PZA Boy Stories


The Guardian

Chapters 9-15

Chapter 9
Pride and Doubts

"Tyler, I thought we'd already gone over this," I grumbled, as he lay naked on my bed sporting an erection.

"I just want you to help me with this," he said, as he nudged his boner.

"You know how to masturbate, because I saw you do it, so just go take care of it yourself," I pointed out.

"You mean jack off?" he shot back, looking confused.

"Masturbation is the proper name for it," I informed him, "but it's also referred to as jacking off, jerking off, beating off, wanking, choking the chicken, bashing the bishop and a bunch of other names too."

"That's funny," Tyler observed, after hearing my comment. "So are you going to help me?"

"Come on. I need my sleep and I'm not ready to have this discussion again," I nearly whined. I was beginning to sound like a little kid myself.

"You wouldn't have to, if you'd just do it for me. It won't take long," he offered.

"You are incorrigible," I stated, totally frustrated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he countered, since he didn't understand.

"It means you're determined, uncontrollable and a hopeless cause," I responded.

"Well if it means I'm not giving up, then that's what I am," he agreed, so I knew he was determined tonight.

"I'm going to bed, so I don't know what you're going to do," I announced. "If you're smart, you'll do the same."

I then went into the master bath, used the toilet and brushed my teeth, as I got ready for bed. When I came out, Tyler was still there, and so was his boner, which caused me to roll my eyes. It appeared as if he hadn't moved, so I thought I'd just ignore him and act like he wasn't even there. Maybe he'd get the idea then. I quickly stripped down to my underwear, turned off the light and crawled under the covers on my side of the bed, with Tyler still on top of the covers on the other side. I was facing away from him and heard him release a huff, since I hadn't done what he wanted.

I had no way of knowing what he was doing, until I felt the bed move, meaning he had crawled off the mattress. I thought he was going back to his own room at that point, but then I felt him lift the covers and crawl in beside me. I pretended as if I hadn't noticed, but he kept crawling toward me until his spear was poking me in the back. I still pretended as if I didn't notice it, but he became more aggressive and kept bucking his hips back and forth, as he repeatedly jammed his erection into my spine. I was rapidly growing exasperated, so I threw the covers back and got out of bed.

"Enough!" I demanded, as I turned to face him. I could make out his form due to the moonlight filtering into the room. "I'm tired of playing these childish games. Now go to your room and go to sleep."

"It's not a childish game," he objected. "Does this look like it belongs to a child?" he asked, as he shook his penis at me.

"Can't you understand I'm not going to do this for you?" I asked, louder than I intended. If I'd learned anything tonight, it should have been to keep my voice down and keep the door shut, especially after Marcus overheard our earlier conversation.

"No, because you don't understand that I love you," he replied. "Just do this for me and I'll leave you alone."

"For good?" I pressed, although I'm not sure why I even asked this. "You'll leave me alone for good?"

"If you help me with this tonight, then I'll never bug you again," he relented. Even though he'd agreed to this, I still wasn't convinced I should give in, even this one time.

"Do you promise?" I followed, and I could almost see his face begin to glow in the dark from anticipation.

"I promise," he agreed.

"I knew I was making a huge mistake, but if this would end the constant tension and eliminate the problem for good, then it might be worth it. I was still thinking about it and trying to decide what to do, when I heard Tyler speak again.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" he wanted to know.

I noticed that he had tossed back all of the covers and was laying on the sheet waiting for me. I bent down and turned on the lamp on the nightstand, hoping to shed even more light on the situation.

"So just this one time and then you'll never bring it up again?" I reiterated, for clarification.

"Oh, it will come up again," he teased, while nudging his penis. "But I promise I won't bug you about helping me with it," he agreed, as an ear to ear grin spread across his face.

"Promise?" I followed, still unsure if I could trust him.

"I already said I promised," he assured me.

Since I wanted to end this and get some sleep, I lowered my body next to his and just stared at him, from head to groin. There was a raging battle going on between the voice of reason in my head and the little devil urging me to go ahead and do it. Tentatively, I lifted my hand, reached out and brought it into contact with his penis and scrotum. Tyler sighed audibly when that happened and his penis twitched in approval.

I just left my hand there for a few moments, as I thought about what I was going to do next. In the meantime, I could feel Tyler thrusting his hips against my hand, urging me to keep going. Having lost the battle, I began to stroke his scrotum and played with his testicles for a little while first, as Tyler cooed beside me. Since I was going to do this, I decided to give him another experience, which was sexual, although not quite as overtly so. I bent down, stuck out my tongue and flicked it at his nipple.

I felt Tyler's head jerk up, since he obviously wasn't expecting this, as I turned toward him slightly, so I observe the expression on his face. He looked totally shocked, but I continued anyway, as his expression gradually changed to one of pleasure.

"Dang. I thought this only felt good for girls," he hissed, as his body writhed beneath me.

I played with that nipple for a while, sucking on it and nibbling lightly on the tiny nub, before moving over to the other one. Then I ran my tongue down the center of his body, until I came to his navel. I let my tongue explore and play with that for a while too, before I began massaging his testicles again. After a few more seconds, I wrapped my hand around his rigid pole and Tyler groaned when that happened.

Slowly, I began to masturbate him and I did that for a while, before I heard Tyler speak in a breathless voice.

"When you were sucking on my titties and running your tongue down my body, I thought you were going to suck me off," he gasped. "That would be great, since I already know what it feels like to jerk off."

After more inner conflict and while I continued to slide my hand up and down his shaft, I finally made a decision. Since we were only going to do this once, I might as well let him experience that too, so I opened my mouth, lowered it over his straining and twitching penis and began to suck him off.

"Oh God, yes!" he screamed out, and I was afraid he was going to wake Marcus and make him aware of what we were doing. I didn't need that, but he quieted down again before I had a chance to say anything.

Once I started giving him oral sex, I knew he wasn't going to last very long. He was squirming beneath me and I felt his testicles begin to draw up toward his body. Then, his penis twitched a few times, as it released the volleys of sweet boy ambrosia into my mouth. Even though I tried not to, I couldn't help but savor its sweet flavor and slick, sticky consistency, as it coated my mouth and before it began to slide down my throat. I continued doing this until I was certain he was drained and his body began to relax, and then I pulled away so I could look at Tyler's face.

His eyes were closed and his breathing was ragged, although beginning to slow a little, and he looked amazingly content. I assumed he had enjoyed his first sexual experience, which would be his last with me, so I hoped he was satisfied. Before long, his gentle breathing told me he had fallen asleep and I thought about carrying him to his room. It didn't take much for me to dismiss that idea and I left him where he was. I merely pulled the covers over us, rolled over and turned off the lamp, before getting comfortable.

My mind was spinning for the next hour and you'd think I was the one who'd just had great sex. Instead, I was totally engrossed with thoughts of the underage angel lying beside me. I knew this had to be a one time only thing, but I couldn't stop thinking about how much I'd enjoyed it too. He made me feel like a kid again and I liked the feeling. However, I promised myself this would never happen again, before I eventually fell asleep.

I'm not sure if he did it intentionally or if it was a subconscious reaction, but later in the night I awoke to find his naked body wrapped around mine. His arm was thrown across my chest, with his hand strategically angled downward and poised over my crotch. He also had a leg draped over mine and I could feel his penis and scrotum pressed against my side. If he were older, this would be a perfect way to wake up, but I was now kicking myself for letting it go this far. I put it out of my mind for now and fell back to sleep, until the alarm went off a few hours later.

After reaching over and shutting it off, I began to slip out of bed, until a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Last night was absolutely incredible," Tyler gushed, as his face glowed and reflected the early morning light. "I knew it would be good, but not that good."

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it, because you promised you'd never ask me to do it again," I reminded him.

"I know," he confirmed, as the smile faded from his face. "I didn't know that having your titties sucked could feel so good either."

"There are a lot of things you don't know, but you will find it all out in time," I informed him.

"That's why I want you to teach me," he blurted out, before he realized what he'd done.

"That might be, but you've promised that this will end now," I reminded him.

"I know," Tyler agreed, while also nodding.

"All right. Grab your towel and head over to your room before one of your brothers sees you leaving my room naked," I urged, to get him moving.

"They wouldn't think anything about it," he scoffed.

"Oh really?" I stated in my most unbelieving tone. "Marcus mentioned it to me when I went to tuck him in last night. He even urged me to have sex with you. He said we both loved each other, so we should do it and it would be ok."

"Marcus knows about sex and said that?" Tyler wondered, as a shocked expression came over his face.

"A little, although I don't know how much he knows," I replied. "He said he'd heard other kids talking about sex."

"Dang, I didn't think he had any idea," Tyler responded.

"He obviously does and that's why I don't want him to see you parading naked across the hall," I explained.

"Is that why you did it with me, because Marcus told you to?" Tyler wanted to know.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not sure why I did it," I told him. "It might have been just so I could get some sleep or because you promised to never ask again. It may have had something to do with what you and Marcus said, but I still don't think it was right. I'll probably come to regret doing it later, but hustle over to your room and I'll go wake your brothers."

Tyler finally did as I'd asked and I slipped on some clothes before going to wake the other pair. As soon as all of the boys were up and moving, I went downstairs and started breakfast. As I was working on it, I began to realize this was going to be a very long day, since I didn't get my normal amount of sleep, but the good thing was that it was Friday. If I could make it to the end of the day, I'd have tonight and the weekend to recuperate, without having to worry about any more pressure from Tyler.

All three boys seemed to be in a really good mood this morning. I knew why Tyler was so chipper, but I wasn't sure about the other two. Maybe it was because it was Friday and they'd soon have two whole days without school. I didn't have time to think about it further, because I had to get ready. While they were finishing up, I went upstairs to shower, but when I entered the bedroom to change, I found Tyler waiting for me.

"I just wanted to thank you again for last night," he said, as he walked over and wrapped his arms around my moist body. "It was incredible and I'll always remember that you were my first and the best."

I kissed him on the forehead and shooed him out of the room so I could get dressed. When I got downstairs again, I handed the boys their lunch money, kissed them all on the forehead and then watched as they boarded their bus when it came.

As I drove to work, I couldn't get the images from last night out of my mind. I replayed every second of the time I'd spent in bed with Tyler, once I'd given in to him. I must have done that at least three times before I got to work and even noticed I had an erection when I pulled into my parking space. Since I didn't wish to be embarrassed, I thought about my job and waited for it to subside. When that finally happened, I walked to the rear door and entered the building.

"Man, you look awful," my boss observed when he first saw me. "Did you spend the night in a bar or did you go ten rounds with someone?"

"Neither. I was up with a boy who wasn't feeling well, so I didn't get as much sleep as normal," I replied.

"Yes, one of the joys of being a parent, but in your case you have no one to help share the responsibilities with you, so it all falls on your shoulders," he quipped back. "You're pretty well caught up, so I won't mind if you want to slip out a little early later."

"I appreciate that, but you're already doing me a huge favor, so I'll stick it out," I replied. "This probably isn't the only time it will happen."

"You're probably right about that," he agreed, as I went to my work area.

When I said that, I wasn't actually thinking about having more problems with Tyler, but I was referring to the possibility of having to stay up with a sick child sometime in the future. It would be foolish for me to think that would never happen, but there was also no way to plan for such events either. I'd just have to roll with the punches, do what I could and pray for the best.

Even though I often found myself thinking about the boys during the day, today it was only images of Tyler and what we'd done last night. As many times as I tried to put him out of my mind and attempted not to think about it so I could focus on my work, nothing ever worked. The events of the previous evening kept popping into my mind and distracted me from what I was doing. Luckily, my boss thought my lack of concentration was due to sleep deprivation, so I wasn't about to tell him it was because I'd performed oral sex on my godson.

The day seemed to drag on and I wasn't very productive. Luckily, I was pretty much caught up before that happened, so it wasn't hurting me in any significant way, but it was all because of a 12-year-old boy. Damn, how crazy was that?

I was relieved when my work day finally came to an end. Earlier, I regretted that I didn't have a lunch hour, because I might have been able to use it to my advantage, but that all disappeared when I got to leave an hour before everyone else. As I drove home, I couldn't help but wonder what tonight was going to bring and if Tyler would keep his promise. I hoped he would, but only time would tell.

I was actually shocked when I found Marcus and Tyler doing their homework when I arrived. Since it was the start of the weekend, I thought they might try to put it off until Saturday or Sunday. When I asked them about it, they quickly explained they wanted to get it out of the way so they could have fun the rest of the weekend. They figured we'd go to the park again to practice, but they also wanted to know if we were going to practice pitching tonight.

"I had a really rough day at work and I'm really tired, so not tonight," I explained. "We'll do more this weekend, just not tonight."

The boys all said that was fine and they were sorry I'd had such an awful day. Then Ethan and Marcus told me about really bad days they'd had before, so I'd understand they knew how I felt. I thought it was cute that they were trying to make me feel better by doing this.

Instead of fixing dinner, I took them out to eat. I knew about a pretty decent diner nearby, one with good food and reasonable prices. They also had a wide variety of items on the menu, so I knew the boys would be able to find something they liked.

As we were sitting in the booth, I realized this was the first time I had actually taken the boys out to eat, because the other times we'd opted for takeout. They amazed me with how well behaved they acted and how good their manners were. Even our waitress comment on it.

"You have wonderful, well-mannered sons," she observed, as she smiled at the boys. "If only all the kids that came in with their parents were as terrific as these guys."

The boys and I all thanked her for that and after the meal she announced a surprise for us.

"The manager has instructed me to tell you to choose whatever desserts you want. They're on the house," she informed us.

"But why would he do that? Are we his millionth customers or something," I teased.

"No, you're our best customers and we're making you our customers of the month," she explained. "He's just so impressed with your sons that he wants to do this. That's him looking through the window from the kitchen and waving in this direction."

We all looked over at him and waved back. I was extremely proud, pleased and honored being with the boys.

"He really doesn't have to do this," I announced, but she pooh-poohed my comment.

"He wants to do it, so just tell me what you'd like," she urged, while handing us the dessert menus to look over.

The boys all wanted ice cream and ordered butterscotch. hot fudge and strawberry sundaes, while I opted for the strawberry cheesecake. We thanked her again when she delivered them to our table.

"We didn't get the same dessert, but it looks like we both like strawberries," Tyler announced as he glanced from his dessert to mine.

What could I say? We did both choose them independently, while Ethan enjoyed the hot fudge and Marcus the butterscotch sundaes.

I left the waitress a big tip when I paid the bill, but I also thanked the manager on the way out. Before we left, however, he asked if he could take a group photo of us, so he could hang it on the wall with a note. I thought that was incredible, so after I agreed, I asked him if he would send me a copy of the photo. When he said he'd be happy to, I gave him my email address. I was planning to print it out and use it for the picture I wanted to keep on my desk at work.

"She thought we were your sons," Ethan noted gleefully, once we were all in the car.

"Well we kinda are," Marcus stated, before I could respond.

"I almost called Uncle Blake 'Daddy' after she said that," Ethan added with a giggle.

"I'm just extremely proud of the way you boys conducted yourselves in there and even prouder that she thought you were my sons," I confirmed. "The manager gave you a reward for being so good and I'm going to give you another one. How would you like to go see a movie?"

The boys all cheered and thought that was a great idea, so I told them to agree on what they'd like to see, as I drove to the theater complex. They picked some action flick geared toward the younger crowd, I don't even recall the name of it now, but that was fine with me, since it was their reward, not mine. Once we got inside, Tyler and Marcus sat on my right and left, while Ethan wanted me to hold him on my lap.

"I'm jealous," Tyler teased, when he saw how content Ethan was. "Being the oldest has some advantages, but so does being the youngest."

"I know and I'm not either one of those," Marcus grumbled, "so I'm jealous too."

"Since you're the middle child, I guess I'm going to have to think of some special things for you too, since Tyler gets to stay up later and Ethan often sits with me."

"Yeah, I'd like that," Marcus agreed, just as the movie began.

I'm sure the boys all enjoyed the film, and I decided it was all right too, although it wasn't something I would have gone to see on my own. When we got home it was already past Ethan's bedtime, so I took him upstairs for his bath and put him to bed. To my surprise, Marcus asked me to do the same for him and said it was only until I figured out what he would get that was special. I had no problem with humoring him and happily gave him a bath and put him to bed too.

As I was coming out of Marcus' room, I saw Tyler enter the bathroom to take his shower. He merely smiled at me as I entered the hall and then he ducked into the bathroom. I kept going and went to my bedroom, happy that he hadn't asked me to keep him company and talk to him while he was in there.

After Tyler finished up, he went back toward his room, wrapped in a towel. It was the same as he did every night, but this time he turned into my bedroom instead of his.

"Do you need something?" I asked calmly, although I was filled with apprehension. Was he about to break his promise already?

"I just wanted to know if you enjoyed what we did last night as much as I did?" he asked directly.

"I thought you weren't going to bring that up again?" I challenged, while giving him a look to let him know I wasn't pleased.

"I promised that I wouldn't ask you to do stuff with me again and I'm not," he shot back. "I just wanted to know if you enjoyed what we did too and maybe talk about what happened, because I have some questions about last night."

Chapter 10
Many Questions

"Ok. Come in and shut the door so we can get this over with," I grumbled, since I knew he wasn't going to go away easily or leave before he got what he wanted.

"So did you enjoy it as much as I did?" he asked again, while eyeing me anxiously. I thought about my answer carefully, because I didn't want to lead him on, so I decided to be slightly evasive.

"Being a gay man," I began, suddenly finding my mouth going dry, "I enjoy that type of sexual encounter and have done it many times before."

"But did you enjoy doing it with me?" he pressed, which told me he wasn't going to be satisfied until he got a direct answer.

"I'm not sure to what degree you enjoyed it, but I assume you derived a great deal of pleasure from what we did. I will also admit that I enjoyed a degree of satisfaction from doing it too," I admitted, trying to sound obtuse, but it still brought a smile to Tyler's face.

"I knew it," he enthused, as he pumped his fist and a huge grin spread across his face. He looked like the cat that had swallowed the canary.

"We came in here because you said you had questions about what we did," I pointed out, as I tried to bring him back to the reason we were in my bedroom with the door closed. "Maybe we should quit wasting time and get to those."

"Yeah, ok," he relented, as his face took on a serious expression again. "First, I wanted to know why it felt so good when you did stuff with my titties. I thought only girls enjoyed those things."

"Even though girls' breasts are larger and their nipples are more sensitive, guys aren't that much different," I informed him. "For much the same reason that a woman enjoys having it done to her, a guy can enjoy it too."

"Yeah, I found that out," Tyler agreed. "I was really surprised that it felt so good."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I responded. "Was there anything else?"

"Yeah, there is," he confirmed. "Does it always feel that good when someone else rubs their hand over your balls? I felt shivers going all through my body when you did that to me."

"Yes, the scrotum is very sensitive too, so it can also bring pleasure when stimulated," I agreed. "However, some males derive greater pleasure from that sort of activity than others."

"What's that?" Tyler quickly asked, and he must have noticed I looked puzzled in response. "The word you used when you first started to answer my question." I had to think about this quickly, before I was able to respond.

"Do you mean the word scrotum? It's the proper name for the sac that hangs below your penis," I replied.

"So that's what you call this?" he asked, as he dropped his towel again and spread his legs.

"Yes, that's what I mean," I agreed, as I pointed toward his scrotum without touching it.

"I thought that was what everyone called balls," he stated, looking slightly confused.

"Don't they have sex education classes at your school?" I wondered, since I thought he should know this information already.

"We do, but they basically just tell us not to have sex," he answered.

"Ok, then let me explain," I offered. "The sac is your scrotum and inside it are your testicles or gonads. Sometimes people use the street name balls or nuts for them instead, but they're referring to the watery orbs inside of the scrotum. If you are careful, you can feel each one and even check them for lumps."

"Why would they have lumps?" he wanted to know.

"It would indicate you might have testicular cancer," I informed him.

"Then show me and check to see if I have that," he challenged.

After thinking about if for a moment, I figured it might not be a bad idea to actually do that, so I agreed to touch him again. I took this chance to ensure he was healthy and had the correct information, even though I suspected it was a con job on his part, just to get me to touch his privates again.

"Ok, this is one of your testicles and this is the other, but I don't feel any lumps," I explained, as I examined the area gently. "Now I want you examine them too, but be careful you don't squeeze them too hard."

Eagerly he did this, as I began speaking again.

"The testicles are actually watery orbs that help produce the fluid that contains the sperm. Your testicles also have multiple nerve endings, so that area can also be extremely sensitive, especially if you are struck there."

"Yeah, I know. I've been hit in the balls before and it really hurt a lot," he agreed. "So when you sucked me off, it was like you jerked me off with your mouth and lips?"

"It basically had the same effect," I concurred.

"Well it was really incredible and felt much better than just jerking off. I totally enjoyed it," he announced, with a huge grin. "So what do my sperms taste like?"

"You mean you've never tried any of it when you masturbate?" I wondered, since I thought most boys did, just out of curiosity.

"Nope, I've never done that," he replied.

"Well maybe you should, so you'll have the answer to your question," I urged.

"Does everyone's sperms taste the same?" he asked next.

"No, it's all slightly different, although most of it tastes a little salty," I informed him. "With guys like you that are just beginning to ejaculate, it tends to be more watery and tastes a little sweeter. Your diet can also effect how it tastes."

"Wow, I didn't know all this stuff!" he exclaimed. "So do you think my dick is normal size for my age?"

"I haven't seen many 12-year-olds recently, but from what I remember from my youth, I'd say so," I confirmed.

"How big do you think it is?" he wanted to know.

"You can measure it," I suggested, putting the onus back on him.

"Do I do it from underneath, on top or on the side? Should I do it when it's hard or soft? Does it make a difference when I do it?" he rattled off, while waiting for me to answer.

"Do you have a ruler in your desk?" I asked, since I wanted to help him out, even though my better sense was screaming 'don't do it.'

"Yeah, I do," he responded.

"Then go get it and I'll try to help you find out all you want to know," I agreed, as he raced across the hall naked and quickly returned the same way. This time, however, he was holding a plastic ruler in his hand, which he reached out to me.

"Ok, well see how long it is flaccid first," I stated, as I placed the ruler under his penis to get a reading.

"I guess that means the same as soft," Tyler commented.

"Yes, flaccid means a soft penis," I agreed, "and yours is slightly over 3" (7.5 cm)."

"How big is it hard?" he asked next.

"I don't know. You'll have to get an erection to find that out," I replied.

"Help me get one then," he urged. "You'll make it happen faster than I will."

"With all the erections you've had lately, you mean you can't get one now?" I challenged.

"I can if you help me," he pointed out. "If you rub my, uh..."

"Scrotum," I offered, since I knew what he was getting at.

"Yeah, if you rub my scrotum for me, I'm sure I'll have a boner in no time," he stated, as his cheeks began to glow.

"I thought we weren't going to do that again," I reasoned, as he looked at me.

"I'm not asking you to jerk me off or suck me," he clarified. "Just rub it a little, so it will get hard and we can measure it. I know it will happen really fast if you do that for me."

I knew he was conning me again and I was breaking another of my prohibitions, but I gave in and did it for him. I reached out and stroked his scrotum a few times, before grasping his penis and stroking that too, in order to make sure he was firm.

"Ok, now that you have an erection, I'll measure it again," I told him, as I picked up the ruler and place it under his penis. "Just over 5" (12.5 cm) this time. Not bad."

"So your penis always gets bigger when you have an erection?" he wondered.

"Not for everyone," I answered. "There are two types of guys that we refer to as showers and growers. Growers are like you and their penis gets bigger when erect. A shower's penis is basically the same length flaccid and erect. It just goes from being soft to hard."

"Wow! That's more stuff I didn't know," he gushed, as he looked at me. "See, you really have taught me a lot and I bet you can still teach me more."

"I'm sure I could, but you promised," I pointed out.

"I know," he confirmed, as his shoulders slumped forward and his chin drooped against his chest. "Since you helped me doing all of this though, can you help me take care of that?" he continued, while looking down at his erection.

"Well, since I've already stroked it to get you hard, I guess I can finish masturbating you this time," I relented, yet again. "Then you can also taste your semen."

"What's that?" he asked, as he jumped on the bed and got comfortable.

"Semen is the name for the stuff that squirts out of your penis," I explained. "It contains sperm cells in it, but the fluid is called semen or seminal fluid."

"I thought it was called cum," he shot back quickly.

"That's the common or street name for it," I agreed.

"There sure are a lot of different names for things," he observed, as I wrapped my hand around his penis and began to masturbate him.

"Oh man. That feels so good," he groaned, as I got into a rhythm. "I sure wish we could do this all the time."

"You're just lucky I agreed to do it now, since I said last night would be the only time I did anything sexual with you," I offered. "Just don't expect it to happen again."

He didn't answer, because I could see he was lost in the feelings coursing through his groin and radiating throughout the rest of his body. He was panting now and I could see his toes were starting to curl and straighten involuntarily, as his body reacted to the wonderful sensations he was experiencing. Before long, his body stiffened and the first blast came shooting out of the tiny slit at the tip. It was followed by a couple more and then the rest just oozed out and landed around his pubic patch. When I looked up at his face, his eyelids were only partially open and I could tell his eyeballs had temporarily rolled back in his head.

It took a little while for him to come around again, because he was trying to enjoy those wonderful feelings for as long as he could. Finally, he opened his eyes and looked at me, as a huge grin spread across his face.

"How come when you do things to me it feels a whole lot better than when I do it to myself?" he wanted to know. "That was just as wicked as last night."

"I'm glad you thought so and it often feels better when someone else does it to you," I confirmed. "It's probably because the feelings aren't getting confused or mixed up with the sensations of touch from stroking it yourself with your hand. If you are smart, you'll keep these two experiences in your memory, because it's not going to happen again."

Tyler stuck out his lower lip in a pout after I said that.

"Go ahead and scoop some semen off of your body and try it," I urged. "It will answer the question you had for me earlier."

Tentatively, he reached down, scooped up a small portion and then lifted to his mouth. He hesitantly licked it off his finger and then his eyes lit up.

"That's not bad at all!" he exclaimed, as he flashed me a grin.

"I never said it was," I replied.

"I guess I'd better go jump in the shower again and wash this off," he announced. "But then I'm coming back to sleep with you."

I raised my eyebrows up and down as I looked at him.

"I only want to sleep in here," he stated, while grimacing slightly, which made it look as if he was bracing himself for rejection. "We'll just sleep and I promise to be good, but I always sleep better when I'm with you."

"As long as you promise to behave, I guess you can do it one more time," I agreed, which earned me an energetic hug and kiss. The hug got his semen on me too, but fortunately it was just on my clothing.

"You go shower again, while I take these things off and toss them in the hamper," I suggested, as he headed down the hall bare-assed.

I was beginning to think Tyler would do very well in a nudist camp, because he certainly didn't mind parading around completely naked. I wasn't sure what I was going to do about him though and wondered if there would be more times like this in the future. Was he just unable to keep his word or was he a budding salesman that could sell water to a drowning man? He certainly seemed to be able to keep conning me, if that's what he was doing.

He returned a short time later and walked into my bedroom.

"Aren't you going to put on any underwear?" I wondered, as I looked over at him as he moved closer.

"I will in the morning, but this is ok for now," he announced, as he hopped into bed. .

I merely rolled my eyes and shook my head, as I reached over to turn off the lamp. As soon as I lay back on the bed, he began to wrap around me, like a constrictor coiling around its prey. It was the way he always slept with me, although he was becoming much more obvious and aggressive in his actions, plus this time he wasn't wearing anything. He was certainly one sneaky kid when it came to getting what he wanted.

Since none of us needed to get up Saturday morning, I didn't set the alarm. Unfortunately, both Tyler and I slept very soundly and remained asleep later than normal. I only awoke when Marcus began to shake me. When I looked up, I saw he had a perplexed expression on his face.

"I'm hungry. Are you gonna get up and fix us breakfast?" he asked, but he kept glancing past me.

"Of course I will," I agreed, as I wondered what he was looking at.

"Why's Tyler sleeping with you?" he wanted to know. It had kind of slipped my mind that Tyler was there, since I was thinking about Marcus' request.

"He had a bad dream and came in here because he was a little scared," I lied, as I felt Tyler begin to stir. I glanced at him, just as he was opening his eyes.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," I offering in greeting, while wondering if he was just waking up or if he'd been faking it for a while. "Marcus woke me up because it's late and he's hungry."

I said this to let Tyler know that Marcus was in the room, in case he didn't know it already. I also wasn't sure if Tyler had overheard my conversation with Marcus, because I didn't want him to do or say something that would contradict my story about why he was there. Regrettably, Tyler forgot he wasn't wearing anything and jumped out of bed to go to the toilet.

"Why isn't Tyler wearing any clothes?" Marcus wondered, as he looked at his naked older brother. Tyler stopped dead in his tracks and turned around.

"I kinda peed myself a little when I had that dream, so I took them off before I came over here," he explained. "I was just so scared that I didn't take time to put on another pair."

I guess that explained if he'd heard our conversation, but I don't think either of us was convince that Marcus had actually bought his story. Marcus just stood there and gave us both a strange look, but he didn't say anything. It made me think back to the earlier conversation I had with him about Tyler and me. Marcus had said it would be ok for me to do stuff with Tyler, so I hoped he hadn't changed his mind and would now cause a problem over it.

While I was slipping into a pair of jeans, Tyler finished up in the bathroom and was in his room putting on a fresh pair of boxer briefs as I left my bedroom. I waited for him to finish and then the three of us stopped to pick up Ethan next, before going downstairs.

"Any requests for breakfast?" I asked, once we were all in the kitchen.

"Omelets!" Marcus quickly shouted, which caused me to smile. I guess he had really liked them when I made omelets for all of them before.

"Let me check to see if we have everything I'll need to make them then," I told him, as I walked over to the fridge to check things out. Once I found the necessary items, I turned toward the other pair. "Is that ok with you too or would you prefer something else?"

"Nope, that's good," Tyler answered.

"Yeah, omelets," Ethan added while mildly hopping up and down, so I guess it was unanimous.

As I was making everyone an omelet, I also prepared some home fries by frying some canned potatoes I'd cut up, before adding some chopped onions. The boys wolfed everything down, so I asked if they wanted more and they did. I made two more omelets for them, which they split, but they were finally full.

"Are we going to go to the park today?" Tyler wanted to know.

"We can do that in a little while, but I think you boys need to let your breakfast settle first," I answered.

"Ok, as long as you don't forget," he shot back. "Baseball tryouts start soon and I want to be ready."

"I understand and I promise we'll go," I assured him. "I think it will be fun coming to watch you play on the school team."

"You think you'll be able to do that?" he asked, while looking amazed. "We play right after school, so Dad couldn't make many games because of work."

"You forget, I already get out earlier than he did and I'm sure my boss will let me go even earlier if I have a good reason," I replied. "I'm pretty sure he'd think seeing you play was a good enough reason."

"That would be super!" Tyler exclaimed, as he gave me a hug. "I would like you to see me play."

"I'd like that too," I assured him, "but now I've got to clean up the kitchen."

"K. I'm going up to my room to get on the computer," he said, before turning around to leave.

I headed back out to the kitchen and was cleaning up the mess I'd made when Marcus entered the room.

"Where's Ethan?" I wondered.

"He's playing video games in the family room," he answered.

"And you're not?" I followed, confused.

"Not yet. I wanted to ask you something first," he announced, while looking at me funny. "Did you and Tyler do sex stuff last night?" I was starting to panic.

"He just came in to sleep with me," I replied.

"With no clothes on?" he pressed, while studying my face.

"Tyler explained that to you already," I advised him, hoping that would suffice.

"I think it's ok if you did, but I just wanted to know," he added. This confused me even more, although my panic level started to go down slightly.

"And why would you want to know something like that?" I countered, putting him on the spot.

"I, uh, don't know," he stammered, as I stared at him intently. "Maybe it's because I wondered if you might do stuff like that with me when I get older."

"Marcus, first of all you are too young to be thinking about doing sex stuff," I pointed out. "Second, I have no intention of doing those types of things with you boys. I love all of you, but just because I love you doesn't mean I want to do things of that nature with you."

"But you wash us down there when you give us baths," he pointed out.

"Yes, I do, but only to make sure the area is clean," I responded. "I'll let you do it if you want, so that won't happen."

"No, I don't mind. Really," he assured me. "I've also been thinking that maybe I'll start letting you give me my bath from now on. Ethan gets to sit on your lap and he also gets you to give him his bath, so maybe I'll let you do that every night for me too."

"Ok, if that's what you want, and I'd be happy to let you sit on my lap sometimes aw well," I offered. "You and Ethan can take turns, if that's all right with you."

"Yeah, that would be nice," he stated as he gave me a grin. "I think I'll go play with Ethan now."

He skipped out of the room with a smile on his face, so I guess he was just trying to make sure he wasn't being left out of things. Maybe he thought having sex with Tyler was one of the advantages he would get from being older, like staying up later. He obviously wanted to enjoy the advantages the others were getting, like doing some of the same things I did with Ethan, so it made me think and look at him in a new light.

When I finished up in the kitchen, I went upstairs to clean up a little. As I was passing Tyler's room, he called out to me.

"Do you know my birthday is in a few weeks?" he asked. He looked very serious.

"Of course I know when my godson's birthday is. It's March 8th and you'll be turning 13," I assured him and he smiled in response. "Have you thought about what you might like as a present?"

"Yep. I sure have," he replied, grinning.

"Well what do you want?" I asked, so I would know what to buy him.

"I want you to give me a blowjob for my birthday!" he announced, before he started to giggle.

Chapter 11
Growing Closer

The little bugger did it to me again! I knew I had to respond, because I couldn't let him get away with this.

"You know that's not an option," I stated, as I stared him down and flashed him a dirty look. "What would you like me to BUY you for your birthday?" I repeated, since I thought it might be best to rephrase the question.

"I don't want you to buy me anything," he answered. "What I want is you to give me the best present possible and the one I would enjoy the most."

"You certainly aren't very good at keeping promises, are you?" I challenged, somewhat annoyed. "Did you forget about your promise that you'd never do anything like this again?"

"Come on! My birthday is only once a year," he groaned. "It's not like I'm asking you to do it once a day, once a week or even once a month, but that would be nice." He tilted his head and gave me a look that said, 'You'll do that for me if you love me. Won't you?'

"And if I do this, then you'll keep finding excuses or other reasons why I should do it over and over again," I countered. "Next time you'll ask me to do it for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, the spring solstice, Easter, Independence Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, the winter solstice, Christmas or New Year's Day and those are only the ones that come to mind now. I'm sure you'll manage to come up with even more reasons to do it besides those and it just won't end."

"I hadn't thought about anything like that, but it's not a bad idea," he teased, and I shot him a dirty look for his effort.

"Ok, if you don't want me to buy you a present, do you want a party?" I followed, changing course.

"Maybe," he said, while appearing as if he was concentrating on something. "If I make the school baseball team, then I might have you invite my teammates. That could be fun."

"That's an interesting idea," I agreed. "When will you know if you make the team?"

"Tryouts start a week from Monday, so I should know a couple of weeks before my birthday," he explained.

"Tryouts start a week from Monday? When were you going to share this information with me?" I wanted to know, since I thought it was something he would have mentioned before now. "It means you'll be staying after school to do this, so I'll need to make other arrangements for your brothers. I'll have to check with Mrs. Riordan to see if they can stay with her again."

"I thought you already knew about this," he shot back. "Don't you go on the school website?"

"No, that's not something I've been doing," I replied, feeling foolish that I wasn't aware it was something I should be doing. "You've got to remember that I'm new at this job. I've never been a parent before or had kids in school."

"Ok. Come here and I'll show you how to get on," he offered, as he turned toward his computer. I walked over behind him and he typed in the address.

"This is the site you'll need to get on," he continued, as he hit enter. "Then you can click on this to find out about school activities or this one to find out about sports. Everything is there that you'll need to know. There's also a tab for the cafeteria and that's how we printed out the school menu for the month."

"Oh, I see there's a link for homework too. What's that one about?" I asked and this caused Tyler to groan in response.

"Each teacher has a page where they list the homework they'd given out each day or for the week," he mumbled, hoping I wouldn't catch on.

"Great. Now you just need to give me a list of your classes and teachers so I can check it out each night," I stated, tongue-in-cheek, since I knew he was squirming in his seat.

"You don't need to do that, because I won't lie about having homework or getting it done," he replied, as he turned around to see what I was going to say.

"Ok, I'll trust you for now and things will stay the same as they've been, unless I discover you're pulling a fast one on me," I agreed, and I heard Tyler sigh.

"Thanks, but I won't do that," he confirmed. "I don't want to give you any reason not to trust me."

That was good to know and I thanked Tyler for pointing these things out to me. I also told him I'd check the site out a little later, because I had other things to do now. Before I left his room and headed across the hall to my bedroom, I advised him to think a little harder about what he wanted for a birthday present or he might not get anything.

I should have gone grocery shopping today, but I was still tired from the last couple of days, so I decided to put it off until tomorrow. Then I had another idea, so I grabbed my hamper and started out of the bedroom.

"Grab your dirty clothes and bring them downstairs," I told Tyler on the way by. "You can help me do the laundry."

"I thought we were going to the park," he shot back, with a surprised look on his face.

"We will after lunch, but we need to get this done too," I pointed out. "We can do some of it now and the rest when we get back from the park."

"Ok," he sighed, as he began to do as I asked.

I had Marcus and Ethan bring down the hampers from their rooms too and heard the boys sliding the hampers down the stairs a little while later. I guess that's better than having them fall down the steps while carrying the hampers.

Doing laundry didn't take a great deal of energy, so I had no trouble starting the first load, but I told Tyler he could move everything from the washer to the dryer when it was done. I also asked him to put the next load into the washer after he'd started the dryer and reminded him about the settings. I'd already separated the next pile to be washed, so he wouldn't have to do it and I wouldn't have to worry that he was mixing the colored items in with the whites.

After he agreed to do that, I went to the kitchen to see what we needed from the grocery store and began to make my shopping list for tomorrow. We had more than enough food to survive on until then, but we were out of some items, so a trip to the store was still necessary.

The boys were actually being quite helpful, probably because they thought they had to or else I wouldn't take them to the park. As they say, one hand washes the other and it's good that they were learning it now. I was glad they could see that being responsible and helpful would be rewarded and a lack of cooperation would cause them to lose privileges. It's a lesson they should be able to benefit from throughout their lives.

We spent a good deal of the morning doing laundry and cleaning the house, but then I took them to the park after lunch. We spent time working on their fielding first and then I let them each hit quite a few pitches, before I had them take turns pitching to me. We were there for nearly three hours and each of the boys was showing improvement, so I felt doing this was well worth the effort. When we got home, we were all tired and dirty, so I felt we should get cleaned up before dinner.

Since I was also quite filthy, I decided to shower in the master bath first, while Tyler was cleaning up in the boys' bathroom. I had Marcus and Ethan strip down to their underpants and then put their dirty clothes in the laundry room. Once they'd done that, I told them they could play video games in the family room or just chill out until Tyler and I got done and then I'd give them their baths. They had no problem with that, so I headed upstairs to clean up. Tyler made sure he was wandering naked down the hallway when I reached the top of the landing, so I figured it was intentional to give me a good show.

Once I finished showering and had put on some clean clothes, I found Tyler in his bedroom. I asked him if he'd do some more laundry for me while I was giving Ethan and Marcus their baths and he agreed he would. After we both came downstairs, I separated some more items out for Tyler first and then I took Ethan upstairs for his bath.

"I like baseball," Ethan announced as I was washing him. "Will I be able to play on a team too, like Tyler and Marcus?"

"I think so," I replied. "I've discovered there is a t-ball league in the area for 5 and 6 year olds, so I just have to find out when the signups are."

Ethan was quite pleased with this news, so I started shampooing his hair and then I rinsed it and dried him off. I had him put on some clean clothes after we finished and then I sent him back to the family room, so he could tell Marcus to come up here next. Marcus came upstairs a few minutes later, so I told him to take off his underwear while I finished filling the tub. He did as I requested and then stepped into the tub, so I started to wash him too.

"So did you have fun at the park today?" I asked as I was cleaning his body.

"Yeah and you were right," he added, but didn't elaborate.

"About what?" I wondered, since I had no idea what he was talking about.

"That you could help me with throwing and catching," he replied somewhat sheepishly. "I'm doing a lot better now, since you told me to do those things. I just want you to know I 'preciate it. Thank you."

"You're perfectly welcome, sport," I responded. "I'm glad I could help."

About that same time, I was washing his midsection and his little penis started to stiffen. Before long, it was standing tall and proud, as it pointed away from his body. Since this hadn't happened before, I wondered if it might have something to do with our earlier conversation where I he wondered if I was going to do sex stuff with him when he got older. It was right after he asked me if I was having sex with Tyler. I didn't say anything about his erection and waited to see how he was going to respond instead.

"Why is my pee-pee doing that?" he asked, as he looked at me and then glanced down at his penis.

"Boys get erections for many different reasons..." I started to answer, but he cut me off.

"What's a 'rection?" he wanted to know, as he studied my face.

"An erection is when your pee-pee gets stiff, like it is now," I advised him. I then stuck my finger out and placed it on top of his penis, so I could push it down a short distance before letting it bounce up again. Marcus giggled when I did that.

"That tickled a little," he explained, after he stopped laughing.

"Sorry about that," I offered. "I probably shouldn't have done it. To answer your question though, sometimes you can get an erection simply because you have to pee really bad."

"But I don't gotta do that," he stated, now looking at me more seriously.

"It might have happened because of the way I rubbed it when I was washing you or it could just be an indication that you're growing up," I added.

"You mean like Tyler?" he wondered, as he looked at me expectantly.

"Yes, that's what I mean and you might be starting that process now," I offered.

"Yeah, I'm almost 10 now, so I prolly am," he pointed out.

"Yes, your birthday is in May, which is just 3 months away," I observed. "That's not too far off." Marcus smiled when I said that.

"Does that mean I'll be getting hair down there and my pee-pee will get bigger like Tyler's too?" he wanted to know.

"That will happen soon enough, but probably not for a couple of years," I replied, so he wouldn't get too excited. "However, since you are getting older, I think you should start calling it by its proper name. It's your penis, not your pee-pee."

"My peanut?" he asked, looking at me confused. I had to stifle my urge to chuckle so I didn't upset him.

"Not peanut. It's your pe-NIS," I explained, this time putting a greater emphasis on the second syllable.

"So this is my penis?" he asked, as he grabbed it for emphasis.

"Yes, that's correct," I concurred. "Since you're growing up and are no longer a little boy, I want you to start using the proper name when you're referring to it."

"Ok," he agreed. "Will Ethan have to call it that from now on too?"

"Probably not, because he's still a little boy," I replied. "I don't have a problem with him calling it his pee-pee, at least until he gets older like you."

"Yeah, only us big boys call it a penis," he confirmed, as his chest puffed out a little.

Marcus' penis had begun to deflate by this point, so I went ahead and shampooed his hair, rinsed it and then dried him off. However, I still had a problem to solve and needed to make a decision as to whether I should let him wash his own privates from now on, seeing he had an erection after I washed that area for him tonight. On the other hand, maybe I'll just wait and see if it happens again before I go to that extreme, since he'd just decided to let me start bathing him again. It seemed important to him that I do special things for him too, like giving him a bath, so if we don't have a repeat performance, then I'll just keep doing this for him.

Once we went down to join the others, I decided to check and see how Tyler was making out with the laundry. I quickly saw that he was doing quite well, although his folding skills needed a little work. Fortunately, however, he'd been putting their school clothes on hangers, so they were in good shape. I guess the underclothes and play clothes would survive as they were this time.

During dinner, I thought it would be a good time to clear up a few things with the boys. With that in mind, I used this opportunity to talk to them about tonight and tomorrow.

"I'm going to finish the laundry tonight, but I'll be going over some things with Tyler in the dining room in between the time I spend taking care of the loads," I announced, which gained me a grin from Tyler. "What are you two going to do while we're doing that?" I asked Marcus and Ethan.

"Maybe watch TV or play video games," Marcus answered, and Ethan quickly nodded his head in agreement.

"That's fine and we'll come in to join you when we're done," I agreed. "Tomorrow, you boys will have to go with me to the grocery store so I can do some shopping, but what do you want to do after that?"

"I want to go to the park and practice baseball again," Tyler eagerly suggested.

"We can do that, if you want to," I agreed. "What do you think, Ethan and Marcus?"

"I want to do that too," Marcus confirmed.

"Me too," Ethan added.

"Ok. Do you want to do what we did today or try something a little easier?" I followed, since I didn't know if they wanted to work that hard again.

"Same thing," they all pretty much agreed.

"Ok, that's fine with me," I concurred. "We'll do the hitting and fielding like we did today, but when we get to the pitching I'm going to spend most of the time with Tyler. His baseball tryouts will be in another week, so he'll start playing sooner than either of you and I want to help make sure he's ready in time. You can play catch with each other or do something else if you want. Is that ok with you boys?" Marcus and Ethan both nodded in agreement, since they understood why I was doing this.

Once we'd cleaned up after the meal, I moved the load from the washer to the dryer and then started another load in the washer. After that, I grabbed some printer paper and a pen, before I led Tyler into the dining room. While we waited for the dryer buzzer to go off, I started drawing diagrams and explaining some more things he should know about pitching.

First, I drew home plate and explained that some had a border around the edge, but it was still part of the strike zone. I also explained that the normal strike zone was from the letters on the uniform, or basically the arm pits, down to the knees. I also told him that a strike is determined where the ball crosses the batter and not where the catcher catches it. He was already fairly familiar with this information, but I still went over it to be certain.

After that, I drew another diagram with a stick-figure of a batter standing next to home plate. I then drew a box above home plate and next to the batter to illustrate the strike zone. Now that this box was formed, I divided it in half, from top to bottom, and then into three sections, by drawing two more lines from side to side. The first of those lines was drawn at about mid-thigh height on the stick figure and the next one was about even with where the stick figure's belly-button would have been, so the strike zone was now divided into six smaller sections.

"When you're pitching, you have to remember where each hitter makes contact with your pitches," I stated. "Not all hitters can hit pitches in all six areas equally well."

"I know I can't," Tyler admitted. "I try, but I can't seem to do it."

"I know and that's fairly common with boys your age, but it's also true for nearly all batters, no matter how old or how good they are," I confirmed. "You just have to watch how the batter swings during his practice swings and remember what pitches he makes contact with when he's up at bat."

"I'll try, but that's an awful lot to remember," he cautioned.

"I know, but the more you can remember the better you'll do," I urged. "You'll also be able to make some decisions about how to pitch to the batter by where he's standing in the batter's box too."

I then explained to him how to do that, but I also told him to challenge most hitters with his four-seam fastball first, if he didn't know anything about the person. The four-seam fastball will travel the fastest of any of his pitches, as long as he throws them all with the same motion. I told Tyler if that pitch blows by the batter, then there's not much sense in throwing anything else, just keep changing the location where he's throwing it. I explained that 'the batter can't hit what his bat can't catch up too', so there's no reason to throw him another type of pitch.

However, I warned him that if the batter looked as if he'd timed that pitch, then he should use one of the changeups to throw him off stride. If the batter was swinging for the fastball, but the ball came in at a slower speed, then the best he would do was hit it weakly or pop it up. Tyler listened carefully to what I had to say and tried to absorb everything I told him, although I assured him I'd break this information into smaller chunks and we'd work on it in bits and pieces over time.

As soon as Tyler and I finished, since I didn't want to give him too much information at one time, we went to the family room to join the others. Marcus and Ethan were playing a video game when we arrived, but they quickly ended their game so we could all watch TV together. I knew what I was going to do next might cause a problem, because it was time to explain something to Ethan.

"Ethan, I told Marcus earlier that the two of you could take turns sitting on my lap from now on, because he wants to do it too," I began. "I think it's only fair."

"Nuh uh," Ethan quickly challenged. "We can both do it at the same time."

I looked at him strangely, because I didn't understand how he thought they could do that.

"Ethan, I'm not sure that will work," I pointed out, only to see him shake his head.

"He can sit on one leg and I'll sit on the other," he offered, while looking at me as if I should have figured it out for myself.

"We can give it a try, but I suspect it will seem pretty crowded and maybe even uncomfortable. If this doesn't work, then you'll just have to start taking turns," I conceded.

After we found something to watch, I sat on the sofa and Ethan climbed up on my left leg, while Marcus slid onto my right. It was kind of congested, but I noticed that both boys were doing their best to make it work. It was also very intimate, since both boys leaned their heads against my shoulders as they watched TV. I glanced over at Tyler as he was taking his seat beside me and could tell that he would have liked to been part of this group too. Instead, he just sat beside me and made contact with my body as best he could.

Both boys on my lap fell asleep before the show ended, so I asked Tyler if he thought he could carry Ethan upstairs, while I carried Marcus. He assured me that he could, so I let him pick Ethan up, while I followed behind with Marcus. I let Tyler go first as we went up the stairs and then I watched as he laid Ethan on his bed. I carried Marcus to his room, took off his clothes and put on his pajamas. After I tucked him in and kissed him goodnight, even though he didn't know it, I went and did the same thing with Ethan. Then I went back downstairs to make certain everything had been taken care of.

When I came upstairs again, I went in to say goodnight to Tyler, but quickly discovered he had a question for me instead.

"Since I couldn't sit with you downstairs, can I sleep with you tonight?" he wanted to know. "I promise to be good, but I just want to be close to you for a while, like my brothers were."

"I could feel your body touching mine downstairs," I countered.

"I know, but it wasn't the same. I was kind of being blocked by my brothers, so it wasn't as special as before," he pointed out. "Please. I promise to be good."

"Ok, as long as you keep this promise, because you don't have a very good track record with doing that," I relented, while warning him at the same time. I definitely understood his point, because the two younger boys got to cuddle with me and Tyler felt left out.

As soon as he heard my answer, he began jumping around like a little kid and I could see his penis bouncing around in his boxer briefs. Totally excited, he followed me across the hall to my room and hopped into bed, while I went into the master bath to brush my teeth and pee.

"Thanks for letting me do this," he gushed, as I started to slide under the covers. "I really missed being close to you while we were watching TV, but this makes up for it and makes me feel much better."

"It's probably going to be that way from now on," I warned. "I agreed to do it for Marcus, because he was feeling left out, being the middle child. It's also why he asked me to start giving him a bath again, so he didn't feel like you and Ethan were getting more than he was."

"I don't mind, as long you let me sleep with you whenever it happens," he stated. "Otherwise, I'm the one who will be losing out."

I had to think about this for a minute. Was it actually a problem for him or just an excuse? Then again, it's possible it was just another con job. After thinking about it and looking at his face, I judged he was being sincere this time. I know he's been getting the most attention from me, but he'll also be the first to leave home for college or whatever. I know that's still some time off, but it will go by quickly and I don't want either of us to have any regrets when the time comes.

"Ok, as long as it's just for sleep," I relented, yet again.

Tyler immediately wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a squeeze, but he also kissed me on the cheek. When he released me, I kissed him on the forehead.

"Good night, champ," I told him, before I leaned over and turned off the lamp.

As soon as I was in position for the night, he slid against me and threw an arm and leg over my body. I could also feel his bulge pressing against my leg, but he didn't have an erection this time. I thought that was a good sign and felt confident he wasn't going to try to wheedle me into having sex with him again.

Chapter 12
A Budding Star

After going to the grocery store Sunday morning, we came back home and put everything away. When I checked the in-box on my computer later, I discovered the manager from the restaurant had emailed me and attached the photo he'd taken of us. Fortunately, Matt and Kelly had some photographic stock for the printer, so I printed out a copy and took a few seconds to admire it. Now I would have to find a frame to put it in, so I could keep it on my desk at work.

After lunch, I took the boys back to the park, where I worked on their fielding and hitting again. When we finished doing that, I began to work with Tyler on his pitching one more time. I had been impressed that during our earlier outings he had been using the rubber fairly effectively, so this time I decided to focus on his effectiveness with the different pitches and with pitch location. I gave him a quick rundown of the signals I'd be using: 1 for a four-seam fastball, 2 for a two-seam fastball, 3 for a three-finger changeup and 4 for a folk ball. I told him I'd put my glove where I wanted the pitch, so he could use it as a target, and then we began.

I was pleasantly surprise to discover that each of his pitches had a noticeable natural movement to it. His four-seam fastball did a little hop, yet it still stung my hand when it hit the mitt. His two-seam fastball tailed off a little to one side, so it would ride in on right-handed hitters and move away from left-handed batters. His forkball had a nice little drop to it just as it reached the plate, and his three-finger changeup seemed to float to the plate, which should baffle the hitters. I was also quite impressed that he delivered each of these pitches with the same motion, so it would be hard for the batter to guess which pitch was coming. I was absolutely thrilled with how he was doing.

After we finished with that, I explained when he should pitch from the windup or from the stretch positions, but I also went over the balk rules with him, so he could avoid making those mistakes. Then, I worked with him on his pick-off moves, especially to first base, before we called it a day.

"Wow, I feel really good about how I'm doing. What do you think, Uncle Blake?" he asked and I could see the excitement radiating from his face.

"I think you're doing fantastic and we still have next weekend to do even more work before the tryouts," I replied, to his delight. "I think you'll do very well this year."

"Thanks, Uncle Blake. That means a lot to me and I'm really glad you could help me like this," he gushed, as he gave me a hug.

"It's been my pleasure and I can't wait to see you play," I shot back.

When we got home, we were all tired and dirty again, so Tyler and I went up to shower first and then I gave Ethan and Marcus their baths. Marcus didn't have an erection today, so it wouldn't be necessary for me to make any changes. I was relieved that it had only been a one-time thing and I wouldn't have to deal with it again.

After that, I went next door to speak with Brenda Riordan, because I needed to ask her if she'd be willing to watch Ethan and Marcus again, starting a week from Monday. I wanted to do this in person, rather than over the phone, so I could explain to her about Tyler's tryouts and see her reaction. I told her it would only be for about a half hour each day before I picked the boys up. Then, they could ride with me to pick Tyler up or go with me to watch his games. I also informed her that if Tyler made the team, he'd probably be staying after school every night for the rest of the baseball season, so he could go to practice or games. She had no problem with this and agreed to help out.

The rest of the night was very laidback and relaxing. We spent some of the time after dinner watching TV, so Ethan and Marcus both ended up on my lap again. I didn't mind and they both seemed to enjoy it, but I knew this meant Tyler would be joining me in bed later, to make up for missing out. I didn't mind him doing that either, as long as he behaved. To tell the truth, I was actually enjoying having him sleep with me too.

Monday morning started out as usual and that's the way the entire week went. The only thing that happened differently was that after dinner I'd sit down with Tyler to talk about baseball or we'd get on the computer and pull up a video that I would use as a training aid. As we watched the video, I'd point out some of the things I'd been explaining to him, occasionally even replaying that portion, so he could actually see what I meant. By the following weekend, he had a pretty good understanding of the things we'd gone over.

When Friday night rolled around, I was tired and didn't feel like cooking, so I took the boys back to the same diner we had visited before. We had a different waitress this time, but the manager noticed us and waved from the kitchen, to let us know he remembered who we were. I made certain the boys saw him do this and we all waved back in appreciation.

The boys and I each enjoyed what we ordered, but this time I purchased the desserts, so the manager wouldn't feel obligated again. When we went to pay the bill, he came out of the kitchen so he could point to the picture he'd taken of us on our previous visit. He had framed it and there was a note below it that read, 'Outstanding Customers'. We all thought that was really nice and thanked him for it, as we said goodbye and headed home.

That night I ended up with all of the boys in my bed, because each one decided he wanted to sleep with me again. I knew why Tyler wanted to do this, but I wasn't sure if Ethan and Marcus just liked being near me or if they were missing their parents and didn't want to be alone. Either way, I had no problem with it. This time, however, Marcus slept in the middle next to me on one side. Ethan had agreed to change places with Marcus, since he had slept next to me the time before. Luckily, Ethan didn't think about sleeping on my other side or I might have had a problem with Tyler. As usual, Tyler cuddled against me again, once we were all in bed.

Saturday we went grocery shopping and then I took the boys to the park. After going through our standard hitting and fielding practice, I worked with Tyler on his pitching again, while the other pair hit the playground equipment. I was really impressed that Tyler had such good command of his pitches, since he hadn't been doing this for very long, so I primarily focused on pitch location. In fact, by the end of our time at the park it was getting to the point where I felt that if the catcher gave Tyler a good target, then Tyler would hit it.

After we finished up with that, I worked with him on his pickoff moves again, so he'd be able to keep the base runners from getting a big lead and stealing. He was doing fairly well with that too, although I warned him about balking. After I pointed out a couple of little mistakes he had made, he agreed he would work to avoid doing those things again.

When we got home, Tyler and I jumped in the shower and then I gave Ethan and Marcus their baths. After we were all downstairs again, I did a couple of loads of laundry, while the boys did their own thing. Before bedtime rolled around, the various boys announced they wanted to sleep with me again, although Ethan made it very clear that it was his turn to sleep next to me. Marcus had no problem with that, so I agreed to let them share my bed one more time.

I've got to admit that I was enjoying and looking forward to having all the boys in with me. Tyler would cuddle with me on one side, but quite often whichever one was sleeping next to me on the other side would do the same thing. I would then spend the night wrapped in the loving embrace of the boys that had willingly accepted me as their new dad.

Sunday morning, I started doing more laundry after making the boys breakfast, but later I took them all to the sporting goods store, so I could buy Tyler a duffle bag. It was for him to use to carry his baseball glove and the clothes he was going to wear for the tryouts. I also purchased a couple jockstraps for him, because I felt it was time he started wearing one. He gave me a sideways grin when he saw me checking them out and making sure I got the right size for him, but I knew he was also grateful.

When we got home, I told Tyler to take the duffle bag upstairs and pack everything he would need in it, including a towel, if he intended on taking a shower afterward. He flashed me an evil grin after I said this, so I knew it meant he was looking forward to seeing the other boys in the shower too.

Tyler had been up in his bedroom for a short time when I heard him yell down to me. "Uncle Blake, will you come up here for a second. I need your help."

I wasn't sure what he wanted, but I went up to see, nonetheless. When I walked into his bedroom, he was clad only in his new jockstrap and he spun around, as he showed it off.

"I wanted you to see how sexy I look in it," he teased, as he spun around again. "I'm hoping some of the other guys will think I look sexy in it too." After saying this, he let out an evil laugh.

"Just be careful that you don't work yourself into any embarrassing situations, or should I have said em-BARE-ASS-ing situations, and don't wind up with any enemies because you made a pass at a guy that wasn't interested."

"I know, but I sure am gonna look," he pointed out with a sinister grin.

"Then try not to get an erection. That would be a dead giveaway and get the others looking at you differently," I teased.

"I know and I'll try not to do anything stupid or something that will get me in trouble," he confirmed.

"Smart boy," I told him, as I turned around to leave.

When I went back downstairs, I told Ethan and Marcus to make sure they had everything ready for tomorrow too and they said they would. While they were doing that, I went back to doing more laundry. I was becoming such a domestic god.

We went to the park again in the afternoon and I ran it identically to the previous day. When we returned home after we finished, we all cleaned up and I did the last load of laundry.

After dinner, I watched TV with the boys and Ethan and Marcus automatically came over to sit on my lap. It was becoming a real ritual for that pair and about half of the time they would fall asleep while leaning against me, especially after they had a strenuous or busy day. However this time there was a slight scuffle between the pair as they were getting comfortable, as each one fought for a little more room. They stopped once I warned them that I wouldn't let either of them sit on my lap again if this continued. After making faces at each other, their tussle ended and we finished the night in peace. That might have been due to the fact that they both fell asleep again, pretty much as I'd expected.

Of course, after Tyler helped me carry them upstairs he followed me into my bedroom so he could sleep with me again, which he always did after the other pair had monopolized my attention earlier. I wasn't thinking a thing about it when he did it, but this time he announced that he had a different take on why he was there.

"I want to sleep with you tonight because I always sleep really well when I'm with you. Since I want to be totally rested for tryouts tomorrow, this will give me the best chance," he explained after we got in bed. "I think if I slept alone in my room, I'd probably spend most of the night worrying about the tryouts, so this should help me out a lot."

To assist him with his goal, I slid my arm under his shoulders and pulled him against me, as he wrapped his body around mine. He was my boy and tonight I would do my best to help him prepare for his big day.

I have to admit that we both slept very soundly, so I hoped that meant he'd do well at his tryouts. After we were all ready that morning, and before the boys got on their buses, I wished Tyler good luck and reminded Ethan and Marcus that they were to go to Mrs. Riordan's house after getting off the bus today.

"I'll pick you up at my usual time and then you'll come with me when I drive to the school to pick Tyler up," I informed them.

They seemed to like that idea and didn't complain about having to spend time at the Riordan's house. It's not that they didn't like her or didn't want to spend time there, but their earlier objection had merely been about not needing a babysitter. Since Tyler wouldn't be home with them today, they both realized they weren't old enough to stay by themselves, so they quietly accepted what I told them.

All day at work I kept thinking about Tyler and praying he would do well at his tryout. I kept glancing at the picture of all of us on my desk and decided that I was also going to take some action shots of the boys in their baseball uniforms this year, so I could keep a copy on my desk too. I guess I really am becoming a big family man, and a proud one at that.

As soon as I was able to leave for the day, I raced home, picked up Ethan and Marcus and then drove to the school. I wasn't sure how long Tyler and the others would be there or when they would finish, but I didn't want to leave Tyler waiting alone. After locating the practice field, I watched what was going on for a few minutes, but then the coach called the team over to speak with them briefly, before he let them go. Tyler quickly spotted the car and ran over to speak with me.

"I'm going in to take my shower now," he stated, with a wink. "Just park out in front of the school and I'll meet up with you there."

After telling him that would be fine, he raced off to the locker room, since he didn't want the others to finish up before he got there. As he was moving away from us, I immediately began to move the car, so I'd be where he was expecting.

"You mean Tyler's going to take a shower with the other boys?" Marcus finally wanted to know after listening to our previous conversation.

"Yep, that's what big boys and athletes do," I confirmed.

"So they can all see each other's penis?" he followed, obviously having trouble grasping the idea.

"What's a pemis?" Ethan wanted to know.

"Not a pemis. It's a pe-NIS and that's the right name for your pee-pee," Marcus told him, before I could respond. I noticed Marcus had also emphasized the second syllable of the word, as I had done with him, but Ethan merely nodded his head and seemed to think about it for a minute.

"Ok, I get it," Ethan merely mumbled a few seconds later.

"You mean none of the boys care that everyone else can see them without anything on?" Marcus eventually asked, since his original question hadn't been answered.

"I'm sure it takes time for some of them to get used to doing it," I explained, "but after they realize they've all got the same things between their legs, they get over it."

"Do they all have a big penis like Tyler?" he followed, getting it all out in the open.

"Most of them probably do, but it's possible some of them haven't grown that much yet," I answered. "Not all boys hit their growth spurt at the same time, so some might have smaller penises."

"Will I have to take shower if I play baseball on a team?" a little voice piped up, after Ethan had absorbed our conversation.

"You'd only do that if you play on the school teams," I replied. "You'll take your bath or shower at home when you play on a summer league team."

"Ok, but I could do it," Ethan countered, while not making a big deal about it.

"I guess I could too, as long as it was only boys in the shower, because girls play on some of the teams too," Marcus followed. "I just didn't know that the school teams did that together, so I was a little surprised."

"I understand and it's not a big deal," I assured him, and then we sat and waited for Tyler to join us.

After Tyler was buckled in, I started the car and we headed home. "So how do you think you did?" I asked as we were driving away.

"I think I did pretty good," he responded. "The coach only hit us grounders and fly balls today, before he had some older boys throw batting practice to us. It was almost like we do on the weekend, so I thought I did fine."

"Did he ask what position you wanted to play?" I asked after Tyler had finished speaking.

"He passed around a sheet that we wrote our names on and listed where we wanted to play," he answered. "He said tomorrow he'd work with the infielders and outfielders separately, but he wouldn't get to the pitchers and catchers until the end of the week. We have to practice on Saturday too."

"I had a feeling you probably would," I confirmed. "So what position or positions did you put down?"

"I wrote down third base, outfield and pitcher," he stated, just before we pulled into the driveway.

After we went inside, I encouraged the boys to do their homework, while I worked on dinner. Later, after we finished eating, I checked Marcus' homework while Tyler finished his. He had more than his brother, which is typical with kids in higher grades.

Even though we didn't watch television later, which meant Ethan and Marcus hadn't claimed squatter's rights on my lap, Tyler still wanted to sleep with me.

"I slept really good last night and I think it's part of the reason I did so well today, so please let me sleep with you again," he pleaded.

"And I suppose this is going to go on all week?" I followed, while eyeing him suspiciously.

"Just until I make the team," he whined, practically hopping up and down in anticipation.

"Ok, I guess I can live with that," I agreed, which earned me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you. Thank you," he growled after releasing me. "I know I'll do much better this way. Oh yeah, you were right about the showers too. Only a few of the other boys took showers like me, but at least I got to see some of them naked." He had a huge grin on his face after telling me this.

The fact that he slept better with me and would, therefore, do better at tryouts might be true, but I had a feeling this was just another of his con jobs. To be honest, I didn't mind though. I think I enjoyed having him cuddle against me all night long as much as he did.

The rest of the week went much the same way, with me rushing home to pick up the younger pair and then driving to the school to get Tyler. At least now I knew I didn't have to drive quite as fast, because I just had to be there in time to meet him in front of the school after he finished his shower. I always asked him how he did and the response was generally positive. On Thursday and Friday he said he got to pitch a little and the coach watched how he did, but he felt good about that too. He also told me later, in private of course, that more of the other boys had started taking showers too. He said most of them claimed they had just forgot to bring their towels the first day, so now he was able to see a lot more floppy dicks after they got done.

When Saturday arrived, I decided to stick around to watch the tryouts after dropping Tyler off, and Ethan and Marcus were eager to do that too. It turned out that the coach had planned to have an intrasquad scrimmage today, so he could see how well the boys did in a game situation. Tyler got to start off pitching, which I thought was a good sign, and he did a decent job too. After he threw a couple of innings, the coach also tried him out at third base, short stop and left field. I thought he did well at every position, so I felt really good about his chances to make the team.

Once they finished, Tyler went in to shower, while we waited for him in the car. When he came out, I couldn't wait to ask him this question. "Well, did you make the team?"

"I don't know yet," he replied. "The coach says he wants to go over everything and think about it first, so he'll call each of us tomorrow night to let us know."

I could immediately tell that Tyler was going to be on pins and needles until that happened, so I'd have to distract him from thinking about it. One of the things I tried was having him help me do some yard work first, since I needed to get that done as well. Being a homeowner and a single parent, I had plenty of things to do both inside and outside the house.

Tyler and the other pair didn't put up much of a fuss about helping me, since they knew I'd probably do something nice for them later. We were all pretty dirty by the time we finished up, so Tyler and I went upstairs to shower first.

"Can I shower with you this time?" he asked, while looking at me hopefully. "The shower in your bedroom is big enough for both of us. I know, because I heard Mom and Dad showering together sometimes."

I was automatically going to say 'no', but then I thought if it would serve as a distraction so he didn't worry about making the team I would do it. He was thrilled when I gave in and started taking his clothes off and tossing them through the doorway and into his room.

"I hope you plan on picking them up later," I said, once I saw what he had done.

"Yeah, don't worry. I will." he assured me as we moved toward the master bath. "Will you wash me too?" he asked after we got in the shower. "You do that for Ethan and Marcus, so will you do it for me too?"

I merely looked at him and rolled my eyes. "They're also a lot younger than you," I pointed out.

"I know, but please!" he whined.

"Ok, I'll do it this time," I agreed, while trying to make it sound as if I didn't really want to.

I knew I'd be giving in to him before I actually agreed to do it, but I did it this way because I wanted to make him squirm a bit first. I then proceeded to wash his body, from his head to his feet, and true to form he got an erection when I washed his package.

"Ummm, will you take care of that for me too?" he asked, while glancing down at his boner. I let out a sigh before I answered.

"How do I keep getting roped into these things?" I mused, as I grasped his penis and started stroking it.

I was losing all of my self control when it came to Tyler, but it didn't bother me as much as I thought it should. I knew I wasn't harming him, because he was the one asking me to do these things with him. Not only that, but I was even beginning to look forward to doing them with him. I also couldn't wait to see how he was going to try to bamboozle me the next time he wanted to get away with doing something. It was becoming a game with us, but I didn't mind losing.

This was the first time I'd masturbated him standing up and he leaned against me as I was doing it. Since he had seen those other boys naked in the shower earlier, he was already slightly horned up, so it didn't take long before he was spewing his seed against the shower wall. I thought his knees were going to buckle when that happened, so I wrapped my other arm around his waist and held him up, to keep that from happening.

"Damn, my head was spinning that time and I got a little dizzy," he informed me, once he regained his strength.

"I imagine it was because you were thinking about doing this with the boys you showered with in the locker room earlier," I teased.

"No, it was because I was thinking about doing it to you too," he quipped. "Please, can I do it to you next?"

"Tyler, it's bad enough that I've been doing these things to you, but allowing you to do the same thing to me would be taking it to a whole other level," I replied. "I don't think that is a good idea."

"Come on. Please," he whined, while giving me his most seductive look. "I just want to know what it's like to do it to someone else, in case I ever get to do it with one of the boys my age."

I just glared at him and didn't say a thing.

"Pretty please," he whined again. "You were the first to do anything with me and I want you to be the first I do it to."

I suspected he was just about to get down on his knees to plead his case, so I made my decision before that happened.

"You know that you're making me break all the rules I set when you first approached me," I pointed out, while making a face.

"I don't mind, so can I?" he persisted.

"What do you mean, 'you don't mind'," I sniped, as I began to tickle him. "Ok, I guess we can do it this once," I relented, as stopped tickling Tyler and he hugged and kissed me yet again.

As soon as he finished doing that, he reached down and began fondling my scrotum and penis, before he wrapped his hand around my now turgid member and began to stroke it. I'd almost forgotten how good another hand felt when doing this, but it seemed even better when the hand giving me pleasure was smaller and very smooth. Tyler soon had me panting and getting closer to my release, but I could hear that he was panting too. Was he getting winded from the effort or was he just as excited doing this to me, as he was when I was doing it to him?

Before long my semen was spurting onto the shower wall and floor, so once I came to my senses again, I made sure to rinse it all down the drain before we exited the shower. Then, Tyler wanted me to dry him off too, which I did, and then he wanted to dry me. After we finished, he went over to his room to get dressed, while I did the same.

As I passed by his door on the way downstairs, I told him to bring down his hamper, as I carried mine. Once I dropped my hamper off in the laundry area, I took Ethan and Marcus upstairs to give them their baths. As soon as I finished with each one, I asked them to take their hampers downstairs too. Tyler had agreed to do a couple of loads for me, since I'd given in to him, and he was still doing that when the boys dropped their hampers off to.

Just as I got downstairs, the phone rang, so I answered it.

"Tyler, it's for you," I told him, after I went to get him.

"Who is it?" he wanted to know.

"I have no idea, but it's a man's voice," I replied. Actually I had asked who was calling, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise for him.

Tyler went to answer the phone, but when he hung up after he'd finished talking, I heard him let out a huge scream.

"I made the team. I made the team," he shouted, while running back and forth and jumping up and down. "I asked the coach why he didn't call tomorrow, like he said he was going to do, and he said he was calling all the starters today. Not only did I make the team, but I'll be starting too."

He was dancing around even more, as his brothers came out to see what was going on. After telling them the same thing, we all congratulated him.

"That's terrific news," I told him, since I was as proud of him, as he was happy.

"Yeah, that's great, bro," Marcus added, smiling.

"I knew you'd get picked," Ethan told him, as he gave his brother a hug.

Chapter 13
Many Plans

Seeing Tyler knew that he'd made the team, I didn't have to worry about distracting him for the rest of the weekend. I might have to keep him from bouncing off the walls instead, but that should be a much easier task. At least I hoped so.

After we finished doing the laundry, I decided to celebrate his achievement by taking the boys to the diner again. I knew they all liked eating there and we enjoyed another nice meal together. Then, I took them to see a movie, but this time it was going to be Tyler's choice as to what we saw, because I was doing this to celebrate his achievement. He hemmed and hawed for a while before finally making his selection. I had seen him checking out the posters of several different possibilities, so I knew the choice had not been easy for him. When he eventually made his decision, I quickly understood the reason it had been so difficult for him.

I had my suspicions that Tyler would have rather seen 'Lucy', 'The Giver' or 'Hercules', but he'd decided either his brothers wouldn't enjoy those movies or I wouldn't want them to see any of them because of the violence or nudity they contained. Instead of following his heart, he chose to go to 'Guardians of the Galaxy' instead, which was based on a Marvel comic book classic. The boys all seemed to enjoy the movie, and it was actually pretty good, but I was convinced Tyler had sacrificed his own desires for the sake of his brothers. For that reason, I immediately decided I would do something special for him later.

When we got home, I quickly put Ethan and Marcus to bed and then I went to Tyler's room so I could say goodnight to him. I also wanted to let Tyler know that I realized what he had done earlier.

"That was a really nice thing you did at the theater complex," I told him.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, looking somewhat shocked that I'd even brought it up.

"You may not want to admit it, but I figured out what you did," I began, while looking at him with all the sincerity I could muster. "I could tell you actually wanted to see one of the other movies, but chose 'Guardians of the Galaxy' for your brothers' sake."

"Maybe, but it wasn't that big of a deal," he replied, shrugging his shoulders. "I wanted to see that too."

"Well I thought it was a pretty big deal, so I'm going to do something nice for you in return," I announced. "I'm going to let you sleep with me tonight."

"Really? You mean it?" he challenged, not truly believing what I was telling him.

"Yep, I really mean it," I concurred.

I didn't have to tell him a second time, because he started hopping around for a few seconds, before he stopped to hug, kiss and thank me for doing this. Once we had brushed our teeth and used the toilet, we climbed into bed and I rolled over toward him and began to grin.

"I've got another surprise for you too," I told him. "Since you were so nice earlier, I'm also willing to perform oral sex on you tonight, if you're interested." Suddenly, Tyler's face lit up and he began bouncing up and down on the bed.

"You mean you're gonna suck me off?" he asked and I nodded in response. "Of course I'm interested. I really would like that."

Before I knew what he was up to, he threw back the covers, slid off his boxer briefs and tossed them on the floor, before he laid back on the bed, ready for me to begin. I could see his penis was also starting to twitch and firm up, as he looked over in my direction and waited for me to get started. Sure, I wanted to reward him, but I didn't have to select this particular treat for him to enjoy, other than maybe I would enjoy doing it to him as well. I wasn't sure why I was breaking one of my 'increasingly flexible' rules for him again, but I was.

I thought he might actually catapult off the bed and wind up on the ceiling when I lowered my head over his spike, because he started forcefully thrusting his hips upward, trying to jab his penis into my mouth. I guess he really was anxious to do this. I didn't stop or say anything about his actions and attempted to give him my best effort. I used my tongue and lips to stimulate his engorged digit, as I bobbed my head up and down on it. Before long, Tyler was panting like he'd just finished running a marathon, as his hips continued to bounce up and down on the mattress. After a few more moments of doing this, his movements suddenly stilled and his body began to stiffen, as slender ropes of his heavenly nectar shot into my mouth. I enjoyed it completely, as his muscular frame finally came to rest beneath me. I never let up, however, and continued to suck on his penis, like a hungry calf at its mother's teat.

I only stopped when it appeared he was completely drained and his penis was becoming tender from the over stimulation. Then, I sat up so I could look at his face, which seemed to be glowing like the noonday sun. After a couple minutes of pure bliss, as he enjoyed the intense afterglow of his orgasm, he finally started to move again. His eyes blinked a few times before they finally opened and then his face lit up, as he rolled in my direction.

"That was incredible!" he exclaimed, as he stared into my eyes. "It was even better than all the other times we've done stuff together and I really enjoyed it. Thank you. Thank you so much for doing this for me. I love you more than ever."

Once I got him calmed down again, I set the alarm clock so we wouldn't have a repeat of when Marcus walked in on us the last time. Then, I pulled the covers over our bodies, before I turned off the lamp and began to cuddle with him. He immediately melted against me, as I lovingly wrapped both of my arms around his body and held him tightly. I wanted to him to feel all the love I felt for him, but I have to admit that I was probably doing this more for me than for him.

We both slept very soundly until the alarm went off and then we began to stir to life. Tyler hadn't put his boxer briefs back on after I gave him the blowjob, so he hurriedly scooted out of bed and slipped them on. It wasn't that he suddenly became modest, but we certainly didn't want Marcus seeing him in that condition and questioning why he was in bed with me, naked again. A little while later we headed downstairs, as I thought about what I was going to make the boys for breakfast.

Tyler and I were in the kitchen alone for a while before Ethan and Marcus came staggering down the steps to join us. We hadn't awakened them and, instead, let them get up on their own, since it wasn't a school day. They both seemed a little groggy this morning when we saw them, but I wasn't sure why, as they stumbled into the dining room and sat down at the table to eat.

"You two still look a little tired this morning," I observed after watching them for a few moments. They glanced back and forth at each other briefly, before either of them spoke.

"I had a bad dream about the movie we saw last night and Ethan said he did too," Marcus eventually announced.

This surprised me, since I didn't think the movie had been that bad or graphic enough to have caused this to happen. If the movie had been the source of their problem, then I was certainly glad Tyler hadn't chosen one of the more extreme movies to see instead.

After thinking about this a little longer, I finally realized what might have sparked their nightmares. I was willing to bet it was due to the fact the main character, Peter Quill, had been kidnapped after his mother's death. I strongly suspected it was the latter incident that had sparked their unpleasant dreams. Although these visions hadn't been bad enough to wake them up in a cold sweat, screaming, it probably reminded them about their own loss. They must have strongly identified with Peter Quill and put themselves in his place, in order for it to have had that much of an effect on them.

"Ok, you two can take a nap after you finish eating if you want," I suggested.

"Aren't we doing anything today?" Marcus shot back, while giving me a strange look.

"I was only planning on doing some grocery shopping, but we can do that after your nap," I offered.

"Aren't we going to the park to practice baseball?" Ethan followed, after I'd answered Marcus.

"We can do that later too, if that's what you boys want to do today," I agreed. "Practice shouldn't take as long, seeing Tyler has already made the school team and works out with them every day."

I could see Tyler sitting a little taller at the table after I said this and realized I'd made him feel good again, but this time without even touching him. Marcus and Ethan both seemed to like my idea, so they agreed that they would take a short nap after they'd finished eating. Before they left to do that, however, Ethan asked me for a favor.

"Will you come with us?" he wondered, as his face pleaded with me to give in. "I will sleep a lot better if you are there too."

"Ok, but we'll have to sleep in my bed then," I conceded. That didn't seem to be a problem for him and each boy grabbed one of my hands as they began to drag me toward the stairs.

I stayed with them until they had each fallen asleep and then I went back downstairs. As soon as I appeared again, Tyler started making his own request. He immediately attempted to badger me into masturbating him.

"Come on! You just did something for them," he pointed out, "so I want you to do something for me now."

"And I'll be happy to, but it will have to be something other than a sexual release," I countered, while noting his instantaneous negative reaction to my response."

"But that's the best thing you can do for me," Tyler whined. "It makes me feel incredible when you do that and it shows how much you love me. That's why I like to do it so much."

"I understand and I did something like that for you last night, but I don't intend on doing it all the time," I reasoned. "Last night was to pay you back for doing something nice for your brothers, but I'm not going to give in to you on this one."

"Please?" he pleaded, but I shook my head in response.

"In fact, if you keep begging me to do it, I'll guarantee that we'll never do anything like that again," I vowed. I guess that was enough to scare him, because he didn't say another word.

"I'll do something else with you, but nothing sexual," I added, making a counter offered. "By the way, have you thought about having a birthday party?"

"Yeah, I have and I think it might be a good idea," he agreed.

"Have you also considered who you would like to invite?" I followed, as I tried to get the details out of him.

"Could I ask everyone on the baseball team to come?" he wanted to know. "There's only 15 of us, so that's not too many. Is it?" He was looking at me hopefully, as he waited for my answer.

"No, I suppose that would be fine, because I wouldn't want to hurt any feelings by leaving someone out," I concurred. "The best teams are also like best friends, while some even become as close as brothers, and they end up doing nearly everything together. They also look out for each other, even when they're not at practice or a game. That's exactly what we're going to do too."

"Yeah, I like that idea," Tyler replied.

"Did you realize your birthday is on a Monday this year?" I asked next.

"No! I hadn't checked the calendar to see yet," he stated.

"Well it is, so I figured we'd have your party the Saturday before. You can make it a sleepover if you want," I offered.

"Yeah, that would be great!" he agreed.

"Ok, I'll start making arrangements for it, like ordering the cake and making the invitations on the computer, so you can give one to each player on your team," I replied. "In the meantime, you can think about the types of things you might like to do while they're here. We can talk about your ideas later." He agreed with my suggestion and went off to start thinking about what other activities they could do at the party, while I began making plans of my own.

The younger pair only slept for about an hour and a half, before they came downstairs again. This time they looked more alert, so I was glad they had given in and done that. Now, I had them get ready to go to the grocery store, so we could pick up what we needed.

It was a really quick trip this time, even though we bought about the same amount of groceries as the week before. I guess the boys must have moved a little faster this time, so we could get everything home and be able to go practice baseball. After we put everything away, I fed them lunch and then had them grab their gear so we could take off for the park.

It was pretty much a repeat of what we had been doing, but this time I let all of the boys pitch to me, not just Tyler. Each of them was doing pretty well, even Ethan, although there wouldn't be a pitcher throwing the ball in t-ball. That position was merely another fielder. All Ethan was doing was actually getting ready for the following year, not this season.

"I think I'm going to ask to pitch this year," Marcus announced as we were driving home.

"I think that's a good idea," I agreed. "You've been doing very well and I think your coach will be happy to have you volunteer to pitch."

"Yeah, bro, you were looking good out there," Tyler agreed, boosting Marcus' confidence even more.

"What about me?" another little voice wanted to know.

"You're doing well too, Ethan," I told him, "but t-ball doesn't use pitchers like that. Remember, you'll be hitting off the batting tee."

"Oh yeah. I forgot," he responded.

After seeing how the boys were doing, I figured it would be a fun year watching them play. I'd sit with Ethan and Marcus at Tyler's school games and point things out to them, so they'd be better prepared when the summer leagues started. I think that will be especially important for Ethan, since most t-ball games are a comedy of errors, at least early in the season. Many of the players don't know how to catch very well or where to throw the ball once they get it. Others aren't prepared for someone to throw the ball to them either, so there tends to be a lot of mistakes. I don't want that to happen to Ethan and cause him to lose confidence in his ability.

Once we were back home and the boys were all cleaned up, I got on the computer and checked the schedule for Tyler's team. This coming week would just be practices, since no games were scheduled, but a week from Tuesday they'd have their first game. It was an away game, which meant I probably wouldn't get to see it, because it was a little farther away than I thought I'd have time to travel before it ended. He would also have a home game the Friday after that, so we'd just have to wait and see him play then.

His away game, however, would give me a chance to accomplish some other things I needed to get done without him being around, but I would have to speak with Brenda Riordan about it first. With that in mind, I told Tyler to watch the younger pair for a few minutes while I ran next door.

I quickly explained to Brenda what I wanted to do when Tyler was away for his game and asked if she'd be willing to watch the other two for a little longer that day, so I could run some errands. She said she'd be happy to and told me I didn't need to rush. I thanked her for that, but now I had to remember to do something else tomorrow, while I was at work.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, although I made sure the boys had their homework done and they had everything ready for the following day. Once I was convinced all the loose ends had been tied up, we spent a little more time together and then I put them to bed.

The following week was a blur of activity. After getting the boys off to school each morning, I headed in to work. I knew it was going to be a very busy week, because it was the last week of the month. This was always a hectic time in accounting, especially for me, because I had a great deal of responsibility. To make matters worse, I was also working on a special project for my boss on top of that. This meant I barely had time to stop and think about anything else before it was time to go home. Somehow, however, I managed to not only get everything done, but I also remembered to take enough time to make one very important phone call.

Once each workday ended, I would rush home to pick up Ethan and Marcus, so I could drive them over to catch the end of Tyler's practice. Then, we'd wait for him to get cleaned up, before I drove everyone home. After we got there, the boys would do their homework and I'd check it, in between making dinner. Once we'd eaten, the boys would clean off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, while I put the leftovers away and cleaned up everything I'd used to prepare the meal. A short time later, I would bathe Ethan and Marcus and put all the boys to bed, before turning in myself. Then, the entire process would start over.

I was truly happy when Friday night rolled around, because I'd finally get a breather. But then I remembered that I needed to get some things together for the following day. Once I had done that, I called Tyler over so I could explain something to him.

"Tonight when I picked you up after practice, I asked your coach for a favor. He's agreed to let me speak to your team tomorrow after you're done," I began. "It's so I can tell them about your birthday party and you can pass out the invitations. I will have everything with me when your practice ends and I'll use that time to tell your teammates what we're planning."

"That sounds great," Tyler agreed. "I'm glad you're going to do it this way."

Once I went over the details with Tyler, I sat down with all of the boys to watch television for a while. Marcus and Ethan spent the entire time on my lap, with Tyler pressed up against us, and that's the way it stayed until we went to bed.

Saturday morning I took Tyler to practice and then the boys and I stayed to watch them go through their paces. Once the practice was over, Coach Hendricks called the team together before he dismissed them. When he did, he announced that I would like to speak with them.

"Hi guys. You've probably seen me around, but you may not know who I am," I began. "I'm Tyler's godfather and I came to live with Tyler and his brothers after their parents were killed, but I'm here today to make an announcement. Next Saturday I'm having a birthday party for Tyler at the house and you're all invited. Tyler will pass out the invitations with the directions to our place and some other information your parents will want about the time this will take place, along with our address, phone numbers and some other stuff.

"This party will be a sleepover, so I suggest you bring a sleeping bag and a pillow with you," I continued. "If you don't have a sleeping bag, don't worry, because I'll have a few extras for those that don't have one, so just bring your pillow. Your coach told me that you will be practicing next Saturday morning, the same as today, so you can come straight from practice to our place and we'll get started. I'll order pizza for lunch and I'll prepare dinner on the grill later. The invitation also tells your parents they can pick you up between 9:00 and noon on Sunday, just in case some of you have to leave early in order to go to church. Are there any questions?"

I looked around and eventually spotted one of the boys raise his hand. It looked as if he wasn't sure if he wanted to speak up, but I called on him before he had a chance to change his mind.

"So we're all invited?" he asked, looking bewildered.

I immediately understood why he was posing this question, because it was a racially diverse team and most of them probably wouldn't have hung around together, other than for this purpose. The questioner was Hispanic and it might have surprised him that I was inviting all of them to attend.

"Yes, you are," I answered. "As I've explained to Tyler, the players on the best teams are quite often best friends as well, so we're treating this like you're all part of our family. I want you boys to get to know each other better and have a good time, so that's part of the reason I'm making it a sleepover, as long as your parents will allow it."

I saw quite a few nods and some pleased and intrigued expressions on their faces. Then another boy raised his hand.

"So you'll give us all a ride to your house after practice?" he wanted to know.

"I'm sorry, but I can't fit all of you in my car," I replied, feeling badly that I couldn't actually do that. "Since your parents would normally pick you up anyway, they can still do that, but then they can just drop you off at our place before they return home. Just bring a change of clothes with you that you can slip into after your practice, so you'll be ready. You can leave the other things you'll need in your car, so you'll have them when you get dropped off later. I will be able to take a few of you with us, if some of you have trouble getting a ride, because I don't want anyone to be left behind for any reason. Just bring your things with you that day and I'll toss your extra stuff in my trunk while you're practicing. If you think of any other questions later or you come up with a problem, just call me. Like I said earlier, my phone numbers are on the invitation you'll be getting."

"Do we need to bring any money?" another boy wanted to know.

"Not a penny," I assured him. "I will provide everything for you and Tyler is planning some other activities for you to do while you're with us."

"So Tyler's birthday is next Saturday?" a different boy asked.

"Actually his birthday is the following Monday, when he turns 13, but I'm throwing his party on Saturday, when you boys can have more fun," I explained. "I don't think it would be nearly as good on a school night and we wouldn't be able to have a sleepover either, so I hope all of you will be able to attend."

I heard a lot of murmuring after I finished, and as the boys were chatting with one another about this, Tyler passed out the invitations. After I had finished my spiel, a few of the other parents that had been waiting for their sons came over to speak with me about this. They asked some questions of their own, which I happily answered for them. I also explained that I had been Tyler's father's best friend and Tyler's godfather, as well as being close to the entire family before the accident, which was the reason his parents had named me as guardian for all of the boys. Some of the adults said it was very generous of me to take on that responsibility, as well as doing this for Tyler, but not everyone agreed with this sentiment.

"I think you must be either very brave or really naive to take on this many teen and pre-teen boys, even for one night," one of the fathers mused. "What were you thinking?" He laughed after saying this.

"Actually, I wasn't thinking about myself. I was just thinking about what Tyler wanted this time," I replied.

"I just hope you don't come to regret it," he added, as he shook his head slightly and snickered.

I understood he wasn't really being critical, but merely warning me as a novice parent. Overall, though, I seemed to hit it off fairly well with each of the adults there and the comments were all fairly positive.

Once that discussion ended, I loaded Ethan and Marcus into the car and we drove to the front of the school, where we sat and waited for Tyler. When he came out, he was sporting an ear-to-ear grin and his face was radiant. When he got into the car, he explained the reason why he looked so happy.

"All the guys were talking about my party in the locker room and I think they're all going to come," he announced, with his chest swelled out proudly. "They all told me it was really nice that I had invited the whole team and they also thought it would be a lot of fun. This is going to be fantastic."

Wow! He was really enthused, which made me feel really good. I would do my best to make sure each of them had fun and no one was disappointed or felt left out. I'm sure Tyler and I will both be judged by how this turns out.

After we got home, Tyler and I began finalizing plans for the party and I started a list of things I'd need to do or purchase between now and then. I also made my grocery list, so we could get some of it now and keep it in the freezer. There was an awful lot to do in a short amount of time.

During this session, I went over Tyler's ideas about what he wanted to do while the boys were at the house and we both tried to make sure Marcus and Ethan would be part of the activities as well, so they wouldn't feel left out either. We also decided that he and his teammates could sleep in the family room the night of the party, so I began moving things out of there and rearranging some of the other items so there would be plenty of space for the boys. It was a fairly large room to begin with, but it still might be a little crowded, although I doubted the boys would have any problems with the close sleeping quarters.

Once I thought all of the issues had been taken care of, I went to speak with Ethan and Marcus, to see what they wanted to get their brother for his birthday. We talked about a few different suggestions that one or the other had made, but they finally decided on one particular item, which would be from both of them. Once that was set, I added it to my list, since I would have to purchase it for them.

As soon as this had been taken care of, I asked the boys to bring down their laundry hampers again, so we could start loading their dirty clothes into the washer. They did what I asked and Tyler volunteered to help me with this, since he was so thrilled about all of the work I was doing for his party. Now, I'd just have to make sure I did something just as nice for Marcus and Ethan on their birthdays, although they wouldn't be for a couple of months. Marcus' birthday was in May and Ethan's was in June.

Needless to say, we didn't go to the park that day, but I promised to make it up to them the following day. Tyler certainly didn't need any more practice, but Marcus and Ethan were getting antsy, because they're summer leagues would be starting in a little over a month. Thinking about it, I hoped that having them all playing wasn't going to create a bunch of problems for me. What if two or more had a game or practice on the same day? How would I get everyone around and also be there for each of them by myself? Last year the boys had their mom and dad to do these things for them and Ethan wasn't even on a team. Had I bitten off more than I could chew? I certainly hoped that wasn't the case.

By the time we went to bed that evening, we were all tired, but in my case my head was also spinning. The boys all wanted to sleep with me again, so I thought about it for a short time and finally agreeing that would be fine. After giving Ethan and Marcus their baths and getting them in their pajamas, Tyler and I performed our nightly ritual too and then we all climbed into bed.

For some reason, this seemed to be a big deal for the boys. I knew why Tyler felt that way, but I wasn't sure about the other pair. Maybe it was just that they still felt a little lost without their mom and dad around, so they were using this to make up for it. It seems as if they had actually bonded with me, but in a slightly different way than Tyler had done. Regardless of their motivation, I certainly enjoyed doing this with them, and just like Tyler often said about sleeping with me, I always seemed to sleep really well whenever we did this.

Chapter 14
The Buildup

I woke up Sunday with three boys in my bed and we were all wrapped together like a litter of puppies. Arms and legs were draped over the body next to them and some of boys appeared to be lying on top someone else, at least more than on the mattress. No matter how chaotic and uncomfortable it might have appeared, it was nothing less than pure joy and contentment for each of us.

Once I got everyone up and fed, we headed to the grocery store to do our weekly shopping next. I had a lot of things to pick up this time, because I also needed to purchase multiple items for Tyler's birthday party, which was the following Saturday. After we had gone through the checkout and taken everything out to the car, I discovered not all of the items were going to fit into the trunk. This forced me to put a few bags in the back with Ethan and Marcus, but I tried to choose the things they wouldn't crush or damage in any way.

After we got home and had put everything away, I fed the boys lunch. While we were eating, Marcus noticed something and brought it to our attention.

"Dang, it's raining out," he grumbled. "Now we won't be able to go to the park to practice."

"Maybe it will stop later and dry up enough for us to still be able to do that," I suggested, just before we heard a loud clap of thunder and the sky opened up in a downpour. "Then again maybe not," I offered, as I tried to indicate to Marcus that I was sorry, but I had no control over the weather.

Since going to the park was out of the question, I agreed to spend time with the boys in the family room instead. I did a bunch of different things with them, such as playing games, watching movies and just talking about things in general, so we still had our special time together.

Later, after the boys were in bed, I checked over my list again to see what I still had to do this week to get ready for the party. A lot of the things had already been taken care of, so I felt pretty good, but I still didn't want to forget anything.

The following week, like the previous one, was a blur of activity. The biggest difference was on Tuesday night, when I had some additional things to do while Tyler played his game out of town. First, I went to my appointment with Adam Sheffield, Esq., the attorney I was going to use to make my will. I told him that the Riordan's had agreed to be guardians for the boys, in case anything were to happen to me before they were adults, so I gave him their full names, dates of birth and address.

I also directed the lawyer to put everything into a trust for the boys, if such an event occurred, and Brenda Riordan would be the executor. This would change when Tyler turned 21, because then he would become the executor, but everything was to be split evenly between the three boys when they were older. I had also purchased a fairly substantial term life insurance policy as well, so the boys should be more than adequately taken care of after I was gone.

As soon as I finished up at the lawyer's office, I ran out to purchase the presents for Tyler's birthday, since I hadn't been able to do it when he was with me. I had to go to a couple of different stores to get the various items, since what I wanted wasn't available at the same location, but I also stopped off at the grocery store and ordered a sheet cake for the party. I would pick it up on Friday after work and before I went to get the boys so we could go watch Tyler's game. That way I'd already have it at the house when the baseball team arrived on Saturday, after practice.

Once those things had been taken care of, I drove home and picked up Ethan and Marcus from the Riordan's house. Then, we drove to the school to see if Tyler was back yet. As it turned out, we ended up waiting for over an hour and the younger pair was vociferously complaining that they were hungry. I told them we'd eat just as soon as Tyler got back, which they agreed to, although not happily or eagerly.

When Tyler finally climbed off the bus and joined us in the car, he told us the reason they were so late was because they'd stop to eat before coming back. The younger pair groaned audibly at the thought they'd been starving while Tyler was filling his belly, but his news made me think about something else. I was glad that I had previously decided to give him some extra money to keep on him for emergencies, because it made it possible for him to buy something to eat. He also told me that he'd loaned some of the money to a couple of the other boys as well, so they didn't go hungry either. I told him I was glad he'd done that and then I promised Ethan and Marcus that I'd stop to pick up something for us to eat on the way home, since that pair didn't want to wait for me to prepare their dinner.

Tyler, on the other hand, was excited and eagerly told us about the game, both during the drive home and while the boys and I were eating later. It seemed he had played quite well.

"We killed the other team, 13 - 2," he began, while we were in the car. "The coach let me pitch and I did really good. I only gave up like six hits and only walked one. Some of my teammates said they couldn't believe it was the first time I had ever pitched in a game." He was absolutely bursting at the seams as he told us this.

"While we were riding on the bus to the game, Coach Hendricks told me a lot of the same stuff that you explained to me about pitching," he continued. "He also said that out of all the boys that wanted to pitch, I had the best control, much better than the others. He said that I had a good pitch selection too, even though I didn't have a curve ball. He told me that wasn't a problem though and probably even a good idea that I hadn't started throwing one yet. He said he would have discouraged the others from throwing one too, but they had started using a curve ball before they were playing for him."

The conversation paused briefly when I stopped to pick up the food and drove the last leg home. Tyler continued telling us about the game, however, while we were eating.

"I had two hits too, in six times at bat, before the coach pulled me out of the game. He said he did it to rest my arm, since we had such a big lead. He also told me he wanted to see how well some of the other boys pitched in a game situation too, so he'd know who to start in other games. He said he wanted to get some of the subs into the game as well. I didn't mind though, because the other guys want to play just as badly as I do and I'd already had a good game."

"I'm glad you were man enough to see that and not get upset," I praised him.

"Thanks," he replied simply. "I had two doubles when I was up to bat, but I hit the ball really hard on the outs too. I flew out to the outfield twice, once to left and the other time to center, but I also hit a hard grounder to the shortstop and got thrown out, and the third baseman caught a line drive I hit the other time. The whole team did really well though and we had a great time on the bus on the ride home.

"We were all joking around with each other about the game," he continued, "and we even teased some of the guys about the mistakes they'd made, but we didn't do it in a mean way. It was all done in fun and no one got mad. They even made fun of me because I slipped and landed on my butt when I went to field a ball that was hit slowly down the third base line. I guess it probably did look funny when it happened, so I didn't mind that they ragged me about it."

"I'm glad you were able to see the humor in things," I offered as a compliment. "That's very important."

"Yeah, the other guys were good about it too," Tyler replied. "We all laughed a lot and nobody got upset or anything."

"That's good and the start to becoming a close knit team," I replied. "It's important that they can all laugh at the little mistakes they make, because those types of things will happen, no matter how good you get."

"That's for sure," Tyler agreed. "I'm glad you'll all be there for Friday's game though. I think you'll be impressed with how well we do."

"Just don't get too cocky," I warned him. "Inflated egos can result in huge disappointments."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he wondered, since he didn't catch my drift.

"It means that you shouldn't get carried away with the success you've had so far," I explained. "That can lead to you making silly mistakes or not taking the opposition seriously enough, so a team that isn't nearly as good ends up beating you."

"Oh, ok. I understand now," he agreed, as we cleaned up the table and threw away the trash.

Wednesday and Thursday went as usual too, and so did the start to Friday, but then it got hectic. On the way home I stopped to pick up the cake first, along with a whole lot of ice cream and a bunch of hot dog and hamburger buns. I then dropped all of that off at the house before going over to the Riordans to get Ethan and Marcus. Tyler's game had already started before we arrived, but they hadn't finished the first inning yet. We got there just as the second batter stepped up to the plate for Tyler's team and I was told the other team hadn't scored.

Since no one was on base, I assumed the leadoff batter had made an out, but the second batter dropped a drag-bunt down the third base line and beat out the throw. The next batter hit a blooper just over the shortstop's head, so now there were men on first and second as Tyler stepped to the plate.

The first pitch was a ball and then Tyler swung at and missed the next pitch. The pitcher then tried to slip a fastball by him next, but Tyler did everything the way I had taught him and connected solidly with the ball. It flew out toward left field and sailed over the head of the boy playing there. As the kid turned around to chase the ball, Tyler and his teammates began to round the bases. The first runner scored and then the second runner did as well, as the left fielder retrieved the ball and threw it toward the infield. He missed the cutoff man as Tyler was heading to third and the coach waved him to keep on going. Tyler rounded the bag and flew down the base path as the throw came to the plate. Tyler slid under the tag and the umpire called him safe.

"Tyler just hit a homerun!" Marcus screamed, as Tyler jumped to his feet and was mobbed by his teammates.

"That he did," I agreed. "I guess it must have been his birthday present to himself."

The boys laughed at my comment, but agreed it was a good present, and then we watched the rest of the game.

To my surprise, Tyler was playing shortstop today and Crawford was pitching. Tyler did a really good job though and dug out a ball that was hit into the hole to his right. Even though he wasn't able to throw the runner out, he probably kept the kid from getting a double. Later, Tyler dug a grounder out of the hole while going to his left, but this time he was able to flip the ball to the second baseman for the force out. He also snagged a line drive, caught a popup behind third and turned a couple of other grounders into outs. Overall, I was quite pleased and impressed with his fielding.

Besides the homerun, Tyler hit a single up the middle and a double down the third base line, so he ended up going 3 for 5 today. That means\t he was 5 for 11 so far and was batting .460. I was certain he would be happy with that.

The team ended up winning the game 7 - 4, so it was a little closer than their first game, but they were doing very well. After the game ended, I was pleased to see Tyler's team slapping hands with the other team, before celebrating with each other. They were all extremely happy and going around patting each other on the back and saying 'good game'. It was really great to see that they were all getting along so well. After the boys helped the coach pack up the gear, he spoke with to the team briefly before dismissing them. When that happened, Tyler came rushing over to us.

"What did you think?" he asked, just as soon as he reached our location.

"I liked your home run," Ethan answered first, while smiling broadly.

"Thanks, bro. I liked it too," Tyler agreed. "The coach was generous and scored it as a homerun, but I think it was a triple with a throwing error. I think the coach would have held me at third, if the left fielder had hit the cutoff man."

"It was still awesome," Marcus added. "I hope I play that good."

"You'll do just fine, seeing Uncle Blake has been working with you too," Tyler responded. "I know that's why I'm doing so well now."

"Hey! I'm not out there fielding or hitting. That's all you," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but you're the one who taught me how to do those things, so I'd be able to do this good today," he shot back, flashing me a grin.

"Well the entire team looked good and I didn't work with any of them," I challenged.

"Yeah, but the coach tells them a lot of the same stuff that you taught me," he clarified. "I just got a head start on the rest of the team."

While we were talking, some of his teammates and their parents came over to congratulate Tyler and comment about how well he had played. While they were doing that, I moved around to congratulate some of his teammates as well. It was a fun victory celebration.

"Are you going to go take a shower?" I asked Tyler when I got back to him.

"Nah, we all decided we could shower at home today, since our parents were already here," he replied. "We didn't want to make you guys sit around and wait for us to do that."

I had no problem with that either, so I led them all to the car and we headed home. I stopped to pick up some Chinese on the way, since I didn't feel like cooking and the boys were all complaining they were starving.

After we ate, Tyler went upstairs to change out of his uniform and take his shower first, before I took Ethan and Marcus up to give them their baths. The boys were all pretty tired, so I had a feeling they'd sleep fairly well. At least I hoped Tyler was tired enough so the thoughts of his accomplishments in the game and anticipation of his upcoming birthday party didn't keep him awake.

Saturday, we got up early, had breakfast and then I took Tyler to his practice. The two squirts and I were going to stick around and watch them again, but this time Ethan and Marcus brought their gloves with them, so they could play catch too. I had no problem with that, since there was plenty of room for them to do it where I could still keep an eye on them.

Before he started working with the team, Coach Hendricks took time to talk to the boys about the mistakes they'd made during the previous day, so they could learn from their miscues and be able to avoid them in the future. Then he worked them pretty hard during fielding practice, before throwing batting practice to them. When they finished, I called on my cell phone to order the pizzas, while the boys grabbed the baseball gear and headed toward the locker room. While they were doing that, Coach Hendricks came over to speak with me.

"This birthday party has turned into a real team morale builder," he began, while shaking my hand. "After you told the players last week that some of the best teams were also best friends, I've begun to see some of the boys talking and doing things with some of the other boys that they might not have done those things with otherwise. I think you've even convinced them it's possible they can all be friends when you invited each of them to Tyler's party, so thank you. You have helped me a lot.

"By the way, Tyler is doing great," Coach Hendricks added. "You didn't get to see him pitch on Tuesday, but he did an excellent job. He told me you didn't want him to throw a curveball, which I have no problem with, because you've taught him enough pitches to make up for that. He had the other team totally off balance and the hits they did get were dribblers and bloopers. No one hit him solidly, except for one lefty that hit a line drive foul ball down past first. Tyler threw him a changeup and fork ball after that and the kid never came close to either one."

"Wow! Thank you for telling me this," I professed. "Tyler's a great kid and easy to work with, plus he listens to everything I tell him."

"I know and you've done a great job with him," Coach Hendricks agreed.

"Only with his baseball skills though," I countered. "Everything else was because of the great job his parents did raising him."

The coach nodded his head in understanding and then took off to check on the team. At the same time, I had Ethan and Marcus follow me to the car, so we could drive to the front of the school and wait for Tyler.

It wasn't very long before he came flying out the door of the school and raced to the car. He was eager to get home so he could get ready for the others to arrive.

"No one else needed a ride?" I asked, just to make sure.

"Not that I know of," he confirmed. "I think they're all set, because everyone told me they'd see me in a little while. They're almost as excited about this as I am."

"That's great, so I hope it all goes well and no one ends up disappointed," I offered, as Tyler gave me a strange look.

"I'm sure they won't be, because I know this is gonna turn out just fine," he assured me, as I drove them home.

Once we got to the house, Tyler pulled me aside, so he could speak with me in private.

"This is really working out super," he gushed. "Since everyone was coming here after practice, they all took showers today, even the guys that hadn't done it before. That means I got to see everyone's dick in the shower, which was another birthday present for me, even though they might not have known that." He laughed after saying this.

"I almost popped a boner too, since I was so excited and happy," he confessed. "I kept it from happening by turning the hot water off for a few seconds and the cold water made it go down really fast. No one said anything about it, so I don't think anyone noticed."

"That's good or it might have been embarrassing," I commented, just before he took his duffle bag up to his room.

I made a quick trip around the house to make sure everything was ready for the party to begin. A few seconds later the doorbell rang and the first of the boys arrived. I greeted each of them when they showed up, along with a few of the parents that walked up to the door with their son to make sure they had the right place. Once I assured them they did, I invited them in for a while, but they all thanked me and said I had my hands full already, before they went back to their cars.

After a group of boys had arrived, Tyler took them around and gave them a quick tour of the house, so they'd know where everything was. He also had them store their sleeping bags, pillows and other things in the family room, so they would already be when they were ready to turn in. The various boys handed Tyler the present they'd brought for him, so he put those on the dining room table for the time being.

Shortly after the last boy arrived, the pizza delivery man showed up with their lunch. After paying the man and giving him a decent tip, I carried all of the boxes into the dining room. I had to temporarily move Tyler's presents out of the way, so they didn't get covered in sauce, and then I brought out the heavy duty paper plates, the red plastic cups for the drinks and some chips, corn twists and nachos as fillers. Then I placed several bottles of Coke on the counter, since this is Georgia - the home of Coca Cola. I also set out a gallon of milk, a couple of different jugs of juice and multiple bottles of water for the boys to choose from. Then I called them in to eat.

It looked like a swarm of locust attacking a field, as they all came running into the dining room. I quickly advised them that I had ordered a variety of cheese, pepperoni and sausage pizzas and they could take whatever they wanted. If later we were out of the type of pizza they'd prefer, they could always remove the toppings from one of the others if they were still hungry and didn't like what was on the remaining pizzas. I had ordered nine pizzas in total, three of each, since Ethan, Marcus and I would also be eating with them. I certainly hoped it would be enough to fill them up.

Chapter 15
The Party

To my surprise, there were actually a few slices of pizza left after the vultures finished attacking the table. In fact, a lot of things remained, so I put everything away while they were relaxing and letting their food settle. Once I felt they were ready, I went in to get them, so we could start the activities Tyler had planned.

"What are we supposed to call you?" Crawford, one of the black players asked as we were walking into the other room.

"My name is Blake, so I suggest you call me that," I offered in return.

"No way!" he objected. "My daddy would whoop my butt if I ever called an adult by just his first name, so I'll call you Mr. Blake. It's alright to use your first name, as long as I put the Mr. first."

"That's fine," I agreed and soon all of the boys were calling me Mr. Blake. It was less formal for the boys than using my surname, but took them off the hook with their parents for being too informal.

Since that had been settled, Tyler split the baseball team into two groups of 7, since he was going to host and not play. He also put Ethan on one team and Marcus on the other, so they could be part of this as well. Some of the things Tyler had me pick up earlier in the week were a couple of pads of easel paper and some markers, so there would be something large enough to use for team Pictionary. He also had made his own list of themes they were to draw. He wrote them down on index cards and then folded the cards up and put them in a box. The person who was going to draw for each team would pull an index card from the box and that was what he had to try to draw and then get his team to guess what it was. This activity turned out to not only be fun, but the boys laughed a lot along the way too.

The first clue was 'grand slam homerun', so the boy drawing the clue started by drawing a baseball field.

"Baseball diamond," came the first guess and the boy shook his head in response.

"Baseball game," someone offered, only to learn he was wrong too.

"Our baseball team," someone else shouted, only to have his guess rejected as well.

After the boy added an outfield fence, he drew an arch from home plate and extended beyond that barrier. Unfortunately, it looked as if the arch originated from the groin of the stick figure he'd drawn at home plate, so one of the boys yelled, "Peeing over the fence."

"That would be one really long pee," someone else joked, but I didn't see who had spoken. "He'd have to have a fire hose between his legs."

Everyone was in hysterics after that exchange, so we had to wait a couple of minutes for everyone to calm down again before they continued. Then someone yelled "home run," but the boy doing the drawing kept looping his arm in front of his chest to indicate there was more.

"Tyler's home run," Marcus shouted, only to be disappointed, and then the boy started drawing stick figures on each base until someone figured out what he was getting at.

When the first boy came up from the other team, he picked the clue 'homework'. After thinking about it for a few seconds, he started by drawing a house, which was the first guess shouted out by one of his teammates. Then he drew a stick figure out in front, supposedly sawing a board.

"Building a house," came the next guess, only to be told he was wrong. Then the boy added a second stick figure mowing the lawn.

"Doing chores," someone offered incorrectly, so the boy started pointing to the house and then the two stick figures. When they didn't get that, he pointed to the house and held up one finger and then the two stick figures, before holding up two more fingers. One of his teammates finally figured out what he was getting at and shouted out the correct answer.

The second boy from the first team pulled out the clue 'Animal Farm' and began by drawing the animals. The boys were busy trying to guess the type of animals they thought they were, all of which were immaterial,, so the boy attempted a different approach. Now, he quickly drew a barn and some fences and then pointed between those things and the animals.

"Ranch," a boy from his team suggested and the boy tried to get his teammate to go from ranch to farm using hand signals, but the boy didn't catch on.

"Old McDonald," Ethan chirped and the boys started to use his hands like he was pulling something apart. He was trying to get them to add 'had a farm', but no one else could figure out what he was doing. Try as he might, no one guessed what he was getting at before the time ran out, so he had to tell them. His team groaned when they heard what it was.

The second boy from the other team came up next and he picked the card that read 'bath time'. The boy looked confident as he began and started drawing a bathroom, but then he pointed at one particular item. "Bathtub," someone guessed, so the boy held up his hands, palms facing each other a few inches apart, and then moved them closer together, to indicate they needed to shorten the word. After he did this, someone else shouted "tub," but he shook his head no. That's when someone else say "bath," and the boy drawing pointed to his nose to let him know that was correct. Unfortunately, the boy didn't understand the signal and shouted out "bath head" next, which had all the boys laughing. Then the boy drew a clock and after a guess of "bath hour" and "timed bath," the boy pointed at the one who said the last guess and then moved his hands to indicate he wanted him to switch the words. That's when someone figured out the correct answer, so that team went ahead 2 - 1.

The game went on until one team won 7 - 5 and every boy, except for Marcus and Ethan, had a chance to draw. We didn't feel the younger pair would be able to draw well enough to do this and didn't want them to get frustrated trying to illustrate a clue the others would be able to guess. As soon as the game ended, I pulled them aside and explained this to them and they both seemed to understand, so no one was disappointed or unhappy.

After that game ended, the boys decided to go out to the yard and play tag. It was a wild and hectic game as boys scurried about in different directions, but they sometimes inadvertently ran into each other too. This happened because they were often so busy watching the person trying to tag them that they didn't see the guys around them, so when they turned quickly to run away, they would end up crashing into one of the others. No one got seriously hurt, but there were more than a few more laughs as they banged together or were knocked on their ass.

All of the boys were good about letting Marcus and Ethan play too and didn't try quite as hard to get away from the younger pair, so those two could also be successful. The little ones often took the opportunity to gloat that they'd caught the bigger boys, but the older guys were all good sports and played along.

Once they finished doing that, Tyler went inside and grabbed my football, so they could play a game of touch next. Ethan decided to sit this one out, but Marcus wanted to play, so it worked out well with 8 on a team. I refereed and had Ethan keep score, after I went inside and grabbed a notebook and pencil so he could write the scores down. The boys had a fun time playing, although some weren't quite as good as the others, but the game was still close.

After that ended, I fired up the grilled and began getting ready to feed the hoard again. Tyler and Marcus came to help me carry things outside, but before long several others were offering to help too. I filled the grill with hamburgers and hot dogs, but there were also potato, macaroni and tossed salads too, along with the chips and drinks left over from lunch. I had also bought more than enough buns for each type of item, along with putting out the condiments they could add to them. I began to wonder if I'd run out of food before they were full, but luckily there was still enough left that I could eat my fill too.

As soon as I finished chowing down, I went inside and got the birthday cake. I then set it on the counter in the kitchen and placed two candles on it; a '1' and a '3', before calling everyone inside. We all sang 'Happy Birthday' to Tyler first and then I had him blow out the candles. Once he'd done that, I told everyone the ice cream flavors we had, as I started cutting the cake and dishing out the ice cream. I made sure everyone got their share, after Tyler was served, because he got his share first, since it was his birthday.

As the boys were finishing their cake and ice cream, I had Tyler start opening his presents. He got some pretty nice gifts, which were very appropriate too. Since I'd noticed that some of the boys went in on a gift together and there weren't any duplicates, I figured his teammates must have talked this over first, before deciding what to get him. Tyler received a couple of different batting gloves, one for each hand, a pair of compression shorts, a batter's ankle guard, a batter's elbow guard and an Atlanta Brave's cap. We do live in GA and it is Tyler's favorite team, so that worked out well too.

After seeing some of the gifts, I eventually concluded the reason some of the boys had gone in together on the items was due to the fact they were fairly expensive. It was really nice of the boys and their parents to do this, however, and Tyler loved everything he had received. He made sure to thank the boys who had given each gift after he opened it and everyone seemed satisfied.

Then, I had Marcus and Ethan give him their gift. They had me buy the aluminum bat that Tyler had seen and fallen in love with when we shopped for his duffel bag. When I went back to pick it up, I was very surprised at how much it cost. It certainly wasn't cheap. Then I gave him my gifts. First, I presented him a new pair of baseball cleats, before I gave him his second gift. It was a smart phone, which I wanted him to have for two reasons. First of all, so I could get a hold of him in case of an emergency and second so he could call me when they had an away game and were getting close to home. This way, the other pair and I wouldn't have to wait in the car for so long again, as we had done while waiting for him after his first away game. Overall, he was very pleased and had made a nice haul.

After cleaning up the wrapping paper and disposable dishware, it was starting to get dark, so the boys agreed to go outside and play hide and seek next. Marcus and Ethan wanted to play too, but Ethan stuck close to his brother, since he was still a little afraid of the dark. Marcus didn't seem to mind though and took Ethan's hand, as he led him to a good hiding spot. The boys played that game until I called them to come inside for the night.

"This has been a lot of fun!" Jamal, one of the four black players on the team told me when he came inside.

"Yeah, it has been," Antonio, one of the three Hispanic players agreed. "Thanks for inviting us."

"It's been my pleasure," I informed him, before someone else commented.

"You were right about the best teams being friends too," Nathan added. Judging by his accent, I suspected he was one of those on the team that was the product of a long line of southerners. "We're not so different after all and we've done pretty well so far, but we've had a lot of fun too. I think we're just going to keep getting better as a team, since we all get along so well."

"I'd certainly agree with that," I added, as the boys headed toward the family room for the night.

"You're still going to tell us a ghost story, aren't you Uncle Blake?" Tyler wanted to know.

"Sure I am. Just come get me when you're ready," I confirmed, much to his delight and relief.

Marcus also planned to sleep in the family room with the others tonight, but I wasn't sure Tyler knew what he had up his sleeve. I saw Marcus slipping his sleeping bag into the family room earlier, so I took it he was just doing this on his own. Maybe he had asked Tyler first, but I wasn't so sure about that. Ethan, however, had decided to spend the night with me instead and we were going to sleep in the living room. That would give the older boys some privacy, but I'd still be close enough if any problems arose during the night.

Ethan was currently on my lap and we were talking when a parade of boys came running out of the family room, clad only in their underwear. They were all making faces, while some were also holding their noses and others were making gagging sounds.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned, as they came rushing into the room.

"Dylan farted and it stunk up the place!" someone shouted, but I couldn't see whom.

"It wasn't me!" Dylan protested, but no one seemed to believe him. Dylan was one of the boys whose parents I suspected had moved from a northern state, since he didn't speak with a drawl.

"It doesn't matter who did it," Tyler offered diplomatically. "We'll just stay in here until the smell goes away."

The others quickly agreed and some of them decided to use the toilet or grab a snack while they waited. I was more than happy to help them find something to nibble on.

"Ok, the smells gone," Tyler announced a little while later. "Uncle Blake, you can come in now to tell us the ghost story."

"Yeah, that sounds great," Curtis offered. He was another whose family I felt had lived in the south for a long time, since he had one of the most noticeable accents.

"Ok. I'll be right in," I agreed, before checking with Ethan to see if he wanted to join us. I didn't want him to be scared and have a bad dream later, so I offered to tuck him into the sleeping bag first, but he didn't want to be left behind.

"I can do this with the big boys too," he assured me.

Once that had been cleared up, we walked into the family room with the others. They were all sitting on their sleeping bags on the floor, still only clad in their underwear, as they waited to hear my story.

"I don't know if you boys have heard about the 'Trail of Tears' in your history classes," I began, "but during the early part of the 1800s five Native American tribes were forced to leave their homes in the Deep South. They were told they had to move to an area west of the Mississippi River and make a new home there, which was very far away from where these tribes had lived for hundreds of years. Some of those tribes were from around here too and when they were forced to leave, some of the medicine men placed curses on the land. They also placed curses on the men that were making them to leave the area, along with cursing their descendents.

"Since that time many strange things have happened," I went on. "Occasionally someone would hear what sounded like a war cry and then someone else would be found dead in a nearby field or desolate area. The person who died would typically not have any visible wounds on his body, but he would have a look of pure horror etched upon his face. At other times, it would even appear as if the body they found had been scalped, but those in charge often blamed the damage on one of the animals that scavenged the area.

"Over the years, most people felt the curse had died out, but then someone else would hear a war cry and another body would be found. Just a couple of weeks ago, the police found the body of a man not too far from here."

"I heard about that, but my dad said the guy just fell off his ladder and broke his neck," Jon interrupted. He was another boy whose parents I suspected had moved here from a northern state.

"That may be, but it doesn't explain the war cry that a number of other people reported hearing first, shortly before the body was discovered," I challenged, to plant some doubt in his mind.

"Maybe what they thought was a war cry was just some animal howling or something," Nathan suggested.

"That's a possibility," I agreed, although trying to look skeptical about it.

"Is that story really true, Mr. Blake?" Paul asked. He was another suspected northerner.

"Yeah, my papaw told me all about it," Stanton assured him. From his use of the southern term for grandfather, I felt his family had been in the south for a long time too.

"It sounds like a boogeyman story that adults tell to scare their children," Trent, one of the other black players offered.

"I don't think so," Carlos, one of the other Hispanics countered. "I believe in curses and stuff like that."

While the boys were debating this point, I excused myself to use the toilet. Instead, it was just an excuse for me to go out the backdoor, so I could move around to the side of the house. Once I was there, I let out my best imitation of a Native American war cry and then quickly ducked inside again, so I could go back and rejoin the boys.

"Mr. Blake, did you hear that?" D'Wayne, one of the other black players asked when I entered the family room. His eyes were as wide as saucers and many of the others in the room were suffering from the same condition.

"Hear what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"It sounded like an Indian whooping it up outside," D'Wayne replied.

"No, I didn't hear a thing," I lied. I could tell my little prank was really getting to the boys.

"I'm glad there are a bunch of us sleeping in here together," Juan, one the other Hispanic boys stated. "Are you going to sleep in here too, Mr. Blake?"

"No, but I'll just be in the living room with Ethan, so I won't be very far away," I offered, to reassure him.

As the boys continued talking about the story and what they heard, Ethan and I went back to the living room. That's when he looked at me and asked a question.

"Did you make that noise?" he asked, and I gave him my dumbest look in response.

"What noise?" I asked, playing ignorant.

"The noise we heard that the boy asked you about?" he pressed, eyeing me suspiciously.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I professed, but I wasn't convinced Ethan believed me.

A short time later, I saw Tyler fly by us, as he raced upstairs. I figured he just needed something from his room and then I saw him come back down again. Except this time he was carrying his plastic ruler.

"Hold on there, champ!" I shouted out before he got past us. "What's going on?"

"The guys all agreed that we would measure our dicks to see whose was biggest," he told me, with a grin. "It wasn't my idea. Really! Jacob was the one that brought it up, but everyone else agreed it was a good idea and wanted to do it."

"Are you sure?" I asked, slightly doubtful. I wondered if he might have even put Jacob up to suggesting it. Jacob was another boy I suspected had moved here from the north, but I also knew he and Tyler were becoming close.

"I'm positive," he announced, forcefully. "You can even come in and see for yourself."

"No, it's probably better if I stay in here, especially if that's what you're planning to do," I pointed out. "Just make sure no one is forced to do anything he doesn't want to. I don't want to hear any complaints from them or their parents later, because I'll just pretend I had no idea what was going on."

"Ok, that's cool, but there won't be any problems," Tyler stated, as he headed toward the family room again, but then he suddenly stopped. "Would you come get Marcus though? He's too young for this stuff and I don't think my friends want him staring at their dicks."

"You can tell him to come out here with Ethan and me or I can come in to get him after you guys are dressed again," I suggested and Tyler nodded his head in response.

I didn't hear any noise or shouts coming from the family room for the next half hour, even though Marcus didn't come out either, but I assumed everything was fine. Then, out of nowhere, I began to hear some angry shouts, so I jumped up to race in there. I quickly checked on Ethan first and noticed he had already fallen asleep, so I just left him where he was.

When I entered the room, the boys were all standing in a circle, well more of an oval, and their underwear was on the floor or around their feet as they stood facing each other.

"Sorry!" I began after walking in on them. Once I saw how they were dressed, or more accurately undressed, I quickly covered my eyes and started to turn around.

"It's ok," Jacob assured me. "Coach Hendricks walks in on us in the locker room while we're naked all the time. We don't care, do we guys?"

I heard various mumbles of "no", "it's ok" or "we don't mind," so I slowly lowered my hand again.

"Even if you don't mind, I'm sure your parents would, if they found out I was in here with their naked sons!" I informed them, in case they hadn't figured that out for themselves.

"We aren't going to tell them. Are we guys?" Jacob followed, and everyone confirmed they wouldn't do that.

"That's good to know, but let's clear this up quickly. So what was all the shouting and noise about then?" I asked, to determine the original cause of the disturbance.

"Some of the guys with extra skin on their dicks are trying to cheat!" Jacob proclaimed. "They want us to measure that too, which isn't fair!"

That's when I realized what the problem was and thought I should use this situation to educate them a little. I'd already found out from Tyler that the sex ed class at school didn't teach them very much, so maybe I could fill in a few of the gaps.

"First of all, the guys with the extra skin on their penis are just uncircumcised," I began, when one of the other boys cut me off.

"It's funny you said it that way," Trent announced. "When we were talking about our dicks and cocks, Marcus told us to call them penises. He said that's what big boys call them."

"Marcus also said he was a big boy now and knew what he was talking about, because he got 'rections sometimes," Stanton added, with a giggle.

"Ah, yes. That goes back to a couple of conversations I had with Marcus to explain a few things," I replied, as I looked around for my middle child. I found him standing behind one of the other boys and his tighty whities were on the floor too.

"I see he's participating in your little competition as well," I commented, as I glanced at him. "Marcus, maybe you should stay in the living room with Ethan and me."

"Nah, he's cool. He was just proving he was grown up by doing this with us," Dylan told me. I looked at Tyler quizzically, to see if he still wanted me to take Marcus out. "He's certainly brave though, because my little brother would never have the guts to do anything like this, especially with guys a lot older than he is."

As the other boys were all murmuring their agreement, Tyler spoke up. "It's ok and he can stay if he wants."

Marcus, on the other hand, appeared to be torn between wondering if I was going to be mad at him or whether he should be proud about how he'd just been praised. After seeing I didn't look upset, he stepped forward a little more and stood a little taller; to show the other boys he wasn't scared.

"Ok, if everyone's all right with it, but back to my original point," I began again. "The boys with the extra skin on their penis are just uncircumcised. You were all born that way, but obviously some of your parents decided to have the extra skin removed surgically, for one reason or another..."

"You mean they had it cut off?" Antonio blurted out, interrupting me again, as a look of disbelief crossed his face.

"They had it done by a doctor," I explained. "Some religions, like the Jews and some Muslims, do it for religious reasons, while some parents choose to have it done for hygienic or aesthetic purposes. Still others may have different reasons for choosing to have it done."

"Did it hurt?" Juan followed, while looking at some of the circumcised boys.

"I was just a baby when it was done, so I don't remember," Paul stated.

"Same with me," Tyler added, which seemed to be good enough for Juan.

"That's why some of us weren't taking showers with the rest of the team," Antonio admitted. "Sometimes if some other guy happened to see one of our dicks while we were peeing, he would say stuff like it looked 'gross', 'disgusting' or 'deformed', so we didn't want to have that happen in the locker room too. Now we know what to tell them, if anyone says anything like that again, so we're not so concerned about it happening any more."

"I'm glad you feel that way, because you certainly don't have anything to be ashamed of or embarrassed about," I confirmed, as I smiled at him.

"I didn't want to take showers either, but not because of that," Jon announced, looking slightly embarrassed. "I didn't want to take a shower because my dick wasn't big like the other guys and I just started getting hair down there."

"Yeah, me too," Paul chimed in. As I looked at those two boys I could see that they weren't as physically mature as the other boys.

"It's only because you two are just entering puberty," I informed them. "That's the period when your body starts to grow and mature, but it doesn't happen to all boys at the same age. Some start younger while others don't start the process until they're even older than you are now, but you'll develop just like the rest of them. In fact, you'll probably be more like the others either this year or next, judging from where you are now."

"I can't wait, but I'm just glad the other guys haven't been making fun of us because of it," Paul added.

"I'm sure it's because they all went through it not too long ago, so they remember what it was like," I reasoned. "I also take it by looking at you this way that you're not all in the same grade."

"No. Some of us are in 8th grade and the rest are in 7th," Jacob told me. "All of the 8th graders raise your hand so Mr. Blake can see who is older."

When they did, I noticed that Jacob, Trent, Juan, Curtis, Crawford, Antonio and Nathan all raised their hands. That explained a lot.

"So it's not cheating then, if they want to measure the extra skin?" Jamal blurted out, since we'd drifted away from that question without clearing it up.

"Let me put it this way," I offered. "I don't think the boys that are uncircumcised should take advantage of the fact that the others had the skin removed, because it wasn't really their choice. If those boys can retract, or pull back their foreskin, that's what the extra skin is called, then I think their penis should be measured that way."

"Will you measure everyone for us, so there aren't any more arguments?" Jacob asked next.

"I think you boys should do that on your own," I declined. "If I did it, it would mean I might come into contact with your penises and I don't want to create any problems if that happened."

"We wouldn't care. Right guys?" he quickly asked, and even though they all seemed to agree, I still declined to take part in their little fact finding mission. I left them alone and went back into the living room instead.

About 40 minutes later, I saw Tyler heading back upstairs to put the ruler away. When he came down again, he stopped to fill me in on what happened. "Crawford had the biggest cock," he announced, even though I hadn't asked. "He only beat out Jacob and Jamal by just a little though, but he still had the biggest dick." After saying this, he returned to the family room with the others.

I didn't hear any more commotion from in there, although I did peek in on them later, when I got up to pee. They all seemed to be sleeping peacefully and in their own sleeping bags. I also noticed that Marcus was curled up next to Tyler, so I was glad to see that Tyler was looking out for his little brother.

I then went back and finished up the night in the living room with Ethan. I wanted to be there in case he woke up, because I was afraid he might get scared if he found himself someplace other than his bedroom without someone familiar nearby.

When I got up Sunday morning, I was a little stiff from sleeping on the floor. As I glanced over at Ethan, I saw he was still sleeping, but I didn't hear any noise or movement in the family room either, so I figured those boys were still sleeping too. Therefore, I just sat in one of the chairs until I saw the others were starting to get up.

It was about twenty minutes later when the first boy emerged from the family room. It was Nathan and he was heading toward the bathroom, with his morning wood leading the way. He didn't seem to be embarrassed that I saw it, because he merely smiled and said, "Good morning, Mr. Blake," as he passed by.

Once all of the boys were up, I told them I had purchased several different types of cereal they could choose from, but I was also going to prepare some scrambled eggs and pancakes. Then I added there would be toast available too. Tyler even agreed to make the toast and butter it, while I worked on the scrambled eggs and pancakes.

Over the next hour or so, I fed the troops and then they all went back to the family to get dressed. They were all presentable and their bellies were full before the first parent arrived and they started leaving for home. Each one thanked me before he took off and told me he'd had a great time. I could tell from watching Tyler's face that he was thrilled with how this went and I suspected he had probably just moved to the top of the social ladder, at least with this group.