PZA Boy Stories

Daemon Way


Chapters 57-58 (Concluding Chapters I-II)

Chapter 57: Ft tt Mg — Chapter 58: tb tg

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Concluding chapter I

— Ft tt Mg —
This is the first of a series of concluding chapters in which our heros get their well-deserved rewards and our villains get their just punishments

Anthony rolled over on his side and opening one eye, glanced over at the alarm clock on the night stand. Seven forty-five. The fifteen-year-old rolled over onto his other side and propping himself up on his left elbow, he yawned as he looked down affectionately at his mother sleeping beside him. Brushing aside the long, dark-brown hair that had fallen over her face, he leaned over and gave her a soft, tender kiss, not on the cheek as you might expect of a teenage son, but on the lips. Of course, both being naked, that shouldn't be a total surprise. Unable to resist, he slowly and quietly wiggled down and cupping her left breast in his right hand, he again leaned over his slumbering mother and this time slipped his lips over her left nipple and sucked gently on it as he had as a babe fifteen years ago. He could feel the tender bud immediately begin to swell and his mother stirred but continued to sleep.

As he continued to suck, he ran his other hand down over her soft belly. She kept herself fit jogging and swimming, but at forty she was developing a middle-aged spread, not that he minded that in a woman. As his father had often affectionately said, a woman with some meat on her bones was far more sensual than those models who starved themselves sick. Anthony's hand continued on through her coarse, curly hairs to her cunt. The lips immediately parted and began to swell as he gently caressed them. They were not the only things that were starting to swell and as his teenage cock began to stir he considered for a moment mounting her while she slept. Now that would be an awesome way to wake up! As he continued to caress her cunt she smiled and inhaled deeply in her sleep but still did not awake. That was no surprise. She was exhausted after their marathon fuck and suck session last night trying to keep up with a healthy red-blooded fifteen year old boy.

Planning on spending the long weekend with Cory and knowing that any weekend with Cory meant an orgy of fucking, sucking and jerking until their balls were ready to drop off, Anthony decided against having a morning hump. It wouldn't look cool if he couldn't keep up with Cory and the others, and explaining that he'd gotten an early start humping his mother would be awkward though Cory would understand in that Cory messed around with his mother too. Giving her one last kiss and her pussy a final caress, Anthony quietly slipped out of the bed. She looked so peaceful he didn't want to disturb her anyway. Besides, he could smell bacon frying and he was famished, the other constant in his life besides being always horny. Gathering up his clothes and holding them in front of him, he stuck his head in the kitchen and told his father to save him some bacon and that he was going to have a quick shower.

As he lathered up, he thought about the hot time he'd had last night, and as he frequently did, back to the first time he and his mother had done it. They had been having sex now for three months, since last February, a week after his fifteenth birthday. That was a day he would never forget. It had begun normally enough. It was a Saturday and Cory had come over in the afternoon and the two of them had shot baskets for a while until it got too hot outside, and then they had gone in for some sodas and fudge brownies his mother had baked that morning. His father had gotten a new novel, Watch Your Mouth by Daniel Handler, which was sort of a dirty comedy/opera about this college guy whose girlfriend's family was into incest, her father having the hots for her, her mother having the hots for their son, and their son having the hots for his sister. His father had hidden it behind the extra toilet paper and cleaning supplies in the bathroom cupboard where he usually hid the new dirty book that he was reading.

Retrieving it and lying down on the carpet in the living room, they took turns reading the good parts to each other. Of course that got them feeling a different type of hot than they'd felt tossing hoops, and it was not long before they'd pushed their jeans and underwear down and had begun to jerk off while they took turns reading. Anthony had been jacking off since he'd turned eleven, and he'd introduced Cory to the secret shortly after that, Cory being his best buddy and all. They eventually forgot about the story, as often happened when they browsed through his father's porn collection or his mother's romantic novels, and laid back and just concentrated on the pleasure throbbing between their legs and the growing pressure deep in their groins as teenage boys are wont to do. Ripping off two strips of toilet paper from the roll, which Anthony had remembered to bring with them from the bathroom, the two of them arched their backs in ecstasy as they shot off a load, filling the crumpled toilet paper with their hot, slimy teenage juice. It was a typical Saturday afternoon-up until then.

Hearing a gasp behind them, they turned their heads and looked up at Anthony's mom, and standing behind her, his dad. Anthony immediately turned a bright red as the blood drained from his swollen cock and rushed to his cheeks and he was sure he was going to die on the spot. There was nothing that could be worse than getting caught jacking off by your mother and father, and especially at that moment when you are squirting your stuff and there is nothing you can do to stop it and no way to hide what was happening. Like, what does a guy say while he's lying there with his fingers wrapped about his boner and his stuff spurting out of the tip? "Oh, hi Mom. Hope you bought some more toilet paper while you were shopping. We're just about out."

His mother and father didn't know what to say either and instead turned and stepped back out of the living room. Having been so engrossed in his pleasure, he had not heard the car pull up, and besides, his parents never came home that early from Saturday afternoon shopping. Of course they had never both forgotten their wallets at home before either. Now what was the chance that both of them would leave their wallets at home at the same time, and arrive back home the precise instant you and your best buddy are shooting off a load in the living room with your father's porn book beside you?

Totally embarrassed and the pleasure of the moment spoiled, Anthony self-consciously wiped off the tip of his dick and pulled up his pants and underwear, and he and Cory disposed of their wadded toilet paper down the toilet. Cory said he had better leave and Anthony could understand why. He wasn't in any mood to go play videos or do anything else himself. On his way out Cory stuck his head in the kitchen where Anthony's parents had retreated to say goodbye. Anthony admired his guts. Now had that been him, he'd have just slipped out and been thankful for his good fortune that he didn't have to meet his buddy's parents face to face after such an embarrassing incident.

Anthony's parents glanced at each other. "I'm glad you stopped in before going home," Anthony's father said.


"I 3; we, that is, just want you to know that, ah, well, what you two boys were doing, well, you know, well, there's nothing bad about it."

"No, not at all," Anthony's mother said in support. "It's not something that you should feel guilty or embarrassed about." Anthony had been wrong. Getting caught jerking off by your parents wasn't the worst thing that could happen. Having your parents talk about it, and in front of your best friend, that was the worst thing that could happen to a guy.

"All boys do it. And not just boys. Men do it too."

"And not just boys and men," added Anthony's mother again in support of her husband.

"Yeah? So you two guys jack off?" Cory asked. Anthony stared at his best buddy in surprise as his heart stopped beating. Things just kept going from bad to worse. His parents glanced at each other, clearly and as to be expected unprepared for such a direct question.

"Sometimes," his father admitted. "Not as often as when I was your age," he added. Anthony stared at his father. He jerked off! That should have come as no surprise considering the porn stash he had in the bathroom and under his bed, but still, the thought of him doing it, and hearing him say it, that was so totally wicked. Forty-two years old, married for seventeen of those years, and with two kids, and he jerked off. Many boys would find the thought and image of their father jacking himself off disgusting in the least, but Anthony found it highly erotic, although admittedly somewhat embarrassing, especially there in front of his best buddy.

"That's cool. That you do it, and that you admit doing it," Cory said. "Most adults would never admit that. Especially in front of their kids."

Most adults wouldn't be having this conversation period Anthony thought, in front of their kids or otherwise. He could not believe this conversation.

"Well, my wife and I believe in having an honest relationship with each other, and with our children," Anthony's father replied.

"That's so way cool," Cory said. "My parents feel exactly the same way. By the way, that book we was reading is pretty cool too, but not as good as some of the other books you have."

Anthony's jaw dropped as he stared at his best buddy incredulously. This absolutely and totally could not really be happening! This had to be a dream.

"You two have been reading them," Anthony's father observed, stating the obvious. Anthony would gratefully die any time now without the slightest regret.

"Oh yeah. You really like incest stories."

Anthony decided if he didn't die within the next ten seconds, Cory would. Best buddy or not, he would choke him with his bare hands. His parents glanced at each other again, surprised at his bluntness and not knowing how to respond. Well, Anthony thought, they had said they believed in honesty. "Well, yes, I do enjoy that topic, among others," his father admitted.

"We both do. We have a very open attitude about sexuality." Anthony could so totally not believe what was happening. This absolutely had to be a dream. Or more appropriately a nightmare. It so totally couldn't be happening in real life. "I suppose that seems strange to you."

"Heck no. My mom and dad have a very open attitude too. And incest's not all that uncommon," Cory observed. "My mom gives totally wicked blow jobs."

It was Anthony's parents' turn to stare slack-jawed in surprise at Cory, along with their son, at the implication of that statement. Now how do you respond to a comment like that from a fourteen-year-old boy?

"Anyway, I got to be getting home. My mom and dad get real mad if I'm late for supper. I'll see ya at school Monday, Anthony."

"Ah, yeah, sure." After the comments Cory had been making Anthony was glad he was leaving before he really got honest and told his parents about some of the other things the two of them did, together and with others. If he'd begun doing that he'd have had to kill him for sure. At the same time, as the door closed, he felt as if Cory was deserting him to deal with the aftermath of his parents' discovery of them jerking off and the conversation they'd just had all on his own and he wanted to call him back and invite him to stay for supper. The three of them stood there awkwardly for what was only a few seconds but seemed like an hour to all of them. "I, ah, well, guess I'll go do my homework," Anthony finally said, excusing himself.

His homework, on a Saturday afternoon? It was a lame excuse, but it was the only one he could think of. Considering his state of mind, he figured he'd been lucky to think of anything at all. He went to his room but he wasn't able to concentrate on anything let alone something as boring as homework, not after having been caught shooting off a load and the subsequent conversation. Supper was awkward and he was sure his parents were thinking the same things as he was as they made small talk. His kid sister had to have sensed that something was wrong from the way she had glanced at the three of them throughout the meal but she wisely, for the first time in her life, kept quiet. When he returned to his room after supper, it was no better, understandably. About an hour later there was a knock on his door.

"Can we talk?" asked his mother.

"Ah, yeah, sure. What do you want to talk about?" Anthony knew that although she'd asked, there was really only one answer to her question, and he held his breath in dread of what her answer was going to be to his question.


Things could not get any worse, though he was beginning to think he'd better stop thinking that because each time he did things did get worse, though he couldn't imagine what could possibly be more embarrassing than a fifteen-year-old guy having a talk about sex with his mother!

"I know what happened today was embarrassing," she began. Anthony nodded. Evidently a guy could not die of embarrassment. "But what your father and I said earlier was true. We have an open attitude about sex, and we believe in having an honest relationship, with each other, and with our children."

"That's cool." It was, but frankly, Anthony could handle a little less honesty at the moment.

"How do you feel about your father and me finding incest stories stimulating?" He could definitely do with a lot less honesty! How does a guy answer a question like that! "You can be truthful," his mother continued as he hesitated. "It isn't something that everyone finds stimulating. Some people find that sort of thing disgusting. Many would say it is sinful, or immoral, and in this country it is illegal."

"I don't feel that way," Anthony replied. "About it being sinful and stuff."

"You don't have to say that just because we're your parents. We respect that others have different sexual beliefs."

"I'm not saying it because you're my parents," Anthony said truthfully. He hesitated. "I've wondered about it myself," he commented as proof of his honesty. "What it would be like," he added.


"Yeah. Especially like after reading one of dad's books, you know?"

"How does it make you feel, reading a book about incest between a mother and son, or a father and daughter?"

"It's, well, stimulating," Anthony replied, not knowing how else to say it without being vulgar.

"If you'd like to find out what it's like, we could try it," his mother offered softly, "if you want to. We can always stop at any time if you find it's not to your liking. Sometimes what a person fantasizes isn't what it's like in reality. It wouldn't be anyone's fault if that happens, it's just how it is. Sometimes we build up expectations that can't possibly be met. And if we like it, there's nothing wrong with that either. Not when it's done willingly and knowledgeably." Realizing that in her nervousness she was rambling, she closed her mouth.

"You mean, you, and me, now?"

She nodded. "Your father has taken your sister to a friend's house for a sleep over, and is dropping by the grocery store to buy me a few things since we couldn't do our shopping earlier today, so we have lots of time. But, if this is too much too fast for you, that's okay. I understand. If you don't feel like having sex right now and would rather wait for another time that's fine. Or if you don't want to put your fantasy into action 3;"

"No. Now's fine," Anthony interrupted. Like his father had observed many times, his mother could talk the ears off an elephant.

"Then come with me," she said with a gentle smile and a nervous sigh of relief as she stood and extended her hand. She'd found their conversation just as stressful as Anthony had. He followed her into her bedroom.

"Your father and I have always felt that sex education belongs in the home and is the responsibility of parents, not teachers and the school," she observed as she sat on the bed and motioned for Anthony to sit beside her, "and that the best teacher is experience. Now I know sex can be overwhelming, especially for someone your age, so anytime you feel uncomfortable or want to stop, you just say so, all right honey?" Anthony nodded, not trusting his voice to reply. She'd always called him honey as far back as he could remember, and since he'd entered his teens he'd found it embarrassing. Under the present circumstances, it seemed strange. "Good. A very important part of having sex is communicating with your partner, letting him or her know if you like what he or she is doing and what you'd like him or her to do," she continued. "Now the first step is to get undressed. That can be very sexy in itself, and done right can be part of getting ready for sex, which is called foreplay. Why don't you try doing to me what I do to you?"

To Anthony's relief she stopped talking and began to unbutton his shirt. He immediately followed suit and began to unbutton her blouse. To his surprise he found it was difficult doing it backwards. Once he got it off, she instructed him on how to undo her bra and then as she began to caress his chest, he slowly and hesitantly ran his fingertips over her breasts as she was doing to his chest and as he'd read in his father's novels and in the porn stories he and Cory had found on the Internet. His mother had large, round, firm tits, like balloons, bigger than the tits of most of his friends' mothers. As she gently ran her fingertips over his nipples he could not help squirm with the stimulation that rippled out through his chest and that caused his dick to twitch, and when she wiggled down and began to suck on one of them, he was sure he was going to cum right then and there he was feeling so horny, but fortunately she stopped before he had to face that problem. As she wiggled back up, he squirmed down and slipped his lips over her right nipple. She had told him to do as she did. She had olive-coloured skin, slightly lighter than his own, and large, dark brown nipples, the size of quarters. The one in his mouth quickly became firm and she began to breathe harder and faster as he sucked on it eagerly as he had as a baby. Anthony realized he was breathing faster and deeper also and that he was hard.

Pulling down his fly, she unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned the top of his jeans, doing so easily having had plenty of practice depantsing her husband. As she slowly began to push them down, Anthony raised his hips to make it easier for her. She pushed them down his thighs slowly and gently caressed his thighs at the same time, causing his now stiff prick to jerk excitedly in his boxers. She continued to push them down, slowly caressing his calves as she pushed them down to his ankles and drew them off. Again he followed her lead and unzipped her skirt and eased it down, similarly caressing her thighs and calves as she'd done his. They embraced and kissed each other's cheeks and chin and finally on the lips, causing Anthony to begin leaking pre-cum. They hugged and kissed and caressed for the longest time there in their underwear and socks until Anthony was beginning to wonder if they were ever going to get on to doing it. He'd heard that women took longer to get horny than guys, but he had no idea it took that long.

Finally his mother slipped her fingers under the elastic band of his boxers and slowly seesawed them down over his hips, expertly pulling them out in the front to clear his protruding cock after long practice with her husband. Anthony was surprised how hot it was having his mother pull down his underwear. He had figured he'd be embarrassed having his mother see his erection, but as she looked over at it he found he felt hornier than he'd ever felt in any of his experiences with Cory, and when she observed that he had a nice sized penis for a boy his age he felt a sense of pride pass over him. He knew from his experiences with Cory that his mother's comment wasn't just the biassed opinion of a mother, and that his cock, five and three quarter inches [14½cm] and growing, was larger than most of his classmates. Again following her lead, he slipped his hands under the elastic of her panties and slowly drew them down, though a lot more nervously and with far more difficulty than she had drawn down his underwear. His heart pounded high in his chest and his hands were trembling. Her hairs were long and curly and as dark brown as the hair on her head. He could not help staring as he looked at his mother's cunt for the first time.

As she reached over and cupped his balls and ran her fingertips up the shaft of his stiff cock he inhaled deeply and tensed. His knob ached to be touched but he was afraid if it was he'd squirt off a load. He watched his mother ever so slowly run the tips of her fingers up and down the shaft of his cock. That was so perversely obscene he was ready to come and they had only begun and she hadn't even touched his knob!

"I 3; I don't know if I can hold it back," Anthony gasped and he strained to stop from squirting. That would be so embarrassing!

Wrapping her thumb and index finger about his stiff, aching cock just below the knob, she squeezed his shaft tightly, overlapping the tips of her finger and thumb and cutting off his impulse to shoot as she told him to relax and to breathe deeply and slowly. He did, puffing and gasping harder than after doing a half dozen laps around the gym, and ever so gradually his breathing slowed and he felt the need fade. He hadn't known at the time, but she had known how easily aroused he was going to be and had been prepared for that moment and had been hoping he'd let her know when it was needed.

As she continued, she avoided the foreplay she normally engaged in with her husband and instead took her son's hand and guided it down over her stomach and through her hairs and showed him how a man stroked a woman's labia to bring her the greatest pleasure, and where her clit was and how to stimulate it. Anthony delightedly glided his fingertips over her swelling labia and gently stroked between them as she caressed his back and his smooth, compact buttocks, being careful to avoid any of his erogenous zones. The physical caresses and the eroticism of it being her fifteen-year-old son who was stroking her cunt soon had her cunt lips swollen and her pussy filled with cunt juice.

Again after what seemed like an eternity to Anthony, she rolled over on her back and spreading her legs she directed him into position, showing him where to place his knees and how to balance his weight on his forearms and elbows. Anthony could not believe it. He was about to engage in his first heterosexual fuck ever, and it was going to be with his mom! While many would find that immoral and disgusting, including many of his male classmates, Anthony found it even more erotic than this father's novels had described it.

Under her guidance, he slowly eased his hips forward until the tip of his dick, wet and slimy with his teenage pre-cum, touched her hot, swollen, juice-slick lips. She quickly opened up to him as he eased forward, and with his eagerness and her experience and natural lubrication, along with his own, the horny fifteen-year-old boy easily penetrated his mother. Grasping his buttocks, she pressed against them, pushing him forward until their bellies were pressing against each other. She continued to press down, holding him there and stopping his natural impulse to immediately begin humping.

She held him there until she was sure he had cooled down, and then releasing him she finally allowed him to draw back. As he withdrew, she tightened her cunt muscles, gripping his slender young cock until she felt his knob begin to stretch open her labia. Tightening the grasp, she pushed down on his buttocks, directing him back in. It did not take the horny fifteen year old long to get the rhythm and after that all she had to do was to occasionally remind him to slow down and to periodically have him pause so they could both cool off. She was finding her first experience with her son just as hot as he was, and like him, far more erotic than any fiction she'd ever read. She looked up at him through half-closed eyelids and the sight of his handsome, flushed face sent a thrill of lust through her loins. He had beautiful olive skin, slightly darker than that of her and her husband, beautiful, seductive brown eyes with long, feathery lashes, and the fine adolescent whips of dark brown hair on his upper lip that he'd begun to grow with puberty. Five foot five [1.65m] and a hundred and twenty pounds [55kg], he also had a marvellous body, smooth and muscular, the body of a healthy, athletic fifteen year old boy. Being physically active, his thighs and biceps and chest were firm and developing the definition of a young adolescent, the result of many hours of biking and his special enjoyment of swimming and basketball.

Anthony had closed his eyes as he pumped his hips to and fro, easing his cock in and out of his mother's cunt. He could not believe it. He was fucking. He was fucking his mother! He was pumping his stiff, aching cock in and out of his mother's hot, slime-filled cunt. He concentrated on the throbbing of his swollen cock and how hot and wet her cunt felt surrounding it, and how powerful her cunt muscles were as they clamped down on his cock each time he drew back and then relaxed as he sank his cock back up her vagina. It felt fucking awesome.

His mother felt so also. Her husband was a skilful and considerate lover and she loved him greatly, but she had not felt this hot and desperate to have an orgasm for a long time, and whereas her husband normally had to pause to stop from coming several times until she was ready to come also, on that night with Anthony she had to have him pause not only to stop him from shooting too soon but so she could calm down and delay her orgasm also.

As she felt herself approaching that peak for a third time, something that had rarely happened with her husband, she was tempted to stop him again but she knew how desperately he had to be wanting to get off by then, and she had to admit that she wanted to come just as badly. So this time as Anthony once again approached his climax she was ready also and allowed him to continue, gyrating and gasping for breath as loudly as he was as she felt the pressure rapidly building deep in her groin. Finally thrusting her hips forward and raising her ass off the bed, she shuddered and groaned with the sweet ecstasy that only a woman can know as she reached her climax, and at the same time Anthony lunged forward, driving his young, slender cock deep up her hot, quivering cunt as he began to spurt his hot, creamy teenage cum. He had brought off his mother, and he was filling her cunt with his juice! It was totally awesome.

He'd thought about that first time, his first time with his mother and his first fuck with the opposite sex, many times over the next three months, as he lay in bed jerking off before going to sleep, when he woke up with a morning wood and began the day with a quick jerk, or like now as he was showering. Often he'd go all the way and spurt off there in his bed or in the shower, and he was tempted to do so that Saturday morning, but despite how tempting that was, he decided he'd better wait until he was at Cory's for his first squirt of the day.

Quickly drying off before he changed his mind, he put on a clean pair of boxers, choosing the dark-blue silk ones he and Cory had picked out one crazy weekend they'd decided to go shopping for underwear. He liked how they felt, besides knowing he looked particularly sexy in them and that someone would see him in them that weekend. Choosing a pair of cargo shorts and a light, short-sleeved, multicoloured, motorcycle-print shirt, he checked himself out in the mirror and gave his thick, dark brown hair a quick comb. As he stepped into the kitchen, his father had just finished frying up a second helping of bacon and he put on a couple eggs for him and stuck a couple slices of bread into the toaster.

"You're up awful early for someone who has the day off from school."

"I plan on biking over to Cory's and spending the weekend with him."

"That's a long way to bike. If you'd said something I could have dropped you off over there before I headed to work."

"That's okay. I don't mind biking. Terry is coming with me, and he'll probably be bringing his dog along for a run."

"Well, all right. You better hurry along, kitten. It's getting late for us."

"It isn't fair," his kid sister observed as she finished off her toast and jam and gulped down the last of her milk.

"What isn't?" Anthony asked.

"That you get the day off and I got to go to school."

"Well, I can't help it if our teachers have a meeting today. Besides, last month you had a day off and I had to go to school."

"It still isn't fair," she observed, which didn't make any sense, but then he rarely made sense out of his nine-year-old sister's way of thinking.

"Well, I'll tell you what," his father said, "since Anthony's going to be away all weekend, what do you say you, Mom and I do something special. Something you especially like doing."

"Can we go to Disneyland?"

"Sure. I don't see why not."

"Kewel! You're the best!" She gave her father a big hug around the neck, as a typical nine-year-old would, and gave him a long, hot kiss, unlike a nine-year-old daughter, on the lips. She turned and curled up her nose at Anthony.

"Now go grab your backpack if you want me to drive you to school on my way to work."

As Anthony sat down to eat, his father and sister headed out. The two of them had always been particularly close, and these past three months they'd gotten even closer, and certainly closer than most fathers and daughters. Encouraged by what had happened between Anthony and his mother, the day after Anthony had been introduced to the joys of being a motherfucker, his father had sat down with his sister and had a similar talk with her to the one Anthony and his mother had the day before. They hadn't done anything that Sunday other than talk, about sex and being open and honest, about family and the importance of sex education beginning in the home, and of course about her parents' particular interest.

He didn't want to push her and gave her time to think about what they'd talked about and waited for her to make the next move. The following Saturday to his delight she told him that she wanted to learn more about "the special relationship a father and daughter can have" as he had put it. With Anthony having a sleep over at Cory's, her mother arranged to have a ladies' night out at the movies and an after theatre drink with a couple of her friends to give the two of them privacy and as much time as they needed, just as Anthony's father had done the Saturday before.

Taking Angelina into his bedroom and sitting down together on the bed as Anthony and his mother had done the previous Saturday, he, like his wife, explained the eroticism and role that getting naked played as he slowly undressed his young daughter. Exposing her tiny nine-year-old breasts, which were barely more than soft mounds of remaining baby fat and almost as flat as a nine-year-old boy's, he reminded her that any time she felt uncomfortable or uncertain about what they were doing to say so, and that being honest with each other was always important, and especially so in something as intimate as they were engaging in. Angelina was, of course, uncertain about her father seeing her breasts even if she didn't have any to show, having even by the age of nine been indoctrinated into the belief that big girls didn't reveal the upper part of their bodies even to those they loved. That she did love him, and trusted him, outweighed that uncertainty even though she looked away and blushed with shame.

As her father had her stand and he slipped his hands under the elastic of her panties and began to ease them down, she was even more uncertain. Not revealing that most private part of her body had been even more emphasized and had become even more ingrained than not revealing her breasts, and she felt guilty and embarrassed letting him lower her panties, but he was her father and again her faith in him and the loving relationship they already had won out. Telling her that he knew she was confused and probably uncomfortable doing what most people would feel was wrong and assuring her that there were many others who felt as he and her mother did about such things did help as she stood there before him, her hands at her sides as she openly and shamefully revealed her little, hairless twat to him.

Smiling reassuringly at her, he had her sit on the bed again and he stood and slowly stripped, removing his shirt and socks and then his pants, and finally standing directly in front of her and facing her and assuring she was okay with him continuing, he slowly eased down his boxers and revealing himself to her. That she found even more embarrassing than having him lower her panties and her cheeks flushed a bright red, but again she had faith in him, and knew she could stop him any time she wanted to and he would not object nor be angry with her. Besides, she was nine, and although still too young to be curious about boys or interested in any type of relationship with them on any level, preferring the company of girls to stupid boys, she could not help but shyly raise her eyes to look at her daddy's 'thing.'

Sitting down beside her, her father took her hand and showed her how to caress his chest and play with his nipples like her mother did, and, just as his wife had explained to Anthony the Saturday before, he explained to her the importance of communication between couples as they pleasured each other. As she curiously twirled the hair on his chest and slowly and awkwardly encircled his nipples with the tips of her fingers in an ever tightening circle until she was gently caressing them, her father reached over and caressed her flat chest, tracing the outline of her little titties with the tips of his fingers and carefully and gently running his fingertips over her little nipples, causing her to squirm with the irritation and causing them to quickly grow firm. Although ticklish in a way and strangely painful in another, the irritation was arousing and pleasant in a way too, and knowing that her father had to be feeling the same new and strange pleasure as she was from the way his nipples had also grown hard, and wanting to please her father, encouraged her to continue to caress his chest and run her fingers over his nipples.

Knowing the importance of going slow, he played with her little titties and nipples for the longest time before continuing on down over her amazingly flat stomach and her hairless pubes to her tiny pussy. He ever so carefully and gently stroked her labia and ran the tip of his finger along the crack. Their breathing became more laboured with their arousal and as the lips of her tiny, smooth cunt began to swell. Again he stroked her for the longest time until her little cunt was swollen and firm. Locating her clit and explaining what it was and what was going to happen, he ever so carefully and gently fingered it, sending spasms of unbelievable and until then totally unsuspected pleasure through her swollen labia and up her vagina. He repeated it several times, delighting in her obvious surprise and even more obvious pleasure just as much as she was.

Finally reaching up and taking her hand, he guided it down over his naked body, following the hair trail down the centre of his torso to his belly button, along his belly, which despite his attempts to keep fit was developing a middle-aged bulge, and on to his thick, coarse hairs. Curling her fingers about his dangling balls and holding them there, he explained how sensitive they were and showed her how to roll his eggs in their loose sack as he explained what they were for and as he told her that her mother enjoyed doing just as he was now showing her. As he released her fingers, Angel slowly and gently caressed his balls and rolled the mysterious, sensitive orbs in their sack with more tenderness and with more eagerness and awareness than many fully grown women. She also could not help watching with growing curiosity her father's weewee slowly begin to swell and lift up off his balls, amazed and curious how he could do that.

Telling her to wrap her fingers about it, he showed her how to stroke it how he enjoyed it and as she did so, he resumed caressing her hairless pussy, fulfilling a fantasy that he'd had even before she'd been born and that he thought he'd never experience in reality. It was just as erotic as he'd imagined it would be, and as they described in the novels he enjoyed reading. To his delight Angelina appeared to be enjoying the experience as much as he was. Just as he'd always suspected and others he'd chatted to in the incest chat rooms had claimed, under the proper conditions and with love and gentleness, engaging in such intimacy with one's father can be a pleasant and rewarding experience for a young girl, even at her tender age, and many would claim, especially at her age.

Angel stared in wonder at the transformation of her father's weewee from a soft, dangling, rubbery hose to a long, hard pole jutting up between his legs. She squeezed it tightly as he instructed, and tried to bend it as he told her to, and was amazed at how rigid and unbending it was. She and her best friend had once checked out her best friend's baby brother's little thing, pulling down his diaper and actually touching his thing, after daring each other, but other than being a curiosity that one afternoon, she hadn't given it any further consideration, and in fact thought that it had to be awkward and unpleasant having those things dangling between your legs and bouncing around when you walked and was glad that girls didn't have them. Now, she could not even begin to imagine what it had to be like when it was swollen and hard like her father's had gotten.

Having shown her how he liked to stroke himself, and telling her that her mother often did it to him that way in preparation to having sex, he went on to explain the sensitivity of his glans and especially the rim. Then, having her spread her legs, he resumed caressing her little cunt which was still firm and swollen, and as it throbbed hotly and spasms of pleasure shot through her swollen lips and up her vagina as he fingered her clit, she slowly stroked his fat, swollen, throbbing cock. Her fingers looked and felt so slender compared to his own or those of his wife, and the difference, and the fact that it was his daughter who was sitting there on the bed beside him jacking him off, had him aching to shoot off a load in a matter of minutes. Showing her how to curb his desire, the same way a week earlier his wife had demonstrated on his fifteen-year-old son, he paused to fight back the urge and then continued to finger her hairless pussy.

He was tempted to insert his finger, but he could feel her hymen just inside the slit, and he did not want it to be his finger that broke it. Besides, he knew from experience that a man could give a woman just as much pleasure by stroking her swollen cunt lips and fingering her clit, and for the look on his daughter's face and the way she was fidgeting, it was evident the same held true for nine-year-old girls. As the pleasure shot through her groin, Angelina could not help squirming with the strange and delightful stimulation as she resumed stroking her father's swollen cock, sending the same thrills of painful pleasure through his blood-engorged dick each time her fingers brushed against the rim of his knob.

Once again he felt the pressure developing deep in his groin, but from her laboured breathing and squirming he knew that she was rapidly approaching her orgasm also, her very first. Also knowing that postponing it would be cruel to her, and to himself, he inhaled deeply and willed back the urge to cum until the right moment. That moment was not long in coming as Angel suddenly began to jerk uncontrollably. As bolt after bolt of pleasure shot through her groin and up her vagina she began to bounce and buck on the bed with her very first frightening orgasm. Nobody who has ever witnessed a nine-year-old girl having her first orgasm can deny that prepubescent girls have sexual feelings and can derive pleasure from sex, nor can they justify denying a child such natural pleasure.

With those thoughts, as his young daughter squirmed and gasped with her first climax as a result of his fiddling with her now throbbing and aching little pussy, her father erupted. His hot, thick cum gushed up the core of his pulsating, aching cock and spurted out of the tip like a geyser, shooting up into the air and falling back down to strike his blood-engorged knob and ooze down the slope and over the slender fingers of his nine-year-old daughter tightly grasping his shaft. Spurt after spurt erupted from his cock with a force and volume like he'd not had for many years. He inhaled deeply and tensed with the acute pleasure as he watched his hot, slimy cum flow over the fingers of his nine-year-old daughter, anointing her fingers in their first jacking off as she trembled with her first climax.

The following Saturday as he sat on her bed and read to her before going to sleep, it was evident she was not interested in the story despite it being one of her favourite types of stories. Asking if something was bothering her, he feared the worst: that it was what they'd done a week ago. They'd had a long talk the previous Saturday, about what it had been like for her to have her first orgasm, and what it had been like jacking him off, and especially how she felt about having engaged in sex with her father. To his delight, she had told him that it had been the most enjoyable experience she'd ever had, and he knew her well enough to know that she was telling the truth and not just saying that because he was her father. That had been a week ago though, and the novelty and the unique pleasure she'd felt at the time would have worn off and she could be having second thoughts.

To his delight and relief she replied that although she enjoyed having him read to her, as she always did and as he'd been doing ever since she was baby, there was, as she put it, "something else I'd rather do with you." The look on her face and the tone of her voice left no doubt what she was referring to. Putting the book aside, he replied that they could do what they'd done the previous Saturday if she wanted, or, they could try something different that would be just as much fun. Being naturally curious and inquisitive as all nine-year-olds are, and being daring and adventurous, the result of having been raised in a caring and supportive home where she felt safe trying new things, she eagerly and happily opted for something new.

Once again he stripped his young daughter, and then removed his own clothing, and once again they caressed each other's chest and fondled each other's private organs. This time he added kissing, beginning with the tender kisses on the cheek and forehead as he'd always given her, but then progressing to more intimate and passionate kisses on the lips, introducing her to the joy of French kissing, first by worming his tongue into her mouth, and then having her do the same to him. He only engaged in that for a few minutes, finding it too hot and his cock rapidly beginning to respond. He wanted her to experience another way of getting him hard.

Swinging his legs off the bed and sitting up, he took her pillow and placed it on the floor between his feet and had her kneel on it. He then told her to kiss his penis. She giggled and told him he was being silly, but he assured her that he was serious, and that it was as clean as any other part of his body and would not taste gross. Slowly and uncertainly reaching out and lifting up his semi-flaccid cock, she looked at it doubtfully, and ever so slowly leaned forward and closing her eyes gave it a quick peck. Encouraged by the fact that it had tasted no different from her father's lips, she gave it another kiss, and then a third.

When he told her to lick it, starting at the base of his shaft and going up to the tip, she had enough confidence in her father to do as she'd been told, and again, finding it was not distasteful, she repeated the action. With each hot, moist lick, his cock swelled. Telling her slip her lips over the tip and practice breathing through her nose, he had her slowly take more and more of his cock in until she had his entire knob in her mouth. As she looked up at him with those trusting, big, brown, doe-like eyes that he was a sucker for, a twang of lust shot up his flaccid cock. The sight of his nine-year-old daughter kneeling there between his legs with her lips wrapped about the knob of his cock caused him to start swelling doubly fast, and in less than a minute, she was kneeling there with his fully swollen, blood-engorged knob in her mouth.

Having her join him back on the bed and having her lie on her back, he lie down beside her in the opposite direction, and spreading apart her legs, he went down on her. Muff diving was not one of his favourite acts though he did engage in it on occasion with his wife, and he delighted in receiving blow jobs from her. Licking his young daughter's silky smooth and hairless little twat, on the other hand, was something far different from his wife's hairy cunt, and, he found, highly erotic, in a large part of course because it was his daughter's. He ran his tongue up and down over her rapidly swelling lips, delighting in feeling them swelling in response to his licking as much as he'd delighted in growing hard in his young daughter's mouth. He forced his tongue between her lips, which by then she'd learned how to spread open, and he ran it along her moist inner lips from the bottom to the top of her crack. Expertly finding her clit, he struck it with his tongue and was rewarded with her gasp of pleasure and tensing as the electric shock of pleasure shot up her vagina.

Explaining how to suck and slowly go farther down on his cock as she breathed through her nose, he trembled with the erotic thought of having his daughter give him her first blow job while she got off for her first time by getting her pussy licked. Having her begin sucking on his rigid, aching cock, he resumed licking her swollen little cunt. As the two lie there in her bed, young Angelina engaging in her first sixty-nine, the nine-year-old delighted in the erotic sensations ripping through her young cunt as her father tongued her. She delighted just as much in the pleasure she knew she was bringing her father as she sucked on his swollen cock and worked her lips up and down over the knob. Driven by lust and the fulfilment of still another fantasy, Angelina's father eagerly sucked on her hot, throbbing little pussy, finding the smoothness a particular turn on, and driven by the shards of pleasure shooting up her young cunt as a result of her father's tongue action, young Angelina just as eagerly and hungrily sucked and slid her lips up and down her father's swollen cock.

It was not long before both found themselves approaching that delightful release of pressure in their loins, and though they wanted that exquisite pleasure to last, they wanted the ultimate pleasure that they knew was only a minute away even more. They just as eagerly wanted to bring that pleasure to their partner, just as any true lovers would want, but even more so when combined with that special love of a father for a daughter, and a daughter for a father. Reminding her what happened to a man when he reached that ultimate point, he told her she could stop and finish him off by jacking him off as she'd done the previous Saturday, or she could continue to suck him, and that if she did that, when he came she could collect his stuff in her mouth and spit it out when he was finished, or she could swallow it. Assuring she understood, he left the choice to her as he continued to strike her clit, knowing that in seconds she'd be bucking and squirming with her own orgasm.

He shuddered with pleasure as she began to do just that, and as she gasped and whimpered with the exquisite pleasure only a girl can know as her cunt spasmed uncontrollably and shocks ripped through her groin, her father tensed and inhaled sharply as he felt his cum begin to gush up the core of his swollen cock. He warned her it was going to happen seconds before it began to spurt out of the tip. She kept her lips tightly wrapped about his knob and began to swallow his hot, slimy juice as fast as he filled her mouth, choosing that because it was daring and erotic, because she was curious what it would taste like, and most of all, because he was her father and she loved him more than anyone in her life and figured it would have been what he'd have wanted her to do. He came fast and copiously, too fast and too much for her to keep up, and his creamy cum oozed out from the corners of her lips and around her chin.

The following Friday, as her father lie down beside her in her bed and began to read her bedtime story, Angelina reached over and pulling down his fly, slipped her fingers inside and pulled out his limp, warm cock. As she began to play with it, he responded by slipping his free hand in her pajamas bottom and fingering her smooth, hairless cunt. The book was soon put aside and father and daughter embraced and kissed and caressed each other as Angelina lustfully removed her father's clothing and he slipped off her pajamas. Lying there naked, they French kissed and caressed and rubbed their bodies against each other, Angelina delighting in her father's large, muscular body and the feeling of his hairy chest against her skin, and her father delighting in nine year old daughter's smooth, soft little boobies pressing and rubbing against his chest and feeling her little nibs become firm and hot.

Taking her in his arms, he gyrated, rubbing his rock hard cock against her smooth little pussy. Whispering to her that they could jack off like they'd done the first time, or sixty-nine as they'd done last Saturday, or they could do "something else that a man and wife do to make love," he was delighted with his daughter's reply that she wanted him to "do what you did with Mom when you made me."

And so, as his wife and fifteen year old son engaged in that act as old as Adam and Eve in his son's bedroom, he kissed and caressed his nine-year-old daughter as he prepared to do the same with her. They French kissed and caressed for a long time, ensuring that she was hot and eager for her first fuck. He finally slipped her pillows under her small, smooth buttocks to raise her cunt, and having her spread her legs as far apart as she could, no difficult task for a limber nine year old, he knelt between them and opening the tube of KY that he'd begun talking with him on his nightly reading to his daughter in the hope of some day doing what they were about to do, he spread a thick coating to her swollen labia, and another thick coating to his blood-engorged knob and over his stiff shaft. Bending over her and telling her he would be slow and gentle, but warning her that given his size and her virginity, that there would be some pain, he slowly pressed forward.

As Angelina felt her father's hot, hard knob pressing against her young cunt, she opened her labia instinctively and as she'd learned in what had become their nightly masturbation and suck sessions. As he continued to push forward and she felt his knob slowly wedge in her labia and begin to stretch her swollen lips open, she strained to accept him, apprehensive but eager to experience this special act between male and female. Ever so slowly he pressed forward, until finally his thick, hard knob broke her hymen. The pain was sharp, but the desire to please her father, and to experience that pleasure for which God had made males and females, made it worthwhile. As she felt the unique pleasure of being penetrated for the first time, she quickly forgot the initial pain.

Penetrating a woman was a pleasure her father had felt many times before, but as he slowly sank his stiff, aching cock up his nine-year-old daughter's body, it was a pleasure like he'd never imagined possible, a pleasure even greater than his first fuck back as a boy of sixteen in the backseat of his father's car up at Makeout Point on Henderson drive, a pleasure even greater than his first fuck with his wife, even greater than the pleasure that comes with age and love between a husband and wife after seventeen years of marriage. The taking of his nine-year-old daughter's virginity and being her partner in her very first fuck was the ultimate of his fantasies, and the ultimate of his pleasures.

Sinking his cock as far up her vagina as it could go, until his hairy crotch and her smooth, hairless pubes were pressed against each other and his dangling, hairy balls were pressing against the smooth flesh between her cunt and her asshole, he inhaled deeply and began to fuck. Angelina quivered with the delight of her first fucking, with the delight of having a hot, hard cock working in and out of her virgin pussy, and with the delight of it being her father who was fucking her. Fucking was the ultimate expression of love, having your most private parts joined together and throbbing with a mutual pleasure, and as the two gasped and quivered with that erotic pleasure, there were no doubts in either of their minds that what they were doing was right.

Angelina tightened the grip of her tender young cunt about her father's throbbing cock as she felt it withdrawing, and she relaxed her grip and sighed with the pleasure as she felt it sink back up her vagina until his balls were pressing up below her cunt. Her nine-year-old pussy felt so large and swollen and the pleasure so exquisite she understood why the act of making a baby was considered so special. Her father of course already knew that, and doing it with his daughter made it even more special. He was dizzy with pleasure as he worked his hot, aching cock in and out of his daughter's body. Four foot four [1.32m] and sixty pounds [27kg], her body seemed so small compared to his wife's, which added to his pleasure.

From the way Angelina was gasping and working her cunt, there was no doubt in his mind that even at the tender age of nine her body was ready for sex, as was her mind. Seeing the pleasure in her flushed face as she threw back her head, her rosy lips parted and moist as she gasped for breath, nobody could deny that a nine-year-old girl could appreciate and enjoy sex, nor that sex between a daughter and father could be beautiful. He worked slowly, wanting their mutual pleasure to last, and knowing that in his excitement he'd be ready far too quickly as it was. Of course he knew how to prolong that pleasure, and he did, twice, until he'd brought her to the verge of orgasm, and then he ravished her.

The two of them thrust their hips to and fro desperately as they approached that peak. They gasped and grunted with ecstasy, the nine-year-old daughter and her forty-two-year-old father tensing with the anticipated ultimate pleasure as their breathing became faster and faster, the father bouncing his nine-year-old daughter against her bed, the daughter wrapping her slender arms and legs about her father and thrusting her groin against her father's body. Throwing back their heads, they grasped each other tightly and with a shudder, came together. As Angelina felt her father's thick, hard cock throbbing inside her and his hot, slimy stuff shooting deep up her cunt, she openly cried out with the ecstasy. Feeling his daughter's cunt pulsating hotly around his aching cock and seeing the look of lust and pleasure in her eyes, Angelina's father groaned just as unabashedly and as much with the physical pleasure as the mental satisfaction of achieving still another of his perverted fantasies.

He and Angelina, and his wife and son who at that very moment were locked in a similar embrace in his son's bedroom, had blessed many times over that lucky day they had accidentally discovered Anthony and Cory jerking off three weeks earlier. Had it not been for that incident, the past three weeks and the months to follow would not have been possible. What none of them knew was that discovery had not been all that lucky, nor that accidental. Cory and Anthony had been best buddies ever since they were toddlers still learning to walk, and Cory didn't need any headband to know what turned on his best buddy. He had known for some time that one of the two biggest fantasies and desires of his best buddy was to have sex with his mother. Nor did he need his headband to know from their choice of literature, that Anthony's father and mother had a thing for incest, nor that Anthony's sister had the normal feelings of love and worship any nine year old girl has for a loving and caring father.

Anthony's parents being creatures of habit, as Cory found most adults were, Cory knew they went shopping every Saturday afternoon, and that it took them on an average two and a half hours. It had not taken any effort to use his headband to plant the idea in Anthony's father's head to give them some change for sodas and then forget his wallet on the kitchen counter, nor to have Anthony's mother take her wallet out of her purse while she looked for her lipstick and then forget to put it back in. Timing his jerkoff session with Anthony so they'd get caught had been more difficult in that he had no certain way of knowing when his parents would discover they'd left their money and credit cards behind and would have to return for them.

As for what happened after that, the devious fourteen-year-old and loyal buddy had been prepared to use his headband to influence their post discovery talk but found all he had to do was raise the topic of incest and hint that he and his mother had engaged in sex. The discussion before he left and the discussion later between Anthony and his mother, and between Anthony's sister and his father, the comments about being honest and open about sex, the admission about finding incest arousing, and the idea of providing an opportunity for each of their children to explore those feelings had been completely and totally Anthony's parents' thoughts and ideas, just as Angelina's responses to her father had been all her own and the typical responses of a nine-year-old girl raised to be confident and to think on her own. All he had done was to stage the discovery and give each of them a little nudge in the right direction and then sit back and let nature take its course as any good friend and horny fourteen year old would do for his best buddy.

Chapter Fifty-Eight

Concluding chapter II

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Thanks to Billy for providing many of the ideas in this chapter, including Cory and the Gilles family moving to a new home, Antoinette taking Cory's name, Juan's relatives helping out with the pregnancies, Annette's change in attitude, the new family roles of Cory and Billy, and using Julius as a human douche.
This is the second of a series of concluding chapters in which our heros get their well-deserved rewards and our villains get their just punishments.

Anthony had just finished up his breakfast when Terry arrived with Lad and the two boys hopped onto their bikes and headed to Cory's new home for the weekend. They knew Cory would have paid for a taxi to take them or would have had a limo sent but they liked to bike and besides Terry wanted to take his dog Lad out for a run with them. Anyway the exercise would be good for them and they'd enjoy Antoinette's cooking all the more, not that the two healthy red-blooded fifteen-year-old boys ever lacked an appetite and weren't expecting to be getting a lot of exercise of a type all fifteen year old boys enjoy once they arrived at Cory's in his new home. Nine months ago, a couple weeks before school had resumed after the summer break, Cory had moved to Mountainview Estates, the second richest neighbourhood in Riverside where oilmen, lawyers, and the ceo's and Presidents of the biggest companies in Riverside lived. Only Citrus Grove on the edge of the city, the site of former ranches and citrus plantations and owned by old families with old money, was richer.

As they approached the exclusive middle upper class district, their excitement grew with their anticipation of a hot weekend. Having recognized where they were, Lad charged ahead of them with evident excitement also, and probably memories of past visits. The home, bought by Cory and Billy from revenue from their business, the Wilson-Dean-Schuller Entertainment Company, had cost them one and quarter million dollars. It sat on four acres of choice land on a ridge in the northeast of the city with a panoramic view of the San Bernardino Mountains on one side and of the city of Riverside on the other. It was surrounded by a vine-covered ten-foot [3m] tall brick fence for privacy and the driveway onto the property was closed by an elaborate wrought iron gate with the initials W. D. in fancy Old English script in the middle enclosed in a stylized teardrop, WD standing for the Wilson-Dean estate. When Anthony had first seen it, Cory had said it was a sperm drop whereas Billy had claimed it represented a cunt and Juan had jokingly said it was W and D in an asshole. Biking up the winding driveway past lush rose and flower gardens and immaculate lawns to the three story stone mansion the two boys parked their bikes in the bike rack beside the entrance to the underground six car garage.

A butler, Gamal ben Marduk, a young, well-built, handsome, dark-eyed Arab-American who had immigrated from Egypt dressed in only a thin, gold chain and a skimpy, pale lialac, silk thong that barely contained his package, met them at the door and took their clothes, the members of the Wilson, Dean, Carlos, and Gilles families living on the estate having all adopted nudism as a lifestyle, and though not mandatory, encouraging their guests to go natural while on the estate, realizing at the same time the eroticism of concealing the gems of their employees. Informing them that Cory was in the Italian Gardens with his children and was expecting them, they followed the butler back outside and around to the back of the house.

On the way they walked past the French Courtyard where Antoinette was engaged in a fundraising meeting with several members of the Riverside Naturalist Society, of which she was the President. It was one of a dozen societies and clubs she'd joined over the past nine months with her new found wealth and social position. Of course the sight of two handsome, well-built teenage boys caught everyone's eye and they paused to admire the physiques of the two young studs, some with more than just the admiration of the naked male body in mind. Being ogled lustfully by a half dozen wrinkled, naked old women with sagging boobs and loose pussies and balding men with leathery skin and liver spots and wrinkled up dicks didn't bother the two boys, and in fact Terry, who enjoyed the occasional tryst with members of the older generation of both sexes, slowed down to give them a thrill.

Antoinette had changed her name to Antoinette Dumont-Gilles-Wilson, which she figured sounded more fitting for her new social status, Dumont being her maiden name and keeping the name Gilles as she still loved Julius and had forgiven him his quirks with the change in their good fortunes last summer, thanks to Cory's headband which he'd used to restore their old romance so that they acted like starry-eyed young lovers. Julius of course did not fully understand nor appreciate Cory's efforts in saving his marriage nor Cory's role in his change in fortune that previous summer and was humiliated that his wife had not only added Wilson to her name but had given it prominence by attaching it at the end although she and Cory had not gotten married. What they had together, she said, didn't need to be sanctified by some priest. And to add further insult, she had said she'd taken his name because Cory had brought so much joy and excitement to her life. She loved Julius as much as she always had, but she loved her fourteen-year-old lover and the father of her youngest children even more and in his presence she felt and acted like a school girl once again, albeit a forty-one-year-old, two-hundred-and-thirty-pound [105kg] school girl.

Adjacent to the French Courtyard was the patio off the nursery where they spotted Annette Carlos-Dean with her mother's youngest children and her own children and her three stepchildren, Billy's three year old son Luther and little Lucy who was a year and a half and Juan's daughter Juanita who was two years and three months, along with several of Juan and Billy's aunts, sisters, and female cousins, who had moved in with the Gilles family temporarily to help Annette and Antoinette for the first couple months after their first pregnancies, and were there now to help them after their second.

Fifteen-year-old Annette, still three months away from her sixteenth birthday, had taken the names of her two husbands upon their marriage and Cory had used his skills to get Annette to throughly enjoy being around Billy's and Juan's families. Thanks to Cory and his headband she was also enjoying being a stepmother and a mother, seeing motherhood not only as fulfilling but bearing children and serving her husbands' every sexual whim as being her duty as a woman and a wife. She was deeply in love with her two husbands though throughly confused and humiliated by the fact that she had these new feelings, having been raised that all coloured races are inferior and not to be trusted, and that modern women were not baby making machines and sex symbols.

Her mother, on the other hand, totally hated her new relatives and abhorred their presence and was constantly disinfecting and wiping off anything and everything they touched as if they were carrying some terrible disease. She actually cringed if any of her dark-skinned half-breed grandchildren and step-grandchildren touched her. Cory could have changed that, as he had for Annette, but he'd chosen not to as her prejudice and discrimination fit in with the rest of her personality, and anyway, her discomfort and attitude amused him. Besides, it gave her something in common with her husband.

Julius was proud to be a grandfather and adored his grandchildren and stepchildren, but was embarrassed and uncomfortable that his grandchildren were of mixed races, half nigger and half spic, and that his stepchildren's father was a fourteen-year-old boy. He was further humiliated that his own children had begun calling Cory dad and taking orders only from him, because, they said, of all he'd done for them, Cory having helped them adjust to their new quirky lives and come to terms with what they'd become, and for what he'd done for their mother whom they'd never remembered being so happy as he made her. They now sought Cory's guidance and approval rather than Julius's, viewing Cory as the family leader, much to the delight of their mother who was elated that her young lover and the father of her youngest children was showing so much maturity.

Cory had gained some insight into parenting from reading up on parenting on the Internet as well as modelling his parenting on his parents whom he adored, and he had taken his role as a parent seriously, not just in regard to his own children but Julius's children also. They were, after all, stepbrothers and stepsisters to his own children, and besides, he had a desire to be part of their raising along with the raising of his own children, unlike many parents he knew, including those of some of his best friends.

Annette, Juliette, Anton and Julian had become comfortable with their fetishes and those of their parents and much more open in expressing their feelings in front of the rest of the family. They were now at the point where they wanted to encourage others to openly express their sexual desires also, and to see the beauty of their own particular fetishes. They had begun to film their sexual activities as documentaries and promos for the public to see, at first encouraged through Cory's headband but now looking forward to being filmed without any subliminal messages from him. Viewing the movies together as a family for entertainment and along with reports on their sales by Cory and Billy to provide critiques for improving and revising them had become a regular family activity. As a brother-in-law to Julius's children, Billy acted more like a caring older brother and had become second in command after Cory. They usually thought very much alike, though they did have the occasional difference of opinion. Billy had for example at one time commented that films with physically fit actors were the best sellers, but Cory had pointed out how highly successful the videos they'd made of this dysfunctional family had been, in part because they acted and looked like normal everyday people, and so Billy had backed off on his concerns about the rich meals and deserts Antoinette was fond of making for everyone and the extra pounds some of them were putting on.

The Italian Gardens were so called because that section of the property, bordered by Lombardy poplars, was patterned after flower gardens found in Italy and replicas of fountains and statues by famous Italian sculptors, including Michelangelo's David and the multi-breasted Tivoli Sphinx fountain. Anthony and Terry found Cory sitting in the shade of a navel orange tree with his nine and a half month old twin sons, Isaiah and Matthew named after Cory's great-grandfather and father and having emerged from Antoinette's womb in that order. The two boys, naked as the day they were born and with blue-green eyes and long, fine strawberry blond hair, were propped up with large, soft pillows, one sitting on each side of Cory, and both with their hot, tiny fists wrapped about his erect cock, now almost six inches [15cm] in length, an impressive size for a fourteen-year-old boy four months away from his fifteenth birthday, and looking even more impressive with the two babies weighing only nine pounds [4kg] and only thirty inches [76cm] tall.

The two boys happily greeted "ta-ne" and "ta-re" with smiles and giggles as their father's two friends sat down beside them but soon turned their attention back to their father's stiff cock. They took turns fiddling with it, rubbing it and pushing it down between his legs and giggling as it sprang back up, and they squirmed with delight as Cory reached down and fiddled with their own little dicklets, rolling the little weenies between his thumb and first two fingers and gently tugging on them. Like all babies, the two boys had begun exploring their own bodies before they could even sit up and had discovered their dinkies at six months. Unlike other babies, they were not discouraged from touching themselves, and in fact, when he saw they liked fiddling with themselves, their father had encouraged them, and had even begun to fiddle with them too, and soon thereafter allowed them to explore his own "dih-he," the third word they'd learned right after dada and mama. His boys were not going to go through the trauma of thinking it was wrong to play with themselves, or with other boys, as many boys went through. Besides having the guidance of their father, the twins had already begun their training with Juan's Uncle Rafael, who had taught his own boys besides numerous nephews, including young Ramon, how to please men.

Their little dickies, no longer than their little fingers and half the length of Cory's pinkie, quickly filled with blood and became hard, and as Cory tugged on the little hardons his boys giggled and squirmed uncontrollably with the pleasure pricking their little peckers. They had been playing with their daddy's big cock for some time before Anthony and Terry had arrived, fiddling with it with one hand and then switching hands to give the first a rest and sucking on their thumbs, which were even more enjoyable than usual in that they had their daddy's dick smell and flavour. So it was not long before Cory lay back and grasping the base of his stiff cock and aiming it straight up, began to spurt, to the amusement of his two giggling babies. He ate healthy and drank a lot of fluids so that despite the fact he regularly shot off three or more times a day, his load was thick and copious. Flicking up a dollop on the tip of his index finger, he offered it to Isaiah, who immediately bent over and slipped his lips over the proffered finger.

"Me, me," Matthew called excitedly as he reached for his father's hand and Cory obliged his other son by scooping up another dollop of cum off his stomach with his other index finger and offering it to the little strawberry blond moppet, who grabbed his daddy's hand and slipped his lips over his daddy's finger just as eagerly as his brother had. Anthony and Terry glanced at each other. The two had popped boners watching Cory's two little babies fiddling with his cock and Cory fiddling with theirs, and now their own stiff pricks jerked with arousal and need as they watched the two little tykes eagerly sucking Cory's thick, creamy load off his fingers.

Scooping up fresh dollops, he fed his fresh, thick load to his two little boys until he'd wiped his stomach and thighs clean. Squeezing the base of his still stiff cock tightly, he milked out his remaining cum and his two babies, still sitting on either side of him, immediately bent over and began to lick and suck on their father's delicious lollipop, sucking up the droplets of cum as they emerged at the tip of his cock and licking up the streamers that had run down his shaft. It was evident that it was a routine that they'd established with their dad, just as it was evident that they delighted in sucking on his cock and thoroughly enjoyed eating his cum. As they watched the little tykes eagerly devouring their daddy's thick cream, Anthony and Terry could not help leaking pre-cum.

"You boys still hungry?" Cory asked after they'd drained him of cum and had licked his stiff cock clean.

"Hnge," they replied looking up at Cory expectantly. "Hnge."

"Isaiah suck ta-ne's dih-he?" Cory asked.

"Ta-ne dih-he," the youngster responded happily, turning to Anthony who was sitting beside him and reaching for the fifteen-year-old boy's stiff cock.

"Matthew want ta-re's dih-he?" Cory asked with a smile, knowing full well he loved cock as much as his brother did.

"Dih-he," Matthew said excitedly as he looked up at Terry expectantly, his blue-green eyes sparkling happily and his rosy lips sticky with his father's cum.

It was not the first time Cory's two boys had given Anthony and Terry an innocent infant blow job, Cory having introduced his two sons to the act shortly after their first taste of his own cock and cum. Of course the two horny fifteen-year-old boys readily and eagerly offered their stiff, aching cocks to the two nine-and-a-half-month-old babies. Needing no encouragement, they quickly and eagerly went down on their father's two closest buddies, slipping their lips over the swollen knobs and sucking on them just as eagerly as they sucked on their mother's boobs. The two teenagers had been surprised how hard they had sucked the first time, and they were still amazed at how the two infants sucked on their cocks.

They had surprisingly strong lungs and lip muscles, something any nursing mother could have told them, and though their two top and two bottom teeth had emerged, they were careful not to brush them against the teenager's knobs, just as they'd learned not to scrape them against their mother's teat when they got too eager. As with all teething babies at their age, their mouths quickly filled with drool, half of which basted the teenagers' knobs and flowed down their shafts and the other half of which they swallowed eagerly, their baby spit now flavoured with fresh teen dick.

After watching Cory and the two boys, the two horny teenagers had been ready to shoot off a load before the two infants had begun, and now with their hot little mouths hungrily sucking on their cocks and their hot spittle basting their knobs and oozing down their shafts, there was no way they were going to be able to hold back. Their chests rising and falling rapidly as the blood pulsated through their swollen cocks and as they felt the pressure rapidly building in their groins, the two teenagers closed their eyes and relished the sweet moments before a guy shot, never tiring of the sweet pain that caused their knobs to ache and the burning sensation up the core of their cock like they were about to piss. Inhaling sharply and tensing, they moaned with ecstasy as they felt their cum begin to rush up their swollen, numbed cocks.

As the two randy teenagers came, the two babies quickly began to swallow their slimy, thick teenage cum. Having nine months experience sucking their mother's milk-filled tits and the innate swallowing reflex all babies have upon feeling something warm and creamy spurting into their mouths, besides having already two months experience sucking cock, little Isaiah and Matthew hungrily and easily swallowed the thick, copious teenage loads. It was a perverse supplement of protein, but the two infants enjoyed it as much as their mother's breast milk, and they enjoyed sucking cock as much the two teens had enjoyed getting sucked. That they'd just been sucked off by two nine and a half month old babies made it all the more perverted, and all the hotter.

With Isaiah and Matthew happily cuddled up in Anthony and Terry's arms, having sucked the two teenage boys dry and ready for their nap, they and Cory headed for the nursery where they found Antoinette. Her naturalist society meeting over, she'd gone straight to the nursery where she was at the moment nursing her and Cory's two youngest children, the twins Emily and Sarah, barely two weeks old. Annette was there with her and had just put down for their midmorning nap her twin girls from Billy born the same day as Cory's sons, and was nursing her latest child, a half Puerto Rican boy, Juan's child who'd been born just a week before her mother's twin girls.

Looking at the two sleeping little girls who had their mother's looks but their father's dark skin, and at her handsome, dark-eyed, brown skinned son sucking on her milk-filled tit, Cory, Anthony and Terry could not help thinking back eleven months ago to her wedding. It had been a huge wedding, filled with singing and dancing and enough food to feed half of Riverside, the three families going all out for the momentous occasion. Billy and Juan were the best of friends, and their parents were overjoyed to see the two of them so happy and getting married again after the death of their first wife Lucille, and that their little children were going to have a loving mother in their lives again. So were Juan's eight brothers and sisters, his aunts and uncles on both his mother's side and his father's, all of whom attended the wedding along with Juan's cousins, nephews and nieces, along with Billy's family whose numbers rivalled that of Juan's. As for the bride's family, Antoinette and Julius were happy that their little girl was getting married of course, even more so since it meant the child in her belly would not be born a bastard, at the time not knowing of course that she was carrying twins. That their little girl was pregnant, and well on the way at that, was an embarrassment and shameful, and even more humiliating and shameful was the fact that the father and soon to be husband was black. Even more embarrassing and humiliating was that she was marrying not one man, but two, and the other was a greasy P.R., short for Puerto Rican, and also in their minds standing for Professional Robber, something all Puerto Ricans were. They had in fact considered keeping the wedding a secret from their side of the family, but in the end the Gilles and Dumont families had also been invited, and though not quite as prolific as the Deans and Carloses, they did have a large number of relatives also.

Considering his abhorrence of his at that time fourteen-year-old daughter's two husbands and in-laws, Julius had blocked out his humiliation and the looks from his brother and the rest of the family by getting thoroughly drunk. Being eight month's pregnant herself, Antoinette couldn't drown her sorrow so instead sought refuge at the banquet table, rationalizing that she was after all eating for two, not realizing at the time she was eating for three, but looking like it and eating like it. With the spread of traditional Puerto Rican, African-American, and French dishes prepared in honour of the married threesome, she had plenty to choose from and not wanting to offend anyone chose from all three.

Cory had invited Anthony and Terry to the wedding reception as his guests, and when the happy threesome and the bride's drunken father had headed to the honeymoon suite in the lavish Mission Inn, Cory, Anthony and Terry had accompanied them to record the honeymoon celebration on film. The two horny husbands stripped the young bride, and Annette, with her belly obscenely huge with two babies inside and a month away from giving birth, bent over and gave the cameramen a good view of her young teenage cunt as Juan stripped and approached and took her from behind while Billy dropped the trousers of his tux and sat on the wedding bed with his legs spread as his pregnant fourteen-year-old wife went down on his long, thick, black cock. It was not the first time she'd serviced the two men that way, which was humiliating enough in private, but it was the first time in front of her father and three junior high school aged boys which made it all the more humiliating and debasing.

With Cory on the high definition cam recorder and Anthony taking stills with the digital camera and Terry standing by with the backup cameras, the three teenage boys caught every second of the action, zooming in on Juan's cock pumping in and out of the pregnant fourteen year old's cunt, getting a close up of Annette slipping her lips up and down Billy's big black sausage, her cheeks sunk in as she sucked on his prick, and of course catching a close up of the ecstasy on their faces as each of them came, including the pregnant young bride whose big belly bounced obscenely with her orgasm.

After a brief rest, her two husbands reversed positions and the new bride went down on Juan's big brown cock, sticky and flavoured with her cunt juice, and Billy rammed his long black cock up her pussy. Having cum only twenty minutes earlier, it took the two men longer to come the second time, which prolonged their pleasure and ensured that when they were ready to come so was their teenage bride. Of course by that time the young cameramen had raging hardons and as Billy withdrew his cock at the last instant so they could catch a picture of him spraying Annette's throbbing, juicy cunt with his cum, and as Juan drew his hips back, pulling his stiff cock out of his bride's mouth so they could catch on film him spraying his young wife's face with his hot, thick cum as she groaned and twitched with her own orgasm, the three teens were leaking pre-cum big time.

Always considerate of his friends' needs, Billy had his young wife sit on their marriage bed and blow each of the cameramen, which of course was also caught on film by Billy and Juan. Considering how hot the boys were it didn't take that much time but sucking the three boys' cocks in front of each other and in front of her two husbands and her father it seemed like hours to the totally humiliated pregnant fourteen year old. As the five of them relaxed afterward, sharing a bottle of champagne and nibbling on a plate of truffles, the bride's drunken father licked his two new sons-in-law clean, lapping up the remnants of their cum and his daughter's cunt juice from their now dangling limp cocks like a little boy licking an ice cream cone on a hot day, except with a mix of delight and revulsion, his drunken, befuddled mind easily controlled by Cory. On the one hand the taste of his teenage daughter's cunt juice and the two flaccid cocks was absolutely delicious, and on the other the fact he was licking his daughter's cunt slime and the filthy cocks of a nigger and a Puerto Rican was humiliating and disgusting.

Getting turned on again, Annette's two husbands turned and had their father-in-law rim them and then fasten his lips to their buttholes and suck out their shit, which again he did with a combination of eagerness and repugnance, thanks to Cory's use of his headband and his drunken state. Of course Billy and Juan were happy to assist, forcing out turd after turd for their new father-in-law, knowing how disgusting and humiliating he had to be finding it, especially considering his racial prejudices, and especially doing it in front of his young fourteen year old daughter. Cory, Anthony, and Terry had witnessed his crap eating many times before in Westbank Park, but they still could not believe anyone could do so willingly and enthusiastically as they filmed him hungrily chewing and swallowing the thick, rich brown, foul-smelling paste, his brown, bubbly drool oozing out from the corners of his mouth as his two sons-in-law filled his mouth until his cheeks were bulging like a chipmunk's.

Easily filling the empty champaign bottle with piss between the two of them, Billy and Juan poured Julius a drink and opening a second bottle and pouring a round for the rest of them, except of course Annette considering her pregnancy, they toasted the young bride and their marriage. It was the first of many toasts that night, and all six of them, including Annette, kept Julius supplied with warm yellow piss which he drank just as heartily as they drank the champaign, having developed a liking for the warm, putrid brew through repeated piss drinking rendezvous with Bob Moser and the Spudder brothers and the help again of Cory's headband.

The memory of that night had the dicks of the three boys starting to rise once again, but before they found themselves in an embarrassing condition in front of the two women, they were joined by Billy, Juan's Aunt Rosa, and two of Billy's friends, fifteen-year-old Chakroth and nineteen-year-old Sangha Chouan, two brothers who with their parents and sisters had immigrated from Cambodia to the US a year and a half ago. Handing over her son to Juan's aunt, Annette dutifully followed her husband and his two friends along with Cory, Anthony and Terry to the studio, one of the rooms in the mansion that they'd converted so they could film some of their porn films right there at home.

By hanging some rich-looking silk curtains and the strategic placing of a few potted ferns and a few sculptures and vases, and adding two ornate gilded chairs, the room had all the appearances of being a throne room, thanks to Peter Manchester, whom Cory had discovered had a real eye for such details and a keen interest in set designs and costumes and who had been hired by Cory and Billy to design sets for their porno movies. The realistic details of the set were one reason their films sold well. In addition to Peter they found Dwayne Hainsworth there with the cameras and lights all set up and ready to go, Dwayne having developed a real interest in photography after his first visit to Callie Dean's whore house and whom like Peter had been enlisted by Cory and Billy to help with their porn production, with of course free access to the porn stars in addition to a cut of the profits, though the former was enough payment in itself for the two junior high dweebs.

Chakroth and Sangha quickly changed into their costumes, baggy silk trousers and vests, the vests left open to reveal their smooth and oiled chests, slippers, real sapphire and emerald rings, and gold painted crowns, and the two royal princes took their places with their slave girl, Trang, who was wearing nothing more than a skimpy thong that just barely covered her cunt. They began the movie with the two princes discussing the increase in white foreigners coming to trade goods, and along with them Christian missionaries who were causing unrest among the population with their sermons against their way of life and claiming their gods were false despite being told they were not welcome in their country. As Trang hand fed them grapes and kept their wine goblets full of grape punch, Sangha informed his younger brother that two such missionaries had been captured and he'd ordered them brought before them to be punished as examples to others who would try to convert their people and change their ways.

That was the cue for two soldiers, two Asian friends of Billy's selected for their looks and muscles, amply revealed in their skimpy leather uniforms, to arrive with the two missionaries, Annette dressed very primly with her body concealed from neck to ankles and her hair done up under a simple bonnet, and Julius in a Jesuit priest's black frock and broad brimmed hat and wig to hide the hairdo that Denis Bois had given him a year ago. In the subsequent dialogue it was revealed that they were father and daughter. The second reason for the high demand, and higher price, for films from the Wilson-Dean-Schuller Entertainment Company was that their porn actually had realistic dialogue and an actual plot.

Having the soldiers tie up the father and daughter before dismissing them, the brothers expressed their displeasure with their preaching and explained that they were going to set an example to others who would come into their country and preach sedition. For starters, they explained, contrary to their Christian beliefs, it was not considered shameful for women in their country to reveal their bodies, and, in fact, they were expected to do so. Dwayne zoomed in on Trang and the camera slowly panned her body. Although having recently turned fifteen, she still had the small, pert breasts she had at thirteen, which of course with her childlike face made her look younger, but she had a firm, compact butt and the most gorgeous raven hair and smooth, butterscotch complexion of any girl in Lincoln Junior High.

Being told to remove the clothing of their female captive, she obediently stepped forward and began with Annette's bonnet, removing it and undoing her long, curly red hair which fell down past her shoulders. Either of the brothers could have stripped her, or they could have had the soldiers do it, but it was hotter to watch a woman undress another, especially considering their young ages, and especially given the idea that the one was a sensuous young slave and the other a prim virgin and considering that one was coloured and the other white. Again Dwayne zoomed in as Trang untied Annette's wrists and slowly unbuttoned and removed Annette's plain brown tunic and then her high-necked blouse. Retying her wrists and untying her ankles, Trang unzipped and pulled down the ankle-long skirt, unlaced and removed the plain and functional boots, and pulled off the long stockings and the plain white slip, again all realistic and accurate costume details selected by Peter Manchester and that their films were noted for. As she slowly removed Annette's bra, she could not hide her envy at how busty the fifteen-year-old white girl was compared to herself, Annette taking after her mother in that regard, and besides, her boobs being at the moment swollen with milk. Dwayne of course zoomed in on them, and then down to her crotch as Trang slowly eased down Annette's plain white panties as a teenage missionary might wear and spread the captive's legs so the princes, and the camera, could have a good view of her teenage and supposedly virgin slit. The bulge in Dwayne's trousers revealed the effect the disrobing and display of her tits and pussy had on him, adding to Annette's shame and embarrassment and Trang's contempt for the boy who was still in her opinion a totally boring dweeb.

Of course the third reason for the high success of their films was the sex. The two brothers began caressing and kissing their bound captive, saying they knew in her faith she was to save herself for her marriage, and telling her how enjoyable it was going to be taking her virginity. The two brothers were skilled at making love, and Annette did not have to act getting aroused as they caressed and sucked on her full breasts and ran their hands gently along her thighs and buttocks and stroked her young pussy. After having sex almost daily with her two husbands or with others and sometimes several times a day right up to just several hours before the birth of her son, and then going without any sexual release for the past three weeks, Annette was feeling just as horny as the two teenage boys caressing her as Billy knew she would be. He and Juan had purposefully refrained from having sex with her or staring her in any pornos in preparation for today's filming so her reaction to the caresses by the two Chouan brothers would be realistic.

As the senior brother, Sangha went first, quickly removing and chucking aside his fine silk clothes and revealing a nice-looking, semierect dong. As Chakroth returned to his throne and sat down to watch his older brother, he motioned for his slave girl to bring him more grapes and refill his goblet with wine and then as he sipped the grape juice to caress his semierect cock while he watched the deflowering of the supposedly virgin missionary. Trang sat on the low stool and hesitantly but obediently reached up for the teenage boy's dangling dong. Despite how many times she'd been forced to hold and play with a guy's cock, which was substantial since that day Mike Polanski had raped her and that now seemed so long ago, she would never get used to the feel of a boy's thing or being forced to touch it. It was embarrassing enough doing it in private and was even more humiliating doing it before another girl and in front of a camera, but touching Chakroth there was especially devastating.

Ever since she'd first seen him the day he'd enrolled at Lincoln Junior High a year and a half ago she'd fantasized dating him and had even imagined what it would be like making love with him while she'd masturbated at night. He was exceptionally good looking, and had an awesome bod, and, she'd thought, was a decent Cambodian boy, unlike most of the boys in junior high who were either horny, foulmouthed perverts or total losers. Even after the gang bang with the Lincoln Junior High nerds, and the filthy porno films Billy had forced her to participate in since then, she still had romantic dreams like any junior high girl. In all of those dreams though, she and Chakroth had gotten intimate in private, and with love and tenderness. Now she was finally about to actually touch that most private part of the boy of her dreams, but it was far from romantic as she'd dreamed it would be. As she slipped her fingers about his swelling penis, instead of looking at her with love and reciprocating, he was looking at a white girl with lust and totally ignoring her as if she really was the slave girl she was pretending to be.

Untying Annette and forcing her to her knees and elbows, Sangha took her doggy style, supposedly raping her in front of her father. In a sense it was rape in that Annette was not wholly participating willingly and her struggles and resistance were at least in part real though she knew she had no choice in the matter. Despite Sangha being a perfect stranger and being forced to have sex before her father and the others and having the whole sordid act filmed, Annette was feeling horny, and Sangha was a good-looking partner that many girls would have fantasized about, and in fact did. Besides, it was her duty as a wife to do as her husband wished, and he wanted her to have sex with these brothers and to make this film. Those were confusing, opposing feelings and thoughts and her fifteen-year-old mind struggled to make sense of them but soon the physical pleasure between her legs took over.

Sangha was no virgin, but Annette was the first white girl he'd ever had sex with, and this was the first time he'd ever had sex before a camera, and before others, and certainly in front of the girl's father. He had, mind you, made out on the upstairs sofa of one of his girlfriends while her mother and father were downstairs in the family room watching television, which had been daring and erotic. At first as he'd penetrated her and she'd acted like she was resisting he'd felt uncomfortable and self conscious, concerned more about his reputation as a stud and as a man and the possibility he might mess things up, like shooting too soon. It was hot, doing it in front of others, and in front of his younger brother, and even hotter knowing that thousands of guys would be seeing the film and getting horny as a result. He made every effort to act the stud he was suppose to be in the film, and the stud he imagined himself being, and like Annette, as the pleasure between his legs gradually took over he forgot all else except it, and as her pretended resistance and struggles grew less and were replaced by gasps and squirms of pleasure, his fucking became more natural also. With his bod and good looks the nineteen-year-old had screwed his share of girlfriends, and he could tell when he was turning them on.

Julius of course played his role, struggling with his bonds and objecting to what was happening to his daughter and condemning Sangha to hell and eternal damnation while at the same time humiliated and embarrassed seeing his daughter getting fucked. It was an easy act in that he was embarrassed and humiliated seeing his daughter having sex, and even more so when he saw her natural reaction to having a man between her legs and up her hot, throbbing pussy. He'd known she was a little cock-hungry whore the moment she'd begun entertaining Billy up in her bedroom, but it was not an easy thing for a father to accept about his little girl. So he vented his disappointment in his daughter and his humiliation on Sangha. That he was a filthy, slant-eyed Asian with no scruples nor decency certainly helped make his rant real, for like his wife, his racial prejudice and his smug superiority and arrogance had been left unchanged, because it also amused Cory, and because after all the humiliation and pain he'd caused his students, it was going to be a while before Cory would be able to forgive him.

All of those things were on Cory's mind as he filmed the supposed rape scene along with Anthony. As a horny fourteen-year-old, still four months away from his fifteenth birthday, he found the rape scene erotic, and as he filmed Annette twisting and jerking on the floor on her hands and knees in ecstasy and lust and Sangha eagerly pumping his cock in and out of her pussy, his trim, muscular butterscotch body developing a sheen of sweat with his exertion and the camera lights, Cory felt his cock beginning to rise. With Annette's smug, arrogant attitude and the way she'd treated others in the past she deserved the humiliation of being screwed by a total stranger and having it filmed, and besides, she was enjoying it, and that was without any influence from his headband.

With the exception of Julius, every male in the room was feeling horny as Sangha began to hump furiously, slamming his body against Annette's as he felt the pressure developing in his loins. His stiff cock was throbbing hotly and his balls were drawn up tight as he grasped Annette's hips tightly and rammed his cock in and out of her body. It was especially erotic doing her doggy style, a position he'd never used before but which Billy had said would make the film more erotic and would be fitting for a royal prince and his female captive. Billy was right, as he always was. Closing his eyes and throwing back his head, his expression of pleasure was no act as he shot his load into the squirming white girl's cunt, and nor was Annette's squirming and gasping as she shook with her climax an act either. It was her first climax in three weeks and she groaned openly and loudly in her pleasure as wave after wave of orgasm rippled through her cunt as it was being filled with the Cambodian boy's hot cum.

"Even a pious Christian girl cannot deny the pleasures of laying with a man," Chakroth observed, his older brother understandably having forgotten his line in the pleasure of the moment.

"And that pleasure is about to double," Sangha said, finishing off one of the few lines the two brothers had to memorize for the film as he drew his still stiff cock out of Annette's hot, moist pussy. His stiff pecker was streaked and glistened in the movie lights with his cum and her cunt juice. "She is all yours brother."

Like Sangha, Chakroth was no virgin, many girls, Cambodian and otherwise, finding the fifteen-year-old boy's good looks, smooth, butterscotch complexion, trim, muscular teenage body, and his personality and charm irresistible. He'd only been in America for three months when he'd lost his virginity to a white girl who could not resist the need burning between her legs after only a half dozen dates with the sexy Cambodian boy who'd been fourteen at the time. Actually, he'd found Cambodian girls, like Trang, far less likely to put out and adhering to the traditional beliefs and taboos of their parents and so he much preferred dating white American girls.

As the handsome teenager stepped up to Annette, still on her hands and knees, his stiff cock jutting up in the air and preceding him, Trang felt her heart sink. He was totally gorgeous, just as she'd imagined his naked body would be, but he was about to have sex with a white girl, and not just that, but in front of her and a cluster of leering, horny guys, and before a camera, and before the girl's father. As he knelt behind Annette and crudely and roughly shoved his stiff cock up her hot, swollen cunt, slick with her cunt juice and with his older brother's slime, Trang's dreams died. After all her fantasies about Chakroth and all her hopes that someday she could lead a normal teenage life with him as her boyfriend, to see him engaging in a lewd sex act, and with wanton white trash on top of it, was devastating.

Julius felt his own heart being torn apart anew as he watched the younger of the two brothers mount his daughter. It was embarrassing having his daughter treated so roughly and lustfully as a porn star, and even more embarrassing seeing how eagerly and easily she accepted being mounted mere minutes after having had sex. She was acting the lustful, mindless animal just like all coloured do, just like the boy who was raping her. The anguish he was feeling was very real as he protested again the abuse of his daughter. He knew it had to be particularly embarrassing for her having him there watching though once she'd gotten started she'd seemed to have forgotten that, but he had no choice but to participate or, his son-in-law had said, incriminating photos of him would find their way to friends and family and those who could put an end his new position and reputation.

Chakroth of course was feeling no guilt as the horny fifteen-year-old plunged his cock up Annette's cunt and began to furiously fuck her. He was a lust-filled, mindless animal. He was a normal, horny fifteen-year-old boy. Besides, it was fucking hot having his cock up the pussy that had been warmed by his brother and lubed by his brother's cum, and it was hot fucking her in front of her father. That their resistance and opposition and their expression of disgust and anger was not totally an act he had no idea, and in fact he had to wonder what sort of decadent family they were to make such filthy movies. Americans had been known to be decadent back home of course, but he had no idea they would be this perverted. Of course he was just as perverted acting in the porn film himself, but what healthy, red-blooded boy could resist the opportunity to get his nuts off with a good-looking girl, and get paid to do it besides? Moving to Canal Street and his parents meeting the parents of Billy Dean and Juan Carlos who helped them get settled into their new home and accustomed to the ways of their new country, and the subsequent meeting between Billy and himself and his brother and engaging in some of Billy's other business activities, had been the most fortunate thing to have ever happened to himself and his brother.

So as he rammed his stiff, aching cock in and out of Annette's hot, moist pussy, he knew he had one more thing to thank Billy for. As the pressure built up deep in his loins and his swollen dick began to throb, he soon could think of nothing else than the immense pleasure pulsating through his aching cock. Like his brother before him, he grasped the young teenage girl's hips tightly as he rapidly pumped his hips to and fro, driving his aching cock in and out of her hot, slime-filled pussy. He closed his eyes in ecstasy as he finally felt the twang deep in his groin and his hot teenage cum raced up the core of his swollen cock and spurted up Annette's cunt to join his brother's slime. It had been an awesome fuck, and those filming the action were close to creaming their underwear.

Untying Julius, Sangha told him that if he didn't want his daughter to get pregnant, he'd better get on his knees and suck out his and his brother's cum. That part of the plot had also been Billy's idea, and actually Billy had his father-in-law do just that for a solid month after her first pregnancy while she was being fucked daily and sometimes several times a day by Juan. Of course no matter how throughly he'd cleaned his teenage daughter's cunt with his tongue and no matter how desperately he'd sucked out her vagina, it had been humanly impossible to suck out every microscopic sperm Juan had deposited. He knew that, and Billy and Juan knew that, but he'd tried anyway, because he didn't want his daughter to carry the filthy Puerto Rican's baby, and because he knew Billy could and would expose his other sexual perversions if he didn't. Of course when Annette had gotten pregnant again Billy had told him it was all his fault since he hadn't vacuumed her clean, really fucking up his mind.

And so he knelt there in his priest's costume while his daughter spread her legs and he vigorously licked the cunt slime and cum from her swollen cunt lips, and he pressed his lips firmly against her cunt lips and sucked out her filthy, slimy juice and the thick slimy cum from the two Cambodian brothers and swallowed the disgusting filth. He did so because he did not want her to carry the child of a filthy, slant-eyed Asian and if there was the slightest chance he could prevent it he would, and he did so because he knew Billy could see that the film being made found its way into the hands of those who could cause trouble for him and his family. Of course the Chouan brothers and Dwayne Hainsworth and Peter Manchester did not know his real reasons, and as far as they were concerned, he was a filthy, cunt-licking perv who got off eating cum out of cunt and licking the twat of his own daughter. Julius knew that was what they were thinking and he averted his eyes with shame and humiliation as he finally got up and was sent away with his ravaged daughter as a warning to any others who might try to spread Christianity in their land, the perfect ending to the movie.

That was the first time the two brothers had ever had sex with Annette, but it was not going to be the last. They would be screwing her daily, in several sequels to the movie that Billy had planned, and just because she was available and Billy wanted them to. Billy had scheduled this first time for that weekend figuring Annette's body should be ready to start ovulating again, and he intended on her being screwed by the two brothers and only the two brothers for the next month, by the end of which one of them would have gotten her pregnant. He had several good reasons for that. For one, he considered providing his young wife to the two brothers a reward for their past services to him, and for another, he knew how it would drive his father-in-law crazy to see her having sex with still a different coloured man, and even crazier bearing a third man's child. The great thing about her being screwed by two brothers was that without a dna test it was going to be impossible for Annette to know which of the two brothers was the actual father of her child. Hopefully she'd have twins again, and it would be even greater if they were fraternal, adding to the possibility both brothers had impregnated her. Now that would be the ultimate humiliation for the smug little bitch and her bigoted father, and would go a long way toward teaching them their place in the world.