Chapter 29: ttttgg — Chapter 30: t-dog b-dog M-dog
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Twenty-Nine
— ttttgg —
Thanks to Billy and Absalom for the collaborative effort regarding the relationship between Dominic and Kenny, and Absalom for the birthday party/water sports idea. Seeing Dominic Halder walking home from school you'd think the boy was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders from his long face and the slump of his shoulders. Even watching Molly Vickers and Trang Ng shamefully flashing their boobs at the new, skinny, pimple-faced clerk at the Seven-Eleven didn't cheer him up, nor the fact that it was a Friday and the beginning of a weekend. It wasn't just any Friday either. It was the tenth, the tenth of December. Today he'd become a teenager, not that you'd be able to tell from his fine looks and small size, both inherited from his mother. Dominic looked much more like he went to Grade Five, not Grade Eight. He did not know the cause of his mother's death, but it was shortly after his birth and his father blamed him for it, so there would be no celebration today. There never had been. Thirteen, and he'd never had a birthday party, not even a single friend over to celebrate. Hearing a car pulling up behind him, he hoped maybe it was one of those perverts who kidnapped kids and did stuff to them. He was desperate for some attention, any attention. As he turned, he recognized Kenneth Ballard's blue Civic Honda. "Hey, dude, whatsup?" Kenneth asked, leaning over and glancing out the passenger window. "Nothin'," Dominic replied with a shrug. Nothing at all. "Nothin'?" asked Kenneth in mock surprise. "No big date tonight? Not throwing a wild party at your house?" Dominic smiled and his cheeks tinted with the teasing. A change had come over Kenneth. Ever since Cory's last big party three weeks ago, he'd been dropping by each day, which delighted his sister Nicole who'd begun thinking Kenneth was dropping her for someone else. Of course he came over to see her, but he always spent some time with Dominic, just talking, sometimes horsing around, tickling, sometimes tossing the football out on the lawn. It was cool. It also pissed off his sister, which was even cooler. "Hey, I got nothin' planned either. What say we go to the park and toss the football around for a while, and maybe swing by the Pizza Hut for a pizza or something, maybe pick up a video or two?" "Sure," Dominic replied with a shrug. It wasn't exactly a birthday celebration, but it was better than spending it home alone. He threw his backpack in the back seat and got into the front. "You can use my cell if you like to let your dad know where you are." "That's okay. He's at work and doesn't like me to bother him there. Sides, he won't care." Truthfully, Dominic suspected his father would be happier if he wasn't around on this particular day. He decided to phone home and leave a message on the answering machine, just that he was out for supper and not to worry. That was a laugh, his dad worrying about him. He didn't say he was with Kenneth. Nicole checked the messages, which were usually for her anyway, and he didn't want her to know he was out with Kenneth. So they drove over to Westbank Park and spent the next hour and a half tossing the football and running tackles. Dominic was getting quite good at handling the ball, which Kenneth commented on, which caused him to beam with pride and his cheeks to colour again. They laid back on the grass and talked a while, and then picked up a couple videos, Shrek 1 and Shrek 2, Dominic's choices, and swung over to Pizza Hut where Kenneth worked part time. Kenneth had already placed the order, and to Dominic's surprise, he got not one, but six extra large pizzas. When he asked about it Kenneth only smiled and said he'd worked up an appetite. Arriving at his house, he handed Dominic the key and told him to go ahead while he carried the pizza. Opening the door and stepping inside, Dominic was greeted with cheers and the blowing of party favours, and an off-key rendition of Happy birthday sung by ten of Kenneth's closest friends while one of them recorded his reaction on a high definition digital video camera provided by Kenneth to record the evening's events. A hastily made banner made of looseleaf pages taped together said Happy 13th Birthday Dominic and there were a half dozen streamers and balloons hung from the ceiling. Having learned from Nicole that it was Dominic's thirteenth birthday and that they never did anything to celebrate his birthdays given the circumstances and how her father felt, Kenneth had taken it upon himself to arrange one. Not knowing who Dominic's friends were, he'd initially considered contacting Cory Wilson but worried what sort of party that might end up being considering his past experiences with Cory and his parties, and him being ultimately responsible for setting it up, he decided instead just to go for something small with him and a couple friends. The last thing he needed was some parent finding out his son was in some wild gay sex orgy and that he was in charge. That he'd already participated in three of Cory's parties, two as an invited guest, had already caused him enough worry and sleepless nights. Anyway, when the others heard about Dominic's home life and Kenneth's plan, they were eager to help, and the numbers and plans grew from three friends to ten and from taking him out for pizza to a full-fledged party. He quickly introduced Dominic to the others, Mike, Evert, Grant, and Kurt, all muscular teen hunks and members of William Cleaver High School's football team, Grant's girlfriend Stephanie and Kurt's curvaceous girlfriend Tracey who was a cheerleader, Tracey's friend and fellow cheerleader Rita and her boyfriend Steve, and Derry from the high school swim team with his girlfriend Lana. Opening up the pizza and the first of several cases of beer, provided by Mike's older brother who was of legal age, and a can of soda for Dominic with the joking he should have at least one beer having become a teenager, they began to party. They were on their third beer by the time they'd consumed the pizza and brought out an ice cream cake, with a picture of a football player and Dominic's name on it, and of course thirteen candles which they lit and had him blow out and make a wish. Already totally overjoyed with the attention and the surprise party, Dominic could not believe it when they brought out two presents, and his eyes lit up as he opened them, a football jersey in the same colours as the wchs team, blue and gold, with even the school crest on it from Kenneth, and a football helmet the others had chipped in and bought. They of course insisted he try them on. By that time everyone was more than a little inebriated as they opened up another round of beer, and after some discussion on party games, most of the ideas more suited to someone who was six not thirteen but nobody knowing any games suitable for a new thirteen-year-old, they decided, with some giggling and joshing, on spin the bottle. They were a little old for such amusement, being between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, but full of beer and good spirits, they formed a circle on the floor of the family room just as excitedly as the first time they'd ever played the game. Those who had come with a boyfriend or girlfriend of course looked forward to the opportunity to do some kissing, and having several guys who'd come stag added to the merriment and joking when one of them had to kiss one of the girls, the boyfriends warning both parties to keep it light and of course the kissing couples jokingly doing just the opposite and hamming it up for the video recording Derry was making of the birthday. To add to the humour, the first time the bottle pointed to two girls to kiss, the boys, who were in the majority, declared the rule that it didn't matter what the sex of the two people were and there was no spinning the bottle a second time if the person spinning ended up having to kiss someone of the same sex. The girls of course got their revenge when the bottle pointed to two guys, which occurred more frequently, that being the disadvantage of the guys being in the majority. For young Dominic, it felt just as weird and was just as embarrassing kissing a girl as it was a boy given their age difference, and of course everyone whooped it up extra loudly when it was his turn to kiss someone. To Dominic's embarrassment, and secretly to his delight, he found himself popping a boner with all the kissing. Watching a guy and girl who were girlfriend and boyfriend kissing was hot knowing the feelings they had for each other, but watching a guy kissing another guy's girlfriend was hot too even if it was all just in fun. What he did not know was that the guys were getting turned on too, finding the sight of two girls kissing particularly erotic and especially good-looking, stacked girls like those at the party, and the girls were finding themselves getting aroused by the sight of two football studs touching lips even if it was just a game. That having set the tone and direction of the party, they decided next on a game of strip poker. At first they let Dominic win and slowly they began removing their clothes, but once they got down to their underwear and things got serious, they played for themselves, and between being inexperienced and having a string of bad luck, Dominic began to lose big time. In the process the girls helped him remove his clothing, which got both him and the girls excited. The sight of his thong sent all the girls in twitters, and even more so when Kenneth dropped his jeans and revealed the same underwear. As he sat there with the eleven high school students, Dominic not sure who to ogle first, the girls in just their bras and panties or the guys in their boxers or briefs. He found both highly erotic, guys and girls, but, much to his relief, the fear and embarrassment of having to remove his underwear and reveal his boner caused his erection to suddenly shrivel as quickly as it had popped up. He of course was the first to strip naked, and they all laughed good naturedly as the girls helped him out of his thong, and another round of beer was opened up in celebration. One by one the rest stripped and Dominic was not the only one to steal overt glances at the girls' boobs and pussies, and the guys' butts and equipment, being curious about both just like all the others in the room. Derry had the advantage over all of them as he zoomed the video camera in on each of them as they removed that last intimate article of clothing and revealed all. One of the guys, Evert, observed he'd seen a video about a party once where they'd had a girl in a cake, and they'd filled her vagina and rectum with booze and then passed her around and drank the booze out of her two openings. Of course they all jokingly asked what sort of perv he was watching porn movies, and where they could get a copy. The discussion lead to the fact it was too late for the cake part, but not the second part, and nominations began to be presented, each nominator having good reasons for whomever he or she chose but each nominee in turn declining the opportunity. They finally and unanimously decided on their guest of honour, who was too meek in the presence of the older teens to decline. Slipping out to his car while Kenneth looked for a container, Derry returned with an enema kit, which resulted in a round of teasing and disbelief that it was really his dad's even if it was his dad's car, and that it just happened to be in a box of supplies his father was transferring from the hospital to the free clinic where he did volunteer work, and that Derry just happened to know it was there. All of them having a good buzz by then, they decided to wash out Dominic right there in the family room, and delighted with all the attention and eager to please, he let them. Turning the video recording duties over to Kurt, Derry sat down on the floor and opened the bag. Following the instructions in the kit and choosing the plain enema syringe over the gravity bag or the in-line-pump, Derry pulled back the plunger, unscrewed the cap and filled the eight-ounce cylinder with warm water. Having Dominic lie on his back and raise his legs and backside, Derry lubricated the nozzle and inserting it up Dominic's rectum, pushed in the plunger and filled his rectum. Dominic squirmed with the strange sensation but assured everyone everything was all right. He didn't tell them that it didn't feel at all like when he stuck his finger up his butt. It was as pleasant thought, and between being watched and the physical sensation, to his embarrassment and dismay he popped a boner, and in the position he was in there was no way to hide it. He blushed a bright red as one of the girls commented on it, and another observed how cute it looked, and one of the guys observed it was a nice size for someone his age. Timing him for three minutes, Derry had him empty his bowels in an empty plastic ice-cream bucket Kenneth had found. He blushed even redder as he squatted over the pail and noisily evacuated his bowels. Repeating the process several times until he was sure he had Dominic completely rinsed out and the water coming out was as clear as that going in, Derry filled the cylinder with beer and injected it up his rectum. Deciding Kenneth being the host he should have the first drink, they insisted on it when he protested that it wasn't necessary. Fastening his lips to Dominic's pucker with more than a little uncertainty, he sucked out a mouthful, and finding the taste no different from sucking on a can, he took a long draught. Wiping off his lips with the back of his hand, he pronounced it to be delicious. With a lot of uncertainty and drunken giggling, they passed Dominic over to Derry, who pronounced the same thing and who handed him to his girlfriend Lana. Seeing his girl pressing her lips against the butthole of an erect thirteen-year-old boy and sucking out the beer up his ass sent a thrill of arousal up Derry's dick, and though he didn't pop a boner, it did swell. Someone popped in the first of the two Shrek videos they'd brought for the party, and they sat back and enjoyed the tape as they passed Dominic around, none of them bothering getting dressed again. As he was emptied, he was filled with another eight ounces and passed around again until nobody was bothering drinking from a can anymore. Absorbed in the movie and already well sloshed, nobody noticed Dominic beginning to get tipsy and giggly himself, none of them realizing the beer was being absorbed through his intestinal lining into his blood stream and quickly making its way to his brain. Being only eighty pounds [36kg] and four foot seven [1.40m], it didn't take that much to have an effect. By the time the movie was over, the room was spinning and everyone had become blurred. "Oh man, the only problem with beer is it goes right through," sighed Mike. "Yeah, tell me," agreed Evert. "Remember when we were young we used to have pissing contests?" "Oh yeah," Evert replied with a grin. "Well, right now I could beat you by a mile. Well, several yards anyway." "Wanna bet?" "Sure. What's the winner get?" "A blow job." "In your dreams." "Didn't think you were so sure. Five bucks then." "Kiss my ass." "Hey, five bucks is all I can afford. I don't get my allowance til next week." "I mean, that's the bet. Loser kisses the other's ass." "All right, I've always wondered what it would be like to have someone kiss my ass. Step outside." They all did and Evert and Mike lined up and unabashedly raised their dicks. Booze and male pride is no match for modesty or self-consciousness never mind logic. Fortunately by then it was getting dark and none of the neighbours were outside. After all the beer they'd drunk, both boys had a lot of pressure, and a lot of distance. In the end Evert had not exaggerated his need, though several yards was an overestimate. Evert bent over for Mike, who amidst cheers and hoots and laughter, paid his debt, the entire event of course being recorded by Derry. "You boys are gross," observed Lana. "Yeah, well, that's one advantage to being a boy," observed Evert. "That and being able to have pissing contests," added Kurt. "Having pissing contests is not just a boy thing," Lana advised. "Girls do too?" Kurt asked in surprise. Lana and Stephanie exchanged grins. "You two have?" "Well, not for distance." "Remember when Whitney and Alicia tried?" Lana asked, and the two girls broke into the giggles. "That was a disaster!" Stephanie snorted. "And very wet," added Lana, causing the two to break into gales of laughter again. "You boys do have the advantage there." "So, com'on, what sort of contest did you two have?" The two girls looked at each other. "Volume," they said together. "Oh yeah?" laughed Evert. "So, who wants to challenge who?" The girls giggled as they all glanced at each other. They all had to go. "Com'on, you seen us guys. Well, two of us anyway, so far." The other guys had to go just as badly. "I'm willing," said Stephanie as she looked at Lana. "Loser 3; kisses the winner's boyfriend's butt." Lana laughed, but agreed and Kenneth quickly fetched two saucepans from the kitchen, the only large containers he could find. The ringing sound as the two girls squatted over the pots and began to piss caused everyone to giggle. Stephanie had a good reason for speaking up, and her boyfriend Grant was the winner. As he felt Lana's lips against his asshole, he began to swell himself. "Anyone here ever heard of a golden shower?" Kurt asked. The leers on several faces, including one of the girls, indicated those who did, and considering what they'd been doing, it didn't take rocket science for the others to figure out what it meant. "So, since we're all naked anyway, anyone need a shower?" "No way!" "They say it's a real turn on," Derry offered in support of Kurt's suggestion. Seeing his girlfriend pissing into the pot and then kissing his buddy and classmate's asshole had been hot, and the image of him standing there and his piss running over her boobs and down along the furrow of her twat was even hotter. Now that he'd have to be sure to catch on video! "Some people drink urine for therapy," offered Kurt. "People who drink urine need therapy." "Seriously. They say it's really good for you." "Yeah, well then, you want to have a power drink?" offered Steve as he reached down and slipped his fingers about his partially aroused cock. "I said some people believe it, not me." "Let's draw straws. Whoever gets the short straw gets the shower," suggested Grant. "Why don't we just pick whose the shortest?" joked Derry, there being no question who that was. "Yeah, instead of giving the birthday boy the bumps, why don't we give him a shower instead?" They all laughed, but also all quickly agreed. Those who had not already pissed had to go badly now, and all the talk about pissing was not making it any easier to hold it back. Most important of all, it got all of them off the hook of being the target. Hearing no objection from Dominic, who now on top of his desire to fit in and to please everyone who'd been so kind to him was finding it difficult to think straight, they had him lay down on the grass and the eleven inebriated, naked teens formed a circle around him, those who'd already emptied their bladders wanting to watch. Evert offered to take over the taping duties for Derry while he did his thing, and the entire group of them so buzzed by then, nobody even thought of objecting to being taped. Dominic certainly didn't object as he lay there in a happy haze, staring up at the four openly exposed cunts and four pairs of tits, and the seven sets of balls and flaccid cocks all pointing at him. Kurt was the first to overcome his self-consciousness, his hot yellow stream arching up and out, striking Dominic in the centre of his chest and running down in streams down his slender, white body, now seeming all the whiter in the moonlight. Tracey squatted over his lower torso and drenched his genitals with a strong stream of piss, and Grant hosed down his right thigh while Derry did his left and Rita squatted over his feet. Kenneth added his hot stream, directing it at little Dominic's nipples while Steve did likewise, and unable to hold back, Dominic let loose himself, his piss shooting up into the air like a fountain and falling back down over his flat, white stomach and little hairless balls. They all had full bladders. "Oh man, now that was hot," observed Grant, finally shaking himself off as he looked at Stephanie. "Well, we'll have to do something about that," she said flirtatiously. Watching her boyfriend standing there in the nude pissing on Dominic along with everything else that had gone on that evening, on top of the effects of the booze, she was feeling hot herself. "You mind if we borrow your guest room for a while?" Grant asked. Receiving their host's nod, the two disappeared into the house. "I don't know about you all, but it's getting late, and I'm working tomorrow. I gotta split," Steve announced. "Yeah, me too," observed Rita. "One more beer," suggested Kurt. "One more beer and I won't be able to stand up. Actually, I don't think you should drive as it is," observed Tracey. "Yeah dude, you'd better sleep it off here," offered Kenneth. "But I have to get Tracey home." "I can catch a ride with Rita and Steve, if you don't mind." They didn't. Derry and Lana announced their intention to leave also. Like Grant and Stephanie, the nudity and the booze and the games had gotten them hot, and they were eager to slip off to Make Out Point on the way home. Mike and Evert headed for the house to get their clothes and to head out also. Kenneth suggested Dominic go take a real shower before he took him home, and as Dominic wobbly got to his feet and almost toppled over as he began to weave his way across the lawn, Kenneth suggested Kurt help him find the bathroom and get his shower while he straightened the place up in case his mother got home earlier than expected tomorrow from her out of town meeting. "That was a hot party," observed Kurt as he helped Dominic step into the tub and turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. "You've been a real good sport about it all." Dominic shrugged, too groggy to reply and as he almost fell over Kurt reached out to support him. "Actually, a shower just might be what I need to wake me up. I'm getting all wet anyway. You mind if I join you?" Dominic shrugged again. Stepping into the tub and standing beside Dominic, Kurt looked up into the shower and vigorously scrubbed his face and his scalp, trying to clear his head. Lathering up his hands, he scrubbed his arms and chest, and then reaching around behind Dominic he lathered up and washed the boy's back. Dominic reached up and ran his fingers through the lathered chest hairs of the sixteen-year-old jock. His chest was broad and muscular, as Dominic wished his was. He dared to continue down, over the football centre's stomach and then even farther, to his thick bush of dark black hair. Inhaling deeply, he continued down. Kurt's first instinct was to draw away, making it casual and natural as if he hadn't noticed the contact. As Dominic's soapy fingers cupped his testicles and carefully and reverently rolled them, it became evident the contact had not been accidental as he'd first concluded. Running his hands up the boy's back and placing them on his shoulders, he again considered simply drawing back or turning. The boy had just turned thirteen. Of course he was curious. There was no need to make a big production out of touching a guy down there. It was wrong though, for a guy to do that. The kid was in junior high. He should know that by now. Try that in the showers after gym with one of his buddies and he'd have a black eye, or worse. Feeling Dominic slip his fingers about his half-swollen cock and slowly stroke it, Kurt felt it immediately begin to swell. It had been a hot party, and if he hadn't gotten so drunk right now it could have been Tracey's fingers doing the job. That was as far as they'd ever gone, masturbating each other, with their hands or by rubbing themselves against each other in their underwear. From the way the boy was stroking him, he knew what he was doing. He glanced down. The boy was erect again. He was almost also. Wrapping his fingers about the swelling flesh more tightly, Dominic stroked it from the base to the tip with long, slow strokes. Kurt was circumcised and he found it interesting having his mushroom-shaped knob totally and constantly exposed. The sixteen-year-old boy was soon stiff. He wasn't as large as Kenneth, being an inch [2½cm] shorter, but that was still two inches [5cm] longer than Dominic when he was stiff. In that Kurt had made no effort to stop him, he began to jack him off in earnest now. It was the least he could do after throwing him such a great party. If he'd had the opportunity, he would have jacked them all off, guys and girls. As he stroked Kurt's now hot, throbbing cock, he wondered how you'd do a girl, and concluded you'd stick your finger in her much like he stuck a finger up his butt. He was glad he was a guy. Kurt knew he should put a stop to it, but it felt damn good. A guy shouldn't be doing that with another guy, but then a guy shouldn't be doing it to himself, or a guy and girl each other as far as that goes. None of it really made sense. If it didn't harm anyone why make it illegal? If God didn't want people to sin, why did He make it feel so good? If it was no threat to society, why was it wrong? Heavy thoughts for someone who was horny and buzzed. Too heavy actually. Lathering up Dominic's chest and flat stomach, he ran his fingers through the lather, working it into his skin. After being pissed on, he had to make sure the boy was clean. He worked up a handful of lather and worked it into his smooth pubes and over his tiny balls. He slipped his fingers over the boy's erect penis. It was so slender and felt so tiny. He remembered playing with himself when he was that age, but he didn't remember his dick being so small, though it must have been. He worked the lather over the boy's knob and the extended tip of his foreskin, wiggling the tip of his finger inside the hollow tube. He ever so slowly pulled back on the skin, constantly working the lather around the tip, recalling having seen a friend in gym doing that in the showers, the first time he'd ever seen a guy with a foreskin cleaning himself. The boy grimaced and he stopped, but Dominic told him to continue. It hurt, but he wanted to feel the skin pulled back, and besides, he knew a boy should do that when he bathed to keep it clean inside. He always did despite the pain, and somehow having someone else doing it, it didn't seem so painful. Besides, the lather helped. As Kurt resumed pulling his skin back, he resumed jacking him off, slowly and rhythmically sliding his closed fist up and down his shaft and over his knob, and as the swollen flesh throbbed hotly in his fingers and Kurt's breathing grew deeper he knew he was bringing him pleasure. Kurt was bringing him pleasure too. He'd gotten the skin pulled back, exposing his little bulb-like knob to the air, and as his fingers brushed against it electric shocks shot up the swollen flesh and caused Dominic to inhale sharply. When he stopped, Dominic pumped his hips to and fro, working his stiff, aching cocklet between his fingers to continue the pleasure. Kurt knew how the boy was feeling. It was addictive, that pleasure. Once a boy felt it, he could not resist experiencing it again and again. Once a boy started, he had to continue to the end. And why not? It felt good. It felt even better having someone else do it to you, and doing it to someone else. Until that night the only person he'd ever had do it to him had been Tracey. He was surprised at the difference. Even though they'd been doing it now for several months, she was still awkward, and her long nails occasionally scratched his sensitive knob. Dominic was gentle and tender. Of course he was a guy, and knew how a guy's stiff felt. And so what if he was a guy? And so what if he was only thirteen? He was only sixteen himself. Why shouldn't they mess with each other? They were both willing. It felt good. It felt damn good. Speaking of making each other feel good, having finished, Stephanie headed upstairs and down the hall and stepped into the washroom to wash up before heading home. What with the beer she'd drunk and having just had sex, she wasn't really thinking when she opened the door and was two steps into the washroom before she realized there was someone in the shower. Actually, two people. They had not fully pulled the shower curtain shut. She quickly stepped back and closed the door. Shocked and embarrassed, she hurried back up the hall. She'd seen them, both of them. They were erect, and touching each other. That was sick. And the boy was only thirteen. That was even sicker. Kurt Jennings a child molester! Grant was going to go wash off too but she told him the shower was occupied and they'd best just leave. He said he could just use the sink, but she insisted they leave, and that they leave immediately. With a glance at Kenneth and a shrug, he thanked him for the party, "and everything," meaning of course the use of the guest room, and left. When Stephanie told him why she was so insistent they leave on the way home, he could not believe what she'd seen. The kid was probably too drunk to shower by himself and Kurt was just helping him. Maybe they were just washing each other down there. Guys' couldn't always control what happened down there. Maybe it was the booze that had made him shower too. Kurt was a good buddy, and fellow football player. He couldn't be gay. And he certainly wouldn't be messing around with a little thirteen-year-old. He wasn't that sort of guy. Little did he know that as they were pulling out of the driveway, Kurt was trembling and gasping with his orgasm, his hot, thick spunk shooting out of his throbbing cock and spattering Dominic's smooth chest. Squirt after squirt shot out of his thick cock with burning pleasure, and he tottered on his feet as his loins went numb. Seconds later Dominic shivered and bucked his hips with his own hot orgasm, ripples of pleasure shooting through his swollen flesh also as it was tightly grasped by the hundred-and-eighty-pound [82kg] football centre. He groaned with the pleasure and wobbled on unsteady legs also. The warm water poured down over the two as they closed their eyes and delighted in their mutual pleasure and Kenneth stepped into the washroom to see how they were making out. Hearing the door open, Kurt quickly drew his hand away from Dominic's stiff, throbbing cocklet, but he knew Kenneth had seen. "Well, I guess we'd better get dried off," Kurt said awkwardly from behind the shower curtain. Maybe it had been pulled closed far enough. Kenneth handed them the towels and waited for them in the living room down the hall. "I've set up a cot for you in the family room," Kenneth said as Kurt sheepishly appeared in the living room, a towel wrapped about his waist. "I wasn't sure if Stephanie and Grant were going to be spending the night in the guest room. And when they left, I didn't know if you wanted to spend the night there, after, well, you know." "Yeah sure, that's all right." The two of them stood there awkwardly. "Well, I guess I'd better go to bed." "Sure. It was quite the party." "Yeah," Kurt agreed. He stared down at the living room carpet. "About, well, you know, the shower. I, well, thought it might wake me up, you know, and well, hell, I dunno, I had too much to drink I guess." "Hey, we all have. Don't sweat it." "Yeah, sure, thanks. Anyway, I guess the shower didn't do the job. I'm still feeling wobbly. I'd better go lay down." "Sure. Have a good sleep." As he headed for the family room, Kurt wondered if Kenneth had just seen them in the shower together, or if he'd seen them holding each other's dick, or if he'd seen them earlier. He didn't think he had. He tried to think when he'd heard the door open, but it was difficult to remember. Hopefully he just thought they were showering together. If he'd seen more, he could blame the booze. "And how are you feeling sport?" "Sokay," Dominic replied thickly. "Instead of taking you home, I think we'd better get you to bed, birthday boy." "Bet you say that to all your birthday guests," Dominic said with a giggle and slightly slurred speech. If it hadn't been for the booze and the wild party, he'd never be so daring. "Only the very special ones," Kenneth observed with a smile. The boy really was buzzed. "Drunk ones?" Dominic asked, giggling again and more loudly. He was definitely in no condition to be taken home. Taking him to his bed and slipping down to the family room to ensure Kurt had made it all right, he returned to find Dominic had crawled under the blankets. Shutting off the light and stripping down to his thong, Kenneth crawled in beside him. Dominic immediately snuggled up beside him. Feeling the boy's hot, naked body pressing up against him, Kenneth wondered if maybe he shouldn't have put Dominic up in the guest room. He also wondered if he should bring up the matter of the shower. "About the shower," he said, figuring he had to, for his own peace of mind, and for Dominic's sake. "Which one?" "In the tub, after the first one." "Yeah?" "Did, did Kurt take advantage of you?" "I don't know. I don't know what that means." "Did he do things with you? Sexual things?" "Yeah." Damn. Who would have expected? Kurt Jennings of all people. Just the other day in the lockers he'd been bragging about how far he and Tracey had gone. "And I took advantage of him," Dominic giggled. Who would have thought Kurt would do anything with another guy, and not just another guy, but a boy, a boy who'd just turned thirteen? Of course he had no room to talk. He'd messed around with the boy, and the boy had only been twelve. Who would have thought that! A lot had happened since then. Even though he'd been going with Nikki for over six months, he'd really only gotten to know Dominic over the past three weeks, and he'd gotten to like him, to like him a lot. It had to be tough living with a father who has no interest in you and totally ignores you, and with a sister who resents you and always bosses you around. He was sorry he'd supported her in that. He hadn't meant it. He'd just wanted to get in her panties, like any healthy seventeen-year-old male. That was why he'd taken a stronger interest in Dominic these past three weeks-not to get in his sister's panties, but because he wanted to make it up to him for having been mean to him, and because he felt sorry for him. Yes, tossing the football with him, and teaching him the basics of football, and just being with him made him feel good besides. Actually, it was more than feel good. He had to admit whenever he was with Dominic he felt a surge of sexual arousal, a surge that was far stronger than he'd ever felt with Nikki on even their hottest date. The boy was turning him on. And there he was laying in bed with him and casting aspersions on Kurt Jennings for giving in to his hormones one time. "It wasn't as good as taking advantage of you though," Dominic continued when it was evident Kenneth wasn't going to say more. He felt the same way about Kenneth as Kenneth felt about him. Initially he'd hated seeing him drive up, but for the past three weeks he looked forward to their times together, and even if they didn't tickle or mess around he felt a sexual arousal being around him. When he thought about him at night, he still couldn't get a boner though. He did have one now. He rolled over on his side and snuggled closer to Kenneth, poking him with his little cocklet. Kenneth felt the hot little poker against his side. "You don't take advantage of me," he said gently and with a smile as he rolled over on his side to, to face Dominic, and to draw away from temptation. "You can only take advantage of someone when they can't resist." "Oh. Then you take advantage of me," Dominic said with a giggle. "I can't resist you." He snuggled closer again, his stiff little cocklet branding Kenneth's stomach this time. "What I mean, is that Kurt did stuff with you while you were drunk." "He was drunk too." "What I mean is that you weren't able to think straight and resist his advances." "Why would I want to?" At one time Kenneth was confident of his answer. Now, that was a difficult question. "It felt good doing stuff with him," Dominic continued. "But not anywhere as good as doing stuff with you." He reached over and cupped Kenneth's warm balls on the outside of his thong. Kenneth was about to say he shouldn't do that, but he held his tongue. He didn't want the boy to think that it was wrong. It wasn't, not really. It wasn't like the church or adults said. Two guys messing with each other could be good, very good. It had been with them that night at Cory's party. He'd never felt such love and tenderness as he had when then or when they'd woken up the next morning. So what if he was thirteen? He knew about sex. He'd known a lot about sex before they'd started doing stuff together. Dominic reached inside Kenneth's thong and slipping his hot little hand about Kenneth's limp cock, he began to stroke it. It quickly began to swell in his fingers. Kenneth had to smile. Dominic had changed this past three weeks too. He was still quiet but he was a lot more confident in himself for one. And he'd taken a greater interest in sports, and especially football. He leaned over and brushing aside the pesky hank of blond hair that kept falling over Dominic's forehead and in his eyes, he kissed his forehead. Dominic smiled, and leaning his head back he kissed Kenneth, on the lips. They kissed a second time, and a third, and Kenneth reached down and gently and slowly stroked the now thirteen-year-old boy's slender, erect dicklet as he felt the boy push down his thong. Squirming around so they were head to foot, Dominic wrapped his fingers about Kenneth's erect cock and licked it, running his tongue up along the base to the knob, and then over the bulb to the tip. He tickled his pee slit with the tip of his tongue and ran his hot, wet tongue along the ridge of his bulb, drawing out a clear droplet of pre-cum. He flicked it up with the tip of his tongue and savoured it. He wondered when he'd be able to squirt. As he resumed licking, he felt Kenneth's mouth envelop his little cocklet and begin to suck on it. Kenneth worked his lips up and down the shaft and over the sensitive knob encased in foreskin. He swallowed the dicklet-flavoured saliva and basted the little noodle with more. He blew his spittle under the boy's tight foreskin and slowly and gently pushed it back with his lips. He was slow and careful, and his spittle and Dominic's arousal resulted in the tight skin being slowly pushed back and his tender, delicate little knob being exposed. Holding the skin back, Kenneth ran his hot, wet tongue around the exposed purple bulb, the delicious little bud the sauciest, tastiest thing he'd ever savoured. Dominic trembled with the shocks of stimulation shooting through his exposed knob and he attacked Kenneth's large, stiff cock with even greater eagerness. He slipped his mouth over the bulb-like knob and sucked on it. He ran his tongue over the tip and he eased his lips down the throbbing shaft as far as he could. He wanted so much to please Kenneth. He wanted so much to bring him the greatest pleasure a boy could feel, and for Dominic, that was the throbbing, exquisite pleasure that made a guy's dick feel numb and tingling and twice as big as it really was. From Kenneth's heavy breathing, he knew he was achieving that, and that Kenneth was on his way to that most exquisite feeling of all, that moment when he reached his climax. For Dominic that was still dry, but he knew the undescribable pleasure he felt was at least equal to that when a boy was able to squirt. He was approaching that same peak himself. It was so wonderful when two guys reached that peak together, the result of what one was doing to the other. That was true love. That was what sex was all about, and what being a boy was all about. As Kenneth warned him he was about to come, he held his breath and drew back so that he could catch Kenneth's hot, creamy offering in his mouth, so he could taste it and savour it before swallowing it. And, when Kenneth came, so did he, jerking and thrashing about with his own hot orgasm. It was awesome, even more awesome than the night they'd had sex at Cory's party and he'd fucked Kenneth's ass. Later, they snuggled together, warm and flushed, arms about each other, Dominic's blond head on Kenneth's broad, muscular chest. He traced a pattern on Kenneth's stomach dreamily. "Thanks," he sighed. "It was an awesome birthday."
Chapter Thirty
— t-dog b-dog M-dog —
Thanks to Ronnie for suggesting the character of Benji and a chapter on his pet Doberman and Alsatian, and to Anthony who upon hearing of the idea suggesting his involvement. "So who's the kid with the dogs on the wall?" Cory asked, propping himself up on his left elbow and gently feeling his tight, swollen balls with his other hand. It was sort of weird how a guy's balls swelled and drew up under his dick when he had sex and he wondered if that was because of the way they bounced when a guy fucked or if that was how they shot out his cum or what. Sex is a wonderful, awesome mystery when you are thirteen. He and Antoinette had just finished screwing in front of the Christmas tree in the family room. Doing it there had been his idea and though Juliet was home up in her room and could have walked in any time, Antoinette had given in to his whim, and he didn't have to use the headband. She could never say no to him. Besides, it was sort of exciting and daring, something her sex life with Julius was not. That was another great thing about being a thirteen-year-old boy, and being in love with one who was. "That is Benjamin, my nephew, Julius's younger brother's son," she replied, looking up at the pictures she'd hung earlier that week. "Everyone calls him Benji. He and his family will be visiting for a few days over the Christmas holiday." That was why she'd taken out the pictures and hung them up along with the Christmas decorations. "It will be the first time they'll be spending more than just part of a day with us in almost four years. Ever since they got Benji his first pet, they've never stayed overnight knowing how I used to feel about animals, and especially dogs." "So have you decided on what sort of dog to get yet?" "No. I told the children to surprise me. They're going to buy me one for Christmas," she responded with a smile. Having had a fear and dislike for dogs all her life, she could not understand her sudden and complete reversal in attitude, but she was actually looking forward to having a dog in the house. "Julius's brother and his family also know about our conversion to nudism. I think Jacques is coming more because he's concerned about Julius than because it's Christmas. I think he thinks Julius is having some sort of mid-life crisis, or a nervous breakdown or something." Actually, she was wondering the same. Julius had become exceedingly impatient and short-tempered and as moody as a teenager, and he had the strangest fixations, all of them totally unexpected. These past two weeks it was his breath. He was constantly trying to check it by cupping his hand over his mouth and exhaling, and he was brushing his teeth every half hour. "We told them they don't have to go naked just because we will be, but I think it will be a strained Christmas visit all the same. And speaking of Christmas, I wish you were able to open presents with us Christmas morning." "Yeah, well, me too, but we're going to my grandma's. It's sort of a Christmas tradition thing." To be honest, fucking her was fun, but visiting his grandparents, his father's parents, was a lot more fun. "I got you a present," she said, sorting through the presents under the tree. "You can open it now if you like." "Hey thanks," he said, ripping open the wrapping. It was a DVD set of the first three Harry Potter movies. Cory had never read the books, not being much into reading, but he did like the movies. "I wanted to buy you something more personal, but I didn't know what your mother might think." "Yeah, I suppose she'd think it was sort of weird," Cory observed. "The clerk said the DVD's are very popular among 3; those your age." She was going to say children, but it was hard to think of Cory as a child considering they'd just had intercourse, and that she was carrying his child. It was two and a half months, and she was definitely showing. "Yeah, they're cool," he said. "Which reminds me, I almost forgot. I brought over your present today." He'd left it in the inside pocket of his jacket, which he'd left up on the hallway table where he'd taken off his clothes. Going up to get it, he noticed his underwear, which was the second last thing he'd taken off just before his socks and had left on the top of his stack of clothes on the hallway table, was gone. That was very weird. It was also the second pair. The first was when he'd stripped down in his room just before the Gilles's had come over for Thanksgiving. Returning to the family room, he handed Antoinette the present. He'd even gift wrapped it. As Antoinette opened it up, he could see from the look on her face she was surprised, as he figured she would be. "This way when I can't come over you can use it and think of me," he explained as she examined the four-inch [10cm] dildo. Jacob Schuller had let him have it for free, not that he didn't have money to pay for it. He had no idea selling porn was so profitable, and that was only his half. "Well, ah, thank you," she said, not knowing what else to say. It was a thoughtful gift she figured, in a thirteen-year-old's way of thinking anyway. For his father he'd gotten a horror anthology with all the stories having something to do with insects, which he knew his father would like in that he loved reading mysteries and insects is what he studied, and he got his mom a necklace with matching earrings. For him, his parents had gotten some cool video games for his new computer and a bibcam. Returning to Riverside after spending Christmas with his grandparents, Cory called on Terry to see if he and Lad would like to pay a holiday visit to Goosey and to see their new dog. Terry was grounded, again, but said Lad would be delighted. Anthony eagerly agreed to accompany him, never finding a moment with Cory dull. The sound of the doorbell was greeted by loud barking inside the house. Julius opened the door a crack and peeked out. "Oh, hi," he said, hardly enthusiastically. He did not seem to be in a particularly good mood. Seeing Lad, he glanced back at Cory curiously. "I brought Lad over for a visit. He misses you." That Cory knew Lad, and knew about him and Lad, did not come as a surprise. Nothing was coming as a surprise anymore. What with Antoinette's sudden turnabout regarding dogs, Annette's piercings and tattoos, the visits now at any hour and without notice by her nigger and spic friends, Anton's even wilder accessories and sudden faggish behaviour, his sick delight in the taste of shit and piss, which Bob, Spence or Lane now provided each time they met in the park, Julian's totally undisguised disgust in him and loss of interest in soccer, his brother's atypical visit and his concerns and questions about his health and his job, why not a visit by two of his less favourite students, Cory and Anthony, along with his secret lover, Lad? He let them in. "I'm the only one home," he said, uncertain whom Cory had come to see, the boy spending more time with his wife than his sons when he did visit, and no time at all with Annette, which was at least one blessing. The idea of Cory dating his daughter sent a shiver up his spine. "Me and my nephew. The rest have gone out post-Christmas shopping." "Perfect," Cory said with a grin. They were immediately checked out by the Gilles's new pet, a nine-month-old Rottweiler by the name of Rocky. Although only nine months old, he already had a massive, powerful body and the typical broad head with rounded forehead and well-developed muzzle. Like all Rottweilers, he had dark eyes and black lips and his coat was short, hard, and thick, and black with brown markings on his cheeks and muzzle, paws and legs. Although basically still a pup as you could see from his behaviour and his face, he already stood at twenty inches [50cm] and was seventy pounds [32½kg]. With him were Benji's two pets. His three-year-old Doberman, Dobe, stood at twenty-seven inches [69cm] at the shoulder and weighed seventy-five pounds [34kg]. Muscular and squarely built with a muscular neck, deep broad chest, and strong legs, his eyes were dark and deep set and intelligent and his smooth, short, dense coat black with a deep rusty red with lighter rust markings on his muzzle, throat, above his eyes, in the front of his chest, beneath his tail and on all four legs and feet, making him a very attractive young dog. Initially developed and bred as police dogs, you could see he was intelligent and a good guardian. Although curious and excited, he stayed close to his young master. Benji was even cuter than his picture, an inch under four feet [1.20m] and on the thin side but not skinny, around forty-five pounds [20kg]. He was the type of boy that brought a smile to everyone's face just looking at him with his nice button nose, innocent eyes and feathery eyelashes, small mouth and dainty lips, and scattering of freckles. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and khaki shorts, revealing his slender legs and a very nice, round, small butt. Excitedly bounding about and trying to squeeze in was Benji's newest pet, Shep, an eight-month-old Alsatian, twenty inches [50cm] tall and sixty pounds [27kg] with an attractive black and tan coat, very much still a pup with his bright, inquisitive eyes and excited, curious behaviour. Lad of course checked out and was checked out by the other dogs first, but not having seen his bitch for two weeks, he was far more interested in him, and in showing him how much he'd missed him. Julius of course could not very well provide him what he wanted as much as he wanted to. Lad's ardour and Julius's attempts to discourage him got Rocky upset. Though he sensed Lad was not attacking his master, what he did sense the German Shepherd was up to was confusing, his master being neither female nor dog. Lad's arousal and Rocky's guardedness got the other two dogs excited, which got Benji worried as he tried to stop his pets from jumping round and knocking something over, which his parents had warned him about considering Aunt Antoinette's former dislike for dogs, and a little frightened as he saw Rocky beginning to tense and heard the low growl in his throat. "Told you he missed you," Cory observed. Julius was of course naked and Lad was doing his best to try to get behind him. "Shep jumps up on me too, when I come home from school," Benji observed as he petted Shep's head and tried to stop him from joining in, "but he's not supposed to. We're trying to teach him not to jump up on people." It was an observation, but also a hint for Cory to control his dog in the only way the seven-year-old knew how without just telling him, which a seven-year-old can't do to a boy almost twice his age. "Yeah, well, Lad more than just misses your uncle. He wants to screw him. Why don't you just let him, Mister Gilles?" Cory asked matter-of-factly as he looked up at the man with wide-eyed innocence that was incongruous with his vulgar remark. "It'd calm him down, and the others too probably. Sides, you both want to do it." Julius looked at Cory, and then at Anthony glumly. So, they did know more than just that he and Lad knew each other, as he'd suspected. But how? It was difficult to concentrate with Lad trying to jump up on him and the other dogs straining to break loose from Benji and Rocky about to attack. He pushed Lad down, but the dog just jumped up again. The German Shepherd wanted to mount him desperately, and he desperately wished that he could let him. There was only one way Cory could know about them. The picture. Despite doing exactly what he was told every time they'd met, even eating his shit and drinking his piss these past two weeks, Bob Moser had posted the picture somewhere, somewhere where his students would see it, somewhere where they hung out! That was how Cory knew! His sudden anger was sensed by Rocky who became even more upset and was now baring his teeth, much to the worry of Benji and Anthony besides himself. Julius knew he had to do something, and quickly. He had to get Lad out of there, to settle down the other dogs, to get him away from Rocky, and to get him away from himself. It would be great if they could be alone together, so they could do what they'd become accustomed to doing whenever they saw each other. He loved the animal, loved him in a way that went deeper than just the love between owner and pet. But where could he take him? Taking him outside would separate him from the other dogs, but they wouldn't be able to do anything. Perhaps the boys could take the other dogs outside while he took Lad to one of the bedrooms, his and Julian's bedroom. On the other hand there were advantages to getting it on with Lad in front of Rocky. Perhaps the Rottweiler would get the idea what could be between a dog and a man and the two of them could do it on those days Lad wasn't around. That would be good. He loved Lad, but he loved getting screwed too, and he never knew when Lad was going to be at the park. Perhaps he and Lad should do it in front of all of them. Benji loved his two dogs and they loved him, as a master loves his pets and vice versa. Perhaps the boy should learn that deeper love, the love that existed between him and Lad. The moment that thought entered his head he rejected it. The boy was only seven for God's sake! But why not? Why not at age seven? It was a beautiful thing, the love between him and Lad, and physically rewarding. Why deny the boy the experience, and the pleasure? There was no denying the pleasure. Seeing Rocky's hackles begun to rise, he made his decision. "Let's go down to the family room." Reaching out and petting Rocky and assuring him everything was all right, Julius lead the way. He had made the right decision. Stepping into the family room, he quickly dropped to his hands and knees and as he expected Lad immediately jumped him. The sooner they all understood the better. Benji stood there staring in total surprise, an arm about each of his pets as he tried to hold them back and to calm them, without much success as they watched Lad furiously hump his hips back and forth, his big red cock quickly emerging from his hairy sheath. Julius opened his sphincter wide as Lad wrapped his forelegs about his waist tighter and rammed his body against his, his stiff, slimy cock seeking his hole, the odour of the sweat of the man having the same effect on him as a bitch in heat. Obviously prepared to protect the master he'd known for less than a week, Rocky tensed, every muscle in his body ready for action. It was fortunate perhaps that he'd known Julius for only such a short time. Had they had time to develop a closer relationship he would have surely attacked Lad even though he was meaning his master no harm. As it was, his agitation was more a case of excitement and confusion which fortunately delayed his innate attack reaction. Seizing the opportunity, Julius talked reassuringly to the Rottweiler, petting him firmly, drawing him under him to pin him down before he did do something. On impulse, he reached down and stroked his lower flanks, reaching around and cautiously touching his pouch. The dog did not object to his intimate touch. Slipping his thumb and fingers about the hairy pouch, he squeezed and tugged on it, including the Rottweiler in his sexual orgy more out of necessity than desire, figuring if he involved the animal sexually also he would be more accepting of what the strange dog in his house was doing. As he felt the dog's cock slowly begin to swell and saw the red, pointed tip begin to emerge from the pouch, his own cock began to swell with arousal and at the same time he felt Lad's hot, slick cock begin to penetrate him. It was a magical moment. "Can dogs and people make puppies?" Benji asked innocently, causing Anthony's eyes to sparkle with amusement as he grinned over at Cory. "No," replied Cory. "You need a boy dog and a girl dog to make puppies." "Then what is your dog doing?" "He's not my dog," observed Cory. "It's a friend's. And what he's doing is what you said, he's screwing. You got that part right. But he's not doing it to make puppies. He's doing it because he likes it, because it feels good. Which is why your uncle Julius is doing it too." Dobe and Shep squirmed and whined as Benji held them tight, the two dogs sensing the sexual arousal in the room and their biological instincts kicking in. "I think your two dogs want to have some fun too," Cory observed. "What are their names?" "Dobe and Shep," Benji replied, his pride in his two dogs evident in his eyes and the tone of his voice, as was his love. The two dogs immediately licked him in response to hearing their names. "So what do you say, you want to have some fun like your uncle is?" Benji looked over at his uncle. The German Shepherd was grasping him tightly with his front two legs and ramming his big, sticky, red pee-er in and out of his bum just like he'd seen boy and girl dogs doing it in the park. He did seem to be enjoying it, the dog that is, and his uncle seemed to be enjoying it also actually. He also seemed to be enjoying playing with Rocky's pee-er, rubbing and squeezing his hairy pouch which seemed to be making his pee-er come out like he'd seen Dobe's do sometimes when Dobe licked himself. He wondered if Rocky felt the same way he did when he rubbed his pee-er, and why it was okay for his uncle to be doing it to Rocky but his dad had said it was bad for him to do it to himself. It had felt good, and the boy beside him said that was why his friend's dog and his uncle were doing what they were doing, screwing the boy had called it. That was a lot for a seven-year-old to absorb. "Com'on, we'll help you," Cory offered, reaching over and beginning to unbutton his shirt. "My dad said people aren't supposed to take their clothes off in front of other people," Benji advised, but from the tone of his voice he didn't totally believe that. "You don't want to get them torn or dirty, do you?" Cory asked, continuing to undo the buttons. "Well, no." Slipping the boy's shirt off, Cory dropped to his knees and drew down Benji's fly and undid his belt. "We're going to take our clothes off too, aren't we Anthony?" "Oh yeah, for sure," Anthony replied, immediately beginning to unbutton his shirt knowing that Cory was trying to convince the boy it was all right to get naked. His eyes were glued on Goosey and the two dogs. Although he'd seen Goosey getting his ass fucked plenty of times in the park, seeing it only a foot away from him and watching his teacher playing with the Rottweiler's cock besides was hot, and the idea of the seven-year-old boy getting naked and messing with his two pets was even hotter. Quickly unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it off and chucking it aside, he unzipped his fly and pushed down his jeans and stepped out of them. His underwear was bulging and as he pushed them down Benji stared at his erect cock. His got hard like that, sometimes when he was asleep and woke up in the morning and had to pee bad. He'd never seen another boy's when it was like that though. He was still uncertain if he should be taking his clothes off. His mother and father had explained to him that his uncle and his family went around naked, and that was okay in private like that, but it wasn't something they believed in or were going to do. The other boy had taken his clothes off though, and it was interesting seeing his thing sticking up like that, and he didn't want to get his clothes dirty. His mother definitely would not like that. By then Cory was pushing down his white briefs and helping him step out of them and it was too late. Shep and Dobe both immediately checked him out, sniffing his dangling boyhood and his butt, even giving both a lick, causing him to giggle and the two boys to laugh. Although he was a bit on the quiet side, he was not shy, and like his father, he was bright and inquisitive. This had all the indications of being fun, and perhaps on the forbidden side, and he was not the type of boy to let that stop him. As Anthony put his arms about the two dogs and kept them pointed at Benji, he encouraged them to keep licking as Cory quickly removed and chucked his clothes, not just to show support for Benji but also because he enjoyed going naked. Suggesting Benji get on all fours like his uncle, he guided the Doberman around behind him, and Dobe immediately got the idea and jumped him. Anthony meanwhile guided Shep around to Benji's side and his head under his master where he could continue licking the boy's dangling boyhood. On impulse, he rolled the Alsatian pup on his back and swung him around under his master and groped the young dog's pouch. His cock of course immediately began to poke out and he told Benji to lick it like the dog was licking him. Lacking the inhibitions installed by adults and his peers and that came with age, Benji curiously lowered his head and tentatively ran his tongue along the red, rubbery cock, causing Shep to lick him all the more vigorously. As eager to please Shep as Shep was to please him, he licked his rubbery, slick dick a second time, this time more forcefully. Having occupied the two, Anthony crawled over to Benji's butt. Pulling back the seven-year-old's small, firm ass cheeks, he told him to push out like he was going to poop. As the boy did so, Cory grabbed the hot, stiff cock of the excited Doberman and tried to stop him from humping long enough to guide his cock to Benji's opening. It took several more attempts, but the lively, energetic Doberman was hot and eager for a fuck by then and nature and instinct finally succeeded in achieving the unnatural union of dog and boy. One he got the tip of his tapered dick inserted in the boy's anus, he needed no further help and quickly rammed his slender, slick cock up the boy's virgin ass and began humping, much to the delight of his two assistants. Anthony dropped to his hands and knees again and crawled back between Benji and Julius to check out how the boy and Shep were doing. Shep was happily laying there on his back lapping at Benji's little stiff cocklet and smooth balls, and Benji was just as happily licking his stiff, jerking cock. Telling the youngster to slip his lips over it and suck on it like a popsicle, Benji did as he was told and Shep immediately began to face fuck him. Rocky, now fully erect and seeing Lad and Dobe furiously humping and a round, pink ass being presented to him in the traditional doggy position, suddenly squirmed out from under Julius and leaped on the unsuspecting boy. "Oh shit!" Anthony exclaimed as he felt the strong, hairy forelegs wrap about his waist and the hot, slimy poker poking at his backside. It was so totally unexpected and the sight of his best buddy there on his hands and knees and the Rottweiler trying to mount him was so funny Cory could not help laughing at the situation. Whether it was beginner's luck or instinct or just meant to be, after only a couple probes Anthony felt the dog's hot, stiff cock wedge into his opening. Feeling Anthony's hot, moist flesh enveloping the tip of his cock, Rocky stopped his wild humping and thrust forward, driving his hot, hard cock up Anthony's rectum. "Oh maaannn! Oh fuck!" Cory rolled over on the floor with laughter as Rocky resumed his rapid, passionate humping. There was no way he was going to be able to stop the Rottweiler now if he wanted to, and he suspected Anthony didn't want him to anyway from the look of shock and of delight on his buddy's face. Wrapping his forelegs about Anthony's waist even more tightly, Rocky thrust his hips to and fro madly as if trying to make up for lost time. His slick, red cock looked to be about five inches [12.5cm] long, an inch shorter than Lad's, and about the same thickness, about two fingers. As he humped Anthony's ass, his eyes seemed to take on a focus, as if concentrating on the pleasure pulsating through his cock. Anthony could feel it throbbing as it pumped in and out of his ass. He was surprised how hot the dog's cock was, and he wondered if a guy's cock felt that hot. Although he'd had occasion to fuck François Gilles several times and more recently Kenneth Ballard, he'd never had a cock up his own ass, not until that moment. To his delight, it actually felt quite wicked. As he felt Rocky start squirting his dog juice, he quivered with the sensation and wished guys could squirt their stuff for as long as dogs were able to. Benji was getting a double dose of the hot, slimy juice, Dobe spurting his doggy cum up his master's tight, round ass and Shep pulling his cock out of Benji's mouth in his excitement and spurting out his cum like a little water pistol as he hungrily and eagerly licked the swollen little dicklet of his seven-year-old master. Having only recently reached sexual maturity, the eight-month pup was spurting for his first time. His cheeks glistening with Shep's slime, Benji fastened his lips about the pup's hot, red pecker once again and more tightly and drank Shep's hot, slime straight from his throbbing dick. His own little cocklet, barely more than two inches [5cm] and as thin as his little finger, was burning with a pleasant arousal like he'd never felt before and each time Shep's hot, wet, rough tongue ran over his knob it sent shivers of pleasure up the little swollen cocklet. At the same time he felt Dobe's hot cock pumping in and out of his throbbing, burning asshole, his slime shooting up his rectum and with each withdrawal of the hot cock oozing out of his hole and down the backs of his small, dangling balls. Cory was so hot with all the action going on around him he didn't know who to watch. It was totally wicked, and even more wicked was that he hadn't had to use his headband for any of it, not to convince Goosey to get it on with Lad in front of them, nor to convince his nephew to get it on with his two dogs. That was especially hot, uncle and nephew both getting their asses royally fucked by a dog. And Goosey's brother had told his son not to even take his clothes off. He wondered what the boy's father would think if he could only see his seven-year-old son and his brother now. And it was so funny Anthony getting himself humped by accident. His buddy was clearly enjoying it though from the look of pleasure on his face and the fact his cock was rock hard. So was his own. Slipping over beside Anthony, he reached under him with his left hand as he reached for his own cock with his right and he began stroking the two hard, aching cocks simultaneously. Like Shep, Rocky had only recently reached sexual maturity and was engaged in his first sexual experience. He rammed his body against Anthony with rapid, short thrusts, his stiff cock spurting out his slime with each thrust, and as he approached that peak of arousal for the very first time, he fucked even more furiously, almost knocking Anthony over. Anthony groaned with the sudden pain and pleasure as he felt the nine-month-old pup's knot stretch open his anus and pop inside his rectum and his hot, stiff cock begin spurting out his doggy slime in earnest, totally filling Anthony's rectum. Between the hot sex going on around him and having his anus fucked and filled with doggy goo for the first time, not to mention his stiff cock being stroked by his best buddy, Anthony shot also, spurting his thin teen cum across the carpet of the family room with one of the most violent ejaculations the young teen had ever experienced. Just as aroused, Cory groaned in ecstasy also as he felt his cum surge up the core of his young early teen cock and he shot his stuff across the carpet also in a staccato of rapid spurts. Lad by this time had thrust his knot up Julius's asshole also and had stopped humping as his juice spurted out of his swollen cock and up Julius's rectum. Both he and Julius were panting with pleasure, Lad's long, red tongue hanging out of his gaping mouth and his slobber oozing down it and off the tip to drip on Julius's back and ooze down around his ribs and down along the groove of his groin where his thighs joined his torso, through his hairs, and on down over his tight, swollen balls. Between having his prostate massaged by Lad's hot cock and the pleasure of having his ass fucked, Julius had shot off a load himself, shooting his slime across the carpet of the family room also and the last of his cum now hanging from his still stiff, throbbing cock. Flushed with pleasure, Julius glanced over at his young nephew beside him and his stiff cock jerked with arousal at the sight of the pleasure on the seven-year-old's face. Unable to swallow as fast as Shep was spurting out his young doggy cum, the pup's goo was oozing out of the corners of his master's lips and down over his chin. Young Benji's eyes were closed in pure ecstasy as he savoured his young pet's gooey slime and as unbelievable shocks of pleasure ripped up his rectum and through his swollen little dicklet. His stiff, aching cocklet and little marble-like balls were dripping with slobber as Shep lapped at them furiously, sending shivers of arousal through the swollen flesh. At the same time Dobe's hot, slender cock was sending shivers of arousal through his tight asshole and up his rectum as it rapidly thrust in and out of his body. Then the three-year-old Doberman suddenly rammed his knot up his young master's rectum and began to spurt big time, filling the little boy's rectum with his cum. A strange, new shock rippled through the seven-year-old boy's groin as he trembled violently with his first orgasm as the two Gilles families pulled into the driveway. This was going to be an afternoon he'd be forever indebted to Cory for, and that he'd remember for the rest of his life.