Pueros40; 76; 76; 77; 85; 76; 91; 84 – The Codicil
44; 74; 72;: 42; 89; 90; 91; 87; 83; 77; 85; 80; 77; – Two: Induction
'I think if the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness.'
- Fodor Dostoyevsky ('Brothers Karamazov', II.v.4)
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, late 1990s)After Sergei had nervously stepped out of the large Mercedes limousine, he had been greeted formally at the back of an impressive large dacha by an expectant uniformed adult male house-servant, who appeared to the boy to be some kind of butler. This man then guided the young new arrival through the rear doorway and up two flights of stairs to one of the many luxurious en-suite guest bedrooms in the currently quiet residence."You'll remove your attire," the rather quiet and stern-looking man subsequently instructed Sergei, once the pair had reached the bedroom and whilst pointing a finger towards a round plastic clothes bin, "and place them in there for later disposal, as you won't be using them again!" The boy immediately experienced a twinge of sorrow for the imminent loss of his expensive brand new genuine designer garments, which he was wearing for the first time. He also considered that being deprived of them so soon after acquiring them to be a rather tragic waste. However, he now knew from his comprehensive training by the pornographer that he should not express views about such matters without permission. "You'll then wash and groom yourself very carefully," the man continued, "before redressing only in the white briefs placed on the bed for you. You'll find that they are your size!" Sergei glanced at the pristine minuscule lycra briefs, whose white hue was, unknown to him, supposed to emphasise his virginity. The boy then immediately realised that the attire might be his size but they would barely cover his private parts and also be very tight fitting, therefore leaving little to the imagination as to what they were trying to conceal. "I suggest that you then rest quietly on the bed," the man concluded, "until I return to collect you after all of the important guests have arrived." Without ever providing other instructions or information, or a reassuring word or smile, to the very nervous Sergei, the taciturn servant then turned and departed from the bedroom. Sergei was immediately tempted to try to escape from what he suddenly considered in panic was a bizarrely surreal situation of his own desperate silly making. However, two factors then both deterred him from such action and dispelled his belief in his own stupidity, one of which was remembrance of his ill sister, who would soon be flying to the USA to receive urgent and very expensive medical treatment. The relevant necessary funds had been released on the previous day, as soon as her brother had signed a certain contract. The other factor was Sergei's appreciation that, having agreed his contract, there was no safe retreat from his commitment. The boy had been told, before he signed the document, that any malefactors who failed to honour the legal obligations would not be sued. They would instead be murdered. Sergei therefore now proceeded to obey the servant's instructions. The boy, whose nails had already been impeccably manicured, subsequently, for the second time that day, stripped and showered, and then again carefully combed his straight silky fair hair, trimmed neatly and fashionably in a bowl style. As he did so, some minor discomfort within his still virginal rectum caused him to be thankful that he did not have to suffer another enema. He had already earlier had to undergo that particular disturbing and demeaning process at the hands of the pornographer in that man's apartment. Sergei eventually found himself putting on the tight minuscule white briefs and then checking his refection in a tall wall mirror, apparently specially provided in the bedroom just for such a purpose. The boy now immediately appreciated that his earlier premonition that the skimpy garment would barely conceal what was covered by the shiny lycra was clearly correct. The clever tailoring ensured that the full bulging outline of his genitals was obvious and that the pleasant curvature of each of his buttocks was nicely highlighted. Sergei's abashment at such blatant clear exhibition of his barely covered private parts was subsequently intensified by growth in his cock, which apparently narcissistically liked what was being displayed in the mirror, with the highlight being the obviously hardening penile shaft itself. In an effort to soften his unruly penis and reduce his embarrassment, the boy therefore quickly stepped away from his own reflection to go instead to lie on the bed and consider, whilst awaiting his fateful summons, matters other than his personal appearance. However, his manoeuvre did not work. As Sergei lay face-upwards on the bed, with his head resting on his hands and whilst trying to think of unexciting matters, unrelated to his current circumstances, his barely covered cock remained resolutely hard. The boy, constantly reminded of his virtual nudity and the associated reasons by the feel of the tight sparse attire enveloping his loins, could not prevent his thoughts from regularly returning to his surreal situation, whereby he was bravely but very reluctantly offering to become some wealthy sadist's sex toy. Sergei was rightly nervous and fearful about what he had irreversibly committed himself to but his cock seemed to be incongruously excited by the prospect of the life of degradation and pain to come. The naughty penis even began, visibly within the tight confines of the lycra briefs, to harden even more and throb, as the boy again could not help but reconsider his predicament. Sergei already knew that he was desperate to masturbate. The boy had been granted such much-needed sexual relief a few weeks previously when, after arriving at the pornographer's apartment for his preparation and training for his prospective new job, the man had removed the perspex chastity device from the 14 year-old's smooth genitals. Sergei had at the time been so frantic to enjoy the pleasure of masturbation that he had not even minded achieving his aim with deliberate slow artfulness, whilst lying face-up on a bed in front of the pornographer's cameras. The literal climax of the subsequent photo montages and video film had been the fountain-like ejaculation of several copious spurts of cum into the air before the semen eventually succumbed to gravity. The sperm, produced in greater quantity than ever before in the 14 year-old's young life, then fell back onto his smooth chest, belly, groin and upper legs, as well as onto the teenage hand delivering such fruitful ecstasy. Sergei, though, had not been allowed to masturbate in the weeks since, his genitals having been re-introduced to the chastity device, where the devilish transparent perspex contraption had stayed until his earlier washing and grooming on this day in the pornographer's apartment. The boy also knew better than to attempt to gain relief from his intense sexual frustrations now, just as he was to embark upon his new life. Sergei's mutually agreed terms and conditions of employment, enforced by the contract he had signed on the previous day, promised him grievous punishment for just touching his cock without permission, with even worse enforceable for masturbating. The boy knew from his training that such penance would still be inflicted on him in his present position, when no-one had yet bought his services at auction. The only standing approval for handling his own cock now granted to Sergei involved washing and dressing, and even then such action had to be kept to an absolute minimum. Avoidance of touching his penis during urination was to be achieved if necessary by performing the deed in the sitting permission. Sergei's desperate desire to masturbate emanated from his raging hormones, whose turbulence was, unknowingly to him, strengthened by powerful viagra-like aphrodisiacs secretly mixed by the pornographer into his young protégé's food and drink during his period of preparation and training in the man's apartment. The boy would subsequently never know that the highly effective additives would now become a regular feature of his diet for the next year. He would instead mistakenly attribute the suddenly developed increased intensity of his sex-drive only to the natural evolution of a growing male teenager. As Sergei lay on the bed, somehow successfully resisting the acute temptation to masturbate, he could hear the arrival of many cars at the dacha. However, as the window of the bedroom assigned to the boy was at the rear of the building and only overlooked a part of the dense surrounding forest, he could not see the vehicles or the passengers. If he could have done, he would have observed big and expensive chauffeured limousines bringing casually but richly dressed men, as well as some women. After Sergei had lain quietly and patiently on the bed for about 1½ hours, with a constantly hard cock, the dour servant eventually returned to the boy's assigned room. "Stand up," the man, who was carrying a black leather bag, then succinctly instructed the scantily-clad 14 year-old, "and let me inspect you!" Sergei did what he was told, compliantly and conveniently positioning himself in the midlle of a broad open space in the bedroom so that the servant could walk round him if he wanted to do so. The boy also obediently placed his hands on his head in a manner taught to him by the pornographer for the occasions when he was being subjected to formal inspection. Sergei's beautiful face then blushed in embarrassment when he noticed that the servant was smirking, apparently at observation of the obvious outline of resolutely maintained penile excitement at the front of the boy's skimpy briefs. However, such correct appreciation of the cause of the man's sneer only incongruously tempted the unruly penis to grow even harder, the clear sight of which phenomenon encouraged the adult snigger to become even broader and the shamed juvenile facial redness to deepen. The servant subsequently did not choose to walk around the clearly delectable and abashed Sergei. He instead subjected the still blushing boy to the full formal inspection ritual previously taught to the 14 year-old by the pornographer. After checking with careful deliberation the immaculate front façade of the shamed young teenager, the man continued the rite by uttering another command, which consisted only of one word. "Turn!" the servant ordered and, as taught, Sergei revolved 90° to his right to enable the man to inspect his left profile, from which angle the boy's penile excitement was even more noticeable. After two later repetitions of the man's order, the humiliated 14 year-old's highly attractive rear and then other side had also been carefully examined. Sergei, still with his hands on his reddened head, eventually again found himself facing the still smirking servant, who then retrieved a broad black leather slave-collar with embedded silvery bondage rings and matching wrist and ankle cuffs from his bag. Without saying another word, the man subsequently approached the boy and immovably attached, with the aid of tiny padlocks, these S&M adornments to the 14 year-old's perfect form. The servant completed his decoration of Sergei by linking, with short and narrow but strong silvery chain, the padlock on each of the black leather handcuffs to that on the rear of the boy's slave-collar. The man did so in such a way that the 14 year-old's elbows were forced to protrude from their respective sides of the back of the young teenager's sublime head. The servant then stood back to check his handiwork before finally instructing Sergei to "Follow me!" The boy did so, following the man out of the bedroom, with his uplifted hands now firmly and embarrassingly chained behind his head to his slave-collar. Sergei followed the servant along the lushly decorated and carpeted corridor leading to the stairs up which he had recently climbed to reach the second-floor bedroom. The boy subsequently discovered that the descent down what appeared to be steps mainly used by staff was much more humiliating than when he had ascended. Not only was he scantily dressed, noticeably aroused and chained but also the wide corridor at the bottom of the two flights was much busier than previously experienced. Young servants of both sexes were scurrying hither and thither from the kitchens to a large room, located around a corner at the bottom of the stairs, where the dacha owner and his special guests had gathered to enjoy a champagne buffet prior to the day's main event. However, from Sergei's perspective, he could not actually see the reception taking place, especially as he and the man guiding him now proceeded in a different direction. Sergei could therefore only guess what was occurring in the unseen room from the fare passing before him on trays and trolleys and the loud noise of conversation and laughter emanating from the reception. The boy was also now distracted from his thoughts about the matter, as well as from his feeling of shame at being exhibited in his current manner before the servants. Sergei's distraction resulted from the fact that the young and universally very attractive waiters and waitresses, who were carrying trays and pushing trolleys and appeared to be aged between 14 and 16 years, were even more scantily attired than he was. Both genders wore tight minuscule golden thongs, with the girls topless and many of the boys exhibiting clear signs of penile arousal. They also all sported fillets in their hair, neck chokers, medallions, wristlets and anklets of the same richly glistening colour, with some of them additionally bearing body-piercing jewellery and tattoos and other markings. Many of the boys' thongs were ballooning outwards as a consequence of their penile hardness, sometimes to the extent that their scrotums became exposed. Sergei was to discover, as he later occasionally acted as a waiter in similar circumstances, that there were three main reasons for such displays of young male virility. Firstly, many of the young waiters had for the event deliberately been subjected to lengthy enforced chastity, although Sergei was to remain innocently unaware that such sexual frustration was exacerbated by the regular inclusion of strong aphrodisiacs in their diet. Secondly, they were frequently intimately fondled when serving the guests, often whilst their fine features were debated. Thirdly, given the narcissistic and masochistic nature of the inherent sexuality of most of the boys, they actually gained real pleasure from being so displayed, manhandled and discussed. If Sergei had also looked at the girls more closely, he might have realised from the likes of the looks in their eyes and the firmness of their nipples that they too, for the same reasons, were similarly aroused. However, the boy only learnt three months later about the practice and purpose of bringing all of the young waiting staff to such peaks of sexual excitement, when he too played the role. The boys and girls were supposed to serve the guests with not only food and drink but also themselves if any of the men or women wanted sex with them. The latter activity could be of any kind, as long as it conformed to the terms of their contracts, which could exclude certain practices. For example, Sergei had deliberately contracted to be prepared to experience virtually every S&M activity, thereby seriously increasing his likely auction value, but with the riders that such sex-play was not seriously permanently injurious and did not include 'scat', which really disgusted him. The brave and selfless boy had wanted to maximise his worth as much as he believed that he could tolerate because the precise medical costs to be incurred by his sister were unknown, although they were bound to be huge. Sergei was even prepared to suffer some discreet permanent body decoration, and had also agreed to a certain much more potentially serious modification to his gorgeous form in a codicil to his contract. However, he hoped that his consent to such possibilities would in most cases prove irrelevant, as he perhaps naively wished that his services could ultimately be bought by someone whose sadistic interests were only mild. Sergei was a rare exception in entering the secret and perverse world of exceptionally rich sexual sadists. Unlike most of the other boys and girls who had volunteered for service with such degenerate people, he did not recognise any sado-masochistic tendencies within his own sexuality, although his unruly cock did sometimes incongruously appear to react contrary to such a perception. Sergei's cock also visibly reacted now, as the bulge in his briefs increased in size at the sight of the beautiful scantily-clad young waiting staff scurrying about in front of him. None of them appeared bothered about their virtual nudity and arousal but a few did glance with clear interest in the chained boy's direction. Sergei had always previously considered himself to be developing into a normal heterosexual. However, he was now suddenly confused and concerned as to which gender of young waiting staff he was most attracted, especially as his rampant cock twitched most when a particularly gorgeous boy of about his own age but with contrasting dark brown hair and eyes looked at him. Sergei noticed that the other beautiful boy displayed a small black emblem on the middle of his completely smooth chest, where both rosy nipples had also been pierced and adorned with silver rings. The dark symbol between these ornamented young male tits depicted a double-headed eagle. The young waiter smiled seductively, whilst looking Sergei up and down and licking his lips, as if conveying a silent message to the chained boy that perhaps they might sometime play together in a very adult rather than childish manner. The servant's already ballooning golden thong additionally became even more outstretched, now not only revealing his rotund smooth scrotum but also a significant proportion of his fulsome erection. Perhaps unfortunately, given the mutually sexually charged circumstances, the exchanged glance between the pair of lovely boys proved by individual necessity to be very fleeting. The young waiter could not linger from attending to his duties, whilst Sergei was whisked away in a different direction by the adult servant guiding him. The boy was led to a set of double-doors, which the man slid sideways to open and reveal another exotic sight. The very large, ornately decorated and luxuriantly carpeted rectangular room through the double-doors was only furnished with six low but sturdy mirrored tables, positioned centrally in a widely separated circle. The wall beyond was made entirely of transparent glass, through which a panorama of part of the dense forest surrounding the dacha was visible. On the left wall was another set of double-doors, from where noisy conversation and laughter emanated. Sergei immediately correctly presumed that the reception room, where the host and guests had apparently assembled, must be beyond. However, the boy's thoughts did not linger on the dacha's ground-floor layout for too long but instead focused on the fact that five of the six mirrored tables were occupied. On top of each table stood, with feet slightly apart, a beautiful 14 year-old boy, all well groomed, skimpily attired and chained in a similar manner to Sergei.
(Reception room of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)The dacha was owned by a man in his mid forties, who was of short but broad stature and had made his billions, measured in dollars not just roubles, during the Yeltzin era by buying state enterprises at indecently inexpensive prices. The government had dubiously privatised many such concerns by giving shares in voucher form to each worker and he had successfully managed to manipulate the system to his lucrative advantage.Ordinary impecunious Russians, unused to capitalism and not knowing the true value of their vouchers, were soon easily persuaded to sell their shares very cheaply in return for cash. Relatively puny monetary outlays on the part of unscrupulous entrepreneurs thereby acquired businesses worth billions. Substantial bribes to government officials aided the process. The public profile the new Russian billionaire attempted to display was one of an immensely wealthy capitalist, who benevolently donated a lot of money to charitable causes. In fact, the sadistic bisexual man spent far more resources satisfying his sexual tastes, which were shared by some similarly depraved and corruptly very wealthy business colleagues. They had established a secret organisation to secure their pleasures, with a genuine co-owned enterprise helping to act as a front to disguise the temporary disappearance from homes and family, as supposed company trainees, of certain young teenagers, such as Sergei. In return for political and other favours, the billionaires and multi-millionaires also allowed foreigners and poorer compatriots of similar sexual persuasions and of both genders to join the organisation, which was operated on business-like lines. The young employees, who were the focus of the members' interests, were all awarded very well-remunerated contracts, which would be rigorously adhered to by their bosses as long as the invariably teenage workers also fully met their commitments. On this day, the new young employees, whose contracts were being offered for auction, comprised only beautiful 14 year-old males. On other regular occasions, varying age groups of either boys or girls would be sold, and usually all of the teenagers offering themselves possessed, despite their tender years, recognised masochistic tendencies. Such an inherent deviant sexuality had not only helped their identification as suitable recruits for the secret organisation but also encouraged their preparedness to earn vast sums through pandering to the perverse whims of adults. The host and his about thirty adult guests were all, except for one person, sinisterly dressed in the attire of an S&M master or mistress. The exception was a bearded man clothed in the immaculate flowing costume of a rich Arab Sheikh. The moustached billionaire wore a peaked cap, open waistcoat, which revealed his hairy bare chest, tight trousers and boots, all of pristine shiny black leather. The heads of several other men were covered by all-embracing hoods, whilst some women masked their eyes. Dangling from the belts of everyone in S&M gear were, with obvious purpose, relatively uniform detachable straps. The host and guests happily chatted, whilst consuming copious amounts of expensive champagne and delicacies, such as caviar. The adults also regularly fondled the young serving staff. Whilst this exotic scene was proceeding, one exceedingly handsome 14 year-old boy, attired in a ballooning golden thong and whose delectably curvaceous bare bottom was pinched, accidentally in surprise knocked over one of the glasses of expensive champagne on his tray. His accident unfortunately occurred as he was offering more of the precious sparkling wine to the host, who in response then ominously ordered the young waiter to "Put your tray down, brat, and bend over!" The man was clearly more amused than annoyed because he was smiling as he uttered his command and whilst he also joyously detached the hard leather strap from his belt. "Who does this brat belong to?" the host then loudly enquired, although he believed that he already knew the answer. The small black double-headed eagle branded onto the middle of the boy's chest, plus the adjacent nipple rings, not of gold but silver, which was the preferred precious metal for purposes of body ornamentation of the master of the 14 year-old, provided the necessary clear evidence. Not all of the young waiting staff were employed by the host, as he believed that there was a practical, although not financial, limit as to how many teenagers he could keep at one time for his perverse pleasures. The rest had been borrowed for the day from other members of his depraved organisation, with selection being made only from those who did not currently display visible signs of recent abuse. The boy, who happened to be the one who had exchanged mutually excited glances with Sergei earlier and was now accustomed to receiving debasing and often ultimately anguishing commands, obeyed the host without hesitation. The 14 year-old knew that he would suffer extra punishment for any delay. As the boy assumed the required degrading pose, with hands reaching for separated shins, his sensuous brown eyes noticed, from their now upside down perspective, as he glanced back through his splayed legs, that his minuscule thong was ballooning more than ever. Unlike Sergei, this 14 year-old had to confess that his young sexuality did indeed possess a strong, albeit not all-consuming, element of masochism. The boy was therefore anticipating the imminent beating with a strange mixture of dread and desire. He was also expecting his punishment to be increased for an imminent further misdemeanour, which he was sure he would be unable to prevent in his current circumstances, given the obvious needs of his rampant cock. "Young Yuri's mine," one of the hooded men replied in answer to the question asked by the host. The latter, knowing that punishing boys or girls whom he did not employ but who committed errors would be acceptable to their masters on this day, then politely sought agreement as to the tariff to be suffered. "In your opinion," he enquired, "would ten blows across the clumsy brat's buttocks from my strap be too much or too little for knocking over a glass of expensive champagne?" "I wouldn't hit him there at all," the hooded guest replied, "because, given the clearly rampant state the masochistic brat's in, after three weeks of enforced celibacy, he'd probably gain some enjoyment from the beating and spurt cum into his golden thong. Why not flog his erection and scrotum ten times instead, as I'm sure he'd thoroughly detest rather than perversely gain some sexual compensation from such action?" "Good idea," the delighted host responded, as his imminent young victim's dread increased significantly whilst his desire totally disappeared. Yuri also cursed in his mind his cruel master. The hooded man had been accurate with his advice to the host about the boy hating and deriving no masochistic joy whatsoever from a genital flogging, as was currently being demonstrated by a sudden sad return to flaccidity of his previously hard but now seriously endangered cock. "Stand up then, brat," the happy host next commanded, "and remove your thong." Despite Yuri's sudden reluctance to obey an order, the boy still appreciated the lack of wisdom in displaying any hesitation or argument. Consequently, Yuri quickly moved his reluctant and now slightly trembling hands to the two sides of the thin elastic waist-cord holding his suddenly no longer ballooning skimpy thong in place and began to lower his sole garment. The boy was then soon standing humiliatingly naked in front of the man who was imminently to flog his now suddenly softened completely smooth cock and balls. By this time, the large array of adult male and female guests, in their exotic leather or Arab costumes, had gathered to watch the fun and most had chortled at the host's next action and comment. The man ignored the fact that Yuri's completely smooth and very pleasantly proportioned genitals were tightly encased by a silvery cockring, which was a common adornment. Instead, having noticed a minuscule pair of similarly shiny orbs at the sides of the boy's now flaccid penis, just short of the glands at the penile head, which were currently covered by copious foreskin, the man reached out to grasp the 14 year-old's member. The host then raised the softened organ upwards and remarked in delight "I see that your master has ornamented your cock with a silver frenum piercing!" The evidence was the tiny barbell-like piece of jewellery, whose shaft had been inserted through the soft flesh on the underside of the boy's penis, leaving only the end orbs visible. "Perhaps," the host subsequently suggested to Yuri's master, whilst releasing the boy's cock, "you might sometime want to consider additional genital ornamentation. Let me provide you with some examples!" Noticing one of his own young male servants holding a tray of expensive delicacies nearby, the host summoned the lovely boy, who possessed golden nipple and navel piercing rings and an obvious erection, to place the tray he was carrying on a table and come to him. The young practically naked waiter was also displaying, like all of the other males and females in their particular master's service, a small brandmark in the middle of his smooth chest, which depicted the initials of the man's name in the Cyrillic alphabet. The boy complied immediately with the host's command. Having overheard the earlier conversation, the 15 year-old was also already fully expecting his master's next order before the words were actually uttered on arrival before the man. The boy's golden thong was then quickly around his ankles instead of his loins, as the thirty guests ogled his comprehensively decorated hairless genitalia. The 15 year-old's private parts, including his pubes, had originally been painfully plucked to complete smoothness by his master and were subsequently kept in this state by daily application of a very effective hair inhibitor lotion. The boy's sexual organs were also now adorned with a tightly encircling golden cockring and with an array of minuscule piercing ornaments of the same precious metal. The 15 year-old's erection displayed a 'ladder' of frenum barbells along the full length of the underside of his hard penile shaft, culminating in one called a 'lorum' at the base, adjacent to his nicely rotund scrotum. There was also a 'Prince Albert', which consisted of a forward-pointing golden circlet that entered the boy's urethra before exiting just beyond the first tiny frenum barbell. Alongside were two similar rings at the edges of the foreskin. There were also four 'hafadas', which were rings evenly decorating the sides and underneath of the boy's scrotum. A similar 'guiche' additionally adorned his perineum, which was under his scrotal sac and near his anus. Tiny Cyrillic symbols, reflecting his master's initials, had also been branded onto the upper middle surface of the boy's cock. Matching lettering additionally decorated each of the twin ball sacs that comprised his nicely low-hanging scrotum. "Show my guests your tongue," the host next commanded. The boy obliged, revealing in the process that this oral organ had been pierced and adorned with a golden stud too. "This ornament," his smirking master then commented, "make's his performance of fellatio much more entertaining!" "I might sometime remove the 'Prince Albert'," the host subsequently advised, as his guests continued to ogle the boy's comprehensively decorated sexual organs, "and replace it with an 'ampallang' or 'apradravya' barbell. The first penetrates in an initially very painful way the cockhead glands, horizontally through the urethra or just above, whilst the second is similar but vertical. I might also circumcise him and add some similar 'dydoe' piercings around the top edges of the cut foreskin." "When I want to keep the brat chaste," the man additionally informed, "I already add extra central foreskin rings, which make arousal very unwise!" The host subsequently dismissed the skimpily re-attired blushing boy back to his previous duties and summoned the collection from a storeroom of a spare low mirrored table, on top of which he then forcefully instructed Yuri to stand with "Hands on head and legs wide apart, brat!" The height of this particular item of sturdy furniture, around which all of the guests had eagerly gathered to watch the fun, ensured that the boy's ringed genitals were now nicely at the same level as the man's smirking head, in perfect position for imminent chastisement. "You'll receive ten strokes from my strap to your cock and balls, brat," the host reaffirmed before ominously adding, "but, if at anytime, you lose your positioning, the latest hit won't count. You'd therefore better ready yourself to receive the first blow!" Yuri, sensuous brown eyes suddenly becoming damp in anticipation of the horror to come, tried his best to comply with the sadistic host's advice, as he also watched the man size and practise the first strike of his sinister strap. However, as a vicious and accurately delivered uppercut from the cruel leather later struck the underside of the boy's scrotum, the resultant excruciation was so acute that he could not help but fail to maintain his pose. The 14 year-old instead instinctively moved his hands from the silky dark brown hair of his head to his smooth agonised groin. The young teenager also simultaneously uttered a rather muted yelp, whose volume was lessened by the breathlessness induced by the terrible blow. As Yuri perpetrated his unfortunate but rather natural misdemeanour, a loud outbreak of adult chortling could additionally be heard all around him.
(Temporary auction room of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)Sergei was obediently standing quietly and patiently on his round mirrored table, with five other very lovely and bright boys of the same age doing the same nearby, all facing the centre of the circle formed by the furniture. The original selection committee responsible for contracting the young sextet prized intelligence almost as much as beauty, as the members knew that the eventual masters of the young teenagers would gain greater enjoyment from abusing clever rather than stupid recruits to their sadistic worlds.A golden but otherwise simple medallion had been temporarily placed around every boy's neck. Each adornment depicted a different Cyrillic number, ranging from one to six. None of the 14 year-olds' names would be referred to during the eventual auction because only their allocated numerals would be used for identification purposes. Sergei, who had been allocated the number '1', and the other 14 year-olds, who originated from disparate communities throughout Russia, suddenly heard a noticeable smacking noise, followed by a muted yelp and loud laughter emanating from the next room. An adult voice subsequently shouting "Your cowardly reaction, brat, means that that stroke doesn't count!" immediately suggested to the astute waiting sextet what type of sadistic event was happening on the other side of the relevant double-doors. The correctness of the boys' basic perception was later apparently confirmed by more sounds of hard leather hitting vulnerable flesh at relaxed intervals and of increasingly vociferous shrieks and laughter, as well as several further loud declarations that certain blows would be repeated. In response to hearing such distressing noises, Sergei's covered cock, which had remained resolutely hard within his minuscule tight briefs, suddenly began to soften. However, he could not help but notice that the bulges at the front of the similarly sparse white lycra garments of his fellow 14 year-old Russians did not reduce and, in some cases, actually increased in size. Sergei then for the first time really began to realise the personal enormity of the decision he had made to enter this depraved and perverse world, from which there was no longer the possibility of retreat for at least a year.
(Reception room of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)Yuri's agonised cock and scrotum were now a vivid scarlet in colour, with his anguished balls also beginning noticeably to swell. However, after four harsh blows from the host's strap, the sobbing boy's body had eventually become successfully resistant to movement in reaction to the appalling punishment being inflicted upon his genitals, as if his sexual organs had somehow quickly become resolutely inured to the extreme torment.Consequently, after failing to remain in position when receiving the early quartet of blows from the host's crop, Yuri had subsequently bravely and perhaps miraculously managed to remain still as the excruciating penance continued. Such amazing endurance had even continued when his cock had been hit with an uppercut that smacked his frenum piercing, which proved to be the most painful strike against his suffering penis. By the conclusion of Yuri's penance, because of his initial lack of endurance, the total number of stinging blows to his genitals suffered by the tearful boy had become fourteen not ten. However, the hits levied would have amounted to even more if he had not discovered some miraculous inner resilience. "You have embarrassed me, brat," Yuri's own master, whose broad grin and large erection were both hidden by leather, subsequently commented with clear disdain to the lachrymose pained boy, "and so I'll shame you further. You can now remain naked whilst you complete your duties!" The man's smirk was concealed by his sinister hood, whilst his rampant penis was contained by a bulging triangular genital cover fixed by studs to his trousers. Yuri's master then made another remark, which caused the boy's normally beautiful face to express pure terror. "I'm sure that, as you proceed with your tasks in the nude," the man had continued, "my friends here will enjoy testing how sore your genitals actually are. As they do so, be aware that if you spill any more champagne, or make any other mistakes, your sexual organs will receive at least another ten blows from the host's strap!" On hearing these deeply disconcerting words, the volume of tears flowing down Yuri's beautiful face noticeably increased.
(Security room of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)A trusted security guard of one of the men attending a certain special private auction, 650 kilometres [400 miles] away near Moscow, was looking at a closed-circuit television screen, which pictured the scene in a small windowless basement cell. The tiny rectangular whitewashed room contained a single bed, with integral black leather mattress and pillow but no covers. There was an adjacent bookcase, with an in-built drawer, plus nearby toilet, bidet, sink and shower without surrounding partitions or curtains.What the man's screen did not show was another television, which happened to be located high up on a shelf above the entrance door of the tiny soulless cell. This appliance was never turned off and transmitted a constant stream of highly graphic video pornography, invariably involving pederasty. The illustrated literature on the small bookcase adjacent to the bed also concentrated on this particular sexual subject, ensuring that this perverse topic was the only visual entertainment available for any occupant of the room. There was indeed one current occupant of the cell. A 14 year-old boy was lying fitfully asleep on the bed, presently impervious to the graphic sexual images being displayed on his own television screen. The boy was naked, apart from a confining transparent perspex chastity devise attached to his smooth genitals, black leather slave-collar and matching wrist and ankle cuffs, with embedded silvery bondage rings, similar to the ones currently being worn by Sergei in faraway Moscow. The 14 year-old also sported a tight-fitting cockring, nipple and frenum piercing jewellery and, on the middle of his chest, a small brandmark, depicting a black double-headed eagle. The boy's usual immense beauty was sadly currently spoilt by comprehensive bodily bruising and other damage, which was indicative of a recent bad beating, as well as other injurious sufferings. Consequently, his normally gorgeous form gleamed in the bright illumination provided by the cell's single fluorescent light, which, like the television, was never switched off. The bodily shine resulted from applied ointments, as his wounds had been efficiently treated and would completely heal in time. However, he had not yet been in any fit state to accompany his very cruel master to a certain auction.
(Reception room of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)The host had been advised that the six 14 year-old boys, who were to be auctioned on this day, had been assembled in the next room. However, the sadistic man enjoyed keeping such youngsters waiting, appreciating that they would be experiencing at least nervousness, if not fear, and probable increasing impatience and discomfort. Consequently, he allowed the reception, and the concomitant conversation and consumption of expensive food and wine, to continue for now.Such an extension of the preliminaries also allowed the guests time to entertain themselves with assessing how sore Yuri's scarlet swollen genitals really were. The answer became evident from the boy's subsequent grimaces and muted moans, as intrigued men and women harshly handled his still resolutely flaccid sexual organs, including occasionally squeezing his anguished testicles. However, the 14 year-old somehow courageously managed not to spill any more of the champagne contained in the glasses on his tray, which he had returned to offering to the mainly leather-clad adult assemblage. Most of the adults not engaged in further abusing Yuri were instead occupied with discussing the various neat dossiers made available for their perusal. These portfolios contained detailed information about the six 14 year-old boys waiting to be auctioned in the adjacent room, including copies of their contracts. "He's very pretty," Yuri's hooded master declared to the host, whilst referring to a photograph of Sergei's face in the young Muscovite's dossier. "Yes, he his," the other man replied, "and he's also agreed to suffer everything a good S&M 'top' might reasonably want to inflict, with the sole exception of 'scat'!" "I don't like scat myself," the guest advised, whilst he again ignored another of Yuri's moans emanating from nearby, as the soreness of the 14 year-old balls was once more tested, "and so the contractual exclusion is no deterrent to me buying him. I also like the rare contract codicil he's agreed to, as I've always wanted to do that to a boy!" "Many others here possess a similar ambition," the host responded, "including some of the women. Given the scarcity of finding boys willing to take the risk, his auction price will invariably be substantially increased, which is undoubtedly why he boldly agreed to the codicil in the first place. I'm sure that his value will also be further inflated because, unlike the others, he's no identified masochistic tendencies but has instead bravely volunteered for service not out of greed for personal sexual satisfaction and wealth but for entirely selfless reasons." "Humiliating and hurting and trying to break the fortitude of such a courageous boy on a regular basis would I'm sure," the billionaire host added, "provide any of us with immense pleasure. It's therefore a great pity about the scat, as I'm not personally interested in the brat unless he's prepared to be the subject of that activity!" Yuri's master secretly smiled within his hood at the host's revelation, as there would clearly be one less seriously rich motivated bidder for young Sergei's services in the imminent auction.
(Temporary auction room of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, shortly afterwards)Sergei's smooth lithe legs were beginning to ache, after being compelled to stand quietly on his mirrored table for about an hour. The five other chained 14 year-old Russian boy occupants of the room shared the young Muscovite's increasing discomfort.Consequently, the young sextet then shared a mix of emotions when the double-doors connecting their room with the reception amenity eventually suddenly slid open. The boys were universally relieved that the auction should now proceed before their aching legs encouraged them to change position radically and thereby risk early and undoubtedly painful chastisement. However, they were also nervously apprehensive as to what the immediate future might hold for them, an attitude that was only intensified by the eventual sight of thirty sinisterly leather-clad adults, plus one man in Arab costume, surrounding them. Sergei had been so located in the circle of mirrored tables that he could observe the entrance of the adults and their attendant servants. However, given the proscription against moving without permission, some of the other boys, who had been positioned with their backs to the relevant double-doors, could only initially detect the development by sound rather than sight. Sergei's positioning also enabled him to be able to guess early and correctly who had been the recent victim of a harsh beating in the reception room and where the vicious blows had been targeted. He noticed the similarly aged and pretty boy, with whom he had exchanged somewhat sexually charged glances earlier, enter, carrying a tray of full champagne glasses. However, the 14 year-old, whom the young Muscovite did not yet know was named 'Yuri' and came from the city of Perm, was now no longer in his previous highly seductive state. Sergei noticed that the boy had lost his golden thong and that the smooth and previously excited sexual organs, which the sparse ballooning garment had earlier failed to cover properly, were now flaccid and scarlet in colour. The 14 year-old's normally beautiful face was also tearstained and possessed an expression of pure misery. Sergei, however, had little time to contemplate this sad sight or to continue to sympathise silently with the plight of the other boy because his fellow 14 year-old was soon lost from view when eager leather-clad men and women, plus one robed Arab, began to surround the displayed young Muscovite. After slowly entering the temporary auction room, the host and his guests had begun to mingle around the widely separated exhibits situated in a broad circle on top of the mirrored tables. Adult eyes then started to feast eagerly on the universally delectable scantily clad young forms being offered for sale. Some of the maintained bulges obvious at the front of the majority of the skimpy white lycra briefs of the boys being exhibited visibly twitched in response to such attention. Sergei's own unruly covered cock also rather narcissistically began to grow again when he realised that he appeared to be a star attraction for the mingling adults. Meanwhile, six highly attractive young female servants, even more scantily clad in their golden thongs than the exhibits and temporarily abandoning their trays and trolleys, took up position immediately behind each displayed boy. The similarly aged topless girl assigned to Sergei possessed relatively small but nicely developing breasts, with golden nipple rings. Her navel also displayed similar piercing jewellery, with a small brandmark, in the shape of a black five-pointed star, just above. The reason for the girls' action subsequently became clear when the host eventually announced, after the eyes of his guests had obviously feasted copiously on the male delicacies being auctioned, "Now for the unveiling!" Sergei immediately believed that he knew what was to be imminently shamefully publicly revealed. Sergei then felt the similarly aged girl, who had taken up position behind him and whose gender had been deliberately chosen to add to the boys' imminent humiliation, grasp the sides of his sparse briefs. The earlier belief by the re-aroused 14 year-old Muscovite on the mirrored table, as what was to be unveiled, was now proved correct when the smirking host next loudly and enthusiastically instructed the six young females to "Strip them!" Sergei then felt his briefs being lowered with slow deliberation, presumably to add to the mounting excitement of the spectators and his own sense of acute shame. The boy also noticed that the similar attire of his fellow 14 year-olds on the other mirrored tables was being simultaneously similarly moved downwards, with apparently practised co-ordination. As when the pornographer had once perpetrated this debasing deed on him in the man's Moscow apartment, Sergei's aroused cock again provided the greatest resistance to the lowering of his sole garment. The unruly penis also once more literally bounced into view after its apparent reluctance to being unveiled was overcome by the relentless gradual downward pressure imposed on his briefs by the attendant girl, who was sadistically rather happy to be stripping such a beautiful chained boy in such a degrading manner. As the noticeably fulsomely throbbing erections now being maintained by all six 14 year-old exhibits literally bounced simultaneously into view before settling either into horizontal or upwardly vertical final positions, many of the adult spectators uttered delighted comments. Sergei was most aware of the loud remark of a nearby leather-clad woman, with an eye-mask of the same black material, who, on observing the young Muscovite's hard penis pop into her sight, exclaimed "Oohh, how gorgeous. I'd love to torture that!" The boy's unruly member visibly quivered in response. The girl, who was stripping Sergei of his only garment from behind, was also rewarded for her efforts by the appearance immediately in front of her of the boy's lustrous curvaceous bottom, which was unspoiled by tan lines. The 14 year-old's impeccable form had been deliberately carefully nurtured towards this pleasant visual effect by being kept virtually constantly naked and out of sunlight when undergoing earlier preparation and training in the pornographer's apartment. The host and guests were also rewarded for the girl's ultimately completely successful efforts, and those of the other young females, by next being able to view from all angles the gorgeous and now totally naked bodies of the six universally aroused boys being auctioned. Previous enforced lengthy chastity, alongside infusion of copious aphrodisiacs to boost natural raging teenage hormones, ensured that virtually all young males so disported on the mirrored tables in these circumstances displayed fulsome erections. To his shame, Sergei was proving no exception to this humiliating phenomenon. Sergei's smooth erection, only previously seen in the flesh by the pornographer and himself, was, in front of the host, his approximately thirty guests and about a dozen young servants, now pointing horizontally from his groin, in his case despite his abashment and fears. Meanwhile, the penile excitement of some of his more masochistic and narcissistic 14 year-old colleagues, who were similarly positioned on mirrored tables, was actually enhanced by their debasing situation. After the eyes of the guests had obviously again feasted copiously on the young male delicacies being auctioned, the host ordered all the 14 year-old exhibits to kneel on the tables, with their legs wide apart. The deeply abashed Sergei, along with the other boys, immediately obediently complied, although all had to do so with care. The action required caution because of the problems of balance created by the highly polished nature of the surfaces on which they had been standing and by having their hands chained to their broad black leather slave-collars. Nevertheless, all of the boys eventually managed to complete the task successfully, aided by previous practice. Sergei then felt his attendant girl attach, without needing orders, a narrow but sturdy rod of black metal to his two leather anklets, which was an action designed to ensure that his legs remained widely splayed. There were two purposes for the new demeaning poses of the six displayed young male nudes. Firstly, their revised posture, closer to the polished mirrored surface of the tables, enabled the naked undersides of their bodies to be viewed with as little effort as their other delicious bits. Secondly, they were positioned for easier examination by hand as well as eye. The latter reason was confirmed when the host next declared to his keen guests that "If you want to do so, friends, you can now, as usual, add an intimate manual examination of the boy whores up for auction to your visual scrutiny!" Sergei subsequently began to be immediately intimately prodded and probed by many eager adult fingers. As this humiliation proceeded, the 14 year-old Muscovite somehow felt particularly debased when the exploring digits belonged to women. A favourite target for the probing adult fingers proved to be Sergei's genitals, which became even more aroused because of the copious attention. The boy's hard cock, recently deprived of sexual relief, began to increase further in length and width and to throb even more visibly, eventually rising upwards from the horizontal to the vertical whilst oozing precum. Such penile reaction intensified when additional digits started gently to stroke his lustrous bottom, venturing ever close towards his bumcrack and pink virginal sphincter, which was exposed to view on account of his kneeling splayed posture. Sergei's charming nipples also acquired attention, being simultaneously gently rubbed by a hooded man before then being sadistically pinched, eliciting a short surprised yelp from the boy's rosy lips, which appeared to please the perpetrator of the painful deed. Many other pairs of hands would eventually be attracted to the 14 year-old's tits, which consequently quickly became very red and sore, although such cruelty was not the cause of his first tears on this day. Sergei's first tears on this day instead arose from different manual manipulation. Fingers eventually began to explore the boy's sphincter, albeit in a gentle and careful manner so that his virginity would remain pure. Continued fondling of his recently chaste genitals, which were still excited despite the plight of his nipples and whose desperate needs had been intensified further by raging teenage hormones affected by strong aphrodisiacs, simultaneous to the tickling of his pink anal muscle, eventually resulted in the inevitable reaction. Sergei's delectable naked body visibly vibrated as he entered intense orgasm. The climactic boy, whose throbbing penis was now pointing vertically upwards towards his cute navel, closed his sensuous blue eyes and groaned in apparent pleasure, whilst his cockhead erupted with several bursts of creamy white cum. The semen spurted upwards into the air, some landing on Sergei's belly, chest and chin. The rest of the boyish but copious sperm eventually succumbed to gravity and fell back onto the polished surface of the mirrored table. Fortunately for the adults near him at the time, they were accustomed to recognising the signs of imminent climax and had stepped away to avoid being splattered by the fulsome ejaculate. Only after Sergei had subsequently recovered from his acute sexual reverie, which represented another new peak of intense pleasure in his young life, did he begin to realise the personal shame emanating from the embarrassing event, as well as the potential dire consequences. The boy's contract clearly stipulated that ejaculating without permission was punishable, with the severity of the chastisement dependent on circumstances. As a result, after Sergei had finally fully recuperated from his unwanted and personally dangerous but nevertheless extremely enjoyable ecstasy, the suddenly humiliated and fearful boy was tempted to offer plentiful grovelling apologies to the adults currently surrounding him. However, the 14 year-old fortunately remembered in time that his contract also stipulated that speaking without permission was another punishable misdemeanour. He therefore wisely remained silent to await his fate. What Sergei did not know was that it was a custom of these occasions to bring all the youngsters being auctioned, including girls, to orgasm through intimate adult manhandling. In fact, two of the other boys on the mirrored tables, whom he could not see because of the men and women surrounding him, had already succumbed to the pleasure. However, such a tradition would unfortunately for the 14 year-olds not prevent them from being compelled to suffer penance. In fact, two of the other boys had already been subjected to their penance. Despite the sound of leather hitting vulnerable young flesh and associated loud yelps, Sergei had not yet appreciated this reality, as he had been too absorbed by his own shameful predicament and distracted by the vociferous adult chatter occurring around him. "This boy whore's just cum too!" a tightly leather-clad woman with an eye-mask, who happened to be one of the adults fondling Sergei at the time of his entry into orgasm, then shouted to the host, who had been dealing with another similar 14 year-old miscreant on one of the other mirrored tables. The man then happily scampered across to supervise the relevant customary ritual on the latest young offender. Appearing immediately in front of the deeply abashed Sergei, from whose softening cockhead some cum still drooled, the host glanced at the ejaculate spilt onto the boy's flesh and the tabletop below. The suddenly smiling man, whilst unfastening from his belt the leather strap that had recently beaten Yuri's genitals and two of the other post-orgasmic boys on the nearby furniture, then commanded the naked young Muscovite to bend over and lick away his mess from the mirrored surface. "And remain in that position afterwards," the host also ordered, "whilst you pay for your self-indulgence with five strokes of my strap!" The appalled Sergei briefly looked fearfully at the instrument of chastisement in question but the horrified boy knew better than to allow his glance to linger. He instead quickly began to obey the man's latest instruction, again with great care because of the problems of balance associated with having hands chained to a neck slave-collar on a slippery surface. Sergei eventually succeeded in attaining the required degrading new pose. The boy's revised demeaning posture meant that, as he gradually licked up from the tabletop his spilt cum, which increased in volume as fresh semen dripped off his belly, chest and chin, his bare bottom was raised into the air. The sight of such pleasant uplifted buttocks, which would imminently be the subject of chastisement from the host's strap, soon became too tempting for some of the guests to allow to pass without reaction. As Sergei continued to perform his humiliating chore, the boy again felt his bottom being gently fondled and his virgin sphincter carefully tickled. However, such sensations being inflicted on his pert posterior no longer concerned him too much. The boy, who, as he licked, could see his own beautiful but cum-splattered face being reflected back at him from the mirrored tabletop, was now far more worried about what the host's strap would soon be perpetrating upon the lustrous curves of his buttocks. Nevertheless, despite his fears and his literal distaste for the humiliating chore he was performing, Sergei eventually successfully completed the task and then compliantly rested his forehead on the tabletop to await his immediate fate. Meanwhile, the only evidence of his own recently spilt cum was now the residual ejaculate now rapidly drying on his face and naked torso. By the time that Sergei had finally fulfilled the host's shaming command to clean the tabletop, the man had assumed a position at the boy's rear. Having satisfied himself that the reason for the 14 year-old's cessation of licking the mirrored surface was the completion of the assigned chore, the adult then raised his strap high into the air and took aim at the delightful young uplifted buttocks in front of him. "Ready yourself, boy whore," the host subsequently suggested, "to receive five blows from my strap!" The terrified Sergei, who had never been beaten in his life before, attempted to comply. The first evidence that Sergei then detected for the fact that the host's first hard blow was being delivered was a noticeable swishing sound and the feel of a gentle draught reaching his vulnerable bottom. The boy's recognition of the causes of such phenomena was almost instantly confirmed by a loud smacking noise and simultaneous personal excruciation, as hard leather harshly hit young flesh. An even more voluminous agonised scream also immediately emerged from Sergei's rosy lips. However, the further proof of the successful delivery of the host's first stroke of the strap, namely the broad scarlet stripe now rapidly forming on the boy's previously perfect posterior, was not visible to the young victim. Sergei had never previously experienced such excruciation in his life, as absolute agony appeared to sear from his anguished buttocks throughout his divine young form and plentiful tears simultaneously accumulated in his eyes. In response, the boy was immediately tempted to stand up and demand release from both his chains and his contract, telling the adults surrounding him that they were sad perverts who should either mend their ways or be locked up, with the keys thrown away. However, the brave young Muscovite then again remembered his sister and why he was here and so the lachrymose 14 year-old instead just meekly remained in place, ready to receive the second painful blow from the sadistic host's cruel strap. The host later proved to be an excellent flagellator, as a result of his extensive practice at the art. Each subsequent blow rained on Sergei's pert bottom was harshly and accurately delivered to a slightly different locale, with an appropriate time lag allowed between every hit to enable his young victim to experience fully the earlier excruciation. The ultimate results were thoroughly reddened buttocks and a suitably chastised, comprehensively hurting and copiously sobbing boy. On eventually completing his sadistic task, the host ran his own fingers gently across Sergei's bare scarlet bottom to test the genuine heat now being generated by the suffering skin, before inviting others to do the same. Later, after all those guests who had wanted to follow his example by doing so had finished, the man invited the now quietly sobbing boy to assume his original kneeling position. Despite the anguish still being experienced by his body, Sergei again managed successfully to comply with another of the host's commands. As the boy slowly raised his head from the now tearstained tabletop, he also noticed that, despite his earlier humiliating orgasm and more recent agonising beating, his apparently shameless cock had re-hardened. Consequently, when the 14 year-old finally achieved his original kneeling position, his unruly penis was amazingly once more humiliatingly pointing horizontally from his groin. However, the young teenager then had little time to contemplate this exhibition of renewed virility. The host, who had resumed a position in front of Sergei, instead recaptured the boy's full attention by grasping the 14 year-old's cum-stained chin and examining his beautiful but still tearful face. The man then revealed two truthful facts to the young teenager. "I and other potential buyers of your services," the smirking host advised, "always like to test the reactions to sexual stimulus and violent pain of prospective purchases before mounting any bids." "Your response was excellent," the man rather added with deliberate sarcasm, whilst continuing to observe the tears flowing down Sergei's otherwise immaculate face, "because, as part of the process, we love to see pretty boys like you climaxing without authority and then crying as a result of your subsequent well-deserved penance!" The host was then distracted from tormenting Sergei mentally rather than physically by another excited loud shout of "This boy whore's cum too!" A fourth young victim was apparently ready on another mirrored table for chastisement, earned through unauthorised ejaculation. As a result, the host and his guests abandoned Sergei to enjoy further fun elsewhere. However, this temporary desertion did not save the young Muscovite's reddened bottom from further molestation. Taking advantage of the distraction of the adults, the almost naked girl attending Sergei, who had remained in place behind the boy, suddenly began to run her own sharp manicured fingernails across the 14 year-old male's now very sore bottom. The young Muscovite audibly squealed and visibly winced in reaction to the resultant surprise and discomfort but, fortunately for him, the host and guests were too busy to notice. "Don't be such a wimp, boy," the girl then whispered, "because you'll have to become accustomed to far worse sufferings, as you must appreciate from your preparation and training and the details of the contract you've signed." "I know," Sergei fatalistically quietly replied, whilst trying to stifle his sobs and the quaking in his voice, "but that's the first time I've ever been beaten and it hurt so much!" "I suppose a wimp like you is only greedy for the money and not the sado-masochism," the girl then unsympathetically responded, whilst now painfully beginning to pinch Sergei's sore bottom. The boy victim of this rather nasty and unnecessary verbal and physical assault bit his lower lip in order to try to prevent himself from uttering another potentially dangerous squeal in reaction. "I sincerely hope that a greedy mercenary boy whore like you," the girl added, whilst still pinching Sergei's buttock, "is bought by a really sadistic master, who'll hurt you more than you could ever have imagined in your worst nightmares!" Her fingernails then lifted themselves off the young Muscovite's bottom and reached between his widely separated legs. Sergei's tears began to flow copiously again but the helplessly chained boy somehow continued to manage to avoid a noisy response, as the girl's sharp fingernails subsequently bit into various parts of the underside of his nicely dangling scrotum before moving on to provide his erection with similar cruel treatment. The sadistic female then continued her painful torment of the lachrymose but still silent young Muscovite's vulnerable genitals for a few minutes until adults finally began to return to view the delectable exhibit. Whilst suffering such torture at feminine hands, Sergei began to re-appraise his previous attitude to his future ownership. The boy already knew from the pornographer that there was a chance that a female might buy his contract. The possibility was remote, as women amongst the prospective rich sadist purchasers of his services were far less numerous and not as wealthy as their male counterparts, but nevertheless existed. Sergei also realised that having a mistress instead of master might be more humiliating for such a proud boy as himself. However, he also recognised that there might be two major compensations, which might actually make the feminine option preferable. Firstly, at least until Sergei had unexpectedly exchanged sexually charged glances with Yuri earlier on this day, he had considered himself to be developing into a normal heterosexual. After all, girls had invariably previously been the subject of his daydreams whilst he masturbated and, although he was liberally not anti-gay, he had considered that personal participation in homosexual activities would disgust him. Secondly, Sergei had anticipated that a mistress would indulge in much milder S&M activities than a master. The boy was, after all, no masochist and was becoming involved in this deviant world only for the money and not the perverted sex. He was hoping that many of the depravities, which he had indicated in his contract that he was prepared to suffer in order to maximise his auction value, would not actually be perpetrated on him. The girl servant's sneaky and cruel treatment of Sergei, which he correctly believed was designed not only to hurt him but also to direct him into more trouble with the adults by encouraging him to squeal noticeably, had now made the anguished 14 year-old reassess the situation. The perceptive young Muscovite began to wonder whether many female mistresses, perhaps alienated from boys or males in general by some bad past experience, might actually be far crueller than most of their masculine counterparts. However, his contemplation of the issue was then terminated when adults returned to his mirrored table. "Look," Yuri's returning master commented, on resuming his viewing of Sergei's sublime body and noticing his intensified crying, "this boy whore's still sobbing as a result of his recent beating. What a truly sensitive soul the brat must be and what a delight it would surely be to be the creator of such tears. I really must buy this child!" On hearing these words, the nasty girl servant, who had actually been responsible for the enhanced lachrymose effect, maintained an innocent look, whilst secretly thoroughly enjoying the man's declaration of intent. She knew that Yuri's master was indeed one of the most cruel of the potential buyers of Sergei's young, gorgeous and apparently delicate form. He was someone who was even worse than the most sadistic of the women.
(Temporary auction room of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, shortly afterwards)The auction of the displayed sextet, all of whom had all now climaxed and been suitably chastised on their tongue-cleaned mirrored tables, was currently proceeding. No specific cash figures were mentioned, as everyone knew that the starting price to buy the boys' contracts was 100,000 American Dollars, with each subsequent increment comprising $50,000. Consequently, the only word uttered by those contending for the young Russians was "Raise!"A correct assumption had been made that Sergei would prove to be the most valuable item on offer, given his exceptional beauty, unusual non-masochistic volunteer status and agreement to be subject if needed to a comprehensive array of S&M depravities, including that detailed in a certain rare contractual codicil. The boy was therefore auctioned first so that those failing to secure his services could try for less expensive goods. Such scheduling had been the reason why the young Muscovite was temporarily wearing a medallion displaying the number '1'. Sergei's yearlong contract, which was automatically renewable for a further 12 months without consulting the boy if the buyer wanted, was eventually sold on the fiftieth price raise. The young Muscovite's cost was an unprecedented $2,600,000. The purchaser would also separately have to pay the supplier of such lovely goods, a certain pornographer, an additional 10% commission of $260,000. Such a price ensured that Sergei was too expensive for any of the women to secure the boy's services, which, given his earlier reappraisal about future ownership, was initially a relief to the 14 year-old. However, the young Muscovite was later again to reconsider his attitude, this time many times over the year ahead. Sergei's buyer was Yuri's multi-millionaire master, who owned his own large luxurious dacha near St. Petersburg. This residence possessed special basement facilities in which to accommodate his young slaveboys. The man had previously already acquired two similar lovely commodities and was now doubling his number, as he also bought a second boy on this day to accompany Yuri and Sergei to his depraved domain. The other precious 14 year-old delicacy was named 'Viktor'. The contented man would now return with Yuri, Sergei and Viktor, as well as a guest dressed in the rich flowing robes of an Arab sheikh, to his distant dacha in order to induct his new slaveboys into their future regularly very degrading and painful existences.
(Private airfield, near Moscow, shortly afterwards)The new quiet and secluded airfield was in the proprietorship, and was maintained solely for the co-owners and senior executives, of a certain large Russian enterprise. Little notice was therefore taken when one of these men, accompanied by a trio of very pretty 14 year-old boys, emerged from an arriving Mercedes limousine to transfer onto a waiting Learjet.Two of the boys wore white t-shirts, each bearing a discreet black double-headed eagle motif, jeans and trainers. The primary hue of their clothing was supposed to denote their virginity to knowing people. The garments of the third 14 year-old were black.
(Private airfield, near St. Petersburg, later same day)The new quiet and secluded airfield was in the proprietorship, and was maintained solely for the co-owners and senior executives, of a certain large Russian enterprise. Little notice was therefore taken when of these men, accompanied by a trio of very pretty 14 year-old boys, emerged from an arriving Learjet to transfer into a waiting Mercedes limousine.Two of the boys wore white t-shirts, each bearing a discreet black double-headed eagle motif, jeans and trainers. The primary hue of their clothing was supposed to denote their virginity to knowing people. The garments of the third 14 year-old were black.
(Security room of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, next morning)A trusted security guard of one of the men who had just returned from attending a certain special private auction, 650 kilometres [400 miles] away near Moscow, was looking at a quartet of closed-circuit television screens, which pictured the scenes in four small windowless basement cells. The tiny rectangular whitewashed rooms each contained a single bed, with integral black leather mattress and pillow but no covers. There were adjacent bookcases, each with an in-built drawer, plus nearby toilets, bidets, sinks and showers without surrounding partitions or curtains. What the man's screen did not show were other televisions, which happened to be located high up on shelves above the entrance doors of the tiny soulless cells. These appliances were never turned off and transmitted a constant stream of highly graphic video pornography, invariably involving pederasty. The illustrated literature on the small bookcases adjacent to the beds also concentrated on this particular sexual subject, ensuring that this perverse topic was the only visual entertainment available for any occupants of the rooms. There were indeed four current occupants of the cells. A quartet of 14 year-old boys was lying fitfully asleep on their beds, presently impervious to the graphic sexual activities being displayed on their own television screens. The boys were naked, apart from confining transparent perspex chastity devises attached to their smooth genitals and black leather slave-collars and matching wrist and ankle cuffs, with embedded silvery bondage rings, similar to the ones recently worn by Sergei in faraway Moscow. Two of the 14 year-olds also sported tight-fitting cockrings, nipple and frenum piercing jewellery and, on the middle of their chests, small brandmarks, each depicting a black double-headed eagle. The boys' usual immense beauty was sadly currently spoilt by various injuries, with both of the two newcomers to the sinister basement displaying reddened bottoms, which were indicative of recent beatings applied to their posteriors. A third 14 year-old possessed scarlet and now thankfully only slightly swollen genitals, whilst the fourth exhibited more serious but repairable damage. The security guard, own cock rigid within his trousers, was presently concentrating his attention on one of the new arrivals, whose particularly exquisite physical charms he hoped to enjoy soon. Part of the well-paid man's devout loyalty to his employer resulted from the fact that they shared similar sexual tastes and his boss was not averse to providing job perks by occasionally sharing the physical delights offered by his slaveboys, whose numbers had just doubled. The security guard's multi-millionaire employer had left for Moscow two days previously with Yuri, leaving behind the damaged Sasha, who would require another week to recover fully from the comprehensive but not permanent injuries recently expertly inflicted on him over several days by his extremely cruel master. The man had departed for the Russian capital with the deliberate intent of securing two additions to his harem of slaveboys. The original duo had been obtained three months earlier at the previous auction of male 14 year-olds, which represented the sadist's preferred age for new acquisitions, but he had subsequently decided that he needed a quartet. He had estimated that he required such a number to ensure that at least one of the young teenagers was always fit to be abused, whilst the others recovered from painful and wounding experiences, suffered on a roster basis. The security guard was now focusing on a screen that featured a boy whose normally gorgeous bottom gleamed in the bright illumination provided by the cell's single fluorescent light, which, like his television, was never switched off. The bodily shine resulted from applied ointments, as his hurting scarlet buttocks had been efficiently treated and would quickly completely heal, which was just as well as Sergei would soon suffer far worse in this personal hell into which he had been brought. The renewed and many sufferings of Sergei and the other new arrival, Viktor, would soon begin with their formal induction into their fresh lives of degradation and pain, which was a ceremony that would be happily conducted by their new very cruel master.
(Basement of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, four days later)Sergei and the other three slaveboys had not been allowed out of their small confined windowless cells since the arrival of the newcomers to this dacha four days previously. They had also not seen their master since, which was not surprising because he was in Saudi Arabia on business. In fact, the only person they had met was a white-coated doctor, who received very high fees for his care and ministrations, as well as for keeping his mouth shut about his adult client's perverse activities. The doctor, equipped with his usual medical bag containing the required tools of his profession, had been waiting for the arrival from Moscow of the three boys four days previously and had instantly assumed responsibility for their immediate care, including leading them to their waiting basement cells. He had then attended to each individually. The doctor had ordered the boys to strip before conducting an intimate but professionally quick medical examination of each member of the young trio, applying healing proficient ointment to the wounds inflicted at the recent auction and then attaching the compact see-through perspex chastity cages to their smooth sexual organs. Given his sore and still slightly swollen genitals, the fitting had been a particularly nasty experience for Yuri. The doctor subsequently visited Sergei, Yuri and Viktor, as well as Sasha, daily in order to check on their progress, tend to any remedial wounds and to subject them to enemas in case the boys' master later reappeared and wanted to play with their rectums. During the ministrations, neither physician nor young patients attempted any conversation. The boys knew that they were not allowed to speak without permission. Meanwhile, the snobbish doctor had no desire to chat with youngsters whom he considered were nothing more than sluttish juvenile prostitutes. He therefore confined his voice to the issuing of instructions. Meanwhile, food and drink, all secretly laced with strong aphrodisiacs, were delivered by trusted menservants to the boys via narrow flapped apertures, which ran along the bottom of the heavy metal doors of their cells but were much too thin to allow the young occupants to crawl through. Any attempt to see through them also only revealed the sight of boots or the polished black concrete floor of the outside corridor. The cell doors possessed no windows or grills, just spy-holes that enabled people to look in but not out. Instructions as to what the boys were to do at certain parts of each day, such as wake up or wash and groom themselves in readiness to receive the doctor, were conveyed remotely from the duty security guards. These trusted men used for the purpose speaker equipment that formed an integral part of the closed-circuit television system, which was constantly monitored. The boys found their waking hours extremely monotonous, which was a situation happily encouraged by their cruel master. The sadistic man enjoyed inflicting on beautiful boys not only physical suffering but also mental torment. Such torture was considerably exacerbated by the compulsory wearing of the perspex chastity devices, which fitted the smooth flaccid genitals of each 14 year-old perfectly, whilst their only entertainment was graphic video or book pornography, whose sole subject was pederasty. The young quartet's master found that his young slaveboys were much more co-operative in satisfying his commands and needs after a few days of such confinement. After several weeks, young teenagers were also often begging to entertain the man, in the hope of securing sexual relief or just to end the monotony. One of the cruellest activities the man would indulge with his slaveboys was to let them satisfy him or someone else sexually whilst the young teenagers wore their chastity devices, and then return them to their cells, still personally frustrated. He also now planned occasionally to leave them entirely alone until they could take no more and, in order to masturbate, desperately ripped off their perspex genital cages, which were designed to damage irreparably in the process. The man was greatly looking forward to the joys of punishing his slaveboys severely for such a serious misdemeanour. Although he did not really require excuses for inflicting harm on the 14 year-olds, he felt that having valid reasons flavoured such occasions, even, or perhaps more correctly, especially if he sadistically manufactured the events. He thoroughly enjoyed observing such evil schemes coming to wicked fruition. As Sergei endured his initial experience of solitary confinement, he, of course, had plenty of time to reflect on the recent fateful events in his life. The boy recalled his first approach to the pornographer in Moscow, and his subsequent debasing subjection to still and video photography. He remembered the man's startling offer to enter for amazing rewards the depraved sado-masochistic world into which he had now irreversibly intruded for at least a year, and the associated comprehensive degrading preparation and training sessions. Sergei recalled signing the contract, which irretrievably committed himself for the forthcoming year at least to being the sexual plaything of some sadist, and his involvement on the very next day in the auction that had decided his immediate destiny. The boy remembered his shock at seeing that all but one of the prospective buyers of his services had been attired in, to him, the rather scary attire of an S&M master. Sergei certainly recalled his subsequent humiliations whilst on the mirrored tabletop, especially being publicly fondled and then ejaculating, as well as the trauma of subsequently suffering the agonies of his first-ever beating. The unanticipated cruelty of the young girl servant was also remembered. However, at the forefront of the boy's mind during his early solitary confinement was unexpectedly the journey from Moscow to his new sinister home near St. Petersburg. The basis of this strange preoccupation was not the first sight of his clean-shaven new master without the leather hood but instead simply attired in normal casual clothing. Nor was the cause the expensive and well-tailored garments issued to Sergei, Yuri and Viktor immediately after the conclusion of the auction, when the young Muscovite had wondered at the excellent personal fit, which suggested that his buyer had planned long in advance to purchase him. Nor was the reason the well co-ordinated speedy luxury in which the three boys had subsequently accompanied their master to the dacha near St. Petersburg. Not even the sinister nature of the accommodation then allocated to Sergei was the current main focus of his memory. Sergei instead could not forget Yuri, who had travelled with him to his new home and was therefore obviously already one of his new master's slaveboys. Despite the fact that the pair was undoubtedly heading for an immediate life that would undoubtedly be at least unpleasant, the young Muscovite was, for some as yet personally unaccepted real reason, very glad that this other 14 year-old in particular was accompanying him. Despite the discomfort arising from respectively an anguished bottom and sore genitalia, and the inconvenient proscription against talking to each other, the young teenagers from Moscow and the more easterly city of Perm, which was close to the Urals, had somehow mutually taken an obvious instant liking to each other. Consequently, as they sat next to each other in Mercedes limousines or on a Learjet, they constantly found themselves drawn to sharing discreet smiling glances. During these exchanges, they encountered the same type of charged frisson that they had experienced when they had first seen each other in a corridor of the dacha near Moscow. Consequently, as Sergei continued to endure his initial experience of solitary confinement as a prelude to worse sufferings, he could at least comfort himself with an earnest belief. The boy just knew from their shared glances that, despite the fact that he had never spoken to the other 14 year-old and did not yet know his name, he had secured a friend. However, the embarrassed young Muscovite preferred not to think too much about the nature of the new friendship and his reluctance to do so had nothing to do with how his new master could interfere in the relationship. Sergei was instead influenced by guilt. The supposedly normally developing teenage heterosexual had realised that their obvious mutual liking for each other did not just stem from admiration for their respective characters. After all, they still knew nothing about each other, apart from the fact that they were now both slaveboys of the same man. The young Muscovite instead recognised, not least from the excitement in his groin as he had shared glances with the other beautiful 14 year-old, that the frisson between them possessed a very strong sexual element. Sergei was again thinking of Yuri when his initial experience of solitary confinement eventually came to an end on this day and the doctor finally came to collect the boy from his cell. The bored 14 year-old, whose pert bottom was thankfully no longer sore and had returned to its normal lustrously creamy-pink colour, was lying on his bed when he heard his cell door open. Sergei had at the time been trying to ignore the video pornography by looking at the ceiling. The graphic televised scenes of pederasty in practice had, despite the subject matter, somehow caused guilty excitement in his groin whenever he looked, which proved to be painful experiences because of the spiked tube tightly confining his cock. Sergei had no idea what was the present time of day. The boy possessed no timepiece and there was no window to allow him to see whether there was a sun or moon in the outside sky. The single fluorescent light also provided no clue, as it was never switched off. Sergei, who had just been instructed via the speaker system to wash and groom himself, which he had done with as much care as he could manage, initially thought that the person opening his cell door must be the doctor arriving for his usual kind of daily visit. The boy's supposition even appeared correct when the physician did indeed now enter the cell. However, the 14 year-old was subsequently to be eventually disabused about the main reason for the man's presence. Sergei, now being accustomed to the doctor's normal requirements, did not wait to be told but instead rapidly rose from his bed to stand in readiness for the physician's usual intimate, and therefore for the boy rather humiliating, daily examination of the 14 year-old's body. This procedure was indeed undertaken. The man carefully checked the wellbeing, cleanliness and neatness of the young Muscovite's straight silky fair and dazzlingly blue eyes, as well as the sparklingly white teeth and healthy tongue within his mouth, before venturing downwards to the slender neck and magnificently proportioned lithe torso and limbs. As usual for Sergei, the most embarrassing aspects of the doctor's examination were when the physician gently grasped the boy's transparent perspex genital cage to check the wellbeing of the contents before moving to the 14 year-old's back to ascertain the continued welfare of the rear virgin orifice. The subsequent appearance from the man's medical bag of a long but narrow clear and clean plastic tube, pointed at one end and connected to a large bottle of soapy water at the other, also indicated to the young Muscovite that he was not to be spared the indignity of his daily enema. Sergei soon found himself bending over with legs wide apart, whilst the doctor carefully and gently inserted the pointed end of the tube into the boy's anus. The 14 year-old then felt the slow cool flow of soapy water beginning to fill his bladder and rectum from the bottle now held in the physician's uplifted hand. Sergei was by now well accustomed to suffering enemas, both at the hands of this doctor and his pornographer trainer. However, the boy's humiliation at being subjected to such debasing daily ritual had so far never lessened. His shame would also probably have intensified considerably if he had realised that for once today's degrading activity had real purpose. The eventual removal of the tube from Sergei's anus and the usual subsequent gentle tap on the boy's bare bottom by the doctor indicated to the 14 year-old without the need of verbal instruction that now was the time to stand up. He therefore obediently did so, crossing his legs and straining his anal muscles in order to try to prevent his bladder and rectum, now full of soapy water, from leaking any of the fluid. Sergei appreciated that he would be straining with increasing effort and discomfort in this manner for several minutes before the doctor finally granted him relief by telling him that he could release the liquid into his cell's toilet bowl. By this time, a second full bottle of soapy water would have been attached to the enema tube, and other similar containers would, if necessary, follow until the eventual anal discharge became clear. Fortunately for Sergei, he rarely had to endure more than two bottles of soapy water flowing daily into his insides and today was no exception. However, the boy's belief that the second and clear discharge of water from his rectum represented the usual end of the doctor's visit was then proved incorrect. The doctor instead unexpectedly initially unlocked and removed Sergei's chastity cage. The surprised boy's released cock subsequently immediately grew and rose excitedly into the air, whilst noticeably displaying tiny spike marks all over the penile surface, which were evidence of previous unsuccessful and painful attempts at erection over the past few days. Sergei subsequently almost experienced orgasm because the doctor then cupped the boy's released genitals in the palm of his manly right hand. The physician did so in order to check by sight and feel that, apart from the marks left behind by the plastic spikes in the penile tube of the perspex chastity cage, that everything was otherwise fine with the 14 year-old's sexual organs. The doctor performed his check because Sergei's delightful genitals would soon to be the objects of intimate and, unfortunately for the boy, rather painful attention from another man's hands. The physician did not, of course, appraise the 14 year-old about this imminent unpleasant development in his young life. After ascertaining that Sergei's released genitals were indeed in the peak of virile teenage health, the doctor instead simply now issued further instructions to the already nicely washed and groomed boy. "Cleanse your genitals and bumcrack," the physician ordered, "dry yourself, apply perfumed spray to your whole body and dress in the white shorts, briefs and thong that you'll find in the drawer at the bottom of your bookcase!" The 14 year-old was already aware from earlier inquisitive investigation that the wooden compartment concerned contained a selection of such attire in various colours and materials, all discreetly sporting a black double-headed eagle motif. Despite concerns about what the doctor's unexpected instruction might later entail, Sergei instantly began to comply with the physician's order. The boy knew that from his training that any person in such a position would possess the authority to punish him for hesitation or other misdemeanours. However, the 14 year-old initially encountered difficulty in slipping on the required minuscule white lycra thong because of the sudden mischievous and embarrassing fulsomely erect shape recently adopted by his unruly cock in apparent eager celebration of its release from previous chaste confinement. Fortunately, Sergei eventually managed to squeeze his naughty hard cock inside the tiny and inevitably bulging garment to enable him also to slip on the similarly tight briefs and short shorts of the same hue and material. However, after the boy had done so, his genital excitement was still clearly evident from the nature of the obvious lump at the front of his skimpy outer-garment. Sergei's attire was subsequently quickly appraised, adjusted and approved by the doctor, who then instructed "Follow me!" The physician next turned and left the small cell, with the worried boy trailing after him. As Sergei exited his cell, he noticed that a small metal plate, depicting his engraved first name in Cyrillic lettering, flanked by black double-headed eagle symbols, had been attached to the exterior of his door. Whilst he subsequently reluctantly followed the white-coated doctor along the long windowless outside corridor, which was entirely painted a sinister black, with illumination provided by intermittent lights built into the wall on his left, he also spotted three other similar signs fixed to adjacent doorways on his right. Two of these nameplates had actually been in place when Sergei had arrived in this sinister basement four days previously and had first walked along the long corridor from the other direction, from the black-painted stairs at the far end. However, the boy had not then noticed the signs before arriving in his own allocated cell, where he had again been deprived of expensive clothing and fitted with his chastity devise, prior to being locked in alone. As Sergei had been forbidden from speaking to Yuri and Viktor on the journey from Moscow, sight of these signs was now his first indication of the names of his fellow slaveboys, and of the fact that there were three and not just two others. However, as he was not allowed to peek through the spyholes in the cell doors, he could not yet fit names to faces. Sergei had already known that, before terminating at the flight of black stairs, the long narrow corridor, along which he was now following the doctor, possessed a total of eight metal doors at intervals on what was now his right side. The boy's wonderment at what might be beyond one of them was now answered when the physician opened and entered one of the entrances. When Sergei himself next reached the doorway, the clever boy, who was interested in history and art, saw that the walls of the large square room beyond were decorated with colourful mural paintings in the style of ancient Greece. However, the scenes depicted were clearly not just to improve the local aesthetic environment, as all of the characters portrayed comprised either beautiful naked boys or nude men with large erect phalluses, all involved in various types of obscene debauchery. Sergei also saw that at the centre of the room's polished floorboards was a narrow low circular black wooden platform, upon which ceiling spotlights and closed-circuit television cameras were clearly focusing from many angles. Situated at 90° intervals around the little round stage were four large comfortably cushioned armchairs, each with a small table in front. On top of each table was a flat-panel television monitor. Sergei was soon to discover that the armrests of each chair also housed a discreet electronic panel, which controlled the pictures on the screen, including the choice of camera and shot and degree of zooming, as well as the lighting. At the far end of the room, beyond the platform, chairs and tables, was a king-size bed, upon which more spotlights and cameras were focused and above which the ceiling was mirrored. Sergei immediately correctly presumed what type of activity took place there. However, the currently virginal boy's consideration of such a likelihood was curtailed because his thoughts quickly concentrated instead on the fact that two of the seats were already occupied. On the most distant one, at the far side of the platform in front of the bed, sat Sergei's new master, again attired in his sinister black leather S&M gear, comprising hood, upper body harness, which exposed his strong hairy chest, tight-fitting trousers and boots. All items of attire were embossed with double-headed eagle symbols. On another seat to the right was a bearded man dressed in rich Arab robes. Sergei's new master, who happily knew that his leather attire invariably fearfully intimidated his slaveboys, immediately gestured, without needing words, that the deeply concerned young arrival should step onto the low platform. As the 14 year-old reluctantly but nevertheless rapidly complied, not wanting to suffer punishment for hesitation, the doctor departed the scene, closing the metal door behind him. The doctor had delivered Sergei. The physician would now proceed to the luxurious upstairs of the multi-millionaire's dacha, where he would await the call to return to the basement. The doctor would eventually be needed to initiate the healing of the wounds Sergei would now suffer at the sadistic hands of his new master, during the induction ceremony celebrating the boy's advent into the cruel man's depraved service.
(New York, USA, same time)The morning was warm and sunny, with a hot dry day forecast. A pretty fair-haired and blue-eyed 10 year-old paperboy was performing his first-ever delivery round on his bicycle through the quiet and leafy New York suburb in which he lived with his loving family. Young Steven could never imagine in his worst nightmares that he would ever someday be in the same sort of situation as was currently being experienced by Sergei in faraway Russia.
(Basement 'entertainment' room of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)Sergei reluctantly assumed his place on the low round black wooden platform. As previously instructed to do in such circumstances by his pornographer trainer, the boy faced his master rather than the Arab guest, who was therefore now looking at the 14 year-old's right profile. From such a perspective, the bulge at the front of the young teenager's tight short shorts, denoting his incongruously maintained embarrassing arousal, was even more discernible. As Sergei stood on the platform, he noticed that there was the shape of a little double-headed eagle protruding from the polished black wooden surface in front of him. The 14 year-old's pornographer trainer had taught him that such emblems in such positions were called 'kissers', which was a term that basically shouted at him what he had to do next. The suddenly blushing Sergei therefore obediently sank to his knees and lowered his head so that his sweet rosy lips could kiss the carving, in the required act of servile reverence towards his new master. The boy, who was still sporting his broad black leather slave collar and matching wrist and ankle cuffs, then regained his feet and the music started. "Sweet dreams are made of this," began the lyrics from the eponymous Eurythmics' song, "who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something. Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused!" "Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree?" the lyrics relentlessly continued, whilst Sergei, without requiring any command because his training had told him what to do in such circumstances, began to dance, as he had been taught in as erotic manner as he could manage. "Travel the world and the seven seas," the melodic song proceeded, "everybody's looking for something. Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused. I wanna use you and abuse you. I wanna know what's inside you!" Sergei, whose facial blush had intensified in embarrassment at the beginning of his dance, turned right 90° to face the Arab Sheikh after the song had progressed to "Hold your head up, movin' on. Keep your head up, movin' on. Hold your head up, movin' on. Keep your head up, movin' on. Hold your head up, movin' on. Keep your head up, movin' on. Movin' on!" Sergei's energetic dance routine, which had been practised frequently and often exhaustingly to a wide variety of pop songs in the pornographer's apartment, would eventually necessitate a complete 360° turn in four stages so that the two adult voyeurs could see his erotic gyrations from different angles. The direct views of the men could, of course, be supplemented by television pictures, which were often zoomed in on the boy's loins, currently covered by his tight shiny white lycra shorts. "Sweet dreams are made of this," the words of the song proceeded to retell, "who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something. Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused!" However, Sergei's immediate future was actually summarised by the next lines. "I'm gonna use you," the song announced, "and abuse you. I'm gonna know what's inside. Gonna use you and abuse you. I'm gonna know what's inside you!" As the astute Sergei danced before the pair of contrastingly attired men, he now correctly guessed, from the initial choice of song, what would soon be happening to him. The perceptive Sergei, who had been attired in white to reflect his current virginity, rightly presumed that he was soon to be physically abused, including having to perform fellatio, being subjected to sodomy and suffering torture.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)The little desert oasis, in one of the most remote parts of the eastern Nejd Plateau in central Saudi Arabia, had been inhabited by peasants, whose livelihoods mainly stemmed from the growing of dates. However, they had been just bought out by an enormously rich Sheikh, whose immense wealth derived from oil and the fact that he was a member of the Saudi royal family. The lonely oasis was now a construction site, as the Sheikh was building at outrageous cost, given the remote setting, a palatial residence there, ostensibly to allow him to spend some time in quiet seclusion to read the Koran and pray to Allah. He was planning to overcome the problem of poor access by having a pad constructed for his helicopter. The Sheikh, a fanatical and extreme but also sexually hypocritical Muslim, was additionally planning to overcome the potential problem of confidentiality for his proposed real activities at the oasis by employing a small well-vetted coterie of staff, which was completely loyal. Such trustworthiness stemmed from their high salaries, shared views, including their intense anti-Americanism, and predilections and the fact that crossing their very influential and powerful boss might prove fatal. The Sheikh was currently not in Saudi Arabia but was instead the guest of equally wealthy business associates in Russia, who were also involved in the oil industry and shared particular tastes. The Arab's foreign visit did not therefore just concern commerce. He was acquiring ideas for the layout, furnishing and equipment of his own basement facility at his new remote residence, as well as for the pleasures he intended to indulge in there. However, he did not anticipate entertaining young contracted Russian volunteers for his perversions. The Sheikh's ultimate aim was to secure abducted American boys for his service.
(Basement 'entertainment' room of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)Sergei's appreciative new master and visiting Arab Sheikh were both impressed with the boy's first dance before them. The 14 year-old's performance had been both energetic and erotic, which was a testament to the efficiency of his original instructor and his own ability at the art and at overcoming the natural embarrassment and nervousness he must have been experiencing. A pause then arrived when the first music track finished, and Sergei knew from his earlier training what he next had to do. The shamed boy knelt again to kiss the carved double-headed eagle in front of him before standing once more to await the arrival of another pop song. However, on this occasion, his reluctant hands also moved to the sides of his tight and skimpy white shorts. He appreciated that he would be expected to remove this garment with as much speed and decorum as he could muster at the start of the next tune in order to dance for the two smirking spectators in just his briefs. Sergei also knew that he would be dancing in just his thong for the third item of music, whilst he would be gyrating in the nude for the fourth song.
(Moscow, Russia, same time)A professional pornographer was viewing a prospective new apartment, in a far from anonymous luxurious new development in one of the most select districts of Moscow. Having earned a total of $270,000 for finding and training Sergei for service with a certain secret organisation, the man could now easily afford such a new residence. The pornographer still planned to carry on renting his old apartment in order to continue his trade, which was to him as much a personal pleasure as a well-paid job. However, the man doubted that he would ever again come across as lucrative a discovery as Sergei, who could still provide him with valuable income in future. The pornographer did not expect Sergei to be seen again in his studio because the boy would eventually return to the normal world seriously enriched, even after the deduction from his earnings of his ill sister's huge medical expenses. However, the man might earn two further 5% commissions on the 14 year-old's auction price if certain aspects of the young teenager's contract were enacted. If the renewal clause in Sergei's contract was enforced by his new master, compulsorily compelling, without the consent of the boy, the young Muscovite to serve another year in the man's service, the pornographer would earn another $125,000. He would also receive another similar amount if the contractual codicil was ultimately activated and resulted in a certain outcome.
(Basement 'entertainment' room of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)The wealth and influence of Sergei's new master was vividly demonstrated by the nature of the three pop songs to which the boy had to dance after his early gyrations to the Eurythmics' 'Sweet Dreams'. The music tracks concerned had been very professionally produced and were almost indistinguishable from the original records, apart from the fact that the lyrics had been adapted to suit the 14 year-old's current circumstances. The second song in English, originally by Sabrina, was rather appropriately entitled 'Boys' and this had in fact comprised the first twelve words of the track, as with the commercially released version. However, instead of going on to sing 'Sun shines down, So come to town. Set your body free. Hold me tight, My love tonight, Tell me you believe', the subsequent lyrics were much more sinister. The revised lyrics began "Lights shine down, And you are my own. Your body belongs to me. I'll bind you tight, My slave tonight, And hurt you more than you could believe!" The song's subsequent words were just as worrying for the young dancer but Sergei, now attired in his skimpy briefs, somehow bravely did not allow his concerns about them to affect his performance. Sergei also danced with exotic efficiency, now covered only by his bulging thong, to the next adapted song, which had originally been sung by Madonna. The cleverly changed words included a chorus in English of "I'm a virgin, About to be fucked for the very first time, I'm a virgin, Until your cock beats, Inside this ass of mine!" The subsequently naked Sergei was finally forced to dance, with bared excited genitals flapping wildly, to lyrics adapted from an 'American Breed' song that suggested to his master that the man could "Beat me, Fuck me, Anyway you want me. Long as you hurt me, It's all right. Beat me, Fuck me, Anyway you want me. You got the power to do anything tonight!" The naked Sergei finished this fourth dance with a spectacular leap, which left him standing with his legs wide apart and his arms similarly splayed above him, whilst he breathed heavily and was feeling rather weary after his energetic exertions. The boy's erection also visibly wobbled before coming to rest in a humiliating horizontal pose, pointing invitingly at his new master. To the delight of Sergei's audience of two, the boy's unruly penis, which had remained erect throughout his debasing performance in the nude, was also drooling from the cockhead a long thin opprobrious string of precum. This seminal embarrassment had begun to form, grow in length and fall towards the wooden surface of the platform as soon as the acutely abashed 14 year-old had removed his thong. During the fourth dance, the shameful and increasingly long string of precum had resolutely declined to detach itself from Sergei's exposed cockhead, preferring instead to flap around wildly as his energetic and erotic gyrations had proceeded. The degrading stubborn symbol of young virile arousal was even still present after the boy had regained his feet again after concluding his performance by applying his sweet rosy lips once more to the double-headed eagle kisser. However, the 14 year-old now subsequently had little time to contemplate his penile embarrassment. Sergei's new master instead spoke to him for the first time on this day. "The preliminaries are now over, boy," the man ominously announced, "and now is the time for the formal concluding rites of your induction into my service!" Sergei's new master, whilst remaining in his chair, then removed the bulging triangle of leather at the front of his tight pants, which proved to be attached to the main garment by studs running around the three edges. The man's action finally revealed his large hairy genitals, protruding from a narrow round hole in the underlying trouser material. The man was, of course, sporting a fulsome erection, which had previously been confined within the leather triangle at the front of his pants. The long and broad uncut cock immediately pointed straight at Sergei, who knew from his earlier training what he was now sadly supposed to do with the big ugly-looking appendage. Sergei reluctantly but nevertheless quickly stepped off the low platform in order to approach his new master. The naked boy then knelt immediately in front of the man and, placing his young hands on the polished wooden floorboards for balance, leaned his beautiful head forward in order to gather the eagerly waiting cock into his mouth. As Sergei did so, crudely amended lyrics of Radiorama's song 'Touch Me Now' blurted from the room's music system. Consequently, the boy's first act of real fellatio was accompanied by a song re-titled 'Suck Me Now!' "Don't spill a drop when I cum!" Sergei's master also simultaneously commanded, as the boy began to suck and lick the adult's rampant cock and rather sweaty and smelly hairy scrotum. Despite the 14 year-old's genuine acute dislike and shame in respect of what he was now doing for the first time, he actually subsequently initially displayed remarkable competence, as he proceeded with his literally distasteful chore. Such proficiency was again testament to the pornographer's previous tuition, when dildos had been used to demonstrate the art, and Sergei's own bravery and resilience. However, previous practice with artificial male sexual organs did not involve rehearsing the full consumption of the product to be ultimately swallowed at the culmination of real fellatio. For several minutes, the naked kneeling Sergei competently and comprehensively licked and sucked his new master's rampant cock, as well as provided each of the man's large hairy twin ball sacs with similar attention. As the boy did so, he somehow managed to restrain his desire to gag or recoil from the sweaty and smelly scene. However, when he finally brought the adult to climax, the 14 year-old's reaction to the copious cum subsequently flooding into his mouth was less efficient. Sergei attempted to swallow the plentiful ejaculate, as his orgasmic master now excitedly firmly held the boy's head in place on his erupting cock. However, various factors contributed to an unfortunate lack of success on the part of the 14 year-old to absorb all of the spurting cum. These ingredients for failure included inexperience, abhorrence of the semen pouring into his mouth and down his throat and self-disgust. These factors combined to cause the boy to retch noisily and to return most of the sperm back in the direction from which the substance had originated. Sergei's new master eventually recovered from his intense and highly pleasurable orgasm and finally released his resolute grip on the boy's distressed head, which in response instinctively quickly rose upwards from the man's sweaty and smelly groin in order to expel residual ejaculate and gasp for air. The pair could then clearly see that the 14 year-old had failed to obey the adult's earlier command to "Don't spill a drop when I cum!" Sergei's sweet rosy lips were oozing copious semen, which was dribbling down his chin and then onto his naked body and the wooden floor. His new master's softening hairy genitals and leather trousers in the groin area were also comprehensively besmirched by white ejaculate. "You give good head, boy," Sergei's new master commented through his sinister hood, on observing the results of the 14 year-old's first act of fellatio, "but you really must acquire the ability to swallow all of the product if you don't want to be hurt for incompetence!" "However, don't worry," the man then worryingly added, "the punishment I'll apply to you for your early ineptitude should encourage you to learn quickly. Meanwhile, you can now spend some time licking up all of your spillage!" Sergei immediately began to oblige his new master by obediently returning his shamed head to the man's sweaty groin, where he began to lick up all of the spilt cum, some of which had become entangled in the adult's thick mat of smelly pubic hair. After this initial highly humiliating and unpleasant task had been carefully and slowly achieved, the boy then provided similar attention to the leather trousers and wooden floor. Sergei concluded his degrading purification task by continuously gathering with his fingers the cum spilt on his own naked body, where his cock was still incongruously fulsomely hard, and licking the digits clean of the extraneous ejaculate until his nude form was finally devoid of the substance. The acutely abashed boy subsequently wondered whether he would now have to perform fellatio for the nearby Arab guest, probably, because of inexperience, with similar unfortunate results. However, his new master, who had by now again hidden his softened genitals within a triangle of leather, had other plans for him. "Stand in front of me, boy, with legs apart and hands on head," Sergei's new master instead next commanded and so the compliant naked 14 year-old rose from his knees in order to adopt the required posture. By the time he had done so, the man was clearly holding in his right hand a little silvery ring, with four evenly spaced tiny screw-holes around the circumference "Application of this cockring, boy," Sergei's new master announced, after the 14 year-old had assumed the required position and whilst identifying the item, "along with four other imminent bodily adornments and two other acts will conclude your formal induction into my service!" The young Muscovite immediately visibly shivered, not only at hearing what was still to come but also in concern that the silvery circlet appeared too narrow in diameter to encase his genitals with any degree of comfort or even safety. Sergei also worried how the narrow ring could possibly be attached without inducing agony. In fact, the boy was about to discover that the circlet could not be fitted without causing acute pain. Sergei's new master now quickly reached for his slaveboy's vulnerable genitals and ran the upper part of his silvery ring along the top of the 14 year-old's slender horizontal penis so that the only anatomical item still to be encased by the circlet was the smooth rotund scrotum below. Unfortunately, this latter aspect of the young teenager's gorgeous body was now to prove to be the source of much anguish for him. Sergei's new master began to try to squeeze the boy's balls individually through the ring, with the man's manual manoeuvrings eventually inducing much genital distress and facial tearfulness on the 14 year-old's delectable form. Nevertheless, the naked young teenager somehow courageously managed to maintain his undignified pose whilst the attempted adornment of his sexual organs, which had suddenly become flaccid because of their suffering, relentlessly proceeded. The most extreme excruciation experienced by Sergei was when, after one ball had already been, thankfully not too painfully, pushed through the ring, his new master subsequently attempted to squeeze the other testicle through as well. The several tries undertaken by the man, who genuinely did not want to damage the boy's scrotum irreparably, at least at this embryonic stage of their relationship, were to the 14 year-old even more hurtful than had been his experience of the strap striking his buttocks at the recent auction. The sobbing Sergei eventually came to believe that his new master would never be able to succeed in his task without crushing at least one of the boy's balls. A mixture of this thought and his continued agony now tempted the 14 year-old foolishly to consider begging the man to stop, regardless of the undoubtedly severe punishment he would receive for such impertinence. However, the young teenager's serious contemplation of such a personally dangerous and unwise misdemeanour, which would undoubtedly have proved fruitless, was subsequently curtailed when, with one final excruciating push, his second testicle was successfully squeezed through the ring. Sergei's pained genitals were now tightly encased by the silvery ring, from which situation the boy realised he would not be tempted to retrieve his sexual organs. The 14 year-old was not just concerned about his new master's reaction if he attempted such an act. He also worried, perhaps correctly, that, even if his balls had apparently somehow survived the fitting of the adornment, his testes might not emerge unharmed if he personally attempted the reverse action. As Sergei slowly recovered from his genital distress, having still somehow maintained his original stance, his new master carefully examined his handiwork, which he found attractive for four main reasons. Firstly, the tight-fitting adornment would be constantly felt by the bearer, causing him to be permanently reminded of his debasing status. Secondly, the new slaveboy's genitals would now stand out even more prominently from his young body, a pleasant effect that was enhanced by the shiny silver encircling them. Thirdly, the carefully assessed diameter of the constriction did not prevent the flow of life-giving blood into the sexual organs, which would have led to effective castration. The ornament instead helped to concentrate the various localised natural bodily fluids, which was a phenomenon that usually assisted the aphrodisiacs, secretly fed to the wearer, in making him even more susceptible to easy arousal. Fourthly, an amended version of the transparent perspex chastity cage could be quickly screwed into the circlet's quartet of holes, as could painful spikes and pin connections to electric torture machines. After Sergei had finally recovered from his genital distress, and his recently shed tears were now drying on his exceptionally beautiful face, his new master stood up from his chair. Having ascertained that his new slaveboy's genitals were satisfactorily and undoubtedly irreversibly ringed, the man was now intent on concluding the 14 year-old's induction into his sadistic service. "You may, boy, now place your hands at your sides," the man advised Sergei, "and then follow me to another room!" The 14 year-old again compliantly obeyed another command from his new master and was soon trailing the adult out of the basement entertainment facility. As the naked young teenager did so, he was thankful that he had not so far been required to perform fellatio for the Arab or been ordered onto the bed to indulge in other sex acts. However, such gratitude would prove very short-lived. As Sergei subsequently followed his new master along the sinister black corridor outside the entertainment facility to another door, the boy was himself trailed by the robed Arab. The Sheikh was thoroughly enjoying the sight of the young bare buttocks preceding him to the next room. When Sergei subsequently saw for himself what was inside the next room, the boy almost fainted. The facility, which was entirely painted black, was quite clearly a large comprehensively equipped torture chamber, where the appalled 14 year-old's fearful blue eyes were immediately drawn towards the personally horrifying variety of instruments and furniture present. There were many metal rings firmly embedded in the floor and walls. There was also a wide selection of chains and manacles, plus some stocks, including one that forced those attached to kneel in a bent-over posture on the stone floor to allow an adjustable screw mechanism to aim a large metal dildo at their uplifted vulnerable anuses. Electric pulleys also provided various ceiling bondage points. There was a sturdy wooden table, with bondage rings around all of the edges, and a modern electric-powered rack, upon which the stretching of victims could be controlled and gauged by use of knobs and dials. There was also a large spiked wheel upon which people could additionally be affixed, as well as revolved, and a horse, whose apex comprised sharp metal and a vertical impaling dildo. There was a large free-standing wooden cross on which crucifixions could be re-enacted. A rod protruding firmly from the vertical beam was designed to accommodate the victims' rectums. Also embedded in the ground nearby was a tall and broad adjustable metal impaling spike. There was a narrow rectangular pit over two metres deep and into which taps could pour specially chilled water, to the point of drowning any occupants if necessary. A longer and shallower cavity along part of one wall was overlooked by a series of showerheads, and there were also hoses that could similarly drench and freeze victims. Hanging from hooks and pegs on another wall was a copious collection of canes, crops, straps and whips, as well as ball-stretchers with relevant weights, butt plugs and both solid and vibrating dildos. There were also small piercing ornaments and severe serrated clamps for nipples and other parts of the human anatomy. Various electronic branding irons and very sharp pins, knives and scalpels had been placed ready for use on a wheeled metal table. Another similar trolley accommodated the sophisticated electric-shock equipment, which included more metal clamps of different sizes and stainless steel cock-rings, butt plugs and dildos. "Come in, boy," Sergei's new master next ominously commanded of the naturally very hesitant 14 year-old, "and lie face-up on this!" The man was referring to the piece of furniture immediately behind which he was now standing and upon which his hands were resting, namely the sturdy wooden table, with bondage rings around all of the edges. Sergei's immediate thought was that he should attempt escape. However, the naked boy was again restrained from initiating such a perilous idea by remembrance of his sister and so, after only a brief hesitation, instead bravely advanced slowly across the chilly black concrete floor towards the table. As the petrified 14 year-old subsequently reluctantly climbed on top of the furniture, he noticed that the cool dark surface actually comprised hard cushioned leather. Once Sergei was compliantly lying on the table, his master immediately began to ensure that his new slaveboy could not jump off. The man first immovably splayed the 14 year-old's legs by chaining his ankle cuffs to bondage rings located at the bottom corners of the furniture before similarly fixing the young teenager's wrists in place. Meanwhile, the smirking bearded Arab guest continued to watch events silently from nearby. Amazingly, despite his trepidation at being chained helplessly to a table in this terrible chamber, Sergei's undisciplined cock had already humiliatingly begun to grow and rise again. In fact, the unruly penis soon passed through the vertical to point back towards the speadeagled boy's cute navel, whilst visibly throbbing. On observing this phenomenon, the 14 year-old's master was happy to note that the young teenager's raging hormones, boosted by secret regular consumption of strong aphrodisiacs and the tight constriction of his new cockring, were still keeping his new acquisition rampantly virile. The leather-clad man next collected a small pair of tweezers from the nearby trolley, whose top accommodated a variety of other ominous tools. Sergei's new master then addressed the nearby Arab, in a manner that enabled the boy to discover his awful immediate fate. "The brat has a few barely discernible fair pubic hairs," Sergei's master informed the observing Arab Sheikh in English, "and so, as part of the induction process that'll make him a worthy slaveboy of mine, I'm going to pluck them all away. Afterwards, the doctor will daily apply hair inhibitor lotion to the slut's genital area to ensure that not a thread returns!" "I could, of course, save time by shaving the brat's pubic hairs away," Sergei's new master cruelly continued, "but plucking is so much more enjoyable because it'll hurt the slut. I've also ensured that an otherwise unnecessary additive has been mixed into the inhibitor lotion so that the daily application will sting his genitals considerably!" Sergei was as clever as he was beautiful and brave, and had also been educated rather well, despite the fact that his school had been located in one of Moscow's poorest neighbourhoods. One of the communist era's better legacies was the continued provision of good education regardless of background. Basic English had been taught in Sergei's school and so he could now understand most of the men's worrying conversation. Consequently, the boy's fearful facial expression intensified on hearing the unwanted news passed to the Sheikh. The Arab was observing proceedings because he planned to organise similar amenities and activities back in his homeland, although he proposed to stock his new facility with abducted American rather than volunteer Russian boys. The next sadistic revelation from Sergei's master then induced more dampness in the boy's sensuous blue eyes. Although the 14 year-old had confirmed in his contract that he was prepared to suffer such experiences in order to maximise his value, he had naively hoped that he might secure a rather clement employer, who might confine his sadistic pleasures to the likes of some mild spanking. However, the young teenager was now to be made completely aware that his wish was certainly not coming true. "After I've finished," Sergei's new master happily and rather crudely informed the Arab Sheikh, "I'll personally pierce and adorn the brat's nipples with rings and his penis with a frenum ornament before completing his induction by branding his chest and fucking his virgin rear for the first time. I'll then punish him severely for his earlier ineptitude at fellatio!"