PZA Boy Stories

Daemon Way


Chapter 31-33

Chapter 31: tt Ftt — Chapter 32: Mt Mb — Chapter 33: MMg Ft tt

Chapter Thirty-One

— tt Ftt —

Thanks to Absalom for suggesting Cory and Dominic explore a relationship with his mother and suggesting this as one of the possible scenarios.

"You got some cool stuff for Christmas," observed Dominic, the boys having just finished playing the dvd game he'd gotten from his grandparents.

"Yeah, I did. By the way, that's a cool jersey. You get that for Christmas?"

"No, for my birthday. From Kenneth."

"Yeah, from Kenneth?" observed Cory with a smile. "You and he and item now?"

"Yeah, I guess, sortta," Dominic replied with a blush. It was sort of hard to consider them as lovers, Kenneth being in Grade Twelve and seventeen and him being in Grade Eight and having only that month turned thirteen. It was true though. Kenneth was the first thing Dominic thought about when he woke up, and was the last thing on his mind as he lay in his bed fiddling with himself before dropping off to sleep. Kenneth had given him the jersey for his birthday and had even thrown a party for him, which had been awesome except for the throbbing headache and heaving stomach the next morning, and they'd exchanged gifts at Christmas, very special gifts. And they'd had sex together, not just at Cory's party and at the surprise birthday party, but twice since then, long, hot, passionate sex with a lot of hugging, kissing and caressing before sucking each other off.

"I thought he was always bossing you around," observed Cory. "Or is it that type of relationship?" he asked with a grin.

"Oh no! Nothing like that!" Dominic replied, his cheeks turning even redder. "He's always kind and gentle and loving when we have sex." Realizing what he'd just said, he got redder yet, if that was possible. His cheeks felt like they were aflame. "He was just trying to impress Nicole is all, trying to get in her panties."

"She still just as much a bitch?"

"Oh yeah. She'd have a cow if she knew Kenneth and I were doing stuff."

"He still interested in screwing her?"

"Well, he still sees her, and takes her out, but I think it's more of an excuse so he can come see me," Dominic said with a sly grin.

"Cool. What about you? You interested in ever trying it with girls?"

"Not really," Dominic admitted.

Sex with Kenneth was great, as it had been with Cory, to whom he was still grateful for introducing him to the wonderful world of sex, from his first jacking off experience back on the Interfaith prayer day in support of families to the taking of his prune almost two months ago. He knew what people said about guys who liked just guys, and that did bother him, not just because it made him a bad person, which was troubling in itself, but because he didn't want to offend anyone. He wanted to please others. He was one of those rare, tender, gentle souls who was exceptionally sensitive to others, and in his search for friends, would do anything for them.

"Have you ever done it with a girl yet?"

"Yeah," admitted Cory. "Well, not a girl exactly. A woman."

"A woman?" Dominic asked, his eyes widening in surprise and in respect.

"Yeah. A married woman. Mrs. Gilles."

"Goosey's wife?" Dominic asked, his eyes growing even wider with wonder.


"What was it like?"

"It was okay. Different from doing it with a guy."

"So you like girls and guys?"

"I like sex," Cory replied honestly and Dominic laughed.

"You want to do something now?"


"You can screw me if you want."

"Kenneth screw your ass?"

"No. Not yet. His cock is sortta big."

"Well, maybe with a lot of fucking I can get your asshole loose enough to take him," Cory joked.

"I'd like that." Dominic was not joking.

"Show me how you and Kenneth make love," Cory said, getting up and lying down on his bed.

Dominic was eager to do so, Cory being sort of responsible for the two of them getting to know each other. Lying down on Cory's bed too and snuggling up close to him, he slipped his arms about him and kissed him, first on the cheek a couple times, and then on the neck, and then on the lips, not forcefully and passionately, but softly and gentle. Dominic had thin, kissable lips, and Cory eagerly returned the kisses. The two boys felt their young dicks begin to swell, much to their delight and especially for Dominic, who still could not get it stiff unless he was with another guy. Brushing his long, straight hair out of his eyes, Dominic unbuttoned Cory's shirt and slid it off. He caressed his back, and gently skipped his lips along his chest. Cory quivered as Dominic slipped his lips over his right nipple and sucked on it gently, causing the sensitive bud to become firm. He eagerly pulled Dominic's shirt out of his pants and slipped his hands under it and pushed it up to caress his back and chest also.

Their breathing became more laboured as their ardour grew, and their kisses became more forceful and passionate and their caresses more firm. Their lips locked together, they unsnapped each other's jeans and pulled down each other's fly. Cory was wearing his jockey briefs and Dominic a new thong, he and Kenneth having had the same thoughts and having bought each other a package of sexy underwear for Christmas. The pouches of both pair of underwear were bulging. The boys cupped each other's pouch and caressed each other's backside and thighs. They interrupted their love making to step out of their pants and remove their socks. Clad now only in their underwear, they continued their lovemaking, Dominic eagerly taking the lead and showing Cory how he and Kenneth did it. Cory was an interested and willing learner, and allowed Dominic to cover his body with kisses and to grope him wherever he wanted.

There was no need for the boys to hurry and so they took their time, kissing and caressing, finally slipping each other's underwear down and reverently fondling and stroking each other's swollen organ, Cory being careful not to pull back on Dominic's foreskin too firmly, Dominic still finding it painful to pull his tight skin back over his knob though once it was stretched back it felt awesome. He loved having someone touching and stroking his dick, and Cory loved to fiddle with it. It was silky smooth, and the foreskin totally encased his knob and extended beyond it in a fleshy tube.

That was how Marian Wilson found them. So engrossed in their lovemaking, they had not heard the car pull up into the driveway nor the back door open and close, nor Mrs. Wilson come down the hallway. Knowing Dominic was over visiting she'd gone to ask if he would like to stay over for supper, and Cory often closing his door to keep the noise of his music confined to his room, by his parents' request, she really had not thought twice about opening the door. The sight of the two thirteen-year-old boys lying there stark naked and playing with each other was as much a shock to her as her standing there slack-jawed and wide-eyed was to them.

Her son, in the arms of a boy, naked, his hands on the other boy's penis. My God, her son was gay! They were both only thirteen! No mother wants to think of her son being sexually active, and certainly not as a homosexual no matter how liberal she is. A hundred thoughts rushed through her mind, thoughts as to what might have caused him to become gay, wonders and guilt that she might be the cause, all the old housewives' tales about the causes of a boy becoming queer, all the stereotypes of homosexual men, the limp wrists, the lisps, the effeminacy. He was only thirteen. Perhaps it was not too late.

"Uh, you're home early," observed Cory, not knowing what else to say. Dominic was too shocked and embarrassed to even be able to think never mind speak.

"You shouldn't be doing that," Marian said, staring at the wall above the bed, above them.

"We were just, ah, foolin' around," Cory said. What else could he say?

"You shouldn't be. Not at your age. You're much too young."

"Why?" Cory had learned whenever caught doing something you weren't supposed to, play ignorant. Asking questions always flustered adults, especially if it was about sex.

"Sex is a very emotional and, well, complicated, ah, relationship. You need to be more mature, more knowledgeable about life, about assuming responsibilities for your actions."

"Well, that's what we were doing, becoming more knowledgeable. Sides, we got sex ed in school these days, and we take responsibility for our actions, don't we, Dominic?"

Dominic only nodded. He'd never speak to his dad like that, never. Cory was just disagreeing, not being insolent, but still, he'd never be able to have that type of discussion with his father.

"That's what you taught me."

"Well, yes, you are responsible, very responsible, but, well, you're only thirteen. I didn't mean to say only," she quickly corrected, seeing the look in his eyes. "I mean you are thirteen. You need to be older to handle the emotions that are involved when two people have a sexual relationship." This was not easy, and that the two boys were still sitting there stark naked wasn't making it any easier. "Put something on, please." She quickly looked away as Cory stood and walked over to his desk. He put on the copper headband that he'd found of her grandfather's that he'd taken a liking to. "I meant your pants, or your underwear at least." The two boys searched for their underwear and put them on. Cory made no effort to dress any further, so nor did Dominic.

"We were just fooling around. We're not an item."

"An item?"

"We're not like lovers or nothin'."

"Two people of the same sex can't be lovers."

Dominic flinched. He wanted to disagree, but she was an adult, and his friend's mother.

"But you love Grandma, don't you?"

"Yes, of course, but that's not the same thing. I mean two people of the same sex can't love each other as a man and woman do."


"Well, because there are men roles, and women roles." That didn't come out right. If she'd heard a man say that she'd have said he was being sexist. She didn't believe in gender roles, not in the broader sense, only when it came to sex. "Sex is about men and women."


"Because sex is about making babies."

"That the only time you and dad did it, when you made me?"

"Well, no, it's also about love, but we are male and female."

"That's what I said. Dominic and I aren't lovers. We're just having sex."

"Boys shouldn't be having sex with other boys."

"Why not?"

"Because sex between people who are of the same sex is unnatural. God made your private parts so you can reproduce, to make a baby." She was right back to where they were before.

"Not to have fun?"

She could not deny that sex was fun, and she could not lie to him. They had taught him that people did not lie, and especially not family members to each other.

"There's also diseases that men get from having sex with other men. Like cancer of the bowels. A man's penis was made to be put in a woman's vagina, not in a man's, well, anyway, and there's aids and hiv."

"But Dominic and I don't have that. You can't get diseases unless you do it with someone who has the disease. We learned that in sex ed."

"Sex is just supposed to be with a woman."

"What's so great about sex with women?"

"You'll find out, when you're older, when, when you're more, when you can understand better."

"Can't you teach us?"

Teach them? If only she could. It would circumvent them from trying to find out by doing stuff with each other. They say the only reason a man becomes a homosexual is because he's never had a satisfying relationship with a woman, and the same for women who liked women. Once a boy did it with a woman he'd never want to do it with a man. Cory was sitting there looking at her, waiting for an answer. But how could she teach them? All the words wouldn't mean anything. They already had the knowledge. As Cory had pointed out, they had sex ed these days. What more could she do that a teacher couldn't? She could show them. She could have sex with them. She pushed the idea out of her mind. What was she thinking! But it was the only way. She knew that. You learn best by doing. She'd read that somewhere. Maybe in one of the parenting books when Cory was a toddler. Maybe it was something a teacher had said in a teacher interview. She could show them how good sex was with a woman. If it saved Cory from being a homosexual, why not? She'd do it. She'd do anything to save him from that. But he was her son. And he was only thirteen. Thirteen, and with an erection. She'd seen that. He was biologically ready. What should she do? There was only one thing she could do, if she really wanted him to be heterosexual. She and Matt had always said the problem with parents and with teachers these days is that they didn't practice what they preached. If she really believed sex with women is great, she should be proving it. The more she thought about it, the more convinced she was that Cory's suggestion was the only solution.

"Well, I suppose I could," she replied slowly, very uneasy about the idea.

Sex with a woman was a wonderful experience, a very wonderful experience. She could show them that. Practice what you preach. She'd always said that, and she meant it. Cory would do it sooner or later anyway, and knowing his impulsiveness and daring, who knows with whom that might be. Suppose it was a girl like that Annette Gilles, a girl with a belly button ring and a tattoo that said 'hot ass' on her behind. If he didn't, maybe he'd turn out like Anton Gilles. Now there was a boy who was gay if there ever was one. If a boy was going to learn about sex, who better to teach him than his mother? Sex ed should be in the home. She and Matt had said that when they'd gotten the forms from the school saying Cory would be taking a unit of sex ed in health unless they wanted to exempt him. Come to think about it, Julius Gilles taught him health. Now what sort of sex ed program could he offer considering his children? Was that why she'd found Cory in the arms of another boy, because of the three weeks he'd spent living with the Gilles's?

"Very well," she said, having convinced herself. Cory smiled. "To begin with, making love between a man and woman starts with foreplay."

"You need four to play?" Cory asked, feigning ignorance.

"No," Marian replied with a smile. "Foreplay means those things a man and woman do to get each other prepared for sex, things like kissing and caressing."

"Maybe you should show us."

That would be a lot easier. She looked at Cory, and then Dominic. But with whom should she begin, her son, or her son's friend? "Well 3; ."

"Why don't you begin with Dominic and I'll watch," Cory suggested, giving her the final nudge.

So, she took Dominic in her arms and began kissing him and caressing him, and then told him to take the lead. After the past fourteen years making love with only her husband, it felt strange to be kissing and caressing someone else, and to have them kissing and caressing her, especially when that someone else was a thirteen-year-old boy. Dominic's movements of course were hesitant and uncoordinated, which didn't surprise her being his first time, and in that it was his first time engaging in foreplay with a woman she was partly correct. It was different from doing it with Kenneth where their actions had been spontaneous and out of love. This was more mechanical, more like a lesson, and besides, it was difficult not to be self-conscious. She was an adult, and Cory's mother.

She explained erogenous zones and demonstrated, and despite the fact he was just a boy, she trembled with the touch of his hot little hands on her breasts, and the brush of his soft lips on her nipples. And, even though she was a woman and his friend's mother, when she caressed his smooth, thin chest and ran her fingertips over his nipples, they became firm, and he felt a stirring in his underwear. As she slipped her hands under his briefs and massaged his smooth, compact butt, his underwear quickly tented out. She was hesitant to pull down his underwear, but she was becoming more aroused herself, and she had committed herself to showing him and Cory the wonder of sex between a man and woman.

Skipping her lips along his chest and down to his belly button, she eased the briefs down ever so slowly, continuing to kiss his perfectly flat belly and then his smooth, hairless pubes. His little dicklet looked so small and so adorable, the milky white shaft and foreskin the same colour as his stomach and his tiny ball sac. The foreskin was long, encasing his knob and extending beyond. It felt so silky to her touch.

Upon being informed of his difficulty in pulling back his skin by Cory, she sent Cory to the half-bath off the master bedroom to get her hand lotion. Upon his return, she applied a small dab of the creamy, perfumed lotion on the tip of her finger and holding up the boy's stiff dicklet, she slipped the tip of her finger ever so slightly and gently in the extended tube of foreskin and deposited the droplet. Squeezing the extended foreskin and slowly and gently drawing it up, she ever so slowly drew it back, just until the tip of his little cocklet peeked out, and then applying another droplet directly on the tip of his penis, she drew the skin back up, thoroughly lubricating it from the inside. She once again drew it back, just a little further this time, and applying more hand lotion, she drew it up again. And so she ever so slowly and gently drew his skin back further and further until finally she was able to stretch it right back, revealing the moist, purplish, bulb-like plum of his knob, glistening with lotion.

She then turned her attention to Cory, touching his erogenous zones, the tender inside of his thighs, his nipples, his anus, and sending waves of pleasure through his body. And then she had him practice on her, massaging her breasts, kissing and sucking on her nipples. It didn't seem that long ago that she had held him as a little baby and he had sucked on her breasts. The thought of suckling him and now at the age of thirteen having him again sucking on those breasts sent waves of arousal through her groin like she hadn't felt since she was a newly married woman. She ran her hands down his back, massaging his backside, running a finger gently along the crack between his ass cheeks. How often had she wiped that little bottom? She continued over his hip to his groin. How often had she powdered him and gently kissed his smooth pubes. They weren't smooth now. They sprouted a small, fine bush of reddish-brown hairs. And he didn't have a little baby's dicky anymore. It was firm and sticking up proudly, the knob half-encased by his foreskin. She slipped her fingers about it and slowly pulled back the skin, revealing his mushroom-shaped cap. How often had she done that during his bath?

Snuggling down, she slipped her lips over it and sucked on it gently, causing him to tremble and inhale with the stimulation. That she'd never done when he was a baby. That was something Matt had taught her, and that he enjoyed. Cory ran his fingers through her hair excitedly with his growing desire as his stiff cock throbbed and ached in his mother's mouth. He'd never thought of his mother doing something like that to a guy. The idea of her sucking his dad's cock was so hot! A quiver of arousal rippled up his spine and caused his stiff cock to throb.

She sucked more deeply and worked her lips up and down the delicate, slender, early teen cock, delighting as much in bringing him pleasure, as she knew she was, as in her own pleasure throbbing through her loins. Her labia had swollen and gotten moist, and she reached down and stroked her now firm lips as she sucked on her son's cock, the fact it was her son's cock that she was sucking causing her to grow even more aroused. She reached for Dominic's hand and showed him how to caress her labia, and then how to insert first one and then two fingers, and how to stimulate her clit. As he did so, he kissed her breast and then returned to her nipple and sucked on it, and she reached over and gently stroked his swollen, throbbing dicklet. Their breathing grew deeper and more laboured.

Which of the boys should she introduce to the pleasure of intercourse, her son, or her son's friend? Teaching her son the basics of foreplay had been highly arousing, but the thought of having intercourse with her own son was perverse, and, to her surprise, highly erotic. Having intercourse with his friend while her son watched was erotic too, just as having sex with the thirteen-year-old friend of her son was also perverse. She did not want to deny her son that ultimate pleasure, the pleasure that only two people of the opposite sex can enjoy, the whole purpose of her intervention in their sex play, but she did not want to show favourites either, and little Dominic was just as deserving. She wished she could do both at the same time. She wished she didn't have to make the choice.

In the end she didn't have to. The boys made it for her. Having not only been introduced to the pleasure of intercourse but getting it on a regular basis, Cory left that experience to Dominic and indicated so by a simple smile and nod directed to him. Not only that, he twisted around in a sixty-nine position and watched as his mother spread her legs and Dominic knelt between them. He watched as the tip of the thirteen-year-old boy's stiff cock pushed against his mother's swollen, juice-slick labia, and easily penetrated her body. He watched as Dominic slid his little, swollen cock up his mother's vagina until his smooth, naked pubes were pushing against her curly red hairs.

And then he began to fuck, slowly pumping his hips to and fro, sliding his aching, throbbing cocklet in and out of her slick pussy, sending thrills of arousal through his swollen flesh, thrills that were somehow different from the sensation he had fucking Kenneth's tight butt. He quivered with the unique, new pleasure. He was fucking. He had his dick up a woman's pussy. Having her hot, wet cunt gripping his cocklet as he withdrew and then opening up to him as he plunged in was so erotic. Having Cory laying there watching was even more erotic. And, that he was fucking Cory's mom was most erotic of all.

Watching Dominic's dick sliding in and out of his mother's swollen, dripping pussy was erotic for Cory too, as was having his mother sucking on his cock. He wondered how often she sucked his dad's dick, and if getting screwed by Dominic felt as good as being screwed by his dad. Antoinette had often said how much hotter and how much better it was being screwed by him, but then she was talking about Julius, and if he was no better at making love than he was at teaching, then he totally sucked. Actually, his skill was in being a dog's bitch and in being a toilet.

For Marian, it was like having sex for the first time. She'd been a virtuous teenager, never going farther than necking with a boy, not even with Matt. The first time they'd had sex had been on their wedding night. That was a different generation, and a different time. Things were different these days. Youth was much more knowledgeable, and society much more lenient. She inhaled deeply, delighting in the tremors of pleasure between her legs as young Dominic humped her furiously now, approaching his orgasm. She wondered if he was old enough to cum yet. She hadn't even thought of that, or of introducing the boys to condoms. She wondered about Cory. They were fine and just a small bush, but he did have hairs. To drink her young son's seed, now that would be very hot.

It was, more than she or Cory could have ever imagined. He warned her only seconds in advance, and then trembled and groaned as his thin, aching cock throbbed between her lips and he spurted, his thin, watery, early-teen cum filling his mother's mouth. Cumming was always an awesome experience, and cumming in his mother's mouth was even more so. He closed his eyes and his head spun dizzily as spurt after spurt erupted from his hot, aching young cock. His cum collected in her mouth and flowed over her tongue. It was sweeter and not as thick as her husband's, and she delighted in the flavour and the texture before swallowing it.

And then Dominic was quivering with his climax, his body tensing and his eyes closed as he whimpered in sheer delight as wave after wave pulsated through his groin and his leg jerked uncontrollably. She could only imagine how delightful that must be when you are thirteen, and with that thought she reached her own orgasm. Her body jerked and she thrust her hips up off the bed as her cunt spasmed with that delightful, sweet pain. She clamped her hot, firm lips about his slender cock, delighting as much in her own orgasm as she did in the knowledge she had also brought him off. The two of them grasped each other tightly, the thirty-seven-year-old wife and mother and the thirteen-year-old boy, locked together in that most blissful of moments, their bodies quivering with a mutual and shared pleasure that pulsated through their loins and left them light-headed.

It was a wonderful experience, so wonderful that when it was over and she lay back on her son's bed, she had no regrets and felt no guilt. It had been good, very good, for her, for Dominic, and for Cory. She knew, from their laboured breathing and their parted lips, that the pleasure she'd felt they had also, magnified by its novelty and their youth. That, the novelty and their youth, magnified it for her also. As she lay there in postclimatic bliss, she wondered what it might be like to have sex with some of Cory's other friends. It was a perverse thought, but after the experience she'd just had, a most intriguing thought also. Something as pleasant as what had just happened should not be a one-time experience.

She was not alone in her thoughts. She was right. It had been good for Dominic too. He smiled as he lay there on his back, his young cocklet and still developing balls anointed in cunt juice for the first time. It had been good, and he'd like to experience again, though, he concluded, sex with a woman could never compare to the sex that he and Kenneth had.

Cory was content also as he lay there staring up at the ceiling. His mother knew how to give a great blow job. That part of their sex had not been the result of his headband, nor the lust she'd felt. All he'd done was initiate the action among the three of them. It had been different, having sex with his mother, different from having sex with Mrs. Gilles, and different from having sex with his friends. Every day was a new discovery. As he reached down and fingered his limp, sticky organ, he was already thinking of other ways he might explore this new pleasure. And, he thought dreamily, if motherly love was so awesome, fatherly love had to be at least as great.

Chapter Thirty-Two

— Mt Mb —

Thanks to Bob for suggesting the action in this chapter, and Absalom's agreement and suggestions regarding the involvement of Dominic.

His legs trembling and his heart racing, Dominic knelt down, crossed himself, and whispered, "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It is four months since my last confession, and I accuse myself of the following sin: I have masturbated."

He could barely see the priest on the other side of the grille, which was just as well. He'd never be able to look him in the face and confess. After today, he'd never be able to look him in the face again, which was going to make going to church and choir practice most difficult.

"How often have you committed this sin?"

"Once, twice a day. Sometimes three."

There was a sharp intake of breath on the other side of the screen and Dominic shuddered. The more times you did it evidently made the sin more serious.

"When did you first begin practising this sin?"

"About three months ago. During the Interfaith Prayer Day for the Family at Westbank Park."

"Why have you taken this long to confess your sin?"

Dominic hesitated. He'd never been asked all these questions for any of his other sins. Mind you, none of his past confessions were as serious as this one. In the past it was stuff like taking the bigger piece of cake at the church supper, or wishing bad thoughts about his sister, like she'd break out in a hundred zits.

"I've been, well, afraid to."

"Masturbation is a most grievous sin, my son, as is holding it from confession."

"Yes, Father."

"Is there anything more you would like to tell me?"

"Oh, yeah," Dominic said, having truly forgotten the other sin that had been on his mind this past week, ever since he'd been told he had to go to confession. How did Father Henry know about it? That was a stupid question. God knew. And Father Henry talked directly to God. God had to have told him.

"And I have coveted my neighbour's wife. Well, she's not exactly a neighbour. She lives a few blocks away."

"To have lustful thoughts of women is a sin in the eyes of the Lord. So strongly does He warn against it that the admonishment not to covet a man's wife was one of the Ten Commandments given to Moses."

"Yes, Father, I know. I haven't exactly had lustful thoughts about her. I've, just, well, you know, done it with her. I don't know if that's what covet means."

"Done it?"

"You know." Dominic squirmed uncomfortably.

"You've had intercourse?" came the response, his voice reflecting the incredibility of such a thing.

When he'd asked if there was anything more the boy wanted to say, he'd meant in regard to his confession of having masturbated, and when he'd said he'd coveted his neighbour's wife, he'd assumed the boy meant he fantasized about her when he masturbated.


"Good God!"

There was a long silence. Assuming it was over, Dominic concluded, "For these and all the sins of my past life, I ask pardon of God, penance, and absolution from you, Father."

"Who is this woman who has lead you into this temptation?"

"I thought you weren't supposed to name people in Confession."

Dominic had feared he would be asked just such a question regarding how he'd found out about masturbation and had come prepared. The Guide to Confession he'd gotten at Sunday School had said a person did not have to name others, and he was determined not to. He did not want to get Cory nor his mother in any trouble.

"Do you not wish to save her soul?"

"She's not Catholic."

"What she has done is illegal in this country."

"A priest cannot reveal what is told him in confession."

It said that in the Guide too, so people would not be afraid to confess.

"And the person who lead you into the sin of self-abuse?"

"He's not Catholic either."

"I can inform his minister so he can intercede on behalf of his soul. Or at least his father."

"I cannot tell you. Bu 3;"

"God will be more forgiving if you do."

"I can't. But you could maybe meet with him."

"You'll bring him to see me?"

"No. But I can tell you where you can find him."


"He sometimes hangs out at the west end of Westbank Park, where the path makes a big S curve just after the West Gate. In a clearing behind the bushes, near the freeway. I could draw you a map. He'll probably be there tonight, at six. He usually is on Saturdays."

"Very well. You have done the right thing. Say five Our Fathers for your penance. And you and I must have some study sessions on Christian sexuality. Let's say tomorrow afternoon, at two-thirty for the first one."

"Yes, Father. Thank you, Father."

The priest saying nothing further, Dominic assumed his fifteen minutes of torture was over. "Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen," he recited.

"Dominus noster JesusChristus te absolvat; et ego auctoritate ipsius te absolvo ab omni vinculo excommunicationis et interdicti in quantum possum et tu indiges. Deinde, ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. May the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the merits of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints obtain for you that whatever good you do or whatever evil you bear might merit for you the remission of your sins, the increase of grace and the reward of everlasting life. Go in peace."

"Thank you, Father."

Dominic didn't know how, but he managed to get to his feet and walk out of the church without toppling over on his wobbly legs, his week of worry and torment over, at least just about. A week and a half ago, the day before Epiphany and a week after he'd had sex with Cory's mother, Father Henry had caught him fiddling with himself during choir practice. He couldn't help it. It had become a habit, one that felt particularly good, and he was bored. He loved singing, and was good at it, and he knew all his solo lines. Having to stand there while the rest of the choir rehearsed their parts over and over for the special mass the next day was dumb.

Anyway, after practice, Father Henry had taken him aside and had told him he'd seen what he had been doing under his choir robe. He tore into him with the most angry lecture he'd ever heard, and he'd heard the priest rant fiercely about a lot of topics, most of them against sex now that he thought about it. At the time he'd demanded that he tell him how he'd found out about what he called self-abuse, and who had gotten him started. When he'd refused to name names, Father Henry had threatened to tell his father about his sin. Knowing from past experience dealing with young boys on this very matter that even that wouldn't necessarily get him the information he wanted, he said, pretending it as an afterthought, that he'd give him until confessionals a week from the upcoming Saturday. He knew full well the longer the boy waited the greater his guilt would be and the more likely he'd reveal the information he wanted.

That first Saturday Jonah Winthrop had had a similar conversation with his father on the same topic and was asked the same questions, though their confrontation had been more heated. Pastor Winthrop's solution, his solution to all sins by all children and especially his own, was to beat the evil, and the information, out of him. Despite the caning that had left raised welts on his backside, little Jonah had not revealed the identity of the person who had lead him into evil, though Jonathan Winthrop had a good idea who the boy was and had tried to make Jonah admit it. There was only one boy Jonah had befriended lately, and who had pleaded for him to attend an overnight sleep over with him. He'd had strong reservations then, and why he'd had a sudden change of mind and an unreasonable trust in the boy, and had even given him a hundred dollars to buy supper for those he'd invited to the sleep over, he'd puzzled over for days after. He'd finally concluded that he had hoped his young son was having a positive influence on the young teenager, and besides, Thanksgiving had been only a week way. He'd had a moment of generosity and human kindness. A momentary lapse in good judgement. Well, the boy would pay for his sin, just as surely as Jonah would come forth with the truth.

Jonah had, less than a week later, as he knew he would. He raised his sons to fear God, and to fear him, and he knew the beating and the pending threat of more to come would help his son see the error of his ways. It always did. Oh, Jonah didn't name names, but he'd said where the boy would be and when, and that was good enough. Actually, he had to admire his boy his loyalty and support for his friend, and his ingenuity in revealing his identity without revealing his name. His boy, like all boys, might have been born a sinner, but he'd never questioned his boy's intelligence.

And so it was that Father Henry, Bishop of Riverside - South Bay Diocese, and Pastor Jonathan Winthrop of the Riverside Evangelical Baptist Church, found themselves approaching the same location in Westbank Park from opposite directions on the paved walking path, one approaching from the east and one from the west, and, they discovered, with the same objective. Together they headed for the tree break that separated the park from the freeway, and after some searching, found the path that had been developed by daily use through the thick bushes. They walked quietly, intent on surprising and apprehending the sinner on the other side. What they discovered was not one, but four sinners, and who they were and what they were doing surprised both men.

There in the small clearing, stark naked and standing in a circle, were Julius Gilles and three young boys, a teenager, a preteen, and one that could be either, all four of them as naked as Adam in the Garden, and as if they needed proof of their guilt, all four of them committing that very sin they had lectured Dominic and young Jonah about. They both knew Julius. He had been one of their strongest supporters in their campaign against Bob Moser a year and ago, and had spoken out against him on several occasions, before and after the travesty of a trial. That he of all people would be joining, leading most likely, three young impressionable boys in that disgusting and unspeakable sin was shocking to say the least. That he was the one who had corrupted Dominic and Jonah was an even greater surprise, but the evidence was there before their very eyes, thanks to the confessions of the two boys.

They were in fact so surprised they stood there still hidden in the bushes and reconsidered their actions. Having fully expected to find Cory Wilson, Pastor Winthrop had been prepared to charge into the clearing and put the fear of God into the youngster, as he regularly did his own children and the children of his parishioners, and then haul him off by the ear to his father and demand the boy be punished. He was even prepared to offer to do the caning himself, and expecting an argument, had even prepared a list of reasons why the boy should be bent over, the admonishment to spare the rod was to spoil the child being at the top of the list.

Father Henry did not know Cory Wilson and did not have a specific suspect in mind, but he had expected a youth of similar age to Dominic, and had also intended on threatening the youngster with the wrath of God, using his sharp tongue and skill at oratory to achieve the same effect as Reverend Winthrop had with the willow switch or leather strap. He had also fully expected to coerce the youngster to reveal the name of the wanton vixen who had seduced young Dominic, suspecting Dominic would have bragged about his conquest. That the culprit was an adult and a teacher besides, and a man considered to be an upright citizen and a man they'd considered an ally, was a much different matter. The sin of counselling young, innocent boys to engage in the immoral practice of self-abuse and committing who knows what other sinful acts was even more grievous than had they been committed by a youngster, but castigating a fellow adult who could speak for himself and putting the fear of God into him was not as easy as reprimanding a teenage boy.

Julius and the boys had evidently just begun, the four of them still limp, but as they stroked their penises and shook them and bounced them in their palms, they quickly grew hard. As they began to stroke themselves, the pleasure they were feeling was evident in the shine of their eyes and the slight curl of their lips. The two clergymen had never denied that masturbation was pleasant, though that certainly was not something they could claim from experience. It was that very pleasure that made it so addictive, and that made it so wrong. God had never intended sex to be a pleasure, not even between man and wife, as Saint Paul clearly stated in the Gospels. Anything that distracted a person from the one true pleasure, serving God, was wrong. That was why engaging in sex for pleasure was such a sin. Reverend Winthrop could honestly say he had intercourse with his wife only because it was his husbandly duty and because the Lord had commanded man to go forth and be fruitful, not because it was a pleasure.

Even at the distance they stood they could feel the sexual arousal of the four as they watched, as if the four in the clearing were sending out waves of arousal with each stroke of their fists. They could also sense the physical pleasure of the four naked sinners as if the pleasure throbbing in their stiff organs was pulsating through the air to envelop them. Reverend Winthrop inhaled deeply as he felt lust filling his body. He was a tall, thin, severe-looking man with a pale complexion and cold blue eyes, large ears, a hawkish nose and sunken cheeks, looking much like the sour-faced ministers of old who scoured the villages and countryside for witches to burn. He was the fourth youngest child in a family of nine, the son of a Baptist minister from South Carolina, and had a strict, Spartan upbringing, just as he was bringing up his family of seven, four boys and three girls ranging in age from five to seventeen, with one child on the way and hopefully another yet to be conceived.

Bishop Henry was also from a large family, having three brothers and three sisters, descended from Irish immigrants in New York who amassed a fortune at the turn of the previous century in shipbuilding and real estate investments. At 59 he was twenty years older than Jonathan Winthrop and in further contrast to the Baptist minister, he was short and plump with jowly cheeks, a ruddy complexion, and a fringe of white hair on each side of his head and around the back. He was often described as a bulldog in appearance and in temperament.

The two men did have several things in common. One was their belief in the sin of masturbation. Another was the belief in raising children with a firm hand and a fear of god. The third, at that moment, was an overpowering and most atypical sense of arousal. As they stood there watching, the evident pleasure on the faces of the four naked sinners both disgusted them and aroused them. As they looked upon them with revulsion, at the same time they felt desire rising in their hearts, and in their trousers. They were men of the cloth, but also of the flesh even if they did denounce carnal pleasures. The unnatural effect the four masturbators were having on them was proof of the evil and the power of pleasures of the flesh. They glanced at each other, and with a nod of agreement, they strode into the clearing, bent on putting an end to the profanity.

With each step they found themselves becoming more uncertain. With each step they found their lust rising and their resistance dropping. Conscience fought desire. What the four were doing was wrong but so tempting. It was as if angel and demon sat on each shoulder and wrestled for control. Reason and logic based on their training and upbringing and supported by today's society fought a deeper, primeval instinct, a base desire going back to the original sin.

Julius Gilles saw the two men approaching, and the indignation and disgust in their eyes, and his heart sank. Of all the people in Riverside to possibly enter the clearing that day, they were the two least expected, and the two that he most dreaded. He knew how the power of their positions and the eloquence of their oratory had condemned Bob Moser before the trial and had maintained public condemnation even after the courts had cleared him. He knew these two men could destroy him with a blink of an eye his reputation being nowhere near what Bob Moser's had been. Unlike Bob Moser, he was no threat to them or their beliefs, but like Bob Moser, he could be used to further their status and power. And, unlike Bob Moser, he was guilty. Despite the pleasure throbbing through his stiff, aching cock, a pleasure that somehow was stronger this evening than usual, he felt ashamed and filthy. Not only was he engaging in a vulgar and immoral act, but he was doing so in the company of his three sons. As the two clergymen struggled with the conflict between their minds and bodies, between their hearts and their groins, so Julius Gilles struggled with the conflict between of immense pleasure in what he was doing and what he knew deep in his heart was wrong.

The final steps were slow and ponderous, as if lust and temptation were cement blocks tied to their feet and weighing them down, trying to prevent them from intervening. They both opened their mouths to speak, to condemn to hell fire the four sinners before them, and their minds went blank. They stood there, mouths gaping, eyes sightless, minds a total blank as if they were having a stroke, as if God had missed and had struck them blind, deaf and mute instead of the four sinners. The lust that had been growing inside them with each step they had taken doubled in intensity and then doubled again, growing from a small candle burning between their legs to an all-encompassing bonfire, a burning bush that consumed their entire bodies, consumed their souls. They felt an immense temptation to engage in the pleasure the man and three boys were engaged in. Almost every man on earth had experienced that pleasure at least once in his life, and they knew in most cases regularly even though none would admit it. It was a pleasure they had resisted and denied themselves their entire lives.

Colour coming back to their cheeks, at least as much colour as there ever was in Pastor Winthrop's face, and their eyes growing bright again as they resumed breathing, they unzipped their trousers and slipping their fingers inside their flies, they extracted their already stiff cocks as if in a daze. Each looked down at his swollen flesh sticking up out of his fly as if seeing it for the first time, and each slowly wrapped his fingers about his stiff organ and began to stroke. Pleasure immediately throbbed through their long neglected organs and filled their minds.

Their response totally surprised Julius and his boys, who had all stopped their stroking with the arrival of the unexpected duo but who now resumed, none of them saying a word, all of them staring at the two clergymen now standing there with them and stroking their swollen cocks. Although the boys did not know the two men, they knew who they were from the controversy the previous year regarding Bob Moser. They stared at the stiff cocks of the two clergymen, and at their fists pumping their organs. Somehow that they were the cocks of two men of the cloth and that two such upright and moral citizens were engaging in the same act of pleasure as they were made it seem all the hotter.

The surprise of the three boys was not lost on the two men, nor that through their actions they were condoning the act the six of them were engaging in. Despite that, the two men quivered with the pleasure pulsating through their cocks, with the first pleasure they'd ever felt by their own hand. Through their strict upbringing and beliefs that had been instilled in them since birth, they had resisted the temptation that practically every man and boy on earth at some time succumbed to, and the vast majority of women besides. As their swollen members now throbbed in their hands, they closed their eyes and nearly swooned with the pleasure. Still, despite that undeniable pleasure, they struggled with the knowledge deep down inside that what they were doing was morally wrong, and that the pleasure they were feeling was the work of Satan, not of God.

As they watched the two clergymen masturbating, the four Gilles's paired up, Julius and Julian, Anton and François, each slipping his jerkoff hand around the other's flesh. There was no reason other than the sudden impulse to stroke each other instead of themselves and the knowledge that stroking each other was more pleasurable than doing it separately. Each trembled with the throbbing delight now not just of his own cock being massaged out of his control, but also the stiff cock in his hands. There was no question their pleasure had doubled regardless of the other knowledge nagging at the back of their minds that a guy did not touch another guy down there. Father Henry and Reverend Winthrop felt the same impulse. If doing it to themselves felt so good, it would have to be double the pleasure to share it with someone else. Unlike Julius and his sons, they resisted Satan's temptation.

Masturbation itself was not condemned in the Bible, unless one extended the story of Onan to include self-stimulation which many did, but both believed in its sin nonetheless and had full support of their respective churches. Pope Paul VI in his Declaration on Social Ethics back in 1975 had said that masturbation constituted a grave moral disorder, that it was an intrinsically and seriously disordered act which reflected man's innate weakness and a corruption of morals, and subsequent popes had supported that Declaration. As for Jonathan Winthrop, did not 1 Corinthians 7:4 state, "The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife?" All sexual experience outside of marriage is sinful, as are all forms of self-oriented sexual activity in and out of marriage sinful and lustful. Masturbation is not pleasing to God. It is a sin when accompanied by sexual fantasies and impure thoughts which were condemned by Job 31:1-2 and Matthew 5:28. It is a sin when it becomes habit forming. It is impure and unclean as stated in Galatians 5:19 and Ephesians 5:3-5.

Both believed these teachings and each gritted his teeth and each recited his doctrine as he fought the temptation to copy the two pairs of sinners before him. Each man recited the admonishments to refrain from succumbing to the weakness of the flesh as he reached over and took the other's stiff, throbbing cock in his hands, and as he unbuckled the other's belt and unbuttoned the top button of the other's trousers and pushed down his pants and his underwear so as to have a better grasp of the other's organ. Each man quivered as he felt his cock being stroked, as he felt the hot, throbbing desire of his swollen flesh magnify in the hands of the other. Emboldened by that pleasure, they stripped each other naked to enjoy it to its fullest, and naked, they stood there in the clearing stroking each other's swollen, aching cock, holding for the first time in their lives, that private member of another man.

As Anton and François leaned in toward each other and kissed, as did Julius and Julian, again purely on impulse, so did Father Henry and Reverend Winthrop, impulsively and following the example of the other two couples. The two men leaned toward each other and kissed, firmly and passionately on the lips, not to see what it would be like, but because they felt a lust and desire for each other like they had never felt for anyone before, not even the Reverend for his wife, nor the Bishop for his Church. They kissed each other a second time, the tall, thin minister and the short, chubby priest, two most unlikely couples, and the hot throbbing of their cocks doubled. They stroked each other's organs desperately now, each stroke increasing their pleasure and urging them on. Thoughts and images of the beauty of the male body, depicted in religious paintings and statues throughout time, even in the Vatican itself, filled their minds and their pleasure intensified still further. Consumed by lust, they embraced with their free arms and kissed again.

It was while the two men were so engaged that Jonah and Dominic entered the clearing, and it was not until the two boys were standing beside them that the two lust-struck clergymen noticed the boys. The two quickly shucked their clothes, and already boned up, they began to play with each other also, saying not a word to the two clergymen, nor to the Gilles. The sight of the two naked youngsters, their naked pubes and small undeveloped testicles, and their fingers stroking each other's slender, pale uncut dicklet sent a thrill of arousal through the two clergymen, and a wave of disgust at their immoral reaction. The two boys were cherubs, pure and innocent, enjoying the beauty of being boys, but deep seated beliefs argued they were two sinners, caught in Satan's trap and revelling in the sinful pleasures of the flesh.

Continuing to frig themselves, Anton and François dropped to their knees before the two newcomers and brushing away their hands, began to suck on their stiff, throbbing little cocklets, and Jason similarly dropped to his knees and began to suck his father's stiff prick. It was a natural progression for Anton, who knelt there in his dog collar and pierced nipples and eagerly sucked on Dominic's cocklet. Though he was only four months older, Dominic's cocklet was an inch longer than Anton's and the younger boy delighted in the extra length and in the smooth, silkiness of his foreskin. He so totally loved cock that he no longer cared who saw or who knew. Nine-year-old François, on the other hand, simply knew that messing around with another guy brought him and the other guy pleasure, so when he felt the impulse to suck Jonah's little cocklet and saw his older brother take the initiative, he followed his example.

Justin had felt the same impulse as his two brothers and had the same idea suddenly pop into his head. Unlike his two brothers, this whole business of sex with guys was still new, and repulsive despite the immense pleasure he often, though not always, felt in the orgies in the park. So he had resisted the impulse. Sucking a guy's cock was the most demeaning thing you could tell a guy to do-well, that and telling him to go fuck himself. Besides, it was his father for God's sake, and speaking of God, it was in front of two clergymen. Despite his revulsion and everything that told him it was wrong, despite his embarrassment and self-consciousness, he found himself dropping to his knees and slipping his lips over his father's cock just as his brothers were doing to Dominic and Jonah. Worst of all, he was finding himself enjoying it! He was going as nutty as his father, whom he'd discovered was a total nutcase.

The faces of the six beam with the full pleasure of sexual fulfilment, and the sight causes the stiff cocks of the two clergymen to ache with still greater lust as they eye the boys enviously while at the same time deep down inside long-held beliefs that such behaviour was immoral and degenerate argued vehemently against the desire welling up in each man's loins. It was wrong to touch another man in lust. It was filthy and sinful, an act certain to condemn one to an eternity in hell.

Finding his hands free, Dominic reached out and replaced the Pastor's hand with his own and slowly began to stroke his confessor's stiff cock. Bishop Henry moaned in pleasure unable to believe how different it was to be stroked by a young boy. To be touched by a boy was even more sinful than being touched by another man, increasing the priest's shock at the pleasure he was feeling, and his disgust in himself. Following Dominic's lead and having had the same thought as he had, Jonah likewise reached out and replaced the priest's hand with his own. It was erotic, and weird, and in a way repulsive stroking his father's hot, hard cock. At five and a half inches [14cm], it certainly felt a lot larger than Dominic's, but it was more the fact that it was his father's that made it seem so strange. Jonathan Winthrop found it just as strange, and he quivered with the new delight, at the same time feeling greater disgust and filthiness than he'd ever felt before. My God, it was his son stroking his organ! "The husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife." But his wife had never brought him as much pleasure as his son was at that moment.

As difficult as it might be to believe, neither man had ever masturbated before, not even as a youth. Both had been raised from infancy to believe it was a sin, a sign of weakness, a perversion, something to warn youth about, something to prevent youth from engaging in, something to make men feel guilty about doing. Now they trembled and sighed with a pleasure neither man knew possible, a pleasure far beyond what they could have ever imagined. Pastor Winthrop felt his balls begin to tighten and the familiar tension in his groin that until that day he had associated with engaging in intercourse with his wife. Father Henry marvelled at a delight he'd never felt before in his fifty-nine years as a strange and mysterious ache in his loins made him begin thrusting his hips to and fro and a mad desire to satisfy the need to satisfy it.

Their breathing became deeper and more laboured, until at last they quivered with the delight of ejaculation, the first ejaculation for either man by the hand of another, the first by any means for Father Henry. The two young boys grasped the hot, throbbing cocks of the two men in their hot little hands as the two men spurted out their cum, their hot, thick seed lacing the smooth chests of the two boys. Shot after shot erupted from full, mature, hairy balls, spurting stream after stream of thick, creamy cum that struck their young masturbator's chests and oozed down their smooth bodies. The men gasped and quivered with the pleasure throbbing through their swollen cocks, and throbbing through their minds, and the two young boys delighted in their climax as much as they did.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?"

The eight of them were all so engaged they had not noticed Bob Moser step into the clearing and stride over to where they were. The Gilles family of course was not surprised to see him, and as the three boys ceased their sucking and looked up at him, they and their father felt both a surge of arousal knowing that he would be joining them, and a sinking feeling of dread as they feared just what he might expect them to do. Standing there stark naked, their stiff cocks dripping with their cum and still held by the hot little fists of the two boys they had just sprayed, the two clergymen were suddenly filled with guilt and shame which quickly replaced their unbelievable lust. Of all people to have caught them at their moment of greatest weakness, it had to be Bob Moser.

At six-foot-two [1.88m] and two-hundred-and-fifty pounds [113kg], he was always an impressive man, and he was even more impressive as he stood there before them with his hands on his hips and a smirk on his face, the look of man who'd just caught two children with their hands in the cookie jar. He had perhaps added a few pounds since they'd last seen him, the result of his passion for beer and rich food, his salt and pepper goatee had perhaps a bit more salt, and his long, grey-streaked hair, tied back in a pony tail, was perhaps a bit longer. His deep blue eyes were the same, filled with confidence, a self-satisfied merriment, and the same contempt for them as the day he'd been found not guilty.

"I 3; ah 3; this isn't 3; ," floundered Bishop Henry.

"Yes 3; it 3; we 3; ," mumbled Pastor Winthrop just as intelligibly.

"Let's see what we have here. Beyond all reasonable doubt immoral behaviour, obviously counselling youngsters to perform indecent acts, child molestation," he said, his blue eyes twinkling as he listed the very charges the two men had raised against him. "What, no drugs?" he asked as he looked around, referring to the additional accusation he was selling drugs to children. "Ah, where is the media when you need it?" Bob observed with a merry grin as he glanced around again. "I'm sure they will be most interested in learning about this little romp in the park." He looked over at Julius. "And knowing what an upright, decent citizen you are, and I'm sure what a fine witness you will be, I know you and you sons will be most willing witnesses to the immoral and criminal acts of these two fine gentlemen today."

Julius's heart could sink no further. This was the blackest day of his life. Of course he would be a willing witness. He would do and say anything to stop Bob Moser from revealing other things about him, things even worse than engaging in sex with his oldest son and masturbating in public, the only two things the two clergymen could, and would, accuse him of in their upcoming trial. That was absurd. Those were the minor sins he was guilty of! As it was, they would be enough to end his career as a teacher, and crush his aspirations to teach at rgab. They would have to move. Once it was revealed what he'd done he'd never be able to face people in this city again, and nor would his family, especially his three boys whose behaviour would also be revealed. He chuckled. At least the torture of these past four months was over.

"I'm sure we, ah, I would hope we could discuss this," Father Henry began.

"Yes, we wouldn't want to, ah, well, it would be most difficult for, ah, the boys, if, ah, we went to the media, or the courts," stumbled Pastor Winthrop, thinking of course more of himself and his ministry than his second-youngest son.

"You want me to keep quiet."

"Things are, well, there is an explanation," Father Henry replied, hoping to bluff the man but knowing in his heart it was unlikely. If there was an explanation, he certainly didn't have it.

"What do you want?" Jonathan Winthrop asked bluntly. He knew human nature, and he knew every man had a price, even Bob Moser. He also knew there was no other way out of the embarrassing situation he and the priest were in. This was all Jonah's fault. The boy would pay.

"You want to negotiate."


"Well, for starters, Reverend Winthrop, why don't you negotiate with this?" Bob asked, pulling down his fly and extracting his monster seven-inch [18cm] cock. Winthrop stared at the stiff organ, a good inch and a half [4cm] longer than his own. "Come, come, let's put that tongue to better use than talking, which you seem to have trouble with at the moment anyway."

Knowing from their past relationship that Bob Moser would and could dictate the terms of any agreement, Jonathan Winthrop knew he had no choice. Bob's obscene demand only confirmed his opinion that the man was a pervert and an aging, morally-deprived hippie, Jonathan Winthrop dropped to his knees and ran his tongue over the man's cock. A shudder of revulsion passed up his spine and his skin turned to gooseflesh. Bob Moser would pay for this indignity. As the Reverend ran his tongue up Bob's shaft, Jonah and Dominic stared at the size of the man's cock. It was longer than Kenneth's, and fatter, the biggest cock they'd ever seen. As Jonathan Winthrop slipped his lips over the man's fat knob and began to suck, Jonah felt a perverse satisfaction seeing his father sucking another man's cock and knowing how embarrassed and disgusted his father was feeling.

"Henry, you can put your eloquent tongue to good use too. Lick up the mess you two made on these young boys that you made jack you off."

Dominic and Jonah stared at Bob, half expecting him to be struck by lightning. Not Father Henry, nor Bishop Henry, just Henry. Never had Dominic heard anyone speak with such irreverence to the man that normally struck fear into everyone's hearts.

Father Henry wanted to object. He and Reverend Winthrop had not made the two boys do anything. As for what had happened, his ejaculation had come as a total surprise. He had no idea a man spurted so forcefully or so far. He knew however that he was in no position to argue, and he certainly did not want to anger the man. He reluctantly dropped to his knees before Dominic. What the man wanted him to do was foul, so foul that it wasn't even described as a sin in the Bible. Sticking out his tongue, he ran it over the boy's smooth chest, licking up the slimy goo. It was salty and bitter and the sliminess was disgusting. It was just punishment for the sin he had committed. With that in mind, seeing his debasement as God's punishment for the immoral act he'd committed, he ran his tongue up Dominic's chest again, licking his bitter seed off the boy's chest.

Dominic could not believe what was happening, nor the arousal he was feeling. Father Henry, who had torn into him for playing with himself, was kneeling there stark naked and licking his cum off his chest, and he was going to be licking Reverend Winthrop's cum off Jonah. His young, slender cocklet was sticking straight up in the air and aching like mad, and as the priest's tongue ran over his chest it jerked with arousal. He noticed Jonah was stiff too as the boy stood there watching along with the Gilles's.

Jonathan Winthrop and Father Henry could not believe what was happening either. They had never felt so embarrassed nor humiliated in their lives, nor so degraded. The acts they were engaged in were filthy and immoral. To suck a man's penis was demeaning and degenerate, and to lick your seed off the body of a young teenage boy was a scene you would expect to see in hell. Yet, despite their revulsion and humiliation, they found what they were doing erotic. Their cocks had gone limp but were beginning to swell once more. That was even more disturbing than the acts they were engaged in. How could they feel desire performing such immoral, filthy acts? What work of the devil was at play here? Julius and the boys, whom Bob Moser had said were his sons, had been in a circle. Was this some sort of cursed place, a place of devil worship? Julius Gilles's middle boy looked like he might be a Satanist with his studded dog collar and pierced nipples. How else could they explain their delight in doing what they were doing?

Delight was a mild word to describe how they were feeling. Pastor Winthrop once again felt a growing lust as he sucked on the thick, filthy cock in his mouth, not reluctantly or out of coercion, but eagerly and hungrily. He slipped his lips up and down the length of the man's throbbing cock as far as he could with growing passion. His cock was delicious. Sucking him was thrilling. A man could feel no greater pleasure than that of having another man's cock in his mouth, than bringing another man pleasure, than bringing him off. His body tensed with his ache for his cock, and his own cock rose and throbbed in arousal. He could not believe the thoughts in his mind! They were perverted and filthy. They were the thoughts of a catamite. How could he have such thoughts and feelings so totally opposite to what he ever felt, to what he always preached? Satan had to have taken control of his mind.

Bishop Henry felt the same as he ran his tongue over Jonah's chest, licking his father's slime from his smooth, young body, his little cocklet jerking and wagging with obviously sinful arousal while his own cock rose once again in lust and desire. How could licking up the spilled seed of another man bring him such a feeling of lust? How could the sight of a young seven-year-old boy's arousal cause his own member to throb and ache? How could licking the slime from the Pastor's son before his very eyes fill him with such carnal delight? Never had he had such thoughts and feelings in his life. It could only be the work of Satan.

Bob Moser grasped Pastor Winthrop's head and warned him that he was going to cum. Even with the warning, the Reverend was not prepared for the copious and rapid gush of hot, thick semen that quickly filled his mouth. He swallowed the foul slime and as it hung in the back of his throat he felt like puking. He was swallowing the man's foul, slimy seed. It flowed over his tongue and out the corners of his mouth to form a perverse goatee about his chin. The thoughts of lust and desire that had filled his mind a moment ago were replaced with revulsion and humiliation as he knelt there before the Gilles and Father Henry and his son and the other young boy, his chin dripping with the man's slime.

"Not bad," Bob pronounced as he withdrew his stiff cock. "But I think you need more practice. Let's see if you can't do better with Justin. And while the good Reverend is sucking off the boy, let's see what sort of blow job you can give his father," he added, looking over at Father Henry.

The two clergymen knew they had no choice. Dismayed and filled with thoughts of perversion, guilt and shame, they knelt there in the grass and slipped their lips over the stiff cocks of Julius Gilles and his son Justin and began to suck. It was a strange sight, the short, portly priest on his knees and his jowls flapping as he bobbed his head back and forth and sucked on the stiff, throbbing cock of the hairy forty-four-year-old teacher and father of five. Just as unthinkable was the austere, thin Reverend naked and on his knees sucking the stiff cock of the teenage boy. His eyes reflected his shame, humiliation and disgust as he performed the filthy act. Julius and Julian felt as embarrassed and as dirty having their cocks sucked by the two men, but they knew it was pointless to disagree with Bob Moser, and in reality, getting sucked off by the two clergymen in front of Bob Moser and the others was mild compared to some of the things they'd been forced to do. Actually, neither found the act particularly pleasant, not compared to how elated they'd felt doing some of those other things, and that bothered them even more. Had they become so jaded that the perversion they were engaged in seemed normal? It was with that thought that they shot off in the mouths of the two men of God.

The ordeal of the two clergymen was not yet over as the two men were told to suck off Anton and François, both of whom were standing there with their slender cocks stiff as nails. As they slipped their mouths over those slender, young cocks and began to suck and slide their lips and up and down their throbbing shafts, they found it far different from sucking off the boys' father and older brother. For one their cocks were much shorter and they were able to engulf them totally in their mouths. Their slender three-inch [7½cm] cocks reflected their young age, and that they were sucking the stiff cocks of two preteen boys made the act all the filthier and all the more humiliating. After years of castigating young boys for having impure thoughts and for succumbing to the temptation of self-abuse, they were now engaging in an illegal and even more immoral act with two preteen boys, in the presence of the boys' father. The obvious pleasure of the two boys made it all the more sinful, and as the two boys shuddered and grasped their heads tightly with their orgasms, Anton squirting his thin, watery preteen cum into Reverend Winthrop's mouth and François trembling with his dry orgasm, the two clergymen were racked with guilt and shame for bringing such sexual pleasure to the two youngsters.

They turned their attention finally to the two boys who were responsible for them being there, Bishop Henry shuffling over to young Dominic on his knees and Reverend Winthrop shuffling over to suck his own son. Now truly filled with remorse and shame as he slipped his lips down the slender, silky shaft of his choir boy and parishioner, the priest had no idea how he was going to explain to the boy why he'd done what he'd done there in the park that day. How does a man explain that he performed such filthy and perverted acts to save his own reputation and position? How does a fifty-nine-year-old Bishop explain to a young choir boy that he can be bullied by a man he'd envied and had helped to falsely accuse of crimes and sins that he was now committing? As he sucked on the young boy's cocklet he had no answers, his mind filled only with humiliation and disgust.

Pastor Winthrop's shame and guilt were even greater than that of the Catholic priest's. He was sucking the dicklet of his seven-year-old son, the boy he'd caned for touching himself, the boy he claimed to have been born a sinner, as are all boys, and needed discipline to stop him from straying. What about himself? What greater sinner can there be than a man who engages in a filthy, perverted act of sex with his own son, with a boy who is still a child? How was he going to explain to the boy that he'd engaged in such a perverted, immoral act to protect his own hide? How could he explain to the boy that he'd succumbed not just to his filthy, base feelings of lust, but also to pride? How could he look the boy in the eyes again after having had the boy's dick in his mouth, after his son had seen him suck the filthy cocks of three others before him? How could God punish him so? Filled with embarrassment and humiliation as he sucked on the slender, silky cocklet of his son, like the Catholic priest, he had no answers.

The two boys quivered with delight as their young, slender cocklets throbbed and their loins ached. No matter how often they felt the burning itch of their dick heads or the numb throbbing of their slender shafts, they marvelled at the wild sensation and delighted in the fact that they were boys and able to experience such a thing. Having his tender dicklet sucked by his priest added a whole new dimension to the experience for Dominic. It was far different from having it sucked by Kenneth, the experiences with him being augmented by the love the two boys felt for each other. With the priest it was pure and simple sex, and that it was strictly sex and with a priest made it all the hotter in the young boy's mind. Jonah had gotten his first blow job from Julius the day he'd discovered Julius and Lad screwing in that very same clearing, and since then he'd had his little dicklet sucked by Kenneth at Cory's party, but neither felt the same as being sucked off by his dad who only a week ago had caned his behind for playing with his dick. He knew his father was not doing it willingly, and as he looked down at his father as he slid his lips up and down his slender, silky cocklet he felt a strange sense of satisfaction.

Things were very different than they had been a week ago when they'd both been accused of sinning and had been ordered to reveal the name of the person who had corrupted them under the threat of eternal damnation, and in Jonah's case, another caning besides. Filled with guilt and remorse over doing what every boy does and knowing not what to do, they had finally sought out Cory, strictly by coincidence at the same time. They found him at Westbank Park talking to the groundskeeper, Bob Moser, whom both boys knew only by reputation, the false one spread by adults, and the true one spread by the youth who knew the real man.

Two months earlier, the second week of November, Bob had finally decided to find out just who the German Shepard that was screwing Gilles belonged to and why he irregularly showed up at the park. So, instead of rendezvousing with the Gilles the Tuesday of that week, he'd hung back and watched the path and the tree line. Of course he saw Cory and Anthony heading for the trees with the dog just shortly before six and disappearing in the bushes, and then emerging back out of the bushes with the dog after the Gilles's had jogged off and were out of sight. Evidently not only were the boys purposefully bringing the dog to the clearing to screw Gilles, but they were staying and watching besides! Which of course meant the days he and Lane were there with the dog, they were also watching them! He chuckled with the realization, and wisely decided to keep it his secret.

Two days later, the day he'd had Julius's boys whip his ass because he and his boys were late having had to go over to Jacob Schuller's, Lad had not been there and he'd not seen the boys, so he assumed, incorrectly he later discovered, that the boys only showed up when they brought their dog. He'd also assumed, incorrectly, that they were just out walking their dog and dropping by the clearing was of secondary importance and hence sporadic. The first Saturday in December, the day of the big soccer loss to Weaver Central High School and the day he'd made Julius lick Lad clean after fucking his ass and his boys beg to get screwed, he'd circled around and hidden in shrubbery at the top of the hill where the path made an S curve and spotted Cory emerging from bushes along with Lad a few minutes later just as he'd expected, this time without his friend.

He'd intercepted him, and after a vehement denial until Bob convinced him he was not angry but instead admired him, he admitted he purposefully brought Lad there on occasion, alone, or with the dog's owner or another of his close buddies. He also revealed that he or his buddies had videotaped almost every event. Cory had been the source of the pictures Bob had used the following day to ensure the cooperation of Julius and Julian on that day and in the future.

And it had been on that day that he had realized Cory had to be doing more than just bringing Lad by. Although Lad had not been there that Sunday, he knew Cory, knowing Julius was going to bring Julian, would have come by to witness the humiliation of his hated teacher and his oldest son, something Bob could understand considering his own feelings regarding the two. It had been while he was humiliating the two of them that he got the sense he was not acting alone. He'd had scat ideas before, and in fact had fantasized a number of scenarios involving those who had wronged him and their loved ones, but that evening he'd found himself coming up with totally new ideas, and he had found his enjoyment at a level higher than he'd ever enjoyed anything before. Most surprising and mysterious of all though, was the immense pleasure Julius Gilles had taken in performing his role. For a man to suddenly take such delight in eating shit and drinking piss was not natural. Cory had to be responsible. He was not sure how the boy had accomplished it, but it had to have something to do with the strange headband he wore. At any rate, he certainly admired the boy for his ingenuity, and for his filthy mind.

That was what they were talking about when Dominic and Jonah had shown up. They had waited until he had gone to inform Cory what had happened, and of their remorse and guilt, and especially of their fear that come the following Saturday, they would be forced to reveal his identity. Cory, knowing how Bob felt about the two clergymen, had immediately turned around and with the two younger boys, had found him and explained the situation. He, of course, was more than happy to collaborate with Cory and the two boys on a solution that would not only resolve the boys' guilt trip and their problem, but would also help him get his revenge, and allow Cory to exercise his dirty mind to help his two young friends. Standing there now and seeing his two prime accusers kneeling in shame and embarrassment as they committed a sin they had wrongfully accused him of committing, Bob Moser felt very good.

Dominic and Jonah were feeling very good at that moment also. Their little dicklets were burning with irritation and the pressure in their loins was rapidly developing to that explosive point that both boys had come to know and to desire. Father Henry and Reverend Winthrop were feeling very good also. Much to their shame and embarrassment, they'd found themselves gradually filling with lust once again. As they'd sucked on the slender little dicklets and felt them throbbing between their lips, they remembered their own pleasure as the two boys had jacked them off and they knew the pleasure the two young boys had to now be feeling. Just as the boys had been the cause of their pleasure, now they were the cause of the boys' pleasure.

That was only just, and so they began to suck on the little dicklets and to work their lips up and down their shafts in earnest and with the express purpose of pleasing the two boys, and, they had to admit, pleasing themselves in the process. The silky feel of little boy foreskin, the taste of young boy cock, the smell of their little, dangling balls and sharing in the lust throbbing through their young bodies and that made their little dicklets hard as nails, there was nothing that could bring a man greater pleasure. So as Dominic ran his fingers through the white fringe of hair and grasped the head of his sucker as he groaned with his dry orgasm and his thigh quivered uncontrollably, the Catholic priest quivered with equal delight in having brought the young choir boy and parishioner to his orgasm. And as young Jonah trembled and gasped with his orgasm and thrust his little cocklet in and out of his father's mouth, Reverend Winthrop quivered with the joy of engaging in man-boy sex and with the delight of bringing his son that exquisite pleasure that even seven-year-old's can and should know.

Chapter Thirty-Three

— MMg Ft tt —

Thanks to Absalom for suggesting the plot involving Mrs Wilson for this chapter.

"I think it's fucking wicked the way your family has become nudists," Billy observed as he took Annette in his arms and kissed her. "What do you say, Juan?"

"Oh yeah. For one thing not having to take off your clothes leaves you more time for fucking," Juan observed as he pulled down his fly and unsnapped the top snap of his jeans.

"Not only that, a guy gets to admire his bitch's body completely and totally any time of day," Billy said sincerely as he pulled his T-shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. He had a nice, smooth, muscular chest and although she despised him and his kind and hated him for the way he treated her, Annette felt a twinge of arousal at the sight.

"You're starting to show," he said as he ran his fingertips gently over Annette's swelling abdomen. "How's our kid?"

"Fine," Annette said uncomfortably, still not used to being caressed while another man watched, though she had finally stopped trying to hide her girlhood behind her hands whenever Billy and Juan showed up. She was starting to bulge, though if it was the baby or all the food her mother kept preparing for them she was not sure. Her friends hadn't said anything yet, but from the glances they had been giving her lately and the whispering behind their hands they had to have noticed her gain in weight. It would only be a matter of time before they realized why, and then she'd so totally die.

"Hi there little darling," Billy said, dropping his jeans beside his T and squatting down before her and giving her stomach a kiss. "Daddy's here."

"You think it will be a boy or a girl?" mumbled Juan, his mouth full. Totally naked now, he'd picked up his third slice of the apple pie Annette's mother had given them to bring upstairs and had stuffed it in his mouth. Antoinette had two things going for her, she was one hell of a cook, and had a sexy, cock-loving daughter. Actually, she had three things. The bitch didn't have a bad body for a woman her age.

Annette wished that Billy wouldn't bring Juan along with him when he visited, which had been far too rare lately as it was. He'd been busy he said, making movies.

"I don't know," she said in answer to Juan's question. She'd wondered that herself, often. When you spend most of your time in your room hating your life and how it was turning out, you have a lot of time to think. She sort of hoped it would be a girl.

"Well, if it's a girl, she'll be as pretty and as sexy as you," Billy said, stroking her thighs and sending tingles of arousal through her loins as he admired her pussy.

The hair had grown back and seemed thicker and curlier and even redder than before. She wondered what her daughter's hair would be like if she had a girl. She hoped it wouldn't be thick and coarse like some nigger girls had that she'd seen. She knew she should stop calling black people that, but it was the word she'd been raised with, and even though it was a nigger who was the father of her baby, she couldn't help thinking of them as inferior and subservient to her kind.

"And if it's a boy he'll be a sex-dog like his daddy," Juan said with a grin as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"And have all the bitches hot for his dickie just like my other boys," Billy said with a grin as he got up. Annette flashed him a surprised glance. Other boys? He had to be kidding.

"So, you ready for a piece of hair pie now?" he asked, spreading apart the lips of Annette's pussy.

"I'm always ready for a piece of hot hair pie," Juan said, licking off the fingers of his right hand and bouncing his large, dangling cock with the other as he approached Annette. She glanced away but the image of his cock remained in her mind.

"Do you think we should, you know, like be doing sex, especially, you know, like there?" asked Annette, staring at Billy and wondering if he had just made one of his usual macho statements referring to his other boys. He couldn't possibly have other children. He loved her. "You know, like with the baby and all."

"Hey, Juan is big, but his fucking cock isn't that long it's going to reach your womb you dumb twat," Billy replied. It wasn't anything personal. All women were dumb. That was why they needed a man in the house. "And if a little jism squirts in that far, big deal. A little Latino jism ain't gonna hurt nobody."

"Actually, that's sort of a fuckin' erotic idea, my jizz spraying your kid while it's still in your woman's womb," Juan said with grin as he began to stroke Annette's pussy, running his fingers up and down along the crack as he tugged on his rapidly swelling cock.

Billy slipped behind her and ran his index finger up her other crack and wiggled the tip into her asshole as he kissed her neck. "Here, slobber me up some lube," he said, bringing his index finger around and shoving it in her mouth before she could even answer. Her tongue could not avoid the foul digit as he twisted it around in her mouth, coating it with spittle. Removing it, he roughly twisted it up her asshole and then removed it and shoved it in her mouth again. She tried to ignore the foul taste and even fouler thought of where his finger had just been as she fought back the impulse to puke. She probably would have if Juan hadn't slipped his index finger up her pussy at that moment and begun to rapidly work it in and out, distracting her mind.

"Oh yeah, girl, you're hot for a good fucking aren't you?" he said as he twisted his finger around, sending tingles of arousal up her vagina and through her clit. "You produce more fucking cunt juice than any woman I've ever fucked."

That Juan had fucked other women was no surprise. He was a good-looking stud with an athletic build and sexy, swarthy skin, and he had the personality and aggressive attitude that it took to make out with women. He and Billy were peas in a pod in that regard, the two of them having all the traits a woman found arousing in a man. They both knew it, which was one of the reasons they treated women as if they had only one purpose in life, to please a man, any man, sexually and otherwise.

It was easy for them to treat Annette that way. At fourteen she was an attractive girl with her alabaster skin and red hair and her full cheeks and dimpled chin. She had the sweet, innocent face of a child, and the body of a young woman. Her tits had developed early, and with her pregnancy they seemed to be getting even bigger, though that could be fat too. They were firm and perched high on her chest, just like Billy and Juan liked them. That she was pregnant with Billy's child made her all the sexier. Neither ever having a problem boning up, it was particularly easy with a woman-child like Annette.

Reaching around in front of her, Billy roughly groped her hot, wet pussy, sliming up his fingers with her cunt juice and swabbing his thick, seven inches [18cm] of dark black meat with it and commenting that Juan had been right about her being hot for cock from the amount of cunt slime she was pumping out. His coarse language caused her to think even more about the hot throbbing between her legs, which caused her cunt to ooze even more juice. Grasping her hips, Billy crouched down and placed the slimed tip of his thick, black cock against her spit-slicked hole. Pressing forward and up as he stood, he rammed his cock up her ass with a single, expert motion. He'd fucked plenty of women up the ass before, and Annette had by then had hers fucked dozens of times. Even so, she still winced with the pain, and the humiliation of being taken that way.

Placing his hands on her hips just below Billy's, Juan similarly bent his knees and placed the tip of his cock, almost as thick and as long as Billy's and a dark brown, against her hot, dripping pussy. She pushed out with her abdomen to part her cunt lips as he pushed forward, tightening her sphincter about Billy's cock as Juan drove his cock up her cunt in one single, effortless motion just as Billy had. Like Billy, he'd fucked plenty of cunts in his life, being even younger than Annette when he'd had his first woman, and between him and Billy, they'd been keeping Annette's cunt frequently stretched. Billy had said it would help loosen her hole for when the baby came. Like with Billy's penetration, she winced with the pain as Juan entered her.

As Juan sank his cock deep up her cunt, he looked at Billy, who was similarly sinking his cock deep up her rectum. As their eyes met, the two men smiled. They had known each other since they were kids, living on the same block, playing in the same dirty, littered alleys, sharing a joint with each other, and sharing their women. Having the same interests, the same likes, and the same beliefs, they had become the best of friends. They had become so close that as they slowly began to ease their cocks back out of Annette's two hot, tight holes, they knew exactly what the other was thinking and feeling.

Annette quivered as she felt the two thick, long cocks begin pumping in and out of her body, the cock of the father of her baby ramming in and out of her ass and the cock of his best buddy ramming in and out of her cunt. What was happening was filthy and wrong. A woman didn't have sex with two men at the same time. Besides, they were both in their mid-twenties and she was only fourteen. Fourteen and pregnant. It was wrong but with the burning of her stretched anus and the throbbing of her labia and clit she felt herself become aroused. Despite the perversity of having sex with two men and the humiliation of getting it up the ass, her flesh pulsated with pleasure. Billy and Juan were experienced enough to know the fourteen-year-old was finding what they were doing dirty and embarrassing, but they were also experienced enough to sense her growing arousal. That confirmed their belief that all women were sluts who deep down inside loved cock, and their image of themselves that they were macho men who knew how to turn a woman on big time. That caused them to fuck her even more violently, which in turn caused her to begin to squirm with her own arousal which further confirmed their beliefs.

Annette could not help it. With her loins pulsating with pleasure, her vagina and rectum throbbing hotly in time with her pounding heart, and her anus and labia burning with the friction of the two thick cocks pumping in and out of her body, the pleasure overpowered all feelings of shame and filthiness. Preferring pleasure to revulsion and humiliation, the fourteen-year-old girl wrapped her arms and legs about Juan tightly and began jerking her hips, driving his cock up her cunt as she pushed forward, and driving Billy's cock up her ass as she drew back. The heat of the friction and the waves of pleasure rippling out from her anus and labia grew the faster she pumped her hips back and forth, and the greater the pleasure the easier it was for her to forget the other.

"That's it girl, ride our cocks," Billy urged as he threw back his head and inhaled deeply with the pleasure pulsating through his throbbing cock. "Fuck, you are one fucking horny slut!"

"Just the way we like 'em," said Juan as he grasped her waist and glanced down at his throbbing cock as her slimy, dripping pussy slid down its length and then slid back up the brown shaft. It was slick and shining with her slippery cunt juice.

The two men stood there and let her do the fucking as their cockheads burned with arousal and their shafts throbbed with their hot, racing blood. They closed their eyes and gasped for breath as the tension in their loins doubled with each thrust and withdrawal and they licked their lips as they felt the approach of their orgasms. Billy grasped the thrashing fourteen-year-old's tits and squeezed them tightly as he felt his cum gushing up his cock and he lunged forward at the same time as Juan, the two men erupting with a wild, violent explosion, their hot, thick cum flooding her body, spurting deep up her rectum and up her quivering, pulsating vagina. Spurt after spurt shot out of their burning, throbbing cocks, and her cunt and asshole grasped the two throbbing cocks tightly as Annette began to tremble with her own orgasm, the video cameras Billy had set up totally forgotten.


"Have another cheese puff," Antoinette offered, handing Cory the platter of pastries as upstairs her daughter jerked uncontrollably with her climax and hot cum flooded her cunt and her asshole.

"Ah, sure, thanks," Cory said, helping himself to his seventh one despite having had a giant breakfast and lunch at home and upon arriving at the Gilles's that afternoon a huge slice of chocolate cake with ice cream. He was sure if he kept eating like he had been that day, he was going to become a blimp like Fats Fortillini, or like Antoinette or her husband Julius. Of course Antoinette had a good reason for stuffing her face. She was having a baby. His baby. In another five and a half months. Twenty-two more weeks. It didn't sound that far away when you said it in weeks. He looked down at her protruding belly. It was huge, and his baby was inside. Just the thought of having made a baby and it being there inside her belly caused his young thirteen-year-old cock to begin to swell.

"Ah, youth," sighed Antoinette as she reached down and slipped her fingers about his swelling dick. It felt so silky smooth and rubbery, but she knew how hard and strong that little early teen organ could get. "We've already made love once this afternoon and you're rising up for another round."

Cory smiled. Actually, he was rising up for his fourth time that day, and his eighth since yesterday morning. This was one hell of a hot weekend. As the two of them lay there naked on Antoinette's bed and the mother of his yet to be born child gently stroked his rising cock, the thirteen-year-old thought back to yesterday.

The day had begun in typical fashion, waking up shortly after ten with a morning wood and jacking it off as he thought about sex, in this case the wild fucking his mother and father had the night before. For many boys the thought of one's parents having sex was revolting, but Cory found it erotic. That was, after all, the act that had created him. His father had to travel to check out some infestation or something up in the Sierra Madre and didn't expect to be back until Sunday, so he had made especially passionate love that Friday night. Unbeknownst to his two parents, Cory, with the help of Ben and Billy, had set up a hidden cam in their bedroom which was hooked up to his computer and while the two of them had fucked their brains out, he'd lain in his bed watching them and whacking off. His dad was well hung and he hoped he would be as big as he was when he grew up. He was also a skilled lover, and he watched closely so that he could copy his technique next time he saw Antoinette. His mother knew a few tricks too, and especially seemed to like sucking on his dad's big balls. He'd have to suggest that to Antoinette too. As his mom and dad approached their climax, he tried to match his with theirs. It was almost like being there with them. The next morning he'd considered playing the tape he'd recorded of their performance but was too lazy to crawl out of bed and turn on the computer and settled for his memory.

He invited Dominic to come over that afternoon, his mother mentioning that he hadn't been over for a while and that she hoped he wasn't upset or feeling guilty about the sex lesson he'd had the end of last month and suggesting he invite Dominic over. Why he'd possibly feel upset or guilty about having had sex Cory couldn't understand, but then parents were weird about some things, and especially when it came to sex. He assured her that Dominic had enjoyed it, and she seemed pleased though she made some strange comments about how at the age he and Dominic were at their bodies were going through all kinds of changes and sometimes functioned like an adult's and sometimes like a child's and some other weird things he didn't understand. Parents were weird, and mothers even weirder.

The two of them had gone in the back yard to toss a football around, something Dominic had begun doing on a regular basis. Of course he was wearing the jersey he'd gotten from Kenneth at his birthday six weeks ago, something that he wore continuously except the day it was in the wash.

"Hey, you're getting pretty good," Cory observed as Dominic leaped to catch the ball.

"Yeah, Kenny has been teaching me how to catch," Dominic said, his face beaming.

"So, it's Kenny now, not Kenneth, eh?" Cory teased, causing Dominic to turn a bright red. He blushed easily, and he looked so damn cute when he got all red. "You're getting quite a throwing arm there too," he observed as he had to back up to catch the ball.

"Yeah, well, Kenn-eth and I have been doing a lot of practising."

"Well, no wonder you're getting muscles. He's got a whopper to practise on," Cory said, curling his fingers and jerking his fist with a leer.

"Not that sort of practising," Dominic giggled. "Well, that wasn't the practising I meant, though we been doing that too," he said, giggling all the more.

"Oh yeah?"

"Well, that and sixty-nining," he said, looking up at Cory shyly.

The conversation alone was getting Cory aroused, and those pretty steel-blue eyes of Dominic's shyly peeking up at him from behind the long strand of blond hair that was always falling over his eyes got Cory all the hotter. It wasn't that long ago when little Dominic would have thought sixty-nine was nothing more than the number after sixty-eight. "Let's go inside and you can tell me all about it."

Dominic eagerly agreed. It was all because of Cory that he'd learned about sex, and that he'd found out how great sex with guys was. Most important of all, it had been because of Cory's party that he and Kenny had engaged in sex and had become an item. That of course was only the half of it, Dominic being unaware of the powers Cory had with his great-grandfather's headband. Feeling especially beholden to Cory, Dominic was eager to share what he'd been doing with Kenny, considering Cory his best pal even if Cory didn't see him in the same way. So, he talked about how he and Kenny had seen each other three times that week, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, and had gone down to Westbank park to practice football each time, to the annoyance of his sister Nicole who figured Kenny should be spending all his time with her.

"And after we got all hot and sweaty, Kenny drove up to Henderson Drive and parked at Make Out Point and we got all hot and sweaty again," Dominic giggled. "I so totally love sucking his cock and getting mine sucked by him," he gushed.

"Even better than getting sucked by Father Henry?" Cory teased, referring to the orgy he'd arranged with Bob Moser to revenge Cory and young Jonah the previous Saturday.

"Fuck yeah," Dominic said with all seriousness. Cory's cock was already stiff and hearing the cherubic choir boy swearing the dirtiest word there was caused it to throb even more hotly in his jeans. "Way better. Kenny said he wished we could get together every day, but he's got football practice and sometimes tons of homework, and lately his mother has been making him come to meetings with her over at Rancho Santa Ana."

"Meetings? What sort of meetings?"

"Their cub scout group is going to fold on account of there's only five members. She's on the Westbank Cub Scouts Council you know."

"So what's that got to do with her and Kenneth?"

"Well, she'd been having these meetings to get more parents to join up their kids and brining Kenny along to tell how great scouting is, but that's not working and besides there's not that many kids between the ages of eight and ten. So now she's having meetings to try and get them to agree to enrol girls and have a coed pack."

"Girls? Girls in cub scouts?" Cory asked, wrinkling up his nose.


"That would really suck. How can you do guy stuff with a bunch of girls around?"

"You can't," agreed Dominic.

"But so what's that got to do with Kenneth?"

"Well, you know he's a Venturer. She's bringing him to these meetings to say how the idea is great and can work and stuff."

"He thinks so?"

"No, but his mom does, and he can't disagree with her."

"Now that really sucks, big time."

"Right. And not only that, the club that was sponsoring the Cubs doesn't have enough members interested so they're pulling out so she's been trying to get other sponsors and has been dragging Kenny to those meetings too."

"Why's she care so much?"

"I asked Kenny that. He said she wants to get on the Riverside Scouting Council so she can tell all the groups how to run, not just the Westbank Cubs. Guess she figures if she can save the Rancho Santa Ana Cubs she'll make a name for herself and have a better chance."

"Yeah, well, I guess the parents over there are too busy getting rich to have time for supporting kids groups. In fact if there's so few kids I guess they don't even have time for fucking to make enough kids," Cory observed.

"Don't have enough time for fucking?" Dominic asked, wrinkling up his nose, and the two boys laughed.

"That's a pretty snooty area."

"Yeah. Kenny said Rancho Santa Ana is the third richest community in Riverside, and one of the newest to be built. Most of the people who live there are pretty high up in the big businesses in the city, like electronics and plastics and stuff, middle management he called them whatever that is. He says the families who live there are older families with high school kids or are DINKS."


"He said that stands for double income no kids, families where the husband and wife both work."

"Like I said, too busy to fuck, or too tired I guess."

"Anyway his mom's got Mrs. Marshall from the Women for Faith and Family supporting her. If they can get enough members, the Catholic church will likely end up being the sponsors."

"The Church? That would really suck!"

"Yeah, poor kids."

"Of course maybe Bishop Henry could have some hot fun if he had a cub scout troop to be in charge of."

"I don't think so."

"No? That was a wicked afternoon you and Jonah had with him last Saturday."

"Oh yeah, it was," Dominic said with a grin. "But you should have seen the look on his face on Sunday. Every time he glanced at the choir he looked so guilty and ashamed, and he couldn't look right at me. Which was just as well since I couldn't help thinking about all the things him and Pastor Winthrop had done the day before. I had a heck of a time concentrating on my singing on account of every time I looked at him I remembered me jacking him off and I kept imagining him having a boner under his robes." The two boys laughed.

"Looks like you got a boner right now," Cory observed.

"Looks like you do too."

"Then I guess we should do something about it."

"Suppose your mother comes in?"

"Then we'll invite her to join us," Cory said, causing Dominic to giggle as he pulled down his zipper. It had been just over three weeks since she'd discovered the two of them messing around, which had ended up with her getting screwed by Dominic, his first sexual experience with a woman, while she'd sucked off Cory. "Actually, I think she misses you. She's been asking about you all this week, and this morning suggested I invite you over, almost insisted. I think she's got the hots for you." Dominic giggled as he paused in pushing down his jeans. "Course that's no surprise the way you fucked her silly." By this time Dominic was giggling so hard his sides were beginning to hurt. "In fact maybe I should call her in right now and let her take care of that boner."

"Maybe later," Dominic said, throwing himself on Cory. "Right now I want to mess around with you."

The two boys kissed and quickly finished pushing each other's pants down. "I see I was right," Cory observed as he pulled down Dominic's thong, one of several which he now owned, all purchased by Kenny. "You still having difficulty boning up when you're alone?"

"Yeah," Dominic admitted. "And it still hurts to pull back my foreskin."

"Well, I'll make sure I'm gentle," Cory promised as he slipped his fingers about Dominic's stiff cocklet. It felt so silky and smooth and he loved the way his milky-white foreskin formed a long tube and extended beyond Dominic's knob, keeping his sensitive purple-red bulb totally covered even when his cock was stiff. He noticed it had grown a little bit and was almost the same size as his, which had also been growing. Actually, with the extended foreskin it looked longer.

Snuggling down on his bed, he slipped his mouth over Dominic's stiff, aching cock and sucked on it gently. His cock felt even silkier to his moist lips. He basted Dominic's tasty cocktail weenie with saliva, allowing the saliva to collect in his mouth and Dominic's cock to soak in it, not just to lube up his foreskin but so his spittle would pick up the flavour of his weenie. Dominic twisted around so they formed a sixty-nine and holding Cory's cock by the base he ran his tongue from the base to the tip. Cory's skin having drawn back to form a collar about his exposed knob, Dominic ran his tongue along the sensitive rim of his glans. Eagerly slipping his lips over the knob, he gently sucked on it. He so loved sucking cock. Cory meanwhile slowly began to ease Dominic's tight foreskin back with his lips causing Dominic to quiver with the pleasure. Having the entire day, the two boys took their time, enjoying the pleasure the other was bringing, and enjoying bringing the other pleasure.

After several minutes, Dominic lay on his back and spread his legs and Cory knelt between them. The two boys thought back to the day Cory had taken Dominic's prune and their cocks throbbed and jerked with the memory. Lying above Dominic and balancing on his knees and his elbows, Cory lowered his body and Dominic guided his cock to his eagerly awaiting hole. As Cory pushed forward, Dominic pushed out with his abdomen, opening his anus for his best friend. Cory's spit-slicked cock slid in easily, the knob popping inside with the slightest effort, the result of their experience and their eagerness to please each other. Slowly easing it all the way up his rectum, Cory paused to enjoy the delight of having a hot, moist asshole surrounding his aching cock, and Dominic thrilled with the delight of having another guy's stiff cock stuffing his rectum.

The two boys then slowly began to fuck, Cory slowly pumping his hips to and fro and driving his cock in and out of Dominic's rectum, Dominic constricting and relaxing his sphincter in time with Cory's thrusts and withdrawals. Again the two boys took their time, enjoying the pleasure pulsating between their legs. Cory's swollen, throbbing cock pulsated deep up Dominic's hot, moist hole, and Dominic's rectum pulsated in time with Cory's throbbing cock. The two kissed out of love and desire and Dominic wrapped his arms and legs about Cory more tightly as Cory's buttocks slowly rose and fell, working his stiff cock in and out of Dominic's eager hole.

As they approached that peak of ecstasy, the two thirteen-year-old boys speeded up, unable to resist surging ahead to that ultimate pleasure with the impatience of all thirteen-year-old boys. When at last Cory felt the familiar twang between his legs and his hot, thick cum start to race up the core of his cock, he grasped Dominic's naked body tightly. As his stuff spurted out the burning tip of his cock and up Dominic's hole, Cory inhaled sharply and Dominic tightened his grasp about Cory, his legs wrapping about his waist tightly as he quivered first with the joy of having another boy's stuff spurting into his body, and moments later quivering with his dry orgasm. The two naked boys panted and quivered with the pleasure pulsating out from their union, their bodies flushed with arousal. Spurt after spurt squirted up Dominic's rectum and wave after wave of pleasure pulsated through his stiff, swollen penis and through his loins. Gasping with the pleasure, the two boys kissed and squeezed each other. In their sweet innocence they relished the pleasure with abandon and openness as it should be.

The two boys laid like that, Cory pressing down upon Dominic and Dominic grasping him with his legs and arms, Cory's swollen cock embedded up his ass, for a long time afterward. Finally, Cory rolled off Dominic and as he lay on his back, he put his arm about Dominic and Dominic snuggled up beside him, his head resting on his naked chest. The two boys closed their eyes and relished the warmth of each other's body and the bliss that follows that wild, throbbing climax. For both of them, snuggling together after sex was just as pleasant as actually doing it.

Suddenly hearing the door opening, Cory barely had time to throw the bed cover over them. "Cory, I'm doing the laundry. Do you have any clothes laying around?" his mother asked as she walked into the room. Before he could answer, she walked over to where they had chucked their clothes. Picking up their underwear, she looked at Dominic's closely as if she was inspecting it. "These aren't yours." In that he didn't own a pair of thongs, that was obvious.

"Ah, they're mine, Mrs. Wilson," Dominic said, turning an even brighter crimson than he already was.

"Oh, well, I'll just throw them in the wash with Cory's. Supper should be ready in forty-five minutes or so," she announced as she turned and walked out of the room. With them lying together in each other's arms in Cory's bed under the bed cover and with their clothes, including their underwear, laying on the floor, it was rather obvious what they had been up to, but to their surprise Cory's mother didn't say a thing, and in fact, didn't even seem to notice. Even more curiously, she'd come in to collect his dirty laundry, which she'd never done on a Saturday before, and then she had only taken their underwear and left their other clothes on the floor and hadn't taken any of Cory's other dirty clothes.

"Your mother didn't say anything about us being in bed, or not having our clothes on."

"Yeah. She's cool that way," Cory observed proudly. He knew from talking to Anthony and Terry that his mother's understanding about a guy's sexuality and a boy's sexual appetite at their age was unusual. Already loving and admiring her, his appreciation and pride in her just doubled.

"You're so lucky."

"Yeah, I know," Cory admitted. "So, what do you think we should do for forty-five minutes?"

"I dunno, I guess we'll think of something," Dominic replied with a grin as his hand reached under the bed cover and found Cory's already swelling cock.

Cory laughed as he drew Dominic to him and his other hand slipped down and caressed his smooth, delightful bubble butt. It was fucking awesome being a boy. The two boned up quickly and this time Cory lay on his back and spread his legs and Dominic knelt between them. He quivered as he slowly eased his throbbing cock up Cory's asshole, delighting in its heat and moistness just as Cory had delighted in his only half an hour ago. As he felt young Dominic's cock slowly slipping up his rectum, Cory knew just how Dominic was feeling. That was the best thing about sex between two guys. Having the same equipment, they knew exactly how the other was feeling.

As Dominic slowly began to pump his hips and slide his swollen cock in and out of his hole, Cory looked up into his steel blue eyes and a quiver of arousal shot up his swollen cock. He looked so damn sweet and innocent, especially with those long, feathery eyelashes and that long strand of hair that kept slipping down over his eyes. Seeing Cory looking at him, Dominic smiled and Cory returned the smile, his stiff cock jerking with arousal, and slipping his hands about Dominic's neck, he drew him to him and their hot, moist lips met. It was fucking wonderful being a boy.

Dominic having jacked off that morning himself, when the two boys came it was the third time for the two of them, and it was just as delightful as the preceding times. Dominic threw back his head and gasped as his entire body was raked with spasms, his little balls drawn up tight as they tried desperately to release the semen that was not there. Although it was Cory's third time, he had enough spunk for the two of them, his loose cock jerking and throbbing as it spurted out his thick, creamy cum, lacing his chest and Dominic's with streamer after streamer. Panting and quivering with their orgasms, the two boys embraced tightly, Cory's hot cum cementing them together as their lips met and Cory's mother called them to come and eat.

Supper was weird in several ways. For one, both of them were still hot and flushed from their two hot fuck sessions, and for another, they'd put on their pants minus underwear so with every movement they were acutely aware of their sensitive knobs and their still swollen and stretched assholes, a constant reminder of what they'd just done. They could still smell the scent of sex on each other, the unique scent of boy sweat and of Cory's cum, and they wondered if his mom could smell it too, and if she knew what the smell was.

The conversation was weird too. Just out of the blue Cory's mother began talking about puberty and how confusing it was at their age with all the changes going on in their bodies and how exciting it must be to begin producing semen. From the look she gave them and the long pause, she had to have smelled Cory's cum on them even though they'd wiped themselves off. Neither knew what to say. Then she began talking about girls and pregnancy and how boys had to be careful once they started making sperm, and Cory wondered if maybe she hadn't smelled his cum but that instead Mrs. Gilles had talked to her and she knew he'd made her pregnant, especially when she gave them that strange look again and there was that long pause as if she was expecting him to say something. Then she talked about dreams and asked if they had a lot of dreams, and if they knew what wet dreams were, and if they had them and if they knew what caused them, again giving them that look and pause. It was totally weird, and totally embarrassing. He admired his mom for her open attitude, but that still wasn't the type of conversation a thirteen-year-old boy had with his mother, especially in front of his friend.

"Told ya my mom was hot for you," he said as the two of them went biking after supper.

"What do you mean?"

"Why else would she bring up all that stuff about sex at supper?"

That was a good question, and Cory's answer was as good as any. It was not the right one though. What the boys did not know was that Marian had missed her period, which should have been four days ago or maybe even earlier, and counting from her last one to when she would have ovulated, she had arrived at dates in the middle of which was the day she'd had sex with Dominic. Several attempts to find out from Cory if Dominic could produce semen yet without coming right out and asking him had failed. So, she'd figured perhaps by inviting him over she might find out on her own. Knowing boys and knowing that the two of them had messed around with each other in the past, when they went to Cory's room with bulging jeans and closed the door, she had a good idea what they were up to. Giving them plenty of time to do whatever it was boys did under those circumstances, she had barged in without knocking with one purpose, hoping to either catch them wet, or to get her hands on Dominic's underwear. Finding no evidence of semen in his thong was comforting, but not evidence enough, hence her attempts at prompting more information over supper which unfortunately didn't work either.

When the boys returned from biking, she went up to Cory's room several times, again hoping to catch the boys which would at least give her a reason to ask if they could produce sperm yet, but they were sitting there fully clothed and playing video games. She finally decided she'd have to do something more direct. The day was getting late and she was getting desperate. Calling them down for a snack at ten that night, as they sat there happily munching on chocolate chip cookies and drinking milk, she got the conversation around to girls and sex and the importance of being careful at their age once again, elaborating this time that she meant they had to be careful not to get a girl pregnant nor to catch any diseases, and she asked if they knew about condoms. Cory had found an entire drawer of them at Jacob Schuller's, of all colours and shapes and some even flavoured, and Mister Schuller had given him and Anthony several packages and the two of them had tried one on out of curiosity. Of course he could not very well admit that to his mother, so he said he didn't, and of course Dominic truthfully said he didn't either.

"Well, it is a very important thing for a boy to know about, and to learn how to put them on properly," Mrs Wilson said, having rehearsed that line a dozen times since supper. "If you're finished your cookies and milk, how about I get two condoms and show you how to use them?"

The two boys glanced at each other and then back at Marian. "Sure," Cory agreed with a shrug. When you are thirteen and your mom or your friend's mom suggests you do something and you can tell she wants you to say yes, what other choice do you have? Besides, when you are thirteen and a woman offers to teach you about condoms, what red-blooded American boy, or a boy in any other country, would refuse? Taking them to her bedroom, she had the two boys strip while she took out two condoms from the night table where Matt kept them.

"First of all, a man, or boy, has to have an erection," she began as she turned and faced the two of them sitting there on the bed and looking up at her, their hands discreetly cupped between their legs.

"Well 3; if you take off your clothes, we should be able to do that pretty quick," Cory suggested.

That is hardly the type of statement a mother would expect from her thirteen-year-old son, and many would consider such a comment precocious or even insolent, but Marian was neither surprised nor offended. Unlike the majority of adults, she had a good understanding of boys and their sexual development, having been raised with four brothers. Actually, she was relieved to hear Cory's comment. She had been worried that he might just be interested in boys, and though she had an open attitude toward homosexuality, she was hoping he hadn't already ruled out girls. To be honest, having two early teen boys, one of them her son, sitting there stark naked on her bed and watching her as she began to unbutton her blouse was arousing. It was arousing for the two boys besides, and by the time she pushed down her panties and stepped out of them they were well on the way to becoming erect.

Taking out one of the rubbers, she explained the difference between lubed and unlubed condoms and the purpose of using a lubricant, though by then she was so hot and wet from the thought of what she was about to do lube was not going to be necessary. Demonstrating first on Cory, she held his young, slender cock by the base and showed them how to roll the condom down and how to leave an air space at the tip for their semen.

"I think you need more space than that," Cory observed. "I squirt a lot." The two boys glanced at each other and giggled and the thought of her son filling the condom with his young cum sent a shiver of arousal up Marian's vagina. She hoped that Dominic might make a comment, but he was too shy to tell her that he didn't need any space at all.

The condom of course was too long and too wide for Cory's early teen cock, being only just over four inches [10cm] long and a finger and a half thick, but with the bottom still rolled up it was snug enough to stay on. She could not help but notice how large his balls were, just like his dad, and she could not help admiring them. Glancing over at Dominic, she noticed that his scrotum was not as full as her son's, and was the same pale pink as the rest of his skin, a hopeful sign that he had not reached puberty yet.

Lying on her back and spreading her legs, she felt strange as her son knelt between her legs and leaned forward to balance his weight on his elbows and forearms. She knew that society condemned what she was about to do, and in fact made it illegal, but she didn't always agree with society or its laws, and besides, she was desperate. As her son lowered his body, she reached down and guided him into her pussy, something that of course he did not need any help doing. As his slender, sheathed cock slowly entered her body, she quivered with arousal, the physical arousal of being penetrated, and the mental arousal of being penetrated by her thirteen-year-old son. He slowly pushed forward until his smooth, slender thighs were pressed up against hers and his soft, curly hairs were brushing against her hairs. Glancing down between their bodies at their union she noted how identical their hairs were in colour. The sight of his young cock in her pussy also sent a shiver of arousal up her vagina.

He slowly began to work his hips to and fro, easing his sheathed cock in and out of her pussy. Accustomed to going bareback, he found it strange wearing a condom, but he could still feel the heat of her cunt as it squeezed about his throbbing bone and it felt just as pleasant. As she ran her hands down along his back and over his waist to his smooth, compact buttocks, the smoothness of his skin and slenderness of his body reminded Marian of his age, and she shuddered as another wave of arousal passed up her vagina. She'd had no idea having sex with a boy barely into his teens, and with her own son besides, could be so hot. To hell with what society said. This was as erotic and as pleasurable as having sex with her husband. What Cory lacked in experience and technique, he more than made up for with his exuberance and sweet innocence, which made what they were doing fresh and exciting.

Cory was getting hotter too, the fact he was screwing his own mother with Dominic sitting on the edge of the bed watching him making it all the hotter. This was really wicked. He had his dick up his mother's pussy, up where he'd watched his father stick his only yesterday. That was wild, and just the thought he was fucking his mother just like his father fucked her had his cock throbbing and aching like it never had before. Not only that, he'd been up there inside her body once, all of him, not just his cock, and he'd squeezed out through that very channel that he was now plowing with his cock. Now that was really wicked! And, it was all happening without him using his headband. He and Anthony had read a number of mom-son incest stories, mother-son and father-daughter stories seeming to be Anthony's father's major passion when it came to reading material, but all the reading didn't prepare him for the awesome pleasure he was feeling, the physical pleasure pulsating through his hot, throbbing cock, and the mental pleasure of knowing he was getting his mom hot.

He was doing exactly that and Marian was surprised how willingly he had knelt between her legs, and how quickly he had taken to performing that very special act between a man and woman. Again it pleased her. She was glad that he had mounted her without the slightest hesitation or any evidence of guilt or shame, reinforcing her unpopular opinion that when given a choice and done without force or coercion many of the objections of opponents of sex between adults and youth simply were not true. From the way her son was making her pussy throb and the way he was pacing himself, it was also evident that he was very skilled at making love, just like his father, and in that he was only thirteen, it had to be an inherited trait.

Cory of course had seen his father in action, and how he'd made his mother ache and arch her body with arousal, and now as she gripped his body and began to thrust her hips back and forth as she clenched her teeth and moaned with that painful pleasure, it was so wicked that he was doing the same thing to her as his father he could not have held back if he'd tried. His balls drew up tight and for the fourth time that day he felt his cum gushing up the core of his numbed cock, this time filling the tip of the condom. At the same time his mother whimpered with her own orgasm as it ripped through her hot, swollen pussy.

The two just lay there, Cory on top and her underneath, his cock still stiff and buried up her tightly constricted cunt as the two of them gasped for breath and their heads spun with the awesome pleasure of their climaxes. Feeling a pang of guilt, Marian quickly brushed it away as outdated and irrelevant. Cory finally rolled off her and just lay there on his back, allowing the pleasure to wash over him as his cock slowly began to droop. He groggily reached down and very carefully eased his now limp dick out of the condom. The tip was filled with his milky-white semen, and Marian noted that he'd been right, he did squirt a lot.

As Cory laid there and watched, she took the other condom and with Cory warning her it was painful for Dominic to pull his skin right back, she carefully and gently unrolled the rubber down his dick. Having been the one who had introduced Dominic to the joys of fucking a woman, which was why she was once again naked in bed with the two boys and having sex though not for the reason Cory had assumed, Marian was not surprised when Dominic docilely sat there and let her put the condom on his stiff early-teen cock and then willingly and clearly happily assumed the position between her legs.

Dominic was happy. Though he'd concluded after the first time that he preferred to have sex with Kenneth, he'd had many jerk off sessions remembering what they'd done and fantasizing about them doing it again since that day. Having his stiff little cock surrounded by a hot, juicy cunt was far different from having it up a guy's rectum, and making a woman squirm and arch her body with pleasure as he fucked her was a lot different from giving a guy pleasure. If nothing else, Dominic was eager to please others, seeking elsewhere for the attention and love that was lacking at home. That, ironically, made him a particularly sensitive and caring lover, something Marian noticed right away, and something special that Kenneth had also subconsciously sensed the first time they'd had sex together.

Engaging in that most intimate act that many felt should only be between a wife and husband was all the more erotic in that it was taboo for a thirty-seven-year-old wife and mother to be doing it with the thirteen-year-old friend of her son, and even more so with her son laying there on the bed beside them watching, his eyes still glazed from having fucked his mom and his face still flushed with his arousal and pleasure. Seeing his mom glancing at him, he smiled reassuringly, and his bright, innocent, open-mouthed smile accented still further the thrills of pleasure shooting up her vagina. It was so hot being fucked by her son's friend as he watched. Looking back at Dominic and the dreamy look in his half-closed eyes as he pumped his hips to and fro, driving his hot, stiff cock in and out of her pulsating pussy, Marian knew she'd done no evil in having tricked the boys into having sex with her. It was like telling a little white lie, and it wasn't harming anyone. There was no question Dominic was enjoying it immensely, and from the way her pussy was flooded with juice and throbbing, there was no question that she was also.

Being so much shorter and lighter than Cory, Dominic's youthfulness was accented even more, which Marian found perversely erotic. She inhaled and exhaled deeply and closed her eyes in ecstasy as he humped her and she ran her hands up and down his hot, flushed body, delighting in the smoothness of his skin and the compactness of his bubble butt as her pussy throbbed and she felt the building of her climax once again. As the two of them approached that blissful peak, she concentrated on the beauty of it, forgetting that her son was laying beside her watching. Actually, with all the activity of the day, his eyes had begun to droop, and before the two of them had reached their orgasms he'd fallen fast asleep.

As Dominic felt his climax approaching, he began to pump his hips to and fro rapidly, driving his burning little cock in and out of Marian's hot, slimy pussy. His little cock was aching with pleasure, the pleasure resulting from the friction between their bodies, the pleasure of knowing that unlike many boys his age he was fucking a woman, and not for the first time, and the pleasure of knowing he'd gotten her hot, of which there could be no question from the way her cunt slime was pouring out of her pussy and over his little immature balls. It was with that thought that Dominic quivered with the first bolt of his orgasm.

Marian was aware that he was climaxing from the quivering of his body and the sharp intake of his breath, and knowing the thirteen-year-old had been brought to his peak caused her to climax also. As wave after wave of pleasure pulsated through her swollen, dripping cunt, she grasped Dominic and drew him close to her, delighting as much in her own orgasm as in his, not just because she would now have the evidence she was seeking, but because of the totally uninhibited reaction to the pleasure he was feeling, pleasure that she had brought him.

The two of them flushed with arousal and gasping and panting with their orgasms, they closed their eyes and enjoyed the unique pleasure pulsating through their bodies. It was delightful, and Marian wrapped her arms about the young boy and drew his hot little body to hers in a show of passion and love. They laid like that for a long time, and as she cuddled Dominic as he lay there above her relishing his post-climatic bliss, her breathing slowly returned to normal. It had been a long, exciting day for Dominic too and exhausted and drained, he fell asleep there in her arms, his limp dick still up her pussy. She let him lie there for a bit to be sure he was asleep, and as she waited she reached over and squeezed the cum-filled tip of Cory's condom. It was weird thinking of her son being able to produce cum, but she knew that children were reaching puberty at an earlier and earlier age. As she squeezed the warm bulb of cum, knowing that it was her son's sent a tingle of arousal up her spine.

Finally gently raising Dominic and laying him down on the bed as one might a child, she ever so slowly began to slip the condom off his now limp dick. He twisted and sighed, almost waking up, and she paused for a moment before returning to her task. Ever so slowly she managed to remove the rubber. Inspecting the tip closely and finding it appeared empty, she slowly and carefully rolled the condom back up and felt the tip with her little finger. To her relief the inside of the condom was dry. She couldn't possibly be carrying his baby.

Carrying the two boys to Cory's bedroom, she tucked them in, leaving the two of them naked, and gave each a kiss on the forehead. Returning to her bedroom, she crawled into bed too tired to bother putting her night clothes on. Having a relieved mind after almost a week of worrying, and after having had two totally satisfying fucks, she was soon asleep herself, sleeping soundly through the night until Matt arrived home Sunday morning. She was delighted to see him so unexpectedly early, and she was even more delighted to discover she had begun her period.

Cory and Dominic slept even longer and when they awoke to the delightful aroma of blueberry pancakes and bacon cooking, Cory knew his dad had come home. When he and Dominic joined his parents in the kitchen, it was as if nothing had happened the night before, and from his mother's behaviour, one could easily have concluded it was all nothing more than a dream. It wasn't, of course, and Cory had the proof. After breakfast, he and Dominic viewed the video that had been recorded the night before and stored on Cory's hard drive, Cory having totally forgotten the cam recorder was rigged to record as soon as motion sensors picked up that someone was in the room, and of course Dominic having been unaware of the camera. It was wicked watching themselves fucking on the tape, and as they glanced at each other and grinned they felt their dicks beginning to swell. To their surprise, there was a second video made later that morning when Cory's father had arrived home.

"Looks like your mom's happy to see him," Dominic observed as she woke up and looked up at him groggily and then smiled as she slowly sat up and they kissed. They talked for a few minutes about his trip to the Sierras and how her day had been, and she mentioned Dominic was sleeping over. Cory was about to shut the tape off when his father began to caress her breasts. Moments later his mother reached down and began to unzip his fly. "Real happy to see him," Dominic giggled as Cory's father stood up and Cory's mother sat on the edge of the bed and pulled down his pants.

"Looks like he's happy to see her too," Cory said impishly as she pushed down his boxers to reveal that his cock was already stiff, and the two boys giggled. By the time Marian Wilson had finished giving her husband a blow job, the two boys, who had been jacking each other off as they watched the recording, were about to have their first climax of the day. When they went back downstairs for lunch, as they looked at the two adults, the image of Cory's father standing there in the bedroom with his pants and underwear about his ankles and his naked wife sitting on the bed, the same bed they'd fucked her in the night before, sucking his cock popped into their minds. That was not an image that went away easily, and by the time they'd finished their lunch both boys were stiff once again. Dominic had to go home after lunch, but the two boys had time for a quick sixty-nine before he left to take care of the problem.

Cory had arrived at the Gilles's several hours later at same time as Juan and Billy, and while they'd had their double fuck with Annette he'd done her mom. Now as Antoinette stroked his swollen, throbbing cock, he was ready for another fuck, but then he really had to go home and do some homework. Tomorrow was a school day.