Chapter 64: tt Mt — Chapter 65: Mgg
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Sixty-Four = Concluding chapter VIII— tt Mt —
This is the eighth of a series of concluding chapters in which our heros get their well-deserved rewards and our villains get their just punishments. Cory smiled at the look of humiliation and embarrassment on Molly's face as Ben and Nick began getting it on and he slowly eased off on his concentration, withdrawing and retracting the fine tendrils of thought from the three minds. Now that Ben and Nick were united and genuinely enjoying themselves his augmentation of their lust and suggestions what to do to satisfy their desires were no longer needed. Nor did Molly need any further augmentation of her feelings of humiliation and disgust over what the two boys were doing. Reaching down and squeezing his throbbing stiff, he slowly began stroking it as he watched Nick thrusting his cock in and out of Ben's ass and he thought of the times Ben had assumed that position with him. The pudgy, shy fourteen-year-old was still pudgy and shy, but he'd gained a lot of confidence and he'd had a number of his dreams realized, getting revenge on Molly and her gang and making out with big-breasted women being two of them. Cory smiled as he thought of the delight he'd seen on Ben's face, and Mrs Pakorny's, the day he'd watched them having sex for the first time on the hidden cam he'd placed in her classroom. She'd almost suffocated Ben between her boobs when she had her orgasm! Then there was the smile on Nick's face the day he'd fucked his young cousin for the first time, and the even bigger smile that came with his acceptance of his gayness and his lust for preschool boys. Sitting beside Cory, Peter Manchester and Dwayne Hainsworth glanced at the two pairs of guys making out, Dominic and Kenneth sixty-nining and Nick fucking Ben Hanson, and they felt their swollen cocks throb with renewed arousal. Of course working for Billy Dean, the two young teenagers were no innocents when it came to gay sex, and, over the past few months they had begun wondering if it was really as good as it appeared, or if it was just an act. Cory of course had picked up those thoughts and now as he saw the two boys trying not to be interested in the gay coupling before them and at the same time covertly glancing at each other, and at each other's crotch, he knew it was time to give them the little nudge that they needed to do what both had been desiring. "They'd make a great video," Peter suggested as he leaned over and whispered in Dwayne's ear. Considering their common experience in making porn movies it was a natural observation, a thought that could have just as easily come from his own mind as it had from Cory's. "You mean Dominic and Ken, or Ben and Nick?" "Both," Peter replied after considering several thoughts that had popped into his head. "I can imagine Dominic and Ken in an ancient Greek setting porno, you know, in togas, an older guy and a young guy like the Greeks liked." The connection with Dominic and Ken had been Cory's idea, but the knowledge about the Greeks had been his own, the inquisitive teenage medieval history buff having discovered that aspect of ancient Greek history public schools neglected to mention on his own, and of course like any normal horny junior high boy, he had researched it out in depth on the Internet once the fact was discovered. "Oh yeah." Already feeling horny, the image of Dominic and Ken Ballard in togas and getting it on in some ancient Greek marble palace was a turn on. "And Ben and Nick?" "A take on a modern TV show, like say the shows O.C., or Hidden Palms or something." The idea just seemed to pop into his head, and considering their good looks and the handsome boys on the two television shows it was a natural fit. "Oh yeah. Great ideas." Dwayne's cock throbbed as he considered the two scenarios. He wondered if they should suggest the ideas to Cory or to Billy Dean, and if they'd let him direct the movies. Now that would be wicked. He could imagine his name in the credits right after the title, directed by Dwayne Hainsworth. "I wonder what it's like, two guys doing each other," Peter hinted. He was randy as hell, which the junior high geek attributed to being the cause for his untypical courage to broach the topic of gay sex with another guy. "Sixty-nining or screwing or what?" Dwayne asked, squirming with arousal and wondering just where Peter was going with the comments, and daring to hope he might be thinking of the two of them trying something. Normally horny, like any other junior high school boy, he was feeling even more randy than usual, because of all the action going on around him he surmised though deep down inside was the suspicion that it was because of the possibility of getting it on with a guy. He could after all, and did, have sex with Molly and Trang whenever he felt like it, which was often. "Any way," Peter replied, keeping the options open in case there was one in particular that Dwayne would be turned off by. He glanced at Dwayne and from the look on his face he seemed to be deep in thought. "Well, I imagine with two guys it would be different from with a guy and a girl. I mean a guy would know what it feels like for the other guy, you know, they both having dicks and all, and a guy would have a better idea of another guy's needs, you know." That was as close as Dwayne dare say it would be better than with a girl in fear of what Peter might say to such a comment, or think about him. He knew others, girls and guys alike, thought of him as a dweeb, a dick with eyebrows. He was only recently becoming respected for his skills at photography and cinematography, and especially by Peter with whom he was becoming best buddies, even closer than Peter and Wilbur Thornton were. The last thing he wanted was for anyone, and especially Peter, to think he was a faggot. "Besides that, they don't need to worry about one of them getting knocked up." Dwayne wanted to add that made sex between guys better, but he didn't dare go that far despite how horny he was feeling. If Peter didn't suggest they get it on together he was going to jump whichever of the three girls was available next, though the thought of doing them, and especially given how slimy any of their openings would be with cum by then, was suddenly repugnant. Peter had exactly the same feeling of revulsion as the idea of doing it with one of the girls came to him, not realizing that it was only the thought that had originated with him, not the feeling that had accompanied it. He had to get it on with Dwayne. As he glanced at Dwayne, he knew from the look in Dwayne's eyes that he was thinking the same thing. He inhaled deeply. What the hell, this was the opportunity he'd been hoping for. "If you want, we can go someplace to try it," Peter suggested. If Dwayne wasn't thinking what he thought he was thinking, he could always say that he was only offering to do it for Dwayne's sake, not because he wanted to try it himself. "I'm sure Cory wouldn't mind if we went to the studio, or found another place private." "Or we could try it right here," Dwayne suggested. "We're just trying it to see what it's like, right? It's not like we gotta be secret about it." "Right." "So what will it be, jerking, sucking, or fucking?" "How about we try all three, in that order?" "Sweet!" said Peter. Eager to relieve the itch that had been building between their legs and relieved that there was no further need for conversation, the two horny junior high school boys cautiously but eagerly reached for each other's stiff, protruding organ, Peter reaching over with his right and Dwayne twisting around so he could reach across with his right also. With the optimism and horniness of youth there was no doubt in either of their minds that they'd be able to come three times in the evening, nor, with Cory's mental support, that they'd find gay sex enjoyable. Slipping their fingers about each other's cock, they slowly began to stroke each other, performing that age-old but secret wrist action that almost every boy engages in at some time, and many with another boy. Although they had jerked themselves off hundreds of times, they found holding another's cock was totally different. Being jerked off by another's hand was different too. Having become accustomed to the shape and feel of their own cocks and their own rhythm, they found doing someone else like a totally new act and that novelty added to their arousal. With his jerkoff hand wrapped about another guy's bone, and another guy's jack off hand wrapped about that most private part of his body, each was surprised how different it felt, and each was delighted with the pleasure he was feeling, and the obvious pleasure the other was feeling. Molly could not help noticing the two nerds fiddling with each other. That they had a thing for each other came as no surprise considering how inept they were around girls and despite the fact that both had come calling on her since that dreadful day over at Callie Dean's whore house where it had been announced that her and Trang's services would be available to any of the nerds who'd raped them that day. The two dweebs obviously liked sex with guys or they wouldn't have erections, and they obviously didn't have any shame or modesty doing it there in the open in front of her and the rest of their classmates. Actually considering the other pairings there in the room, she was beginning to wonder if all boys weren't gay. Cory smiled at the look on Molly's face and his smile grew even bigger as he picked up her thoughts. Her, Trang's, and Ashley's contempt for the nerds and geeks at Lincoln Junior High and their smug feelings of superiority had been well known long before the revenge at Callie Dean's, and those feelings of contempt had doubled for her and Trang that one day the nerds had gotten their revenge, and had grown daily since then as one by one the nerds had phoned and come knocking on their doors looking for the sex that Billy Dean had promised the girls would give them. Peter and Dwayne's pleasure was evident on their faces as they eagerly wanked each other in contrast to the feelings of shame and disgust on the faces of the four girls. Cory knew that seeing the two boys finding pleasure in their sex would only add to Molly's feelings of disgust, and her revulsion regarding what she herself was doing. That was reason enough for him enhance Peter and Dwayne's pleasure. An even greater reason though was to give them that final nudge toward each other and help them realize what society was trying to keep from them, that deep down inside they were gay, and there was nothing wrong with that. They would make a great gay couple. Peter and Dwayne and Nick and Ben had not been the only four whose fantasies he'd helped fulfil and whom he had given a nudge toward their destinies. Two who were not there at the party were his classmate Dylan Ingles and Lincoln Junior High's art teacher Adrian Bone. Helping them had come about totally by accident, and actually had been one of the more difficult pairings that he'd facilitated. It had all begun with an entry he'd read in his great-grandfather's diary about how he'd used his headband to implant ideas of love in the minds of two of his cousins, both of whom were shy and lonely, she being timid and plain looking and, according to his great-grandfather, likely destined to become a spinster school teacher, and he a dull and retiring bachelor apiarist. Both enjoyed birdwatching as a hobby, which was the link his great-grandfather used to bring them together. It was actually quite a boring story and Cory had been tempted to skip over it. At fourteen he was more interested in stories about sex than about love, and he had difficulty relating to the lives of these two distant relatives. To begin with it was difficult to believe a guy could be fifty-seven and still a virgin, and have no interest whatsoever in sex and be so totally ignorant, and that even a plain Jane like his great-grandfather's younger cousin could be so totally dull and unappealing. Like who at the age of seventeen had birdwatching as a hobby and blushed at the idea of showing a man a bare ankle? And who could give a shit about two such boring individuals getting laid for the first time? Besides old Isaiah McFarlane sometimes-actually most times-got very wordy in his writing using a hundred words where ten would do, and he used some weird phrases. Like in this entry he kept clucking about May-December relationships and how others made such an issue about them while he saw nothing wrong with them. Cory was well over half way through the entry before he realized his great-grandfather was talking about a relationship between two people of greatly different ages. At least he had to give his great-grandfather credit for being a modern thinker and having the right attitude. Cory couldn't see why such a thing was a big deal either. Isaiah also kept chuckling and was quite pleased with himself about teaching them about the birds and the bees, which made no sense at all to Cory since they both knew a lot about birds and one of them was a beekeeper. Cory finally had to go on the Internet to find out what that phrase meant. On the other hand, his great-grandfather's detailed descriptions about his cousin's throbbing member and his other cousin's quivering quim and their clutching and rutting was not only erotic and detailed and had resulted in a great jerkoff session, but it had also given Cory a whole new vocabulary to add to his already extensive lexicon of sexual words. A couple days later while he and Anthony were over at Jacob Schuller's browsing through some of his porn in search of new and interesting ways to engage in sex with the German teacher, Cory had come across a collection of Japanese books with pictures of naked young boys with huge eyes and even bigger cocks just like Dylan liked to draw. Jacob Schuller informed them that drawings of males, usually young and beautiful, having sex with other males was an art form called yaoi that had originated in Japan, and that the drawings of adults having sex with underage boys, or of two underage boys having sex with each other, was a version known as shotacon. Figuring perhaps Dylan could make some money drawing the pictures and giving them to Billy or Jacob Schuller to sell in Japan, he tucked the information away for later and with a gleam in his eyes asked Jacob if he had a straightjacket like the boy in one of the pictures was wearing and if he'd show them how it was worn. Cory later vaguely recalled that yaoi was something that he'd found Adrian Bone had often thought about way back when he was first exploring his ability to read his teachers' minds. So he did a bit of probing of Adrian Bone's mind the following week out of curiosity if the handsome, effeminate-looking twenty-three-year-old teacher was still thinking about pictures of young men and boys having sex, his interest sparked now that he knew what yaoi meant. Mixed in with thoughts about his lesson plans and worries about classroom management, whatever that was, and apprehension about an upcoming evaluation of his teaching by the Area Superintendent, John Halder, were fleeting thoughts about having spent the weekend looking at a new yaoi site on the Internet and feelings of guilt having spent hours doing that instead of marking his students' art assignments. Seizing on those thoughts, Cory probed deeper, bringing to the surface memories of how aroused the pictures had gotten him and of jacking off looking at them. Cory smiled at that as he pictured his teacher jerking off, and at the bulge those thoughts were creating in his teacher's trousers. Pinging him with the word 'shotacon' triggered a flash presentation of several such images from the young teacher's memory, drawings from the Internet and drawings of his own, along with underlying wishes that such boys as depicted in the drawings really existed along with feelings of guilt for wishing such a thing. That he wished such boys existed did not make sense to Cory given the number of young teens and preteens that he knew that loved messing around with guys their age and with adults, and considering that Dylan Ingles was sitting right there in his class and looked exactly like the boys in the pictures, right down to the full, curly hair and huge innocent eyes with the long eyelashes and the big cock. Nor did it make any sense why thinking about such boys was reason to feel guilty, but by then he'd come to accept that feelings of guilt and shame were common among adults and one of the reasons they were so screwed up about sex. That was when Cory connected the various events of the past week. He liked his teacher and he liked Dylan, just like his great-grandfather had liked his two cousins. He also felt a need to help just as his great-grandfather had, and just like his distant relatives, Dylan and Adrian Bone had something in common, in this case yaoi. Cory had to do something. He began, like his great-grandfather had, by pinging them with thoughts of love for each other, and of course with accompanying feelings of horniness. By then he was skilled at pinging and at reading minds, and the results were immediate, helped of course in that Dylan already liked Adrian Bone as a teacher and admired his skill in art, in that Adrian Bone liked Dylan as a student and wanted to encourage his interest and skill in drawing, and especially in that both Dylan and Adrian were horny at the moment, Dylan because he was fourteen and always horny and had no handy outlet for his healthy teenage sexual energy, and Adrian because he was a teacher and an adult and had no outlet to satisfy his particular sexual interest. The two stole furtive glances at each other more and more frequently that class, and spent most of the period with their trousers tented out, as they did in each class for the rest of the week. That, however, was as far as it went. The following week Cory pinged Dylan with the idea of showing his teacher his secret artwork, but that idea Dylan flatly rejected out of fear that his favourite teacher would be disgusted with his 'dirty' drawings. He pinged Adrian with the idea that Dylan looked a lot like the pictures he so admired and just might be one of 'those' boys. That idea was just as quickly rejected as being wishful thinking, and when Cory persisted with the idea, the teacher rejected it out of fear that if he made any type of overture toward the boy the boy would be disgusted with his behaviour and would report him to the police as a pervert and have him arrested. So Cory turned back to Dylan and suggested he anonymously slip one of his pictures in the pile of marking on his teacher's desk, but again that was rejected as too risky and with fears he might get caught in the act, and because Adrian might recognize his style and would call his parents about his perverted drawing, and they'd find his cache and destroy it. That fear came so strongly Cory dropped the idea using Dylan's drawings to bring the two together. So instead he pinged Adrian with the idea of slipping one of the pictures he'd downloaded from the Internet in Dylan's desk, but that was rejected just as strenuously as his suggestion to Dylan had been rejected, the teacher worried that Dylan or one of the other students would catch him or would figure out the picture had to have come from him and that they would find out his perversion and find it disgusting and report him to the school board and have him fired. Turning back to Dylan, he suggested he just let Adrian see that he was horny and see what the teacher's reaction would be, but Dylan was much too shy to do that. Besides, if he let his teacher see his tent he could think he was a pervert like Molly and Trang, and if other guys saw it they'd tease him, and if they figured he was flashing his teacher, they'd call him a faggot and snicker about him like they did with Molly. The fact was he wasn't much interested in girls, and much preferred boys his age, though having sex with a guy as old as Adrian Bone wasn't repugnant to him and he actually just hadn't thought about sex with men, and particularly his teacher, until then. As tempting as it was, he still pushed the thought out of his head in fear of what the guys would think if they found out. Going back to Adrian, Cory made the same suggestion about showing his tent to Dylan, but he likewise was afraid Dylan would think him a pervert, and if other boys saw they could discover his interest in boys and blackmail him or have him arrested. As tempting as it was, he pushed the idea out of his head. After two months of pinging and mind reading all Cory had achieved was to get the two of them horny and frustrated as hell, and to build their resistance to any pinging or probing by him to the point that it was becoming almost impossible to break through their barriers despite the skill he'd developed. Their fear of discovery and their feelings of guilt over the nature of their sexual desires overpowered any suggestions of opportunity and of potential pleasure from Cory. In the end, even though he'd succeeded in planting thoughts of love and of attraction between them just as his great-grandfather had done with his two cousins, present day taboos of sex between those of the same gender and of boy love were much stronger than his ancestral relatives' taboos of sex between cousins and between generations. And though he had a link between them, their interest in yaoi, just as his great-grandfather had the link of birdwatching between his cousins, unfortunately there was no such thing as a yaoi society or a local yaoi event that he could use to bring them together like there had been for birdwatching for his great-grandfather. The moment that thought came into his mind, Cory slapped his head. What was he thinking? There was a Yaoi Society; it just didn't meet in person in a physical room like Isaiah's Bird Watching Society. A quick search on the Internet revealed numerous yaoi and shotacon web sites, chat rooms and bulletin boards. Weeding out the commercial pay sites and those that were come-ons for porn sites instead of being devoted to yaoi and shotacon, Cory selected an active bulletin board and planted the url in the minds of his two subjects along with the subliminal suggestion they check it out that night at eight and that they contribute some of their work, and in particular, one special piece that he knew from probing their minds each had done recently, the indirect result of Cory's probing. He'd also come up with a plan to get Dylan to tell him about it, but he didn't have to use it. The discovery was too shocking, and Cory was the only one Dylan knew that he could confide in, and seek advice from. Looking at the two pictures Dylan had printed off the night before, his own and Adrian's, Cory of course replied in the positive to Dylan's question if he thought that the two pictures, though differing in style, were of the same two individuals and if he recognized who they were. One thing that Cory had not known and which had come as a surprise and made the similarities between the two individuals depicted even greater was that not only did the two individuals have the same exaggerated features, but they were engaged in the same act, and in the same position. Feigning surprise when Dylan told him only one of the pictures was his, Cory observed that the other artist had to know both Dylan and Adrian, and when Dylan confided that the login name of the other person had been Art_Teacher, given the name and the skilfulness of the artist, he concurred with Dylan's conclusion that the other artist could be none other than Adrian Kevin Bone himself. Of course if they were right, in that they'd recognized the two individuals in the drawings, then their teacher would have recognized the similarities also, and given the skillfulness of the artist of the second drawing, would have come to the conclusion that it could be none other than Dylan, especially since he had logged in as dti, the initials of his first, middle and last names. Dylan of course was frantic and worried to death with that possibility and was seriously considering feigning sickness for the rest of the school year to avoid seeing his teacher until Cory pointed out the possibility that action could result in him failing and having to repeat Grade Nine the following year, and most likely at Lincoln Junior High. Dylan of course did not want to repeat the year, and certainly could not possibly avoid Adrian Bone for an entire year. The obvious solution, to Cory, was to confront Adrian Bone in person, and he willingly offered to come for moral support. That solution was not so obvious to Dylan, but as Cory pointed out, if the drawing was by their teacher he obviously had the hots for Dylan and couldn't very well consider Dylan a pervert, and he certainly wouldn't be reporting him to his parents. It could in fact lead to some very interesting possibilities, especially since from the picture Dylan had similar ideas. Dylan of course turned bright red upon that observation, much like the innocent young boys in his yaoi collection. Confronting their teacher first, Cory also reasoned, would be less embarrassing than having Adrian confront Dylan about the pictures, though Dylan wasn't sure there was any difference. Of course if the other person wasn't their teacher, he wouldn't know anything about them being posted on the bulletin board, nor that one was Dylan's. In that case they could claim to have found the pictures in Dylan's desk and attribute the drawings to some perverted student's practical joke. Considering the nature of the two pictures and that they'd have to be revealed if they found the culprit, there wasn't any doubt that their teacher wouldn't want to pursue who had done it. Of course the third possibility was that it was their teacher's drawing but he'd deny it. That would end up with the same result as the second alternative that the drawing wasn't his. Cory of course knew the first scenario was the right one and he was pretty sure Adrian Bone would be man enough to admit he had done it. If he wasn't, there was always his headband to ensure the man did the right thing. So, with much reluctance and only because Cory would be there with him, Dylan agreed to confront their teacher the next day. Having participated in several tense meetings by then, including the one between Nick and his uncle, Cory accompanied Dylan with a daring and confidence that added to his classmate's already high admiration and respect for him. From the look of apprehension and acceptance in Adrian Bone's eyes the moment they stepped into his classroom, Cory did not need his headband to know that the teacher had been fearing and expecting Dylan's visit, the only surprise being Cory's presence. Placing the two pictures on his desk, Dylan said nothing as he looked directly at his teacher and waited for him to speak first as Cory had suggested. "I guess you're looking for an explanation," Adrian said with a catch in his voice as he looked down at the two pictures. Hearing no response, he slowly looked up and Dylan nodded a second time, his first response having gone unnoticed. Adrian's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. He'd lain awake most of the night playing various scenarios over in his mind last night, first if he approached Dylan and the boy admitted to being the other artist, then if the boy denied it, and then if Dylan approached him and whether he should confess or deny his involvement. Of course there was the fifth possibility Dylan would do nothing and though it would be nice to avoid a confrontation, Adrian knew that would not be the best solution. "These pictures are a Japanese form of art, known as yaoi, or more accurately as shotacon." "I know." Of course he did. He had drawn one of the pictures after all. That was a dumb way to begin their conversation, though it had seemed logical last night. "You do it very well." There was no question the boy was the artist dti. "So do you." That the boy had concluded Art_Teacher was him came as no surprise. "I guess you're wondering why I drew this picture?" Dylan did not respond. Of course he did. That was a dumb statement too. "I enjoy drawing yaoi and shotacon." That was a safe enough statement. "This is just one of my drawings. Not 'just' one," he quickly corrected realizing how that sounded, "one of my favourites, and best. It was easy to draw actually. You make a very good subject for shotacon." "So do you," replied Dylan, meaning it as a complement. "I mean, well, shotacon and yaoi. You're, well 3;" "Beautiful." "Yeah," Dylan said, his cheeks turning red. Mister Bone was beautiful, but it felt embarrassing calling a guy that, and even more embarrassing calling your teacher that. "Bishonen." "Huh?" "That is what the Japanese call beautiful young men, young men with effeminate qualities." Dylan's brow wrinkled and his eyes narrowed with the lack of comprehension. "Effeminate means men who have delicate, woman-like features." "Oh." Dylan's cheeks turned even redder, unaccustomed to such frank talk, and totally unaccustomed to such talk with an adult. He risked a glance at Cory, who'd stood there saying nothing. How could he be so calm and unembarrassed? From the blank look on his face he didn't even seem to be hearing what they'd been saying. Dylan and Adrian stared at the two pictures awkwardly, uncertain what else to say. "Just because a person draws pictures of men and boys 3; in intimate poses 3; doesn't necessarily mean he wants to do such things." Cory could pick up from his headband that Adrian meant what he had just said, but also that he was not one of those men who did not want to do such things. "Just like if a person were to draw a murder scene, it doesn't mean he's a murderer," Dylan observed, having come up with the example last night as he'd struggled to find a way to justify his own drawing to his teacher. "Right. And by the way, I'm not as well hung as in the pictures either," Adrian said with a slight smile, hoping the humour would break the tension that at the moment was so high it felt like the room was about to explode. In his teaching courses he'd learned humour was a good way to reduce tension and to defuse a potential confrontation. "Me neither," Dylan admitted with a slight smile. Adrian laughed but it was short-lived. This was a serious matter, with some very disturbing ramifications. "Who all have you shown these pictures to?" he asked, looking at Dylan grimly. "Just Cory. I didn't know what to do, and, well, Cory knows about this sort of stuff." "About shotacon?" Adrian asked in surprise, looking up at Cory. "About sex," replied Cory with a smile. Adrian snorted in surprise and in embarrassment, unaccustomed to talking about such things, especially so bluntly, and especially with two of his students. He had to give Cory credit. The boy was frank. A thought suddenly coming to him, Adrian looked at Cory for a moment, and then at Dylan, a quizzical look slowly crossing his face. Dylan didn't need Cory's headband to tell what his teacher was thinking. "Oh, no, we're not 3;" Unable to finish the statement, he once again began turning a bright red, the blush that had been fading returning with double the force and causing his cheeks to feel as if they were aflame. "No, we're not lovers, and in fact as far as I know Dylan still has his prune. Losing it looks like it could be a lot of fun though," Cory observed, glancing at the two pictures and grinning. Adrian Bone's thought about the two of them had been totally his teacher's, and amusing. "I hope it will be," he said, his grin broadening as he glanced at Dylan and then at Adrian. With that, he turned abruptly and headed for the door. Dylan and Adrian stared at him, both too surprised by his comment to say anything and both with a sinking feeling in their hearts. With him present they felt more comfortable, safer with there being three, but before they could stop him he was in the hallway and closing the door behind him. "Cory is very laid back about all this," Adrian observed, feeling awkward and apprehensive once again. Seeing the look on Dylan's face he realized the boy again didn't know what he meant. "He's very accepting, very unconcerned." "Oh. Yeah. He's a laid back sort of guy," Dylan observed. He glanced down at the pictures of him lying on his back on a teacher's desk, legs raised and spread, and he couldn't suppress a giggle. It was Adrian's turn to look at him quizzically. "Looks like I am too," Dylan said, giggling again, in his nervousness the observation seeming particularly funny. Adrian laughed also, for the same reason. A new surge of desire throbbed through his groin. "It does look like fun," Dylan said softly, emboldened by the need that was actually causing his groin to ache. He looked down to see if the throbbing of his dink could be seen through his trousers. "It does," Adrian agreed throatily, the same desire suddenly welling up between his legs, a desire so strong no man could ignore it. He inhaled deeply. "Do you 3; that is, if you want to 3; try that is 3;" "Okay," Dylan immediately replied, wanting to scream yes. His asshole ached to have something in it, something long and thick, like a cock. Though he'd wondered what that would be like when he did his drawings, never had he felt the need to experience it so desperately. "I'd better lock the door." Adrian had difficulty walking, his cock fully erect and tenting out his suit pants and the knob having worked its way out of his boxers and rubbing against the cloth of his trousers. Cory smiled and broadcast a final surge of lust, his parting gift to the two before heading down the hallway. He'd have loved being able to stay and watch, but that would have been awkward for both Dylan and Adrian Bone, and anyway, he could wait to retrieve the hidden cam he'd had Billy install in Adrian Bone's art room last night. "On the desk?" Dylan asked, that being where the two had drawn the action. He could not believe how badly his asshole was aching to be fucked. "Sure," Adrian said with a smile, "though I don't suppose that's going to be as comfortable as in the pictures." He inhaled deeply and loudly. He'd never felt so randy in all his life. "I think it's gonna be just fine," Dylan responded with another smile. Pushing aside the books and papers on the desk to make room for Dylan, Adrian watched nervously but with desperate arousal as the cherubic fourteen-year-old stripped, leaving on only his unbuttoned shirt just as the two of them had drawn him. Lying on his back on the desk with his butt at the edge and his jeans bunched up to form a pillow for his head as he'd drawn, Dylan watched with eager but anxious anticipation as his teacher pulled down his fly and undid his belt and the top button of his suit pants and then pushed his trousers and boxers down revealing a thick, curved, fully erect cock and a nice set of hairy balls. He wasn't as big as they'd drawn as he'd said, but he was big enough none the same, and bigger than anyone Dylan had ever seen. Leaving his suit jacket, shirt, and tie on as they'd both drawn in their pictures, Adrian shuffled up to the desk and Dylan spread his legs and raised them, his heart pumping wildly in his thin chest. Working up a gob of spit, Adrian Bone spread apart Dylan's smooth cheeks and spat on his exposed anus as he'd seen in yaoi and shotacon pictures, and, also as he'd seen in pictures, he slowly and carefully slipped his middle finger up the boy's rectum and twisted it, lubing it with his spittle and loosening his sphincter. Dylan squirmed and quickly assured him it was with pleasure, not pain. Working up several more gobs of spittle, he drooled the slime over his blood-engorged cock and then stepping up to his desk, he placed the tip against Dylan's asshole. He'd often wondered what it would be like to insert his cock up an ass, and especially a young boy's ass as he'd viewed his shotacon collection, and he'd certainly wondered about it as he'd drawn the picture of himself and Dylan. Never though had he ever imagined he'd be feeling so tense and anxious as he was at the moment, nor so madly aroused. As he slowly pushed forward, he felt Dylan opening up his asshole and he was delighted and relieved the boy was willing. Both being virgins, it took several attempts to find the right angle and position, shotacon pictures not always being anatomically accurate. With the tightness of Dylan's virgin asshole and the above average size of Adrian's cock, the two of them were soon grunting and snorting like two horny pigs as they strained to unite. They were desperate though as their hot blood pulsated through their veins and through their swollen cocks. Ever so slowly the twenty-three-year-old teacher's rock-hard, blood-engorged knob stretched open his eager fourteen-year-old student's asshole as they snorted and strained, the teacher pushing forward relentlessly in his desperate lust for the boy and the student gritting his teeth with the pain as he constricted his abdominal muscles and forced his anus open in his desperate attempt to accept his teacher's cock. Finally the teacher's knob popped in and with the widest part of his member past his partner's sphincter and there no longer being any resistance, he brutally rammed his aching cock up the boy's rectum to his balls before he could stop. As his teacher's stiff cock sank up his rectum until the knob was buried seven inches [18cm] up his hot, dank love chute, Dylan inhaled sharply with the pleasure and with the strain of accepting his teacher's entire cock in one final lunge. They had done it! The two shuddered with the immense pleasure, Adrian's swollen cock throbbing with desire like he'd never felt it throb before and Dylan's moist chute throbbing hotly in sync with the bone embedded up it. Grasping the fourteen-year-old's smooth, slender hips, Adrian drew his hips back, easing his cock back out of Dylan's hot, moist asshole until the rim of his knob reached his sphincter, and then he sank it back in, delighting in the way the boy's rectum throbbed in time with his swollen member and the way the boy tightened and relaxed his sphincter in time with his movements. He marvelled at how hot and moist the boy's asshole was, and how tightly his anus could grasp his aching bone. Never in his wildest imagination had the virgin teacher ever imagined fucking ass could feel so good. Looking down at Dylan as he drew his cock back out and seeing the lust and pleasure in his eyes, just as he'd drawn in the eyes of young boys so many times, Adrian Bone shuddered with the thrill that look sent up his spine. Dylan inhaled and exhaled deeply and with unabashed delight as his teacher rammed his long, thick cock in and out of his ass. When he'd drawn pictures of young boys getting their asses fucked and wondered what it might feel like, he'd at times inserted the index finger of his left hand up his rectum for insight as he'd sat in his room and drew. Having a man's cock up his ass was nowhere like inserting his own finger. It was thicker. It was longer. It was marvellous. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the immense pleasure pulsating through his rectum, his young, slender body jerking uncontrollably each time his teacher's knob brushed past a certain spot deep inside him. His asshole burned and throbbed with a pleasure he could never have imagined, a pleasure that was every bit as delightful and every bit as painful as the pleasure that pulsated through his knob when he jerked off. Looking up at his young, handsome teacher and at the lust and delight in his emerald green eyes, his silky fine, blond hair tangled and sweaty and hanging down over his face and in his eyes, Dylan was struck with how much Adrian Bone looked like the handsome young men he'd drawn, and his body ached with even greater pleasure with the thought and his stiff young cock jerked wildly in the air with arousal. He constricted his anus tightly as he felt his teacher withdraw, and he relaxed as he felt his long, thick cock plunge back up his body. His anus burned with the friction and stretching, sending shocks of painful pleasure through his asshole. Shocks of even greater pain and pleasure shot through his groin and up his swollen cock from some button deep inside his body, causing him to desperately need to shoot off a load, an ache so great he felt himself approaching that point without so much as touching himself. Adrian Bone was gasping and grunting as he felt himself also reaching that point as he rammed his cock in and out of the young boy with a mad lust, a point that until that afternoon he'd only reached by his own hand. Furiously fucking the boy with wild abandon and unabashed lust, he looked down at the boy with a half grin and half leer, the look of a man on the verge of erupting. Dylan looked back up at him, his big brown eyes bright with pleasure, his thick shocks of curly, dark brown hair billowing about his head and sweeping across his forehead, and his face contorted with a combination of strain and pleasure. He looked just like the boys in his shotacon collection, just like Adrian had imagined he would look the night he'd sat down and drawn the picture of the two of them engaged in the act they were now engaged in. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that night that he would actually fuck the boy's ass. Panting labouriously, he rammed his aching, throbbing cock in and out of the boy's hot, clutching hole, driven by boy lust and the need to shoot off a load like he'd never felt before, not even after the longest bouts of guilt-ridden abstinence. In and out he thrust his swollen cock, his now swollen balls banging against the boy's sweaty ass. Throwing back his head and groaning with an animal lust, he drove his cock up the boy's clutching ass as he erupted, his hot, thick juice spurting out the tip of his cock with a force he'd never before experienced. He drew back as his cock continued spurting and drove his cock in again, this time driving it through the hot, slippery slime from his body, still continuing to spurt out his juices as if he'd not come in a month. Drawing back again, his thick slime, drawn up by his flanged knob, oozed out of the boy's asshole and down along his ass crack to collect in a slimy pool on the highly polished mahogany wood of his desk and again he thrust his swollen cock back up the boy's cum-filled rectum. Feeling his teacher cumming up his rectum and his hot, thick slime oozing out of his asshole and along his ass crack, Dylan thrust his body up and back, bouncing on the hard wooden desk as his young balls constricted and his hot, teenage cum raced up the core of his swollen young cock and spurted out the tip with a delightful burning pleasure. Spurt after spurt erupted out of the young teenager with a force and volume only capable by horny fourteen-year-old boys. His thick, juicy cum spurted through the air in an arc and landed on his smooth, heaving chest and oozed down and around his young breasts. Streamer after streamer flew through the air as the boy bucked and groaned with unabashed pleasure, the pleasure of ejaculating, and the pleasure of having his rectum filled with hot, thick slime for the first time in his young life. Gobs of teenage cum spattered his nipples and breasts and as his cock jerked wildly and uncontrollably he spattered his teacher's pale blue shirt and suit jacket and his deep blue tie with his with gooey, juicy load as his teacher continued to spurt his own load up his rectum. At long last Adrian finally stopped thrusting and stood there bent over the young boy, his swollen cock buried deep up the boy's rectum and soaking in his ass slime and his ball juice, his chest heaving as he gasped for breath, the fine silk shirt sticking to his sweaty chest as the boy's slime soaked through the cloth. The boy's naked buttocks lay in a thick pool of his own cum just as he'd drawn in the picture of the two of them, and the boy's naked, sweat-streaked body was spattered with his own cum just as the two of them had drawn, his young, teenage cock still stiff and jutting up in the air, a long, slimy thread hanging from the tip down to a pool of thick cum collecting in his belly button. Dylan lay there in a daze, staring up at his teacher through his long, feathery eyelashes with a fucked, delighted smile, his body sticky with sweat and cum, his and his teacher's, and a flush of post-climatic delight flooded over him. He knew no girl would ever bring him the pleasure he'd just felt.
Chapter Sixty-Five = Concluding chapter IX— Mgg —
Thanks to Ben for suggesting Molly and Trang become whores. This is the ninth of a series of concluding chapters in which our heros get their well-deserved rewards and our villains get their just punishments. "Com'on, you lazy bitches, wake up!" Molly groaned and snuggled in closer to the warm, comforting body beside her, keeping her eyes closed and ignoring the irritating, demanding voice. "You bitches! Time is wasting. Get up damn you!" "I'm tired," Molly complained, vaguely conscious of someone shaking her. "Let me sleep a few more minutes." The shaking stopped and she sighed with relief. Just a few more minutes. She was suddenly jolted awake by a stream of hot water in her face. Sputtering and complaining, she sat up and held up her arm to stop the water from splashing in her eyes. In her sleep-numbed daze she slowly realized it was not hot water. It was piss. Billy Dean was standing there before her, his large, black cock aimed directly at her head, his piss striking her in the face and running down her cheeks and neck and funnelling between her breasts. "Stop, I'm awake!" Billy redirected his stream to spray in Trang's face and the fourteen-year-old Cambodian girl sat up groggily, rudely awakened from her sleep by her golden shower. "Here, get dressed. We're running late." Billy tossed their clothes at the two of them. "I need to have a shower," Molly said in a soft voice, knowing Billy's temper if he got angered, and he was already cross. "You're perfect as you are." Perfect? She had just been sprinkled with piss and smelled of cock and cum and cunt juice, her beautiful, long hair tangled and greasy, her naked body speckled with flakes of dried semen, the foul taste of pussy and cock and cum in her mouth. Molly glanced around and winced with the pain, her body stiff and sore from last night's workout and her legs cramped from being spread for most of the night, having been fucked repeatedly by three-quarters of the boys at last night's party, all of them except for the half dozen fags in the group. She was sitting in the far corner of the deck where she'd fallen asleep cuddled up with Trang on a couple air mattresses, one of which she vaguely remembered riding in the pool as she'd gotten fucked, by whom she could not recall. Ashley was sprawled out on one of the pool lounge chairs, her legs obscenely spread and revealing her repeatedly raped pussy, and Nicole was sound asleep on a blanket by the pool cuddled up with half a dozen boys. Other boys were sprawled out around them on blankets or in deck chairs, all of them sound asleep, all of them naked. The eastern sky had just started to lighten when the wild orgy had stopped and she'd drifted off to sleep in sheer exhaustion. From the position of the sun that could not have been more than an hour ago. "I need to dry off." "Here," growled Billy impatiently, bending over and picking something up and tossing it at her, and another at Trang. It was some boy's underwear. The two girls dried themselves off as best they could with the soiled undergarments and as they glanced at the clothes that had been tossed at them their hearts sank. They were their 'working clothes' as Billy had described them. That did not make sense though. It had to be six or something in the morning. They'd never worked the streets that early in the day. Knowing there was no point asking, they reluctantly got dressed, not wanting to anger Billy any more than they had inadvertently already done. "You can put on your makeup in the car," Billy said as Jacob Schuller handed them their cosmetic kits. They hadn't noticed him standing there in the shadows glancing around at the twenty naked boys and four girls and shaking his head. And adults thought that they could keep teenagers ignorant of sex until they became adults, and most parents thought they were. With Billy and Jacob in the front of his jazzed up red Corvette convertible, his working car and still his favourite though he now owned a Rolls and several Ferrari, the two girls sat in the back, Molly in her black thong and cherry-red leather skirt that barely extended past her crotch, a wide-necked, low-cut russet leather jacket that pushed up and revealed her young, budding breasts, and a pair of black leather high-heeled boots that laced up to mid-calf; and Trang in a flourescent lime-green mini skirt that barely covered her panties embroidered with dainty green and blue flowers and that showed off her shapely thighs, a sheer, white silk blouse with the same delicate embroidery as her panties that set off her smooth, butterscotch breasts, and a pair of black, high-heeled shoes. They had applied their makeup generously as Billy had taught them, Molly wearing cherry-red lipstick, rouge, and burgundy eye shadow, Trang's eyes, cheeks and lips touched up with shades of blue and green. Both had doused themselves with perfume, but they still smelled of dick, cum and piss. Instead of heading to Sixteenth Street where they sometimes did business, to 'keep them humble' Billy had said, Billy headed downtown. The two girls tensed as they approached Needle Park, the unofficial name of the park in the downtown core whose real name they did not know. It was frequented by drug addicts and prostitutes where Billy sometimes took them 'to repay favours' as he put it. Their hearts sank as Billy pulled into a nearby alley. Jacob handed them their script, the first indication they had headed off to make a movie, not turn tricks. The movie was evidently not big on dialogue nor plot. When your actresses are fourteen going on fifteen all the buying audience wants is flesh and action. "Fucking shit, is it ever fucking dead around this fucking place," Molly complained, leaning up against the brick wall covered with graffiti and looking dejected as the script had said as Jacob zoomed in on her. "Fuck yeah. There isn't a fucking man in fucking sight any fucking where," observed Trang and Jacob panned the empty streets and Needle Park across the street. "Wouldn't you fucking know it? And the fucking night I'm so fucking horny I'd give it away for fucking free." "You're always fucking horny, girl, and at the fucking price you charge you fucking might as well give it away for fucking free." "Oh yeah, look who the fuck is talking, Miss ucla football team grand prize." "Hey, the boys needed some fucking incentive to win their fucking game," Trang said coyly as she ran her fingers along her shapely thighs. Acting the part of a teenage whore was no problem for her, nor for Molly. They were not acting as whores, they were whores. They'd been flashing their stuff at strangers for almost two years now, and for the past six months they had been selling it for Billy, to help 'earn their keep' as he'd put it, working either at his mother's whore house, or more often at the second whore house she'd started up and run by her brother Eli and his wife Emma, her second whore house employing underage girls and catering to that clientele that liked their meat young. Between the efforts of Eli, Billy, Juan, and Cory, Callie Dean had no shortage of young girls as employees, nor any shortage of clients. "Well, if a fucking man doesn't show up soon, I'm going to fuck that fucking hydrant. My fucking cunt is like so fucking itchy." Molly pressed her fingers between her legs and rubbed her pussy. After the fucking it had gotten it was tender as hell and she winced with pain, though in the film it looked like she was wincing with desire. "You really that fucking hot for fucking cock?" "You fucking better believe it," Molly groaned as she rubbed harder as the script required. Considering how her body ached from the previous night when she'd been screwed more times than most married women get screwed in three months, her acting was commendable. "Well fuck, come on then, girl. I know where we can get our fucking cunts some fucking action. We sure the fuck aren't going to get any cock here." Jacob filmed them heading down the street and turning into the alley, and the girls sighed with relief as they got into Billy's car and he pulled onto the nearby Santa Ana Parkway that ran along the Santa Ana River. They had thought for sure they were going to have to go into Needle Park and service some crazy drug addict friend of Billy's. Billy drove only a dozen or so blocks before pulling over and parking beside a chain link fence surrounding one of the city's pump stations that had big graffiti-covered no trespassing and no parking signs. Billy and Jacob got out and Jacob filmed the girls as Billy lead them down the littered, weed-choked pathway, past makeshift lean-tos of scrap lumber and cardboard boxes, shopping carts filled with filthy junk, and slumbering, homeless derelicts to the overpass over the Santa Ana. Locating the man that he had picked out several days ago as the perfect male lead sprawled out under the underpass beside his shopping cart, Billy pointed him out and told the girls what he expected them to do before stepping back out of view of the camera. Jacob smiled at the evilness of his partner as he took up his position in the shadows of the overpass and started filming again. The girls cringed as they approached the sleeping man. They didn't want any of the derelicts they'd passed as partners, but this one looked uglier and filthier than the rest. As they got closer they could see he was a Native American, which made the dialogue they'd memorized in the short trip between the alley and the pump station make sense. "Com'on, Chief, wake up," Trang said as the two squatted down, one on either side of him. "This is your lucky day." Keeping his eyes closed, the man muttered for them to go away. His breath stank of cheap wine and cigarettes. "Com'on, Chief, we got something hot and juicy for you." She reluctantly reached out and shook his shoulder and cringed with disgust. Besides sour wine he stank of stale piss and of sweat and what she could best describe as dirty gym socks. "Com'on, Chief, we got something for you," cooed Molly, reaching out and caressing his crotch as she fought back the urge to vomit from the stench of his body. The man slowly opened one blurry, bloodshot eye and glanced at Molly and then swivelled his head and looked at Trang and then back at Molly, a befuddled look on his face. "Don't you wanna fuck, Chief?" Molly asked, squeezing his crotch. All she could feel were folds of cloth. "I'm not a chief." "That don't matter. Fucking an Indian buck is just as good," Molly said, using one of the alternative lines in the script, Cory having anticipated the man's response in writing the dialogue. "We're both in the mood for some good old-fashioned Indian style fucking," Trang said in support. "I got no money." "This is for free," Trang ad libed. "Why?" "Because we're fucking hot for a real man's cock between our legs," replied Molly from the script. The old Indian smiled a snaggle-toothed smile, half his teeth missing and the others rotten and worn and stained brown from snuff and tobacco. His foul breath of tobacco, wine and decay swept over the two girls. "You just lay back and let us take care of things, Chief," Trang said, following the script as she reached down and undid his belt. "This is a fuckin' scam, ain't it, you ho's? Gonna pull down my pants so I can't run and then make off with my stuff, aren't you?" He struggled to sit up but was too drunk. He fell back on his back. "The only thing of yours we want is what you got in here," Molly replied, adlibbing as she pulled down his fly and reached inside and wishing the man would shut up. This was difficult enough without the conversation. This time she could feel his warm tube of flesh. The man had a beer gut and was a dead weight but they managed between the two of them to pull his filthy, stained trousers down, and his equally filthy underwear. Cringing with revulsion, Molly reached down and fondled his large balls and large limp dick as Jacob zoomed in. They were warm and damp causing her skin to crawl. Trang meanwhile gingerly unbuttoned his shirt, sure that his unwashed body was crawling with lice and doing her best to touch his clothing as little as possible. His flabby, brown chest was blotched with black splotches of crud and who knows what. It had to have been a year since he'd had a bath. Their job, Billy had told them before he had backed away, was to rape this fat, drunken reject of the human race. Those were his words and he'd said it with an evil smile. Molly caressed and rolled the man's hairy balls in her fingers and shook and squeezed and fondled his large but limp dick but with his drunkenness his dick was slow to respond. Trang caressed his chest, squeezing the rolls of fat, and she brushed her fingertips against his nipples, and though they grew firm, his cock barely changed. She whispered obscenities in his ear, telling him how much they ached for a man, for him, and how hot and eager their pussies were, calling up all the foul language and erotic enticing she'd used in past films and in tricks she'd been forced to turn by Billy, using language that would shock a stevedore and would surly put her mother and father into shock. Desperate, she brushed her soft lips against his stiff nipples, leaving behind a smear of lime green lipstick. Seeing his cock finally respond, she did it again and again, and desperate to get him stiff so they could get this done and over with, she fought back the urge to puke as she stuck out her tongue and licked his hard, grimy teat. Seeing the success Trang was having, Molly pulled down the man's loose foreskin and her skin crawled at the sight of the ring of encrusted smegma below his knob. It was not her first encounter with an unwashed dick, but never had she seen one as filthy as this, nor with a layer of dick crud so yellow and thick. She reluctantly ran her finger tip along the rim of his exposed knob, causing his dick to swell faster, but despite all their efforts, the booze won out and it remained semierect. Knowing Billy would be livid if they failed and if he and Jacob Schuller had wasted the morning and a roll of film besides, she snuggled up to the filthy old man and rubbed her hot pussy against his foul, semierect dick, gyrating until her juices flowed out of her swelling cunt and over his flaccid prick. Trang did likewise, spreading her legs and rubbing her cunt against his flabby breasts until they were smeared with her cunt juices. Seeing even those efforts had not gotten him hard, Trang closed her eyes and fighting back the urge to puke, she slipped her lips over his dirty nipple smeared with her own cunt-juice and sucked on it. Molly similarly knew she had no recourse, and fighting back her rising gorge she bent her head and took his flaccid, filthy dick in her mouth, knob and crud-encrusted collar, the stench of his unwashed dick and balls and his smegma causing her bile to rise in her throat as she tried to imagine she was devouring a chocolate fudge sundae instead, but this time, Cory's support was not there, and try as she could, all she could think of was that there was a foul, crud-encrusted and likely diseased dick in her mouth. The only thing driving her on was her fear of Billy and the whipping she knew she'd get, and though she could not imagine one, in all likelihood he would make her engage in an act even more foul than the one she was engaging in, and so she sucked on the drunken Indian's foul organ and worked her lips up and down it as Trang sucked on his nipples and fingered his balls, the two girls acting just like the cock-hungry whores they were supposed to be. The efforts of the two girls did finally succeed, desire at last breaking through a mind numbed with cheap wine, and feeling his cock become firm in her mouth, Molly quickly removed her mouth, her jaws aching and her tongue weary with fatigue. She threw herself on the man, madly reaching for his swollen organ and guiding it to her hot, juice-filled organ, her cunt aroused solely by the friction against his filthy body. Like the cock-mad whore she was pretending to be, she quickly lowered herself on his large, erect organ, engulfing it in her hot, moist cunt before he softened. The sour stench of his unwashed body and his breath, foul with sour wine and rotten teeth and cigarettes, drove her on, eager to get him off and be done with the foul deed. She rode him like a lust-driven whore, working her cunt as she rode him, squeezing his hot, thick cock as she rose and relaxing as she dropped back down. Trang, knowing the reason behind Molly's urgent actions and herself eager for Molly to be done so she could have her turn and be rid of this foul derelict, continued to fondle and lick his nipples and to rub her pussy against his body, sure that she could feel lice crawling into her cunt and up her pussy but rubbing it desperately to bring her close to her orgasm so she need have him in her as short a time as possible. All of course was caught on film, the girls' fervid actions and gasping and panting making it look like two cock-hungry whores desperately raping their benumbed partner solely for their own pleasure and in their lust for cock, all the while the two girls, not having the benefit of Cory's urging or masking of their true feelings this time, felt their skin crawling with lice and their gorge constantly at their throats, the stench of his body and the foulness of their act leaving them on the verge of puking despite the growing heat throbbing between their legs, a heat unescapable and undeniable as Trang rubbed her cunt against his body and as Molly rode his cock. When Molly finally trembled with her orgasm, it was no act, though there was no pleasure in it, and as she felt her unwashed partner at long last began to ejaculate she quickly rose off him, knowing from performing in past porn films that Billy often wanted to photograph the man cumming as proof that they weren't faking it and because men who viewed that sort of video liked to see it, but in this case she pulled off because she wanted as little of his slime in her as possible. Having reached her orgasm, and her goal of bringing the drunk derelict off, she rolled off him and lay there in the littered underpass on her back, choking and gagging as if driven with lust while in reality forcing back her rising puke. The moment Molly rolled off, Trang leaped upon the man, and grasping his still swollen cock, smeared with Molly's cunt juice and with rivulets of his cum streaking the shaft, she held it firmly by the base as she straddled the man and eased back on his hard rod as Molly had done, eager to have him in her body before he went soft and she'd have to try to arouse him again, which given his drunken state and that he'd shot off was highly unlikely. And so in her desperation and fear she mounted him and furiously rode his swollen, now leaking cock, the two of them gasping and snorting as if in lust but in reality Trang desperately trying to bring herself to her orgasm and not vomit in the man's face and the man now grimacing not in the pleasure of a double fuck but in pain as his swollen cock was trapped inside this mad teenage whore's pussy. Although she'd brought herself close to her orgasm rubbing up against him, having him inside her was disgusting and it was some time before she reached that point once again. By then the man was thrusting his hips to and fro and groaning in the agony of being ridden long after he'd shot his load so when Trang finally reached her orgasm it looked like he was cumming for a second time. It was going to be an awesome movie. Leaving him laying there with his pants and underwear about his ankles and not knowing if he should cry out with pleasure or curl up with the pain shooting through his drained balls, and in his drunken state not sure if he'd just been fucked by two hot, underage girls or had the wickedest dream of his life, Molly and Trang snatched up their underwear and followed Billy and Jacob back to Billy's car, the rest of the derelicts and transients oblivious to what had just happened, and the few who had been conscious enough to be aware, finding nothing unusual about two young whores having their way with one of their fellow fallen. As they pulled away, Molly's stomach churned and growled in disgust as she fought back the need to puke. "Sounds like our little whore has worked up an appetite," Billy observed. "Well, for doing such a good job, let me treat the two of you to an egg and sausage McMuffin." The thought of eggs and sausage caused both girls to upchuck, and knowing Billy would make them lick his upholstery clean if they fouled it, they clamped their hands over their mouths as their cheeks filled with puke. Billy glanced at Jacob and grinned, knowing his comment would bring the girls over the brink. As they swallowed the sour vomit, Molly and Trang knew that despite how nauseating the idea was, they needed something to eat after the energy they'd burned last night and this morning, besides to get the foul taste of puke out of their mouths. They hoped that Billy would use the drive through given their dress and filthy state, but of course he and Jacob wouldn't miss the added humiliation of having the two girls sit inside the restaurant. As she bit into her egg McMuffin, Molly was embarrassingly aware of the pimple-faced high school server watching her. Having had to stand at the counter and order her breakfast herself, she'd seen his eyes drop to her exposed bosom and light up with lust. To the horny teenage boy she didn't look nor smell filthy, she looked like a hot whore and smelled of sex and cock. Trang too was embarrassingly aware of the customer in the next booth glancing over at her. While most of the customers at the McDonald's that early in the morning, mainly old, retired men or Saturday morning workers on their way to work, were disgusted with her and Molly's arrival with the two young men, the man in the next booth clearly had a hankering for a piece of teenage Cambodian tail despite having his five-year-old son with him, having just picked him up from his ex for the weekend and treating him to McDonald's, something that he knew would irritate his ex. Billy smiled. What the pimple-faced teenager didn't know was that his service that morning was about to be rewarded by a hot quickie in the men's room, and what the divorced twenty-four-year-old father didn't know was that he was about to have a piece of hot Cambodian hair pie for desert in the backseat of his car in the parking lot while his young son pretended to be driving in the front seat, keeping his eyes ahead on the road as his father had told him, but of course checking in the rearview mirror for the action behind him as any good driver should. An even bigger reason for his wide grin was what Molly and Trang didn't know, that three weeks ago he'd substituted the birth control pills he'd been providing them with fake pills. With all the action yesterday and this morning, there was a very high possibility that they'd gotten knocked up, which was going to open up a whole new world of experiences for the two girls. There were a lot of men who loved getting it on with young pregnant teenagers, and a lot more who loved movies and pictures of young girls with tummies full of child having sex. Of course their girls' parents would be greatly distressed, but nowhere near as distressed as the two girls as they spent the next nine months worrying and wondering if the father of their first child was one of the nerds they despised or one of the jocks they'd had teenage crushes on from last night but who now saw them as lesbian sluts, or one of their Saturday morning one-time partners. Speaking of potential fathers, as Billy was pimping the two girls to the teenage server and the customer at McDonald's, Chakroth and Sangha Chouan were driving through the gates of the Wilson-Dean Estate for a morning piece of tail with Annette, fulfilling a promise they'd made to Billy and Juan to screw her daily for the next month, a promise the two Asian boys didn't find difficult to keep. Arriving just as Juan Carlos, in the company of Peter Manchester and Dwayne Hainsworth, the two boys groggy, naked and exhausted from a lack of sleep and from having gotten their rocks off three times last night, was escorting Ashley Rowan and Juliette Gilles to the film studio, and finding Annette had just begun nursing Juan's three week old son, they brought her and her infant son along to watch the morning filming, sure it would be entertaining and would get them all in the mood for some fucking. The set for the first scene was a drab room with plain grey walls, a small cot with a mattress, pillow and a few white sheets and a crucifix above it, a small plain dresser, and a wooden chair. The filming began with Juliette, dressed in a plain white shift, curled up in a fetal position and sniffing a pair of dirty jockey shorts clutched in her left hand while her right was busy underneath her smock, which was pulled up high enough to reveal the eight-year-old's smooth thighs. She was a strange looking child with her crimson Mohawk haircut, pierced ears, and eyebrow and nose rings. Ashley, dressed in an old style nun's habit, suddenly entered off camera. "Sweet, merciful Mary, what are you doing child?" she screamed angrily. Although she'd been expecting the line, Juliette jumped in shock all the same and her eyes automatically widened with the sharpness and loudness of Ashley's voice. She looked up guiltily at Ashley even though Juan had told her that she wouldn't get in trouble, and in fact last evening had presented her with a dozen pairs of used boy's underwear from those discarded by Cory's guests and told her she could keep them if she made a little movie for him the next morning, and that he'd get her another half dozen if she did good. Her reaction to Ashley's entrance Juan had expected from a naive little girl and was the response that he wanted for the movie. The Wilson-Dean-Schuller Entertainment Company was well known for the reality of their films, and as an occasional film producer he was not going to disappoint his childhood friend and co-husband with an inferior product. Snatching the soiled underwear from her hands, Ashley turned, her eyes dropping to the striped cloth hanging out of the lower of the carelessly closed drawers, Dwayne following with the camera and zooming in as she opened the drawer to find the collection of boys' soiled underwear. "Sweet mercy child, how many pairs of undergarments have you stolen?" "I didn't steal them, sister 3;," she said, forgetting Ashley's pretend name and glancing over at Juan. "Look at me when you're speaking to me," Ashley corrected her, having been told by Juan she was expected to help Juliette with her lines. With her back to the camera she mouthed Sister Magdalen. "Sister Magdalen," Juliette repeated. "I didn't steal them, Sister Magdalen." "Then where did you get them? You expect me to believe the boys gave them to you?" "They did." "Why would boys give a filthy little girl their undergarments?" "Because I showed them my wa-wa," Juliette replied, having no idea what a wa-wa was but having made a note to find out if that really was a way to get boys to give her their underwear. "Except for Georgie. He said his underwear was especially dirty and for them I had to suck his wee-wee." Ashley gasped and turned red, the gasp an act, the blush natural. Even though she'd read the lines barely ten minutes ago, hearing them come out of the mouth of an eight-year-old child was embarrassing, and shameful. "Well, come with me child," she said, reaching out and taking Juliette's hand. "You will have to be punished for this wicked behaviour." As she lead Juliette off camera, she could not avoid looking guilty given her own fetish for girls' panties, a fetish that Juan had somehow found out about and had threatened unless she took part in this movie he was making to reveal to her best friends Molly and Trang, including the fact she'd stolen and sniffed theirs at school. How he could possibly have known that, she had no idea, having told nobody about it and certain nobody had seen her. It was as if he'd been able to read her mind or something. Peter and Dwayne quickly changed the sets, scene two being in a church, complete with detailed stained glass windows (thanks to Peter's research into medieval churches and Dylan's skill in art), a fake pew and altar with a real altar cloth, rosary, and candelabrum and candles from Saint Andrews Father Henry had left in Riverside Westbank Park in response to an anonymous note if he didn't certain activities of his in the park would be revealed, and a small crucifix, from Jacob Schuller's extensive collection of toys. Still holding the pair of boy's jockey shorts that Juliette had been sniffing, Ashley hung them on the end of the altar. "Now then, bend over," Sister Magdalen said sternly, indicating the back of the first and only row of pews on the set. As she yanked up Juliette's shift, it was revealed she was wearing a diaper. "Sweet merciful Mary," Sister Magdalen exclaimed most realistically as she wrinkled up her nose. "Have you soiled them?" Although she'd been told Juliette would be wearing diapers, and that she had to remove them and wipe her bottom, Ashley had not expected them to be filled. "Yes, Sister Magdalen," Juliette replied, stating the obvious as Dwayne zoomed in on them. Over the past six months Juliette had developed a diaper fetish, something that had just popped into her mind one day as she was thinking about the pair of underwear she'd snitched from Anthony in his overnight visit as she sat at the dinner table with her family, including Cory whom she and her younger brothers saw and treated as their father given he often spent the night in their mother's bed instead of their father and seemed to be giving the orders lately. It had seemed like a fun idea, and with all the babies around the house, it was easy to get a pair. It was fun, as was the idea she later had of peeing in them while she sniffed Anthony's underwear, and then a month later, pooping in them. Juan somehow knew about that too, and brought her a package of diapers to fit a girl her age and told her if she filled hers good last night and wore them this morning he'd get her more. Removing her shit-filled diaper and wondering how one small girl could have produced so much shit, Ashley looked around for something to clean the girl with as the script had said, and then telling Juliette to stay put, she stepped off camera and while she was gone Dwayne zoomed in on Juliette's shit-smeared ass cheeks, her tight little asshole, and her little cunt as she wiggled back so he could take a shot of it. Sister Magdalen returned carrying a baptismal basin Jacob had gotten from a church supply company, along with a couple real linen cloths used in baptisms, again courtesy of Father Henry. Setting the basin down, she dipped one of the cloths in the basin and proceeded to wipe Juliette's ass. Given her own fetish for soiled panties, she didn't find the stink nor cleaning the little girl up all that distasteful, something that Cory had suspected when he'd written the script with Ashley in mind. That certainly was not the case for Annette as she watched from behind the scenes. She knew her kid sister had a thing for boys' underwear, but diapers and soiled diapers were something totally unexpected, and totally filthy. Of course given the habits of her father and her brothers, something she'd never witnessed but that she'd overheard others gossip about, and not that secretively in her presence, that her sister would be into such filth was not a big surprise. As for Sangha and Chakroth, they found the whole thing highly erotic. Being devoted Buddhists, seeing a supposed nun wiping the shit from the ass of her young charge and using the sacred baptismal basin was especially perverted, and that the young girl was the young sister of the teenage girl they had humped yesterday and were intending on humping again that morning made it even more perverse, especially as they watched the oh so holy nun inserting her finger up the young girl's asshole, and throughly cleaning her little cunt slit with obvious enjoyment. Peter and Dwayne, on the other hand, were neither disgusted nor aroused, finding the scene between the two another reason why sex between guys was better than between a guy and a girl. Juan, of course, had an aching boner that he'd have to have Nicole Halder take care of when he was done. And so Sister Magdalen cleaned the shit from the ass of her young charge with the linen cloths and rinsed the shity cloth in the baptismal bowl until the water was brown and then inspected the young girl's asshole, stretching apart her ass cheeks and checking out her anus, probing it with her finger to ensure it was clean, and then likewise having the girl stand and spread her legs while she dutifully spread apart her labia and ran her finger along the slit and slowly inserted it to ensure no foulness had penetrated it, finally drying off her smooth, now pink bottom with a dry cloth, all caught by camera. "Now then," Sister Magdalen said with a strange throatiness that was not an act, "there is the matter of punishing you for your wicked habits, your love of boys' underwear, and the nasty things you've done with the boys." She paused as if thinking what to do, in reality recalling what the script had said, things that were disgusting and sinful and illegal, and strangely appealing. Of these things Juliette had no idea for her script had ended upon the removal of her shit-filled diapers other than to say she was to do whatever the Sister told her. Of course her look of innocence and ignorance, and Sister Magdalen's look of concentration were exactly what Cory had in mind when he'd written the script. Having Juliette lay on the altar on her stomach, her legs hanging over the end, Sister Magdalen drew her hand back and slapped the girl on the naked buttocks, causing her to jerk, but not hard enough to cause her to cry out with pain. Juan of course expected her to hit the girl more severely, and not just for the sake of art, and signalled such, and Sister Magdalen knew if she did not obey she could easily find herself in the same position as Juliette. And so she smacked the girl hard believing better the girl be spanked than herself, leaving behind her hand print, and again, causing her to cry out. Her cry was not acting, but, for a dozen pairs of underwear, Juliette was willing to endure a little pain. As Sister Magdalen swatted her bottom over and over until it was a cherry red, the fake nun felt a desire growing in her loins, a desire that until then had only been caused by lurid romance novels and the smell of a girl's used panties. Picking up the tasselled hemp rope used to confine a priest's alb, again courtesy of Father Henry, she swatted Juliette's now tenderized backside with it, causing the girl to squirm and whimper with the real pain. Again and again she struck the girl, leaving red welts across the cherry red backside, all the while growing hotter and hotter, physically and sexually, sweat starting to trickle down her forehead and cheeks from her labour and the heat of the habit, aided by the air conditioning having been turned off, and from desires burning even stronger between her legs and through her swelling labia. Breathing heavier, she took one of the candles and carefully inserting it up Juliette's asshole, she began to bugger the little girl, the wide sleeves of her habit fanning her burning backside. Removing her habit and revealing the plain white undergarments never seen except by other nuns, she had Juliette turn over and lay on her back, her legs straddling the altar, and massaged the eight-year-old girl's labia first with the end of the candle and then with her fingertips, bringing her pleasure that both of them knew well and that was a relief for Juliette after the pain of her spanking and strapping. As Ashley gently touched her clit Juliette squirmed with the familiar sharp pleasure that shot through her swollen labia and up her little vagina. Now this type of sexual play Sister Magdalen knew about well, having engaged in the practice many times herself, caressing her swollen labia and her clit and imagining it was the previous wearer of the panties she was sniffing who was doing so to her, or imagining it was their pussy she was doing and not hers. She ever so slowly inserted her finger up the eight-year-old's now throbbing cunt, and was not surprised to find no hymen blocking her penetration. As she fondled and finger fucked her young charge with her right hand, she pulled up her chemise and pushed down her plain panties and began to finger her own twat, revealing a thigh and glimpses of her hairy pussy to the camera. Being filmed was humiliating enough, but she turned even redder with embarrassment doing it before two of the nerds from her class, besides before Juan, Chakroth and Sangha whom she did not even know, and before Antoinette who was sitting there watching as she nursed her baby. It was humiliating, but it was also pleasurable, and as the latter won out she frigged herself more and more openly. Once fully aroused, she could not hold back as lust throbbed through her veins and her swollen cunt, and though racked with guilt and shame and knowing it was wrong, she tore off her clothes so that she stood there before the fake altar totally naked, legs spread, and she vigorously inserted her middle finger up her aching cunt and finger fucked herself and her young charge with obvious pleasure. Taking the candle she'd previously worked in and out of Juliette's asshole, she shoved the shit-streaked taper up her hot, hairy pussy and fucked herself with it as Dwayne zoomed in on the action, on the candle pumping in and out of her cunt, on her finger rapidly fucking Juliette's young hairless pussy, and on the joy on both their faces. Taking the rosary and hooking one end to a long matchstick used to light the candles and which had been slit at one end just for her purpose, she slipped it up her asshole, and again Dwayne zoomed in as bead after holy bead disappeared up her shit hole until only one was hanging out. Leaving the rosary up her asshole but carefully removing the matchstick, she took the crucifix, an obscene prop from Jacob's collection, and pulled off the rectangular covering of the lower arm of the cross, revealing that inside the hollow cover the long arm of the cross had been carved into a perfectly shaped dildo. Spreading open Juliette's now fully extended labia, she inserted the knob of the dildo and slowly inserted it until Jesus's feet were touching the young girl's swollen, hairless pussy. Driven now with unbelievable desire, she fucked Juliette with the obscene crucifix as she furiously fucked herself with the candle, her pussy now slick with cunt juice that ran down her thighs. Moving as close to the altar as she could, she took Juliette's hand and guided it to the last bead still sticking out of her asshole told her to slowly pull the rosary out of her asshole, one bead at a time, counting to twenty each time. The young girl's pussy throbbing with heat and that strange desire she felt when she fingered herself, though it had never been as intense as it was at the moment having someone doing it to her instead of doing it herself, and with the strange dickey-shaped cross working in and out of her throbbing, burning cunt, Juliette tried to concentrate on counting as she pulled the first rosary bead out of the nun's asshole. Chakroth and Sangha had not expected anything like this and had become aroused beyond their wildest expectations. Unable to wait until the filming of the movie was over, they'd pulled out their stiff, aching, yellow-skinned cocks and had begun stroking them while at the same time caressing Antoinette and fingering her pussy, all the while her young son hungrily and contentedly sucking on her teat as she nursed the three-week-old baby. It was while they were so engaged that Peter, who had slipped from the room unnoticed, returned with Julius Gilles as Juan had instructed. Leaving the pale, distraught father standing there glancing from one daughter to the next, horrified by their wantonness and what they were doing, and even more horrified as a devout Catholic by the sacrilege Ashley and his youngest daughter were engaged in, Peter resumed taking photos with the digital camera, a duty that Juan had performed in his brief absence. Taking his infant son from his teenage wife, Juan smiled down at him and the child smiled up at his devoted, loving father. With Annette freed and the two Asian brothers sporting aching erections, the two horny teenagers turned to the fifteen-year-old mother. Sangha, being the oldest, took her first, having her stand and backing her up to a wall behind the cameras where he could still watch the action being filmed while he fucked her. Ramming his aching, rock-hard cock up her unprepared cunt, he began banging her furiously. Fortunately for her, her pussy was still loose from giving birth to her son only three weeks ago, Sangha being concerned only with his own satisfaction and not really caring as he brutally took her. Her cunt of course responded to his hot, swollen cock, accustomed to being screwed without the slightest notice by her two husbands. The trained and obedient wife she'd become, she was well on her way to her own climax when the horny nineteen-year-old began spurting up her cunt. As he stepped back, his cock still stiff and dripping cum and smeared with her cunt juice, his younger brother took his place, roughly and desperately ramming his stiff teenage cock up her now slick cunt, slick with cunt slime and with his brother's thick, slimy ball juice. He began ramming his aching cock in and out her hole eagerly, snorting and grunting unabashedly with pleasure, continuing to watch, as his brother had, the two female performers thrashing and panting with their own arousal and pending orgasms. It was not long before the horny fifteen-year-old rammed his cock up Annette's hot, pulsating cunt with a final thrust, adding his thick slime to his brother's, the loads from the two brothers mixing as his stiff cock stirred the thick combined Asian slime filling her cunt. While Chakroth was emptying his teenage balls, Annette's kid sister jerked and spasmed with her dry climax, her hairless pussy clutching at the Jesus dildo, and Ashley shuddered with her own as she clenched her cunt tight about the candle and the last bead of the rosary was pulled from her ass. As Chakroth pulled his cock out, Juan motion for Julius, and the broken, defeated father, having seen his youngest daughter obscenely fucked on an altar with a perverse dildo by a naked, sweating, candle-frigging fifteen-year-old girl while a rosary was pulled out of her asshole, and his oldest daughter madly fucked by two yellow-skinned, slant-eyed ricers, knelt before his ravaged fifteen-year-old daughter and willing to do anything that might prevent her from getting knocked up by the two filthy Asian gook perverts, began to vigorously eat her out, lapping up the spilt gook slime coating her pussy lips and sucking it out of her cunt, her labia now swollen and throbbing with desire. She was so close to her own climax from watching the perverse performance on the altar and from the ram-bam ferocious fucking by the two brothers, that the sucking and lapping of her father was sure to bring her off any second now. Tossing his baby over his shoulder, Juan patted his back, and was rewarded by a loud burp that thankfully would not be picked up by the camera what with the grunting and panting of the two performers now oblivious to their audience in the ecstasy of their climaxes. As he watched his father-in-law futilely suck the Cambodian baby juice out of his daughter, Juan knew it was useless and he wondered which of the two handsome young Asians would end up knocking up his teenage wife. Like Billy, he thought getting her knocked up just punishment for his stubborn, racially prejudiced, snobbish father-in-law, and that it would further his young wife's tolerance and understanding of other races, besides reward the two brothers for their loyalty and service. And, as fingered his three-week-old son's tiny little jigger and the infant squirmed with the pleasure and giggled at the sight of his doting grandfather and beloved mother engaged in the perverse sex act, Juan thought back to fond memories of lying naked in bed with his mother and father and uncle Rafael, the four of them introducing his kid brother Ramon to the joys of sex.