I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves
Chapters 34-
Chapter 34 Home again
The worst mess in the house was cleared and new slave food was delivered and stored. I felt sorry for the boys since I wasn't in starving my property but was proud they had resisted to raid my food stock. It was amazing what Jan had managed to teach the youngster in such a short time. The expression of Timo was priceless as he saw the huge box of diapers that was delivered too. As cruel as boys can be his mates teased him mercilessly. In the evening Luke was fallen asleep already, too much had happened for the little boy I guessed, I decided to call it a day early and sent the boys to their room. Nico tried to plead with his eyes but he too had to learn the daily routine again and so the cage door snapped shut behind him.
My eyes scanned the slim form of Julian who was kneeling in display position in front of me while Marcus, as quiet as before, undressed me. He was noticeable thinner than before, his rips were clearly visible and his harness was quite loose fitting. Nevertheless, his little friend stood at attention, pointing straight up in the air. The boy panted increasingly as Marcus slipped my pants down. I couldn't hide that I enjoyed the sight. My cock became hard once it was out of the fabric. Julian's eyes went wide as he focused my 'monster' (as he told me a long time later he always thought my cock was monstrous). Though he had learned a man's penis could give a boy pleasure he hadn't forgotten the pain it brought him too. Julian didn't mind to take my swollen member in his mouth, he had trained a lot the long hours under my desk and was now able to swallow a lot of it without gagging.
Seconds later Julian squealed as I threw him on the bed. He landed on his back, his legs flew up. Before he could react, not that he would, I grabbed him on the back of his knees and pressed his legs upwards to his shoulders. The boy was quite limber as his body parts were often forced into strange and sometimes painful positions. He put his arms over his legs, pinning himself to the mattress. Marcus handed me some straps and Julian was soon tied helplessly; his lower body exposed for me to play with. I noticed his crotch was quite smelly and his butt showed traces of his faeces around his plug. Julian expected some light smacks and was shocked by the hard blows that suddenly rained down on his exposed rear. He hissed as the plug was pulled out roughly and he contorted his face as I held it under his little nose but he opened his mouth immediately.
Marcus showed up with a bowl of water and a cloth. He put the bowl down and started to clean his friend's rectum and groin area. I couldn't hide a smile at the sight. Marcus had really learned a lot and performed his duties almost without the need of direction. Julian's eyes were fixed on the dirty plug that was half inside his mouth, yet without touching his lips. Of course, he would lick it clean if it was my wish but his mind still rebelled. It was almost as if we could hear the tons of rocks falling from him as I simply dropped the plug into the bowl. However, his relief was only short as he soon felt the pain of a clamps biting into the tender flesh of his little cock head. Despite the pain his penis became hard again immediately. His attempts to stay quiet were in vain as I started to flick his cock with one of the small straps.
"You weren't exactly wasting water by washing your body, boy?" I asked followed by a lash on his balls.
He yelped.
"Master, I'm sorry Master!" he managed to press out between his gasps. "But you told us not to touch our cocks, Master!"
"That's right, boy!" I admitted between two fierce lashes. "But you could rinse your ass after you had a crap."
"Master, I did Master. But when we ran out of food, Master
The boy almost screamed, but not only because of the pain. I could tell he was close. I pulled the clamp off. The sudden pain was enough for Julian. As much as he could, his body stiffened and he let out a shrill cry that died as he ran out of air. By the length and intensity of his orgasm I could tell he didn't come for quite a while. As his ecstasy abated, I leaned forward and kissed him on his lips while my hands played with his nipple rings. The boy's cock that had started to get limp was back up in its full glory at once. Julian practically sucked my tongue into his little mouth while he rubbed his little pecker against my belly. He flinched when I pulled or pinched his nipples but didn't break our kiss until he came again, this time without much pain and less intensive, but nevertheless exhausting. As he came back to his senses, Julian smiled at me.
"Master, I have missed you so much, Master," he whispered.
"I have missed you too, my little toy."
He yawned and I could see he was really tired. Pushing his butt plug in I unfastened the straps, turned him around so he lay on his tummy and chained his wrist and ankles together as usual. Julian held his limbs in the right position eagerly, he loved to feel the strain on his muscles, he loved to be tied up and he loved to be helpless, as long as he knew I wasn't far away. I was about to put a gag into his mouth as he looked straight into my eyes, something he never dared before.
"Master, I wish I could be your little slave toy forever, Master," he said as sincere as he could be. I had to gulp.
"You always will, boy, you always will," I assured him in a hoarse voice.
He smiled.
"Master, I love you Master."
"I know, my boy," I said, pushing the penis shaped gag gently into his mouth.
As the pulley system lifted him up, I kissed the boy on his forehead. 'Could this be the answer to my questions?' I wondered as I watched him disappearing into his box.
Marcus stood beside my bed at attention, displaying his little body and waiting for instruction. But his head hung low and I saw him shaking. I padded the mattress.
"Jump in!"
Marcus didn't move at first. His sobs became audible and eventually he rushed to a sideboard containing some toys for my games with Julian. He picked an item I never had used at any of the boys before and only possessed to scare them a little; it was a cat o' nine style flogger with beads and stones knotted into its tails. That was an instrument not to punish but to destroy or even kill. Marcus ran the few steps over to the bed, dropped on his knees and presented me the flogger with outstretched arms, his head bowed.
"Master, please Master!" the boy sobbed.
I was shocked. Usually I was quite good in reading a boy's mind but with my little boy lover I failed. A searing pain rushed through my mind. I gulped hard, sat up, took the flogger slowly out of his hand and dropped it to the floor. But this was a big mistake. Marcus flinched as the flogger hit the floor, slumped and totally lost it. He curled into a ball and wept heavily. For several minutes I had no idea what to do. Then I pulled the boy face down onto my lap and started to spank his cute butt. I used only light swats, just powerful enough to be noticed but not to sting.
After a while, Marcus' rear end was nicely red and warm. Neither I or the boy had said a word, only his sobbing had adjusted to the rhythm of the spanking that by now hurt for sure, as well as did my hand and arm. I don't know how long I spanked the boy but I couldn't lift my arm anymore.
"Corner!" I simply ordered with a last sharp smack.
Marcus slowly crawled off my lap and without looking up he shuffled to a corner of the room and facing the wall stood at attention as best as he could. I allowed my arm a few minutes rest before I went to the bathroom for a quick shower. Back in my bedroom, I roamed through several drawers to find some items I would need.
The tears flew down the boy's cheeks. He couldn't help the pain in his penis was too much for him. His whole wiener seemed to be on fire, though he knew he had not very much down there for his age. Taking a leak was excruciating since a few days, but now the pain was permanently acute. The boy was torn between the need to hold his penis trying to ease the pain and following the drill to keep his hands away. At the end the instincts won and he clutched his boy-parts with both hands.
It worked, at least temporary. The pain in his penis didn't lessen, it was simply overlaid by a stinging butt. Chris looked up and saw Jan swinging his arm up for a second smack. He closed his eyes and prepared himself but the impact didn't happen. Instead he felt the hands of the older slave on his back and shoulders. Slowly he turned over to Jan, his hands still holding his genitals. Chris had seldom cried without any punishment causing him, so Jan knew something was wrong. Gently he pushed the boy's hands away.
Chris' foreskin and glans were inflamed and bright red. Jan had seen it before and a painful memory entered his mind. But Jan shook it away and told himself his new master was different. He fetched a wet cloth from the bathroom, put it on the boy's penis and leaned his back against the wall. Gently he pulled Chris up and against him so the boy's back rested at his chest. Pinning the boy's arms at his sides he wrapped the arms around Chris and held him tightly. Without much words he tried to comfort the boy he felt so strangely attracted to.
The searing pain in his rear had turned into a dull burning. Though the boy was used to corporal punishment it still took a lot of will power not to touch his butt, trying to rub the sting away. Not that he could right that moment since his arms were tied above his head to the head board of the bed he was lying on. He couldn't see anything because of the blindfold he was wearing. His body was stretched tight by another rope pulling his legs to the foot end. Marcus expected a sound whipping or caning and wished he had been gagged too. He was afraid of the pain but almost welcomed the thought of getting a harsh punishment so he could pay for his faults. To the boy it was the only way he could get forgiveness from his beloved master.
In the brief moment before the blindfold covered his eyes I could read everything in the boy's mind. I had guessed right, the boy was tormenting himself, more than any punishment could. Every thought of jealousy was gone now, I was again on a rescue mission. The boy winced as the first drops of cool oil landed on his back. Slowly and gently I worked the oil into his tender skin. That was clearly not what the boy had expected, his tension subsided only slowly. I didn't spare a single square centimetre of his backside. Arms, legs, neck, back and bottom; everything got my attention. Marcus had no chance. At first he started to giggle when my fingertips tickled his sides or pits but eventually he purred like a kitten.
Marcus couldn't remember the last time he felt something so good. Guilt filled his mind as he realized what his master was doing but soon he was overwhelmed by his sensations. He felt the fingertips of the strong hands of his master slowly circling over his skin, unerringly finding all the special spots on his body. These magic spots were caressed, pinched and pushed, sending electric jolt like signals to the boy's immature brain. Endorphins were set free and brought the boy's feelings to a height that was close to a mighty climax. 'I had to learn how to do that' was the last conscious thought Marcus was capable of.
When I felt the boy was ready I started to talk to him in a very low voice, slowly but steady. It was a skill my mother had taught me when I was younger and it never failed. The voice dug into the boy's semi conscious mind, deepening his trance. Untying the ropes I gently turned the boy around. Marcus didn't react, didn't try to lower his arms and just moaned a little when I teased his nipples with some warm air blown over his chest. The boy's mind was blocked but not his bodily reactions. His cock responded to my administrations, at least it tried. The small chain did its job and help the little pecker down. His nipples, however, were rock hard.
"Marcus, my boy, do you hear me?"
"Yes Sir." He whispered.
The boy hadn't failed to address me correctly a very long time so I was sure it worked.
'You can't make a boy loving you, but if he does, you can make it much more easier for him to express this love.' I remembered my mother's words.
"Marcus, you know I love you more than anything in the world?"
"Yes Sir."
"Listen, boy! Always remember: Whatever happens, whatever you'll have to go through, whatever you do – I will always love you and nothing can change that. Do you understand?"
"Yes Sir."
"I may sometimes be angry, I may be disappointed and I may punish you but I will always love you. Do you understand?"
"Yes Sir."
"Do you love me, Marcus."
"Yes Sir."
"And there is nothing bad or wrong in showing that love. Love is beautiful, you are beautiful and beautiful things should always be shown. There is no need to be ashamed for loving someone. There is no need to be ashamed for yourself. Do you understand?
"Yes Sir."
"Marcus, you're a slave boy, but you're MY slave boy. What had happened just happened. But in future you're free to resist unless I gave my consent. There might be times I lend you out but otherwise everybody has to ask me first. Do you understand?"
"Yes Sir."
"So when you wake up now, you'll always remember what I said to you."
"Yes Sir."
"So wake up now!"
Sebastian thought he had no tears left but was wrong. He tried to shift the weight of his body a bit on the other side. His body ached constantly. Welts and bruises covered his whole body. Some he got when he passed the security line, more he got from the policeman and last but not least his Master's belt had bit deep into his skin. His arms, shoulders and legs ached from the strain they were under since he was bound hogtied again. The pain in his belly had lessened but was still there. The boy had tried to be brave as his Master had stitched the wound up. He knew he had dug himself into deep shit but the cold gaze of his Master when he sunk the needle into the boy's skin told Sebastian the shit was even deeper than he thought.
It wasn't as could as the previous night in the cellar but Sebastian shivered. He thought about the misery he had brought over his family. He had hoped his parents and his brother would get along well without him but the last two days had shattered his hope into pieces. It was not only the sadness of his brother that he had felt so clearly, it was the realization his enslavement had effectively destroyed his family that made the boy whishing he would have died there in the mines. So deep were his feelings of guilt and shame he didn't realize he had thought back to the mines without freaking out. Sebastian's only consolation was that Luke was sleeping unharmed next door. However, the tears were running freely.
Timo wasn't a happy camper too. He could still hear the laughter of his mates as they stored the large box with diapers. Until then he had hoped his Master was only joking as he told him how adorable he looked with pull-ups and pacifier and he would wear them until he stayed dry at night again. The boy didn't know why he had started bedwetting again. It wasn't really a problem anymore after he had turned six, now four years ago, Timo remembered sadly. At his tenth birthday party, the boy and his friends had had bragged about the presents they're about to get at Christmas in a month. Just a year later, there were no birthday presents for the boy, not even one of his friends had congratulated. It was the saddest day in Timo's young life.
The boy had been determined to stay dry that night. But when he awoke, he immediately knew he had lost another battle. He was about to start crying when he heard the muffled sobs from Sebastian. Timo had always adored the older boy for his courage and power. Even when he suffered an evil foul on the soccer field there were no tears in Sebastian's eyes but he was always there for a friend who couldn't hold back his tears. Now the boy was bawling his eyes out and Timo didn't know what to do. Timo had seen how badly his mate had been punished and knew another beating was in store for tomorrow. Moreover Master had made it clear that nobody was allowed to speak with Sebastian.
The younger slave crawled to his friend's side. 'Maybe a touch will help?' Timo thought. The boy looked around as boys do when they're up to no good. His eyes fell on Jan who was spooned against Chris. Despite his and Sebastian's sorrows Timo had to chuckle. It was obvious that Jan had an eye on the younger boy. To Chris' misfortune Jan, in his effort not to favour Chris over the other slaves, treated the boy especially strictly. This was the first time Jan showed some affection for Chris in front of other slaves, but in the twilight of the stars it looked rather funny.
He scanned his friend's body with his eyes as best as he could, trying to find an unhurt spot of skin. He ran his fingertips gently over the back of Sebastian's neck. He felt his friend trembling. Changing from fingertips over fingers to the whole palm Timo intensified the caressing slowly. At first Sebastian didn't react but eventually the boy's sobbing lessened. Sebastian hardly turned his head but both slave's eyes met. Timo tried to give his mate a supporting smile. Fighting back his own tears he remembered what he liked most when Master played with him. Hesitatingly he brought his face closer to Sebastian's. Their foreheads touched and Sebastian sighed. Timo pursed his lips and placed them gently on his friend's cheek. Sebastian winced but didn't move away. The boys' eyes met again and for a while they remained locked. Sebastian turned his face more, the boys' lips melted and their tongues found their ways into each other's mouths.
In my younger years there were times when my balls and cock ached that much, usually after a bondage or SM session. Everything I dished out to my slaves I had once experienced at my own body and I had the best but cruellest masters. But to be honest, though I had worn out many whores and slaves, never had anyone shown me my limits so easily as this boy. Of course, I was becoming older and hadn't recovered fully yet from the sickness. But then, Marcus was still a little bit weak too. I couldn't believe it, a ten years old boy had worn me out and was still smiling while he kneeled between my legs.
I was dry as a well in the Sahara. Marcus had milked the last drop of man juice out of my balls. I had tested my boy milker with all settings but it was from effective as the boy had done the job. And he hadn't missed a drop of my sperm, either in his bowels or with his sweet little mouth, just a little bead hung in the corner of his lips. But he got that too as he tilted his head slightly and ran his little tongue all over his lips seductively. He was gorgeous. I knew his throat was sore and his anus was a raw mess but he just knelt there and smiled. I took his nipple rings between my fingers an pulled.
Marcus had to crawl on me to avoid too much pain, not that I expected him to resist. When he lay half on top of me I clamped his legs with mine and clutched my arms around him. He was effectively immobilised; laying on my chest with his face a few centimetres from mine. If he was surprised he didn't show it. He still smiled. It wasn't gloatingly, just the smile of a boy happy with the situation. I felt his little heart beating and felt his breath in my face. His eyes were locked with mine and I drunk deep from the love I could see there.
For a few moments my mind recapitulated the last hour or so. Marcus had been disorientated after he woke up but eventually he asked for permission to speak. He told me again how sorry he was about the night with Thomas and everything. Once he had started I thought he wouldn't stop talking again so I stifled the flood of words with a long kiss. The boy almost melted into me and after we broke the kiss he didn't say another word, just went to action.
He had stroked, licked, sucked and squeezed my cock and balls; rode my cock and worked on all the sensitive spots of my body with out a rest. I had three almost mind blowing orgasms in a row, leaving me with nothing left in my balls. All the while the boy worked on me his little cock wanted to get hard too but was held down. Marcus didn't complain, he didn't even try to rub or hump his genitals against me or the bed. He brought me pleasure without receiving any.
My fingers had found his penis and unlocked the chain. Lifting his body up I brought his groin down to my face. Little Marcus was hard well before my lips enclosed his this shaft. It took only seconds for the tensed up boy to explode. He bucked his hips and rammed his little tool inside my mouth. His arms trashed around, nearly smacking my face. A shrill scream ran out of air before he fell backward, heavily panting but with an expression of ecstasy on his face.
I found out long ago I couldn't connect well with women. There was a relationship now and then but all didn't last long. I was always attracted to boys and the slavery law was a blessing to me. But despite all the boys I had I silently longed for a real son, someone to care for and help growing up. Someone I could put my hopes in; could teach him a trade and some day leave everything I have for him. But I knew it was very unlikely I would have biological children, not only because of my sexual orientation but because of my weak semen as the doctor had called it.
As I mentioned before I loved all my slaves in some way but never I had the feeling I could have found the right one. But looking at the angelic face of the boy lying on me I wondered if a dream could become real. The whole bunch of my boys were special to me, more than any boy had been. But Marcus had touched something inside me, I had to admit. The boy was very intelligent and strong minded yet very sensitive and almost fragile. If I could I would wrap him with wadding and put him into a safe so nothing could harm him. Of course, life had dealt him the bad cards and we had to find a way to play them as best as possible. Slowly the boy and I drifted into sleep together.
Chapter 35 Cuts
I awoke not with one but two boys in my bed. Sometime in the night Luke must have found my bedroom and had joined Marcus and me. I was a little bit surprised seeing Marcus still in bed since he had to start early with his duties. When our eyes met I saw his rather stumped expression. Following the lead of his gaze I almost burst out laughing. Luke was sound asleep between us but his hand had found Marcus's penis and had it in a tight grip. Little Marcus was hard but I guessed it was rather a piss hard on. It looked as if Marcus had to hold it back with all he could and had no idea what to do.
Waking a free boy would have been out of question for my little slave but I didn't think Marcus could last much longer. So I gently kissed him on his forehead, took Luke's hand and pulled it carefully and slowly off. Markus sighed with relief as I gave him permission to go with a wink of my eyes. The boy slipped out of the bed and darted to the bathroom. I could watch him through the open door as he sat on the toilet. He blushed nicely as our eyes met. After all these months Marcus was still a bit modest when it came to follow nature's call.
Meanwhile Luke's hand had found its way into his undies and a faint smile played about his lips. I still worried about what to do with the boy but I just got an idea that would satisfy the boy's needs as well as work as punishment for my little prefect slave. School was about to start after Christmas Holidays at Monday what left us three days to get him ready. As Barbara told me the boy's results had dropped lately. He would learn soon that he wasn't up to some weeks of another holiday. He might be a troubled little boy, but to me that was no excuse.
Marcus flushed and entered the shower. He winced as the cold water hit his body. Marcus never used warm water for cleaning himself though I had allowed him to. As long as his friends had no warm water he wouldn't use it too, he had explained. Unfortunately he tends to forget putting the settings back to the preset temperature which earned him already several smacks. The boy scrubbed himself thoroughly from head to toe and dried his body with some old rags he had stored. With chattering teeth he finally stood at attention beside my bed.
As I looked at the skinny frame of my boy I noticed how pale and fragile his skin still was. I decided to call the vet for a visit to check the boys thoroughly. While I played with his genitals to lure his shrunken parts back out, the boy's stomach growled audibly. The boy looked sheepishly. I knew boys were always hungry but I'd let it to the vet whether to create a new mixture of additional ingredients for the slave food or not. Maybe the winter mix I used for years wasn't suitable enough for younger boys.
Carefully not to wake Luke I sat up and reattached the boy's penis to the chain. Knowing what followed next Marcus bent over and hugged his legs, presenting me a clean but sore anus. From the range of boy-sized plugs I selected a longer but thinner version and lubed it with an ointment to ease the boy's pain. Marcus still let out a muffled yelp as the plug stretched his rear muscles but he knew it could be worse. When he stood again I opened my arms and with a smile he almost jumped at me. Rubbing his back I held and kissed him for a while before I sent him off to his daily duties.
Luke was unusually quiet after I had explained why he and I enjoyed a hearty breakfast but the other boys not. He got even quieter as he learned the boys wouldn't ever again sit at a table and eat real food. At first he chuckled as Jan brought Nico in but as Timo put the bowl with dog food down in front of my pet and Nico dug his face deep into it Luke almost choked from the piece of cheese he was chewing. My reputation as a nice uncle suffered another blow as I told him he couldn't play all day with my boys because they had a lot of work to do.
The slaves knew there was a punishment coming. All boys had seen Sebastian's body and the tension was obvious. Marcus's commands were short and sharp; the boys literarily jumped to action immediately. The way the slaves reacted must have intimidated Luke so much he even asked for permission the go to his room. I didn't mind and told him he was allowed to watch TV but not to come back before being called. Luke retreated without any protest; giving me the space I needed for dealing with Sebastian.
The boy looked as miserable as I had intended. Surely he hadn't slept much that night. All boys were assembled with Sebastian front and centre. The interrogation started again and soon the boy squirmed under the hail of questions. He answered as truthfully as possible but guessed correctly that somehow with every word he dug his own grave. The other boys were deathly quiet. They felt with him but were horrified as they learned how Sebastian had tried to surpass the security fence. They realized at once that whatever their friend had intended to do, he basically ran away.
Timo burst into tears. It had been too much for him to realize what exactly had happened that night. He had witnessed the first beating but somehow everything was in a blur then. Now he remembered vividly the pictures that evil guard at the slave centre had showed. Timo had vomited at the sight of hung children, boys that were skinned and disembowelled, girls without arms and legs. The message they gave them was clear. Runaways would be dumped or recycled without mercy. Timo didn't want to lose his friend, especially not after they had discovered something beautiful last night.
Sebastian was shaking now. He had confessed everything he could and awaited now his master's verdict. He knew he wouldn't get off with that one beating yesterday but the one word his master had used repeatedly, runaway, burned into his mind. Sebastian wanted to object, wanted to scream he didn't ran away, but he couldn't. With every word of his master it sank deeper and deeper that he effectively did. Suddenly he realized the room was quiet, nobody moved, nobody talked; just some muffled sobs disturbed the silence. He looked around, saw the pale faces of his friends and companions; saw Timo weeping and lost it himself.
"You are slaves!" I addressed the boys.
"You are property! It doesn't matter what you want! You only exist because I let you exist. I don't think you really appreciate your easy life with me. All you have to do is what I tell you. You weren't beaten all day long or put in a hole where you toil away without ever seeing the sun again. Anyway, I know you're just stupid boys and stupid boys do stupid things. That's why I've tried to protect you from your own stupidity and had put up a security system. But I never imagined anyone would be so crazy to try getting through. You were so incredible lucky, boy! You could have been killed, slave! And if you had been killed, your brother wouldn't have survived too!"
All boys had started to cry now.
"Don't ever try anything like that again. I've modified the system already. You will only get through if you're with me. You will be warned; everyone will be shocked if one get to close. For your own sake, don't go further. If one dies, the others will die too. I'm so disappointed. I had trusted you all. Of course it's not your fault I wasn't there but you could have called for help. No, you thought you can trick me. Now you will suffer. But you're lucky again. The only reason why you are still alive is that you actually found your brother. I don't know how you two had set up this stunt but I will find out. I really hope you didn't have lied to me. Then there would be nothing that could save you. Did you lie to me, slave?"
"Master, no Master! Please Master, it's true, Master!" Sebastian cried.
"You will remember this day your whole life, boy. It depends on you how long this will be. Jan, fetch me the broomstick!"
Jan jumped and brought a broomstick with a belt tied in a loop in the middle. As ordered he and Marcus put Sebastian's feet through the loop and turned the stick until the feet were completely trapped. The boys held the stick up and I started to turn the boy's soles into a bloody mess. Hearing the boy screaming when my cane hit his tender flesh hurt me too but it was my Master's duty to teach him and all the boys a lesson they'd never forget. When Sebastian passed out I dropped the cane and left.
Luke lay on the bed, trying to hide and block out everything with a pillow over his head. Surely he had heard his brother's screams. I sat down and carefully pulled him on my lap. I held him tight rocked him gently.
"It's all good now, baby. Everything will become all right again."
Luke pressed his face against my chest and we both wept silently.
Sebastian screamed into his gag. The cuts in his bruised soles burned like hell as the vet put iodine on it. Bandaging the feet the doctor said:
"I wouldn't let him walk until the cuts are closed. Walking will be painful the next couple of weeks or so but I think that's what you intended. Otherwise the feet are fine. Your skills are amazing; I've seldom seen such accuracy. Most masters would have damaged his feet completely. Apart from that, it's fine to see how well the boy has recovered."
The vet ran the boy's balls trough his fingers. Despite his pain Sebastian's cock swelled in its cage. The doctor chuckled.
"Poor lad. Full balls and no chance to shoot his load. He's quite a stud for his age."
"Oh, don't worry. He will dump his spunk, but not as he would like. He's up to join my older lad on the boy milker."
Last in the row of boys the vet had to check were Chris and Jan. I noticed the younger boy had a deathly grip at Jan's hand as he led him in. Of course I knew how close both slaves were and I didn't mind. Jan worked Chris hard and that's all that mattered. But Chris was shaking and Jan was pale too.
The vet saw what's wrong as soon as Chris lay on the table. The boy yelled as the man yanked his foreskin back, exposing a little bit of a bright red glans. I had seen it before too.
"Too tight?" I asked.
"Too tight." The vet confirmed.
A high pitched "No!" came from two sides. Sebastian clutched his hands over his parts and curled into a ball. Turning around I saw Jan, shaking as aspen leaf, dropping on his knees.
"Master, please Master! Please don't cut his penis off. Let him be a boy, Master. Please!" he cried hysterically.
The vet simply took him by his collar, pulled him up and slapped him twice on his face. Jan looked baffled.
"Shut up, boy. Nobody is going to maim your little friend. We only cut off a piece of skin that is too tight so he can heal and jerk off some day, if your Master permits, that is."
I turned Jan's face to me and looked deep into his eyes. I could see pure fear.
"He's done that?" I asked
Jan looked down and nodded.
"Better I don't meet this boy's old master or something might happen." I said to the vet.
"He'll be fine and he'll be a whole boy still." I assured my oldest slave.
"But we have to do this. Shall I throw you out or are you able to help us?"
Jan hung his head.
"Master, I'm sorry Master. I know I acted like a little kid. Please tell me what I can do, Master."
"Just hold his hands." The vet ordered.
Strapped to the table there was nothing what Chris could do; not that he had a choice anyway. I had done this before myself but in this case it was better the vet did the cutting. Chris bit hard on the rubber gag in his mouth as the vet cleaned his inflamed glans and foreskin. After removing the Prince Albert the vet selected a small ring that went over the outside of the penis. Another ring, slightly smaller, was slipped between head and skin.
When the two rings were in the correct place the vet gashed into the kin and pressed the two rings together. Chris screamed for a few moments into his gag but everything was done. The sharp edges of the outer ring had cut off the foreskin at exactly the right place. The doctor cauterized the wound and sprayed an antiseptic on the newly exposed cock head. Jan comforted the distressed boy while the vet finished his work. To protect Chris from his own hands they were locked behind his back for the next hours.
Jan wasn't sure what to expect as the vet called him upon the table. He had no health problems but feeling the hands of the man that had just cut off half the dick of his little fellow made him nervous. Everything went well and to his amazement the vet took off the cock cage and started to stroke the boy's cock. Jan couldn't remember such intense feelings and of course his cock, free of all restrictions, took the chance and soaked all the blood it could get. For the first time since he was a little boy Jan was able to see his own penis growing. Though it wasn't that big to Jan it was huge. When it was fully erect the boy's foreskin was painfully stretched to its limits. The vet chuckled.
"Too tight! Cut?"
Five pairs of young eyes stared at two newly exposed but caged cock heads. It wasn't easy to find a cage small enough for little Chris but it was the best for him. The boys were curious to see the newly circumcised cocks of their friends; Luke in front. Jan and Chris moaned as the young boy lifted and twisted their cages to look at them from every side. Marcus, Timo, Nico and Julian were far less enthusiastic about their friends' misfortune but wouldn't miss the sight. Sebastian was well stored in the slave's room; bound, gagged and his feet up in the air. The doctor had given him some pills and the boy would sleep the whole night. He would feel the pain long enough so I didn't mind.
The remaining slaves didn't go scot-free; their butts had a serious meeting with the strap. With that out of the way and some urgent cleaning done, Luke had demanded them for some little boy fun. He had found out quickly that the boys would jump and run as he wanted and he could slap, pinch and tickle them without risking revenge. The boys were quite occupied what gave me time to make some video calls. It took a while and several attempts but at the end my plan was ready. A growling stomach reminded me we had skipped lunch and so I went to find my chef. I've seldom seen Timo so eager to work; he was happy to get away from the younger but free boy.
Luke's appetite was immense. He ate almost two full plates of Spaghetti Bolognese, with the predictable outcome of a very red sparkled boy and table. Timo had a very special way to make Sauce Bolognese that wouldn't let you stop eating until your stomach bursts. I had tried to get his secret out of him but though I had tickled him for almost half an hour he simply refused to tell. Of course, both of us knew if I really wanted to know he would tell me immediately but since we both enjoyed the little game I let it pass. Anyway, Luke had to be washed before bedtime. When the tube was ready I took him along with Marcus to the bathroom. Marcus undressed the boy and helped him into the tube. With a big splash he found himself in the water too. Ordering the slave into display position I addressed Luke.
"Luke, there's something you have to understand. You know all the boys in this house are slaves. They are naked because they are slaves. They have rings and chains because they are slaves. It wasn't their choice to get them painfully pierced into their bodies but there was nothing they could do because they are slaves. Slaves do as they are told, no matter if they want or not. Look, you know soap is smelling fine but doesn't taste very good. If I coat my finger with soap you would refuse to lick it because you know it would taste awfully. Marcus knows that too."
Obediently Marcus opened his mouth and cleaned my finger with his tongue. He couldn't help contorting his face a bit. Luke watched with wide eyes.
"He doesn't like it but he is a slave. He can't refuse or he would be punished before he had to do it anyway. When I would pinch your skin you would protest because you know it hurts. Pulling or twisting the boy's rings and chains does hurt too. But would Marcus protest if I turn this ring around?"
Luke stared at Marcus's nipples where I played with the rings.
"No, because he's a slave." He answered after a while.
"You're right, because he's a slave. But what we can do to them and what we should are different things. Wouldn't it be better to play with friends than with slaves?"
Luke nodded.
"Then I suggest you stop hurting them."
Luke nodded again.
"I'm sorry." He said to Marcus.
"O.K. Get clean and ready for bed. You have 40 minutes. Have fun, boys."
I handed Luke some of the toys his mother had sent over. Boats, submarines and fishes were soon spread over the tube. It didn't take long for Marcus to get occupied with the toys too. Laughter filled the bathroom as I left.
When I emerged from my office a couple of hours later the house was quiet. Looking after Luke I found him soundly sleeping; his arms were wrapped around Marcus, using the older boy's chest as pillow. Marcus stirred as I entered. I pulled the blanket over the boys and tucked them in. Marcus looked at me barely awake. Stroking both boys' heads I kissed them good night. Marcus went back into dreamland smilingly. Some weeks before my cock would have responded to such a sweet and beautiful sight as the two sleeping boys were. Wondering again what the boy had done to me I switched off the lights.
Luke looked quite sceptically as he stood on a stool while the tailor went around him. I watched from a big leather chair while caressing the hair of my prefect slave who knelt obediently beside me. I had to search long until I found the little shop that was specialized in boy outfits. The tailor knew exactly how to handle a young boy and to my surprise Luke didn't complain as we stripped him to his underpants. Soon he wore a white vest, blue shirt with a matching tie and grey sleeveless sweater. Dark grey knee socks and flannel shorts completed his outfit together with a pair of black shoes. The last items he put on were a black blazer and a coat. It might sound as a common British style school uniform but what Luke wore was top range quality, carefully selected and fitted.
I wanted Luke to be the best-looking boy in his Primary School. There was no school uniform mandatory and most boys wore sloppy outfits. I had a long talk with Luke's class teacher and we both agreed there had to be changes in the boy's live. His way of dressing would be the first. The man was really helpful and it turned out that he knew Marcus too; he had been his teacher in second grade. Pupils were allowed to have their slaves along but not during class itself. I learned that the slaves usually were put to work by the janitor or stored in a slave's pen while waiting for their young masters. But since slaves were expensive not many of them were wasting valuable time waiting in school.
The teacher, a Mr. Martin, agreed to put together some additional schoolwork for Luke that would be supervised by Marcus in the afternoon. To my surprise he suggested some tutoring for Marcus too. It was obvious the teacher had liked my boy and knew of his abilities but also his sad story. Mr. Martin said he knew a retired teacher who didn't mind teaching slaves and lived near Luke's school. For a start he promised to send some work for Marcus too and would even mark it. For sure both boys were in for a big surprise when I would break the news to them.
Ordering three more sets of clothing for Luke we left the shop. The tailor had told me the shorts and blazer could be extended at least one, maybe two sizes so Luke would be able to wear them a year or two. The boy wasn't convinced about his new outfits and winced as the cool winter air hit his bare knees but didn't complain since Marcus had only his skimpy tunic on. I knew it would be a challenge for the boy to stand up against his mates when they were teasing him but I expected him to manage that well. After all teasing would be mostly out of jealousy. Strapping a boy into his child seat was as new to me as to Luke seeing a slave put into a car cage. The boy had a lot to think over and was quickly asleep.
On our way home we stopped at my favourite slave outfitter. The small but well-assorted shop had every type of slave clothing and equipment. The teacher had told me slaves weren't allowed to be naked at the school so I had to get a dress for Marcus too. The boy had still no idea that he would have to bring Luke to school so he was quite surprised when the assistant handed me some simple shorts without any pockets. They fitted snugly and accentuated his boyish bubble butt nicely. But to the next piece I fell in love with immediately. It was kind of a sleeveless one-piece swimsuit. The thin fabric left no part of my boy's fine body to imagination. The bright blue colour corresponded fantastically with his pale skin.
To Marcus it wasn't a big thing to shed his tunic in front of the shop assistant. In the first shop he was slightly embarrassed, but only because his nipple rings were so obviously presented to a stranger. That the tunic practically drew everyone's eyes to his barely covered groin area didn't bother him at all. He was with the man he loved; that was all that mattered. The changes in Marcus's behaviour in public were so obvious to me I had to smile. The feelings of embarrassment were overridden by the hypnotic rules. It clearly did help the boy to accept his role without changing his personality. A pair of bright yellow socks from the same water resistant material as the suit and some transparent plastic sandals finished the slave's new outfit.
I shouted to get atte
ntion a couple of hours later at home.
"Boys, there are some things I have to tell you."
The room fell silent.
"As you know, Luke has to start school again tomorrow. I expect him to knuckle into his work to improve his marks. To give him help and support I'll send Marcus with him."
Luke and especially Marcus looked at me in surprise.
"They will represent my house so I've bought them some clothes to wear at school. Of course I expect your best behaviour all the time. At home Marcus will care for Luke too."
Turning to the youngest boy I continued.
"Luke, this is no punishment, I know you can do better than last year. I'll send Marcus with you to help you. But he's a slave so you are the master. You decide what to do, but take his advice. He's been a good student and you can learn a lot from him."
Luke nodded.
"You are a good boy, Luke. You'll do fine. As you know, Marcus is very special to me."
Marcus turned bright red while the other boys chuckled.
"I'll share him with you because I like you a lot, young man. Take good care of him, o.k.?"