Chapter 1 Prolog: The School
Kenny and his friends lived in a world made for children. The place was just called 'the school' and it was completely isolated from the rest of the world. The school was a big compound with several nice buildings around a large, beautiful park. It was completely locked down, however, so the kids never got a glimpse of the outside world.
None of them had ever met their parents, they were raised, taken care of and educated by a small number of men and women, who gave them all the warmth, love and affection a real parent would give. In fact, since no one ever told them, they didn't even know that there's such a thing as a parent, so they didn't miss anything.
The boys and girls spent most of their time learning all kinds of useful skills, either while playing or during training sessions given by their teachers. They were taught how to read and write, basic math and physics, biology, but nothing about the real world outside. Some things were left out specifically from the subjects, though, like anything about procreation.
Occasionally, a new baby appeared at the school, and as it grew up, it was accepted in their midst as a new member of this little group. And at the same time, usually sometime after a kid celebrated its tenth birthday, it just disappeared over night. Around 30 boys and girls lived in the school, that number stayed quite stable, as for everyone who left them, a new baby arrived sooner or later.
Of course, the children asked the grown-ups where their friends were disappearing to. They always got the same answer, that the kids who left them, had finished the first part of their education and that they had moved on to continue with their Vocation, to a new world full of wonders and new experiences.
This word, 'Vocation', which the children couldn't quite get a grasp on, became a mystery in itself and something they both feared and aspired. The older they got, as closer they came to their own Vocation, the more they were admired and envied by the younger kids.
Among the many friends Kenny had, he considered Ellie and Max to be the best. They were somewhat younger than himself and for some reason they had picked him to look up to. Kenny really liked to be in the center of their attention and spend a lot of his time hanging out with them.
One day, Ellie looked at him, frowning like she was occupied with a difficult problem. Finally, she asked, "Kenny, why are we different?"
Surprised Kenny looked up from the game in his hands, which had taken all his attention. "What do you mean?" he asked her, with a puzzled expression.
Max seized the opportunity to snatch the game out of Kenny's hands.
3;" Kenny yelled in surprise, but before he could do anything about it, Ellie went on, "you know, there are boys, like you and Max, and girls like me. What's the difference?"
Kenny felt pressed to give a good answer, he was the older one after all, but he felt a bit at a loss himself.
3;," he said to gain some time. He tried to remember a lesson they had a while ago. "Don't you remember? That there are two
3; uhh
3; gembers." Kenny wasn't quite sure if he had remembered that word correctly.
"Yes, but why? And why are you boys getting a pee-pee and girls don't? Not fair!"
Kenny didn't know what to say. He had seen other girls naked countless times, since nakedness was just as natural to the kids as wearing clothes. And most of them were curious enough to inspect their friend's body parts, especially because they were a subject during their education anyway. The grown-ups never told them that they should be ashamed of being naked, so they just weren't. For the kids, both penis and vagina were simply another thing they had like a nose or a finger. However, to avoid any premature incidents, all of children's sexual reactions were completely inert.
"I don't know," Kenny shrugged, "maybe it doesn't mean anything, it's just something like your hair color
3; or the mark." Kenny pointed at the dark, circled mark that was embossed on his forehead. It had a bit more than half an inch in diameter and in its center, there was a symbol showing a smaller circle with an arrow that pointed to the upper right.
They all had a similar mark on their forehead. Some of them were in a bright, yellowish shade, others were darker, and a few had a somewhat reddish tint. There were three different kind of symbols: a circle with a cross underneath, a circle with an arrow like on Kenny's mark and very few kids even had a combination of the two symbols. Currently, Max was the only boy who wore a mark that showed both the cross and the arrow.
Kenny was quite proud of his own mark, because it was among the darkest of them all, and he thought that this made him special somehow. And besides, it also just looked good on him, he thought, a perfect match to his own shaggy dark hair.
"I don't know. Still not fair," Ellie grumbled. "At least I've got the same symbol as you," she pointed at her own mark, which also showed an arrow, but her mark was much brighter, almost golden.
Kenny was pissed. He felt like he just lost a bit of the nimbus of knowing everything, which he usually enjoyed while being with his Ellie and Max. He himself had been wondering why there are boys and girls for some time now, and why they were different. He had asked the teachers, of course, but he never got a satisfactory answer.
As time went on, more and more of Kenny's older friends left the school as they went on to their Vocation. And every time it felt to Kenny as if they had let him down, like they had left him behind. He had celebrated his own tenth birthday more than two month ago now. All his friends, at least those still left, had been at his party, and while they had a blast and loads of fun, it just was not like it used to be. Not only were they missing so many of their old friends, it felt more like a farewell party, they all knew that this would be the last birthday for Kenny they could celebrate together.
One morning, Kenny was in a particularly bad mood, and the fact that Max kept grinning at him throughout their breakfast, wasn't doing anything to improve it. Kenny was slurping his bowl of cereals and shot a dark gaze at his friend. He couldn't find any reason for Max being in such a good mood.
"Come on," Marc said, "you'll see, today it's it, I know it!" and he poked Kenny's arm.
"Ouch! Cut that out!" Kenny yelled, while he shoved Mark away much harder than necessary. Mark couldn't understand why Kenny was so mean to him and tears welled up in his eyes. He managed to keep them at bay, though, when one of the grown-ups appeared and comforted him. After he had calmed down Max, he turned his attention to Kenny.
The overseer mustered Kenny silently and after some curiously long seconds he finally asked him "are you finished with your breakfast, boy?"
Kenny gave the man an uneasy look, "yeah, I guess I am
"Good." The overseer left them without another word. Kenny was taken aback, he had expected to be told off for hurting Max. Or, at least, that he got the usual reminder to complete his chores.
Despite Kenny's rude behavior before, Max was already smiling happily at him again, "See? I told you! You're going to have your Vocation today! I knew it! I knew it! Yay! Go Kenny!" He suddenly jumped his older friend and hugged him as hard as he could. "I'll miss you!"
Kenny didn't know what to say, "uhh
3; I'm still here Max!"
During the rest of the day, Max wouldn't stop smiling at him, he babbled about the Vocation, how great it would be, and that they'd certainly were going to see each other again on 'the other side'.
Eventually it was time for them to go to bed. The kids were all sleeping in a dormitory, the beds lined up next to each other. As Kenny lied in his bed, caught up in his own dark thoughts, he heard Max' whispers, "hey Kenny! Are you sleeping yet? Oh, I'm so excited for you! I wish I were old enough and we could go together!"
Kenny was still pissed, "Shut it, Max! I'm sure I'll still be here tomorrow, you'll see. Just let me sleep now!”. Max fell silent and Kenny was finally alone with his thoughts. Why wasn't his Vocation coming? Had he done something wrong? Was he somehow unfit? He never heard of anyone who was not getting his Vocation, but maybe he was the first one to fail? Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he fell asleep
3;and promptly found himself right inside of a horrible and frightening nightmare. He dreamt of a hard, metallic machine he was strapped on. He couldn't move a finger and just felt how his body was being invaded by strange contraptions. There were frightening figures, he couldn't quite make out, surrounding him, touching him. He was prodded and pricked, and he was completely helpless. He tried to scream, but he couldn't, it seemed like he had no voice anymore. He struggled hard to wake up, he wanted this nightmare to end, but he couldn't find a way out of it. After what felt like many hours, his sleep eventually became deep and dreamless.
Chapter 2 The Vocation
His bed was so comfortable. Kenny turned around and cuddled his blanket, not wanting to wake up just yet. He paused – something wasn't right. The blanket was very soft, much softer than he remembered. And as it touched his skin, it felt different, much more intense than usual. And where were the others? He couldn't hear anything, no babbling, no fights, no snores, not even the usual breathing sounds you could always hear in the dormitory during the night.
He opened his eyes and sat up in the bed. This was not the dormitory! This was not his bed! And
3; he looked under the blanket
3; where were his pajamas? He was completely naked!
The bed was huge, so much bigger than the one he was used to. And it was soft. Comfortable. It even smelled nice.
"Do you like your new bed?" the unfamiliar voice of a man startled Kenny. He looked in the direction the voice came from. A boy was sitting at a table, next to a taller figure that was hidden in the shadows, so Kenny couldn't make out the face.
"Pete?" he exclaimed in surprise. Even though they hadn't been too close at school, he remembered him clearly. Pete was somewhat older than Kenny and had left for his Vocation a couple of month earlier.
"Welcome to your new life, Kenny!" the man said ominously. But Kenny didn't pay much attention, he was fascinated by Pete's face. It was amazingly
3; perfect. Kenny couldn't find the proper word to describe it, he only knew that he had never seen something this beautiful before. He wondered, why he had never realized Pete's beauty while they were still together at the school.
Pete's cheeks went slightly red while Kenny stared at him, which just made him that more beautiful. The man nodded encouragingly at Pete, who addressed Kenny with a somewhat shaky voice "Ummm
3; well, yeah
3; this is your new room now, Kenny. I'm supposed
3; I'm going to be your
3; your mentor. Your friend." Pete looked at the man next to him, who nodded again, and he continued "I'm supposed to show you around, explain everything and
3; and teach you
3; things." Kenny stared at Pete and waited for him to go on. "Uhh
3;," it was obvious that Pete was struggling.
The man took over. His voice was pleasantly calm and quiet. He said "You, Kenny, you are very special. So is Pete. And all of the other children you know from the school." Kenny had never felt special in any way
3; what was this guy talking about? "You've been carefully selected," the man went on, "to fulfill an extremely important task. Only one out of a thousand children is suitable for this, that's why you're so special." An important task? That didn't sound too promising, Kenny wondered, a bit worried now.
"Your whole life will be dedicated to that task, it is your Vocation," the man explained. Kenny felt a shiver going down his spine. Finally, there was that word. Maybe he'd finally learn what it meant. "We've prepared you all perfectly for your task. Tonight, when we brought you here, we've triggered your body and your mind." Kenny was really confused now. He had been triggered? What the hell did that mean
3;? The man didn't give Kenny much time to think, he just said "for now, there's no need to go into more details, but rest assured, that you'll enjoy doing your task and that you'll be giving an exceptional performance." Kenny wondered what kind of performance he was supposed to give. This became weirder and weirder.
"But enough talking," the man said. He leaned back and disappeared completely into the darkness. "I want you and Pete get to know each other better. He will show you everything you need to know for now." Then he fell silent.
Pete stood up, his face strangely serious, staring straight at Kenny. His upper body came into Kenny's view. He didn't wear any shirt, so Kenny got a view on his naked chest. He felt a strange tingle inside himself. Seeing Pete like this excited him for some reason.
Pete walked around the table he had been standing behind and Kenny could now see him from head to toe. He wasn't wearing anything. This was the most beautiful view Kenny had ever experienced in his life. A completely new kind of desire, he had never known before, crept up inside of him. His eyes widened and he felt something hot and pulsing moving between his own legs. Pete approached him slowly, looking straight at Kenny, his lips parted slightly.
Everything about Pete was perfect and exciting. However, Kenny was transfixed by something he had never seen before. Pete's erected penis. It was slightly tilted upwards and it stood proudly, in all of its three inches' [8 cm] glory. Kenny was amazed how the skin around the top was stretched and Pete's glans presented itself pertly.
His breath started to become heavier and he felt his heart pound against his chest. Kenny had no idea that a penis could get erect, but seeing Pete's hard pecker strung an accord inside of Kenny's body and in his mind, it made him vibrate with excitement and anticipation.
As the naked boy approached him even further, another new impression invaded his senses. He could smell him! A very fragile, fresh and slightly tangy fragrance. The boy's scent seemed to fill Kenny completely, it heightened his excitement even further, this amazing new feeling which he still had no word for. The hardness between his legs was almost aching now, as he inhaled deeply to catch every detail of Pete's scent.
Before Kenny could scramble out of his bed, Pete had reached him, and he pushed him back into it. He was now leaning over the younger, trembling boy, looking him into his eyes. Then he slowly pulled the blanket away and traced the smaller body below him. Kenny also sported a cute and now very hard pecker, which was only slightly shorter than Pete's.
Their faces were so close now, the boys could feel and smell the sweet breath of each other. Kenny didn't really understand what was happening, what he was supposed to do, he just knew that he wanted Pete to be close to him, to touch him, to melt with him.
Without actually touching Kenny, Pete moved his lips along his body, using his own breath to send intense shivers along Kenny's skin. When they had been 'triggered' as part of their vocation, all of the boys' senses, including their sense of smell and touch, were improved and heightened immensely, creating pure pleasure with the proper stimuli.
As Pete started to touch the body below him with his fingers and his lips, ever so slightly and sensual, Kenny cringed as his mind was flooded with intense feelings of pleasure. He moaned loudly, his high-pitched voice sounding fragile and pure. Endless waves of shivers rocked the small body, the little fingers cramped into the bed sheets. Then, finally, one of Pete's hands found its way to Kenny's small but rock-hard cock and started to stroke it gently. Kenny's moans changed into little high-pitched screams of ecstasy.
Something started to boil up inside of the young boy, like a tide growing bigger and bigger, threatening to overwhelm him relentlessly. Everything inside of him screamed for release, he only had to let go, allow the boiling passion to overwhelm him
3; Pleasure was overriding any clear thought, only pure instinct remained – and somehow, it empowered Kenny to control that almost unbearable urge, he knew that he was just not allowed to let go, not yet, not before he had fulfilled his task
3; Kenny kept being bathed in this extreme tension, so close to release, minute after minute, his small body twisting and straining, as Pete was increasing the speed and intensity of his wanking. Eventually, Pete gently touched Kenny's twitching asshole with one of his fingers, which shot another surge of pleasure through Kenny's body and finally broke all his barriers, all his self-control.
Kenny came hard. It was the first orgasm of his life, and his whole body was shaking, his little pecker pulsed as the prostate pumped and pumped
3; but it couldn't produce any cum, yet, the orgasm was completely dry. Pete had stopped his wanking, instead he just touched Kenny's cock ever so softly, adapting to its post-orgasm sensitivity.
Finally, Kenny's body relaxed after the dry pumping of his prostate had stopped and the orgasm subsided. He lied on his bed, still incapable of a clear thought, completely overwhelmed by that new experience, his eyes closed and his body spent and sore.
Pete dropped down sideward next to him. He wore a faint smile and looked quite happy and content. Appreciatively, he looked at Kenny's body, his now flaccid little dick and the cute, tiny balls that filled his tight scrotum. The chest was heaving up and down, as Kenny tried to calm his breath. Pete was certain, that they were going to have loads of fun together in the next couple of days.
After Kenny had calmed down, he eventually opened his eyes. "What
3; what was that? What just happened?" Kenny looked at Pete with an expression of both confusion and amazement. "Well," Pete answered, "we just had sex. And it's what we do. All the time."
"Sex?" Kenny hadn't heard this word in his life. "That's what we do? Rub our penises?"
Pete let out a small laugh, "No, this is just one of many ways to have sex. And it's called wanking, by the way."
"Wanking?" Kenny wondered.
"Yes, the rubbing your dick part, I mean. Wanking."
"Uh-huh. And what was that
3; that thing that happened to me when you
3; wanked my
3; dick?" Kenny tried to get a grasp on all the new words he just heard.
"Well, you've had an orgasm. You came," Pete explained.
3; what? I came? Came from where?" Kenny asked and Pete just had to smile brightly again. He remembered all too well how confused he had been himself when he had experienced all those things for the first time.
"Cumming. That's just another word for having an orgasm. And once we're older, our dicks will splatter cum while we're cumming."
Kenny wasn't sure if he had understood anything Pete just explained, but he didn't want to look stupid, so he didn't ask any further. Instead he just said, "whatever it was
3; it felt great. More than great. It felt like I was about to explode. I want to feel that again!"
"You will. Many, many times. I'll show you everything you need to know, and we're going to have so much fun!" Pete explained excitedly. "But for now, I want to show you around a bit." Pete hesitated for a second, "but I guess I've got to teach you this one thing right now!" and he closed the distance between them, put his lips gently on Kenny's mouth and traced his own tongue along Kenny's own lips, demanding entrance.
Kenny opened his eyes wide with surprise and he didn't know what to do. He had never seen anybody doing that before in his life. But it felt good. It felt right. He gave in and allowed Pete's cocky tongue to enter his mouth. It was gentle but determined as it explored his cavity. Eventually, Kenny carefully touched Pete's tongue with his own. They started to play with each other and Kenny became more and more comfortable and bold. Kenny's arms slowly wrapped around Pete, he started to embrace him and pulled the older boy's body tightly to his own. It didn't take long before they both got lost in a very intense, very hot kiss. Without doubt, Kenny had talent and was a fast learner.
They lost track of time, but eventually Pete wiggled himself out of Kenny's embrace. "That was your first kiss," he said breathlessly and he nodded approvingly at Kenny, "and you're really good at it, by the way. But, I'm afraid, we've got other things to do right now." His smile became apologizing now. "Come, let's get dressed and I'll show you around!" as he said that, Pete stood up and dragged Kenny with him to the back of the room.
"There's your dresser, let's see what you've got there." Pete started to pull out strange clothes from the dresser and threw piece after piece carelessly onto the floor. "Hm
3; nah, this is too much
3; and that's just boring
3; ah, yeah that's nice enough
3; Oh, yes, let me try this one!" He held a brightly red jumpsuit. After Pete had slipped it on himself, he had to pluck it here and twitch it there to make it fit perfectly on his body. The result was amazing.
The only purpose of the skin-tight jumpsuit seemed to be to present the boy's body. It had straps which framed the kid's chest in a very favorable way. A perfectly fitting cock ring was incorporated in the suit which supported Pete's little dick, which stood upright again. The ring also pushed his cute little taunt balls into perfect view.
Pete posed pompously in his jumpsuit. As he turned on the spot, Kenny got a good view at his ass cheeks. Thin strings had formed them into cute little bubbles which protruded from the boy's backside.
3; this is
3; wow. Just wow," Kenny was lost for words. Of course, his dick was standing hard again as he stared at his friend's body.
Pete smiled cockily at him and asked, "do you think this looks hot on me?"
3; it looks what?" Kenny couldn't figure out what Pete meant.
"Hot. Sexy. Seeing me in this makes you horny, it turns you on, doesn't it?" Pete tried to explain.
Kenny nodded slowly without really understanding what Pete was talking about.
"You try this. It should look great on you!" Pete had pulled a set of two pieces from the drawer and handed them to Kenny. They were colored in a dark but intense neon blue and featured black seams and strings. After a while, Kenny figured that one of the piece was supposed to be pulled over his head. The other piece was obviously meant to be worn as a pantie. Pete had to help him putting it on, since Kenny couldn't figure out how to squeeze both his cock and his balls through the small ring, but eventually everything was fitting and set in its proper place.
Pete dragged Kenny to the front of a mirror next to the dresser. Kenny saw Pete's reflection in the mirror. Next to him stood a boy with dark, shaggy short hair and a slim and very handsome face. His skin was slightly darker than Pete's with a slightly brownish tint. The neon blue top, the boy was wearing, only covered his neck and a small part of his shoulders. It formed an arch on top of his chest, framing and accentuating the boy's nipples and his slender body. The pantie was basically just made of some strings tied to a cock ring. The boy's dick was pointing prominently and cockily towards the mirror and his tiny balls looked like they were bursting with anticipation.
3; is this really me?" Kenny eyeballed his own reflection unbelievingly. After a while he asked his friend "Is this
3; sexy?"
Pete nodded, "yes, this is very sexy. You look so hot in it!" he ensured his friend.
"And looking at me in these clothes
3; turns you on?"
Happily, Pete nodded again and pointed at his own hard dick. "What do you think? I'm horny like crazy!"
At this point, Kenny just couldn't help himself any longer, he took the initiative, approached Pete and hugged him tightly. His hands found their way to Pete's ass cheeks all by themselves, they groped the firm little globes as he pulled Pete tightly to himself. The two boys' small but hard cocks touched each other, as they were encased between their bellies. Pete looked stunned for a second, surprised by Kenny's bold move. Before he could react, though, the happy smile on his face was sealed by Kenny's lips. A wild and passionate desire was burning inside of Kenny, urging for release.
But Pete broke the kiss and twisted himself out of Kenny's arms. Showing a heart breaking, self-denyingly expression he said, "sorry
3; I really, really want it, too, but we just don't have the time for that now. Later, ok? Now I really have to show you around. Come with me!" He grabbed Kenny's arm and pulled him towards the room's exit.
They entered a hallway with many doors on both sides. A girl was walking by and looked at the two boys. She smiled and greeted them, "hey Pete! You're hot, as always. Who's that cutie?" The girl, which was roughly the same age as the boys, was wearing a very revealing outfit, just like them. She wore a short, tight, belly-free shirt which accentuated her flat chest. The most important feature of the almost non-existent pantie was to highlight her little hairless slit.
"This is Kenny," Pete introduced his friend. "I'm his mentor!" he obviously was very proud of his new role.
The girl smiled at Kenny and said "hi Kenny. I'm Gina." She glanced at Kenny's forehead, "well, too bad you're not for me. You're a real hot cutie, you know?"
Confused again, Kenny just said "Hi Gina
3;." She waved goodbye at them and walked away.
With a low voice, Kenny asked his friend, "umm
3; does that mean she likes me? Because
3; I don't know why, but she doesn't
3;," he hesitated to find the correct term, "
3; turn me on at all. Not like you do."
Pete snickered softly. "That doesn't surprise me. You do remember your mark, don't you?"
Kenny looked surprised, "my mark? What's my mark got to do with this?"
"Everything," Pete replied. "It's an arrow, right?" stating the obvious. "Arrow means 'boy' and the cross means 'girl'. It shows what you're into!" Pete lectured proudly.
"What I'm into? What does that mean?" Kenny looked blankly at Pete.
"It means that boys turn you on but girls don't. I'm the same!" Pete pointed at his own mark, which, of course, also featured the arrow symbol. "Those with that mark only want to have sex with boys but not with girls. If you had the cross, you'd want to have sex with girls instead."
Kenny felt like he still didn't have a clue about what Pete was talking about. This didn't make any sense to him. Once again, he wondered, why there would be a difference between boys and girls.
"Don't fuzz about that too much," Pete tried to ease his friend, "they'll explain that in detail in your classes. Maybe you'll understand it better than I did. I don't really care about that stuff as long as I'm having fun!" he said casually.
As they had walked further down the hall, they approached a different kind of door. It was made if clear glass and there was a grate on top of it. They couldn't see much through the glass, though, only some indistinctive shapes. Waves of vapor wafted through the grate. Pete pointed at the door, "here we can take a shower and get cleaned. Well
3; and do other things" he showed his cocky smile again. "Come, let's take a look who's in there right now," and he opened the door. Heavy, hot and moist air engulfed them, as they entered the huge bathroom.
There were some sinks on one side of the room and some showerheads on the other. In the back, Kenny could make out some doors, probably leading to the toilets. A naked girl, standing at one of the sinks, was brushing her teeth. A slightly taller boy was soaping himself in one of the showers.
A strange rhythmic moaning in sync with a slapping noise was leaking through the thick moisty haze. Curiously, Kenny put his attention into the direction of that sound. As he got closer, he could make out two figures, one leaning at the wall, slightly bending forward, his ass stretched back out. The second figure kept slamming against the other's back. Slap, slap, slap
3; Kenny closed in further and saw that it was two boys, both hardly older than himself. One was standing behind the other and had a tight grip of the boy's hip before him. Over and over again, he pulled back a bit only to slam hard against the small ass. Each time he did that, the boy leaning at the wall answered with an ecstatic moan. Eventually, Kenny was close enough to see the dick, and that its owner kept pushing it hard into the other boy's
3; asshole?! Stunned and amazed, Kenny witnessed the scene, unable to avert his eyes. "Oh
3; wow! This is
3; HOT!" he mumbled. Finally, he had really got that term. He wanted to be in place of one of the two boys, with every fiber of his young body he wanted to do what they were doing.
Kenny felt a wet hand touching his shoulder. Startled, he turned around and recognized the taller boy who he had seen showering before. His skin was all wet and glistened promisingly. The mark on his forehead had a reddish color and featured the arrow symbol as well. He nodded into the direction of the two other boys in action and said, "You like their fucking." Is was a statement, not a question. Kenny nodded, he knew right away what he meant, even though this was another word he had never heard before. "Good," said the tall boy, and closed in on him. He grabbed Kenny's erect dick and gave it two hard strokes. "uuuhhh," Kenny flinched as that treatment, however rough it was, shot intense feelings through his small body.
"Back off, Tom!" Pete forced himself between them. The tall boy looked down at Pete and was obviously not appreciating this intervention. "I'm sorry, but Kenny is new, as you know perfectly well, and he's not ready yet. I'm sure you'll have your fun with him later, but not before it's time!" Pete said firmly. Kenny was quite impressed and so seemed Tom, at least he turned away, but not without sending Kenny a knowing and demanding glance.
"Come, Kenny, there's more to see!" Pete said, as he pulled at Kenny's arm. Kenny looked back at two boys who were still busy with their fucking, but Pete pulled harder now, "Come now. You'll get to do that yourself soon enough!" Reluctantly, Kenny allowed himself to be dragged back into the hallway.
Pete went on to lead Kenny through the complex. There was a dining hall, a community room and a second bathing room which also contained a pool and some small jacuzzi. A large outside area was dedicated for all kinds of fun activities like sport games, athletics, skateboarding and so on.
They met around 20 different boys and girls, and Pete introduced them all to Kenny. He recognized some of the kids back from the school, but most of them were completely new to him.
"Where are the older children?" Kenny asked his friend as he realized that none of the kids was much older than himself. "Oh, after they've reached the next level, they're moved to another area. But don't worry, you're going to meet some of the older boys soon enough," Pete said with a mystic grin. "By the way, you still haven't met all of us. The others are probably busy right now."
"Busy with what?"
But Pete just repeated his vague answer, "You'll see soon enough!"
Most of the kids they met were just chattering around and doing other, quite normal things. But all of them were dressed in a most provocative and sexy way. They all were all quite horny, too, proved by the erection the boys sported almost all the time. And even the girls, while not being so obvious, betrayed their arousal, if only by exchanging lusting glances with other boys or girls.
Every once in a while, Kenny saw a couple kissing each other, usually in a tight embrace. Pete just mentioned that some just couldn't stop 'making out', so Kenny figured that this was yet another new term for what they were doing. In general, there seemed to be almost no restraints for the kids, as they loved to touch each other all the time, all over their bodies.
All the children welcomed Kenny in a most friendly, open way, but he realized soon, that those of them, both boys and girls, who wore an arrow symbol in their mark, greeted him with much more enthusiasm, they usually hugged him and a few even kissed him unabashedly. The other kids, those wearing the cross symbol, were much more reserved, they just waved at him, or gave him a friendly pad on his back.
One time, Kenny saw a boy who wore a combined symbol, with both an arrow and a cross. He was busy 'making out' with a girl, and Kenny didn't want to disturb them. He asked Pete about the boy and his mark, who explained that his name was Karl, that he was an 'all-lover' and that he liked both boys and girls. Kenny felt a bit envious. Not that he really missed being with girls, but it bothered him a bit, that this guy could somehow be off better than he himself.
"If he's an 'all-lover', then what are we called?" Kenny asked while pointing at Pete's arrow mark. "We're boy-lovers. And the others are girl-lovers, simple!" Kenny nodded, he should have figured that out by himself, he thought.
Later, they went to the dining room. The selection of food was extremely limited, Kenny could only see a couple of differently colored, huge pots. All of them seemed to contain some kind of porridge. Kenny eyed them very skeptically, but eventually he followed Pete's lead and scooped a bit of mush into his bowl. They sat down between the other kids who were happily munching the strange stuff. Carefully, Kenny tasted a bit and was pleasantly surprised, it actually tasted really good. Slightly sweet and fruity, something he had never tasted before. After the third scoop Kenny was sure that he had never eaten anything that delicious.
Peter explained that this food was all they ever got, but that it didn't matter, for there were many different flavors and that he wouldn't want to eat anything else anyway. Kenny filled his bowl with the contents of another pot. Even though the mush looked just the same, this time it tasted very spicy and aromatic. He even licked out his bowl before putting it back on the table, looking quite content.
Kenny looked expectantly at Pete who had finished, too. "What now?" he asked.
3;," Pete turned on his cocky smile Kenny started to get really fond of. "I guess, now it's time to return to your room
3;," Pete said auspiciously. Kenny felt his skin getting hot as it started to tingle slightly. Full of expectation, he followed Pete back to his own room
Chapter 3 Lessons
Kenny couldn't avert his eyes from the gorgeous naked boy that was lying before his eyes, in his own bed, waiting for him. Looking impishly up to his friend, Pete invited him, "You've got to learn everything there's to know about a boy's body. So, here I am! I'm all yours! I want you to check out every part of me, all of it!" Kenny was more than excited; all his senses were keyed up to their limits. Slowly, he climbed on the bed and leaned over the heavenly beautiful and sexy body of his young mentor.
Again, he deeply inhaled Pete's fragrance. After a day full of action, the scent was more intense and delightfully tangy. He bowed down and started to explore Pete's body with his nose, his mouth and his tongue. He started at the neck, savored its aromatic and slightly salty taste. Pete closed his eyes and enjoyed the closeness of his horny friend, who now moved on to his left arm pit. The smooth, soft and sweaty skin inside the pit, its particular, slightly acerb smell and taste was very arousing to Kenny.
Then he turned his attention to Pete's cute pink nipples. He started to lick the lovely small areola and then gently touched the left nipple with his tongue. Pete inhaled sharply, and encouraged by that reaction, Kenny started to use his tongue to play with both nipples. As he noticed that they got bigger and harder, he started to use his lips to squeeze them, then he sucked at them and eventually even bit them gently. Pete squirmed under him, enjoying all the attention his boy tits got from his obviously quite gifted apprentice.
The belly was the next stop on Kenny's exploration of the boy's body. He marveled its slender, nicely defined form and traced its skin with his fingers. The cute belly button was slightly recessed and Kenny used his tongue to feel out its texture.
Pete squeaked "stop that! Please! It's tickling!" His small body twitched, as Kenny mercilessly continued to touch the overly sensitive navel.
Eventually, he moved on to the part he was the most curious about. A faint, yet so arousing odor emanated from the 3" [8 cm] dickie, that proudly stood on Pete's hairless loins. It was a very intimate, somehow naughty smell, Pete's boyish fragrance mixed with a hint of pee and sweat. Pete expectantly looked down at Kenny, whose mouth was now almost touching the tip of his cute cock. Kenny wanted nothing more than to taste the source of the raunchy smell that filled his nostrils.
But was it really a good idea to do that? Part of him was somewhat disgusted. Pee was coming out of dicks after all, and maybe Pete had also been sticking his dick into some ass like the other boy he had witnessed earlier? And maybe it was not appropriate at all to lick a penis?
Pete helped a bit by lifting his pelvis slightly so that the tip of his dick hit Kenny's lips. They parted right away, as if they had a will of their own, and Kenny's tongue got its first taste of cock. All of Kenny's doubts were wiped away instantly and he started to lick the tiny glans with his tongue. Soon, his tongue went down tasting the boy's short shaft and finally he completely engulfed the small dick in his mouth and started to suck it carefully and gently.
Pete moaned happily. Witnessing his new friend's first sexual explorations on his own body was so stimulating, so exiting. Kenny obviously relished sucking his dick and he himself could feel how the familiar tingling in his groin started to build up fast. What better testimony of a cock sucker's talent could there be?
It felt so natural to Kenny. His lips were closed tightly around the thin hard shaft as he moved up and down. He used his tongue to massage the dick. It was too short to reach Kenny's uvula, but he masterfully used his gum to squeeze the boy-cock's tip as it went all the way into his mouth.
However, Kenny's most fulfilling and pleasurable reward was Pete's reaction. With an infallible clarity, Kenny could sense Pete's arousal, how it gradually surged up inside him, bringing him closer and closer to the point of no return. Almost playfully he kept Pete at the brink of his climax, making him quiver and moan in ecstasy. Eventually Kenny slowed down and eventually released the dick with a final, gentle smack.
He beamed at his mentor, who was panting heavily. He groaned "uunhhh
3; that was mean! And great!" He looked proudly at Kenny. "You're good, really, really good," he said with a slightly raspy voice. "Ok, now let's see what you're going to do with this!" As Pete said that, he let himself fall back on the bed, wrapped his arms around his knees and pulled them towards himself to raise his own buttocks up into the air.
Pete's balls, his perineum and his asshole presented themselves shamelessly to Kenny, whose face was just inches away. The first thing that hit Kenny, even before he was realizing what he was seeing, was the incredible enticing boy-scent that emanated from Pete's bottom, that was offered so openly right before his face. Part of Kenny thought that it should be disgusting to be so close to another person's asshole, that it should stink and that it should be repugnant to look at.
But instead he felt drawn to it, quite literally, as suddenly he realized that his nose was touching Pete's balls. The small cock throbbed slightly, as Kenny's tongue found its way around the boy's sac, then went further down to lick the perineum between scrotum and asshole. Pete held his breath in anticipation
3; His mind was totally focused on the sensation created by the wet tongue as it went even further down, as it touched the sensitive skin around his hole, then circled it. He could hardly believe that Kenny was doing this just like that, with no need for any encouragement whatsoever. His little pucker pulsed and twitched invitingly and then, at last
3; he felt Kenny's tongue hitting his very center.
Pete moaned as he felt the tip of Kenny's tongue pushing, gently opening his sphincter ever so slightly. It entered him, explored his insides, pushed a bit, played with his anus, licked around the hole, pushed in again
3; Kenny rimmed him like he had never been doing anything else in all his life.
If anyone would have told him just two days ago, that he would be licking another boy's ass, even push his tongue inside his anus, Kenny most certainly would have been really outraged. And now he enjoyed it so much, tasted the smooth insides of this boy before him, savored his essence. But most of all, he just felt so proud when he sensed how much his friend relished the treatment.
His tongue was not enough, though. Kenny wanted to go deeper, explore more of this wonderful hole. Still licking the delicious anus, he used his index finger to poke at its entrance. It slid in with ease, Pete's insides felt warm, very slippery and smooth. Kenny moved and turned his finger, wiggled it around and explored every detail of the boy's inner sanctum.
"Ahh! Oh yes
3; do that again!", Pete suddenly yelled. Kenny had just hit the boy's tiny and still undeveloped prostate which, nonetheless, was already very sensitive. Encouraged by Pete's reaction, Kenny tried to find that spot again and sure enough, there it was, a small knob right under the dick's root. He looked up at Pete's face and relished the boy's ecstatic expression and moans as he kept hitting and massaging that spot.
Kenny was absolutely determined now. He knew exactly what he wanted, what his cock wanted. And more importantly, what his mentor wanted. He had seen it a couple of hours before, in the large washing room. Now it was time to do it himself. Kenny kneeled on the bed, before Pete's exposed bottom and mustered the twitching and pulsing hole that positively begged to be
3; fucked. Kenny liked the sound of that word already.
The hole was already wet and shiny, covered with his saliva and the boy's own ass fluids. Kenny robbed a bit closer and used his fingers to move his short and hard boy dick into position. A slight push with his hip and his dick was touching Pete's entrance with its tip. Pete inhaled sharply. Kenny moved his dick around to collect the fluids that were covering the hole
3; and then he pushed again.
There was almost no resistance. The boy's penis, hardly thicker than two fingers, slipped right into Pete's greedy hole. Kenny felt the warmth engulfing him, all his senses centered on his own cock. He could feel the texture of Pete's ass. It was smooth, it was slippery and it clasped his dick tightly. Pete's insides seemed to pulse slightly while his sphincter locked Kenny's cock tightly into place.
Kenny looked straight into Pete's eyes and he could feel an intense, intimate connection with him. Slowly, he started to move his hip, felt the incredible sensation as his dick moved out and then back in the tight ass, in and out, in and out
Pete felt shockwaves running through his body, as Kenny got bolder and faster. He felt the dick pushing all the way into himself, again and again, harder and deeper each time. Pete had been fucked countless times since he had been living at this place, usually by much older guys with much bigger dongs. Still, this was so very different, the feeling was much more personal, more intense, as Kenny's dick, however small it was, kept hitting his very center, not only physically but also right inside his soul.
On top of the incredible sensations that were emanating from his own cock as it slid in and out of Pete, Kenny could practically see the sexual energy pulsing through the boy he was fucking. He sensed the tension rising within Pete and himself, approaching like a huge wave front on the horizon, coming closer, higher, all consuming
3; And then it descended upon them, engulfed them, as they came in perfect sync. The boys' small bodies were rocked by their dry orgasms and Pete's muscles cramped rhythmically around Kenny hard, pulsing, throbbing cock.
Eventually, Kenny just let himself fall onto Pete's chest who wrapped his arms and legs tightly around him. They relished their closeness as the orgasm slowly faded, leaving a feeling of total content and happiness
3; and something else for which Kenny didn't have a word. But he liked it a lot and wanted to hold it fast forever, hold his newly found friend forever
The kids were both tired and spent now. However, while Pete fell asleep very quickly, breathing sweetly in Kenny's arms, the younger boy couldn't find peace quite so easily. His thoughts ran wild as he tried to work through all the things that had happened to him that day. So many new experiences, so many new friends, and most of all, so many new questions. What was this 'Vocation' after all? It couldn't just be having sex all the time, could it? And what was this place? Why were they kept here? Who kept them here? Where were all the other people?
He realized that he hadn't got much of an answer about anything, really. On the thought of all the questions he had to ask Pete the next day, he eventually fell into a deep, invigorating slumber.
A gentle gong sound accompanied by some up-tempo pop music woke the boys. The sun was already sending some hot beams through the room's only window directly onto the boy's naked bodies.
Pete untangled himself from his 'apprentice', who was cuddling him sleepily. He stretched his bones and then jumped out of bed, full of energy. Kenny was still quite sleepy, though, and it took him a while to remember where he was and what had happened the day before. He looked at the slim, gorgeous and very naked boy standing inside the sunbeams next to the bed. A surge of desire flooded him.
"Get out, sleepyhead!", Pete said mercilessly. "Let's take a shower and some breakfast. Today's your first class, we must not be late. Come now!" Reluctantly, Kenny shuffled himself out of bed and tried to shake the tiredness off his bones.
"You remember where the showers are, don't you? Come, this way!", Pete was relentless. Left with no other choice, Kenny followed him down the hallway. It was very busy; many girls and boys were trotting more or less awake towards the bathrooms. Nobody seemed to care that all of them were completely naked.
The two boys entered the moist and hot bathroom which was already full of kids standing at the sinks and under the showerheads, cleaning and washing themselves quite thoroughly. Kenny followed their lead, and after he was finished, he took a towel from a huge stack lying in a shelf and rubbed himself dry. He noticed that he was not the only one who was constantly aroused, all the other boys exhibited a semi erect dick at least, just like himself.
After they had returned to their room, Kenny saw that the bed had been made in the meantime and that two differently colored but otherwise identical sets of clothes were lying neatly on top of the blanket.
"Look, there're our uniforms! Come, I want to see how it looks on you. Put it on!", Pete exclaimed. Without waiting for his friend, Pete took his own set and got himself dressed.
It looked very much like a boy scout uniform, not as provocative as the clothes they wore the day before, but still very physical and sexy. The shirt was made of some stretch fabric that emphasized the kids' slender bodies. Pete's shirt was white and he tied his thin, red neckerchief a bit to the left, which gave him a cute and coy look. The jeans shorts were dark, almost black. They were also very tight and so short, that they hardly covered the boy's bottom. However small, Pete's semi erect dick and his balls made a cute bulge on the tight panties. Lean sandals completed his outfit.
Kenny' shirt was lime green and his neckerchief had a dark blue color. He wasn't so happy with these colors, as he looked at himself in the mirror. He tried to tie his neckerchief the same way as Pete, but with only mediocre success.
"Don't worry, you can ask for any colors you want," Pete said cheerily, "but you look hot, no matter what color you wear!" Kenny smiled happily as he felt another surge of affection for his young mentor.
"Come, let's have some breakfast" Pete interrupted Kenny's happy thoughts. Shortly, they were back in the large dining hall together with the other kids. They all wore the same uniform but with a mind-blowing variation of colors.
Besides a selection of different beverages, like milk, fruit juice, cacao and so on, the only food Kenny could find was the same mush they already had got the day before.
"Is that all we ever get to eat?" Kenny asked grumpily.
"Yep!" was Pete's simple answer. "But it tastes great. And there are always new taste variations to try. It's not so bad really."
Reluctantly at first, but with increasing appetite, Kenny ate the strange breakfast. After a while another loud gong resounded through the hall.
"Class will start soon, let's go!" said Pete. He stood up and threw his bowl and the spoon onto a chute. Kenny followed his lead and soon they both ran through the building and reached another part of the complex, Kenny hadn't been to before. The area was packed, not only with children of their age, there were also many older and taller boys and girls. Some of them even had some traces of facial hair already. They all wore the same kind of school uniform, however, there seemed to be hardly two kids using the same combination of colors.
Kenny looked around in awe. He had never seen any kid much older than himself before. Yes, there were the adults, that had taken care of him all his life, but the gap between kids like him and those caretakers always seemed to be unbridgeable. However, now, for the first time in his life, it dawned on Kenny, that he would eventually become an adult himself.
Pete didn't give him much time, though, to catch his breath and to take a good look at the other kids around them. Still, there was just no way that he could have missed the huge packages some of the older boys were equipped with. Would his own become this big as well one day?
Finally, Pete came to a sudden halt just as they passed a corner. A large group of kids was standing before three huge scoreboards. Kenny tried to get a view on the boards, which was not easy, because most of the other kids were much taller than him. For the first time in quite a while, he felt small and petty again, an unwelcome change of fate, after he'd been used to be one of the older kids for some time now.
Pete scrambled through the crowd in front of the right board. The kids surrounding that scoreboard were noticeably shorter than the ones surrounding the other two boards. Kenny tried to follow him and when he had finally reached him, he saw that his friend was quite excited and happy.
"Look, Kenny! I've got another 10 points! It's at 220 now. That's my best score so far!" Pete pointed at an entry on the scoreboard which was about two thirds down the list. Kenny could read the name 'Pete' and the number '220' next to it. He noticed that the numbers became bigger further up and smaller further down the list. "I've gained two places!" Pete continued gleefully. The two entries below his listed 'Frank', '219' and 'Sarah', '212'.
On the very top of the board, just below a big headline reading 'Pre-Pubescent', the first entry listed 'Tom' with the score '432'. Kenny scanned the list downwards, looking for his own name. But he couldn't find it. At the bottom of the board, there was 'Kevin' who had a measly '27' points. And below that he finally found himself: 'Kenny', '0 (n.i.)'. He had not even got a single point! Even though he had no idea what these points were granted for, he felt devastated and had to fight hard to keep his tears at bay. But he was no baby anymore, he would not start to cry before all those other kids!
Since he was so busy celebrating his new ranking, Pete almost missed his friend's misery. When he finally realized that Kenny was just standing there, staring sulkily at the bottom of the board, he tried to cheer him up.
"Hey, you've just arrived here. And you haven't got the speech yet. You'll be rising up in no time, you'll see!"
"What are these points for?", Kenny asked, not really listening to Pete.
3; yeah, well
3; you'll have to wait for the speech for that as well. Maybe I shouldn't have
3;", Pete stopped midsentence, he turned around and grabbed Kenny's arm again.
3; tug
3; me
3; around!", Kenny puffed as Pete dragged him down the hall. Anger started to replace his sorrow, but before he could say anything else, they had already arrived at a door which was marked with a sign showing the familiar arrow symbol and a big '1' next to it.
"This is our classroom," Pete said and opened the door. They entered the room and Kenny looked around. There were about 20 boys and girls around his age in the classroom. They all wore the same arrow symbol on their forehead, so they were all 'boy-lovers'.
The room was filled with small desks and most of them were occupied already. Kenny counted only four available seats scattered around the room.
"Rats, no two free desks next to each other! Tomorrow we've got to be here earlier! Oh well, just sit down over there!" Pete pointed at a free desk and sat down himself two rows further in the back. Uncomfortably, Kenny resigned to his fate and sat down at the desk Pete had pointed out. He looked around. He already had met most of these kids, chatting and fooling around. Still, Kenny suddenly felt quite self-conscious. Some of the children openly stared at him and he suspected that some of them could even be whispering and laughing about him.
After a short while another door to some back room was opened and a woman entered the class room. This woman was old! It was the oldest woman Kenny had ever seen. There were some streaks of grey in her brown hair and small wrinkles were visible around her eyes and her mouth. The chatter died down as she looked across the room. Eventually, she noticed Kenny.
"Oh, there we've got our latest new arrival
3;," she scanned the list in her hand and went on, "Kenny, isn't it, boy?" He just nodded. "Lovely. I'm Ms. Korningham. I'm going to be your teacher for the next months." she paused for a second "I'll be teaching the more, well, mundane topics," she giggled girlishly. Kenny wasn't sure if he liked her.
Without much more ado, she started with her lesson. "Ok, kids. Remember last week when I told you about the concept of money. Betty, dear, would you please recapitulate that for us?"
Betty was a small girl with a bright golden mark on her forehead. She eagerly answered, "Money is used in the outer world as a means to pay for goods and services. If you want some
3;" she couldn't go on, because the door was opened with a loud bang.
"Tom!" Ms. Korningham yelled angrily. "Could you please try to be on time just once? And if you're already late, at least have the curtesy of entering like a normal, civilized person!"
It was the same tall boy they had met in the showers the other day. He was standing in the door, his shirt colored in a bright and angry looking red. Both his shorts and his neckerchief were black with red seams. This time, Kenny also noticed that the boy's mark had a reddish tint.
Tom didn't look as if Ms. Korningham had made any impression on him. He looked around and found Kenny. The expression on Tom's face changed into a mixture of contempt, desire and arrogance. Kenny felt quite uncomfortable under his gaze. Without saying anything, Tom walked over to one of the remaining desks and sat down.
After Ms. Korningham nodded at her, Betty continued with her monologue. Kenny wasn't interested in what she had to say, though. Sure, he wanted to learn about the outside world. It was very mysterious and felt excitingly dangerous to him. But this 'money' thing they were talking about sounded most strange and boring. Their teacher went on with her lesson but Kenny didn't listen anymore, instead he started to look around at the other kids in the room. Some of them seemed to be interested in the subject, but the majority was just dreaming, looking around or doing something with the electronic notepads that were integrated in their desks.
However, two of the boys, who were sitting side by side, were constantly throwing glances at each other. They kept whispering and then they even started to touch each other's hands, casually holding their arms across the gap between their desks. One boy's hand moved further up, caressing the other boy's thigh, then it started to reach into his shorts
"In older days, there were so called bills, small pieces of paper, which had a certain value which was printed
3; Oh cut it out, boys!" Ms. Korningham looked directly at the two boys, whose flirting became all too obtrusive now. However, they didn't seem to be embarrassed in the slightest, they only interrupted their giggling and looked up at the teacher sassily. "Do you think you could focus your attention on me for a change?" she asked them sternly.
"We're very sorry, Ms. Korningham, but we're just too horny to pay attention!" said one of them perkily.
"Come on, boys, you know you're supposed to get that out of the way before class!" she looked disgruntled at the two kids, who just looked back up at her with their coy smile. She sighed, "ok, off you go. But don't take too long!" The two boys giggled happily, got up and started to make out with each other, right where they were standing. "Back room!", she pointed at the door behind her. Arm in arm, the two lovebirds left the room but they didn't bother to shut the door behind them.
Like nothing had happened, Ms. Korningham continued her boring lecture. Kenny was looking at the open door, though, he tried to picture what was now happening in the other room. But he didn't have to strain his imagination too hard, because soon enough they all heard the moaning and rhythmic smacking. Quite unperturbed, Ms. Korningham just walked over to the door and closed it - but Kenny could still hear the boys well enough, and the different moans and other sounds were an attestation for their creativity and the fun they had. Eventually, after some particularly loud noises, they were obviously done and they reappeared back in the class room shortly thereafter. With a happy smile on the faces, they sat down at their desks without saying another word.
The rest of the class went by uneventfully, and Kenny started to count the minutes. Eventually, a gong announced that it was finally over. The kids scrambled up quickly and left the room, accompanied by the usual chattering and laughing. However, Kenny noticed that Ms. Korningham beckoned to Pete, who obediently approached her desk. She said something to him which Kenny couldn't make out in all the noise around them. Pete looked at her with a puzzled expression, but then he nodded and walked back to Kenny.
"I have to go to the Primus now. You wait outside, ok? It won't take long, promise!" Pete explained.
Before Kenny could say anything, his friend was gone. He didn't really like being left alone, because he wasn't quite comfortable at this new place, yet, and he was afraid to get lost. So he just stood outside of the classroom, leaning against the wall, and waited for Pete to return. Countless boys and girls were running past without taking much notice of him. Kenny had no way to tell the much time had passed, but it felt like he had been waiting for more than an hour, and still there had been no sign of Pete. He kept looking around, hoping to see him somewhere, but his mentor just didn't show up.
Someone tapped his shoulder from behind. Kenny jumped and turned around. Tom stood before him, just a foot away. Kenny was intimidated by that boy, who was around 5' [1.50 m] in height, more than one head taller than himself. Smirking unpleasantly, the older boy was looking down upon him. He was so close that Kenny couldn't help but to notice Tom's smell, rough somehow, but still boyish and sexy
3; and there was something else he was smelling for the first time. It was this new scent, that made Kenny's pecker twitch slightly.
"So alone all by yourself?" Tom's low voice sounded dangerous. "Where's your little puppet master?" Kenny didn't say anything. Tom was now wearing his leisure wear, the usual provocative outfit, complete with cock ring and all. He looked directly at Kenny's forehead when he said, "well, I'd love to know if you're really that special, with your black mark and all!"
"My black mark? Why would it make me special?" Kenny wondered uneasily.
"He doesn't even know!" Tom looked around as a small crowd started to gather around them. "Just how thick are you? But of course, brains would just be a waste on you anyway."
Tom moved even closer and pushed Kenny's small body back to the wall behind him. Kenny could feel the older boy's hard cock, which already had an impressive length of 3.8" [9.6 cm] poking at his belly. Hot and demanding breath waved over the smaller boy's face.
Before Kenny could do anything about it, he felt a pair of lips pressing relentlessly on his mouth and then a tongue, that brusquely demanded entrance. Automatically, Kenny parted his lips, let it slip inside
3; He felt a hand sliding down his pants, reaching for his own, now equally hard cock and starting to wank it quite gruffly. A surge of emotions flooded Kenny's mind. He didn't want to be with this boy, much less have sex with him. But his own body betrayed him, and he felt his legs turning into jelly.
Tom mercilessly pinned the younger boy to the wall. With no effort and only one sudden move, he ripped Kenny's pants off of him. The child's hard little dick now stood there out in the open, uncovered and vulnerable. A group of other kids was circling the two boys, but Kenny didn't even notice them at all. While pressing his victim unyieldingly against the wall, Tom bent his knees slightly so that he could push his own pecker between Kenny's thighs right underneath his crotch. Then, he started to make fucking moves, hard and impetuously.
Kenny lost himself. He didn't want it, he fought it with all the will he had left, but he didn't stand a chance. Both his body and his mind surrendered to this assault. Heat filled up the small body, it relaxed and allowed it to happen. A tongue invaded his mouth and completely repressed his own. He felt Tom's hard cock rubbing at his perineum and sliding along his hole. His mind just stopped, he wanted it, wanted it so badly, wanted to submit, wanted to be taken, right here, right now
Harshly, Tom turned the smaller boy around, who didn't offer any resistance any longer. Kenny was now facing the wall, his cute bottom completely exposed, waiting to be fucked. Tom grabbed his own dick, moved it into position, it was now already touching the helpless boy's entrance, he was about to push
"Stop right now, Tom!" a deep, mighty voice reverberated through the hallway.
Kenny almost collapsed, when Tom suddenly released him. He stumbled but found his balance just in time. He felt so empty, disappointed, violated, unsatisfied. There was no holding back now, hot tears were running down his reddened cheeks. Confused, vulnerable and with his bottom exposed, he stood there, surrounded by other boys and girls who were staring at him.
"This time you've gone too far, Tom. This is not acceptable, not acceptable at all. You know very well that this boy here isn't initiated, yet. How could you force yourself on him?"
Finally, Kenny noticed the huge, impressive man whom the strangely familiar voice belonged to. The man towered over the group of kids that was circling him and Tom. The crowd parted as the incredibly tall man approached them. He wore a black beanie, that covered everything above his eyebrows, and a neatly trimmed black beard which hid the rest of his face. His blue eyes, however, really stood out, they almost looked like sparkling marbles. His clothes were dark and heavy and they hardly allowed any view on his body, but Kenny could still make out some strange drawings on the skin of the man's neck and hands.
"I'm going to have to discipline you, Tom. First, I'm taking 50 points from you!", he said while looking down at Tom with a hard, stern expression. Tom just looked away defiantly and didn't say anything. "And," he continued, mustering the boy intensely, "You'll have to move. I can't allow you to remain with the pre-pubescent children. After all," he sniffed at the boy, "your own ripening has obviously begun anyway." Tom continued to look down at the floor sulkily.
Then the man addressed Pete, who was standing next to him. "Go, bring your friend back to his room. Please be very gentle with him, he needs you right now. Help him to understand and don't forget what I've told you before!"
He bowed down and gently held Kenny's cheek, his blue marble eyes looking directly into Kenny's soul. "I'm so sorry, Kenny, this is not how I wanted you to be confronted with your rare gift," he said mysteriously. "Please allow me to make amends. I'd just ask you for a bid more patience
3;" Then he turned around and left him standing there, even more helpless and confused as before.
"Who was that man? I think I've heard his voice before!" Kenny was still quite shaken. Pete, who was sitting next to him on the bed, had his arm wrapped around him tightly, trying his best to comfort his friend.
"We call him 'The Primus'. No idea if that's even a name, though. He's something like our principal, everyone's just doing what he's saying." Pete explained. "And you've already met him, just yesterday, right after you woke up for the first time, remember?"
"Yes, that's right! I couldn't see him clearly then, but it was the same voice!" Kenny nodded. "He's
3; strange. A bit creepy. Isn't he?"
Pete just shrugged. "Maybe, yeah, A little. Anyway, I had to go to his office earlier and he wanted me to
3; to tell you something."
Kenny didn't miss his friend's hesitation. "Oh, come on, don't be all secretive with me! Not you as well!"
"I'm sorry, I really am. But the Primus made me promise not to tell you anything. I guess, he wants to explain everything to you himself. I have to show you the way to his office tomorrow, right after breakfast. He'll give you 'the speech'
3; well, that's what we call it." Pete explained defensively. After a short pause he went on, "all of us have got 'the speech', it's something like a special moment for everyone." A bit quieter he added, "but no one I know has ever got it after just two days
The boys just sat there quietly for a while. Kenny looked down on his hands in his lap. Finally, without looking up, he started to speak: "you know, part of me wanted him to fuck me. It was like my body was willingly giving in to him. It felt strange
3; but also good somehow." He looked up at his mentor, "that's weird, isn't it? Am I weird?"
Pete looked right into Kenny's eyes. "No, it's not weird. Not at all. You know, I've had this feeling myself many times. But
3;" he pointed at his own mark, which had a bright golden shade "
3;I've always thought that it's just us, who have a golden mark, that are feeling this way." He nodded at Kenny and continued, "but you, you've got a black mark. The only one, I have ever seen. I thought that you'd be different. Maybe more like the reds."
"The reds?" Kenny asked astonished, "you mean the guys with a red mark? I didn't know that those colors mean anything!" He looked expectantly at Pete, hoping that he would finally get some answers.
Pete hesitated, then he said "I'm sorry, really, really sorry. I shouldn't even have told you that. Please don't be mad at me. Tomorrow, after you've got your speech, I'll tell you everything I know. Which isn't all that much anyway." Pete said with a bit of sadness in his voice.
Kenny realized that pushing any further might only get his new friend into trouble. One more day of patience wouldn't make much of a difference after all.
For a while, the two boys just sat there quietly, relishing the closeness of each other. Then Kenny suddenly straightened up. "Come. No point in sitting around here. Let's get out and play something!" he said. Pete was completely taken by surprise by this sudden initiative. But he was also very glad that Kenny seemed to be back to his old self again.
They went out into the park and met a few other children there, who were already playing and frolicking around. The two boys were invited into their group right away. The kids kicked around a bit with some kind of football, then one of the younger boys, Ricky, proudly showed off by doing some somersaults and a handwheels on the soft lawn. Kenny tried to copy him, but he soon realized that it wasn't just as easy as it looked. After a while, his attempts became quite acceptable, though.
Soon enough, Kenny had totally forgotten to think about Tom's assault. He had a blast with Ricky and all his other new friends. A couple of hours later, they were called in for dinner - the usual mush of course - and after they were finished, both he and Pete brushed their teeth and eventually returned to their room.
Even though the boys were rather tired after this day full of events and action, both of them were still very horny. They got into their bed right away and started to romp around with each other. Pete showed his mentee many new tricks here and there and Kenny learned much about his own body and a lot about how to receive and give pleasure. Even though the boys didn't do any ass fucking this time, they both had quite a number of their dry orgasms that night.
Eventually they fell asleep, spread out on the bed, tightly cuddling each other with Kenny's head on Pete's chest. It was an excruciatingly cute view for any would-be observer
Chapter 4 Initiation
The two men were sitting at a big desk that stood prominently in the middle of a rather spacious office. Overall, the furniture in the room was quite modern, it was full of technology, but the most striking feature was that it was decorated with various items from all over the world and from many different cultures.
"I appreciate that you could come here on so such short notice, Michael," the Primus greeted the man with an open smile.
"Yes, it's good to see you, it has been quite a while, hasn't it? I've been missing you, Co
"No names, please, you know that!" he was interrupted by the Primus.
"Afraid of uninvited listeners? Still as paranoid as always, are we? 'Primus' you like to be called these days, right? Ok, works for me." The man said with a thin smile. "Tell me, what exactly do you have in mind for me. Is it something for this school of yours, as you'd like to call it? Your message was a bit vague
The Primus studied the man before him. He searched for the handsome young man, the man he had known so well
3; the years had obviously left their marks and he had also gained quite some weight.
"Well, Michael, I'm in need of your special talents," the Primus said.
"Oh no, you know that I'm done breaking in your boys. After all we went through, I won't
3;" Michael answered defensively.
"He's got a black mark, Michael. He's been here for three days only. And you'd be the first one to have him." The Primus looked at his old friend, with a devious smile.
"A black mark? Really? There's only
3; how many of those?" Michael asked, with new interest.
"He's the fourth one in all these years."
"And he hasn't been touched yet? He's still a virgin? How old is he?"
"He's 10. And yes, he's a virgin. So far, he's only been with his mentor, who showed him the basics, but he hasn't been fucked, yet. Here, take a look yourself!" The Primus swiveled his screen for his guest. A picture of Kenny was shown on the display, it had been shot when Kenny was posing in the mirror on his first day.
Michael mustered the slim, sexy boy in the picture. His interest was more than obvious.
"His height is 4'4" [132cm] and his erect dick is a bit over 3" [8cm]," the Primus explained. "He's exactly your cup of tea, isn't he?"
"He's gorgeous," Michael admitted. "This cute tooth gap they have at that age
3;" he commented the fact that Kenny's grin revealed his missing frontal teeth.
"Yes, the development of his permanent teeth has been delayed as usual." The Primus nodded.
"Ok, I'll do it. You just know me all too well. Damn you!" Michael couldn't help but to smile at his old friend.
"Now surprise there," The Primus said, "Michael, listen, this boy is special. Because of his black mark, of course, but I do really care for him. I want him to understand what he is in for, if he should decide to stay with us. He has to get a good idea about the darker facets of his future life. And you're the perfect person to give him that insight."
"There's no fooling you, heh? Yeah, I can do that. Don't worry, I'll take really good care of him!" Michael said mischievously.
"Yes, you will!" the Primus said firmly.
Kenny's felt his heart pounding hard when Pete pressed the button next to the Primus' door.
"Enter!" He heard the familiar voice, which just didn't sound quite as impressive over the speaker. Pete entered the room and Kenny followed closely behind him.
Even though he was now sitting behind his huge desk, the man who liked to be called 'The Primus' still looked very tall and impressive. Like last time, he wore his beanie that covered most of his head. Kenny wondered why
"Please, boys, sit down. Kenny, please, this chair" the man pointed at the center chair right in front of the desk. Pete sat down on a second chair to the left.
"First, I'd like to introduce myself properly. I'm the principal of this school. You can call me Primus." He nodded at Kenny but there was no smile on his face.
"Again, I'm very sorry about that incident yesterday. I take it, your friend," he nodded at Pete, "comforted you properly? I hope he helped you to recover from that experience?"
"Yes, Sir. I'm fine now," Kenny answered ingenuously.
The Primus nodded again, then he got straight to the point: "I know you're full of questions and I'm here to answer the most pressing ones. Please try not to interrupt me, though, there'll be ample time for your questions later!"
Kenny nodded obediently and expectantly.
"In the last two days, you've already had the chance to learn a little bit about what's commonly known as 'sex'," the Primus looked at Pete this time who grinned back coyly. "but you're probably still wondering what it's for in the first place
He went on talking about the subject, and Kenny was hanging at his every word. Finally, he was getting the answers he was waiting for.
The Primus gave Kenny an overview about the purpose of sex, of the various sexual preferences, about the role sex plays in society and so on.
3;Throughout the history of men, sex has been abused to exact power over people, it has caused much grieve, pain and death. Sex is among the strongest driving forces in humans, so naturally it's the perfect lever to wield power over them. Many people stigmatize sex, they've built a moral system and laws to regulate it, to control it. They've created taboos and condemned those who're born with certain unconventional sexual orientations."
This was all a bit much for Kenny, he just couldn't understand why someone would pervert this wonderful thing he experienced over the last two days into something so bad.
"About 50 years ago, some very smart men and women had an idea which was supposed to settle all kind of sexual repression once and for all. They thought, that if anyone could have any kind of sex they ever wanted, for free and without any negative consequences, this would solve all the problems, all the suffering and pain that was caused by it." The Primus paused for a second. Kenny looked at him, waiting for him to go on.
"They wanted to create a new kind of human being, whose only purpose in life is to have sex, whose ultimate goal is to give and receive sexual pleasure. And they succeeded. Using a technique called genetic engineering, they were able to create a new breed of humans." The Primus stopped and now it was him who looked expectantly at Kenny.
The boy tried to wrap his head around all the stuff he had just heard. A new breed of humans? What did that mean? He just couldn't make any sense out of this.
"You, Kenny. You and the other children here. You are this special breed, and the sole point of your existence is to provide sexual services to other people." The Primus face now suddenly looked hard and bitter.
Kenny felt like this news was supposed to cause some reaction from him. But he didn't feel much about this revelation. It just didn't mean anything to him, he never had thought about his purpose in life, about what it meant to live and why he lived in the first place. So, if he understood that correctly, his purpose was to have sex. Well, that didn't sound too bad, as far as he was concerned.
The Primus grimaced and continued, "you children always take this so serenely, as if it were the most ordinary thing. The blessing of your young age. But most older people value the idea that they can chose their own fate, their own way of living their lives. Of course, more often than not, this is just a mere illusion. But nevertheless, being forced into a certain role by means of your own genes, which, on top of that, have been manipulated by man, is the most horrendous thing conceivable for most people. So those smart men and women, who created your genes, were convicted, sentences to jail and almost all of them are quite dead by now."
Kenny shivered slightly. He realized that the things he just heard had a massive impact on his live, but he couldn't really grasp the enormity of it.
"But the 'damage', as they like to call it, is already done. Your special genes are part of the human genepool now, and whether they like it or not, every once in a while, a child like you is born. A child with your special abilities and properties. So, it was decided to make the best out of the situation." He looked at Kenny as if to check how he'd cope with all this information.
"And make no mistake, you *are* special. Very special. You have abilities that no ordinary human could even come close to. Your capabilities of instilling pleasure in other people is extraordinary, which will make you very popular. But on top of that, you yourself are capable of experiencing pleasure like no ordinary man or women will ever come even close to."
Kenny wasn't sure if that qualified as being 'special'. However, this simply sounded like he was being forced into a predestined role without even having a choice.
The Primus continued, "You and your brethren are raised separately from all other children. Around the age of 10, your body and mind is 'triggered', as we call it. That means that your sexual functions and desires, that were just dormant until that day, are activated. You've experienced that yourself three days ago.
After that, you've got to learn, about your own body, about the human body in general and about your role in life. That's our responsibility here at this school. You'll be taught everything there is to know about sex, about giving and receiving sexual pleasure."
3; do I have to? Do I really have to do this? What, if I don't want to
3;" Kenny asked timidly.
"Yes, Kenny, you do have a choice. As a matter of fact, that's exactly what this day is about, your day of initiation. Up until now, all decisions have been made for you. But now, after this day, you'll be asked to make one big decision yourself."
"What decision?" Kenny asked with wide eyes.
"The decision if you want to stay here, if you want to fulfill your one role in society. If you accept it, there's no going back. We will teach and prepare you, and you'll lead a life of sexual services to anyone who asks you for it. But, if you should decide to leave, we're going to have to shut down every sexual desire inside you."
Kenny was completely overwhelmed by this situation. How could they ask him, a 10-year-old boy, to make such a decision?
"Don't worry," The Primus was not surprised by the obvious fear that he saw in Kenny's eyes. "I'm pretty confident that the decision will come quite naturally to you after you've completed your initiation," the Primus looked at Pete, "isn't that right, Pete?"
Pete beamed, proud of being finally included in the discussion, "yeah, actually it was very easy for me. And I've never regretted it once!"
"What about our mark," Kenny suddenly asked, "are we born with it? And what do the colors mean?" he pointed at Pete's forehead that bore his golden mark.
"Yes, your born with it. It marks you as the special boy you are, for everyone to see what you are. And it also gives a general idea about your orientation and the kind of service you excel at." The Primus answered.
Before Kenny could ask anything else, he stood up and said "I think that's enough for now, please return to your room and get ready for your initiation. It will commence shortly. I'll see you again later. Go now!"
Kenny still hadn't got a proper answer about the marks' colors and why everybody was fuzzing about his black mark, but he didn't dare to ask any further. The two boys got up and left the Primus' office.
The Primus quietly sat back down at his desk, lost in his thoughts. As usual, he had tried to be as open as possible to the kid. He wanted their decision to be founded on facts, at least as far as that was even conceivable at their age. But in Kenny's case, he had gone out of his way to make sure that he'd get a clear, unglorified and unvarnished impression about how his future life will look like, should he decide to stay. Michael would make sure of that.
That much, at least, he owed the boy.
Even after all these years, Michael was still excited. He usually didn't do boys this young anymore, nowadays he preferred hard, kinky and dirty sex with more experienced sluts. But this particular kid bore a black mark, and that meant
3; that he had potential. He was probably worth his time and effort. And besides, his cute, innocent look triggered certain old memories
3; Michael smiled dreamily.
There was the boy's door, number 225. He opened it and entered the room. The noticed that the room was already equipped properly, with a conveniently sized leather bench, a sling and even an X-cross on the back wall.
The cub sat up straight and wide-eyed on the bed. He wore the same shameless hot outfit he had seen on the picture, the blue almost non-existent top that so charmingly framed his cute child-body and the string pantie with the embedded the cock ring. The view of his firm little balls and his cute 3' [8cm] dicklet made Michael's own dong twitch in anticipation.
"So, you're the latest freshman. You're quite small, even for your age." The man said without any visible emotion.
"Yes, Sir. My name is
3;" Kenny said with his high, innocent and clear voice.
"Silence! Your name is of no relevance to me. And you will not speak unless spoken to!" Michael interrupted him harshly.
The man had a profound effect on Kenny. For the first time in his life, he was properly aware of a grown man, the masculine appearance, the musky scent and the dominant presence. The boy's engineered, heightened sensed were tuned to react on these exact signals, and they were just overwhelming him. He backed away a bit, his eyes were growing even wider and his mouth opened in amazement.
Michael made two steps forward and was now standing right before the bed, the boy's face only inches away from his crotch.
"Don't just sit there. Take care of my dick!" Michael commanded bluntly. He could see how the small body shivered; his small pecker was standing hard and proud.
The boy started to fumble around on the man's belt. "Faster boy! What's taking you so long?", Michael commanded impatiently. The boy's little fingers started to tremble slightly, but then, finally, he managed to open the belt. The fly quickly followed suit and then Michael's semi hard cock sprang out into the open.
Kenny gasped in amazement. This
3; thing was huge! It was at least 8 inches [20cm] long, and it was so thick that one of the boy's hands would never even come close to encompass it. Kenny would have never thought that a dick could be that large. But most of his shock was caused by the smell. It was nasty. A mixture of pee, sweat and cock cheese
3; And the odor pressed all the right buttons in Kenny's mind; he was now totally fixated on the hot schlong that was hanging right before his eyes.
"What are you waiting for, child?" Michael insisted.
As if in a dream, Kenny gently lifted the dong with both his hands, he opened his mouth as wide as he could and tried to engulf the cut dick's exposed glans. With all his might, he managed it and his lips closed tightly around it. He started to carefully lick it with his tongue.
"Oh, come on", Michael said impatiently. He grabbed the kid's head with his hands and ruthlessly shoved his dick further into the boy's mouth. He didn't use too much force, but Kenny immediately gasped and choked anyway. His jaw was already spread to its limit and the huge cock filled all his mouth, pressed his tongue down and poked hard at the back of his throat.
Michael granted the boy a few seconds to get used to this new experience. Eventually his choking subsided and he started to breathe again. Then the man started to face fuck the boy. Quite gently, by his own standards, but still rough enough for the inexperienced boy. Over and over he kept hitting Kenny's uvula, who had to fight hard against his gag impulse.
However, Kenny already started to enjoy the dick's taste. A new, salty fluid started to build up in his mouth which he loved even more. His own saliva, mixed with the man's precum, started spill out of the corners of his stretched lips and slowly trickled down at the boy's chin.
"Deeper!" Michael commanded and shoved his dick harder into the kid's mouth while he kept holding his head in a tight grip. Kenny gagged again, his eyes were pleading for release. He couldn't breathe anymore, but Michael kept pushing relentlessly. The boy's hands cramped around the man's ass cheeks and he made muffled, helpless, gasping noises.
After some more seconds, he finally released the boy. His dick left the kid's mouth with an audible smack. Kenny fell back and gasped for air. This was just too much for him, he only hoped that this ordeal would be over soon. Then he'd tell the Primus that he wanted to leave this place as fast as possible
As Michael started to undress himself, the boy's train of thought was interrupted. Kenny couldn't help himself, he just had to stare at this man. This was the first time he saw a grown man's naked body.
There was hair everywhere, on his muscular chest, his slightly bulging belly, his arms and legs
3; and around his crotch. The huge, heavy, fat 8" [20 cm] cock was hanging out of a wild bush of hair, its bare glans glistening wet.
Michael pointed at the leather bench and commanded "lie down on your back! Make sure that your head is jutting out over the benches edge"
Kenny lied down on the bench as he was told, his shoulders in line with the rim of the bench. "Like this?" he asked nervously. He had to hold his head up uncomfortably and could no longer see Michael from his position. However, as the man was approaching him, Kenny could clearly smell him, his sweat, his hair and his cock.
Then his dangling head was rudely bent down. The man's huge cock was hovering right over his eyes and before Kenny could protest, the enormous dick was forced into his mouth again. It slid in, a bit further this time, down the boy's stretched throat. Soon, Kenny started to choke again, as the schlong made it impossible for him to breath.
Ignoring Kenny's predicament, Michael kept pushing mercilessly. The helpless boy coughed and gagged desperately. He started to become dizzy and he heard his own blood pumping loudly in his ears
"Swallow, damn it! Didn't they teach you anything?" Michael shouted impatiently.
Swallow? How was he supposed to do that? Left with no other choice, he tried to force his throat to swallow
3; and he felt fresh air filling his lungs again. It was such a relieve. At the same time, he could feel how the huge dong was sliding a bit deeper into him.
3; yes!" Michael called out. About another half an inch of his cock had just slipped into the boy's mouth. "Again! Keep swallowing!"
And Kenny did as he was told. He realized that each time he forced his throat to swallow, his gorge was retracting a bit and allowed the cock to slide in a bit further. And somehow, he could also take a breath each time he did it. He kept swallowing and tried to find a rhythm that allowed him to breath comfortably.
Michael saw his cock slowly sliding further into the child's mouth. All its 8 inches [20 cm] disappeared and eventually the boy's face was completely buried in his pubic hair. With fascination, he observed how the boy's throat bulged, as the thick cock stretched his gullet.
The whole time, his cock was squeezed and massaged by the pulsing and swallowing throat. The sensation was quite exquisite. For a couple of seconds, he just kept standing still, his schlong buried deeply all the way inside the boy, and he just relished the experience and view.
Then he started to pull out about two thirds of his dick and slowly pushed it back into the kid. This time, it didn't hit any resistance. It slid in, through the pulsing throat into the boy's gullet. Out again, and in again.
The gum with the few remaining, small and dull baby teeth massaged his shaft as he enjoyed fucking the boy's face, slowly and deeply. The throat kept expanding and deflating, as he pushed in and retracted his dick.
The stimulation caused by the gullet's kneading of his glands and the gum's rubbing of his shaft was extremely intense and Michael felt that he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. His fucking became faster and deeper, relentless and feral.
After a while, Kenny started to get used to the rough treatment he was exposed to. As the fucking went on, his body and mind relaxed a bit and eventually, a part of him even started to enjoy being used like this.
The man's hairy scrotum kept hitting the boy's nose, its strong musky scent did its work, and Kenny slowly faded into a kind of trance, sexual stimuli overriding conscious thought. His little dick was now hard again and it cutely swayed back and forth as the man kept fucking him.
As he sensed the man approaching his climax, euphoria started to rise inside of Kenny. Suddenly, he relished the thought of being used, of being the sole cause of this man's pleasure.
Then Kenny felt how his waist was suddenly grabbed and his small body was lifted with little effort. He was now held with his head down, the cock still locked deep inside of his gullet, his legs spread and dangling backwards. The man started to shove him up and down on his cock like an oversized toy, his huge hands almost completely closed around the boy's slender waist.
Michael felt himself coming very close now, but he wanted to delay the inevitable a bit further. He stopped his fucking and pulled the boy toy that engulfed his dick a bit further up, so that he could get a good view on the tiny, dangling and hard dickie. About half his own cock remained inside the boy, who kept on massaging it with his throat.
He savored the close look at the boy's perfectly smooth, so innocently looking crotch, balls and cock, that deliciously swayed right before his eyes. He took both the tiny dick and the balls into his mouth and started to suck at them, he enjoyed the boy's velvet skin and his innocent, fragile taste.
Kenny made some muffled noises, his mouth still filled with cock and his jaw stretched to its limit. The treatment of his own dick while being stuffed like this was almost too much for him to take.
He followed a sudden impulse and grabbed the man's hairy hips with his small hands. He pulled himself further down on the dick, pushing it deeper inside of his own gorge.
He felt how his boy dick was released and he used the opportunity to wrap his legs around the man's chest. He was now clinging at the man upside down, held by the cock in his throat and his own legs clamped around the hairy torso. Then Kenny used his arms to push himself up and down along the man's dick that was buried deep down in his gullet.
Michael groaned in surprise. He hadn't expected that the boy would take the initiative. But now he was clinging at him, his thin legs wrapped around him, and he kept fucking himself passionately. The boy's ass cheeks were spread widely and his little pucker presented itself to him, twitching invitingly.
Pushing the boy's bottom up slightly, Michael started to lick the pulsing hole. Then he pushed his tongue inside the small anus, savored its taste. He knew of course, that the kids' asses produced ample amounts of a fluid which not only was a perfect lubricant but also contained a strong aphrodisiac. And it also just tasted so very naughty and hot like hell.
As his dick kept sliding in and out of the boy, over and over again, his tongue buried deep into the ass hole, Michael could eventually no longer fight it. His body shuddered and he came. He shot his first charge right into the boy's stomach.
Kenny quickly stretched his arms to push himself up as far as possible. The cock slid out of him almost all the way, only its head remained in his mouth, right on time before the second shot filled his mouth with man spunk. Then he pulled himself down again, and the pulsing and spurting cock slid back all the way into the boy's gullet.
Michael stumbled and if the wall behind him wouldn't be there to supported him, he would have lost his balance. This was one of the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. He pumped 3, no, 4 more shots boy's gorge before he finally relaxed.
Kenny was in heaven. He hadn't cum himself, but he didn't need to. He was still stuffed with cock, the spunk filled his mouth and his belly, its salty taste everywhere. But the best of it all was this explosion of sensations he sensed from the man, when he had blown his load into him. It still echoed within himself and he cherished this moment.
Eventually he felt himself being lifted up and the shrinking dick was dropping out of his mouth. His jaw ached badly and his throat burned like hell, but that didn't matter. A strong pair of hands dropped him on the bed, where he kept lying on his back. He looked up at the man, looking for a sign of appreciation, but the man's face was just as motionless and cold as before.
"Still so young and already such a little perverse slut!" Michael said as he scrutinized Kenny.
"What's a perverse slut?" Kenny sat up and asked with his untarnished, boyish innocence. His smiling face was smeared with cum and saliva, which was creating such a hard contrast that Michael couldn't help but to chuckle in disbelieve.
"Didn't I tell you not to speak?" he forced himself to say as harshly as he could, "shut your dirty mouth and get in that sling!"
Kenny's eyes followed the man's finger that pointed at the contraption hanging from the ceiling. He was about to ask how he was supposed to get into that 'sling', but just in time he remembered that he was not allowed to speak. Instead, he just silently got up and approached the sling. He tried to figure out what to do with it.
After a while, Kenny worked out that he was supposed to lie inside of the sling. He tried to mount it but he kept sliding off the pad. Then he noticed the loops and he tried to stick his feet through them, but he lost his balance and fell of the sling again. He gave up and looked pleadingly at Michael.
"You're a moron!" The man's words hit Kenny like a whip. Michael lifted the child with ease, placed him in the sling and locked the loops around the boy's ankles and wrists.
They were perfectly placed for his small body. Kenny was now swinging helplessly in the air; his legs were pulled up and spread apart, his bottom was lifted shamelessly into the air to allow perfect access to his little boy pussy.
"Rise sling to face level!" Michael shouted. For a second, Kenny wondered if this command was meant for him, but then he felt that the sling, and his own body with it, was lifted further up into the air. After a few seconds it stopped, and Kenny's ass was now conveniently placed right before the man's lusty eyes.
Michael knew that his cock wouldn't normally be able to get hard for some time, after he just had an orgasm. But there was a way to fix that problem. He started to lick the pink anus, he slobbered around, sucked at the hole, pushed his tongue inside and ate out the boy with gusto. The boy's aphrodisiac ass fluids soon had the desired effect, and the man's cock started to react on his hearty strokes.
After a short while the thick, 8" [20 cm] dong was hard again. He commanded "Lower sling to waist level!" and after a few second the boy's twitching hole was placed perfectly at the dick's tip.
This was it! Kenny knew it would happen now. In a second, this unbelievably thick and long thing this man had for a penis would enter his unprepared virgin hole. He shivered. Part of him was afraid, afraid of the pain, afraid of being ripped apart. But his lust and anticipation eclipsed his fear. Kenny looked at the man expectantly, pleading to be taken now.
Then he felt a blunt pain at his opening. Instinctively, he exhaled, relaxed his body, tried to open up for that thing that was demanding entrance. He felt his anus widening, something was forcing his hole to spread, it widened further and further and his sphincter protested painfully. He inhaled sharply but tried to stay as relaxed as possible.
Michael saw how his big, wet glans forcing the tiny anus to open up, it looked just ridiculous and impossible but then
3; it suddenly just popped in, the hole seemed to devour his cock's head, before it closed tightly around its corona.
Kenny's face was contorted, his stretched hole hurt as hell and the unfamiliar sensation of having something alien in the ass didn't feel good at all. And this was really supposed to be fun? A high-pitched whining escaped his mouth and his small fists were clamping around the sling's chains.
Again, Michael granted the boy some seconds to adapt. After a short while, the small body visibly relaxed and he felt the grip on his cock loosening slightly.
Kenny looked down at his own body. His own dick was just a tiny limp knob now. A thick flesh-colored hose seemed to grow out of his ass. He looked up at the man's hairy, bulgy body and looked at his face. The cold eyes seemed to flicker
3; and then he felt it pushing again. His ass didn't offer much resistance anymore, the collar slid in and then the rest of the huge cock followed, inch by inch.
The feeling was just so strange. Kenny could feel the texture of the dick's skin, as it slid along his insides. The pain had mostly subsided, it was replaced by a feeling of dull congestion, of being stuffed. The cock pushed in further and further, relentlessly. Kenny could actually see how his slim belly bulged slightly as his guts were invaded and stretched. Then it was all in. All 8 inches were inside of his body.
The boy exhaled and his body was trembling, slightly. Then the cock was slowly pulled back out. Involuntarily, Kenny tried to press, like he was taking a shit. But instead, the dick was slammed back in again, hard, all the way. Kenny squeaked. It retracted again, was almost out
3; then, one hard thrust back into him. Squeak. Again, faster this time. Again. And again.
Finally, Kenny was able to relax a bit more, the sensation slowly changed, started to feel better. His small prostate was rubbed and squeezed with each thrust. He felt the unfamiliar surges it sent through his body for the first time in his life. All his senses were now concentrated on his insides, he felt how the cock slid in, slid out, over and over again, pushing and rubbing at his innards
Michael loved to observe his cock sliding into the small body with ease, in and out, grasping his dick like a tight glove, he relished how the boy's insides were massaging his cock. He picked up speed, slammed into the kid harder and deeper.
The boy obviously started to get some enjoyment out of this as well, his face looked ecstatic in such a cute way now, his mouth stood slightly open and with each push, he moaned with his high, childish voice, it just sounded so innocent and naughty at the same time. His marvelous little cock was rock hard again and flopped back and forth.
Seeing how this small kid reacted on his fucking, how he was totally giving in to his lust, combined with indescribable sensation of the tight ass around his cock, was driving Michael closer and closer to his second climax. But he didn't want to give in, not just yet
He pulled his cock out of the boy to cool down a bit. Kenny's ass was just a huge gaping hole, craving to be fucked again.
The boy looked up, "No
3; don't stop! Please
3; Put it in again!" he pleaded.
Michael just couldn't resist, he just had to fuck this hole again. His schlong slid all the way in with such ease
3; He pulled it out, stuffed it back in
3; Again
3; Again
3; And then it was too much for him. He blew his spunk into the boy's body, groaning loudly himself now. He pushed hard, buried more of his seed deeply inside the kid. He hardly felt the anus cramping around his cock as the boy came at the same time.
After he had regained his composure, Michael withdrew his cock from the slippery ass hole and turned the sling around. "Lick it clean!" he commanded and slapped his dick in Kenny's face. But the boy just kept his eyes and mouth closed tightly, he just winced as jism was smeared all over his face.
"Open your filthy mouth!" Michael insisted, and finally Kenny complied. He opened his mouth and started to lick the flaccid dick clean. The boy obviously really loved the mixture of cum and his own ass spunk as he was very thorough with his cleaning.
"That's enough!" Michael said and looked at Kenny. The boy's face, completely smudged with cum and slime now, was positively beaming at him.
Seeing how the 10-year-old boy was radiating happiness, Michael knew right away that The Primus would be disappointed once again. But, that didn't bother him at all. He simply turned around and headed for the door. But just before he left the room, he heard himself saying "Take good care of yourself, kid!". Then he closed the door behind him. Strange, he thought, somehow this boy had strung a chord he didn't think he still had in him.
Kenny was left alone, locked up in the sling. He could feel the fluids oozing out of his ass and dropping down from his backside. Tied up helplessly as he was, he tried to recollect his senses and his thoughts, tried to understand what just had happened. Both his jaw and his backside hurt, giving testimony to the rough treatment, he had been subjected to. He knew he should feel ashamed, abused and humiliated.
But the only thing he really felt was euphoria. Despite what happened, despite the pain he had endured
3; he never had experienced this kind of pleasure in his life. But more importantly - he had given this man immense pleasure and two striking orgasms. This certainty gave him content and
3; purpose. Yes, purpose. He realized it now with absolute clarity, the one thing he more than anything, was to give pleasure.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door opened again. He turned his head and saw his friend and mentor, Pete, coming into the room.
"Hey, Kenny. Looks like you've just had a lot of fun!" Pete grinned all over his face.
"Yeah, now get me off this thing!" Kenny retorted impatiently.
"Oh, you don't know how this works
3;" Pete's grin became even wider and he commanded "Sling, release!"
The chains, the boy's legs were tied to, went down until Kenny could stand on his own feet again. The loops around his ankles and wrists opened and released him. With amazement, he looked at the chains which were now retracted into the ceiling and vanished without leaving a trace.
"Let's go, you've got to take a shower. Which is a shame, because you smell very hot right now, but the Primus wants to see you," Pete said in his usual cocky way. "Your initiation, it was wicked, really, so much better than my own. And you were such a badass!" suddenly Pete looked a bit concerned, "but you're ok, aren't you?"
"Yeah, I'm fine
3; I guess," Michael answered, still a bit shaken. "But how do you know
"Oh, the Primus allowed me to watch the show together with him," Pete explained.
"You and the Primus saw this? Everything that happened here?" Kenny asked with astonishment.
"Yes of course! The rooms are always monitored while we're with a patron," Pete explained.
"Patron? What kind of patron?"
"That's what we call the grown-ups we're having sex with," Pete answered casually.
"And the Primus saw me
3; being fucked and all?" Kenny wasn't sure if he liked that idea. It was not shame, being watched while having sex didn't cause any discomfort for him. He was simply afraid that the Primus might not be pleased with his performance for some reason.
"Yes, he did. And so did I. I was fapping like mad the whole time!" Pete said happily while he made a wanking gesture at his crotch.
Later, Kenny and Pete were back in the Primus' office, sitting at his desk. The tall man looked down at them, he was looking strangely tired and maybe even a bit worried.
"Kenny, first I have to remind you of the decision I asked you to make. Now is the time. You have gained some insight into what your life will look like, should you choose to follow your vocation. On the other hand, you also have an idea about what you'd lose if you don't. So, what's your decision?" the Primus asked.
3;" Kenny only said. He felt overwhelmed, to be asked to make a decision that affected his whole life. He just wasn't up to that, yet
3; "I don't know
The Primus just looked at him, a strange hint of sadness in his eyes, but he said nothing.
"I won't have any freedom? I always have to stay here?" Kenny asked.
"No, of course not. You'll stay in our care until you're of age. You're not a prisoner here, as you get older and more experienced, you'll be allowed to leave these premises, but this will be your home until you're 16 years old. Then you can leave us for good, if you want, but you'll still be welcome here at all times," the Primus explained.
"You're free to do whatever you want in your life, but your sex drive, the impulse to give sexual pleasure to anyone who asks for it, will be so strong that it will dominate your whole existence. You will just not be able to lead a conventional life like an ordinary person."
"And if I choose to leave? Who'll take care of me? Can I live a normal life then?" Kenny asked further.
"There are those who don't like us and what we do here. Some of them will be more than happy to 'heal' anyone that leaves us. They would care for you. But, remember, we would have to shut down any sexual drive within you, for the same reason I've stated before. It's simply the only way for you to have a normal life," the Primus answered.
So, Kenny thought, he had to decide between a life where he was basically a slave to his own sex drive or a life with no sex at all. That sounded horrifically boring. He remembered how much happiness and content it had given him, serving that man, that patron, giving him pleasure and sexual relieve.
He realized that this was just the way he was made, it was simply his nature, he could not
3; no, he did not want to fight it.
He looked right into the Primus' eyes. He already had made up his mind. As a matter of fact, there had never really been any other choice for him to make. And he was quite sure that the Primus must have known that.
"I want to stay. I want to be taught everything I need to know to follow my vocation!" Kenny said with a clear and certain voice.
The Primus sighed, "Yes, of course. Everything else would have been a big surprise. Especially after your performance today." Then, for the first time this day, a thin smile showed up on his face.
"You see, Kenny, I wanted you to realize how hard a life with your vocation will be. How degrading people can be to you, how careless they sometimes are, that you will even get hurt sometimes. To do this job can be extremely demanding, both physically and psychically. Because of that, I asked Michael, the patron that gave you your initiation today, to be extra harsh, demanding and unforgiving to you. He did his best within reasonable limits, but you took it all like a champ, and not only that, you obviously enjoyed his treatment a lot. So, yes, there's no doubt, you're really cut out for this."
Kenny felt a wave of pride rising inside of him.
The Primus stood up and Kenny followed his example. The tall man rested his hands on the kid's shoulders and said solemnly "Welcome as our latest member to this school, Kenny, the 'School For Extraordinary Children'!"