PZA Boy Stories


40; 76; 76; 77; 85; 76; 91; 84 – The Codicil

63; 77; 90; 74; 77; 88; 82; 72;: 55; 99; 90; 72; 90;ь – Four: Torture

'The hero tortures because he wants to. He likes to torture. There is neither reason nor purpose here and, in the opinion of the author, they are not at all necessary, for absolute cruelty, cruelty 'an und fur sich' ['in and of itself'] is interesting.'
- Nikolai Mikhailovsky (appraising Feodor Dostoevsky's work entitled 'Notes from Underground' on publication in the journal ' 45; 87; 86; 82; 80; 72' ['Epoch'] in 1864)

(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, late 1990s)

"I thought that the facilities with which I entertain my slaveboys in my torture chamber could not be surpassed," Sergei's new Master, who had shed his leather hood, commented to his Arab guest, whilst both relaxed in an expensively furnished ground-floor lounge. As he sipped some neat vodka, he added "However, what you are in the process of acquiring far outstrips my equipment. I wish I'd thought of the idea you're implementing, as I can just imagine the horrified faces on the brats when they're told about the origins of the stuff!"

"Yes, that's precisely why I'm secretly buying the items at enormous cost," the Arab Sheikh advised in response, as he too sipped neat vodka, despite Muslim proscription against consuming alcohol. "The look on the faces of my young abducted American slaveboys should be delightful to behold," he continued, "when I inform them of the equipment's provenance!"

The Arab Sheikh then glanced down at the closed-circuit television monitor on the low table in front of him, which conveyed scenes from the basement torture chamber. "I see," he next remarked, "that your latest slave brat is still thoroughly enjoying himself, as his body is constantly hit in various very sensitive places by strong electric shocks!"

The picture on the screen showed the naked Sergei still suspended from the ceiling of the torture chamber but now with shiny stainless steel clamps attached to his nipples, balls and cockring, whilst a catheter and dildo had been painfully inserted respectively up his urethra and rectum. A machine on a nearby trolley was linked to these attachments by wires, along which the wicked devise transmitted deliberately random strong charges of electricity. The young recipient was therefore unsure when, where and in what intensity the next shock would arrive.

"Why did you finally exchange the bulbous butt plug for a slim dildo?" the Arab Sheikh asked. "Because I decided that I didn't want to ruin the tightness of the slave brat's rectum too soon," the Master answered, "as, despite having now deflowered him, his rear orifice will still represent a good tight fuck for me. It'll also remain so for a long time yet, as long as I don't spoil it with truly oversized intruders too soon!"

Despite the narrowness of the latest invader into his insides, Sergei had experienced further humiliation and suffering when his Master had inserted the stainless steel dildo into his ravished rectum, which the man had just agonisingly deflowered. The boy's distress was then substantially intensified by the attachment of the harsh clamps to his nipples and similar but broader devices to his balls, which proved to be perfect but excruciating fits.

The careful but uncomfortable insertion of the thin stainless steel catheter up the urethra of Sergei's cock, which the Master's manual manipulations had deliberately brought back to erection for the purpose from sudden shocked flaccidity, subsequently compounded the boy's abject misery. His distress was then really maximised when the excruciating electric shocks began, hitting his naked body erratically in randomly varying locations and strengths, causing his form to convulse in reaction to each strike.

The tearfully shrieking Sergei had not later heard the Master invite his Arab guest upstairs for refreshment whilst "We leave the slave brat to enjoy his latest torment!" In fact, several minutes passed before the boy realised, amidst his continuing agony, that he had now been left alone to suffer the electric shock torture.

"How long do you propose to leave the slave brat like that?" the Arab Sheikh next enquired in respect of Sergei's on- going torment. "Until after I've fucked Yuri," the Master replied, "who, I'm informed, has been severely spanked by one of my security guards. The naughty boy's reaction when the energetic thrusts of my act of sodomy cause my thighs to collide with his very sore buttocks will undoubtedly make my pleasure even more delicious. Would you like to enjoy the experience too?"

"No thanks," the Arab Sheikh replied, "as I'd like to concentrate my passions on the slave brat currently in the torture chamber. I'd like to cum over his naked body again later." "That's no problem," the Master hospitably advised.

"What do you intend to do next with the slave brat in the torture chamber," the Arab Sheikh subsequently asked, "as presumably his final torment of the day? You mentioned earlier that the rack, crucifix or impaling pole were possibilities!"

"Alas, I now don't think that he'll be in any state to enjoy any of them in the way that I want him to," the Master reluctantly confessed, "as, not having inherent masochism, his body will probably endure suffering less competently than that of the other brats. I therefore propose just to return him to his cell and let the doctor minister to his injuries. Don't forget, I've a year, or two of them if I choose, to inflict what I want on the slaveboy and there's no point in proceeding too fast and risking ruining him either physically or psychologically for the other pleasures to come. I also have the second newcomer, Viktor, still to induct into my service!"

"That's a great pity," the Arab Sheikh sighed, "as I was really looking forward to seeing the brats suffering on the likes of the rack, crucifix, impaling pole or horse." "Well, in that case," the Master replied, in his role of excellent host, "I'll after all let Sergei rest on the cross before I return him to his cell, whilst Viktor and Yuri can experience the enjoyment of being attached to two of the other three devices. Alas, Sasha is too injured to make up a quartet to allow immediate use of all four pieces of furniture at the same time but at least you'll have the pleasure of observing a trio of the items simultaneously in action!"

"Thank you!" the Arab Sheikh happily responded, whilst displaying another broad grin and sipping more vodka.

(A basement cell of the same large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

The Master's other new slaveboy, Viktor, who had also been freshly bought at the recent secret auction near Moscow and who was currently securely imprisoned in a basement cell close to the torture chamber, could still hear Sergei's regular screams. As the boy did so, he continued to experience a strange mix of emotions.

Viktor remained both highly apprehensive and excited. Unlike the other 14 year-old newcomer to this perverted world, the boy possessed an identified element of overt masochism and this feature of his developing complex sexuality was now evidenced by anguish in his groin.

Viktor's masochistic excitement, assisted by recent enforced chastity and furtive feeding with strong and effective aphrodisiacs, was continuing to encourage his cock to want to grow. However, the hard transparent plastic tube, with internal sharp spikes, which had been designed to encase his flaccid penis perfectly, resolutely and painfully prevented the achievement of such an aim.

To help alleviate his unfortunate condition, Viktor continued to attempt to ignore the television screen in his cell, which was always switched on, constantly showing pornographic videos involving pederasty. However, the boy could not avoid hearing the vociferous screams from nearby and his lurid imagination could not prevent masochistically picturing himself in Sergei's place, being ruthlessly tortured. Consequently, the pain endured by his cock, as the excited penile shaft impaled itself on the spikes in the encasing plastic tube in response to this mental vision, became acute.

Viktor's dream was also soon to become reality, after he was suddenly instructed via the speaker system to wash and groom himself.

(Basement torture chamber of the same large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

The chains suspending Sergei's beautiful naked body from the ceiling of the torture chamber, as well as connecting his widely splayed legs to the floor, again audibly rattled, as his form once more visibly shook within the confines of his tight bondage in response to another severe electric shock. This time the strong current had agonisingly struck the harsh clamps painfully encasing his balls, which the boy thought would soon explode as a result of the regular attacks.

By now, Sergei could fully appreciate the subtle differences in the anguish caused by the varying electric shocks to his genitals, rectum and nipples. In contrast to those targeted on the boy's balls, the attacks centred on his cockring appeared to threaten to nullify him in that the agony was so great that he thought his sexual organs must soon be severed from his body at their base.

Those electric shocks hitting the catheter similarly suggested that immediate penectomy was likely, alongside the boiling of the contents of Sergei's bladder after current had painfully penetrated up his urethra. Nevertheless, the amazing reaction of the boy's cock to such torment had been to remain resolutely hard.

Meanwhile, the electric shocks assaulting Sergei's rectum caused him to feel that a phallus ten times bigger than the one that had just deflowered him was raping him, whilst those striking his nipples made him think that the vital internal organs in his torso were bound to rupture. The boy firmly believed that irreparable damage must surely result from his sufferings, such was the excruciation. However, he was of course incorrect in his assumption.

The equipment torturing Sergei had been carefully designed and set to inflict maximum hurt but no permanent physical harm. Long-lasting injuries would only be of the mental nature. The boy was undergoing unpleasantness that he was never liable to forget or want to repeat, although the latter desire was unlikely to be met, given that he was just beginning his year or two of service for his sadistic Master.

The next cruel electric shock to attack Sergei struck the catheter and caused a rather incongruous reaction, which the boy did not notice amidst his excruciation, especially as the associated proof was not immediately evident.

(Another basement cell of the same large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

Another moment that Yuri had dreaded now arrived. The door of his cell was unlocked and opened and the boy was not surprised to see his Master enter.

Knowing what his Master had undoubtedly come for and not wanting to seem inefficient or reluctant, which could result in more anguish, Yuri immediately climbed off his bed to face the man. The boy then sank to his knees and pressed his forehead against the cool stone floor in the required act of homage and submission to the adult's authority and will, in which position he remained until given permission to stand again.

Such permission was soon granted, as his Master was keen to inflict more hurt on Yuri, whilst simultaneously gaining exquisite pleasure from his action.

(Moscow, Russia, same time)

One of the Sheikh's local procurers watched through his office window as the police van drove up to the warehouse unit where he was storing the various goods he was collecting for his Arab employer, for whom he worked on a highly lucrative commission plus expenses basis. Immediate current expenditure would relate to the rather special table and other items being brought to him by the vehicle's corrupt driver, which would later be added to those previously gathered in the likes of Rostov and then shipped to Saudi Arabia.

(A basement cell of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

Yuri knew better than to make too much noise in reaction to the further pain being inflicted on him as a result of his Master's thighs regularly slapping his very sore buttocks and the man's eager big cock again ravishing his rectum whilst sodomising him. However, the boy could not help but utter the occasional yelp when a particularly energetic thrust of the large adult erection penetrated him to the hilt.

(Chicago, Illinois, USA, same time)

One of the Sheikh's local procurers watched through his office window as the police van drove up to the warehouse unit where he was storing the various goods he was collecting for his Arab employer, for whom he worked on a highly lucrative commission plus expenses basis. Immediate current expenditure would relate to the rather special table and other items being brought to him by the vehicle's corrupt driver, which would later be added to those previously gathered in the likes of Houston, Texas, and then shipped to Saudi Arabia.

(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, shortly afterwards)

"Did you enjoy your fuck?" the Arab Sheikh rather crudely enquired, whilst still sipping vodka and on observing his host return to the lounge after visiting Yuri's basement cell. "I did indeed!" the Russian answered in respect of his third productive orgasm of the day, Sergei's previously virginal but now thoroughly deflowered oral and anal orifices having been the earlier receptacles for his Master's always copious ejaculate.

"Will you still be capable of cumming twice into the other new slave brat today?" the Arab Sheikh next asked, whilst referring to Viktor and that boy's now scheduled induction into his Master's service. This ritual was due to follow the same humiliating and ultimately excruciating routine as that endured by Sergei.

"Of course," the host replied, "as, despite having already impregnated two other brats three times today, not only do the circumstances always turn me and my libido on but also my slaveboys aren't the only ones who absorb strong aphrodisiacs. However, in my case, I know that I'm taking them while they're kept ignorant of the fact."

The two men then entered a discussion about the type of aphrodisiac potions used by the host for himself and his quartet of slaveboys.

(Lahore, Pakistan, same time)

One of the Sheikh's local procurers watched through his office window as the police van drove up to the warehouse unit where he was storing the various goods he was collecting for his Arab employer, for whom he worked on a highly lucrative commission plus expenses basis. Immediate current expenditure would relate to the rather special items being brought to him by the vehicle's corrupt driver, which would later be shipped to Saudi Arabia.

(Basement torture chamber of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, shortly afterwards)

Amidst his tremendous grief, Sergei was vaguely aware that he was no longer alone in the torture chamber. The boy's tearful eyes and distressed mind somehow appreciated that a naked hairy man was standing immediately in front of him. He then realised from the beginning of conversation that someone else was also present but out of sight.

"If you cum over the brat's genitals," Sergei's sadistic Master suggested to the masturbating Sheikh, just as the boy's nipples experienced yet another severe electric shock, "you'll find that the slut will react interestingly." The man's suggestion was then proved correct.

As the Sheikh's cum began to spurt over Sergei's still remarkably erect genitals, which were still adorned with his cockring plus ball-clamps and catheter, a further electric shock struck the metal tightly encircling the base of his sexual organs. The agonised boy's reaction was to rattle the chains that suspended him from the ceiling and connected him in a spreadeagled manner to the floor more visibly and volubly than ever, whilst uttering a loud pained shriek.

"You see," Sergei's Master happily advised the post-orgasmic Sheikh, as both men watched the suffering boy, whose groin was covered in Arab sperm, "your cum is an excellent conductor of electricity, as the brat has just discovered. The latest shock to his genitalia will have spread nicely throughout his sexual organs, making the pain endured even more excruciating!"

(Bogota, Colombia, same time)

One of the Sheikh's local procurers watched through his office window as the police van drove up to the warehouse unit where he was storing the various goods he was collecting for his Arab employer, for whom he worked on a highly lucrative commission plus expenses basis. Immediate current expenditure would relate to the rather special items being brought to him by the vehicle's corrupt driver, which would later be shipped to Saudi Arabia.

(Basement torture chamber of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, shortly afterwards)

The tortured mind of Sergei took a while to realise that the electric shocks had stopped. The naked boy actually only appreciated this fact when further intense excruciation, but of a different kind to that previously experienced, engulfed his nipples and genitals.

Sergei then realised that the severe clamps had been withdrawn from his nipples and balls. The sudden rush of blood that subsequently invaded these particular recently tortured parts of the boy's anatomy had induced his latest anguish.

The later delicate withdrawal of the thin stainless steel catheter from Sergei's still amazingly hard cock subsequently produced a surprise. The removal by his Master of the metal blockage from the boy's urethra was immediately followed by a long string of sperm, spilling towards the floor.

Amidst the grievous torment induced by the electric shocks, Sergei had not noticed that he had actually somehow once more orgasmed. The catheter had prevented evidence of this fact from previously literally leaking out.

In response to sight of the proof, Sergei's Master made a comment to the Sheikh, which was rather worrying to the boy. "It appears," the Russian sinisterly remarked to his guest, who was redressing in his flowing Arab robes, "that we now have further cause to crucify the brat. He's cum again without permission!"

Sergei was initially unsure whether the use of the word 'crucify' was meant to be literal or euphemistic. However, the boy was soon to resolve his uncertainty after his now rather red-raw ankles were finally unchained so that his legs could dangle side-by-side and he then heard the whirring noise of the little engine that operated the hoist which suspended his similarly sore wrists from the ceiling.

This action reintroduced Sergei's feet, which were still very sensitive from the earlier caning, unsteadily and painfully to the floor, where the hurting muscles in his arms and legs also took time to readjust to the pleasanter positioning. However, the relatively mild uneasy discomfort now experienced by the boy was short-lived because, after his uplifted wrists were also unchained, his Master led him to the waiting vertical cross of polished black wood.

The whirring of another little engine now indicated the means by which this sinister cross ingeniously lowered itself into the floor so that the crosspiece was at an ideal height for the attachment of Sergei's outstretched arms. These bare limbs were then indeed soon immovably connected to the wood by means of chains tightly fixing the wrists and upper arms, near to the shoulders. However, before this was achieved, the boy had to obey the distressing order to impale his recently deflowered and still sore rectum painfully onto a round rod, covered with lubricant.

The rod, which protruded from the vertical beam at the point where Sergei's bottom would be resting, was about 2½ centimetres in diameter and 15 long [respectively approximately 1 and 6 inches] and was pointing upwards at an angle of 45°. The boy achieved his self-impaling with careful and slow delicacy and clear anguish before being resolutely fixed in place by the chains attached to his arms and then below him around his closed ankles.

Another whirring sound subsequently indicated the raising of both the cross and Sergei to begin his crucifixion, although his torment was not entirely of the Biblical type because he had not been nailed to the wood. Nevertheless, the boy's situation could still be fatal over time, given his uncomfortable posture.

Sergei's unpleasant bodily positioning would gradually induce, over many hours and possibly days, fluid to invade his lungs and this would, if allowed to proceed unchecked, eventually cause him literally to drown. However, this possibility did not immediately arouse the boy's greatest anguish.

Sergei's latest misery was instead initially compounded more by the rod painfully impaling his rectum. As the sobbing boy's chained body increasingly fidgeted through the intensifying discomfort of his crucified posture, he began literally to sodomise himself.

This phenomenon caused Sergei's cock, which had returned to flaccidity after the removal of the catheter, to harden again.

(A basement cell of the same large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, shortly afterwards)

As Sergei had previously done, Viktor initially believed that the instruction to wash and groom himself, conveyed via the intercom system, heralded the daily visit from the doctor and, as with the other new arrival, this supposition even appeared correct when the physician did indeed now enter the cell. However, the 14 year-old was subsequently to be eventually disabused about the main reason for the man's presence when, after the inevitable humiliating intimate bodily examination and enemas, his perspex chastity cage was unusually removed.

As Sergei's had previously done, the surprised Viktor's released and frustrated cock subsequently immediately grew to rise excitedly into the air, whilst noticeably displaying tiny spike marks all over the penile surface, which were evidence of previous unsuccessful and painful attempts at erection over the past few days. He also almost experienced orgasm because the doctor then proceeded to cup the boy's freed and aroused genitals in the palm of his manly right hand to check that everything was otherwise fine with the 14 year-old's sexual organs.

As the doctor had previously done with Sergei, after ascertaining that Viktor's released genitals were indeed in the peak of virile teenage health, the physician subsequently issued further instructions to the already nicely washed and groomed boy. "Cleanse your sexual organs and bumcrack," the man ordered, "dry yourself, apply perfumed spray to the whole of your body and dress in the white shorts, briefs and thong that you'll find in the drawer at the bottom of the bookcase at the side of your bed!"

As in the cells of the other slaveboys, the drawer concerned contained a selection of skimpy attire in various colours and materials. All of the items discreetly sported a black double-headed eagle motif.

Despite sharing Sergei's earlier concerns about what the doctor's unexpected instructions might later entail, Viktor instantly began to comply with the physician's order, knowing from his training that the man would possess the authority to punish him for hesitation or other misdemeanours. However, the 14 year-old also initially encountered difficulty in slipping on the required minuscule white lycra thong because of the sudden mischievous and embarrassing fulsomely erect shape recently adopted by his unruly cock in apparent eager celebration of its release from previous chaste confinement.

After Viktor finally struggled successfully to redress in all three skimpy items of white attire, his genital excitement remained clearly evident from the nature of the obvious lump at the front of his tight shorts. This embarrassing situation was maintained when the doctor subsequently quickly appraised the boy's appearance and then instructed "Follow me!"

The doctor next turned and left the small cell, with the worried Viktor trailing after him into the outside long windowless corridor, sinisterly painted completely black, and advanced to another doorway. When this entrance was opened, the 14 year-old saw that the walls of the large square room beyond were decorated with colourful mural paintings in the style of ancient Greece, portraying either beautiful naked boys or nude men with large erect phalluses, all involved in various types of obscene debauchery.

Viktor soon subsequently found himself on the narrow low circular black wooden platform in the middle of this 'entertainment room', with ceiling spotlights and closed- circuit television cameras focusing on him from many angles. Also carefully scrutinising his lovely form were the eyes of his new Master and the Arab sheikh, who were occupying two of the four large comfortably cushioned armchairs situated at 90°intervals around the little round stage.

Viktor's libidinous new Master was again attired in his sinister black leather S&M gear to welcome his new slaveboy to the same sort of appalling induction that Sergei had recently suffered.

(Basement torture chamber of the same large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, several hours later)

After being suspended in anguish on the cross for several hours, Sergei's freshly erect cock had achieved the same angle to the horizontal as the rod impaling him. His suffering, as his posture became increasingly unpleasant, had caused the crucified boy to squirm frequently within the highly restrictive confines of his tight chain bondage, compelled to do so by a need to try to alleviate his growing discomfort.

As the Master had previously predicted, Sergei's regular writhing meant that the boy was also sodomising himself on the rod, which completely filled his rectum. His penis had reacted accordingly, with sexual stimulus in his groin amazingly overcoming the wretchedness felt by other parts of his gorgeous young anatomy, which was currently sadly spoilt by the marks created by his recent beatings.

Amidst Sergei's suffering, he overheard the Arab Sheikh rather irreverently ask the Master "Would Jesus Christ have been naked like this brat during his crucifixion or would his groin have been covered as depicted in Christian portraits of the scene?" "He would undoubtedly have been nude," his host answered, "as such shame was common Roman practice!"

"Would the cross have been fitted with an anal rod like this one," the Arab Sheikh next enquired, even more profanely from a Christian perspective, "and would Jesus Christ's cock therefore have reacted in the same way as this brat's?" "The answer is probably 'yes' to both parts of your question," the Master replied, "as the Romans enjoyed humiliating as well as killing those they crucified!"

Sergei's distress was also not assuaged by the fact that eventually two other naked and similarly aged and beautiful slaveboys came to be suffering adjacent to him. Nor was personal grief tempered by having recently been witness to introduction of Viktor, just fitted with his new genitally constricting cockring, to the torture chamber for the completion of his own induction into his new Master's sadistic service.

From his position on the cross, Sergei's tearful eyes had witnessed the piercing of Viktor's nipples and cock, as well as the new slaveboy's branding and anal deflowering. He had also observed his fellow 14 year-old being beaten and suffering lengthy electric shock torture for the same sort of petty reasons as those that were used to explain his own earlier similar treatment at his Master's cruel hands.

After this extremely humiliating and excruciating induction, Viktor's now very sore anus had eventually been introduced to the harsh metal conical point at the top of the torture chamber's impaling pole, below which most of the stake was a broader 7½ centimetres [3 inches] in diameter. The tips of the boy's feet had been compelled to rest on minuscule adjustable treads, which protruded from the shiny sides of the tormenting device and which had been set so that his toes could just reach without causing his rectum to be invaded even further by the sharp spike.

Viktor, whose hands were chained together behind his back, knew full well the consequences of allowing the muscles that permitted him to maintain his tip-toe posture to become so tired that they lowered his weight onto his soles or caused his feet to slip from the minuscule metal treads. The former mistake would thrust more of the conical spike into his rectum, whilst the latter would probably cause him to be fatally impaled. However, despite, or perhaps because of, his precarious predicament, the boy's cock was as erect and throbbing as that of Sergei, who was suffering crucifixion adjacent to him.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Viktor, the red-raw buttocks of Yuri, the last to be introduced to the torture chamber on this day, were resting painfully on the sharp metal apex of the otherwise wooden horse. The boy's rectum was full to the hilt with the knobbed dildo on which he was also impaled. His hands were additionally chained behind his back, whilst his widely splayed upper legs ran down the polished slopes on each side of the contraption on which he was forcibly sitting before the lower parts beyond his knees dangled vertically.

Yuri's positioning had caused his ringed scrotum to be uplifted to rest in front of him on the sharp metal apex. The boy's cock, somehow stimulated to erection by the dildo intruding into his innards, was pointing resolutely forwards with apparent pride.

The Master had dangled increasingly heavy lead weights from Yuri's manacled ankles, thereby gradually intensifying the downward force on the boy's scrotum and perineum, both of which had already cut slightly to shed some blood. The young victim was not pleased to hear the man advise the Arab Sheikh that a lot more heavy metal and pressure would be added over time.

Yuri fully appreciated that ultimately too many weights would not just cut his scrotum and perineum. Excessive downward pressure onto the sharp metal apex of the cruel horse could castrate him and finally fatally impale him on the dildo and split him in two.

None of the three agonised and terrified boys were also pleased subsequently to hear their Master advice the Arab Sheikh that the cross, impaling pole and the dildo on the horse on which Yuri was sitting could all be made to vibrate. Viktor was especially scared about this prospect because he doubted his ability to retain his balance on the life-saving treads if the particular device to which he had been reluctantly introduced began to move.

Nor did any of the three boys appreciate hearing the Arab Sheikh eventually wonder loudly to himself, as he undressed whilst viewing in delight the young slaves endure their varied potentially deadly torments, "Hmm, I wonder which one I should now spray with my cum?" The Master then obliged his guest by switching on the devices that caused the cross, impaling pole and horse dildo to vibrate.

(A basement cell of the same large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

Sasha, still recovering in his cell from his recently inflicted injuries, could hear the trio of shrieks emerging from the nearby torture chamber. The boy, of course, needed no explanation about what sort of cruel happenings were taking place in that sinister room.

Sasha also fully appreciated that he would undoubtedly be reintroduced to the terrible amenity by his Master all too soon.

(Basement torture chamber of the same large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

The Master obligingly lowered the vibrating pole on which Viktor was about to lose his balance. However, the man did not do so to save the boy from impaling himself agonisingly and damagingly if not fatally. The revised height from the floor of the 14 year-old's feet ensured that his toes remained incapable of making contact with the ground and so he still relied on the treads for safety.

The Master had instead lowered the seriously endangered Viktor so that his Arab guest could spray the boy's groin with fresh manly ejaculate. The feel of this semen splashing onto his still amazingly aroused genitals then caused a reaction in the young recipient similar to that being enjoyed by the orgasmic donor.

Viktor climaxed too and his own sperm began to spurt onto the Arab. However, any concerns that the boy might have developed about cumming without permission onto the Sheikh were overwhelmed by terror and immediate intense pain, as his toes finally tripped off the treads.

As Viktor was impaling himself, Sergei and Yuri miraculously also orgasmed on their own vibrating torture devices.

(New York, USA, 2 weeks later)

The morning was again warm and sunny, with another hot dry day forecast. The pretty fair-haired and blue-eyed 10 year- old paperboy, Steven, was once more performing his delivery round on his bicycle through the quiet and leafy New York suburb in which he lived with his loving family.

Young Steven could never imagine in his worst nightmares that he would ever someday personally encounter, in the company of similarly aged and featured David, John and Michael, respectively from New York, Boston and Philadelphia, certain nasty articles. These items would comprise replicas of all of the cruel tools and devices contained in the torture chamber of a certain Russian multi- millionaire, plus the various gruesome objects being secretly collected from around the world on behalf of an Arab Sheikh.

Meanwhile, in a luxurious hotel suite not far away in Manhattan, the naked Yuri, whose bottom was no longer red- raw and scrotum and perineum cuts had been healed, was sharing a large shower cubicle with his similarly nude Master. The boy was carefully using a soapy sponge to clean the man's hairy body.

Whilst Sergei and Viktor were slowly recovering in their basement cells near St. Petersburg from the dreadful experiences they had endured on the day of their induction into their new Master's sadistic service, the man had gone away for a few weeks on business. Despite his initially red- raw bottom and sore scrotum and perineum, Yuri had accompanied him in the guise of young valet.

After all, the Master generally needed daily sexual pleasure and Sergei and Viktor, and the still recovering Sasha, were currently too damaged to provide such entertainment. However, in line with their contracts, none of these boys had been fatally or permanently injured by their earlier experiences.

Unknown to Viktor, his Master had earlier furtively activated safety apparatus on the impaling device. The mechanism allowed the cruel pole to retract very quickly but accurately to a height where the boy's feet securely reached the floor, thereby preventing the spike on which he had been sitting to intrude too far. The gadget had sprung into action as soon as the pressure created by his toes on the treads had been lost.

Viktor, along with Sergei and Yuri, were subsequently released from the various cruel furniture to which they had been attached in the torture chamber and returned to their cells to begin their recoveries, whilst their Master and his guest went to enjoy dinner and a night of relaxation. However, before the boys were freed to leave the sinister amenity, they were made to pay for their latest unauthorised libidinous ejaculations.

Whilst still chained in place, vibrating weighted clamps were introduced to the boys' nipples, which, in the case of Sergei and Viktor, had already on this day been pierced and suffered electric shocks via similar cruelly serrated harsh metallic jaws. The fresh duress of the tortured trio was compounded by the fact that the associated vibrations varied to enhance the new agony experienced by their chests.

For his current role of valet, Yuri generally wore a smart uniform of black Russian-style round-collared buttoned shirt, with the inevitable double-headed eagle logo on his left breast, plus shoes and tight trousers, which highlighted the lovely curvature of his buttocks nicely, of the same hue. The boy attended his Master virtually wherever the man went, performing menial tasks and errands as needed, as well as satisfying adult lusts on a hotel bed at night and frequently in the mornings too, although then the bathroom shower was often an alternative venue.

Few people queried the fact that a 14 year-old was working. It was commonly known in the circles the multi-millionaire frequented, even abroad, that Russian children could leave school and be employed from such an age.

More people did wonder at the real motive behind the multi- millionaire recruiting a particularly beautiful specimen of Russian boyhood for the rather intimate job, in which the valet was even allocated a bed in his employer's hotel suites. However, as the young teenager had also reached his homeland's new liberal legal age of consent for participation in heterosexual or homosexual activities, and the era was also now supposedly socially sexually enlightened, especially for a man with so much money and influence, no-one actually complained about the situation.

The Master's business had taken him to several places within Russia, as well as to some cities abroad, concluding now in New York. Whilst resident in his Manhattan hotel, the man occasionally looked out on the skyline from the window in his penthouse suite and smiled.

The multi-millionaire occasionally smiled at the thought that somewhere out there was a couple of young and pretty boys who were destined for the horrors of a certain basement in a remote desert residence in Saudi Arabia. His recent guest from that country had advised him that he wanted to arrange the abduction of at least two such children from New York, which was a city that he particularly loathed. However, whilst he showered, the Russian's current thoughts were not concentrating on the Sheikh's plans.

The Master's thoughts and awakened erection were instead concentrating on Yuri's anus. The boy's gentle soaping of the man's groin had, as usual, caused arousal that needed sating.

Whilst the warm shower water continued to rain down on both the man and boy, the Master commanded his naked young valet to assume the usual position in this damp location for sodomy. In compliance, Yuri obediently turned round and leant his hands against the tiled wall of the large cubicle, bending his body at the waist in order to present his pert bottom perfectly for such imminent action.

The Master then grabbed Yuri's thighs and, after taking appropriate aim, thrust his own groin harshly forward. In response, the boy uttered a loud anguished grunt, as his rectum was again rather brusquely and painfully filled to the hilt with a long and broad manly cock.

(Basement 'entertainment room' of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, a few days later)

Sergei, Viktor and Sasha were aided in their recovery by their Master's absence and by the doctor's regular skilful ministrations to their various injuries. However, there was one particular by-product of their recuperation that the boys increasingly began to find discomforting, namely the rapid return of their sex-drives.

The boys' increasingly strong sexual desires were stimulated by their natural young teenage hormones, which in turn were, of course, boosted by the aphrodisiacs in their diet. However, the chastity cage that had been returned to their groins denied their needs. Consequently, by the time that their Master arrived back at his dacha near St. Petersburg, they were so desperate for relief that they might even have welcomed a return to the torture chamber if they could be guaranteed to gain such solace there.

In fact, the freshly cleaned and groomed boys, just subjected again to enemas, were to gain sexual relief in an unexpected manner after they were invited to meet their Master once more in his basement entertainment room. For the occasion, their chastity cages had been removed and they were presented to the man attired only in skimpy black thongs whilst adorned with their normal body jewellery of silver nipple ornaments, frenum barbell and cockring, plus the small double-headed eagle branded onto the middle of their smooth chests.

Sergei, Viktor and Sasha were, along with the similarly attired and adorned Yuri, individually instructed to dance erotically on the central platform before their seated Master, whilst the others stood at attention on the floor behind to watch. The man, again clad in his sinister leather S&M gear, subsequently strangely paid as much visual attention to the three non-performers as the boy gyrating erotically on stage. He then made certain facts, gleaned from his careful observations, known.

"I see from the varying sizes of the bulges in your thongs, which noticeably increased differently whilst you were watching the other boys dance," the Master announced accurately, "that we conveniently appear to have two natural sexual partnerships amongst you. Sergei, your penile excitement seems to indicate that you are most attracted to Yuri and vice-versa, whilst Viktor and Sasha fancy each other the most!"

"Consequently," the Master next ordered, "Sergei and Yuri, you can strip and make love with each other on the bed behind me whilst I watch and film the event. After you've finished, Viktor and Sasha can take your place!"

Sergei, who had never considered himself to have homosexual traits, immediately blushed. However, his original belief about his sexuality also simultaneously appeared to be rebuked when his current arousal, which had already caused his sparse thong to balloon visibly, increased, as his mind and cock became rather happily attuned to the prospect of fulfilling his master's latest order.

Yuri's similarly stretched thong reacted in a like manner and, after obediently stripping to reveal completely the fulsome nature of his own arousal, his palm also met no resistance when he reached out to hold that of the now also naked and comprehensively excited Sergei. Nor did the boy encounter any reluctance when his hand then led his young imminent paramour-to-be to the waiting bed, whilst their respective eager erections pointed their direction.

Completely forgetting the circumstances in which they were gently but eagerly making love, Sergei and Yuri subsequently lost themselves in about 30 minutes of extremely ecstatic passion, which was being filmed for posterity.

(A basement cell of the same large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, next day)

The four slaveboys could hardly believe that their Master had just sated his sexual needs of the previous day by being the recipient of fellatio whilst observing first Sergei and Yuri and then Viktor and Sasha make passionate love. The man's failure to hurt at least one of them whilst visiting his dacha basement had in their experience been unprecedented.

Consequently, Sergei, currently lying alone on the bed in his cell, considered that the previous day had actually been pleasurable. Despite early embarrassment, he had even come to enjoy his erotic dance in front of his Master and the man's other three slaveboys.

Sergei appreciated that he had learnt to perform the required erotic gyrations well and, without being boastful, he also knew that he possessed looks of which he could be extremely proud, as otherwise he would be of no interest to his Master. As a result, initial abashment and nervousness during his dance had transformed quickly into self-satisfied accomplishment, accompanied by noticeably increased arousal. His erection, assisted by his energetic movements, even teasingly threatened to escape the tight confines of his thong without actually doing so.

Sergei had subsequently not just temporarily sated his sex- drive in what he guiltily had to confess was a most enjoyable fashion, involving much kissing, licking and sucking of various parts of Yuri's gorgeous anatomy, before literally climaxing inside his new friend's rectum in a manner subsequently rapidly reciprocated. His current happy recollection of the event was enhanced by the fact that the occasion had not brought him any further anguish from his Master's cruel sadism, or so he had at first thought.

This assessment of the previous day's activities was actually eventually proved to be mistaken when Sergei, now re-equipped with chastity cage and with sexual need building again, noticed the change in the pederastic video being shown on the always switched-on television screen in his tiny cell. The boy was thoroughly acquainted with the new scenes because he was one of the two young star performers.

The sight of himself making passionate love with Yuri immediately caused intense anguish to grip Sergei's groin, as his originally flaccid cock attempted to expand within the tight constriction of the perspex in which it was resolutely trapped. Instead of fulfilling the desire to grow in excited desire, the penile shaft only succeeded in impaling itself on the little sharp spikes that were scattered across the inner surface of the plastic tube. However, the boy could nevertheless not tear his intrigued eyes away from the television screen.

Despite his original belief in his heterosexuality, Sergei had already guiltily confessed to himself that making love with Yuri had somehow been the most delightful experience of his young life so far. His own orgasm, as he ejaculated into the boy, had been unprecedented in pleasurable intensity. Even subsequently being the passive partner in sodomy had been pleasant for him because, in contrast to that of his Master, the invading cock of his fellow 14 year-old had not been too big for his no-longer virginal rectum to accept comfortably. The penile intruder had also been introduced and proceeded quickly to achieve its aim with gentle consideration.

Vivid remembrance of the joyous highlight of yesterday, provided by the sights being displayed on the television screen, from which his captivated eyes could still not stray, made Sergei deeply angry that he could not immediately re-enact the scene. The boy's libido also increased dramatically his need for instant relief, which attained new heights, as did the anguish in his groin.

Sergei eventually began to shed tears, as his eyes continued to watch the previous day's exquisite passion whilst his sexual jealousy and need reached unparalleled and unsustainable levels, which finally produced the inevitable. Amidst the boy's desperation and distress, he tore off his chastity cage and began to masturbate.

A stream of white ejaculate soon gushed upwards in an arc before succumbing to gravity and falling back to the region from whence it had originated, namely the groin of the temporarily ecstatic Sergei. As the boy subsequently grasped his finally sated cum-splattered genitals in post-orgasmic reverie, he did not immediately contemplate the repercussions of what he had just perpetrated. However, his Master, who had been happily viewing the scene on his own closed-circuit monitor, was already formulating how he would punish his miscreant young slave.

For shedding of the chastity cage and masturbating without permission, which the cleverly manipulative Master suspected that Sergei would do in reaction to the new scenes on his own television screen, the boy's penance would, of course, have to be extremely severe.

(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)

The Arab Sheikh had flown in on his helicopter to inspect the progress of the construction of his new palatial desert retreat. Work was unavoidably very slow because of the scale of the project and the remoteness of the residence. However, the enormously rich commissioner of the project was patient.

After all, the Arab Sheikh had compliant boy servants in his home in Riyadh, who could satisfy at least some of his avaricious sexual needs, whilst friends in countries such as Russia could provide facilities to cater for his more extreme tastes. Nevertheless, as he also inspected some of the special items that were to find a place in the secret basement torture chamber of his new desert retreat, which were currently stored on site in a locked hut, he did look forward to threatening their use on some young and very pretty abducted fair-haired blue-eyed American sex-slaves.

(Basement torture chamber of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, shortly afterwards)

Sergei now found himself naked and stretched taut on the rack in the basement torture chamber. The pained, petrified and spreadeagled boy appreciated that one more slight turn of the wheels to which his splayed wrists and ankles had been chained above and below him would probably result in dislocation of some of his limbs. However, such a scenario was not what worried him most.

Sergei was instead more concerned with the sharp needles held in his Master's hand, which were identical to those that had been used to pierce his nipples and frenum. The wicked silvery implements were now to penetrate even more sensitive parts of his young anatomy.

"For tearing off your chastity cage and masturbating without permission," Sergei's evilly manipulative Master had earlier advised, "I'm going to pierce your balls with these needles!"

(A basement cell of the same large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

Yuri was currently suffering the same kind of visual and mental torment to which his erstwhile paramour, Sergei, had recently succumbed to earn himself a place on the rack and the piercing of his balls. The television screen in his own cell was also replaying the video of his lovemaking of the previous day.

Consequently, Yuri's own hands were reaching towards the transparent chastity cage protecting his entrapped genitals. Like Sergei earlier, the boy's eyes were fixated with the scene on the television screen and he was desperate to masturbate, as his reawakened intense lusts literally stimulated him into believing that he could not remain chaste for a moment longer. However, something now happened to prevent him from following his erstwhile paramour onto the rack in the nearby torture chamber for committing such a misdemeanour.

A scream of bloodcurdling intensity penetrated the walls of Yuri's cell from the nearby torture chamber and, somehow recognising from whom the shrieks were emanating, the boy's desperation to masturbate suddenly immediately disappeared. He instead began to cry.

Yuri then also started to realise for the first time that his feelings for Sergei were not just confined to his lust for the other boy's body. Despite having ogled and travelled with each other, and even made love, they had been in each other's presence only briefly and had never yet spoken to each other. Nevertheless, he knew that he now experienced emotions of an unprecedented nature for his fellow 14 year- old, and he was as tormented by his friend's current obvious suffering as much as he himself had been by any of his master's torture tools.

Although Sergei was in no position at present to contemplate the matter, as his Master cruelly and excruciatingly pushed the first needle into the boy's left testicle, Yuri's deep affection was reciprocated. The young pair had been instantly mutually attracted as soon as they had seen each other at the auction near Moscow and, during their passionate lovemaking of the previous day, they had needed no exchange of words to confirm that their regard for each other was not just physical.

As well as the clearly passionate physical attraction, the careful mutual generosity of the lovemaking, in which both young partners had obviously been eager to ensure that the other gained equal enjoyment, was testament to the observant of the boys' attitudes. Yuri's current tears provided further evidence.

(Basement torture chamber of the same large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

One needle now agonisingly penetrated Sergei's left ball sac, as the Master, with one hand carefully but firmly cupping the boy's sexual organs in the palm, prepared another painful penetration of genital flesh. Fortunately for the young victim of such cruelty, thin silvery metal was not also currently protruding from the other side of his smooth scrotum.

This fact indicated that the Master had chosen on this occasion not to ram the sharp point of a needle all the way through Sergei's left testicle. Nevertheless, the boy considered that the pain he now endured appeared to surpass all of that previously suffered at the cruel man's sadistic hands.

Sergei was sobbing too much in excruciation to beg undoubtedly uselessly for mercy from the second needle, which he did not notice had penetrated his righthand scrotal flesh until the sharp point came to rest against his other ball. The boy then saw, through his tearful blue eyes, his Master's happy smile transform into sinister smirk, as the man again pushed a metallic tip harshly and agonisingly into testicular material.

When Sergei subsequently awoke from another faint, aided by the bucket of cold water thrown over his face, the boy's genitals hurt tremendously, whilst two firmly embedded needles now protruded proudly from his scrotum.

(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, 2 months later)

Sergei was carrying a tray of expensive sweetmeats. The boy, who had by now somehow survived three months of his master's sadistic attentions intact, was amongst other young and universally very attractive waiters and waitresses, who were all aged between 14 and 16 years.

Like the others, Sergei was wearing a tight minuscule golden thong, plus a fillet in his hair, neck choker, medallion and wristlets and anklets of the same richly glistening colour. The boy, like some others, additionally bore his body- piercing jewellery and other decoration, in his case the brandmark in the middle of his chest.

The girls were topless and many of the boys exhibited clear signs of penile arousal. Sergei was no exception, and the embarrassing ballooning of his thong enabled his scrotum to be viewed from the sides.

There were three main reasons for such displays of young male virility. Firstly, the teenage waiters, including Sergei, had for the event deliberately been subjected to lengthy enforced chastity, with sexual frustration exacerbated by regular absorption of strong aphrodisiacs. Secondly, they had frequently been intimately fondled when serving guests, often whilst their fine features were debated. Thirdly, given the narcissistic and masochistic nature of the inherent sexuality of many of the boys, most actually gained real pleasure from being so displayed, manhandled and discussed.

Sergei was an exception as regards this latter factor. The boy instead felt immense shame.

Meanwhile, the girls were also sexually aroused for the same reasons. The likes of the looks in their eyes and the firmness of their nipples provided the evidence for anyone who cared to investigate their condition.

Sergei had attended a similar event three months previously. However, on that occasion, the boy had been one of those being auctioned rather than those waiting on guests.

Sergei also now knew that the young waiters and waitresses served the guests with not only food and drink but also themselves if any of the men or women wanted sex with them. The latter activity could be of any kind, as long as it conformed to the terms of the teenagers' contracts, which could exclude certain practices.

In fact, the currently physically undamaged Sergei had already served two males with sexual favours on this day. After serving a rather fat and ugly admirer with a sweetmeat, the boy had been quickly ushered by the man to one of the guestrooms reserved for such activities. There, on the bed, the rectum of the young teenager, who had been temporarily deprived of his thong, had entertained the adult's cock until his rear orifice was filled with ejaculate.

Throughout the degrading process, Sergei had lain face down on the bed whilst his body felt as if it was being crushed by the guest's weight, as the man thrust his fat ugly form onto, and his vaseline-lubricated cock into, the boy. The young teenager's only compensation from being subjected to such uncomfortable sodomy came from the fact that the adult's penis was relatively puny and so could be easily accommodated, whilst his passion was such that he climaxed speedily.

Later, whilst still holding his tray, Sergei had been forced to kneel quite publicly in the reception room, unzip the fly of another, obviously less reserved, guest's trousers, extract the manly erection from within and perform fellatio. Some drying evidence of this and his previous sexual deed was still visible on the boy's chin and bottom, as he subsequently circulated elsewhere to proffer his sweetmeats.

Sergei's bottom and mouth had also already been booked for use by several other male guests, whom he was to serve sexually after the excitement of the auction. However, the boy was to experience a different unpleasantness prior to fulfilling those appointments.

Sergei approached a group comprising five men and a single woman in order to proffer his sweetmeats. The female held in her hands what resembled a small black rubber dildo, fitted with a tube linked to a bulbous ball of the same material.

"Ah, he'll do to test this on!" the woman suggested, after spying the approaching Sergei. The men in her group, after appraising the beautiful boy, swiftly agreed.

"Now, boy," the woman then commanded, whilst pointing to a nearby piece of furniture, "bend over that table, with your legs wide apart." Sergei knew better than to disobey and immediately complied with her order, despite his trepidation at the likely use to which the contraption held by the female would soon be put.

Sergei, cock still hard within his thong and now bent over the table, subsequently felt the elastic of his sole garment, which usually ran down his bumcrack, being lifted and relocated to one of his buttocks, whilst the tip of the small dildo embraced the lips of his sphincter. The later careful insertion of the device into his anus then initially caused little reaction in the boy. He was not only by now well accustomed to much bigger and more brutal invaders but also his regularly ravished rectum had been lubricated by both vaseline and cum during earlier sodomy. However, his erection did quiver, as well as began to drool some pre-cum, when rubber intruded as far as tickling his prostate.

Unfortunately, the enjoyable feelings resulting from such attention to his prostate proved short-lived after the woman began repeatedly to squeeze the ball at the other end of her contraption. The pleasant sensations were then instead replaced by increasing pain, as the rubber head of the dildo, firmly implanted deep in Sergei's insides, began to expand spherically.

"This'll really fill the brat's insides up!" suggested the woman to the watching and now laughing five male spectators. In fact, Sergei was beginning to believe, as the rubber balloon inside him expanded slowly but relentlessly and painfully, that he would eventually explode.

Sergei's mental torment was not then helped when one of the men asked "Isn't this brat one of those who's agreed to the infamous contractual 'codicil'?"

"I believe so," someone answered.

"What's the 'codicil'?" enquired a newcomer to this particular S&M scene. His query was answered but Sergei, amidst his present distress, would have preferred not to be reminded about the future commitment.