Phill later BrianNever Speak to a Stranger |
SummaryTim has found an easy way to earn some money for candy. He let strange see his willy for 50p and touch it for 1 pound.
Publ. 2003 (GNCS); this site Aug 2012
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CharactersBruce (25yo) and Tim (9yo)Category & Story codesNon-Consensual Man-Boy storyMb – non-cons/coerc oral anal – first bond (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.
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Orphan storyThis is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author.<>: host[] said: 554 delivery error: dd Sorry your message to cannot be delivered. This account has been disabled or discontinued [#102].Are you the author, please contact me.
Author's noteI am not going to tell you not to read this if you are underage – I can't think of anything more likely to make you go and do just that! Forbidden fruit always tastes sweeter. |
Bruce, a twenty five year old man about six feet [1.80 m] tall and of medium build with brown hair and blue eyes had gone across to a large sports complex to spend the afternoon in the sun. The complex was comprised of an eight lane running track, hockey, and rugby pitches and more than a dozen football pitches. There were also large areas of grassland which was used by people just out for an afternoon in the fresh air. On this Tuesday afternoon Bruce was just one such person. He only lived ten minutes walk from the place and therefore was a frequent visitor. Being a weekday and also a school day the place was pretty well deserted. Just the odd person around walking their dog. It was a lovely warm late April afternoon and Bruce had been laying on the grass soaking up the sun. He sat up feeling as if he badly needed a piss. Standing up he walked across the grassland to a bushy area. There was a gap in the bushes which led into another smaller area of grass surrounded by old overgrown bushes and trees. Bruce looked around and there was nobody in sight so he went to one of the bushes and took out his cock to have a piss. "Pssst, pssst," he heard coming from the bushes. "What the fuck!" he exclaimed peering forward. The leaves on the bushes had come out and he found it difficult to see anything so he pushed into the one in front of him. Then he saw a cheeky looking young boy kneeling on the ground under the bush with a big grin on his face. "Hey mister you want to see my willy?" the boy asked. "Why the fuck should I want to see your willy, I've got one of my own," Bruce replied but his heart began to beat faster. "Yeah I can see yours," the boy giggled and Bruce realised that it was still hanging out from when he had been about to have a piss. "You're lucky I didn't piss on you kid," Bruce said as he tucked his cock away. "Anyway why do you want to show me your willy?" he asked. "I want fifty pence for some sweets so if you will give me that I'll show you my willy?" the boy replied clearly speaking the truth. Bruce felt in his pocket and found a fifty pence coin. He looked around and there was not a soul in sight. It was hardly likely that anybody would stray into this small hedged off area. "Here's your fifty p," Bruce said with a laugh as he tossed the coin to the kid. The boy caught it adroitly and tucked it away in a pocket of his tan jeans. Then he unzipped them, fiddled around inside, and pulled out his soft three inch [7½ cm] long willy. "Well you've a nice willy there and when you get older it should get a lot bigger," Bruce said. "Pay me another pound and I'll let you touch it," the cheeky urchin replied. Bruce crouched down so that he was level with the boy. "Tell you what kid it's a bit public here. I live in one of the bungalows across the road from here. Why not come back to my place with me and I'll give you a pound if you'll let me touch your willy," he said. The boy pondered for a few minutes. "Mummy said I must never speak to strangers or go with them," he said. "But you've already spoken to me," Bruce pointed out, "so I guess I'm not a stranger anymore." "You'll give me a whole pound just to touch my willy?" the boy asked. "That's right son and I'll even let you touch mine for nothing if you want," Bruce replied. Then the man felt in his pocket and pulled out a Harry Potter Honeydukes best chocolate bar. "Would you like this whilst we walk over to my place?" he asked. The boy stood up, tucked away his willy, zipped up his jeans and then emerged from the bushes holding out his hand to take the chocolate bar. "Thanks mister, let's go," he said. The two started to walk across the grassland together. To any curious onlooker they might well have been father and son. "My names Bruce, call me Bruce," the man said and then went on, "what's your name son?" "My name's Tim, Bruce," the boy replied. "How old are you Tim?" Bruce asked as they neared the boundary of the grassland. "Nine years old," the kid replied. As they approached the road Bruce stopped. He looked at the boy who was about four feet [1.20 m] tall and quite a skinny young urchin. He had short black hair, very closely cropped in the current fashion of many boys. Big dark brown eyes and a cheerful smile which revealed that he had nice white teeth. He was wearing a red T Shirt, tan jeans and red and white trainers. "Why aren't you at school this afternoon?" Bruce asked. "I hate fucking school so I've bunked off," Tim replied airily. They crossed the road together and started to walk towards the road that Bruce lived down. "You live near here do you, you go to one of the local schools then?" Bruce asked as they turned into his street. "Yeah I live over in Pinkton Avenue and go to the RA school. It fucking stinks and I hate it," the boy replied. They were now in sight of Bruce's bungalow. "You know many swear words apart from 'fucking'," Bruce asked with a friendly laugh. "Sure do Bruce, I know them all," Tim cheekily answered with a giggle. "We turn in here, this is where I live," Bruce said and the two turned off the pavement into his drive. "You live alone then Bruce?" Tim asked as the man unlocked his side door. "Yeah just me, that's all," Bruce answered as he opened the door and ushered the boy in. "Now before we get down to business how would you like a drink of coke?" Bruce asked. "Oh yeah I'd fucking like that, I don't suppose that you've got a smoke as well have you?" the little imp asked. Bruce poured the boy out a cold coke laughing as he did so. "You're a cheeky little bastard Tim, no I don't smoke fucking cigarettes they're bad for your health," he said. "Now Tim I'll tell you what. If you take your jeans and underpants right off and let me have a good feel of your willy and your nuts then I'll do the same so you can feel my properly. Do that and I'll give you two pound not one," Bruce said. The boy thought for a moment but was clearly swayed by the extra sweets he would be able to buy. "It's a deal," he said holding out his hand and Bruce took it and shook it in the time honoured fashion of sealing a bargain. "We'll go to my bedroom where we can relax," Bruce said. "By the way what time do you have to be home?" "Not later than seven that's when mum gets home from work and gives me my supper," Tim replied. Bruce took the boy into his bedroom and they both removed their trainers and socks. Bruce quickly divested himself of his blue jeans and boxer underpants as well. Then he took off his shirt saying "might as well take that off so it doesn't get in the way." Tim had removed his tan jeans and also his T shirt but was still wearing a pair of red loose fitting underpants with a white hem all around. He was staring fixedly at Bruce and the reason was fairly obvious. Bruce was now sporting a full erection and his uncircumcised cock had the foreskin fully retracted and his eight inch [20 cm] long cock stood straight out from his body. "Wow that's fucking big Bruce, you've got an awesome fucking cock," Tim said as he lay half flopped on the bed. The position he was laying the wide legs of his underpants had fallen back towards one side. His lovely boy cock and even more lovelier pair of balls could be seen peeping out from the hem of his shorts. It was a truly erotic picture. Tim started to take his shorts down. "No Tim keep them on for the moment," Bruce said as he got on the bed beside the boy. "Just lay still like that and keep that leg up and the other one down so I can see your willy and nuts," the man said. Tim had propped his head up off the bed with one hand and arm, he was laying half on his side with one leg up in the air and his foot on the bed. His other hand rested on the knee that was sticking up. His other leg was lying on the bed and it was from that side that his willy and balls had popped out from under the red underpants. Bruce reached out his hand and touched Tim's soft uncut cock. The foreskin completely covered the nob. He felt the soft cock and then ran his hand around the boy's lovely balls. Then he took hold of Tim's cock, still half covered by the boy's underpants, and pulled the kid's foreskin down off his cock head revealing the lovely red nob to his view. Then he ran his fingers back up bringing the foreskin back over the sweet nob. Down again and then back up, down and up, down and up and Tim's cock quickly stiffened. "Ooh shit Bruce you're giving me a fucking stiffy," the youngster said with a giggle. "Okay Tim now let me take your underpants off for you," Bruce said as he knelt at the boy's feet. He took hold of the pants and pulled them down Tim's legs and off his feet and tossed them onto the floor. "I'll get your cock really stiff for you now Tim," Bruce whispered as he knelt between Tim's legs. He bent his head and opened his mouth and closed it over Tim's half stiff little pecker. The kid let out a groan of pleasure, he'd never had his cock in anybody's mouth before. Bruce started to suck on that lovely young boy cock moving his lips up and down the half stiff shaft and dragging Tim's foreskin up and down as he did so. It took only a couple of movements up and down and Tim's cock was fully erect. It had now grown to a lovely five inches [12½ cm] long. Bruce started to suck on it really hard as he moved his lips up and down the shaft whilst Tim moaned and groaned with delight. The man loved the taste of young boy's cocks, he couldn't get enough of them. Tim's was delicious as it tasted so strongly of young boy stale urine. Then he stopped sucking and let the cock out of his mouth. Tim was lying back with his eyes half closed, a smile on his half open red lips and a slight moaning noise coming from his mouth. "Did you like that Tim?" Bruce asked. "Like it? I fucking loved it Bruce, do it some more?" the boy replied. "Let's see how you like this first," Bruce said as he started to lick and then suck on Tim's tiny nuts. He got the whole scrotum bag in his mouth and sucked and licked on his mouthful whilst Tim continued his moaning noise showing that he was having a good time. Then Bruce went back to sucking Tim's hard cock much to the boy's delight. "Right Tim now it's your turn to play with my cock and balls," Bruce said. "Aw gee Bruce I was enjoying that," Tim said. "You want the two pounds, then you play with my cock and balls for a little while," Bruce replied in a firm voice. He lay on the bed with his legs apart and Tim crawled between them. The boy stuck out his tongue gingerly and licked Bruce's purple cock head. The man groaned and Tim licked it some more. "Have you ever done this before Tim, have you ever licked and sucked a cock before?" Tim asked. The boy stopped licking and looked up at Bruce. "No this is the first time, shall I start to suck it now?" the boy replied. "Yeah, think of it as a lollipop and suck on it just like you would do to that," Bruce said as he lay back on the bed. He could feel the boy's warm smooth body between his legs. Then he gave a gasp of pleasure as he felt the boy's mouth close around his big cock head. He felt suction on his cock as Tim started to suck. "Try to lick it as you suck boy," Bruce said in a thick husky voice. Tim obeyed and now his hot tongue started to lick the underside of Bruce's cock and at the same time the boy sucked hard. Bruce groaned with pleasure as the boy sucked and licked his big cock. "Now Tim keep doing that but take hold of my bollocks and start to twist them and pull them. Keep doing that as you suck and lick my cock," Bruce said. The boy quickly obeyed and now Bruce was in seventh heaven. As he lay on the bed with the nine year old boy sucking his cock and playing with his balls Bruce decided that he was going to fuck this boy before the kid left his house today. Bruce was a man who preyed on boys but it had been a pure stroke of luck for him that Tim had accosted him in the bushes. Yes, he thought to himself as Tim worked hard on his cock, this has sure been my lucky day. "Okay Tim, you've earnt your two pound," Bruce said and the boy let the man's cock slip from his mouth. "I'll get dressed now then Bruce and then I'll be able to go to the shop and get my sweets," he said with a grin. "Hold on boy, not so fast. How would you like to make another five pound?" Bruce asked. The kid looked very suspiciously at the man. "What would I have to do to get that?" he asked. "Do you know what fucking is?" Bruce asked. "Course I do I'm not fucking stupid, its what men do to women to make them have babies," the boy replied. "You know what gays are, or faggots?" Bruce asked. "Yeah they're guys who sorta go for other guys instead of girls," Tim answered. "Do you know how gays make love to each other, do you know how they have sex with each other?" Bruce asked the boy. "Sure one guy fucks the other up his shit hole," Tim replied and then he added, "ugh that's so fucking gross I don't know how they can do that to each other." As he spoke the boy had a look of disgust on his face. "One last question Tim," Bruce said, "do you know what pedo perverts do to boys?" Now Tim looked very uneasy at Bruce. "I think that they try to fuck them," the boy replied. "That's right Tim," Bruce said with a big grin on his face, "and I'm one of those pedo perverts. You will get your five pound if you let me fuck you." "Piss off Bruce there's no way I'd let you fuck me. I'm not a fucking faggot. I'll get dressed now and go home. Just let me have my two pound," Tim said as he started to get off the bed. Bruce put his arm around the boy's shoulder and pushed him back down. "You've got me so fucking hot and horny Tim that I'm going to fuck you whether you like it or not," Bruce said breathing heavily. Tim started to struggle to get out of the man's encircling arm but Bruce pushed the boy flat down on the bed and rolled on top of him. His superior weight held the lovely nine year old pinned down and unable to move. Bruce was lying so that his face was looking down at Tim's and tears were welling up in the boy's brown eyes. Then Bruce bent his head down and started to kiss Tim on his red lips. The boy did his best to move his head to one side but his efforts were in vain. Tim's lips were pressing against his and then the man forced his tongue into the boy's mouth and started to run it around the warm moist interior. All Tim could do was lay under his abuser and accept what the man was doing to him. After a couple of minutes Bruce came up for air and raised his head slightly so that he could look down into the tear filled eyes of the boy. "God Tim you've made me so horny I'm going to really fuck the shit out of you boy," Bruce said. "Please Bruce don't do this," Tim said as he started to cry. "Please Bruce I only wanted you to look at my cock so I could get some money for sweets," the kid wailed. "You're going to learn today how dangerous it is to lead men on Tim," Bruce said. "You can't expect to get men hot and horny and then fuck off leaving them in that state," he said as he ground his hard penis against the naked boy's tummy. "Please Bruce let me go home," whimpered the boy as he felt the man's cock pushing into his tender flesh. "This is what comes of speaking to strangers Tim, you should have paid attention to what your mummy told you when she told you never to speak to strangers. Now my boy, no more pissing around. I'm going to fuck you and that's all there is to it," Bruce stated. Attached to the each of the top bed posts of Bruce's bed was a rope that ended in a single manacle. Bruce grabbed the one attached to the left bed post and snapped it shut around Tim's left rest. Then he did the same to the boy's right wrist. Having secured Tim to the bed Bruce got up off the crying youngster and went to his chest of drawers. He got out a large tube of KY and sat on the edge of the bed and started to lubricate his eight inch [20 cm] long cock. "LET ME GO YOU BASTARD, LET ME FUCKING GO YOU PERVERT," Tim started to yell as he saw what the man was doing. "Shout all you like Tim, nobody will hear you because everybody around here's at work," Bruce said. He had finished preparing his throbbing cock and now twisted round to look at the boy. "Be a good boy now Tim and put your legs up in the air and swing them up towards the headboard," Bruce said. "SHAN'T," yelled Tim, "YOU AINT GOING TO PISSING WELL FUCK ME YOU BASTARD," the boy screamed as he crossed his legs and locked his ankles together. "There's easy ways and hard ways of fucking you," Bruce remarked as he now knelt on the bed. His big lubricated cock was sticking up in the air and throbbing with sexual excitement. He grabbed hold of one of Tim's feet and started to twist it. The screaming boy had to unlock his ankles as the pain became intense. Then Bruce, now kneeling between the boy's legs, grabbed Tim's feet by the ankles. He pushed them up towards Tim's face and splayed them out towards his manacled wrists which forced the kid's legs wide apart. Tim's open buttocks were now sticking up in the air and his lovely tiny pink anus was now at the right height for Bruce. The man shuffled forward on his knees still holding the boy's feet against his manacled wrists. His big cock head was now pressing against Tim's shit hole. "I'd like to have lubricated your cunt and used my fingers to open your hole a little," Bruce said looking down at the panic stricken face of the crying boy. "It would have made your first fuck a lot easier but you just would not cooperate would you," he said as he started to push down with the weight of his body onto the boy's buttocks. His cock head was pressing hard against Tim's sphincter but for a moment the boy's cunt lips remained sealed. Then the pressure of the man's cock against them forced the sphincter to start to open. The man's lubricated cock head slipped into the very tight hole as Tim started to shriek with pain. "STOP, STOP, STOP, OH PLEASE STOP YOU FUCKING BASTARD. STOP YOU CUNT, YOU'RE SPLITTING ME IN HALF, YOU'RE KILLING ME," the boy screamed. Bruce looked down at the boy's pain distorted face, at the boy's wide open mouth screaming for him to stop, at the tears flowing freely from the lovely brown eyes and he pushed down harder with his pelvis. He had now forced his cock head into Tim's intestinal tube and now it started to go deeper into the screaming boy's bowels. Bruce kept pushing as hard as he could until at least five inches [12½ cm] of his cock was inside the screaming boy. Then the man pulled his cock part way out and thrust it back in again, this time a little deeper, out again and back in, out and back in, out and back in and slowly he forced every inch of his weapon into the boy's hot bowels. Tim was screeching from the pain as he felt as if a huge post was being shoved deep into his guts. "STOP, STOP, STOP, OH PLEASE BRUCE STOP. OH STOP YOU FUCKING BASTARD, STOP FUCKING ME YOU CUNT," the young boy was screaming as he felt Bruce's balls pressing into his buttocks. Now that all eight inches [20 cm] of his big man cock was buried inside the nine year old boy Bruce rested for a moment. He looked down at the screaming boy beneath him and he smiled. "See what happens when you talk to strangers Tim," he said, "you finish up getting a right royal fucking." Then he started to fuck the boy properly. He pulled most of his cock out of Tim's body and then shoved the whole length back in. He pulled out again and thrust back in, out again and back in. His movements got faster as he enjoyed the tightness of the boy's virgin hole. It was lovely and hot inside Tim's bowels and the kid's pulsating intestines around his cock drove Bruce to fuck in and out ever faster. The worst of the pain was now over for Tim as his cunt got used to the man cock fucking in and out of it. It still hurt like hell but it was no longer the piercing stabbing pain of the initial invasion of his body. Instead of screaming young Tim was moaning as Bruce fucked relentlessly in and out of his young body. "Please stop, oh please Bruce stop, please you fucking bastard stop," Tim was groaning as the man's body dripped sweat onto his. Bruce had no intention of stopping of course. He loved fucking boys; in fact he never fucked anything but boys. Their boy cunts were so tight, they were so hot as well and their shit holes were never loose and sloppy. He loved to see the boy's penises just beneath him as he fucked into their young boy cunts. Often, if the boy he was fucking was one he'd used several times, the boy's cock would be stiff as he responded to his prostate gland being pleasured. Bruce knew that it rarely happened the first time a boy was fucked. His body had first to get used to having a big man cock inside it before it could respond to the pleasure that the prostate gland was receiving. And so the man continued to fuck the crying pleading boy. He fucked him hard and fast for three quarters of an hour. Tim's pleadings had dried up although his tears continued to flow. Then the boy felt the big cock inside his bowels start to swell larger. At the same time Bruce's big balls began to tighten. "I'm going to cum Tim, I'm going to fill you with my man cream boy," Bruce groaned as he started to shoot his load into Tim's hot bowels. The young boy felt the cream inside him and he was scared because he thought that he had started to bleed. As Bruce continued to fuck in and out of his hole letting spurts of his cum fill the boy's body Tim was shaking with fear. "I'm bleeding Bruce, I'm going to fucking well die. I know I am, I can feel the blood inside me," the boy started to wail. Bruce's balls were empty now and, still with his cock inside the boy and his hands holding the kid's ankles against his manacled wrists, the man bent over the boy and kissed him on the lips. "That's not blood you feel Tim, that's my cum inside you. I shoot it out of my balls through my cock and it fills your guts up. That's how men make babies inside women," Bruce added as he gave the young boy another kiss. Then he slowly withdrew his cock from Tim's cunt and a dribble of cum came out with it. "Whenever you are lucky enough to be fucked by a man you must show your thanks to him by licking his cock clean after he has finished fucking you," Bruce explained to the boy. Then he moved so that he was lying by the side of Tim and the boy was able to lower his aching legs. He could feel the cum running down the inside of his legs and was still convinced that it was blood. "I'm bleeding Bruce, I tell you I'm bleeding I can feel it on my legs," the panic stricken youngster cried out. Bruce put a finger between Tim's buttocks and drew it through the dribbling cum. Then he showed Tim the white sperm on his finger. "See Tim that's cum not blood, now lick it off my finger," he said. The boy squinted down at the cum covered finger and felt greatly relieved when he saw that it was not blood. "I'm not licking that shit off your finger mate, that's fucking gross," he retorted. "You will lick it off or I'll shove my finger in your mouth and make you suck it off," Bruce replied knowing that it would be foolish to allow the boy to refuse to obey him. Tim pursed up his mouth and shook his head backwards and forwards to indicate that he would not obey. Bruce gave a thin grin and took hold of the boy's nostrils with the fingers of his other hand. Then he squeezed them together. For a few moments Tim managed to keep his mouth closed but then he had to open it in order to breathe. As it opened Bruce slipped in his cum covered finger and Tim found himself sucking it clean. To the boy's surprise it didn't taste too bad, in fact he actually liked the taste of the cum and he quickly licked the lot off Bruce's finger and the man withdrew it from the boy's mouth. "Tim I'm going to release your wrists now. I want you to get between my legs and lick and suck all the cum off my cock. Don't say no because if you do I will have to use force to make you do it and I don't want to hurt you unless I really have to," Bruce said. As he was speaking he was leaning across the boy and undoing the manacles around Tim's wrists. Doing that had given Tim time to reflect on Bruce's words. Tim reasoned that if the cum on Bruce's cock tasted anything like that on his finger then he would enjoy cleaning it up. There was no point in refusing and getting hurt because he would still have to do it in the end. He crawled between Bruce's open legs and started to lick the cum off the shaft of the man's cock. As his sweet red tongue flicked around the shaft cleaning all the cum off it the boy once again found that he was enjoying the taste. Bruce's cock head, especially his piss slit, was covered in cum and Tim opened his mouth wide and closed it over the man's nob. He started to suck all the cum off it at the same time he began to play with Bruce's balls. The man was groaning with pleasure, especially when he felt Tim's tongue pushing into his piss slit and licking all the cum out of it. Bruce allowed the boy to enjoy his cock for the next fifteen minutes and then he pulled it away from Tim's mouth. "Now I'm going to make you feel real good Tim," Bruce whispered to the boy, "I want you to come and squat over my face with your lovely cunt over my mouth. Just sit on my face and I'll make you feel like you've never felt before my boy," Bruce said. For a moment Tim looked suspicious but decided that if he sat on Bruce's face there was no way the man could fuck him again from that position. He moved so that his feet were on the bed either side of Bruce's neck just above his shoulders. Then he squatted down positioning himself so that his shit hole was right over Bruce's mouth. He lowered himself right down as the man opened his mouth wide. The boy's buttocks were resting either side of Bruce's mouth with the boy's cum filled hole right over it. The boy was facing towards Bruce's feet. Tim suddenly let out a groan of pleasure as he felt Bruce's tongue lapping at his shit hole. It felt real good to the boy, he'd never experienced something like this, especially when Bruce shoved his tongue into his hole. Then Tim groaned some more as Bruce's hands went around his waist and found his cock and balls. As the man started to lick the inside of Tim's hole he also started to rub the youngster's foreskin up and down and fondle his tight little balls. Tim was groaning with pleasure as he felt Bruce's moist tongue inside his body; he'd never felt so good as this in all of his short life. His pleasure was made tenfold better by the way Bruce was masturbating his now stiff cock and playing with his balls. All memories of the horrid time he'd had whilst Bruce was fucking him disappeared as he pressed down harder with his buttocks on the face of the man who was licking out his cum filled hole and playing with his cock and balls. Bruce started to suck hard on Tim's shit hole and the boy began to scream out. "OOH MAN THAT'S FUCKING GOOD, OOOH SHIT BRUCE YOUR MOUTH FEELS FUCKING AWESOME," he was screaming as he wriggled about on Bruce's face as the man sucked even harder. The boy felt the cum being withdrawn from his body by the suction of Bruce's mouth on his hole. With a slithering slurping sound that could be heard above Tim's groans of pleasure the cum was drawn from the boy's hot bowels and into Bruce's open mouth. The man kept sucking and the cum slid down his tongue, down his throat and into his stomach. All the time Bruce kept playing with Tim's cock and balls and the boy had never been happier in all of his life. This playful session lasted over thirty minutes and each minute it lasted was sheer sexual pleasure for both the man and the boy. At last Tim's boy cunt was clean of all cum and Bruce pushed the boy off his face. Tim toppled over and lay down beside Bruce whilst still panting with pleasure. Bruce's cock was rock hard again. "I'm going to fuck you again now Tim, that's my reward for giving you so much pleasure," Bruce whispered to the boy. "No, no, no," Tim wailed as he scrambled to get away from Bruce. Bruce gave a laugh and sat up then jumped off the bed. Tim was trying to get off the bed too as Bruce grabbed him and threw him face down across the mattress. This time the boy's legs were hanging over the side of the bed and his belly and chest and head were laying on the top if it. Bruce gave him another little tug that pulled Tim's waist clear of the edge of the bed. Tim's buttocks were sticking out from the edge at just the right height for Bruce's cock to reach the lovely pink shit hole that was waiting for a man cock to fill it again. He pressed one hand down on the small of Tim's back holding him firmly in place on the bed. His other hand positioned his hard cock against the boy's waiting cunt. Then he thrust forward with his pelvis and his big cock head forced Tim's cunt lips to open and allowed the nob free access. Tim screamed as, once again, his hole was stretched to allow the cock to enter him. However this time the pain was not quite as acute as Bruce forced more of his cock into the boy. Within five minutes Bruce had forced all eight inches [20 cm] of cock into young Tim's tight hole. The boy's hot bowels once again started to pleasure the man as he began to fuck in and out of the kid. This time however Bruce reached around and found Tim's cock which was once again soft. As he started to fuck the boy hard he also began to masturbate Tim's cock in time to his thrusting movements. Tim was groaning from the pain although Bruce was not hurting him nearly as much as the first time he'd fucked him. As the man drove in and out Tim's cock was rigidly erect caused by his masturbation from the hand of the man fucking him. In addition Bruce's cock was massaging the boy's tiny prostate gland but the message of pleasure was still being blocked by the greater messages of pain that his brain was receiving. "Oh please Bruce stop fucking me, please man leave me alone," Tim wailed as Bruce drove relentlessly in and out of him. This time Bruce came much quicker. He'd only been fucking Tim for half an hour before he started to shoot his load. Once again he filled the boy's bowels with his cum. When he was finished he withdrew his cock from the crying boy's body. "Stop your whining and get on the floor between my legs and get my cock cleaned up with your mouth," Bruce ordered as he sat on the edge of the bed. Tim slipped off the bed and onto the floor. He knelt between the man's legs and started to lick the shaft of Bruce's cock cleaning all the cum off it. Then he sucked the cum off the man's cock head and licked his piss slit clean. Bruce was rubbing his hands over Tim's shaven head enjoying the attention the boy was giving him. At last Tim had finished his task; a task that he had thoroughly enjoyed and then Bruce had the boy lay over the bed again in the position he'd been in when he was fucked. This time Bruce knelt behind Tim and licked his shit hole clean as far as his tongue would reach. Tim was groaning with pleasure and his little cock was stiff and throbbing beneath him. Then Bruce sucked on the boy's cunt and drew all the cum out and swallowed it. To Tim it felt as if he was in heaven. "Ok Tim you'd better get dressed now," Bruce said to the boy, "we don't want you to be late getting home." They both started to dress. "I'll give you the two pound that we agreed on but I won't give you more because you tried to stop me fucking you," Bruce said as he passed the kid a two pound coin. "Aw come on Bruce you fucked my shit hole twice, surely that's worth an extra five pound," Tim said. Bruce laughed at the boy. "You only get what we agreed on. I'll tell you what though Tim, anytime you feel like a bit of fun you can pop around and see me," Bruce said. "No fucking way, I don't want you pissing well raping me again mate," Tim said. Then the boy left jauntily without a care in the world.
For a week Bruce never heard nor saw the boy. Then, early in the afternoon, he heard his side door open. "Hi Bruce," came a young boy's voice "how about us having some more fun." It was, of course Tim. That afternoon Tim really enjoyed Bruce fucking him. He did not ask for any money, he just wanted to have sex with the man. I'm happy to say that their relationship blossomed. Bruce got to know Tim's mother and sometimes the boy was allowed to stop over with him at weekends. He bought plenty of presents for Tim, clothes when the boy wanted them, a fact for which Tim's mother was very grateful. However Tim never asked for money again. One day when they were in bed together and Bruce had fucked the shit out of his young lover Tim looked at him with a cheeky glint in his eye. "Who says boys should never speak to strangers?" he asked. Bruce laughed as he kissed the kid. "I'm fucking pleased that you broke that rule Tim," he replied.
The End |