PZA Boy Stories

Justin Davis

An Urban Christmas
A Christmas Karel


  1. An Urban Christmas (6,000 words / 12 pages)
    A 14-year-old boy goes out hustling to earn some money for a Christmas tree and presents.
  2. A Christmas Karel (5,500 words / 11 pages)
    For several generations the Viscounts Davis are boy lovers and looking for pupils around Christmas.
Publ. 2004 & 2005 (ASSGM); this site Dec 2009
Finished 11,500 words (23 pages)


13 and 14yo boys and adults

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mt – cons oral anal – prost


The following stories contain graphic sexual scenes involving older males and younger males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read these stories. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read these stories by law.

These stories are purely works of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Additionally, the actions of the characters in these stories are in no way intended to show approval of, or give sanction to, their actions.

The author claims all copyrights to these stories and no duplication or publication of these stories is allowed, except by the web sites to which they have been posted, without the consent of the author.

Hi Justin, where are you? I tried to contact you about this re-publication, but your e-mail doesn't work anymore. I hope you consent. Not a letter of the story is changed.

Orphan stories

These are orphan stories, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me through this feedback form with Justin Davis Christmas stories in the subject line. Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the webmaster through this form.

An Urban Christmas

A 14-year-old boy goes out hustling to earn some money for a Christmas tree and presents

Jason (14yo) and Mr. Chris
Mt – cons oral anal – prost

Chapter One

Fourteen-year-old Jason Barclay stood under the streetlight and rubbed his arms through the cloth of the parka that he wore and stamped his trainer shod feet. It was cold, very cold, and it was two days before Christmas. He pulled his Cubs baseball cap more tightly down around his head, further squashing his blonde curly mop of hair.

Here and there, a few snowflakes drifted downward from the overcast sky, a portent that the weather forecast had been right. The 'lake effect' snows were beginning and it would indeed be a White Christmas this year.

Jason had strategically placed himself a block away from the older kids that hung around one block further north, in the area known as 'The Meat Market.' He didn't like hanging around with that crowd. Most were older and they were into drugs and all sorts of things. After all, the times that he had ventured down into the area, on the edge of the run down section of the city in which he lived, it had been to get his peter sucked for some bucks, and that was that.

As he stood there, trying to keep warm, he thought of his mom, who would be soon getting off work again from her job at the ratty diner in which she worked, trying to hold a family together composed of he and his younger brother and herself. Then, he snorted. She would be drunk before he even got home.

Fifty bucks was all he needed. Fifty dollars would buy the tree from Old Man Taylor's lot and a small present for his brother and his mom. He had already put ten dollars down on the tree from extra jobs he had done and the tree was still there with his name on it.

"Come on! Come on! Somebody pick me up!" Jason muttered under his breath, as he jiggled up and down and rubbed himself in order to keep warm in the biting cold.

Jason looked up toward the north and again saw a car stop and a boy get into it up the block.

"Fucker!" he exclaimed, knowing that every older kid that got picked up would lessen his chances for the night.

Christmas had been so much fun when his dad was alive, always a beautiful tree and presents. Now, in the last three years, it had been a miracle to even have any kind of Christmas at all.

For three years now, he had done odd jobs, and everything he could, to insure that there was a tree and something under it for his brother and mom. He had even started coming down to 'The Meat Market' because his brother had needed a book bag to start school that fall. A quick suck of his five-inch [12½ cm] peter, and the book bag was a lock.

"Oh, God! Please! Someone stop!" Jason muttered to himself, jiggling up and down even more because the cold was biting deeper and deeper into him, as the snowflakes began to fall even heavier.

Again, he looked up the street, and another kid hopped into a Cadillac.

"God damned fucker!" Jason exclaimed, as he saw Timmy Hanson get into the big Cadillac. "Shit! That fucking fag ain't even got as much dick as I got!" Jason exclaimed, and rubbed his arms more in an attempt to keep warm.

It was then that a red Lamborghini swiftly pulled up to the curb and stopped where Jason stood under the streetlight. His jaw dropped at the sight of the red sports car, for he knew how expensive they were.

"Oh fuck!" Jason murmured under his breath as the passenger side window glided down and he saw the portly man, with the salt and pepper beard, dressed in a red sweater and dark pants sitting behind the wheel.

"Hey! You need a ride kid?" the man asked.

"Uh, where you goin?" Jason replied.

"Well, down the way a bit. I'm in town for a few days and I'm staying at the Hyatt about five miles [8 km] down the road near the lake front," the man said.

Jason walked over to the car and leaned into the open window.

"Uh, you ain't a cop or nothing are yah?" he asked.

"Heavens no!" the man said, chuckling so heartily his whole body shook. "I'm just an out of town guy looking for some fun. I've been in town a few days and tonight's my last night. I have to leave in the morning," the portly man said.

"Uh, what kind of fun?" Jason asked, again prompting the man to laugh heartily.

"I think you know, young man. Then, again, maybe I'm wrong. I'll just go up the street back there. I'm sure I can find what I'm looking for," the man said, pointing over his shoulder to what was left of the group of boys waiting to be picked up.

"No, wait! I know what you're talking about. I'll go with yah!" Jason said, an air of panic in his voice.

"Well, then. Get in! Get in! It's cold out tonight!" the man said.

Jason opened the door and slid into the leather seat and immediately noticed it was warm. As he buckled the belt the man touched the switch on his armrest and the passenger window glided up and closed. Immediately, Jason noticed the soft sounds of Christmas music playing on the car stereo.

"Oh fuck!" he exclaimed.

"What's the matter, young man?" the portly man asked.

"Oh nothing. It's just that stupid music this time of year," Jason said, as the Lamborghini accelerated away from the curb, prompting the man to again chuckle.

"Yes, it's that time of year, a very busy season. Shopping, buying gifts, and all of that. It's the busiest time of the year in many countries."

"Whatever!" Jason said, a tone of disinterest in his voice.

"So, young man. What's your name?"


"Nice name! I'm partial to boys who have names with "J's."

"Oh brother!" Jason replied, rolling his eyes and head at the same time.

"Well, Jason. My name's Christopher. My friends call me Chris. How old are you, Jason?" the man asked.

"Uh, I'm sixteen," Jason replied, prompting the man to laugh so heartily his whole body shook again.

"Well, whatever you say. I should think you're probably not much over fourteen. But, no matter," the man responded.

"Look, mister. You're strange! You wanna suck my peter or not?"

"Well, I must say, Jason. You're direct and to the point. So, I'll be as well. Yes, I want to suck your peter and more, if you're willing," the man replied.

"Uh, wadda yah mean?"

"Well, for example, I would like for you to spend the night with me. It's my last night in town."

"Uh, I can't do that. My mom is expecting me home," Jason replied, suddenly not liking the way the whole situation was going at all, but prompting the man to laugh heartily again.

"You and I both know she won't know whether you are home or not, Jason."

"Uh, yeah she will. I'll really get in trouble!"

"No, I don't think so, Jason. By the way, how much do I have to pay for sucking your peter?" the man asked, as they started away from the stop light with a soft chirp of the tires.

"Uh, fifty bucks!"

"Well! You must really have some peter!" the man replied, and laughed heartily again.

"I got enough!" Jason said, shooting the man a 'go to hell look'.

"One hundred! One hundred bucks for you to spend the night with me, Jason."

"I told yah! I can't do that. Mom will be waiting for me to come home."

"Two hundred."

"Uh, really, I can't. Honest!"

"Three hundred!"

"Oh God!" Jason moaned, the prospect of more money in his hand than he had ever had in his young life just too much to comprehend. "Really, I can't. Just pull over somewhere and suck my peter and drop me back off."

"Five hundred!"

"Ohhhh, please!" Jason whined, fidgeting in his seat at the thought of so much money.

"Tell me, Jason. Why are you out hustling tonight?" the man asked.

"Uh, for the money."


"Cause it's Christmas."

"Oh! So you always hustle at Christmas, Jason?"

"No! Look! It's my fucking business, okay?" Jason, responded, his eyes beginning to tear up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I suspect you probably need the money for something very important."


"So you can get yourself something for Christmas, I suspect."

"No! It's not for me!" Jason said angrily, and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

"I see. For the family then?"

"Yeah, damn it! For the fucking family!" Jason replied, and looked out the window at the passing buildings.

"I see. You hungry?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Spend the night with me, Jason. We'll order from room service, anything you want. You won't regret it. I promise you you won't."

"I told you I can't. My mom and all!"

"She'll be drunk an hour after she gets home."

"How the fuck you know? My mom ain't like that!" Jason shot back angrily.

"Again, I'm sorry. A man in my position knows lots of things. She won't miss you, Jason. It'll be okay. Spend the night with me."

"You scare me! You're weird!" Jason replied, prompting the man to laugh heartily again.

"You've nothing to be afraid of, Jason. I promise you that. Humor an old old man. Spend the night with me. We'll have lots of fun."

"How much money?" Jason asked.

"Five hundred bucks!"

Jason looked over at the man, his smile, and pondered the offer. Yeah, the guy was kinda fat and all. But, the man seemed sincere. And, he could damn sure use the money. His brother and mom would freak out with all the presents under the tree.

"Okay. I'll do it!"

"You won't be sorry, Jason. I promise you that."


"Holy shit, mister! You must have a lot of money!" Jason exclaimed, when the man opened the door to the posh executive suite he occupied on the top floor of the hotel, prompting the man to chuckle.

Indeed, the marble floors, Persian rugs, and the other furnishings were quite opulent. Not only that, just the sitting-area of the suite in which Jason stood was bigger than the whole apartment he and his mom and younger brother shared.

"Well, I do like to surround myself with nice things when I travel," the man replied. "Please call me Chris. Mister Chris, if that makes you more comfortable," the man added.

"Uh, yeah, sure!"

"So, Jason. What do you want to eat?" the man asked.

"Uh, a cheeseburger and fries," Jason replied, prompting the man to chuckle again.

"You can have anything you want, Jason. How about a nice steak or some shrimp? They have excellent seafood and steak here."

"Nah! Just a burger and fries is okay."

"Well, then. I'll have the same thing. What do you want to drink?" the man asked.

"Uh, root beer, if they got it."

"Oh, I'm sure they have it," the man replied, and picked up the handset on one of the phones in the large sitting-area to call room service.

As the man talked on the phone, Jason was drawn to the large widow on the other side of the sitting-area that over looked the city and lakefront, and he walked over and stood before it gazing out. It was a view of the city and lakefront he had never seen. It was a far cry from the grungy surroundings he was used to down below in the other part of the city. Here, everything sparkled in the night, like a thousand fireflies. It all looked so clean, so fresh, so beautiful.

"Gosh! It's beautiful!" Jason exclaimed softly, awed by what he was seeing.

"Yes! It's a beautiful view isn't it," the man commented as he hung up the handset. "Looks like the snow is getting a little heavier," he said, as he walked over and placed his hands upon Jason's shoulders and began to rub them as he gazed out the window with him.

"Uh, yeah!" Jason replied, wincing a little at the man's touch.

"Tell you what. While we're waiting on the burgers why don't you take a nice hot bath?"

"Uh, I'm clean."

"Just the same, I think a hot bath will do you good. Here, take my hand," the man said, and held out his hand for Jason to grasp.

"Good grief!" Jason exclaimed, as the man led him into the huge marbled bathroom with mirrored walls, gold fixtures, a huge sunken tub and separate shower.

"I think you'll find the tub very relaxing. I know I do. Now, if you'll get out of your things I'll run the water for you."

"Uh, you gonna be here with me naked?" Jason asked, prompting the man to laugh heartily.

"My boy! I've seen many a naked boy in my long life. Besides, how am I supposed to suck your peter with your clothes on?"

"You gonna suck it now?" Jason asked, taking off his parka, prompting the man to chuckle.

"No, not now. We've plenty of time for that later," the man replied, turning his attention to filling the tub.

"Oh, okay," Jason replied, unbuttoning his shirt.

"Oh my!" the man exclaimed, when he eventually turned around a looked at Jason who was now naked.

"Uh, something wrong?"

"Oh no! Everything's just fine," the man said, gazing at Jason's almost three-inch [7½ cm], flaccid, circumcised peter, pecan-sized balls and small tuft of blonde pubes. "You look lovely," he added and smiled.

"Uh, thanks!" Jason replied, and covered his genitals with his hands, feeling a bit uncomfortable at the man's gaze.

"Okay, I think the water is about right. Into the tub with you now!" the man said.

Jason climbed into the tub and immediately enjoyed the warmth of the water. Then, as the man pushed the button to activate the whirlpool and the water began to swirl around him, he let out a big sigh and lay back in the tub.

"Here's a bath rag and a towel," the man said, laying them down beside the tub. "I'll put this robe for you over here," he added, referring to the white terry cloth robe he had draped over his right arm.

"Uh, what about my clothes?" Jason asked.

"Don't worry about that. I'll take care of these," the man said, placing the robe down upon one of the bathroom stools and starting to pick up Jason's clothing off of the bathroom floor.

As the man left, Jason closed his eyes and relaxed in the swirling water of the tub. He was so comfortable he could have gone to sleep. In fact, he did for a few minutes.

"Well, I see you like the tub," the man's voice said, prompting Jason to open his eyes and look toward the direction of the man's voice.

"Uh, yeah. It's cool!" Jason replied, wondering why the man was dressed only in a white terry cloth robe similar to one the man had laid out for him.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Uh, you mean you're gonna get naked and get in with me?" Jason asked, prompting the man to chuckle.

"Well, now. I can't very well get in with this robe on can I?"

"Uh, yeah. Okay," Jason said, in a somewhat unenthusiastic tone.

Jason watched as the man undid the sash of the robe and pulled it open in order to take it off.

"Shit! You're huge!" Jason exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at the flaccid, seven-inch [18 cm], uncircumcised penis and lime sized balls that protruded from a bush of salt and pepper pubes.

"Well, I admit I have put on a few pounds," the man replied, laying the robe down on one of the bathroom stools and patting his potbelly.

"I wasn't talking about your stomach."

"Oh, I see!" the man replied, looking down at his crotch, then chuckling as he walked over toward the tub. "Okay, just move up a little and I'll scoot in behind you," the man said, climbing into the tub.

Jason did as the man said and the man seated himself in the swirling water with Jason between his outstretched legs. Then, he leaned back upon the back of the tub.

"Lay back and relax a little, Jason. I won't bite you," the man said.

Jason did as he was told and lay back upon the man's body.

"Oh shit! Mmmmmmm!" Jason exclaimed, as the fingers of the man's right hand began to twirl themselves on the head of his peter.

"You want me to stop?" the man asked.

"Oh gosh, no! Mmmmm!"

"For some reason I didn't think you would," the man replied, and chuckled.

"Uh! Oh shit! Yessssss!" Jason exclaimed, as the man began to gently play with his hole with the index finger of his left hand while he twirled the head of Jason's now hard five-inch [12½ cm] peter in the fingers of his right.

"You like that, too, I see," the man said.

"Yessssss!" Jason hissed.

"I thought you would, since you sometimes play with your hole when you masturbate," the man replied.

"How did you know that!" Jason exclaimed, sitting up abruptly and turning around to look at the man.

"I know lots of things about young boys, Jason. Now, be a good boy and turn around and lay back for a few minutes more."

Jason did as the man asked and the fact that his body shivered as the next erotic shock wave went through it, as his hole and peter were played with, wasn't lost upon the man at all. In fact, if Jason could have seen the man's face he would have seen the smile.

"I can feel your dick in my back. It's hard," Jason soon commented.

"Yes, young Jason. I'm afraid it is," the man said.

"I wanna see!" Jason said, and again flipped around, breaking the man's contact with his body. "Shit! It's fucking huge!" Jason exclaimed, staring at ten-inches [25 cm] of thick meat so hard that the foreskin was fully retracted.

"Well, it's not that big."

"Oh yeah it is!" Jason said, and immediately reached out and took hold of the thing with his right hand and wrapped it around the huge organ. "I kinda noticed you were uncut like my friend, Alex. But, you can't tell it now," Jason then said, inspecting the huge tube.

"Yes, my foreskin is quite loose and fully retracts when I have an erection."

"Oh, that's cool!" Jason commented, as he started jacking the huge pole with his hand and watched the foreskin slide back and forth across the head of the man's big penis.

"Mmmmmmmm! You better not do that too much!"

"You like that, huh?" Jason asked, and giggled as he continued jacking the huge tube, his reservations about the man melting away just as the snowflakes were outside as they hit the pavement.

"Yes, I do," the man replied.

"Suck my peter now. Please!" Jason said, in a pleading tone, letting go of the man's cock and prompting him to chuckle.

"Not so fast, young Jason. We've plenty of time. Hand me the soap and I'll bathe you. The food will be here soon."

Jason didn't remember the last time anyone had bathed him. He just knew it was his mom and it was a long time ago. Yet, at the gentle touches of the man he surrendered himself totally, as if he was a little kid again, and almost purred as the soapy rag paid attention to every area of his body, groaning loudly as his butt crack an hole were cleaned with the soapy rag.

"There, that should do it! Hop out and I'll finish up," the man said.

"No way!" Jason replied. "I'm gonna do you," he replied.

"You sure you want to bathe a fat old man like me?"

"Well, you are kinda fat. But, you're nice, Mister Chris," Jason replied, prompting the man to chuckle so hard his whole belly shook.

"Okay, young Jason. Wash away!" the man said, noting that it was the first time Jason had called him by his name.

Chapter Two

Christopher couldn't help but shake his head and smile at how fast Jason wolfed down his cheeseburger and fries as the two sat in their identical, white, terry cloth bathrobes. Of course, because of Jason's small stature the bathrobe swallowed him up and hung down to just above his ankles when he stood up.

"You gonna suck my peter now?" Jason asked, having wiped his mouth with the linen napkin and prompting Christopher to chuckle.

"You don't want any dessert? We can order some," Christopher said.

"Nah! That's okay. I'd rather have my peter sucked," Jason replied, prompting Christopher to chuckle again.

"Well, I'll say one thing for you, young Jason, you're certainly persistent. I guess we'll just have to get that taken care of right away," Christopher said, rising from his chair and holding out his hand. " Come on. Let's go take care it."

Even though the hotel suite was warm Jason shivered a little, as he lay naked upon the bed while Christopher removed his robe. He was used to getting his peter sucked in the passenger seat of some car or leaning up against a tree or building or some such. Never had he actually been in a bed with any of the men who had slurped on his five-inch [12½ cm] boner.

Christopher climbed into bed and reached out and put his arm around the boy and pulled him to him and held him close. As he did so, he could feel Jason's body tremble a bit.

"What's the matter, young Jason? You're not scared are you?" Christopher asked.

"Uh, yeah kinda," Jason replied.

"Why? You know I'm not going to hurt you," Christopher said.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that, well, I ain't ever done it this way before," Jason said.

"What do you mean, young Jason?" Christopher asked.

"Well, it's just I ain't ever been in bed with a man that was gonna suck my peter. It's strange and all," Jason replied, prompting Christopher to chuckle.

"Well, young Jason. There's a lot more to sex than just getting your peter sucked. I think it's time you learned that. Now, I want you to lay back and put your hands behind your head and I'm going to show you something," Christopher replied.

Even though the walls of the suite were quite well sound proofed, it is good that no other guests were on the top floor of the hotel, for Jason's cries of delight would most certainly have been heard as the older man's mouth explored every inch of Jason's body.

Jason squealed as the man's mouth devoured the area between his groin and thighs. He gasped and squirmed as his nipples were sucked and nibbled. Then, he wailed like the siren on an EMS truck as he got his hole eaten for the first time. Never in his life had Jason felt anything as good as the man's tongue snaking into his rectum and he fucked back at the moist tongue trying to get as much of it into him as he could.

"Please! Suck my peter now!" Jason begged, his hard five-inch [12½ cm] dick throbbing for attention.

"Not just yet," Christopher replied, and dove in and began to suck and nibble on Jason's perineum, instantly eliciting more wails of delight from the boy.

Jason squirmed like a baby seal upon the bed, for no part of his body went untouched, from his ears down to his toes. Jason's dick began to leak pre-cum profusely and he reached for it in desperation to tug on it, only to have his hand brushed away by the older man.

"Not just yet. Be patient," the man said, causing Jason to moan loudly out of frustration, then gasp, as the man slurped one of his pecan-sized balls into his mouth and began to work on it with his tongue.

"Yes! Fuck yes!" Jason cried out at the top of his lungs when the man finally slurped his peter into his mouth.

Instantly, Jason grabbed the man's head and began to hunch up into the moist cavern. Then, he gasped and squealed with pleasure as two of the man's fingers entered his moist hole and began to slowly fuck his rectum while his peter got sucked.

Needless to say, it didn't take long for Jason to cum. In less time than he would have liked, for he wanted the gooey feelings to last forever, Jason was wailing at the ceiling and blowing his sweet cum pellets into the older man's eager and willing mouth.

"That was so good!" Jason said softly, as the man held him close to his body afterward.

"Well, I told you there was more than just getting your peter sucked," Christopher replied.

"Yeah! Uh, you're hard again. I can feel your dick in my back," Jason commented, prompting a chuckle from Christopher.

"Yes, I'm afraid I'm quite hard after all that," Christopher said.

"Uh, you want me to jerk you off or something?" Jason asked.

"If you want. You just do what you feel comfortable doing. Just like when you and your friend mess around," Christopher said.

"How do you know about Alex?" Jason exclaimed, sitting up in bed and looking at the older man, for absolutely no one knew all the things he and Alex did when they played around with each other.

"I told you. I know lots of things about boys," Christopher replied.

"So, what you want me to do?" Jason asked, staring at the long, hard, tube.

"You do what you feel like," the man replied, and smiled.

Jason grasped the thick tube with his hand and pulled downward on it causing the foreskin to fully retract. Then he slowly began to wank the thick stalk.

"Mmmmmmmm! Very good! That's nice!" Christopher exclaimed.

Jason stared at the big penis as he slowly stroked it and as a drop of pre-cum appeared he wondered if it tasted anything like Alex's. Slowly, he moved his head forward and slurped up the sticky stuff with his tongue, eliciting a groan from the older man.

"That's different," he then commented, for the stuff was sugary sweet, not salty tasting like his friend Alex's, or his own for that matter.

Jason lowered his mouth upon the impressive organ and began to bob it up and down. Instinctively, when the older man grabbed him to pull him on top of him Jason knew what to do. He didn't know it was called a 'sixty-nine' but he and Alex had done it before in that position.

"Mmmmm!" Jason exclaimed as the older man slurped his peter into his mouth. "Oh yes! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Jason cried out, moments later, as the man began to eat his hole again, and he put his mouth back on the man's cock and started bobbing up and down again on the big tube. "Mmmmmm! Mmmmmm!" Jason then exclaimed, his mouth full of dick, as the older man's fingers inserted themselves in his hole again and began fucking him with them as the man's moist mouth sucked on his dick.

For awhile the two reveled in the consummation and the connection of their bodies, Jason bobbing his mouth up and down on the huge tube like a natural-born pro. Then, as the older man picked him up and flipped him on to all fours, head down and butt up on the bed, Jason became scared. But, just for a moment.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jason began to wail, for the big hands had spread his butt crack as far as they could and the spongy tongue was invading his most private area again.

Alternately, tongue and fingers invaded Jason's hole and he began to wank his again hard peter. His vocal utterings became a litany of soprano wails of ecstasy that would have made the Vienna Boy's Choir green with envy, as he lay head down butt up on the bed, three fingers now going in and out of his bottom. Then, there was sudden absence of the fingers and there was a brief sharp pain and a sudden rush of fullness in his bum.

"Ow! Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" Jason exclaimed, and reared up a little and craned his head backward to look at his butt.

Christopher was smiling down at him.

"Oh shit! It's all in me!" Jason said.

"You want me to take it out?" the man asked, placing his hands on the boy's hips.

"Yessss, uhhh noo, I don't know," Jason replied softly, not really believing that the big penis was all the way up his butt.

"You know I want to cum in your bottom don't you?" the man asked.

"Yesssss," Jason simpered in reply.

"Alex has cummed in your bottom hasn't he?" the man asked.

"Yessss," Jason replied meekly, nodding his head that Alex had.

"It's your choice, young Jason. I'll stop if you want. Do you want me to stop?" the man asked.

"Uhhh, nooooo, it's okay," Jason whimpered, and lay his head back down upon the bed.

"Oh Jason! You precious precious kid! I'm gonna fuck you soooo good!" the older man said, prompting Jason to yelp.

"Ohhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhh! Ooooooooooo! Ooooooooooooo!" Jason then began to wail, as the older man slowly began to fuck his bottom with the big tube and the head of the thing began to slide back and forth over his immature prostate.

"Oh yesssssss!" the older man hissed, Jason's butt so tight that it seemed to be strangling his huge tool.

Carefully and deliberately, the older man slowly long-dicked the boy until his big cock was sliding in and out with ease and it gleamed with the boy's ass juices. Then, he increased the pace of his fucking.

"Unh! Unh! Unh!" Jason soon began to grunt, and he grabbed the sheets with his hands as the pace of the fuck increased and the older man's groin began to bang against his up-turned butt cheeks.

Although his friend Alex had put his peter in his butt several times, this was totally different for Jason. The huge cock was causing him to feel sensations he had never felt before. Shock waves of pleasure began to shoot through Jason's body with every thrust of the massive tube into his bottom, and though he couldn't see it, his hard peter was oozing ribbons of pre-cum onto the bed sheets.

"Annnggghhh! Annnggghhh! Annnggghhh!" Jason started to wail, his mind going on overload as the sensations got stronger and stronger.

"Yeah! Yeah! Mmmmm! Mmmmm!" the older man chanted as his groin smacked against Jason's upturned butt.

Then suddenly, there was a low guttural sound, almost like a growl, that began to rise up from deep inside Jason and corresponded with what seemed like a huge bubble of pleasure building up and up inside him. He recognized the feeling and couldn't believe it was happening.

"Ohhhhhhhh–Myyyyyy–Godddddd–I'mmmmmm–Goooonnnnnaaaa–Cummmm!" Jason wailed in a crescendo.

Then, he howled like a coyote as his hard peter began to twitch and jerk and spray cum pellets all over the sheets, having the first hands-free cum of his young life.

Immediately, the older man bellowed like a bull and began to spew his cum load into Jason's rectum, for the orgasmic spasms of Jason's butt muscles were so strong that they were milking his big cock like a milking machine, making him cum long before he would have liked to.


Sometime in the early hours of the morning, Jason gasped softly and bit his lower lip and furrowed his brow, like dozens of boys had done before him, as the huge penis invaded his rectum again. Then, he wrapped his arms around the older man's neck and cooed and purred as the huge tube slid slowly in and out of his upturned bottom. It was a slow fuck, a deliberate fuck. No rush this time, and Jason wanked his peter the whole time, yelping and blowing his load on his tummy when the man moaned loudly and began to fill his bottom with sperm again.

"It feels like it's slowly crawling out of my butt," Jason commented moments later, as he lay snuggled up against the older man, the softening tube still in his bottom.

"Well, in a way it is," the man said, and chuckled and kissed the boy on his cheek.

It was nine the next morning when Jason stirred awake, suddenly aware that the older man wasn't in the bed with him, and he quickly sat up in bed scared that he was alone.

"Well! Well! I was wondering if you were ever gonna wake up!" Christopher said, as he entered the bedroom dressed in the same clothes he wore the night before.

"Uh, you got your clothes on," Jason commented. "We ain't gonna do more stuff?" he asked, an air of disappointment in his voice and prompting the man to chuckle.

"I'm afraid not, young Jason. I need to get you back. I've got a plane to catch before long. I had your clothes cleaned and pressed last night. I'll go get them for you while you go to the bathroom," the man said and left the bedroom.

In response, Jason looked down at his piss-hard and sighed. Then he crawled out of the bed and headed for the bathroom, wishing that he was going to get his peter sucked again.


"Well, Jason. It's been nice meeting you and getting to know you," Christopher said, an hour later as they sat in the red Lamborghini in front of the tenement complex where Jason lived. "Here's the money I owe you," he added, holding out a sealed white envelope.

"Uh, thanks!" Jason said as he took the envelope from the man.

"Maybe next time I'm in town we'll meet again," the man said and smiled.

"Uh, yeah! Maybe so," Jason replied.

"Now, I've got a plane to catch and you've got presents to buy, remember, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. You be a good boy and hop out now," the man said.

"Uh, yeah, okay. It's been nice to meet you Mr. Chris and thanks again. I hope you have a nice Christmas," Jason replied, clutching the white envelope then opening the passenger door.

"Thank you, Jason! I hope you have a nice Christmas, too. In fact, I'm almost certain you will," the older man said, and chuckled, as Jason got out of the car and closed the passenger door.

"See yah!" Jason hollered, and waved as the red Lamborghini pulled away from the curb.

"Holy shit!" Jason exclaimed moments later, as he opened the envelope and thumbed through the bills it contained. All of them, and there must have been at least twenty or thirty, were hundred dollar bills. Quickly, Jason looked up in the direction of the departing vehicle. Of course, the red car had already vanished from sight.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Chris, and thanks!" Jason muttered to himself, as he looked back down again at the envelope and the money it contained.

Then, he tucked the envelope into his parka, and smiled. For sure, it would be the nicest Christmas since his dad had died. Thanks, of course, to a bearded fat man named Mr. Chris.

The End

A Christmas Karel

For several generations the Viscounts Davis are boy lovers and looking for pupils around Christmas

13yo boys and adults
Mt – cons oral anal – prost

Author's note:
With apologies to Charles Dickens I offer the following story:

The four-person enclosed carriage, its ebony exterior gleaming even in the dim afternoon light, lumbered along the cobblestone street slowly, the flakes of snow wafting down as if someone was sprinkling them lightly from the sky. It was Christmas Eve, and Viscount, Lord Richard, Davis, the carriage's occupant, couldn't help but let his mind wander back thirty years as the carriage headed slowly toward the street where the 'naughty boys' plied their trade.

Christmas Past

Thirteen-year-old Richard shivered as his Uncle, Viscount, Lord Albert, Davis explored his naked body with his hands, sending gooey shock waves clear down to his toes.

"Oh! Oooooooooooooo!" Richard cooed, as his Uncle's mouth and tongue went to work on his left nipple.

"You like that don't you, my pet?" his Uncle asked, diverting his attention for a moment from savoring his nephew's nipple.

"Oh yes, Uncle Albert," Richard answered, his voice full of lust.

"Well, you shall have more of it then," his Uncle replied, going back to work on his nephew's nipple, then reached down and began to fondle his nephew's four-inch [10 cm] penis that was already so hard that the foreskin was fully retracted.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!" Richard moaned, as the gooey feelings only intensified.

"Let's take care of each other for awhile, shall we?" Richard's uncle eventually said, stopping his sucking of Richard's nipples and re-positioning himself upon the bed.

"Oh yessssssssss!" Richard hissed, as his uncle slurped his hard peter into his mouth.

Richard groaned as his uncle began to swirl his tongue over the sensitive head. Then, he reached out and took hold of his uncle's huge, hard, member with his hand, drew it toward his mouth, and then slurped the purple knob into it, prompting a moan from his uncle, as the two lay on their sides in an incestuous sixty-nine.

For awhile, the two pleasured each other in that position, Richard being accustomed to the whole thing. He had been having sex with his uncle since he was eleven, his uncle having taken him in when his parents and been killed in a shipwreck on their return passage from America. Then, Richard whimpered slightly with lustful expectation when his uncle removed his mouth from his peter and began to reposition him upon the bed, for he knew what was to come as his skinny legs were pushed back.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Ooooooooooo!" Richard exclaimed, as his uncle began to eat his hole out as he had done many times before.

Then, there was nothing but a litany of moans from Richard as his uncle's tongue began to alternately lap at his hole and then probe deeply inside with his tongue, sending gooey shock wave after shock wave over his body.

"Oh! Mmmmmmmmmm!" Richard soon exclaimed, as his uncle began to slurp on his hard peter again and fuck his bum with two of his fingers, which was something his uncle had been doing almost every time lately.

For awhile, Richard's uncle slurped on his peter and his balls, as he worked his fingers in an out of his nephew's rectum, the boy moaning and groaning loudly.

Then, he decided it was time.

"It's time for the ultimate union, my pet," Richard's uncle announced,

"Oh Uncle Albert! I don't know!" Richard replied.

"It's Christmas Eve, my pet. We've talked about this before. You promised! Remember? We both agreed to wait until Christmas Eve so it would be special," Richard's uncle reminded him.

"I'm scared," Richard whimpered in response.

"I will be as gentle as I can, my pet."

"You're just so big! It's won't be like your fingers. It's going to hurt!"

"Some, yes. It always does the first time. I remember my first time. But, it won't hurt for long. You'll see. Now come on, I'll go slow."

"Oh, Uncle Albert. Please! I'm sooooooo scared."

"Come come, my sweet pet! We shall be one at last," Richard's uncle replied, as he positioned his nephew under him and pushed his legs back, Richard beginning to whimper loudly as he did so.

"Oh no!" Richard cried out, as he felt the massive purple head kiss his hole.

"Don't fight it, my pet! It'll only make it hurt more. Once I'm in you I'll wait for a bit. Now here we go!" his uncle said.

"Ohhhhhh! Unnnnnnnhhhhh! Arrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhh!" Richard exclaimed, as the purple knob pressed harder and harder against his anus then popped into his rectum. "It hurts! It hurts!" Richard wailed, and began to cry.

"Try to relax! I'm holding still, my boy, until you're ready," Richard's uncle said, replied, the head of his huge cock encased in such warm tightness that it actually hurt a bit. "Is the pain almost gone?" he asked, a few minutes later, prompting his nephew to bite his lower lip and nod his head that it was. "Good!" Uncle Albert replied, and pushed his hips forward a bit, prompting his nephew to cry out again as half of the massive tube invaded his rectum.

It took some time, that first time, before all of the massive cock was in Richard's bottom and his uncle's pubes rested on his bum. The heat from the huge fireplace had both their bodies bathed in sweat by that time and Richard was betwixt pain and pleasure. Uncle Albert had begun to slowly masturbate Richard's peter for him, causing his butt to loosen somewhat as the huge pole went deeper and deeper into his insides. Then, when his uncle had begun to fuck him, Richard's whimpers had turned to groans. Pain gave way to the strangest pleasure Richard had ever felt and minutes later he was wailing loudly as he spewed sperm pellets all over his tummy. Then, moments later, he grunted as he felt the flood of warmth caused by his uncle's sperm spewing into his insides.

Sometime, in the wee hours of the morning, Richard fell asleep cuddled up against his uncle with the softening tube still deep within him, his Uncle having fucked him once again before the night was done.

Christmas Present

Richard chuckled as he came back to reality and the carriage turned onto the street where the 'naughty boys' could be found about, usually of varying ages from terribly young to those in their late teens.

As the carriage lumbered along slowly Richard intently peered out the windows looking for what it was he sought. Yet, as the carriage moved along, the boys scattered here and there leaning against the gaslight lamp posts or buildings, and staring hopefully at the ebony carriage as it passed, were too old, and Richard sighed as a result. Then, he saw him!

"Arnold! Arnold! Stop!" Lord Davis ordered, banging on the roof of the carriage with his walking stick.

Immediately, the carriage abruptly pulled to a halt and Lord Davis propped his hands upon the golden knob of his walking stick and smiled. There he was, the urchin, fourteen, if that, his curly mop sticking out from under his cap. The ragged clothes were obvious, as was the fact that he was trying to solicit money from a fine-looking gentleman, dressed formally in his cape, and the lady that accompanied him.

"I shall speak to that one, Arnold!" Lord Davis said, sticking his head out the window of the carriage.

"But, my Lord! We've much to go yet! He's such a scrawny lad! It's been fifteen years we been a lookin!" his manservant Arnold replied, prompting Lord Davis to chuckle.

"Ah Arnold! After all these years, you haven't learned me yet. Go fetch him! He's the one! Tell him to come here!" Lord Davis replied.

Richard watched as Arnold trotted across the street and began to speak to the lad, prompting the lad to glance toward the carriage then back at Arnold. Richard couldn't help but smile as the lad accompanied his manservant back toward where the carriage sat.

"Get in, boy! I'll have a word with you!" Richard said, opening the door so the boy could climb in.

"This is a nice carriage, Your Lordship! Very fancy, if I say so myself," the boy said, having plopped himself down in the seat opposite Lord Davis and smiling.

"Yes, indeed! Cost me a handsome sum at that! What brings you out on Christmas Eve?" Richard asked.

"Uh, I'm on the blob trying to get some money for food, Your Lordship," the boy replied.

"Oh? You're family in need of food, then?" Lord Davis asked, noting how the boy's eye's sparkled like blue gems beneath his grit smudged face.

"I don't have no family, sir," the boy replied.

"I see. No relatives?"

"Not that amount to much, Your Lordship. Dad and me Mum were killed in that big train crash four years ago near Kent. I been pretty much on me own since then."

"So, where do you live?"

"I lives with some of me friends. We lives in the basement of a tenement not far from here. It ain't much but it's warm, sir. We keep the boiler stoked during the winter, sir. The landlord let's us stay there."

"I see. What's your name, boy?"

"Karel, sir!"

"Carol? That's usually a girl's name."

"It's spelled K-A-R-E-L, sir. Me dad's grandmum was Swedish and Polish, Your Lordship," the boy replied.

"Oh, I see," Richard responded, seeing immediately how the boy's ancestry probably led to his blonde hair and blue eyes. "How old are you, Karel?" Richard asked.

"I'm fourteen, Your Lordship," the boy replied.

"Well, I'll come to the point, young man. I'm looking for a young man to spend Christmas and New Year's with me," Richard said.

"Uh, you ain't got no family of your own, sir?"

"No! My parents were killed in a shipwreck when I was ten. My uncle was my only family and he died years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, Your Lordship."

"Well, you needn't be, lad! My uncle left me both his title and his fortune. I have faired very well."

"Indeed you have, sir," the boy replied, glancing around at the posh interior of the carriage. "Them togs you is wearing tells a bit too, Your Lordship," the boy replied, referring to Richard's top hat, and fur-collared overcoat.

"So, young Karel, you want to spend Christmas in a basement hovel with your friends or come with me?" Richard asked.

"Well, I don't usually go with gentlemen to their houses, Your Lordship. It's usually on the fly," the boy said, prompting Lord Davis to laugh.

"Ah, you've been around then, I see?" Richard replied.

"Uh, begging Your Lordship's pardon, I may not be educated and all, but, I knows why you finer gentlemen come down to The Rookery," Karel said.

"I see. Well, go on! You seem to be pretty much smarter than you look!"

"Well, it's like this, Your Lordship. I knows you types come down here to dab it up with us boys. And, I guesses you is on the randy for the Holiday Season."

"I have no earthly idea what you are saying lad, but go on!"

"Well, Your Lordship, I just needs to know, sir! No offense meant! You ain't a Nobbler or nothing like that are yah?" Karel asked.


"It's a bloke into spanking and other strange goings on, Your Lordship," Karel replied, prompting Richard to burst out laughing.

"No, I'm not one of those," Richard eventually said, after he had regained his composure.

"I just likes to be careful," the boy replied, prompting Richard to chuckle .

"Well, I think you're aware of what I'm after, boy. You wouldn't be working this street if you weren't. So, let me get to the point. If you come with me you'll spend Christmas through New Year's at my home. You'll do as I ask. If you do well, I'll pay you 100 pounds at the end of that time."

"One hundred pounds, Your Lordship?"

"Maybe more, if you work out well."

"Uh, you ain't into doin any funny business is you?" the boy asked.

"Good heavens boy! I told you that I'm not!" Richard exclaimed.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Your Lordship! I didn't mean no offense. It's just that a boy's got to be careful about things or he can get himself hurt. Me friend, Timmy, he went away for a weekend with a fine gentleman such as you. He came back a mess he did, all covered with bruises, and burned places, and welts from where he had been whipped and bleeding from his bum cause all kinds of things had been shoved in it. Strung him up all weekend the gentlemen did! We thought he was gonna die, we did. He's been glockey ever since," the lad replied.


"Kind of crazy, Your Lordship. He don't have his wits about him much no more."

"I can certainly understand why you'd want to be careful, then. I can assure you, you don't have to worry about such with me. Now, which will it be? The Holiday Season with me or your friends?" Richard asked.

"With you, Your Lordship. I should like that very much," the lad replied, and smiled broadly, showing a set of perfect white teeth.

"Arnold! Let's go home!" Richard said, hanging his head out the widow of the carriage.

"Aye, My Lord! Home it is!" his manservant replied, and jiggled the reins, prompting the horses to began to pull the carriage toward the multi-storied Brownstone that was home.

Several hours later, as Lord Davis sat in the sitting room before the fire, dressed in his dressing gown and slippers and reading the financial section of The Evening Times, Arnold, his manservant, entered the room carrying a silver tray upon which a crystal decanter of Brandy sat along with a glass.

"Your brandy, My Lord," Arnold said, and set the tray down upon the table beside Richard.

"How's our young guest?" Richard asked.

"Full of three helpings of Mrs. Roberts kidney pie and scrubbed pink as the day he was born, My Lord. Although, he did put up a bit of a fuss about me bathing him," Arnold replied, prompting Richard to chuckle.

"Well? Did I make a good pick?" Richard asked.

"Yes, My Lord! You will be most pleased!"

"Oh really? How so?" Richard asked, prompting his manservant to clear his throat.

"Well, sir, the boy is very well, uh, shall we say, equipped for his size and age," Arnold replied.

"I see. That is delightful. Anything else?" Richard asked.

"Well, I suspect, My Lord, that he's almost a virgin. Someone's had his bum a few times, but not many. There's very little sign of heavy activity."

"Wonderful!" And the clothes?"

"We tried the suit of clothes on for tomorrow and it was a perfect fit, My Lord. I suspect everything else will fit as well, although he complained about the shoes being too tight and the undergarments. I suspect in the first case, it's because they are new and in the second case because he doesn't seem to be used to wearing anything under his shirt and trousers, My Lord."

"I see. Well, send him to me so I can have a look at him all scrubbed and clean!"

"He's outside waiting now, My Lord. I'll let him in."

"Richard, Lord Davis, poured himself a glass of brandy and took a sip as Arnold opened the door.

"His Lordship wishes you to come in," Arnold said.

"Good God!" Richard muttered under his breath as the lanky lad entered the room dressed only in a nightshirt.

The smudges of grime and soot were gone. The boy's face had almost an angelic look and his blue eyes sparkled as he entered the room.

"Thank you, Arnold! You can leave us alone for a bit. Come boy! Have a seat!" Richard said, pointing to the high back leather chair next to his.

"Yes, My Lord!" Richard's manservant replied, and exited the room, closing the door behind him.

"Well! Don't you look all nice and clean! Did you find the bath to your liking?" Richard asked.

"Uh, it was okay, Your Lordship. Very fancy tub indeed, sir, and! I ain't ever seen a crapper like that one I ain't," the boy replied, prompting Richard to chuckle.

"Well, I'm glad you found it to your liking. Was the food okay?"

"Oh my! Yes, Your Lordship! That's the best kidney pie I ever done ate. Mrs . Roberts, the cook, sir, must surely be the best!"

"Well, you shall have more if you want, lad! How did you like your clothes for tomorrow?"

"Them's the nicest togs I ever seen, Your Lordship. I don't look like myself in them. Don't feel much right either, with the shoes and all."

"I see. Well, I'm afraid you'll have to humor me. You must be properly dressed for Christmas dinner. And another thing, please call me Uncle Richard," Richard said.

"Uncle Richard, sir?"

"Yes, I'm afraid you'll have to do that for me," Richard replied.

"Well, seeings how Your Lordship is paying me so much, I'll call yah Queen Victoria if you wants, sir." Karel replied, prompting Richard to roar with laughter.

"Karel, you are a piece of work if I ever saw one. Would you care for a sip of brandy? You're old enough I expect."

"No thanks, Your Lord 3; Uh 3; I mean Uncle Richard. I ain't into the cups. Too many of me friends are already into the cups and that's all they think about."

"I see. Well, I shall be to bed shortly, then. Tell Arnold I said to show you the way to my bedchamber," Richard replied.

"Yes, My 3; Uh 3; Uncle Richard," the boy replied, in a somewhat unenthusiastic tone.

"You seem, crestfallen all of a sudden, my boy. Something the matter?"

"Well, it's just that, well, I guess this is where I starts earning me keep ain't it?" Karel replied, prompting Richard to chuckle.

"Karel, I'm going to tell you something. For fifteen years, I've waited for this moment. Fifteen Christmas Eves and I've come up empty. Then today, I saw you."

"You ain't gonna hurt me are you, sir?"

"Karel, that is the most remote thing from my mind! Now, run along. I'll be to bed shortly."

Richard finished his brandy and then headed up the stairs to his bedchamber. As he entered, Karel, who was in the big canopied bed under the blankets, was startled a bit.

"Already asleep?" Richard asked, as he began to remove his dressing gown.

"I guess I dozed off waiting on you, sir." Karel replied.

"Well, let's see if we can't keep you awake a little longer," Richard replied, and pulled back the blankets and began to crawl into the bed dressed only in his nightshirt. "You're lovely, Karel," Richard said, as propped him self up on one elbow and looked at the boy.

"Thank you, sir," the boy replied.

"Everything about you is beautiful," Richard said, and reached out and began to run his hand through Karel's blonde curls. "I'm sure lots of men have told you that," Richard added.

"Not really, Your Lordship. It's always been on the fly, sir. I drops me trousers and they does their thing and they pays me and is on their way."

"So, you've never been in bed with a man, then? And, call me Uncle Richard," Richard reminded him.

"No sir, Uncle Richard, sir," the boy replied.

"Well, I'm glad. Come closer," Richard said, and reached out and put his arm around the boy and pulled him to him. "Why, Karel! You're trembling," Richard said when the boy's body was against his.

"I'm sorry Uncle Richard, sir. I'm a might scared," Karel replied.

"Well, I've got just the thing for that," Richard replied, and reached out toward the nightstand with his right hand, opened the drawer, and removed a blue bottle from it. "Here, take a good swig of this," he said, handing the bottle to the boy.

"What is it, sir?" Karel asked.

"It's laudanum. It'll relax you," Richard replied.

"I knows about it, sir. We gave it to Timmy when he was all hurt," Karel replied.

"Well, then. Take a swig and we'll be on our way," Richard said, and smiled .

For a moment, Karel stared at the blue bottle. Then, he uncorked it, took a swig, swallowed the stuff, screwed up his face a bit, then replaced the cork and handed the bottle back to Richard who set in upon the nightstand.

"Now, let's see. Where were we," Richard said, and pulled the boy tight up against him again so they could snuggle.

"You still feel scared?" Richard asked some moments later as he ran his hands through the boy's blonde curls.

"I feels warm, sir. All over me self. What you is doin to me hair feels good, sir," the boy replied.

"Well, you're going to feel much better, Karel. Let's get this nightshirt off, shall we? I want to see what you really look like," Richard said, and began to remove the boy's nightshirt.

Once he had removed Karel's nightshirt Richard pulled the blankets back so that the boy's nakedness was revealed. As Arnold had said, for his age the boy was very well equipped, having a very nice uncircumcised penis and a lovely small bush of blonde pubes and walnut-sized balls.

"You're even more lovely than I thought," Richard commented, and smiled at the boy, whose pupils were now so dilated that they almost consumed much of the blue in his eyes.

"Thank you, sir." Karel replied.

"Karel, this won't be on the fly as you say. You are going to experience pleasure you never knew. Now, just relax and enjoy," Richard said, and moved his mouth toward the boy's left nipple.

Indeed, what the older man said was true and the room was filled with the sound of Karel's moans, groans, and gasps. He squirmed like a baby seal, as the older man's hungry mouth seemed intent on tasting every part of his body. Slowly, like some large snail, the moistness crept over his body sampling his ears, his neck, his armpits, his nipples, then slowly downward to his navel where it again paused for a moment to lap at the small blob of pre-cum that had already dripped from his hard penis. Then, it moved onward toward his groin and began to sample the now-hard shaft of his penis for awhile before it began to explore his inner thighs.

As the full-effect of the laudanum took hold, to Karel it was if he was not part of his body, yet he knew he was. It was as if everything was in slow motion and the waves of pleasure kept growing and growing. He felt his legs being raised and he yelped as the hungry mouth and tongue went to work on his bum hole.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, at the sudden absence of the moist mouth.

Then, he again yelped as the head of his hard penis was enveloped by the warm moistness and swirling tongue. Indeed, this was no on the fly experience where some gentleman paid to suck his peter and was on his way. No, this was like something totally different. It was if he was in another world, a world in which only pleasure existed.

Of course, for Richard, it was a feast of boy flesh unequaled. Oh, he had had boys before on his travels abroad, but they weren't like this one, for this was 'the one' he had been waiting for for so long.

"Oh no!" Karel exclaimed at the sudden absence of the hungry from his peter .

"In good time, my pet. You'll get a wonderful surprise," he heard the man say, and through a fog watched as the man reached toward the nightstand, opened the drawer, and pulled out a small black jar.

Karel wondered what if was for and watched as the man unscrewed the lid and dipped his fingers into the jar and coated them with some white substance then set it down upon the nightstand.

"Now, I think I should get back to work," the man said, as his head moved back downward toward the boy's groin area again.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Karel cried out, as the man's warm mouth swiftly enveloped his penis again, this time burying it all the way down his throat.

Almost frantically, the boy grabbed hold of Richard's head with his hands in hopes of not letting the hungry mouth get away again.

"Oh no! Owwwwww! Ooooooooooo!" Karel exclaimed, as Richard's cream-coated fingers invaded his bum hole and began to slowly fuck him while he continued to suck his peter.

If he could have, with a mouth full of the boy's peter, Richard would have smiled as Karel began to fuck back on his fingers, for fingers in the boy's bottom was not what he ultimately had on his mind. It would take only a little time before the special ingredients in the cream he had bought in China went to work. Soon, they would begin to numb the boy's hole and relax it. It was a special lubricant meant to ease the discomfort of a boy's first fuck and Richard knew that when he could get three fingers into Karel's bottom with ease he would be ready to be filled with the huge cock that strained for release under his nightshirt.

Shock waves began to course throughout Karel's body as the fingers fucked his bum. They were hitting something inside him causing extraordinary pleasure. It wasn't like when the older boy Charles had invaded his bum with his peter those times. No, this was different. He had to have more pleasure . He just had to! And, he discovered that if he hunched at the invading fingers he got it. Then, they were gone, and so was the pleasure.

Again, Karel felt his legs being raised and this time as he looked downward, he caught only a brief glimpse of the man's huge penis before his body was hovering over him blocking the view. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain, and Karel cried out and began to whimper in response. Then, there was a sudden rush of fullness and the pain was gone as quickly as it had come. Yet, Karel couldn't help but to continue to whimper as a result of how full his insides felt and from the fact that the huge penis was all in his bum.

"Oh, so warm and tight you are, my pet. Let's journey together now," the man said, and began to rock his hips slowly.

At first, Karel resented the invasion. Yet, his resentment was short-lived. Deep down inside, the gooey feelings were starting again. This time much stronger than before.

"Oh, Uncle Richard!" he heard himself say, and instinctively he wrapped his arms around the older man's neck, for this wasn't like the older boy Charles at all. This was totally different.

Again and again, shock waves began to wrack his body and nothing had ever felt so good. No mouth that had ever sucked his peter or wank he had ever had was even close. And still, the gooey feelings got stronger and stronger and he wasn't even touching himself. It couldn't be! It was impossible!

"Let it happen, my pet! It's okay! We have all night! We'll let this be our quick one," the man whispered into his ear.

"Oh harder! Please harder!" Karel heard himself cry out, not believing that he was pleading to have his bum fucked, yet also not believing that he was indeed about to cum.

Suddenly, it was if he whole body was one giant bubble swelling to incredible proportions. Then, in an explosion of pleasure so violent it was if a white light was blinding him, Karel cried out and came, his penis squirting sperm all over his stomach and chest at the same time as the man above him groaned and flooded his insides with sperm.

"Are you okay?" Richard asked later, as the two lay on their sides snuggled together afterward.

"Yes sir!" Karel replied, nodding his head that he was. "I knew you was gonna get me bum but I didn't know it would be like that. I blew off and didn't even touch me self," he said, prompting Richard to chuckle and kiss his ear.

"It'll be even better the next time. It'll take longer. You'll see," Richard replied, and kissed the boy on the cheek.

True to his word, the second time was even better for Karel. He had two orgasms before Richard filled his insides with sperm again, and so was the third in the wee hours of the morning. Exhausted the two fell asleep cuddled together, Karel with the man's softening cock still inside him.

Christmas Future

The black Rolls Royce limousine moved quietly and slowly down the street in the part of London where the 'naughty boys' plied their trade and Viscount, Lord David, Davis peered out the window looking intently for what he sought .

"I remember bringing your Uncle Karel down here many a Christmas Eve before he found you and adopted you, Your Lordship," the aging white-haired driver commented. "Ten Christmas Eves it took it did. I was just a young man then."

"Yes, Uncle Karel would tell me the story every Christmas Eve. What does this make now, Harold, twelve or thirteen we've been coming down here?"

"Thirteen, Your Lordship," Harold replied, prompting David to sigh.

Then, something caught his eye.

"Harold, quick! Pull over to the curb," David said, prompting his driver pull the Rolls over to the curb and come to a stop directly across the street from a sandy-haired lad dressed in a studded black leather jacket who was leaning up against a lamppost.

"He's a bit scrawny ain't he, Your Lordship?" Harold commented as he sized up the lad.

"No, he's perfect," David replied. Fetch him for me!"

David watched as Harold walked across the street and then began to converse with the boy who glanced several times at the black Rolls as he did so. Then, he smiled as the two came toward him.

"Well, just don't stand there, boy, it's cold out! Get in!" David said, after Harold had opened the door to allow the boy to climb into the back seat. "What's your name, boy?" David asked, as the lad with the sandy mop plopped himself down next to him on the back seat.

"Robert, sir!"

"I see. Nice common name! Well, Robert, how old are you?" David asked.

"Just turned thirteen, sir."

"Just turned thirteen! Well, I bet your folks gave you a big party!" David replied.

"Not really, sir. I lives with me Aunt. Mum died when I was nine and I don't know who me dad is. Mum don't talk about him, sir."

"I see. So, your Aunt lets you come down here?" David asked.

"She don't know no different, sir. She spends most of her time drinking up her pension check, sir."

"I see. Well, young Robert. I'll get right to the point. I'm looking for a lad such as yourself to spend Christmas with me. Your Aunt will have to approve, of course. You interested?" David asked.

"I might be, sir. You ain't into weird stuff are you, sir?"

"Weird stuff?"

"You know, sir. Chains and whips and things, sir," the lad replied, prompting David to chuckle.

"No, I'm not that way," David replied.

"How much, then?" the boy asked.

"Well, if you're good, how does 500 pounds sound?"

"Five hundred pounds for one bloody night!"

"Maybe for much longer than one night. We'll see how it goes," David said.

"I'll telephone me Aunt from your place and tell her I'm spending Christmas at my friend Tommy's house. She wont' know no different. Let's go, sir!" the lad replied eagerly, and smiled.

"Are you sure, lad? I think you know what I'll expect." David said.

"I imagine the usual as most gentlemen that comes down here that I go home with, sir. And, I expects for that much money you're gonna wanna fuck me bum." the lad replied, prompting David to chuckle.

"So, you've had your bum fucked?" David asked.

"Only three or four times, sir. But, it was for way less than what you're offering. I'll cry and carry on, I always does. And, me hole will be sore for a few days. But, I'll get over it. I always does." the lad replied, prompting David to chuckle.

"Well, lad, you seem perfect! Harold, let's go home!"

"Aye, Your Lordship. Home it is!" Harold replied, and steered the Rolls away from the curb toward the Davis mansion and another historic Christmas Eve.

The End