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Eff DelGreen Grow The Rushes, OBook 3 of Young But Daily Growin'Chapters 19-22Chapter 19There is a great joy in celebrating the victories in our lives.
Jack was completely confused. Of course, he had no memory of the explosion. We tried to gently explain what had happened to him. After listening to us, he finally looked at me with wide eyes. "Why Dad?" "I can't answer that son. Some things don't have answers." I held his hand as his grief overcame him and he wept. I stroked his hair as he cried out his confusion and his sadness and I just ached in my heart because I wished I could do more. Being rich didn't fix everything. Doctor Sam walked into the room and with a smile, sat down at Jack's bedside. "Well Jack, we met earlier but you were so groggy that I suspect you might not remember. I'm Doctor Sam and we've been watching over you for a few days. It seems like you are an indestructible young man but, perhaps, unlucky sometimes." "Your Dad is here so I'll just tell you both what's going on. Because your car was armored, you've suffered very little shock trauma. You have no broken bones and no major organ damage. Your body was pretty perforated with bits of shrapnel. In fact, as I've told your father, you came pretty close to becoming a gelding but don't worry, you're totally intact in that area. There are still some implanted particles that we haven't removed. We'll want to do that in about six months. It will be a simple procedure so don't let that cause you any stress." "So, now the bad news, Jack. The explosion caused you to suffer a tympanic membrane perforation in your left ear. That's our fancy doctor words for a broken eardrum. In your case, it is so severe that you've lost the hearing in your left ear. This isn't usually a permanent thing. The membrane as a rule heals in about four to five months. "Until then, though, you have to be careful to protect your inner ear. There will be no swimming if your head will go into the water. If you shower, you must wear a shower cap I recommend a bath and that you have a hand over your ear when you shampoo. Though it might be embarrassing, it wouldn't be a bad idea if your Dad or your brother could shampoo you so that you can concentrate on protection your left ear." I privately cringed hoping he wouldn't say something like, 'Oh that's OK, Doctor, the three of us shampoo each other all of the time when we shower together' but he was silent 3; he understood private family matters. The Doctor continued, "No soccer and nothing else that might cause trauma to the head." "So boxing is out then?" Doctor Sam was startled but quickly broke into a big grin. "Yes Jack, boxing is out. You can train like using bags and other apparatus, but no sparring and certainly no actual fights. You're quite the young man Jack and I'm so glad that you survived this thing in one piece." "We're going to let you go home tomorrow especially since we know that you have a doctor on duty right in the house. I've seen pictures of your estate, Eric. I can't imagine how wonderful it must be. I've heard all sorts of stories about it. It must be like living in a palace. " I smiled. "Well Sam, why don't you see for yourself? How about coming to dinner tomorrow? Bring your wife or a guest." "Thanks Eric. I accept and I will bring my wife." "That's great. I'll see you in the morning and we'll discuss the details when I pick up the red- haired wonder here." I tickled Jack on his ribs and he giggled as I leaned in and kissed him on his forehead. "Sleep well Jacamo. Tomorrow you'll be in your own bed and home with us. I'm so grateful and I don't know how to thank John for armoring your car. The idea of losing you is something I can't handle and it's happened twice. Perhaps when I get you home tomorrow, I should just lock you in your room." He looked shocked but then, thought about it for a moment and then burst out laughing. *** By the time I'd gotten back to the house, the boys were in school with Doc Swaim. I decided to go up to the command room. Richard was operating the desk. I smiled at him and got myself a cup of coffee. "Barry has had a ball on the internet today it seems that the message was received loud and clear. Most of the mainline websites are saying this execution was righteous and just 3; something Allah would approve of. Even the more wacko sites are essentially saying that the executions were just, but not performed per sharia law. Sounds like Allah is our kind of guy eh?" I smiled as I sipped my coffee. "From now on Richard, no vehicle leaves this property unless you know about it. You are in total control. That's on every level, even the work trucks, and no vehicle enters without an inspection. This estate is now a fortress and will remain so." "Yes, Boss." "We did good work out there Richard. It isn't always pleasant but sometimes we've got to be brutal to stop attacks. You're very efficient. I appreciate you and Barry." "Thanks Eric I'm just sorry that we didn't see the installation of that IED. There was no hint of that in any information we had. Like the attack on the estate last year, it was completely bizarre." "There will always be stuff like this and we have to do our best against it. We'll extend our constant surveillance around the property extensively and we're going to work with John to make certain that every vehicle is armored. Actually, there are some Skuggor gadgets that we're going to add to each car. These are just some of the things we should have done but didn't since the last bad time. We've got to stop being placid and, sadly, assume every day can be a bad time." I shook my head. "What a terrible heritage to leave for my boys, Richard." "It's the world we're living in, boss. Your father knew that many years ago when he let Walter form the Skuggor, otherwise I'd have a very different job." Diner was wonderful. Martha had made a roasted chicken with broiled vegetables that just melted in the mouth. I walked down the hall and said, "I'm going to want you in my bed tonight Sean because I need to be close to you. I'll bring you into my bed tomorrow, Brian, but tonight, you stay in your room." "Yes Dad." I was getting used to him calling me 'Dad' and wasn't certain what I was going to do about it. He shed his clothes slowly and as he dropped his underwear, they slid down his smooth legs like silk instead of the cotton that they were. He turned and smiled. I didn't know how there could be a more beautiful boy in the entire world. "Come and let me hold you Sean." He quickly was in my arms and we collapsed onto the bed. We kissed as no one had ever kissed before 3; or at least, so it seemed to me. Finally, I moved my lips down his wonderful torso and eventually, my lips wrapped around his hard young cock and I began the rite that every male enjoys receiving and many enjoy giving. He was young and therefore his climax came quickly. I leaned over him and kissed his lips. He knew what came next and he raised his knees up to his shoulders. I grabbed the tube of lube and inserted my finger into his tight little hole. Without speaking a word, I lubed my very erect cock and pressed it against his little rosebud. "OK sweetie, I'm going into you." "Kay Dad." I pushed against his little wall and it gave in. He grimaced as I first penetrated but his expression soon turned to pleasure. I began to take long slow strokes into his little bottom and the delight grew within me. Much too soon, I erupted into him and clenched his little body tightly against me and we lay tight and warm against each other. He sighed deeply. "What is it son?" "About what happened Dad. That was horrible but it didn't bother me like it prolyl should of." "Sean, those men were the most evil of all creatures 3; far worse than the men that attacked us that terrible night that Walter was killed. Those men at least were trying to gain something material through their evil. The men from the other day just wanted to hurt and kill and they didn't even care who they hurt just so long as they hurt or killed someone. "Yeah, I know, when they thought they'd killed Jack they were all happy and actin like they'd done some good thing. "They tried to pretend that they were doing this for some religion but believe me, little man, no religion teaches that actions like that are acceptable. "When I heard them laughing and saying that it was a good thing that they'd killed Jack, I wanted them dead, Dad. I've never had a bad thought for anybody in the world before but, I wanted them dead. "Sean, it is your destiny to someday become the head of the Tucker Empire 3; don't worry, not for a long time yet 3; remember that I'm a rather young man 3; but, as I've already told you, I've begun to begin your education earlier than I'd hoped I needed to because the attack on Jack was a wake-up call. "Remember this; The Tucker family are, by nature, the warmest most cordial people on earth. We are great and loyal friends. Devoted to those we know and kind to well-meaning strangers. "We are also the most horrible and frightening enemies any man or group can possibly have if they attack us or ours. To our enemies, we show no mercy because we can't afford to. "This bad stuff will only happen once and a while, and, when it does, we have to take care of it swiftly and decisively. I hope I didn't scare you too much to go to sleep." He scooted up a little higher and kissed me and in the dim light, I could see him smile. "Dad, I'm not scared of nothing and pretty soon, anybody that tries to hurt us will find out there's two Tucker men they have to deal with." I pulled him tightly against me and ran my hand down his back I bit my lip so that the red hot tears fell silently down my cheeks. I thought bitterly to myself; 'my poor sweet little boy 3; what have I done to you?' And then, he farted and began giggling just like a twelve year old boy. I reached down and smacked his ass and he giggled even more as he squirmed in the bed trying to escape my tickling fingers. Eventually, we settled down and cuddled until I could tell from his regular breathing and not quite snoring noises, that he was asleep. I remember thinking just before sleep over-took me, that perhaps what I was expecting from Sean was not so terrible and not so youth-destroying after all 3; perhaps this was truly human nature played out upon an exceptionally grand stage. *** Brian joined us in the shower and it was a sensuous soaping time. Many body parts were touched and washed carefully. "It's me tonight right?" Brian asked, trying to appear nonchalant. "Yes, Brian it's you tonight." He smiled and his water slick ass wiggled in delight. I arrived at the hospital in the van with John driving and none of the boys in tow. After discussing Jack's recovery with Doctor Sam, I re-confirmed our appointment for dinner and suggested that he and his wife arrive around seven o'clock. "We'll have a few drinks, give you a quick tour of the place and plan on eating at around eight. Is that too late for you?" He shook his head negatively. "No, actually, I've cleared my entire schedule for tomorrow anticipating that there might be some drinking involved tonight." "Great Sam! I'm looking forward to it and I'm looking forward to meeting your wife." We brought Jack home and carefully placed him into his room. He was very fragile and he looked very weak. I'd had his regular bed moved out of his room and a hospital bed had replaced it. He needed to be on pain pills because of the numerous mini-surgeries that he'd undergone removing his shrapnel wounds. His entire body was traumatized due to the force of the explosion. Everything would heal with time and rest and he would receive both. Beyond that, he seemed in great shape and I was glad as we welcomed him home. "I haven't finished this yet Jack so I want it back when you're done." I handed him my new Nate Mentor novel. He grinned widely. "Don't worry, I'll give it back to you Dad 3; I'll even tell you how it ends." "You do that and you won't get a new car." I tickled his ribs. Through his giggles he managed to gasp, "Stop Dad! I'm sore all over." He lay still for a moment obviously playing something over in his mind and finally he spoke, "So, Bonny Blue is really gone?" "Is that what you called it? I never knew Jack." "Yeah, mostly to myself 3; John knew. I don't think even Sean knew. It was just a silly thing; I wanted my car to have a special name because most yours do 3; like 'the Red Cat' 3; you know. It was the greatest most special thing I've ever owned in my life and now it's gone." "Yeah, but thanks to John it was armored so that it saved your life. John does these things and never thinks to mention them what a great guy." I couldn't help it, I just started to cry and he reached up and pulled me into a hug. "Jack, Jack 3; I was so afraid I'd lost you. What would I have done if that had happened?" I looked down into his emerald green eyes. "I'll bet that you wouldn't turn down a beer eh?" "I 3; I don't think I'm supposed to drink alcohol when I'm taking these pain pills." "I'm not offering to split a bottle of scotch with you Jack. I'm offering one nice cold beer and if anything, I'll bet it will help you to sleep." His grin was explosive. "I'll be right back." I walked down to the elevator and then to my study. I grabbed a bottle of 'Sam Adams'. Since Gary and Bobby's last visit, I'd made it a point to keep some in the fridge there. I snatched up a beer glass and headed back upstairs. I dramatically produced the beer bottle and poured it carefully into the glass so that the head barely broke the edge of the glass. "The perfect pour for the perfect boy." "Thanks Dad. I really love you." I patted his shoulder. "When you're stronger, we'll go out with John and get a replacement for 'Bonny Blue' but I don't want that to seem like it's happening the same time as Sean's birthday because I want each of you guy's birthdays to be special." "I understand Dad. If we can, I'd like to find one exactly like her. For me, she was the perfect car." "Are you certain you don't want to shop around and look at other makes and models now that you are an experienced driver Jack?" "Nope, Bonny Blue was perfect." "OK Jack, in that case things are much simpler. We can certainly replace your little Beemer. I'll get John on it at once." "Really? Thanks Dad." "Really Jack. Now, finish your beer and try to get some sleep. Dr. Sam and his wife are coming over for dinner and if you were feeling up to it, it would be nice if you joined us even for a little bit. *** John was in the garage and I told him about my conversation with Jack. "Smart kid that Jack," he smiled. "Those are the last of the true BMWs. I told you that when we chose the first one. So, I'll get the dealer working on finding us a Le Mans Blue X1 36i and, like I did last time, I'll have it armored before it's brought to the estate 3; only this time you'll know about it." He grinned sheepishly. "You'll never know how grateful I am that you did it last time without telling me. If we can get this done fast enough, I'll give it to him before Sean's birthday. I would certainly cheer him up." "I'll get right on it Eric." "Thanks John. How is Jenny enjoying working as Martha's Assistant?" "She's loving it. Those two get along so well." "Great! Let me know how you make out on the car." I'd spoken with Martha and Daniel about the dinner for Doctor Raymond and his wife yesterday and I'd explained that I wanted it to be spectacular because that's what the Doctor's imagination would lead him to expect. Joyous Gaurde was the subject of fairy tale and folk lore to most people and really, only a relatively few people had passed through its gates. I knew that my staff that lived off property liked to encourage the speculation about what it was like beyond the wall. I smiled as I wondered what those rumors and guesses would be like a few years from now when I achieved my goal of having my entire staff living in housing on the property which I had plans of extending significantly. Daniel suggested we dress the servers in formal attire and perhaps bring in a string quartet to play soft music while we ate. I giggled and told him those were great ideas. Martha with a twinkle in her eye suggested elaborate hors d' Oeuvres, a four course meal beginning with a salad followed by a soup, then a main course 3; she suggested Chateaubriand, and then a glorious desert. I clapped my hand laughing because we all knew we never ate like this. "Martha, whatever you prepare it has to be something that Jenny can finish up in the kitchen because you must be dressed and ready to be presented as the lady of the estate. She blushed. Daniel, you should also join as a guest as the estate manager. Arlen can supervise the staff." He scowled, "Nonsense Eric. Arlen is coming along quite well and I'm well pleased with him but he's not yet ready to supervise something like this. No, I'll be the butler thank you." I nodded. I'd learned not to argue. In matters such as this Daniel almost constantly was correct. I considered who else to invite and as I extended the invitation I explained the little ruse that would take place and told them I expected them in jacket and tie. The guest list consisted of Doc Swaim and I wondered how many times Doc Swaim would answer to questions posed to Doctor Sam and vice versa. Also invited were Gary and Bobby, Uncle Phil and Richard. I'd invited Barry but he begged off with a giggle saying he could never pull it off. Late the next morning, I'd gathered all of the boys together including Bobby and explained what was going to happen tonight. Sean crinkled up his nose in curiosity and asked, "Ain't it kinda mean to be playing a joke on the Doctor that saved Jack's life?" "No, no Sean, it's just the opposite. There are many people who wonder what life is like here at Joyous Gaurde and they've rather made up little stories about what it must be like so just for tonight, that's how it's going to be so that Doctor Raymond can tell all of his friends. After all those years of imagining, it would be disappointing to find out that basically, we live just like everyone else." He thought for a minute and then smiled. "I unnerstand Dad. It's like we're putting on a play." "Well yes; kind of." John took Sean and Brian to baseball practice. Arlen was needed at the estate to help Daniel with preparations. The dining room was being prepared to be dazzling. Daniel had one more leaf added to the table than would be required just to make things imposing. Already wonderful smells were coming from the kitchen and I knew that the women were actually just beginning in there. Daniel pulled me aside and asked, "Eric, would you like to go down into the cellar and select the wines, or shall I?" "By all means you do it Daniel, if that doesn't place an extra burden on you. I think you'd make more appropriate selections than I would. As you've learned, I tend to drink what I like rather than what is considered proper." "Eric, drinking wine that is to your liking is always proper. It's just that there are some customary pairings that have become socially recognized and I just felt that since we are putting on this grand charade for the Doctor's benefit, we should do it with-in norms recognized by the established standards." Putting on my best Captain Picard, I said, "Make it so Daniel." He completely understood the reference and grinned broadly, as he walked off to attend to something. I smiled to myself thinking that, by God, I do a pretty good Patrick Stewart imitation'." About five o'clock, the string quartet showed up and, for some reason, the lead violinist tried to present me with a long list of musical selections for my approval. I waved him off. "No, no! Take that list to Daniel over there. He'll review it for you." I watched as the timid little man approached my huge butler who quickly took the list and began to review it. I began to walk down the hall to the elevator so that I could get showered and dressed but, as I was doing so I heard Daniels voice bellowing, "No 3; we'll have no Eichner! That poor man should have stuck with the flute quartets he was at least almost competent at 3;" I didn't wait to hear any more. I just smiled. Daniel was a treasure. *** Sean and Brian were sitting on my bed as naked as the day they were born. Their faces were smudged and dusty and their right hands 3; their throwing hands were dirty. They had obviously returned from baseball practice, stripped down and decided to wait for me. 'That's the damnedest thing!' I thought to myself, though I don't know why I was surprised. "We decided that we might as well shower together to save water, Dad." Sean smiled at me. "Hope you didn't get my bed all messy with your dirty sweaty little baseball boy bodies." I tried to affect a scowl but they weren't buying it. "No problem Dad. We're sitting on towels 3; see?" Brian hopped down from the bed to reveal a once white towel now covered with what appeared to be at least a third of an infield. I had stopped cringing even slightly when Brian called me 'Dad' and I didn't know what I was going to do about it. I just knew that right now, he was a happy young boy and I wanted that for him because he had so much sadness ahead of him. I sighed in resignation 3; admittedly it was happy resignation 3; and quickly stripped down. I threw my clothes into my hamper and indicated the two dirty towels. "Place those carefully into the hamper, guys. I don't want a pitcher's mound on the floor of my bedroom." For that comment, I received a genuine 'Sean smile' and he giggled, "Silly Dad." I followed two of the most gorgeous young butts in the world into the bathroom and we were soon lathered up and chatting under the hot water from the multi-heads shooting in all directions. Actually, if the truth were told, THEY were doing the chatting and I was doing the listening. The talk was mostly about the baseball team and the upcoming game in two days. They talked a bit about tonight's dinner and how much fun it was going to be. Sean talked briefly about his upcoming birthday. I squeezed in a word and asked him if he'd changed him mind about who he wanted to invite. He said he was thinking about it. "It's still almost a month away Dad." I smiled to myself. Like a little kid, I just couldn't wait to give him his present. He mentioned his excitement about his flying lessons and I told him that I'd taken the liberty of inviting his flying instructor to his birthday party so that they could meet before his first lesson. "What's his name Dad?" "His name is Will Fletcher. Captain Lucas thinks very highly of him and so do all of the other people I talked to about him. He's young 3; about my age 3; but he has tons of experience. Just as you're going to be doing, he started flying at a very young age 3; long before he could legally solo in fact, before he could take his first solo flight, he had his instrument rating as well as his multi-engine rating. I think you two should hit it off well, Little Man." Sean was obviously impressed. He'd been hitting the books and had gone through the small mountain of books and manuals I had given him in preparation for this experience so he knew how extraordinary Will Fletcher's credentials were. I turned the shower off and told them after they'd dried, to run off and get dressed. Brian lingered for a moment twisting the towel nervously. "I-I'm still coming into your bed tonight after everything is over r-right?" I pulled him to me and hugged him against my chest. He'd dropped the towel as his naked body almost melted against mine. He nuzzled his face against my chest and said in an almost whisper, "I k-know I'm not your son, but while I'm here, I like to pretend I am. You t-treat me like a son 3; like I think a real father would treat a son 3; like I think MY real father would treat me if he hadn't d-died." "I see that quick look in your face sometimes when I call you 'Dad' b-but don't worry Eric. I know what's true and what's pretend. While I'm here, please l-let me pretend." I rubbed my hand lovingly down his back and across his two luscious globes as I leaned down and kissed him. "We'll talk about all this in bed tonight Brian. I've already promised you that your life will be OK and I never break my promises. Go get dressed now. If you need help with your tie come see me 3; Sean still hasn't gotten the hang of it." He scurried off with a smile on his face. *** They were gorgeous in their blue blazers and tan twill trousers. This party had been so spontaneous, that there hadn't been time to take Brian to Struthers fortunately, my instincts had been correct and Jack's outfit from last year (which he'd completely outgrown) fit young Spider almost perfectly. His body-type was very similar to Jack's and it took very minor alterations by my staff seamstress and he looked great. They'd both come to me with their red ties in hand. They were so cute I broke into a wide smile. I took Brian first and stood him in front of the full-length mirror. I stood behind him. "Now Brian, there are many ways to tie a necktie but right now, we're going to do a half-Windsor because it's easy and it looks very sharp." I adjusted the length of the tie around his neck and then slowly explained what I was doing as I fashioned the knot. I finished by pinching and adjusting it. I remembered the first time I'd done this for Sean the night of the Deer Run Swimming Team banquet. I'd been a bit surprised he didn't know how to do this for himself and then realized that he'd grown up in a completely different environment. I'd been tying my own necktie since I was eight years old. For Sean, that had been the second occasion in his entire life that he'd had reason to wear a tie 3; the first being the day that I'd picked him up from the nest. By God, that seemed like a lifetime ago! I realized that this was one of the few occasions Brian had ever had to wear a tie and his mother had most likely tied it for him. "Step back Brian and look at yourself. You look wonderful." He smiled unabashedly at his reflection and grinned spectacularly. I motioned Sean over to the mirror. "You're not kidding me one bit, Little Man. You just don't want to learn how to do this. One of these days I'm going to make you stand in front of the mirror until you do it right yourself. All day if it takes that long." He could see my smiling reflection in the mirror so he knew I was kidding. "Aw Dad 3; I was readin in a magazine that neckties are goin out of fashion. Well-dressed men are wearing beaded necklaces. You keep this stuff up and people are gonna think that you're a geek an you're gonna drag us down with you." "Where did you read something as ridiculous as that?" He couldn't hold it anymore and he broke out giggling. "Stand still you little devil so I can adjust your knot." There we stood in our blue blazers, red ties with blue stripes, white linen shirts and tan twill trousers. I wore brown Italian loafers and the boys wore their clean white sneakers 3; we were a sight to behold. "Arlen is going to check with Jack later, and If he feels like it, Arlen will bring him down. Jack's in on the 'fairy tale' plot he just doesn't know if he feels strong enough. So my fine young gentlemen, let's go down and wait for our guests. Shall we?" "We shall, Father." Sean quipped. Three fine looking dudes headed toward the elevator hand in hand. Gang, I'm sorry this chapter is a bit late. I've just spent four days in the hospital over some chemo related bullshit. I don't have a laptop because I don't like them but if this kind of crap keeps up I may have to get one because I couldn't type a story like this on my ipad. Chapter 20We are tested in this life constantly; in many ways and at many different
times. The two boys were sitting with me in the library talking. "At dinner, you are both allowed to accept a glass of wine but before dinner, you'll have nothing but soft drinks." "Root beer is always OK with me Dad you know that." Sean chimed in. Brian nodded. "When I take the Raymonds for a walking tour of the house, I'd like for you to come with me just be appropriate and cautious in what you say." I looked hard at both of them and they got the message. Just then, the formidable figure of Daniel filled the doorway. "Sir, Doctor and Mrs. Raymond 3;" He stepped aside and ushered the very handsome couple into the room. Sam was wearing a well-made grey suit that fit his imposing Marine's figure perfectly. He was smiling but obviously a bit overwhelmed. Mrs. Raymond was a stunningly lovely middle-aged woman who obviously lived an active life and was in perfect shape. Though I am completely gay, I have a very real appreciation for female beauty and this was a woman that should certainly be appreciated. The boys and I were on our feet instantly and I extended my hand. "Welcome Sam, welcome to my home. This young man is my younger son Sean, and this fine young fellow is my ward Brian. Jack hopes to be feeling well enough to at least join us for dessert later." "Thank you Eric. May I present my wife Andrea?" I took her proffered hand, gently turned it downward and kissed it continental style. "I'm delighted to meet you Andrea and you are very welcome here. I owe your husband a debt that I fear I will never be able to repay." She smiled and it was a genuine and warm smile. "Mr. Tucker, I'm certain that Sam was merely doing his job." "If I'm going to call you Andrea 3; and I am 3; then you've got to call me 'Eric'." She smiled again. "Of course, thank you, Eric." "Have a seat and please let Daniel take your cocktail order. You'll find we have a very adequate bar here so don't be shy." "What are you drinking Eric?" Doctor Sam asked. "Well Sam, I'm afraid I'm partial to single malt scotch on the rocks." His eyes lit up and he broke into a smile and said to Daniel, "I'll have what he's having." I was beginning to like this man more and more. Andrea shook her head and pretended to roll her eyes to heaven. "Well, I already know that I'm driving home tonight." We all laughed. She looked up at Daniel and asked, "Do you make a good dry martini Daniel?" He stiffened and replied, "Why Madame, I am probably the best in the world. I used to be the second best but the grand master died some few months ago." I knew he was referring to Walter. He moved to the bar and performed all of the mysterious dramatics that master martini mixers go through before carefully straining the concoction into the proper glass over the olive that was waiting for it. He brought the glass to Andrea who took a sip and smiled up at him. "Daniel, you very well MAY be the best in the world." He smiled and bowed his head in acknowledgment of her compliment. "This is certainly the most magnificent house I've ever been in Eric," Andrea said as she took another sip from her drink. "Thank you Andrea. The original section of the house was built at the turn of the century by my great grandfather, Herbert Tucker, after he moved the family from Chicago. He was apparently a bit of a romantic and so he named it 'Joyous Gaurde' that was by tradition the name of Sir Launcelot's castle in the King Arthur stories. "Professor Swaim, who you will meet later, insists my great grandfather spelled it wrong 3; 'guard' having no 'e' on the end 3; but I suspect that my great grandfather found it spelled that way in some book or poem about Sir Launcelot and chose to spell it that way on purpose 3; great grandfather was no fool and certainly no illiterate. " Pa-Pop 3; pardon me, my grandfather 3; expanded on the building extensively during his lifetime adding both the north and the south wings. He used the north wing for conducting family business choosing to eschew having an office outside of the property. His old office in the north wing is now the classroom where the boys are tutored by Professor Swaim. I use the upper floors for conducting business 3; keeping the family tradition going so to speak. "My father added several smaller 'winglets' if you will, which to a certain extent makes parts of the building initially seem like a maze but there is purpose to everything. My father also added the gymnasium as well as the in-door and outdoor pools 3; two additions for which the boys are forever grateful," I smiled. "Besides modernizing the north wing so that more up to date technology can be utilized, my major contribution since inheriting the estate has been expanding the property. When I came into control, the estate was slightly over 200 acres [80 ha]. It now exceeds 350 acres [140 ha] and I've got plans in motion that, within two years, should expand the property to somewhere between 650 and 700 acres [260-280 ha]. Thankfully, there is a vast amount of privately owned land to the north and west of the current grounds that have been left in a more or less natural state and I am in the process of buying it from the individual owners and I assure you I am doing so at above market price. I'm building some luxury condos for key personnel at the current northeast of the property and there will eventually be more housing at the far east but the rest of the newly acquired property will remain more or less in its natural state." "Instead of talking about it, let's have Daniel freshen up our drinks and take the 'ten-cent tour'. Boys, why don't you walk with us and you can tell the Raymonds about your favorite things." We strolled casually down the main hall past the elevator. I knew everything was above board up there so I invited them up to view the bedroom suites. "This is Sean's room although he's currently sharing it with Brian. If Brian's residence here becomes more permanent, then we'll make other arraignments for him. I think it's comfortable and a typical active boy's room." Sam laughed. "Eric, your 'typical active boy's room' is bigger than my first apartment." As we approached Jack's door I peeked in to see if he was awake. He was sitting up propped up by his pillows reading the Nate Mentor novel so I poked my head in and asked, "Would you mind saying hello to some visitors Jack?" "Sure Dad 3; err I mean 'no' Dad, I wouldn't mind." I ushered everyone inside and Jack broke into a huge smile. "Hi Doctor Sam! I heard you were coming by tonight. I might be eating my dinner up here but I'm planning on joining you all for dessert later." "We'll look forward to that." "Jack, may I introduce my wife Andrea?" "Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Raymond. Doctor Sam sure saved my bacon." "From what my husband tells me, the gentleman who armored your automobile did just as much. In any event, I'm very happy to meet you Jack and I do hope you'll join us downstairs for a bit later on." "As you can see, Jack's room is pretty much a mirror image of Sean's though it is furnished and decorated quite differently to reflect their individual tastes and preferences which of course also is accounted for by the age difference." "How's the book Jack? I see you've gotten further into it than I have." He grinned. "You're going to love it Dad but I promise not to give anything away." "Nate Mentor is my favorite novelist and Jack caught the 'bug' from me. This is his latest book. I was just beginning to read it, but since Jack is kind of bed-bound, I took pity on him so he gets to read it first." "I must confess that I've only read one of his books but I did enjoy it. Perhaps I need to try a few others. I don't seem to do enough recreational reading." "You should, Sam. It's good for the imagination which makes it good for the mind and a healthy mind leads to a healthy soul." "Jack, I'll send Arlen up to check on you just before dessert is served. If you feel up to it, please feel comfortable coming down in your pajamas and robe. Everyone understands your situation." "Thanks Dad. Very nice to meet you Mrs. Raymond." We walked down the hall into my bedroom and I made no bones about it. "I'll admit that this is truly over the top but when I had this floor redesigned, it was shortly after my father, mother and little brother had been killed and I was frankly probably a little bit insane. I had a bedroom suite designed so that I never needed to leave it if I chose not to." "As you can see, it has a small kitchen and eating area and yes, I realize there are families right here in America who live in smaller spaces than my bedroom but 3; it is what it is." "In here is my pride and joy, the most sybaritic spot on the entire estate. It too was designed while I was crazy but I must admit that I love it." I led them into my bathroom and Andrea released an audible gasp as she looked around. "This is the most incredibly wonderful thing I've ever seen Eric! Aside from the fact that the colors fixtures and décor are decidedly masculine, I would die for a space like this. I don't think I'd ever leave. I'd take my meals in here. I'd use this outrageous shower every morning and every night and then I'd spend the rest of the day in that glorious tub. I'd eventually turn into a prune but I be happy as I did so." I laughed. "Andrea, I think that was kind of my crazy idea when I had it designed." I led them out and down the hall until I opened the next door on the right. "This is our massage room. I had it designed to resemble a cave or a grotto. The lighting and sounds can be controlled in an almost infinite manner and this switch turns that wall over there into a peaceful waterfall." "Brian hasn't had a massage here yet but he will soon huh, Dad?" Sean said. "That's right Sean. With everything that's gone on, there hasn't been time but we'll take care of that." I indicated further down the hall. "There are four more rooms on this floor similar to Sean and Jack's. One of them may very well become Brian's depending upon circumstances. They are presently unoccupied and are never used as guest rooms. This floor is private and for family only." I noticed a hopeful look in Brian's eyes as I spoke those last words and I silently wished I'd held my tongue until all my plans were in place. We took the elevator back down and walked down the main hallway. We passed 'Father's Alter' and I pointed out with pride all of the trophies and medals Kyle and I had earned and then directed their attention to Sean and Jack's alcove. They were suitably impressed. "These are very athletic boys who love to compete Sam. I'm proud of them." "This room tucked away here is my study and although I have a large office on the top floor of the south wing, this is where I tend to conduct a lot of business." "This large glass-walled room here at the end of the hall was my grandfather's pride and joy. It's our solarium and it's a wonderful place to sit and read or talk or just do nothing. It looks out over our wonderful wildflower garden. We just recently had our first wedding take place there and the nervous groom with his best man 3; me 3; waited out the final moments here in the solarium." For the past couple of years this place has also served as a makeshift 'campground' when Sean has had groups of his friends and team-mates here for overnight parties. The lighting can be adjusted to completely change the ambiance of the room." As we were looking around, the supremely efficient Daniel walked into the room carrying a tray with fresh drinks for everyone. "T-Thank you Daniel," a surprised Doctor Sam almost sputtered. "A pleasure Sir," the big man replied as he left with the empty glasses. We walked down the hall to the left and I guided them into the theater. "This was put in by my father; he took a great deal of pleasure watching movies. I've had it brought up to state of the art but I must admit we don't use it much. The boys and I tend to enjoy physical activity and when we do slow down, we're either reading or doing other things." "Back in the library when you first came in, you probably didn't notice the chess corner. Since he first came into my life, Sean and I have had an ongoing chess tournament. I used to think I was pretty good but this little guy is more than a match for me. We're currently tied aren't we Sean?" "Actually Dad, I'm two games up on you." "You don't always have to be so truthful Son." We all laughed. "We do spend a lot of time in this next room especially on rainy days. This is the game room. My grandfather had it built and my father improved it. The card table over there is never used though I can't tell you why. It seems we're always too busy doing something else or I just forget about it. It seems to me I'm being derelict in my parental duties. Every young man should know how to hold his own in a game of poker eh?" "I'll have to make a note to do something about that. Now that Jack is recuperating might be a good time." "Those two pinball machines over there are from my father's day. He was raised in the pinball generation and he could spend hours at those machines. I remember that the 'bluest' language I ever heard come out of his mouth was when he 'tilted' one of them during a game." "Here is where we spend most of our time in this room," and I indicated the beautiful old pool table. "John, my transportation manager, is somewhat of an expert at this game and he's been instructing Sean whose main problem right now is that he still needs to use a step stool to make some shots. Jack came into our family already considered a bit of a hustler so John had to take him down a peg or two and now Jack happily takes instruction from John as well." "To make matters even more complicated, John's parents have recently come to live on the estate and it turns out that John's father can whip him at will 3; so we have some interesting times inside this room." "I have not introduced the boys into the fine but dying art of billiards," (I indicated the other table) "but that will happen eventually. Every gentleman should know how to get around a billiards table." "Well then Eric, I'm no gentleman because I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to play that game," Sam said with a grin. "I certainly know my way around a pool table though I suspect I'm out of my league in this entire household." "This hall leads to the east wing which consists primarily of guest bedrooms although half of the second floor is occupied by a state of the art infirmary with a doctor on duty at all times. That's where I recuperated from my recent automobile accident." "The room at the end here was my great grandfather's pride and joy." I opened the door and guided them into the music room. They looked in awe at the Steinway grand in the center of the room and the display of instruments in the sealed glass cases along the far wall. "My Great Grandfather, besides being a very successful man of business, was a world acclaimed violinist. He hired some of the finest acoustic engineers of his day to equip this room so that it is as acoustically perfect as possible. Engineers hired by my grandfather and later by my father embellished their work. Sound heard in this room is as close to perfect as any sound you'll ever hear." Sean took my hand and pulled me to the piano. "Show them Dad." He said with a smile. I grinned a bit sheepishly and then sat down and ran my hands along the keys almost instinctively my fingers began Bach's 'Goldberg Variations'. I played for about two minutes and stopped with a smile. "You play very well Eric and you're right the acoustics in here are astonishing," Andrea said. "I can't never get him to play enough." Sean told them. "We often have small 'family' concerts in here. Sean is a classically trained guitarist, Jack is an extraordinary violinist. Bobby, who you will meet at dinner, plays the piano wonderfully and occasionally, we convince Daniel to break out his flute." "Don't forget Chris an his banjo Dad," Sean added. "Oh yes, Chris, who you will also meet later, is actually an accomplished banjo player. "Since Jack is currently out of commission, we'll be entertained after dinner by Sean and his guitar and I expect that you'll find that quite satisfactory. "They glanced at Sean and he blushed cutely although there wasn't a shy bone in his little body. We left the music room and I pointed down another corridor. "This leads to the west wing which is mostly used for utility although there are several guest bedrooms on the top floor." "How many bedrooms are there in this house Eric?" Sam asked. "I don't actually know Sam. Certainly in excess of eighty and they all have private bathrooms of course. We're going to head down to the parlor so I can introduce you to our other guests. I should tell you that, for some reason, this house has three formal parlors though I only use one. There is also a large formal ballroom, which I don't believe has ever been used in my lifetime. I keep telling the boys that one of these days I'm going to turn it into a laser-tag arena. Well, of course, there are other smaller rooms in the house and some important facilities out on the property. Among our favorites are our skeet/trap shooting range and our little fishing lake. The lake has a little two-bedroom cabin built on its shore and that is currently occupied by Doctor Swaim. I'm actually pretty certain he's going to claim squatter's rights on it any day now. "So that's the ten-cent tour, I hope it was interesting." "It was astonishing. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a place like this," Andrea exclaimed. "Well, actually Andrea, it's fun. It's a lot of fun and we certainly never get bored." "I'd imagine not," Doctor Sam put in. "Here we are and I suspect the other guests are waiting to meet you. Andrea, you're going to find yourself pretty outnumbered I'm afraid. Here on the estate we are a primarily male population that's because of the nature of a lot of our business which I promise you will not be discussed this evening." We entered the parlor and everyone stood up anticipating introductions. "Gentlemen and my dear Martha, I have the distinct pleasure of presenting Doctor Sam Raymond and his wonderful wife Andrea" I introduced each of the other guests individually and shortly, Daniel appeared to freshen our drinks. "Oh no, I'd better not," Andrea said. "I know Sam is going to enjoy himself tonight so I'm going to have to drive home so 3;" "Nonsense Andrea, You've got just as much right to enjoy yourself as your husband. I've already made arraignments for John, my transportation Manager, to drive you both home when the evening is over and Arlen, my House Steward, will follow with your car. As a matter of fact Sam, why don't you give Daniel your car keys right now?" He smiled and fished them from his pocket. This was a diverse enough group that I knew conversation would prove to be no problem and both my guests were soon surrounded by their own little groups until Daniel's voice rose over the din, "Ladies and gentlemen, the hours d'oeuvres stations are now open around the room. Kindly attend them at your pleasure." I glanced around the room and was pleased to note several tables manned by formally dressed staff. The first table was beautifully filled with several wonderful looking cheeses and an assortment of crackers. The next was an ice filled silver bowl overflowing with shrimp. Another table bore raw vegetables such as celery, radishes, sliced carrots and cauliflower with several varieties of dipping sauce. The next to last table offered crostini 3; small pieces of toast with a crude sauce of chopped tomatoes and fresh mozzarella cheese. The final table was the caviar. This was the first time I'd served caviar to my young new staff members and I was curious as what their reaction would be. Uncle Phil, of course, zeroed right in on it and soon was smiling as he bit into a thin cracker loaded with the blue/black goodness. I believe caviar is an acquired taste and for me, at the beginning, it was the texture that was hardest to overcome. A mouthful of micro-sized little pellets can initially seem strange 3; even unpleasant. It is also has a blast of saltiness that can be off-putting. Even today, while I enjoy it, I wouldn't miss it if I were never served it again. I noticed the three boys 3; Sean, Brian and Bobby 3; standing aside looking at the caviar table obviously trying to figure out what it was all about. It was Sean who obviously got 'elected' to go try the stuff. The server smiled and smeared a generous layer onto two thin crackers, placed them on a small plate and handed it to Sean who walked over to the other two boys, still not certain. Always adventurous, Sean finally bit into one of his crackers I was curious and walked over. He was swallowing the second half of his cracker when I approached him smiling. "What did you think of your first caviar Sean?" "It's kina salty an it feels funny in your mouth a little." "Try the other one. Take a good big bite." He did and that's when I said, "Not bad for a mouthful of fish eggs eh?" His eyes got wide as saucers and his lips were clamped shut and he stared at me in disbelief. I clapped him on his back which surprised him forcing him to swallow what was in his mouth. I chuckled and walked away. I noticed Andrea was perusing the various tables and I approached her with a plate that I'd just picked up. "I hope you'll try the crostini, Andrea. We bake our own bread here, the tomatoes are from our own organic gardens and we make our own mozzarella cheese fresh twice a week." She took one from my plate and bit into it. "It's wonderful Eric." I pointed to the shrimp table. "Please let me get you some of those as well. We have our own shrimp boats in Georgia and their catch is only for our consumption. Those little guys were swimming in the Atlantic Ocean only about six hours ago." The 'cocktail reception' lasted about thirty minutes before Daniel called us into the dining room. I watched Sam and Andrea as they entered the room. The grandness of the space had the expected effect. At the door, Daniel came forward and offered his arm to Andrea. "I hope you don't mind, you two, but we like to break couples up at table. It makes the conversation more interesting" Daniel escorted her down the table and sat her in a spot that would put her between Uncle Phil and Richard. Sam was escorted to the other side of the table and was seated so that he would be between Professor Swaim and Gary. The rest of the group moved to their designated places I noticed that Richard had contrived to sit in a position so that there was no one to his right. I realized that this was where Jack would sit when he came down for desert. The first course was the traditional salad course. Daniel formally announced it. It was a simple salad of mixed greens with small tomatoes and offered to each diner were relish trays of chopped onion, pickles, grated hard cheese, herbed croutons and black olives. These could be added to the simple salad as per each person's preference. A selection of two dressings was available to choose from 3; Martha's secret thick divine dressing as well as a simple vinaigrette. The server's waited at the sides of the table while Daniel presented to me at my place at the head of the table, the salad wine. It was a relatively young Austrian Gruner Veltilner and even before taking the tradition test sip, I knew he'd made a perfect choice. With a nod from me, the servers moved swiftly down the table filling everyone's glass including the three boys. I rose to my feet glass in hand. "Tonight, I am happy that we have at our table Sam and Andrea. I also wish to express my eternal gratitude to Sam for everything he has done for our Jack. Incidentally, Jack is planning on joining us for desert so maybe then, we'll give him a little toast of his own but for now, to Sam and Andrea!" Everyone but the Raymonds rose to their feet and shouted, "To Sam and Andrea," while the couple being toasted smiled and blushed. When the salad was finished, Daniel announced the soup course, "Ladies and gentlemen, for your pleasure, you will now be presented with Mrs. Edwards' special cream of three mushroom soup. The combined meat of shiitake, Portobello and porcini mushrooms have been lightly sautéed in sherry before being combined with onions, garlic, vegetable stock, sherry and rich dairy cream to create this culinary delight." The servers silently and efficiently removed the plates and the wine glasses, replacing the wine glasses with new ones and placing a bowl of Martha's magnificent cream of three mushroom soup before each guest. Daniel presented me with a bottle of California Pinot Noir from a vintner I was very familiar with. I knew before tasting that it would be perfect for this course in fact, I might have chosen this very wine myself. After everyone had been served, and the the soup was consumed, the table was rather silent and that's when Daniel signaled the string quartet that had set up in a niche in the corner of the room. I was later to learn from Daniel (who else?) that little 'cubby' was traditional in grand dining rooms and the area was specifically designed to accommodate stringed quartets. They played very well and the lovely music stimulated light conversation around the table. Everyone was smiling and the Raymonds seemed to, indeed, be having a wonderful time. The music continued as the soup bowls were removed as well as the wine glasses. These were replaced and Daniel announced the course, "Ladies and gentlemen, for you pleasure, Chateaubriand with a red wine and mushroom sauce, asparagus ala Martha, chateau potatoes and a slice of broiled tomato with herbed bread crumbs." He presented for my approval a wonderful bottle of Medoc' Rouge from the Bordeaux region of France. I took the proffered sip and my taste buds sang a hallelujah. Nothing is quite as exquisite as a fine Bordeaux and an aged Medoc' Rouge was at the top of the list. As the guests were served I noticed that every slice of meat was the perfect color a testament to Martha's careful planning but also to Jenny's execution because she was in charge of the kitchen while Martha sat at the opposite end of the table from me. Doc Swaim rose to his feet glass in hand and said, "We would all be callous clods if we did not pay homage to the wonderful woman who so carefully planned and crafted this feast we've been enjoying. Her expertise is beyond my understanding. To Martha!" We all jumped to our feet while she sat blushing red as an apple. "To Martha!" To my surprise, Sam stood up holding his glass. "We must not forget the man who provided all of this for us. The man who so graciously invited my wife and I to share this evening with you 3; our gracious host. To Eric!" I sat smiling as they jumped to their feet and repeated, "To Eric!" I looked down the table, the boys were enjoying the hell out of this. They were all three red faced and I suspected more than a bit snokered from all that wine. It was then that I remembered I'd promised Brian he could come to my bed tonight 3; well, that should prove interesting. I noticed Sam giggling about something with Gary and I thought to myself that I was glad I'd taken his keys early. I motioned Daniel over and asked softly, "Has food been sent up to Jack?" "Arlen is on his way up right now with a full tray. When he's finished, Arlen will bring him down here in a wheelchair so that he doesn't have to exert himself." "Daniel, why do I ever bother asking you about things? You're always at least two steps ahead of me." "That is what you pay me for Eric. Now eat your dinner." I giggled. Everything had been good tonight but the main course was outrageous. "Martha, you've out done yourself!" I yelled down the long table. "Well a good deal of the credit belongs to Jenny whose been supervising all the work in the kitchen while I've been sitting out here like Lady Jane. You should get her out here and toast her." I signaled Daniel over. "Would you ask Jenny to step in here for a moment?" He smiled and left the room returning with a confused looking Jenny. Martha stood up glass in hand. "To the finest, most competent and prettiest assistant anyone ever had; to Jenny!" We all stood up and shouted, "To Jenny!" The boys at the end of the table got carried away and began to chant, "Jenny! Jenny! Jenny!" I figured there would be very little schoolwork done in Doc's classroom tomorrow and as I smiled at Martha, I figured she'd be good for shit as well. Oh well, despite what the Raymonds think right now, we don't party like this often. Jenny giggled and said, "Finish your dinner all of you. Dessert is coming." With that she returned to the kitchen. As the dinner plates were being removed and the wine glasses replaced one last time, I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head I realized it was Arlen with Jack in a wheelchair. I was getting up from my seat but Richard was faster than me. He'd obviously been watching out for this. He walked over and spoke softly but urgently to Jack who nodded his head vigorously. Richard reached out his hand and Jack took it, he helped Jack stand up and placed his arm around Jacks waist while Jack put his arm on Richard's shoulder. Together they walked into the room and towards the end of the table that Richard had obviously reserved for him. I suddenly realized I was crying. With no signal from anyone, everyone at the table stood up and began clapping as the red-haired boy bravely made his way down to his chair. I saw Andrea lean over Richard and say something to Jack and he smiled at her and nodded though I didn't hear the conversation. One of the servers moved to pour him a glass of wine. Jack stopped him. "I'm a blown up kid. I really need a beer." He said it loud enough for everyone to hear. Most around the table chuckled. Daniel looked at me I looked at Sam. He nodded to me so I nodded to Daniel who returned in seconds with Jack's favorite, a Stone IPA. Daniel announced the course, "Ladies and gentlemen, for your delight we have coming to you each, an individual white chocolate mousse garnished with strawberry accompanied by thin sugar wafers. You will also each receive a pear poached in vanilla in an apricot sauce. As it is placed before you, your server will add Cognac and light it so that you will enjoy it flambéed." He offered me a bottle of moscato from a winery in Napa Valley that I knew well. I was surprised, I expected him to suggest a much sweeter dessert wine but after taking the taster's sip, I realized that once again Daniel was spot on. Everyone 'oohed' and 'ahhed' as the cognac was poured over their pears and then set ablaze. What a stroke of brilliance on Martha's part. Both the pears and the mousse were delicious and they were so different that they complimented each other into a perfect desert. Daniel's wine choice was spectacular. I smiled around the table and was very glad that nobody had to drive themselves home. We finally all gathered in the living room for coffee and after-dinner drinks while Sean opened up his guitar case. He began by getting everyone singing along with the Beatles 'Yellow Submarine' and then sang a sweet old English love song; 'Down by the Sally Waters' (Where the hell does this kid learn these songs?) He played and sang for about twenty minutes often taking requests and surprising people with his extensive repertoire. Finally, he smiled and said, "One more tonight and this one is for my Dad." He began a complicated finger-picking pattern that gave no clue of what was to come and then, his still pure little boy voice sang;
He picked a bit of the melody and then sang the second verse. Simon and Garfunkle's 'Bridge over Troubled Water' and he was singing it for me. My eyes glazed over and I tried not to cry. He picked more melody before looking me right in the eye as he sang;
He put his guitar into its case, locked it up, walked over and kissed me and then with a big Sean smile, wished everyone goodnight and he walked down to the elevator. Andrea grabbed my hand and said, "That's the most extraordinary boy I've ever seen! What a remarkable young man Eric. That was so beautiful it almost broke my heart. Thank you for what has probably been the most exquisite night of my life." She kissed me on the cheek. "You have a beautiful home Eric but, more importantly, you have a wonderful family. You are a very blessed man. Thank you for this wonderful evening." "Thank you for my son, Sam. We're not even close to being even. We'll have to do this again sometime." "We'd love to. Oh, by the way, I was just thinking 3; there's no reason I can't drive home tonight. No reason to put your people out." I smiled and patted his shoulder. "We're not put out at all Sam. You might as well end the night with a ride in my limo." I walked them to the door and John and Arlen were waiting. I bid them goodnight while John held the limo door open. I walked back into the parlor. "Oooh lardy! We all did some drinking tonight didn't we? Did you all have fun?" I was greeted by a chorus of agreement. "Good night to you all. See you in the fuzzy morning." I took the handles of Jack's wheelchair and said, "Come my 'blown up kid' let's get you back to bed." He giggled. "I was going to try to wheedle another beer out of you, but to tell you the truth, I really am tired." I looked over my shoulder and smiled. "Come along Brian, you don't want to fall asleep in the parlor. The cleaning girls might try to have their way with you in the morning." He got up from the couch and walked a very sketchy line behind us as we made our way to the elevator. In his room, I helped Jack out of the chair and into the bed. I tucked him in and kissed him tenderly. "Goodnight Jack. Don't despair. You're going to find that you'll be getting a little stronger every day." "I know Dad it's just so upsetting." "You're strong enough to handle it Son. Feeling sorry for yourself has never been your style." He smiled up at me. "I know that Dad. I'm just tired; honest." "Dad 3; ?" "Yes Jack." "Are you going to adopt Spider? He really needs to be here. He needs us to be his brothers and he REALLY needs you to be his Dad. Have you noticed he calls you 'dad' every chance he gets? He's so lonely outside. No family no father no real love 3; I think that why he's such a great soccer goalie. Defending his net is all he's got in the world but here, he's happy, he's funny 3; he's a whole different kid. You really should adopt him Dad." "It's not that easy Jack and you're certainly old enough to understand that." He flashed me one of his evil smiles. "Yeah, but you're a clever guy Dad. You'll figure something out." "Good night Jack." "'Nite." Brian was sprawled across my bed fully clothed. Actually, that's not true. He'd managed to remove his left shoe and sock before passing out So much for his anticipated night of sex and love alone in my bed with me. I was pretty certain that the poor kid had never consumed that much alcohol in his entire life. I sat down next to him and pulled off his other shoe followed by his sock. I unbuckled his belt and unsnapped and unzipped his trousers and worked them past his butt and down his legs and off. I folded them and placed them over an arm chair. I undid his tie and placed it on the same chair and then I sat him up and with a great deal of difficulty got his blazer off. I folded that and put it across the chair as well. I unbuttoned his shirt before sitting him up and working it off him. I noticed that he was wearing blue boxer briefs. He must be borrowing some from either Sean or these were perhaps old pairs that Jack had given him. His own personal wardrobe consisted of old fashioned 'tighty whiteys'. I was deciding what to do about them and decided that he always slept naked when he slept in my bed. Why make him feel something was different. I eased the blue garment past his hips, down his legs and off. I swiveled his body lengthways on the bed and pulled the covers down on one side. I looked down at the brown haired boy in his naked beauty and took advantage of his condition to really drink him in. He was truly beautiful. Not as beautiful as Sean who remained the most beautiful boy in the world. But he was very attractive, his body was lovely. He had beautiful arms with the beginning of muscular development and his legs were long and athletic. Physically, he was just a jump ahead of Sean although, as far as sexual development was concerned, they seemed to be on a par with each other. I smiled and slid him over and pulled the covers over him. I hopped into bed on the other side I leaned over and kissed him. "Good night Brian," I whispered. "Thanks for the ice cream, Dad." He was dreaming and, in his current condition he instinctively moved over and snuggled against me. "I pitched good today didn't I Dad? Did I make you proud of me? I really want you to always be proud of me. Sean Jack and me 3; three sons a Dad can be proud of all the time. The Tucker brothers. That's what everybody says 3; 'you can count on the Tucker Brothers'." I rubbed his shoulder and he sighed and fell into a deep sleep. He snored like a little motor boat all night. I was not surprised when I woke in the morning and he was still sound asleep. I suspected that down the hall in his own bed, Sean was in much the same condition. I got out of bed and decided to shave before jumping into the shower just in case one of them awoke and wanted to join me. I was just washing the excess lather off my face when I saw him enter the bathroom. He paused in the doorway and stared at me wild-eyed. "I-I 3; I d-don't feel so good." With that, he made a beeline for the toilet and barely made it before he began vomiting. He sounded pitiful so I walked up to him and wrapped my arm around his waist to support him and rubbed his back gently as his system purged itself into the bowl. Tears were streaming down his face and snot was pouring from his nose and he finally reached that horrible point known as the 'dry heaves' where his body was trying to still purge itself but there was actually nothing left to purge, He was crying miserably and he certainly was a sight. He finally stopped heaving 3; at least for the time being so I flushed the bowl admiring the fact that he'd gotten nothing on the floor and I led him to the big tub and began to fill it with water. I took a washcloth and washed his face clean and he looked up at me with forlorn unhappy eyes. "Ooooh I feel awful. I've never felt so bad in my whole life." "Does your head hurt honey?" "I don't know. Yeah I think so," he wailed. I walked over to the cabinet and got two aspirin and a tumbler of water. I made him swallow them down. "I think you drank a lot of wine last night, Brian." "Yeah I did. I drank every glass that guy poured me and then Sean didn't want all of his so I drank a bunch of his too. Am I gonna die?" I smiled down at him. "No, Brian, you're not going to die but I'll bet you almost wish you were huh? You soak in this nice hot tub while I take my shower, then I'll get a robe for you to put on and we'll put you right back into bed. We'll skip breakfast for you this morning I suspect you couldn't hold it down and I'll square it with Professor Swaim that you won't be in school this morning. OK?" "O-Ok." After I'd showered and dressed, I helped him out of the tub, dried him off and wrapped him in one of my terry cloth robes. I picked him up and carried him tenderly back into the bedroom. I tucked him back into bed. I walked over to the big window and closed the blinds and then pulled the drapes closed making the room comfortably dark. "I'll make certain that the housekeepers don't come in here and disturb you. Try to sleep. That's the best thing for you right now. I'll check with you around lunch time and maybe by then you'll feel like eating a sandwich or something." He was crying again so I retrieved a hand towel and dried his face. "I'm s-sooo s-sorry." I smiled and ruffled his dark brown hair. "Don't be sorry sweetie every boy does this a few times. It's part of growing up. Besides, you're getting the bad part of it not me." Sean was sluggish at breakfast but nothing like poor Brian. Having learned that Brian had drunk all of his own wine and half of Sean's explained that. I wasn't surprised that Jenny had the breakfast duty and Martha was nowhere to be seen. It turned out that Bobby was not in the best condition either so Doc Swaim planned a day of independent study for the two of them. I smiled to myself thinking that occasional blowouts like last night are good for camaraderie, good for the soul and good for the just plain fun of it. I was walking across the car park when John waved me over. "Great news Eric. We've got the exact blue BMW for Jack. We found it almost immediately after you told me to start looking. It's identical to his old car and it's already in the process of being armored right now. I'll probably have it here tomorrow afternoon." "So fast John?" "Eric, when I put through an order in your name, it becomes an around the clock project. The objective is to have it done yesterday. Two teams have been working on Jack's car non-stop since three o'clock yesterday when we physically got the car." "So there's a good chance we can give it to him tomorrow then?" "You bet." He was smiling. "That's just sensational news John. He's beginning to feel a little sorry for himself. This will be just what he needs. Thanks! Let's try and sneak it onto the car park while he's with me watching the boys' baseball game so it will be waiting for him when we get back. I'll have Arlen drive us to the game so that you can supervise that." "He's still too weak to drive but maybe you can take him for a little drive in around the hills and stuff?" "I'd love to do that Eric." "Then, I guess that's our plan. Keep me informed." Up in the command center, Richard was keeping a low profile and Barry and Wolfman were giving him a mildly hard time. He looked up with a serious face and protested, "I'd have been fine if I'd stuck to scotch 3; it's the wine. I don't handle wine very well and we drank four different types. Never again! I'll tell you that." I laughed, "Don't say that Richard. Last night wasn't the last formal dinner you're ever going to attend if you work for me. Fortunately, we don't do it very often." "Anything to report guys?" Barry patted Richard's shoulder and shook his head. "Nope, last night while you guys were playing Roman Orgy, the world turned peacefully 3; at least as far as the concerns of Magnus Venatus are concerned." I nodded and finished my cup of coffee. "See you later. Go easy on him. It was the wine." I giggled as I left. Only Uncle Phil was waiting for me in my study. I arched an eyebrow as I indicated Chris' empty chair. "Young Christopher had a VERY good time at last night's dinner. He deposited most of it this morning in the Bank of the Porcelain Bowl. I've got him swimming slow laps in the pool by our condos 3; don't worry, one of Daniel's people are there acting as life guard." "We don't have much to cover this morning actually; I just need your signature on a few documents." "Uncle Phil, do you think you could free up an hour or so this afternoon to meet with me and Doc Swaim here in my study? Say about three o'clock? I've got something I'd like to use you both as a sounding board for." "You know I'm always available for you Eric. Here, sign these documents and then I'll see you this afternoon." After he'd left, I called up to the class room and asked Doc Swaim to free up the same time to meet with me and he readily agreed. It was almost lunchtime so I stopped by the kitchen and asked Jenny to make me a ham and cheese sandwich for Brian. I put it on a covered tray with a glass of milk and some big oatmeal cookies and walked down to the elevator. He was sitting up in bed watching something on television. My bedroom had a 55 inch [150 cm] flat screen that dropped automatically down from the ceiling. I hardly ever used it. I put the covered tray on the bedside table nearest him and sat down and pulled him into a hug. "How are you feeling Brian?" "A lot better. About an hour after you left me, I puked again and then an hour later I felt like I had to puke again but that time I puked but nothin' came out it was horrible. After that, I began to feel a lot better." "Good, sounds like you purged all the toxins from your stomach and what was in your system will work its way out quickly." I lifted the cover from his tray. "Now try and eat this sandwich and drink this milk to fill your now very empty belly with good food." He picked up half the sandwich and took a big bite of it; chewed and then swallowed cautiously. It stayed down to both of our relief and he quickly ate the entire sandwich like the very hungry boy that he was. Smiling at me, he turned his attention to his glass of milk and cookies and very soon, I was looking at an empty plate and glass. I hugged him again. "That's better, you'll be in fine shape for dinner tonight and by tomorrow morning, you'll be good as new." "D-Dad." "Yes, Son?" "Since I was drunk last night and didn't get to 3; do stuff with you, can I come into your bed tonight?" "Absolutely not. You're pitching tomorrow afternoon. You've already put your body through too much. You need to get to bed early and sleep well. Don't worry, we'll find another time." "OK." He said very quietly as I hugged him. "Besides, I want you at a hundred percent tip top shape if I'm going to bed with you little boy. I'm going to give you a workout. See you at dinner 3; remember to put some clothes on." He giggled. I bent down, kissed him, and left. *** We were sitting on the grassy hill overlooking the ballfield. Jack had chosen to take his walker rather than the wheel chair reasoning that he needed to start to get some exercise. He was sitting between Richard and me and was sipping upon a well camouflaged beer. We were tense. This had proved to be a close and well-played game. It was the top of the fifth. We were tied 2-2 but the other team had a man on first and only one out. Brian had pitched well but so had his counterpart on the other team. Brian currently had one ball and one strike on the batter. I heard Arlen muttering, "The slider Brian, the slider 3; give him your filthy slider." It was as if the boy on the mound had heard him (though that was impossible) because that's just what he threw. The batter managed to get a piece of it and drove it straight into Charlie's glove. The little short stop controlled it quickly and shot it to Sean at first base and suddenly the top half to the inning was over and we were at bat. Rico swung on the first pitch and dropped it into shallow center-field. He beat out the throw and was safe on first. Charlie was up next and true to form, took the first two pitches without moving. They were both called balls. The third pitch was more to his liking and he smashed it into left field. The coach held Rico at third and Charlie was safe at second. I quietly thought to myself that swift Rico could have easily made it home but I also considered that Coach Lopez knew his job so I kept my opinion to myself. Kelly was up next and struck out swinging. He was followed by Aaron who took a called third strike looking. "Here comes our boy!" Arlen shouted. "He's had five innings to study this pitcher and he knows what to do." Sean always looked so old and so professional to me whenever he competed athletically. He transformed from a little boy to something else 3; something competitive and dominant and awe inspiring. It was almost a mystical metamorphosis. He took three strong chops with the bat before stepping into the box. Just as Arlen had taught him, he crowded the inside and widened his hips. He stood there defying the boy on the mound to come and get him. I guess the pitcher thought he was being clever by throwing Sean something he wouldn't be expecting on a first pitch, but that was a big mistake. Sean saw it at once and so did Arlen who howled with glee. Sean's swing was pure poetry and the ball made perfect contact with the sweet spot on the bat. You didn't even have to look; you just had to listen to the contact to know it was gone. It sailed over the centerfield fence finally landing just feet from the parking lot for the other field in the complex. Danny followed Sean at bat and popped out but at the end of five innings Deer Run was up 5-2. Brian took the mound and he had that look on his face that I was coming to recognize. He was no longer Brian, he was 'Spider' and he meant real business. As I watched the boy I thought about the long conversation I'd had with Uncle Phil and Doc Swaim yesterday afternoon. Uncle Phil was getting all of the paperwork ready but I wouldn't make a move until Brian's Grandmother passed away. Then 3; well we would see. The first batter was out in three pitches. The second batter popped up straight to Sean. 'Spider' was dealing this inning. The third batter worked Spider into a full count before another filthy slider flew right by him and the game was over. The Deer run boys mobbed each other on the field and collapsed into a gleeful mound of happy little boys before they regained their composure and lined up to formally congratulate the other team on a good game. Sean and Brian ran into the clubhouse to shower with the rest of their team and we all popped another beer and celebrated before heading to the van. We celebrated with gooey concoctions at Mirrelli's. As we were walking back to the van, Brian sidled up next to me. "Thanks for the ice cream Dad. I pitched good today didn't I?" "Yes Son, you certainly did." Somehow, I just knew it was important right now to call him 'Son' not 'Brian'. "Were you proud of me? I always want you to be proud of me." I was shocked as I realized that this was the exact conversation he'd recited in his drunken dream as I'd put him to bed the night of the party. Had he been dreaming about this exact situation? I smiled and smacked his little ass affectionately. "I am always proud of you son." The smile he gave me would have warmed a winter's Day in the Arctic. As we pulled onto the car park, I saw it at once. John had actually pulled it off. The late afternoon sun gleamed off it and it shone like a brand new penny. There was no red bow this time 3; he'd know it was his. Arlen turned the van sharply so that Jack; sitting in the middle row of seats wouldn't see it until he got out. John was standing on the drive grinning from ear to ear. The boys were still chatting about the game as they exited the van and then they saw it and suddenly, there was silence. Jack was shaking as he stood there. "N-no!" I gripped his shoulder. "Yes Jack. Go see." Using his walker, he made his way quickly to the blue Beemer and circled it. He looked up at John wordlessly. "It's exactly the same Jack except for one tiny thing 3; look here." The big man opened the driver's door and pointed to the dash. There in the spot he'd indicated was a tiny brass plate and inscribed upon it was 'Bony Blue II' My wonderful red-head lost it then and burst into sobs. He buried his face into John's massive chest and cried like a baby for about two full minutes before he recovered. John silently folded up the walker and stashed it in the back. He helped Jack into the passenger seat and, misty eyed, I watched the sleek blue car glide down the driveway. It was beginning to seem like all was slowly but surely becoming well with the world. My well-loved readers
3; this is our anniversary! As I send this chapter off to NIFTY, it is September 7, 2015. The very first chapter of 'Young but Daily Growing' was published on NIFTY on September 7, 2013. Can you believe it? I certainly can't. When I published that first chapter it was supposed to be part of a little five or six chapter story. I didn't know what I was doing and I didn't know what I was getting myself in for but it's certainly been a fun ride and having you all along to share it has made it a labor of love. Chapter 21If we learn to live peacefully in the current moment, we can truly appreciate and savor the past while at the same time happily consider the future. I was brushing my teeth getting ready for bed happily reviewing the weekend. Saturday had been the boys' fourth baseball game and they were, as-yet, undefeated. Brian 3; or should more properly say, 'Spider' 3; . had pitched a one-hitter. Arlen had been working with him on developing a nasty 'sinker'. It was turning out that Arlen knew more about pitching than he'd initially let on when he first started working with the boys. Despite Brian's constant pleas however, Arlen refused to teach him anything about throwing a curve-ball. He insisted that all medical evidence concluded that young boys throwing curve-balls was usually detrimental to developing young arms and wrists. "Curve-balls are for when you're seventeen or eighteen, Brian. Stick with what I'm showing you for now," he always told the boy gently. Brian's new arsenal of two-seam and four seam fastballs, his mean slider and new his sinker made him a very difficult pitcher to hit at this age level. Sean, on the other hand, was turning into one of the most feared sluggers in the league. In Saturday's game, he had come to the plate in the third inning and blasted a grand slam over center field and that had proved to be the only scoring in the game. Those four runs were all his team needed considering Brian's dominance at the plate. Saturday's grand slam also meant that Sean had hit a home run in every game they'd played so far. Jack was getting stronger every day and was now getting around quite well with just the occasional assistance from the cane I insisted that he carry. He'd balked at first but we'd all ganged up on him and managed to convince him that it actually made him look cool. He'd expressed his readiness to start driving again and John and I agreed that, on Monday, he could try as long as John was with him. We stressed that he would need to take it slow and John and I would decide when he was ready to take the car out alone. He understood and agreed. Although he was only sixteen, Jack had been through more adversity in this short time, than most people experience in a lifetime. He was not a whiny impatient, teen-ager. Although he was still very much a boy with all of the fun attributes that 'condition' implied, he was patient and realistic far beyond his years. Sunday had been the cookout hosted by Chris, Richard, Barry and Uncle Phil to officially christen the new pool at their condominium complex. It turned out to be a wonderful time. I was pleased with it. It was a full Olympic-sized pool just like the one at the main house and it had a low and high diving board. I'd had the high board installed just so Chris could keep in practice. I didn't know if the other three were interested in it at all. I was relatively certain Uncle Phil wasn't. I'd also had a sunken Jacuzzi-type spa installed at the far end of the pool and it proved to be so popular that I decided that this fall (after I'd closed down the pool at the big house) I was going to have one installed there. Besides the boys and me, the guests were John and Jenny, Doc Swaim, Gary and Bobby, Daniel and Arlen, Andy and Anna, Kevin and Grace as well as Tim and Alice 3; John's parents. Martha had been invited, but gracefully demurred stating that she and direct sunlight 'didn't get along'. It had been a wonderful afternoon and everyone seemed to have a glorious time with the possible exception of poor Jack who was pretty much limited to wading up to his chest in the shallow end of the pool being careful to prevent any water from entering his left ear. He seemed to make up for it though by managing to have more than the two beers I'd told him he was allowed. I wasn't very worried because he was a bigger boy and more experienced and, though he drank more than I'd indicated he should, he did know enough to stop before going over the edge. So, while he wound up being happily buzzed for the afternoon, he never got drunk. Therefore, I decided to overlook his minor transgression. I smiled knowingly as I noticed Bobby was very careful to limit his beer consumption to two 3; spread cautiously over the afternoon 3; and that both my little ones (Sean and especially Brian) scrupulously avoided all alcohol. The food was wonderful. The ribs were succulent, sticky and delicious and the teriyaki London Broil, sliced thin and served with beans and grilled corn on the cob along with a simple but wonderful salad, left us all patting our full bellies and smiling. In my memory, this was the first big party on the grounds that had not taken place at the mansion and I was truly delighted and told the guys so as we took our leave about 9:30 that evening. Sean allowed Brian to drive us all back to the big house in the Red Kitty and we all chatted happily about what a good time we'd had. After rinsing my mouth, I turned off the lights in the bathroom and headed into the bedroom. If I'm being honest, I wasn't in the least bit surprised to find them both sitting naked on my bed with big grins lighting their wonderful faces. "What's going on here guys?" I asked as if I hadn't the slightest idea. "Silly Dad, we're sleepin' with you." Sean spread his arms out as if to indicate that it should be perfectly obvious. I put my hands on my hips and tried to look stern before realizing how stupid that must look since I was standing at the foot of the bed completely naked. Finally, I grinned. "OK, since you both played so great yesterday and were so good at the cook-out today, I've got no problem with that but 3; the operative word here is 'SLEEP'." "An cuddlin', of course." Sean added. "Well, that goes without saying. What would be the point of all three of us being in bed together if we didn't cuddle, right?" "Right Dad!" they both answered in almost perfect unison. Sean pulled his legs up to his chest so that I could scoot into the middle of the bed and I leaned over and kissed his nose, his forehead and then his lips. I turned around and did the same to Brian before reaching over and turning down the lights. Instantly, I had a small body fast up against me on each side and an arm and leg from each side thrown across my chest and legs. "G'night Dad." "Good night Sean." "Good night Dad." "Good night Brian. I love you both." *** I was sipping on my second cup of coffee as the three boys were finishing their breakfasts. I wondered for the multi-thousandth time how they ate so much and never seemed to gain a pound. Daniel entered the room and said, "Eric, Dr. Sam Raymond is on the telephone for you. Since he's still officially Jack's attending physician, I thought you might like to take it. I've transferred the call to your study." "Thanks Daniel. Would you be kind enough to escort these three over to the classroom for me when they've finally finished eating?" "Of course, Eric," he smiled. I grabbed my coffee cup and headed down the hall to my study. "Hello Sam? Eric here. I hope nothing is wrong." "No, no Eric nothing's wrong and I'm sorry to be calling you so early but I wanted to try and catch you before you got too involved in your day." "I'm wondering if you could come down to my office at the Hospital sometime today and bring Jack. As I was lying on the sofa the day after your wonderful dinner party I had an idea that may solve a big problem for Jack but I need to have him at the office for about an hour." "Well Sam, you've surely got me intrigued and certainly we can be at your office today how's this morning at about eleven?" "Perfect. I'll see you then. Just stop at the front desk and they'll direct you to my office." I hung up the phone and drained my coffee cup wondering just what that was all about. It couldn't be bad news because that wasn't how the conversation had gone. What problem of Jack's was Sam thinking he could solve? I dialed John's apartment knowing he was probably still lingering over breakfast since Mondays were one of Jenny's days off. "Morning John. Since you were planning on going for a drive with Jack today, do you think he's strong enough to be able to drive downtown to the hospital?" "Why Eric? What's wrong?" "Nothing seems to be wrong John." I then told him about Sam's mysterious telephone call. "Well, candidly Eric, yes, I think Jack can easily make that drive. I think he's stronger than we realize. Besides, if he gets tired, he simply has to pull over and I'll take over the driving." "Great John, we'll meet you on the car park at about ten. Would you move 'Bonny Blue' out there? I'm not sure Jack's ready to negotiate garage doors yet." I then called up to the classroom and asked Doc Swaim to send Jack down to my study by nine thirty. I considered making a drink and decided that those days were behind me. Whatever Doctor Sam had up his sleeve, I would face it without alcohol on my breath in the morning. Jack was tapping at my door about eight twenty-five. "Dad, Professor Swaim said you needed to see me?" "Yes Jack, as you know I had a call from Doctor Sam this morning and he wants to see you in his office this morning." Jack's face turned grim and his face blanched. "No, Jack. Don't be concerned. I don't think it's anything serious. In fact, he indicated that whatever it is, it was about solving a problem for you. I'm completely in the dark but I'm certain that it's not a cause for anxiety." "I've talked to John, and we've decided to let you try to make the drive. If you get tired or in any way apprehensive, all you need to do is pull over and John will take over." He broke into a large smile. "Thanks Dad. I sincerely appreciate that. I really think I'm strong enough to make the whole drive. I hardly ever even need my cane anymore. I'm feeling solid and very healthy. If my eardrum heals the way Doctor Sam says it should, I'll be joking about this whole experience a year from now." "That's great Jack although I assure you that I'll never joke about it." John was standing by the blue Beemer holding the driver's door open. He was smiling and he watched happily as Jack strode strongly across the car park and climbed in behind the steering wheel. I climbed into the back seat while John took the 'shotgun' position. Just as John had trained him, Jack carefully adjusted the driver's seat for optimum comfort and pedal control and then meticulously adjusted all three mirrors. "Do you know where we're going Jack?" John asked. "I'm pretty sure I do." "Well, I'll be your navigator just in case, OK?" "Perfect John. Well, here we go. I hope nobody tries to blow us up." "Don't even joke about things like that, Jack!" "Sorry Dad. I know that wasn't funny. I don't know why I said it." The wonderful red-haired boy put the car in gear and soon we were headed down the driveway. Jack never noticed that one of Richard's Skuggor SUVs that had been parked at the side of the road, pulled out behind us as we passed through the gates. He was driving well and both John and I told him so. After about twenty minutes John asked him how he was feeling. "I'm great, John. It sure is neat to be driving again and I'm not in the least bit tired." "That's wonderful Jack. We're only about ten minutes away so I guess you're going to make the whole drive." Jack broke into a wide grin that I could see through the rear-view mirror. After locating a parking space, we headed for the main entrance. I swear there was more pep in Jack's step as we walked. Driving had obviously been a real tonic for him. The volunteer at the front desk gave us directions to Doctor Sam's office up on the sixth floor and soon we were sitting in the waiting room. We only waited a couple of minutes before Sam, himself, opened the door leading to the back. "Hi guys, come on in." He shook my hand and then Jack's before taking John's big hand. "Hello again John. As you can see, I'm considerably more sober than when you drove Andrea and me home. That was certainly a night to remember. I have to thank you again Eric. Andrea can't stop talking about it." He escorted us into his comfortable office. The walls were decorated with an array of beautiful photographs of trees, flowers and other natural fauna. As I expressed my appreciation of them, Sam proudly revealed that they were all Andrea's work. "That gal of mine could have made a very good living as a photographer if she hadn't dedicated so much of her time to watching out for my butt and keeping me on the straight and narrow. I'm a very responsible Doctor 3; always have been 3; but in the early days, I was also a young Marine and could have wound up raising a lot more hell than I did. She's my compass and my guide." He picked up the telephone on his desk and spoke into it. "Lila, would you please call up to Don Silver's office and tell him we're ready for him down here?" He sat down behind his desk and indicated we should all sit. "So, after touring your wonderful house, I was struck by the fact that water and swimming seems to be such an important part of your lives. I realized that because of his eardrum damage, Jack was being deprived of one of his great pleasures. I felt bad about that, and thought to myself that there had to be a solution." "The next day I was sitting in my study being very lazy 3; I DID consume a bit of alcohol at your house. I remembered our conversation about recreational reading and I suddenly recalled that a couple of years ago I'd purchased another Nate Mentor novel but had never read it. I searched my bookshelves, found it, and decided that starting to read it would be the perfect way to spend a lazy day. Andrea was napping and I'd cleared my entire schedule." "The book was; 'Tantalus Requiem' and I really became caught up in it. I was reading past the part where the main character; Devon has a chemical tossed into his eye and has to wear an eye-patch until the eye recovers. You no doubt remember the doctor telling him if light entered the eye before it healed, it could permanently damage the retina." "Suddenly, I stopped reading and thought of Jack. I got out some paper and sat at my desk making some sketches and the next day, when I got to the hospital, I met with Don Silver who is the head of our Prosthetic Department and is a kind of a genius. I showed him my sketches and explained what I had in mind. Later that afternoon, he presented me with this 3;" He reached into his desk drawer and produced what looked like one earphone with a wide elastic strap. "Now this is just a mock-up but essentially, it's intended to be an 'eye-patch' for the ear. Come here Jack, let me show you." He placed the cup of the earphone over Jack's left ear and then pulled the elastic over his head letting it rest just above the right ear. I realized at once, what he was getting at. "Now, as I've told you, this is just a mock-up for demonstration purposes. Don will be here in a moment and he's going to take you upstairs, Jack, and make a mold of your ear. From that, he will fashion a protective cap that will fit over your ear perfectly. When pulled tightly by the elastic strap the cap will form a seal around your ear. As a further protective measure, Don will also fashion a form-fitting earplug from that same mold." "You'll first insert the earplug and then place the cap over your ear and you'll be free to swim, to put your head under water 3; almost everything 3; Jack. The only restrictions will be diving and any roughhousing that might cause the protective cap to become dislodged." "So, for instance, no water polo, Doctor Sam?" "Sadly, that's a perfect example of what I mean." Jack smiled. "If I can swim, that'll be just wonderful. I can put up with those restrictions." Just then, a portly, balding man with the merriest twinkle in his eyes entered the room. "Don, please meet Eric Tucker, his son Jack and his associate John 3; I'm sorry John, I don't believe I ever learned your last name." "It's Costa Doctor 3; John Costa." "Guys, please meet Don Silver. Don is both a genius and an artist and he's the guy that's going to make this work." The portly man smiled and his smile perfectly matched the twinkle in his eyes. "Well Jack, are you ready to come upstairs with me and let me take a cast of your ear? I promise that it won't hurt in the slightest and we'll be done in less than an hour." "Yes Sir, Mr. Silver." Don indicated Jack should follow him and as they left the office Sam said to us, "As Don said, this will take about an hour. Perhaps you guys wouldn't mind going down to the cafeteria for coffee or something? I've got a couple of patients I'm going to try to see while we're waiting. Is that OK?" "Of course it is Sam. Should we be back up here in about an hour?" "Sounds like a plan to me Eric." John and I took the elevator down to the ground level and walked to the cafeteria. After just a couple of sips, we both agreed that the coffee was perfectly horrible but we sat and drank it just the same. We talked about Sam's brilliant idea for Jack and couldn't help but marvel that such a busy Doctor would take the time to worry about what was ultimately just a sad inconvenience for one of his patients and go further by figuring out a solution. I'd felt from the first that he was a wonderful doctor. Now, however, I was convinced that he was remarkable. After about an hour, we headed back up to the sixth floor and we were informed by the attractive young lady at the desk that Don and Jack were already back in Sam's office and we were to go right in. Jack and Don were laughing about something as we entered and Sam said, "OK we're done for now. Don, why don't you tell them what's going to happen next?" "Well I'm going to first cast the ear plugs. I'll make a few of them in case one should get lost 3; they'll be relatively little. I'll then cast the cap from the whole ear. The cap on the mockup that Sam showed you is rather large. Jack's actual cap will be much smaller and will be more like a form fitting sheath around the ear but with the elastic strap's tension, it will form a water tight seal." "Do you think everything will be ready so that he'll be swimming for a good portion of the summer?" Don smiled and said, "Mr. Tucker, I expect you to be here Wednesday morning for a fitting. Unless, something is amiss, Jack should be swimming by Wednesday afternoon." I was stunned. "Sam, Don, how can I every repay you?" "Don smiled and said, "Don't worry Mr. Tucker, your wonderful insurance will do that and do it quite sufficiently I assure you." We shook hands and agreed that we would be back here at eleven o'clock Wednesday morning. "Do you feel like driving back Jack?" I asked my boy. He grinned at me. "Dad after this news, I feel like I could fly back." "Well, on the way let's keep an eye out for some place that looks good for lunch." *** Jack was back at class in the South Wing and John and I were sitting in my study sipping on a drink. "You know Eric, the driving and now being able to go into the pool and swim is going to completely change Jack's attitude and speed up his recovery a lot." "I think so too John. He's lucky to have you and Doctor Sam looking out for him." My big friend actually blushed and moved to the bar. "Let's have one more drink in celebration then I'm going to make a call to see how the repairs on the Red Cat are coming. Have you and Richard made any decision as to whether or not he's going to let you drive by yourself anymore?" "Jeeze! Does everybody on the estate know about that?" John grinned as he handed me my refreshed tumbler. "Yeah, pretty much everybody. Cheer up Eric. If Richard slams the hammer on you, between Arlen and me, you can still go any place you need to or want to." "Yes, but it's not the same. Even my Grandfather liked to drive himself sometimes and HE just loved being chauffeured around as a rule. Anyway, we're having a meeting on that very subject tomorrow morning so, we'll see what happens." "So, on another subject Eric, if I might intrude upon our friendship, what about little Brian? What are the future plans for that sweet kid?" "Well, keep this very confidential John. I don't think I have to tell you how happy he is here and how well the other two boys like him." "It's more than that Eric, in his mind and his heart, you've become his father. Everyone can see that and we all hear how often he calls you 'Dad' and we can't miss the love in his eyes when you pay attention to him. Doesn't he have a mother though? Where does she fit into this picture?" "Well, it's complicated and after I tell you this, only you, Doc Swaim and Uncle Phil will know." "Certainly you know you can trust me Eric." "Of course I do John it's just that 3; if you can help it; I'd rather you didn't even talk about it with Jenny for the time being." "I'll try not to Eric but I can't make any promise in that regard. She is my wife and we have no secrets from each other." "I understand John it's just that this is currently a very delicate matter. I've been having almost nightly telephone conversations with Mrs. Williams, Brian's Mother. She was raised in a very religious family 3; very strict and devout Catholics. "Since her childhood, it had been more or less assumed that when she grew up, she would become a nun devoting her life to God and the Church. It would be her younger sister who would marry and have children. As often happens in families like that, the younger sister rebelled and began hanging around with an unsavory crowd and 3; well, long and short of it, she was found dead in her bedroom one morning. She'd overdosed on heroin. "The shock and grief proved too much for her father who (despite his professed strong faith) took his own life about three weeks later. Her Mother withdrew into herself and essentially spent all of her time in church virtually ignoring her remaining daughter. "Eventually Maria, (Brian's Mom) moved away to San Diego where she met a young Navy officer. After a quick courtship, they were married and, as such things go, a year later little Brian was born. "They had six years of loving happy togetherness and then Brian's father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He was gone in five months. Maria was devastated and feared that, for some reason, God was punishing her for marrying rather than becoming a Nun. "She devoted her life to her little boy who she loved very much but feared that God's retribution was going to reach for him next. I've never been able to understand how people can believe in a god like that John. "It was all she could do to let him out of her sight in order to attend school and, later, to play sports which he excelled at (as we all know) and which seemed to bring him at least a little joy. "It must have been a hard way for Brian to grow up. His mother loved him intensely but she was very protective. She also made certain that his upbringing was centered around the church and, she recently told me, she'd hoped and planned that he would eventually enter the priesthood. This is, of course, interesting because Brian, when he is with us, shows no religious proclivity at all. "She has recently told me that, after her mother passes, she would truly love to enter a convent but can't because of her responsibility to Brian. After she told me that, I've been gently talking to her about the possibility of my becoming Brian's custodial guardian; perhaps of her actually releasing her parental rights to me legally. "All this is still in the formative talking stages and everything may change when Brian's grandmother passes away. I can tell you that Uncle Phil has prepared legal documents for each of several possible contingencies, one of which would be my actually adopting Brian if his mother is willing to terminate her parental rights and of course, if Brian is agreeable." John snorted. "Agreeable? I think the kid would give his left nut for you to adopt him. It's obvious to everyone. He'd be a perfect fit in this new little family of yours Eric." "Well, nothing will happen as long as Grandma is still alive and Maria is involved in her daily care. I have found it interesting though that after the first few days he's been here, she's expressed no desire to see him and, frankly, he's expressed no desire to see her. I think he's found happiness here and I hope he can continue to enjoy it. Yes John, I'd be proud to call him my son and for him to really be able to call me Dad but, I don't want to get his hopes up." John left and shortly, Uncle Phil and Chris came into the room for our daily review. Once again, there was very little to go over. We'd recently closed on two huge deals and, while there were several others pending, they were not ready to be acted upon. "Great party yesterday you two. I really enjoyed it. Thanks very much." "It was fun wasn't it? We'll have to do it again real soon." Uncle Phil said. "Well, don't forget the next big shindig is Sean's birthday in a less than two weeks." "Who could forget that?" Chris interjected. "Well what about your Mom and Aunt Rita? Why don't you hang around after we're through with our business and we'll plan on when you're going to fly up and bring them back here, Chris." After Uncle Phil left, we mixed a couple of drinks and sat down across from each other. "Sean's actual birthday is on a Wednesday but we'll just have like a special dinner or something. His actual party will be on Saturday so why don't we set it up so that you'll fly up north Tuesday morning and bring them back here that evening. That way, they'll be here for his actual birthday dinner and then have Friday to relax before the party. They should plan on staying at least a week; longer if they'd like." "Thanks Eric, that sounds great." "Good, then I'll set it up with Captain Lucas. You call the ladies so they have lots of time to get ready." "Sounds like a plan." "Speaking of plans, why don't you plan on having dinner with us tonight but, don't plan on going back to your condo?" I waggled my eyebrows at him in what I knew was a stupid juvenile gesture but he got the message. He grinned. "I should probably start keeping a toothbrush in your bedroom." I grinned wickedly at him. "Chris, I'm arguably the richest man in the world. Don't you suppose I might keep a few toothbrushes in my bathroom for special occasions?" Later that afternoon Jack approached me and asked if he could drive the boys to baseball practice. "I feel great Dad and Arlen will be with us in case I suddenly get tired or something." "If you feel well enough Jack, then by all means you should do it. I completely trust Arlen if you should have any problem." "Thanks Dad. While I'm at Deer Run, I want to talk to coach Sal about training on the bags in about a month so that I can keep in shape. When my ear heals, I still want to box again." *** Dinner was happy and a little boisterous. The boys had apparently had a very good practice, Jack had driven both ways with no difficulties and he'd had a great talk with 'Sal' Salvatore and the coach was going to design a training program for him to build up his stamina and strength. Sean was finally getting excited about his impending birthday and Jack was excited about the ear cap he would receive hopefully on Wednesday. Brian just seemed to be excited to be involved in all of it. After dinner, I led them all down to the game room and indicated the card table in the far corner. "It's high time that you guys learned how to play poker," I told them. I handed out chips and explained for the first few times, we'll just play for chips but eventually; we'll play for money because that's what happens in the real world." "Oh, that reminds me. Up until now, when you've needed money, I've just given it to you. Starting next week, I'm going to set you up with an allowance so that you'll have money of your own to spend or save as you see fit. That includes you Brian." The brown-haired boy looked surprised but very pleased. "Ok, we're going to start with basic five-card draw. We'll go slowly tonight and probably the next few times but I expect you to pay attention and to learn. Poker is a game that every man and boy should know how to play." I carefully explained the hierarchy of the possible hands from 'high-card' through 'royal flush'. Chris pointed out a few nuances that I'd overlooked in my explanation and then I dealt the first hand. Rather than join the game, Chris elected to be a neutral adviser and moved around the table helping each boy with their choices. I wasn't surprised that the boys caught on rather quickly and, by around the fifth hand, they were drawing cards and placing bets quite intelligently, only asking for Chris' advice on occasion. I looked at my watch and was shocked to notice it was ten-thirty. I stopped the game and gathered them in for hugs and kisses before shooing them all up to bed. Chris and I wandered down to the library where he mixed us each a drink. "Mom and Aunt Rita are really excited about coming down." He told me. "I'm glad Chris. I want them to be proud of you." "Oh, I think they are and they love you and the boys. Wait until they see you've added Brian to the mix. They'll go nuts." "Tread carefully there Chris. For now at least, Brian is a temporary guest." He gave me a crooked smile. "You're not fooling me Eric. You've got something up your sleeve regarding that boy." I just smiled back at him and didn't say a thing. We had a second drink and then got up from our chairs. He walked over and wrapping an arm around my neck, he pulled me into an extraordinary kiss. When our contact finally broke, I once again considered that Chris was the greatest kisser I'd ever known. I ran a hand gently down his cheek as I looked into his loving lusty eyes. I said in a voice barely above a whisper, "I've been meaning to tell you all night how attractive those slacks you're wearing are. Let's go upstairs so I can see what they look like when you take them off." With his hand around my waist and mine upon his ass, we walked down the hall to the elevator. *** I woke up and was surprised to see that he was standing at my side of the bed with two mugs of coffee in his hands. "Beat you up this time boss." He smiled and handed me a mug. I took a sip. "Hot." I said as I placed it on the bedside table. "That's because we both drink it black although this morning, I was thinking I might enjoy mine with a little cream." With that, he pushed me down onto my back and pulled the sheet down to my ankles. Swiftly but sensuously, he lowered his head down to my groin and took my semi hard cock in between his lips. The heat of his mouth soon brought my member to full attention and Chris began a slow methodical oral ministration that quickly had me moving on the bed in rhythm with his actions. Despite the frantic sex we'd experience together last night, I realized that I wasn't going to last long and soon was expelling a surprising quantity of cum into his eager mouth. Considering the number of times I'd cum just a few hours before, I was delightfully pleased. As we were all eating breakfast, I commented to them all, "I've got a meeting with Richard and a few of the guys this morning. It's an important meeting and you all need to know that I might be in a bad mood when it's over. If I am, just ignore it and don't worry. It has nothing to do with any of you." Chris leaned over and whispered, "Would you like me to come with you?" "No Chris. This is really a matter of Skuggor business and it's nothing personal. Thanks though." When breakfast was finished, the boys gave Martha her hugs and we all headed for the South Wing. I walked into the command center and the three of them looked in my direction with serious expressions on their faces. There was a fourth figure sitting at the table but I didn't recognize him. As soon as he realized who I was, he was on his feet standing at attention. Richard, stood up and made the introduction, "Eric, this fine Skugga is Brutus. He has been training to alternate at the com and has been doing a rather outstanding job. He's going to take over the command seat while we four meet in the small conference room." "At ease please, Skugga. Brutus, I'm happy to meet you. I've been hearing good things about you." "Thank you Sir. That is an honor coming from Launcelot." I smiled and patted his shoulder and indicated the door to the small conference room. "Shall we?" Richard addressed Brutus, "Skugga, you have the command." "Yes Sir." The four of us entered the small conference room and sat. Richard spoke first, "This meeting could just as properly have taken place between the two of us but I've asked my number two and number three in command to be present to witness everything that we say here." I nodded my head in acknowledgement. Richard continued. "The incident that occurred a few weeks ago; specifically your careless, distracted driving not only placed your life in jeopardy, it also jeopardized the security and possible future of Magnus Venatus which we, as Skuggor are pledged to defend and protect." "Had you died, you would have left the organization with a titular new 'Launcelot' who knew nothing of the organization and who, at twelve years old, would hardly have been fit to assume his responsibilities. The consequences would have been dire at best and very possibly devastating." "As 'Galahad', I have the authority to issue any order I deem reasonable to protect the safety of 'Launcelot' 3; you. Although you are 'Launcelot', you do not have the authority to over-ride any such order that I issue if I have issued it to ensure your safety." Again, I nodded my head in agreement and replied, "You are correct in what you say, but I DO have the authority to remove you from your position and replace you with a new 'Galahad' who will withdraw any such order you might have issued." He locked eyes with mine. "Correct, but you won't do that." "I will if you try to take away my right to drive around. I would truly regret it Richard but I'll do it the second after you issue the order taking away my freedom to drive myself." He didn't blink and neither did I. "I have no intention of doing that I was merely establishing my authority to do so." "And I was merely establishing my authority over this entire organization and my willingness to exercise it." He smiled a tight and almost bitter smile then and said, "It won't come to that I believe. What I want from you are some common sense concessions." "Such as?" He pulled a sheaf of papers from a folder on the table and slid one over to me and passed a copy each to Barry and Wolfman. "First, you will never get behind the wheel of a car if you are mentally or emotionally distracted or impaired such as you did during the recent incident. You have too many viable alternatives for your personal transportation." "Second, you will never get behind of the wheel of a car if you are chemically impaired. If anyone should question your fitness to drive, including the Skugga at the gate, the matter will be referred to me and I will make a judgement as to your current condition. You will under no circumstances attempt to drive a car if you've consumed more than two alcoholic drinks in an hour. Again, you have far too many viable alternatives for your safe personal transportation." "Third, at the very minimum when leaving the property, you will let the Skugga at the gate know exactly where you are driving and provide an approximate duration for your trip. Of course, there are allowances for variations, but you will agree that if your itinerary should change while you are driving, that you'll place a courtesy call to the Command Center informing us of your changes." "It would of course be preferable if you could actually inform the Command Center of your itinerary, at least a half an hour before you plan to drive rather than wait to inform the gatekeeper." "Fourth, you will only drive vehicles that have active GPS location devices installed. This will soon be a moot point because, within two months, every one of your vehicles will be so outfitted." "Fifth and final, you will acknowledge that from now on, whenever you drive off the property, you will be shadowed by no less than one Skuggor vehicle. Excluding any incidents, this vehicle will be an unobtrusive presence and will in no way interfere with your personal activities. You, in turn, will make no attempt to elude these vehicles or in any way avoid their quiet scrutiny." I'd been reading along with him and I realized he'd paraphrased a lot of what he'd just said to me and that the document in my hand was actually a pledge accepting these conditions and I was expected to sign it. I could see in his face that he was prepared for an angry rebuttal from me and I could tell that Barry and Wolfman were staring at me apprehensively. I took a deep breath and I saw Richard tense up. "Well Richard, these are certainly quite reasonable and sensible concessions. Considering my increasingly active position in our vast organization and my occasional tendency to become distracted either emotionally or chemically, these restrictions are 3; just as you said 3; 'common sense' and I agree to them whole-heartedly. Judging from the way this document is presented, I assume that you'd like me to sign it as a gesture of good faith." His smile of relief was almost humorous. He quickly passed the three other copies of the document to me. "If you'll sign all four copies, one is yours and we'll each keep a copy and this will be just between the four of us." I signed all four papers and passed them back to Richard who signed under my signature as witness. He then passed them to Barry and Wolfman who did the same. We each kept a copy and I rose from my seat. I smiled at him warmly. "You're a good man Richard. You've assumed a very hard responsibility long before you ever thought you would have to and you are performing beyond expectations. This little exercise we've just been through demonstrates to me your concern for my personal well-being but also your very professional concern for the organization you are sworn to serve and protect." The day I first interviewed you up here I sensed that someday you would become an important part of my team and while karma has forced you to prove your value all too frequently as of late, this simple little exercise of what you knew to be your responsibility speaks volumes about your integrity and your worth." "Barry and Wolfman, you both have my admiration and thanks as well. I know this wasn't easy but it was the right thing to do. I value people who do the right thing especially when it's difficult to do so." "Now gentlemen, since I have no intention of driving myself off the property today, I'm going downstairs and I'll probably consume more than two alcoholic drinks in an hour." With a smile, I turned and left the room. I certainly would have liked to be a fly on the wall to hear what they said after I left. I'd caught them completely off-guard and I reasoned that a good commander should be able to do that from time to time. Uncle Phil and Chris joined me in my study and we reviewed some of our long-range plans. Chris presented a proposal he'd put together regarding suggested adjustments in some of our stock holdings. "We'll do these slowly and as unobtrusively as possible. We don't want to show our hand too soon and we certainly don't want to trigger either a buying or selling stampede." Uncle Phil smiled. "This young man is a genius. No one would believe us if we told them we found him working in a hotel up on a mountain in a National Park." Chris blushed almost crimson but his smile indicated his pride in Phil's praise. I smiled and said, "That reminds me, we have some business to perform here." I reached behind me into the lower drawer of the credenza and withdrew a blue mortarboard graduation cap and placed it upon Chris' head. He looked baffled. "This arrived yesterday and I wanted you to have it so that you can show it off to your mother and Aunt Rita. Congratulations." I handed him a diploma from the University indicating he had earned a BA in business administration. "I assure you, Chris, this is one hundred percent legitimate. If you don't mind, I'll keep it right now because I'd like to have it framed for you before your Mother and Aunt get here. I'll have it hung on the wall in your office right behind your desk." "Eric 3; I 3; I'd forgotten all about this part of the deal. Mom will be so proud. She'll be pissed I didn't invite her to my graduation." He gave me a goofy grin. "Explain to her that the work study program you're involved in here accelerates your matriculation so you don't participate in formal exercises like commencement ceremonies." "Placate her further by telling her that you're already involved in a similar Master's Degree program and that you should complete it in about a year. That should keep her happy." "Uncle Phil and I have decided we need you to earn a PHD because that will be a big boost to your international credentials. What will your Mom think about 'Doctor' Chris Hanuchek?" "By the way, after you've received your diploma, you're supposed to flip the tassel to the other side of your cap." He giggled as he did just that. "I think we ought to have a drink to celebrate the new college graduate." Uncle Phil said as he moved to the wet bar. Arlen drove Sean and Brian to baseball practice. John stayed behind to consult with some Skuggor agents about the installation of the GPS devices in my fleet of cars. Since the 'Red Cat' was still being repaired, the first three selected were the limo, the van and the XKE. I was sitting on a lounge chair by the pool happily naked and sipping on a gin and tonic when Jack came around the hedge. He gave me a warm smile as he quickly shed his clothing and walked down the steps into the shallow end of the pool. He carefully walked into the water until it was about chest high and stopped. He smiled in my direction. "If Doctor Sam and Don are right, by this time tomorrow I'll be able to be swimming." He moved his arms and legs and I realized he was treading water just because I'm certain that it felt so good to do so. After a few moments, he stopped and walked back to the steps and climbed out of the pool. "Is it alright if I get a beer, Dad?" I smiled at him. He was looking so much better. He was regaining a lot of the weight he'd lost and his face was bright and energetic. Jack was coming back from the dark depths he'd so cruelly been cast into. His wonderful young body was covered in small scars that were a result of the removal of the shrapnel he'd suffered. I assumed they would, for the most part, vanish with time. "You bet, Jacamo. Help yourself." His smile was wonderful as he walked to the fridge under the awning around the pool house and returned with a Stone IPA 3; his absolute favorite. He lay down on the lounge next to mine and was quiet for a while as he sipped his beer. "Dad?" "Yes Jack." "I know I'm still kinda weak and I'm not supposed to exert myself and all that, but do you think it would be alright if I just slept with you tonight? I know I can't do stuff yet, but I'd sure like to cuddle with you." I smiled over at him. "I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more. You've got a date Jack." His grin lit up his face. "Thanks Dad." After dinner, the boys and I played about ten hands of five-card draw. We'd reached the point that we rotated the deal in a normal fashion and the boys were playing intelligently and wining their fair share of hands. I thought to myself that a couple more nights like this and we'd move on to seven-card stud. I noticed it was ten thirty and I hugged Sean and Brian and sent them up to bed. Jack walked down to the library with me and I poured him a beer while I made myself a scotch. "Tomorrow morning, don't even bother going up to class. We'll leave right from here and, perhaps, get there a little early. If all goes well, by the time they get out of class, you'll be doing laps in the pool. That will be a great surprise, don't you think?" "Yeah, but Sean will sure love it." "Oh I think Bobby and Brian will love it as well Jack. They've been terribly worried about you too you know." "I know, it's just that I haven't had much experience in the pool with Brian yet but we'll make up for lost time." "Speaking of time, finish your beer. We should head up to bed, I can't wait to run my hands all over that sexy body of yours." He swallowed the last quarter of his beer glass in one pull and as he set the glass down, he emitted a loud resonating burp. He blinked twice and then grinned at me in satisfaction. We were both giggling as we walked hand in hand to the elevator. It was a very bright night and he stood by the big window as I slowly removed his clothes. Finally, he was down to his boxer briefs and I indicated he should remove them himself. He pushed them down past his thighs and then with a little wiggle of his legs, they dropped to the floor. He stepped out of them with an almost shy smile and moved over and onto the bed. I quickly undressed as he watched reminding me of that first horrible night we'd spent together in Houston seemingly so very long ago. I looked at him in the bright light streaming through the window. His poor body was marked with little scars from the shrapnel damage. No doubt these would mostly heal with time but right now, they were heartbreaking. "Roll over Jack, I want to see your back." He rolled onto his tummy and sure enough, his back too was marked with the little scars, as were his calves, his ass cheeks and his lower legs. I choked back a sob. If the perpetrators of this atrocity hadn't been so inept and if John hadn't had the little car armored, each of these tiny wounds would have been a deadly missile that would have torn my sweet young boy's body apart like a paper passed through a shredder. I rolled him onto his back again and pressed my lips against his and we kissed for what seemed like an hour. I finally pulled back. "You're not supposed to exert yourself Jack so just lie back and let me do all the work." He moaned deeply and his cock rose to full attention as my lips closed around it. *** Almost instinctively, Sean and Brian had known not to try and join us in the shower. I'd slowly and tenderly washed Jack's poor marked body and we'd kissed frequently during the process. We were now all downstairs and finishing up breakfast. "Professor Swaim already knows that Jack won't be in class today, boys, but we'll both walk you down to the South Wing." Sean and Brian were up and offering Martha her morning hugs and kisses. Jack was next and as he hugged her, she whispered, "Good luck today sweetheart. I know it's going to turn out wonderful for you." He smiled and kissed her lovingly and the four of us walked outside in the direction of the wildflower garden. Bobby was just pulling up as we approached and the three boys scurried off to class. Jack and I took the elevator up to the top floor just to check in. Richard and Barry were at the desk, which I supposed meant that Wolfman and Brutus were sleeping. "Anything I need to know about guys?" "Not this morning, Eric." Barry smiled. "As far as we're concerned, it's a peaceful planet. Last night we apprehended two guys who had been attempting to use one of our ships to smuggle drugs into one of the Florida ports. We sent them to the cornfield and they seem to have been a silly two-man operation." "We've got an eye on a couple of employees in one of our companies in France who we're pretty certain are about to attempt to pull off a stock scam. We'll nab them the second they try. We don't think that will be 'cornfield' serious but we'll come up with something." "We'll keep you informed." "Well, in keeping with our newly established guidelines, I'm reminding you that in about a half an hour Jack will be driving John and me down to the hospital to meet with Doctor Raymond. That visit should last about an hour then we'll stop for lunch on the way back so I'd estimate we'll be gone about three hours tops." Richard smiled broadly. "Thanks for the itinerary, Eric, and good luck Jack. We all know that this is going to work out great for you." "Thank you Richard. I sure hope so." As we were walking towards the car park, Jack asked me, "Dad, what was Barry talking about when he mentioned sending people to the 'cornfield'?" "Well Jack, I don't want to go into too much detail with you right now but, simply put, in our business it means we make them go away forever. This is some of the stuff Sean is learning about when he meets with Uncle Phil and Richard every afternoon." "It seems Jack that you are destined for a life of science and exploration and Sean is destined to assume my responsibilities in time. We'll talk more about it on another occasion. Don't let any of it bother you right now." "The guys that did this to me 3; I know you caught them because I overheard you talking. Did 3; did you 'send them to the cornfield'?" "Yes Jack, I did 3; very swiftly." He nodded his head and smiled grimly. "Good." John was waiting holding open the driver's door for Jack. *** Don Silver was smiling as he tried the ear plugs and then the flexible ear cap on Jack as we sat in Doctor Sam's office. "They're perfect. I don't have to do any trimming or make even a minor modification. Jack, your ear molded and cast perfectly. So now, let me show you how to put these things on. Mr. Tucker, you might want to watch this as well." "First Jack, take one of the earplugs out of this box. I've made five for you, by the way, but I'll retain the mold in case of an emergency. Go ahead Jack, I want you to do it. Good, now smear the earplug liberally with this water resistant gel. I'm sending you home with five large tubes but we can always give you more if you need it. Good job Jack. I think you should be able to tell from its shape which way it goes in." "Like this Don?" Jack asked. The portly man smiled. "Excellent Jack yes, just like that. Press it firmly into your ear opening. Don't worry, it will only go in as far as it needs to 3; perfect." "Now, the ear cap. Bring it down and over the top of your ear and then gently run your finger around the edge and it will snap right in place. Go ahead and try it." Jack did as instructed and very quickly was smiling in surprised delight as the flexible cover did indeed snap over his ear forming a tightly fitting cover. Don leaned over and examined it. "That fits so well that it would almost be enough but, just for safety sake, Jack, pull the elastic strap over your head and down just above your right ear. That will enforce the watertight seal even more. I've molded everything in black so that there will be no doubt that you're wearing an appliance." After examining everything one last time, he smiled and said, "Well Jack, if I were you, I'd go home and go swimming." Jack impulsively hugged the smiling portly man. "Thanks Don, I don't know how to thank you." "Well Jack, I just made the thing. If you want to thank someone, you should be thanking Sam. This is his brainchild and I think this idea is going to go a long way in helping other people with eardrum damage." Jack moved over to Doctor Sam and wrapped his arms around him. "Thanks again Doctor Sam. I guess I was sure lucky it was you on duty when they rushed me to the hospital." Sam smiled and patted Jack's shoulder. "You're a fine young man Jack and helping you has been a real pleasure. Now go home and enjoy your Summer I'll see you in the early winter when we remove the remaining shrapnel." "We'll see you sooner than that Sam. You and Andrea are going to be coming over again this summer and you too Don. We'll set it up for some time in July." "I'd like that Eric and I know Andrea will love it. Don will love it too 3; he just doesn't know how much." Jack carefully removed his headgear and packed it into the special carrying case. *** I watched with pride as Jack, splendidly naked, installed his new headgear exactly as instructed. When everything was in place, he gave me a nervous smile. "Well, here goes." He descended the stairs into the shallow end of the pool and then, in one swift fluid motion, he was under water and gliding into the deep end. After touching the wall, his head broke water and the look of joy on his face was priceless. "Whooo Hooo! It works perfectly Dad! Come swimming with me!" I was in the water in a split second and we swam together for about two hours. Sean Brian and Bobby walked around the hedge and stopped at poolside. "Jack! You're swimmin'! That's sooo great! This is gonna be a great summer after all!" With that, Sean was in the water swimming next to his older brother. Brian and Bobby soon followed. "Now guys, he can't dive and he can't rough house but he can swim and he can go under water." "Who cares 'bout that other stuff? Come on Jack, I'll race you 3; any stroke, two laps." Both their faces were alight with smiles as they swam the first length of the pool. The happiness of summer had finally arrived in full force at Joyous Gaurde. As I've told so many of you in private correspondence, this story often seems to take on a life of its own and it feels like my whole job is just to type it as it writes itself. Chapter 22We celebrate birthdays because they are regarded as milestones by which our lives can be reviewed. The truth is, if you really consider them for what they are, they are merely the first day of our next personal 365-day journey around the sun. He was sitting on the edge of my bed smiling at me just as he'd done so many times since I was a little boy. He'd always been there for me especially those times when my complicated father confused me and I'd felt inadequate or unworthy. My father loved me deeply and I returned that love with a passion 3; but there were times when I just felt lacking and sensed that somehow I'd failed and hadn't lived up to one or more of his expectations. I never wanted my father to see me cry or feel that in some way he'd upset me. It was simply assumed that Eric Tucker's son was above such childish emotions even at the age of nine. I was after all, 'Little E' 3; the child of such talent and promise. My solution on those occasions was to quietly retreat to some place quiet and private where I could weep over my shortcomings and yes, feel sorry for myself. He always knew when those instances had occurred though my father never did. It was he who always knew where to find me. He would approach quietly and without comment. Sitting down near me, he'd wordlessly take my hand. Sometimes we'd just silently sit that way until the comfort of his strength and love calmed me down. He would then gently guide me into articulating my hurt and sadness. Having done that, he would speak softly and non-judgmentally. I always listened when he spoke with me at those times and soon we were involved in a discussion that tenderly lifted me out of my sorrow and into understanding. He helped me realize that my father loved me unconditionally but that, at times, he demonstrated that love poorly. My father was an only child who had been forced to assume the mantel of responsibility for the family at a much younger age than he'd anticipated. He'd made an incredible success out of it but, in his succeeding, he'd become a very complex man; loving and exciting most of the time but, on occasion, cold and analytical. Nine-year-old boys don't understand analytical. Sometimes he would intellectualize over his emotions and he'd come across to me in a way that would surely have broken his heart had he known what he was doing to me. I remembered all those times that soft caring voice took the hurt away. I don't know if he ever spoke to my father after these incidents. I only know that each time, my Dad seemed to go out of his way to demonstrate his love for me soon after. Things were always better after he'd found me and we had our little talks. When the talks were over, we never discussed them again. "You're frightened and a little unsure about the future Eric and that's to be expected. That's why I'm here tonight to try and help you understand." "Walter, so much has happened so quickly and I'm so confused. I'm so afraid I'm too young to be attempting everything. Sometimes I feel like I'm pissing in the wind." He smiled. "Oh no Eric, the thing about pissing in the wind is that you know almost at once that you've made a mistake. You can tell from your pants legs." "These long-term plans of yours 3; well they'll take a lot more time to prove you right or wrong but Eric, you've given everything a great deal of thought. You've made no childish off the cuff decisions." "As you get older, you'll gain experience but not wisdom. You were born with all the wisdom you'll ever need. You just have to learn to trust in that." "Walter, I'm not concerned for myself 3; it's the boys. Jack has almost been killed twice very recently. Despite that, he still seems to have his heart set on exploring the sea and saving the oceans." "Poor little Sean isn't even thirteen yet and I'm already teaching him about the family empire 3; what you guys called the 'Great Game'. I'm afraid it's going to break his spirit and his good nature. I don't want him to be a serious cynical old man by the time he's fifteen." "Then there's sweet Brian. What business do I have interfering with that boy's life? I feel like I'm leading him on and that in the end, it's going to be sadness and disillusionment for him." His smile got bigger and more loving. "Eric, stop second guessing yourself. I can tell you that the best and smartest thing you've ever done in your life was bringing those boys into the embrace of your love and family." "I'm not allowed to tell you the future Eric, but I am allowed to give you some strong hints." "I can tell you that Jack's love for the ocean will be his life's work and he will excel at it. He'll become world famous for his contributions to the future of this old planet. I can also confirm what you already suspect, eventually he will lean more to the hetero side of his nature. I wouldn't be surprised if there were grandchildren in your future." "Darling Sean is so much stronger than you think Eric. He's no longer the little eleven-year-old boy you brought home that day. He's been tested by fire and tempered by love. He has the wonderful capacity for learning and understanding the complicated and often unpleasant future that lies before him while retaining the innocent wonder and joy that is so much a part of being a boy." "He's the right person for the job and he won't be alone as he works his way into it. You saw to that when you first brought Brian to the estate." "Brian will be your son Eric. I think you know that. Brian will be brother, lover and total support for Sean. Don't be surprised when Chris comes to you and asks to start training Brian as his replacement just as Phil is training Chris today." "It's a long road ahead of you all Eric, but not an unpleasant one. Oh, there will be lots of bumps and potholes and other scary stuff along the way. However, from what I've been allowed to see, it will be a fun, loving and interesting journey for you all." I looked up at him once again at peace in my heart just as I'd done so many times when I was a sad little boy. I noticed as he smiled down at me that I could see the moonlight shine through him and I remembered with a start that he was dead. "Walter, why did you leave us?" He chuckled. "Because, silly boy, somebody was going to leave. You couldn't go yet and neither could either of the boys. What happened that night 3; I'd do it again and again a billion times over. It was just what had to happen." "I'd say you cleaned up that mess damned well. Your Father and I were proud of you. You did a damned fine job with those terrorists as well. We always knew you had a head on your shoulders and lately, you're proving us right every day." "You're making a strong reputation for yourself as a fair and valued friend but a fearful and formidable enemy. You've done that all on your own using your own instincts and judgment." "You've got nothing to be second-guessing about, Eric." "Walter, I love you. I always have." "I know that Eric, and your love was always returned. You have always been the son I never had. I loved you even during those horrible years after the accident. I had faith that you'd dig yourself out of that dark place and, by God, you certainly did." "I have to go now Eric. I've actually over-stayed my time. Lie down and go to sleep." I lay down with my head on my pillow and he pulled the covers up just as if I were a little boy. We smiled lovingly at each other and then, suddenly there was just the moonlight streaming through my large bedroom window. I closed my eyes and was asleep almost instantly. *** Three boys with the giggles cavorted under the hot spray of the multiple shower-heads. I grinned at them and I smiled inwardly as I recalled my visit with Walter last night. My logical self acknowledged that it was certainly just a pleasant, hopeful dream but in my heart, I believed that it had been real. Whichever conclusion was correct, I'd risen from my bed with a new energy and a new calmness in my soul. I felt confident and at peace. I knew that things would unfold properly in the fullness of time. Sean was grinning up at me as he danced under the steaming water. I spread my arms with a smile and instantly he was upon me; arms wrapped around my neck and legs entwined around my waist. I rubbed noses with him. "Can you guys believe that in two days this little man is going to become a teenager?" Jack smiled. "Heck, I remember when he first became a tadpole! He was just eight years old then." Jack was rewarded with a large 'Sean Smile' as he reminisced. Brian smiled as well although he was, in many ways, excluded from Jack's conversation. Sean, Jack and Bobby shared a mutual background that Brian could only guess at based upon conversations with the other boys. Brian had his own background story that, in many ways, was sadder than the others'. All of their pasts were assuaged by the recent happiness and love that was shared amongst us. "Boys, I'm happy to tell you that you all have the day off from class today. Jack and Brian, we're going to town because we have a few little purchases to make." I gave them all a very corny theatrically conspiratorial wink. "Sean, John is going to spend the morning with you in the game room working on your pool game. If later on you guys move into the swimming pool, remember that with John you wear a bathing suit." "Silly Dad! Course I remember. I love John but he's not a member of the NCJG." I looked at him with a baffled expression. "He's not a member of what?" The three of them laughed almost in unison and replied, "The NCJG 3; the 'Nudie Club of Joyous Gaurde'." "It was Brian's idea Dad," Jack added. "Its how we keep track of who we need bathing suits with and who we skinny dip with. Most of the club members don't know that they're members they just swim naked with us." "I guess it's about time you knew about the NCJG, Dad." Brian quipped with a devilish little grin. "After all, you're the President of the club." The three of them giggled in delighted glee and I smiled at them knowing that my heart couldn't be filled with more love than I held for those boys. I looked at them and remembered last night's conversation with the spirit of Walter. Is it possible that Jack will grow into a world-renowned scientist and make great strides towards saving the oceans? Would little Sean grow into a confident, capable yet happy man who would take my place at the helm of 'Magnus Venatas' and would Brian become his trusted aide 3; his 'Uncle Phil'? Perhaps even more than that 3; would they be bound together for life tied by mutual love and respect? Somehow, I was convinced that would, indeed, be the case and my heart was filled with joy. "OK you 'nudies of Joyous Gaurde' dry off and go get dressed. We've got stuff to do." With laughs and smart-assed comments, they were out of the shower and working the large bath sheets all over their bodies. As they headed for the door, I called Brian back. "Come here Brian, you didn't do a very good job on your hair." With a puzzled look, he turned and walked to me while the other two flew out the door giving me just one last fleeting look at their delightful young ass cheeks. Brian stood before me and I took the large towel from him and casually rubbed it through his thick brown hair. As I did this, he looked up at me curiously. "Tell Sean that you're sleeping in my room tonight, Brian." His face lit up with a look of intense joy. "You mean we 3; ?" I smiled warmly at him and ran my hand down along the wonderfully soft yet firm globes of his athletic young butt. "Yes Brian. I promised you that we'd find a time." He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled his long naked body against me tightly. I ran my other hand through his thick dark hair and said softly, "Try not to drink too much wine with dinner tonight." His smile was dazzling as he laughed at my wry comment. I broke loose from his embrace, spun him around and slapped him smartly on his ass. "Now go get dressed you imp!" He practically danced out of the room. "What would you like for your Birthday Breakfast Sean?" Martha asked as she placed scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and toast in front of us. Sean never missed a beat. "Could we have 'baseball waffles' Mrs. Edwards?" With a smile, she kissed the top of his head. "Of course we can Darling! I never dreamed that little invention of mine was going to become such a hit. 'Baseball Waffles' it will be." Breakfast over and Martha properly hugged, the four of us walked across the carpark and into the garage. John was smiling as he walked over with car keys in his hand. "Richard requested that you take the Lexus into town today, Eric." I scowled but only slightly. I'd filed a trip itinerary with Richard last evening because I wanted to demonstrate that I was co-operating enthusiastically with his 'common-sense concessions' regarding my driving myself. He had obviously decided to test the waters by 'suggesting' that rather than drive the sporty old XKE, I take the much safer Lexus SUV. I considered an act of rebellion but quickly decided to be a 'good boy'. The Lexus was a very nice car and not unpleasant to drive. I decided to save my power plays for when they really mattered. I mused that the 'Red Cat' would soon be back from the repair shop and that might constitute the first time Richard and I butted heads since I'd signed my agreement. "Well Seano, looks like it's you and me this morning. How about we go upstairs and say a quick hello to Jenny and then, we've got a date with a pool table." "Kay John! Bye you guys. Have a good time making your purchases!" He gave us an exact duplicate of my silly wink from earlier. It was so cute that I couldn't help but laugh. The three of us piled into the Lexus and headed down the driveway. It occurred to me that this was the first time I'd been alone with just Jack and Brian. This was going to be fun. I pulled onto the road and smiled as I glanced into the rear-view mirror and saw the Skuggor SUV pull out behind us. "So, have you guys got any idea what you'd like to get Sean for his birthday?" "It's hard, Dad, because we don't really need anything. You give us just about everything we need. We don't have to ask." Jack said. "However, the last time we were in the mall, Tadpole and I were looking around the big music store there and I noticed there were some tee shirts there that he seemed interested in. I thought a couple of them might make a thoughtful present." I nodded my head. "How about you Brian?" "Well Dad, at baseball practice, there's a couple of guys who play Paintball sometimes on the weekends. They talk about it a lot and Sean's told me that he'd like to try it. If we could drive out to the Paintball field on the other side of Deer Run, I thought he might like some passes to play and rent the equipment and all that." "Good idea Brian. So, it's the Paintball park first because it's furthest away, then to the music store in the mall and then, Cocina Alfredo's for lunch. Sound like a plan?" I received enthusiastic approval from them both. I placed a call to Richard and informed him of our modified itinerary. We drove down the dirt road that led into the paintball park that bore the awesome name 'The War Zone'. Since it was a weekday, there wasn't very much going on but there was one slightly overweight scruffy-looking young man dressed in camos in the makeshift office. After explaining what we were looking for he told us that they sold individual packages or group packages. These included equipment rental and a full day out on the field. The young man who introduced himself as Rory explained that a day on the field included skirmishes of different time intervals which sounded to me like complicated and intense games of 'capture the flag'. When I mentioned this, he grinned and replied, "You got that right Mr. Tucker 3; with the emphasis on 'intense'!" The day usually ended with a couple of rounds of 'power ball', which took place in a much smaller enclosed area filled with objects to hide behind and under. This sounded like a slightly organized free-for-all. Frankly, it sounded like a lot of energetic fun; just the thing a new thirteen-year-old would no doubt enjoy. I ordered five books of individual packages that were good for four days of games for each of the boys as well as Chris and me. As he prepared the packages, Rory told me, "The equipment you'll rent will include the guns and the ammo reservoir. You receive an initial supply of 100 rounds and you may purchase more all during the day. I'd plan to purchase a lot more especially since you'll all be 'newbies' 3; you'll waste a lot of rounds til you get the hang of it. Your rental also includes a facemask and safety goggles." "I strongly recommend that you all show up wearing cups 3; a paintball to your nards can ruin your whole day!" "Also, Mr. Tucker, before driving out here you should call to see how crowded we're going to be and that way, we can be expecting you and get you all fitted into a team." "Thank you Rory. You've been very helpful." I shook his hand and handed the bag of passes to Brian. We hopped into the Lexus and headed off to the Mall. 'The Music Center' is a very large store that carries mid to high-end instruments and supplies. Daniel purchased the Martin D-28 I'd given Sean last Christmas here. "They've got shirts and stuff all over the store but Sean was attracted to the ones hanging in the guitar section," Jack said as he led us to the far end of the store. I noticed several that I thought were clever. One simply read 'guitar player' and another said 'six string magician'. Most of the illustrations and designs were attractive if not quite classy. I noticed a few that bore the C.F. Martin logo and I urged Jack to select a few of these. I particularly liked the one that read 'Real guitar players play Martins'. In the end he had (with my encouragement), selected about twelve shirts however, on the way to check out, I noticed another on a different rack that simply read, 'I've got the music in me'. I tossed one of those onto Jack's pile as well. Later, we sat at one of the rough wooden tables at Alfredo's eating our burritos and laughing about just about everything. "Those are very thoughtful gifts guys. I know Sean is going to enjoy them." "You know though Dad, I'm actually looking forward to playing paintball too. I guess I have to thank Brian for his idea, Sean for having a birthday and of course, you for paying." I smiled. "Well Jack, this is the last year that happens. Remember that I'm putting you all on allowances so next year, all gifts are from your own money OK?" "That's way cool Dad." "Good. Now, please pass me that bowl of Pico de Gallo and some tortilla chips." As I turned my car into the drive, I noticed with amusement that the Skuggor vehicle that had been tailing us all morning drove past the gate 'so that I wouldn't notice it had been following us'. I chuckled but not loud enough to draw the boys' attention. "Alright you two, why don't you go up into my room 3; or yours Jack 3; and wrap your gifts? I have to check in with Richard and then Uncle Phil and Chris." "If you finish before I do, wait for me in the library. We'll find Sean and John. If they're in the pool, remember that John is definitely not a member of the nudist club." "NUDIE club Dad!" "Sorry Brian." Richard and Barry were sitting at the big table half looking at the big computer screen and half munching on mighty tasty looking sandwiches. I stood there for a moment before they noticed me. Richard lay his sandwich down and smiled. "Hi Boss." "Hello Richard, hi Barry." "Good afternoon Eric." "How was your drive Eric?" Richard asked with the smile still on his face. "Are you always going to be so co-operative?" "That depends Richard. Are you always going to try and dictate what vehicle I get to drive?" He blushed a bright crimson. "N-no. I just thought that for your first time out since the accident 3; a safe modern car would be best." "I appreciate your motives Richard just don't push too hard, OK?" He nodded his head. "OK." "Anything going on that I need to know about?" "Nothing really. We've developed a slight problem with one of our communication satellites. We're working on it though it's not a gigantic deal. We've got a lot of redundancy up there so even if this one fizzled out, we're covered." "I'll take you guys' word on that. Sorry if I disturbed your lunch." I stopped at the door and turned around. "Cheer the fuck up Richard. You're just doing your job and doing it quite well. Just because I can act truculent sometimes, doesn't mean that you're not right." I didn't give him a chance to reply. I turned and left. Uncle Phil and Chris were waiting for me in my study. "I walked past your office Chris. That diploma certainly looks great up on the wall." He smiled. "Anything going on that demands my personal attention for the next couple of days?" "No Eric. We'll have some interesting things to discuss next week but for right now, you're pretty much off the hook," Uncle Phil said with a smile. "Are you all enjoying the new swimming pool?" "We use it every day Eric. It's wonderful. Hell, we even enjoy it when Greg Louganis here is practicing for the Olympics on the high diving board," Phil chuckled and poked Chris in the arm. "So Chris, you've got an early flight tomorrow morning. I hope you'll be able to do a quick turn-around. It would be nice if your Mother and Aunt were here for dinner. It will be Sean's last meal as a twelve-year-old." "Oh. Don't worry, Eric. Baring something un-looked for, we'll be here in lots of time." "Great. John or Arlen will meet you at the airport with the limousine. I'm looking forward to seeing your two ladies again." Jack and Brian were waiting in the library when I walked in. I smiled and strolled over to the wet bar. I pulled two bottles of beer from the little fridge, poured them into glasses, and offered them to the boys. I made a single malt and ice and sat down across from them. "So, we did very well today guys. I'm so proud that you put thought into your gifts. I'm certain Sean will recognize that and appreciate them even more." When we'd finished our beverages, we walked over to the pool and were not surprised to find Sean and John horsing around in the water. The three of us ducked into the pool house, got undressed and slipped on our swim trunks. Jack meticulously put on his special ear protection gear and soon we were all in the water having fun. *** The door to my bedroom opened slowly and he walked in a bit timidly. "I-is it still OK?" I smiled and walked over to him drawing him into a tight hug. "OK? I've been thinking about this all day, young man. Let's go over by the window. The moon is so bright that I don't need to turn the lights on." I slowly but silently urged him to raise his arms and I slipped his rust-colored polo shirt up and off. I could see that his eyes were wide as saucers and he was shivering slightly. I assumed this was from anticipation, as it certainly wasn't cold in the room. I bent slightly and kissed him passionately on the lips as I pulled him into me in a tight embrace. After a long moment, I pulled back and lifted him up laying him on the bed. With deliberate movements, I unbuckled his belt and undid his trouser button. I leaned down and with slow purposefulness; I licked first his left then his right rock hard little nipple. I followed this by kissing him tenderly on the lips again while my right hand moved down and slowly pulled his fly zipper down. I was pleased to notice that he'd come into my room barefoot and so, I easily moved his trousers down below his hips. Without my needing to say a word, he raised his butt up off the mattress and soon I had the garment down and off him. He was wearing boxer briefs and I wondered again where they'd come from 3; Sean or Jack? Brian's original wardrobe from home included nothing but white briefs. I moved over him and plunged my tongue into his bellybutton. Under normal circumstances, this might have caused him to giggle but his passion was aroused and his entire body had become a hot, desire-filled erogenous zone. I moved my hands behind him sliding them down the small of his back until my fingers grasped the waistband of his underwear. I pulled them down while I physically pulled his butt up from the mattress. They were soon bunched at his ankles and he worked them off with his feet. I raised myself up and gazed down at him while I removed my own shirt. His body, bathed in moonlight, seemed so white that he might have been a figure carved from alabaster. Except for his heavy breathing, he didn't move at all, as he stared up at me watching me shed my clothes. My cock was as hard as steel. Part of me knew how wrong this was 3; knew that I had no right to be doing this 3; however, the other; larger part of me knew how much he wanted it and I wanted it too. He sat up and slowly 3; almost hesitantly, he worked his hands along my chest, over my thighs and finally my scrotum and cock. Gently he spread my legs and knelt between them. As he began to lower his head, I reached out and held him back. "Brian 3; you don't know what 3;" "Shhh. I've practiced with Sean and Jack and a few of the other guys. You're bigger than they are but I can do it. I WANT to do it." I stared in wonder as the love-starved, brown-haired boy engulfed me with his hot moist lips and began a slow sensuous gliding action down and then up. He was right; he COULD do it. In fact, he could do it very well. I wanted this night to be intense for him 3; almost overwhelming. After I'd had my blissful orgasm, I rolled him onto his back and returned the favor. It was only seconds before he was moaning in ecstasy and only minutes before he'd exploded. I didn't give him time to relax, I began a slow sensual cat-bath of his body starting with his outstretched throat and working my way down until I'd raised his legs over my shoulders and began slowly rimming his sassy exposed rosebud. He was thrashing on the bed moaning lowly; arms spread wide and eyes tightly shut. I sat up and reached for the lube. His eyes flew open as I applied the cool slickness to his now wet, but still tight, gateway. I smiled down at him and slowly moved my hard member into position. He gasped as I entered him with one slow steady stroke. *** I woke just as the golden morning light was flooding the room through the large window. I'd enjoyed the effect of the moonlight so much that I'd never closed the blinds. Brian was clinging to me with his head on my chest and his arms and legs wrapped around my body. He was snoring softly and, as he slept, there was a smile on his face. We'd had quite a workout last night. He had been eager and, to a certain degree, insatiable for a young boy so new to these experiences. I'd responded in kind and had wound up being far more aggressive than I'd initially intended. Despite the underlying guilt over my actions, I had to admit it had been a wonderful encounter. I gazed lovingly down at my brown haired Ganymede and realized that, despite the lingering after-lust, I really needed to pee. I extracted myself from his embrace as gently as I could and quietly made my way into the bathroom. I finished my morning piss and was working my shaving brush made of silver-tipped badger hair over the disk of soap in my shaving mug. Suddenly, I felt a hand against my ass. I'd been concentrating on whisking up lather and hadn't seen him in the mirror as he'd walked up behind me. His hazel eyes glistened as if tears could fall at the slightest provocation but the smile on his face was radiant. I turned and he moved his little hand from my ass and began sketching along my chest with his index finger. "You're the most wonderful man that I know. No one has ever treated me with such kindness and love. To me, you'll always be my Dad no matter what you or anybody else says about it. Y-you called me 'Son' all night and I didn't even have to ask you to. Whatever happens, I'll always love you and I'll always try to make you proud of me." I choked back the sob that was forming in my throat and managed to whisper, "Whatever happens, I'll always love you Son and I'll be proud of everything you do." I pulled him into a tight embrace. I didn't dare tell him about the plans that I'd already put in place because so much could still go wrong. As I held him tight, I remembered what Walter had said two nights ago, 'Brian will be your son Eric' While the practical side of me knew it was foolish to place too much faith in a dream, the other side of me knew that Walter would never lie to me and that his visit had been real. After I'd shaved, I led him into the steaming shower and we washed and fondled each other for a loving twenty minutes. After breakfast, the boys were back in class with Doc Swaim. I met briefly with Martha and Daniel to discuss final details about Sean's Birthday party on Saturday. Naturally, those two very capable people had everything under control. Uncle Phil was sitting with me in my study and we were casually enjoying our late morning drinks. Chris had flown off at six thirty this morning and Captain Lucas had informed us that if Chris' Mother and Aunt didn't dawdle, they should be back here at the estate by five o'clock this afternoon leaving them lots of time the freshen up and rest a bit before dinner. "Well Eric, tomorrow certainly marks a milestone for you and Sean. He'll officially become a teenager and you and he will have been legal father and son for a full year. I don't mind telling you that the arrival of that little boy is one of the most import things that has ever happened to this old place 3; but you know that better than I do." I smiled. "Just a year before that, Uncle Phil, what were the odds I'd even be alive today let alone as happy and content with two wonderful sons and perhaps a third son soon?" He nodded his head. "Brian's Grandmother's condition seems to be a slow but very steady decline. It may be a month or more before the inevitable. I have all of the paperwork ready. Our lawyers have triple checked to ensure every 'i' has been dotted and our good friend Judge Gardner is fully appraised of the situation and ready to act at once if and when the time comes." "Oh, I'm rather certain the time will come, Uncle Phil. I talk to his Mother almost every night. I'm convinced that if it were just between her and me, she'd sign over her parental rights at once but as much as I want that wonderful boy here as part of the family, I won't let anything happen until he's met with his mother and they've both talked it over. This will be a life changing decision for a lot of people but mostly for the two of them." We enjoyed another drink together and I reminded him that he was expected at dinner tonight. He left for his office and I strolled up to the command center. "Hey Boss, I thought you were taking the next few days off," Richard said as he rose from his chair. "I am. I just came up to make certain you two would be at dinner tonight. It's the last meal Sean will eat before he's a teenager." "We wouldn't miss it. Wolfman and Brutus will take over the Com about 5 this evening so we'll meet you in the library for cocktail hour." They both grinned widely. "I'll see you then." I walked out of the Com Center and headed over to the garage. John had his head stuck under the hood of a classy old silver roadster that I realized, with a start, was our 1959 Morgan Plus 4. I'd forgotten that we stilled owned it. It was one of the two cars my grandfather loved to drive and I remembered many times when he, and later my father, took me out for wonderful wind-in-the-hair rides in the fine old thing. It was only 95 horse power, but it certainly was fun. I'd only personally ever driven it once and then somehow, it was moved to the back of our 'stable'. By then, my father's XKE was the queen of the garage. From an appearance perspective, it seemed to be in remarkable shape. John heard me coming and rose up with a big grin on his face. "I'd forgotten all about this sweet old Morg John." "Not me, I've been slowly rebuilding her for about three years. I've just re-done those monster H.6 carburetors and I'm putting them back on now. Should be ready to fire up by Friday. Want to join me for here re-inaugural drive?" "Hell John, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Say eleven o'clock Friday morning?" "It's a date Eric." "I'll see you and Jenny tonight?" "Absolutely. Jenny's going to be helping Martha in the kitchen and they'll join us at the table for the actual meal." "See you later then." "Wait Eric, I almost forgot to tell you; the 'Red Cat' will be ready to pick up tomorrow. Maybe you'd like me to drive you down there to get it. Since it's his birthday maybe you'd like to take Sean." I smiled and said, "Boy, that would drive poor Richard crazy 3; 'Launcelot' and the future 'Launcelot' together in a little sports car. Let's plan on it John!" *** There was a lot of good-natured kidding going on in the library mostly at Sean's expense. Doc Swaim, John, Richard, Barry, Tim (John's father), Uncle Phil and Gary were kidding him unmercifully about the fact that he was going to wake up tomorrow as a teenager and how he was going to become insufferable, boorish and disobedient overnight. The consensus was that this was most certainly the last day that he would be loveable little Sean. In mock frustration, he took a sip from the beer I was allowing him to have and turned to Jack and Bobby. "You see guys? All this time they've just been pretendin' to like you. They hate teenagers. After tomorrow they'll only have sweet little Brian an that will only last for three months cause he's gonna turn thirteen in September. After that, they'll probably ship us all off to some factory an bring in a whole new bunch of kids." It's a plot, guys! Just mark my words!" His antics were so funny that he had us laughing so hard there were tears rolling down most of our cheeks. If I didn't have bigger plans for him, I would have encouraged him to study acting. In the midst of this hilarity, Chris was suddenly standing at the doorway with his Mother on one arm and Aunt Rita on the other. We were all on our feet, hugs, and kisses exchanged while Tim was introduced. "What can I get you ladies to drink?" "Nothing Eric. We're going down to the kitchen to help Martha. We just wanted to see the almost 'Birthday Boy' before dinner. Sean you've grown so big!" The befuddled little boy was subjected to hugs, kisses and cheek-pinching (a new experience for him). I thought that the kitchen was certainly going to be well staffed with Martha, Jenny, Alice (John's mother) and now these two. I smiled as I considered that more than one bottle of wine would be consumed in there before dinner was being finalized. "Chris, escort these lovely ladies down to the kitchen and then come back. Happy hour has barely begun." Later, as we were walking down to the dining room, Sean took my hand and held me back. In a low voice he said, "Spider an me want to sleep with you tonight 3; just cuddlin is all 3; but, tomorrow, I want to sleep with you all by myself an I want to do stuff OK?" I squeezed his hand and smiled down at him. "I can't say no to my little man 3; especially on his birthday." I was rewarded with a 'Sean smile'. "Thanks Dad." *** Dinner had been wonderful and, for Sean and me, very nostalgic. Martha had prepared a duplicate of the very first meal she had served us the day that I'd brought Sean home. It was her famous buttermilk fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and homemade biscuits. Desert was several apple pies. Sean was beaming and he ran around the table and threw his arms around Martha, smothering her with kisses. He remembered just as she had and he appreciated the gesture. I smiled and addressed everyone at the table, "Thank you all for coming. Let's do this again tomorrow night except then, there will be an extra teenager at the table." Everyone laughed. Doc Swaim, Richard, Barry and Garry joined us in the library. Chris took his mother and aunt back to his condo to get them settled and to visit and John and Jenny took his parents up to their apartment to do the same thing. I casually mentioned to Richard about my plans to drive the Jaguar back from the shop and to take Sean with me. He blanched momentarily, but quickly recovered. "Thank you for giving me this advanced notice Eric. I'll make plans accordingly." Later that night, I enjoyed the sensual pleasure of two naked boys cuddled closely against me. We'd all had busy days and soon, the three of us were fast in blissful sleep a happy tangle of arms and legs. *** Jack joined us in the shower and I'd set the sound system so that the strains of "Happy Birthday" played repeatedly while we hugged and washed the smiling birthday boy. True to her word, Martha had 'baseball waffles' prepared for Sean's birthday breakfast and we all ate with smiles on our faces. As we were finishing up, a smiling Doc Swaim walked in and accepted a cup of coffee from Martha. "I thought that I'd head you all off at the pass and let you know that I've declared a 'school holiday' in light of this auspicious occasion. Let me begin by wishing you a very happy thirteenth birthday, Sean and to let you know that at nine thirty this morning, Andy and I would like to invite you all to the gun shed for a few rounds of clay busting." Sean was beaming. "Thanks Professor Swaim! What a great way to start my birthday!" It turned out that Doc Swaim had already invited Gary and Bobby to join us at the range. We broke into two groups of four and shot four complete cycles before I called a halt. "Sean and I have to meet John at the car park because we're going to bring the 'Red Cat' home. We'll see you all for dinner tonight. While we're gone, Gary why don't you and Bobby join the boys at the pool?" As we pulled out of the property in the Lexus, John glanced into the rearview mirror. "Eric, I'm pretty sure that one of your Skuggor SUVs just pulled onto the road right behind us." I turned around and looked out the back window and smiled. "Yep, it seems that Richard has decided that I'm to be followed anytime I'm going to drive any place." "Well, that's better than him not letting you drive yourself anymore." I decided not to go into any details. "Yes, you're certainly right about that." *** John and I walked slowly and critically around the sleek little red sports car. She had been repaired immaculately and John nodded his head approvingly. "You'd never know anything had happened would you? I smiled and said to John, "See you back at Joyous Gaurde. Come on Birthday Boy 3; don't forget your cap." With an exchange of smiles, Sean and I donned our tweed flat caps and climbed into the sexy red Jaguar. "Man, it seems like a long time since we've been in the 'Red Cat', Dad!" "If you think about it Sean, it actually has been but we've got a nice long ride of a little more than an hour to get used to her again. We'll stop for lunch someplace along the way." We were both howling with laughter as we sped down the highway. *** Martha had prepared Sean's all-time favorite meal 3; spaghetti carbonation 3; and everyone, including Sean, enjoyed a couple of glasses of robust Chianti with the meal. Brian had never had this gooey delicious dish before and Sean, knowing that tiramisu must surely be forthcoming for desert, poked him in the arm and whispered, "Just you wait Spider." By the time after-dinner coffee and cordials were served, everyone was smiling. A rousing chorus of 'Happy Birthday' was sung and we all chose to retire because, for most of those around the table, tomorrow was a work day. As everyone was leaving, I pulled Jack and Doc Swaim aside. "At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, a team of nautical and technical designers are coming here to meet with Jack." The red-headed boy gave me a quizzical look. "Jack these guys are the team assigned to redesign the life rafts that will eventually be on the research vessel that we're building to honor Doctor Chambers. Tomorrow they want all of your ideas about the shortcomings on the current life rafts and what needs to be done to improve them." "I promise you this is not some bunch of guys paying 'lip service'. They fully understand that you have the final sign-off on this project so, believe me, they'll be listening closely to everything you have to say. After tomorrow, you'll be meeting with them regularly for the duration of this project. I've set aside the medium conference room off the Command Center for your use." "Doc, Jack will probably be away from the classroom most of the day." "That's hardly a problem, Eric. This will certainly be a good educational experience for you Jack." My red-headed wonder smiled and said, "I just hope they know what they're getting into. I sure have definite ideas on this subject." I laughed and bid them both 'goodnight'. I led Sean down the hall to my study and indicated that he should sit in one of the comfortable chairs while I walked over to the wet bar and made two tumblers of single malt. Handing one to my little man I raise mine in salute. "Here's to you my newly teenaged son. I toast your happiness and I toast your future and I thank you for the incredible joy that you've brought into my life. I can never show you how much I love you, I can only tell you and those are only words." He smiled and took a sip of his scotch. "Thanks Dad but you're very wrong. You show me every day how much you love me and I'm so grateful for the day you picked me as the boy you were gonna take home." I reached over and sort of stroked his arm. We sat in smiling silence as we sipped our drinks. After we'd finished, I took my little thirteen-year-old by the hand and led him to the elevator. In my room, I slowly undressed him and then did the same to myself. I kissed him passionately for a very long time as I sensuously ran my hands all over his perfect young body and then, with his arms wrapped around my neck and his legs wrapped around my middle, I made slow but very passionate love to him well into the early hours of the next day. Well, it happened again. These characters had too much to say and too much to do so as you can see
3; we've got to wait until the next chapter to attend Sean's actual party. Be patient, I promise you'll have a good time. |
© Eff Del
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