I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves
Chapter 4-7
Chapter 4 New Rules – New Pain
I awoke from a muffled shriek followed by the sounds of a boy rolling around in his bed. I smiled. Obviously Marcus had missed the first wake up call from his collar and it went to business now. He would feel increasing pain in his neck until the boy's vital parameters were indicating to the collar's sensors he was fully awake and moving. The collar was a masterpiece of technology. It could be used for surveillance, discipline and training. The collar was recording the position of the slave; the physical condition he was in and his actual movements. There was an audio recording module too and even a video tool would available if necessary. The collar could work on its own or could be attached to a wireless network system. Such a system was working in my house since I had invented the technology a couple of years ago.
All collars my slaves wear were much or less sophisticated but all were controlled by a server in my office. Engineering such devices was a pleasure change from my business as a property administrator, a job I had inherited from my father. I'd rather wanted to continue my studies of technology but I had to admit that this would have never provided me the wealth I actually had. Best thing was I could work at home.
Marcus had managed to get up and tried to regain orientation. He remembered where he was and what he had to do. Though still sleepy he shuffled out. His first task each day would be to release the other slaves from their cell. The boys lay awake.
Marcus knelt down and untied Julian's ankles from his wrists, allowing him to stretch his legs. The boy was in great pain from being tied up so long and had not slept. His head rested on the floor. Chris and Timo were waiting. Marcus made them kneeling beside Julian.
"I have to tell you something." Marcus said while lowering himself to his knees.
"Master had made me his personal slave and your boss. I don't want to hurt you but I have to. He had tortured me. He had whipped, caned and strapped me for trying to go easy on you. He had spanked and paddled me for your faults. And he had flicked my balls for my own failure. All in a single day. You want my job? I'll go and tell master."
Timo and Chris shook their heads.
"Master had transformed Nico into a pet. He has to behave like a dog all the time. If he speaks his collar would shock him, same if he doesn't stay on all fours. He is locked in a dog cage where he can't sit or stretch out. I had to feed him dog food yesterday. He is our friend so we must help him. Encourage him and show him he is still our buddy."
The boys nodded.
"Timo is the first houseboy so he is responsible for all chores the houseboys have to do. Chris works along with him. Look at the displays next to the doors. They tell you what to do."
Timo nodded again.
"Chris, you will do all carrying and running. When all chores are done we will go outside."
Chris looked down but nodded too.
"Now a word about Julian. I don't know how he had upset master so much but master had made him a toy. That means he is even lower than a slave. Master said he has no name anymore. So we are not allowed to call him Julian. He isn't allowed to speak. Master told me further that he has to be always in pain and bondage."
"And so it will be. And more."
The boys winced as they heard my voice. I had followed Marcus and overheard his speech from outside. Marcus crawled over when I had entered the cell. He bowed and kissed my feet. Chris and Timo just knelt there with their foreheads on the floor. Julian was unable to move but looked horrified.
"Master, good morning, Master." Marcus greeted me.
"Good morning, slaves. Today is a big day for you. It is your first full day on your new duties. Marcus here will tell you what to do later. Your day will start of course with cleaning yourself. Boy, look at your instructions and tell them what to do."
Marcus took Timo and led him to the shower and told him to crap. Ten year old boys could get used to being naked but doing their business in front of others was different. Timo just stood there with wide eyes. Marcus was still tired and not in mood to make long discussions. He had to empty his bowels too and so, despite his own embarrassment, he squatted over the hole, pulled his buttocks apart and pushed out a couple of turds. When he was finished he got up, whipped Timo on his back and pointed to the corner. Timo jumped and reluctantly followed the example. Chris was next. It needed only a frown from Marcus and the boy rushed to obey him.
I went over to Julian, removed his gag and yanked him on his knees. Marcus was beckoned to stand in front of him. I took his penis and pulled him closer.
"Turn around, spread your legs wide and bend over."
I pushed Julian's face into is butt crack.
"Lick it clean, completely and thoroughly!"
He tried to fight but a couple of whips broke him. Slowly he licked Marcus' ass. The boy couldn't avoid a quiet moan as Julian's tongue caressed his puckered hole.
"Go inside him with your tongue. Make him entirely clean."
Eventually he finished his licking. I checked Marcus' ass and was satisfied. The two other horrified slaves had their turn next. Marcus managed to keep Julian doing his task with only a few swats. The boy fell to the floor afterwards, crying heavily. He curled into a ball as far as he could; being clearly at the verge of vomiting.
Marcus and the houseboys were sent to do their chores. I dragged Julian to the shower. There was a water tap with a hose attached in the corner. After I had rinsed his face I held the boy on his waist face down and reached for the butt plug. I pulled it out at once, much to the boy's discomfort. The hose went into the hole and I filled his bowels with cold water. When I was satisfied with the amount of water he had inside I pushed the plug back in, causing him to scream again. Still holding the boy I started to smack his buttocks hard. He winced and squirmed. Soon he got the first cramps as the cold water did its duty. The spanking continued for about five minutes. I placed him above the hole in the floor and pulled the plug out again. He clenched his sphincter first but within seconds the water spurted out. He hadn't much to eat lately. The plug went in again. I cleaned him with the hose.
Julian was hanging on his wrists in the frame. His legs were bent and the calves and thighs were tightly bound together. His knees were forced apart by two straps from the sides. He was gagged and blindfolded again. He hung there for ten minutes now after I had paddled his ass thoroughly. He was constantly crying, sobbing and grunting, the noises muffled by the dildo gag in his mouth. His body ached all over. The boy's 5 cm [2"] penis hung flaccid; his testicles were still undeveloped but were bedded in a deep scrotum, ideal for ball torture. I squeezed and crushed them several times. His body twisted and he shrieked into his gag. I pulled is balls down and tied a stretcher around. A weight of lead should stretch his balls down nicely, I thought. He screamed as I lowered the weight. It pulled mercilessly. Right in time Marcus arrived to call me for breakfast. I left the sobbing boy alone, noticing his now very rigid member.
I smiled at the sight of a small boy running ahead, opening doors with bowed head. I thought about having bought a natural talent. He submitted himself so easily and endured his beatings as best as he could. He waited at the door to the dining room but I turned and entered the kitchen. I heard a bump followed by an "ouch" and saw a grimacing Timo kneeling beside the trolley, balancing a coffeepot. A splash of hot coffee dripped from his chest. His grimacing intensified as I grabbed his ear and pulled sharply.
"Using your feet and damaging my property, weren't you?"
"Master, ouch yes Master."
"Master, I'm sorry Master, but the cupboards are so high. I knelt on Chris' back while preparing breakfast but I didn't want to break another piece of tableware so I took a step, Master."
Indeed Chris crouched before the cupboard. I couldn't let this go unpunished but he was right. The kitchen was designed for young teens to work in, not little boys.
"Well, I'll think about that. On your back and feet in the air, now. Marcus, join him."
Marcus, who had stood behind his master quickly obeyed. Both boys stretched out their legs. I took my whip and hit them hard on their soles. Two on each foot for Timo, four for Marcus.
"That'll do. Now carry on, I'm hungry."
Breakfast looked as good as supper. Marcus was surprised being ordered under the table but quickly got the hint as he saw my unzipped fly. Timo knelt there with wide eyes as a small curly haired head moved up and down on my groin. The boy was getting better every time. Soon I had to tell him to slow down. I didn't want to cum now. Eventually I kicked him away.
"Clean up and come to your cell." I ordered the boys.
I had to look after my pet. I found his food bowl still filled with dog food. I opened the cage and ordered him out. He had difficulties to move but managed it after to hits of the red button, making him almost jump. I attached a leash and tied it to a ring in the wall. He could reach his bowls but not the cage. I told him that he won't be fed anything other. It was his choice to stay hungry or give in to the inevitable. Before I left I turned a TV screen on and told him to watch and to learn. It was a training video for dogs. He started to cry again.
Julian was still sobbing. He sighed as I removed the weight. I untied his legs and let him hang free for a couple of minutes. Then I lifted one leg slowly until his ankle touched his wrist. I clipped it there. The other leg followed. He was now a very pretty sight, his bottom stuck out and the butt plug was on display. The three boys came down and I lined them up for to watch. I pulled the plug out a little bit and let it slip back. I pulled it a little more and again it went in. This was repeated about 20 times, accompanied with muffled screams, until the plug was completely out. I gave it Chris to clean.
My cock was hard again as I moved to Julian's waiting bottom. The redness was fading so I took a strap and heated him up again. He wailed and sobbed. My pants fell down. I turned to the kneeling boys. All three had boners too.
"Timo, Chris, come here."
I grabbed their hands and placed them on my cock.
"Stroke it. This is the only cock you are allowed to touch. If I ever catch you playing with my property attached to your body I'll cut it off. Never touch your cock or balls. Marcus will wash you if he feels you need it. Only he is allowed to touch your genitals and only for cleaning. Marcus will not touch his own anyway. You understand?"
"Master, yes Master." three boys shouted.
I turned my attention back to the hanging slave. Marcus could guess what was coming now and Julian certainly knew too as my cock poked around his anus. The other two boys knelt agog in curiosity. Julian tried to clench his sphincter, his whole body trembled. Tears were running freely. I reached out for his nipples, pinched and twisted until they were really sore. Then I grabbed his hips, aimed and trusted forward. Even through his gag the scream was frightening. I fucked him slowly. I lost track but I think it had lasted more than 30 minutes until I came with a last violent trust.
After I had recovered I looked at my kneeling slaves. Their expression varied from disgust to horror. Marcus starred absentminded. I removed Julian from his hanging position and tied him again. I thought about ordering a slave to lick the traces of blood and seed coming out of his anus but decided against it. After wiping him with a rag the plug was inserted and I told Timo and Chris to drag him into the cell and secure him firmly. They struggled but managed it eventually. I stored the boys in their cell and rolled a TV in. Over the past years I had taped several training videos showing how I want my slaves working. It was Sunday and I wanted to get some more sleep. I addressed Marcus.
"Boy, feed the slaves now. You may give some water to my toy, nothing else until I tell you. Your collar will tell you when I want you in my bedroom. Make sure the houseboys have my lunch ready at noon. No talking."
Before I went to bed I entered some commands to the PDA. All boys could be controlled with this little computer. A signal would be sent to Marcus in two hours. If any of the boys would fall asleep during the day he would be shocked. Julian would feel a constant pain in his neck.
I awoke as Marcus entered my bedroom. He was unsure what to do so he knelt down at the foot end of the bed. I lifted the blanket and beckoned him to come to my side. He lay stiff as a poker on his back, his whole body tensed as I started to fondle his nipples. My hands ran down to his groin. He winced as my fingers caressed his penis.
"Easy boy. Who owns this body?"
"Master, you own this body, Master."
"This is correct. Relax boy, enjoy it."
I licked his little face, from his left ear over his cheeks and lips to the right. My tongue invaded his ear hole. I felt his body trembling. I went down his neck to his chest. Slowly I licked and sucked his right nipple. As it started to stick out I bit into it, eliciting a shriek from Marcus. I pinched and twisted the left nipple with my fingers. My tongue worked down over his belly, tickling his navel until he squirmed. His cock was stiff and hard. I pulled his foreskin back and run my tongue over his glance. I took it in my mouth and sucked, stroking is nipples and his balls with my hands. He was close to come and I stopped. He moaned quietly. I turned him around, spreading his legs and let my fingers run through his butt crack. He clenched his fists and a wave of tension ran through his body, followed by a deep sob. The boy cried.
"What's wrong, boy?"
"Master, are you going to fuck me, Master?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Master, you said you wanted to see if Julian was the best for my job before you put your cock into him, Master."
"You are my personal slave and your job is to make me happy. It is wonderful to have a little ass around my cock. So yes, I will fuck you, but not today. Don't be afraid, I will show you how you can enjoy it too."
"Master, it hurts, Master." he sobbed again.
I turned him around and held his face with my hands, forcing him to look at me.
"Someone did it to you before. I can feel that. Who was it? Who had made the perfect cock sucker you are?"
He closed his eyes.
"Boy, answer your master's question."
"Master, please
"Marcus, tell me. Who was it?"
"Master, I can't, Master. He will kill me."
"Boy, nobody can do you any harm here. Now, who is he?"
"Father Thomas" he said barley audible.
Chapter 5 Challenging the Master
I laughed.
"Sorry boy, I couldn't help. Father Thomas - the hypocrisy in person. You were an altar boy, right?"
"Master, yes Master."
"I see. Tell me more."
"Master, after mass I often had to stay with him in the sacristy. He made me crawl under his cassock and suck him. He had beaten me when I resisted or he was not satisfied, Master." Marcus sobbed.
"Why didn't you tell your foster parents?"
"Master, he said if I tell anything he would kill me and I will go to hell, Master," he cried.
"Don't worry about that anymore, boy. Please continue."
"Master, one Sunday he took me the presbytery. I had to strip and then he pushed me on his bed and
Marcus couldn't talk anymore. I held him tightly and let him cry against my shoulder.
"Good boy, Marcus. This is over. He can't do anything to you anymore. I'm here, my boy."
The boy slowly calmed down. I laid him on his back. Softly I caressed his cheeks.
"Marcus, please listen carefully. What the priest had done to you was not right. You were a free boy and he had no right to rape you. I will try to let him pay for that. However, you are a slave now, my slave to be exactly. You and your body belong to me. I can do whatever I want. I could fuck you here and now. But I won't do that. As I said you are here for my pleasure but I want my boy to enjoy it as much as possible too. Therefore I want you to be ready for that. You are much younger as my last boy. If I enter you it will hurt. There is no way to avoid that. But the pain will abate and then you will feel the pleasure. I'll wait until you tell me you are ready. Take you time. Don't rush yourself into something you can't cope with. I do this because I like you, Marcus."
I kissed his tears away.
"Now relax and enjoy."
Stroking his inner thighs I took is little cock in my mouth and began to suck him. I find nothing disgusting in cock sucking by a master to his slave if the slave had deserved such a reward. The boy could not resist my administration and so he moaned in pleasure quickly. I teased him a little as I stopped two times before he could cum but at last I allowed him to climax. As he recovered I continued to caress his naked frame. But time for lunch had arrived and so I had to summon my little slave back to his duties. I switched to the cruel master mode.
"If I were you I would jump out of this bed within seconds to avoid punishment." I whispered in his ear.
It took a few seconds before the message had successfully sunk to his relaxed mind. Then he opened his eyes wide and got a haunted expression. He tensed his little body, jumped up and darted head first out of the bed. He did a forward roll and landed on his knees. After turning around he bowed his head; his body trembled in shock of the unexpected threat.
"Very impressive. From now on you will always leave my bed in this way." I laughed.
"Master, yes Master."
"I'm just joking, boy. But it's time to teach you your morning duties. First you will wake me by sucking my cock. If you perform well I will go easy on you, if not I'll spank you. Sure I will have to piss in the morning so you will drink it. Before you are going to wake me you will prepare a bath. It is your task to wash me. I might go to the toilet before. You will wipe me clean afterwards. As long I am satisfied with your behaviour you can do this with toilet paper. If I'm annoyed the rag in your mouth will do the job. Do you understand?"
"Master, yes Master." the horrified boy managed to answer.
"After the bath you will rub me dry and brush me teeth. Then you will dress me. The clothes for the day should be prepared by you already. All necessary information is provided at the displays. You will lead me to breakfast. Well, we are awake so I think we skip the blow job."
I stood up and pointed to my cock. Reluctantly the boy shuffled forward.
"It is easier for you if you pinch your nose shut."
With clear disgust he took my cock in his mouth and pinched his nose. I threatened him with an immediate caning if he spilled a drop of my juice or even vomited. His heart was pounding and his breathe paced fast. He had closed his eyes.
"Look at me, boy!"
He did and sheer terror was in his look. I smiled and pulled my cock out of his mouth.
"No, my little pet. I'm not going to piss in your mouth. Stand up."
He did with a very puzzled expression.
"You had shown once again courage and obedience. I'm proud of you. Until you displease me I will not force you to act as my toilet. Come."
I led him in my large bathroom. It had an open shower with two platforms at the sides where my young servant could stand while washing me. He had to stretch his body as far as he could to wash my hair but he performed well. After drying and dressing me we went to the dining room where Timo had my lunch ready. With more practice the boy would become a really good cook, I thought while enjoying a breast of chicken with wine sauce on rice. I had entered a list of meals in the computer from which the boys could choose. It had always been a pleasure to be surprised by the selection of my houseboys. I was sure Timo wouldn't disappoint me knowing the skills of his father. I looked at the little slave who was clearing the plate from the table.
"Fetch me the cane, Marcus."
Marcus immediately left his position behind my chair to bring me the dreaded object, wondering what was wrong. Timo was appalled and focused the floor. Marcus returned and fell on his knees, offering me the cane with two hands.
"Boy, I think this slave has to be punished for using his feet. He must have disobeyed me to be able to prepare a difficult meal as this. I think four strokes would remind him that he has no right to stand on his feet. Show him the required position."
Timo was horrified. He had managed to cook the meal kneeling on Chris back. He burst in tears about the unfairness of the situation. He knew if he tried to object to his master's accusation he would be punished even worse. He shuffled to the middle of the room and bent over as Marcus showed him. Dutifully Marcus took the same position.
"Master, please, may I speak?" Marcus asked carefully.
"I hope it is important and you are not simply delaying your punishment."
"Master, this slave had promised me yesterday never to use his feet again in the kitchen. He said he could do it if slave Chris provides him some help, Master. Master, of course I would never doubt about your discernment. I know you will always make the right decision, Master."
"Nice speech, boy. But don't you think he would have spoken for his defence if he is innocent?"
"Master, how could a slave dare to oppose his master, even if he would be allowed to speak?"
"Wise words you spoke, slave. Why do you think this doesn't affect you?" I asked with rising anger.
"Master, you put me in charge of the other slaves. I'm responsible for them. I have to punish them if they fail. But I feel obligated to stand for them when I think they didn't, even by the risk of severe punishment, Master."
"Well, we'll deal with this case of outrageous impertinence later. Anyway I don't want to punish without reason if there is a possibility I could be wrong and so I offer you two choices. First you can take this punishment as to proof I'm right. Second the slave can show me he could indeed have done his task as ordered. If he succeeded the slaves can eat what he has cooked. If he fails I'll double the sentence and add more for wasting food. I await your answer."
"Master, I really appreciate your generosity and thankfully select the opportunity to show the slaves skills, Master."
So we went to the kitchen where Chris was on his knees to scrub the floor. I took a place at the table and told Timo to cook the next meal on the list. He would get no other help as a kneeling Chris could provide. Timo took the cookbook and looked for the recipe. Suddenly he became pale and looked frightened and shameful to the floor.
"What's wrong, boy? Can't you do this?"
The boy shook his head.
"Why not. You may speak."
"Master, I'm sorry Master. But for this particular recipe I need a casserole which is stored in the upper cupboard, Master. I would need the help from sir to get up there but you said I can't so I'm defeated. Please punish me, Master."
"Marcus, fetch the casserole."
The boy darted forward, stepped on Chris' shoulders and jumped on the worktop. I accepted the item was in a place no boy could reach without using his feet. Marcus returned to his place behind me. I reached back but couldn't touch him.
"Boy, I want you always within the reach of my hands when you have no other duties. When my hand can't touch you again I'll tear the skin from your ass. Got it?"
"Master, yes Master. I'm sorry, Master." the boy said sheepishly while moving close to my chair.
I laid my arm around his waist and started to play with his balls. His little cock reacted immediately and aroused from its permanent state of semi erection. He blushed but didn't try to move away. Meanwhile Timo shuffled on his knees from one corner to the other, always beckoning Chris to crawl along. It took great effort for Timo to keep climbing up and down his friend's back but didn't slow down a bit. The clever boy used a spatula to push or pull things he can't touch with his hands. Both boys acted in complete silence.
Marcus squirmed and moaned. I had brought him several times to the verge of orgasm only to stop short before he could climax. He became more and more frustrated. Little did he know that this was the state he would be in when puberty had enhanced his libido as most masters would deny their slaves the pleasure of sexual release.
After two third of an hour Timo eventually had finished his preparations. He shuffled to the table, bowed and kissed the floor in front of his master's feet. He lifted his face and gave me a pleading look before he bowed his head again.
"You may speak."
"Master, thank you, Master. Would you please tell me where to set a table? The food needs to cook further for about twenty minutes, Master."
"No table. Just prepare one plate."
"Master, yes Master. Thank you Master."
He bowed again and shuffled back to the kneeling Chris. After placing a single plate on the worktop of the kitchen he beckoned Chris to continue scrubbing the floor. Marcus had started to cry quietly not only from the continued tormenting of denied pleasure but from his already very sore penis. The foreskin and glance of his cock were bright read and ultra sensitive. However I didn't stop the vexation because he had to get used to it. He would spend hours on parties or private meetings being fondled by me or a guest. By the time Chris had finished his task a bell rung indicating the end of cooking time.
Timo had cooked a seafood pie with potatoes. He arranged the plate and brought it to the table. Both boys knelt know before their masters, their forehead touching the floor. The food smelled seductively. I tried and it tasted good. I ordered Marcus to join his colleagues awaiting their verdict. Chris had still no idea what had happened but the two other rear ends trembled obviously.
"Look at me, slaves. Although I'm still not convinced there is a possibility you might have not disobeyed me. Therefore I will ignore the fact you have challenged your master. Don't do this again or face a trip to the whipping post."
Three very pale faces looked terrified.
"The caning is suspended. You may mash this pie and fill it into your bowls for tonight's feeding."
Tons of rocks fell from their shoulders.
"Listen, boys. I accept that you are all too small to work properly on your knees in this house. It is simply ineffective to have two slaves doing the work of one. Further you have been generally obedient and respectful. So I change to rule. As long as you keep yourself out of sight of any guest of my house you may use your feet. I expect you to show always proper respect for your master anyway. That's all for now. Finish your tasks for today, slaves. Marcus, I expect you at the punishment area."
Chapter 6 Misery
Nico was a complete misery. He leaned against the wall, his face stained with tears and snot. His whole body trembled. My computer told me he had been shocked three times. I knelt down and reached out for his face. He tried to back away.
"Easy, my little pet, I'm not going to hurt you. How are you doing? Did you watch your videos? No? Too busy with crying? Oh dear, my little one. Don't worry you'll get used to soon."
I stroked his head and back. He hadn't touched his bowls. I led him gently over and pushed his shoulders down until he was on his elbows with hit arms and hands flat on the floor. His face was now over the bowl with the dog food. He turned his face away in disgust.
"You have to eat something, my little pet. This food isn't as bad as your mind tells you. It is all a matter of will power. Look."
I dipped my finger into the dog food and licked it. The dog food had a strong taste but was quite good. His eyes almost popped out. I ran my finger again through his bowl and held it against his lips. His mind found the thought of eating dog food still revolting but eventually his hunger overtook. He opened his lips. He grimaced but licked my finger clean. Still uncertain he looked at me and I nodded to the bowl. He flinched several times before he managed to bring his face down to the bowl and to pick the first peace of meat. He swallowed it. I praised him effusively like I would have done while training a real dog. The ban was broken. He gulped the food down ravenously and left the bowl clean as freshly washed. He tried to lick his face but couldn't reach his nose and chin. Instinctly he lifted his right arm and wiped it over his face. He froze and looked at me in horror awaiting a punishment for using an arm.
He was surprised when I praised him again instead.
"Fine, my little pet, you did well. You can lift one arm shortly to clean, scratch or rub you like a real pet would do, as long as you don't use your hands. They are paws, remember. So don't bend your fingers. Clean your face and lick your arm. Very good, my little one, now slurp your water."
He did while I was stroking his back.
"Listen, my little pet. When we are outside I can't always look at you so you have to answer by barking. It's just the same as blinking. One means no and two means yes. You understand?"
He barked twice and it sounded as real as a young boy could do. I ruffled his hair.
"You are a good boy pet. I'm proud of you."
He managed to smile weakly. I pushed him gently backwards until his feet touched the toilet box. I spread his legs and lifted his body until he squatted over the box, his arms straight with palms on the floor.
"Nico, I want you to remember this position. This is how you do your business from now on. You can only do it here on your box or outside when we take a walk. If you have finished put some litter or sand over it with your feet. This is the only time you are allowed to use your feet deliberately. Got it?"
He barked twice but less enthusiastically.
"Remember doing it before you go into your cage. If you are in you'll have to hold it. It is your cage and if you make a mess you'll clean it yourself. And since you are a pet the only rug you will use is that little red one in your mouth. Is this clear?"
This time he only blinked.
"Oh come on, you are a very fine pet, you will not get in trouble. Now do your business and crawl back into you cage and take a nap. I'll send the boys later to wash you."
He barked twice when I detached the leash before I shut the door.
As expected a very scared boy with wobbling knees waited for me in the punishment area. He fell onto his knees, kissed the floor and kept his head down. He would never forget his first time in the frame so he almost panicked as I told him to stand spread eagled in front of it for me to tie him up. I strapped him in and took a seat at the throne like chair where I sat when the boy saw his new master for the first time. He shivered, hanging helplessly on his wrists.
"I am very disappointed, slave." I said, emphasizing the last word.
He winced. Since his appointment I had addressed him always as boy or called his name. He knew he was in big trouble.
"How could I've been fooled by a boy I had trusted completely; by a boy I had thought to be reliable; by a boy I had made my assistant; by a boy I thought to be obedient and selfless; by a boy whose behaviour I thought to be an example for all slaves; by a boy I liked so much?"
He flinched as every word hit him like a cane.
"I was mistaken by a boy who abused his privileges to talk himself out of trouble by putting his friend's ass into the line of fire; the very same boy who had promised me he would never betray me only to do so at the next occasion."
Marcus twisted and squirmed.
"You let me down boy; you let your friends down; you betrayed those who love you!"
He screamed. He screamed like I never heard a boy screaming. He screamed until he couldn't anymore. After that there was silence. Eventually he said barely audible:
"Master, I swear by the memory of my parents that I only tried to prevent a failure, Master."
His body was shaken by his sobs.
"Master, I would never betray you. I would never be unfaithful to you, Master. I couldn't stand losing the only person who really cared for my since my parents had died."
He lifted his head and I saw in his eyes an endless ocean of sadness and pain. He gulped.
"But if you lost your confidence in me, Master, please let me die."
He collapsed, his whole body hung limp in the frame.
I felt a searing pain in my heart as I realized how much words could hurt. No beating or torture would have caused so much damage as I had just inflicted to him. In a plain stupidity I had probably destroyed the soul of a boy I suddenly knew I love deeply.
I jumped up, released his straps and pulled him into my arms. Holding him tightly we both cried against the other's shoulder. In a gentle swaying motion I carried him around. Slowly we calmed and eventually the weeping ceased. But I still didn't want to let him go. I just held him and stroked his back. He stayed passively.
"Master, I'm sorry" he whispered.
"Sh sh sh, my boy. No need for you to be. I have to apologize sincerely. I was too blind to see the difference between selfishness and clear devotion to duty. I believe now a pure and innocent character as yours couldn't even imagine acting in such an underhand way. Please forgive me, Marcus, and stay with me in certainty that I love you."
He didn't answer but put his arms around my neck and clung as tightly as he probably could, bursting into tears again. None of us wanted to let the other go but the sound of naked feet pounding on the stairs interrupted this very private moment. I stood him on his feet with a brief kiss and tried to compose myself before they reached the basement.
Timo and Chris had probably heard the scream and saw now a still weeping boy standing in front of me. Although they saw no new visible damage on his body they concluded he must have been severely punished or tortured. Unfortunately they were partly right as Marcus clearly had suffered mental torments. Timo blamed himself for causing Marcus new pain and therefore felt ashamed. To their both misfortune he subsequently made the mistake to bow first to his friend for whom he felt sorry before kneeling down and kissing my feet.
In my current mood I would probably have ignored this affront but Marcus had already lifted his whip and brought it down hard to the raised bottom of the kneeling culprit. He lashed him four times more before the young slave couldn't even react. Marcus unclipped the whip from his wrist and handed it with a deep bow over to me. I hesitated but he insisted. He turned and bent over, gripping his ankles tightly, still sobbing.
"Master, I had to punish a slave in front of you for insolent behaviour. Please give me what I deserve, Master," he managed to say between his sobs.
I didn't really want to do this but we both knew I had no option or it would have a disastrous effect for the boy's reputation. The whip made a swishing sound before it smacked onto his bottom cheeks. I delivered seven more swats subsequently as quick as I could. Of course the whipping did nothing to ease his crying. But Marcus didn't even flinch once.
I looked around. Timo still knelt on the floor crying and holding his freshly whipped bottom. Chris, who was a step behind his fellow slave, knelt on one leg like frozen. His puzzled look could have been priceless if it wouldn't mean that he didn't show his respect for master and prefect. Marcus had mistaken the silence as indication he could rise but I stopped him with a light slash on his back. Fearing further punishment for disobedience he quickly bent over again, deeper than before. I saw his knees trembling. I stepped to his side, ran my hand over his lower back and looked at the still absent minded slave boy Chris.
In a quick motion I brought the whip hard against the spot where Marcus' buttocks meet his legs. This caught him completely off guard. He gave a yelp and made a step forward. As soon as he was back in position another blow hit the same place. The boy shrieked loud. Chris turned his head to the source of the noise; still looking bemused. As the third blow made Marcus screaming in agony Chris caught my stern glance, realizing his friend's whipping was somehow connected with him. I could see the wheels turning through his eyes as I slowly lifted the whip again. Eventually the coin fell and he jumped forward, squatted as low as he could and kissed my feet. He didn't dare to move and rested his head on the ground.
"Timo!" I snapped.
The boy had watched Marcus' flogging with increasing horror especially because he had not yet realized what he had done. Hearing his name made him almost panicking. Fearing the worst he bowed again, touching the floor with his forehead and awaiting his master's commands. I ordered him to fetch the soothing ointment from the bathroom. I applied the ointment carefully onto the welts and bruised on Marcus' bottom. Working the ointment into his skin clearly caused him further pain but the very expensive lotion enhanced his healing abilities so the welts would fade very soon. Timo expected that he wouldn't receive a similar treatment what was proven to be true. I sent the two boys upstairs to wash my pet.
I really didn't know what do to with the boy kneeling in front of me. He got no real punishment so far. Therefore I had to give him something to remember but I had to be careful. I felt that he was a very sensitive boy trying to shelter his soul bravely. He clearly suffered from his weight physically and mentally but wasn't strong enough to fight against it.
Breaking without destroying him surely was a balancing act over open ground.
With some difficulty I secured the boy at the punishment frame; hanging on his wrist cuffs his limbs were stretched to the limit. His legs were spread wide and fixed to an iron bar hanging from the ceiling. This brought his bottom up with cheeks wide apart. He tried to clench them but to no avail. His tiny hole was clearly visible. The boy's penis was really small and the testicles still at his groin. I didn't expect him to reach the first stands of puberty until 13 or later.
"Slave, you have shamefully failed to show your submissiveness towards your master. Normally such an insubordination would inevitable lead to severe punishment and disposal. However I consider the fact you were obviously distracted by the sudden punishment of another slave. But you were clearly absent-minded for several minutes and in this house is no place for daydreamers. You have carelessly caused your prefect a lot of pain. I can't tolerate that. Therefore I will give you something to think about."
I started to flog the very sensitive parts of his body, namely his inner thighs and buttocks. I indented to make these areas really sore so he would feel the effect quite a time because the skin would rub together when he was moving. Needless to say that this was a very painful process so he cried and squirmed a lot. I concluded this part with four well aimed lashes onto his anus. He screamed and twisted and managed even to lift his body further by his arms and legs. But I wasn't finished yet. I detached the bar from its chain so he hung now spread-eagled. He could stand on his toes for a little support. This gave me free access to his upper arms and armpits. The blows weren't hard but he shrieked and screamed. Soon the skin was red and sore too. There were only tiny welts and they would fade quickly. The fat boy was reduced to tears. His body hung limp at his wrists, gasping heavily. He had closed his eyes. I lowered the frame so he could stand on his feet when he had recovered.
It was time to check out the last slave, my little toy. I adjusted my hard cock in my trousers and entered the cell. He lay in a corner of the cell, his head rested on the floor. A short chain was attached to his collar, his wrists and ankles still bound together.
He had his eyes closed but from the pace of his breath I could tell he was awake. Nobody could sleep when a boy is screaming a few steps away. But he was clearly in distress in his bondage and with the constant pain the collar inflicted to his neck. I put my shoe under his chin and turned his face. He opened his eyes and got immediately a horrified expression. He tried to back away but the chain held him in place. I untied the strap between his wrists and ankles and told him to get on his knees.
"Well, my little toy, I hope you had an unpleasant day so far?"
He tried to say something but was hindered by his gag. Nevertheless that earned him four smacks in his face with my hand.
"Didn't I tell you the only sounds I want to hear from you are your screams and howls? You may answer by blinking; one for no and two for yes. Let's try it. Are you hungry?"
He rapidly blinked twice.
"Sure you are. If you are a good toy I'll consider feeding you tomorrow. Are you going to be a good toy?"
He groaned in his gag but blinked twice. I detached the chain and unclipped his wrist cuffs, lifted his arms over his head and pulled down the pulley chain. I secured his cuffs to the chain and put the pulley into motion. Link after link went over the pulley wheel until the boy stood barley on his toes. I told him to stretch his limbs good and left.
Marcus and Timo had just finished their task. Little boy pet Nico had been washed and oiled. They had the toilet box emptied, cleaned and refilled. The boy had felt an initially happiness as he saw his friends but that turned quickly into despair when they not only treated him but even talked to him as if he were a dog. The boys did only what I had instructed. They gave him simple orders and praised him effusively when he performed well, just as if they were training a real dog. However, it hurt the boys to see him suffer so they broke the order. Both boys hugged him tightly and assured him they will forever be friends whatever happens to them. They had a good cry together. Nico had found new power and licked their tears away before he was again cleaned and stored in his cage.
Timo was sent to bring tea and biscuits into the garden. I called Nico out of his cage, took a leash from the wall and attached it to his collar. I told him to hold contact with my leg and led him downstairs, closely followed by Marcus.
Chris had recovered but was still in pain. Marcus pressed his lips together and rubbed his own butt. The pet turned his head away but whimpered as he saw Julian hanging in the cell.
"Master, may I ask a question, Master?"
"Go ahead."
"Master, please don't get upset Master, but are you sure this slave is punished only for his faults and not because he is his father's son, Master?" he said barely audible, pointing at Julian.
I reacted instantly by lifting my hand in rising anger. Marcus bowed his head but did not try to move away. I took a deep breath and tried to keep calm. Slowly I put my hand down to his chin, forcing him to look at me.
"Don't push your luck too far, little slave boy. Tell me, what is a slave? I'm sure they told you in the centre."
"Master, I'm sorry Master. A slave is the property of his master."
I took a pencil from my pocket and slid it trough my fingers. My other hand lay on his shoulder; the thumb pressed painfully against his collarbone. He squirmed under my grip.
"And tell me, what is the difference between a slave and, let's say, this pencil?"
A short crack and the pencil was broken to pieces. The significance of this demonstration got not lost to the boys. Nico whimpered and Marcus went pale. I heard a sniff from behind. Timo had finished his task and came back unnoticed.
"Master, there is no difference, Master." Marcus said sheepishly. I let his shoulder go.
"Tell me then, what is the purpose of a slave's existence?"
"Master, a slave has to serve his master in every way he is told, Master. A slave has to be totally subservient to his master's will. He has to endure everything his master does to him, Master."
"You have learned this phrases well, slave. But do you really understand their meaning? Are you slaves really ready to obey to my orders even if they mean your bodies will be permanently damaged or even destroyed?"
A deep silence fell.
"Master, I don't know, Master. At least I am probably not, Master." Marcus said eventually.
"Neither of you is, boy. I'd had to break your will completely and irreversibly to achieve this. I can do this but I don't want robots in my house. The rule is simple: Be obedient or suffer. You, Timo and maybe my little pet here are probably smart enough to reach this goal without too much pain. I hope Chris had learned his lesson today. But I don't think Julian has even understood that he is a slave now and forever."
The named boy squirmed in his bonds.
"Beside, I'm a sadist. I enjoy your screams. All of you scream really beautifully. It's no use to deny. You all will entertain me in a torture session from time to time. I like to play with your bodies and feelings. But I really love to play with him."
The boys weren't pleased by that dismal prospectus. Tears fell now from Julian's face again, Chris sobbed loudly. Marcus gulped and pointed to the freshly beaten boy.
"Master, do we still have a deal?"
"He had caused you a lot of trouble and pain. I can understand if you want to back out."
Now it was Chris' turn to burst into tears. Marcus made a step towards him, hesitated and looked at me. I nodded my approval. He went to him and spent a few seconds looking at his crying friend. He took his head between his hands, lifted it and wiped his tears away. Then he turned to me and said:
"Master, no Master. We'll do it, Master, with your permission."
I smiled and started to release Chris of the frame. I removed the spreader bar between his feet. He yelped as the sore skin of his thighs came into contact. After the spreader bar has been replaced with a 50 cm [20"] long light but strong chain; the straps holding his wrists were untied. He fell to his knees. Despite the pain he clutched my feet.
"Master, I'm sorry Master. Please Master, don't let sir risk his life for me, Master," he cried onto my feet.
Marcus lashed him on his bottom.
"Be quiet! Master has spoken and thus it is."
I broke free, went to the cell and took Julian down, making him crawl outside to his friends. Timo and Nico looked puzzled. Obviously neither Chris nor Marcus had talked about the deal.
"Listen, boys. I want my slaves skinny but strong. In his current state Chris is only a useless mouth to feed. Neither he is in condition for hard work nor can I find any pleasure from his body. Ordinarily I would dispose him. This would have also happened if your prefect had not persuaded me to a deal. Marcus has four weeks to help Chris to a recognizable decrease in weight. If he doesn't achieve this, both have to suffer the consequences. If he manages it, Chris must shed within other five months so much that I can accept him as permanent slave. Otherwise I will implement my threat. It was Marcus' choice and he accepted."
"Tell your friends the consequences, slave." I ordered pointing to Chris.
"Master will slaughter me and feed my meat to you. Sir will be sold to an organ bank."
"And after six months? Marcus?"
"Master, you will sell us both, Master."
"That's the deal."
The three boys couldn't believe what they had heard. Even Julian had forgotten his own misery. All looked at me as if I were the devil. To increase their humiliation I wanted to make up what I had forgotten the first day. As all slaves were assembled it was a good opportunity to get rid of their hair. Slaves should have no or at least only very short hair for better hygiene and as further reminder that their old life was over.
I ordered Marcus to kneel in front of me and fetched the electric hair cutter. He winced as I put the buzzing cutter on his forehead.
"I'm going to shave your head now, slave. Your hair is a relict of your past and you will leave it behind you. Stay still."
I made the first pass right down the middle, cropping his curls to a barely visible stubble. He was always a bit proud of his curls. It got to him that by his helplessness to avoid the loosing of it he was now truly and entirely at the mercy of his master. With every pass of the haircutter a bit of his human dignity was torn away from him. Tears formed in his eyes. By the time the last curl had gone he was crying softly. I felt a bit pity too because I had liked his hair. Maybe I would let it grow again but for now it had to be done. With a razor I removed the remaining stubble and after a couple of minutes his head was perfectly shaven. I ran my hands over his denuded scalp, amazed at how soft and pale the skin was, never touched by the sun.
All boys lost their hair one by one. All but Julian shed tears. Julian endured it stoically with a hint of defiance in his face.
After they had swept the floor I told Marcus to bring Chris, Timo and Nico to the garden to wait for me. I glared at Julian. The boy looked at me in sheer horror when I put him face down over my shoulder. I unclipped his ankles and attached an adjustable spreader. After reminding him he had promised to be a good toy I stood him on his feet. His ball gag was replaced with a large ring gag. It stretched his jaw to its limits. I put a stick between his back and his elbows and tied his hands together on his belly, forcing him to push out his chest. The ball stretcher was still in place so I clipped a small weight on, just heavy enough to be noticeable without real pain. Julian endured everything without resisting or complaining. Finally I attached a leash and led him out.
Chapter 7 Breaking Julian
The boys waited in the garden near a bench under a tree where Timo had put tea and biscuits down. None of them had dared to eat one. Chris had spread his legs as wide as the chain allows him, his arms held away from his body. I could see the pain in his face. Marcus knelt beside Nico and caressed his friend as if he would caress a dog. Timo just stood and held the pet's leash, looking to the other direction, where, just one or two kilometres behind the trees, his family lives. So close but as unreachable for him as the moon.
Marcus pulled the leash to get Timo's attention. The boy turned and sank on his knees. Chris groaned as he fell down. I threw a pair of chains to them.
"Get up boys, you can rest later. Marcus, replace Timo's bar with a chain and put one to your ankles as well. Two rounds at average speed to warm up, everybody. Now."
They trotted away, with some difficulties of course. Chris was soon half a round behind, joined by Julian. The boy was hobbled by the spreader bar between his ankles allowing him only to stumble awkwardly. The leash tangled from his collar; the weight danced between his legs. Chris tried to jog with legs wide apart to minimize his pain. The other two boys had stumbled several times when their steps were too wide but had found a steady pace soon. I gave them another round until all boys were back.
"That was a lousy performance, Chris. Stop that nonsense. It meant to hurt. Run properly or I'll keep your skin sore for a long time."
"Master. yes Master. I'm sorry Master."
"50 squats followed by 50 push-ups and 50 squats again. Chris, you do as much squats as you can. You too." I ordered, pointing at Julian.
I took a seat on the bench, leading Nico to my side. Stroking his back I ordered him not to move. My hand went down to his bottom and between his cheeks. He winced but kept still. Stroking and kneading his buttocks I watched the boy's exercises. They were sweating and panting. Chris was a pure misery but he tried to get up and down in a slow but constant rhythm. He didn't want to displease me again and knew he had to strain his body to loose weight. But the pain made his eyes watering.
I slid my hand further down and started to fondle Nico's small parts. The boy blushed and squirmed but his cock reacted quickly. I ordered him to turn his face to me. The embarrassed look turned into a puzzled as it seemed he had not played with himself before and he didn't know the sensations of masturbating. Soon he got a distant expression as I continued to play with his balls and cock.
By the time Marcus and Timo had finished their tasks, now heavily panting. But no time for recovering was granted as I sent them to a fifteen minutes run. I ordered Christ to stand behind Nico and clipped the pet's leash to his cock ring. I leaned forward to the pets head and whispered in his ear.
"Now, my little pet, I want you to crawl as fast as you can around the lawn. I know you were a runner so show me you can make Chris run. Don't stop before I tell you. Go!"
Nico went off and caught the nearly exhausted Chris by surprise. The leash pulled at his genitals and he stumbled forward. The pet did well and the leash pulled merciless on his parts as he hardly could keep the pace.
So I was alone with Julian who hadn't stopped to do squats. It wasn't easy for him to hold balance with his bound arms and spread legs. Drool spilled out of his mouth and he panted. I made him kneel in front of me. My cock became hard by the sight of the boy's mouth, forced open to welcome his master. His eyes got wide as he saw my cock swinging in front of his face as I stood up and lowered my pants.
The boy stared at the huge monster pointing to his face. It wasn't that big, to be honest, but for a ten year old boy facing his first adult cock it seemed gigantic. To say the boy was scared would be an understatement. He knew exactly that this rod hat torn his ass apart twice, he could still feel the pain. That's what my cock was symbolising to him: incredible pain. The smart boy realized now what the purpose of the new type of gag in his mouth was. His mind connected my cock with pain and so it had to bring him new agony only in another orifice of his little body.
I waited. The boy had reached his breaking point. He knew it. Until now he had somehow hoped is father would come to rescue him from a terrible nightmare. He had been taught in the slave centre that he was not longer a free boy but his mind couldn't accept that. During the past days he had tried to keep at least a little bit of dignity. He endured the torments by telling himself that it wasn't true and someone would recognize a failure and bring him home to his parents. But now, after he had heard the conditions of the deal with Marcus, after he had seen Nico in his new pet mode and the other boy's complete submission, he realized that this would not happen. His mind told him to run away but in his subconscious he knew it was impossible even if he weren't restrained.
I could sense the battle in his mind. A part of it was not ready to give up its resistance and was fighting the part that says defiance would be futile. He had no chance and he knew it. Tears started to run down his cheeks. His face had lost the horrified expression. His will was broken. Struggling not to loose his balance he leaned forward, arched his body and kissed my feet, at least he touched it with his gagged mouth. After he got up again he closed his eyes, pushed his head forward and put his mouth over my cock. I stroked his hair, put my hand behind his head and pulled him gently forward. He gagged when my cock touched his uvula but I held him tightly until he calmed. I felt his throat and told him to swallow. I pushed a little further, just for a moment. I didn't want him to choke and pulled back.
He was puzzled. My cock was in his body but it didn't hurt. The constant pain in his neck under his collar was gone too. He looked up and saw me putting my PDA back in my shirt pocket. I pulled my cock out and removed his gag. My cock slapped over his face and I smiled at him.
"Suck it, my little toy. Use your tongue."
He was raw and clumsy but showed a good effort. He wasn't able to make me cum. I told him to stand up and bend over. He closed his eyes again but obeyed without hesitation. He whimpered as I pulled the plug out and winced when the head of my cock touched his sore sphincter. His whole body trembled but he didn't try to back away despite the anticipation of agony he knew he had to endure. He shrieked as something stretched his muscle to its limits but the pain was short and as he stopped his screaming he felt only the plug back in place. I made him stand in front of me, untied his hands and replaced the bar with a chain like the other boys wore. He was told to kneel down, legs spread wide, and to put his hands behind his head. His body was straight and his chest was pushed out.
I had thought about Marcus' words. He was partial right. The boy had to be broken but sure I had projected my dislike for his father to the boy. Julian was a handsome boy, not as cute as Marcus, Timo or Nico, but definitely attractive.
I called the other boys to come. All were panting and gasping. Chris was exhausted, Nico's knees were raw and sore. I untied the leash from Chris' balls.
"Sit down, boys, but pay attention."
"This slave had finally accepted his new life. He will still be my little boy toy but since he had accepted his role I restore his status as slave. When he is not with me he will work with the houseboys."
I heard a whimper from Julian and saw tears in his eyes.
"Is something wrong, slave? You may speak."
"Master, no Master. Thank you Master. I promise I'll be a good toy, Master." he cried.
"Sure you will, slave." I smiled.
"Now, boys, look at him. The position he is in is called 'attention'. I want you to stay in this position when you wait for orders or I tell you something, like now. Attention."
Marcus was the first to understand the order and moved quickly into position. Timo followed and unsurprisingly Chris was the last. Nico was unsure and looked at me.
"No, my little pet, dogs stay on all fours. Come to me."
He whimpered and crawled over. I put his head on my legs and stroked his hair.
"While you are in any set position you are not allowed to move in any way. Depending on the type of position this could last several hours. You will be completely still otherwise I will punish you severe. I expect you to practise the positions as often as possible. Of course not the softest noise is allowed. Most of the positions you will perform in front of other people. Your behaviour reflects on me and so I will not tolerate the slightest mistake. Do you understand?"
"Master, yes Master." all boys replied not very enthusiastically.
"Marcus, unless you are already on your knees due to your status you will stand at attention but that's the only difference. Stand up now."
The young prefect did and presented me his beautiful small body. I poured me a cup of tea from the thermos jug and enjoyed the biscuits. Occasionally I held out some crumbs for Nico to lick. After ten minutes none of the boys had managed to keep still.
"Boys, this is new to you so I'll not punish you today. But if any of you squirms around next Sunday like you did now I will flog the hell out of him. The next position I'll show you today is called 'display'. Knees wide apart you'll lean far back and push out your groin. Clench all your muscles. I want to see every muscle, sinew and bone clearly outlined. Marcus, this is on your knees too. Display!"
Once in position the boys quickly realized what it meant. Thinking of displaying their genitals in this way to other people embarrassed them a lot and all boys blushed. Julian's penis pointed up to his navel, Marcus had his tiny cock semi-hard. Timo and Chris stayed flaccid.
Soon their legs ached from the strain of their muscles.
"The last position for today is probably the hardest of all. It's called 'table'. Marcus, come over to me."
I made him bending backwards until his hands reached the floor. Then he had to bend his legs and lower him down until his belly was levelly. His tiny pecker stood out nicely. I poured another cup of tea and placed the cup on his stomach. Each boy got something on his belly after he got into position. I didn't expect Chris to hold this position long; his muscles would be incapable of holding his weight.
"As 'table' you'll serve exactly as one. My guests or I will place our glasses, plates or whatever we want on your bellies. And we'll have a good access to your parts. Whatever someone does as long as you are a table you don't move. Your body will hurt but if you spill a drink or drop a plate this pain would be nothing compared with what you'd feel when you were punished. This starts now. Stay in position for ten minutes only."
Deactivating his collar I pulled Nico over my legs, his head and arms hanging at the left and his legs at the right side of my lap. I ran my hands over his fine young backside. I felt his tensed muscles in his shoulders and gave him a firm massage. Soon he grunted and moaned, each rewarded with a smack on his lovely bottom. After about five minutes all boys trembled clearly, Chris squirmed and the plate on his belly was in danger of sliding off. I gave him a sharp warning and he managed to keep still for a while.
I shifted Nico so his bottom was now sticking out. Spreading his legs I ran my fingers up and down his butt crack. I felt his pecker sticking against my legs. I teased his anus with my little finger until his muscle lost the battle. Slowly I started to finger fuck him. He whimpered and squirmed but made no attempt to resist.
I took the cup from Marcus' belly and allowed him to stand up. He grimaced as he moved his aching limbs. He collected all items and released his friends.
"Boys, ten minutes isn't long. In a few weeks I expect you to remain in this position for at least one hour. Do it every day. If you can hold this posture, everything else will be easy for you."
Their faces showed how much they disliked this expectation. Seeing me pushing my finger in Nico's ass didn't please them either. It reminds them that I could do to them everything I want.
"To finish your training session for today run three laps and give me fifty sit-ups. Assist each other. Now!"
The boys groaned but went off. I wiped my finger on Nico's body and pushed him from my legs. Taking his leash I walked over the lawn to the trees in the back of my garden. I told Nico to lift a leg and mark the tree with some of his piss. He looked embarrassed but tried to get some fluid out. We repeated it a few times until we reached a small wooden shed. I unlocked the door and took a small bag. We returned to the bench were the boys exercised their sit-ups. All were panting and grunting. Christ tried to keep up bravely but to no avail. Eventually I stopped his efforts and announced
"Boys, for the first time you did quite well. I want your bodies always in good shape so we will repeat and increase your training. Remove the chains between your feet. You have one hour playtime left. Stay on the lawn and don't make to much noise but otherwise are just boys."
I took a soccer ball out of the bag and kicked it on the lawn. The boys were tired already but nothing would stop them playing soccer. Nico pulled desperately on the leash but I held it tightly. He whimpered and gave me a pleading look. I shook my head.
"I'm sorry, my little pet, you can't play with them."