BrianBenjiChapters 31-33Chapter 31I could see as we flew into Mogadishu we were coming in from the north. The blue of the Indian Ocean could be seen. We landed in the court yard of what appeared to be an old fortress. I was ushered off the helicopter and into a hallway. One guard ahead and another behind. We went up several flights of stairs and then down a long hallway. We came to heavy wood door. The guard opened it and indicated for me to enter and then closed and locked the door.The room was very well appointed. The stone floors were covered with thick carpets and several more adorned the walls. The room was dominated by a very large, but old fashioned bed, complete with netting surrounding it. There were several comfortable looking chairs, a table and chairs and a small bar, complete with several unopened bottles. When I looked in the side room, there was a large tub and shower. The main room had a large set of windows that opened onto a balcony. When I went outside I could see there would be no escape as there was nothing but a shear drop of about a hundred feet [30 m] to the ground. I went back in, sat down to ponder my situation.
As Benjis' aircraft descended and slowed for landing at Burundi Airfield, he could see a vast armada of ships of the NorAm navy. When NorAm prosecuted a war they didn't go for half measures. Even as they began their descent they were under full escort by several Raptures. As the aircraft came in over Burundi City he could see several fires and lots of smoke over the city. The pilot landed in a hurry and taxied directly into a newly built concrete revetment. As it shut down Benji could see Mike and Geordie standing close by. Along with a good many very heavily armed Security Guards. After deplaning, Benji, although saluted by both men, rushed up to both and embarrassed each. Just a hint of tears in his eyes. "Welcome back Benji." Mike said. "That goes double for me Sir." Geordie said. "Any word Mike?" "Yes Sir. Lets go to the Command Center and I'll bring you fully up to date." As the men walked to the Command Center, Benji could see a lot of construction going on. There was also at one least Patriot Battery visible. "Sudan has been lobbing Surface to Surface missiles into Burundi. Tom ordered in several Patriot Batteries to protect the City and the Airport." The Command Center had been moved inside one of the Concrete revetments. It had also been expanded. Now housed in several connected trailers. After everyone was in and seated at a conference table surrounded by large map screens Mike stood at the end of the table. "Okay Benji this is what we know to date. The COD carrying Brin was located about 80 clicks north of Tombasa. The three crew and two security officers had been executed at close range, each with a single bullet between the eyes. Brin was not among the dead. Early this morning we got word from the South African Special Forces that several armored carriers arrived in Tombasa yesterday. They, at the time did not know that Brin's aircraft had been shot down. They also noted a Helicopter came and left the next morning. Just two hours ago the SA Special forces at Mogadishu noted a helicopter landing in the court yard of Mohamed Abduls fortress home outside Mogadishu. Mohamed Abdul is one of the most powerful Warlords in Somalia. His house is located about 3 clicks from the processing compound. We now believe he is controlling both the processing center in Tombasa and Mogadishu. Were not sure about Himcosha because it is south of Mogadishu. However it may be a good bet." Benji just sat silently for several minutes after Mike had finished. "Is there anyway to confirm that Brin is in Mogadishu?" he asked. "No not yet, but. Sudan has placed a 2,000,000 dollar bounty on Brin's head. Dead or Alive. If Abdul has him he may want to see if Intersec or someone else will pay more. Also the SASF at Mogadishu are now trying to confirm if Brin is actually at the fortress." "Any idea how long until we know for sure?" "No Benji." "Okay. The operation goes ahead as planned regardless. However I want the Loyal Eddies augmented with a Regiment of Tanks. Just in case Brin is actually in Mogadishu. Now I wish to go to the Good Hope. Get me transport." This last was not a request, but a direct order. Spoken softly but with a steel in it that brooked no dissention. Something Mike had not seen in Benji before. This was no longer that young fragile boy they had found in Alberta. This was the Commander of the Most Powerful Security Company in the world. "Yes Sir!" "I'm still just Benji to you Mike. But I want to see part of my family before we go into Mogadishu." "Sir! Benji you won't be going into Mogadishu." "Your wrong Mike. Brin Rescued me. Now I am going to rescue him. I will be going in to get him out where ever he is. Period. End of Discussion." The way Benji said it, it did not leave anything for discussion. Benji had put it as Brin would have done. Give the order. Make it happen. Everyone in the Command Center had heard him. He hadn't said it loud, but in a clear voice that spoke of absolute conviction. Nothing or anybody would stand in his way. Both Mike and Geordie looked at each other. Their response was simple and direct. "Yes Commander!" Benji got up and walked out of the Command Center. Standing just next to the stairs were Kisha and his other South African body guards. Benji looked at Kisha and then ran to him and wrapped his arms around him. Both Mike and Geordie could see that Benji was crying, deep down sobs of pure pain. Kisha just held him. Sharing his grief. The inner turmoil, the inner thoughts all surfacing at once. Benji was still the very vulnerable boy but, now had the steel in his being that made men love him even more. He was both Commander and Benji. After several minutes, Benji stood back, but not before kissing Kisha. "Okay lets go." he said. Benji was led to an Osprey, but one he had never seen before. There were no huge props on the wing tips, instead just small nacelles. He stopped and looked at it. Mike said. "It's the latest version. Jet powered. The Osprey 2A." He just entered and sat down, buckling the seat belt. Kisha and the other security following and sitting down. No sooner than they entered the aircraft spooled up and in no time they were airborne. As they flew over the arrayed ships off of Burundi Benji could see lights flashing between ships. "What are they doing?" he asked the Comm. tech. "It's just short message traffic Sir." "What's the message?" "Benjis' back." That brought more tears to Benji. How could a fleet of ships from NorAm be so interested in just him. He really didn't know the effect his presence held for the entire NorAm navy. They loved him as much or even more than even his lover and partner Brin. It really was beyond his comprehension. The reality of the situation was that in part the NorAm navy felt responsible for the loss of Brin Sadac's aircraft. If their intelligence had noted that there was a reward for Brin, they would had laid on a heavier escort than they did. And now Brin wouldn't be lost. They needed to make amends. Now nothing would happen to Benji. Forty five minutes after take off the Osprey approach the Good Hope. The landing was smooth and quick. As he jumped to the deck and after the Osprey lifted off, he was surrounded by hundreds of boys and girls. All trying to get close to their savior. Kisha and the others just stood back. Here Benji was King. Here they knew no one wanted anything less than just to touch and hold Benji. They loved him with something that was beyond imagination. Here he was among family. And Benji loved them back. He was inundated with questions. Where's Brin, where's our Father. Benji could just answer soon. Soon he will be here. After almost two hours Benji was able to reach the Bridge. "Welcome Home Son." Captain Fontaine said. "Thank you Captain." "Benji after this next operation we will be at capacity. I hope you have some place in mind where we can put all these boys and girls ashore." "Yes Captain we do. It's called NAS Gilbert." "Sorry never heard of it." "It's in the Bermuda Islands. It was apparently a NAS Anti-Submarine base during World War 2. Brin found it and I understand that NorAm is reconditioning it to accept up to 10,000 people. I quite honestly don't know it's exact location." "No matter. I am to understand the operation goes ahead regardless of the fact that Brin will not be here to over see it?" "Yes." "Have you any estimates Sir on how many slaves will be rescued in Africa?" "I have only sketchy information available at this point. One Camp, Tombasa has only about 200 boys working there. If it is the same at the others that would make it about 1000. However it could be more or less." "And the other two Camps?" "Captain, it is only an estimate but, it could be anywhere from 1000 to 6000. I just don't know." "The Saint Peter's capacity is about the same as ours. She can handle about 5000. If it is more than she will be hard pressed. However Captain Mateo will do what is necessary. We now have close to 3500 boys and girls on board." "Do the kids here know Brin is missing?" "No." "I would prefer it Sir if they didn't know until, until 3; " Benji broke down then. He just started to cry. He couldn't help it. Everything was just started to come into his mind. All the consequences, all the pain. All the hurt. Captain Fontaine was very quick in grabbing Benji and just holding him. He then picked Benji up and took him down to his cabin. He held him until his young body stopped shaking. "I'm going to give you something to let you sleep." "No please Captain. I want to help rescue my love." "Just a mild sedative Benji. I'll make sure your awake in time. But you need sleep. Brin may be able to go on for hours and hours but you need sleep." The Captain injected Benji with a mild sleep drug. Then laid him gently on the bed. "Sleep Son, sleep." Captain Fontaine now looked down at a sleeping Benji. Warrior and Boy. Commander for sure, but still a boy. And I guess now he is my Commander too he thought. Yes I will go into the depths of hell for this young man. He has given all or part of him for every single young man and women on his ship. Could I do any less? Benji slept for almost six hours. Watched carefully by Kisha and his two compatriots. No one disturbed his restless sleep. At one point Kisha had laid beside him as Dreams wracked his body and mind. Holding him and soothing him with quiet words. When Benji finally awoke, Kisha helped him undress and assisted him as he showered and cleaned up. Both were nude in the shower and as usual Benji was hard. Kisha just kneeled and sucked Benji. Relieving him of his pent up passion. When Benji went to reciprocate, Kisha backed off. "No Benji. I don't need you. I am now your Servant, and regardless of what you say I will always be your servant. Like all the others around you I love you. But my love is not what you want and need. Soon we will find your only love, Brin, and God will not help his capturers, this I swear on my ancestors graves." Benji dressed in his now cleaned armor and pressed Combat pants. He walked out into the Captains Suite. A very substantial meal was set on the table. And as usual he ate like a man who had being hungry for a lifetime. After eating he finished dressing. Kisha handed him his belt and sidearm. "No. Like my Love I will go into this battle unarmed. My love for Brin will protect me." Benji was escorted back up to the Bridge. "Ah! Benji you look a hundred percent better." "Any news Captain?" "Yes. Some good and some bad." "The good news first. Brin is being held in Mogadishu at the Fortress operated by Mohamed Abdul. It is on the far western edge of Mogadishu, almost 10 clicks from the coast. Abdul has demanded 25,000,000 in gold for his release. He wants an answer within 24 hours. The bad news is that there are far more young boys being held in Africa that either the Good Hope or the Saint Peter can handle." "How many more?" "The camps on the African mainland are all processing plants. They hold no more than about 600 boys, only boys, no girls. However the camp in Zanzibar is a plantation. There are about 1500 boys and girls there. There is also a guard force of over two hundred men. From information I have received from your Command is that the labor force in Zanzibar is all the males, while the girls are used just as entertainment. This bothers me very much as the STD's will be very hard to contain once we have them on board." "Captain it may not be as bad as you think. When I was,..was in the Sultans service in Burundi I was vaccinated against most STD's. I would presume the girls were too. He wouldn't have wanted STD's running rampart in his camps." "That may be true Benji but, I will prepare for it anyway. Now is there away we can move some of the kids off my ship in preparation for the arrival of almost 2000 or more." "I'm not sure Captain, but I will enquire with the NorAm navy and see if they can handle some of them." "Good. Now I believe the Osprey sitting on the pad above the Bridge is for you. Good luck and long life Benji. Safe journey." "Thank you Captain. I wish I had more time for my family." "They will understand Son." Benji walked up and hugged Captain Fontaine. The Captain had more than just a tear in his eye as Benji left. As soon as Benji boarded the aircraft it spooled up and lifted off. No sooner than they were in the air, Benji could see multiple aircraft in escort. This flight was quite long as the aircraft headed for the assault ship Ortona. It could be not lost on the Loyal Edmonton Regiment that they were on a ship named after one of the Battle Honors emblazoned on their colors. The NorAm navy had began to name Assault ships, not just after Marine Battles but also Battles of the Canadian Army. Since the naming of Carriers after Canadian Prime Ministers had started right after unification of Canada and the United States of America. Now it was very common practice. The luck of the Loyal Eddies was that the Their Assault on Mogadishu would be made from the Ortona. The new Assault ships being built by NorAm, were not just Carriers. They had been built with the capability to actually land Forces on the beach. All were roll on roll off ships. But all were capable of actually moving up to a beach and unload the troops directly on to the beach. Although they all weighed in at almost 20,000 tons displacement, they were powered by small nuclear reactors supplying almost 12,000 tons of thrust to water jet engines. The plan called initially for The Loyal Eddies to land north of Mogadishu and circumvent the main city. Now it had been changed. The Eddies would still land North of the City but, a Marine Assault Brigade would land in the port itself. They would pin down all in city forces while the Loyal Eddies would swing around and attack the Fortress and Camp. In the last 50 to 75 years many nations had tried to subdue the Warlord System of Government in Somalia. Non had been victorious. Now it was not an objective to subdue. Now there would be no quarter asked or given. The Marines had their own reasons and the Loyal Eddies had theirs. God would not help any one who resisted.
When Benji landed on the Assault Carrier it was totally blacked out. And pitch black out. Once on board he was escorted to the Combat Information Center. Mike and Geordie met him. "Welcome aboard Commander." they both saluted. "Shouldn't you be with your Brigade Mike?" "Yes Sir. However I have been given by direct order from General Israel that I accompany you. He told me in no uncertain terms that I was to protect you at all costs. He was given an ultimatum by his son and his partner Jacob that if anything happened to you they would never forgive him and would never speak to him ever. Ari loves his Son as strongly as you love Brin and he would move mountains for his lover. So I am here Sir." "I'm still just Benji to you Mike." "I'm sorry Benji, but you are now my Commander. As I can't easily call Brin by his name I can no longer call you anything other than my Commander." Benji turned away from both men as the implications sunk in. God he hoped he was right. No he knew he was right. Brin is my Commander, my Saviour, my Love. But I love them all he thought. Turning back and with a voice tinged with tears and sorrow. "Present Status of all Assault units." General Edward Simms stepped forward. "Sir, I have been appointed to coordinate all assaults on the African continent by General Blake. He has also appointed General Abrams, the Special Forces in theater Commander to coordinate the Assault on Tamawatu. Due to the numbers involved in Tamawatu he has also been given them another two Companies of Special Forces. All attacks will happen at the prescribed time. With the exception of the Loyal Eddies. They will be landed tonight at 0200 hours 20 clicks north of Mogadishu. There they will move in force into the desert north and west of Mogadishu, about 10 clicks from both the compound and the fortress we believe Brin is being held in. All their vehicles will be in desert camo and all will hide until the predetermined assault time." "Now we have been in contact with Mohamed Abdul and have agreed to his terms. However we have also stated that we will need at least 72 hours to obtain, crate and prepare his ransom demands. He has agreed. South Africa has agreed to supply the Gold." "Under Section Four, Paragraph 2 of the Rules of the International Security Command, We will never pay any ransom or demand for services under any circumstances." Benji said. "Nor do we plan to pay him Commander. However, he more than likely has people in South Africa watching. If he saw us doing nothing he would get very suspicious. So we pretend. Benji, Commander we only used the idea of negotiation as a ruse. It gives us an additional 72 hours. Thirty Six hours from now he will be either dead or in custody." "Take him alive General. I want to shoot him like he did my men." Benji said. The total conviction and resolve in his voice gave both Mike and Geordie pause. They saw the absolute hate he felt for this Warlord. Benji was becoming more and more like Brin every second. He could feel love, love of those that were part of him, all the Corporation and every single man and women that was part of it. But he also could and did hate anyone who killed or hurt something he held very close to his heart. Benji was now more their Commander than others far older than he. "Yes Sir." was all they could say. Benji moved to one of consoles in the CIC. He asked the sailor there if he could be connected to the internet. The sailor stepped aside and showed him how he could connect. Benji punched in the command for the INTERSEC World Wide Net. He then put in his Command Code and then the day code. He began to review all the message traffic from his Headquarters. He relized it really was his Headquarters now until Brin was back. With almost 6 hours until the landing he took time to review and reply as best he could. One message stood out among all the rest. This message was very long and very involved. Timed to coincide with the attacks on the African Mainland, Zanzibar and South East Asia, units from the 196th Independent Airborne Brigade would drop on Bor-Dango. Backed by the 12th and 23rd MEF, they would take and hold the International Airport in Bor-Dango, all the communication points and the police and military installations. Once the airport was secure, units from the NorAm Army would start landing to reinforce and take and occupy the rest of Bor-Dango. It also stated that the President of NorAm had scheduled a news Conference after the assaults took place. An Attachment had been added to the message. It was the Presidents Speech. Benji printed it off and sat back to read.
Well although I had absolutely no chance of escaping, I still planned any possible ways. I really had nothing else to do. There was no radio or even any books to read. There was also no clocks. So my estimate of the time was based solely on the position of the sun. I was fed very good, mostly western style meals. Other than that I was left totally alone. I even took a chance and stripped and enjoyed a long shower. I was able to rinse my armor and uniform, getting rid of the accumulated sweat. I was not sure of the time, but it was late evening on my second day in this plush cell that the Warlord walked in. "Comfortable Commander?" "I'd be more comfortable someplace else." "Soon Commander. The International Security Command has agreed to pay me 25 million in gold for your release. They are making arrangements now. At most you will be only be here for another seventy two hours." I wondered who had authorized that. My Company did not pay ransom demands under any circumstances. Regardless of the consequences. "Really." I said. "Yes indeed Commander. I think I could have asked for much more, but 25 million will put me in a better position." "I don't suppose you can tell me the date and time. With out a clock in here it really doesn't help. Although comfortable this is really just a cell." "Yes indeed Commander. It is Friday the 10th of May I will have a radio put in and if you need anything else just ask. You are going to make me a very rich man Commander. It is the least I can do." He then just turned and left. Friday. The assaults were set to happen tomorrow night. Did anyone know I was here. God I hoped so. There had to be someway I could let the assault forces know I was here. I walked over to the bar in the room and looked over the bottles arranged there. I picked up a bottle of Scotch, cracked it and poured a liberal portion into a glass. I then sat down to think. Who ever had arranged the ransom exchange had set a 72 hour time frame. But I knew now the assaults would take place in about 36 hours. Mike had to have a hand in it. But what of Benji, my love. He must now know that I'm being held. That really must be hurting him. God I wanted him now so bad. I had never even thought that this might happen to me, or how he would react. Never again. I just sat and brooded as the sun slowly set.
The NorAm navy Seals had picked the landing place for the Eddies. The beach shallowed quickly so the Ortona could move very close to unload the Regiment and the battalion of tanks. The area of the landing had also been picked as there were no houses or traffic in the area. The main north south highway was well beyond the place picked to for the assault force to hunker down for the day. Nothing but sparse vegetation and sand. The landing went without incident. Benji had landed in a M2A6 Command Carrier. The regiment and tanks had moved inland and now were concealed under Camouflage tents. Unless you knew they were there you could have walked to within twenty feet [6 m] and not seen them. The other assaults were also in position, most far out to sea, well below the horizon. Before the Eddies landed Benji had talked to both the Captain of the Ortona and the Iwo Jima. Asking if they could embark 500 boys onto each of their ships. Telling them that the space was needed on the Good Hope to handle the influx from the camps on the continent. Both had readily agreed. Benji had transmitted this to Captain Fontaine and all through the day Boys were moved from the Good Hope to the Assault carriers. All were welcomed with open arms, the crews got a first hand look at what was at stake. The NorAm navy sailors were overwhelmed by these young men. And all found a new reason to help in any way possible these kids. And kids gave back the love ten fold. They may have been mostly gay or Bi but, They insinuated their way into the hearts of these tough sailors. What they gave was love, not sexual love but genuine love, love of been just held, love of holding on, even just the curiosity of young minds. And the sailors took them to them totally. As preparations were made to land Benji sat on the ramp of the Carrier he would land with. It seemed that ever single man in both The Loyal Edmonton Regiment and the 1st of the 3rd Marine Tank Battalion came up to shake his hand, or say few words. Benji was overwhelmed at the love they seemed to exude. When Mike came up Benji asked. "Why Mike? I am no different than I was before." "Your wrong Commander. They believe in you and in your love for Brin. They would gladly and without hesitation kneel before you. I and all those who meet and see you have become enthralled at your dedication and love. Brin may be your God, but you are his General. We, all, all the forces you Command will walk gladly into hell for you. And for Brin." "I'm not a General. I don't know how to fight. I don't know how to make war. I'm just a kid." Mike grabbed Benji and pulled him into an embrace. He kissed him on the forehead. Benji started to cry. "You see Mike. I'm not a General. Generals don't cry." "Your wrong Commander. All Generals cry. But mostly on the inside. All Generals and Commanders cry. They cry because they have to send young men into battle, knowing full well that some of those young men will die. They can't prevent it, but the young men they send also know they might die, yet still all those young men still go. The deference is you my young Commander can't hide what you feel and the men love you more for it. More to the point is you are now placing yourself in harms way. You have said that you will lead this Assault. I don't agree, but I will follow you unto hell itself and Loyal Edmonton Regiment and the First of the Third Marine Armored Battalion will lead the way." At 0200 hours the assault Carrier Ortona landed the Loyal Eddies and it's supporting armor. Far to the south the Carrier Tacoma was making preparations. The Tacoma wasn't an Attack Carrier. She was for and intents and purposes a transport. What she carried on her deck was or in her hold was 22 Osprey, 6 Super Stallions and 15 Seahawks. She was considered a fleet auxiliary. In this Action she would play a very pivotal role. Her Osprey would land the Second Special Forces, and then begin the evacuation of the kids in Tamawatu. First to the Tacoma and later to the Good Hope. The Second Atlantic Fleet had rounded the Cape was now steaming into the Indian Ocean. The two Attack carriers, the Fox and the Lincoln, surrounded by almost 60 ships was steaming in a north easterly course. Timed to arrive off Mozambique and Zanzibar at 1900, 11 May.
My day went by very slowly. Even the radio didn't help. All I could get was Islamic Stations. I couldn't understand the words and music sucked. I sort of wallowed in misery. What was happening. I had to shut down my cooling of my armor, afraid the batteries might run out and then my uniform would revert to grey. I sat on the balcony watching the sun set. I knew it was 11th of May. Now I had only to just wait. Regardless of what happened in the next few hours I was going get out of here if I had to kill everything that got in my way.
The Loyal Eddies and the Marines were under cover. The heat was really suppressive, close to the mid 30c. But with no wind to give some relieve. All the troops under took it in stride having been in Sudan and under the relentless heat. Benji never had. And the waiting was driving him to almost insanity. Mike tried several times to just get him to relax, Save your energy Commander. But he would have none of it. He talked and visited almost every single soldier of the almost 1200 men hidden. Always accompanied by Kisha , Ana and Beko. His assigned African body guards. He sat down by a marine carrier. A Sgt brought out a large bottle of water. "Thanks Sgt." In the background behind a young marine was playing a tape real low. As he sat and listened tears started down his cheeks. This is what men fight for he thought. He didn't know the song, but it pulled at his heart and his soul. He knew now that he would find and rescue his love. Warriors don't fight for there Generals, they fight for their past and their Regiments past. They fight for their sons and daughters. If I asked any one of these young men why they fight they would probably say because I was here, but in reality they fight for something higher. I love these men all of them, Benji thought, But I am just a 17 year old boy. Why me, Why me? Benji cried as he made his way back to the Command Carrier. "Mike I want a side arm and a submachine gun." "Yes Sir." " I will be leading the assault on the fortress while you rescue the boys from the camp." "NO! No. I won't permit it Commander. Brin would never forgive me if anything happened to you." "Are you prepared to disobey a direct order from your Commander Mike." With tears running down his face. "YES SIR. Even if I have to restrain you, I will not let you lead. I love you Benji as I love Brin. I would never allow him to lead any assault and I won't allow you Sir." "And if he needs help Commander, I will prevent you too." General Mayes said. "Is this what Brin called a revolt in the ranks?" This was interrupted by a communications Sgt. "Sir we just received a coded communication from General Masubo. He is entering the Fortress now." The time was 1830 11 of May. "What, what, alone. Get ready to move out Generals. Now." "Benji it is too soon, we have to wait to make sure every attack takes place at the same time." "MAKE IT HAPPEN NOW!" Benji screamed. "Now Generals, Now!" The clear and absolute conviction in his voice made it clear to every single man with earshot that he Commanded. The reaction was immediate. Camo was discarded and 1200 men and 45 tanks, 30 APC's charged toward Mogadishu. Benji was attacking an hour earlier than had been planned, but the assault was executed with such precision that the camp and the fortress didn't know what was happening until it was almost over.
I was sitting feeling really sorry for myself. Fuck I couldn't do a thing. I heard a loud clang on the balcony. The guards outside my prison heard it too and rushed in. One guard rushed onto the baloney and I saw him looking down. The next thing I heard was a gurgling sound, the other guard heard it to and headed for the balcony. Not even thinking I tackled him, surprised he went down and I pressed his weapon over his throat. As he struggled, out of the corner of my eye I saw a long black leg close by. The soldier under my pressure died. I stood up brandishing the weapon. As I stood I was enveloped in the arms of Kimbo. "What are you doing here. Your Prime Minister Forbid you to be involved Kimbo." "I am sorry Brin, but where you are involved I don't care what my Prime Minister says. My men reported to me that you were here. So now I am. But we must leave now the Assault takes place in less than a hour." "NO! I want that Warlord. I want him to feel the same as my men." "Brin you should not feel that way." "You wrong Kimbo. My Company was built on the idea that every single man and women is important to me, without exception. Every single man and women I love. Destroy part of my Company family and I will go to the ends of the earth to revenge their death. Weather it is one or ten thousand it is all the same to me." "Brin in Combat that is not good tactics." "Kimbo, I love you. I love Benji with everything I have. I love all those boys and girls I have rescued. I love every single man and women in my Company. If any one tried to hurt or kill any of who I love I would use everything in my power to make them pay." Kimbo did something I hated most. He kneeled with his head almost touching the floor. Before he could say a word I heard Bagpipes. "You hear that." I said You hear bagpipes?" "Yes I do. I think your Regiment is Coming. But they are early. I suspect their Commander has ordered them to attach now." "Their Commander?" "Brin it is Benji. He is coming for you. He is a very changed young man." "I can't believe that. Mike would never allow it." "MY Friend, You made Benji your deputy. When you were shot down he took Command. I have been told that when he commands he speaks with such conviction that no one can deny him. If he Commanded Mike, Mike would follow him without question. His love for you Brin makes Benji an even more formidable Commander than You." "And now he and His and Your Loyal Eddies are coming, even with the pipes playing. I pity any who oppose them. The Eddies I know will give no quarter, regardless of cost. The Marines who landed with them will drive into hell to back the Eddies." "Brin you can hate me for saying it but, You are God to everyone who loves you. All the kids you rescued ask for their father their God. No matter where you go, no matter how you will deny it, they will all call you their God. Brin you are A God to me, and I will gladly walk into hell knowing you love me as you do, Everyone of your family. I consider you now my father and my God." I could only turn away and cry. I'm not a god, just a simple man. Why? Why?
Chapter 32We could here now the distinctive sound of wailing pipes. The Loyal Edmonton Regiment was coming with speakers blaring. We also heard the Slam of tank guns firing and the roar of Chain guns firing. We both in instinct headed for the door. I had picked up the old AK-47 the guard had been using. When we opened the door the hallway was empty. Directly across from my prison was another door. Kimbo just pushed and opened it. What we saw turned my blood to a boil.The Warlord was on the bed driving his cock into a young boys ass, even as the kid screamed his heart out. We could hear the Warlord grunting between laughs as he plowed the boys ass. On the floor was an unconscious boy, totally nude and bleeding from his ass. Another was boy was chained to the wall, still in his cutoffs and ripped T-shirt. Kimbo ran to the bed, grabbed the Warlord by his hair and dragged him off the boy and onto the floor. As he held him down I saw him pull a very wicked looking blade from his boot and before he could gut the Warlord. "I want him alive Kimbo." "Brin my Friend he doesn't deserve to live." "I know Kimbo. But I still want him alive. Tie him." I rushed to the young boy laying on the floor. There was an awful lot of blood, in fact the kid was laying in almost a sea of blood. Most was been pumped out of his ass. With each heart beat he losing more blood. As tears ran down my face I screamed at Kimbo to bring anything to stanch the loss of blood. Even as I knew it was useless. The boy was dieing as I watched. Before Kimbo could even move I saw the boys eyes flutter a final time and knew he had died. The pain was almost more than I could bare, To watch a young boy die from sexual abuse brought all the pain I felt when I first encountered Benji. The hate just built inside me until it was almost a physical thing. Tears blurred my vision. I stood and walked to a wall. I started to slam the wall with my fists. Like Ari so long ago it seemed I could no longer control my emotions. Kimbo was very quick as he grabbed me and just held on as I cried with such pain that he had never before seen in me. It took several minutes before I even became coherent. "Easy Brin, easy. I'm here. Benji is coming for you. He will help relieve your pain." "Your wrong Kimbo. I hope I will never have my pain relieved. Then I can and will hate everyone who can do this to a boy. He didn't deserve this end." "Brin you may be a God to all who love you, but you could not have saved that young man. But Brin you did save two others." I looked long and hard at my friend Kimbo. "Yes." The whole building shook. The 130 mm Tank shells were reeking havoc on the Warlords Castle. Stone and Brick had never been built to withstand modern Weaponry. Even as stone and mortar dust rained down on us I rushed to the boy still chained to the wall. "Get the boy on the bed Kimbo." I ran to the young man chained to the wall. I saw it was one of the boys from my helicopter ride here. These boys weren't to be released. They were brought here to satisfy the Warlords lust. I quickly let him loose and then wrapped my arms around him, crying as I held him. "Your safe now son. Your safe. No one will ever hurt you again." As Kimbo picked up the boy on the bed the door burst open. Kimbo with a speed of lightning grabbed his weapon and even before the three men could make a move found themselves perforated with thirty rounds as he unloaded the full magazine into the guards. The noise inside the apartment was massive. The boy I had released grabbed me and held with such a tight grip he almost made me to loose my breath. I just gripped him back. I couldn't change. I loved all these young men. They were family. They were all part of me as I was part of Benji. And Benji was part of them. Kimbo and I were both standing, holding onto a boy. We heard running steps in the hall outside. Kimbo quickly reloaded with a full magazine. I picked up the one I had brought. We both Stood and waited. We heard men entering my ex-prison. Could hear words but not the language. We waited, sure it was guards in the fortress. Their entrance into the Warlords apartment was so unexpected. It was preceded by the Door being blasted into the room. If either Kimbo or I had being inline with the door we would have been killed outright. Two soldiers burst into the room. Mike was on one side. Benji was on the other. They were followed by six others, some of them bleeding from wounds. There was no mistaking them. The green berets they wore made them Loyal Eddies. "Without even a missed heartbeat Benji said. "Commander a helicopter is landing on the roof to get you out now." No salute, no I love you. Just a Command. "I am unimportant. Get these boys out first. That one needs medical assistance now Benji." It was then that Benji really understood all I stood for. My life was unimportant as long as my family, all my family were safe first. "Make it happen now." I ordered. In the short time that I had been lost to him Benji had changed. Changed to the good. He really was now more than just my love, my partner. He was a Commander. He was now my Commander as I was his. The Eddies were quick, very quick. The young boy held by Kimbo was laid down and two soldiers were administering to him. The one held by me was pulled from my grasp, with soothing words, and the soldier who grabbed him wrapped his arms around him. As I had. How could I not love these men. They felt as I did. They cried as I did. And they bled for me. There was no way I could honor all these men. All I could and would do was love them all. "What's happening Mike?" He didn't answer, unusual for Mike, instead he just pointed at Benji. I turned and looked at Benji. His dirt covered uniform. The smudges on his face. The soot of battle marring his face. I wanted to just run over and take him in my arms. To hold him. Kiss him. Instead I just looked at him. "Commander. The Loyal Edmonton Regiment supported by the 1st of the 3rd Marine Armor Battalion have now taken the Fortress here and the processing center. Although we attacked a little earlier than the original assault time, all other assaults went in on time. We were able to destroy all communication facilities here before any word of our assault could get out. I see you have the Warlord alive. Good. I plan to execute him as he did our men. So far we liberated almost 1300 boys and girls in Africa and Zanzibar. The fight continues in Zanzibar as well as in South East Asia. Early estimates were low. There now far more young boys and girls than we ever dreamed of. Unconfirmed reports from the attacks in south East Asia report very heavy attrition to the overseers of those camps." "Fuck them." I said. "I'm sorry My Commander, but my word would be to kill them, kill them all." "Could you live with that my love." "Where my Family comes in. Yes. All of the kids are all part of our family now." "I agree." I looked at Benji and he looked at me and then just rushed into my arms, crying as a the kid he really was. He was a very capable Commander but, he was also a very vulnerable boy. I held him very close. "General Masubo. Take Command. I want a SITREP ASAP." "Yes Commander." From the way he had deferred to Benji, I knew Mike wasn't here to command. He had a Brigade he was attached to. Infact he was deputy Commander of that Brigade. He could only be here on Ari's orders. I figured Ari put Benji on a pedestal and had ordered Mike to protect him. What ever his reasons Mike was invaluable to me. I loved both his son and daughter and his wonderful wife. I also loved Ari, his partner and his son Aaron. Having love for Mike never came into the equation. He knew I loved him with every part of me. A heavy thump on the roof above our heads seemed to be a signal. Benji released his hold on me and Commanded in a voice I had never heard before. "Now! Get them out now. Move! Move now." As we exited into the hall, it was covered by more soldiers. The young injured boy was gently picked up. The other was carried by a young soldier with tears running down his cheeks. Even the young dead kid was picked up and carried out. The tied and subdued Warlord was dragged from his room. At the end of the hall another door had been blasted off it's hinges. Everyone headed up the stairs revealed to the roof of the Fortress. The roof was almost filled with the bulk of a heavy lift Stallion. It looked like a huge very angry hornet. The boys, Warlord and some of the more severely wounded soldiers were quickly loaded. As it spooled up to take off the down pressure could almost take your breath away. Even as it lifted off another dropped down. The ramp lowered and more men, these too in Green berets spread out across the roof. They weren't Eddies, They were NorAm Special Forces. Benji stepped away from me, issuing orders like a new person . Not as a boy, but a real life Commander. It brought tears to my eyes. I had left a lover behind but had gained a warrior. Mike was never far from his side and Kimbo stood next to me. "He is so alike you Brin." Kimbo said. "Yes." was all I could say. As I approached an edge of the roof, I was restrained by two soldiers. "No Commander. There are still snipers about." I looked east over the City of Mogadishu. It was pitch black to sea, but he City glowed with many fires. I knew almost 3 million people lived in this city but could never understand how they survived with the continued battles over the City. It looked now like a power struggle was going on as I could hear almost continuous explosions and hear the crack of heavy tank guns. Kimbo walked up. "Looks like a real battle going on in there." "The Marines from the Iwo landed in the port to pin down the city forces. It looks like they are doing very well. I think they have long memories. From the time long ago when they were here." Kisha walked up. "We have a Carrier in the courtyard when ever you are ready Commander." I looked around for Benji. But he and Mike had already left. "Where's Benji?" "He went to the Compound Commander." "Okay lets go there." "Sir I have been ordered to get you out now." "We go to the slave compound now." "Yes Sir." As we exited into the court yard, I saw about 15 men being held close by, by several soldiers. A Sgt walked up to me as I was entering the carrier. "What do we do with these scum Commander?" I just looked at him. He could see the pure hate I had in my eyes and even streaks in the dust on my face from tears shed earlier. "Yes Sir." he said as I turned and got in the carrier. I am not as a rule brutal. But brutality of these men of the warlord begets brutality. I would have many nights of very bad dreams after this day but could not change the way I thought at this moment. The depravities I had witnessed here would live with me a long time. When the carrier left the compound most of the firing had stopped. I could see the brooding hulks of the tanks everywhere. Some were receiving reloads from the logistical support units while others sat with their weapons pointed toward Mogadishu. As we approached the compound I could see Osprey and helicopters loading the kids. Most were carried on stretchers. We entered the compound. "Lower the ramp." I ordered. I ran out and over to one of the helicopters. They had been configured for medivac. Dust offs. Several boys were already on board and medics were tending to them. I turned and headed for where they seemed to be coming from, from the line of soldiers carrying and helping boys. Before I got close a Sgt ran up to me. "Sir, Sir we found, found." Tears were running down his face and he had a very hard time even speaking. This from one of the toughest soldiers in the world. I grabbed him and held him. He was crying, but more than that he was totally in shock. "What Sgt. What did you find?" "It's a trench Sir. But their all dead. Why Sir? Why?" He then totally broke down. Crying uncontrollably. "Kisha take him. Kimbo come with me." I headed in the direction the Sgt had indicated. We walked out the back gate from the compound. Several more Soldiers were standing beside an open trench. All were in shock at the find. I walked up and looked into the trench. The shock of looking down on dead boys lying in the trench was almost palatable. I jumped into the trench. Knelt down by a boy that was no more than 13, his eyes were still open in a look of pure horror. He had been shot with a single bullet between his eyes. His body was cold but not stiff yet. As I pulled him up I could feel the congealed blood on his head and neck. My mind went numb. I just pulled him into my arms and held him. We were too late. We let him die. As I sat there rocking his young body Kimbo jumped into the trench beside me. "Let him go Brin. Please my friend let him go." I turned to Kimbo. "No. No never. I will never let anyone of these young men go. We get them all out. Every single one. Order the other Assault groups that I want all the living and the dead out." "Commander, Brin. What you ask is near impossible. It may not be possible." In almost a scream. "NO! General Masubo nothing is impossible. Make it Happen." I slowly let the boy down and stood up. A soldier grabbed my hand to help me from the trench. "GET THEM ALL OUT OF THERE." I yelled. At that point Benji ran up. He looked at me and then said. "Your hurt love.." He said. "No Benji. It's not a hurt that a medic can cure. I don't think anything can cure my hurt. Even you might have problems my love." I indicated the trench. He looked and then grabbed me in his arms. "No, no, no." "They all go out with us. We leave no one behind. Anywhere." "But Commander the evacuation schedule is in motion." "Change it. They all, living and dead go out Benji. Or I will not leave." He stood back and saw the total resolve on my face. "Yes my Commander and love. Mike order in more helicopters. Inform the Marines we will be late, but will still support them. Send in a company to help them. Notify the Ortona that we need more time." "Yes Commander." Mike said. As we started to remove the dead bodies of these young boys I knew I would need to help these young soldiers, some with sons and daughters at home. All were crying as they moved the bodies from the trench. Especially as they dug deeper to find more, some only skeletons. In all more than a hundred young boys were excavated from the trench. By the time we finished the sun was coming up. We had been at it for hours. The assault here had been planned to end before midnight as with all the others. Now it was near four AM. The sun was already making it's presence known as I could see ships now out in the Indian Ocean. Time to move. Benji came up. "The castle and compound have been rigged for demolition. I need only to press the button Brin." General Mayes walked up. "The Regiment and the Marines are ready to move out Sir." "Okay lets go." As we started to move we informed the Marines we were moving. They radioed us not to trust anyone we passed. Several times Marines on foot had passed kids and then were shot at from behind by those same kids. They had blasted a corridor for us to escape through, but it was continuously under fire from the city factions. They hadn't come this time as Peace Keepers but as Peace Makers. And they had taken casualties. Our assault from the west took a lot of the fighters by surprise. Their makeshift gun carriers were blasted out of way very quickly. And the Marines had taken out most of their carriers and old tanks. Although not smooth we made good time to the port. The Ortona had pulled into one of the docks, ready to load us. As we were loading we also gave support to the Marines pulling back. Two gun cruisers the San Jose and St Louis supplied gun fire support. It was well after dawn when both the Iwo and the Ortona were able to pull out and move to sea. The butcher bill for this operation was a lot lower than I thought it would be. The Eddies had lost 9 men when a carrier was hit by a anti-tank gun and we also had 32 wounded. The Marines supporting us had 21 wounded. By far the worst casualties were with the Marines who had landed to support us. They lost 37 men dead and 112 wounded. But Like the Marines we left no one behind. We rescued 128 boys. We also brought out 112 young boys who were in the mass grave. After we were on board and moving at high speed toward the Good Hope, Benji found me. He still hadn't changed and smelled of smoke and death. I hadn't even thought of changing or cleaning up. He wrapped his arms around me and just held me close. My mind was a total blank. Like I had seen too much and felt too much that it had just shutdown, overloaded, like a computer. I gently pushed Benji back, kissed him on the forehead. "I need some time Benji. Just some time Benji." I just turned and walked away from him. Time was all I needed. Time. Time for what, my mind said to me. Time won't change anything. One part of me said but if we had attacked earlier we could have saved more young boys. Another part said no. We needed to wait. Give Time for all the other forces to get into place. I was totally oblivious as to what was going on around me. I sat down and looked at the wake of the Ortona. Here on the fantail no one was around. I could think. I knew I was crying, but couldn't stop. "Father. Father are you okay?" I turned at the sound of the voice. A young boy no more than 14 was standing about three feet [90 cm] away. He was wearing navy blue jeans and a t-shirt about six sizes too big. "Please don't cry Father. I love you. I want you to be happy. Please Father." "It's just. It's just." I never had a chance to finish. He flung himself into my arms. Holding me tight. "Please Father we all love you. You are best Father we ever had. I love you so much Father." Then he started to cry. We both just sat and cried. But holding this young boy who had nothing in him but love brought me back to real life. I knew I couldn't have saved those young men. Even if in my heart I felt I could have. And that was why I guess I was crying. Now I would love the living and honor the dead. All of them. Not one. But all. I stood up with him in my arms and walked back into the ship. Away from my self inflicted pain. As we were walking he said to me. "Father. No offense, but you smell." I stopped dead in my tracks. Grabbed him under the arms and held him out from me and laughed out loud long and hard. He looked scared as I held him out. "Yes Son, I guess I do. Maybe I should shower and change." I set him down and put my arm around his shoulder. "What's your name son?" "Johnny." "Well Johnny can you show me where I can shower and change?" He never said a word, just stepped away and grabbed me by the hand. In almost a run he led me to a hatch, down corridors, down stairs, it was like a maze to me. Finally we arrived at a big shower room, filled with boys laughing. When the rest saw me they ran to my side. In no time they had me nude and were pulling me under a shower head. The heat of the shower made me instantly relax. Oh how I loved hot showers. I had thirty boys all trying to wash me at the same time. Everywhere. I knew I was hard as a rock, but there was never anything sexual in their movements. All they wanted to do was to touch and help clean me. At one point they pushed me down so they could wash my hair. I looked and could see a panorama of young hard cocks. But they were just laughing and having fun washing all of me. When I stood up I saw Benji standing at the entrance to the shower room. He was laughing as hard as the kids. When they saw him, they grabbed him and pulled his uniform off and pulled him into the shower beside me. I grabbed him and wrapped my arms around him and held him as the boys cavorted around us. Finally I stepped out of the shower with Benji. The boys handed us towels to dry with and then helped us dress. The boys helped us put on our armor and then a boy walked up and handed me a clean and pressed uniform, grey, because it was not attached to the command consol. I kissed him as a thank you and he almost fainted. I really don't think anyone had ever thanked him before. After we were dressed a Marine Gunnery Sgt, who had witnessed all that had gone on said. "Commander. I am your Escort. I will take you anywhere on the ship you wish to go." "I take it you saw all of this." "Yes Commander." "You Don't approve Gunny." "No Sir. But Sir I have been in the United States Marine Corp for almost thirty years Sir. I have never in all my years seen such love anywhere. You Sir have shown more compassion to everyone, your own troops and Marine alike that far supersedes anything I might feel." "I'm sorry Gunny if my family has offended you. But I can't change how they feel, and I can't change how I feel. I love them all. And you might be surprised but I love all those who helped me rescue all the young kids, even you Gunny." "I know Sir. Now where first Sir?" "The Infirmary." "Sir because of the many wounded and hurt people brought on board, a temporary Infirmary has been set up on deck two aft. That is where all the boys brought aboard are. All the soldiers are in the main Infirmary." "Okay kids first and then the troops." After checking on the kids and leaving Benji there I went and checked on the wounded troops. After that I was escorted to the Bridge of the NAS Ortona. "Welcome aboard Commander. I just wish it was under better circumstances." "Thank you Captain. You have a very fine ship and very good crew. I know everyone is in good hands here." "Thank you Sir. I." he was interrupted by a technician. "Excuse me Captain, Commander, but I think you need this." He handed me a new controller for my uniform. I put it on my wrist. He plugged it in. And then left. "Sorry about that Captain but some of my men get a little concerned about my welfare." "And so they should Sir. So they should." I looked around the bridge. Everyone was in Desert tans. I switched my uniform to theirs. The Captain got a real shocked look on his face. I just laughed. "Gets a little getting used to. Sorry to startle you." "That's amazing Commander. You and your men amaze me more and more all the time." "So any word on the other Assaults." "Yes Sir. The Vimy Ridge, along with the Pearson are coming up behind us. As per your orders all the boys and girls found will be transferred to the Good Hope when we are in range. The assault in Zanzibar is over as well. In total 1230 boys and 65 girls have been rescued in Zanzibar and on the continent. I'm sorry Sir but we have also removed the body's of over 800 boys and girls." I just turned away when he said that. Trying very hard not start crying again. I composed myself and turned back to him. "Continue Captain." "The assaults in South East Asia are over. The numbers are staggering. Well over 6500 boys and girls have been rescued. Far more than ever anticipated. Two Assault Ships from the NorAm navy are moving at high speed to the Saint Peter. As well as an Assault Ship from the Royal Navy. Captain Mateo when informed as to the numbers coming his way has asked NorAm to only move the most extremely hurt boys or girls to his ship. He has also asked that at least one or two of the Assault ships accompany him as he moves here. The Royal Navy has stated they will assist in anyway possible." "Now the excavation of two mass grave sites in Kahchingo and one on Coufu continues. I don't have any numbers yet Sir." "It will be at least four days before we know anymore." "Casualties?" I asked quietly "From the first reports I have, 63 dead, 183 wounded from both assaults." "In Zanzibar and on the Continent the numbers are a little higher. With 82 dead and 212 wounded." "Thank you Captain. Now could you find a place I can put my head down for a few hours. And find Benji and bring him there too." "Absolutely Commander. You may use my cabin. It is larger than any other. I will also have Benji brought to You. If you need anything else just ring Sir." "Sleep and Benji is all I need Captain. Thank you." I was escorted below.
This is the final chapter. Well not the final chapter of Benji's life, but the final chapter of my story. No disclaimers needed here. For those looking for sex or anything else you will be somewhat disappointed. My name is Clarence Wilson, I was sort shanghaied into working for the International Security Command and Brin. Everyone knows the story behind it. Brin asked me to write a full account of Benji's story, taken from the notes and stories told by Benji and others. It has been almost five years since the rescue of the boys and girls from slave camps in Burundi, Africa, and Asia. There have been many changes in the short five years. To go back: After a very short night and a very loving reunion between Brin and Benji, Commander Samuels, Captain of the Ortona, called to inform Commander Sadac that the Good hope was now in range. Although Brin and Benji had but short time together, they got up, showered, and dressed. Reporting to the Bridge of the Ortona. Benji, almost as soon as he was on the bridge spoke up. "Captain, Although you may think I am overstepping my authority, I want the Loyal Edmonton Regiment, those that can be moved, transferred to the Iwo Jima as soon as possible. This ship will go flank to catch up the Good Hope. As you are now in range of the Good hope you will, using every available aircraft begin moving the most severely wounded boys and girls to the Good Hope. On their return trip they will be bringing boys that are capable of moving. This Ship, is now for all intents and purposes attached to the International Security Command until such times I deem I no longer need it. You will also lay on a helicopter to transfer Commander Sadac to the Pearson." The silence on the bridge could have been cut with a knife. Captain Samuels bristled at the order. Never in his long career aboard ship had he ever been told his Command was now subservient to another. Especially one that wasn't even in the Armed Forces of NorAm. "Who the hell do you think you are boy?" "Deputy Commander of the International Security Command and in Reality Commander of this entire Fleet." "What?" I stood back in the corner, staying well out of the confrontation. Benji had put his foot into it and I wanted to see how far he would push it before Captain Samuel backed down or ordered him off the Bridge. "Can you tell me Captain, your orders from Admiral Kincaid?" "Support and supply assistance to the Loyal Edmonton Regiment and their Commander. Major General Mayes is their Commander." "I'd have thought after twenty two years of exemplary service with the Forces of NorAm, you could read orders correctly Captain. I guess I was wrong." "I beg your Pardon." "Captain, the man who Commands the Loyal Edmonton Regiment is Commander Sadac, and in his absence is the Deputy Commander." "I beg to differ Sir." I knew right then, that Captain Samuels would back down. It was no longer boy. He had called him Sir. "Captain, I don't want a conflict here. I need your ship. I need all of this ship. The Good hope is at capacity. There are now over 5,000 young boys and girls on that ship. I need all the troop spaces, I need all the medical facilities. Captain if I have to take this ship by force, I will have entire Loyal Edmonton Regiment supporting and your Marines." Benji, by this time had tears running down his face. "Son, all you had to do was ask." He wrapped Benji in his arms and held him as he cried. I should have been the doing it but, Benji had grown up real fast in that short combat engagement. He was still a boy inside, but outside he was definitely a force to reconded with. The Captain turned to the officer of the deck. "Set speed to flank. Notify Iwo that I need all her air assets to move the Eddies off my ship. Get the Aircrews moving. Notify the tween decks we have incoming boys." "Yes Sir." I felt the increase in speed almost immediately. "Commander Sadac, we will have a helicopter just ahead of bridge, when your ready to transfer to the Pearson." "Thank you Captain. It has been a real pleasure to be aboard your ship Sir." "No Sir. The pleasure was all mine. To have The Eddies on board the ship honoring their battle, which this ship is named for, is more than I had ever expected." "Captain we all serve." I grabbed Benji and we exited the Bridge. "You were a little hard on him Love." "I'm sorry Brin, but I need this ship for our family." I know Love. Family first; Everything else is secondary." I just wrapped my arms around him and held him. If we hadn't been just below the Bridge I might have ripped his clothes off right there. God how I wanted to make love to him. Feeling his cock pushing against his pants, I knew he felt the same way. "Your going after Ari?" "Yes Love, but I am also going to try to defuse a war. Israel went to a war footing when Sudan announced they were going to execute Ari as a war criminal. Benji I fought long and hard to bring peace to the Middle East. I can't; I won't let it go back to the way it was." "I know Brin, but it scares me." "Hey love, I plan to meet you in Cape Town. Captain Fontaine is planning to refuel there. The St. Peter will be there too. We sail to the Gilbert Island together." We were definitely sucking face, when an Ensign came up. "Commander, when ever you are ready." He hastily retreated. "Well my love, my everything, see you in ten days." "Take care Brin. I love you." "There is no one, anywhere I love more Benji. Take good care of our new Family. They come first above all Love." "Yes Commander, my Love." He stood and saluted Brin as he boarded the aircraft to take him to the Pearson. Neither knew that last kiss below the Bridge would be their last. As Brin was enroute to the Pearson to catch a cod back to Burundi City, Benji went back to the Bridge of the Ortona. "Captain, I apologize for my earlier outburst. This is all so new to me." "No need to apologize Son. I know how much pressure you are under. This ship and all those out there are here for you Sir." "Captain, if it is possible, I would like to on the first aircraft moving the injured to the Good Hope." "No problem Commander. Ensign, escort the Commander to the fantail and get him on the first flight. Good-bye and good luck Commander. God go with you." Benji saluted the Captain and then followed the Ensign. The Osprey was fully loaded when Benji arrived, but had been informed that Benji would go with the first flight. He squeezed in along side a stretcher. Reached and held the young boys hand, as the aircraft lifted off. Seeing all the injured young men on board was almost too much. It was only a moment before tears were streaming down his face. He was not alone. Even the oldest and crustiest sailors on board were crying. Brin's helicopter had barely landed, when he was helped into a life jacket and given a pair of sound suppressors. He was escorted directly onto a COD, lined up for take off. Remembering the last COD he had been on, he hesitantly sat down and buckled up. He felt the vibration of the aircraft moving into position on the catapult. A crewmember came in and quickly checked that Brin was properly buckled in and then sat down and buckled in. Brian had been catapulted off numerous carriers in his life, but it was still very astounding that a thirty-ton aircraft could go from zero to 140 knots in less than 2 seconds. Moreover, it was always uncomfortable, being slammed back into his seat. As the aircraft rolled away and climbed, He could see a massive fleet below. All doing a weird ballet as some did 180 turns to head back north as others continued to steam south. Admiral Kincaid was not taking any chances that this COD could be intercepted. Raptures slowly eased into position on the port wing of the Cod and Brin knew there were probably several others riding shotgun on his aircraft. He settled back for the 1200-mile trip to Burundi. Although when the crew-man looked, it looked like Brin was sleeping, in fact his mind was working at the same speed as the aircraft. Trying to figure out how he could hold back the war between Sudan and Israel. If Sudan went ahead with their plan to execute Ari, all hell would break loose in the Middle East. Well first to Burundi and then on to Jerusalem.
Benji had very rough ride to the Good Hope. His aircraft landed on the pad above the bridge. It seemed like mayhem on board. With boys moving to the incoming aircraft, even while boys on stretchers were being moved below. He was mobbed by the boys who knew him, and although just several feet from the Bridge, it took him almost an hour to reach it. "Welcome aboard Commander." Captain Fontaine said. "Thank you Captain, but its just Benji." "Welcome aboard Benji. You were on the first flight. I figured you might have problems getting down here. We are at over capacity. Not only the most serious cases from the kids, but also the combat casualties." "Is it bad Sir?" Benji asked. "We're coping Benji." "What have heard from the Saint Peter?" "Well she is coming at the best economical speed she can do. I can be refueled by the navy, she cannot. Although we are sister, ships and both ships have underway replenishment facilities. She has a civilian crew. None are trained in refueling at sea." "Can't the navy fly people onboard to do it?" "Damn Benji, why didn't I think of that? With all that's being going on I should have thought about it." Captain Fontaine picked up a phone next to him and barked several orders into it. He then picked up another phone. "Captain Mateo. I have requested the RN to put a few crew aboard your ship to refuel you. With a full load of fuel, you will be able to increase speed. They can also transfer medical and other supplies from the tanker." "Yes Sir. Thank you Sir." "Do you have a full count yet? Commander Sadac wants to know everything." Captain Fontaine wrote furiously on a pad close to his chair. After several minutes, he hung up the phone. "Come along, we'll go below to my cabin. Commander Johnson, you have the Conn." "Yes sir." Captain Fontaine led Benji down the ladder and into his day cabin below the bridge. A steward came in, set down coffee service, and then left. Benji sat down and then just looked at Captain Fontaine. "Okay Benji, these are just rough figures." "Aboard the Saint Peter and HMS Broadsword are 7215 boys and girls. Of those more than half need medical attention of some sort. There are over 200 very critical. They have also lost 62 boys. There is a possibility they will lose more." "Your attaching the Ortona to this ship is a Godsend. We can now move boys who are okay to the Ortona and open up space to assist the Saint Peter when she is in range. Captain Mateo is using the Broadsword the same way." "What about the graves found on Coufu and at Kahchingo?" Captain Fontaine never spoke for several seconds. "Well? What is happening?" Benji almost came out of his chair. "In the two sites, on both Coufu Island and Kahchingo, 914 boys and girls have been found so far. They have identified at least three other sites. The proportion of boys to girls is almost 20 to 1. It appears that in most circumstance that the girls were used for entertainment of the guards and the boys were used for labor. Almost all had been executed." Benji hung his head and started to cry. Deep down sobs of pure anguish. Captain Fontaine could only sit and watch knowing Benji felt all the pain of the boys and girls. Captain Fontaine related later that he knew he could never have said or done anything to help Benji. After several minutes, Benji stood up. "Thank you Captain. Now I would like to go and visit with our family." "This ship and all who sail her is yours Commander." "Thank you Captain." Benji got up and left. Captain Fontaine hardly saw him for several hours. Benji was everywhere. Helping, talking, crying, with everyone he met. There is no doubt in every single crewmember, Doctor, nurse or boy or girl on board thought Benji was a God.
Brin landed in Burundi in the middle of an attack from Sudan. Sudan seemed to have an unlimited supply of SCUD D surface-to-surface missiles. Although it was rumored, that they had chemical weapons, all the missiles that rained down on Burundi City were high explosive. But even a one ton high explosive warhead did damage. NorAm had deployed multiple batteries of Patriot 6 Anti-missile batteries, but some always got through. The aircraft he was on taxied directly into a hardened shelter. Although Mike and Brin embraced warmly, they were quickly escorted into another hardened shelter and into the Command Center. "Tom. Damn good to see you Sir." Brin's first words on entering. "Brin, it's good to see you too. Sorry it is not under better circumstances. This message came in for you from Captain Fontaine." Brin read the message and then turned away. He too now had the reports that Benji had too. He turned back with red-rimmed eyes. "Is Benji okay?" "Captain Fontaine says, unless someone slows him down, he going wear himself out." "He will be fine. I know he is a lot tougher than I am." "Well let's go into the Command Room and I will bring you up to date." The first person that Brin met upon entering was Mohamed Azeri. "Mo! Damn, what the fuck are you doing here?" "I came to brief you Commander." "Mo, it's always Brin to you." "Okay Brin. Let's get seated here so we can get everything out of the way as quickly as possible." After everyone was sitting down, General Blake stood up. "The President of NorAm wants this war over ASAP. It's too destabilizing to the Middle East. Israel has declared war on Sudan. Egypt has refused Israel rights to overfly Egypt. Israel has said that any country who opposes it will feel the same pain as Sudan. Brin, I hope you can slow down Israel." "My next stop, Tom." "A mission is underway to rescue Ari. The SAS and the NorAm Special Forces, supported by the 23rd Marines, are handling it. We also have an end run operation in the works, which will cut Sudan off to most of its oil reserves and cut off Khartoum to their supply lines in both the west and the south." "That operation involves the Third Brigade. The Loyal Eddies and the First of the Third will do it. Backed by the 15th, 17th, and 2nd Marines." "Okay, that's what the military is doing. We are also still pushing forward toward Khartoum. Everything will work if we can keep Israel from upsetting the apple cart." "All I can do is try Tom. I worked long and hard to help the Middle East to become peaceful." Tom sat down and Mo stood up. "Okay Brin. At 0000 Zulu, all persons under indictment worldwide will be arrested. Thirty percent of those are in NorAm. We have the fullest cooperation from Interpol and Asiapol. Other countries not connected to either organization will also make arrests. I have to thank you Sir for the cooperation of those countries. The International Security Command had offices in each of those countries and will cooperate. Those arrested will be tried in their respective countries. However if some claim immunity under international treaty's will be returned to their respective countries for trial. The only exception is anyone who claims to be Moslem, will be sent to Saudi Arabia for trial and execution of sentence. That includes the Sultan of Burundi." "Tomorrow at 14:00 Zulu the President of NorAm will hold a news conference, detailing the operations and the reasons. At that point, we will open all ships and areas for the news nets. Clarence Williams report will follow the Presidents address. I think after they see his report world wide, that any who doubt the President or you for that matter will have a different perspective." "I know in my heart your feelings Sir and I also know how Benji feels. I hope this will give some type of closure for you Sir." "I'll have closure when I see every one of those assholes hanging by their nuts." "I can't guarantee that Brin. Every country has their own laws and own punishment. I can guarantee anyone convicted in NorAm will get the death penalty." "Thanks Mo. I know I will have to respect everyone's laws, but I don't have to like it." Mo sat down and looked at Brin. He could see Brin was thinking and he knew what he had in mind. People were already questioning the power of the International Security Command and its Commander. The International Security Command was already the most powerful Corporation in the world, but now with his unprecedented build up of men and equipment they had other worries as well. Was he working toward World Domination? He was not the first that thought he could do it. The only problem that people misunderstood was that Brin had only love for one thing. Benji. He would gladly spend every single penny he had to please his love. More than that was that he would do anything to protect Benji and his now much extended family from harm. He went from one love he holds so deep in his heart, to a family of young boys and girls numbering in the thousands. Every single one of them was now in his heart too. The problem was there were now two people in the World that thought the same way and considering the recommendations from both the Marines and The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Benji was a power to be reconded with. God help anyone who crossed them. "Thanks Mo. I would like to go on that rescue mission, but already know I would be turned down. Tom the Iwo is in a high-speed run to bring the Eddies back. I do not have an ETA; I do know the Ortona is now attached to the Good Hope. Benji is a very changed young man. If you can not get Ari out or if Sudan executes him, I will not be able to stop Israel." "They have a constitutional codex that states that Israel will go to war to rescue one of their own. That is why they supported me here. I think I can slow them down, but I know if Sudan carries out it's threat, you are going to need more than what any country has to stop them." "Brin your respected for your neutrality in more countries in the World than anyone else. I hope they too will accept your word. Give us time, just give us time." I'll try Tom. I'll try. That's all I can do. Now I have to get there to do it, if I can. Mike is my aircraft buried in one of these shelters?" "Yes Sir. I'll take you there. Your pilots are already on board." "The next time you call me Sir, I'm going to tell your wife to beat on you Mike." "Okay Brin." He laughed. Brin shook hands with everyone and then Mike led him out of the Command Center. They walked out into the area. Brin looked out over Burundi City. Many fires were burning. "Are we helping Mike, with the fires." "Yes." As they started to walk toward the shelter Brin's aircraft was in, several of the Patriot batteries started to loose off missiles. Both stood and watched. Two missiles made it through the anti-missile barrage. One landed on the city the other landed about 600 meters [2000 feet] from Brin and Mike. Mike was buffeted by the blast. "Damn that was close." He turned; Brin was laying on the ground a pool of red spreading under his body. "Holy Fuck. MEDIC, MEDIIIIC! He screamed He bent down beside his Commander. "Tell Benji, tell Benji I love him. Tell him family first." "Oh Jesus Brin." "Medic!" A medic ran over and bent down. He checked him over and then stopped. "He's gone Sir." Mike broke down and started to cry. His friend, his love, everything in his life was gone. He was the soldier, why was it that his Commander, with all he gone through, all that he had done, was now dead. General Blake and Mo ran up. Mike looked up. "He's gone Sir." "Mo, take Mike inside now." "Sir?" "Just do it Mo." Mo led Mike inside, sat him down and gave him a large, very large scotch. Outside. "Get a stretcher over here and put Commander Sadac on it." General Blake ordered. "Sir. He's dead." "You only think he's dead. Do as I order or you will find yourself doing duty in the most to of the way place I can fine. Do you understand soldier?" "Yes Sir." "Get a medi-vac in here and take him to the JFK. No one must know he is dead. The repercussions will be to great to imagine." In a very short order, the body of the Commander of the most powerful corporation in the world was on a stretcher and loaded on an Osprey to take him to the JFK. Tom talked to the Admiral and the death of Brin Sadac was hidden from the world for now. Tom walked into the Command Center with a very heavy heart. He walked to the small mini bar and poured a full glass of Bourbon. "MIKE!" Tom said. Mike looked up. "I loved him too Mike. But we have to keep it a secret until this operation is over." "Sir, I have tell Benji. He told me to." "General Rarog, I'm going to tell you how Commander Sadac died. You will accept it." "Sir, I can not lie to Benji." "I'm not asking you to lie. All I need is time to make his death mean a little more than what happened. As far as the world is concerned he is alive and well and will stay that way until Ari is out and Israel is not threatening WW3." "I think we will announce his death happened during the rescue of Ari. I'll have the President do it, once we know Ari is safe. Mo, you are going to have to go and see if you can slow down Israel. I know it is not normally your line of expertise, but without Brin, I'm afraid your it." "Mike. You are hereby relieved of Command of the Third Brigade. I want you on his aircraft enroute to the Good Hope. I would prefer until after the rescue mission goes in, before you tell Benji, but that will be up to you. I'm sure he will wonder why you are there." "Yes Sir." "As you already know Mike, we are now in range of Khartoum for our heavy missile batteries, the MLRS. The diversion for the rescue is a very heavy barrage on their staging areas south of the city. The plan had them going in tomorrow night, but I'm going to push that forward to tonight. Hopefully Ari will be out before you get to the Good Hope." "Okay Sir. I have to get changed. Good luck Mo, Tom." He saluted and left the shelter.
Very surprisingly, only 63 boys were found in slavery on Bor-Dango Island. All of the girls, young women had been brought in from around the world. All were free and happy, well as happy as a prostitute could be. None had been pressured into coming to Bor-Dango. The boys that were found were in such bad shape physically and mentally that they were flown directly to NorAm. They were all admitted to the Mount Sinai Children's hospital. Among those found was a young Negro boy named Toma.
I was allotted a space in the Ortona to edit and splice my films. It wasn't very big, due to all the space requirements of the Marines and all the boys. However it worked out well. It became increasingly hard for me to finish what Brin had wanted. Sitting and watching films taken by my crews, had me crying a lot in that room. I know there have worse mass murderers in history, but the sheer magnitude of this crime, where only young boys and girls were executed only because they had be worn down by slave labor or sex slavery, boggles the mind and heart. Very few, less than a hundred of the overseers of those camps survived. I will not condemn any of the rescuers. I had barely finished editing and narrating the last tape when I was summoned to the bridge. "You sent for me Sir." "Yes Clarence. Welcome to the bridge." "Thank you Sir." "Clarence, are you finished editing and preparing your story? If so could it be transmitted live from here?" "Why do you ask Sir?" "At 08:00 tomorrow morning the President is holding a press conference. He is going to be detailing everything that has been going on regarding the NorAm Armed forces and the International Security Command. He is also going to tell of all the arrests that will start taking place in just under 6 hours. At the end of that press conference, he is not going to be taking questions. Instead he wants your story to run on all nets, interruption free, in its entirety." "Sir. There are almost three hours." "No matter, he wants everyone, everywhere to see it all." "Christ!" "Now this next is eyes only for you." "Sir?" "Step out here please Clarence." The Captain led Clarence out onto one wing of the Bridge. "Brin Sadac was killed this morning during a missile attack on Burundi City. His death will not be announced until after the rescue mission for Ari is over. He is going to die in that rescue." "Has Benji been notified?" "General Rarog is on his way to meet the Good Hope. He will tell Benji." "I would like to get transferred to the Good Hope as soon as possible Captain." "Not going to happen Clarence. You and your tapes are going to the Fox. They have an onboard studio you can transmit from. I'm sorry Clarence I have my orders." "The repercussions from his death are going to be massive." "I don't think so. Have you seen Benji since he came back from Mogadishu?" "No Sir, I was with the rescue mission for Brin, but was so busy, I had only moments to talk with him." "Well to the world he might be an 18 year old boy, but the Marines on this ship and if I am not mistaken from any ship would take over hell if he asked. He is very changed young man. If the Marines and the Navy have anything to do with it, he will be receiving the Navy Cross. He is one young man I never want to cross or become his enemy." "I'll do as you ask Sir. I will get my tapes and prepare to move to the Fox." "Thank you Clarence. It has been a pleasure to have met you and have you aboard. When your ready a helicopter will be waiting aft of the bridge." "Thank you for putting up with me Sir." They shook hands warmly and Clarence left the bridge.
Mike spent a long time in his quarters changing. Most of that time was spent sitting with his head in hands trying to cope with the loss of his best friend. Mike and Brin's friendship went back decades. He couldn't remember the first time he had met Brin, but knew he would never, ever forget what he had done for him. To have Brin die the way he had made no sense to Mike. He had been countless places where even under fire he had walked almost bareheaded into battle. He had taken his life in his hands so many times that Mike had lost count. It was the main reason everyone in the Command loved him so much. He never sent anyone, anywhere he would not go himself. General Black was right. It was better if Brin died helping a friend. He was sure how the rest of the International Security Command would handle his death and especially Benji. He knew how the Loyal Eddies would and he had to pity any one who ended up in their sites. Mike changed into the black dress uniform of Intersec. Gone were the insignia of the Major General. Now he was just Sgt Major Mike Rarog, aide to his Commander. Now his Commander was Benji. He went out, climbed aboard the Challenger 7 and ordered the pilots to take him to Kinshasa ANAF Base. General Black had, much to the displeasure of the Rescue team pushed the attack ahead one day. They had not been told the reason, but would follow orders. He had also notified the President of the death of Brin Sadac and he had agreed that he would announce it at the end of his press conference in the morning. Mo had flown off to see if he could slow down Israel. Now if everything worked out, maybe, just maybe he could bring a Victory to the death of Brin Sadac.
Benji had not stopped since he had arrived on board the Good Hope. He seemed to be everywhere on board. To most people he seemed tireless in his efforts to comfort and help the young boys and girls on board. He had nothing but praise for the crew and especially the Doctors and Nurses. Even Captain Fontaine spent more time in one of the surgical units, than he did on the bridge. Barely 7 hours had elapsed since Benji had said good bye to Brin, when Mike landed at Kinshasa.
More time would pass. There was not an aircraft at Kinshasa that could move him to either a carrier or the Good hope. General Masubo ordered a COD from the Pearson to come and get him. Both men went to Kimbo's office. Mike had not told Kimbo why he was there. "Mike, my friend, it is good to see you. I see they finally demoted you. Who did you piss off this time?" He laughed. "Brin is dead." Mike said. "WHAT! Brin dead! How? Kimbo had come out of his chair. "He was killed during a missile attack on Burundi City. We were both watching the attack. One missile landed about 600 meters [2000 feet] away. The explosion almost knocked me down, but I guess a piece of shrapnel hit Brin. He wasn't wearing his armor. He died very quickly." "Does Benji know? No, that's why you are here." "General Black is keeping it a secret until after the rescue for Ari goes in. It will be announced that Brin died rescuing his friend." Mike broke down then. He dropped into a chair and cried. Kimbo came around and comforted his friend. After several minutes, Kimbo got up and poured a couple of stiff drinks. Handing one to Mike, he raised his. "To my friend. May God protect him and give him eternal life." "To my friend." Mike replied. They drank and then smashed their glasses on the floor. Kimbo phoned the Command Center to check on the COD. He was told two hours. "Mike. May I make a suggestion?" "Yes, anything Kimbo." "You not fly to the Pearson until after Ari has been rescued. That way you can tell Benji, Brin died rescuing his friend. He will understand it better. Benji is a very strong person in both his heart and mind. I'm told he is also a very formidable Combat Commander." "I will contact General Black and tell him to inform him the moment Ari is safe." "Okay Kimbo. I'll wait."
The beginning of the rescue attempt for Ari, was a barrage by the MLRS Battery. Each launcher could salvo 8 missiles. These were not high explosive warheads, but cluster warheads. Each missile had over 1200 mini-bombs. They spread over a large area, some exploding on contact, while others were timed to explode later. The devastation in the army staging area was total. Sudan had not been expecting it and it raised havoc among the units preparing for battle. More importantly it drew almost the entire garrison in Khartoum to the area. Heavy lift helicopters backed by Marine gunships landed in the court yard of the prison on the eastern outskirts of Khartoum. Surprise was total. The prison was used primarily for political prisoners. The attacking SAS and Special Forces not only found and removed Ari, they let all the political prisoners free. They eliminated all the guards. Word was passed to General Black at 00:12 that Ari was alive and out. By 0030 Mike was on board the COD and on his way to the Pearson.
Benji had finally taken a break and was asleep on board the Good Hope. All the kids had been moved and the Good hope was quiet. The Ortona had caught up to the Good Hope and was now keeping station 1000 meters [3000 feet] behind. Captain Fontaine was on the bridge when he was informed a helicopter from the Pearson was enroute, He ordered the pad over the bridge lighted. A few minutes later, the sound of a helicopter landing was heard. A few minutes later Mike walked onto the Bridge. "Permission to enter the Bridge Captain." He said while saluting. "Permission Granted Mike. You are always welcome on my Bridge." "I'm sorry to come unannounced Sir, but it is imperative I speak to Benji." "What has happened Mike. You would not be here if it was good news." "Brin, Commander Sadac, my friend is dead." "Oh Jesus. I am sorry Mike. How?" "He was killed while rescuing Ari." Mike lied. "Ari? Alive?" "Yes Sir. But they were not kind to him while they had him." "Who knows?" "No one Sir. The President will announce it tomorrow, during his press conference. I need to tell Benji before that." "Benji is in my cabin on deck C. He has had a very hard day. I have to tell you he a God among all these kids. He has been everywhere. I don't know how he does it. He does more than all my nurses could ever do." "I need to talk to him sir." "Okay Mike. You know where it is. The Saint Peter will be joining us at dawn. She is coming at flank speed, thanks in part to Benji. Brin had a very special interest in another ship that is joining us too. The San Francisco will also join up." "The fourth Sister." "Yes, Admiral Cunningham has said she will lead. Benji has also asked about her. You can let him know all the old girls will be with him." Thank you Sir." Mike headed for Benji's cabin. His steps were leaden knowing the news he was bringing to his Commander. He knocked on the cabin door. It was answered by a steward, "Commander Sadac is Sleeping Sir." "Could you bring a pot of coffee, a bottle of scotch and two glasses." "Yes Sir." A few minutes later the steward came in with a pot of coffee and a bottle of scotch and two glasses. "Could you please wake him." Benji walked out into the cabin in a pair of shorts. God how he had changed from a skinny abused boy that Mike had seen that first day. He had filled in all the missing flesh. Put real muscle on. He no longer looked like a beaten down boy, but a real young man. He was rubbing sleep from his eyes when he noticed Mike. "MIKE!" He rushed to Mike and hugged him. Mike hugged him back. Benji then stood back and looked at Mike. Tears were running down Mikes face. "What's happened?" Benji asked and then knew. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It Can't be. Please No!" Benji turned away and started to cry. Deep down sobs of pure anguish. Mike went to him and held him. They both cried together. As Benji started to come out of it, he asked. "How?" Do I lie to my Commander or do I tell him the truth. If it was Brin, he would say lie. "He died rescuing Ari." Mike chose to lie. "Is Ari alright?" He asked. "Yes. A little worse for wear, but yes he is alright." Now Mike was the one that was astounded. "This is going to have repercussions worldwide. How will it be announced?" "The President will announce it at the end of his news conference tomorrow, well this morning." "Mike you might think I am being callous in my words or deeds now. I will mourne for Brin when all my family can mourne for him too. Now we have to make sure that the International Security Command still keeps working. Brin is watching me I know. I will not dishonor his name by doing anything else." Mike and Benji sat and talked about what some of the things that might happen when the announcement of Brin's death was made. Both had trouble talking without tears or outright crying. Mike knew the company as a whole were set up for his succession to the leadership of the International Security Command. All personal had been notified along time before that in the event of Brin's death, Benji would be heir to the corporation. The transition would be almost seamless. Both Benji and Mike also knew there would be repercussions in other parts of the world. Most would be sadness at the passing of a very good friend, but in others would be happiness. Most probably, the Sudanese would be rejoicing in the Streets, but both also knew Sudan would take the brunt of the angry by the Forces of the International Security Command; Most notably the Loyal Edmonton Regiment. "Captain Fontaine told me the Saint Peter will join us at dawn along with the San Francisco." During the night Admiral Cunningham had sent orders to all ships that a new order of battle would be used when the Saint Peter and her escorts joined. The Saint Peter would be positioned astern of Good Hope, with the Ortona and Broadsword on either flank. All escorts would form on San Francisco. She would lead. When Benji and Mike finally arrived on the Bridge just before dawn everything was quiet. Both Benji and Mike went out on the bridge wing to watch the sun come up. As they stood watching, Benji remembered the last time he had stood on this wing as the sun came up. He broke down remembering as he and Brin had watched the start of the War that had claimed his life. Mike could only hold him and comfort him in his memories.
Exactly 00:00 Zulu the arrests had started around the world. Most were done quietly, but some turned into real fire fights between police and those under indictment. Over 90% of the arrests were over before dawn. No country was safe haven for those that tried to run. The next test would happen when all those arrested went to trial.
As Mike and Benji watched, the sun peeked over the horizon. Always a wonderful site. The vast array of ships escorting the Good Hope soon came into view. Far off to the east another pure white ship came into view, the Saint Peter. Leading her was the San Francisco, her bow wave creaming away to either side. The Ortona had already moved up into her new position, on the port side of the Good Hope. Even before the Saint Peter joined up, flight operations had started, ferrying the worst of the cases from the Broadsword and Saint Peter to the Good hope. The San Francisco never slowed, and as she came abreast of the Good Hope, every flag dipped in salute and then the main battle flag stayed at half-staff. Almost as if an unseen hand had done it, every main flag on all the ships went to half-staff. As soon as the San Francisco was in position, the entire fleets made a 90 degree turn to Starboard and headed due west. Benji turned and left the port wing of the bridge. He headed for the first helicopter landing on the Good Hope. He was heading for the Saint Peter.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the North American Union." "Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen. I am going to explain exactly what has been happening over the last several weeks. Most particularly, why the NorAm fleet is at sea and the reasons for it. As all of you already know, NorAm is at war with Sudan. Most of you do not why this came about. In an attempt to kill Commander Brin Sadac of the International Security Command, Sudan sent twenty high speed attack aircraft, armed with stand off missiles, to sink the Good Hope. As you all know the Good Hope is an unarmed Hospital Ship. During the attack a NorAm destroyer was sunk and another ship damaged." "Because of this unprovoked and dastardly attack, which killed and injured over 800 men the Congress voted for unrestricted warfare against Sudan. At the time of the attack on the Good Hope and her escort, Commander Sadac had the only Combat ready Brigade in or near Sudan. At that time his Corporation was contracted to combat Sudanese forces until NorAm forces could be brought to bear." "There has been much speculation that the NorAm armed forces are in Sudan to steal its oil. This is total nonsense. NorAm imported less than 2% of its energy needs last year. It has also been speculated that The International Security Command and its head Brin Sadac invaded Burundi for the same reason. This is also a falsehood." "During a trip to Brin Sadac's mountain retreat a boy was found half frozen on his road into the retreat. It was later determined that the boy had been beaten and abused, sexually abused. That boy was Benjamin Watson, now Benjamin Sadac. After a very thorough investigation by both Intersec and the National Police, it was found that Benji had been kidnapped from an orphanage in Ontario. He had also been sold into sex slavery to the Sultan of Burundi. During a two year period he was sexually assaulted numerous times. He was also tortured for the gratification of others. His journey from that orphanage in Ontario to Burundi and then to the road into Brin Sadac's estate has been traced. Those responsible have now been arrested or will be arrested shortly." "Brin Sadac's original reason for entering and occupying Burundi was to arrest and execute the abuser of his now partner. However when Intersec occupied Burundi he found over 2000 young boys and girls in virtual sex slavery. During his ensuing investigation and eventual interrogation of the Sultan and others arrested, it was found that were 7 other sites around the world that were using boys and girls as slaves." "With the very grateful assistance from Great Britain, Switzerland and NorAm, the International Security Command has liberated those camps. Ladies and Gentlemen over 12,000 boys and girls have now been liberated from their slavers. Most of those 12000 are now on board both the Good Hope II and the Saint Peter. During the arrest of persons world wide several hundred others have been also liberated. This administration is using parts of the NorAm armed forces to protect what this administration classifies as the most valuable cargo ever carried on board ship. An entire generation of young kids." "To make this crime more despicable than it is, any boy or girl who outlived their usefulness as either a sex toy or slave was executed and put into a mass grave. Several mass grave sites have been found and over 1100 bodies recovered to date. That investigation continues." The president had to turn away momentarily. You could have heard a pin drop in the press room. When he turned back his eyes were red rimmed from holding back tears. "This administration considers Brin and Benjamin Sadac to be National Heroes. During an attack in Sudan, General Ari Ben Israel was captured by Sudanese forces, was tried and sentenced to death for war crimes. Last night a raid, carried out by SAS and Special Forces, lead by Brin Sadac, rescued General Israel. It is with a very heavy heart that I announce Commander Brin Sadac was killed during the attack to rescue his friend. Upon learning of his death, I ordered all flags in NorAm and in all installations abroad to lowered to half staff." "Finally, there will be no question period at the end of this briefing. A full and uncensored report, recorded by Clarence Wilson, will be transmitted from the NAS Fox, accompanying the Good Hope and Saint Peter. This report will tell the story to date of Benjamin's ordeal and subsequent actions by the combined forces. Also, immediately following this briefing all ships and forces will be open to reporters. The exception being the Good Hope, Saint Peter and her escorts. Any attempt to interfere with the Good Hope, Saint Peter or their escorts will be met with lethal force." "That's all Ladies and Gentlemen." The president turned and left the pressroom. Most News Networks worldwide carried the report, by Clarence Wilson.
For the next 48 hours, Benji hardly stopped working with the kids. He was everywhere on the Saint Peter, Broadsword and Ortona. Talking, crying, or just holding boys and girls. Mike had to almost physically restrain him, to get him eat and sleep. During that same 48 hours the ships rounded the horn of Africa and anchored off Cape Town. A small fleet of supply ships was now along side, resupplying all the great ships needs. Several reporters had tried to sneak aboard, but were stopped by steely eyed soldiers from South Africa. Lucky for them none were shot. During this stop over, Benji had Captain Mateo invited aboard for a meeting. A final tally was arrived at. A total of 11,697 boys and girls had been rescued, 8,912 boys and 2,785 girls. Of those 137 boys and 62 girls had died of their injuries. 1,700 bodies of boys and girls, had to date being found in the mass grave sites. That investigation would continue for several months. No sites were found on Madagascar. From interrogation of captured guards it was learned the bodies had been thrown into the sea. The only sites found on the African continent had been at Burundi City and Mogadishu. Three days after arriving at Cape Town, the two massive Hospital ships put back to sea. The only escorts visible were the ships of Admiral Cunningham's Escort Division. Captain Fontaine knew the carriers of the Atlantic fleets were just over the horizon. Their course was northwesterly.
Since the Naval Construction Battalion had arrived on Gilbert Island, they had never stopped working. The first two items were the runway and power plant. Once they were back in operation construction on the accommodations for the 11000+ boys and girls went ahead 24 hours a day. Not only accommodations were being built. They also needed hospitals, schools, recreation facilities, mess halls, washrooms, showers and a whole list of other facilities. All the surviving buildings of WW2, were bulldozed. New permanent buildings were being built on the concrete pads. The giant pier jutting out into the bay was refurbished and water depth checked to make sure the two hospital ships could dock. All this activity on the once deserted base, brought a lot of curious reporters and just ordinary people to the bay. All were intercepted and warned off. NorAm had declared the area a no go zone and an air interdiction zone. Units from the NorAm Special Forces patrolled the island. Everyone of the men working on the island knew the two great ships and their precious cargo was even now sailing for the island. The construction would continue until all the facilities were ready, even after the ships had arrived. Staffing all the facilities was another problem all together. Intersec would eventually supply most of the technicians needed and Intersec would hire Doctors, nurses and other staff. In the mean time, Naval and Army personal would man most of the positions.
Benji and Mike talked for many hours to plan the funeral for their Commander. Benji had talked to the President and granted his wish that the funeral be held in Washington. His burial would be on what is now called Sadac Island. Commander Sadac's body was shipped to Germany for the autopsy. From there under escort was shipped to Washington. The President in a national broadcast notified the world that Commander Sadac's funeral would be held in Washington. A date was set two weeks hence. Benji must have cried many hours with all the letters and telegrams he received from around the world. No less than 43 Nations had expressed a desire to attend the funeral. Most were sending military contingents for the parade. Although the Third Regiment, the Presidents own, usually handled State funerals, this time it would be handled by what could be called Brin's own. The Loyal Edmonton Regiment. The Second Battalion, LER, had been ordered to Washington. General Gordon Mayes their Commander was also ordered to Washington.
When General Mayes received the order, he was in battle in Sudan. The end run had happened. The Eddies supported by the Marines had cut Sudan off from its oil and most of its supplies from the west. The city of Khartoum was under siege. The Eddies had inflicted a terrible toll on Sudanese forces. Even initially out numbered and out gunned, the Eddies never stopped their attack. The under armor they wore saved many lives. Even hardened veterans from the Marines were totally surprised at the ferocity of the attack by the Eddies. Fourteen hours after Sudan lost its supply lines they capitulated unconditionally. The war was over. NorAm Marines and Army units occupied Khartoum. Anwar Mohanna was arrested trying to fly out of Khartoum. Another link in the chain.
All work stopped as the two white ships entered the bay, led by the San Francisco. Both ships, barely making headway slowly glided into position. Tugs moved, first to the Good Hope, guiding and pushing her massive bulk up to the left hand berth on the pier. She had just docked when the same tugs moved to guide Saint Peter to her berth. The massive ships towered over everything. The four heavy cruisers anchored in line astern. Standing as a formidable force ready to protect their two consorts. It was a beautiful site. The Ortona and Broadsword, anchored inside the security ring. I was very lucky, that I had been transported to Sadac Island before the ships arrived. I was able to film their arrival and docking. What followed their docking, can only be described as organized confusion. All the boys and girls who were capable of walking were moved off both ships. Navy and Army personal guided groups of 50 boys or girls to accommodation tents. It looked more like an upturned ant hill than anything else. Benji seemed to be everywhere. Mike was always nearby. Both hospital ships would stay until all the facilities were ready onshore. Nurses and Doctors seemed to be everywhere as well, helping, holding, carrying kids. I thought if any medals were needed awarding these men and women should get the lion share. Many days passed before some kind of order was restored. I watched many Navy and Army men just holding a young boy or girl. All were there for these kids now. Considering all these young boys and girls needed was just pure love. They gave them a full measure. I saw many of these young soldiers and sailors crying while they helped. How Benji managed to keep his sanity in all this is still beyond belief. The hardest part for Benji, was when some of them asked where their father was. Brin they considered their father. How do you tell a young boy or girl that he had been killed? Some took it, with the resignation of one used to death, while others broke down and could not be helped. Benji was really their God now, Father, son, helper, or just a shoulder to cry on. Mike told me Benji would cry for hours after he got back to the Good Hope.
Commander Brin Sadac's body was placed in the Rotunda of the Capital building seven days prior to his funeral. Members of the Loyal Edmonton Regiment guarded it. More than a hundred thousand people paraded through the rotunda each day it laid in State. Brin was a very religious man. He was Anglican. There ensued the problem. The President was Catholic. Benji although he believed in God was not overly religious. When Benji suggested that the Arch Bishop of the Anglican Church do the funeral ceremony, the Catholic Bishop in Washington was fervently against it. The President was at the meeting to help both sides come to some agreement. "If my Love is not to be buried as he lived then I will move the funeral to Ottawa, where I know I can have the Arch Bishop of Brin's church preside." That ended the argument. Commander Brin Sadac would have a High Anglican Funeral. The Catholic Church be damned.
Once things settled down into a routine on Sadac Island, Benji held a meeting with all the boys and girls. He had loud speakers set up on the airfield. He also had his speech piped to the Good Hope and Saint Peter. It was also carried to all ships of the support fleet. As he walked to the raised podium, the cheers for him must have been heard in Miami. "All of you already know, my Love, our Father is dead. Later today I will fly to Washington for his funeral. But he will be coming back to you. He will be coming home. This is his home, here on this Island where you are all now free young boys and girls. His wish, and mine too, was for all of you to be able to begin a new life, free of the bonds that held you in servitude. His wish and mine was that you all could begin a real life, a life not filled with abuse and torture. I will always be here for each and everyone of you. My love wanted it and I will make it happen. I know this will not be easy for some, but all you need to do is believe. Believe in your selves; believe that Brin's Corporation, now I guess my Corporation will be here for ever as long as you need me." At the finish of Benji's short speech, it was like a damn burst as all the kids rushed the dais. Benji waded into the crowd of boys and girls. Mike stood and watched. Benji here was king, god, or what ever. No one would harm him here. They loved with such an unbridled love, that nothing could separate them from him. The hard part for Benji was coming. But also a bright spot too. The boys from Bor-Dango that could walk on their own would be moved to Washington for the Funeral. They would give stark evidence to the charges pending around the world. One of those boys was Toma, Benji's first love. Benji flew to Washington under escort. His arrival in Washington was under the tightest security that had ever been given to a visiting dignitary. He was whisked off his aircraft and into armored suburban's. Straight to the White house, where he was ensconced in the Lincoln Bedroom. Surprisingly the President came to him. "Commander, I deeply regret the loss of Commander Sadac. To me and my Country, he is truly a National Hero, as are you. It is my pleasure to announce that you Sir will be awarded the Navy Cross. Brin Sadac will be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. It is not normally awarded to civilians unless they do such service to the country that it is warranted. Brin Sadac has not only done his country a service, but he has done it for the entire world." "Thank you Mr. President. Give my awards and Brin's to the kids. That is what he would have wanted." The President ignored Benji's comments and proceeded to pin a Navy Cross to his uniform. He also handed Benji a small leather folder. When Benji opened it, it contained a Medal of Honor. "Commander Sadac, this administration will protect Sadac Island until such times as the International Security Command is ready to take over. No cost is too high to bear. No cost will ever be billed to you Sir. What you and your Corporation has done will be remembered in the annuls of history." "Mr. President, you should know that the International Security Command will be going after any state worldwide that condones or uses children for any purpose not considered for their benefit. Every single child soldier will be rescued. Every single girl forced into prostitution will be rescued. Brin wanted it and I will make that our primary duty." "I commend your zeal Commander. But can you really do it?" "I will make it happen!" The steel in Benji's voice gave the President pause. "Benji, you have definitely changed from the fist time I met you Son. You truly are a Commander in all sense of the word. I think the world better take notice of you." "I just wish I could take Brin back to his Island now." "Soon Son, soon."
Benji had a vey bad night. He tossed and turned. At seven am Mike woke him. "Come on Benji. Get you ass out of bed. You have a long day." "Jesus Mike I just want to sleep." "Benji, today you have to be the Commander of the most powerful Corporation in the world. Tomorrow you can sleep." "What's that all mean Mike? I'm just a kid." "Benji, you are in Command of the most formidable Corporation in the world. You command over three hundred thousand men and women. Fully 45% of those are security troops. You have the most Formidable Combat Brigade in the world. The Loyal Eddies. Benji our gross income last year was in excess of 13 billion dollars. You have 11,000 boys and girls who trust you. You now have the ear of almost every country on earth. Son I love you, as much as I loved Brin. Now you have to make all those Men, Women, boys and girls love you as they did Brin." "Okay." "Fine Benji, go shower. I'll get your uniform ready." Although the security at the funeral and in all of Washington was so airtight a flea could not have got in, Mike was taking no chances with his Commanders safety. He laid out his armor first and then the plain black dress uniform. He pinned the Navy Cross to the breast. Mike also knew there were several other decorations being awarded Benji, but didn't know exactly what or when. Benji came out wearing a pair of comfortable bikini shorts and started to put on his armor. No protests this time. If Brin had being wearing his he might still be alive. After he was dressed, Mike made sure everything was perfect. "Ready to face the World Commander?" "No." Inside the White House, all security was handled by the Secret Service. When Mike opened the door, they were met by several. They were escorted down to the dinning room for breakfast with the President. After breakfast they headed for the Capital Building. The parade to the Anglican Cathedral would not start until almost Eleven, but Benji wanted time alone with his Love. When he left the White House, his escort was the International Security Command, Executive protection Service. Every man was armed and his Limo was armored. Pennsylvania Avenue, was closed to public transportation. Even this early troops were lining up. And the crowds were starting to form along the parade route. From the Capital Building to the Anglican Cathedral was almost nine kilometers [5½ miles]. That entire route was now closed. Every flag, NorAm, US and Canadian were at half staff. His arrival at the Capital Building went almost unnoticed, except for the Marines in Dress Blues. They presented arms as he walked into the Rotunda of the Capital. Four Loyal Edmonton Regiment soldiers guarded the flag draped casket of Commander Brin Sadac. Benji walked alone to the casket of his partner and lover. He saluted. Then removed his cap and leaned over and kissed the casket. Then carefully placing a hand on the casket sat down. Mike knew he was talking, but could not hear what was being said and the four soldiers just stood and never moved. Benji talked to Brin for over an hour before standing, replacing his cap and saluting. Benji walked to one side as first General Gordon Mayes walked in and saluted then he too talked to his Commander. One after another, every single Officer, General and other men that had loved Brin with everything in their heart came in and had a few words with their friend.
At precisely 11 AM, a Color Sergeant Major walked up to the Casket. "GUARD! PRESENT ARMS." The four soldiers slowly reversed arms to the present and stood. "SHOULDER ARMS." Eight Marines in Dress Blues slow marched into the Rotunda. They walked to position on either side of the casket. They hoisted the casket to their shoulders. "GUARDS TO THE COMMANDER PRESENT ARMS." "BY THE CENTER, HALF STEP MARCH." The eight Marines in half step slowly made their way to the entrance to the Capital building. As they came close to the door, the Loyal Edmonton Regiment, lined up outside presented arms. Outside there was absolute silence. The Marines ever so slowly made their way down the steps. At the bottom was a gun carriage. Benji followed the casket down the steps. After the Marines had placed the casket of Commander Brin Sadac on the Carriage, they took up positions on either side. Members of the Third Regiment, the Presidents Own, guarded the entire avenue on either side. Lined up, as far as the eye could see, were other Military contingents from all the countries that had sent delegations to the funeral. Benji, Mike and Gordon took positions behind the Gun Carriage. "MOVE TO THE RIGHT IN THREES, RIGHT TURN." "BY THE CENTER, SLOOOOOOW MARCH." The muffled drums, beat a slow pace as the procession made its way up Pennsylvania Avenue, followed by all the rest of the Military contingents. Benji followed his love and Commander. The day had started out grey and very dull, very similar to Benji's mood. As the Gun Carriage reached the White House, the sun shone through the clouds, almost like God was here with Brin. It shone down on the slow moving Casket. It was not lost on the millions of people lining the route. Never had Washington seen such a funeral procession before. It was as if God was truly looking down on one of its true Sons. There would be many stories coming out of this funeral. After reaching the Anglican Cathedral and after Brin's casket had been moved inside. The Service commenced. At the end of his Sermon, the Arch Bishop of the Anglican Church asked. "Who will speak for Brin?" Mike stood and walked to the front and mounted the pulpit. "My Commander Brin Sadac is dead. Long live my Commander Benjamin Sadac. "I loved Brin, not as my partner, but as my Commander. He believed in me and he believed in every single one of us all. Every single person he ever came into contact with, imparted something of him. He had such love of freedom, that it took all of his energy. No wrong could ever be left undone. No right could ever be praised enough. To Brin, every pain, felt by another, weather it was just one young boys pain or a whole country, he never faltered to right the wrong. I loved him, I loved him with everything within me. Many have said he only did what he did was for his own profit. I can tell you he never had money in mind when he took up a cause. He told me, that he would spend every single penny, just to free one person. After all is not freedom the ultimate end every single person wants. Good bye my friend, my Commander." Mike walked off the pulpit and Gordon Mayes walked up. "Many, in fact all of you don't know. Brin was born in Idaho. He is in reality a US citizen. The President had stated that a Congressional Medal of Honor was almost never awarded a non citizen of the US. Well I guess he is qualified. Brin won a lottery. Two hundred and thirty five million lottery. With his money he started a small company to supply Security for Companies that could not afford the outrageous money required by the larger ones. All the rest is history. Now, thanks to him, and him alone, the middle east is almost peaceful. He brought peace where before there was war. He also fought in many a war, and stood without flinching when all around him was going to hell. He never once in all the time I knew him ever backed down. I watched him cry, when men died and laugh when he could pull them out. He never once would order any man anywhere he would not go himself. "When our two great countries became one, many old units in both the United States Armed forces and the Canadian Armed forces, were disbanded. He brought back the Loyal Edmonton Regiment. He asked me to Command it. I will never, ever, loose my faith in my Commander or in my Regiment. My Commander is Dead. Long live my Commander." The President of NorAm replaced Gordon on the Pulpit. "They say I am the most powerful man on Earth. Granted I command the Largest Armed Forces, the biggest Navy, even nuclear weapons, but do I command the respect and even love of the rest of the World. I think not. Commander Sadac, Commander Brin Sadac was loved, yes loved by more countries than I can or could even dream of. To be honest I really hate Brin Sadac, not for what he has done, but for his choice of lifestyle. I'm Catholic, I was brought up differently than most people. Brin Sadac was Gay. Commander Benjamin Sadac is Gay. Have I now changed my mind? No. I still don't like what he is, but I also know that he has done our World, yes our World a favor. He and his Corporation has stopped a most despicable part of it. The Slavery of young boys and girls. How can I fault a man that has rid the world of such a scourge. You deserve the Medal of Honor Brin Sadac and now you too, Benjamin Sadac deserve or love and our understanding." He stepped down. Benji slowly walked to the pulpit. He stopped and set his hand on the flag draped casket. It took a few minutes for Benji to compose himself. "There lies my love. There lies my everything, but to Brin and now to me, it is not everything. His parting words to me, Family comes first. His last word to Mike, Family comes first. MY Family is 12000 boys and girls. Our Family, your Family, even if you don't know them, they are all part of our Family. They are the Family that we left to die. You were more interested in your daily lives to worry about what was going on around you. Well not anymore. Take notice World, it does not end here. From this point onward I will as Commander of the International Security Command will be looking for every single boy or girl who is held in captivity. Weather you are just a kid in slavery as a prostitute or a child soldier, look out, I'm coming for them. God help those that I find are using kids. Good bye my Love. Family does come first." Benji walked off the pulpit. Stopped and kneeled at the casket of Brin and then. "Who will help me carry my Commander?" Mike stood first, the President, Gordon Mayes, the Prime Minister of Israel, General Tom Black, Mo, Captain Fontaine, Captain Mateo, Clarence Wilson, Kimbo, Admiral James Gordon, Sir Thomas Beaton, Steve Kelpert, and a young black male hobbled up to the casket. Benji watched as the young black man made his way up the aisle. When he was close, Benji recognized him. He ran to him and lifted him into his arms. "Toma?" "Yes Benji. I thought I would never see you again." With tears running down his face, he turned with Toma in his arms. "Lets take my Commander Home." The thirteen men lifted the casket and proceeded down the aisle. As they reached the entrance, the crash of a gun Salute could be heard. Soldiers stood stiffly at attention as the thirteen men slowly moved to the hearse. The trip back to Andrew's Air Force base was very slow. The entire route was lined with thousands of people. The forty three Countries who had sent contingents were lined up on one side. Each presented arms as the hearse passed. The entire route was covered by flowers thrown by spectators on to the roadway. Upon arrival at Andrew's, Brin's casket was carefully transferred to a waiting ISC C-17. Benji first and then Mike and all the others who would attend the burial of Commander Brian Sadac boarded the Aircraft. The airspace over Washington was closed to civilian aircraft, so Brin's aircraft was the only one in the skies as it set course for Sadac Island, under a very heavy escort form the NorAm Navy. Benji did, not pick the exact spot where Brin was to be interred. The young boys and girls on the island had decided the place. The place picked by them, was a small rise above the anchorage. The Seabee's had cleared the area and even planted sod in preparation. The grave was dug. Eventually a statue of Brin would rise on the spot. IT had been decided that Brin's body would again lie in state, so all the kids of his family could pay their respects to him. A large tent had been set up and air conditioned. After his body in the casket had been placed inside the top portion was lifted so the kids could actually see their late father. During the three days, every single boy and girl passed by the casket, along with every sailor, soldier, nurse and doctor, Brian had ever come in contact with. The men of his Regiment stood guard, even knowing no one here on Sadac Island would ever do anything to the body of Commander Brian Sadac. His actual burial was a very simple affair, attended by only those very close to him and presided over by the Anglican Chaplain from the Good Hope. The simple white cross, that in time would be replaced by a bronze statue was mute contrast to massive funeral held in Washington. During the following year almost all facilities on Sadac Island were finished. A little less than half of the boys and girls on Sadac Island had been repatriated. Almost all that were left did not know or their families not found, that they would if they wanted become part of the Sadac Islands permanent residents. The trials began almost at once and were in NorAm slowly making their way through the Federal courts. All those convicted in NorAm were sentenced to death by lethal injection. The trial in other countries, some were quick and easy while others would drag out for years. In the entire world only four countries still had the death penalty. NorAm, Russia, China and Saudi Arabia. The trials that went the fastest were held in Saudi Arabia. The only execution Benji attended was the execution of the Sultan of Burundi, the man who started it all. His execution was the only one held publicly. He was beheaded in a public square in Riyadh. During the next few years, Benji's decree to hunt down and prosecute anyone using children for any purpose other than for their good and welfare continued. The intelligence arm of the International Security Command was greatly expanded. Along with the Security arm, a specialized ready reaction force was formed around the Loyal Edmonton Regiment. Now with three full battalions, they could deploy in force or in smaller units anywhere in the world. Many of the small rebellions ended almost overnight, when the Loyal Edmonton Regiment deployed the entire Brigade into the African country and put down a revolt and civil war almost instantly. Over 300 boys, who had been forced into becoming child soldiers were freed. Even with the protests in the UN, Benji held to his stead fast word and as much as told the UN to butt out. A new kid was now on the world stage and his word was just as good as Brin Sadac's had always been. He never ever backed down from his word and would if necessary back it with force and rest of the world be damned. Mike finally tendered his resignation. Not that he wasn't needed or wanted, but it was time to retire. He took Toma under his wing almost as soon as Toma was fully healed and trained him in all aspects of his duties to his Commander. When Mike retired, Toma took over as Benji's confidant and body guard. It had been easy, considering Benji and Toma were very much in love. Both still held a very deep love for Brin, but even that love would dim in time. The love for each other would never grow cold. Benji's story will never end. It will be carried on by all boys, girls, men and women he has come into contact with. The International Security Command and all those who live and work for Benji, will continue his story.
The EndThank you all for your patience. It's very hard to research and write this story. Now that I have more time I should be able to write more. Comments are always welcome.suddar40(at)telus(dot)net