PZA Boy Stories


The Brotherhood

Chapters 4-8

Chapter 4

(Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 1996)

Volunteer slave 1-48442's debut performance at the 'Pink Triangle' finished rather explosively to the delight of everyone, including himself. As the club's televisions screened close-ups of the completely smooth 16 years old genitalia, adorned by a silver cockring, being shaken around as the dance routine concluded, the throbbing horizontal erection stopped drooling a thin long string of precum. Instead, spurt after spurt of young English semen emerged from the engorged cockhead to spray both the stage floor and the teenager himself. The theatre resonated with raucous cheering and applause.

Andrew knew that, on this occasion, his literally climactic mishap would not be punished, as the encouragement of such public display of orgasmic ecstasy was one of the reasons for the previous maintenance of a club prostitute's pre-performance chastity. The teenager's genitals had simply reacted to the fulfilment of the lad's dream, stripdancing well in front of hundreds of lusting admirers, assisted by the rapid sensuous oscillations, in time with the music, of his loins. In any case, the act itself was to finish with a caning, pre-knowledge of which had increased the masochistic 16 years old's excitement.

The music changed to a low classical anthem and the compere returned to the stage, cane in hand. "Our English schoolboy's misbehaved," declared the smirking man enthusiastically, whilst rubbing his right fingers in the sperm dribbling down Andrew's belly, "so he'll have to be punished in the traditional way of English schools!" The announcer then auctioned the delectation of landing four hard strokes of the cane across the teenager's lovely lustrous smooth buttocks and a high price was obtained for the pleasure from an American businessman attending an industrial convention in Amsterdam.

The middle-aged American advanced to the stage to applause and much envious comment. "Beat those boy orbs hard!"; "Let's see the boy squirm and cry!"; "Get the cane bloody!" were some of the louder requests made. The man from Maine tried his best to comply as he collected the cane from the compare and approached Andrew, who had already spread his legs slightly and bent himself over to grasp his ankles in order to present his wonderful bottom nicely for his chastisement. Everyone could see that the naked English teenager's cock was still hard and throbbing.

"Go, go, go!" rang out from the impatient spectators as the American, his own penis rigid under his suit trousers first gently felt the sublime smoothness of the surface to receive admonishment. "Go, go, go!" roared the watchers as the man then withdrew his hand to raise the cane high above his head. "Go, go, go!" echoed around the theatre, drowning out the loud whack resulting from the first well-aimed strike of the implement across Andrew's buttocks, the resultant stripe intensifying in whiteness before rapidly changing in colour to a vivid red. The teenager swayed but somehow managed to retain his demeaning stance but his yelp at the infliction of the first blow was slightly delayed as the agony that overwhelmed his backside, and reverberated through his young body, initially took his breath away. However, the 16 years old just managed to utter the cry before the second vicious hit landed, a little below the first.

Andrew's cock erupted to produce more semen simultaneous with the third strike, causing the compere to announce, to enlivened cheering, an additional two blows for such continued impertinent misbehaviour. Tears began to drip from the teenager's beautiful eyes with the fourth hit and blood from his buttocks with the fifth as the resultant stripe crossed another. The sixth and last infliction of cane against vulnerable bare skin created the loudest scream yet from the agonised 16 years old, who was beginning to wonder whether his masochism was sufficient for him to fulfil all aspects of his IBBL contract, such was the excruciating pain raging through his gorgeous body.

The acclimation continued long after the hurt tearful naked 16 years old had run back down the narrow connecting platform to return backstage, managing to jump over the many hands trying to grasp his lithe legs as he proceeded. The next act, two handsome 17 years olds artistically removing each other's clothing before making love, were initially received with boos as the patrons in the hall realised that the superlative nude form of the English schoolboy would not be gracing the stage again that night. The new performers took care to avoid standing on the droplets of blood and semen that now decorated part of the stage floor.

(Somewhere in Arabia, same time)

The doctor arrived in the ritual chamber to find the castration table devoid of the intended 12 years old American gelding. The physician realised that the Sheikh had obviously changed his mind again, as was his occasional want, but that did not necessarily mean that involuntary slave 3-20931's balls would live for long. The wealthy Arab regularly reversed such decisions, especially if his slaveboys displeased him for some reason.

(London, England, 6 days later)

Volunteer slave 1-48442 was standing, as instructed, in the en-suite bedroom of the IBBL London safe house where he was to meet the Arab Crown Prince who would deflower him before beating and torturing him.

Andrew's buttocks had healed perfectly from their caning, with the expert help of the 'Pink Triangle' club doctor, and were back to their previous immaculate form, albeit not for long. The teenager had made no more Amsterdam stage appearances but had instead spent time recuperating from his debut and being prepared and trained for his next assignment. The disillusionment felt by the 16 years old during his caning had been very fleeting and had been replaced by exhilaration as to what he had just done and suffered by the time that he had run off the stage, cock as rampant as ever.

The worst experience undergone since had been the journey from Amsterdam to London, using a false IBBL-produced passport with pseudonym. The reason was the taut t-shirt that he was made to wear. It was white and bore a small 'Pink Triangle' insignia, as did the matching tight white jeans displaying a nice bulge in the groin. However, it was not the club's motif that caused Andrew acute embarrassment but the large inscription printed on the front and back of the close-fitting garment. This read "Proud to be Gay!" The teenager had never disclosed or flaunted his sexuality in the outside world before and was now abashed at so doing, being permitted no coat or other cover to hide the proclamation. The 16 years old additionally felt shame at being so disconcerted as the statement should have been true. He also knew that its public display on his body was a test of his continued commitment and so made no complaint, despite the many stares he received as he travelled first to Schiphol airport and then from there to London Heathrow. A black taxicab had then deposited him and his escorting Overlord at the safe house, a very valuable terraced property located in the centre of the British capital.

Volunteer slave 1-48442 was now again attired in English schoolboy uniform, although different from the one he had worn during his club debut as this dress was an exact period replica of that worn at the public school attended by the Crown Prince. Nevertheless, the shorts that he was wearing were as tight and skimpy as those that had covered his loins on stage, as were the underlying white briefs and thong.

Andrew's preparatory bathing and grooming had been carefully supervised by the Overlord and the sweet looking and smelling teenager was now ready to meet his client, who was attending a political convention in London and staying at his country's embassy. The man, nearly 50 years old, was scheduled to arrive at the safe house at 9p.m.. It was now 9.30p.m..

(Berlin, Germany, same time)

Pierre had worked as a washer-up in the Berlin 'Pink Triangle' club's kitchens for a week after his night with the Brandenburger. This was to allow his marvellous body to recover from the tortures inflicted, a known residual feature of his assignment that had been reflected in the charge levied on the client's credit card. The 16 years old French teenager was desperate to return to sexual duties on the following afternoon.

(Lake District, England, same time)

13 years old Simon was spending part of his long summer holidays from his English public school with his widower father in the magnificent Lake District. The boy's parent, a senior Civil Servant, had rented a cottage on the banks of one of the more remote and quieter lakes. The pretty blonde-haired blue-eyed only child, the apple of the adult's eye, had spent the day skilfully sail-boarding despite the rain, impervious to the cool temperature of both the air and water within the rubbers clinging tightly to his sublime young body.

As Simon played a board game with his father in front of a warm log fire, he was looking forward to sail-boarding again on the lake in the morning.

(London, England, same time)

The return of the Overlord to the bedroom indicated the final arrival of the Crown Prince at the safe house. Volunteer slave 1-48442's cock hardened in recognition and anticipation before he was escorted downstairs to the hall doorway that revealed further steps leading down to the specially converted cellar.

The Overlord wished Andrew luck before allowing the teenager to descend alone to the cellar door below. It was of metal and was operated electronically. The 16 years old, aware that he was now being observed from within by virtue of an overhead closed circuit television camera, took a deep breath before pressing the button on the side wall that would confirm his arrival to the sole occupant of the chamber inside. The youth knew that he would have to wait patiently for the door to open to permit access as he had been told that his client liked to keep his English schoolboy whores waiting to add to their possible anxiety. However, the only addition that the lad actually experienced was a lengthening of his cock.

It was 10 minutes before the door finally slid open and volunteer slave 1-48442 stepped inside. The scene was exactly as had been described for him. The fat bearded Crown Prince, resplendently dressed in flowing Arab costume, was sat in a large armchair facing a small low square polished wooden platform. Either side of him were small tables, their tops level with the chair armrests and covered with dishes containing fruit and snack delicacies, a half-full glass and a decanter of whisky, which the man liked to drink straight despite the fact that his faith forbade the consumption of alcohol.

There was a large coffee-type table between the chair and platform, on top of which rested several small television monitors, run by controls in the chair armrests. More closed circuit television cameras were trained from a number of angles onto the stage. As in the 'Pink Triangle' clubs, the live view of the erotic dance performance was to be supplemented by television screens whose pictures were capable of zooming in to give very close and intimate sight of the subject of their interest.

On the opposite side of the platform from the Crown Prince, stood a rectangular metal bondage frame with adjustable shackles at each corner. On an adjacent table were a selection of clamps, dildos and instruments of flagellation, as well as several other items.

As Andrew unhesitatingly walked to the platform, where he would initially kneel and place his forehead on the floor in homage to his client, he knew that there would be nothing else in the chamber, not even a bed on which to lose his virginity.

The Crown Prince's bad experiences at his English public school had included being bullied as well as being ignored rather than helped by the blonde-haired blue-eyed boy he most admired and actually fruitlessly yearned for. What the Arab was about to require of the 16 years old English teenager was part of his regular search for vengeance.

(Lake District, England, noon, next day)

Simon's father was frantic as he could find his son nowhere. The frightened distraught 50 years old had just used his motorboat to retrieve the boy's sail-board, which he had seen floating in the middle of the lake. He eventually used the cottage telephone to contact the emergency services.

(London, England, same time)

Andrew was asleep in the bedroom of the safe house, having being given a sedative. The still-naked teenager was lying on his front as the whole of the back of his body, his torso, bottom and legs, displayed a mishmash of vicious stripes of various widths and dark hues. The youth's ravaged bumcheeks hid the damage to the 16 years old's previously virgin anus. The Overlord had done his best to tend to the wounds, which included bloodied and distended nipples, but realised that he could do no more for now. The lad needed rest, time and a doctor's attentions before he would mend fully. The 'Pink Triangle' employee, and secret IBBL servant, estimated a month's recovery period at least.

The Overlord had watched the videos of volunteer slave 1-48442's overnight ordeal. After erotically slowly stripdancing to nudity for the Crown Prince, Andrew had knelt between the seated man's legs to await the parting of the lower robes to allow access to large throbbing Arabian cock for young English lips. The teenager's first ever act of fellatio took almost half an hour to complete. However, it was performed with proficient success as the product was fully consumed and the 16 years old oral orifice, previously well-trained using special dildos filled with copious amounts of artificial but realistic sperm, brought intense pleasure to the recipient of its skilful attentions.

The Crown Prince, inherent anger at English schoolboys now reinforced by post-sex guilt, had then chained Andrew in a spreadeagled position to the bondage frame and introduced nasty clamps to the teenager's nipples before beating the back of his body with a paddle and cane. Weights would be gradually added to the clamps whilst the Arab turned to leather to continue the youth's beating. A strap, crop and finally multi-stranded whip were introduced to the crying, shrieking 16 years old's rear, the lad's pleas for mercy ignored.

Greased dildos of various sizes were then inserted into Andrew's virgin anus, causing the screams and associated entreaties to increase even more in volume, before the Crown Prince's cock was ready to destroy the teenager's virginity. The Arab slowly stripped naked before positioning himself behind the sobbing youth and presenting his re-hardened penis to the 16 years old's sore reddened sphincter. The man then clasped the lad's hips and unceremoniously pulled them towards him whilst thrusting his own loins forward.

Volunteer slave 1-48442's own cock responded to his deflowerment by shooting semen upwards before the white liquid flow descended in a wide arc onto the floor of the platform. Andrew's yelps and tears increased but the agonised teenager did not know whether this was because of the fresh pains searing through his body, as he felt the massive Arabian phallus plunge deep into his insides before withdrawing again to repeat the process, or because of joy.

The safe house bell rang and the Overlord went to open the front door to allow the doctor to come in. "Worse than ever," the Dutchman replied to the visitor's question of "How did he treat this one?"

(Berlin, Germany, same time)

The academic from Lancashire, England was attending a scholarly convention in Berlin but did not intend to bother with that afternoon's session. The historian instead decided to indulge himself at the city's 'Pink Triangle' club. Like most other users of the establishment, who had never heard of the IBBL or even suspected its existence, he was a member of 'Pink Triangle International' ('PTI'), giving access to the gay organisation's many facilities worldwide, as well as a discount on its multifarious products. However, the membership came with stringent conditions, not least the maintenance of confidentiality relating to PTI's activities and adherence to safe sex practices. Only those who had successfully passed a blood test were allowed unprotected enjoyment of the bodies of the universally lovely young male prostitutes.

The full-time club doctor had taken a blood sample from the academic the day previously and, using unique IBBL technology, was able to give the man clearance to indulge fully in the establishment's youthful delights by the time of the visitor's return 24 hours later, armed with a reassurance that he had not indulged elsewhere in the interim. The historian was of course unaware that IBBL members had to report for testing whenever they had sex outside the confines of other members, servants and slaves. As the penalty for defying this rule was expulsion or worse, none ever considered non-compliance.

The academic was looking at the array of photographs of 'Pink Triangle' male prostitutes displayed on the walls of the club's large luxurious reception area and chose one that most suited his tastes, the small electronic screen underneath the teenager's picture confirming his immediate availability. The historian unprofessionally declined to examine the large album containing a brief historical resume about, and many more portraits, most in poses leaving nothing to the imagination, of the whore, being happy with his selection and preferring to learn about the scenery in the flesh. He booked Pierre for the whole afternoon.

(Somewhere in Arabia, same time)

Involuntary slave 3-20931, scrotum fully recovered from the possibly only temporarily delayed threat to life within, was lying face-up and naked on the Sheikh's large opulent bed. Glen held his legs upwards in the air, as he had been taught, in readiness for his own deflowerment. Lovely 12 years old American lips then uttered a loud agonised yell that resounded around the Arab's remote palatial residence as a mammoth cock was thrust inside the boy. No-one took any attention of the subsequent prolonged shrieking and sobbing, especially the man who was thoroughly enjoying being their creator.

(Berlin, Germany, same time)

The academic had been most pleased with his choice of young afternoon partner. The beauty of the 16 years old's completely smooth body had exceeded expectations, as had his personality and skills in bed. However, although he had expertly disguised the fact, Pierre had been disappointed with his client's conservative tastes. The historian had first wanted some company whilst he enjoyed the afternoon cabaret in the theatre, followed by old-fashioned gay sex in the hired guestroom. The French teenager had enjoyed being sucked off by his customer but the man's cock had been a little too small for the youth to appreciate fully its subsequent invasion of his rectum and own mouth.

Pierre had also been worried by the academic's queries regarding the tiny tattoo and brandmark displayed on his youthful lithe arms. The teenager had responded with appropriately evasive answers and later reported the matter, as per standing instructions, to his Overlord, who passed the information on to the IBBL security service. The youth had perceptively considered the historian's questions as being too intrusive to be completely innocent.

(Somewhere in the U.S.A., September 1996)

Tremulous involuntary slave 2-23859 was chained naked and spreadeagled between two posts with many television cameras focused on him from all angles. The 15 years old American felt pleasurable sensations course through his beautiful young body as his challenge started and the timer began counting down from 1200 seconds. The terrified Brad looked down at his rampant erection, oozing precum into the transparent condom-like cockhead attachment. He knew that the triggering of the switch in the tube, to which the attachment was connected, by semen would reset the timer only to 120 seconds. After that time was up, razor wire would be released, inside the top of the light thin plating, which was immovably supported by a metal leg firmly embedded in the ground below and which tightly encircled his sexual organs. The wire would be forced by extremely strong springs to move rapidly to the bottom. The boy, now with a tiny tattoo on his right arm and brandmark on his left arm, also appreciated that soft young genitalia had no chance of preventing subsequent rapid severance.

Brad had recently stripdanced at the opening ceremony of the annual IBBL convention, being held that year at the North American pleasurecentre. The 15 years old had subsequently lost his virginity to the organisation's outgoing Supreme Master, a black Nigerian oil tycoon, before also servicing the other Grand Masters with his anal and oral orifices over ensuing days. The young American had just stripdanced again, competently despite his acute fear, as the penultimate highlight of the closing ceremony, before being chained to the posts.

Brad was outdoors as the floodlit platform that he was on was situated in the centre of a large courtyard surrounded by buildings with roof verandas. Both the courtyard and the verandas were dotted with the tables at which the convention delegates had been served dinner and drinks by other involuntary boy slaves, under the close supervision of the pleasurecentre's adult servants. The boys only wore minuscule white briefs displaying a small North American IBBL logo. The skimpy attire frequently tempted many of the diners to grope the delicious bulges at the front or pinch the sweet curves at the rear. This sometimes caused the dropping of dishes or glasses or the spilling of their contents. The lads knew that such accidents would be noted by their Overseers and that they would be punished for their carelessness later, a prospect that appalled all of them.

However, it was his own immediate prospects that terrified involuntary slave 2-23859 as the young American felt his loins begin to boil as the penile and anal vibrators began to have an effect, aided by a 15 years old body suffused with strong aphrodisiacs. The boy did not have to look down at the digital clock, on top of the device that was causing his body to experience a strange mix of pleasure and horror, to see how long he had to endure the torment. Huge timepieces, located high on the middle walls of the four buildings surrounding the courtyard, were replicating the countdown. The one straight ahead revealed that there was still 900 seconds to go and the aghast Brad suddenly recognised, as his cock began to vibrate uncontollably as a result of imminent orgasm, that he had failed his challenge.

(Somewhere in Asia, same time)

The left arm of the Crown Prince's 50th birthday present was being branded with his new number at the end of his initiation as the latest involuntary IBBL slave.

Simon had been abducted from the Lake District and taken to the Asian pleasurecentre to train to serve the fat Arab. Selection of the 13 years old for the role had been quite deliberate as he was the offspring of the boy with whom the Crown Prince had been so infatuated and disappointed with at his English public school, an establishment the son now attended.

The Crown Prince had already been making plans for Simon, who looked remarkably like his father at the same age. The Arab wanted the son to suffer the same sexual frustration that he had endured at school, being unable to consummate his deep desire.

The Crown Prince was already pleased at the immense distress that Simon's disappearance had caused his distraught father, who did not know whether his son had been abducted or lay drowned somewhere at the bottom of the lake alongside which they had been holidaying idyllically. Dredging of the substantial and very deep expanse of water and other enquiries and searches had proved completely fruitless.

The Crown Prince had decided that pleasurable revenge would be complete if, after treating Simon as he did all other English schoolboy whores, he could initiate lifelong frustration for the 13 years old before afterwards sending the lad's dismembered cock to his father.

Chapter 5

(Somewhere in the U.S.A., September 1996)

Involuntary slave 2-23859's loins began to boil as the penile and anal vibrators brought the boy close to climax, aided by a 15 years old body suffused with strong aphrodisiacs.

Brad had seen that the huge digital timepiece, located high on the middle of the wall of the building straight ahead, had revealed that there was still 900 seconds of his challenge to go. His cock began to vibrate uncontrollably as a result of his imminent orgasm, which he was fighting to prevent with all his might.

The boy had closed his eyes and tried to introduce the saddest memories and thoughts into his mind to overcome the intense pleasurable sensations flowing throughout his body. However, he had been too well prepared to succumb to his fate for his efforts to succeed.

Brad's whole being seemed to be overwhelmed by the vibrations pleasuring his penis and rectum. The boy felt that his smooth shaved ball sac, dangling nicely between his chained splayed legs, must have doubled in weight as sperm accumulated ready to explode out of its natural orifice. The 15 years old could not help opening his eyes to look down at his engorged erection, whose almost vertical length and width were the biggest that he had ever seen. The sight took him over the top.

Brad screamed with a mixture of acute ecstasy and terror as he came and spurt after spurt of creamy white fluid poured into the tube connected to his cockhead. The boy closed his eyes again as he enjoyed the supreme delight of his last climax, the best he had ever known, before dread finally replaced rapture and he opened them again to look at the clock once more. The appalled 15 years old now saw that the timepiece had already reset. His genitals now had only 100 seconds of life left.

Brad begged loudly for the emasculating device to be stopped but the only response received was the arrival of the Overseer to remove from the boy's cockhead the formerly transparent tube, now almost completely opaque because of the amount of semen contained within. This was done to permit the tidy fall of the severed genitalia into the large metal bowl, with the North American IBBL logo engraved in the middle, placed directly underneath the young victim.

Brad tried to contort his body to remove his endangered sexual organs from their sinister metal encasement but he was inflexibly chained to the bondage frame and attached to the contraption. The 15 years old then noticed that the seconds left before the razor wire was released had now reduced to 60 and resumed his voluminous pleading.

A number of the convention delegates had left their tables to congregate, for a better live view, around the platform on which involuntary slave 2-23859 was about to be nullified. Others gathered close to the banks of television monitors giving pictures of the scene from many angles. The close-ups of the condemned cock, still rigid and issuing its literal last vestiges of orgasmic product, with the doomed ball sac below, were particularly appreciated. However, some of the more sensitive guests, for whom emasculation was not a turn-on, either looked elsewhere or entered some of the surrounding buildings to enjoy the many delightful and varied pleasures offered by other whole young slaves.

Brad's panicky eyes began to produce copious tears as the countdown reached 20 and he redoubled the volume of his entreaties.

"10" soon rang out around the courtyard where the platform had been placed as the excited anticipative spectators happily began to advise involuntary slave 2-23859 how long there was to go before his genitals were sliced off. "No!" screamed Brad but his plea was answered only with "9". Another "No!" received "8" as a response. The boy's lovely sensuous blue eyes produced a flood of tears as his ears heard "7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…."

(Somewhere in Arabia, same time)

The Sheikh was watching the exciting entertainment on his television via satellite link. He knew that involuntary slave 2-23859 was the elder brother of his own involuntary slave 3-20931 and thought that it would be fun to have both American siblings match each other in terms of possessing no genitals. He would therefore later tell his personal secretary to order the supply of the necessary equipment from the IBBL.

(Amsterdam, Netherlands, same time)

It was the middle of the night in Amsterdam but volunteer slave 1-48442's duties were far from over on his first shift back after recuperating from providing the Arab Crown Prince with his pleasures. The fully recovered Andrew had performed a second successful striptease, this time from soccer kit and without orgasmic climax, in front of another full house in the 'Pink Triangle' theatre before the winner of the raffle for the 16 years old English teenager's services for the night was announced.

The delighted 35 years old Dutchman had undergone one of the club's blood tests, intending to enjoy the body of one of the establishment's young prostitutes, not expecting to win the draw. However, he now intended to make full use of the opportunity to impregnate the unprotected orifices of the beautiful youth from across the North Sea with as much local sperm as possible.

The Dutchman initially lay on the bed in the complimentary luxurious guestroom that comprised part of his winnings to watch his main prize perform a private striptease from a skimpy loincloth with detachable flaps above a transparent thong. The music was supplied from a type of small free juke-box operated by a handset. The client then shared a shower with Andrew, requiring the teenager first to rub gel slowly and sensually into his 35 years old body whilst he did the same to the immaculate 16 years old form before sponging the resultant soapy foam away.

The cocks of both client and prostitute were hard before they entered the large shower, which sprayed warm water from many angles, and their mutual attentions caused their erections to become fully engorged by the time that they towelled each other dry. Great care therefore had to be taken when dealing with each other's acutely excited genitalia in order to prevent unwanted early climax. However, the customer also decided to take further action to reduce his whore's obvious excitement. He returned the completely smooth 16 years old to the shower and turned the temperature setting to 'freezing'. The 'Pink Triangle' provided such a novelty to please those of its patrons who possessed sadistic or masochistic tendencies. The towel was not subsequently returned to Andrew's chilled body. Instead, the shivering teenager had to dance himself dry and warm before finally joining the cruel Dutchman on the bed, now sure that the adjacent torture chamber would be brought into play before the night was over.

Andrew was correct in this assumption. However, the English teenager was first required to conduct foreplay on his client's overweight ugly hairy body with his lips and tongue before being sodomised for only the second time in his life and the first time on a bed. The 16 years old lay face-up, with legs held in the air, so that the client could observe the contortions on his face as his anus was rather viciously and therefore very painfully ploughed with a huge unlubricated cock. The Dutchman also had the unpleasant habit of spitting onto the youth's beautiful visage, and ordering "Take this, you dirty whore!" and similar, whilst taking his pleasure.

When the Dutchman eventually dismounted Andrew to fall back exhausted and temporarily sexually sated on top of the bed, the teenager's face was covered in phlegm whilst excess semen dribbled out of his ravaged rectum. There were also pools of cum on the 16 years old's chest and belly resulting from his own excited orgasm.

Andrew spent the next hour engaged in more oral foreplay followed by straight fellatio. The teenager momentarily thought that he was going to suffocate when his client pressed his head firmly into a hairy and now sweaty crotch that was about to erupt again. However, the 16 years old managed to live for another day as he somehow swallowed the gushing product of his oral attentions to encourage the vice-like grip to be relaxed so that swigs of sperm could be replaced with eager gulps of air.

It was then that Andrew, face now displaying dried spittle and drying semen, with front torso and rear bottom and legs sharing the latter, was introduced to the torture facility. His client knew that a condition relating to his raffle prize was not to cause any damage, as the prostitute had to return to duty the next evening. However, the Dutchman thought that some play, with a paddle, nipple and scrotum clamps and electric shocks, would be fun in order to restore his taste for the young whore's orifices.

(Berlin, Germany, same time)

Voluntary slave 1-48424 had been lent for the day as an escort to an important and very rich IBBL member visiting Berlin for the first time. A French teenager was perhaps not the best choice to show the Brazilian around a German city but the man had selected Pierre for his outstanding looks and not for his comprehensive knowledge of the metropolis.

The daylight hours had been spent sightseeing, with the help of guidebooks, and the evening frequenting some gay venues, for a meal and some dancing, before finishing at the 'Pink Triangle' to watch the late cabaret and then retiring to one of the many guestrooms.

The sex had very enjoyable for Pierre, with the Brazilian's massive cock, agonising to accommodate in the teenager's anus and mouth, supplemented by pleasant stints in the adjacent torture chamber. The 16 years old also found the post-coitus conversation rather interesting. The IBBL member had discussed the teenager's intense sado-masochism whilst fondling the 16 years old's now flaccid genitals, cum-covered and still red from being beaten with a small multi-stranded whip.

"I'm looking for a new personal slave," the member had announced, "for my Amazonian residence, where I can guarantee the perfect life for a true sado-masochist. However, I like my slaves gelded, with their natural balls replaced with bigger heavier ones made of steel. Would you be interested in the position?" The French teenager's softened cock quickly hardened again at hearing the invitation.

(Somewhere in the U.S.A., same time)

"Zero!" resounded around the courtyard drowning out the low rumble as the device attached to involuntary slave 2-23859's genitals was triggered into action. Brad shrieked as agony consumed his loins.

The many spectators, present at the secret North American pleasurecentre or watching on television around the world, saw red liquid splash out from all sides of the young slave's genitals before the organs suddenly and quickly fell into the dish below. Through the now empty chopping hole, the round red wound left behind could now be observed before some cameras panned downwards to the dish to show the cleanly severed genitalia resting there, oozing much sanguine fluid from the rear and miraculously still some white substance from the front. One close-up view clearly revealed the testicles inside the scrotum.

Involuntary slave 2-23859 had become the pleasurecentre's latest older nullified eunuch, restoring the selection available to the North American membership and their foreign guests. The boy's severed organs were quickly to join others in the establishment's museum, alongside before and after photographs of their naked former owner. Videos of the 15 years old's latest and previous acts of entertainment would also soon be available to any IBBL member interested.

(Somewhere in Asia, October 1996)

It was 10 minutes before the door finally slid open and volunteer slave 3-20950 stepped inside. The scene was exactly as had been described for him. The fat bearded Crown Prince, resplendently dressed in flowing Arab costume, was sat in a large armchair facing a small low square wooden platform.

Simon knew that, after stripdancing for the Arab and performing fellatio for and being sodomised and tortured by him, the man, 50 years old that very day, proposed to cut off the boy's 13 years old cock.

(Somewhere in Brazil, same time)

Voluntary slave 1-48424 was in the ritual chamber located in his new master's vast Amazonian residence. Pierre looked at the bloodstained castration table that awaited him, with strong leather straps at each corner and knife and bowl in the middle. The 16 years old French teenager also noticed that two large silvery metal orbs had been placed in the dish. The naked youth's foreskin pulled back to reveal his red cockhead as his lovely brown eyes viewed the erotic scene.

(Somewhere in Arabia, same time)

Involuntary slave 3-20931's loins began to boil as the penile and anal vibrators brought the boy close to climax, aided by a 12 years old body suffused with strong aphrodisiacs.

Glen had seen that the large digital timepiece, located high on the middle of the far wall of the ritual chamber, had revealed that there was still 900 seconds of his challenge to go. His cock began to vibrate uncontrollably as a result of his imminent orgasm, which he was fighting to prevent with all his might.

Chapter 6

(Somewhere in Asia, October 1996)

Volunteer slave 3-20950 began his well-practised and highly erotic stripdance in front of the fat bearded Crown Prince, who was resplendently dressed in flowing Arab costume and seated in a large armchair facing the small low square wooden platform on which the boy performed. Simon knew that, after finishing and performing fellatio for and being tortured and sodomised by the Arab, the man, 50 years old that very day, proposed to cut off his 13 years old cock.

Simon had been blackmailed at the Asian pleasurecentre, where he had been trained and initiated, into volunteering for this mission, during which he would suffer penectomy. He had been shown enough evidence to appreciate the deadly efficiency and sophistication of the organisation that had abducted him to be thoroughly convinced that his father would be killed if he did not co-operate.

The Brotherhood's psychologists and psychiatrists had recognised the English boy's inherent selflessness and bravery. This had caused them to advise that Simon could be safely informed in advance of the full nature of his assignment and future, something that the client had requested if it was possible. The Crown Prince cruelly wanted the 13 years old to suffer mentally during the weeks leading up to the event, as well as suffering physically on the day itself.

The Arab now delighted in watching the beautiful blonde-haired blue-eyed 13 years old dance skilfully, despite his undoubted inherent terror of what was about to happen. Simon was dressed in the uniform of the English public school he had attended, as had his father and the Crown Prince. However, the attire was deliberately tighter than usual in order to display the boy's fine young features to the full and embarassingly included very short shorts, a type of garment only worn by pupils aged under 11 who attended the prep school.

Simon was dancing to music identical to well-known pop tracks but very professionally adapted by the Brotherhood using boy singers and words deliberately amended for IBBL events.

Simon's blazer was eventually discarded, to be followed by his polished black laced shoes and long grey socks. The boy's tie was then removed before his white shirt was gradually unbuttoned and teasingly slid off his superb upper torso with instructed purposeful deliberation. The sole spectator's engorged cock, hidden under his flowing robes, vibrated at the delicious sight. The Crown Prince felt all his dreams had come true for the 13 years old looked exactly like his father at the same age. The Arab was looking forward immensely to gaining imminent revenge for the unreciprocated, and therefore frustratingly unrequited, love that he had fruitlessly afforded to the lad's male parent so many years previously.

The Crown Prince nearly came prematurely when Simon began to lower his shorts with deliberate tormenting slowness, eventually revealing skimpy black briefs underneath, displaying a significant bulge at the front. The Arab realised happily that the boy, despite, or perhaps partly because of, his demeaning and dangerous predicament, was thoroughly aroused.

Simon's prolonged routine continued, with his client spellbound throughout the eight lively pop music tracks during which the boy gyrated his wonderful body covered by just the sparse briefs. The attire was sufficiently tight to enable the delectable covered curvature of the 13 years old's bottom to be fully appreciated, along with the extent of his humiliating genital excitement. Both of these magnificent attributes were further highlighted to the Crown Prince's utter delight when the garment was finally shed and the young performer danced only in a minuscule black thong.

Simon's face, already slightly red from exertion and shame, became a deeper hue when he realised that his erection, partly caused by previous enforced chastity and intake of very strong aphrodisiacs, was causing his tiny thong to stretch away from his loins. The intensely embarrassing phenomenon enabled his smooth scrotum and much of his rigid endangered penis to be visible from the side. This was a view frequently granted to the sole spectator as the boy had to turn regularly throughout his routine to provide his client with a sight of his delicious young body from all angles.

Simon's face became an even deeper red when the time came to dance naked after another eight music tracks. The relevant start melodic piece began and the boy released the tie that kept his thong in place. The garment immediately succumbed to gravity and fell to the platform floor, from where the 13 years old managed to kick it away unnoticeably, despite his shame and trepidation, as he initiated his nude routine.

The Crown Prince smiled at the sight of Simon's aroused smooth genitalia, encased in the usual IBBL cockring, as they now flopped wildly around during the dance, drooling a long string of precum. The Arab recalled the vision of the sublime naked form of the boy's father, a visage he used to drool at when sharing showers after games at their English public school. He had been able to look but sadly not touch, a situation soon to be rectified in respect of the man's delectable son.

Simon danced in the nude for the Crown Prince for another eight music tracks and had been performing for a total of over three hours when his time on the platform came to an end. The boy was not too tired, as he was a natural athlete and had been trained thoroughly for this event, and would in fact have preferred to continue rather than commit himself to what was now required.

Simon knew that he would now have to kneel between the seated Crown Prince's legs to await the parting of the lower garments to allow access to a large throbbing Arabian cock for the boy's first ever act of fellatio. It was a feat that the 13 years old had previously practised using special dildos filled with copious amounts of artificial but realistic sperm.

Simon also knew that afterwards the Crown Prince, inherent anger at English schoolboys now reinforced by post-sex guilt, would chain him in a spreadeagled position to the bondage frame on the opposite side of the platform. Nasty clamps would then be introduced to the 13 years old's nipples and blows of paddle and cane to his rear. Weights would be gradually added to the clamps whilst the Arab turned to leather to continue the lad's beating with a strap, crop and finally multi-stranded whip.

Greased dildos of various sizes would then be inserted into Simon's virgin anus before the Crown Prince's cock was finally ready to deflower the boy. Immediately after the 13 years old had been successfully anally impregnated by Arabian semen, his young penis would be severed.

Simon did not dally on the platform. Instead, remembering the awful threats against his father, the boy courageously stepped off the wooden surface and advanced towards the Crown Prince, who, happily noticing that the 13 years old's soon-to-be dismembered cock was still hard, began to extract his own rigid and very eager penis from under his robes.

Simon unhesitatingly knelt before the Crown Prince and soon observed the slit of the man's obnoxious hairy cockhead, damp with copious precum, seemingly staring up at him. The boy slowly lowered his sweet rosy lips towards the awful spectacle.

(Somewhere in Brazil, same time)

Voluntary slave 1-48424 was in the ritual chamber located in his new master's vast Amazonian residence. Pierre was now strapped naked and spreadeagled to the bloodstained castration table, with a bowl containing a knife, leather cord and two large silvery metal orbs, resting against his substantial ball sac. The 16 years old youth's foreskin had pulled back to reveal his throbbing red cockhead as he awaited his gelding.

(Somewhere in Arabia, same time)

Involuntary slave 3-20931's loins boiled as the penile and anal vibrators brought him to climax.

As his older brother had done before him, Glen screamed with a mixture of acute ecstasy and terror as he came and creamy white fluid poured into the tube connected to his cockhead. The boy closed his eyes as he enjoyed the supreme delight of his last climax, the best he had ever known, before dread finally replaced rapture and he opened them again to look at the clock, located high on the middle of the far wall of the ritual chamber. The appalled 12 years old saw that the timepiece had reset and that his genitalia now had less than 100 seconds of life left.

Also like his brother, Glen begged loudly for the emasculating device to be stopped. However, the only response from the watching and gleeful Sheikh was the removal of the tube from the boy's penis. The 12 years old's severed genitalia were to be allowed to fall cleanly into the large metal bowl underneath. The young American now tried to remove his endangered sexual organs from their sinister metal encasement but he was immovably attached to the contraption. The youngster then noticed that there were only 20 seconds left before the razor wire was released and he would be emasculated.

(Amsterdam, Netherlands, same time)

Andrew was again on the main stage of the Amsterdam 'Pink Triangle' club's crowded theatre. He was not alone on the platform, for he was accompanied by a similarly aged and beautiful young blonde Dane. Both youths were almost naked, their only cover being tiny chainmail flaps that barely hid their smooth genitalia and which dangled from narrow metal chains fixed tightly around their waists. The chains were retained in place by front and rear attachments to the cockrings of the two 16 years olds, whose bodies had also been oiled.

To raucous cheering from the many spectators packed into the theatre, Andrew and his companion began to wrestle to the theme tune of the movie 'Spartacus'. The object of the exercise was to secure the opponent in such a painful stranglehold that he surrendered or the show compere declared defeat on his behalf. The winner would be rewarded by being compelled to sodomise the loser on stage.

Andrew and his opponent found that simply gaining a grip on each other's glistening bodies was very difficult as the covering of oil caused their arms to slip. However, after several unsuccessful attempts, as they circuited each other and made feinting movements to test defences, they eventually became embroiled in a fierce but short combat. The English youth had had far less practice at this activity than the young Dane and experience won the day, as the latter successfully tripped the former.

To intensified cheering, the Dane soon lay on top of Andrew's delicious body, now facedown and helpless on the floor, holding the English youth's neck in a vice-like hold. This caused Andrew's face to distort and redden, as his air supply was cut off, and disabled him from declaring his surrender verbally. The 16 years old therefore began to wave a free arm about in the recognised gesture of capitulation whilst he felt his opponent's already eager cock pressing into one of his buttocks.

The compere confirmed the victory of the Dane, who released Andrew to jump to his feet to accept the adulation of the watching throng. Meanwhile, his defeated and shamed opponent grasped for breath as his body slowly recovered from his strangulation on the stage floor. Afterwards, the English youth, finally restored to wellbeing, knelt before the Dane to bend over to kiss his conqueror's feet in a humiliating act of submission. He then stood, turned, removed his minuscule cover, splayed his legs and leant over to place his hands on his ankles, positioning his anus for the act of public sodomy.

Andrew's abashment was complete when he heard much ribald comment, particularly about his own substantial erection, as he waited to be buggered. The most hurtful remarks seemed to emanate from a group of voyeuristic lesbians standing close to the stage.

(Lancashire, England, same time)

The academic yet again reread the file copy that his dead friend had secretly sent him over two years earlier. He now knew, from noticing the tiny lettering tattooed onto the arm of Pierre, the boy prostitute he had enjoyed in the Berlin 'Pink Triangle' club two months previously, that at least some of the research contained in the folder was not bunkum. An organisation abbreviated as the 'IBBL' appeared to exist but he was still undecided whether he should investigate further himself, being worried about the possible dangers.

The historian was particularly concerned about the constant feeling he had experienced after returning from Germany. He had an intuition, without any evidence, that he had been closely watched ever since.

(Somewhere in Brazil, same time)

The heavily armed Amazonian loggers were illegally clearing yet another of the endangered Amazonian rainforests, both for valuable hard woods and for illicit farming development. The latest native Indian village they had come across had been bulldozed and the population driven away, with the exception of some captured pretty girls and boys, wearing simple loincloths, who would be sold to the brothel bars prevalent in the migrant workers' main camps. However, as the youngsters, hands bound behind their backs and necks tied together, were being led along the relevant trail through thick foliage towards their sad destinies, their escorts seemed to be gradually and mysteriously reducing in number, a circumstance that eventually caused the men's leader to call a halt to progress.

Realisation suddenly dawned on the leader that the disappearance of some of his men was not due to slacking or accident. It now seemed to him that they were being trailed and picked off, one by one, presumably by someone from the young captives' tribe. He was also sure that that someone would now be close and so grabbed one of the nearest of the abducted girls and placed a knife at her throat.

The leader did not know the Indians' language but one of his remaining men had sufficient command of local dialect to translate an understandable version for him. This man therefore shouted out to the surrounding dense forest "We know you're there. If you don't show yourself instantly, the girl's throat will be cut, followed by that of another of your friends!" However, apart from the usual voluminous croaking of insects, singing of birds and other animal noises emerging from the trees, no other activity was immediately apparent.

The interpreter therefore repeated the loud threat, adding "We mean it. This is your last chance!" There was a pause whilst everyone, not least the terrified young girl who was feeling the sharp blade against her jugular, waited upon the response. It eventually came when a boy, about 14 years old, dressed in skimpy red loincloth and armed with bow and arrows and his own bloodstained knife, suddenly jumped down from a nearby tree to present himself on the path just traversed by the loggers and their captives.

It was not the sudden appearance of such a boy, or his pretty young body patterned with painted war symbols, that surprised the leader and his men. It was the fact that he looked like no Amazonian Indian they had ever seen, for the lad's underlying physique was apparently European, possessing golden hair and large blue eyes.

Chapter 7

(Somewhere in Asia, October 1996)

Volunteer slave 3-20950 somehow managed to fulfil his most disagreeable task without vomiting. Simon's oral manipulations had eventually caused the Crown Prince's substantial obnoxious hairy cock to erupt copious amounts of thick Arabian semen into his young English mouth. Once the man had finally released the firm grip that his large hirsute hands had recently acquired on the 13 years old's head, securing the very pretty provider of his pleasure in place whilst the 50 years old experienced his delectable climax, the naked lad slowly rose to his feet.

Simon's beautiful face was red from a mix of shame, exertion and air loss, and also displayed surplus sperm running down the chin, which the boy knew better than to wipe away. The 13 years old's embarrassment was compounded by realisation that he had maintained an erection throughout the demeaning and lengthy act of fellatio. He noticed that his endangered horizontal uncut cockhead was drooling precum, despite his trepidation as to what was about to happen.

The Crown Prince's face was also red but this was as a result of just experiencing sexual heaven. It had been an unfulfilled dream of his teenage years to enjoy such attentions from Simon's father when they were both schoolboys. However, he now considered receiving them from the man's 13 years old son, physically almost a replica of his male parent at the same age, to be immeasurably satisfactory compensation, particularly as the lad's divine body would soon offer up more delights.

Simon, well trained for this occasion and courageously compliant, walked across the small low platform on which he had humiliatingly danced and took up position under the bondage frame, waiting for the Crown Prince to chain him to it. The boy's erection vibrated at the sight, on an adjacent table, of the clamps, with associated weights, dildos, paddles, canes, straps, crops and whips that would soon be inflicted on his nude form. However, it was noticing also the bejewelled curved knife that would cut off his penis, alongside the jar containing preservative fluid that would be used by the Arab to store the severed member as a keepsake later, that perversely caused the string of precum drooling from his cockhead to become longer.

(Somewhere in Brazil, same time)

Voluntary slave 1-48424's new master, dressed in a black leather mask, with matching body harness and thong, tied the base of Pierre's ball sac very tightly with the cord that had been resting alongside a knife and two large silvery metal orbs in the bowl adjacent to the endangered scrotum. The Brazilian and his new 16 years old slave were alone in the ritual chamber located in the man's vast Amazonian residence, with the eunuch-to-be strapped naked and spreadeagled to the bloodstained castration table.

The redness of Pierre's still throbbing genitalia intensified as the blood flow to the sac was terminated. The man then left the room to wait elsewhere for the cord to perform its job and leave the youth to his thoughts as the time for his castration approached. As the French teenager glanced down at his endangered organs, he noticed that his master had now placed, beneath the bowl between his splayed legs, the small glass box in which he proposed to keep the extracted 16 years old testes as a constant reminder of this day.

(Somewhere in Arabia, same time)

Involuntary slave 3-20931 had cruelly been forced to watch the video of his older brother's nullification and therefore fully appreciated what the razor wire contained in the metal device that encircled his genitals would imminently do to him. He therefore began to plead again for mercy as the clock ran down the seconds from 20. However, the only response from the watching smiling Arab Sheikh was to announce eventually "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…." The 12 years old closed his lovely eyes to await his awful fate whilst the dish beneath him waited to receive his boyhood.

Like the Crown Prince, the Sheikh proposed to retain the product of today's event in preservative fluid in a jar as a keepsake, although, unlike the other man, he did not intend to place it afterwards on his bedside table.

(Amsterdam, Netherlands, same time)

Andrew felt his fellow prostitute's now erect cockhead press against his exposed sphincter, as the pair continued their act on the central stage of the crowded main theatre in the Amsterdam 'Pink Triangle' club. A one word loud chorus of many voices echoed around the large packed hall. "Fuck, fuck, fuck…." it demanded remorselessly and so the handsome 16 years old Danish victor of the previous wrestling bout obliged. He had rubbed his penis to a full erection, a feat quickly achieved as it was aided by the sight of the English boy's lustrous buttocks waiting for him.

Andrew issued a low yelp as the defences offered by his sphincter were easily overcome, having been weakened of late by many large invaders. However, his young colleague's action still induced some pain as his anus had maintained remarkable tightness despite being afforded much recent attention by many clients. The sight of the pretty English youth's clear discomfort at being subject to public sodomy caused particular amusement amongst the nearby group of young lesbians, who were amongst the loudest to shout "Fuck, fuck, fuck….". The humiliation of the 16 years old recipient of similarly aged Danish cock was compounded by a noticeable strengthening in the rigidity of his own penis as the ploughing of his rectum continued with aplomb.

A huge cheer eventually resounded round the theatre as the young Dane finally reached climax. The 16 years old had screamed in delight as he began to pour much cum into Andrew's innards, an action that induced the blushing English youth to his own orgasm, delighting the watching throng, not least the lesbians, by spurting much of his own sperm onto the stage floor.

Andrew's abashment was later completed when he entered the guestroom to meet the clients who had hired him for the rest of the night. The five young lesbians awaited him, all with different items of chastisement and torture in their hands.

(Somewhere in Brazil, same time)

"Surrender and I'll let your friend live," announced the loggers' leader, through the translator, to the strange young Amazonian Indian. "Throw your weapons onto the ground, place your hands on your head and turn around. You will then let some of my men approach you from behind." The blonde-haired blue-eyed boy realised that he had no choice if he wanted to save the young girl whom he considered his sister. He therefore complied and soon sensed the men's careful approach before shivering at the feel of a rifle barrel being pressed between his shoulder blades.

The leader continued his instructions "Slowly drop your hands behind your back and allow the men to tie them."

The boy again obeyed and, as soon as he was bound, he was held by the arms by two armed loggers and pulled roughly in front of their boss, who punched the 14 years old hard in the stomach. The lad was allowed to fall to the ground before eventually being dragged by his long blonde hair back to his feet.

The leader's knife was then presented to the boy's throat. "Now," the man asked via the translator, "where are my missing men?" The 14 years old, wearing only a skimpy red loincloth and with lovely face and body displaying several colourful painted symbols, looked defiantly into his interrogator's eyes as he answered with the single word "Dead!" He received another punch in the stomach for his trouble, followed by a vicious kick to his side as he fell again in agony onto the dusty trail. "You will pay dearly for the lives of the men you killed," the interpreter now advised the hurting lad.

(Somewhere in Asia, same time)

Volunteer slave 3-20950, now immovably chained spreadeagled to the bondage frame, was tremulously waiting to receive the first blow from the paddle that would begin to redden his lustrous buttocks. Simon's soon-to-be severed cock had maintained its embarrassing rigidity despite the awfulness of his plight, compounded by the attachment of painfully strong clamps to his nipples. His shame at his body's reaction to his appalling circumstances was to be substantially increased as the Crown Prince, who had now disrobed, landed the initial strike across the middle of the boy's bottom. Several arcs of white fluid immediately gushed out of the cockhead of the convulsing 14 years old towards the floor, causing his cruel tormentor to remark "English slut" before making the next nasty hit.

(Somewhere in Brazil, same time)

Voluntary slave 1-48424's returned new master picked up the knife and presented the sharp blade to Pierre's ball sac, now a deep purple in colour. "Are you ready?" the man enquired.

(Somewhere in Arabia, same time)

"Zero!" the Sheikh announced with glee.

(Lancashire, England, same time)

The academic made a decision that would totally change his life. He obtained the telephone number from directory enquiries and, after much thought and with considerable unease, dialled the relevant digits. "Hello," a woman's voice said at the other end, "New Scotland Yard. How can I help you?"

Chapter 8

(Somewhere in Asia, October 1996)

The first disappointment was experienced at the secret IBBL Asian pleasurecentre, where volunteer slave 3-20950, now immovably chained spreadeagled to the bondage frame, had been entertaining the Arab Crown Prince.

Simon's soon-to-be severed cock had maintained its embarrassing rigidity despite his earlier ejaculation and the awfulness of his recent beating and imminent penectomy. However, the boy's shame at his body's reaction to his appalling circumstances was no longer uppermost in his mind. Instead, the 14 years old was in a delirium of anguish after having the whole of his rear, his back, buttocks and legs, paddled, caned, strapped, cropped and whipped so that it was a mishmash of multi-coloured stripes, many bloody.

The front of Simon's body had also suffered as his now naked Arab torturer regularly added weights to the chain linking the severe clamps attached to the boy's nipples. The pain induced by this particular torment was worsened by the constant movement of the 14 years old's sublime body in reaction to each carefully delivered blow to his rear. These were carefully spaced in terms of both geography and time so that the young victim could appreciate the agony induced by each vicious strike.

The crying and shrieking Simon's testes suffered too. The boy had not noticed the couple of small shiny metal rings, of narrow diameter but relatively broad width, on the table displaying the various torture implements when he had bravely walked to the bondage frame. However, he soon became aware of their existence and purpose. The Crown Prince opened the hinges each possessed before snapping them in place tightly around the scrotum of the 14 years old, who was surprised by their painful weight, which caused his sac to stretch and placed great pressure on his balls. The latter was compounded when weights were gradually added to little hooks on the sides of the rings. Like those to his nipples clamps, these were introduced gradually over time during his beating and, as they swung around in limbo with his bodily contortions induced by his flagellation, the resultant distress was considerably enhanced.

Simon, mind lost in an abyss of excruciation, did not notice that his beating had finished until he felt the large ungreased dildo press against his virgin sphincter. They boy wondered which of the terrible anal tools his torturer had chosen to use first from the wide selection available on the nearby table. He was soon to find out as the Crown Prince thrust the implement viciously and mercilessly inside the 14 years old until it could go no further.

Simon screamed loudly as his virginal rectum, earlier cleaned by several enemas, was invaded to the hilt by a strong plastic dildo that was not only long and wide but also possessed a number of small round protrusions, giving the surface a cruel serrated feel. The boy instantly knew that this was not conducive to the welfare of his anal walls, an appreciation confirmed when he felt some of his own blood help to lubricate the monstrous intruder as the Crown Prince rammed it in and out of the 14 years old.

Simon now interspersed frequent pleas for mercy between more incomprehensible yelling as his rear orifice was attacked. However, the entreaties fell on deaf ears. The Crown Prince, own cock re-hardened with the pleasure of inflicting so much suffering on this particular English public schoolboy, despite having been serviced by the 14 years old's front orifice earlier, was too intent on exacting appalling revenge on the lad's father through the son.

It was in fact the needs of the large hirsute Arab penis that brought Simon's initial anal torture with a plastic tool to an end, only for it to be replaced with a human one. The Crown Prince had decided that his restored desires now necessitated the boy's deflowerment, with the young blood that he would soon feel on his hairy body and cock, as he pressed against and into the 14 years old's now sanguine form, only adding to the pleasure.

Nevertheless, the main delight that the Crown Prince would gain from his imminent ploughing of Simon's rectum would be from the thought that he would cut off the boy's English cock simultaneous to impregnating him with Arabian sperm. This aim induced the acutely excited man to pick up the bejewelled curved knife that would perform the deed.

The sobbing Simon was not sure whether he was pleased or not to find the evil dildo eventually withdrawn to be replaced by the Crown Prince's cockhead resting against his reddened damaged sphincter. This feeling of uncertainty was compounded by the sight of the knife in the Arab's hand. The boy did not want to suffer penectomy but, at the same time, wanted his terrible torture to be ended as soon as possible.

As with the dildo, the Crown Prince gave Simon no mercy and he deprived the boy of his anal virginity with one mighty shove, which caused the weights suspended from the 14 years old's agonised and distended nipples and genitals to sway painfully. However, there was one minor compensation for his young victim, as the previous intruder into his rectum had allowed the present invader to be accommodated a little more comfortably, especially as blood aided lubrication.

Nevertheless, Simon still experienced great excruciation during the act of sodomy, which was conducted with as much brutally as the Crown Prince could summon and was accompanied by the continued torment to his young nipples and balls, as well as from his earlier comprehensive beating. Whilst the Arab enjoyed this particular buggery of a special young boy, which had been the subject of many of his dreams for a very long time, he reached round to the front of the 14 years old's body to locate his victim's sexual organs.

Simon was conscious enough of this action, despite the unparalleled nature of his current distress, to feel the Crown Prince grasp his still miraculously hard cock, displaying an ivory-like lustre, with the man's left hand. The boy then felt cold steel being located against the lower basis of his penis and correctly perceived that it was the Arab's intention to slice off his young member with one quick uppercut from the sharp blade after he had poured sperm into the 14 years old's innards.

Despite reaching this conclusion and appreciating the fact that his sodomiser was obviously approaching swift climax, Simon's whole body suddenly shook in response to the feel of the knife resting on his cock. The boy's agonised yelping suddenly transformed into an ecstatic moan as, once again, his endangered but throbbing penis erupted several spurts of English semen, which formed an arc of white liquid before falling onto the floor. The 14 years old realised that he must surely have experienced the final ejaculation of his life.

Simon's own orgasm, induced despite his peril, spurred the Crown Prince to reciprocate with his own, only this time the copious reproductive fluid produced filled the boy's insides. The agonised, tremulous and shamed14 years old then closed his eyes to wait for the Arab's blade to perform its wicked task.

(Somewhere in Brazil, same time)

The second disappointment was experienced in the ritual chamber located in the vast Amazonian residence of a certain Brazilian millionaire. Voluntary slave 1-48424's new master had picked up the castration knife and presented the sharp blade to Pierre's ball sac, now a deep purple in colour, before enquiring "Are you ready?" However, he obtained an unexpected and discouraging reply. "I'm sorry, sir," the beautiful 16 years old French youth had answered, "I'm not as I've changed my mind."

Pierre was lucky that the Brazilian did not geld voluntary slaves unless they were willing, not least because that would displease the Brotherhood, of which he was a senior member. The man therefore released the youth and they went to another room to discuss the 16 years old's change of heart.

"I realised just in time," Pierre announced, "that it's my balls who make me who I am. My deeply engrained sado-masochism stems from their existence and I simply wouldn't enjoy being your slave without them!"

The millionaire tried to hide his disappointment.

(Somewhere in Arabia, same time)

The third disappointment was experienced in a similar ritual chamber in the magnificent remote residence of a certain Arab Sheikh. Involuntary slave 3-20931 had closed his lovely eyes, after hearing his master declare "Zero!", to await his awful fate whilst the dish beneath him waited to receive his boyhood. However, nothing seemed to happen and so Glen re-opened his eyes and looked downwards. He saw that his smooth genitals were still where he hoped that they would be, attached to his body. The young American then glanced at the Arab, whose face betrayed fury.

The special IBBL contraption had malfunctioned, actually as a result of incorrect assembly by the Sheikh's staff rather than any inherent fault, although his servants would not discover that fact until much later. This ignorance caused the man to fiddle with the control to try to release the razor wire that would nullify Glen but this soon proved unsuccessful and he eventually resorted to banging the machine in frustration. However, this too proved fruitless.

The Sheikh then stormed out. He did not know whether to order his servants to repair the ingenious cruel device, order another for a repeat performance or simply collect a knife to sever the young American's sexual organs. In the event, he did none of these things as the desperate needs of his loins, stimulated by Glen's genital endangerment, caused him to visit one of his boy catamites. Afterwards, distracted by other matters, he simply ordered the 12 years old's release from the emasculating contraption and later, momentary fad having faded, let the youngster remain intact, at least for now.

(Somewhere in Asia, same time)

The Crown Prince did not feel his disappointment at the secret IBBL Asian pleasurecentre.

The terrified Simon waited for the Arab to dismember him with brave quiet but the uppercut to his cock, still dribbling residual cum, never came. Instead, the boy felt the blade slip away, along with the Crown Prince's grasp on his penis and the man's own member from his young ravished anus.

Simon looked down to the floor and saw that the Crown Prince was lying there with his eyes wide open but clearly dead. The unprecedented excitement of the whole scene had been too much for the man's heart to bear.

(Lancashire, England, one week later)

The fourth disappointment was experienced at a house in Lancashire, England. The academic was expecting the visit of the very senior officer from New Scotland Yard in London, having posted the file compiled by the deceased researcher to the policeman immediately after speaking to him on telephone a week earlier. However, the historian had not been pleased to discover that the Deputy Commissioner had brought his own dossier.

The private conversation between the men was long but resulted in eventual agreement. The academic agreed to allow his deceased friend's file to be destroyed and to forget its contents. In return, the senior policeman agreed to take no action relating to the contents of his own folder. This had been prepared not by his own force but instead by the security service of the Brotherhood, of which he was a member. It contained written corroborated evidence of the historian's hushed-up abuse of some boys when he had been a teacher at a certain boarding school.

The academic's disappointment at the discovery of his naughty past was, however, more than compensated by his new membership of the IBBL.

(Berlin, Germany, same time)

A still-whole Pierre was back on the main stage of the Pink Triangle club in Berlin. It was the monthly bdsm night and the naked French youth was being publicly whipped by the lucky winner of the raffle competition.

(Somewhere in Brazil, same time)

The Brazilian millionaire had been intrigued to learn from his loggers that a white boy had been found living amongst the Amazonian Indians, having apparently been kidnapped as a toddler after straying into the forest from a settlement on a construction site. He was even more interested when he discovered how beautiful the 14 years old blonde was, especially as his employees were insisting on terrible revenge for the colleagues the blue-eyed youngster had slain.

The millionaire therefore assuaged his recent disappointment at Pierre's departure by inducting the young white Amazonian as another involuntary slave of the Brotherhood, one who would have balls transformed into surgical steel.

The petrified boy had now taken the place of the French youth on the bloodstained castration table in the ritual chamber located in the man's residence. The 14 years old's body paint and loincloth had been removed and he was now strapped naked and spreadeagled with his now painful and purple ball sac tied very tightly around the base with cord.

The involuntary slave's new master, dressed in a black leather mask, with matching body harness and thong, did not bother enquiring "Are you ready?" before embarking on the incision that would lead to the gelding of the boy. The latter's gag also prevented him from making too much noise as the millionaire exposed the small bloodstained white oblong that formed his left testis before slicing the spermatic cord that attached the organ to his young body.

The white orb was soon joined by its companion in the bowl that had been placed between the crying boy's splayed legs. The man then prepared to insert the much heavier replacement spheres, which would later cause the 14 years old's healed scrotum to hang very low, as well as creating some painful jangling when the new eunuch was particularly active. His master was especially looking forward to having the emasculated young slave dance naked regularly for him so that he could see and hear the reaction of the fresh contents of his ball sac.

(Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 2002)

The beautiful 16 years old English boy, rucksack over his shoulder, entered the Amsterdam 'Pink Triangle' club, intent on seeking employment. "Hello," said Trevor politely, and with an enchanting smile, to the receptionist, "do you speak English?"

There was no immediate reply and so the 16 years old began to think that perhaps the handsome young man behind the counter, himself now 22 years old and attired in white t-shirt and jeans, the former displaying a small pink triangular motif, did not know the language. However, this was not the case.

Andrew, recently discharged as a voluntary slave and now a prostitute/slave supervisor for the IBBL, had instead just been taken aback by the gorgeousness of the sight before him.

(Maine, U.S.A., same time)

The two young 12 years old friends had just missed the school bus and were walking instead towards their mutual objective when a car pulled up. They recognised and trusted the driver and so accepted his offer of a lift.

The boys were never seen again, except by members of the Brotherhood.

The End of Part I

The subsequent experiences and fates of the various personages mentioned in this narrative will be described in part II, to be posted later in the year! [never published, Cel.]