P ueros- Z elamir A rchive




Part ε΄ - ‘Ττάσίς’
(Part 5 - ‘Insurrection’)

– first part –

(Royal park, Persepolis, Persia, late spring, 499 BC)
‘I will tell you how the case stands, Histiaeus: this shoe is of your stitching; Aristagoras has but put it on!’
Artaphernes, satrap of Lydia, accusing Histiaeus of fermenting
what would become known to posterity as the ‘Ionian Revolt’,
according to Herodotus of Halicarnassus (‘Persian Wars’, 6.1)

Dios was on the excellent grey pony given to him in Ephesus in the previous year by Aspamites. The boy was riding alongside Darius I and Theanos, amidst the King of Kings’ big hunting party and within the beautifully maintained large forested royal park that dominated the Marv Dasht plain in front of the resplendent elevated palace at Persepolis. The spring weather was sunny and warm but not too hot for their pastime.

Darius had cancelled the hunt proposed for the day when the news of the start of what was to become known to posterity as the ‘Ionian Revolt’ had reached Persepolis by rapid relay despatch riders sent down the royal road from distant Sardis. However, having now instructed his generals as to how to react, as well as having accepted an offer of attempted mediation from a certain exile imprisoned in luxury in Susa, the King of Kings had returned to his second favourite pastime.

Heavy bejewelled gauntlets of thick leather protected Darius’ hands. Sitting on top of one of these gloves was a magnificent and well-trained peregrine falcon, with dark red plumage, powerful beak and razor-sharp talons. The bird’s feet were adorned with leather jesses, to which tiny bells had been affixed. The King of Kings had now decided to indulge in some falconry on the edge of the marshes that fringed parts of the royal park.

Darius’ reward was several water-birds, upon which his falcon had expertly swooped from high above, as the victims unwisely attempted to fly from the protection of the marsh reeds. "I think we know," the King of Kings then happily loudly commented to his various companions, "what will form part of the dinner menu tonight!" He received laughter from all those accompanying him, except for the now 12 year-old Dios, who was looking rather morose, with his mind clearly focused elsewhere.

Darius believed that he knew what was disturbing his gorgeous but still sexually untouched beloved young page, whose great beauty and splendid character really did remind him of the younger Aspamites. The King of Kings therefore decided that, for the sake of the nature of their future relationship, if there was now still to be one, he had to resolve the issues that were obviously troubling the boy.

Darius pursued his aim when his hunting party eventually stopped for a picnic luncheon in one of the special groves maintained for such an event within the forested park. The particular clearing chosen was alongside a small pond, where colourful water lilies flourished.

Having handed his falcon and gauntlets to the care of another servant, Darius took Dios aside, and the pair sat well away from the other members of the royal hunting party, near the side of the pond and under the cooling shadow of a tall cypress tree. As if by magic, a large tray was already present at the grassy spot. On top were a pair of golden goblets, appropriately embossed with hunting scenes, a similarly decorated jug, which contained watered wine, and two circular silver platters with suitable, given the setting, water lily motifs. The latter utensils were covered with exotically sumptuous snacks.

Theanos watched as Darius separated Dios from him and the others. However, the young Lesbian experienced no jealousy, as he then sat alone to enjoy his own luncheon. His similarly aged best friend was still in sight nearby. He could also not begrudge the King of Kings, who had exhibited much kindness to the two boys since they had formally entered his service, time alone with the young Chian, whom it was obvious to all the man loved intensely, albeit so far only platonically.

Darius first ate some duck, marinated in a delicious sauce, but the still clearly distracted Dios appeared not to be hungry. Consequently, the King of Kings decided to face the likely problem head-on in order to resolve matters one away or another as quickly as possible. As he did so, he suspected that he and the boy would later leave the grove estranged forever, which was a prospect that he deeply disliked because he did now truly love the young Chian.

"I suppose that you’ve already heard about the major insurrection in the west, Dios," the King of Kings suggested to the 12 year-old, "including on your home island of Chios." "News of such matters spreads fast within your palaces, Dârayavauš," the young eunuch confirmed, whilst informally and affectionately addressing his royal master by his name in ancient Persian, which he had been encouraged to do whenever they were alone together. No other servant, other than a certain Aspamites, had ever been allowed such a privilege, which was therefore a testament to the man’s feelings for his latest favourite boy.

"The surprising leader of the revolt, Dios," Darius advised, "is the Greek whom I appointed as tyrant of Miletus, Aristagoras. I say ‘surprising’ because I considered him to be not only an ally but also a friend."

"Aristagoras recently persuaded me to try to increase my empire further by expanding into the Cyclades of the Aegean, Dios," Darius informed, "and he personally led the first expedition, which proved very costly to my treasury. The initial offensive was against the archipelago’s largest island, Naxos, but the ensuing siege was not successful and, after four months, he was compelled to withdraw. Spies now belatedly tell me that he needlessly feared retribution from me for his expensive failure and, presumably believing that attack was the best form of defence, he decided to stir up existing grievances amongst his fellow Greeks and cause revolt. I understand that he is currently marching his Milesian army, reinforced by Athenian, Eretrian and Ionian allies, against the Lydian satrap, Artaphernes, in his capital at Sardis."

"I now understand, Dios," Darius announced, "that Aristagoras had previously travelled to Greece to try to gain support. The Spartans refused but both Athens on the mainland and Eretria on the offshore island of Euboea agreed to assist. He then went on to persuade your fellow Ionians also to provide help."

"I had entertained Aristagoras’ father-in-law and predecessor as tyrant of Miletus, Histiaeus, in great comfort in Susa for many years, Dios," Darius declared, "because he had become dangerously over-mighty after providing me with important help in my Thracian campaign of over a decade ago. However, I’ve now accepted his offer to try to intercede and persuade his son-in-law to back down before matters run out of control, and so I’ve released him from his enforced luxurious exile. You see, if the insurrection continues, I’ll have to re-establish control firmly and punish the rebel leaders harshly or my authority might suffer and ultimately my throne might be threatened."

"I suspect Histiaeus’ real intentions, though, Dios," Darius next expounded, "and wouldn’t be surprised if, instead of interceding with his son-in-law, he simply joined him in revolt. He might even have somehow instigated the whole insurrection himself from enforced exile in Susa. However, despite these suspicions, I’ve chosen to accept his word because I consider the prospect of restored peace, never mind how remote, is worth the risk of letting him go."

On hearing these disclosures, Dios began to wonder when and where he had previously heard the names ‘Histiaeus’ and ‘Aristagoras’. The boy then recalled an anecdote that Aspamites had once related to him, whilst they were both riding along the royal road from Ephesus to Ecbatana.

"Dârayavauš," a worried Dios therefore interrupted to comment, being one of the few people who could ignore normal court protocol and disturb even the private conversation of the king in such a way and live afterwards, "Aspamites once told me that Histiaeus sent secret messages from Susa to Aristagoras. They were pricked onto the shaven head of a slave, who left for Miletus once his hair had re-grown. I thought the story funny at the time."

"Yes, Dios," Darius replied, "I too was aware from informers about Histiaeus’ supposedly secret method of conveying messages to his son-in-law. I also thought the system to be very amusing and let the practice continue because I saw no harm in the arrangement. After all, I originally considered Aristagoras to be a friend and ally and I therefore did not want to disturb private communications, which I believed probably only concerned family matters."

"But Dârayavauš," Dios retorted, "what if Histiaeus used the method to encourage Aristagoras to rise in revolt by falsely suggesting that you were very angry with and seeking revenge against him for his expensive failure at Naxos? His father-in-law might have considered the ploy an excellent way of ending his exile, and possibly returning to his previous powerful status, by subsequently offering to intercede with his rebellious son-in-law to restore imperial harmony."

"Yes, Dios," Darius responded, "I do now sadly accept that a pernicious message might have been sent on a slave’s head, which consequently rather deflates our original amusement at the adoption of the method. I should therefore have ensured an early end to the system but I didn’t and it’s now too late, with any damage already done. For the sake of my subjects in the west, I can only now pray to Ahuramazda that Histiaeus and his son-in-law see sense and stop matters running out of control."

"You see, Dios, if I do eventually need to suppress the revolt firmly, many Greek rebels, including Chians, will undoubtedly be killed," the King of Kings continued, "with much destruction occurring and, as in every conflict, many innocents also unfortunately suffering. I could give orders to my generals to be generous to most of the defeated insurgents but undoubtedly such commands will more often than not be forgotten amidst the heat of war. My forces will also need to set brutal examples in order to encourage others to surrender without resistance."

"I know, Dârayavauš," Dios sighed rather fatalistically.

"Do you therefore want to leave the service of the king who might soon be seeking to inflict disaster on your fellow countrymen, Dios?" Darius then tentatively asked.

Darius’ heart subsequently skipped a beat, in fear that his beloved Dios would answer positively.

(Satrapy of Gandara [modern north Punjab, now split between India and Pakistan], same time)

‘It’s hard to put one over on your foe,
….but simple for a friend to cheat his friend.’

Theognis of Megara

Aspamites watched, as the local satrap, who had been one of Darius I’s officially appointed boyhood companions, was publicly nailed naked to a cross. The spasaka did not consider himself to be cruel but he could not find any pity for the screaming governor, who had betrayed the trust of the King of Kings by corruptly and greedily skimming off for himself far more of the annual tribute than his entitlement.

Aspamites had reported his findings in a message to his beloved Darius I. The King of Kings had to set an example and therefore responded with orders to the local military commander, who was sensibly independent of the satrap, to arrest and execute the governor. The spasaka had also been advised at the same about the revolt amongst the Greeks of the west and he was summoned back to Persepolis so that he could play a part in the suppression of the major insurrection, which threatened his royal master’s empire.

(Royal park, Persepolis, Persia, same time)

‘No-one is fool enough to choose war instead of peace.
In peace, sons bury their fathers but in war fathers bury sons.’

King Croesus, after being reprieved by Cyrus the Great,
according to Herodotus of Halicarnassus (‘Persian Wars’, 1.87)

Dios’ lovely sensuous blue eyes looked up at the King of Kings’ bearded face, whilst the boy’s rosy lips declared "I shall never seek to leave your service, Dârayavauš, for two reasons. First, I gave my word to Aspamites that I would accept my fate whatever it was to be."

"In the event, Dârayavauš," Dios continued, "my fate was to be one of your pages and I would be dishonouring my word and myself if I sought to end such service because some unwise people amongst my countrymen have sought to rebel against you!" "I can understand," the boy then bluntly but sagaciously advised, "that they may have been unhappy about some aspects of your administration, especially the imposition of tyrants and increased annual tribute. However, they have also gained much from Persian rule to compensate and any disputes should have been resolved by negotiation not war."

Any other servant effectively suggesting that Darius I had been mistaken in some aspects of his governance of his Lydian satrapy might have found himself being nailed for insolence to a cross, just as was happening to the governor of Gandara for corruption at that very moment. However, the relieved King of Kings did not issue such a command in respect of his beloved young page, whose loyalty and wisdom despite his tender years impressed him greatly.

Darius, trying to hide how joyous he was to learn that the young Chian was determined to remain in his service, therefore instead simply commented "I suppose that, in retrospect, Dios, such policies may indeed have been imprudent." The King of Kings then added "However, what’s done is done. Now, what was the second reason you mentioned for never seeking to leave my service?"

"I….I," Dios stuttered, whilst his beautiful face blushed slightly, "l….l….l….l….like you a lot, Dârayavauš." The King of Kings could have sworn that the boy was going to say ‘love’ rather than ‘like’ but something, perhaps abashment, had obviously caused the young eunuch to change his mind.

Alternatively, Darius realised that he himself might just be experiencing a hopeful adult fantasy. Consequently, he simply thanked the boy politely and gratefully, and with secret immense relief, for his commitment to his word and confession about liking his royal master. The King of Kings then changed the subject to enquire next "What can I now do, Dios, to help cheer you up?"

Dios, having committed himself to continuing to honour his word to Aspamites, realised that, in such circumstances, there was no point in still moping about his own people’s foolishness in violently rebelling against the suzerainty of the King of Kings. The boy, whose nightmares about his castration had mysteriously ended shortly after formally entering Darius’ service, therefore decided that he should carry on with his life, as if the revolt in the west against the surely ultimately overpowering Persians was not happening. However, he did privately undertake to pray regularly to his Greek gods that Chios, and his family and friends on the island, would somehow survive the undoubted bloody retribution that would befall the insurgents.

In answer to the King of Kings’ last question, Dios therefore replied, whilst a hopeful smile returned to his perfect face, "I’ve been taking some secret lessons, Dârayavauš, from one of your best palace dance-masters, who trains performers for your banquets. Theanos also already knows how to play the flute."

"In return for the kindness that you’ve shown to us and the other new recruits to your service, Dârayavauš," Dios next informed the increasingly ecstatic King of Kings, "we’d therefore like to perform privately for you tonight. I propose that you let me dance to Theanos’ musical accompaniment."

Dios then added "I have taken the liberty, Dârayavauš, to commission a special loincloth from a palace seamstress for the occasion. I hoped that you might also lend me some jewellery so that I can look my best for you!"

Darius immediately decided to give rather than lend Dios the requested jewellery. The King of Kings also began to believe that, despite the trouble in the Lydian satrapy, Ahuramazda must truly be blessing him.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, evening of the same day)

‘Where virtue once, now vice is often learnt.’
Xenophon, hypocritically referring to the common practice in schools for boys from the Persian elite of pederasty, which was actually an even more frequent indulgence in his Greek homeland

Dios and Theanos were unusually not involved in Darius I’s bathing and other preparations for sleep. The pair of boys was also not present when the King of Kings eventually lay on his huge canopied bed in his rich night attire and surprisingly indicated to his attendant entourage of young pages, by discreet hand signal, that he needed none of them to be his companion for the night.

Most of Darius’ pages did not mind not being chosen to be the King of Kings’ bed companion. Being eunuchs, their sex-drives were low, although those now accustomed to pleasuring regularly their royal master’s large manly cock did admit to gaining enjoyment when the regal penis was used to tickle their prostates. However, the now 14 year-old Babylonian eunuch, Staspes, was an exception to the pervading nonchalance.

Staspes was very disappointed at not being selected again to be Darius’ bumboy for the evening. Until the advent of Dios, the pretty Babylonian had been the King of Kings’ favourite catamite but he had not spent a night alongside his royal master since the young Chian had formally entered royal service.

Staspes was currently an easily jealous person, who had been proud of the favouritism shown by Darius, as well as ambitious as to where such regard might someday take him. Aspamites was an example as to how highly considered catamites could attain very important positions and the younger Babylonian had no intention of being thwarted in his aspirations by the Chian eunuch.

Staspes had earlier hoped that Dios’ unusual absence from the entourage of pages preparing Darius for his nightly repose might be an indication that the young Chian had fallen from favour, possibly somehow as a result of the rebellion that had just erupted amongst the Greeks in the west of the empire. However, if that was the case, royal displeasure had obviously not yet extended to the reappointment of the Babylonian as the King of Kings’ favourite, given his current disappointing banishment with the others from the royal bedchamber.

If Dios still retained his status, Spaspes, who was unaware that so far the relationship between Darius and the newer eunuch had just been platonic, decided, as he was leaving the royal bedchamber, that he would plot to usurp the new favourite. He did not know that overnight stays in the King of Kings’ bedchamber by the young Chian had up to now remained innocently connected only to storytelling duties, although this situation was about to change.

On this night, Darius was not alone in his bedchamber for long, after his entourage of pages, including the disappointed and jealous Staspes had departed. Theanos, attired in his usual colourful uniform, first entered the large room, which was illuminated only by a couple of night oil lamps, located on top of a pair of ornate metal stands in two corners.

Theanos, with his flute already in hand, performed the ritual prostration in front of Darius’ bed and then discretely retired to disappear into the shadows pervading much of the chamber, from where melodic tones subsequently emerged. Such music was the signal for Dios then to enter gracefully and for the King of Kings’ hidden manly cock to grow instantly to full erection.

Dios, sporting Darius’ branded seal on his smooth chest, was dressed only in a minuscule loincloth of sparkling golden thread. The boy’s long and mainly straight silky fair hair had been carefully combed by his own slave, Atrios, to curl at the ends in cute tendrils, before being adorned further by a fillet bejewelled with precious rubies. A similar gem dangled from a gold chain round his slim neck, whilst ornate thin bracelets and anklets of the same valuable metal decorated his lithe limbs.

After Dios very quickly and artistically performed his prostration, the boy began his highly erotic dance act. The young eunuch’s very skilled performance was a testament to his own quick proficiency at the art, as well as of the worthiness of his instructor, who would later be sent much gold by his grateful king.

The fascinated and increasingly more aroused Darius then began to gain frequent glances of what the small square flaps of Dios’ minuscule loincloth were failing to hide completely as a result of the boy’s energetic movements. The young eunuch’s vivacious dancing caused these golden covers to rise regularly, thereby providing repeated delightful glimpses of the delicious sights underneath.

Darius saw that Dios’ gelded genitals were confined beneath the front flap of his loincloth only under a tiny translucent thong, through which the lovely outline of the boy’s own pleasant penis could be readily recognised. Meanwhile, whenever the young eunuch’s lively movements caused him to turn and his rear cover to rise, the full splendour of his lustrously curvaceous bare bottom came into view.

51 year-old Darius could never recall anything so wonderfully erotic in all of his life. As the King of Kings lay watching the splendid spectacle, he quietly thanked Ahuramazda for granting him such a magnificent gift.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, next morning)

‘Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve.’
Darius the Great,
according to Herodotus of Halicarnassus (‘Persian Wars’, 3.127)

"Lie still," Atrios commanded firmly of his slightly younger master, Dios, "whilst I attempt repairs!" The 13 year-old Macedonian slave was trying with as much care as possible to apply some herbal salve to the 12 year-old Chian’s sore sphincter and anus, after his previously virginal and tight rectum had been deflowered through invasion by a certain regal erection during the course of the past night.

Atrios had already carefully wiped away the copious evidence of extraneous dried cum, whilst gently bathing his young master. Watching was a fascinated Theanos, who had discreetly left the royal bedchamber overnight when a breathless Dios, concluding his dance naked, had been summoned to join Darius on top of the King of Kings’ bed.

It had been obvious to both Dios and Theanos, from Darius’ expression, including the glazed look in the man’s eyes, that, on this occasion, the summons was not just for more storytelling duties. However, the young Chian had advanced happily to his fate, as he had, after all, previously indicated to his friends his intent to seduce the King of Kings, like Aspamites had once done and for similar reasons.

"What was it like?" the still virginal Theanos asked of Dios, whilst referring to subjection to sodomy by Darius. "Very unpleasant," was the answer received, followed by an unhappy sigh of dissatisfaction, "but I’m determined to allow the king to have me whenever he wants. Not only is sex the only gift I can really provide in return for his kindness that I know he’d want but also I’m determined to see if Aspamites’ prediction, that I’ll eventually enormously enjoy the act, will come true." The young Chian was then reduced to a low moan instead of speech when Atrios applied some salve to a particularly sore part of the boy’s anal entrance.

Darius had proved correct with his astute guess that Dios would sometime attempt a seduction, in order to reward the King of Kings for his kindness, as well as simply to experience an act that should someday lead to the only sexual pleasure allowed to a eunuch. However, as on the majority of such initial occasions, given the substantial size of the man’s cock, the boy had endured excruciation rather than any enjoyment, despite the adult’s attempt to curb his intense passion somewhat in order to try to be careful and considerate during intercourse.

Nevertheless, Dios had endured the pain bravely and with few tears, helped by the fact that Darius’ passion was so intense that the King of Kings quickly impregnated the boy’s ravished rectum with copious manly ejaculate. The young eunuch had later even, despite the constant discomfort subsequently afflicting his bottom, managed to relate a short Greek legend to his royal master, before they had finally fallen asleep in each other’s arms.

For Dios, slumber was fitful, not being helped by his painful bottom. However, as his reawakened eyes occasionally glanced at Darius’ somnolent face, he somehow felt no shame or regret that he had now lost his virginity to the King of Kings. Nor did the boy feel treacherous towards his unwisely rebellious homeland.

Dios, like Aspamites beforehand, instead strangely only felt another overwhelming emotion for the man who had been ultimately responsible for his castration and exile and who had just painfully deflowered him. The young eunuch’s rather incongruous attitude was also unaffected by the fact that the King of Kings was about to make ruthless war against the boy’s own people.

Dios’ emotions, like those of Aspamites before him and just as the spasaka believed and Darius hoped would happen in reflection to his own passion, were instead now truly overwhelmed by love for the King of Kings.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, several weeks later, early summer 499 BC)

‘There is nothing impossible to him who will try.’
Alexander the Great

"What was it like this time?" the still virginal Theanos asked of Dios, whilst referring again to subjection to sodomy by Darius and as Atrios was once more tendering to the young Chian’s delectable bottom. "Very pleasant," was the answer received, followed by a happy sigh of satisfaction, "as Aspamites’ prediction, that I’ll eventually enormously enjoy the act, has indeed come true!"

(Royal park, Persepolis, Persia, shortly afterwards)

‘Of all the troops, the Persians were adorned with the greatest magnificence….
they glittered all over with gold, vast quantities of which were about their possession.’

Herodotus of Halicarnassus, referring to the Immortals

A bathed and redressed Dios was walking alone along a tree-lined path, which went through part of the royal park to some of the nearby palatial residences of senior bureaucrats, military officers and other important imperial personages. Staspes had earlier told the younger page that Aspamites had just returned from Gandara and would like to meet the young Chian in the house the spasaka kept in Persepolis.

Staspes provided Dios with the relevant directions and then watched as the younger page descended the tall wide steps leading from the palace to the forested park below. "Good riddance," the Babylonian eunuch subsequently quietly muttered to himself, as he observed the king’s new favourite disappear along the path into the trees.

"I let the stupid Immortal enjoy me," Staspes then also quietly commented to himself, "so it’s now time for the idiot with a cock bigger than his brain to repay me for my acquiescence!"

Staspes was quietly commenting about a member of the precisely 10,000-strong elite royal archer guard corps called the ‘Immortals’. These were exotically dressed and superbly equipped and drilled soldiers.

For ceremonial duties, the bareheaded Immortals, sporting short tightly curled beards, were attired in ornate and colourfully flowing calf-length tunics of light purple and yellow, decorated with brown stars or squares. Corselets of scale armour were underneath, although they wore more practical breeches when campaigning. Their buttoned or laced leather shoes were blue or primrose, whilst green braid tied back their hair and earrings and bracelets completed their ostentatious physical ornamentation.

The Immortals carried bows, with quivers of arrows hanging from their shoulders, and silver-bladed cornelwood spears, which could actually have done with less ostentation in war. The ornate gold or silver pomegranates that decorated the butts made impossible the ramming of the weapons into the ground in order to create a defensive shield in battle.

The Immortals were exclusively manned by Persians, Medes and Elamites, and they derived their name from the fact that their number was always kept at precisely 10,000. A careful selection system ensured that trained reserves were constantly ready to compensate for all losses.

Within the Immortals were a pair of particularly elite units, namely the two household regiments, one of 1,000 infantry and the other of the same number of cavalry, which formed the royal bodyguard. They often sparkled through the effect of light on their gilded scale armour and the gold pomegranates on their spears.


Shortly after Stapses commented quietly to himself about an allegedly intellectually inferior but genitally impressive member of the royal Immortal bodyguard at Persepolis, Dios collapsed onto the forested pathway along which he was walking, with an arrow protruding from his back.

(Military barracks, Persepolis, Persia, shortly afterwards)

‘We know how to tell many lies that look like truth but we know how to tell the truth when we choose.’
the Muses to Hesiod

Staspes only had to look at the many instruments of torture that were contained in one of the buildings in the military barracks, located on a cleared part of the Marv Dasht plain, in order to stop lying and confess the truth about his perfidy. The 14 year-old page also cursed the Immortal who had shot Dios with an arrow but had not checked on the efficiency of his handiwork because a small contingent of Assyrian cavalrymen had coincidentally appeared, riding along the pathway towards the badly injured young Chian.

The cavalrymen had immediately recognised the grievously wounded Dios because they formed part of Aspamites’ bodyguard. They had also witnessed the young Chian being whipped and castrated on his home island before helping to escort him and similar tribute, along with the spasaka, all the way to Ecbatana and then Susa.

"Please let me see the Great King," a tearful Staspes then begged of the enraged Aspamites, who had shown his fellow Babylonian the instruments of torture, "so that I can beg for mercy!" The spasaka, just returned from the satrapy of Gandara, had, of course, not summoned Dios to his residence in Persepolis but had instead intended to visit the boy in the palace.

Consequently, when the wounded Dios, before he had lapsed into coma, had told the summoned and now appalled and distressed Aspamites his story, suspicion for the attempted murder had immediately fallen on Staspes. The young Babylonian eunuch had an undeniable alibi for where he was at the time of the attack. However, the involvement of the 14 year-old page in the attempted murder also appeared clear from the false message he had given to the victim and the acutely aggrieved spasaka believed that subjection to torture would quickly elicit the true facts.

"I don’t think so," Aspamites answered in reply to Staspes’ plea to be allowed to meet Darius, "as the King of Kings has given me instructions to have you crucified if you confessed to involvement in the attack on Dios. Execution will be carried out immediately in the main square of these barracks!"

Now ignoring Staspes’ screams for mercy, the exceedingly bitter Aspamites subsequently turned to two of his Assyrian guards, who were tightly holding the boy. The spasaka commanded "Have him stripped and tied to one of the punishment stakes in the barracks square and have his accomplice amongst the Immortals arrested and similarly restrained. They are then to be flogged, although not so much that their crucifixion will not be felt or prolonged. Any soldier who beforehand wants to enjoy the bodies of either prisoner can also do so."

"Have the two crosses prepared," Aspamites mercilessly confirmed, "but do not nail the criminals to them until the King of Kings arrives. He personally wants to watch the beginning of their public crucifixion, which he intends should be a message to all that none of his loyal servants should ever be harmed!"

Aspamites then continued to ignore the screamed entreaties from young Staspes, whose pretty face was now spoilt by many tears and an expression denoting extreme terror, as the embittered spasaka turned away to return to the palace.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, same time)

‘….upon the eyes….there fell a sleep, gentle,
The sweetest kind of sleep with no awakening, most like death….’

Homer (‘Odyssey’, 13.79-80)

Dios was lying, still unconscious, on Darius’ own bed. On hearing the dreadful news of the attack on his favourite, the King of Kings would not consider allowing his beautiful beloved to be placed anywhere else whilst the best royal physicians attended to the young Chian.

By now, the barbed arrow had been carefully removed from Dios’ back and the horrible wound dressed. However, the boy had lapsed into unconsciousness during the process and the heat currently emanating from his young sweat-covered brow also indicated a fevered state. The royal physicians confessed to their king that they feared the worst.

Darius was currently at the bedside of the comatose and feverish Dios, holding one of the boy’s strangely contrasting chilly hands. Theanos and Atrios had also been granted their wish to be in attendance and they spent their time gently mopping their friend’s fiery brow.

(Military barracks, Persepolis, Persia, same time)

‘Remember the time I bent you over that tree,
How you wriggled, grimaced and pushed back hard on me?’

Theocritus of Syracuse, referring to sodomy (‘Idyll V – Goatherd & Shepherd’)

In the army barracks on the Marv Dasht plain near to the royal palace at Persepolis, the first of many military cocks to rape the very pretty but currently sobbing Staspes had harshly and painfully penetrated the 14 year-old Babylonian. The boy had been immovably bound to a sturdy post. The young eunuch’s tearful face rested against the wood, whilst his hands were fastened to a metal ring embedded high above him and his ankles were fixed to widely separated pegs resolutely rammed into the ground.

Staspes’ older accomplice, a bearded Immortal, who was now similarly bound naked to an adjacent post, whilst military carpenters constructed large crosses nearby, proved to be far less popular for raping by soldierly cocks than the highly attractive young body of the Babylonian boy eunuch.

(Sardis, Lydia, same time)

‘Men grow tired of sleep, love, singing and dancing sooner than war.’

The Athenians, who considered the Ionians to be colonists from their city and therefore kinsmen, supported Aristagoras’ insurgency enterprise with a squadron of twenty triremes, whilst five similar warships were sent from allied Eretria on the island of Euboea. The troops on board these vessels eventually landed at Ephesus.

The Athenians and Eretrians were reinforced in Ephesus by a strong body of Ionians, which included Dios’ vengeful father, and, after joining up with Aristagoras’ Milesians, they marched upon the capital of the Lydian satrapy, Sardis. The local governor, Artaphernes, who had earlier correctly accused Histiaeus of duplicity, did not have sufficient troops to man the walls and so he was forced to retire into the local citadel, leaving the splendid and prosperous city at the mercy of the insurgents.

(Military barracks, Persepolis, Persia, same time)

‘I know indeed what evil I intend to do,
But stronger than all my afterthoughts is my fury,
Fury that brings upon mortals the greatest evils.’

Euripides (‘Medea’)

The first cruel lash of the heavy scourge hit Staspes’ back to accompanying shrieks from the 14 year-old Babylonian, whose whipping on the orders of the furious and vengeful Darius I would not cease at just the three strokes that Dios had once suffered. The young eunuch, whose bottom and inside legs were besmirched by semen and whose anal excruciation was now being overwhelmed by different agonies, would instead emerge from his punishment with many more bloodied marks on his rear.

(Island of Chios, Ionia, Eastern Aegean Sea, same time)

‘Anxieties oppress a man less, and [much] of the weight is removed, when he spills his troubles to a friend….’
Callimachus of Cyrene (‘Epigrams’)

The summer day was glorious, and was in fact virtually identical to the one on which Dios and Capros had played happily on this same beach exactly one year previously before seeing the fateful approach of a small flotilla of Phoenician biremes and merchant ships. The sky was virtually cloudless, with its colour so matching that of the shimmering blue sea that the horizon was barely discernible. However, a gentle but nevertheless cooling landward breeze again thankfully lessened the heat.

The temperature might otherwise have driven the exceptionally beautiful 12 year-old fair-haired and blue-eyed Capros and his similarly featured new best friend, Danos, who was a couple of years younger, to seek some cooler surrounds, instead of frolicking together naked. Their activity, on the quiet beach of golden sand on the eastern side of their island, was also very reminiscent of that involving the older boy and Dios exactly one year previously. However, on this present occasion, play ended prematurely in tears.

Capros had appreciated the anniversary significance of the day and the sudden appearance on the eastern seaward horizon of tiny black forms, which gradually grew larger, gaining shape and colour in the process to reveal themselves eventually as ships, caused him to stop frolicking. The boy’s shoulders instead both slumped and began to vibrate, as he broke down in tears.

Capros was not afraid of the approaching triremes, as they were clearly part of the Chian fleet. However, sudden recall of Dios, with whom he had last played on this beach exactly a year previously, and about whom he had heard nothing since the Persians had castrated the boy and taken him away, caused him deep distress.

The play of Capros and Danos, on the beach under the hot summer sun, therefore ended and the two young naked friends, both pairs of sensuous blue eyes damp, sat instead on the golden sand. Their lovely heads rested against the shoulder of their companion, whilst an arm apiece was wrapped round each other’s waist.

Capros and Danos sat like this, trying to comfort each other, whilst quietly thinking and talking about the lost Dios, until the sun eventually began to set.

(Military barracks, Persepolis, Persia, same time)

‘What things develop in my anger, I hold firmly under control by my thinking power.
I am firmly ruling over my own impulses.’

Darius the Great (in his codification of laws, entitled ‘Ordinance of Good Regulations’)

The petrified and agonised Staspes had initially been firmly tied with rope to his cross, which was currently positioned flat on the ground. The agonies now being experienced by the rear of his body had been exacerbated by the action, particularly as his ravished rectum had been filled by a rod protruding at a vertical angle from the main shaft of the crucifix. However, the tearful boy’s thoughts currently mainly concentrated on the massive nail that rested against his left wrist, whilst a soldier prepared to use his hammer to pin the outstretched limb even more firmly to the wood.

A nod from the now watching King of Kings, who was on horseback, having temporarily abandoned his vigil over Dios, and, like Aspamites previously, was ignoring Staspes’ desperate renewed pleas for mercy, then brought the hammer crashing down several times onto the broad head of the nail. This action excruciatingly thrust the sharp metal spike through the shrieking boy’s left wrist to fix his arm firmly to the wooden crossbar of the large crucifix. The soldier perpetrating the cruel deed then moved his attention to the young eunuch’s other limb.

(Sardis, Lydia, same time)

‘The brutal war-god leaves
His harsh and pointed spear….’

Pindar of Thebes

Aristagoras’ army entered Sardis unopposed and, whilst engaged in extensive pillage, one of the soldiers set fire to a house, built, like most of those pertaining to the ordinary people, of wickerwork, thatched with straw. The flames then rapidly spread and soon the whole city was ablaze.

Meanwhile, as the Ionian Revolt spread all over Asia Minor, many Persian-appointed local tyrants were being simultaneously overthrown and replaced by supposed democracies, although the replacement governments were actually often more akin to oligarchies.

(Military barracks, Persepolis, Persia, same time)

‘….so you may know in your heart, and say to another,
That good dealing is better by far than evil dealing.’

Odysseus in Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ (22.373-4)

Atrios, who had been charged by Darius to report any change in the condition of Dios, came running towards the mounted King of Kings, just as the second nail was hammered through the right wrist of the shrieking Staspes and another was readied for the naked boy’s left ankle. The young Macedonian slave then risked his own crucifixion when, in an act that was unprecedented in such circumstances because it blatantly defied court protocol, he bravely shouted at the most powerful man in the world to request that the executions be stopped.

"Why, boy?" a very annoyed Darius shouted in response. "Because, O great king," Atrios replied, "the reawakened Dios begs you for this favour!"

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, 1 week later)

‘Ahuramazda chose me as his man on all the earth, he made me king of the earth.’
inscription of Darius the Great

The efficient royal courier system ensured that Darius I was aware of the sacking and burning of Sardis within a week of the event happening. The King of Kings was enraged by the news, and especially at hearing of the involvement of independent Greeks in the destruction of one of his most important satrapal capitals, with his fury mainly directed at the Athenians, about whom he actually originally knew little.

In his fury, Darius took his bow into the royal park at Persepolis. The King of Kings subsequently shot a symbolic arrow high into the air and begged Ahuramazda to "Grant me vengeance against the Athenians!" His anger only intensified when he later learnt that the insurrection had spread to the Greek cities of Cyprus, as well as to those on the Hellespont and the Propontis [respectively modern Dardanelles and Sea of Marmara].


Darius then charged Theanos to remind him three times every day at mealtimes to "Remember the Athenians!"

(Royal quarry, Persepolis, Persia, a few weeks later)

‘He who learns must suffer,
and even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,
and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of the gods.’


Staspes’ posterior, despite being badly flogged, had not been so comprehensively whipped that permanent damage had been caused. The young Babylonian eunuch’s rear had been saved from scarring by Darius’ wish that he felt the full lengthy excruciation of his subsequent crucifixion. Consequently, the marks indicating the relevant injuries were already healing and disappearing, as were those that revealed where nails had penetrated his wrists.

Staspes, attired just in a simple skimpy loincloth, was therefore now able to begin his harsh labours under the unrelenting overhead summer sun in the royal quarry, to where the boy had been sent from the military barracks on command of the King of Kings. The amenity provided limestone blocks for the continuing building works on the nearby palace.

Staspes would be taught to use iron picks, punches and sledgehammers to create grooves in the limestone, isolating the necessary blocks. The large cubes would subsequently be detached by the insertion of wetted wooden wedges, which would swell and force the stone free.

Staspes would then be required to help smooth the blocks and haul the enormous and very weighty cubes of limestone to the palatial building site. When the boy first did so, with his previously pleasant but now dirty body covered in sweat and with his 14 year-old muscles straining so that any lack of effort would not be rewarded by a blow from a supervisor’s whip, he began to wonder.

Staspes began to wonder whether crucifixion would have been better than spending the rest of his existence performing penal labours in quarries and, initially at least, being the sexual plaything of other prisoners and guards. Darius had commuted his death sentence because of Dios’ plea, which centred on the Babylonian boy’s tender age. However, his companion in crime, the adult Immortal, had not received similar treatment but had instead died on the cross, as an example to any other member of the elite corps who might be considering betraying their king.

Staspes’ only consolation, as he pondered his appalling future in the grim conditions of the limestone quarry, was that surely life for him would now be short.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, same time)

‘Poor thing!
Do you have no idea what will happen to you once you have kissed a handsome boy?
Without a doubt, you’ll become an instant slave instead of a free man!’

Socrates’ advice to Xenophon, as quoted in the latter’s ‘Memoirs of Socrates’

Theanos and some other pages were smearing Darius’ recently massaged, bathed and groomed naked body with an ointment made from ground sunflower seeds mixed with saffron, palm wine and leonine fat, which was supposed to keep the skin of their royal master looking young. The boys then attached the king’s jewellery and dressed him in a purple robe, with a broad white stripe in the centre and embroidered with golden depictions of lions. A cloak, bearing a gilded motif portraying falcons attacking each other with their beaks, was then affixed to the manly form.

The boys finished off their dressing of Darius by attaching the royal sword, sheathed in a gilt-covered scabbard encrusted with precious stones, to his gilded belt, and a diadem, encircled by white-flecked blue ribbon, to his carefully coiffured head. Theanos then stood back to admire the completed work and advise proudly "I believe, O great king, that you are ready for your visit!"

"Good," Darius replied, "as you all know that I like to look my very best when visiting Dios!"

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, shortly afterwards)

‘No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.’
Aesop (fable of ‘The Lion and the Mouse’)

Darius proceeded to walk to his own bedchamber, which he had vacated to allow the recovering Dios to recuperate fully from his thankfully not finally fatal arrow-wound. The King of Kings’ face then lit up in delight when he saw his beloved boy sitting up in bed, reading a scroll and looking almost completely restored to full health, as was evidenced by the wonderful rosy complexion on his sublime young face.

Nevertheless, Darius still sought confirmation that everything was well from the attendant Greek physician, who had saved Dios’ life and whom the king proposed seriously to enrich for his efforts as soon as the boy had been discharged from his care. After subsequently politely dismissing the skilled doctor, the very grateful monarch then turned his full attention to his beloved young eunuch.

"What are you reading, Dios?" the King of Kings asked to open the conversation. "It’s a letter from Aspamites, Dârayavauš," the boy answered, whilst referring to the spasaka, who was currently riding west with the vast Persian army that had been sent to avenge the sacking of Sardis and squash the Ionian Revolt.

Dios’ face then became rather stern and he commented, whilst referring to something that he had read in Aspamites’ letter, "You didn’t tell me, Dârayavauš, that you had reprieved Staspes from crucifixion only to send him to serve penal labour for life in the royal quarries." The King of Kings, by now fully appreciating his beloved boy’s compassionate disposition, immediately believed that a guileful plea for further mercy was likely to emerge next from the 12 year-old’s rosy lips and his assumption was to be proved correct.

"Did you know, Dârayavauš," Dios subsequently asked, having personally become acquainted about the fact after requesting Theanos to make enquiries about Staspes amongst their fellow eunuch pages, "that, judging from doodles and the like, the boy who is now slaving away in a quarry is a very good artist?" The King of Kings replied by confirming his ignorance of such an attribute.

"Well, Dârayavauš," Dios then advised, "I have a suggestion to make about a much better future career for Staspes." The beautiful boy accompanied his statement with the return of his disarming smile, which both he and his royal master knew would now completely dissolve away all royal resistance on the part of the King of Kings to the forthcoming proposal.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, a few weeks later, mid-summer, 499 BC)

‘By the command of….the great judge of heaven and earth, let righteousness go forth in the land.’
Code of Hammurabi, who was once king of Babylon

"I shan’t forget your very generous mercy," Staspes gratefully announced, "which I find remarkable, given that I tried to have you killed." "I know from the likes of Homer," the now fully recovered Dios replied, "that jealousy can make anyone mad. I can understand your motive and I’ve forgiven you."

"Unfortunately, I can’t persuade the King of Kings to forgive you fully too and let you return as a page," Dios continued, "but I hope that, given your artistic talent, this job might prove to be a decent second option." "I think you’re right," Staspes responded, "because I’ve always loved and been good at drawing and carving." As the boy said these words, he continued carefully to chip away more limestone.

Staspes was using a light chisel to incise the outline of a standardised figure onto a limestone block, which formed part of the tall stone platforms supporting one of the new buildings within the Persepolis palace complex. The boy would later utilise slightly heavier tools to carve fully in low relief the depiction of an official, soldier or tribute-bearer. The young Babylonian would then smooth the finished portrait with an abrasive paste before polishing with lead or shark-skin and painting in bright colours.

Staspes would eventually significantly contribute to many of the 3,000 or so uniform figures reproduced on the palace’s supporting limestone platforms. He would also, in a long and industrious life, go on to gain many swift promotions to become the best and most admired and senior of the King of Kings’ sculptors and stonemasons.

Much of Staspes’ excellent work is, thanks to both him and the merciful Dios, who became a lifelong friend, still viewable today, 2½ millennia later.

(Pedasa, Caria, Asia Minor, same time)

‘Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases.’

At its peak, the Persian army comprised about 360,000 men, made up of six corps of 60,000, divided into six divisions of 10,000, sub-divided into battalions of 1,000, companies of 100 and squads of 10, grouped as lancers, archers and cavalry depending on their function. Each ethnic contingent retained traditional weaponry and appearance, which was frequently exotic. For example, the Nubians smeared their bodies with chalk and vermilion and were draped in leopard and lion skins.

Helmets within the army could be of bronze, fur, leather, wicker or wood. Dress could include cloaks, jackets, robes or skins. Weapons comprised bows and arrows, javelins, spears, some tipped with metal and others with sharpened antelope horns, and even clubs and lassoes, with daggers and swords as side-arms. Iranian cavalry rode horses, whilst Egyptians used chariots and Arabs were mounted on camels.

Stirrups would not be introduced into the region from China by Mongols for about 1½ millennia and iron horseshoes would not be invented for another few hundred years. In the interim, the cavalry of the Persian army had to manage without such aids, protecting their horses’ hooves with coverings of copper, leather or hair.

The Persian standing army was centrally controlled and the kings were generous in ensuring the welfare of the leading generals and in rewarding loyal service. The most senior officers campaigned with large pavilion tents containing expensive furniture and dinner services of gold and silver. Following Assyrian precedent, soldiers were awarded distinguished ranks and titles for conspicuous bravery and duty. Robes and jewellery of honour, special daggers and grants of conquered provincial land were general marks of merit. Settling loyal veterans on acquired foreign terrain had the additional benefit of aiding the subjugation of such territory.

The huge polyglot standing Persian army was to be the extreme military remedy used to cure the extreme disease of insurrection in the west against the King of Kings’ rule. The relevant forces were assembled from all over the empire and sent into Asia Minor to crush the regional revolt, where they rapidly achieved success. Rebel forces were engaged in battle and, amidst much slaughter, defeated.

Athenian, Eretrian and Ionian survivors, including Dios’ father, afterwards hastened to the coast and aboard their ships to sail swiftly home. The Milesians retreated to their own city. However, the first major rebel metropolis to suffer the wrath of the Persians after the battle was nearby Pedasa.

Despite fierce resistance from the resident Leleges people, Pedasa’s defences were quickly overcome and partial revenge for the destruction of Sardis extracted on the city. After more slaughter and the usual damaging pillage, many of the surviving population were enslaved.

Amongst the new slaves was the now orphaned Hermotimus, whose father had been killed defending the city walls and whose mother had had her throat slit after being gang raped by enemy soldiers. However, the beautiful and in the circumstances helpless 11 year-old boy captive was spared both sexual molestation and death, as the Persian warriors could recognise exceptionally valuable booty when they saw it.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, a few days later)

‘Every heart sings a song, incomplete until another heart whispers back.
Those who wish to sing always find a song.
At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.’


A naked Dios was resting in the arms of a similarly nude Darius on the royal bed, after making love on this warm summer evening. Neither of them was tired and so the King of Kings asked his beloved catamite to tell him another Greek myth and the boy happily complied.

The boy began by handing Darius a small flower with white petals and a yellow centre, which he had found in the royal park next to the palace in Persepolis and had earlier hidden under the bed in readiness for this expected moment. "What’s this, Dios?" a mystified King of Kings then asked of his beloved eunuch catamite.

"A beautiful youth, Dârayavauš," Dios replied mysteriously, to the King of Kings’ further puzzlement until the young eunuch subsequently began to relate the legend of Narcissus, son of Liriope and the river Cephissus. "When just a boy," the young Chian started by advising, "the seer, Teiresias, had said of the child that he would live to a great age if he never knew himself, which was a prophecy that no-one understood."

Dios then proceeded to provide a fascinated Darius with a long version of the myth, made even more interesting by the 12 year-old boy’s skilled eloquence. Essentially, the myth told about how Narcissus grew up to be a youth so beautiful that he was adored by everyone who saw him. However, he was himself rather proud and aloof, so much so that a spurned young male suitor cursed him to love that which could not be attained.

Narcissus later sat by a pool and, looking into the water, saw his own reflection, endowed with all the beauty that anyone could desire. The youth then unawares began to know and fall in love with his own image, which could not reciprocate his passion.

"Narcissus," Dios concluded, "was eventually worn out with the futility of his adoration and was changed into the flower with white petals and a yellow centre that is named after him, an example of which is now in your hand, Dârayavauš. He thereby effectively fulfilled Teiresias’ prophecy, as, by coming to know and love himself, he failed to live as a mortal to a great age."

"What a lovely myth, Dios," Darius declared in response, whilst holding the boy’s little floral gift between the fingers of his free hand. "However," the King of Kings added, "I’m very glad that the beautiful young narrator has proved not to be as cold and aloof, or as emotionally distracted, as the youthful subject of the legend."

"I also much prefer making love to my Dios’ mortal form," Darius advised, whilst reinforcing his caring hold on his young beloved, "than to a flower!" In response, the boy both blushed and giggled.

"I shall have this flower preserved," Darius next announced, "as a memento of our love and our time in this world together. It shall be buried with me when Ahuramazda eventually calls me to his realm!"

This announcement immediately induced some obvious melancholy in the boy, causing him to express the view that "I hope you’ll live forever, Dârayavauš." "I would only want to do so in your company, Dios!" the King of Kings responded.

Detecting that he had unwittingly caused the sensitive boy some sadness, Darius then decided to change the subject of their conversation. "Despite the fact that I know that I’ll never be as able a storyteller as you, Dios," the King of Kings therefore asked, "would you like me to narrate a hopefully interesting tale in return for all those you’ve told me?"

"I’d love you to, Dârayavauš," Dios answered truthfully before enquiring, with clear interest, "and what’ll be the topic?"

Darius replied "My Lord High Chamberlain, Daniel!"

(Pedasa, Caria, Asia Minor, same time)

‘War loves to seek its victims in the young.’

In the ancient world, marauding armies were commonly closely followed by an array of merchants, ready to buy in bulk at hopefully cheap prices goods looted by successful soldiers. As usual amongst such entrepreneurs, there were those who traded in human beings.

The slave market in Pedasa had been destroyed in the recent successful and bloody Persian assault and so the next poor people to be sold into servitude were retailed in a makeshift amenity. This facility was previously a small temple, although of which god was difficult to discern for a newcomer to the devastated city, given the recent comprehensive sacrilegious pillaging of the sacred place.

Rather perversely, the people who had most knowledge of the temple’s prior religious dedication comprised those now being sold as slaves, as they consisted of some of Pedasa’s surviving population. Amongst them was beautiful 11 year-old Hermotimus, who was now standing shamefully naked on the auction block.

Fatefully, amongst the prospective buyers was Panionius, fresh from happily helping to geld another five hundred 11 year-old boys in Babylon. The Chian castrater welcomed war, as he knew that big profits could be made from the spoils and he had rushed from Mesopotamia to Asia Minor in the wake of the Persian army to ensure that he gained his own fair share of the windfalls. As usual, he was interested not only in further enriching himself but also in satisfying his inherent sadism.

Panionius’ natural speciality in current circumstances was to buy as many beautiful boys as he could afford, castrate them in the slow painfully sadistic manner that he most enjoyed and then sell them on to rich Persian residents in Asia Minor and elsewhere in the empire. Amongst such people, there was always a fashionable and lucrative desire to emulate the imperial elite’s possession of attractive young eunuch servants.

Given the buoyant market, a joyous Panionius would also now be commissioned by fellow slave traders to perform castrations, as many of the prettier boy captives in Pedasa were destined to lose their balls. Young Hermotimus obviously hoped to be an exception.

Many of the traders in the market for fresh young male slaves and eunuchs intimately inspected every aspect of Hermotimus’ gorgeous form, with much focus afforded to his uncut and completely smooth genitals. The boy’s nicely low-hanging scrotum was especially given copious attention, with plenty of hands feeling and weighing his seriously endangered testicles.

Besides Hermotimus’ acute shame, exemplified by his constantly blushing face, another consequence of being at the centre of such humiliation was the inexorable early rapid rise to fulsome erection of the boy’s cock, which subsequently stood out horizontally from his naked body throughout the remainder of his ordeal. The 11 year-old’s concerns about his worrying predicament were then enhanced by some similar comments from several of the traders fondling him, which could be summarised by the remark made by Panionius.

Whilst feeling Hermotimus’ testicles, Panionius suggested to the deeply abashed 11 year-old that "Your hard cock indicates that you’re maturing fast, boy. To protect the womenfolk of your future master, whoever he might turn out to be, it’d therefore obviously be advisable to castrate you as quickly as possible, and I assure you that, if I buy you, that’ll happen!"

During the subsequent bidding process, Hermotimus was rather naturally praying to the gods that neither Panionius nor anyone with similar castration intentions bought him.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, same time)

‘O Daniel, a man greatly beloved.’
Biblical Book of Daniel (10:11)

"Nebuchadnezzar II was a highly successful Chaldean king of Babylon, Dios," Darius I advised, "who restored the grandeur of Mesopotamia’s ancient cities. Municipal glories for which he was responsible included splendid terraced hanging gardens in his capital and a great ziggurat to the god, Marduk, at Babel. He also drove the Egyptians out of Asia, annexed Syria and crushed Judaea, in the process capturing and enslaving many Jews."

"Daniel was originally a Jewish slave, Dios," Darius I informed, "forced to live a life of servitude in exile in Babylon. He was also castrated as a young boy in order to serve Nebuchadnezzar as a eunuch, including in the king’s bed!"

"The ambitious Daniel subsequently and very cleverly quickly made himself indispensable to the highly superstitious Nebuchadnezzar, Dios, by often being able to provide lucid interpretations of many of the disturbing dreams of the king, who always fretted about his own position. By such guileful means, the highly intelligent young Jew gradually worked his way up the ranks of royal bureaucrats until he became, about forty years ago, one of the principal advisers to Belshazzar."

"Belshazzar had then been regent of Babylon on behalf of his father, Nabonidus, who was a usurper successor to Nebuchadnezzar. However, the prince fatefully ignored Daniel’s wise warnings about the dangers presented by Cyrus the Great’s besieging Persian armies, boasting that the city’s walls were too strong to be successfully assailed."

"‘But Majesty,’ Daniel had objected in desperation, whilst using a common metaphor of the time, which related to signs for shops and similar establishments, and also referred to his supposed interpretative powers, ‘I can see writing on the walls, which proclaims the dangers!’ ‘Nonsense!’ Belshazzar had retorted, only to be rapidly proved wrong later, during extravagant feasting indulged by him and his people to celebrate a religious festival."

"Cyrus made use of low water levels on the Euphrates, exacerbated by damming, to ford the river and enter the city via now revealed tunnels that fed the city with its water supplies. Babylon therefore rather bloodlessly became, and remains, part of the Persian Empire."

"Daniel was captured but, in line with his usual post-conquest policies, Cyrus was happy to allow competent local administrators to return to their posts. The highly capable Jew subsequently continued to gain promotion until one day, during the troublesome early part of my own reign, he was shocked to discover the enormous extent of the corruption and potential treachery of the new governor I had appointed to rule Babylon."

"Daniel immediately sent a secret message, revealing the extent of the governor’s perfidy, to me elsewhere in Mesopotamia, where I was campaigning against rebels. However, the communication was intercepted and the viceroy ordered the arrest of the Jewish nuisance, whom, given his dutiful adherence to the customs of his Judaic faith, he then falsely accused of religious blasphemy, which was a capital offence, punishable by being thrown into a den of hungry lions."

"Two very fortunate occurrences then saved Daniel after the farce of his show trial. Firstly, although the lions were supposedly ravenous, the beasts miraculously initially ignored him when he scurried to cower in a distant corner after being thrown inside their den, although how long this stand-off might have endured is unknown because of what next happened. You see, Dios, secondly, I then arrived."

"Daniel had been clever enough not to trust the despatch of one secret letter to me and had instead sent two by different couriers and routes. The lions’ eventual appetite was subsequently sated by feeding on the governor’s flesh, whilst I gained a new Jewish personal adviser."

"Despite opposition from traditionalists, who believe that only Persians, Medes and Elamites should hold the post, I finally rewarded Daniel’s loyal and efficient service for and my two predecessors by, undoubtedly belatedly, appointing him as my Lord High Chamberlain a couple of years ago. He may be in his eighties now but both his advice and administrative skills remain excellent!"

By surviving the lion’s den to become Darius the Great’s Lord High Chancellor, and therefore the second most powerful person in the Persian Empire, Daniel became a great Jewish hero, especially as he exhibited much benevolence towards his own people. His story, passed originally from generation to generation in oral form, thereby becoming subject in the process to inaccuracy and exaggeration, was eventually written down and forms the eponymous Biblical Book, with its supposed prophetic visions.

Most neutral scholars now accept that the eponymous Biblical Book was written by someone else centuries after Daniel’s death. The inherent ‘future predictions’ actually naughtily related to past history by the time of composition.

On hearing the King of Kings short narrative about Daniel’s long and impressive life, Dios commented in amazement "What an interesting true story, Dârayavauš. For a start, fancy surviving being cast into a den of hungry lions!"

Dios also realised that he would now have to view Daniel in future in an entirely different light.

(Pedasa, Caria, Asia Minor, shortly afterwards)

‘The wisest of the wise may err’

Hermotimus had at first been rather hysterical when Panionius attempted to lead his latest purchase towards his immediate destiny. The latter happened first to be the man’s castration table, currently accommodated in a badly damaged house, vacated by the previous residents and now requisitioned for his own temporary purposes.

The screaming and sobbing Hermotimus eventually had to be quietened by Panionius through a vicious kick to the boy’s gravely endangered genitals. This act caused the 11 year-old not only to collapse breathlessly and therefore relatively quietly to the ground, grasping his assaulted sexual organs, but also to be subsequently much more compliant. Consequently, the child soon found himself resolutely fastened, in a face-up spreadeagled pose, to the waiting castration table and being the subject of the man’s slower and consequently more painfully sadistic gelding technique.

As many others had done before him, whilst having their balls extracted on this very table, Hermotimus silently prayed to the gods to be someday allowed to secure terrible vengeance against the man who was depriving him of his true masculinity. Fatefully for Panionius, on this occasion, the deities must have been listening to the castrater’s young boy victim.

(Slave market, Sardis, Lydia, 2 months later)

‘Call no man happy until he dies. He is at best but fortunate.’
Solon of Athens

Hermotimus again found himself standing humiliatingly naked and being closely examined on a slave auction block, this time in the relevant quickly rebuilt market in Sardis, where Panionius was currently offering the new young eunuch for resale. Much attention was given by prospective purchasers to the boy’s expertly castrated genitalia, which were now completely healed. Naturally, given his freshly gelded state and unlike when being sold in Pedasa, the 11 year-old’s cock did not on this occasion become erect in response to the intimate inspections of his gorgeous form.

The only compensation gained by Hermotimus for the shameful circumstances of his resale came when Panionius was unexpectedly denied a lucrative profit, as well as lost the original cost of the boy. An exotically dressed very important Persian official had interrupted the young eunuch’s auction in order to requisition the freshly gelded child without recompense.

Part of the official’s current responsibilities was the compulsory acquisition for his master of fresh young eunuchs to compensate for those previously gifted to him from this part of the Persian Empire. The 22 year-old man was happier with this task than he had once been when forced also to choose the boys to be castrated. He was now spared such a distasteful task, as he was selecting male children who had already been gelded amongst the maelstrom of war by commercial entrepreneurs, who could afford to lose the cost of and profit on the odd slave.

In making his choices, the official was always on the lookout for character as well as beauty. He now correctly judged, simply by the brave defiant look in Hermotimus’ blue eyes, as the boy stood on the auction block in Sardis, that the new young eunuch might prove worthy for the household of his master. He was also partly influenced by his dislike of Panionius, whom he was happy to deprive of original investment and lucrative profit.

Panionius dared not protest about the uncompensated compulsory requisition of the highly valuable Hermotimus. The castrater reluctantly appreciated that such informal taxes were commonplace in war zones and he fully recognised the hidden threat inherent in the official’s words, uttered when he had interrupted the boy’s resale.

"I’m sure that you won’t mind gifting this boy to the King of Kings, Panionius, or would you prefer to be sent to Persepolis to explain to my royal master why you would rather not honour him so?" the smiling Aspamites had said.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, 7 months later, early spring, 498 BC)

‘Being taken captive by enemies and exposed for sale, he was bought by one Panionius of Chios, a man that had set himself to earn a livelihood out of most wicked practices. He would procure beautiful boys and castrate and take them to Sardis and Ephesus, where he sold them for a great price, for the barbarians value eunuchs more than perfect men, by reason of the full trust that they have in them. Now among the many whom Panionius had castrated in the way of trade was Hermotimus, who was not in all things unfortunate, for he was brought from Sardis among other gifts to the king.’
Heroditus of Halicarnassus, again referring to Persians as ‘barbarians’ (‘Persian Wars’, 8.105)

Xerxes, 23 year-old oldest son, and therefore heir to the throne, of Darius I, as well as grandson, via his mother, Atossa, of Cyrus the Great, had just deprived one of his own exceptionally beautiful young eunuchs of his virginity. The agonised and ashamed boy had recently graduated from the royal school of pages in Susa, as Dios and Theanos had done a year previously. However, the 12 year-old had subsequently been gifted by the King of Kings to the crown prince because of the latter’s expressed interest in the new harem arrival.

The naked boy was now sobbing next to the similarly nude Xerxes on the royal bed. However, the child considerately did so as trained, with his gorgeous face buried in a pillow to quieten the noise and soak up the tears.

"Don’t worry, boy," the bearded Xerxes happily commented, as he gently slapped his young eunuch’s curvaceous but hurting bottom, which was currently rather despoiled by extraneous semen flowing from his no longer virginal anus, "you’ll become used to it!"

Like Dios and many others before him, the deeply distressed and humiliated Heromtimus did not believe that such a development, as suggested by Xerxes, was possible.

(Calchedon, Bithynia, Asia Minor, same time)

‘Tell them, when they are vanquished in fight, they shall be enslaved, their boys shall be made eunuchs and their maidens transported to Bactria, while their country shall be delivered into the hands of barbarians.’
Persian threat to the rebellious Ionians, according to Herodotus of Halicarnassus (‘Persian Wars’, 6.9)

The Persian generals now carried through their threat when they captured Calchedon on the southern Asian side of the Bosporus Thracius [modern Bosphorus], a city that had unwisely allied itself to the rebel cause and subsequently declined to change sides. All of the substantial surviving population was enslaved, with the prettier boys being castrated, many by a happily very busy Panionius.

One of the youngest of the new geldings was only 6 years old and Panionius had placed him naked in a tub of very hot water. Having ensured that, as a result of the heat, the boy’s balls were subsequently suitably pliable, the castrater had then stood the child up and encased one of the youngster’s tiny testicles between the strong manly fingers of his right hand, causing an involuntary hardening of the little penis above.

Panionius then smiled at the innocent bemused boy before squeezing the child’s ball with all of his manly might. The warmed tiny testicle concerned was no match for the force now exerted on it and was soon crushed into pulp, whilst the young owner was too agonised and traumatised even to scream. However, the 6 year-old did crash back down into the water of the tub in excruciation when his damaged scrotum was finally released.

Panionius subsequently had to summon assistance to haul the extremely anguished and shocked boy back onto his feet and firmly hold him so that the 6 year-old’s other testicle could also be excruciatingly crushed. The youngster was to be another ‘thlibias’ eunuch because his scrotum had been judged to be too immature for cutting. Natural bodily fluids would now eventually dissolve the residual testicular mush within his ball sacs.

The boy was later sent with all of the pretty fresh young eunuchs from Calchedon as war tribute to Darius I in Persia.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, same time)

‘Gazing he spoke, and kindling at the view….’
Homer (‘Iliad’, 14.345)

A naked Dios was standing as still as possible, whilst a fully clothed Staspes drew the 13 year-old’s gorgeous nude form from many angles. "I can now see," the artistically very talented older eunuch commented in praise, whilst rapidly applying ink to papyrus, "why Darius likes you so much. Your body obviously really does match your character in perfection!"

Dios blushed but also smiled warmly on hearing the kind remark before relating a polite "Thank you!" The boy then modestly added "But I’m far from perfect!"

Staspes subsequently rewarded Dios for the genuine affectionate warmth of his smile and his politeness by proving that the boy’s modesty was actually misplaced. The mould that the older eunuch later produced from his drawings would eventually enable him to create, on the command of the King of Kings, a very accurate statuette of the naked young Chian in solid gold.

The boy’s impeccable beauty remains evident 2½ millennia later to all those, like the author of this 5-part story, Pueros, who have been lucky enough to view the still extant gold statuette.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, a few weeks later)

‘Hermes, with long beard, say why your penis points
Up at your head not down to your feet….’

Callimachus of Cyrene (‘Iambus IX’)

Unlike Aspamites, who rarely spent a night away from the bearded Darius I’s bed when he had been his royal master’s favourite catamite, Dios did not enjoy a monopoly in respect of the man’s sex-life. The King of Kings had learnt from Staspes’ dangerous envy and so, with one exception, he occasionally entertained his cock with the invariably exceptionally attractive bodies of his other intimate pages, which elicited no jealousy from his beloved young Chian.

The one exception was Theanos because Darius had appreciated from his very first meeting with Dios that the young Chian was very protective in respect of the wellbeing of the boy from Lesbos. The King of Kings therefore considerately decided to leave virginal the gorgeous child with the dark hair and eyes. However, on this day, the man was to discover that his consideration was no longer required.

The first inkling that the King of Kings acquired about Dios now being happy for his best friend to share his royal master’s bed was when the young Chian approached him to make a request, after the end of one of the many formal court banquets. The Achaemenians, aided by their taste for good food and wine, were always ready to entertain guests by giving lavish feasts, which were also held to celebrate festivals and anniversaries, with birthdays held in particular esteem. Whole oxen, horses, camels and asses would be consumed along with many other dishes, although various exotic desserts were most favoured.

On this occasion, Darius had eaten from a silver dish with gold figures embossed on the underside, depicting a winged lion with the head of the Egyptian dwarf god, Bes, complete with feather crown. Nearby hemispherical bowls, of similar precious metals and holding fruit and delicacies, displayed crenellated battlements around the top with two rows of crowned figures below, armed with bows and with quivers on their backs.


Darius invariably drank from an ornate silver horizontally ribbed conical curved rhyton, gilded in parts of the exterior with gold. The rim was decorated with depictions of wheat and other crops, whilst the front of an elaborately horned bull formed the foot of the cup, enabling the vessel to stand on a table without support.

"I always," Darius had once announced to Dios, after the boy had diplomatically expressed worry that his royal master had made some important decisions at a banquet after consuming much alcohol, "review when sober any decisions taken under the influence of wine. However, as there is sometimes some truth in inebriated thoughts, I also practise the reverse!" The young Chian could not help but find the king’s statement as amusing as it was wise, as was evidenced by some subsequent giggling.

For this banquet, Darius was dressed resplendently in a long colourful pleated robe of the finest material, to which was pinned a gold plaque, depicting a fabulous creature with the body of a winged goat and the head of a horned lion. The metal handle and the leather scabbard of the king’s short Persian sword, or ‘akinakes’, were on this night covered in gilt and embossed with designs depicting winged human figures gathered round a sacred tree, recumbent stags and flying monsters. The latter combined the features of such creatures as birds, bulls, lions and fishes. The similar weaponry of the adjacent crown prince, Xerxes, more simply portrayed a royal lion hunt.

Meanwhile, Dios, standing quietly and obediently in attendance close to Darius, sported the usual uniform of a royal page, comprising the typical Median candys costume of knee-length belted tunic above tight-fitting trousers and slippers. If the boy had been outdoors, he might also have been wearing a long-sleeved overcoat slung over his shoulders and a cap with earflaps and neck-guard.

Dios no longer considered his uniform effeminate, or the jewellery and make-up he now displayed. Like Aspamites, the boy currently wore circular openwork gold earrings of intricate workmanship and bracelets and amulets of similar metal, which were inlaid with precious coloured glass and stones and terminated in the shape of winged griffins rather than the more usual heads of goats or other real animals. The young eunuch’s signet rings possessed bezels with ornate engravings.

Dios’ eyelids now bore a discreet covering of mascara and his sweet lips and cheeks had been made even rosier by delicate application of rouge. Atrios always thoroughly enjoyed applying such make-up to help highlight the natural exceptional beauty of his young master’s face.

Dios’ revised attitude to his appearance did not just stem from being now being accustomed and acclimatised to the ways of the Persian court. The boy was actually proud of wearing the uniform, as well as bearing the brandmark, of one of the King of Kings’ royal pages. The young eunuch was especially contented with his enormously precious jewellery, which were court gifts of honour.

"I’ve lent Theanos my loincloth, Dârayavauš," Dios first informed the King of Kings after the end of the banquet. They had both retired to the royal bedchamber, where, standing proudly in the corner of the room, was Staspes’ golden replica of the beautiful boy who was currently speaking.

As was common after a banquet, Darius was currently tipsy, although such a state rarely had a detrimental effect on his lovemaking but instead usually enhanced his vigour. The amazed king was also sufficiently lucid to appreciate the full implications of what was now to be proposed by Dios.


"In our spare time, Dârayavauš, I’ve been showing Theanos how to dance," the smiling Dios continued, "whilst he’s been teaching me how to play the flute. I believe that we’ve both now mastered the respective arts."

Dios then made his pre-planned request. "Can Theanos therefore please dance for you tonight, Dârayavauš?" The additional implication involved in this solicitation was immediately obvious to the King of Kings.

Darius was to bed Theanos that night and not Dios, at the conspiratorial behest of both gorgeous boys. The king was later to learn that the young Lesbian, although fully expecting initial anguish, now wanted to experience, like his best friend regularly did, the immense pleasure that could eventually be gained from being the subject of sodomy by a skilled practitioner. Such activity offered eunuchs the only realistic opportunity to enjoy personal sexual bliss.


Darius was not to disappoint Theanos.

(Ecbatana, Media, 6 months later, early autumn, 498 BC)

‘We are like the leaves the flowering season of spring breeds,
suddenly increasing with the sun’s rays, and like them we delight in the flowers of youth for an inch of time….’


The aged Daniel found examining naked fresh eunuchs of various ages rather unusual, being accustomed mainly to inspecting geldings who were precisely 11 years old. Nevertheless, the octogenarian Lord High Chamberlain only needed one look at the exceptionally gorgeous young boy from Calchedon to realise that the infant could be a realistic possibility for royal service.

After speaking to the boy and despite the child’s very tender age, Daniel did indeed decide that the young eunuch should be amongst the dozen or so candidates from whom Darius I would choose his next annual intake of pages. The Lord High Chamberlain appreciated that his royal master occasionally welcomed beautiful and intelligent infants in his service, not for his bed but for the entertainment to be gained from such variety.

(Royal palace, Persepolis, Persia, 6 months later, early spring, 497 BC)

‘I have found power in the mysteries of thought,
Exaltation in the changing of the Muses.
I have been versed in the reasonings of men,
But Fate is stronger than anything I have known.’

Euripides (‘Alcestis’)

The latest annual intake of pages, as usual freshly branded as a result of their successful graduation from the relevant royal school, was being introduced to their new colleagues. All except one were 12 years old. "Hello," said Dios to the infant amongst the newcomers before informing the boy of his own name.

"Hello," the now 7 year-old boy from Calchedon replied, "I’m called…." The infant was on the verge of mistakenly disclosing his original Greek appellation but he then remembered that he had been afforded a fresh Persian one in honour of a favourite but sadly recently deceased aged eunuch of the current King of Kings and his two predecessors. The boy therefore corrected himself to reveal that his new name was ‘Bagapates’.

The now 14 year-old Dios, and his slave Atrios, plus Theanos and young Bagapates, were subsequently to become very close friends. They were also to be intimately close to Heromtimus, who served the crown prince, Xerxes.

One of Heromtimus’ main daytime jobs, when Xerxes and Darius were living in the same palace, was to convey messages from son to father. Consequently, he came into regular contact with the king’s pages, especially the royal favourite, Dios, and, given similar backgrounds and personalities, friendship rather naturally resulted.

The main difference between the boys from Chios and Pedasa related to their contrasting attitudes to Panionius, with the latter’s perspective shared by Atrios. The pair still harboured a desire for revenge against the castrater because of the particularly slow and sadistic manner in which he had privately gelded them. Such emasculation had been in contrast to the forcibly far faster and more public, almost production-line, creation of eunuchs like Dios and Theanos, who were consequently more forgiving of a man whom they considered, in their case, had only been fulfilling Persian commissions.

Dios was the natural leader amongst the group of young royal eunuch friends, some of whom, with the help of the young Chian’s brother and original best friend, the testicled, or ‘enorchiôn’, Danos and Capros, would eventually go on to change the history of the ancient world.

(Babylon, Mesopotamia, 3 years later, 494 BC)

‘I built a mighty moat-wall of brick and bitumen and linked it to the moat-wall built by my father.
I laid its foundations on the underworld. I made it as high as a mountain.’

Nebuchadnezzar (c. 590 BC)

Darius I had chosen not to go on campaign to suppress the Ionian Revolt himself. Having been at war during much of his early life, both before and after becoming king, he had become sick of the horrors inherent in such conflict, which was one reason why he had presided over a largely peaceful empire for the last decade or so.

Darius much preferred the company of his beautiful boy eunuchs amidst the luxury of his royal palaces and parks to that of soldiers at war. The King of Kings anyway believed that he possessed competent generals who could fulfil the bloody chore of crushing the insurrection in the western empire, as was exemplified by the fact that slowly but surely the rebellious states were being retaken.

Darius’ only regret was the copious slaughter that suppression of the revolt inevitably entailed, in battles, sieges, deliberate acts of retribution as warning to others and unplanned collateral damage. Despite the king’s desire to show some mercy to the ordinary people amongst his rebellious subjects, especially those who surrendered peacefully, he was often proved correct in his worst fears, expressed earlier to Dios. The heat of war caused many innocents to suffer at the hands of angry and vengeful soldiers, whose bloodlust had been roused.

The only rushes of blood that Darius, however, now tended to experience were largely confined to just two pastimes. They were encountered whilst indulging in his second favourite pursuit of hunting in a royal park, or during his most preferred activity, namely playing with the beautiful naked form of one of his young eunuchs.

In the case of the latter entertainment, blood would invariably rush into the King of Kings’ regal cock to stiffen the organ in readiness for further pleasure. In fact, such a happening had recently occurred and the evidence was inside Dios’ rectum, which contained much royal ejaculate, as the now 17 year-old but still diminutive and gorgeous boy indulged in post-sex pillow talk with Darius.

The occasion was Darius’ first visit to Babylon since Dios had entered his life. The trip had been triggered by the boy’s expressed desire to see the city, especially the famed walls and the 6 metre-high golden statue of the god, Marduk, in one of the local temples.

"About 130 years ago," Darius advised in answer to one of the permanently curious boy’s numerous questions, "Nabopolassar expelled the Assyrians from Babylon and established himself as an independent monarch." Dios’ intense inquisitiveness meant that he always exhibited an unwavering desire to learn about the world around him. Aspamites had once discovered, during the journey from Chios to Susa via Ecbatana, that the younger eunuch’s questions were very common and numerous and the King of Kings now followed his spasaka in rejoicing in trying to satisfy his favourite’s copious thirst for knowledge.

"Within twenty years, Dios," Darius continued, "Nabopolassar’s empire had expanded considerably and his son and successor, Nebuchadnezzar, set about transforming Babylon into a worthy imperial capital. He did so with the considerable assistance of millions of sun-dried mud-bricks because stone is scarce in Mesopotamia."

"I understand, Dios," Darius informed his beloved eunuch, whose dazzling head, crowned by long straight silky golden hair, was resting on the shoulder of the king’s outstretched right arm, "that the bricks were made on the spot in moulds. They were formed from local fine-textured alluvial soil dug from Babylon’s moats and then mixed with chaff. Dried dung, reeds and scrub were used to fuel the kilns and the finished products were laid using mud mortar, although bitumen was utilised instead in areas vulnerable to water. As you have seen, the results were marvellous!"

Dios had indeed finally recently seen the splendid evidence of Nebuchadnezzar’s industry. There were two sets of walls in Babylon. The outer was square, with each side over 15 kilometres [9¼ miles] long, with a height and width of about 25 metres [82 feet].

The wall possessed at regular intervals tall towers and gates, covered in bronze, and was fronted by a deep moat filled from the River Euphrates. On top was a roadway wide enough to allow four-horse chariots to turn around.

The inner wall, which was of similar height and width to the outer and enclosed the old residential heart of Babylon, was rectangular and about 8 kilometres [5 miles] in total length. Its main entrance was the Ishtar Gate, named after the local goddess of love and built of glazed brick, mainly brilliant blue in colour and embossed with gigantic bronze figures representing bulls and dragons.

"However, the walls," Darius next happily commented to Dios, whilst they lay naked, with the boy resting in the king’s loving embrace, "failed to prevent Cyrus from capturing Babylon 45 years ago. After cleverly further lowering the level of the already seasonally shallow Euphrates and whilst being assisted by the complacency of the inhabitants, he and his army simply passed underneath them, through the channels that fed water into the city."

As Darius said these words, Dios was, of course, not to know that Babylon would someday gain revenge for Cyrus’ conquest against one of that great king’s equally worthy successors. Nor did the boy appreciate that, at that very moment, the future of both his father and his home island of Chios was been decided faraway, amidst the blue waves of the Aegean Sea.

(continued in part 2 of chapter 5)