The Brewster Boys
The twins Brent and Brett: 13 years old, four foot nine [1.45 m] and ninety pounds [40 kg], blue eyes, fine blond hair down to their shoulders
Benny: eleven years old, four foot five [1.32 m], seventy-four-pound [33½ kg], hazel eyes, high cheek bones and dark brown hair, which he wore in the current style of shaved sides and permed top
Bobby: nine years old, fifty-eight pounds [26 kg] and four foot two [1.27 m], hazel eyes, high cheek bones and dark brown hair, a youg version of Benny.
Their parents: Barry and Brenda Brewster
This is a story involving four brothers, two preteens and two thirteen-year-olds, engaging in various sexual acts with a tooth fairy who has appeared before them in the form and size of a seven-year-old boy.
If you don't believe in the tooth fairy, or that young boys have sexual urges, don't read this. Permission is not given to copy electronically nor in any other form for the purpose of redistribution or posting at unauthorized sites. This is the fifth of the Brewster Boys Series. Special thanks to Gary for suggesting this story. Baby teeth, good wishes and any wishes readers would like sent on to the Land of Faerie can be sent to the author, J.O. Dickingson at authorsix(at)hotmail(dot)com
— tb-fairy – cons oral mast —
6,000 words (12 pages)
Benny Brewster puckered up his lips and then reaching up, held out a tiny, white tooth Well, mostly white. It did have a bit of decay. Eleven-year-old Benny wasn't always the most reliable when it came to brushing and flossing regularly.
"Hey, it finally came out!"
"Yep," he said, his tongue probing the new hole where the second molar had been.
"You're lucky you didn't swallow it," observed Bobby.
"Yeah, then I wouldn't be able to put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy," he grinned.
"No, I mean then you'd have to mush up your turds every time you pooped to find it," smiled his nine-year-old brother Bobby.
"Oh yuck," observed their older brother Brett.
"I wouldn't search through my shit just for a fucking dollar," observed Benny.
"I would," said Bobby.
"You'd eat your shit for a dollar," said Brett's twin brother Brent and the three boys laughed. Bobby gave him the finger, his hazel eyes sparkling and his lips curling into a devilish grin. The four-foot-two [1.27 m], fifty-eight pound [26 kg] nine-year-old's high cheek bones, and his dark brown hair, shaved on the sides and permed on top, gave him a sexy look that would make any boylover readily bend over for him.
"Hey, it wasn't that long ago our little brother was pooping his diapers," observed Benny. He was a slightly older copy of his kid brother and had the same devilish grin that the boys had inherited, along with their handsome looks, from their father.
"Well you are lucky," observed Brett. "I don't think the tooth fairy would give a whole dollar for a tooth that'd been in your shit."
The boys went back to their Mario Brothers game. At supper Benny announced that he'd lost his tooth, and suggested that since it was the very last of his baby teeth, maybe the tooth fairy would give him some extra money.
"Well, just put it under your pillow and we'll see," smiled his mother.
"You never can tell. It's a big event when you lose your last baby tooth," agreed his father.
"Yeah, well Benny might have lost his last baby tooth, but he's still a sweet baby," said Brent and his brothers laughed.
Benny made a face as he stuck out his tongue. "Yeah, well if I'm the sweet baby, I guess that would make you the big baby," he said with an impish grin.
Under cover of the table, Brent jerked his thumb to his crotch. Under cover of his hand, Benny mouthed, "fuck you".
"Mom, you know what Benny just said?" asked Brett impishly. The thirteen-year-old twin's blue eyes sparkled as he tossed back his head, causing his fine, blond, shoulder-long hair to bounce. The four-foot-nine [1.45 m], ninety-pound [40 kg] teenager had his mother's delicate looks and small bones.
"Oink, oink," said Benny and his other two brothers joined in.
"That's enough boys. Finish your carrots."
"I hate carrots," commented Benny.
"Cole Bentley loves carrots," observed Bobby, thinking back to Easter and their minister's teenage son. The boys cracked up.
"Mom, where did the custom of parents putting money under the pillow for a tooth start?"
"Parents? Whatever gave you the idea parents do that?"
"Aw, com'on Mom, we're not little kids anymore."
"Well, except for Bobby," said Brett.
"Especially his wiener," mouthed Brent behind his hand and his brothers giggled.
"Up your fuck hole," mouthed Bobby back.
"Boys, stop your nonsense," said Mrs Brewster unaware of what the boys were saying. "And chew with your mouths closed."
"Yes, Mom," the boys all replied politely and innocently.
"Really though," persisted Benny. "How come parents put money under the pillow when kids lose a tooth?"
"There's no reason why they would," his father said teasingly with a grin.
"So you're saying there is a tooth fairy," Benny said, raising an eyebrow skeptically.
"You can believe what you want, and I'll believe what I want."
"I'm believing in the tooth fairy," announced Bobby. "I'm not taking no chances of not getting no money."
"I'm not taking any chances of not getting any money," corrected his mother.
"See, Mom too," said Bobby with a grin and the whole family laughed.
That night as the boys got ready for bed, Benny slipped his tooth under his pillow. The boys shared the same room, and slept in two double bunks, the twins in one, and Benny and Bobby in the other.
"Still wish I knew where this dumb custom came from," Benny complained as he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the soft curvature and smooth chest of a typical, healthy eleven-year-old.
"What difference does it make?" asked his older brother Brent as he removed his shirt also, revealing a chest that was beginning to develop some definition, but at thirteen was still the smooth, soft chest of a boy.
"Just wanna know is all," Benny replied, stepping out of his jeans and dropping them on the floor beside his shirt.
"If there really was a tooth fairy, why would he collect dirty old teeth anyway?" asked Bobby as he sat on his bed and pulled off his socks.
"Right," agreed Benny as he pushed down his white, jockey briefs. Stepping out of them and dropping them on the floor, he paused to fiddle with his limp boycock and damp balls for a moment before reaching for his pajamas.
"Maybe he got no teeth, like Grandpa," suggested Brent, having stripped down and put on his pajamas' bottoms by then. The thirteen-year-old had absentmindedly slipped his fingers in the fly and was tugging on his limp boycock as he watched his younger brother playing with his. It was great being a boy.
"So he collects teeth that have fallen out to make a false set that he puts in his own mouth? Yuck!" observed Bobby as he withdrew his pajamas from under his pillow where his mother put it each morning when she made their beds. His little bare butt stuck in the air as he bent over and the sight caused Brent to think about Cole Bentley and the fun they'd had with him at Easter.
"Well, if that was the reason, why keep collecting them?" asked Benny, as he hopped up on the top bunk. "All he needs to do is collect one set."
"Maybe he's like a shark and has rows and rows of teeth," suggested Brent with a shrug as he hopped up on his bed also.
"Hey, maybe it's a she and not a he," suggested his twin as he ran his hand over his bare chest and caressed his right breast and nipple. It slowly started to get hard.
"Girls would be dumb enough to collect something like old teeth," observed Benny, not yet having reached that age where girls were an interest.
"You mean there's been a girl sneaking around our bedroom while we're sleeping?" asked Bobby, wrinkling up his nose.
"So that's why I've been waking up in the morning with a woodie," smiled Brett as his hand moved on to scratch his right armpit. "When she's come looking for teeth, she's been stopping to play with my dick while I'm asleep."
"Yeah, right, as if you think we don't know you play with yourself three or four times every night," accused Benny with a smile.
"Well, it's better than sucking my thumb to fall asleep like you," Brett retorted with a wide grin.
"Actually I'm imagining it's you sucking my dick."
"Up yours."
"Any time," Benny said, rolling over with his back to his brother and pushing down his pajamas to reveal his young pink butt.
"Boys, lights out and no more talking," called their mother.
"Yes, Mom," they all replied.
They crawled between the crisp clean sheets and pulled the blankets up to their chins.
"Hey, I got an idea," whispered Bobby from his bottom bunk. "Maybe he's a guy who makes false teeth for old fairies who have lost theirs."
"Hey, maybe we can ask Uncle James why someone would collect teeth," suggested Brett.
"Why Uncle James?"
"Cuz he's an old fairy," grinned Brett.
The boys hooted with laughter.
The boys clamped their mouths shut, trying unsuccessfully to hold in the giggles. They snorted and twittered in the dark.
"Oh fuck," cursed Bobby softly.
"What's wrong?" whispered Benny.
"I snorted snot all over my lip trying not to laugh." That started the boys giggling all over.
"Leave it in case you get hungry during the night," Brett suggested between chortles.
"Or Benny does."
The boys could not hold back the giggles.
That was the third "boys". They knew they had reached the limit of their parents' patience. As they lay there in the silence, Bobby fished around in the dark for his jeans and hoped he had a Kleenex in his pocket. Being unsuccessful, he picked up a pair of underwear and used it to wipe his lip. He wondered if it was his or Benny's as he dropped it back on the floor. He lay back and tried to imagine what a tooth fairy would look like. The image of Tinkerbell came to his mind. Benny was wondering the same thing as his tongue explored the gap in his teeth for the hundredth time. He resolved that he was going to stay awake and catch whichever parent it was who was moonlighting as the tooth fairy. Brett and Brent had also tried to imagine what a tooth fairy would look like, and the thoughts of both boys turned to Uncle James and the conversation they had overheard between several of their inebriated male relatives at the last family reunion two years ago. They wondered if there was any truth to the comments, and hoped that when they grew up they would not be as meanspirited and intolerant as the adults they had eavesdropped on. They wished they could always be just as they were at that moment as they recalled some of the great experiences they'd had recently. Chuckling happily with their thoughts, their hands buried in their pajamas and idly fiddling, one by one the four brothers drifted off.
Much later that night, way past midnight, a shimmering pinpoint of light like a solitary firefly suddenly appeared in the room. The light grew larger and fainter as it drifted across the room to the sleeping boys. They had kicked off or twisted out of their blankets in their sleep and lay there with an innocence and sweetness that would soften the hardest heart. With the approaching summer they had changed out of their fuzzy blue and white striped pajamas and into something cooler. Bobby on the bottom bunk was wearing white cotton pajamas with a pattern of colourful Disney cartoon characters, and Benny in the top bunk was wearing pajamas with a bright red collar and bright red cuffs on the arms and legs and a collage of Star Wars characters. In the double bunk on the other side of the room were the twins, Brent and Brett, who had begun wearing only the bottoms, white Tommy Helfiger's with thin black vertical lines and black trim.
The intruder slipped over to the double bunk on the left on silent feet and flitting up in the air on gossamer wings, slid a slender hand under Benny's pillow. Finding the tooth, the intruder bent close and placed his lips against the open mouth of the sleeping boy as he grasped the little tooth and quickly withdrew his hand from under the pillow.
"Awwowwwww!" Benny cried out, sitting bolt upright in the bunk.
"Aaaaaa!" cried the intruder in surprise as he hastily flitted back.
"Whaa?" moaned Bobby as he half-opened his sleepy eyes.
"Whoa!" called out Brent and Brett as they stared at the scene across the room.
The four boys quickly swung their feet out of bed and sat up, all wide awake and staring at the intruder. Dropping the tooth, he flittered back to the floor and the four boys instantly leaped to their feet and surrounded him.
"Fucking shit, there is a tooth fairy!" said Bobby with wide-eyed wonder.
"He's just a kid," observed Benny, "six, seven years old!"
"Fairies can take any form or size they want," advised Brett. "He could really be a hundred, even a couple hundred years old."
"You a boy or a girl?" asked Brent, unable to tell from the intruder's appearance and choice of wearing apparel.
"A boy," the intruder said indignantly in a high pitched, childlike voice, which was in keeping with his appearance.
"Then how come you're wearing a dress?"
"That'th not a dreth, ith a frock," he replied even more indignantly.
"So, that's what you wear for frocking?" asked Brett with a grin and the intruder made a face as the brothers laughed.
The intruder studied each of the boys and the four boys studied him. He was pale and slender, no more than three feet [90 cm] tall and thirty pounds [14 kg] in weight. He had the face of a seven-year-old child with fine, delicate features, deep blue eyes, and long, silk-like hair the colour of butterscotch. It flowed over his shoulders and a couple inches past the collar of his frock. A hair band of delicate pale blue flowers held back his flowing curls and was fastened in place at each end with a spiral periwinkle shell. His pale pink frock was drawn closed with a darker pink silk sash. Blue periwinkle flowers embroidered on the chest of his frock added to his effeminate appearance. If that was not enough to cause one to question his sex, he was wearing white tights and old-fashioned buckle shoes. A necklace, an arm bracelet, and an ankle bracelet, all made of pearly white teeth, finished off his midnight stalking outfit.
"What is your name?"
"Periwinkle," he replied in his high-pitched little boy voice. "My friendths call me Peri."
"And you collect teeth."
"Yeth," he replied, looking at the white tooth hanging from a thread extending out of the fly of Benny's pajamas.
"Hey, what the hell did you do anyway?" asked Brent, his attention drawn to the tooth.
"Well, I tied a thread around my tooth and then around my nuts so when whoever it was that came and took my tooth, they would yank on my nuts too and wake me so I'd see who it was."
"You're weird brother."
"Well it sure fucking worked."
"I didn't say you weren't smart. I just said you were weird."
"Suppose it was Mom?" asked Bobby. "How'd you explain the thread tied to your nuts?"
Benny shrugged. "She'd probably be too embarrassed to ask."
"So why do you collect teeth?" Brett asked, bringing their attention back to Periwinkle.
"I love teeth. I love everything about them. The way they look, the way they thmell, the way they tathe."
"Tathe?" asked Benny excitedly. "I mean taste? Were you tasting the teeth in my mouth when I woke up?"
"Oh no. That ithn't what I wath doing."
"So what were you doing, kissing me?"
"Yeth, thort of."
"What do you mean thort of?" Benny asked, mimicking Periwinkle's lisp.
"I thometimeth kith the perthon when I take their tooth, if they are very attractive, or if it ith a thpethally nith tooth, to thank them."
"So why kiss Benny?" asked Bobby. "His tooth had rot, and he sure isn't attractive!" Brett and Brent laughed.
"How'd you like me to kiss you with my fist, little brother?"
"Well, it wath hith very latht tooth," Periwinkle quickly said, hoping to avoid a fight between the two brothers. He did not like violence. "That ith thort of thpethal. Thidth, if I lick the cavity with my tongue it heal'th much fathter and I wanted to help."
"You were going to stick your tongue in my mouth?"
"Yeth," Periwinkle said, a bit embarrassed. What he could not tell the four young boys was that the main reason he did it had nothing to do with thanking the sleeping individual, or taking away their pain. The main reason Periwinkle kissed the sleeper or slipped his tongue in the person's mouth was that it turned him on. He similarly could not tell them that it was only the males that he collected teeth from, and that he left the collection of female teeth to the other tooth fairies in the area.
"Freaking cool," replied Benny, much to the little fairy's surprise.
"So, you like kissing boys?" asked Brent as the boys crowded closer.
"Yeth," Periwinkle admitted nervously, in part because he was too frightened to lie, and in part because Benny's response held out the promise that he might be able to finish what he'd started before tugging the thread attached to the cute eleven-year-old's balls. It had been decades since he'd done it with a mortal when he was awake.
"And licking inside their mouths?" asked Brett as the four boys pressed their bodies against the little fairy.
"Yeth," replied Periwinkle as another thought crossed his mind. Maybe they were going to punch him, or maybe kick him, maybe both!
"You like licking more than their mouths?" asked Bobby as he slipped his hand inside the silk frock and ran his fingers over the fairy's smooth, pale skin.
"Yeth," Periwinkle admitted, his breathing starting to speed up. The boy was not angry, and it appeared that his brothers weren't either. As the little tooth fairy considered the possibilities if all four of the young boys were of the same mind, his little cock began to stir in his frock. Although middle aged, which in Faerie years was far older than the oldest living human, and although he could appear in any form, human or otherwise, Peri preferred the form he was presently in, and humans the age of these four brothers.
"You like being licked back?" asked Bobby as he ran his hand up along the silk tights and under the frock to cup the warm and quickly swelling boy basket.
"Yeth," sighed Periwinkle dreamily as he felt two pairs of hands gently rubbing his tight little butt.
Benny pressed his lips firmly against Peri's in a long hot kiss. The fairy's breath was sweet with a scent and taste Benny had never come across before. Peri could not resist slipping his tongue in the boy's mouth, and as he probed deep into the moist chamber he felt four pairs of hands at his clothes, untying his sash and frock, slipping it off his shoulders and over his wings and easing his tights down his legs. Soon the beautiful, slight fairy was stark naked and being caressed by four randy young boys in their pajamas.
Peri excitedly ran his long, moist tongue over Benny's teeth, delighting in their smoothness. He found the molar cavity and slipped his tongue in, anointing it with his healing saliva. Benny's own tongue had visited that hole repeatedly throughout the day, but it felt totally different having someone else's tongue there. As Peri's tongue finally withdrew, Benny's tongue followed it, slipping into the fairy's mouth and exploring his teeth and gums as he had explored Benny's. His tongue was not as long nor as talented as the tooth fairy's, but he did his best and Peri squirmed with the delight of the reciprocal action. The tooth fairy loved to receive oral stimulation as much as he liked to provide it.
As the two boys kissed, Benny ran his hands over Peri's smooth chest. It was as chubby and as smooth as any seven-year-old's. Benny wondered if fairies had children and the job of tooth fairy was passed on from father to son, or if fairy's lived forever and just looked like seven-year-olds or what. His big brother Brett seemed to know about such things. He would have to ask, not that it mattered to the eleven-year-old when it came to having cock fun.
Shuffling over to his bunk bed, Benny pulled the beautiful, delicate-looking fairy down with him. The two lay there kissing and sucking on each other's tongues as their hands caressed each other's chests. Peri slipped off Benny's pajamas top, and then pushed down the star wars bottoms. As his tiny, childlike hands slowly slipped up Benny's naked calf and thigh and finally took hold of his little penis, Benny's hands were caressing Periwinkle's legs as they moved from his ankles to his groin also. The two boys found each other's cocks at about the same time and began to tug on them simultaneously. Peri pulled Benny's foreskin as far back as it would go, and then pulled it back up slowly. He gently squeezed and then released the rubbery little tube of boy flesh. At the same time Benny was doing the same to his little cocklet, causing it to slowly engorge with blood and become solid as Benny felt himself rapidly getting a woodie also. Peri's stiffie was barely an inch [2½ cm] long compared to Benny's three inches [7½ cm].
As the two boys messed with each other, the three brothers stood around the bunk bed and watched, each of them eager for his turn at the little fairy. The two naked boys on the bed began to kiss each other noisily and lustfully and to wank each other seriously, causing three tents to appear in the pajamas of the boys watching. To hell with waiting for their turns! The three brothers chucked their pajamas and dragged the two linked boys onto the bedroom carpet. As the two continued to kiss and fiddle with each other, the three brothers attacked Peri.
Bobby headed for the fairy's feet. They were small and delicate, like any seven-year-old's, and the toes were tightly pressed together. The large toe was barely an inch [2½ cm] long. To Bobby's surprise, Periwinkle turned a hundred-and-eighty degrees so fast he didn't even see him. Perhaps he had done it instantly, by magic. With his hazel eyes, high cheek bones, and dark brown hair with shaved sides and permed top, Bobby was most attractive, and Periwinkle was eager to taste the cute nine-year-old. He inhaled the nine-year-old's sweaty little boy feet like he was inhaling the aroma of his favourite food, and then stuck out his skilful tongue and licked the backs. He savoured Bobby's sweaty skin and began to nibble on his little toes. Bobby squirmed with the sensation of the fairy's satiny smooth lips grazing his toes and then his hot, moist mouth enveloping them one at a time and sucking on them.
Bobby being four foot two [1.25 m] and Periwinkle being three feet [90 cm], the nine-year-old had to curl up a bit in order to reach the fairy's toes. His feet smelled sweet, like a flower, like, Bobby supposed, periwinkles. Not to be outdone by the little fairy, he began to lick and suck on the little feet with just as much eagerness as Peri was attacking his. The little fairy's toes tasted sweet, and Bobby wondered if that was what flowers would taste like as he closed his eyes and delighted in the unique taste and aroma of the tooth fairy's feet. As Peri and Benny had done earlier, the two youngsters instinctively reached for each other's boy cocks. Bobby was hung the same as his older brother, the two boys coming in at about three inch [7½ cm] when stiff. The two boys began to slowly wank each other as they sucked on each other's toes.
The twins attacked Peri from the rear, Brent beginning at his neck and Brett at his ankles, deciding to leave the fairy's feet to Bobby. His skin was unlike anything the two brothers had ever tasted, and like their two brothers, wondered if it tasted like wild flowers. While Brent slowly worked his way down the smooth, contoured back and around the gossamer wings, Brett worked his way up the back of Peri's calves and thighs. The twins arrived at the fairy's cute little seven-year-old butt at the same time. Brett spread apart the little fairy's cheeks and sniffed. It was like sniffing a narrow-necked bottle of sweet nectar. As he tentatively put his lips against the fairy's butthole, he was relieved at the sweet taste. He licked at the puckered asshole eagerly, and then as he pulled apart the boy's ass cheeks and cautiously slipped his tongue in the boy's hole, he was even more delighted at the sweetness of his back chamber.
Peri was hot for the blond teen's butt himself, and after a few minutes, the horny fairy could wait no longer. Rolling over and twisting around, he pulled apart the surprised boy's ass cheeks and sniffed at the delightful aroma of a thirteen-year-old's raw naked butthole. The heady, mushroomy aroma was too much for the little tooth fairy. His hot, red tongue darted out and he began to lick the sweaty crack between the teen's asscheeks as the boy reached down and began to fiddle with his stiff cock. Peri bent forward and fastening his lips to the blond's butthole, he slipped his long, skilful tongue into Brett's moist, rectal cavity. His tongue probed deep and the little fairy delighted in the heady, unique flavour.
At the same time, Brent was delighting in the little fairy's backside just as his twin had a few minutes earlier. He sniffed at the seven-year-old butt, and licked the delightful little buttonhole, causing the fairy to squirm with the pleasure. Brent fastened his lips to the little hole and inhaled. Peri was in heaven as he felt the blond teen sucking his hole as he himself sucked and licked the butthole of the blond twin's brother. Peri's perfect, little teeth finally clamped down on Brett's pink ass, leaving a love bite. His entire body ached to get off. Noticing what Peri had done, Brent similarly gave the fairy's butt a hickey. Unable to resist, Bobby and Benny similarly began to kiss and gently bite the seven-year-old butt, adding their own hickeys until the soft, pale pink butt was covered with red love bites.
The boys finally stopped what they were doing and changed positions with each other. Periwinkle found Brett's hot, hard four inch [10 cm] cock and thick blond bush inches from his face. The tooth fairy eagerly bent his head and slipped his hot, moist mouth over the thirteen-year-old's raging hard-on. He began to suck on the boy's organ as he worked his lips slowly up and down the hard, hot flesh. At the same time he felt a hot, moist mouth envelop his stiff, aching, seven-year-old pricklet. It was young Bobby. The nine-year-old sucked on the fairy's little boy cock hungrily, and as Peri squirmed, the young boy knew he was close to bringing the fairy off.
While Peri and Bobby were sucking cock, Brent had slipped down and was delighting in the fairy's little toes. He wedged his tongue between the compact digits and took as many of them as he could in his mouth and sucked on them. Benny meanwhile had slipped behind the fairy, and he now spread apart Peri's asscheeks and fasted his lips to the little seven-year-old's asshole. He was turned on by the fairy's unique taste, and he eagerly sucked on his opening. For the next few minutes the room was filled with the sounds of sucking and licking, the sounds of five boys in rut.
The heat and moistness of Peri's mouth triggered Brett's reaction and the randy boy shot his young thirteen-year-old boy cream into the fairy's mouth. Peri savoured the unique gift from the boy and gave him a love bite on the inside of his thigh. Peri himself was rapidly approaching his own orgasm as Brett slid down and bit the fairy on the neck, leaving a tiny red hickey. Bobby closed his eyes with delight as he sucked on the throbbing little cock and as Brett gave the fairy another hickey, the little fairy trembled with the powerful waves of his dry orgasm. The pleasure ripped through his seven-year-old body and tremors caused his weak thighs to quiver.
Grasping the trembling fairy tightly, Benny left his love bite on the fairy's butt, and as Brett slipped his cock out of the dazed tooth fairy's mouth, Benny took his place, wrapping his legs about Peri's neck and slipping his stiff three-inch [7½ cm] cock in his cum-filled mouth. Benny's brother's cream was hot and sticky, and the eleven-year-old trembled as he felt it flow over his stiff little cocklet. He couldn't wait until he was able to make cum too.
As Peri began to suck on the new cock in his mouth, Brett slipped down and began to suck on the fairy's cock, quickly bringing it back to an erection. Bobby meanwhile slipped down to his little feet and once again began to relish the taste and odour of those unique toes that only minutes earlier had been sucked and licked by his older brother Brent. The thirteen-year-old blond had slipped up along Peri's back, and his tongue was now lapping at the fairy's butthole. Peri was in ecstasy. Three hot mouths were devouring his body, one sucking his cock, one sucking his toes, and the third sucking his asshole. He himself had a delightful, slender boy prick in his mouth. Before long he and Benny were trembling with their dry orgasms as the awesome feeling throbbed through their groins.
Peri was not given any time to rest. The moment that Benny slipped his still stiff cock out of his hot, moist mouth, Brent took his place, slipping his four inches [10 cm] into the tooth fairy's mouth until Peri's nose was buried in his thick, blond bush. Peri ran his tongue over the knob of the new cock in his mouth and relished the unique taste of dick for a third time. Dick was the most beautiful taste in the world, and it caused a copious flow of saliva which Peri allowed to collect about the boy cock to pick up its flavour before swallowing.
Benny meanwhile had slipped down and was now sucking on the little seven-year-old stiffie, bringing it another round of pleasure while Brett sucked and nibbled on his curled toes and Bobby savoured the unique periwinkle flavour of his asshole. Peri's hot asshole quivered uncontrollably as the nine-year-old's tongue probed it and eagerly lapped at it. Before long Peri was trembling with his third dry orgasm as Brent gasped and groaned with the pleasure of ejaculation. The teenager's cream shot into the hot mouth just as his twin brother's had half an hour earlier. Throb after throb of hot, creamy cum erupted from his stiff, burning dick and Peri eagerly and noisily sucked and slurped all the teenager could give him.
As Brent withdrew, the four brothers moved in unison once again, the sucked becoming the cocksucker, the cocksucker exchanging a little boy cock for equally delightful toes, the foot licker becoming the butt licker, and the former butt licker moving forward to get his cock sucked. Bobby loved getting sucked off, and the nine-year-old eagerly slipped his little three inch [7½ cm] into the fairy's hot mouth. Having his older brother's cum anointing his little boyhood was an added bonus and he sighed as he felt the creamy mixture of boy cum and fairy spittle envelop his hard little pricklet.
Once again the four brothers and little fairy indulged themselves in the pleasures of the flesh. Gradually they began to breathe more and more heavily as their bodies flushed hotly with arousal one more time. Hands eagerly sought out and found stiff little cocks not already being tended to and began to wank. Five young hearts beat loudly as five young bodies tensed and five boy cocks ached pleasantly. The five boys were quickly approaching their climaxes once again.
Bobby grunted and sighed loudly as the ripples of his dry orgasm caused his little cock to jerk and throb as it tried to shoot out the sperm that was not yet available. Peri, at the same time, trembled and gasped with his own dry orgasm as Brent's hot mouth sucked on his throbbing cock mercilessly. Bobby and Peri squirmed and panted as their young bodies convulsed with their dry orgasms and their little cocks trembled and ached with pleasure. At the same time, Benny's hard little cock throbbed in his brother's hand as the eleven-year-old trembled with his own orgasm and sucked on Peri's feet madly. Having a little cock throbbing in his mouth and another in his hand, Brent excitedly grunted and thrust his hips forward. His hard, hot cock throbbed in Benny's hand and sprayed the little fairy with a fresh, hot load of cum despite having cum only minutes earlier. Smelling the fragrance of fresh cum, Brett sucked deeply on Peri's hole and wanked himself to conclusion, spraying the little fairy's backside with his teenage cream. The four brothers gave their delightful, sweet companion a final hickey of love and squeezed him tightly.
The cycle completed, the four brothers collapsed on the floor, their sweating, heaving chests rapidly rising and falling and their hot, flushed bodies glowing warmly with the aftermath of a delightful coupling. They closed their eyes and smiled with the pleasure that had washed over them.
Peri slowly got to his feet, his little body covered from neck to thigh with love bites and dripping with cum. Grabbing a pair of discarded underwear, he quickly wiped himself off and put on his tights, frock and buckle shoes. Picking up the long forgotten tooth, he slipped it into the right pocket of the frock, and then slowly rose on silently beating gossamer wings. He looked down at the four brothers and smiled as his image faded and was replaced by a bright light that quicky began to condense. This tooth was going to be a very special prize, one that he would have to mount and display to remind him of this night with the Brewster brothers.
Bobby, Benny, Brent and Brett yawned as they slipped on their pajamas and crawled into bed. After only a few minutes, the bedroom was filled with the slow, heavy breathing of deep, contented sleep. Their lips curled as they dreamed of tooth fairies and magic kingdoms. As they inhaled deeply, they savoured the delightful aroma of periwinkle, and in their sleep they licked their lips and savoured the unique taste of a very special Periwinkle.
Bobby still had nine teeth to lose, and subconsciously he and his three brothers were already anxious for the next one to fall out. As he flitted through the night air on his gossamer wings, little pink-frocked Periwinkle was thinking the same thing. Had anyone been watching, they would have noticed the little fairy was fluttering in the moonlight erratically. It was very difficult to fly with woodie, even though you were from the Kingdom of Faerie, and even though the woodie was only the size of a seven-year-old's
This is a story involving four brothers, two preteens and two thirteen-year-olds, engaging in domination, humiliation, and various sexual acts with an adult.
This, the sixth of the Brewster Boys Series, is dedicated to a good friend, Gary Stewart. Comments, good wishes and doggy treats (especially bones) can be sent to the author, J.O. Dickingson, at authorsix(at)hotmail(dot)com and be sure to take condoms to your next company picnic, you never know who's sons you might run into.
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16,500 words (33 pages)
"What the fuck is Labour Day anyway?" asked nine-year-old Bobby, running his fingers through his dark brown hair. He'd just had it cut the previous week for the start of the new school year, choosing the current Caesar style that was popular with preteens and teens. It was of average length on the sides and back with the front combed up to form sort of a crest. His dad said it reminded him of the style when he was almost Bobby's age back in the late sixties, except back then they used something called Brilcream instead of gel. That it reminded his dad of when he was young was cool. Bobby had inherited his hair colour, hazel eyes and high cheek bones, and he had his father's personality his grandma said. Besides, he admired his dad, so being like him was sort of special.
"I dunno," said his eleven-year-old brother Benny, also sporting a new school haircut. He'd opted to go with the gelled look too, but instead of a Caesar his dark brown hair was spiked. His dad joked that it looked like his own hair when he got up in the morning, minus the gel of course. Like his younger brother, Benny adored his dad and anything that was similar between them was cool as far as he was concerned. "Labour is what they call it when moms have a baby."
"Carson's mom had a lot of labour," commented thirteen-year-old Brett, having decided to keep his blond hair long and past his shoulders like the Hansons, three teen brothers in a hot boy band by the same name. He knew a lot of people, girls and guys, thought the Hansons were sexy. His three brothers giggled with his reference to the very chubby seven-year-old boy that lived down the street from the Brewsters.
"Labour is what Grandpa does when he has to take a dump," said his twin Brent, causing his three brothers to giggle even louder. Like his brother, he'd also decided not to change his hair style, not just because it made him look sexy, but that way he and Brett could switch being each other, which was fun, and sometimes very helpful. Like he was good in history and writing, Brett was good in maths and science, and their teachers had put them in different classrooms, so when there was a test
"What is consapation anyway?" asked Bobby in reference to a condition their grandfather always seemed to be in.
"That's when your turds are hard and you have a hard time pooping them out," said Benny knowledgeably. Being a middle child, Benny had made his niche in the family by being an authority on things unknown, especially adult things, and especially anything having to do with the bathroom. His information wasn't always correct, but that didn't matter to his brothers.
"Why do they get hard?"
"I dunno. When you get old like forty or something your body starts to dry up."
"So that's why old people get all wrinkled," remarked Bobby.
"Yeah, and to keep moist, they got to drink lots of prune juice."
"Yuck," Bobby said, making a face.
"So what we gonna do guys?" asked Brent. "We don't want to go to no dumb, boring company picnic."
"Yeah," his twin agreed. "Adults just stand around and talk and drink and act better than everyone else and we're supposed to behave, but there's shit all for us to do and then they wonder why we get into trouble."
"Yeah, it's their fault we get in trouble, not ours," observed Benny and his brothers all nodded.
"Well we gotta go," said Bobby. "We gotta go to help dad."
"What do you mean?"
"Dad's hoping to get promoted from Program Manager to third VP."
"How you know that?"
"I heard Mom and Dad talking about it last night."
"When did you hear that? You were playing Nintendo with us until they made us go to bed."
"And you was reading comic books with the flashlight under your blankets when I fell asleep," added Brent.
"It was way later," Bobby explained. "I woke up and heard noises in Mom and Dad's bedroom so I got up and went and peaked in their room. I thought maybe they was screwin'."
"Were they?" asked his three brothers as one, their eyes lighting up.
"Naw, they was just sitting in bed talking."
"Too bad."
"Yeah, it would be awesome to see Dad fucking Mom."
"She's sure lucky. He's got a huge prick," said Benny, the four boys having had the opportunity to see their dad naked several times, mostly when they changed into their swim suits at the local pool, and a few times when one or the other walked into the master bedroom, conveniently forgetting to knock in the hopes of seeing something.
"Yeah, wouldn't it be awesome to wank something that big?" asked Brent enviously.
"Oh yeah, or have it up your butt," agreed his brother Brett.
"Oh yeah," sighed Bobby.
"A prick Dad's size would split your little butt in two," teased Brett.
"Up yours," retorted Bobby, a standard standby when he couldn't think of a better retort, which didn't happen too often. Bobby thought on his feet and usually had a comment for everything.
"So what is this about Dad?" asked Benny. All four boys loved their mother, but they felt particularly close to their father, being a guy and all.
"Well, Dad wants to be promoted, but he figures there's this other Stewart guy who's likely to get the job instead of him."
"How come?"
"Well, he says the other guy is a manager just like him, but he's like got senority, whatever that is."
"That's seniority. It means he's been with the company longer," advised Benny.
"Oh. Well, anyways he's way old, like he's going to be forty-seven in September I heard dad say."
"So what's this got to do with us having to go to the fucking company picnic on Labour Day?" asked Brent.
"Well, Dad said that the President is real big on family togetherness and that junk. He figures he might have a chance because he's a family man and the other guy is single. So he told Mom that it would really help if we made a good impression at the company picnic, you know, all that family togetherness crap like on Home Improvement and stuff, but he was afraid we might, you know, get into some sort of trouble or something."
"Us?" his three brothers asked incredulously.
"Yeah, well, you know how Dad worries so much."
"Yeah," they all agreed as they nodded as one.
"Well, we gotta go to the picnic to help Dad," observed Brett.
"Yeah, right on," the other three agreed as the four brothers high-fived.
"We'll find this president guy and tell him how great dad is and all that shit."
"And we'll find this Stewart guy and make him look bad."
"How we gonna do that?"
"We could make his drinks extra strong and get him drunk," suggested Brett.
"So drunk he pisses his pants," added Benny.
"In front of everyone," contributed Brent.
"Right on their expensive carpet," concluded Bobby.
"And then he gets so sick he pukes," suggested Benny.
"Right in the president's lap," Brett added to his brother's suggestion.
"Right on!" supported Benny.
"And we'll be like perfect angels," said Bobby.
"Yeah," his four brothers agreed.
"Hey, I almost forgot. I snitched some of Mom's smokes," Benny said, taking two cigarettes out from his ankle sock where he'd hidden them.
"Way cool," said his brothers, giving him the high-five as they headed for the back alley to light up.
That morning the boys scrubbed their fingernails until they were white and their fingertips were a rosy pink, and they spent an hour combing their hair so they'd "look good for Dad". The four had even washed behind their ears. They'd dressed in their finest, Gap khaki cargo shorts and dark-green nylon tank-tops for the two youngest boys who tended to wear the same styles and have the same interests, and matching black and white Adidas shorts and black and white Tommy Helfiger T-shirts for the twins.
Their September 6 ordeal was at least going to be lightened by the fact that the company president had a pool built since the previous company picnic, and the boys made sure their mom had packed their suits. Arriving promptly at nine o'clock that morning as was expected according to the company memo, Barry and Brenda Brewster had anticipated their boys would head straight to the pool but instead they mingled with the adults, stopping to chat with any man their Dad's age or older, and spending an especially long time talking to Mister Farnsworth, the company president. They nervously watched their four boys out of the corners of their eyes. They were good boys, better behaved and smarter and more responsible than the average boy in their opinion, but they somehow seemed to attract trouble.
Eventually the brothers met over at the coquette game which had been set up for the youngsters and adults alike.
"You don't have any balls," said a middle-aged woman with brightly rouged cheeks and wearing earings bigger than her ears and a triple chain of pearls that draped over the top of her boobs, clearly visible in her low-cut dress to which was pasted her name tag, Martha Grant.
"What did you say boo ah, ma'am?" asked Brett.
"You need balls."
The boys looked at each other with sparkling eyes and quivering lips. They began to turn red from holding in their breath.
"You can get them in that box over there. You should get different colours so you know whose ball is whose," she said helpfully.
Bobby spayed the lawn with spittle, unable to hold back his laughter.
"Good idea lady. If you're gonna hit someone's ball with your own you sure want to know whose ball it is," said Brent with a grin, causing his two younger brothers to sputter and tears to come to their eyes as they crumpled on the lawn, grabbing their stomachs as they chortled hysterically.
"You'll excuse us, but we gotta look after our kid brothers. We'll grab some balls later," said Brett, causing his two youngest brothers to chortle even more and his twin to snort as he tried to hold back his laughter.
"So, how'd everyone do?" asked Brett after they managed to stop giggling.
"I found two Bob's, a Bill and an Oscar," said Brent.
"And I talked to a Charles, two Harold's and an Alex," announced Benny.
"Two David's, a Frank, and an Emily," said Bobby.
"We're supposed to be looking for a Stewart. What are you doing talking to a woman?"
"Wasn't my fault. She spotted me and kept saying how cute I was and pinching my cheeks and wouldn't let me go. I can't help it if I'm so fucking cute."
The boys quickly glanced around worriedly. "Bobby!" warned Brett. "You know about swears."
"Sorry," he apologized, and then frowned. "It's freakin' stupid kids can't use swears."
"You've been impossible lately," Brent said, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, ever since Benny lost his tooth last month."
"That was awesome," Benny said with a wide grin, his new tooth having started to push through almost the next day, which his brothers had said was probably because of all the hickeys he'd given the tooth fairy the night Periwinkle had come for the old tooth.
"Guess you didn't find this Stewart either huh?" asked Bobby.
"No," replied Brett.
"So we gonna keep lookin'?"
"I'm hot."
"Me, too, sweltering."
"Maybe that Stewart guy didn't show up."
"That would be dumb."
"Yeah, if he wants to be VP."
"Maybe he thinks it is so sure he don't gotta be here."
"Well I wanna go for a swim."
"Yeah, me too. I'm tired of talking to a bunch of old geezers and staring at name tags."
"Martha Grant's name tag was worth staring at," observed Brent, sending the four brothers into gales of laughter again.
"Okay let's have a swim," Brett said, finally catching his breath. "We got plenty of time to check out more name tags and stuff later."
The boys quickly changed into their swim trunks, bright blue speedos for the twins which matched their eyes, black racing trunks for Benny, and a Space Wars print suit for Bobby, and hit the pool. It was going to be a hot day, the thermometer already hitting seventy-five degrees [24°C] and it was only ten in the morning. Almost every kid had opted for swimming over the games, and a lot of adults had too, most of them gathering along the edge in the section that was waist high where they stood drinking Margarita's and Bloody Mary's and exchanged office gossip or bragged about their recent holiday.
The four boys tried to be on their best behaviour, but having spent the last boring hour searching for their father's competition and being polite and careful not to use any words they weren't suppose to, they needed to let off some steam. They began a game of grab ass with each other, figuring that was innocent enough. They could always say they were just playing tag, an explanation that had usually served them well in the past. While chasing Brett, Benny reached out just as one of the company employee's stepped between them, a good-looking dude with dark brown, almost black hair who despite the few grey hairs about the temples looked to be about twenty-four years of age. Before he could stop, Benny found himself grabbing the ample but firm backside of a hirsute, five-foot-eleven [1.80 m], two-hundred-and-ten pound [95 kg] man.
"Oops," Benny said with a cute smile that he hoped was going to save him.
"Oops," the man said in return with a twinkle in his eyes as he grabbed the young boy's backside and gave it a playful squeeze.
Benny grinned and floated away on his back, then dove under the water and gave the man another grab, this one deliberate and firm. When the man responded by going after Benny with the definite intention of grabbing his butt, the other three boys joined in and the man found himself in the middle of a free-for-all with four young boys all after his ass. That was quite fine with him, and he smiled as he splashed around, trying to grab one cutie and then the other. This was a lot more fun than some boring talk about market shares and the competition's latest innovation in pet grooming supplies. As they messed around, the boys became more daring, switching grab ass for what they called "crotcha", a game of grabbing crotches and trying to give each other boners. They began as just "accidental" touches with the adult, but when he didn't object they gradually became more aggressive, a firmer touch, then a squeeze, and finally a rub.
At first the man thought the light touch to his privates was an accident, and then as it increased in frequency he thought maybe it was curiosity, but as the game progressed still further it became quite clear that the boys had switched the game of grab ass to grab something else. He was not sure just how he should respond to that. Several of his favourite jerkoff fantasies were about young, aggressive boys, and there were a couple of favourite authors of Mb stories at gay adult sites that he especially enjoyed reading, but this was not a fantasy. These four, hot young cuties were very real, with hot little asses and hot little hands.
Unable to resist the temptation, he began, like them, with a few tentative, almost accidental touches, and then firmer but gentle touches between the legs when they didn't object, and finally joining them in an all-out grab session. As he spun about, grabbing one tiny little set of privates and then the other, the boys stopped going for each other and ganged up on him. Gary found himself starting to become very horny as he felt four eager pairs of hands groping him under the water, and when a nice tight ass of one of the blonds pressed against his crotch he definitely began getting a woodie.
The boys were no fools. They knew that the man was enjoying this, and not just as an adult playing some risque tag with some kids. Not only were the boys no fools, they were no innocents either they'd been to chat rooms and had searched enough adult sites to know there were men who enjoyed sex with boys. To their delight, it was looking like they had found just such a man.
Motioning for his brothers to back off and follow him, Brett swam to the centre of the pool to have a hurried conversation. It had been Brett's ass that had pressed up against the guy's crotch, so he knew for a fact that the man was getting aroused, and he shared that information with his brothers. They quickly reached a consensus what the next step should be. Returning to the man, they herded him over to the shallow end of the pool where the little kids five and under were so they could talk.
"You're way cool," observed Brent.
"Yeah, you're a lot of fun," agreed Benny.
"Well, you boys are cool too."
"Actually, we're hot," said Brett suggestively.
"Yeah?" the man asked, his lips curling with a slight smile. The kid's long blond hair was plastered to his smooth, tanned chest which was beaded with droplets of water, adding to his natural sex appeal.
"Oh yeah," agreed his twin, running his hand along his speedo next to the very evident bulge.
The man's heart began to beat faster. This was like out of a fantastic dream. "Must be all that grabbing that was going on," the man joked, feeling awkward talking like that to a group of kids, but having gotten too aroused to stop quite yet.
"Yeah," said Bobby. "Bet you're really hung."
"Well," the man snorted in surprise at the youth's forwardness, "come back in a dozen years and you can find out." He looked at the little cutie staring up at him innocently. "Or in your case, maybe it will have to be two dozen years," he teased.
"Can't wait a dozen years, never mind two," said Bobby, rubbing his smooth, slender leg against the man's hairy one. "That's so cool feeling your hair rubbing my leg," he whispered as he looked up at him with a wide-eyed innocence and causing Gary's cock to throb.
"Too bad there isn't someplace private we could go," whispered one of the blonds. "Crotcha's a lot more fun in the nude."
"You know, what we were playing, grabbing each other's dick."
"You boys serious?"
Benny, his hazel eyes sparkling as he stepped in front of the man, backed up against him and slowly and seductively gyrated his hips. "Feels like you are," he said impishly as he tossed his head back and looked up at the man as he pressed his butt back harder.
"There some place you think we could go?" asked Brett, moving in close and whispering in his ear.
"To have some fun," finished Brent.
"We can be loads of fun," said the youngest of the boys, looking up at him with his big, innocent hazel eyes. "I'm Bobby by the way."
Each of the brothers introduced themselves.
"Gary," the man said. "And I think we could find a place private for a bit of fun."
"Cool," the four boys said as one.
Climbing out of the pool, they followed Gary, eyeing his butt and winking and nudging each other, their search for the forty-seven-year-old Stewart suddenly forgotten. Henry Farnsworth's home was a large mansion, inherited from his father, so the five had a number of places to choose from.
A mixture of conflicting thoughts ran through Gary's mind. He had come out to his family and closest friends and was very comfortable with his gay life style. He'd had some serious, long-term relationships, and some brief ones, but they had always been with adults. Even though many of his closest friends were younger than himself, and even though he'd had fantasies about young boys, he'd never done anything with boys as young as those accompanying him, and, in fact, had never even seriously considered it.
Now suddenly it seemed like his fantasy was about to become reality, at least the more innocent part of it. Like whenever he encountered anything new, Gary was finding the experience exciting and frightening at the same time. The exciting part was that the boys had come onto him, and were definitely hot and eager for some playing around. The frightening part was that he'd never done anything with anyone who wasn't an adult before. Not only was he apprehensive about messing around with boys so young, but they'd be expecting him to take the lead and he really didn't know how far he should go with this.
For starters he bypassed the row of bedrooms, feeling uncomfortable about taking two teens and two preteens into a bedroom. All they were going to do was fool around a bit, engage in a bit of innocent juvenile fun, but going into a bedroom seemed too adult, and certainly too sexual. Spotting what was once the family room when the family was younger and children were still around, and what was now evidently a display room for the pet supply company's many products, he ushered the boys inside and closed the door. His heart was speeding up and he felt like a kid about to stick his hand in the forbidden cookie jar.
"So, how's this?" he asked.
"Cool," the boys said as a group as they looked around.
Gary wasn't sure what to do first. Brent solved the problem for him. "So you like to play with boys, Gary?" asked the blond thirteen-year-old.
Gary was surprised at the boy's bluntness, but considering the earlier antics of the four boys, it was very much in keeping with his opinion of the little teases. He also realized there were two ways that question could be taken, sexual and nonsexual. "Yes," he replied, allowing the boys to take it which ever way they wanted.
"You like to play with men?" asked Brett, the right corner of his thin, sensuous lips curling and causing Gary's cock to throb with the sexual implications of the statement and the leer on the blond, thirteen-year-old's face.
Gary was not sure how to respond to that question. For one reason, he didn't flaunt his orientation, and as far as the company was concerned, old Farnsworth and the Board were old, conventional fogies, the traditional family structure and down home country values sorts of people. Besides that, the question was coming from a boy who was just starting his teen years in front of a couple of others who were definitely prepubescent. Those were all good reasons to say no, but on the other side of the coin, to say no would be lying, and he couldn't tolerate hypocrites. Besides, youth today was far more tolerant than adults, and far more knowledgeable. The best reason of all for saying yes was that these young boys had gotten him horny, and a positive answer was far more likely to get him to where he hoped they might head, to some adolescent messing around, albeit, he sadly anticipated, more innocent than in his fantasies.
"Yes," he finally said. He always figured himself to be a bit of a Peter Pan at heart.
"So you're gay like we thought," the blond said, glancing at the others with a twinkle in his turquoise eyes.
"In case you're wondering, we think that's cool," said the other blond.
"Yeah, we've played lots of games with gay guys," observed the youngest.
"And not so gay guys," added the boy with the spiked dark brown hair.
"So what sort of games did you boys have in mind that we might play?" he asked with a leer, keeping it safe but making it clear to the boys he wasn't talking about tiddlywinks.
The boys looked at each other. When none of them took the lead, they glanced about the cluttered room. Thinking the boys were having second thoughts about following through on what they had started, or were at least feeling uncomfortable, Gary wondered if maybe he should call it off. That would be a shame, the way he was feeling. What Gary didn't know about these four boys, was that the only reason for the delayed response was because they had such vivid imaginations they weren't sure just which idea to follow.
"Let's play puppy," suggested Benny.
"Yeah, that's cool. I've always wanted a dog to play with," said Brent, picking up a studded dog collar. "Come here puppy," he said, addressing their adult playmate.
Gary had been figuring on something a bit different than this, perhaps a bit more grab ass but without their swim suits on, maybe some show and tell, maybe to even go as far as "if I let you feel mine can I feel yours" type of stuff. Playing their puppy was certainly not what he'd had in mind. Still, it was better than the bull shit going on at the picnic. Gary smiled. For a few minutes there he had really let his mind get away, thinking that his wilder fantasies could ever become realities!
"Yeah," said Bobby, interrupting his thoughts. "I always wanted a cuddly puppy I could snuggle up with."
The impish look in the nine-year-old's eyes and the way he said that definitely did not mean cuddle in the normal sense of boy and dog. Gary's smile widened. Snuggling up to the cutie four foot something, sixty pound [27 kg] bundle in his swim suit was a more reasonable expectation, and not that bad a compromise.
"All right," he agreed, walking over to the blond with the dog collar.
"You got to go 'woof, woof', not all right," admonished Bobby seriously. "And you got to go on your hands and knees."
The kid did everything except roll his eyes and he sounded so serious Gary had to smile. Ah, to be so young and innocent where fantasies were realities and play acting was serious stuff.
"Woof, woof," he responded, dropping to his hands and knees.
Brent put on the dog collar, and Brett found a leash.
"Lets go for walkies," Brett said, and they paraded around the room. "Uh oh, there's a fire hydrant," he said, spotting one of the advertising props for pooper scoopers.
Gary hesitated, and then figured what the hell, go for it. He crawled over on hands and knees and raised his leg, much to the merriment of the boys. In fact they enjoyed it so much, he even made a hissing noise.
"We got to call our dog a name."
"Gary," suggested Bobby.
"Naw, that's not a dog name," replied Brent.
"He got no spots."
"Neeyah," came the response as the boys considered it and then shrugged.
"What then?"
"Tiger," suggested Benny.
"That's not a dog's name," objected Bobby.
"I always wanted to have a dog named Tiger."
"Yeah, right," laughed the others.
"Tiger," said Brett, looking at Gary. "Actually, that might be fun. Run Tiger, roll over Tiger, here's a bone for you Tiger."
All four glanced quickly at each other and giggled with the last comment. Gary smiled, both at the lewd innuendo, and at their innocence that they thought the comment would not be understood by an adult.
"All right, that's your new name, Tiger."
"One problem," said Brent
"What's that?"
"Dogs don't wear swim suits."
"Yeah, take if off Gary I mean Tiger."
"I don't think so boys," Gary said with a smile, teasing them, and more importantly, wanting to be sure that was what the boys really wanted. This game was beginning to have more possibilities than he had imagined.
"Ahhh, com'on. Just for fun," begged Brett.
"Yeah, com'on," urged the others.
"Only if you boys take yours off too."
"We're not dogs," replied Bobby, needing to have the fantasy follow rules of reality.
"Hey, we could be nudists," suggest Brent.
"Yeah, nudists on the beach playing with our dog."
"Sure," encouraged Gary, not realizing the Brewster brothers did not need any encouragement.
The four boys quickly pushed down their suits and chucked them in a corner, revealing their smooth, tight little buns and their tiny, soft pink privates, the two teens sporting a small, young brush of blond hairs. All four turned to their pet expectantly. Gary, being a bit of an exhibitionist at heart, was finding this quite erotic as he slowly, and he hoped seductively, slid down his trunks. He glanced over at the four boys as he stepped out of them. They were all staring appreciatively at his crotch, the youngest with wide-open eyes and the next oldest with a slack jaw. He knew he had an impressive looking cock, and he enjoyed the look on the boys' faces. If only there could be some way he could let them see it standing tall and proud in all its glory.
"There, that's better," said Brent.
Benny picked up a soft rubber ball. "Here Tiger, go fetch the ball."
Gary dropped to his hands and knees and scampered after it obediently, his freed genitals bouncing between his legs, much to the boys' merriment.
"Good boy," Brent said, patting Gary on the head as he scampered back with the ball in his mouth.
"Hey, pose everyone."
They turned as Bobby skipped over to them, and a second later there was a flash. As he skipped back to the camera on the tripod, it whirred and the film came out the front. "What the shit," Bobby said worriedly.
"Fuck, I think you broke it," said Benny as the three boys joined their brother.
"That's a Polaroid," explained Gary.
"A what oid?" asked Bobby.
Gary explained the operation of the now infrequently seen camera to the boys. As he talked, the film developed and the boys gathered around to look at it. They giggled at the sight of the four of them standing there nude with Gary crouched in the middle of them with the red rubber ball in his mouth. Gary made a note that he had to be sure he got a hold of that picture before they left. There were men who would pay good money for the pic of the four naked boys, and even more who would pay for a pic of four boys and a man in a dog collar with a red ball in his mouth. He would of course have to digitize the pic to disguise the good-looking, dark-haired puppy.
One of the boys tossed the ball and he scampered after it again. The boys took turns throwing the ball, fortunately growing tired of that game quickly. Gary kept in good shape, working out in the gym to maintain his thirty-eight inch [97 cm] waist, and swimming whenever he had the time, but scampering around on hands and knees was not the usual type of exercise he was use to. Well, there was one exercise that involved being on his hands and knees
"Here, Tiger, here's a treat for being so good." Brent took a dog biscuit out of the box he had found and held it out for their puppy.
Gary laughed. "I don't think so," he chuckled.
"Dogs ain't supposed to talk," reminded Bobby with a bit of irritation in his voice.
"Woof, woof," said Gary, shaking his head in the negative.
"Yes," said Brent, shaking his head in the affirmative.
"Woof, woof," said Gary insistently, shaking his head no again.
"You eat the biscuit, or we'll quit playing now," Benny threatened.
Gary had to smile at the typical eleven-year-old response if you don't play my way I'll take my ball and go home. This was fun in a way, romping around naked with the four boys, but it really wasn't that much fun that he would eat a dog biscuit in order to continue. Now, if they'd gone a bit further, had a bit of touchie feelie, that could be different.
"You'd like to have more fun, wouldn't you?" Brent asked seductively as if having read Gary's mind. Gary definitely did want to have some more fun. "Some real good fun," he said, running his hand along his thigh and past his slender, uncut two-inch [5 cm] penis.
Gary looked at the limp little tool totally encased in foreskin, and at the hairless sack hanging below it. What the hell, the company made the biscuits and they were full of healthy, nutritious ingredients. For a crack at the other treat the boy was suggesting he might have in the offering, a biscuit was nothing. He took the biscuit in his mouth and began to chew. It really did not taste that bad if you forgot what it was.
"So what else can we do with our puppy?" Brent asked his brothers.
"Let's make him beg."
"Okay, Tiger. Sit up and beg to sniff my pit," Brent said.
The boys giggled and Gary smiled. Not exactly the typical command you would give a dog, but then he was not a typical dog, and these were not typical dog owners. He got up on his knees, and putting his hands in front of him at chest level, he panted and barked. Brent readily moved over and let him sniff his pit. Having just been in the pool it smelled of chlorine. It was also silky smooth and hairless, causing Gary's cock to twitch. As Gary snuggled in closer to the smooth-skinned boy, Brent reached up and placed his hands on Gary's ribs for support, causing him to tremble.
"You ticklish Tiger?"
Gary considered lying, but decided in this case honesty would pay greater dividends. With the answer he had for them, the boys would definitely want to tickle him, and a good tickle would be fine with these young boys. It would give him the opportunity to cop a few feels, and he could teach the boys a few things about the finer points of a good tickle besides.
"Yes," he admitted, "especially my pits."
"Time to pet our new puppy," Brent announced gleefully as Gary had expected.
The boys immediately pounced, knocking him on his back, and before he could react he found himself being tickled by four pairs of eager hands. One pair of fingers worked on his right pit, and another pair on his left. Someone was tickling his ribs, their fingers skipping over his skin with a feather light touch. The fourth was running circles in his belly button with an index finger. As he began to chuckle, he grabbed at the boys, trying to push them away. Had it been only one, or maybe even two, he might have succeeded. With four it was impossible. While he tried to push away one set of hands, the other three were tickling him relentlessly. As the four pairs of fingers skipped here and there over his body, he snorted and chortled and as they persisted it was not long before he was howling as his body twitched uncontrollably. The harder he laughed, the more aggressively the boys tickled.
Throughout it all, he did manage to have a few choice gropes. He could not be sure which boy he was feeling at any given time, but in his desperation to get them off him he grabbed whomever and whatever was convenient, which meant their smooth hairless chests of boy fat, their tight firm buns, and their silky smooth crotches. He also managed to get in some tickling himself. Finally the five collapsed on the carpeted floor.
"You happy Tiger?"
Gary nodded his head, sticking out his tongue and panting. The panting part was not an act.
"Happy dogs wag their tail."
Gary shook his butt, causing the five-inch [12½ cm], semierect tail between his legs to shake and the boys to laugh.
"Chase your tail."
Gary began to make circles chasing his butt.
"No, not your butt. Try to bite your tail," Bobby said, making a grab for his genitals and succeeding. The touch of the boy's hot hand made it swell a bit further.
Gary felt foolish but he tried to bite it.
"I think our pup needs a reward."
"Another doggie biscuit?"
"No, a bone."
"I think I seen one of those leather ones on the shelves over against that wall," said Benny, nodding to his left.
"I wasn't thinking of a leather one," Brent said as he walked up to Gary. "Here Tiger, chew on this and you'll find a bone in no time."
The boys laughed and Gary smiled to himself. Figuring the kids probably thought he'd back out, he was about to give them the surprise of their life. This was even better than the let me feel yours and you can feel mine game he'd hoped for. Before Brent could draw away, Gary slipped his lips over the boy's little two inch [5 cm] rubbery tool. The boys hooted. As Gary clamped his lips about the boy's soft cock and began to suck, he fully expected the boy to draw away. To his surprise, and delight, the thirteen-year-old stood his ground, and as he sucked on his boycock, it began to harden until the boy had a woodie. It extended right to the back of his mouth, so it had to be over four inches [10 cm] long.
His nose buried in the teen's soft, curly public hairs, Gary inhaled deeply and was rewarded with the fragrance of a young boy. He ran his tongue over the boy's foreskin encased knob and the boy shuddered. Slipping his lips to the tip of the stiff little cock, Gary pushed the foreskin back with his mouth, revealing the boy's reddish, blood-engorged head. He ran his tongue over it and was rewarded by a droplet of fresh boy pre-cum. He readily licked up the treat, amazed at how sweet a boy's pre-cum could be, and the boy immediately produced another droplet.
Slipping his mouth over the knob, Gary sucked gently on it, and then began to work his mouth up and down the shaft. This was wilder than he'd ever imagined in his fantasies. He had popped a woodie himself and knew the boys could see, but he did not care. All he cared about was that he bring this sweet, blond teenager to a climax. Being young, Brent held back far longer than Gary thought humanly possible, and he was about to conclude the boy could not yet produce semen when the thirteen-year-old grasped his shoulders and his little boy cock throbbed forcefully between his lips. A second later his semen gushed out, the first squirt spurting right down Gary's throat and the next striking the back of his tongue. It was slightly salty, slightly sweet, and very copious. It filled his mouth and he had to swallow to accommodate it all. As the boy quivered and gasped with his orgasm, Gary gasped and quivered too.
"Oh yeah," Brent said as he finally drew back, slipping his cock out of Gary's still eagerly sucking mouth. "Good doggy. Fucking hot good doggy."
It was only then that Gary realized the significance of what he'd done.
He'd just brought off a thirteen-year-old boy, and he'd done it in front of his three brothers none the less. What was the boy thinking about what he'd done to him? What were his three brothers thinking? How were they all feeling about this?
"Hey Tiger, come fetch the ball."
Gary looked at Benny. That was hardly what he had expected to be the response.
"This ball," the boy said with a leer, pointing between his legs.
Gary smiled with relief as he shuffled over and gently took the boy's silky-smooth, hairless balls between his lips. He should have known the boys would be all right with what had happened. They were young and horny, and not yet corrupted by society's values. He sucked both little orbs into his mouth and then gently sucked on them. As he did so he felt the eleven-year-old's little boy cock rising along his nose until it was stiffly jutting up in the air before his eyes.
"Mmm, a nice doggy butt to fuck," said Bobby behind him and he felt the boy's small, hot hands stroking his backside.
The nine-year-old's vulgarity was a major turn on and Gary's cock wagged in excitement. Benny backed off and then stepped forward as he pushed down on the base of his cock so it stuck out at a right angle to his body. As he touched the tip against Gary's lips, Gary opened his mouth and the boy slipped it in. At the same time he felt the slender body of the naked nine-year-old pressing against his backside and then as the boy raised up, a hot, hard little poker poking at his butthole. Gary figured he must have hit his head back at the pool and knocked himself out. There was no way this was actually happening! Kids this young only did this sort of thing in fantasies, not in real life!
The slender little boycock in his mouth and the smooth, hairless pubes his nose was pressed against seemed very real. The finger-thin, three-inch [7½ cm] boycock easily slipping into his hole also seemed very real. So did the two naked boys he could see out of the corners of his eyes watching him and their two brothers. The most real of all was the first drop of pre-cum that was oozing out of his cockslit. As the nine-year-old boy behind him grasped his hips in his hot little hands for support as he worked his little boycock in and out of his asshole, Gary trembled with the unique delight. This was fucking real!
As he sucked the boy man-fucker's older brother, the youngest of the four boys slipped his boycock in and out of his asshole with a steady, rhythmic motion with an expertise way beyond his years. Gary could not believe this. There he was, a grown man, sucking the cock of one prepubescent boy while his kid brother fucked him. That was so fucking hot!
His stiff cock oozed out a drop of pre-cum. The boys were both randy as hell also, and it was not long before Benny grabbed his puppy's head with both hands to support his weak legs as he trembled and sighed with his dry orgasm. At almost the same time Bobby grabbed the broad, hairy ass he was pumping and began to tremble with his own orgasm. Gary's cock jerked and ached for relief also, causing the tip to drip pre-cum on the carpet.
When the two boys finally eased their cocks out of his body and backed away, Gary wasn't given a moment to recover. Brett walked over to him, stiff cocklet in his hand. "Here, Tiger, come chew on my bone."
Gary eagerly sucked and slurped on the last brother's cock until it was dripping with spittle, hoping that when he finished bringing the boy off he'd be able to achieve the same goal. He wondered which of them he could get to jerk him off. To have one of them suck him off was of course the ultimate dream, but he would never expect one of them to go that far.
To Gary's surprise, Brett suddenly withdrew his cock. His perplexity was short lived. Brett quickly stepped around behind him and pressed his spit-slick cock head against Gary's hairy butt. The boy's cock was identical to his twin's, slender and somewhere between four and five inches [12½ cm] long. He and Gary being horny, the spittle was sufficient lubricant for him to penetrate the hole that his youngest brother's cock had prepared for him. He grasped Gary's hips and began to thrust his hips to and fro as if this was something he did routinely, and which Gary would have been surprised to find out was nothing new to him. It was not long before the slim teen was grasping the man's broad beam and gasping with ecstasy as he filled his butt with a load of thick boycream.
"Okay, play dead," said Benny.
Gary lay on his back and put his arms and legs in the air, welcoming the chance to catch his breath. Benny sat beside him and put his hand on his hairy chest and began to pet him. The hand moved on down over his stomach and twirled the thick hairs covering most of his stomach. Getting up, he threw one leg over the dead dog and sat on his hairy stomach facing the dog's outspread hind legs. Wiggling his bare butt, he giggled with the feeling of the coarse hairs on his bum. Brent and Brett came over and spread apart the dog's legs and raised them further in the air, exposing his balls and his asshole. Benny's hands continued on to Gary's pubic hairs. Gary inhaled sharply, wondering if the boy would go farther. To his immense delight the boy did. Firmly grasping Gary's cock, he aimed it toward his bellybutton and began to tug on it.
"He's dead all right," said Brent.
"Let's be sure," said Bobby as he stepped up to Gary and looked down at him with an impish grin.
Walking around to their victim's outspread legs, he sat down cross-legged as boys his age can do with ease. Gary felt the boy's hot little palm cup his ball sac, and then the fingers of his other hand gently touch his sensitive orbs.
"Hhhhunh," Gary shuddered as he twisted his hips.
"Nope, not dead," said Bobby fiendishly.
"Hhhunnahaha," replied the dead dog.
"Ticklish there Tiger?"
Gary nodded rapidly and immediately realized that was a mistake. Bobby's delicate little fingers skipped over his ball sac, causing Gary to squirm and chuckle uncontrollably. As he tickled, the boy's middle finger slipped down below the dog's balls to the cord between his sac and his asshole. Gary jerked his legs, almost pulling them out of the twin's grasp, and his now erect cock pulsed in Benny's hand.
"Whoa!" exclaimed Benny. "Do whatever you just did again, Bobby."
Bobby did with the same response.
"Freaking shit, you got to feel this fucker's cock throb when you do that!"
Brent, Brett, and Bobby each took a turn wrapping their fingers about the four inch [10 cm] circumference of Gary's seven-and-a-half inch [19 cm] long cock while one of them fingered the helpless puppy between his balls and his asshole.
"Fucking hot!" announced Bobby as he took his place back again.
"Yeah, totally!" agreed his brothers.
"Boys," gasped Gary, "I got to wahahha," he began as Bobby struck that sensitive spot again. "I gotta wahahaha," he repeated as Bobby struck again. "I'm gonna cum any second."
Benny and Bobby immediately removed their hands. Gary was definitely disappointed, especially after having made the four boys come, but he realized he was pushing it too far to expect the boys to do the same to him. He lay back, realizing he'd already done far more than he'd ever expected from this little game, and enjoyed the gradual subsiding of his desire.
He had almost started to go limp when Benny's hand reached down and began to stroke him again. At the same time his younger brother began to tickle Gary's balls. Once again the hapless victim squirmed with the painful pleasure pulsing through his cock and with the equally painful pleasure of having his ball sac tickled and the spot between his balls and asshole suddenly and unpredictably assaulted. This time as he approached his climax he decided not to let the boys know. To his amazement, the boys stopped on their own.
"You wanna shoot a load of doggy cum, Tiger?" asked one of the blonds.
"Please. I've been good. I've done everything you boys wanted. Let me come." Gary didn't care if he had to beg. He had to get off a load.
Benny and Bobby resumed their messing around with his privates a third time. It did not take long for Gary to feel the peak approaching.
"Think we should stop again?" asked Benny with an impish grin.
"No! Oh fuck no! Please boys."
"I think we should," said Bobby as he slipped his finger down to Gary's sensitive cord below his balls, causing his cock to pulse violently and his body to jerk like he'd been struck by lightning. The nine-year-old giggled.
"Oh fuck, oh shit, boys, don't stop, oh please," Gary begged desperately as he felt his cock go numb.
A second later he blasted, ropes of his creamy white cum erupting from his hot, throbbing cock still being held tightly by Benny. It stuck the eleven-year-old in the chest and in the stomach, juicy man cum running down over his naked pubes and over his erect little cocklet and his tiny hairless balls. Hot squirt after hot squirt shot from the irritated shaft in an ejaculation like Gary had not experienced in years.
It was several minutes before Benny got up, chest, stomach and right hand sticky with Gary's fresh, creamy cum. Gary glanced up at him, flushed and glowing and feeling a mixture of blissful relief that follows ejaculation and guilt having sprayed the eleven-year-old boy. He was about to apologize when Benny raised his hand and began to lick it off. His three brothers suddenly attacked, like kittens after cream. Brent eagerly stuck out his tongue and licked off a thick gob of cum from his brother's chest while Brett sucked up a glob from his flat stomach. Bobby knelt before him and began to lick his little balls and stiff cock clean. Even though he'd just shot a load off, watching the four hot hellions licking off their brother and savouring his cum caused Gary's now limp cock to begin swelling again.
"That was a neat trick, Tiger," said Benny with a wide smile, his body having been licked clean.
"Yeah, he's a real smart dog. We should have a dog show and show him off," said Brett.
"Let's! Let's do that. We'll see how many tricks he can do, and for each trick, he gets a special bone. You like that Tiger?" asked Brent.
Gary nodded his head eagerly. Another round with these hot young boys was beyond his wildest hopes.
"Way cool," said Bobby.
"You go lay down in your doghouse while we guys set things up," said Brent, motioning to the large doghouse designed for a Saint Bernard.
Gary crawled over to the doghouse and wondered what games the boys were going to think up. The thought of those four hot little boners in his body again was so hot that even though he normally needed an hour or more to recover, he found himself with a throbbing erection again. Who would have thought the day would have turned out like this!
"Hey, its twelve-thirty!" said Brett suddenly.
"Wow, no wonder I've been feeling hungry," said Brent.
"Hey, Tiger," said Benny, looking into the doghouse. "You be a good dog, and we'll have some more fun as soon as we have something to eat."
Hooking the dog chain on the dog house to his collar, the boys quickly put on their swim suits and left. Gary lay there for a while, still recovering from his experience, and then decided he'd better go have something to eat too. He'd need some energy to keep up with the four young boys that afternoon, and besides, he had better make an appearance with the adults for a while. Sucking up to one's superiors and lording it over one's subordinates was what company picnics were all about. Besides, there was the third VP position open, and everyone knew he was one of the lead contenders. A little sucking up to the President and the Chairman of the Board would ensure that he moved into first place. Crawling out of the doghouse and unhooking the chain, he looked around for his swim suit. Everything had been so unexpected, he had a difficult time remembering just where he and the boys had gotten naked. Half an hour later not only had he been unable to find it, but he'd been unable to find anything he could use in its place.
Not having much of a choice, he hooked the chain back on and crawled back into the doghouse. As he waited for the boys to return, he pictured each of them. Fuck, they were all so hot looking, from dark-haired little Bobby to the sexy blond twins! The minutes ticked by. He wondered what was taking the boys so long. It didn't matter. He needed the rest, and he considered himself lucky to have connected with them even if they'd decided not to do anything further. He gave a silent prayer of thanks to whoever it was that was responsible for his good fortune. Some time later he finally heard the door to the room open and a few minutes later Brent's voice.
"And now, for your afternoon entertainment, Wecare Pet Supplies Limited presents the amazing trained puppy, Tiger."
Gary came scrambling out the doghouse and suddenly stopped. There sitting on the floor were a dozen or more kids, most in their swimsuits, the rest in their picnic clothes. Totally mortified, Gary quickly turned and scooted back into the dog house.
Brent called. "Here Tiger. Tiger! Here boy! Com'on boy, we got some nice treats for you! Here boy." He went over to the doghouse and squatted down. "Com'on out."
"What do you think you're doing?" whispered Gary.
"Having a dog show. Com'on out."
"Forget it!"
"What's wrong? We were having fun before lunch, weren't we?"
"We were, yes. That was one thing with you boys, but in front of all those kids, that's a lot different."
"You boys wanted to mess around. And we did things together. Besides some of those boys out there are way too little, like six years old. And there's older boys too, fifteen at least. And there's lots of them!"
"Don't worry. None of them will tell. They promised."
"It's not just that," Gary told him. "Send them back."
"You remember that Polaroid pic?"
"Of course."
"Well, unless you come out, I'm going to leave it by the buffet table where everyone can see it."
"You wouldn't."
"Oh yeah?" the thirteen-year-old said with a grin, and Gary knew that the boy was serious.
Gary considered the threat. He was being blackmail by a mere kid. He was not in the habit of being blackmailed by anyone, let a lone a boy barely into his teens. Of course that was the problem. To the kid leaving the picture at the buffet table would be a lark, even though he was in it himself. At thirteen he couldn't see the ramifications of such an act. At least Gary didn't think he could. He thought quickly. In his job he was used to making on-the-spot decisions.
"Only one problem with that," Gary finally said with a smile.
"Yeah?" said Brent.
"You boys are in the pic too," Gary said, his grin growing wider. "Don't think you want your mom and dad to see it, and I'm sure your dad wouldn't want the other employees in the company to see his boys in the buff." The kids were so simple, but then they were just kids. There was no way they could show the picture to anyone now that he'd pointed out the ramifications.
"Hey, we're just kids. They'd understand. But I don't know about the dirty old pervert in the picture," said Brent with a wicked grin.
Gary began to open his mouth to reply, and then thought better of it. There was a danger pursing that comment. He didn't want the boys getting the idea that what they were doing was something illegal or anything, or then they'd really blackmail him. Nor did he want them getting the idea that what they were doing was sick or anything like that. It was pure, innocent fun, nothing more. The last thing he wanted was for them to be corrupted into thinking a bit of messing around between generations was wrong like many of his generation had been taught. Quickly considering his options, Gary inhaled deeply and came out. He looked everywhere but at the boys sitting on the floor. He could hear them twitter. It sounded loud enough to be heard all the way to the pool.
"Now, Tiger, fetch."
Bobby tossed the stick and he scampered after it and returned with it in his mouth. He happily ate the dog biscuit Bobby offered.
"Woof, woof," he said, nodding his head.
"Then go have a drink and come back here."
He scampered over to the bowl and took and big slurp. He was dry. To his surprise they'd somehow managed to fill the dog dish with beer. Well, at least that was one reward, he thought as he lapped from the bowl like a dog. Unable to get enough, he stuck his face in and sucked. Draining it, he returned to Bobby, his cheeks and chin dripping with beer.
"Now, beg for the nice bone," Bobby said, and Gary's heart skipped a beat as he desperately tried to think how he could explain that doing it together like they'd done in the morning was all right, but doing it before a dozen young boys sitting on the floor and watching was a far different matter. To his surprise, and relief, Bobby produced a leather bone he'd been holding behind his back and held it above his head. Gary sat on his haunches and barked as he held his hands in front of his chest. Receiving the bone he sat and chewed on it while the audience clapped politely.
"Now for something harder," announced Brett. "Tiger will climb to the top of the ladder, stand on his hand legs on top and howl, and then turn around and come down the other side."
Gary began to climb the ladder, fully aware that when he stood on his knees at the top he would be fully exposed to every kid in the room. Still, the tricks were innocent, and if he played along the boys would soon tire and he'd be out of this jam, and with that damn Polaroid in his pocket. Even though it was innocent, as he knelt on the top of the ladder, he was acutely aware of sixteen pairs of eyes fixed on his most private parts and he wished he could just crawl back in his dog house and pull the door shut. Exposing himself to the group of boys was the most humiliating thing that had ever happened to him. Brett gave him a dog biscuit.
"Now chase your tail," Bobby said, smiling impishly at him. "You know which one I mean," the nine-year-old added as Gary hesitated, and the boys all twittered. Gary's face began to turn red. Bobby whispered "Polaroid". Taking a deep breath, Gary began to run in circles chasing his dick, to the very definite amusement of the audience.
"Who has seen puppies when they first meet in the park or the street or wherever?" asked Benny. Several of the boys, especially the little ones, raised their hands.
"What is the first thing they do?" The youngest looked at each other with perplexed expressions and a couple of the oldest boys glanced at each other and smirked. Nobody responded. "They sniff each other's a-hole," Benny announced.
"Oh yeah, I seen dogs do that in the park," said one youngster around six years old.
"Come here."
The boy came over.
"Get on your hands and knees."
The boy did. Benny whispered something in his ear and the boy giggled.
Benny said something again and the boy pushed down his swimsuit.
"Here Tiger. Here is a nice young pup. Come sniff his a-hole."
Gary balked, and then shuffled over, knowing he had no choice. All right, exposing himself was the second most embarrassing thing he'd done in his life
3; The boy's butt smelled of musk and was actually not that unpleasant. In fact the odour of the musky six-year-old's asshole combined with sniffing the young boy in front of the audience of twittering, snickering boys caused Gary's cock to begin swelling. Having gone that far, Gary figured he might as well go all the way. The boy giggled as Gary bushed his nose between the boy's cheeks and took a good whiff. It helped make up for his embarrassment.
"Anyone else want their a-holes sniffed?"
Two boys, a ten-year-old and a fourteen, stood up at the same time. The ten-year-old pushed down his shorts and briefs and got to his knees. Gary dutifully crawled over and sniffed the boy's butt while the fourteen-year-old stepped out of his swimsuit.
"Dogs sometimes sniff between each other's legs too," he suggested as Gary shuffled over to him. That Gary was quite willing to do. Hell, if they were going to humiliate him like this, at least he could check out the young cock. The boy smelled of swimming pool chlorine, but he had a nice set of knockers and a nice looking dick for his age. Having broken the ice, those two were followed by two more boys, another youngster around six and a fifteen-year-old urged on by his buddy.
"Now Tiger, for being such a good dog, we're going to give you a nice bone," Brent said as he stepped forward. He'd removed his swim suit and had an ear-to-ear leer.
"No, not this," Gary whispered as the thirteen-year-old stepped up to him and held up his dick.
Several of the boys in the audience twittered, and one of the older hooted and clapped. "No way," one of the older boys whispered.
Gary felt exactly the same way. "Please," he said, not knowing which of the twins was standing before him.
"Polaroid," Brent whispered.
"No, please, in private I'll do anything you and your brothers want, just the five of us, but not here in front of everyone."
"Looks like Tiger wants to beg. Com'on then, on your knees and beg for this nice bone," he said with an evil grin, shaking his dick. "Or else you know what," he whispered, the audience shuffling and murmuring too loudly to overhear him.
Gary could tell from the defiant look on the boy's face that he meant it. He got on his knees and barked, his heart sinking with total embarrassment. Exposing himself dropped down to third place.
"Fuck, the guy's gonna do it," one of the older boys said in more than a whisper.
"Gotta be some sortta fag or somethin'," another commented.
Brent stepped forward and Gary got on his hands and knees and took the boy's limp cock in his mouth. As he began to suck he knew every eye in the room was on him.
This was total humiliation, a thirteen-year-old boy making a grown man suck him off in front of a group of other boys. The teenager was already partially aroused and it did not take him long to get stiff. As the boy backed away, Gary thought that was it and sighed with relief, thankful the boy did not want to go all the way. The blond boy smiled at the audience and bounced his stiffie with his index finger with a proud grin.
"Okay Tiger, for being a super good dog, you're going to get a real treat, cuz there is something special inside this bone, and you're about to get it."
He grinned over at the watching boys as he stepped back up to Gary, and a few of the older boys grinned back and exchanged knowing looks with their buddies. Gary could do nothing other than open his mouth. He sucked and licked the hot, stiff boybone eagerly, figuring the faster he brought the kid off the sooner this would be over. Performing in front of an audience really turned on the young budding exhibitionist, and barely a minute later he was grunting and panting as he emptied his balls in Gary's mouth. As Gary swallowed the boy cream his semierect cock quickly stiffened the rest of the way out. As Brent withdrew, he squeezed his cock, causing a last drop of pearly white to form at the tip. Several of the boys watching shifted uncomfortably as the woodies they'd popped pushed out their swim suits and shorts uncomfortably.
"Good doggie, Tiger," he said, patting him on the head. "Who's next?" he asked, looking at his brothers.
"Me," said Benny as he stepped forward, like his brothers having removed his swim suit. "I'm going to show you how you can make our puppy sing. Lay on your back and hold up your front paws, Tiger."
Gary did so, and Benny circled him, building up the anticipation, and then he sat on Gary's chest and began to tickle his pits. He was soon howling with laughter. If that wasn't bad enough, the beer he'd consumed that morning combined with the tickling had the expected result. When Benny paused, he desperately whispered his need to Benny.
"Okay, got to take Puppy for walkies before he gets his treat." Taking the leash, he lead Gary around the room until they stopped at the fire hydrant.
"No, please."
"Go, or we go back and tickle you till you piss all over yourself," Benny said with a wide grin.
Gary raised his leg, and after a moment of bashfulness, his bladder overcame his mind. The boys hooted as he pissed on the carpet and turned as red as the fire hydrant.
"Now, for being such a good doggy and going outside, here is another bone for you," said Benny.
Watching Gary pissing on the hydrant had gotten the eleven-year-old boy erect. Gary sat dutifully and began to suck on the three-inch [7½ cm] bone, again tonguing the bulge in an effort to bring this to as fast a conclusion as he could. Even so, it seemed like forever before the boy began to quiver with his dry orgasm. As Benny stepped away, Gary noticed a few of the boys were fiddling with themselves.
"Now who?" asked Benny.
"Me," called out Bobby.
"Roll over and play dead."
Gary's heart sank. Oh shit no, not that.
"Tiger," Bobby said more firmly. "Roll over and play dead, boy."
Gary rolled over on his back and assumed the position.
"Now, as you can see, our puppy plays dead real good," said Bobby, running his hand over his chest and playing with his hair. "He stays dead until we tell him otherwise." The hand made its way to his belly. Bobby gave the audience a half-quizzical and a half-comic look and they all laughed and urged him to do it. Gary felt the boy's hand on his nuts, gently caressing them. He could not help squirming as his cock quickly stiffened. Bobby began to pump the seven-and-a-half inch [19 cm] long tube with one hand while he played with Gary's balls with the other. Of course he occasionally slipped his middle finger down between his poor victim's balls and asshole, an area some call the taint (it taint the balls and it taint the asshole). Gary squirmed and yelped uncontrollably whenever that sensitive spot was touched. Between been masturbated in front of a group of boys and Bobby's playing with his balls and taint, it did not take him long to cum. Bobby aimed his throbbing cock straight up and he was soon spurting all over his crotch like a miniature fountain. By this time the older boys who had not stripped had very definite wet spots in their swimsuits or their underwear. The rest were trying to hide their dripping bones.
"Okay Brett."
"For my trick, Tiger will show you how well he can obey." Taking the leash, he began by telling Gary to walk and then had him do a series of commands, shake a paw, roll over, sit up, lay down, and somersault, the latter not being that easy.
"Now, for my reward, something very special," he said with a grin. "Besides sniffing each other, what else has everyone seen puppies do in the park when a boy and girl puppy meet?" asked Brett.
"Make little puppies," came a chorus of several young voices, followed by giggles.
"Well, Tiger doesn't like girl puppies, just boy puppies," said Brett with a grin. "And he especially likes to be screwed. Would you like to be screwed, Tiger?"
"No way," Gary whispered.
"Com'on. I know you'd like to have me make puppies with you Tiger," said Brett. "Let's see you beg."
"Forget it," whispered Gary. "Now that's going too far."
"Bobby, show everyone the pic of us getting our new puppy," said Brett.
"The one we're going to show everyone later tonight."
"All right, all right." Gary got up on his knees. Exposing himself now seemed so trivial.
"You probably noticed something else special about our puppy. If you talk to him in a certain way he can talk. Let's hear you ask me to doggy fuck your bumhole, Tiger."
"I'd like you to doggy fuck my bumhole," the obedient puppy said softly, amazed at how the young boys had gained such control over him.
"That wasn't very good. I think he should do it again, don't you?"
The boys cheered.
"Please fuck my bumhole."
"Again, like you really mean it."
Gary asked, like he really meant it. He had to get this over with. Every time he figured what these little hellions were making him do was the most humiliating thing they could possibly dream of, they'd come up with something even worse.
Brett readily stepped behind him and with a bit of spittle, easily inserted his four inch [10 cm] cock up his butt and began fucking his ass. Watching the others had gotten the teenager hot, and mercifully for Gary, it was only a matter of minutes before he was filling Gary's rectum with his cum. As Gary felt the boy ease out of him, he sat on his haunches and stared at the carpet. He could not believe this. He had thought he and the boys would engage in some innocent fun, and at the most he might show them a few adult secrets. What they'd done to him over the past five hours was far from innocent, and there wasn't a secret that he knew that they didn't.
"That was great, Tiger. But we got to go for a while," said Brent.
"Yeah, we got to go find a man."
"But I think there's some others here who'd like to play with you."
"Yeah I think, so. What do you guys say?"
"Oh yeah," came the chorus.
"That's good. Tiger loves to play with boys, and he'll do whatever you ask," Brett said with a smile.
As a horde of horny, young boys surrounded Gary, he was too occupied to see the boys slip on their swim suits and slip out of the room. The boys surrounding the bewildered and harassed puppy were similarly too involved to notice Benny turn on the cam recorder on the tripod in the corner on his way out.
Returning to the picnic, the boys found that a number of other adults had joined the party since they had left and they resumed their mingling in their search for their dad's opposition. Their search was unsuccessful. By this time it was five in the afternoon and sweltering hot. The boys decided a dip in the pool was in order, and it was practically all to themselves. The boys, of course, were being entertained inside the house, the girls had had enough and were laying on the grass in the shade, and the adults were congregating around the bar. Another hour passed and those not drinking began to help themselves to the buffet table.
"Say, where are all the boys?" one of the fathers suddenly asked, and the adults realized that every boy, with the exception of the Brewster brothers, was missing.
"Boys, do you know where the others are?" Barry Brewster asked suspiciously. It was not like his sons not to be with the crowd. In fact it was more often than not his sons who were leading the crowd.
"Ah, ummm, ah, yeah," said Bobby, the one who usually thought on his feet the fastest. "They went to watch television."
"Now, isn't that just like kids," someone said. "Wonderful weather and all these fun things planned just for them, and they go in the house and coop up in front of a television set."
"They probably found my seventy-two-inch [183 cm] projection screen," the host said with a smile.
"Well, they shouldn't have gone wandering in your house, Mr. Farnsworth," said one of the men in a voice that was clearly sucking up. "I'll go chase them back out here."
"Ah, whoa, ah, I'll go," said Benny and Brett together.
"No, you are the only boys who didn't go to watch TV," said Mr. Farnsworth, clearly impressed. "I think that sort of behaviour should be rewarded. You go help yourself to the hamburgers, and take first choice of the types of chips and pop you want."
They had done good for their dad without even trying, and were being rewarded themselves, which was fantastic, but there was also a very major and immediate problem. The boys glanced at each other.
"That's right," someone said, someone with a voice of authority. "Jay, you go fetch the boys."
Fetch brought a tingle to each of the brother's necks as they looked over at the speaker. He was an old man, around sixty-five, with white hair and a huge moustache. He was wearing a very expensive silk shirt and dress pants, and was very important looking, like some earl or something from the previous century. With him was a boy of seventeen, a slim boy of around a hundred and forty pounds [65 kg] and standing at five-foot-eight [1.72 m]. He was a total contrast to the adult, the teenager having his jet black hair spiked and dyed green on top, a handcuff-shaped earing in his right ear, a tiny emerald nose stud, silver rings in the outer corner of both eyebrows, two pairs of silver studs at the bridge of his nose, and a silver lip ring. He began heading for the door.
"Ah, well, ah, I'll show you the way," said Bobby.
"You have very helpful boys, Brewster," said Mr. Farnsworth.
"Ah, well, yes," he said, flustered, pleased and a bit surprised.
"That won't be necessary," the teenager said. "I think I can find the room."
"I wanna," persisted Bobby. "Those are way cool rings. I'd love to have a ring in my nose. Did it hurt?" he rambled, taking the teenager by the hand and leading him out of the room. Barry Brewster stared after them, his pleasant surprise having turned to worry upon hearing the comment about the nose ring. Bobby would want to do something like that, and would throw a major tantrum if he didn't get his way.
Meanwhile, his three brothers headed for the hamburgers. Not only was that what was expected of them, but they were hungry and their kid brother could take care of the situation.
Bobby did, leading the boy from room to room, babbling away about rings and tattoos and everything he could think of to distract the boy as he lead him in every direction except to the show room. Unfortunately they finally stumbled across the television room.
"Looks like there's nobody here," Jay observed.
"How about that," commented Bobby seriously. "They must have all headed back to the picnic."
"They were never here," the seventeen-year-old observed.
"What do you mean?"
"You've been leading me in circles for the past half an hour, dude."
"Who, me?"
"Now, what's really going on? You boys find Farnsworth's computer and surfing the net for adult sites?"
"Who, us?"
"Or you've found his sixteen-year-old niece and she's entertaining you all."
"He's got a niece in the entertainment business?"
"Get off it kid. You and your brothers are smooth, but I've been around. Now what's up?"
"What's up?" asked three voices behind him.
"Your kid bro here has been giving me a run-around," Jay observed as he turned to face the three Brewster brothers.
"I couldn't find the television room. Everyone went back to the picnic, right?" hinted Bobby.
"Cut the crap, dude. I wasn't born yesterday."
"If you were and you had all those rings I bet they made your mom yelp," observed Benny and the others twittered.
"All the boys gone, and not any girls
3; now that can only mean one thing," Jay pointed out.
The brothers looked at each other. "Okay, they've gone up the street to play baseball," said Brent.
"Good try, but I don't think so, dude."
"I don't suppose you'd believe football."
"I don't suppose I would."
"They're playing with a new puppy."
"Yeah, right."
"So, you can go back to the adults and we'll go tell the guys its time to eat," offered Brett.
"I'll come with you," said Bobby. "Hey, did I tell you that's a cool necklace. What is it anyway?"
"We'll go get the boys together, dudes, all five of us," said Jay, "and that's a lambda, not that I think you're really interested."
"What's a lambda?"
"That's a Greek letter of the alphabet."
"Why are you wearing a letter of the Greek alphabet?"
"It's also a gay symbol."
"You gay?"
"Hey, that's way cool. I think you'd like to meet our new puppy," observed Brent as the boys cheerfully lead Jay to the room.
He could not believe the sight. It was a regular orgy. A dozen boys ranging in age from six to fifteen were stark naked, and in their midst was a man of about twenty-four, at the moment sporting a huge erection and a nice set of balls which they'd wrapped a leash around and were using to lead him about the room. The smell of cum was heavy in the air.
"You wanna play you're our puppy too?" asked Bobby hopefully.
"No way little dude," Jay said, "but I think I could have a bit of fun with the puppy you have."
"He can do any trick you want him too."
"His name is Tiger."
"Hey, guys," called Brent, "they got burgers and bags of potato chips and stuff ready. We've been told to come get you to come and eat."
"Yeah," said Brett. "We got a guy here who wants to have Tiger do some tricks for him. He can keep Tiger busy while you're gone."
Gary turned and looked at the four brothers, and then at the teenage boy in the expensive Gap shirt and airwalks, baggy cargo pants and extensive rings.
"Tiger?" the boy asked, eyeing the man on all fours on the carpet with a slight smirk on his lips. "Interesting name for a dog."
"Yeah, he's a man-eater," Brent said with a grin.
"And a boy-eater," added Brett.
"He loves to sniff a-holes," Bobby advised.
"And to sing," added Benny.
"Tickle under his arms and you'll see."
"Or between his balls and his asshole," Bobby said with a sparkle in his eyes.
Jay quickly unbuttoned his shirt as all the boys except the Brewsters left, revealing a smooth, firm chest, long, fine pit hairs, and finely haired lower arms. His pinkish-brown nipples were the size of quarters and stood out prominently on his lightly-tanned chest. Slipping off his untied Adidas runners by placing the toe of one foot against the heel of the other, he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his cargo pants at the same time as he removed his airwalks. Stepping out of them, he slid down his white jockey briefs without the slightest hesitation, revealing a flat stomach and dense patch of pitch-black hairs that formed a triangle from his innie belly button to his cock. His calves had fine hairs, their darkness making them look hairier than they actually were. His limp dick was almost as long as the twins pricks were when they were stiff. It was cut, most of the skin having been left in tact and which, when his cock was limp, formed a collar just under the ridge of his knob. He was a bit on the slender side, his muscles being at that stage between boyhood and adulthood, firm and developed but lacking the definition that would come with age and the tone that would have come had he been more athletic.
"Come here, Tiger," he called as he got on his hands and knees.
Having already been used twice by the Brewster brothers and humiliated by them in front of his colleagues' sons, and having been a sex slave for a dozen horny boys for the bulk of the afternoon, Gary was feeling horny as hell and was eager for whatever the green-haired youth had in mind. Besides, the lanky teenager had sort of a virile, animal appeal about him. Gary wasn't sure just what it was, if it was his rings and dyed hair, his sensuous lips, or his cute round butt that he was being told to sniff. Slipping his nose between the boy's smooth asscheeks, he inhaled deeply and was rewarded by an exotic musky aroma.
"Lick it."
Gary did so willingly, running his tongue along the crack and over the boy's hairless rosebud, a reddish-brown pucker the same colour as his nipples. It tasted of body salt and wild mushrooms.
He lay on his back as ordered like the obedient puppy that he was, and Jay straddled his stomach and sat down facing him, supporting his weight on his knees and calves. He grinned, revealing perfect white teeth, and his eyes narrowed into a leer as he slipped back. His grin grew wider as Gary's curly hairs tickled his smooth, bare butt. Benny and Bobby sat on his hands, preventing him from using his outspread arms, while the twins once again grabbed Gary's ankles and pulled apart his legs. Jay leaned back, reaching behind him and cradling the older man's hairy balls with the fingertips of his right hand. His fingers glanced over them lightly, causing Gary to tremble and chortle softly and his cock to begin to swell.
"Ah ungh, ahuh, ahhahauuugnnnnh!" Tiger yelped as he suddenly jerked and strained to break free from the twin's grasp and to remove his hands from their younger brothers' butts as Jay's finger slipped to the sensitive spot beyond his balls. Giving him a moment to recover, Jay once again slipped his middle finger along the man's taint. "Ahagghaaagh, ahhh, ahahaha, ahhhh," the puppy cried out again as his body jerked like an electric shock had been delivered to it.
The stimulation shooting through his taint and down to his quivering pucker and at the same time up to under his balls was more powerful than any electric shock however. His cock swelled an inch with each jolt, and it was soon angling up hard and hot and aching to be stroked. Feeling its hot circumcised head against the small of his back, Jay reached behind and pushed it down so it was aimed toward the man's bellybutton. He slowly slid back, causing Gary's dick to begin to slip past his tail bone and down along his crack. Gary could not believe it as his cock slowly slid up to the boy's tight asshole. However, just as it was about to penetrate that virgin territory, Jay stopped, and reaching forward, began to tickle both of Gary's pits.
He yelped and twisted and bucked, trying to throw the teenager off while straining to escape from the hot clutches of the twins holding his ankles. Benny and Bobby somehow managed to remain sitting on his hands. He chuckled and he strained as the seventeen-year-old boy tickled both of his pits at the same time until he was a quivering, shrieking mound of flesh. He was finally allowed to recover and he lay there gasping and sweating, his pits still tingling and his cock hard and aching. He was almost breathing normally when the fingers attacked again. He was tickled relentlessly until he howled, and was then allowed to recover in the hopes the boy had had enough only to be attacked again. The teenage boy grinned impishly down at him, his slender young cock pointing up parallel to his chest and throbbing with arousal.
Finally after the third break, he was ordered to get on his hands and knees. Kneeling behind him, Jay pushed down on the base of his narrow, six-inch [15 cm] long bone until it was jutting out like a lance and then shuffled forward until the knob was pressed against Gary's hole. As Jay pressed forward, Gary pushed out with his sphincter, opening it as wide as he could. Both being randy as hell and Jay's cock being rock hard and slender and Gary's asshole slick from so many loads of boy cum he'd lost count, they united with the first attempt. The hot seventeen-year-old pushed on until his coarse black hairs were pressed against the man's hairy backside and the head of his cock was buried deep up the man's rectum.
As Jay slowly began to fuck Gary doggy style, Brett knelt in front and offered his bone to the puppy for the third time. The dog eagerly slipped his mouth about the thirteen-year-old's offering and began to slip his lips up and down the hard little pricklet. Brent slipped over to the threesome and standing beside Jay, he offered the teenager his boycock. Bending over, Jay stuck out his tongue and licked the offering, delighting in the salty, tangy taste and delighting even more in the young boy's squirm of delight.
Benny lay down on his back, and wiggling between Brett's legs and under his puppy in the opposite direction, he grasped his hard seven-and-a-half inch [19 cm] cock in his hot little hand and began to wank it, at the same time arching his back and rubbing his stiff little boy dick against the puppy's hairy chest. Each time the knob of his stiff little cocklet brushed against Gary's nipple Gary jerked uncontrollably. Meanwhile, young Bobby had also lain on his back and had squirmed between the outspread legs of the humping couple. He had directly above his wide hazel eyes two pairs of swaying, hairy balls. He reached up with one hand and began to lightly tickle the dangling balls of his beloved puppy, causing his pet to quiver with the unique combination of pleasure and pain. At the same time the nine-year-old reached up with his other hand and lightly stroked the slowly tightening balls of the seventeen-year-old stud muffin fucking the shit out of his puppy.
Jay closed his eyes and delighted in the wild combination of sensations assaulting his mind. The hot moist ass gripping his cock each time he drew it out and the itchy irritation encircling the rim of his knob were familiar feelings for the young top, but he never ceased to be totally wiped out by the feeling anyway. Having a throbbing little boy cock in his mouth was not as familiar, and he delighted in giving the thirteen-year-old blond cutie a blow job special.
Even less familiar were the skipping ball caresses of the nine-year-old between his legs. He had to stop and will his body to calm down with greater and greater frequency until he could hold back no longer.
As Gary felt Jay begin to ram his butt with a rapidly increasing tempo he knew exactly why and he closed his eyes and ached with anticipation. It had been a long, most unusual day, and it seemed like he'd been on a sexual high every minute of it. The slamming of the hot loins of the teenager behind him, the throbbing of the thirteen-year-old bone in his mouth, and the slamming of the little eleven-year-old pricklet against his nipples all assaulted his mind at the same time. Added to that the teasing tickling of the little boy between his legs and he was not amazed that he was about to shoot his load still another time.
The four Brewster brothers were having the time of their young lives also. The twins were panting loudly and deeply as the hot mouths expertly sucked their young cocks and they felt their climaxes approaching. Benny was thrusting his hips to and fro as fast as his young muscles could contract and relax and it felt like he was rubbing his little pricklet raw against Tiger's hairy chest. As he felt himself approaching his dry orgasm he wanked on the hard, hot bone of his puppy with desperation, thrilled by its size and power besides the joy of wanking off an adult. Bobby had reached down and begun wanking himself also, his hot little fingers beating his three inch [7½ cm] with lightning speed while he raised his head and attacked the hairy, tight nuts above him with his tongue.
The touch of the nine-year-old's hot, wet tongue on his nut sac was too much for Jay. He slammed forward, sinking his hard cock as far up Gary's rectum as he could as his hot, teen cum erupted from his tight nuts. At the same time he felt the slender tube of boy meat in his mouth throb and the first of half a dozen thick, creamy shots of boycum spurted into his mouth. At the same time Brent's twin grasped Gary's head and groaned with the release of his boy seed. Feeling the boy's sweet thick cum spurting into his mouth, and the hot jism of the teenager behind him spurting up his rectum, Gary erupted, his hard cock throbbing violently in the hot little hand of the boy under him and his man juices spraying across the eleven-year-old's heaving chest. At the same time the boy shivered and whimpered with his dry orgasm, the head of his irritated little cocklet throbbing like it had been struck by a hammer. The slender body of Benny's younger brother was jerking about on the carpet as if being jolted by a hundred-and-twenty volt line as the boy wanked on his irritated little boy shaft so fast it should have ignited. His hot breath blew across the two pairs of contracted balls above his head and he inhaled the fragrance of the hot ball sacks with deep breaths as his body was racked with his dry orgasm.
All six were stretched out on their backs in a daze of ecstasy as the first of the boys returned, having wolfed down his food in his eagerness for one last crack at the puppy before he had to go home. He was soon joined by a second and a third, and as the puppy slowly responded to his name being called, Tiger knew that the others would not be far behind.
One of the boys refilled his bowl with beer, and as the puppy drank heartily from his bowl, the four Brewster brothers returned to the picnic. Spotting the pastry table, they headed directly for it and began to stuff themselves with the goodies.
"Where did you leave my grandson?" asked the elderly man.
"Ummph, he'vs aymmumph whpfff awrll doraa," mumbled Benny, his mouth full of chocolate cake.
"He's, ah, with the other boys, ah, having some exercise," offered Brent as he eyed the lemon tarts topped with whipped cream.
"Exercise, Jay?" the man asked with a look of incredulity.
"Yeah, once we got him started, there was no stopping him," Brett said with an impish grin. "He's really having a ball." Bobby sprayed the cream puff he was eating across the floor as he snorted with laughter.
"Well, then you boys are to be congratulated. The boy didn't want to come here at all. Would rather have been at some wild party with his buddies doping it up."
"Oh, he's found something way better than drugs. And he definitely is having fun," said Brent.
"Well, that is good to hear. Have you boys had a fun time today too?"
"Oh yeah, this is a super party," said Brent.
"Oh yeah, the best," agreed Brett.
"Totally awesome," added Benny.
"Fuckin' right," said Bobby. "Oops."
The man laughed. "Said sincerely," he chuckled. "I like to see boys who are honest, and who are full of piss and vinegar," he said with a smile.
"So that's what was in that punch to give it such a funny taste," Bobby said devilishly as he bit into his fourth butter tart, causing the man to double over with laughter.
"I hope the boys aren't bothering you, Mr. Cauldwell," came a familiar voice behind the boys.
"Huh, oh no, not at all," he chuckled. "These your boys?"
"Yes, they are."
"A delight. A real delight
3; ah," he said, looking at Barry's name tag, "Barry."
"Right. Barry Brewster, Program Manager," Barry said with a smile.
"Dad's full of piss and vinegar too," said Bobby, to his father's shock. The nine-year-old had no idea what that meant, but from the man's comment it evidently was something good, so he wanted the guy to know his father had it too.
"Really?" the man said with a snort of surprise himself.
"Oh yeah, he's the greatest," said Bobby.
"Yeah, even though he works so hard at the office, he's always got time for us," Brent said, putting his arm about his dad.
"Yep, a real family man," agreed Brett.
"But one who knows how to party too, if he's like his boys," the man smiled.
"Oh yeah, he's a party animal," said Benny.
"Boys," their father finally managed to interject, his face beaming.
"You got your own promo team here, Brewster."
"Seems so."
"Well, I think they are telling me the truth. And speaking of truth, I'm going to go find myself another Scotch. Was a delight to meet your family, Brewster."
"That guy important, huh?" asked Benny as the man left.
"Important? He's the Chairman of the Board."
"That important?"
"The most important man here tonight."
"You boys have been making quite a hit here."
"That good?"
"It certainly is."
"I don't suppose any of you boys saw where Mister Stewart went?"
"MISTER Stewart?" the four boys asked. Several people looked over in their direction.
"Ah, no, we don't know even who he is."
"You were splashing around with him in the pool early this morning."
"No, we was just splashing around with a guy called Gary."
"That's who I mean. Gary Stewart."
"That's the old guy who's after the same job as you?"
"Well, he's not old. He's going to be forty-seven tomorrow. Besides, he looks half his age, not like your ol'dad. Anyway he disappeared almost as soon as we got here. It's not like him not to be around. He likes to party, and right now it's especially important for him to be making sure the important people see him say, how'd you know about the job?"
"Hey dad, what is a third VP anyway?" asked Bobby.
"Well, it's, the third vice-president," his father began.
"That an important job?"
"Yes. A lot more responsibility."
"And more pay?"
"Cool. So if you get it we get more allowance?" asked Bobby.
"Maybe, if I get it," his father said with a smile, having once again been successfully distracted by his boys.
"Hey, don't sweat it Dad, you're a sure-in to get it over that Stewart guy," said Bobby.
"Just how did you know Mr. Stewart and I were in the running for it anyway?" Barry Brewster asked as the three brothers glared at their youngest sibling for bringing the topic back after they'd distracted their dad.
"Um, ah, well, I think you told us," Bobby said.
"No, I don't remember that."
"Hey, dad, you should try these tarts," said Benny, offering him one, knowing his father's weakness for sweets, like his boys.
"Or these chocolate things," said Bobby as he put the Nanaimo bar on his plate, knowing his dad could never turn down anything chocolate.
"And these cream puffs, they're totally rad," added Brent putting one on also.
"Oh, yeah," agreed Brett. "And you have to have one of these peanut butter and chocolate squares."
"Uhhmph, gumpmh," their father replied as he gestured them to stop, his mouth full.
An hour later the party began to break up. The boys had slowly reappeared at the picnic and were all walking about with huge grins. One of the biggest and most constant grins was on the face of seventeen-year-old Jay. Gary Stewart arrived, walking rather stiffly, as if he had a severe sunburn. He seemed to be in a daze. It was almost nine o'clock when Barry and Brenda packed up their four boys in the station wagon and headed home. Tucked away in the huge pocket of Benny's cargo pants was the tape the boys had almost forgotten to retrieve from the cam recorder.
Exactly a week later, Barry Brewster came home with flowers for his wife, new CD's for Brent and Brett, a new Nintendo game for Benny, a set of Star Wars figures for Bobby, and a Robbins' German Chocolate Forest Cake for the family.
"Can we afford all this?" asked Brenda.
"Sure can. You're looking at the third VP of Wecare Pet Supplies Limited."
"Hey, way cool, dad," the boys said, giving him the high five.
"What happened to Mr. Stewart?" Brenda Brewster asked.
"Funny thing."
"Yeah?" asked the boys.
"Seems the Chairman of the Board has given him a special assignment."
"Yeah, his grandson is living with him this year. Seems the boy is a hopeless case when it comes to mathematics. Gary's been given a newly created position in the Promotion Department which involves a lot of conferencing with the Chairman at his home, and which will allow him to help tutor the boy while he's there."
"Yeah? Way cool," said Brett.
"What's tutor mean?" asked Bobby.
"It means to help him with his school work," explained his father. "To help him learn how to do mathematics better."
"Oh. So, you mean he's going to help Jay bone up," said Bobby and the four brothers exchanged glances and burst into hysteric giggling as they helped themselves to a second round of cake and ice cream.