Steam Train
Even the Modest Must Serve
Chapters 13-16
13 Holidays from Hell
My relationship with Ed changed a lot after that initial session in the bedroom with Marcus and Ed. The most practical outcome was that I soon came to realise just how horney my older brother was. Most nights in the privacy of the bedroom after we were sure Mr. Norris had retired to his bedroom, one of us would visit the others bed. Ok I confess there were many nights where I was as horney as my brother, it must run in the family. Deep within my mind I still had this lingering guilty doubt about the correctness of what Ed and I were doing. It didn't stop me however from really looking forward to every night being alone in the bedroom with Ed.
This was however almost the only joy that the Christmas break was to bring. This Christmas was not shaping up as the special occasion I had looked forward too in all the previous years of my life when I had been free. Christmas is a family time but this Christmas was very different. I had lost my dad, and my mum had become even more distant. The only plus was that I now had Mr. Norris and Marcus.
We did get a break on Christmas day. Let me tell you unlike previous years where money was not an issue and presents for Christmas were plentiful, I discovered that slaves didn't get anything in the way of presents at Christmas. Mr. Norris however tried his hardest to make Christmas at least bearable. We had special privileges like a Christmas dinner. This was something that was within his power and authority to organise and bestow upon us without causing major concerns amongst those in the school parent community that were looking for any excuse to have us removed
In fact all the servants were allowed a special Christmas dinner meal in the school hall cooked by the servant cooks who also joined us in the celebration. We were all encouraged by Mr. Lindrum to sing Christmas carols and after a while I got into the spirit, forgot my modesty about my singing voice, yep that's right I am modest about that too and had a pretty good time!
I missed my family at this special family time of the year. Mr. Norris was now more of a family to me than mum, but I wondered where dad was and what he was doing that Christmas day. Jim was away living with mum for the holidays and we only saw him once during the whole break.
That visit was organised by Mr. Norris to occur on Christmas afternoon. Mum, Jim and Walter Vanderbilt came to visit us. Mr. Norris left us alone in his lounge room for over an hour. It was a nice time. Mr. Vanderbilt sat quietly to the side of the lounge for most of that hour. He was polite to us but you could sense that he was forcing himself to be so respectful to a couple of slaves. He also freely admitted that he didn't relate well to children or teenagers.
Mum filled us in on the wider family news, what our one and only aunty, uncle and my two cousins were doing. But I think she picked up the vibes that all this talk about free citizen's pursuits was not helping our mental outlook and spent most of the time after that asking about all our boring activities as a slave.
At the end of the hour Mr. Norris brought in some afternoon tea and whilst Mum, Mr. Vanderbilt and Mr. Norris had tea and biscuits Ed and I had a chance to talk to Jim alone. We learnt that mum and Mr. Vanderbilt were getting on very familiar terms. He said that they were sharing the same bedroom. I though of dad again at this time and I admit I had a short surge of anxiety and anger that mum could do this to him, but just as soon I realised he was a slave for life, that there was no way a court sentenced life term slave could be freed, so mum was no longer legally married and she had to live. I sort of understood how she felt.
Ed whispered also to Jim about how he was now allowed in with Marcus and I once a month and how that had lead to him and I having lots of fun. I blushed profusely and hoped mum and Mr. Norris did not notice or hear. Ed even told Jim we would try to include him when school returned if at all possible. To my amazement Jim thought that was a great idea!
Why was I the only one in the family that was so modest?
That was our family Christmas get together. All too soon the hour was over and we had said good-bye to mum, Jim and Mr. Vanderbilt.
I talked long into that night with Mr. Norris about my dad. He was a good listener and let me get some of my frustrations out. I told him how I hoped to eventually track down my half brothers.
He didn't ridicule my dreams, instead he just said, "Tom we all should have dreams and ambitions in our life. You keep those dreams and nourish them. You never know what is possible unless you try."
Life continued in it's monotonous routine after we returned from Christmas break the rhythm broken only by the visits of Marcus and the respite of Spring break. All too soon it was May and the long summer break was upon us.
No sooner had school ended then Marcus had gone overseas to visit his relatives in Brazil then his mother in Los Angeles, he was not due back till the very end of the holidays and if this separation was not bad enough, Mr. Riley the Headmaster had informed both Ed and I that, as we would not be attending class, we would have lots of spare time and spare time was not good for slaves, so we were ordered to work during what would have been class hours with the servant grounds staff. Before and after class hours we were still expected to perform our usual houseboy duties.
My very first day of so called holidays was one of my most miserable since I had entered servitude, though I was soon to learn the whole of the summer holidays were to be my holidays from hell.
Mr. Norris took Ed and me over to the schools servant's quarters and to Mr. Lindrum's office. Within ten minutes we were out in the grounds in the burning summer sun digging a new drain ditch behind the gymnasium with a team of servants. Neither Ed nor I was used to such hard physical work, and after fifteen minutes I was pausing to rest.
Never do that as a slave. The senior slave of the team 'Tombs', was empowered by Mr. Lindrum to administer punishment to the other servants in the team if they were not performing to expectations. Tombs proved to be severe in his use of the cane. As soon as I showed any slacking off, I was whacked. I soon noticed that the other slaves who were used to the hard labour thought it great fun to see, as they put it, 'these two uppity privileged servants' finally reduced to the level of a hard working menial slave, with no special privileges.
I was to learn that there had been many murmurs amongst the schools slaves that Ed and I were receiving special pampered treatment. They were very peeved at this and it was causing some unrest. I guess in some ways they were correct. Now they got their revenge.
The law might have stated that ten strokes of the cane was the legal limit per day but I soon learnt that there was no regular monitoring of this and if you knew what you were doing with a cane you could get away with a lot more than what the law stated. The law certainly didn't seem to phase Tombs. I lost count of the flicks of the cane that stung my backside through my shorts. He was careful to make sure he only flicked me on my backside, which was protected by my shorts and left no lasting impression.
When he really wanted to hurt he ordered me to drop my shorts and undies in front of the other servants so that my backside was unprotected. He never did this more than ten times a day though. He soon learnt that this greatly embarrassed me and he used this over the next weeks as a special punishment. He never failed to make comment to the other servants about the small size of my dick.
Ed was treated in a similar manner, feeling the cane on his backside also with numerous propensities.
By the end of the first day I was so exhausted and fed up with all the canings that I wanted to report Tomb's actions to Mr. Norris.
Ed was adamant that I was not to do so. He said it would cause no end of unrest and we would be blamed for it. The chances were the school would be forced to choose between the two of us or all the other servants and he felt that they would certainly have to choose in favour of their other servants and get rid of us. They might crack down on the schools other servants for their poor attitude but in the end we would go, as we would be seen as the unsettling influence.
Being so exhausted by the end of that day from my field labours, I was almost incapable of doing my house duties. Ed was the same. He actually asked Mr. Norris could we please be excused for that day only from our duties and be allowed to shower and go to bed early.
A servant's life I was finding out again was a cruel existence. Mr. Norris said, "No."
"I'm sorry boys but if Ed in particular does not go and do his houseboy duties tonight it will be noticed by the other slaves. I think you boys have already found out that you are not exactly the flavour of the month with the other school slaves. Because of that I can't let you off from your usual duties I am really sorry," Mr. Norris said
"Boys have a shower quickly to ease your muscles but then you will have to find the strength to get your duties done," he said.
Mr. Norris looked very concerned for us and was obviously thrashing many issues about this in his head; however he made us get on with our duties once we had showered.
That night's duties were the hardest I had ever done. I was totally exhausted. The shower had helped but after a few hours I was out on my feet. When Ed walked back in after finishing his duties he didn't look any better.
I already had begun loving Mr. Norris in a special way before this night, but tonight I was to find a new dimension to that love. That night and many after it through those holidays from hell he made us both sit at the dinner table which I had set previously and went out to the kitchen and served us both our dinner, something I usually did. I burst out crying when he walked in that first night holding our two plates. I was emotionally drained from the day and this was just too emotionally overwhelming. Looking across the table at Ed he smiled at me but he too was swallowing hard just keeping his own reactions in check.
My summer holidays from hell continued like this through too the second last week of the holidays. We had worked hard doing many hard physical jobs around the school and certainly our tanned and firm bodies showed the results of those many weeks of hard labour. Both Ed and I were much fitter for the experience and our stoic resolve to get our job done had finally won many of the servants grudgingly around. We both proved to most of them that we had guts and that we could take our punishment like men. We never complained about our treatment.
If Mr. Riley or Mr. Norris knew how often we were punished they did not let on. I suspect like most things they knew. It was however the way of the world to treat servants like that. The law relating to the punishment of servants I was quickly to learn was often treated with a fair amount of latitude provided there were no obvious signs of abuse. A bit like most people break the speed limit most times they drive a car but don't consider that a crime and often get very indignant when they do occasionally get caught and fined as if they were saying 'what have I done wrong?'.
During mum's monthly visit she did question Mr. Norris about our use during the summer holidays in the grounds as labourers. He calmly told her of the trouble that had been simmering within the servants of the school and told her it was important that they all saw that we were not being given a privileged position. Mum is not stupid and soon saw that our continued presence at the school rested on no trouble between her two sons and the remainder of the servants. I had hoped mum might have been my way out of the hell I was in, but no, she agreed it was the best course for the school and us and was confident that Mr. Norris and Mr. Riley would ensure that we were not abused in carrying out our labours.
Jim was awe struck about how well both Ed and I had filled out during the weeks since the holidays had begun. Jim was still taller than me and stockier but I was now more muscular. For the first time in a few years I actually thought the better for myself about my body.
With two weeks to go, my holidays from hell took a surprise turn which at first looked like a good opportunity but turned into just another chapter in my summer holiday of hellish experiences.
When we were being assessed for the 'State Servants Performance Review' the Inspectors had noted that our training at phs had not fulfilled all the requirements of the Juvenile Servant Training Act. We were therefore required to attend a special two-week intensive training course at the nearby Bountiful Servant Training College.
My initial reaction was 'Thank you lord' for saving me from the labours of the school work gang. I was also going to be leaving the school for the first time since I was placed into servitude. That was something I had been craving for, for months. I was really anticipating going to the college to refine my servant's skills and thus be an even better servant to Mr. Norris.
That Monday morning Ed and I waited outside the main steps to the school, along with Mr. Norris dressed in our phs sports uniform. We had packed only one change of clothes in a small sports bag that we had brought along with us. After a short wait a white bus with almost no windows came up the drive and stopped in front of us. A grey uniformed Tallahatchie County Servitude Guard alighted with a clipboard, acknowledged Mr. Norris then yelled out "Edward and Thomas Carter."
"Sir, yes sir," we replied in unison."
We stood there stunned.
"I said strip," and his hand reached for his stun gun on his hip.
"Officer please," Mr. Norris interjected. "I have had them pack a change of clothes and all, why are you asking them to strip."
"Servants have no need of modesty especially young servants and besides in a lot of the training they are going to undergo, clothes will be a hindrance. If they need clothing they will be issued with appropriate clothing at that time. You had better place their clothing, sir, in those two bags and take them back with you till we return in two weeks with your well trained slaves."
We both saw the look of resignation and of anger on Mr. Norris's face and I think we both decided that it would be better for all concerned if we stripped as ordered. It didn't take long till we were both standing naked in front of the officer. Funny, standing there naked I no longer tried to cover my modesty. I realised I was now acting like any trained slave. I was loosing my free citizen mentality very quickly.
The guard had Mr. Norris sign for our collection and then we were pushed up the steps into the bus. Behind the driver there was one, two seater seats on both sides of the bus backed by a solid metal wall with a wire mesh door blocking the way into the bowels of the bus.
A second guard was standing in front of one of those seats and she opened the mesh door and pushed Ed and I through into the remainder of the bus which had no windows and was half full of naked teenagers of both sexes.
There was no effort to segregate the sexes. We were marched down to about half way where the bus had filled up to. Our hands were handcuffed over our heads and to a metal rail that hung from the ceiling. The guards left us and closed and locked the door at the front then sat down in the two seats and told the driver who I now noticed wore a term criminal's servant's collar to move off. The air in the bus at the height of the summer was putrid. There was only ventilation through vents in the ceiling. The body odour made me wrench. I could hear the sounds of sobbing from further down the bus but it was too dark too see much further down the bus into the darkness that engulfed the very back section of the bus.
Opposite me there was a guy about twelve or thirteen I guess, just standing there looking shocked out of his existence. There was quite a pretty girl with lovely tits and an awesome shaved slit just behind this boy. I smiled and she smiled back and we both blushed. Pity the light was so dim I thought but then as I started to erect I changed my mind and was glad my embarrassment was somewhat hidden in the gloom.
Ed and I began to talk to me but the others soon hushed us, real fear in their voices. The guards had already it appears, left their marks on a few of the servants before our stop for speaking. We kept quite.
I couldn't see very much on our trip to the training college, the only view being through the wire mesh door at the front. My desire to get outside the gates of the college and see the outside world again had turned into nothing. We stopped another six or seven times picked up individuals or groups of servants and continued on our way. By the time we arrived and were herded out of the bus my body felt like it had been in a sauna. I stunk, I could smell myself.
The use of the cane was plentiful as we were processed into the college. Any slight movement or flinch and you were thrashed. My fear levels were increasing every second. I wanted the safety of Mr. Norris and the school.
We were placed into class groups and taken to a communal showering area where we were at least allowed to wash ourselves clean. Ed was not in my group all of whom appeared to be around my age. When dry and still naked it was straight into our first class.
We were taken to a room full of ironing boards. A lady instructor immediately began showing us how to iron a shirt, then we were set to work ironing shirt after shirt. If it was not perfectly ironed, that is with not a crease mark showing, you were caned. I was caned a lot. When I complained that ten was the maximum allowed. The instructor whom I had already noticed spoke very coarsely replied "Shut up and speak only when spoken too slave, that outburst will earn you a demerit point, besides Mr. smart-arse, we have a special exemption certificate from the fucking courts for this facility. We will determine what is allowed and what is not allowed here at this college."
I was taken back out the front of the classroom and showed again and again how to iron a shirt. I really tried hard and I did get a lot better but by the end of the session I was marked down as unsatisfactory and was told that that result would earn extra demerit punishment at the end of the day. Sewing practise was next. I was hopeless here too and ended with the same unsatisfactory result. Cooking I passed my first course but only just and washing, cleaning and servant behaviour I passed easily.
I particularly enjoyed Servant Behaviour. When I was first placed into servitude my modesty would have prevented me from being totally involved in the sexual aspects of this course. Now after many months of servitude my sexual desires and longings had overtaken my modesty. My class was all fourteen and fifteen-year-old guys. We were prevented by law from fucking or being fucked but we were still shown all sorts of techniques that would please our masters if they wished to fuck us or they wanted us to fuck them. We even got to see Ed's class of sixteen and seventeen-year-old guys present practical sessions for us. I could see that Ed and most of the guys in his class were very embarrassed by all this public scrutiny of their sexual activities. It was good to watch though.
We even had practical sessions on oral sex with our classmates and with some of the female classes. I always looked forward to the Servant Behaviour classes and was greatly disappointed when the day's class was on nonsexual topics like servant stance positions or ways of addressing masters and other free citizens.
The first night after dinner all of the servants who had an unsatisfactory rating in any course were called to the front of the assembled students and informed that we were to be caned five times for every unsatisfactory course and two times for each demerit point earned. For me that meant twelve strokes of the cane. Five for each of the two courses I had unsatisfactory ratings in and two for the added demerit point I had earned by speaking out of turn in ironing. I nearly died when I saw the muscled officer who was to administer the cane to us.
One by one we were tied to a special punishment frame in the front of the room and our bare backs and buttocks were unmercifully thrashed with the most ferocious strokes I had ever seen. Our tormentor took a few steps back and actually stepped in to administer every stroke with the cane. One slash of the cane had every slave yelling for mercy. By ten they were almost beyond consciousness. The only slave to receive more than ten strokes before me was incapable of standing when he was released. He collapsed to the floor and some servants were ordered to take him to the clinic for treatment.
I was shitting myself as I was called up to the frame. The first stroke, which lashed my bare back, was the worst pain I had ever experienced. I yelled out, on the third stroke I lost control of my bladder, a fate which a few before me had also suffered but none on or before the third stroke. Oh the sheer pain, followed by more pain and then more pain as my tormentor trashed the living daylights out of me. I don't recall when it ended. Some time around the tenth stroke I passed out and I can remember water being thrown over me and the stinging sensation on my back as the water ran down my skin, but I can't remember the end. I can only remember the nurse in the clinic rubbing some type of soothing balm on my bleeding back and buttocks.
I was given little sympathy by the other slaves in my group as we bunked down that night. They were all too scared of what might befall them to worry too much about me. I had to lie on my stomach and after a while the nurse appeared gave me a tablet which she said would help me sleep and went on her ways. It must have worked for after a while I drifted off to sleep. I rolled over in the night and awoke everyone with an almighty yell of pain. Even the guard on duty came to check out what was happening.
Never did I want such a punishment again. I passed all my classes the second day. Ironing only just, but I did. I don't think I could have survived such a caning again. The effects of the first nights canings had their effect on all of the slave students, as there was only one unsatisfactory caning the second night. It was one of the girls who had received ten strokes the night before; this time she received another ten strokes and like me she was carried out to the clinic after her punishment was inflicted.
What a fortnight in hell the college proved to be. Sure I learnt to iron, wash, sew, clean, cook and behave totally like a slave with great proficiency. But I also learnt absolute hate for most of the guards and some of the instructors.
There were some like Mrs. Pennyweather in sewing that showed real compassion and tried to assist me to reach a satisfactory level when she saw that I was struggling. A lot though had been corrupted by the attitude that permeated that facility. I never met the Superintendent but I hated him or her. The leader of any establishment sets the tone and others follow, they had set a bad tone here, as far I was concerned.
After these two weeks at the college all I could think of was wait till I could tell Mr. Norris and particularly Inspector Blackmoore when next I saw them.
How could Inspector Blackmoore be a part of such a brutal regime? She was firm but always humane. This college was just brutal, did she know?
The day of graduation we were all handed our certificates and I received distinctions in servant behaviour, cooking and cleaning, a credit in washing and a pass in ironing and sewing.
When the bus dropped me back off at phs, Mr. Norris was there to greet me. I stepped off naked and putrid just like my trip to the college. Mr. Norris admonished the officer for treating Ed and I and the other slaves so.
His only reply was that as a free citizen he was entitled to his opinion, but that there was little sympathy in the world for emancipists. Discipline he said was the only sure way of producing docile service focused slaves. Slaves were no different to animals he blatantly stated. You soon learn he said to treat them just the same.
With that and before Mr. Norris could say anything in reply the guard shoved a clipboard in front of Mr. Norris who signed and wrote an additional note he told us later, to the effect that he was not satisfied that we were humanly treated.
The shower at home never felt so good and that night at our inspections Mr. Norris noticed the scaring on Ed's and particularly on my back and bottoms.
With his voice nearly breaking he said, "I am so sorry boys, come here."
Very carefully he hugged our naked bodies for a very long time repeating over and over, "I am so sorry, so sorry, this is just so wrong, I am so sorry."
Ed said, "It's ok Mr. Norris, its nor your fault it's the fault of the laws that control servitude."
I was not at that point in time worried who's fault it was all I wanted was to be loved again so I said to Mr. Norris, "I love you Mr. Norris," and left it at that, my horror holidays from hell were finally over.
14 Revenge Is Sweet
I didn't meet up with Marcus till the first day that school resumed. Like Jim he was blown away with the way I had built up my body over the break. I also quickly noticed that a few of the free girls also turned their heads a second time when I walked by. It didn't take me long to realise that there was something in this. Soon Marcus, Ed, Jim and I were regularly working out in the schools gym at lunchtime and Ed and I were allowed on occasions to go to the gym after our house duties if there was time.
Soon after school resumed Inspector Blackmoore made her regular visit. There were long discussions in private between her and Mr. Norris, which I imagined were all about our treatment at the Training College. Like always as a slave I was not told about these discussions and can only guess what was discussed.
All I know is that at the end of the visit Inspector Blackmoore took Ed and I aside and said to us "Boys just remember there are many good people in the world, don't judge us all by the behaviour of a few. There are some things as an Inspector of the Federal Bureau of Servitude that I can change, there are some things I can influence and there are some things I have to accept even if I don't agree with them. I promise you this, if I can influence anything that will make a slave's training at that college a bit more humane I will try. That is all I can do, remember what I told you when we first met, don't look back on the past it will only embitter you, look forward and serve your masters with 100% effort and you will find your servitude rewarding. It is a Masters duty to discipline and maintain order in their households and it is a servant's duty to serve, it is right and just that as a servant, you need hard work, regular hours, discipline, direction, supervision and lawful punishment if you step out of line. Now some officers may take that discipline too far but never let those people break you because there are lots of people in the world like Mr. Norris and myself who do care for and about you."
We both thanked her. From the look on her face and in her eyes I think she like Mr. Norris was a bit sorry for us. Yes I know a slave is not supposed to look a free citizen in the eyes but at that time and place it was natural and right to do. Inspector Blackmoore never complained.
Inspector Blackmoore also brought the results that Ed and I had achieved in the State Servants Performance Review.
My poor performance in Ironing and Sewing had stopped me from achieving a 'Highly Commended' but I was awarded a 'Commended' certificate. The truth is I was jealous of Ed as I considered I did a better job than him, yet he achieved a 'Distinction,' the highest possible grade. My mind raced with unhappy thoughts for some time after that. Silly I know but I truthfully took my service to Mr. Norris very seriously and I considered Ed had nowhere near the same commitment to Mr. Riley or Mr. Norris that I had. How could the Inspectors have gotten it so wrong!!!!
What a change eighteen months had bought in my life. March, the anniversary of my indenturement had long come and gone. I had found great contentment in serving Mr. Norris. I tried my hardest to do the very best job for him. I will even admit that the skills I learned or refined at the Servant Training College helped me improve my service levels. He in return acknowledged my efforts with love. I had become that attached to him that the thought of separation from him would have been unbearable. I had with great difficulty survived the loss of my father to life servitude. I didn't want this aspect of my life with Mr. Norris to change.
Marcus resumed coming over to Mr. Norris's at least once a month and Mr. Norris allowed our times in the bedroom alone to continue. After Christmas Jim had often joined us and Mr. Norris though concerned, again allowed us our hour of relief with all four of us now in the room. I discovered that Jim was certainly much more developed that I was. At fourteen he had a sizable pubic bush, a light happy trail and ample pit hairs. His legs were beginning to show a covering of hair and his penis was already over five inches [12½cm] and thickening nicely. His balls were hanging deep with a light coating of hair. I of course didn't know exactly how much pubic hair I now had but from the stubble Ed shaved off every few days I could tell I had in the last months grown a nice bush myself. My balls like Jim's were now hanging fully and although I was never to grow a really well endowered penis, it's a normal five-inch boner, and I felt ok about my body now.
Things didn't change that much at school. A few more students came to accept that as an indentured slave I was still a human being and not some sort of hybrid animal but the bulk just choose to ignore me.
Jack Strauchan was one of the few to show real vindictive ness towards me. However even he was very careful not to go too far. After the success of the punishment on Samantha Riley, Inspector Blackmoore had been successful with the co-operation of the school in introducing newdd deterrence into the school.
This involved students who had recorded major behaviour violations being placed into short-term newdd servitude, just like Samantha had been.
After a few very humiliated and embarrassed students had temporarily swelled the slave students ranks at school. Behaviour violations took on a whole new meaning and fell rapidly in number.
Parents were mortified if their precious sons or daughters were suddenly reduced to slave status and the punishment was almost always double barrelled for the unfortunate infringing child. They got it as a slave and they got it from home for causing such embarrassment and humiliation to their family. Most of the families attending phs were very status conscious. A slave even if was just a temporary newdd was something to be hidden and be ashamed of.
There is somewhere deep within my psyche a small mean streak, just like the one I had discovered in Marcus. It came out in me in relation to Jack Strauchan.
I hated him!
As much as I tried to avoid him or if I couldn't avoid him then ignore him a ball of anger was swelling up inside me. Ed had a similar opinion of Jack as I did. The fact that Ed was now in 12th grade and Jack was in year 10 meant nothing to Jack. Ed was a slave just like I was and he had utter contempt for slaves.
He boasted freely within our earshot on numerous occasions about how he had treated his own fourteen-year-old personal slave and the house servants at his parent's estate.
One night in our bedroom Ed and I decided we needed revenge. Jack's attitude had gone on for too long. Things came to a head after I had had a particularly bad experience of bullying and verbal abuse by Jack which of course he had again on this occasion been careful to do only when no one but his three cronies that he used for moral support were around.
If we could only get him to confess his illegal fucking of his under age private slave in public where an adult in responsibility could hear, then revenge could be sweet.
For the rest of that week I stalked Jack as much as I could without getting myself into trouble, however we could never seem to get Jack and a senior teacher in the same location to be able to pull off our trap. Then on the next Monday the opportunity presented itself between second and third periods.
Ed and I stood guard on a corridor corner so we could see both Jack as he stood talking to his friends and a couple of girls and as it turned out Mr. Riley and the Head Boy who were coming down the adjoining corridor.
I took off from Ed's side and deliberately bumped into Jack, making sure he had his back turned to the direction Mr. Riley would approach from once he turned the corner.
My actions had the desired result, Jack let out a tirade of abuse towards me and for the first time ever I answered him back.
"Yeah fuck head and what are you going to do to me, I said I was sorry ok, you can't fuck me like you do your own personal slave."
I had to time this comment just right so that Mr. Riley did not hear me and ensure the reply, which I was hoping would be incriminating, would be heard by Mr. Riley.
Jack replied, "Carter you're a fucking slave, you speak when your spoken too, I'll report you for this, you wait and see, and be very careful Carter, you think you're protected by Riley and Norris but when you least expect it, you could end up as my fuck servant, and just like my own servant I wont care if you are under sixteen or not I will have you begging me to stop fucking you, I'll teach you some slave manners and who is a slave and who is a true master, not a wimp like Riley or Norris."
Behind Jack's back Mr. Riley cleared his throat and as Jack turned and saw Mr. Riley and the Head Boy standing there he went as white with fear as I have ever seen anyone.
Mr. Riley turned to the head Boy and asked, "You heard all that John?"
"Yes sir I did," he replied.
"Good," said Mr. Riley. "Strauchan go wait outside my office immediately. The rest of you to class now, I will call you all in later to hear your side of this unsavoury incident.
We were all later grilled very heavily by Mr. Riley and Mr. Norris, however I did not brake from my story that I had accidentally bumped into Jack and had apologised but that he had got abusive. I even apologised for breaking my servants training by answering back.
Mr. Lindrum gave me five strokes of the cane for that outburst to a free citizen and it really, really hurt. It was the worst punishment I had suffered since the summer holidays but I took it stoically as the rewards for my actions were I hoped, going to be worth it if Jack got into big trouble.
The seriousness of the sexual intercourse confessions that Mr. Riley and the Head Boy had heard meant that Jack's actions should have been reported to the Federal Bureau of Servitude Inspectors, however long discussions followed in Mr. Riley's office between Mr. and Mrs. Strauchan and the result was a compromise.
The Strauchan's were powerful people with much influence but even they could not have done anything to save Jack if the fbs had been called in and medically examined Jack's personal servant.
Mr. Norris told Ed and I later that the Strauchan's were almost the leading family in the conspiracy to have us both removed from the school. By not reporting this violation to the fbs but instead the school agreeing to deal with it, in house, meant that one of our main opponents was removed. It left our position a bit safer. Mr. Riley and Mr. Norris now had ammunition over the Strauchan's that would keep them quite and off the removal from school bandwagon.
What about Jack you ask?
Wednesday morning first period he and I were called out of class and ordered to attend Mr. Riley's office. When we knocked and entered there within the room were Mr. Riley, Mr. Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Strauchan and Mr. Lindrum.
Too Jack's total humiliation and embarrassment he was ordered by his own father to strip naked before the assembled adults and me. He complained bitterly that he was not a slave and would not be treated like one, however his pleas fell on deaf ears. His father informing him that he was lucky that his actions were not being reported to the Federal Bureau of Servitude, for if they had been, he would have ended up a servant for ten to fifteen years, if not more. His dad told him to keep quite and take his punishment as this way it was only temporary servitude and he would be free again in three months.
I was ordered to assist Mr. Lindrum in stripping Jack as he was still refusing to undress. Stripping Jack was awesome revenge for me. He was totally broken by this event; the tears were streaming down his face as Mr. Lindrum held him and I removed first his black school shoes, then his grey socks, his dark green blazer, green and gold striped tie, grey trousers, white shirt, watch and finally his blue Calvin Klein boxers to reveal his erect, uncut penis and a smallish patch of pubes. The fact that his mother and father were there watching him being undressed and then seeing his naked body seemed to add greatly to his humiliation. I am guessing that this was the first time he had been naked in front of them for quite a few years.
Once totally naked he was ordered to bend over Mr. Riley's desk and suffered his first caning of five strokes as a servant from Mr. Lindrum.
Oh, how the mighty had fallen. The plan of Ed and me had turned fully into fruition with a great result as far as we were concerned.
I was appointed by Mr. Riley as Jack's senior servant and ordered to take charge of him. I was allowed to place the newdd collar around his neck and when instructed by Mr. Lindrum I ordered him to redress. phs had a strict rule that in school time newdd's remained dressed. The thought was that total nudity would be too much of a distraction.
I took Jack back to our classroom and when he re-entered the class it was immediately plain for all my classmates to see that he was now a pink collars. The look on the face of some of his close friends who until this moment had looked up to him was priceless. Amusement, contempt, indifference, all these looks were present but no one looked at him with admiration anymore.
Then and there he had to move to the back of the room and sit next to me. Marcus was made to move into Jack's old seat much to his and my disappointment. Jack and I didn't talk as we sat next to each other and I could feel the heat of his rage as he sat there sullenly next to me.
By recess he was the butt of many a joke and a lot of ridicule. He was quickly learning what it was like to be a slave. Most of the students took great joy in treating him like he had treated me. His best buddy cronies deserted him during his newdd servitude; I mean who wants to hang out with a looser?
Unlike the few other temporary servants who had passed through the trial in the months previous, who had lived at home whilst they served their time, the seriousness of Jack's behaviour meant that Jack was also forced to move in to Mr. Norris's house for the duration of his servitude.
Thankfully he got the spare room, as I didn't want to have to share a room with him. We did have to do house work together and he was a hopeless case at first. He obviously had an easy life at home just like I had had. I showed him how to iron, wash and clean. With Mr. Norris always being around as I think he could sense the potential for trouble, Jack had to suffer the indignity of his labours in silence and often in the nude to confirm to his newdd status. He hated the fact that I was his senior servant and thus his overseer.
The first nights shower inspection was awesome and Ed and I took great delight in shaving Jack. He was unfortunately not that well endowered even for a fifteen-year-old. Maybe five inches [12½cm] erect, just average but his uncut penis looked better once Ed and I shaved off his smallish patch of silky pubes. I would say he had only started puberty fairly late as his armpits showed only four or five hairs and there was no arse, leg, chest or happy trail hair yet.
Jack remained in newdd servitude for the whole three months as indicated by his father and Mr. Riley. We seldom spoke during that whole time except about servants duties and when he was released from newdd servitude he just kept away from me and basically every one else. He spent the rest of his time at phs as a bit of a loner. His former friends sort of gravitated back to him but his reduced status in his friend's eyes as a former newdd resulted in him being mush less prominent and assertive within his own group.
We still hated each other but now we both stayed deliberately out of each others way.
I often wondered what his personal slave thought of all this and what happened when Jack finally returned home. I would like to have been a fly on the wall to see the interaction between the slave and his master the former newdd.
15 Nothing but a Modest Servant
I had turned 16 in July of that year whilst on those horrid summer holidays and Mr. Norris had again made sure my whole family gathered to celebrate the occasion.
Though I was now old enough to be legally fucked, Mr. Norris was not going to take my cherry, at least not yet, me being a student at his school and in his eyes a definite conflict of interest existed between his role as my master and his duty of care as a teacher and educator to me, then there was the issue of his Christian beliefs as well.
Marcus and I discussed again whether we would go this step further in our relationship but were still shy and uncertain about making this ultimate sexual commitment.
Ed was in his last year of school, 12th grade. Both Ed and I were all on tender hooks as to what the completion of his schooling would mean to our continued existence together as slaves. Nothing had been said about what Ed would be doing once he was finished as a student at phs. He wanted to go to College and study Pharmacy, Mr. Norris and Mr. Riley knew this but they had never discussed if this was an option for a indentured slave. I know both Ed and I felt that it was not. You never ever heard of a slave of any type going to University. Slaves were for the menial labours; freemen were always used in the better jobs.
It was a Wednesday afternoon in late November of my second year in servitude that I was called to go to Mr. Riley's office. I was really nervous as I took the long walk down the corridors of the school from my classroom to the Administration building. Whenever I got a call to the Headmasters office it was invariably bad news.
I reported to Mr. Riley's secretary who told me to go straight in. I knocked on the Headmasters office door and to my surprise it was opened by Ed. Inside apart from Ed were my mother, Mr. Vanderbilt, Mr. Norris, Mr. Riley and to my horror mums solicitor Mr. Holt. It was Mr. Holt who had carried out the court order to have us placed into servitude. I had not seen him since that fateful day in March last year. I felt a flush of anger at seeing him but this was soon surmounted by a cold stabbing pain of fear that tore deep at my soul. Why was he here, it could only be more bad news.
Soon there was another knock at the door and when Ed opened it, there stood Jim.
He looked equally shocked.
I glanced over at Ed with a questioning look. He just shrugged his shoulders. My mind was thinking that mum was going to place Jim into servitude as well.
Mr. Riley spoke first, "Boys, I have called the three of you in here because your mother has some very important news that will affect you all. She has particularly requested a special appointment so that she can to tell you face to face. Even though two of you are indentured servants to this school and not technically entitled to special privileges like unscheduled visits awarded free citizens like your brother Jim. I have always allowed your mother access to you whenever she has requested it, today will be no different."
That last comment burned deep. I hated being treated differently to my younger brother just because we had the misfortune of being indentured to support him through school. Maybe that status was about to change to restore us all to the same level I thought, even if that level was as a slave.
Mum rose from her chair and looking at the three of us said, "Boys the last eighteen months have been very hard. On both you and I, however through that time I have found in Walter Vanderbilt our old family friend the companion and comforter I needed to pull me through the depressing days that followed your father's sad demise.
Boys, Mr. Vanderbilt has asked me to marry him and I have accepted. Walter has no family and very truthfully admits that he does not want a family. He does not like being around children or teenagers. Now this was a problem, which we discussed openly and very frankly. I have, as your mother always taken the course of action I believed was best for you at that time. I now believe after Walter's kind offer to marry me and his equally generous offer towards you three boys that the following decision is in your best interests.
Mr. Vanderbilt has kindly offered, Edward and Thomas, to pay out your indenture agreement to the school and thus restore you to free citizen status."
All three of us gasped and went to speak but mum held up her hand to signal silence and went on to say "He will also set up a trust fund to be administered by myself, Mr. Riley, Mr. Norris and Walter to ensure that all three of you can complete school and progress onto College or other pursuits if you so wish.
As part of Walter's offer to set up this trust fund is based on his desire not to inherit a teenage family and after long talks with Mr. Riley and especially with Mr. Norris, I will be signing documents to be filed in court that place you all up for adoption."
Again we gasped but this time in fear. Mum again raised her hand to silence us and said, "Before you panic too much boys I must inform you that Mr. Norris has asked that he be allowed to become your legal parent and guardian under this adoption application. I have agreed to this."
She sat back down and looked at us. All three of us were too stunned at all this news and did nothing initially.
"Well," Mr. Norris said, "Is the thought of having me as your legal parent such bad news that you can't even speak?"
Ed began to say how pleased he was about this but I finally had taken it all in and I raced over to Mr. Norris and gave him the biggest possible hug and a real slobbery kiss. I was so happy that I again in my usual way when my emotions get charged up began to cry, tears of utter happiness flooding down my cheeks. Ed came over when he saw this and joined the hug. Jim hadn't been a part of our bonding process with Mr. Norris and stood back but even he looked happy.
Finally Ed turned to mum and said, "Mum it's not that we don't love you, we do, but over these last eighteen months or so we have developed a special affection for Mr. Norris. He has been so caring and compassionate to us. A totally moral and good master, we have come to love him in a special type of way. Thank you mum for doing this for us. I know it was a hard decision for you. Thank you also Mr. Vanderbilt for being so honest to mum about your feelings and for providing such a satisfactory solution to this awkward situation."
Mr. Holt then rose from his chair and said, "Edward Raymond Carter IV and Thomas John Carter, I, as a duly sworn lawyer, do hereby confirm that Chief Judge George Unwin of the 5th Circuit of the U.S. District Court has duly authorised and approved your mother, Joanna Delores Carter's request that you both be released from indentured civil domestic servitude for the remaining period of your original fifteen years, commensurate with and upon the payment made to and received and receipted at 10.45am by a duly appointed officer of the District Court office at the United States Courthouse Eastbrook, this morning. I do thus by the power authorised to me on the authority of the District Court restore to you of all the rights and privileges accorded a free citizen as of (and again he looked at his watch) 2.13pm, today, November 23rd."
Mr. Norris walked over to Ed and he appeared to touch Ed's servants collar. I heard a soft click as a key turned in the lock and he removed the collar with his hands. Ed immediately reached for and rubbed his neck, tears welling in his eyes. I didn't even have to wait till Mr. Norris did the same to me, the emotional build up was too great, and the tears were again flowing down my face. The moment I had dreamed of but honestly thought would not occur for thirteen and a half more years had arrived. My collar was soon removed I was free again.
There was much hugging and joy in Mr. Riley's office that afternoon. I cannot describe to you the feelings when you are restored to freedom.
Never take your rights and freedoms for granted as I did. It is only when you loose those rights that you realise what great privileges you once had. The frustrations, humiliation and pain I had suffered during those twenty months in servitude would change me forever. Many of you reading this account of my early life would say that that change was for the better and guess what? In hindsight I would probably agree with you.
I had become a better person; I now appreciated hard work and the rewards of that labour. More importantly I had found a loving parent in David Norris. I had also found Marcus and the joys of a gay relationship. None of these things would have happened if I had not been indentured into servitude.
However there is something wrong with removing a person's freedom for no reason but a human whim. Criminals have to be locked away if a danger to the community and non-dangerous criminals it can be argued serve a useful purpose to the community in public servitude. It is the loss of basic human rights that servitude brings that is it's biggest problem.
Modern civilisation is based on the rule of law. Servitude removes the Owner, the Master, the Overseer of the servants from many of the obligations that the law imposes upon normal citizens. With no such restraints of the rule of law, they take the liberties granted and the treatment of the servant suffers commensurably.
Eventually after many happy and emotional minutes the three of us were asked to leave and head over to Mr. Norris's house and wait whilst the adults discussed some final arrangements about our adoption and trust fund.
It was a funny feeling walking back to Mr. Norris's residence after we left the adults. The euphoria at being set free was short lived. I now had a funny empty feeling within me. I couldn't place that feeling as we walked together back to the house.
Once back at Mr. Norris's house, I continued to feel strange. Something more than my collar was missing, I actually felt that part of me had gone with the removal of my collar. I sat there looking at Ed and Jim and they were looking at me. I decided in my mind what was missing.
I stood up went into my bedroom, changed into my sports uniform and began my usual household duties. Both Ed and Jim looked at me in surprise. "You don't have to do that now Tom," Ed said.
I stoped and looked at Ed and Jim and said, "I know but I want too, I get one of my greatest fulfilments in life from serving Mr. Norris so I am going to continue to do what I used to do for him as long as possible. You know Ed and Jim regardless of what the law thinks of my status now; I think I truly am nothing but a modest servant."
16 FBS – Conclusion
Marcus continued to be my closest friend. We had built a friendship and a relationship that would last past school into our adult years. As we got older and study and work commitments forced us apart we saw less of each other for a while. His father finished his work commitments in Eastbrook and returned to Canada when Marcus was twenty-two, but Marcus decided he wanted to stay in Eastbrook.
He remained always my true love. Marcus became a lawyer and when he married at twenty six years of age a fellow solicitor whom he had met at his work I was heartbroken, however true to his negotiating skills he made sure before he committed to marry her that she knew all about our relationship and required that she freely allowed me to maintain safe sexual contact with Marcus.
As I write this recollection of my early life, Marcus is sitting next to me, his teenage kids are watching TV in the next room and we are a happy family. His wife, well not all stories have a happy ending, she found some one else a few years back, I think I was the cause of the marriages demise, she could no longer bear the stress of sharing Marcus with someone else and I think she also saw that his love for me was deeper than his love for her. I was Marcus's great comfort during that time of stress and depression as his marriage broke up.
His children now spend the majority of their time with their dad and call me Uncle Tom. They have grown up in a family with a healthy open-minded attitude to sex, heterosexuality, bi sexuality and homosexuality.
Mum and Mr. Vanderbilt are happy together. He has lots of wealth and they are constantly tripping around the world enjoying the lifestyle that mum has always enjoyed. She calls in occasionally to see me and we get together for family birthdays etc but she does not really approve of the fact that I am openly gay, living my life with another man.
Ed went on to complete a Pharmacy degree and moved overseas to Western Australia where he opened a Pharmacy just south of Perth and built on this till he owned a chain of stores around Perth. He is now a wealthy man living a totally heterosexual lifestyle in Western Australia. He married one of his staff that came to work for him in his first store and they have two boys and one daughter. He lost contact with Samantha after they both left phs. I saw her at her father; Mr. Riley's retirement dinner and we talked old times. She asked about Ed. She has never married and is now Principal of a Christian Girls School in Boston.
Ed and I occasionally get together when he visits the States and continue our gay relationship. When he is over from Perth he also gets together with Marcus and the three-way relationship we forged all those years ago at phs is still something all three of us enjoy and look forward too.
Ed and I enjoy a unique and very special relationship. I don't know if his wife suspects our sexual relationship, I suspect not as two brothers carrying on so, is still considered not proper or acceptable in the eyes of the vast majority of the community.
Those eighteen months in servitude changed our relationship forever and have forged a tight bond between us both. Though we see each other only occasionally due to the distances between Perth and Eastbrook, there is never a week that goes by where we do not talk on the phone and we email constantly.
Jim joined the Army after completing his studies at phs. He is now a Major in the Infantry and is currently based in Dubai. I see him at family functions when his postings allow but we never were as close as Ed and I became. He is married with one son and three daughters and now leads a totally heterosexual life style.
When I reached adulthood and completed my degree in Social Work majoring in Servant Behaviour, I joined the Federal Bureau of Servitude as a Sub Inspector and rose quickly through the ranks till today I am a Chief Superintendent, the youngest ever in the Bureau's history. I am almost the only officer with practical experience at being a servant. This has helped me greatly in being successful in this career and the prospects look good that I may go on in my later career and reach one of the exalted Director ranks, where I can begin to have great impact on the entire culture of the fbs.
Through my job role in the fbs I was eventually able to track down all my half brothers. Raymond was a personal slave to a widow from a wealthy suburb in Jackson, Mississippi. He was happy and well looked after when I found him. He was glad to see me but the passion had passed from our relationship and I was not in a financial position to do anything about his situation. He accepted this and thanked me for keeping my promise to him those many years ago. I also informed him about what I had learnt about his other half brothers.
About five years ago he contacted me. His mistress had passed away and in her will he was set free as was possible for a born slave. He asked for my protection as freed slaves were often caught up in complicated legal protocol; and sometimes found themselves back enslaved before they could support themselves with an income as a free citizen.
I ensured this did not happen. I put him in contact with his half brother Peter and found him a job. We meet for drinks and talk regularly but sex is no longer on our agenda.
Peter was a servant sex worker when I found him. He had had a number of owners since we were both sold at the same auction. The conditions he was working under at the brothel were illegal and I got great satisfaction in seeing the two brothel owners who had abused him, convicted and sent into servitude for twenty years. He went cheap at the subsequent auction of their assets and I bought him and set him free. I found him a job and have kept in touch with him. He is now married and has given me two beautiful nieces and a nephew.
Dean I found working in a servant labour gang which was doing contract work. When I had financially recovered from paying out for Peter I bought out Dean's contract and had him work for me whilst I was still living with Mr. Norris at phs.
When I moved in with Marcus I set him free to join his half brothers in the free world. He did not handle being free well. In fact he was soon asking me to place him in servitude again. He was born a servant and knew nothing different. I refused to indenture him again but he works for me still as a house servant and leads the lifestyle of a servant very contentedly. The only way you can tell, he is not a slave is that he no longer wears a collar. We have become very close and though Marcus gets a little jealous, Dean and I sometimes have some sexual activity. His years' working on labour gangs has made him very gay orientated. He loves me for what I did for him and tried to do for his brother Alex. He is totally dedicated these days to satisfying my needs and those of Marcus and his children.
When I obtained the records relating to Dean's brother Alex I discovered he had succumbed to a disease about three years before I had located him. The records indicated that when he could no longer perform the duties he had been performing as an indentured servant his owner had sold him to the organ bank and his healthy organs had been used to assist in saving the life of about eight free citizens. His records were terminated two weeks after he was admitted to the organ bank. For a while I blamed myself for not finding him earlier. It was not to be the last of my disappointments.
Only when I became a Chief Superintendent two years ago did I gain the security clearances necessary to access data relating to my father. Dad's file had been terminated when I was twenty-eight years old. The records showed he had died in his sleep. He had been a servant to a Mr. and Mrs. George Pleasance. I eventually made contact with them on the pretence of checking details on their current servants.
They never knew I was his son though I suspect they guessed. I found them to be of a similar mould to Mr. Norris. Their servants were part of a loving family and I learnt that dad had enjoyed a similar existence. Mr. Pleasance when questioned about my father freely told me that Eddy, as he called him had, had a tough period settling in but after a few severe beatings which Mr. Pleasance informed me he hated doing but which he felt were necessary to make, Eddy realise that he could have a good life with them.
Mr. Pleasance knew of Eddy's background and told me that Eddy also soon realised that his life as a servant at the Pleasance house was very stress free if he did his duties properly. Mr. Pleasance informed me that Eddy had told him in later years that being a servant to him and his wife were so much better than being the Chief Executive of a large corporation. Eddy had told Mr. Pleasance that he deserved his enslavement. Eddy had realised after a while as a slave that he was not cut out to manage a large company and had failed in his duty of care.
This shocked me a bit but I tried to hide my reaction.
When Eddy came to this realisation he apparently became a first class slave. Mr. Pleasance even showed me Eddy's certificates from several years of State Servants Review appraisals where he consistently gained highly commended awards. Mr. Pleasance said his eldest son found Eddy one morning dead in his bed, when the family wondered why he was not there in the morning doing his usual early morning duties. The medical report said he died of heart failure due to natural causes.
I found it really hard to hold in my emotions when Mrs. Pleasance took me out the back of their property, to her rose garden and showed me where they had spread Eddy's ashes. There standing proud was a vigorous red rose with a polished and well-kept metal plaque Eddy, proudly displayed before it.
I think this is when they guessed my true relationship to Eddy. I struggled to hold in my emotions. I stood there remembering the last time I ever saw my father alive. It was when dad was taken from the courtroom where he had just been sentenced, down to the cells below and he glanced back at me as he descended the steps. I remembered like it was yesterday our eyes briefly meeting and I prayed again as I stood there at his grave that he saw in my eyes, my love. I hope and pray he did and that it gave him some strength to endure his life of servitude.
I lived at phs with Mr. Norris right through my college years, as did Ed and Jim. Mr. Norris went on to succeed Mr. Riley as Headmaster when Mr. Riley retired. When I could, even after I started working for the fbs, I would do as many of the servant's duties around the house for Mr. Norris as I could. There really wasn't that much to be done as all the work was done by other young servants who Mr. Norris took under his wing and pushed through school just like they had done with Ed and I. Mr. Norris replaced me after I finished at phs and he has continued this practise right up until the present.
It was when Marcus was alone with his children in their big house after his divorce and Mr. Norris was due to move into the Headmaster's residence that I took the opportunity to fully break from my slave past.
David Norris was and still is the dearest thing to me apart from Marcus. After I finished at phs the relation ship between David and myself moved on and into other realms.
What these realms were I care not to discuss here as David is still the Headmaster at phs and they would be inappropriate to discuss openly whilst he still teaches.
He now lives in the Headmaster's residence at phs, which is not far from where I now live with Marcus. I see him very regularly and he is very good to Marcus's children all of whom attend phs. He treats them as if they are my children and thus his grandchildren.
No one was more pleased that I choose to join the Federal Bureau of Servitude than Mrs. Blackmoore. She was my mentor in my early years at the Bureau until she retired as a Chief Inspector. She is enormously proud that I have already surpassed that rank with many years of my career remaining. We email occasionally and I see her, I have to confess, not as regularly as I should. She has retired to Sarasota in Florida and the distance hinders much face-to- face contact.
Jack Strauchan passed out of my life for a long time after I left phs. But even before that in my senior years as a freeman again at the school, the mould had been set. I hated him and he hated me. We kept a civil distance after his newdd servitude. Our paths have crossed again in recent years but that however is another story and if, as Marcus is urging, I begin to write the chronicles of my experiences as an officer of the fbs then you may hear all about that meeting and it's results some time in the future.
What do I think of slavery now?
For some it is the best thing that can happen to them. The trouble with slavery is that some masters abuse their powers and degenerate into immoral tyrants and thugs and some slaves cheat and trick their masters out of their rightful rewards and dues.
Even if I could I do not think I would abolish slavery. However I am determined to follow David Norris's example and try to make the best possible existence for a slave to serve, even the most modest of slaves.
The End