in a conquered enemy's soil. Its blunt end now plugged his swollen asshole and mocked his earlier dreams of heroic defiance.
For the first time in the last four years, Jacob sympathized with his mother's suicide.
With the help of smelling salts, Mr. Potter woke Laney up and freed her to return to the slave quarters. There, Cora (Solomon's wife) dressed Laney's wounds and cradled the weeping girl to sleep in her arms.
Mr. Potter dragged Jacob to the smokehouse, where he shackled the runaway slave to its stone walls.
The other men dispersed, riding home to their families or returning to the overseer's quarters.
James stumbled home through the darkness of night. He ordered Abel to draw him a bath, after which he ate a late supper with hard liquor instead of wine.
James retired to the verandah, where he nursed a tall bottle late into the moonlit night. His dull but contented life as a schoolteacher in Boston now seemed like a blurry memory from another time, another life.
While making his late-night rounds, Abel stumbled across his new Master – unconscious and reeking of liquor, sprawled on the front porch floor.
The End (?)
WannabeWhitman wrote me "I might continue the saga one of these days, but right now my life's just too busy with other things."