PZA Boy Stories

Steam Train

Chronicles of a Neighbourhood Babysitter

Chapter 14-16

14 – Jennifer Dailey Aged 14

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The Daisy Barnard Hall behind the West Eastbrook Episcopal Church was abuzz with noise and a level of tension that was palpable on that balmy Friday night. The Reverend Mathias Shaw-Davis had enthusiastically offered his church hall as a main venue for the introduction of the Federal Governments new domestic juvenile initiative, 'Taking Back Control'.

Most of the local community now knew about the new initiative and of the juveniles who were in attendance at the Reverends church had heard startling details about the first 'Taking Back Control' meeting that had taken place a few blocks away in the household of Owen and Vicki Green only two nights earlier [see Juvenile Deterrence, chapter 23]. 'Taking Back Control' was a further learning curve for the juveniles as it was crudely and painfully bought home to them how much the rules had changed. They all knew they lived in a very authoritarian society, with its forced slavery and newdd juvenile justice system but now the total authoritarian nature of the state was being bought right into their own living rooms and classrooms where they could no longer pretend to ignore it!

Last Sunday the Reverend Shaw-Davis had stood at the pulpit of his church at each service and openly encouraged his congregation to not just support the 'Taking Back Control' initiative but openly and enthusiastically embrace all aspects of it. He preached to the adults and juveniles seated in the church before him about the end of the concept of 'private parts'. "The Bible tells us," the Reverend stated, "that God made us in his image and likeness. If this is so, why should any of us be so modest about showing the world what god gave us?"

"When you are still a juvenile, young and impressionable and capable of being molded to achieve the best social and moral behaviour there is no good reason! Adult citizenship however comes with the burdens of responsibility that set us free citizens apart from those in servitude, and there is a need to clearly differentiate the status between the free citizen and the slave. One of the ways that clear differentiation is achieved is through the wearing of clothes. A slave has no need of modesty, they are there to serve their masters and the wearing of a slave collar, their symbol of slave status is all they need to wear. They have no need of any modesty. A free citizen in their adult years however needs to wear clothes to symbolize that they are free and responsible citizens. Our adult modesty is therefore the result of us being free citizens. Our juveniles should not be forced into such adult behaviour before it is required."

"Just as we relieve those sentenced to slavery of the burdens of responsibility and the need to wear clothing as a symbol of that responsibility, so should we ensure that all the juveniles under our Christian care don't develop a false modesty based on adult behaviour but instead, experience life as God created us all, naked and in his image throughout their juvenile years."

"Modesty before it's time is detrimental to the juvenile and I stand before you as your pastor and urge you to take back control and banish the false modesty of your children by enthusiastically adopting totally all the concepts that makes up 'Taking Back Control'. There should be no one in this congregation who feels this is an invitation to sin or that this initiative is morally reprehensible because it is not. If you really feel that way, then you should make an appointment with me and I will lead you to the truth."

As the Reverend Shaw-Davis continued to preach he thumped his fists and berated the congregation on how Christian compassion some times required the administration of corporal punishment when the errant juvenile needed it. Behavior standards had slipped he thundered and with it good Christian values 'Taking Back Control' offered the best chance to turn this around and mould juveniles with the correct Christian character. If your juvenile is behaving themselves then they have nothing to fear because such punishment won't happen to them anyway, but if they are not then they deserve to be punished and the church supports your right to administer this punishment.

"Remember," the Reverend concluded, "Strong discipline goes hand in hand with God's commandment to 'Honor thy Father and Mother'."

Following the Reverend's strongly worded sermon most of the adult congregation stood and applauded, whilst the juveniles sat in stunned silence. It was at this point in time that Jennifer Daley and all the other juveniles seated in the church really began to worry about the implication for them of 'Taking Back Control'.

Things went from bad to worse after that. At school the implications of 'Taking Back Control' were explained to all students and almost instantly some pupils found themselves naked in front of their own classes blushing profusely as all their modesty was stripped away and humiliation became the new punishment of choice. After news of what happened to most of the juveniles at the first local community meeting at the residence of Owen and Vicki Green on the Wednesday night spread around West Eastbrook Elementary, Middle and High Schools all the juveniles being forced by their parents to attend the second local community meeting in the Daisy Barnard Hall behind the West Eastbrook Episcopal Church were trying to find excuses why they could not attend.

None more so than Jennifer and Caitlin Dailey who had been forced to attend with their mother Gail. Both feared after hearing what happened at the Green household earlier in the week that they would be forced to strip naked in the church hall in front of the invited audience, an audience that contained many of the girls and boys that both Jennifer and more recently Caitlin had babysat plus other juveniles who they socialised with at school and in the church's youth groups.

When Jennifer and Caitlin arrived at the Daisy Barnard Hall with their mother they were shocked to see the thirteen-year-old 8th grader Eric Green and his twelve-year-old 7th grade sister Melissa standing on the stage of the hall totally naked, displayed for everyone to see in front of a large banner which read, "Welcome to Taking Back Control."

For both Eric and Melissa being made to stand totally naked on the stage of the hall where everyone present could see their naked bodies for the first time was absolute humiliation. Being stripped naked at home in front of their friends and family was bad, but the situation they now found themselves in at the Daisy Barnard Hall was infinitely worse. Both juveniles had of course objected in no uncertain terms to their parents about being made to do this in such a semi public location, but the threat of another major spanking like they had received in front of their friends only days earlier soon persuaded them to do the modelling that so clearly displayed to the assembling juveniles the fate that was almost certainly going to befall most of the juveniles attending.

Jennifer immediately moved closer to the stage to gain a better view of the naked Eric Green. Though Eric was thirteen years old Jennifer now decided he had inherited like his currently newdd fifteen-year-old brother Daniel, what must be a Green family trait of being late developers. All this week Jennifer had seen the older brother Daniel naked at high school.

All last week as a newdd, Daniel Green had created the biggest stir amongst the students of West Eastbrook High that anyone could recall. Never in the very long history of newdd's attending the school had anyone seen a fifteen-year-old 10 grade sophomore who was so poorly endowered as Daniel had been revealed to be. Flaccid Daniels penis was only ¾ of an inch [2 cm] and erect 1¾ inches [4½ cm]!

Even Nick Hermann who was not well endowed himself had expressed amazement at Daniel's lack of size and development. Daniel had been badly injured when he was twelve years old when runaway slaves had slammed a stolen car into the passenger's side of Daniel's grandfather's car in which he was a passenger. He had had extensive surgery on his injuries, a broken leg and arm; internal bleeding and he had received a donor transplant liver, bladder and penis because his own were all too badly damaged to be saved.

Daniel did not know the source of his donor organs, specifically if they had come from the slave organ bank or a citizen donor, though he did know the liver was from a different donor to his bladder and penis. He also knew that his donor penis had come from a boy seven years younger than himself. The doctors at the time had said this was not ideal but it was a case of what was available at the time that Daniel needed his emergency operation. The result was that he had received the penis of a five-year-old boy!

At the Hospital the doctor had told his mum, dad and himself that his new penis was going to be very underdeveloped for a boy of his age. The Doctor had also tried to reassure Daniel that over time his penis would grow when Daniel went through puberty, but the Doctor had also cautioned Daniel that as the transplanted penis was seven years younger than him and that as he only had six years at the most of growth left, the doctor had advised that in his opinion Daniel should come to terms with the fact that his new penis would never get more developed then a preteens penis. To make matters worse in the 2½ years since his hospitalisation, the onset of puberty had still not arrived.

Like his fifteen-year-old brother, Eric was still totally hairless where it mattered and had a small for his age little boy penis with an accompanying little boys tight ball sack, which was still that small that his testicles were almost completely hidden by his penis. Standing on the stage as the hall began to fill with adults and juveniles, Eric's face blushed beet red, he being embarrassingly aware that everyone was staring at his skinny, small, just over 2 inch [5 cm] erect penis, which at that moment was pointing up at forty five degrees toward the ceiling. Eric knew his penis was bigger than his brother Daniel's little boy transplanted penis but not by much. Now everyone would know of his shameful size and lack of development! He hated 'Taking Back Control'.

In the audience a couple of other older boys along with Nick Hermann were glad to see that Eric was as undeveloped at 13 as they had been. However all of them, even Nick who's secret had already been exposed as a newdd, were dreading the expected revelation of their secrets to the whole assembled audience.

Caitlin was more interested in her fellow 7th grade classmate Melissa Green. Like Terri Walker, Melissa Green had appeared to have well developed breasts but the girl standing on the stage before her was anything but well developed, clearly following her brothers in maintaining the Green family trait of being a later developer. In fact Caitlin now knew that she was in fact more developed than her fellow twelve-year-old classmate.

Melissa Green like Terri Walker had only the bumpy beginnings of breasts on her flat chest from which the protruding nipples were the only prominent feature. Between her thighs, Melissa revealed a slightly bulging, vulva, nothing more. A smooth furrowed slit ran down the middle of the lily white triangle between her legs, disappearing from view between her tightly clasped legs. There was no pubic hair to hide any part of her exposed slit from the prying eyes of those assembling before the stage to gawk at her total nakedness!

Standing out amongst that crowd because she too was totally naked was the newdd Terri Walker, though a newdd was not supposed to talk to free citizens, even nude ones. Caitlin who had edged close to Terri heard her whisper to Melissa, "I thought your tits were supposed to be bigger than mine Mel? Your titties are even smaller than mine and I at least had some pubes before they were shaved off, your little girl slit is still totally bald! As you said to me in the courthouse Mel, paybacks a bitch." Caitlin noticed the blush spread even redder across Melissa's face as this comment hit home.

There was one other newdd in the hall and that was Jennifer's fellow fourteen-year-old 9th grade freshman, David Sanders. Standing over to one side of the hall trying not to look obvious, he was failing miserably. His erect 4½ inch [11½ cm] penis was thick and reasonably long Jennifer thought for his age. David's head hair had been trimmed his buttocks looked red from a recent caning and very noticeably his pubic bush which had once been thick and topped by a happy trail that ran the length of his belly from his pubic bush to his naval was now trimmed into a small neat patch that highlighted his very erect penis and there was no longer any sign of his happy trail and as well it appeared to Jennifer that all of David's pit hair had been shaved off as well.

The Reverend Shaw-Davis called the gathering to order then introduced the special guests for the evening, The Department of Homeland Security's, Federal Bureau of Servitude's, State Chief Superintendent Mr. Thomas J. Carter, Tallahatchie F.B.S. District Superintendent Miles Barry accompanied by local dignitaries, West Eastbrook Area President of Community Watch, Joanne Grinner and Dr. Milos Learner the West Eastbrook Community Watch Honorary Operations Secretary.

Dr. Learner was assisted by Taking Back Control Community Guardians in training, Mr. Owen Green and Mrs. Vicki Green plus six other Community Guardians. Just as he had done two nights earlier at the Greens own residence in Henson Avenue, Dr. Learner addressed the assembled crowd and informed them all about 'Taking Back Control'.

At the end of Dr. Learner's speech, Chief Superintendent Carter took the dais, looking very much the authority figure dressed in his full Federal Bureau of Servitude dress uniform of grey pants trimmed in deep red, black shoes and shirt with a grey coat trimmed with silver lanyard, braids and deep red bordered grey shoulder epilates which were decorated with polished silver eagles signifying his rank of Chief Superintendent. A white silk cravat dressed his neck and his right breast was adorned with the highly polished silver F.B.S. badge.

After delivering his opening pleasantries the Chief Superintendent directed his short speech to the assembled juveniles. He spoke to them of the importance of keeping out of trouble in today's society. When he told them how he had been sold into servitude for fifteen years when he was fourteen years old [see Even the Modest Must Serve], there were gasps of surprise and a noticeable increase in Thomas Carter's credibility with the juveniles nervously waiting in the hall. Taking Back Control he told all the juveniles was not something to be feared, it was a sign of love from your parents and guardians. They do not want you to come to any harm but want to ensure that you experience tight control both at home and at school which is important in instilling the fear of servitude in any free citizen. Too many people, Thomas Carter informed the juveniles, think it can't happen to them and yet it often does with catastrophic consequences for the individual concerned, their family and their friends.

The Reverend Shaw-Davis then took the stage and informed all the audience assembled in the church hall that he wanted to be the first to show that he whole heartedly supported the 'Taking Back Control' initiative and so had ordered his children to strip naked to show that juveniles had no need of false modesty even if they were well behaved children like his usually were.

This revelation bought amazed gasps from the juveniles in the audience and no more so than from Jennifer as she realised everyone was going to see her boyfriend naked. What followed was stunned silence as from behind the stage curtains the Reverend Mathias Shaw-Davis's four naked children slowly emerged blushing profusely as their own totally naked bodies were exposed to the staring eyes of the assembled crowd.

At fifteen years of age Mat Davis had matured quite a bit in the last year from the time when at fourteen years of age he had been stripped naked by Jennifer. His pubic bush was now thick and dense. His five and a half inch [14 cm] erect penis and hanging ball-sac both now had hair growing on them. A pronounced happy trail ran up from his pubic bush to his naval and then much more faintly, hair could just be seen to have begun growing up to his lower chest. His legs were quite hairy and some hair was noticeable on his buttocks. Under his arms there were noticeable wisps of hair visible even with his arms lowered. A close inspection would also have revealed that he was shaving his top lip to remove the darkening growth of hair that was now rampantly growing to highlight his blossoming manliness.

The Reverend's thirteen-year-old 8th grade daughter Rebecca was the next to emerge naked onto the stage, blushing even more profusely if that was possible than her older brother. Rebecca was well built with terrific looking, long shapely legs, a small tight bottom and shapely calves. Her breasts had grown somewhat since Jennifer had first stripped her naked when aged 12 and though her breasts were not yet big they were as big as Jennifer's and would have filled out an A cup bra if her parents had allowed her to wear one! Her pretty newly blossoming tits were firm and round, and topped by erect little pale pink nipples. Her lily white pudendum was now partly concealed by the growth of dark blonde pubic hair which emerged into view from fringing the slightly puffy lips of her vertical slit and formed a sparse but noticeable triangle on her lower groin.

The Reverend's eleven-year-old, 4 foot 11 inch [1.50 m] tall, 6th grade son Joseph was the next to appear naked on the stage, exposing his hairless groin and 3½ inch [9 cm] erect penis to the gazing audience. His testicles were not fully descended as he hadn't fully begun puberty but they were hanging looser than a little boy's.

The last to appear was the Reverend's 4th grade daughter Ruth. At nine years of age her breasts were non existent but like her older sister she already had the beginnings of long shapely legs which tapered down to slim ankles and pretty little feet. Her hips were still boyish and her genital area was typical for a little girl of her age, being merely a tight slit with most of its secrets well and truly hidden from view.

The sight of the Reverend's children naked and revealed had many a males pants tented and many a female moist between her legs and it was not just the juveniles who were suffering from this condition. The Reverend Shaw-Davis had a good looking family and now everyone in the parish knew just how hot those bodies were as the four children joined Eric and Melissa on stage in a contest to see who was blushing the most!

It was not long before Dr. Learner urged the assembled crowd to 'Take Back Control' and strip their juveniles naked so they would begin the process of loosing their excessive modesty.

Suddenly there was a rush of activity on the floor of the hall as parents began demanding their children undress. Pleas for mercy and exemption could immediately be heard. But for those who resisted their parents authority there were guardians not far away who moved in to help the parents strip their errant juvenile. Amongst those who began complaining was Christopher Miller, Jennifer's first babysitting charge who was now aged 12 and despite having put up with the embarrassment of being forced over the last years to strip naked in front of Jennifer found having to do so in front of his peers in the church hall something else. When threatened with guardian assistance his resolve soon broke down and he began to furiously strip off his clothing before the threatened time was up.

All too soon he was forced to reveal his three and three quarter inch [9½ cm] erection that was pointing straight out at his mother and father. He still had no pubic hair but his testicles were now plump and had begun to drop. Chris looked around him, humiliation flowing through every cell in his body only to find that almost no one except his own family was looking at his exposed nakedness. Everyone else close bye was too busy being stripped or watching one of their own family suffer the same fate as he had just suffered. 'Funny,' he thought 'how the humiliation soon subsided.' If anyone of the few individuals who were looking at him had stared him in the eye instead of staring at his naked body he would have been extremely humiliated and embarrassed, but some how the lack of eye contact made it a lesser torture.

Jennifer watched as Caitlin was made to strip naked by their mother, giving her a momentary reprieve. As her sister slowly undressed Jennifer looked around past Chris Miller to take in the sea of emerging naked juvenile flesh. The air had taken on that musty smell usually associated with locker rooms and change rooms as more and more naked flesh was revealed.

Whilst Jennifer revelled in the humiliation that the other juveniles around her were experiencing she focused in on a family group standing close by. The focus of the groups attention was Emily Gitteau, a fellow 7th grade pupil with Caitlin at West Eastbrook Middle School, who until she had been made a newdd some six months earlier had been a real stuck up bitch and teacher's pet. Emily was a tall girl but had yet to take on the body appearances so often associated with developing maturity. Her tits were tiny and she was still totally hairless between her legs exposing the tight furrow of her slit for everyone to see. Emily knew that once again like when she had been a newdd her classmates and youth group members would tease her unmercifully about her underdeveloped state. A state that she had pretended for a long time she was well past till all her secrets were revealed when she was stripped naked to serve her newdd time.

Continuing to look around Jennifer noticed Jonathan Lewis her former boyfriend who was now aged 14. His penis was no longer the little boy size that had disappointed her so much before, being at that moment more than 4" [10 cm] erect and accompanied by balls that were now plump and hanging low for all to see. He now had a small sparse patch of short curly pubic hairs right above his penis.

Further around the hall Jennifer noticed Nicholas Hermann blushing profusely in his shame and embarrassment as he still had no pubic hair and a little boy's penis and testicles even at 15½ years of age. His genitals were not abnormally small but on a well developed body like Nick possessed they looked smaller than they actually were. Flaccid his thin circumcised penis was around 2½ inches [6½ cm] long and erect it was about 4 inches [10 cm] long, however his scrotum was still barely noticeable tucked up tight beneath his penis. Jennifer was sure it was plumper than when she last saw him naked six months earlier when he was a newdd. There even appeared to be a trace of peach fuzz, surrounding his genitals, perhaps the first signs of impending pubic growth.

Nick Hermann's blond haired thirteen-year-old sister Amanda was standing naked next to her brother, also blushing profusely but at the same time very interested in viewing her brothers naked body again. Amanda had recently entered puberty and now had small, freshly formed 'AA' cup breasts though her vagina was still totally unconcealed by her first light growth of almost invisible blonde pubic hair. Still she now had more to show than her brother did Jennifer thought to herself.

It was their younger brother Christian that was the real surprise for Jennifer. Chris who was in the 6th grade and who had turned twelve years of age only a few weeks ago was unlike his older brother already showing clear signs of having started puberty. Blushing furiously Chris fumbled with the last of his clothes, bending to lower his briefs enabling Jennifer to get a look at Chris's previously most private of body parts as Nick's brother stepped out of his underpants.

Jennifer was amazed to see that Chris had a very small, very sparse dusting of public hair extending about a ½ inch [1½ cm] to either side and above his penis. If Jennifer had not been standing so close and looking so intently, his first growth of pubic hair wouldn't have been noticeable, but it was there and that meant he already had more than his much older brother. Chris's shade of mauve ball sack wasn't yet very fat, but did hang down low for almost two very noticeable inches [5 cm]. His circumcised penis hadn't started to grow yet to keep pace with his balls, being barely 2¾ inches [7 cm] fully erect.

By the time Jennifer had taken in what was happening around her and looked back at her sister, twelve-year-old Caitlin was also totally naked. Caitlin had also begun to grow breasts, which though still very small were beginning to firm and become pointed. Between her legs she had grown a fine fringe of curly pubic hair that was yet to be topped by any sign of a pubic bush. Snickers could be heard from several young boys and girls who Caitlin babysat who were overjoyed at seeing their babysitter suffer the same fate as themselves. One boy even commented out loudly to his naked blushing friend, "Not much to see is there," which only made Caitlin blush even more profusely.

Jennifer was now beginning to realize that being left till after her sister to undress was maybe not such a good thing after all. Most of the other juveniles in the hall were now either totally naked or well on the way to that state and those that were naked were beginning to get over their initial humiliation and looking about to see the sights revealed. Jennifer was now one of the few juveniles totally dressed and stood out noticeably for all to see! Thus when she was instructed by her mother to undress she felt like all the eyes in the room were watching her take of her clothing.

At fourteen years of age Jennifer Dailey, had a very attractive figure. She was tall and slim with blond hair, a trim waist and her stomach was tight and gently rounded, while her hips had broadened giving her a very feminine appearance. Jennifer's small pert breasts were firm and rounded with prominent, dark pink nipples and now fully filled her 'A' cup bra. Between her legs Jennifer had golden brown pubic hair which fringed her furrowed slit and formed a very feminine pubic triangle above. Only the slightest hint of Jennifer's puffy pink lips now showed through this much thicker growth of pubic hair.

If her sister's revelation had bought comment from her baby sitters, Jennifer's bought much more from her charges. Up on stage Rebecca had a huge smile across her face as she saw her tormentor revealed. She could almost taste the humiliation and shame emanating from Jennifer's profusely blushing body as her secrets were revealed to everyone. Chris Miller was staring entranced at his babysitter's naked body enjoying the sight of her bushy pubes and pert little breasts. Eight-year-old Mathew Leahy was interested in seeing what his babysitter looked like naked but soon cast his gaze elsewhere to catch a glimpse of others his own age. Mark Livermore, Luke Vella and John Kristos who Jennifer had also babysat were defiantly not like Mathew, they were very interested in the sight before them.

Even though they too were stark naked the three boys moved in close to Jennifer to enable a better and close inspection of the girl who only last year had stripped them naked. Excited by the sight before him, thirteen-year-old Mark was unable to prevent a full boner from erecting for everyone to see. His thick 4¼ inch [11 cm] penis topped by a modest sized silky bush of pubic hair was pointing straight at Jennifer, as was thirteen-year-old Luke's 4 inch [10 cm] erection. Luke like Mark had a nice patch of pubes above his penis a patch that was slightly lighter and thinner than his friend Mark's. Thirteen-year-old John was no longer a hairless little boy down there where it really counted but he had only just started down the path of puberty. His penis was now long and slender and when erect was close to 4 inches [10 cm] in length. A very light dusting of at least 12 dark soft downy pubic hairs was visible on his genital area, growing from the sides of his scrotum upward to a quarter inch [½ cm] above his penis. To compliment this he now had a larger and lower hanging scrotum than when Jennifer had last seen him naked.

The boys smirked at Jennifer as she tried to use her hands to hide her body from their prying eyes but her mother soon ordered her to remove her hands and let the boys see what god had given her!

"Not much," was Mark's terse response to Mrs. Daley's instruction. John readily agreed saying, "Yeah I thought she would be more interesting but she's only got little tits." Jennifer felt a sense of despair as she was certain that now the three boys had seen her relatively underdeveloped breasts she was going to be teased for some time to come.

Jennifer and Caitlin were spared by their mother of any further punishment or humiliation but for many of the other juveniles gathered in the hall their experience was just beginning. The sound of virgin bottoms experiencing their first spankings soon rang out around the hall. The noise level rose as shouts and pleas for mercy bagan to resonate from all areas of the hall. Finally the sound of muffled sobs then, out right crying and bawling could be heard everywhere as teenagers along with their much younger compatriates lost any last sembelence of dignity and maturity and began to cry like babies.

Jennifer was delighted when the parents of Mark, Luke and John called the boys back and ordered the three of them over their respective laps to receiving a very sound spanking.

Under the guidance of one of the guardians each of the boy's dads sat down and pulled his son over his left thigh and placed his right leg over his son legs. The Guardian showed them how to hold the boys right arm behind their backs as high as it would go. All three boys were now as helpless as if they were little boys not big teenagers. The dads all gave the still white bottoms of their miscreant children a little rub and then upon instruction from the Guardian began to methodically coverer every part of each boys bottoms with very hard spanks. The Guardian was careful to ensure each dad spanked that most sensitive of creases at the bottom of their asses where it becomes thigh. These spanks in particular provoked Mark, Luke and John into extra loud cries and as the spanking continued unabated, the boys began kicking their feet and flailing their arms, grasping at the empty air as if that would stop the burning pain that kept building in their ever reddening bottoms.

.Even though all three boys were now teenagers and in good physical condition for their age, the three boys much to their shame were soon bawling, just like real little boys, totally out of control much to the amusement of the audience. Jennifer could sense how each spank and each cry lowered their status with their peers in the hall and resulted in all three boys loosing face in front of Jennifer to such an extent that they also lost any further interest in Jennifer's naked body.

When they were released all three boys immediately began rubbing their fiercly buring back sides and wriggled wildly about the floor doing their impression of the 'Dance of the Spanked' without concern for the intimate and amusing views they continued to give the fascinated audience.

The final humiliation of the night for the assembled juveniles but not Jennifer and a few other selected 'volunteers' came when the Reverend Shaw-Davis announced that from that night onwards, all the church youth groups would meet in the nude once the doors were closed as these meetings constituted private functions under the 'Taking Back Control' regulations. Such meetings the Reverend assured the gathered parents would be under adult supervision and would come under the guidance of the 'Youth Pastor' the Reverend Tim Lees to ensure that none of the congregations youth ever came to any harm but at the same time ceased to built up any more false modesty.

When the Reverend called for parental volunteers to assist in the supervision, Jennifer was surprised how many fathers volunteered their services. There were so many in fact that Jennifer immediately wondered about their real motivation in volunteering. She imagined she could already feel the eyes of theses older men examining every inch of her naked flesh!

As the meeting was breaking up and the juveniles were gladly dressing in their discarded clothing to commence their journeys home, Gail Dailey accompanied by her two girls walked over to thank the Reverend and Dr. Learner for organising the evening. The conversation as they approached was about Dr. Learner's next 'Taking Back Control' session that was scheduled to be held at William Alternator Middle School on the other side of Eastbrook. With the Shaw-Davis children standing beside their father Dr. Learner was telling the Reverend Shaw-Davis and Chief Superintendent Carter along with Superintendent Barry about the invitation he had received from the Principal of the school to address the school's parents association about using 'Taking Back Control' to curb the excessive aggression being displayed by many of the boys at the school.

"My only regret," Dr. Learner stated, "Is that I do not have any models available like Eric and Melissa or your children, Reverend to highlight the dramatic change that 'Taking Back Control' brings with it."

"Why is that?" the Reverend asked.

"Eric and Melissa Green are not available that night nor are their parents, I have already asked, and they made such a difference accompanied later by your children standing on the stage in front of the 'Welcome to Taking Back Control' sign," Dr. Learner replied.

"I agree wholeheartedly," the Reverend replied, "To such an extent that you may freely have the use of my three eldest children to act as models for you next week and whenever you may need them. Little Ruth is a bit young yet to be out late at night but the other three will certainly be at your disposal."

Dr. Learner thanked the Reverend profusely for his kind offer. Jennifer felt sorry for her boyfriend Mat and his little brother Joseph but little sympathy for his bitchy sister Rebecca.

To her horror Jennifer's mother then offered Jennifer to assist next week as well, apologising that Caitlin had a dance class on that night or she would have been available too.

"Mum, No you can't do that! You can't send me away like that to have to stand naked in front of strangers, its not right, plus it's so embarrassing," Jennifer pleaded.

'Haven't you learnt anything tonight dear," Gail Dailey replied, "If I say your volunteering to help Dr. Learner then that's just what you will be doing."

Jennifer looked very glum as she accepted her mother's edict but she was sure she saw a smirk race across the face of Rebecca even though she was facing the same naked prospect.

Chief Superintendent Carter stated, "I have a teenage step niece and nephew who could sometimes do with a bit more 'Taking Back Control', I must talk to their father, You would all I feel sure know him, the local lawyer Mr. Marcus Espiritos?"

There were nods and murmurs of agreement.

"I'm sure Marcus would volunteer his two juveniles to help you out too if you are short in the future," Chief Superintendent Carter concluded.

Dr. Learner thanked Chief Superintendent Carter for his offer and then proceeded to make arrangements with the Reverend and Mrs. Dailey about the night at William Alternator Middle School.

Whilst all the adults looked very satisfied with these arrangements Jennifer Dailey and the three Shaw-Davis children looked anything but pleased. To them the realisation that they were going to be naked on an ongoing basis in front of multitudes of strangers was totally mortifying and certainly anything but satisfying.

15 – Dr. Learner

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Dr. Learner's hired mini bus picked up the three Shaw-Davis children, Mat, Rebecca and Joseph before calling at the Dailey residence and collecting Jennifer. The mini bus had come with its own slave driver as was usual practise. Dr. Learner knew how to drive but very rarely did so these days. He was happy enough to use the benefits that slavery had provided him but he had never fully embraced all the aspects like so many of his fellow professionals had done.

At his residence he maintained the services of three slaves. All three had served him for many years and as far as he was concerned they would grow old with him. He had deliberately bought slaves that were older than himself when he was younger, planning even then for the situation that might arise if he predeceased them. If his plan worked they would end their life of servitude before he departed the living world thus ensuring that they did not fall into the hands of some unscrupulous owner or worse still, were sold off to an Organ Bank.

Once the four juveniles were seated in the mini bus Dr. Learner gave instructions to the slave driver regarding their destination, His voice was almost the only voice heard during the entire trip. Mat, Rebecca, Joseph and Jennifer sat quietly sulking about the unfairness of their parents' actions in volunteering them for nude model duty at the William Alternator Middle Schools Parents Associations meeting that very evening.

Their nerves increased as they neared their destination and upon arrival at the school, Dr. Learner soon had them all ushered inside. They were met in the main foyer by the Principal, Mrs. Freda Tester. She was a tall, skinny woman in her early fifties wearing a professional looking business suit consisting of a skirt that discretly came below her knees, a white blouse with a frill neck, a blazer like jacket that matched her skirt and conservative dark shoes with a moderate heel and neutral stockings. Her hair was short and it had noticable streaks of silver showing through her natural blond hair. The immediate impression she made on all four juveniles was that of authority, she was someone to be respected. Mrs. Tester conveyed her authority with an air of severety reenforced by her gray eyes and pursed mouth.

William Alternator Middle School had, had an ongoing problem with behaviour at the school. Despite the schools best efforts the number of incidents involving hazing and bullying of students by other students as well as continued complaints from the teachers about unacceptable behavior primarily by the male student population had remained high.

Mrs. Tester had immediately seen the potential benefits that 'Taking Back Control' could offer her school and staff in curbing this behaviour. She had held discussions with Dr. Learner about how this could be achieved and the proposal she would be putting to the School's Parent's Association that evening was to support 'Taking Back Control' by adopting a practise she hoped would by it's extreme nature cause the miscreant male juveniles along with the few errant female students to significantly alter their behaviour before the school would have to as a last resort, obtain Notices of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress at the Juvenile Court.

Dr. Learner and Mrs. Tester were going to base their proposal on the fact that under the 'Taking Back Control' initiative the wearing of clothes in the home and classroom was now considered a privilege not a right.

What Mrs. Tester desired from tonight's meeting was that all the boys, who were the main discipline problems at the school, would be required to strip to their underpants during class and gym. The girls of the school were not causing anywhere near the same problem and they would be granted the privilege of remaining fully dressed unless they offended in class. Well behaved boys could likewise gain the privilege of remaining dressed upon proven good behaviour thus avoiding the humiliation and degradation of regular near nakedness or the occasional enforcement of total nakedness.

Mrs. Tester had checked with the District School Board and they had advised that they would be prepared to consider the proposal if it was supported by the parents association. Dr. Learner, Mrs. Tester felt was just the person to convince the parents that this was the best and most desired course of action. Dr. Milos Learner was a retired Psychologist who had often served as an expert witness to the County, State and Federal Courts. Dr. Learner was heavily involved in the Community Watch Organisation at a local, county, state and federal level and had recently been interviewed to fill a vacant appointed on the National Supervising Committee of 'Taking Back Control, though this was not yet public knowledge.

The four juveniles assisted Dr. Learner to erect the 'Welcome to Taking Back Control' as a backdrop to the stage in the school auditorium and then were sent to wait in the wings of the stage by Dr. Learner who instructed them to use the remaining time before the meeting to prepare by undressing and waiting out of sight till called on stage.

Eleven-year-old Joseph seemed to handle the humiliation and embarrassment of undressing the best of the four juveniles. Jennifer could feel the eyes of Rebecca studying closely every inch of her body as she slowly removed her clothing. It was therefore to Jennifer's great surprise that when Mat and Rebecca removed their underwear both were now totally hairless down below where it really mattered. The fact that Rebecca was in this situation did not seem to stop her from enjoying Jennifer's shame. In fact Rebecca seemed to find her own bald nakedness a small price to pay for the privilege of seeing her long time babysitter publicly humiliated a second time in just a few days

Gone was Mat's thick dense pubic bush. His flaccid three inch penis [7½ cm] and plump hanging ball-sac were now totally highlighted by the lack of hair growing around them. His prominent happy trail and faint traces of chest hair had also gone. His legs were still quite hairy but under his arms there was no longer any sign of the wisps of hair that had been visible on Friday night. Likewise Rebecca's now sported a lily white pudendum which was now totally bald, the growth of dark blonde pubic hair which had only last Friday formed a sparse but noticeable triangle on her lower groin, gone too.

Mat saw Jennifer staring at his new shame and said, "Pa has decided that as one of the main purposes of 'Taking Back Control' is reducing the excessive modesty of juveniles that he is going to encourage parents to shave their children so that noting can be hidden. The small amount of privacy and modesty provided by our pubic hair should be removed he decided as we have to set the example."

"Oh," was all Jennifer could manage to say. Glad she still had her pubes and fearful that her mother who always listened to the Reverends advice would follow suit in the days to come!

Without the support of his underwear Mat's testicles were free to move about and when they brushed against the inside of his legs he noticeably winched each time with the pain that arose from his swollen testicles. It had been some weeks since Jennifer had had the opportunity of giving Mat his relief and he was plainly suffering the consequences of this.

Dr. Learner also noticed Mat's discomfort. His already extensive knowledge of this exact problem from experiencing countless slaves that he had met who through forced abstinence by their masters had suffered the same problem. Through skilled questioning he soon had Mat telling him all the details of his condition and about the doctor's recommendations. Though Mat made no mention of the assistance in masturbation he occasionally received from Jennifer it was also obvious to Dr. Learner from Jennifer's genuine concern that she knew fully about and cared greatly regarding Mat's problem.

Dr. Learner admired Mat's ethics and willpower in abstaining from personal masturbation and made a mental note to take up the cause of obtaining Mat medical approved relief with the Reverend when the opportunity arose.

All too soon for the embarrassed juveniles the parents had arrived and the meeting had begun. Dr. Learner had been introduced to the assembled crowd of parents who from the comments of Mrs. Tester, were far in excess of the usual numbers that attended the regular meetings, such was the interest in 'Taking Back Control'. Repeatedly over the last month, TV, radio and newspapers, had all been constantly warning the juvenile population that starting soon 'everything was changing' and that 'the rules were not going to be the same anymore', the attendance verified that the awareness campaign had been a great initial success.

Dr. Learner gave his usual rousing speech to the assembled parents about how both male and female juveniles shouldn't be so modest. Along with his now famous challenge to the parents of, "Who's in charge here, who's makes the rules?"

To which he gave the answer himself, "You, and other adults do, that's right parents, you are in control, not your children."

Dr. Learner went on to explain in detail the new national effort by parents, teachers and other adults of 'taking back control' from their 'out of control' kids. It was at this point in the night's proceedings to emphasize just how things had changed for the juveniles of the nation that Dr. Learner called the profusely blushing and naked Mat, Jennifer, Rebecca and Joseph onto centre stage.

There were initial gasps as the naked models walked into view making no effort to cover any aspect of their modesty, especially Mat and Rebecca whose most private parts were now highlighted by their lack of pubic hair. Jennifer was glad her most private parts were now well covered by her thick bush of pubic hair, though the unfortunate fact that her nipples were clearly tightening and becoming erect in front of the staring audience as they became engorged with blood made up for any benefit she gained from her pubic covering. Her hairy groin did however stop all those prying eyes from seeing that her clitoris was now like her nipples engorged with blood, and inside the secret folds of Jennifer's slit her juices were flowing. Standing there naked in public Jennifer could not believe that her body could so betray her and become sexually aroused whilst her mind at that very same time felt deep humiliation, embarrassment and shame.

The initial gasps of the audience were followed by spontaneous applause from sections of the audience who obviously full supported the concepts espoused by 'Taking Back Control'. Not all parents however were enthused by the program and many expressed their doubts in a well controlled debate that followed chaired by Dr. Learner.

Mrs. Tester's closing remarks however summed up the feelings of the majority of parents. "The foundation of this program," Mrs. Tester stated to the parents, "is built on firm and strong discipline, love, and the building of self-esteem through healthy body image and the removal of excessive modesty especially in the boys of our school. The school feels that boys in particular need to have some humiliation to build self-acceptance. Our girls on the other hand will be clothed provided they behave as we feel they have earned this reward by their better behaviour. For the majority of girls and those boys who have earned it, the wearing of full clothing will give them the reward of some modesty and provide them with the appearance of added authority."

The great majority of the parents present voted at the end of the night for the school to adopt Mrs. Tester's proposal in full and endorsed the application to the District School Board to ratify the program.

It was a very satisfied Mrs. Tester, Dr. Learner along with the Deputy Principal Mr. Summers, Mr. Williams, Mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Spies, the three senior grade teachers from the school who stood around after the meeting discussing the ramifications that the program could be expected to bring to William Alternator Middle School if the proposal was ratified.

Mr. Williams the senior 8th grade teacher was especially excited by the discretionary powers that 'Taking Back Control' gave him. He jokingly mentioned to the group of adults his envisaged scene in his own classroom the first day the programme was initiated and mimicked the looks of horror and humiliation that he envisioned on the faces of his bullying hard to control class of 8th grade boys when they walked into their classroom on that first morning and saw the rack of clothes pegs that had been erected in horizontal rows on the wall just inside the classroom door.

Privately in his mind Mr. Williams was also thinking about the one boy in his class who didn't deserve such humiliation. He would select Michael Porter a cute blonde-haired thirteen-year-old in his 8th grade class to be the first boy to receive dispensation and be allowed to wear full clothing. That was after an initial day or so stripped back to his underpants so that it was not too obvious who was his favorite student.

Like so many neighborhoods across the whole nation the children who attended William Alternator had had their first introduction to 'Taking Back Control' only last week. At a special Neighbourhood Community Watch meeting the Local Area Community Watch President John Gandy assisted by the local Community Watch Honorary Operations Secretary Miriam Mortlock and her team of Community Guardians had formally spelt out to every juvenile in attendance that 'things had now changed' and by the end of the night there was hardly a juvenile in attendance who was not totally naked and sporting a red throbbing bottom.

Amongst all those profusely blushing juveniles was Michael Porter. Mr. Williams had been careful to ensure that he had positioned himself right next to Mr. and Mrs. Porter. and their two sons thirteen-year-old Michael and fifteen-year-old David so that he could get an almost uninterrupted view of his very cute 'teacher's pet', Michael Porter. The boy who for him was the most interesting and hottest boy in his class! At the same time he was hoping to get more than just a glimpse of David Porter as well.

He was not to be disappointed. Even though David and Michael were very well behaved children Mr. Porter was firm in his belief that at least once in their young lives the two boys should experience what the consequences would be if they fell off their behavioral pedestal. That nights meeting where all their peers were receiving the same reality jolt was, Mr. Porter felt, the ideal place for his two boys to experience the consequences of any misbehaviors.

Despite the objections of both boys that they had done nothing to deserve this punishment Mr. and Mrs. Porter insisted that the two strip naked. Mr. Williams hoped for dear life that the tent in his trousers that he was desperately trying to suppress was not noticed by any of the parents or juveniles that were crowding out the room. 11th grader David Porter at 15½ years of age had begun to loose his boyish looks and take on the masculine body lines of the later teenage years.

He stood nearly six foot [1.80 m] tall and was quite skinny however he did have a wide muscular chest that was still smooth and hairless. David was blond haired and to highlight his maturity sported side burns down to the bottom of his ear lobes, the rest of his face was clean shaven. He had noticeably hairy legs and thick patches of pit hair as well as a dark blond happy trail that ran from his naval down to a thick, curly bush of blond hairs and a very large and gorgeous circumcised penis which was at that time fully erect at 6½ inches [16½ cm].

Blue eyed, blonde-haired thirteen-year-old Michael Porter was no where near as developed as his big brother. At five feet [1.50 m] tall and a hundred-and-one pounds [46 kg], Michael was at that stage where he had lost the soft contours of a pre-teenager, but had not yet developed the muscular definition of an older teen like David. Michael had inherited his mother's fine bones, giving him a delicate pre pubescent Adonis like appearance. Michael's body was showing only the first signs of puberty. He was still totally hairless down below but his ball sack had begun to descend and his testicles seemed disproportionately large in comparison to his throbbing 2¾ inch [7 cm] erection. Like David he was circumcised but in his case extremely tightly with all the good feeling parts of his inside shaft skin seemingly removed along with his frenulum.

That had been a memorable night for Mr. Williams and now the parent body had taken back control even further and voted, subject to the District Board's approval to empower the teaching staff of William Alternator even further. Mr. Williams could hardly contain his anticipation and enthusiasm for what now it seemed was almost certain to happen in the near future.

On the trip home all four juveniles were finding it hard to stay awake, especially Joseph. Dr. Learner however questioned them on how they coped with being made to stand naked in public. Their responses were as he expected and he went on to tell them that their reaction was natural and normal. "The biggest problem," he said to them, "is that the free citizens of our country never think that slavery is going to happen to them, just like you never expected to be made to stand naked in public. That's the lesson I am hoping you are going to learn from this experience."

Dr. Learner then turned to the slave driver and asked the startled slave to tell them all about his enslavement. As suspected the driver had not been born a slave but just like Dr. Learner had stated had broken the law without really considering the consequences of his actions.

"I was a senior executive at this very hire car company, master," the slave said.

"The Vice President for Finance, but I was eventually caught with him my hands in the till, master."

"I embezzled over 200 grand to keep a couple of lady friends in the life style they demanded if I wanted to get any rewards from them, if you get my drift, master."

"Yes, yes I do, go on please," Dr. Learner responded glancing at the four juveniles and wondering if they got the drift of his statement too. It appeared that the three older children had, from the smiles on their faces.

"Anyway master, the asshole that I was, I spent all the loot on those ladies, so when I got convicted, the judge told me I'd have to work off my debt to the company as a slave over the next nine years. Life was tough in the early years as I worked off my debt. I was placed into service as a pony-slave running around Downtown Eastbrook. I was not used to such exercise. I was pretty scrawny and my masters I think thought I would be all used up before the nine years came around. To tell you the truth, master, there were many times I myself thought I was not going to make it, but it's marvelous the effect the whip has on you. Just when you think you can go on no further a few flicks of the whip and your body finds this hidden reserve of energy that gets you through."

"Yes, I have often heard that said by slaves, I never want to be in a situation to put that theory personally to the test, nor I warn you four juveniles should you," Dr. Learner instructed.

"Yes master a wise statement," the slave replied, "I was lucky, I guess, I could have been enslaved for life but in reality I think that is just the sentence I will end up serving. I worked off my debt to the company and was due for release after nine odious years of being a pony-slave but what does a slave do after nine years? All my meager assets had been sold to assist in repaying the debt. I had nothing! My only choice at the end of the nine years was to volunteer to be enslaved. That's why I am still here today. I can't see myself ever being able to get out of enslavement now. I am too old to start over and so I am trapped in this lifestyle even though I hate it, compared to the freedom I enjoyed before I was enslaved."

Dr. Learner was a 'liberal' and as such was not in favour of a lot of the aspects of the slavery laws. He was the first to agree that crime was almost non existent and that social behaviour was of the highest standards but he loved to debate around the dinner table the morality of other aspects of slavery like the enslaving the poor and unemployed. Though he agreed it was cheaper to provide adequate food and housing for slaves rather than for the unemployed on welfare, and of course it was easier to stop them continuing to breed and adding to the problem but as a liberal intellectual he could not bring himself to accept the believe that a life of slavery for that 15% of the population was necessary to allow the rest of the population to 'return to normal.'

Dr. Learner was also a realist and accepted slavery though he constantly questioned it, he also publicly supported some aspects of it. He had spent his working life on the fringe of the slavery system. He even had his own loyal domestic slaves. Slavery was accepted and deeply embedded in every day life. The post was delivered by slaves, the garbage was collected by slaves, the streets were kept clean by slaves but all these slaves looked relatively happy on the surface though being a psychologist he knew otherwise and in their smart uniforms they did not look all that different from the free men who had long ago before the crash had performed these blue-collar jobs.

Dr. Learner knew only too well that it was only when you went out into the rural areas that slavery really intruded into your consciousness and rural visits had been a common experience for the good Doctor during his professional career.

In the rural areas slaves were used in very large numbers, not the cheerful, neatly-uniformed slaves that were used to perform duties around Eastbrook, but chained field gangs of near-naked or naked laborers toiling away nurturing the crops under the oppressive hot sun encouraged in their toil by their overseer's whips.

The introduction of slavery had long ago swept away the remaining pre-crash vestiges of racial discrimination. If you looked along the rows of manacled labourers toiling in the fields you saw blacks and whites in almost equal numbers, chained and all working together regardless of their race or background or professional qualifications.

Even with the harsh slavery laws in place there always seemed to be a shortage of slaves, especially labourer slaves. To Dr. Learner's great dislike an even worse aspect of slavery had grown up with legal sanction to cater for this market need. Slaves were now born and bred for the sole purpose of being slaves for life. These slaves were never considered citizens and never had any rights unless in very exceptional circumstances some kind master set them free. They existed from their earliest years to serve and work. On these breeding farms the bred slaves were brought up with no parent, first in a crèche, then the nursery, then activity groups, and junior work groups till they were sixteen years old and were then eligible to be sold into general labouring tasks.

The great crash had also resulted in another distasteful aspect of slavery as far Dr. Learner was concerned. As more families becoming unable to afford their lifestyles, and when their mortgages and loans were recalled by the financial institutions, a lot of them had no choice, if they did not want to be enslaved themselves, but to sell their only remaining assets, their adolescent children into slavery.

This occurred mainly to adolescents aged between sixteen and twenty one years of age. If the child was younger than sixteen then an education program had to be implemented and restrictions upon the use of the slave applied and were strictly enforced by the Federal Bureau of Servitude. This tended to lower their value and worth greatly. Upon turning twenty one, full legal rights passed to the individual and so no parent could sell their child after they attained that age.

The ability to sell your child especially the sixteen to twenty-year-olds into slavery led to that greatest of parental threats, "If you don't behave then you will be enslaved."

The slave driver having finished recounting his demise into slavery, Dr. Learner turned to the three enthralled juveniles, Joseph was asleep on Jennifer's shoulder and stated, "Let this slaves story be the perfect warning about the consequences of not considering your actions. I give you this advice about slavery after all my years of experience. Be afraid, be very afraid of the system and be always on your guard as it is ever so easy to fall into slavery but nigh near impossible to climb back out!"

16 Dr. Robert MacPherson

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Jennifer Dailey was sitting in the waiting room of Doctor Robert MacPherson still totally amazed that she was about to be allowed to masturbate her boyfriend Mat Davis and as an added bonus her 'Le Femme Chicks' friend Amanda Hermann's brother Nick. Two of the hottest guys in 10th grade, the grade above of her at West Eastbrook High.

She knew how this had come about but she still could not believe her luck. In the last year or so her life had been a bit of a roller coaster ride. She had gone from the highs of dominating numerous naked boys and some girls to the utter lows of being totally naked in public herself. This was definitely one of the all time highs.

Dr. Learner had noticed Mat's ongoing problem with his swollen testicles and had raised his concerns with Mat's father the Reverend Shaw-Davis. The Reverend was aware of Mat's problems but when confronted with Dr. Learner's observations and unreserved praise for his son's stoicism in suffering the pain as opposed to the easy remedy of masturbating himself, the Reverend Shaw-Davis could not but agree that such restraint and moral fibre should be acknowledged and rewarded.

There were sound medical reasons for allowing Mat relief and even though he would suffer sexual feelings Dr. Learner and the Reverend came to the conclusion that any boy who had shown Mat's restraint and abstinence would not give in to those sexual feelings but instead use them just as he had the pain to continue to build his moral integrity.

Neither of course knew that from time to time Jennifer did provide Mat with his much desired relief however apart from these all too infrequent times with Jennifer, Mat had as Dr. Learner suggested, stoically resisted the urge to masturbate himself.

How Jennifer had gotten the job was much more at Mat's conniving.

When Mat was approached again by his father about his testicular problem, Mat had insisted that he would not feel comfortable being masturbated by a nurse or by one of his family and there was no way his father could condone Mat doing it to himself. So between his father and Mat the conversation had finally turned to whom Mat felt most at ease with naked and when Mat gave forward the name of Jennifer Dailey his baby sitter who he had long been naked before, as the clear first choice, Jennifer's wildest dreams were well on the road to becoming reality.

Gail Dailey, Jennifer's mother though initially surprised at the Reverend Shaw-Davis's request for her daughter to become the Reverends eldest son's medical masturbator had readily agreed. The Reverend was a person of the highest moral integrity and standing and she always followed his Christian teachings. Why only in the last week she had agreed with the Reverend's call to his parishioners that as one of the main purposes of 'Taking Back Control' was to reduce the excessive modesty of juveniles, parents should therefore shave their pubescent children's genital areas if they needed it, so that nothing could remain hidden.

To Jennifer's horror her shaving did not occur at home where Gail Dailey was planning to orchestrate it that very night but at the Shaw-Davis household earlier that same afternoon. The Reverend had asked for Jennifer to call by after school so he could discuss his plans for Mat's medical masturbation with Jennifer. When she arrived she was greeted by the two youngest Shaw-Davis children who were totally naked as they now always were in the house, following the Reverend's ruling that this was a crucial reminder every day about taking back control and who was in charge.

No sooner was Jennifer inside the front door of the Shaw-Davis house when Rebecca appeared, equally naked and began complaining to her father why she had to be naked and her friends had to be naked when they visited, yet Jennifer, who was also a juvenile, was not made to remove her clothes as soon as she was inside.

Jennifer was horrified when the Reverend faced with this obvious double standard, readily agreed with his daughter's argument and asked Jennifer to disrobe like all other juveniles visiting the residence were required to do. Though everyone present had seen her naked before somehow she could still feel the blush rising across her face as she disrobed and hung her clothing on the rack near the door.

"She still has her pubes," Rebecca blurted out the moment Jennifer removed her panties. "You won't allow us to cover our modesty with our pubic hair, it's not fair," Rebecca pouted.

The Reverend was surprised to see that Jennifer still had her pubes as Gail Dailey had told him personally that they would be coming off!

A quick phone call to ease his daughter's bad mood soon revealed that the shaving was scheduled for that same evening. At the Reverend's request Gail Dailey agreed that Jennifer could be shaved there and then at the Shaw-Davis household as it would save her the hassle that evening and allow her to concentrate on denuding Caitlin. The Reverend was also glad that Mrs. Dailey had seen it that way as it allowed him to appoint Rebecca as Jennifer's shaver a job that as he hoped immediately brightened the demeanour of his thirteen-year-old daughter.

This was another low point on the rollercoaster ride that had been Jennifer's life this last year or so. Now she was forced to lie on her back, on the lounge room floor, legs spread wide so that her most private inner parts were on view not only to Rebecca but to the Reverend and his wife as well as Joseph, Ruth and Mat who had joined the others in the lounge room as interested spectators.

With her legs spread as wide as possible by the gleefully happy Rebecca, Jennifer's vulva fringed with thick pubic hair was gaping open allowing everyone present an almost unobstructed view of Jennifer's previously most private and intimate parts. At the top of Jennifer's gaping furrow unprotected in this position by her thick bush of pubic hair the knot of tissue that was her clitoris rose up clearly for everyone to see. Immediately below it was the bumpy slit marking the exit of her urethra followed further back by the narrow, moist, pink tunnel of her vagina which lay just inside the folds of her external genitals. Below her vagina Jennifer's brown to pinkish anal hole was totally exposed. She hoped it was clean as a dirty anus would have added insult to humiliation. No one said anything so she guessed she had passed that test.

"Rebecca, now that Jennifer is in position please commence the shaving as I need to talk with her as soon as you are finished," the Reverend advised his daughter.

Rebecca was thinking that she had died and gone to heaven. She had dreamed of having Jennifer at her mercy like this but never though it would ever happen. The thought of making her babysitter bald again like she had been made by her father was making Rebecca very moist between her legs, she hoped no one noticed as she bent over and went to work on shaving Jennifer. She need not have worried too much as Mat, Joseph and the Reverend were all battling to contain their own arousals at seeing Jennifer spread naked before them.

Rebecca squirted some water on Jennifer's pubes and then covered them with shaving cream. She then took the razor and shaved Jennifer's pubes until they were as smooth as a 'baby's bottom'. When Rebecca was done she started all over again to make sure she did not miss a single hair and then she rinsed and dried Jennifer as if she was the baby sitter not the other way around!

The roller coaster ride for Jennifer continued as soon as the shaving was over because the Reverend soon informed Jennifer that she had been selected to perform Mat's medical masturbation, that her mother had agreed and he hoped that she too would agree.

Of course she did agree and now she was sitting in the waiting room waiting to go into the surgery where Doctor Robert MacPherson was soon going to train her in the correct methods of masturbating Mat so that the maximum ejaculation was achieved.

How Nick Hermann came to be there was a different story altogether. When Gail Dailey had mentioned to Nick's mum Doris Hermann that Jennifer had been asked to perform medical masturbations on the Reverend's son Mathias due to his swollen testicles, Doris had commented that her eldest Nicholas, had just the opposite problem and wondered if a little stimulation under medical auspices would not offer some hope of naturally kick starting her son's lagging puberty.

From there discussions with the Reverend and the doctor followed and though the doctor stated that there was little medical research to support such an assertion there was also nothing too loose by doing it, so Nick had been added to Jennifer's list of patients much to his horror and embarrassment.

After the initial session with Doctor MacPherson, Jennifer would give both boys relief every afternoon after school in the Shaw-Davis's lounge room. It was a medical procedure not a sexual procedure so the Reverend had determined with the agreement of Mrs. Hermann and Mrs. Dailey that it would not be a good idea to have the masturbation sessions in the privacy of a bedroom or similar.

The masturbation of Nicholas and Mathias would be carried out in the relative public space of the Reverend's own lounge room so as to leave no doubt in the recipients minds and Jennifer's that this was a medical procedure and not a sexual fantasy. Much to both boys' horror anyone present at the residence would be free to observe, the only compensation being that Jennifer and any other juveniles watching would have to be totally naked themselves due to the Reverend's house rules on nudity from his interpretation of 'Taking Back Control."

Sitting next Jennifer, Mat and Nick in Dr. MacPherson's waiting room were the Reverend Mathias Shaw-Davis II and his wife Eleanor their other two children, Rebecca and Joseph along with Robert and Doris Hermann, their children Amanda and Christian, and Gail and Caitlin Dailey.

As she waited with nervous anticipation for their appointment with the doctor Jennifer tried to calm her nerves buy looking around Dr. MacPherson's large waiting room. Most of the people waiting were elderly. Several had the assistance of young muscular slaves who knelt before their masters in a subservient position, not being allowed to sit on the free citizens chairs. Sitting on Jennifer's left in the waiting room was the Federal Bureau of Servitude, Chief Superintendent Thomas Carter who unlike the last time Jennifer had seen him when he was dressed in his formal FBS uniform today was casually dressed in jeans, joggers and a tee shirt. Mr. Carter had greeted the Reverend and the other adults when they first came in the waiting room as well as introducing his friend Mr. Marcus Espiritos and his two children, fourteen-year-old Brady and twelve-year-old Emma.

Continuing to look around the waiting room Jennifer's eyes were drawn to the opposite wall where there was a poster hanging that reinforced the 'Taking Back Control' message. A poster that reminded all juveniles that the 'rules aren't the same anymore' and that adults now made those rules, rules which had to be obeyed, or else! Such posters and flyers Jennifer had noticed had started to appear everywhere, in schools, malls, recreation centers, playgrounds, stores, restaurants, buses, taxicabs and even in the local church.

A second poster further along the wall announced that

'This Waiting Room is considered private property and space under the Taking Back Control guidelines and is therefore suitable for all activities authorized under those guidelines.'
Jennifer wondered what that meant. Did it mean that public nudity and punishment could be enforced even out here in the waiting room?

A third sign near the entrance to the corridor that lead to the examination rooms stated, 'Juvenile Weighing Scales'. A funny place to put the scales Jennifer thought. On all her previous visits to the surgery she had been weighed in the examination room, there had never been a weighing scale out in the waiting room.

The conversation between Brady Espiritos and his father was also dwelling on the messages contained within the posters.

"Please, dad," pleaded fourteen-year-old Brady, "can't you stay in the waiting room like last year? Last year as a thirteen-year-old teenager I was allowed to go in for my annual medical examination alone, now you're telling me you have to accompany me."

Brady was obviously embarrassed by the thought of his father being in the exam room with him, knowing from past experience that Dr. MacPherson would perform a genital inspection as part of the overall examination.

"No son I can't," said Mr. Espiritos, "the doctor has a new policy that a parent or guardian must be in the examination room with juveniles aged less than sixteen years of age, based on the Taking Back Control guidelines."

"Well you know, dad, that I'm pretty laid back about my body and nudity, but just the same, some things deserve a bit of privacy and this is one of those occasions I think," Brady protested.

"Sorry son," Mr. Espiritos replied, "but the rules are the rules and you know how I am a stickler for the rules, so you will just have to adjust to the new situation. Besides, as you know, boys your age shouldn't be so modest and the new rules actually encourage not just me to be in attendance but any siblings as well, so your sister will be there too."

"No dad, please don't allow that," Brady pleaded.

His plea was interrupted by his twelve-year-old sister Emma who giggled out loud with a high pitched voice, obviously pleased with the thought of seeing her brother naked during his medical examination.

"I don't know what you're smirking about miss," Mr. Espiritos said to his daughter, "It will be your turn straight after your brother, and yes, your brother will be staying in the examination room while it is your turn."

"Oh, dad, no, please don't let Brady watch my examinatio," pleaded Emma.

"I most certainly will," responded her father. "You know very well that modesty and privacy for juveniles your age is now a privilege, not a right under the Taking Back Control rules, besides, being completely undressed for all parts of your examination in front of your brother are the doctor's rules, not mine."

Soon after this conversation a nurse came into the waiting room and escorted Brady, Emma, Mr. Carter and the father out of view into the corridor that lead to the examination rooms.

It was not that much later that Jennifer was startled to see a totally naked Emma and Brady, being led back out into the waiting room by their father and another nurse and positioned beside the juvenile weighing scales.

"Right Brady and Emma we'll just measure and record your height and weight, then you will be ready for the doctor," said the nurse.

The two blushing juveniles quickly did as the nurse instructed keen to get back to the relative privacy of their examination room and away from the prying eyes of the room full of waiting patients, parents siblings and even the slaves who seemed to be enjoying the humiliation of the young juvenile free citizens more than anyone else present.

Jennifer admired the dark skinned beauty of both Brady and Emma. Their father was of Brazilian decent and it showed in their skin tone and looks. Brady stood at 5 feet 6 inches [1.68 m] tall and weighed in around 120 pounds [55 kg]. He had dark hair and dark eyes. As Brady stepped onto the scales his 4 inch [10 cm] boner bounced up and down, almost touching his lightly haired small patch of short curly pubic hairs that were growing right above his penis complimented by Brady's plump, low hanging scrotum. Jennifer couldn't help but notice that while much bigger than Nick's genitals the last time she saw them, Brady's were a lot smaller than Mats man sized specimens.

Emma being only twelve years old, there wasn't all that much to see. She had young firm breasts about the size of peach halves with little pink nipples that had yet to fully develop. She had very little pubic hair, so she was denied any refuge of modesty, just smooth skin with a few little hairs scattered about. The smooth furrow of her slit ran down the middle of the triangle between her legs, disappearing between her legs as she waited in humiliation for her brother to be weighed.

Now Jennifer knew why the scale had been moved to the waiting room. Both Mat and Nick had suddenly had a very bad feeling that they might be put on the scale totally naked as the day they were born in front of all the adults and slaves waiting to see the doctor.

Dr. MacPherson had two examination rooms so whilst the Espiritos juveniles were being examined in room one Mat, Nick Jennifer and their accompanying crowd were directed into examination room two by an extremely pretty young nurse accompanied by an even younger student nurse. Both were dressed in smart white tunics. The student nurse was the shorter of the two had short almost black hair while the senior nurse wore her longer blonde hair tied back.

Thankfully the examination room was large and accommodated the entire accompanying crowd. It was dominated by a large desk, upon which were a blotter pad, 'in' and 'out' trays, a pen set and a stethoscope. Towards the middle of the room a very intimidating examination table with brown leather stirrups in place, which were set at such an angle that the patients legs would have to be spread high and wide to fit in them.

There were weighing scales with a sign above, 'For Adults Only' and several shelves with complicated instruments of various shapes. A strong overhead light illuminated the examination table.

The senior nurse turned to the student nurse and said, "Let's get the two patients undressed then weighed and measured ready for the doctor to examine them." She then turned to Mr. Hermann and the Reverend and said. "There are some forms to sign, which you as parents. The nurse indicated that they should sit on the chairs by the doctors desk while the two nurses took the two nervous boys by the arm and led them over to the side of the room where they ordered both to undress.

Both nurses always savoured this moment. "Right Mat and Nick," the senior nurse ordered, "you hand us your clothing and we will put them away for you."

Both nurses kept their tone professional and neutral as they watched both boys blushing and trembling as they stood in front of them. The two nurses like Jennifer could easily appreciate why these two boys were considered amongst the hottest in the 10th grade at West Eastbrook High School. The nurses stood admiring the well defined chests and narrow waists of the two boys as they got down to just their jeans.

As the boys removed their items of clothing and handed then to the nurses they in turn placed them in the lockers provided for this purpose. A thin sheen of perspiration had formed on Nick's body as he stood trembling; his eyes down cast and his bottom-lip quivering, Mat on the other hand looked less upset.

"Come along boys, drop your jeans!" the senior nurse ordered.

With trembling fingers both boys undid their jeans not daring to look at the nurses as they both eased them down their thighs. Mat was acutely aware of his erection, which tented the thin cotton material of his underpants. If Nick was erect his small size prevented his erection from being seen.

When Nick handed his jeans to the nurse he instinctively covered his erection with both his hands, pushing his bottom backwards and almost crossing his legs. She glanced at Mat but he had his hands by his side making no effort to cover up like Nick was currently doing. The nurse pretended not to notice Nick's embarrassing position as she carefully folded his trousers and laid them on top of the neat pile of clothing in the locker she had taken from the boy.

"Right now place your hands on your heads young men and stand up straight," the senior nurse ordered.

Both nurses waited patiently for the boys to obey the order and stand straight and reluctantly place their hands upon the top of their heads. Trembling and blushing bright red, Mat and Nick stood straight, staring in horror as the two nurses went down on one knee in front of them and placed their hands on either side of the boy's waists. Nick shivered uncontrollably as his nurse slid the smooth palms of her hands down inside the waist of his underpants. Mat's nurse did the same then she watched his face for a reaction as she slowly pulled Mat's underpants down until his erect penis halted them. Looking at his groin she lifted the waistband over his five and a half inch [14 cm] erect penis, watching it spring upwards as it was freed from the confines of the material and slid the garment down his thighs and to his feet.

Nick's nurse did the same exposing his 4 inch [10 cm] long erection and tight little boy scrotum containing his marble sized testicles which were barely noticeable tucked up tight beneath his penis. There was still not a trace of peach fuzz, surrounding his genitals which most certainly had not been shaved.

"Lift your feet boys, so that we can take them off," the senior nurse's requested as they both slid the last garment from the boys and again stood upright and placed these last garments in the lockers.

"Right," the senior nurse ordered now that the two boys were naked, "We will take you out and weigh and measure you before bringing you back in here to preparing you for your enemas."

Both boys could not believe how humiliated they felt as they were led back out to the waiting room to be measured and weighed where everyone stared at them including Brady and Emma who were now dressed and standing with their father as he settled the account at the reception desk. Emma giggled out loud again when she saw the pathetic size of Nicks little boy genitals on his otherwise well developed body.

Unbelievably Mat began to blush even more as the nurse placed her soft hands on his waist and positioned him on the scales. He stood there until she motioned him to step down and stood him against the wall, which had a scale marked in feet and inches upon it.

"Put your hands by your sides and stand up straight with your head touching the wall," she instructed.

Reluctantly Mat removed his hands from his groin and uncovered himself, blushing as the nurse glanced down at his naked body. He blushed even more as her body pressed firmly against him as she placed a small movable marker on his head.

"Right Mat, you can move forward," she said as she noted the position of the marker then ordered Nick to repeat the process.

The next part of the measuring process was particularly humiliating and Nick was ever so glad it was Mat that was going first and that at least it occurred back in the examination room.

Once back in the examination room the senior nurse made Mat stand with his legs apart and his hands stretched out to either side.

"Now stay like that until I have finished measuring you like a good boy," the nurse requested.

The nurse held the tape around Mat's neck and then from his shoulder to his fingertips. Each time she measured him she called out the result to the other nurse who had come to stand by them with a clipboard. She pressed her body against him as she measured his chest and then his waist, her cool hands playing havoc with his feelings. Mat blushed profusely as she knelt down and passed the tape around his buttocks, her face was pressed almost intimately against his tummy as she brought the ends around to the front. He trembled as her hand brushed against his penis as she placed the end of the tape to the measurement. Again the back of her hand brushed against his penis as she placed the tape around his thigh.

Deliberately and without warning the senior nurse reached forward and cupped his testicles before placing the end of the tape with her other hand between his legs. The effect of her holding his genitals was too much for Mat and he blushed mightily. The nurse ignored Mat's humiliation and nonchalantly lifted his swollen testicles causing him to winch in pain once more and proceed to measure the length of his leg from the groin.

After Nick had suffered the same humiliation in front of the assembled audience, Mat's nightmare continued when after about five minutes Doctor MacPherson entered the examination room. He was a small man with a boyish almost pretty face that defied his mid forties age. Dr. MacPherson had attended the exclusive 'Piney Hills School' and was in the same grade as Marcus Espiritos and Thomas Carter. The small steel rimmed glasses he wore gave him a studious appearance. He too was wearing a white coat that matched him in with his nursing staff.

Mat was made to sit on the end of the examination table and then lay back.

He felt his legs being lifted and spread wide open as the nurses and the doctor placed them in the stirrups lifting his bottom completely off the bed. A pad was placed under the small of his back, which supported him and elevated his bottom even further away from the bed. He resisted momentarily as the young student nurse moved to his side and gently took his wrists to pull his hands away from his groin and raise his arms until they were laid on the bed stretched out above his head.

The doctor and the assembled crowd were now able to examine Mat at their leisure. His penis was still completely erect and pointing upwards toward the ceiling. His swollen testicles had stretched the scrotum so tightly that the skin shone under the overhead lights that illuminated the examination table.

With Mat's legs spread apart and his hands placed out of the way to the doctor's satisfaction, Dr. MacPherson pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Mat. Mat's body tensed as he watched the doctor's hand encircle his penis. Although his penis was no longer totally erect he felt utterly humiliated and powerless as the doctor's fingers professionally encircled his tender flesh. Without warning he lifted Mat's penis upward as he placed his other hand beneath Mat's scrotum and gently lifted his testicles, pulling them forward from between his widely spread legs. The doctor's hands gently holding his most intimate and private parts, was too much for Mat to bear. He felt his penis throb between the doctors fingers and begin to erect fully again.

The doctor beckoned to his two nurses to come closer. Both the nurses moved to stand close.

"This ladies is an unusual condition. You only seen it occasionally." The doctor informed his nurses.

Dr. MacPherson pulled Mat's testicles even further forward, ignoring Mat's gasp as the doctor held them firmly stretched away from between his legs.

"His testicles are so swollen that they are causing pain. So today his father has bought Mat in so we can commence a planned course of daily medical ejaculations, for although as you can see the testes are full and he is obviously capable of an erection he rarely naturally ejaculates and due to his high moral principals never masturbates."

The doctor gently squeezed Mat's penis and let his hand slide down the penile shaft exposing the glans and ignoring completely Mat's complete humiliation and groans of dismay.

"I agree with the Reverend Shaw-Davis that we have a moral and medical obligation to the boy to make sure that his condition is well managed into the foreseeable future. We both feel that it would be wrong of us to set Mat on a course of masturbatory habits at his age with its resultant clandestine and furtive approach, which young boys almost always seem to develop for this activity. Therefore the Reverend has proposed and I have agreed that we need to keep Mat's ejaculation routine on a supervisory and clinical basis by training Miss Jennifer Dailey to be his ejaculator during daily medical masturbation sessions. The same will apply to young Nick Hermann here, but for totally different reasons," Doctor MacPherson informed the enthralled nurses and interested audience.

Both Mat and Nick just blushed more profusely if that was possible while Jennifer was as aroused as she had been for a long time with the thought of what awaited her.

On the doctor's signal the senior nurse wheeled across a trolley, filled with a variety of instruments. One of the four corners of the trolley ascended into a stand that had an enema bag held high with tubing descending to the glass top which held the instruments. The senior nurse handed the enema nozzle to the student nurse and then greased her un-gloved finger with lubricant.

"Now keep still Mat," the nurse announced, "I am just going to slide my finger up into your bottom and lubricate you a bit before I put the enema nozzle in. So be brave."

Mat groaned and writhed as first a finger was slid up into his bottom and then his buttocks spread wide by the senior nurse, while the young student nurse gently inserted the pre-greased nozzle right up into his bottom. Again Mat grunted as the lower part of the nozzle was inflated with deft squeezes of the rubber bulb that the young nurse held in her hand. The senior nurse let go of Mat's buttocks and immediately started lathering a shaving brush. Almost nonchalantly she applied the brush to his genitals, gently lifting the swollen testicles as she applied the foam evenly. The younger nurse reached upward and switched on the water from the enema bag and then took a razor from the trolley.

In an almost callous and casual manner she took hold of Mat's penis and ignoring his moans of protestation, moved it this way and that as she reshaved the entire area between his legs and buttocks, ensuring he was spotlessly clean shaven for the doctor.

Mat was beside himself with utter humiliation as the nurse deftly pulled the circumcised skin of his penis as tightly up Mat's penis as possible and shaved the few small hairs that could still be seen on the base of the shaft.

Mat's eyes registered shock as he felt the student nurse stretch is bottom cheeks wide while the senior nurse shaved in-between them. He gasped as she moved the tube from side to side to facilitate the further exposure of the crease of his bottom. Mat felt his eyes well up with tears of embarrassment.

The light above him became blurred as he felt the first pangs of cramps in his tummy. He groaned audibly as the water began to fill up inside him. The senior nurse looked at the student nurse and beckoned her over to the side of the examination table.

"Will you gently rub his tummy for him please, it will stop some of the cramps and he still has another pint [½ liter] to go."

The student nurse moved to the boy's side and placed one hand gently on his chest and stroked his cheek with the other. She watched as he opened his eyes, his expression showing his utter dismay as she leaned her head over his and whispered to him. "Don't worry Mat, all the young juveniles the doctor examines have to go through this before their medicals since taking back control came into force."

Somehow her words or the closeness of her caused him to blush an even deeper shade of red.

"I am going to rub your tummy a little, it will help you."

As the nurse rubbed almost sensually over Mat's tummy her forearm casually brushed over the head of his penis. As if it was the most normal thing in the world she took hold of his penis and moved it out of the way while she continued to rub his lower stomach.

"There has that lessened the cramps Mat?" she asked.

Mat looked at her through his haze of embarrassment, feeling her stretch his erect penis back between his legs as she continued rubbing his stomach.

The nightmare and humiliation continued when both nurses helped and guided Mat to the toilet and then the senior nurse reached between his legs and deflated the nozzle. Then he was made to bend over as a syringe was pushed into his bottom and water expelled up into him before he was required to stand naked and ashamed after he had expelled so that the nurses could examine the contents of the toilet bow.

Mat trembled and shook as the nurses made him walk to the middle of examination room and bend over whilst the student nurse wiped his bottom like one would a small child.

The doctor then instructed Mat gently but firmly, "Stand straight and still like a good boy whilst the nurses give Nick his enema!"