PZA Boy Stories

P. Writer

The Weeping Boy
- or how I became who I am today


This is what an auto-biography of a boylover could be. The story follows the writer from early childhood to adulthood, when he against all odds ends up having a son. This is a story of forbidden feelings and love amidst all the usual troubles of an everyday life.

Publ. 2016 (Nifty); revised by the author and published here Jun 2017
Under construction, ... 2017; 27,500 words (55 pages)


The writer, Teddy (8-40yo); Casey, Henry and Thomas, classmates of Teddy (8-15yo); Tom, brother of Teddy (14-46yo); Jeroen, Dutch boy (10yo); Pat, Teddy's room mate, (16yo); Truckdriver (31yo); Andy, Teddy's son, (0-10yo - No sex until he is 7yo); Michelle, Andy's mother (26-33yo); John, Andy's best friend (7-11yo); Randall and Susan, friends of Andy (8-11yo); Jan (14yo); Anthony (13-14yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-boy story

Mb tb bb – coercion/ cons mast oral analws spank incest



If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This is a story, fiction, make-believe. Some of it is based on real life experiences, some of which are my own. Other parts of the story, I've found inspiration for in movies, books and news articles where I've often wondered of what went on behind the scenes, what was the longer version of the often brief situation described in what I've read or seen.

I've tried to keep it as realistic as possible, in fact most of what happens to the 'me' in the story up until age 16 actually did happen to me in real life. I've changed all names of people and easily identifiable locations, and some situations have been changed ever so slightly to fit this story, yet I've tried to keep it as close to what actually took place at the time.

© 2017 pwriter(at)protonmail(dot)com.

Table of Contents

  1. The early years
  2. Learning more about sex
  3. A fucked up situation
  4. Playing with Henry
  5. Crossdressing for Henry
  6. Being claimed by Henry
  7. Andy, and how he came along
  8. First time into real trouble
  9. Getting to know the new boy


Part 1

The boy was still weeping.

He was curled up on the couch hiding his head in my lap. He had been crying for a while now. At first he had cried loudly, enraged, hurt. Now he was sobbing in a way that told me he felt hopeless, betrayed and like his life could have ended just then.

In a lot of ways I felt the same as him. I was trying to come up with a way to make his hurt go away. I loved the boy with all my heart. I would rather have given my life than for him to ever experience whatever feelings were rushing through his mind and body right then. It didn't make me feel any better knowing that I was, in part, responsible for his pain.

However, to really explain why this boy's tears were slowly seeping through my trousers into my underwear, I'll have to rewind for quite some time. As that is where it all began.

Chapter 1
The early years

I graduated with a B+ average from a technical high school and like many other young men at just 22 years of age, I had no clue as to what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Sure, I had dreams and goals. Meet a nice girl, get married, buy a nice house, car, get a nice job and eventually some kids. Not necessarily in that order, though. And finally grow old dying happily in the end, knowing that I had done the best I could. Well, I don't think I ever spent much time worrying about dying, at least not back then.

However, I did think a lot about sex. Not so much with women, no it was my own gender that was my big turn on. Young men around my own age and teenagers, even young boys. Well, mostly young boys, if I have to be perfectly honest. I started thinking about sex when I was around 8 or 9 years old. I already knew how babies were born, the theory behind it anyway. I knew somehow a man and a woman would have to work together to have the man's sperm meet with the egg from the woman. And then a baby would be made.

I didn't know much more than that and I certainly wasn't all that curious about it either. It somehow sounded like a lot of work and I didn't particularly like babies at the age of 8. All they ever did was cry and crap in their diaper so someone would have to change them. My best friend had a baby sister join his family when I was seven. So he told me all about her and how she sometimes crapped so much that it would overflow the diaper and mess up her clothes.

I was happy I only had an older brother. He could be mean to me, but at least he didn't crap his pants and stink up the entire house. He was six years older than me and we really weren't very good friends. I recently saw some pictures my mom took of me and my brother in the bathtub together when I was about four years old. We were both covered in soapy foam, grinning at the camera and looking very happy. Later, that somehow changed.

Anyway, back to the sex. That's a lot more interesting than my mean brother. It wasn't even him who introduced me to jacking off, as I've heard is fairly normal. It was my friend, the one with the baby sister. Casey is his name. That it was Casey who taught me all about jacking off, wouldn't have been surprising to those who knew us back then. We did almost everything together, even though we went to different after-school activities.

Casey was very good at most sports, though I won't call him a brainless jock. His favorite thing was spring gymnastics and especially the trampoline. Sometimes I would go with him after school to watch him and his team practice, but I wasn't interested in joining them. I'd just sit and wait in the bleachers, then go home with him afterwards and play computer games on his Commodore 128.

I was more your typical geek. I had an Amiga 500 with a lot of games and also had some accessories hooked up to it. Electronics was my thing too and I attended a weekly activity where I learned how to solder and make my own circuit boards and other stuff like that. I was the only one in my class at school to have an intelligent bedroom back then. I mean, I could control the ceiling and bed lights from my computer.

Not only that, with a simple push of a key, I could control the curtains in my window and a lock on my door. The lock was to prevent my older brother from entering my room. I don't know what my parents thought of the lock, I don't think they ever said anything to me about it. I know I never asked for their permission to install it. But, having a lock on my door suddenly became important one day, when Casey told me he had something totally awesome to show me after school let out.

He wouldn't tell me what it was while we were at the school, even though I kept nagging him about it in every recess and even in woodwork class. Finally, he caved in and said it had something to do with our private parts. I couldn't wait for school to end that Monday and as far as I could tell, neither could Casey. When the last bell finally went off, we hurried to our bikes and rode as fast as we could back to my house. We went straight to my room where the door was quickly locked behind us.

"Ok, we have to drop our pants. And our underwear too," Casey explained excitedly.

I shrugged and casually did as he said. We had seen each other naked plenty of times when we either changed into pajamas at night or showered after PE class at school. It wasn't a big deal to me, but Casey certainly seemed to think it was.

"What are we going to do?" I asked when we had shucked our pants.

"Just sit on the bed next to me and do what I do," Casey sat down with his pants and tighty whiteys down by his ankles and started to pull and release his peter rhythmically.

"Oh, I've done that before," I said, wondering what all the fuss was about.

I mean, sure it was a somewhat nice feeling you could get from pulling on your peter like that, but it was nowhere nearly as exciting as Casey had made it sound at school.

"No, you haven't. Well, at least not until you get the feelings."

"What feelings?"

The way Casey had said the word made it sound special. Extremely special.

"Just keep doing it, it'll feel really good if you keep playing with it."

And play with it I did. My peter was soft in the beginning but it quickly stiffened as only a young boy's dick will. Soon it was hard like a nail, though a bent one, and I looked over at Casey to see what he was doing. He had gripped his uncut peter at the end of it and was skinning back his foreskin on the down stroke and brought it back up over the head on the up stroke.

"Do it like this, and then, when it starts getting better do it a little faster," Casey explained like he was only teaching me how to skateboard. Yes, he had actually taught me how to skateboard, play basketball and other sports-like activities.

"This is way cool," I said in a low voice.

"Just wait and see, it'll get 1000 times better," Casey grinned at me and carried on, "do it just a bit faster now, and then slowly increase speed," Casey was starting to sound a little out of breath and had to stop talking every second or so. His fingers were moving his foreskin up and down faster and faster and I increased my own tempo.

"It feels like I have to pee," I gasped after some minutes had passed while we were both stroking our peters.

"Whatever you do, don't stop! And shut up until it's over!" Casey desperately said while upping the tempo yet again. His stroking was really fast now and not as smooth as earlier. I myself, had problems keeping the speed steady too, as the urge to pee got increasingly stronger and some other weird sensations were spreading from my groin into my lower stomach. Weird as the sensations were, they were also somewhat nice.

My arm was getting tired and I was beginning to worry that I wouldn't be able to keep this up until I got the feelings Casey had talked about. But I hadn't needed to worry as suddenly I gasped loudly and had to close my eyes tight. It felt like they were about to pop out of my head. And now it felt like I was actually peeing, only the sensation was far better than that. My peter felt like it was burning and yet it kept sending waves of joy throughout my body.

I had to stop stroking it, I just couldn't take anymore. And slowly the waves decreased in strength, yet my heart was pumping like I had just raced a one kilometer full-out sprint on my racer bicycle. While my heart began to slow down, I had this nice feeling of relaxation spreading in my body. I absentmindedly fiddled with my peter which was still hard but I was by no means ready to go again so soon.

While I had been concentrating on my own feelings, Casey had gotten his feelings too and just lay back breathing rapidly with a content smile on his face. I'm sure I looked just as content as I was reflecting on all of what had happened in the past ten minutes or so.

"So, did you like it?" Casey asked me in a gentle voice.

"Oh, dude!" I said excitedly, "I think this will be my new favorite thing to do."

Chapter 2
Learning more about sex

As it turned out, jacking off became a regular thing I did with Casey. Every time we were together, we'd jack off at some point in between all the other stuff we did. In the summer, when we rode our bikes to go swimming in a lake 7 kilometers [~4 miles] from the small city we lived in, we would take a break around the middle mark of the route. There was a field with wheat next to the trail, where we would dump our bikes so they couldn't be seen from the trail and we would walk 20-25 meters [65-80 feet] into the field.

We'd lie down on our towels next to each other and skim our shorts down and t-shirts up. There we would jack off, hidden from view by the tall wheat and afterwards we'd lie there looking into the sky quietly talking and just enjoy being together before one of us decided it was time to get moving again. We'd rearrange our clothing, put the towels back in our backpack and ride on to the lake. More than once, we would find a quiet place at the lake where we could jack off again.

After some time had passed, it was probably around five or six months after he taught me how to jack off, Casey told me one night when he was sleeping over at my place, that he had learned how to jack off from his cousin. And now he had spent another weekend at his cousin's house. His cousin had shown him something new late at night.

"This new thing actually feels even better than jacking off," he told me.

"Even when we do each other?" I asked. We had started doing so not too long ago and I still thought it was great both receiving and giving. I truly enjoyed watching Casey's face when I'd jack him off and could tell by his facial expressions if what I was doing felt right to him.

"1000 times better than that." Yeah Casey did say that a lot. "Maybe even ten thousand times better than jacking off."

Now I was intrigued. I mean, I had heard him say that x was 1000 times better than y, but 10000 times better? Never!

"What do I do?" I asked him.

"You suck my peter, then I'll suck yours."

"Woah! No way, dude," this sounded so gross to me, "you pee from your peter. I don't want your pee in my mouth."

"We'll go wash our peters before we suck on them, you dummy."

I still wasn't completely sold on this new thing of his and I let him know it would be better if he sucked me off first, so I could see what he did. After all, he must have had sucked his cousin off, so I thought it was only fair he'd do the sucking first.

"Okay," was his simple reply to that, "I'll go wash mine first, then you wash yours after. Just don't use any soap. It'll taste gross if you do."

"Fine, just keep an eye out for Tom, I don't want to run into him."


Tom was my brother. Thankfully the layout of my house was such that Tom's bedroom was at one end of it, and mine was at the other end. My bedroom door opened into a narrowish hallway, next to my room was a walk-in closet where mom kept linens and seldom worn clothes and crap like that. Next to the closet was the bathroom, then my parents' bedroom and finally Tom's never-to-be-entered bedroom.

On the other side of the hallway was the lounge, kitchen/dining room and small entry hall full of outdoor clothing. My parents were in no way rich, but we weren't exactly poor either. We had a rather large Ford Sierra, 2.3L V6. Large, due to the caravan we had and the fact that almost every school break we would hook up the caravan to the Ford and head off on vacations to a lot of different countries in Europe. We'd spend up to five days on the road to get to our destination, stopping for the night either at a caravan site or at a truck stop-over on the freeway.

Those vacations were some of the best times I've ever had in my life, only made a bit sour due to having Tom with us. However, most of the time we spent vacationing, Tom was actually behaving almost friendly towards me. I never really understood what I did to piss him off so much, I hardly ever broke any of his stuff. If you don't count the times where I used his acoustic guitar as a target for darts when I got tired of having to use a step ladder to retrieve the darts from the dartboard.

Or when I stole his weed and tried smoking it at age nine, or that I told on him every time I saw him do something he wasn't supposed to do. Okay, let's be honest, I was the little brother from hell and I loved getting Tom into trouble, even though I knew he would get back at me every single time. I guess that's why someone invented locks for doors right? My bedroom door actually has marks on it from where Tom pounded his fists or kicked at it in rage.

Which did happen quite a lot when our parents weren't home and Tom was supposed to watch me. Well, he did watch me like a hawk, or at least kept looking at my door, hoping to catch me when I had to leave my room to get something to drink or go to the bathroom. From an early point in my life, I learned that I could pee into a bottle or a glass and pour the pee out my window. And always had a large bottle of water in my room. What can I say? Tom wasn't too smart. I guess I got the brains, and he got, well, whatever it is he got.


Well, Casey left my room to go wash his peter and I really had nothing to fear as this was a Saturday night and my parents were actually at home. When Casey opened the door, I could hear the TV in the lounge. It sounded like my parents and Tom were watching a 16+ movie, since I was in my room with Casey anyway. I could at least hear someone screaming and gunshots from the TV. I assumed it was from the TV, as gunshots in my country was something very rare back then.

It didn't take Casey more than two minutes to return to my bedroom with a smile on his face.

"Squeaky clean and I even peed while I was out there anyway. 'Course I peed before washing it."

"Good, I'll do the same," I said and went to the bathroom and did exactly that.

When I left the bathroom, my mom asked me if I wanted some soda pop and chips to take to my room. I could see they had the same on the living room table, so I agreed. Soda pop was nothing out of the ordinary on the weekends in my family, but candy was kind of a rarity. We weren't exactly fat or anything, but candy leads to cavities and I had by far enough of my share of those already. So I only really had candy when I spent the night at Casey's.

Mom got up and into the kitchen where she put two plastic glasses, a 1 liter bottle of cola soda pop and a bowl of chips on a small tray and said I could bring it to my room. She let me have it along with a stern warning not to make a mess in my room and if I did I'd have to clean it up myself. Knowing that was a somewhat empty threat, I nodded and took the tray to my bedroom where I had to gently kick at the door to have Casey open it for me.

"Alright!" He exclaimed when he saw what goodies I was bringing.

He shut the door behind me then went to the Amiga to hit the right key for the door lock to engage. To say he was impressed of my remote control is a bit of an understatement. He always wanted to hit the keys when we were at my house and I let him, just because that's what good friends do. To give him credit though, he usually came up with the best ideas of what I should do with my computer.

Not only that, he was my only source of sexual knowledge back then. But what an endless bag of cookies that source turned out to be.

"Want to get started on these munchies," I asked and pointed to the tray I had put on my small table, "or this munchie?" pointing at my groin.

"A small appetizer would be great," he said sniggering at me.

"Hey, it's bigger than what you got!"


And that was a fact. Casey was five months younger than me and my peter was the second biggest in our class at school. The only problem with mine was it curved quite severely to the left. I know it was big because the one who had the biggest, and also already had grown some hairs down there, had shown it to the entire class during recess once. All stiff too. He was standing on one of the desks making stupid sounds and had pulled down the front of his shorts and underwear.

That really cracked up the entire class, all 15 of us laughed our heads off, but I'm sure some of the boys looked at him with envy too. The girls were all giggly and couldn't really figure out which way to look. None of the teachers ever found out, but soon pretty much every pupil in school knew what had taken place during that recess and teased him terribly about it. He never regretted it though, I know, because he told me after he had fucked me silly with that big thing. But that only happened later on.


It was around 9 PM so me and Casey agreed to just get ready for bed which wasn't such a hard thing to do, as we had both taken to sleeping in only our underwear about a year earlier. So we just shed our clothes, including the underwear, seeing as we'd need to have access to the important bits anyway. My important bit was already stiff, shaft curving to the left, and it had grown a bit since the day Casey showed me how to jack off.

Casey's hadn't grown much, but still wasn't the peter of a small boy anymore. We were in the very early stages of puberty by then. I guess mine was about 10-11 cm [~4 inches] at that time and Casey's was just a little shorter. Not much, but enough to make it count. I got on my bed, and Casey got on his knees on the floor next to me.

"Ready for the time of your life?" He asked me with a goofy grin on his face.

"Do your worst," I smiled and leaned back on my pillow with my hands behind my head. I wanted to be able to see what Casey was doing and still be comfortable.

I held my breath as I watched Casey bend over and saw him take hold of my peter nearly all the way down at my still very hairless pubic bone. He pulled on the skin of my peter and the foreskin slid back revealing my slightly blueish crown. I watched as his mouth closed in on my prick and then felt his warm breath on it. I shuddered a bit, surprised of something like that could feel so good. As he got near enough for my prick to almost touch his lips, he opened his mouth.

He turned his head and looked me in the eyes. I nearly cursed at him, thought he had been lying, that he was just pulling a trick on me. That he had just wanted me to suck him and not do me, or something. But then he spoke to me.

"Remember, don't let your teeth touch my peter at any time. Keep your lips curled over your teeth like this," and he showed me how to form my lips into an O over the teeth.

Before I knew what was happening, he quickly turned his head back to my prick and in one motion suddenly had his lips all the way down to his fingers that had never left my shaft. My prick felt like I had just shoved it into an oven, but filled with softness surrounding it. Gasping out loud, releasing all the pent up air I had been holding for nearly a minute, the gasp turned into a long moan at the surprise.

New air, sucked in through my mouth in a quick gasp, gave my brain enough oxygen to register what was happening down there. Casey hadn't just put my prick into his mouth. He had also sucked in his cheeks and vacuumed it further into his mouth. His fingers let go off my prick and his lips formed a tight seal around it. Nearly all of my prick was inside his mouth and while he had gone down on it, his tongue sure hadn't been idling.

He had used it to first lick at the underside of my head then all the way down the shaft. I could still feel it sliding around my prick as he slowly backed off of it and when he only had the head inside his mouth he really put his tongue in overdrive. It nearly felt too good and I had to force myself to keep my hands behind my head or I would have reached down and pushed his head away from my midsection.

Fortunately he didn't keep licking there for long as he switched to sucking up and down on my prick. Whenever he backed off, I could see his glistening saliva on my shaft. Every time he only had the head in his mouth, he would move his tongue around on it using just the tip of his tongue. I could even feel him try to push it into my pee slit, which I thought was kind of gross, but it felt nice! During his onslaught I of course wasn't quiet. It would have been downright impossible for me if he had told me to not make a sound, still I managed to keep it down.

He moved his right hand and pushed it in between my thighs gently pushing them aside so at the end I was lying with my thighs wide open and feet touching each other by the soles. Not so gently he took my nuts in his fingers and began massaging them. I hissed at the slight pain, but was too far gone in the other sensations from his mouth and tongue on my dick to give it much further notice. Changing his attack on my poor prick, he switched to just moving his head up and down.

When he increased speed, it didn't take me long to reach nirvana. My prick happily started to pulsate and I could feel the contractions in my nut sack as the nuts in it tried to pump out what wasn't yet inside of them. I had to push Casey forcibly off my prick as he hadn't let up at all and was still going at speed. My prick screamed at me, that it was way too much. Like Mr. Scott telling Captain Kirk that she just couldn't take anymore. Casey pulled off of me.

"That was right quick," he said, although he did look a little exhausted.

"Wooohweee, holy fuck that was fucking sweet," I replied and petted his hair lazily with my right hand.

"I told you!" He basked at me.

"Yeah you did."

"Let's have some of the soda now, then you can do it to me after."

I was about ready to just shut my eyes and go to sleep, but I knew I had to return the favor to Casey. And even more so, I wanted to make him feel just as good as he had made me feel. The fizzy drink with its sugar and caffeine quickly pushed away any thoughts of going to bed early. My bedtime on Fridays and Saturdays was lax, I don't think my parents ever really knew just when I did go to sleep, they had long before stopped tucking me in at night.

"Your turn!" I said excitedly and Casey jumped onto the bed and while still in the air he turned so he hit the mattress back first. He never ceased to impress me with his moves. I have to remember to tell you about him and the springboards in the public swimming pool.

"Please go easy on me, Ma'am," He giggled at me, "I've been riding my horse all day long and my old bones are all aching."

I had to laugh out at that. Sometimes he just said something stupid like that and it always cracked both of us up.

"I'll treat your old bones. Or at least one of them," I nearly couldn't say as I was having a giggle fit.

"Oh, alright," was all he said, suddenly dead serious again. He spread his legs on his own, put them exactly as I had had mine before. His dink wasn't hard yet though. But I knew it would only take me little time to make it hard.

Chapter 3
A fucked up situation

Casey looked at me coyly and shook his little flaccid dink at me. I let myself fall to my knees on the floor next to the bed, got into the same position as Casey had been about ten minutes earlier. I looked at him lying there flashing his groin at me, thighs widely spread, knees touching the mattress and feet touching each other. He had stopped touching himself and put his hands on his tummy, fingers folded. He was smiling expectantly and looked so yummy lying there.

I wasn't exactly fat as I've said earlier but I wasn't particularly muscular either. I had a bit of puppy fat here and there, though I had started to lose it as I entered puberty. Casey, on the other hand, had no fat whatsoever, he could make his tummy hard as steel if he wanted to. And his thighs, oh my, his thighs felt like they had a giant spring inside of them, just waiting to be released. His biceps were pretty big too. Not like a bodybuilder, but when he flexed his muscles, you could really see it happening.

It almost sounds as I envied Casey's physical appearance. I guess I did in a way, but not to the point where I would actually take up sports like him. It didn't appeal all that much to me, though I didn't mind getting sweaty and all worked up. My motor skills at that time weren't very good and it embarrassed me when I couldn't hit the ball in softball. Or when the soccer ball went in every other direction than the one I wanted it to go when I kicked at it. The only sport I did back then was bicycling races, and even that I only did half-heartily.

I did however feel pleased with myself, knowing that Casey was lying there waiting for me to touch and do naughty, exciting things to him. Taking in his physical appearance I could see the special twinkle in his brown eyes, on top of his head was a mop of short black hair. At the time, in September, his body tan was simply put amazing. He looked like the boys I'd seen on vacation in the southern European countries. His tan emphasized his groin.

That was the one part of his body that really didn't see the sun much. So it was pale and somewhat elegant and fragile looking. A bit like expensive china, if you can even make that comparison. To get things started I decided to tickle his nuts. More precisely the skin right in between his nut sack and his right thigh. He immediately laughed and jack knifed my fingers by squeezing his thighs tightly together.

"Don't tickle me!" He glared at me but couldn't keep that face for long. When I nodded and thereby agreed to his wish, he relaxed his thighs a bit and I could pull my hand back.

"You nearly broke my finger," I said while moving my fingers to see if they were all still working.

"Serves you right."

When I had made sure none of my fingers were broken or even bruised, I patted his thigh closest to me and he opened right up. I took hold of his nut sack making sure to keep my grip firm enough to not tickle but not too firm to hurt him. I traced his two nuts with my thumb and grabbed a hold of his prick. It didn't take long for it to firm up and stick out from his body. Rolling back his foreskin I leaned down and took a sniff of his head.

"Tickles!" He promptly hissed at me.

Oh well, it didn't have much of a smell to it, so I timidly stuck my tongue out and licked right on top of his dick head. It had a slight taste to it, but nothing really offensive, so I grew bolder and lapped at his dick. Kind of like my dog would lick any bare skin on anyone if given the chance. Casey jerked a bit from the sensation. Finally, with my mind made up, I took the plunge, opened my mouth wide and took in his prick.

As it was only about 10 cm [~4 inches] long it didn't take long until my lips were right up against his pubic bone. I had all of him inside my mouth and it sort of felt like it belonged there. Remembering his stern order I curled my lips over my teeth and sucked in like I would suck on a straw. I rotated my head a bit sideways so I could glance at his face. He had his eyes and mouth shut, breathed shallowly through his nose and made these funny yet so cute small meowing noises.

Pulling back a bit I explored the head of his prick with my tongue. The skin was satiny smooth, rather soft on the outside and when I made my tongue firm and poked at his head with it, I could feel the hardness just underneath the skin. I liked the way it felt. I moved my still firm tongue to the top of his head tracking his pee slit. I licked around it and zoomed in on the very opening. When my tongue spread the slit open, I could taste pee. Just a hint of it, though, and somehow it didn't taste all that bad.

The taste quickly dissolved and I moved my tongue lower and found the string connected to his foreskin. The string was quite unyielding but I could hear and feel Casey's response to my licking it immediately. So I licked at it some more.

"Argh, I can't stand that anymore. Go up and down on it please," Casey whimpered.

Always one to serve my friends, I did as he asked. I started slow and like when we had jacked each other off, I gradually picked up speed. This sucking off another person's prick was quite a workout though. I wasn't used to moving my head back and forth continually and soon my neck started to ache. I didn't want to quit though, I wanted to pay back the great feeling and ignored the signals coming from the muscles in my neck. Instead, I concentrated on the sounds that came from Casey.

He was breathing a bit faster then and had stopped meowing. Every now and then his body made the slightest of jerks and I began to wonder if he liked what I was doing. If I could make him get the feeling from this. After another minute his body jerked a bit more and his prick got even stiffer. I stopped the up and down motion and licked like a mad boy at his string and pee slit. He suddenly gasped, and I felt his prick pulsate in my mouth.

Remembering my own feelings I slowed down my licking and eased up on the pressure too. It was really cool to feel his prick bounce in my mouth and it stopped far too early for my liking. I let his dick out of my mouth and sat back on my haunches. Casey patted the mattress next to him and I climbed onto my bed lying down next to him. He pulled the duvet over us and quietly and satisfied we fell asleep forgetting all about the chips in the bowl sitting on the table.

The next morning I woke up slowly. I've never truly enjoyed mornings and wished I could just sleep in every day, but my bladder was always full and demanded immediate attention. I found myself tugged up against Casey with my left leg and arm over him. When I opened my eyes I was looking right into his ear. I untangled myself from him and slipped away from the duvet. Shivering a bit from the cooler air in my bedroom I searched for my underwear.

It was bunched up in my pants I had so quickly discarded the night before and now I put them on while heading for the door. I knew it had to be way too early for Tom to be up, and unlocked the door manually as the Amiga was turned off. My parents was always nagging both Tom and me to conserve power and water. Some of the time I actually listened to what they said, even though it usually took them more than a few tries to get the message through.

Darting quietly through the hallway and into the bathroom I stood in front of the commode and pulled my underwear down. My friends always made fun of the way I peed, said I looked like a little toddler with my pants and underwear down, while I pushed out my midsection towards the toilet. When I skinned back the hood of my peter, I noticed the head was a bit redder than normal. I thought it had to be due to the sucking I had received the night before.

When I had finished my business I flushed the toilet and went back to my bedroom. I got into bed and snuggled back up to Casey and his toasty warm body. Deciding I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep I reached for his prick and found it stiff. He probably needed to pee too, but since it was erect I started playing with it, stroking it up and down. He mumbled something in his sleep but didn't wake up.

I couldn't jack him off the way I wanted to with the duvet covering us, so I pulled it off him leaving only his legs covered. Now the real stroking could commence or so I thought. Casey decided to wake up right then and the first thing he did was grab a hold of my wrist and pulled my hand off his dick.

"Christ, it's fucking cold and I need to piss," he said, sat up and swung his feet down on the floor. After wiping the sleep gunk from his eyes using the back of his hands, he put on his clothes and left my bedroom. He returned a few minutes later and upon seeing me still on the bed he laid down next to me.

"Good morning sunshine," I said.

"Eww, your breath stinks," he shied away and wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Must be from sucking your peter last night," I retorted, "and your breath is not like the smell of roses either."

That kind of killed the mood I was in, so I rolled over him and off the bed to turn on the Amiga. When it finally had gone through the boot process I hit the key to pull the curtains so I could check out the weather outside. The sun was rising but since it was only a bit past 7AM it wasn't real high on the sky yet.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked Casey.

"Let's get something to eat and see if anyone from class is awake too. Maybe play some soccer or something."

Breakfast that day were the forgotten chips from the night before. Probably not very healthy, but it was just too cool to do something our parents would frown upon. Kind of like the naughty games we played with each other. Well, we had never actually been told not to do the things we did, but instinctly we knew what we did had to be a secret. I mean the sucking and wanking, not eating unhealthy stuff for breakfast, that I had been scolded for a number of times already.

After the chips were gone, much too soon for either of us, and a quick brushing of teeth, we rode around on our bikes that morning and enjoyed the relative quiet and deserted villa streets. It was only when we got close to the baker's shop, we started seeing people in the street, going to buy freshly baked bread and pastry for their Sunday breakfast. My mouth was filling with saliva when we rode past the baker's shop due to the nice scents emerging from the door. Even though I had already eaten half a bowl of chips, I was still hungry.

Casey was already getting pretty far away from me so I had to pedal real hard just to catch up to him. It was like he could only go fast when he was on his bike, seemingly always in a rush to get from A to B, which was really annoying to me.


Once we did a 30 km [~18.5 miles] long bike ride and he would end up almost a full kilometer [0.5 mile] ahead of me, then stop and wait for me to catch up to him. And then, just as I got to where he was, he'd immediately take off again. This meant he had a break every now and then, while I didn't. The fourth time he did this, I just got off my bike and sat on the ground next to it. When he finally looked back to see where I was he turned around and came back to me, ditched his bike and sat down next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You know!"

"No, I don't," he quietly said.

"Well you damn well should know."

"Please tell me what it is."

"Okay, it's totally unfair that you get to take a break every 15 minutes and I don't."

"Sorry," he said in a small voice.

"Well, I'm taking a looooong break now."

He looked up at me and smiled, "No problem."

Anyway that long bike ride we went on was just to get to an outdoors public pool with diving platforms and a water slide. We only did it once, as on the way back I silently wished upon a speedy death to put me out of my misery. Having to pedal my bike such a long distance after having spent all my energy swimming and running around for five hours, and don't forget the 30 km [~18.5 miles] ride we did that same morning, took pretty much every ounce of determination I had in me. And hadn't it been for Casey, that ride probably wouldn't have been completed yet.


Even so, this morning, we were just riding around looking for fun. I couldn't understand why Casey had to pedal like he was in the lead of a Tour de France stage. I know, Tour de France wasn't as popular back then as it is now, but Tom was a junior bicyclist, I mean he even won some races. And my dad was like the leader of the local bicycle union. Oh I enjoyed cycling on a real race bike too, just not competitively like my brother. But that morning, I was on my normal go-to-school or go-from-a-to-b bike.

So I yelled for Casey to slow the f 3; down for Christ sake. I didn't use swear words most of the time, neither of us did, but if we got excited or angry, we'd use pretty much every bad word we knew. If that didn't feel sufficient to express our emotions or feelings, we'd invent some of our own to spice it up. We'd especially use make up words if we were around adults.

Casey being Casey blocked the brakes on his bike and skidded to a stop before turning around to look at me.

"What the flying heck is wrong with you?" He yelled back at me.

Once I got closer to him, he turned around yet again and was about to take off when I told him to stop.

"Casey, why are you always riding like you have a horde of monsters chasing you?"

"I like the feeling of the wind in my hair and across my face."

I'm not sure exactly what answer I had expected to my question, but one thing is for sure, I hadn't seen that one coming. It sounded, well, almost, you know, like what a girl would say. Right? And one thing is for sure, Casey was anything but a girl. Not even remotely feminine. Ok, he being on a gymnastics team might have made you think he was a bit that way. Or him sucking my dick, and presumably that of his cousin. Well, he never actually admitted to me he had sucked his cousin's dick.

But, I just know he did. How else could he have done the magical things he did to my dick just the night before. I'm headed down a wrong direction here. Back on track, he was waiting for me to respond. That's right, he was standing with his bike between his legs, hands on the handles, waiting. For me. Of his own will.

Trying to come up with a witty remark, all I could think of was;

"Oh, uhm, okay. Whatever."

He suddenly laughed at me.

"You should see your face, dude!"

We worked a few things out in the moments after that, he agreed to ride slower, at least just a bit when we were out riding together. I did have to agree to do something for him as well. In the end, it wasn't an altogether unpleasant thing to do. Pun intended, but I'm getting ahead of myself here. At a considerably slower pace, we made our way to the sporting complex that was open to the public.

Here, there were tennis courts, soccer fields, basketball court and other sports activities that I knew of, but never could be bothered doing, if it hadn't been for the social aspects of it all. However, no one we knew were there. We were invited to a pickup game of soccer, but I was terribly shy as a kid. So I refused to join. Casey knew about my shyness, but was still kind of put off when I said no. He did come home with me after we hung around for 40 minutes waiting in vain for class mates to show up.

Once back home at my place, my parents were now up and about and when my dad saw us coming in the door he asked if I would go to the bakery and buy some things for breakfast. I didn't particularly want to, but on the other hand, I always got to keep the change. I did say that my parents were sort of not rich, but getting by? Well, my brother and I didn't really get much spending cash or pocket money. And most certainly not every week like all the kids do now.

We had to work our butts off to get money, and walk 5 km [~3 miles] through snow and sleet, barefoot and naked. Ah, well maybe a bit exaggerated, but you understand I'm sure. We could ask for something, and if deemed necessary and not too costly, we would get it most of the time. Which meant no candy, cigarettes or booze, unless we could get money for doing whatever. Of course, I didn't smoke or drink back then. Not very often anyway.

Casey and I rode back to the baker's shop and got the fresh baked bread, the morning paper and a long list of other things, and the best of it all, pastry. I had to put a basket on my bicycle to hold all of it. And try to balance the bicycle all the way back too. At least Casey had some items in a bag to help me get it all back. After my mom had checked all the eggs were intact, Casey and I went to my room and spent some time playing on my Amiga, while mom prepared the breakfast table.

Of course Casey ate breakfast with us. If we didn't spend the night at my house Fridays or Saturdays, or any day of the week during school holidays, we spent it at his. And we were used to eat with each other's families though it was more often at my place and not his. After breakfast, which was actually quite a nice experience since Tom was still asleep, we went back to my room and the Amiga. But we didn't play for very long.

"Remember what you promised me?" Casey asked me.

"What, you want to do that now?"

"Yes, I can't think of anything but that."

"I don't know. What do I have to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Uh, I don't think you can just stick it in. Not without it hurting," I said.

The idea of being hurt wasn't something I was prepared for. No matter what I promised Casey earlier.

"I'm not sure. I never did it before."

"Not even with your cousin?"

"No!" He sounded offended by my question.

"I thought that was why you asked me. How do you know it can be done then?"

"I overheard some from the 8th grade talk about it."

"I tried poking a finger in there once," I admitted.

Casey just about rolled out of the chair he was sitting on. Of course from giggling.

"Why did you stick your finger up your butthole?"

"It was itchy. It's a long time ago, okay? I wasn't just sticking it up there for no reason."

"EW! So how did it feel?"

"It kind of hurt. But it stopped the itch," I too was giggling by then.

"I once had an itchy butt too," now it was Casey's turn to blush, "But my mom got some stuff for it that made it go away."

Yeah, you may be thinking, two boys aged 11, almost 12, would never admit to having anything stuck up their butts. But, Casey and me, well we were the best of mates, had known each other since age 4. Heck, this was almost a normal conversation for us. And yeah, we had seen each other's buttholes up close at age 5 one day in the pillow room in kindergarten when we played doctor. However we hadn't stuck anything up there, not until that day anyway.

When I say we, I actually mean Casey. As he would be doing the sticking and I'd be, well you know.

"She had to do it a few times and she got something slippery to make it go in," Casey explained.

Slippery. I'm not sure about you, but in my room at age 11, I didn't have anything that would make my butt slippery. I thought of what was in the bathroom, as my mom and dad were probably still in the kitchen doing whatever moms and dads do. I quickly discarded soap and tooth paste. I knew from experience that soap could irritate your butt and that was just on the outside, not inside your butt. And tooth paste, well that was obviously meant for the other end. One thing did pop into my mind.

"What about my mom's hand cream?"

"That'll work. I think."

I think Casey would have agreed to just about anything as long as it meant that he could stick his dick in my butt. So, I went to the bathroom. I pulled my shorts and underwear down after locating my mom's blue tin of Nivea hand cream. Trying to put cream on your butthole without getting it smeared all over your back side is tricky. I had to sit on the toilet and spread my legs way open, then reach in between my thighs exploring unfamiliar territory with one finger while having the cream on another.

Of course it wasn't completely unfamiliar territory, after all, it was my own butt. But, other than wiping myself which is easy as your fingers are covered by toilet paper and you don't need to hit the bullseye on the first try, I hadn't done much back there. But at last the tip of my index finger found the target. It was kind of moist and felt hot on my finger. I nearly jumped off the toilet when my middle finger covered in cream touched the hole.

The cream felt cold at first but warmed quickly as I timidly first rubbed the tip of my finger around the edge of my butthole and then on top of it. Apprehensively, yet being so ready for naughty adventuring, I penetrated the hole with my finger. Slowly at first, then discovering it didn't really hurt, I pushed my finger in to the second joint quickly, rotated and wiggled it around to cover as much of my butthole as possible in cream.

I studied my finger after pulling it out of my bum and I didn't see anything offensive on it. It just had a whitish layer of cream on it. I didn't smell it as I could vividly imagine what it would smell like. Instead I took a few sheets of toilet paper and wiped the cream off my finger. I pulled up my underwear and shorts, flushed the paper into the toilet and washed my hands to get rid of the last of the cream. I always hated sticky stuff on my fingers and other parts of my body.

That really made it hard for my mom to put sun block on me or lately getting me to put it on myself. In fact, I'd rather suffer the burns from the sun, rather than being sticky for half an hour.

When I returned to my room, the door barely closed behind me before I heard the click of the lock engaging. Casey had been sitting on the chair, but now he got up and quickly removed his pants, underwear, shirt and socks. Standing nude in front of me, he gave me a look I read as 'Why aren't you undressed and ready on the bed yet?'

I undressed quite quickly too, and didn't fail to notice a small stain of cream in the seat of my underwear. I blushed more than I already had, suddenly realizing what was about to take place. I was torn between backing out of the deal or to take it like a big boy and get the best out of it. Without too much thinking though, I found myself lying on my bed face down and spreading my legs as far as my bed would allow them to.

"Spread your cheeks," Casey said after he had gotten on the bed sitting on his knees between my outspread legs.

When I did as asked, Casey carefully lay down on top of me, and I felt the hard hot dick of his, searching for my butthole. He guided it with his right hand, while his left was next to me holding himself up. After a few near misses he zeroed in and without further ado, continued to shove it all the way in my butt. I hissed a bit from the slight pain he caused, but mostly from surprise.

"Don't move," I gasped, reached back and held onto his hips to prevent him from moving. We lay like that for probably a minute before the pain from the intrusion had vanished and all that was left was the unfamiliar feeling of having something hard and slightly pulsing lodged up my butt. It wasn't hurting me, after all bigger stuff had vacated that orifice than what had Casey had just pushed in there. I let go of his cheeks and put my arms down by my side.

Casey took this as a go ahead signal and pulled back his hips, which in turn made his dick pop out of my butthole.

"Crap," he stated and frantically tried to push it back in again. The angle wasn't quite right, so instead he poked right into my tailbone.

"Aw, shit!" He uttered, before reaching down with a hand and lined his dick back up. He poked it in and immediately started to pump his hips back and forth. Whenever he pushed in, my hips were mashed between him and the mattress of my bed and forced the air out from my lungs in short gasps. I quickly found out I had to time my breathing to his frantic pumping.

He, being athletic and having a lot of stamina, made it quite an experience for my first time being a bottom. He pumped me full speed for what felt like a long time but when I checked my watch after we were done, only seven minutes had passed. He did accidently pull his dick all the way out a number of times, but after it had happened twice, he had learned how to make it go right back in without using his hand. Almost too soon it came to an end.

Casey collapsed on top of me and I guess he had to catch his breath as he was puffing quite a lot. As he got out of the bed I felt his dick leave my hole. It was still stiff, glistening with a sheen of the hand cream. It looked amazingly clean to me, knowing that it had just been inside probably the messiest part of my body. My butt, even with the stickiness from the cream, felt quite good. Although I didn't get the good feelings, I decided right there and then, it wouldn't be the last time, I'd let someone fuck me.

Chapter 4
Playing with Henry

And so it began. Casey and I continued to have sex although we didn't ever call it that back then, it was just another fun activity we could do. And we did it every day we were together, most days more than once too. However, as life went on, we slowly drifted apart, not to the point where we never spent time together, but enough that we didn't spend every available moment with each other. He got busier with the gymnastics and I, well I would like to say that I got busy with something else too, but I just felt terribly abandoned and lost.

Three weeks went by and I think Casey and I spent about four hours total with each other during this time. The rest of the time I focused on my Amiga, I really should have spent more time on my homework, but I had started to hate school. Especially since Casey and I were in the same class, which meant I'd spend every school day close to him, but never alone, so I couldn't talk to him about the stuff I really wanted to.

PE class was probably the worst, as we had to change into our PE kit and after class had to shower. Back then, the room where we changed from normal clothes into PE kit, was about 20m long and 4m wide [~65x13 feet] with benches on each side of the room. And the showers were in one end of the room, communal type with five shower heads on opposite sides. So there were amble opportunities to check out the other boys in the same year as myself.

The problem was, I had to do this covertly. If anyone noticed, I'd be ridiculed and called fag immediately, which actually happened to me twice during my years at that school. Once in the showers, where I studied the dick of one of my class mates for just a bit too long. You see, he had recently been circumcised due to his foreskin being too tight or something like that. In Denmark circumcision is rarely done, only for medical or religious reasons. And back then, there weren't any Jews or Muslims in my class.

Jacob, who wasn't really part of the gang I used to run with, saw me checking him out and put himself up for display and asked rather loudly if I enjoyed watching him. I must have blushed something fierce and mumbled an apology to him, and quickly finished my shower and dried off at record speed. I had to listen to a couple of boys calling me fag, before I made it out of the locker room, but fortunately I never heard any more than that. Not in a negative way anyway.

One of my other mates, Henry, the guy with the biggest dick in class, approached me a couple of days after the incident in the gym's locker room and asked me if I was doing anything after school. He invited me to go home to his house and let me know that there would be no one but us there for at least three hours. I wondered why that was so important to him, but seeing as I was getting rather bored with the games I had for my Amiga, and since Casey wasn't available, I accepted.

His house was in another part of the town than mine, about 1 and a half km [~1 mile] from my house, but we both had bicycles. I knew my mom and dad just expected me to be home by dinner at no later than 6:00 PM sharp, so I didn't have to call and let them know where I was. We rode our bikes to his house quite slowly, certainly a lot slower than what I was used to from being with Casey. We were riding next to each other and just made small talk.

Henry had an Amiga 500 like mine, however he had a lot more interesting games than I had. We loaded up North vs South but only managed to play for about ten minutes before Henry stopped paying attention to the game.

"Hey, I know you and Casey are hanging out all of the time," he started, "Do you guys ever do anything to each other?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, like jacking off?"

I could feel my ears getting warm, which probably meant my entire face was as red as a very ripe tomato.

"Ahhh," He exclaimed, "You do! What do you do?"

"You know, just jacking off," I wasn't going to spill any of Casey's and my secrets to anyone, especially not Henry as I didn't really know him well enough to completely trust him yet.

"That's cool. Want to jack off now? I'm horny."


Henry stood, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans before pushing both jeans and undies down past his butt and sat back down. I looked at him while he sat there, openly showing his goodies to me. Henry was my age, but obviously far further into puberty than me or Casey. His dick was a good 14 cm [5.5 inches] or so long and quite thick too. It was a bit darker in color than the rest of his body, and he had a few whispers of dark hair on his pubic bone.

His balls were a bit larger than mine, not by much though. However, they hung lower than any balls I'd ever seen at the time. His sack was still completely hairless.

"Big ain't it?" Henry asked in a husky voice.

I nodded at him.

"You like it?"

I had to gulp before admitting to it. I did indeed like it, a lot. It just seemed so terribly gay to admitting to liking another guy's junk.

"Show me yours."

"Mine isn't as big as yours," I said and got up and pulled my sweatpants down along with my undies.

"Well, it isn't exactly small either," he put a couple of fingers around my dick and gently stroked it up and down, "and it's so stiff. I like it. What's Casey's like?"

I was still standing in front of him, trying to figure out where to put my hands while he handled my dick. He didn't seem upset about me not wanting to tell him anything about Casey's dick and just suggested I'd sit back down.

"You can touch mine. I know you want to."

How the hell he knew, I don't know, but he was right. I did want to touch it, even worship it. So I grabbed hold of it and started slowly stroking it.

"Yeah, now I know you've been doing this before," he teased me.

I blushed but kept stroking him.

"Careful, it hurts a bit if you touch it under the skin, so don't pull it too far back."

His foreskin was kind of tight, but it was still able to slide off his head. Heeding his warning, I only pulled it so far back that the head got exposed before rolling it up again. While I did this, Henry took hold of my prick and started stroking it. Far more aggressively than what I was doing to him. I got the impression that mine was probably the first prick he manipulated, other than his own. It didn't hurt me, rather it felt pretty exciting.

"Did you and Casey ever, you know, suck?"

"Once or twice."

I'm not sure why I admitted to it. Maybe it was due to his stroking of my prick and occasional squeezing of my nuts. The first brought pleasure, but the nut squeezing he could have left out. It was bordering on being painful. I should have realized what his next question was going to be.

"Will you suck mine?"

I hesitated. I didn't really enjoy it too much, he was far too pushy. But I was horny. And I hadn't played naughty games with anyone but myself for more than two weeks. Which is a very long time when you're 12, almost 13, and had gotten used to playing naughty games at least once a day.

"Come on, I've never been sucked by anyone and I know you've sucked Casey. Why not me?"

I hadn't made up my mind yet, I thought he'd have something on me if I did suck him. On the other hand he already had enough on me and even worse, on Casey too.

"I'll suck yours too. Please."

That helped me make my decision. If he sucked me, he wouldn't be able to say anything to anyone about me sucking him. I was just so scared about anyone finding out I was into boys.

"Ok, I'll do it. But you have to suck mine first."

"Alright!" He seemed really happy, "take off your pants and underwear and lie on the bed."

I did so and Henry kneeled in between my legs and bent down taking my prick into his mouth. At the same time he grabbed a hold of my poor nuts again. Every time he'd go down on my dick, he'd pull on my nut sack stretching it almost to its limit. This was far too unpleasant for me to maintain my erection so I slowly went soft in his mouth.

"Looks like you're more interesting in sucking than being sucked," Henry said and sat back up, still holding onto my nuts.

"You're being too rough. I don't like it when you pull my nuts."

"Oh well, it's your turn anyway."

He battled his tight fitting jeans off while still on the bed, "Go on, make some room for me."

So I stood and let him lay where I had been lying, before I kneeled in between his outstretched legs. I took the head of his dick in my mouth. He hissed as I did and moved a hand to the back of my head and tried to push it further down his dick. I fought back on his pushing and when he realized that, he shoved his hips from the mattress pushing pretty much all of his dick inside my mouth. I gagged fiercely, not used to having something so large and wide in my mouth. It felt like he tried to get all the way into my stomach through my mouth.

He held me tight for what seemed to be an eternity and I was getting worried that I'd puke all over him. I didn't like this at all. Actually I cursed at myself for ever agreeing to come to his house in the first place. At last though, he relaxed and let his butt back onto the mattress and removed his hand from my neck. I quickly spat out his dick and heaved a few times.

"Don't ever do that again, I don't like it!" I managed to gasp out.

"Sorry, it felt so good. I just couldn't help it."

"If you want me to suck you, just let me do it my way. Don't do anything."

"Okay. I really am sorry."

He sounded sincere so I started sucking him again. This time he kept his hands by his sides and judging by his small happy sounds he enjoyed it a lot. I took my time, switched between sucking on the head, taking as much as I could into my mouth without gagging and licking up and down the shaft. I even sucked his balls into my mouth, one at a time and kissed and licked his ball sack. After some minutes of this, I began sucking him off in earnest.

It didn't take long for his dick to start pulsating, but almost before it did that, I felt something shoot out of his dick. It wasn't a whole lot and the taste wasn't all that bad, just a new experience for me. So I simply swallowed it along with the excess saliva I had in my mouth. Henry was quite outspoken when he came in my mouth. He kept saying stuff like oh yeah and moaning. It was rather fun to listen to really. And it sort of made me feel good too.

After we got cleaned up, Henry washing his junk and I rinsing out my mouth, we got dressed and I left for home. I'd been at his house for maybe an hour, not long at all, but I guess Henry only really wanted me there for sex.

When I got home I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. I didn't really feel dirty, but I felt like I had Henry's smell all over me. As I cleaned my body, much more thoroughly than I used to, my thoughts kept circling. I thought about what had happened that day and compared it to the days with Casey. I couldn't find any resemblances at all. With Henry it had all been about him, whereas with Casey it had been mutual. Well, apart from me being the only one that got fucked.

Casey did stuff to me, and I to him, not only because we felt that we had to, like paying back the favor, but because we knew that it made the other feel good. There is something special about having a throbbing prick in your mouth and you know what feelings it sends to its owner. And knowing that you were the cause of it. But wasn't that pretty much what I felt when I did it to Henry? It did something to me, even though it wasn't exactly what being with Casey had been like.

Oh Casey, had we just stuck with one another.

But we hadn't, and I felt like I needed sex with someone other than my own hand. So much that when Henry two days later asked me over again, I agreed instantly and happily. Things happened pretty much like the first visit, he loaded a game on the Amiga, this time it was Wings of Fury. Just when I was really concentrating on bringing the plane down low enough to gun down some Japanese soldiers running from one bunker to another, Henry put his hand on top of my dick and starting massaging it.

This of course made me crash the plane, ending that game. But another was about to start.

Chapter 5
Crossdressing for Henry

"Want to suck my dick again today?" Henry asked while still groping around my junk. He did what he could I guess, but didn't really know all too well what to do. The groping didn't really turn me on, but the thought of having someone so near to me again did. My dick rose quickly as only young dicks do.

"Sure, why not," I replied, trying to keep my voice sounding casual.

"Can we do it a bit differently though? I read something I want to try."

"Like what?"

"You take a sip of cold water in your mouth, but don't swallow. Then suck my dick with the water in your mouth."

This sounded crazy. I don't know where he'd read something like that, not in a Donald Duck magazine for sure. But frankly I did know. At that time all a young boy could get to in terms of porn were adult magazines. And I don't mean Sports Illustrated or something like that. These had hardcore porn showing everything a growing boy would need to know about the female sex. Oh, and the male sex too, although you only saw males along with females in those magazines.

One of these porn mags, Rapport [English: Report] had something called the Gray Pages. Here there were stories, supposedly sent in by the readers. Not so different from this story I guess, but far more focused on sex than this, and I think that is where he read about this particular act he wanted me to do for him. I've always had this trait in my personality that made me want to try anything at least once before making up my mind about whether I liked it or not. Okay, I say anything, but that doesn't include food, in particular vegetables.

I agreed to do it and he went to get a glass of water from the kitchen after telling me to get naked. I was about to remove my underwear when he returned. I sat on the bed and watched him as he undressed too. His body was normal I guess, a bit burly, not fat, but far from slim. His shoulders were broader than mine and more defined. He must have outweighed me by 5 or 10 kg [11 - 22 lbs.] even though we were pretty much the same height.

His hair was dark brown, both the hair on top of his head as well as his pubic hair. His erect dick jutted perfectly straight out from his body, at a 25 degree angle. And below that his low hanging balls. His skin was slightly tanned in an all-over tan. I guess he liked being naked in the garden when he was home alone. He got onto the bed and I took a mouthful of water from the glass. It was cold, which it should be as he had put a few ice cubes in it.

Getting a dick inside your mouth, while it's full of water without spilling is not easy. But somehow I managed to do so by moving quickly. Based on Henry's loud gasps and moaning I think he liked it. Even if this happened more than 25 years ago, I still remember that moment to this day. The feeling of his smooth and hard dick head breaching the seal formed by my lips. The warmth entering my mouth full of cold water, touching my tongue.

"Take it in as far as you can."

Right, I should have known he wouldn't be satisfied with just having the head inside. So I moved my head down further, slowly, testing the limits before my gag reflex would kick in. Gagging with a mouthful of water and dick, would not be fun. I managed to get about 10 cm [~4 inches] of him inside of me and he asked me to hum. It sounded so dumb to me, and I wondered if he wanted me to hum a song or something. Of course I couldn't ask him, my mouth was sort of full.

So I just hummed in a rather deep tone, but couldn't keep it up as I ran out of breath pretty soon. I took a deep breath in through my nose and did it again.

"Oh, that feels freaking great."

I felt so silly humming with a dick in my mouth and I stopped it after the third time and pulled off his dick. I got off his bed and went to the bathroom where I spat out the water before going back to Henry's room.

"Why did you spit it out, you could have just swallowed it?" He grinned at me.

"I didn't feel like drinking dirty dick-flavored water."

"My dick isn't dirty."

"Well, not now it ain't."

"It wasn't before either."

I let it slide, but I knew he hadn't washed it before I started sucking it, and we hadn't had PE in school that day, so there had to be at least a day's worth of whatever the gunk that amasses under the foreskin is. We used to call it neck or dick cheese, and I didn't feel keen on eating that nasty stuff. I mean, I hadn't even tried tasting my own, so I wasn't about to eat his. Dissolved in water or not.

I got back on the bed and resumed sucking him, this time without any water and without humming. That was just a bit too advanced for me. He asked me to take one of the ice cubes and just slide it over his skin wherever I wanted to. So I put it on his ball sack. It started shrinking and before long his nuts were sitting closely to his groin. I kept circling the nuts with the cube until he spread his thighs further and lifted his legs back.

"Do it on my asshole," he demanded.

So I traced it down the line between his legs, perineum I think it's called, and down to his bullseye. I couldn't really see what I was doing as I was still busy sucking his dick. However, I knew if I just kept going south, I would reach the hole sooner or later. And I did, Henry jerked ever so little when the ice struck his butthole, and I moved it about the area in slow circles. I made the circles smaller and smaller and when I got to the center, I began pushing the ice into the hole.

"No!" Henry said alarmedly, "Don't push it in there."

So I stopped, even if I really wanted to shove it up his ass with my middle finger as far as it would go. That would have been a sweet payback for what he had done to me and made me do to him. Instead I dropped what was left of the ice cube into the glass and sucked harder on him. I was ready for this to end and rather sooner than later. It did end of course, by the shooting of his stuff into my mouth, only this time it felt like there was a lot more of it.

When I asked him about it when I got dressed, he simply stated he hadn't jacked off since the last time I had sucked him off. I really didn't like the taste of it now that there was enough of it to leave an aftertaste. So I went to the bathroom and rinsed my mouth out with water before leaving Henry's house. He saw me out the door wearing nothing more than when he entered into this world.

That would be cool to be able to do that too.

When I got home, I opened the door to the house and almost knocked Tom over. He was putting on his shoes and stood directly in front of the door. Had I known that, I would have opened it with much more force, but as it was, he was able to grab me by the collar of my jacket.

"Where's your little fuck buddy?" He gnarled at me, "Casey?"

"He's not my fuck buddy, he's my friend."

"I know you stick it up his ass every time you can, so don't give me that crap."

"I don't."

"Sure, you don't. That's why mom's cream is nearly gone. Or maybe it's you who gets fucked?"


"Or have you finally learned how to whack your little dinky?"

"Whaaaat? NO!"

"Well, you're lucky I'm late. Otherwise I would've made you show me."

He shoved me aside and put his other shoe on.

"Tell the 'rents I'm eating at Karen's house tonight," he said over his shoulder as he left and slammed the door behind him.

I was left afraid and confused.

How did he know how much was left of mom's hand cream and at what rate it was used? And what did he mean by making me show him. Show him what? Me jacking off or having sex with Casey?

Would he tell our parents or would he somehow use it to make me do something. So many questions and no answers. Add to that the strange things Henry made me do to and with him.

I didn't finish my homework that night, and for the first time since I had gotten the Amiga, it was left turned off for the entire day. Not finishing my homework assignments wasn't exactly something new, but I loved my Amiga more than life itself. That just emphasizes the state I was in that evening and most of the night until I finally managed to fall asleep from exhaustion at around 3AM.

I tried to fake being sick the next morning, but my mom would have none of it. So I had to somehow make it through the day at school, until I could take a nap when I got home. Of course Henry kept trying to get in touch with me but I managed to stick close to someone all day and ignored him. I could tell he was getting more and more frustrated until he finally just walked up to me in the last recess and said he had to talk to me. Privately.

My mates looked at each other, shrugged and left us!


"Look, I really enjoyed what we did yesterday. But we don't have to do it again, if you didn't like it," he started.

"I didn't."

"I thought so. I just wanted to try it. There are other things I've been dreaming of doing with you. Well, with a girl, really. But I can't do it with any of the girls. None of them will even talk to me."

"That's what you get from swinging your dick around like a crazy ape."

"It was fun though," he laughed, then got all serious again, "but please, will you come home with me today?"

Shit and crap, I was more tired than I ever remember being. Oh perhaps there was one Christmas Eve where I managed to stay awake and play with my new toy all night long. Yeah, when I got the Amiga. But still, all I really wanted was to sleep. When I said no, he kept begging me to please come with him. I kept saying no, but then he said that he'd suck me off until I'd cum. Or get the good feelings at least, since I couldn't shoot yet.

"Twice," I upped the stakes a bit.

"If you will let me do whatever I want," he retorted.

"It can't hurt. If it does, it's the last time I'm ever going to your house."

"Alright. It won't hurt I promise."

And so we went to his house again for the third time in four days.

This is beginning to be like it was with Casey.

Yet, it wasn't the same. Far from.

At his house he again asked me to strip in his room while he got something. I stood naked next to his bed when he returned and threw a small piece of clothing at me. It was really soft and smooth to the touch as I tried to figure out what the heck it was. It wasn't much more than a small triangular-shaped piece of cloth with some strings attached to it.

"Put it on."

"What is it?"

"It's my sister's underwear. I want to see you in it."

"No way! I'm not a girl."

"You're my girl today. You promised you'd do what I wanted if I sucked you off two times."

Damn, he kind of got me with that.

"The triangle goes in front, the string go between your legs and the loop around your waist."

I put it on, and it felt strange to say the least. First of all it was kind of too large, yet too small. It was a purple thong and the triangular patch didn't do much to cover my junk in front. And the string between my legs, well butt cheeks really, was extremely annoying. The loop and string were too large so I had to hold onto the loop to keep it up.

"Kinda big on you. But we can't alter it, she'll know if it's missing."

"I'm not going to wear it after today anyway," I said.

"Maybe not. Anyway, get on the bed, I'm going to suck you off quickly."

I was on the bed, wearing the skimpiest piece of clothing I had ever seen, with Henry between my legs. He had pulled my dick out next to the patch and was busy slobbering all over my dick and balls. He obviously didn't mind his saliva running down and in between my cheeks but it bothered me. Sticky, you know. I tried to avert my thoughts from the moisture and concentrate on the feeling of his mouth on my dick. After adjusting his efforts a couple of times I managed to get off.

Not the best one for me, but at least I did get off. Henry stood and asked me to undress him slowly and to kiss his body as I did. He didn't want to be kissed on the mouth, that was too gay, but everywhere else was okay. I even had to kiss his arm pits, which I felt was both strangely exciting and very disgusting. There was of course some sweat there, but not yet the pungent stuff from adolescents or adults.

And there wasn't any hair either. Had there been I'm not sure I would've kissed and licked there, no matter what would happen if I didn't. He seemed to really enjoy my sucking on his tits, which I didn't really understand. I've never been stimulated by being sucked or touched there. I downright refused to lick his feet and his butt and fortunately he didn't push me to do so. But he did ask me to. Finally I got him undressed and after licking his dick and balls he got on the bed.

He asked me to lay next to him and hug him. He caressed my body and asked me to caress his. He even kissed me all over my face, but again avoiding my mouth. After 15 minutes of this intimacy he pushed gently but persuasively on my neck guiding my head towards his groin. I opened up and took in his dick, as far as I was comfortable with and then Henry pushed me just a bit more onto his dick. I started gagging but not excessively so and Henry let up a bit but kept his dick in my mouth.

When I got a hold of myself he pushed me back down until I started gagging again. He kept doing this, until his sperm shot into my mouth. I don't know how much he spurted in there, because I swallowed it as quickly as it shot out, hoping I wouldn't be able to taste it too much. I really didn't like the taste of sperm but I couldn't spit it out either. I guess I could have let it ooze out, but the taste would still be in my mouth.

So I swallowed it like I would a bitter medicine. When Henry got his wits again, he let go of my head and we rearranged ourselves so I was now the one lying down. He took my by then limp dick into his mouth and tried to blow some life into it. After 30 seconds I thought it would be in vain, but then my dick decided it liked the attention and slowly arose to the task at hand. Henry sucked on it for what must have been ten minutes, licking and stroking it.

He even yanked on my balls but beyond getting me to hiss from pain, he couldn't make me orgasm. Finally, I just asked him to stop as my balls were beginning to hurt and my foreskin felt totally abused. When I examined it later that night in bed, it was bright red and there were a few cuts in the skin. This hurt like a bitch, and I had to refrain from pounding my little soldier while waiting for it to heal. I even put on some zinc salve I found in the bathroom to speed up the healing.

During that time I completely ignored Henry, spent recess either in one of the cubicles in the boy's rest room or between some bushes and the chain link fence surrounding the school property. Both places sucked, it stank in the boy's room, stale pee and farts, I'm sure you can imagine. And there was next to nothing to do behind the bushes. It gave me time to think though.

I was desperate for attention, I guess my mom and dad were too busy to do anything with me. My brother Tom was a walking nightmare and I thank God we hadn't been alone at home after our bumping into each other at the front door. Casey was too busy as well, I had seen him walking home with a boy from his gymnastics team. And Henry, well, all I was to him was a substitute for a girlfriend. Which felt rather humiliating as I was all boy.

I thought maybe I could work with Henry, get him to be more like Casey. One I could hang with and not just do sex stuff with. And when we did sex stuff, have him reciprocate more than he had done so far. First and foremost I needed my foreskin to heal up. It hurt when I got a stiffy, which happens to a boy in puberty a great deal more often than you'd think. Probably even more due to not being able to choke an orgasm out of it.

After the two days had passed, I was too horny to pay heed to my still healing prick. I had to have the feelings or my prick would fall off. I masturbated gingerly while reflecting over the stuff I had done with Casey. Us sucking each other, or him getting his rocks off in my ass. I even started imagining what it would be like to have Henry fuck me. Henry forcing his big cock into my butthole, the discomfort of it, maybe even feeling pain, was what I was thinking of when I reached nirvana.

Chapter 6
Being claimed by Henry

I had some crazy weird dreams that night after I finally managed to get my dick working again. I can't remember all of them, but one was where I couldn't move, being held up in the air by invisible restraints. It was pitch dark, but I knew I was doubled over as I could feel my knees touching my ears. Looking towards my rear end, I could barely see a giant pole slowly approaching my quivering butthole. As it made contact with my hole, the darkness disappeared all at once.

By then, I could see the pole was actually a humongous version of Henry's cock as it was attached to his body. His lips parted in a grotesque grin as he slammed the pole into me. And that's when I woke, unable to move at first as I was completely entangled in the bed linen. When I finally got myself free I realized I was covered in a sheen of sweat and my dick was harder than hell. A look at the alarm clock next to my bed let me know it was 4:56 AM.

Two full hours earlier than I normally got up, but there was no way I'd be able to go back to sleep. My dick was desperate for attention and pulsated almost angrily at my lack of gripping it and manipulate it. My orgasm came quicker than ever before. And that's when I made up my mind to see if I could get Henry to fuck me. Maybe even persuade him into letting me fuck him as well. If I planned it right, I just might have a chance.

I changed my bed linen on my own for the first time in my life that morning. Normally my mom would do that, once every week like clockwork. The duvet proved rather difficult but I finally managed to get the bloody thing properly inside its case and not bunched up in the middle of it. After that I lay in the bathtub for a long time and just enjoyed the warm water all around me. I almost lost track of time but I got out before my dad woke up.

At school before the first bell, I sought out Henry and asked him if he would be alone at home in the afternoon. He said his sister wouldn't be home until 5:30 PM and his mom even later. His dad was a cargo pilot in the air force and was somewhere up in the air between Denmark and Greenland and wouldn't return home until a couple of days later.

This was great as school let out early that day. Our last double segment of classes had been cancelled as the teacher was sick and they hadn't been able to find a substitute for her. So we found ourselves on the street heading towards Henry's house at 11:45AM, and had nearly six hours we could do whatever we wanted. I had been thinking of how I could get Henry to fuck me, but I was simply too shy to openly ask him to do it.

While we were riding our bikes towards his house he asked me what I had been doing in the past couple of days.

"I've been thinking," I said truthfully.

"For two days? Must have been serious stuff."

"Yeah it is," I sighed.

"Tell me about it," he said as we turned into his drive way.

"When we're inside."

So we sat down on his bed. And I started babbling about my friendship with Casey, how much I missed him and the things we did. How I hoped I could get something like that again with Henry. I didn't cry but it was really hard not to. Henry was pretty cool. He seemed a little surprised that I told him all this, but told me that he was happy I trusted him enough to let him know. Admittedly, I didn't tell him about Casey having fucked me.

Instead I had told him about the other stuff Casey and I had done when we were playing. At that age it was cooler to call it hanging out with each other, which is the wording I used of course. Anyway, that day I ended up sucking him off. He again wanted me to wear that thong of his sister's, something I really didn't want to. I was no girl, I was 100% pure boy. Okay, I did sex stuff with other boys, but I never thought of myself as being feminine.


Well, there is one time I remember where I actually did pretend to be a girl. But it doesn't really count, I was being watched by the daughter of some friends of my parents'. I was only five or six years old at the time and had just taken a bath. I combed my longish hair, still wet from the bath, into a girls hair do. I've no idea why, but I ended up walking naked into the living room with my small dick and balls tucked in between my thighs, making it look like I had nothing there.

She laughed her head off when she saw me, but I vaguely remember she helped me put on just a bit of makeup and let me stay like that until it was time for me to go to bed. Back then it had just been good-natured childish fun with no sexual undertones. Nothing at all like what Henry had made me do for him.


So, how come I didn't refuse to wear that thong? Today, with the knowledge I have now, I wish I had refused it, even if it had meant never having sex with Henry ever again. At the time, however, it felt like such a little thing I had to do for him to have sex with me. I knew wearing that flimsy thing didn't really turn me into a girl, it was just kind of degrading for me having to wear the bloody thing.

The sounds he made as I sucked him off were really distracting to me, he sounded like he was an actor in the single porn movie I had watched with Casey once. It had been a German one, from the early 1980s, really cheesy. I don't know whether it was the obvious fake moaning or the horn music that made us start giggling too much to actually jerk our pricks to the porn. Listening to Henry moan made me remember that moment with Casey and I really had to fight back the laughs forming in my chest.

Instead of heading home right after I had rinsed my mouth, getting the taste of Henry's sour sperm out of my mouth, I spent a few hours helping Henry with his remote-controlled plane built from balsa tree.

It had a really small gasoline-powered engine that made one hell of a noise when Henry started it so I could hear what it sounded like. He used an electric engine with a cup that attached to the propeller and when firmly pressed onto it, would turn the engine over and start. That was downright cool. Since I was good at soldering, I helped him tidy up his not-so-good solder work, which was kind of hard, due to the tools he had at hand.

Instead of a soldering iron that I was used to, he had a solder gun. I'm rather sure that you could have used that thing to solder gutters, so to solder small electric wires to small servos wasn't an easy task. I offered to bring my tools the next time I came by and he happily accepted. Eventually I made a much better wiring harness for his plane, but that isn't really important for this story. What is more important is I invited Henry over to my house after school the next day.

I made sure to take a dump during lunch break that next day, so my butt would be poop free by the afternoon when I had every intension of having Henry plow my furrow with his big tool. I guess I was already at that young age turning into a size queen, searching out the bigger dicks, but still having fun with smaller ones too. By the time Henry and I were on our bicycles heading for my house, my heart was pumping from anticipation.

I still hadn't popped the big question yet, and I was still unable to think of a way to ask which if refused could be made into me only joking about it. Henry was impressed by my room, not so much because of the furniture which was quite frankly just hand me downs from my brother. He envied me for the lock on my door, which he told me his dad would never let him have on his door. When I used the Amiga to pull the curtains he laughed and shook his head at me.

I told him I'd be right back and went to the bathroom to make my butthole ready with the cream. Yes, I was still using the Nivea cream, and even to this day I can't look at a tin like that and not fondly remember what I've used that stuff for. My butthole lubed up and ready for action, I went back to my room to find Henry shuffling through my floppy disks with games for the Amiga.

"Dude, your games suck," he ever so kindly told me.

"Tell me about it. My mom and dad won't get me the better ones."

"If you have some empty floppies I can copy some of mine for you."

"Really? Please! I have a box in the drawer."

"Sure, no problem at all."

"Cool. Remind me to give them to you when you leave."

"Okay. What are we going to do now? I don't want to play any of the games you have."

He looked around my room, like he was trying to find something that would appeal to him. That was quickly done, as my room was only 9 square meters [~100 square feet]. My bed took up a part of that, as did the closet where I had my clothes. That left just enough space for a desk with my Amiga and a small 14" TV, and two chairs in front of it. I had two shelves above my bed full of books.

Underneath the bed there were two big drawers for storage. One of them held a few hand tools and a lot of broken down appliances and other crap I used for parts for my projects. In the other I had whatever toys I still liked playing with, mostly alone, Legos, Playmobil and a lot of SIKU cars and trucks.

Henry's eyes found mine and by the smirk on his face I could tell he had come up with something for us to do. I smirked back at him and nodded. He smiled and began to undress. I took off my own clothing mimicking his actions except for when he took off his underwear.

"Henry, would you like to try something new today?" I almost regretted asking him right as the words left my mouth.

"Like what?"

"Well, you could, but only if you'd want to. Nah you'd probably not want to. I'll just suck you like usual."

Part of me hoped he'd just leave it at that, but on the other hand, I had already prepared my asshole. I could actually feel the hand lotion in it. My ass had been tempted by the single digit I had used to spread the lotion not only around the hole, but inside it too.

"I like you sucking me. But if you want to do something else, then just say it," he told me.

"Uhm, I really don't think you'd want to," I started.

"Just try me. I'm not going to run off and tell everyone what you said. 'Sides I think I know what you want. If it is, I want to do it."

"You'd do me?" I said quickly. Just to get it over and done with. Not the fucking of course, but the asking, "You know, in the butt?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Will you suck me off first?" I asked, thinking I might be able to get him to do just that, now he seemed eager to have real proper sex with me.

"Uh, yeah. You can't shoot yet so it's okay."

Not sure if I was to be offended by that remark, but decided to it slip now he'd would suck me, I shucked my underwear off and got on the bed. Henry slipped in between my legs and started off by wanking my dick. Then he took his other hand and traced a finger down my perineum to my really greasy bum hole. Promptly he stuck his finger all the way inside my bum while grinning at me.

"That's why you left just now," he said while wriggling his finger about and moving it in and out of my hole, "Oh holy, I can't wait for my prick to go there."

"You better not stick it in like you did your finger!" I tried scowling at him, but that's pretty hard to do when your dick is being stroked and a finger is wriggling its way around in your butt hole.

"I'll do that slow and nice," he promised, "just like I'm going to suck your little dink."

And he bent over my midsection and sucked my dick into his mouth. What he lacked in experience he made up for with his wriggling finger in my bum, and it only took me a minute and a half to curl up my toes, grip the bed sheet and succumb to a very nice orgasm. He didn't let me enjoy it for very long, he insistently tried to make me get onto my stomach. While I was still in the aftershock of a kiddie orgasm, he guided his prick to and inside my hole.

On my end, or should I say in my end, it was a bit uncomfortable bordering to being painful. Unlike Casey's dick, Henry's was nearly adult sized, both in length and girth. It felt a bit like the first dump you take after being constipated. I'd be lying if I said something like I could feel every millimeter of the giant trunk going inside of me, so I won't. But I did feel his dick being pushed inside of me, the rim of my hole stretched, not to the limits, but further than any dick had so far. And slowly, but a hell of a lot more quickly than I desired, this big prick pushed further into me than anything else had.

When he finally ran out of prick to force into me, I told Henry to let my hole adjust to having him inside of me. Not in so many words, I think I've gasped something like "Wait!" and a minute after saying "Okay." It isn't so easy to talk when you have a boy weighing more than you lying on top of your back and having his prick inside your once, but not at that moment, tightly shut ass hole. But when I did give the go ahead, Henry slowly pulled out his prick so only the glans was inside.

He only moved his hips back and kept his weight on my shoulders and back. Slowly he pushed back into me shifting some of his weight to his hips so he really got all of his dick firmly imbedded in me. On the outstroke, his weight came back on my upper body forcing the air out of my lungs. I moaned inaudible as his dick kept touching my prostate. I think if he had been able to go on for a sustained period of time, I could have orgasmed again just from being fucked.

This being Henry's first time of fucking anything other than his own hand, sometimes wrapped in a wash cloth in the shower, he didn't last very long. I can't say exactly how long it was, but we were both out of breath after a fucking that had started out slow but steadily and quickly increased in speed. Until he went full speed bouncing off and on my butt so it sounded like I was getting a spanking and finally he crammed all of his prick inside of me and shot his load deep inside my weary ass.

He didn't let it linger long in my ass, but pulled it out and used my pair of briefs to wipe the Nivea cream from his dick, balls and slight mat of pubic hair. I mentally made a note of getting some paper towels or something like that to keep in my room from then on. I had to wash out that pair of briefs myself and somehow get it dry before putting it in the wash bin. Or, like I usually did, leave it on the floor next to my bed for my mom to collect at a later time.

I gingerly got up on my hands and knees. Using the same pair of briefs I wiped my butt and found another pair from my closet and put those on.

Henry went home not long after we both got fully dressed again, he only really waited until the blush had left his ears and face. That flush is something I've yet to understand. Normally you blush if you feel embarrassed or getting tickled or maybe trying to lift something really heavy. But just thinking of sex can make you blush and feel like your face is burning. There's nothing embarrassing about sex, is there?


Henry and I fell into a kind of routine after that. We didn't spend each and every day together, but about twice a week, maybe thrice when he felt particularly horny. Sex with him was quite predictable too, he sometimes sucked me to orgasm, then fucked my brains out immediately afterwards. Other times he wanted me to suck him off before he then fucked my brains out for a longer while to our mutual joy.

Yeah, while I didn't much like the way he'd push into me, I loved how he'd almost brutally fuck me. It was only a matter of adjusting to the feeling of having his prick inside my ass. While he enjoyed fucking me, he only ever once let me try to fuck him. I hardly got the tip of my dick inside of him before he told me to take it out.

Getting sucked and fucked by Henry was enough for my sex drive. Well, almost. I could still remember the feeling of my prick head just breaching his tight and so very warm butt hole. It left me with a yearning of finding someone who would allow me to properly fuck them. Someone who would enjoy it as much as I enjoyed being fucked. I didn't ditch Henry, we weren't exactly an item, more like friends with benefits I think you could call it.

I still kept my eyes and ears open at school and everywhere else I went though. There just had to be a boy like me out there somewhere. And I would do just about anything to meet him.

Chapter 7
Andy, and how he came along

I admit, I'm taking a huge leap forward in time here, I knew Henry intimately until shortly before my 15th birthday. During that time we did a lot of different things together, some of that I'll tell you later. I also got to know a few other boys intimately in my youth, and I'll tell you of my experiences with these boys too. However, I didn't really intend for this story to solely be about my youth, interesting as it might have been. The real star of the story isn't even me. No, it's in fact my son, Andy.

Andy, the weeping boy, is whom I hold more dearly than anything I've ever had. Of course, I don't really own Andy, he's not a slave after all. But he came from my loins, one single sperm cell out of millions made him. Thinking back on how I lived my life, I'm quite surprised I ever ended up having a son. In all likelihood I could, should, have ended up with a stud of a man with a big cock or perhaps a young Asian guy looking like he was all of 12 years old.

Instead, I met the mother of Andy when I was 26 years old. It was quite a chance meet. At the time I was a corporal in the Danish National Guard. And as a corporal, I was the squad leader's second-in-command, which meant I'd be handling squad issues when the sergeant couldn't. We had a new recruit who had just passed the background checks. I was to call her and find out when she would be able to pick up her uniform and gear and of course sign the contract.

As it was the first time I was to do this, I was quite nervous. I mean, I had been through a pretty tough course for NCOs before I got my two stripes, but nothing that really prepared me for this. Add to this, I've never really been comfortable around women. But I called her that afternoon, leaving a message to call me back. She didn't call back until later in the evening, around 7:30 PM. She was so excited, you'd think she had won a million bucks.

We talked a bit back and forth, I was trying to make her tell me when she could come to the depot to pick up the stuff. And she was constantly telling me what a nice, warm, deep voice I had. She said stuff like that a number of times while I tried to stay on track, but finally I gave up and thanked her for one of her compliments. Oh, how she laughed at me and told me she had had to say it so many times that she thought I was either dumb or just extremely professional.

We ended up talking for five straight hours, including having sex over the phone. Of course I never told my squad leader about that. There are more than a few husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend constellations in the National Guard, but I don't think any of them started exactly the way my relationship to Michelle began. We met at the depot and afterwards I drove her home to her small flat. As buttoned up as I was around her, just as relaxed she was.

She asked me if I would mind her taking off her blouse, as she usually did that when she lounged at home. I thought she would at least be wearing a bra, and as it was her home, I told her to just make herself at home. So she shrugged off both blouse and bra, sitting in the sofa topless. I haven't really had much interest in the opposite sex, the thought of them having periods have been enough to have me stick to my own gender.

But somehow, we ended up in her bed, having sex. I won't go into any specifics here, but I did enjoy her company as well as the sex. And she did too apparently. We ended up going steady for about six months, although it wasn't without its difficulties. I lived quite a distance away from her and having a fulltime job made it hard to spend time with her except from the weekends. We had a weekly meeting in the squad though, and after that was over, we'd head back to her flat and have sex.

Most of the times I wore a condom, but as time went on we kind of skipped past that. We weren't planning on having a child, at least it wasn't a priority of mine, and I really thought she was on the pill. However, one evening she called me and said she was two months pregnant. That was too crazy a conversation to have over the phone, so I drove the more than 100km [~60 miles] to her flat, only arriving at 10PM. None of us wanted a baby at this stage in life.

But, as we discussed it further, we ended up painting this pretty picture with mom, dad and kid in it. To say that it isn't what it ended up to be, is an understatement. As it was, the only thing Michelle and I really had in common, was our shared fondness for sex. We even had a few sessions where one of her male friends joined in. Both Michelle and I got thoroughly fucked those times. But with the baby on the way, I'm sad to say I was losing interest in Michelle.

I think reality slowly punched its way into my mind, and when I had finally come to my senses, I sat down and talked to Michelle. It wasn't a pleasant conversation. She was of course upset and accused me of being irresponsible. In turn I kept saying I'd live up to my responsibilities, that I wanted joint custody and pay child support and much more, but I just couldn't marry her. Finally we came up with some kind of agreement.

She would be the primary caretaker of the child in his or hers first few years and I'd able to come by and spend time with the baby either at her flat or take it out on walks. And later on, the child would be spending more and more time with me, until it would be close to 50%. That meant one of us would have to move so we'd live closer to each other. Neither of us wanted to be the one moving, so in the end we made a compromise. We'd both be moving.

We found two townhouses on the same street in a small city around halfway between our current homes. When we moved houses, I helped her as she was by then eight months pregnant and moved around with the grace of a drunken elephant. Both sets of grandparents helped us, so it didn't take more than a day to put stuff into boxes, boxes into a van and unpack the boxes at her new home. Of course I had to listen to her parents giving me shit, but my parents stood up for me.

And Michelle also pitched in, finally shutting her parents down by saying it was a mutual agreement. By then, we had been told the sex of our child, suddenly cutting away half of the names we wanted to call our offspring. I wanted to name him Charlie but Michelle thought that had too much to do with the military, it being part of the phonetic alphabet. She wanted to call him Christian, which to me was just too royal and too widely used. We each put five names in a bowl and she drew the name Andy out of it.

It wasn't one of my suggestions, but I kind of liked the sound of it. So Andy it was. And Andy came out into the world in the middle of the night on the 4th of May. Of course I was in the room when Michelle gave birth, and even though I didn't love his mother, I instantly fell head over heels in love with my little son.

Chapter 8
First time into real trouble

Henry and I started spending more time together, we didn't have sex every day, just stuck to the schedule we started out on. So it was mostly Tuesdays and Fridays we spent 15-20 minutes where he'd suck me and I let him fuck me. Sometimes I just sucked him off after he had sucked me. If I hadn't been able to poop during the lunch recess, I refused him access to my butt. He tried on more than a few occasions to make me change my mind, said I could just go take a shit right then.

I didn't want to be fucked when there was a risk of poop coming out or clinging to the dick. Even if I was a smart kid, I never thought of giving myself an enema back then, which would have made it much simpler. However, I so loved it when Henry literally begged me to let him fuck me. It made me feel special and wanted.

Sometimes I'd egg him on by placing my foot on his crotch and get him all worked up and then say he had to leave as I had to do something important that simply couldn't wait. Or if we were at his place, that I had to go home. Most of the time I'd give in and let him have his way with me, but a couple of times I'd leave him hot and bothered and only in the company of his right hand.

One rare evening when Tom and my mom and dad were all at the bicycle union, club really, I was home alone with Henry. We had sex, of course, and after that and the movie we watched afterwards was over, I saw him out to the door. I had only bothered to put on my underwear as I was going to bed right afterwards, but wanted to keep talking to Henry in the driveway. I didn't want anyone to see me only in my underwear so I put on one of the aprons from the kitchen.

I'm not sure why I did that, but I probably figured it would be better than standing out there being next to naked. Henry thought it was hilarious and after a little fight he managed to pull down my underwear. Instead of pulling them back up, I just stepped out of them and walked around in the driveway for a while with only this stupid apron on me. My naked butt hung out for all to see, if anyone had been there that is, and my erect dick pushed out the front of the apron.

We talked for a couple of minutes, giggling and acting like six years-olds until Henry finally got on his bike and left. Before I managed to pick up my discarded underwear and get safely back inside, disaster struck.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, you little pervert?" Tom said loudly as he entered the driveway on his bike.

I had a blush all over my body as I nervously fumbled with my underwear and tried in vain to get one foot into the leg hole. I hopped around on one foot and the darn underwear was as if it had come alive. I swear, it did everything it could to prevent me from putting it on. I was too busy to notice Tom had put the bike up against the wall of our house and had advanced on me.

"Oh no, these stay off, baby brother," he said, as he took hold of my underwear and yanked them from my hands. He then grabbed me by my neck and marched me towards the open door of our house. Inside the kitchen he shut the door, never letting go of me.

"Let go! It was just a silly game."

"I always knew you were up to no good. First Casey and now Henry. And God knows who else," Tom leered at me, "just wait until I tell mom about this."

"No, pleeeease don't tell mom," I begged of him with tears in my eyes.

"I'm so going to tell her. Maybe she'll understand I'm not the Devil in this house. That it's really you! Her little darling baby turns out to be getting it on with all of his boyfriends."

"I didn't mean to."

"But you did. Take off that silly thing."

I didn't want to, this wasn't like Henry, where I deep down wanted to, but wouldn't admit it to myself. This I really, really did not want to do. But Tom was so much older than me and so much stronger too. This time I wasn't behind my door with its lock, safe to laugh at him with no fear of immediate retaliation. But I wasn't about to just give up.

"I won't take it off. You just want to see my junk."

"Oh, puh-lease! I'm not interested in your baby cock. Mom and dad wears that apron when they cook. I don't want your piss on the food. Take 3; it 3; off 3; NOW!" He said the last four words slowly and sternly while shaking my body from one side to the other.

So I did. I simply undid the strings around my neck and then the ones around my waist. The apron fell to the floor.

"Hmm, I guess your cock isn't all baby after all."

"I knew you just wanted to gawk at me. Who's the pervert now?" I spat out at Tom and put my hands on top of my dick shielding it from his scrutinizing look.

He didn't say anything. Instead he marched me into his room ignoring my loud protests. As he shut the door, he propelled me onto his bed.

"I don't want this," I hiccupped softly.

"But I do. You're going to suck my cock."

"NO! Please, I don't want to."

"So, my cock isn't good enough for you, is that it?"

"I don't suck dicks."

"I already know you do, I just want to see if you're any good at it."

"I'm not!"

"I'll be the judge of that. If you do well, I won't tell mom."

"Will you suck on mine?"

"Heh, oh no, I'm not the pervert. You are."

"I'm not a pervert!"

"Whatever. Suck it and I won't tell. If you don't, I'll tell mom you fuck Casey and Henry. Oh and maybe that you tried fucking Walter too."

"I'd never do that to Walter."

Walter was my dog. Well, he was really the family dog, but in my eyes he was all mine. I walked him, sometimes, and he loved me more than anyone else. At least I like to think that. On the other hand, he hadn't tried to rescue me from Tom. Even though, he once bit him when we had a fight. I mean Walter bit Tom, when Tom and I had a huge fight. Unfortunately it wasn't a serious bite, he only held onto Tom's ankle long enough for me to scurry away from Tom.

I might have been interested in sex, but not with dogs. At least not until then. I hadn't really thought of it.

Nah 3; Now, that would have been just plain sick!

"But mom will believe me if I say it," Tom pointed out.

I kind of felt sick having to suck off Tom, why should I give him pleasure when he was such a twat to me? It wasn't like I owed him anything either. Stealing his weed that one time and being a pest of a little brother the rest of the time, just didn't justify this.

"Okay," I sighed, "I'll do it, but just this time. Only once. Never again!"

"Right little bro," Tom smiled and pulled down his bicycle pants to about the middle of his thighs.

If you don't know, bicycle pants are worn without underwear. They are made from lycra or spandex and nylon, real tight and have a cushion of sorts that is meant to protect your balls and butt from the saddle. I say meant to, because your butt will ache no matter what you do if you ride for long enough. But it also makes you sweat down there between your legs and butt cheeks. Which I was about to experience up close and firsthand. As if being forced to suck off your older brother wasn't bad enough on its own.

He told me to sit on the edge of the bed and then walked up in front of me and brought his snake-like dick into close proximity of my face. I have seen more than my fair share of dicks over the years. While Tom's wasn't one of the bigger ones I've seen it certainly wasn't the smallest either. And at that tender age I was back then, it was the biggest so far. It filled me with envy as it stood straight out from his body at 45 degrees, completely straight.

I thought Henry's prick was big, but his was a child's prick whereas Tom was nearly an adult. And his dick was every bit as adult as the rest of his body. It had a big bush of dark hair, his balls were massive and the length and girth of the dick itself was just wow. The foreskin was pulled back and the dick bobbed up and down.

"Go on. Suck it."

After a very brief moment of pondering my options and finding none other than just to get it done as quickly as ever possible, I curled my lips over the teeth and took in the glans of his dick. I had to open my mouth wider of course and even if it was a bit more of a struggle I managed to close my lips around his head. Tom gasped at the sensation. I smiled on the inside, knowing all too well the great feeling of having your dick, even if only the head, inside a hot, moist mouth. On the outside I didn't let any emotions show.

I could clearly tell that Tom's dick wasn't exactly clean. So I gathered as much saliva in my mouth as I could and quickly swirled that around the dick head in my mouth and spat it out onto his floor.

"Don't you know how to wash your junk?" I asked him.

"Just suck. Don't talk."

Well, at least the taste was a bit better now, so I blocked out the fact that I was sucking on my big brother's dick. I actually think I did an okay job even if this was a man's dick and I had to come up with a different plan of attacking it. I couldn't get much more than the head inside of my mouth before the gag reflex kicked in and violently too. So I alternated between just having the head inside, running my tongue all over the smooth head and kissing/sucking on the rest of the shaft mostly the underside of it. He really seemed to enjoy my fierce sucking, like I was a human vacuum, just underneath his glans where the string is.

I could probably have given him a hickey right there, if I had wanted to. Would have been poetic justice if I had actually injured his dick under the cover of bringing him pleasure. But as I sucked him off, I was successful in ignoring that it was my brother standing in front of me. And because of that, I only thought of making him cum in the most delightful of ways to cum. At least he only stood there, hands by his side, passively enjoying what my mouth was doing to him.

Passively yes, quietly not so much. He was really moaning, ooh'ing and aah'ing and oh yeah'ing. Sometimes muttering positive remarks, "just like that, oh yeah." I tried not to pay attention to all of that, but failed rather miserably at it. Even more so when he started calling me Karen.

"Oh yeah, Karen, you're so great," he'd say.

What the fuck was that? His really stupid blonde girlfriend wouldn't know how to do this.

I was actually getting more than a little angry with him.

So I sucked in a bit of his foreskin between my teeth and bit down. Not hard, just a nip, but enough for him to feel pain.

"Ouch, don't bite me. You little creep!"

"Then stop pretending I'm Karen, asshole."

"Fuck you, I can't get off in the mouth of my 12 year's old brother for Christ sake!"

"You better cum soon though, cuz mom and dad will be home soon."

"Then suck the head while I jack off. But no more biting!"

I put my lips around the tip of his dick and played with my tongue below his pee slit while he grabbed hold of his shaft and started the motion every boy, five years and older knows. His cum came in volleys and he held onto the back of my head with his left hand while he pumped out even more cum with his right. Making sure I got every last drop of it in my mouth. When he finally released his hold on me, I flew off his bed and into the bathroom.

I spat out his cum into the sink, briefly awed by how much there was of that vile stuff. It ran into the drain and was quickly gone since I had by then opened the cold water tap. Switching from sucking dick to sucking on the faucet came naturally as I wanted even the slightest taste of cum rinsed out. If I had thought Henry's cum was bad tasting, Tom's was by far worse. After a minute of rinsing out my mouth, I still felt like I could taste it, so I brushed my teeth twice using a lot of tooth paste.

Done with that, I realized I was still naked and went in search for my underwear. I couldn't find it in the kitchen, there was only that damned apron laying on the floor. I swore loudly and kicked at it before I went to my brother's room. Only to find the door had been shut.

"I want my underoos back," I shouted as I kicked at the door.

"Go to hell, twerp," Tom yelled back.


"Look who's talking!"

"Child molester!"

I heard him get out of his bed and the loud footsteps as he ran to his door. But before he even got it open I was halfway down the hallway. I was inside my own room with the door shut and locked, before he could reach for the door knob. Now he was the one kicking at a locked door.

"Don't EVER fucking call me that again or I will fuck you up so bad you won't be walking for a year. You hear me?" He yelled furiously before stomping back to his own room, slamming his door so hard I feared my own would fall off the hinges. I shrugged.

What can you do?

Our parents came home twenty minutes later none the wiser. I heard the car in the driveway, then them entering the kitchen. They went to the bathroom one at a time before I heard the door to their bedroom close softly. I heard the pitter patter of Walters paws in the hallway and the slight impact his body made as he lay down. The house fell silent.

It took me a little time to wind down enough to fall asleep. I didn't dwindle too much on the blow job I had been forced to perform on Tom. It was just one of those nights where you get too warm under the covers, then feel like you're slowly freezing to death without them. The next morning I was woken by the alarm clock and really felt sick. I couldn't make it out of bed, but fortunately I had a waste bin in my room and it was right next to my bed.

I threw up into the bin and afterwards I started to cry. I've always hated throwing up and this time I really dry heaved a lot only getting really small amounts of bile up. I was sure I'd never make it, but at last I managed to climb on top of my bed to unlock the door and open it. In a weak voice I tried calling for my mom, but she was in the kitchen and I couldn't raise my voice high enough for anyone to hear me. I think my mind just switched off.

Slowly I woke and my mom was sitting next to me, saying sweet words of nothing softly to me. Next to my pillow was a bowl with water and she was gently wiping a really cold sponge over my forehead and my cheeks.


If I had been more aware of my surroundings at that specific point in time, I wouldn't have been all that calm I think. When my mom wants to have fun at my expense, she usually tells the story of what happened when I got sick with the measles.

She came looking for me when I didn't come to the breakfast table as usual and when she opened my door, she found me lying naked on my bed. I was curled up in the fetal position with my head in the foot end of my bed from when I had unlocked and opened the door. She could smell I had been throwing up and as she felt my forehead for a fever, I was burning up. I didn't wake up as she moved me into the right position on my bed.

I didn't even flinch when she inserted the dreaded rectal thermometer, nor when she had my dad pick me up and hold me while she changed the bed linen. That by the way was soaked with sweat. I only woke after two and a half hours had passed, during which she had been sponge bathing me nonstop with a mix of water and alcohol. She had been thinking of putting me in the bathtub with cold water, but I was too heavy for her to carry me on her own.

She was so happy for having kept one of my old plastic sheets as that meant she could put a wet wash cloth in between my legs to get my temperature down. And she thought my penis was so cute all shriveled up and small as it was, due to the coldness. Oh and not to forget the look upon my face as I suddenly realized I had the thermometer up my butt. Yeah, it's even more embarrassing when my mom tells it to her friends and family.

But the way I remember all of this, is like I said, I woke up and my mom was putting all this really freaking icy cold stuff on my face. I was too sick to make much of a fuss, even when I looked down my body and saw I was lying there in front of my mother wearing absolutely nothing. I mean, she hadn't even covered up Mr. Happy. Which by the way, was anything but happy at that time. It felt like I had pack ice in my nut sack and my nuts were desperately seeking the warmth from my body, trying in vain to return up the tubes they had once descended from.

Had I been able to, I would have blushed as I realized I had what felt like a pencil up my butt. I knew instinctively it could only be a thermometer. I didn't really want to dwell on it, but I then thought about how it got up there. My mom would have had to either lift up my legs, like she used to when changing my diapers, then hold up the legs with one hand and with the other shove the thermometer up my asshole. Or she would have pushed me onto my side, spread my cheeks and then shove it up there.

As it was, I was already pretty hot, not only in my face, but all over. I really wished I'd either pass out again or simply die right there and then. Anything to get rid of being sick. I swear my head hurt so much that even just opening my eyes hurt. The sunlight shining through my window felt like daggers poking into my eyes. I tried to shield my eyes with my arm, but my mom wouldn't have it. Instead she put a wash cloth over my eyes and pulled the curtains in front of the window.

"I know you're hurting sweetie," Mom said, "I called the doctor and he should be here soon. We're fairly sure it's only the measles you have, but we need to be certain."

"Oh no," I sobbed, "Blanket over me, he here?"

"You want a blanket over you when the doctor's here?"

"Yes. Please."

"Of course. He may have to examine you all over though. So he'll see you anyway."

"Head hurts."

"You'll get some pain killers once the doctor is here. They may help on the fever too," she said and then exclaimed, "Oh lord, I nearly forgot. I'm sorry honey."

She asked me to roll over a bit so she could get the thermometer out. I did and at last, the bloody thing was gently removed. I'd much rather have a dick up there than a thermometer, but sex was the last thing on my mind that day. All I could think of was how everything in my body seemed to ache. Even if it was one single hair in my eyebrow, it hurt. I was also really thirsty and I had this yucky taste of bile in my moth from when I upchucked earlier that morning.

At last the doctor arrived. I heard the car enter our driveway, but to my poor ears he might as well have arrived by helicopter. That would somehow have made it cool. Or maybe being whisked away in an ambulance at high speed with sirens blazing and police motorcycles escorting it. While Henry was plowing my butt and Tom choking me with his long cock. Okay, I was maybe not thinking all so clearly at the time.

The doctor came into the room with my mom, and of course I hadn't been covered up. At least it was the family doc, so I knew him vaguely from the checkups and vaccinations I'd gotten over the years. I tried to pay attention to what he said, but he was talking so softly to my mom that I couldn't really hear much of it. I heard my mom saying that I had a temperature of 39.9C, which is almost 104F. The doctor said something about the cleverness of my mom to leave me naked and to keep cooling me down.

Then he asked me a couple of questions while prodding my body in places that really no one should touch and it all hurt. It took maybe all of five minutes before he said that it indeed was the measles. That I would probably not want to leave my bed at all for about 4-5 days, which was just fine. I would start getting a rash within the next day or two that would spread to most of my body and that I was not to scratch it even if it would itch like hell.

I could use a soft towel to rub on the places that itched the most, but I should be careful not to scratch so much I'd start to bleed. If all else failed, he actually suggested my mom to buy a pair of mittens for me to wear. They left the room while still talking and I didn't hear more of the conversation. My mom returned as I heard the doctor leave in his car. She asked me if I thought I'd throw up again if I had a sip of water and a pill.

"Don't think so."

"I have a glass of water here, and a pill. Don't drink too much, just enough to get the pill down."

I took the pill and put it in my mouth. It didn't taste good so I quickly took a sip of water using a straw and swallowed. Of course it felt like the pill got stuck in my throat halfway down, but mom wouldn't let me have another drink yet.

"You may throw up the pill then, and then I'd have to give you another kind of pill."

"What kind?"

"One that goes into the other end."

"Other end 3;? No way!"

"Yes way."

"I'm fine. Don't need more water. Thanks."

My mom smiled at me and then resumed sponging me down. Even though it wasn't very fun, it was kind of nice just lying there being babied.



"What if I have to pee?"

"We'll deal with that when you need to."

"But how?"

"Probably in a bottle. Don't worry about it, Teddy."

"But, I can't pee in front of you!"

"You can't?"


"I wish you couldn't do that when you were younger. You used to hose me down."

"Oh, MOM!"

I didn't say anything for a while after that. I'm not sure when I fell back to sleep, but I knew I had when I woke up and suddenly saw that it was now my dad who was sitting next to me. He didn't notice I was awake right away, but then he looked me in the eyes.

"Thirsty?" he asked softly.

I nodded, suddenly realizing my mouth felt like the Great Sandy Desert. Yeah, we had been learning about Australia in geography class at school that year. And that Australia is both an island but also a continent, whereas Greenland which is bigger, is only an island. Well bigger, if you include the ice, that is.

"Ice too?" I managed to say.

"Okay, a sip of water, then an ice cube. But don't crunch the ice. Just let it thaw in your mouth."

I nodded and lifted my head as dad held the straw close to my mouth. I sucked in the fresh cold water that felt so refreshing. I couldn't stop myself but as my dad saw how much water was leaving the glass, he just moved it away from the straw, so I only sucked in air.


"I told you not to drink too much. You don't want to throw up again?"


I did get my ice cube though. The two minutes or so it took to thaw inside my mouth was pure heaven.

After an hour, during which my dad read to me, I asked if I wasn't to have another pill.

"But we already gave you one."

"You did? When?"

"While you were sleeping. We thought it was best to just let you sleep."

"Oh? OH!"

"You know, it wasn't the first time we've had to put a suppository into your rear end?"

"It wasn't?"

"No, but that was back when you were just a toddler. You wouldn't remember that."

It was more than a little humiliating to know my parents not only had seen my bum but also stuck something into it. At least I hadn't been awake when they had and I couldn't feel anything had taken place back there. I wasn't hurting as much as I had been, though, so it had to be working.

It took me 15 days to get well. I had to stay at home, mostly inside, some of the time in front of the Amiga playing games I had gotten copies of from Henry. But a lot of it was spent in bed. I also had to pee in a bottle a number of times, until I felt well enough to go to the bathroom on my own. Only once did my dad hold it for me. No, I wouldn't let my mom do that. Of course not. She had already seen far too much of my body for my liking, thank you very much.

I got the dreaded rash and yes it itched. Places on my body, I didn't even know could itch, itched. I scratched some, though I mostly used a stupid towel that really didn't make any difference. But I did scratch, mostly in my sleep, but my mom cut my fingernails almost to the point where I didn't have any left and filed them smooth, to keep me from scratching so much my skin would tear. At least, I never had to wear the mittens the doctor had talked about.

I talked to Casey and Henry a couple of times on the phone. They both had the measles too. Later, we found out almost half of the class had it too. Back then it wasn't part of the vaccination program as it is now. I'm just happy my boy, Andy, will never know what it feels like to have the measles. Fortunately, he's still asleep, hopefully having happy dreams.

Oh, Tom never got the measles. Lucky bastard. I thought he was the one who gave them to me during the forced blow job, until I learned about incubation times and that you don't get symptoms until long after you've contracted it. I think he was a bit envious of the attention I got from our parents, but of course he'd never admit it. At his age, it just wasn't cool getting too much attention from parents, as I later found out myself.

At 12, however, I still loved cuddles and hugs, kisses were okay too, insofar they were only given in private. Not in front of my class mates or friends. And certainly not on the mouth. Well, sometimes those were okay too. I mean if you get the present you've wanted for like a year and a half and you unwrap it and you just get so happy you feel like you'll wet yourself from joy. Then kisses on the mouth by family members were okay too.

I tried a couple of times to get Henry to kiss with me. He wouldn't have it. It was too gay. I didn't really worry about what was gay or not, why couldn't we just have fun, get our rocks off and not label it. I mean, he loved nailing me in the butt and what could be gayer than that? Taking it up the bum, and liking it too? If so, I was super gay! I just didn't want anyone to know it! But I really wanted to kiss, French kiss, smooching, swapping spit. All of it. And Henry, as my primary sex partner in crime for the moment wouldn't do it.

I remember one day when we were in bed, just caressing each other, I told him I wished I was a girl.

"Why would you want to be a girl?"

"Then you'd want to kiss me!"

"But, if you were a girl, we wouldn't be here in this bed right now."

He had a point. I couldn't really say anything to that statement so instead I slipped down and sucked his dick. It had grown a little, but not as much as my own. I was pretty much the same size as him, if not a little bigger. I had started shooting sperm too. Not much, and nothing as thick as his was now. But sometimes when I came, it shot over my head. The first time that happened to me, I was like, oh YEAH! But when it hit me in the face, I learned to keep a sock handy to catch my sperm.

Sadly, once I started shooting cum, Henry wouldn't suck me off anymore. Not even just a little. It pissed me off, of course. But after a week of sulking, I sucked him off and took his dick up my ass regularly again. It felt good to me, even though it was uncomfortable for the first couple of minutes. I still feel Henry got much more out of our relationship than I did. I simply had to make do with what I got.

Chapter 9
Getting to know the new boy

When I returned to school from summer vacation starting the 8th grade, a new boy joined my class. We had just sat down as the bell rang and our class teacher had done the roll call, when there was a knock on the door. And in entered this new kid. I hadn't seen him before, ever. But our teacher greeted him, then she told us his name was Thomas. He had transferred from another school and he would be part of my class until the end of 9th grade.

At first I was a bit taken back.

How will he ever fit in when this class has been made up by the same 15 kids since pre-school?

But then I thought I might be able to make a new friend. I was only really friends with Casey and Henry, though Jacob and another dude, Rick, had started being more friendly towards me. Not to the point where we all had sex together, far from. We just hung out, played games, soccer mostly, but also computer games.


One time when we were hanging out, Jacob made fun of Rick having made a hole in his Teddy bear once and fucked it. Rick was blushing like never before and we all but rolled around on the ground laughing. But I thought they might be doing something like me and Casey or me and Henry with each other. I never picked up the courage to ask them, sadly. Rick was drop-dead gorgeous, a slim, short soccer player who hadn't been hit by puberty yet.

I knew, as I checked his dick out a number of times in the showers. I noticed he got a good look at my junk too, during the 8th grade, when there was a rotation of sports activities in PE. Rick and I were the only boys who opted for badminton, and it took place at the real badminton center off school. The teacher was female, so we had the changing room and showers to ourselves. His dink was that of a younger and smaller boy, and he had no hair in sight on his body from his eyes down.

Mine had not only increased in size, but I had gotten quite a bit of hair down there too, unfortunately orange/red in color, sort of like the color of a carrot. My dick was big even when flaccid, it didn't get all that much bigger when erect. I'd like to think that he imagined it would grow into a monster cock when it got stiff. He didn't look away from it when he saw I had caught him checking it out. And I didn't turn away either. Unfortunately as said, nothing ever happened with Rick.

Well not as much as I had hoped for, but one time he was actually hanging out at my place. We were alone and played computer games. One of the new ones Henry had made a copy for me. I tried to see if Rick would be in the for mood for sex, but he mistook my intentions as when I caressed his front he thought I was going to crush his nuts.

"Don't touch my balls, I just had them examined yesterday!" he told me.

He was about to transfer to another soccer club and had received a full medical check in relation to that. So, apart for a bit of touching his stuff through his clothing nothing happened. Such a bummer.


Thomas, the new boy, was another story. He was the second one to call me fag, Jacob being the first, if you remember. But, let me start from scratch with Thomas.

He entered our class that first day in the 8th grade, and he got the desk just behind mine. Things were made even sweeter, when the teacher told us to rearrange our desks, so they'd be in a horseshoe-shape. We sat two pupils at each desk, and now Thomas would be sitting right next to me. The one sitting on the other side of Thomas was one of the girls, who was much more interested in gossiping with the girl now sitting next to her.

I had a guy named René on my left hand, but we had absolutely nothing in common and we hardly ever spoke to each other. So I talked a bit to Thomas when possible, not when the teacher was talking of course, but when text books and assignments on papers and all that crap was handed out. He told me he lived 3 km [~2 miles] from school, in another part of the small city. Actually in another school district too, but some kind of trouble had made him switch schools.

I never learned the exact nature of the trouble, if he had been bullied or maybe was a bully himself, but he didn't cause any serious trouble in our class. Apart from when he tried to out me in front of my class mates in woodworking class. Anyway, it was a couple of weeks into the school year when I talked to him about a project I was doing on my own, not really a school project, but inspired by the study book we used in biology.

It was about how to see what kind of insects and stuff that lives on the ground in a forest. It was quite simple, all you had to do was take a glass jar and bury it in the ground. The edge of the jar was to be level with the ground. That way unsuspecting insects would walk across the ground and fall into the jar. Because the jar was made of glass, the insects would be trapped inside of it. Some would still be able to just crawl up the side and out, but I did catch some.

Of course I let them back out and I dutifully checked the jar every day, as per the instructions in the book.

I asked Thomas if he wanted to come check out the jar to see what was in it that day and said we could go home to me afterwards and play on the Amiga. He was all up for it, though it was probably more due to the Amiga than the bugs, and after school we went to the small woods where I had the two traps set up. One was pretty much empty, but there were a few insects in the other.

I was starting to get bored from having these traps, I had had them out there for three days and the excitement factor on a scale from 1 to 10 had already tumbled down to around -5. So I took the jars out of the ground and covered the holes back up. And that is when I got really brave. I casually said that it was a nice secluded area perfect for jerking off.

"What?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, there's no one but us here and I feel like wanking."

"You want to what?"

"Wank, you know? Masturbate?"

Yep, I had learnt the proper phrase for it in Sex education.


"Yeah, why not? You do wank, right?"


"Everybody does."

"I suppose."

"Do you?"


"Want to?"

"Not here!"

"How about we go to mine?"

"Uh 3; Okay."

We rode our bikes to my house and when we were safely locked away in my room, I asked if he wanted to do it. Wank, I mean.

"I don't think so."

"Aw, come on. I'm going to," and with that I pulled down my shorts and underwear and sat next to him on my bed.

My dick was already hard, had been ever since we were in the woods. Thomas just sat there looking at me.

"Dude, get it out. You've seen mine now, show me yours."

He lifted his bum and pulled down his shorts and underwear but his t-shirt covered the important bits. So I reached over and lifted it up and out of the way.

"Hey," he objected.

"It isn't a big deal," I said and had a good look at his dick, "sorry man, I'm not making fun of you."

"It is small though."

"I like it just the way it is," I said.

I was being completely honest too. While it in fact was small, it was also extremely stiff.

"Wanna whack off?"

"Okay," he placed his hands on either side of his dick, which must have been no more than 7 cm [2.75 inches] long, and started rubbing them really fast against each other, like he was a scout trying to light a fire by rubbing a twig against a bigger branch.

"Can you get off by doing that?" I asked. It looked strange to me, I hadn't seen anyone do it like that and certainly hadn't done it myself.

"Get off?"

"Get the feelings?"

"Dunno? It feels good doing this."

"If you keep doing it, what happens?"

"I only do it for a couple of minutes."

"Oh man, you've been missing out."


"Mind if I show you something? I have to touch you, but you'll like it. I promise."


I had him stop abusing his dink and took hold of it the proper way. Proper for masturbation, that is. At least if you want to get off, and not start a fire in your loins. Uh, maybe that is the same thing, just different expressions. Anyway, I held it with my thumb and first two fingers, it was about all the fingers that would fit his tiny dick, if I was to make the up and down strokes on it too. I held onto his foreskin so that on the up stroke my thumb would touch the lower side of his head.

My index finger was on the other side of the head and my middle finger, just below the head. And then I set off in a slow stroke.

"Ooh," he said.

"Feels good?"


"Give it a little time."

I continued stroking, occasionally reaching over with my other hand to caress his small nuts. I know, I keep using these words, little, small and tiny to describe Thomas' junk, which I don't do to belittle him. But he was tiny down there. Andy at age 5 was as big as Thomas at age 13. Compared to him, I didn't have anything to be shy about in that department.

Thomas seemed to be getting more into it, at least he started shifting his body in little jerks.


"Oh loads! It tingles like I'm about to pee."

"You won't pee. It'll feel tons better."

"Keep going."

It took me all of six minutes to get Thomas to get his feelings. He shuddered through what seemed to be a pretty awesome first dry orgasm, with toes curling and tensing of thighs and stomach muscles. Add in the short gasps for air, and the complete relaxed state afterwards.

I asked him if he wanted to jack me off, and he began doing so. He was clumsy, clearly not used to jacking off and I reluctantly took over and finished off myself. He thought it was cool to see the sperm shoot out at the end. After I wiped off my sperm, we played games on the computer for about two hours until Thomas had to go home.

And the next day, first period, woodworking class, Thomas made an announcement.

"Teddy is a faggot!"

My heart skipped when I heard him say that. I thought he had enjoyed himself the previous day. It had certainly seemed that way to me.

"You're a liar, Thomas," Casey said fiercely.

"Yeah, I don't think Teddy is a fag either," Rick said from the other side of the room.

And then a couple of the other guys and some of the girls pitched in, talking over each other, practically ridiculing Thomas for being a jerk. I didn't at the time, but as I think back to that moment now, I kind of feel sorry for Thomas. He was only telling the truth. Admittedly, in a way that was totally uncalled for. I've given it quite a lot of thought and I think he only said it because he wanted to be something in the eyes of his new classmates. To be someone others would look up to.

But it backfired. If he had thought it would want people to start a friendship with him, it did the complete opposite. The others in the class shied away from him, never shared any secrets or trusting him with anything. A couple of days later during recess, he asked me if I wanted to talk.

"Teddy, I'm sorry. I was an idiot," he said.

"Yeah, but don't worry about it. No harm done, nobody believed you."

"Uh, this might sound silly, but can we go to your house after school?"

Any normal person would probably have said no. I wasn't normal, and I said yes. When we were inside my bedroom, Capri-Suns and a small snack in hand, I began laying down the law to Thomas.

"Anything that happens in this room, stays in this room. Don't run your mouth to anyone as some kids would only be too happy to bully me, if they find out I like doing things with dudes."

"I'm sorry! I 3;"

"Stop! Don't worry about it, it's already in the past."

It's in the past, but I've not forgotten!

I then told him there were a lot of things we could do to and with each other, if he wanted to. But, he had to keep it secret. He agreed to this quickly.

"Don't just say it's okay. Think it through first," I intoned.

"I have, I want to."

So, I told him to drop his pants. And he did.


It really shouldn't be necessary to write this, but I do not condone of sex between men and minors in the real world, where people do get hurt, neither do I condone of unsolicited sex between any gender, regardless of age, nor corporal punishment.

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