MaiocxxShaneA story from my world |
SummaryA long-secret Boy Lover pledges friendship to a misunderstood young boy whose parents are determined to 'cure' him of his evil. Can he succeed in rescuing the boy from the results of 'Conversion Therapy'?
Publ. May 2017
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CharactersShane Dixon (11-14yo) and Andrew Dixon, his father; Eric Nevill (13yo); Logan Haas (6-9yo) and his father Sam; William (Bill) Nelson; Dr. Elizabeth Morgan; Ben Nighthorse and members of the Hawk Clan; Hon Winfield Scott Stratton IV, Esq.Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy storyMt Mb tb – cons oral (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Since the sad death of my wife more than two years ago, I had sort of withdrawn into myself 3; continuing to live in the same condo we had shared for so many happy years. I had briefly considered moving back east, but decided to remain in 'The Springs' 3; where we had shared our fondest memories. Having retired from a 'Fortune-500' company shortly before Laura's death, I really had no pressing obligations 3; we had never been able to have children 3; so inertia had sort of settled in. Little did I dream my quiet life was about to be turned upside-down. Bill Nelson was about to have an epiphany! We were having one of our late November cold-snaps 3; snow was forecast before morning and it was sleeting heavily 3; and I had just settled down with a good book in front of the gas fireplace when my doorbell rang. Who could be at my door at this hour? Hauling myself out of my self-indulgent stupor and flipping on the porch light, I stared out into the darkness. Seeing nothing, I was minded to put it up to someone's prank 3; there's quite a few rambunctious boys in my neighborhood 3; but something impelled me to look further. Opening the door, I was astounded when a body fell into my entrance-way 3; the battered body of a young boy 3; dressed in tatters, half frozen and dreadfully thin 3; but still living. I pulled him into the warmth, closed the door and only, then did I take a good look. "Shane!" I gasped. I knew the boy!
Picking up his half-frozen body, I carried him into the warmth of my bedroom, laying him on the bed and wrapping him in a down comforter. But he was so terribly, terribly cold, I knew he was near death and would succumb if I did nothing more. Reaching for my phone, I dialed my physician, Dr. Elizabeth Morgan. She was the only other person who knew my 'secret' and had been so very, very helpful to me following Laura's passing. "Medical Bureau answering for Dr. Morgan!" came the reply, followed by, "Thank-you, Darlene 3; I'll take it." "Elizabeth! This is Bill Nelson. I just rescued a young boy from the storm. He's a friend 3; a kid I met several years ago. I had told him if he ever really, really needed help to come to me but how he managed to find me, I have no idea. He's terribly undernourished and dehydrated, besides being half-frozen. And shows lots of signs of being severely beaten. I'm afraid he's going to die on me." "And you don't want to call the authorities?" "No! However he came to be in this condition can't be good. I need to find out what happened him." "All right. I'll be there as soon as I can. 'Till I get there, can you get him into a warm bathtub?" "No, but I'll get into my shower with him." Stripping off both our clothes 3; well, his rags 3; I carried him to my shower and turned it to warm, holding both of us under the spray. After a while, he seemed a bit warmer 3; but still unconscious 3; so I dried him and rolled him once again in the comforter. By the time I dried myself and redressed, Dr. Morgan had arrived. She was carrying an intravenous setup and lost no time starting a saline drip. "You are certainly correct about him being dehydrated," she observed. "He would not have lasted much longer. And the bruises and welts on his body 3; this kid has been thrashed by an expert. Now, tell me about this boy and why you don't want him in hospital." So, I told her how I had met him and about our conversation three years earlier. "I suspect his father might have beaten him and thrown him out." She looked at me quizzically and then asked. "And you're afraid he'll just be abused further if he goes back to his family?" I nodded. "OK! I'm with you," she said, after considering things for a minute or two. "We need to go somewhere 3; somewhere rather secret. Can I count on you to keep the secret?" "Yes, of course," I replied, somewhat puzzled. "You are going to have to hold him and keep the drip going while I drive," she told me. "Elizabeth, I will do anything to save this boy." "Good! Let's go." We bundled him into the quilt once more and ourselves into storm gear and headed out in her Land Rover. As we climbed toward Ute Pass west of the city it was snowing heavily and, more than once, the car fishtailed slightly. "The place I'm taking you to is one I have used from time-to-time with a patient who is in extremis. It's not your typical medical facility, so you'll just have to trust me," she explained. Almost at the top of the pass, we turned north on a forest-service road and climbed still further, right into the teeth of the storm, it seemed. After what seemed like an eternity, we arrived at a clearing in which there were several hogans. Two men came and took my burden into one of them and Elizabeth led me into another one. It was good to be out of the storm, but I was concerned about Shane and I guess I showed it. "Just be patient," she chided me, "he's in good hands." I was quiet for a moment and she went on, "This is what the Utes refer to as a 'Healing Clan'. It's where they bring their people for traditional treatment, often after everything else that our scientific medicine has to offer has failed." "I've brought several patients here and they were saved. Ben Nighthorse is what we Anglos would call a 'Medicine Man' or 'Shaman'. But I tell you truly he and his helpers know more about the real cures of disease and injury than half the staff at Memorial put together. Especially, pediatrics." At that point, a distinguished man dressed in buckskins and jeans entered, and Elizabeth introduced us. "This in Ben Nighthorse, Bill." "I'm glad you brought the boy to me," he told me. "He was close to the Spirit World, but will live in this world much longer." If you had suggested that I believe such flowery talk a few hours ago 3;. But, somehow his very presence gave me hope and I truly believed Shane would recover. "We have given him several treatments," he told me," and he will stay asleep for some time." "How long?" I asked. "Until the Spirits have finished cleansing him. But, it would be good if you could be with him when he awakes. I sense you are to be his nésemóon or Spirit Guide." Spirit Guide? It took me several minutes to grasp what he was asking me. I knew that I could never allow Shane to return to his father as I was sure he was responsible for his near death. I gulped and replied, "Yes. I intend to find out how he came to be in such shape and I will do my best to assure his safety and well-being." Now where did I get such courage? Did I really know what I was getting into? "If necessary, I will adopt him." "So the Spirit tells me," Nighthorse asserted. "Then you are welcome to be with him as he returns to this world. You will, of course, be called upon to help with the work of our small settlement." "I would do so gladly. But I have not brought anything with me." Elizabeth broke in, "Will Grey Hawk be coming to the city tomorrow?" "Yes, he will be returning with one of our people." "Bill," she said turning to me, "tell me what you need and I'll pack it up and send it back with him." So I became a temporary resident of the Ute Healing Clan. The work of the settlement was quite physical 3; I found I had muscles I didn't know about 3; but still left me many hours to sit with Shane. He was still comatose but 3; in a surprising turn of events 3; they did feed and hydrate him intravenously. It was the fourth afternoon when Ben 3; he insisted I call him that 3; came looking for me as I was splitting some wood. "Your boy is awakening," he told me. "You should go to him." Seconds later, I stood looking down at him as he struggled up from the coma he had been in. I noted that the intravenous lines had been removed. "Ohhhh!" he sighed. "Where am I? And, and, and who are you." "I'm your friend, Bill Nelson. Don't you remember me?" "Oh!" "He will be confused and not very coherent at first," Ben had warned me. "And he will slip in and out of sleep. But each time he awakes, he will be a little stronger. You can help him by getting him to sip a bit of this broth." I put my arm about his skinny shoulders and steadied him and held the cup for him. He seemed hungry and drank most of it before falling asleep again. The next time he was awake, he recognized me but was foggy about where he was and how he had gotten here. "You came to me for help and I brought you to this place so you could recover from your awful injuries. You are safe here and will stay until you are fully healed," I assured him. "Oh!" And each day, he was a little stronger, but 3; as Ben had cautioned me 3; I didn't press him to tell me what had happened. "He will tell you when he is ready and the Spirits will help him." The days moved on slowly but I could see little progress. "He was at the door of the Spirit World when you brought him to me," Ben counseled. "The Spirits will release him in their own time. You must be patient." But it was hard seeing this vibrant boy so confused and listless. And it was well-nigh impossible to get him to leave his bed. At last it was Christmas Eve and I was determined to try to awake his spirit just a bit. The weather was clear and cold on the mountain. So, against his wishes, I bundled him in warm clothing and blankets and carried him outside to a small fire circle and held him tightly on my lap as we both viewed the scene before us. This high on the mountain there was virtually no light pollution 3; not even the moon was out that night 3; and the night sky was displayed before us 3; a million twinkling diamonds piercing the blackness. One could almost expect the Heavenly Angels to visit with their songs of joy. We had been there for a few minutes, when he reached up and laid his hand on my cheek. Neither of us spoke, but I could sense a paradigm shift taking place. Had the Spirits at last released him? Was I going to receive a Christmas gift of incomparable value? The next morning 3; Christmas Day 3; as I brought his breakfast, he reached for me and begged, "Please hold me. Just like you did at Smith Lake!" He remembered! I wrapped the two of us in a blanket and sat there as he snuggled down, his bare skin next to mine. And he began to sob. For some time he clung to me, his whole body shaking as the tears poured from his eyes. "He 3; he 3; he was my f-f-f-friend! My very best friend," he wailed. "And they 3; they 3; killed him!" "Will you tell me about it?" I asked him softly. "You might feel better if you shared your story with me." He heaved a great sigh, "I did what you suggested 3; I found a friend my age 3; he was in my class and we fell in love. He was Eric 3; the coolest kid 3; and he taught me how to make love. And I loved him more than you can imagine 3; more than anyone else in the whole world. And he loved me just as much." At that he broke down completely and, for some minutes, simply bawled uncontrollably, his shaking body clinging to mine. And in fits and starts he cried out to me the story of his pain, his terror and his loss.
"From what the Director said, I knew they were going to kill me, too," sobbed Shane. "I had seen what they did!" "While the guard was busy trying to free Eric, I managed to free myself. Slipping off the table, I slipped the wires over the guard's head and strangled him until he passed out." "Then, I took his clothes and keys and ran." He swallowed somewhat calmly and continued, "I don't remember anything after that until I began to feel Doctor Ben's people trying to wake me up. I don't remember how I got to your house. Do you think Jesus guided me there?" "I don't know either," I replied, 'but I am certainly glad you made it. I know you will grieve for Eric for a long time, but you're alive and I promise to see that you get well and to keep you safe." And he cuddled up in my arms and fell asleep. The next day he was quite coherent and, although he still grieved deeply for his loss, he managed to repeat his story for both Ben and me without surrendering to his emotions. What he had told me on Christmas day seemed to be a catharsis 3; Shane now had someone to share his burden although Ben had warned me it would be perhaps years before he might be completely 'free of the Spirits of Death' 3; as he put it. And there would be relapses along the road to health. At Ben's urging, I contacted my attorney, Winfield Scott Stratton IV, and we began to lay plans for Shane to live with me, once he was well enough to leave the Healing Clan. The authorities had been tipped off and had closed the 'school' in the wake of Eric Nevill's death and the principals were now awaiting trial on charges of aggravated child abuse and negligent manslaughter. Stratton had had Shane's story carefully recorded 3; a deposition, he called it 3; so he would not be forced to appear at their trial in person. Unknown to both of us, he had applied for and received a protection order which prevented Andrew Dixon from having any contact with his son. The order did not extend to Shane's mother, but she would not have stirred without her overbearing husband Finally, Shane was well enough to leave the care of the Healing Clan, but was immediately overcome with fright. "If I go back to my dad," he wailed, "He'll just beat me an' 3;" "I promise you," I consoled him, "you will not go back to your dad. You're going to live with me." His eyes got as big as saucers. "You would do that for me?" he squeaked. "But how?" "Mr. Stratton is working on that" I told him, "and we won't actually leave here until everything is in place." "But how?" "Shane, your dad is guilty of gross negligence for enrolling you in that so-called school. He knew what they were doing to you and Eric. Mr. Stratton is going to give him the choice of your living with me or facing a judge and jury." "Oh." "I don't think your father's a bad person; he just doesn't understand how you feel." "Oh." Several days later, we both met with Stratton and he outlined the agreement he would present to Andrew Dixon. "You will live with Mr. Nelson," he told the nervous boy, "and he will be your guardian, responsible for raising you until you are eighteen. After that, you will be free to continue to live with Mr. Nelson 3; if you both agree 3; or strike out on your own. Your father will provide a monthly allowance for your upkeep and agree that he and your mother will have no contact with you unless both you and Mr. Nelson agree. It will be what is called a 'consent decree' and, once approved by the court, will have the force of law. " "Please sir," Shane asked plaintively, "could I at least see my sister? She tried very hard to make them understand and always comforted me when things got bad. When he put me into that school, she moved out and away from them." "All right, we'll write that into the agreement 3; if you agree William." I nodded. "How do you feel about the agreement?" I asked the boy. "It's 3; it's 3; it's just too good to be true. You will treat me like 3; like 3; your son?" "I promised you I would always be your friend, didn't I? I love you like a son, Shane. And, I will do my very best for you." That night he slept in my arms. The next morning, the women of the clan 3; recognizing that Shane had no clothes other than the blanket he had arrived in 3; presented him with a buckskin shirt and breeches which would be fine until we had time to go clothing shopping. But, moving day was upon us, and, after bidding goodbye to Ben and all our friends, we went immediately to the County Court, where Stratton and Shane's father were waiting for us. After inviting us to sit, the judge proceeded. "Mr. Nelson, I have before me a consent decree containing a petition for a guardianship of Shane Christopher Dixon, a minor child. I assume Mr. Stratton is your counsel." I nodded. "Mr. Dixon, I don't see anyone else here. Who is your counsel? "I represent myself and the boy's mother," he replied. "Very well, Mr. Nelson please tell us why you wish to become this young man's guardian." "Your honor, I have known Shane for several years and he sought me out when he was forced to flee for his life from a so-called school in which his father 3; with his mother's concurrence 3; had enrolled him. This so-called school subjected him to unspeakable pain and abuse and he was forced to flee after witnessing another boy his age die from their negligence. When he reached me he was dreadfully injured and nearly dead. With the help of medical professionals, he is now healed but is unwilling to return to a home where further abuse awaits him." "Therefore, I wish to become his guardian and pledge to care for him and raise him in my home, where he will have the freedom to grow and develop as a boy should." "How do you answer, Mr. Dixon?" Andrew Dixon swallowed and began, "Your honor, Mr. Nelson is correct; the school did inflict serious injury and pain on my son. Unfortunately, neither I nor his mother realized the extent of their depravity until it was far, far too late. Had he remained at the school, he would certainly have been deliberately killed." "We 3; his mother and I 3; do not understand the life-style he has chosen. It is an abomination in our view and we are unable to care for him while he persists. He cannot remain in our household. Mr. Nelson's gracious offer to become his guardian is very likely to be the only hope Shane has for a meaningful 3; in his estimation 3; life." "It is with great sorrow that his mother and I admit our failure and agree to the terms Mr. Stratton has drawn up." You're absolutely certain?" asked the judge. Dixon nodded. "You realize, once in force, this agreement is irrevocable?" Dixon nodded again. "And you, Mr. Nelson, are you prepared to assume all the duties of guardianship of a minor child?" "Yes, your honor," I answered. "And you, young man," the judge addressed Shane, "you understand you might never see your mother and father again." "Yes, your honor. I'm sad this going to happen, but it is better I don't see them anymore. I am grateful that Uncle Bill 3; I mean Mr. Nelson 3; will be my guardian, 'cause he will treat me like his son and help me to grow up to be a proper person." "Very well. There remains only the signatures of the two litigants. Please come forward." Both Andrew Dixon and I stood before the judge and signed the document. The judge announced, "Let it be known on the twenty-third day of March, in the year of 2018, that William Franklin Nelson is adjudged the lawful guardian of the minor child, Shane Christopher Dixon, until he has reached his majority 3; according to the provisions set forth in this consent decree, dated this date and duly subscribed by the litigants. This hearing is adjourned." Dixon turned to me and said, "Please be good to him, Bill. Despite what you may think, he is precious to me and Mary." And he left the courtroom, to return to the family home in South Dakota. Arriving home that afternoon, I was astounded to find that Elizabeth had taken good care of my condo while I had been on the mountain. It was spotless and even the refrigerator had been cleaned out and restocked with basics. I must invite her to dinner once Shane is ready to have guests. The only room that had not been disturbed was the bedroom where Laura had passed her final days. When she was gone, I had simply closed the door. Since it would now be Shane's room, it would need a lot of attention before it could be a proper boy's room. So I called the local DAV, and made arrangements for them to come and remove Laura's things the following morning. I did save a few things, but it was time to move on. That night, Shane and I cuddled in my bed and slept reasonably well. The next morning, after supervising the DAV people, Shane and I set out for clothing shopping. All he had to his name was the buckskin shirt and breeches the clan had given him, so he needed everything 3; from shoes to hat. The western shirts and jeans we bought were the first he had ever had and were an instant hit with him. An afternoon run up to the Ikea at Lone Tree, solved the room redecoration, and it was rather late when both snuggled into my bed. The next morning, while waiting for the Ikea delivery, we sat in my 3; no our 3; living room and discussed 'family stuff'. My rules of family life would be simple I told him, "I expect you honor my word and decisions about your life. But I will always listen to what you say and consider your ideas." "If you screw up, you can expect to be held accountable. I expect you to try hard and sometimes you might fail, but you must go on no matter what. Honest mistakes will always be forgiven." He gasped! "I never realized there could be parents like this and I feel so loved I keep wondering if I'm dreaming." "No, it's real," I assured him. "You'll have chores to do. And together we will make a home for both of us." That night 3; for the first time in over two years 3; he went to bed in his own room. It didn't last long, however. I had no soon dozed off, that I suddenly became award of a figure standing beside my bed. "P-p-p-please, Uncle Bill. C-c-c-can I sleep with you? I'm I'm I'm not r-r-ready to be alone yet." Maybe I had rushed him too much, so I consented. "It's so nice here with you," he sighed. "Can we do this alla time?" "No, my little bed warmer, but yes until you're ready. But you will need your privacy, so we'll take it easy." We agreed on the privacy rules for me and him: If the door was closed between our rooms, he couldn't enter, nor could I enter his. If it was open, he or I could ask. Worked out just fine. We did sleep together quite a bit that spring and summer 3; not every night, but many nights. Gradually he threw off the dark memories and began to be more comfortable in his own bed. One night, however, things changed dramatically. He was already in my bed when I came in from our shared bathroom. I usually slept in my boxers when I was alone and I was surprised and I asked him, "Feeling a bit sad are we?" "No. Just wanted to be here with you tonight." "OK." And I slid in beside him and got the shock of my life. Not only had he invaded my bed, but he had done so stark naked! "Whoa! What's all this about?" I asked. "It feels so good when I can snuggle up against you. Can't I stay," he implored. "All right." And I slid in next to him. No question about it, his bare skin next to mine felt fabulous! And then he dropped the other shoe. "Please, Dad!" 3; he had never called me that before 3; "Please rub me like Eric used to do." OK, why not, just this once, I thought naively, as I began to caress his shoulders. Moving on to his chest, I felt his nipples harden and I swear he purred like a giant tomcat. I moved down his frame, but still stayed north of his 'V'. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and placed it right on his 'package.' I immediately snatched my hand back. "No Shane! That's not right!" He began to cry. "Please, Uncle Bill. Touch me there. That way I will know you really love me. That's how I could tell Eric really loved me and was not just making fun of me." "Lord! This poor child! He wants proof of my love in the only way he knows how. But it's wrong" "Isn't it?" "Should I do as he asks? Is this a turning point in our relationship?" "Why not? He is so starved for love and that may be the only way I can supply what he needs." I reached for his genitals again. His prick was like an iron bar and he heaved a great sigh when I closed my fist around it and began stroking him. I allowed him to stroke me, too. It was the first time I had been touched there by a boy since junior high school and it amazed me how good his soft hands felt. It didn't take long until he splashed me with his juice and, almost at the same time, I unloaded all over him. We were a sticky mess, but I pulled his small body close and we drifted off 3; at least I did 3; in a haze of feelings. The next morning, he begged for us to shower together and 3; once more 3; I gave in. But soaping that slippery little body was something I recognized I had wanted to do since the first day I had met him. He certainly didn't mind 3; just stood there while my hands caressed him with a dreamy expression 3; one of pure bliss. After breakfast, however, we needed to have a serious discussion. But before I could even get a word in he asked brightly, "Can we do it again?" "Do what?" I asked, playing stupid. OK, he saw through that and giggled. It was good to hear 3; and see 3; him laugh. "What we did last light, silly." It took me a while to get my answer organized. "OK, but not every night. And only on one condition." "OK, I understand," the smile vanished. "I gotta look for another boyfriend, just like you told me at the lake." This kid doesn't miss much! "An' I'll try to get used to sleeping in my room, but 3;" "If there are some nights you just can't handle it, OK you can be in with me." He still looked distraught. "And yes, we can have sex." He threw his arms around me and hugged tightly. And that pretty much ended the 'discussion'. So the spring and summer passed with him in my bed several nights a week. After a bit, the nights he wasn't there seemed a bit lonely. But I wasn't going to tell him that. I knew in my heart-of-hearts he would likely want more than just stroking and he didn't disappoint. The problem was, he had to teach me as I had never indulged my fantasies before. He and Eric had evidently enjoyed each other to the fullest. And Eric had been a very skilled teacher. Summer was nearly over and September was upon us, and with it, Shane's return to school. He had missed a whole year and so was placed in a grade level two years below his age mates. The 'Conversion Therapy' experience had somewhat stunted his physical growth, so he didn't seem 3; or even feel 3; out of place with his younger schoolmates. School had been in session for about a month when he came home one Thursday afternoon just bursting with news. "I've found a boyfriend!" he announced, ecstatically. "That's wonderful!" I told him. But then he looked somewhat sad and asked, "But you and I can still cuddle and sleep together, can't we. Please say yes." "Yes we can, from time to time," I assured him. "Do I get to meet this wonderful boy?" At that he just giggled. "He'll be here with me tomorrow!" More than that he wouldn't divulge 3; told me I would just have to wait. I got the distinct feeling something was afoot. The middle of Friday afternoon, I answered a rather insistent doorbell to find my nephew, Sam and his son Logan on my doorstep. "Well this is a surprise!" I told them as I invited them in. "I didn't know you were in town." "Yeah, we've been here since the beginning of school. I'm opening my own bike shop and there's just been so many things. I apologize for not getting over here before to see both you and Shane. But Logan just insisted we just had to come today." At that moment, Shane came dancing through the door and into the room. I noticed he was alone and asked, "Your new boyfriend couldn't make it?" "But he's already here," he giggled, going over to Logan and taking his hand. It took a moment to grasp what he was telling me. You mean Logan? I gasped incredulously. "He's your new boyfriend?" Both boys nodded emphatically. I turned and looked at Sam. "Did you know about this?" "Well, yeah," he snickered. "And?" "It's OK with me, though I suspect his mother might feel a bit out of it. But she has Elsie to fill the gap, so I 'spect she'll get over it." "Why don't you show Logan your room," I encouraged the two giggling kids. "Cool!" said Shane, and the two of them disappeared down the hall. "Sam," I addressed his father again, "don't you think he's a bit young for this?" "Hell, Uncle Bill, he's been precocious about every other thing. Why not sex too. He is in Shane's class in school 3; two years ahead of all his other friends." "Well, I see what you mean," I told him. "Actually, I couldn't be happier with their choice. I was just shocked and I want to be sure you and Susan are OK with it." We will be 3; at least I am 3; Sue will accept it soon as she sees them together. We always have liked Shane and were relieved when you got him out of that so-called school his stupid father put him in." "Well, I didn't get him out. He did that himself; I just caught him on the rebound. And he has certainly changed my life." "Yeah," Sam chuckled, "you were gettin' a bit hide-bound." At that point, the two boys came bouncing back into the room. "Dad, is it OK if Logan stays for the night?" I glanced at Sam and he nodded, so I replied, "It's OK." "Sam, I'll bring Logan 'round in the morning." "Don't be in too big a hurry." he replied, "let him drive you crazy for a bit. Now, I need to be going". And we shook hands as he left. "Guys, we need to talk," I told my two charges, motioning them to sit down. "First of all, I'm surprised but very pleased with your choices. I trust that you really love and trust each other." "Yeah, Uncle Bill. I know all about Shane's terrible time 3; how he lost Eric an' I wanna help honor him 3; both of us can sorta be together and do that." I was flabbergasted at his statement 3; he might only be eleven, but 3;.. "OK, here's the deal," I told them. "Logan can come home with you any school-day, but he has to go home to his father after supper 3; and Shane, you will have to make sure I know he'll be here for supper." "Overnight only on Friday and Saturday nights," I continued, "and only if it's OK with Sam and Sue. And only here, not at his house. Fair enough?" "Cool, Dad!" "Right on, Uncle Bill." "What about 3; you know?" asked my boy. "You mean sex?" They nodded. "It's OK so long as you don't do something that will hurt either of you and so long as your schoolwork doesn't suffer. And you do it here and only enjoy each other 3; no one else." "How about with you?" Logan asked. I gasped and was about to answer when Shane interrupted, "Dad, I've told him about our bed-fun. I know you said not to tell anyone, but he is my boyfriend." "An' I wouldn't tell anyone ever!" added Logan. "I think it's so cool that you love each other that much. I didn't know whether to be frightened that my secret was out; angry that Shane had disobeyed me or simply overwhelmed by their simple faith and trust. I settled for the latter. "OK. Sometimes, but not all the time," I consented. Logan leaned over and whispered something to his partner. "You sure," Shane asked him. "Un huh, been thinkin' about it all day." Shane looked at me for a moment and then announced, "Dad, Logan wants you to strip him." I nearly choked. "He knows you and I have fun in bed and I trust him completely. Will you do it?" I must have still looked quite uncertain as Logan came and stood in front of me. "Please, Uncle Bill. I've wanted to do this with you forever, but I didn't know how to ask. I think you're a very cool guy and admire you very much 3; 'specially how you took Shane in an' got him away from the pain and sorrow of his 'rents. So, please? Can we?" And he raised his arms. How could I possibly refuse him? Somewhat nervously, I peeled his polo shirt up over his head and off, as he kicked off his sandals. His light yellow undershirt sported the picture of a young, naked boy trying to hide his jewels with his hands. The caption read, 'What you staring at? I'm always hard.' His t-shirt followed his polo onto the floor beside him. The sight of his naked torso took my breath away. Yeah, if I had only known how he had felt about me. I reached over and gently caressed his pert little nipples and they hardened immediately as he giggled. Shane stood in the background with an impossible grin on his face. Catching my breath, I fumbled with the buckle on his shorts and soon managed to slide them down his legs. He was 'commando' and stepped out of them and stood there in all his young boy naked glory. His not-so-little prick rose and stood out from him like a lance 3; no, more like a battering-ram shattering my reticence. "Go ahead! Play with it," he purred. I gasped at his sheer beauty! I was all I could do to keep from throwing him on the floor and having my way with him! I just sat and gawked. After a somewhat hurried supper, each boy took a hand and led me 3; still in a daze 3; down the hall to my room. The king-size bed stood inviting and I was elected to do the unveiling of Shane. When he also stood gloriously naked in front of me, they forced me down on the bed on my back and gently removed my clothes. Sliding in beside me, they pulled up the blankets and Shane killed the lights. With a naked little body cuddle up against me on both sides, it was a feeling I had never before experienced or even dreamed about. "G'night, Dad!" "G'night, Uncle Bill!" I wrapped my arms around their naked bodies as they each turned toward me and threw a naked leg over top mine. All three of us were soon asleep. It was early morning when I was wakened by a gentle rocking. Looking about, I saw they had both disentangled themselves from the blankets and were on the far side of the bed engaged in a hot 'sixty-nine', with Logan on top. "Good morning, Uncle Bill. You're next!" he greeted me and resumed bobbing up and down on his partner's prick. My god! How could I keep up with these two miniature studs? There were certainly going to be some interesting times ahead! The End |
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