Kyle AaronsThe Kandric SagaChapters 4-6Chapter 4Kandric and VondumKandric moved out of his hiding place right about high sun. The stolen rations and sleep replenished his energy and a quick search turned up a fresh water spring trickling out between some rocks. With his thirst quenched, he set off in pursuit of his prey. An hour into his search he picked up the trail. The man finally made a real mistake. The captives had left easy to follow tracks through the forest as they struggled to maintain their balance. The long branches the man had lashed to their arms snapped twigs and one of them had started to drag his feet in exhaustion. Each shuffle had left a sort of arrow pointing in the direction of travel. A look skyward tempered some of Kandric's exuberance. Thick white clouds could be seen building on the southwest horizon. A sniff of the air further added to his unease. A storm was definitely brewing and the increasing breeze held a cool bite. "Snow," Kandric muttered in disgust. Winter just didn't want to seem to let go this year. Kneeling, Kandric went into a Shaman chant Glaster had taught him. Slowly Kandric felt a piece of himself slip away and enter the spirit realm. This was what separated Shamen from other spell casters. Mages drew their power from within their own being shaping spells by inner control. They took raw magic, focused it within themselves, and launched it in a new form. They were probably the most powerful of all spell casters but needed help through a book of spells to cast. Only the greatest Mages could memorize enough spells to go bookless. In addition, the book was a living extension of the Mage so getting a book damaged would cause real damage to the Mage. Druids pulled their magical abilities from life force and the four elements that allowed life to survive: fire, earth, water, and air. Like Mages, Druids had to have a spell book, but unlike a Mage they used life force to cast. Many kept and commanded pets much like an Animal Adept to help focus their spells. Their pets were nowhere near as powerful as an Animal Adept could command at a similar echelon and step, but they were often mistaken for Animal Adepts nonetheless. Without their pets they had to use extra internal force to cast or try to force a non-attuned animal to channel their spells. Often this caused the untrained animal to attack the caster. The combination of Animal Adept and spell caster offset having less powerful spells than Mages. Sorcerers shaped the magic flowing around all things; they could literally make tools of pure magic energies. They could see force and the way it flows when they concentrated. This ability progressed until at high echelons they could form a magical weapon for a period of time, such as a sword, by simply grabbing raw force and shaping it. Sorcerers were by far the rarest of all spell casters and the most feared. Their magic talents left them never without weapons, armor, and other tools. In addition, they could pull magic and make other spell effects. For example, a Sorcerer could yank life force out of a person making them go to sleep from exhaustion. Similarly, a more powerful Sorcerer could pull enough time force away from a being to temporarily suspend the being in time, freezing him in place totally defenseless. Shamen, on the other hand, found their strength from within the spirit Realms, Mother Earth and all that made the earth what it was. This allowed a knowledgeable Shaman to be able to "attune with nature". The more powerful a Shaman became the more of himself he could send to get information. This ability took no spell casting force and in some cases could limit the amount of force a Shaman would need to expend to heal or injure a person. A Shaman in his own special lodge, with a fully prepared totem, was a being to truly be feared. A really powerful Shaman could even call spirits to defend himself or attack an enemy. They also had true healing spells and required no books. Like Sorcerers, all their spells were memorized. On the down side, many Shamen had to spend years searching out those who had spells memorized who would also be willing to pass on their knowledge. Others spent thousands of silver to buy Shamen scrolls then teach themselves how to read them. Less than ten percent of Shamen knew how to read Shamanistic hieroglyphics, and they almost never passed on their secrets to others. This also meant there was a shortage of such scrolls because so few were created. Kandric, on the other hand, was much more fortunate. Glaster not only knew how to read Shamanistic, but also had passed this on to Kandric. In addition, he taught his favorite lad how to cast a huge number of spells including some in the teaching and expert echelon in the event his special boy made it that far. The very fact Kandric had made Secondary Echelon so quickly proved he would most likely make it well into the upper echelons. Of course having had numerous chances in real combat with a protector and advisor had helped a great deal. Kandric was nowhere near powerful enough to use spirits or Mother Earth against anyone, but being Secondary Echelon; he could gain some useful information. The part of him that separated entered into the spirit realms of Syria, Goddess of weather, and 'felt' the air until he could 'sense' the approaching storm. Slowly that extension of himself explored the boundaries of the tempest and 'asked' questions of the weather spirits in the area before returning. It took almost an hour; Shaman spirit walks took a great deal of time. But when he stood, Kandric knew the storm was about 20 hours out and was a massive blizzard which had been magically augmented. Nature itself seemed somewhat outraged by the massive amount of magic poured into the storm and was slowly unraveling the spell. Unfortunately, it would take way too long for this to happen. Syria was not concerned enough to get involved or send a representative, so it was up to minor weather spirits to pull at the knots of magic holding the spell together. One wind spirit claimed the storm involved a combination of a real blizzard, Dragon Magic, and Sorcery. Wind spirits were notorious for overstating what they knew and were every bit as fickle as the winds they rode on. Nonetheless, such complicated spells would take a great deal of time to pull apart and it was clear none of the minor spirits really knew what to do with it. A blizzard would soon slam into this area, making a horrible winter even worse, and the long awaited spring pushed even further away. Somehow, Kandric realized, the Illorc leader had to have something to do with this. The creature had made it clear it wanted as much suffering as possible. Such a storm would limit communication between towns, make finding food harder than it already was, and prevent large towns from sending help to smaller ones. Could it be this storm is a way to isolate the villages the Illorc wanted destroyed? Kandric thought to himself. No, the time and effort required to cast this type of spell would not be worth four villages. Why then? Kandric shook his head. It really didn't matter at the moment. He had a choice to make. He could either abandon his tracking in an attempt to make it back to the Swamp Slums or continue on and leave his mom to fend for herself and his siblings. There was no chance he could find where the man went then make it back home before the storm hit. He argued with himself for several minutes before he realized going home would do absolutely zero good. He had no food to offer his mother nor money. He would just be an extra mouth to feed when there was not a bite to be had. If he managed to free one of the boys, he would then be able to sell something of Glaster's and have the boy and lots of information for a replacement. The money would feed his family for months. His mother would just have to manage on her own for a few more days. His mind made up at last, he continued to follow the dragging footprints of the children. Kandric smiled. If anything, the prints were getting easier to follow with each passing meter. The more tired the restrained and chained captives got the more all of them shuffled their feet and ran into branches. By late afternoon the distant smells of cooking food let him know he was close. Becoming more cautious, Kandric maneuvered at a northeasterly direction to avoid the buildings he was just starting to make out through the trees. Unlike the makeshift camp set up by the Orcs, this enclave was much harder to scrutinize. Whoever had planned this site had kept it hard to find, but had also thought about eavesdroppers. All the big buildings were centrally located by a large rocky outcropping while several smaller cabin-like structures surrounded them. Trees stood close to many of the cottages which helped everything to blend in, but far too much foliage had been cleared to allow an unseen approach. Getting close enough to take all this in left Kandric feeling vulnerable and exposed. Three times he found himself diving for whatever limited cover he could find. He felt fortunate there were not many out and about. Try as he might, Kandric could find no way to work his way into the central area. Frustrated, he eased his way back into the denser woods to re-evaluate options. Twice Kandric saw the smaller boy the Illorc had given the armored man, but couldn't hope to get close enough to snare him. The boy's actions seemed uncomfortable, as if he really didn't want to be doing the tasks he had been assigned, yet there was no sign of force. Something just didn't add up as far as he went. Kandric noticed an older child several times as well. Unlike the younger boy, this one showed total obedience to orders shouted from the largest of the cabins and wore a leather slave collar. It was somewhat difficult to tell if the slave was a boy or a girl. Long hair combined with generic clothing made identification next to impossible without a close examination. A voice reply to the commands would have also helped, but the slave didn't speak at all. A large commotion to the southeast drew Kandric's attention away from the slave. On the plus side, it also became the focus of the entire hamlet. Several men came out of cabins, most readying weapons. Others moved to cut off trouble before it could reach the inner buildings. For a brief moment it looked as if someone was conducting a readiness drill or a call to arms. Kandric had seen the guards in Slome and other towns tested in similar ways. Once, in the city of Falcon's Loft, he got to help Glaster conduct such an exercise. The difference this time was the men's reaction times easily surpassed any test and they seemed deadly serious. Sounds of metal weapons striking armor and other metallic weapons verified this was a real attack. Out of the corner of his eye Kandric saw one of the men go down trying to hold the parted flesh on his side together. Towering over him, a warrior class Hobgoblin positioned its pike to finish the job. Reacting out of pure instinct, Kandric flipped his wrist and recalled the fastest combat spell known to a Shamen. This one was so quick it didn't even require a verbal command. Very few actually knew Cold Snap, but Glaster had taught many spell variants to Kandric this being just one of them. A burst of freezing air fired from his extended fingertips catching the monster directly on its right thigh. Leather armor parted under the assault and frost formed directly on the hairy flesh below. The force of the spell wrenched the upper part of the right leg back while the firmly planted foot kept the lower leg forward in preparation for the killing blow. The only thing that was left to give way was the knee, and it did. The Hobgoblin screamed as its knee hyper-extended. Forgetting about the man in front of it, the Hobgoblin dropped its pike and fell clutching its injured leg joint. Kandric bolted forward and pulled out his Dagger-Boar knife. He slammed sharp natural tusk weapon into the defenseless creature's throat before it could straighten out its thoughts. The wounded man looked up in pain and surprise. Kandric felt the man's gaze burning into him as he looked at the bloody knife. He knew he had to think fast. He now had blood on his hands fighting for the very people he despised. What have I done and how do I get out of this? Kandric's mind screamed. I can't just kill this guy. That would be murder. Before he could figure out an answer, fate intervened. A second Hobgoblin came around the corner of a nearby building and saw Kandric, knife in hand, looking over one of its fallen friends. It wasted no time in attacking. Kandric dodged the sword thrust of this newest adversary, rolling to his left. He knew he would get nowhere trying to fight against a sword with a dagger, especially being out weighed by well over three times his own weight. Instead, he ripped the pike from the dead Hobgoblin's hands and planted its pointed tip toward the Hobgoblin as it again turned and charged screaming a war cry as it went. Caught totally off guard by such a radical maneuver from a skinny little Half-elf, it couldn't get stopped in time. It did manage to twist its shoulders, however, so the pike's point only stuck into the meat on its non-weapon shoulder. It slashed its sword wildly as it went past cutting only air. Kandric knew, even wounded, an adult Hobgoblin would easily be able to overpower him. To prevent this, he held onto the pike and pushed it deeper. Using all of his limited boyhood strength he twisted the wooden handle as he used all of his finite weight to push. His efforts paid off instantly. The shoulder wound widened and blood began pouring out of the injury as the point of the pike found bone and stopped. Yet again, he thanked Glaster; this time for haven taken him to learn combat and weapon techniques from some of the best teachers in the lands. The Hobgoblin, now hopelessly impaled on the pike, realized it couldn't reach the slender reddish-silver haired boy at the other end of the weapon even with the added range of its sword. It was also intelligent enough to know another twist or two could very well break its shoulder and probably spell death. With a desperate swipe, the Hobgoblin managed to snap the wooden pole arm's handle leaving the head firmly embedded into its bone. Kandric had already foreseen this maneuver. Instead of stumbling forward or falling back with a broken wooden handle he simple used forward momentum to charge plunging the splintered tip of the handle into and clear though his attacker. The stunned beast staggered back looking at the quarter meter [10 inch] of wood sticking out of its stomach. Panic and fear crossed its bulldog like face as it dropped its sword. It made one last effort to grapple with the boy who fought like a man. Kandric nimbly jumped back and watched his adversary stagger a few more steps before it fell to the ground in a growing pool of blackish blood. Kandric glanced down noting the sword of his fallen enemy was not iron but Elvin Silver Steel. Its light silvery green hue told him as much; a sword he could use. Quickly he snatched the dropped weapon and spun looking for other threats. He found not one, but two. The first was a Hobgoblin wearing chain armor and hefting a huge war hammer. An extra concern came with this. That being the weapon's huge size and obvious incredible weight didn't seem to faze the wielder or slow it down. The second caused even greater consideration. It was smaller but held an open book. Kandric knew only a Mage or Druid would carry an open book in combat. Glaster's words come to mind instantly, The best way to fight magic is with magic, the more unexpected the better. As the armored mountain of a hobgoblin approached, Kandric cast a Mirror Image spell. Instantly, two figures seemed to step out of him. Both looked exactly like Kandric and did exactly what he did. To heighten the effect Kandric jumped to the side just as the spell went off. The momentary confusion of both Hobgoblins allowed Kandric to not only get another spell ready, but also to take the offensive. Kandric spun to face the book-carrying monster and cast a Babble spell. He had to coerce the spell past the creature's magic defiance but smiled in triumph as he felt it take hold. For several minutes every word the recipient of a Babble spell spoke would be nothing but gibberish. This would abolish successfully casting all spells that required speaking. For a Mage or Druid this eliminated all but the most basic of spells except for a few defensive ones. Even better, the Cancel spell required speaking so there was no chance it could destroy the spell either. The armored Hobgoblin, meanwhile, took a guess and swung on one of the Half-elvin figures. His hammer passed effortlessly though causing its chosen target to disappear. An angry roar of Hobgoblin curses filled the air. Kandric glanced over to see the location of his other mirror image. It was off to his left and slightly behind where he stood. This could not have been any better if he had actually planned it. He held his captured sword ready and moved forward and to his right positioning his image to look like it was attacking the armored monster. It took the bait. The Hobgoblin moved forward past Kandric and swung straight down from over its head smashing its hammer all the way through the image and smacking the ground hard enough for Kandric to feel a slight tremor in his feet. Kandric switched to a two-handed hold on his long sword and drove the point into the unprotected back of the Hobgoblin. The superior quality of the Elvin Silver Steel blade easily parted several chain armor links before biting fairly deep into the lower back muscles. Much to Kandric's dismay, it didn't injure the beast nearly enough. With a new set of curses the Hobgoblin warrior turned sharply, literally yanking Kandric's hands from the pummel of the sword. With the blade still sticking out of its back it lunged forward. Kandric started to dodge, but knew there was next to no chance of getting out of the way. He closed his eyes as he rolled waiting for an explosion of pain. The expected blow never landed. Still cringing, Kandric forced his eyes open wondering what had happened. What he saw caused a mixture of fear and relief at the same time. The armored man from the Illorc camp stood over the Hobgoblin warrior with the Hob's vital juices dripping off his bastard sword. The head of the Hobgoblin lay next to Kandric while the body had collapsed directly in front of the man, sword still sticking straight up out of its back. Two others were manhandling the befuddled and still babbling Hobgoblin spell caster. The sight of open dead eyes staring at him from a detached head caused Kandric to jump to his feet shuddering. Never in his worst nightmares could he have imagined such a gruesome vision. The man moved up to Kandric and removed his helm. "You're Glaster's boy, are you not?" Kandric swallowed hard as he recognized Vondum. He was none other than the Captain of the Guard for Black Rapids, the only real city above the Silver Spine Mountains. He was also one of the best Warrior Adepts in the Silver Spine Plateau, the largest plateau known in any mountain range anywhere. It covered over 250,000 square kilometers [100,000 square miles], and was known as one of the most dangerous semi-settled areas on the Northern Continent. Glaster had done a great amount of business within the walls of Black Rapids including bringing in a couple of weapon shipments for the city guards. Suddenly Kandric knew why he had recognized the voice. He had been with Glaster when he bartered with Vondum over the price of some Dwarvin Steel blades. Vondum put his hand lightly on Kandric's shoulder, "Relax son, its over. My man says you fought like a demon!" "Had to," Kandric managed to squeak out, "they didn't like it much when I took down the first one." Vondum let out a deep laugh; "They would have been much better off leaving well enough alone! So tell me, what in the blazes are you doing out here?" Kandric allowed his quick wits to take over as a half-truth slid off his lips, his nervousness and adrenaline from the fight made his words spill out; "I went out hunting, but couldn't find any game. My mom, brothers, and sister are starving, so I kept going hoping to find something. I came across these Hobs about two hours ago and followed them hoping to get one of them alone. I thought if I could take one of their heads I could sell it and get food, but they stuck together. Then they attacked this place. I saw a man fall so I joined the fight." Vondum smiled, "Slow down young'an. Yer safe, we're safe. Are you injured at all?" "No sir. I'm fine thanks to you." "No need to thank me. It is you we should be thanking. You single-handedly took down two warriors, wounded their commander and did something to their spellcaster. They only hit us with twelve so you took out over a quarter of them all by your lonesome!" "Desperation," Kandric stated with a boyish grin, much of the tension draining out of him. Still he wondered what would happen, but at least Vondum was being friendly for the moment. Vondum snickered for a moment before turning serious; "Did it look like they knew where to go? Or did they just stumble onto this settlement?" Again, Kandric twisted the truth to fit the situation. This time, however, whatever he said could be checked up on by interrogating any captives. To cover himself, he decided to sound unsure, "I don't really know sir. It kinda seemed like they were following tracks. One of the Hobs kept stopping and looking at the ground, but I didn't want to get to close so I never checked, sorry." Vondum cut him off with a wave of his hand, "Don't worry about it. You did good, real good." "Sir, I got to get home. Can you pay me for my kills so I can buy some food?" Vondum looked skyward and scratched his chin; "If I remember correctly, Glaster said he found you in Slome, right?" "Yes sir," Kandric's voice slipped to a whisper as he added, "the slums actually." "Your family station means nothing anymore young'an. You've proven yourself to be far more than swamp trash. You're destined for greatness. Unfortunately though, from what those clouds look like, you'll never make it back home in time. Besides, you have earned a hell of a lot more than the nine silver for the three you nailed." "But sir," Kandric pleaded, "When I left home a day ago they hadn't had food for two days." His voice dripped with desperation, not for getting home nearly as much as getting away from this place. "Young man," Vondum stated forcefully, "look at the sky. You must be an Outdoorsman to have followed the Hobs unnoticed. What chance do you have of making 25 leagues before you get caught in that?" He thrust out his arm toward the advancing wall of clouds to emphasize the point. Kandric realized if he continued to argue Vondum might become suspicious. As it was, he had been lucky that his obvious desire to leave had been mistaken lock, stock, and barrel for a need to get back home. Slowly he forced himself to nod, "I know, but that looks like a huge storm. It may take days to pass." Vondum placed a hand on Kandric's slumping shoulders as he looked at one of his men, "Think ya can make it there in time?" A huge man with short black hair and dark brown eyes glanced skyward, "Yea, if I takes one of the War Steeds and ride her hard. I'll have ta stay in Slome though." "Fine," Vondum agreed while turning his attention back to Kandric, "I'll send him with some food and money for em, but he'll have to ride fast so he will not be able to take a passenger. Just tell Sy, here, which hut yer folks live in." Vondum pointed to the man he had spoken to. Neither Vondum nor Sy seemed to notice the flail Sy was carrying still dripped with gore from the recent battle. Of course, Vondum's sword had an evil looking red tinge to it still as well. Kandric forced himself to look more at ease as he quickly told Sy which hut his mom lived in. As he finished one of the other men handed The Elvin Silver Steel sword to him along with the sheath taken from the hobgoblin he had killed. The man said nothing, but a nod and grin told Kandric his efforts were thought of very highly. "Do ya think two silver and ten rations rolls will be good?" Sy asked Vondum. "After what this kid just did for us?" Vondum bellowed, "You want to fight them over again with a spell caster and uninjured commander?" "Ahh, no not really. Hell I didn't even like fighting what we did." "Me neither. Ten rolls is good, I don't want you weighed down, but lets look at more like ten silver. We'll suck that up and still give him full spoils. That is unless you want him to drop whatever spell he put on that Hob caster?" Sy shook his head vigorously, "No, no, ten with full spoils is fine. I'd have no problem with triple that. ten is good." "Anyone else have any complaints?" Vondum looked around. No one stepped forward. More than a few even nodded approval "Didn't think so." Vondum again looked over his men, "Well don't just stand there get to work cleaning up this mess and get our wounded taken care of. Oh, and Gormel, make sure our Hob spell caster is put through a forced casting till it's drained. I'd kill it now but it's the only one still breathin'. I want to question the beast before it dies." Kandric waited for a moment while all the men set off on their duties before speaking; "Thank you sir." All the while wondering if the money and food would ever really be delivered. "Happy to be of some help. There is no question you are worth every silver. Come on let's get you a good meal, a warm bath, and some clean clothing." Kandric followed Vondum into one of the larger and definitely the nicest of the cabins. Directly in the entranceway he saw the bigger of the boys from the Illorc camp. His clothing was filthy, bloodstained, and torn in several places. The branch Vondum had fastened his arms to sagged some from the boy's weight, but was held firmly to the wall by two bronze hooks. Kandric stopped expecting Vondum to suddenly loose the kindness he had been displaying. As his body tensed, he started to get a spell ready. Much to his surprise Vondum smiled warmly and patted Kandric on the shoulders. "Never mind him. He is a new slave and hasn't learned his place quite yet. He will catch on." Upon hearing Vondum's voice Conth came from inside the cabin and stood next to him. It was clear that the now chilly breeze was cold for him since he only wore a night shirt, the toes on his bare feet curled trying to stay as warm as possible, yet he said nothing. Vondum reached down and pulled Conth a step closer but otherwise ignored the boy. Jamon saw all this and finally broke down. He croaked out in a pleading voice, "Please let me down." Vondum stopped and turned, "Oh, is this a request Jamon?" Jamon closed his eyes as his lips quivered, "Yes, master." His voice held no haughtiness only surrender and self-remorse. "No matter the price?" Vondum asked with raised eyebrows. "Anything. Please take the branch off." Jamon pleaded. "The arm bar? That isn't even one of things you can ask for yet." Jamon broke into sobs "Please!" "What do you think?" Vondum asked looking down at Kandric. "Me?" "Yea, why not. I know Glaster has done a great deal of business in the slave trade before. I even helped him with paperwork a few times. Surely you have some knowledge on how to handle situations like this." Kandric felt totally trapped. His heart wanted to free the boy, or at least do everything in his power to eliminate all the suffering. To do so, however, would show weakness which Vondum would probably take very badly. On the other hand, if he played the hand he had just been dealt, he could bluff his way into a position within Vondum's operation and find out what was really going on. It took a few seconds to steady his nerves. He realized the only way he could pull this off was to think of the poor kid as property. Once he had set his mind to thinking in those terms he turned to face Vondum. Kandric met Vondum's questioning gaze. His own hazel eyes held the strength of steel; "I don't know if he is ready. I heard a please, but nothing to indicate he sees you as his owner." "I'm not sure what you mean." Vondum replied carefully as if testing Kandric. "Simple, I am a guest here. I should say please when I need something because I am asking for your assistance. He is a slave, thus does not have the right to ask for anything unless you give him permission to do so. Besides, I highly doubt the ground rules you set down allowed him just to shout out 'please'." "Well, I really haven't done much to set many basic rules yet. He has been too spirited for them." Vondum seemed a little embarrassed to admit such an oversight. "The only things he has been told is that when he asks for something, I'll demand something in return, He must speak when spoken to, and must call me master." Kandric saw a possible way to help the beleaguered boy, but had to keep his tough stance at the same time. "Oh, well then maybe this is a good time to get some use out of him. He is yours to do with as you please, but he isn't of much use with his arms strapped to a stick. Seems to me, you'd really want to test his seriousness though. He did say he would do anything. I'd take him up on his words. "If he chooses to resist, move the hooks up, put the stick back on and weight down his feet. If he thinks he's in pain now, see what he thinks with no chance to support himself with his feet at all plus an extra ten kilos [c. 20 lbs] or so pulling him down." This time it was Vondum's turn to show surprise. His eyebrows shot up and his mouth twisted into a strange depraved looking smile, "Interesting. You make a few very worthy points. You must have some experience in this business then?" "Not as much as I would like," Kandric lied. "Oh?" "Yea, the only times I have had any dealings with stuff like this is a couple of times Glaster took late payments in the form of a son or daughter. He doesn't like to resort to such tactics, but he always felt a strong image would do more to prevent having to strong arm others in the long run. The word of such a demanding person tends to get out. So once and a while, he forces someone to give up their own child to make good on a payment." This time Kandric spoke the truth. Kandric gave himself some credit. The less he had to build a story around a lie, the less he would have to remember in the long run. Besides, letting Vondum know this would show him Glaster was no one to be trifled with. "And you enjoyed when Glaster did so?" Vondum was suddenly very interested. "I don't know if I enjoyed it. It's never any fun not getting paid on time, and I do most of his book keeping. It's always a hassle trying to put a monetary price on trade goods, and I have next to no knowledge in pricing slaves. On top of that different markets have wildly varying prices. Depending on location and how many kids are up for sale, the price can range from a couple hundred silver to well over a thousand. "Once and a while I got to help train them, though. That was always kind of fun, especially, rich kids. With Glaster next to all the kids he gets are rich kids, some real rich." "What's wrong with rich kids?" Again Kandric saw a way to use truth to add some reality to his lies. "I hate it when they make fun of me for being slum trash or a half-breed. Glaster made me promise never to use the training he gave me unless it would protect my life or no one else could see. There have been many times I would have loved to smear a rich or tough kid's face into the cobble stone, but I never have because I will not do anything to hurt Glaster's trust in me. I don't like the fact that rich kids seem to be worth more either. Put a good looking poor boy in the same auction as an average rich brat and the rich kid will get fetch money nine times out of ten." Vondum gave Kandric a knowing smile and a pat on the back as he ordered Tyfod to draw a warm bath and find good clothing for their new guest. He guessed, correctly, Kandric saw himself as very good looking, but knew many only saw his family stature. One thing was for sure, if he ever got a chance to take the splendid Half-elf to bed, he would, even if it meant paying money to do so. Vondum almost never went so far as to offer money for a boy, but this one was incredibly beautiful, skilled, and bright. Yes he would pay a great deal of silver to spend a night with this one. Part of him was actually jealous of Glaster. To prevent himself from thinking more about the Half-elf, he called harshly on Conth, gabbing the nightshirt; "Do you know how to clean weapons boy?" As Vondum did so, Kandric could see the youngster had nothing on underneath. Just a glimpse of the boy's firm boy bottom made Kandric want to see more, much more. "Yes master." The boy shook slightly with fear, "Would you like me to oil it as well?" Conth asked while looking at the gory bastard sword. "Yea, that would be great. Take care of his sword as well." "Ah, it's not really mine," Kandric shrugged, "I kind of took it in the middle of the fight." "Fair capture. It is yours. Conth take good care of his sword as well." "I will master." Conth bowed slightly as he hefted both Kandric's sword and Vondum's. "Before you go," Vondum spoke stopping Conth is his tracks, "where did you learn to care for weapons?" "My teacher taught me." "Teacher? As in formal training?" "Yes master." "Very well, we will speak more of this later." Vondum waved for the boy to be off. Finally he turned back with a serious look. "You have done your teacher very proud young'an. Your secrets will remain unspoken. I will make sure my men don't spread the word of your abilities. What are you, high Primary?" "No sir. Low Secondary Echelon probably a step 2 maybe 3. I had to cast 2 Secondary Echelon spells in combat and pushed the amount of force up in the first spell cast to make it a Secondary as well. I figured it would take at least that much to drop the Hob that hurt your man. I've still got some force left, but not as much as I'd like." Vondum stared at Kandric searching for any sign the boy in front of him was exaggerating. When he didn't see a single flinch he nodded slowly, "Pardon my skepticism, but I've never seen or even heard of someone so young being that highly rated. Would you be willing to demonstrate you abilities?" Kandric shrugged. It was late in the day and the moon would be coming up in just a couple of hours so he could afford to waste a spell or two. "Ok, but I want to save something incase there is another attack. What about this one," he pointed to Jamon who looked at them with pleading eyes, too tired to even cry anymore. "Ah, yes. Let's deal with him first." Vondum lifted Jamon off the hooks by the arm bar then cut the ropes holding his arms in place. "You will go out to the well, strip, and wash. You can then go over and lay down on that bench. If you are totally clean when I come back in, I will drop the spell and allow you to sleep for a few hours. If you are not, I will follow his suggestions," he pointed to Kandric, "Understood?" "Yes." Jamon nodded weakly trying to rub his shoulders and neck. Kandric saw a chance to impress Vondum and took it, "Yes? Yes what?" Jamon blinked a couple of times before he realized what was being asked, "Uh, oh, sorry. Yes master." "Much better!" Vondum noted with deep approval. "Oh and boy?"" Jamon cringed in pain as he tried to use his stiff neck to look up. "Master?" "Burn those filthy rags you are wearing in the fireplace before you even go out to clean up, all of them." Kandric watched the boy try to take off his shirt over the chains he still wore for a few seconds before turning to Vondum, "May I take charge for a few moments?" "By all means." Kandric forced himself to put on a mean look, "Stop!" Jamon slumped allowing a wall to hold him up as he looked over at Kandric. Kandric pulled out his Dagger Boar knife, still slightly sticky with Hobgoblin blood, "Cut your clothing off with this. I expect you to hand it back to me clean before you go outside. Understood?" "Uh huh." Jamon whispered as he took the offered blade. "Hold it!" Kandric labored to make his face and voice seem angry and dangerous, "You were given to me for a short period. You will address me as such!" "Sorry master." Jamon wilted under the stern gaze and went to work cutting off his own clothing. Slightly reddish cheeks showed off his embarrassment as he finished with his shirt and sliced through his britches and loincloth in front of Vondum and Kandric. Vondum watched with a growing smile and appreciation of the young Half-elf standing next to him. Clearly the lad had a mean streak and was a spell caster to boot. If he proved to truly be Secondary Echelon, his forces could really use such talent. Added to this, he was getting to watch Jamon as his free spirit was being crushed while his eyes got to explore the boy's petite body. Such a body on a boy would fetch a handsome price in a brothel, but not before he had his fill first. Kandric waited until Jamon used his dirty clothing and a bucket of water to clean his knife before taking it back and sheathing it. "Good, now go to the well like your master told you and make sure to bring in a fresh bucket of water." Jamon shivered as the cold breeze blew through the open door, "Yes master." Quickly he tossed the cut off clothing into the fireplace and hurried out to the well several meters outside the cabin's front door. "Well done young'an!" Vondum stated with high praise in his deep voice. "I kind of like it, and please call me Kandric," Kandric smiled, but knew he couldn't it hold up so he changed the subject, "So what did you like me to cast? I could heal some of the wounds on one of your men if you would like, or throw a fire dart if that would be better." Vondum scowled for a second, "Fire dart? Since when can a Shaman throw fire?" "Long time I guess. It is a variant, but not all that uncommon." "Really? Do you know any other variants that I might be able to catch? I don't have many Secondary Shaman spells, but throwing fire I can already do." Kandric thought quickly. He knew a Warrior Adept could either attune to a specific type of magic when he reached Teaching Echelon or could Run Wild. They would then be a spell caster two Echelons of ability below their actual Echelon. Both Attuning and Running Wild had advantages and disadvantages. Attuning meant the Warrior Adept would only be able to use one type of magic, Mage, Druid, Sorcerer, or Shaman but would have full command of the chosen type. A Mage Attuned Warrior Adept would need a book, like other Mages, but would also get the same powerful spells. Running Wild, on the other hand, allowed the Warrior Adept to stay connected to all the types of magic. The problem was it required him to 'catch' spells from caster of each field to add to his arsenal. Once caught the spell would be memorized and available. However, if a spell failed to be caught, it could never be learned. Warrior Adepts who chose to Run Wild spent an endless search trying to catch as many spells as possible up to a maximum of 9 in each Field, for each Echelon. Vondum, being Expert Echelon would be able to catch 9 Primary and 9 Secondary Echelon spells in all four realms of spell casting. Obviously he was fishing for more Shaman spells. The last thing Kandric wanted to do was to make him more powerful or dangerous, but he couldn't just brush off Vondum's request either, especially if he ever expected to gain the man's trust. In a flash of devious inspiration, Kandric realized he might be able to give Vondum a new spell or two in non-combat related areas. If Vondum captured these spells, he would forever be filling slots with survival spells. As an Outdoorsman, he really wouldn't need them, but they would make his life easier. All at the expense of not becoming any more deadly than he already was. Kandric mentally ran down a list of Secondary Echelon spells. He had a large number of variants thanks to Glaster, so he selected a few less harmful ones. "I have a few weird ones you may not have heard of." "Such as?" "Well, Glaster's friend taught me a few fish ones. Fishing Line, Fish Ward, and Attract Fish. I also know Pulsing Darkness and Find Safety. I know quite a few Primary ones if you need any." Vondum nodded eagerly, "Oh, yes. I can definitely use some Primaries as well. Tell me more about these fish spells." "They are pretty much like the sound. Fishing Line is the only strange one. It makes an invisible line with a magical snare on one end. For some reason fish like to bite it. Maybe they can see it and we can't or something. When I use it and Attract Fish at the same time I always get enough to feed my whole family and end up with some to sell at market. The only problem with doing so is fish tend to get used to the Attract Fish spell if you use it over and over again in the same area. The effects tend to diminish after a while. But if you stop using it for a month or two then come back, it works just fine again." "Very interesting. And Fish Ward keeps fish away?" "Yea, including sea fish like sharks." "Excellent, do you have enough power to cast all three today?" Kandric grimaced, "I could if I had to." Vondum waved his arms, "No, no. I do not want you to cast any more than you want. Would you feel more comfortable just doing one?" "I can do two, but I thought some of your men might need a healing spell." "No I have a couple of Channelers to take care of the wounded." Kandric wondered just what gods his men channeled for. He doubted many gods would allow their clergyman to heal men who fought for someone who would want to destroy whole villages. Shaking off such thoughts, he forced himself to look relaxed and friendly, "I'm glad. I hope you didn't loose anyone." "Just a female slave, but a couple of our people were beat down pretty hard. We would have lost at least one had it not been for you. Speaking of which, why are you not with Glaster?" Kandric had been dreading this question, but at the same time expecting it. Again he blended in a great amount of truth within the lie; "He had to go south with a huge shipment of goods. Some of it had to go to an island far to the south, and I hate ships. I'm fine as long as I can see the shore line, but get me in a storm or so far out I can't see land, I'm no fun to be around at all." Vondum let out a hardy laugh, "Get a bit green do ya?" Kandric blushed deep crimson, "More than a bit sir." Vondum ruffled Kandric's hair; "I have seen some great warriors brought to their knees by a rough trip at sea. There is no reason for you to be ashamed. Go take a warm bath and let Tyfod get you some clothing. By then I can have an idea as to what you captured and we can discuss what you would want for allowing me to catch some of your spells." "I would be happy just giving them to you sir." "Young'an, do you think Glaster would just give away a spell?" Kandric shook his head, "No way." "Learn from him. Nothing is free." "I'll give it some thought then. One favor though." "Ask away." Kandric looked out to where Jamon was using well water to wash. His jaw chattering form caused a tinge of guilt; "Can I have that one wash me before he gets to rest? If so would you be willing to remove his chains?" "You like boys your age?" Vondum felt an erection with the very thought. He also realized what price had been attached to Kandric's training. Glaster would occasionally use a boy from the Black Rapid's orphanage in exchange for some goods or silver. The time he brought Kandric to the negotiations for weapons he put in a pair of high quality swords for the use of two boys for the whole week. Vondum smiled, as he suddenly understood why Glaster wanted a second youngster that visit. Sheepishly Kandric nodded, "Actually slightly younger." "Nothing to be embarrassed over. I like boys too. I'll make a deal with you. Jamon can be yours for as long as you are here. In exchange you help to train him just like you have started to do." "Sure!" Kandric eagerly agreed, knowing he would have to be very tough on the boy. At least he would be able to prevent some suffering if he had full control for a while. It also occurred to him this would be a great time for another question, "How long can I stay?" Vondum turned to face Kandric, "When is Glaster do back?" "Not sure. But I could go home after the storm and leave a message as to where I am. He'll get it as soon as he checks with mom." "The problem is this is kind of a secret location." "So? Don't you trust Glaster?" Kandric felt like he was playing with a fish trying to set a hook. Vondum cringed but one look into Kandric's innocent, hopeful, gray eyes touched him. He started to make an excuse then stopped. He had dealt with Glaster several times including some questionable shipments for a Captain of the Guard of a city to make with city funds. Nothing had ever been said and Glaster always treated him fairly. The man was a merchant. Money talked. Besides, if he took proper care of Kandric, he might be able to make a good deal or two and make some good money. The Halfelf was clearly of great importance to Glaster, "How about I send a man to keep an eye on your family. He can live in the slums and help your folks. Then when Glaster gets there my man can bring him here." "Sure," Kandric agreed hesitantly. He had to figure out a way to warn Glaster of possible trouble though. A makeshift plan came to him. "Can I at least go home for a day or two after the storm? I want to make sure your guy got through with the food and money. My mom can't fend for herself like she used to." "No father?" Kandric looked at his shuffling feet, "No. Mom doesn't even know who my dad was. She slept around for money, still does when she finds someone who will pay." "Sounds like a strong woman." Vondum replied keeping his voice devoid of judgements. "So can I go, then come back?" "Absolutely. I'll take you myself if you would like." Kandric smiled, this time it was not totally forced, "I'd like that." "Not a problem." Vondum again mussed Kandric's hair, "Allow Tyfod show you to your bath and make sure to tell him he is to keep it warm for you. He is also a great cook so let him know what you want to eat. I'll send Jamon in with a full understanding of his duties to you." Vondum put on silly grin, "Without the chains of course. Not much fun having cold metal in bed is it?" "Nope," Kandric laughed as Tyfod motioned for him to come to the bath chamber. He followed while looking back to Vondum as the man exited, letting the door slam shut as he went. This killed off the flow of cold air making the cabin and its blazing fireplace seem warm and cozy. He started to wonder if Vondum was really as nasty as he first thought. One way or the other he would have to find out. AsterAster woke to the sound of a light knock at his door. For a second he panicked in the unfamiliar surroundings of his inn room. It had been many years since he had awoken with a gash on his head and no memory, but the fear of forgetting everything never strayed far from his thoughts. This fear had led to several habits, such as always having his room above the forge set up the same way every night. Waking up in an unfamiliar environment should have become easy over the years of traveling with Watch members, but the momentary terror of waking in a strange room, tent, or cabin never went away. Quickly, Aster took himself through brief step by step remembering sequence as to what had lead him to not wake up in his very familiar forge room. A concerned lick from Shade helped calm his racing heart. Once he fully settled he went to the door, "Yes?" "Aster," Pocet's voice seemed muffled through the door, "A Master Lannet wants to talk to you down in the serving room." Aster unlatched and swung open the door. "Sorry, I was sleeping. What time is it?" Pocet came in fully dressed, armored, and armed, "Right about sun-up, but the storm is so nasty, it's hard to tell for sure." "Oh, jeez. I overslept." Pocet chuckled as he stepped in and closed the door, "Not a problem. After the fight you had yesterday afternoon, you deserve a late morning. Besides, we're not going anywhere in this weather. I've never seen such a storm this time of the year." Aster flipped off his nightshirt revealing himself totally to Pocet, "When do you think we'll be able to leave?" Pocet felt like his eyes had popped out of his head. The young elf standing before him was so far above beautiful it took his breath away. The well toned yet boyish slender chest and arms angled to a well worked stomach with creamy smooth skin and an adorable belly button. Lowering his gaze further down, Pocet took in smooth health hips and a finger sized boy tool, tight, hairless, walnut sized testicles and finally strong looking legs progressing downward to smallish sized feet with cute toes. He completely lost track of Aster's Question "Sorry, what was that?" "How long till we'll be able to get on the road?" Aster looked up and smiled at the somewhat befuddled look on Pocet's face. His thoughts about Pocet seemed to have been answered. All he would have to do is verify it at the end of the day. Pocet couldn't take his eyes off the splendid Elvin boy before him no matter how hard he tried. It surprised him a great deal when Aster smiled instead of looking uncomfortable or angry. "Two to three days at least. Don't worry about it, yer on the payroll now. Enjoy the easy money while you can. This is one of the good things about being a caravan guard." "I've never been paid for doing nothing before," Aster giggled as he slowly started to dress. The more he watched Pocet's reactions the more he was sure Pocet fancied him. A combination of relief yet disappointment played across the Swordsman's face as he slowly covered his body. This new job started to look better all the sudden. "Handri is very fair. He pays his key people no matter what." "I should have tried to hire out a long time ago!" Aster grinned as he finally put on his loincloth, "Please tell Master Lannet I'll be right down." "I sure will," Pocet blurted out glad to have a reason to leave the room. Part of him wondered if Aster had been checking him out or playing some sort of game. The problem Pocet had with trying judge Aster was race. Pocet saw a boy when he looked. He also felt the need of acceptance that a boy has when around men, but that is where the lines started to blur. Aster was actually older than Pocet by about 17 years, was Guild Certified, Secondary Echelon, and had no real problem taking out six attackers single-handedly. Pocet grinned to himself as he headed down the steps of the inn. It really made no difference. Seeing such a wonderful sight so early in the morning officially made his whole day. So infectious were his attitude, smile, and peppiness; it caused two of his men to smile as he passed them on the way to the dining hall. He quickly relayed Aster's message to the elderly dwarf sitting at a back table. A trio of winged panthers looked up, saw their master was not in danger, and went back to tearing huge chunks of meat off a barely cooked moose leg. A true case of a Master Echelon being able to do whatever he wanted. Even this somewhat gruesome sight didn't shake his good mood, but it did cause him to seek out Handri instead of sticking around. Aster came down a few minutes later. Before he sat he took a few seconds with each of the three deadly black winged cats, calling them by name as he playfully roughhoused with them. Lannet's eyes twinkled in merriment, "How can you tell them apart like that? I can't unless I take time to closely examine them." "They act differently, Master," Aster remarked simply as he gave Lannet a quick hug. "You never cease to amaze me." Lannet returned the hug and held on for an extra couple of seconds. Aster savored the closeness before finally speaking, "What can I do for you, Master?" "Well, Nothing really. This is information for you." "About the attacks on Pocet and me?" "Some, but some of the Watch has an interesting idea as to how you might be able to get up into the Silver Spine Plateau." "Should I get Pocet?" Lannet arched his eyebrows, "That would mean revealing your station within the Watch. You had to once in order for you to convince Handri to hire you, but there is no reason for this man to know unless you want him to." "I'd really like him to know I have some ties with Junsac's Watch. I trusted him before yesterday, but his concern for me last night made me feel like I wasn't some weird kid. Only you, my metalworker teacher, and Healthman expert have made me feel so ordinary yet so special." "Very well. I am pleased to know you have found someone you are at ease with. I know you are an excellent judge of character. Go get him. I'll have the room cleared so we can talk in private." Aster came back with Pocet, briefly introducing him to Lannet's pets. The animals sensed the man's ill ease and growled. It surprised Pocet when Aster, not Lannet, scolded the beasts. Equally impressive, they all stopped growling and hung their heads. It reminded Pocet of a boy disciplining a pet puppy not three winged panthers each capable of tearing up three or four men. Lannet motioned for Pocet and Aster to sit, "Don't worry; they make lots of people nervous." "You can put me on that list," Pocet stated with no shame. He took the chair furthest away from the animals. Aster took the opposite approach, sitting where he could pet their dark fur and started scratching one of the beasts' chins. Pocet cringed as the massive animal started lightly chewing on Aster's arm as the Elf played rather roughly with it. Lannet liked what he saw in the man sitting before him. He obviously cared about Aster, but didn't react in an overly protective way. "Would either of you like something to eat?" Aster spoke up instantly, "Steak and eggs would be nice." "Already ordered my boy!" Lannet poked at Aster's ribs getting a short giggle. "I'll take some biscuits, jam and a mug of fruit juice," Pocet stated as he reached into his pouch. Lannet waved him off, "No need. The Watch has a tab here." "As in the Barony Watch?" Pocet nearly fell back on the chair he had propped up on its back two legs. He just barely managed to grab the table's edge in time. "Yes. Aster says you may want to hear some of the information we were going to pass on to him. Seemed like a good idea, you bein' the team leader and all." Pocet chewed on his upper lip for a moment as Lannet ordered his food. He looked around realizing the large dining area was empty except for the three of them and a couple of slave inn boys. He then glanced back and forth for a few seconds wondering what he should say, if anything. Aster gave a reassuring grin, "Master Lannet says there may be an easier way up to the Silver Spine Plateau." Pocet continued to shift his eyes back and forth trying to figure out what was going on. Not being successful in the least he looked straight at Aster, "I'm very interested, but why would the Junsac Barony Watch pay for our meal and give you information?" Aster took a breath wondering if this would spoil his budding friendship with Pocet. In the long run, a real friendship couldn't exist if he kept such a powerful secret. Slowly he turned up his entire collar as he lowered his head. Pocet felt his eyes grow wide and jaw drop upon seeing the Watch dagger pin. Its magical shimmering called out to him in a way few could ever understand. From the first time he had seen a Watch pin as a boy, he dreamed of one day wearing one. Now, it seemed, he was at least working with the group. A part of a boyhood dream was becoming reality. Aster scowled, "I'm sorry. I should have told you from the start." Pocet slid his chair close to Aster and put an arm around him; "There is no reason you should feel guilty. I'm honored you let me know at all." Aster looked into the Swordsman's eyes, "You're not mad at me?" "Not at all!" Pocet gave a hard reassuring squeeze with is arm, "You showed me you were Secondary Echelon, so I knew you had a few secrets. You had to get practice somewhere. Actually, I am honored to be able to help the Watch." Lannet didn't need to probe Pocet to feel his sincerity. As usual, Aster had chosen a friend well, a thought that made him wonder more about Conner. He shook off this rouge notion. "You will be helping us out a great deal by getting us a detailed report of what you find in the Silver Spine Plateau. Since Aster first told us about your troubles we have done some checking. As far as we can tell, not one merchant has made it up and returned since mid winter. Although, several have failed like your group did. We need to find out what is happing and why someone wanted your trip halted." "So the people who attacked me were trying to stop us from leaving?" Pocet asked. Lannet shook his head in disgust, "We don't know yet. The beings who ambushed you were paid to injure you, not kill. Someone paid them through a courier to break bones and leave you. The ones you left alive, gave a very good description of the Halfling who paid them, but she has vanished." "What about those who attacked Aster?" Pocet growled, "Were they going to bust up a kid to?" "No, at least not them. They were paid to kidnap him and await orders. Best we can tell, they shifted to him as soon as the mugging of you failed." Lannet stopped for a second looking over at Aster, "By the way, the young lady Shade took down is a mage. I wasn't able to recover Conner's book fully intact without pulling strings. To do so would take too much time, but you have rights to her spell pages." "Fully intact?" Aster frowned. "The overseer refuses to allow him to keep his offensive spells. Don't worry though, the girl's book will more than make up for it." Lannet's eyes hardened, "I can also guarantee you the overseer will find out why one does not go against the wishes of the Watch." Aster nodded, "Is he the one that refused to put Conner by himself?" "One and the same." Lannet confirmed. Aster's whole demeanor changed from a fun loving curious boy to a serious deadly trained Animal Adept. "Fine, then I want one of my markers called in on him as well." Lannet's eyes went wide, "Aster, you've never called in a marker." "Yea, so I have plenty to use," Aster stood up and started to pace; "Why in name of the gods does the day slave overseer hate Conner so much?" Lannet took in a deep breath while sending a though message to Pocet, I will tell you more of this later. For the moment, this is between him and me. Please do not interrupt." Pocet put up his hands to show this was now Lannet's show. He also shook his head to clear it. He had heard rumors of Mindmasters powerful enough to send thought to others as easily as many people speak. To experience such a phenomenon, on the other hand, left him feeling somewhat giddy. Lannet concentrated for a moment on Aster's chair causing it to slide back from the table, "Stop behaving like a spoiled brat and sit." The words hammered into Aster harder than any fist could have. He regained his composer and took the chair Lannet had pushed out through the power of the mind alone. As he sat back down at the table he lowered his head, "Master I am sorry for my outburst." "Aster, you have every right to call in a Watch marker. Do not get me wrong, I do understand where you are coming from. The overseer has now defied the watch two times concerning Conner alone, plus he was already on thin ice for earlier behavior. It is time he learned why we are feared. No one in the Watch will be against it. But if you put in the marker, you will have to come up with punishment. You can't possibly think straight when you allow anger to overwhelm intelligence." Aster kept quite while the food was served. It was clear to Master Lannet and Pocet the young Elf was in deep thought. Pocet took the momentary quiet to ask Lannet a question. Looking at the Dwarf's platinum guild pins made him almost stop, but he forced himself to push fear to the side, "May I ask, what a watch marker is?" Lannet spoke with his mind when he answered, Think to me; do not speak. Let's give him some peace and quiet. — When one is made an official Watch member a tally of successes is kept. The exact formula is secret, but once in a while an award is made to the member in the form of a marker. Markers can be cashed in for help, money, equipment, or in this case lesson teaching. Many times Watch members help each other out without markers, but when a marker is called in help is basically being demanded. Only a Watch Council vote can forbid a marker from being cashed in. I have only seen five markers go that far, only two of which were struck down. — Wow, how many does he have? — Such things are very private, but I can tell you are a trustworthy man. Aster has garnered eight markers and has never used a single one. — Eight, that sounds like a lot, Pocet thought. His face showed some surprise. — The most I have ever had on record is nine. Lannet smiled, The record is eleven. So you are correct, eight is huge. Part of the reason he has so many is he can be very charming when he wants something. The other reason is more formidable. He has saved quite a few members' lives. Pocet looked at the elderly Dwarf in disbelief; He's only a kid. — A kid who knows how to use his youth to deceive others into thinking he is just a boy. Remember, this youngster sitting with us is an Animal Adept fully trained. He took down the same number of people you did by himself. Be very careful how you think of him, he is boy with boy needs, but just a kid? Not at all. Pocet nodded solemnly, Point taken. So what is he allowed to do with this marker? — Whatever he wants. Markers are how the Watch gets most of its reputation. By the way, I'm sure you know this is not something outsiders get to see very often. — Yes, and it will go no further. I am truly honored to be getting this glimpse of the inner working of the Watch. Lannet gave Pocet a wink, Consider this journey your trial run. If you wish to continue to take assignments from us, I'll put you on applicant level. — You mean I could become a member of the Watch? — Yes. I sensed in you just such a desire when you first found out about Aster. — Yes. Yes. I am very interested. — Fine! Let's eat while he thinks. Pocet couldn't help but to smile. The day just seemed to be getting better by the moment. Lannet and Pocet made small talk, and got to know each other. Meanwhile Aster ate most of his meal in silence only occasionally putting in a word or two. As Aster polished off the last bite of his steak, his face suddenly lit up with a devious grin of the type only a boy about to pull off something forbidden could get. Lannet picked up on it instantly, "What have you come up with?" Aster chewed on his lip for a moment; "I need some information first, Master. Does the overseer have a wife and kids?" "Yes." Lannet responded, "Wife, two boys and a girl. Not totally sure of their ages, but the boys are about eight and twelve, the girl around tenish." Aster gave a hard yet satisfied nod, "Perfect. I want his kids to have to go through the day slave sales for a massive debt. Make it as close to the day slave maximum as you can get. The overseer will not be allowed to participate because of his direct ties. I also want whoever is put in charge of their rest days to keep them in normal six man chambers, and not together either, separate chambers. In addition, I want it to look like it was his fault, but had covered his tracks well enough to prevent conviction. I don't even want his wife standing by him." Pocet had a hard time controlling his tongue. Aster's instructions would destroy a man while tormenting three kids. He didn't know what was going on to prompt this, however, so he forced himself not to judge. Besides, he couldn't see how such a request could be pulled off. The complication of setting up all the pieces, without making mistakes which would free the kids, would be next to impossible. "How Aster?" Lannet asked with a frown, obviously thinking along the same lines as Pocet. "With something so complicated you have to come up with the basics so we have a framework to work with." "I know," Aster grinned evilly, "Set a warehouse with stolen goods. Trick the kids into going there. Make them think their father passed on the instructions to get some of the items. When our person passes on the message have him plant a couple stolen items on them. The city guards recover a bunch of stolen goods. The people get their stuff back with some extra money. Our city makes money. Everyone but the overseer and his family wins. Everyone knows he takes bribes, or does something else illegal because he lives too well for his position so he will be suspected. It will look like he is behind what his kids were caught doing, but there will be no proof. We then have someone talk to his wife about where her husband is because they need to ship out the goods that are left. He looses ability to take bribes because until his kids are off the block, he will not be allowed to do anything other than be moved to a city guard leader, if he is even that lucky. It will take a great deal of time for his kids to work off such a massive debt, so his income goes down. His wife will be furious, at lest should be. Plus everyone around him will look down on him." Pocet trembled as his stomach seemed to twist deep in his gut, "Aster you will ruin him." "Exactly," Aster confirmed with a smug nod. "Interesting." Lannet pulled on his beard with vigor, "Very simple to carry out, no violence involved, no way to trace any of it back to the Watch. Doesn't do much to put fear into others though Aster." "It does if some of the goods recovered belonged to us and we intimidate people not to bid very high for the kids when they are on the day auction stage." Lannet whistled softly, "Ouch. They could end up on the block for over the six month maximum." Pocet glanced at Lannet, "What happens then?" "They become the property of the person who had the most property stolen from them." Pocet's heart beat fast. Part of him still hated this whole set-up, but another piece found the plan inspiring. It took a sharp mind to come up with such a simple plan, yet have such a terrible effect on its intended target. Another question came to mind, "OK, who would end up with the kids when they are turned into slaves then?" Lannet answered quickly, "They would go to the person who put in the marker. By then Junsac will have been forced into finding a permanent replacement for our current day slave overseer. He will be degraded. His property sold off to fill in whatever debt is left to the city, because they are his kids after all. By the time we are done with him, he will be broke, homeless, demoralized, and shunned." "You can have them, Master" Aster responded, "I don't need them." "Aster, they will become your responsibility. Your plan will make them slaves. Your marker, your plan, your slaves, unless you want to change your plan." Aster took a second before shaking his head, "No, Master. I wish to formally invoke the marker. He put Conner through hell. Now it is my turn." "Very well. I will summon a team." Lannet went into thought. His eyes seemed to glaze over for a couple of minutes. When he spoke again his voice had a slightly fatigued tone "Your marker is set. No one wishes to challenge." Pocet looked over, "Master, do you need a rest? We can continue this later." "No. Let me pass on this information first." Aster knew Master Lannet would never agree to a rest until business was finished so he took the lead, "So how do we get up to the plateau?" "Go to Silverton, then head up Razor Rock Gap." Lannet stated. Pocet shook his head vigorously, "Excuse me, Master Lannet, but I don't have a death wish. You're talking about going though the Bogland Swamp Hills. The Lizardman Clans control those hills and the Highland Trail going through it. I'd prefer to fight my way through twenty Gnolls rather than ten Lizardmen." Aster suddenly understood where his mentor was coming from, "Normally you'd be correct Pocet, but they are cool blooded creatures and don't have their warriors to guard it with. We tracked combined clan Lizardman armies leaving the Boglands late last fall. We lost track of them in the saltwater marshes down by the city-state of Everone, but they could not have slipped back by us unnoticed to get back to their homeland. The cold weather will also help, because the few guards they have left will not be interested in a fight against a well-armed caravan when they will have to wear heavy winter coverings. Besides, I'll be with you." Pocet's head cocked questioningly to the side; "Will you being with us help?" "More than you know." Lannet responded. Pocet looked to Lannet, "How firm is this information, Master?" "You are hearing it first hand. Aster spent a month as part of one of the tracking teams. He also knows the Lizardman tongue." Aster twisted his mouth into a weird shape, "Yea, but it is very hard to speak." Pocet laughed at Aster's strange facial expression, "I bet." Curiosity however demanded a question, "How did you learn such a difficult language?" "Goes back to the very first time I went out with the Watch. I wasn't even a team member yet." "May I ask how you got started with them?" Pocet asked, switching the subject. Lannet smiled as he remembered, "Both your questions are tied together my young Swordsman. I had been teaching Aster for about six years. He drank up every bit of teaching he could get his hands on. It didn't matter if he was in the forge, in the Healthman shop, or with me working with the animals. "One day he asked if he could go out to find a real wild animal to teach. At that point we had a team getting ready to search out a group of bandits, but they didn't have a Healthman or Channeler. I saw a way to give Aster real life practice while the team could protect him and help him get a wolf or something." Lannet called out to one of the inn boys to get him a fresh glass of ale before he continued, "The team wasn't thrilled with my idea, but I have some pull. Well, anyway, they set off tracking the bandits all the way into Razor Rock Gap. The team caught up to them about the same time a band of Lizard folk did. "The team leader figured he would allow them to fight it out and pick up the pieces. For reasons I am not certain of, the fighting drifted toward the Watch team kind of forcing them to join in. It started out as three separate groups fighting each other, but Aster changed that." "Oh?" Pocet glance back to Aster Aster blushed, "Yea, I kinda overstepped my bounds." "Go on, tell him." Lannet prodded. Aster took a deep breath, "One of the Lizard Folk was small, a kid like me. He got hit hard by one of the female bandits and fell. I ordered my dog to attack the woman who looked like she wanted to finish the job. Smoky caught her off guard, biting her arm hard. She sliced Smoky with her dagger, only to have a Lizardman warrior rip her throat out. "I ran over to Smoky, but when I got there the Lizard boy reached up weakly. I could see he had a huge wound on his chest. His eyes pleaded for help though so I pulled out my Healthman kit and went to work. I had no idea what I was doing. I just kind of began with what I knew, stop the bleeding and went from there." Aster couldn't help smiling at the memory; "It seemed like the second I started helping the kid all the other Lizard folk stopped fighting Watch members. The team leader didn't know what to make of it, but didn't argue. It didn't take long for the bandits to fall once we teamed up with the Lizard folk. As soon as the last bandit dropped, everyone turned to face each other not knowing what to do. Weapons were kept ready, but neither side was in much shape or mood to fight it out. "Finally one of the Lizard Warriors picked up one of our wounded and motioned for us to follow. The rest of the wounded were gathered up and we were lead to a Lizardman hamlet. The whole time I worked on wounds Watch and Lizardman, but of the living, the one who needed the most attention the Lizard boy. I finally got him patched up enough to where I was pretty sure he would live late in the day." Aster took a long swing of juice so Lannet picked up the details; "To make a long story short, it turned out Aster had saved a clan leader's eldest son. The Lizard folk were really touched because Aster could have ignored the boy and tried to save his dog, but didn't. This didn't go unnoticed. Our team was treated to three weeks of some of the warmest hospitality I've ever heard of and Aster was given a magical axe and an abandoned cub you know as Shade. He was also made an honorary clan member and he spends a couple weeks with the clan every summer. They even helped us track the Lizardman armies some." "Nice start to a career in the Watch!" "Yes." Lannet confirmed, "Hasn't looked back since either." "Will Aster's membership in a Lizard clan prevent attacks?" "No," Aster responded flatly, "My clan and their allies will not bother us, nor will those who are neutral. My clan's enemies will hate us even more, but they are the ones who sent their warriors south. We should be able to slip through with little to no trouble. If we can get going before the snow stops, we have an even better chance of not being bothered." Pocet stood, "Very well, I'll get with Handri. Be ready to leave as soon as the storm slacks off enough to move out." "I'm ready when you are," Aster grinned. "I can tell," Pocet gave Aster's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I'll let Handri know the basics of your information. He won't like traveling in a winter storm, but it sounds like we will want as much cold snowy weather as possible. He'll listen. Besides, he is as anxious to get going as we are." Chapter 5Kandric and VondumWind gusts started battering at the window as Kandric ordered Jamon to wash his back. He had been in warm water springs plenty of times with Glaster and had servants wash him before. He had never been waited on hand and foot by a pair of slaves while he took an indoor bath before, however. It seemed like a pleasant dream to the young Halfelf who was normally only pampered when Glaster decided to give him a break from normal duties. He still felt quite guilty about taking over as Jamon's trainer, no mater how temporary it would be. Unfortunately, he couldn't risk being nice to the boy. It didn't take a genius to figure out Vondum would turn on him if he showed such weakness. Kandric briefly thought about slacking up when Vondum was not around, but quickly discounted such a notion. His experience with slaves was extremely limited. Glaster, however, had taught him one valuable thing about controlling them. Put simply slaves will do whatever they can to stretch every centimeter given them as far as they can take it. It wouldn't take long for Jamon to figure out ways to do less and less. Kandric knew himself well enough to understand Jamon would have no problem playing on his kindness if given even half a chance. The minute Vondum picked up on it; Jamon would be punished, probably severely. Vondum would then loose some confidence in Kandric. He couldn't allow that. Vondum's trust seemed to be the key, especially, if he ever wanted to find out what was going on with the Illorc. "Is there a problem?" Kandric asked while looking back over his shoulder. Jamon's lower lip started trembling as tears welled up in his blue eyes, "No master." "Then get on with it. I think that one spot is clean enough," Kandric hated himself as he felt the boy's hands move further down his back with the soft cotton cloth. Taking a deep breath, he looked around. He could see no one else around. The smell of cooking meat told him Tyfod, the other slave, was busy in the kitchen. This would be the one chance to try talking Jamon into being obedient. "Just a minute. Go close the door and come here." Jamon wobbled from exhaustion as he stood and closed the door. Expecting the worst he approached the large half-barrel tub cringing. "I can tell by the look on your face you know you aren't doing what you should. I'm going to give you until this water cools to talk with no repercussions. Once I call Tyfod for a warm bucket your time is up, so speak." "I'm not a slave," Jamon started out. Kandric shook his head, "What your status was before matters not." "But I was kidnapped!" "Lower your voice," Kandric glared as he spoke, "Unless you want your owner putting you back on those hooks." "He's not my owner, don't you get it?" Jamon forced his inflection to take on less of an angry edge; "My little brother, Conth, his little brother and I were taken, not bought." "Look around. Do you think anyone within 50 leagues cares? I could take you into any town or city and get papers made up on you without batting an eyelash and I'm just a half-breed kid. In many places an outburst like you just had would get you a public flogging. I'm betting you are fairly intelligent. You were wearing merchant clothing when I first came in so have seen slavery in some form or another. Use your head." "I know, but 3;" Kandric cut him off, "No buts. Look at yourself. You don't even have any clothing left. Right now you are treading on very thin ice. You have no choice in this. Your owner and now myself control your food, shelter, rest periods, everything. We even control your body." "No you don't," Jamon retorted in disgust. "Oh no?" Kandric rubbed his hands together as he spoke a quick arcane word. Crimson light briefly lit the room before he spun his fingers in Jamon's direction. The glow suddenly turned orange as it shot into Jamon. Jamon took half a step back before the spell took hold. He tried to move off to the side, but nothing happened. Then slowly he began to move. He tried to stop and talk yet his body continued to move, albeit at a slow speed for a few more seconds. It seemed like he couldn't react at all. His body stayed well behind his mental orders. "What 3; have 3; you 3; done 3; to 3; me 3;" Every word dragged out with huge pauses in-between. "Like I said, we control everything. Your holder can prevent you from sleeping. I can slow you down or make you even more exhausted than you already are. I have other means to control your body as well. Do you wish to see?" Jamon tried to speak out. When nothing happened he tried again. "Please 3; no 3; more 3; spells 3;" As his first statement slipped out he tried to stop his second one. The spell prevented it. The words tumbled out, "NO 3;! NO 3;! I'll 3; do 3; anything 3;!" Kandric watched as Jamon's facial features caught up with the chain of events. He snapped his fingers destroying the spell, "Now what were you saying about what we do and do not control?" "Ok-you-win." This time his word blasted out quick and forced almost like one word. His attempt to out think the spell after the fact caused his cheeks to take on a reddish blush. The pink signs of his flush extended halfway down his fully exposed body making things even worse for the disconcerted and befuddled child. Jamon hung his head in surrender. Kandric couldn't help himself. He laughed at the nude blushing boy in front of him. "You want to start this conversation over again?" Getting a slight nod in return Kandric added, "This time do so as the slave you are. You'll get further." Jamon looked over to Kandric; "May I sit?" "Yes. Sit on the edge of the tub. You can wash my legs while we talk." Jamon swallowed hard. Slowly he took the cloth and stared working in some soap from a pile crystal tree root before he begrudgingly lifted up Kandric's leg. "I can't do this." "Do what?" "Any of this. It makes me sick to my stomach just to wash your back or foot. There is no way I can wash your butt." Kandric noticed his eyes rolling before he knew he was doing so. With no chance of hiding his thoughts he let them spill out, "You best get over your morals, disgust, or whatever you want to call your tummy queasiness. This is only the beginning." "What do you mean?" "Think about it. You aren't just here to be a servant boy. Why do you think you have not been given any clothing? Vondum gave you the same instructions as he did your brother. If I cannot reach out and touch you, punishment is to be handed down," Kandric ran his hand over Jamon's chest. "Come on put the pieces in place." Jamon's face took on the look of someone who just ate his least favorite food. "You mean I'm a pleasure boy?" his voice trembled as much as his body. Kandric smiled as he started running his hand up Jamon's leg, "That is one way to look at it. I will give you a small choice in your future. Neither choice is great, but at lest you will have some sort of decision regarding your future." "What?" His voice betrayed his lack of enthusiasm "You get to decide who will train you, me or your owner. If you decide on me, I will expect instant compliance to my commands and no resisting my training of you." Kandric slid his hand all the way up to Jamon's crotch and started playing with his scrotum. Jamon instinctively pulled away. "Either you get back here and learn to enjoy this or you can find out how your master will break you in." Jamon clenched his jaw, but moved closer. "Thought so," Kandric chuckled as he put his hand back on Jamon's crotch. "Its actually quite pleasant once you get used to it. Understand, I will not hesitate to turn you over to your possessor if you give me any problems at all." Jamon nodded, "I'm not stupid. My dad liked an occasional boy or girl. I'll do whatever you want because I don't want that man in me." "You know he will eventually." Jamon stifled a whimper, but still had to wipe away a teardrop; "Yea, but it'll be better if you can get me ready. From what my dad and older brother said it's easier to start out small. That's why my brother always had the new kids first," Jamon looked resigned to his new life. Kandric concurred, "Very true. Is there anything else you wish to say? This will be your last chance. I will not allow this ever again." Jamon closed his eyes wishing the nightmare would just end, but knew it wouldn't "Could you at least find out about my brother and mom?" Kandric cringed thinking about the women and girls given to the Orcs. That was a wound he didn't want the boy to think about. His younger brother was another story though. Maybe he could use this to keep Jamon under control. "If I agree to check into your younger brother will you be totally obedient?" Jamon looked down, after a moment he nodded. "Can you get him?" "I have no idea Jamon. There is a chance, but if I do he will be a slave just as you are. You understand?" "Yea. Please get him. I don't want those monsters having him. I'll do anything you want." "You will from now on, no matter what I find out right?" "Yes master." Tears started flowing down Jamon's cheeks. "You will try right?" "I may not be one of the nicer people you will ever meet, but I have never gone back on my word. If I can find him, I'll do what I can to get him. Now settle down then have Tyfod get two fresh buckets of warm water and you can get down to business and wash me properly." He smacked Jamon's bare butt as the boy stood to open the door again. Kandric couldn't help it, like it or not he did have a little mean streak when it came to rich brats, and this kid clearly fit into such a category. At least until he had been enslaved by the Illorc and its friends. Vondum entered the bath chambers just as Tyfod started dumping the second lightly steaming bucket of water into the tub. "Do you mind, or would you prefer privacy?" "Not at all sir, please come in," Kandric motioned toward Tyfod, "That'll do fine. Please bring Jamon something to wear when you get my clothing." Vondum raised an eyebrow; "You want him wearing clothing?" Kandric pulled Jamon close while motioning for the boy to pick up the cloth and soapy roots, "No sir, just a night shirt. I'll give him a chance to earn time to wear it eventually," Kandric put on his most charming smile and purposefully arched his back as he stretched giving Vondum a momentary full frontal view of himself, "That is if you will have me that long." Vondum's eyes lit up as Kandric stretched. He suddenly wished he was in Jamon's place, getting a chance to wash such a splendid child. "You are welcome to stay as long as you would like Kandric. I'm sure Glaster will want you back the second he gets up here though." "Yes, he is probably missing me as much as I miss him. This is the longest he has left me since we first worked out our agreement." "Agreement?" Vondum pointed at a chair and glanced down at Conth. Conth started to move to get the stool only to get yanked back by his hair. Biting off a yelp of pain he moved back to Vondum's side, "Sorry master. Permission to leave your side." "Granted, bring me the seat. Do not forget your place again." "I won't master." Kandric noticed Vondum's eyes never left his own during the whole performance, which is exactly what Kandric saw it as. Given the circumstances, it was easy to keep a neutral face. If anything the display would make it easier to control Jamon. "Glaster offered to pay for the best training he could if I would serve him. It was more than a fair trade." Vondum pulled Conth onto his lap as he spoke, "I see. I know he is a Shaman, so he didn't have to pay for much." "More than you might think. I have been to the best teachers from Eagleonia, to Falcon's Loft, to Red Raven. I have also spent time with Master Shamen throughout two continents. He has spared no expense in training me." "Very impressive." Vondum pulled out the sword Kandric had captured from beneath his cloak. "Did you look at this?" "Didn't really have a chance," Kandric motioned for Jamon to get the weapon. As soon as he stood, Kandric made an audible sound of clearing his throat. Jamon stopped, "Permission to get the sword for you master." "Do not forget again slave," Kandric hissed, "One more mistake and there will be no nap for you. You want a nap don't you?" "Yes please." "Bring the sword. Then finish cleaning my feet with your tongue. As soon as you are done you can go to my room and sleep. Of course that is if your owner is willing to release the spell," Kandric took the sword while staring Jamon down. He had to show Vondum he was worth keeping around. "Kandric, such decisions are up to you. Do you want me to release the spell?" "Not until every toe is sucked clean," Kandric smiled and winked at Vondum. He could see the man getting an erection as Jamon started to grimace upon taking the first toe into his mouth. In all actuality, he couldn't understand the boy's distaste. His feet had already been washed. He had done the same thing to Glaster, and it didn't bother him at all. It was actually kind of fun. This was the kind of thing a spoiled rich kid would never think of having to do. Such thoughts only made the experience more satisfying. He suddenly understood why Glaster liked him to suck on his toes. The feeling was very relaxing yet somehow sensually gratifying. No foot massage could ever top the feeling. It took him a moment to focus on the weapon. When he finally unsheathed the blade, he understood why Vondum was so interested. Small magical ruins shimmered red and blue. Closer examination revealed fine crushed rubies and sapphires within each ruin. Kandric searched his memory. It took a moment, but he suddenly realized what he was holding. "By the gods, it's a frozen flame!" "You can read Shaman?" Vondum nearly knocked Conth off his lap in surprise. "The ruins are not Shaman sir. They are mage. My other Subfield is a Ruinseeker. I saw this listed in a tome of the Alphars." "It is your capture Kandric. Do you know how to use it?" "A sword yes. But this blade's powers, no sir." Suddenly Kandric realized what had just been said, "You mean this is mine?" "Oh yea. You saved our butts out there today. All the belongings of those you took down are yours. That includes the blade and the 14 spells from the Mage spell book." "Their spell caster was alive." "Was." Vondum confirmed. "He verified what you told us. They followed the trail the slaves I brought in left behind. I got careless. You pulled my ass out of the fire so you deserve it." "But 3;" Kandric couldn't figure out what to say so he let the word tail off. "I put all the belongings of the three you took down into your room along with the pouch of their commander. I took his weapons. Unless you want the hammer and daggers." "No, that's more than fair," Kandric couldn't believe he really owned a magical weapon. His eyes stayed riveted on the blade. "I thought it parted the chain armor too easily." Vondum nodded with a smile; "I bet!" "Do you have a study with books?" "Yes. But much of it is written in basic Northman. I doubt any of them will do any good as far as getting to the power of the blade. I had my Mystic look at it. He said it was a frozen flame as well, but could tell me nothing more. What do you know about it?" Kandric lightly ran his hand down the ruins, "Not a great deal. I read a passage a while back in an ancient tome written by the Alphars. Long ago the original Elves, also know as Alphars, fought pitched battles with the storm demoness Senexsia. She summoned fire and ice demons to plague the world and many magical weapons wouldn't affect the more powerful ones. One Alphar, a mage by the name of Starleaf, found a way to combat both types with one weapon. He passed on the knowledge to the best Alphar Metalworkers and Mages. This type of blade was their answer, a frozen flame. It is capable of killing both fire and water based creatures and can even harm powerful undead like vampires when they are in mist form. I don't know how to activate it or what I am supposed to do though. The tome I read didn't give any more information than that. How did a Hob get a hold of this?" Vondum picked up Conth and set him on his feet then started pacing, "Very good question. The Hobs have gotten very powerful lately. They are getting very good quality goods and supplies, have built up a magical arsenal, and have many trained spell casters. This is just one more example." Kandric saw a way to get involved. "Well, I don't know when Glaster is coming back. I expected him back before now. I would like him to get here so he could take me somewhere to learn about this blade, in the mean time maybe I can go out with some of your patrols. I'm a Secondary Echelon caster and can help take out a few more Hobs. My family could use the money and I'd like the chance to hone my casting abilities." Vondum stopped pacing for a moment. Clearly he wanted to say something, but took his time choosing his words. When he did speak, his words came out slowly and guarded. "The only concerns I have are what would Glaster think if you got hurt or worse. And secondly, some of the things we do are quite harsh." "Harsh?" Kandric tried to look both highly interested and innocent at the same time. He hedged his bets some by again exposing himself as he adjusted in the tub. It took no time at all to see the combination worked perfectly. Vondum had a hard time pulling his eyes away from Kandric's silky smooth clean body. The boy's look only added to his desire to partake of the boy. Slowly he nodded his head, "Yes. That is why this compound is so far from Black Rapids. I used my own resources to take the fight to the Hobs and to track down their supporters. Once and a while that means we accidentally hit a legitimate merchant caravan. How do you feel about that?" "They're rich. How do you think I feel about it?" Kandric shot back in an attempt to impress Vondum. As he did so it occurred to him he really didn't care about many of the merchants. Some were OK but most just wanted to get rich and deserve whatever they got. Glaster was different. He made hoards of money but he also did a great deal to help others. He would fight the biggest monster to prevent a kid from getting hurt and often times spent his own money to take a street urchin to a Healthman. He also supported at lest six different orphanages. Of course he occasionally got a kid for a night or two, but they had a good home where they were taught reading and writing while not being forced into labor to support the operators like most homes for orphans. He also would give money away to prevent a family from loosing a home and expect nothing in return. Traveling with Glaster, He had seen many merchants and how they acted. Yet, Kandric had seen no other merchant do anything similar even when given the opportunity. He wouldn't want to take out a group like Jamon and Conth were a part of, but others? As long as it was for a better good of tracking down the Illorc, yea he figured, I can do it without too much of a problem. Vondum took a second to really examine Kandric's expression. The young Halfelf clearly didn't like most rich folks so his outburst could be understood. The really impressive part though began after the challenging question burst out of his lips. He clearly thought over the words and came to a conclusion. "Problem?" "I don't think so," Kandric replied deciding to give a good portion of his views to the big Warrior Adept, "I just don't want to take out a wagon only to find it was some farmer and his kids trying to make a living." "We don't do that." Vondum casually replied while thinking: That's what Orcs are for. "I guess my concern is kind along the lines of how do you know?" "First off, we only hit multiple wagon caravans. Single wagons are of no real use unless we see the same one over and over. In such a situation we follow. The other thing is they have to be carrying more than grains or other foodstuffs. We stop multi wagon food caravans once and a while to check their loads, but they are very rare up here. "Secondly, and more important, we don't just see a caravan and attack, we observe, send a group to trade, and see what they have. If they act suspicious or hostile we mark them for attack. If they trade freely and don't seem to have anything of importance to the Hobgoblins, then we let them be." All of which was true. If they had nothing worthy of a Hob then it would be a waste of time attacking them. Such minor caravans were left for the Orcs to beat up on. Kandric looked at Jamon, "That will do for now. You may go to sleep on my bed until I wake you. Have Tyfod get you one blanket and chain you to the bed by one of your feet and leave the key on an end-table out of your reach." Jamon cringed but quickly recovered and nodded, "I will master. May I use your chamber pot?" "No," Kandric shook his head fiercely. Relieve yourself outside. Have Tyfod go with you. You have to earn the right to do such things inside." Vondum twirled his fingers and snapped his fingers. Suddenly a bit of black mist poured out of Jamon's nose and mouth. "You may now sleep. Go do as your master instructed." Jamon could feel his body already drifting into a sleep. It had just been too long. Forcing himself to stay awake and remember what he had been told he stood, "Permission to leave your side master." "Granted," Kandric smiled then added, "Everything better be done just the way I told you Jamon. I will check shortly." "I'll do just as you said master," Jamon mumbled as he staggered out of the bath chamber. Kandric let out a breath watching Jamon fight his exhaustion as he turned he corner, "Should have added to close the door on the way out." Vondum chuckled, "Yea, there is a bit of a draft coming in from under the front door. The wind is really packing a mean bite. Conth get my guest a couple of towels and close the door on the way out." "Where are the towels Master?" "Have Tyfod show you." Conth stood up, "Permission to leave, Master." Vondum glared, "You do not need to ask if you were given an order boy!" Conth gulped, "Sorry master!" He then ran out of the camber closing the door as he went. Kandric giggled, "He'll learn. He seems pretty devoted, though." "We shall see. He may be too smart for his own good." "Glaster likes the smart ones. He says they learn to understand their place faster then the dumb ones." "Overall he is correct, just have to pay attention to them more carefully until they are completely broken. You have done an outstanding job with Jamon so far." "It's just a matter of keeping the pressure on." "Up to a point I agree." Vondum leaned back stretching his well-muscled body, "But you have a knack for dealing with his stubbornness. I would have never though about having him give another slave instructions to chain himself to a bed and keep the key visible. You give him hope by getting clothing for him, but make sure he knows he has to earn the chance to wear em. There is no question you are in total control without having to physically hurt him. Very impressive. "You give me too much credit. I threatened him with turning him back over to you." Vondum let out a roar of laughter; "You are a little devil! No wonder he is obeying you so well!" "I'll take that as a compliment," Kandric grinned while raising and lowering his eyebrows a few times. Vondum lowered his head, "I could learn to really like you!" Kandric stretched again and turned so Vondum could get a good look at his well-shaped crescent moon buns. "I'm glad. I don't have many friends. Mind if I ask you a question though?" Vondum couldn't tear his eyes away from Kandric's body, "Not at all." "Well, I allowed Jamon to speak his mind for a moment, "Kandric started off awkwardly, "And he said he wasn't a slave. I've seen kids Glaster got say the same thing, but not with the same intensity. Not that it's any of my business, I guess." "No, no. Don't worry about it. They were given to me. I suppose it is possible they were taken in a raid or something, especially considering whom I got them from. Are you uncomfortable with that?" "Kinda. I mean them being your slaves I have no problem with. They were given to you and you accepted so if you aren't worried about it or even if you just want them, I have no problem. I'd love to have them myself so I don't blame you at all. They are slaves. Jamon said his younger brother was captured too, so I was wondering about what happened to him. That's all." Vondum scowled. He had no idea Jamon had a brother and wondered if the Illorc was holding out on him. This boy seemed to be getting more valuable by the moment. "Honestly I do not know Kandric. Like I said, they were gifts so it is possible Jamon's brother is under my colleague's control. What else did he say?" "Not much. Said Conth's brother was also captured along with his mom. Didn't really let him get into what happened. It was more important he realize his status as a slave so I concentrated on making sure he understood his place. "The only reason I ask is if his brother is half as cute as he is, I'd like to find out if the kid is for sale. I don't know if I could ever hope to earn enough to buy the kid, but maybe I could convince Glaster to buy him for me. If he isn't for sale, it is possible Conth's brother is. Cause I bet Conth's brother is good looking too!" Vondum couldn't help but agree, "Most likely at least one of the two is cute. My only question is would Glaster buy you a slave?" Kandric again showed his bottom and this time he wiggled it enticingly; "I'd have to make him very happy for many many days, but yea, I think I could convince him. Actually it would be a lot of fun seeing how much it would take before he said yes." Vondum couldn't stand it any longer. The beautiful boy in front of him was driving him wild with hints and flashes of skin. "If nothing else you could sell the spell pages to buy one or maybe even both. Spell pages go for a hundred silver per Echelon of the spell in Dark Rapids. I have a question for you though. How would Glaster feel about you having some fun with me?" Kandric had to hide his delight at having seduced the man in front of him. If he played this correctly he could have the man wrapped around his fingertip. "I don't think he'd care. Do you really think I'm that cute?" Vondum could have sworn the temperature in the chamber suddenly had shot up. He swallowed hard, "Cute? No! Gorgeous? Yes!" Conth came into the room just in time to see his owner with a very flushed face. Kandric saw Vondum was embarrassed by his outburst of truthful emotion so he took over, "Leave the towels and go feed Jamon a good meal." Conth looked to Vondum. Vondum regained some composure and glared, "Slave do as you are told!" Conth placed the towels next to the tub and ran out of the room leaving the door open. Vondum shook his head and moved to leave, "I'll let you dry yourself." Kandric put on a pleading innocent face and laid out his trap; "I'd kind of like you to dry me sir. That is if you would like." Vondum felt his heart flutter at the look Kandric gave him. Without thinking he shut the door and moved to grab the towels, "You sure about this?" Kandric switched to a puppy dog eyes look, "Yea, but only if you want to." Vondum lost his last bit of hesitancy looking into those beautiful hazel green eyes. He opened one of the towels and wrapped it around Kandric as he stood and stepped out of the water. Seeing the lad's whole body at last left his hands trembling slightly. Not one of his many slaves could come close to the perfection he now was drying off. Starting with the boy's hair he gently worked his hands within the fabric of the towel. It took almost five minutes before he was down removing the water from the boy's toes. Kandric had found very early on with Glaster he loved to have his body touched and admired. It might have been the fact swamp slum kids were looked at so badly, or maybe it was just the boy wanted attention. The fact remained, however, Kandric was happiest when people touched, admired, and or turned their head to watch him. He also loved to return other's affections. He started slowly rubbing Vondum's chest through his dark black cotton shirt. Feeling no resistance Kandric pulled the man's shirt up and started gently rubbing a thick coating of chest hair. Gently twirling the hairs he dug deeper until he finally made contact with the chest skin. Vondum put his arms around the nude dry Halfelf and pulled the boy into his chest in a warm hug. Not once in recent memory had he wanted a willing boy, but Kandric had changed this in an instant. He made no attempt to stop the child when he felt his leather britches coming loose. Instead, he kissed Kandric on top of his head and slid his hand down each bump of the lad's backbone lingering slightly at the base of the spine before exploring soft smooth butt cheeks that also held a hint of the boy's fitness. Kandric finally managed to loosen Vondum's leather britches and loincloth. Making sure to move slowly, he slid his hand down until he made contact with the man's tool. It took him by surprise. It was rock hard like all of the man's muscles, but not very long, only about 5 inches [13 cm]. What it lacked in length, it made up for in width. It was massive feeling more like a limb than a cock. He couldn't even make contact with his thumb when he wrapped his fingers around it. Sliding down further he found gigantic balls which when not held up by the loincloth would hang well. Everything felt clean and well cared for even the man's foreskin felt clean. No real smell could be detected as Kandric lowered his head to take a look. Everything in Vondum's crotch had a thick soft matting of hair making it difficult to see which disappointed him slightly. Vondum could wait no longer. Giving pleasure was normally not his thing, but again Kandric had a strange effect on him. He lowered himself to his knees and took all of Kandric's boyhood into his mouth, balls and all and began playing with Kandric's cut slender 3½-inch cock [9 cm] with his tongue. The very fact the boy had a circumcised dick was rare thus more enticing to the huge man. As he did this his hand slid into Kandric's crack. Finding the hole, he carefully inserted a finger. He stopped and looked hoping he hadn't gone to far. All he got was a moan and Kandric thrusting his hips forward. Taking the hint he continued to lick and tickle the boy's dick and balls with his tongue until the boy shuddered. It slightly disappointed Vondum there was no reward for himself, but knew Kandric couldn't help having a dry orgasm. He would eventually get old enough to have feelings of cum blasting out his little cock. Until then he would be happy playing with Kandric's hard happy little boy tool and giving him as many dry orgasms as he could handle! Kandric felt a little childish being cradled naked in Vondum's arms like a baby, but at the same time couldn't have felt more secure. Part of him knew this was the same man that had Jamon hung up on a wall with a branch, but another part couldn't help but to wonder how he could really be evil. The only thing better right then would have been having Glaster do the exact same thing. Maybe Glaster had found a way to get his other arm back. Then he could. Kandric thought as he closed his eyes and allowed Vondum to dress him. Vondum found himself thinking along the same sort of lines as he selected the best of the clothing he had available to dress Kandric in. He gazed over the thinking to himself. How could this child be so fragile, loving, and wonderful; yet have physically out battled a Hobgoblin with the skill of a hardened soldier? Glaster is one lucky man! Aster-Aster looked out over the city from his inn's room's balcony. Over a meter of snow carpeted everything while the eastern sides of most buildings had drifts of over 2 meters [7 feet], yet snow continued to fall. Almost nothing moved below him. His thoughts, not for the first time, turned toward Pocet. Never before in his young life had a man simply accepted him as a friend before. Part of Aster expected Pocet to start treating him as a kid or a nice looking pleasure tool. The man was obviously highly interested in his body, yet had not even attempted take conversations in that direction. Is it really possible he really wants to be just a friend? If so, would I ruin things by offering myself to him? I guess I should just talk to him and ask, but I don't want to put him in an awkward position of feeling he has to say yes when he doesn't want to. Frustration showed on the young elf's face as he continued to dwell on Pocet. I want to sleep with him, feel the love he keeps showing me. "What should I do?" the confused lad cried out loud in the empty room. Shade responded to his troubled state by hopping over the bed and barking loudly, tail wagging. The massive wolf-like animal gently nuzzled its master and liked Aster's hand. Aster wrapped his arms around Shade, gaining strength from his beloved animal. Another thought came to him as he stroked the soft fur. Maybe he is leaving everything up to me. If he does not want me to feel pressured, he wouldn't ask. Just like I do with Dart. I let him come and go allowing him to decide whether or not to be my pet. Could anyone really care about me that much? Taking a deep breath Aster made up his mind. He would just have to ask Pocet what he wanted. The truth would be in the eyes and tone of voice, even if the words were false. Another bark by Shade disrupted Aster's chain of thought. The huge animal pushed past him and leapt forward with a growl. It seemed to stare then barked down into the whitewashed gloom of the early evening darkness. Aster moved to the rail of the balcony and looked down. At first he saw only swirling snow but as he continued to scan the area, a gust of wind separated the snow flakes long enough to see a tiny shape struggling though the deep drifting snow. Once he found the figure he was able to follow it even as the snow did it's best to hide everything below in a white veil. The tiny being staggered, fell, then stood again. Slowly, putting one foot in front of another it pushed forward again only to fall into a drift and roll down out into the middle of the street. Aster had seen enough, "Good boy Shade! Get Pocet. I'm going down there!" Shade bolted up to the closed door then looked back. "Go boy! Get Pocet!" Had anyone really watched, they would have seen Shade momentarily shift into a dark black form and literally slide through the solid wooden door. On the other side the black misty wolf shaped shadow reformed into a solid wolf-like beast and bolted down the hall to Pocet's door and started scratching and barking. Aster, on the other hand, thought about running down the steps then realized he could simply jump into the deep snow two and a half stories below. The deep drifts would prevent injury. Heights were never something Aster liked, but seeing a person in trouble overrode his fear. He grabbed his winter cloak and weapons then stepped over the rail. Grabbing the edge of the balcony, he lowered himself to a hanging position until he was certain he would indeed fall into the deepest part of the snow below all the while getting as close to it as he could. With a gritting of his teeth he let go. For an instant Aster felt the sick sensation of falling before his feet pushed deep into the drift. He allowed momentum to take him forward to further break the fall. Snow enveloped him as he came to a halt. With a shudder he jumped to his feet doing the best he could to shake out all the icy flakes that had found a way into his clothing through the shirt collar, shirtsleeves, and pant legs. Crouching with dagger ready, he allowed his training to search out dangers hidden in the rapidly falling darkness and snow. Sensing nothing to endanger himself, he looked in the direction he had last seen the being moving. Spotting disturbed snow, Aster allowed his eyes to follow the twin trails marking the passage of legs through snow to deep to walk over. It didn't take long to see something forcing its way forward. At first he thought it was a large dog because it moved on four legs but as he carefully closed in he realized it was a person struggling forward on hands and knees. So small the form and so deep the snow, the only thing visible was an occasional bobbing up and down of a head within the drifts. Aster moved forward, but couldn't help but to remember the attack only a pair of days before. Anyone knowing anything about him would certainly use this kind of ploy to try another such ambush, yet everything remained still. Slowly he crept forward keeping a throwing dagger at the ready. As he got closer to the shape forcing its way through the snow he heard light sobs coming from it. Another step revealed a small person with a torn light cloak, ice coated brown hair, ripped britches that were far too light for such cold weather, and low soft moccasin like shoes with more than a few holes in them. A nasty gash of clotted blood could barely be made out through the torn right pant leg. Aster checked out a side alley briefly before rushing forward. As he got to the figure he pulled his cloak off and wrapped the person in it as best he could. A startled cry broke the sobs as the person fought to get out of Aster's grasp. After a couple of kicks and a weak bit of thrashing, the movement stopped. The person seemingly having nothing left to fight with surrendered. More weeping broke out. Aster held the cloak tight feeling ice cold skin beneath his hands. "Relax", he spoke firmly yet with a great amount of compassion, "I am a Healthman." The person didn't respond choosing instead to curl up into a tight ball. Seconds later whimpering sounds could be heard escaping from within the cloak. Aster pulled back his cloak from over the head of the person. Ice crunched as his fingers moved the filthy matting of hair. Panicky gray eyes looked back at him from a boy of no more the 9. Icy lips continued to make a pitiful sound as bluish colored hands clutched the rest of the cloak as tightly as their frozen state would allow. Almost no warmth could be felt coming out of the child's shredded clothing. Pocet bolted around the corner, sword drawn, following Shade. "Aster, what are you doing out here?" "Help me get this kid inside!" Aster responded without even looking up, "He is almost frozen to death!" Pocet took one more look around before stepping forward, "By the gods!" he shouted as he saw the child for the first time, "Who has done this to him?" "I don't know!" Aster stood looking around nervously; "Shade saw him outside and sensed his pain. He is terrified of something though." Pocet scoped up the ball of clothing and child. "Aster, take my sword. It isn't iron. I don't like this at all. We need to get off the streets." Aster grabbed the dropped weapon and moved glancing behind them as he went. Nothing else moved in the snow. "Shade guard our rear." A pair of barks told Aster Shade understood and would warn them if anything so much as thought of getting close. Pocet entered the inn, but didn't stop. He continued up the steps before anyone noticed his package was alive. He looked back only to make sure Aster and Shade had made it safely in as well, "What now?" "Your room!" Aster commanded after a second of thought, "You have a fireplace in your room." Pocet nodded understanding and didn't stop until he used his foot to kick open the door to his room at the far end of the hall. Without waiting, he deposited the boy on his bed and went down to purchase another armload of firewood. Aster wasted no time. He laid the sword down carefully on the desk before throwing two more logs onto the flickering fire. Before kneeling next to the bed he turned to his pet "Shade I need my pouch!" Instantly the animal launched itself out of the room. Aster gently tugged at his cloak. Having no success he spoke softly "I know you are very cold, but you must let go. Your clothing is frozen stiff. And until we get you dry, you will not start to warm up." The boy refused to let go so Aster took hold of the child's hands and forced them to release the warm thick fabric finger by finger. Finally he pulled his cloak away only to see the boy try desperately to grab it again. "No!" Aster stated forcefully while tossing the garment out of the child's reach. The word caused the youngster to tightly close his eyes and pull himself into a tighter ball. A new round of sobbing escaped cracked lips and tears poured out of already red bloodshot eyes. Aster cursed himself for his impatience. The words of his Healthman teacher scolded him from somewhere deep inside his head; "There is more then mending broken bones and stopping bleeding to being a healer Aster. You must also sooth the spirit so the body wants to mend." Aster grabbed his cloak again, sat on the bed and draped it around the boy. As he did so he pulled the child close knowing he could at least allow some of his own body heat to warm him. "I am very sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Please let me help you." Shade came back with Aster's Healthman's pouch firmly clenched in its jaws. Seeing Aster it jumped onto the bed and curled up close to both boys adding its soft fur and warmth to the mix. For a few moments ice turned into water. The now drenched child didn't move, but then, ever so slowly he reached out his hand and began to pet Shade. Pocet came up with a huge arm full of wood and looked at the touching site. He turned briefly to wipe a tear away before moving over to the fireplace, "What do you need me to do?" Aster replied softly so as not to startle the weeping boy in his arms, "Take the pouch from Shade. Inside there is a bunch of smaller pouches. Pull them out." Pocet moved over to the desk and sheathed his sword before doing as instructed. He took his time making sure to not disturb some of the strange shaped tools inside. "OK, now what?" "One of the smallest ones contains a brownish-orange powder. Take a pinch and put it into a large cup. Inside that pouch is another one with a white power. I want just a few grains of it added, like five or six at most. Then heat some water and fill the cup, but do not lick your fingers. Make sure you wash your hands and throw the water out the window after they are clean." Pocet looked through several pouches then found one that smelled quite strong. "Is it the one that reeks like rotten cherries?" "That's it," Aster kind of grinned while trying using his shirt to dry the boy's hair. Pocet saw what was happening and pulled out a cotton shirt from his travel bags, "Use this. It is softer." "Thanks. Make sure the water is not very hot. He will have to drink it." "Understood." Aster chewed on his lip for a moment, "I hope you don't mind me telling you what to do." "Not at all. You are the Healthman, not me." "You sure?" "Positive," Pocet turned to look at Aster, "That boy's only shot is with you right at the moment. Actually I am glad you are telling me to do something or I'd feel useless right at the moment." Aster pulled the boy in tighter and motioned for Shade to push closer as well. The boy tightened up for a moment until Shade started nuzzling him in the belly. Again with agonizing slowness the child began petting the huge animal again. Pocet watched this until the water started to steam over the fire. Quickly he mixed it with the powder in the mug. He was surprised to find the water turn a deep red and all the nasty smell gone. All that remained was a sweet cherry smell. It made his mouth water. Aster nodded, "Yea, That smells right. He needs to drink all of it." Pocet brought it over and held it to the boy's lips. At first he refused to open up but the smell finally got the better of him and he tasted it. Once he found the sweet taste equaled the fragrance he hungrily slurped the rest of it down. Aster smiled, "Good. Now take some deep breaths. You will start feeling like it is hard to breathe but that is ok." Shade increased his nuzzling as the boy began getting frightened. Each breath seemed more and more labored. "Aster," Pocet looked on concerned, "is this normal?" "Don't worry. Let the poison work." "Poison!" Pocet shouted. "Calm down! You're scaring him," Aster hissed feeling the boy tighten up again. "But 3;" "No. Listen. The poison was not strong enough to kill him. What you gave him gives people bad fevers. His body is nearly frozen. Unless we can get him to warm up on the inside he will die!" "But what about his breathing?" "I don't understand what makes it work, but the more he breaths the higher his temperature will go so I had you add a dusting of a plant that makes breathing seem hard along with crushed and dried hardened sap that mimics cherries so it tastes good. As soon as he falls asleep his breathing will return to normal, but he has to stop fighting the poison so he will go to sleep." Aster put his arms around the boy and gave him a gentle but firm hug, "Breathe deeply and let your eyes grow heavy." Slowly the lad nodded off to sleep in Asters arms as he continued to speak softly to him. As he did so, his chest fell into normal patterns of rising and falling. Aster disengaged slowly while pointing at Shade to stay put. If anything the animal tucked itself up closer to replace the void Aster had created by getting up. "Sorry. I should have known better," Pocet spoke softly while giving Aster a shoulder rub. "No need to apologize," Aster said seriously, "It shows me how much you care. Can you help me get his wet clothing off?" "Won't he wake up?" "No he will sleep all night and most of tomorrow. We will have to give him water and broth so he will not dehydrate." "OK," Pocet moved the slumbering child to remove his shirt. Aster handed him a dagger, "Just cut it off. I'll buy him new clothing tomorrow and have them waiting here by the time he wakes up. "You sure?" "Look at those rags. Besides there is no way I can let him wear summer clothing with the weather the way it is. If he has a mom and dad, maybe they'll pay me, but if they don't so be it." Pocet nodded, "Good point. I'll pitch in as well." "You don't have to." "I know," Pocet patted Aster's shoulders before taking the offered dagger, "But I want to." "Thanks." Pocet cringed as he cut the shirt off, "Aster you better look at this." Aster stopped putting things back into his Healthman's pouch and came over. He felt his eyes grow wide upon seeing the ugly open welts covering the child's back. Pocet's face was deathly pale; "He has been whipped repeatedly." "More than once," Aster replied after looking over the crisscrossing marks, "He must be a slave." "He isn't wearing a collar and doesn't have wrist brands or tattoos." "Then his parents rent him out as an indentured servant, which means he isn't from the city," Aster snarled in disgust. "Finish getting him undressed while I get to work. I'm astonished he lived through all this." Pocet finished stripping the child. Each piece of clothing removed showed more signs of abuse and gave Aster more to do. Quickly it became evident Aster would not be able to do everything on his own. "Do you want me to go hire another Healthman?" "No, we can't. If someone is staking claims to this boy and has paid for him they will be able to take him back if they find him. I can handle this. What I do need is some more herbs and we will need broth and fresh water. I don't want to use up so much of my traveling supplies." "Get me a list and I'll go get what you need, if there is a shop open, that is." "My teacher's shop is open all the time; it's right next to the South Gate, only about three blocks from here." "Where we bought your pouch?" "Yea. I have on open ended tab there, because I work for herbs as needed, but I'll be ordering a great deal so you might want to go to my room and get 20 silver or so." "The stuff you use is that expensive?" "Some of it," Aster nodded, "But you'll also be picking me up two extra traveling kits." Pocet shook his head, "That is for Handri to buy. I'll get the money from him." "As long as you're sure he won't mind. Oh and we will need a spoon to feed him the broth with." "OK, I'll go down and order some broth and food for us while you get the list together," Pocet stated while heading out the door. Six hours later Aster applied a special herbal salve to the last injury on the boy's leg. With a sigh of relief he stood and stretched. Pocet looked over; "You look exhausted." "I am, but he is not out from under the dragon's claw yet. His body is so messed up with frostbite, cuts, bruises, and hypothermia, I would not be surprised if he had problems before he wakes up." "Then you better stay here. I'll use your room." Aster looked up; "How about we both stay here tonight?" Pocet stopped short; "There are only two small beds in here Aster." "I know," Aster desperately hoped he had not overstepped this new friendship but was kind of committed now. "He and Shade can have that one and we can use the other. I'd love to sleep with you if it's ok for you, that is." Pocet felt his heart hammering in his chest, "Aster I have dreamt of this, but if this is because you think it is the only way to keep my friendship, then don't." "We both feel the same way!" Aster next to cheered after seeing the sincerity in Pocet's eyes; "I was worried you wouldn't like me if I asked!" Pocet engulfed Aster in a hug as he kissed his forehead, "Not even maybe. I have wanted to ask the same, but didn't want you to hate me." Aster cried tears of joy, "No! I want to love you!" For the first time in his life Aster didn't feel like he was being used or using someone else. He had found a real lover on equal terms. Carefully, they covered their young guest with warm blankets while Shade curled up close so it could alert Aster if there was a problem. Aster had no doubt the animal would stay up all night just to make sure the beaten boy continued to breath normally. Once Aster was sure Shade understood he again hugged Pocet and the two got down to moving a friendship into real love. Chapter 6Gablon and DarmothThe merchant sat huddled in his tent allowing a pair of slaves to keep him warm as snow and wind battered at the sides. Thinking over his situation, he should have agreed to pay some of the slum-building owners to house him and his men. At least they would have been able to have a central fire pit to keep warm. As it was, only the animals had buildings. He rented them as soon as it became clear this was not going to be a quick storm. In some ways he found it sad that so many people would agree to rent their houses for stables, but under the despicable conditions of these slums it was understandable. He clutched both slaves a little more firmly as he made up his mind to seek out one of the families and offer them money to stay in their abode until the storm passed. Looking back he could see this storm probably meant the swing of luck for this journey was going back in the direction of bad. He couldn't believe his alternating good and bad luck over the past few months. It had started out like any other long haul run. He found several young Swordsmen to augment his usual guard force before leaving Twisted Oak, stocked up on normal trade goods then headed out. He made a stop at the Dwarvin fortress of Greystone, unloading his wagons of ore for the customary strong Dwarvish spirits, fine crafted weapons, and more than enough silver to make the first leg more than worth it. From Greystone he turned south to the hilly Blue Water Knolls. There he made even more money selling the kegs of Dwarvin ale to the Halflings. He also loaded up his wagons with bags of semi-precious gemstones such as smoke quartz, carved wood items, and other minor goods the Halflings had in abundance. Trouble hit the first time as he headed west along the coast. His caravan, totaling twelve wagons was ambushed by a large group of bandits. One of his wagons took a flaming arrow and burned. He lost seven draft animals and of his twenty-two guards, ten were killed and five injured too seriously to fight. The real loss, in his opinion, though was the arrow that found his oldest daughter. Her loss weighed on his wife and meant many of the cooking chores had to be shifted to her and his youngest daughter. On the plus side the destroyed wagon was carrying the gemstones so the cargo remained intact and his men managed to take down every single brigand. The cut for the surviving men made them extremely loyal. He took the five remaining injured attackers and limped into Eaglecrest. Once settled, he paid a small fee to get papers before he sold the captives into slavery which replaced the wagon, draft animals and allowed him to pick up two more wagons. He also replaced his entire guard contingent and added two spell casters and a pair of cooks. He sold the gemstones and crafted items for a massive profit. He ended up with so much money he briefly thought about heading home, but greed took over. He chartered a ship with a couple guards to get 80% of his profits home and made sure to pay the Swordsman guild to fly their flag on the ship. Only the truly foolish would attack a guild ship, especially a Swordsman ship. This also gave him an excuse to get rid of his wife and daughter who had really become unbearable. With the remainder of the money he loaded up on coastal trade goods and swung northwest. Money continued to roll in as he made deal after deal. By the time he hit the mines of Silverton he had enough to buy another two wagons and split his caravan. He sent the smaller one with his two oldest sons telling them they were to head home and make as much as they could. He didn't expect much, but they needed the experience and he figured his 17-year-old boy would take good care of his 14-year-old brother. He would have to; the younger boy had his father's knack with languages, while his oldest had the money sense. They could work well together. Besides, he would give them 50% of all profits. In Silverton, he learned of the problems of trade caravans trying to head up to the Silver Spine Plateau. The more he heard the more he was sure money was there for the making. Food was relatively cheap, even this time of year below The Silver Spine Mountains. It was bulky, but so what? He had plenty of wagons and would make great time. The next problem centered on his men. Only half were willing to go and the men in Silverton were not fools. Very few were interested, and the Guild was of no real help either. The facts were simple. Too many swordsmen had been lost trying and unless the money was extreme, no one wanted to risk their necks. Aggravated, He turned away from the mountains with loads of silver ore from the Gnome villages surrounding Silverton and headed east. He made a few deals along the way, but actually lost huge amounts of money. Making matters worse, some of his hired men started dropping off deciding the trip was getting too long. Only the ones who had survived the bandit attack, a couple of Swordsman trainee kids, one cook and one spell caster remained with him as they pulled into Junsac. Morale was at an all time low for any one of his 70 plus trade runs. Even he thought about calling it quits. Seriff, goddess of mystery and luck, returned her smile on the weary merchant and his caravan almost from the instant his wagons entered the west gate. He found a metal smith who paid good money for the ore and he sold off almost all the weapons he had been trading for to a mercenary group going in search of a dragon and its marauding forces. Junsac turned out to be a proverbial gold mine of trade goods at low prices, including food, furs, clothe, and glass. He decided to put everyone up at an inn for two weeks with pay and start fresh. He picked up a new contingent of swords, including four young trainees all of whom were left hanging out to dry when their teacher was caught strong-arming merchants and bolted leaving them to take the blame. As soon as he found out about them, he paid a bribe to get them off the day auction block, and told them he would have his men complete their training and would pay them as long as they would be his guards. He then added, he would be happy to pay another bribe and get them as slaves if they decided to say no. With such a threat hanging over their young heads, they all readily agreed. He tried to pick up a spell caster the same way, but it became clear the boy had friends in higher places than the man taking the bribes. When a member of the Barony Watch informed him to back off and leave well enough alone, he did as he was told. In a way he kind of found himself in the same boat he had put the four trainees in. With the threat of the Watch hanging over his head, the choice wasn't hard to make at all. In an attempt to placate them, he even bought the boy at day action three times in a row and gave him the royal treatment. His actions seemed to have been noticed, because he found more 'bargains' for his act of 'kindness'. Everyone knew of the Watch, it just never occurred to the seasoned merchant they had such a wide range of influence. He even had a pouch returned that had been picked off his belt one day. A young woman simply tossed it to him and flashed the dagger pin. Nothing had to be said. His respect and fear of the organization went up a great deal. Rested and restocked, he set out for the Plateau making money all the way. As they entered Dark Ridge Pass, Seriff's protection again seemed to vanish. Five straight days his caravan was attacked by Gnolls, often times three or four attacks in a single day. Each attack seemed worse than the prior. Three wagons were captured and fourteen men killed over the trip up the pass. One of the trainees was captured, raped, and returned the following night. The boy had been covered with bruises and welts from head to toe and was barely conscious. Still he managed to tell the horrified guards and merchant that they would never make it up and if they turned back they would be allowed to peacefully go. Fortunately, this only enraged the remaining men. One of their students had been violated and they next to demanded revenge. The one thing the guilds stressed was a pupil's safety was up to the teacher, and all the men had taken time teaching the boys. Being stuck between determined Gnolls and angry Swordsmen was not a fun place to be, but the merchant decided his safety rested with the Swordsmen so he ordered the caravan forward. They would not turn around. The following morning when the wagons didn't turn and run as expected the Gnolls attacked. They quickly discovered they had made a grievous error in judgment. This time the guards didn't circle and defend, they counter attacked. The remaining Outdoorsmen circled into the woods and took out the three spell casters. With magic support cut off, the Gnoll warriors were outmatched and their superior numbers didn't seem to matter at all. Two hours into the attack four Swordsmen had injuries too bad to fight while the Gnolls had suffered three spell casters dead, nineteen warriors dead, sixteen captured, and another twelve seriously injured. The rest fled in terror. Two days later the exhausted, yet satisfied, caravan entered the gates of Slome. Almost all of the men looked like barbarians. Many wore tattered armor, carried captured weapons and had the swagger to scare the living daylights out of normal peasants. Their look coupled with food goods not seen in several months made the whole thing worth more than the merchant could have dreamed. Money was not plentiful on the Plateau, but gems and other rare goods such as spices, healing herbs, and scented oils were. Often times a stingy merchant found himself staring at two or three of the hardest looking Swordsmen he had ever seen. More often than not this changed the mind and tone of those who didn't want to give top trade for his goods. The funny thing was even the boys looked scary to most and they had learned to be mean. It occurred to the merchant after watching two of the boys spar with one of the adults that the constant fighting had most likely given the kids enough experience to be able to test into Primary Echelon. Having seen enough of the sordid state of his men's equipment, the merchant gathered his guards together the day before they left Slome and passed out new armor and gave them whatever they wanted as far as captured weapons. He did the same for each trainee then took them all to a weapon smith to select one new weapon of their choice each. The cost to him was more than offset by the faces of the men and the loyalty he knew they would feel toward him. He then bought new supplies and tents for all the men. After all was said an done he figured he had made over 15000 silver worth of profit in trade goods plus the massive amount of actual silver and gold he made along the way. Furthermore, he had one of the best-equipped guard contingents of any caravan he had ever traveled with. Seriff continued to look down favorably until he passed by the squalid Swamp Slums. One of the wagons developed a wobble so they stopped. It didn't take long to discover the axle had cracked and would have to be completely replaced. This meant cutting down a tree and working one from scratch or heading back to Slome and spending money to get it fixed. Such a massive caravan attracted the residents of the slums attention. Many came looking for handouts while others wanted employment. At first his men turned all comers away, but the merchant finally stopped them, deciding on using the cheep labor of the slums to get the needed labor done. He offered work in fixing the wagon to a few hardier men and went around flanked by guards looking at the deplorable conditions. Several of the skinny urchins looked close to starvation as they held up filthy fingers begging for even a scrap of food. Many of the guards took a degree of pity, selecting a couple of kids to give a meal to in exchange for cleaning of weapons, mend clothing, or whatever else they could find for the kids to do. The rest stood guard over the wagons and goods, threatening anyone who got too close. One woman caught the Merchant's eye as he continued to look around. She was Elvish, which was rare in and of itself. Elves tended to take care of their own, and even the poor would be given servant jobs from those more fortunate. This woman held the hands of two young children and had two older ones standing in front of her. Clearly all four kids were as hungry as the rest but didn't come over to beg. Ignoring the pleading looks of those underfoot, he made his way over to the woman. As he approached one of the older ones started to raise his hands to beg. Instantly she reacted, slapping the hand hard enough to echo in the swamp. Much to the youngster's credit the hand was lowered along with eyes without a complaint or a cry of pain even though the hand had already started to turn red. The woman looked him strait in the eyes as she spoke, "Can I do something for you my lord." "You need not address me as such," he stated in Elvish with a degree of authority, "I am a merchant, not royalty." "You may as well be royal," she also switched into Elvish, "you are rich and have food which is even more important." "I wouldn't say rich," he smiled as he looked over the family. "Look around good sir, everyone here would." The merchant laughed nervously, "You have a valid point. How would you and your children like to have a meal with me after getting seen by my Healthman?" "I am very interested in your offer, but I would like to know the price." The woman reached forward yanking the hair of her child who was nodding in agreement. "Darmoth you ever agree without my permission again and you will no longer be considered a child. Do you understand?" "Yes mom," the child squeaked out in terror. "I'm glad he does, but I don't," the merchant stated with a confused scowl. "Not that it is any of your business, good sir," the woman stated coldly, "But when he starts speaking for himself in my presence he is basically telling me he is old enough to no longer have me provide for him. Should he wish to continue partaking in whatever meager meals I find, he needs to act like a child should, not a man." "Oh, I see. I am sorry if my question was out of line. I do thank you for the clarification, however," he studied the family noting their clothing was quite a bit nicer than the others and they were cleaner, although clean was strictly relative in this case. "I understand. You probably have never lived a harsh day in your life, so wouldn't understand what I go through to bring my children up properly. My question still remains. What price do you attach to your hospitality?" "Your company and some information. Nothing more." "Very well. We will be happy to join you then." "My guard will take you to my Healthman, if it is all right with you." The woman smiled showing perfect white teeth, "Have him point the way." The women came into the tent washed and in a clean rough weave dress. Her pointed ears had been hidden from sight by silverish blond hair. Likewise her children came in quietly and stood off to the side much like a good servant would do. They were dressed in poor but clean clothing. All eagerly looked at the Dagger Boar roast, potatoes, and star mint leaves along with real butter, milk, and wine: Yet, none moved forward. Such politeness and manners were all but unheard of from such poor children. The merchant nodded his approval. He pointed, "Please be seated." Carefully he watched as the woman sat at the far side of the place settings while each child took up positions from oldest to youngest. None of her children sat until he stated they could. They all lowered themselves without using their hands folding their legs properly to eat in a tent. Clearly they had been taught properly. He started with a short prayer to Seriff then passed around the plates of food. He watched carefully noting each child took good-sized helpings without overloading their plates, he smiled in earnest, "You have done a good job with your children." "Thank you. It has not been easy, but I am fairly proud of three of them." He glanced around and saw Darmoth lower his head. Obviously he was the exception. He adjusted his gaze to the children, "Eat slowly and do not be afraid to ask for seconds. You will get more in the long run by chewing and eating slowly. My tent is yours for this meal." "You are most kind sir," Darmoth stated as he forced himself not to wolf down the tender meat. Never before had he remembered such a well-prepared meal. "My pleasure," he turned his gaze back to the mother; "Do you mind me speaking frankly in front of the children?" "Worry not. Their young ears have heard much more than you can imagine. Remember Darmoth may look to be nine but he is actually thirty-three years old, all but eleven of them spent living here. There is nothing you can say that will insult, scare, or confuse him, the others are slightly younger, but all have lived here for twenty-two years." "I see. Well, let me get straight to the point if you do not mind." "Not at all. Please do." The man took a breath; "There are two things I am interested in. The first is a night of pleasure with you." "I do not have a problem with such things, but this dinner is not part of my price." Such a frank answer in front of children shocked him, but he recovered quickly. "No, no, the meal is on me. What type of price are you asking?" "I must decline to answer. If my price is too low you will accept and I will loose out. If it is too high, I will not get anything and my family will go hungry again. You must set a price you are comfortable with. Then I can accept or decline." "Fair enough. How about two silver?" "I can agree to such a price." The woman didn't look happy with the price, but she didn't look insulted either. Her dignity remained even as she sold her body for the night. "Excellent! Now on to business matters." He again glanced somewhat nervously at the children. They hadn't batted an eyelash as he offered money for their mother. He shrugged. This was his first time in a real slum so he had to adjust his thinking, especially if he wanted to see if the rumors he had heard were true. He took a deep breath before speaking again, "I have heard some slum parents sell their offspring to get money. Does such things happen here?" Instantly Darmoth swallowed hard and the other older kid looked down at his plate. The younger two slid a fraction toward their mother. "Knock it off Children," she scolded, "He has every right to ask such questions. He invited us to dinner to gain information. Darmoth, answer him!" Darmoth took a long gulp of milk before turning to meet the man's questioning stare. He felt like there was a chunk of wood lodged in his throat as he started speaking about the unspeakable, "Sir, it is not a good thing." "Darmoth!" the mother growled, "Give him a full answer!" Darmoth cleared his throat, "Sir, it happens here quite often. Many women have children just so they can sell them. Others get sick and need money. They have no choice. Those who have children just to sell are outcasts, even from here and tend to live closer to the deep bogs down the hill from the rest of us." "Very interesting 3;" the man started only to be interrupted. "Darmoth," the woman now hissed, "I said to tell him a full reply to his question. Do not disobey me again." "Sorry mom." Tears threatened to spill out his eyes, "But not about 3;" "Yes!" The merchant watched the exchange wondering what was going on, but decided to get the information out of the boy if that was his mother's wishes. "Young man, you were the one who wanted to take my invitation without even looking to your mom. You are also the one who tried to beg from me when the rest of your family stood proud, yet you will not even answer my question. I have to wonder if you should even be allowed at this meal. Now you are in my tent, eating my food. If I do not get an answer from you I will take you over my knee and switch you." A look of horror spread over all for young faces while their mother simply nodded, "As is his right. I will not stop him." Darmoth quickly recovered, He knew his mom was serious. "Sir there are a lot of kids for sale right now. This has been the hardest winter anyone can remember and almost everyone is near starvation. My best friend's dad took him into Slome a week ago looking to sell him, but couldn't find a buyer. It is no longer a mater of pride, but survival." Darmoth shook lightly, then continued in a voice just slightly higher than a whisper, "My brother had been supporting us and paying my way through school, but his employer left. I didn't tell my teacher we didn't have any more money and still went everyday, so my mom now has a debt, so I am for sale as well." The words stunned the merchant, "How much of a debt for sending a boy to school be?" "Five silver, and climbing every day," the woman answered in an icy voice. When it reaches 25 he will belong to the teacher by order of the captain of the guard of Slome. I will loose a son and his worth too." "Where is your oldest now?" "He is Halfelf so he is not my oldest, but he is by right of age equivalency. I do not know where he is now. He went into Slome to find work. I have not seen him in four days. He knows nothing of this shame Darmoth has brought to my home." Gablon ignored her disgust; "How old is he?" "Equivalent age of a human, 11" "He is too young to look for work on his own!" the merchant realized his voice had crept up and made a conscious effort to lower it, "Surely there is another way." "None I have found," the woman seemed remarkably calm for someone put in such a terrible position. The merchant thought for a moment then came up with an idea, "You know how to read and write?" "Yes sir," Darmoth answered with just a hint of pride. "What language?" "Northman, Common, and some Elvish. I am best at Northman." "Very well. I am about to make you an offer that will spare you a life of slavery, but will require you to submit totally to me for a period of time." The woman raised an eyebrow, "Indentured servitude, good sir?" "Yes. And please call me Gablon. I could use your son's abilities. I sent my two oldest back home and have been trying to keep the books ever since. I have done it, but it has cut down on personal time. I will also not hesitate to use your boy in other ways of my choice." "As would be your right Gablon. My name is Kaylaria, by the way. What is your offer?" "One silver per month, minimum of six months. It is way below minimum for any city, but he will have his freedom eventually and I will get him tested for proper training. I sense he is not mundane." "Such an offer should be an outrage. Indentured servitude in Slome is a minimum of ten copper or one silver per three weeks, and that would be for an old hag." "True, normally. His status, however, is not much above a thief. If you would prefer, I will buy him outright. I am in interested in purchasing slaves." Everyone sat eating in silence for quite a while before Kaylaria broke the uneasy tension. "Let me think it over. To be honest, I am inclined to sell him. He has added yet another dishonor to our family name." Gablon looked down at the boy who was clearly crushed by his mother's words. Tears ran down his cheeks as he finished off his plate of food. He wouldn't even look up nor did he join his siblings in getting a helping of seconds. His heart went out to the boy who had only done what he did to learn to read. It crossed his mind to have a couple of his men eliminate the debt at the source, permanently, but doubted Kaylaria would let the child off. Family honor clearly held much weight for her. He wondered what dishonor had sent her to this dismal place. His thought's were interrupted by one of the trainees standing guard outside the tent, "Sir, there is a man here looking for the Elf Chic." "Elvin woman, not Elf Chic," the merchant glared at the boy. "Oh, yea, sorry ma'am," the young swordsman bowed an apology. "Not a problem young man. Do you know who it is?" "No Ma'am. He's a big bastard though." "Emroc!" Gablon turned red with embarrassment, "You are talking to a lady!" Emroc shrugged and again bowed, he figured he'd never understand all the nicey nice bullshit the boss seemed to expect. He just wanted to be a trained Swordsman. Besides, the chic wasn't even human. Why should he care if she was insulted or not? The merchant just wanted to get the boy out of the tent before he said something else. "Usher him in and chop some wood, it smells like a storm is blowing in." Emroc bit back a reply. His mouth had just got him put on wood cutting duty as it was. He showed the man into the tent and left without a further word. The man knocked off a few snowflakes as he entered; "Already blown in and getting worse," he chuckled lightly. "So, I see." Gablon stood looking at the monster of a man, noting the guy had to bend his knees to stand in his tent even though it was over two meters [7 feet] tall in the lowest areas. The fact the guy was armed and armored in combat scared gear also didn't go unnoticed. "You here to see the lady?" "Only for a moment," he assured the nervous merchant before turning to face Kaylaria; "Do you know Kandric?" "He is my son. Is he hurt?" concern clouded her face. "No, ma'am. Quite the opposite. He is fine and safe but quite a ways away. I am here to deliver food and some money." Kandric's mom stood, "Money? For what?" "He asked me not to say more than I had to, but he saved our butts today. This is a portion of his bounty payment," he handed over a full pouch. Kaylaria, Kandric's mom, opened the small leather bag and poured the coins into her hand. She counted the silver and copper quickly, "Thirteen silver and 27 copper? What type of bounty was this?" "I'm really not at liberty to say, ma'am. All I can tell ya is that there ten silver is straight out his and the rest was a quick pool I took from my men. Almost all of 'em pitched in. He earned every copper. Of that I can guarantee. You have one damn tough boy!" He then handed over a small bag; "This here is enough dry ration rolls to keep yer kids feed fer a few days." Kandric's mom put the coins back into the pouch; "You must give me more information. Surely a child could not make this kind of money legally." "Look, I gave my word to yer boy not ta say more than I had ta. He saved our lives today in an attack from Hobgoblins, takin' out three and injurin' their leader. I don't think he wanted ya to know this, but I will not have his ol' lady thinkin' he be a thief. I need ta get to Slome and find a room fer da storm get real bad. As soon as this storm let up, I'll come back and do whatever I can ta help ya out for a few days. That's all I'm a gunna say." "My son is a warrior?" she looked in shock as the information sank in. "He damn sure ain't no servant, not the way he fights!" The man left without even giving his name. Everyone in the tent stayed silent long after the sounds of a galloping hoofed animal pasted by. It was Gablon who finally broke the ice, "Looks like your oldest is off the hook." "Oh, no he isn't. I'm not about to let his brother pay his debt," Kaylaria stated matter-of-factly, confirming Gablon's supposition that honor was all the lady had left and clung to it like a life line from a sailing ship in storm tossed seas. "Surely you would not have your oldest become a slave?" Gablon asked hoping to push her toward a rational decision. "To tell the truth I have not made up my mind what to do. I never even suspected Kandric had received training, let alone enough to take on a Hobgoblin. If he indeed did kill three Hobgoblin's single handedly, than I cannot allow the honor he is giving my family name to be soiled by this one's deceit." "Mom, please do not sell my brother," the other older boy spoke up for the first time. "You are the one who demanded he go to school." Kaylaria slapped the boy, "You do not tell me what to do. Do you want to stop being a child? You know I have done it once before!" The boy looked terrified, "No mom." "I thought not," Kaylaria grunted, "You are a child and best remember your place." "I'm sorry. I just don't want to loose Darmoth too," the boy cried. Darmoth looked up, "Please mom. I will never do it again. Promise!" "Your reputation is too soiled for a promise to mean anything Darmoth. I would have never sent you to school and wasted your brother's income if I had known he was getting proper training." Gablon had heard enough. He dug into his pouch and tossed Kaylaria a pair of silver coins. "That is for tonight. Right now I have a better idea for all of us." Kaylaria turned her attention away from her boys. "Oh, and what does this idea do for us?" "Why don't we speak of this in private and let your young ones finish eating?" "Could they take their meals home?" "Yes. I have no problem with that. I expect any plates to be brought back clean, however." Kaylaria thought it over for a second, "Children, take what food you will eat tonight and go home. Rathiter, the house is yours tonight. Make sure all the chores are done and the fire stays burning. I expect you to bring all the dishes back cleaner than we found them." Darmoth's slightly younger brother stood and bowed a proper Elvin bow. "Yes mom." Quickly the children left the tent carrying only what they could eat tonight plus the bag of food the stranger had given their mom. Curiosity could be seen written across the older two boy's faces and Darmoth looked back once with huge blue eyes begging Gablon to save him from slavery or worse. "Now we are alone, I would like to hear what you have come up with as far as Darmoth's future." "I think what I have in mind would work well." Gablon stated trying to put his idea into words. Darmoth's pleading look stuck in his thoughts as he continued to think aloud. "It allows you to destroy the tarnish to your honor and makes the boys here earn it themselves." "An Elf child cannot earn honor or dishonor, they can only pass it on to their parents." "I have been around many Elves and have never heard this before." Gablon spoke in a strong voice, "What Elvish law is this?' "Ancient Alphar law, that's what law." Gablon took an involuntary step back, "You are Alphar?" Kaylaria cheeks reddened as she realized her error. For an instant she wanted to lie, but couldn't bring herself to do so. "No longer. I am simply Elf. My father expelled me from my home when I fell in love with a lowly Forest Elf. He knew my status and was killed when he demanded a dual for my hand in marriage. I was already heavy with his child so it was too late for me to make amends. My first child was taken by my father and as soon as I was fit to travel I was sent away." "So Alphars do still exist?" "Yes, but very few stay where normal folks can find them." "You are one. How can you not include yourself?" Gablon asked with a bemused look. "As I said, I am Elf. The term used when an Alphar is disgraced to a point of being disowned by his or her family. She briefly looked down. I had to swear never to use my abilities nor stake claim to my once royal status among lower races of Elves." "I am sorry," Gablon stated with feeling, "Love should not interfere with such matters." "You are wrong. I did what my father forbade. I deserved what I got. Kandric may be able to claim his place back among my family if he truly took down three Hobgoblins by himself. If he succeeds, his brothers and sisters will be elevated with him." Gablon's brow furled, "I don't understand. How could a Halfelf be allowed among the Alphar?" "This must stay between us," Kaylaria waited to get a nod before continuing, "Kandric is Halfelf, but the first generation of any offspring of an Alphar will change to full Alphar. Magic runs extremely strong in Alphar blood. He will slow down in aging very shortly. Actually he already has, he just doesn't realize it yet. If he mates with any Elvin race his offspring will stay true Alphar as well. If he doesn't his children will slow to the aging of an Alphar about his age, but their children will be of the lower races of Elves. The next Generation will be the ones who can have Halfelf children and the like. You noted you sensed my boys already radiated some power. They are already Alphar in blood, but cannot know this. Right now they are simply Elf. Almost all Alphar blood can be trained. I am just surprised I didn't see some signs of this in Kandric." "He may have been found by someone who saw something early and offered him training. I just don't understand why you haven't at least taught your children how to read yourself. You obviously have the teaching necessary." "I do. I even started out working like any educated Elf, but after my husband, Darmoth's father, died in a mining accident I was treated as a widower. My father would never have allowed me to depend on the charity of other Elves. One way or another he would have found a way to punish me, so I packed up and left. My only chance of having any of my children return to their Alphar heritage, would be to get them trained without using any of my past privileged training. "The interesting thing is you. You must have a field of magic to be able to detect the flows of magic around my boys. They have not yet harnessed whatever their powers are so it is easy to see, but only by the upper Echelons within the guilds. I am not even that good. Yet your men do not treat you as trained nor do you act like you are." Kaylaria finished with a questioning look. Gablon lowered his voice so the guards outside the tent couldn't hear. "I am a Shaman. I just refuse to let anyone know this. No one, including my children, knows I am not mundane. I pay the guild dues away from home so only a very few really know anything about me." Glancing around making sure the guards outside were not paying attention, he flipped over his silver and tiger-eye belt buckle revealing a Teaching Echelon Shaman pin and Teaching Echelon Sailor pin. Both showed him to be step five, meaning he was only a stone throw from Expert Echelon. "What about you? You stated you were not to use your training, so you must have some special skills as well. I assume from what you have said thus far you are not exactly defenseless either." "I am a Secondary Echelon Sorceress. My Subfield is a Channeler of Vindayin, Elvin goddess of the forest and healing. I have not used my powers except one time in the 45 years or so since my first born was taken from my arms by my father. The one time I did use my powers probably got my son expelled from his servant position assigned to him by my father, but I do not know for sure. If so he would have been abandoned to fend for himself. There is a chance this did not happen, since the attempt to save the father of my oldest two failed and he died anyway." "Is Alphar law really so harsh as to throw a child out when the mother breaks her word?" "Yes, depending on how my father saw my actions. He took some of my essence and stored it in a glass ball. It would have glowed the second I used my magic and he would have surely peered into the crystal to find out why. It would then be up to him if my child was thrown from his household. As young as he would have been, he would have surely died or become a slave by now." "I cannot imagine anyone being so cruel!" "Children are nothing more than extensions of their parents in Alphar tradition. By hurting my child, father really only would see his actions as himself hurting me. Children are not people. It is just the way of my people." Kaylaria shrugged. "The same goes for my boys." "Speaking of which, how do you plan to accomplish turning their treachery from soiling my horrible name even further? The only reason Darmoth is not sold now is no one would give me a good price. The people of Slome have had a very hard winter and funds for extras such as slaves just do not exist at the moment. Rathiter's adult like tone today further influences me to get rid of both of them. I will not allow my younger two to be corrupted by their older siblings' Un-Elf-like behavior." Gablon thought over Kaylaria's words carefully before answering. He saw a way out for the boys and her, but to suggest such a course of action would surly seem very extreme to both Kaylaria and her boys. First he would have to get her over to his side a little more. "It seems your boys are quite strong headed. If what you have told me is true, you must be very displeased." "You have no idea. I have spent 22 years living in this swamp trying to give one of my boys a chance to reclaim their heritage. Darmoth's actions may well seal their fate." "But only if you are the one disgraced by their actions, right?" "There is no one else, Gablon. I am responsible for them, and their actions will reflect on me. Any Alphar who decides to check will see it as a proper decision by my father to make me Elf." "There may be another way." Gablon felt as if he had just dangled a lifeline to a drowning woman instead of tossing it all the way out. She would have to swim for it. She didn't hesitate. "Let me hear it than!" Gablon smiled to himself while keeping his facial expression neutral. "I think you may want to consider tossing their child status and making them fend for themselves." Kaylaria gasped, "What?" "Think about it. Your younger children would never forget such a powerful lesson and I could then hire both of your boys. Darmoth would have to sell himself to me as an indentured servant for a time to get money up front. He could then pay off the debt he created, restoring his honor while keeping yours clean. Then he and Rathiter would be in a position to receive training you could not hope to pay for. You could end up with three trained children if your Halfelf boy is really trained already." Kaylaria's expression changed slowly for shock, to befuddlement to a slight smile. "You know, it just might work. If Darmoth pays off his debts, than it would not fall to me to be dishonored, nor would he, because he as a non-child would have fended for himself properly. You're much craftier than your looks let on. The only problem would be if Darmoth refused to indenture himself." "Such a choice would be far more foolish than I believe the child is, Kaylaria." Slowly the woman took in a few breaths before speaking, "You are correct. From this point on Rathiter and Darmoth are non-children." The following morning Gablon trudged through the ever-worsening storm over to Kaylaria's shack. As he made the offer to Darmoth and Rathiter it became clear the boys had already talked it over. Both boys were shaken to the core, but readily accepted. Darmoth would first spend six months as an indentured servant, but both children would get training and would learn real trades. This alone perked both children up. Neither could imagine a chance to learn a real trade let alone get trained to be one of the elite. Rathiter in particular was thrilled. He would learn to read, write, fight, and travel plus would get 3 copper a week for it! As the storm really began to slam into the Swamp Slums, Gablon had his Mage cast a spell on each boy to see what they could be trained as. He made the request sound as if he suspected nothing, but his Shaman powers were confirmed after only an hour. Rathiter had the Druid talents coursing through his veins so strong it astonished the young Mage. Likewise, Darmoth had huge untapped Mage potential. Both would begin studies immediately under the direction of the Mage and Gablon's other spell caster who, as luck would have it, was a Druid. This information gave Gablon a moment of thought, however. When he first heard about Kaylaria's boy killing three Hobgoblins he had assumed the boy was a Swordsman or at best a Warrior Adept. This was unlikely knowing what he now knew. The mother was a spell caster as were the two oldest. It was unlikely their Halfelvin sibling was simply a Swordsman. When magic ran this strong within a family, all the children would grow to be spell casters, almost without exception. Yet the stranger had said the youngster had taken down three Hobgoblins in combat. If the child was a spell caster and had dropped even one without the assistance of a spell, than he was more than just trained, he was experienced. How good can an 11 year-old equivalent Halfelf be? I don't think I have seen more than 20 kids below the age of 14 trained at all! Shaking off the thoughts he set his guards' routine for the storm. After the basics were attended to he went to meet with his newest caravan members. The first assignment Gablon gave the brothers was to brave the storm and bring parents who wanted to sell their children to his tent. He had the money, food, and resources. They had the need. Slaving was a new business for him, but it sure looked like it could be profitable. Having finished thinking over the last few days, Gablon shivered one more time. Enough was enough. "Darmoth!" The boy came in to the main area of the tent with wide eyes, "Sir?" "Go find us a building to rent. There is no reason for any of us including these two slaves to be this cold when I have money!" "At once sir!" Darmoth turned to leave. "Stop!" Gablon's voice commanded harshly. The boy froze, "Sir?" he squeaked. "Your brother can turn and leave when given an order, but you are a servant. You will bow when dismissing yourself!" Darmoth bit his lip as he turned, "Sorry sir," he lowered himself to a proper servant's bow. "I will not let it happen again." "Next time it will be four lashes with a switch across your back child. I told you what I expected when I agreed to take over your debt. Do not forget your current status again." "I will not, sir." "Very well. While you are out find our if your brother has found anyone else who wishes to speak to me about a fair price for their children. I expected to have more interviews by now." "I am sure you will, sir. Would you like for me to tell my brother to send people to whatever home I find for you to rent as well sir?" "Yes. Very good idea my boy. Send someone to fetch me and then pack up all of my things. It will be up to you to get us moved in before you are allowed to eat." "Of course sir." Darmoth bowed again and waited for a dismissal before heading out of the tent. His temper flared for an instant as he glanced back to the tent and saw the two slave girls Gablon had just purchased still sitting inside a somewhat warm tent while he had to do all the work. It didn't seem fair. Once outside a clump of snow fell from a tree hitting his face and open necked coat. This time the shock of the extra cold and his already burning anger caused him to nearly explode. A rush of power filled him as he grabbed as much snow as he could from inside his shirt. The unfocused anger and frustration suddenly manifested itself as the boy wished the snow would all melt. Searing hot sparks blasted out of his fingertips, down his shirt and into the snow he had been trying to dig out. Ice turned to steam under the Autospell's assault. Darmoth screamed as his skin blistered on a large patch of his chest. Gablon ran out of the tent as two guards moved to look for what had attacked the boy. Seeing the child's shirt still smoldering with glowing embers, Gablon grabbed a handful of snow and slapped it onto the thrashing child. He noticed Darmoth's magical reserves had dropped dramatically as he touched the child. Instantly he knew what had happened. Looking up at one of the bigger guards he yelled, "Hold him still. There are no threats out here. He just accidentally tapped into his magical abilities." Upon hearing this, the other guard nodded understanding and re-sheathed his sword; "I'll get the Healthman." "Yes, do." Gablon acknowledged as he ripped Darmoth's shirt open and applied more snow. Looking at the damage, Gablon realized the Mage had been understating the boy's innate magical abilities. Normally, only a trained spell caster could cause this much damage with an Autospell. With such power at his disposal, Darmoth would have to begin classes in magic control. Another thought also occurred to him. Maybe his brother is really advanced enough to fight a group of Hobgoblins single handily. Rathiter would have to be taught control before he made a similar mistake. Magic this powerful and uncontrolled could easily cause deadly accidents. The legendary power of the Alphars surely rested with in this family! AsterMorning came far too quickly for both Aster and Pocet. The youngster in the other bed had kept waking up in delirious stupors and had to be tended to very closely and carefully. Once Shade barked alerting the sleeping pair to the boy's attempt to get up and walk out the door. Pocet reacted first getting to the lad only to find a glazed over look coming from the child's eyes. It took a couple of minutes to figure out why he resisted being put back into bed. Once he guided the child over to a chamber pot, the battered boy relieved himself and almost fell to the floor. Pocet carefully picked up the boy and tucked him back into bed. Pocet sat next to the child running his hands through dirty tangled hair until he was absolutely sure the boy had drifted off into a slumber. Even after steady breathing of sleep could be heard, it took almost an hour before he returned to bed with Aster. For Aster, this only increased his love for the powerful Swordsman. Pocet could have easily enjoyed the feel of the boy's body, but didn't. His clear concern centered on the boy's feelings not his own. Just watching Pocet do everything he could to make their unexpected guest feel safe brought a smile to Aster's tired features. For a good portion of the remaining night they held each other and looked at the child sleep. More than once, thrashing told them of a nightmare. Each time Pocet would move over and again gently stroke the boy's hair until fitful, if not peaceful sleep returned. Aster eventually moved over to the other bed and the two of them took turns comforting the child's tortured sleeping thoughts. Pocet moved over to the window as he started to dress. Small wispy flakes of snow fell from skies no longer dark and heavy with moisture. The storm was ending. Already some merchants busied themselves doing what they could to clear snow so their shops could open. City guards escorted groups of spell casters who used magic to clear the largest of the drifts so people could start moving about. Junsac was getting back to the business of being a barony capitol city. Aster joined Pocet at the window; "Handri will want to move out very soon, won't he?" "Yes," Pocet wrapped his hands around Aster giving him a loving squeeze, "but look out there. Our wagons will not be able to move for four or five days once we get outside the city. We had to get almost 2 meters [6½ feet] of snow and it still isn't done." "The faster we move out the less problems we will get from the Lizardmen." "Your knowledge will guide Handri's decision my friend. My only input on the matter will consist of telling him to listen to you." Aster smiled as he savored Pocet's warm hug and words of trust. "Thank you." "You are welcome," Pocet glanced over to the occupied bed; "My concern is for him. What are the laws here?" "I do not know. He doesn't have a slave collar or brand, so technically he is free. If he is indentured, his running away would probably be justified by his condition. In such cases his servitude would have to be broken by any member of royalty overseeing his home. On the other hand if he is being rented out, than he is from outside the city. By law he would have to be taken back to whatever noble oversees his home for judgment. Renting out is not a legal practice without a noble's consent in Junsac, but is almost everywhere else I have been." "Why isn't it allowed here?" "I really do not know for sure. I think it has something to do with the day slave program. If people could rent out others the market for the day slaves would diminish a great deal." Pocet nodded after a moment of thought, "Yes. I can see how demand for day slaves would drop if someone could rent out a child for a few days. What happens when a rented child is brought to Junsac?" Aster shrugged. "I do not know. But we cannot let whoever had him before last night reclaim him. I will not allow it." "You will get no argument from me," Pocet replied reassuringly. "First we need to find out who he is and what his true status is though. If he is a slave than there is little we can do." "You are wrong. He has no markings, so I can challenge for possession of him by combat. I have every right. I saved his life, albeit with your help, so I can stake a legal claim." "Legal claim?" Pocet gave Aster a bemused look and lightly tickled the Elf's ribs. Aster squirmed and giggled, "If someone owns him, they owe me for services rendered. It is no different than a parent bringing in a child. If they can't pay after I heal their child I could take them to royal court for reimbursement. Likewise with a slave, the master would be responsible for paying me. I decided to help him thinking he was free. He has no marks to prove otherwise. Therefore, I can now charge the owner whatever price I want because no agreement was worked out. My price will be ownership. His only recourse would be to challenge. Since I have the outstanding bill, it would be up to me to choose method of challenge. I would declare a dual. As a guild certified Animal Adept, my pets qualify automatically for the combat." "Junsac sure has strange laws." "This is a kingdom law. It keeps down the need for royalty to get involved because more often then not, one side or the other will relinquish claim rather than face the chance of death. There are only about three to four combats a year over such matters in Junsac and they always involve a large crowd. The winner gets a quarter the coliseum gates entry because the attendance goes up over the normal gladiatorial games." "So here might makes right?" Pocet asked unenthusiastically. "In some cases yes. But you are in one of the fringe kingdoms here. Might is what prevents the whole kingdom from tumbling down," Aster leaned back and allowed Pocet to brace his weight. "Just like now. You are supporting me." Pocet stroked Aster's smooth chest; "Nothing could make me happier." Aster closed his eyes relishing the secure feeling of being held and loved. He knew within a very few days they both would be depending on each other to keep everyone safe. But right now for the first time in a very long time, Aster could forget about being the youngest Secondary Echelon Animal Adept Elf in guild history and just be a boy. Pocet draped a robe over Aster's shoulders and kissed him on the top of his silky hair. "I better arrange for a private bath for our guest and a meal for us. What would you like to eat?" "Steak and eggs," Aster replied with a grin. Pocet chuckled, "I should have guessed. An all time favorite of yours?" "Every chance I get!" "I will not forget then," Pocet placed another kiss on Asters head. "What about for our guest?" "Soft bread with a broth we can dip it in and juice would be best. He got up on his own, so he should be able to handle minor solids. Let me know what his and my meal come to so I can pay you back." "No, let me handle his food. You get his clothing today while I bath him. Your food is on Handri remember?" "Oh yea. I keep forgetting about that." "You will get used to it soon enough." "Don't forget to get Shade and Dart some lightly cooked meat chunks." Pocet scratched Shade behind the ears, "I won't. Anything else you need?" "For you to give me another kiss would be nice," Aster turned with a wide smile. Pocet picked Aster up and gave him a long loving kiss. "I dare say I needed that every bit as much as you did!" the Swordsman stated as he headed out the door with a smile. Aster continued to smile well after Pocet left the room. He moved over to the empty bed and played with Shade for several minutes, not wanting his beloved animal to feel left out. For years Shade had comforted Aster when he had felt lonely, scared, or sad. He had to make sure Shade understood he would not be abandoned just because his master had a new friend. A pecking on the window alerted Aster to Dart's presence. He quickly opened the door to the balcony allowing the massive bird to come into the room. Shade barked in delight. Hopping off the bed, the canine came over and gave Dart a quick nuzzle. Dart returned the greeting. Using its beak, it lightly scratched Shade's muzzle while making light squawking noses. The 1½-meter [5 feet] tall bird then spread its wings out and briefly wrapped them around Aster. Anyone looking on would have sworn the actions of the animals were more human than many real humans cared to act. Dart next noticed the boy lying on the bed and hopped over looking one the sleeping figure. In a touching display, the great bird used its long lower wing feathers to stroke the child's cheek until it saw a smile. Seeming satisfied, Dart hopped over to the fire and extended its wings again soaking up the warmth. Aster added a couple of logs to the fire so Shade and Dart could enjoy each other's company while he moved over to check the boy. Even as he reapplied herbs and bandages to some of the nastier injuries, he couldn't help but to smile. Never in his wildest dreams could he have foreseen being so lucky as he felt right at the moment. He had a great new friend, decent employer, two beautiful loving pets, and most important of all the trust of all of them. Slowly the boy stirred as Aster examined the welts he had treated the night before on the child's arms. Abruptly, his eyes opened and he looked around in alarm. He saw the surroundings as his little feet pushed him away from Aster toward the headboard of the bed while pushing the blankets down in bunches with each thrust of a foot. Aster put up both hands; "You are safe here." His words seemed to have no effect so he switched to Northman. "What is your name?" Still the boy looked at him with phobic eyes. He pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, clasping his dirty fingers in a tight interlocking pattern. He didn't seem to realize or even care that he wore no clothing. Shade scooted from underneath Dart and let the bird stand before the canine moved to boy, jumping up on the bed. The youngster let out a whimper as his eyes grew even wider. He tried desperately to pull himself into a tighter ball. Shade slowed and came up offering a paw. When that didn't seem to work it started rubbing the boy's legs with his soft fur. It took a few minutes, but finally a hand reached out and started stroking Shade's side. His little fingers disappeared in the massive expanse of fur as he slowly got up more courage. The opening of the door stopped the brief glimpse of him being a boy. Pocet entered with a few plates of food. Seeing their guest up he put the broth, juice and bread on the end table. He motioned to the boy that the plate was for him as he nodded for Aster to come out into the hall. Aster shut the door and turned, "What's going on?" "There is a man downstairs who claimed our little friend in there belongs to him. He also knew we had him, so I had no choice. I invoked a challenge under kingdom law and he accepted. It will be you and me against him and his bodyguard. The problem is I think he is a spell caster." "Why two on two?" "He said since two of us saved his life that we both have to fight for him and one of your Watch friends agreed." Aster shrugged, "Fine with me. If a member of the Watch agreed than he did so for a reason. When is it?" "Tomorrow. What about the spell caster?" "Tomorrow you will find out what Shade and Dart are all about!" Aster grinned with total confidence. "Until then we better take turns keeping an eye on him. I'll go get him some clothing." "Take one of our men with you. Until this is resolved I don't want you going out alone." Aster's eyes twinkled. "They would be committing suicide if they laid a hand on me Pocet. The Watch knows about the challenge and will be keeping me under constant protection. Which member agreed to the terms?" "Your Hawkling friend. Said to tell you something about your friend will be there with us." "Friend?" "Yea. He said slaves were allowed to fight beside their masters and could earn their freedom by doing so," Pocet looked over Aster hoping for a clue as to what this meant. Aster beamed, "I am getting Conner as a slave and will be able to free him right after combat! He is a Primary Echelon Mage and a Sect Warrior." "He is the spell caster you were telling Handri about?" "Yep!" "You never mentioned him being a Sect Warrior!" "He didn't ask," Aster chewed his lip for a second; "Does it make a difference?" Pocet chuckled, "Only in the respect we will not have to defend him like we thought we would. What style?" "Griffin." Pocet whistled in respect. "Not many of them around at all!" Aster nodded with a hardened look of a war veteran. "I will get with Master Lannet and make sure he is armed and gets the spells I captured the other day. Whoever hurt that boy is going to go down hard." Kandric and VondumKandric moved over to the window and watched the snow continue to fall. He couldn't stand the inactivity any longer. He hated being cooped up regardless of the situation, but being in a strange place made it even worse. It was almost like he was a prisoner. Of course he knew better. Vondum made him as comfortable as physically possible. He also received a tour of the entire compound. One of the sergeants introduced him to the men and had the armor worker size him for a full suit of reinforced leather armor. In addition he got to select whatever he wanted from the supply storage area. He now looked like the Secondary Echelon Shaman he actually was. He wore brand new Sword Deer leather armor with Dwarvin metal plates over his chest, shoulders, abdomen, and thighs. His feet now had some of the nicest sized soft fur lined boots he had ever seen. The compound's cooper stopped everything to size him and make them from the best material on hand. A tailor also put aside other work to make a new coat for Kandric along with three changes of nice dyed cotton clothing. The leather worker was equally as kind. He made a rugged leather outfit including a fancy vest with fringe work. He also was given a new belt with two leather pouches. The man assured the sergeant taking Kandric around he would have a backpack sized for the boy within a day or two along with a bedroll. As promised it had been delivered with a second lighter weight leather outfit for the warmer weather everyone hoped would come soon. The magic sword with its sheath hung over his back with the pummel sticking out over his left shoulder. His chest held a bandoleer of Elvin Silver Steel throwing daggers. On his left hip he received an Elvin Steel dagger and his old trusty Dagger Bore knife was relegated to a boot knife on his right boot. As he looked in the mirror he almost laughed. He really looked like a miniature seasoned scout of any number of kingdoms he had visited with Glaster over the past few years. His new look got an even greater respect from all the men in and around the secret outpost. Most knew he had taken down more of the Hobs than anyone else during the recent attack and seemed very grateful. He wasn't sure how it had started, but before he realized what was going on the men started calling him 'sir'! Even the sergeants in charge of most of the activities treated him as some sort of military officer. It seemed so weird. Only Vondum, Gormel, and Sy seemed to be above the sergeants in command of the men. Yet, he now seemed to be one of the lieutenants. He knew Vondum worked for or at least with the Illorc, so how much of this hospitality was nothing more than smoke and mirrors remained to be seen. One thing occurred to him though. It would be difficult to find this many swordsmen willing to fight for an Illorc, so many of them were probably in the dark. If this were true, it would be very hard for Vondum, or anyone else, to turn on him without causing a great deal of suspicion. Realizing his thoughts were starting to go in circles he grabbed his new coat and went around back to the woodpile. He could see Jamon having all sorts of problems trying to cut the wood. Obviously, the boy had never had to use an axe before, and to make matters worse he was not used to hard work. "Plant the axe in the log and stand back." Jamon shivered wearing only a ragged set of sackcloth clothing and worn boots but did as instructed. Kandric removed his heavy fur-lined coat. "Put this on so you don't freeze and watch me. You have to look at the grain of the wood and split it how it wants to be split," he pointed to the log Jamon had been working on, "You are wasting it. Look at all the splinters you are making." Jamon pulled the coat around himself, "Sorry master." "I'm going to show you how easy this is, then I'll work with you to make sure you understand. You better pay close attention, because I will not take kindly to you not learning." Jamon swallowed hard but nodded. "I understand master." Kandric didn't feel guilty about the way he was treating Jamon this time as he yanked the axe out of the wood and split over a dozen logs. He had gotten almost the same speech the first time he had split wood. After showing his temporary slave just how easy it was, he started teaching him how to look at the wood and how to swing the axe. Once he was sure Jamon had the basics he took the axe back and cut up another thirty logs. The cold fresh air and blowing snow felt great as he worked off some of his boredom. All of his young life he had to work, no matter how nice it was not to have to do anything, he just couldn't for very long. Finally he handed the axe back. "Let me see you finish up this pile." Jamon looked at the thirteen logs remaining then back at the massive mound of wood Kandric had cut. He realized he had absolutely nothing to complain about. The red-haired boy could have easily made him do all of it, but instead had not only taught him how to do it, but had done well over two thirds the work. As much as he hated being treated as a slave, he actually couldn't help respecting his current master, at least a little. He had seen men cut wood for his father before, but couldn't ever remember seeing this much cut this quickly. He moved forward to pick up the axe to finish the job when he heard a combined cry of pain and fright. It was close, but the snow prevented him from seeing anything Kandric spun in the direction of the sound as well. His infravision allowed him to see far more than his charge. A humanoid was bleeding while a being even colder then the blizzard that surrounded them moved forward. Knowing he had to act instantly he shouted. "Roll to your left!" The bleeding figure rolled hard away from the horned ice-cold form. Whatever the creature was, it turned toward the shout forgetting about it first victim. Kandric spoke a few arcane words and closed his hand. Magical fire shimmered around his hand for a moment before he turned his hand and opened it at the same time. Bright orange and blue fire spun forward leaving a trail of spiraling sparks in its wake. The Spark Blast spell ripped into the nasty ice-clawed form with a sizzle and cracking of ice. One arm fell off completely as it fell with the most hideous sound Kandric had ever heard. "Jamon," Kandric shouted pulling his sword, "get inside and tell Vondum we are under attack!" Jamon froze, never before seeing such a wicked spell nor hearing such an unearthly scream. Kandric turned and slapped the boy. "Move, and take the axe with you!" Jerked back to reality, Jamon started to run around the corner of the woodshed only to see an icy form move toward him. He tried to backpedal, but fell in the snow. Kandric saw the boy reappear and fall as he started to move in the direction of the injured person. He stopped and spun only to see the axe Jamon had been carrying ripped from his hands and tossed several meters away. Kandric dove swinging his sword as he went missing Jamon's nose by only centimeters. He felt the blade make contact with something but its ruby runes flared as the blade bit in. It kept moving as if it had suddenly become a red-hot knife cutting through soft butter. The beast let loose with a screech of pure evil torment as it lost both legs. Kandric didn't let the surprise of seeing the blade flare to life stop him. He rolled over Jamon, swinging the blade in a backhand motion catching the creature's chest. This did the trick as it stopped it pitiful cries and fell into the snow. He used his infravision to scan the area again and saw two more of the forms. One moved toward the wounded figure while another advanced on a small form that could only have been Conth or Tyfod. Calling up his magical energies again he twirled both hands in counter clockwise directions while he wiggled his fingers. With the addition of an arcane word, twin Fire Darts leapt out of both hands. One smashed into each ice critter. The splitting of the magical spell meant that neither was killed outright, but both staggered back and the one advancing on the boy fell and started trying to crawl away. The injured man took full advantage of his adversary's shock smashing it to bits with a mace. Holding his leg with one hand, he waved letting Kandric know he would live. Kandric glanced around and rolled off Jamon. He bolted forward past a stunned Conth and slammed the tip of his sword into and through the crippled ice thing. "Get your brother in the house now!" Conth reacted a little better than Jamon had. He raced over, pulled Jamon to his feet, grabbed the axe sticking out of the snow, and moved rapidly back to the cabin. Kandric could hear him shout for Vondum even as the door slammed shut. Kandric caught his breath and surveyed the scene. He had taken down three of the creatures and knew the other man had destroyed another. He searched his knowledge of legends and lore and quickly recalled the description to what he was fighting. His gray eyes went wide in sudden revelation. "Ice Hellions!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, hoping others were listening he continued, "Torches! Fire! Oil! Whatever burns!" His limited knowledge of the vile things from the lower areas of where the plane of water meets the plane of air was enough to know Ice Hellions were the lowest form and had to have a leader. Whatever form the commander took, made little difference. It could only be harmed by fire or magic and would be a true demon. Fortunately, Kandric had bought the enclave time. As with the Hob attack the Swordsmen mobilized with amazing response times. This time, however, the enemy was much harder to see and had the strength and pure evil meanness of the lower planes. His shouts saved more than one as several backed up and pulled torches out of their cabins. Kandric felt the blade impart a small amount of knowledge on how to activate and deactivate it as he sliced into yet another Ice Hellion. He digested the information with a little apprehension. For some reason the weapon wanted to select him to attune to. He didn't even know a magic item had this ability, let alone a weapon. As he moved forward he decided it couldn't be all-bad so he thought, OK, if you want me to own you so-be-it. Instantly he felt the blade grow lighter and knew it was now his and his alone. He pushed on ducking under an icy claw and driving the blade deep in an Ice Hellion's side. It fell into two ice chucks as he again applied the backhand return attack drilled into him by the Master Swordsman of the Falcon Loft School of Training. As latest foe dropped he felt a wave of arctic cold wash over him. The blade rippled with energy as the sapphire runes absorbed enough to prevent damage and the ruby runes wrapped a cloak of protection from cold around him. There was no question he had stumbled on the leader. A young swordsman, Kandric couldn't recall the name, came flying through the air past him screaming in terror. His left hand looked stiff and black from frost bite and his head had a horrid gash with ice crystals sticking out of it. "Get behind me and pull out a torch!" Kandric commanded as he stepped over the fallen man. "Run! I'll cover you!" the man shouted digging into his pack for a torch. He started to grab for flint and steel, but Kandric snapped his fingers blasting out a Spark Autospell. The torch burst into flames. Kandric glanced back with a smile. "Cover my back. The big bastard is mine!" The wounded man's eyes lost some of their fear seeing the young boy looking so confident, "You got it sir!" Kandric's eyes widened as he saw a real Ice Demon. At worst he expected the leader to be a Frost Demon, but this was far worse! There was little chance he would be able to defeat such a powerful enemy on his own without some trickery. As it glared at the two fallen Ice Hellions and thundered toward him, he quickly came up with a plan. "Do you have oil?" "Yes sir." "Fall back along my footprints as you dig it out. We need to draw it into a trap!" The young Swordsman tried to hold onto the torch, but his useless left hand made the task almost impossible. "Forget the torch! Just get the oil ready!" "But how will I light it?" "You won't!" Kandric replied pushing the man to hurry. The man tossed the torch in the Demon's direction hitting it in its chest. It eyes flared a glowing frosty blue as it continued to pursue. "Oh, now I made it mad!" Kandric laughed, "The madder the better." "How can you laugh about this?" exasperation and fear sounded in the man's voice. "Just watch," Kandric stepped over the wood he had just cut throwing a pair of daggers as he did so. He knew they would have no effect but wanted to keep it fixated on him. It worked. He backed over the last of the wood, and waited for the demon. "Come on. We too fast for ya!" he taunted. The Swordsman didn't have a clue what the boy was up to, but figured after what he had done to the Hobgoblin spell caster he must know something. He stopped just behind Kandric and waited with the oil ready. "What are you going to do?" Kandric waited until the Ice Demon was in the middle of the cut wood, "This!" he extended his hands as he spoke a magical phrase. Sparks blasted out of both hands setting most of the wood on fire. "Throw the oil now!" The man needed no prompting suddenly realizing exactly what was happening. He tossed the oil over the pile of wood and the demon. The fire flared even brighter as the Ice Demon tried to find a way out of the instant inferno. There was no escape though. Kandric had waited until it was in the middle of over 40 split logs worth of firewood. As he backed up he fired off another pair of fire darts knocking the bellowing hell spawn to the ground. The flames had weakened it too much for its natural magical defiance to have any effect. The darts sent radiating cracks throughout its ice body insuring it could not get out of the inferno Kandric had created. As it expired, screams from the remaining Ice Hellions resounded off the surrounding forest and cabins. Without their leader they fell to the ground unable to exist off their plane without a master. The Swordsman grasped Kandric in a bear hug "That was fantastic!" Kandric grunted, "Thanks, but can you put me down so I can take a look at your hand?" "Sorry. I got a little over excited." The man dropped Kandric to the ground and held out his hand. "Are you sure you have enough magic for this?" "Barely, but yea." Vondum's voice sounded from over Kandric's shoulder, "Than save it. There may be more out there." Kandric looked back seeing Vondum had several nasty cuts, "Not without a leader sir. And he will loose this hand without a Channeler or Shaman to heal it." "You sure?" "Positive on both sir." "Very well then." Vondum watched as Kandric's spell restored some color to the Swordsman's hand. The man gripped his hand while stifling a scream. Vondum grimaced, "That is the problem with frostbite. You can't feel it till it starts to thaw," he hefted the man to his feet. "Get inside and have our Healthman take a look at you." Kandric started to stand but wobbled. He felt Vondum sheath his sword on his back and pick him up. He looked around and noticed the wood pile was still burning in sheets of flame. "Sorry about the fire wood." Vondum laughed, "We can cut more. That was one very impressive use of magic my talented young Shaman. I highly doubt any of us could have taken on such a formidable foe. You have earned every gram of respect my men have given you and much, much more." "You making it sound like I a some sort of Master Shaman or something," Kandric complained, "It was shear luck all this wood was cut." "Luck that the wood was cut maybe, but your use of it had nothing to do with good fortune. I heard what you did and the planning it took to pull it off. Give yourself all the credit my men and I will, because I would never have thought up such a tactic, nor do I think I could have defeated a demon like that single handedly." Kandric really didn't feel the praise was do him, "I didn't do it alone." "Kandric, all he did was follow your instructions." Vondum knocked on the door to the cabin, "Unbar the door Tyfod, its me." He then looked back at the boy in his arms. "I had my hands full with three of those smaller Ice Hellions as you called them, so I couldn't get over to help you, but I saw and heard everything. I must admit I had some doubts after the Hob attack, but now I have none. "You have saved us twice now. Your actions alone would have probably taken down whatever that was, but you gave all the right orders, made all the proper moves. I instructed the men to make you an honorary officer here, but now it will no longer be honorary. "I don't think I have ever been in a position before of owing anyone two favors until now. You covered for my mistake when I brought in slaves and left a trail here, and now you single-handedly took out a very powerful demon. I am grateful." "You have done more than enough for me," Kandric replied as he was put on a couch next to the fireplace. "No I haven't. I have not even paid you for the new spells you let me catch!" Kandric motioned for Jamon to sit next to him and put his arm around the boy, "How about you give me the slave and get me proper paperwork on him and we'll call it even on the spells?" "Your spells are much more valuable than a single slave Kandric." Vondum saw his eyes go to Conth and shook his head, "No, Conth is not up for discussion on this." Kandric forced a laugh, "Kind of figured as much. How about trying to get me Conth's little brother and Jamon's little brother?" "Both?" Vondum grinned, "Getting greedy?" Kandric flashed a huge grin, "I may have really burned a lot of my magic energies today, but I am still an apprentice of a very good merchant." "So you are!" Vondum's booming laughter shook the windows, "You have a deal. I will find both of 'em for you." "Fair enough. Any chance of getting an early dinner?" Kandric shook his head as his stomach growled. Never before had he used so much magic in such a short period of time. It had taken its toll. But something was very different about this. He felt a new power coursing through his very core. Magic expended seemed to be re-manifesting itself in a more powerful form. Only twice before had Kandric felt such power. The first was when he managed to cast his first primary echelon spell, and the second time was the day before his Secondary Echelon spell casting skills unveiled itself. He would have to wait for the moon to come up before he would know for sure, but he knew the feeling. The only question in Kandric's mind centered on the guilds. How would the Shaman guild react to having a Teaching Echelon certified child? He knew of only nine other Secondary Echelon children under the human equivalency age of fourteen. Only one of them looked like they were close to Teaching Echelon. From what Glaster had told him it was some Elf down in Junsac who was an Animal Adept. All the others were Swordsmen or were just barely Secondary Echelon. Tyfod interrupted Kandric's thoughts, "What would you like for dinner master?" Kandric looked over to Vondum who merely motioned for him to order whatever he wanted. "How about roast, potatoes, carrots, juice, and anything else you care to throw in?" "I will get started immediately master. That will take some time though. Would you care for a snack to tide you over?" Kandric nodded, "How about a couple slices of that strange bread you served for breakfast?" "At once master." Kandric stretched with a smile. Everything seemed to be working out perfectly. He was getting more combat and spell casting practice than he could have dreamed, had infiltrated a potential enemy stronghold, had been promoted to an officer, and hadn't quite made it to the human equivalent of twelve yet. Life sure seemed to be smiling on him! |