PZA Boy Stories
Chapter 19: ttbb — Chapter 20: ttbb Mb

Daemon Way


Chapter Nineteen

— ttbb —

Thanks to Absalom for the ideas in this chapter.

As they sat at the kitchen table, Anton could not stop looking at Cory so it was impossible for him not to get caught no matter how quickly he glanced away whenever Cory looked in his direction. For the past two nights he'd heard the noises coming from his mom's bedroom, and the twelve-year-old was pretty sure he knew what they were. In the mornings, he'd seen Cory leaving the bedroom and heading to the bathroom. That could only mean one thing, but that was repulsive. Cory was only a year older than he was. He couldn't possibly be screwing his mom! As much as he feared the answer, and as embarrassing as it was to ask, he had to know. Inhaling deeply, he opened his mouth when his sister walked into the room. He quickly closed his mouth and averted his eyes, but not before he got a glimpse of her naked body and his dick immediately sprang to attention. He couldn't help it. It was always doing that, and besides, she had nice boobs, firm and round and sticking straight out. The problem was, she was his sister. Getting a boner over her was as disgusting as the idea of Cory screwing his mother. Cory got up and headed down the hall. Anton followed, his stiff boner leading the way. Even though they'd been going nude at home now for a week, he still was uncomfortable and embarrassed, as he knew his sister was, but he also knew she couldn't help but steal glances at him as he had stolen of her. At first he'd tried to keep himself covered, but you can't always keep both your butt and your dick hidden and he'd finally given up trying, as she and the rest of the family had. Cory entered Anton's parent's bedroom and began getting dressed. With Anton's father now sleeping with his older brother in his bed, Cory had moved his suitcase and his stuff into his parent's bedroom.

"You going out?"

"Yeah, to the seven-eleven."

"Can I come?"

"Sure," Cory replied with a shrug. "If you can get your pants over your boner." Anton turned a bright red and Cory flashed him an impish smile. Anton was constantly as hard as a nail, and Cory took great delight in his embarrassment. If that wasn't embarrassing enough, the twelve-year-old's dick was only three inches [7½cm] hard, the same as his nine-year-old brother's. Knowing how Anton thought he was better than he was and would prefer not to have anything to do with him, he was surprised he'd asked to join him and he had to wonder why.

He could have asked his question in the bedroom, but that was an awkward place, in his parent's bedroom, and besides, he was standing there naked and with a bone on. Maybe it would be easier to ask while they were dressed, while they were biking or maybe after they went to the store. He wasn't sure just how he'd say it. How does a guy ask another guy if he's screwing his mom? As they stepped outside, Anton's best buddy Jason rode up the drive on his bike. He wondered what he should do. He could stay back and visit with Jason, but that would mean going in the house, and Jason maybe seeing his parents or his brother or sister naked before they got to François' former bedroom where it was decided guys could be alone to entertain their friends, or they'd have to go somewhere else.

"You going somewhere?" Jason asked.

"Seven-eleven," Cory responded.

"This is, ah, Cory. He's staying with us while his parents are away," introduced Anton. "This is my friend Jason."

"Hi," Jason greeted with a nod and a smile. "I don't think I've seen you around."

"I live in Briarwood. I go to Lincoln Junior High where Anton's dad teaches."

"Oh, I see," Jason responded, the cordial look on his face suddenly changing as if he'd just smelled something bad.

"Why don't you come with us?" Cory offered, having seen the look on his face and knowing the last thing a snob like Jason wanted to do was chum around with someone from Briarwood.

"Ah, yeah, sure," he said to Cory's surprise. Actually, he and Anton often visited each other and Anton had not invited him over to his house all week, and he had been acting strangely at school besides. Now finding him chumming with someone from Briarwood, he was even curious what was going on with his best buddy.

Arriving at the seven-eleven, Cory ran into his friends Anthony and Terry, and after buying a Slurpee and two large Nachos and cheese, one for his friends and one for himself although he'd just had lunch, he suggested they bike over to Westside Park. Just the mention of the park set off a flicker of alarm in Anton's eyes. Cory loved it. Let him squirm like his father had made him squirm hundreds of times. Arriving at the park, he headed over toward the west end where the clearing was on purpose to increase Anton's anxiety. It served him right being such a prick and an arrogant snob.

Spotting Jonah and his family having their Sunday picnic, he stoped and invited Jonah to join them, figuring he'd give the poor kid a break from having to spend the afternoon with his tyrannical father and his sermons. Pastor Winthrop was uncertain. The last time Jonah had joined Cory he'd returned all excited about dogs, and for the past month had befriended every dog in the neighbourhood, all of whom seemed to be taking an instant liking to the boy. In that the Lord had given man charge of the beasts, tamed and wild, to see the boy having such compassion did his heart good, especially since until then the boy hadn't seemed to be interested in anything and had walked around sullen all the time. The only cause he could see was the afternoon spent with Cory and his friend's pet. On the other hand, his son was only seven, and Cory and his friends were twelve and thirteen, much too old for him, and at that age where they needed constant supervision to prevent them from getting into trouble. Still, Cory had invited him, so Jonah had to be having some influence on him also and heaven's knows the boy needed spiritual guidance, so in the end he relented and allowed Jonah to go with them.

Dominic Halder was out for a Sunday afternoon bicycle ride also. As he spotted Cory and his group biking across the park and heading for the shade of a cluster of tall elms, he watched Cory with envy. He had friends too, but none that were really close like Cory did. He was shy and quiet and though physically fit, he was not that coordinated when it came to sports, not having much opportunity to practice and being more interested in reading and school than athletics which made him well liked by teachers, none of which endeared him to the other boys. Cory, on the other hand, was outgoing, great at sports, daring, and made friends easily, all which other boys valued. It had been a month since the Interfaith Prayer meeting in support of families, one of the best days of his life, and one he'd thought about every night since as he played with his dick and wished he and Cory could become buddies.

As he was about to lie down, Cory noticed Dominic standing on the path with his bike looking rather lonely and forlorn as he watched them and he waved for him to come join them. Dominic wasn't the sort of guy he normally chummed around with, being much too serious and studious for his liking, but he was always a good source to copy his homework from, and he still figured there had to be away to use the fact that Dominic's dad was the Area Superintendent of Schools to make Goosey Gilles's life more miserable than he was already making it. Besides, Dominic was sort of naive, and it had been hot introducing him to the joys of sex that Sunday. Dominic's face brightened as he saw Cory wave and he hurried across the grass. Stripping off his shirt in the warm afternoon sun, Cory laid down on the grass and Dominic did likewise. He totally admired Cory and wished he could be around him all the time, and whatever Cory did, that had to be the right thing to do. Offering Dominic some Nachos, Cory looked up into the sky. "Look at that cloud," he observed. "Looks like a sail ship."

"Yeah, it does," agreed Anthony as he plopped down on the other side of Cory and helped himself to some Nachos. "And that one looks like an iceberg."

"Maybe they're not really clouds. Maybe it's a ghost ship, the Titanic, and that's a ghost ice berg," Dominic dared to suggest. He was not comfortable speaking up in a crowd and seldom said more than a sentence, but he wanted to impress Cory. The boys all laid back and engaged in the age-old tradition of picking images out of the clouds.

"That one looks like a ghost."


"Over there. Above those trees and look straight up."

"That one looks like an ice cream cone."

"Oh yeah! Can you imagine licking a cone that size?"

"Hey, look at that one. It looks like a butt!" The boys giggled.

"Can you imagine sticking your dick in a butt that big," observed Cory, causing his friends to giggle even more. He noticed Jason glancing over at Anton with sort of a shocked look. He was evidently as big a prude as Anton.

"Can a guy really do that?" seven-year-old Jonah asked, having been introduced to finger fucking his ass by Cory a month ago and which he'd done practically every night as he lay in his bed ever since.

"Stick his dick in a cloud?" asked Cory teasingly, causing still more laughter.

"Wonder what it would be like to stick your dick in a cloud," mused Terry.

"Probably like sticking it in a ball of cotton candy," Anthony observed.

"Oh yeah? And what does that feel like, Anthony?" Cory asked with an impish grin.

"Smart ass," he replied, giving Cory a punch in the arm. "I'd imagine it'd be sticky."

"And sweet," observed Terry.

"Would make your dick taste good," observed Cory.

"Hey, my dick tastes good without dipping it in cotton candy!"

"Oh yeah? How you know? Been sucking yourself off?" teased Terry.

"That's what you told me last time you did me, don't you remember?"

"Fuck you," Terry responded with a grin.

"You'd like it a lot better than fucking a cloud."

"Well, one thing is for sure, sticking your dick up a butthole is sweet," Cory observed, glancing over at Anton meaningfully. "Real sweet," he added, rubbing his crotch as he continued to stare at Anton.

"Anton thinks fucking ass is hot too," Anthony observed, having been there fucking Anton's kid brother while Cory had fucked Anton, and of course both he and Terry having seen Bob Moser fucking the shit out of him. "Look, it's given him a boner."

Anton turned a bright red as all the boys looked his way. He was stiff, again.

"Hey, you guys know what losing your cherry means," Anthony stated as a fact.

"Of course," Cory and Terry reply.

"I don't," observed Jonah.

"It means when someone fucks or gets fucked for the first time. When they lose their virginity," Anthony explained.

"You still got your cherry?" Cory asked, looking up at Jason, who immediately turned as red as Anton, who was relieved that at least the attention had been drawn away from him. "Bet with your good looks you've been in all sorts of girls' panties," he continued.

"Well," Jason replied with a shrug and a smug grin, as Cory knew he would. He might think the conversation coarse and beneath him, but he had an ego like any other guy.

"Anyway," Anthony continued, "you know what it's called when a guy gets his ass fucked for the first time?" Everyone shook their head. "Losing his prune." Everyone laughed and snorted in amusement.

"What about you Jason? Have you lost your prune too?" Cory asked.

"Of course not!"

"Well, in my opinion there's nothing hotter that having your dick up a hot, throbbing ass, nor nothing more soothing for a guy's boner," Cory observed, purposefully looking over at Anton again. "And sticking it up a guy for his very first time has gotta be the best fuck ever." He smiled at Anton, who was sweating with the fear Cory was going to tell everyone that he'd stuck him up the ass for his very first time, and several times since. Cory let out a loud burp.

"That was well brought up," observed Terry.

"Too bad Cory wasn't," joked Anthony, resulting in a punch in the arm.

"I gotta go take a piss," Cory said as he got to his feet.

As he headed over to the bushes, Dominic paused, and then got up and caught up to him. As Cory pushed down his jeans and the front of his underwear, so did Dominic.

"So, you been jerking off regular?" Cory asked, glancing down at Dominic's cock as he began to let loose a stream. He loved the way it looked, long and slender and white with his long foreskin forming a tube extending beyond his knob. The skin was so pale you could see the head inside.

"Well, sortta."

"How do you sortta jerk off?" Cory asked as Dominic began to piss also.

"Well, I dunno, maybe I'm doing it wrong."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, I can't get it to go hard, not like the day the three of us done it."

"You can't?"

"Yeah, no matter how I rub it, or how hard, or nothing." Incredibly horny since the time he'd spent with Cory and Jonah, having discovered sex play he ached for more and had quickly become addicted to playing with himself. However, though it felt good when he rubbed it, which he did practically every night since, he found he could not get hard no matter how horny he was or how hard he tried. He'd even tried to pull his foreskin right back like Cory had shown him and Jonah that afternoon, but it was so tight that it hurt. Even when soft he didn't dare pull it back.

"That sucks. I never heard of a guy not being able to get it hard, except maybe if they were real old, like fifty or something."

"Maybe something's wrong with me."

"Well, maybe you're just not ready yet, like you know, guys get hairs at different ages, and some guys can cum and some can't," observed Cory.

"I guess," Dominic said disappointedly. The two boys watched their streams dwindle and then shook themselves off. Inhaling deeply, Dominic summoned up his courage. "That stuff we were talking about sticking a guy's thing up another guy's butt."


"You ever stick yours up a guy's butt?"

"Yeah, sure. Lots of times," Cory bragged.

"You like it?"

"When I said there was nothing hotter I meant it," Cory replied. He hadn't been that sharp, but seeing the taken-aback look on Dominic's face he realized he'd been too abrupt for someone as gentle and shy as Dominic. Came from living with Anton and François for a week. "Why do you ask?" he asked, trying to sound more gentle.

"Well," Dominic said, looking down as he scuffed the toe of his runner in the grass, "if you like it, and would like to do it especially with a guy who's never done it, well, I still got my prune, if you want it."

"You're serious?"

Dominic nodded, holding his breath as he slowly looked up at his classmate with his pretty steel-blue eyes. Having no love or compassion at home from his father or his seventeen-year-old sister, he had a desperate desire to please people in his need for friendship, and he especially wanted to please Cory, not just for how he'd treated him on the Interfaith prayer day, but because he admired him. He brushed the errant strand of fine blond hair away from his nose where it kept falling.

"This afternoon?"

Dominic nodded again. His lungs were beginning to ache.

"You mind if Anthony joins us?"

"No. I don't mind. They all can if you want." For Cory he would do anything, anytime.

Cory thought for a moment, the wheels in his mind spinning. "Losing your prune is a big event. How'd you like some pictures of it?"

"Sure," Dominic said with a shy shrug. He was willing to do whatever Cory suggested.

"Then let's do it," Cory said with a broad grin, making Dominic's heart ache he was so happy.

Returning to the others, Cory took the last of the Nachos and scooping up the last of the cheese, popped it in his mouth. He could tell Jason was disgusted that he'd eat without washing his hands after pissing. He debated if he should include him in his afternoon plans, or send him and Anton back home, and decided it could be fun to have them along and see just how far he could get them to go. When he told everyone he and Dominic were going to his house for some hot fun with his parents being away and the house empty and they could join them if they wanted, from the look on his face and the tone of his voice and the conversation they'd just had, it was pretty evident that whatever they were going to do, it was something parents would not approve, and likely involved sex.

Anthony and Terry of course immediately said yes, and Jonah said he'd like to but his father would likely say no. Anton, embarrassed by the early conversation and worried just what Cory might reveal about what he and Anthony had already done with him and his brother and the goings on in his house, and fearful just what else Cory might have in mind, was relieved at the opportunity for Jason and him to leave. Jason, even more embarrassed by the conversation they'd been having, and disgusted with their crudeness, was just as eager. Kids from Briarwood and who went to the public school really were vulgar scumbags.

"Unless you're chicken to have a little real guy fun," added Cory, looking at Jason and Anton with a smug leer that was obviously a dare.

"You calling us chicken?" asked Jason.

"You coming?"

"Your parents aren't home?"

"Aren't even in the fucking city. We can fuck around all we want."

"All right," Jason said, putting on a false front of bravado. He had a bad feeling about this, but he had no choice.

Borrowing Anthony's cell phone and calling Billy Dean to come to his house with his cameras and telling the others he'd meet them there while he and Jonah got permission from Jonah's father, figuring it best just the two of them approach him, he headed off to find Jonah's family. "So, any idea how we might convince your dad to let you come with us?"

"Well, he sortta likes you."

Cory doubted that very much. "Guess telling him we're going for some jacking off wouldn't be a good idea," Cory said with a smile, causing Jonah to giggle. He loved his high pitched, young boy laugh. "You been jerking off a lot?"

Jonah nodded with a wide-mouthed, innocent grin of a seven-year-old. "And not just me," he said secretively, his deep blue eyes twinkling.

"No? Who else?"

"Rover, and Pal, and Knight and Dante."


Jonah nodded with that same bright, toothy grin, his long, gorgeous blond hair bobbing about his head. "Lad's not the only one who likes his dicky rubbed," he advised seriously.

Cory laughed as he clapped him on the back. Seeing the boys returning, just the two of them, and in such comradery, Jonah's father was pleased that Cory had chosen his son's company over the others, and when Cory asked if Jonah could come to his house to look up dogs on the Internet, he readily agreed. Jonah was clearly having a wholesome effect on the teenager.

By the time they caught up to the others and they got to Cory's house, Billy was there waiting. From the look on Jason's face when he saw him, he was evidently as prejudiced as the Gilles's. Taking Billy aside and explaining why he'd asked him to come over, Billy was more than eager to assist, and with his experience in making and selling boy porn, he had a plan in seconds. Dominic stared down at the pavement shyly and blushed with embarrassment as Cory explained to the others that he was going to take Dominic's prune, and that Billy was going to tape it. He really didn't care if the others knew and watched as he'd said. If it was something that would please Cory he'd do whatever he was told.

Listening to Billy's plan, Anthony and Terry glanced at each other with excitement, eager to begin, their young teenage dicks itching with arousal. Jason looked at Anton with drop-jawed surprise, unable to believe what he was hearing. After all he'd been through, Anton was not surprised at all. He also knew that like it or not, they had no way out without looking like losers. So, while Billy set up the cameras, he suggested what the boys talk about when he began shooting, which was not difficult to remember being typical teenage boy stuff, and the conversation being kept to a minimum. A plot was not what those who would buy the tape were primarily interested in. Dominic having a major role, Billy took him aside for more detailed coaching. Receiving their key lines, they all headed outside except Cory and Dominic, and Billy began shooting the video while Dominic took still pictures behind the scenes. Anthony and Terry were the first to arrive, and answering the door bell Cory invited them in. They were followed by Jason and Anton, who like Anthony and Terry pretended they'd just dropped by to visit, and then Jonah. Having turned the shooting of still pictures with the digital camera over to Anthony, Dominic slipped out the back door and came around the front and rang the bell. They gathered in Cory's bedroom and broke out the pop and chips and talked about school, quickly getting to girls and sex and the fact Cory's parents weren't home.

"Cynthia is really starting to get boobs, have you noticed?" improvised Anthony and referring to one of their classmates.

"How can a guy not notice?" Terry observed, making a cupping gesture in front of him, causing the boys to laugh, some more genuinely than others, but those who were clearly acting appeared to be embarrassed and just going along with the others, which actually added to the reality of the film.

There being a lull in the conversation, Jason glanced at the others and then at Billy to see if he should say his line despite Billy's warning to totally ignore his presence. "You really believe that Marcie is putting out like Greg said?" he asked, his cue line provided by Billy.

"No way. That's just Greg talking," Dominic responded as Billy had suggested.

"Too bad, she has one hot looking ass," Anton observed, reciting his cue line in a disinterested monotone.

"Oh yeah, I'd love to screw it," Terry adlibbed.

"Your sister's got a nice ass too, Anton," Cory said, also improvising.

Anton turned a bright red at the mention of his sister, perfect for the film and Billy zoomed in on his face. His embarrassment and the mention of his sister would make a nice touch. Of course he didn't realize Cory was referring to Annette, whom Billy had been screwing for the past month.

"Just thinking about it has given him a boner," Anthony pointed out, and of course Billy zoomed down to his bulging crotch as everyone laughed. This was going to be one hell of hot video. Out of sight of the camera, Anthony also took a picture of his protruding jeans.

"That don't mean nothing. Anton's always got a boner."

"Don't we all?" Anthony asked, Billy having told them to get into how they were all horny.

"Oh man, this talk is getting me horny," Terry observed, thinking the same thing as Anthony.

"Me too! I'd love to have a piece of ass right now," Cory groaned, his key line.

"Well, there's lots of asses in the room. Which one would you like?" Anthony joked, delivering the punch line as Billy had instructed.

"Let's see 3; ," Cory said looking at each of them as Billy panned each boy with a close up of his face. Anthony and Terry were naturals, besides being good looking their eyes sparkling with humour and their downy cheeks flushed with sexual arousal. Anton and Jason on the other hand were perfect as the two boys who were going along with the others but not so sure they were agreeing with what was happening, which was exactly how they were feeling and exactly what their faces were revealing. Dominic of course looked just as shy and innocent as he was, saying little and letting the others do the talking, as did cute seven-year-old Jonah who was just as awed and bewildered by the whole conversation as he looked. "I pick 3; Dominic."

Of course everyone knew that was going to be the choice, but the look of delight in the shy twelve-year-old's pretty eyes and his modest smile had Billy erect as he zoomed in on his face. "All right!" observed Terry and the others cheered and hooted as Billy zoomed in on each of their faces, showing the genuine horny excitement in the sparkling eyes and moist lips of Anthony and Terry, the looks of reserved cheering by Anton and Jason, and Jonah's wide-eyed look of innocence as he took everything in. The two boys began to strip, Cory quickly unbuttoning his shirt and chucking it on the bed and then pulling down his fly and pushing down his jeans before sitting on the bed to untie his runners and remove them and his socks. Dominic was clearly much more self-conscious as he fumbled with his buttons and then with his zipper.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Anthony as Dominic eased down his jeans.

"Fucking wicked!" agreed Terry as the boys stared wide-eyed at the sheer nylon double string backless thong Dominic was wearing, courtesy of Billy and which he'd switched with his usual white briefs before circling around to come in the front door. The see-through brown mesh was tied about his narrow waist with a dark-brown shoestring band while the other fastened in the middle on the underside of the thong under his balls looped around the curves of his white ass cheeks to tie at the sides. You could make out the contours of his cocklet and balls in the nylon pouch. The thong contrasted sharply with his light skin, being so pale it was almost milk white.

"Very sexy!" agreed Cory, causing Dominic to blush with pride.

"Oh yeah, I got to get me a pair of those," said Anthony.

"Okay, someone has to get his asshole good and slippery with their spit," Cory announced as he looked around as Billy had suggested to him while everyone was outside. While Anton cringed in dread that he'd be selected, Anthony, Terry and Jonah stood there ready to do it and Jason stood there in disbelief. He couldn't believe any of this, and his face showed it. It was a handsome face, jet black hair gelled and highlighted, dark brown, piercing eyes, a flat nose and sensuous lips. Billy would love to make him a star in his very own video. Cory slowly looked at one and then the other, and then slowly back again. "Anton."

Anton's heart sank. He knew it. Why did it have to be him? And why did it have to be with Jason there. He could only imagine what his best buddy would think of him after this afternoon. He also knew he had no choice. If he refused, the others would call him a prude or a loser or a chicken. Besides, he had no idea what the black guy would do if he ruined the video. Telling Dominic to lie down on his back and to raise his hips and throw his legs over his head as Billy had told him to, Cory looked up at Anton expectantly. He could have worn his headband and used it to influence Anton, and the others, but he wanted to see just how perverted he'd gotten Anton, and he wanted Dominic's pleasure to be all his own without his mental help. He could see the hesitation and revulsion in Anton's eyes, and for a minute he thought Anton would refuse, but with a look of helplessness and surrender, he knelt down on the bed beside Dominic.

Working up a mouth of spittle as Dominic pulled apart his ass cheeks and stretched open his pale little pucker, the same creamy white as the rest of his body, Anton leaned forward and slowly drooled into the opening, causing everyone's dicks to throb with arousal, even his own and Jason's as the little cavity quickly filled up with his slimy spit. Working up another mouthful, he bent over again and placing his lips against the stretched open hole, he blew his spit into Dominic's rectum as Cory instructed. He wished he could keep his face buried in Dominic's ass forever so he wouldn't have to look at the others. Of course Billy zoomed in on his smooth, puckered lips pressed against Dominic's asshole and the vacant look in his brown eyes.

"Now I need someone to suck my dick and get it nice and hard and wet," Cory observed, again slowly glancing at each of them, the four remaining boys looking back with the same response as before. Having picked Anton, Jason was sure Cory was going to pick him, and he had a good idea why, because he was from Eaglemont and Cory was from Briarwood. Why his buddy Anton had readily done the filthy, perverted thing he was doing he had no idea, but there was no way he'd ever do that, or suck dick, especially the dick of someone from Briarwood.

"Jonah," Cory announced, and the seven-year-old happily bounced onto the bed like a little sex bunny. It had been almost two months since he'd last sucked Cory's cock, but he remembered the first and only time he'd done it and how good it had made him feel. Squatting down beside him, he leaned over and took his limp cock in his mouth and began to suck. He knew it was dirty and sinful and his father would be horrified if he knew what he was doing, which made it all the more fun and exciting. He sucked on the smooth, limp sausage and slid his lips up and down over it, delighting in the perversity of having a boy's thing in his mouth. The eagerness of the boy and the warmth and heat of his mouth soon had Cory swelling and he lay back and enjoyed the pleasure of having someone else get him hard as he watched Anton blowing still another mouthful of spit up Dominic's hole. His smooth cheeks were smeared and his chin dribbling with the spit that had oozed out of Dominic's hole and over his butt. It did not take long for Cory to get hard. Billy had Jonah work up a mouth of spittle and then drool it over Cory's stiff cock and smear it over the knob and shaft with his tongue until they were slimy with his bubbly spit. The sight of the blond, blue-eyed angel running his tongue over the knob and shaft of the stiff early-teen cock had Billy oozing pre-cum big time.

The boy then held Cory's cock upright by the base while Dominic got up and squatted over his body facing him. To Billy the boy was another angel with his pretty eyes, fine blond hair, and smooth white skin. Although he would be thirteen in another month, he was small for his age, weighing only eighty pounds [36kg] and being four foot seven [1.40m], making him look much younger than he was. Waiting until he felt Cory's knob wedged in his opening, he then pushed out with his stomach muscles as Billy instructed as he slowly lowered his body onto the hot teen cock. He grunted with the effort, and the pain. Despite the spit and Cory's cock being slender, Dominic was a virgin and his hole tight. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he continued to lower himself, wanting to please Cory and to fit in with his friends, and wanting to feel his stiff boyhood inside him. He'd never felt so horny as he did that moment. Anthony and Terry urged him on, promising him how great it was going to feel. He strained and he felt his virgin sphincter stretching until he was sure he could take the pain no longer when suddenly he felt Cory's mushroom-shaped cap pop inside his rectum and he was penetrated for the first time in his life. Gasping with the sensation and panting loudly, he slowly slid down his slender, spit-slick shaft to the base where he felt Cory's curly hairs pressing against his naked butt. He rested for a moment getting used to Cory's hot cock being inside him, a totally awesome and novel feeling, and then he rose up until he could feel the knob stretching open his sphincter once again before slowly lowering himself back down.

So as the others gathered around the bed and watched, he began to fuck himself on Cory's stiff cock. He fucked slowly at first, but as the moans of pain and discomfort began to turn into moans of pleasure, he began to fuck himself faster. Terry and Anthony had been right. It felt totally awesome, and looking down at Cory's smiling face, he could tell Cory was enjoying it too which made it even better. Following Billy's instructions, Jonah reached over and untied first one side and then the other of the nylon thong, and then untied the top and pulled off the sheer undergarment. Dominic was still soft and his tiny, as of yet undeveloped balls were drawn up tight under his dick so that at first glance it looked like he had none at all. As he rode Cory's cock, his limp dick flopped up and down, dangling and bouncing between his outspread legs.

Gasping with the exertion of his perverse sit-ups and the pleasure throbbing through his rectum, he flexed his legs faster and faster, riding Cory's stiff, throbbing cock so hard the bed bounced even with the other five boys sitting on it and watching. The heat of the seven randy boys clustered together combined with his exertion soon had the boy sweating. His steel-blue eyes were half closed with ecstasy behind fluttering blond eyelids as the sweat trickled down his sides from his smooth, hairless pits and down the pale, almost white skin of his thin chest, down over his flat boy stomach and over his naked pubes. He could feel it trickling down his back and down along the crack of his butt. Ever so slowly his cocklet began to rise, and seven-year-old Jonah brought everyone's attention to the fact he was getting hard, which caused his cock to rise even faster. What he'd been unable to achieve for the past month he was now achieving, in the presence of his classmates and the two strangers, and in front of the black man who was photographing the event. He flexed his leg muscles still faster, driving his body up and down the stiff, throbbing cock up his asshole as his own little cocklet rose until it was rock hard, harder than he could ever imagine it could be. His little balls had drawn up so tight you could barely see them under his now stiff, aching cocklet, sticking up like a pale white sausage, the long foreskin still extending past his knob.

He fucked himself furiously, enjoying the immense pleasure of his erection and the pleasure on Cory's face, enjoying the growing excitement and comradery of the boys watching, all of whom were fully aroused themselves and who were groping themselves between the legs, even Jason. Fucking now as hard as he could, his stiff cocklet jerked up and down as his smooth ass slapped down on Cory's smooth thighs and the errant strand of fine blond hair slipped down in front of his eyes once more to bounce against his nose. He had loosened up and the sluck of spit lubricating his asshole could be heard above his panting as he furiously rode Cory's stiff cock to the cheers of his audience, which drove him on even harder. Striving to please and to fit in and to make others happy, he delighted as much in their acceptance as he did in the pleasure now pulsating through his rectum and his stiff cock. The smile on Cory's face brought him the greatest delight of all. Totally admiring the daring, outgoing boy who had reached out to be his friend, he would do anything for him.

So filled with pleasure his pounding heart felt like it was going to burst, Dominic suddenly moaned still louder and his body shuddered with his first dry orgasm from anal stimulation alone. Gasping in pure ecstasy, he continued to fuck himself as his boy pussy tightly clamped Cory's hard teen cock over and over again with each spasm of his dry orgasm. He could not get enough and continued fucking in a mad frenzy minutes after his orgasm had passed, his anus burning hotly and his rectum throbbing in time with his heartbeat. Both Cory and Dominic were covered in sweat and both groaning and gasping with the pleasure that only boys can know, both oblivious to their audience.

Through it all, Dominic's tight foreskin had remained over his stiff, bouncing cocklet. Following Billy's instructions, Jonah reached out and grabbed the bouncing pork sausage and pulled down on the silky smooth foreskin. Dominic tensed with the pain, his skin being so tight that even when soft he'd dared not pull it back. The tip of his little knob peeked out of the unfolding skin like a flushed, frightened, little one-eyed beast. His knob could be seen under the fine, white skin, a slight bulge hardly larger than the width of his shaft. Jonah yanked down hard, causing Dominic to yelp with a combination of extreme pain and pleasure as his knob was exposed for the very first time, even Dominic having never seen it before.

As he dropped down hard onto Cory's cock, the pain of his foreskin being fully drawn back and his knob exposed caused him to clamp the mouth of his boyhole so tightly around the base of Cory's cock that it cut off his circulation. Unable to last any longer, Cory felt the familiar twang deep in his loins as he began to cum, but his slender cock was gripped so tightly by Dominic's asshole it held his cum back. For a minute the two were locked together with their bodies stretched out and taut as bow strings until finally as his moans grew softer, Dominic began to relax his boyhole. Cory's cum, the most immense load he has ever built up, shot up the core of his numb cock and up inside Dominic like a high pressure hose.

Cory heaved his hips up, lifting Dominic with him as he felt his thick cum finally burning up the core of his numb, swollen cock and out his peehole, causing him to shudder as he shot the rest of his load. The two gasped and quivered, their heads thrown back in ecstasy, Cory with the delight of the most powerful climax of his young life, and Dominic with the pleasure of having his rectum filled with hot, thick, slimy boy juice for the first time. Their smooth naked chests rose and fell with their exertion and pleasure, their naked bodies flushed and dripping with sweat. So powerful was their climax that their audience sat in awe at the explosion.

It took a long time for Cory to empty out and the two stayed combined until Cory finally grew soft. Dominic slowly stood up, his weary legs wobbly as he did so, and Jonah pulled back the boy's foreskin once more, more gently this time, and held it back as the cameras got a good close up of his cock head. Dominic stared down at the perfectly symmetrical bulb, reminding him of a ripe miniature plum in shape and colour, a silky fraenulum extending down from the groove on the underside of his split bulb to connect to his foreskin. The little bulb contrasted sharply with his milk white penis and scrotum. Following Billy's instructions, Dominic turned around and young Jonah held apart his bum cheeks to show his still open and cum filled asshole to the cameras.

Awed by the intensity of what had just happened, Anton obediently laid down on his back on the bed when told to by Billy, and Dominic straddled him and squatted over his face. The cameras zoomed in as he shit out Cory's cum into Anton's open mouth. The copiousness of Cory's young load was realized as it oozed out of Dominic's now red and swollen boy pussy and along the streamer connecting his asshole to Anton's mouth in a continuous, pulsating flow until Anton's mouth was full. Swallowing the thick, tart boy juice, Anton raised his head and obediently licked the gaping hole, worming his tongue inside and then fastening his lips to it and sucking out the remaining cum, totally cleaning out Dominic's boy pussy until it was empty of teen-boy cum. Twelve-year-old Jason sat there staring in disbelief at what his best buddy was doing. Until that moment he'd never even heard the world felch, but it was evident that Anton not only knew it, but had plenty of experience in doing it.

As Anton finally laid back, his lips glistening with spittle and cum and ass slime, Billy zoomed in on his face and as Dominic knelt there on the bed beside him, Jonah once again stretched open Dominic's pucker to reveal it was clean. Rejoining Jonah on the bed, Cory knelt beside him and beamed at him happily. As he looked up at Cory and shyly returned the smile, Cory slipped an arm about him and bent his head and the two naked boys kissed, a long, sweet kiss on the lips for a final still shot and as the cameras faded out. It had been perfect, and it had all been captured on high quality digital film, videos and still, so the world could witness the loss of Dominic's prune and seven boys being boys on a Sunday afternoon.

Chapter Twenty

— ttbb Mb —

"Holy fuck, that was so fucking hot!" exclaimed Terry, his thirteen-year-old face flushed with arousal and his tight jeans bulging.

"Oh yeah, that was like so totally wicked. I'm about to cream my underwear," agreed Anthony, every inch of his five-foot-three [1.60m] frame aching to get off a load and his deep brown eyes bright with sexual desire.

"Yeah? Let me help you," Cory said with an impish grin, playfully grabbing his best buddy between the legs and giving the protruding bulge in his jeans a vigorous rub. "Oh yeah! Better zoom in for a shot, Billy. I think he's about to pop!"

"Oh maaaannn!" Anthony groaned as he tensed and pulled away. Cory grabbed him before he got out of reach and drawing him back, gave his crotch another grope. "Cory, if you make me cum in my shorts I'll make you wear them!" he warned as he struggled to break loose again, though not too desperately.

"All right, that I have to see!" giggled Terry, grabbing Anthony and wrestling him to the bed and pinning his arms down. "Help me hold him down guys," he called as Anthony squirmed under him and bucked his hips in an attempt to break loose. Dominic and Jonah, still sitting on the bed, each grabbed a leg and sat on it.

Grabbing the bulge with his thumb on one side and his fingers on the other, Cory worked it over so that it was extending up over Anthony's flat belly, a much more comfortable position, and one that was easier to rub. Squeezing it tightly with his thumb and four fingers, he rubbed it as hard as he could through Anthony's tight jeans. Anthony of course heaved his hips and squirmed as he tried to break loose, but it was impossible. His dick, already aching and throbbing, ached and throbbed all the more. Catching the action with the digital video camera, Billy thrust the still camera at Anton who, like Jason, was standing there watching. Despite their strict moral upbringing, the two boys were randy as fuck also. They were twelve after all. Anton began taking pictures.

"I'm serious guys, I'm gonna pop my nut!" called Anthony, his young voice an octave higher as he felt himself approaching that critical point.

"Ewww, icky sticky!" giggled Terry, causing Jonah and Dominic to giggle also.

"Com'on, I'm serious. I'm gonna cum!" Anthony warned, Terry's comment not helping one bit in his effort to hold back.

Cory continued to stroke the bulge in his best buddy's jeans from his balls up to the tip. As his fingers slipped over Cory's circumcised knob, he rubbed it vigorously in short strokes, sending ripples of pleasure through the turgid, throbbing flesh. It had been Anthony who had revealed the secret of jerking off to him, and the two buddies had done it together and to each other so many hundreds of times since he'd long ago stopped counting.

"Ungh! Ahhh, unnnh, ooohhh fuck!" he groaned, his voice quivering with emotion and his body tensing and then jerking so violently the three boys holding him down had difficulty keeping him flat on the bed. Billy zoomed in on Anthony's face, and then on those of Terry, Dominic, Jonah and Cory, and then down to the bulge being gripped in Cory's hand.

"All right!" exclaimed Cory as his buddy's cock throbbed in his hand and as a dark patch began to appear in his jeans at the top of the bulge. "Fucking shit! He's shot so much it's soaking right through his underwear and his fucking pants!"

"You buggers!" Anthony gasped, but from his flushed face and giggle it was evident he was not really angry.

Following Billy's instructions, Dominic and Jonah pulled down Anthony's jeans with Cory's help while Terry continued to hold him down, and then of course his boxers as Billy zoomed in, showing the boy's sticky, cum filled underwear and flooded groin, his fine young hairs sticky with the watery, early teenage goo that coated his flat belly, his still stiff dick, and his tightly drawn up balls. As the boys finally released him, he grabbed his boxers and smeared them first in Cory's face and then Terry's, to the amusement of Dominic and young Jonah until he grabbed them and did the same. Jason and Anton stared at the boy's fresh cum glistening on his crotch and now on the faces of his four attackers, their own cocks swollen and aching to get off too.

"So, who's next?" Cory asked with a grin.

"You can do mine, but not in my underwear," Terry offered, pulling down his fly and undoing his belt. Pulling down his fly, he pushed down his jeans and stepped out of them, and then removed his socks. As he stepped out of his underwear, his cock sprang up eager for action. He had huge, ripe balls which like his pubes were still hairless but which were full of new teen cum, and a nice size cock for a thirteen-year-old boy.

"Actually I know someone who's a master jackeroffer and would love to jerk you off, right Jonah?" The seven-year-old beamed brightly as he nodded.

"Go for it," Terry offered with a gesture to his groin.

Jonah eagerly scooted over to Terry and reached out for his cock. Holding it tightly with his thumb and first two fingers, he began to rub his fingers up and down the length like he did his own, and like he'd learned to do to Lad. Leaning back and propping himself up on his elbows, Terry watched the blond-haired youngster beat him off. It felt different having him just rubbing with two fingers and a thumb instead of his fist as Terry normally did himself, and it was hot watching his little hand pumping up and down his cock as the boy stared at it intently with his deep blue eyes. Already horny from watching Dominic losing his prune, his cock was throbbing hotly in no time. He tensed his body as the pleasure prickled through his aching flesh. Jonah glanced up at him, uncertain if he was in pain or feeling pleasure.

"You're doing a great job," Terry assured him, seeing the questioning look on his innocent face. "Cory's right, you're a master jackeroffer. How long you been jacking guys off?"

"I've never done it to another boy before," Jonah replied honestly.

"You mean I'm the first one?" Jonah nodded his head as he looked up at Terry with his deep blue eyes. "Fuckin' wicked!" Terry looked down and watched the youngster pumping his fingers up and down his throbbing cock, the fact his was the first cock for the boy to play with doubling his arousal. "How long you been doing yourself?"

"Five weeks. October third was the first time." That was a day he would never forget, thanks to Cory.

"So, has anyone jerked yours off?"

Jonah shook his head and Terry practically shot off just with the thought of his little virgin dick. Stopping Jonah, he quickly pulled down the boy's pants and underwear, revealing his tiny dicky and balls. He immediately reached over and began to rub the limp, silky smooth little cocklet, which like Dominic's, was as white as the rest of his body. As he worked his fingers up and down the limp, warm worm, he could feel the little bulge his dick head made inside his foreskin. Unlike Dominic's, when Terry pulled down on it, it slid back easily, though when he released it, it slipped back up over his little knob. The thought of his fingers being the first to bring the seven-year-old the pleasure that all boys eventually discovered sent tingles of arousal up his already throbbing cock. As he tugged and rubbed the silky little cocklet, it quickly began to swell. Even at seven a boy can get pleasure from having his dick rubbed. Jonah was soon as stiff as he was, his little three-inch [7½cm] cocklet sticking up in the air like a little cocktail sausage.

Terry pumped his fingers up and down the little sausage, feeling so silky and so much different from his cock which was twice as fat and at least an inch [2½cm] longer. He pulled his skin right back, revealing his little bulbous dickhead, and then released it to let the skin slip back up over his knob. He rubbed his smooth, silky ball sack with the fingertips of his other hand, feeling the pea-sized nuts in the loose skin. After a couple minutes he released the little worm and it jerked in the air, aching for more rubbing, much to everyone's amusement. As the thirteen-year-old resumed, Jonah began to pump his cock once again. It was so hot knowing that he was going to be the first boy to bring the seven-year-old off, and that his was the first cock the youngster would make spurt. Tensing his body once again, he grabbed Anthony's boxers, the closest thing he spotted, and with a groan of pure delight he shot off a watery and copious early teen load in Anthony's underwear and over little Jonah's fingers. It continued to ooze out, a watery, raw egg-white like early teen load as Jonah continued to milk him, oozing out of his burning little peehole and down over Jonah's hot little fingers. He rubbed the youngster's stiff, hot little cocklet furiously and Jonah squirmed with the pleasure of having another boy's hand rubbing his dicky. A minute later the seven-year-old arched his back and whimpered with his delightful dry orgasm.

"Guess that leaves you two," Cory said, looking at Anton and Jason. Although the two were the best of friends, they'd never discussed anything about sex with each other before, and certainly not jerking off. At twelve, and with their strict moral upbringing, it was still a mysterious and forbidden topic, one they found embarrassing to discuss. The two glanced at each other, and then at Cory. Both were randy as fuck after having watched Cory and Dominic fucking, and then Terry and Anthony shooting their loads, and finally Jonah quivering with his dry orgasm. Still, doing it in front of everyone would be embarrassing, especially in front of each other, and doing each other would be even more so.

"Com'on, pull them out," Anthony encouraged. "You wanna do it."

That was true, but they'd been told it was wrong to do it, and wrong to do it in front of anyone. For Jason, it was still something that he did only on the rarest of occasions, and always with the greatest of guilt. Anton, thanks to Cory, was considerably more experienced when it came to sexual matters, but the twelve-year-old felt just as guilty as his best buddy afterward. As they just stood there, wrestling with their temptation and their morals, an age-old dilemma that society forces all boys to go through, Cory wondered if he was going to have to get his headband. That would be awkward and evident, and it would be rather obvious if he put it on and then sat there concentrating on them and they did it. So far nobody knew about the power of the headband, and he was planning on keeping it that way, even from Anthony for now. Though he'd been using it for two months and had gotten pretty good at it, thanks to the paper his great-grandfather had written explaining how to use it, just how it worked was still mysterious and he wanted to be sure about what he was doing before he revealed it. Besides, the more people who knew about it the more likely some grownup would find out about it and confiscate it and his fun would be over.

"Com'on boys, get one off for the camera," Billy encouraged.

"Looks like you could use a jerking off too," Cory said with a grin as he looked at the bulge hanging down the right leg of the black man's trousers. The idea came to him immediately and he had to smile at the brilliance. "Why don't the three of you do it together? I know you got a fucking monster in there that's gonna take two white boys to jerk off, and I bet they've never had their dicks pulled by a black man before. Dominic and me can take the pictures."

"Homeboy, I do love the way you think!" Billy said with a wide grin as he handed over the cameras.

They aimed them at Billy as he quickly removed his clothes and chucked them on the floor. His thick, black, seven-inch [18cm] sausage stood up proudly in the air above his big black balls. He'd seen the looks of prejudice and dislike on the faces of the two snobbish white boys, and the idea of them both stroking him off was hot, and would make for still another hot video that a lot of men would pay big bucks for. Hell, he could get fucking rich just on the videos from that afternoon! Making money while putting two racially prejudiced white boys in their proper place, life didn't get any better!

"So, what you waiting for boys?" he asked as he looked at them. "You gonna grab my cock and show me how you white boys do yourselves when yo momma's not lookin', or maybe you're hankering to take a ride on it like Dominic here did?"

Their eyes widening with obvious fear and anticipated pain with the thought of that thick monster stretching open their assholes, never mind the humiliation, Anton and Jason quickly began to undress before Cory or Billy decided they should do that instead, which they figured either could very well decide at any moment. They were far more self-conscious than the others had been as they removed their shirts and folded them and laid them on the dresser out of habit and then stepped out of their jeans. Their eyes reflected their embarrassment as they pushed down their underwear to reveal their erections. Anton's three inches [7½cm] and Jason's three and a half [9cm] were in marked contrast to Billy's whopper both in size and in colour.

They slowly and hesitantly sat on Cory's bed on either side of Billy, and even more slowly and hesitantly they reached out to touch him as if he was carrying some disease or something. The thought of just touching a black man was repulsive to them, and the thought of touching his dick and balls was even more so, the two boys having been brought up in homes where blacks were considered not just inferior but sub-humans, but they knew they had no choice and that they could be forced to do even worse. Of course they could have refused to do anything at all, but after everyone else had gotten off a load that would make them look like prudes, and they both suspected the others would not take no for an answer. Following Billy's suggestion, Anton slipped his fingers about his thick, throbbing cock and began to stroke it while Jason cupped his large, hairy balls and rolled them in his hand. The two quivered as gooseflesh formed on their arms and legs, especially Jason who had never touched another guy's privates in his life, black or white. Billy enjoyed the evident revulsion and guilt the two white boys were feeling as much as the pleasure of having his cock and balls fondled.

He let them fondle him for a couple minutes and then had them reverse their roles for another couple minutes. He teasingly told them to hold their hands to their noses and smell the scent of a black man's cock and balls on their hands, and he grinned with delight as gooseflesh formed on their body and their stiff little cocks jerked with the arousal of smelling his genital scent. He then had Anton hold his thick cock at the base while Jason ran a fingertip around his knob, sending a ripple of pleasure through it and coaxing out a dollop of clear pre-cum. He then had Jason hold his shaft while Anton did the same, coaxing out another droplet of the clear man-juice. He reached over and slipped his fingers about their stiff little preteen cocks. They might be small, but they were hot and hard as nails.

It was fucking hot having the two white boys playing with his stiff prick and knowing they didn't want to be doing it at all, and especially to a black man, and it was even hotter reaching over and playing with their little white dicks. His deep black fingers contrasted sharply with their pale skin, as their hands contrasted with his thick black cock and dark balls. He ran his fingers over Anton's smooth pubes and tugged on his slender, three-inch dick with one hand while he fondled Jason with the other. Jason had just the sparsest beginnings of fine pubic hair, but he had nice size balls, bulbous and full of twink cum. He slowly pulled back Jason's foreskin, revealing his bulbous cockhead and then released it and watched as it crept back up his slender dick to cover his knob as he'd taped Terry doing to Jonah. Cory and Dominic of course took closeups of their crotches, and of their faces, their growing desire and their abhorrence both evident in their eyes.

Despite their abhorrence, both twelve-year-olds were hot and soon they were squirming and quivering in ecstasy, their embarrassment and their revulsion of doing it with a black man forgotten as that pleasure that all boys can't resist overcame them. Their little preteen cocks grew even hotter as their young blood pulsated through them and their dickheads itched and burned so badly they could not sit still. And, as they bounced there on the bed with the ache deep in their loins, Anton pumped his fist up and down Billy's thick cock and Jason massaged his now tight balls as eagerly as any whore.

Jason was the first to come and the twelve-year-old tensed and groaned as his slender little cock spurted out his thin, watery twink cum. It spurted like a little fountain with two little spurts and the rest oozed out of his burning tip and down over Billy's black fingers and down over his now tightly drawn-up balls. Anton quivered also as his still developing little balls contracted and he too squirted out a couple thin, watery squirts like a little water pistol, the rest, like Jason, flowing down over his dickhead and Billy's fingers and over his tight little nuts. And then Billy shot, his big black hose jerking so unexpectedly and violently it jerked out of Anton's fingers and sprayed him, Jason and Billy with thick, creamy ball juice, thick white streamers flying in every direction much to his delight and to their revulsion. They sat there sweating and flushed with the awesome pleasure of their ejaculations, and with the repulsive sensation of having a black man's hot, thick load spattering them and oozing down over their skin, down their panting, thin chests, over their hips, and down their thighs.

"Fucking wild man, fucking wild," Billy panted as he leaned back on the bed, his black body spattered with his own cum and his fingers dripping with the watery loads of the two twelve-year-old boys.

"Oh yeah. Cory knows how to throw a great party," Anthony said, beaming over at his best buddy.

"Well, it was Dominic who got us off to a great start," said Cory, winking at Dominic who blushed with the attention and beamed with pride at the comment. Already worshipping the outgoing and brash thirteen-year-old and wishing he could spend every minute of the day with him, and unaccustomed to receiving any praise or credit at home, at that moment he would have done anything Cory asked. "Don't know bout you guys, but I worked up a fucking appetite."

"Oh yeah!" Terry, Anthony, Dominic and Jonah all agreed.


"Three cheese!"


"Oh yeah! Make that two!"

"Extra large!

The delivery to 208 Briarwood Crescent was Kenneth Ballard's last delivery. Then it was home for a shower and off to pick up his girl Nikki for an evening of heavy petting and if he was lucky maybe finally scoring. He was already half boned up just thinking of the evening. With the image of the two of them in the back seat up at make out point on Henderson Drive, her with her dress up and panties down, her pussy wet and aching from their kissing and caressing as she begged him to do her, him kneeling between her legs with his stiff dick sticking out of his fly, he rang the doorbell. The image he did not expect to see was a thirteen-year-old boy standing there stark naked except for a goofy looking metallic headband and with a cigarette between his fingers.

"Hi, you must be the pizza delivery guy," Cory said with a smile. "And this must be the extra pepperoni I ordered," he added with a wider smile as he reached out and groped the swelling in Kenneth's trousers.

Kenneth immediately drew his hips back. Kids today were getting more brash and vulgar by the week. "You better have money to pay for these pizzas kid."

"Does it look like I got a wallet?" Cory asked impishly and with a hint of impudence. "Actually," he said with a leer, "I planned on paying by giving you a blow job."

"Five pizza combos for a blow job? Not even if you were the sexiest looking broad on earth," he snorted, "and if you think I'm the type of perv to do it with a boy you are really mistaken. Now you don't pay for these I got to report you to the management. I don't think your parents would appreciate getting a phone call about an unpaid bill for five pizza combos."

"Ah com'on, you can even have your pick of any one of us," Cory offered, nodding behind him as he stepped back. "Or you can have all eight of us. Bet we can make you feel way better than any slimy cunt can." He projected thoughts of horniness and promised pleasure, something any normal, healthy teenage boy could relate to. From the bulge down the leg of his tight jeans the teenager either had to be horny, or else he had to be hung like a horse in which case Cory had to see it!

Determined to get paid and not wanting to have to return to the pizza parlour with the five pizzas and fill out a nonpayment claim, which would seriously cut into his making out time, Kenneth stepped into the room. He stopped abruptly at the sight of the seven naked boys. One of them was taking pictures of him, and behind him was an older black man running a digital video camera.

"What the hell is this? And what's with Dominic?"

Dominic, who'd been trying to hide behind Anton and Jason, stared down at the floor in embarrassment.

"What the hell you doing here? And what the hell are you wearing?"

Dominic had put on his nylon thong, which Billy had said he could keep and that all the other boys envied, while he'd waited for the pizza.

"You two know each other?" asked Cory in surprise.

"Kenneth is my sister's boyfriend," Dominic said meekly.

"Yeah? Then we got somethin' in common," Cory said with a grin as he extended his hand. "Oh, let me take those," he said, taking the five pizza boxes and five thirty-two-ounce bottles of pop and handing them to Terry. Kenneth was too surprised to object. "Like I said, we got something in common," he said as he extended his hand again. "You're Dominic's sister's boyfriend, and I'm Dominic's boyfriend."

Terry and Anthony giggled and Billy had to chuckle. The more he was getting to know Cory the more he was liking the brash little bugger.

"Hope she's as good a fuck as Dominic."

Terry and Anthony giggled even louder and Billy snorted in surprise at the comment as Dominic glanced back down at the floor in embarrassment, and with a little pride. Cory had just said he'd been a good fuck.

"Foulmouthed little brat," Kenneth replied unamused. "You need your mouth washed out with soap. Dominic, get your clothes!"

Dominic shook his head.

"Don't you give me no! You don't have a choice. Now get your goddamn clothes! I'm taking you home."

"No," Dominic dared to say. "I'm not going with you."

Kenneth stepped forward and grabbed the boy by the arm.

"Then you can come dressed in that faggot boy toy underwear. Wait until your father sees you in that," he threatened, looking at him in disgust, "and finds out you've been hanging out with a bunch of foulmouthed pervs."

"Didn't you hear him? He said he's not going," Cory intercepted, grabbing Dominic's arm and trying to pull him away. "And who the fuck you think you are fucking calling us pervs? Haven't you fuckin' heard of nudists before cuntface?"

"Is that it? You making some type of pedo nudist film?" he asked, directing his question at Dominic and when the boy didn't answer looking up at Billy who was continuing to tape and then at Anthony who was continuing to snap pictures. "When your father hears about this, I bet he'll send you away to one of those military schools for delinquents. And when I give him this address you wait until he contacts your parents," he said, looking at Cory.

"You're all going to be in big trouble," he continued as he looked at the others. Jason and Anton turned pale and hoped they'd be struck by lightning before their parents found out, especially their moms. Jonah figured being struck by lightening would be the better of the evils compared to the beating his father would give him, not to mention the lectures on his sinfulness for the next year. Terry rolled his eyes. This would be good for a two-month grounding at least, and he'd just barely been ungrounded. As for Anthony, he figured he'd probably be forbidden to see Cory for at least the month and maybe longer, which was a major punishment in his eyes.

"And especially you," Kenneth finished, looking at Billy defiantly. The twenty-five-year-old hustler was not particularly concerned. A quick phone call and the kid would never arrive home. He'd end up in the river, or if he had a say, in some brothel across the border or some sheik's harem in the Middle East, minus his testicles. There was a good market for athletic white boys like him, and he had the connections to make it happen.

"No! You leave them alone! It's none of their fault. I wanted to do this! I'll come," Dominic said almost in tears, "but you gotta promise to leave Cory and the others out of this."

"You wanted to parade around in that skimpy thing with a bunch of naked boys? What are you, a little faggot boy whore?" the seventeen-year-old accused, winning the tug-of-war and dragging the almost hysterical boy toward the door.

"Let go of him, this fucking instant!" Cory yelled angrily and with not a little fear as he grabbed Dominic and pulled on him desperately. He had to protect Dominic from whatever punishment awaited him having been responsible for him being there and for him having had sex, and he had to protect himself. If the guy did as he was threatening he was going to be so in trouble! And this had been such a perfect afternoon if it hadn't been for the son-of-a-bitch.

Kenneth's equally angry glare was suddenly replaced by a totally blank look, like he'd been hit over the head with a baseball bat or something. He released his grasp and Dominic and Cory stumbled and fell back on their backsides. Cory stared up at Kenneth in surprise that the teenager had given up just like that, and puzzled by his blank look.

"Now shut the door and your mouth and do exactly what I tell you," he snapped, still driven by his anger and fear and figuring he'd better charge ahead while he still could.

Kenneth slowly turned and shut the door and slowly turned to face Cory again, moving mechanically like a robot and staring at him with this blank look. Shocked by Kenneth's angry reaction and disgust when he'd seen them and by his threat to tell on them, and then just as surprised by his sudden obedience to Cory, the others just stood there in slack-jawed bewilderment and watched.

"First of all Dominic's my friend, that's what he is. Now you take back what you said about him and apologize!" Cory said angrily. He was angry at Kenneth for having ruined his party, and for the comments he'd made about Dominic, but he was also exaggerating his anger in the hopes of cowing Kenneth into not telling on them.

"I 3; I 3; take back what I said. I'm 3; I'm sorry I 3; I called you a little faggot boy whore, I really am." Kenneth's voice was sincere as was his facial expression, except his eyes were still blank and staring straight ahead as if he was stunned.

"That's better," Cory said in as much surprise as the others as he struggled to control his thoughts and to not loose control. Except for the first few times when he was first learning how to use the headband and had voiced his thoughts and commands to Julius Gilles, he normally just thought them, and that took a lot of concentration and he had to plant the ideas slowly and in little steps and relate them to something that was already in the person's mind for the person to do as he told him. Never in all the times he'd used the headband had anyone become so totally willing to do as they were told, and never so fast, and never had they stood there looking like a zombie out of a low budget horror movie. "You gotta make it up to us for getting Dominic and all of us all upset," Cory said, his angry scowl now faked as he thought fast. He had no idea if it had been his anger that had frightened the teenager into giving up, but he wasn't taking any chances that it wasn't and so continued pretending he was angry.

"Let's go eat guys," he said to the others. "Come with us," he continued as he addressed Kenneth. "You can be our entertainment while we eat."

As he headed into the living room, he was glad that he could think rapidly and on the spot. He had no idea how long he was going to be able to keep this up, but he hoped it would be as long as it took for him to figure out how they were going to stop the guy from squealing on them.

"For starters 3; let's see you do a strip tease," he suggested. "I want you to be the hottest, sexiest male stripper in Riverside and get us all feeling horny, like the rich had slaves do in ancient Rome." That was a good, reliable standby, or so he hoped. At least it had worked with Julius, twice, and he figured everyone had to have seen one of those movies with half-naked dancing slave girls.

The boys sat on the sofa or cross-legged on the floor and opened up the boxes of pizza while Cory put on a CD by Wyclef and Kenneth began to bump and grind like he'd seen on television. He had always been a great dancer. All the girls he'd ever dated had told him that. Nikki Halder had said he had so much rhythm he should have been black. He'd told her that wasn't the only thing he had in common with black men, looking at her suggestively and running his hand along his thigh. She'd turned all shades of red. She'd heard of the rumour about black men too. His boast had not been an idle one, but he'd never found an opportunity to prove it to her, not then anyway, but he would any day now, he could feel it. Meanwhile he'd show the black fellow still taking his picture. He'd show him just how much rhythm a white boy can have.

He shook his hips and twisted his body in time to the music, running his hands over his body as he'd seen strippers in the TV movies do. He slowly and seductively unbuttoned and slid off his shirt, and swinging it in time to the music as he gyrated, he parted his lips and looked at each of the boys like a vamp. He was the hottest male stripper in town, with the looks and the body it took, and he'd have each of them aching to get off a load by the time he was done, even the youngest one who wouldn't have a clue why he was feeling the way he was. He slowly pulled down his zipper as he looked at each one of them as if he was lowering his fly just for him, and then turning around, he seesawed his jeans off his hips and stepped out of them. Standing now in just his boxers and socks, he twisted his hips and ran his fingers over his upper torso.

Having been present when Cory had told Goosey Gilles to strip during their detention, and then later that week over at his swimming pool along with his two sons, Anthony had just figured that it was just another weird trait of their hated teacher that Cory had somehow stumbled across. Who could figure out the minds of adults, and especially of teachers? Seeing the seventeen-year-old pizza deliveryman bumping and grinding in time to the music and clearly getting it on, however, he wondered just how many people wanted to be male strippers, and how his best buddy was discovering that. It was weird, and scarey in a way, but Cory was his best buddy, he had a thirty-six-ounce bottle of Coke and an extra-large three-cheese pizza in front of him, a seventeen-year-old stud who had threatened him was now stripping in front of him, and earlier that afternoon he'd had gotten a wicked jerking off by his best buddy. What was there to be worried about?

Anton was also aware of Cory's powers of coercion, having been the object of his whims along with his father and kid brother a month and a half ago when they'd also performed a strip tease for him and then he and his brother had bent over for Cory and Anthony in front of their father, and more recently with the effect he'd had on his whole family since moving in with them. Like Anthony, he too glanced over at him curiously, and a little more fearful and a lot more perplexed, as he picked up a second slice of pizza.

As for Terry, Dominic and Jonah, whenever Cory was around things got exciting and very interesting, but having neither witnessed him doing anything directly nor been the object of his power, they hadn't associated any special ability with him. For Terry and Jonah, Gilles just had a weird thing for dogs and Cory had a special way with them, nothing that unusual for either Gilles or him, and for all three of them Cory was just himself, an outgoing and brash thirteen-year-old boy with sex on his mind, constantly on his mind. That was nothing unusual either. He was thirteen after all, and it was constantly on their mind too. At the moment, like Anthony, they were content with having had a hot afternoon of sex and they happily stuffed themselves with pizza as they watched Kenneth bouncing about in front of them in his socks and boxers. Dominic of course took particular delight in seeing the seventeen-year-old boy dancing in his underwear in front of them.

As for Jason, the poor twelve-year-old just sat there open-mouthed, the stripping seventeen-year-old pizza delivery carrier being just one more event of a very odd and extremely stressful afternoon. First he'd witnessed what appeared to be a good friend of Jason's sticking his dick up the ass of another boy, after his best buddy had licked the guy's ass and another boy had licked Jason's friend's dick until he had a boner, and then after watching the rest of the guys jacking each other off, he had joined his best buddy in jacking off the monster cock of a black man while the nigger had jerked the two of them off, the entire afternoon being recorded on video and with digital pictures. Was this what life was normally like for guys in Briarwood? Was this why Anton had stopped chumming around with him, because he was into this sort of perverted sex stuff? Never in his twelve years had he even thought about such filth, never mind actually done any of it except for a few guilt-ridden jerk off sessions in the privacy of his bathroom when he couldn't resist the temptation. What was most stressful of all was that despite his guilt and shame and feeling of filthiness, he'd enjoyed it!

Billy was just as surprised as the rest of them with the turn of events. He'd seen the seventeen-year-old kid walking up the walk and had suggested to Cory it would be a wild joke to meet him at the door naked. He'd figured he could use the film to enhance the boy party tape he planned on putting together from everything he'd shot so far that afternoon. He'd had no idea the seventeen-year-old would go so ballistic over a few early teens having a little bit of innocent fun, and he certainly had not expected him to know one of the boys. He certainly had not expected the kid would end up doing a strip tease. He had known the minute he'd spotted Cory at the Seven-Eleven that he was no ordinary thirteen-year-old and that he had to get to know him better. The partnership they'd formed was however, way beyond his wildest dreams, and turning out to be particularly lucrative. Hell, the video of a seventeen-year-old pizza delivery boy turned stripper was going to a hot video in itself, and panning his naked, happily munching audience would make a second tape that pedos all over the world would be eager to buy. He already had a title: The Pizza Boy Delivers.

Kenneth had only one thing on his mind, to put on the best strip show he possibly could for the bunch of naked early teen and preteen boys and the black man, who along with one of the kids was still taping him. He had this urge to be the best fucking male stripper in Riverside and to get his audience sexually aroused. That would be the proof his ability. He had no other thoughts, no other desires. All his mind was focussed on was to strip. He eased off his boxers, turning to show them his ass as he lowered them. He had a nice ass, firm and muscular from hours of football practice. That should turn on a bunch of teenyboppers. Moving slowly and rhythmically in time with the music, he turned to face them and twisted his hips, causing his semierect dick to flop and bounce in the air along with his low-hung balls. He was well hung, his limp cock being longer than any of the boy's when they were hard. He could see he had their attention. He could see their growing desire in their eyes. He twisted all the harder, running his hands along his body sensuously, along his thighs, over his chest, tweaking his nipples, doing everything he could recall having seen strippers do on television, doing everything he'd ever read in an attempt to turn them on. His cock began to swell. He was getting turned on himself.

"That was great," Cory mumbled, his mouth full of pizza and his dick half swollen with arousal. "Now be a good slave boy and pour some Coke in my mouth, and be quick about it."

Kenneth picked up the bottle and holding it to Cory's mouth, tipped it up, switching from entertainer slave to servant slave. The boy was his master. His was to obey his every command, his every wish. Coke dribbled down Cory's chin, which Cory wiped off with the back of his hand, and then wiped off on the football player's well-developed chest. He'd begun developing a fine mat of chest hair that he was particularly proud of and that he knew the guys on the football team envied.

"Now, get me another slice of all-meat pizza."

Kenneth hurried to pick up a slice and he fed it to his master, and on his orders, he served the other boys, who were just as perplexed over his behaviour as they were amused.

As he held out a slice of one of the loaded pizzas for Dominic to bite into, the topping slid off and onto the floor.

"Now look at the mess you've made," Cory said. "That piece you can pick up and eat yourself."

As disgusting as it was, Kenneth picked the topping up off the carpet and brought it to his mouth.

"No, on second thought, it's all dirty. Just bypass your stomach and shove it straight up your asshole."

Kenneth did as he was told, and the boys hooted and giggled as he stuffed the topping and the crust up his butt, pushing the cheese, mushrooms, green peppers and pepperoni into his rectum with his greasy fingers and easily shoving the slice of dough up his greasy hole, pushing the topping still further in.

Anthony purposefully dropped a half-eaten slice of three-cheese pizza on the floor.


"That's okay. We got a slave boy to clean up any mess we make," Cory said.

"Pick it up 3; slave boy, and 3; since Anthony dropped it, stuff it up his butt," he said impishly and with a twinkle in his eyes as he glanced over at his best buddy in merriment.

"Go for it slave boy," Anthony said, laying back and throwing his legs up over his head.

Kenneth slipped the half-eaten slice up his butt, the wedge of dough slipping in easily with the greasy cheese.

"You know, the problem with eating pizza in the nude is you got nothing to wipe your greasy fingers on," Cory observed.

Everyone expected him to call Kenneth over to wipe his fingers off on his body like he'd done with the pop, but instead he turned to Dominic sitting beside him.

"Guess I'll just have to use whatever is closest," he said with a giggle as he wiped his greasy fingers over Dominic's chest, leaving a greasy smear of cheese, tomato paste and bits of hamburger from the all-meat pizza.

By then the boys had fully stuffed themselves and there began a food fight, the boys picking up the remaining slices of pizza and smearing them over each other until there wasn't one of them that wasn't greased up from head to toe, their faces, their hair, under their armpits, and of course their crotches, which had become one of the main targets. Picking up one of the slices on the floor along with a handful of topping, Cory stuffed it up his own ass.

"Okay slave boy, come eat your pizza," he said, lying down on the floor on his back and throwing his legs over his head.

Kenneth obediently knelt behind Cory and placing his lips against his crammed asshole, he began to eat him out. Drawing out the slice of pizza with his teeth and then sucking out the topping, he sucked on his asshole as if he was starving, his only thought being to do as his master told him.

So, when Cory told him to lick his body clean, he eagerly and willingly did so, his sole focus turning to fulfilling his new command. He knelt there and ran his tongue over the sole of Cory's feet where he'd stepped in pizza topping, and he wormed his tongue between his toes, licking the bits of cheese and topping stuck between them. He licked the grease from his shins and thighs, and to the merriment of the rest, he licked Cory's smooth ass cheeks. He continued up over his smooth, flat stomach and his young, developing chest, licking the grease from his nipples, another of the favourite targets of the boys in their food fight, and then his cheeks and even his hair before Cory raised one arm and then the other for the naked, seventeen-year-old slave to lick his arm pits.

"Okay, for being such a good slave boy, come get your treat," Cory finally said as he grasped his stiff dick and looked at Kenneth with a leer. "Come get your pepperoni."

Kenneth Ballard knelt before the thirteen-year-old boy and taking his four-inch dick in his mouth, he began to suck. Kenneth Ballard, six-foot two [1.88m], two-hundred-and-twenty pounds [100kg], grade twelve football quarterback and stud muffin, Boy Scout Venturer, dating Nicole Halder, one of the hottest cheerleaders at William Cleaver Senior High School, knelt there in the pizza-strewn room of naked teen and preteen boys and sucked on the thirteen-year-old's stiff little cock while being videotaped and photographed. He didn't care. He eagerly and willing sucked on the stiff little early teen cock, doing what he'd been told to do, without question, without any other thoughts to distract or confuse his mind, focussing on giving the very best blow job he could, summing up everything he'd ever read or heard about it.

It was fucking hot, and Cory thoroughly enjoyed it as he laid there on his back and watched the seventeen-year-old stud sucking on his dick and working his lips up and down it, sending shivers of familiar pleasure through the turgid flesh. He had no idea why the teenager had snapped and why he was so willingly obeying his every demand, but he was not questioning it. He was getting one of the best blow jobs he'd ever been given. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the pleasure throbbing through his aching dick, a pleasure he could not get enough of. His dickhead itched with that unique combination of pain and pleasure he'd come to know, and he squirmed as he felt the tension developing deep in his loins. When he felt himself coming, he withdrew his cock and sprayed Kenneth's broad, muscular chest, adding his hot, runny boy juice to the smear of pizza and Kenneth's already sticky chest hairs.

Offering his slave to anyone else who wanted to get cleaned, Anthony eagerly stepped forward, his dick already erect from watching his best buddy. Sitting on the coffee table, his olive skin glistening with streaks of grease from the pizza fight, he offered first one foot and then the other to the kneeling football player, who obediently licked the pizza guck from between his toes and from the soles of his feet. Anthony quivered with arousal and his stiff dick jerked excitedly as the seventeen-year-old stud ran his tongue up along his sensitive thighs, and his cock jerked even more wildly when he stood and pulled apart his asscheeks and felt the stud muffin run his hot, wet tongue up his ass crack and then suck out the pizza and topping that Kenneth had stuffed up his rectum earlier, now heated and slimed from being up his hole for the past half hour. Seeing the greasy smear he'd left on the coffee table, he had the slave boy lick it clean first before he sat down again, and then he had Kenneth lick off his chest and nipples, and then each of his still hairless armpits. He even licked clean the wisps of fine dark brown hairs at the corner of the early teen's upper lip.

His stiff, olive-coloured dick and young balls glistening with cheese grease and with pizza sauce and bits of topping clinging to them and his fine, brown hairs, were the last to be cleaned and as the muscular high school student knelt there before the thirteen-year-old and licked and sucked on his balls and licked his fine pubic hairs clean, his young boy dick throbbed with arousal. He spread his legs wide and gripped the edge of the coffee table as he felt Kenneth's hot, wet mouth envelop his stiff, aching cock. This was so fucking hot he could not believe it, and it was all thanks to Cory. His lips curled with delight as he watched Kenneth's cheeks sink in as he sucked on his greasy, throbbing tube. This was even better than the hottest porn he'd ever found in his father's stash. His fingers tightened about the edge of the table as he felt himself coming, and like Cory, he pulled his dick out at the last moment and added his spurts of hot, slimy early teen juice, lacing the football player's broad, muscular chest and his nipples with his watery, sticky cum.

Stuffing a slice of pizza and a handful of topping up Dominic's recently fucked ass, Cory smeared his fingers over his little cocklet, causing it, he noticed, to get erect immediately, something he quietly pointed out to his new friend. Evidently his inability to get hard wasn't a problem now, much to Dominic's delight and relief, and endearing him still further to Cory. Scooping up a handful of topping and smearing it between Dominic's legs, Cory called Kenneth over to clean up his buddy. Dominic was beside himself with delight, at being called Cory's buddy, and in anticipation of what Kenneth was about to do, and the diminutive twelve-year-old could not stop from excitedly dancing from foot to foot as Kenneth shuffled over to him on his knees. Dominic's older sister Nicole, like his father, blamed him for his mother's death and took every opportunity she had to belittle him and to be mean to him. With her father often away at meetings, she had plenty of opportunity to boss him around, which she did almost daily. Her boyfriend Kenneth, whether because he enjoyed bossing him around too, or if he was just sucking up to Nicole in the hopes of getting into her panties, or both, joined her in bossing him around, which was evident from his attitude and comments that afternoon.

So, Dominic took particular pleasure in having the seventeen-year-old high school student sucking the pizza out of his asshole and then licking off his body, and as the football stud and heartthrob of half of the girls at William Cleaver Senior High School stuck out his tongue and licked the pizza grease from his armpits, he was so lightheaded and giddy with pleasure and arousal it made him dizzy. He wobbled on his weak legs as Kenneth began licking his stiff, itching dick. He could not believe it! His stiff little cocklet throbbed and itched with pleasure and he trembled with the ripples of arousal shooting through his little dickhead hiding under his foreskin. As he watched Kenneth eagerly sucking on his little, throbbing sausage, he wished his sister could see her boyfriend now. Actually, he wondered if he could dare hope that he could get one of the pictures Anthony was taking with the digital camera. That would fix the two of them for the way they'd treated him, and he could just imagine the shock on her face when she discovered it there on her desk. It was with that thought that he clutched Kenneth's head and trembled with a most violent and pleasant dry orgasm.

One by one the rest of the boys lined up and their teen boy slave eagerly and hungrily licked each of them clean and sucked each of them off, Terry spraying his face and hair with his hot, sticky early teen cum, and Jonah along with Jason and Anton, the two twelve-year-olds having shot their quota of cum from their still developing preteen balls for the day, trembling with dry orgasms. Billy was last, turning the video camera over to Cory. He figured he could probably edit out that part of the film to make one just showing him and Kenneth. In fact, as the boy sucked on his long, thick cock, he already had an idea how to reshoot his arrival with the pizzas to introduce the second film. A video of a good-looking white high school jock licking and then sucking off the cock of a hung black man would sell almost as well as the boy party video. Thinking of the money he was going to make was almost as pleasant as the throbbing of his thick, swollen cock as he shot his thick load of cum down the white boy's throat.

As Kenneth Ballard pulled up to his house forty-five minutes later, his cell phone rang. It was Nicole, Dominic's sister, wondering if he'd finished supper yet, and when he was coming over. He told her he had been late getting off work, and would have to cancel for the night, which did not make her very happy, nor him, but there was no way he was going to be able to go on a date that evening. As he looked in the rearview mirror at his cum-smeared face and cum clotted hair, he squirmed uncomfortably, his shirt and trousers sticking to his body smeared with pizza sauce and early teen cum. He thought back to how he'd stripped before the boys, how he'd been their slave boy and had fed them, how he'd licked their young bodies clean and had eaten out their asses and sucked them off.

Revulsion filled him, causing his skin to turn to gooseflesh and his stomach to churn and almost upchuck as he wondered how he could possibly have done what he'd done, so eagerly, so willingly. At one moment he was fighting with the kid in the strange headband as he tried to get Dominic out of there, disgusted with his girlfriend's dorky kid brother and with the rest of the pervs, especially the black man making the porno video of it all, and angry with Dominic for engaging in such filth and even more so for defying him, especially in front of the others, and the next moment he was eagerly participating in their orgy, even posing again at the entrance for the black dude, the cameras of course aimed so as not to show his stained clothes and face. How could he have done it? How could he have done such perverted things with a gang of filthy-minded kids? How could he have sucked the pizza back out of their filthy assholes, hot and slimy with their ass juice, and sucked on their filthy little dicks? He shuddered with the thought and the memory of the black dude's hot, thick cum filling his mouth and shooting down his throat. He managed to get the car door open and to lean out before he puked all over the driveway.

"Oh man, that was fucking wild!"

"Oh yeah. You sure know how to throw a party, Cory!"

"So when's the next one?"

"How about tomorrow?"

"You're kidding!"

"Hey, while the rents are away," Cory replied with a grin. "Right after school."

"Fuckin' far out. See you then!"

Dominic hung back as the others left. "I hope Kenneth doesn't make any trouble for you," he said, his voice trembling nervously as he shyly stared down at the floor.

"Hey, he ain't gonna be telling nobody fuckin' nothin'."

"You sure?"

"Would you tell anyone you stripped naked and then ate out the asses of eight guys and sucked their cocks?"

"No," Dominic said with a grin as he sighed with relief. He hadn't thought of that. Cory thought of everything.

"Actually, with the video and pictures we got of him, he's gonna do whatever we want."

"Cool," Dominic said with a wide, open grin that showed his teeth as his steel blue eyes sparkled. He was tempted to ask if he might have one of the digital pictures, but was too shy to do so.

"So we'll see you tomorrow?"

"I'm invited too?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I invite my boyfriend?" Cory said with a twinkle in his eyes. On impulse, he bent over and gave Dominic a kiss on the lips.

Dominic floated all the way home, oblivious to everything around him. Today was the best day of his entire life.