AnonymousBuying Gavril |
SummaryIn a parallel universe, where poor parents are sometimes forced by poverty to sell their young children, a middle-aged man buys a young houseboy 3;
Publ. Feb-Mar 2008 (Eunuch Archive); this site Jan 2010
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CharactersGavril (9-14yo) and Mr. Robbins (56-61yo)Category & Story codesBoy-slave storyMb – nosex – castr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Céladon's noteThanks to AyasDC for his advise to include this story on my site.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the moderator through this feedback form, with Buying Gavril in the subject line. |
1SCENE: A small, but comfortably furnished room. Soft carpet, several comfortable, but lightweight chairs. Two men, both informally dressed, are sitting and conversing quietly in adjacent chairs on one side of the room. The door on the opposite side opens and a man leads a small boy, nude, into the room. He then leaves and closes the door behind him. After briefly looking at the boy, one man cocks his head and looks quizzically at the other.Dealer: What's wrong. Already you don't like him? Customer: I said I was looking for the most intelligent young boy you could find. He looks as if he might be the most attractive boy available. He's certainly one of the best looking that I've ever seen. Is he intelligent too? Dealer: He's definitely the best looking one I've seen in a while, but he's probably also the smartest I've ever had here. Customer: (motioning the boy toward him) When I said that I didn't care about physical appearance, so long as the boy wasn't grossly deformed, I certainly didn't expect one of the handsomest boys I've ever seen. Dealer: (motioning toward the boy) Once you quiz him, you'll discover just how bright he is. Customer: (twirling his right hand to motion the boy to turn around) I certainly plan to do just that. (carefully looking at the boy as he slowly turns) At least you haven't had him castrated yet. I certainly prefer that he be an entire boy. Dealer: You know, of course, that you'll have to have it done. Customer: Of course. Just not yet, though. I'd certainly be happier if I never had to. Dealer: No, he's still young enough that the law won't require it for four or five years. Just keep in mind that if you don't do it when it's required, the police can confiscate him from you without compensation. They will then, of course, immediately arrange for his castration and resale to someone else. Customer: Yes, I know that, but does he know that he'll have to be castrated eventually? Dealer: Why don't you ask him? Customer: (motioning the boy closer, then putting one arm around his waist and gently taking hold of his scrotum and testicles with his other hand) O.K., you can translate for me. "Do you know what has to happen to these? " Dealer: (looking straight at the boy) Gavril, you can answer for yourself. You don't need for me to translate. Gavril: Yes, sir. I know that the law says they have to be cut off. Customer: (looking very startled and letting loose of the boy) That's excellent English. I sure didn't expect that. Where did you learn? Gavril: My tutor was Australian, sir. Customer: You had a tutor? I thought all of the houseboys came from very poor families. How did you have a tutor? Gavril: My father was minister of culture before he and my mother died in a plane crash, sir. Before that, he was ambassador to Australia and I attended the international school in Canberra. Customer: Then how did you get sold as a houseboy? Gavril: After my uncle got everything in his name, he decided that he didn't need me any more. He got the house and money and I'm here. Customer: (looking at the first man) Can he do that? Dealer: He can and did. I bought the boy directly from his uncle, and fought off several other dealers who were bidding on him to do so. He's a very handsome boy, at exactly the prime age for sale. His uncle told me the same story. Once he became the legal guardian, he could sell the boy the same as any other parent or guardian could. He wanted everything for himself and his own kids. He even offered to pay for the surgeon himself and have Gavril castrated the very day that he was first sold. He wanted to make certain that he could never return to try to reclaim his family's assets. Customer: That's awful. Is there anything that can be done about it? Dealer: Once the boy's been sold, there's absolutely nothing that can be done. He's a houseboy and a slave, and that's it. It's on his record. All the slave laws apply. He can't even be set free until his 18th birthday. The boy knows very well what the laws are. Gavril knows that he will be castrated. He very nearly was only last week. If any dealer other than me had bought him, I'm sure he would have been. I didn't take his uncle up on the offer to castrate him immediately only because I was thinking of your request for an exceptionally intelligent boy. Preferably, one who hadn't been castrated yet. Gavril knows very well that he will eventually be castrated. It's only the when that's in question. Customer: (looking at the boy) Are you ready to be castrated? Gavril: I have no choice sir. It will happen. My balls will be cut off no matter what I want. Dealer: He's right, of course. The law requires it of all houseboys. Customer: Yes, of course. I understand that. But, Gavril, do you really understand what it means to be castrated? Gavril: Yes, sir. My family had three servants, one woman who was our cook and maid, a butler who had been castrated when he was a little boy, and a playmate for me who was a year older than me and was castrated on the day he turned nine. He'd already been my playmate for three years when my father had him castrated. We played together, slept together, even took baths together. I certainly know what it's like to have your balls cut off. My father even thought that I should be interested in Burian's balls and brought them home for me to look at after they'd been cut off. I know what it means, and I know it will happen to me. Customer: Sit down, Gavril. I want to talk to you and ask you some questions. I want to know more about your background and interests so I can decide whether or not I want to buy you. Gavril: Yes, sir. What would you like to know about me?
[about 30 minutes later, the customer and Gavril are sitting next to one another and still talking.] Customer: (turning and looking at the dealer) Well, I think that he'll do. He certainly seems intelligent enough for what I want. He should be pleasant to have around the house. What's your asking price for him? Dealer: Since he's such a good-looking boy, he'll be very easy to sell on that alone. Most customers don't care about intelligence so long as a houseboy isn't too dumb to work effectively. I'm asking $85,000 for him. I should have no trouble getting that just because he is so good looking. Once he's castrated, he'd be a nice house ornament for a very rich family. Customer: That's awfully high. Certainly more than I'd planned to spend. If I don't buy him today, how long do you think it'll take to sell him? Dealer: Well, there were ten kids in this shipment. Four boys and six girls. The girls will probably all sell in the next three or four days. I've sold one already, and they only arrived yesterday. I've got several customers waiting to see the rest. All the boys still need to be castrated before they're put up for regular sale. Most buyers prefer to buy them after their balls are already cut off, especially if they have wives and young daughters. But, even if they don't, most buyers don't want to arrange to castrate a boy themselves after they have bought him. They don't much like the idea, and prefer that it already be done before they get to know him and have any feelings toward him. I have a vet coming this afternoon to castrate all of the boys in the current shipment. If you don't buy Gavril today and ask that he not be castrated before you take him home, he'll be castrated this afternoon with the other three. For boys his age, it's a fairly quick and simple procedure. I'd have him castrated first, so he wouldn't sit around worrying about it until his turn. The other boys only know that they'll have to be castrated sooner or later; they don't know that it's going to happen today. If you don't buy him, Gavril will be castrated within the next hour or two. He should be healed and ready for sale in about a week. I expect that it'll only take a day or two to sell him after that. He's attractive enough that I might actually be able to sell him before he's completely healed. Customer: That's quicker than I would have thought. Gavril, I'd like your opinion on this one. Gavril: Yes, sir! Customer: You know that you will need to be castrated some day. By law, your balls will have to be cut off. The law requires it. The younger you are and the smaller your balls are, the easier and less painful the operation is. If you're castrated today, it will be simple and nearly painless and you'll heal quickly. You'll keep most of your features as a little boy. Your face will stay soft and rounded. Your voice will stay a little boy's voice. On the other hand, you could keep your balls for four or five more years until they grow bigger and the law won't allow you to keep them any longer. They'll also be much more painful to take out and you'll need at least a couple of weeks, maybe a month, to heal. But, you'll also have more angular features, like a man. Your voice may change and deepen, and your penis will grow much larger. If you had your choice, when would you prefer to be castrated now or later? Now with very little pain; or later with much more pain? Gavril: Well, sir, my first choice, of course, would be to never be castrated at all. I will be though, so my second choice is to have a kind and caring master, like I think you would be. My master will own me and he will own my balls. He'll cut them off when he decides – today, next week, next month, or next year. It will be entirely his decision, and I will accept that. I will be happy that I can serve him well. Customer: A perfect answer, Gavril. Go and get dressed while I fill out all of the paperwork and pay for you. You're going home with me today, with your balls still attached for as long as the law allows. Gavril: Thank you, sir. I'll work hard. I'll do my best for you. Customer: I know you will. I know it'll be fun having you around to talk to. The dogs and cats never answer when I talk to them. Dealer: Gavril, you can say goodbye to the other boys. Since you'll all be scattered to buyers over a wide area, you may never see any of them again. Just don't let any of the boys know that they're to be castrated today. There's no need to frighten them any sooner than necessary. Let them play and have fun as long as they can. Gavril: Yes, sir. I understand. I won't let them know at all. Edik, especially, would start screaming the minute he thought he was going to be castrated today. He should probably be first. Foma's family raises pigs. He's helped to castrate them since he was very little. He's fourteen and the oldest of our group. He knows exactly what is to happen to him and will not struggle at all. He's ready for it. That puts Kiryl in the middle. He's only seven and not very smart. I don't think he even understands what it means to be castrated. I hope the doctor is very gentle with him. Dealer: Thank you for your advice. I'll follow it. You've read the boys exactly as I had, and I had already scheduled Edik first. If Mr. Robbins here hadn't bought you today, you would have gone straight from here to be castrated without going back to the dormitory. Edik should have no idea what's about to happen until he's in the surgery and ready to be castrated. Gavril, the guard is waiting for you right through the door. Just tell him that you've been sold and that he's to bring you to my office in about a half hour. That should give enough time for all of the paperwork. The vet is due here any time now. Edik will probably be taken off to be castrated before you come down to my office. He'll just think that there's a customer interested in looking at him until he's in the operating room and ready for his surgery. Though I'm sure he'll scream, he won't have time to worry about it. The vet will make it as quick and painless as possible. Gavril: Yes, sir. And, thank you, sir, for buying me. I'll work hard. I'll do my best to make you happy that you own me. Customer: (standing and putting his hand on Gavril's shoulder) Yes, I know you will. I'll do my best to make you happy that you're mine, too. I hope you're happy that you won't be castrated today. And you won't be for a long time yet. Gavril: Yes, sir. It's entirely your decision, but I'm certainly happy to keep my balls for a little longer. I'll get dressed and I'll be ready to go with you. (He walks to the door and opens it.)
2SCENE: A sparse, windowless, dormitory-like space. Beds line both walls from the entrance through half of the room. Three boys sit on a carpet at the far end watching television. The door opens and a small, nude boy, Gavril, enters as the other three look up to see him.[All dialogue translated from the Ukrainian] Gavril: Hey, guys. I got sold! I need to get dressed to go with my new owner. Foma: Is that good or bad? Edik: When do they cut your balls off? Will they do it right now, before you go? Gavril: My owner wants me with balls. That's why he came so early to check us out. He spent most of the time asking me about the books I've read and where I've traveled. He seemed more like a teacher than someone who wanted to buy me. Kiryl: Do houseboys have to read books? Foma: Yeah! that's strange. There are men who like sex with little boys. Is he one? Gavril: I don't think so. He only touched me twice all the time we were together. He grabbed my balls and asked me if I knew that they had to be cut off someday. He let go as soon as I said I did. He put his hand on my shoulder when he said that he was buying me. That's all. Edik: I'd have sex with him if I got to keep my balls! Gavril: Well, maybe you'll get your chance. Just remember to be on your best behavior if someone asks to see you. Obey everything you're asked to do. I'm sure happy to keep my balls for a while. Maybe I can think of some way to keep them forever. Foma: How long to you have before you have to leave? I'm going to miss you. Gavril: Mr. Kolenikov said that the guard should bring me to his office in about a half hour. That would give enough time for all the paperwork. Then I go home with my new master, Mr. Robbins. (He starts to get dressed.) My new owner just seemed lonely. He wants someone to talk to. Foma: Anyway, that's what he said. I hope he's good to you. I hope I get a master who's kind. Edik: I want one who doesn't cut my balls off. I don't care what else he does! [The door opens and the guard steps inside.] Guard: Edik, we have a customer who wants to see you. Get undressed and let's go! Edik: That's great. Maybe I can keep my balls too. (He runs to the far bed and starts throwing his clothes on it. Kiryl goes with him to his bed. Foma and Gavril watch him get undressed without saying a word. Edik leaves with the guard, smiling and looking very happy.) Foma: Well, I sure hope Edik gets to keep his balls for a while. He's so worried about it. He just needs to accept that it's going to happen. I think I'm ready. When the time comes, they'll be cut off whether I'm ready or not. Once you're sold as a houseboy 3; Gavril: (Quietly to Foma, so that Kiryl can't hear.) Don't let Kiryl know, but there's no customer here. The doctor came today to cut our balls off. Edik is first. Kiryl doesn't need to worry about it until it happens. You know that it will. Be brave. (He hugs Foma.) Foma: I wish I could keep mine for a little longer, at least, but I knew they'd come off soon. Thanks for giving me a bit of a warning. I won't let on to Kiryl. (Gavril continues dressing and the boys continue chatting. Kiryl comes over to join them 3;) [About 10 minutes later the guard opens the door again and motions toward Gavril] Guard: O.K. Gavril, time to go with your new master. Gavril: (Hugs Foma) Goodbye guys. I sure hope I see you again. I hope you both get good homes with kind masters. Foma: Bye, Gavril. Good luck. I'll miss you. I hope I see you again. Kiryl: Bye. [Gavril and the guard leave and the door is closed. Foma lies back on his bed and stares at the ceiling. Kiryl goes off to watch television again. About 30 minutes later, the door opens again, and the guard enters.] Guard: O.K., Kiryl. The buyer thinks that Edik may be too old and he wants to see a younger boy. Get your clothes off and I'll take you down for him to look at. [Kiryl stands up and begins to take off his clothes. Foma gets up and walks over to the guard. He leans closer and whispers in his ear.] Foma: I know that the doctor is here to castrate all of us. I'm ready for it and I won't struggle when my time comes. It's just that I'd like to masturbate one last time before my balls are cut off. I haven't since I was first sold, and it's been nearly two weeks. I didn't want the other boys to know what they'd miss once their balls were cut off. Can I do that after Kiryl leaves? Guard: Of course you can. Don't hurry. You'll have plenty of time. Just wait until Kiryl and I have left. Foma: Thank you, sir. I'll be undressed and ready to be castrated when you come for me. I wish it didn't have to happen, but it does. I won't fuss at all. Guard: I know you won't. You've been a very good boy, Foma, helping the other boys as much as you could. I've really appreciated all that you've done. I know you won't be like Edik. He started screaming and struggling the minute we got to the surgery. It took two of us to subdue him so he could be castrated. He's in bed now, sobbing over his lost balls. [Kiryl, now completely undressed, comes toward the door.] Guard: O.K., Kiryl. Let's take you down for your examination. (The two of them leave)
3SCENE: Gavril and Mr. Robbins in the front seat of a late model sports sedan heading up a two lane mountain road.Mr. Robbins: Gavril, you're an amazing boy. Gavril: How so, sir? Mr. Robbins: I have always enjoyed traveling. You're only nine and you've visited nearly as many countries as I have. At nine, you already speak three languages. At 56, I've only learned three. You've read and enjoyed a great many books, including about half of my favorites from when I was your age. Gavril: I've just been lucky to have so many opportunities, sir. Mr. Robbins: No, you've taken advantage of all the opportunities that you've found. Very few people ever do. When I asked the dealer to find me an intelligent boy who would be fun and interesting to be around, I never expected that he would find someone so perfect as you. Gavril: Thank you, sir. I know that I'm going to enjoy being your houseboy. I've enjoyed talking with you. Mr. Robbins: Do you realize that we've been driving for over two hours, and we haven't run out of things to talk about yet. Gavril: Has it been that long? It seems much shorter. Mr. Robbins: Well, we're almost to your new home. We turn off the main road here, and it's only a little bit farther. Gavril: I thought we turned off the main road long ago. This one is already narrow. Mr. Robbins: No, we turn here. This is the road to your new home. Gavril: Wow, this road really is narrow! What happens if there's a car coming toward us? Mr. Robbins: Everyone who lives here knows where the passing spots are. We all know who will need to back up to the closest one. There are only about two dozen houses up here in the hills. We're pretty isolated. Gavril: (pointing out the window) Those are sure big birds over there. Mr. Robbins: Those are wild turkeys. There are lots of them around here. Gavril: Are those deer over there? Mr. Robbins: We have lots of animals up here. You'll see lots of deer. If you move slowly, you can almost walk right up to them. There are all kinds of different kinds of animals here in the hills. Most of the animals are safe, though. We do have an occasional mountain lion that comes in to try to eat the deer and there are poisonous snakes once in a while. I have some good books on all the plants and animals that are around, which ones are safe and which ones are dangerous. Maybe you'll want to read them. Gavril: Yes, sir. I'd like to know about the area. Mr. Robbins: O.K., this is the house – your new home. Gavril: It looks very nice. And, it's certainly a big house. Mr. Robbins: Well, my wife and I raised our three children in it. Gavril: Where are they now? Mr. Robbins: The children are all married and have moved away. My wife died three years ago, leaving me all alone in the house, except for the dogs and cats. Gavril: I'm sorry to hear about your wife, sir. Do the children come home often. Mr. Robbins: They're widely scattered. I'm lucky to see them more than once or twice a year. I really wish that I could see my grandchildren more than I do. You're just about the age of my oldest grandson. He's nine, too. Gavril: Where does he live? Mr. Robbins: His mother lives the closest of my three children. They live in Denver, half way across the country. O.K., we've got your very first task as my new houseboy. The dogs have been locked up all day and we need to take them for a walk the minute they see us coming. Gavril: Are they friendly? Mr. Robbins: Oh, yes. They won't bite. They're far more likely to lick you until you can't stand it. Gavril: How many dogs do you have? Mr. Robbins: There are two of them, Rex and Goldie. Gavril: Is Rex the king of the dogs? Mr. Robbins: No, but Goldie is sure the queen of the house. O.K., here they come as I open the door 3;
Gavril: That was fun, sir! I haven't been able to run and chase with a dog since my uncle sold me. Mr. Robbins: I think the dogs had fun, too. I'm too old to run with them. They need a little boy to play with. I'm glad you like dogs. They'll probably end up spending most of their time with you. Gavril: I love dogs, and cats too. You said that you have cats. Mr. Robbins: They're around somewhere. Cats are independent. They'll show up when they're ready, not before. Let me show you some of the house. Your room will be down this way. There are three bedrooms at this end of the house, and two bathrooms. (opening a door) This room was my son's, so it's already more suited for a boy. It will be your room. The other two rooms were the girls' and the colors and patterns are cute and frilly. Gavril: I like this one. It's very nice. It's much nicer than I expected for a houseboy. Mr. Robbins: Well, we still need to fix it up a bit for you. Everything here is for an older boy. You can choose some of the changes you want. The television should be just fine, but the computer is an old one, it'll be good for email, but not much else. My son took his newer one with him. We can get you a better computer soon. Gavril: I never expected a television, or a computer. Mr. Robbins: You'll probably watch television in the family room most of the time. It's a newer one and has a much bigger screen. You'll need a computer to keep up with what's happening back home – news, emails with any of your friends, whatever you want. There are still a lot of my son's things here. We can move all of them out tomorrow so that the room is really yours. We also need to go shopping first thing in the morning to get some more clothes for you. Across the hall is your bathroom. There should be plenty of towels in there. I know that there are new toothbrushes, toothpaste, a comb, and everything else that you'll need for tonight and tomorrow. Keep track of anything else that you need and we can get it when we're shopping. There ought to be pen and paper in Stephen's desk. Just start a list of things as you think of them. Gavril: Yes, sir. Mr. Robbins: After the long drive, and after chasing the dogs, you probably need to use the bathroom and wash up. When you're done, come to the kitchen, and you can help me feed the dogs and cats. Then we'll make our dinner. Gavril: Yes, sir.
Gavril: That was a great meal, Mr. Robbins, sir. I don't think that I'll be able to do anything like that for a long while. I've never cooked anything before, so I'll have to learn everything about it. Mr. Robbins: That's O.K., Gavril. I like to cook and I'll do most of it. You just get to help clean up afterwards and do the dishes. Gavril: That's not much work. Mr. Robbins: Don't worry, there's plenty for you to do – take care of the dogs and cats, clean house and wash the dishes, and, most importantly, talk to me. I need someone intelligent around the house. We'll be getting you a tutor so that you keep up with your studies – reading, writing, mathematics, history, science. You'll have lots of work. Gavril: Somehow I never expected reading and writing to be part of my work as a houseboy. Mr. Robbins: Are you disappointed? Gavril: No, no. It's what I like best. Mr. Robbins: Come on, let me show you the rest of the house.
SCENE: later that evening, Mr. Robbins and Gavril are sitting in the living room with the TV on. Two dogs are lying on the floor and a cat is curled up in Gavril's lap. Mr. Robbins: Gavril, it's getting late and you've had a hard day – being sold and moving to a new home. You probably ought to think about going to bed now. Your first chore in the morning will be helping me to walk the dogs as soon as they wake up. They'll probably wake up pretty early. Gavril: Yes, sir. I am tired, though I feel much better than I thought I would. You have been very kind and the dogs and cats are wonderful. It'll be fun to walk them in the morning. Thank you. I'll go to bed now. How should I know what time to get up in the morning? Mr. Robbins: Since you're still new here, the dogs will probably still want to sleep with me. When they wake me up, I'll come in to wake you. You can sleep until then. Gavril: Thank you, sir. Mr. Robbins: Before you go to bed, though, I'd like to talk to you briefly about your plans to run away. Gavril: Run away? Sir, I 3; I 3; Mr. Robbins: But, of course you'll make plans. I wanted you because you're intelligent. I expect you to make plans. I also want to make certain that your plans are very carefully thought through. I don't want you to try something that has no chance of ever working. If you get caught, I don't get to ever see you again and the punishment is so terrible that you'll wish you'd never tried. I certainly don't want you to run away, but if you do, I want you to succeed and not to fail. Gavril: But, 3; Mr. Robbins: First, you already know that you'll have to be castrated some day. I don't want to do it, but the law requires it. But, I promise you it won't happen even one day sooner than absolutely necessary. Not for four or five years. And, I promise that I'll let you know as far in advance as possible exactly when it will have to happen. You'll have at least three or four weeks notice, maybe more. If you thought you were going to be castrated tomorrow, I would expect you to be out that door as soon as you thought I was safely asleep. You don't need to do anything that quickly. You have time for better planning. Gavril: Sir. I won't do anything rash or foolish. Mr. Robbins: I would hope not. But, I want to add two more pieces of information to your planning. One, you're still just a little boy and you would be questioned wherever you went. People would be curious about you and the police would pick you up and check on you and your story. Second, you still don't know where you are or where you would need to go. Since you have four or five years to plan before the law requires that you be castrated, I hope that you will use that time wisely. Gavril: Do you want me to run away? Mr. Robbins: No, of course not. But, as I said, I want you to plan carefully. Whether or not you risk the consequences will be up to you, not me. There's no way I can really stop you if you decide to try to run away. I hope you decide not to try it. But, I promise to answer any questions you have as accurately as I can. O.K., now. Off to bed. Sleep well and dream of pleasant things. I'll see you in the morning. Gavril: Yes, sir. Good night, sir. Mr. Robbins: I'll look in on you before I go to bed. Maybe one of the dogs or cats will sleep with you tonight so that you have some company. Good night, Gavril.
(About two hours later, Mr. Robbins, in his pajamas, quietly walks down the hall to look in on Gavril. Sound of quiet crying from his bed.) Mr. Robbins: (quietly) Gavril, are you O.K.? It sounds like you're crying. Gavril: It's O.K., sir. I just miss everyone. I know you'll be good to me, but I'm lonesome. Mr. Robbins: (switching on the light) I'm sorry, Gavril. I shouldn't have asked you to sleep alone your first night here. Get your pillow and let's go to the other end of the house with all the dogs and cats. Gavril: Yes, sir! (as he climbs out of bed) Mr. Robbins: Do you always sleep nude, or do we need to get you pajamas or a nightshirt tomorrow? Gavril: I've always slept like this. Is it O.K.? Mr. Robbins: Whatever you prefer is O.K. Now, come on let's go to the master bedroom. (Arrive at the master bedroom. Goldie is already there, but Rex follows them from the living room.) Mr. Robbins: Gavril, you need to go pee first. You won't be able to get out of bed easily with the dogs and cats here. I'll hold your pillow until you come back. Gavril: Yes, sir. (he goes into the bathroom and quickly returns) Mr. Robbins: Are you ready? Gavril: Yes, sir. What do you want me to do? Mr. Robbins: I've put your pillow where I want you. Now get into bed and face this way. I'll pull the covers up. Now, leave your right arm out on top of the covers. Gavril: Like this, sir? Mr. Robbins: Perfect. That's just where I usually sleep. Rex likes to sleep right next to me and I usually pet him a bit before falling asleep. Here, let me put him next to you. Is that O.K. Gavril: Yes, sir. I always slept with my dog. I miss her. Mr. Robbins: I hope she's being well cared for. Did your cousins like her? Gavril: Yes, I know they'll take care of her. Mr. Robbins: That's good. I'm happy to hear that. Now, Goldie will sleep on the floor right next to the bed. If you get up at night, you have to be very careful not to step on her. The cats will all join us on the bed at some point tonight. You'll wake up covered in animals. Gavril: I'll like that. Mr. Robbins: I'll sleep over here on the other side of the bed. You've got plenty of company for the night. I hope you sleep well. Gavril: I know I will, sir. Thank you and good night. Mr. Robbins: Good night, Gavril. (As he turns out the light.)
(Morning. Gavril, still lying in bed, petting Rex while Goldie has her feet on the edge of the bed and is licking his face. Mr. Robbins wakes up.) Mr. Robbins: Well, it looks as if everybody else is already awake. I guess we need to get up. Did you sleep well, Gavril? Gavril: Yes, sir. Rex kept me warm and happy all night. Mr. Robbins: I'm glad. Maybe he'll decide to sleep in your room tonight. Now, you need to go down to your room and get dressed. Pee, too, and then meet me at the front door. I'll get dressed and we can take the dogs for their morning walk. Gavril: Yes, sir! (as he moves quickly out of bed and down the hall with both dogs following him)
Gavril: Didn't we go the other way yesterday? Mr. Robbins: Yes, we did. Usually I take the dogs the other way, where there's a good area for them to run and to do their business. But, the morning walk usually goes this way if the weather is good. The newspapers for all of the neighborhood are delivered down the hill next to all of the mailboxes. Gavril: This is pretty steep. I didn't realize it when we were in the car. Mr. Robbins: Yes. It helps to keep me in shape walking up and down the hill with the dogs. Just watch out for cars here. A couple of the neighbors drive too fast, so you have to listen for them and get off the road. Gavril: I think I hear a car coming. Mr. Robbins: Not a fast one, but we should get off the road. (Car pulls up and stops next to them. Woman driver looks out at them) Mrs. Silver: Good morning, Jim. Daniel is certainly going to be happy. I see you have your grandson visiting. Mr. Robbins: Good morning, Louise. No, he's not my grandson. I was feeling lonely and got a houseboy yesterday. This is Gavril. Gavril, this is Mrs. Silver who lives just a few houses beyond ours. Her son, Daniel, is just about your age. Gavril: (bowing slightly) Good morning, Mrs. Silver. I'm very happy to meet you. Mrs. Silver: Good morning, Gavril. It's nice to have you in the neighborhood. Your English is excellent. I didn't expect that a new houseboy would speak so well. Gavril: Thank you, ma'am. Mr. Robbins: Gavril's family was once very well off. He's had an excellent education and his English tutor was a native speaker. Gavril's nine. About Daniel's age, I think. Mrs. Silver: Yes, Daniel just turned nine. He'll be happy to know that there's another boy in the neighborhood, even if Gavril's only a houseboy and won't be able to play very often. Mr. Robbins: No, Gavril'll have plenty of time to play with Daniel. I got him because I need some companionship around the house. If he and Daniel spend a half day down at the creek and bring back a couple of salamanders to show me and talk about, Gavril will be doing his job. I doubt that he'll have many more household chores than Daniel has. Mrs. Silver: Then what will he be doing most of the time? Mr. Robbins: Since the goal is for him to be able to hold an intelligent conversation and keep me company, I'll be looking for a good tutor for him. His most important chores will be learning to read and write and studying science, history, and mathematics. Mrs. Silver: Well, maybe I should send Daniel down to meet him this morning. Mr. Robbins: This afternoon would be better. We need to go shopping as soon as the stores open. Gavril's wearing the only clothes he has. I'll call you when we get home. Maybe Daniel will want to come over to play for a while. Mrs. Silver: That sounds good. He's already getting bored with summer vacation. I'll look forward to your call. I need to get to the grocery store before it gets crowded. I'll talk with you soon. Mr. Robbins: Bye. Talk with you then. (the car drives off) Gavril: Will I really have time to play, sir? Mr. Robbins: Of course you will. I hope that you and Daniel like each other. He's the only other boy in the area who's near your age. Gavril: It will be good to meet him. It will be nice to have a boy my age to talk with.
(Sound of doorbell ringing. Mr. Robbins walks to the front door and opens it.) Mr. Robbins: Hi, Daniel. You must be here to meet Gavril. Daniel: Yes, Mom said that you had a boy living with you now. Mr. Robbins: Yes, Gavril will be living with me now. He's nine, just like you. I hope that the two of you like each other. I know that he'll need someone to play with. Let me call him. (turns and shouts down the hall) Gavril! You've got a visitor. Gavril's voice: Yes, sir. I'll be right there. (Gavril walks quickly toward the door)
(About an hour later. Daniel and Gavril enter Mr. Robbin's study.) Daniel: Mr. Robbins, can Gavril come to my house to swim for a while? We've run out of things to do here. Mr. Robbins: Gavril, would you like to go swimming at Daniel's house? Gavril: Yes, sir, if you'll let me. Mr. Robbins: Daniel, Gavril doesn't have any swimming trunks yet. I didn't think to buy any when we were at the mall this morning. Can he swim in his underwear? Daniel: Gavril's the same size as me. He can use some of my trunks. Mr. Robbins: O.K., then. Just don't stay too long. Gavril should be home in a couple of hours. I need to show him some more of his chores around the house. Daniel: Thank you, Mr. Robbins. I'll ask my Mom to tell us when he needs to come home. Gavril: Thank you, sir.
(About two hours later. Daniel and Mr. Robbins are standing in the kitchen.) Daniel: Mr. Robbins, does Gavril still have his balls? Don't all houseboys have their balls cut off? Mr. Robbins: How do you know? Daniel: Everyone knows that houseboys get their balls cut off. Mr. Robbins: Not that, but that Gavril still has his. Daniel: I wanted to see what he looked like without balls, so I watched when we changed after swimming. Mr. Robbins: Well, did you ask him about his balls? Daniel: No. Of course not. Mr. Robbins: Why don't you. He should be back from the bathroom in a minute. Here he comes 3; Gavril, Daniel has a question to ask you. Gavril: O.K. Daniel: Well, I ummm, well, I, it's just that 3; Ummm 3; Well, uhhh 3; Mr. Robbins: O.K., it's just that Daniel knows that you're a houseboy, and he wants to know if you still have your balls, or not. Gavril: Yes, I still have my balls. At least for a little longer. Daniel: A little longer 3; How long do you get to keep them? Gavril: I don't know. It's up to Mr. Robbins. Mr. Robbins: Daniel, do want to have your balls cut off? Daniel: (covering his crotch with both hands and shuddering) No! No! Never! Mr. Robbins: Do you think that Gavril wants to have his balls cut off? Daniel: No. Never. No one would. Mr. Robbins: The law says that all houseboys have to have their balls cut off as soon as they reach adult size. Most houseboys have them cut off the minute they're sold, but they don't have to be while they're still small. I don't want to cut Gavril's off at all, so it won't happen until the very last minute when the law won't let him keep them for another day. I'm hoping the law will change or that I can find a way around it so that Gavril's balls will never have to be cut off. Daniel, your father is a lawyer. Maybe he can find a way to save Gavril's balls. Do you think he might help? Daniel: Of course he will 3;
4TIME: About a year after the end of the previous sectionSCENE: Mr. Robbins walks through the front door of his house, holding mail and a small package. He calls down the hallway as he enters. Mr. Robbins: Hello, Gavril. Are you home? Gavril: (from his bedroom down the hall) Yes, sir. I'll be right there. (He rushes out of his room toward the entrance, followed closely by two dogs.) I was just working on my English essay for Mr. Taylor. Mr. Robbins: You didn't need to rush like that, but you've got mail today. Gavril: Who would send me mail? Mr. Robbins: It's something that I ordered for you. It just came in today's mail. Gavril: Thank you, sir. Mr. Robbins: Oh, come on. I keep telling you, enough of this 'sir' all the time. That's much too formal. Gavril: But, sir, you're my master. I should call you sir. Mr. Robbins: No, you're the little boy who lives here, and I'm the adult who takes care of you. It would be much better if you called me Uncle Jim, or even just 'Dad,' if you're willing. Either one would certainly work better when we're out in public, I'd rather not be sirred all the time. Gavril: But, sir 3; Mr. Robbins: Yes, I know, you're supposed to call me sir, but can we agree that you won't. Gavril: O.K., sir. But what do you prefer I call you. Mr. Robbins: Well, I certainly know that you still miss your real dad, but if you're willing to call me Dad in public, that's what I would prefer. It would sure be easier in a restaurant or in a store. Do you think you can call me Dad? Gavril: Yes, sir. I mean, yes, Dad. Mr. Robbins: That's better. I know I can never take the place of your real dad, but I'll do the best I can. Gavril: You've been wonderful, sir 3; Uhhh, I mean Dad. I really like being with you. I don't feel like a houseboy, I feel like family. Mr. Robbins: I hope you feel that way. I certainly think of you as family. I'm doing everything I can think of to set you free so that you're not legally a houseboy. I don't need a houseboy; I need someone to keep me company. It's just much harder to set you free than I ever thought it would be 3; Gavril: I know you're trying. Thank you. Mr. Robbins: O.K., here's your package. Gavril: What is it, sir 3; Dad? Mr. Robbins: Well, I know that you've been worried about being castrated some day. I'm trying to set you free before that would ever have to happen, but I wanted something to reassure you that you don't need to worry for a long time. Open the package. Gavril: (Opens the package and pulls out an orchidometer.) It looks like a string of beads. What is it? Mr. Robbins: Each bead is a different size, and the size is written right on it. They're shaped like testicles. You're ten now, and your testicles are probably about 2 or 3 cubic centimeters each. Those are the smallest sizes here. You definitely do not have to be castrated until your testicles are at least 10 cc each, and I'm sure we can argue that you should keep them until they're at least 12 cc. The largest bead here is 15 cc, which is about the smallest for an adult man. If we really work at it, we can probably argue that you should be able to keep yours until they're that size, maybe even larger. And, that's only if we can't find a way for you to keep them permanently. You should check yourself about every two or three months. Let me know when you reach 8 cc in three or four years. That's when you can start worrying, not one day before. I hope that I'll have found a way to free you long before then, but you certainly don't need to worry in the meantime. Gavril: Yes, sir 3; I mean, Dad. Shall I check right now? Mr. Robbins: That's up to you, but you know that your testicles are still at the small end of the range. There's absolutely no reason to worry about losing them for a long time. Gavril: Thank you. Mr. Robbins: Hey, I don't feel like cooking tonight. Would you like to go out for pizza? Gavril: Yes, sir. That sounds great. Uhhh 3; Yes, Dad. That sounds great. Give me a little time. I'll get it right. Mr. Robbins: I know you will. Do you think Daniel would like to go with us? Gavril: I'm sure he would. Mr. Robbins: Why don't you call him and see if his mother will let him come with us? Gavril: Thank you. I want to see his face when I call you 'Dad.' Mr. Robbins: That should be fun.
5TIME: About two years after the end of the previous sectionSCENE: A man and a boy of about 11 or 12 walk through the doors of the customs clearance area at Borispol Airport in Kyiv. Each is pulling a wheeled suitcase as they make their way through the waiting area toward the taxi stand outside. Mr. Robbins: (Turns toward the boy next to him) So, Gav, how does it feel to be home again after three years away? Gavril: No, this may be where I was born, but home is where I live with you. I'm just as much a tourist here as you are. Mr. Robbins: That's nice to hear. Home certainly wouldn't seem right without you. But you're a tourist here with a difference. You actually speak the language like a native. Even though you've tried to teach me some Ukrainian for the trip, I doubt that I could even give taxi directions, let alone do anything important. You're the one who's going to be taking care of me for the next week. Gavril: That should be fun. You've taken such good care of me. Now I get to teach you new things. I hope I can manage it. Mr. Robbins: I know you can. But first, you need to get us to our hotel. After that flight, I want a quick snack and a good night's sleep. Twenty hours is too long. Gavril: It was only fifteen hours in the air. Remember we had two hours in Amsterdam and three hours in Warsaw. Mr. Robbins: As far as I'm concerned, that's worse than a straight twenty hours on a plane. Gavril: Ah! It looks like the taxi line is short. We should be at the hotel pretty quick.
(The next morning. Gavril and Mr. Robinson in the back seat of a taxi that is pulling away from a large church.) Gavril: Thank you for letting me visit my parents. Mr. Robbins: Don't thank me. This is entirely your trip to do what you want to do. I'm glad that visiting your parents' grave was the very first thing you wanted to do. If you want to come back before we leave, you can do it. You can even come by yourself so that I'm not hanging around. Gavril: Thank you, but I think that I only needed this once. I told them not to worry about me. You're taking very good care of me and I'm very happy being with you. Mr. Robbins: (Leans over and hugs Gavril) And I'm so happy that you're with me. Will we visit your uncle next? Gavril: I want to see the house, but I hope I don't see my uncle. I'll ask the driver to park on the other side of the street and I'll just look. If I see my cousins, I might say something, but I'm afraid I'd try to kill my uncle if I saw him. Mr. Robbins: If you see your cousins, you can tell them that you were adopted when you got to America. You're not the houseboy they think that you are. That would certainly upset your uncle when he heard it. Gavril: But I am a houseboy. Mr. Robbins: Only as a legal definition, and I'm still trying to find a way around that. You'll stop being a houseboy the day that I find a way 3; Gavril: (Hugs Mr. Robinson) I love you, Dad. I told my parents that they didn't need to worry. I have a new Dad who's taking good care of me. (Leans forward to speak with the driver in Ukrainian) We're almost there. I just told him to park across the street from the house. (The taxi stops across the street from a very large and impressive, but very run down three-story house with broken windows and unkempt yard. The large gate is wide open.) Gavril: What! Why's it like that. What happened? Mr. Robbins: It looks abandoned. Maybe your uncle and his family moved to a nicer house somewhere. Gavril: This is one of the nicest houses in the city. If they moved, someone else should have moved in. Why are they gone? Mr. Robbins: It looks empty. Let's take a closer look. (They get out of the taxi and cross the street toward the house. Just as they start up the front walk, they notice a woman walking toward them. Mr. Robbins points toward her.) Mr. Robbins: Maybe she'll know what happened to your uncle and your cousins. Do you recognize her as a neighbor? Gavril: Yes, she's Mrs. Goncharov who lives next door. She should know. (He begins walking toward her.) (In Ukrainian) Hello, Mrs. Goncharov. We're looking for the Tkachenko family. Do you know what's happened to them? Mrs. Goncharov: Who are you? Why do you want to know? Gavril: You probably don't recognize me, but I'm Gavril Tkachenko. I used to live here. Fyodor and I used to play together 3; Mrs. Goncharov: (She looks him over, puts her hand under his chin and looks closely at his face.) Yes, you are Gavril. What are you doing here? I thought that evil man sold you. Gavril: Mr. Robbins (gestures toward him) brought me back to visit my parents' grave and to see the family house again. He's very kind. He treats me like his son, not like his houseboy. Mrs. Goncharov: That's nice. I know Fyodor has missed you, and I've certainly missed your parents. Your uncle is evil. I'm glad he's in prison! Gavril: In prison? What did he do? Mrs. Goncharov: He gambled and drank away all his money and then tried swindling money out of other people. He's been put away for a long time. Gavril: Then, what's happened to my cousins? Mrs. Goncharov: When your uncle went to prison, they were sold to cover some of his debts. That slave broker near City Hall bought them. I don't know what's happened to them since. They've been gone for only a couple of weeks 3; (Gavril begins to cry and Mr. Robbins hurries over to comfort him. He squats down and hugs Gavril.) Mr. Robbins: Gav. What's wrong? What's happened? Gavril: (Between sobs) My uncle's in prison and my cousins were sold. Nobody's left. My whole family's gone 3; Mr. Robbins: Maybe we can find out where they are. How long ago were your cousins sold? Who bought them? Maybe I can even buy them. Does this woman know anything about what happened? Gavril: Yes, she said that the slave broker near city hall bought them only a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Robbins: Then we might still be able to get them. Let's see what we can do! Gavril: Thank you. Even if we can't, I'm so happy you'll try. I love you! Mr. Robbins: Now, ask the nice woman for any information she has that might help. Gavril: (In Ukrainian again) Thank you, Mrs. Goncharov. We'll try to find out what happened to my cousins. Do you know anything more that might help? Mrs. Goncharov: No, Gavril. I only know that that broker bought them. I don't know what's happened to them since. Can you come in for some tea? Jalena just made some cherry varenyky this morning, and I remember how much you used to like them. Fyodor's not home, but you can wait for him. I know he'd like to see you. Gavril: Thank you, Mrs. Goncharov, I would love to have some tea and some of Jalena's wonderful varenyky, but I want to visit that broker right away. I hope I'll have time to see Fyodor later. Please tell him I was here and that I'm very happy in America. Mr. Robbins is just like a father to me. Mrs. Goncharov: I'll tell him. I hope that the two of you will be able to visit later. Good luck finding your cousins. Gavril: Thank you. I'll try. (Gavril and Mr. Robbins head back toward the taxi, Gavril running.)
(Gavril and Mr. Robbins are standing in front of a door on which there is writing in several languages. The English says, "P. Kuznetsov – Slave Broker" .) Mr. Robbins: Since the sign is in English, maybe he speaks it enough for me to do most of the talking. We'll probably get better results that way. If we need to switch to Ukrainian, you can just be my interpreter. I doubt that he'd really give any information to someone he thought was a houseboy. Gavril: I know you're right. I'll try to stay quiet. I want to find my cousins if I can. Mr. Robbins: Once again, remind me of their names and ages. Gavril: Well, my uncle was my dad's older brother, so the family name is Tkachenko, just like mine was. Pavlik was the oldest. He's about two years older than I am, so he should be 13 or 14. Anya was about my age. She's just a couple of months younger than me. Petenka was the baby. Petya was just out of diapers when my uncle sold me. He should be 5 or 6 now. Mr. Robbins: O.K. now. Let's go in. Remember that you're pretending to be my houseboy and I'm looking to buy another houseboy or girl – or even more than one.
(After a short period of small talk, Mr. Robbins and Mr. Kuznetsov get to the business at hand.) Mr. Kuznetsov: Maybe I can help you. So, exactly what are you looking for in a new servant? Mr. Robbins: Well, you see the houseboy that I have now. Gavril is from right here in Irpin. We came here looking for someone as much like him as we can find. I originally bought him because he was the most intelligent young boy I could find. I enjoy having someone to talk with. He's also a very handsome boy with the same hair color and eye color as my own. He could be my son or grandson, and that's what everyone thinks when we're together. He even looks more like me than any of my grandchildren do. I'm looking for a boy or girl who looks as much like him as I can find. I'd even take two, if they're as good-looking and intelligent as Gavril. Mr. Kuznetsov: Well, I don't know. Young, blonde, blue-eyed slaves are very quick to sell. I don't have any right now for you to even look at. I had three of them a couple of weeks ago, but they sold the very day that I got them. (Gavril begins to get misty-eyed and his face is turning red.) Mr. Robbins: To give me some idea of the market, can you tell me something about the three of that you had here? How old were they? Who bought them? How much did they sell for? That would give me some idea of how my search might go. If you don't think that you'll be getting any more like them soon, Gavril and I can go back to Kyiv and talk to the brokers there. You seem to be the only broker in Irpin, but there are many in Kyiv. Maybe I can even track down one or more of the three that you had before they're sold to their final owner. Mr. Kuznetsov: There's no way you can track down the three that I had, but I'll tell you about them so that you'll know how difficult it will be for you to find what you're looking for. I only had the three of them here for a couple of hours before an Arab dealer showed up to look at them. After he carefully inspected all three of them, he made me an offer for much more than what I normally get. When I showed a bit of hesitation, he upped his offer to THREE times what I expected for them. Mr. Robbins: Is that three times what you would expect for young, blonde, blue-eyed slaves? Mr. Kuznetsov: No, three times what an average house slave would bring. The Arabs say that two hundred years ago the best slaves came from around here and that they still do. They always seem to prefer blondes, though, and will pay much more for them. Anyway, he took the girl immediately and flew her back to Arabia the next day. He said that he had a rich buyer waiting to show her to. He came back just a few days ago to pick up the two boys. Mr. Robbins: Why didn't he take them all at the same time? Mr. Kuznetsov: All these Arabs insist that boys be castrated before they actually buy them. Something about their religion. It's against their religion to castrate a slave, but they don't want any slave who hasn't been castrated. He made me sign that I would sell them to him, but he didn't actually buy them until he came back. Mr. Robbins: So, you've already had both of the boys castrated? Gavril: Oh! (Gavril begins to cry.) Mr. Kuznetsov: Yes, and I was surprised that the Arab was even interested in the older boy. He's started to grow and his prick was nearly man size. It was standing straight up all the time that the Arab was examining him. The Arab even took close-up photos of it to show prospective buyers. I had to put the boy in shackles so that the Arab could run a full inspection. He struggled all the while. These Arabs usually won't even look at a boy whose prick has started to grow. They like them best at nine or ten years old. The little boy was much easier. He was still in shock from being sold and let the Arab inspect and photograph him with no trouble. Mr. Robbins: And, even though he was already growing, the Arab still wanted to buy the older boy? Mr. Kuznetsov: Yes, and everyone else just wants the boys' balls cut off. But, all these Arabs want their boys cut clean. There's only one doctor in Kyiv who'll cut off a penis when he castrates a new houseboy. He does a pretty good business, too. Mr. Robbins: Did the Arab take both of the boys back to Arabia already? Mr. Kuznetsov: Yes, he left three days ago with them. By now they're with their new owners. He took lots of pictures of both of them when he first looked at them and told me that he had them sold before he even came back to get them. Mr. Robbins: I'm surprised that any doctor would cut off a healthy penis. Mr. Kuznetsov: Well, it's what all of these Arabs want. As I said, only one doctor in Kyiv will do it, and he charges twice as much to castrate a slave as anyone else. The older boy was awfully hard. He was older than those Arabs will usually buy, but he was very good-looking. As soon as he knew he was going to have his penis cut off he began screaming and struggling. It was a good think that he didn't find out until he was already strapped down to the table. He knew his balls were going to be cut off as soon as he was sold. He accepted that and was ready for it. He was a big boy, though, and his penis was almost man-size. I'm sure he played with it a lot and he knew exactly what he was losing. The little boy, though, didn't know what a penis was for and he was easy. He won't know what he's lost for a while yet. Gavril: (Sobbing) (In Ukrainian) No! No! Not little Petya. He's still a baby! How could you do that to him? Mr. Robbins: (Hugging Gavril) Gav. Gav. There's nothing we can do now. We can just hope that your cousins have kind owners who will take care of them. Gavril: (sobbing) But, Dad 3; Mr. Kuznetsov: I though this was your houseboy. Mr. Robbins: Well, he is in some ways. I bought him three years ago. It's just that he's now my son. Mr. Kuznetsov: Have you castrated him yet? Mr. Robbins: No. And I don't intend to do it. If I can find any way at all not to, he'll never be castrated. He's my son! Mr. Kuznetsov: I'll never understand you Americans. He's nothing but a slave. He should have been castrated even before you bought him. I certainly never sell a boy until after his balls have been cut off 3; Mr. Robbins: (Hugging Gavril tighter and rubbing his back) It's O.K. It's O.K. We need to go back to the hotel so you can cry it out. You're the last Tkachenko. You need to be brave and strong. Your cousins would want you to be strong.
6TIME: About two years after the end of the previous sectionSCENE: Mr. Robbins opens the front door and steps inside the entry hall of the Robbins house. He shouts down the hallway. Mr. Robbins: Hey, Gav, where are you? Gavril: Hi, Dad. You're early. I'm in my room, doing my math homework. I'll be right there. Mr. Robbins: Don't hurry. I'll get myself a beer, but I do need to talk to you when you're ready. (Gavril hurries out of his room toward the kitchen, followed by two dogs. A cat that was in the hallway scurries ahead of them.) Gavril: You look awfully serious, Dad. What's up? Mr. Robbins: Sit down. I've got something to tell you and a few questions to ask. I haven't decided whether it's good news or not, yet. Gavril: O.K., what's up? Mr. Robbins: Well, first of all, you've turned fourteen already. It's hard to believe that you've been here for five years. I've been watching how much you've grown and how quickly you're turning into a young man. I'm supposed to be checking you regularly to make certain that you haven't matured enough that the law demands that you be castrated. I'm afraid to check. Gavril: That's O.K. I know it's going to happen. I know I'll have to be castrated soon. I'm ready when it happens. Mr. Robbins: It's just that I never want it to happen, even though I know that law requires it. Your next appointment with Dr. Pyle is in less than a month, and if he decides that you've reached that stage, he has to cut off your testicles before you can even leave his office. Gavril: I'm ready, and I know I'm going to be castrated when I see him. I've already marked the date on my calendar. It's going to happen three weeks from tomorrow. My appointment's at 11 o'clock. I should be castrated about lunchtime. Dr. Pyle will castrate me then. That's just the way it has to be. Mr. Robbins: I'm afraid it is. You know that I've already filed all the papers to free you on your eighteenth birthday. I'd do it today if the law allowed it. Gavril: I know you would, Dad. And, you know I love you and I would stay right here to be with you. Mr. Robbins: That part I may be able to do something about. I think I've found a way to free you right now. Gavril: That would be great, but I don't really need for it to happen. What would it change? Mr. Robbins: Well, you'd be able to go to school with all of your friends, instead of just seeing a tutor a couple of times a week. You'd have a much better social life. You could be on the school tennis team, rather than just playing with Daniel and some of the other guys at the country club on weekends. In two years you'd be able to get a driver's license, which you can't do as a houseboy. You can go on to college. Gavril: And you wouldn't have to be "Dad's Taxi Service" once I turn 16. That would be an advantage. Mr. Robbins: It requires three things, all of which you need to agree to. Gavril: O.K., what are they? Mr. Robbins: First, you would need your surgery now, rather than waiting until the last minute when the law requires it. It would need to be voluntary, rather than forced. Gavril: That's not a problem. It's going to happen soon anyway. What's a couple of weeks early? Today would be O.K. if the vet has time. Dr. Marshall let me watch when she castrated Rusty last month. She knows that I'll need to be castrated some day and she wanted to show me how simple it was. She said she's only had to castrate a couple of houseboys, but that it's not much different than a dog like Rusty. She's a great vet. She can do me. Mr. Robbins: I figured you say that. You've kept your balls for five years since you knew they'd eventually have to be cut off. That was the easy one. Second requirement is that you be circumcised. Are you willing? Gavril: What! I know babies are circumcised, but my age? Mr. Robbins: It would certainly be painful and take a couple of weeks to heal. Healing would be faster than castration, though. Do you understand what's involved? Gavril: Of course, Daniel is circumcised. Mr. Robbins: How do you know that? Gavril: First, he's been my best friend for the five years I've been here. Second, both you and Mrs. Silver used to drop the two of us in the bathtub whenever we came in covered in mud. I've seen him nude often enough. We were both curious about the difference between us. I think you're even the one who explained it when we asked. Mr. Robbins: O.K., are you willing to be circumcised as part of getting free four years early? Gavril: Do you want me to be circumcised? Mr. Robbins: I hope that you'll be willing to be. Gavril: Since they'll be cutting on me anyway, why not? When do I get it done? It's probably too late for that much cutting today. Tomorrow? Can an animal vet do that? Mr. Robbins: No. Since I figured we could always cancel the appointment, I've already scheduled time with Dr. Pyle for next Monday morning. That'll give you the weekend to masturbate as much as you want. You won't be able to for at least a couple of weeks after your surgery. Gavril: (Turning bright red) Masturbate? Mr. Robbins: Oh, come on. We've talked about it. I know you're a growing boy. Of course you do. At least once a day, and probably more. Especially since you've always known that you might have to be castrated some day. Don't worry about it. It's perfectly normal for any boy. I'd worry if you didn't. Now, though, for the third condition. The hardest one. Gavril: Uh oh. What's that? Mr. Robbins: You know that you're not legally an adult until your eighteenth birthday. That's why it's normally impossible to free a slave until that age. You have to be legally adopted so that you have a family to take care of you. Gavril: Uhhhh. What does that really mean? Mr. Robbins: It means that you have to agree to let me adopt you so that you're legally my son. Gavril: Yes! Yes! I call you dad. I love you as my dad. You already are my dad. Legally? Yes! I love you. (Jumping up and hugging Mr. Robbins) Mr. Robbins: That's what I hoped. You've been my youngest son almost from the day you arrived here. It's nice to make it legal. I love you too. (Hugging Gavril) Gavril: Does all of the family know about this? Mr. Robbins: They all know that you're already part of the family. They won't be surprised that I'm planning to adopt you. They'll be happy to have you as a new little brother. Gavril: I hope you're right. Mr. Robbins: That does give me an idea, though. Let's not tell any of them just yet. Ruth and her family will be here for a visit next month. I want to watch when you tell Jarrod that, even though he's a month older than you, you're now his uncle! Gavril: That should be fun 3; But, it might be even more fun to watch Aunt Ruth when I tell her that I'm now her baby brother.
(SCENE: Daniel Silver's bedroom. Daniel is sitting at his desk, staring at a paper and tapping his pencil against it. His brow is furrowed as he shakes his head. The door suddently opens and Gavril bursts into the room.) Gavril: Hey Daniel, I've got great news! Daniel: Don't you ever knock? Gavril: Ahhh, you're just doing your homework, not jackin' off 3; (Daniel throws his pencil at Gavril, who catches it) Gavril: You don't knock at my house either 3; Daniel: Yeah, I guess you're right. I was just in the middle of this math problem and now I'll have to start all over. Gavril: Do you want me show you how to do it? Daniel: No, I can do it. It's just a nasty one. Mrs. Kennedy is really pushing us. Gavril: I know, I just finished them as Dad got home. Daniel: You're finished! Gavril: Well, I started as soon as you called to tell me what problems she'd assigned. They took about a half hour. Daniel: I've been at it for nearly an hour and I'm only on number two. Mrs. Kennedy doesn't do very good at explaining things. Gavril: Well, maybe I can find out first hand 3; Daniel: What do you mean? Gavril: Dad said he's found a way to free me before I'm 18 and I'll be able to go to school with you. Daniel: Hey! That's great! Gavril: Yeah. If I can go to school, maybe I'll get Mrs. Kennedy too. Daniel: She's awfully hard. Maybe you can get someone else. Gavril: No, I like math. The harder, the better. Daniel: Hey! If you're gonna be free, you get to keep your balls! That's really great news. Gavril: No, I get my balls cut off on Monday morning. It's already set. Dad made the appointment today. Dr. Pyle will castrate me then. Daniel: No 3;! You've still got time. I've saved the money I got from my bar mitzvah. I've got a couple thousand to help you escape. I bet that all your friends can come up with another grand or so. You can make it. Gavril: No, Daniel. I'm not going to try to run away. Dad even told me where he had stashed some money "just in case his plane is delayed" or if something happens to him and he can't get home for some reason. At least that's what he said. I know it was just in case I decided to run. He's shown me where he has almost ten thousand for me to use. But there's no way I'd ever try. I lost my whole family once. I never want that to happen again. Even if I managed to run away and not get caught, that'd mean that I'd never be able to see Dad again. I'd never see you again. Friends and family are worth a lot more than my balls. I'd like to keep them, but they'd cost too much. They'll be cut off on Monday. Daniel: But 3; but 3; Gavril: No, I'm staying with Dad. I'd never think of anything else. I'll be castrated on Monday 3;
7TIME: The following Monday morning.SCENE: The waiting room of a doctor's office, empty except for one middle-aged man in coat and tie sitting quietly and holding his briefcase on his lap. The door opens and Gavril and Mr. Robbins enter. Gavril: (looking at the man in the waiting room) Hello, Mr. Silver. What are you doing here? Do you have an appointment with Dr. Pyle too? Mr. Silver: No, Gav. I'm waiting for you and your father. I need to make sure that Dr. Pyle writes his report exactly as we need it. I've got an appointment with the judge this afternoon to file your manumission papers and your dad's petition to adopt you. We just need to be certain that the wording is exactly right. Gavril: (Turning and hugging Mr. Robbins) That's great! How soon will Dad really be my dad? Mr. Silver: It shouldn't take more than a month or two for all the paperwork to come through. I'll certainly be pushing it as fast as I can. Gavril: That's great! I'd sure rather have Dad than my balls. Mr. Robbins: (Hugging Gavril) And, I love you too! It'll be good to have it legal and done with. (A male nurse opens the door to the inner area and steps into the waiting room) Nurse: Gavril. Gavril Robbins, the doctor will see you now. Please come with me. Mr. Silver: I think we all need to go in. We need to talk with Dr. Pyle before he does the surgery. Nurse: O.K., you can all follow me then. We'll head back toward the examination room before we take Gavril to the surgery. (They all go through the door into a wide hallway) Nurse: Gavril, we need to get your height and weight first. If you'd just step on the scale here 3; (After getting height and weight, the nurse shows them to an examination room) Nurse: O.K., Gavril, please take off your clothes so the doctor can examine you. Take off everything except your undershorts. The doctor will be in in just a few minutes. Gavril: Yes, sir. I'll be ready for him. (The nurse leaves, closing the door behind him. The two men sit down as Gavril begins undressing. He's just folding the last of his clothes and placing them on the small table in the room when there's a quick knock and the door opens. Dr. Pyle enters.) Dr. Pyle: Good morning, everyone. Chorus: Good morning, Dr. Pyle. Dr. Pyle: Are you ready, Gavril? Gavril: I'm ready for you to cut my balls off whenever you're ready. Dr. Pyle: I just have you down for a circumcision. You're not being castrated today 3; Or, ever if I can help it. Gavril: But isn't that why I'm here? Mr. Silver: No, but that's why I'm here and why we need to get the wording on the medical records exactly right. Gavril: But 3; Mr. Robbins: Sit down, Gav. We need to explain exactly what's happening. Daniel's dad found a small loophole in the law and we're going to use it while we can. Dr. Pyle has agreed to help us with it. Gavril: But, I thought I was going to be castrated today. I told all my friends I would be 3; Mr. Silver: And that's exactly what they all need to think until after all the manumission paperwork is done and your adoption has gone through. No one, not even Daniel, can know that you haven't been castrated today. Not for at least a couple of months. Gavril: I thought the law said that I had to be castrated before I could be freed. Mr. Silver: The law says quite clearly that someone has to be castrated before you can be set free. It just implies that it should be you. It's just barely ambiguous enough for us to wiggle through. Gavril: Someone? Someone? Who has to be 3;? Mr. Robbins: I voluntered for that position. Gavril: But, Dad 3; No, I'm ready. Not you. Mr. Robbins: Too late. It's already done. Remember the business trip that I went on last month? Gavril: Yes, but 3; Mr. Robbins: Dr. Pyle castrated me then and I spent the rest of the week in a hotel room recovering while you were staying with the Silvers. Gavril: But 3; Mr. Robbins: Dr. Pyle put in the protheses that we'd ordered for you. I've been putting on a testosterone gel every morning, just like you would be if you were castrated. Everything is just fine, and you should be able to keep your testicles. That's all that's important. Gavril: But, Dad 3; Mr. Robbins: No buts about it. I've already been castrated. You shouldn't need to be, though you do need to be circumcised if this is going to work. Gavril: What 3; How 3; Mr. Silver: Gav, what your dad is saying is that everyone needs to think that you've been castrated, just as they think the law requires. Only the four of us in this room, plus the nurse who will help Dr. Pyle, will know that you haven't been. After the circumcision, you'll certainly be in plenty of pain for a week or more. You won't have to pretend like you've been castrated; you'll just need to be careful about what you say to everyone. Gavril: But, why? Mr. Silver: We don't want any glitches until all of the paperwork comes through. We don't want any questions asked until you're free and properly adopted. While your dad and I have known about this tiny loophole for over a year, it's taken that long to find a judge who's willing to free you before you're eighteen. And, he's kept insisting on proof that you've had your surgery before he'll sign anything. Fortunately, he's a prude and won't use the word 'castration,' just 'surgery.' Your circumcision will be surgery enough, since he'll never say the word 'castration' or ask about your 'testicles.' And, he's definitely enough of a prude that he'd never ask to examine you when you have your court appearance to tell him personally that you want to be adopted by your dad. Once you're free, though, you're free. No one can revoke that. We just have to play the proper game for a month or two until he signs the papers 3; Gavril: But, why Dad? You didn't need to. I was ready. I've been ready to be castrated since my uncle sold me. You didn't need to do this 3; Mr. Robbins: Gav, you're my son. I'm already 61 and I don't have much need of testicles. You're still only 14 and have a lot of use of yours ahead of you. You've already got half the girls in the country club chasing you. Once you get to go to school after you're free, you'll have even more girls chasing you. After you graduate from college, I expect you to settle down, marry, and give me some more grandchildren. I hope I live long enough to play with them. That's what I want. You're my son, and I love you. Gavril: And I love you too! (Hugging Mr. Robbins)
The End
(for now)