Chapters 31-38
Chapter Thirty One – Appreciation
(New York, USA, winter 1850)
Jack completed washing himself, including his hair. The boy subsequently
collected the old and torn but clean towel resting adjacent to the bundle of
second-hand but decent clothing that had been provided for him and was currently
on the floor next to the small bathtub in which he was sitting.
Simultaneous to gathering this towel carefully around him in order to avoid
exposing his private parts to the scrutiny of the nearby captain of the sailing
ship, Jack stood up in the small bathtub. The boy then stepped out of the soapy
water and began with equal modesty to dry himself.
The captain, who was sitting at a table, apparently diplomatically engrossed
with the ship's logs whilst Jack bathed, now looked up at the boy. Whilst
straining to exhibit as much seeming nonchalance as he had originally afforded
to the 11 year-old's stripping and bathing, the man subsequently instructed his
new young crew member "Don't redress after you've dried yourself, as I need to
inspect your body before you do so."
In response to the clear expression of unhappy embarrassment that suddenly
appeared on Jack's now blushing face in reaction to this, to the shy child,
disturbing instruction, the captain explained "I have to make sure that you're
healthy enough to be a cabinboy. The job's tough and you need to be in good
condition to do it!"
"Also," the captain continued, "you'll quickly have to lose the obvious
inhibitions about nakedness, which your face is currently suggesting that you
have. We're all men on board, who share the same cramped bathing and toilet
facilities, and so you'll have to become accustomed to occasional nudity,
including your own in front of others!"
"If you're not prepared to accept these conditions," the captain added
threateningly, "I suggest that you're not fit to be a cabinboy. I think that I
should therefore return your old clothes to you and ask you to leave my ship to
go find another trade."
With these words, the captain, despite being very attracted to Jack, was not
actually furtively preparing the boy for a future sexual role, at least on board
his ship. He was instead only attempting to encourage him to reveal his naked
body for scrutiny by advising him about some of the practical realities
concerning true normal life on board his vessel.
The captain was doing so despite the fact that he had actually no intention
of allowing any situation to arise where any of the rest of the crew could see
Jack naked. He believed that the boy's undoubtedly lovely nude form would
probably be too tempting for his generally ageing but nevertheless still
libidinous men, starved of decent sex whilst at sea, to ignore without trying to
satiate their lusts.
Whilst temporarily terminating his towelling, Jack briefly contemplated the
captain's words before answering "But I want to be your cabinboy, Sir." He
subsequently reluctantly added "I'll therefore, of course, do everything you
The captain grinned in response. He was happy not only at acquiring Jack's
obedience through his threat but also with the prospect of soon intimately
viewing the boy's freshly washed young naked body.
As the captain exhibited his grin, Jack immediately felt uneasy. The boy
correctly thought that he detected, in the man's expression, more than just his
happiness at the child's reluctant acceptance of some aspects of the lifestyle
aboard ship.
Jack was too young and innocent to appreciate what lechery was but, if he had
known, he would certainly have associated such underlying lasciviousness with
the captain's own current facial expression. Nevertheless, the boy was actually
safe from molestation at the man's hands and cock.
Jack, with straight dark, almost black, hair and eyes of a similar shade, was
simply too potentially valuable to the captain for him, or indeed any of his
crew, to molest. The man knew that he would at present instead simply have to
confine himself to platonic appreciation of the boy's beauty after the child had
eventually finished drying himself.
This visual delight now came quickly. Despite Jack's shy inhibitions and
concerns about the nature of the captain's grin, he finally plucked up enough
courage, after briefly delaying by pretending to still be towelling his already
dry body, to advise that he was ready to be examined.
"Good," the captain responded. He subsequently stood up from his chair and
advanced towards Jack. However, on his arrival at the boy's side, however, the
child was still clinging to the towel, which remained wrapped round him, albeit
not for long.
In reaction to this display of residual shyness, the captain simply roughly
pulled the towel away and threw it to the floor, thereby fully revealing the
underlying young beauty. However, in startled instinctive reaction, Jack
instantly covered his genitals protectively with his hands.
The captain, though, had anticipated such a reaction. With equal rapidity, he
knocked Jack's hands back to the boy's sides.
"How can I possibly examine you properly if you're covering things?" the
captain simultaneously asked. He subsequently firmly commanded, whilst his
lustful eyes began to feast on the glorious young form in front of him, "Now,
keep your arms at your sides and stay still!"
The captain then happily confirmed, amidst his careful and prolonged visual
appreciation of Jack's naked form, that, with the surface grime now washed away,
the boy was indeed immensely beautiful.
Chapter Thirty Two – Preparation
(Northern Mozambique, summer 1850)
In the southern hemisphere, summer reigned in contrast to the winter in New
York. However, this made little difference to the weather in northern Mozambique
for, other than for the occasional heavy tropical rainfall experienced, climatic
conditions tended to be always sunny and very hot throughout the year.
Gambo now concluded his stamping of the demeaning Arabic lettering on James'
back, just above the 11 year-old's delectably curvaceous buttocks, each of which
was now decorated by the branded tribal emblem of the leaping cheetah. The 13
year-old black boy subsequently covered his younger white charge's naked body
with the special glistening oil that efficiently protected his exposed flesh
from both the strong outside sunlight and the interest of flying insects.
Gambo then fitted James with a minuscule loincloth, similar to his own. The
skimpy garment was of the same dark hide, was much smaller than those worn by
the other ordinary villagers who were not slaves and, unlike theirs, also did
not possess an underlying thong or rear flap.
Consequently, James found that, as with Gambo's, the sparse garment
embarrassingly only just hid his genitals. He therefore appreciated in shame
that, as with the black boy, his sexual organs could readily be observed when he
moved if an observer was at the right angle at the side.
James also realised that the same shameful sight could be seen if his motion
was sufficiently energetic to cause the front flap to rise temporarily upwards.
The latter embarrassing phenomenon could, of course, additionally occur in windy
Gambo detected James' unease in wearing the minuscule loincloth, which would
be the only clothing that he would be permitted in future and was in marked
contrast to his previous comprehensive covering, namely the attire of a young
English gentleman. However, the latter was no longer the white boy's status for
he was now just the slave of a black African chieftain.
As a result of detecting James' unease, 13 year-old Gambo had attempted to
relax his younger white charge by suggesting in his broken but understandable
English "No worry. You soon get used to little cover. Anyway, cooler in
"I suppose that you're right about the loincloth being cooler to wear in this
climate," James had replied, "than my normal shirt and britches. However, I
don't think that I'll ever become accustomed to being virtually naked in
Gambo did not respond to James' comment, as he felt that he could not in
actuality properly assess the white boy's future attitudes to his radical change
in status and the associated permanent loss of most clothing. The young black
slave's own background of longstanding servility had truly made him accustomed
to the debasement of only being permitted the skimpiest of attire.
James' own past was completely different, being one of relative privilege and
wealth and, within the limits of an English Victorian childhood, much spent at
boarding school, freedom. The white boy might therefore indeed, as he had
suggested, never become accustomed to such degradation as being regularly
exhibited virtually naked in public. However, what the young black slave did
know was that his younger charge would have to accept and endure such
humiliations compliantly or suffer severely or even die.
Now being afraid for James' future welfare, if the white boy did not
immediately accept his fate and adapt compliantly to his new role, Gambo next
advised him in his broken English "Well, if no get used to state of dress, just
be brave and endure shame. Also always be good obedient slave or suffering will
be terrible."
As Gambo issued these wise words of advice, he simultaneously carefully
visually checked James' overall appearance. The black boy again decided that he
very much liked what he saw, which caused the already noticeable bulge at the
front of his own minuscule loincloth to increase in size.
Meanwhile, James briefly contemplated Gambo's sage counsel before sensibly
replying "Don't worry. I'll try my best to be brave and endure what I have to,
including being an obedient slave."
The advice was difficult for James to accept. However, he nevertheless
believed that compliance was correct, with his submissive attitude aided by
having previously been an observer of the suffering of the other young black
slave, who had been whipped and then sodomised by a hound.
James also readied himself to demonstrate immediately his compliance with the
advice. By the time that Gambo concluded his preparation by removing the chain
connecting the wrist manacles of his younger charge, although not that linking
the ankles, the perceptive white boy had realised what was about to happen.
James recognised that he was now about to make his first public appearance as
the black African chieftain's new white slaveboy.
Chapter Thirty Three - Examination
(New York, USA, winter 1850)
The sailing ship captain's own cock, safely hidden within his scruffy
trousers, was already hard and throbbing when he began to examine Jack's
gorgeous naked body, which he so much wanted to molest. However, the man had
always been more interested in money than sex and so managed to curb his sore
The captain instead contented himself with enjoying the immense delight of
carefully visually and manually scrutinising Jack's freshly washed nude form. He
began by running his excited hands through the boy's silky straight black hair
and down the sides of the child's face and neck before checking the strength of
his lithe young arms.
The captain's hands subsequently gently rode over Jack's chest, lingering
momentarily at each rosy nipple, before venturing further downward towards his
belly. The boy then felt a fingernail carefully poke his cute navel.
The blushing and deeply embarrassed Jack did wonder in his innocence whether
such comprehensive humiliating manhandling, from a man who was clearly enjoying
his task because his strange grin had been maintained, was really necessary.
However, as the slow intimate process remorselessly continued, he felt
disinclined to query the situation with the captain because he so much wanted
the job of cabinboy.
Jack therefore just suffered his shame in silence, whilst wishing that his
embarrassment would soon end, with the captain confirming that he was healthy
enough to be his new cabinboy. However, his humiliation now only worsened even
The captain actually apologised to Jack when he began next to fondle the
boy's completely smooth and hairless genitals, which were very nicely
proportioned for his age. "I'm sorry that I have to do this," the man lied,
whilst secretly becoming even more excited at holding the young sexual organs,
"but I have to check that you're not suffering from any infection here or from a
To maintain this pretence, the captain initially gently pulled back the
foreskin on Jack's uncircumcised penis, apparently in order to check the
healthiness of the revealed cockhead but in reality just because the man enjoyed
doing so. Whilst also later gently grasping the boy's nicely dangling smooth
scrotum in his palm, he simultaneously requested "Now, please cough."
The now fiercely blushing Jack had never heard of hernias and considered the
captain's latest instruction to be very strange. Nevertheless, the boy complied
with the unusual request.
Only after the captain eventually let go of Jack's genitals, with his
reluctance to do so reflected in a reduction of the grin on his face, did the
boy finally notice that his own cock had embarrassingly grown. Although he had
occasionally encountered such a phenomenon previously, generally associated with
a pleasant tingling sensation in his groin, he had not known the cause, being
very naïve about sex.
Jack's current sexual innocence also extended to the fact that he had not yet
learnt to play with his cock to make his enjoyment even greater. Masturbation
was a term that he had never yet heard, let alone practised.
The fact that the strange phenomenon of a hardening cock had reoccurred now,
after the captain had fondled him, caused a sharp intensification in Jack's
embarrassment at his current debasing situation. This exacerbation of the boy's
already acute shame also resulted in a further deepening of the redness
displayed by his normally gorgeous face.
The captain was conversely delighted to observe Jack's display of sexual
liveliness, as such an attribute should add to his future value. However, the
man naturally did not convey his thoughts to the vehemently blushing boy but
instead continued to act with as much superficial false nonchalance as he could
muster, given the intense personal pleasure that he was presently secretly
Reluctantly departing from Jack's lovely genitals, the captain's hands next
ventured to check his lithe legs and feet before instructing the thoroughly
abashed boy to turn around. The 11 year-old again reluctantly complied and was
soon rewarded by manly fingers gently roaming over all his bare back before
lingering on his curvaceous bottom.
Jack now noticed that his own cock, which had just returned to shamed
flaccidity after finally being denied the captain's manual fondling, began to
grow again, as the man's hands instead carefully felt and sometimes gently
kneaded his buttocks. The boy was subsequently contemplating this further deep
embarrassment when he was commanded to "Bend over, with your legs wide apart, as
I also need to check your anus for infection."
Jack then felt that his humiliation must be complete when, after once more
reluctantly complying, he felt the captain's fingers gently test the lips of his
anal entrance. Nevertheless, the boy's cock, now at full shaming erection,
visibly quivered at the touch on his pink sphincter.
The captain noticed this penile reaction. Jack's genitals were, after all,
again now nicely presented for his scrutiny because the organs were dangling
between the boy's splayed legs, just below the delightful bent-over bottom that
the man was inspecting.
The captain was, of course, once more pleased with this further display of
Jack's libidinous liveliness. The man astutely appreciated the boy's current
sexual innocence but also recognised, from such evidence, that his young body
was on the brink of pubescence and greater sensual maturity.
The captain now happily privately thought of an appropriate metaphor. He
believed that Jack was like a precious ripening fruit, one that would soon
blossom and be ready for plucking and sale in the appropriate market for
The captain, from his copious years of commercial seafaring, knew about many
of the world's great markets, trading in all sorts of merchandise. Included
amongst this comprehensive knowledge was an emporium where a certain type of
precious ripe fruit could be sold very lucratively indeed.
The captain was, of course, currently not principally checking Jack for
possible anal infection. The man was instead assuring himself about a very
important and valuable attribute that he wanted the boy to have, which, if
intact, he would need to protect from his libidinous crew during the imminent
voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to North Africa.
The captain was now most happy to note that the sought attribute was indeed
still intact, for Jack retained his highly precious anal virginity.
Chapter Thirty Four - Mortification
(Northern Mozambique, summer 1850)
Gambo finally escorted James out of the small windowless hut of mud and
thatch, which had been allocated to the white boy and was situated behind the
chieftain's much bigger and grander version. The latter was sinisterly decorated
at the front by an array of human skulls.
Gambo escorted James past the stockades adjacent to one side of the
chieftain's hut. Another brief cacophony of bellowing simultaneously arose from
the now suddenly sexually aroused animals inside, which had smelt the delicious
aroma of a lovely white boy.
Being well-trained in beastiality, in which the animals invariably acted as
the dominant males with young humans as their passive partners, the creatures
had momentarily wondered whether they were being brought a treat. However, they
quickly realised their mistake, as the prospective largesse was instead led into
the semi-circular open area of compacted soil beyond, and so they soon quietened
once more.
This semi-circular open area in front of the chieftain's hut was already
surrounded by most of the villagers, respectfully keeping as usual to the
perimeter. The men, women and children concerned cheered on observing James
appear before them, albeit clearly not affectionately.
The villagers were instead cheering because they were extremely pleased and
amused to see the strange sight of a boy with, to them, unprecedented and
therefore very precious white skin displaying the garb and bodily adornments,
including the brandmarks, of a tribal slave. They felt honoured that they now
had such a possession, even if at first he would undoubtedly be the utility of
their chieftain. However, such pride did not prevent them from currently
greeting him with mocking disdain for, after all, his status had clearly sunk
severely from what he had once been.
James felt the mockery in the villagers' cheering. This in turn again made
the white boy acutely aware of the shame of his skimpy attire, of the black iron
slave rings attached to his neck, wrists, ankles and, most humiliatingly, his
genitals and of his brandmarks, which were clearly visible on his pale skin. His
sense of deep mortification was exacerbated by having to walk with a rather slow
shuffling motion because of the chains still linking the manacles on his
The fact that the villagers had already seen James completely naked, without
the puny benefit of the skimpy cover provided by his minuscule loincloth, was of
little use in allaying his intense mortified feeling. Despite the prevalent
intense heat radiating down from the merciless overhead sun, this sense of
abject shame instead now caused goosepimples to form on the boy's young
glistening body. This physical sign of mental unease was also quickly
exacerbated by some of the other sights within the semi-circular open area.
There were the two stakes between which James had been chained spreadeagled
for his branding. There were also the four metal rings firmly embedded in the
compressed soil, which appeared to represent another sinister bondage
The sharp narrow bloodied spike of black wood, vertically jutting out to
about waist-height from a pit, which was covered by strong basketwork trapdoors,
was additionally still present. So too, in the very centre of the semi-circular
open area, was the short round rod of very shiny polished ebony, with curved top
about two inches in diameter, which protruded approximately a foot from the
Gambo led James before the chieftain's currently unoccupied basketwork
throne, which was on its low wooden pedestal. The back of the seat was painted
with the dark insignia of the leaping cheetah, as was the upper front of the
platform, close to where the enthroned tribal leader would soon place his
As James began to stand before the throne, he again felt horrified at the
sight of the two human skulls adorning each side of the top of the chair's
backrest. However, such distaste was short-lived because his mind suddenly
refocused instead on the increased volume in the derisive cheering around him,
particularly from behind.
The reason for this increased volume was, of course, the fact that James, who
had turned around to face the chieftain's throne, had now fully displayed his
bare branded bottom to the majority of the accumulated crowd of villagers behind
him. They had previously only seen the white boy approach from his
loincloth-covered front and the sight now of his pale naked buttocks, marked
with the tribal emblem, clearly delighted many of the gleeful spectators.
James recognised the immensely demeaning reason for the increased cheering
but, of course, could do nothing to alleviate his humiliation. The very
intelligent boy also fully appreciated that worse shame was to come, despite the
fact that Gambo had not briefed or instructed him about the clearly imminent
James assumed that Gambo had considered such briefing and instruction to be
unnecessary because the new white slaveboy would receive the relevant
information during the impending rituals. The 11 year-old's presumption was to
be proved correct.
James' sense of acute degradation, at being virtually naked in public, with
the intensely humiliating bodily adornments and markings denoting his new slave
status visible to all and being simultaneously subject to loud mockery, was
exacerbated when Gambo now left him. The black boy departed to enter the nearby
hut of the chieftain.
James' exacerbated feeling of degradation resulting from Gambo abandoning him
actually had little to do with the young black slave himself. The white boy
instead just felt even more shamed because he had been left alone before the
chieftain's throne without any guards.
James' chances of escape from his present circumstances were, of course, less
than minimal. The boy was lost in a vast, strange and inhospitable country,
virtually naked, with his ankles chained together, and surrounded by unfriendly
people intent on keeping him as their property. Nevertheless, standing alone
before the chieftain's throne without anyone to guard him appeared to him to be
highly symbolic of the recent radical diminution in his status and his
apparently timid acceptance of the situation.
The very reality that he just stood there compliantly in his new slave
regalia, with no guards at his shoulders and clearly ready to perform obediently
whatever ritual was imminently required of him instead of attempting to escape,
seemed to symbolise to James that he had truly accepted his debasement. The
current intensifying of the boy's sense of mortification stemmed from the fact
that there were so many witnesses to his abject subservience.
James' mind, however, suddenly switched from recognition of the apparent
degrading symbolism of the moment when he instead again quickly refocused on
other matters. On this occasion, the boy's mental functions now changed to
concentrate on the appearance from the nearby hut of the tribal chieftain and
his seemingly usual ceremonial entourage.
As James had witnessed previously, when in the company of his beloved but now
lost twin, John, Gambo led the ceremonial procession, carrying the pole on which
was affixed the large wooden silhouette of the leaping cheetah. The tall
chieftain followed, attired in his brown loin-skin skirt, which extended to his
knees, and colourful round cloth cap.
James could not now momentarily prevent himself from admiring the chieftain's
physique. The body of the tribal leader, apart his potbelly, looked impressively
fit for someone over 70 years of age.
James again noticed that the hair on the chieftain's head was white, in stark
contrast to the deep blackness of his skin, but fulsome. The similar hirsute
covering on the man's broad chest was still adorned by a golden medallion
depicting the leaping cheetah, whilst multiple tight-fitting strings of little
cylindrical beads of many hues continued to decorate his muscular neck, upper
arms, wrists and ankles.
The same group of similarly dressed and adorned younger men and boys as
before followed the chieftain in the ceremonial procession and, when he
eventually sat on his throne in front of James, they took up standing positions
on both sides of their tribal leader. The striking family resemblance between
them all again struck the watching white boy.
By now Gambo had again planted his standard into the ready-made hole in the
ground behind the chieftain's basketwork throne and, as James had witnessed
previously, stepped forward to mount the low pedestal, upon which the chair was
mounted, in order to stand next to the seated tribal leader. However, on this
occasion, the young black slave did not next address the white boy in his broken
Gambo instead glanced down at the emblem of the leaping cheetah embossed into
the pedestal near his feet and James immediately appreciated what the gesture
was meant to instruct. Nevertheless, the white boy initially hesitated to comply
with the unsaid command.
James' hesitation was, however, brief, as Gambo's next glance was clearly at
the two sturdy wooden stakes, currently located behind the white boy.
Nevertheless, the latter instantly appreciated upon what the young black slave's
eyes had focused and why and therefore fully understood the meaning of this
fresh gesture.
The new young white English slave of black African masters therefore
immediately finally obeyed the original unsaid instruction. James stepped
forward to the platform and subsequently sank to his knees. He then bent forward
to kiss the embossed emblem of the flying cheetah in symbolic subservient homage
to the chieftain and his tribe.
In the process, Jack uplifted with almost equal mortification and
significance his branded bare bottom to the full scrutiny of all those watching
from behind.
Chapter Thirty Five - Temptation
(New York, USA, winter 1850)
"You look very smart, cabinboy," the contrastingly scruffy sailing ship
captain complimented Jack, as he now inspected the freshly washed and dressed
boy. By this time, the man had fully realised the difficulty of the personal
task ahead in attempting to prevent the child's molestation by a sex-starved
crew whilst at sea and on the long voyage to North Africa.
The captain wanted Jack on arrival in North Africa to still be what he
clearly currently was, namely a rather innocent and naïve virgin. The man had
just checked the latter particularly lucrative attribute when recently
intimately inspecting the boy's naked body, ostensibly to ensure the child's
fitness to be the youngest member of his crew but actually to verify his likely
value for another function in life entirely.
The captain appreciated that all he could realistically do in the
circumstances to prevent any prospective unfortunate loss in Jack's value at his
crew's wanton hands and cocks was to keep the boy as close as possible to him.
At the same time, he would have to watch his men like hawks and regularly remind
them of the consequences of disobeying orders to leave the child alone. The
latter would include a severe whipping and the loss of a certain special bonus
payment on conclusion of their imminent voyage to North Africa.
The captain also realised that he somehow had to keep his own hands and cock
off Jack, despite the regular temptations that would also undoubtedly affect him
on the imminent voyage.
Chapter Thirty Six – Consideration
(Northern Mozambique, summer 1850)
As James performed his humiliating homage, he fully realised the significance
of the moment. The white boy's public obeisance was to symbolise to all, not
least himself, that he was now truly a submissive tribal slave, who had accepted
his situation. His act of degrading deference was as much indicative of his new
servile status as his demeaning sparse attire and bodily adornments and
After James eventually regained his feet, Gambo, having assumed a position on
the platform to one side of the chieftain's basketwork throne, gestured the
white boy towards a similar station on the other. The new slave was clearly
initially to perform the same function as the young black, namely being an
attendant minion for the tribal leader.
The perceptive James also correctly guessed that part of the reason for him
being allocated such a, for a tribal slave, prominent function was to enable the
chieftain constantly to show off his precious new trophy, namely the recently
acquired very pretty young boy with unusual white skin. Having lost some of his
sexual naivety, he additionally now recognised in shame where the necessarily
relatively intimate role would probably ultimately lead.
James' consideration of this disturbing future was further stimulated when
his mind now again thought back to the poor black boy who had been sodomised by
the huge hound in the nearby stockade. As he remembered this shocking scene, he
could also not resist briefly glancing at the groin of the now adjacent
The chieftain's skirt, of course, currently covered his groin. Nevertheless,
James could additionally not now resist momentarily giving some consideration to
what must lay under this covering.
James' worried mind visualised a presently quiescent black manly cock that
was probably looking forward soon to deflowering, when in full rampant form, a
certain nearby white slaveboy.
Chapter Thirty Seven – Perspiration
(Northern Mozambique, summer 1850)
The mind of James' twin, John, was worried too. However, this white boy's
immediate concern related to the fact that he believed that his current almost
overwhelming physical exhaustion meant that he would soon be unable to walk
John was, in fact, presently staggering more than walking, as he attempted to
keep up with the line of similarly naked young black captives, of both genders,
who were destined, like him, for the slave markets of Zanzibar. The heavily
perspiring white boy also appreciated that his anticipated imminent collapse
through utter exhaustion would probably bring him personal disaster.
John would probably not just be subsequently dragged for at least several
paces by the momentum of the line of human merchandise, to which he was linked
by chain and of which he comprised the rear, thereby probably inflicting
bruising and grazing on his naked form. He believed that he was also likely to
be beaten by the Arab merchant's black African guards for being such a clumsy
weakling. The white boy had somehow, and in his opinion miraculously, managed to
avoid such a disaster so far but he believed that his luck was about to end.
Fortunately for John, though, the caravan, of which he formed the very end,
unexpectedly came to a sudden halt, just when he believed that he would not be
able to stagger for more than another few paces. The boy was naturally very
pleased about this development but, not knowing the reason, he also worried that
the respite might only be brief, with the convoy soon beginning to move again,
which would undoubtedly prove disastrous for him.
John's worries were in fact only partly correct. The caravan did indeed
quickly begin to move again. However, the naked white boy now no longer formed
the rear.
The Arab merchant had as usual been driving his covered ox-drawn wagon at
the front of his long caravan. Consequently, he could not actually see the naked
white boy who was at the rear of the convoy. However, his senior guard had
regularly kept him informed about the progress of his most valuable recent
The Arab merchant knew full well that the white boy, who was clearly
unaccustomed to the climate and to toiling under the unrelentingly hot overhead
sun, would be unable to match in this environment the stamina of the black
captives, who were much more acclimatised to such experiences. The trader also
had no intention of causing harm to his most precious property.
The Arab merchant's attitude naturally had nothing to do with any compassion
for John, who to him was a mere commodity to be sold for the highest possible
price. However, the man did appreciate this particular trading item's potential
considerable market value.
Black slaves were commonplace in the markets in which the Arab merchant
traded and their prices reflected this reality. However, white ones, especially
young pretty children, were exceedingly rare and therefore highly valuable, but
only if delivered to the auction block in reasonably good condition.
The Arab merchant's monetary interests were therefore best served if he did
not allow John to come to any real harm. Consequently, after his senior guard
had reported that the clearly distressed white boy was on the point of collapse,
the trader ordered his caravan to halt.
The Arab merchant had only ordered John to be attached to the line of the
black captives in the first place to help break his spirit. The trader was fully
aware that the white boy detested being separated from his twin and would
initially have done anything in his power to ensure a reunion, including
attempting to escape in order to return to the black African settlement.
The Arab merchant therefore concluded that he should ensure that not only was
such escape physically impossible but also his own white boy's mental spirit was
broken, with his mind solely refocused on personal survival. The trader
additionally believed that his aims could be further aided if John considered
that his continued wellbeing was entirely dependent on the man's compassion and
felt beholden for such mercy.
John's initial treatment alongside the black captives was part of these
physical and psychological processes. The white boy later being mercifully
rescued from his desperate dire situation to sit instead in the relative comfort
of the back of the Arab merchant's covered wagon was a continuance.
The Arab merchant, dressed in the rather dirty and tatty robe that he wore
when travelling, had personally dismounted from his wagon to walk to the rear of
his caravan. As he proceeded, he passed his train of camels and mules, which
were tethered together, laden with goods and luggage and protected by his black
guards, attired only in loincloths.
The Arab merchant eventually arrived in front of the still heavily perspiring
John, whom he ordered released and transferred to his wagon. The boy was
subsequently not reluctant to go to this portable refuge but his utter
exhaustion meant that two of the black guards virtually had to carry him
John, as he next sat in the back of the now once more moving wagon,
recovering from his exhaustion, could not believe his good fortune. Having been
on the brink of disaster, the boy was now thankfully not only excused from
marching but also was resting and shaded from the overhead sun, albeit with his
wrists and ankles still manacled together. He had also been granted water.
John, whose perspiration was now lessening but would not entirely disappear
because of the prevailing heat, realised that the Arab merchant had clearly
somehow become aware of his predicament and rescued him. The boy was naturally
very grateful and was also now content not to do anything that might jeopardise
the trader's compassion.
In adopting this passive attitude, John was, of course, falling into the
psychological trap laid by the astute Arab merchant. The boy was now proceeding
compliantly towards his revised destiny.
In doing so, John nevertheless still naturally had regular sentimental
thoughts about his beloved twin. However, just as the Arab merchant had planned,
the boy now never harboured any aspirations to attempt to escape from his
current plight to be reunited with James.
John instead just sat gratefully and quietly in the back of the covered
wagon, as he travelled towards whatever fate now had in store for him.
Chapter Thirty Eight - Profanation
(Northern Mozambique, summer 1850)
At the same time but now quite a distance away, James was feeling both very
uncomfortable and bored. The boy's physical unease resulted from having to stand
as still as possible in his humiliatingly sparse attire and bodily adornments
under the very hot overhead sun. His mental tedium stemmed from having to be
witness to many audiences granted by the chieftain to fellow tribesmen.
These audiences were regular occurrences, held to enable tribesmen to
petition their chieftain over many issues, ranging from marriages to disputes.
Such matters might have been boring to James in their own right. However, the
boy's tedium was exacerbated by not yet knowing the language in which the topics
were discussed.
James also eventually became almost as exhausted as John had been almost
simultaneously but conversely from lack of motion rather than an excess of such
activity. The boy's mind additionally began to drift and he started to feel a
bit dizzy.
James began to feel that he might faint. However, the boy was suddenly
unexpectedly stimulated into not only full alertness but also movement and loud
James suddenly jumped from his place on the platform adjacent to the
enthroned chieftain, whilst uttering a surprised yelp. The boy's action shocked
everyone, not least himself, and brought the current tribal audience to a
The reason for such an instinctive display of, given the circumstances of the
tribal audiences, irreverent indiscipline was actually currently evident on
James' bare bottom, to where the boy's hands now belatedly protectively strayed.
The reddish mark of a recent harsh pinch was visible on his left buttock.
Meanwhile, the expression on the 10 year-old face of one of the chieftain's
young grandsons, who had furtively taken up a position immediately behind James,
was looking distinctly mischievous. His amusement was detected by the shocked
white boy, who had turned round in front of the platform on which the chieftain
was enthroned in order to attempt to identify the culprit who had pinched his
bottom. However, the young victim suddenly realised in trepidation that it would
not be the perpetrator of the offence who would now suffer.
All eyes were currently focused on James, who perceptively appreciated from
the clearly shocked, insulted and angered expressions of the surrounding
villagers, including their chieftain, that they considered that their new white
slaveboy had just profaned the tribal gathering by his action. He also somehow
knew that they would not be interested in any excuses, regardless of how
Nevertheless, James attempted to excuse himself and apologise. In trying to
do so, the boy addressed Gambo, who was the only other person around who could
speak English.
"I'm very sorry," James announced, whilst still resting his hands on the sore
buttock concerned, "but someone pinched my bum." Gambo, who was again suddenly
concerned for the white boy's welfare, immediately translated this explanation
for the chieftain.
James now hoped to observe an alteration in the current clearly still
shocked, insulted and angered expression on the chieftain's face, perhaps to one
of amusement, which might denote forgiveness. Unfortunately, no such change
The chieftain instead maintained a furious expression, as he spoke to Gambo.
The black boy subsequently translated the tribal leader's response for James,
with a look of great reluctance, regret and sympathy on his own face.
"Chieftain reply that there can be no excuses for your badness," Gambo
declared in his broken English, "and you must suffer for your wickedness.
Punishment will take place now without delay."
"Chieftain say that, as your bottom supposed caused your badness," Gambo
worryingly added, "so your bottom now suffer beating!"