Howdy DoodyThe ProgramBook ThreeMark's New Home |
SummaryThe last in a three part trilogy that began with 88E469, Ward of the State, and The Boys in the Field. It is the continuing story of Mark, a 12 year old boy of Greek ancestry who Is adopted by Stavros, a very rich Patriarch who has already adopted two boys and taken them back home to be raised in true Greek tradition. Mark meets his new brothers and then his new classmates in boarding school in Italy where his horizons truely expand beyond his expectations.
Publ. Jul 2008-
![]() ![]() complete story (10 chapters): 180,000 words (360 pages) |
CharactersMark (12yo) and StavrosCategory & Story codesMb tb – cons oral anal(Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteRather than have a debate about it over the entire course of this story, the author acknowledges that absolutely no one in Greece ever takes little boys to bed anymore. That was done thousands of years ago and this story is all Mark's fantasy. If the Greek Historical Society takes any offense to the memoirs, sorry, but we didn't write your history, Plato and Homer did.Additionally, the author acknowledges that Serbs don't kill Bosnians, Greeks don't dominate Macedonians, Germans never killed the Jews, Arabs love Jews, America never killed the Indians and no one in Utah who is a member of the Mormon Church practices polygamy today. It's all ancient fucking history. Happy? Furthermore, the author acknowledges that little boys in boarding schools would never ever consider having sex with each other; everybody knows very well that children do not have any sexual tendencies whatsoever until the day they reach age 18. (Or whatever the legal age is in the Country you are reading this story from.) Mark and the people mentioned in this story agreed to sit down with the author and relate their memoirs for the past 15 years since leaving The Program out of support for the boys and caretakers who are still involved with The Program to this day. Every day we read about one more "Secret" Program the government runs behind closed doors and hides from the people and even Congress. This is just one more of them and nothing really unusual. Mark and his brothers dedicate their part of the story to the Caretakers and to the memory of Doc and Patty.
Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter OneAt the age of 12, Mark had decided that he would allow his adoption by Stavros, and agreed to return to Greece with the man on his Yacht. Stavros was in his mid thirties, and was the only son of a very rich Greek landowner who owns thousands of acres of olive groves throughout Greece and Cyprus. Mark himself is of Greek decent, an American child born and raised in New York State, who up to that point in time was being raised traditionally by his family until he was jailed for having sex with another child.In America when a little boy drops his pants and in any way shape or form acknowledges that he is a sexual being, especially with another child, he's a sexual pervert well on his way to hell as far as any right thinking Christian Republican American Patriot is concerned. (Also known as CRAP). Mark was caught fucking with his friend, and now the good people of the State of New York were going to make damned sure he got good and fucked in an institution they owned and ran. His family, afraid of the retribution that would befall them should it become known that he was being raised traditionally, cut the cord and set the boy adrift. For sexually exploring with his little buddy, Mark was sentenced to prison for six years, until his 18th Birthday. At this point in the story, some extremely ignorant people would probably say that was preposterous; nobody sends a child to prison. It happens every day in America, hundreds, if not thousands of times. Now, just a little over nine months into his sentence, he was about to embark on a journey to a new life, and his happiness was tempered only by his deep feelings of pain over his families' abandonment of him. His youth was spent surrounded by a caring and loving family. Mark had many brothers, many cousins, and many uncles. Mark had a Mother and Grandmother who loved him and a Father who showered him and his brothers with love almost nightly. Mark had not heard from his family now in very nearly a year. Not one word, not one letter, not even a Birthday card or Christmas present. They were gone and he was abandoned to the mercy of The State of New York (God help him). Now, he had Stavros and the man's housekeeper, a woman of about 46 years of age from Sparta. Her name is Adell. As a little girl, she led a very happy life with her family until the age of ten when her Mother sent her to market and the shop keeper raped her in the back of his small grocery store. The man fled Sparta after the rape and returned to his village in northern Greece. Adell's Father and uncles tracked the man down and he died before the Doctors could control the bleeding. His genitals were cut off. The attack left Adell sterile and unable to ever give birth to children and essentially without hope of ever marrying. Adell began working for Stavros's Father, just before Stavros was born. She was 11 years old when she first moved into the man's house on Corfu and her duties were to assist his wife with the birth of his son, Stavros. Once the boy was born, she would be his chief caretaker. Adell received a small allowance for her work; the rest of her salary went to her parents until she was 16. In effect, she was sold. Adell did not mind, her parents were poor and Stavros's Father was extremely rich. She lived in a huge house now with her own room instead of sharing one with two other sisters, ate the same food the owners ate, and was clothed by the man and his wife as if she was their own daughter. Stavros's Father came to love the little girl and vowed to take care of her for the rest of her life. Adell was not unhappy in her servitude. Upon the birth of Stavros, his wife, a very pretty young woman but not very physically fit could not nurse Stavros beyond his first few weeks. A wet nurse was brought in until Adell was induced to lactate. From that point on, her sole responsibility was to raise and nurture Stavros. Stavros's Mother never really recovered from giving birth to him and at age 4, the boy lost his Mother. Stavros's Father never remarried, he was grief stricken by his wife's loss and wrapped himself up in his work. Adell in the meantime raised the boy and was actually the only 'Mother' he ever really knew or remembered. His Father passed away when Stavros was 20. His Father left him everything including Adell with instructions that he would take care of her for the rest of her life whether she remained in his household or not. Now, Stavros was a grown man and Adell ran his household while he concentrated on his Father's business. To Stavros, Adell had long ago ceased to be an employee or a nanny; she was his Mother and considered to be the Matriarch of his Family. For Stavros's part, he was always told of his real Mother and had always seen hundreds of pictures around the house of him with her, but as time faded for the boy, so did the memories of his real Mother. At the same time, his memories of his youth with Adell grew and by age 8, the boy considered the woman all but his real Mother, there was very little difference to the child or the man. Adell in the meantime was educated for the sole purpose of taking care of the boy. She was never taught to cook, the kitchen staff did that. She was never taught to clean or sew or launder, household staff did that for her. She was never taught to drive; she had staff to do that for her. She was taught Math, Science, History (Greek), Music, Arts, Reading and Writing, everything that she might need to further Stavros's education and upbringing. Stavros was nursed well past age 6. Even in Greece, that was unusual. Once on a visit, an Aunt of Stavros's suggested to her brother that the boy was a bit old to be still breast feeding. Up to that point in time His Father never really gave it a thought, the boy was forever drinking Adell's milk. At dinner that night he asked Adell about it. "Stavros will stop drinking my milk when he stops reaching for my breast," she answered more towards the sister than to Stavros's Father. "That means he could be there until he's twelve!" Stavros's Aunt replied. "That may very well be," Adell replied matter-of-factly. The Sister looked at her brother. "You approve of this?" she asked. Rather than answer his Sister or piss off Adell any more than she already was, Stavros's Father got up and stood Stavros up on the dining room table. As he usually was the boy was naked. "I approve that!" he said to his sister pointing to the little boy. Stavros's body looked like a cherub on the Sistine Chapel. He was not a 'Fat' boy, but you needed both hands to reach around the top of his thighs. He had jet black long curly hair that hung down to the middle of his back, and if you covered his genitals, it was difficult to tell whether you were looking at a boy or a girl. By anyone's yardstick Stavros was a beautiful child. "I want a healthy baby, if her milk gives him this body, I don't care how long he sucks on her tits!" His Aunt never mentioned it again. Stavros was raised naked from his birth to well beyond his sixth Birthday, and only school and peer pressure eventually found pants covering the boy's body when he was off his Father's property which was very rare. Adell preferred the little boy naked, her brothers were always naked when she was a child living at home, and it was just the way it was. Stavros's Father saw nothing wrong with the little boy being naked, he was not prone to be terrified at the sight of a little child's naked body, in fact he was rather proud of his son. Being naked also immediately answered the question of his gender. Stavros had a golden tan from one end of his body to the other and he was not going to be left wanting in the genital department when he reached puberty either. Stavros's body to Adell was the proof of her ability to care for the boy and the more someone saw of him, the more they knew she was an excellent caregiver. He lived, ate, slept and played almost exclusively with Adell either on Corfu or at the family's second home in Hania, Crete. Stavros stopped nursing sometime around age seven when peer pressure got the best of him. Only sissies drank from woman's boobs he was told and Stavros was compelled to give it up. Peer pressure also put pants on him. He remembered it as a sad time in his young life; so did Adell. Stavros slept in Adell's bed from just after birth until age 13. Once again, peer pressure brought the change about. Stavros was now bringing home friends from school for the weekends, and sleeping with one's "Nana" was something that couldn't be easily explained even given the fact that nothing sexual had ever taken place between the two. Unless the boy was ill, Adell would not sleep with him again. Not a small part of Adell's responsibilities were to guide Stavros's transition into manhood. Centuries of tradition told Adell that little boys played with little boys and they in turn taught each other the mysteries of life, or at least, how to get it on. What they did not learn from their peers, their Fathers would teach them. Girls would most certainly come later, but little boys didn't drop their pants for little girls, but their friends and Father's were another matter. Adell found playmates for Stavros from the village, and Stavros learned the birds and the bees just like most little boys do whether they're in Greece or in Great Neck. At age eight, Stavros was introduced to a boy his age. The boy was his Father's Bankers Son. The two were raised together and were schooled together. Eventually the boy became Stavros's Banker. They became lifelong friends and shared everything they had together. Primary grades went slowly for the boy until his 10th year, and his Father decided he would go abroad to England. He needed to learn English if he were going to be able to deal in business, and the boy, along with his friend and Adell were set up in an apartment while they attended the Sudbury School as day students. Stavros was taught English, Adell was directed to only speak to him in Greek. Stavros and his friend returned to Greece after Graduation from Secondary School at Eaton. His Father's health was failing, and he had a lot to teach his Son before he too would be gone from his life. Stavros delayed College until he was 21; he refused to leave his Father's side. Following his Father's death and at his funeral, probably a very well meaning relative said to Stavros that he was all alone now. In retrospect, Stavros should have just smiled and thanked the person for making the kindly gesture. Stavros wasn't really thinking politically correctly and responded back "Don't be ridiculous, I have Adell!" Adell was standing at his side when he made the comment and knew she would never leave the little boy who was now a man. First of all, Stavros never married. He was a bachelor and he was happy being one. Stavros was not gay. He liked women well enough, he had just not found one who could fill Adell's shoes. The man had several girl friends in his young life and each girl quickly discovered that to get close to Stavros, you needed to have Adell's "Approval." Most Greek men look to their Mothers to approve of the girl they may want to marry, and Adell was there to see that the girl "Measured up." In her view none did, and Stavros had no problem accepting that opinion. By about age 30, Stavros wasn't all that impressed with the pool of woman available, and he wanted children around him. His houses were very large and very quiet; too quiet. Stavros wanted grandchildren surrounding him, but wasn't really into the 20 to 25 year wait that it usually took to accomplish this goal. If the normal route were taken, Stavros could be close to 60 by the time the little ones were romping around his feet, and Adell could even be dead by then. To the businessman, that was unacceptable. Around 1984 Stavros adopted an American boy of Greek descent (Nicholas) who was 14 years old. In 1987 he adopted another boy (Alexander) a 13 year old. Now, in 1989 he was about to adopt his 3rd boy, Mark who was 12. By the time Mark came along, Nicholas, the oldest son was now engaged with Adell's approval, and Stavros would be seeing the first Grandchild within a year. He had cut the wait down by 20 years or more. Into this backdrop, Mark now comes into the picture. Following the proposal of adoption by Stavros, Mark had returned to Elmira to speak to Michael, his caretaker and mentor. Since Mark's abandonment by his family and subsequent incarceration, Mark had grown extremely close to his caretaker and very much trusted the man's good judgment. It was Michael's recommendation that he accept the proposal and Mark agreed to be adopted.
Mark's new life now beganAs Mark returned to Stavros's Yacht at the 79th Street Boat Basin in Manhattan with Adell, the boy could only guess at what lay ahead of him. He very much loved both Stavros and Adell, maybe Adell a bit more, he wasn't really sure. Adell was very much like his own Grandmother; very kind and gentle, very frank, and very much in control. Stavros was a lot like his own father and that scared Mark a bit. Would he too abandon him some day?Stavros was waiting at the end of the gangway when Adell and Mark come through the tunnel and down the ramp to the Yacht. Adell had phoned ahead that they were coming and left it up to Mark to tell the man of his decision concerning the adoption. Stavros assumed that the boy was going to accept, but it was not yet certain. Mark jumped up into the man's arms and hugged him around the neck. "Yes" he said to Stavros in a whisper. Stavros was now the Father of three very fine boys and he was a happy man as he carried the boy back up the gangway hugging him as tightly as he could. The ship had a crew of 12 including eight men and four woman and most of the crew were on deck when Stavros and Adell came back aboard with Mark. They had already been through two adoptions, and the crew knew that Stavros would be a very happy owner. Stavros was a good man, but he was also a business man. Keeping him happy meant smooth sailing ahead. When Stavros was angry, only Adell did not duck and hide. It was close to dinner time before Mark returned to the Yacht and the three went directly into the Dining Lounge. Dinner that night had Stavros outlining to Mark what would happen for the next few days. There was a lot to do in preparation for crossing the Atlantic concerning the ship and a lot of shopping to be done with Adell for Mark. Adell was especially pleased with Mark's adoption. She very much liked the boy, and he spoke Greek. That was something the first two boys did not do. They were taught, but it took Adell months of hand signals and charades to converse with Nicholas and Alexander. With Mark, communication between the two was instantaneous. Adell did not pick favorites among the boys, but it was clear to all that she kept Mark almost as close to her as she had kept Stavros as a child. Stavros was also pleased, but for a different reason. He was raised to speak both Greek and English. With the first two adoptions the boys first had to learn Greek. Then they would be taught another language. Stavros wanted all his children bi lingual, it was good for business. Nicholas was already taught Spanish. Alexander was being taught French. Mark would attend school in Italy, he would learn Italian. Stavros's long range plan was to teach another boy Russian and yet another German. In less than ten years Stavros would be doing business around the globe and know that the people making the deals and decisions were from members of his own family. With English and Greek out of the way for Mark, Stavros was already wiring home to secure a teacher for Mark to tutor him in Italian. With dinner over, Stavros was meeting with clients and distributors at the Plaza hotel. Mark's very full and emotional day had him ready for bed as soon as dinner was over, but first he had a bath to be taken. As Stavros dressed for the meeting and left, Adell was undressing Mark and putting him in a tub. In the beginning when he first met Stavros and Adell he found it unusual for him to be bathed by a grown woman, he was 12 years old and very adept at giving himself a bath or shower. What 12 year old needs to be bathed by a woman? he wondered to himself. His answer was that any boy raised by Adell needed to be given a bath or shower by her; she bathed Stavros until he was 16 and she would be bathing his sons until they reached age 16 as well. It took many weeks before Mark's penis no longer reacted to the woman's touch; it embarrassed the hell out of Mark because he didn't want the woman to think he was thinking of having sex with her. Adell soaped up her hands and was washing Mark as he immediately went ridged and his face got a shade of deep pink. Adell looked at Mark and smiled. "You look concerned. You worry about your cock getting stiff? I would be worrying if it didn't!" Adell put a finger tip on the top of Mark's penis. "This tells me you are a very healthy young boy. Never be ashamed of your cock, it will make your babies for you and make your wife very happy!" More than anything, her extremely cavalier and liberal attitude concerning his erections put his fears to rest which also gave his penis a rest (eventually). Mark laid his head back on the tub rim while Adell soaped him up and continued to wash him. For Mark, it was probably the calmest minute he spent in a few days. Mark closed his eyes for a moment listening to Adell humming in the background as she washed him. Mark's day was at an end. Mark awoke with the lifting of his night shirt and Adell taking off the pull ups she had put on him the night before. Stavros had already gotten up and was washed, dressed and off the boat a half hour earlier. It was close to 9:30 and the closed curtains had masked the day break. "Let your water go," Adell instructed Mark as she put a urinal up to Mark's penis and put it in the neck. Mark wasn't really sure if he had to go or not, but he concentrated on pushing and before very long, he had filled the urinal almost halfway. When he was finished Adell looked in the urinal. "You are drinking too much soda and junk," she told the boy. "Drink more water instead," Mark giggled a bit. "You can tell what I'm drinking by looking at my pee?" he asked the woman. "Of course I can. Didn't your mother ever tell you what you were drinking when she looked at your water?" Mark shook his head no. American mothers don't study such things he thought to himself. Adell thought that was very strange and told Mark so. How could she know if the boy was well or not if she didn't see the color of his water? "Did Stavros sleep here last night?" Mark asked the woman. Adell looked at him curiously. "Of course he did, this is his bed too!" she told Mark. "He came in very late, close to 1:30 and I told him you had fallen asleep in the tub. He thought that was very funny!" "Why?" Mark asked her. "Because he could envision my trying to get you out of the tub all by myself. He forgets that I had to carry him out of the tub many times when he was a boy and fell asleep," she said almost wistfully. "I don't think he woke me up last night," Mark said. "Stavros knew you had a very hard and busy day yesterday, he would not have imposed himself on you under those conditions," Adell told him. Mark blushed a little; he knew the meaning of 'Imposed' Adell saw the slight change of color in the boy's face and smiled. Kissing him on the forehead, she picked him up and brought him into the bath room for his morning shower. "You will have many nights together, your Father knows how to teach his sons well," Adell said to him as she stood him in the tub. Mark's blush deepened and so did Adell's smile as Mark's body reacted to the meaning of the conversation. "Don't worry about this," she said as she tapped the head of his penis with a finger. "Stiff little cocks are a very healthy sign for a young boy." Mark giggled and blushed a little deeper. "Why do you call it a cock?" he asked her. Mark knew the word to be usually associated with boys cursing or relating to something dirty. He had never ever heard a woman call a penis a 'Cock' before, to Mark, it sounded almost lewd. Adell had been in this conversation before with Nicholas and Alexander. "In Greece, we call it a cock. You American boys call it a dick or a prick. In England, they call it a willy. To me, it's your cock," the woman said matter-of-factly. "Don't worry about it, you have a very nice cock except for getting it cut off too much!" she said to the boy with a smile. Mark smiled back at the woman as he thought to himself that he was going to be going through life with a cock instead of a dick. He didn't think it made all that much difference, but it sure did sound funny coming from a woman! With the New York Skyline in the background and the cars zipping past on the West Side Highway Mark had breakfast with Adell on the boat deck. The woman had coffee with Stavros before he left, but she waited for Mark to eat a full meal. It was very close to 10:00 and after breakfast she would be taking Mark shopping downtown. Mark's education began as he ate and Adell explained to him what had transpired in the past concerning his other adopted brothers back in Greece and what his future would be like in the short term. Long term plans were within the realm of Stavros to disclose. Mark and Adell left the ship with three crewmembers, two men and a woman. As a boy, Mark generally hated going shopping for school clothes with his mother and siblings, it was always a hassle and very stressful for his mother who was forever looking for bargains and sales. Mark didn't think Adell knew what a bargain or sale was. He wasn't sure by the end of the afternoon if she even knew what a price tag was. She never looked at one. Her taste in boy's clothing was conservative, but not ancient as far as Mark was concerned. It was clear that she had the final say, but if Mark liked or disliked something, he generally got his way. Mark found himself in four stores, and a crewmember went back to the ship with a pile of clothes after each store was visited. When she ran out of crewmembers, she ran out of shopping and Mark found himself sitting for lunch at The Tavern on the Green in Central Park. Adell was especially happy with being out with Mark in New York City. As an American, he read, wrote and spoke English, but he also spoke Greek. Since Adell spoke only Greek, having Mark alongside her instead of a crewman with dubious abilities at English, she was much more comfortable knowing that her intentions were being properly conveyed. The two of them returned to the ship and Mark found himself looking at a very different scene than when he left in the morning. In the morning, everything was very calm and quiet and nobody was around but a few pigeons and seagulls. Now it was like the Titanic was setting sail. Trucks of every description on the docks and hoses and lines all over the place foretold a departure was imminent for the ship. Mark had about two hours before dinner and Adell gave him permission to explore and observe the preparations that were now underway. For a 12 year old boy, it was like watching a pirate movie. The Captain of the ship was up on the Bridge and Mark spent the next two hours picking the man's brain. The Captain had been with Stavros's Father on his boat, a 100 foot Feadship, and now, the man was the Captain on this boat, a 175 foot Feadship. The Captain was old Greek. He was steadfastly loyal to both Stavros and his Father, and he ran the ship with an iron hand. They no longer keel hauled sailors on ships, but when the Captain spoke, crewmen jumped into line nevertheless. Mark got the impression that some of the crewmen were afraid of the Captain. He probably wasn't wrong. Captain Sophis's loyalties were instantly transferred to any member of Stavros's immediate family and now that included Mark. He had already been through this drill with Nicholas and Alexander, and when it was announced by Stavros that Mark was his newly adopted son, the man expected Mark to show up on the Bridge sooner, rather than later, as his brothers had done before him and like Adell he was especially pleased that there was no language barrier. The Captain spoke English, but he preferred to converse in Greek and Mark spoke his language but with a northern Greek accent. Captain Sophis lived on Crete. It takes a huge amount or coordination and preparedness to go across the ocean, if something is forgotten halfway a crossed, there are few gas stations or restaurants available. One by one, the Captain explained to Mark what each truck or man was doing around the ship and Mark found the information fairly fascinating. He had never contemplated going overseas before; in fact he had never even been on a boat larger than a rowboat. Now every system on the ship had to be checked, and every inch of storage space was being crammed with supplies of one kind or another. It was going to take four days for the ship to reach the Azores, and another five to reach Greece itself and that was if the weather was fair. The work was routine for the crew, to Mark, it was an incredible adventure unfolding before his eyes. On top of all the preparations for departure, the ship still had the owner on board who was conducting as much business as he could before the boat left. That night there would be a party on the boat for Stavros's distributors and major clients in the U.S., 150 very important people to Stavros would gather amid a scene to Mark that looked like chaos. By 5:30 Adell called for Mark to return to the Stateroom and she dressed him for dinner. Stavros would not be there, he was eating off with clients but Mark and the ship's Officers would dine with Adell and await his return sometime around 8:00. "Stavros wants you to get to know the ship's Officers Mark. They have been with him for a long time and do a very important job for your Father," Adell told the boy. This was the second time that Adell had related to Stavros being Mark's Father and it brought a question to the boy's mind. What does he call Stavros from now on? "What do Nicholas and Alexander call Stavros?" Mark now questioned Adell. "Both boys call him Poppa just as Stavros called his own Father Poppa," Adell told him. "Is that name comfortable for you?" To Mark, it seemed a whole lot more comfortable than calling him 'Dad' or 'Daddy'. Somehow to Mark, those names wouldn't 'fit' the situation. "Sure," Mark said to Adell as she knotted his new tie around his neck. Ties were something Mark was going to have to get used to. Captain Sophis and his three Officers were there in the Dining Lounge as Adell and Mark arrived. Dinner was a fairly casual affair and the greater majority of it was spent with Mark asking questions about the sailing. He liked the Officers, and the meal went very fast. It was a "Get acquainted" meal as far as Stavros was concerned, and Mark seemed to have passed the test for the men. Speaking to them in their own language had a whole lot to do with it! The Party that Night on the ship started around 9:00 and was more of a reception than anything else. To Mark, people stood around in suits with drinks or crackers in their hands and did a lot of smiling to him but generally, he spent the evening with Adell who walked around the ship probably five times nursing a drink of some kind. Mark got himself a Coke which Adell replaced with a glass of Perrier in less than 30 seconds. Mark wondered what his piss would look like in the morning; he had already had three Cokes since dinner without her knowledge. Adell and Mark faded from the party sometime around 10:00 and by 10:30 he was washed, dressed for bed and had a fresh kiss planted on his forehead from Adell. Adell sat there and stroked Mark's hair for awhile saying nothing but she obviously was trying to read the boy. "Are you happy with your decision?" she asked Mark. Mark thought about it for a few seconds. "Yes" he said to Adell. "So am I," she told the boy as she took his face in her hands and kissed him on both cheeks. Mark fell asleep to the very low sound of music coming from an open door. He was happy with his decision. Mark awoke to Stavros coming into the bed. The boy had no idea of the time, but there was no sound coming from outside the ship, not even traffic on the highway. Adell had put pull-ups on Mark and Stavros now pulled them back off the boy and threw them down on the floor. It had been two days since the two made love last and Mark was more than happy to give his body to the man. After slipping Mark's nightshirt over his head and tossing it to the floor, Stavros slowly caressed the boy's stomach area and chest as he look into the boy's face. Stavros's elbow brushed against Mark's penis that was standing straight up anticipating the man's touch, or even better yet, his taste. The man's arm went down Mark's stomach and he cupped the boy's testicles in the palm of his hands as his fingers brushed up and down the boy's shaft that was dancing to the touch. Stavros began at Mark's forehead and kissed the boy every inch or two right down to his groin. He then opened Mark's legs and kissed his way first down one thigh and back up the other. By the time the man reached Mark's scrotum, the boy's testicles were being bathed in the heat of Stavros's mouth as the man sucked them up and down the boy's sack. Stavros was now alongside Mark and the boy could finally now give the man as much pleasure to him as the boy himself was receiving. Mark pulled down the foreskin revealing a head glistening with pre-cum that began to drift very slowly towards the mattress. Mark took his penis and bathed the tip of his nose and his nostrils in the man's lubrication as it slowly flowed out from the small slit. Rubbing the tip of the man's penis on his upper lip, Mark could feel and taste and smell the man's cream as it oozed even faster out of his penis and washed the boy's lips as Mark took it in and let it pool on his tongue. Each time the boy drew his tongue along the base of the man's urethra he knew he was milking more and more fluid from Stavros and he didn't need to be told how that felt, Stavros was now closely imitating his movements and Mark knew he was well beyond the point of no return. Mark brought Stavros to orgasm as the man released his seed to Mark's unrelenting tongue. Each time the man thrust his hips, Mark sucked the man's juice out even harder until finally Mark had all the man could give him. Mark ceased to suckle, but he wasn't ready to release Stavros just yet. The boy wanted the man's throbbing penis to retire very warmly, very slowly and very gently as he just let it sit there and recover on his tongue. Stavros in the meantime had released the boy's throbbing balls from his mouth and was swallowing the boy as deeply as he possibly could. Nobody needed to tell the man the boy was on the verge of climax, his body was doing the talking for him as Stavros reached around and massaged the boy's prostate in unison with the boy's pelvic thrusting. Mark was climaxing, and he was fully ready to do it. Mark's climax that night started off fairly routinely for the boy, he had been there thousands of times in the past. This one however ended with a different twist. Mark had pissed right in the middle of it, he could feel the piss come out! It wasn't a whole lot of piss, and it came out in spurts, but holy shit, he didn't know if Stavros liked or drank piss like his father or Michael did. Stavros was completely shocked as he emptied the boy's urethra and slowly withdrew from the boy's beat red penis. Backing off the boy, he drew up Mark's penis shaft with two fingers and a little liquid formed at the top of the child's head. "Do you know what just happened?" Stavros said to Mark. Mark was in a small panic. Was he going to be thrown off the boat? Was he going to be asked to do it again? He had no clue. "Yes Poppa, I peed by accident," Mark said in a very low tone. Stavros smiled at the boy laying under him now. "You peed? Do you think this looks like pee?" the man asked as he showed Mark the liquid between the man's two fingers. Mark looked at the liquid. It wasn't pee, but it wasn't exactly scum either. He knew what scum looked like; it was white like milk and a little thicker than water. Mark was very confused. "Sit up for a second Mark," Stavros told the boy. Mark sat up and Stavros took the boy's penis back in his hand that by now was half soft again. "Watch," Stavros said as he put two fingers back on the boy's penis at the base and drew them up against his urethra. Just before the man's fingers reach the tip, a small bead of the liquid appeared and flowed down the side of Mark's head. "Congratulations, today, you are a man," Stavros said to the boy grinning from ear to ear. "That's my scum?" Mark asked incredulously. "That's the beginning of what will become the juice that will make your babies for you Mark," Stavros said to the boy as he wrapped his arms around him and rocked him back and forth. "Holy shit!" Mark replied as he looked down again at his penis that was now very sound asleep. "It sure is, but when you tell Adell about it in the morning you might want to leave that part out," Stavros laughed as he lay back down and brought the boy on top of him. "Go to sleep my little man and make some more juice for tomorrow." On Mark's first full day as an adopted child, he also obtained ejaculation. It was a full day for him and the boy was ready for sleep within minutes as Stavros caressed the boy's pillow soft bottom with a secure tenderness that had Mark asleep before his Father reached his prostate. Unlike the day before, Mark awoke with the sun as its rays bounced off the buildings across the river over in New Jersey. Stavros was still in bed with him and Mark had slipped off the man sometime during the night and was now alongside him. The night before, he thought he had peed. This morning, he damned well knew he had! Mark lifted his arm over Stavros's chest and slowly stroked it with his fingers sliding through the man's chest hair. Some men were more like gorillas than men. Stavros had hair, but it was soft and silky rather than coarse and curly. Mark liked the feel of it. He wondered if he would have hair too when he grew older. Stavros was an early riser but Mark beat him by about three minutes and a small chest rub. It was his daily routine to be up, washed, dressed and in the office or out on business by 7:30. Today he would be a little late. Stavros stirred a little. "Now I would say you peed!" the man said to Mark. Mark smiled at him; he knew Stavros was kidding with him. Stavros reached his face over and gave Mark a kiss on the lips. Then reaching over, he pushed a button and got up and put on a bathrobe. Stavros was singing in the shower to himself as Adell came in the room and went straight to Mark who was still laying on the bed. Lifting off the covers she looked at the stain and then looked for the pull-ups. "We need to save money and stop wasting our time with these," she said to Mark as she picked up the diaper and threw it in the wastebasket. Hearing Adell, Stavros now entered the conversation. "Guess who joined the Fraternity of men last night," he said to Adell. Adell looked down at Mark laying there and sat down alongside the boy. "You produced your seed?" she asked Mark. Mark didn't answer but his face told Adell the whole story. Once again Mark found himself getting his face washed in kisses. When she first did it to him it made Mark feel a little embarrassed. Now, he almost craved her attention. He liked the woman's openness regarding him and his body. He liked the fact that he was free to say anything to the woman and it was a conversation strictly between them. Adell liked him for whom and what he was and never left the boy with any feelings of guilt or shame. The embarrassment part Mark would still have to work on. From Adell's reaction, you'd have thought Mark hit the lottery. She emptied his bladder in the urinal and then inspected his testicles. Mark sat there waiting for the results. If she could read his piss, maybe she could read his balls too! Being touched by Adell was a little like being touched by the Doctor. Mark wasn't being sexually involved, he was being examined. Nevertheless, touching is touching, and Mark's dick really didn't know the difference between Adell examining them and rosy palm. The higher his dick got, the redder his face got. By the time Adell got through with her examination and noticed the difference between Mark's face and the pillow case, he was standing at full attention! Again, Adell smiled. "Don't worry about your cock standing up, worry if it didn't," she told Mark and got up from the bed. "Are they OK?" Mark asked the woman. "Do they ache you?" she asked the boy. Mark shook his head no. "Fine," she said "Then they're busy filling the well back up for you. Let's get you washed." On the way to the bathroom, she picked the urinal back up from the floor. Looking inside, she didn't look all that happy. "What's wrong?" Mark asked. "Nothing if you stop drinking all that soda," she replied. Mark figured he'd better cut down; he couldn't fool this woman even with a bowl full of piss. As Adell and Mark came into the bath room, Stavros was getting out of the shower and drying himself off. Mark look at the naked man standing there and then looked up to Adell to see what her reaction was. There was none. Adell had been looking at the man's naked body since he came out of his Mother's womb. Stavros was naked for the first seven years of his life. She bathed him twice a day since he was born. To the woman, this was just one more day and one more shower. Taking the towel from Stavros, she had the man turn around and dried his back. "Go into the shower and just sit there for a minute Mark, I have to shave Stavros and then I'll wash you," she told the boy. Stavros moved over and sat on the toilet seat as Adell took some shaving cream and started to coat the man's face with it. Then she reached into the medicine chest and took out the biggest razor Mark ever saw in his life. Adell had been taught at age 11 to shave Stavros's Father with a straight razor, and now, she did the same for Stavros. Mark watched as the woman shaved the man and wondered why Stavros was so calm. One slip and that razor looked like it could cut someone's head off! "Why do you look so serious?" Stavros asked the boy staring up at him from the shower floor. "Doesn't that razor scare you?" Mark asked. Stavros giggled a little; he was in a playful mood. "Only if she dropped it!" he said to Mark. "From the look of things, it seems that your barber wasn't as careful!" Adell backed away a little from the man sitting in front of her. For the first time Mark heard the woman laugh. Mark would hear her laugh again, mostly around the children that would be produced from Mark and his new brothers. It was a wonderful sound to the boy and it made him feel good. For some reason, it meant a whole lot to him to know that she was happy. "Pay no attention to Poppa," Adell told the boy. "There's nothing wrong with your cock." Mark looked down at his penis as it drooped to the shower floor. It took him a few seconds, but he finally figured out the joke. The thought conjured up in his mind made him squirm a little bit just the same way it did when he saw the boys in Elmira with their clamps on after they were circumcised. He wrapped his hands around his penis and held it tightly. Now it was Stavros's turn to laugh. As Stavros brushed his teeth and combed his hair, Adell washed Mark and the two went into Mark's Stateroom. Mark had been in it before, but up to this point in time, had not slept there. All the clothes that were purchased in the City were now there and had been washed and put away and Adell chose a shirt and pair of shorts for Mark to wear for the morning. At 12 going on 13, Mark would learn that from that point in time on, Adell would decide what he wore until his 16th Birthday. With the sun now coming over the tops of the buildings along Broadway, Breakfast was once again served to the three of them on the Boat Deck. Unlike the morning before, the activity on the dock was as frantic, if not more so, than it was when Adell and Mark returned to the ship from their shopping trip. Stavros had his usual coffee and buttered roll, but Mark was expected to eat a full breakfast according to Adell, and there were no appeals from her decisions. Mark never complained about having to eat food, his memories of being starved in jail were far to vivid to ever allow him to take food for granted ever again. During breakfast Stavros laid out the day's plans: Mark's morning would be taken by a dental appointment to have his teeth cleaned and a full set of X-Rays made. He would meet Stavros at the Plaza for lunch at 1:00. Dinner would be on the ship at 8:00 and a reception for Business Associates would be held on the ship at 9:30. Mark needed to be in bed by 10:00. Tomorrow he would be going to a dinner and reception at the Greek Embassy and would need to have Formal clothing purchased. She needed more clothing; he had seen many of the things she wore before. Adell took notes. To Mark it all seemed to be laid out very fast and very business like. It was the way Stavros did everything. Once Stavros was gone for the day, Adell put the day's schedule into human terms and filled in all the gaps that she knew would be necessary to meet the schedule: Mark had an appointment at 11:00 in Downtown Manhattan and they would need a car and driver. Mark would need to be changed into a shirt and pants for the dentist. Adell and Mark would then have to return to the ship and change into more formal clothes. She would be at lunch with them in the Plaza and you don't go to the Plaza in a house dress. Mark would need a jacket and tie. Mark could have the afternoon off, but he would have to be in his Stateroom by 3:00, the tailor would be there to measure and fit him for Formal Attire. Stavros wanted Adell to go out and buy some new clothes for herself. To Adell, this was one big pain in her ass; she didn't need new clothes. Nevertheless, three stores would be bringing in clothes for her to look at on the ship and her afternoon was wiped out doing something she didn't particularly like. Mark needed to be back in his Stateroom by 7:00 to be washed and dressed for Dinner. Adell was to Dress for Dinner. Adell would have him in bed by 10:00 and his day would be over until Stavros joined him. Mark was a little confused. "What does it all mean?" he asked Adell. Looking down at the schedule. "You'll have about three hours this afternoon to play," she told Mark. Adell needed to coordinate her schedule not only with Mark, but with the Captain. Adell was made aware that the Captain was planning a life boat drill for the ship and that required the ship to be away from the dock and out into the river. Following breakfast, she met with Captain Sophis with Mark tagging along. From the schedule that Stavros wanted kept and the ship's schedule of workmen, the Captain scheduled the Drill for 4:30 in the afternoon. The ladies showing Adell her new clothing would just have to take a little boat ride! From Mark's point of view all of these goings on was an eye opener. He always thought that when you needed to do something, you just did it! Unknown to him, the education of Mark had already begun. He was being taught Organization and Management 101 and it would continue throughout his life. It was time to get ready for the Dentist and Adell and Mark went back to Mark's stateroom. All three staterooms, Mark's, Stavros's and Adell's adjoined and all three rooms were now being cleaned. As Adell laid out Mark's new shirt and pants for the trip to the Dentist Mark sat down on his bed watching the ladies as they cleaned and vacuumed. They had already stripped all three beds even though Mark's was un-slept in. Mark watched as the ladies took off the old mattress protector and put on a new one and pads to replace the ones that were now soaked on Stavros's bed. Adell called Mark over and the woman began taking the boy's clothes off. Watching the woman in the stateroom next door, Mark had a question for Adell. "Does Stavros ever wet the bed by himself?" Adell looked at the boy quizzically. "By himself? No, he hasn't wet the bed since he was 11 or 12 I think," she told him. "Why?" She looked up at Mark who was still watching the woman in Stavros's room. Looking over, Adell figured out very quickly where the boy was coming from. "How many boys your age do you know who wet the bed?" she asked. "Lots," said Mark. "And are you ashamed of them?" Adell asked him. "No, but they're not girls either!" Mark said. "Neither are the women who change your wet bedding. They know you are a boy, they know you wet the bed and they know you are sleeping in Stavros bed. They are also servants of Stavros and know how to keep his privacy. Nothing they ever see or hear ever leaves this boat and they are not ashamed of you," she told Mark. "There are going to be many new things in your life from now on, and one of them is going to be people around you that do things for you," she said to him as she took off his shorts and underpants. "It's easy to hide things if no one else is around, but that's no longer the case." Adell now sat Mark down on her lap. "A very few weeks ago, you would have sat here in my lap as naked as you are right now very uncomfortable because I was a woman. Why aren't you uncomfortable today?" she asked him. Mark thought about it for a few seconds. "Because I know you," he said to her. "OK," said Adell. One by one Adell introduced Mark to the women and gave him a brief description of what they did on the ship. To Mark, it was little like being on a reception line shaking people's hand; but usually you had clothes on when you did something like that! Mark got through his introductions with a minimum of problems, helped immensely by the fact that he was sitting down in Adell's lap all the time with his penis firmly tucked between his legs and away from view. Mark's Dental appointment was at 11:00 and Adell's lesson made them about 15 minutes late which meant they were right on time as far as Adell was concerned. She had waited in Doctor's offices sometimes for hours with Nicholas and Alexander when they were still in America, so turn around was fair play as far as she was concerned. The receptionist was pissed, but Adell didn't mind and Mark's cleaning and x-rays went off just fine. Getting back to the boat and changed was a bit hectic, there was a fire on 78th Street and the Fire Trucks and hoses were all over the place. Adell now became agitated, they might be late for Lunch and she didn't like The Plaza anyway. Jackets and ties for lunch was not mandatory at The Plaza like it was for Dinner, But Adell wanted Mark looking his best anyway. Friends of Stavros would be there, and she was responsible for the boy. If he looked bad, she didn't do her job. The food at the Plaza was very good Mark thought, but there wasn't a whole lot of it! Mark had a seafood platter of tuna, crab and shrimp salad, and when the plate was clean, he wondered when the rest of the food was coming. Mark remembered what Adell had said on the ride to the hotel, if he was a bird, he might be full. On the ride back to the ship, Adell had the driver stop in front of a very seedy looking delicatessen on Broadway. As far as Adell was concerned, The Plaza served very expensive "Bird food," and she was hungry after picking through her lunch. To Mark, the deli looked more like a small appliance store. It had toasters and little grills and mixers hanging all over the place. Mark was told the place was fabulous and the food was heavenly. He saw a crowded small appliance store with lines of people at a counter leaving with satchels full of food. Adell handed a sheet of paper to a man standing by the front door who seemed to know her as far as Mark was concerned. The man also spoke Greek. He asked her if she wanted something to eat and she asked for a roast beef sandwich on rye. The man left and went behind the counter and made her the sandwich and brought it over to her on a plate. Adell gave Mark half the sandwich as she ate the other. Mark didn't think too much about it except for the stares that he and Adell were getting from about twenty five people standing in line at the counter. Mark sat down at a little table in the middle of the store that the man brought him to and Mark ate the sandwich. Mark has never purchased a small appliance from the seedy little deli on Broadway, but he has sandwiches flown into Greece on a fairly consistent basis from Zabars, his favorite delicatessen. It's the only thing American he has refused to give up in over 15 years. Mark returned to the ship probably 15 minutes before the tailor arrived, and Adell had him return to his Stateroom and undressed the boy down to his underpants. Mark needed to be measured for clothes, and the quickest way for him to do his job was by Mark being all but naked Adell had explained. Probably for a good half hour, the tailor took measurements from Mark and according to Mark recalling it later; the man measured everything but his dick and tonsils and he wasn't exactly sure about his dick. By roughly 4:00 the tailor was done and left the ship. Adell told Mark he was free to go explore, but not to leave the ship. Mark headed straight for the Bridge and Captain Sophis. Mark sat on a long high bench seat that over looked the entire Bridge and just watched the action as the Captain prepared the crew to un dock and take the ship out into the river in preparation for the boat drill. The Captain put a wireless headset on Mark that allowed him to hear the crewmen as they spoke to each other during the un docking, and to Mark, it was like being included in on watching the Queen Mary sail. Stavros's crew was a very well oiled machine, and to Mark, they made it look like a very simple task, despite the fact that the tide was against them, the current was against them and the wind was against them. Now, move the 175 foot [50 m] boat without scratching off one inch of paint! Once out into the river, the Captain swung the ship up towards the George Washington Bridge and Mark was allowed to sound the alarm for a life boat drill. Mark pushed the button and it scared the hell out of him in spite of the fact that he knew it was coming on. It sounded like a prison break he had seen in the movies. It was in fact load enough that the Captain had to call the Coast Guard ahead of time so that anyone on shore or on the river who called in wouldn't turn in a false alarm. Mark was given the option of going to a life boat and be lowered to the water and almost leaped off the bench. Then he remembered Adell's admonition not to leave the boat. "You would still be on the ship when you're in a life boat, but check with Adell anyway," Captain Sophis told the boy. Mark ran for Adell's room. Adell listened to Mark's request. "Yes, you can go but follow the crewmen's instructions. Would you like to put on some pants first?" she asked the boy. Mark looked down. In his haste to get to the Bridge, he forgot he didn't bother to get dressed after the tailor finished. He was still in his whity tightys and had been for almost an hour now. "OOPS," Mark said. With a neatly pressed pair of shorts on Mark went to the boat deck where the First Officer put him in a life jacket and put him in Lifeboat One. The ship had four main Life Boats and four rafts. Any boy who's ever been on a carnival ride knows what Mark experienced next, because the huge davits that held the lifeboats all swung out at once and now held all four lifeboats alongside the ship. Inside the lifeboat, Mark felt like he was suspended in air waiting to be dropped. In effect he was, but not really dropped. Mark's headset told him the crewmen running the lifeboats were to start their engines, and almost immediately the engine in his lifeboat roared to life. As it did the crewmen radioed back confirmation and the lifeboats dropped to the river like a slow elevator. Once down on the river and un hitched from the davit cables, the lifeboats started to slowly circle the ship while each lifeboat's systems were checked by the crewmen on the lifeboats and back on the ship. Mark listened as constant chatter back and forth told him that every single nut and bolt was being tested and inspected, and crossing the ocean was beginning to look a lot more serious than he ever dreamed it would be. Mark even got to steer the lifeboat for a time. "Just follow that boat in front of you," he was told. Once the drill was over, the pilot of Mark's lifeboat, the ship's First Officer, asked for permission from the Captain to take Mark upriver for a quick spin. For the first time in his life, Mark piloted the lifeboat up past the Bridge and along the Palisades of New Jersey with the wind whipping through his hair and a thrill running threw his body he hadn't really known before. Mark was back on board the ship a little over an hour from the time he left and once again took up residence on the Bridge where he watched the ship dock. Mark said very little as he watched the goings on, but he was deeply impressed by the Captain and the control he had over the crew. On meeting the man, he thought he was a very nice, rather old man. Somehow in Mark's eyes, the man got a lot younger and a whole lot smarter. "When are we leaving?" Mark asked the Captain after the ship was docked and the Captain took off his headset. "We can leave within six hours of Stavros telling us to go right now," he told the boy. "But by tomorrow, we can leave within two hours of his orders." "What's the difference between today and tomorrow?" Mark wanted to know. "Well, right this minute we don't have certain things on board we need to cross the ocean. But if Stavros tells me to sail as fast as possible, I can get the ship ready in six hours. By tomorrow, most of those things will be on board, so we could leave sooner if he ordered me to," the Captain explained to the boy. "In all probability, we will leave in two days, maybe a little sooner, maybe a little later. But there are several things that have to be taken into consideration; one is the weather, which is good for us right now, and the other is sea traffic, which is best for us in two days time." Mark had never heard of "Sea Traffic." "What's sea traffic?" he asked the Captain. "What do you think it is?" the Captain asked him. "It sounds like a road with cars on it in the ocean," Mark answered. "Almost," said the Captain. "It's a highway on the ocean called sea lanes, and we will be one ship on a lane going east, and another lane next to us will be going west with other ships on it. We will need to know where they are and they will need to know where we are all the time. That way, we don't bump into each other, and if someone needs help, it's not too far away." "Why don't we just go straight across the ocean and stay out of traffic?" Mark asked. "We could, but if I did I would be putting your life in danger and Stavros would fire me," the man said to Mark with a smile on his face. "If anything went wrong and we needed help, there would be no one around us for thousands of kilometers. Besides, there is a petrol station in the middle of the ocean and the sea lanes takes you to it!" he said. Mark was now thinking he was getting his leg pulled. "A petrol station?" he said. The Captain pulled down a chart on the wall behind Mark. "See this little dot here," the Captain said to Mark as he pointed to the map. "This is the Azores, and it's almost 4,000 kilometers [2,500 miles] away from us. We can't cross the whole ocean without getting more fuel, and the Azores is our petrol station. If we don't follow the sea traffic, we miss these islands and run out of fuel!" he told the boy. "Where is Greece?" Mark now wanted to know. The Captain pointed to Greece on the map. "This is where we are going and it's about 9,000 kilometers [5,500 miles] away from here." "How long is it going to take us to get there?" Mark now asked. "Well, the ship can go about 1,000 kilometers [600 miles] in a day, so that's about nine days running if we don't stay over night anywhere. But usually, Stavros stops several days to give everybody a rest from the trip," the Captain told the boy. Mark studied the map. It didn't look all that far to him, but he assumed the Captain knew what he was talking about. "Unless we have a problem, we will be in Greece two weeks from today," he told Mark. "Have you ever had a problem?" Mark now asked. "Yes, weather can slow us down and even keep us in port once we get across the ocean," the man said. "If a storm comes up, we could be tossed around like a toy on the ocean and that eats up time for us," he said. Again, Mark wasn't sure if he was being handed a story or not. He looked around at the ship. It was much too big to be "Tossed around." He figured he'd have to confirm all of this with Adell. "I will have the First Officer make up a chart for you and you can follow the ship's progress as we cross the ocean," the Captain said to him. "Nicholas and Alexander always love to do that, and I think you will enjoy it too!" The mention of the other two boys adopted by Stavros sent Mark on a whole new train of thought. Adell would answer the questions he had about them, and he thanked the Captain and went searching for Adell. Captain Sophis watched as the boy walked off the Bridge. This was the 3rd boy Stavros brought into the man's life. He liked all 3, but Alexander was his favorite up to that point in time and he was looking forward to the crossing because Stavros had informed him that Alexander was being flown over from France to make the trip. He wondered if Mark knew that yet. Mark walked into Adell's stateroom as the woman was being helped out of probably her 30th dress. Mark froze in his steps when he realized that she was getting undressed but his presence didn't faze the woman. "Don't be silly!" she told Mark as he began to apologize and withdraw. "Since you run around in your underwear, it's only fair that I do too!" That brought a laugh from the crew women showing Adell her clothes as Mark turned a little pink. The woman was tired of all the dressing and undressing, and Mark's arrival in her stateroom picked up her spirits. She had chosen many pieces and was frothing at the bit to finish. Adell picked out a few more dresses from a pile and was finished. Mark had no idea how much it all cost, there were no price tags, but he made a bet that they were far from cheap! With Adell now finished and the ladies packing up their things and leaving the ship, Mark wanted to ask Adell some questions, and the two went back to Mark's Stateroom. As he stood there the woman undressed Mark for his shower. Mark was the 3rd boy Stavros had put her in charge of. She deeply loved the first two, but now Nicholas was getting married, Alexander was away at school in France a whole lot of the time, and now, the boy standing before her was carving his way into her heart at lightening speed. She gave most of the credit for that to the lack of a language barrier, communication with Mark was instantaneous. It took months for her to get Nicholas and Alexander to begin talking to her. In her mind, Mark had a slight advantage because not only did he talk Greek, he looked Greek. Nicholas and Alexander were very good looking boys, who looked more American than Greek, Mark looked like he belonged walking down a street in Hania or Sparta with a group of boys going off to school. With his hair growing back at a pretty fast pace now, he had small curls of black hair around his ears and down his neck and steel grey piercing eyes. His body was pure Greek boy with an olive tan and a still visible tan line that she knew she would very quickly eradicate once they were out at sea. Like Nicholas and Alexander, he was circumcised unlike any Greek children she had ever known, but she didn't hold that against him, he still had a very beautiful body as far as she was concerned, even if his cock was a little short. She knew from the darker color of his scrotum that he would match Stavros in appearance, his eggs would be full and rich colored and his cock would be more than thick enough to satisfy the girl she chose for him to marry and have his babies. At 12, Mark had six to eight years before he would be ready to marry, and Adell already had three or four girls in mind for him that came from very good families with lots of male offspring. The girls were only between five and eight years old right now, but she would watch them and figure out which one was the most likely to produce big strong babies once they were old enough to produce children and she could analyze their bone structure. As the woman washed Mark, the boy chattered away about his afternoon with the Captain. Mark was very much like Alexander she thought to herself, he too loved the ship and it's inner workings, the two boys would get along very nicely together she was sure. "Tomorrow morning, we will be picking Alexander up at the Airport. He wants to come back on the ship with us to Greece," the woman told Mark. "Really?" Mark asked. "Yes, he will be coming in with the rest of the crew for the voyage," Adell told the boy. Temporarily forgetting about Alexander, Mark wanted to know about the crewmembers. "Normally, the ship has 12 crewmembers on board. But when we cross the ocean, we need 16," she told the boy. "Why?" Mark asked. "Crossing the ocean is a very big job, it takes a lot of men," she answered. Mark now recalled the Captain's words about the weather. "Have you been on the ship when it rocks?" he asked Adell as she finished washing him and was drying him off. "Many times!" she said. "Did you ever get sea sick?" Mark wanted to know. "At first when I was a very little girl, but you get used to it very fast and it goes away," she said. "Why, are you afraid you will be sick?" "I don't think a ship this big could rock very much; I don't think I'll get sick!" Mark said. Adell laughed a little. "In the middle of the ocean, this ship can rock very well!" she told the boy. "But I wouldn't worry about it, there is medicine that you will be given and it helps if it does get rough." What's Alexander like?" Mark now wanted to know. Adell sat Mark down on the bed and took out a very large photo album from the bookcase. "This book is all about Alexander from the time he first came to us until last month. It is a picture history of him, and a book is being made now that will be yours when you grow into a man," she told the boy. The album was in chronological order beginning with Alexander at age 13 when he was adopted. It showed the boy with both Stavros and Adell and more than a few crewmen he had seen on board, including Captain Sophis. From the pictures, Mark could clearly see that the boy and the Captain were extremely good friends. As Mark went from page to page, Adell described Alexander to him, including the fact that the boy loved the ship and being on her. Mark studied the pictures as Adell talked. He saw a boy in the pictures who was almost always smiling, usually swimming or at the pool and rarely clothed. Alexander had no tan line whatsoever and was obviously very comfortable being naked. Now 15, Alexander matured in the pictures from a pre-adolescent child to a budding man. The boy had grown from a body of straight and smooth lines to one with muscular definition. He was a damned healthy 15 years old, and he was going to be one hell of a beach hunk in very short order. Even Mark recognized that. "Does he lift weights?" Mark asked as he nearly finished the book. "No, he swims a lot and plays tennis and plays a lot, but Stavros does not approve of boys lifting weights," she said to Mark. "Why not?" He asked. "Stavros does not think a boy's body needs to lift weights to grow big and strong. If he's active in sports and exercise, that's all he needs," Adell said. "What do you think?" Mark asked the woman. "I think Stavros is correct, and there is the proof!" she said as she pointed to a picture of Alexander standing by the pool with a bundle of grapes in his hand. In Mark's mind, Alexander was one hell of a stud, no questions about it! "He looks nice, is he?" Mark now asked. "Alexander is very kind and gentle, he's very smart, and he is a very wonderful boy to be around. He's a whole lot like you. I think you two will like each other very much!" she told Mark. It was Adell's turn to carve herself into the boy's heart, and she was doing a very impressive job. Mark smiled at her answer and wrapped his arms around her and hugged the woman he was liking more and more by the hour. "I see you two are fighting as usual!" Stavros said as he walked into the room. Seeing the photo album on the bed, he addressed Adell. "He knows Alexander is arriving?" the woman nodded as Mark got up and gave Stavros a hug and a kiss on both cheeks. Stavros picked Mark up and walked over to the bed and sat down. "Tell me about your day!" he told the boy. 20 minutes later, Stavros may have regretted the request; Mark never stopped chattering about the boat, the Captain and the life boat drill. Mark had a very full day Stavros knew, but the only thing the boy talked about was the last three hours or so. Stavros knew he had another Alexander on his hands; a boat rat! Stavros was a little leery about Mark meeting Alexander for the first time, it was very important to him that the boys all got along well and that there was no jealousy between them. Listening to Mark he realized that the two of them would get along fine, the ship was the common denominator. Much to Mark's chagrin, he was back in a tie and jacket for dinner, and he would stay in one for the next two hours until bedtime. The reception on the ship went fine, Mark spent most of his time with the First Officer discussing the up coming trip. The Officer had presented Mark with a booklet of charts that would be the ship's course across the Atlantic, and he spent most of the night explaining to Mark how to record the ship's progress with a hand held GPS. Mark was going to navigate his way across the ocean and he was thrilled to the bone about it. By 10:00 Mark was undressed and slipped into bed as Adell got the urinal and had him pee. Inspecting it, she smiled as she gave Mark a glass of water. "Much better!" she told him as she put a pair of Pull ups on the boy and tucked him into bed with a kiss. "When you want to stop wetting the bed, let me know and I will train your body to stay dry at night," she said. "You can do that?" Mark asked her. "Of course I can, all boys can be trained," she told him. "How?" Mark wanted to know. "You'll find that out when you decide to stay dry," she told him and gave him another kiss and turned out the light. Stavros came to bed very late, and immediately wrapped the boy up in his arms and snuggled against him as the man slid the pull ups down and off Mark. Stavros kissed the back of Mark's neck as he gently entered Mark and took the boy's erection firmly in one hand as the other cradled both testicles in a warm loving grip. Mark fell asleep as the man's penis bathed itself in the heat of the boy's body and pulsed against the walls of the boy's sphincter muscle. Mark was warm and secure in the man's arms, he was exactly where he wanted to be. Mark had a wonderful dream that night; he dreamed he was on the top of Mount Marcy in upstate New York looking out over the Adirondacks and he was completely naked and he was climaxing more sensually than he had ever climaxed before. After he finished climaxing he peed off the mountain and he peed very far, and for a very long time. The following morning the dream was still with Mark in his mind, and would be a great source of sexual fantasy for him to masturbate to for years to come. These kinds of dreams came often to Mark, almost always when he slept with his Father. Alexander was coming in at 9:00 from Greece along with the four additional crewmen and the morning started fairly early for Mark as Adell came in to wake both the boy and Stavros up. Mark awoke with what he thought was the biggest erection he ever had in his life. The dream was in the forefront of his thoughts and was clear and fresh in his mind as the woman tried to steer his penis into the urinal before the flood arrived. After about a two minute wait and no urine, the woman put the urinal back down. "It appears that your cock is not stiff from your water," she said as she brought Mark to the bathroom and put him in the shower. "You can take care of this after your bath, we have to get going to the airport soon," she told the boy. Mark grunted a bit when she washed his penis. "I gather your well was refilled enough for you," she said as she rinsed him off and dried him. "If you need privacy, go into your bathroom and take care of your need. Otherwise, you can make your cock happy on the toilet." Adell's frankness amazed Mark, it also contributed greatly to his need to whack the piss off of his dick and real fast. He went into his bathroom and had the fastest jerk off he ever remembered in his life. Mark stalled for as long as he could in the bathroom, but eventually he went back to his bedroom with Adell waiting for him with the day's clothes laid out for him. Putting on his underwear, it was impossible for the woman to avoid seeing his half erect penis that was noticeably pink. She looked up at a very sheepish looking 12 year old who looked like he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "You look very serious," she said. "Do not worry about it. Every boy your age plays with his cock, if you didn't, I would be very worried for you." Over time, Mark would learn that Adell knew every trick in any little boy's repertoire, and absolutely nothing shocked, embarrassed or surprised the woman. She knew exactly how they felt and thought, raising Stavros had taught her well. Without breakfast, Mark, Adell and Stavros went to the airport and met Alexander coming out of Customs. The boy had been on a plane for the last ten hours, and had slept most of the way to New York. As he stepped out of the secure area, Mark saw his new brother for the first time. Mark watched as the boy first greeted Stavros and then Adell. Mandatory two kisses on both cheeks were made, and then Alexander kissed his Father on the lips. Americans don't do this, civilized people do. Alexander was greeting his Father, and neither really gave a shit that they were kissing each other in public. Alexander next moved onto Adell, and there was a very distinct difference to Mark in the greeting. These two were very closely attached. At twelve, Mark could tell the difference between "I love you a lot" and "I love you a whole big bunch!" Adell was on the receiving end of a whole lot of love and Mark looked for a reaction from Stavros. To Mark, if Stavros was jealous, he sure as hell didn't look it, and the man beamed from ear to ear. Stavros introduced Mark to Alexander and Alexander studied Mark for a very brief few seconds going from his head to his feet. "He looks just like the pictures you sent Nana," the boy said to Adell as he moved closer to Mark. Mark wondered about the name "Nana" Did Alexander address Adell as his Grandmother? Was this something he should be doing? He decided he would find out, but first he had to greet his new brother and that was somewhat of a surprise to Mark also. There were no two obligatory kisses on the cheek, Alexander gave Mark a very big hug and planted a kiss on his lips before Mark knew it was coming! It took Mark by surprise, and even more surprising, Mark very much liked it. Some people knew how to kiss and some people knew how to press their lips against someone elses. Alexander knew how to kiss well enough that you wanted another one. "Hi!" Alexander said as he backed away from Mark. Before Mark got the opportunity to respond, the boy addressed his Father. "I'm hungry Poppa, there wasn't a whole lot of food on the plane," he said as he took the man's hand in his. Once Alexander's baggage and the extra crewmen were sent back to the ship, it was time to eat, and both boys were fully ready for it. Breakfast that morning was at a favorite Greek Diner of Stavros on the way back to Manhattan, and Mark's appetite was now meeting a rival. The two boys could put away an astounding amount of food between the two of them and it was close to 1:00 by the time they returned to the ship. Alexander's arrival on the ship created a large stir among the crew and it was very evident to Mark that Alexander, the Captain and the Chef were much more than casual friends. Both crewmen very much loved the boy and once again the greeting pretty much said it all. All day long Mark did a lot of watching, listening and taking mental notes about questions he would get answers to later. For now, he studied his new brother, and by and large, very much liked what he saw. Alexander was just a little over two years older than Mark, and had about 25 pounds [10 kg] and maybe three inches [7½ cm] or so in height on Mark. He had a bubbly personality and was more striking looking in person. If Alexander had a flaw or impediment, Mark didn't see it. "Let's get you cleaned up and out of those clothes and into something more comfortable," Adell now told Alexander. "It's time for you two to get to know each other, and this is the best time to start," she told both boys as she turned to go topside to the Staterooms. Both boys followed as Stavros headed to his office on the ship. "Tell me about school," Adell said as she sat down on the bed and began taking off Alexander's clothes. As he chatted away, Mark saw his new brother up front and personal for the first time in person. The pictures were nice; the real thing was even nicer Mark thought to himself as he reacted to the new boy's body. Mark figured he was a very lucky boy, he had already had his shower, so he would not be embarrassed by his condition in front of his brand new brother. Adell had other ideas. "Alexander, when was the last time you had a face this color pink?" the woman said as she moved Mark over to her and began undressing him. Alexander looked over to Mark and put on a very big smile. "One of the very first things you learn about Nana is to never blush in front of her or you're going to be naked faster than you can hide your boner!" he told Mark laughing. Mark smiled a little, but he still had a penis that was paying no attention to his discomfort. The harder he concentrated on keeping it in check, the stiffer it got. By the time Adell had Mark's underpants on the floor, Alexander knew precisely what his new brother looked like when he was born. "But I already had a shower this morning," Mark said to Adell standing there with a dick about as big as it ever got. "It's get to know each other time. The best way to do that is with no secrets between you two," the woman said to Mark as she walked him into the bathroom. "Now, talk!" she said as she left the bathroom and closed the door behind the boys. Alexander sat down on the floor of the shower and giggled as Mark crouched down beside him still red faced. "She did the exact same thing to me when I first came and met Nicholas," he told Mark. "I even had a boner too!" he said smiling over at Mark. "Really?" Mark said wondering if Alexander was just trying to make him more comfortable. The boy shook his head. "It was a little bigger than yours, but yea, I had a doozy and Nana damned well knew it because she could see it pushing out my underpants!" It was now time for Mark to laugh. "Lay down, I'll soap you up and then you can wash me," Alexander said as he reached for the liquid soap and poured it all over Mark's chest and abdomen. The next 20 minutes reminded Mark a great deal of Elmira and the showers. Alexander had been there, he had been there, and both boys knew the real purpose of the showers. It took Alexander under thirty seconds to join Mark in raging boners and Mark's color went back to normal, he was back on familiar territory and with a fellow traveler. When Alexander got to Mark's hands, he took Mark's left hand in his and looked at his ring for a few moments. "Who ringed you?" he asked. "Michael," came Mark's reply. Alexander had seen Michael at Elmira and knew of the caretaker, but Alexander himself was ringed by a caretaker named Dennis who was now out in the field. Mark did not know who Dennis was. Alexander next wanted to know whether Mark was paired with an older or a younger boy in the field. Alexander was paired with an older boy. Once adopted, he had Nicholas, his older brother. "Now you're the older brother!" Mark said to him. "Yea, I guess I am!" Alexander said with a half smile on his face as he looked into Mark's face and eyes searching for some kind of sign. Both boys were sitting there in the shower and both were sitting crossed legged Indian style while washing each other. Mark knew the answer his new brother was looking for and laid down flat in front of him. As Mark had done with Steven, and as Nicholas had done with Alexander, it was now Alexander's turn to become the senior partner, and Mark closed his eyes as Alexander consummated the relationship and brought his little brother into his mouth for the first time. Close to an hour later, both boys knew each other from head to feet as Adell once again came into the stateroom and laid out clothes for both boys. Alexander skipped all clothing except for the shorts which surprised Mark. He didn't know up to that point in time that he had any choice. He put on what Adell put on him. Now, Alexander handed the woman some shorts and sans underpants, he was dressed. "It saves time," Alexander told his brother, "She's only going to get you naked again sooner or later anyway." The boy half giggled as the woman gave him a tap on the ass in a mock slap. "Don't pick up any bad habits from him or he'll get you into trouble," she chided Mark as the boy stood there in front of her. Both boys now headed back to the Bridge and the Captain. "When are we sailing Captain Ari?" Alexander wanted to know as the two boys filed in with charts and GPS's in hand. "We will be sailing tonight well after midnight," he told the boys. "You have everything on board now?" Mark wanted to know. "No, but it will be on board by 6:00 tonight and then we will be cleared by Customs to leave when we want to," the man told the two wide eyed boys. Alexander was making the crossing now for the 4th time and he was still thrilled with the adventure of the trip. Mark was about to learn what it took to get a ship across the ocean. The Boat basin was awash with trucks and men bringing aboard last minute supplies of fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, frozen food and perishable items. Mark's formal wear now made it's appearance, and while Mark went back to the State room with Adell for the fitting, Alexander went below to the galley and his passion, the kitchen. Alexander loved to cook and was getting very good at it thanks to the ship's chef and his crew. Lunch was late due to the late breakfast and Alexander wanted to eat at Zabars. Mark wasn't hungry until he heard the name and then it became a foot race between him and Alexander up the hill to Broadway as Stavros and Adell followed the two boys. "What do you think?" the man asked his house keeper as they watched the two boys ahead of them. "It is a very good match. They are at the right ages and Alexander will bring him along nicely," she told him. "Besides, I think Alexander was getting a little lonely without a brother to sleep with and share things with. He's had nothing but school mates to sleep with now for two years, he needs brothers not friends." Stavros did not disagree. While he himself did not have a brother, he did have his best friend through his childhood who was all but his brother. Alexander and Nicholas were now too old for each other; Nicholas was about to marry and his youth was now behind him. His wife would sleep in his bed once the two were married and until then Nicholas would take care of his own needs until he took his wife's virginity on their wedding night. Alexander was still almost a year away from his 16th Birthday and then he too would have to begin courting and leave Mark behind. Stavros hoped that another boy was less than a year or so away, at least that would be the best he could hope for. As Mark walked into Zabars with Alexander, the same man who had greeted him and Adell at the door the day before almost swept Alexander off his feet. The boy's association with the ship's Chef was well known to everyone in the deli, and the owners made every customer feel very special. Certain customers, they made feel like Royalty and Stavros and his family were Royalty to them. Mark's lunch that day was not quite a lunch; it was more like a smorgasbord. When the owners found out that Mark had tried, and loved one sandwich (The Roast Beef) from their deli, they proceeded to make and serve him a slice of just about every different kind of sandwich they made. When he walked out that day, they had a customer for life and they knew it! Stavros ordered dozens of sandwiches that he wanted delivered back to the ship's crew, and by the time they returned to the ship, the plates were empty. Walking off lunch was an absolute necessity, and the two boys lead the way down the pedestrian walkway along the river towards the George Washington Bridge as Adell and Stavros followed at a discreet distance. Stavros had invested a huge amount of money and time into the boys, and watching them interact was his best assurance that all was going as planned. Stavros watched as pigeons amused the boys as did squirrels and chipmunks. About a quarter mile up the walk, they all turned around and slowly made there way back towards the Boat Basin this time, more as a foursome. Two boats dominated the Basin, The Highlander, owned by Malcolm Forbes, and Stavros's boat that docked just in back of it. Both boats looked pretty much alike, except that Stavros's had men crawling all over the place and The Highlander looked deserted. As he approached the ship Mark still had a lingering doubt in his mind. "Does that boat really rock a lot?" he asked Alexander. "Sure, when the sea gets rough, we get tossed around pretty good!" Alexander told him. "But it's so big!" Mark protested. Alexander smiled at his new brother. "If you think this ship is big, you should see a forty foot wave!" Mark could not conjure up a forty foot wave in his mind. It was now close to 4:00 and the reception of the Greek Consulate was set for 7:00 in lower Manhattan. Both Mark and Alexander wished they could skip it and stay on the ship and watch the goings on, but both knew that that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. As Alexander stepped into the stateroom he pulled off his shorts and was once again naked. "See what I mean?" he said as he walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Adell just smiled a little as she undressed Mark. "Pay no attention to him, he thinks that every woman in the world just wants to see him naked because he has something special to offer!" she said "That's not what you said to me last year!" Alexander shot back with a big giggle. As Adell threw a wet wash cloth at the boy, Mark watched the two interact. If there was anything more to it, he wasn't aware of it, but these two obviously loved each other, were comfortable around each other, and liked to tease the hell out of each other. Mark decided he liked the both of them, and he liked the choice he had made. As Adell finished washing both boys two women came in and it was time for Adell to get washed and dressed herself. As he was being dried off by Adell, Mark was told that he would be dressed and then both boys could wait for her and Stavros on the Bridge. Mark was very used to Adell dressing him and being around her naked, now, she had passed him off to another woman. "Get used to it," Mark was now told by Alexander in English. "If Adell isn't dressing you, one of these women will be," he told Mark. Very much to Mark's surprise, he did not get an erection. It damned near floored him. Why not? Piece by piece, the boys clothing were put on by the women and Mark shortly found himself in front of a full length mirror looking at himself in a tuxedo, the very first in his life, "Wow!" was Mark's only reaction. "Knowing Poppa, you probably have four or five sitting in the closet right now," Alexander said to him. Mark now figured out what all the measuring was about. As his shoes were put on and laced up, they fit him like a glove. As Mark walked up to the Bridge with his brother that afternoon, he felt like someone special. He felt like someone important. He felt like someone who had value and worth. He had never felt that way before about himself and he wondered how a bunch of clothing could do all that for someone. Looking over to Alexander who was also dressed in a tuxedo, he wondered if he looked even close to being as handsome. Diplomatic receptions are wonderfully fabulous affairs if you are a Diplomat, a Politician, or a Business Man. Two boys, ages 12 and 15 were bored out of their fucking gourds. Little boys don't eat fish eggs no matter how expensive they are, and Diplomats and Politicians don't know children beyond patting them on their heads which drives the kids up a wall. Mark's last night in the United States was a very long four hour marathon that mercifully ended for him when Stavros asked Adell to take the boys back to the ship. On the trip back uptown, none of them knew who was happier, Adell or the boys. It was very close to 11:00 by the time they got back on board, and to Mark's surprise the ship was practically dead quiet. They were no more hoses, no more trucks and no more workmen. Adell put both boys down in the stateroom, and Mark and Alexander were in bed by 11:15 with the promise that they would be awoken when the ship left port. Lying in bed with Alexander, Mark looked up at the buildings along the West Side Highway and wondered who the people were who lived in those apartments. He knew Stavros owned one of them, but it was out of sight from the window of the ship. Alexander looked over to Mark and seeing him staring out the window, knew what the boy was now feeling. "You're going to like where you're going," Alexander said to his brother. Mark said nothing; he hugged his brother just as tightly as he possibly could. As the boys involved in The Program always did, Alexander now wanted to know how Mark had become involved in The Program in the first place; what had Mark done to get him into jail? Mark related the entire story and much to his surprise, it was related as if Mark was discussing a very mundane event. Six or nine months previous, the telling of his story would have been done with buckets of tears and now it was just ancient history to the boy. After Mark related his history it was Alexander's turn. Once again, Mark was caught off guard and by surprise. Almost every single story he had ever heard was of innocent encounters, manipulation by some adult in the boy's life, physical or sexual abuse, ignorance or stupidity by authorities. It was never "I fucked and am in jail." It was now. Alexander was born of a woman of Greek ancestry, Alexander did not know what his father was, he had no recollection of him. His father left his mother when the boy was two years old. Alexander at around age ten learned that he was a very fussy baby, and his working mother left the baby in charge of a sitter who had "A way" with fussy babies, and she sat for Alexander from age two to age four. Alexander has no recollection of the sitter. By age 4, Alexander's mother noticed that whenever she bathed or changed him, Alexander would become erect. This persisted until age 6, and Alexander started sexually interacting with his playmates, and eventually with his class mates once schooling began. By age 8, Alexander would fuck anything that stood still long enough and the school called in the very best psychologists who counseled Alexander on the evils of his ways. At age 10, Alexander was sent to a very special school for sexually dysfunctional children and Alexander thought he died and went to heaven. During the day, he would be taught the evils of masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, fetishes, masochism and things Alexander never even dreamed about in his wildest fantasies, and at night, it was show and tell and practice time with 36 of his closest buddies who lived in his dormitory with him. five seconds after the lights in the dorm went out and the door closed behind the matrons, it was musical beds for the next hour or so. When the kiddies weren't being instructed by staff in class how evil, dirty and disgusting their sexual romps were, the staff was giving private lessons on a one to one basis. By the time Alexander graduated the school, he could write a book on Kama Sutra positions from personal experience. At age 12, Alexander was cured forever and returned home to mom. Two days later on a 4-H Campout, Alexander had a relapse along with three of the boys in the tent with him. He now found himself standing in front of a judge who figured Alexander needed to go to the big house where he could get his ass straightened out. If not, he'd just get fucked for the next six years. Either way, the judge figured justice had been served. From Alexander's point of view, his history didn't bother him one bit. For whatever reason, he liked to fuck, and The Program allowed him to do that. His finding Stavros was a fluke to the boy, but a very welcome one. He loved the man, he loved his older brother Nicholas, he especially loved Adell, the Captain and the Chef, and he loved the direction his new life was taking him. Greece and especially Hania were a paradise to the boy because it was the only place he had ever known in his life where he felt "Free." He attended an all boy's school in France which was made up of students from all over the globe, and he learned that little boys around the world liked to fuck just as much as he did. It must be something in the water. Like Mark, Alexander met Stavros weeks after entering the field, and was adopted just three months later. Now, the two of them were lying in bed about to cross the Atlantic and Mark fell asleep with Alexander giving him a back rub sitting on top of Mark's ass. As the Senior Partner, Alexander could do whatever he wanted to with Mark while Mark slept, but if he did do anything, Mark was oblivious to it, he was one very tired little boy.