Howdy Doody
The Program
Book One
88e469sd Ward of the State
Chapters 5-6
Chapter Five
Michael returned to the dorm once again feeling drained and empty. Alex's pain and anguish, any boy's pain and anguish brought back for him terrible memories of his own childhood. Michael was dead determined to never go back to that place, but it was always staring him in the face and lurking in the background.
Michael's Story
Michael came from a large Italian, Catholic family who lived in a dirt poor city directly across the Hudson River from Albany. Michael's mother worked in a laundry, his father sat on a bar stool all day a block from the train station. By age 5 dad didn't really know if he was balling his wife or one of his kids and Michael spent a good deal of the time on his stomach.
By age nine Michael was becoming too 'disruptive' in school for the local school district to handle so Michael was sent off by family court to a very prestigious child care institution in Albany. These people were the smartest, most well educated, and costliest institution of its kind in the Capital District. Michael found himself at the Albany Home for Children. If anyone doesn't know the Albany Home for Children, ask the across the street neighbors how many times they found boys running down the street in front of their homes stark naked from the homes staff.
Raising and dealing with children at the Albany Home for Children really depended upon the New York Times Best Seller list. The Administration went from "Summerhill" to "I'm OK, You're OK," to "Please Touch!" to "Tough Love" at the drop of a hat. You really couldn't figure out where they were coming from unless you had that list. Michael was plunked down among these flaming assholes with boys who fucked their mothers let alone were being fucked by their fathers.
Michael pissed the bed. Michael was therefore marked by the other boys. Only sissies and faggots pissed the bed according to the boys, which was a bit confusing, because most of them also pissed the bed, but being older and stronger than Michael, he took the beating, the fucking and did the majority of the sucking. If you were a sissy or faggot, stick out your ass, it was going to be fucked. Michael's ass or mouth usually had a dick in it three to five times a night. Often Michael would wake up in the middle of the night being propped up on his hands and knees so that the non faggots could get in a little deeper.
After a few months, the boys in the cottage no longer hid their sexual dominance over Michael, they wrote their exploits down on paper and distributed them amongst themselves: "Michael sucks my balls", "Michael licks my dick", "Michael sucks my dick", "I put my dick up Michael's asshole", "Michael licks my asshole" were but just a few of the entries passed around by the non faggots. The boys didn't lie; Michael did what he was made to do.
The journal came to the attention of some of Michael's child care workers and they continually reported the incidents in the 'Official Log'. The little spiral notebook from the boy's journal was even stapled to the official log and the next day, a new log was posted by the Albany Home for Children. The events never happened. There wasn't going to be a mother fucking chance in hell that this 'trash' was ever going to see the light of day. It would 'look bad' for the institution. Michael remained at the Albany Home for Children for two years of nightly fun for all his roommates. Two years later: Michael was caught fucking his retarded paraplegic 17 year old female cousin.
The Times Union had their latest field day and the sales hit a new record high and profits were rolling through their doors. Sex sells huge in Albany County. The author gives all credit to The Albany Home for Children, the Family Court of Rensellear County and the Albany County Department of Social Services for making it all possible. (Don't be bashful guys, stand up and take a bow.)
"Michael!" Conner said as he saw his caretaker coming through the door and jumped into his arms. Michael was so very happy to get back to something good and pure and positive. He didn't ever want to put the boy down. The rest of the boys were watching TV with Mr. Bill. It was just before dinner so Michael figured he would leave the boys to the television, something he didn't often do. Michael would rather have them playing in the recreation room or swimming. He wasn't a huge fan of TV.
Michael walked into his room to check on the sleeping Aaron, and then returned to the living room and sat down with Conner attached chest to chest. All the caretakers were there and Coach was off in a corner with a few of the older boys there. Jimmy was among them and he looked pretty happy Michael thought to himself. Coach attracted the older boys because he was very much into sports, and very knowledgeable concerning the subject. If a label had to be put on it, you'd call the boys who wanted to be around Coach 'Sport rats'. That fit well with Michael's team because boys came in all shapes, sizes and interests.
If Coach were the caretaker that Jimmy would respond to most favorably, he would be transferred to his dorm and Michael had no problem with that. While he would love to be the caretaker to train Jimmy, Michael knew the boy couldn't be forced to accept him. The end result would be the same: Jimmy would give his body up of his own free will.
Coach's Story
Coach was a Physical Education teacher in an affluent North Shore community on Long Island. He was a very well respected man in the community who had a wife and daughter.
The school district where Coach taught installed two way mirrors in all boys shower rooms so that staff could monitor the boys' activities while showering. Everybody knew the mirrors were there, including the boys. Coach's room was alongside the shower room, and he could monitor the room at will. There was also a camera set up on a tripod to monitor the room when Coach was out on the field.
The main reason the mirrors were installed was to curtail 'towel snapping'. A favorite activity of some of the more aggressive little boys who wanted to see their little peers writhing on the floor with a snap to the testicles.
Coach's students always knew when Coach was at school and in his office because his car was always parked right outside his office in the courtyard. One day Coach had his car picked up by the garage after lunch and his car was not there. That always meant Coach was not there. Two eighth grade boys stayed after school late for practice and were the last two boys in the shower. Coach was sitting at his desk doing paperwork when something caught his eye and he looked up. Both boys were on the floor performing oral on each other.
Coach could never explain it to himself or anyone else why, but for whatever reason, he did not interfere in the boys activities, he watched them. Eventually both boys performed anal intercourse with each other then dried each other off and left for the locker room. Up to that point in his life, it was the most sensuous love scene he had ever witnessed. He was disgusted with himself, but he couldn't get those two boys out of his mind.
After school football practice occurred on Wednesday, and the following Wednesday Coach parked his car in the employee parking lot. He wanted to see if the boys did that again. They did. Coach recorded it on the camera. Coach used the film of the boys to masturbate with. He kept it in his locker.
Every night the school custodians would vacuum Coach's office and empty the wastebaskets. Just before school ended for the year in June, the custodian bumped into the locker door with his vacuum and the film fell out on the floor. Coach was sent to prison for possession of child pornography for 10 to 30 years.
The two boys in the shower room were enrolled in therapy sessions for sexual deviates and underwent clinical therapy for two years. Both boys were completely miserable until one day the people around them noticed that they seemed to be really happy. That night, they met the 7:10 out of Penn Station coming through and walked in front of the train hand in hand too close for the engineer to stop. They had had enough of therapy.
Dinner time came followed by showers. Aaron was sound asleep and was going to remain in Michael's bed for two more days when his diaper could be removed. Conner still had his diaper on and he too would remain sleeping in Michael's bed until it came off. That didn't depress Conner one single bit. He was very comfortable where he was and wouldn't mind staying there.
That left Jimmy and Mark to sleep in the double bedroom. Michael kissed Jimmy on the forehead and tucked him in. Then sat down next to the boy.
"What do you think about Coach?" Michael asked Jimmy.
"He's really nice, he knows a lot about football and stuff," Jimmy told his caretaker.
Michael knew nothing about sports. He didn't like them and wasn't very good at them.
"Do you think you might want to be moved to Coach's dorm?" Michael asked.
Jimmy seemed to brighten up. "Really?" he said. "Could that be done?"
"Yes, it can be arranged, but Coach would have to agree to it and you would have to understand that Coach and I have the same goals."
Jimmy knew what that meant. Michael wanted to get into his pants. He had already screwed Mark and maybe even Conner. Could Michael be telling him the truth? Did Coach fuck boys?
"Would I have to sleep with him like I have to sleep with you?" Jimmy asked the man.
"Every single boy in this dorm will sleep with his caretaker on rotation and that includes the boys in Coach's dorm," Michael told the boy.
"But I don't have to let him fuck me right?" Jimmy asked.
"The rule remains the same Jimmy: nobody will make you do anything you don't want to do no matter which dorm you're in."
Jimmy was happy to hear that, he didn't want to get fucked, he wasn't gay.
"I will talk to Coach tomorrow. If he accepts you, you can decide if you want to be transferred over to his dorm. OK?" Michael asked.
Jimmy smiled. Michael didn't need a verbal response. He gave Jimmy another kiss on the forehead and said good night.
Michael moved over to Mark's bed. Mark was laying there listening to the conversation with Jimmy.
"Do I have to get transferred too?" Mark asked.
"Not unless you want to," Michael told the boy.
"I want to stay here with you," he told his caretaker.
Michael smiled and bent over and kissed the boy on his lips. "So do I!" Michael said and left to return to his room.
Michael took off Aaron's diaper and washed the boy up. Aaron had peed and it was important to keep his penis clean to ward off infection. He checked for bleeding and satisfied, he put a fresh diaper on Aaron and looked down on the boy. He bent over and kissed the boy who was still sound asleep. Michael then moved to the other side of the bed and put fresh medicine and a diaper on Conner who was half awake. With a kiss to Conner, Michael turned out the lights and got into bed between the two boys. Conner rolled over on top of Michael when the man laid down and Michael fell asleep with the little boy using him as a pillow. Michael didn't mind, Conner was the kind of child that brought out the 'mother' instinct in most caring people. Michael felt a compelling urge to love and protect all his charges, some much more than others. Conner was one of those.
After Michael turned out the light, Mark was deep in thought. For a long time, he listened to Jimmy's breathing and after about 20 minutes Mark assumed Jimmy was asleep by the rhythm of his breathing. What Mark wanted to do was to go to Michael's room and slip in with him. At the same time, he wanted to play with Jimmy. Being two years older than Mark, Jimmy was already into puberty, unlike Mark who was still shooting blanks. Mark had eight cousins who were all as sexually active as he was. Now they were all gone and Mark wasn't accustomed to sleeping alone.
Mark got out of bed and went over to Jimmy's bed and moved the sheet to one side over the sleeping boy's waist. This uncovered Jimmy and Mark now had access to Jimmy's genitals. He reached over and with his fingers on both sides of the underwear slit, pulled them apart. Jimmy's penis appeared through the slit. Mark than opened the slit a little lower and now Jimmy's testicles were also sticking out of the boy's underwear. Mark now had access to what he wanted. He bent over Jimmy and put the boy's penis very slowly and carefully in his mouth. Slowly, Jimmy's penis went into an erection and Mark waited for it to get fully erect. When he knew Jimmy was fully erect, he proceeded to bring the boy to orgasm as he had done so many times before. Jimmy came with Mark thinking about the feelings the sleeping boy under him was having. Semen was nothing new to Mark, Jimmy tasted exactly like his cousins and he swallowed the boy's nectar without a problem. When Mark was finished he left Jimmy's penis out and pulled back the covers over Jimmy and got back into bed. "Success!" he said to himself. Jimmy never knew what happened to him.
Not quite. Jimmy did fall asleep, but awoke as the covers were being moved. He realized that Mark was there and pretended to sleep to find out what the boy was up to. With Mark putting Jimmy's penis in his mouth there was no way to avoid an erection. In fact, Jimmy kind of liked the feeling. He tried to figure out what he should do. Should he let Mark blow him? Should he 'wake up' and tell Mark to knock it off? By the time Jimmy tried to decide which course of action to take, Mark brought Jimmy beyond that point. Jimmy decided since no one was going to find out about it and would say that Jimmy was 'gay', what the fuck, let Mark suck him off! Up until that point in time, nobody ever gave Jimmy oral. By the time Mark pulled the last of Jimmy's climax out of the boy's penis, Jimmy was sold on oral for life. He just needed to figure out how it could occur again without being called 'gay'.
Mark laid there for a long time before it became obvious to him that he wasn't going to go to sleep anytime soon. Mark had not climaxed when he gave Jimmy oral, and the boy was taught not to masturbate himself to orgasm, that job was the responsibility of his partner. Boys who masturbated he was taught didn't need to be with anyone else. "If you need to have sex you are surrounded by relatives who will make you happy" his father always taught him. Now, there were no relatives.
Michael awoke around 10:30 with the covers being lifted off him and a body moving alongside his. Mark had slid in and wanted to be with his caretaker. Michael felt the boys erection on his side as the child's hand was going across his stomach and down to his groin. The boy's fingers found Michael's penis and wrapped around Michael's shaft in a tight clutch. Michael had to have the boy. He moved his hands to the boy's groin and cupped his scrotum in his hand. With a gentle tug on the boy's soft warm pouch, he pulled his arm upwards towards the boy's stomach. Mark knew from instinct that Michael wanted him to perform oral on him. He turned his body downward and positioned his penis to the man's waiting mouth.
As Michael took the boy's penis and scrotum into his mouth and began to gently suck, Mark put a testicle in each of his hands and took in Michael's throbbing head. As Mark's father had taught him to do, he moved Michael's testicles around between his thumb and fingers with the gentleness of a lover. Michael wanted this lovemaking to go on forever, but the boy was much too skillful for that. Michael felt the rush of his seed flowing out his urethra as Mark took him into his little mouth as deeply as he could. Michael came with waves of pleasure coursing through his body. As he did, he heard Mark swallowing every drop the man could produce for him. Mark had not climaxed yet but his breathing told Michael he wasn't far from it. Michael slowed down on the boy and allowed his penis to come out of his mouth while he gave the boy a tongue bath. The boy was beginning to perspire from the passion and Michael found every drop that was forming and flowing down towards the boy's rectum. When the taste of his love was gone, Michael went back to the boy's penis that stood up straight from his groin. Michael took the boy back into his mouth and felt the boy's head just reach the back of his throat. This gave extreme pleasure to Mark whose hips now moved in time with Michael's powerful suction on the boy's straining penis. With his back arched, Mark's eggs danced in the man's mouth as they performed their only intended function and Mark felt the seedless climax course though his groin.
Michael felt the boy's orgasm and allowed the boy's penis to recover from his love. He didn't want to let him go, but he didn't want him to feel any pain from his now ultra sensitive penis either. Michael didn't suck, but he didn't let go of Mark's penis either. Mark was being held in suspension, and the feeling was wonderful to the boy and to the man. While it most certainly didn't want to, slowly the boy's penis softened.
When the boy's breathing returned to normal, Michael let go of his penis and reached down for the boy's hand. Mark pivoted his body back to the head of the bed and Michael brought the boy on top of him. He opened the boy's legs and his feet rested alongside the mattress next to the man. Michael then gently caressed the boy's cheeks and anus while his penis once again rested between the boy's legs and started to produce the precum necessary to return to the boy's waiting rectum. Michael's juice ran down and over Mark's anus and allowed Michael's finger to reach far enough in to massage the little boy's prostate from the inside. Michael could feel the boy's internal contractions and felt the swelling and flexing now returning to his penis that was sitting on the base of Michael's shaft. Mark's head rested on top of his caretaker's chest and the boy listened to the man's heart while Michael stroked his body exactly as his father had done since he was old enough to remember. Michael was going to enter him again like he did the night before and the boy shivered with excitement at the thought. In all probability, Mark could have recovered in minutes from his climax. Michael took much longer than that. It's nice to dream you can climax over and over, but in reality, Michael never knew it to happen without some period of rest. Michael and Mark fell asleep cradled in each others arms. Mark knew the night wouldn't end without Michael once again filling him with his love.
At midnight the alarm went off signaling time to change Conner's diaper. Both Michael and Mark fell asleep with Mark on top of Michael, and the boy was still there. Mark was still asleep and Michael watched the boy for a long time after he changed both Aaron's and Conner's diapers. He loved the sight of a sleeping child and to him Mark looked angelic. The boy awoke to the kiss of Michael on his lips. Michael loved to draw a boy's tongue into his mouth and suck on it like it was a penis. Both of them lay there for a few minutes and both were coming back into erections. Michael reached down and ran his finger under the rim of the boy's head and painted his upper lip with the boy's smell as Mark had showed him the night before.
Again, the fragrance was intoxicating to Michael. Moments earlier he wanted to have sex with the boy. Now he wanted to smother him with love. Michael decided if there's a smell of sex, it has to be a young boy's penis cream. He reached down again to the boy's penis and wiped the head clean. Then he painted Marks upper lip with his cream. "This is why I love you so much!" he whispered into the boy's ear and slowly went back to the boy's mouth and sucked it clean.
Mark didn't need to be told that Michael was ready to make love to him, Michael's penis was oozing precum and Mark's anus was receiving it as it dripped down from Michael's penis that was standing up between the boy's legs and resting against his scrotum and buttocks. Mark lifted his hips up and slid his knees up Michael's sides and sat on Michael's stomach. Mark was taught this position well by his father and needed no hands to adjust his anus to the top of Michaels waiting penis. Moving his upper body downward, Mark expertly guided Michaels throbbing penis into his anus and sank himself down in one steady slow movement until his anus reached the man's groin and closed tight around the base of Michael's shaft. Mark then lifted his upper body up off Michael and reaching down under Michael's knees lifted the man's legs up for a back rest. Mark was now impaled on Michael's penis and he drew up his legs and drew them up along Michael's sides coming to rest with his feet just under Michael's armpits. There was no way for Michael to enter the boy deeper, if there was Mark would have done it.
Michael looked down on the boy sitting on his groin with his eyes closed and his head back resting on Michaels thighs. Mark made no attempt to move and Michael decided he would let the child be the guide. Mark knew precisely what he wanted and how he wanted it. Michael could feel the boy flexing his rectum against his throbbing penis. Mark could bring the man to orgasm with his contractions, no movement would have been necessary. Michael stroked the boy's legs and thighs with his hands for awhile and then reached for the boy's penis and slowly started to stroke it between his fingers using both hands. Mark's eyes opened and his hands joined Michael's and the child guided Michael to bring the both of them to orgasm as Mark wiggled his body between Michael's legs and lay flat down to the bed.
Just as he did the night before, Mark didn't want Michael to withdraw and they both fell asleep with Michael stroking Mark's thighs while he went soft inside the boy's body.
6:00 came and as usual Michael got up without an alarm. Mark had turned himself around during the night and Michael awoke looking at the boy lying on top of him. The only view Michael had was off the boy's ass. Michael felt the child's penis sitting around his umbilical cord and the both of them were soaked. Michael didn't give a shit about golden showers, he probably even liked them. But it was now cold and soggy. Michael massaged the boy's legs and ass and pulling down the boys testicles from underneath him, played with them until Mark was stiff with an erection and becoming very quickly awake. There were a lot of ways Michael could think of being awoken, but he thought that Mark would like that way a whole lot!
From between Michael's legs, Mark giggled with agreement and pivoted himself around and lay alongside the man who was now very quickly taking his father's place in his heart. Every move Michael made with him reminded the boy of his father's way of making love to him and if it were up to Mark, he would never let Michael's penis leave him. Mark wrapped his arms and legs around Michael and hugged him as tightly as he could.
Now Conner was stirring. As he did every morning, Conner awoke to 'rocking'. Which was a process that took about ten minutes if he was undisturbed. Michael decided to inform the dorm that this process would not be interfered with, and the boys were never to interrupt him or attempt to make him fully awake before he was finished. Michael and Mark watched the little boy until finally, he was finished and his eyes opened in a dreamy smile. Conner was now ready for the day. Like a fish, he swam across Mark and lay on top of Michael. Michael took his diaper off and rubbed the little boy's back with one hand as the other caressed the boy's little ass cheeks.
"How come Mark is in bed with us Michael?" Conner asked.
"I guess he got lonely all alone and wanted our company," Michael told the little boy.
Conner thought about that for a minute. "So if I get lonely and want to come in with you, I can do that whenever I want to?" he asked.
Michael saw the trap but it was unavoidable. "Yes, even if you're not on rotation, you can come in and sleep in my bed," he said to the little boy. Conner smiled. He hated to be alone.
Conner lay on top of the man for a few minutes letting him stroke his back and rear end. Both felt great to him, most men he knew just flipped him on his stomach and fucked him. Michael was kind and gentle. This was a new feeling to Conner and he wanted more. His hands reached down the man's sides and they touched the mattress.
"Michael, the bed is all wet, did you pee?"
Michael laughed. "No little man, Mark did."
Conner reached over and felt under Mark's body. It was dry. "But his side is dry," the little boy said.
"Yes, that's because when he peed he was on top of me just like you are now," Michael told Conner.
The little boy thought about that for a minute. His penis flexed and Michael figured a new question wasn't very far away. He was right.
"Did he let you fuck him?" Conner asked Michael.
"That's something you'll have to ask Mark. It's private business and only he can tell you that if he wants to," Michael told the little boy who was now staring down on top of him. Nine year olds don't quite have the same inhibitions that older folks do, and Conner looked over to Mark who was laying on his side looking over to Conner. "Did you fuck?" Conner asked Mark point blank.
Mark didn't say anything; he shook his head "yes".
Conner looked back to the man he was lying on top of and was deep in thought. Finally, he spoke "I fuck too!" he said to Michael.
"Yes, I know you do, and when the time is right, we'll make love together just as Mark and I did."
"When will the time be right?" the little boy asked.
"When you are healed and will not be hurt by our making love my little rabbit," Michael said to the boy who smiled and giggled. He laid his head down and flexed his penis again knowing the man could feel him move. Michael gave him a pat on the ass and more giggles ensued.
"Michael," Conner said eventually, "I have to go pee pee."
Michael reached to the boy's waist and twirled him around and put his penis in line with his mouth.
"Then go," he said as he lowered the boy's penis into his mouth. It took a few very long seconds, but soon Conner was emptying his bladder into Michael's mouth with shakes of giggles coming from the little boy. Many times as a child he was made to drink his 'uncle's' pee, but no one had ever drunk his before! Conner loved the feeling and Mark was taking notes.
By 7:00 Alex would be waking up and Michael had to be back in the ward when he did. Michael and Doc would be there when the boy awoke and it wasn't going to be a happy scene. Michael purely dreaded it. At the same time, he also had Aaron who wasn't in the best of moods having been circumcised the day before.
Aaron awoke with Michael changing his diaper. With the 'malted' that Doc gave him, Aaron wasn't really sure where he was. But seeing Conner and Mark sitting on the bed with him brought him back pretty quick. Michael had changed his diaper and put some gauze around his penis which still throbbed, but didn't cause him the pain of the afternoon before.
As Michael changed him Aaron looked down at his penis and the Plastibell that was still attached to his penis. Michael closed up the diaper and told Aaron that he would be brought his breakfast.
"I have to go see Alex," Michael said to Aaron. "He's very upset and Doc and I have a meeting with him."
Aaron pretty much forgot about his own problems and wanted to know what was wrong with Alex.
"Alex is going to be deaf in one ear, and found out about it yesterday after our visit," Michael told Aaron. "Alex was very upset last night, and I have to be there when he gets up this morning."
Aaron understood. Alex was his friend from jail, Alex was the closest friend he had for the past few months.
"Can I go with you?" Aaron asked.
Michael knew that might come up; he also knew if Aaron went, Conner would want to go too.
"No, Doc and I need to talk with Alex first, and then you can visit him later in the day," Michael told the boy.
Aaron wasn't happy, but he really didn't have any choices in the matter.
A knock on the door brought Mr. Bill back to the dorm. He would baby sit for Michael until his return and shower and have breakfast with the boys. Conner went from Michael's arms into Mr. Bill's. Michael took a quick piss for himself and Conner and then a shower and brushed his teeth and was out of there.
The little boy's feet rarely touched the floor if there was an adult around, Conner saw to that! Holding the little boy was no problem for Mr. Bill, he loved the boy's openness concerning his sexuality; he envied the little kid and wanted to get to know him a lot better. Mr. Bill sat Conner back on the bed and took his clothes off to shower with them.
"Michael has a bigger dick than you do Mr. Bill," Conner said to his teacher matter-of-factly. "But yours gets boners just like his do!"
Mr. Bill smiled at the little boy. His first inclination was to give the child an English lesson, but he didn't. That would come soon enough.
"Around you, that's not very hard to do," he told Conner as he picked him back up.
Conner giggled. He liked his new teacher.
Coming into the shower room, almost everybody was there. Mr. Bill noticed three more boys with rings on. There were now seven boys with rings leaving 13 to go. Probably by the end of the week, Mr. Bill would have a classroom full of boys who were accepting their caretakers love. Some classes took weeks before all the boys were sexually active, this was going to be a very smooth transition for the boys and that always made Mr. Bill's job that more enjoyable and rewarding. Michael's team was one of the best there was in The Program, and the erections Mr. Bill was looking at attested to that fact.
Mr. Bill knew that morning showers were not mandatory, nor did staff have to wash the boys. He certainly preferred evening showers, they were the most fun. Jimmy didn't wet and forego showers this morning and with Aaron still in bed, that left only Mark and Conner to monitor. Mark was comfortable with washing himself, but Conner had absolutely no problems with lying across Mr. Bill's lap on the shower floor while Mr. Bill did the honors. By the time Mr. Bill was finished Conner was spic and span from head to feet; all four of them.
Mr. Bill was given each boy's file the evening before and had a fairly good picture concerning each boy's history. He was also briefed by Michael concerning his anal tear, and was happy to apply the ointment and suppository necessary and get Conner back into his diaper. Conner's teacher was just as gentle, maybe even more so than Michael was when it came to taking care of Conner's problem and Conner took note of that fact. In Conner's mind, Mr. Bill was gaining points in his list of people who he could trust.
Breakfast was next for the boys, and Conner was once again the subject of some additional attention. Doc had taken notice of the boy's size and weight as compared to his age, and had ordered the child be put on a special diet to get him up to the proper chart growth ratio for a nine year old. While the other boys drank milk with their food, Conner had a 'malted' of high calorie, high protein, high calcium food supplement to drink five times a day that doc had put together for him. Conner began gaining weight by the week.
Michael went to the infirmary and arranged for one of Doc's assistants to get a tray of food for Aaron and sit with the boy until his return to the dorm. That done, it was time to go and see Alex who was still sleeping. Michael came into the ward just as the orderlies were bringing in breakfast trays for the boys on the ward. He took Alex's tray and put it down next to the boy's bed and sat down. Alex still had his shunt draining his ear as well as the IV tube that was still pumping fluid and medication into the child. Today Alex was supposed to be able to enter the dorm, but his tearing off the bandages to his ear and ripping out the shunt put that decision on hold for Doc.
Nathan in the bed next to Alex was stirring as the orderly brought him his breakfast and the boy looked over to Michael. Nathan felt very guilty about 'spilling the beans' to Alex about being deaf, and really wasn't sure if Michael knew he had done it. The boy smiled to Michael but said nothing. Nathan was a senior boy who was well known by Michael and all the caretakers. He had been in the program for two years now, and was based out of Elmira.
"Good morning Nathan, how are you?" Michael asked the boy.
"Fine Michael," the boy responded.
"Is Alex better now?" he asked.
"He's still asleep, but I'm sure Doc is taking really good care of him."
Nathan smiled back saying nothing as the orderly placed his tray in front of him and propped up the boy to eat. At that point, Doc walked in and greeted all the boys one by one on the ward with a pat on the head and a peck on the forehead. Doc then came over to Nathan's bedside.
"Better?" Doc asked.
Nathan nodded.
"It's past," Doc said to the boy and bent over and gave Nathan a kiss on the lips. Unusual, Michael thought to himself. The only time Doc kissed a boy on the lips was when they were very hurt or needed some extra special TLC. Michael didn't know of any reason Nathan needed that, maybe he found a problem Michael didn't know about concerning Nathan.
Doc now came over to Alex's bed and greeted Michael with a smile. Doc then brought his attention to Alex and picked up the boy's chart hanging on the end of the bed and studied it. No elevated temperature through the night, and draining went undisturbed. The boy had urinated twice during the night, and now had been placed in a diaper. Doc pulled down the sleeping boy's bed clothes and felt the diaper. Soaked again. Not surprising thought Doc, the boy was being pumped continually with fluids now for two days. Doc took the boy's diaper off and had an assistant get some water to wash him and get him back into pajamas once the bed was changed.
Alex awoke to being lifted out of his bed and being put into a new clean one. As he settled back down in the bed, his eyes began to refocus on his surroundings. One of Doc's 'malteds' had the power to put you to sleep and you didn't 'pop' out of bed upon awakening. It took a few minutes.
"Good morning Alex," Doc said to Alex very purposely more loudly and closer to the boys ear than he normally would have done. "How do you feel this morning?"
Alex thought about it for a few seconds.
"Am I still deaf?" the boy asked his Doctor.
"You are not deaf, but you are hearing impaired Alex. If you were deaf, you wouldn't be hearing me right now speaking to you," Doc said to the boy.
"Did you fix my ear?" Alex asked the man.
"No Alex, your left ear cannot be fixed, but you can still hear perfectly well out of your right ear. That's what you're doing right now."
Alex turned to Michael. The child didn't say anything, but his eyes started to glaze over and fill up. Michael dreaded seeing a child cry, any child. It emotional tore him up inside. It brought him back to his own childhood, and he never wanted to revisit that horror scene.
Michael took the boy's face in his hands and bent over him touching cheek to cheek which was now getting wet from the boy's tears. "It's OK Alex; we will be here for you. You will be OK," he whispered in the boy's ear. Alex reached up and wrapped his arms around his caretaker. He had to hold onto someone who didn't want to hurt him. Alex had seen Michael with Aaron and Conner, and saw that both boys seemed to like this man that he barely knew. He knew Doc and some of the orderlies better. Aaron and Conner lived with this man, and Alex knew he would be going to live with him too. Neither Michael nor Alex spoke, they just hugged each other for a very long time. Alex's food went cold and Doc ordered three new trays. The three of them sat there on the boy's bed eating breakfast in silence. Alex needed time to sort things out in his own mind, and both Doc and Michael knew enough to give him the time and space to do it in.
Michael broke the silence first.
"Aaron and Conner want to come and see you. Do you want that to happen?" he asked the boy.
"When?" Alex replied.
Michael looked over to Doc.
"How about for lunch?" Doc asked the boy.
Alex smiled and shook his head yes.
"OK, lunch it is. Michael bring the dorm, we'll have a picnic," Doc said which brought a bigger smile to the boy's face. Alex was back on the road to recovery.
"The tube in your arm will be coming out this morning Alex, and the tube in your ear should be out by tomorrow," he told the boy. "Until then, don't touch them OK?"
"Yes sir," the child said to Doc.
"Michael, I'll see you at the dorm, I want to check out both Conner and the Bris boys. See you in about 20 minutes!" and Doc was taking his leave. He gave Alex a peck on the forehead and left for the infirmary after reaching down and giving Nathan another kiss on the way out.
Michael returned to the dorm where the boys were now doing some cleaning with the other caretakers and Mr. Bill. Both Aaron and Conner were taking a nap, Mark was with Mr. Bill doing laundry and Jimmy was in the living room with Coach and a group of other boys. Michael concentrated on Jimmy. Mark and Mr. Bill were folding towels and sheets together and Michael went over to them to discuss Jimmy's situation with the teacher. He trusted Mr. Bill, and valued his good judgment when it came to dealing with the boys.
"I'm considering a transfer for Jimmy to Coach's dorm Bill, what do you think?" he said to the teacher.
Mr. Bill looked over to where Coach and his group was sitting. Jimmy looked pretty involved, and was taking part in the activities.
"Do you think he'd be more comfortable with Coach than with you?" Mr. Bill asked.
"He's very heavy into the 'gay trip' thing," Michael told his friend. "He might be a lot more receptive to Coach who has the macho image Jimmy wants."
"Michael, you do know that three of his boys are ringed already don't you!"
Michael did not know that. He wasn't around this morning and didn't see the boys in the shower.
"Three? " Michael asked.
"Yes, two more last night," Mr. Bill said. "There are now seven ringed boys which include Mark."
With the mention of his name, Mark looked at Michael and down at the ring on his finger. Michael picked up Mark and gave the boy a kiss.
"You were the first and you are very, very special to me," Michael said to the boy.
Mark understood the significance of the ring now. It indicated that he had made love with his caretaker. He saw the other boys' rings on them in the unit and also saw that almost every one of the boys in the mess hall also had rings on. Like his mother and father, Mark was now 'married' to his caretaker. He hugged Michael tighter than he had done before.
Michael sat down still holding Mark and Mr. Bill sat down alongside them.
"Coach has a way with sport rats, and before Jimmy's parents dumped him, he did a lot of sports stuff with his dad. Maybe Coach is the kind of caretaker he'll take best to," Michael said to Mr. Bill.
The teacher needed to communicate with Michael, but he didn't particularly want Mark privy to the conversation. He brought the talk up over the boys head. Or so he thought. "Michael, do you think the boy is under any delusion that the outcome would be changed with a different caretaker?"
"No," Michael replied. "I talked to him on that subject; he knows he will still be rotating."
"Well, I think that it should be made clear to him that Coach is a very dedicated caretaker."
Mark giggled. "He's faster than you are Michael!"
Michael laughed for the first time that day. Mr. Bill shook his head and thought back on Marks file. Was it that surprising that the boy wasn't very in tuned to discussions concerning things sexual?
"I just think we need to make sure he doesn't think that he's found a way out of the inevitable," Mr. Bill said. "False hope is worse than no hope. These kids have had enough of that trash."
"Agreed," Michael said and lifted up taking Mark back to his room with him. Mr. Bill followed.
Doc came in as Michael was making the double beds with Mark and Mr. Bill.
"Hello Bill," Doc said as he saw the man.
"Hi Doc," came the reply.
Doc had come in with a few of his assistants who were checking on all the Bris boys including Aaron. As Aaron's diaper was coming off the boy was waking up. Doc looked for any bleeding and finding none put some ointment on Aaron's penis. "The best medicine right now is fresh air," Doc said to the boy. "We'll leave the diaper off during the day, but you should wear it at night in case you turn over in your sleep."
"Can I wear my underwear when I'm in the dorm?" Aaron asked.
"You can if you want to, but I don't think you're going to like it much!" Doc told the boy.
Aaron didn't understand, but he was happy he could put his underwear back on, at least while he was in the dorm. Doc knew why the boy asked the question and said to him.
"What most boys have done who have been in your position is to wear a hospital smock which gives you cover, but doesn't rub against your penis like underwear will!" he told Aaron.
Aaron smiled, but figured he'd wear the underwear instead of some stupid old hospital gown with his ass sticking out thank you.
"It will take about ten days for the ring to fall off your penis," Doc again told the boy. "In the meantime, it would be very painful for you to get an erection. It could tear the sutures open and cause bleeding. The best way for you to avoid erections is to put a very cold washcloth on your genitals if you think one might be coming on. Do you understand what I'm telling you Aaron?" asked Doc.
"Yes," replied the boy turning a shade of pink.
With Aaron finished, Doc pulled down the covers on Conner and pulled the boy down to the end of the bed by his leg. Conner awoke sliding down the bed.
"Hello sleepy head, how's the butt coming?" and with that Conner's diaper tabs let go with a rip and Doc pulled the diaper out from underneath the groggy little boy. The physician palpated the boy's abdomen and lower intestines. With an assistant lifting up the boy's legs, Doc wiped the boy's anus off with a diaper wipe and inspected the tear. It was resolving nicely and there was very little swelling or redness anymore. Inserting a stool softener suppository and then a preparation H suppository, he lowered the boy's legs back down.
"I put some medicine in your butt little man and it will make you want to poop in a little while. When you need to go, you can either go in your diaper, or take the diaper off and go on the toilet. You need to tell Michael when you do go, because he will need to clean you up after you're finished. When that's done, you don't have to put a diaper on any more, you're pretty much all better," Doc said to the child but talking more to Michael. "While you won't have to wear a diaper anymore, you are not completely healed back there. I don't want anything but poop getting anywhere near your backside, do you understand what I'm telling you.?" Doc asked the little boy.
"Yes," Conner replied.
Doc wasn't so sure.
"Then tell me what I don't want you to do!" He asked Conner.
"Fuck!" Conner replied.
It was time for the adults to giggle now.
"Michael, you've got a dorm full of rabbits!" Doc said to the caretaker.
Doc put Conner's diaper back on him and motioned for Mark to come over to the bed and lay down. Mark laid down on the bed and Doc took a quick inspection then pulled down Mark's pants.
"Who's this, Bugs Bunny!" as he sat there staring at Marks erection staring him in the face. It was now time for all three boys to do some giggling. Mark passed inspection with Doc pulling back up his pants.
When Doc left for the other dorms, Aaron figured it was time for him to get back into his underwear. Pulling up a pair, he took about three steps and froze. Doc was correct, the underpants on his newly circumcised penis was too much. Aaron could do one of two things: hang his penis out of the slit in the underwear so that the head did not get rubbed, or put on a hospital gown. Walking around the dorm with his dick sticking out of his underwear seemed stupid to the boy. He went for the gown option as did all the other Bris boys in the dorm.
Michael asked Mr. Bill to remain with the other boys and was now focused on Jimmy. He wanted to talk with Coach. Both men left for Coach's room and closed the door.
"Jimmy has expressed an interest in being moved into your dorm Coach, what's your opinion?"
Coach had already heard from Jimmy concerning the move, and it didn't come as a surprise to him, he expected Michael to be bringing up the topic.
"Jimmy mentioned it to me, I told him that you and I would figure out what's best Michael," Coach told the teamleader.
"From my end, Jimmy would fit in with your group, he's heavily into sports and its extremely important for him to maintain a macho image," Michael said to Coach.
'Maintaining a macho image' was a phrase easily understood by all caretakers, every red blooded All American Boy knew that there was no such thing as a sissy, homo, faggot or queer sports athlete. If a boy or man played sports, he couldn't possibly be 'gay'. Coach had dealt with this problem many times in the past with the boys in the program. Some boys you can put in dresses. Some you can never get into one. Jimmy wasn't going to be fitted for a dress anytime soon.
"I have a numbers problem if I take Jimmy in," Coach said to Michael. "I have a boy who would probably be better off with you. It's 11 year old Sean. All my boys are two to four years older than he is, and he doesn't know a football from a baseball. The boys are talking over his head already I propose a trade, or we have him transferred to Gramps or Peter. If you don't take him, I think he would fit in better with Peter. He's egg shell soft and could be broken very easily if not handled right."
Michael knew about Sean. He agreed with Coach's assessment.
"OK, we transfer after lunch. I'll take Sean, I'm down one anyway. Now, I understand you've been trying to make me look bad!" Michael said to his team member.
Coach looked surprised. "What?" he asked Michael.
"Three rings in two days?" Michael chided.
Coach smiled, "Hey! I have a great teacher."
The meeting was over and the problem of Jimmy was resolved.
Michael was always amazed at Coach's ability with boys. Coach was a very big man who kept himself in top physical condition he had muscles in his eyebrows as far as Michael was concerned. Coach was a Minor League Baseball player in his youth. He also had a set of balls the size of small plums that hung down past his boxer shorts and a penis that could reach to his belly button when erect. To put it mildly, Coach was hung! He had a package that most little boys fantasized about when working with their thumb and forefinger. As a young boy, Coach would have scared the living shit out of Michael if he had to face the man in bed.
The boys in The Program knew Coach's size, the caretaker walked around the dorm naked just as they all did. Michael didn't fully understand Sport Rat boys, but then, he didn't have to!
Michael and Coach exchanged files on Sean and Jimmy and Michael went to read.
Sean's Story
Sean was an 11 year old boy from Syracuse. He lived with his grandparents and an uncle. His mother could not take care of the boy and had signed over his custody to her parents when he was 7. Sean's uncle pretty much raised the boy. The uncle was a heavy drinker and drug addict who lived off his parents' money and support. Sean was sleeping with his uncle from day one. He was also taught to shop lift at the Mall until he was nabbed by Mall security cameras.
When Social Services went to the boy's home to collect some clothing for the boy, they found some pictures taken by the uncle to sell and the little shoplifter became the little sexual deviate. The boy needed 'counseling and therapy' and he was off to Elmira until he reached the age of majority. The guards enrolled him in The Program.
Sean, like Conner was very small for his age. He had brown hair and green eyes that looked sad and hollow. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this boy had been dragged through the mill more than a few times. He rarely smiled or talked. He had no friends and knew no one in the dorm. He was also one of the boys who was uncircumcised and like Aaron, he was now wearing a Plastibell clamp. Michael now had four boys who were on medical hold. Only Mark was not. Michael's bed was becoming smaller and smaller. Michael decided that Aaron and Sean would sleep in the double bedrooms. Conner and Mark would sleep with him, and when Alex came, he'd figure that one out when he had to! After reading the file and assessing the situation, Michael sent Mr. Bill on an errand.
Lunch time came and Michael left with Mark, Conner, Jimmy and Aaron to the infirmary. Aaron wanted to see his friend, but it meant he would have to walk to the infirmary naked with the clamp on his penis. To Aaron, it was humiliating and he was balking. Michael found that to be a good sign. Three days earlier, the boy would have walked around with a flag attached to his dick if he was told to, now he felt comfortable enough to resist. Michael and the team didn't want the boys spirits broken; it was unnecessary to the success of the mission.
"I will let you put on a diaper for this trip, but beyond this morning, you won't be able to do it again. None of the other boys are wearing diapers anymore and it would create problems for us. Is that OK?" Michael asked Aaron.
Aaron knew there really was very little choice, but at least he wasn't being treated like a piece of shit anymore. No guard he ever came into contact with ever asked him if anything was OK or not, just do it and shut the fuck up was all he ever heard. Aaron gave Michael a smile and a hug. He was liking the man more by the hour.
The dorm came into the ward and trooped past the boys laying there. Most were eating and watching TV, some were playing cards or reading. Alex and Nathan had just been washed and were getting into their pajamas as the dorm approached. Alex's IV tube was gone and the shunt in his ear would be out by that afternoon. Conner jumped up on the bed and watched as the orderly helped Alex put on his pajamas. Conner touched the bandage where the IV tube had been. Michael studied the little boy. It amazed him that even with all the boy himself had been through in his young life, he still had empathy for others.
Aaron walked up to his friend and Alex stared at his diaper.
"Why are you wearing that?" Alex asked. "I had an operation yesterday," Aaron told his friend.
"They cut my dick off!" he said.
The rest of the boys giggled. Alex didn't understand.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Look," Aaron said and took off his diaper.
Alex looked down at Aaron's penis and the Plastibell.
"They did that to me too," said Nathan lying next door. He then held up his penis to show the other boys. "They cut all boys down," Nathan went on.
"All boys?" Conner asked grabbing his penis in his hand. Michael smiled and picked up Conner.
"No little man, you've already been circumcised, nobody's going to touch your penis."
At that point the orderlies and Doc came into the room and brought in lunch for the boys. Cheeseburgers, hot dogs, French fries and watermelon. As Doc had promised, it was a picnic.
Alex had a lot more questions about Aaron's Bris and Aaron sat on the bed while Alex studied the boy's penis and the ring surrounding it. Nathan came over and told both boys his experience and Aaron was a little more at ease than he had been since the operation. He looked down at Nathan and studied his penis. Once the stupid ring came off Aaron could deal with being a snipped boy he thought to himself. Michael brought Aaron a hospital smock, and Aaron put it on in between bites of food.
Alex would be getting the tests and examinations he had missed during the first two days in the afternoon after lunch and the boys left to return to the dorm. Aaron took off the smock before he left and walked back to the dorm naked. It didn't matter anymore, the ring would be gone in a few days, and his was just another penis in the crowd.
Chapter Six
The boys in the dorms went to recreation after lunch and Michael and Coach held back Jimmy and Sean.
"Coach has accepted you into his dorm Jimmy," Michael told the boy who beamed upon hearing the news. "Sean, the boys in my dorm are a little closer to your age, and we think you'd be more comfortable with us," Michael told the boy standing next to his caretaker.
Sean was expressionless as he left Coach's side and stood next to Michael. Cute little robot Michael thought to himself. Michael and Coach looked at each other but said nothing. Coach then asked Jimmy if he wanted to go to the gym and Jimmy was naked and out the door.
Michael was now alone with Sean. Michael knew that it was useless to ask the boy what he wanted to do, if he asked him if he wanted to go and jump off the roof, Sean would follow him to the roof. He took the little boy into his room and closed the door. Michael had a supply of hospital smocks and took one out. Sean came over and put the smock on and Michael buttoned up the back.
"Let me show you where you will be sleeping," he told the boy and took him by the hand and brought him into the double bedroom. "This will be your bed," Michael said as he picked the boy up and sat him down on the bed. Michael had earlier sent Mr. Bill on an errand. He had Mr. Bill get two large Panda Bears out of the supply room. One for Conner and one for Sean. Sean's was lying on his bed. The bear was almost 3/4 of the size of the boy himself. Sean made no move for the bear. He sat there waiting for instructions. Sean was not the first boy Michael had to emotionally pry open with a can opener, and he proceeded to tear down the boy's walls. Reasoning and cajoling would come later; first he needed to get the boy to connect with something or someone.
"I have a job for you to do," he told the boy and reached over and gave the boy the Panda bear. "Keeping this bear safe is your responsibility and unless you are eating or going to the bathroom, I want you to keep it with you at all times."
Sean took the bear in his arms and held it.
"Good, now I have questions I need to ask you, and I expect to hear nothing but the truth from you."
For the next two hours, Michael asked the boy every possible innocuous question he could think of beginning with the boys name. About every fifth question, he asked a personal preference question. What's your favorite color? What's your favorite food? Etc. By the end of the questions and by the time the rest of the boys returned, Sean was still a robot, but he was a thinking robot.
As the boys came back to the dorm, they all came into Michael's room for underpants and drifted into the double room. They saw Sean before, but didn't know he was moving in. Conner came in first holding a huge Panda bear.
"Look Michael, this was sitting on my pillow on your bed!" the boy exclaimed.
"Yes, the bear is yours," Michael told the boy.
Conner hugged the bear and then looked at Sean holding his bear.
"Conner, Sean has moved into our dorm and Jimmy has moved to Coach's dorm."
"I know," Conner said, "Jimmy told us in gym."
"Hi," Conner said to the new boy.
"Hi," Sean said flatly.
Conner then ran off to show his bear to the other boys on the unit.
Aaron came in putting on a smock.
"Aaron, I have a job for you to do for me until Sean gets used to the dorm," he said to the boy. "Until further notice, wherever you go you will take Sean by the hand with you. When we go to meals, he's with you. When you go to the bathroom, he's with you. When you go to sleep, he goes too. This is your bed, and this is his," Michael said pointing to the two double beds.
Aaron looked at the boy sitting on his bed. Michael told Sean to stand up and take Aaron's hand which the boy did still holding onto the Panda.
"Take him into the living room and do what you want, but if you leave, he goes with you. OK?"
"Sure," said Aaron and the boys left. Before we get independent, we need to get dependant Michael said to himself and Sean was on his way to dependency.
With Michael and Coach's dorms pretty much locked in place, it was time to evaluate both Gramps' and Peter's dorms. If changes needed to be made, it was better to come as quickly as possible before attachments were made. Michael met with Peter who had five boys in his dorm that Peter thought were a good group and needed no changes. Peter had two ringed boys and expected the third that night.
Peter's Story
Peter was a mischievous child growing up, he got into childish pranks at home and school and the powers-that-be decided that Peter needed to be sent to Boys Town in Nebraska at age 11. Peter needed 'guidance' in his life. Peter was very happy to go to Boys Town; he had seen the movie and was looking forward to meeting Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney.
Spencer and Mickey had already graduated, but he did meet the brothers who ran the place. The brothers were very nice and Peter was soon the monsignor's favorite toy boy. The monsignor had a unique way of meeting and greeting the new boys, he pulled down their pants and bent them over his desk and introduced himself in about 45 strokes of his hips. Peter's bags had yet to be unpacked, but he knew what the top of the monsignors desk looked like.
In order to make ends meet, the brothers provided the local Air Force base with boys from the institution to entertain the officers at parties and on week-end sleepovers. Peter became a favorite at the base, he even had his own security card for the front gate.
By age 16 Peter was a tad too old to be running around parties in baby doll pajamas and the brothers decided he would become a priest. It was easy study for Peter, he had been practicing his vocation for the past five years.
He was sent to a seminary in Rhinecliff, New York and spent the next six years servicing the brothers and studying for the priesthood. His fame within the Church grew, and he soon became a very special favorite of Francis Cardinal Spellman who would drive up in his limousine weekly from New York City to enjoy Peter's company. Peter was now running in very fast company. His favorite photograph which hung on the dorm wall in his room was of Peter at lunch in the 21 Club and sitting at the table there with him was the Cardinal, Roy Cohn, Malcolm Forbes and S.I. Newhouse. Peter knew each man extremely well. That pissed off the Cardinal's other boyfriends who saw to it that Peter graduated Seminary School with high honors and was shipped off to Buffalo and far away from the Cardinal.
Peter learned his lessons well, and passed on his education to his pupils. Peter was one of the first priests to be thrown under the train by the Church when the lawyers discovered the endless pot of gold that bringing child molestations charges drew into their bank accounts. The boys not only got fucked by father, they took it in the ass from their lawyers too.
He was charged with molesting at least 20 boys in his parish, none of whom came forth willingly or of their own volition. Peter was 100 percent guilty. He loved boys, and he loved to engage sexually with them. He loved to do to them what was done to him as a child. By his count, there were not 20 boys that Peter knew from the bottom up, it was more like 185 as far as he could remember. The guards were very impressed with his resume and he entered The Program two years before Michael came.
Peter's sentence was 5 to 15 years per count and he was found guilty of all 20 counts. The sentences were to run consecutively. Peter would be eligible for parole consideration when he turned 130. Peter had lifetime job security.
Coach was the team's champ when it came to the Sport Rats and Peter was the best available in the 11 to 13 year old category. Michael specialized in very fragile boys with emotional problems, which left Gramps holding down the fort for the eight to 11 year old category.
Gramp's Story
Gramps never touched a child in his life or even thought about it until he was 65 years old. During the summer of 1984 his daughter and her husband were taking a trip to Europe and asked Gramps to baby-sit their 8 year old son. His name was Brian. They would be gone for four weeks, and the boy could stay with grandpa and grandma up on Lake Champlain at their summer cottage.
Brian was dropped off and was naked before mommy and daddy left the place. He had already jerked off in the kitchen and the living room by the time the parents drove down the driveway. Nobody seemed to know where little Brian got his calling from but mommy and daddy didn't know how to keep the little tyke out of his pants, or out of his classmates' pants either. "He's going through a phase, ignore it and it'll go away" was mommy's best advise and it was off to Switzerland for her and daddy. Brian was heading for the family room and the family dog.
Grandpa loved Brian and Brian loved him back. Brian just wanted to make it a little more physical than Gramps was use to. When grandma went visiting across the lake, Gramps would wake up with Brian sucking him off. When Brian couldn't be found, Gramps would find him in the attic jerking off to old National Geographics.
After three weeks, grandma needed a rest from Brian's penis and went to Vermont to visit another daughter. Brian slipped into grandpa's bed about 9:00 that night and by the time Gramps awoke, his dick was shoved halfway up the boy's ass. Gramps said fuck it and finished the job. Two days later grandma came home and found little Brian sleeping with Gramps. Brian had his hands wrapped around grandpa's dick.
Rape, sodomy, sexual abuse of a child under the age of nine years, corrupting the morals of a minor, and having carnal knowledge of a child. At well over 100 years, Gramps also had job security. Brian fucked his way through grammar school and was now on his way to Junior High with mommy and daddy and grandma lamenting how none of this would have been a problem if only Gramps didn't teach the boy how to fuck!
Gramps was happy with the boys in his dorm and didn't think that any adjustments were necessary. He was in no special hurry with his charges, when they were ready, they would climb into his bed; he had the time.
After dinner, it was shower time which by the third night was gaining in popularity with the boys. It was already the second most favorite of the caretakers. The shower area was a large area that was ringed with shower heads on three sides. The caretakers rarely stood up for showers, they sat down and the boys either sat or laid down in front of them to be washed.
In the beginning, the boys tried to hide any erections. By the third night most didn't bother and by the end of the week, nobody paid any attention except the caretaker doing the washing. Showers could probably be accomplished in 20 minutes flat. Rarely did they take less than 90 minutes. Shower time was a social event and it became more social as the rings on the fingers of the boys increased in numbers. Michael's favorite activity was massage time when he had his boys lay on a rubber mattress on the floor and he would pour baby oil on and massage every inch of the boy's body in front of him.
Shower time was also the greatest defense against inhibition. It's very difficult for a little boy to be self conscious about his body when he's got four or six hands rubbing baby oil over every crack and crevice he owns. Massage was to prove to be the breakthrough Michael was looking for in Sean. In the beginning, Sean was as stiff as a board being massaged. Two weeks later, he was falling asleep and needing to be carried out of the shower room.
Bed time came that night with Sean and Aaron in their beds in the double room. Sean said nothing during showers, but Michael did make sure Sean's penis knew Michael was around. With the boy's Bris, Michael couldn't safely wash his penis too well, but that didn't preclude a thorough washing of his scrotum and anus. Michael put on a diaper on both boys and gave each a peck on the forehead good night.
It was now Conner's turn to get medicated and both Conner and Mark then grabbed each side of Michael while the caretaker turned out the light and Michael stroked each boy's back until their breathing fell down to sleep levels.
Michael's alarm was set for midnight to check on Conner, Aaron and Sean. Screams from Sean's room beat the alarm by about two hours. Sean was sitting up in his bed screaming and crying when Michael came into the room. Sean had a nightmare and everybody in the unit knew it. Michael picked the boy up and fully awoke him. It took a good 20 minutes for him to calm back down, and Michael decided it would be best to sit with the boy in the living room in a recliner. He changed the boy's diaper and replaced the gauze bandage, and placing a pillow on his stomach, sat the boy down chest to chest with him. The boy returned to sleep in about 15 minutes with Michael stroking his back and rocking him gently. Once again, Michael called in Mr. Bill who took care of the rest of the dorm; Michael's night was pretty much accounted for.
Michael felt he had a problem. He had two highly dependant boys on his hands and each one of them needed very special individual attention. If Sean drew too much time away from the group, sooner or later Conner was going to balk. Michael accessed both boys to be functioning at around 8th year levels emotionally, and maybe even 7th year in the case of Conner. Michael was running out of laps and arms to hold these guys, and he figured he'd have to enlist help with one or the other real soon. He decided he would discuss the situation with Bill in the morning.
Morning for Michael came with a leaky diaper because Sean was sitting on Michael's lap with his feet on the chair and his knees up. Michael got up and out of the chair and turned on the shower. Sean was still half asleep in his arms when Michael sat down under the shower and cradled Sean in his lap. The both of them were getting wet, but they weren't directly under a shower head and the room was very warm and steaming up. Sean awoke fully to Michael sitting there stroking the boy's chest and arms and the caretaker looking down on him. Michael pulled the boy's diaper off and poured some liquid soap on him and started to wash the boy. Neither spoke, they just looked into each other's eyes.
One by one, the other dorms started to trickle in even though it was almost an hour earlier than they needed to be awake. The sound of the shower was getting them up and by 6:30, the place was pretty full. Conner came into the shower in Mr. Bill's arms and they sat down beside Michael. Conner looked over at Sean sitting on Michael's lap. He wasn't awakened by Sean's nightmare, but Mr. Bill had told him where Michael was when he woke up and why he was there. Conner was happy to see Mr. Bill, but Mr. Bill wasn't Michael. Conner wasn't too keen on the idea that he wasn't sitting where Sean was right now.
Michael reached down to Conner and gave him a kiss. And then another, and then another. Conner held his breath when he kissed and Michael wasn't giving him an opportunity to breath. Conner giggled and started to rise. Michael loved him and all was right with the world. Mr. Bill poured some soap on Conner and started to wash the child. Conner then decided it was time to go. His fountain came up about two feet [60 cm] and splashed straight back down on his stomach and Mr. Bill's lap. Conner thought that was mighty funny. Michael thought he saw a slight smile come out of Sean too! Mark and Aaron soon joined them and sat down indian style under a shower head. Aaron and Mark washed each other's backs while Michael watched them. Everything was falling in place he thought. If only he could juggle two dependants at one time!
"Bill, we need to conference around 10:00. The boys will go to rec with the unit, and I need to visit the ward after breakfast. Meet you back here?" he asked the teacher. Bill nodded his approval.
"Look Michael!' a little boy from Peters dorm said to him as the boy stuck out his finger and showed the caretaker his new ring.
"Wow" said Michael, "That's really neat Gregory!" as he gave the boy a kiss and hug.
Conner looked at the boy's finger and then over to Mark's finger. He didn't say anything but his wheels were turning. Michael heard the wheels.
Michael got up and the rest of his dorm followed. Michael's bed was wet from Mark and he threw a blanket on the bed and laid Sean down on it and dried the boy off. Then he coated the boy's penis with Vaseline and put a smock on him. Doing the same to Aaron, the boys had a little extra time to watch some TV. Michael asked Sean if he wanted to stay in the room or go with Aaron. Sean didn't know. "Then you stay with me," Michael told the boy and picked him up and put him on his hip. Michael was really happy the boy was small for his age! He put the bear in the boy's hands and went back out to do some laundry with Mark and three other boys.
Conner was attended to by Mr. Bill and for the first time, put on a pair of underwear without a diaper on first. Conner was thrilled with the feeling; he got an erection almost as soon as the pants were pulled up. "Nice boner!" Mr. Bill told the boy. Conner looked down and giggled. Then reached into his pants and held onto his security for the next 20 minutes with one hand, and Mr. Bill's with the other.
Breakfast was larger than normal. The new boys had forgotten that it was Sunday, and this was their first Sunday in The Program. Jail and prison food really didn't change all that much day to day, but the boys weren't eating prison food anymore, they were eating guard food. Meals were always a feast for the guards, especially on Sunday. Christmas was still almost three weeks away, but tell that to the boys who filed past by piles of pancakes, waffles, eggs and meats who days earlier were lucky to get collared greens and bacon fat with a cup of 'coffee' that some scumbag didn't spit into just before he handed it to you. Not more than a few meals were eaten without more than a few very bitter tears being shed. Aaron remembered well.
Alex's breakfast came just a little later than the dorm's, but it was just as good, maybe better. He was served in bed. The previous afternoon's activities were over and the tests were done, so was his new hair cut. He had none! Alex now looked like all his friends who had come visiting him during the past two days.
"Forget about it!" his new buddy Nathan told him who slept next to him, "It'll grow back and they won't cut it off again. Look at my hair!" he told his friend.
Alex knew what he was being told was the truth, but he still couldn't figure out why it was necessary in the first place.
"They just want to make sure you know who's running the show!" Nathan told his friend. Alex was only 12, He didn't understand the logic.
Doc entered the ward and took Alex's chart off the wall and studied it for a minute or so. Then he sat down on the boy's bed and took off Alex's bandage on his ear and looked at his eardrum with an instrument.
"How was breakfast Alex?" Doc asked the boy.
"Great sir," said Alex.
"What did you eat?" asked Doc.
Alex told him and Doc kept looking in the boy's ear.
"Good boy," Doc finally said and put away his instrument.
"I'm going to keep you here until tomorrow Alex, everything looks fine as far as I can see, but I don't want you leaving the ward too early. You can roam about in the ward, but if you feel dizzy or hear ringing in your ears, you'll tell an orderly about it instantly! Is that clear?"
"Yes sir," said Alex. Doc gave Alex a peck on the forehead and moved over to Nathan. He palpated the boy's abdomen and was satisfied that the appendectomy was a success. Doc gave Nathan a kiss and was on to the next boy in the ward leaving Nathan and Alex alone again.
Alex knew nothing about his surroundings except as a patient on a hospital ward. He had come from a swamp in Albany to a purgatory in upstate New York, and now found himself in a bed with one ear dead. He had a doctor who was the nicest person that he met in a very long time, who had a 'daughter' that was a boy, a 'nanny' for the boy/girl who was a flagrant fag, and a friend next door to him that didn't get a 'peck' on the forehead like he did, but a kiss on the lips from his physician. Aaron! where the fuck are you, Alex thought to himself.
After Doctor's rounds, it was bath time. Each boy on the ward was washed by the orderlies. Most of the boys who could didn't bother to wait until the orderlies stripped them, they got naked all by themselves and waited until it was their turn to get washed, dried and put back into pajamas or gowns. Alex watched as Nathan peeled off his clothing. Getting naked in jail was nothing new to Alex so his pajamas dropped to the floor next to Nathan's.
Alex looked over to Nathan who was reading a comic book.
"How long have you been here?" he asked the boy.
"About a week I guess" said Nathan.
"No, I mean how long have you been in jail?" Alex asked the boy.
Nathan put down the comic. He thought for awhile, and then said "About two years."
To Alex, two years was forever. Two years was beyond his comprehension. How could this boy lying next to him be so casual about where he was? Then he thought about it a little deeper: Alex was 12 and he might get out of jail in six more years! He pulled the pillow from beneath his head and put it on top of his face. Like his friend Aaron he wished the fuck he was dead.
Nathan saw the boy next to him place the pillow over his head and he didn't need anybody to tell him that Alex had lost it. It brought back his own memories of when he first came to prison, and no inmate ever wanted to enter into that dark place. Sometimes, he thought to himself, you cry for just a little bit. He was hoping that Alex was going to do that now. After about five minutes, Nathan rang the buzzer for an orderly. Nothing the orderly did or said stopped Alex and Doc was called.
Doc came back in the ward and talked to Nathan then went over to try to comfort Alex. He was as successful as the orderly. Leaving the boy in a state of depression wasn't helping in the boy's recovery and that was Doc's main goal. He told an orderly to go to Michael and have him bring Aaron to the ward.
Aaron came in and went to his friend's bedside. Aaron put his hand on the boy's chest. "Alex! Alex!" The boy called to his friend. Alex didn't respond. Aaron climbed up onto Alex's bed and pulled the covers up over the both of them and stuck his head under the pillow. Both boys now wrapped their arms around each other.
"Great!" Nathan said to himself, now there are two kids balling their asses off! Doc drew the drapes around the boy's bed.
"It's going to take a damned good cry to get rid of the hurt that's been done," Doc said, leading Michael away. "Aaron will stay here until Alex is ready to get released."
Most of the time the team loved their work; this just wasn't one of those times.
Aaron and Alex laid in Alex's bed for probably ten minutes before they stopped crying. For a long time both boys just looked at each other without speaking. Aaron actually felt better than he did when he first came into the ward and saw his friend. He didn't know why, maybe crying without having to hide it was something good. He reached over and kissed his friend on the cheek. Alex gave him a small smile. This was his only friend in the world, and his friend loved him, Alex thought to himself.
"It's getting hot under here. Let's take the pillow off, OK?" Aaron said to Alex.
Alex shook his head and both boys moved the pillow back under their heads. For probably another ten minutes or so, both boys didn't say anything nor did they let go of each other. Through the curtains the voice of an orderly spoke to the boys.
"May I come in?" he asked the boys.
"OK," said Aaron and the orderly came into the curtained off bed with a cart.
"Doc asked me to give you a massage. I think it will make you feel a lot better Alex," he told the boy.
"Will you let me do that?" he asked the boy.
Both Alex and Aaron were a little stunned: "May I?" three days earlier, they were lucky not to get a shoe stuck up their asses. Now they were being asked permission to do things. Alex nodded to the orderly.
"Good, the first thing we need to do is to have you both lay on your stomachs."
Alex and Aaron turned themselves down and the man put two new pillows under their heads.
He pulled down the blanket covering the two naked boys.
He then called in another orderly and each man got beside the boys. Aaron and Alex felt the warm oil being applied to their backs and Aaron recognized the distinct smell of Johnson's Baby Oil. Then the orderlies began what would become an hour's massage on the boys. Alex and Aaron didn't know they were massaged for an hour, they both fell asleep about 20 minutes into it. Doc knew his medicine, he also knew boys who had been stressed to the max.
Once again, Michael was bummed out. This dorm wasn't all that unusual as far as having to deal with boys with extreme emotional problems, but either the problems were coming faster than they normally did, or Michael was burning out. He suspected it was both. The first two or three weeks was always the hardest, some of these boys had defenses that took a bulldozer to move. Now he had Conner and Sean to deal with and both could easily be permanently scarred if they weren't handled properly.
Michael had a conference set up and he took an orderly with him to monitor his dorm while he sat down with Bill.
"How's Alex?" Bill asked as he and Michael sat down to a cup of coffee in Bills classroom.
"He's on an emotional roller coaster like most of them," Michael replied, "but I think Doc has a handle on the situation."
Bill nodded his agreement. Doc knew how to handle the boys better than he did, maybe better than Michael, Bill thought to himself.
"I need to figure out what to do about Sean and Conner," Michael told his friend. "Conner is no problem standing alone. Neither is Sean for that matter. My problem is that together, I'm headed for big trouble with Conner."
Bill listened to his friend. Michael wasn't just a guy who knew how to get into boy's pants; he knew what the boy was thinking at the same time. It mattered to Michael that the boy wanted to be there and wasn't hurt by being there. "Conner isn't going to stand by in the shadows while someone else takes his place," Michael said. "He's searching very desperately for something or someone to hold onto and I don't want him to stop looking for that."
"What do you propose?" Bill asked Michael.
"I cannot take Conner out of the dorm at least until he grows roots somewhere," Michael told the teacher. "The only two people he relates to are Aaron and Alex right now, and I can't separate them. At the same time, I don't think Sean can be transferred either. There would be too much competition for him with either Gramps or Peter. He would get lost and founder."
"OK, so where are we?" Bill asked. "Move into the dorm until one of the boys attaches. Once that's done, you can move back to your room with him if that's what he wants to do," Michael told his friend.
Up to that point in time, Bill had many opportunities to run his own dorm and still be a teacher. He chose not to primarily because he knew the toll it took on the caretakers. 'Burn out' was common. A person just didn't bounce back time after time when they were giving their love and devotion to a human being. These boys were not just something they fucked and threw away; they were everything to these men. Michael was asking his friend to let a boy attach himself to him. Bill knew that was strictly a two way street. If he were a whore: no problem. The problem was that he wasn't a whore.
As strange as it may sound to a lot of 'decent' people, Bill had an extremely difficult choice to make. Michael knew what he was asking his friend to do. He also knew how compassionate Bill was.
"Let me know after lunch. If you don't think you can do it, I'll have Doc find me an orderly who might work out." Bill nodded in agreement.
Michael returned to the unit just before lunchtime. An orderly reported on Alex and Aaron, and Conner came flying into his arms. Michael gave Conner a kiss and reached down and gave Mark one as he sat on the floor watching TV with a group of boys. Sean was sitting in an orderly's lap with the Panda bear in his grasp. He watched Michael as the caretaker moved about.
Sunday lunch for the boys was spaghetti and meatballs. It was a very difficult meal for the caretakers because most of it was worn, not eaten, or so it seemed to them. It was a tradition for the boys in The Program to have a food fight when spaghetti and meatballs were served. The meal began normally, but as time passed the new boys figured out the tradition. With normal children cleanup was a facecloth. These boys were naked. At the beginning of the meal there were accidents. By the end of the meal, it was called smearing. 18 orange boys trooped back to the unit and showers would be three that day.
After showers a tree was delivered to each unit and the rest of the afternoon was spent putting up lights and ornaments and decorations. Christmas was three weeks away. That was good news and bad. Christmas is a joyous festive time. Christmas is also the time of year when most people commit suicide. More than a few folks in prison consider suicide; it's what 'society' wants them to experience. The caretakers go into high alert at Christmas time, they could spot a kid or colleague who wanted to check out faster than Sigmund Freud.
Michael didn't hear from Bill all afternoon. Just before dinner, he thought he was going to have to meet with Doc in the morning. Bill came in and put his pillow on a double bed. Neither man said anything, the decision was made. Conner saw Mr. Bill come in and watched as the man brought his pillow in. He didn't say anything; he just laid his head back down on Michael's shoulder and stuck his thumb in his mouth.
Dinner was roast beef and none of it was worn. The return to the dorm found Conner in Michael's arms. Michael smiled to himself as the boy's very swollen belly pressed hard against his own stomach.
Aaron woke up in the early afternoon with Alex's arm draped across his chest. The orderlies were gone and he was in a smock with a sheet over him. Alex was in pajamas and the both of them smelled like a newborn baby.
"Hi," said the boy next to them. Aaron knew his name was Nathan.
"Hi," Aaron said back.
"You've been asleep for hours. Do you want something to eat because you missed lunch?" Nathan said to Aaron.
"What time is it?" the boy asked.
"About 2," said Nathan.
Aaron looked over at Alex. He kissed his friend on the lips and called his name. Alex? he said. Alex opened his eyes. Seeing Aaron laying there, he wrapped his arm around to the boy's side and pulled himself up to the boy's chest and laid his head on top of him.
"Alex, are you hungry?" Aaron asked his friend.
After a few seconds, Alex shook his head yes. Nathan pushed his button to call for an orderly.
Aaron looked down at his friend who had his head glued to his chest.
"What are you doing?" he asked Alex.
"I'm listening to your heart," the boy said. "As long as I can hear it, I know I'm not deaf!" Alex said. Alex would be doing that with his friend for the rest of their lives together.
About five minutes later, Aaron and Alex were sitting up eating chicken vegetable soup and grilled cheese sandwiches with Nathan joining them at the foot of the bed. Doc came into the ward with several orderlies and they gathered around the bed.
"Aaron will remain here with you until you can go to the dorm with him," Doc told Alex. "Every one of my staff and every caretaker here loves you very much and will do whatever we can for you. OK?"
"Yes sir," Alex replied. Doc smiled at the boy and gave him a kiss.
"Nathan, it's time," he said to the boy sitting at Aarons and Alex's feet.
"Today?" Nathan asked Doc as the boy jumped off the bed. Doc shook his head yes.
"YES!" he exclaimed as he jumped into Doc arms and buried his face in the man's neck.
The group walked out together as Aaron and Alex finished their lunch. Neither boy ever saw Nathan again.
Nathan was going to New Zealand and lives there still on a sheep farm with his wife and three children.
The rest of the afternoon for the boys was spent watching TV or playing cards with the other boys on the ward. Doc did not allow the ward to be decorated for Christmas, for too many boys, Christmas was a reminder of things lost and they didn't need to be reminded of what was gone. The ward was a sanctuary as far as he was concerned and Christmas always found the ward full to over flowing capacity with boys who wanted nothing to do with Deck the Halls bullshit. From December 15th to New Year's day, a trustee was stationed in every single unit 24 hours a day monitoring the boys for depression.
Michael's team returned to the dorm after dinner and it was shower time. The boys' bodies were practically sterile after lunch showers, but shower time was shower time regardless of how many times they got wet during the day. Michael came up with one of his usually brilliant schemes to avoid problems with Conner and Sean, he announced that since Mr. Bill was there as his assistant, one boy would be bathed by Mr. Bill and the other by himself. The choice would be made by the flip of a coin as to who was bathing whom, and Conner could call the flip. Conner won the honors with Mr. Bill and Sean was Michael's problem.
After showering Mark, Michael sat down on the floor next to Mr. Bill and both men laid each boy down in front of them with the boys legs draped over theirs. They were groin to groin. Shower time had very, very little to do with getting clean; almost nothing. Showers had everything to do with touch and sensuality. From that sitting position, the man could stroke the boy's body from his head to his feet. Shower time wasn't really shower time, it was massage time. Most of the boys laid there and closed their eyes. More than a few fell asleep. Just as many got as stiff as their caretakers almost always did. At first Sean was as stiff as a board in the shower, but time heals all, and it didn't take long before he was as nimble and loose as the rest of them. In the beginning, Sean's eyes were wide open when his testicles were handled and his penis was cleaned. Within days, his eyes never opened.
Michael was a genius when it came to accessing boys. He figured his problem was to keep both Conner and Sean happy and he concentrated all his efforts on that goal. Michael forgot one item: Mark. Mark was abandoned by his family; abused to the max by the courts and judicial system; seduced by his caretaker; and now what? Mark wasn't about to be set adrift again! After showers, Mark didn't go to the living room, he went to Michael's bed and wasn't about to be moved. Both TV and pizza didn't move Mark and Michael then realized he had 3, not two dependents on his hands.
"Do you think that if you get out of this bed and have some pizza that you won't be able to get back into it?" Michael asked Mark as he sat down on the side of the bed. Mark looked at his caretaker and was breathing very shallow. Shallow breathing always helped to control emotions; Michael knew the feeling very well and he also recognized the movement in a child's upper chest. If Michael wasn't real careful, Mark was going to lose it on him and fast.
"Mark," he said to the boy, "you can be with me any time you want to, I'm not going anywhere!"
Michael reached down and held the boy in his arms. "You already know that I love you and will be here for you."
Mark thought about his parents, he thought about jail, he thought about Danamora, he was grasping at straws, but the only thing he knew he had left was the man now holding him and the man was moving away from him towards two little boys. Mark had to hold onto this man or he was lost! Michael picked up Mark and cradled him in his lap. Maybe it's just in the mind, but rocking somehow helps a whole lot of the time. Michael rocked Mark until the pizza got cold and Mark fell asleep.
Conner came in wearing his underroos and his pizza as the other boys in the dorms went to bed and the TV was turned off. Michael laid Mark down and wiped Conner's face clean and the little boy scooted up to his pillow waiting for Michael to slip in next to him. Mr. Bill came through Michael's room carrying Sean like a mother carries a baby. One arm under the back and one arm up between the child's legs. Michael noticed that Mr. Bill had a bottle in his hands as well. Doc had three other boys on the unit besides Conner who were being given supplements to their diet to get some weight on them besides Conner. Sean was one of the boys. Like Conner, the supplement came in the form of a 'milk shake' so that the boys drank it without complaint. Now Mr. Bill was putting the shake in a bottle. Michael smiled.
Mr. Bill had recently read a book about The inner Child and he wanted to see if the theory had any validity. Michael thought about the New York Times Best Sellers List at the Albany Home for Children when he was a child. Michael was hoping that nobody came out with a book that recommended barbequing children to get them to behave in a certain way. Still, turning the boy back to infancy couldn't hurt, he just hoped that diapering didn't go back quite as far as it did in the book. Michael gave Conner a large glass of water and put water down on the nightstand for him and Mark to drink if they awoke thirsty during the night and then he turned out the light. Conner snuggled up to Michael and turned himself around. Michael wrapped his arms around the boy and stroked his tummy until Conner was sound asleep. The process usually took no more than three minutes. Michael fell asleep trying to figure out how to deal with Mark's dependency and insecurity.
After showers, Mr. Bill took control of Sean. Sean would do whatever he was told to do so there was no problem with discipline, the problem was with responsiveness. Sean was emotionally flat. He was a dishrag. The team's job was to make him whole again, not just have a boy who sat there getting fucked like a cadaver. The first thing that had to be done was to get the boy to connect with someone; anyone. Every member of the team were experts at that. They just had to find the right combination and unlock Sean's defense to being hurt: withdrawal.
Mr. Bill had read a book that seemed to suggest that if you bring a person back by bringing him back to his childhood and 'start over' with his upbringing, it would succeed. The people mentioned in the book were a lot older than the people the team worked with, but Mr. Bill wanted to give it a try and see what happened. It certainly couldn't hurt.
He first decided to totally withdraw from asking the boy what he wanted to do, or eat, or wear, or anything. Like a mother with a small baby, he would just do it for the boy. Sean no longer had choices. Sean was now in underwear, because Doc had removed him from wearing diapers because of his Bris earlier. Sean's underwear was removed from him and he was put back in a diaper. The boy did not object. Sean was no longer held on Mr. Bill's hip if he was carrying the boy, he was cradled. He no longer received water or his Shake in a glass, he drank from a bottle. The first time Mr. Bill presented him with the bottle, he cradled him and held the bottle up to Sean's lips. Sean didn't open his mouth. He looked at Mr. Bill curiously.
Mr. Bill kept the nipple at the boy's lips and said "Drink!" The tone of the man told Sean it wasn't a request. He drank staring at Mr. Bill who pretended to watch TV. About 30 minutes after Sean finished the shake he told Mr. Bill he needed to go to the bathroom.
"That's why you have a diaper on, if you need to go, go," he told Sean and again Sean looked at the man puzzled.
Mr. Bill made no attempt to get up off the coach and a few minutes later, he knew by the warmth of the diaper that Sean let his bladder loose. Pizza and soda came from the kitchen about 7:00 and all the boys in the living room dashed for it. Mr. Bill had one of the boys give him a piece and put it to Sean's mouth. Sean reached his hands up to hold the pizza and his teacher brought them back down to the boy's stomach. Putting the pizza back to Sean's mouth, he told the boy to eat. Sean would be fed by Mr. Bill until the boy said the magic words.
Bed time soon followed and Mr. Bill got up and cradling Sean, made another bottle of shake and took the boy into his room. Laying Sean down on the bed he took off the soggy diaper and cleaned and put gauze on the boy's penis, wiped him dry, put baby powder on him and put on a new diaper. Mr. Bill then got naked, turned off the light and picked up Sean and put his head on the pillow. The teacher than laid down and put the nipple of the bottle back to Sean's lips. Sean's lips didn't open. "Drink," the teacher ordered. The nipple slipped into Sean's mouth past his teeth and was held there by Mr. Bill until it was drained dry. It took about 15 minutes but when it was empty, Mr. Bill gave Sean a kiss on the cheek and with a "Nite, Nite" laid his head down next to the boy and closed his eyes. Sean stayed awake for a good five minutes, but eventually, his breathing told Mr. Bill the baby was down for the night. He wondered if the boy would say the magic words. He had classes to run and he hoped it wouldn't take too long.
Michael no longer needed to be awoken for diaper changes during the night and so he was looking forward to a long night's sleep. Every now and then Michael dreamed. Sometimes those dreams were sexual in nature and Michael really liked them mainly because they always seemed to be just a little more sensual than the real thing when he was awake. He didn't know exactly how to explain it, but it seemed to be on a higher level, or of a greater sexual potency than conscious sex. Was it the brain making him have those feelings? He didn't know. All he did know was that when he first awoke, the feeling was very intense and very pleasurable. He thought it was a shame it couldn't be duplicated when he was fully awake.
Michael also knew that there were two kinds of these dreams, one was occurring autonomously. The other was occurring because he was actually being engaged sexually. It was a dream being produced by someone in the bed with him. Many times he dreamt of being given oral as a boy, and when he woke up, there the boy was! Many times he dreamed of standing at a toilet going to the bathroom. He was going to the bathroom, but there was no toilet!
Now Michael was dreaming that he was having anal sex. This wasn't an unknown dream to Michael, but past dreams had him on the bottom. This dream had him on top and it was super intense right up to the point that he opened his eyes. Mark awoke at around 11 and moved Conner to the other side of Michael and was now cradled in his caretakers lap. As Michael awoke, he had already slipped Michael's penis half way up his rectum. Michael stopped his forward motion and began to withdraw from Mark. Mark wasn't having any of that. He wanted Michael in him and reached back and held the caretakers legs up against his body, "No!" he said to Michael.
"Please Michael," he begged the caretaker.
Once again, Michael felt that Mark was on the verge of losing it.
"Mark, calm down," Michael told the boy and moved his penis back inside the boy as far as he could go. He wrapped his arms around the boy's waist and took the boy's penis into his hands and cupped the boy's genitals tightly against his groin. Mark stopped convulsing from the chest. He put his hands over the caretaker's hands and moved his head back to the man's chest. "Please stay here," Mark told the man. Michael kissed the boy on his neck and slowly sucked. Mark's breathing went back to normal levels and his body relaxed. Mark was capable of constricting his rectum to bring the caretaker to orgasm, but that's not what he wanted to do. He just wanted the man to stay within him. He wanted to feel the man's love pulsing with each heartbeat. He wanted to be a part of the man, and remained joined with him through the night. Man and boy fell asleep with no more words spoken. Mark did not need words.
Just before six, Michael awoke. He and Mark had separated at some point during the night and Mark was now sleeping on his side next to Michael. Michael reached down to the boy's cheeks and held them open while he put his penis to the base of the boy's anus which gave no resistance to Michael's throbbing head and it was time for Mark to dream as the man entered the boy's body. When Michael's pubic hair reach the boy's anus his sphincter muscle reacted almost automatically closing itself around the man's shaft. Michael reached over the boy and took Mark's penis into his hand. He rolled over flat with the boy on top of him.
The boy would awaken being slowly stroked and know that Michael was as close to him as two people could possibly get. Mark opened his legs and let them fall down alongside his caretaker's as Michael reached down with his other hand and held the boy's testicles in them. Mark came with Michael giving Mark yet another hicky on his neck and Mark fell back to sleep not willing to let the man leave him.
Mr. Bill awoke with a kick to the ribs from Sean. Sean didn't do it intentionally, he had rolled around from his other side and now faced his teacher but the boy was still sound asleep. Mr. Bill got up to get a fresh bottle for Sean when he awoke. He also needed more diapers so he went to Michael's room. Michael was laying there half awake and half asleep with Mark laying on top of him. It certainly wasn't the first time he had seen a boy and a man sexually involved, so he saw nothing out of the ordinary concerning Michael's slow stroking of the boy's semi erect penis. Mark was sound asleep and looked kind of dreamy to Mr. Bill.
"He looks a lot better!" the teacher said to Michael.
"He is, as long as I can figure out how to detach my penis and leave it with him!" Michael said with a slight smile.
Mr. Bill looked down by the boy's crotch area. Mr. Bill laughed. "Michael, do you know those little knapsacks that mothers use to keep the babies close to them?" he said to his friend. "We could adapt one to fit you!" Michael threw a pillow at his friend as he left for the kitchen giggling to himself.
Mr. Bill came back to the room with a bottle passing back past the bed with Conner now rocking himself awake. "Now there's a new idea for an alarm clock!" he said as he picked up some diapers and left for Sean. Sean was still asleep and Mr. Bill wanted it that way. He gathered up the materials necessary and sat down on the bed next to Sean. To Bill, the little sleeping boy looked like an angel. A bald angel, but an angel nevertheless. OK Bill he said to himself, now how would a mother do this for the next hour?
He reached over to Sean and pulled the sleeping boy by his ankle across the bed and laid him next to him. Then pulled on the diaper tabs on both sides and pulled them apart. Then he lifted Sean up by an ankle on one leg and pulled the soaked diaper from under Sean. Sean is now half awake and wondering who he is. Bill then took out two diaper wipes from the box and slapped them on the boy's stomach. Diaper wipes out of the box are cold. Sean's eyes opened and he wondered where he was. Bill took the diaper wipes and washed the boy's genitals and then lifted his both legs up over his chest and wiped the boy's anus with the still cold wipes. Putting the boy's legs back down on the bed, he lifted up a bottle of Baby powder and sprinkled it all over the boy, the bed and the floor from a height of about two feet [60 cm] over the boy's groin. Powder was flying everywhere. Sean was fixing to sneeze if he could figure out where his nose was. Bill then reached his fingers into a jar of Desitan and plastered Sean's balls, penis and anus with a layer about a 1/4 of an inch [5 mm] thick. Then he took a diaper and wiped his hands off in the diaper, took Sean's leg back up in the air and slipped a new diaper under the boy with the now white nostrils. Putting his legs back down he pulled the diaper front up and over the boy's stomach and attached the flaps.
With the turkey now stuffed and ready to go, Bill reached for the bottle and pulled the boy onto his lap by his arm and stuck the nipple up to the boy's mouth. "Drink," he told Sean. Sean put the nipple in and then spoke. "But I have to go pee!" he gurgled through the sides of the nipple. "Well sweetheart, isn't it just fortunate then that you have a nice clean diaper on?" and he smiled down at the little boy. Sean didn't have any eye brows, but the skin where they used to be wrinkled. Sean was beginning to wonder what was going on. Bill called that progress.
Half way through the bottle, Bill's arm got warm from the diaper and Conner showed up in the doorway in his birthday suit. He came up to the bed and watched as Sean lay there with the nipple in his mouth. He stopped drinking when Conner came in and a little shake was trickling down the side of his cheek from his mouth.
"What's he doing?" Conner asked the teacher.
"He's having some of Doc's shake before showers," said Mr. Bill.
"From a baby bottle?" Conner asked.
"Yeah, I guess so," Mr. Bill told the boy. "Let's get ready for showers now Conner,"
Mr. Bill said wanting to cut short any more questions from Conner.
"OK," said Conner as he turned to go back into Michael's room. Mr. Bill looked back down at Sean who still hadn't resumed drinking. "Drink," he ordered and the boy resumed sucking.
Michael and Mark were stirring and Mark had turned himself around and was laying on top of his caretaker. Michael was stroking the boy's back and Conner got back up on the bed and decided to ride on top of Mark like a horse. Mark was extremely tolerant of Conner, he knew how badly the boy was treated at Danamora and he liked the kid to boot. Conner also reminded him of his cousins. They too were very sexually active. Conner laid down on top of Mark and rubbed his shoulders.
"Did you do it again last night with Michael?" Conner asked Mark very quietly.
"Yes," Mark told Conner.
Conner giggled and lowered his body down about eight inches [20 cm]. His penis now sat in Mark's ass crack.
"Can you do this?" Conner asked as the little boy flexed his penis.
Naturally, Mark felt it. He didn't answer; he flexed his ass and closed it around Conner's penis. Conner shrieked in a shrill giggle and Michael figured Sex Ed. 1 was over for the morning. If these two decided to get it on, he's never get his work done and today was the first day of school. He really didn't need any full blown orgies going on, at least not yet!
"Come on my little sex pot, it's time to get cleaned up for breakfast," and then gave Conner a tap on both cheeks of his ass. Conner flipped off Mark laying on his back on the bed with a 2½ inch [6½ cm] rod clutched in his fist. Michael wanted to forego the showers and get right down to eating. Walking into the showers, Conner had one more question. "Michael, Sean drinks his shake from a baby bottle," the little boy said. "Why does he do that?"
"I guess because he wants to," Michael said. Conner's wheels were turning. Michael didn't hear them.
Aaron and Alex had spent a largely uneventful afternoon the day before and through dinner and evening in the ward. Neither boy said very much. The majority of the time they spent holding onto each other. Sleep came for both boys by about 8 when they both got another massage from the orderlies. The orderlies had to change the bed twice during the night, and each time, they first had to untangle the boys from each other. Daylight found another soaked bed and another knot. Usually Aaron was on the bottom and Alex was either laying across his chest or laying between his legs with his head on Aaron's stomach. Alex's pillow was Aaron's body. They sleep together that way to this day.
The boys awoke as an orderly brought in fresh pajamas and gowns. Both boys took off their wet bed clothes and were weighed as the bed was switched out for the third time. "Where are you two getting all this water from?" an orderly kidded with them as he started to wash Aaron. It was a legitimate question but the orderly wasn't aware of the Danamora toilet scene either. Aaron hadn't stopped drinking quarts of water at every opportunity since his arrival and he was pissing every hour or so. Aaron wasn't about to explain the problem in any great detail so he just smiled at the orderly and shrugged his shoulders.
Alex's bandage was removed from his ear after both boys were washed and they waited for morning rounds from Doc before being put back in bed clothes and breakfast. Doc came in around five minutes later and checked on Aaron's Bris and Alex's ear. The Plastibell on Aaron's penis was showing signs of loosening and Doc predicted it would be off in another four or five days.
"Why is it there Doc?" Alex wanted to know.
Doc took Aaron's penis in his hand and showed both boys the clamp.
"After we removed the excess skin, this clamp stays on and it holds the skin together to stop bleeding and seal the skin around your penis," he explained. "When it's done its job it automatically falls off and there is no scar underneath that you will see within a few weeks. Aaron will look exactly like the rest of the boys in the unit."
Alex was impressed. Aaron wasn't so sure. There was nothing wrong with his old dick, why chop it off?
"But why did they cut off the little boy's dick that was in the jar?" Aaron wanted to know.
Alex wasn't there; he didn't have a clue of what Aaron was talking about.
"What dick in a jar?" Alex asked his friend.
Aaron told Alex about the guards when he first came into Elmira and the jar they had with a penis in it. Doc listened and he and the orderlies did some chuckling.
"The penis in that jar Aaron is over 70 years old. It came from a little boy who died here in the 1920s of natural causes. The guards use it to scare little boys into behaving themselves," he told the two boys. "The penis even has a name: it's called 'Dickey' around here."
Aaron and Alex did not see the humor.
"Trust me," Doc told the boys. "Your penises are much too valuable to the guards to go around chopping them off. It doesn't ever happen."
Alex knew nothing about formaldehyde. That penis didn't look 70 years old to him!
Next was Alex's ear. There was still some soreness and swelling inside, but basically Alex was doing well. Doc however didn't want to take the chance of re-injury and would not release Alex for at least another 36 hours, maybe more. He also knew how emotionally fragile Alex was and keeping Aaron with the boy was better than putting him down with medication. "School starts today for your unit but you two will not be starting until at least Wednesday." That didn't depress the shit out of either boy.
"Now, where's all the water coming from?" Doc wasn't kidding. "It's not unusual at all for boys your age to wet the bed, but we're not talking about wetting, we're talking about floating away. How come?" he asked as Aaron's head lowered. Doc said nothing. He picked up Aaron and walked over to a far corner of the room away from everybody else. Doc knew boys like the back of his hand.
"Nobody's here but me and you. Tell me about the water," Doc said to the boy wrapped around his neck. Aaron told him about the toilets, and the candy bars, and the soda , and The Son of Sam. The story Doc heard infuriated him. It also left him depressed. There was nothing that could be done about it officially.
Doc wanted to know where the water was coming from because he speculated that he could be looking at a bladder problem and wanted to get to the bottom of it without having to start subjecting the boys to tests. This was not a bladder problem; this was a psychological problem that could be dealt with. He began to deal with it immediately.
"The water you drank from the bowl was out of your tummy many days ago Aaron, none could still be there," he told the boy. "You can drink all the water you want, we don't care how many times the sheets have to be changed or how many trips to the bathroom you need to make. When you're ready to stop drinking, you will and that's fine with us. OK?" he asked the boy.
Aaron shook his head.
"Did Alex drink the water too?" Doc asked the boy.
"I don't know, he doesn't remember being there in the cell," Aaron told the Doctor.
"Good. Even if he did, he's better off not remembering it," Doc said and they returned to the group.
An hour later, Doc had a cooler of spring water delivered to the dorm and Aaron's bedside. Aaron stopped purging himself about four days later and his fluid intake went back down to normal levels. Aaron didn't tell Alex about the toilets for four years.
Doc was ready to continue his rounds as breakfast came rolling onto the ward and Aaron had one more question for him.
"Is Conner OK?" he wanted to know.
It never ceased to amaze Doc that no matter how much you brutalized these boys, they were always looking to protect one another.
"Conner is very happy, I'll have him visit with you right after breakfast," Doc said.
Aaron smiled and gave Doc a kiss. "Thank you," he whispered to the man. Doc felt like it was going to be a very good day, at least he hoped so.