Throw Away Kid
Chapters 21-24
Chapter 21 We're Back In the Saddle Again
The next morning, Bryce and I joined Troy and his father for an old-fashioned country breakfast, with ham slices, eggs and home-fried potatoes, topped off with juice and coffee or milk. When I asked for suggestions on where to go next, Troy was the first to respond.
"Aren't you going to the county fair?" he wanted to know.
"County fair? When and where is that?" I asked him.
"It's going on now through Sunday and it's only about twenty miles from here," Troy told me. "We're going, aren't we, Pa?"
"Yeah, we're going Friday," his father answered. "That's when the horse competitions are."
"Really?" Bryce interrupted. "What kind of competitions?"
"They're having the barrel racing and the calf roping then," the father answered.
"Are you doing that?" Bryce wondered.
"Yeah, we're both going to compete," Jim replied. "I'm in the senior division and Troy is going to be entered in the junior division. You should come and watch us. The preliminary runs are during the day and the final competition is that night."
"Can we, Uncle Kyle? Please?" Bryce teased.
I could tell from his antics that he really wanted to do this.
"Well, we have no set plans, and it does sound like fun, especially since we'll know some of the participants," I agreed.
"Do you want to stay here and go with us?" Troy asked, hopefully.
"We appreciate your offer," I told him, "but I think we'll bike there and get a motel room. I'd hate to impose on you or take advantage of your hospitality."
"It's no imposition and you wouldn't be taking advantage," Jim advised me. "Besides, unless you already have reservations, you probably won't be able to get a room at this late date. Some of the competitors come here from quite a distance away, so the motels are probably all booked up. Why don't you just stay here and then you can join us when we go."
"What do you think, Bryce?" I asked.
"Can we?" Bryce asked, hopefully.
"Well, it sounds as if you want to, but only if I can contribute toward the expenses," I said, looking at Troy's father. "I won't take no for an answer on that or we'll have to turn down your offer."
"Ok, but I don't like it," Jim reluctantly agreed. "We're just happy to have some company, aren't we, Troy?"
"Sure, Pa," Troy answered. "It's been fun having them here."
After saying that, Troy smiled at Bryce and the way he did it gave me the impression that something had gone on between the two of them. At this point, Bryce hadn't confided in me about their little tryst in the barn yet, but I suspected they'd been up to something. Even if I'd known what they'd done, it wouldn't have bothered me anyway. My only hope was that Troy's big dick hadn't been rammed up Bryce's butt, but since Bryce wasn't walking funny, I'd be willing to wager they hadn't done that yet.
"Today is only Thursday," Troy pointed out, breaking my thoughts, "so we'll have time to do a bunch of other things too."
"There is still work that needs to be done first," his father responded, giving him a somewhat annoyed look.
"Tell you what," I offered, "Bryce and I will help with whatever work you have to do, and then we'll all be able to have some fun together."
"We don't allow our guests to work!" Jim responded, emphatically.
"Then think of us as family," I suggested, "and we'd just be helping out. It will be to our benefit too, because we certainly won't be having any fun while the two of you are working."
Troy looked anxiously at his father, because he was unsure about how his dad was going to respond to my offer, but after a short delay he got his answer.
"Well, you sure are demanding and drive a hard bargain," Jim stated with a grin. "It's your choice, but I'd never force anyone to do my chores for me."
"I'm glad to hear you're going to let us help," I confirmed, "and I'd never force anyone to entertain me, so we're even."
He got my point, so seeing this was settled, we set about helping them do whatever tasks they needed to get done. I don't know how much time I actually saved them, because they had to stop and explain to me how to do everything, but Bryce seemed to know what was going on. Anyway, we had all their work completed by shortly after lunchtime.
"Not bad, for a couple of city boys, although Bryce seems to have worked around horses before," Jim told us. "Anytime you're looking for work, you just let me know. If I don't need help, then I have plenty of friends who might."
I took this to be the ultimate compliment, because after I saw Troy's reaction to his father's statement, I got the feeling that this man wasn't usually so generous with his praise.
"Well, I appreciate your offer, but that kind of work is just too hard to do on a regular basis," I confessed.
I laughed after saying this, to let him know it was only partially the truth, but he understood and joined in chuckling at my little joke.
"Yeah, that's why my wife and I had Troy," he shot back, "so he could do most of the work."
"Oh, Pa, I thought you had me because you wanted a son to carry on the family name," Troy challenged.
"Yep, that was part of it," his father agreed. "You were to carry on the name and anything else that needed lifting."
Troy gave his father a very disgusted look after hearing his reply, but Bryce started laughing after catching on to the little joke. Troy immediately looked over at Bryce and tried to give him a dirty look, but it didn't work exactly as he'd planned. The only thing that happened was that Troy ended up laughing along with Bryce, and the more they looked at each other, the more the two of them giggled. It was now becoming more than a typical teen giggling spree or merely amusement over what had been said, because their laughter was contagious. Soon, Troy's father and I were laughing too, both with and at the boys, so before long we were all in tears and our sides were aching, as a result of the nonstop laughter. After several minutes of this uncontrollable hilarity, we finally began to settle down, only to go through several more giggling flare-ups before it finally died out.
Once we were past this little episode, Troy and Bryce suggested that we should ride out to the pond and go swimming again. Troy's father told us we could go if we wanted, but he had other things to do to get ready for the competitions. After hearing this, I suggested that I would stay behind and help him, but he told me there was nothing that I could do, so he suggested I should just go along with the boys and let the water drain the weariness from my overworked muscles. I questioned him again, to see if there wasn't something I could do to help, but he still insisted that he had to do it all himself. Since my offer had been rejected, I decided to go with the boys and enjoy the watery retreat.
Bryce and Troy saddled up the three horses and we rode out to the pond. The boys eagerly leapt from their mounts and tethered them to tree limbs, and then they began to hurriedly get out of their clothing. I took a more relaxed approach to this, so they were in the water for a couple of minutes before I actually got in to join them.
I had taken time to watch the boys as they disrobed and raced toward the pond, and I was still amazed at how big that fourteen-year old boy's penis was. I mean, how big would that thing get when he was full-grown? Now, the boys were busy splashing and trying to dunk each other in the water, so I just walked in and began to swim about or tread water. When he was finally able to draw his attention away from Troy, Bryce came over and attempted to drag me into their little game by jumping on my back and trying to force my body below the surface. Instead, I flipped him over my shoulder, which caused him to land solidly on his back in the water, before he slipped beneath it. After seeing that, Troy decided to join in on the action and came over to assist his new friend.
I tried to flip him over my shoulder too, but he was ready for that, so I arched myself backward and flopped into the water, with him beneath me. When this happened, released his grip on me and scrambled to reach the surface, so I rolled onto my side and reached out to grab him. I caught hold of him just above the waist, but as he struggled to get away from me he forced my hands and arms down enough so they were currently wrapped around his family jewels. This made him to squirm even more, which caused my wrists and palms to rub over his boyhood. It must have been the friction that began to get him excited, because his trouser snake began to rear up and became completely hard, and this only motivated him to wiggle even harder. I thought he was trying to get away, but I was to learn later that he was just trying to stimulate himself even more by doing that, but it was also when Bryce came over and saw what was happening.
"Uncle Kyle, you're going to have to help him take care of his boner now," he suggested.
Troy looked up at Bryce, with confusion etched all over his face, as he wondered what his new friend was doing to him. Sure he was enjoying my flesh rubbing over his cock, but now Bryce was telling me that I'd have to jerk him off or do something else to alleviate his current state. By this time we were standing in the shallow water and moving toward the shore, so when Bryce saw Troy's confusion, he tired to put him at ease.
"It's ok," he told Troy. "Uncle Kyle and I sometimes help each other out, like you and I did yesterday."
Now, not only was Troy shocked, but I was as well. Bryce should know that coming right out and saying something like this could get me locked up for the rest of my life. I wanted to chastise him, but I was speechless, and obviously Troy was too.
"Go ahead," Bryce told us, "you two can go up on shore and Uncle Kyle will help you with that. I don't mind."
"Bryce!" I was finally able to get out. "Uh, this isn't right and what have I told you about our privacy?"
"It's ok, Uncle Kyle. He's cool about this," Bryce assured me. "We did it twice yesterday and he won't say anything about it."
"That may be, but you're both boys and I'm an adult," I countered. "I'm not supposed to do anything of that nature with boys."
"I don't mind," Troy finally added. "In fact, I think I'd kind of like to see what it's like for a grown-up to do something with me too."
Troy quickly moved closer and thrust his hips toward me, as if he were offering me his partially erect member.
"It's ok, Uncle Kyle. He won't tell anybody," Bryce reiterated, to relieve my concerns.
"No, I promise I won't," Troy quickly added.
"But I could go to jail for this," I explained, "and what would your father say, if he found out?"
"Probably nothing," Troy replied. "He's not like that. If he knew I asked you to do it, he'd just say ok."
"But…" I started, but I didn't get any further.
"No, it's ok. Please?" Troy begged.
He gave me this look, which was a mixture of necessity and desire, and Bryce kept up his verbal urging too. Finally I gave in.
"All right, I'll do you both, but not a word about this to anyone, and you even have to be careful when talking to each other," I warned. "You're not to speak of this unless you're totally alone, with no possibility that anyone will be able overhear what you're saying."
Both boys agreed, so we all went over and lay down on the grass, but Troy wanted to go first. Slowly, I began to stroke his impressive piece of meat and it began to respond immediately to my touch. I watched it as it continued to grow, while slowly massaging both it and his testicles. When it rose to its full length, I wrapped my hand around it and began to pump it. Troy relaxed completely beneath me and I could tell that he was enjoying what I was doing to him, but Bryce had other ideas.
"Uncle Kyle, suck him off," he suggested.
I stopped what I was doing and just stared at Bryce, slightly annoyed that he was pushing my limits, when Troy ended my distraction.
"Oh, would you? I've always wondered what that would be like. Please?" he pleaded.
We discussed this for a few minutes more, before I finally agreed, so now I took him into my mouth. There was no way I could take it all, but I worked what I could with my lips and tongue, while stroking the rest of it with my hand. The fact that this was a new experience for him only added to the dual stimulation from my mouth and hand, and it was enough to bring him to the edge quickly. I'm glad he wasn't going to last very long, because my jaw was beginning to ache from having to open my mouth so far. I also discovered what Bryce had meant about Troy being loud, because he wasn't holding anything back with his groaning, moaning and grunts. He wasn't screaming or anything, but if anyone was close by, then I'm certain they'd be coming over to investigate what was going on.
Before long, I felt Troy shaft begin to swell even more in my mouth, just before the first blast of his warm liquid strands hit the back of my throat. I continued sucking on him until I'd finished him off and siphoned him dry, and then Bryce and I let him lie there and recuperate from what he had just done. I knew this would be something he would probably always remember; although I hoped it was also something he would never talk about.
After I finished doing Troy, I moved over to take care of Bryce. I could see that he was quite aroused as well, from watching me take care of his friend, so now I clamped on to his smaller muscle and sucked on it hard enough to drawn a VW Beetle through it. Bryce was really moaning from the very start, while his pelvis bucked off the ground like a Mexican jumping bean during a heat wave. I knew having watching me do Troy had him so stimulated that he wouldn't take very long to blow and I was right. After just a short time, he jammed his teen rod into my throat, as it vomited its sex juice into my gullet, and then he gave a few more thrusts, before he finished. Once he had emptied his entire load, he relaxed and let his butt hit the ground again, and I looked up in time to see Troy grinning at the two of us.
"Man, that was awesome. You two are really something," he observed.
"Well, I don't want that to get out as public information," I let him know.
"It won't, but damn, that was just so unbelievable," he observed. "I always knew that shooting your load felt good, but what you did to me with your mouth was freaking incredible. I really want to thank you for doing that for me."
"Well, you don't have to thank me," I told him, "but I'm not sure there will ever be a repeat performance."
"Why not? I loved it and I won't say anything. Please?" Troy whined. "I will be staying with you when my pa has to go away, remember. We can do it again then."
"We'll talk about this later," I suggested, "but I'll have to think about it some more first."
"Ok, but you know how I feel about it and I really would like to do it more often," Troy confirmed. "Can I do that for you now?"
"Uh, I don't think that would be such a good idea," I responded.
"Why not? I want to try it too," Troy confessed, "and I'm the one who asked."
"Still, it's one thing if I do it to you, but if you do it to me, then the law could make it look like I forced you into doing it," I observed. "I mean, what I did to you would look bad enough, but to have a kid do it to me too, well… well, they'd take even a grimmer view on that."
"But no one will ever know about it," he clarified. "I won't tell, Bryce won't tell and I know you won't tell. So I'm going to try it."
Saying that, he bent down, put his mouth next to my dick and began to lick it like a lollipop. I wanted to stop him, and I actually started to, but when my hand touched his shoulder and I started to push him away, he looked up flashed me a very sad and hurt expression. Seeing that made me quit trying to stop him. Besides, I was enjoying what he was doing, so I let him continue and I had to give him 'an A' for effort.
By now, Bryce had also come down from his orgasmic high, so he moved closer and began to give Troy some advice on how to do it correctly. Troy was an eager student and a quick study, so he followed Bryce's instructions without question, and I was the recipient of his budding expertise. After watching this for a while, Bryce was getting horny again and didn't want to be left out, so he joined in. He kissed me and then began licking and sucking on my nipples, so I was now in absolute ecstasy.
I think every boy-lover fantasizes about having two boys working on him at the same time, and here I was in that very position. I had two willing boys trying to bring me as much pleasure as they possibly could and I was fast approaching a mind-blowing orgasm. My consciousness was filled with splotches of light and bright colors, as every nerve in my body began to tingle, just before my muscles began to tighten and I prepared to fill Troy's mouth with my creamy seed. I wanted to warn him, but my mouth just wouldn't cooperate, so all I got out was a few grunts before it happened.
Troy took my load without complaint and without any adverse reaction, and he drank down as much of it as he could. I guess that seeing I had done it for him, and then he saw me do it for Bryce too, he must have assumed it was the correct thing to do. As the last spurts of liquid left my dick, Troy continued to suck on it until I reached out and placed my hand on his head, to let him know he should stop. As he pulled off, he looked up at me and grinned, with traces of cum showing from the corners of his lips and extending down to his chin, but he didn't seem aware of that and only sought reassurance about what he had done.
"Did I do all right? Did you enjoy it?" he asked, eagerly seeking confirmation.
I merely grinned and nodded my head, because I still couldn't speak, but I heard Bryce answer for me.
"I would say you did just fine or else he wouldn't be grinning like that," he pointed out.
This seemed to be enough of an answer and reward for Troy, because he began to beam with pride.
"Super! I just hope that we can do this whenever we're alone from now on," he suggested, hopefully.
Neither of us responded to his comment and Troy understood why, so we left it at that and just lay on the ground until I regained my strength. Once the three of us had calmed down from our 'sexploits,' we went back into the water and played around for a little longer, until Troy's father rode up, took off his clothes and joined us. I was certainly glad he hadn't shown up a few minutes earlier.
"Well, I'm done with my work too and this is a better way to wash up than by taking a bath or a shower," he explained.
At that point, he produced a bar of Ivory soap and began to clean himself up. He brought that particular brand of soap with him, because it's the only bar that floats and wouldn't end up at the bottom of the pond. The rest of us thought this was a great idea too, so we borrowed the soap so we could do the same thing and now all four of us were busy cleaning up after our hard day's work.
It was actually quite a unique experience, bathing in the open, and I learned why it was so important that the Ivory soap could float. Many times one of us either lost our grip on the soap or it would hit the water when we tossed between two of us, so if it didn't float, then we'd have been constantly diving to retrieve it. We continued until we all squeaky clean and then we got out of the pond, dried off and began to discuss what we were going to do next.
"All the work is done for today, which means our night is free," Troy's father began, "so is there anything special you two would like to do?"
Bryce and I looked at each other, but I could see he didn't have anything in mind either, so I made a suggestion.
"How about this?" I began. "What if I pay for dinner at a place of your choice and then we can take the boys over to the fair. It will give them time to go on the rides and do whatever else they want tonight, because the two of you will be busy tomorrow with the riding competition. With everything that will be going on then, the boys won't have time to really enjoy themselves, so this way they can get it out of their systems tonight and it will be my treat."
"You don't have to pay our way," Jim answered, "but I do think it's a good idea."
"Nope, I insist on picking up the tab for tonight, in return for our many nights' lodgings. That would only be fair," I offered.
"I don't see it like that, but I won't fight you, if that's what you want to do," Jim half-heartedly conceded.
He obviously wanted to let me know, in his own way, that he wasn't expecting payment for putting us up for a few nights. Since I knew he was a proud man, I tried to make sure that I didn't tread upon that pride, so I phrased it this way intentionally. I suspected he'd be more likely to accept repayment for a debt, even if he hadn't requested it, rather than thinking of this as being charity.
We all went to the house and changed first, and then we hopped into their truck and headed out to eat, before going over to the fair. Jim and I rode in the cab, while the boys sat in the back, and we talked a little more along the way. Jim took us to a diner that he said was reasonable and, as he stated, he knew would give us enough food to fill two growing boys, and I laughed at his observation. I'm glad the boys were in the back and hadn't heard his comment, because I think they would have been insulted that he had hinted that they were hogs or gluttons.
We sat in a booth and Troy sat next to me, while Bryce sat next to Troy's father. I think they had talked this over on the way there and felt this would be the fairest seating arrangement, since Jim was bigger than me. This way Troy wouldn't be as crowded, as if he sat next to his father, and both Jim and I enjoyed having someone new for company during this brief time.
Jim had been correct. The food was good and there was more than enough to feed our two bottomless pits. I was really in awe over how much Troy packed away, but seeing how hard he worked I could understand him being so hungry. Even Bryce ate more than usual, probably because of all of the work he'd done too, so I was glad we had come here.
After I settled the bill and left the tip, we got back in the truck and headed over to the fairgrounds. When we arrived there, I paid the admission and parking fees, and then we took a quick walk around the area to see what was there. Once we had made a tour around the entire midway, we let the boys choose if they wanted to try their hands at some of the games first or go on the rides. They chose the games, so we walked with them to see how they'd do. Even though Troy's father and I knew these contests were for suckers, because the odds of winning were poor, we also realized it was a good experience so both boys could learn this for themselves.
The first place they stopped was the hoop-toss booth. This was a game where you had to toss a small hoop over a bottle with the prize you wanted. There were blocks with a prize or a picture of the prize, for the larger items, attached to bottles and if the hoop managed to go over both the bottle and the prize, then you won. The trick was, the hoop had to go completely over both and the blocks with the prizes attached to it got larger as the value of the prize increased. Therefore, by having the requirement that the hoop had to go completely over both made it more difficult to win the prize.
The participants were given three hoops for the fee, so I handed both of the boys a twenty-dollar bill and told them they could use it to play whatever games they wanted. Troy looked at me as if I were daft for doing this, but Bryce told him it was ok and I could afford it, so they took the money and set off to play the games. They quickly paid for their first attempt each and put the change in their pockets, but neither boy did very well on their first try. When they made their next attempt, Troy won a small, inexpensive prize, but that was all they got there, since their final attempts both missed.
After they were done there, we walked along and looked for the next game of chance they wanted to try, and this time it was a basketball game. The ball was the normal size, but the hoop was much smaller than normal, and your prize depended on how many shots you made. They both gave it a try, although we could tell right away this wasn't their forte, so they gave up on that game quite quickly, after missing all of their shots.
From there, the boys discovered a baseball game next, where they had to throw a baseball and knock weighted, wooden bottles off of a barrel. They were much better at this, although it still wasn't an easy game to win, because the bottles couldn't stay on the barrel, even if you'd knocked it over. They did win some minor prizes doing this, which Troy's father and I ended up carrying for them, but they tired of doing this after a while and we moved on.
The boys seemed to be having a really good time and kept teasing each other about how they did at the various booths, but I was enjoying just watching them have so much fun together. They tried a few of the other games as well, like the water pistol that you used to get a toy horse to move on a track while competing against others, a dart game where you broke balloons and the boys also shot at targets with an air rifle. They won a few more prizes at those games and Jim was a good sport about giving them time to do all of this and for carrying the things his son won. If you asked me, I think he was having fun watching Troy acting like a kid for a while.
When the boys finally decided they'd played enough games and were ready to try some of the rides, we took the prizes they'd won and placed them in the truck. We didn't want to be holding them when we went on the rides, so we felt it was better to walk back to the parking lot and put everything inside the truck, so we could return empty-handed. It proved to be a wise decision, so now we let the boys decide which ride they wanted to go on first.
They chose the Ferris wheel, but then quickly announced that they wanted to ride with us, instead of with each other. Jim and I agreed, since this seemed important to them, so I rode with Bryce and Troy went on with his father. After we reached the top, we discovered it gave us a really good view of both the fairgrounds and the surrounding area, at least until the daylight began to fade. Up until that time and from that height, we could see quite a ways and it gave Bryce and me a good feel for the area. I found this to be a nice relaxing ride, but it also gave me a chance to be alone with Bryce for a while, so we could talk. Bryce immediately thanked me for doing all of this and for being so nice to Troy too. It was important to him that I treated Troy the same way I treated him and I was more than happy to accommodate him in this regard.
After the Ferris wheel, we went for a ride on a device called the 'Whip' next. This was a ride where you sat in a circular car that was set up on an oval track. The car would be pulled around on a conveyor system and would whip you around at both ends of the oval, since the turn was narrow and happened very quickly. This would send the people in the car crashing into the others riding behind them. The person on the backside would get the worst of this every time, so if an adult rode with any kids, then that would be the position he would want to take or he'd be straining not to crush the children.
This time, Troy wanted to ride with me, so Bryce rode with Troy's father, and Troy thought it was hilarious every time he slid across the seat and crashed into my side. Of course I knew how this ride worked in advance, so I'd taken the back position, so I didn't crush him. In fact, I got a kick out of watching Troy slide as far away from me as he could on the straight-aways, just so he'd have farther to slide and would build up more force when our bodies collided. I actually thought he might have been getting aroused from this activity, judging from the bulge in his jeans, but I didn't say anything about that. When the ride ended, we walked to the next area, where the boys chose to go on a revolving swing ride.
On this one, the rider would sit on a swing, suspended from long chains, and the swings were arranged in rows, three across. When the ride started moving, it would spin the riders around in a large circle, with the swings getting pulled outward by centrifugal force, so the riders would actually be dangling nearly sideways over the passing crowd. Every time they passed over us, we could hear the boys laughing and hooting, which told us that they were enjoying what they were doing. Jim and I were both pleased to see the boys getting along so well and having such a great time, plus he told me he was glad I had suggested doing this. We both knew that each of the boys needed more interaction with others in their own age group and to have some fun, so this allowed them do a little of both of those things now.
They went on a bunch of other rides too. Some just spun them around in circles, lifted them in the air or did both at the same time, plus they also talked us in walking through the 'Haunted House' with them too. They were having a great time, so Jim and I weren't eager to see it come to an end, as we followed them around and made sure they had enough money to do whatever they wanted.
The rest of the evening went much the same, with the boys moving back and forth from the games to the rides and then back again, but they were having a blast, no matter what they were doing. We allowed them to continue choosing what they wanted to do next, until it was time for the fair to close down for the evening, and then we rode back to their house. We had the boys ride in the cab with us this time, with Troy sitting between his father and me and I held Bryce on my lap. We had insisted on doing it this way, because it had cooled down a lot while we were at the fair and I was worried that one or both might catch a good cold riding in the open truck bed in the late night air, while doing sixty miles an hour.
When we got back to their place, we all went directly to bed and soon I could hear different levels of snoring coming from the other rooms. It was actually sort of a gentle hum coming from the boys' room and it helped put me to sleep. As I drifted off, I was mentally picturing the good time Troy and Bryce had tonight at the fair and the visual image of them laughing and joking around also helped to relax me. Even though I knew we'd be going back to the fairgrounds again, the next tine would be mainly to watch our new friends compete in the horse races, so I was glad the boys had a chance to just be kids for a night. I would have been willing to spend much more money than I had given them, just for the pleasure of seeing this happen.
The next morning, we started out with a large breakfast and then the rest of the time was a flurry of activity, as Troy and his father prepared for their big day. They packed up the things they'd need to take with them, before they loaded their horses into the horse trailer, which would be pulled behind the truck. We could see that they both looked pretty nervous about the upcoming competitions, so Bryce and I attempted to calm them down and distract them. We brought up a bunch of other topics, such as the previous evening, what we would do the following day or what types of things we could do when Troy stayed with us, but that never seemed to distract them for very long. Each time we did this, they would seem to return from these brief mental forays even more uptight than they were before, so we decided to abandon our efforts.
The trip to the fair was very quiet, because no one spoke during the last half of the ride. Troy and his father were concentrating on what they were going to be doing and Bryce and I were willing to give them their space. We did help them gather up their things and carry them over to the show-grounds, where the competitions were going to be held, but once they had everything in order, Bryce and I went to find the best seats we could in the grandstands. We wanted to be able to watch them compete and cheer them on, even though we knew they probably wouldn't hear us, but we wanted to do it anyway. Besides, these would be the first events of this type that we had ever seen in person, let alone that we would know two of the competitors.
The first event was the barrel race and each contestant was timed as he weaved his way in and out of a prescribed arrangement of barrels. This event had a great deal to do with the connection between the horse and the rider, but it was also fun to watch. Both Troy and his father did well enough to make it through the preliminary rounds and finished high enough to compete this evening for the prizes. Once the finalists were announced, Bryce and I walked down to congratulate them and they were both bursting with pride when we caught up to them.
We had some time to kill between events, so we went to grab a bite to eat and get some cold drinks, and I could hear Bryce telling Troy what an awesome job he had done. Seeing Bryce had ridden before, he was more familiar with what it took to compete like that, so he was stroking Troy's ego as best he could. Troy loved every minute of it and eagerly absorbed the compliments, as soon as they were offered, so I was proud of how Bryce was going out of his way to meet the needs of his friend, while I did the same with Jim.
When it was time for the next competition, Troy and his dad headed over to get their horses, while Bryce and I went back to our seats to watch the calf roping. If you're unfamiliar with this event, the rider has to lasso the calf and then flip it onto the ground, so he can tie its feet, and this is a timed event as well. I'm sure it wasn't as easy as some of the competitors made it seem, because we saw some of the other guys miss roping the calf, while others had trouble getting the calf on the ground, and still others had their rope come undone almost as soon as they'd tied the calf's feet, which disqualified them.
Troy and his father both did well at this too and once again advanced to the finals. Bryce and I were screaming and hollering for them while they competed and I think the people around us thought we were more than a little crazy. When the early rounds ended, they both came over and told us they could hear us above the crowd, so I think they were trying to tell us that we both had really big mouths. Anyway, they said we helped spur them on and they thanked us for the support.
Now, we had a couple of hours to kill before the evening finals, so I gave the boys another twenty each and we let them go back to play the games and take another turn on the rides. They wanted Jim and me to come with them on the rides, but Troy's father said he couldn't do that and then compete later, so he said he was going to sit this one out. Since he didn't want to go, both boys were now after me to join them, but I didn't want to leave Jim alone. However, after the boys teased me to join them, Jim told me to go ahead, because he had things to do in order to get ready for the evening competition. Since he was ok with this, I followed the boys over to the other area.
Troy and Bryce took me over to the swings first, and since the swings were three across, the boys wanted me to ride on the middle swing. They did this so they could taunt me the entire time we were going around and around, because they hoped I'd get dizzy or maybe even puke. When I didn't do either of those things, they were only slightly disappointed, but then they dragged me off, so they could torture me on the next ride.
From there, we went back to ride on the whip, and of course I was placed in the outside position, with Troy next to me and Bryce on the inside. They must have discussed this beforehand, because each time the car straightened out, they would slide away from me, so they could slam into me again as we were whipped around the next corner. They thought this was the funniest thing going, so I would let out a big 'oof' every time our bodies collided, which made them want to do it even more. They were a little sad when the ride came to an end and even wanted to go again, but I said I would only do that if I could be on the inside this time. Since neither of them wanted me slamming into them, they decided to try something else, so we went from there to the Ferris wheel next.
The boys wanted me in the middle this time, so they could both sit next to me, and once the bar was locked into place, I put my arms around their shoulders and prepared to enjoy the ride. As soon as we were halfway to the top, the boys began rocking our seat back and forth, in an attempt to scare me. The only thing they accomplished, however, was to get chewed out by the guy operating the Ferris wheel, once we got back to ground level. I laughed at them when this happened, because they were a bit embarrassed by the scolding, so they both gave me an evil glare.
For the rest of the ride, the boys settled in and enjoyed the view, but they were also trying their best to talk me into doing something with both of them again tomorrow. I told them I wasn't sure that was a good idea, since Troy's father could have easily caught us today, if he had shown up a few minutes earlier at the pond. Troy said his pa wouldn't have said anything if he did catch us, as long as Troy told him it was his idea, so they weren't about to give up trying to get me to agree. They were still pestering me when the ride ended, so I told them we'd discuss this later, as we headed to the other end of the midway, where the games were located. That seemed to work for now and they didn't say anything more about it, so I watched them play a few of the games before we headed back to meet up with Troy's father again.
By the time we got back to the show grounds, Jim was nearly frantic, because the junior finals were about ready to start and Troy wasn't back yet. I guess we hadn't realized how much time had passed while we were having fun, so Jim rushed Troy over to the officials and let them know that Troy was there. Then, Troy had to rush back to the staging area and mount up, because he was scheduled to make his run in the barrel race next, after the current participant finished.
I was a little surprised when Troy began his run, because his timing wasn't there, like it had been before, and he just wasn't clicking as well as he was earlier in the day. I realized that I was probably responsible for his poor showing, because I hadn't paid attention to the time and failed to get him back sooner, so I felt badly. Troy made his second run and did slightly better, but it was obvious at this point that he wasn't going to win any prizes in this competition.
When Troy rejoined us, I apologized and told him his poor showing was my fault, because I didn't get him back as early as I should have, but he told me that was nonsense. He said he should have been watching the time too and it was as much his fault as anyone else's. He said it was no big deal and shook it off, so he could mentally prepare himself for the calf roping.
We tried to keep Troy's dad company before it was his turn to ride, but he was the type of person that liked to be left alone, so he could concentrate and visualize what was going to happen during each event. Realizing this, we made our way back to the grandstand, and Troy came with us this time. We took our seats and waited for the senior barrel race to get underway and for Jim to take his turn.
His first run was absolutely brilliant, because Jim and the horse literally moved and reacted as one. His second run was even better and this time the pair moved like the wind. It was a sight to behold and something we'll always remember. Not only did he win that event, but he also set a new fair record time while doing so. Troy had been whooping and hollering like he was imitating the rebel battle cry during the race, and now he repeated it when it was announced that his father had won. It was really neat to see him this excited and I'm certain his father appreciated every note he uttered.
While they were taking the barrels out and getting ready for the calf roping, Troy went back to mount up. We were all holding our breath when he came out the first time, but he was on fire. It might have been due to the fact that he was so psyched about how his father had done or because he was trying to make up for his earlier disappointment. No matter the reason, Troy roped the calf, had it down and tied up very quickly, so we were all pretty sure he'd have one of the best times. His second run wasn't quite as good, although it still wasn't bad, but he finished as runner-up for the junior division in calf roping.
His father gave him a big hug when it was over, just to let him know he'd done well, and the only one to beat him was a boy three years older than himself and in his last year in the junior division. Bryce and I congratulated him too, with Bruce patting him on the back and I shook his hand so vigorously that he told me his arm was beginning to get sore. Once I let him go, Troy said he was thrilled he had done well in at least one of his events, but soon it would be his father's turn to shine.
We thought now Troy's father would be even more cranked up for the calf roping, because of how Troy had done, along with his triumph in the barrel race, but maybe he was a little too pumped up. He came out and tossed his lasso at the calf's head, but part of it hung up on the calf's snout and stayed there, so the calf was able to shake it off before it could be taken down. That was a major mistake, one he would not be able to overcome, although his second run was nearly perfect. He didn't let it get him down though, because he was still soaring high from the barrel race win, and he and his son each had something to be proud of.
Once all of the events were over, we loaded the horses into the trailer, threw their gear in the back of the truck and then headed back to their house. It was a fun ride and we joked around the entire way. We really hammed it up when we teased them about the mistakes they had made during their runs, in an effort to turn their disasters into comedy routines, and we all had some good laughs over it. It was also great to see they didn't take themselves too seriously and could actually see the humor in what had happened.
I think the boys must have planned to mess around a little in their room that night before they went to sleep, even though neither did or said anything that would have confirmed this. Possibly it was just my suspicious mind that made me think something was going to happen, although there would have been nothing wrong if they did that, but they were both just a little too happy and excited when they went off to Troy's room that evening. I figured they'd probably need a little action to help them calm down after everything that had happened earlier or else they might not be able to sleep. Whatever they did, it must have worked, because both of them were sound asleep when I peeked in on them around midnight.
Chapter 22 Simple Pleasures
Saturday morning, I mentioned we should probably leave and continue our trip, but Bryce didn't want to go yet. Troy's father told us we were welcome to stay longer, but I told him I thought we had already taken advantage of their hospitality, although Jim insisted that wasn't the case. Troy begged us to stay for just one more day, so I was still weighing this over in my mind when Jim announced that he had to run some errands later, so he'd be gone for most of the afternoon. He told us he'd like to have us stay longer, so after thinking about this some more and listening to the boys beg me to give in, I told Jim we would stay one more day, but only if I could take them out to dinner later. He eyed me for a few seconds, but then he smiled and agreed. This sent Bryce and Troy jumping around and whooping it up, which told us that they were happy with this decision too.
Right away Troy and Bryce started to pester me about riding out to the pond and going swimming again. I didn't respond right away, but I had a pretty good idea what they had in mind. Jim told us we should do that while he was gone and then we could come back to the house afterward and change, so we'd be ready to go out for dinner. If only he knew what the boys wanted to do out at the pond, then I wonder if he would be as supportive of their little scheme.
We helped them do some of their chores until lunchtime, and then after we ate, Jim went to clean up and change. As soon as he left the house, Bryce and Troy ran out to saddle the horses, so we could head out to the pond and do our thing. They were acting even more strangely than normal and kept whispering to each other, before glancing over at me, so I wasn't sure what they were up to. I figured they must have something up their sleeves, but I guessed I'd just have to wait until they stripped down to go swimming before I'd find out what that was.
They continued glancing over at me as we rode out to the pond, and whenever I noticed them doing this, they would smile at me and then turn forward and refocus on the trail ahead. I noticed they also seemed to be passing more secrets between themselves, so I figured whatever they were up to must be pretty involved this time. Without warning, the boys suddenly urged their horses to increase their pace to a trot, rather than continuing at a cantor, and my mount instinctively did the same, so we weren't left behind.
When we reached our destination, the boys hopped off and secured their horses, undressed and were in the pond in a flash, almost as if their lives depended on getting into the water. Once I joined them, their games began. Bryce swam up to me and got me to focus on him, and then suddenly I felt Troy behind me, reaching between my legs and stroking my limp cock, trying to bring it to life. When I spun around to confront him about this, Bryce moved in from the other side and did the same thing. Now, I knew they wanted to do something sexual again, but I didn't know what to expect next. That's when Troy came up from the side and started to rub his groin against my leg, and when I turned my head to say something to him about this, he moved his head forward quickly and began to kiss me.
Bryce was laughing when Troy started doing this and acted as if it was the most comical thing he had ever witnessed. Then, he approached me from the other side and quickly began to do hump my other leg while he kissed me on the cheek and neck, because Troy was still attached to my mouth. Both boys continued to hump my legs, like two horny dogs, but I still didn't know where this was leading or how I should react without hurting their feelings. What had these two cooked up for me this afternoon?
Troy was frantically pressing his tongue against my lips, but I still hadn't opened them to accommodate his efforts, because I was taking my time to consider just how far I should let this go. About this same time, Troy reached down and squeezed my nuts, just enough to hurt a little, and this caused me to open my mouth slightly. It also allowed him to slip his tongue inside and he became very aggressive, as he used his tongue to explore my mouth. Doing this got him all hot and bothered, and it was having a similar effect on me, but it was Bryce who suggested our next move.
"Come on, Uncle Kyle. Let's go up on the grass and have some fun," he suggested.
He looked hopeful, but I was still a bit dubious. These two had me all worked up as well and they were just like two powerful magnets that kept drawing me toward them. A minute later, they were dragging me up on the shore and that's when I found out what they had planned.
"Uncle Kyle, I told Troy last night that I'd let him make love to me today," Bryce announced. "He's never fucked anyone before, so I told him you'd have to show him how to loosen me up first, so he doesn't rip me apart with that big hog of his."
"Well, are you're sure you can handle that much?" I asked, concerned.
"Yeah, I know I can, as long as I get stretched out first," he assured me.
Troy was standing there listening to our conversation, while shifting his weight uneasily from one foot to the other. He was eager for this new experience to begin and was worried that I was going to talk Bryce out of it.
"Ok, if you're positive," I agreed, while at the same time wondering if Bryce truly realized what he was getting into.
"Man, you two are so cool," Troy told us, once he'd heard my response. "I didn't think a man and a boy could be so open about all of this stuff."
"Well, we do have a special relationship," I confessed. "Now, did you boys prepare for this and bring any lube?"
"Oh, yeah," Bryce quickly agreed. "Troy put the bag with it on his saddle when we were getting the horses ready,"
Hearing Bryce tell me this, Troy ran over to his horse and grabbed a small plastic bag that was attached to his saddle horn. I hadn't noticed it before and wondered how I'd missed seeing it as we rode out here.
Troy quickly extracted a bottle of hand lotion from the bag, which I take it was the best he had to offer. This made me wonder why Bryce hadn't run up to the bedroom I was using and grabbed out lube out of my backpack, but maybe he was afraid of having me see him do that. As soon as Troy handed the plastic container to me, I told Bryce to lie down and I used the lotion to grease up my fingers, so I could begin to stretch him. Troy was very intent on watching what I was doing, but he was also amazed by how Bryce adjusted to first one, then two and finally three of my fingers. Since Troy was so large and thick, I even added a fourth finger to the mix, because I wanted to make certain he didn't hurt my boy.
Troy was not only amazed that Bryce could handle so many fingers, but he was even more surprised that Bryce seemed to be enjoying it and not experiencing any discomfort from what I was doing. When I thought Bryce was ready, I had him get on all fours and then I had Troy move into position behind him. I gave Troy's penis a few quick swipes, as I added some of the hand lotion to it, and he merely looked over at me and grinned, as he allowed me to do whatever I wanted with his penis.
I had only agreed to allow this to happen bareback for two reasons. One, Troy was a virgin and had never done anything like this before, so I was fairly certain he didn't have any diseases. Second, Bryce had been tested and all of the tests had come back clean, so I wasn't worried about him either. Therefore, I wasn't concerned about allowing this to happen.
I told Troy to go slowly and just allow his cockhead to enter first and then stop. After that happened, he was to wait for Bryce to tell him to continue before he went any further. I explained that after Bryce gave him the go ahead, he was to slowly push his way in further, but I cautioned him to allow Bryce time to adjust to it from time to time, as he moved deeper and deeper inside of him. Once he was completely buried inside of Bryce I made him wait momentarily, before he was given the ok to begin.
While Troy was waiting for Bryce to adjust, I slid under Bryce, so I could suck him and he could suck me. When Bryce gave Troy the go ahead, there was a sudden flurry of activity. While I sucked on Bryce, I was also able watch Troy's massive dick slide in and out of Bryce's rectum, but Bryce seemed to be handling him quite well. I hoped this wouldn't spoil it for me later, either with Bryce wanting something bigger than my dick or by stretching Bryce out so it wouldn't be as pleasurable for me any longer. If I had thought about it, I'd have realized that wouldn't happen, since the sphincter is quite elastic and would adjust back to its original size fairly quickly, plus Bryce had the ability to tighten his rectal muscles, so they would grip my penis when we made love.
Troy was an extremely vocal lover and made many sounds while having sex, so I guess we'll have to be careful about where we are when we do things like this in the future. He was really getting the hang of it now and I could tell he was enjoying this enormously, but I knew Bryce was enjoying it too. Even though his mouth was full with my penis, I could still tell by his little grunts, coos and sighs that it was good for him as well, and my sucking on his love muscle was probably only adding to that pleasure.
At this point, Troy was really grunting and panting, as he banged Bryce's butt with machinegun like rhythm. I could tell he was getting close to blowing his wad and I thought Bryce was getting close too, from this dual stimulation, but I could also feel my own blood coming to a boil, as all my senses were being stimulated simultaneously. Troy was the first to bust a nut and he filled Bryce with a sizeable load, and then Bryce fed me his boy cream, just before I filled his gullet with my love juices. We continued to milk each other dry, and when we were completely drained, we collapsed in a tangled heap, right where we were.
As I lay there between these two beautiful boys, I just couldn't get over how wonderful and sexually open they were with me and realized I was extremely lucky to have them in my life. About that time, Bryce rolled over and spoke.
"Thank you, Uncle Kyle," he said, in almost a whisper. "I knew you wouldn't let us down."
"Yeah, thanks, Uncle Kyle," Troy echoed. "You don't mind if I call you Uncle Kyle now, do you?"
I merely shook my head in response and that was enough for him.
"Man, I love you both so much," he added. "Thank you for letting me do this with you guys. It was incredible."
We lay there on the grass and discussed things further, until eventually the boys wanted to get back into the pond. This time, we just swam and floated, but did nothing too strenuous, as we just relaxed and enjoyed this wonderful treat. After about an hour in the water, we got back out and lay on the grass again, and that's when Troy unexpectedly made another announcement.
"I've decided, something," he said, looking first at me and then at Bryce. "I want both of you to do that to me now."
Bryce and I were totally astounded by his offer, so we just stared at him momentarily, unable to respond.
"That's a really big step, Troy," I eventually told him. "Are you sure you want to try that?"
"Yeah, I do," he confirmed. "Bryce seemed to really like it, and if he can take my dick, I should be able to handle both of yours."
I looked at him kind of funny and this made Troy turn red.
"Oh, man. I didn't mean it to sound like I was saying you're small or anything like that," he confessed, totally embarrassed now.
"It's ok," I shot back. "We didn't take offense from it, but we certainly are small compared to you. Are you sure you want to do this though?"
"Yes, I really do," he reiterated. "I've thought it over and totally want to try it."
Bryce and I just looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders, and concluded he was old enough to make his own decisions.
"Well, I'll stretch you out a bit with my fingers first and you can see how that feels to you," I offered. "If you're ok with that, then I'll let Bryce go first, since he's not as big as I am yet. Is that all right with you?"
Troy didn't say a word and merely nodded his head vigorously, so I picked up the bottle of hand lotion, squeezed a big glob of it onto my hand and rubbed it around my fingers. Then, I told Troy to get on all fours beside me and he quickly did as I requested. Gently, I slid my middle finger up and down the crack of his ass and circled it around his virgin pucker. When he didn't complain about that, I firmly, but carefully, began to push it in. He didn't even flinch as that first digit entered him and only let out a little grunt as I slid it in, but then he began to moan as I stroked his prostate with that finger.
I played with it for a brief time, before withdrawing my finger, but then I added a second finger with it, but this time he groaned a little louder when I pushed them in. I asked him if he was all right and he said he was, so I twisted the fingers around carefully, before I used both fingers to massage his prostate again. He seemed to be really enjoying this, so I continued giving him that stimulation, but suddenly he cried out, arched his back and deposited his cum on the ground beneath him.
"Man, how'd you do that?" he asked, once he had recovered. "You made me shoot and you never even touched my dick."
Bryce immediately began to explain to him about the prostate, while I now added a third finger to his chute. This time, I felt him wince and heard him give a little 'ow' as I did it, so I paused and gave him time to adjust. I talked to him as I did this, but finally he told me to keep going, so I finished stretching him out. When he was ready, I sucked on Bryce for a second, to get him good and hard, and then I lubed him up, before he moved in behind Troy and slid his pecker into Troy's love tunnel. He did it basically in one continuous effort, since I'd stretched Troy enough to make it go in fairly easily.
Once he was all the way in, Troy told him how good it felt and Bryce agreed with him, so now Bryce started to pump his hips back and forth, affectionately making love to Troy's ass. He was quite vigorous in his attempt and went faster than he usually did with me, so I guessed he was a little worked up knowing he was the very first one to do this to his new friend. I couldn't distinguish who made which little grunts, groans or moans as they continued, but it was obvious they were both enjoying this experience. When Bryce finally shot his load inside of Troy, both boys collapsed, with Bryce lying on top of Troy, with his cock still implanted in Troy's love channel.
I gave both boys time to recuperate and then Troy made Bryce get off him, so he could get back on his hands and knees.
"Thanks, Troy," Bryce told him, as he moved off his friend. "That was really awesome."
"I thought so too and it was much better than I would have guessed, prior to you guys coming here and showing me all of this stuff," he agreed. "Ok, Uncle Kyle. It's your turn now."
"Maybe you should take it easy for a while," I suggested.
"No! I don't need to rest," Troy replied.
"Are you sure?" I challenged. "Maybe we should leave this until another time."
"No, I want to do it now," Troy reiterated.
"Are you positive? You might get sore doing both of us like this for your first time," I warned.
"Nah, I feel great," he assured me. "I'm positive I want to do this now, so go ahead."
Since he was insistent, I added a little hand lotion to my penis, even knowing he was lubed already, both from the hand lotion I used earlier and now with Bryce's spunk too. I understood I had to take my time entering him, since I was larger than Bryce and Troy might be a little tender.
"Troy, push out a little when Uncle Kyle starts to enter you," Bryce advised him. "Do it almost like you're getting ready to take a dump."
Troy did as Bryce had advised him and I gradually slid my helmet past his muscular ring. This elicited a little grunt from him as it popped inside, so I asked him if he wanted me to stop. He didn't hesitate and told me to keep going, so I slowly inched more and more of my penis inside of him. When I knew my pubic hairs were scratching his butt cheeks, I hesitated again, to give him time to get ready for me to continue.
Once he gave me the go ahead, I began using a very slow rhythm and gingerly pounded his ass. I kept both my hands on his hips, so I could pull him back to meet my forward thrusts, and then use them to push him away again, as I withdrew. He finally caught on to what I was doing and started to do it on his own, which impressed me with how quickly he picked that up. Now, I began to hump him with a steady rhythm, using long strokes, and wondered if he might be getting a little sore, maybe even raw, from all of the friction.
I was about to ask him, when I heard him moan in enjoyment, and since he definitely wasn't whimpering in pain, I kept going. As I proceeded, I continually increased my pace and tried to make sure I was using the right angle for my penis to glance off his prostate. When I realized I was getting very close, I sped up considerably, as I readied myself to make a deposit in his love vault. When the first strands of semen left my dick and coated his interior, Troy began sighing, as if he was really enjoying what was happening, so this only encouraged me to finish him off. Once he took everything I had to give him, he collapsed beneath me, totally exhausted.
As soon as I recovered, I flipped Troy over on his back and gave him a very passionate kiss, before I slid down his body and lifted his legs to his chest, so I could use my tongue to clean him out and soothe his reddened ring. I think he was a little shocked when I began doing this, but he didn't try to stop me, and a few seconds later I started to hear him moan, as my tongue glided all around the exterior and occasionally darted in and out of his opening. Once again, he was enjoying my efforts, as I slowly licked out all of the cum that was leaking back out of his hole, and when I finished, I helped him put his legs down again, so he could rest. To my surprise, he didn't do that for very long.
"Oh, wow. That was totally awesome," he began to gush. "Man, you guys are so cool and I can't wait to stay at your place with you."
Bryce and I both told him that we couldn't wait for that to happen either, but we reminded him that this had to be our little secret or else no one would be seeing me again for a very long time. Well, that is except for Billy Bubba in prison who'd be looking for a new ass to screw, and let me assure you the thought of that situation didn't turn me on at all. No way, no how!
Once we had all regained our wits about us, we dressed and headed back to the house, knowing Troy's father would be back soon and we'd be leaving for dinner. When we got there, we cleaned up quickly and were dressed before he got home, so as soon as he returned, he hurried inside, took a quick shower and got ready to join us. I had already asked Troy what the nicest restaurant in the area was and he'd told me, so I suggested we go there. Of course his father put up a small fuss when he discovered where I'd planned to take them and said it was too expensive, but I prevailed and that's where we went.
It was a nice meal and we all enjoyed what we had, and we even shared a little of our entrees with each other, so we could each taste some of the other selections as well. I also talked them into having dessert afterward, and then I paid the bill, tipped the waiter and we left.
"Wow, Uncle Kyle, that was really great!" Troy told me, as we heading out of the restaurant.
His father heard his comment and looked at his son oddly, and I knew what he was thinking. I was going to say something, but then decided to let him bring it up instead and he did, once we were seated in his truck.
"Uncle Kyle?" Jim asked, looking at his son, once we were inside.
"Sorry, Pa, I should have asked you if you'd mind if I did that," Troy confessed, "but I've just had such a great time being with him that I didn't feel right just calling him Kyle, and Mr. Loomis seemed too formal."
His father merely grinned after hearing his son's apology.
"I don't have a problem with you doing that," he assured his son. "I was just a little surprised, is all. I can see that you've grown very fond of both of them and I guess I have too. I'm really glad to know you'll be staying with them during the times I have to go away, because I know you'll be in good hands and will enjoy being there."
"I sure will, Pa, and thanks," Troy agreed.
It was a quiet ride on the way back, since we were all stuffed, relaxed and maybe even a little drowsy, so Troy leaned up against me and let his hand touch, and sometimes stroke, my outer thigh as he did so. I hoped his father didn't notice this, since I didn't know how I would explain this away, but I understood that Troy was just trying to thank me for our earlier session.
When we got to their house, we sat and talked for a while, before we all went to our rooms to get some sleep. Bryce and I had agreed to join them for church in the morning and then take off from there. About an hour after I got in bed, I heard my door to my room open and Bryce and Troy came in, each going to a different side of the bed and sliding in beside me. I told them this wasn't a good idea, since Troy's father might discover us this way, but they assured me they'd go back to Troy's room before dawn, so no one would be the wiser. They each put their heads on my breast, and I wrapped my arms around their shoulders and it didn't take long before we were all asleep. I'm not sure what time they left, but one of them must have awakened and then woke the other one up, so they could go back to their own room. All I knew was that they were both gone by the time I got up.
When I went downstairs, I found our host in the kitchen, preparing breakfast, so I gave him a hand, before going back upstairs to wake up the boys. They each gave me a big hug and a kiss, after they rubbed the sleep from their eyes, and Troy told us he'd miss us both when we were gone. I told him we'd be seeing each other again, so it wouldn't be a permanent separation, and I thought he could wait that long. We all had a big breakfast and filled up for the road, before we put our bikes and gear in the back of the truck, while we all rode in the cab. They took us to their church and introduced us to a few of their friends, before we entered and took our seats.
It was a typical rural church, which consisted of a wooden building with four stained glass windows on each side, and there might have been forty or fifty people sitting in the pews. The minister gave his sermon, which focused on the violence in the Middle East and how it fit into Biblical prophecy. When he finished, we sang the final hymn, received the final benediction and then got up to leave.
Of course, our hosts had to introduce us to the minister on the way out and told him we were friends who had come to visit them during the fair. The minister thanked us for coming to church with them and then welcomed us to return in the future. We told him we probably would and then we left. We went out to the truck and pulled the bikes out first, stood them up next to the truck and then Bryce and I quickly shed our good clothing and got ready to leave. We had worn our traveling outfits beneath our church clothes today, so we just packed the other things away, put our packs on our backs and said good-bye to our new friends.
"Bye Uncle Kyle and Bryce," Troy offered, while appearing to get a little choked up. "I can't wait until I see you again, so be careful going home."
"We will and we'll both miss you too," I replied, before Bryce and I each gave him a hug.
"Thanks for your hospitality, Jim," I told his father, while shaking his hand. "I'm glad we met you and were able to spend so much time together."
"I enjoyed it too and I look forward to seeing you again," he agreed. "I'll keep in touch, but I also insist that you come back again next year, so we can all go to the fair again. I'm sure next time Troy and I will do even better in the horse competitions."
"I look forward to it," I confirmed, and then Bryce went up to him and gave him a big hug.
As soon as that hug ended, we hopped at our bikes and slowly began to pedal down the road. I had already planned the rest of our route, which meant we would continue on this road for a few more days, before catching a crossroad and then circling back along a different route to get back home.
We had been pedaling for a couple of hours when two pit bulls came rushing out from a farm we'd passed along the way and began to chase after us. I yelled at Bryce to take off, while I cut in front of the dogs and tried to keep them from getting to Bryce. One dog tried to bite my leg, so I kicked him in the head and slowed him down, but it also nearly caused me to lose my balance and crash in the process. I knew if that happened, then I'd end up being dog food for these two vicious animals, so I did my best to correct the problem and keep going.
During the time I was floundering, the other dog had gone around me and was now chasing after Bryce again, so I started pedaling like hell and eventually caught up with it. As I pulled even with the dog, I kicked it in the side and sent it tumbling over the hard pavement. With a renewed surge of energy, I sped up again and eventually caught up to Bryce. I kept telling him to keep going, while I occasionally glanced over my shoulder to see where the dogs were. When I saw that they had given up, I told Bryce we could stop and take a quick breather.
As I watched him come to a stop, I could see he was trembling slightly, so I went over to reassure him that everything was fine. He said he'd been really scared for me, not for himself, because he was afraid those dogs were going to maul me. I told him we'd just have to keep our eyes open from now on, in case we ran across other animals along the way, but I informed him we should be fine for the rest of the trip and nothing more should happen. He gave me a weak smile, as we got back on our bikes and continued on our way.
The rest of our trip was fairly uneventful. Basically, we just enjoyed the ride, the scenery and our nights together. Bryce did talk about Troy a great deal during the rest of our journey and he also filled me in on some of the other things they talked about and did, and I could tell he felt a strong bond with his new friend. We didn't do anything with each other for the next couple of nights, other than for Bryce to sit on my lap and maybe give me a fatherly kiss every now and then, but we also cuddled while we slept. I thought maybe he had decided to concentrate on kids his own age now, rather than wanting to be my lover, and that didn't really bother me. I thought it was great that he had decided to focus on his peers, although I knew I would miss the lovemaking sessions we had previously enjoyed together. I'd never, however, force him to save himself just for me.
On our third night after leaving Troy and his father, things suddenly changed again, but I wasn't sure why. We had just finished dinner and gone back to our room, when I found something to watch on television and sat in a chair to relax. Bryce came over to sit with me, which wasn't unusual, since he had also done this during the previous two nights, but this time he began to kiss me and worked his tongue over the surface of my lips, before he slipped it into my mouth.
I was surprised when he did this, but I didn't resist his efforts, and now he began to wiggle his butt on my lap and began to stimulate my previously neglected organ. It wasn't long before he had me totally aroused, so he reached down and straightened it in my trousers for me and then positioned himself again, so it was riding up through the crack in his butt cheeks. He only had on a pair of shorts, and I wasn't even sure if he was wearing any underwear beneath them, so I was getting very excited.
Bryce now took one of my hands and placed it over the bulge in the front of his shorts, to let me know what he wanted from me. I began to massage his penis through the fabric, although he was already totally hard, and we continued doing this until he pulled his mouth from over mine, so he could tell me to push his shorts down. I did as he requested and discovered the little devil definitely was not wearing any underwear, so now I began to stroke him. I made sure that I played with the flange of his penis and let my thumb run over the slit in the tip, so Bryce was squirming in my lap now, while enjoying this stimulation. He even began to buck a little, but then he looked at me and made his desires known.
"That feels good, Uncle Kyle, but I don't want to cum that way," he informed me. "I want you to make love to me tonight."
"Are you sure?" I asked. "You don't have to do this for me you know."
"You don't want to make love?" he asked, looking mildly shocked.
"It's not that, Bryce, but if you'd prefer to wait for someone your own age, then I'll understand," I suggested,
I had a feeling he was currently doing this more for me than for himself, because I suspected that he had enjoyed his time with Troy more than he realized. After I told him this, he looked even more shocked than before.
"No way! You're the one for me," he announced, with a very serious expression replacing his previously shocked look. "If you're talking about Troy, then yes, I did have fun with him, but you're the one I want to be with, now and forever."
"Bryce, why would you want me over some cute stud?" I pressed.
"Don't give me that. You're awesome too, Uncle Kyle, just in a more manly way," he explained. "I not only love you, but I feel safe with you and know that I will always want to be with you. I don't want you to think that will ever change either. Ok?"
"Hey, if that's what you want and you're positive, then why would I object?" I reasoned. "I mean, actually hearing you say this, I now feel like the luckiest guy on earth. How can I be so fortunate to have a hottie like you want someone like me?"
Hearing me say this, he spun around and hugged me, while planting sweet little kisses all over my face. Damn, this kid is just so hot and he turns me on so much that he could probably get me to do almost anything for him.
"Uncle Kyle, I really want you to make love to me again. Please?" he pleaded.
"Well, what did you have in mind?" I asked.
He gave me a wicked little grin before he responded.
"Anything, as long as it's with you," he replied.
"Ok, sport. If that's what you want," I agreed, "but I'm going to put you in charge tonight."
"What do you mean, Uncle Kyle?" he asked, slightly confused.
"You'll see, little man. You'll see," I promised.
He jumped off my lap and kicked his shorts off quickly, so I began to remove my own garments as well. Once I was naked, I got on the bed, so I could lie on my back, and then I told Bryce that he was going to sit on me and do it at his own pace. I think he kind of liked this idea, because he could also bend down and kiss me whenever he wanted, but I lubed him up and stretched him a little first.
To do this, I had him straddle my chest and lower his butt toward my face, so I could lube and stretch him, while he greased up my pole and made sure it was completely hard. After we had completed those tasks, Bryce got up, moved down my body and squatted over my stiff mast. Slowly, he lower himself down and let me penis enter him. Then, he put his shins on the mattress and used his legs to piston himself up and down on me, which brought me more pleasure than I could have ever imagined.
This kid knew exactly what it took to please me and that's precisely what he did, but I didn't want to be a passive partner, so I tried to help by thrusting my hips up and down, to match his movements. I could tell that Bryce was really enjoying this as well, because he moaned and sighed continually, but he would also make a sort of a little cooing sound whenever he could manage to get my dick to graze his prostate. He would also use those wonderful little hands of his to tweak my nipples and stroke my chest, which showed me he was also concerned with giving me pleasure and this was more than just for his enjoyment.
I was in heaven now, because he was also constricting his rectal muscles every time he rocked upward and then he relaxed them again as he lowered himself back down. This action had a similar effect as a milking machine suctioning on the teats of a cow and now I began to feel my juices beginning to boil, as the fires ignited in my loins. Those wonderful feelings were now also beginning to radiate outward and began to overwhelm nearly every nerve in my body.
I was still trying to match Bryce's movements, but my senses were on total overload at this point, so I made a multitude of herky-jerky movements, which did little to improve on what Bryce was doing to me. Realizing the futility of my efforts and beginning to feel as if I had been covered in starch or quick-drying cement, my body began to stiffen, as my cream rose to the top.
At this point, it felt as if an earthquake started to rumble from inside, as my body began to tremble, which in turn created a giant tidal wave behind it. It washed up from my scrotum and surged up the tubes in my engorged penis, before it flooded Bryce's love cavern and drowned the fires that had previously consumed us. Bryce suddenly collapsed and fell forward upon my chest, as he planted his mouth firmly over mine. He then began to kiss me passionately, as his way of thanking me for filling him up with my love. In response, I wrapped my arms around him and took over the role of aggressor in this activity, as I slipped my tongue into his mouth and let it glide all about his own.
As I kissed my young partner, I realized that he hadn't had a chance to get off, because I never felt his juices spraying over my body. Since I didn't want him to miss out on enjoying his own pleasure, I encouraged him to slide up my chest and straddle my head, so I could suck him off. He was eager to comply, since I was convinced he was seeking his own measure of relief at this point. As soon he was within reach, I flicked out my tongue and began to run it all over and around his turgid member, and this elicited a few little gurgles from Bryce's throat. This showed me that he found the attention satisfactory, so I reached out and grabbed a butt cheek in each hand, so I could pull him forward, until his penis was completely within my mouth.
Slowly, I began to encourage him to thrust his hips back and forth, to let him know that he could take control, if he so desired. Eventually, he took over, supplied the momentum and set the pace, so I let one of my hands slip between his legs, so I could roll his little marbles between my fingers. He moaned when I did this, which told me he was enjoying the additional stimulation, but I could also tell from his increased pace that he was nearing the finish line.
Within seconds, I began to feel his love muscle expand and pulse a few times, as he forced it as deeply into my throat as it would go. Now, he emptied his nuts into my oral cavity and filled me with his sweet nectar, which I loved so much. This signaled me to begin sucking on his fleshy straw, as I attempted to drain the remaining droplets from that now highly sensitive tube. He placed his hands on my head, as a sign that he couldn't take any more stimulation, so I let his penis slip from my lips. Nearly as soon as that happened, his tongue quickly replaced it, so I kissed him some more. After a few more minutes of doing this, I pulled him beside me on the bed and cuddled with him, but I also stroked his body, until he fell asleep from utter exhaustion.
I just lie there and stared at him for a while, as I watched his chest rise and fall with each gentle breath he took. During this time, I noticed a few rays of moonlight filtering into the room and dancing off his clear, golden flesh and thought how truly handsome he was. I also realized how incredibly lucky I was to have him, how I never wanted to lose him and how I'd praised God every day for bringing him into my life. Very few people ever find this kind of happiness, let alone stumbles upon it when and where they least expect to find it, as I did. I eventually feel asleep, but my mind remained filled with these wonderful thoughts until I awoke again.
The next day, we rode our bikes until well after our normal lunchtime, before we found a little village to stop in. They had a small community restaurant, so we pulled in there to eat. While we were enjoying our meal, we overheard several people discussing a band concert that was going to be held on their old-fashioned village green later that evening, and this was going to be followed by a fireworks display, in honor of Founder's Day. It was a big deal for the community, even though few outsiders ever attended, but I thought it might be a nice change of pace for us.
I talked this over with Bryce and he agreed it sounded as if it might be fun, so after we finished our meal, we went to look for a place to stay, because we didn't want to worry about doing that later. It didn't take us very long to find the local hotel/tavern, which had probably been there since the community was founded, but they had rooms available. The owners had done some remodeling since the hotel/tavern was originally built and had taken out the middle room in each block of three. They split this room in half and turned it into bathrooms and extra closet space for the rooms on either side of it. This way, they could tear out the closet in the old room and make that room larger, so it was more in line with what people were accustomed to today.
The room we were given wasn't bad, and the rates were fairly cheap, so we would be fine here. It was on the third floor, which was the top floor in this case, but fortunately they had also added an elevator shaft onto the end of the building, so we didn't have to walk up to the top floor. I even joked with Bryce that we had been given the penthouse suite, but he didn't understand the humor in my comment, so I chose to let it drop. After we took out some clean clothes and enjoyed a quick shower, alone this time - believe it or not. We then got dressed and walked down to the village green, which was only a little over a block away, and it was really a rather pleasant place to just sit and relax.
It was obvious the community had tried to maintain the village's original flavor and flair over the years, so not only had they done their best to keep the fronts of the buildings as close to original as possible, they also kept the old village green from being used for more buildings or parking spaces. They had maintained the façade of the bandstand extremely well, because other than the way the people were dressed and the vehicles that passed by, it probably didn't look much different than it had a century earlier.
The band was comprised of a collection of local musicians, which included teachers and church musicians among others, but they did a very admirable job and presented a well-rounded assemblage of tunes. They did it in sort of a timeline fashion, beginning with a couple of light, fast moving classical pieces, then they moved up to a couple of songs that were popular in the 1890's (when this village was founded) before they played a few ragtime numbers from the beginning of the twentieth century.
They followed this up with some blues selections and a handful of Dixieland songs, and then they did some big band numbers from the 30's and 40's, before striking up some 50's rock and roll music. After that, they played a vast selection of popular, country, and rock and roll numbers from the 60's to the present, but then their appreciative audience called upon them to do three encores, as their way of letting them know they had enjoyed their efforts tremendously.
Bryce enjoyed most of the concert, although he liked some parts of it more than others, but he was very good and didn't complain about being here. I was quite impressed that he did his best to appreciate each of these new musical genres as they were highlighted, but he seemed to enjoy it best once the band began to play the 50s rock and roll music. From that point on, he seemed to like most of the numbers they played, especially when they played songs he was familiar with.
By the time the concert ended, it was quite dark out and the fireworks were set off. It was a very good assortment of aerial fireworks and Bryce enjoyed this much more than the concert. The vibrations from the exploding fireworks would ripple through our bodies and made it difficult to breathe at times, and Bryce occasionally plugged his ears, to protect them from being assaulted by the more forceful sound waves from some of the louder explosions. After the last of the fireworks had been set off, Bryce and I went back to our room and then stayed there for the rest of the night.
Bryce couldn't seem to stop talking about the evening once we were alone, even after we got into bed. He asked me a variety of questions about some of the music we'd heard, before ranting about the fireworks we had seen. It was really neat to see him so excited about such simple pleasures and he was so wrapped up in these topics that he never once mentioned anything about sex. After he had unwound and we finished the discussion about what we had seen, we got into bed, with him resting his head against my shoulder and chest, before we both journeyed into dreamland.
Chapter 23 The End of Our Summer Adventure
The next morning, we got on our bikes and took off again, but this time I had a definite destination in mind. It was something I had read about on a poster during our last stop and Bryce could tell I obviously had something in mind, because I kept trying to hurry him. From that point on, he tried to get me to tell him where we were heading next, but I refused. I also set a hectic pace once we began our journey, although I didn't explain why, but I knew we had to do this so we'd get there in plenty of time to find a room first. We were traveling much faster now than we had most of the time we'd been biking, except for when we were being chased by the pit bulls, so he wanted to know why we were doing this, but I still wouldn't give in.
Bryce continued to pester me as we rode along, with his curiosity getting the better of him, but I still wouldn't tell him what he wanted to know. This drove him absolutely nuts, but the only information I would share was that he'd have to wait and see what I had planned. This merely made him more determined to get the information out of me, but since I continued to refuse to give in, he eventually managed to get his curiosity under control. Before he did, however, he muttered something about patience and I knew what he was referring to, but I figured he'd be fine, even though he was slightly annoyed.
Just before noontime, we found a place where we could buy subs, so we stopped, got what we wanted and then added a couple of drinks each and took it all with us to eat later. While riding along, we came upon a lovely meadow, which was surrounded by a heavy wooden rail fence, and I talked Bryce into stopping there and having a picnic lunch. We took the subs and drinks out of our backpacks, but left the backpacks with our belongings in them beside our bikes, as we climbed through the rails of the fence. We selected a nice shady spot under a large, old tree, which was situated off to one end of the meadow, and made ourselves comfortable, as we prepared to fill our bellies.
After we finished eating, we talked for a bit, before Bryce got playful and began punching me in the arm, while chastising me for not telling him where we were going next. Our horseplay soon turned into a wrestling match, when Bryce jumped on me and tried to pin my body to the ground, so I began to tickle him, as my way of gaining the upper hand again. We were having a good time and laughing a lot, then we heard something that sounded like a snort, and it came from nearby. When we looked up, we noticed a large bull eyeing us and digging at the dirt with its front hoof. We had no idea where it had come from, because we hadn't noticed it anywhere around before, but then it began to trot in our direction.
We immediately started to panic and tried to hide behind the tree, since we assumed it was about to charge, but we quickly realized there was no way we would be able to avoid it forever. Making a hasty decision, I told Bryce I'd distract the bull by going one way, and then he was to head in the other direction and get on the other side of the fence. As I started to take off, the bull quickly began to follow me, in hot pursuit, and then I heard Bryce shout.
"Uncle Kyle, take off that red shirt!" he urged.
I had completely forgotten that I had put on a candy-apple red t-shirt when I got dressed this morning, so our wrestling around must have made my shirt look like a bullfighter's cape swaying tauntingly in front of our uninvited guest. Now, it seemed to still be chasing after that noticeable object, so I began to take the shirt off as I ran. My frantic race away from Bryce gave him an opportunity to slip away, so he was able to race across the field and leap over the fence.
As I was attempting to slip the t-shirt over my head, I was also worrying about the bull getting close and having to avoid its horns, but I finally managed to take it off and then I threw the shirt over my shoulder and toward the bull. It took the bait and went after my red shirt, instead of me, so I turned in the direction where Bryce was waiting for me and made a hasty retreat. I wasn't sure if the bull had started following me again, since I didn't want to slow do to look behind me, so I ran like hell, until I was able to scramble through the rails of the wooden fence.
Once I was on the other side, I looked up and saw Bryce laughing at me. I'd expected a different reaction, since I thought he might have had either a frightened or relieved expression to greet me with. Instead, he was in stitches laughing at my hasty retreat, and even though the whole thing must have looked rather comical, he could have at least shown SOME concern about my near death experience. I was slightly annoyed by his antics, although relieved the bull was still on the other side of the fence, but I chose to bite my tongue, rather than get upset with him.
By the time Bryce had regained his composure and stopped laughing, I had caught my breath and calmed down a little as well. I probably should have also changed my undershorts after that close call with El Toro, but I was suddenly more concerned about being shirtless, even though I wasn't sure why. I even thought about going back to retrieve my t-shirt, but then I looked toward the meadow and saw the bull had done a number on it. Between using its horn and hooves on it, the shirt was no longer salvageable, so I dug through my pack, pulled out another shirt and put it on.
While I was doing that, Bryce confided in me about how scared that little episode had made him and admitted he was terrified when he first saw the bull. He was even afraid the bull was following him and still on his tail as he booked out of the pasture and dove over the fence. He also confessed that even though he was out of harm's way at that point, he still couldn't relax until he saw me scramble safely away from the bull and dive through the fence too. He then tried to explain to me that he was really worried about me, but seeing me running like that, while frantically trying to remove my shirt, was just too funny. Then, when I threw the shirt over my shoulder, so the bull would chase it instead of me, he told me the look on my face from that point on was just so comical that he'd totally lost it.
He continued to retell his version of the story of my dash to freedom several more times, and he embellished it more and more with each rendering. I could tell he was doing this merely as a release valve for himself, so it would help him forget about how truly dangerous our situation had actually been, but I had to admit he was even making me laugh. Since I didn't want him to get away with making fun of me, I decided to get even with him and began poking him in his ribs, tousling his hair and punching him playfully in the arm. He took that as a signal to resume our previous wrestling match, so now he did his best to tackle me again, but this time with that heavy, wooden, rail fence safely separating us from the local four-legged resident.
Once we finished this playful interaction, we slipped on our backpacks, got back on our bikes and started to pedal off once again. Bryce immediately began trying to wheedle the identity of our intended destination out of me again, but I continued to ignore his attempts. Instead, I directed the discussion to other topics and he continued to pedal rapidly behind me, as we hustled to reach the next city, which was our intended destination.
We were already traveling on the crossroad that connected our first route, where we had met Troy and his father, to the one we'd be taking to get home. Our next destination was where those two roads crossed, so when we got there, I began looking around until I found a place for us to stay. After we were in our room, we hurriedly cleaned up and got changed, but Bryce continued to pester me about what we were going to do here.
"Bryce, can't you just enjoy something without having to know beforehand what it will be?" I asked.
"Not really," he answered. "I can't stand not knowing what I'm going to do next or what I'm going to get."
"Even at Christmas?" I challenged. "You mean you don't enjoy your Christmas presents unless you know what they are before you open them?"
Bryce looked at me momentarily, and his expression told me I might have said something inappropriate, which was confirmed when he spoke.
"I've never got much for Christmas before," he informed me, "so I guess I never thought about it."
Hearing his answer made me feel badly now. I had unintentionally uncovered another sore spot for him - one that he'd obviously been trying to forget. Without realizing it at the time, I was adding salt to the wound, after accidentally picking away at the scab. I hoped I would be able to make this up to him in the future, although I'd also try to make him feel better about things right now.
"Well, your Christmases will be better from now on, I promise," I told him. "I'll make certain you have plenty of presents to open every year, but there is something you'll need to do for me first."
"What's that, Uncle Kyle?" he wondered.
"You've got to learn to ride the waves, roll with the punches and take the unexpected surprises that life throws your way and try to enjoy them," I suggested, while referring to his inability to cope with surprises like this. "You can't possibly know everything in advance, so I want you to take what life gives you and then do your best to make the most of each of those situations."
"Is this a class on clichés or is this the patience thing again?" he asked, sarcastically.
After saying this, he gave me a disgusted look, which reminded me of all the times I had tried to teach him this same lesson.
"And what do you know about clichés? " I shot back, surprised by his use of the term.
"I learned about them in school, but answer my question," he demanded. "Is this the patience thing again?"
"Maybe a little, but it has more to do with how you react to unknown situations," I told him. "Have you ever heard the old expression that says, if life gives you lemons, then use them to make lemonade?"
"I guess, but I don't exactly know what it's supposed to mean," he confessed.
"Well, it means you can take the lemons and eat them as they are and put up with their bitter taste," I began, "or you can squeeze the juice out of them, add some water and a little sugar to make something sweet and enjoyable that you would appreciate more."
"I'm still not sure I understand," he admitted.
"Bryce, what I'm trying to tell you is this. There are many ways to look at things that happen to you in life and you have the option to do one of two things. You can dwell on the negative aspects, be miserable and believe everything that happens to you is bad, OR you can take whatever happens and try to find something positive about it and use that to make it into something better. That is like taking lemons, which you probably wouldn't enjoy in their natural state, or you can use them to make lemonade, which you probably would appreciate more."
"But you can't do that with everything, can you?" he wondered.
"I think you can," I offered. "It might be a challenge to figure it out, but I think you can turn nearly any negative into a positive, if you try hard enough. In fact, I think you've actually done that for most of your life without even realizing it, except when it comes to surprises."
"How did I do that?" he challenged.
"You found something positive in everything that happened to you and used it to your advantage," I answered.
"How did I do that? A lot of awful things happened to me," he countered, "so how do you think I made something positive come out of all of that?"
"Well, let's see. Let's break this down into smaller increments," I suggested. "You started off with a troubled life with your mother, but you didn't let that get you down and used it to learn how to be more independent and take care of yourself. Them Maury came along, and although you didn't like what he did to you, you learned how to stand up for yourself, which you did when you reported what he was doing, got him arrested and had him put in jail. You then had some rough foster placements, but you learned to make new friends in each situation. I think your activities there also helped you to realize you were gay, but it also gave you a chance to discover how to enjoy sex, even after what Maury did to you. After all the partners you've had and the things you've done, you probably know as much about sex as I do."
He looked at my face and thought about what I'd said for a minute, before he nodded.
"Ok, how about the foster home where the guy made me sleep in a closet and thought I was taking everything away from his kids?"
"Well, actually he taught you how to persevere, work hard and plan ahead, since you were wise enough to save up your money for future emergencies," I offered. "It also sharpened your ability to be independent and self-supporting. It was due to the way that he treated you that you learned how to take care of yourself and find ways to make your own money. That also helped you survive on the streets before I found you."
Again, he looked at me and nodded, conceding another point.
"Ok, but how about having to live with Big John and having sex with all those guys? How can that be good?"
I put my arm around his shoulders now, knowing that this would be a delicate topic to address.
"Bryce, I'm sure not all of that was good or enjoyable, but it was through that experience that you made two great friends, in Cam and Steve, and it gave you boys a way to make money when you were on your own. Besides, if you hadn't ended up at the farm and decided to run away when things started to fall apart, then I would never have run into you and you wouldn't have ended up coming to live with me."
He looked at me thoughtfully and nodded, but I almost lost him again, when his thoughts began to wonder to how Cam and Steve were doing.
"Besides that," I added, to draw his attention back to me, "being there also helped you learn that you could be attracted to older guys, meaning someone like me. You also learned how to meet my needs, both sexual and otherwise, and it actually made it so we can enjoy what we are doing now. It might have been hard to endure being at each of those places, but you made the most of those experiences. If you hadn't done that, then you probably wouldn't have come on to me and done the things you did after we first met?"
He thought about this for a few seconds more, before he answered.
"I guess not," he admitted, "because I don't think I ever thought about having sex with anyone except boys my age before I went to live with Big John."
"So, do you regret the things we've done together?" I pressed.
"No way! Not at all!" he stated, emphatically.
"Well, if you hadn't gone to Big John's, that would probably have never happened either," I suggested. "You would probably have associated me with being more like Maury and then stayed away from me. So do you think all of that was bad now?"
"Ok, I see what you mean and I'll try to do that from now on," he agreed. "I promise I'll try not to keep asking what we're going to be doing all the time from now on."
"Well, that's only part of it, but I'll take that as a good start," I replied. "Just remember, I love to surprise and do things for you, and I know you'll enjoy those things more if you're not so worried about what will happen next. I know WHY you are like that, because it's a result of all the bad things that have happened in the past, but if you can learn to look for the brighter side of things, then you'll enjoy life a lot more."
Having made my point, we finished cleaning up and changing, and then we walked to the next surprise I had in store for him. I was taking him to see a minor league baseball game. I had seen a flyer advertising that this team was going to be playing its parent organization today, which meant there would be players here from the major leagues. I wasn't naďve enough to think that all of their big league stars would be playing, because some of them wouldn't want to risk injury in a game such as this, but it would be a chance for Bryce to see some major leaguers, even though they weren't the cream of the crop. He'd also get to see some of the minor league players who could turn out to be the stars of the future.
Bryce had once told me that he had never gone to many athletic events before, with the exception of some school games, and he had mentioned on a couple of occasions that he thought it would be a neat thing to do. When I saw the poster telling of this opportunity, I just knew I had to take him to see this. I loved the expression on his face when he realized what I was up to, after he saw we were heading toward the stadium. His eyes lit up, his face glowed and this huge grin quickly spread from one ear to the other. Then he turned to me, and spoke.
"Are we going in there?" he wondered, amazed.
I nodded and his grin grew even wider, before he asked me if it was going to be a baseball game and who was playing. Once I told him the situation, he got even more excited, since he thought he might get to see some really famous ballplayers.
Once we were in the stadium, I bought Bryce a program, as a souvenir, and then we went to take our seats. We quickly noticed a small group of kids milling around the visitors dugout, so I assumed they were talking to the major league players and possibly getting autographs. Since I thought that was a good idea. I urged Bryce to take his program and run over there, so he could join in on what they were doing, but then he turned to ask if I wasn't coming too. I told him I'd keep our seats while he went and did his thing, because doing that was more for the younger fans, than older people like myself. He thanked me and took off, and soon I saw him handing his program to different ballplayers and receiving their autographs, which I assumed he would treasure for many years to come.
He did that for about forty minutes, before the players told the kids that they had to get ready for the game, and then he came strutting back to his seat, his chest puffed out and his face radiating with pride over his recent acquisitions. The first thing he did was to show me his prized keepsake, while telling me about each player that had signed it for him. He told me he learned this information from both the ballplayers themselves, as well as from some of the other kids that were there. He almost made it sound as if each of them was destined for the Hall of Fame, although I think he knew that probably wasn't going to happen.
We talked about this for several minutes and we even looked in the program and discussed the statistics for each of the players he had told me about. Once we finished doing that, then I asked him if he was ready to eat. After I mentioned this, he decided that he WAS hungry, so I asked him what he'd like for a hasty dinner and told him they'd have pizza, hamburgers and hot dogs. Once he settled on something, I went to the concession stand to place our order.
I left Bryce to guard our seats this time and to watch the players warm-up, while I did the legwork. When I came back to rejoin him, he started to tell me whom I should watch and whom he thought looked special, as I gave him his food. Then, we continued to talk while we ate, and we finished our food just prior to the first pitch being thrown.
During the game, I also bought us each a large, soft pretzel and an ice cream from the vendors, and we also shared a bag of popcorn. I also bought us each another drink, so there was no way he should have been hungry by the time we left there.
It was a pretty good game, because the minor leaguers played their best to defeat their more famous counterparts, so there wasn't any lack of hustle on their part. The big leaguers ended up winning, but only because of a couple of powerful blasts that not only went over the outfield fences, but also cleared nearly everything else in that area. Bryce couldn't believe how anyone could hit a ball that far and kept ranting about the homeruns over and over again, even long after nearly everyone else had forgotten about them.
When the game ended, we walked back to our room, full from the ballpark cuisine and excited about the game we had witnessed. Bryce kept talking about various aspects of the game, while also asking me a barrage of questions about different things and raving about some of the players we'd seen. He had truly enjoyed himself, which pleased me immensely.
When it started to grow late, I suggested we should get some sleep, because we'd be back on the bikes tomorrow. We got into bed and Bryce cuddled up against me, but every few seconds he would lift his head off my chest and start talking about something else that happened at the ballpark. Finally, he began to give in to his weariness and I thought he was nearly asleep, when he lifted his head, kissed me on the cheek and made another comment.
"Uncle Kyle, thank you for earlier today," he offered. "You risked your life to save me from that bull. That was very brave of you and I really love you a lot."
"Oh, our escape wasn't that dramatic," I countered.
"Yes, it was," he insisted. "You had the bull chase after you, so I could get away. Oh, Uncle Kyle, I love you so much for doing that for me and for everything else too."
"And I love you too, little man," I concurred, "but I still don't think it was that big of a deal."
"Yes, it was," he reiterated. "You even had to take your shirt off and throw it away so the bull would chase it and not you. You're the only person who ever did anything like that for me. Even though I had a couple of foster mothers who were nice to me, you're the only one who has ever thought about me first, before yourself."
"Well, you are my boy now," I acknowledged, "and my responsibility."
"I know, but my mother and foster fathers would never have done anything like that for me," he pointed out.
"Well, in my book you come first," I admitted. "That's just the way it is, but it's not a big deal. I do it because I love you."
"And I love you too, Uncle Kyle. Thank you for being so special and for treating me so well," he gushed. "I love you more than I have ever loved anyone before or ever will."
We hugged and kissed a little after he told me this and then we cuddled a while, before Bryce drifted off, safely in my arms.
The next morning, Bryce began to talk about everything from the previous night again. His monologue began before breakfast and continued throughout our meal, but he even carried on as we were getting ready to leave. Finally, we began our last leg home and in a few days our bike adventure would be over.
This time, we were following a different route and the new scenery was quite different and very refreshing. Sure, there were still fields and streams along the way, but this route wasn't quite as flat as the first series of roads we'd followed. This route took us up gently rolling hills, nothing too steep though, and then let us coast back down the other side and into the flatter areas that lay in between. This meant it was a little harder pedaling, at least as we traveled up the slopes, but not having to pedal down the opposite side more than made up for the extra work it took us to get to the top of each of those little hills.
These roads were also more rural, with fewer villages and towns in between, so there was less vehicular traffic too. This allowed us to ride side by side for longer distances, plus we also encountered some wildlife along the way. During that time, we either came across or had to dodge a variety of squirrels, rabbits, an opossum, a woodchuck and even a couple of deer. At one point we also saw a skunk up ahead, so we pulled over and waited for it to get to the other side of the roadway, since we didn't want to tempt getting sprayed if we passed too close by and frightened it. Bryce thought it was neat to see so many different animals up close and personal like this, so after each occurrence he would talk about what he had just seen. His innocent delight in encountering nature out in the open this way was refreshing, especially since his innocence in other areas had long ago been ripped from him, which placed this in sharp contrast to his worldly self.
We continued traveling on like this for a few days, and sometimes we even had to continue riding after dark to reach a place to stay for the night. This was sometimes scary, because we worried about what types of wildlife we might encounter during that time, but nothing ever happened. Now, we were finally heading into the last little community we would pass before we reached the house, so I decided to stop here, because I knew we still had quite a ways to go before getting home. This meant we would spend just one more night sleeping somewhere else, because tomorrow we should be sleeping in our own bed again.
We found a small country motel on the outer edge of this village, which was merely a collection of small cabins, but none of the cabins had its own plumbing. There was a common restroom/bathing facility, with one side for the males and another for the females, which we'd have to use. Seeing it didn't look as if there were many, if any, other guests here, we didn't think this would be so bad, plus there didn't seem to be any other choices. After checking in, we took our things to the room, which only had a double bed and a dresser in it, but it was clean and would serve nicely for one evening.
After we got settled in, we went to shower next. Once we got cleaned up and changed, I went back to the office and inquired about a place to eat. The owner told me his wife would fix meals for us, for a price, or we could go to a small dinner that was about another mile down the road, on the other end of the village. Bryce and I decided to have his wife fix our meal for us, because we didn't feel up to riding any more today, so he told us what our choices were. He said his wife had fixed a large pot roast for the family, with mashed potatoes and corn, so we could have that with them or she could fix us something else, once they were finished eating.
We decided the pot roast sounded good, plus we didn't feel like waiting, so we told him we'd have that. He then asked if we wanted it to eat in our room or if we cared to join them in their home. After talking it over with Bryce, we decided it might be fun to join them, and the owner seemed pleased we had chosen that option. He checked with his wife, to see when the food would be ready, and then he told us dinner would be served in about a half hour. We told him we'd come back and then went back to our cabin quickly, just to sit and relax a bit.
When we returned, the owner put out a sign directing anyone needing help to push the buzzer he had on the counter, which I figured went into his house, and then he led us to their dining room. The table was set for six, so I concluded that they either had children or two other guests would be joining us. Soon a young girl about Bryce's age, and a younger boy, probably three or four years younger than the other two, entered and took their seats. The owner then introduced us to his family, before he began to pass the various dishes around the table, so we could fill our plates. As we did this, his daughter began to ask us questions.
"Is he your son?" she wanted to know.
"No, he's my nephew," I answered.
"Oh, and what are you guys doing out here?" she asked next.
"We've been taking a bike trip," I informed her. "We rode our bikes from my home, stopped at a bunch of different places along the way and now we're heading back home."
"Wow, that sounds like fun," she stated, enthusiastically.
"It has been," Bryce told her. "We met a guy and his son and rode horses with them, and then they took us to the county fair. We also went to a band concert, saw a fire-works display and we even attended a baseball game. We also got chased by a bull, when we went into the pasture to have a picnic lunch, but we didn't know it was a pasture at the time."
"Wow, that sounds scary," the girl added.
"It was, kind of," Bryce told her. "Uncle Kyle was wearing a red shirt and he had to take it off and throw it away so we could get out of there.
"Neat," the little brother added, "that must have been wild."
We merely nodded, since we weren't sure about how we should respond to his comment.
"How old are you?" the girl asked Bryce.
"I'm almost 13," he replied.
"Really? Me too," she gushed, while eyeing Bryce. "I'll be thirteen in October."
"I turn thirteen in September," he clarified.
Hearing this, she gave Bryce a huge grin and I could tell she had an interest in him. I was just as certain her feelings would not be returned, but I didn't think Bryce had caught on to this fact yet and just thought she was being friendly.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked, very directly.
Now, I think Bryce began to get her drift and figured out what she wanted.
"Uh, no, not yet," he told her, as he turned away shyly.
However, she wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily.
"Why not?" she demanded.
"Uh, well, I just came to live with Uncle Kyle, so I don't know many people yet," he responded.
I was impressed by how quickly he had come up with his answer, without letting her know he was gay.
"Where do you live?" she followed, looking at him hopefully.
I decided to take over now and told her the area we lived in. I was actually hoping the distance would dissuade her designs on Bryce, but this didn't discourage her at all.
"Well, that's not so far away," she told him.
He didn't respond, so she continued to try to find out more about him.
"Why did you come to live with your uncle?" she asked now. "Did something happen to your parents?"
"Sort of," I interrupted again. "They had some problems they needed to deal with, so Bryce came to live with me. It now appears as if he might be staying with me for a while longer."
"Yeah, and I love being with my Uncle Kyle. He's a lot of fun," Bryce added.
After he said this, he turned and looked in my direction, while flashing me a big smile.
"Well, I think you two look and act more like father and son," she told Bryce. "I'm glad you have someone you can go to like that."
"Me too," Bryce added.
The girl continued her interrogation throughout dinner and even asked Bryce if he wanted to go for a walk after they finished eating. Bryce politely turned her down, by explaining that he was tired from riding his bike all day long, so he wanted to get some rest, because we were going to be riding the last leg home tomorrow. Reluctantly, she honored his wishes, although we could all tell she was very disappointed by his response. After dessert, Bryce and I went back to our room and I could tell he was relieved to get away from there.
"Man, she sure was nosy and real pushy, wasn't she, Uncle Kyle?" he asked, as soon as we were alone.
"Well, I think she likes you," I replied. "She might even have a crush on you,"
He made a face when he heard this.
"Guess it sucks to be her then, doesn't it?" he added sarcastically. "I don't need no stinking girlfriend. I don't even like girls."
"Well, maybe you will some day," I offered. "Don't you think you might?"
"Never! I just want to be with you and be your lover," he confirmed.
"Well, maybe some day you'll have sex with a girl and discover you like doing that better," I challenged.
"Unt uh. They don't have nothing to shove up my butt, and that's what I like the best," he pointed out.
I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so I didn't say anything.
"In fact, Uncle Kyle, I think it's time for me to practice my horse riding again," he stated, flashing me a playful grin.
I wasn't sure how to respond to this, since I didn't know exactly what he meant by it, but he soon explained his intentions to me.
"You know, I almost rode the horse naked the second day we were with Troy, so I could sit on the saddle-horn," he added, with a semi-evil grin.
"Why would you want to do that?" I asked, still confused.
"So it would be up my butt, and when the horse bounced me up and down, then it would be like having your dick up my butt," he clarified.
After saying this, he looked at me and laughed, like he thought it was extremely funny.
"I think that would have been really painful," I challenged.
"Nah, it would have been fun," he countered. "I'll show you."
After saying that, he pushed me onto the bed and began to remove my pants. When I began to object, he told me just to relax and not to worry about what he was doing. Seeing I normally let Bryce win most of these arguments anyway, I let him do what he wanted to me, so before long he had me naked, and then took off his own clothes, before he began sucking on my cock to get it hard. Once I was erect, he grabbed some lube and got us both ready, before he jumped up, straddled my mast and then sat on it. After doing that, he began to bounce up and down on it, like he was riding a horse, and then he began to yell, 'yee-ha,' and started bouncing on me even faster.
It was really kind of comical watching him do this, because he was making it seem as if he was busting a bronco or riding a wild Brahma bull. I soon lost my concentration on watching him doing this, however, because my bodily senses were becoming overwhelmed by Bryce's experienced actions. Every nerve in my body was tingling, my groin was on fire and my breathing was forced. I could also hear the beat of my heart, as the blood pulsed through my eardrums, and his movements were even beginning to blur my vision. I hadn't requested this, hell I hadn't even hinted at such a thing, and yet here he was giving me the ultimate pleasure once again.
Bryce seemed to be enjoying himself too, so I was convinced he wasn't doing this just for my pleasure, but knowing that didn't make it feel any less wonderful. I'm not sure what there was about this that made him enjoy it so much, but he evidently did, so as long as he liked what he was doing, I wasn't about to interfere with his decision. If I thought he was doing this just to please me, I might have looked at it a bit differently, but there was no way I could have done that after seeing the joy radiating from his face.
Bryce continued to ride me and rocked up and down on my erection, but now he was also beginning to pant, although I didn't think this was being caused by the physical exertion. Bryce was riding me harder and faster now, going like a man possessed, but suddenly he dropped all the way down on my root, arched his back and shot his streams of cum all over my body. When he did this, his rectal muscles tightened and squeezed my dick, which pushed me over the edge and sent my wad spurting up into his body. I could feel it leaking out of him too and slowly oozing back down the length of my penis, as gravity took a hold of it, so before long, it was forming a pool around my pubes, as my cock slowly wilted back to its flaccid state.
Bryce had collapsed onto my chest after we had both ejaculated, so his cum now formed sort of a seal between our bodies, as we both just lay there and recuperated, since we were totally spent from the wonderful experience that we had just participated in. After I had come back to my senses, I rolled Bryce off my chest and onto the bed, and then I went and grabbed the towels we had used earlier to dry ourselves after our shower. They were still damp and did the job quite nicely, and then I tossed them onto the floor again, once I had completed that task. After that had been done, I got back into bed, next to Bryce, and soon he was cuddling up against me, ready for sleep.
We completed the final leg of our trip and reached home the following day. We took one more day after that to rest up, but now that we were back home again, it didn't take us long to get back into our regular routine. I went into work for a couple of days, just to make sure things were running smoothly, and I was amazed what the great job my office manager had done in my absence. I praised her efforts and took her out to lunch that first afternoon, but I also picked up a small gift to give her, in appreciation of the great job she had done.
She asked me all about our trip, so I told her what a great time we had and how well we'd bonded on that expedition, and she seemed pleased that everything had gone so well. I also explained to her that since she did such a fantastic job, I would now feel free to take more time off over the remainder of the summer, so Bryce wouldn't be completely alone for the entire time. She told me that would be fine and that she enjoyed her new responsibilities, so I told her she'd be getting another raise before Christmas. This announcement seemed to please her even more, so I knew things were cool on that front.
I also checked in with my lawyer about where things stood on the legal front. He told me everything concerning Bryce had been taken care of and that his old school records had been forwarded to our local school district. When I inquired about the other matters I had asked him to take care of, he said they were also nearly completed and there were only a couple of small issues that still needed to be resolved. I thanked him for all of his effort, and then he also asked how Bryce was doing, so I told him about our little trip.
My lawyer seemed to think the bike trip had been a great idea and he was pleased to see that I was making time to do things just for Bryce. Then, he informed me that this was one of the most rewarding cases he had ever worked on and explained that things didn't always work out this well or go this smoothly. He said it was seldom that both parties were satisfied with the outcome of these cases, but then he added that he could tell that both Bryce and I were enjoying this new arrangement. He then added that he wished all of his cases would end this well. I thanked him again for his help, his encouragement and his well wishes, and then I told him I'd keep in touch, to let him know how Bryce was doing and to check on the progress of those other matters.
Now, my attention turned back to Bryce and I tried to think of other things we could do together. Even though Bryce had never considered himself as being overly athletic, he still seemed to enjoy participating in those types of activities, so it gave me an idea. He said he had never really taken part in any sports before he came to live with me, mostly because he changed schools so often. He did seem to enjoy trying different things, however, as long as there wasn't any pressure put on him to participate and he wasn't expected to succeed at superhuman levels.
In an effort to find something more we could do together, I decided to take Bryce to the driving range, so I could teach him how to hit a golf ball. I also took him to the local tennis courts and gave him a few introductory lessons on how to play tennis. When I first presented these ideas to him, he seemed interested, but not overly enthusiastic, so I told him he didn't have to do this, if he preferred not to. That's when he told me he didn't mind doing those things, especially since we'd be doing them together, but he just didn't want to disappoint me if he didn't do well. Once I explained to him that these activities were just for fun and to give us something else we could enjoy doing with each other, he suddenly got much more excited about participating.
Even if his natural ability wasn't exactly honed for these activities, Bryce worked very hard and seemed to enjoy the time we spent working on his skills for these two sports. What he lacked in talent, he more than made up for it with the enormous amount of effort he put forth in trying to do the best that he could. When I thought he might be getting frustrated with his progress, I asked him if he'd just like to forget about doing these types of things, to which he replied with a resounding 'NO!' He informed me that he really was having fun, plus he also liked the fact that I was the one teaching him what to do. He explained that the thing he liked most was that it allowed the two of us to be alone even more and then he proclaimed that he didn't care what we did, as long as we did it with each other. I knew what he meant and how he felt, because it was exactly how I looked at this too. I knew I was willing to do anything, as long as it included Bryce.
Chapter 24 It's Only Just Begun
Over the days that followed, I continued to work on perfecting Bryce's skills at both golf and tennis. I told him that once I felt he was ready, I'd take him golfing with me and we'd also play tennis against each other, before I let him compete against someone else. He liked that idea a lot, so he worked very hard to improve even more, so after just a couple of weeks, I thought he was ready to try something new.
We began with a tennis match of sorts, but I kept the volleys at medium force when I returned them to him, to give him time to adjust to the real competitive nature of the sport. I also tried to hit the balls to a spot where I thought he could reach them without too much effort, so he wouldn't have to work so hard to begin with, because I didn't want him to get discouraged about not doing well and then give up. I thought a little early success might spur him to do even better and he really blossomed under this approach and returned many of my volleys successfully, but he also began to understand and enjoy the game. Once he built up some confidence in his ability, he started to get very competitive with me and made me struggle to get to some of his returns, but I was relishing how much he seemed to be enjoying himself during these times.
A few days later, I took him to one of the easier golf courses in the area and we played nine holes together. Again, his skills were still very rough and he found this much different than just hitting a bucket of balls at the driving range, but his competitive nature wouldn't let him give up and this drove him to try to beat me. I just loved to see that fire and fight in him, because I knew that utilizing those instincts had helped him to survive all of the ordeals he had faced before I'd found him, but they would also serve in well in the future, after he began working and started his career. He'd always want to do better than anyone else, but it's not the type of obsession that would drive him to distraction, only to succeed. I also knew he wouldn't resort to using any unethical tricks or dirty tactics to do this, because he also had a strong sense of fairness, but his desire to be the very best would cause him to work twice as hard as anyone else and propel him to the top of any field in which he chose to work.
As Bryce's birthday grew closer, so did the start of school. This concerned Bryce a bit, because I knew he was apprehensive about how he'd fit in at his new school and how the other students were going to accept him. To allay his fears, I took him to the school, not only to walk him around and show him where things were, but we'd also stopped anyone else we met along the way, from teachers, to other school employees and even some of the students that were there for various reasons, so we could introduce ourselves to them. We would then talk to these people for a brief time, after telling them that Bryce would be attending school there, and then we'd explain a little about his fictional background.
We'd also try to get to know a little bit about each of them too, so Bryce could see that he wouldn't be so out of place there. After visiting with them for a brief time, we'd thank them for being so nice, exchange our good-byes and then acknowledge that we hoped to see more of them in the future. This seemed to help ease Bryce's apprehensions about his first day and he even made a few new acquaintances in his age group using this approach, but it was still too early for him to consider them to be his friends, at least not yet.
Even though we continued our golf and tennis outings, I spent some of my time trying to plan a birthday party for Bryce. I knew he had never really had a chance to enjoy any birthday celebrations in the past, so I wanted to make this something he would always remember. The problem was, whom I would invite? Other than our lawyer, my office manager and Troy and his father, he really didn't know many other people. I suppose I could also invite those new acquaintances he had made when we toured the school grounds, but I had to think this over first. I didn't want this party to be a dud for his new friends, seeing it would be an older crowd, and I didn't want to risk them using that to make fun of Bryce or pick on him because of it. I would do my best to make this party memorable for him, and I certainly didn't want this to end poorly and then wind up discouraging or depressing him. Finally, I came upon what I thought to be a perfect solution, especially after talking to my lawyer and inviting him to join us.
As the first day of school approached, even I began to get a little anxious and apprehensive about how Bryce would do there. I remembered him telling me about how rough his first days, weeks and even months had been at some of the other schools he had attended, so I didn't want this experience to mirror any of those. In order to make this transition easier for him, I decided to invite a couple of the young boys he'd met on our tour of the school to join us on a trip to the mall, the Saturday before school began.
I was planning use this trip to buy Bryce some new clothes to begin school with and I thought these boys might give us an idea of what types of things would make him fit in better. I also told each of the boys that we'd go out to eat afterward and then I'd take them to see a movie or do something else fun, like going bowling or visiting the miniature golf course. The two boys accepted my offer and one even asked if I'd mind if his mother joined us, so she could do some back to school shopping for him at the same time. When I told him that would be fine, we finalized our plans for the trip and this was one more thing that might help make Bryce's transition easier.
I picked everyone up that Saturday, around 10 a.m., and I let the mother sit up front with me, while putting the three rambunctious boys in the back. This would give me time to get to know the boy's mother, while the boys got to know each other better. We asked Bryce's new friends for suggestions about the best stores to shop at for school clothes and they gave us the names of a couple of places that they told us had 'really neat stuff.' Since this was what I needed to know, I agreed to take them there, so we could see what they had. The other boys were thrilled that I had agreed to their suggestion and the one boy's mother seemed ok with the idea too.
The mother and I stood back and chatted a bit while the boys checked out the different displays of pants and shirts, and then they called us over to show us this one particular shirt they had found and were crazy about. I told them each to select one and this would be my treat, so they all picked out a similar shirt, although each of them wanted it in a different color, and then I had the boys choose a pair of pants to go with it. They each selected a pair of the same style jeans, and after we had them try them on, to make sure they fit, I put them with the things I would pay for. Now, these three boys had something else in common.
After purchasing the outfits for them, it seemed to make this outing even more special for Bryce, plus it also seemed to make the other boys feel closer to him. The mother did protest slightly when I first suggested I wanted to do this, until I explained that I wouldn't take 'no' for an answer and that I could more than afford to do this. Seeing I seemed determined, she politely thanked me and then had her son thank me too, as did the other boy.
After a couple of hours of working our way through those two stores, we had picked out several outfits for Bryce and the mother and her son had nearly as many. I also bought another outfit for the other boy and then I treated everyone to lunch. The mall had a nice restaurant in it, as opposed to all the fast-food places in the food court, and we went in and had an enjoyable meal together. This also gave the mother and I more time to talk, while the boys discussed their new acquisitions and the pair filled Bryce in about what his new school was like.
While the boys were chatting, I told the mother quietly about Bryce's upcoming birthday and asked if she'd mind if I invited her son to join us. I explained it would be a sleepover for the boys, if they wanted, but I also added that no presents would be required. I even offered for them to come visit us first, so she could see what our home was like, and she didn't hesitate in stating that she thought her son would love to attend the party, especially after seeing how the two of them had been getting along with each other so far. She also insisted that her son would bring a present with him and she'd have him select something appropriate to give Bryce. I didn't argue the point, seeing she had already bowed to my wishes on several other issues, so there would be one more attending.
After this had been agreed to, I asked her how well she knew the other boy's parents. When she told me she knew them fairly well, I asked if she'd mind letting the other boy and his parents know that he was invited too, since I felt they'd be more receptive to the idea if they knew she was allowing her son to do this. She told me she'd be glad to do that for us and I was pleased that I'd found boys Bryce's age to attend his party as well. Now that those arrangements had been taken care of, we finished our meal and went off to shop at another store.
This time we went to a shoe store, where I purchased a pair of athletic shoes, a pair of casual shoes and a pair of hiking boots for Bryce. This would give him some choices to go with his clothing, depending on weather conditions, and he seemed pleased with those selections. I also bought each of the boys a baseball cap and allowed them to choose one with their favorite team's logo on it.
After that, I gave the boys a choice. We could either go to a movie or play miniature golf. They decided there was one particular movie they all wanted to see, so after I got the other boy's mother to agree this was an acceptable option, we took our packages out to the car, locked everything in the trunk and then we went back inside to the cinema complex. I allowed the boys to get drinks and bought a couple of tubs of popcorn we could all share, and then we went in and took our seats, as we waited for the movie to begin.
I don't think the mother was overly thrilled about seeing the movie, since it was one of the Twilight sagas, but she did confess she was glad I'd agreed to do this, since her son had been begging her to take him to it. She didn't want to have to bring him to see it by herself, and since her husband refused to take him to see it or even attend it with them as a family, this worked out fine. I was glad that it was also something she approved of.
We stopped by our place on the way home and gave them a quick tour, and then we took them back to their homes. Bryce and I told the boys they were welcome to come visit us at any time, as long as they had their parents' approval. I merely asked them to call in advance to make certain that we didn't have other plans and Bryce eagerly gave them our home phone number. The mother seemed impressed after she saw the house and where we lived, since it was in one of the better parts of town, so I figured she'd probably agree to let her son come over in the future.
When we got back after dropping them off, Bryce thanked me for everything, particularly for buying those few items for his 'new friends,' as he put it, and he told me it made him feel good that we did something nice for them too. I made sure to explain to him that I wasn't trying to buy him friends, but it was just my habit to be generous and I enjoyed treating others. He assured me that he understood this and that his friends did too. He also told me it certainly didn't hurt his chances of them being his friends now either, since they were also quite pleased with the things they'd got and impressed that I'd do it for them.
When the first day of school arrived, I held my breath all day long, as I waited to see how he made out. I even left work early, so I would be home when Bryce got there. He came in the door all smiles and in a very upbeat mood, and he quickly told me that he got along really well at school, especially with his new friends, because they had helped him make several more friends as well. He also announced that he wanted to try out for the school football team. When I questioned him about this, he informed me that some of the boys his new friends had introduced him to were all going to play, so he wanted to join them.
I began to question him about this and Bryce told me that he knew a little about football, but the other boys has assured him they'd help him if he wanted to join. Not only that, but this was just a seventh and eighth grade team, so the boys would all be in his age group or younger. After I heard that, I explained to him that if he went out for the team, then I expected him to stick it out until the end of the season, since I didn't have any respect for people who joined something, only to quit later. I informed him that it didn't matter if he discovered that he didn't really enjoy playing, because he would still have to stay on the team and do his best until the entire season ended. The only exception would be if he were injured, but either way he could re-evaluate the situation again the following year, to see whether he still wanted to play. He said he understood what I was telling him, so we left it like that.
He later confirmed that he still wanted to play football and informed me the physicals for late sign-ups would be given the next afternoon and practices would start after that. He then handed me a permission slip that I needed to sign for him to do this. Since he was determined, I told him we'd have to go to the mall again, this time to buy him a pair of football cleats and a jockstrap, one that would also hold a protective cup. He chuckled when I mentioned the jock and said he knew I'd worry about that part of his body, but I told him we would also be buying him a mouthpiece, as well as elbow and kneepads, so it wasn't just his lovely genitals I was so concerned about. He laughed again, as we got into the car and headed to the mall. Once we got there, we quickly found and purchased the various items he needed, including a couple of oversized jerseys that were large enough to accommodate his shoulder pads, so he could wear them during practice.
The rest of that week went very well for Bryce and he made even more friends. He also enjoyed his classes and most of his teachers, but he really liked being on the football team with his new buds, especially since it meant he got to see all of them in the shower afterward. I soon heard stories from his newest friends about how Bryce was always the first one in the shower, but the last one out, so they thought he was the slowest kid in school. However, I knew what he was up to, because it gave him time to check everyone else out. He certainly wasn't dumb.
The following Saturday was when I'd scheduled his party and it was to begin around 3:00 p.m. and be a sleepover for the boys. I had some games planned for the kids to play, and then I'd feed them. I was having pizza delivered and I'd bring out some other goodies too, to make sure they got full. After that, we'd have the cake and ice cream and I'd let Bryce open his presents. Later, after the adults had left, I would take the boys to watch the high school football team's first game, as I had promised. After we'd return to our place after the game, the boys could camp out in the rec room for the night and then I'd take them home the following morning, after feeding them breakfast. Everyone thought this was a great idea, including their parents, so I think we were all looking forward to it.
Around 2:00, I noticed the first of our guests pull into the driveway. It was my lawyer, but he had also brought with him a little surprise I had arranged for Bryce. Immediately, I called Bryce and told him he should answer the door, but I went and stood behind him, so I could see his reaction when he discovered who or what was there. Since he could only see our lawyer at first, he didn't react, until our attorney stepped to the side. Bryce still didn't totally comprehend what he was seeing, but then his mouth dropped open, his eyes bulged out of their sockets and he nearly stopped breathing.
"Cam? Steve? Is it really you?" he asked.
"Of course it is, silly," Cam told him. "Do you know any other guys this handsome?"
The three boys immediately began to hug each other and then Bryce began to pelt them with all sorts of questions. He wanted to know how they had been, how they got out of the juvenile center and where they had been living, followed by a series of other questions. When he finally slowed down enough to give them an opportunity to respond, he was somewhat taken aback by their answers.
"We're not all too sure about most of that either," Steve advised him, "but this guy said he was our lawyer and told us that he had found us a place to live."
Bryce looked up at our lawyer and slowly began to piece together this puzzle.
"Does this mean they are coming here to live?" he asked our attorney.
"Yes, Kyle worked out a deal with social services, or should I say he backed them into a corner, but either way we were able to got DSS to assign these two boys to join you here."
Bryce began to hop around, while whooping for joy, but then stopped, so he could hug his two friends again. Once he released them, he whirled around and began to hug me too.
"How did you do this, Uncle Kyle?" he wanted to know. "How did you get them to let Cam and Steve come here to live with us?"
I merely grinned at him and the other pair, but then I thought I'd better give them a quick explanation.
"You remember what I told you after your little accident, about how I got them to let you come here to live?" I asked Bryce.
Bryce nodded his head vigorously, but the other pair looked confused. I figured Bryce could explain the rest of the story to them later.
"Well, I also remembered you telling me about your friends here, so while I was blackmailing them into letting me keep you, I added Cam and Steve to the negotiations," I continued. "In return for letting all three of you live with me, I've agreed not to bring a lawsuit against them over what happened to you and assured them we wouldn't leak word to the press about how they had placed you boys in such a terrible situations, including one where you were forced to be sex slaves."
After hearing this, Bryce looked at me, thought about what I had just told him and then asked his next question.
"Does this mean the three of us get to live with you and we'll all be brothers?" he wondered.
I simply nodded in response. This caused Bryce and the other two to start hugging each other again, but then they did the same to me, as well as to our lawyer. After that, they began to whoop it up and make more than a little noise, which let us know how excited they were.
"Look, fellows, you're going to have to do me a favor," I began. "If any others ask, I want you to tell them that you're all my nephews. Cam and Steve, you are the sons of another one of my sisters, although you have different fathers, and I'll give you the details you'll need to know about that later. But you'll all need to call me Uncle Kyle. Can you do that?"
They all agreed, so we let them go get reacquainted, while I talked to my attorney.
Just before 3:00, the rest of the guests began to arrive, so Bryce and I went to meet them at the door, where we greeted and thanked them for coming. The next to arrive was my office manager and her husband, closely followed by Bryce's two new friends and their parents and a couple of other boys from his football team. We quickly introduced everyone to each other and then the adults engaged in a little small talk, as Bryce took the boys to show them around. A short time later, the doorbell rang again, so I sent Bryce to answer it. This was another surprise I had planned for him, so when he opened the door he was amazed to find Troy and his father standing there.
"Wow, I didn't know you guys were coming too?" he exclaimed.
"Yep," Troy answered, "Uncle Kyle told us about this party before you left our house and we told him there was no way we'd miss coming. Besides, I get to spend the night too."
"Really? You're going to stay over too?" Bryce repeated. "My other friends are going to stay with us as well."
I think Troy might have been mildly disappointed hearing that there would be others staying over too, which meant he probably wouldn't get to do anything with Bryce.
"Wait!" Bryce said, after finally catching on to something Troy had said, "You mean Uncle Kyle told you about the party way back then? I didn't even know about this until quite a while after we got back from our bike trip. Man, he really is a big sneak!"
"Maybe, but I think it's great that he thinks so much of you that he would plan a party like this," Troy added.
"Yeah, I know that," Bryce confessed. "He's really been great to me."
After that exchange, Bryce and I took this pair and introduced them to each of our other guests. Then Troy's father joined the adult group, as Bryce took Troy with him. I chatted with the adults for a little longer, while the boys did other things and got to know each other better.
Since everyone had arrived, I got the party started and the rest of the afternoon was a blur of activity. Besides the games I'd planned to keep the boys entertained, they also devoured all the food I had provided, so nearly the entire time was filled with the sounds of laughter and teenage banter. Everyone seemed to be having a good time and all of the boys were getting to know each other better, including Cam, Steve and Troy. I had also found time to pull those three aside, along with Bryce, so I could advise them there would be no sex play while the others boys were here. I didn't want any problems and wasn't sure how the other boys would react to such things, so they all agreed they understood and would honor my request.
After we had the cake and ice cream, Bryce opened his presents and thanked those who had given them to him. A short time later, the other adults left, with the exception of Troy's father, and I made sure Bryce was there to say good-bye and thank them as they went to their cars. He went out of his way to thank my office manager and her husband too, and he also thanked her for taking such good care of things at the office so I could take him on the bike trip and spend a lot of time with him. She told him it was her pleasure and she was just happy to see him doing so well.
Bryce also bid our lawyer an especially warm farewell and thanked him for helping to bring Cam and Steve to live with us. Bryce then gave him a big hug and kissed him on the cheek. I think our attorney was a little surprised by Bryce's response, but I could also tell that it meant a great deal to him too, and then he told Bryce he'd be checking up on them from time to time.
Cam and Steve were also there to thank him, and they admitted in very hushed tones that they had been worried they wouldn't get out of that place until they were adults. He responded that he only took care of the legal issues and that I had been the one who thought up the plan to rescue and reunite them, but they told him that they still were grateful for all he'd done too. Then, the three boys came over and stood beside me as we watched him leave.
Now that most of the adults were gone, Bryce took the boys down to the rec room and showed them were they were going to spend the night. After that, they went outside to play some basketball. I stayed in the house to clean up and Troy's father offered to help me, saying it was the least he could do, after all we had done to help them. After about an hour, the boys came back inside, laughing, joking and all sweaty, so Bryce asked me if they could go swimming. I reminded him that the other boys hadn't brought their swimsuits, but he said he'd mentioned skinny-dipping to them when they were outside and they all seemed fine with the idea. I told him that might be so, but I wasn't sure how their parents might react if they found out that I'd let them all swim nude in my pool and I didn't want offend any of them by allowing their sons to do this.
What I failed to realize was that the other boys were right behind me at the time, so they suddenly began to promise they'd never tell anyone else that they did this, especially their parents, so I wouldn't have to worry about any backlash. To ease my doubts about their ability to keep this confidential, I talked this over with them for a few minutes more, and then I discussed it with Troy's father. He stated that he saw no harm in letting the boys do this, as long as it was their choice, so I finally agreed to allow it.
I also made sure they understood that I'd be out there to watch over things and act as lifeguard, along with Troy's father, if he chose to join me, but neither of us would be getting naked or joining them in the pool, since I thought that might be going too far. This information didn't seem to bother or deter any of them from wanting to do this, so Troy's father and I sat there as they all stripped out of their clothing, ran across the patio and jumped into the water.
I was in heaven, watching all of these young naked bodies frolicking about, their dicks swaying and bouncing as they made their way in and out of the pool, so they could either dive back in or even take a turn on the slide that was located at the deep end. At first, Bryce's two friends that we had taken shopping with us had a slightly rougher time with this, even though they wanted to participate, because neither of them played football, so they hadn't taken showers with the others. They kept stopping to check out all of the other boys, so I took this to mean that they also hadn't been naked with others before.
I noticed the guys on his football team took a quick look at everyone else and they even did a double take when they saw Troy's dick, but they didn't make a big deal out of it. I did notice, however, that some of the boys soon began sprouting erections, which they promptly tried to hide, until the others explained that boners were normal. After that, they all relaxed and began to forget about such preoccupations, so from then on they seemed to totally enjoy this newfound freedom even more.
The boys splashed around in the pool, had races, held chicken fights and even had me throw in a beach ball for them to bat around. I had more fun just watching them having a good time and feasting my tired eyes on their gorgeous flesh, while the boys seemed to take my presence, as well as Troy's father, in stride. They had stopped trying to hide their bodies and were no longer self-conscious about being naked around the rest of us. After an hour or so of being in the pool, they all got out of the water, dried off with the towels I supplied, and then lounged about on the patio furniture. I thought some of the boys might want to get dressed right away, but no one did, so I took it as a good sign that they didn't feel a need to hide their bodies, once the swimming was over.
Troy's father asked if I'd mind if he went inside and took a quick nap on my sofa, and I told him that would be fine. I even offered to let him go upstairs and sleep on one of the beds, but he said that wouldn't be necessary. He merely stated that he was a little tired, possibly because he hadn't been as physically active today as he normally would have been, so he felt it might have something to do with that. He then went off and I continued to watch my charges.
The boys were laughing, joking, and talking about all kinds of things, when the conversation suddenly turned to sex. I was surprised that it was Bryce's two friends that had gone shopping with us that had brought this up, since Bryce, Troy, Cam and Steve had been given orders from me to stay away from that topic. Therefore, when this happened, Cam, Steve, Troy and Bryce all glanced nervously in my direction, to see what my reaction was going to be. When I smiled, winked and shrugged my shoulders at them, they understood it was all right, so they just followed the other boys' lead and casually began to answer their questions. The two football players were also anxious to join in, but I was shocked they were all willing to do this with me present, since most boys usually only broached this topic when there were no adults around. Either they forgot I was there or it didn't seem to make any difference to them, but either way I would stay and make sure this didn't go too far.
At first, the boys started talking about the differences between them, such as length, thickness and even the shape of the bulbous heads. All of them happened to be circumcised, but they still noticed that there were some differences in how that had been done. They noticed that there were minor difference in their circumcision scars, which also varied slightly in shape and location, depending on which procedure the doctor had used when it was done. Before long, I was brought into the conversation, but only after none of them could answer their questions, so they sought my advice.
Before long, I had various penises thrust in front of me, as I was asked about one thing or another about them. One boy's slit was located more on the underside of his helmet, rather than at the tip, so the boys wanted to know about that too. Another boy's dickhead was flatter than most of the others' helmet-like knobs, so I had to explain the reasons for that too. Once we had discussed all of these issues and they were satisfied with my answers, they moved on to talk about other aspects of sex.
Bryce's football teammates brought up the topic of masturbation, although they called it playing with themselves and jacking off, and then one of them said his grandparents had told him he would go blind or crazy if he did it too much. Again, they came to me to get the lowdown on such things and I tried to give them the facts, while also explaining to them how many people either had poor knowledge about these things or they would tell such stories to scare the kids from touching themselves too often. The boys seemed to understand, but they also asked many other questions, before they began to ask the other boys if they had ever done that to anyone else, besides themselves.
I started to become a little concerned when the topic of mutual masturbation came up and this caused the four I had warned to look over at me again, to see if I wanted them to respond. I quickly shrugged my shoulders again and then nodded my head to let them know that since these boys had brought it up, they were free to answer them. I didn't come right out and say this, but they got my message.
The more the boys talked about such things, the more erections I began seeing pop up. The two non-football players seemed to be constantly hard and quite aroused by this discussion, but seeing they were asking questions too and not trying to distance themselves from what was being discussed, I certainly didn't want to stop them now and stifle their inquisitiveness. Before long, that pair was also bombarding me with questions, apparently things they didn't feel comfortable asking their own parents, but for some reason felt it was ok to ask me. Possibly, it was due to the fact that I had been sitting outdoors with a bunch of naked boys, in various stages of arousal, but now they wanted to know if doing things with other boys would make them gay. I told them that many boys experiment with other boys, at one time or another, and such experimentation is natural and a part of growing up and learning. I also told them that they would only be gay if they decided that they ONLY preferred to do things with other boys, even as they grew older, and I think this put them even more at ease.
After that issue had been cleared up, they asked me if I had done things with other boys when I was their age, and when I told them I had, it was as if I was suddenly one of them. Now, they wanted to know the kinds of things I'd done with my friends, how often we'd done it and until I was how old. I explained that I considered some of this information personal, but I was willing to provide them various details in order to answer their questions. When I did this, Bryce's new friends seemed to relax even more around me and accepted me as just another one of the guys. Finally, one of them asked me if I'd mind if they tried some of these things with each other while they were here.
This made me a little nervous at first, since I didn't want word getting out about such things, especially to DSS, but after many assurances from the boys that they'd never tell anyone else what they did here, I finally agreed. However, I did lay down some ground rules for such activities. First, I told this nothing was to happen unless both boys agreed that they wanted to do it and no one was permitted to force or badger anyone else into anything they were uncomfortable with. Second, they had to, as they promised, not talk about any of this where anyone else might overhear them. Third, that if they later did things with others who were not part of this group, they would not mention any of the boys here by name or mention what they had done with them.
Before they did anything though, we also discussed oral sex, anal sex and sex with girls, but I also made sure to bring up the topic of sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy. The boys were all very attentive to the things we discussed, especially the newcomers, and we talked about what it was like to do various things, how to use a condom and how to protect themselves from disease, injury and prematurely becoming a father. One of the boys asked how they would be able to get condoms, if they felt they needed them, and I offered a few suggestions on that topic too, but I also added that no penetration was to take place while they were here today and tomorrow.
The boys thanked me for this information and for being so open and honest with them, and I told them I was glad I was able to be of assistance. I also reminded them that they shouldn't spread it around that I had told them all of these things, because I didn't want to have problems with their parents. Then, I reminded them nothing was to happen this weekend unless everyone involved was agreeable, so they told me they understood and would abide by my rules.
Since it was approaching the time for the football game, I told them that whatever they had planned would have to wait until we got back. They seemed somewhat disappointed by this news, since they were eager to get started, but they all agreed they wanted to go see the team play. While the boys were getting dressed again, I went inside to wake up Troy's father, to see if he wanted to go with us. After he woke up, he said he thought he like to join us, so we all got ready to leave.
We used both my car and the truck to transport everyone to the field, so Troy's father followed me, as we headed out for the high school. The first half was very exciting and quite close, so they boys were extremely wound up when the half came to an end. During halftime, I took everyone over to the concession stand and bought each of them something to eat and drink. I had meant to feed them before we left, but our little discussion had sidetracked me until it was too late to do that, plus they'd told me they were still too stuffed at that point, so I felt they could eat enough here to last them until we got back home. They quickly filled up on hamburgers, hot dogs and more pizza, and then we went back to our seats to watch the second half.
The high school team came out fired up in the third quarter and just blew the other team away. By the start of the fourth quarter they had a sizeable lead and there was probably no way the other team could catch up. We watched a few more minutes of the game, but then the boys began to ask if we could leave early. I knew it was because they were itching to get back so they could fool around, so I told them I'd be happy to leave early, if that's what they all wanted. They unanimously agreed, so we went out and loaded into the car and truck again, and then made our way to the house. The ride back was full of excitement and anticipation, and I think all the boys were looking forward to what was going to happen next. They all bolted from the vehicles as soon as they came to a stop, and they waited impatiently for me by the front door, so I could let them in.
Once we were inside and Jim had gone into the family room, the boys asked once more if it was still ok, so I told them they could go down to the rec room in the basement to do what they had planned, since that's where they were all going to sleep. I merely told them to behave themselves and follow the rules.
I also advised Cam and Steve that this arrangement was just for tonight and then they'd each have their own bedrooms. Since there were only four bedrooms in total, I told them I would convert my office back into a bedroom tomorrow, so they would each have their own rooms. I also mentioned there was still a bed in there for now, but it was just that I had my desk, computer and a couple of bookcases crammed in there as well, because I was using it to work in, but I would be taking them out.
After I told them this, both boys told me that it wouldn't be necessary to go to all that trouble and they wouldn't mind sharing a room. Once they agreed to do that, I told them they could do that for now, but I was going to contact a contractor and have an office added on to the house downstairs and then I'd move the office furniture and equipment there when it was completed. I'd get this done as quickly as I could, because I knew there would be times when each of them would want his privacy. I also told them I'd make sure they had access to the Internet, so they could use the computers in the rec room and family room.
Once I finished telling them that, the boys started down to the rec room to have their fun, but Bryce pulled me aside, so he could talk to me alone. He had a look of concern on his face.
"Does this mean that we won't be sharing a bedroom any more?" he wanted to know.
His eyes very moist at this point and I thought he was going to burst into tears.
"No, Bryce, it doesn't mean that, but I think you all should have your own rooms anyway. There will be times when you might want to come in and spend the night with me, and that will be all right, but I'm sure there might be other times you will want to spend the night with Cam, Steve or one of your new friends too, so having your own room will allow you to do that."
"But I want to spend every night with you," he stated. "I still love you and always want us to be close."
"And I love you too, but I'm sure there will be other nights you might want to spend with the others as well. It won't mean we love each other any less, but I don't want you to feel obligated to spend every evening with me."
"I don't feel that way, but I don't want to be kicked out like this either," he objected.
"I'm not kicking you out. I'm just making sure you have some space," I offered, hoping he'd understand what I was trying to tell him.
"It sure seems that way," he challenged. "I love Cam and Steve too, but you're the one I want to be with. Please don't tell me that isn't OUR bedroom any more."
"Hey, Bryce, I'm definitely not telling you that," I assured him, "but don't you think some day you might want to be with someone your own age, instead of an old geezer like me?"
"You're not an old geezer and YOU are the one I want to be with," he reiterated. "I've never wanted anything more. I knew I had to have my own room to make sure this didn't look suspicious to other people, but I don't want to have to spend every night in there."
"Don't worry about that now," I advised him. "We'll work something out down the road, but for now, let's play this by ear. It's just that I don't want Cam and Steve to feel like outsiders here either, but I also don't want them to feel that they have to have sex with me too, just because they live here."
"Oh, I don't think they'll feel they have to do that," he clarified, "but I do think they will want to do those things with you too."
"Well, I don't want you to say anything to them about any of this," I explained. "Whatever they do or decide to do, I want it to be their idea, not yours or mine. I'm not sure I'm ready to do this with them yet and I'm still not convinced that I should have let Troy talk me in to having sex with him either."
"Uncle Kyle, just relax," Bryce suggested. "We're all cool with you, and Troy and I liked having fun with you like that. Knowing Cam and Steve the way I do, I'm sure they will too."
"Well, just don't go and try to instigate anything between us. Ok?" I pressed.
"If that's the way you want it, Uncle Kyle, but I think you're being silly," he stated, defiantly. "I know they'll want to please you as much as I do, and they'll also want you to make them feel as good as you make me feel."
"Well, I want to approach this slowly," I added. "I'm still kind of overwhelmed by all this, but I didn't want to leave Cam and Steve in that facility any longer than they needed to be there and I feel better now that they're here."
"Thanks for doing that, Uncle Kyle," Bryce confessed. "I know you got them out for me, but we all thank you for doing that."
"I know you do, but why don't you run along and join your friends," I suggested. "I'm sure they're wondering where you are about now."
Bryce took off and I didn't see any of the boys again for over an hour. I spent my time in with Troy's father and we watched a little TV and enjoyed a couple of beers while the boys were gone. When the younger group came back upstairs to rejoin us, they were all naked again, but no one had an erection, so I took it they were all sexually satisfied for now. They quickly asked if it would be all right to go swimming again, so I went to turn on the lights in the pool for them.
I didn't inquire about what they had done, although I did ask them if they were all ok with what had happened, after we were out of Jim's hearing range. I just got a bunch of silly grins and a few verbal reassurances in response, to tell me that no one had any problems with what had just happened. Bryce informed me later that it was basically a lot of mutual masturbation and a few lessons on oral sex with his newest friends, since they wanted to see what that was like too. Bryce, Troy, Cam and Steve were eager to give them a blowjob, and then the boys tried to give them one back, although they weren't quite as keen about doing it. Troy's father and I had also prepared a snack for them to eat while they were downstairs, so once they were done in the pool, we let them chow down again.
Before long, they all began to show signs of being tired, but they still wanted to watch a video. They decided on one of the horror movies, although I'm not sure why, other than most boys seem to like to be scared to death, so they can prove how brave they are to their friends. I suggested they use the TV in the rec room to do this, and since I had previously seen to it that there were plenty of pillows and bedding for them to spend the night down there, they got settled in, as I put the video on for them.
I then went to the second floor and got a bedroom ready for Troy's father to use for the night, Bryce's old room, and then I took him up to show him which one he'd be using. I also told him to feel free to turn in whenever he liked, since I knew he went to bed earlier than I usually did, but I felt the boys might stay up a little later too, so I didn't want him to wait for me. He thanked me and we went back to the ground floor with me and we watched another show on the television.
When I went back down to the rec room a little later, so I could check on the boys, some of them had already fallen asleep and the others were on their last legs. As soon as the movie ended, I turned the TV turn off and then they all settled in to sleep. After I came back upstairs, I noticed Jim had already turned in, so I went to my own bedroom to sleep.
I probably wasn't in bed for more than an hour before I felt Bryce slide in beside me. I was going to confront him about this, but decided against it and went back to sleep instead. By the time I woke up the next morning, he had returned to be with the other boys again, so I wasn't certain how long he had stayed in with me.
After getting up and going through my morning ritual, I went to the rec room to check on everyone. I was surprised that they had all stayed naked, even though some of them were at least partially cover by blankets at the time, but when they saw me start to leave, they asked if I'd stay with them for a little while longer. Reluctantly I agreed, but I didn't understand why they wanted me to stay there. I soon discovered it was so they could ask me a few more questions about some of the sexual things they had done the previous evening.
Once this session ended, I took them upstairs and was surprised to find that Jim was waiting for me in the kitchen. He quickly offered to help me fix breakfast for everyone and said he would have started it already, but he didn't know where things were. Seeing he had offered, the two of us got busy and fixed the boys breakfast, after I asked them what they wanted.
Once the meal was done, Troy's father said they should be getting home now, so I bid them both goodbye, thanked them from coming and told them that I hoped to see them again soon. They assured me we would and thanked us for the hospitality, before they left.
Once they were gone, I took the other boys home too. It was more than crowded in the Lexus, with some of the boys sitting on the others' laps, but no one seemed to have a problem with it. It did, however, make me realize I might also want to get a mini-van for the future, although I would still keep the Lexus.
Each of the boys thanked us before they got out of the car and told us they'd had a great time. They also told Cam and Steve they were glad to have met them and they were looking forward to spending more time with them as well, but they also thanked me for my help in answering their questions. They also assured me that no one else would ever be the wiser about anything they did while they were with us, and since I was satisfied with their assurances, we said goodbye to each of them, as we dropped them off at their homes.
The party had been a huge success. Bryce had enjoyed his birthday, he impressed his friends and made major progress in cementing their continuing relationship. I was also fairly certain I would be seeing all of those boys back at our house from time to time, if only to continue their quest to sate their sexual curiosity.