Damnd1Beanbags |
SummaryA boy is abducted by aliens and subjected to erotic procedures.
Publ. 2016 (damnd1.tumblr.com); this site Jun 2017
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CharactersRobert (teenager) and some aliensCategory & Story codesScience-fiction storyt-alien tg – non-cons mast – body modification milking
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteAll work is 100% digital. No live actors have been used in the creation of these pieces. I encourage you to share, reblog, download or store my art for your future enjoyment. Just please don't modify it – each piece already tells EXACTLY the story I want it to tell (with the author's consent, for publication on PZA a small change has been made in this story). |
Dedicated to Patreon Robert L, who stars in this story "Nice chairs, where did you get them?" "From a new trader in sector 4. They specialise in unusual stuff." "Are they still alive?" "Oh yes, that's half the fun!" "What species are they?" "They call themselves hoomen. They're the dominants on a small Benzar class in outer coil 15." "Dominants? I don't see how they could ever catch prey or work with bodies like that!" "Ha ha – that's not their natural form. The traders strip out their skeletons; fills them with some kind of gel. You have to be careful not to puncture them. They're self healing, but they can completely drain if you get a bad hole. Their organs would collapse then they would likely die." Robert was listening. He didn't know how, but for some reason he could understand these aliens as they communicated with each other. He had no way of understanding that their vocalisations were actually a form of musical accompaniment to their actual thoughts which were delivered telepathically. But such details were trivial compared to the horror of his situation. He had fallen asleep in his bed, fretting about a test in the morning, and when he awoke the concerns of his former life were completely irrelevant. He was in a glass-walled tube, floating in clear liquid. To his surprise he was breathing. He could see hundreds of other tubes all around him, each containing another person, all naked and hairless as he was. Some were hanging unconscious, some were panicking, others were fruitlessly hammering on the transparent walls of their transit tubes, whilst still others were simply floating, either resigned or too exhausted to do anything more. Robert's initial reaction was just like every other captive's – he freaked out until he realised it achieved nothing, then he settled into a kind of morose dread, and he looked around waiting to see what would happen next. Then there was a gradually increasing vibration, dampened by the liquid around him. Robert barely had time to worry before he slipped into darkness as he lost consciousness. When he came to a second time Robert was a different person. He could barely move a muscle anywhere in his whole body. His arms, legs, torso, and spine were all lifeless, although he could still feel the skin in those areas if he concentrated. As he explored his senses, he realised that the muscles in his face seemed to still work properly. He ran his tongue inside his mouth. His teeth were all missing. He could see that he was in some kind of storage area and all around him were other people. At least, he assumed they were people. They were people-coloured, but rather than the traditional bipedal form that Robert had come to think of as human, they were people-coloured sacks of flesh, like deflated balloons, with human heads sticking out of the top of each one. Arms and legs were gone, the flesh that had formerly covered them, now part of the amorphous mass of their bodies. Tiny five-point flaps of flesh dangled where fingers and toes had once existed. Robert looked as far as the turn of his eyes would allow him to see, and the room was filled with grotesquely morphed humans. Then he noticed something else. In between the human flesh bags creatures were milling about; alien creatures. Different species, different sizes, examining the transformed people. That was when Robert lost his mind for the second time. He screamed at the top of his lungs, only to discover that he no longer had vocal chords. "Why is this one brown and the other one is white?" F'ndl 8 asked. "They are different races. On their planet, they have quite significantly different skin pigmentation according to where they lived. I believe it's a response to climatic differences," Jiktrk'j 15 Prime explained. "Hmm, it's quite attractive. I'm not sure which colour I like best. They complement each other well. Are they comfortable?" "Sit down, try one." F'ndl sat on Robert. The teenager was past the mental horror of being abducted to an alien world, but it would be many, many more months until his mind adapted to the fact that he had been turned into human furniture. As the creature sat on him, Robert felt his skin wrapping around it; moulding to the alien's body. Although he no longer contained bones below the skull, Robert's nerve endings still worked perfectly, and he could feel the pressure as his body rearranged to support the creature's weight. The gel that filled him was viscous enough to support his organs, but as F'ndl sat, Robert's free-hanging organs were displaced along with the liquid that gave him structure. "Hmmm, very pleasant," F'ndl said, jiggling its weight to get more comfortable. After a few moments, the alien rose to its feet and walked to the second chair. He sat again, jiggled, then relaxed. "Even better. I like the extra upper padding, it feels good against my dorsal thorax." F'ndl stood again. "Yes, this one is called a female," Jiktrk'j explained, "This species uses binary gamete fusion for reproduction. They give birth to live young. This one carries and nurtures the offspring. The padding is used to provide nutrients to the offspring. The brown one provides half of the gametes." "Ahhh fascinating. I'd heard of species that do that." F'ndl looked down at Robert. Robert looked like a beanbag chair with a head on top at the rear. At the front of the Robert chair, just above the point where his blob-like body curved towards the floor, his genitals hung. "So what's that flesh tube hanging in front of the brown one – is that for nutrients too?" "No no 3; at least, I don't think so. That's primarily used for waste evacuation although it's been deactivated and replacd with an internal disposal unit now. It's also used for delivering the gametes to the female." "Oh really? But it's so small. How would that work?" "Well they're interesting creatures. That flesh tube shrinks when they are cold or afraid, and it grows and gets firmer when he wants to insert his gametes. It also gets hard at other times – often during his sleep cycle." "While he's asleep? How strange. So where does he insert his nozzle?" "Look at the female, see that slit at the front? The tube goes there." F'ndl looked down at the female's vagina. Like Robert, she had permanently had every bit of hair removed from her body. "Then what?" "Then white liquid comes out of the tube. It contains millions of self-propelling gametes. They swim towards the female's hatchery." "So you can grow more furniture?" Jiktrk'j laughed. It sounded like an elephant farting in a bath. "No, the female would have no way of delivering an offspring, and the nutrient feed that's fused inside each chair is only calibrated to provide sustenance for a single life." "That's a shame." "Sometimes I make the brown one's tube hard just for the fun of it. He gets pleasure from it, and the gamete liquid is quite tasty, although it only makes a small amount." "Show me." "Certainly. Let me get some touch juice – it responds better with lubricant." "Touch juice?" "Yes, a lubricant you receive when you buy the chair. It makes the tube even more sensitive, and magnifies the arousal response. The trader told me that they are better if you keep them happy." A moment later Jiktrk'j returned with the juice. It squirted some onto its fourth tentacle then picked up Robert's fear shrunken penis with another limb. Robert could not look down far enough to see his own penis, but he could feel the tentacle wrapping around it. A moment later, the lubricated tentacle slipped Robert's foreskin back from his glans. "A protective sheath?" F'ndl asked. "I think so. This part of the organ has an extremely high nerve density designed to produce pleasure. I imagine it would be quite distracting to the hoomen if it was constantly brushing against his leg." Jiktrk'j started stroking Robert's glans with its oiled tentacle. "Oh I felt that," F'ndl said. "A massive pleasure response. The hoomen does not want to experience it, but he cannot prevent himself." "Yes, the males are strange. You'd think that they would wish to enjoy the only pleasure in their lives, but instead they try to resist it. It must be a cultural imprint. Not to worry though, he will soon lose his desire to resist." F'ndl watched closely, extending two of its stalked eyes two feet closer to the action and crouching on its quadral fins. Robert was conflicted about the attention. It seemed that he was destined to live out the rest of his life as a motionless piece of alien furniture, and if that was the case, then the creature was correct, the times when it touched him were his only moments of pleasure and he ought to enjoy them as much as possible. But on the other hand, he was still naked and being masturbated against his will. Worse still – he glanced over at the other chair; she was watching Jiktrk'j's tentacle teasing his penis – it was in front of a girl. Or what had once BEEN a girl. In spite of the conflict in his mind, Robert's penis quickly responded to the attention. It lengthened in Jiktrk'j's tentacle. The creature slipped and slithered its lube-slimed tentacle over the surface of Robert's glans. Robert would have shivered at the pleasure but he no longer had any muscles to generate such a response. "See how his tube has grown? Now it will continue to get harder. If you watch closely you will see veins protruding from its lateral and ventral surfaces. It uses blood to inflate the tube ready for insertion into the female's aperture." The alien continued stroking Robert's penis. Robert's breathing was controlled by an artificial gas exchanger so he no longer had the capacity to breathe faster in response to his arousal, but his heart beat considerably faster, and his skin flushed. "Is his skin oozing?" F'ndl asked. "Yes, he exudes mineral saturated water when he gets excited. It's a cooling mechanism." "It's adorable." "Yes, and it's a good way to judge how aroused he is. When he is sufficiently excited, the fluid squirts from his nozzle. It can happen almost without warning, but with care you can keep him on edge, hard like this for hours." "Why would you want to?" "Oh it's fun. Already he's eager to squirt, can you sense it?" Jiktrk'j was stroking languidly up and down the length of Robert's lubed shaft, his tentacle encircling the throbbing hardness. F'ndl focussed on Robert's emotions for a moment. "Yes, yes I can feel something. A yearning, but I cannot tell what for." "He's getting desperate already. These creatures are interesting. They can be very conflicted. This one is experiencing deep physical pleasure. If I had the time, it would undoubtedly be happy to spend the entirety of its existence in this state. But at the same time it feels frustration; eagerness for a climax that it knows will end its pleasure." Robert's penis felt incredible, awesome, ecstatic. He wasn't a boy who used flowery language, and it was certainly not a word that he would ever have used, but now he understood what it meant when people said that something felt delightful. His pleasure was exquisite. The stimulant in the lube was making the nerve endings in his penis a hundred times more sensitive. He'd never felt particular pleasure from touching his shaft before; it was just a guide for his fist to reach his glans. But now, even his shaft was responding with electric tingles to the tentacle slithering over it. Jiktrk'j was using a light touch on Robert's glans. The alien had quickly learned that the lubricant made the boy's glans so sensitive that he was instantly reduced to tears if it stroked that part with any pressure. Jiktrk'j lubed the end of its third minor tentacle. This tentacle was usually used as an additional sensory organ, like a blind man's stick, rather than for manipulation of objects. "Watch this," Jiktrk'j said to its clutch mate. It touched the tip against the puckered entrance of Robert's hole. The hole was on the same plane of Robert's bloated body as his genitals, facing forwards now, six inches [15 cm] beneath the root of his penis. The sphincter was another of the muscles that he had been permitted to retain. As he felt the cool tentacle at his smooth hole, Robert's mouth opened in a little gasp that had no breath behind it. Jiktrk'j slipped his tentacle an inch inside, then withdrew it. Robert let out a soundless whimper. The tentacle slipped back in, then out, in and out, repeating slowly. Robert's eyebrows raised and he gasped in ecstasy. F'ndl watched curious. "I felt that. The creature experienced a strong response. It enjoyed it. But 3; There's another emotion. I cannot quite decipher it." "Shame. The creature feels shame at enjoying this touch. I cannot be certain, but I think that in his culture this is a forbidden place." F'ndl made the bubbling sound that indicated his laughter. "What is that sac that hangs beneath its nozzle?" "That is its seed pod." "What does it do?" Jiktrk'j gently lifted the neck of Robert's scrotum in its second tentacle, then raised it supporting the pouch from behind. With two minor tentacles it moved Robert's testicles around inside their silken pouch, separating them so that F'ndl could see each one more clearly. "These are its pods. These produce his gametes. They are its most pain sensitive organs. I considered having them removed when I first purchased him, but without them, his pleasure response would not be as powerful. I'm glad that I left them attached now." Jiktrk'j moved its second tentacle away from Robert's scrotum, encircling the neck instead with one of its minor tentacles. It continued stroking Robert's penis. "The creature seems extremely excited now," F'ndl observed. "I can feel the energy radiating from his mind. It's incredibly potent – quite intoxicating in fact." "Yes, isn't it? Sometimes I will keep him in this state for hours or even days. On those occasions he loses the power of rational thought after a few hours, but he continues to exude that powerful energy. It's extremely stimulating. But now, all he wants now is to squirt his gametes. Shall we let him? You can taste them afterwards. I think you'll find them to your liking." "Oh yes, please do. I'm looking forwards to seeing it now." Without releasing his hold on Robert's genitals, Jiktrk'j picked up a small transparent bowl. It tugged down on Robert's testicles with its minor tentacle. With another two, it pressed the orbs in their taut bag, lightly massaging them. Robert let out a long silent "Oooooooh" of pleasure. Jiktrk'j increased the speed of the tentacle that was working on Robert's glans. Under normal circumstances, Robert would have squirmed and writhed to avoid such expert touching of his hyper-sensitive glans, but he had no muscles to aid him in avoiding the expert stimulation. All he could do was sit, a bag of skin with a throbbing erection, as the alien drove him half mad with lust. Robert felt himself on the verge, just a few seconds and he'd feel the rushing of an orgasm. But the creature could keep him in that state for endless hours, until he was so horny, so desperate to cum that he couldn't even think straight. He felt the smaller tentacle slipping rapidly in and out of his hole. His balls were tugged downwards. His helmet was stroked. Now, now, please NOW! Then he was squirting, ejaculating a load far larger than anything he'd ever produced masturbating in his bedroom at home. It hit the bottom of the bowl in a thick splat, joined immediately by many more equally powerful squirts. Robert opened his mouth wide, screaming triumphally as he came long and hard. He was grateful that his tormentor; the giver of formerly unimagined pleasure, had allowed him this time to cum after just 15 minutes of sublime torture. Jiktrk'j carried on working him until long after he had stopped squirting, ensuring that every last drop was drained from him. It lifted the small bowl to the light where F'ndl could see it. There was a quarter cup of gloopy boy cream in the bottom, and sticking to the sides. F'ndl's eye membranes nictated and his suckers all puckered and relaxed in approval. Jiktrk'j offered him the bowl. "Here, your first taste of hoomen juice. You may have it all. Enjoy it." The suckers on F'ndl's major tentacles contracted and relaxed again. "Thank you Jiktrk'j." It accepted the bowl, and a sticky pink, fleshy feeding tube emerged from a formerly closed cavity on its upper thorax. The end looked like a small circular mouth, all gums, no teeth, much like Robert's. It reminded Robert of gummy old people he'd seen back on Earth. The mouth dipped into the puddle that Robert had produced and it slurped the liquid slowly, savouring it. The jizz diminished, then was gone. The mouth of the tube slurped around the inside of the bowl, hoovering up every last bit of Robert's considerable ejaculate. F'ndl handed the bowl back to Jiktrk'j. "You were right. That really is quite delicious." F'ndl's feeding tube dropped to Robert's hard cock and the soft mouth wrapped around the boy's cum-coated glans suckling at it. "Oh myyyy. What a pity. All gone." "It'll be a while now before he can produce more," Jiktrk'j informed him. "It's just as well. Something that good is undoubtedly fattening!" Brightly coloured membranes on the sides of Jiktrk'j's head instantly inflated with air to show its amusement at the comment. Jiktrk'j moved behind Robert and started pushing the teenager. Robert was resting on omni-directional rollers that made him easier to move around Jiktrk'j's hive cell. The alien pushed Robert towards the female chair. She watched his approach soundlessly. Robert's dick was still hard, straining, facing in her direction like an arrow pointing the way. Jiktrk'j carefully positioned Robert, then reached to the front and aimed the boy's black cock at the girl's smooth white pussy. The lips of her vulva were engorged, flushed. She often became aroused watching Robert being milked. The alien carefully slid Robert forwards, so that his penis entered the slit of the female chair – allowing just the tip; his glans to enter her and feel the contrast of her warmth compared to the coolness of its tentacle. Robert whimpered, still far too sensitive from his gargantuan orgasm to want further sexual attention, yet unable to prevent his body's response to the wrinkled warmth of her slit. F'ndl made a trilling sound of confusion. "What are you doing?" it asked. "His tube will be hard for many hours yet. If I park him inside the female, it keeps him excited. I like the currents of his excitement. I often leave them docked like that, then I can feel their waves as I work or clean my cell. It gives me energy." "Yes, I can feel that. I really must buy a couple myself." "Yes, I thoroughly recommend it. I'm going to buy another male soon. I'm curious to see what happens when I dock them with each other." Robert listened to Jiktrk'j with dread. But still his hard dick strained inside Mia's pussy. It was not how he had envisioned losing his virginity. The End |
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