PZA Boy Stories


The Lycian Prince

Chapters 31-40

Chapter 31

Poor Anthonius is trained to be a good boy.

(June 291 A.D.)

Casperius had become suspicious of the amount of time that Anthonius was taking to recover from his tortures, especially as the Praetorian captain had a reputation for speedy healing, and so went to look at the boy himself with Armillatus' former eunuch slave, now temporarily redundant. Their conclusion was that Anthonius had fully recovered and the major domo began to wonder about the relationship between the officer and the lad. Casperius recognised that there was no chance of Anthonius disappearing as mysteriously as Sura because of the imminent arrival of the boy's mother and sister in Rome. The major domo therefore decided to take the lad out of the dungeons and return him in chains to the boy companion harem, where Armillatus' Nubian was allocated his supervision. Anthonius was allocated Sura's old quarters and minuscule thong attire, the latter so that his new bodily decorations could be enjoyed fully by all. Casperius reasoned that he could keep a better, more secure, watch on Anthonius in the harem, especially as the boy would remain permanently chained, with hands behind back and a short linkage between the two ankle manacles. The major domo would also have some final opportunities to humiliate the boy whilst awaiting implementation of Niachiarus' pleasant plan for the lad's much less pleasant future.

Diocletian also enjoyed the temporary return of his former boy favourite. After that night's banquet, the Emperor had Anthonius brought before him and the boy companions in the pleasure chamber. As usual, Casperius was in attendance, and his face was to bear a constant look of happy amusement throughout proceedings. The boy companions all laughed when they saw that Anthonius had to shuffle in, because of the shortness of the chain that connected his two ankle manacles, and were even more ecstatic when Diocletian ordered him to turn slowly so that everyone could see the brands all over his body. As Anthonius did so, he was subjected to more laughter because his tiny black thong, with a small gold Imperial eagle embroidered on the front, began to balloon outwards. The Emperor then said to the boy companions "I told you he was a right whore so we'll start to train him to be a good one. Which of you wants to be pleasured by the whore's orifices?" All seventeen remaining companions eagerly indicated affirmation, their keenness fuelled by the fact that it was the Emperor's former favourite who was receiving his comeuppance. Diocletian ordered one of them to relieve Anthonius of his thong and everyone chuckled as the erection popped into view. The Emperor instructed Anthonius to go to each boy companion's couch in turn, kneel before it and use particular turns of phrase.

Anthonius shuffled to the first companion, a 10 years old, knelt and said "Please sir, I beg that I may offer my unworthy orifices to pleasure your manhood. Which do you require, sir?" The first indicated mouth so Anthonius shuffled forward on his knees and waited for the 10 years old to pull down his loincloth before bending over to take the boy's soft cock in his mouth. It did not take long to bring the small penis to climax but there was nothing to swallow. Before Anthonius stood again, he had to say "Thank you, sir, for allowing my unworthy mouth to give you pleasure."

Anthonius repeated the opening words whilst on his knees before the next companion, who indicated the other orifice. Anthonius therefore stood, turned round and bent over whilst the 15 years old took up position, lowered his loincloth and aimed. Anthonius felt the boy grip his thighs to lever his hole backwards towards the erection. The boy was one of those who preferred to keep his own cock still whilst the recipient anus moved to provide it with its pleasure. However, only about twenty vigorous backwards and forwards shoves of Anthonius' loins were required for the boy to impregnate the orifice.

It took Anthonius nearly three hours to complete his tasks, by which time his mouth had serviced ten, and his anus, seven young cocks, aged from 9 to 16. His own erection had been full and dribbling precum most of this time but he was provided with no relief. Diocletian instead informed the boy that he had a present for him in order to assist further his training to be a dutiful whore. He nodded to one of the companions who approached Anthonius with something in his hand. It was another shorter catheter but one that was not hollow and had a small leather strap attachment. The companion gleefully slid the whole stem into Anthonius' exposed and drooling slit and fixed it in place by harnessing three narrow straps intermittently around the hard cock, with the last round the base of the scrotum. The fitting would remain secure even after the penis had become soft and would be an effective and uncomfortable chastity device. Once the cockstrap had been attached, Diocletian declared "Good, that should help the whore keep in proper shape for further training" before then ordering the harlot to get out of his sight.

The following day, Casperius came to Anthonius' tiny quarters and contentedly looked again at the cruel contraption fastened to the naked boy's genitals before reluctantly telling the lad's eunuch to remove it. The major domo informed Anthonius that he would be performing at a forthcoming state banquet and that the young Prince and his friends had agreed to train him for his act as well as continuing his instruction to be an exemplary whore. The eunuch was to ready him for their attentions. Two hours later, the boy found himself engaged in the second most humiliating walk of his whole life, after his experiences in a certain grubby African market town. The Nubian was escorting him to the Prince's quarters, which were some distance away from the boy harem. Anthonius was still in his chains and so had to shuffle slowly towards his destination. He had been re-attired in his minuscule thong. The palace was busy at this time of day and most of the people he passed ogled at the sight of the pretty almost nude boy walking by. They seemed particularly interested in the lad's body decorations and the desperate efforts of his diminutive thong to contain the clear signs of sexual arousal. The deeply ashamed Anthonius would have felt relief at eventually reaching the Prince's luxurious quarters if he had not encountered anything but pain and humiliation there, and he did not expect that this visit would be any different.

To Anthonius' surprise, the escorting Nubian did not leave him in the Prince's currently deserted entertainment chamber but led him through to another smaller room on the far side. Anthonius shivered when he saw what it contained for, in the middle of the otherwise empty room, the caning-horse awaited him. The eunuch stripped Anthonius of his thong and laid the now very nervous boy across the horse and re-chained him in place, before tying a mask blindfold over his eyes and leaving.

Anthonius had lain across the horse, quivering in fear, for about half an hour when he heard someone enter. The boy felt a small hand running across his exposed buttocks and thighs and the Prince say "I do like the eagles that my friends placed on your buttocks and at their sides, former bed boy. I'm sure that they're just as nice elsewhere as well. We're all now going to give you more presents to help you develop your whoring skills before we start training you for your new public entertainment act. My father says that it's time that we all enjoyed our first girls and boys and my friends and I were unanimous in agreeing that we should help your instruction in prostitution by making you our very first of either. The mask's because we're all a bit shy. Don't mind you feeling our pricks as we have you but don't think a trainee strumpet like you should see them as it might make you too excited. How excited are you now, former bed boy?" The 11 years old reached underneath to fondle the 14 years old's genitals, observing "Already hard I see! My father says that you're a natural whore and it is obviously true, so you'll be looking forward to having twelve 11 years old boy pricks up your bum over the next few hours, won't you, former bed boy, or should I just call you 'whore' from now on?"

Anthonius heard the sound of the Prince disrobing, followed by the feel of the young boy's hands prising apart his defenceless bumcheeks. "Now whore, make sure that you don't spurt any horrible mess or I'll have to find time to beat you again" said the 11 years old as he placed his little erection on the 14 years old sphincter and pushed forward. Anthonius' anal opening granted the small intruder immediate entrance and the sensation of the small cock inside caused the recipient's body to convulse and a pool of white liquid to appear on the floor below. "Dirty whore" said the Prince as he commenced his thrusts that would eventually bring him to his own delectable climax, leaving a little of his own white liquid inside the older boy. The Prince's friends, excited in all senses of the word, followed one by one. Some of their subsequent orgasms left presents inside Anthonius but not all.

When all the 11 years olds had done, the 14 years old was released from the horse and from his chain bondage by the returning Nubian and taken before the youngsters, now reclining on their couches in the pleasure chamber. The Prince ordered Anthonius to turn full circle before them so that they could inspect again their decorative handiwork, with accompanying gleeful looks and chortling. The Prince then declared "You've been naughty again, whore, putting your own filthy bodily pleasures before providing proper service to your betters, and dirtying the floor at the same time. You can clean it up later, in the usual manner, before I punish you for your disgusting misdemeanour. First, though, you are required to practise the new act that you will perform at the state banquet in two days' time. I am to inform you that you will have the honour of being the first ever Imperial boy companion to dance completely unclothed at such an occasion. You know how my father normally requires his boys to maintain some degree of modesty outside their quarters. Well whore, His Imperial Majesty has decided to make you an exception. You will also conclude your act with this." The Prince gestured to the attendant four slaves, who left the chamber to return, to giggles from the 11 years olds, with a heavy low square wooden pallet, each side about two paces long. Anthonius blanched as they placed it in the middle of the entertainment dais for at its centre, firmly fixed to the wood, was a phallus made of smooth black marble. It had a narrow curved top but this gradually expanded to a width of about half a hand three-quarters of the way along its two hands' length, before curvaceously contracting again.

The Prince, grinning broadly, continued "You will be required to sodomise yourself fully on the dildo until you make yourself cum. You must not touch your penis and your buttocks will be required to hit the wood regularly. You may start to practise now. I suppose that we may have to wait a while for you to finish because you've already pleasured yourself once but try not to be too long, even if you are tempted to prolong your enjoyment. We haven't got all day and there's still your punishment to organise."

Chapter 32

The end for poor Anthonius?

Anthonius fearfully squatted over the large ungreased black dildo. It was not as big as the monster on which he had been impaled in the obese Arab's torture chamber in Africa, so he knew that he should be able to accommodate it without long-term damage, but it would certainly hurt a lot, at least at first. The cool round head of the phallus came to rest on the boy's sphincter and he paused to gather his courage before pushing downwards. The smooth surface had made very little headway when the resistance was such that Anthonius burst into tears to delighted laughter from the twelve watching 11 years olds.

Anthonius removed the dildo to retry but was again unsuccessful as the pain caused another retreat. The Prince feigned impatience after the sobbing Anthonius had made four further failed attempts to impale himself fully. By this time the boy's agonising journey had only reached a third of the way and so the kind Prince invited two of his friends to help. The two exhilarated 11 years old took up positions on either side of the squatting 14 years old and pushed down hard on his shoulders. Anthonius screamed loudly as, to sarcastic cheers from the spectators, the phallus now rapidly ran up his anus until his bottom rested on the wood. The boy rested in that impaled position for a while to allow the pain to subside a little and to try to reassure himself that no serious injury had been caused. However, commands from the restless Prince, and taunts from the other watchers, made him pick his bum up off the surface, using his hands on the wood behind him for leverage, to allow a partial withdrawal of the invader before agonisingly sinking on it again. The distressed boy thought that the best way to alleviate his suffering was to try to achieve a speedy rhythm to his self-sodomisation as quickly as possible to allow his anus to accustom itself to the intrusion and so allow the pain to be gradually superseded by inevitable ultimate pleasure. This supposition was going to cost much time, effort and grief to prove in practice for it was a full sixth of an hour before the lad's movements began to cause his soft cock to twitch, and another sixth of an hour before the penis was hard. The 14 years old eventually managed to splash his white seed over his own belly, chest and face, to more accompanying derisive cheers from the 11 years olds, just before his fatigued arms and legs would have given way in exhaustion. He had been impaled for almost half an hour.

Anthonius had sat on the dildo in exhaustion and the Prince invited another two friends to remove the boy off it, adding "Well, whore, you certainly like to prolong your pleasures. You've selfishly kept us waiting for half an hour!" The Prince ignored Anthonius' yelp when he was roughly and callously raised rapidly to his feet off the phallus, to an accompanying loud slurping sound, and continued "You had better perform more quickly at the banquet. Perhaps you will need more practice beforehand to speed up. I'll talk to Casperius about it as we don't have time now. You have caused my friends and I to be overdue for our lessons. This also means that I shall not have time to beat you now. I'll ask my father if I can do that at the banquet after your act, and I'll be adding a few extra strokes for your impertinence in delaying us today. Meanwhile, more immediately, your eunuch will supervise the cleaning of the phallus and the floor next door with your tongue. See you in two days, whore, if not before!" As Anthonius knelt to lick the dildo, he saw that his blood was difficult to notice on the black surface.

The Prince was only teasing about further practice and Anthonius was mightily relieved that he was not required to re-acquaint himself with the marble dildo until the banquet. However, Casperius planned to guarantee that Anthonius' time on the dildo would be so extended that the energy in the boy's limbs and torso would be depleted before that in his cock caused it to climax. The consequences of the lad's public failure to achieve what the Emperor required would be delicious. The major domo therefore ensured that Anthonius received no more stimulating aphrodisiacs and, by unlocking his chains overnight, that the boy had the chance to masturbate if he wanted. Anthonius did not avail himself of the opportunity for he knew that he needed to preserve his sexual passions for the banqueting challenge.

Anthonius' physical preparation by his new Nubian slave, conducted in the bath chamber of his former quarters, was almost complete, with the eunuch as amazed as Niachiarus had been at the fast recuperative powers of the boy's anus for it had already re-tightened, when three boy companions entered. One was the oldest and longest-serving of the companions, a 16 years old who was shortly due to leave the harem. Diocletian had lined up a lucrative tax collection sinecure for him and his father as reward for his eight years of loyal service. The other two were the youngest of the companions, both aged 9. The 16 years old looked at Anthonius, lying nude and face-up on the chamber's preparation table, and said "Caperius has sent us, whore. He says that he doesn't trust you not to misbehave when you dance naked in public later. He remembers what happened at your initiation when you desecrated the ceremony by selfishly giving your own pleasure priority over sacred ritual and the interests of the Emperor. He doesn't want the forthcoming banquet spoiled by you doing the same, especially as you've shown that you really are a natural whore. We've therefore been sent to milk you, twice!" It was the 9 years old who happily took it in turns to accomplish the task. The first, grinning broadly, grasped the 14 years old cock, already hard as a result of the eunuch's attentions, and pumped it rapidly, harshly pulling the foreskin back to expose the cockhead with each jab. Despite the initial discomfort, Anthonius' backside was soon raising itself from the table as pleasurable sensations swiftly overwhelmed him instead and his seed spurted into a readied collection bowl. The second 9 years old then took hold of the now softening penis and gradually and more carefully enticed it back to erection and eventual further orgasm. As Anthonius was obeying the Casperius' conveyed instruction to lick the bowl clean of its contents immediately afterwards, he realised that the major domo was actually trying to make his imminent public humiliation at least more prolonged if not worse. He had already appreciated that the lack of enemas over the last few days meant that the major domo was trying to add to the flavours that he would have to taste when he again had to lick the dildo clean.

As the three boy companions turned to leave, having finished their work, the 16 years old leader informed Anthonius "By the way, whore, I've been told to advise you that your mother and sister arrived at Ostia harbour this morning. They will be disembarked from their galley for transportation to the palace tomorrow. Apparently, the standard of accommodation they can expect here, whether it's in the guest quarters or a nice cell in the dungeons, perhaps even the torture chamber itself, will entirely depend on the standard of your performance at tonight's banquet. Bye, whore, we're looking forward to seeing your act!"

One hour later, Anthonius again found himself before the side doors of the palace's main banquet hall awaiting entry, as he was to provide the next entertainment. Within, several hundred people, guests and minions, were eagerly awaiting the boy's arrival to see him display his extraordinary skills. Anthonius, now unchained, was wearing what purported to be traditional white Lycian princely attire, displaying national insignia, although it was much tighter and shorter than what would actually be worn by a Lycian royal for the garment revealed the full immaculate shape of the delights underneath and barely covered his loins. The garb had been deliberately prepared so that the boy's humiliation in strip-dancing to nudity, and then bringing himself to orgasm on the marble phallus, was reinforced by reminding the spectators of how far the lad's status had fallen. He thought that his public degradation was then to be completed when the 14 years old received the promised public beating from the 11 years old Prince.

The doors opened and a group of boy and girl acrobats, aged about 12 and wearing the usual tiny thongs, came through. However, instead of running past, they saw the waiting Anthonius and surrounded the lad. One of the boys said "Look it's the whore who's next on. We're all really looking forward to your act. The Emperor's opened the balconies so that more guests and off-duty servants can watch. We've been promised a space up there as well. The dildo's already waiting for you on stage. Sooner you than me, but then you're a whore!" They all ran off giggling.

Anthonius was guided through the doors by his new Nubian slave, who sent the boy on his way onto the entertainment dais with a pat on the bum, in much the same manner as Niachiarus had done at the lad's initiation as a boy companion more than a year previously. Anthonius had never known the hall so full and noisy, with the usually unoccupied balconies indeed full of eager spectators. There was immediately a lot of cheering and laughter, with many apparently amused at the sight of the small branded eagles visible on the boy's bare upper arms, hands and feet. Anthonius reached the front of the dais nearest to Diocletian's couch and noticed that the young Prince was lying on an adjacent divan with, to the boy's consternation, a cane alongside him. In one of the neighbouring guest of honour positions sat a big, middle-aged black man, dressed in multi-coloured flowing robes, and in another, to the lad's further horror, a smirking Lysus was reclining. Anthonius immediately recognised the significance of this for normally his half-brother would be amongst the lesser dignitaries. Sebastian was nowhere to be seen.

Anthonius performed the usual homage by kneeling to kiss the Imperial eagle embossed into the floor. The laughter rose again as this action exposed Anthonius' underside to view by those behind him. As the boy stood again, he felt deeply ashamed but not at his acutely humiliating situation. Instead, he was very guilty about the feeling of intense exhilaration soaring through his body, causing his cock to re-harden despite the recent attentions paid to it by the 9 years olds.

Casperius stood up from his couch close to the Emperor and announced "This is Anthonius, former Lycian Prince but now treacherous whore. He enjoys having his oral and anal orifices regularly filled to the hilt. He will demonstrate this for us tonight. First, his mouth!" One of the 9 years old boy companions, who played with Anthonius' cock earlier, ran forward to give the lad a large goblet. Anthonius was shocked to see that it was almost overflowing with semen. The major domo continued "All of those Imperial boy companions and pages who were capable, and there were about fifty, have kindly contributed their seed so that the slut can have his fill. Drink up, whore!" Anthonius knew that delay in consuming the vile mixture could prove disastrous for his mother and baby sister and therefore, seemingly greedily, drained the cup in one attempt, overcoming his deep disgust and the constant urge to gag as he did so. Jeers and insults reverberated around the hall. Anthonius' mouth dribbled with creamy white fluid when he gave the empty goblet back to the 9 years old, but he knew better than to wipe it off.

When the noise eventually dissipated, the music began and Anthonius started his stripdance. The lad had already proven that he was the best dancer the Imperial boy harem had ever known. However, on this occasion, because of what was at stake, he excelled even the best of the artistically, athletically and erotically superb performances that he had invariably given in the past. He did not allow frequent observation of the waiting dildo or cane to distract him despite the anguish that this induced. The boy's attire was to be stripped off gradually and gracefully at 5-minute intervals. After the first 5 minutes came the tunic, followed by the rear loincloth flap and then the front flap, with its Lycian emblem, leaving Anthonius in just his tiny undercloth. Chortling, initially at the emerging sight of the rest of the boy's new brands, and anticipation increased amongst the hundreds of spectators as the clear evidence of the lad's arousal came into view. No boy companion had ever previously gone beyond this point in public nor, indeed, had many other performers on this dais.

The music paused and a hush came to the hall for everyone, not least the dancer, knew what was to come when it restarted. Anthonius awaited the first chord of the restored harmonics and reached for the bow on the undercloth cord that kept his last cover in place. He knew that he must not spoil his performance with hesitation. As the teasing break continued, Anthonius observed that virtually everyone around displayed lecherous grins. Then, the tones finally resounded and the boy pulled on the bow to allow the undercloth to fall. The former quiet was shattered when loud cheering added to the new musical crescendo as Anthonius' smooth genitals, exhibiting intense excitement, were revealed. Only the faces of Casperius and Lysus seemed to express disappointment at the sight of the erection, flopping around and dribbling a string of precum as the nudedance proceeded.

Five minutes later, Anthonius finished his dance with a well-executed back somersault that left him standing back in front of the embossed eagle, both hands in the air and legs on the floor wide apart. His penis was visibly throbbing. Casperius was amazed at the boy's libido and wished that he had earlier ordered the production of more milk. Anthonius lowered his arms, placed his legs together and knelt to pay homage again. Regaining his feet, he turned and ran to the waiting dildo with a smile on his face as if eager to experience its delights as opposed to the acute trepidation he really felt. When he was standing over the black marble, the boy turned again to face the Emperor, Prince and guests of honour, bowed and began to squat to a mixture of raucous acclimation and encouragement and rude insults. The cool tip of the phallus soon pressed against Anthonius' sphincter and the boy perceived the keen anticipation in the eyes of most watchers. He thought of his mother in the torture chamber, prayed to his gods to ease his pain and, with all his strength, rammed himself down onto the wicked implement. Anthonius could not help but release a scream as his bottom hit the wood and he was fully impaled, but this only added to the joy of those around. Meanwhile, the simultaneous sound of thunder could be heard outside as the worst summer storm to hit Rome for years began, not that anyone inside the hall cared.

Ignoring the waves of pure agony sweeping through his body, Anthonius somehow quickly managed to lift his bum to initiate the rhythmic movement required for his self-sodomisation. It took 5 minutes for his cock, softened by the pain, to regain its hardness. After another 5 minutes, the penis had gained an ivory-like lustre and was copiously seeping precum. The engorged member was throbbing intently and pointing back up Anthonius' body when, to delirious geers and shouts from all around, the foreskin slipped back to reveal the cockhead, rapidly followed by a long white stream of liquid that splashed on the boy's torso and face, with some despoiling his golden hair.

Anthonius allowed his public orgasm to subside before carefully but speedily extricating himself from the dildo and kneeling to lick it clean of his blood and other disagreeable matter to some applause. Anthonius then ran, despite the intense discomfort in his rear, back to the embossed eagle to give homage again to a grinning Diocletian. When he stood again, the boy saw that the young Prince had picked up the cane.

Casperius also stood and announced to the assemblage "I'm afraid that your applause was misdirected. It was the young Prince spending a lot of time and patience on the slut's instruction that created this pleasant entertainment and not any ability on the part of the performer, who only demonstrated what a natural born whore he really is." The throng quickly rectified their mistake by giving a booming ovation to the Prince who stood, cane in hand, in acknowledgement. After allowing the extended noise to subside, the major domo continued "In fact, His Highness had to put up with much incompetence and insubordination from the whore whilst training him. His Highness shall therefore now try to teach the harlot to be more capable and obedient in future. Your Highness, the whore is all yours for eight strokes of the cane across the backside!"

The Prince approached the trembling nude Anthonius and ordered "Turn around, whore, bend over, usual position, usual rules!" Anthonius instantly complied and through his legs could see the Prince, the Emperor, Casperius and Lysus, all with expressions of glee on their faces. The Prince did not practice any swings with the cane for he wanted to demonstrate to the now quietened spectators that he was highly proficient with the implement without needing to bother with rehearsal. He just gently rubbed the cane up and down his victim's immaculately smooth, at least for now, light pink buttocks before withdrawing it above his head and returning it with as much force as he could muster. Anthonius uttered his second loud scream of the night, although he then managed to stay still and respond "One, thank you Highness". Unfortunately, this was drowned in the laughter that filled the hall. "I didn't hear what you said, whore," the Prince cruelly advised, "so that blow doesn't count! You'll have to shout if you want me to catch what you're saying!" However, before he had finished the last sentence, the Prince caught the boy out by delivering the second blow to an unprepared bottom and the lad jumped forward. "Oh dear," retorted the Prince to more surrounding hilarity "another one that doesn't count!" The sobbing Anthonius somehow succeeded, to much disappointment from the Prince and the crowd of observers, to survive without further mishap the eight heavy agonising strokes that were still due to his bum, which displayed a series of vivid red stripes at the finale.

Casperius stood again. He would have preferred Anthonius to fail the ordeal on the dildo so that the boy's body could be subjected to worse punishment but, as usual, he had prepared a contingency measure. He thanked the Prince for taking so much time and making so much effort to try to correct the harlot and asked if he would mind providing the whore with a couple more favours before resuming his couch. The two 9 years old boy companions who had milked Anthonius earlier ran forward. One carried a dildo identical in shape to the one on which Anthonius had just sodomised himself to climax, but made of wood, and the other a couple of pieces of jewellery, resembling earrings. The major domo asked the Prince if he would like to insert the phallus into the harlot's anus, as the whore liked having it stuffed as often and a much as possible. The Prince was delighted to accept the invitation and threw the cane to the floor. The two 9 years olds prised the still bent-over Anthonius's bumcheeks apart and the 11 years old Prince placed the head of the dildo on the 14 years old sphincter. The Prince grabbed a tight hold on Anthonius' hair with his left hand and drove the phallus forward with his right and with all his might. Anthonius issued a loud shriek, which was not lost amongst the joyous cacophony emanating from elsewhere, as his rectum was viciously invaded and filled again. "Thank you, Highness," said Casperius, "now, stand up whore and make sure that you keep that inside you until you are instructed otherwise." The major domo paused, to allow the crying Anthonius to stand, before again addressing the Prince "Please, Highness, will you now connect these to the whore's nipples." The jewellery consisted of thin droplet-shaped golden ornaments, about the length of a man's little finger, dangling from minuscule clamps. However, the small size of the clamps was not detrimental, particularly with the attached weights, to the amount of pain caused when the new nipple ornamentation, supplementary to the existing rings, was hung from Anthonius' tits.

Casperius thanked the Prince for his favours and ordered Anthonius to do so as well. "Thank you, Highness," the tearful naked 14 years old heard himself say, as he kneeled before the 11 years old, "for taking the time and trouble to help me." The major domo escorted the Prince back to his couch and then surprised Anthonius by declaring "The whore will now finish by entertaining us with one more nudedance." This second dance was to be far less polished than the first as, to everyone else's amusement, Anthonius regularly grimaced from the pain of the nipple ornaments, as the golden droplets flailed around, and contorted his body hilariously in a struggle to retain the dildo inside him.

When Anthonius had eventually finished his humiliating and distressing routine, Casperius declared "As you have seen tonight, this treacherous boy is a natural whore. It is the Emperor's pleasure that His Majesty will delay announcing the whore's ultimate fate for betraying His Majesty's love and kindness for two months. It is also the Emperor's pleasure that in the interim the whore will earn his keep in the most appropriate manner. Tomorrow, the whore will be despatched to the slave market to be auctioned for temporary service in a boy brothel. Meanwhile, in case any of His Majesty's welcome guests have any interests in such establishments and might appreciate an early inspection of the goods that will be on offer tomorrow, the whore will be paraded amongst you!" Not for the first time that night, Anthonius blushed from head to toe.

The two 9 years olds returned with the 16 years old boy companion to place Anthonius back in his chains and to guide the now bound naked 14 years old, with his nipple ornaments and anal plug still in place, around the eagerly waiting guests. Anthonius was already shamefully fully erect again when he arrived before the first for an intimate examination. Over the next three hours whilst other acts attempted to provide entertainment on the dais, Anthonius was to provide better off it. Many eyes were to feast closely on the boy's gorgeous body, marred, according to some, only by the stripes across his bum and the semen stains across his torso and face and congealed in his hair, although others felt that they improved the lad's looks. Many hands were to explore Anthonius nude form all over, but especially his most private places and bringing him humiliatingly to further ejaculation on two occasions.

Meanwhile, Casperius noticed the expression on the Emperor's face become grimmer as the persistent thunder outside intensified. "Lord," the major domo asked, "Is there anything wrong?" Diocletian answered "I wonder if we've displeased Zeus with our plans to offer Anthonius soon to another god. He seems very angry!" Casperius tried to reassure the obviously concerned Emperor but to no avail for he eventually concluded "I must appease mighty Zeus by offering him Anthonius now. The boy was, after all, dedicated to Ganymede and the god might want him to replace the heavenly cup-bearer. Let Zeus himself choose whether he wants Anthonius now or whether the boy may be gifted later to another immortal!" Diocletian gave the major domo his instructions.

Anthonius was found on the balcony in the middle of a crowd of people eager to fondle the boy. Two big strong Praetorians literally lifted him off his feet and rushed him into the corridor outside, to the immense disappointment of those who had not yet molested the lad. The Praetorians carried Anthonius along a couple of passageways to a wide stone spiral staircase leading upwards, which they ascended until they emerged from a door onto the external roof of the building. They were greeted by high winds, heavy driving rain and deafening cracks of thunder. The night sky was spectacularly illuminated by many flashes of lightening. The guards carried the now petrified, soaking and chilled Anthonius past a towering gold-painted iron pole to a square wooden bondage frame located about eight paces in front at the very edge of the roof. The frame overlooked the steps leading from the palace's main entrance to the large courtyard beyond and had been the site of several previous sacrifices to Zeus. Anthonius was chained speadeagled and facing outwards towards the lights of Rome. One of the soldiers attached the end of a thin chain to the underneath of the Anthonius' cockring and, to the boy's horror, drew it tautly through the lad's legs to fix the other end to a ring on the pole behind. The two men then quickly departed the dangerous scene.

Anthonius knew the tremendous peril that he was in and so did the many guests who had decided to brave the wind and rain for a quick look at him from the courtyard far below. The terrified boy recognised the Imperial party itself, presumably including the guests of honour, making a brief appearance before returning to the dry and warmth to conclude the banquet. However, soon Anthonius could hardly see as the wind drove the rain into his eyes. Nevertheless, he could feel. He felt the cold and damp envelop his naked body. He also felt his cock slowly rise again. There was a loud flash and bang behind him and the boy's body convulsed as, for the sixth time that night, he came.

Chapter 33

Anthonius survives to go on holiday for two months!

Mighty Zeus seemed to ponder whether to accept the offer of a new cup bearer for a while before making his decision. Anthonius, his nude body chilled and soaking, awaited the god's verdict with trepidation as the lightening continued to flash and strike all around, even hitting a steep gable to his rear. However, the iron pole miraculously remained untouched and the storm eventually abated. Zeus had apparently chosen to allow the Emperor to gift Anthonius to another immortal, although the boy would not know this for a couple of months and he then wished that the paramount deity had instead accepted his sacrifice on this stormy night.

The banquet at which Anthonius had been the star attraction was finishing and those guests not staying in the palace's hospitality quarters began to leave. Despite the continuing drizzle, they all took time to look up to see what Zeus had resolved. The signs of life that their observation revealed would occupy most conversations on the way home. The Imperial entourage eventually emerged with the resident guests to appraise the situation also. Casperius and Lysus were most relieved that Anthonius had not suffered a quick death for now the plans for a far worse destiny for the lad could be followed through, once he had enjoyed two months in a boy brothel.

Anthonius was released from his bondage long after most others attending the banquet had reached their beds. He was not returned to Sura's old quarters but was instead deposited, still naked, cold and wet, and with hands and feet re- chained and nipple ornaments and anal plug still in place, in a small empty cool dungeon cell. There, he had to huddle in a corner to gain some warmth and rest. Unsurprisingly in the uncomfortable circumstances, the boy's sleep was fitful.

It was midmorning when he was transferred from the cell to the boy companion quarters to be readied in the usual manner by the Nubian slave. This time enemas were included in the bodily preparations and Anthonius received no food. It was apparent that his anus was to be kept thoroughly clean for whatever use his new temporary owner wanted. The boy was finally dressed in a boy companion loincloth without tunic. It seemed that his value at auction was to be boosted by emphasising that he was still an Imperial boy companion, albeit one in disgrace and soon to lose the status. There would be many brothel clients who would pay large sums for his services if only to check what was so special about the boys in the Imperial harem and to boast about the unprecedented experience of actually bedding one. Anthonius' demeaning chains were restored, although the link between his feet was enlarged to allow him to walk almost normally.

Anthonius was taken before Casperius in the harem pleasure chamber. Niachiarus sat on an adjacent couch and most of the rest were occupied by the remaining boy companions. "Well, slut," the major domo declared to accompanying chortles from all around, "your training to be good whore is over and we shall see how much you've learnt. You'll now be taken to the slave market where every week there is an auction of experienced boy prostitutes from brothels where the clients have become bored with them, and so a transfer to another bawdy-house and fresh customers is desired. In many ways, you fit the sale criteria perfectly. The weekly auction will be held later this afternoon and the funds gained from your hire will be given to Niachiarus here to provide us with some more little eunuch slaves. I know that you'll really appreciate the money being put to such good use. I also know that you will thoroughly enjoy your time being a true prostitute and can't wait to start. I'll therefore delay you no longer. See you in two months, whore!"

Niachiarus stood and attached a leather collar around Anthonius' neck, partly obscuring the Imperial boy companion throat chain still worn there. The smirking Nubian freeman attached a long chain leash to a metal ring fixed to the front of the collar and led the boy by it out of the chamber, to sarcastic shouts of "Bye, bye, whore" from the boys left behind. Anthonius experienced another intensely embarrassing walk through the busy palace passageways, compounded by frequent tugs on the chain by his escort to accompanying loud orders for the whore not to dally. They eventually emerged in the front courtyard above which the boy had almost met his end the previous night. A horse-drawn wagon awaited them. There was plenty of room for the boy to sit in the back of the wagon. However, his former Nubian slave had no intention of letting the lad forego the pleasure of being paraded on foot through the crowded streets of Rome in chains and attired in just a small revealing loincloth. The Imperial emblems on Anthonius' body and loincloth would prevent molestation from the hands of passers-by but not their visual enjoyment and associated stinging verbal remarks. Niachiarus therefore attached the leash to the back of the wagon, which he then boarded and slowly drove off towards the capital's slave market deep within the grimy over-populated plebeian sector.

The walk was indeed long and most humiliating for Anthonius for soon the wagon was amongst the throngs in the narrow thoroughfares of Rome's poorest districts. He received frequent bating from many of the passers-by, apparently stimulated to make their comments by the sight of the beautiful boy's distinct body adornments and markings and glimpses of the red stripes on his buttocks from the previous night's caning. The regularly blushing Anthonius found the lecherous observations and suggestions from a number of men and women, and the rude barbed remarks of most children, the hardest to bear. Niachiarus often looked around to enjoy the spectacle of his former charge's sweet abashment and delighted in the thought that there was much more to come.

The wagon eventually arrived at the slave market and Niachiarus unhitched Anthonius and led him by the leash through the busy innards towards the section where the boy's auction would take place. Adjacent to the platform on which the sale would take place, there was a large open barred communal cell, already occupied by about 12 others with more still due. Niachiarus removed the leash from Anthonius' neck and, after an attendant slave had temporarily unlocked the entrance gate, the Nubian pushed the boy inside. The eunuch sniggered as he took once last glance at the lad now amongst professional boy prostitutes and about to be hired out as one himself. He thought of the day that he had first met the then Lycian Prince, and walked away to enjoy his midday meal content that his ambitions for the boy were coming to fruition, although his ultimate wish would still take some months to achieve.

Anthonius picked a vacant spot in the half-empty cell on which to sit on the stone floor. The boy prostitutes, aged between 8 and 16, eyed the stranger with the nipple rings and Imperial brands with interest but like Anthonius remained still and silent. They were fearful about their own destinations because they realised that, as second or even third hand whores, their new workplaces were likely to be even less salubrious than the old. By auction time, the cell was full and so was the floor in front of the auction platform. The crowd was much bigger than usual because, in addition to an increased number of brothel keepers and slave traders, the volume of pederastic voyeurs present had been boosted by news of the sale of the Emperor's former boy favourite. Many had taken the opportunity to view him in the waiting cell.

The auctioneer had already argued the order of sale with the various vendors, who were not happy if their goods were amongst the earliest to be displayed as it was traditional to auction the likely least valuable first. In this particular market, that usually meant that the boys least debauched previously, often the youngest, would be sold last. However, on this day, it meant that Anthonius would have a long wait and he had to sit through the shameful indignities inflicted on all the others before it was his turn.

Anthonius eventually found himself alone in the communal cell, watching the penultimate sale take place on the adjacent platform. He was familiar with the auction procedure from his African experience but that did not make it any easier to endure. Then the previous sale was concluded and the attendant slave opened the entrance gate to collect Anthonius. He ordered the boy to his feet and checked the lad's appearance and bondage chains. He wiped any specks of dirt, accumulated from the walk to the slave market and stay in the cell, from the boy's body with a damp cloth and led him outside and onto the platform. There was raucous cheering from the watching assemblage, at the front of which a smiling Niachiarus was prominent. The auctioneer now took charge of the trembling lad.

The man introduced the article for hire "Well gentlemen, and I note some ladies, here we have a really delicious specimen of fresh boy meat, upon which only the great Emperor has so far feasted." Anthonius could not help but laugh inwardly for, of course, no-one else knew, apart from the perpetrators, that he had been enjoyed by others besides Armillatus. "This is Anthonius, former Lycian Prince, now boy whore. Anthonius is no longer required for Imperial service because of sexual misbehaviour. The great Emperor, in his immense wisdom, decided that it was appropriate instead to train Anthonius to be a good whore and make his services temporarily available so that those citizens who can afford it can also enjoy his many bodily attributes and many erotic talents. Alas, the whore will only be available for two months as it seems that His Imperial Majesty has other plans for his long-term future. Nevertheless, such an offer is unlikely to arise again, so think of the money clients would be prepared to pay during that limited period to take advantage of such rare pleasures. Don't pass up this unprecedented opportunity to improve the profile and profits of your particular establishment!"

The opening sales pitch was over and Anthonius knew what was coming next. "Let's examine the goods, shall we," continued the auctioneer, who then proceeded to give a detailed description of the boy's physical qualities to the crowd, starting with his sleek golden hair and working downwards. Anthonius received many lewd comments in reply as the auctioneer turned the boy slowly full circle during the discourse. Only his covered loins had not been discussed at the end of the manoeuvre and they would not remain covered or undebated for much longer.

The auctioneer, who was proficient in his art, paused for a while to let impatience amongst the spectators build before the ultimate bodily revelation was indulged. Anthonius heard shouts of "get them off", "stop messing, let's see them" and "I bet it's hard" amongst the many now uttered. Eventually, the auctioneer relented and said to more chants "Alright, alright, let's see what he's got". He first turned Anthonius so that the boy was facing away from the boisterous multitude and removed the rear loincloth flap to expose the lad's branded bottom more fully, before turning him face forward again to remove the front flap. The shouts were incessant now, all calling for the final, now ballooning, small cover to be removed. The auctioneer smirked as he gently pulled on the bow of the undercloth cord to allow the garment to fall. The roof seemed to vibrate with the noise as the bare body of the first Imperial boy companion to be seen publicly naked outside the palace was exposed to full scrutiny.

The auctioneer now turned Anthonius again, intimately describing the glorious characteristics of the delicious areas now revealed. He was more than happy to hold up the boy's erection so that everyone could estimate its length and to discuss the shape and weight of the lad's balls. He went on to debate how well the lad's striped bum seemed to enhance his appearance still further, cheekily suggesting that perhaps regular thrashing might improve his attractiveness to clients. Anthonius was bent over so that his anal opening, recovering remarkably from the attentions of the marble dildo, and its pleasurable uses could be summarised.

Anthonius' cock was once again drooling precum when he was escorted off the platform by the attendant slave for close examination by prospective purchasers. The slave knew who they would be and efficiently kept others away from mauling the goods. It was during the fourth inspection that Anthonius orgasmed to loud laughter and exclamations of pretended disgust.

A red-faced Anthonius was restored to the platform after half an hour of acute humiliation but the bidding for him only took a sixth of that time. Not many could rival the very high offers made by two particular men, one of whom soon prevailed with a value previously unknown in that particular specialist market. Anthonius was led brought before the victor, a small middle-aged bald man with a pronounced stomach, who was now standing at the foot of the platform steps. The nude boy knew the form and knelt, eyes downcast in shame, before his new temporary owner. The man, who had never used this market before because he usually purchased only fresh boy virgins for his brothel, ordered one of his own two slaves to redress his new property and take him to his establishment whilst he went to conduct business elsewhere.

Anthonius was reattired in his full loincloth and, held firmly by the left arm by the slave, was escorted through the market to the streets outside. As they left, Anthonius passed Niachiarus who said, chuckling loudly, "Do enjoy yourself, whore!" The slave did not waste time in making his delivery for his master wanted him back at the market, as there might be other purchases to look after from the market catering for newly enslaved boys. Anthonius was grateful for the speed for it gave few passers-by the chance to make ribald remarks. The pair passed along many busy thoroughfares until arriving at pleasanter avenues catering for middle class residents. They entered a quiet cul-de-sac at the end of which was a large tavern, with well-dressed men sitting at tables outside, quietly drinking ale and wine. Then Anthonius saw the sign. It read 'House Of Ganymede, The Freshest Most Beautiful Boys For Your Delectation, Any Time Of Day Or Night, All Tastes Accommodated.'

Chapter 34

Anthonius starts his holiday.

Anthonius considered the name of the boy brothel ironic as he had once been honoured to be dedicated to Zeus' cup bearer, but now he was to serve the heavenly youth in a totally unpredicted manner. The men drinking outside the tavern whistled and commented obscenely at the new boy novelty as the escorting slave took him inside the 'House of Ganymede'. They entered a large reception area with three slaves sitting on chairs next to three sets of double doors. The slaves were waiting to ascertain the requirements of customers as they arrived and escort them to the appropriate locations. Anthonius noticed identical pictures symbolising Ganymede being abducted by an eagle to serve Zeus either side of the doors straight ahead. It was an insignia that the boy was to become well acquainted with for it was displayed regularly on walls throughout the building, along with pederastic erotic paintings and sculptures, on the plates and goblets used by the clientele, on the tunics worn by the adult slaves and on the tiny gold thongs which were the boy prostitutes' only cover.

The three waiting slaves represented the three options with which the arriving patrons would be presented. The first was to pass through the doors straight ahead to the main entertainment hall where many, often boisterous, guests could enjoy food and drink served at their tables by scantily clad catamites not required for duty elsewhere. Entertainment was provided on a central stage where boys would dance, perform acrobatics and act in short highly erotic dramas. The second choice was to pass through the doors to the left where there were several small lounges for those who wanted a quieter atmosphere in which to drink and dine. The third, which many customers opted for after initially experiencing one or both of the first two, was to take the doors to the right, and the stairs beyond, to the upper floors where the thirty private entertainment chambers were situated. Duty catamites stood next to the door of every unoccupied room, each of which contained a huge bed plus the toys and equipment necessary for most types of sexual activity. The clients could be entertained individually, or in any other combination, by any of these prostitutes in any quantity and usually in any way as long as the boys were not damaged, although even this rider could be overlooked for an appropriate fee. Alternatively, the selection could be made from or include those who had served them at their tables or had been seen on the stage, subject to availability. Anthonius was later to discover that there were almost one hundred boy prostitutes in the brothel, aged from 4 to 16, and that these were just sufficient to maintain a full 24-hour service that included, as he was subsequently to learn, takeaways.

Anthonius was escorted through the doors to the right and up the stairs. They passed along the corridor of the private entertainment complex with its fifteen doors on either side. It was now early evening so most of the chambers were unused, leaving twenty boys outside their doors whilst various sounds, including some cries and screams, emanated from within the other ten. The duty catamites visibly ogled at the new addition, amazed at his brandmarks. The slave led Anthonius through a door at the far end of the corridor, beyond which was another passageway running to the left at right angles to the first. There were several doors on the right of this corridor but only one other on the other side. The slave took his delivery to one of the righthand ones and knocked. A woman's voice permitted entry.

Anthonius was brought before his new owner's wife, a middle-aged thin ugly woman whose responsibilities included the off-duty prostitutes. The woman was sitting at a table counting the latest takings. The slave advised her of the circumstances of her husband's new purchase, including how much it had cost. "So, expensive whore," she said, "it seems that we'll have to work you very hard just to recoup our outlay. We'll pass word of your acquisition in the usual circles straight away and you can make your debut on the stage and elsewhere tomorrow night, and don't expect much respite from work then on whilst you're here. Now, let's see precisely what we've paid so much money for!" She came out from behind the table and circled Anthonius whilst carefully looking up and down the boy's body. "The Imperial brandmarks and the nipple rings should go down very well with many of our customers" she declared before coming close to look inside the lad's mouth, an opening that would be subject to much use over the next two months. The woman knelt down and unceremoniously pulled Anthonius' loincloth down to his ankles, without bothering to untie the waistcord bow. "Ah, a cockring, very good," she pronounced as the boy's smooth genitals came into view, "and deliciously retained in place through an upper scrotum piercing." She felt the sublime organs, as many others would soon do, starting with the ball sac before playing with the penis, which quickly became erect. "Good sexual appetite I see, which is fortuitous because you'll need it to do your job properly," the woman commented whilst pulling the foreskin back to check the cockhead. She then ordered the red-faced Anthonius to turn round and bend over so that she could inspect the other orifice that would shortly also be in great demand.

After the woman had done and had returned to the chair, she instructed the slave to release Anthonius from his chains and leather collar and to fetch another servant to assume custody of the newcomer. The woman ordered this man to relieve the boy of his neck jewellery whilst she advised the lad "You can have it back, whore, when you're returned to the Emperor. Meanwhile, you can wear this." She gave the servant a medallion displaying the Ganymede emblem to place around Anthonius' neck, similar to the ones the boy had noticed were worn by all the other catamites. "You are responsible for making sure that the whore is fully ready to assume his duties tomorrow night," she told the servant, "he can dance on stage first to attract the custom and then we'll auction the rights for his inaugural services based on hourly rates. I think for his debut that we'll really make the whore look the part. Place make-up on his eyes, cheeks and lips, gild his nipples and oil his body, and make sure the whole look is more gaudy than usual. You may go!"

The man took Anthonius through the single door on the other side of the corridor. Inside were the boy prostitute communal quarters, comprising one large room containing twenty uncovered bunk-beds in four rows. So few beds were needed as two or three catamites would share one alternately in line with consecutive duty rosters, and some would not need the beds at all as they were forced to sleep elsewhere. The accommodation also included a large bath, for which only cold water was provided, and an open area where exercise and training would take place. There were no seats or tables as the beds had to assume those roles too. This was illustrated by the fact that, on Anthonius' arrival, a number of boys were eating some form of unappetising stew from tin plates whilst sitting on their bunks.

There were about thirty thonged boys in the room when Anthonius entered and soon all eyes were on the nude newcomer. "The latest whore," declared his adult escort sarcastically, "who's going to be the star attraction for two months. Do welcome him in the traditional manner, boys!" The man then left to allow Anthonius to become acquainted with his new roommates on his own.

Chapter 35

Sebastian had not been present at the previous night's banquet because he had been ordered to take a company of Praetorians to search for Armillatus in Neapolis and further south if necessary. Casperius had convinced the Emperor that the captain was showing too much sympathy for Anthonius and that it would therefore be best if he were out of the way for the next two months. Sebastian recognised the futility of his trip. However, he could not disclose the fact that he knew that the missing Armillatus was actually in Hispania or that he would have deliberately sabotaged any search that came close to finding the boy. The captain therefore reluctantly embarked on the worthless expedition but only after furtively visiting Sura to see how the boy was faring with the family with whom the lad had been placed, one that shared Sebastian's deep convictions. The captain was delighted to discover that the boy appeared very content apart from worrying over Anthonius.

Sebastian set off for Campania hoping to formulate an early excuse for the rapid abandonment of the search for Armillatus so that he could return to see what could be done to save Anthonius' mother and sister from incarceration. He knew that he could do little to help the boy or alleviate the lad's sufferings until that had been achieved. These intentions went awry almost immediately after the captain and his men arrived in Neapolis for Diocletian, at Casperius' urging, sent a Praetorian Prefect to take charge of the hunt and make sure that the now subordinate second-in-command did not return to Rome until it was completed.

Meanwhile, Anthonius' mother and baby sister, Queen Irene and Princess Anthonia of Lycia, were transferred from their galley at Ostia to the comfortable but heavily guarded villa on the outskirts of Rome earned for them by the former Prince's performance at the last state banquet. Diocletian, unlike many of his courtiers, was a man of his word.

On the same day, near a remote village in Hispania, Sura was making his first swimming strokes across a narrow river, under the close supervision of his now devoted and loving new father.

Chapter 36

One of the 16 years old boy prostitutes, obviously a leader and, as Anthonius was soon to discover, a bully, placed his almost empty plate of stew aside and stood up to approach the naked newcomer. Anthonius perceived that the bulge in the catamite's minuscule thong seemed to increase in size as he strolled towards him. "Well, what have we here then" the bully asked as he walked round the still and fearful brothel novice, "some fresh meat for our patrons, although a little overcooked and burnt in places?" The last remark caused an eruption of loud giggling from the other boys present, who had now followed the 16 years old's example and stopped what they were doing to gather around Anthonius.

"Get him," ordered the bully. Two 15 years olds rushed forward and grabbed Anthonius firmly by the arms. "What's your name, fellow whore," the bully enquired, "where are you from and how did you get those brands and rings?" Anthonius did not try to struggle free from the grip of the older boys, as he recognised that the attempt would be useless, and instead briefly appraised the bully with the required information. "So, if you discount the Emperor, you're a virgin," teased the 16 years old rhetorically, "unused to cocks that aren't Imperial in nature?" Anthonius blushed and did not answer. Only he knew about all the other penises that he had enjoyed or endured, even his role in introducing the young Prince and his friends to the pleasures of anal sex was known by very few. "Well," continued the bully, "the best way we can welcome you to your new home and job is to introduce you to a few more!" The bully nodded at the 15 years olds holding Anthonius and they roughly guided the new boy to one of the nearer bunks, where two other catamites helped to lay the lad facedown across the lower bed. Anthonius was held in a splayed position, boys tautly restraining each limb, with his bum at the edge of the bed, nicely exposed and available for what was to come.

The bully removed his thong, revealing a raging and substantial hard-on, and instructed "Those who want his mouth, line up the other side; those who want his bottom, queue behind me!" Anthonius felt the bully's hands fondling his bumcheeks whilst saying "Now, be a good whore and open up your passages for your new friends to enjoy or we may force things far worse than cocks inside!" Anthonius felt a large cockhead press against his sphincter and saw a smaller erection approach to rest against his rosy lips demanding entrance. Anthonius relaxed the protector of his anal hole and opened his mouth to allow his torment to commence.

The multiple assault by the thirty or so boy rapists, some as young as 4, took only an hour and a half as all knew that that was the only time they had left before they were required for duty on the night shift. None were worried about losing any sexual potency that might disable them from fulfilling their later tasks properly as a result of their enjoyment of the newcomer. All, even the very youngest, were well accustomed to sporting regular erections and experiencing frequent orgasms from their various sexual encounters within the brothel, and this was aided by the constant inclusion of the strongest aphrodisiacs in their diet.

The four boys restraining Anthonius were the last to enjoy the new boy's orifices when their burden was temporarily assumed by others. The bully commented, as the rape victim was finally released, "That should assist our new colleague to prepare for his new work and perhaps the others coming shortly might help as well!" However, before he could add further sarcastic remarks to the boy's indignities, the lad was upon him. Anthonius kicked the bully hard in the groin and, as the 16 years old began to collapse in agony, punched him in the face. Anthonius added a few more kicks to the bully's behind as he lay crying and curled up on the floor. The new boy, semen drooling out from both mouth and anus, stood over the bully and looked around. The others looked back at him but, instead of disdain, there was now respect in their eyes.

The brothel owner's wife entered the boy prostitute quarters to see what the commotion was and was not happy to see that the new boy had damaged one of her most experienced whores. She demanded an explanation. Anthonius had quickly wiped away the facial evidence of his rape and answered "Just a disagreement, Mistress, and I over-reacted. I'm sorry." "You will be very sorry," the woman responded, "for you will be severely punished, and I know just which customers will pay high prices to inflict the grief on you! Now behave and treat the other boys with respect. You're not an Imperial tart anymore. You're just like them now, a common whore available to anyone for anything as long as they cough up the right change! Where's the servant who was supposed to be preparing you?" The admonished Anthonius quietly replied that he did not know. "Well I'll find the idle lout," the woman continued, "and send him back to make sure that you cause no more upset, after I've given the lazy oaf's back a taste of the whip for his neglect." She then turned to leave.

The bully slowly crawled out from under Anthonius' astride legs and stood up, trying to wipe away the blood emanating from his reddened nose. He approached the new boy and held out his bloodstained right hand. "Hello," he said pleasantly, "they call me 'Narcissus'. It's not my real name but my working name. I only allow my closest friends to address me by my real name, which is 'Prodicus'. Will you call me 'Prodicus'?"

Chapter 37

Poor Anthonius begins to realise what his 'holiday' involves!

Prodicus was physically similar to Anthonius, beautiful with blonde hair and blue eyes, although obviously bigger being two years older. He apologised to Anthonius for what had just happened but explained that all the boys, including himself, had experienced similar for it had been the traditional way of greeting newcomers for as long as anyone could remember. The 16 years old offered to help the 14 years old to clean his violated body and guided him to the bath whilst the others started their own preparations for the long night ahead. The large bath was surrounded on three sides by ceiling-high black concrete walls, the right one of which had a sluice gate in the middle The fourth nearer side had a low stone barrier, across which lay a number of cloths and soapstones. Two large heavy jars resided in the bath's far corners. Prodicus, still without his thong, pulled on the lever that allowed fresh water to pour rapidly into the bath by raising the sluice gate and stepped over the stone hurdle, encouraging Anthonius to follow. Most of the other boys soon joined them.

Anthonius began to swill some of the cold water over his legs in an attempt to remove the semen running down the insides. Prodicus picked up one of the cloths, soaked it and rubbed it with one of the soapstones. "Let me," he said whilst kneeling behind Anthonius, "it's the least I can do." Anthonius stood still with legs apart to allow his new friend to perform the task. The newcomer felt the cold cloth start to rub his left foot before slowly moving upwards. By the time both legs had been wiped clean, Anthonius' cock was hard but this was completely ignored by Prodicus and the others for they had been privy to plenty of similar sights. This was also the reason why none had commented on the red stripes that were prominent across the newcomer's behind for all had displayed similar marks on many occasions and indeed several bore them now. Prodicus began to concentrate on Anthonius' striped bottom and, after cleansing the buttocks, asked the boy to bend over so that he could apply the cloth to the lad's bumcrack and reddened sphincter. He was just about to complete this particular assignment when he felt the 14 years old shudder and saw a patch of water beneath him turn milky. Prodicus smiled but pretended not to notice for he no longer wanted to humiliate the younger boy.

Prodicus washed Anthonius' back before moving round to the boy's front to wipe his face. He smiled into the gorgeous sky-blue eyes as he removed the dried semen stains that had formed around the rosy lips and down the sweet chin. "I think that you can finish off yourself," Prodicus declared, "because I'll have to clean myself now. A particular customer will require me soon for he has me at this time every week." Both boys proceeded with their ablutions whilst chatting incessantly to learn more about each other. One of the large jars contained a substantial quantity of perfumed transparent gooey liquid, with which the boys washed their hair. The other jar contained white powder, which they rubbed over their teeth with their fingers for several minutes before swilling it away with some of the water still flowing through the sluice gate. Neither item was as good as the equivalents that Anthonius had previously encountered in the palaces of Rome or Lycia, or for that matter in the obese Arab's fortress, but they did their job more than adequately. In fact, Anthonius was to maintain a marvellous golden head of hair and, unusually for the age, an excellent set of white teeth for the rest of his life.

After drying themselves, Anthonius returned Prodicus' favour by assisting to him to finish off so that he would be ready for duty on time. Anthonius helped Prodicus to have two enemas by carefully inserting the leather tube in the boy's anus and then holding up the connected leather water bag to allow the liquid to flow into the lad's innards. Prodicus expelled the water down the hole in the far corner of the now empty bath that represented the room's only toilet. Anthonius then combed and trimmed both the hair on Prodicus' head and above his genitals, on which the odd hair, blemishing their otherwise immaculate smoothness, was shaved away by a sharp blade. After the 14 years old had rubbed scent over the whole of the 16 years old body, he stood back to admire his work. The boys laughed when they saw that they were both hard again.

The lazy servant returned to the room, clearly angry, and all the boys could see why when they saw his back, for several bloody lines had soaked through his tunic. The man made directly for Anthonius but Prodicus barred his way and said "Leave him alone!" The man stopped his advance, looked at the determined youth and implored "But the brat caused me to be whipped by the mistress because he hit you." Prodicus replied "Your whipping was overdue and I deserved to be hit. You leave the boy alone or else!" The man was mystified by the 16 years old's attitude but, seeing several of the other older boys move to stand beside him and being a well-known coward, decided not to pursue the matter any further. His desire for revenge would just have to be assuaged when he presented Anthonius to the patrons who would pay good money to provide the boy with his later well- deserved and thorough chastisement.

"Alright," the man responded, "I'll let him be for he'll suffer at the hands of some of our most sadistic customers soon enough." He then tried to contrive some revenge on Prodicus by telling him, whilst displaying a broad grin, "Your own regular has just arrived. He's having a drink in the entertainment hall and boasting to anyone who'll listen what he's about to do with some new toys that he's brought with him. The most notable are a set of nipple clamps, whose linking chain is attached by an adjustable leather cord to a spiked cockring, which is itself connected by another much shorter cord to a huge dildo, and he also has a new a leather paddle. Apparently, the cords will be soaked and fixed tautly so that it will create certain rather painful sensations as they dry and you'll be wearing the delightful equipment whilst receiving the pleasant attentions of the paddle!"

Prodicus' reaction was rather braver than expected for he said without outward emotion "He's done worse to me over the 11 years that I've been here" but his erection twitched. In fact, his many experiences over the years with this particular client and others had instilled strong sadomasochistic tendencies into the boy and he was actually perversely looking forward to entertaining the man.

Prodicus put on a clean thong but it hid little as his erection, which would only become bigger over the next few hours, held the tiny garment well away from his groin. He turned to Anthonius, who was shocked at what his new friend was now about to suffer, smiled and said "I'll see you in the morning and let me know then if this man harms you in any way." He turned back to face the servant again and reiterated "Remember, leave him alone or else," before adding "And give him the bunk above mine!" The man meekly responded "Yes, Narcissus" as the boy catamite left the room to meet his regular to an accompanying "Take care, Prodicus" from Anthonius.

The other older boys also dispersed to proceed to their own duties, leaving Anthonius facing the servant. "The whores have erotic working names here," the man eventually said, somewhat reverentially, "but apparently you're to retain your own to emphasise the personal background that will substantially enhance your value. I'll therefore call you Anthonius. Now, Anthonius, let us go to the exercise area so that you can show me whether you are any good at dancing or acrobatics. We need to decide what you're going to do on stage tomorrow. You won't have to show me how good you are in bed for I'm sure a former Imperial bum boy favourite is very accomplished. However, you can tell me about the size of the Emperor's cock so that I can judge whether it would have prepared you adequately for some of those you are about to service, especially as some of our customers like two-at-a-time sodomy and fellatio!"

Anthonius was given a new thong to wear. The boy then proceeded to answer all of the servant's embarrassing and intimate questions over the next few hours, carefully avoiding mention of the other penises he had experienced and whilst, at the same time, performing a number of acrobatic and sensual dancing movements without musical accompaniment. The man could not help but be very impressed with the latter for it was clear that the newcomer was very talented. They decided on a particular dance routine for the new boy prostitute's debut and agreed to practice it the following day. The servant finished for the moment by allocating the boy the upper bunk above Prodicus' bed.

Anthonius had been watched by most of the boys who had returned from working the long daytime shift and some now chatted politely with him as he sat on the bunk. Word had spread that the newcomer was friendly with Narcissus, a point emphasised by where the boy was to sleep, so no-one was tempted to continue the traditional initiation ritual. More unappetising stew was brought on tin plates and Anthonius hungrily ate all of his. It did not taste nice but was filling. Like the others, he had to open the bath sluice gate temporarily in order to cup some of the water in the palms of his hands to obtain a drink. After toileting and wiping his bum clean with one of the cloths, which he then had to wash before he cleansed his own hands, Anthonius returned to his bunk and, despite fears of what the next day would bring, was soon in an exhausted sleep. It had been a very eventful 24 hours!

As Anthonius was closing his eyes, Prodicus' customer was placing the spiked cockring around the 16 years old's smooth genitals. They were now in one of the private entertainment chambers, having spent a few hours in the main hall. There Prodicus had served his rich fat regular with food and drink in between sitting on the man's knee and allowing himself to be fondled. The catamite's thong was heavily stained with precum by the time he was required to remove the cover so that he could splay himself naked face-up on the chamber's huge bed, having already helped the man to undress. Prodicus felt the cockring's vicious spikes pressing into the flesh around his scrotum and at the upper base of his penis.

Prodicus was now required to turn onto his front so that the monstrous ungreased wooden dildo could be forced up his anus. Despite being accustomed to having all sorts of things shoved inside his rectum over the years, the 16 years old screamed loudly as the phallus was pushed remorselessly towards his prostrate because it was be the biggest item that he had accommodated so far, especially in width. The narrow damp leather cord that connected the dildo to the cockring ran tightly down against the boy's bumcrack and was already causing some of the spikes to dig even deeper into the tender flesh around the young genitalia. However, despite the agonies associated with this fitting, evidence of the lad's first orgasm came into view when he was required to return to a face-up position so that the remainder of the equipment could be fixed in place. This delighted the patron. It was the main reason that he had continuously hired this particular boy catamite over the years for the whore could be relied on to climax whenever and whatever horrors were inflicted on him. The customer increased the area covered by Prodicus' semen by rubbing it all over the spreadeagled boy's still erect cock and balls, belly and chest, before requiring his fingers to be relieved of the residue by the lad's tongue.

The fat client then attached the first harsh clamp to Prodicus' left nipple, for which he was rewarded with a little wail. Another emanated from the boy's lips when the second was fixed to the lad's right tit. The man then connected the chain linking the clamps to the cockring with the second wet leather cord and adjusted it so that it was very taut and pulled on the boy's nipples. The customer was pleased to observe that both the tears in Prodicus' eyes and the boy's erection had become yet more fulsome with this action.

The patron ordered Prodicus off the bed whilst he lay on it instead, back propped up by pillows. "You can dance for me now, Narcissus," said the man." "How well you do so will determine how many strokes I will give you across the backside with the new paddle, although there will be a very great number all over your body if you allow the nice new dildo out of your bum at any time. The usual routine that you do without music will be fine. I like the way you have to jump about regularly with your hands in the air and legs wide apart. Afterwards, I think that I'll take you to the main hall. I'm sure that my many friends who'll be there at this time of night would like to see you wearing your new present. They may even want to see you dance on the stage, this time with music. Later, we'll return here so that I can play with the other new toys that I have bought before finally, as usual, you suck me off. I shall of course insist that you keep your new present on whilst we sleep together afterwards. By morning, those leather cords will have dried completely!"

Prodicus was to cum four more times overnight. The first time was during his initial dance without musical accompaniment when the pain experienced in his nipples, around his genitals and inside his bum reached a crescendo with a particularly spectacular acrobatic movement. The second was when he was being fondled in the main entertainment hall, after another agonising dance, this time public and with music, by his client's many so-called friends, although they really only ingratiated themselves with the man because of his wealth. The third happened back in the private chamber when the 28th of the 50 stokes of the nasty leather paddle had been laid across his very sore bum. The fourth occurred when another new toy, a little wooden roller with many sharp needles imbedded, was rolled across his balls after being applied to every other part of his body apart from his head, leaving tiny bloodied specks everywhere.

When Anthonius awoke from his deep but welcome slumber next morning, he found himself attending to his new friend in a manner far different than previous. However, the consolations for Prodicus were that he had thoroughly enjoyed the night before and that part of his regular patron's fee paid for the week-long restful recovery time that he would need before being able to resume duties with the regular again. Anthonius also noticed two boys, one aged about 6 and the other about 10, being cleaned in the bath by sympathetic older lads. He was to learn later that there was usually a price to pay for such compassion. Anthonius, in his intense fatigue, had apparently slept through the other newcomers' initiation to the boy brothel.

Prodicus was given a sleeping draught to aid his recuperation by the servant before the man concentrated on the newcomer's preparation for his brothel debut. They practised Anthonius' dance routine twice before the servant accepted that the new boy had learned it to perfection and gave him a foul-tasting concentrated aphrodisiac drink. He then ordered two very pretty off-duty catamites, one aged 12 and the other 9, to help the debutante with his bodily preparations. For the first time ever, Anthonius subsequently climaxed during an enema.

Anthonius was ready by midday, face and nipples made up and body oiled as instructed, and stood before the mistress in her own chamber, attired just in the minuscule gold thong with Ganymede insignia. She inspected and felt the new whore intimately, including his cloth-encased package that accordingly grew in size. She then placed a string cord round the boy's neck from which hung a small clay tablet. Written in the clay were the words 'Available tonight at the 'House Of Ganymede.' Anthonius wondered how anyone could read the small lettering until the slave who had brought him from the market entered with two much larger signs, almost the man's whole height. They bore the large inscription 'House Of Ganymede announces Anthonius 3; former Lycian Prince and Imperial Boy Companion 3; available tonight for your delight 3; all tastes satisfied 3; Other new fresh boys also available.'

Anthonius soon found himself chained, in the front by the neck, to the other two newcomers, touring a practised route around the streets of Rome. All three boys also had their hands chained behind their backs. One slave held one of the signs and guided the party in front whilst the other followed behind with the second sign. The latter constantly had to fend off, from the otherwise defenceless boys, the lustful hands of many passers-by, of both sexes and many age ranges. All had to ignore the interminable ribald comments. The parade of the new goods available at the 'House Of Ganymede' took three hours, by which time Anthonius had shamed himself an hour previously by soiling his thong with a large stain. Although the ballooning of the garment had ceased, the subsequent hour-long walk through the crowded streets of the Roman capital, with semen leaking from his soiled thong, was too embarrassing for the scarlet-faced boy to endure without bursting into tears.

Chapter 38

Anthonius takes centre stage!

By the time the walking commercial had returned to the brothel, a wooden platform, about 5 paces by 1 pace by 1 pace, had been erected outside in the shadow cast by the establishment. The three new boys were made to walk up some side steps and stand on it facing back towards the entrance of the cul-de-sac, with Anthonius in the middle and the other two at each end. They were joined by two other similarly attired and bound newcomers, aged about 11 and 13 and bearing the usual medallion, who stood each side of Anthonius, whose bodily make up was by far the gaudiest of the five now on promotional display. All the boys had little signs hanging from their necks. The two big signs, which were of painted black wood with the lettering chalked on the surface, disappeared to be replaced by five others, which were the same height as the platform, against which they were rested, one in front of each boy. Anthonius' now read as before but with the 'Other new fresh boys also available' replaced with 'Available for disciplining soon!' Those advertising the two boys now either side of Anthonius emphasised their virginity, the reason why they had been segregated from the others since their purchase the previous day.

The three boys, who had been forced to walk the streets of Rome advertising their sexual services, were hot, sweaty and tired from their exertions, although they had largely been protected from the sun blazing overhead by the gloom inherent in most of the narrow thoroughfares they had traversed, usually flanked by decrepit buildings of several storeys. Standing on the platform for two hours, whilst a large number of prospective customers and poorer voyeurs came to ogle at and obscenely comment about them, was therefore particularly difficult to endure, especially for Anthonius who still exhibited the clear evidence of earlier ejaculation. They were most grateful to be taken inside the brothel once late afternoon had become early evening, although their gratitude was to be short-lived once evening became night. The two virgins were taken through a door opposite to that leading to the boy prostitute quarters. They were to remain separated from the others until their innocence had been well and truly lost.

The three newcomers who entered the main boy prostitute quarters were unchained and allowed to rest on their bunks for a couple hours before, under the supervision of the servant and with the assistance of other off-duty catamites, their bodies were again cleansed in the bath and with enemas and their bodily appearance and make-up restored to garish perfection, particularly in Anthonius' case. An awakened Prodicus insisted on helping his new friend, despite the 14 years old's entreaties not to do so because the 16 years old was still obviously hurting. Prodicus had taken Anthonius' soiled thong, on which the dried semen had been noticed by all those present, frequently to accompanying giggles, to the laundry basket. "I often suffer accidents like that," he remarked loudly to try to ease the boy's abashment, "it's nothing to be ashamed about. All the others here have had them many times too!" The smirks disappeared from the other boys' faces.

Anthonius was not redressed in another thong. Instead, a small leather chastity belt, similar to the ones he had regularly worn in the Imperial palace but gold in colour and embossed with the Ganymede insignia, was attached by Prodicus. His friend smiled and explained, whilst performing the fitting, "They usually put this on when they want customers to pay to see what's underneath and can't trust the wearer not to balloon his thong. That would give the patrons a free look at most of the jewels. I think your little accident in the Via Aelius made this particular fitment inevitable."

Anthonius had a while to wait after his preparation had been completed for the other four newcomers were due on stage before the night's star attraction. He could not sit down because that would ruin his carefully applied body oiling. He therefore slowly paced up and down the exercise area, close to an end bunk on which Prodicus had sat to chat intimately and try to relax his new friend, clearly fearfully apprehensive about what was about to happen. Prodicus eventually came round to talking about life in the brothel and said truthfully "I like it here. I like being a boy prostitute because I enjoy showing off my body and having regular sex, even if it hurts. In fact, I'll tell you a secret, I like being humiliated and hurt. I don't know why but I always get a hard-on when it's happening and I often have accidents in those circumstances, like you did today. I must be a real sluttish whore but I don't care." Anthonius blushed deeply but not because of Prodicus' confession. It was instead a profound moment, for the boy finally accepted that the same applied to him. Anthonius had not wanted to believe the clear evidence of his real sexual nature, stemming from his regular unwanted ejaculations during his many previous demeaning experiences, because of shame. However, his new friend's revelation showed Anthonius that he was not alone in having such feelings and it helped him at last to recognise and accept his true self. "I'll be sorry to leave," Prodicus continued, "but I know that that might occur soon because I'm becoming too old to be a prostitute here. In fact, I believe that the only reason for me not moving on before now is my regular client, who pays well for my services, but I think that he'll also consider me too old for his tastes before long. There are brothels specialising in older youths and young men. I hope that I go to one of them. My greatest fear is that I'll be castrated. I know that that should help me retain my boyish looks for much longer and that there are many brothels with eunuchs. They're often retained as servants once their bodily attractions have faded because they're not tempted by the beauties they have to supervise. All the servants and slaves here are eunuchs, including the man who's been looking after you." Anthonius was initially surprised at this latest revelation until he realised that the employment of eunuchs for such purposes was entirely logical.

Anthonius entered the conversation by quietly confessing to Prodicus that they were alike in their sexual feelings and that he too feared for his boyhood once he had been returned to the Emperor. Their discourse was interrupted by the servant, who had come to collect Anthonius because the star performance on the stage in the main entertainment hall was imminent. As the man left the room with the star performer, Prodicus shouted "If you are really like me, just relax and enjoy the night. We'll discuss your other problem tomorrow. Good luck!"

The servant led Anthonius to one of the doors on the opposite side of the corridor and down a flight of steps that led to a back entrance of the entertainment hall. Anthonius heard loud ribaldry inside, with many raucous shouts almost drowning the music. The servant opened the door slightly to push his head through and nod to someone inside that the star was ready. Anthonius saw through the small opening that the hall seemed to be overflowing with men. The servant closed the door again and the pair waited whilst the previous act, the second and older of the two virgins, finished and his immediate services auctioned. The noise prevented Anthonius from hearing how much the pleasure of the boy's deflowerment cost, but found out later that it was less than a fifth of what was charged for his own initial services. Anthonius did hear snippets of a voice, presumably that of the entertainment choragus, subsequently declaring "Now lords and masters 3; 3;what you've all been waiting for 3; 3;Anthonius 3; 3;former Lycian Prince 3; 3;bedboy to the great Diocletian 3; 3;immaculate beauty 3; 3;unprecedented opportunity" before the rest of the introductory monologue was submerged beneath unified shouts demanding "Bring him in!" The door then opened and Anthonius saw that the hall was indeed packed.

There must have been over a thousand men sitting at the many tables or standing against the surrounding walls. There was a very narrow clearance leading to the stage steps in the middle of the hall. Anthonius thought that the passage to the stage was not going to be a very pleasant experience until his new self- awareness began to suggest the opposite. The servant signalled him to enter and Anthonius passed through the door to tumultuous cheers. As instructed, he ran to the stage, trying to avoid, not always successfully, the many lecherous hands that made attempts to feel his oiled body as he passed between the tables. However, he eventually reached the steps and climbed onto the stage where the choragus awaited him.

Anthonius was fully aware that over one thousand pairs of eyes were now fixed on his near-nude body, and he felt some pain in his groin as his cock was prevented from stiffening by the small pouch of hard leather that tightly encased his genitals. There was to be no free revelation of the boy's prize assets for the observers. Anthonius now proceeded as instructed and knelt to kiss the Ganymede emblem embossed at the centre of the stage. He stood again, placed his hands on his head and turned slowly so that the spectators could appraise his gorgeous form from all angles. The boy had to endure many obscene shouts as he performed the manoeuvre but the most humiliating comments came from the choragus who was simultaneously describing the lad's physical attributes and sexual capabilities.

When Anthonius had turned full circle, the choragus left the stage and music, played by four adult slaves located in a small area on the floor in front of the platform, re-started. The accompaniment was not as excellent as that provided by the twelve musicians in the Imperial palace but was still quite good. However, it did not encourage Anthonius to start the dance which he had practised to perfection for the boy had just seen Casperius and Lysus sitting close by at a prominent table. The lad found himself frozen to the spot in sudden anguish whilst the music played on.

Chapter 39

Anthonius, born a Lycian Prince, begins life as a boy prostitute.

Anthonius had been traumatised not by the unexpected sight of Casperius and Lysus amongst the watching disorderly throng but by observing that Prodicus was sat on his half-brother's knee. He later admonished himself for being so shocked for he should have been suspicious about the identity of the regular from his friend's detailed description. However, Prodicus had not known the man's name or what he did for, like most customers, the regular had been very discreet about disclosing such information, and the brothel's owners and servants knew that to jeopardise their clientele's secrecy was to endanger their patronage. Also, Anthonius had never thought that Lysus would frequent such an establishment in a mere middle-class area of Rome until he now perceived, from the rich clothing they wore and high charges they tolerated, that many of the users were patrician, and some were Senators. Presumably, the location helped cloak their usage of such a place in anonymity. Prodicus had seemingly been summoned, despite his red raw bum and the many pinpricks still noticeable all over his body, to serve his regular shortly after Anthonius had been summoned to the stage.

The music stopped and the choragus returned to the platform. "It looks as if our new acquisition has a bit of stagefright;"" the man declared, "it seems that he needs a little encouragement to lift his feet off the stage floor!" He ordered a slave to "bring the foot stocks" and everyone except Anthonius laughed. The boy knew what stocks were but had never heard of one for feet and he feared what the arrival of the contraption might subsequently entail. The choragus then intensified Anthonius' concern when he continued "Now, lords and masters, I shall accept bids from those wishing to assume responsibility for encouraging our new whore to dance. What am I bid?" The brothel had already unprecedentedly charged for admission and was making much money from the sales of drink and food to the customers, for which slaves had had to be borrowed from brother establishments in the same ownership to help, but the choragus was clearly intent on maximising profits.

The highly competitive and noisy bidding process, which produced a very large valuation for the undertaking, was just ending when the slave returned to cheers with the stocks, a long cane and two 15 years old boy prostitutes. The now trembling Anthonius was ordered to lay face down on the floor. Whilst the two 15 years olds firmly held his arms wide apart above his head on the floor, the slave lifted up the boy's oiled lower legs and placed his feet in the two holes in the stocks, locking them in place about a third of a pace above the stage. The winner of the bidding then emerged onto the platform to more cheers and was handed the cane. The choragus advised the man, who was thin, about 30 years old and prematurely balding, "to first apply a couple of strokes of the cane across our new, seemingly lazy, whore's bottom for putting us all to this inconvenience. Then tenderise the slut's feet across the soles until they are nice and red. That should make him want to dance when he's released and standing again!" The customer obliged first by leaving two nice stripes where others, created two nights before and humiliatingly remarked on earlier by the choragus during his description of Anthonius' many attributes, had begun to fade. However, far worse for the victim were the ten heavy blows across the soles, one of the most tender parts of the human body. Anthonius could not prevent himself from screaming loudly as each stroke landed but these were lost amongst ecstatic cheers. He also wondered whether he really did share Prodicus' sexual predilections because he perceived no perverse enjoyment from this particular torment.

The beating eventually finished and Anthonius was released from the stocks, which the slave took away with the reclaimed cane. The wielder of the implement raised his arms in triumph to receive the loud acclaim of the spectators and left the stage to return to his table, many complimenting him and patting him on the back as he did so. The choragus indicated to the four musicians that they should restart and to the two 15 years olds that they should pick up the sobbing Anthonius, who left behind on the floor a little of his body oil. This time, the boy immediately started his dance but with tears running down his face, and with much faster leg movements than originally intended until he became more accustomed to the stinging pains running through his feet as they hit the floor. The choragus and 15 years olds quickly departed the scene to allow the bawdy patrons an undisturbed view of the spectacle, with Casperius and Lysus amongst the loudest. As could be expected in the circumstances, the initial quality of Anthonius' routine was poor but somehow the boy managed to overcome the pain and had achieved a respectable standard of erotic performance by the end, enhanced for many by the shining body oil and demeaning nipple and face make-up.

The choragus returned to the stage to remind everyone of Anthonius' virtues before initiating the sale of the boy's immediate sexual services. He explained that these would be provided by the hour for a maximum of about14 hours, with the highest bidder for the first hour having first option, at the same winning rates, on subsequent hours. He added that the brothel would be prepared to consider bookings for later nights, to avoid the necessity of too many other auctions of the boy's favours, as long as a certain undisclosed reserve price was met. The sale then proceeded and soon the level of bids had reached such a high level that only the very richest clientele indulged. However, it still took a while for the complicated business to finish and be recorded on a clay tablet by the choragus. Meanwhile, Anthonius stood with his weight briefly on one foot until the pain became too intense and he had to transfer the burden to the other. He tried to be as anonymous as possible with his regular hopping movements but they were noticed and caused much hilarity.

The net result of the auction was that Anthonius' services for the night had been bought by six men prepared to pay the highest hourly rates. The first three had acquired the boy for two hours each, the fourth for three hours and the last two jointly for the remainder of the night, which was regarded as up to the 9th hour of the morning. It was now the 8th hour of the afternoon. A normal night shift in the private entertainment chambers, which did not require a preliminary sale of services, usually started earlier at the 7th hour. The less busy overlapping day shift, which required fewer boy prostitutes except at festival times, was from the 8th hour of the morning until the 10th hour of the afternoon. However, all shifts were flexibly operated depending on demand.

Bookings for Anthonius for another thirteen nights had also been accepted, some involving the same men, before it was decided that it would be better to have another auction in a fortnight rather than accept more reservations. Anthonius had seen most of the men bidding for him, from his vantage point on the stage, but not all and some had apparently made earlier fixed offers. The boy surmised that the latter was permitted because the bidders could not be present at the sale.

After the conclusion of the auction, the choragus gave Anthonius permission to depart to entertain his first client. The boy knelt to kiss the Ganymede insignia embossed in the floor again and, when he stood, he saw that the servant, who had brought him to the hall, had relocated to the main doors. Anthonius had to try to reach him so that he could be escorted to the allocated private entertainment chamber where he would spend the whole night dispensing his sexual services. However, there was no clear path across to the exit. Anthonius therefore had to run in a zig-zag fashion amongst the tables to reach his objective. This enabled many hands to grope and pinch the oiled boy, slowed by his sore feet, as he made his way. Nevertheless, he eventually reached the servant, who escorted him to the chamber.

The thirty windowless private entertainment chambers were all similar and so the one to which Anthonius had been allocated for his first shift as a boy prostitute had the standard equipment. There was the huge uncovered bed, with flexible leather ties at each corner and along the headboard, and gaudy under- bedding bright red in colour to disguise bloodstains. There was a side table covered with wooden dildos and metal clamps and cockrings of various shapes and sizes, alongside some small jars containing perfumes, oils, grease and salve. A variety of paddles, canes and whips were available on wall shelving, along with a variety of restraints, masks and other items. Four adjustable sets of manacles hung from the ceiling with other sets embedded in the floor below. More manacles were fixed to one of the walls. Anthonius shivered when he saw the set-up for the first time. It reminded him of the torture chambers he had experienced, albeit decorated with erotic frescoes, depicting the debauchery of young boys by men and animals, and with the bed on which presumably he would have to ply the majority of his new trade, although some of the facilities suggested that straight sex would not be the only service he would be required to provide.

There was also a small sunken bath, with good quality cloths and soapstone, and some large urns full of warm water nearby. The bath already contained some clean but, as Anthonius was discover, cold water for, after removing the boy's chastity attire, the servant ordered the lad to step into the chilly liquid. The man then proceeded to wipe the oil, which had become slightly soiled from lying on the stage floor and the handling of spectators, and make up from Anthonius' nude body because his first client had requested their removal. They could be reapplied easily enough if that was to the taste of the boy's later customers. After drying and perfuming the lad, the servant handed him one of the gold thongs to wear. It immediately ballooned out, proving the frugal wisdom of displaying the discomforting leatherwear instead on stage.

The servant left Anthonius standing, hands held behind his back with legs apart, immediately in front of the bed facing the door, waiting as he had been taught to obey his first patron's initial instructions. The boy found that the pain in his feet had lessened sufficiently for him to be able to stand still, but not without discomfort. Anthonius had noticed that his first client was to be a tall thin distinguished looking patrician, obviously very wealthy because of the amount he had paid for the two hours of pleasure the boy was to provide. He was therefore confused when, shortly after the departure of the servant, the patrician entered with a pretty boy about 13 years old, causing the debutante prostitute to forget to pay the expected homage.

"On your knees, whore," commanded the man, "don't you know how to respect your betters properly!" Anthonius realised his error and immediately knelt before his hirer and placed his forehead on the floor. The man let him remain in that position for a while as punishment for the slight before finally advising him that he could stand again. "Come here whore so that my son can inspect you" ordered the man. Anthonius complied, this time remembering what was required. He approached the boy, bowed and placed his hands on his head. The 14 years old then turned slowly before the 13 years old, who chortled at the sight of the nipple rings and brandmarks and again when he saw that the older boy's thong gave no real side cover to his erect cock. The whole of Anthonius' genitalia and their gold encasing could be observed when he turned sideways, apart from the cockhead, which was holding the flimsy garment well away from the groin. The chuckles returned when the boy observed the catamite's bum with its two small black eagles and two fresh, plus several older, red stripes. The father commented "He's just a typical whore, displaying his dirty passions and needing regular flogging to make him behave," before asking his son whether he wished to proceed. The boy replied affirmatively and the man addressed Anthonius "Provide my son with excellent and honest service or I'll make sure that your bum's flailed. I shall return in two hours!" The patrician adult then left leaving Anthonius with the child.

The boy client announced proudly "Now that I can produce my own seed, my father says that he wants me to experience my first woman and boy." Anthonius remembered Diocletian's son saying similar not long previously. "My father wanted the best of both for me," boasted the 13 years old, "and he says that you're the best boy whore currently available because you've served the Emperor and were once a royal, although, I understand, from some unpleasant non-entity peasant country. My father believes that it is appropriate for someone of my standing to enjoy you before anyone else, especially as he thinks you'll become pretty soiled fairly quickly. My father has told me to advise you that you are to service me first with your bottom and then with your mouth and that, so that I learn, you are to guide me carefully through the processes. You are to answer truthfully any questions I care to ask for background, no matter how intimate. My father is well connected here and at the Imperial court and will find out if you have told any lies. You'd better be good at your work and frank with your answers or my father says that I can beat you now or return to do so some other day. I am to visit the best hetaera in Rome next week and afterwards my father expects me to judge which orifices, yours or hers, pleasured me the most and by how much. I don't think that you would want my father returning to complain about you if your services pale in comparison to the woman's or he discovers that you have provided me with poor instruction and false information. Now, let me know, whore, how do we proceed!"

Anthonius hid his astonishment but blushed with shame as he began to outline the common practices instilled into the brothel prostitutes. "Well, master," he commenced, " it would be usual now for me to reveal myself in full nakedness so that you can, if you want, complete your inspection properly. If afterwards you still wish to proceed, you should decide whether or not you want me to see you unclothed for, if not, I should wear a mask across my eyes whilst you disrobe and later whilst I serve you." Anthonius had been told to ask any boy clients this question because Roman youngsters were self-consciously shy and did not like being seen naked, even by prostitutes in sexual situations. However, the new prostitute had not believed that he would encounter many such clientele, especially at this stage, but was to discover from personal experience that placing the sons of nobility with good quality prostitutes to gain sexual knowledge was very common in Roman society. Anthonius continued "If you don't mind me seeing you, it is customary for me to help you undress."

The young client considered the options before responding "You can wear a mask." Anthonius collected one, from amongst the shelved items, and returned before the boy. He removed his thong, which he threw to one side, put on the mask and placed his hands on his head and his feet astride. "Master," the new prostitute said, still blushing, "you should choose whether you want to complete your inspection by examining my genitalia and anus or whether you want me to proceed to the bed to take up the appropriate position for our intercourse whilst you prepare yourself."

The boy answered by fondling Anthonius' engorged penis and balls and asked what was the purpose of the cockring. Anthonius replied bashfully "The Emperor apparently finds it attractive, particularly in the way that it causes the genitals to be more prominent, making them stand out more from the body and encouraging more blood to be retained to stimulate erection. The boy continued to stroke the cock and the catamite soon had to try politely to stop him when he felt close to orgasm. Anthonius, rather hesitantly, advised "Master, if you continue much longer with this particular examination, I shall shortly be producing my own seed and that would be considered premature." His client stopped, leaving the prostitute's penis throbbing almost vertically, and said "My father said that you were a typical whore. How right he was and I can now appreciate how this proclivity brought your expulsion from the palace to here."

The highly inquisitive 13 years old asked "How long have you been producing seed and how often do you do it?" An embarrassed Anthonius said that he had started when he was 11 and that, for some unknown reason, he now seemed able to ejaculate the substance many times a day if required. "You started a year before me and I couldn't cum anywhere near as often as that. However, it just proves what a natural born whore you are. Anyway, my father says that it is quality and not quantity that counts. My seed will produce great noble progeny whereas yours, if you're ever permitted, which I doubt, will only result in more sluts suitable solely for places like this, don't you agree?" Anthonius remained silent until his balls were squeezed and his customer repeated the last question. "Yes, master," the catamite found himself gasping, "my totally unworthy seed cannot be compared to the splendid offspring making product of your magnificence." The boy patron released the boy prostitute's balls from his right hand's tight grip and responded "You should therefore be honoured, whore, for your anus and mouth will shortly be impregnated by it. Right, what's next?"

Anthonius turned round and bent over but, before he could explain the inspection process further, his client asked where the stripes had come from. Anthonius realised that, of course, a boy so young would not have been permitted in the main entertainment hall and must have been waiting in one of the quieter lounges whilst his father attended the new prostitute's display and sale. He answered the boy's question only to receive another. He was asked "Did you receive many beatings at the palace?" "They were infrequent," replied the bent over Anthonius, "because I pleased the Emperor most of the time but, when they did occur, they were always severe." The boy enquired " What would you be beaten for and who usually inflicted it?" "I usually received punishment for being incompetent in the performance of some duties" the catamite confessed, resisting the temptation to include the word 'unjust' in the statement. He continued "Most of the beatings were generously delivered by the man in charge of the Imperial boy companions, with some also kindly undertaken by His Imperial Highness the young Prince." "It was good of them to take the trouble to try to correct your incompetence. Well you had better not be inept tonight" retorted the 13 years old "and remind me why you're bending over like that."

"If you prise apart my bumcheeks," Anthonius answered, " you will observe the anal opening up which you are shortly to thrust your own magnificence if that remains your wish after your inspection. You would normally expect the orifice to be pink and tight in a good whore and you can check the latter with a finger. Alas, my own hole has recently been subject to a large intrusion on the orders of the Emperor so may not be either." "Oh yes," said the boy patron, as he prised the striped cheeks apart "there it is and it is pink. It look's as if it's occasionally blinking at me." Anthonius then felt a finger struggling to gain entrance through the sphincter and advised "Master, you will need to push harder." The boy did so and Anthonius felt the finger wiggling inside him. "Seems tight enough to me," declared the customer, "You'll do whore. Get on the bed whilst I disrobe!"

As Anthonius felt his way blindly towards the bed, he told the boy "Master, you must decide what position you want me in for the anal intercourse. There are four main ones. First, I can lie face-up holding my legs in the air to expose my hole. Second, I can lie face-down, legs apart to offer my orifice, and this would be helped if I placed a cushion under my groin. Third, instead of laying down, I could kneel on all fours instead. Fourth, you can lie face-up on the bed and I can lower myself onto your magnificence. Normally, you would do most of the work in the first three by thrusting your magnificence in and out of my hole, although I would try to assist by responding in rhythm with my own bum movements. In the fourth option, I would do most of the work for you would just have to lay back as I moved up and down. The boy contemplated the choices, as he rapidly and excitedly undressed, leaving his clothing in a heap on the varnished wooden floor, before asking "What does the Emperor like most?" Anthonius was told to adopt the position that conformed to his answer.

The naked 13 years old, his own small cock now rigid, approached the nude masked 14 years old, lying face-up on the bed and holding his legs in the air. The younger boy informed the older "I'm ready. What do I do now?" Anthonius replied "Kneel with your magnificence just above my hole, which should be fully exposed to your view. Your may apply grease from the jar on the side table to both, or just one of, your magnificence and my orifice. This would aid your entry and ease any discomfort that the recipient of your magnificence might encounter." The boy client replied "Would it hurt both of us if I didn't bother because I don't want to use the messy substance if I don't have to?" The prostitute replied that pain should only be experienced by the recipient. "Well, that's settled then," declared the 13 years old, "I'm not bothered about your welfare. What do I do now?"

Anthonius told the neophyte how to perform sodomy, adding that he was indeed honoured to the first beneficiary of his magnificence's glorious seed. Anthonius soon felt the boy's hands gripping his upraised legs and small hard cock squeeze against and past his sphincter to begin its thrusts. The prostitute had to suggest diplomatically to his client that he would gain more pleasure from slow rhythmic movements rather than the fast stabs with which he began. The boy followed the advice and was soon experiencing the most pleasurable sixth of an hour of his young life so far. The sight of the beautiful older boy, with the erotic body ornamentation and hard cock seeping precum, seemingly starting to writhe in his own ecstasy under him, only added to his unprecedented ecstasy. Anthonius eventually felt his young patron's seed spurt into his insides and his own ejaculation immediately followed.

The almost breathless and flushed 13 years old boy client dismounted the 14 years old boy prostitute, who said, as he had been instructed, "Thank you, master, for impregnating me with your estimable seed." The impregnator remarked "Wow, that was superb. You're definitely a natural whore, and that's confirmed by you cumming too without my permission. It's all over your belly, chest, face and hair. Dirty slut!" "Sorry, master," Anthonius demurely replied, "Do you wish to beat me for my impertinence?" "I'll think about it," advised his customer, "whilst you go clean yourself, but leave your mask on!" The prostitute, having performed his first service for the first of many brothel clientele he would experience, left the bed and gingerly walked in the general direction of the sunken bath. He was helped by giggled directions from his patron, the last of which was that the bath was two paces in front. In fact, it was only ½ pace and Anthonius, as his client had hoped, fell in to the shallow cold water to loud laughter from the bed.

Anthonius sat in the chilly liquid and groped for a cloth, which he used to wipe off his own semen as best he could in the circumstances. Some had even landed on the mask. He then stepped out of the bath and was trying to locate a towel when he received an order not to bother drying himself. He was to return to the bed instead and, as he did so in the general direction of the voice with many droplets of the cold liquid dripping down his body, he was asked "What now?" The catamite replied "You can punish me if you want for my unfortunate accidental ejaculation but it would be better to leave that to later for I should now cleanse your magnificence and encourage it to further pleasure with my lips and tongue." "Fine," the voice responded. "Please then, master, lay down with your legs apart. I shall kneel between them to perform my task which I am again honoured to perform."

Anthonius eventually bumped into the bed, to more chuckles, and carefully manoeuvred himself on top and into the requisite position. He bent over to locate his patron's small soft cock and balls, with some semen spilt on them, and began to lick and suck them all over. The 13 years old penis was swiftly erect again and the prostitute continued his work until its inevitable conclusion. Anthonius could tell that the young client's climax was close from the intensification in the boy's breathing and the way the lad tightened his hold on, and moved his groin upwards towards, the head providing so much pleasure. Anthonius swallowed all of the sweet boy cum as it shot to the back of his throat.

The 13 years old hands eventually released the 14 years old head and the former again pronounced "Wow" before the latter said "Thank you again, master, for impregnating me with the immaculate product of your magnificence." The boy ordered Anthonius to lie face-up on the bed whilst he redressed. "You're hard again," the young customer observed as he picked up his expensive toga, "a whore like you obviously needs regular milking to prevent him from having too many accidents. I'll therefore oblige the next clients by milking you myself before giving you your punishment. One of the whips I think. I don't believe your next clients will mind if I mark you a bit. My father has been letting me whip some of our younger misbehaving male slaves recently. I flogged a 15 years old and a 17 years old only last week. My father says that I'm getting quite good at it." Anthonius' hard-on re-energised further.

The boy eventually finished dressing and he told Anthonius to remove his mask. The prostitute blinked a little as his eyes readjusted to the light again, the chamber being brightly lit by a number of wall torches. His attired client was now standing at the side of the bed seemingly admiring the nude body resting on it. "I want to fasten your hands above you to the ties at the corners of the bed," the boy declared, "so position yourself accordingly." Anthonius complied and soon his wrists were tightly restrained by the leather bonds. "Now lift you feet over your head so that I can attach them to the ties in the headboard" commanded the 13 years old. The catamite again obeyed and he soon found his body doubled over with his feet bound to the board. "Excellent position for both milking and whipping, I think," commented the young patron whilst observing that the whore's erect cock now dangled just above his mouth and his naked bottom was lifted nicely to receive its deserved flagellation.

The 13 years old grabbed Anthonius' penis and began to masturbate the 14 years old, instructing "I want you to catch your own seed in your mouth and swallow all of it, or else!" It did not take long to bring the prostitute to his second orgasm of the night and the customer carefully aimed the spurting white sperm at the catamite's open mouth. Only a little missed the target and the client was pleased to see the whore quickly lick this off his chin. The boy then collected a light four stranded whip from the shelf, practised his swing as he returned to the bed and, on arrival, wasted no time in delivering the first blow across the vulnerable, already striped, buttocks. He was rewarded with a loud scream from the whore and this encouraged him to make a second quick strike in response to which another yell was heard. The boy now paused whilst he examined the results of the two blows. His father had told him that it was form to inflict chastisement only on prostitute's bottoms and not to cause too much damage as there were the subsequent clients to consider. Heavier punishment was normally reserved for formal discipline sessions unless a client had specifically hired a whore to harm him and had secured the acquiescence of the brothel's management with the appropriate substantial fee. The boy carefully felt the eight new red striped wheals that he had created, whilst noticing that the whore's cock was amazingly erect again despite the milking of only moments previously, causing him to remark "Real slut!" The boy surmised that the whore could cope with at least one more strike before blood would erupt and took aim. Any noise that might have emanated as a result of the third blow was stifled by more semen gushing out of Anthonius' re-hardened penis towards his mouth.

The boy reluctantly decided that three blows had to be enough, despite the recurrence of sluttish misbehaviour by the whore, for the twelve fresh stripes across the prostitute's bum were already slightly bloody. Anyway, he had already decided that it would be appropriate to book the whore for at least three more occasions as there were the remaining three anal intercourse positions to try. He contented himself with the thought that he could chastise the whore further then and with the immediate feel of the wheals that he had created.

The boy actually revisited the brothel and Anthonius seven more times on a weekly basis, overcoming his father's objection that the catamite was becoming too defiled for nobility to bother with. He had found the hetaera much less to his taste. "Woman pussy is too big and slimy compared to a boy's," he told his father, "I don't mind female breasts but, overall, I much prefer bodies and orifices like the boy whore's." The father, who had always preferred boys as well, was not too displeased and had replied "I don't mind as long as you eventually do your duty for the family and produce heirs!" When Anthonius later became unavailable, the father provided his son with two pretty young slave boys to play and practise with, and when the son grew to adulthood this number was magnified many times. He became the biggest, most active pederast in Rome, with his boy harem eventually twice the size of Diocletian's. He never did fulfil his family duty and he never did forget the beautiful Imperial whore who had introduced him to the pleasures of boyish bodies and launched him on his lecherous path through a long life of pleasant debauchery and despoilment of young male innocence.

The boy left the private entertainment chamber soon after administrating Anthonius' punishment to find his father, for his two hours were nearly up. The young patron had left the sobbing Anthonius in his restraints, leaving it to the returning servant to effect release. The servant, highly pleased to see the new boy prostitute's distress, also tidied up both the debutante whore and the chamber in readiness for the next client. Anthonius found it difficult to stop his tears as he realised that he had only finished with his first customer. There were to be four further sessions with other clients overnight, the last with a duo, and this was only the first of sixty nights that he would have to spend at the brothel. He wondered how on earth Prodicus had survived here for eleven years and come to enjoy his work.

Chapter 40

Anthonius and Prodicus entertain brothel clients.

Anthonius' next customer was almost as unexpected as the first for he was from the opposite side of the human age range. Anthonius only appreciated how old the patron was when he was escorted into the private chamber by the servant, who was helping the ancient rake's progress by gently holding him by the arm. The boy had noticed who his second client was to be in the hall, but only briefly and at a distance, and his main recollection had been that the man was a senator.

The old man smiled when he saw the new boy prostitute waiting for him in front of the bed and signalled the servant to withdraw. He had regularly frequented this establishment and others like it since he was eighteen, over sixty-two years ago, and thought that he had never seen a more beautiful specimen of boyhood. He believed that the catamite's body decorations only enhanced that perception and accordingly he had been prepared to pay an enormous amount to secure the newcomer's company for a couple of hours. Anyway, he was a rich widower without heirs, who had no-one else to leave his fortune to when he died, which he knew would be soon. He therefore thought that he might as well indulge himself and placate some of his loneliness before he had to will his money to the Emperor. He could easily have outbid the first parental client but was happy to desist to allow the pretty son first access.

Anthonius remembered this time to perform homage and then advanced at the old man's beckoning to bow and allow his body to be inspected, both with and without thong. The boy's cock was now soft having experienced three ejaculations within two hours. "I see that your young first patron has beaten you;" the man said, but without rancour as he observed the fresh scarlet stripes across the sublime backside, and enquired "why, were you in some way naughty with him?" Anthonius explained his accident. "Ah, the uncontrollable passions of youth," the old man sighed sympathetically, "if only I still possessed them. Come lie with me on the bed." As they approached the bed, he added "I believe that I know all about you from my friends at Diocletian's court but I want to hear you relate your own history yourself. Please do not try to evade any of my questions for I shall compare your answers with what I've heard and shall be upset if I think that you've fibbed to me. Now, tell me what are your earliest memories."

The fully clothed old man and nude young boy lay on the bed for an hour and a half. Anthonius' story had not proceeded beyond the age of eleven and the only sexual approach made by the old man had been the occasional manual examination of the boy's genitals when the ancient patron closed his eyes and stopped his questioning. The boy had begun to wonder whether all clients would be as inquisitive as his first two and whether this second customer just wanted to talk. However, he was now concerned for the old man's health and broke a key rule by speaking without permission. "Master, are you well?" he asked. "Yes, boy;" was the initial patient reply, followed by "I shall have to go soon but will you suck me first, I think you know where!"

Anthonius at first struggled to comply with the old patron's request because it was difficult to locate the man's sexual organs underneath his vast array of outer clothing. However, the boy eventually succeeded in revealing the ancient equipment, which had enjoyed thousands of boys over the years, and began to massage them with his now expert lips and tongue. It was not a pleasant experience, for the old man smelt his age and the subject items were as wrinkled and worn as the rest of the antiquated body. They also did not show any indication of reacting in any way to the oral ministrations. Nevertheless the old man, eyes still closed, bore an expression of deep happiness on his face throughout. Anthonius perceptively realised that his client was now incapable of erection but his actions were causing his customer joyously to remember past blissful times.

The boy's mouth gave expert attention for half an hour until a knock on the door heralded the arrival of the servant to advise the client diplomatically that his time with the new prostitute had expired. The ancient lecher departed reluctantly, wishing he had paid more to enjoy Anthonius' company for longer, and promising to return to learn the lad's life story to the present. Unfortunately, the boy was saddened to hear later that the old man had died the following day. Nevertheless, he comforted himself with the thought that he had perhaps provided the venerable senator with his last pleasures.

The third client was a handsome army officer in his mid-twenties. He had a very rich but overbearing father and had joined the legions to escape him and have some adventure. However, he did not mind using some of his father's money when, as now, he had returned to Rome on leave, especially if it was to be spent on enjoying someone as gorgeous as Anthonius. The pleasures the boy were about to provide would also give him a lot to brag about when he went back to his soldiers.

After the usual preliminaries, the officer asked Anthonius how the Emperor had pleasured himself with the boy in the Imperial bed for he wanted the same, if only to enhance his boasts. The lad therefore soon found the man kissing, licking and sucking him all over, before having to reciprocate. Anthonius never did overcome his acute dislike of having to lick anuses. They had time for the officer to sodomise the boy twice but the lad's second act of fellatio was incomplete when the servant knocked on the door. Nevertheless, the officer had been pleased that both time and money had been well spent, not least in providing tales to tell.

The fourth customer, an ugly fat rich merchant in his early forties, arrived on time at the 2nd hour after midnight and was to prove an interesting experience for he told Anthonius to forego the preliminaries as, for their session together, he, the man, was to be the slave. During the next three hours, Anthonius had to bind the man naked in various positions, beat him with paddles, canes and whips and use clamps and dildos on him. The man maintained a large erection throughout these torments but never came.

Anthonius did not have to remove his thong until near the end of the session when their play was supposed to culminate with the boy sodomising the client as the man was tied face-down to the four corners of the bed. Unfortunately, Anthonius could, for once, not achieve erection let alone ejaculation. He thought the act gross and even closing his eyes and thinking of Armillatus' and Sura's smooth bottoms could not save him. The man became very angry at the boy's failure to accomplish the deed and demanded to be released from his bondage. Red-faced and fuming, he put on his toga, but nothing else, and left the chamber. He was not gone long and returned with the servant and an 11 years old catamite.

After the servant left again, Anthonius was to retry to fulfil his client's desires. However, this time, the younger boy was to count repeatedly to sixty and beat the older prostitute's already red and sore backside with a cane every time the top number was reached until the required climax had been attained. This did not now take long for Anthonius' penis hardened with the first stroke and, with eyes closed and now thinking of Armillatus' sweet genitals, he impregnated the man when the second hit. The customer finally achieved his own orgasm when he felt the boy seed flow into him.

The duo arrived shortly afterwards, at the 5th hour of the morning, and Anthonius was at first relieved to see that they were not, as he had feared, Casperius and Lysus. They were, in fact, two effeminately spoken men in their late twenties but the next four hours with them was not a pleasant experience for the boy. Lysus was actually being entertained by Prodicus in a nearby chamber and, for once, the 16 years old prostitute was also not to enjoy the session.

Lysus had already thrown the boy off his knee and onto the floor of the entertainment hall and called for a slave to bring him a whip. The man had viciously struck the defenceless lad with the cruel implement before desisting and giving the slave more orders. Prodicus soon found himself hanging naked from the ceiling manacles in one of the private entertainment chambers, legs splayed wide apart and well off the ground by chains connected to rings in the floor. The boy was alone in this very disagreeable situation for over an hour and a half until a black man, whom he had never seen before, entered. The man gagged him and snapped a very narrow and uncomfortable flanged metal ring into place around the base of his ball sac, avoiding the penis. Three evenly-spaced, thin but strong chains, dangled from the ring. The man then suspended a large empty leather water carrier from the chains, the extra weight painfully stretching Prodicus' scrotum downwards. This was attached, by a long clamped leather tube, above the boy's head to another similar but full carrier that the man fixed to one of the spare ceiling manacles. The black stranger left to be replaced shortly afterwards by Lysus.

The Lycian informed the terrified Prodicus that he would soon release the clamp. He continued "This will enable water to siphon from the upper bag to the lower increasing the weight in the latter and the pressure on your genitals. One of two things will eventually happen, depending on the strength of the skin attaching your ball sac to your body. Either the skin will tear and the attached bag will fall to the floor taking your balls with it or the ring will slide down your sac until it is free. The latter action will, of course, cause your testicles to be crushed and we shall have to cut off your sac to avoid fatal infection." Lysus removed the clamp and sat on the bed to watch the fun, adding "You really should not have told me that you had befriended the new whore!"