PZA Boy Stories



What Really Happened To The Princes In The Tower


In 1483, 12 years old Edward, Prince of Wales and rightfully the new King, and his 9 years old brother Richard, Duke of York, were imprisoned in the Tower of London whilst their uncle, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, usurped the throne, becoming Richard III. The Princes, sons of the late monarch, Edward IV, later disappeared, presumed murdered by their uncle. However, your author has read a number of contemporary 15th and 16th century sources, many postulating other explanations for the boys’ disappearance. This story presupposes a particular one of these to be correct.
Publ. Oct 2001-Jan 2002 (Eunuch); this site Jun 2007
Finished 20,500 words (41 pages)


prince Edward (12-14yo), prince Richard (9-11yo) & many others

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/Middle Ages
tb – anal oral – bd hist.fact humil spank – castr


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.
If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?
This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.
It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. Murder
  2. Constantinople
  3. Enslavement
  4. Topkapi
  5. Eunuchs
  6. Koceks
  1. Performances
  2. Threesome
  3. Displeasure
  4. War
  5. Teheran
  6. Rewards


In 1483, 12 years old Edward, Prince of Wales and rightfully the new King, and his 9 years old brother Richard, Duke of York, were imprisoned in the Tower of London whilst their uncle, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, usurped the throne, becoming Richard III. The Princes, sons of the late monarch, Edward IV, later disappeared, presumed murdered by their uncle. This presumption seemed to have been proved by a discovery that was made during reconstruction work 191 years later in 1674. Workmen had been employed by Charles II to clear some ruined structures around the White Tower and, during the demolition of an old castellated tower, they found under the bottom step of a spiral staircase, at a depth of about ten feet, a wooden casket. In it were the skeletons of two children, the taller one lying on his back with the shorter on top face downwards.

King Charles subsequently commissioned Christopher Wren, architect of the new St. Paul's cathedral, to make a white urn with an inscription stating that it contained the bones of the Princes. The beautiful sarcophagus was placed in the chapel of Henry VII in Westminster Abbey where it can still be seen. In 1933, the Abbey's Dean and Chapter gave permission for the bones to be examined by medical experts and they concluded that the remains were consistent with the theory that they were those of the Princes. It was noted that the older boy seemed to have suffered with a serious jaw complaint. The identity of the boys was seemingly confirmed by DNA testing conducted in the 1990s that indicated that the bones had characteristics linking them to the royal family of the time.

However, your author has read a number of contemporary 15th and 16th century sources, many postulating other explanations for the boys’ disappearance. This story presupposes a particular one of these to be correct.

Chapter 1

(Warwick Castle, English Midlands, August 1483)

Richard III was dining with his chief ally, the Duke of Buckingham, and his chief fixer, Sir James Tyrell. Richard had no deformity apart from having one shoulder slightly higher than the other. Talk of a hunchback was Tudor propaganda, propagated by Shakespeare and others. He was lean and of medium height. He was reserved but ruthlessly determined and his austerity was emphasised by the fact that he always wore black. Buckingham was almost an opposite, but perhaps that is why, along with similar ambitions and detestation of the Woodvilles, they got on well together, at least until a later falling out that cost the Duke his head. The man was imaginative but volatile, being easily provoked. Tyrrell was fawning and out to reward himself with as much as possible from his association with the usurper, to whom he was just a useful tool for the darkest tasks, of which there were many.

The king had become Lord Protector of England when his brother, Edward IV, had died of pneumonia at Westminster Palace on 9 April. The late King's will entrusted him with the protection of his son, now no longer Prince of Wales but Edward V, during the boy's minority. However, Edward IV's widow Queen, Elizabeth Woodville, and her faction were determined to prevent this happening as there was intense dislike and rivalry between them. Richard knew this and so set out to obtain a hold on the new boy king's person. He and Buckingham, with a small force of armed retainers, intercepted the King and his retinue at Stony Stratford in Northamptonshire as they made their way to London from Ludlow, where they had been staying. Most of the boy King's adult companions were arrested or dispersed, including Sir Thomas Vaughan who had affectionately looked after the child since he was a baby. Many, including Sir Thomas, were to be executed over the next few months. The young Edward burst into tears when he was presented with his sinister uncle's own choice of attendants.

The revised escorting party arrived in London to an enthusiastic reception on 4 May, the date originally set for the new King's coronation, and the boy was lodged initially with the Bishop of London. However, by 19 May, Edward had been transferred to the royal apartments in the Tower of London, where he was to be joined later by his younger sibling. Meanwhile, their mother fled into sanctuary. Edward's coronation was postponed to 24 June but, in the interim, Richard decided to go for the crown himself. He had some support for many in the country remembered the awful and long tribulations caused when another minor, Henry VI, had assumed the throne. It had led to the still inconclusive, in 1483, Wars of the Roses. Richard was seen by many as being a good soldier who would make a capable King. There were actually calls for him to assume kingship, especially from some church pulpits in the capital and eventually from a compliant Parliament itself. The pronouncement from the latter was made on 25 June. On the same day, the coup was completed when the two royal brothers were moved from the royal apartments to the Bloody Tower. It was then known as the ‘Garden Tower’ because of an adjacent garden where the boys were occasionally observed playing. However, they disappeared from view altogether shortly afterwards when they were relocated again, this time to the upper reaches of the White Tower, an altogether less pleasant facility.

“You must get rid them,” declared Buckingham, “whilst they live they will remain the focus for all dissenters, especially those supporting the Woodvilles. Your crown will never be safe until they are gone!” “I know,” replied Richard III, “I don’t mind what happens to my late brother's bastards but I refuse to kill his legitimate children. I have enough on my conscience already in taking the older boy's throne away without having his blood and thereby regicide on my hands too.”

“If you’re just looking for someone to do the deed,” said Tyrell, “I’m sure that I kind find some appropriate discrete people.” “Yes do that,” responded Richard, “but only for the two bastards. Dispose of the Princes some other way. I’m sure that you can find one.” Tyrell brooded over his chicken for a time whilst Richard and Buckingham debated the dangers posed by the exiled Henry Bolingbroke. He then made the suggestion for removing the Princes permanently from sight that was agreed upon, and which Richard granted his associated request to acquire the keys of the Tower of London for just one night from the Constable, John Brackenbury. Tyrell set off for London the following day, accompanied by his chief servant, a big broad strong knave by the name of John Dighton. Dighton happened to know one of the Tower jailers, a certain Miles Forest, already a murderer.

(Tower of London, a few days later)

In 1483, the Tower of London was at the very eastern edge of the city. In fact, the city walls came right up to it, ending at the Postern Gate, expecting the Tower itself to be the continuance of the fortification to the edge of the Thames, from which its final battlements with mounted cannon stood on huge white pillars. The western windows overlooked London's congested roofs over which rose the great landmark of the old St. Paul's Cathedral. The view from the eastern windows was over the adjacent St. Katherine's Dock and across the swans swimming in the clear aquamarine river towards water meadows and down-land stretching to the horizon. Barges regularly went past, propelled by sail or oar.

As well as providing little-used royal accommodation, the Tower was a secure place of detention for the country's most important prisoners, many of whom would be executed on nearby Tower Hill or on the pavement outside the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula. The Princes were now in the gruesome White Tower where many such captives had been held. Unlike in the pleasant royal apartments, their accommodation was now spartan and all of their attendants had been withdrawn. Miles Forest looked after their needs instead. The ugly bearded middle-aged man had even bought two bags of lime for them, although he neglected to appraise the boys of this for obvious reasons. However, he had reclaimed the cost in the normal manner for the record of the purchase of this material is still extant in Tower records.

Both boys were renowned for their similar slender good looks. They sported long golden hair and blue eyes. Edward was 12 years 9 months old. He was precocious and thoughtful, although the latter had recently turned to fatalistic melancholy, especially after he had bravely spoken up for his mother and her family in front of his uncle and been rewarded with the move to the White Tower. Richard, Duke of York, was about to celebrate his 10th birthday. He was usually playfully nimble and merry but had caught some of his brother's unhappiness and fear.

The clothing of the two Princes had substantially deteriorated in quality. Forest had taken away and sold their previous rich garments. He had received most for the blue robes with crimson mantle and matching ermine capes, although he still undersold them far below their real value. The boys now wore simple peasant dress of brown shirt and breeches, with matching underpants, although it was new and kept clean for Forest was wary that there might be unexpected important visitors who could admonish him for attiring the lads in dirty rags.

The large one-room accommodation was terrible by the Princes’ former standards, and even by that of the wider population. They could see nothing but sky out of the high narrow open windows. It was cold even now in the height of summer. Their crude beds with even cruder covers were hard and uncomfortable. Forest brought them almost uneatable food, and little of it. The boys had not been under the outside sky in weeks and had received no visitors. However, worst of all for such young boys, they had little to do. It was as if no-one cared for them anymore.

The Princes were trying to sleep despite their sorrow at the turn of events and longing for their living mother and dead father when, about midnight, Forest entered their quarters with the first visitors for a long time. The boys were never to know that their respectively slightly younger half-brothers, conceived by a young Westminster Palace servant girl whilst the Queen was not available for the matrimonial bed because of her confinements with the embryonic royalty, had resided in the room below them for several weeks. They were also never to learn that the two thugs entering their chamber had just smothered their half-kin in that room and then buried them deep below the stairwell of a nearby Tower, under the supervision of the more important third intruder. Only Forest appreciated that the now dead elder boy had suffered from a serious jaw disease.

The Princes were wakened by Forest. They did not recognise the well-dressed Tyrell and dowdy Dighton but said nothing. They had invariably been relocated previously at this time of night by strangers and accepted that this was happening again. They were to be proved right, but not in their wildest estimations could they anticipate by how far they were to be resituated.

The men took them silently down a myriad of stairwells into the dark deep innards of the Tower. They eventually emerged at Traitors’ Gate, through which many famous but condemned personages had passed since the construction of the fortress had been started by William the Conqueror over 400 years before. However, the boys were to make a very unusual journey for the condemned for they were to pass through the gateway, on a rowboat with the three men, in the opposite direction to that usually undertaken.

The boat went along the moonlit river to St. Katherine's Dock where there were a number of small ships anchored. They set to alongside one that was very similar to those in which, in just another 9 years, Columbus would set out for the New World, for it was Spanish. The captain was waiting to greet them on the quiet deck. All the crew were enjoying the taverns and bawdy houses of the city. The captain guided the small party down to his cabin.

“We sail on the morning tide,” he told Tyrell, with whom he had had a lucrative smuggling arrangement for many years. He confirmed, in good English for he had traded with the natives most of his adult life, “They will be kept, locked in my side cabin, away from view and where only I have access. They will not emerge until I reach Cadiz. There I shall sell them very quietly to the Moorish trader of whom I have spoken.” He handed Tyrell a small money bag and said “Your entitlement, I believe.” Tyrell peeked inside to make sure that the amount of gold was as agreed, but avoiding letting his compatriots in crime see what had been paid for they would receive a tiny fraction for their particular efforts. “Thank you” Tyrell responded. To him it was a nice bonus for he would receive more from the usurper. However, the captain inwardly chuckled. The Englishman obviously did not know the worth of the trade for the Moor would pay twenty times as much, in the expectation of even greater profits, for displaying two young beautiful virgin English noble boys in the slave markets of faraway Constantinople.

Chapter 2

The true English King and his younger brother move towards their new destiny.

The Spanish sea captain and Tyrell were deliberately speaking out of earshot of both Dighton and Forest, as well as the two Princes, for their conversation was of no concern to the manservants and of every concern to the boys. Tyrell asked the captain “Are you sure that you can guarantee that the boys will be transported to enslavement in the farthest regions of the known world and be castrated? It's essential that neither they nor any offspring return to haunt us.” The captain answered “Can you think of anywhere further than the Empire of the Ottomans, where is always great demand for eunuchs? They are inevitably young and pretty and either white Christians or black pagans because, I understand, Muslims are not permitted by their religion to emasculate fellow believers. Anyway, I have never known the Moor to renege on his promises. If he swears by Allah that something will be done, it is done!” “Good,” said Tyrell, “for, if anything went wrong, I’d pay for it with my head!” Tyrell then departed with his two companions to row back whence they came.

“Follow me,” the Princes’ new gaoler ordered and took the boys into his side-cabin, illuminated only by the light filtering in from a lantern in the main compartment. He informed the frightened lads “You are going on a long journey overseas for your own protection. You must stay in here, where you will be safe, throughout. You must also remain quiet at all times for none of my crew are to know that you’re on board. Many of them would like to have pretty young boys like you share their beds and might be tempted by your presence to comfort themselves with your bodies when my back was turned.” The innocent Princes, who had led very sheltered lives, did not fully understand what the man was talking about, although the elder had an idea.

The captain had emptied the small side-cabin of the various items he had stored there, erected two hammocks and placed a leather bucket in the corner. He told the boys that the hammocks were to sleep in and the bucket was for their waste. The Prince's were shocked at the primitive accommodation but, full of bleak despondency, said nothing. The captain left briefly and returned with a jug of water, but no cups, and two tin plates with some plain bread, meat and cheese. “Don’t waste it,” he advised, “for rations are tight.” He then left, locking the door behind him and leaving the boys in darkness. He placed the bag of spare clothing brought by Tyrell's men for the youngsters in a corner of his own cabin, for he knew that he would probably need the contents sooner rather than later.

The dispirited and tired Princes never did eat the food for they were already becoming queasy because of the gentle rocking of the boat. Once their eyes had become accustomed to the gloom and they could just make out the layout of their tiny prison, Edward tried instead to help Richard into his hammock. However, he encountered difficulty with the swinging contraption and his brother fell off twice before the tricky manoeuvre was finally fulfilled. Edward managed to reach his own sleeping position only at the sixth attempt.

As Tyrell had been advised, the ship left on the morning tide, heading eastwards down the Thames towards the open sea. The Princes had never been on a ship before, their experiences on water being strictly limited to small riverboats, and the bucket in their cabin was soon full of vomit as seasickness overwhelmed their delicate constitutions. The captain kept discretely visiting as often as he could for he did not want to lose his valuable cargo, but all he could really do to help was to empty the bucket regularly and secretly through the porthole of his cabin.

The voyage took almost a month. The weather was poor at first, despite the fact that it was still late summer, and the traversing of both the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay were particularly unpleasant, especially for the ailing Princes. The Duke of York was certainly in no state or situation to celebrate his 10th birthday as the terrible days passed. However, the boys began to improve when better conditions were encountered as they sailed down the Spanish and Portuguese coasts and they became more accustomed to the now more gentle rolling of the vessel. They had even started to regain some of the weight lost by the time the busy port of Cadiz was reached.

The captain hoped that their delayed arrival had not caused him to miss the Moor who visited the port only at this time every year. He was therefore relieved to see the Moor's distinctive huge galley in the harbour. The captain had tried to keep his prize cargo as healthy and as clean as possible. He gave the boys good and regular rations. He encouraged them daily to wash from buckets of seawater and clean their teeth, using the powder that he always kept and which had protected his own well. He gave them combs to maintain their long silky hair. He also regularly gave them changes of clothes, washing and drying their soiled garb in his own cabin. However, he was no laundryman and their constant sickness had meant that they had not eaten well and were often too poorly to attend satisfactorily to their ablutions. Although there had been a recent improvement, the boys were still unnaturally white-faced, undoubtedly as much from lack of exposure to the outside as from their illness, and thin. Their attire now looked scrawny and their general sullenness, to be expected in the circumstances in which they found themselves, only added to their sorry physical and mental state. The captain was worried about the affect on their value if he presented the boys to the Moor in their present condition. He therefore decided to try to obtain some improvement.

Once the main cargo had been unloaded and the crew had set off to waste their wages in the town, the captain removed the Princes from the tiny side cabin for the first time in a month and took them up to the deck. The boys immediately cheered a little at seeing the sun and sky for the first time in four weeks, although they were also apprehensive about where they were for it was clearly not England. The captain recognised their anxiety and tried to placate it by saying “Cadiz, Spain. You’re safe here, although you’ll soon be moving on to somewhere even safer. We’re going ashore to get you tidied up.” He then guided the boys down a side gangplank to a small rowboat, left for the captain by the crew, and the threesome rowed to a quiet part of the pierside.

The captain had chosen this mooring for the rowboat because it was well away from the cheap inns and brothels that the crew would be enjoying. He proposed to use a much more costly and exclusive establishment and led the Princes through some quiet waterside alleyways to a wider tree-lined avenue, which climbed one of the hills behind the Spanish port. They eventually came to a magnificent villa, surrounded by beautiful gardens. It was the most expensive bordello in town, one of the captain's most pleasurable self-indulgences.

The captain was welcomed like a long-lost brother by the mistress, to whom he explained his requirements. The woman went briefly away, and returned with three brown haired, brown eyed young girls, one aged about 16 and the other two about 14, all dressed in skimpy translucent low-cut white silk-like dresses, through which their pretty sun-kissed bodies could just be made out if you looked carefully. Both boys did so and the elder felt his cock becoming bigger. Whilst the captain was cheerfully led by the oldest girl to one of the luxurious bedchambers, the Princes were led by the two youngest to a large magnificently-appointed bathroom, even more resplendent than those they had come across in the English royal palaces. However, the walls, ceilings and floors of this particular example were decorated with colourful tiled frescos depicting young naked very nubile nymphs being chased by men with very large erect members. Both boys blushed bright red when they saw the scenes. They blushed even more when the girls, by means of sign language, indicated that they should strip.

Richard was at first adamant that he would do no such thing but his elder brother was aware of how much good a luxuriant bath would do them both and persuaded him otherwise. They began to remove their shirts and footwear whilst the girls pushed some small gold-plated phallus-shaped levers that made warm water begin to fill the enormous bath and poured in some scented salts from a big adjacent jar, adorned with its own obscene artwork. The girls then removed their revealing frocks and, now completely naked and chuckling, returned to the two boys who were shyly delaying the removal of their breeches in the hope that the girls would be leaving. However, it was evident from what the girls had just done that they not only had no intention of leaving and were instead proposing to join them the lads in the bath.

The girls both had beautiful smooth bodies without pubic hair but with breasts clearly beginning to form. Despite his shock at the turn of events, Edward's cock now became harder at the sight. The giggling girls purposefully overcame the boy's bashful reluctance to disrobe and helped them to remove their trousers, leaving them standing in just their tight underbreeches, which clearly outlined the older boy's excitement. This view just increased the girls’ determination and they soon had these last covers off their latest and youngest-ever customers. Edward's whole body flushed as he tried to hide his erection under his cupped hands. Richard jumped into the now half-full bath, hoping that the suds would hide his own smaller embarrassment.

All four children were soon in the bath and, as the water continued to pour in, the Princes began to realise that they were not to wash themselves. The girls had collected some sponges, soaped them and, kneeling before the sitting boys, started to sponge the lads’ chests. Edward and Richard gradually overcame their shame and succumbed to the inevitable. They eventually relaxed to enjoy the experience, even standing when directed so that the girls could attend to certain other parts of their anatomy.

Edward, particularly, found the situation very erotic and could not prevent himself having a constant hard-on. This became especially intense when he was standing and the girl attending to him washed his bum and cheekily searched for his sphincter with a finger. The elder boy continued to try to hide his stimulation but eventually that was the only part of his body, apart from his hair, still requiring attention and the girl gently knocked his hands away. The Prince closed his eyes in shame as the sponge was applied to his excited genitals but this rapidly became ecstasy as the soft wet implement was wrapped round his hard cock and the girl began to pump. He was experiencing too much pleasure to stop her and soon his body shuddered and the sponge became damper, but not with water. At the same time, Richard, sitting again, was brought to his first drier climax by the ministrations of the other girl's right hand, placed under the water between the boy's legs. The girls just smiled at their successes and proceeded to shampoo the boys’ hair.

The captain and his two royal charges eventually emerged redressed, refreshed and reinvigorated from their experiences within the walls of the brothel. Their clothes had been washed and quickly dried under the hot sun whilst they were enjoying the company of the young prostitutes, an extra service provided by the high-class establishment. It had all cost a lot but the captain knew that he would recoup the amount if it encouraged the Moor to pay full price for the Princes. The captain was certainly pleased to see that some colour and chirpiness had returned to the boys’ faces.

They returned to the rowboat at the pierside but, instead of making for his own ship, the captain now rowed towards the Moor's galleon, hoping that the trader was home. He was and he came from below to greet the threesome on the deck. The captain took the Moor to one side and spoke to him for a while, out of earshot of everyone else. The Princes saw that the tall, distinguished, bearded man, in flowing white robes with a jewel-encrusted scabbard on his belt, regularly glanced at them during the conversation. They also, from their standing position, took in the magnificence of the ship, far bigger and grander than any they had encountered previously. A number of men were loading cargo from small boats alongside and others seemed to be performing maintenance work on the deck and above them in the sail rigging.

The captain's chat with the Moor eventually finished and the latter then escorted the Spaniard and his very special goods for sale below deck to his cabin, a much larger and more sumptuous facility than its equivalent on the other ship. The captain addressed the two boys “This gentleman has no English so I have to speak for him. He is the kind person who will take you to your final sanctuary. He is also a doctor and will make sure that you remain well. After the stresses of your voyage from England, he believes that it would be beneficial to perform a physical check now to ensure that there isn’t something that he should be tending immediately. Would you mind undressing for him?” The blushes returned to the boys’ faces and the Moor recognised their shamed reluctance. He therefore suggested that the captain went on deck whilst the inspection took place.

The coy Princes felt a little more relaxed now that there was only the doctor to view their naked bodies and disrobed, helped by their memory of being occasionally examined like this by royal physicians. They stood nude before the Moor with their hands initially in the usual protective positions but the man soon sensitively moved them to the boys’ sides and began his careful and thorough scrutiny of the lads’ young physiques. He noted that they were currently skinny and pale, presumably a consequence of their recent journey and previous experiences. However, he appreciated that some of his special medicines, good diet and plenty of joyful exercise under the warm Mediterranean sun, combined with pleasant accommodation and rosier future expectations, should quickly eradicate these defects. He also realised that, once this transformation had occurred, he would have very special goods that would attract very high prices in the market for which they would be destined. He was particularly happy with the way the boys’ ball sacs hung nicely, which would make their castration easier to perform, and with the lengths of their uncut penises, which were a little bigger than usual for their ages and would provide their bodies with pleasant ornamentation after their scrotums were emptied. The Moor believed that he knew who the likely purchaser would be for such superb but very expensive young white eunuchs.

At the conclusion of the physical check, the Moor opened a big cupboard, which contained a large array of new clothing kept just for these occasions, for one of the man's specialisms was trading young boys from north western Europe in Constantinople, where they were very rare and much prized. He selected some items that he believed were the boys’ sizes. He gave the Princes white underbriefs, even smaller than their original underbreeches, along with sleeveless white tunics, which had waist cords and reached down to half way between the boy's loins and knees. The quality of the garments was the best that the two Princes had worn for several months. Their new attire was finished off with open sandals. The Moor then led the boys to a nearby spacious cabin that had two bunk-beds located against the walls either side of the entrance door, as well as against the side walls, thereby providing sleeping facilities for sixteen. There were four square wooden tables, each with four chairs around them, fixed to the floor in front of each set of beds. Some open portholes were on the far wall, with sunlight streaming through. In front of these, bathed in the light, was an open space with an overflowing toy-box. The Moor smiled and signalled to the boys to play with the toys and left to conclude his business with the captain on deck. The Princes were never again to see the Spaniard, now considerably enriched by his latest transaction.

Edward and Robert had both noticed that the cabin showed no evidence of being lived in and wondered if there were to be any other occupants. They did not immediately play with the toys. Instead, they explored their new environment and peered out of the portholes for a while, watching the shipping pass by in the busy harbour. However, they eventually succumbed to the lure of the playthings, of which they found the small wooden soldiers to be the most attractive. The boys were just beginning to re-enact one of the more bloody battles of the Wars of the Roses when the door opened and a huge black man entered, carrying plates of food, jugs of juice and goblets. He placed them on the table nearest to the lads and, before leaving, gestured that they should eat, obviously sharing the Moor's ignorance of the English language. In fact, the Princes were never again to encounter anyone who shared their native tongue and they would become fluent in Turkish to compensate.

The now hungry Princes had not come across much of the food before but found it delicious. They had also not previously tasted anything like the juice but adored it, despite the fact that the Moor had secretly added some of his medicinal remedies. When the boys had finished the delectable feast, they noticed that the noise coming from the deck above had reduced considerably and, helped by observations from the portholes, concluded correctly that the loading of the holds had been completed. However, the galley remained quietly at anchor for another three days, apparently waiting for something as no more boats seemed to approach with cargo. During this time, the most valuable freight on the ship were well looked after, although they would not be allowed on deck until they were at sea. They enjoyed their food, play and sleep and their expressions and complexions quickly improved. Their bodies also began to fill out to their more natural immaculate proportions and were kept clean through daily baths in a large wooden tub brought by the black servant.

It was late afternoon on the third day when the last load, for which the Moor had been patiently waiting, arrived from the north on another ship. The Princes did not see the transfer take place but discovered what it was when the door to their cabin kept opening and, one by one over a period of a few hours, sixteen pretty boys, aged from about 6 to 14, entered, dressed in a similar manner to themselves. All the fair skinned newcomers seemed confused and disturbed about what was happening to them and were accordingly very quiet at first. However, as they sailed on the evening tide and a veritable banquet was brought in for them all to consume, most brightened, especially as they had now become accustomed to the rolling of ships.

Talk between the boy cargo was difficult because they spoke several different languages, for there were five Scandinavians, four Germans, four Lowlanders, two French boys and an Irish lad, who only spoke Gaelic, but all seemed pleasant enough. Indeed, as the galley spent the next three months progressing down the Mediterranean towards their ultimate destination and they learnt to communicate mainly by manual signals, they came to enjoy each other's company enormously, with only a few minor and quickly forgotten altercations. The four littlest also did not mind sleeping head to toe in the same bunks to compensate for the fact that there were two unexpected additions to their number.

The Princes’ new friends had been sold to the Moor's agents by poor peasant families, who had been led to believe that they were destined for a better life as some great lord's servants. They were never informed that the boys would be removed to the other side of the known world and the truthfulness of what they had been told depended on whether they considered being eunuch catamites represented improved existences. The Princes kept their own backgrounds to themselves, as they would do for the rest of their lives, for they knew that the information might endanger them further and, anyway, they did not think that anyone would believe them.

The boys quickly lost their inhibitions with each other after becoming acclimatised to the daily bathing the black servant insisted on and which was a new experience for all, even the Princes. As a result, most, including the Princes, walked round their cabin nude in the hottest weather. Best friends were made, usually from within the same age groups. Edward's was a Dane and Robert's was one of the French boys. They would often help each other. This developed first towards mutual bathing and later, amongst the older boys as they grew to like and recognise the feelings caused by physical contact, into occasional bed sharing and mutual masturbation during the darkness of night. Edward and his friend were not exceptions.

Apart from their sexual adventures, the boys most liked their time on deck, where the Moor allowed them to play to their hearts’ content as long as the weather permitted and their pink forms did not redden. There, the lads often wore just their briefs and many of the tempted sex-starved crew were only kept at bay by iron self-will and the strict discipline imposed by their employer. Especially popular amongst the boys was viewing the comings and goings in the various exotic ports they entered, which included Ceuta, Oran, Algiers, Triploli and Chania, although they never knew the place names or where in the world they had actually sailed. However, this idyll finally came to an end when the galley entered a huge harbour and the boys saw for the first time the city that was to become home to many. It was the most stunning skyline any of them had ever seen, even to the Princes who knew London. Beyond the high walls, the boys observed the many roofs and domes of the great metropolis, with the most splendid having a strange narrow pointed tower next to it.

The Moor visited the boys in their cabin that night. He was pleased to observe that all, including the two most precious, looked to be at the peak of boyish health and beauty and now possessed cheery dispositions, although he was aware that the latter would soon change. He announced to the young assemblage “We have arrived at our final destination for we are moored in the Golden Horn. You will all be disembarked tomorrow to be welcomed in the capital of the great Sultans!”

Chapter 3

The Princes arrive in the city that is to become their new home.

(Constantinople, January 1484)

The assembled boys had not understood a word of what the Moor had said but recognised that they had reached the end of their voyage and that the morrow was likely to be an important day in their lives. Edward knew that sometime, somewhere, he had passed his thirteenth birthday, as well as Christmas and the new year of his own faith, whilst on the galley. The Prince wondered where he would be when he became fourteen. He was determined that, whatever now befell him and his brother, they would try their best to stay together, although it was probably too much to expect that their new friends, with whom they had experienced so much joy, would remain with them as well.

A heady mixture of worry and excitement meant that all the boys slept fitfully that night, even the older lads who shared bodily pleasures for one last time. They were happy when dawn arrived and they could have a final play before the arrival of the black servant to supervise their ablutions and redressing in pristine white briefs and tunics. The man was even more meticulous than usual and, unprecedentedly, the Moor came to closely examine the finished products. He was more than pleased by his observations, particularly of the young royal personages, and told the servant to proceed to take them ashore.

The boys were ferried, under a warm sun despite the fact that it was mid-winter, in two large rowboats across the clear blue waters of the Golden Horn, an inlet of the Bosphorus at the entrance to the Sea of Marmara, to steps on the long busy quayside. A large covered wagon, drawn by two horses awaited them. After supervising the loading of the wagon with its precious young cargo, the black servant joined the driver at the front and the horses were encouraged to launch the party on its way. Some of the boys had never been to large villages, let alone a huge magnificent city such as Constantinople which, like Rome, was built on seven hills. The great metropolis was now more cosmopolitan than ever after its conquest by the Muslim Ottoman Turks, under Sultan Mehmet, thirty years before. The great ruler, known for his achievements as the ‘Conqueror’, had died only two years earlier, being replaced by one of his sons, Bayezid. Mehmet had wisely maintained many of the previous Byzantine administrators and their systems in place and also provided an environment in which much of the original Greek population felt that it could remain. As a result, the city had become the richest and busiest trading centre in the known world.

All the boys were therefore amazed at the exotic sights they observed through the opening at the rear of the wagon as it progressed along the narrow streets. They were particularly intrigued at the variety of skin colours and clothing, including peculiar headwear, they saw amidst the thronging masses through whom they passed and by the splendour of some of the buildings. The wagon eventually arrived at one of the city’s largest markets. However, it did not sell manufactured goods, produce or animals as its speciality was human beings, for slavery was not only a major feature of the Byzantine Empire but also its successor. This was where some of the lads’ ignorance relating to their futures would be removed, along with much optimism they might have nurtured.

The boys’ concerns were first increased when they were unloaded from the wagon by the black servant, helped by the wagon driver, and herded inside the building and along a couple of extensive passageways to a large room, empty except for a long wooden platform against the left wall. The eighteen lads were led, via steps on the lefthandside, onto the stage and stood in line about a pace apart, near to and facing the front with their hands at their sides. They had all been positioned above metal rings embedded in the stage floor in height order, which more or less approximated to their ages ranging from 6 to 14, with the shortest and youngest nearest the stairs. The exceptions were the young Princes who were located next to each other on the righthandside.

The black servant clearly indicated by hand signals that the boys should stay put and still, and remain quiet. He then left the room, leaving the boys in the driver’s care. The man was very tempted to have a private preview of what was under some of the tunics but decided that it was too dangerous. The Moor, despite his outward disposition, was not someone you wanted to displease.

The servant returned with the Moor and several of his crewmen, who had apparently spent some time on their personal grooming for this event. The crewmen assumed a guarding role at the back of the platform whilst the servant opened some double doors at the centre of the wall directly opposite the wooden structure. About forty men, in various garb and seemingly of several nationalities, both unfamiliar to the boys, entered and made for the front of the platform to have their first looks at the commodities on offer. The Moor’s annual auction of north-western European boys was an occasion eagerly anticipated by the slavetraders for his very rare goods never disappointed in quality. However, they knew that they would have to pay very high prices if they were to secure any, and then only after a certain person, who would easily outbid them all, had made his selection. They now had to await this man’s arrival before proceedings could progress further.

The wait lasted about a third of an hour, during which time the concerns of the boys intensified for the black servant removed their tunics and placed leather collars, with chain manacles, around their necks. The boys had always been treated well and with respect by both the servant and his master but this seemed to signify a sinister change of mood and attitude. This perception was significantly increased when their hands were attached behind them to the manacles, so that their wrists were half way up their backs, and further shackles were applied to their feet and the metal rings. However, it was noticeable that the bulges at the front of some of the older lads’ small tight white briefs increased in size and, to his shame, Edward’s was one of these.

All the boys felt humiliated at having to stand in this manner in front of the assemblage, most of whom seemed to be discussing the lads’ attributes with nearby colleagues. However, the crowd quietened when a small retinue of men appeared at the double doors. The clear leader was a distinguished-looking fair-haired, clean-shaven, middle-aged man, with striking blue eyes, who was dressed in flowing purple and blue robes embossed with rubies and sapphires. The Moor went to greet him and did so with a reverential bow. The man acknowledged the welcome but made purposefully for the platform, apparently wanting to acquit this business quickly so that he could go on to deal with more important matters. The Moor talked quietly to him as the small party progressed to the stairs of the stage, but the man proceeded up the steps alone.

The black servant awaited him at the top and bowed as the man reached it. He remained at the left of the platform as the man walked along the row of boys carefully examining each one in turn. The man ran his right hand through their hair and over their cheeks. He forced open their mouths to look inside, before running both hands over their chests, sides and stomachs, gently pinching their nipples on the way. Without exception, these administrations caused the boys, even the two 6 years olds, to become aroused and this humiliatingly showed through their briefs. The lads’ shame increased when the man, with deliberation, felt the shape of their expanding bulges. He did not bother feeling the boys’ legs, for that would have meant kneeling, but satisfied himself with a visual check before proceeding to their rears, where he ran his hands over their backs and the sumptuous curves of their backsides, intensifying their erections.

Robert and then Edward were the last to receive these degrading attentions and the man seemed to linger longest over their immaculate forms. After he had finished, the man nodded to the black servant who then finalised the boys’ degradation by swiftly moving along the line from the left, pulling the blushing lads’ briefs down to their ankles. Some of the younger boys who had received the man’s earliest attentions revealed re-softened penises but the latter older boys, including Robert and Edward, revealed hard-ons of some degree or other. Edward’s, in particular, was full and would become fuller as the man now proceeded, in reverse order down the line, to perform his inspection of the boys’ loins and bottoms again but in their naked state and with the latter including a check with eye and finger of their virgin sphincters as they were made to bend over. The man seemed to pay particular notice to the shape and form of the lads’ genitalia, causing the young Dane to shudder and cum over the very expensive robe. The red-faced 13 years old was so embarrassed and frightened that he began to cry but the man just ignored both reactions to his administrations and proceeded to the lad’s rear, although he did allow the black servant to use a cloth to wipe his robe clean of the evidence of the youngster’s over-excitement.

The boys had all traumatised by the sudden greatly demeaning change in their circumstances, being made to stand nude, some with obvious signs of sexual arousal, not only before the man fondling them but before more than forty others with lecherous looks. However, the man did not exhibit such a look himself for his eyes suggested that he was totally indifferent to the lovely attractions before him and was instead examining them as he would cattle.

The man left the stage and spoke to the Moor whilst pointing at some of the boys, including the Princes. The Moor bowed and the man and his retinue left. The black servant released six boys from their shackles, including Edward and Robert and the former’s Danish friend, his cock still leaking semen, but not the latter’s French one. The six was completed by another Scandinavian, this one aged 7, and a 9 years old German and 11 years old Lowlander, all blondes with blue eyes. The servant indicated to the sextet that they could cover themselves again with their briefs, the Dane soiling his with sperm as he did so whilst Edward stained his with precum for his penis remained embarrassingly hard. The servant and the wagon driver then escorted the six off the platform and out of the market, leaving the other twelve boys to be sold into slavery on the wider market. The six were never to see the other twelve again or, for that matter, the Moor who, as he observed the boys leaving, was very content for he believed that he had fulfilled his promise to the Spanish captain whilst, at the same time, making a substantial profit.

As the sextet, now attired just in briefs, were returned to the back of the wagon to be transported along more streets, they wondered where they were going and what destiny had in mind for them. They were particularly intrigued about the identity of the richly robed man. One of them would quickly discover that the man originated from his homeland and spoke his language. All of them would soon learn that he was also the second most powerful person in the Ottoman Empire, after the Sultan, for he controlled all access of both people and messages to the exalted ruler. The man was entitled 'Kapi Agha’ or 'Chief White Eunuch’.

Chapter 4

The Princes and their companions arrive at the complex where they are now to reside.

(Constantinople, January 1484)

One of the magnificent structures the wagon passed was a huge domed edifice with a narrow but tall pointed brick tower in the south-eastern corner. The boys would later learn that the main structure was the Hagia Sophia, formerly a Byzantine Christian cathedral commissioned centuries before by the Emperor Justinian I, which at this time still retained frescoes and mosaics of Christian saints despite being converted to be a Moslem mosque, with its new apse and altar, or ‘mihrap’, facing Mecca. The tower was a minaret, the first of four that would eventually appear at each corner. The boys themselves would, over the next few years, occasionally spy the second tower gradually appear on the city skyline at the north-eastern corner as Sultan Bayezid repeated his father's earlier minaret construction.

The wagon eventually arrived at the gates of a huge complex of splendid buildings, which the boys were soon to discover was the ‘Saray’, Persian for ‘palace’, vast sumptuous home of the Sultan. It was known at the time to Europeans as the ‘Grand Seraglio’ but would later be called the ‘Topkapi Palace’. ‘Topkapi’ means ‘cannon gate’, a name derived from the two large cannons that guarded the Imperial water gate on the Bosphorus.

The sprawling pastiche of different architectural styles had been begun in 1453 by Mehmet II, the ‘Conqueror’, and additions would be made by his successors over subsequent centuries. The many thousands who dwelt within the walls were answerable only to the Sultan, who was answerable only to God. The complex, veritably a city within a city, comprised a large group of big beautiful buildings and lovely garden courtyards, connected by gates. There were three distinct areas, the Outer Palace, Inner Palace and the Forbidden Palace or Harem, also known as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Courts.

The Saray's many guards, gardeners and craftsmen dressed in distinctive colour-coded garb for identification and resided in dormitories within the Outer Palace, a busy colourful place that even possessed its own zoo, with bears, elephants and lions. The Inner Palace included accommodation for a large number of Imperial bureaucrats who conducted the central administration of the expanding Empire. The Forbidden Palace, or Harem, included the Sultan's private home. It comprised a series of luxurious suites, many elaborately tiled in blue, turquoise and aquamarine or lined with charming still-life frescoes, that housed the Imperial family. The running of the Imperial household would be typically organised by the Sultan's mother or the senior of his wives, of whom he was permitted up to four by Islamic law. The Imperial children and concubines, of both sexes, would also be housed within.

For the female members of the Imperial family and female and male concubines, the Forbidden Palace was actually a gilded cage because they led a completely cloistered life, guarded by a corps of black eunuchs who served as go-betweens with the outside world where they were not allowed to go. Privacy and silence were the main rules to be observed. The only entrance to this 3rd Court was called the ‘Gate of Felicity’, through which access was controlled by the Kapi Agha or Chief White Eunuch. He also oversaw the Palace School and commanded the Inner Palace services including, most importantly, all messages conveyed to the Sultan. Outsiders were granted permission to enter the Forbidden Palace only by invitation of the Sultan, conveyed via the Kapi Agha, and assignations were always ritualised and usually limited to a few officials. For other outsiders, the 3rd Court was strictly off-limits.

Nevertheless, the Forbidden Palace was still a busy place as it accommodated two other groups of people, both mainstays of the Ottoman Empire, besides the Imperial family and their black eunuchs. The corps of White Eunuchs and the Imperial Pages were both residents of the Courtyard of the White Eunuchs within the 3rd Court. The courtyard was small by palace standards and was located to the left of the Gate of Felicity. At its centre was a fountain where the eunuchs and their charges washed.

The responsibilities of the white eunuchs were twofold. First, they assisted their leader in the performance of his duties, especially by acting as the Sultan's personal guards. Second, they supervised the Imperial Pages, boys training for important posts within the Empire, usually in groups of ten youngsters. Palace eunuchs were invariably either Caucasian or black because it was against Islamic law to emasculate a Muslim. They would be castrated at an early age and some would spend time first as male concubines until they became too old to satisfy the Sultan's tastes. Most of the white eunuchs came from the Balkans and Greece, conquered by the Ottomans over the last century, although some, like the Kapi Agha himself, had been secured from more distant European lands and were therefore rare and highly prized.

At the north-eastern corner of the 3rd Court was the Treasury, which had formed the original palace and was perhaps still the most beautiful of its structures. The building was the Sultan's personal quarters. The exterior was rather simple and serene, giving little hint of its dazzling interior, which comprised four rooms, two porches, one facing the Sea of Marmara, and two basements. Each of the main rooms had a throne for the Sultan's comfort, each solid gold and inlaid with ebony and mother-of-pearl or set with emeralds and rubies. One had been made by melting down 80000 gold ducats. The rooms were decorated with many other rich splendours, such as jewelled armour and weapons and miniature paintings. The ‘Topkapi Dagger’ was to play a major role in a 20th century film. The basements formed the Sultan's depository for his personal immense fortune, enormous by any standards. The rooms were full of tributes and war booty, including the 5th largest diamond known to the world, even today.

This was the new world to which the six beautiful fair-skinned, blonde-haired, blue-eyed boys from north-western Europe, including the rightful King of England and his brother, were now destined.

Chapter 5

The worst day so far in the short lives of the six young boys, including the two Princes, continues and becomes much worse.

The young sextet, wearing only their sparse white briefs, were unloaded from the wagon by the black servant and handed over to two large black men, who had been waiting at the gate for this expected delivery. The black eunuchs were dressed identically in rich and exotic baggy buttoned pink shirts with equally baggy dark red trousers. Their jewelled headgear and their footwear, with peculiar curved toes, were also ruby in colour. The boys would later discover that they would have to wear similar clothing, including turbans, but of different hues. The men, one in front and one behind, escorted the lads through the front gate of the palace, guarded by a number of Caucasian Janissary soldiers, into the amazing world inside. The black servant rode back in the wagon whence he came, and out of the boys’ lives for ever.

The tremulous but also amazed sextet were led across the huge and magnificent entrance courtyard, full of colourfully attired people who were scurrying from one place to another on business. Most took time to glance at the sparsely clad fair beauties as they knew that they were unlikely to see their marvellous young forms again for quite a while. The boys were taken through the massive arch that represented the main doorway to the innards of the palace and along wide opulent corridors, crowded with more gawkers, and through beautifully gardened courtyards, until they eventually came to quieter but even more spectacular buildings. Here more passageways and gardens eventually brought the small group to the Gate of Felicity, guarded by a number of white eunuchs, armed with jewelled scimitars and wearing garb similar to that of the black escorts but with blue shirts and purple trousers, turbans and shoes. The anticipated new arrivals were waved through into the splendour of the Forbidden Palace beyond, but only after the guards had taken the opportunity to cast their eyes over the gorgeous young forms of those who would soon be joining their ranks. It would be a long time before any of the youngsters re-emerged through this gate and, by then, they would be completely different characters, both mentally and physically.

The escorts guided the overwhelmed boys along several more ostentatious corridors to a large elaborately tiled room with an enormous bath and ten luxuriously padded divans, strangely fitted with vertical rails at one end. Attached to the top of each rail was a large leather carrier, full of soapy water, from underneath which trailed narrow leather tubes. Spare full water carriers were placed on the floor nearby. Another ten black eunuchs awaited the young newcomers. The bath had been filled with warm, sweetly perfumed water and the eunuchs wore only silky briefs, to hide their physical loss, in readiness to bathe their new charges. On seeing that the newcomers numbered only six, four of these eunuchs left with the escorts. The remaining six eunuchs paired themselves with a boy each and soon had the lads naked and in the bath. The eunuchs washed the rare and expensive goods with great care and precision, including paying appropriate attention to the boys’ lovely white teeth, using their fingers smeared with a fragrant colourless gel contained in a large jar adjacent to the bath. After drying and grooming their new charges, the eunuchs led the now pristine young nudes through an arched doorway into another imposing room, equally as impressively appointed in its own way as the bathroom.

The room, which had a large window overlooking a courtyard, was furnished with ten sumptuously draped beds and two sets of tables and chairs of fine craftsmanship. There was also a big ornate chamberpot adjacent to each bed. By use of hand signals, the boys were invited to choose a bed to lie on. A set of intricately decorated silver goblets and jugs had been neatly placed on one of the tables. Six of the goblets were filled with liquid from the jugs. Each boy was presented with one and, by gesture, bid to consume the contents. They did so eagerly for they were all thirsty and the orange liquid had a nice juicy flavour. However, the consequences of quenching their thirsts were not at all nice for the lads soon had to use their chamberpots as the purgative began to take affect.

It was mid-afternoon by the time the eunuchs were satisfied that the infusion had completed its work and the boys were returned to the bathroom, where the delights of experiencing the enema apparatus awaited them. It was only after subsequent further meticulous bathing that colour finally returned to the frightened and acutely humiliated youngsters’ faces. However, this was to disappear again when, at early evening, the still-naked but thoroughly cleansed, both inside and out, boys were transferred to another big but much more sinister tiled chamber. This had another ten divans, without rails, in front of a far window that overlooked the sea but what concerned the sextet was the room's other accoutrements. There was a marble plinth in the centre. It had strong leather ties at each corner and a small jewelled knife lying in the middle. A number of little golden bowls and urns had been tidily placed, with towels, dressings, needles, thread and leather items, on an ornate table about two paces away to the right of the plinth. A lit brazier, in which an iron was already red hot, was nearby. There were also a number of tall sturdy wooden posts running in a line about one pace apart and two paces from the left wall. All of the posts had adjustable shackles at the top and bottom. Each of the now terrified boys was quickly attached in order of size between two of the more central posts, chained spreadeagled and facing the plinth. However, their terror and shame did not prevent Edward and the Dane exhibiting firm erections. The black eunuchs, now fully attired, stood in line, each in front of a divan, apparently waiting for someone to appear.

The frightened boys had to wait half an hour for the entourage, which was a little late, to arrive. The black eunuchs immediately knelt and placed their foreheads on the tiled floor, a position that they would retain until the arrivals had finished their business. The boys recognised the man, who had so intimately examined them earlier in the day, amongst the group, which also comprised several white guards dressed and armed in the same way as those the lads had encountered at the Gate of Felicity. However, it was another personage, supremely attired in flowing green and white robes and turban, all adorned with many pearls, emeralds and diamonds, who was clearly the most important. The bearded man was small in physical stature, which belied his status for he was Sultan Bayezid, omnipotent potentate of the Ottoman Empire.

The middle-aged Sultan walked along the line of naked boys, visually inspecting each body with the exception of the genitalia, to which he added manual investigation. The Kapi Agha spoke to his master about each of the newcomers. Edward, being just the tallest of the sextet, was last to suffer the demeaning scrutiny, which almost caused him to repeat his Danish friend's earlier accident at the market. The Sultan walked round to Edward's rear and ran his hands over the boy's smooth peerless buttocks, causing the lad's hard cock to twitch vigorously, before moving further down the line examining the various posteriors. The potentate eventually returned to walk quickly past the boys’ naked fronts, issuing brief instructions to the Chief White Eunuch before each lad. He and his entourage then left and the black eunuchs regained their feet but stayed by the divans, apparently waiting for someone else to appear.

The boys did not have to wait long for the next entourage to enter the chamber and for the eunuchs to resume their prostrations. This group was of similar composition to the first for it included the Kapi Agha and several guards. However, this time the very important person in their midst was a thirteen years old richly garbed very pretty boy, with a light brown complexion that matched the colour of his eyes. Richard was to become well-acquainted with Selim for the 13 years old Ottoman Prince was now to select the 10 years old English Prince to be his new slave. Prince Selim would have preferred Edward but he, along with the Dane, had already been nominated by his father to play another role.

Selim re-performed Bayezid's intimate examinations of the physiques of the six nude boys and his attentions to Edward's still rigid cock caused the blushing boy to spasm uncontrollably, within the confines of his chains, and spurt semen over the young Turk's robes. The Kapi Agha quickly wiped the mess away with an elaborately embroidered handkerchief before saying something to the annoyed Ottoman Prince. The latter walked to Edward's rear to feel the boy's bum whilst the Chief White Eunuch left the chamber, returning quickly with a short narrow single-stranded whip. The Kapi Agha handed the implement to a now smiling Selim.

Edward was petrified for he had seen the whip and realised to what use it would imminently be put after his humiliating mishap. The young English Prince had never been beaten and did not want this to change. However, the boy soon felt the hard leather as Selim rubbed it up and down the lad's naked bottom before withdrawing it to a position above his own head. The young Turk landed the first blow with practised skill and Edward screamed as a nasty red stripe appeared on his previously unmolested behind. It was quickly joined by three others. Selim returned the whip to the Chief White Eunuch and fingered the still-warm handiwork displayed on his fellow 13 years old, before proceeding with his scrutiny of the other boys’ rears and announcing Richard as his choice from those available. The Ottoman Prince then departed the scene with his guards for what was to take place now in this room was not to be observed by his sensitive eyes.

The Kapi Agha remained and ordered the black eunuchs to their feet. He issued further commands and soon the youngest of the sextet of boys found himself splayed face-up on the plinth. One of the eunuchs had picked up the knife whilst another now applied a leather gag to the young Norwegian's mouth and tied a thin leather cord very tightly around the horrified blonde's scrotum, before picking up one of the bowls. The other five boys looked on aghast as the other eunuch with the knife proceeded to hold the 7 years old's little cock in his left hand whilst he made an incision in the small ball sac, just under the soft penis, with the very sharp blade held in his other hand. The man carefully increased the size of the cut by running the blade down the middle of the scrotum before, ignoring the blood spilling from the wound he was creating, expertly squeezing the organ to expose the tiny left testicle. A quick slice through a membrane soon left the severed miniature ball in his left hand and then in the proffered bowl. It was rapidly followed by its twin. Such a small wound did not require stitching or cauterising. Instead, a dressing, covered with salve from one of the urns, was applied and another black eunuch carried the traumatised new white eunuch over to one of the divans, after releasing the agonised boy from his restraints. This man would be responsible for the lad's full recovery so that the youngster could serve the Empire as one of the Sultan's emasculated male concubines. The 9 years old German was now brought struggling to the bloodied plinth, to be followed by 10 years old Robert.

Edward had to be gagged to stop the hysterical shouts that pleaded in vain for his younger brother's boyhood to be saved and, with excellent proficiency, the former Duke of York and English Prince was speedily emasculated so that he could serve as the Ottoman Prince's new eunuch. The only compensation for the 10 years old was that he experienced his first and last dry orgasm as the knife began its work. However, the resultant genital wound had to be cauterised. The 11 years old Lowlander was then successfully unmanned, accompanied by a similar bodily spasm. The 13 years old Dane and Edward remained but their deep dread of what was about to befall them could not prevent their cocks from regaining full rigidity.