Chapter 23: M t — Chapter 24: Mbb Mt F g b — Chapter 25: Fg bb Mb
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Twenty-Three— M t —
Thanks to John for the suggestion and background for the character of Jacob Schuller and the idea of Anthony and Cory having their first experience at water sports with him. "He tried to touch my butt!" complained Molly, looking over at Ben accusingly. As usual her boyfriend Nick had been waiting in the hallway for her to get out of class. Molly was forever complaining about Ben staring at her, trying to touch her, or trying to get her to go out with him. Being one of those invisible types of students who was so quiet and shy nobody even noticed if they'd been present, at first everyone believed her and thought he was a real looser who couldn't even keep his fantasies to himself. Everyone fantasized about Molly Vickers. Not only did she have nice tits for thirteen, but she had an even nicer ass, round and firm, and long sexy legs which she showed off by wearing the shortest skirts the school would allow. After a while though, mostly everyone realized Molly was making it all up. Even a total looser wouldn't keep on day after day when it was obvious he didn't have a chance. "Are you going to do something about it?" she asked, looking at Nick with those big brown doe eyes and pouting lips that always got her her way. "You're such a looser," Nick said, looking down at Ben. "I should break your fingers for trying to touch my girl." "Do it, Nick. That'll fix him." "What do you say, jerk?" Nick asked, pushing Ben up against the lockers. "Is there a problem out here?" asked Matt Simmons as he stepped out of the classroom. "No, no problem, sir," Nick said addressing the science teacher. "Just didn't see this little mouse and bumped into him." Molly and her two sidekicks, Trang and Ashley, giggled, and with a toss of her light brown ponytail, Molly turned and the four of them walked off. Ben looked back down at the floor, feeling even smaller than usual. He was a mouse. A shy, timid, pudgy little mouse with a mop of brown hair that hid his soft brown eyes. "Hey, I'm going to the Seven-Eleven," said Cory as he stepped up to him. "Wanna come?" "Me?" asked Ben. Nobody had ever invited him anywhere. Normally he sat in the school cafeteria alone over the lunch break, even if there were a half dozen others at the same table. "Yeah. Want a Slurpee or some Nachos or something?" "I brought my lunch," Ben replied. "Sides, I didn't bring any money." "Well, a chocolate bar for dessert then, on me," Cory offered. As they approached the Seven-Eleven along with Cory's friends Anthony, Terry and Dominic, who'd begun tagging along with the three musketeers, Ben saw Molly and her gang and held back, not wanting another confrontation. Cory of course noticed them and Ben's reaction and too paused. Molly glanced around, feeling someone was watching her. She of course spotted Ben, but he was staring down at the ground like usual, and besides, she knew he wouldn't dare stare at her for real after Nick had just finished pushing him around. There were a bunch of high school kids but they were all joking amongst themselves. The only other person around was a guy at the gas pumps filling up his car, forty-something and balding. As he glanced over in her direction she smiled. She had a bright smile. He glanced away, and then back again. Thirteen-year-old girls don't normally smile at forty-something year old men. Molly smiled again, and casually and slowly ran her hand up her right thigh, drawing up her skirt to reveal her shapely leg. She definitely had the man's attention. She looked away and talked to Nicole but continued to draw her hand up, pulling up her skirt until you could see her panties. She slowly turned, letting him see the back of her legs and her round butt. He wondered if she was making fun of him. A cock tease. He shook his head. They were getting younger and younger with each generation. He wouldn't even have noticed her if she hadn't made the first contact. "Molly, what are you doing?" asked Ashley with a half snort and half chuckle. "Giving that guy behind me a thrill." "Jeez, he's got to be as old as my father." "Yeah, well, he looked like he was having a boring day, like I am, and I figured there was no point in us both being bored," Molly replied with a coquettish smile as she lowered her skirt. "Besides, a guy that old doesn't get a thrill like that every day." "You're crazy." "No, just being charitable," Molly said. "Well, how about showing a little charity this way?" Nick asked, drawing her to him. "Did you see that?" asked Anthony. "What?" asked Terry. "Molly Vickers coming on to that guy at the pumps." "No way. Why would she come on to a guy that old?" "I dunno, but she did. Maybe she's horny." "Looking at her butt always gets me horny," observed Terry, and they laughed. Cory was going to suggest maybe she had that telio whatever his great-grandfather had, but he'd forgotten the name. His whole point had been to embarrass her by making her expose herself, but she didn't seem that embarrassed, not like she'd looked yesterday when he'd made her unbutton her blouse and show off her tits to Mister Simmons. The five lounged around outside the Seven-Eleven as they had their lunch and as Cory and Terry shared a smoke. Molly and her friends hung around too, Molly unbuttoning the top of her blouse and looking seductively at any man over thirty that walked by which was clearly beginning to irritate Nick, which was a fine spinoff. Returning to the school, she went into the washroom and removed her bra, and in computer class that afternoon she called Goosey Gilles over to help her at least half a dozen times, and as he bent over to look at the monitor, it was impossible for him not to get a full view of her young, budding boobs. He knew he should reprimand her for breaking the dress code and maybe send her to the office, but after what had happened yesterday in enforcing the rules with Mel over bathroom breaks during class, he decided it best to say nothing. As he headed back to his desk once again she smiled. She knew he'd get a thrill. She didn't wear a bra the next day and continued to flash her boobs at noon at any man over thirty and in computer class and again in Mister Simmon's science class, hiking up her skirt and spreading her legs so the two teachers could see her panties. She could tell she was turning them on from their covert glances at her and from the fact they didn't stop her, and that a thirteen-year-old girl could turn on adult and educated men like that gave her a thrill of power that sent strange, new tingles of pleasure up her spine and between her legs. Little did she know who the real power was behind her new flirting game and her pleasure, and that it really hadn't been her brilliant idea. Julius had soccer practice at the Glencoe Royal Academy for Boys after school on Thursdays, and against his better judgement he agreed to take Cory and Anthony along. Anthony had to take a leak but after Gilles's sarcastic remarks to Mel the previous day, he figured he could wait until he got to the private school. He had no idea why Cory suggested the two of them go with Gilles after school, but chumming around with Cory usually ended up a lot of fun, and they were best buddies. Arriving at the school and seeing the high school cheerleading squad out practising too, he figured that had probably been Cory's reason. Becoming distracted by them, he totally forgot his bladder. While they were sitting there in the bleachers, one of the teachers from the private school came over, a rather distinguished looking fellow in a way with a trim little moustache who looked like he was about thirty. "Here is the gingerbread recipe I promised your mother, and some pictures of gingerbread houses I took when I was in Germany last Christmas," he said, handing the envelop to Anton, who along with his kid brother, Cory and Anthony had joined. He spoke with a slight accent. "Oh, thanks Mister Schuller." "You were in Germany?" asked Cory as he looked up at the man. "Yes," he said with a smile. "I go over every summer to practice my German, and sometimes during the holiday breaks. I have family and many friends still in Germany. I don't believe I've seen you around here before?" "Nope. I don't go to school here. I go to Lincoln Junior High, me and Anthony," Cory said proudly as he nodded toward his best buddy. "Right now I'm living with Mister Gilles while my family is away." "I see." "It's awesome to meet someone whose been to Germany. That is my most favourite country of them all, next to the United States of course." "Really? And what is it that you like about Germany?" "Everything," Cory replied as he did some fast thinking. "The, ah, German food, like gingerbread and oh yeah German Black Forest Chocolate Cake, and ah, the yodelling, and it has lots of, ah, history and scenery and traditions and stuff." "And castles," helped Anthony. "Oh yeah, especially I like all the castles and old stuff like that." "Mister Schuller has a lot of souvenirs and things he's brought back from Germany," Anton observed. "Oh yeah? Oh man, I'd love to see them some time!" "Well, for such an ardent fan of Germany, I'd be glad to show you sometime," the German teacher said with a smile. One reason he'd become a teacher was the enthusiasm youth had, and their eagerness to learn, at least in private schools. "Great! What about now?" "Now?" "Yeah, if you're going home now that is. We're just here cuz Mister Gilles has soccer practice so really we got like an hour with nothing to do. Mister Gilles can pick us up at your place." "Well, I suppose. I am going home," he said hesitantly. Being a man who liked to do things with precision and according to a plan, he wasn't good at impromptu decisions, but he really hadn't had anything scheduled for the next hour, and the boy was keen. "Cool. Let your dad know," Cory said, looking at Anton as he leaped off the bleacher. Living in Falconridge, the richer part of town north of Eaglemont, his home reflected his comparative wealth. It was a large home for a bachelor, and had shiny hardwood floors and expensive looking furniture. He had artifacts from Germany all over the house, including expensive paintings by German masters on the walls, but his main collection was in what he called the library, which had floor to ceiling bookcases and shelves filled with books and ornaments. As he began to show Cory some of the items he'd brought back from Germany, he got a call on his cell phone, and excused himself. "So how long has Germany been your most favourite country?" asked Anthony. He figured he knew his best buddy pretty well, but Germany being his fav country was new to him. "Ever since I read on the Internet that Amsterdam was the sex capital of the world." "I don't think Amsterdam is in Germany." "It isn't? Where is it?" "I dunno. Sweden I think. Don't they have a lot of nudists there or something?" "I dunno. I don't think so. Sweden's up north where it's cold I think." "Anyway, even if it is in Germany, so what?" "Well, it don't matter if it isn't. They're a lot more open about sex and stuff over in Europe, and I know Germany's in Europe. I read that on the Internet too, about being open and stuff, when I was surfing for dirty pictures. I thought maybe since this Mister Schuller goes over there all the time he might have a porn collection from Europe." "Oh yeah?" Anthony asked, his interest tweaked. "Well I bet it would be in a box under his bed like where my dad keeps his stuff," the thirteen-year-old observed as he looked around. "With all this junk it could be stashed almost anywhere. Wow, look at all the beer mugs!" Jacob Schuller had an entire shelf of ornate German steins. "That reminds me. I gotta take a leak like so bad! I wonder where the bathroom is. Maybe he has his porn there. My dad always has the latest mag stuffed behind the extra toilet paper and toilet cleaning stuff in the cupboard under the sink for when he's in the can." "I bet it's in here. This drawer's locked," Cory suggested as he tugged on the drawer. "Oh yeah, adults always keep the good stuff locked in drawers," Antony said. "Hey, I know!" Opening his back pack, he fished around until he found a paperclip. Unbending it, he knelt before the drawer in the bookcase and after a minute, felt it give. Opening it up, the boys stood there in surprise. Before them were an assortment of every sex toy imaginable, some they recognized from their searches for porn and far more totally foreign to them, dildos, vibrators, handcuffs, tubes of lube, packages of sexy panties and briefs, whips and much more. Finding the two doors to the cabinet below locked too, Anthony soon had them open. Inside were shelves upon shelves of DVDs, CDs, and videotapes, and with names like Dreamboys, Gay Man's Kama Sutra, Teen Cheerleader Sex Orgy, and Family Sex Night, there was no question what they were about. With his special interest in incest, especially mother-son and father-daughter, the last particularly caught Anthony's eye. "Oh maaaan, look at this!" Cory exclaimed as he picked up the top picture from a stack of pictures. It was of a man sitting on a chair with a boy of maybe six riding his stiff dick. Putting it back, he picked up the next, a picture of a man on his knees and sitting back on his heels with two muscular hunks that looked like high school or college age guys on either side pissing on him. "Oh fuck, now I really got to take a leak!" groaned Anthony. "Boys!" They spun around to find Jacob Schuller standing behind him. So focussed on the treasure they'd found, they had not heard him return, and besides, Jacob Schuller was a man who trod softly. His voice had taken on a stern, militaristic tone and his eyebrows had narrowed. "That is my private collection," he said, walking over briskly and closing the drawer and the cupboard doors. Actually, it was his merchandise. To supplement his salary as a private school teacher, which was not all that high, and to support a life style he was accustomed to, he smuggled in black market porn from the continent to sell in the States. Besides, his other hobby being the study of abnormal psychology, he found the pictures and tapes fascinating and even at times astonishing from a purely academic viewpoint. "You boys shouldn't be looking at that stuff." "I don't think you should either," Cory replied with a grin. "Oh maaaannn, can we talk about his later?" asked Anthony, crossing his legs. "Where's your bathroom?" "Down the hall. Second door on your left." Anthony barrelled across the library. "Wait," called Cory. "I can't!" "I think Mister Schuller would like to join you." Jacob Schuller looked at Cory, and then down at the picture Cory had been holding behind his back. "Oh, I hardly think 3;," he began before his face went blank. Every man should have a hobby. Jacob Schuller's was the study of abnormal sexual behaviour. He was totally intrigued by the topic, from acrotomophilia to zoophilia, and by the people who engaged in such behaviour, from the famous like the sadist Marquis de Sade and cross-dressing Edgar Hoover, though there were some who questioned if he really was, to the anonymous and unknown suburban commuter who had a closet diaper fetish and could be anyone's next door neighbour. Despite his interest, and his related supplemental business, he'd never actually considered participating in any such behaviours, and in fact, had smugly considered himself superior to those who engaged in such sick, perverted acts. Now, suddenly, standing there in his library and caught with the evidence by two thirteen-year-old boys, he had the wildest and strangest urge to find out personally and intimately what it was that turned people on who practised urolagnia. Turning to look at the dancing teenager at the doorway who looked like he was about to wet himself, or pull it out and piss all over his expensive champaign pile carpet, it was more than an urge. It was a compelling need to experience the perversion of being pissed on first hand. "You wouldn't happen to have a DVD camera by any chance?" asked Cory. "In my study," he replied in a daze, his mind elsewhere. Leading Anthony and Cory down the hall to his study and then into the bathroom, he stepped into the tub and turned to face Anthony. Anthony could not believe it, and could hold back no longer. Pushing down the front of his jeans and his underwear with one hand, he picked up his limp dick with the other and aimed it high. Seconds later his hot, yellow piss streamed out like water from a fire hose, the result of drinking a litre of Coke at noon. He aimed it as high as he could to totally drench the man standing in the tub before him like the two studs in the picture Cory had found were doing. He'd never heard of anyone pissing on someone else before, his father's porn being more of the vanilla kind, but then he was only thirteen, and who was he to question the ways of adults? Besides, being around Cory always gave him a devil-may-care attitude and if pissing on a guy made him look cool in front of his best buddy, he was more than willing to do it. Besides, the guy was a teacher, and what kid didn't at sometime or another feel like pissing on a teacher? His piss soaked into the burgundy school blazer the teachers were expected to wear, turning it to a dark purple, and into his silk tie and expensive Armani shirt. It ran down the front of his tan trousers, turning them dark also as it soaked into the cloth. Anthony aimed lower, directing his stream directly at the teacher's crotch, causing his piss to flood over his groin and to run down his legs to fill his expensive Italian leather shoes. The teacher could feel his hot piss soaking through his clothes to his skin as he stood there passively while the thirteen-year-old boy he'd just met looked up at him in wide-eyed innocence as he pissed on him and his buddy videotaped it. As the warmth of the fresh piss spread over his crotch, his cock began to swell. Good God, he was actually getting turned on! Anthony's piss began to collect in a pool in the tub as the bathroom was filled with the odour of hot, fresh urine. "Loosen your tie and unbutton your shirt and drop your pants," instructed Cory. Jacob Schuller obediently did as he was told as a sense of excitement and arousal washed over him and an image of him standing in the tub with his open shirt and his tie still about his neck and his trousers about his ankles while the thirteen-year-old boy pissed on him flashed through his mind. Anthony redirected his stream, striking the man's exposed chest. His hot, amber piss ran in rivulets over his nipples and down his hairy chest to soak into the band of his boxers, which were already fully soaked. Seeing his cock stirring in his boxers, Anthony aimed for the fly, causing the man's cock to swell even faster and to slip out of the open fly. "Oh man, he's getting a fucking boner," Anthony observed. "So am I," Cory responded, his voice husky with arousal. "This is so fucking hot. Push your boxers down." As the thirty-year-old teacher did so, Anthony directed the rest of his stream at his swelling cock and at his balls, drenching them with his hot piss. "Jack it off." As Jacob obediently began to pump his stiff cock, Cory and Anthony grinned over at each other. An adult jacking himself off in front of two kids was especially hot in that adults were always saying not to do it and making like they didn't. Having finally emptied his bladder, Anthony shook his dick off and then took over the camera duties as Cory pushed down the front of his jeans and underwear. He didn't have to go as badly as Anthony, but the odour of fresh urine and just the idea of pissing on a teacher while he jerked himself off was enough for a quick leak. He aimed his stream for his nipples, and as his hot piss struck first one and then the other it sent tingles of arousal through the already piss soaked buds, causing them to become firm and causing the now heavily breathing teacher to become even more aroused. Cory's, hot piss ran down his body and over his bouncing balls in yellow rivulets. He aimed it directly at his stiff dick and pumping fist and it spattered in a golden spray as the man jerked and groaned with his approaching orgasm. Anthony was rapidly pumping his own stiff cock with his free hand as he videotaped Cory and the teacher, and he was beginning to jerk his hips with the pleasure throbbing through his young, aching cocklet. Cory began to fuck his fist also as he resumed camera responsibilities. Drenched in hot piss and standing there in the tub with his trousers and boxers about his ankles in the pool of fresh urine while two young boys stood facing him and rapidly jerking off their early teen wieners, Jacob Schuller was unable to hold back and he aimed his cock at the ceiling. He exploded like he hadn't for many years, shooting his cum up into the air to fall back down into the tub like a perverse fountain. Shot after shot of thick, creamy white spooge shot out of his throbbing cock with a pleasure like he'd never felt before. Anthony was right behind, squirting his copious, watery early teen load into the man's tub. Their semen floated in white streamers and blobs in the pool of yellow piss. Anthony leaned forward over the tub and milked out his remaining cum. The man continued to stand there in a flushed post-climatic daze, his fingers still gripping his stiff cock and dripping with cum, and piss streaking his body. Handing the camera back to Anthony, Cory stroked his young cock double time and Anthony zoomed in on his intense face and then down to his crotch as his best buddy popped his nuts, adding his own copious early teen cum to the pool of piss. The door bell rang. "Bet that's Mister Gilles," Cory said, leaning in over the tub and squeezing the last of his cum out of his four-and-a-quarter inch [11cm] cock. He and Antony pulled up their underwear and jeans as the bell rang again. "Thanks for the great time, Mister Schuller. We'll have to do it again sometime!" he said with a broad grin. "Cool camera," said Anthony as he took out the videodisc and placed the camera on the top of the toilet tank. It was a very expensive and high quality camera. Jacob Schuller bought only the best. "Thanks for letting us use it." "Yeah, we'll get you a new blank disc." The two boys grinned at each other as they ran to the door. Chumming with Cory always guaranteed a guy a good time.
Chapter Twenty-Four— Mbb Mt F g b —
The events in this part carry on trends from earlier parts. Thanks especially to Ben for the idea about Trang, and Bob for the snowballing idea in the park. Julius sat in the family room with the rest of his family Saturday night staring off into space, his mind a million miles away and his apple pie untouched. It had been a hell of a week. It began Tuesday with his sudden compulsion to sniff his young guest's used underwear one o'clock in the morning. Never in his entire life had he ever even thought about sniffing a thirteen-year-old boy's soiled briefs, but that morning he had not been able to resist the urge and it had given him such a sexual rush that he'd jacked off into the popcorn bowl of kernels they'd left in the family room. If that wasn't certain evidence of his mental breakdown then his just as sudden and equally as compelling urge, not to mention sheer ecstasy, in licking the boys' urinal later that morning was. Four days had gone by and the foul taste was still in his mouth and the odour of urine in his nostrils. If that was not enough to worry him, he'd done it in front of three of his students, including his young guest who had videotaped it. To his surprise none of the three had mentioned the incident the rest of the week, but that just made him worry about what they might do with the evidence of his perversion all the more. It also made him second guess his every action with his students ever since. Normally confident in his enforcement of the school rules, he now feared what the consequences of his actions might be, and was most uncomfortable with his indecisiveness. His students were aware of his shaken confidence. He could tell that. Students were good at sensing such things, especially junior high age students, and they immediately began taking advantage of it. Take Molly Vickers. Wednesday she'd come to computer class with the top of her blouse half unbuttoned and without a bra and had purposefully called him over to check her work on the computer half a dozen times, purposefully flaunting her young breasts in his face. Of course he could not resist the temptation to look. He was a healthy forty-four-year-old male, and he hadn't had sex with his wife for a month, which was something else that was adding greatly to his distress. She knew she had his interest and flirted all the more on Thursday, not only leaving her top unbuttoned but coming again without a bra, and purposefully spreading her legs and showing him her panties besides. Good God, she was only thirteen! Thursday night what with soccer practise and having to drive to Falconridge to pick up Cory and Anthony, and then drop Anthony off in Briarwood, he and his sons were twenty minutes late getting to the park. Bob and Lane had not shown up since Saturday and he was hoping that they would not be there again, but of course that was the day they had shown up on time. Dutifully dropping his pants, he bent over and grabbed his ankles for his punishment for being late, knowing to anger the groundskeeper and former teacher would only make things worse for himself, and his sons. At least Lad had not been there that night or he'd have mounted him on the spot. Instead of whipping him with his belt, Bob turned it over to his son Anton and told him to deliver the first ten blows, warning him if he didn't hit him hard enough he'd get the same blow on his ass. Of course the first blow was extremely soft, but the resulting strap across Anton's naked butt using Lane's belt was anything but, the slap resounding through the woods and causing the boy to yelp with pain. The second was harder, but still not to Bob Moser's standard and he hit the twelve-year-old a second time to show what he expected. The third and following were with all the strength the boy could muster, much to the amusement of Bob and Lane and which left red welts across his backside. The boy was practically in tears by the time he was done. François delivered the last ten, and seeing how his brother had been whipped, he was taking no chances, slapping the leather belt across his father's fat ass with all the strength of a nine-year-old, which was plenty hard for his already red and welted buttocks. From the look in the boy's moist eyes he knew the boy was in as much pain as he was and his older brother had been. Bob had then made him make love to his two boys, "just as you would with your wife" had been the exact instruction, kissing them on the lips and caressing their naked bodies, telling them how much he loved them and how he'd deserved the whipping they'd given him, nibbling on their nipples until they became firm and caressing their buttholes until he had both boys erect, something that was never a problem for twelve-year-old Anton, and aching for sexual relief. He had actually turned his two boys on! That was sick. He was then forced to stand there and watch while he and Lane brutally face fucked his two aroused, naked sons, their own little cocks aching for attention. As he stood there in total embarrassment helplessly watching his preteen sons being abused, his anger rising with each thrust of Bob's and Lane's hips but knowing there was not a thing he could do about it, he thought back to the previous Sunday and Tuesday nights as they had stood there just as helplessly and just as embarrassed as they'd watched him getting fucked by Lad. Although Bob and Lane had not shown up, he'd felt compelled to drop his jogging pants for the amorous German Shepard that he loved even more than his wife, and whom he actually looked forward to screwing him and was miserable on those days he didn't show up. Telling the boys not to swallow as he and Lane filled their mouths with their thick, copious spooge, Bob had him kiss each of his boys on the lips and then suck out the cum in their mouths and swallow it in front of them. As he finished with Anton and moved on to François, Bob had Anton work up a mouth of spittle, which was not hard with the tart cum still clinging to the roof of his mouth and his teeth, and as he finished with François Bob had him lock lips with Anton once again and instructed the twelve-year-old boy to force his spittle into his father's mouth while François worked up a mouth of spittle too. Swallowing his son's spittle and Bob's cum slime, he'd turned to his nine-year-old and similarly sucked face with him, sucking the nine-year-old's spit and Lane Spudder's cum into his mouth and swallowing the slimy mix. Bob had then sent them on their way, all three stiff-cocked and with aching nuts. That night he'd finally approached Julian about his lack of endowment, something he'd been putting off for a week and a half. It was the most embarrassing conversation he'd ever had with him, even more embarrassing than the father-son talk that summer when Julian had turned sixteen and he'd figured it was time to explain the facts of life to him and his responsibilities as a young man. "Son, do you have a moment to talk?" he asked that night as the two crawled into Julian's bed. He hadn't wanted to interrupt him while he was doing his school work, and he'd figured talking in the dark would help make it less embarrassing even though the two were lying there side by side stark naked. He knew, deep down, he was just procrastinating. "Yeah, sure," Julian replied, though in his mind he was cringing. The opening reminded him of the most embarrassing conversation he'd ever had with his dad, this past summer when his father had explained the birds and bees to him like he was a ten-year-old. "You know that men come in different sizes and shapes, some tall, some short, some big boned, some thin," Julius began. "Yeah, sure," Julian replied, uncertain where the conversation was leading but not liking it. "Well, the same goes for their penises." Oh God! Julian's penis began to shrivel and he wanted to die. "I couldn't help notice since we've been going about nude that, well, you know, you're not, well, as large as some boys down there." He was lying there in his bed stark naked with his dad lying beside him, also stark naked, talking about his penis! By then it had shrivelled up to about an inch [2½cm] and he was dying a very slow death. "Now that's nothing to be ashamed of. Size does not matter. It's how, well, it doesn't matter," Julius stumbled. A father couldn't very well tell his sixteen-year-old son it was how you use it when at that age he shouldn't be using it at all, which in Julian's case he wasn't anyway. Besides, he knew, and so did Julian, that size did matter, especially when you were a teenage boy and had to undress and shower with your classmates if for no other reason. As for Julian, how could he tell his father that really, he was much larger than it appeared. "I've also noticed that unlike Anton, you've never gotten an erection despite your mother and your sisters all being nude, and, well, visible." It wasn't an inch [2½cm]. It had disappeared all together. Julian wished he could also. Julius had thought that conversation had been difficult, though it seemed to have gone all right, but taking Julian to the doctor after school Friday had been just as bad. How does a father explain to a doctor why he thinks his son needed a physical and that he was concerned about his lack of development? That had really been embarrassing, but even more embarrassing yet was sitting there in front of your sixteen-year-old son while the doctor told you the results of his examination, even if they were positive. He shifted uncomfortably as he recalled the discussion that Saturday night. On top of everything else, he'd gained another five pounds [2½kg] that week, and with Cory living there, he and his wife hadn't had their usual Saturday night out now for three Saturdays in a row, it being impossible to have company over with their conversion to nudism, and being afraid what might happen should they leave their children home alone under such circumstances. Julian sat there in the family room just as downcast as his father. His urge to smell Cory Wilson's underwear Monday night had been totally weird, and even weirder, it had been the first time he'd jacked off so powerfully in several months. He could not concentrate on his school work as the memory of smelling the dirty underwear as he shot off a load in the bowl of unpopped kernels kept flashing in his mind, and he twisted and turned all night in guilt and worry about what sort of sicko he was. The conversation with his father Thursday night had been pure hell, and then going with him to the doctor's the next day like a little child was even worse. And how do you explain to a doctor that you're perfectly normal in size and you know because you'd been giving yourself a boner and jacking it off almost every night, at least until your father started sleeping with you? And how do you tell a doctor that because of all the things happening with your family lately, besides the obvious fact you've developed a pizza face as a result of your mother's rich foods, you haven't been able to focus on your date, and that your girl was beginning to suspect you were no longer interested in her? That wasn't all. The week ended as badly as it had begun. Saturday's game with Daceyville Central High had totally sucked and the team and parents blamed him and his father. He'd been so depressed he hadn't even gone out with his girl like he'd always did on Saturday, and he hadn't gone out with her Friday either. Antoinette was in no better mood than her son. The last time she and Cory had had sex was last Sunday when he'd fucked her ass and then her cunt. She wondered if he'd sensed her discomfort having him do her from the rear, and even greater discomfort when he hadn't wiped himself off before entering her from the front, or if the boy had lost interest in her. She was forty now after all, and gaining weight, not just from the baking she was doing for him and which she and her family could not resist, but because she was carrying his child. How she was going to break that news to her family, and to Cory, had been worrying her for an entire week. On top of that was her worry about her family. Julius had become so remote and cold she would be afraid he was seeing another woman if it wasn't for the fact he was never alone long enough to be doing so. Even for the hour and a half he went jogging he had Anton and François with him. It had to be the stress of his job. That he was near a nervous breakdown she was certain and didn't know what she could possibly do about it. Annette had become even moodier than ever, and she knew it had to do with the black man she'd been seeing, which as much as she didn't like it, she couldn't do anything about either, and her sons were becoming jumpier and more irritable by the day and more and more like their father. Whether that was due to genetics or because they were spending more time with him she did not know, but again there was nothing she could do about it. With all her worries, was it any wonder she'd snuck down to the family room during the night to sniff her thirteen-year-old lover's used underwear and masturbate? Juliette was the only one who seemed normal. Annette was deeply disturbed by her late night excursion to the family room too of course, and had wondered if her sudden and disgusting urge to sniff Cory Wilson's dirty underwear was a sign that with all the stress in her life she was going crazy. Like her mother, she had been gaining weight too, for the same two reasons, and she knew it would not be much longer before she began to show. She had broken the news to Billy on Sunday, and his first reaction was to blame her, telling her she was a stupid bitch and asking if she hadn't heard of birth control pills. Then when he'd calmed down he said if it was a girl he'd raise her to be a ho like she was, and if it was a boy he'd teach him how to be a hustler like him, neither option helping to make her feel any better. Then he'd made her suck his cock while he videotaped them, saying now she was pregnant he wouldn't be sticking it up her pussy until she had their kid, but that there were plenty of other ways for a pregnant bitch to satisfy her man. Just the thought of sucking his penis had made her gag, and each time she tried to put it in her mouth she'd choked. It wasn't until he slapped her hard across the face and told her to stop acting like a spoiled child that she'd been able to slip her lips about the knob without heaving. Even then she was nauseated by the filthy act and wanted to puke. Oh, she and her girlfriends had heard about high school girls doing that to guys to placate them so they wouldn't have intercourse with them, and that practically every high school girl did it, but they'd all found the thought so disgusting they unanimously agreed they'd never do such a thing, and that it had to be a public school thing. Those pajamas parties and midnight giggling sessions seemed so long ago. Now, not only was she having intercourse and actually looking forward to Billy's irregular visits, but she'd gotten pregnant, and was now sucking the filthy penis of the man who'd knocked her up. On top of it all, he was black. Despite everything, she knew he didn't have much respect for women, and certainly not her. He didn't even have the decency to tell her when he was going to cum, and of course not expecting it she'd choked as the first squirt shot down her throat. She had automatically pulled away, resulting in his still spurting organ spattering her face and breasts with his filthy, sticky cum. He'd laughed and said it didn't matter, that guys who watched videos of women sucking cock liked to see proof the guy had come. When he'd shown up on Thursday, he hadn't mentioned anything about the baby. In fact he just told her to go help her mother make supper in the kitchen and that he had things to do and didn't want any bitch in his way. She'd left him happily though you'd not have known from the tears welling up in her eyes. What the things were that he had to do she had no idea as she didn't see anything different about her room after he'd left. Maybe, she thought hopefully, he was taking measurements and was going to buy her a crib for their child. The thought of strangers watching videos of the two of them having intercourse, something private between the two of them and that should be about love, made it seem dirty and ordinary, nothing like she and her girlfriends thought it would be like when they finally gave themselves to a boy. Now besides the one of her shaving herself and masturbating, they had one of her sucking his cock besides. The thought of some skanky old man watching a video of her doing these things sent a shiver of revulsion up her spine. How could men enjoy watching such things? How could Billy make them and sell them, especially of the two of them? She wondered whom he sold them to. If her family or any one of her friends were to see one of them she would die. At least that would solve her problem regarding her pregnancy. How was she going to tell her family? Her dad would hit the ceiling, but she wasn't going to be able to keep it a secret. And what would her friends say? She'd never be allowed to stay in the Gladys Harper Private School for Girls. She didn't even have a special friend she could confide in, her and Cindy having gotten into a major argument on Friday because she'd stop chumming around with her and couldn't tell her why. How do you tell your best friend you've stopped chumming around with all your former friends because you're too miserable to have any type of fun? Anton had his own problems and secrets. Sunday he'd licked another boy's asshole in front of his best buddy Jason, and then he and Jason had jacked off a black man while the nigger had jacked the two of them off, and all of it was on video. He'd never felt so dirty and so embarrassed in all his life, and as he and Jason had biked home he could tell Jason felt the same way. If that hadn't been bad enough, he and his brother had to stand around in the park that evening while his father got humped by a dog. Now doing it with an animal was really sick, especially since he even did it when Bob Moser wasn't there to make him. Why his father did it he'd never explained, and he certainly was not going to ask! Of course he didn't have any room to talk. Even though they both knew it was going to involve more sex with guys, Monday he and Jason had gone to Cory's second party, where Jason had gotten sucked off by Kenneth Ballard while he'd fucked the seventeen-year-old's ass. After having gotten his ass fucked by Cory and a dozen times by Lane Spudder, he'd finally found out what it was like to be the one doing the fucking. The problem with that was that he'd enjoyed it! Then as if that wasn't perverted enough, that night he'd had this urge to jerk off while sniffing Cory Wilson's dirty underwear, which he'd also enjoyed. It didn't stop there. Thursday Bob Moser had made him and his brother strap his father with a belt, and then after sucking Bob and Lane Spudder off they'd made his father suck their cum and spit out of their mouths. Now that was really sick. It was only the fear of what Bob Moser would do to him that stopped him from puking. That was two days ago and he still had the taste of the man's cum in his mouth, and no matter how many times he, his brother, and his father had been forced to do things in the park, he still felt filthy and perverted and hated himself for having enjoyed it, and his father for not putting a stop to it. Then Friday Jason told him he didn't want to see him that weekend, and, in fact, didn't want to chum around with him anymore. He knew it had to be because of the stuff they'd done the previous weekend. Jason didn't want to hang around with a pervert like him. François had his own self-doubt, and a lot of questions. Why had he taken such a delight in sniffing Cory's dirty underwear on Monday? Why did he enjoy playing with his dink so much when it was so wrong and something other boys didn't do? Why had he whipped his dad so hard on Thursday? Why was his dad doing stuff with a dog, and why were Bob Moser and Lane Spudder being so mean to them? And why was his ass itching so badly to be fucked? Was this what perverts and molesters were like when they were kids? He wished there was someone he could turn to for answers. Of course not everyone was down that week. Dominic was delighted that Kenneth and his sister were having problems, the two of them deserving it for the way they'd been mean to him. His sister had figured Kenneth was losing interest in her and was seeing another girl, and Kenneth of course disclaimed everything but was unable to explain what had happened to him the previous Sunday and Monday and what was bothering him so much that he couldn't see her in the evenings. Even better than his sister's sad face was the party the previous week at Cory's, two days which he'd never forget for as long as he lived. The very best of all though was Cory including him in his circle of friends at school. To say he worshipped the very ground Cory walked on and would do anything he ever asked without hesitation would not be an understatement. He still couldn't get a bone on when he was by himself and pulling back his foreskin still hurt, but that didn't matter. He was one of Cory's friends. Ben was just as delighted with his week, and all because of Cory too. It had begun with a bang with Cory Wilson actually coming to his house and spending three hours with him talking and looking at some of his favourite sites on the Internet. Then on Wednesday he'd invited him to join him and his friends at the Seven-Eleven at noon and had even bought him a chocolate bar. That he would never have expected in a million years, just as he'd never have expected Molly Vickers' recent behaviour. She for some strange reason had gotten into showing her boobs and panties to men, her teachers and total strangers, which was creating tension between her and Nick, which was fine with him. The best part about her new game and her troubles with Nick was that it had distracted her from her daily hassling of him. One of her best friends, Trang Ng, had, however, taken her place. After the shoving match with Nick at noon Wednesday, Trang had come up to him when he'd returned to school and had told him how she thought it was unfair how Nick was pushing him around and that she liked him and felt sorry for him. It was not the first time she'd done that, but Ben, desperate for attention, had accepted it. Trang was a cute, petite Asian girl who didn't have much of a figure but who did have a firm, compact butt and the smoothest, most beautiful complexion he'd ever seen. She was also very popular, with the other girls and with the guys. Then, after he'd gotten his hopes up, she'd told him in front of the entire class Friday morning how he'd never have a chance with a girl like her, or any girl for that matter, totally embarrassing him in front of everyone, and especially in front of Cory. Even being humiliated in front of others who didn't really notice if you existed hurt, but being embarrassed like that in front of someone you were hoping might become your friend really hurt. He didn't know why, but that morning, Trang, like Molly, unbuttoned the top of her blouse and flaunted her boobs in front of Mister Simmons in science class, and then at strangers at the Seven Eleven at noon, and then on Friday they both purposefully hiked up their skirts and exposed their panties. Girls were weird, but then what did he know about girls? Trang was right. He didn't have a chance with any girl. Then just as he was feeling the most miserable he had felt in weeks, the week ended like it had begun, Cory spending the entire Saturday evening with him! At that point if Cory had asked him to flash his underwear at someone he would have! Cory was having the time of his life. Sure he missed his mother and father, but there was so much to keep a guy occupied and amused. The week had begun with the two wicked parties at his house, and then with the Gilles's all going crazy over his dirty underwear, and of course his chance discovery of Ben's printout of the Mind Mouse which ended up giving him a much better understanding and control of his headband. Then there was the fun he was having with Molly and now Trang, and finally the discovery of the amazing treasure lode of sexual information Jacob Schuller had and the fun he and Anthony had with the teacher on Thursday. Of course Jacob Schuller had a very different view of the incident. He always kept that drawer and those cupboards locked, so the boys had to have unlocked them. How they'd done so, and so quickly, he had no idea. He'd only been out of the room for two or three minutes maximum. That the boys might talk about what they'd seen was a high possibility, especially at their age where sex was such an intriguing mystery. Getting caught with his black market collection would be disastrous as far as his teaching position went, and even worse would be getting charged with having had two young boys seeing the stuff. That was worrisome enough, but what was even more worrisome was what had happened afterward. What could possibly have compelled him to engage in such a perverted and taboo act, a perversion he freely exploited to support his life style and which he found fascinating academically, but one that a man of his education and breeding was above? That simply was not like him! And suppose the two boys told about what the three of them had done, which was again highly possible considering they were junior high school students. Being charged with having engaged in a perverted sex act with two thirteen-year-olds would be totally devastating. While the teacher/black marketeer sat at home soul searching and fretting about his future that Saturday night, Cory was at Ben Hanson's browsing through the site and several others of Ben's choosing. He was awed by the boy's knowledge about computers and how skilfully he navigated through the Internet. Again three hours had gone by like the blink of an eye, and they hadn't even done anything involving sex! "So, did you have a good time at your friend's tonight?" Antoinette asked, interrupting Cory's thoughts. "Oh yeah! I learned all kinds of shit." "We don't use that sort of language in our house," Julius reprimanded. That was sort of silly in a way, considering their sexual activities this past while, and considering the fact they were all sitting in the family room stark naked. "Sorry," Cory replied, "but saying I learned all kinds of faeces just doesn't sound the same." "And how was your day, dear?" Antoinette asked quickly, interrupting her husband before he made an issue over Cory's comment. She was sure he was just being honest and open like thirteen-year-old boys are, not insolent. "You haven't said anything about the soccer game." "We lost," Julius replied sullenly. He was in no mood for talking, and she'd been married to him long enough to recognize that. "I haven't had a chance to ask. Everything went all right with the visit to the doctor?" she asked, wisely changing the topic. Cory thought about being honest and how his father had taught him to tell the truth, which he could honestly say he did. He just didn't tell everything all the time, but he never lied. He just sat there thinking about being honest, about what a great value it was, calling upon whatever memories were in his subconscious mind about honesty. "Yes," Julius replied. "Julian is a perfectly healthy teenage male. Just suffering the normal anxieties boys his age have." Julian squirmed uncomfortably. "Oh? Anxieties?" she asked, looking at Julian in concern. "I'm sorry to hear that. What sort of anxieties dear?" She had always felt empathy for her family and on this night felt even more so. "Well, you know, guy stuff, like, well, you know, how 3; I compare to other guys and stuff like that," Julian replied, his face turning so red it felt like hot enough to toast bred. Having been raised to always tell the truth, he was feeling a particular need to do so that night as embarrassing as it was. He thought about the visit to the doctor's and how embarrassing it had been talking to the doctor about his privates and his sex life. If that hadn't bad enough, the doctor had called in his father and informed him that his son was perfectly normal and healthy, and that his shrinkage was likely due to a teenage boy's embarrassment being naked in front of his mother and sisters. Well, duh! That of course was embarrassing for Julius as well, his son having revealed to the doctor they practised nudity at home. Recalling that moment, the two shifted uncomfortably as they stared down at their untouched desserts. "Speaking of seeing the doctor, do I need to make an appointment for you?" Antoinette asked, looking at her older daughter. "Me? Why?" "Well, you've been very moody and depressed lately. I thought perhaps there might be something physically wrong. You know, with your diet, or your hormones." She was genuinely concerned about her oldest daughter. "I can't help it if I'm gaining weight because of all your baking," Annette retorted sharply, her weight being a sensitive issue, and they were being honest. "And Cheryl and I had a bit of an argument, nothing to see a doctor about." "I see you're, well, you're growing your hair back. I noticed last week you'd shaved it all off. Was that one of those teen fads girls get into?" She was concerned, and since they were being honest 3; "Mother!" Annette said, totally horrified to be talking about such things in front of the family despite having been raised to be honest, especially with her parents, a value she for some reason felt particularly strong about that night. "No, it wasn't a fad." Her face had turned as red as Julian's had been. "It wasn't because you had lice, or, well, you know." "Crabs? Good God no, Mother!" She glanced down at her half-eaten pie with embarrassment, feeling her mother's eyes on her as she waited for an explanation, as she felt everyone's eyes on her. "Billy wanted me to." "Billy? Who's Billy?" Julius asked. "A guy I've been seeing." "Seeing? You know you're too young to be dating. I told you, not until you're sixteen, and then there'll be rules." "We're not dating exactly. He just drops by, sometimes. We don't go out or nothing, Daddy." "Drops by? Here? Why have I never seen him?" "You're out jogging, with Anton and François," Antoinette answered for her daughter. Julius quickly dropped that topic. He certainly didn't want to get into what it was he and his two sons did. "What school does he go to?" "He doesn't go to school." "He's a drop out?" her father asked, horrified. "No. I don't think so. We've never talked about his education. I dunno. It's that he's too old to be still in school." "Too old? How old his he?" "Twenty-five." "Twenty-five!" her father barked, even more horrified. "And he's black." She might as well give him all the bad news. "Well, I have a surprise too," observed Antoinette, hoping to head off an explosion that was about to happen. You didn't need a headband to sense her husband's anger and her daughter's embarrassment. "You've been seeing a black man while I've been out jogging too?" asked Julius. He was of course being sarcastic, something he regularly did at school with his students but rarely did at home, but this was not a typical Saturday evening at home. He was also ready to believe anything after his daughter's bombshells, which she hadn't heard the end of yet. "No, of course not," she said, looking down at her dessert plate in embarrassment and guilt and irritated by her husband's tone. "I'm pregnant." Juliette, Julian and François looked at their mother in surprise, and then over at their father. Anton, Annette, and Antoinette all stole a glance at Cory. "How?" "Ah, Daddy, you must know that," observed his youngest who'd been taking in the evening's conversation with wide-eyed surprise and innocence. He after all did have five kids. She might only be seven years old, but even she knew when a man and woman loved each other very much the angels took a special baby seed and planted it in the mommy's tummy. Her best friend had told her that secret one afternoon while they were playing Ken and Barbie. "How far along?" Julius asked, choosing to ignore his youngest daughter's comment. After Annette's revelations, he was afraid to ask his youngest what she knew about making babies. "About a month." Julius quickly counted back. That would put it right about the time he and she had their marathon night, the last time they'd had sex together. Six weeks this coming Tuesday. He was very much aware of the date, not because it had been such an awesome night, but because it had been the last time, and he was painfully aware of that each night he crawled into bed with his sixteen-year-old son while his wife helped their thirteen-year-old guest deal with missing his mother. Of course he'd worn condoms, but they were not a hundred percent reliable, and Antoinette couldn't take birth control pills, because they made her gain weight she'd said. He'd noticed she seemed fatter, but had assumed that it was the rich food they'd been eating. "Me too," observed Annette quietly, delivering her last bad news. She might just as well get it in after the rest of her bad news she'd shared, and she might just as well get it over with. She wouldn't be able to keep it hidden forever. "Billy?" her mother asked. She nodded. "Good pie," Cory observed in the lengthy silence that followed. "Can I have a second piece?" The rest, too upset by the evening, left what was left of their first helping and headed off to bed. Placing Julian's and Julius's untouched plates before Cory, Antoinette placed a hand on his arm. "I think you know who the father is," she said quietly. It took him a moment to realize she was talking about herself and not Annette. "Me?" Cory asked, having never given it a thought. She nodded. "Fucking wild! I'm gonna be a dad! That's fucking awesome. What we gonna name him? Do you think it'll be a boy? Do you think he'll be like me?" "It's too early to tell if it will be a boy or a girl, but if it is a boy I'm sure he'll be like you. We'll have to talk about a name." She really had not thought of those aspects of her pregnancy. "You mind sleeping in François's old room tonight? I think Annette and I need to have a long talk." "Heck no, that's okay. I'll go right now," he said, picking up both of the plates. It had been a busy week and a busy day and it would be nice to have a good night's rest. He had a lot of sex stuff planned for the following week. As he drifted off to sleep, a smile on his lips, he wondered if the hidden cams he'd purchased with a bit of the earnings he was amassing from his share of the porn videos he and Billy were making, and that Billy had set up in each of the bedrooms for him last Thursday while they were at the soccer game and over at Schuller's would catch anything interesting.
Chapter Twenty-Five— Fg bb Mb —
Thanks to Billy for suggesting the lesbian scene between mother and daughter, and Anthony for suggesting the action involving Julius and his two sons. Annette reluctantly joined her mother in what she still thought of as her parent's bedroom though her father no longer slept there and Cody Wilson had taken his place beside her mother. Already ashamed and totally embarrassed, she didn't really want to talk anymore about what was going on in her life, and especially with her mother though she did love her mother and they'd always had a close and trusting relationship. It was only because she knew that her mother cared about her that she agreed to join her. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Antoinette patted beside her as she smiled reassuringly up at her teenage daughter. "So, did Billy say why he wanted you to shave your hair off?" she asked, starting with something she figured would be less emotional. "He said it would make my 3; my labia easier to see for the video." "The video?" Annette's lower lip quivered. "He 3; he took a picture of me shaving myself, and 3; and 3;" The tears began to flow. "There, there," Antoinette said, taking her daughter in her arms. "Just take a deep breath and take it slow. We have lots of time, all the time you need. And you know no matter what I love you." "Oh, Mommy! He's been taking pictures of me, ever since the first day, of us, of me, of everything, video pictures and still pictures." "My poor darling," she sympathized, stroking her daughter's beautiful, long, curly hair. She knew the man was scum the minute she saw him. All black men were scum. "And he's been making me do things, bad things." "Has he hurt you?" "No, not really. He's mean sometimes, but that's just the way he is, the way all black people are toward women, you know." "So what sort of things has he made you do?" "Pose naked 3; play 3; play with myself 3; have intercourse with him 3; and last Sunday suck his thing." Antoinette didn't know what to say. She'd suspected they'd been necking up in her room, but she'd had no idea things had gone that far. She was only fourteen! Her anger and natural instinct to protect her young welled up in her. "Does he know about the baby?" "Yes. I told him last Sunday." "And how does he feel about it?" "He was angry at first, said that it was my fault for not having taken birth control pills, but, but, I never expected to be having sex with a man, not yet, and not a black man," she sobbed, her tears overflowing once again. "It's not your fault, darling," Antoinette comforted, drawing her close. "Did he force himself on you that first day he arrived?" "Well, he didn't exactly force himself." "What do you mean?" "I, well, I wanted it," Annette confessed. "I wanted to do it." Antoinette could relate to that as irrational as it was for her fourteen-year-old daughter to want to have sex with a twenty-four-year-old black man. She'd felt the same way about Cory the very moment she'd laid eyes on him. She still did. Now that was irrational. "At first it was real nice. I mean I so enjoyed it, a lot. Is that wrong?" "No, of course not. Sex is a very powerful and very wonderful experience," Antoinette replied, thinking of her own experiences lately. "You and Cory are having sex, aren't you?" "Yes," she confessed, and it was not because of some subconscious prodding to be honest. They would all have to know sooner or later, and if knowing now helped Annette deal with her pregnancy, that was fine with her. "It's Cory's baby that you're having." "It is." "Does he know?" "I told him tonight. He's very happy about it, of course. All men want to have children. I'll, I'll have to tell your father at some time." "Do you have to?" "We have an honest relationship. I owe it to him to tell him the child in my womb is not his." "Why is this happening to us?" "I really don't know, but there is a reason for everything. Maybe 3; maybe it is God's way of testing us. Do you like this man Billy?" "Yes, yes I do, despite how he treats me. When 3; when we're making love it is wonderful, like you said." "Well then, don't you worry. Things will all turn out in the end. They always do. You just have to have faith." Drawing her daughter to her, she stroked her back and Annette snuggled in closer, seeking her mother's protection and comfort like she did when she was upset as a child. Their naked breasts pressed against each other. "You are a very beautiful girl. You'll have a beautiful child." "At least you and I will have a child together," Annette said with a weak smile. "Yes, we will," Antoinette replied, returning the smile. She kissed Annette on the cheek. It was salty with her tears. Annette wrapped her arms about her mother more tightly, pressing her firm, budding breasts against her mother's larger, softer ones. She ran her fingertips over her mother's belly, above the child inside her. Closing her eyes, Antoinette caressed her daughters back as she slowly ran her other hand up her left thigh. Down the hall, Anton and François twisted and turned, unable to sleep. "Anton," François finally said softly as he rolled over to face his brother. "Are you asleep?" "No. I can't sleep." "Me neither." "You excited about Mom having another baby?" "Yeah. I guess." He debated if he should share his suspicion with François. "And Annette. What relation would her baby be to us?" "Nephew if it's a boy. Niece otherwise. We'd be uncles." "That'd be cool." "Yeah. I guess." There was an awkward pause and each thought about things unsaid. "You know, the stuff we've been doing in the park 3;" Anton paused for a long time before rolling over to face his brother. "Yeah?" "Do you like it?" Anton paused another long time. "Well, yes, and no." "What do you mean?" "Well, I like it when we're doing it, when, well Bob is doing me. I mean, it feels good. But I don't like the way he looks down on us, or treats Dad. And after, when we get home, I feel all guilty and dirty and hate having done it, but then the next day I look forward to doing it again." "I feel so the same," François admitted with relief. "How can it feel so good that you wish you could do it every day, but make you feel so guilty at the same time?" "I dunno. Because it's wrong maybe. Maybe because we're keeping it a secret. Like when we were little and stole a cookie. It tasted great, but we felt guilty doing it." Seeing that his brother was near tears, he put his arm about him and hugged him. François snuggled in closer to him. "Why is it wrong?" "Well, men and boys shouldn't be doing that sort of stuff together. It's against the law." "What about boys and boys?" François asked, thinking of the time Cory and Terry had done things with them. "Well, that's different," Anton replied, thinking of Cory's party. "It's not against the law. But a lot of people don't think guys should do sex stuff together." "Even if it feels good?" "Yeah." "You feel that way?" Again there was a long pause. "No," Anton said softly though a part of him wanted to say yes. "My bumhole is so feeling itchy." Antoinette gently caressed her daughter's breasts. She had nice breasts for fourteen, firm and round and sitting high on her chest, just like hers were at that age. Soon they would be filling with milk and the nipples becoming extra sensitive, which if it was anything like it had been for her, would make her extra horny. She ran her finger tips over Annette's right nipple ever so gently, as only a woman knows how to do. Men are always so rough. Annette trembled at the touch of her mother's fingertips over her nipples, so soft and gentle, so loving, not like Billy's touch. Ripples of pleasure flowed out from them through her breasts. She ran her hand up from her mother's round belly to her breasts. They were large and full, and still firm, nice breasts considering she was forty. Most of her friends' mothers had sagging breasts or no breasts at all. Her mother was good looking, and many of her friends had said so. She copied her mother, running her finger tips over the nipples ever so lightly, and she felt them quickly grow firm. She was glad she was a girl. As her mother gently kissed one breast and then the other, she caressed her mother's shoulders, delighting in her gentle caresses and kisses of love. A new thrill ran though her breast as her mother nibbled on her aroused nipple, and then ran her tongue around the areole before slipping her lips over it and gently sucking. She wondered what it was going to be like to have a baby sucking on her breasts in another eight months, and what it would feel like to squirt milk out of those tender, sensitive nubs. As she sucked on her daughter's nipple, Antoinette slowly ran her hand down over her slightly bulging belly to her thighs. She caressed them with the same gentle, loving touch, and she smiled as her daughter squirmed with pleasure. She remembered as a young girl how she and her girlfriends would pretend one was the boy and the other would close her eyes and the 'boy' made gentle love to her just like they read in romance novels they kept hidden under the bed and shared with each other. She wondered if men ever were so gentle and so patient as they were in books. Her experience had been that men got aroused far too fast and wanted to move on from foreplay much too soon, not like the play she and her girlfriends used to engage in as they dreamed of the day they'd give themselves to their lovers. She ran her hand up to Annette's recently shaved pubes. The hair was short but still silky. She gently slipped her fingers lower. Her labia were partially swollen and Antoinette trembled with excitement and growing delight as she cupped her hand between her daughter's legs and rubbed gently. Wanting to please her mother and delighting in her gentle touch, Annette wiggled down and ran her tongue over her mother's breasts and over her nipples as her mother had done to her. She fastened her lips about a nipple and sucked gently, as she must have done a babe only fourteen years ago. It gave her a thrill of arousal to be sucking on those large, beautiful breasts again, and she hoped she'd have breasts so full and firm when she was her mother's age. She ran her right hand down over the curve of her mother's swelling belly to her long, silky hairs, the same reddish brown as her own. She dared to reach further, to run her fingers over her mother's pussy as her mother had done to her, wanting to give her the same pleasure. Her lips were swollen and as she caressed them, her mother squirmed with the erotic stimulation and she reached around her daughter and caressed her buttocks firmly and with growing arousal. Wiggling down again, Antoinette once more kissed her daughter's breasts and her nipples, and then slowly worked her way lower, kissing just below her breasts, her narrow waist, her delicate, beautiful little belly button, her smooth, shapely thighs. Inhaling deeply, she dared to kiss those lower lips, and encouraged by her daughter's sharp intake of breath and squirms of delight, she ran her tongue over the swollen folds which quickly parted. She ran her tongue over the now parted lips and over the sensitive clit, causing her daughter to moan with delight and her cunt to begin throbbing as it speeded the production of her female juices. Her own cunt was swollen and wet. Just talking had gotten Anton hard, which was not unusual. Hard was the usual state of the twelve-year-old's penis. When François confided that his bumhole was itchy, neither brother needed to say anything more. Stacking their pillows in the middle of the bed, François lay on his back with his buttocks raised on the pillows and his legs spread. Anton knelt between his younger brother's outspread legs, and using his spittle for lube as he'd learned at Cory's party, he slowly inserted his slender, three inch [7½cm] dick up his brother's anxiously awaiting rectum. It was only three inches [7½cm], but it felt wonderful to young François, and he clamped his anus shut about the hot, hard nail as Anton began to work his hips to and fro. His own little cocklet, the same size as his twelve-year-old brother's, was hard, and it twitched and jerked in the air as ripples of pleasure pulsated through his rectum and up the slender shaft of his boy cock. Reaching down, he stroked himself as his brother fucked him, and as he looked up into his brother's face the two boys smiled. On impulse, Anton leaned forward and kissed his brother tenderly in thanks for letting him fuck him, and because he loved him. François returned the kiss, his dick throbbing with even greater arousal. Their lips locked, Anton thrust his hips to and fro rapidly, the friction of his little nail head sending shards of pleasure through it. So locked in their pleasure, neither boy saw the figure standing in the doorway. Twisting around so they were head to toe, Annette snuggled closer to her mother and inhaling uncertainly, she tentatively ran her tongue over her mother's swollen, moist labia. To her surprise she found her mother's lubricant delightful, not at all like Billy's spooge. She inhaled deeply again, delighting in that erotic fragrance of a woman aroused, and began to lick her mother's cunt as eagerly and as lovingly as her mother was licking hers, causing her slick juices to flow all the faster. Love and tenderness quickly turned to lust as their clits sent shards of pleasure through their groins each time they were licked, and mother and daughter lapped at each other's dripping cunts like kittens at a plate of milk, smearing their lips, their chins, and their cheeks with each other's hot, sticky cunt juice. They caressed each other firmly now, almost desperately as they ground their hips into each other's face, their breathing loud and irregular. Thrills of arousal bolted through their swollen flesh as they tongued each other's clits and wiggled their tongues between swollen labia, pleasing each other in a way only one woman can please another. Anton's breathing was laboured too as he thrust his hips to and fro, fucking his brother rapidly, now for the pure pleasure it brought his throbbing, aching little boy cock. François tightened his legs about his brother's waist and threw back his head, his lips parted with pleasure also as his anus throbbed hotly and burned with pleasure and his little dicklet itched with a sweet pain as he tugged on it. The pleasure they were feeling was not new, but it was unique in that they were both doing what they wanted to without coercion or fear, and that made it all the better. Yes, there was doubt and shame, even as their bodies trembled with the waves of pleasure pulsating out from their union, the two boys having been raised in a Christian household with Christian values which were supported and supplemented daily at their private school. Boys having pleasure with each other was wrong according to their deeply held beliefs and those of their peers, and yet they knew first hand the delight it brought them. And so it was with those mixed emotions that Anton shuddered with his ejaculation and his delight, his quick and watery spurts squirting up his kid brother's rectum, and François in turn trembling with his own dry orgasm and delight, the result of having his ass fucked and from stroking himself. The two boys finally stopped bucking on the bed and lay there, Anton above François and between his legs, their thin chests rising and falling with their exertion and pleasure. "That was so great," François sighed as his brother finally rolled off him. "Thanks." "It was great," agreed Anton, his breathing still laboured. The shadow that had been watching hesitated for a moment and then slipped into the room. The two boys looked up suddenly in surprise and fear, and their looks quickly turned to shame and embarrassment. Having no clothes to cover themselves with and laying on top of the bed sheets, they could do nothing but lie there. "That's all right," Julius whispered softly. "I didn't mean to frighten you. There's nothing to be ashamed about. There is nothing wrong with what you just did." He sat on the bed beside them. "When guys are aroused, they need to have their needs satisfied. That is the way guys are. Actually, I'm glad to see the two of you have no problem with helping each other out that way." Being naked, Julius could not hide the fact he was aroused and had needs that very moment, the result of having seen his two sons fucking, and which had prompted him to enter Anton's room instead of returning to Julian's. His two sons could not help but notice his arousal. "Do me," Anton said as he looked up at his father with his big brown eyes. The look on his face and the tone of his soft alto voice was a combination of a directive, a request, and an offer. Having been unable to sleep what with the conversation earlier that evening, Julius had finally gotten up to talk to his wife, about her pregnancy and how she felt about having another of his children at this stage of their marriage, and of course about their daughter and her pregnancy and what they were going to do about it. Finding the door closed and hearing the laboured breathing and groans inside that could only be caused by one thing, he'd jumped to the conclusion, as ridiculous as it was, that she and Cory were engaged in what he could only describe as something vile and disgusting. Just as he was about to barge in, he heard the unmistakable voice of his older daughter. It was evidently some female thing she and her mother were engaged in, maybe something to do with their pregnancies, that breathing practice thing that some men, certainly not him, participated in with their wives so they could be part of the birth process. Relieved and ashamed of his suspicion, but still wide awake and upset, he'd continued down the hall. The sounds coming from Anton's bedroom were just as unmistakable, and the boys having not closed their door, he found this time his suspicion was correct. At first he'd been angry and sickened at finding his two sons engaged in a perverted, faggot act, and two and a half months ago he would have stopped them and punished them. A lot had happened these past nine weeks, especially to the two of them, and his initial response, the result of his own upbringing and deep-seated beliefs that still held sway over him, was replaced by a more moderate one, one of compassion and empathy, the response of a loving father. They were his sons whom he loved dearly, and like himself, victims. For that reason he had lingered at the door and when they'd finished, had decided to enter, to assure them what they were doing was not something to be ashamed of. There was another reason. Watching them had gotten himself highly aroused. Knowing what he was about to do was illegal and immoral, Julius nonetheless nodded and motioned for Anton to assume the position François had only minutes earlier. As he knelt between his twelve-year-old son's outspread legs, he knew he should not be doing what he was about to do, but he could not ignore the look on his son's face as he'd looked up at him, nor the throbbing desire between his legs, nor the fact that if he really believed what he'd just told his son then to refuse his offer would be telling his son he didn't really believe in what he'd just said. Working up a mouth of spittle, Anton spit in his hand and smeared his slime over his father's cockhead and worked it into his quivering, aching opening, which was just as itchy for a fucking as François' had been. He pushed out and stretched open his anus as he felt his father's firm knob pressing against his hole, and he sighed with the same pleasure as François had as he felt the knob pop into his hole, and then his father's hard, hot cock slowly penetrated him. Accustomed to being fucked by Bob Moser's seven-inch [18cm] cock, and often dry, Anton had little difficulty accommodating his father what with his spit for lube, in that he was eager for a fucking, and in that his father's dick was more slender than Bob Moser's. Julius trembled with the pleasure of having a hot, moist chamber finally enveloping his cock again, it having been over a month since he'd fucked his wife. He found himself delighting in his twelve-year-old son's eager, pulsating rectum as much as he'd delighted in his wife's cunt in the past. He began to work his hips to and fro slowly, wanting to be gentle with his son and wanting to enjoy the pleasure, but it felt so good and he was feeling so horny, he soon picked up the pace. He closed his eyes in ecstasy as he felt the ripples of stimulation throb about his cockhead and then up the core of his cock as he pumped it in and out of his son's hot, moist, throbbing hole just as his son had done to his kid brother minutes earlier. Taking advantage of his father's absence, Julian reached down and stroked his limp cock. It had only been a week and a half since his father had begun sleeping with him, but it seemed more like a month since he'd been able to lie back and have a nice, long wank in his own bed. Closing his eyes, he thought of Stacey Cosher, his girl, the big busted sixteen-year-old daughter of Calvin Cosher, the Chairman of the Royal Glencoe Academy for Boys Board of Trustees, and who attended the Gladys Harper Private School for Girls with his sisters. He thought about the two of them necking out at Make Out Point on Henderson Drive. He thought of the times he'd kissed her lips and had caressed those big boobs under her sweater. Slowly pulling back his foreskin and pushing it back up over his knob, he thought about the day she'd stroke him as part of their foreplay before they screwed. He imagined it was her hand as he shook his limp dick and fiddled with the knob. He thought of the day he'd fuck her, which had to be any day now from the way she looked at him and from the groping she'd allowed him. Frustrated with his lack of response, he shook his cock and rubbed the knob vigorously. He was still limp as when he'd begun despite the fact he hadn't jacked off for ages. In fact the last time he'd cum had been that embarrassing night a week ago when he'd shot off a load without even touching himself when his dad's hairy ass had brushed against his butt. Juliette, unable to sleep either, and taking advantage of her older sister's absence, crept out of her room and down the hallway, down past the closed door of her parent's bedroom, past her brothers' bedrooms, to the family room. There, wedged between the cushions on the sofa where he'd left them when he'd stripped after coming home, was the object of her late night excursion. Feeling a tingle of excitement and arousal as she grabbed them and bunched them up into a ball, she hurried back to her room before anyone saw her. Laying down on Annette's bed, she brought the underwear to her nose and inhaled deeply. As she reached down and began to stroke herself between the legs, she rubbed the used briefs over her cheeks and then down over her smooth, flat chest. Her breasts still had the pads of baby fat and as she rubbed the soiled underwear over them and her nipples, her nipples tingled and grew firm, sending strange, unbefore felt ripples of pleasure through her little girl mounds. She buried her nose in the used underwear and inhaled deeply as her fingers continued down over her flat stomach and smooth pubes to the slit below. Rubbing her young, hairless cunt and finding her clitoris and fingering it, she trembled with the strange new pleasure. Spreading apart her legs, she played with herself in innocent exploration, seeking the same intense pleasure as she'd felt the last time she'd sought out their boy guest's underwear and fiddled with her privates. Rubbing her little pussy more firmly, she delighted in the ripples of pure pleasure that pulsating out from her little cunt and through her naked body. As she sniffed his underwear thoughts of the night Cory had taken her out on Halloween, and the phenomenal collection of candy people had given the two of them, filled her mind. She, like François, who'd made the same haul with Cory later, was enamoured by the family's young guest. Annette and Antoinette were squirming and quivering like two insane women as they desperately sucked and licked each other's hot, throbbing cunt, their lips, chin and cheeks glistening with each other's cunt juices which were now flowing copiously from their aroused pussies. They ran their tongues over the groove between each other's labia and opened their own labia up to the other's tongue. Antoinette pressed her lips against her daughter's hot, juicy cunt lips and inserted her tongue as far as she could into the slimy, hot cavity. Finding her clitoris, she darted her tongue at it as a snake darts out its tongue, sending her daughter into spasms of ecstasy and her cunt to produce still more juice. As she felt her daughter copying her, pressing her lips against her cunt and inserting her tongue as she'd just done, and then licking her gaping, dripping slit and tonguing her clit, Antoinette gasped and quivered with the same spasms of desire as her daughter. Reaching their climaxes simultaneously, they groaned and quivered with the intense pleasure throbbing through their groins and shooting up their vaginas. They bucked their hips to and fro and twisted on the bed, their hands caressing each other rapidly and disjointedly, rubbing each other's firm butts, massaging each other's back, and kneading each other's buttocks. Arching their backs and burying their heads between each other's legs, they sucked and licked each others dripping pussies furiously as wave after wave of orgasm rippled through their groins. Down the hall Julius was panting and gasping also as he grasped Anton's hot little body tightly and thrust his hips forward one last time. His cum spurted out of his stiff, aching cock with such force he would not have been surprised to see it spurting out the boy's mouth. Spurt after spurt shot out of the burning tip of his throbbing cock, filling his twelve-year-old son's ass. It felt even better than the last time he'd had sex with his wife. He groaned with the pleasure of his violent ejaculation in unabashed ecstasy. As he looked down at the flushed, contented face of his son and his son smiled as he looked back up at his father, and as François sat there beside the two of them witness to their ecstasy, the three knew what Julius had said about there being no shame in two guys having sex was true. By then Juliette was rubbing her little hairless cunt vigorously, pressing the four fingers of her hand against the swollen lips and working her open hand up and down between her legs, causing her labia to burn and throb with that strange combination of pain and pleasure and to ache for that ultimate conclusion. She felt the growing tension between her legs that she'd felt at the beginning of the week, causing her to rub all the more firmly as she buried her nose in the warm, used underwear and inhaled deeply. She sought out that single spot toward the top of her crack that she'd discovered sent particularly sharp shivers of delight through her aching, swollen cunt and through the rest of her body, and finding it, she rubbed it vigorously until groaning and thrusting her hips in the air, the seven-year-old reached the second climax of her young life. Down the hall, Julian finally gave up, unable to achieve an erection no matter how sexy and dirty his thoughts had been, and nowhere near bringing himself off. It had to be the tension of the night, and his worries about if he'd ever make out with Stacey Cosher, and of his father coming back and catching him playing with himself. Those had to be the reasons. And, through it all, Cory Wilson slept the deep, blissful sleep of the blessed and dreamed the sweet dreams of a thirteen-year-old boy. The thoughts and desires triggered by the copper headband proceeded now on their own, following their own natural path and no longer needing the guidance of a conscious mind, as the creator of the headband had intended.