PZA Boy Stories


The Ties of Brotherhood

Chapters 8-15

Chapter Eight

Mike is trying to decide if he is gay or not, while Jordan takes advantage of his new-found position to lord over his older brother

When I got home and Jordan wasn't there, I decided it was time to take a serious look at who I was attracted to and see if I could determine if I was gay or not. I thought that I wasn't, but what I'd been doing and enjoying with Dean said otherwise. Going into the den, I fired up Dad's computer since it had a fast internet connection and began searching.

First, I did a search on gay web sites and found about a zillion of them. Most were pay sites, but they had free tour so I had an idea of what they were about. Most of what I saw was disgusting. The thought of having sex with a fat, hairy guy gave me the creeps. Then I saw a link to a 'twink' site. I went there and found guys closer to my own age. As I examined the pictures, I could almost, but not quite, imagine myself having sex with some of youngest-looking guys.

Next, I went to sites that had pictures of women tied up. I'd been to some of them before to get ideas of ways to tie someone up, but this time I looked at the pictures of the models closely. Imagining being tied up with a woman, especially the younger, thinner models made me about half-erect, making me wonder what sex with a girl would be like. Then I went to several model sites that had pictures of girls my age and younger wearing swimsuits and tiny thongs. Right away, I had a full erection and could imagine having sex with any one of the girls in the pictures. I loved looking at their hairless bodies, smooth skin and long legs and wondered how I could ever meet a girl my age who liked the same things I did.

Finally, I went to sites that had pictures of boys in Speedo swimsuits and a few nude pictures. I liked them as much as I did the pictures of the girls, except since I had some experience with sex with Dean, it was easy to visualize having sex with them.

Clearing the trail of my web visits from the computer history, I went upstairs to think about what I'd found. I hated the pictures of men having gay sex, but I loved the pictures of the boys and girls my age, which sent me on a great masturbation fantasy.

I went to the bathroom to clean up convinced that as long as I like girls my age, what Dean and I did wasn't going to make me gay. As long as I enjoyed it and Dean did, too, what was the harm? Being forced to do it by Alex and Jordan was something else. Sure, Alex said he was just going to make us do what we'd been doing anyway, but they way he wanted to control and humiliate us took the fun out of it. And bringing my brother into it! That was going too far. I hoped Dean would come up with a plan to get us out of this mess soon. Jordan and Alex enjoyed controlling us way too much and what Alex would think up made me nervous. Dean bragged about his imagination for creating scenarios, but it looked as if his brother had an imagination as good as Dean's.

Jordan got home right after my parents came from work and we all went through our usual evening routine. After watching some TV, I went upstairs to my room and sat at my desk reading a magazine. After the ten o'clock news, I heard my parents go to bed, but since I wasn't tired, I stayed up to read.

I heard the bedroom door open and turned in my chair to see Jordan standing in my room, wearing his stupid Spiderman pajamas and holding a crumpled-up paper bag in one hand. Pointing at the door, I said. "Get out. My room is off-limits to you."

He gave me the same damned smirk he'd worn the day before and said, "Not any more, it isn't…little brother."

The way he said 'little brother' made me shiver a little. I didn't want a replay of the day before, so I blustered to get control of the situation. "You're the little brother. Now, get out."

"No." He closed the door and locked it. "Things have changed. Or have you forgotten? Maybe I should call Alex and ask him if he has the email addresses of your friends who might want to see what you and Dean have been doing."

He had me and I gave up any bullying tactics I'd thought of trying. "What do you want?"

"That's more like it. And you forgot the 'sir' on that question."

I glared at him for a moment and in my most sarcastic tone of voice said, "What do you want, sir?"

"Watch your attitude. Let me hear that again and it'd better sound right."

I took a deep breath getting ready to rant at him, but instead I said in a calm, normal voice, "All right. What do you want, sir?"

"That's more like it. What I want is for you to stand up and take your clothes off."

Getting up from my chair, I stood and turned to face him. "Why do I have to take my clothes off?"

"Because I said so. And you forgot the 'sir' again. Keep that up and I might have to do some spanking. Now, take them off."

He gave me his smirk again and I realized I had no choice if I wanted to keep the pictures and videos secret. I couldn't bear the thought of being called a fag the rest of my time in school. No matter what Jordan had in mind, it couldn't be worse than that, although he seemed too happy to spank Dean and I yesterday and obviously enjoyed causing us pain.

"Yes, sir," I said and began to undress. One piece at a time, I dropped my clothes on the floor until I was naked.

Jordan stared at me for a minute, increasing my discomfort in anticipating what he had in mind. "That's good, but you'd better follow orders faster. Turn around and put your hands behind your back."

"Yes, sir." When I did, I heard the paper bag crinkling then cold metal surrounded my wrists.

"There, that'll hold you. I got the handcuffs from Alex. He said they were a lot faster than using rope and you couldn't escape. Turn around."

I tugged on the cuffs as I turned and found that he had put them on tight enough so I couldn't slip my hands out, but not too tight to hurt. "Yes, sir."

He pointed at my crotch and said, "Just doing this much turns you on, doesn't it, little brother?"

Looking down, I saw my penis had started to get erect, but was still a long way from being stiff. After looking at web pictures of bondage, I had to admit I liked the idea of being naked and helpless, so I answered truthfully. "Yes, sir."

"On your knees."

When I dropped down onto the carpet, he walked behind me and I felt another cuff go around an ankle. Then he pulled the longer chain up around the chain on the handcuffs and locked the other cuff around my free ankle, so I'd have to stay kneeling.

Jordan walked around in front of me. "Pull my pajama bottoms down."

"But, sir, I can't reach them."

"That's the idea. Use your teeth and hurry up."

I caught the elastic waistband in my teeth and pulled it down as far as I could, but the back stayed up over his butt. Seeing the problem, he turned around so I could grab the elastic and pull his pajamas down over his bare cheeks. Although I was humiliated when my face brushed against his skin, I got a quick thrill in my crotch and I felt my penis move closer to being fully erect.

Turning around, he grabbed a handful of my hair on each side of my head and pulled my face into his crotch. His penis was soft and only about two inches [5 cm] long, but as he forced my mouth against it, I opened my lips and took it in.

"That's good. You know what I want without being told. Keep going."

I begin to lick the shaft and tightened my lips around it. Before long, he was hard and I worked to get him to his orgasm as quickly as I could. He yanked on my hair pulling my head along the length of his four-inch [10 cm] long hard penis. In a few minutes, I felt it surge in my mouth as he had a dry orgasm. As soon as he quit, he let go of my hair and pushed me over backward to lie in a hogtied position on the floor.

"Since you seem to be getting better with practice, I'd better make sure you have lots of opportunities for more."

He pulled up his pajama bottoms, took the keys from the paper bag and unlocked the cuffs on my ankles and wrists. When I was free, I stood up and picked up my underwear from the floor.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Getting dressed, sir."

"Did I say you could?"

Letting my underwear fall from my hand, I said, "No, sir. Sorry, sir."

"That's better. For that, you'll have to stay naked the rest of the night." He examined my body and rubbed his chin. "In fact, I think you should sleep naked from here on out. That way I won't have to wait for you to get your clothes off. Understand?"

"Yes, sir. I do."

"That's good." He handed me the cuffs and said, "Keep these handy for the next time. I'll keep the keys, of course." Wadding up the paper bag, he tossed it at my face.

I ducked and said, "Yes, sir."

"See you later, little brother." Laughing, he left my room.

I sat down at my desk without getting dressed, but I couldn't concentrate and after a few minutes, I decided to go to bed. Normally, I just wear underwear or shorts to bed, so being naked didn't change things much. I had a hard time going to sleep because I was worrying about what he'd do next.

Someone shook my shoulder and light blazed behind my closed lids. "Come on, little brother, wake up."

I looked at my clock. Five-thirty in the morning. What was going on?

"Get up. We don't have all day."

Jordan stood next to my bed with the front of his pajamas tented out with an erection. "What do you want now?"

He pushed his hips out toward me. "You know. Get the cuffs out and get on your knees."

Since arguing wouldn't do any good, especially after last night, I slid out of bed, reached under the mattresses and pulled out the manacles. I handed them to him and got into position.

"You're learning."

He fastened my hands and ankles as before and as he did, I felt my morning erection jiggling back and forth in front of my body.

"Hah, look at that. You're all ready to go." Stepping in front of me, he yanked his pajamas down, grabbed my hair and pulled my face into his crotch.

Since I had no choice, I did what he wanted. I tried to get it done as quickly as possible, but that was difficult because he controlled my head. When he was done, I expected him to release me, but he didn't.

Jordan turned around and bent over sticking his bare butt in my face. "Kiss my ass and thank me, little brother."

I kissed one cheek saying, "Thank you, sir." Considering I'd just had his penis in my mouth, kissing his butt was no big deal, other than it was one more humiliating thing to show he was in control.

"Now the other one."

Kissing the other cheek, I repeated, "Thank you, sir."

Turning around, he pulled his pajama bottom up, pushed me to the carpet and unlocked one handcuff. "Stand up and put your hands in front."

When I did, he locked the open cuff around my wrist. I reached down with my bound hands and found I still had my morning erection.

Alex saw me feel my penis and said, "You've figured out what's next. Lie down on your bed and jack off for me. I think that'd make a good spectator sport."

"Yes, sir." I stretched out on my rumpled bed and began stroking.

"When you come, catch everything in your hand and don't miss a drop."

"Yes, sir."

Masturbating with handcuffs on was clumsy, but I managed. In only a few minutes, I'd forgotten Jordan was there and disappeared into a fantasy that included Dean and being tied up. As I climaxed, I almost forgot to catch my semen, but I got it at the last minute.

Jordan said, "That's good. I thought you might have forgotten. Lick your hands." He laughed as he watched me run my tongue over my hands. "You like that?"

"Yes, sir." Which was what he wanted to hear, but it was also true. I did like it and wanted an opportunity to get a better taste of Dean's to find out if his was the same as mine.

That's enough. "Stand up."

I got up and stood beside my bed as he took the ankle and hand cuffs off and handed them to me.

"I'm glad you like it. You have something to look forward to when I can start shooting. Alex would like to give you some of his, too."

He tossed the keys into the air, caught them and went out, turning off the light.

For the next three days, Jordan came in twice a day and each time I had to perform oral sex on him and kiss his bare butt. Sometimes, he'd make me masturbate while he watched.

On the fourth night, he came into my room at about eleven o'clock, waking me up. When I stood beside my bed facing him, he said, "I got these from Alex today. He said to give them to you just to prove he's not kidding."

He handed me a stack of pictures and waited while I looked through them. There were five. One of Dean and I naked and tied up on the floor, one of each of us in the bathroom about to be shaved and one of me with Dean's penis in my mouth and one of Dean with my penis in his mouth.

Jordan smirked again. "Easy to tell who's in the pictures, isn't it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. You can keep them. I'm sure you can put them to good use. Now get the handcuffs out."

"Yes, sir." I pulled the cuffs out, handed them to Jordan and turned around with my hands behind my back.

He clamped the handcuffs on and said, "Turn around." When I did, he looked me over and frowned. He took me by the elbow and led me to my desk. Turning on my desk lamp, he pointed it at my crotch. "What's this? I see hair growing back. I thought Alex said you couldn't have pubic hair."

"Yes, sir. I forgot to shave."

"That'll cost you. As soon as you get done, go and shave. Tomorrow morning, I'll meet you in the garage. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Get on your knees. I'm tired of waiting."

After Jordan left, I tiptoed into my parent's bathroom and got a disposable razor and Dad's shaving cream. I spread it around my genitals and just to be sure, on my legs where the hairs were growing out again as well. Looking in the mirror, I shaved off all the stubble I could see. I put the shaving stuff away and went back to my room. Looking in the full-length mirror attached to the inside of my closet door I inspected my work. Turning my hips from side to side, I realized that I didn't mind not having hair and I liked the way Dean looked without his. It made us look younger and not look like the hairy guys in the gay web sites.

I slid into bed, wondering what Jordan had in mind for the next day. Tossing and turning, I couldn't get to sleep, but then I remembered the pictures. I got up, got them from my desk, reminding myself to hide them so my mother wouldn't see them when she cleaned, and lay on my bed. Looking at them brought vivid memories of the sensation of Dean's penis in my mouth and I stroked myself to a satisfying organism, then fell asleep.

The next morning, I found a note had been pushed under my door. Jordan had written; "Nine o'clock. Naked." I went to the bathroom, got dressed and went downstairs to find myself alone in the house.

I called Dean, which was the first time I'd talked to him since Alex and Jordan had gotten pictures of us. When he answered, I skipped the small talk and said, "Dean, you've got to come up with a plan. Jordan is running my life. Every time I turn around, he's there wanting me to have sex with him."

Dean said, "Don't worry. I've working on something."

"What do you mean, don't worry. I didn't shave last night so he told me to be in the garage today at nine. I don't know what he's going to do, but it's punishment for sure."

"I didn't shave either and Alex has been threatening me, but he hasn't done anything, yet. I don't think Jordan is as mean as Alex, so you'll be all right."

"Yeah, that's easy for you to say. Get us out of this."

"I am. You remember talking about 'mutually assured destruction' in history class last year"

"No. What does that have to do with our problem?"

"Well, that's how I'm going to solve it. Look it up. I've got to go. Alex came in. I'll get back to you."

"Dean, don't hang up." But it was too late.

Since I had no choice, I went into the garage through the kitchen door at exactly at nine o'clock. Took my clothes off and put them on the workbench. I stood in the middle where the cars were usually parked. I waited and waited and when I thought Jordan wasn't coming, the door opened.

"I bet you thought I'd forgotten."

"Yes, sir, but I waited."

"Good thing, too." He pointed at the wall closest to the kitchen door. "Stand here facing the wall and put your arms straight out."

I moved to where he pointed and he tied a rope around each wrist and ran the end through eyebolts screwed securely into the studs of the wall. He pulled the rope snug, giving my some slack, but drawing my arms up and out. Tying off the ends, he stood back to admire his work.

"I see you shaved."

"Yes, sir. I won't forget again."

"I know, but just to be sure, I'm going to give you a reminder." He picked up a heavy wooden yardstick and stood behind me.

"No, wait. Please don't spank me. I promise I won't ever forget again."

He laughed. "Is little brother going to beg? Go ahead and if it's good enough, maybe I won't."

In spite of the humiliation of begging my little brother for mercy, I did, even generating real tears.

He swooshed the yardstick through the air. "This is boring." His next swing hit my bare butt with a loud crack.

The blow surprised me more than it hurt, but I didn't want any more so I yelled and continued to beg.

"You don't sound like you mean it." He hit me again and broke the yardstick on the next swing. After each crack on my butt, I yelled and began to cry.

"That's more like it, but I can't have you making that much noise. Open your mouth."

When I did, he pulled the cloth of a bandana between my teeth and tied it behind my head. Then he used a second bandana to blindfold me.

"I'm going to spank you with different things and you rate how much each one hurt. You get three smacks with each, so you can make a good comparison." After a brief pause, he said, "Tell me what the yardstick felt like. I'll say the numbers from one to ten and you nod when I get to the right one."

He started counting and when he got to seven, I nodded. "Good. Here's a paint stirrer. How's that feel?" After hitting me three times, he counted to ten and I nodded when he got to five.

"That didn't hurt too much, huh? How about this, then. It's one of Mom's bamboo stakes she uses in the garden."

Jordan kept finding things and hitting me with each three times. Then he'd ask me to rate them. I don't know how many times he spanked me, but by about the fourth or fifth item, I realized that he wasn't spanking me hard. Nowhere near as hard as he'd spanked me before. I still thrashed and moaned, throwing my head around as if they were extremely painful to put on a show for him, hoping he'd be satisfied.

"Well, that's all I have time for. I have a baseball game in the park and when I get back, you can give me a shower. See you later."

I began to yell through the gag and pull at the ropes on my wrists. He untied the blindfold and gag and took them off. "What's wrong with you?"

"Aren't you going to untie me?"

He swatted my sore butt with his hand, making me yelp. "You didn't put a 'sir' in that question."

"Yes, sir. Aren't you going to untie me, sir?"

"No. This way I'll know you'll be here when I get back. Open your mouth so I can put the gag back in."

When I resisted, he picked up the rug beater Mom used to clean throw rugs that was made of heavy wire looped in a decorative pattern. "Open up, or this is next. I haven't tried this yet and if I have to use it, I'll swing it like I mean it."

He knew he wasn't hurting me much with his spankings. Terrified at what a real spank with the rug beater might feel like, I opened my mouth and let him put the gag back in, tying it behind my head. He left the blindfold off.

"See you later." He went out the door, turning off the lights.

Chapter Nine

Mike is about to find out that playing games is much more fun than the real thing

After the door slammed, I calmly waited for Jordan to come right back. I couldn't believe he'd really leave me here naked, gagged, blindfolded and helplessly tied to the garage wall while he went to the park and played baseball. He was just joking – or was he?

Time passed and when my arms and shoulders began to ache, I had to concede that he wasn't coming back anytime soon and I'd better make the best of my situation. By straining my neck and rolling my shoulder up, I pushed the blindfold off. Being able to see, even though there wasn't much light in the garage, made me feel better. Getting the gag out proved more difficult, but by working my jaw and pushing with my tongue until it started to cramp while I rubbed at the cloth with my shoulder, I got it out. It took a few minutes to get some saliva back into my dry mouth, but after that, I was reasonably comfortable.

I thought about yelling for help, but that would have been a waste of time since our house stood so far back from the street and away from any neighbors, no one would hear me. In the dim light, I examined the ropes around my wrists. Jordan had wrapped rope around each one about six times, so it'd be secure and not cut off the circulation. I'd never get any slack there and he'd tied the knots far below my hands where I couldn't reach them no matter how much I strained. The free ends had been tied about five feet [1½ m] away from the eyebolts and had been pulled up so I had only a few inches of movement with either arm. Sighing, I realized I'd have to wait for Jordan to come home and release me.

One of the scenarios Dean had come up with for our tie-up games was that we had been captured and held in a dungeon for days between torture sessions. When we played that game, the idea of being a helpless captive for long periods of time excited me. Now that Dean's scenario had come true, it wasn't exciting at all. It was boring.

I had no idea when Jordan would be back, so I rested my forehead against the wall and started to count off the seconds just for something to do.

One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand…

How many seconds were there in an hour? Sixty squared, so that's three thousand-six hundred seconds.

Forty-one thousand, forty-one-one thousand…

When I got to one thousand-one thousand, my arms, hands and feet began to hurt a lot more so I started to move around in time with my counting. I shifted my weight from foot to foot, flexed my fingers and bent my arms and wrists as much as I could.

At three thousand six hundred-one thousand, I almost panicked, but decided that'd only make things worse, so I grabbed hold of my courage and started counting from one again. My count mounted and as I got closer and closer to two hours, my panic crept out of my control. Jordan had forgotten me! He was going to leave me here all day! I screamed as loud as I could and thrashed uselessly against the ropes. Putting my feet between the studs, I tried to climb up the wall to get some slack in the ropes.

Nothing helped and eventually the pain in my wrists forced me to stop. I hung from the ropes crying and gasping for air while I fought back my nausea. When I tipped my head down to rest it against the wall again, I was shocked to see that I had an erection! How could that happen? I was terrified and had a panic attack and I was hard. Mentally telling myself that my situation wasn't exciting at all didn't help because part of me wasn't listening.

Although I was unhappy about what my body told me, at least it made me calm down. Taking some deep breaths, I wiped my tears on a bare shoulder and let my muscles relax. When Dean tied me up, being helpless and at his mercy excited me. But at the same time I always knew he'd be there and free me in a short time. Not knowing when Jordan would be back, or even if he would come back, made my helplessness complete. Nothing I could do would make a difference and that drove my feelings of being out of control up off the charts right along with my erection. The more I thought about being a captive, the more tension I could feel radiating from my penis.

I tried rocking my hips and crossing my legs in an attempt to masturbate, but that didn't work. Then I carefully rubbed my penis against the garage wall, but the wood was too rough to continue doing that for long. And anyway, my vain efforts only made my situation more exciting. I wanted relief so badly I moaned. There was no way I could get it and I wondered if Jordan had planned this, too as a way of torturing me. I doubted it, but if he knew of my condition, he'd probably come with something else.

Just before I started to count again, the garage door opened and Jordan snapped the lights on when he came in. I tried to turn my hips away to hide my erection, but I couldn't turn that far.

He walked over and pointed at my crotch. "Well, look at that. Have you been hard since I left? And here I was worried that you might not like this."

"I don't like this. Untie me. My arms are hurting."

"I will when I get ready. And you forgot to put 'sirs' in those sentences. What happened to your gag and blindfold? I didn't say you could take them off."

"No, sir, but the gag was drying out my mouth. I'm sorry sir. Please untie me."

"Like I said, when I get ready. Anyway you look like you're having a lot of fun." He untied the gag, which had slipped down around my neck. "Open up so I can put this back in.'

"Yes, sir." And opened my mouth.

He forced the gag between my teeth, pulled it tightly around my head and tied it. Picking up the rug beater he'd left on the floor behind me, he swooshed it through the air several times. I'm sure my eyes opened wide in terror at what he was going to do and I shook my head, mumbling through the gag begging him not to hit me.

"Nope. Sorry Little Brother, you'll have to be punished for not being polite and taking off the blindfold and gag."

Standing to one side, he raised the wire rug beater and swung it at my bare butt. I heard it whistle through the air and my body jerked involuntarily when it hit my left cheek. Although I expected a lot of pain, I didn't feel anything. At least not for the first few seconds, then I screamed as burning fire tore up my back from my butt.

"That's more like it. One more for the other side to even them out."

I heard the wire whistle through the air once more and fire exploded from my other cheek, accompanied by another scream. I struggled wildly yelling through the cloth in my mouth as huge tears rolled down my face.

Jordan stood back and said, "You'll only as you're told from now on won't you, Little Brother?"

I hook my head up and down as much as I could as I danced in place, trying to extinguish the pain.

Jordan patted me on the butt and laughed when I moaned. "Those wire marks look good. Sort of like a tattoo. I should do that more often so you'll always have a reminder of who's in charge when you look in the mirror. I'll be right back and untie you. I have some things to get ready."

He left the garage, turning off the light again. The intense burning was fading, but there was still enough that I had to dance to ease the pain. I didn't know what Dean had in mind to get us out of our predicament, but he'd better hurry because I didn't know how much more I could put up with. Then it occurred to me that Alex was probably tormenting Dean as well and Alex had more of an imagination than Jordan did. I decided to call Dean as soon as I could to help him speed up the planning process.

The door opened and the lights came back on. Turning my head in that direction, I saw Jordan come in carrying the ankle cuffs.

Flipping them open he said, "Move your feet together so I can get these on. By the way, I've hidden the keys where you'll never find them, so don't do anything you'll regret later."

I nodded and shifted my weight so he could lock the ankle cuffs on. Then he took out the gag.

"Now what do you say, Little Brother?"

"Thank you, sir. Will you untie me, please, sir."

"Now that you're polite again, I will. I see your erection has gone down. You must not have liked being spanked."

"No, sir."

"Well, you know how to avoid it. One more thing." He pulled out his digital camera. "I'm going to take a few pictures to send to Alex. He wanted to know what I was doing to you and he'll send me pictures of what he's doing to Dean."

Jordan stood back and aimed his camera to get pictures of me tied to the wall. Then he got some close-ups of the welts on my scarred butt. "Too bad you lost your erection. Alex says Dean's hard all the time when he does things to him. These will have to do, I guess."

Setting the camera on the workbench, he untied the ropes holding my wrists to the eyebolts. As my arms came down and the blood circulation increased, my hands throbbed with each heartbeat.

"There, that should do it. Clean up in here then pick up your clothes and my camera and come up to my room. I've got more for you to do, so don't spend all day at it. You don't need any more reminders, do you?"

"No sir. I'll be right there."

As soon as he left, I pulled the ropes through the eyebolts and untied them from my wrists. Although my fingers hurt, I flexed them and rolled my arms and shoulders around at the same time to get the motion and feeling back. When I walked around the garage, my feet felt as if they were swollen, but the cool concrete on my bare skin felt good. I put away everything Jordan had used to spank me and hid the rug beater behind the workbench where he couldn't find again. When I bent over to pick up the rope from the floor, the welts on the skin across my butt felt as if it might tear so kept my knees straight and managed to grab things with my fingertips.

Walking into the house, I went to Jordan's room, the chain on the ankle cuffs rattling on the vinyl floor. The door to his room was closed, so I knocked.

"Come on in, Little Brother."

I pushed the door open and went to stand in front of his desk where he sat.

"Darn. You knocked. I was hoping that you'd just come right in so I'd have an excuse to spank you again."

"No, sir. I knew you'd want me to knock. Your room is private."

"That's right and you'd better remember that."

"Yes, sir."

"I need a shower after that baseball game and you're going to give it to me. Put your stuff in your room and meet me in the master bathroom."

"Yes, sir. I'll be right there."

I took a quick detour to my room and went into the large bathroom next to Mom and Dad's bedroom. Jordan stood next to the vanity arranging things on the counter.

Turning to face me, he said, "Okay, get started. Take my clothes off."

"Yes, sir." Beginning with his shirt, I began to undress him. As I did it, I caught sight of my bare butt in the mirror and could see the shape of the curved wire of the rug beater on my skin. The marks were an angry red, but the skin didn't look as if it'd been broken.

One piece at a time, I pulled Jordan's clothes off. I hadn't seen him completely naked for several years and only recently from his waist down. He had grown a lot and his body had taken on a nice shape with clear, smooth skin that was milky white where his swimsuit covered him. He still had a small layer of baby fat on his belly, but it didn't take away from his overall pleasing appearance. If he hadn't been my brother, I would have admired his body and thought it was fairly attractive for a sixth grader.

He handed me two plastic bottles, one of shampoo and the other body wash. "Start with my hair and then down my back to my feet. Then do the same in front. Get in the shower and get the water running."

"Yes, sir." I sat on the edge of the bathtub, swung my feet in and stood up. Turning on the water, I adjusted the temperature so it was just warm.

Jordan put his hand in the stream. "Just right." Stepping under the water, he said, "Get going and do a good job."

"Yes, sir."

I washed his hair and then switched to the body wash to start on his shoulders and work down. The soap and water made his skin slippery and smooth. As my hands glided over his body, my penis slowly began to grow. I didn't want Jordan to think rubbing his body excited me, but no matter how I tried to convince myself it didn't, my penis said it did. When I washed his butt, he bent over and pulled his cheeks apart.

"Clean me here, too and watch the fingernails."

"Yes, sir." I put a lot of soap on my hand, dropped to both knees and scrubbed both sides of his anus, occasionally bumping it with the ends of my fingers. I'd never seen that part of a boy's body so close up before and the light pink color of the tightly closed ring surprised me.

When I finished the back of his legs, he turned around and I stood to wash his hair again and scrubbed his face as he held his eyes closed. After rinsing the soap off his head, I washed his chest and belly. I dropped to both knees again and taking a handful of body wash, I gently washed his penis and scrotum.

Breathing a little faster, he said, "Take your time, Little Brother and get that really clean. It feels good."

I got more soap on my hand and continued to rub and stretch his genitals. As I expected, he quickly grew to his full erection of about four inches [10 cm] and my own erection rose with his.

"Hurry up and finishe my legs. I've got something else for you to do."

I got more body wash, rubbed my hands up and down each of his hairless legs and washed his feet one at a time. Flipping the cap closed on the bottle, I set it on the side of the bathtub. I started to get to my feet, but he put both hands on my shoulders to keep me down.

"Stay there. Do I have to get the handcuffs?"

"No, sir. I know what to do."

"Good. Take your time. You've been rushing and want it to last.

Before I could answer, he thrust his hips forward, driving his stiff penis into my face. Opening my mouth, I let it slide between my lips and began to stroke the bottom of it with my tongue. Jordan grabbed a fistful of my hair in each hand and held my head steady as he trust his hips toward me and then pulled away. Sometimes he'd stop and I'd lick his glans with the tip of my tongue. I even sucked on his penis when he pulled it partway out of my mouth. Reaching up, I grasped one butt cheek in each hand and pushed my fingers between them to touch his sphincter. When I did, he groaned and drove his hips into my face so hard his belly slapped my forehead with loud smacks. Finally, after more than twice as long as usual, he had his dry orgasm, grunting and yanking my hair each time his penis surged in my mouth.

Between gasps of air, he said. "That was the best one yet, Little Brother. You're getting better and I'll be sure you get lots of practice." He pulled a towel off the rack and began drying himself. "Clean up and you can come to my room. It has to look like we were never in here."

"Yes, sir."

After putting the bathroom back in order and drying things off, I knocked at his door again.

"Come on in."

I shuffled into his room just as he shut down his internet browser. "Just sent off your pictures to Alex. I can hardly wait to see what he's got for me. That's all I have for you right now. Would you like out of those cuffs?"

"Yes, sir. I would. What do I have to do?"

"You catch on fast. Go back to your room and jerk off. Catch everything in one hand and then come back here. Understand?"

"Yes, sir. I'll be right back."

I walked to my room, closed the door and leaned against it. Across the room, I could see myself in the full-length mirror on one of my closet doors. Instead of lying on my bed as I usually did, I began to fondle my penis, watching in the mirror. In spite of being so turned on before in the garage and while I gave Jordan a shower, I couldn't get it to respond. Then, thinking about the shower and running my hands over the wet, slippery skin of my brother's body got me started and my penis jumped up in my hand.

I was happy to get an erection, but at the same time, having my little brother become the object of my masturbation fantasies, bothered me. As I stroked and recalled what I'd done with him, I worried. Masturbating to thoughts of my brother? Where was this going to take me? Maybe I wasn't gay, but I sure wasn't normal. Or was I? Did other guys find their brothers sexy? I had to find a way to ask Dean if this happened to him.

In only a few minutes, I had an orgasm and caught all my semen in the palm of my left hand. I carried it back to Jordan's room and knocked on the door.

He opened the door and looked at my hand. "About time. Stand in the middle of the room." When I complied, he aimed his cell phone at me. "When I tell you to, say your name and that you like licking your semen. Then clean your hand off."

"Yes, sir."

Checking the video screen, he said, "All right, start."

"My name is Mike Traum and I like eating my own semen." Then I licked the palm of my hand clean. Although I tried to make it appear I hated what Jordan was making me do, I took my time so I could remember the taste. In the future, when I masturbated, what would I do with it?

Jordan slipped his phone in his pocket and pulled the keys from his pocket. Dropping to one knee, he unlocked the ankle cuffs and handed them to me. "Here put these under your mattress where you can get them when you need them again." I took the cuffs and he said, "Now get out. I'll let you know when I need you again."

"Yes, sir."

I left his room and went into mine closing and locking the door. Without getting dressed, I sat down at my desk, pulled out my cell phone and dialed Dean. The phone rang and rang and I thought it would go to voice mail, but finally someone answered.

Quickly, I said, "Dean, this is Mike. You've got to come up with an idea right away. When can I come over and talk to you?"

From the phone, a voice said, "Sorry, Mike. This is Alex. Dean's busy now so he decided to give me his phone. If you want to talk to him, you'll have to ask Jordan." Then the phone went dead.

Chapter Ten

After another humiliating session with Alex and Jordan, Mike makes a life changing personal discovery about himself

When Alex cut off our phone conversation, I got worried about Dean. His cell phone was his lifeline and he was calling or texting someone all the time. Alex must have done something pretty drastic to make Dean give it to him. I almost got dressed and went over to Dean's house to see if he was all right. But then I realized it probably wouldn't do any good because I had no way of making Alex do anything. Instead, I followed Alex's instructions and I went to Jordan's room to ask him if he knew what Alex had in mind.

I knocked on his door again. He didn't answer, but I could hear his voice through the door talking to someone on his phone so I waited. Finally, he quit and opened the door.

"Good thing you're still naked. I'd be pissed off if you were bothering me with clothes on. What do you want?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt, sir, but I tried to call Dean and Alex answered using Dean's phone. He told me to ask you if I wanted to talk to Dean."

"Right. Alex just called and told me what was going on. All you need to know is that we'll meet at Alex's house tomorrow after one o'clock and then you can talk to Dean. I'll tell you more later if I want to. By the way, I decided that you'll stay naked until Mom and Dad come home from work. Now go away."

"Yes, sir." I went back to my room more worried than ever. What had Alex come up with now?

I spent the rest of the day in my room with the door closed, surfing the web and calling friends on my cell phone. Every so often, Jordan would look in, checking to see if I was still naked. When I heard the garage door open indicating the Mom had gotten home, I got dressed. Then I spent the rest of the day pretending nothing had changed between Jordan and me.

That night when I undressed to go to bed, I checked the condition of my butt in my closet mirror. Most of the welts were gone and only a few spots were still tender to the touch. I got some first aid cream from the bathroom, rubbed it on and turned in.

Someone shook my shoulder. "Wake up, Little Brother. You've got work to do."

I turned over and saw Jordan standing by my bed with his erection tenting out his pajamas. Silently, I slid out of bed and pulled the cuffs from under my mattress. Standing, I handed them to Jordan and turned around with my hands behind my back.

"That's good. You've got this all figured out. Makes things go faster, doesn't it?"

"Yes, sir."

"On your knees."

When I dropped to the carpet, he locked the ankle cuffs on, pulling the chain through the handcuffs to keep me in a kneeling position. He came around to stand in front of me and pushed down his pajama bottoms.

"I want this done the way you did it yesterday. Nice and slow. Start with my balls."

"Yes, sir."

When he lifted his penis, I leaned forward and sucked his scrotum with its two small testicles into my mouth. Because he was so small, it was easy to get everything in. I stroked and rolled his tentacles around in their sac with my tongue until he pushed my head away.

Thrusting his hips into my face, he said, "Now, make this a good one."

I let his penis slip between my lips and used my tongue on the most sensitive parts. Jordan moaned a little and grabbed a handful of hair on the top of my head to control my movements. With his other hand, he reached under my chin and began to pull and stretch his scrotum. He stopped me several times by yanking so painfully hard on my hair I was afraid he'd pull out a hunk. When his penis surged in my mouth, I tightened my lips around the shaft as much as I could and worked it in and out of my mouth by jerking my head up and down.

He pushed me away and said, "That wasn't as good as the one yesterday. You'll have to do better than that."

"Yes, sir. I'll do better next time."

"If you don't, you know what will happen. Now thank me."

He turned around and I kissed him once on each bare cheek. Pulling his pajamas up, he turned around and said, "We'll leave for Dean's at one o'clock. Until then you'll stay naked except for when you have to get dressed to keep Mom and Dad from finding out what we're doing. Understand?"

"Yes, sir. I'd planned to go to the pool with some friends today, though."

"Tough. Call and tell them you can't go." He pointed at my erection. "By the way, no jacking off until I say so."

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Let's see how well you follow directions when we get to Alex's house. You didn't pick a very good hiding place and I found the rug beater behind the workbench. You might want to think about that before you give us any trouble."

I stayed in bed until my parents left for work, which wasn't unusual for me in the summer. After that, I went downstairs, had breakfast and spent the rest of the day in my room. Jordan checked a few times to be sure I was naked, but he didn't have to worry. I wasn't going to get dressed because I knew what the rug beater felt like and didn't want to experience that again. The only good thing about worrying about being spanked again was that I had no desire whatsoever to masturbate.

At about a quarter to one, Jordan came into my room. "Get dressed. Tee shirt, shorts, sandals and nothing else."

"Yes, sir. May I bring my cell phone?"

"No. And hurry it up. Alex has a good scenario planned."

"Yes, sir."

We got our bikes out of the garage and rode to Dean's house. His house is built on a steep slope so it had a walk-out basement that had been finished as a large recreation room with couches, a bar, big screen TV, computer and stereo system. Walking our bikes around the house, we put them on the deck outside the sliding glass doors of the basement recreation room. Curtains had been drawn so I couldn't see inside.

"Wait here. I'll be right back." Jordan slid the door open and went inside, pushing the curtains aside.

I stood in the sun on the deck waiting as patiently as I could, straining to hear anything from inside, but I couldn't hear Alex and Jordan talking.

Jordan came out grinning widely. "Take your clothes off."

I looked around and saw there was no privacy on the deck, although the other houses were a long ways away. "Here, sir? Someone might see me."

"So what? If you don't want that to happen, I guess you'd better hurry."

"Yes, sir." I stripped off my shirt and shorts while I kicked off my sandals at the same time. In seconds, I was naked.

Jordan pointed at my clothes on the deck. "Pick that up and follow me."

"Yes, sir."

I padded along behind Jordan and closed the door behind me when I went into the basement. Alex stood behind a couch, smiling.

"Great. Drop your clothes and come over here. Dean didn't turn out the way I wanted and I want you to be better. You'll have to help me, Jordan."

"Sure." He pointed and said to me, "Get over here by Alex."

I had no idea what Alex was talking about, but I obediently walked around the couch to the open space on the carpeted floor where he pointed. When I did, I saw Dean lying face up on the floor, naked and wrapped in clear plastic from his ankles to his neck. He had an erection held tightly to his body by the wrap and his scrotum was pushed down into the depression between his thighs. Alex had stuck a long strip of duct tape over his mouth from ear to ear.

Alex took me by the shoulders and pulled me forward to stand beside Dean. "Put your feet together and hands flat on your thighs." When I did, he picked up a roll of plastic wrap and said, "Okay, Jordan, if we do this together we should be able to get it tighter than I could by myself on Dean. Take the end and hold it against his ankles."

Jordan took the end in both hands while Alex pulled out several feet of wrap and brought it around my legs, covering the free end. Then Alex stood on one side and Jordan on the other so they could pass the roll back and forth, taking turns pulling on it.

Alex said, "Yeah, this is much better. It's tighter and there aren't as many wrinkles so we can see through it better. Hold his dick up so I can cover it the next time around."

Jordan held my penis against my belly and Alex pulled the wrap over it. They worked their way up, covering me to my shoulders when the roll ran out.

Alex handed Jordan another box of wrap. "It works better if you take the roll out of the box. Go ahead and start another layer while I get some duct tape."

He picked up a roll of grey tape and pulled off a strip. Holding it up, he said, "Close your mouth."

I did and he put the tape over my mouth, pressing it tightly onto my skin and slapping my face. Every time he did, he laughed and had a satisfied look that seemed to say he wanted to keep doing it. I don't know why, but at that point, I began to be afraid of Alex.

Then he helped Jordan add another layer of plastic around my body. The first and second layer didn't feel too tight, but when they got to my feet, and started up with the third layer, it got noticeably stiffer and more confining. I flexed my hands and shoulders a little and thought I might be able to get out of it, but it'd probably take some time.

Alex saw me moving and smacked me on the butt with his hand. It didn't really hurt, but I understood the warning and stood still.

"That's good. Dean did the same thing and if you keep it up you'll find out what happened to Dean." Alex stopped wrapping and pointed. "Hey, Jordan, take a look at his butt. See how funny it looks all flattened out."

Jordan walked around behind me to look and laughed. "Yeah it does. Did Dean's look like that, too?"

"Yeah and I got some great pictures of it."

"We'll have to get some of Mike and add them to the collection."

They wound two more layers of plastic around my body before they ran out. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it trapped my body heat and I began to sweat. Then I had a horrible thought. What if they kept me wrapped up so long that I had to go to the bathroom? Fortunately, I went just before we left for Dean's house so I knew I could hold it for hours if I had to and didn't drink anything. But the idea of begin forced to pee while wrapped in the plastic scared and disgusted me. I hoped that whatever Alex was going to make us do wouldn't take too long.

Alex and Jordan got their cameras and took pictures of me helplessly wrapped. Alex said, "This is good. It's easy to see everything through the wrap." He set his camera down. "Okay, Jordan help me get him on the floor. I just pushed Dean over and it wrinkled the plastic so I couldn't get clear pictures of him."

Jordan and Alex tipped me backward to the floor. I tried to bend to help myself down, but I couldn't so I tipped over like a tree falling and hit the back of my head on the carpet when they couldn't hold me up any more.

I ended up on my back with my head facing Dean's feet and next to his hips. I squirmed around to get as comfortable as I could while Alex and Jordan took more pictures.

Alex said, "Let's upload these into my computer and see what they look like." He kicked Dean in the ribs making him groan and said, "Stay right here and don't try to get out. I've got more things planned for you." He kicked him again and grinned.

Copying Alex, Jordan kicked me in the ribs, too, although he had to try twice to hit my chest because my arms that were wrapped tightly to my sides were in the way.

"Hey, Alex, you got any soda. I'm thirsty."

"Sure, come on."

When they left the room, Dean and I shifted our positions on the floor, trying to get comfortable. I tried to sit up and thought that if I really put an effort into I could make it, which would help me get free. That would have to wait though.

I don't know how long Dean and I waited for Alex and Jordan to come back, but after a long time I heard their footsteps on the stairs. When I looked, I saw Alex had Jordan's video camera as well as their own digital cameras and cell phones. Alex attached the video camera to a small tripod and set it on a low table pointing at Dean and me.

Alex stood back to check the angle of the camera. "This is good. I added more memory to the camera. It was expensive, but I can shoot more than three hours of video now." He pulled a coin from his pocket, flipped it while he said, "Call it. Heads or tails?"

Jordan said, "Heads."

Alex caught the coin and smacked it onto the back of his hand. "Heads it is. Your choice. Who do you want first?"

"Dean. I had Mike today already."

"Okay." Alex reached down and ripped the tape off our mouths making each of us yell from the pain of the adhesive tearing our skin. He sneered at us. "Sissies."

I rolled my head around and ran my tongue over my lips to get some moisture back on them. Jordan pointed and said, "Look, Mike can't wait. He's licking his lips."

Alex unfastened his shorts and let them fall to the floor. "That's good. He'll do a better job if he's eager."

He pushed his underwear down, but left his shirt on. Jordan did the same and stood over Dean and I with one bare foot on each side of our chests.

Before they could do anything else, Dean said, "Please, sir, wait. Could you take all your clothes off this time?"

Alex said, "Why? Looking at my body turns you, does it?"

"Yes sir. You'd probably like it better, too because I'd be more excited and I'll do a better job."

"Well, it's worth a try. You like sucking my dick?"

"Yes, sir. Don't you like it when I do?"

"Yeah, of course I like having my dick sucked. Who wouldn't?"

What was Dean up to? I'd never heard him say anything like this before. He must have something in mind, so I played along.

To Jordan, I said, "Please, sir, could you take your clothes off, too. Ever since I saw you in the shower, I thought you had a nice-looking body." Which was mostly true, and I hoped it would help Dean's plan along. "I like having sex with you, too."

"I knew that. You looked like you were having a good time in the garage and when you sucked my dick all those times you got hard. I like having my dick sucked as much as Alex does."

Hearing Jordan echoing Alex's words, 'suck my dick' surprised me. Our parents taught us the correct names for all parts of the body and insisted that we use them. Jordan must have thought it made him sound tough using them.

I nodded. "Alex, which one of us does a better job. Dean or me?"

"I don't know. You're both pretty good. Let's have a contest. You and Dean will suck our dicks and we'll decide when you get done."

Dean said, "You'll have to give us time to do the job right, though."

Jordan laughed "Take as much time as you need. We have all afternoon. It's not as if you're going anywhere. Mike's learned how to take a long time sucking my dick. It feels a lot better doing it that way."

Alex pulled his shirt off and threw it on the floor. "Enough talk. Let's get them sucking."

Jordan took his shirt off and sat down on Dean's chest with one knee on each side. "Did you make sure the camera was aimed low enough so our faces wouldn't be in the video."

"Yeah, we're all set." He straddled my chest and put both hands behind my head. "So if you can take your time with Jordan, you'll do the same thing for me." Lifting my head so I could reach his penis, he said, "All right, show me what you can do. Get my dick in your mouth."

Jordan lifted Dean's head and we both went to work. Even though I tried to go slow, Alex yanked my head faster and faster so he had a dry orgasm after only a few minutes and from the sound of things going on beside me, so did Jordan.

Right away, they switched placed. Jordan sat on my chest and lifted my head from the floor to take his erection, which was still wet with Dean's saliva into my mouth. This time it took much longer for us to give them an orgasm, but again, they both almost came at the same time.

Alex sat back on Dean's chest. "That was good. I'll have a hard time deciding which one I liked better."

Panting a little, Jordan said, "I know what you mean. What do we do with them now?"

"Well, since they performed so well, we have to reward them. Come on, you can help me set up the video camera."

They got to their feet and without getting dressed, they moved around the room arranging the camera. As they did, I got a chance to look Alex over. I'd never seen him naked and when he sat on my chest, I really couldn't tell what he looked like because he was too close to me. His body was much more defined than Jordan's probably because he was on a gymnastics team. According to Dean, it was the only sport he was interested in. He never played baseball or football, saying it took too much time away from his computer. Because of his exercise, he had no body fat and large dark-brown nipples over the lean muscles that defined his flat chest. As much as I hated to admit it, Alex's body was very sexy and I wished I had some nude pictures of him. I particularly enjoyed the fact that his entire body was hairless. He didn't even have the light peach fuzz hair on his legs that Jordan had.

When Alex was satisfied, he picked up a hobby knife from a table and knelt beside Dean. "Now for a grand opening."

He lifted the plastic over Dean's erection and cut an oval opening so his genitals hung out. Then he did the same to me as I nervously watched him cut through the layers of plastic with a razor sharp knife only an inch or so away from my penis.

"Looks good." Setting the knife on the floor, he said, "Help me roll them on their sides, so they can reach each other."

Jordan laughed and dropped down beside me. "That a great idea. They can suck each other while we watch."

Alex laughed even harder. "Watch and take pictures and video."

They rolled Dean and me up onto our sides so our faces were turned toward each other's crotches and Dean's erection hit me in the face. As soon as it did, I opened my mouth and pulled it in. At the same time, I felt Dean do the same with mine although I was only partly hard. That didn't last long and it jumped up fully erect when Dean's penis filled my mouth. Right away, I got the same sense of satisfaction I did every time it was there. I didn't understand why Dean's would feel so different, but I wanted to keep it in my mouth as long as I could. When I had Alex's or Jordan's penis in my mouth, I didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much. I couldn't figure out what was different other than theirs were much smaller than Dean's was. But, surely that alone couldn't be the reason. Why did that happen?

Alex said, "Grab the cameras. These guys can't wait. If we want some good pictures, we'll have to hurry up."

Their cameras flashed again and again as Dean and I worked each other up to an organism. As always, I had mine first after only a few minutes. Right then, I decided to have Dean tie me up as soon as possible and make it last longer the way he'd done before.

I kept going until Dean's penis surged in my mouth, shooting his semen so far back into my throat again that I couldn't get a good taste of it.

As we flopped over onto our backs, catching our breaths, Alex said, "We'll add these to the collection. Jordan and I are going upstairs to my room. When we leave, go ahead and get free. Then lay back down just as you are with each other's dicks in your mouths until we come back. I'll start the video camera so I can watch it later to see if you followed instructions. You know what'll happen if you don't."

Dean and I nodded and almost at the same time, said, "Yes, sir."

"You can start when we leave."

They pulled on their clothes and Alex adjusted the camera and turned it on. As soon as we heard their footsteps on the floor above us, we started thrashing around trying to free ourselves. I managed to slide one hand around my thigh and I got it out through the hole Alex had made in the plastic.

"Wait, Dean. I've got a hand free. I think I can reach the knife Alex left on the floor."

Rolling over, I took the knife in my fist and began to saw at the plastic, careful not to cut myself. A little at a time, I got more and more of my arms free. Then I sat up and slit the plastic all the way down to my ankles.

Getting up to my knees, I cut Dean free and piled the plastic in a big heap to one side. As soon as I had a clear space, I stretched out on the carpet again. "Come on Dean. Lie down. I don't want to be spanked."

Dean hesitated, looked at the camera and finally laid beside me. As soon as he was in position, I took his soft penis into my mouth and got as comfortable as I could. Maybe Alex thought this was a punishment, but I didn't mind at all since I got to hold Dean's penis as long I wanted. I hoped Dean enjoyed mine as much as I enjoyed his.

I could see the digital clock on the big screen TV and I watched the time pass. After ten minutes, I couldn't resist anymore and ran my tongue around the head of Dean's penis. Nothing happened at first so I started flicking the ridge of his glans with my tongue. That got results and he got hard almost immediately so I continued driving my tongue against the underside as quickly as I could. As I worked, I reached up to run my hand over his butt cheeks. He gasped as soon as I touched him and no wonder. His butt was flaming hot on my palm and instead of touching smooth skin, I felt ridges of fresh welts. I yanked my hand away and concentrated on his penis.

Even though I was disappointed that he didn't start stimulating me with his lips or tongue, I kept going until he had another orgasm. Because it was his second in a short time, he didn't shoot much semen and I was disappointed again because I still didn't get a good taste of him.

Less than a minute later, I heard footsteps on the stairs. Jordan trotted into the room, grabbed the camera and held it up where he and Alex could see it.

"I'll fast forward. You'll see, I'm going to win our bet." They watched the video intently until Jordan stopped it and said, "Hah! There, see they're doing it. I win. I told you they couldn't resist. All they can think of is sucking a dick."

Alex said, "All right you win." He walked over to us and kicked me in the kidney. "Way to go fag boys. You just cost me a meal at McDonalds. If you guys aren't gay, I don't know who is. I'm sure glad I'm not like you. Homos like you always love to suck a dick whenever you can. Since we're not fags, you must really like sucking ours."

Jordan laughed. "Whenever Dean sucks my dick he gets hard. Tell me he doesn't like it. There's no way I'd ever have someone's dick in my mouth."

"That's for sure. Anyway, on Saturday, the parents are going to be gone the whole day and they put Dean in charge. Bring your fag brother over at nine o'clock and we'll show them who's in charge."

"Okay. Anything else I should bring?"

"No, I've got it all planned out and I'll buy what I need tomorrow." Alex kicked me again much harder than before and I groaned. When I did, he smiled. "By the way, fag boy. Don't think you're too clever. I deliberately left the knife on the floor to see if you were smart enough to use it. See you later." He kicked me in the back of the head, driving my face into Dean's genitals, making us both yelp from pain.

Jordan copied Alex again and kicked Dean on the back of his head, making him grunt and giving me a sharp pain from my groin as his face smacked into my scrotum. "You too, you dick sucking fag. I'm glad you like the taste of Mike's dick. You must like ours even more."

They went out the door to the deck and as soon as the door slid shut, I got to my knees and rolled Dean onto his stomach. What I saw sickened me.

"Dean, what happened? Your butt's a disaster."

"Well, I didn't want to do what Alex had planned for me yesterday, so he punished me. I guess he got carried away."

"Carried away! He beat you up again. Where do you keep the first aid stuff?"

He told me and as I got to my feet, I said, "Dean, you've got to start doing what he tells you. At least until we get out of this mess. I can't stand seeing you get hurt. When you do, it hurts me because I 3; love you."

Chapter Eleven

The MAD plan begins – along with some side activity

Actually, I didn't say the last three words on that sentence. I caught myself and just thought them. I suppose Dean wondered what I was going to say, but he didn't ask. He was my best friend and I didn't know how he'd react to me saying something like that. I hoped he'd understand, but I didn't want to take a chance. There'd be other times I could tell him. Is being in love with another boy gay? I suppose it is, but when it came to loving Dean, I didn't care.

Jumping to my feet, I headed for the bathroom where he told the first aid supplies were stored. As I ran up the stairs, I tried out that sentence, letting it echo in my head. "I love Dean. I love Dean."

I'd never been in love before and I wasn't sure what it was supposed to be like. But if what I felt for Dean wasn't love, didn't know what else it could be. No matter. I liked it.

I grabbed some first aid supplies out of the medicine chest and ran back downstairs. Dean hadn't moved and was lying on the carpet with his eyes closed. Every so often, he'd shiver.

"Dean, are you sick?"

"Yeah, I think so. I've got chills, my stomach us upset and I ache all over."

"Let me get some first aid cream on those welts and I'll help you up to your room."

He didn't say anything, so I gently coated the raw welts with cream and then sprayed him with Solarcaine. Since it was supposed to stop sunburn pain, I figured it'd help take the sting out of Dean's injuries.

When I finished, I helped him to his feet, half-carried him to his room and got him facedown on his bed. I threw a quilt over him and ran back to the kitchen where I got bags of ice again. Once I got the ice on his cheeks, I went back to the basement and cleaned up everything there, stuffing the wad of plastic wrap into a trash bag. As I worked, I wondered what Dean's parents would think if they came home right now and saw me running around their house naked. Dean and I sure would have some explaining to do. I picked up my clothes and trotted upstairs to Dean's room.

He turned his head to look at me when I came in and closed the door. "That feels better. Thanks. I owe you one. Anytime you want."

"No problem."

His face turned red and he cleared his throat. "I know what you were going to say back then."

I felt my face flush and heard blood pounding in my ears. "Say what? When?"

"You know. I want to tell you that I don't mind and thanks."

It took all my concentration, but I still played dumb. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Okay. Lean down here and I'll whisper it to you."

When I bent over the bed, he hooked me around the back of my neck with one arm and pulled me directly into a kiss. I resisted for a second and then I was giving him kisses back as fast he was giving them to me.

We broke apart and Dean said, "That's what I wanted to tell you."

"I hear you, although you may have to refresh my memory at times."

Dean laughed. "No problem. You can depend on it."

Changing the subject, I asked, "So how are we getting out of this?"

"I came up with lots of ideas, but none of them would work because Alex is too smart to be caught with something simple or obvious. Then I realized that Alex's strength is also his weakness. At times, he's too smart for his own good."

"Huh? I don't get it."

"The idea is easy. We'll catch Alex at his own game. He won't be expecting that because he thinks he's better than anybody else on a computer. But he's about to discover that he's not the only one who knows how use a computer."

"Okay, I think I see what you're saying, but how are we going to do that?"

"I've got it worked out. Go back to the basement and in the ceiling, you'll see ducts for heating. The one directly over where Alex wrapped us is loose. Lift it up and you'll find my iPod in the vent. Bring it up here, will you?"

"Okay. Be right back."

I had to get a chair to reach the vent, but after a few minutes of trying to figure out how to get it open, I pulled the iPod out. Dean had attached a microphone to it. Was he recording what we said in the basement? Closing up the vent and putting the chair away, I went back upstairs.

Dean wasn't there! Dropping the iPod, I ran down the hall to Alex's room looking for him. When he wasn't there, I started checking all the rooms on the second floor. I found him on the floor of the bathroom near the toilet. He'd vomited, partly missing the bowl and collapsed before he could even flush. Grabbing a handful of toilet paper, I wiped his face and shook him.

"Dean, are you all right. Talk to me, or I'm calling 911."

"No. Don't do that. Just help me back to my room."

I probably should have called an ambulance, but instead I got him on his feet and while he leaned aginst the vanity, cleaned him up with a damp towel. As I walked him back to his room, I decided I'd wait for his explanation. I could always call 911 from there.

When he was on his bed and relaxed, he said, "Before you came over, Alex gave me an enema again, which wasn't so bad, but he also gave me something that made me throw up. He said he wanted to clean me out at both ends this time and I think he must have given me too much, because I started puking and couldn't stop. After awhile my stomach settled down and I didn't have to throw up until now. I'll be okay."

"You don't look okay. What happened to your butt?"

"When I was being sick, he stood there watching with a big grin on his face as if he was really enjoying it. I told him that he must really be screwed up to like hurting people. That made him mad so I added a few other comments he didn't like. He'd already chained me up, so he pushed me onto the floor and spanked me with everything he could get his hands on. From the expression on his face, he looked like he really got a kick out of that, too and the more he hit me, the more I told him he was messed up."

"That's sick. We've got to get out of this before he seriously hurts you."

"That's why I hid my iPod up there. I recorded our conversations. Hand it to me so I can check how good the sound is."

Dean played the recording and we could understand every word and tell whose voice was whose. He clicked it off and said, "That'll work. Go to my computer and open a file on the hard drive labeled 'MAD'."

When I did, I was shocked to discover it contained dozens and dozens of pictures and videos of Dean and I that Alex and Jordan had been taking. I scrolled though them and looked at a few full-sized. I noticed that Alex and Jordan hadn't been as careful as they said and their faces were in the pictures.

"How did you get these?"

"Off Alex's computer. He had a password on it, but I guessed it. What do you think it was?"

"I don't know."

Dean laughed. "His password was 'littlebrother' all lowercase and one word. I got it on the third try. See what I mean? He thinks he's so smart, but he's not. All he had to do was put one capital letter in it and I'd never figured it out."

"Okay, so what. You've got the pictures and video, but what are you going to do with it?"

"You forgot about the conversation I recorded. There's software that let's me edit the voice recording and put it together with the pictures and video."

I broke into a huge smile. "All right! You're going to take what Jordan and Alex said and edit it to make them say something altogether different and put it with the pictures that have their faces in them. I never heard of software like that, but it sounds like it'll work."

"It will. The only problem is the time it will take to do the editing. I won't get it done by Saturday, so we'll have to do what they want then, but that may be the last time."

"Great. What can I do to help?"

"Not much, I'm afraid. Since you don't know the software, I'll have to do it myself. Help me up and over to my computer. I want to get started right away."

"Now? Are you sure you're up to it? Maybe you should wait until tomorrow."

"No way. I got us into this and I'll get us out as soon as I can, no matter how much it hurts. Get a towel from the bathroom, will you?"

I got a hand towel and when I got back to Dean's room, he was hobbling toward his desk and computer with a pillow tucked under his arm. He set the pillow on his desk chair, put the towel over that and sat down.

He launched some software and began to look at video clips. "I have to find one where I can get a good enough view of their faces so they can be recognized to make this work."

Leaning over his shoulder, I pressed the bare skin of my abdomen onto his shoulder and reached down to stroke his smooth chest with my hands. When he played part of the video where we were forced to have oral sex with each other after we gave our names on the tape, I watched closely while I counted the seconds until I had an orgasm and only got to fifty-five. Then I counted the seconds before Dean had his and got more than three hundred. More than five minutes!

I wanted to ask Dean something, but I was reluctant. Still, thinking about it, Dean must have noticed how quickly I had a climax and at this point we had no secrets from each other so I asked. "Um, Dean, have noticed how short of time I last before I have an orgasm compared to you?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Why do you think that happens? I can masturbate a lot longer than that, but as soon as you do it to me, I shoot right away."

"I have no idea. Do you tie yourself up when you masturbate?"

"No. At least not the way we are."

"Maybe that's the reason. It's the difference in the scenario."

I thought about that idea for a few minutes while Dean worked on the video and sound. "You might have a point. Could you tie me up and see how long you can make me last before I have an orgasm. You did that before, but this time, I want you to drag it out as long as possible. I want to see how that would feel."

"Okay, but under one condition. Once I start, I won't let you loose until you have an orgasm, no matter how long it takes or what you say."

I hesitated. Dean was asking me to put myself in his complete control and I wasn't sure if I wanted to go that far. Then, I realized that I had already been in that position with Alex and he liked tormenting me. Dean seemed to love me as much as I did him and he'd never hurt me.

"Okay. I'll do that. What do you want me to do?"

"Go lie on my bed and stretch your arms and legs out to the corners."

I followed his instructions and watched as he got rope and tied each wrist and ankle to one corner of his bed. Since it was a queen-sized bed, he pulled my legs out uncomfortably wide.

He sat on the edge of the bed and began to kiss me while he ran his hands over my chest, rubbing my nipples. Slowly, he worked his hands down my body until he brushed my now erect penis. Just as the speed of my breathing speeded up, he quit and pushed himself up from the bed.

"Hey. Keep going."

"Nope. You said you wanted it to last, so you'll take a break while I work on the video."

Hobbling to his desk, he sat down and began to work while I made myself as comfortable as possible on his bed.

I could see his bedside clock and watched five minutes slowly pass. Dean got up, walked over to me and leaned over the bed. He grasped my penis, which had gone soft, and began slowly stroking it until it was hard. Then he quit and sat on the bed again to kiss me.

Between kisses, I said, "Keep going. That's not enough."

He backed away from me so he could see my whole face. "I know. That's the idea."

Leaning forward, he kissed me again, then kissed and sucked on each nipple. He licked my skin and plunged his tongue into my bellybutton, making me moan from pleasure. Grabbing my penis, he swirled his tongue around the head and pushed the tip of his tongue into the urethra. When he did, the intensity of the sensation made me levitate off the bed and only the rope tying me down kept me from floating away. I felt my orgasm rising and looked forward to release from the pressure when he quit.

I complained loudly and demanded that he keep going.

Laughing, he said, "Not a chance. That's as far as I go right now. I've got work to do." He got up and sat at his desk again.

I kept asking him to continue and finally he got up and walked to the bed.

"Remember our deal. I won't untie you until you have an orgasm. You agreed."

"I know, but I didn't expect this."

He grinned. "That makes it more interesting, doesn't it?"

When I complained more, he crawled up on the bed to put one knee on each side of my chest. Taking his penis with one hand, he lifted my head with the other and said, "Here, this should be enough of a gag."

When he pressed his penis against my lips, I eagerly opened my mouth and took it in. Again, that feeling of satisfaction when his penis filled my mouth overcame me and I wanted to hold it there as long as I could. After a few seconds, I began to stroke it with my tongue to get it fully erect. Dean let me work on it for only a few minutes before he pulled it back out of my reach. Stepping over my chest, he put both knees on one side of my hips and stroked my penis. First, slow then fast, over and over, making me struggle against the ropes holding me to the bed.

I'd become completely absorbed in the sensations he was creating in my crotch when he quit and I came back to earth. I fought the ropes wildly, begging him to continue.

"Nope. I'm done for awhile. I've got to work on the videos." He got up and went to his desk again.

Dean tortured me for almost two hours before I finally had an orgasm. And torture is the word for what he did. Each time he brought me up almost to a climax and then frustrated me by stopping short, the pleasure changed in to an amazing agony. I desperately wanted him to quit, but at the same time, I wanted it to go on and on. Pain and pleasure were perfectly balanced.

When he sat working at his desk, the minutes crawled by on his bedside clock, but when he was teasing me blocks of ten or fifteen minutes would disappear. As I rested between his attacks on me, I dreaded the time when he started again, but as he brought me up, I didn't want him to quit and leave me alone.

At last, I was in such a state that when he locked his lips around my bright red, pulsing penis, I had the strongest orgasm I'd ever experienced and I thrashed violently on the bed.

I felt something cold on my forehead and opened my eyes. Dean sat on the edge of the bed with a concerned look on his face as he lifted a damp washcloth from my face.

"Are you all right? You passed out and I thought I'd have to call 911."

I turned toward him and found he'd untied me. "I'm okay. Just a little tired." Reaching up, I hooked him behind his neck, the way he had done to me and pulled him down into a deep open-mouthed kiss.

When be broke apart, I said, "Does this tell you I'm all right?"

"Yeah, but I'd better make sure."

And he leaned down toward me again.

Chapter Twelve

Dean emailed me the next afternoon:

I'm getting there, but I won't have it ready until early next week. I'm taking my time because it has to be perfect the first time for it to work. Alex is planning something for Saturday afternoon and we'll have to do it. This will be the last time. I promise!

I wasn't happy that we'd be forced to have another scenario with Alex and Jordan, but I didn't know what else to do. Dean had taken most of the punishment Alex had been dishing out so I knew he wasn't stalling. Jordan had left me alone since I got back from Dean's, but I worried about what Alex was doing to Dean. He seemed to delight in torturing his older brother.

I didn't see Jordan all day, but I found a note under my door late that afternoon: 1:00 meet in the garage. Wear a tee shirt, shorts and flip-flops. Nothing else. Shave.

That night, I didn't sleep well, worrying about what Alex had come up with this time. Jordan had a soccer game that morning and dad drafted me into doing chores around the house until lunch. Just before 1:00, I went to the bathroom, shaved and then dressed as Jordan had ordered.

I slipped out the kitchen door and went into the garage a minute or two before the hour. Jordan was already there with his bike and a can of Mountain Dew soda. Holding out the can he said, "Drink this and hurry up."

Since I liked Mountain Dew and it was cold, I chugged it down. He took the can and dropped it into the cycle bin. Then he climbed onto his bike. "Let's go. Alex is waiting."

Getting my bike, I followed him to Dean's house. We went around the back to the deck again where Jordan told me to wait outside while he talked to Alex. I looked around the neighborhood and didn't see anyone outside who might see what I'd have to do next. I was sure that whatever Alex had in mind would involve humiliating me and Dean and he'd probably start while I was outside again.

After a long wait, the door opened and Jordan came out carrying a small box. Behind him, Alex walked onto the deck leading Dean who was naked. Alex had fastened a thick, black dog collar around his neck and used a leash clipped to the collar to pull Dean around. His hands were cuffed behind his back and he had cuffs around his ankles.

Alex pointed and said, "Strip. Right now."

I took off my clothes and stood waiting for what was next. When he reached into the box and held up a set handcuffs, I put my hands out so he could lock them on. Jordan dropped to one knee and locked leg cuffs around my ankles.

Holding up two twenty-ounce [0.6 liter] bottles of Mountain Dew, Alex said, "Riding over here must have made you thirsty. Drink this and then hold one bottle so Dean can drink it. You don't come inside until you do."

I took the bottle and drank it as quickly as I could. Then I took the other and held it so Dean could drink it. As I did, I heard voices. Someone in house nearby had come outside. I looked around and thought we were hidden in the shrubbery around the house, but I couldn't be sure. Dean heard them too and he began to swallow the soda as quickly as he could.

Alex smirked. "That's good. Now you can come in. I've got a show planned for you."

He pulled on Dean's chain and led him into the recreation room. The big screen TV was on, but not showing anything. Alex positioned Dean and I in front of it, strapped a dog collar around my neck and clipped the end of Dean's leash to it, chaining us together.

"There. Stand here and watch this DVD I've put together for you. It takes about fifteen minutes and I'm sure you'll like it since you two are the stars. Jordan and I are going up to my room while you watch. There'll be no talking. If I hear anything, you'll regret it. Understand?"

Dean and I said, "Yes, sir."

Using the remote control, he started the DVD player and then he and Jordan left the room. Alex had combined all the pictures he had secretly taken of Dean and I tied up and having sex, making them into a slide show complete with background music. Dean and stood silently and watched as picture after picture scrolled across the screen. At the point where I kissed the end of Dean's penis for the first time, I got an erection and kept it for the rest of the movie. Shortly after that, Dean did, too.

The movie ended and the screen went blank. Less than a minute later, Alex and Jordan came back. Alex laughed and pointed to our erections. "Looks like you enjoyed the movie. As long as you're at the movies, you should have some refreshments." He held up two more bottles of Mountain Dew. "Drink these, one each and then I'll show you the second movie. You'll like that one, too."

"I don't think I can drink another one," I said.

Alex slapped me on my bare butt. "The next time you talk to me, you'd better be more polite. Anyway, I don't care what you think. Drink it or I get the paddle out."

I glanced at Dean who nodded. "Yes, sir. We'll drink them."

Taking the first bottle, I held it so Dean could drink it, then I forced mine down. I could feel my stomach bulging out with the fifty-two ounces [1½ liter] of soda I had to drink. What was he up to with this?

Jordan patted Dean's stomach making him moan. "Wow. I didn't think they'd do it. This is going to work."

Alex said, "Of course it will. My plans always do." Turning to us, he said, "You can watch the next movie now. It takes almost forty minutes. We'll be back then." He started the DVD player and left the room with Jordan.

Dean and I watched the video of the first scenario we had with Alex including our confessions where we gave our names, schools and announced the fact that we were cocksuckers. Although it included the part where we had sex with Jordan and Alex, their faces didn't show. After about fifteen minutes, I had to go to the bathroom and over the next twenty minutes, the sensation grew steadily to an unrelenting pressure that made me shift my weight from one foot to the other. Judging by Dean's constant motion next to me, he was in the same condition. Although the video was extremely exciting, the pain from my bladder kept me from having another erection.

The video finally ended and Alex and Jordan walked back into the room and stood watching us writhe uncomfortably.

Alex said, "Something wrong, Little Brothers?"

I almost made a smart remark, but caught it in time. Instead, I said, "Yes, sir. I have to go to the bathroom."

Alex patted Dean on the belly and asked, "You, too?"

Dean groaned and said, "Yes, sir."

Jordan and Alex laughed. Alex said, "Well, that's too bad. The bathroom is off limits to you today."

Dean said, "But, sir, what are we going to do?"

"You'll do exactly as you're told, like always or be punished. I've got something made just for Little Brothers." He opened a large shopping bag and took out a square box. "If you want to go to the bathroom, you'll use these." Holding up the box, I saw that it contained disposable diapers.

Dean said, "I'm not going to use a diaper."

Alex slapped Dean on the abdomen below his belly button making him yell and fold up, although he managed to stay on his feet. "You will if I say you will. Lay on the floor and Mike will put yours on."

"Yes, sir." Dean went to his knees, dropped to his side and then turned onto his back as best he could with his hands chained behind his back. The leash connecting our dog collars was long enough that I could still stand straight as Dean stretched out on the floor.

Alex handed me a diaper. "This is his size. Put it on him."

"Yes, sir. But I don't know how. I've never done this before."

"Tough. Figure it out and hurry up. If either of you pees on the floor you'll have to lick it up."

"Yes, sir." I took the diaper out of the plastic wrapper and opened it. Once I had it spread out, it was obvious how it went on. I told Dean to lift his hips a little more and managed to get it on him and the closing strips fastened.

Throughout my struggles, Jordan and Alex laughed and made comments. Alex said, "Now put one on yourself."

"Yes, sir." I opened another package and tried to get it around my waist, but because my hands were chained close together, I couldn't manage and it kept falling off. Finally, I spread it on the floor and sat on it. From there I could pull the ends up and around my waist.

Alex and Jordan laughed at my efforts and made smart remarks. While I got my diaper fastened, Dean had turned over and sat up so we were both sitting on the floor more or less facing each other.

Alex said, "Now that the babies have diapers on, they can go pee-pee."

He and Jordan thought that was funny and laughed hysterically. I didn't care because if I didn't go, I was afraid my bladder would explode. Immediately, I relaxed and let my urine flow, soaking the diaper. Dean did the same because I could see a growing wet spot on the front of his diaper. I was so full I was afraid some would run out onto the floor, but the diaper soaked it up.

Alex said, "Very good the baby brothers know how to use diapers. Jordan, give them their reward."

Jordan held up two more cans of soda. After all that peeing, you must be thirsty. Drink these."

I took one can and drank it. Since it had been more than forty-five minutes since the last one, it went down without much trouble. Then I held the other can up for Dean to drink.

Alex said, "Since wet babies have to be changed, go ahead and put dry diapers on. And hurry up. I have other things for you to do."

"Yes, sir." I pulled two more diapers out and while I opened the packages, Dean lay on his back again. I unfastened his diaper and pulled it off. I was surprised at how much it weighed soaked with urine. Setting it on one of the empty plastic wrappers, I fastened the dry diaper around his waist. Then I changed my own.

"Look at that, Jordan, babies that can change their own diapers." He prodded Dean with the toe of his shoe and said, "Get up and show Mike where he can get a garbage bag to put the diapers in."

Dean said, "Yes, sir." And struggled to his feet as I pushed myself up.

As I followed him to the kitchen, I said, "Dean, you've got to get that video done. I don't know how much more of this I can stand."

"I know. I know. I'm working as hard as I can on it."

"Work harder!"

"All right. You don't have to get pissed off about it."

"Oh, yes I do. It was your idea to get your brother involved in this."

"Yeah, right. But you went along with it. Stop bitching. I'll work on it all night tonight if I have to. Satisfied?"

"Only when we're out of this." I probably wasn't being fair to Dean, but I'd had enough. Even though I thought I might love Dean, I felt as if there was a gap opening up between us as I was forced to do more and more things. I didn't want to lose my relationship with him, but I wasn't going to quit leaning on him to get us out of this mess.

Dean told me where the trash bags were. I pulled one out of a box and we went back to the rec room where I put the wet diapers in the bag and closed the top.

For the next three hours, Dean and I became servants to Alex and Jordan. We had make them piazza, get them drinks, change movies on the big screen TV and about every half hour, we had to drink more soda. I had to change our diapers four more times before Alex got up and turned the TV off.

He grabbed the leash in the middle and pulled us to the middle of the room. "Babies all like to suck on a pacifier. Since these are old babies, they should have something better than a pacifier in their mouths. Don't you think, Jordan?"

Jordan smirked and said, "I think you're right. What did you have in mind?"

Alex pulled his shirt off and threw it at Dean's face. "Something that we all have in common." Pointing at us, he said, "On your knees. Let's see what you babies can do."

As we dropped to our knees in front of our brothers, they pulled their clothes off until they were naked. Alex had an erection already, but Jordan was still soft.

Alex said, "Brothers first?"

"Sounds good." Jordan stepped in front of me and grabbed my hair. "Okay, baby brother. Start sucking and make it last."

I squirmed a little as he yanked on my hair, but I said, "Yes, sir." And took his penis into my mouth. As I ran my tongue around the head, it quickly grew to its full four-inch [10 cm] length and I tightened my lips around it. Since he gripped my hair and painfully pulled on it to control the motion of my head, I took my time and slowly brought him to a dry orgasm.

Alex said, "Our baby brothers are good at this aren't they? Want to switch?"

"Sure. Two is always better than one."

Alex and Jordan changed places and when Alex drove his hips into my face I opened my mouth and took in his penis that was still wet with Dean's saliva. Alex didn't grab my hair, but he hooked one hand behind my head and the other around the collar on my neck. When he wasn't satisfied with what I was doing, he tightened up on the collar, almost choking me. Finally, he had his orgasm and pushed me over onto the floor. Jordan shoved Dean so he ended up on top of me.

Gathering up the diapers left over, Alex handed them to Jordan. "Here. You may want these. I won't need them because I have other things planned for Dean."

Jordan took the diapers and said, "Great. I can think of things to do with them. Get on your feet. We have to head for home."

Dean and I got untangled and stood up. When we did, Alex unlocked my cuffs, but not Dean's.

Alex took Dean's leash and said, "I'll see you next week Jordan. I'm working on some new scenarios that you'll really like."

"Okay. Talk to you later." When he walked to the doors to the deck I followed him. He slid the doors open and said, "Get dressed."

"But sir what about the diaper?"

"What about it. Just pull your shorts on over it."

I picked up my shorts and slid them up my legs. They were baggy enough that the diaper didn't show. We got our bikes and rode home.

Following Jordan in, he led me upstairs to my room. "Get in there and take everything off except the diaper. Then wait for me."

"Yes, sir. I undressed and sat at my desk waiting. When I heard the door open, I jumped to my feet.

"Stand in the middle of the room" When I did, he pulled out his digital camera. "I like the way you look in a diaper. Just so you'll remember, I'll get some pictures."

He took pictures of me from all sides and then had me take the diaper off and hold it in my hands while he took more pictures.

"I've three diapers left, so instead of sleeping naked, you'll wear one of the diapers. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's good. Tonight will be the first time. Don't forget."

"No, sir."

The rest of the day, we went through our usual routine, both of us pretending nothing had changed. I don't how successful I was at acting normally, but our parents didn't seem to notice anything different.

I stayed up until after midnight, surfing the internet and sending email to Dean, which wasn't answered. When I went to bed, I put the diaper on, worrying about what Jordan had in mind. At least Jordan didn't seem to like to cause me pain the way Alex delighted in hurting Dean.

Someone was prodding my shoulder. "Get up baby brother. It's morning."

Groggily, I turned over and looked at my clock. Almost five o'clock in the morning. Jordan stood next to my bed, the front of his pajamas tented out. Without saying anything, I got out of bed, pulled the cuffs out from under my mattress, handed them to him and stood with my hands behind my back. When he locked the handcuffs around my wrists, I dropped to my knees so he could put the ankle cuffs on.

Stepping in front of me, he lowered his pajama bottoms exposing his erect penis. "I'm glad you followed instructions and wore your diaper. Babies need to be punished sometimes."

He put both hands behind my head and thrust his hips into my face. When he had his orgasm, he turned around and I kissed each of his cheeks and thanked him.

"You're getting well trained. I don't even have to tell you what to do anymore. You can take the diaper off when you get up, but save it. You'll need it."

He unlocked the cuffs and left. I got back into bed hoping Dean had been working to finish his video.

Chapter Thirteen

Mike thinks it's over! Or is it?

Dean called me at about ten o'clock on his cell phone. "Mike, it's done."

"About time. Now what?"

"I told Alex I had a new scenario for him and your brother. My parents are going to a garden show this afternoon so I told him I'd be ready at 3 o'clock. Be over here before that."

"All right, but this had better work."

Irritated, Dean said, "It will. Stop ragging at me, okay. I did it as fast as I could."

"I'll be there at three." I snapped my phone off.

I tried to tell Jordan about Dean's new scenario, but he cut me off, saying that Alex had already told him. We got our bikes and rode to Dean's house in time to be there by three. All the way over, I was looking forward to whatever Dean had created to get us out of this mess. I could hardly wait and hoped that Dean had some punishment in mind for our brothers.

We went around to the deck. The curtains to the sliding glass doors were open and when Dean saw us, he waved us in.

"Good, now that we're all here, we can start."

Alex said, "This had better be good. I had some other things to do today. If it's not, you'd better be ready for some serious spanking."

Dean smiled, "Oh, it'll be good all right. I want to show you this video first so you'll know what we're going to do." Using the remote control, he started the DVD he'd made.

It wasn't long, but it was all we'd need. Dean had taken all the pictures and video he found on Alex's computer and cut out all the parts where Alex's and Jordan's faces could be seen and put them together in sort of a story. The parts where they were naked with erections as we were forced to have sex with them were the best. Even better, he created a sound track of Alex and Jordan saying how much they liked having their dicks sucked and cut and pasted their words them make it sound as if they were talking about doing it themselves. He even had them mention each other's names. At no time were Dean's and my faces visible. It was pure genius.

When it ended, the look on Jordan and Alex's faces were enough to make me break out laughing. Dean took the DVD out and held it up.

"Okay, what am I bid for this wonderful show by Alex and Jordan? I think we should start the bidding high because I'm sure they don't want this sent around their friends or on the web. Alex, do you want to open the bidding?"

Alex cursed his brother. "All right, you've got us. What do you want?"

"Everything that you have of Mike and me. All the disks and pictures and you'll erase your hard drive and delete everything on the cameras. Then I delete my little movie."

"Fine. I'll do that. You have to give me that disk first."

Dean handed him the DVD. "Sure, little brother, here you go." He emphasized, 'little brother'.

Alex took the disk. "I suppose you have more copies of this somewhere."

"Very good, little brother. You are smart, although not too smart. We'll go up to your room and you can show me what you're deleting everything. When I'm satisfied, I'll delete my copies, too."

Breaking the DVD, Alex said, "Let's go then."

Dean turned to me and said, "I'll email you tonight. This comes first. See you later."

As he and Alex left the room, I was disappointed because I wanted to talk to Dean. We hadn't been able to get together for almost a week, but I understood. Ignoring Jordan, I turned and went outside to the deck, picked up my bike and took off. I had no idea if Jordan followed me or not and I didn't care. I was free!

I checked my email just before we had dinner. Dean wrote:

I got Alex to get rid of everything I could find, but I don't trust him. I've got copies of the DVD hidden just in case. I lied and told him I'd gotten rid of all my files, but he's smart enough to know I didn't and he knows I know he didn't get rid of his either. Either way, we've got him. If anything shows up with us in it, I send out my DVD. Show all his friends what he does in his spare time LOL. It'd be nice to give the little bastard a spanking like the ones he gave me, but this'll have to do.

I emailed back telling him he did a great job and asking when we could get together again. He didn't email back right away, so I decided to check in the morning.

At about nine o'clock, I was lying on my bed reading when I heard someone knocking. I got up and when I opened the door, Jordan stood in the hall. Glaring at him, I didn't say anything, waiting for him.

"Um…well, I wanted to tell you I was sorry about what we did to you and to Dean. I guess I got carried away. Are you still mad at me?"

Frowning, I didn't say anything and balled both hands into fists.

"Yeah. I guess so. I would be, too. But I really am sorry."

When I didn't say anything, he said, "Uh, could I get the handcuffs? I should probably give them back to Alex. Okay?"

I opened the door all the way, stood aside and pointed at my bed. He walked over, dropped to one knee and pulled them out from under my mattress. Then he silently left my room, closing the door.

For about two hours, I read a science fiction novel and a football magazine while I listened to my dad and mom watch the ten o'clock and then go to bed. At about eleven, I was thinking about going to bed, too, but then I heard tapping on my door. Since I had to go to the bathroom anyway, I got up and opened it. Standing in the dark hall was my brother, naked with his hands behind his back and the ankle cuffs locked on his legs.

In spite of not wanting to talk to him, his appearance surprised me so much I asked, "What the hell are you doing?"

He looked down the hall toward the closed door of our parent's room and said, "Can I come in? There's something I want you to do."

I moved so he could step into my room and closed the door. When I looked, I saw he had put the handcuffs on his wrists and held something in his hands.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" I asked again.

He turned around and said, "I want you to spank me. I deserve it for what I did to you. You can hit me as hard as you want for as long as you want and I won't fight you." He turned around and when he opened his hands the keys to the cuffs and a bandana fell out of his hands.

Facing me again, he said, "You can gag me and take me down to the garage so Mom and Dad won't hear me."

I picked up the keys and bandana with one word echoing around in my head: Revenge. He didn't know what he was asking for, but he was about to learn what it felt like to be beaten while being helpless to anything about it.

When I walked behind him, he opened his mouth so I could put the gag in and tie it behind his head. Dropping the keys in my pocket, I took him by the elbow and, after checking to be sure there was no light from under our parent's door, led him to the garage.

I flipped on the lights and closed the door. "Wait here. I have to find something to sit on." After moving some things around I found a heavy wooden garden bench and set it next to Jordan.

Sitting down, I said, "Lay over my legs."

I helped him get into position so his feet were on the concrete floor and his hips were over my thighs. I held his handcuffed wrists with one hand and patted the smooth, soft skin of his bare butt with the other. This was going to be good.

"So you say you're sorry?" He nodded and grunted through the gag. "I'll be sure that you are. You and Alex made my life shitty for a couple of weeks and I'm going to be certain you know what that was like and you won't forget."

Raising my hand above my targets, I tensed my muscles to hit him as hard as I possibly could wondering how much noise his screaming would make. I tried to slam my hand down, but I couldn't make my arm swing very hard and my hand hit him with only a small slap that couldn't have hurt much. I tried again, with the same result. It was as if my arm had a mind of its own and wouldn't let me hit my brother hard enough to truly hurt him. Frustrated, I tried again and again, but the best I could do was to give him slaps that probably stung a little, but weren't anywhere near enough to make him scream from pain. By leaning over, I was able to grab the rug beater he had used on me from the workbench.

I grinned. This would certainly do it and I'd get even for the time he hit me with it. Lifting it a high as I could so I could get a full-arm swing, I got ready to hit him thinking about the pattern of red, almost-bleeding welts I'd leave on his skin. My arm wouldn't move. Try as I might, I couldn't make my arm swing the rug beater to hit him. I threw it on the garage floor and satisfied myself by slapping his butt over and over until it was bright red from the top of his thighs to his back. Jordan kicked and cried with tears streaming down his face, but he sure wasn't screaming.

Disgusted with myself for not taking advantage of the situation and really getting even with Jordan, I pulled him to his feet and while he chewed on his gag, I put the bench back. Taking him by the elbow, I led him back through the house as quietly as possible to my room.

I pushed Jordan face-first into a corner and tipped his head against the two walls. "Stand there until I tell you otherwise."

Walking back to my bed I stretched out and read my magazine again, occasionally looking up to admire Jordan's red butt shining in the corner of my room. Even though I wasn't able to hit him hard, I still enjoyed the sight of my brother being bound naked and helpless in my room. I tried to concentrate on my magazine, but looking at Jordan was more entertaining. Not only that, I was getting an erection.

I let Jordan stand there for more than a half hour before I got tired of the game and got up to release him so I could go to bed. Turning him around by his bare shoulders, I jabbed him in the chest with a finger. As he winced, I said, "You sorry now?"

He nodded and mumbled something. Then to my surprise, big tears began to roll down his cheeks and were soaked up by the gag.

I stopped poking him and put both hands on his chest. My palms were on his nipples and when I felt that the little points were hard, I began to rub them and my penis jumped up to being fully erect. Stroking his chest, I worked my hands down over his belly and to his hips.

What happened next was almost out of my control. It was as my body had a mind of its own and took over and I was just along for the ride. I dropped to my knees and licked his scrotum. When I had it wet, I pulled it into my mouth and sucked on it hard enough to make Jordan moan. Then I licked his penis, concentrating on the ridge around the head until Jordan had his full four-inch erection. I closed my lips around his shaft and worked on it in earnest, sucking it in and pulling out until he had another dry orgasm. This one was so strong he thumped his head against the wall several times when he arched his back and thrust his hips forward.

I got to my feet and roughly turned him around. Taking the keys from my pocket, I unlocked one handcuff and then turned him around again. "Get out and don't come back unless you knock." I pushed the keys into his hand and he headed for the door. Just before he went out, he looked back at me and I saw he was crying again.

For the next three days, Jordan left me alone, which was fine by me and I ignored him as he wasn't there. Wednesday night, I was on my bed again reading when someone knocked on my door.

Jordan asked, "Mike can I come in? Please?"

"Yeah, come on in."

He came in, closed the door and stood in front of it. Uncertainly, he said, "Well…you know, I just wanted to say I was sorry again." When I didn't say anything, he said, "Can I lay on your bed with you like we used to?"

That surprised me. For years, Jordan sat with me on my bed. He'd bring a book of his own and we'd sit against the pile of pillows on my queen-sized bed and listen to music and read. Some times, he'd fall asleep and we'd sleep together that night. Our parents encouraged him, saying it was a good way to get him to read more.

I nodded and he went around to the far side of the bed and stretched out beside me. He picked up a magazine and began to read. After a few minutes, I asked, "What are you doing? You haven't wanted to read with me for more than a year."

He set his magazine down. "Yes I have, but you didn't want me here."

"How did you get that idea?"

"Well, about half-way through sixth grade you started kicking me out when I wanted to be with you. What did I do wrong?"

I had to think about that, because I didn't remember doing it. Half-way through sixth grade? Then I remembered. I had gotten good start into puberty right about then and discovered the joys of masturbation. Having a nine-year old brother around got to be inconvenient to say the least. I had no idea when I'd get an erection and when I did, I wanted to be able to take care of it by masturbating and I started asking Jordan to leave. He didn't understand why I was doing that and thought he had done something wrong, although I didn't know he felt that way.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I was starting puberty and wanted more time alone. That'll happen to you, too. You won't have long to wait and then you'll understand."

"You mean you're not mad at me?"

"No. There were times when I just needed to be by myself."

"I thought you didn't like me anymore. I liked reading with you and sleeping with you, too. I was lonely when I couldn't."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it meant that much to you."

Sniffling, he said, "Yeah, it did. That's why when Alex said he had a way of making you and Dean pay for the way you'd been treating me, I went along with him."

"Why didn't you just ask me?"

Jordan rolled over so his chest pressed against my arm and put his face on my shoulder. "I couldn't. You spent all your time at school or with Dean. When I tried to come in, you kept kicking me out."

With that, he began to cry, letting his tears drop on my shirt. I reached up with one hand and stroked his hair, letting him cry himself out.

"Look, I don't hate you or anything. Okay? I'm still mad for what you did to me and Dean, though. I want to go to bed so why don't we talk about it later?"

"All right." He got up and left my room.

I went to my desk and checked my email again. Nothing from Dean. Since Sunday, I had sent him emails, text messages and left voice mail, but he hadn't gotten in touch and I wondered what was going on.

Pulling off all my clothes, I slid into bed. Since Jordan had made me sleep naked, I found that I liked it because it was more comfortable. Anyway, when I thought about it, wearing clothes in bed was dumb. What use were they there?

Someone was moving my bed. I opened my eyes and looked at my clock. One-thirty in the morning. What was going on? Turning over, I saw Jordan wearing his Spider Man pajamas crawling in to bed with me.

"Mike, don't make me leave. Please. I want to sleep with you like before."

I sighed. "All right, but don't keep me awake talking. Talk tomorrow."


He slid across the bed to lie against me. I felt his hand brush over my bare leg while he found a comfortable positing in which to lie.

"Are you naked?" When I nodded, he sat up and pulled off his pajama top and then, bouncing up and down, got the pants off. "There, that's better."

He pushed against me and I enjoyed the touch of his warm, bare skin. He wrapped his hands around my bicep, rolled his hips against mine and fell asleep.

Chapter Fourteen

Mike and Jordan find a new relationship. But where is Dean?

The next morning, when I woke up, Jordan was sprawled over me and I tried to slide out from under him without waking him to get up to go to the bathroom. I shouldn't have worried, though. He was such a heavy sleeper, I moved him around as if he was a huge rag doll and he didn't even stir.

When I came back and lifted the blankets to get back into bed, I saw he had a morning erection. Maybe he was starting puberty. He's about the same age I was when I did. As I lay back on the pillows, he mumbled something and rolled over to throw one arm and a leg over me. I didn't mind and went back to sleep.

"Mike, are you awake?"

I was about to snap at him for waking me up, but then I saw it was full daylight out. "Yeah. What?"

"Can I use your bathroom? I have to go real bad."

"Go ahead and don't miss."

"I won't. I'll sit down. How's that."

Nodding, I rolled onto my side. When he came back, he got back into bed and slid over so the front of his body pressed against the back of mine and put one arm around my chest. I enjoyed the sensation of his warm skin against mine.


"Now what? If you're going to jabber, I'm going to kick you out."

"Don't do that. I have something to ask you. It's important."

"Okay, what?"

"In the garage, you didn't spank me very hard. I expected a lot more. Why didn't you hit me for real? If I'd been you, I would have."

I had to think that one over because I didn't know why I couldn't hurt him. He sure deserved it. Even now, thinking about him screaming and begging me to quit spanking him was a satisfying image, making me think it would still be the best way to get back at him.

Sighing, I said, "I don't know. I wanted to, but I couldn't. You're my brother and I guess that's why I couldn't hurt you."

"But I hurt you."

"I know. But if Alex hadn't started the whole thing would you have done it?"

"No, although tying you up in the garage that time was my idea. No, wait. Come to think of it, that was Alex's, too."

I hoped that was the end of it and burrowed into the pillows for more sleep.

"Mike, are you gay?" When he felt me tense, he quickly said, "I mean, after you spanked me, and we came back up here, you had sex with me and no one made you do it."

"Yeah, I did. I thought you'd like it."

"I did, but doesn't that mean you're gay?"

I didn't want to admit to him that I'd been asking myself the same question, so I said, "No. There's more to being gay than having sex."

"Really? Like what?"

Great. Just the time to satisfy my brother's curiosity. "Look, I think having sex with hairy old guys is disgusting and I'm really looking forward to having sex with a girl sometime. That had better answer your question because that's all I'm going to say about it."

"Okay. I've got to get up and get ready for soccer practice anyway." He got out of bed, gathered up his pajamas and left my room.

Of course, after his question there was no way I was going to get any more sleep. Was I gay or not? Having sex with Dean was one of the greatest things I'd ever experienced. At the same time, I didn't want to have sex with just anyone and I really did think having sex with men was disgusting. I didn't think I could even get an erection if I tried that. So what was it that attracted me to Dean and now to my little brother? Their bodies and the fact they looked like me? Probably. I definitely decided that their lack of hair was a factor as well as the shapes of their muscles moving under their clear skin. Plus the fact that I loved Dean and having sex with him seemed so right.

Thinking about Dean reminded me that I hadn't heard from him since Sunday, so I got out of bed, picked up my phone and called. No answer. I left a voice mail and sent him an email telling him to get in touch with me as soon as he could.

After lunch, he emailed back a few words saying he was doing something important and he'd get back to me in a few days. That was strange, because he'd never done that before. He and I never went more than a day without spending time together. As patiently as possible, I waited for him email or call me.

Thursday night at about eleven-thirty, I heard tapping on my door. I got up and when I opened it, Jordan stood in the hall, naked, chained and with the gag in his mouth and tied behind his head.

I pulled him inside, closed the door and said, "I'm guessing that this means you want me to spank you again. That right?"

He nodded, turned around and dropped the cuff keys on the floor.

"You're willing to take a chance that I might be able to really hit you this time?" When he nodded, I said, "Okay. Let's go and remember it was your idea."

He nodded again and let me lead him through the darkened house to the garage. I got the bench out, positioned him over my thighs and tried to spank him as hard as I could. Once again, I couldn't make my arm put the force behind each spank I wanted, so I just slapped his butt until it was bright red again. When I let Jordan up, he wasn't even crying, although he had a few tears on his face.

I led him up to his room, unlocked one handcuff, gave him the keys and went back to my room and to bed.

When I woke up the next morning, Jordan was in bed with me, more or less lying on top of me again. When did he come in? I pushed him off and went to the bathroom. When I came out, he was standing outside the door, waiting for me to finish.

He rushed past me saying, "'Bout time. I gotta go bad."

I was lying on my back with my eyes closed when I felt the bed move as Jordan joined me. He slid over and pressed his bare chest against my shoulder, throwing one arm across my chest.

After a few moments of silence he said, "You can't make yourself hit me, can you?"

"No, I guess not."

"I deserve it."

"You do, but it looks like you won't get it from me."


I sighed. "Don't you ever quit? Now what?"

"How did you and Dean let Alex get those pictures?"

"We didn't 'let' him get them. It was Dean's idea to get him involved and then he tricked us."

"Get involved in what? I don't understand."

Since I wasn't going to get any more sleep and he already knew about Dean and me having sex, I told him about our tie-up games and how we asked Alex to tie us both up at the same time.

After a long pause, he said, "Have you heard from Dean since Sunday when he showed us the DVD he made?"

"No, and I'm worried. We were together every day and I miss him."

"Do you miss playing the tie-up games, too?"

Was he asking me if I really missed our games or missed having sex that went with them? I couldn't tell.

Before I answered, he said, "If you showed me what you wanted, I could play tie-up games with you. You, know, do what Dean was doing. I think I'd like it. Or at least I'd like to try it. If you want to with me."

I still didn't answer him. I'd be crazy to trust him after all he'd done to me. On the other hand, he did sound sincere and wanted me to punish him, knowing that at some point I might be able to really beat him. Was he asking to just play tie-up games or have sex, too. Both questions sounded alike to me. Did he find being tied up exciting the way Dean and I did? What did he really want?

He ran his hand over my chest and belly, stopping just short of touching my penis. I didn't stop him, wondering how far he'd go. He said, "I know why you and Dean liked doing that. When I was handcuffed while I was naked, I liked the feeling of being helpless so you could do anything you wanted to any part of me." This time, he let his hand touch the base of my penis and rubbed his fingers in the pubic hair growing back. "Last night after you gave me the keys, I had to masturbate before I could get to sleep. I was so horny."

Now where did he pick up that word? Alex? I'd never heard him say that before. If he really did feel that way, he was definitely into puberty. I remember when I first started and my penis was erect all the time. Then I discovered the joys of masturbation.

He also answered my question. I liked being tied up by Dean and having sex with him. Did I want to do the same with my little brother? Even if he was asking me to do it? Would that be right? On the other hand, if we both wanted to do it, what was wrong with that?

"I'll have to think about it."

"Okay, I understand. Let me know." He got out of bed and without putting his pajamas on, left my room closing the door.

Friday, I got a text message from Dean saying he was still working on something and I shouldn't come over. He'd be in touch. I sent him a text message, a voicemail and email in response. Nothing came back. What was going on? He'd taken care of Alex's extortion threats hadn't he? Maybe he was getting even with Alex. That thought made me smile and I hoped he was and he'd give me the details later.

That evening at about eight o'clock, I was sitting on my bed reading when Jordan came in carrying a book and sat beside me. I didn't say anything and kept on reading.

He said, "I told Mom I'd be up here with you. That way she'd get used to seeing us in your bed again and not wonder what's going on."

I didn't answer, but I thought that was a good idea.

Sometime later, Mom poked her head into my room and said, "I see you two are reading together again. I'm glad to see that. It'll help your grades."

I waved my book and said, "Well, there's not much on T.V. in the summer at night anyway."

Jordan said, "Yeah, and I like reading with Mike. He helps me when I get stuck on a word that I don't know."

She said, "It's nice to see you two getting along again. Don't stay up too late." She back out, but left the door open.

Jordan and I sat propped up with big pillows and read for another hour before he yawned and said, "I'm going to go to bed."

I read until Mom and Dad watched the news at ten o'clock and went to bed. Then I got up, pulled my clothes off and turned in. It seemed as if I'd just closed my eyes when I felt someone shaking my shoulder.

Jordan said, "Mike, wake up."

I turned in the direction of his voice and when I did, he snapped on the small lamp on my bedside table, which left most of the room in shadows. When the light came on, I saw Jordan standing beside my bed, naked with an erection and the cuffs dangling from his hands.

I stared at him for along time as he stood there silently swinging the open cuffs from their chains. Did he really expect me to let him chain me up after what he did? There was no way I was going to let him get me into that position again. But even as I thought about it, I felt erection growing and my legs pulled me out of bed. My head told me not to do it, but my body had taken control and I got up, turned around and put my hands behind my back.

Jordan clamped the handcuffs on and I turned around and got on my knees in front of him. He opened the ankle cuffs and locked them on my ankles as before. Moving around in front, he pushed his hips into my face. When the end of his penis touched my lips, I opened my mouth and took it in. He didn't grab my hair this time and let me work on it at my own pace. In only a few minutes, he had his dry orgasm.

Turning around he pushed his bare but at me and I kissed each cheek again, but I didn't thank him. Then he unlocked the cuffs and let me stand up.

Pointing at my erection, he said, "Go ahead and masturbate and catch your semen in your hand. I want to look at it."

I did as he said, and stroked my penis while I imagined that I'd had Dean's penis in my mouth instead of my brother's. When I ejaculated, I caught everything in my left hand and held it out toward Jordan.

"Hold your hand near the lamp so I can see it better."

When I did, he bent over to examine it closely. He put out one finger and touched the puddle then held it close to his nose.

"It smells funny, but it's not bad. What does it taste like? Do you like it?"

"It tastes like it smells, I guess. Maybe a little salty. It's not bad." I didn't tell him that I loved the taste of Dean's semen.

He shrugged. "Whatever."

He unlocked the cuffs, gathered them up and left my room.

For the next three days, Jordan would sit with me on my bed reading so Mom could see us and get used to the idea that we were back on our reading routine lying in my bed and wouldn't worry that we might be doing something else as well. Jordan would sit with me for a while, go to bed and then a few hours later wake me up to perform oral sex on him. Afterward, he'd always have me masturbate and catch my semen so he could examine it. What was he up to?

Every time he'd come in, I almost told him no, but as soon as I saw the shiny steel cuffs, I got an erection and my urge to allow him to control me took over and I got up. I would have been happier if Dean had been standing there, but as I let Jordan push his penis into my mouth, I pretended it was Dean's even though they were nothing alike.

On Tuesday, when he woke me up, I'd decided to tell him I wouldn't do it, but as before, my body took over and I got out of bed. This time, before I turned around so he could handcuff my wrists behind my back, he put the cuffs and keys into my hands.

He said, "Here, your turn."

When he turned around and put his hands behind his back, I locked his wrists together with the handcuffs. As soon as I heard the clicking of the locks that put my little brother under my control, my penis, which had been only partly erect, jumped up as hard as it had ever been and began to throb with each heartbeat.

I took him by the shoulders and turned him around. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah, I am. But let me take it slow. Okay?"

I nodded and he dropped to his knees in front of me. The ankle cuffs probably weren't necessary, but I locked them around his hairless skinny ankles anyway. Stepping around to the front of him, I put one hand on each side of his head and rubbed my fingers in his hair.


"Yeah, but I want to take my time." Nervously, he said, "Don't rush me."

I didn't say anything but gently pulled his head into position. He put out his tongue and tentatively licked my scrotum. After waiting a moment, he did it again and then again. In a few minutes, he had used his tongue on all parts and had enough confidence to suck one of my testicles into his mouth. I reached down and squeezed them into the bottom of my scrotum then pushed them into his willing mouth.

He pulled away, stretching my out my scrotum as he tried to keep them in, but eventually they popped out to swing freely between my legs again. Then he began to lick my penis from the base to the head. First one side, then the other and finally the bottom. All this slow stimulation was driving me nuts. No one had ever worked over that part of my body so carefully and the urge to get to an orgasm burned in my crotch.

I couldn't wait and hooked him behind the head with one hand and took my penis in the other. Pulling his face forward, I put the head of my penis on his lips and drove my hips forward. His mouth opened and most of my penis disappeared. It was all I could do not to drive it in deeper, which would h have choked him. When I backed away, he had enough room that he ran his tongue around the glans of my penis and stroked the bottom with his tongue. I thought I'd have to tell him what to do, but all those times I'd done it to him gave him enough experience that he worked my penis over with his lips and tongue so well, I shot my semen in less than a minute.

As soon as he felt the first of my hot jets into his mouth, he hesitated and tried to back away, but I gripped his head with both hands and didn't let him, although he struggled a little before he gave up and swallowed. After six strong surges, I let go of him, but to my surprise, he didn't immediately drop my penis. Instead, he sucked on it as if he was trying to get more out. Eventually he quit and sat back on his heels gasping for air.

I turned around and presented my bare butt to him and he kissed each cheek and said, 'Thank you, Mike' twice. When I unlocked the cuffs, he stood up and said, "Do you want me to masturbate for you? You did for me."

"No, not now. Maybe later. I'm tired."

"I am, too. Can I sleep with you?"

"Yeah. I guess so."

We each got into bed from opposite sides, but moved together in the middle. Jordan lay quietly for a few minutes and then got up. I heard the clicking of the cuffs and he got back into bed. When moved against me I felt the cold metal of the cuffs against my skin.

"What are you doing?"

"Last week, I started wearing the cuffs to bed. I like the way it feels. You don't mind do you?"

"No, just don't make so much noise. All right?"

"Okay. And thanks, Mike."

I didn't say anything, but turned over to face him and put one arm over his waist. Running my hand over his bare hips and butt, I massaged his soft smooth skin. A little a time, I moved my hand down until I found his erect penis. With my thumb and three fingers, I began slowly stroking his four-inch [10 cm] shaft and listened as his breathing increased. He drove his hips against my fingers and when that wasn't enough, he grabbed my hand with his handcuffed wrists to speed up my stroking. Finally, he moaned and I felt his penis jerk as he had an orgasm and then relaxed. As his breathing slowed, he fell asleep almost immediately and began to quietly snore.

As I fell asleep, I wondered if all brothers shared the same sexual interests. Did Dean and Alex feel the same way? I was willing to bet Dean did, but Alex scared me and I didn't trust him. I was beginning to think I could trust Jordan and if I did where would we go next? Could I get Dean to join us some way?

Chapter Fifteen

Mike and Jordan's relationship develops, but what has Dean been up to that he hasn't talked to Mike?

The next morning when I turned over, I discovered I was alone in bed. I got up and before I went to the bathroom, I checked my email and phone messages. Nothing from Dean, so I sent another email and left more voice mail, although I didn't expect a response. If I didn't hear from him by noon, I was going over there in spite of Dean telling me not to.

I had just finished lunch and gone to the garage to get my bike and ride over to Dean's when Jordan rode up on his bike. "Where are you going?"

"Over to Dean's. I want to find out what's going on. He just keeps telling me to wait and I'm tired of it."

"Don't bother. I just came from there and he isn't home. Alex called me this morning and asked me to come over on my way back from soccer practice."

"So what did he want?"

"Not much. He asked if you had gotten rid of the DVD Dean made. I told him I didn't know, but you probably had. He said he kept a copy of his pictures on a flash drive just in case."

"That figures. I knew he couldn't be trusted. There's something seriously wrong with him."

"Did you get rid of the DVD?"

"Of course not. I told you I don't trust him."

"Well, you know things have changed between us now and I don't want anyone to see those pictures."

"I understand and I don't want the stuff Alex has being passed around either, but the only way I can be sure it isn't is to keep the DVD for insurance. Dean called it mutually assured destruction. He does it to us and we do it to him."

"Yeah, but…"

"I know, you're in them, too. Since you seem to get along with Alex, I guess you'd better make sure that he doesn't let his copy of the pictures get away."

"All right. I'll see what I can do. Anyway, Alex says that if I come over tomorrow at noon, he'll tell me what he's been up to and what Dean's been doing."

"I'll go with you."

"You can't. Alex said you'd probably want to, but you couldn't. Only me. I don't know why."

"That sounds strange. Be careful when you go. You never know what he might have dreamed up."

"I will."

After dinner, I sent more email and text messages to Dean, but as before, I didn't get any answer. I stretched out on my bed, put some music on and read a new sports magazine. Jordan came in and lay down beside me, reading a Harry Potter book.

Mom stuck her head in a few times to check on us and make small talk, but mostly she left us alone.

At nine-thirty, Jordan said, "I'm going to bed. Our soccer coach is nuts. He thinks we can win the park championship just by practicing longer than everyone else. All that does is make everyone tired."

"Wait a minute. Are you still using the handcuffs when you go to bed?"

"Yeah, I figured out to fix the locks so they don't close and get too tight if I lay on them."

"Are you still interested in playing tie-up games?"

"I think so. I don't know what to do, but I'd like to try it at least once. You'd be careful?"

"Always. Dean and I had a set of rules we followed."

"Oh. I guess I would. When?"

"I'll let you know."

"Okay, good night."

As he left the room, I smiled. I'd let him know when all right. When it was too late for him to do anything about it. Then I'd see if he was serious about tie-up games or not. And everything else that went with them.

I set my travel alarm clock to go off at midnight. It didn't make much noise so I could hear it, but it wasn't loud enough to wake Mom and Dad. When it went off, I got up and from between my mattress, I pulled four lengths of rope, a small LED flashlight and the spare key to the cuffs I'd taken off the key ring when I had last used them on Jordan. Silently, I opened my door and checked that everyone was asleep. Placing my bare feet gently on the floor, I went to Jordan's room and eased the door open. I turned on my light and saw him sleeping on his side. One bare shoulder was up and his arms were hidden under the blankets. Was he naked? If he was, he making this much easier.

Tiptoeing over to his bed, I gently lifted the blankets off his shoulder and folded them back to his waist. Sure enough, he'd locked his wrists in the handcuffs. I held the light between my teeth, unlocked the cuffs and took them off. Carefully, I replaced them with the rope that I wrapped around each wrist five or six times. Now the hard part. Jordan was a heavy sleeper, but could I move his arms around and get them into position without waking him up?

I got on the opposite side of his bed and gently lifted one arm up and over his head. He mumbled and turned onto his back, letting me stretch his arm out to the corner of his bed where I tied it to metal bed frame. Then I pulled his other arm to the opposite corner of his bed and tied it the same way. So far, so good.

Lifting the blankets, I pulled them down over the end of the bed, and discovered that Jordan was naked. Perfect. I unlocked the ankle cuffs and replaced them with rope that I wrapped around each one four or five times. Gently, I pulled his legs apart and tied the ends of the rope to the bed frame securing him in a spread-eagled sprawl on his mattress.

I sat on the edge of his bed and putting one hand over his mouth and the other on his chest, I shook him. "Jordan, wake up."

He was such a heavy sleeper, I had to do it several times with increasing amounts of shaking until he finally woke up. As soon as he did, he tried to move and when he couldn't he started complaining, but couldn't make much noise because of my hand over his mouth.

Whispering, I said, "Be quiet. I told you I'd let you know when we'd play a tie-up game. We're going to do it now."

He mumbled more, but I couldn't tell what he said. Then he tried to roll his head around to shake my hand off. I clamped down tight on his face. "Stop that. You'll wake everyone up." When he relaxed and quit fighting, I said, "If you promise to be quiet, I'll let go. Otherwise, I'll find something to gag you with. Maybe your dirty underwear. You going to be quiet?"

Under my hand, he nodded and I let go. Then he sat up as far as he could to see how I had tied him. He laid his head back on the bed and struggled against the ropes, testing how tight they were and how much slack he had.

I said, "How do you feel?"

"Helpless." Pulling against the ropes again, he said, "What are you going to do to me?"

"I'm not telling. That's part of the game. Since you can't do anything to stop me, I can do anything I want."

"Mike, I'm scared. I don't want to do this now."

"Too late. When I'm done, I untie you. Not before."

"Mike, please don't hurt me."

I sighed. "You know I won't hurt you. I might make you uncomfortable, though."

"Please, Mike. Don't do this to me. Please."

Finally, my little brother was begging me. And I didn't even have to hit him. "You wanted to try a tie-up game like the one Dean and I played, and that's what you're going to get."

"Please, Mike, don't. I'm scared. I don't like this."

"That's what it's supposed to feel like. But it's only a game. You'll have to trust me, not that you have any choice."

I saw tears starting form so I began to stroke his smooth, hairless chest and belly down to his penis. Each time, I stroked his soft penis and rubbed my fingers around the head, trying to get him erect. Nothing happened and I guessed he was too scared to respond. Stepping over his one leg, I knelt in the 'V' formed by his bound legs and began to fondle his testicles in their tight little sac. I rolled the marble-size balls around while I gently stretched the skin. After a few minutes of work, he still didn't respond and start to get erect.

I bent over, took his penis into my mouth and began to lick it lightly with my tongue. He relaxed and stopped fighting the ropes and his penis began to get hard so I increased the force of my stimulation and clamped my lips around the growing shaft. He sighed and began to drive his hips up with the rhythm of my tongue. When I heard him start to breathe hard, I quit and sat back on my heels.

"Hey. Why did you quit? It was just going good."

Getting off the bed, I pulled the blankets back over him. "I know. That's why I quit.

"What are you doing? Untie me."

I laughed. "Nope. I'll be back later. In the meantime, enjoy yourself."

As I left, he pulled uselessly against the ropes. In my room, I set my travel alarm to give him an hour before I went back. When it chimed, I got up and silently walked into Jordan's room. He was asleep and I pulled the blankets back again without waking him. When I crawled onto the bed between his legs again, he didn't stir so I took his soft penis into my mouth and stroked it with my tongue.

He got an erection immediately, but still didn't wake up. I kept working on his penis and after a long time, he finally woke up.

"Wha… Mike." He pulled against the ropes. "You wouldn't believe the dream I had. It was so great, but I can't remember it. What are you doing?"

"What do you think?"

Dropping my head, I pulled his penis into my mouth again and tightened up as much as I could with my lips as I stretched his testicles with my fingers. When Jordan's breathing increased and his hips started bouncing again, I quit.

He moaned and said, "What are you doing? Keep going. I was almost there."

"I know. That's what I figured" I flipped the blankets over him and turned out my light. "See you later."

"No, wait. Please finish it. You don't how it feels."

I laughed again. "Yes I do. That's why I'm doing it to you. Enjoy. I'll be back."

"No don't go. This is uncomfortable. Untie me."

"It wasn't so uncomfortable you didn't fall asleep last time."

"Please, Mike. Untie me."

"Only when I'm done."

I left his room and set my alarm again. I spaced out my assaults on him and did it three more times. The last time, his begging took on a desperate tone so I decided it was time to quit.

Taking the bandana, I gagged him before I started. Slowly, I stimulated him, bringing him up and then slowing down when I thought he was about to climax. Finally, he had an orgasm. He almost screamed, but he bit into the gag instead. As I felt his penis surge in my mouth, I felt him shoot a few drops of semen. His first ejaculation.

After his last little spurt, he collapsed onto the bed and let me take the gag off. I moved up from between his legs and put one knee on each side of his chest. Leaning forward, I held my erection in one hand and lifted his head with the other. While I performed oral sex on him most of the night, it took all my willpower not to masturbate between sessions. I wanted to save it for now.

When I put his lips against the head of my penis, he opened his mouth and began to swirl his tongue around the head. It was hard not to pull his head forward and bury my penis in his mouth, but I liked what he was doing so much, I managed to hold back, plus I didn't want to choke him. I held his head tightly and controlled how he worked on my penis so I slowly built up to the most amazing climax. I shot again and again into his mouth and felt him swallow after every other spurt. Dropping his head, I leaned back, breathing hard and caught my breath. Jordan dropped his head on his pillow and closed his eyes.

I got off his bed, untied his wrists and ankles and threw the blankets and bedspread over him. Gathering up all my equipment including the cuffs, I left his room and went back to bed.

When I heard Mom and Dad open the garage door and drive off to work at about seven o'clock, I got up and closed the curtains on my windows. Crawling back into bed, I settled in to get more sleep. Before I could, I heard my door open.

"Mike, can I sleep with you?"

I turned over and Jordan stood beside my bed wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt of mine that were way too big. They hung down so far that his wrists and ankles were covered.

Mumbling, I said, "I don't care as long as you don't jabber and keep me awake."


He pulled of the sweat suit, peeled off his socks and dropped his underwear. Lifting the blankets, he slid in beside me, pressed his naked body against mine and sighed.

The next time I woke up and I looked at my clock, it was ten o'clock in the morning. I was lying on my stomach and when I tried to turn over, I found Jordan practically lying on top of me. When I moved he said, "You awake?"

"No, I'm getting ready to walk in my sleep. Get off so I can get up before I pee the bed."

He rolled to the side and when I got up, he followed me into my bathroom and stood next to me waiting until I finished. Then he dropped the seat and sat down.

"There. I told you I'd sit down so I wouldn't miss."

"Great, just make sure you flush when you're done." I walked back into my room and got back into bed and stretched out on my back.

Jordan followed a few minutes later and slid in beside me. I closed my eyes and was wondering if I could get a couple more hours of sleep in when Jordan said, "Mike, what you did last night. Is that what you and Dean did when you played tie-up games?"

"I thought you said you weren't going to jabber. Keep it up and you can go back to your own room."

"But I want to talk about last night. I wanted to do it, but I was so scared at first. After the first few times, I figured out you really weren't going to hurt me."

"Right. I told you that."

"Were you afraid when Alex had you and Dean tied up?"

"That's a stupid question. Of course I was. Alex was hurting Dean and me both, although he was beating Dean the most."

Jordan turned over and put his head on my shoulder. "Mike, I'm so sorry. I didn't understand. I would have been terrified if he'd done that to me. And tying you up in the garage, that was wrong. I thought you'd like it, but it must have been really uncomfortable waiting until I got back."

"Yeah, it was."

"But you had an erection when I came in. I thought you enjoyed it."

"No, I didn't and I only had the erection just before you came in."

He started to quietly sob against my bare shoulder and I reached under him to wrap an arm around him. When I did, he turned into me so I could get both arms around him and held him tightly to me as he cried.

When he finished, I held him for a few more minutes, enjoying the warmth of his small, naked body against mine.

He lifted his head to look at the clock. "I have to go over to Alex's in an hour and a half. Can you show me how to tie someone up? I don't know how."

I sighed. Obviously, I wasn't going to get any more sleep and anyway, the thought of teaching my little brother how to tie knots appealed to me. "All right. I want to check my email and phone messages first.

Getting up, I sat down at my desk and turned my computer on. Jordan followed me and watched what I was doing by pressing his chest against my shoulders. There were no messages, but by now, I didn't expect any.

I stood and pulled the rope from between my mattress. "All right, I'll show you how to tie someone's wrists first. Hold your hands out."

Doubling the rope, I wrapped it around his wrists, pulling the ends between his hands and arms before tying it off. As I worked with the rope, I told him about keeping circulation and how to tie knots so they couldn't be reached. I let him struggle, trying to get the knots untied for a few minutes.

"How's that?"

He said, "It's good. I can't escape."

"All right. You can try it on me next."

I untied him, straightened out the rope and held my wrists out. As he worked, I gave him advice and by the time he finished, he'd done a good enough job that I couldn't escape either.

"That's good, especially for the first time. Now untie me."

He pulled the knots loose and asked, "When you and Dean tied each other up, were you naked?"

"Not at first, but we were later on. Why?"

"Well, it feels better that way. You know, more helpless."

"I know what you mean. I like it better that way, too. I don't like being tied up naked while someone hits me or I'm being forced to do something I don't want to do. Dean and I made a game out of it and doing it Alex's way took the fun out of it."

Jordan laughed. "I remember when we had to take showers in P.E. class for the first time. I was so embarrassed and now I've been naked with you for hours and it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I like it. Show me another one."

We spent the next hour practicing different ties and trying to escape. Several times, I got an erection, but Jordan didn't. Although he couldn't miss it when I did, he ignored it and kept working with the rope.

I said, "You'd better get going if you're going to be at Alex's by noon."

"Yeah. I'll tell you what I find out as soon as I get back."

Jordan gathered up his clothes and went down the hall to his room.