PZA Boy Stories



Chapters 7-11

Chapter 7

After leaving the White House, we drove over to the Pentagon for a short meeting with the Chief of Naval Operations. He informed me the two rollo ships would be in Hamburg Germany by the thirtieth. After leaving him we drove back to our hotel.

When we arrived at the Washington Hilton, I was surprised at the number of npf vehicles in and around the Hotel. When we entered I was confronted by an npf Inspector and handed an arrest warrant. It was made out for Benjamin Watson. He was to be taken into protective custody. When they turned toward Benji, I stepped in their way.

"Sir, that warrant was signed by the Chief Justice of NorAm."

"Hadn't you better check his identification before you jump off the handle, Inspector."

"I'm sorry, Sir. I just presumed that this young man was Benjamin Watson."

After checking Benji's id and finding that his name was SADAC he profusely apologized.

"I am sorry, Sir, I was under the impression Benjamin Watson was traveling with you. That was the information we received from the Director."

"You can tell Ms. Sarah Bush that she had better get her information right before she orders anything to do with Benjamin Watson. You can also tell her that regardless of who issues a warrant, I won't let anyone take him into your custody or anyone else's. If she doesn't like it tell her to go fuck herself."

"I can't tell her that Commander, however I will tell her what you said in my own words, if you don't mind."

"No you can her exactly what I said."

I turned to Mike.

"Were checking out, have the plane ready. We'll leave as soon as we've changed."

"Yes Sir."

Benji and I headed for a bank of elevators. After we were back in my suite.

"He was going to arrest me, wasn't he Brin."

"Over my dead body. Like I told you before no one and I mean no one is going to arrest you and no one has enough clout to arrest me. Even Ms. Bush knows the consequences of trying to arrest me."

We both changed into work dress and packed quickly. Two of my security guards came in and took our bags down to the vehicles. As we arrived I was told I was to wait for Director Bush.

"If she wants to talk to me she can come to Edmonton when I get back. Now get out of my way unless of course you have a warrant to hold me."

"But Sir I was specifically told to stop you until she has a chance to talk to you."

"Too bad. Now step out of my way or pull out your warrant. NOW!"

Reluctantly he stood aside as we walked out of the hotel and climbed into the isc vehicles waiting at the curb. The trip was fairly quick back to Ronald Reagan International and we stopped at the pure white Challenger 6. The Challenger 6 was an sst, capable of speeds to Mach 3. It utilized the new Ram Jet engines. Although it had two recessed conventional engines for take off and landing, once it was in the air the ram jets took over pushing the sleek jet to over 2000 miles [3000 km] per hour. I didn't own the Aircraft. It was sort of a lease-advertising contract. Bombardier called it the Icarius. As I flew with it around the world, it acted as a sort of flying advertisement for the Aircraft. I had to let it be inspected by anyone who was interested in purchasing one. At almost a billion dollars it was a very expensive aircraft. Not too many individuals could afford it including me. But it was a nice luxury to have available.

Because of its speed, there were no real kitchen facilities, just light lunches. It had a bar for refreshments and deep leather seats. This one also had a complete communications set up so I could keep in touch with all my far flung operations around the globe.

After we were all aboard and strapped in the plane taxied out and soon we were in the air climbing to 50,000 ft [15,000 m] for the two hour trip to Bern. This trip Benji sat beside me with his head resting against me. I put my arm around him and just held him close. God how I loved him. While in flight I received a communication from assistant Secretary General, Sir Thomas Beaton. He invited me and my party to stay at his home outside Bern while I was in the city for my meetings with the Secretary General. I immediately accepted. I also told my security team to contact the reception team and make the appropriate arrangements.

Almost exactly two hours after leaving NorAm, the seatbelt light came on as we approached Bern Switzerland. After landing and a quick customs clearance we were hustled into isc vehicles for the trip to Sir Thomas Beaton's home. Home was not exactly what it was. More of a castle or should I say fortress. It was a completely walled estate. It was patrolled by members of the Swiss Guard. Both inside and out and I noticed they were very heavily armed, complete with several wheeled armored vehicles.

After we were allowed entrance to the castle were brought to the front door. As we exited Sir Thomas came out to greet me.

"Welcome to my humble home, Commander."

"Thank you Sir Thomas. It's an honor to be invited."

"I have quarters set aside for your security team and of course rooms for your two confidants."

"Sir Thomas this is Mike Rarog my second and this is Benji. Mike is my only confidant, Benji is my partner and lover."

"Mr. Rarog a servant will show you to your room."

"It's just Mike if you don't mind Sir Thomas and thank you."

"Mike it is then," he laughed.

I would prefer if you all just called me Thomas or Tom. I am never really comfortable with the Sir thing."

"In that case you can call me Brin."

"Brin welcome to my humble home. He smiled.

I took an instant liking to Sir Thomas Beaton. He was a very laid back type of person. He ushered us inside and several servants immediately took our luggage and headed off into the bowels of the castle. Mike followed his luggage as a servant carried it. Thomas led Benji and me into a great room. A huge fireplace dominated the room, and walls were lined with pictures of forgone battles. After were seated he brought me a tumbler of amber liquid and Benji a glass of Coke.

He was very straight forward. After he was seated. He said:

"So this is the young man that has turned the world upside down. Also I might add has been making the lights burn late in almost every police force hq world wide."

"I should tell you that interpol has an arrest on sight for him from the Attorney General of NorAm. But not to worry, while he is with you I think they won't push it. They are just a little bit in awe of you and your corporation."

"Really that's interesting. Do you perchance have a telephone I might use for a few minutes."

He handed me a handset.

"I can leave if you wish to talk alone."

"No stay this will only take a minute."

I dialed the number for isc offices in Bern and asked for the communications room. I then asked to be connected to isc headquarters in Edmonton.

"isc may I help you Sir."

"Commander Sadac for Intelligence."

"One moment Commander."

"Intelligence Sir."

"Willy from this moment forward until you here from me, you will no longer supply any information to the npf. Understood?"

"Yes Sir, does that include EDSON BOY?"

"Especially EDSON BOY"

"Yes Sir. Anything else."

"Connect me with operations."

"Operations, Col. Metcalf Sir."

"Jamie, this is Commander Sadac. Effective at Midnight tomorrow, you will stand down all security operations in NorAm under Breach of Contract, Section 7, subsection 2."

"All Sir, including airport and federal buildings."

"Yes all. You may inform the npf of the why and the where of. But unless they submit a correction to the Breach of Contract you will hold all services until I notify you otherwise."

"Yes Sir."

I hung up and handed the set back to Thomas.

He was looking at me with his mouth open.

"Jesus you don't play softball do you. You really want to do that over a warrant that can't be served."

"Yes indeed I do. It's about time that bitch in Washington realized who she's dealing with. I can and will shut down every single airport in NorAm. By issuing that warrant to a serving member of the isc she is in Breach of Contract. No serving member of the Commanders Staff can be arrested or a warrant issued, without first having a hearing before a Supreme Court Judge or equivalent with all parties attending."

"They actually signed that contract. Their dumber than I thought," he laughed.

"No, she signed the contract. So now Secretary Bush's head is on the block."

"Well you certainly know how to make friends and influence people."

"Now I would like to freshen up if you don't mind Thomas."

"Of course, I'll show you two to your room."

He lead us up a very ornate staircase and stopped at the first door. He unlocked the room and after ushering us in said.

"I hope you will be comfortable here Brin and Benji. Dinner will be at seven."

He handed me the key to the room and left.

I walked over to Benji and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. He just sort of melted into my arms. As our bodies pressed together I felt his hard cock pressing into me. I started to undress him. I wanted him so badly I was shaking as I removed first his shirt and then undid his pants.

"Easy my love. Let me do it."

He quickly undressed and helped me undress. As my hard cock was finally released from the body armor he knelt and took my cock into his mouth. I couldn't help my self as I grabbed his head and forced my cock deeper into his throat. I was totally lost in lust for his willing mouth and drove my cock in and out of his face. When the release came it was almost an anticlimax. But I still held him, with my cock buried deep in his throat. After I pulled out he looked up with tears in his eyes.

"I love you Brin," he said.

I pulled him up and guided him over to the huge bed. I laid down on my back.

"Take me Benji. Fuck me hard, please I need you inside me."

Benji bent down and lifted my legs up. He moved down and then started to rim me. I could feel his tongue as it licked and probed at opening. After a few minutes of slowly driving me crazy with his tongue stood up and I felt his ridged cock sliding into me. He started real slow, but slowly increased speed until he banging away at my ass like a piston. God how good it felt. It didn't take long before I felt his hot sperm coating the inside of my anal canal. I didn't want it to end and clinched my sphincter muscles around his cock. I wanted him to fuck me again and again. I saw him slowly pulling out.

"NO! Please again Benji. I need you again."

"Later my love. Later and we can make love all night. I love you so much I will do anything for you, but I need you as much as you need me. I need to feel you inside. I love to taste you. I love it when you suck me or fuck me. I love everything Brin. There is no one else I ever want but you love."

He laid down on top of me and we just necked for what seemed like hours.

Benji got up and padded into the bathroom. I looked at the clock and noted we had about 30 minutes to get ready for dinner. Knowing a little about Sir Thomas I knew we needed to dress for dinner, as in our mess dress uniforms. I knew he would be dressed in his. I hoped Mike was on the ball.

I jumped off the bed and went in and joined Benji in the shower. Although he wanted to play around I told him later as we had to dress for dinner. After the shower we started to dress. I helped Benji with the stiff collared white shirt and bow tie. He said it was really uncomfortable. After we were ready I kissed him quickly on the cheek and said that he was perfect.

"I wish I had some of those decorations like you, Brin."

"Benji you don't need decorations. You are perfect without them. You are a brilliant star in my heavens. You shine just as yourself."

"Well I wish we could skip dinner. Then I could get filled up by you."

"Later lover boy. You can have me for an all night snack."

We arrived downstairs at exactly 6:55 pm. Mike was already there, dressed in his immaculate mess dress, with his very impressive array of medals. Sir Thomas was also dressed like us and he to had a very distinguished array of decorations, including a Victoria Cross, so rare a medal to be awarded. I knew he had received it with his Regiment in Iran, when he commanded a tank troop that held off a Brigade of Iranian guards for almost a week, allowing the small British Force to be reinforced with NorAm armored units. The unit he was with were down to two tanks and twenty six men when the 110th mountain division relieved them. I also knew he had lost both his balls and a part of his cock. He could never have children and as a consequence his wife left him. He was I'm sure a very lonely man. Yet it never showed.

Dinner was a gourmets' delight. Food from around the globe. Sushi, Prime Rib, Curry, Hot Beef Stir Fry, followed by Baked Alaska and Brandy. Everyone was full to the point of bursting, including Benji. He'd never had a seven course meal before and had stuffed himself with each course. Sir Thomas commented

"Where does he put it. He eats enough for six men."

"I was hungry, Sir Thomas."

"Please call me Thomas or Tom."

"I'm sorry Sir I can't. You earned that Sir and it wouldn't be right for me to call you just Thomas or Tom. I am just a boy. You are my superior and as such I know where my place is. If at some time in the future I become more mature and closer to being your equal it would then be an honor to call you by you name."

"Damn he really is articulate in his speech, Brin."

Benji turned to me.

"What's articulate mean, Brin."

"It means you talk like a person ten years older than you and have been to university or some other higher learning establishment.

"But I only have Grade 7, Brin."

"Well that's going to be rectified when we get back home. Your going back to school."

"Really, I loved school, but it's been so long."

I saw a tear slowly making it's way down Benji's cheek. Without thinking I pulled him into my arms and held him.

"Easy son I'm here," I whispered.

He pulled away from and asserted himself.

"Sorry Sir Thomas. School just brought memories of my parents."

"It's ok, son."

Benji turned to me.

"May I be excused, I think I need to lie down. I don't feel so good."

"Of course. Do want me to come with you?"

"No I'll be fine, I think I ate too much."

After Benji left we retired to the big sitting room. A servant brought a bottle brandy and then left. After everyone was seated I asked a question I knew was upper most in my mind.

"Thomas, what do know about the Sultan of Burundi?"

"Well to begin with Burundi does not have seat in the un. Nor has it sought a seat. As for the Sultan, he is an expatriate of Great Britain. Rumor has it that he got control of Burundi by assonating the old Sultan after getting the old man to name him heir. It's all conjecture of course. No one knows for sure how he took control of the country. Burundi has a lot of oil. In fact they export almost 300 million barrels a year to Europe. That buys him anything he wants, including 300 men from the isc to protect his refineries and oil fields. Which costs him almost 20 million a year. The army of Burundi is almost none existent. It comprises a battalion of tanks, Leopard 4's about 40, and an Infantry Battalion of 600 men, but the infantry also act as his personal guard force. They are comprised of mostly ex-African and European soldieries.

He has no air force or navy. He does own several c130 Hercules aircraft. Plus several executive jets. He very, and I mean very seldom travels outside his country. He is a recluse, letting his ministers travel to carry on the business of his country abroad. Now that you know what I know. Why did you ask Brin?"

I got up and paced back and forth. Mike seeing my unease stood up and stopped me.

"If you trust him Sir. Tell him."

I turned and looked at Sir Thomas Beaton.

"Sir Thomas, what I am going to now tell you has to be in total confidence. If even a word of it leaks out it will put me, Mike, and especially Benji in grave danger."

Noting my formal address to him he said.

"Commander Brin. In my position as Assistant Secretary of The United Nations, I have the confidence and trust of many Nations that I come into contact with. Without that trust I could not do my job. Your secret is safe with me Sir."

"Mike in my briefcase up stairs is a hard copy of Benji's story to date. Would you get it please."

"Yes Sir."

"Thomas, Benji has told me his story of how he ended up half frozen on the driveway to my mountain retreat. I want you to read it and then tell me your thoughts. I have already made up my mind as to what I am going to do."

Mike returned and told me Benji was sleeping soundly. He handed me the file and I handed it to Sir Thomas.

"Edson Boy." was all he said.

He sat down and started to read. I refilled his snifter with more brandy and sat back and watched as he read. As strong and as old as he was I saw a tear slowly make it way down his cheek. After he had read it once he sat and reread it again and then set it down. He got up and walked to the big windows and just looked out. There was total silence for about five minutes. He turned and looked at me.

"Commander. No Brin I don't have words for what I am feeling right now. If this is true it is the most monstrous crime in recent memory. It over shadows all the atrocities of Iran, Iraq, or even the genocide in Sudan. To think a country on this Earth could sponsor, no even condone or continue in the slave trade of children for sexual enjoyment boggles my mind."

"I know it is true Thomas. I believe Benji. I have seen his tears and anguish as he has told me his story. You have seen his tears form remembering his parents, who were lost in an automobile accident when he was almost 13. I know what I am going to do Sir Thomas. I am going to destroy this trade. Even if I have to spend my entire fortune. I'll stop at nothing and I know full well all 150,000 men and women of my company will back me 100%."

Sir Thomas stood up ram rod straight in front of me.

"Sir you have my total support and all the power of my office at your disposal. Even to the point of costing me my position."

"Accepted, Thomas."

"However if you happen to lose your position, I will always have one for you. In fact my Commander of the isc First Armored Division has expressed a desire to retire."

"Ah, the Sudan Assignment that your due to sign while you're here."

"Yes Thomas, if you want it. It is yours."

"Well lets see what happens in the interim."

"Good. Now I need to go to bed. I think I'm slightly loaded from that great dinner and all this fine Brandy."

Thomas walked over to me and placed his hand in mine.

"What ever it takes you have my total support Brin."

"Thank you Thomas."

I then retired to my bed. Burned out from a long day, good food and too much brandy.

I crawled into bed beside Benji and just wrapped my arms around him. He automatically spooned himself into my body, even without waking. I now had my arms and body in contact with the only one I could ever love.

When I awoke at my usual time, Benji was gone from our bed. But this time knowing he was safe within this castle and its walls I just relaxed.

"Coffee my love."

Benji set down a carafe of coffee, with cream and sugar and one cup by the bed.

"Up early lover boy."

"Yes Sir, I went for a run with Mike. He is in really good shape. I could only do about two laps of the court yard but he did ten and wasn't even breathing hard. I need to get in shape."

"Your shape looks fine to me, especially the shape of your cock and ass."

Benji jumped onto the bed and on top of me.

"Really and how do you like it now, me all sweaty from my workout with Mike."

"You smell wonderful. To me Benji you will always smell wonderful."

I pulled him down close and ran my tongue into his mouth.

"Mmmmmm! That tastes good. I said.

"And you smell even better," as I ran my hand down over his chest and onto his cock.

Benji rolled off me and quickly undressed and then jumped back on top of me.

"I want you Brin, inside me now, please."

I rolled him over until he was under me. I ran my tongue down over his sweaty body, savoring the salty sweat covering his young body. I took his hard cock into my mouth and sucked it briefly. I then lifted his legs onto my shoulders and slowly inserted my cock into him. He just moaned at my entry. I then fucked his ass as hard as I could for over fifteen minutes until I couldn't hold back anymore and pumped his ass full of my pent up passion.

After I came in him I bent down and took his cock into my mouth. Almost as soon as I started sucking on him he unloaded a massive load into my throat.

"After that load I don't think I need much breakfast, lover."

He just pulled me down onto his lips.

"Your all I want ever, Brin."

"And your all I ever want, Benji."

Chapter 8

After a long hot shower Benji and I went and got dressed. Me in work dress, Benji in his sweats, not his work out ones, but the old pair I had given him the first day to keep him warm.

"What do want to do today Benji?"

"Well given a choice I would like to spend the whole day in bed with you but, I think I would like to go skiing."


"Yeah Mike said he would teach me how. I like Mike, he knows everything."

"Well lets go down and have some breakfast and we'll discuss it."

We headed down to the dinning area from the previous night. The table was spread with all types of food. Breakfast, lunch and dinner all on the table. Thomas was sitting talking to Mike as we walked in.

"Ah I see he was able to wake you Brin."

"Yes Thomas he did do that."

"Well sit down and enjoy. If there's anything you'd like that you don't see just ask."

"I'm sure I'll be fine Thomas."

"Mike and I were just discussing the possibility of going on a short ski trip up to one of the better resorts here about. I know of one in particular that has a separate lodge for special guests. I was about to call him and see if its available for this evening."

"Well Benji expressed a desire to learn how to ski and I guess Mike promised to teach him. So why not give him a call."

Thomas went out to make the call and after about five minutes came back and dropped an English Newspaper in my lap. I looked at the headline and groaned.



Unconfirmed reports state that a half frozen male sex slave was found on the road leading to Commander Brin's retreat on an Intersec training base in Western Alberta. Informed sources say the boy is being held in protective custody by the International Security Command.

In a related story the Attorney General of NorAm is said to have issued an International arrest warrant for the boy. The arrest warrant was rescinded by the Secretary of Homeland Security when it was learned that the warrant was considered a breach of Contract by isc.

Unconfirmed reports say that the Attorney General has resigned.

"Shit, shit, shit."

"Well so much for the skiing trip. Every where I go now there's going to a herd of reporters waiting."

"Well Brin as far as I know, no one knows you're in Switzerland."

"Yeah well whoever has been leaking information, probably knows this is where I was headed. I'll bet it was that bitch Ms Bush."

"Well they can't follow a helicopter. And we'll go up to the resort by my helicopter. I'll ensure were not disturbed over the weekend. However come Monday when you go in to the un their bound to be waiting for you."

"I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Lets go skiing. Fuck the reporters."

Sir Thomas called for his personal helicopter to pick us up at his castle. After everyone was on board, including my four security team and twelve Swiss guards who went where ever Sir Thomas did we headed for Monte Blanc. Monte Blanc was considered an exclusive ski resort. The only way in was by helicopter and unless you had an invitation you couldn't land. The only road in was summer only. After we landed and registered. I told Mike to take Benji and buy all the equipment he would need. I went to the ski shop at the slope and rented ski's and helmet and everything else I would need. I loved skiing and took it in as often as my time permitted at any of the numerous resorts in the mountains back home.

I noted that the Swiss guards had all brought skis with them, but I also noted my security team rent skis and equipment from the ski shop. Well we wouldn't be alone on the slopes no matter how we tried.

We all met back at the central lodge and I was surprised at the different number of vip's and celebrities that skied here. Although I met and talked to several diplomats from the un, none even broached the subject of Benji or the slave boy. All the talk was either the weather, some of the more shapely women around or what was on the menu for the evening. Even when Benji came in and walked right up to me and kissed me on the cheek. No one batted an eye. It really was refreshing. Mike took Benji out in the early afternoon and started to teach him to ski. Thomas and I spent our time on several of the slopes. The skiing was wonderful. About mid afternoon we met Benji and Mike at the top of the intermediate slope. When I raised my eyebrows at Mike.

"Don't worry Sir. He is a very quick learner. He can almost ski as good or better than me."

Benji took off down the slope with Mike behind him and two security guys behind Mike. He was out skiing all of them and having a wonderful time. Mike and the guards were hard pressed to keep up with him. Thomas and I were laughing at this. We both took off down the slope after them. I noted the Swiss guards had no trouble staying with us even without poles. We skied until the sun set behind the mountains and then headed into our lodge. After hot showers and a warm drink we went to the main lodge for dinner. After a very filling dinner we retired to our lodge and went to bed, all tired from the day strenuous activities.

After Benji and I undressed and climbed into bed he rolled over facing me.

He started kissing me, my eyes, my nose, my lips.

"I love you so much Brin. I could spend the rest of my life just like this beside you."

We were both very hard, but we were also very tired.

Benji rolled over and spooned himself in against me. I reached over and held him tightly. That's how we slept. Two lovers together.

When I awoke Benji was pushing his ass onto my morning hard on. It felt so good I just let him do it. Soon I felt myself coming inside him and squeezed his hard cock and just held it.

"Mmmmmmm." was all he said.

"Morning lover boy. Interesting way to wake up."

"I just needed to have you inside me. I hope you didn't mind."

"No Benji. There is nothing you can do that I would mind."

I rolled him over and kissed him and then ran my tongue down to his cock. Rather than just sucking on it. I just ran my tongue up and down it. Licking every part until he yelled.

"I'm coming."

I quickly dropped my lips over the head and sucked up all the wonderful juice erupting from his cock. He blew a huge load and even after he as done he remained very hard.

"Now fuck me lover." I said.

I just pushed my ass into the air. Benji had to get up and enter me doggie style. It really felt good as he entered and then started to pound in and out of me. It was almost twenty minutes before he just pushed in and blew his load in me. I tightened my ass muscles to hold him in as he unloaded. After he slowly went soft he pulled out and I rolled him over and took his soft cock into my mouth and sucked him clean. He was totally astounded at my actions and dived down onto my soft cock to suck it clean. As he was sucking I got very hard again and he just continued until I blew my second load of the day. Damn this kid was going to kill me. He had such a voracious need of cock either in his mouth or in his ass that I didn't know if I could keep up. The fact that he was very hard after sucking me off was a sure sign that he could probably go all day. He was definitely starved for love. I was sure I could give him all the love he had never had. I pulled him down and just kissed him. Running my hands up and down over his body. He just relaxed into my arms. A wonderful smile on his face.

"I love you Brin and I will always love you no matter what happens. I will love you forever."

"I love you too little buddy, more than you can even guess."

"Benjamin Watson will you marry me?"

He stopped squirming in my grasp and laid very still for about two minutes.

He rolled over and looked at me. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. He was crying.

"Yes. YES! OH YES! You've made me the happiest boy in the world. How I have waited for those words. Yes Brin I will marry you."

"Good lets get cleaned up and tell the others."

We headed into the shower and after shaving we went out and dressed for the day. Benji in his ski outfit and me in work dress. We headed down stairs, where Thomas had ordered breakfast.

When we walked into the little dinning area, Benji had an iron grip on me and beaming with a mile wide grin. Before I could speak Benji said.

"Mike would you be my best man."

For the first time since I have known him Mike was speechless. Thomas was very quick he came around the table and congratulated Benji and then shook my hand.

"This is one union that God will honor with all it's ramifications."

"Thank you Thomas."

Benji went over to Mike.

"Are you mad at me because I asked you to be my best man? I'm sorry Mike I love you too but I only thought you would be happy for me. If I have offended you I am really, really sorry."

Mike grabbed Benji and lifted him off his feet.

"Offended me? No Benji you just took me by surprise. I would love to be your best man. I am really happy for you and my Master. His and your happiness is all I ever want. Congratulations."

He then kissed Benji on the cheek. He set Benji down and came over to me. He went to one knee and said.

"Sir you have made me more happy today than at any other time in our long association. I know have two masters. Both I love more than life itself. I hereby pledge my life to you Sir and Benji. Let know one ever try to get you apart or they will wish they had never been born."

When I looked at Thomas I could see a tear in his eye, he was so moved by Mike's pledge. Even some of the stolic Swiss guards were looking like they might cry.

"Get off your knees Mike. You of all people know that no one kneels to me. I may be God to some of my employees or maybe all of them but no one and I mean no one kneels to me."

"But Sir you are God to me and to all who serve you. Command me and I will go. Command them and they will follow you into the jaws of hell."

I had to turn away. Tears were stinging my cheeks. I had never heard such a very intimate oath from Mike or any of my many thousand employees. I was very moved by Mike's words.

"Commander Brin. You command a very loyal and dedicated Para military security company. With men and women like you have you could rule the world. But more importantly you can have the world at your beck and call. Such devotion is astounding in this world of peace and near peace. Command me Sir and I would gladly follow your banner as well I'm sure would these Swiss guards."

"Thank you Sir Thomas. My offer is still open."

"Now I need some breakfast, before I hit the slopes."

After a very hardy breakfast we headed for the ski lift. We had decided that we would ski together today and see exactly how good Benji was. No intermediate or beginner slopes today. All Expert. Well Benji was very good but on some of the faster slopes he wiped out very often. But he always got up to go for more. After over five hours of skiing I was very worn out and at the bottom of a very difficult run told Benji I had had enough.

"Me too," he said.

Thomas and Mike were heading back up for one more run, but I told them Benji and I were heading to our lodge.

After getting back to the lodge we stripped off our clothes and grabbed a couple of towels and headed down to the hot tub on the balcony. After both of us were in we just sort of cuddled, aware of the security watching nearby. About twenty minutes later Thomas joined us and a few minutes after that Mike came out and climbed in. We were all nude in the tub, but it was just normal. After almost 45 minutes of soaking I said I had to get out.

Thomas said he would call for his helicopter for six. That gave us all about two hours to get ready. I looked at Benji and saw a sly grin on his face. I knew what he wanted to do for some of that time. We both climbed out and quickly wrapped our towels around us and headed inside. Up to our room. Benji dropped his towel and pulled down the bed.

"My turn," he said as he kneeled on the bed.

I dropped my towel and looked at his pert upturned ass. He was so good looking. I could see he was already hard and my own cock didn't fail me as it stiffened to the inviting ass presented to it. I knelt down behind Benji and ran my tongue up his crack and slowly tongued his opening. He squirmed under me as I continued to rim his beautiful ass. After really rimming him I brought my cock up and slowly slid it into him. He groaned in ecstasy at my penetration. I then just slowly fucked him. After a long time I could feel my balls churning with the pent up passion and shortly blew a massive load into his anal canal. I felt his sphincter muscles clenching my cock as I blew. I thought I would go soft, but surprisingly stayed very hard in him. I started to fuck him again, this time hard and fast, driving into his ass as hard as I could. It seemed like ages before I again blew another load into him. This time my cock deflated quickly and I slipped out of him. He pushed me over and sucked my cumm, and shit covered cock into his mouth and cleaned it.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That was great Brin. I love it when you fuck me that way."

I pushed him over and took his cock into my mouth. No sooner was I on it when he blew his full load. I continued to suck on his cock playing my tongue around the now very sensitive corona. He squirmed under me, but stayed very hard. I sucked him for a long time until he finally blew a second load into my mouth. After doing that I slipped up and just kissed him. We kissed for a while.

"We need to pack little buddy."

"Darn I wanted to suck you off again."

"Together we will have forever to enjoy each other my love."

"Yes." The smile he had on his face could have lit the whole world.

I helped Benji pack his ski clothes. He dressed in isc work dress just like me. I opened the door to take the bags down and was greeted by my security guards who grabbed our bags and headed down stairs. We met Thomas and Mike downstairs and then headed for the landing pad where Thomas' helicopter was waiting. After we aboard and airborne I just sat back with my arm around my love.

About two hours later we arrived at the castle and after a quick light supper we retired for the evening. Both of us being very worn out from skiing and the aftermath slipped into sleep. As always Benji was spooned into my body.

Although worn out from the previous weekend I had a very fretful sleep and awoke well before my alarm went off. I eased out of bed and went and had a long cold and then hot shower. The next three days were going to be very trying. What with the negotiations on the contract and the reporters is was not going to be a nice week. God I needed someplace I could just relax. I had just stepped out of the shower when Benji walked in. His smile lightened my whole soul, if I have one, and as he kissed me my world was lit by a massive fireworks display. He just climbed into the shower. I shaved and went out to start getting dressed.

For me dress uniform, had to look my best for the un and the damned reporters. After putting on my armor, I lipped my pants on. Benji walked out nude.

"Combat black today Benji."


"Yes complete with weapons and helmet."

"Why do I have to wear the helmet Brin."

"I don't want to take a chance that anyone will recognize you and you and Mike with be my personal guards for today."

"Ok," he said sullenly.

"Look Benji. You are the most important thing in my life now. If any hint that you are the ex-slave boy ever got out to the reporters or anyone else, you, me and Mike would be in grave danger. I'm quite sure, actually I'm positive we would have very high contracts put out on our lives. Just buddy you get to carry a weapon and help Mike protect me."

He brightened up considerably. But still was a little sullen as he donned his armor and combat dress.

After he was dressed, I put in his ear piece and positioned the mike under his chin. The connection only needed to be hooked to his helmet and he would be able to talk to me or Mike.

I inserted my own ear piece and boom mike and connected it to a radio on my belt. I then put my shirt on and then jacket.

After Benji had put on his battle harness, I handed him his Glock and submachine gun.

"Load live ammo Benji."

"YES SIR!" he said with a smile.

Carrying his helmet we headed down stairs. Sir Thomas was in his Military Dress uniform and Mike was in black.

"Good Morning Brin, Benji. I hope you slept well."

"Well I didn't." I said.

"Too much on my mind I guess."

"The Swiss guards have shooed all the reporters away. However I'm sure they will be at the un when we arrive."

"Mike. You and Benji will be my guards for today."

"Yes Sir."

"Sir Thomas, Thomas. I don't enter any building or structure without armed security. I know the un regulations require anyone entering the building to be unarmed but, That is not going to happen today or any other day I visit the un. They can like it or lump it."

"In your case Brin, no one will question you're your guards or prevent them from doing what you yourself has ordered."

"How do you plan to handle the reporters."

"I'll answer as honestly as I can."

Without breakfast we went out and climbed into the limo's waiting outside.

Out the gate and with a full military escort made a fast trip into Bern. Arriving at the un Headquarters, we were confronted by several thousand people, including a couple of hundred reporters with cameras and television transmitters.

"Put your helmet on Benji."

Mike connected his radio up.

"Can you hear me Benji?"

"Yes Brin."

"Good. Don't remove that helmet unless Mike says you can. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir."

A Swiss guardsmen opened the door to the limo. Mike climbed out first and then Benji. Then Sir Thomas exited. I exited last and was confronted by a thousand questions fired at me. I held up my hands asking for quiet. When silence descended on the plaza I said.

"I will answer all your questions as honestly as I can. However if you ask a question that will put me or my company or my employees in any danger I'll ignore you."

"Commander Brin is it true that you found a sex slave on your property and you now have him in protective custody."

"Yes. Next question."

"Why wasn't he turned over to the npf witness protection program."

"The Government versus Rodney King."

"Are you insinuating that the npf witness protection program doesn't work?"

"I'm not insinuating anything. I just know that I have better recourses and facilities to protect him."

"How was it you were able to get a National Warrant rescinded. What's in your contracts that prevents you from ever being arrested. Are you above the law with all your money and power."

"No one even me is above the law. My Corporation is based on the rule of law. I don't send people, my people, anywhere without the full knowledge that what their doing is for the betterment of the people their sent to assist."

The questions went on for almost an hour until Sir Thomas held up his hands.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Commander Brin has an appointment with the Secretary General and other departments within the un. His appointment with Signor Comitry is now. I'm sure you have all been satisfied. Especially when I see the same questions being repeated."

With a wedge of Swiss guards we climbed the stairs to the entrance.

Upon entering the alarms went off on the metal detectors at the entrance. When several contract guards tried to stop us Mike and Benji brought their weapons up. The guards quickly back pedaled.

An officer stepped forward.

"No weapons are allowed inside the un building."

"Then you can inform the Secretary General I won't be meeting him."

"Your Name Sir."

"Commander B. Sadac of the International Security Command."

"Uhhhh. Sir Thomas can you explain to these gentlemen the rules please."

"Commander Sadac knows the rules, but he also has rules. I suggest you contact your superior for guidance. If not I suggest you just let them pass. The Secretary General is a very busy man."

"Your suggestion Sir Thomas."

"Let them go, were late already and I honestly don't what kind of consequences will ensue if he can't meet the Secretary General."

"You may pass Commander."

The meeting with the Secretary General was very productive. He never commented on the fact that two armed guards accompanied me. The subsequent meeting with the Military Council of the un also went well. After several hours of meetings we were heading down to get the limo when I passed the Israel Ambassadors' door. On a whim I walked in.

"Is the ambassador in?"

"Yes Sir."

"Can I see him."

"Why do wish to talk to him Sir."

"Tell him Commander Brin Sadac of the International Security Command would like a few minutes of his time."

"Yes Commander."

A very brief call.

"You may go in Commander."

After I walked in an old man stood from behind a massive desk. He almost ran around the desk to shake my hand.

"Commander it is truly a honor to finally meet you."

"Actually Aaron Weinstein we have met before. Do you remember having been strip searched at the airport in Memphis."

"I lost my passport. And no one would believe I was the Ambassador from Israel."

"I let you go, with admonishment that you owed me one."

"Indeed Commander I am in your debt."

He walked over to a cabinet and poured two large portions into two glasses.

"You're a scotch drinker Commander, as I am too."

He handed me one glass.

"Long Life Commander and much happiness with your new friend."

"Your very well informed Ambassador."

"Call me Aaron and may I call you Brin."


We clinked glasses and then sat down and looked at each other.

"How can you help you Brin."

"Can you put me in contact with Ari Ben Israel.?"


"He's an old friend, I heard he retired from the idf and had a house on the coast. I need a place to unwind, to relax, where its hot with lots of sun."

He picked a phone and spoke a few words and then handed the set to me.

"Ari here."

"Ari, it's Brin, Brin Sadac."

"Brin you pirate. What are you up to now. Why haven't I heard from you. Where are you? How come you never come to visit?"

"Ari slow down."

"I'm sorry Brin but it has been such a long time since I have seen you. I see you are in the news again. A sex slave? Really!"

"Ari can I come for a visit."

"Of course Brin you are always welcome in my home."

"Ari. I need to arrive quietly. I would prefer if no one knew I was in your country. Can you arrange for me to get into your country without the usual customs and reporters getting whim of where I'm at. I need to relax Ari. I need to sit in the sun and just relax. Can you help me out."

"What's your aircraft call sign."

"To be honest I don't know, hold on a second."

I walked to the door.

"Mike what's our aircraft call sign?"

He laughed.

"isc 01 Sir."

I returned to the phone.

"Ari, isc 01."

"When do you plan to leave Switzerland?


"Have your pilot monitor 113.8, understood?"

"113.8, I have it Ari, see you in few days."

"Good bye my friend."

I handed the handset to the Aaron.

"Thank you Ambassador."

"My pleasure."

I walked out and headed down to grab the limo back to the castle.

Chapter 9

As soon as Benji and Mike were in the limo they removed their helmets.

"Boy I hate helmet. It is so heavy and hot. Too bad it doesn't have air conditioning."

"Maybe the next one that's coming out next month. So what did you think of your first security op."

"It was ok but so boring."

"Well tomorrow I'll take another two and you and Mike can go site seeing and shopping."

"But I don't have any money Brin."

"I don't either but Mike has enough credit cards he could buy half the city."

"Well maybe not that much." Mike laughed

It wasn't long before we were back at the castle. I removed my Dress Uniform and slipped on a pair of sweats. Benji changed into work dress. Just a little bit disappointed we didn't play around first. We headed down for dinner, a more relaxed affair than the first day. After a hearty dinner we retired to the big sitting room with a roaring fire in the big fireplace. Thomas poured drinks all around and we sat and talked about the day. I didn't mention my visit to the Israeli Ambassador. After the long day it didn't take long before I caught myself yawning. Damn I was tired.

"Thomas I'm sorry but I am really worn out. I need a good night sleep to prepare for the penny pinchers tomorrow."

"Yes you will need all your wits about you for them." he laughed.

I stood and again thanked Thomas for his wonderful hospitality. Then Benji and I retired for the night. After undressing I laid Benji down and slowly sucked him off. After which he sucked me off. We then shut the lights out and spooned together and went to sleep. I awoke when my alarm went off. I rolled Benji over and kissed him good morning. We didn't play around this morning. We went and had a long shower. After shaving I again put on my dress uniform. Benji dressed in work dress. We were about to head downstairs when Mike walked in also in work dress.

"Anything you need me to buy for you Sir."

"Yeah Mike. How about a couple of pairs of jeans, a couple pairs of shorts, a bathing suit and a pair thongs."

"Thongs Sir?"

"Yeah something I can wear on the beach, you know sandals."

"You can buy Benji anything he wants. Any idea what your going to show him today."

"Anything he wants."

Benji was just looking back and forth from Mike and me as we talked.

We headed downstairs for breakfast. No big rush today. Two of my security detail were already there in full combat, with weapons.

"Good Morning gentle men. All ready. Did you have some breakfast?"

"Yes Sir." they answered together.

"Well Brin have you figured out how much this deployment is going to cost you." Thomas asked.

"To break even about 120 billion over six years."

"Jesus Christ, that's a lot of money."

"Well actually it's going to cost the UN about 150 billion. I'm not a charity and the initial costs will probably be higher. Just paying their wages will cost close to 120 billion and then add in supporting them with everything they need for sustained operations will be another 3-5 billion a year. My accountants haven't worked it out exactly yet, but projections put my actual gross income at some where between 300 and 500 million."

"Well all I can say is good luck. Knowing the accountants at the UN they are going to fight tooth and nail to reduce that."

"Its pretty simple Thomas. Either they want me there or they don't. If they want me in Chad then its going to cost them. They can take it or leave it. But if they change their mind, which I really doubt considering the Secretary General has already passed on the resolution their not going to have any choice but approve the money."

After breakfast we went out and climbed into the armored limo and headed for the UN. When we arrived there were only three or four reporters on hand. After a few quick questions we were again escorted into the UN headquarters. No mention was made of my armed security guards this time. I guess some animals are more equal than others.

Well it was a very long boring day. They picked on every single cost that I had laid out and even picked at my projected profit. They finally grudgingly signed off on the costs, but only after I insinuated I would just cancel the deployment. It was after 3 pm when I was finally able to leave the UN. I directed the driver to take me to Mosel Jewelries. Mosel was world renowned for their exquisite designs. I needed a ring for Benji, but not just an ordinary one. The building Mosel occupied was a veritable fortress. We had to ring to get in and then only one of my body guards could accompany me.

"What can I do for you Sir."

"I need a ring."

"Ah for your girl friend?"

"No actually it is for my boyfriend. My lover. The one I am going to marry."

He never batted an eye, just led me over to a display with a multitude of male rings. I looked at all of them but couldn't see exactly what I wanted. I saw a plane gold band, very wide, but very plane.

"Could you modify that one for me." I asked pointing to the plane gold band.

"Anything or anyway."

"Can you set diamonds into the ring spiraling around the entire band. Also engrave the inside with FOREVER MY LOVE."

"Yes. The type and quality of the diamonds."

"I think blue, up to 6 or 7 carets total."

"And when would you like this Sir."

"Tomorrow afternoon by five."

"To have it done by tomorrow will be very, very expensive."

"It's only money. And where my love comes into it I don't care what it costs. Can you do it."

"Yes Sir. The cost will be about 18 to 20 thousand Euros'."

"Fine I'll be back tomorrow to pick it up."

We left the store and climbed back into the limo and headed to our temporary home.

Before I left to go back to the UN I asked Mike for the Amex card. This day was spent getting and confirming the rules of engagement in Chad and Sudan. We were allowed both to protect ourselves and use preemptive attacks if they occurred within the Darfur region of Sudan. We would have to report all attacks of either rebel or Sudanese soldiers on the UN Forces.

After leaving the UN we went back to the jeweler to pick up the ring for Benji. It cost almost 20 thousand Euros'. But was very beautiful. I hoped he liked it. After getting back to the castle I changed into a pair of jeans that Mike had bout for me. They were a good fit, but for being a little snug in the crotch area. No doubt Benji's doing. I went down and found Mike, Benji and Thomas talking in the sitting room. Benji was telling Thomas all the places Mike had taken him. I sat down beside him and he turned and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled at him and then handed him the small wrapped parcel.

"For me?" he asked

"For you my love."

His eyes got as big as saucers as he looked at the ring. Then they filled with tears as he shakily pulled it out to look at. I reached over and took it and slipped it on his right ring finger.

He wrapped his arms around and just held me as he cried in joy. I don't think there was a dry eye in the room.

Thomas turned.

"This calls for a celebration. Champagne I think would be right."

Thomas walked into his wine cellar and then walked out with a large dusty bottle.

"Ah yes. Hiedsecht 59, I've always wanted to try this but never had a very special occasion. I think is a very special occasion."

He carefully popped the cork and poured several glasses. He handed one each to everyone including the stolic Swiss Guards and my security men.

"Here's to Brin and Benji. May they have a long and happy life together. May their travels be happy and lives more fulfilled. Brin and Benji."

"Brin and Benji." everyone chorused.

After everyone had got back into place.

"I have some other news for you Brin or should I know say Commander Brin. I have tendered my resignation to the UN effective the fifteenth of next month."

"Are you sure this is what you want Thomas?"

"Yes I am quite sure. I have been thinking about it a long time. I'm tired of all the crap that goes on in that Ivory Tower called the UN. I yearn for something more. Your offer was a god send to me. I have also taken a leave until my tenure is up."

"Excellent. After I arrive at my next stop, I'll send the SST to pick you up here to take you to Edmonton for your formal induction into the ISC and then it will run you to Germany where you can begin to familiarize yourself with the 1st Armored Division ISC. I'll inform both ISC Headquarters and Gen Lang of your arrival and status."

"You don't play around do you Brin."

"Not ussally, besides don't want to give you a chance to change your mind."

After an enjoyable dinner, we all retired after that long three days of negotiation. Although Benji wanted to get intament I told him tomorrow night.

"Where are we going tomorrow?"

"It's a secret and a surprise."

The next morning after dressing I called the airport and ordered the pilot to file a flight plan for Saudi Arabia. I also called ISC headquarters to give them the heads up on Sir Thomas' arrival. And his status. I called Gen Lang and told him who his replacement was and that the change of Command ceremony would be on the fifteenth of March.

After a good Breakfast, hand shakes all around, we climbed into a limo for the trip to the airport. I was very moved by the salutes and presented arms by the Swiss Guards as we exited the Estate. With a full military escort the trip was very quick to the International Airport in Bern. After again thanking Sir Thomas for his hospitality and soon after our arrival our bags were quickly transferred to the White SST and quickly we were in the air climbing to 30,000 ft. With the aircraft now traveling at close to 1500 mph, I wasn't surprised when the pilot asked me to come to the bridge. When I entered the cockpit I could see two F-15 fighters with Star of David markings on both sides of us.

"They say we are in violation of an IDF no fly zone and has ordered me to form on him and follow. He also says there are two more F-15's behind."

"I suggest you follow his orders."

I exited the cockpit with a smile on my face.

Benji was peering out the windows at the aircraft sitting right on our wingtip.

"What's happening Brin?"

"I think we are going to forced to land so they can check us out."

He was shaking a little bit.

"Their not going to arrest me are they?"

"Not likely love, not as long as your with me."

We slowly lost altitude and soon were over Israel. The plane was ordered to land at a military airbase on the coast north of Tel Aviv. After landing the aircraft was escorted into hanger by armed ground forces. Stairs were run up to the door and I got up and walked out. Standing at the bottom of the stairs was Ari Ben Israel. Along with about 200 men. An order rang out and all men came to attention.

"Welcome to Israel Commander."

I walked down the stairs and was immediately grabbed in a bear hug by Ari.

"It has been too long old friend. Way too long since you last visited."

"I've missed you to Ari."

"Would you like to inspect the Honor Guard. Commander." He said very formally.

I wasn't sure what was up but.

"Yes Thank You Ari."

An order was shouted in Hebrew and men quickly open order marched and quickly dressed ranks. They were very disciplined. I noted none were armed. Intriguing. I also noted about 30-40 were women.

Before I turned to inspect the troops, Mike and Benji came down the steps. Mike first saluted and then was grabbed in the same bear hug I had been.

"Shalom Mike it is good to see you."

"Shalom General, it's been a long time."

"Call me Ari Mike, I am no longer a General."

"To me Sir you will always be a General Sir."

He turned to Benji.

"Shalom Benji Sadac. Welcome to my Country. Welcome to my home."

"Shalom General. Thank you." Benji said although it sounded like shalooom.

"Benji you need not call me General, you can call me Ari."

"No Sir I can't. I haven't yet earned the right to call you anything but Sir or General. Looking at the number of rows of decorations you wear you have earned the right to being called General or Sir. I am as I told Sir Thomas, just a boy. When I am more mature and have gained more, more I don't know what, but I will, then I would be honored to call you Ari."

Ari looked at me, then Mike and finally Benji. He laughed out loud and grabbed Benji, lifted him off his feet and wrapped in a bear hug and then kissed him on both cheeks.

"You honor me more than you know Benji. I wish I had a thousand more like you. So refreshing a thought these days."

Ari had retired after almost thirty years in the Israeli Defense Forces. Rising from a private in an infantry company to Chief of Staff IDF. His many commands and battles were legendary in the IDF and his consulting services were in demand all over the globe.

With peace finally achieved in the middle east, the IDF although still a formidable fighting force had reduced their numbers down to less than 60,000 men and women well below the peak of over 200 thousand men and women. I had about 600 ex-IDF personnel working for the ISC.

"When your ready Commander." Ari said to me.

With Mike and Benji, I started to walk down the line of soldiers. I stopped on occasion and asked quick questions. Nearing the end I spotted one I knew.

"Shalom Aaron, your father is treating well."

"Shalom Father, yes and no. Welcome home Father."

"Well at least your too big now to spank." I laughed.

"But he still beats me Father." he said with a smile.

"I'll bet he gets as good as he gives."

"Yes Sir."

"See you at the house son."

I finished inspecting the guard and then Ari dismissed them.

"I see your son is a fine looking soldier, very much like his father."

"He has expressed a desire to join the ISC. In fact all these men and women has expressed the same desire."

"And your opinion Ari."

"My opinion is of no consequence. Now let us go home, my home and yours as long as you wish old friend."

We piled into several open topped jeeps. As we exited the hanger I noted both armored personal carriers ahead and behind us as we headed out of the base. The salutes were more than just perfunctory. I could tell all who knew Ari were both in awe of him and probably loved him. The drive was about thirty minutes until we turned off the main road into a paved single lane leading to what looked like a medieval castle on a promontory.

"My home Brin."

"It looks like a Crusader Fort."

"It is or was, but it was never occupied by the crusaders. It was destroyed by Saladin long before it could be occupied in force. If it had been, history today might be quite different as you will see."

We entered through a gate that showed the walls almost 30 ft thick with a high gate house. After unloading and being showed in and to our quarters we all met in a great hall in the center of the fortress. The first thing I noted was that this still was a fortress. Every single person we met were armed. Ari had restored the great hall and now used it as his command center. I had hoped for a relaxing stay, but everywhere I looked, I was sure I was just in another command center, just like home in Edmonton.

Ari walked in wearing a pair of shorts sandals and a t-shirt.

"When are you going to learn to relax Brin?"

"Well looking at all this makes me believe you are not as retired as you say. I'm not sure this is where I would like to relax."

"Eh! This is where I work. Come let me show you."

He led off down a long hallway and then through a door into a wonderful looking sitting room.

"Through that door there leads to the terrace, and from there down to the beach. Why don't you all get out of your work clothes and then we can sit out in the sun and enjoy the afternoon sun. Better bring sunscreen."

"Ok you win for now."

We went back and changed and then met Ari on the terrace. Benji went and looked out over the terrace wall.

"Wow! The ocean. Can I go for a swim?"

"Lets all go for a swim." Ari said.

"Cool." was all Benji said.

We walked down the steps from the terrace and there was the Mediterranean. Blue inviting. Benji ran and jumped into the light surf. Mike was quick to follow and I made it a few seconds later. Ari just walked into the surf, letting it wash over him. We splashed and swam for a couple of hours. I felt the tension slowly leaving my body. The surf and sun doing their magic. I slowly waded out and just dropped on the warm sand. Totally relaxed I watched as Mike, Ari and Benji played in the afternoon sun.

"Hello Father."

I turned and looked at Aaron. A bronzed giant. I noted a very large basket filling his shorts and if I hadn't been his god father and I hadn't been more interested in younger men I could imagine myself in bed with this beautiful young man.

"Hello Aaron, I wish you would call me Brin."

He sat down and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you father, uh Brin."

"I love you to Aaron."

"No I mean I really love you. I want to sleep with you. I want to feel you inside me, I want to taste all you have. But I know it will never be. You are in love with Benji. I see it your eyes and I envy him so much."

"Does Ari know your gay?"


"He isn't very happy is he?"

"Well it's not that. It's that I want to join the ISC he is so upset about."

"Because I want to be part of your personal security force that bothers him."

I needed to straighten him out real quick.

"Well even if you joined my company, there is no guarantee you would become part of my personal security. I don't want crying young men. I want men who put their lives above all else. I can see your not ready yet for that Aaron. I'm sorry I agree with your father. I love you Aaron and always will but to part of me. My Security you have to love more than me. You have to love everyone who works for me more than you love anything else in the world."

"Then you wouldn't let me join the ISC?"

"No. What I said was I'm no sure your ready."

I turned just in time to receive a young Benji landing on top of me and kissing me.

"This is the bested surprise. I love it here. Can we stay forever?"

"Well maybe a week or ten days."

"Cool." then jumped and headed back into the surf. I watched as he jumped on Mike and dragged him under.

I turned to Aaron.

"Son you don't have to prove anything to me. Your record in Combat shows you know what to do in any circumstance but. Could you stand side by side with a Moslem and defend his life without any concern for your own."

"I don't know Brin."

"When you know. Let me know and there will be a place in the International Security Command for you."

"Yes Sir I will. Now I need to think. Thank you Father."

He turned and headed up the beach to the castle.

Ari plopped down on the sand beside me.

"You know he's gay Ari?"

"Like father, like son. I am to Brin. I loved his mother more than words can describe, but in Combat, too many virile young men and not enough women. I came to love several young men in my life. I have one now, a sabra, and I would not change for all the women in the world."

"Ari can you do me a favor."

"Brin anything I can do for you is not a favor. You are God Father to my son. Anything I do for you would be a honor."

"Can you arrange for a priest or rabbi to marry Benji and me?"

"Brin same sex marriges are against the law in Israel."

"Well I can get a priest in from NorAm that will do the ceremony, but I would rather I got one from here."

"Now Ari there is more. I want to invite some special guests to the ceremony."

"Yah. And you want them to arrive quietly too no doubt?"


"Maybe I shouldn't have invited you to visit."

When I looked at him with a shocked look on my face.

"HA, Ha, ha, only kidding you my friend. I will do this because I love you, in fact more than that I love Benji too."

"Thanks Ari."

"Maybe we will have a double wedding. I love the young man I have and would do anything for him. I will ask him to marry me."

"Ok I need a phone to put a few things in motion. How about Sunday. That way I don't conflict with the Sabbath."

"Sunday would be good, but I will need a ring for my lover and I can't get one here."

"BENJI, BENJI, come over here please."

Benji reluctantly came out of the surf. Mike looked relieved that I had called him.

"Yes Brin." as he sat down beside and just looked at me. I almost melted on the spot. I loved they way he could look at me make me want to grab him and pull him into my arms.

"Show Ari the ring I gave you."

Benji pulled the ring off and handed it to Ari.

Ari looked closely at the ring and even read the inscription inside. He reached over and grabbed Benji's right hand and slowly slid it back on.

"You are a very lucky young man Benji. To have such love from this man is more than anyone could ask for. I pray you will be happy all your life with this man."

"Thank you Sir. I will always love him."

"So now that you have burned Mike out in the water, I suppose I'm next Benji?"

"No Brin, I'm hungry and I need to rest for a while."

"Mike could I impose on you to take Benji up and get him something to eat and let him rest."

"Eh! I need it as much as him. I wish I was as young as him so I could keep up."

"Getting old Mike. Maybe I should be looking for a younger man to protect me."

Mike stiffened until he was totally at attention.

"SIR, I 3;"

"Easy Mike I was only kidding. There is no one and I mean no one I would have at my side but you."

"To have such loyalty from your employees is beyond my comprehension Brin. I was once told a story by a correspondence friend of mine. Is it true that you stood in place in Ethiopia when all around your men were being annihilated and you stood your ground, fighting like a demon just to save the bodies of those fallen in your employ. Is it true you ordered that no one be left behind. They said you were stupid. Dead men have no value."

"Ari the International Security Command has adopted the creed of the USMC. We don't leave our dead on the battlefield. EVER!"

"Enough. I came hear to relax, enjoy the sun and the sea."

"Indeed let us retire to the castle, I will put in touch with company and I'll arrange to order a ring from the same place as you did. Let's keep this our secret till the guests start arriving.

Chapter 10

Ari an I walked up to the terrace and then into the sitting room.

"You can use that phone there on the desk Brin to make your calls. It is a secure line."

"Ari, I've been thinking and I think not this Sunday, but next. That will give the people I want to be here more time."

"Brin, let me guess. I think I can name all you want to invite."

"Really, unless you have been reading my message traffic!"

"You have been monitoring my communications haven't you. I should have known you hadn't retired and are still working for Mossad."

"You are wrong Brin. I am retired, but have access to the IDF satellite feeds. I am only guessing at your guest list. He laughed out loud.

"Trust me my old and dear friend."

"Ok so name my guest list and the reasons I have picked them."

"Ok my friend but first." He walked over and poured two large glasses of whiskey and handed me one.

"From most important to least."

"One. The Director of Homeland Security. He is one of your oldest friends. You are God Father to one of his sons, who is now a naval Lt Commander in the NorAm Navy."

"Two. The new Attorney General of NorAm. He is gay friendly and I think would welcome a chance to mend bridges between the Justice Department and the ISC.

"Sir Thomas Beaton, your new Commanding General of the ISC 1st Division."

"Very good Ari, anyone else."

"Not as important to me, but I think several friends of your own. All will be welcome in my home Brin."

Thank you Ari, now how about another scotch. You make a lousy host or should I say bar tender."

"Yes more scotch, you know I used to hate this stuff until you started me on it. Now I love it."

He handed me a another glass and then left the room. I reached for the telephone.

After being connected to ISC offices in Tel Aviv, I asked to be connected with the Director of Homeland Security.

"Homeland Security may I help you Sir."

"Commander Brin Sadac of ISC for the Director."

"One moment Commander, I'll see if he is able to take your call."

Several moments, more like 30 seconds.

"Good Morning Commander, no good morning Brin, how are you."

"Well I would have said good afternoon, but I'm good Steven and you."

"Could be better, damned weather."

"Are you interested in a few days in the sun. I would like you and the new Attorney General to fly over to the med to discuss some of the conflicts that have arisen lately. I am also having a small ceremony on the Sunday following this one I would wish you to attend."

"I think that can be arranged Brin. The Attorney General has expressed to me that a meeting with you face to face is needed ASAP."

"Ok, send me your arrival time in Athens and when you take off have your pilots monitor 113.9."

"Understood Brin, I take it you are not in Athens then."


"See you in a few days. Bye now."

"I then got connected to Edmonton and informed them of all the people I wanted to attend and told them to arrange it.

Then I went looking for Benji.

I found him sleeping nude in our guest room. He looked so beautiful laying on the bed relaxed. Unbelievable that just three weeks earlier he slept somewhat differently. I slipped out of my shorts and laid down beside him, careful not touch him. Looking at him, tears came unbidden to my cheeks as I looked at the one I loved so deeply. How could I be so lucky? There had to be a greater power at work to arrange for me to find my one true love half frozen on a remote road in Western Alberta. The odds against such a happening are beyond comprehension. I lightly ran my hand over some of the scars from his beatings that covered his chest. Tears now freely flowing down my cheeks as I thought of the torment he must have been through. I leaned over and lightly kissed him. As my lips touched his, his eyes opened and the his arms wrapped around and he just held on. I knew he could tell I was crying and he whispered.

"Don't cry my love, I will always be here for you as I know you will be here for me."

I just pulled him into tight embrace and we laid there just enjoying the moment. Our bodies welded together, like we were one, brought an immediate reaction as I felt my cock hardening. His was already pushing at my stomach. He ran his hand over my back and it was like he had an electric wand in his hand. He released his hold on me.

"Please take me Brin. I so need you inside so much that it hurts. I feel so empty. Please."

I pushed him down on his back and then smothered his face with kisses, then slowly worked my way down over his young body. Oh how good he tasted. I knew I had to enter him soon as I could feel my balls churning with a pent up passion. I lifted his legs and ran my tongue down into his ass crack and then licked and sucked at his wonderful rosebud shaped opening. His moan of pleasure just made it more urgent as I knew I would blow shortly. I slowly penetrated him, sliding my cock in slowly and as I reached the end of his canal I couldn't hold back anymore and unloaded into him a massive load of sperm. Feeling me cum in him he wrapped his legs around my back so I couldn't exit, not that I wanted to anyway, but it was his way of saying not yet lover. I leaned over until he was almost doubled and kissed him. As soon as my lips touched his he ejaculated in a big load that covered both our chests. Feeling his young warm cum covering me, my cock responded and engorged till I was fully erect deep inside his wonderful love canal. I remembered the first time my cock was inside Benji. I grabbed his arms and pulled him up and then laid back with me still buried deep inside him. He straddled my body now and bent over and kissed me. As he did my cock slowly pulled out. He then just sat back on it driving it deep into his anus. He then slowly started to bounce up and down on my cock, faster and faster, with his head flung back with a look of pure joy and happiness on his face. He continued even after blowing his load not once but twice. His young sperm spraying all over me and anything else on the bed. It took almost 40 minutes for me again to feel the passion overwhelming me.

"I'm cumming Benji. Oh God Yes, YES!"

He sat down until my cock was buried as far into his ass as it would go and I exploded into him. It seemed to go on forever. As I came down and slowly softened he leaned over and kissed me continuously. As he came over me my now soft cock slid from entrance and the two loads of seed ran out onto my legs. I was so totally spent I could hardly move.

Benji slowly made his way down my chest, licking up the cum that had been deposited during our lovemaking. He slipped my soft cock into his mouth and cleaned of all his ass juices and cum and licked up some of the cum from my balls and thighs. He then climbed back up and kissed me again, sharing some of what he had licked up.

"Mmmm. That tastes good lover." I said.

"You taste the best Brin. I could live on your cum for ever."

I just held him close and as we were both totally exhausted drifted off to sleep.

We awoke almost together, feeling the stickiness of our love making and the itchy feeling of the salt from our swimming in the sea.

"I need a shower lover."

"Me too," he said.

I rolled off the bed and picked him up in my arms and kissed him as I walked into the bathroom. Setting him down I turned the shower on and adjusted the temperature. Together we entered the shower and let the warm water cascade over us.

"Mmmm that feels good Brin."

We then washed each other, luxuriating in the feeling our hands exploring and cleaning each other. We were both very hard long before we were finished. I knelt down as the warm water cascaded over us and took his cock into my mouth. Now it was his turn as he grabbed my head and drove his cock into and out of my mouth and throat. At long last he just drove it deep into my throat and unloaded.

I looked up and even with the water running down over his body I could see tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Brin, but I just needed to do that, I'm sorry."

I stood up and wrapped my arms around him.

"Don't be sorry Benji. I love having you in me anyway you want. I always will."

Benji reached done and grabbed my hard cock in his hand. As soon as he grabbed it I blew again all over his now soft cock and balls.

"Wow, Benji I guess we need to start this shower all over again." I laughed.

He just giggled.

We separated and let the shower wash off the cum from his cock and balls. We stepped out the shower and dried each other and then went back into bedroom. Sated for now we just dressed, him in tight blue jeans with out underwear and me boxers and shorts. We both slipped on Black ISC t-shirts. Then hand in hand wandered out into the old fortress.

As soon as we opened the door to our guest quarters, one of Ari's security guards jumped to attention.

"Relax Son, you need not stand at attention for me."

He just ignored my words.

As we turned down the hallway we met two of my personal guards.

"You two can stand down. I think in this fortress I am very well protected."

"NO SIR!" they said in unison.

"They love you too much to do that Brin." Benji said.

"Yeah I guess they do son."

We walked down the hall and entered the sitting room. Ari was there with Aaron his son and another young man.

"Ah. Brin. Did you have a good nap." He said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes Ari, very refreshing."

"Brin, Benji, I would like you to meet my lover. This is Jacob."

As soon as Benji saw him he screamed NOOOOoooooooooo. And bolted from the room. He ran out the door to the terrace, with me hot on his heels and Aaron right after me. I just saw his blonde head going down the steps to the beach as I entered the terrace.

"BENJI, Benji wait."

By the time I got to the stairway he was already running down the beach. Christ he could run. Before I could get to the beach, two of Ari's guards had him in hand. He was struggling with them like a demon, trying to get loose. As I got close they let him go and I grabbed him. He still fought me until I said.

"Benji, Benji it's me. Easy lover. Easy now son."

He held onto me and kept saying no, no, no.

"Tell me Benji. Tell me what's wrong."

He shaking like a leaf in a wind storm.

"It's him! It's Jason."

"Jason? Jason who Benji."

"Jason from, from 3;"

Then it clicked in my mind. The only Jason I knew of that knew Benji was the one from his story in Burundi. Christ, now what.

"Benji he can't be. The Jason you know is still in Burundi. The young man you met is Ari's lover and his name is Jacob."

"Well he must be his brother, twin brother then cause he sure looks just like him."

By this time both Ari and Jacob were close by. Aaron was standing close by as well as if to prevent anyone coming close.

"Is he okay Brin." Ari asked.

I looked at Benji.

"Are you okay my Love."

"You won't let him hurt me."

"No one will ever hurt you again ever. I promise."

"I think everything will be okay Ari."

"Your not telling me everything Brin."

I have always been very honest with my friends. How do I tell one of my oldest friends that his lover might have been one of the abusers of my lover.

"Ari 3;"

"TELL ME BRIN," he yelled

"Ari, I 3;"

He saw the total anguish I was now feeling on my face. He saw the hold I had on Benji. He also noted the change in demure of my personal guards as they took up positions around me and Benji. A total defensive posture. Something I don't think he had ever seen before. My personal guards were now so primed that a wrong word or even gesture could bring grief and death here on the sands below his home.

"We need to talk my friend," he said and then turned, grabbed Jacob and walked away.

The release of tension made me so weak I dropped to the sand pulling Benji with me. I just sat there letting the tension slowly ebb away.

"Are you okay Benji."

"I'm sorry Brin, he just so much looks like Jason that he must be his brother. I'm sorry."

"It's okay buddy."

"Come on son we really need to talk. Ari is one of my best friends in this sordid world. If that really is Jason, then I have to tell him and I have to tell him all. But I don't know all of it yet. You have to help me Benji."

"I want you to know it all."

We sat there on the sand for about 15 minutes. In that time my guards came down and were now talking with their counterparts Ari's guards force. I'm not sure who would have won, but was glad that Ari walked away. I wasn't sure how I could mend this breach in our friendship. We walked back up to the fortress and into the sitting room. Mike and Ari were sharing a laugh as we walked in. Mike as always had filled the breach and mended the tears in our friendship. God I loved him.

"You two need to talk. Come on Benji lets explore this old fortress."

I sat down and just looked at my old friend.

"You know old friend for the first time in my life I was scared down on that beach. I knew if I had said even close to a wrong word I would have died there. You command such loyalty from your men that I could only dream of it. I know full well that my men as good as I know they are would have lost. It's why I walked away. I love you too much Brin. And I love Benji too."

I stood up and grabbed Ari and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sorry Ari. I couldn't have stopped them."

"I know, I know Brin."

Now I was the one that was crying, crying like a baby. To think that my own men would have killed one of my best friends was more than my mind was ready to accept.

Ari just held me.

After I calmed down and after Ari handed me a glass of Scotch, which I drained in one gulp, I sat down. He handed me another and then sat down and just waited. I had to talk to him. I needed to talk to him.

"Ari I need to ask you a few questions. Don't take offense at what I ask, its just that Benji has said something's that I need to be sure of."

"I will answer your questions Brin if you promise me you will tell me Benji's story."

"Yes Ari I think you need to know, but I don't yet have all of his story. But from what I have I have already made up my mind what I am going to do."

"You were always very impulsive but, ask away."

"How long have you known Jacob?"

"Almost four years now, I met him when he was a young SGT in an Armored Regiment that was attached to 3rd Armored Division."

"Does he have any brothers?"

"He was an orphan and he said his brother was adopted when he was thirteen and his brother was twelve. He has never seen him since then and though he longs to find him he knows that under Israeli law they won't tell him. I have put in numerous requests for information, but even with my record and status I have been denied."

"Excuse me for a few moments Ari I will be right back."

I walked out and down to my bedroom. I picked up my briefcase and headed back to the sitting room. The salutes I received were even more pronounced than before. After I got back to the sitting I sat down with the brief case on my lap.

"Ari you are one of my oldest friends. What I am about to share with you could in reality will put me, Mike and especially Benji in the gravest of danger. I am sorry old friend but I need your word that none of this will ever leave here."

Ari just looked at me. I knew I would willing lay down my life for him and I also knew he would do the same for me, yet I had asked him for his word of trust and secrecy.

He then one of things that I hated most of all. He stood up and walked over to where I was sitting. He went to one knee.

"Brin I give you my solemn promise on pain of death at your hands that I will never divulge anything, I am your servant."

"Get off your knees, please I'm not God for Christ's sake."

"Brin though you may not know it, you are God to all who love you. And I love you Brin. Mike loves you, with a love and affection that most leaders can only dream of, and Benji he worships the ground you walk on. How can I be any different. I love you more than life itself, I only wish my own men loved me that way."

"Sit Down Ari."

I handed him the file on EDSON BOY.

"Edson Boy." was his only comment as he opened the file.

I got up and refilled his glass. I then walked around and looked at the pictures on the walls of the sitting room. I heard some of his comment as he read but just let him finish.

After I sat down I watched his face as he read. The emotions crossing his face showed his both disgust and loathing he felt. After he was done he carefully set the file down on the table between us and sat back.

After a couple of minutes he suddenly stood up.


That brought an immediate response from his guards and mine as they rushed into the room.

"GET OUT. GET OUT!" he screamed.

After the guards hurried from the sitting room he started pacing up and down.

"You are going to destroy him aren't you Brin?"

"Yes Ari I am."

"Good an I will help."

"Ari this is my fight. It is my Love that was hurt by the Sultan and I will deal with him in my way."

"Brin you can not attack a sovereign nation."

"Why not! Every other nation thinks they can do it, why not me and my corporation."

"But your company is at this moment the only one accepted an endorsed by the UN. You can't put that in jeopardy. There is too many nations that trust the ISC to be neutral. You need help. I can supply that help. Especially if the one I love Jacob, is the brother of Jason."

"Besides Brin you are not a country."

"What you say is mostly true. I don't really give a damn what the rest of the world thinks or the UN. I only know that this monster in Burundi is buying and using children, CHILDREN FOR GODS SAKE, for his own pleasure and others. I am going to bring him down, and if I can't do it with in the framework of the UN, then I will do it on my own."

"Brin you were right partly. I am only semi-retired. I still hold the rank of Lt. General in the IDF and have enormous resources available to me. Including two Para-brigades and their transport. Together, my friend, we can bring about his downfall. I know you have over 300 men working in Burundi. How are they equipped.?"

"Leopard 4's, Marder 4's, and mostly light machine pistols. However I am in the process of upgrading all field units with the new up gunned and armored LAV 7. Also the unit in Burundi is due to be rotated out, so I will have to send in another 300 men, prior to the original units departure. That will give 600 men in the country at the same time as well as all the new LAVs."

"How many Leopard 4's?"

"Only one squadron, 15 tanks."

"For all this protection you are only being paid 20 million a year. I think you are being swindled."

"He also supplies all fuel, food and accommodation."

"Well maybe then not so swindled."

Ari started pacing up and down the sitting room. He stop once in while as his clicked on something and then continue. I just sat and sipped my drink.

"Come with me Brin."

And he just headed out of the room and into the fortress. We headed down a hall and entered a room off his command center. A huge screen dominated one wall. On it when we walked in was a relief map of Israel.

"Put up the map of East Africa." he ordered.

The map came up on the screen, with country names highlighted. It showed Egypt, Sudan, Burundi, New Babylon, Ethiopia, Mauritania, parts of South Africa and Chad.

He ordered Burundi to be highlighted.

The new map showed Burundi in the Center with Sudan to the north, New Babylon to the south and most of Sudan on its western border. It also showed the Red Sea and just a bit of Saudi Arabia to the east.

Burundi and New Babylon were just a bit more than city states. Each had vast oil reserves, but the wells were all off shore in the Red Sea. Burundi City, was serviced by two desalination plants and one huge power complex. It had no port facilities. All its oil was shipped through a port in New Babylon.

"I could shut down his exports in one swoop. I only need to blow up the pipeline as it enters the port in New Babylon."

And maybe kill a few ISC men when you do Ari."

"I'm sorry my Friend how, I thought you only had security men in Burundi?"

"Were contracted to cover the pipeline all the way to the port."

"Damn." Ari Laughed.

"I need to think about this Brin."

We wandered back to the sitting room and then down to the common mess for all the men and security guards in the fortress. We ordered dinner and as we were sitting, Mike and Benji joined us. A few minutes later Jacob walked in. I watched Benji as he watched Jacob. Jacob came over and kissed Ari and then walked over to Benji.

"Do you know my brother?" he asked Benji.


"Can you tell me about him please?"

I saw look of pure hatred and loathing in Benji's eyes.

"He is a monster, no better than the Sultan. He forced me to have sex with him. He made me suck him off on numerous occasions. He had the guards hold me down while he fucked me and he laughed when I was beaten and sent to the dungeon. I hate him and I'll kill him if I ever see him again."

"NOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo! That's not my brother. He would never do that."

"He loves to inflict pain on the other boys. He likes it. The guards do anything he asked them. He ordered a nice boy I knew to be whipped because Jason thought he didn't kneel low enough to him."

Jacob got up and ran from the mess, with Ari right on his heels. I looked at Benji and he was crying. The memories of his ordeal all to real seeing the brother of one of his tormentors. Benji looked at the meal in front of him and then just got up and left. When Mike started to follow I shook my head no. I knew he needed to be alone for awhile to come to grips with what he was feeling and also to come to grips with Jacob. There was no place here he could run to and I knew he would eventually come back to our quarters.

Chapter 11

After eating I wandered out into the fortress. Just aimlessly walking, as I thought of the problem of attacking Burundi. I never even noticed that I was being paced by two of my guards and two of Ari's. Eventually I found myself at the top of one of the old towers of the fortress. I heard voices and stopped to listen.

"Benji I'm sorry for what my brother, if it is my brother did to you. I will never hurt you. Ari is my lover and I would never do anything to change that. I love him more than life itself. Please don't hate me for what my brother did to you."

"I'm sorry Jacob, but you look so much like him that it scares me. I don't hate you its just, just 3;"

Then I heard Benji crying.

I really wanted to go over and grab him and wrap my arms around him, but I also wanted to come to grips with the fact that Jacob was not Jason and couldn't control what Jason had done.

"I love you Benji, as much as I love Ari and Brin." Jacob said.

"Why do you love me?" Benji asked.

"I love you Benji because my Ari loves Brin and you and I can't do less. I don't know what my brother has done. I haven't seen him since I was thirteen. That's over five years. I don't know how he's changed. I don't even know what he looks like. I just hold in my heart how he was."

"I guess I can't hate you Jacob. Brin has been so nice to me that sometimes I think I have died and gone to heaven. He is the most wonderful man I have ever met. If he says your not Jason then I believe him. I know how he feels about Ari and because you are Ari's lover, I guess I should feel the same about you. It's just you look so much like Jason that it brings back some very bad memories. Can we start over."

"Start over?" Jacob said.

Then I heard something that brought tears to my eyes as Benji said.

"Hi. My name is Benji. What's yours."


"Hello Jacob, that's a nice name. Do you like swimming?"

"I love swimming Benji."

"Great! Lets go swimming."

I ducked into an alcove as the two boys now hand in hand walked by and down the stairs from the tower. I walked over and leaned on the ramparts and just looked out over the blue sea stretched out to the horizon. Very happy that Benji and Jacob had come to terms. I headed down to my quarters and then sat down and opened my laptop. Keying in my password, I dealt with the accumulated messages that had been piling up. I picked up the phone in my room and asked to be connected to isc Tel Aviv.

After being connected, I asked for a tie line to Edmonton.

"Intersec Edmonton Sir."

"This is Commander Brin, connect me with Intelligence please."

"Intelligence Sir."

"Willy anything on that request for flight information on that private aircraft."

"Yes Sir. The aircraft is registered to Anwar Mohanna, a Turkish national. He makes about two flights a month into NorAm. He has extensive business holding in NorAm, mostly stores dealing in Exotic art. He is a multi millionaire. Since we have been tracking his movements he has visited NorAm twice. Once into LAX and once into Edmonton. As far as can be determined he travels alone and has left alone as well. There is a record that he has visited Estavan at least six times in the last four years. He doesn't have any holding in Estavan that we can find. As to where he goes after he leaves NorAm we don't have access to International records Sir."

"Thanks Willy. Keep tracking his movements in NorAm and notify me immediately the next time he is in Estavan."

"Yes Sir. Will do."

"Connect me Logistical Support please Willy."

"LOG. Commander Timpson Sir."

"Hi. Pete, how you doing?"

"Busy as hell if you don't me saying Commander."

"Peter you know you can call me Brin."

"Sorry Brin, its just been so busy lately and now I have to drop everything to fly over to the med for the meeting with you."

"Its not a meeting Peter. Its for my wedding. I want you to be here. You and Mike are my oldest friends. I want you to be here."

"I'm sorry Brin. Its just that I was hoping in my heart that maybe one day you and I would be getting married. I just love you so much, that it hurts a little bit that I have now lost you."

"Peter you haven't lost me. I still love you, but I guess I love Benji a whole lot more. I will always love you Pete. Now to business. What's the status on the lav 7?"

"They began to come off the line a week ago. GM Canada is producing about five per day. As per our agreement we will receive the first 300. They already have orders for about 7000 units. NorAm Armed Forces has ordered 5500. So far all the other orders are from Europe."

"Good. Have the first 40 units shipped direct to Burundi."

"Burundi Sir?"

"Just do it Pete. I'll explain when you are here next week okay."

"Yes Sir. Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies," he laughed.

"Has Darrel and Jed confirmed they will be traveling with you?"

"Yes Brin, also their boyfriends and body guards. It looks like we may need to use one of the A320's."

"No problem."

"You know where I am I presume?"

"Yes Sir. Our refueling point in Israel."

"Well close. But that is where you will fly into. See you in a week Pete. Now connect me with Gordon."

"Forty Ninth Battalion, Colonel Mayes Sir."

"What's your status Geordie."

"Hot to trot Sir. Were at full strength and all training has been completed Brin."

"Geordie you will be replacing the 15th in Burundi. However I want you to be equipped as if you were going to Chad."

"Heavy Weapons too Brin?"

"Full Combat loads. You will have the new lav 7 as your transport. Make the appropriate preparations."

"Sounds like were going to war Sir."

"You are flying over with Peter next week right."

"Yes Sir."

"I explain my reasons then okay."

"Okay Sir. See you then."

After hanging up I went looking for Ari. I found him in his Command Center.

"Ari, I think we don't have to worry about Jacob and Benji. I heard them talking and I think they both have come to terms with each other."

"I am very, very glad my old friend."

"Including Security, there will be about fifty people coming here next week. Can you handle that or should I arrange accommodation in Tel Aviv."

"Fifty? Bringing your whole company Brin," he laughed

"No problem Brin. This fortress was built to house 300 men."

"Want to join me for an afternoon swim?"

"Yes lets go see how our two young lovers are getting on."

I quickly went to my room and slipped on swim shorts and met Ari on the terrace. The two boys were stretched out on the sand talking. As we approached both got up and ran into our arms. Both looked real happy.

I picked up Benji and kept walking toward the surf as he kissed me and laughed. I waded out into the water and then just dropped him. As he came up sputtering he jumped on my back and I fell into the water. Pretty soon it was Ari and me versus the two young men as they tried to dunk us as many times as they could. We played for over an hour and then walked out and dropped exhausted to the sand.

"Brin Tomorrow I am going to tell you the rest of my story. But I want Jacob and Ari there when I do."

"Are you sure Benji?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I want Jacob to know it all and because he loves Ari as much as you do, I want him to know too."

"Okay my love."

"I like it when you say my love Brin."

As the sun was setting we headed up to the fortress. A long day. Now I was really tired but also very happy. I said my good night to Ari and Jacob and then Benji and I retired. After a good hot shower we went to bed and just held each other as we drifted off to sleep.

We slept very late and after a good brunch went out to the terrace to sit in the sun. I had brought my laptop with me and we waited for Ari and Jacob to join us.

"Are you sure Benji you want both Ari and Jacob here?"


About fifteen minutes after we were sitting, Ari and Jacob came out and sat down. A servant brought an ice bucket with several bottles of water and beer in it.

"Good morning Brin, Benji. Sleep well?"

After everyone had said there good mornings and everyone was comfortable.

"Are you ready buddy?"

"Yes," Benji said with a slight trembling in his voice.

"Ok. We'll start after you were put in the room with the other boys."

"Well after Jason told me what I was now, I just laid down on one of the beds. After a while the other boys all came over and introduced themselves. There were seven of them altogether and they told me sometimes there were more, but every once in a while one would go to please one of the Sultan's guests and wouldn't come back. It wasn't that bad here in this place. Most of the Sultan's guests were very nice. I ussally had to either suck them off or be fucked by them. Sometimes we just slept together. Sometimes all they wanted to do was suck me off. Some even gave me money, but the guards always took it away after.

I was there for about a month when a young negro boy was brought to the room. He had a huge cock. Well huge compared to all us other boys. He also had a lot of scars on his body, but old scars, like lines and crosses. He said they were ritual scars given to him when he was ten. He was really nice. His name was 'Toma.' He was picked more often than the rest of us when the Sultan had guests. About three weeks after he came to us he never came back from a visit with a guest. I was really sad because I liked him a lot.

One day Jason came in the room with two guards. He picked Timothy and ordered him to lie on the bed cause he wanted to fuck him. When Timothy was slow to comply he ordered the guards to hold him down and then he whipped him with a belt. After he had whipped him he then shoved the handle of a broom up his ass until he started to bleed. Timothy was screaming and crying. After he started to bleed from his ass the guards dragged him from the room. We never saw him again.

About three months after I was in the Boy Toy room as we called it I was sent to please a very old guy. He said he wanted to fuck me, but he wanted me to get him hard first. I tried and tried to get him hard but I just couldn't do it. He was very mad and sent me away. I was worried because I hadn't pleased him and knew I was in trouble with the Sultan.

Nothing happened for about a week and then I was taken to a room along way from the Boy Toy room. When I entered there were all kinds of rings and stuff bolted to the walls and ceiling. The guards stripped me and tied me to two rings hooked into the ceiling. I was getting very scared. After they left a huge black man walked in. He was wearing just leather shorts and I could see a huge cock in them. I hadn't noticed but the rings I was tied to had a chain hoist that allowed me to be lifted up off the ground or lowered. He lowered me down and then removed his shorts and forced me to suck him off. He was so big that I choked as he pushed his long cock deep into my throat. I thought at one time it was all the way into my stomach it was so long. After he came, I was very hard. He laughed at that and pulled a short piece of raw hide from a pouch that he had. It was only about 4 inches [10 cm] long until he dipped it in water and then it stretched to about 12 inches [30 cm]. While it was wet he tied it around my ball sack and cock really tight. He then hoisated me off the floor.

«You are here to be punished for not pleasing one of the Sultan's guests. The Sultan has said I can do anything I wish with you.»

He put cuffs on both my ankles and tied them to rings on the floor, so my legs were spread apart. He picked up a bat from the table that was in room. He swung it and hit my ball sack as hard as he could. I passed out after the third hit on my sack.

When I woke up I was still hanging from the ceiling. My balls felt like they were on fire and my cock was hurting too. When I looked down I could see my cock was very hard and purple. He lowered me down until I was kneeling on the floor and then shoved his cock into my ass. He fucked me for along time and then after he came I had to suck his cock to clean it. He then pulled me back up until my feet were off the ground and started to whip me with a long leather belt. I don't remember passing out, but must have because when I awoke I was laying on a cold stone floor. I hurt all over, but mostly my balls and cock hurt the worst. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I laid on the floor.

«Benji, Benji, it's me Toma.»

«Toma? Toma where am I?»

«You have to trust me Benji. You have a piece of rawhide tied around your cock and balls and if we don't get it off soon you will die. Move your hands away.»

He then pissed on my cock and balls. The piss hurt really bad and I screamed and tried to get away, but he just held me down. He started to play with my cock and balls, at least that is what I thought. After about five minutes he said there now. He held up a piece of wet rawhide. The release of my cock and balls hurt worse than when they were tied. I just cried and held onto my cock and ball sack. My balls were really big. But they were so painful, I just laid there on the floor and cried. Toma laid down beside me and just held me. He was so nice, he helped me stay warm too."

I looked at Jacob and Ari as Benji paused. Jacob was openly crying and Ari had a look of such hate and disgust that he would probably turn one to stone if you looked into his eyes.

"I don't know how long I laid there on the floor with Toma but, some guards came over to the cell and put a big bowl of food into the cell and a large pitcher of water. It woke us up as they opened the cell. When I sat up I saw that there were about 30 boys in the cell. It was huge, but no mats, just bare floor, a hole in one corner, I found out was used to piss and shit in. All the boys were either nude or in tattered shorts and t-shirts. Toma was nude like me. I wrapped my arms around him. I liked him so much. I'm sorry Brin I liked to suck on Toma's cock and I liked it when he fucked me."

"There's nothing to be sorry about Benji."

"After several hours a guard came to the cell. He pointed at one of the boys and the boy came over to him and kneeled down. The guard pulled out his cock and the boy sucked him off. This happened about 20 or 30 times a day. I remember Jason saying that if I didn't please the Sultan's guests I would be sent to please the guards. At one point Toma and I were taken from the cell, allowed to shower and clean up and then were taken and tied down over a leather saw horse in the guards mess hall. For several hours we were either fucked or had to suck off any guard that wanted us. Later we taken back and put back in the cell. After a long time there were about 60 boys in the cell and it was really crowded. One day about 50 of us were herded out of the cell. We were allowed to shower and then given cutoff pants and t-shirts. Then we were manacled together. Toma and I were manacled together at our ankles. We were taken up and loaded on covered trucks.

The ride in the truck was very long and very hot. We were unloaded into a warehouse. A man, white I think stood on a platform in front of us.

«If you cooperate your journey will be bearable. If you don't you will be food for the fishes.»

I didn't know what he meant. How could we not cooperate, we were chained together. After dark we were loaded onto a ship. Our chains were removed and we were locked in a hold. There was a bathroom for us to use and bunks to sleep on. There was also about a hundred other boys in the hold already. Toma and I found a bunk and just climbed in. We held onto each other hoping that we could always be together. One of the boys that were already there tried to grab me and pull me away from Toma. He got a black eye for his trouble. After that everyone just left us alone. I guess I loved Toma. No I know I loved Toma."

I looked up at Benji and he crying openly. I got up and pulled him into my arms. He wrapped himself around me and just cried. Jacob was crying in Ari's arms and Ari was seething with hate and disgust.

"We'll stop here love."

"No please Brin I want to tell you all."

"Benji we'll stop here. We have all week to talk. Besides I'm not sure your new found friends can handle it or me for that matter."

"Okay. Tomorrow?"

"Yes we can go again tomorrow."

Mike walked out onto the terrace.

"Message for you Sir."

It was from the Sultan of Burundi, welcoming me on my inspection tour and offering to accommodate me in the palace while I'm there.

"Mike, check the arrival date of the new lav's in New Babylon and the status of the forces in Burundi.

"Yes Sir." he walked away.

"Benji as much as I would now like to take you to bed and I'm sure Ari would love to make love to Jacob, I need to talk to Ari alone. I know how your now feeling, but I need some time."

"Brin as you say we have our whole life ahead of us. I can wait. But you'll be sorry later," he smiled with a mischievous grin.

Jacob pulled away from Ari and wrapped Benji in a hug.

"Now I'm envious of Jacob," Ari said.

"Well maybe we can switch partners," I laughed.

"Not going to happen. Or I'll cut your balls off," Benji laughed.

"Ouch! Guess we can't switch Ari."

"How about I take Brin to bed Jacob."

"Only if you let me take Benji to bed and then you want to sleep on the couch for the next five or six years."

"Double ouch."

"Well lets leave this subject alone. I laughed again.

"Jacob and I are going to have a long shower together and we'll discuss your proposal. But don't get your hopes up. I love you too much Brin."

The two boys arm in arm walked away.

"As much as I would like to sleep with you Ari, I love Benji too much. I would never betray the trust he has in me."

"Brin, I only said to lighten up the mood. I love you old friend, more than anything else in the world. But the love I see in you and Benji even surmounts all that I could give. I love Jacob more than I can describe but I think I love you more. No I know I love you more."

"Thanks Ari. But I don't know why."

"Brin you have so much love in your soul that you seem to glow sometimes. Every one of your 165,000 men and women love you with passion that is beyond most mortal men. Maybe you really are God."

"Bullshit. I'm not God, I'm just a man."

"True. But you're a man with the largest Para-Military Security force in the world, equipped with the latest equipment and loved by all your employees and even loved by people that don't even know you. You command more respect than even the President of NorAm and he has the only Super Power Force left in the world."

"Remember Ari Power Corrupts, Absolute power Corrupts Absolutely."

"I don't want power. I just want to live and enjoy life. With Benji."

"Well Brin weather you want it or not, you already have the power and all that comes with it. I don't envy you my friend. I just want to be part of your life. The last time you visited was over three year ago. My love for has never changed. I loved you then and I love you now. "

"Of course if you have an extra two or three million you don't need I could finish restoring my fortress home." He chuckled.

"Two or three million that's it," I laughed.

"Got a phone nearby."

"I was only kidding Brin."

"Ari do you have a phone?"

As much as they were a connivance, cell phones were not very secure. The new arrays set up in NorAm could monitor all cell phone calls world wide. So most calls were now made by tie lines, connected by satellite. And all those calls were encrypted.

Ari handed me a telephone handset.

After being connected to Tel Aviv, I got Edmonton on the line.

"Intersec Edmonton Sir."

"This is Commander Sadac, connect me with Finance."

"Yes Sir."

"Finance Malcolm Pratt here Sir."

"Malcolm, I want you to transfer 30 million dollars to Swiss National Bank account number Z7W1913603157-053, in the name of Ari Ben Israel. I need it done today. Any problems."

"No Sir. I confirm 30 million Dollars to Account # Z7W1913603157-053, Ari Ben Israel. Swiss National."

"Good thanks Malcolm." I hung up.

"Brin are you out of your fucking tree."

"What no comments on how I knew your numbered account in Switzerland, or even a thanks my old friend."

"Brin I was only joking."

"I'm not Ari, I need your help. It's probably going to cost big bucks. I'm just making sure you have the money available to help. The money will be your account later today. Thirty million is pocket change to me. I'd spend 100 or even 1 billion to bring this Sultan down."

"Okay Brin. What do you want for 30 million dollars. I will tell I will not compromise my country, nor will I compromise the peace we have with our neighbors'. So what do you want?"

"I have a plan Ari."

"Talk to me Brin. I didn't spend the best part of my life as a soldier and not learn anything."

"First I have notified the 49th Battalion that they are going to Burundi as the new security force."

"Brin if I remember right, the 49th Battalion, is the old Loyal Edmonton Regiment. They are a combat unit, not a Security Unit."

"True. Also the first 40 lav 7's are being dispatched to Burundi. I have also accepted an invitation, no date set to see the Sultan while I'm on an inspection tour of the middle east units. I also plan to visit Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen."

"What your saying then is you will have in country 600 plus men, 15 tanks, 60 APC's half of which will be combat troops."


"So what do want from me?"

"First and foremost, I want those two Para-Brigades. I also want some commandoes to blow up the power station in Burundi City. Not to destroy it, but to cut the power temporarily. I also want the full might of the idf to back me up after I have taken the country."

"You ask a lot my friend."

"Only asking as one friend to another."

The first two I can guarantee. The latter, I'm not sure. Israel will only go to war if an Israeli national is in jeopardy."

"Is Jason an Israeli national?"

"Jesus! Excuse my language Brin. I never thought of that."

"Would your Prime Minister go to war for a single man."

"It's been done before but he was a an important man."

"Yes the incursion into Kampuchea to rescue Simon Wetzel from the rebels. Your country took a lot of hits in the UN. You justified it by the statement that Israel would go into any country to help a citizen."

"Now will they help liberate Jason, the brother of your lover and partner for life.

"I don't know Brin."