PZA Boy Stories

Howdy Doody

The Geppetto Project

Chapters 47-48

Chapter Forty Seven

The Big Roundup

Mounting the steps of Beachview Cabin, Adam, Sid and Barry sat down on the front porch as the stomping of little feet from within told all 3 men that the children were aware of their presence. "So did Uncle Bert say we could go on a overnight, Uncle Sid?"

Matty asked as the boy climbed into Sid's lap and handed the man a cold beer. Sid looked at the beer and then looked at the boy who was sitting across his legs smiling at him. "Since when do I need your Uncle Bert's approval to go on a trail ride, and since when did Budweiser begin putting 8 ounces of beer in a 12 ounce bottle?" he asked as Matty giggled. "Me and Chris took a little sip Uncle Sid, it was spilling over with foam." Matty said with a dimpled smile. "4 ounces of foam? That's a mighty lot of foam wouldn't you say?" Sid said as he took a sip.

As Adam smiled, Sammy came out of the cabin followed by 2 more 11 year olds. "Want some beer Uncle Adam?" Sammy asked as he extended the bottle towards his counselor.

"Looks like you had a bigger foam problem than I did." Sid said as he looked at Adam's bottle. "Foam?" Sammy asked as he turned around and slid down onto Adam's lap and sat back. "What happened to my beer?" Adam asked as he looked at a half empty bottle.

"I had some and Andrew had some and Billy had some. Didn't you guys?" Sammy asked the two boys as they nodded their heads and sat on a swing.

"What about the sleepover Uncle Sid, is we goin?" Sammy asked as he wrapped his arms around the back of Adam. "I guess we is, but I ain't told your Uncle John about it yet." Sid replied as Adam shook his head. "No wonder they're illiterate. You know you're not helping them talking like that don't you?" Adam reproached Sid who now giggled along with Barry who was being bought a glass of ice tea by Carla as the girl promptly deposited herself in his lap. "What's we gotta tell him for? He's gonna cook the same amount of food anyway ain't he?" Carla asked as she laid back and brought her hair around her shoulders and draped it down the front of her chest.

"Are you comfortable Lady Gadiva?" Adam asked the girl. "Sure! Who's that?" Carla asked. "Never mind. We need to tell Uncle John because we may not be able to eat the same food on an overnight that he makes us for dinner in the Mess Hall. If you recall, the last time we went on an overnight, we ate Beef Stew while back at camp, the rest of the campers ate Lasagna." Adam replied. "They had Lasagna!" Carla said as she sat up. "What are they gonna eat tonight?" She asked. "Your Uncle John had a load of fish brought down from New England, so I guess he's going to have a seafood dinner." Sid replied. "With scrimp?" Sammy asked. "Maybe some Lobster or crab, but scrimp comes from the Gulf, not up North." Barry told the girl.

Both Carla and Sammy looked at other and shook their heads as they laid back against Adam and Barry. "When you go home Uncle Barry, are you gonna bring Uncle Paulie home with you too?" Carla now asked. "He'll be going home to Martha's Vineyard with his Brothers I'm sure." Barry said. "That's too bad, he really likes it here and he's a great outside Uncle too!" Matty said. "I'm sure he does, and I'm sure he is, but he has a life at home that he needs to go back to that includes going to school for the next 10 years to become a Doctor. Maybe once he graduates, he'll come back here like Uncle Thomas did, but for now, he has to concentrate on his education." Sid said as he rocked.

And David and Spencer too?" Sammy asked. "Those plans haven't been made yet by Uncle Bert and Uncle Thomas's brother's. They may end up going to school up North with Uncle Paulie, but those decisions haven't been made yet." Sid replied. "Jesse say's that if David and Spencer go to school up North, he's going with them. Did you know that Uncle Adam?" Sammy asked.

Adam shot a quick glance towards Sid. "When did he say that?" Adam asked. "This morning during school. He said that if David and Spencer are going to go to Andover Academy with Uncle Paulie, he's going to go too." Sammy said. "If Jesse is ready to commit to 13 more years of schooling, we can discuss that possibility with him. Would anybody else here like to join them?" Sid asked the growing group of children on the porch as the bugle signaled the end of Rest Period and the beginning of 4th Period of the day.


"What would you have done if they all raised their hands?" Barry asked Sid as the men walked down the path towards the Boat House. "Probably jumped out the cabin window." Sid responded as the group chuckled. "Big Deal, the Cabin sits 4 feet [1.2 m] off the ground!" Adam replied. "Not from the second story!" Sid retorted as the men walked down the dock and Bert's golf cart came into view on the path.

"You boys know you've got John in the kitchen pitching his best knives at your pictures on the office wall?" Bert asked as Christopher went racing down the dock past the men and flew off the end. "What for? I called him and told him he was going to be missing the mafia at dinner!" Sid replied as he watched Christopher rise to the surface in a circle of white bubbles and the boy spitting back two or three mouthfuls of lake water.

"How many boys did you promise to go on an overnight with Svengali? As of 15 minutes ago, two Cabins from the Intermediate Camp and one Cabin from the Senior Boys Camp have notified the kitchen they won't be there. That's six dozen boys and a whole big bunch of pissed off staff, not to mention John." Bert replied as he watched Christopher treading water.

"You have enough horses and shelters to accommodate a group that size?" Barry asked. Sid nodded his head. "I have a bunch that need shoes and are waiting for the farrier.

Two more are waiting for the Vet. So we'll put staff in 4 wheelers and the use the Senior boys as outriders." Sid replied. "And if it rains again?" Adam now asked. "Dave says we're in the middle of a drought. The lake has been falling since June, so I doubt it's gonna rain anytime soon." Dan replied. "How's the water quality?" Bert asked his Waterfront Director. "Could be a whole lot better if they stopped pissing in it. Right now we have 20 thousand gallons an hour going over the dam. If it slows to 10 thousand, they either have to completely stop or we have to ban bathing and swimming." Dan replied.

"So what is John going to do for dinner?" Sid asked Bert. "He was going to send out two pans of frozen beef stew from last week, but now he has to send out hamburgers and hot dogs." Bert replied. "He can send out both. We'll eat the stew and the kids can eat the hot dogs." Sid said. "You would do that?" Adam asked. "Hey! I don't want to eat no crummy hot dogs!" Sid declared. Adam shook his head as the rest of the group laughed.

"What'cha doin Uncle Sid?" Jesse asked as Spencer, Paulie and David joined the men on the dock. Expecting to receive a kiss hello, Jesse was a little surprised as Sid reached down and picked the 13 year old up and gave him a big hug. "Your Uncle Bert thinks he can con me into eating hot dogs for dinner. Tell him just how full of shit he is." Sid said as he kissed the boy on his neck. "That's it? Just hot dogs?" Jesse asked as the men chuckled. "Jesse, when is the last time your Uncle told you the complete truth? Nobody is suggesting he only gets to eat hot dogs. You know how much of a baby he can get if he doesn't get his way all the time." Bert said as he reached over and gave Jesse a kiss on the cheek. "You don't believe that, do you sport?" Sid asked. Jesse giggled a bit but gave no answer.

With Jesse treading water next to Christopher, both David and Paulie jumped into the water just before Sid got to them. "See that? Ya devote your entire life to these ingrates and they turn on you on a dime!" Sid said as he returned to the group on the dock. "Don't we have a rule in camp about throwing people off the dock?" Bert asked Dan. "I didn't throw them in, they jumped!" Sid said in his defense. "And Jesse?" Bert asked. "I slipped!" Sid retorted.


In the camp kitchen, John's staff was more than a little curious when they were told at almost the last minute that 6 cabins of campers along with their staff would be eating on a trail ride overnight. Even though the kitchen had a system for putting together the necessary food and supplies necessary for any sized group, they usually knew about it at least a day or two in advance or the Chef would go ballistic. The fact that John was accepting the change without comment was unusual in the extreme.

The camp kitchen staff is a well oiled machine that feeds roughly 600 people a day, 3 meals a day plus another 3 snack periods. In addition, it oversee's the preparation of meals taken in individual cabins when the counselors and children want to do so, as well as the preparation of special dietary needs for the Infirmary. The kitchen operates from 3 in the morning until 8 at night, and the bakery staff begins their day at midnight.

To keep things going smoothly, advance planning is essential and throwing a monkey wrench in the gears can be met with an explosive reaction, especially from the Camp Chef.

"Assume we have a hundred out there, prepare a hamburger and hot dog dinner, and toss in 20 pounds of chicken breasts if they don't want beef." John told his cook's. "And breakfast?" his head cook asked. "You're in charge. Take 5 line cooks and induct any help you need from out there to give you a hand. Bert says that almost 2 dozen senior boys are going, so you'll have plenty to choose from." John said as he poured some rum into his coffee.

"The men are wondering why you're not jumping up and down. Should I tell them you already knew about the trip?" John's assistant asked. Shaking his head, John took a sip of his drink. "Tell them I'm mellow because I put a big dent in the rum supply this morning. If you tell them that I knew and didn't tell them, they'll throw me in the fucking soup pot." John replied with a smile.

"After breakfast on Tuesday we'll bring the staff all together for a meeting and fill them in. Until then, we're all on a need to know basis concerning Sid." John said as his upper staff nodded. "What about the mess boys?" The camps Baker asked. "Everyone except the Camp Kenny children will be told by Bert in the Mess Hall after breakfast. The girls will tell the Camp Kenny children about it depending upon their age and understanding.

The explanations are going to run the gamut between a "Tummy ache" to a "Hernia" for the younger ones, but none of them are going to be brought inside the Prostate loop." John told his men. "Even the mess boys?" A cook asked. John shook his head. "Gloria and the girls don't want the word Prostate used because it won't take some of the older boys very long to put together the words Prostate and Cancer." John replied. "I don't know about you, but the last people I want pissed off at me because they have boys around them that are really upset are those girls. They can make life downright miserable for a man if they want to." He said.

As his staff retreated back into the kitchens, John put his feet up on the table and sat back. There was a brief pause in the action between lunch and the time to start the preparations for the dinner meal, and it afforded him and his staff some down time for a nap or just some rest. "Are you sleeping Uncle John? Dr. Lester is here with the twins and the new boy and he wants to know if he can talk with you." A Mess Boy asked softly. John nodded his head. "That's OK Trent, I'm not napping." John said as he lifted his head off the chairs pillow.

"Hey Uncle John, can we gets a jelly donut?" Benji asked as the boy jumped into John's lap and gave the man a hug. "If I gave you a jelly donut, where would you put it? Is that my food in there or are you pregnant?" John asked as he rubbed the boys bulging belly. "Don't be silly Uncle John. We ain't pregnant, we're only eight!" Benji replied with a kiss and a smile. John smiled deeply and chuckled. "Trent, take them to the bakery, and keep them away from the stoves." The chef said as he gave Benji a pat on his bottom.

"You can always tell a Green Tree boy. No tan lines!" John said as he watched the twins skip out of the kitchen behind the Mess Boy.

"I knew that the boys would do very well here, but what has been accomplished by the staff here in just a few short weeks is a lot more than I ever anticipated. They are absolutely thriving here!" Dr. Lester said. "It works every time Doc; feed them good, give them plenty of clean fresh air, plenty of sleep and some woods to run around bare ass in, and they'll grow like little weeds!" John said.

Once both Dr. Lester and his Grandson Bobby sat down with some ice tea, John reached over and grabbed a manila file off the table and put it in front of the 15 year old. "Since I haven't heard about anybody winning the pot yet, I guess that means I'm still in the running to win it?" The Chef asked the boy as Bobby turned a slight shade of pink in the face and neck. "I'll tell you what, you keep your coming out party a secret until the 5th of September at 5:00 and I'll split it with you. From what I hear, that pot is up to twelve grand and headed for fifteen! If you can hold out until September 17th, I got another shot at winning and that pot will probably be closer to twenty grand by then!" The Chef kidded the boy.

"Never mind that nonsense Bobby. If you hang around with certain of your Uncle's too long, you'll grow up to be as crooked as they are!" Johanna said as she entered the screened in porch. Giving John the baby, she gave the Chef a kiss on the forehead as a Mess Boy handed her a glass of ice tea.

"Don't pay no attention to her Bobby, she just wants to win all the money for herself." John told the boy as he bounced Sidney Bertram on his knee. Johanna shook her head.

"The only names on that stupid list are male. Women would never be so callous about a boys impending puberty." She declared. "There ain't nothing callous about it! As I recall, Peter made close to six grand when you finally dropped your first egg into the basket!" John replied with a smile. Johanna shook her head. "This is the kind of stuff we had to go through as young impressionable girls and now you put 100 more girls within their reach?" She asked Dr. Lester in mock seriousness.

Once the kidding was over, Johanna placed a file on the table and began the meeting. "What we're going to do Bobby is have a meeting and discuss what we propose will happen over the next few month's, and if you have questions or don't understand or agree with anything, you let us know and we will amend your Individual Service Plan so that it reflects what you want to be doing. OK?" She asked the boy. Bobby nodded his head as he looked at his Grandfather. "The next few years are going to be critical ones for you, because unless you decide not to go to college, you have 6 to 8 years of schooling to attend and it's always easier to learn when you are younger." Johanna told the boy. "I thought I was gonna be a Chef?" Bobby now asked. "Suppose in a year or two you decide that 130 degree kitchens aren't all that swell? Do you plan to have a back up plan?" John asked the boy. "Like what?" Bobby asked. 'That's what we're here for. No matter what you decide to do with your life, there are basic courses you'll need to take regardless of which major you end up choosing. English, Math, Science and a Language course is the basic foundation you'll need, and if you continue to pursue a career in the kitchen, Culinary Arts will progressively take over as your major along with a Degree in Business Administration." The Chef told the boy. "Just to cook food?" Bobby asked. John sat back and smiled. "Becoming a Chef is the same as becoming an Administrator like your Grandfather or your Uncle Bert here at Camp. It's not just learning how to cook a roast beef and mash some potatoes; a kitchen is just like a small business. If it's not run right, you go out of business." John told the boy.

"Uncle Paulie says that Spencer and David and maybe even Jesse is going to go to school up in New England. Don't you think Jesse would want to come to live in Florida with you instead Uncle John? The other kids in the cabin say that Jesse is really attached to Uncle Sid, so if Jesse went to school with me, he would be a lot closer to Uncle Sid wouldn't he?" Bobby asked.

John sat back once again and smiled. "The last time I heard anything, was that David was headed to the Andover School with Paulie. Are you telling me that Uncle Bert has made a decision concerning Spencer and Jesse too?" The Chef asked as he took a sip of tea and looked at Johanna. "Uncle Bert didn't say anything, but that's what we are talking about." Bobby replied. "We?" John asked. "Me and the guys in the cabin." Bobby replied. "Well, then that settles that. When you and the guys in the cabin reach some kind of a decision, you'll let the rest of us know about it, right?" John asked as Johanna stifled a small smile. "You know what I mean Uncle John." Bobby said.

John chuckled a bit as he shifted the waking baby around to his shoulder. "Jesse is attached to Uncle Sid, but what does that have to do with school? Jesse has never indicated an interest in pursuing a vocation in cooking to me. Has he said anything to you?" John asked the boy. Bobby lowered his head a bit and shook it. "No, but if he went to school in Florida, he is closer to Uncle Sid." Bobby answered. "The difference in distance doesn't really matter Bobby. It's two hours by jet from the Keys and from Boston, so there is no advantage with either one. We don't even really know if he wants to go to Andover yet do we?" John asked. Johanna shook her head. "The next few month's for Jesse are transitional months Bobby. For as long as he can remember, he's never been away from Uncle Sid, and he isn't yet prepared to even discuss it with Uncle Bert. In all likelihood, he'll be staying right here until the Spring, and then maybe he'll be in a position to decide the direction of his life. Right now he's a 13 year old child who's very happy where he is and we give him the freedom and the time to figure things out on his own." Johanna said as she reached for the baby to change him.

"Are you asking because Jesse has said something to you, or are you asking because you want someone you know to go to Florida with?" Dr. Lester asked. Bobby shrugged his shoulders as he picked at his fingernails. "I don't know." He said almost inaudibly. "Nobody is going anywhere except for Paulie and David who will be starting together at Andover this Fall. Spencer may, or may not go with them, but that hasn't really been decided yet Bobby." Johanna said as she unpinned the baby's diapers. "Uncle John's new school doesn't open for classes until after Christmas, and that's a long time away. In the meantime, Jesse isn't going anywhere, and you and he will be together with the rest of the boys in your cabin until then. All we're figuring out right now is what classes you'll need for the first semester here. No decisions on anyone's part needs to be made until we all get together with the full team and that meeting will include Uncle Bert, Uncle Sid and all the rest of your team members." She told the boy as she worked on Sidney Bertram. "When?" Bobby asked. "Your full I.S.P. Meeting is scheduled for early December. No decisions are made until then, and even then, only with your full participation and agreement." She replied. Bobby smiled and relaxed a bit as Johanna picked the baby up and with a pat on his bare bottom, sent him back to John.

Once classes were set for the Fall Session, the next order of business was to assign Bobby to Senior Boy chores. "All Senior Boys and Girls rotate their chores every 3 months." Johanna explained. "In the mornings, you'll attend Academic Classes. In the afternoons, you'll rotate through Housekeeping, Kitchen, Building and grounds and Recreation. Uncle John runs the Kitchen Program. Uncle Dave runs Building and Grounds, Uncle Dan runs Recreation and Aunt Beth will be running Housekeeping.

Normally, since you will be going into the Culinary Arts Program, Uncle John would have you full time in the Kitchen, but since you are brand new to Green Tree, we thought it would be better to have you assigned to Uncle Charlie until you leave and work with his teams until it's time to leave for Florida next January." Johanna told Bobby.

"So that means I get to work with Jesse during the day?" Bobby asked with a smile. "What it means is that you won't start off like every Mess Boy does by cleaning Pots and Pans. However, all you'll really be doing is avoiding the inevitable, sooner of later, you have KP Duty, and that begins with the dirtiest job in the kitchen; Pots and Pans." John replied. "I don't mind washing pots and pans." Bobby said. "Then you haven't done enough!" John said as the group adjourned with the bugle blowing 3rd Period.

"I thought you two were going for jelly donuts? What's that custard all over you?" Dr. Lester asked the twins as they came out of the bakery covered in donut filling. "We was helping Uncle Teddy make donuts for breakfast. We got to stick the goo inside of them!" Gavin said with a broad smile. "Head straight for the Lake. Don't even try to go back to your cabin in that condition!" Johanna told the twins.


The end of rest period usually had all the campers waiting on the front porches of their cabins. Once the bugle started blowing, it signaled the beginning of the afternoon session of recreational activities, and a foot race off the porches to get to a favorite activity. If rest period lasted 15 minutes or so, it didn't give the children time to fall asleep, but on this particular day, rest period was almost 45 minutes long, and when the bugle blew, it found mounds of sound asleep campers in the cove 6, 8 and 10 campers deep.

"Come on Sammy, we gots go carts 3rd period, and if we're late, we lose our place!" Chris exclaimed as he lay on the floor of the bedroom with two legs up in the air pulling a pair of shorts over his feet. Yawning deeply, Sammy stretched his body out straight as he felt one of the girls hair gliding down his stomach as it's owners face lifted off Sammy's groin that was being used as a pillow for her during naptime. "How come it's all wet? Did you piss?" Carla asked as she lifted her head and wiped off the side of her face. "I don't think so. Does it smell like piss?" Sammy asked as he focused his eyes on the roof rafter trying to figure out exactly where he had fallen to sleep. "How do I know I ain't smelt it!" Carla said as a few giggles now arose from the other children who were now looking around for a suitable pair of underpants or shorts. "That ain't piss, it's you sweating." Jeannie told her friend. "But if Sammy don't get to the porch screen, it will be." She said as she pointed to a bladder erection on Sammy that was about as big as the 11 year old could muster.

With a dozen 8 to 12 year olds lined up at the back porch screen, a curtain of urine came raining down to the moss covered ground below as both Carla and Jeannie snapped the straps to their sun suits into place as the front screen door of the cabin slammed shut. "Peee?" Christopher said excitedly as he put a choke hold on his penis through his coveralls and stood alongside the other boys with a dimpled smile. Knowing better than to wait, Carla quickly unsnapped Christopher's corduroy pants as they dropped to the boys bare feet and Christopher released his bladder. "Peee?" Christopher asked again.

"Yes Christopher, but you're supposed to wait until you drop your underpants before you start pissin." Carla said as Christopher's legs became awash in the urine running down and pooling at the base of his feet along with the once clean coveralls. "Hey!" Christopher chirped as the Special Needs boy looked down at the front of his Underoo's which were bubbling with a small pool of water.

"Why didn't you pull down his underpants first?" Helen now asked as the counselor came onto the porch followed by two of Christopher's Senior Girl monitors. "We didn't get the chance Aunt Helen, I dropped his pants, and before I could get to his underpants, he just started in pissin." Carla replied. "Usually he ain't got no underpants on with pants Aunt Helen. We didn't know he had em on until they was all wet anyway." Jeannie said defending her friend.

"Are we going to put another pair of pants on him Aunt Helen?" Jill asked as she dropped Christopher's underpants to the floor and the boy stepped out of them. "Why bother? He's just going to be going right back into the water once we get to the pool anyway." Helen said as she reached down and threw Christophers clothing into a laundry basket.

"Is his dick ever gonna grow Aunt Helen?" Jennie asked as the girl watched Christopher try to squeeze out the last few drops of urine by stretching his penis towards the screening. "His what?" Helen asked un approvingly. "You know what we mean Aunt Helen, all the boys call their dicks a dick. Even Uncle Sid calls it a dick!" Carla said as she brushed out her hair. "That figures!" Helen replied. "Christopher's penis will grow a little more in proportion to his body, but without testosterone in his system, he will never fully mature like the rest of the boys will." Helen replied.

"Uncle Thomas says he'll never have to shave either. What's his dick got to do with growing a mustache?" Trevor now asked. "Shaving and growing body hair is a part of puberty. Since Christopher's body will not be going through puberty, certain changes won't take be taking place like it will be for the rest of you. Didn't Uncle Thomas or Uncle Adam explain all of this to you before?" Helen asked as she picked up sheets, blankets and pillows off the floor. "Yeah, but it seems kind of weird to think that Christopher is going to still have a itty bitty dick and no balls when he's all grown up."

Jeannie said as a few stifled giggles arose.

"I'm sure that if we don't make a big deal out of it, Christopher won't either." Helen replied shaking her head. "I don't know Aunt Helen. Uncle Thomas says he ain't got no sex in him, but he gets boners just like all the boys do and he backs up to the other guys to do pussy all the time. I think he gots more sex in him then Uncle Thomas thinks he do." Carla replied very seriously. "A lot of the time, if he see's one of us making pussy, he'll try to join in." Jeannie added. Helen nodded her head. "We all know what he is doing is mimicking, but you know what Uncle Bert and Uncle Thomas say about engaging him in play right?" the counselor asked. "We know Aunt Helen, we ain't fucking him." Carla replied.

Helen closed her eyes briefly and thought of the good old days back in Montana. A little more than two years earlier, both Carla and Jeannie were Helen's wards and both girls lived with her in a dorm at their former school. Now, they had chosen to live in a cabin with a dozen of some of the friskiest boys on campus, and another 2 dozen boys in 2 cabins that comprised the group known at Green Tree as The Mafia. 2 years ago, dropping F bombs in the presence of staff would have been unheard of. Now, it was about as common as "Pass the bread, please."

"I know that your Uncle Sid and Uncle Adam expect you to talk like 2 drunken sailors, but can we pick the language up a little or possibly find a kindler, gentler alternative?" Helen asked as she folded blankets. Both Carla and Jeannie giggled a bit to each other as they finished brushing out their hair. ""It's OK Aunt Helen, Uncle Adam gets all red-faced too when we say fuck in front of him. But he says that as long as we're in the cabin, or in private with the other kids, we won't have to pay a fine for cursing. Besides, it ain't a curse word when all you're doin is telling somebody what you're doin is it?" Carla asked with an innocent set of dimple's appearing on her cheeks. "No, sweatheart." Helen replied as she closed her eyes and continued to fold.

"Where's Uncle Adam?" Helen now asked as Christopher waddled off in the general direction of the kitchen. "He was sittin on the front porch of the cabin with Uncle Sid and Uncle Bert before we came upstairs for rest period, and then we got tired and went to sleep." Matty told the counselor as the boy searched for his long lost shorts.

"The bugle blew 5 minutes ago. You aren't heading out for activities?" Helen asked the group. "We already lost our place on line for go carts, so we may as well go boating and swimming until it's time to go on the overnight." Carla replied.

"How many other girls are going on the overnight?" Helen asked as she put Jeannie's hair up in pig tails. "I don't know. We don't even know what other cabins is going besides the Mafia. Do you?" Carla asked as she waited her turn. Helen shook her head. "I think there was talk about 2 or 3 other cabins, but I don't think any of them were Intermediate cabins with other girls in them. If that's the case, you two will be the only girls among almost 80 boys. Why not stay back with your Uncle Bert and me. You haven't spent an overnight with us in a very long time." Helen said.

"Jeez Aunt Helen, this is going to be the biggest overnight of the summer so far. Not only the Mafia is going, but so is Uncle Charlie's cabin and it gots Spencer, Jesse, David, Bobby and even Uncle Paulie in it. Who knows when we might be able to go on another overnight with them, especially if they leave for school up North!" Carla replied.

"Why does it matter? Am I mistaken, or isn't there a ban between any play going on between Intermediate campers and Senior's?" Helen asked. "Sure there is Aunt Helen, but Uncle Charlie's Cabin ain't a Senior Boys cabin, it's a Transitional Cabin!" Carla chirped. "And the difference is what?" Helen asked.

"We ain't even allowed to snuggle with any of the Senior boys, but we can with Uncle Charlie's boys so long as they don't try to do pussy with us except for Jesse, David and Spencer 'cause we been doing pussy with them forever!" Jeannie replied. "Does that mean I need to check the both of you?" Helen asked. "Don't be silly Aunt Helen, they ain't doin front pussy, they only do back pussy." Carla replied. "Aren't you getting a little old for that?" Helen asked. "How can you do that? Ain't you and Uncle Bert still doin back pussy?" Carla asked. "Still? What do you mean "Still?" Helen asked the girl a little pink in the face. "Uncle Sid told us all old people do back pussy with each other when the get married. Outsiders won't admit to it if you ask them, but Uncle Sid said that none of our counselors would lie to us." Sammy replied. "How did that topic come up?" Helen asked. "We talk about sex education all the time with Uncle Sid in school. That's what he's supposed to be teachin us." Trevor told the woman as the rest of the group nodded their heads. "So do ya?" Carla asked. "Isn't that a personal question?" Helen9 asked. "Sure, but you ask us who we been fuckin, so what's the difference?" Carla replied.

"Who's asking you who you've been fucking?" Sid asked as he walked onto the porch.

"It's an academic discussion Sid; I've been trying to figure out the ground rules around play time with the girls, and somehow, every time we get to the intimate parts, your name keeps popping up in the conversation." Helen said as a dripping wet Christopher followed Sid onto the porch. "That sounds about right to me; do you know anybody in camp with more experience in the matter than yours truly?" Sid asked. "Sure! Uncle Charlie!" Jesse said as he followed Christopher out onto the porch. "Nobody asked you short stop." Sid replied once the giggling subsided.

Helen shook her head as she picked up a beach towel and began drying off Christopher. "Rink?" the boy asked as he signed for something to drink. "Let's get you all dried off and then your Uncle Jesse can take you into the kitchen for something to drink, OK

Christopher?" Helen asked the boy as she dried off his hair. "Hey!" Christopher chirped from underneath the hugh towel. "Hey Aunt Helen, how come Jesse gets to be an Uncle, he ain't old enough yet!" Jeannie asked. "Christopher's Team has decided that all boys and girls in the Intermediate and Senior boys campus are his Aunts or Uncles now." Helen replied. "How come?" Carla asked. "Because Christopher listens better to people he knows to be his Aunts and Uncles, and because he's around you guys most of the day.

Uncle Bert knows that you wouldn't give Christopher instructions that could hurt him, and you will continue to look after his best interests." She replied as she dried Christopher's groin area as the boy giggled. "We is his boss?" Matty asked. "You continue to be his protectors, just as you've always been." Helen replied. "Do we get extra tokens for protecting him now?" the boy asked. "That's up to your skinflint Uncle Bert. He never gave us more tokens for all the extra hours of work we have to put in now, but you guys can always try for some more bucks. If I were you, I wouldn't settle for less than ten tokens a week apiece." Sid told the children. "Really Uncle Sid?" Carla asked wide eyed. "Would I lie to you?" Sid said as Helen shook her head.

With the impending Trail Ride and overnight now looming, the mafia opted to stick close to the cove rather than to attend regular afternoon activities. Along with the 3 cabins of campers that made up the mafia, the transitional cabin and much of the 2 additional Senior boys cabins began assembling in the cove with their back packs as well.

By 3:00 the lagoon in front of the mafia's cabins were awash in campers, almost 75 strong.

"Why are you all sitting here?" Beth asked as she pulled up in front of Beachview cabin.

"Mainly because we're not stupid." Adam said as he pointed to Turtle Rock and the 3 dozen children playing "King of the Rock". "Very wise" Beth said as she climbed the stairs and sat down to nurse Joshua.

As the 11 month old latched onto Beth's nipple and his small little hand grasped her breast, the ringlets of his as yet uncut hair hung down on the back of his head and almost touched his back. Along with his half-brother, Sidney Bertram, Joshua was a robust baby,

with a body that spoke volumes of the richness of his mothers milk. With thigh's that were twice as big as his lower legs, and a bottom that had never known a tan line, Joshua was, by anyone's measure, a healthy baby boy.

Almost a full month separated Joshua from Sidney Bertram, his half-brother, but it was clearly obvious that Joshua would be the larger of the boys. The only visual difference between the two babies was the fact that Joshua was circumcised, while Sidney Bertram was intact. This was a never ending topic of discussion between the older campers, and one that Beth had finally come to accept as "Fair game" whether she liked it or not.

"When I have babies, I ain't gonna let Uncle Thomas cut their dicks off." Carla said as she watched Joshua nurse while his free hand kneaded his penis. "I don't know. When it's playtime with the twins, we ain't gotta clean off the gook and stuff off their dicks." Jeannie told her friend as she joined Carla in watching the baby. "Still, ya remember when the priest cut off his dick and how much he screamed? I don't care what they say; I know Joshua didn't like getting it cut off very much." Carla said as most of the counselors stifled their giggles.

"What do you remember about the first few years of you life? Think back real hard Carla, how old were you when you first remember things that were going on around you?

Most people can only remember beginning at age 4 to 6. Do you remember still being in diapers and sleeping in a crib?" Beth asked the girl. "No, but that don't mean it didn't hurt him" Carla replied. "Well then you'll just have to trust me or ask your Uncles or the boys in camp that have been circumcised." Beth replied as she switched Joshua to her other breast.

"We already asked them. Nobody remembers it except for Uncle Sid." Jeannie replied. "That figures. Just keep in mind that your Uncle Sid isn't exactly a grownup yet, he's still in his second childhood." Beth said as the rest of the staff chuckled once again.

With Joshua's belly about as big as it could get, his Senior girl baby sitters took him to the water with Carla and Jeannie in tow. "Those two were the most well behaved girls of their age we had at the old school. Now they're talking about performing fallatio on boys as if they were discussing what color socks they're going to wear tomorrow." Beth said as she watched the group enter the water. "There's plenty of time to turn them into socially acceptable young ladies. For now, let them be free of social restrictions and live life as their bodies see fit. I can't imagine giving them a better gift than to be themselves without the burden of unnecessary shame or guilt being heaped upon them." Sid said.

"Nobody's talking about heaping anything on top of them Uncle Sid, but don't you think we can instill a little more modesty and privacy into their thinking when it comes to committing private sexual acts upon their friends when it's really nobody else's business to know?" she asked.

"It's not something they were actively taught sweetheart. They picked up the boys attitude concerning things sexual all by themselves. In due time they'll start hiding their breasts and keeping their drawers on a little more often, but for now, the only guidelines we have to go on are what happened with our girls when they came to us. They were no where near as open as the girls from Pine Ridge, but still, we expect the "Little lady" attitude to take effect about the same time as Jeanette, Johanna and Gloria which was roughly between 16 to 18." Sid said.

"You're saying Gloria ran around openly talking about sucking on boys penis's?" Beth asked. "Absolutely not! If I told you that, she would probably cut my balls off! But she did let both Bert and I know which boy had the biggest dick and could use it to its maximum potential." Sid said. "Who?" Etienne asked. "None of your business, but it wasn't you." Sid told the Junior Counselor. Once the laughter died down, the staff's attention was drawn to the cove that was now teeming with naked campers swimming, diving, having "Chicken" fights and swamping rowboats and canoes to use them as half submerged life boats.

"Do you think it's safe for us now?" Dr. Lester asked. "Not if we go out there all at once, they'll just all mob the Rock to keep us off. But if we go out there one by one and establish enough power to hold the rock until the rest of us get on it, we stand a good chance." Adam replied. Sid nodded his head. "Etienne, you and Beth go out there and we'll send out Dr. Lester and Barry a few minutes later. Adam, me and Kevin will follow in the canoe and dump it alongside the Rock and scoot ourselves aboard before they realize we have control." Sid said. "Greg, once we have control, bring out the cooler." He said.

With the children watching for a mass assault on their Rock, the slow motion encroachment worked like a charm as the adults gained control of it before the campers realized there were too many adults to boot off the rock successfully. Once the coolers came out to the rock, Beth spread out a blanket as Joshua took his afternoon nap as the bugler blew the beginning of 4th period and the long lazy afternoon continued.

One by one, the inhabitants of the cove took up sunbathing on the massive rock as water play took its energy toll on the children. As the numbers increased, so did the availability of empty laps of staff. By looking at which child was on whose lap, you could pretty much figure out which child was attached to which staff member. Sammy took his usual spot on top of Adam while the girls, Carla and Stephanie curled up on each side of him.

Jesse sat on Sid's lap eating a pair, while the twins sat back to back on Dr. Lester's lap.

"How long are you going to be staying with us Poppe?" Benji asked Dr. Lester. "I have about 3 dozen children to interview and update all my files, so it will probably take me about a week. I should be returning to Boston by next Sunday if Uncle Bert can arrange for the plane to take me back home." Dr. Lester said as he peeled an apple for the boy.

"So when are you comin back?" Gavin asked. Dr. Lester smiled as he shook his head.

"Unless I get tied up with work, I should be able to drop in at least every 4 to 6 weeks."

He replied. "That's an awful long time." Benji said. Again, the Doctor smiled. "I guess to you, it is a long time, but for adults, it's a really short time. That's probably because adults are very busy and don't notice the time. If you stay very busy with school and work as well as your recreation time, the time will fly by for you as fast as it does for us." He told the twins.

"Who do you have to interview Uncle Poppe?" Bruce asked as the boy lay with Greg as the Junior Counselor ran his fingers through the boys hair. I'll be interviewing the boys who will be going to Florida after Christmas with Uncle John. I also need to interview some Intermediate girls who wish to join the boys in the lower camp." He replied.

Carla's head immediately shot up. "What girls? They ain't thikin about movin into the cove is they?" she asked. "Why? Would that be a bad thing?" Adam asked. "Whose askin to move in Uncle Adam?" Jeannie now asked with a concerned tone in her voice. "I didn't say anybody was moving into the cove. I just asked if it would be a bad idea if someone did." Adam replied. "We don't want no fuckin girls in Beachview, we got enough!" Carla shot back. "Yeah!" Jeannie echoed.

"I haven't heard of any girls requesting to be placed in the cove, but if they were to be,

why would that not be a good idea?" the Dr. asked. "Are you kiddin? It would ruin everything! They would just want to play sissy stuff and stink the place up with smelly perfume and stuff!" Carla replied. "Yeah!" Jeannie repeated. "Are there any other good reasons not to allow them into the cove?" Dr. Lester asked. "Who they gonna play with? All the boys are happy with the way things is now! Ain't we guys?" Carla asked the boys on the rock. "Which girls want to come into the cove?" Mike asked the Dr.

Carla looked a bit stunned, which quickly turned to anger. "Fuck you!" she yelled at Mike as she got up and dove into the water. "What did I say?" Mike asked as Jeannie now got up. "Fuck you!" she yelled as she followed Carla into the water and swam to shore.

"Has this occurred before?" Dr. Lester asked as Adam got up to follow the girls ashore.

"Nobody's ever thrown a rock into the hornets nest before Doc. You sure do know how to get things hoppin around here." Sid said as Adam dove into the water. "Mike, let that be a lesson to you, when you're in the presence of a girl, never ever tell her you even might be interested in another girl or you'll be running around with no balls in your sack!" Sid advised the boy as the rest of the staff chuckled. "But I didn't say nuthin about liking somebody else!" Mike replied. "No, you didn't. But you did suggest a little competition for them, and that's never a wise idea!" Sid replied.

"But they hardly ever play with anybody except for the guys in Beachview." Mike said.

"And the twins." Trevor quickly added. Dr. Lester now looked at the twins. "They likes us!" Benji said with a dimpled smile.

"Should I go ashore and speak with them?" Dr. Lester asked. Beth shook her head. "Adam is with them and he'll bring them back around." She said. "They have pretty much replaced Helen with him, and he knows how to reach them faster than any staff. He'll keep you informed I'm sure, but they relate to him and right now, they're probably beating his brains in; figuratively of course!" Beth said as Sid nodded his head and chuckled.

As Adam entered his bedroom, Carla was sprawled on the bed with Jeannie sitting alongside her comforting her friend. Adam put on a pair of underpants and shorts and sat down on the other side of the bed. Pulling the girls body up, he put her head in his lap. "If I didn't know for a fact that you had your period last week, I would blame these tears on that. Is there a reason you almost took Mike's head off?" Adam asked the girl as he smoothed out her hair with his hand. "How come you didn't tell us anything about a girl comin into the mafia." Carla replied as she wiped her runny nose on his shorts. "Nobody said anything about a girl coming into the mafia because nobody has any plans to put another girl in the mafia. Whenever someone was being moved into the mafia, haven't I always brought all you guys together for a vote first? Have I ever tried to pull the wool over your eyes? Adam asked the girl as she reburied her face in Adam's groin. "What wool?" Carla asked in a deeply muffled voice. "Yeah, what wool?" Jeannie asked.

Adam smiled a little. "It just means have I ever tried to hide something from you." He said. "Sure, you hide the cookies all the time!" Jeannie replied.

"Right now we're not talking about Oreo's or chocolate chip cookies, we're talking about bringing in new campers in the mafia, and I don't know of any talk about that, especially about girls." Adam said. "Then why is the staff actin so funny lately? Everybody's always whispering stuff to each other and shuttin up whenever we come around them." Carla replied still buried in Adam's shorts. "And you think they're talking about putting girls in the mafia?" Adam asked as he rubbed the girls back. "I don't know, what else could be happening that you don't want us to hear?" Carla asked. Adam chuckled a bit and shook his head. "We tell you guys just about everything that happens here in camp, especially if it directly involves you, but there are some things, like security measures and logistical problems that really don't need to be told to you, so they're not."

"What's a logistical?" Carla asked. "Fixing something that's broken like the stoves or the machines in the laundry room. It might also be a medical problem with someone that really doesn't impact you, so you're not told about it. In this case, your Uncle Sid is going for his annual physical examination and you know how babyish he can get when he has to take his shots. The staff is whispering because they don't want anyone to spill the beans to Uncle Sid before it's necessary." Adam replied. "That's it? You ain't planning on bringing more girls into the mafia?" Carla asked as she lifted her head off Adam's lap and looked at her counselor. "No sweetheart, I promise you that there are no girls coming into the mafia that I'm aware of, and if and when there are any plans like that, you and Jeannie as well as every other boy in the mafia will get to voice their opinion about the proposal." Adam said as he kissed Carla on both cheeks and headed for the girls lips which was a standard move on his part.

"That was very sweet of you Carla, but since when have you decided to start giving tongue to staff? Is this something you believe your Aunt Helen will approve of?" Adam asked as the girl gave him a dimpled smile with her eyes twinkling in the rays of the afternoon sun. "Youse was swappin spit?" Jeannie asked her friend. Carla blushed only slightly as she gave Jeannie a Cheshire Cat smile. "Aunt Helen says it's OK if we French kiss boys, but we gotta remember to brush our teeth." Carla said. "And do you think your Aunt considers me a boy, or a man?" Adam asked as he lifted the girl up and off the bed.

Carla giggled as Adam put the girl on his hip and walked over to his dresser. Sitting the girl on top of the dresser, Adam unsnapped his shorts and let them drop to the floor as Carla now studied Adam's body. "Do you think I'm pretty?" She asked as Adam searched for another pair of shorts. "On a boys scale of 1 to 10, "Pretty" is about a 4 or 5.

Both you and Jeannie are closer to a 7 or an 8, and the only reason you're not a 9 or a 10 is because you aren't fully grown yet. By the time you lose some baby fat and fill up a bathing suit, I expect the both of you will be up at the top of the list." Adam replied. "You mean more tits?" Jeannie asked as she looked at her body. "Among other things." Adam said as he picked out a yellow pair of Shorts. "Why does boys like big tits and big pussy's?" Carla asked as she now studied her body. "Probably for the same reason girls like big penis's on a boy. They think that bigger means better, so they look around for the biggest. It's not always true; when I was in High School, one of the most popular girls in School was a little girl with very small breasts, but she never had to worry about having a date, because everyone knew she could make a boy very happy even without balloons sitting on her chest." Adam said as both girls now giggled.

"How old do I gotta be before you play with me like you play with Sammy and the other guys?" Carla asked Adam as she watched the man put his shorts on. "We know you do it with girls 'cause we know you take our counselor's out on the lake at night." She said.

"You're telling me you're spying on me?" Adam asked as he snapped his shorts shut and pulled up the zipper. Neither girl answered, but they both giggled once more.

"My rule on girls is to wait to make love to her until she is old enough to fully understand what she is agreeing to, and that her decision isn't going to be psychologically problematic for her in the future." Adam replied. "We know what we're agreeing to, we do it every day!" Jeannie declared. "Yes you do. And all the boys in Camp Kenny make that same exact decision every day, but they don't make the decision to play with the boys or girls in the Intermediate Camp because they're not psychologically ready to play with older children. Uncle Bert has some very strict rules about staying within your age group, and the bottom line is that no matter how beautiful your bodies are to me, and no matter how much I would enjoy making love to you, it's against the rules and would be a betrayal of the trusted position I am put in regarding the both of you." Adam said.

"So you really do think we're beautiful even if your dick don't act like it like the boys dicks do?" Carla asked. Adam smiled as broadly as he could.

"Two years ago when I first came, I had to wear shorts most of the time because if I didn't, I would be walking around campus with an erection from the time I woke up until the time I went to sleep. It's taken that long for me to be able to control my body whenever a pretty girl or boy comes into view. With the two of you, I have to think extra special hard in order to keep my penis from becoming a flagpole, so the answer to your question is positively "Yes!" you both have very beautiful bodies and I would have to be blind not to see and know that. Both girls looked at each other and gave each other a knowing smile. "You're beautiful too Uncle Adam, especially when you gots a boner!" Carla said as Adam lifted her onto the floor and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Yeah!" Jeannie echoed as Adam gave her pat on her bare ass.

"That was quick. Is it all over, or is Mike on the shitlist until he grows a beard?" Sid asked as Adam climbed back onto the rock. "The boys are going to have to start learning fast that no matter how much the girls tell them they are "One of the guys", that's a vagina between their legs and not a penis, and by the month, the estrogen is separating from the testosterone. Increasingly, they're going to expect to be worshipped by the boys, so they better get used to it now." Adam replied. "Worshipped?" Beth asked as the rest of the staff laughed. "Certainly not like our girls expect to be treated. We are fortunate to have only the best, well adjusted females here at Green Tree." Sid replied as Beth stared at Adam.

Luckily for Adam, an arch of urine sprang from Joshua and landed on the rock alongside the boy as he slept on. "It looks like the pressure release valve is set at about the right amount, wouldn't you say Doc?" Sid asked. "Well, I'm not a pediatrician, but as a father, it looks about right to me." Doctor Lester said to a round of chuckles.

Once the pressure dissipated, the arch made its way across the boys tummy and eventually his groin where it came to a dribbling halt as Joshua stirred and moved his hand to his genitals. "Time for a bath little man." Adam said as he picked the boy up.

Moving to the ledge of the rock where the depth of the water was waist deep for a man,

Adam slipped into the water just as the last of the afternoons piss was pushed out by Joshua who was now awakening fast. Placing the 10 month old into the water, Joshua

slithered away from Adam in a doggie paddle that moved the baby through the water almost as fast as Adam could walk. Having been introduced to the water at two weeks of age, the baby was drown proofed by 6 weeks of age.

"Can he come in the canoe with us Uncle Adam?" Billy asked as the boy sat in his submerged craft that was full of water but still maintaining its buoyancy because of the

air pockets under the seats. Adam picked Joshua up by the boys waist and plunked him down in the canoe. "If he leaves the boat, somebody enters the water with him." Adam instructed as he crawled around the canoe on his tummy. "I'll keep my eyes on him for you Uncle Adam." a Senior Boy said from his Jet Ski. "Thank you Cammy, if you need to leave him, give me two blast's on your air horn." Adam told the lifeguard who nodded and followed the canoe towards the dam.

As Adam made his way back to Turtle Rock, the twins were in search of the girls. As Scale One Geppetto boys, the twins were obliged to seek release every 45 to 60 minutes when they were awake, and without the availability of "Max" in the water because the unit was battery operated, things had to be done the old fashioned way.

The boys in the mafia were perfectly capable of assisting the twins, but Carla and Jeannie had become the twins' first preference to reach climax, and it really didn't matter how the deed was done, both girls were highly proficient.

Whatsa matter?" Sammy asked as he came over to the boys with Trevor, Malcolm and Jeremy in tow. "We gotta go and Carla and Jeannie is playing a game of chicken with Michael and a bunch of other guys." Benji said as he watched the girls playing in the far end of the cove. "That's OK, if you want, we can go back to the cabin and get Max, or we can play under Willow." Sammy said as he noticed both twins with erections. "It's your playtime too?" Gavin asked with a smile. "No, but we can just play with you if we can't get our boners on." Trevor replied.

"Hey Uncle Greg, the twins gotta go." Sammy said as the boys all piled under the tree whose branches hung to the water and completely hid those sitting there from the outside world. "Ya don't care if we do it too, do you Bruce?" Trevor asked Bruce who was in the middle of having his needs met in Greg's lap. Bruce giggled a bit as he re wrapped his arms around Greg's chest. "I hope you don't expect me to stop now." Bruce said as he lowered himself back down on Greg's penis. " 'course not" Sammy said as he sat down on the moss covered bank and laid back with a substantial erection. "I thought you said you didn't gotta go?" Gavin asked as he sat down next to Sammy and ran his fingers up and down Sammy's penis. "I didn't before we knew we was gonna fuck, my dick gets big whenever it knows it's gonna fuck." Sammy exclaimed as his penis reacted to the touch of the 8 year old. As the boys giggled, Benji looked for a place to sit.

During school hours, and sometimes even at activities in the afternoon, the boys make no special arrangements concerning their needs, they either masturbate alone, with a partner, or even in a small group if available. During those times, it's merely a way to relieve themselves of the built up tension common to most boys, but usually only done

once and sometimes twice a day. For a Geppetto boy, once or twice a day is never the case. It ranges between once an hour, to once every 4 hours, depending upon the boys Scale. By age 8 or so, every boy is thoroughly familiar with his needs and the only question becomes doe's he just want to do it and get it over with, or have some fun while doing it. Usually, the term "Go" means simply to achieve climax and get back to whatever it is a boy was doing. "Play" on the other hand means that it's party time.

With Bruce already being taken care of by Greg, there was little need for the 6 boys to involve themselves with them, and the only question became which form the afternoon romp was going to take. "What'cha wanna do?" Sammy asked Gavin. "You do bumper butt's with me and I'll do Lollipops with Jeremy." Gavin said as he sized up both Jeremy and Malcolm. Seeing his brothers face disappear into Jeremy's groin while Sammy slipped into his anus without effort, Benji opted for the same arrangement with Malcolm and Trevor. The next 10 minutes of uninterrupted bliss was accomplished without need for talking as the 6 little pro's measured their activity with each other so that their climax's were all but simultaneous and extended for as long as possible.

Now spread out on the thick, green moss, all six boys lay flat with eyes closed while their pulse and breathing went back down to normal as the breeze cooled their bright red

erections that were slowly sinking to their stomachs. Benji recovered first and turned himself around and lay his head on Sammy's chest. "Was it hard for you to find Uncle Adam?" He asked. "I didn't find Uncle Adam, Uncle Bert did. He came to camp one day visiting, and never left." Sammy said as his eyes remained closed and his penis withdrew back into its foreskin for the time being. "But he became your outside Uncle. He could have became anybody's." Benji said. "I guess so, but he loved me." Sammy replied. "How come?" Benji asked. "Uncle Adam says it just happens with people. Bruce loves Uncle Greg more than he loves Uncle Kevin. Michael loves Uncle Kevin more than he loves Uncle Greg. People is just funny that way." Sammy replied. Benji lifted his head and looked towards Bruce who was now sound asleep laying on top of Greg who was

rubbing the boys back. "How come lots of kids gots special Uncles and lots of kids don't?" Benji asked. Cause that's the way they want it. If you want a special Uncle, all ya gotta do is tell Uncle Kevin, Uncle Adam, Uncle Sid, Uncle Bert or your primary. Who is your primary?" Sammy asked the boy. "Poppe" Gavin answered. Sammy looked over to Benji's twin brother. "Do you want a Special Uncle too?" Sammy asked. "If Benji does, so do I" Gavin answered. "Then all you got's to do is tell somebody. They'll get you one." Sammy said.

Benji settled back down and watched Sammy's tummy rise and fall for a few seconds and then reached for Sammy's penis that by now was sound asleep and no longer overly sensitive to touch. As he absentmindedly lowered and raised Sammy's foreskin, he was deep in thought. Can a Outside Uncle have more than one Special boy?" He asked. "I know that Father Peter has, so I guess they can." Sammy said. "Has Uncle Adam ever had more than one?" Benji asked. "Uncle Adam loves everybody in Beachwood a lot, and I know he loves Spencer, but he has told Uncle Sid and Uncle Bert that he loves me really specially." Sammy said proudly. "Nobody else?" Benji asked. ""I know he really loves David, Jesse and Spencer, but they have special Uncle's already and Uncle Adam would never interfere with another Uncle." Sammy replied. "What about Carla and Jeannie? They don't got no special Uncles but they sleep with Uncle Adam all the time." Gavin said. "Yeah, but Uncle Adam don't fuck them, not even back pussy. He'll kiss them and hug them, but he won't do sex with them because he say's they're too young." Sammy said. "Too young? Uncle Adam does pussy with guys that are younger than Carla and Jeannie!" Gavin said. "Yeah, but they're boys. Boys can do sex with him and the other Uncles when we're young, but not with the girls. Girls gotta be at least 16 before they can fuck with the staff; don't they Uncle Greg?" Sammy asked the counselor. Yes, until they reach age 16 they can only play with boys in their own age bracket." He replied.

"So Uncle Adam really only has one special boy that he plays with." Benji said. "Of course!" Sammy replied. "Do you think he would make Gavin and me his special boys too?" Benji asked as he continued to play with Sammy's penis. "What for?" Sammy asked a little warily. "Because then we could become even better blood brothers. We could spend a lot more time fuckin and not have to wear Max all the time." Benji replied. "I thought you liked Max?" Sammy asked. "We do, but that's only for school time. You know how to fuck a lot better than Max." Benji said with a dimpled smile. "But I ain't a Scale 1 Geppetto Boy, I'm a Scale 3! I can't fuck as much as you guys can." Sammy said as both twins giggled. "No, but we would have Carla and Jeannie and even Uncle Adam." Benji replied with another dimpled smile. "I don't know. Uncle Adam always says he really likes to have private time with just me. He's a little funny about doin it. He knows everybody in the cabin knows we're fuckin early in the morning, but he says it's a private and special thing between me and him and he says he doesn't want it to turn into a orge. What's a orge Uncle Greg?" Sammy asked. "It's not pronounced "Orge" Sammy, it's pronounced "Orgy". It means a whole bunch of people having sex." The Junior counselor replied. "That don't make any sense, we're having orge's all the time." Gavin said. Greg shook his head and laughed. "That's true, but outside Uncle's weren't raised like Geppetto boys, and they like to keep their sex more private than we do." Greg said.

"It will change. Father Peter was the same way Uncle Adam was when he first came. Now, he's just the same as anybody here. Uncle Adam was really secretive about sex when he first came, he's changed a lot since then." Greg said. Both twins looked at Sammy who nodded his head. "It was funny in the very beginning, he use to hide in the bathroom when he played with his dick. Now, he don't do that anymore." Sammy said with a smile.

"So can we?" Benji asked. "What happens if Uncle Adam fucks with you two so much, he don't wanna fuck with me?" Sammy replied as his penis started to react to Benji's touch. "We'll let you go first." Gavin replied. "Besides, we know how to make people happy fuckin, we do it all the time!" He said. Sammy giggled as Benji pulled Sammy's foreskin down and stretched the boys penis straight up as Sammy's head glistened in the sunlight. The eight year old stared at Sammy's now throbbing penis which was sound asleep only a few minutes before recovering from Sammy's climax. Knowing the pleasure that Sammy felt, Benji lowered his head down Sammy's tummy and kissed the tip of his friends penis as Sammy's hips moved involuntarily to meet Benji's kiss.

Sammy closed his eyes as Benji drew in his penis passed his teeth and along his tongue. Once fully immersed in Benji's warm mouth, Sammy neither heard nor could the 11 year old speak as Benji expertly took over control of Sammy's body as if they were one. Sammy knew he wasn't being fucked, he was being made love to and the feelings were wonderful and pure and innocent bliss known to a very few outside of this very special place these children call home.


The bugle sounded General Swim for the rest of the camp while in the cove, it was time to get out of the water and get prepared for the overnight sleepover. "I thought this was shower time?" Adam asked half a dozen boys standing in the kitchen in their birthday suits. "We is Uncle Adam. We're just waiting for everybody to get out of the bathrooms." One 10 year old replied as he poured a tumbler of ice tea. "Tanner, each shower holds 10 kids at one time!" Adam said as the boy scooped up a handful of Oreo's. "That's OK Uncle Adam, there's more than that in each one." He replied as he went out on the side porch to sit down. "What about the downstairs bathroom?" Adam asked the boys. "We can't go in there. Carla and Jeannie is in there with the twin's and Sammy, Trevor, Matty and Chris." Tanner replied. "That's only 8 of them." Adam replied. "We know, but Carla and Jeannie says we can't see their tits unless we pay them two tokens. We don't gotta pay them nothing when we go swimming and stuff, so we'll wait." He said.

Adam stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. "OK if I join you guys or do I have to pay 2 tokens to see your tits?" Adam asked as he dropped his shorts and underpants to the bathroom floor and entered the shower. As Adam soaped up and watched the girls, the boys giggling slowly subsided.

"The boys in Uncle Dale's cabin started giving us tokens to let them see our tits. Then the other kids stated doing it too, so we took them." Carla said as she handed Adam a bottle of Shampoo. As Adam dumped a pile of shampoo on her head and began washing her hair, he thought about her answer. "I'm not really sure I understand. Half the time you're running around camp stark naked and the rest of the time, we're lucky if you've got more than a pair of drawers on. Why should anyone pay anything to see your body when all they have to do is open their eyes? Adam asked.

"They don't only get to see their tits, Uncle Adam, they get to touch them too." Matty relied. "Are you telling me that the two of you are allowing boys to feel you up for money?" Adam asked. "Not all the time, nobody in the mafia gots to pay us." Jeannie said with a dimpled smile. "That's mighty nice of you sweetheart, but what the both of you are doing still amounts to selling your body. That is something that's against the rules and it stops right here and now, or we have ourselves a discussion about it with Aunt Helen and Uncle Bert!" Adam told both girls. "And listen Ms. Conniver, if you start bartering your body for Canteen treats, we'll just suspend all your Canteen privileges altogether!" Adam told Carla in her ear. "What's that mean?" Sammy asked. "It means somebody gets to feel up someone's tits, and exchanges it for a Butterscotch Sundae." Adam replied. "She don't like Butterscotch, Uncle Adam, she likes banana splits! Sammy replied as the rest of the boys giggled.

"We've come across this problem before you came good buddy." Sid said to Adam as the mafia all made their way to the stables on the upper campus. "We had a few enterprising tykes who had a little cottage industry going after playtime; "I'll suck you off to sleep for a Canteen token." We stopped it dead in its tracks by only allowing our little suckers to use specially made tokens for any Canteen purchases. Since only their counselor had the tokens, the other kids couldn't give them theirs." Sid told Adam as they drove up the path. "Should we start the program up again?" Adam asked. Sid shook his head. "If you told them to knock it off, give them the benefit of the doubt, but I would bring Helen in on this so that she can have a sitdown talk with the both of them about the value of their bodies. Sex is something they give away. Selling it cheapens them, and that's a lesson best learned from a woman. On the surface they both may scream for separation from Helen and the girls living at Bert's, but those girl's and Helen are Carla and Jeannie's security base. Come's a crisis, the both of them will head directly for Helen, bank on it." Sid told Adam.

Pulling up to the stables, the corral and stable's were awash in children, horses, golf carts and 4 wheelers stuffed full of equipment. While most of the horses were already tacked and had their lambs wool blankets secured to them, the lone exception was Baron, the Belgian colt who traveled from camper to camper looking for a piece of fruit or two.

"Forget it Moochie, you've got a little walking to do before you start getting any rewards." Sid told the colt as the 5 month old horse now tipped the scales at 300 pounds

which was 1/10th of the weight he would eventually reach as an adult. Once the colt was satisfied that Sid and Adam's pockets contained nothing of interest, he headed for a new group of campers just arriving.

"Here comes trouble." Sid said as Bert made his way in his golf cart with Christopher

on board standing on the seat of the cart and hanging onto the windshield with both hands. "Shouldn't he be heading for the pool area?" Adam asked Sid. "Shouldn't he be in his Birthday suit instead of a pair of bib overalls if Bert intended for him to be going swimming?" Sid asked dryly. "Helen thought that since this was likely to be the last overnight of the season, you guys would like to take Christopher along with you." Bert said as he hopped out of his cart while Christopher headed directly for the horses. "Fine idea, when is she coming along to escort him?" Sid asked his boss. "She's helping to organize the distribution of the Fall clothing for the kids. She thought that this would be a great male bonding experience for him." Bert replied. "Bonding experience? Bert, we all know that the only thing Christopher bonds to is food." Sid said. "OK, you tell him he can't go." Bert replied. Sid looked at the special needs boy who was now following Baron around the corral holding onto the colts tail. What girls are you sending with him?" Sid asked. "None, Helen wants to wean him from dependency on the girls. They have the night off." Bert said. Sid shook his head as he looked around and whistled for a Senior boy to come over. "Malcolm, your gutless Uncle Bert is too weak to ask us to take Christopher on the overnight with us, so he's blaming it on your Aunt Helen. Round Christopher up and switch him off every 15 or 20 minutes with another out rider. Make sure his safety harness is on you, he can move faster than you can think." Sid told the boy who looked at the Executive Director and giggled as he turned his horse around.

With 4 dozen horses and close to 80 campers mounting up with most riding double, a dusty trail made its way out of the corral as the Senior Boys watched over the younger campers like mother hens. As the golf cart's and 4 wheelers took the service road out to the campsite, the noise level decreased the deeper the horses traveled on the bridle path's as the groups chose their favorite trails and split off from the main group. Within a half hour, the only sounds being heard was the occasional horse's hoof clipping a rock or thumping against a fallen tree branch.

Normally, this many Intermediate children going on a hike through the woods would have put up a clamor that could be heard a mile away. But on horseback and riding double, they were thoroughly engaged with their favorite form of play. The laundry had long since tired of searching for underpants, shirts and shorts thrown along the trails and had put up barrels to collect the clothing that would only be in the way for the next hour or so as the gait of the horses did all the work and the campers enjoyed their second best way to make love. Once in their lean-to's and sleeping bags, there would be plenty of time for their favorite form of achieving sexual gratification, but no one was complaining with second best.

With very little rain during the summer, the leaves on the willow and birch trees were turning pre maturely, and the golden yellow tones contrasted against the green of the pine and maple. As the Senior boy out riders kept track of the younger campers, Sid, Adam, Dr, Lester and Barry rode together in the middle of a pack of riders on the Red Trail.

In addition to most of Adam's cabin, Charlie's cabin of transitional boys, along with the twins from Kevin's cabin were now either in front, or in back of the men as they traveled towards the campsite at Indiantown. Senior out riders watched over the campers as Christopher was transferred from Senior boy to Senior boy and rarely stopped chattering,

mostly in a language only he understood unless he signed with his hands which was now universally understood throughout the camp, even by some of the youngest of campers.

"How is it going?" Sid asked as an outrider passed the men heading for the rear of the line with Christopher on board. "He's been fine Uncle Sid, but he keeps drinking constantly and he's had to stop to pee now 3 times." The boy reported. Sid nodded and looked at Christopher who was drinking from a sippy cup and had a purple mustache. "What happened to his clothing?" Sid asked. "He saw the other kid's getting naked and decided to join them I guess." The boy replied. "So how are you harnessing him in?" Adam asked. "We hold him around the waist to keep him from falling off. The horses all respond to our feet and legs for directions, so Christopher holds the reigns and thinks he's directing the horse." The boy replied with a small giggle.

How about the rest of them? Any problems?" Sid asked the boy. "Their still pretty busy with taking care of business, but that should change in a bit. Then they're going to want to start moving out, but Maria is at the head of the line, so none of the horses will pass her." The boy reported. Sid nodded. "What about Moochie?" Sid asked. "He kept sniffing around until they all got naked. I guess he knows the routine by now and is just keeping close to his mother." The boy said with a grin. "Who's riding Maria?" Adam asked. "David is on board her with the twins." The boy replied. "What about the girls?" Adam asked. "Carla is with Bobbie and Jeannie is with Trevor." The boy replied as Christopher

poked himself in the penis. "Pee". Christopher said as he handed his cup to the Senior boy. Dis-mounting, the Senior boy lifted Christopher down being careful not to allow the childs penis to aim in his general direction. "Randy already took a direct hit in the face." The boy said giggling as he patted Christopher on the bottom and directed the boy towards some bushes. "Pee-Pee, Christopher." He said as Christopher crimped his penis in a strangle hold. "Serve's him right! Anybody who stares at Christopher's penis straight in the eye when he needs to go deserves a bath!" Sid responded showing no pity. The boy giggled as Christopher's stream slowed down to a trickle and then stopped. "Where ya goin?" Sid asked as the boy took Christopher by the hand and headed back for his horse.

"He's done." The boy said. Sid shook his head. "That's why you guys are stopping every 10 minutes for him to take a piss. He ain't done, he's just starting. Take his dick in your hand and aim it towards a tree. Take your other hand and cup one of his ass cheeks in your hand and tell him to pee." Sid replied. "He ain't doin nothing Uncle Sid." The boy said after a few seconds. "Of course he ain't, you ain't squeezing his ass." Sid replied.

"Wow! Would you look at that!" The boy said as a 3 foot arch made its way into the forest from Christopher.

"Where did you learn that little trick?" Dr. Lester asked as Sid took Christopher on board his horse and the outrider continued on his rounds. "When he first came to us, he use to take a piss every 5 or 10 minutes which became a real pain in the ass for the girls.

They began to encourage him to empty his bladder by holding him and patting his ass at first, and then by squeezing it as if they were squeezing his bladder empty. Now, if you want him to completely void, you better have a handful of his ass or else!" Sid said to a bunch of chuckling.


Paulie closed his eyes and leaned back on Spencer as the last of Spencer's sperm flowed into the 15 year old and bathed his rectum in a heat that made his pelvic floor muscles quiver in an ecstasy that Paulie usually did not feel unless he was having an erotic dream.

With the gait of the horse doing all the work and Spencer holding his friend tightly around the waist while he held Paulie by sucking on his neck, Spencer had him in total control as he gently kneaded Paulie's genitals that were slick with Paulie's precum.

For half an hour, Spencer had his mate on the very brink of coming many times before he pulled back and let Paulie's blood pressure and pulse subside so as to continue making love to him in a serene bliss that was impossible for Paulie to describe.

He had made love and been made love to thousands of times in his 15 years beginning at age 5 or 6, but somehow, Spencer was completely different. When Spencer agreed to lay down with you and make love, it was unlike any other boy you ever laid down with. Spencer did not merely go through the motions, all of which were completely known and familiar to Paulie, but he somehow drew you into his own body, not so much physically, but certainly emotionally, psychologically and sexually. Spencer never played, he made love. Even if it was something as benign as mutual masturbation, Spencer knew how to please his partner with whatever tool he decided to use, his hands, his mouth, his penis or his rectum.

As Spencer released the suction on Paulie's neck, he kissed the hickey that now adorned the left side of Paulie's neck that pretty much matched the one on the right. Without letting go of Paulie's genitals, Spencer leaned back a little more and met the 15 year old in a kiss that wasn't all that usual for the 13 year old when he made love to another boy. He did embrace and kiss Anthony, Sid and Jesse, but would rarely kiss the other boys in the cabins mainly because he knew full well the effect he had on his peers. With Spencer, there was no such thing as a casual kiss, if he kissed you, he was making love to you and your body knew it from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

Like a dam busting, Paulie climaxed with a groan that came from deep in his throat as Spencer slid his hand alongside of the boys penis and his fingers encircling the head of his penis as his hand moved upwards. By the 3rd thrust of Paulie's hips that moved involuntarily to his climax, both his genitals and Spencer's hands were covered in his seed which bothered neither boy as Spencer's deep kissing continued throughout.

Finally, Paulie again sat back in Spencer's lap still connected to his friend, but with Spencer now simply cradling Paulie's super sensitive penis in the warmth of his hands.

Breaking off the kiss by kissing Paulie's lips and face in little pecks, Spencer smiled as Paulie finally opened his eyes. "I thought you were falling asleep." Spencer said. "Yeah, I thought you were falling asleep too." Paulie replied with a giggle that was joined with Spencer's.

"Did Anthony like it up on the Vineyard when he was there?" Paulie asked.

"He said he did, but he spent most of his time on Block Island helping to fix up Uncle Barry and Uncle Sid's house. We didn't talk much about the Vineyard because he was so busy with the house. Why?" Spencer asked. "Because if he won't go up North then you won't go either. Right?" Paulie asked. "Up North?" Spencer asked. "To school with David and with me." Paulie replied. "I don't know what I'm going to do. When I was up there with Uncle Sid and Aunt Jeannette and everybody, I wanted to stay there. But I know that if I chose to go to school up North, Uncle Sid and Aunt Jeanette ain't gonna be able to stay there, they have to be here in Green Tree." Spencer said. "What about Anthony?" Paulie asked. "Anthony will go wherever I go. If I decide to go to school up North, he'll come with me." Spencer replied. So that's good right?" Paulie asked. "Sure it's good, but it still ain't Uncle Sid and Aunt Jeanette. Would you leave everybody up in the Vineyard?" Spencer asked. "I had to. We all have to go to school sometime, and if I'm going to become a Doctor and you're going to become a Ship's Captain, we gotta go off and go to school. Everybody does!" Paulie exclaimed. "At least this way, we're together, you and me and David." Paulie reminded Spencer. "Maybe." Spencer replied deep in thought as the horse continued his walk.

"My brother Stuart says you're really gifted at math and stuff and you would be able to stay on the Vineyard after you graduate the Andover School and go to the Maritime Academy. He say's you could even go to Block Island and stay in Uncle Sid and Uncle Barry's house whenever you wanted to. That would be really neat right?" Paulie asked.

"I guess so." Spencer said. "Will you think about it?" Paulie asked the 13 year old.

"Sure, but how come?" Spencer asked. Words did not come to Paulie as he leaned to Spencer and gave the boy a gentle kiss on the lips as he closed his eyes. Spencer needed no explanation; the kiss was not a prelude to casual sex or even a token of mere friendship.


Once Maria the Belgium mare entered the clearing of the campsite at Indiantown, a small army of campers was already hard at work arranging their lean-to's for the night.

Indiantown was arranged with rows of lean-to's together in bunches of 4,6 and 8 shelters per unit. Scattered along the small creek that fed the man-made swimming hole in the center of the campsite, several large storage cabins that contained ice houses and all the camping equipment stood off to the side next to a large corral for the horses.

Once the last of the campers arrived, they had roughly an hour to go foraging in the woods in groups, with the young colt following along at a prance. "Let's not stray too far, it's an hour to mess call, so don't be getting lost." Sid told the boys as they streaked into the woods. "Mee!" Christopher asked as he tugged at Sid's arm to follow the campers.

"It's swim time Christopher. See that nice pool of water over there?" Sid asked the boy as Sid got naked. "Wim?" Christopher asked as he looked at the water. Sid reached down and picked Christopher up and put the boy on his hip. Patting Christopher's ass, he walked over to the swimming hole and sat down in about 2 feet [60 cm] of water. "Time to feed the fish Christopher, go Pee-pee." Sid said as he stood the boy up and held his penis in a safe direction.

As the rest of the counselor's got naked and joined Sid, A Senior boy distributed either cold beer or ice tea to the group as the kitchen crew began to make dinner. "Seems to me,

Our little friend here has gotten a little bigger in the penis department since he arrived. What do you think?" Sid said to Adam as Christopher's urine arch subsided. "It's tough to tell flaccid, but I don't really think so. He's going to be 13 on Christmas Day, but he still has the genitals of a 4 to 6 year old." Adam replied as he looked at Christopher's package. "What do you think Doc? You've seen him naked before he came here." Sid said to Doctor Lester. "Yes, but that was over a year ago, and other than the fact that he was under developed in all aspects of his body, it wasn't really noted. He's certainly taller and weighs more than he did when he was still at The New Hampshire School, so I imagine his genitals have grown proportionately as well." The Doctor said.

Just how big do you think he'll eventually be?" Sid asked. "It's difficult to tell. Both his mother and father are of normal size, but Christopher and his brother Lance were both fairly stunted. We don't know if it's gene related or Pituitary gland related, but obviously, either way we don't think he'll exceed 5 feet [1½ m] or weigh more than 100 pounds [45 kg] or so." The Doctor replied. "With no testosterone level, he'll never grow body hair and of course will never sexually mature beyond the stage he's at right now. If I had to guess, I'd say he will max out with the body of a sexually immature 12 year old." "That's a pretty big lap baby." Sid replied as he looked at Christopher. Doctor Lester nodded his head. "Yes it is, but then again, I've seen the likes of Jesse, David, Bruce and Spencer still hoping into laps without a problem, so I don't think Christopher will grow out of a pair of arms to find and a lap to sit on." He said smiling. Sid nodded his head and joined the Doctor in smiling. "No he won't Doc, not at Green Tree, that's for sure!"

Chapter Forty Eight

Spencer Makes A Choice

While the campers combed the woods around the campsite for anything that would hold their interest for a few minutes like turtles, salamanders, rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks, the counselors and senior boys set up the campsite for bedtime. By dusk, the children all filtered back into camp and the campfires transformed the scene until most of the children lay on their sleeping bags watching the fires send glowing embers up into the air.

This would be the last playtime period of the day, and unlike those that preceded it during the day, particularly a school day, there was no special hurry to get things over with. Both bedtime playtime as well as the first playtime in the morning when the children first awoke from a long night's rest, was a very special time when things were never rushed or hurried and there was more than enough time to re-establish that very special bond between friends, some of which had been established in infancy while still under the care and direction of the staff in Camp Kenny.

Even if the children lay side by side, Chris, Matty, Billy, Mike. Trevor and Sammy may just as well have been all alone in the lean-to's because nobody else mattered and nobody else was there. In the lean-to next door, the twins, Benji and Gavin were off in their own world with Carla and Jeannie as their partners and except for a few shrill giggles heard throughout the camp site now and then, nothing beyond the crackle of the fires could be heard.

"It looks to me like the party is beginning to break up." Sid said as he finished a beer. "What happens now?" Dr. Lester asked as Jesse and David walked toward the men with their bodies glowing red from the embers of the campfire. "Pretty much the same thing that happens in the cabins; the boys who are attached will find their way back to their beds, and the rest will snuggle in with each other for the rest of the night." Sid said as Jesse and David each gave the man a kiss and sat down on either side of him. "I'm going to be sleeping up there, but I have to tuck the little guys in and allow the fires to go down a little more first." Sid told both boys as he pointed to his spot in the lean-to. Saying nothing, both boys gave Sid another kiss goodnight and crawled into the lean-to on all fours. The Doctor shook his head as both boys laid down together and put their heads on the pillows. "So much for counting sheep." The Doctor said as he turned back around and watched the fire. "It use to take me a good half hour to fall asleep before I came to Green Tree." Adam said as he smiled. "Within a few days, I rarely even remembered putting my head down before I was asleep." He said.

Sid nodded. "We've got just about every medicine known to mankind in the infirmary. The one item we've never used or needed was sleeping pills of any kind." He said.

The snapping of twigs underfoot caught Adam's attention as Sammy and Paulie approached. Sammy silently crawled into Adam's lap more asleep than awake. "I'm surprised to see you here. Usually, you don't come to bed until after midnight." Adam said to the boy. Sammy deeply yawned as he kept his eyes closed and snuggled into Adam a little deeper. "Uncle Paulie wanted me to take him here to talk to Uncle Poppe." Sammy said as he drifted back off to sleep. "I, I just wanted to know who I should be asking." Paulie said more than a little sheepishly as Adam, Sid and Dr. Lester all looked at him. "Sounds like a right good suggestion then. Uncle Poppe is as knowledgeable as anyone here, maybe more. I know of a really great rock over there about a hundred feet [30 m] if you want to talk Private Time with him?" Sid asked the boy.

"If it's something about the camp, Uncle Sid may be more knowledgeable than myself." Dr. Lester said as the man and boy sat down on a large rock. "Not really, you know that two of my brothers are child psychologists as well as medical Doctor's right?" The 15 year old asked. "Well, I knew that one of them was; I guess now I know that two of them are." Dr. Lester replied. "And you know all about them and me, and that I'm going to become a Doctor too." Paulie said. "I know the basic facts because you and your brothers are now an integral part of Green Tree, but I'm not sure what you mean when you say "All about". The Dr. replied. "There's a whole lot about you and your brothers that I don't know, but then again, I don't think it's necessary either." He went on. "You know that we love each other, and we go to bed with each other." Paulie replied. "I know that." Dr. Lester said.

"Sammy and the other guys say that you're an outside uncle like Uncle Peter and Uncle Adam. Is that true?" Paulie asked the man. "Most of the boys I take care of from the Institute only know me as Doctor Lester, but the twins began calling me Poppe because they heard my Grandson Bobby calling me that, and here at Green Tree, "Poppe" turned into Uncle Poppe." The Doctor said smiling. "Since I'm not a Geppetto Boy, I guess that makes me an outside uncle in their vocabulary." He said smiling at the boy. "But you don't play with the boys like Uncle Peter and Uncle Adam do." Paulie said. "No, I have been married for over 40 years, I have 3 grown children and several Grandchildren including Bobby. I guess I'm a little too old to be playing with young children at my age, I never did it before, and something inside me stops me." Dr. Lester replied.

"But it doesn't stop me." Paulie said. "I'm aware of that." The Dr. replied. "Here in Green Tree, they all call me an outside uncle. Is that what everybody else thinks I am?" Paulie asked. "Who's everybody else?" Dr. Lester asked the boy. "The staff. You know, Uncle Bert and Uncle Sid." Paulie asked. "Yes of course, they are the ones who introduced you to the other children as Uncle Paulie, and they certainly know that you're not a Geppetto boy." The man replied.

Paulie was silent for several seconds as he stared out towards the campfires. "Who decides that an outside uncle and a boy become friends? Did Uncle Adam ask Sammy, or did Sammy ask Uncle Adam?" He asked. "According to Uncle Bert's rules, it is always the boys choice. It does not matter how much an uncle, whether he's an inside or an outside uncle, loves a boy, if the boy does not agree and really want the relationship, it goes no further." Dr. Lester replied. "Which boy are we talking about?" Dr. Lester asked. "You know that I love my brothers and I'm not a little kid?" Paulie asked the psychiatrist. "I'm sure you're aware of a loving relationship as well as any adult I know." Dr. Lester replied. "I want Spencer to be my brother. I want him to join our family." Paulie replied.

Doctor Lester sat back a bit and was fairly speechless. What Paulie was proposing had never been done before at Green Tree, and he needed some guidance very badly. "It's my understanding that all the boys in your family are going to become Doctors. Spencer hasn't said anything about becoming a Doctor; he says he may want to become a ship's Captain doesn't he?" Dr. Lester asked.

"He could change his mind, especially if he goes to school with me and David." Paulie replied. "Has he indicated to you that that is what he intends to do?" Dr. Lester asked. "He's thinking about it, but I didn't say anything to him about it yet because I need to talk to my brothers first. I know that Spencer loves me, he asked me what I would say if he asked me to be his Outside Uncle." Paulie said. "And what did you say?" The Doctor asked. "I didn't say anything, I kissed him." Paulie replied.

"Our Big Brother Marty always decided which boy was going to be adopted into the family, but now he's gone. He and Uncle Joel explained to all of us why he made the decision to adopt us, and that's why I want to adopt Spencer. I know I'm only 15, but I know what love is and I know that I don't love Spencer just to have sex with him." The boy said.

"If you haven't said anything to him, why would he be thinking about it?" the Doctor asked. "He ain't thinking about me adopting him, he's thinking about going to school up North and becoming a Captain." Paulie replied.

"I know that you know all about love, but tell me what you feel about Spencer that tell's you that you love him. We don't have to go into the part about sex, we all know how much fun that can be and the feelings it brings between two people." The Doctor said. "If you didn't have sex with your wife, would you still love her?" Paulie asked. "Would you still have married her?"

Doctor Lester smiled and chuckled a bit. "I was told you were one extremely bright little boy, I think they under-estimated your abilities." The Doctor replied as he shook his head. The smile on Paulie's face displayed two dimples that were visible for the first time that night. His deeply tanned body glistened in the night reflected by the firelight that gave him a glow of purity and innocence. Still clearly a boy, he was as starkly beautiful a male as was Spencer and even a blind man saw it.

"Little boy?" Paulie asked. Again Doctor Lester chuckled. "For a man as old as I am Paulie, that is the highest compliment I can bestow on another male. Never be in a great hurry to grow up, it comes all too fast as it is." The Doctor advised the boy. "Marty and Uncle Joel said the same stuff. But you can't drive when you're a kid and you can't be a Doctor." Paulie replied. "In time, that will come, but being young and free only comes along once, so enjoy it while it's here." The Doctor replied.

"I think as far as Spencer is concerned, you need to sit down and have Talk Time with your brothers and it would probably be a very good idea to have Uncle Bert, Uncle Sid, Aunt Jeanette and Anthony there as well." The Doctor advised Paulie.

"That's what Uncle Charlie said. He also said I should bring you along too." Paulie said. "I'm sure that at some time, I'll be included in on the discussions, but it might be pre-mature for me to be there in the very beginning." The Doctor said. "Jesse and David and Uncle Charlie said that I could have my Primary Uncle there with me if I wanted to. I want you to be my Primary Uncle, and I want you to come with me to Talk Time." Paulie replied.


"What the little weasel is trying to do is stack the deck in his favor. On a technicality, we can put a stop to it, but we need to seriously look at the down side if we do that." Sid said as he walked along a bridle path with Adam, Barry and Dr. Lester. "What technicality?" Adam asked. "He's asking to play by Green Tree Rules. By asking Doctor Lester to be his Primary Uncle, the Doctor is in his pocket as his advocate. We can put a stop to that mighty quick, because Paulie simply isn't a Geppetto Boy, he's an outsider." Sid replied. "Naturally, if we do that, we're rejecting him."

"Smart boy!" Barry said. "If it was his idea, yes. Let's keep in mind we've heard the names; Jesse, David and Charlie." Sid replied. "Do you think Charlie would have encouraged this?" Barry asked. "If he thought it was a good idea, why not? You have to remember dear brother, Charlie is one of them. He has no knowledge of the inner workings of Paulie's family any more than the boys do. He knows that Paulie is being raised in sexual freedom on the outside, but nothing more."

"So we have to let him play by Green Tree Rules?" Adam asked. Sid shook his head. "First, we have to let his brothers make a ruling concerning their thoughts. Then we have to convene Spencer's Team. If we can overcome the legal and logistical problems, we still have the problem of Jeanette, Gloria, Johanna and not in the least, Anthony. If Spencer pops the question to Paulie about becoming his outside uncle, the shit's going to hit the fan around here." Sid said. "You think he might?" Dr. Lester asked. "The fact that Spencer asked Paulie what he would say if he was asked about being his outside uncle tells me clearly he's thinking about it. Spencer will never put himself in danger of either being hurt or rejected. He's clearly putting "Feelers" out there to protect himself from being rejected by Paulie." Sid said. "Clearly." Dr. Lester agreed.

So what now?" Adam asked. "In the morning, I'll alert Bert. Thomas needs to be included as soon as possible and then we wait for the brother's decision. Until we know where they stand, there's nothing for us to decide. This isn't the best time for me to be going off on a Holiday. I may need to cancel my little picnic Tuesday morning with the butchers." Sid said as he finished his beer. Adam and Barry looked at each other, but neither man spoke. Yet.


As Paulie slipped back into the lean-to that he was sharing with Greg, Bruce and Spencer, he looked over at Greg and Bruce who were both sound asleep. "Where's Jesse and David?" Spencer asked as he laid down and Paulie came alongside him and placed his head on his friends chest. "They went to go sleep with Uncle Sid." Paulie said as he listened to Spencer's heart and stroked his friends chest and tummy.

"Where did you go? I thought you were just going to take a piss in the woods." Spencer said as Paulie kissed the top of Spencer's head and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "I took Sammy over to Uncle Adam's lean-to and then I had some Talk Time with Uncle Poppe." Paulie replied. "Talk Time? You know he's a shrink right?" Spencer asked. Paulie chuckled somewhat. "That's OK, two of my brothers are shrinks. They are just like regular people. Besides, Ain't Uncle Bert and Uncle Sid shrinks?" He asked. "They ain't like regular shrinks who want to know why you say something every time you say it. Green Tree shrinks is different than outside shrinks, some of them are pretty weird." Spencer said.

'Not my brothers, they are pretty much like Uncle Bert. You can talk to them just like they're regular people." Paulie replied. Knowing that he couldn't come straight out and ask Paulie what the conversation with Dr. Lester was about, Spencer was very careful about his next question. "Did ya have a nice talk with Uncle Poppe?" He asked. "Yes, I asked him if Uncle Bert and Uncle Sid thought I was the same kind of an outside uncle as Uncle Peter and Uncle Adam." Paulie replied. "Why?" Spencer asked as he picked up his head and looked at Paulie. "Because I didn't know if I could ask someone to be their outside uncle, or if they had to ask me." Paulie replied. "Someone like who?" Spencer asked.

Boys don't normally kiss boys, and in Paulie's case, this was especially true. However, there were always exceptions, and as he wrapped Spencer up in a comforter and slid his arms around him, their kiss was as tight and loving as their bodies embrace. It would be close to a half hour before they were both completely spent for the night and the two fell asleep as one with Spencer snuggled into Paulie's chest with Paulie's hands protectively covering Spencer's genitals in warmth and love.

"Hey Uncle Adam! Does this mean Uncle Paulie is gonna get his own cabin and we can move in with him?" Matty asked as the boy crawled up Adam's body. Adam had barely awoken and was just in the beginnings of making love to Sammy as was their normal morning ritual as he was rudely brought back down to earth. "Would it do any good if I said the door was closed?" Adam asked the boy who was by now laying on top of Adam. The 10 year old giggled as he looked over at Sammy's head that was just sticking out from underneath the comforter. "Don't be silly Uncle Adam, lean-to's ain't got no doors. Ain't you and Sammy done making morning playtime?" He asked with a dimpled smile. "Would you like me to lie to you and say yes?" Adam asked. "Ya ain't got no doors Uncle Adam, so if you're gonna fuck, ya may as well just do it!" Trevor said as he sat down Indian style at the head of Adam's lean-to. "Guess again!" Adam replied as he turned over on his back and picked up Matty by his waist and gently tossed the squealing boy on top of Trevor. Adam reached up on the lip of the lean-to and pulled down a blanket he had tied up to the roof of the lean-to. As it dropped to the ground, he lay back down next to Sammy and pulled the boy back into himself. "No fair Uncle Adam, you watch us fuck all the time!" Trevor yelled. "That's only because you happen to be playing on the living room rug. Anytime you want a little privacy, all you have to do is not play in the middle of Times Square!" Adam retorted as Sammy giggled.

"This neighborhood has gone to the dogs! It use to be a man could wake up in peace and serenity around here! Now we have children screaming and adults doing ungodly things with little boys. What's this world coming to?" Sid asked as he crawled out of his lean-to with Jesse and David following him. Adam looked at the decidedly pink erections on both David and Jesse and shook his head. Picking both 13 year olds up and placing them on his hips, Sid walked down to the swimming hole and jumped into the deep end with both boys still attached and screaming.

"I-eee?" Adam heard in back of him. Turning around, Christopher had a banana in one hand half eaten and his penis in a choke hold in the other. "Over there Christopher! Piss on the bush." Adam said as he pointed towards a blueberry bush. "Not there Uncle Adam! That's a blueberry bush and we eat them!" Trevor yelled. Adam chuckled as Christopher waddled over to the bush with a small stream escaping his clutch. "First of all, the blueberries are all gone for the season. And secondly, you aren't even going to try to tell me that a little urine bothers you, are you?" Adam said as he lifted Sammy off the ground and put the boy on his hip. "We ain't blood brothers with Christopher, Aunt Helen told us not to because Christopher wouldn't understand it." Matty replied "Well trust me my little urinals, Christopher's piss taste the same as anybody else's around here." Adam replied as Sammy giggled once again.

Morning swim was more of a bath as the nights urine, straw and dirt floated down stream. With the water a little cooler, the bath was short for the children, while for Sid, who was constantly having his lap used as a cushion while the children bathed, it was a little longer along with Adam, Dr. Lester and Barry keeping him company. Among the last to appear out of their lean-to was the twins and the girls.

"Was I mistaken, or did I hear something about moving in with Uncle Paulie this morning?" Sid asked as he drank some coffee provided by the mess crew who was making breakfast. "If Uncle Paulie gets his own cabin, we want to move in with him!" Matty exclaimed. "Who said anything about Uncle Paulie getting his own cabin?" Sid asked the boy. "He gots to! Spencer made him his Outside Uncle last night." Billy replied. Sid looked around but didn't see either boy. "Where are they?" Sid asked. "Still in bed silly, they're still playing." Trevor replied. "How do you know Spencer made Paulie his Outside Uncle?" Adam asked. "Spencer told us when we went to wake them up." Trevor replied as the other boys nodded. "So can we?" Matty asked. "Did Bruce make Greg his Uncle?" Sid asked. "Did Greg get his own cabin?" "No, but Greg ain't no outside uncle, he's a Geppetto boy. All outside uncle's gots their own cabins, don't they Uncle Adam?" Trevor asked. "I gots mine!" Adam said to an unhappy Sid. "Great, just when I need help you turn into one of the illiterates!" Sid said as Barry and Dr. Lester chuckled.

"Let's have breakfast, let's finish the Trail Ride, and once we get back to camp, let's let the staff figure out what's going on, and then we'll tell you." Sid told the growing group of children around him. "We already know what's going on Uncle Sid. Spencer made Paulie his Outside Uncle and now they're fuckin!" Carla said. Sid closed his eyes and lowered his head. "Thank you Carla, we needed that information. Now, can we have breakfast?" Sid asked the girl.

"What kind of cabin are you running here? You're allowing these little children to use this kind of language in mixed company?" Sid chided Adam as the group headed for the tables. "This ain't no mixed company Uncle Sid. Mixed company is when the girls are around. There ain't no girls here!" Chris replied. Sid looked at both Carla and Jeannie who, like the boys, hadn't yet bothered to dress. "Silly me, what was I thinking!" Sid said as the staff chuckled.

With the children and the horses all fed, the return trip to camp through the Meadow took all of 3 hours once the children had the space to gallop around in the 5 foot wheat. Watching the scene from the rest area where water for the horses and drinks could be found, the staff laughed as the colt, who was only barely able to see over the top of the wheat, hopped around like a rabbit

"How are we going to deal with this?" Adam asked Sid once things calmed down. Sid shook his head. "We're in brand new territory. This has never occurred before. Outside Uncle's have always remained with the boys. I can't see that happening with Paulie, and the alternative is to allow Spencer to go with Paulie to The Andover School. I know that they're pretty liberal up there, but this just might be a bit of a stretch even for them to swallow." Sid replied. Dr. Lester nodded his head. "Their dorms are 4 boys to a room. Even if we brought it down to the 3 of them, it wouldn't take all that long for the other students to figure out that our boys see things a bit differently than they do." He said. What about renting a house off campus? Doesn't The Andover School take in Day Students from the community?" Barry asked.

"We're sitting here assuming that Bert, Jeanette, Johanna and especially Anthony are going to allow Spencer to go North. Spencer's not just another boy here at Green Tree. People, including yours truly, bled tears bringing Spencer through when he first came here eight years ago. He's joined at the hip with half a dozen staff here and there's an umbilical cord attached to a few more." Sid said as he watched Spencer riding with David on top of Maria. "In a year or two I think it would be a great idea. Unless Spencer is thinking that Paulie will stay here with him, we're not talking about a year or two, we're talking weeks!" Sid said.

"Do you think the staff would hold him back?" Dr. Lester asked. "The typical age that our boys head off on their own, even in a secure and supervised living environment is 16 to 18 years of age. Spencer is 13 years old, has never really dealt with the outside world, has been severely abused as a child and is probably one of the most vulnerable boys we have at Green Tree except for Christopher. Nobody I know is going to open the front door and wave goodbye to him Doc, on that you can bet the farm!" Sid replied.

Adam, who up until this point in time was relatively quiet, watched Sid very closely. After two years with the man, Adam knew him well enough to know when Sid had his defenses up and was agitated. While Sid loved all the children at Green Tree, some he took a bit more personally and Spencer was most certainly one of those boys.

"I agree 100 percent Sid, and if a vote came up that even suggested we take that course, I would throw a blackball into the idea, two if you are having your surgery on Tuesday, but we all know there isn't going to be any vote taken while you are not there." Adam told his friend. Sid nodded his head as he continued to watch Spencer trot across the fields on the huge mare. "This isn't the time for me to be incapacitated. We can delay the surgery for a few weeks, it's not like my prostate is going anywhere." Sid replied.

While Adam remained silent, the rest of the adults, including Doctor Lester, looked at him for a response. There are 5 adults at Green Tree who can make Sid change his mind about something he didn't want to do, and they all knew Adam was one of them.

"What's not going anywhere, is Spencer for now Sid. Your prostate is going somewhere; it's going in the garbage on Tuesday, or you're the one who is going to be dealing with Bert and the girls. Do you plan on telling Johanna first, or Jeanette?" Adam asked.

Sid shook his head as he glared at his friend. "Any discussion about any of the boys leaving is off the table until I get back into the discussions. If it's any other way, Me and my prostate will stay attached until hell freezes over." Sid replied. "I doubt very much whether Bert would have it any other way, Sid." Adam told his friend.

Once the children on the Meadow had their fill of galloping around, a short drink break at the rest stop occurred while Sid bartered his horse, a jet black stallion named "Zeus". The animal was trained to be a leader horse, and was by far the fastest horse in Camp having come from a breeding farm in Ocala, Florida. Rarely did the boys ride him, and he was usually ridden only by Sid or the Stable Boys. David was happy to exchange Maria for the stallion as a small chorus of "No fair!" rang in Sid's ears.

Adam watched as the 6 foot, 225 pound man grabbed a handful of Maria's mane and leaped on board the horse like a 100 pound Indian. "It is fair because I want to have some Talk Time with Spencer. None of you would deny me that right, would you?" Sid asked the children as he reached down from Maria and picked up the 13 year old Spencer and placed him in front of him without a grunt.

"It's a damned good thing he calls me his friend. Can you imagine what he could do to me if he got really pissed off?" Adam asked. Barry and Dr. Lester both chuckled as they mounted back up. "More than a few people found out as Sid was growing up. He never picked the fight, but if some fool was determined to get in his face, they found out the hard way that you didn't mess with him." Barry said as Trevor climbed aboard with him for the return trip to camp. "The same when Sid went off to college. We had to bail him out of jail more than a few times when he attended Georgetown University. There was always some drunk fool in a bar who wanted to test him." Doctor Lester added.

Talk Time

As the group headed back into the woods, Sid elected to take the Orange Trail while the rest of the boys traveled the more popular Blue Trail which would bring them within range of the girl's camp. With Maria's colt walking alongside his mother, the sounds of the rest of the group grew dimmer and dimmer through the woods as the Trail wound its way along side a mountainside.

"Did you hear that Uncle Paulie is now my Outside Uncle?" Spencer asked as the boy laid back on Sid's chest. "Yes, and we're all going to be very interested in learning how you and Paulie intend to maintain that relationship." Sid said as he wrapped his arms around Spencer's waist and kissed the top of Spencer's head. "What's that mean?" Spencer asked. Sid chuckled a bit as he caressed Spencer's still boyish tummy. "It means that Paulie is going to be returning to Martha's Vineyard and school very shortly, and I don't recall any decisions being made concerning Spencer going anywhere, so how do the two of you plan to maintain the relationship that normally develops between a boy and his Outside Uncle?" Sid replied.

"Maybe Uncle Paulie can go to school here. We got lots of teachers and stuff, and he could still go to medical school to be a Doctor." Spencer replied. "Did Paulie tell you that, Spencer?" Sid asked the boy. "No, but it could happen. He loves me, he told me that." Spencer replied. "I have absolutely no doubt of that, Spencer. I believe that he loves you and I believe that you love him." Sid replied as he sat back a little on Maria and bought the boy with him. "But I also know that he has a family up in the Vineyard that fully expect him to be returning to school at Andover in the Fall, and in all probability, David will be joining him." Sid told the boy.

"That was before I decided to make Uncle Paulie my Outside Uncle. Maybe now they will change their plans and let him stay with me." Spencer said. "You and Uncle Bert could change their minds if you wanted to, can't you Uncle Sid?" Spencer asked. "Paulie, we're not talking about changing the roster of a baseball team, or changing the bunk you live in. These plans for Paulie were put into place by Paulie's Big Brother and his Uncle who are now both dead. Paulie's going off to school with David to a school that is prepared to get him and David ready for medical school. We're not the same kind of school." Sid said.

"You and Uncle Barry have your new house on Block Island. Anthony says that you're going to let boys live there. Maybe I'll go to The Andover School with Uncle Paulie, and I can live with you and Uncle Barry on Block Island." Spencer said. "You would leave Green Tree to go to school?" Sid asked. "It wouldn't really be leaving. I would have David and maybe even Jesse with me. With you and Uncle Barry there, it would be just like Green Tree almost." Spencer replied.

"Spencer, it's true that the house on Block Island will probably have boys in it, but we were talking about New Hampshire boys going there on vacations with Uncle Barry. I'll probably be going up there on visits a few times a year, but I have no intentions of leaving Green Tree for at least another 20 years or so." Sid told the boy.

Spencer was silent for a good 5 minutes or so before he spoke again. "I'll have Talk Time with Aunt Jeanette. She'll get together with you and Uncle Bert and you'll figure it out. You always do." He finally said as he watched the colt walking alongside his mother. "Moochie is looking for a drink, Uncle Sid. We need to stop." The boy said.

Getting off the Belgian mare, Sid then lowered Spencer to the ground as Baron slipped his head under his mother's stomach and latched on for some of her milk. Sid watched as Spencer headed for a nearby clump of bushes and urinated. Sitting down against a rock, Sid was deep in thought about Spencer's words. The boy was dumping the situation into his lap and planned on using his relationship with Jeanette to help him. Once Spencer was finished, the boy walked over to where Sid was and sat down on his lap, face to face.

"Have you mentioned anything about this to Anthony?" Sid asked the boy. "We talked about what he was going to be doing with the new Camp Kenny transitional boys that Uncle Bert and Aunt Jeanette are going to be putting in a new cabin. He says that he wants me to come with him but I don't think I want to live with a bunch of little kids who can't even play baseball." Spencer replied as he ran his fingers through Sid's chest hair.

Sid smiled a bit and chuckled. "It wasn't all that long ago when you were one of those little ones that couldn't play baseball. We all have to learn sometimes, you could help teach them." Sid told the boy as he wrapped his arms around Spencer and pulled him into his chest. Spencer said nothing as he wrapped his own arms around the chest of Sid and nestled his face against his favorite teacher.

"Are any of Uncle Paulie's brother's gay?" The boy finally asked. "I don't really know Spencer, I've never had any reason to ask. Why?" Sid asked. "If Uncle Paulie was gay, do you think they would care?" Spencer asked. "If he were gay, there wouldn't be a whole hell of a lot anybody could do about it. Why do you ask?" Sid repeated. "Because I want him to be gay. I want him to stay with me and I want him to love me as much as I love him." Spencer replied. "Why do you think either one of you have to be gay for all of that to occur? I'm not gay and yet I love you as much as you love me. Most of the staff here is not gay and yet they all love you." Sid told Spencer as he kissed the boys head and massaged his back with his large hands. "Uncle John and Uncle Bert and a whole lot of our Uncle's don't sleep with us anymore like they use to. Now, even Anthony won't be sleeping with me pretty soon because I'm too old for him. I don't want it to get that way with Uncle Paulie. I want him to want to keep sleeping with me even when I get older. I'm gay Uncle Sid, or I'm just the way you are. I'm not going to want to stop sleeping with boys when I grow up. I don't like girls the way I like boys, and that's OK." Spencer replied.

"When you say that you're just the way I am, what does that mean Spencer?" Sid asked. "When most of our Uncle's grow up, and when we grow up, they stop sleeping with us. Just like when I get a little older, and like when Sammy get's a little older, Anthony and Adam will stop sleeping with us because we ain't kids no more. You ain't like that, you still play with Anthony, and even Uncle Barry." Spencer replied. "And you think that's because I'm gay?" Sid asked the boy. "No, you ain't gay, you just like to fuck both girls and boys. Me too, but I like to fuck with boys more than girls." Spencer replied.

Sid chuckled somewhat and gave Spencer's scalp a gentle kiss. "Then what's the difference if Paulie is gay or not?" he asked the boy. "Geppetto girls is different than outside girls. Our Aunts don't care if you play with them and with us. Outside girls don't like their boyfriends fucking with other boys." Spencer said.

"And what has Paulie said to you about all of this? Has he indicated to you that he wants to have a deeper relationship with you?" Sid asked. "He told me he loves me." Spencer replied. "Spencer, Paulie would have to blind and stupid not to love you. I don't know anybody in this whole camp that doesn't love you. If you've asked Paulie to be your outside uncle, then obviously you love him as well and you want him to love you back.

What you need to figure out is what kind of a relationship you're going to have with him, and what kind of a relationship he's going to have with you. I'm not talking about today, or even next year. I'm talking about down the road when it's time for you to decide if you prefer to stay attached to boys, girls, or even both." Sid said.

"One of the things you haven't taken into consideration in this whole thing is how you're going to feel 5 and 10 years down the road. You want to go to bed with Paulie and your friends right now, but will you want to do that when you're 23, ten years from now? Most of the boys here do not Spencer, and I think you'll come out the same way." Sid told the boy.

"Let me ask you this Spencer; did you find any of Uncle Thomas's brothers up in the Vineyard Sexually attractive?" He asked. "They were OK, I would have gone to bed with any of them if they asked." Spencer replied. "That wasn't the question Spencer. You find Paulie and Jesse and David sexually attractive, right?" Sid asked the boy. "Sure, we fuck all the time Uncle Sid, you know that!" Spencer replied. Sid shook his head and again chuckled to himself. "Spencer, I'm not asking who will or will not fuck, I'm asking you if you look at an older man or an older woman and say to yourself; "Gee, I'd sure like to go to bed with that person." Spencer looked at Sid and giggled. "We don't never do stuff like that Uncle Sid, we just take off our clothes and play if we feel like it." Spencer replied. "Spencer, when you first saw Paulie, did you want to see him naked and make love with him?" Sid asked. "Sure, everybody in the cabin did." Spencer replied. "Well, when you went up to the Vineyards and first met Paulie's brothers, did you look at them and want to do the same thing?" Sid asked. Spencer shook his head.

"I guess the best way to explain "Sexually Attracted to" is to think about seeing someone and getting a boner. When you saw Paulie, you got a boner, When you saw the Aunts and Uncles, no boner. That's the difference." Sid explained. "Oh." Spencer replied. But just because I don't get a boner don't mean I don't love somebody. I love you and Aunt Johanna, but I don't get boners every time I see you." Spencer told the teacher. Sid again smiled and held the boy tightly against his chest.

"It's a little complicated Spencer, but there's many kinds of love. The two most important are probably sexual love and emotional love. Many times they merge and you can't tell them apart. You love your Aunt Johanna, but not in a sexual way. You love baseball, but not in a sexual way. You love Anthony, but you love him both emotionally and sexually. Most of the boys here you love sexually, and they are your friends, but you're not really emotionally tied to them. They're just fun to play baseball with and fuck." Sid said as Spencer again giggled. "Not at the same time!" He said still giggling.

"Right now Spencer, the bonds between you and Anthony are both emotional and Sexual. The staff believes that you and Anthony will outgrow each other. If you stayed a little boy like you are now, Then Anthony would be happy forever with you. But you're growing and he loves little boys, not grown men. We believe the same is true for you. You seek out boys your own age, and we think in time, that will even progress to seeking out girls. In the meantime, you and Paulie have found each other. That's OK for now, but it might not stay that way forever. What I want for you is for you to understand that, and for Paulie to understand it so that nobody gets hurt down the road." Sid said as Spencer clung to the man.

"I like girls Uncle Sid. I liked Valerie up in the Vineyard and she's a girl." Spencer replied. "I just like being with boys more because they're easier to talk to." Sid smiled once again as he kissed Spencer again on his head and massaged the boys back and spine. "That's precisely why we think that once you learn how to communicate with girls, you'll find out they're pretty neat stuff." Sid said as Spencer giggled once more.

As the two sat there, Sid noticed the distinctive feel of an erection flexing from Spencer. While Spencer was naked, Sid still had his shorts on, but still, with Spencer's penis directly on top of the man's genitals, there was no doubt of the source. "Is it time?" Sid asked the boy. Spencer nodded his head but still clung to Sid's chest. "Do you gotta go too Uncle Sid?" he asked. "If that's what you want to do, I guess I could force myself into making love with you. You're not too bad looking, and you don't smell too bad." Sid replied. Spencer smiled and giggled as he stood up in front of Sid with an erection that told Sid he was fully ready to play. Sid lifted his bottom off the ground and pulled down his shorts. "Name your poison Spencer, you're my guest, so you decide what you want done." Sid told the boy. "I don't wanna do it fast Uncle Sid. I love it when we play, and I don't want it to stop too quick." Spencer told his teacher. Sid nodded and took Spencer's round, full hips in his hands and pulled the boy into him. As Sid took Spencer's penis fully into his mouth and milked the boys pre-come out of his erection with his tongue, Spencer closed his eyes to savor the feelings that were now rushing from his groin and pulling his testicles tight against his body.

Were it Sid's intentions, he could have made the boy climax in under two minutes. However, since Spencer asked that this not be a quickie, he brought the boy to a point that was comfortable for Spencer, but a point that he would not want to back away from. Letting Spencer's penis slip from his mouth, it was now Spencer's choice on how he wanted to proceed. Spencer wordlessly dropped to his knee's and took Sid into his mouth. Once fully wet from his saliva, Spencer positioned himself directly over Sid's abdomen and began the well practiced act of accepting Sid's penis into his body. It was now Sid's turn to close his eyes as Spencer's sphincter muscle gave way to Sid's head as it slipped past his rectum and slid along Spencer's prostate. Once Spencer's rectum sat warmly on top of Sid's groin, Spencer once again wrapped his arms around the man and began the long slow process of using his pelvic floor muscle to massage Sid's penis into a sexual frenzy without either's hips having to move an inch. If there was a more perfect way to be made love to, Sid didn't know what it was.

If you asked any of the boys which form of activity they rated the highest, "Lollipops" always took first place. The act was rarely performed on a time table or within a tight schedule. Few boys over the age of 5 could not keep their partner happy almost indefinitely, and making it last was the norm. Sid knew that Spencer was no different, and as Spencer withdrew the last of Sid's ejaculation from his penis, Spencer lay still on the man's chest as he savored the warm feelings flowing deeply within him. Wordlessly, Sid lay the child across his legs and took Spencer's penis back into his mouth. It was now Spencer's turn to drift off into a world of openness and purity that few people ever realize beyond the grounds of Green Tree.


Adam's ride back to the stables with the rest of the group went largely uneventful after splitting off from Sid and Spencer, at least for the first 15 minutes.

"Did Christopher forget to tell me something?" Adam asked the special needs boy as Adam looked down to a wet crotch on himself and a thoroughly soaked pair of corduroy bib overalls on the boy sitting on the horse with him. "Gee Uncle Adam, Christopher pissed all over you." Jeremy said as he and Matty rode along one side of the man. "Thank you Jeremy, for a minute there, I thought it had rained." Adam replied as the children around him giggled. Christopher now turned around with a slightly concerned look in his eyes and 10 fingers put to his mouth in what Adam and all the residents now knew to be a fearful move on his part. "Ray?" Christopher asked as he made the sign for rain with both hands and then returned his fingers to his mouth. Adam chuckled a bit as the rest of the boys once more giggled around him. "I don't think it rained Christopher, I kind of think you took a piss. Am I right?" Adam asked the boy.

Christopher remained silent as he searched for any sign of aggression in Adam's face. "I-eee?" The boy asked. "No, you're not in trouble, but if you accidentally wet your pants, we need to get a dry pair on you." Adam replied as Christopher studied the man's words and his demeanor. After about a 3 second pause, Christopher's color came back to his face as his dimples re-appeared on his cheeks. "Hey!" he replied with a toothy smile.

"He's been with us now for almost a year Uncle Adam; ain't he never going to stop being afraid?" Trevor asked as he and Sammy watched Adam stop his horse and take Christopher down to the ground. "You have to remember boys; Christopher spent the better part of his 12 years on the outside being pretty severely abused. That kind of stuff doesn't go away overnight, or sometimes not even for years." Adam said as he dropped the straps off Christopher's shoulders and the overalls sank to the ground around his feet.

With the sunlight shafting through the leaves on the tree's and the leaves making patterns on his torso, Christopher now stood naked with a small belly that could have contained a small baby. With his infantile sized genitals in his hand, he stepped out of his pants and walked over to a small bush to pee as Adam shook his head once again. Dropping his own shorts to the ground, Adam now also stood naked. "Anybody know whose horse good old Uncle Adam's knap sack is riding on?" He asked as the boys giggled. "All the knap sacks went back with the Mess Crew Uncle Adam." Sammy advised his Counselor. "It's OK Uncle Adam, we all seen your dick before." Carla told the man as she joined the growing group of campers on horses now surrounding Adam.

"That's very reassuring to me Carla, I hope you enjoyed the show." Adam replied as the giggles increased. "Ya ain't got a dick bigger than Uncle Sid or Uncle Charlie, but it's OK I guess." Carla said. "Thanks" Adam said as he got back on his horse and a senior boy lifted Christopher up to him.

With the group headed on, Adam fell in line alongside Dr. Lester who was still smiling from the exchange. "She speaks her mind quite freely, doesn't she?" The Dr. asked. Adam shook his head as Christopher went back to wiggling the reigns which the horse promptly ignored. "The both of them are about as wild and free as any two little girls can get. When it comes time to send them out into this big, bad world, they're going to be in for somewhat of a culture shock unless we break them in gently." Adam replied. "I suppose that's true for most all of them." The Dr. answered. "The boys can get away with a bunch of it, but the girls won't be given as much slack. They'll have to be trained to be prim and proper, or they'll find themselves labeled as tramps or worse." Adam replied somewhat sadly. "And what do you see your roll in that will be?" the Dr. asked. "We've discussed it amongst staff; they are children until they fully develop and then we let mother nature take over and steer them towards monogamous relationships." Adam replied. "And if that fails?" the Dr. asked. "We can't force them out if this is where they are comfortable." Adam said. "Assuming we still have this place, they'll have the option of remaining here and raising the Camp Kenny little one's." Adam replied as Christopher wiggled himself half around and signed for something to drink.

"Do you want us to take him Uncle Adam?" Jill asked as the girl handed Christopher a canteen full of Bug Juice. Adam shook his head and smiled as he looked at the girl who was now riding with a senior boy that looked to be slightly older than the 15 year old girl. "That's OK sweetheart, it looks like you have your hands full already." Adam replied. With a giggle, the boy nudged the horse in the flanks with his heels as he wrapped his arms back around the shirtless girls waist. "Lucky boy." Adam said as the Dr. smiled.

"Has Sid talked to you at all about his upcoming operation?" The Dr. now asked. Adam shook his head. "I know when he's been dealing with it with the Team, or when he has to have a test or something, but our agreement is not to discuss it, and I've respected his wishes." Adam replied. "I've been where he's at now, I had my prostate taken out more than 10 years ago. What I would like to offer Sid is my experiences and to try to help explain to him what he could be looking at shortly. How do you think he'll react to the offer?" Dr. Lester asked. "One of two ways." Adam replied. "He'll either tell you to keep your fucking information to yourself, or, if you catch him in just the right mood, he'll run through a dozen bottles of beer while you do most of the talking." Adam replied. "Any tips on how I might catch him in a receptive mood?" Dr. Lester asked. "If it were me, I would arrange with Bert to have his cabin emptied of the girls and Christopher for the night on Sunday and arrange a meeting with you, Bert and Sid all alone." Adam said as Christopher turned his head around at the mention of his name. "Meee?" the boy chirped with a purple colored mouth and upper lip. Adam smiled and gave Christopher a hug and a kiss on the neck. "You!" The counselor said as the boy giggled.

"He hasn't said a word to me, but I know he has to have a thousand questions; I would if I were in his shoes. Sid isn't happy being a Geppetto boy, but I know that the alternative has no appeal to him. He's learned how to deal with it, and I think he's happy now, just the way he is." Adam told the Doctor.

"Changes are coming to him, but it doesn't necessarily mean the end of his sexuality. If both of his nerve bundles can be spared, or even just one, he has a good chance of regaining his ability to have erections. Even if he doesn't, he will still be capable of bringing himself to climax, but it will be dry of course." The Doctor told Adam. "Why?" Adam asked. "They take the Vas Deferens and the Seminal Vesicles when they take the prostate. His testicles will still produce sperm, but they have no way of getting out and are reabsorbed into the body." The Doctor explained. Adam shook his head. "Unless he specifically asks', I wouldn't give him any more details than he needs. I would concentrate on what he can recover after surgery, not what they take out." Adam suggested.


It was close to lunch time when Sid and Spencer appeared on horseback coming out of the woods. Once Baron spotted the stables, he broke from his mothers side and ran for the corral where he knew he could find some pieces of fruit or a carrot.

"I would have thought you could beat us here by an hour." Adam said to Sid as the huge Belgian mare came to a stop by the water trough. "We stopped for a chat by the bridge and lost track of time." Sid said as Spencer grew a dimpled smile and covered his genitals with both hands and giggled as Sid kissed the boy on the side of his neck. Adam nodded as he studied the boy who was both the picture of an extremely healthy and contented boy. Sliding off the mare, Sid took the boy in his arms as Spencer wrapped his arms and legs around the man like a rhesus monkey with its mother.

"Hey Uncle Adam, what did the mess boys do with our clothes?" Carla asked as the girl approached surrounded by half a dozen campers. "I'm told they dropped everyone's things off at the cove." Adam replied as Carla approached Sid and Spencer. "How did you get this?" Carla asked as she reached for Spencer's ass and felt a large red welt on his bottom. "Did you fall off?" She asked. Gathering for a closer look, Sammy, Trevor and Matty all giggled together. "That ain't no boo-boo silly, that's a hickey!" Sammy told the girl as Spencer turned around to try to look at the mark. Carla leaned forward for a closer look and then looked up at Sid. "Oh yeah, sorry." She said as the boys giggled again.

"Ya left a hickey on my ass Uncle Sid?" Spencer said as Sid and the group headed for the golf carts. "Hey pal, if you're dumb enough to stick your ass out, I'm smart enough to leave my calling card!" Sid said as he patted the boys bottom and Spencer giggled once again. "Let that be a lesson to you Doctor, be very careful when you skinny dip with Sid." Adam told the man as they climbed into the cart. "Did Uncle Sid ever give you a hickey on your ass Uncle Adam?" Sammy asked his counselor. "I promised your Uncle Sid I would never tell." Adam said as Sid shook his head. "You boys know damned good and well that Uncle Sid don't have nothing to do with old, skinny, bony asses. Your Uncle Adam would have to pay me before I came anywhere near that atrocity." Sid said as the boys giggled away headed for the cove.

Mess Call blew just about half way through showers as wet towels rained down from the bedroom loft while shorts and tee shirts flew through the air. Christopher was barely cooperating while Jill put a pair of underpants on the boy while Claire held out a fresh pair of flannel lined bib overalls and a shirt for him. "Easy Christopher, they'll be plenty of food left for you!" Adam told the boy as he draped a towel over his head and began drying him off. "Eeee?" Christopher chirped from underneath the towel. "Yes, we will go to the Mess Hall as soon as Christopher is dressed." Jill replied as she pulled the pants up and snapped them around his waist. Once in his pants and shirt, Christopher gave Jill a strangling hug around her neck and promptly headed for the front door with the other boys. "We better bring his shoes and socks. Aunt Helen isn't going to like it if he's barefoot." Clair told her friend as the girls gathered laundry.

With most of the Mess Hall already at their tables, the mafia appeared in the doorway in a noisy swarm of humanity paying little attention to the rest of the campers already eating. With a running leap, Christopher crashed into Bert's lap with the grace of an elephant as he gave Burt a trademark strangle hold around the neck. "I guess this means you had a nice time on your overnight?" Bert asked the boy as Christopher gave the Director a sloppy kiss. Christopher beamed from ear to ear and signed "Horsey!" the boy chirped with a dimpled set of cheeks. Bert smiled at the boy and gave him another kiss. "Christopher had fun?" He asked. "Hey!" Christopher replied as he now started to wiggle himself back down to the floor. "Eee?" He asked as he signed for food.

"Hey Uncle Bert, you shoulda come with us! We found a great big cherry tree and it still had some cherries on it all the way up at the top!" Sammy yelled as Bert came over to the mafia's table and plunked Christopher down next to him. Bert first looked at Adam and then Sid. "The old cherry tree on the North side of the Meadow that's about 60 feet [18 m] tall?" Bert asked. "More like 75 feet [22 m] I think boss." Sid said as he poured himself an ice tea.

"And you allowed them to do that?" Bert asked as he sat down next to Christopher. "How else were they going to get the cherry's?" Sid replied as the boys began to giggle. "Very funny! I hope the girls think it's as funny when I tell them." Bert told his Assistant Director.

"Tell us what?" Gloria said as she walked over to Adam and handed Timmy to him. "Oh nothing, the boys had a great time on the overnight." Bert told the woman as the table continued to giggle as they ate. "He's lying to you sweetheart, he doesn't want you to know he gave the boys permission to climb the big cherry tree on the Meadow." Sid said as he continued to eat. "Tell me you didn't do that?" Gloria asked Adam who promptly pointed to Sid. "You too?" Gloria asked Carla and Jeannie. "We wus the first ones up to the tippity top!" Jeannie replied with a smile full of fried chicken. "Just great!" Gloria said as she shook her head.

"Matthew called Uncle Bert. He's on his way down tomorrow with some guests from Martha's Vineyard. They'll be here by Dinner time." She told her Director. Bert nodded his head as he filled a plate. "Let's call a Senior Staff meeting for Rest Period after lunch at my place. We've got the Labor Day Weekend to plan out." Bert said as Christopher ate from his plate. Gloria nodded as she turned to Adam once again. "You're on Poppa." She said as she gave Timmy a kiss on the top of his head.

"Who's coming Tom-tom?" Paulie asked his brother. "Stuart, Michael, Cory and Steven as far as I know." Thomas replied. "Is Valerie coming too?" Spencer asked. As Adam and Sid looked at each other, Thomas smiled a little. "I haven't heard about any other people coming from the Vineyard, but it's not impossible I guess." Thomas replied. "Why, would you like her to come down?" He asked. "She was curious what the Camp looked like, I just thought she might have asked to come if her father is also coming." Spencer replied as Paulie watched his friend attentively.

"Every time Spencer had to drop his pants to get some medicine put on his ass, Valerie was right there. Maybe Spencer wants her to put some more on?" David said with a small giggle. "Medicine?" Carla asked. "A cream that Aunt Jeanette could put on in a minute, but Valerie always took forever to rub on his ass." Jesse replied with a giggle to David. "Spencer let a girl rub his ass?" Carla asked wide eyed. "Shut up stupid! She wasn't rubbing it, she was putting on Medicine." Spencer said glaring at Jesse and David who continued to snicker. "OK guys, let's hold it down. Valerie is going to become a Doctor and part of her job was to see that Spencer's bandages were changed regularly." Thomas told the table. "How old is she?" Trevor asked. "Old enough to give Spencer a big boner!" Jesse replied as he bolted from the table laughing as Spencer went after him.

"What's that all about?" Beth asked as she watched Jesse and Spencer go flying out the screen door headed for the lake. "Boners!" Carla said as she giggled along with the rest of the table. "Never mind, the boys are just sowing some wild oats. What's up?" Bert asked. "I need some more teething medication for Joshua. He's not been sleeping well lately and he keeps pulling at his ears." Beth said as she gave the baby to Thomas. "Rub some Brandy on his gums. That's what worked on Charlie and Lucas." Sid said.

Thomas shook his head as he put Joshua in his lap and put a finger in the boys mouth and felt around his gums. "He has some molars coming in and they tend to give them a little more trouble. Give him as much chew food as you can; pieces of soft fruit and vegetables. Ice chips will help a lot, and I'll have Martha drop off some teething medication to rub on his gums at night." Thomas explained to the girl as he gave the baby a spear of cucumber. "No Brandy?" Sid asked as the table again chuckled.

"How's he doing on his walking?" Thomas asked ignoring Sid. "He'll cruise around, but he hasn't really walked on his own yet." Beth said as she took her baby back. "Some babies don't walk until they're 12 to 14 month's old. He's only 10 ½ months, so I wouldn't push it too much. He'll walk when he's ready." Thomas said.

As every meal always does, lunch ended after half a dozen camp songs were sung by the children. Walking out into the sunlight, Adam, along with half a dozen adults watched as the children headed back to their cabins for Rest Period. "We're going to go to the new Canteen and help build it after Rest Period Uncle Adam. Are you gonna come too?" Sammy asked as he passed the table Adam was sitting on. "Absolutely Sammy, wouldn't miss it for the world." Adam replied as the boy smiled and waved goodbye. "You think they'll make it?" Sid asked. "No fucking chance. They'll be sound asleep in 10 minutes." Adam replied as Sid nodded his head. Dr. Lester and Barry laughed.


The foot race between Jesse and Spencer ended when Jesse dove into the Lake far ahead of the slower Spencer. Now however, Spencer had the upper hand since he swims like a shark. Catching up to Jesse just as they got to a diving raft, Spencer pulled Jesse underwater as he stripped Jesse of his shorts and resurfaced. Gasping for air, Jesse came back to the surface still laughing. "Just wait till you pop a boner at the wrong time! I'll blab it all over the camp!" Spencer yelled as he lifted himself onto the raft. "Heck, I don't care who see's my boners or knows about them, I'll pop one in the middle of the Mess Hall if you think it bothers me." Jesse replied still giggling.

As Jesse took off his wet shirt and Spencer removed his shirt and shorts, both boys laid down on the warm floor of the raft and dried off in the midday sun. "What's it like fucking a girl?" Jesse asked his friend as he stared at the clouds going by. "You ain't never fucked a girl before?" Spencer asked. "If I did, would I be asking you about it, stupid?" Jesse replied. "You've been fucking with Carla and Jeannie; we all have." Spencer replied. "I ain't talking about back pussy, I'm talking about front pussy." Jesse said. "Oh." Spencer said as he felt a stirring in his body that was all too familiar. "It's the same as doing it with a boy, except you can get your dick in deeper. You can also kiss them at the same time, and girls like to do that when they're fucking." "Why?" Jesse asked. "I don't know, I guess it's because they want you to show them that you love them." Spencer replied. "That's dumb; you're fucking them ain't you?" Jesse asked. Spencer giggled a little as he came into full erection. "Uncle Sid say's that girls believe that boys fuck them because the boys want to do that, but if a boy kisses them and holds their hands and stuff, they really love them, and they don't just want to fuck." Spencer replied. "That's stupid! Kissing don't mean nothing, fucking does." Jesse said. Spencer shrugged his shoulders. "That's what Uncle Sid says." Spencer said as he rolled over and put his hand on Jesse's scrotum and fingered his friends testicle's in the palm of his hand. For now, talk was over as both boys showed each other how much they loved each other as they had been doing for years and years as the sun shone brightly down on them and the music from the Mess Hall told them they were alone in the world for now.

Rest Period after lunch ranged from 20 minutes to an hour, depending upon many factor's, including the day of the week. Since it was a Saturday and Bert had called a Senior Staff Meeting in his Cabin, today's Rest Period would last the full hour. With a Junior Counselor or Senior Boy in each cabin throughout the camp, the Senior Staff was now free to gather at Bert's.

General housekeeping matters were discussed and within 20 minutes or so, the meeting was ready to break. "Matthew will be coming in from The New Hampshire School tomorrow afternoon and he'll have several of Thomas brother's with him who worked on Spencer's plastic surgery with him to do some follow-up. The children know Matthew, but the have never seen Thomas's brothers before, so let your children know what to expect. The children can all maintain their normal routines, Thomas's brothers are aware of our special circumstances so they don't have to rearrange their normal schedules. Thomas will house them in his cabin." Bert told the large group. "How long will they be here?" Father Peter asked. "At least 4 days, maybe a week." Bert replied. "Just to check out Spencer's ass?" Peter asked. "No. While they are here, all the men 40 years old and older are going to undergo a blood test. Your PSA's will be checked, among other things. They are also here to remove Sid's prostate at Duke University Hospital on Tuesday. He was tested along with the staff of the New Hampshire School while he was up North, and it has to come out." Bert said to the hushed group.

"The bar's open and your traps are shut. I don't want any of the children knowing anything about this." Sid said as he opened a bottle of beer. "If anybody figures there's a promotion in their future, forget it! This Son of a Bitch ain't going nowhere, so don't be getting your hopes up." Sid said as he sat down.

"Can I have your Hammond B-3 and your swim fins?" Adam asked his friend as he opened his own beer. Sid chuckled as he shook his head. "What Sid wants from those he calls his friends is for things to be absolutely routine for the children until I get back from the butcher's. I'm told I can skip out of there as early as Wednesday, Thursday at the latest, and I'm going to be happiest if the kids don't even know I was gone." Sid said to some very long faces in the group. "Is he bull-shitting us again?" Father Peter asked Bert. Bert shook his head. "The tests all show we caught it early and Sid is going to be a fucking pain in the ass for a very long time to come. It's part of the reason we want all of those of you over forty to take the test. Finding it early means a cure." Bert said. "I thought the test wasn't necessary until we hit fifty?" Peter asked. "The new recommendation is that the test be taken at 40,45,50,55 and yearly after that." Thomas replied. "Should he be drinking?" Martha asked Thomas as she looked at Sid. "Do I look dead to you?" Sid asked. Thomas chuckled along with Adam and Bert. "We're going to have an easier time removing his prostate than removing that beer from his hand. There's no reason he can't drink, we tested his liver and it's perfectly fine." Thomas told the girl.

"I've got the easy part because all I gotta do is put on one of those silly ass hospital gowns with my ass sticking out of it. You people have the job of keeping the kids busy and happy. If you want to help me, I want to see nothing but happy, smiling faces from you so that the kids don't pick up any bad vibes. Just because John turns into an emotional basket case doesn't mean the rest of you have to follow in his footsteps; show him how to behave like a man!" Sid told the group. "Fuck you!" John retorted in mock indignance. "See, he's falling apart already!" Sid replied.

"All right children, let's keep to the schedule, and if you have a problem, my door is always open. One last thing; Some of you may have noticed the "Safe Zone" signs that were put up around the cove. The cove is off-limits to any discussion about Sid's situation from anybody including your truly. None of the children are to know anything without permission from Gloria, Jeanette, Adam, John, Dan, Dave, or myself. Your best source of information is Gloria, Jeanette, Johanna and Patty."

As the bulk of the staff returned to their respective cabins and work area's, Bert's Administrative Team and Sid's ISP Team remained behind in Bert's cabin. "I guess if we got nothing to talk about but me, it's time me and my bloodthirsty little friend and my brother go back to doing something useful huh?" Sid asked Bert as he finished his beer. "Don't you think it's time for you to get a little more involved in the planning?" Bert asked. Sid shook his head. "If it will make Thomas's brothers happy I'll sit in tomorrow night after Dinner for a pep rally, but after I climb up on the table, my involvement ends." Sid replied. "What needs to be done between now and Tuesday morning?" Bert asked Thomas. "He can follow his normal routine until lunch on Monday. He can have a light dinner, and when he goes to bed he takes a laxative. He has nothing to eat or drink after midnight and he will be getting up at 3 a.m., have his bowels evacuated, take a mild sedative and some medication to ward off infection. He'll then be shaven by our people so that it doesn't have to be done at the hospital. Then he takes a shower, dresses, and we're off by 4:00 to Raleigh-Durham. Once he's at the hospital, he gets put into TEDS to ward off blood clots, has a heart monitor attached to his chest, gets an IV Tube inserted by Stephanie, receives a stronger sedative IV and Saline IV. By the time he's wheeled into the operating room, he'll be in La La Land." Thomas replied. "That's the part I like. Everything else sucks, especially the "Evacuation" part. You do know I'm not a huge fan of enema's right Doc?" Sid said to Thomas. The Camp Doctor chuckled along with most of the staff. "Maybe we give him two sedatives." He said. Sid nodded his head. "And not so mild!" he quipped.

"How much of a scar am I going to be looking at?" Sid asked Thomas. "You've seen Doctor Lester's scar. Yours will be identical, from just below your umbilical cord to your pubic bone." Thomas replied. Sid shook his head. "And that don't hurt?" He asked. "When you wake up Sid, you will have enough morphine in you to float a battleship and a button at your disposal to push as many times as you want and supply you with more morphine." Thomas replied. "So it's kinda like a Rock Concert scene huh?" Sid asked as the staff chuckled.

There's one more thing we're going to need to address before I go under the knife, and that's Spencer." Sid said as his mood turned serious. "Apparently, Spencer has taken himself an Outside Uncle." Sid told the assembled staff. All eyes now shifted to Dr. Lester. "It seems while we were all very busy up North, Spencer and Paulie were becoming very heavily involved. Spencer asked Paulie to be his Outside Uncle, and Paulie has accepted." Sid told the group. "It gets a little deeper. Apparently Paulie has asked Dr. Lester to become his Primary Uncle. Both boys have obviously done their homework." Sid said.

Bert shook his head. "Spencer is free to form a relationship with whomever he chooses. The question is, how's this going to go over on Martha's Vineyard?" Bert asked Thomas. "It's always been assumed that Paulie would outgrow his childhood tendencies and settle down and raise a family like the rest of us have so far. Only Paulie, Steven and myself were left to go up until the time David entered the picture. Up until now, we've always had a 6 year gap in between us. There's only a two year gap in between Paulie and Spencer, so that could present us with a different scenario. If the two of them bond, which is highly probable, will the bond be too strong to allow for separation? Then there's the problem of where they are raised. Paulie will be expected to be raised on the Vineyard." Thomas replied.

Bert Sat back in his chair and nodded his head. "That goes double for Spencer, unless I read Jeanette and Anthony wrong." He replied. "I don't know about Anthony, but I don't think Spencer is mature enough to be deciding he's old enough to leave Green Tree." Jeanette very quickly added. "Let's not bring Anthony into the picture unless we get a lot further down the road than we are now. The first thing we need to do is to bring Thomas's family up to speed on this situation and get their input." Bert said.

"I suggested to Spencer that we get together and talk. Maybe the best thing to do is to sit down with the two of them and let them tell us what they have in mind." Sid said. "Who's us?" Jeanette asked. Bert chuckled a bit and shook his head. "Who did you have in mind?" He asked the girl. "Gloria will expect to be there, and it can't be done without Johanna." She replied. "OK, Spencer will have the 3 Musketeer's defending him and Sid and I will be there. Paulie will be represented by Thomas and I want Barry and Doctor Lester there to represent the New Hampshire School. Anybody else we need to be there?" He asked the group. "Adam should be there to represent the Intermediates. If Spencer leaves Green Tree, A lot of shit is going to hit the walls from the boys." John told the group. Bert once again nodded his head. "Leaving Anthony aside for the time being, Jesse is going to be our biggest problem I think." Bert replied as the group nodded in agreement.

"Let's gather at Thomas's cabin after taps. We need both boys there, and we need them to tell us what they see in their future before we all start making any Grand Plans for them. I'm sure we can count on all the girls to keep things nice and calm?" Bert asked Jeanette. "We'll try to hold you guys together." Jeanette said as she picked up her ice tea and finished it.


The return to the cove by Adam, Sid, Barry and Dr. Lester was met with the expected display of soundly sleeping campers bodies littered all over Adam's cabin. Stepping over the twins who were each wrapped up in Carla and Jeannie's bodies, Sid shook his head as he pulled two sheets from a linen closet and covered them. "These guys get more nookey than I did in college for Christ's sake!" He said as he walked out on the front porch with two beers and two ice tea's. Handing Adam a beer to a round of chuckles, Sid sat down in a lounger. "You can leave out the gory part's, but give me the Reader's Digest version of what I can expect." Sid said to Dr. Lester.

The question took Adam a little by surprise as he looked at Barry. "Do you want Barry and me to take a walk around the block?" Adam asked. Sid shook his head. "Since you're probably going to be changing my diapers and cleaning out the potty anyway, where's the sense in that?" Sid asked his friend. Dr. Lester chuckled somewhat as he shook his head. "You'll have some pads for awhile to prevent leaking, but there's no potty's involved as far as I know." The Dr. said.

"Up until the time you receive the first IV to relax you, you won't really feel any different. Just before you go into the operating room they'll put another dose in your IV, and even then, you won't really be able to tell much difference. Once you're in there and moved onto the table, things start happening fast and within 30 seconds, you're no longer involved." The Dr. told Sid.

"They wake you up in the recovery room, but I doubt that you'll even remember that. Once you're stable, they bring you into the room and put you into your bed. You wake up feeling nothing and ready to go back to sleep which you'll do for the next hour or so while they continually check on you. You'll have a large bandage across your abdomen, a small drainage tube coming out of you on the left side of your groin area and a foley catheter in your penis that will drain the urine from your bladder for the next two weeks or so. What you're not going to like the most is the catheter and it's just something you have to get use to." Dr. Lester told Sid.

"You'll be in the hospital for 2 or 3 days, and before you leave, the drain tube will be removed. They will have you up and walking the same night you have the operation, and every few hours before you leave for home. Once you're back home, you'll rest and do your walking exercises and you should be pretty much back to normal as far as the children are concerned by Friday." He said.

"I have to lug around a bag with me all day?" Sid asked. "No, you will use the bag at night. During the day you can use a leg bag that is strapped to your calf, and if you wear long pants, will be invisible. If the children see you naked, which I don't suggest they do, they will know you have the catheter on, but I recommend they be told about it up front anyway." The Dr. advised Sid. "What's the problem with the children seeing me naked?" Sid asked. "Everybody reacts differently to the catheter, but as a general rule, your penis will be extremely swollen and bruised from the operation, and the presence of the catheter in your urethra aggravates the situation. It's tough enough for us to deal with it, let alone children who don't understand what's happening." Dr. Lester replied.

"Why can't we just get the catheter out once I start pissing again. It ain't like I need it to take a piss is it?" Sid asked. "No, but part of the reason the catheter is in is to allow the urethra to heal properly to the bladder. That usually takes 2 to 3 weeks."

"So when can I start riding again?" Sid asked. "Maybe in the Spring." The Dr. replied. "The Spring? Jesus fucking Christ Doc, that's 6 fucking month's away!" Sid said angrily. "You're having major surgery down there Sid, you'll be walking up and around in days, but even riding a bike is at least 3 month's down the road. The strain on your groin concerning riding a horse is out of the question for at least 6 month's, maybe more." Dr. Lester replied.

What about sex?" Sid asked after a pause for a beer. "Frankly, we're in unknown territory with you. In my particular case, I regained most of it after about 18 month's. If they can save both nerve bundles, you'll have an excellent chance at full recovery. Even if they take one side and can leave the other, your prognosis is good, but recovery can take a little longer. Everyone's different Sid, and the fact that you're a Geppetto Boy makes you even more different. We're all in unchartered waters." He said.

Sid sat for a long time and looked out at the lake while sipping his beer. "So I'm sitting here in diapers and shooting blanks. How long before I'm back in underpants and back in the game?" Sid asked. "With some therapy if necessary, between 6 month's and two years. Even after two years, you'll know things are different. My surgery was over ten years ago, and I still have to make adjustments in my life." The Dr. replied.

Again Sid sat for a long while before speaking again, and Adam knew that Sid was deep in thought. "Would you do it all over again? The surgery I mean?" Adam asked the Doctor. "You're asking me if I want to be here sitting on the porch in this camp right now rather than being dead from cancer. The answer is "Yes" I wanted to live to watch my grandchildren grow up." The Dr. replied.

As the bugler blew the Call for change of activities, Sid finished his beer and tossed it into a garbage drum about 10 feet [3 m] away from the porch. "Changes and adjustments in my life I can deal with. So long as they don't negatively effect the kid's, I'm OK with it. As for second guessing, I don't have that luxury my friend, I have the girls around to badger me to death." Sid said as he stood up and headed inside the cabin as the rest of the camp began celebrating the end of rest hour.

For the children of the Cove, Rest Hour that day would be a little longer than usual. The horseback riding overnights always took their toll on the boys, and as Sid closed the door to the cabin behind him, a tangled mass of humanity lay about the cabin deep in sleep and contentment. It would be a few hours before the "Mafia" would once again come streaming out of the Cove, but for the rest of Green Tree, the Labor Day Week-end and the end of summer was already underway.