Cutter09Drake |
SummaryUncle Steve tries to save his nephew
Publ. Jun 2017
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CharactersDrake (13yo) and his uncle Steve (adult)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-boy storyMt – cons mast oral anal – description of rape (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
My phone startled me from my thoughts. I was working on my latest novel, and was stuck on how to get from point A to point B, without creating a point C in the process. I know, strange, but that's how my mind works. "Uncle Steve?" "Hey, Scamp. How's it going?" Scamp of course is not my nephew's name. It's only what I started calling him when he was a toddler and scampered everywhere. "Uncle Steve, can you come please. I'm scared." He had my attention. "I'll be there as soon as I can." I didn't ask any questions, I just threw some things in a bag and jumped in my car. The three hour drive gave me plenty of time to think. My sister and I were from an upper middle class environment. Our parents were not what you would call nurturing, especially our mother. They liked the country club lifestyle and all the parties that went with it. Children were somewhat inconvenient. We later learned that Mom and Dad were swingers. *** Emily and I were as close as siblings could be. Leaning on each other for emotional support throughout our childhoods. She was almost three years older, but I still looked after her. Protecting her from the evils of the world, and more than a few grabby boyfriends. Luckily I was big for my age, and even if I didn't win a fight, they knew I would get a hefty piece before going down. Emily married a great guy. Mark was in the military. Drake was born barely a year later. Unfortunately, Mark didn't make it back from Afghanistan. Drake lost his father when he was only ten. Six months later Emily married Larry. A man I despised immediately. Even our shallow, self absorbed, parents hated him. A little over a year later, that didn't matter. They died going off a cliff, after leaving the country club. Blood alcohol level was not over the legal limit, but the coroner ruled it an accident. Emily and I were the beneficiaries of the estate. And much to Larry's dismay, I was the executor. We jointly owned the house and a lake cabin. Two months later, Emily called me and suggested they live in the house, rather than sell it. I suggested they should pay a minimal amount of rent into the estate funds to cover taxes and maintenance, to which they agreed. Of course they never did. They have been living in a very nice house, that I own half of, rent free for over a year. The taxes and maintenance has been paid through the estate, half of which is mine. Which means that Larry, a man I hate, is living in the lap of luxury at my expense. I wouldn't mind if it were just my sister and nephew. They also have enjoyed weekends at the lake house. I own half that too, yet haven't been there. I remember last summer, Drake came to stay with me for two weeks while his parents went to Paris. It angered me that they could afford to go to Paris, yet not pay the agreed on rent. But Drake is my favorite nephew. Ok, my only nephew, but he would be my favorite if I had others. He is a beautiful and sweet kid. We got along wonderfully while he stayed with me. He's also my biggest fan, having read my four earlier novels. I think Emily only read the first and part of the second. I remember he seemed even more affectionate the whole time he was with me. We'd always been close, but he was constantly holding my hand, or giving me a kiss on my cheek. I also remembered the night he caught me masturbating. I was sitting in front of my desktop, mouse in one hand, cock in the other. I didn't hear him enter my study, as I watched a video of a teen boy and girl fucking. The boy was maybe fifteen, the girl couldn't have been more than thirteen. I don't know how long he watched me, I only noticed him there when he came into my peripheral vision. "He's really fucking her, isn't he?" he said as I jumped to hide my cock. "Uh 3; Scamp. What are you doing out of bed?" He came over and crawled into my lap before I could shut off the video. I was still trying to cover my own erection, not giving the video a thought. As he settled his butt on my cock, I noticed his thirteen year old dick outlined in his tighty whities, obviously erect. That didn't help alleviate my problem. I grabbed the mouse and closed the video. "You didn't have to do that Uncle Steve. I've seen porn before. But not with kids. How old are they?" "Drake, you didn't answer my question. What are you doing out of bed?" I asked trying to change the subject. "I 3; uh 3; had a bad dream. Yeah. And I wanted some water. I saw the light on in here and came in." I could tell he was lying. I suspect he was spying on me. He reached under his hip and squeezed my cock. "You've got a big one. Much bigger than Larry's." I picked him up and carried him to his bed. On the way I asked, "You've seen your step father's dick?" He looked scared for a second, but nodded. I assumed he was spying on his parents too. I put him to bed and retired to my own room. I hadn't finished what I had started in the study, so I began stroking. Only instead of the two teens to fuel my fantasies, I now had images of Drake's dick pushing out the front of his underwear. I have always liked kids, but felt very guilty jerking off thinking about my nephew. *** It was nearly ten o'clock when I rang the doorbell. Larry answered it, wearing only a pair of boxers, and was shocked to see me there. "Steve. Uh what are you doing here?" "I've come to visit my sister and nephew," I said as I started to enter. Larry blocked my way. "I'm afraid Emily isn't feeling well. I'll tell her you dropped by." "Step aside Larry," I demanded. "You can't just barge in here uninvited," he protested. "Actually I can. I own half this house. You've only been a guest in it. Now move." I pushed passed him and instantly smelled marijuana. Looking through to the living room, I see some other guy, also in boxers, standing there with a joint. "That's my friend Aldo. We were 3; you know, just chilling a bit." "Where's Emily and Drake?" "Uh 3; Like I said, Emily isn't feeling well. And Drake is already in bed. So, why don't you just come back tomorrow?" he said trying to steer me toward the door again. "I'm not leaving until I see them." I pushed passed him again and went upstairs. In the master bedroom, I froze in place at what I saw. I immediately dialed 911. I ran to Drake's room. "Uncle Steve! I knew you'd come." Drake jumped out of bed and threw himself into my arms. He was naked, and shaking. I grabbed the blanket from the bed, threw it over him, and took him out of the house, as I gave the address to the 911 operator. Four minutes later, Larry and Aldo ran from the house and sped off in what I assume was Aldo's car. Drake clung to me, shaking and crying, the few minutes we waited for the ambulance and police to arrive. An officer peeled Drake from me and headed toward the house. "Don't take him in there. Not until 3;" I drew them to the side of the house as the e.m.s guys rolled a gurney out and placed it in the back of the ambulance. I wrapped the blanket around Drake and tied the corners at the shoulder. "Ok. Now you can take him." The officer took him into the house and another started questioning me. Half an hour of questions and conferring between the two officers, then another ambulance arrived. "Uncle Steve!" Drake yells as they roll him out on a gurney too. I run to him as they place him in the ambulance. "Why are they taking him? He's not injured," I asked the officer. "They need to take him in to gather evidence. You can meet them at the hospital later." "Evidence?" There were police everywhere in the house taking pictures, gathering the linens from both beds, searching the house. "Mr. Walker, you said Drake called you earlier this evening, and he confirmed that. May I see your cell phone?" "Sure but why?" "He called you from Aldo's phone." It only then dawned on me that I hadn't recognized the number when he called me. It was another two hours before I was able to get the police out and go to the hospital. The officer that had interviewed Drake was there in the hall when I arrived. "Where's Drake and Emily?" I asked him. "They're almost finished with Drake, they're getting him cleaned up now. I'm afraid your sister didn't make it." I was stunned, and had to sit down. "If only I had called the police as soon as Drake had called me. Maybe Emily would be alive now." "Don't even think that. She was already cold when she got here. Probably had been dead for six or eight hours." "What happened in that house?" I cried. "We're still putting the pieces together. I appears Larry poisoned your sister. I understand that from the rape kit, they found three different d.n.a. specimens." "My sister was raped before she died?" "Uh 3; no. The rape kit was for your nephew." "Oh shit." *** My mind flashed to the previous summer. The night after Drake had caught me jerking off, I was asleep when I felt a hand on my cock. There was only Drake and myself in the house. It could only be his hand. I could tell he was checking it out. Feeling along it's length, palming my balls. I lay there remembering how curious I was at his age, so I didn't say anything. His hand worked it's way inside the fly of my boxers and gripped my cock. This caused me to moan out loud, and he jerked his hand out and left the room. The next night was his last night with me. Drake came into my room just after I got into bed. He climbed in and spooned into me, then pulled my arm around his chest. "Do you love me Uncle Steve?" "You know I do, Scamp." He snuggled closer, pushing his butt against my growing erection. "I thought so. Will you hold me." He fell asleep in my arms. I hadn't seen or heard from him again, until that call. *** They finally let me in to see him. Drake's face lit up as I entered. I noticed another policeman was in the room, as I rushed to Drake's bedside. We were still clasped together when a doctor came in. "Are you Steven Walker?" "Yes." "Young Drake here has been through a lot. There is no long term physical problems, but I have given him a mild sedative, and a prescription for something to help him sleep if he needs it. I suggest you get him into counseling. I'm sure he will need a lot of support. Otherwise, there is no reason you can't take him home now." I told the officers that I wasn't taking him back to that house. They seem to understand. I said we would go to the lake house, and gave them my cell number. They advised me stay close in case they needed more information. Drake had been brought in while wrapped in a blanket. I didn't even think about bringing him some clothes. They said he could just wear the hospital gown home. We got in the car and Drake promptly reclined his seat, and fell asleep. I guess the sedative had kicked in. I stopped at a 24 hour Walmart, and ran in to get him some clothes. I had locked the car doors, because the worst people hang out at Walmart. Sure enough, when I came out, there was a creepy looking guy standing by the passenger side door looking in. As I approached, he hurried off, and I saw his pants were tented. I threw the packages into the back of the car, and climbed into the driver's seat. That's when I saw that Drake had shifted in his seat, bringing one knee up. He was completely on display. No wonder that bum was looking in. Drake was an absolute perfect picture of the beauty of a young boy. Turned slightly to the side, his longish hair, draped over his soft features. His body was an artist's dream. His cut dick lay on his thigh, with a perfect set of hairless balls below. He was probably four and a half inches [10½ cm] soft, with a small tuft of hair at it's base. The hour long drive to the lake house was difficult, with my attention split between looking at the road, and looking at Drake. I opened the door, threw the packages in, then went and picked up Drake. He didn't stir as I laid him on a bed in one of the bedrooms. I took one last look before drawing the covers over him. It had been the most exhausting day of my life. I plopped down on the sofa, and was asleep in an instant. My dreams were haunted with visions of the gruesome scene in that house. Fortunately a few flashes of Drake were thrown in too. *** "Uncle Steve?" I opened my eyes to see Drake standing over me with a cup of coffee in his hand. "I made you coffee. I'm afraid there isn't anything else here." I sat up and reached for the cup. I took a sip, and Drake turned to go back to the kitchen. The hospital gown, having a big gap in back, showed Drake's perfect butt as he walked away. Drake had remembered from last summer, that I take cream and sugar. He had his first coffee with me then, and liked it that way too. He returned from the kitchen with his own cup, and sat beside me. I considered bringing up the day before, but decided to let him talk about it on his terms. He drank about half his coffee, then sat his cup on a side table. He picked up my arm and drew it around his shoulders and leaned into my chest. I hoped he was going to cry and get it out of his system, but he didn't. Sometimes it's best just to open up and let it out, it can be cathartic. I rubbed his arm and squeezed him to me, laying my cheek to the top of his head. Drake brought his arm around my chest and squeezed me too. We just held onto each other in silence. After a few minutes, I realized that when he put his arm around my, my hand dropped to his butt. His bare butt. The hospital gown was gaping hugely, and my palm was right on his butt. My middle finger couldn't be more than an inch away from his ballsack. "Uh 3; Drake, maybe you should put some clothes on," I said, giving his butt a little pat. "I don't have any clothes here," he answered. "I stopped at Walmart last night and picked up a few things for you. In those bags over there." Drake reluctantly drew himself from my arms. As he was walking towards the bags, I watched his butt through the gap. He bent over, looking through the bags, his butt like a beacon, drawing attention. He pulled out a shirt and jeans and returned to me. "Could you untie me?" he asked turning his back to me. The gown was held on by two ties, one at the neck and one midway down his back.I untied them and he turned to face me again. "Thanks Uncle Steve," he said as he let the gown fall off him. I made a sharp intake of breath, as he stood before me totally nude. His flawless skin, perfect proportions, and overall beauty took my breath away. My eyes of course were drawn to his dick. Michelangelo couldn't have sculpted anything more perfect. He seemed in no hurry as he removed price stickers and manufacturer tags from the tee shirt before pulling it over his head. He did the same with the jeans before finally dragging them up his coltish legs. As his dick disappeared behind the zipper, I snapped out of the trance. "You're not going to put on underwear?" Drake dug through the bags and found the six pack of tightie whities I had bought. He peeled off the jeans and then tossed the package to me. "Could you open this for me?" He stood directly in front of me as I opened the package and pulled out a pair for him. Drake tossed the jeans on the sofa beside me and stepped into the briefs. Once they were up on his waist, he adjusted his dick in the crotch. "I hate new underwear. They're always so tight. Don't you think, Uncle Steve?" he said with his crotch right in my face. I swallowed hard but managed to squeak out, " Yeah." He picked up the jeans and pulled them on. "Maybe you should go pee, Uncle Steve," he said staring at the outline of the hard cock in my pants. "Uh 3; yes." It was already almost noon, so we went to the nearby village and picked up some supplies, had some lunch, then went back to the lake house. We sat on the dock and put our feet in the water, and just watched the sun go behind the mountains. Neither of us had spoken in over an hour. Drake finally said, "What's going to happen to me, Uncle Steve?" "What do you mean?" "Do I have to live with Mom and Larry? I think he is going to do it again if I do." Oh shit! He didn't know. "Let's go inside. How about some ice cream?" "So, Scamp, you think Larry will do this again?" "Yeah. It's been coming for a long time. I guess it's my fault." "How is it your fault?" I asked. "Well, Larry has always been a little too friendly, if you know what I mean. At first it was little things, like putting his hand on my leg. Then coming in my room when he knew I was changing clothes. Then just after school started this year, he came in my room and caught me and Cliff 3; well, messing around. About a week later, he and I were at home alone. Mom had gone shopping. He came into my room and said "Come in here, I want to show you something." So I went. He was watching porn. He said "Look at the size of his dick. He's really fucking her ass good." I just turned and walked back to my room. "He came in a minute later. I could see he had a hard on. He said "Did you like that?" I told him I didn't. He said "Don't knock it till you try it." and he squeezed his dick. He was always doing stuff like that in front of me." I immediately felt guilty about Drake catching me watching porn. "I still don't understand how this is your fault," I told him. "I could have told somebody. You know like they tell us in school about if somebody touches us in a 'bad way', we should tell a teacher or policeman or our parents. But he's my mom's husband. I didn't want to start any trouble. I mean, he really hadn't done anything bad, well, till now. I knew something was going to happen, that's why I called you." "Tell me about that. What do you mean you knew something was going to happen?" "Well, Mom started getting sick, a couple of weeks ago. It seemed like the worse she felt, the more gross things Larry would do. She wouldn't be feeling well, and go to bed early. Then Larry would switch the tv to porn when I was watching something. I would just go to my room. The last week, Mom hasn't even come out of her bedroom, and Larry told me not to bother her. A couple of days ago, he 3; well 3; he grabbed me, you know, my dick. I pushed him away and ran to my room again. "Then yesterday, Aldo comes over. Aldo's the guy Larry buys his dope from. Anyway, Aldo comes over, and he's got his little brother with him. His name is Nick. So they start drinking and smoking. Then Aldo does a strip show. When he throws his pants on the sofa next to me, I see his phone fall out. Aldo grabs his crotch and is like humping the air with the beat of the music. I sneak his phone into the bathroom and called you. Then 3; then Nick 3;" Drake started crying. "It's ok, baby. Take your time. I understand, if you don't want to talk about it." "No, it's ok. I might as well tell you. You're going to hate me either way." "Scamp. You know I could never hate you." "Promise?" he asked. I nodded. "Well, when I told you Larry caught me and Cliff messing around. It was more like 3; I was sucking him." He waited for some sort of response from me. When none came, he continued. "You know I loved the time you and I spent together last summer, when Mom and Larry went to Europe. When I came home, I sorta wanted to experiment. Cliff's been my best friend forever, so we tried things. That's what Larry saw. Cliff was so embarrassed and afraid, he hasn't been to my house since. "Anyway, Nick took me into the bedroom. He was being real friendly. He's only fifteen, so I thought it was funny when he talked about how silly his brother was acting. Then he kissed me, and said "Larry says you like to suck dick. Want to suck mine?" and he put my hand on his crotch. I tried to pull away, so he hit me. He started tearing at my clothes, and I was screaming. Larry and Aldo came in, but they weren't there to help me." Drake paused for a moment to gather himself, He took a deep breath, then looked at me so sadly. "Larry and Aldo held me down so Nick could fuck me," he blubbered. "I think they planned it. Larry brought lube with him when he and Aldo came in. Nick fucked me first, but he didn't take long. Then Larry fucked me. He kept saying that he had wanted a piece of me for a long time, and he knew my butt would be heaven. He asked if I liked having his 'daddy cock' in me." He cried for a few minutes then continued. "They all fucked me. They kept changing places. After a long time, Nick said there was so much cum in me he couldn't feel me anymore, so he left. Larry took another turn, then they went to smoke some more dope. Larry said If I moved he'd kill me. Next thing I remember is you coming in my bedroom. Please, Uncle Steve. I can't go back there." "I promise, Scamp, you'll never have to go back there," I said as I pulled him to me. "Is Larry going to be in trouble with the police? Mom's gonna be mad that I got him in trouble. But I told them the truth." I didn't know what to say. How could I tell him his mother was dead? "Scamp, baby, I'm going to take you to live with me. Larry won't hurt you anymore, I promise. But, you see 3; your mother was very sick. I'm afraid she didn't make it. She would want you to be happy, and so, as soon as I can arrange it, you're 3;" "What do you mean she didn't make it? She's 3; she's dead?" "Yes baby. I'm sorry. I wish I could have saved her, she was just too far gone." Scamp cried the rest of the night. Later as I showered my fantasies were filled with Drake's naked body, his beautiful butt pushing me over the edge as I stroked my cock. The next day, Scamp didn't come out of his room all day. I considered all he had told me about the summer before, and realized that he had spent most of those two weeks being extremely sensual toward me. I had ignored all but the most blatant incidences. I couldn't help but wonder if he did those things around Larry. He did say Larry had always been too friendly. After I fixed dinner I went to his room. "Scamp, I know how you must feel, but you have to eat something. Please come eat with me." He reluctantly followed me to the table. He picked at his food for a while, then asked, "Do you think Larry had anything to do with Mom dieing?" "Why do you ask?" "Just some of the things that's been going on lately. Like him not wanting me to see Mom, and the way he started coming on to me, like he had nothing to worry about." "Well Scamp, the police believe he did have something to do with it." I couldn't tell him the whole story, or he might blame himself for not doing something to prevent it. "Do you still love me Uncle Steve?" he asked a moment later. "Of course I do," I assured him. "I'm sorry Larry did that to me. You have to believe me. I didn't want him to. I 3; I wanted 3; I mean 3;" "Shh. Scamp. I know you didn't want that. They raped you. You had no choice in it. But I was wondering, you said Larry would come into your room when you were changing clothes." "Yeah, more lately than in the beginning." "Did you ever 3; well, do like you did yesterday in front of me." Drake looked at the floor and blushed. "No. I only did that for you. I know you think of me as a little kid. I wanted you to know that 3; well, I'm grown. I have a little hair and everything. You have to know how I feel about you. I mean, last summer, I practically spelled it out for you." There it was. Out in the open. "Are you mad about 3; You know, what I did with Cliff?" "No. Boys your age experiment. It's only natural." "Did you experiment at my age?" Shit. Now what am I gonna say? "Uh 3; yes. I had a good friend, just like you and Cliff. We did some things too." He accepted my answer, but I could tell he was deep in thought. After dinner clean up, he went to his room again. I sat with my laptop, working on my novel. After an hour of little progress, I decided to shower and try again. During my shower the night before, I had visions of Drake's strip show running through my mind as I jerked off. I had felt guilty about it, and vowed not to let that happen again. But just the thought had me hard instantly. I got out of the shower before the fantasies could take shape. I sat up in my bed staring at the last sentence I had typed on my laptop. It was totally useless. I deleted it, and read the previous paragraph. It did nothing for the story, and had brought me to a standstill. I deleted it as well. Then my door opened and Drake came in. And though he wasn't completely nude in his briefs, my heart skipped a few beats. He took my laptop away and closed it, placing it on the nightstand. He turned out the lamp, and crawled into my bed. "Hold me, Uncle Steve." I don't think Drake realized I was nude under that blanket. Or maybe he did. "Do you still love me Uncle Steve?" he asked as I drew him to me. "Yes baby, I do," I promised. Drake reached down and removed his underwear. "Show me. Make me forget that Larry was ever there. Show me you love me Uncle Steve. Please." Maybe it was wrong. Maybe I'll burn in hell for it. I can't say I didn't want to, I desperately did. I'd like to think I did it to help Drake. I know I only did it because he asked me to. I swear, I wouldn't have if he hadn't asked. He was very responsive. An active participant in my taking him. The second time as well. Attached at the lips as well as the genitals. Guilt aside, it was the most wonderful sexual experience of my life. Afterwards we lay in each other's arms. Suddenly Drake began sobbing again. "I wanted you to be the first to do that to me. I've waited so long for it. Larry stole that from me. I want to hurt him." "Scamp, it doesn't matter to me that I wasn't first. The important thing is we've got each other now. The police will take care of Larry and the other two assholes too." "So, I'm gonna live with you?" he asked with a smile. "Yes, baby." "Do we have to live in that house?" "No. I'm going to sell that house and this one. We can live in my house, or move someplace else. I can write anywhere. Where would you like to live?" "Anywhere you are, will be perfect." At his trial, Larry was found guilty of murder and rape of a child. Aldo and Nick both found guilty of rape. Drake and I live on the beach in Florida now. The End |
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