PZA Boy Stories

Barefoot Guy

The Scrubs


A hundred years in the future, after the fall of civilization, humanity is recovering but only in limited areas, like the Pacific Ocean coast area of California. The vast American desert and mid-west is a lawless wasteland where life is hard, dangerous and cheap. To survive people do what they have too. Anything or anyone can be had for a price. Often the children are traded and sold. Offered by their starving parents as their only assets of value or kidnapped in raids to be sold elsewhere. This story follows the expedition of one man who lives in the civilized section out into this lawless wasteland known as The Scrubs to find and purchase a slaveboy to take home.
Publ. Jun 2009
Finished 48,000 words (96 pages)


Narrator (adult male), Sherpa guide (adult male), Nathan (12yo), Logan (13yo) and various other adults and children

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/future
MbMdom oral anal – bond prost tort chast spank ws


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at staybarefoot(at)aol(dot)com or through this feedback form, please with Barefoot Guy - The Scrubs as the subject line.


The year is 2110. The world as we know it has collapsed and a new world order has emerged.

Most of the world is in desolation with pockets of civilized living and advanced technology.

One of these pockets is the west coast of the former United States centered around what was known as Silicon Valley to the pacific ocean stretching down to the former outskirts of Los Angeles, known as the Coastal.

Just outside these pockets are the wastelands called the Scrubs. Life is hard and cheap. There are no laws and anything can be had – for the right price, anything.

Chapter 1

So here I am, out in the Scrubs. It's not my first time here I've made several trips to the Scrubs to satisfy my tastes. Tastes that cannot be satisfied on the coast – where I live and work.

I work for a large tec company leading the way in the growing nanobot medical field. My position within the company makes me valuable. There aren't that many people left in the world who can do what I do. My nanobots find and kill viruses, keep people alive longer and manage chronic diseases. If you live in the Coastal you're an important person. If you can afford our company's cutting edge medical tec then your are the cream of that important crop.

As you can imagine those people protect the company that protects them and the company protects their number one nanobot designer, me.

All of my previous trips into the Scrubs I found what I was looking for; be it a one-night stand or a full weekender. I have particular tastes. I like little boys, little boys tied up at my mercy and ready to be beaten, whipped, tortured and fucked in their little wet mouths and tight hot asses all night long.

I have visited a particular boy brothel and it has become my favorite place. It has no name and no signs. From the outside it's just a run down barn in the middle of nowhere. Inside it's relatively comfortable and there are many playrooms. They cater to all kinds there. There are dungeons for people like me who like inflicting torture and pain or more sedate room for those who like romantic sex with their whore. Even theme rooms for those who like boys to be dressed as a maid, an animal or boys as girls or girls as boys. Oh yes they trade in little girls too; and if you really want it they will even find you a teenager or adult for the right price. Everything and everyone is a commodity in the Scrubs, be they willing or unwilling.

After gaining a little bit of trust and placing a few discreet inquiries with the management and other clients of the brothel I discovered there is an owner of a slave farm who specializes in what I am looking for. I have found out the location and verified the information as best I can from other sources, some Sherpas, and rumors.

Anything can be had for a price, anyone, any fantasy. Hell last time I was here one of the brothel's clients was on a safari. A safari where he hunted little boys. Three little slaves he had picked out where hunted down. They were released at night and he started the hunt the next morning.

When I left, after spending a weekender, I saw that client return with his trophies. Two tightly bound little dirty and bruised boys crying in a cage on a trailer. The third one was bound wrist and ankle and stretched on his back over the hood of the jeep the client was driving. I don't know if the kid was just still or tranquilized but that kid didn't seem to be moving, I didn't ask questions. But like I said, life out here means nothing.

This trip though is special. I have taken a week off from work and met up with my trusted Sherpa to the Scrubs and we are going to this secret, hidden settlement just over the mountains. A place that I'm told has the highest quality, virgin merchandise for sale. It's a three-day trip in and another three days out. That gives me two days to find the slave I want and to negotiate a price for him. See this trip I am purchasing a boy to bring home as my slave to use and abuse as I want – when I want.

Oh, that's not totally legal in the Coastal, but I have my protections. When your nanobots have saved the life of the governor's wife you can pretty much get away with breaking the law. Having contributed large sums of money to the right political figures doesn't hurt either.

I may be venturing deep into the Scrubs but I'm not stupid. I have been using this Sherpa long enough to trust him as much as one can trust anyone out here, plus he's being paid well and won't get the remainder of his fee until I am safely out of the Scrubs.

We're still a day and a half from our destination and already I am farther into the Scrubs than I have ever been in my life. Already I have seen more then I thought possible. Driving along what passes out here for roads we'll pass by a single house or through what could be called a village. There are packs of feral dogs, and wild horses run in the distance.

Every so often we'll see people walking along the roadside; some wear more clothes than others. The children are mostly naked. Every time they hear our truck coming they stop, turn and push these half-naked or fully naked kids to the front, hold them out and motion us over with their hands. They are clearly trying to peddle these kids in exchange for drugs, money, food, fuel, what have you.

We just pass them by. There are a few boys that might pass for cute. But that's not what I am here for and my Sherpa advises against stopping for these riff-raff. Often it's a trick and they rob and murder those who stop for a quick suck and fuck.

In the villages it's a little different. Depending on the size of the settlement they may or may not have a brothel or house used for sexual favors. The smaller places will put all the sex slaves in one place, it's a mix of boys, girls, teens and adults. Some sold by their parents others kidnapped by traders and some captured in raids conducted by one village against another; the reasons are as numerous as the slaves.

We have stopped at a little settlement, just a few houses, known to be safe by my Sherpa, he gets us a room and unloads the truck as I settle in. Once alone in my room I hear a knock at the door, I take my pistol out of my jacket pocket and go to the door.

"Who is it," I ask.

"Nathan, Sir. I come with the room if you want, Sir."

I open the door a crack and look down, before me is a little boy of about ten, brown hair and brown eyes standing there dressed only in a ragged pair of shorts, rags really, held around his slim waist by a tattered old rope. Gotta love a boy who comes with his own bondage gear.

"How much?"

"Only three, Sir. I do whatever you like, Sir."

I open the door and drag him in by this thin arm. I swear I can feel the bone right through his skin. I get a better look at this waif in the brighter light of the room. I can count his ribs and he looks even younger, but despite his skin and bone appearance he's not uncute, but not really my type.

"How old are you, kid?"

"Twelve, Sir."

"Are you a slave here or what?"

"No, Sir, no slave. My dad owns the hotel. I come with the room, if you want." He was looking down at his barefeet.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Dunno, I had porridge one day or two ago, and some milk days before that."

No wonder the kid looked nine or ten, his father was starving him.

"Strip, kid." I order him.

I slip my pistol back into my jacket and go to my bag. I get a protein bar and toss it to the kid.

"Eat it," I order him and he tears the packet open with his teeth and practically inhales it.

"Thank you, Sir, thank you very much!"

"Go sit in that chair."

He does. I take the rope from his discarded shorts and pull his hands behind him and bind his wrists together. He turns his head to watch what I am doing.

"Sir?" he asks

"Shut up, kid."

Tears well up in the little brat's eyes. I guess he's been like this before and his experience wasn't an enjoyable one, well for him at least.

I tie off his wrists and go back over to my bag, get a few more ropes and cross and tie his ankles together then bind his chest to the chair back.

"Listen up kid. I'm keeping you overnight, but you'll be in that chair all night. If you're quiet and don't cause any trouble you'll get another bar in the morning before I leave, savvy?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. For the night you're my slave, so you do your told and I say no more yappin'."

He just nodded he understood, the promise of more food was too much for him for fuck this up. I have no intention of doing anything to the kid other then enjoy looking at his body all night. But I like my boys gagged too, so I grab my ball gag and slip it into his mouth and pull it painfully tight."

"Does that hurt, slave?"

He nods yes.

"Good." And I flash him an evil smile.

Just then my Sherpa arrives back with the rest of my luggage from the truck.

"What's this?" he questions seeing the rug rat tied naked to the chair.

"Little perk of the room," I tell him.

"Ah, okay."

"Yeah it's the fucker who owns this place's kid. This little mite is being starved to death. Kid's claims to be twelve, if you can believe it."

"Naw, he looks nine, ten if he's lucky."

"No shit. You stay here and enjoy the view; but no touching I'm gunna have a look around."

"Got ya."

My Sherpa will spend the night in the truck guarding it and the rest of the equipment. It's way too temping a target out here, even in this so-called safe village. But I wanna have a word with the kid's father.

I go back downstairs and the teen girl who rented us the room is still at the desk.

"Where's the dude who owns this place?"

"He be out back takin' care o' the stock. Can I hep ya?"

"I want to talk to him about the in-room entertainment."


"The kid, what's his name 3; Nathan."

"Oh, my little brother, he causing a problem?"

"No. Now go get your father I have a business matter to discuss with him." I glare at her.

Without anymore words she darts off out the back and screams for her father. A few minutes later he comes in with her following behind.

"What kin I do fer ya?" he asks dusting off his dirty hands.

"I have a business matter to discuss, can we go somewhere private." I motion toward the girl.

He turns to her, "Fuck off, darlin'."

She darts out again.

"Private now just you an' me."

"How much for the kid?"

"Nathan, three for da night didn't he tell ya?"

"He told me, I mean how much for the kid?"

"Wut, ya wanna buy 'im?"

"Yeah, now you got it. How-much?"

"Dunno. Kid brings in nice coin."

"Out here, fuck he does. I'm the only person here and from the looks of the place you ain't exactly putting out any 'no vacancy' sign."

He looks me directly in the eye and moves closer.

I start moving my hand slowly to my jacket pocket.

Then he cracks a smile and roars with laughter.

"Fuck dude, I likes ya. You stand yer ground. Most Coastals back right down."

"This ain't my first time in the Scrubs." I lower my hand back to my side.

"Yeah that shooter in yer jacket tol' me that. Well the kid does bring in some coin so he ain't without worth."

"How much?" I ask again.

"Whatcha wan' em fer?"

I can see the wheels turning in is head trying to find a price that I won't say no too right away. His question is just a stalling tactic.

"That's my concern, he's mine for the night, here's the three for that," and I toss him the payment. "How much to take him with me in the A.M.?"

He looks at the money like it's a steak and he's a starving man.

"Twenty-five and he's yer's."

"Fifteen." I counter.


"Twenty!" now it's my turn to laugh, "Fuck he'll eat five's worth just to get him healthy. Seventeen."



We shake hands on the deal.

I reach onto my other jacket pocket and pull out the payment. He smiles when I hand him the loot.

"Hahaha! I'll throw the girl in for another seven!"

"Nope, don't want pussy."

"I's likes you mister, yer a'right fer a Coastal fella."

"I'm leaving at first light, don't tell the cunt I'm taking her brother until I'm long gone."

"No worries, mate. She don't gotta know nothing, ain't her biznis no how."

I climb the stairs back up to the room.

"Alright you can head out to the truck I'm in for the night. Little brat give you any trouble?"

"Not a spot, he just sat here all quiet like."

"Good boy," I say to him. He stares back at me silently I can still see the remains of a tear that ran down his dirty cheek. "I wanna hit the road at first light, be sure the truck is ready to go." I tell my Sherpa.

"No probs. She'll be purring to head out, first light." And he heads out of the room and back to the truck for the night.

I pull out my radio and see if I can tune something in from the Coastal broadcasts. I let the dial search and it hits on a few stations. One news, one with nothing but chatter and a couple music. I pick one of the less offensive music stations and turn the volume down to background level.

I walk over to the naked kid tied to the chair and stand in front of him with my hands on my hips. I tower over the runt.

"So what am I gunna do with you?"

The kid starts trembling but puts up a brave front.

"Wanna eat in the morning?" I ask him.

He nods.

"Then remember what I said, I don't want no noise from you."

He nods again.

"One noise, no food." I warn.

He nods but remains perfectly quiet all I can hear is his breathing.

I reach down and grab his left nipple and give it a tight squeeze. He screws his face up in pain and draws in a huge breath of air but not a sound escapes his throat.

I continue to pinch and tug his tiny pink nub. He tries to follow my fingers with his chest to relieve the pressure of my pulling on his skin. But the rope holds him fast.

I let his nip slide from my fingertip and with my fingernails I trap his nip bud between them and pinch with all my might.

He screams behind the gag and tears burst from his brown eyes.

"Damn kid you're good, but you made noise. Sorry no breakfast then."

The tears continue to flow and he hangs he head in disappointment.

I lie down on the bed and listen to the radio and the kid's crying. Riding over the dirty roads and flats of the Scrubs takes a lot outta a man. It feels good to relax.

Chapter 2

I hear a fist pounding on my door.

"Dude, it's light out, time to hit the road." I hear my Sherpa shout from the otherside of the room.

"Stop pounding, come the fuck in." I shout back.

I sit up and damn I must have fallen asleep in my clothes, slept the whole night through. Then I notice the kid still tied to the chair.

"Yeah right, you're here." I say to him.

Obviously awakened the same way I was, he remains totally silent though. He face is tear stained, must have cried himself to sleep last night. His tiny cock is hard as a rock from needing to piss.

My Sherpa is in the room now. "You ready to go bossman?"

"Yeah give me a minute." I head to the toilet and take my morning piss.

"Gunna untie the brat or leave him for the help to find?" he laughs.

"I got something better in mind," I say as I zip up and come back into the room.

I reach into my bag and pull out a small black metal case. "Made these myself. They use nanobot tec." I put one on my fingertip. I can see Sherpa knows what it is.

"You wear contacts." He says.

"Nope. These are special and they're for him." I motion to the kid.

"Him, what you wanna give him contacts for?"

"Just watch." I feel the evil grin reappear on my face.

I go over to the kid and tell him to remain perfectly still and look up at me.

I take his head in my free hand and with my fingers I pull open his eye and with my other hand I gently place the contact lens on his eyeball. Then pull out the other contact from the case and do the same with his other eye. Then I pull out the little bottle of eye drops and put two drops in each eye.

"Increases the conductivity." I tell both the boy and my Sherpa. Neither one of them has a clue what I am talking about.

"Untie the kid from the chair and untie his hands, but leave his feet bound." I tell the Sherpa.

"Yes, boss." He answers and does as I say.

"Now take that gag out."

He does.

Here kid, I toss him a protein bar. He catches it and has a totally surprised look on his face. Afraid to eat it he just holds it in his hand. "Eat it, slave."

"B 3; but Sir you said 3;"

I cut him off, "I said eat it."

Repeating last night's event he rips into the package and inhales the bar.

"Thank you very, very much Sir. You're a nice man, thank you."

"Yeah well, I'm not, but I don't like to see a boy like you starving to death either."

"Tie his hands back up the way he was." I tell my Sherpa.

"Tie him back up?"

I give him a look and he sets to work retying the kid's wrists.

"Now come over here and watch this."

I pull a little controller box out of the contact lens case and hold out for him to see.

"Hey kid look at me," He does. "Watch this," I tell my Sherpa. And push the button on the box.

We're both looking at the kid and his eyes go instantly black from edge to edge.

The kid screams in terror.

"I can't see, mister, I can't see, please I can't see." He repeats over and over.

"Oh shut up, brat." And I push the button again. His eyes return to normal.

"I 3; I can see again," he stammers.

"Yeah and I control when and what you see." And I push the button again, his eyes turn black.

This time he doesn't freak out knowing I can turn it off and haven't made him permanently blind.

"Take the luggage down to the truck. I'll be down in a minute."

"Okay, boss." He gathers up the stuff and heads out.

"Oh, and make sure that girl's not around when I come down."

I go over to the blind kid and pick him up and toss him over my shoulder. He weighs nothing, it's like picking up a pillow. "Stay quiet and don't move around."

I head out the room and down to the truck with the kid. I open the back of the truck up and lay the kid on his side, take a convenient bungee and attach his bound ankles to his wrists. He's hogtied and lying on his side. Then slam the gate shut and close the top glass.

"What the hell, you're taking the kid?" Sherpa asks as I hop in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, I bought him last night from his dad, so he's mine now."

"Why'd you buy that runt? Is he the one you want?"

"Fuck no, but we might need something to trade with and he's good merchandise despite his size and if we don't need him I can sell him on to the brothel on the way back, either way it's a good investment."

"Anything you say, boss." And he starts the truck and heads out.

As soon as we move I hear the kid from the back. "Mister 3; mister, I'm here, wait. I'm still in the truck."

"Shut up kid, of course you're here, I bought you and now you're mine so lay still and enjoy the ride and keep quiet. It will be lunchtime in about four hours," I shout back.

'That should shut his mouth, the promise of lunch.' I think.

I gaze mindlessly into the distance ahead of us. It's just miles and miles of nothing but two thin tire tracks that we're following toward our destination.

Chapter 3

We had gotten a later start then I wanted due to my oversleeping so I push lunch back about two hours, I wanted to be in the mountains by tonight so we'd reach the slave farm by mid-day tomorrow. My Sherpa didn't mind he was getting paid for driving and the little package in the back knew his place and kept his mouth shut. All we heard from him and the occasional grunt and moan as he shifted in the back of the truck and got bounced around by the rough ride. I think he sneezed once too.

This kid isn't really my type but he's a little boy, a twelve-year-old who looks ten. He's going to be popular with someone and in any case a slave's mouth is still a mouth and my cock will fit into it just like any other slaveboy's.

By late afternoon I was getting hungry. "Pull it over, its lunchtime."

"You got it, bossman."

We slow down and find a good place to pull over and stop.

Out of the truck and stretching my legs, feels good to be off my ass and standing. The fucking rough roads out here take their toll on my backside for sure.

I go to the back and lower the gate getting a good look at little human cargo lying bound and blind in the back. Not a bad little body for a runt. Well tanned from running around the Scrubs nearly naked, nice proportions, no body hair, smooth skin, nice nips, soft red lips and floppy hair. The breeze hits him and dries the little sweat beads on his chest and tummy and he takes a deep breath into his lungs. His little toes wiggle.

I grab the pack from behind the slave containing the food and open it up. Lunch today is protein bars first as the Sherpa gets the fire started to cook up a little stew of meat and veg. Nothing fancy but it'll fill us up until dinnertime.

As I sit on the back gate eating the bar I hear the little slave's tummy growling, he knows better then to ask for any food and remains quiet. His face is tear stained yet again, must have been crying back here after he learned that he'd been sold to me.

I pet his head to get his attention.

"So slave, you said you're twelve years old, is that true?"

"Yes, sir."

"Can you cum yet, slave?"

"Cum? Dunno know what that is?"

"Can you shoot white stuff from your dick?"

"Little bit, yes."


"Ever suck a man?"

"Yes, sir, lots o' times."

"Ever take it up the ass?"

"Yes." He whispers, obviously not his favorite thing.

"Did it hurt?"

"It hurt lots."

I chomp down my protein bar as I sit and watch the cooking fire come up. Time to start this little slut's training.

"Now, tell me what are you called?"

"Nathan, sir."

"Wrong!" and I smack his ass. He lets out a yelp.

"What are you called?"

"Sir, I don't understand?"

I smack his ass again a little harder this time and get a louder yelp. My Sherpa looks back at us to see if everything is okay.

"I'll help you out this time, you're called 'slave'. Understand?"


"I'll ask you again, what are you called."

"Slave, sir."

"Good boy." And I push a little piece of protein bar into his mouth. As my finger enters I feel the softness of his lips and the warm wetness of his tongue as he grabs the food from me and swallows it down.

As the fire gets going and Sherpa gets the stew made and cooking I open another bar and feed about half of it to the slave one little piece at a time. I eat the other half.

Already the boy's color is returning and he seems more alert and aware with the protein working its wonders inside his deprived body.

"Do you like being tied up, slave."

"No Sir."

"Haha, at least you're honest good, boy! Would you like to see again?"

"Oh yes sir, please can I?" he begs.

"Alright but only for as long as I say so." I reach into my pocket and tap the button and the contacts instantly clear. The boy blinks he eyes at the sudden onslaught of light flooding in. In a minute he adjusts and can see clearly once again.

"Thank you." He whispers.

"From now on you call me master and that guy over there is sir, savvy?"

"Yes, master."

"Now you just stay here and be quiet and if you're good you'll get some stew when we're done eating."

"Food's on, boss." he Sherpa calls out.

I sit next to him by the fire in the little fold up chairs and we both dig in to our bowls.

"What you gunna do with the scrubbie over there?"

"Scrubbie? Never heard that before."

"Scrubbie, that's what we's name the newbie slaves out here. They's got no experience, just been bought for the first time."

"Hahaha, I fucking love it! Not sure what I'm gunna do with it. If we need to trade for something big then he can be the payment, if not I might sell him off to some brothel on later."

"Skinny little runt, but he ain't half cute though."

"Yeah not bad, get some meat on those bones and there might be something there to turn a profit on."

"Idiot father starving 'im like that, could'a gotten much more rent outta his ass if'n hadn't been so scrawny."

"Yeah, but then he wouldn't have been such a bargain. Make sure you save some of this tucker for him when we're done, gotta fill him out a bit."

"He's watching us, can he see?"

"Yeah I gave him his sight back for now."

"Gunna get some pleasure outta him too, boss?"

"None of your fucking biz." I laugh, "Why you wanna get your nut off in him."

Now it was his turn to laugh, "Well he ain't my piece. But I won't say no if offered."

"We'll see my friend, we'll see."

We quickly finish our meal and I take a bowl of the cooled stew to the boy in the back of the truck.

"Time for lunch, slave, open up." And I shovel spoon after spoon of meat and veggies into his hungry mouth. By the time I reach the end of the bowl he's no loner inhaling the food, but actually chewing and enjoying the flavors. His little belly is actually distended from all the food he's got in him. He's probably eaten more in the last fourteen hours then he had in the previous fourteen days.

I set the bowl down and sit next to him petting his brown hair for a moment.

"Master?" I hear him whisper.

This is why I waited just in case he got sick from all the rich food he's not used to. "What is it, slave?"

"I have to pee please."

"Haha, ok boy." I unhook the bungee and drag him to the edge of the truck gate and hold his cock out over the edge, he instantly starts letting go. Not piss-shy this boy. Kid must have pissed a liter.

When the last drops are shaken off I lift his upper body up and he's sitting on the edge of the truck with his legs hanging off the gate.


"Yeah I am, master."

I tip a water bottle onto his mouth, he sucks like a new born at his mother's teat. And drinks half the bottle before I pull it away from him. I pour the other half into a handy cloth and wipe his face. Clean off the tear stains and the dirt, he's quite cute under the grime. I push his head down to his knees and pour another bottle of water over his head thoroughly soaking his hair. I rub out as much grime as I can and find another cloth to dry him with, then push him back up so his sitting normally again.

"Feel better now slave?"

"Yes master, thank you!" He actually smiled when he said that. Must have been a long time since anyone had taken care of the little boy for any reason, the fact that his hands and feet are tightly bound make no difference to him at this moment.

"You're welcome. Would you like to sit up front with me for a while?"

"Can I really, master? Yes I would like that a lot!" he's practically bubbling with excitement.

I reach behind his back to untie his wrists and bring them to the front and retie them tightly together. I pick him up and toss him over my shoulder once more and put him in the front seat.

"Touch anything in here, including yourself, and you'll be tied to a rope on the bumper and you'll walk the rest of way behind us."

He started trembling again. I was serious, but I knew the warning was enough for him to obey me.

I help Sherpa pack up the truck and we kick dirt over the fire and climb back into the front. I put the little slaveboy on my lap and hold him tight around his waist.

My hand lowers to his small cock and I absent-mindedly play with his little slave member. My hand and the bouncing of he truck get him instantly hard and he leans back into me and rests his head on my shoulder.

His eyes are watching everything though; they dart from one place to another as we speed across the Scrubs.

"Never been this far from your old home before?" I ask the boy.

"No, master, ain't never been in a mobile before."

"Mobile, its called a truck, slave."

"Sorry master, ain't never been in a truck either."

Both the Sherpa and I laugh at the little boy's comment. He turns bright red in embarrassment.

This kid has a way about him.

Chapter 4

After about an hour of quiet from the adults and some moans from the bound slaveboy on my lap we see a few specs dot the horizon directly in our path.

"Fucker, probably nomac traders." Sherpa whispers.

The boy trembles in my arms, rightly so. They don't come to the fringes of the Scrubs and stay away from the main roads, usually. Nomac traders are just that, traders, they trade anything and everything. But if they can't trade for it they will just take what they want and leave the former owner for dead. There are a thousand dark jokes about Nomac's being such good negotiators they can make a trade and only give up a single bullet.

I reach into my pocket and hit the button instantly blinding the slave on my lap, then push him kneeling down on the floor of the truck in front of me. I reach around the seat a grab the ball gag.

"Open up, slave." And tightly strap the gag in place. He whimpers because I secure the leather so tightly it pulls painfully into his cheeks.

"Don't make a single sound and don't move a muscle, slave," I warn him and quickly toss a blanket over his head and push him lower into the foot well.

About ten more minutes and we have met up with the Nomac traders. There are three camels in the lead followed by four horses. A man who is obviously the leader of this pack sits astride the lead camel. His camel is being led by a naked teenage slaveboy. The slave has his hands bound behind him and his ankles shackled together and the lead from the beast is tied around his waist. The leader holds a long thin whip used to direct the slave where to go.

The younger man sitting on the second camel is obviously the man's son. The third camel has no rider but a huge pack on its back no doubt loaded with goods for trading. The two horses are each hooked to carts pulling even more junk and goods for trade while the other two horses are on lead from the back of those trailers. A lead from the pulling horses is in the right hand of the son.

Coming from each the following horses is a long chain. These chains don't just drag on the ground, oh no, they are held up off the dirt by at least a dozen slaves. The tallest and therefore I assume the oldest slaves are in the back with the smallest up front. Makes sense, keep the more valuable merchandise up front and protected. The teenagers, while they have a price are worth less than the younger kids.

As we get right on top of them the front camel turns and blocks the road. The truck's breaks slam on and we skid to a halt.

"What the hell, man?" I demand of my Sherpa.

"If we don't stop they just shoot us." He nods toward the very long barreled, high-powered rifle slung around the back of lead Nomac.

Sherpa steps out of the truck, "Greetings." He calls to the leader.

"Morning my friend. What brings you out this far on such a nice day."

"Got me an adventurer from the Coastal, heading north to the mountains for some game huntin'."

"Ha-ha, what kind of game? No matter, that is you're concern, not mine. My concern is trade, might we be able to offer you anything this sunny day? Food, fuel, guns, art, or," turning toward the slaves attached to the chains, "is your pleasure this day, pleasure?"

'He's a smooth talker for a cold-blooded crim," I think. But as my Sherpa makes nice-nice with the Nomac I am being watched by the son. I make no motion at all toward the slave under the blanket. I don't want them taking an interest my piece of boymeat.

I act casual but keep my hand near my pistol in the door pocket where I'd placed it earlier. I gaze over the line of slaves behind the horse.

There are four girls and seven boys, one sex to each chain. The little ones are naked; one of the teenage boys has a rag around his waist acting as a makeshift loincloth but doesn't cover his cock completely. Three of the boys are gagged with rags; as is one of the older girls. They were probably sold gagged and these Nomacs never took the gags out. They are all dirty, sweating and most likely on the verge of collapse from exhaustion.

My Sherpa comes to my side of the truck, "We're gunna trade them some food for a can of fuel."


"Look, boss, it will get us outta here fast. We want that. Quick swap and gone."

"Fine, fuckin' do it and let's move."

He gets the box of protein bars and takes them over to the son and hands them up to him for inspection. He nods they're good to his father and the father nods back. The son lowers himself from the camel and heads to closest trailer. He pulls out a rusty old can and hands it to the Sherpa. He leans over and whispers something in Sherpa's ears.

Sherpa tosses it in the back and we quickly get the truck moving down the road. The camel blocking the road has been moved to the side. A sign the Nomac leader had no farther interest in us and our business is complete.

I glance back in the sideview mirror. They have turned away from the road and the group heads back off into the desert.

"Crafty Nomac, they're pulling back to the desert, they was just curious about us boss."

"How the fuck did they know we'd be there?"

"Nomac ways, Nomac ways," was the only answer I got as he shook his head.

"What did the kid say to you?"

"He said to have fun with the slave you've got there."

"He knew about the kid?"

"Yeah boss, we're lucky they had'a pack of em or we might'a lost 'im."

Once we're well out of sight I pull the slave from the floor and put him back in my lap.

"You almost ended up as Nomac fodder kid," I laugh, "you must be a charmed one; first you get rescued from that idiot father and now saved from the Nomacs."

He shivers at the thought, I'm sure he doesn't see my purchasing of him as a rescue but I am sure he's glad to not be with the Nomacs. I leave him blind and gagged for the time being and go back to fingering his cock and nips. His breath becomes raspy as I bring him to the edge over and over again but never let him cum.

Chapter 5

The sun is setting behind us now and the shadow the truck is casting is very long. I can feel the little slaveboy in my lap getting tired and I'm sure quite worked up sexually by my constant attentions to his cock, edging him over and over. He long ago gave up trying not to drool around the ball gag that's been in his mouth since we met up with the Nomacs and he is still blind as I decided not to let him see anything forcing him to focus on my touches.

"We almost there?" I ask Sherpa.

"Yeah boss, not much more ground to cover now; couple more clicks."

"Good, my ass is numb."

The Sherpa laughs, "And I bet this mite's cock is too, you ain't let go of'ing it for hours."

"Just a little tease and tickle that's all. Gotta do somthin' to relieve to boredom of all this empty nothingness."

"Empty? Nothingness? My home this is."

"Better you than me, mate!"

We both share a laugh.

Just as the sun disappears over the horizon I see a light ahead in the distance. We just rounded a corner as we enter the foothills casting us into deep shadow. It's too dangerous to turn on our lights so my Sherpa slips on his night vision gear and continues to drive quite fast through the canyon we just entered.

"You know where we're goin' right?"

"No worries, boss, we're 'spected at this locale."

Within minutes we are in front of a single large structure. Made of wood with a front porch that stretches the entire front span of the building. On the porch are several rocking chairs, and few other chairs and some tables. The front door is a double set right in the center of porch. Wide steps lead from the ground to the porch.

"Here we be, boss. Home for the night."

"Looks expensive, what's this gunna cost me?"

"Place costs two a night per room, so that's four."

"Four, how'a that four, you're staying in the truck." Assuming he'd guarding it for the night again.

"Nope, ain't sleeping in 'er ta-night, don't need to. This place has security."



"Okay, my friend you get a bed tonight, but any entertainment you want is all on you!"


"Go check in, boss, I'll grab the bags, what you wanna do with'in 'im?"

"I'll carry him in with me and to the room. Ask at the desk which room I'm in 'cause I'll have your key."

I drag the boy from the seat and toss him over my shoulder again and climb the steps up to the front doors. Behind the front desk, a proper front desk no less, is a middle-aged woman who smiles as she sees me enter.

"Welcome, Sir, nice to see you."

"Uhm, nice to be here, I need a couple rooms for the night."

"Of course, sir. That will be four for the two rooms. I see you have your entertainment for the evening Sir, but if you need anymore we have a nice stable out back if you'd like to take a look."

I pay her the fee, no signing names on the register. People in the Scrubs like their privacy. Other than that this place has the look and quality of any three star guesthouse in the rural sections of the Coastal. Of course Coastal hotels don't have their own stables either.

"Oh this isn't entertainment, it' s just an investment."

"In that case, Sir we offer a secure holding area for your property if you'd like to take advantage, overnight is only one quarter and includes any food or water you allow."

"Really? Nice service. Tell me about it."

"We have a series of cages on the lower level, solid steel boxes with enough holes for air circulation and a sliding slot for pushing food and drink through. Other then that, Sir, it will be totally isolated. The room is sound proof and the light kept off."

"And how will I know if there's an emergency."

"All taken care of Sir we put one of our own slaves there to monitor; any noise of distress and he signals the desk here. He's bound and gagged so he can't talk to the stored items but he can push a button on a controller taped to his hand."

"Very well thought out, good service." I compliment.

"Thank you, Sir. We can take it down for you or if you prefer you can take it yourself, but either way you get possession of the only key for the duration of your stay."

"You hear that pup, this nice lady can get you all secured for the night. Wouldn't you like that?" I teasingly ask the slaveboy over my shoulder and I reach up with the arm he's slung over and slap his ass. I hear a little noise from behind my back as he yelps through the gag.

"Shall I have one of our slaves take it from you and bring the key to your room, Sir?"

"No, thank you I think it will stay with me, for now. I might take advantage of your offer later on however."

She hands me the room keys, "Very well, we are here to serve the needs of our guests. Would you like dinner sent to your room or will you dine in our dining room?"

"Dinner, you serve dinner?"

"Of course, Sir. Tonight's special is our own free-range chicken with roasted potatoes and green beans."

"Nice, send up two in about an hour."

"And breakfast, Sir?"

"Sure why not."

"Very good, Sir."

"My Sherpa will be in a moment with my luggage please direct him to my room."

"Of course, Sir.

The room is immaculate. Looks like any high-priced boutique room in the best sections of the Coastal.

"What a weird place the Scrubs is 3;" I muse. Once fully inside I toss the boy bodily on the bed, turning off his contacts as he flies letting him see instantly as he's in mid-toss. He lands with a thud and a grunt.

"Stay still, runt or you will end up in the basement for the night." I warn.

He nods his head vigorously that he understands.

I head into the bathroom and wash the trail dust off my face. The water is actually hot. There's a shower, damn I can get clean and clean up my little runt too.

Knocks at the door alert me that my Sherpa has arrived. I peer out the glass peephole just to confirm and open the door.

"Damn, bud you done good, this place is amazing."

"Should be, it's my sister's."

"Your sister? You fuck, you made me pay for a room in your own sister's place for you!"

"Keeping the loot in the family, bossman."

"Hahaha, I guess so! Anyway dinner is on me, should be here in less than an hour."

"What 'bout the kid, wanna feed it?"

"Na, don't wanna spoil him. He can wait till tomorrow for more chow."

"Gunna rise off the dirt of the road, boss. Call me for din." Sherpa said as he left the room with his key.

"Yeah." I call after him.

I go over to the bed and find my purchase has fallen asleep. I lay my hand on his chest as it rises and falls and feel the warmth of his skin and the rise and fall of his lungs. My, but he is rather filthy. I don't imagine he had much washing up at home and today just added another layer to his grime.

I take a nipple in my hand and gently and slowly squeeze it.


He moans and is head trashes to one side but he stays asleep.


He cries behind the ball stuffed in his mouth, I think he's pleading for it to stop, but he's still asleep.

Tighter and he wakes up with a start. And screams into his gag like waking from a nightmare. I let go and press him back down onto the bed with the palm of my hand.

"Stop," is all I say to him.

He sees it's me and he remembers the situation and gets quiet.

"Bad dream?" I ask.

He nods.

"It's time to get you cleaned up, I won't have a dirty slave. I'm gunna take the gag out now but leave your hands and feet tied."

And I do as I told him. And help him sit up, lift him up into my arms and take him into the shower. I sit him down and turn on the water.

As the water warms up I get undressed and get into the shower right in front of him. He looks scared.

He's drenched from head to toe now and I take a bar of soap and begin to rub his hair down getting it all lathered up.

"Close your eyes."

I soap up his face, behind his ears, back of his neck then stand him up and do his body front and back, his crotch, little cock and balls, the crack of his small ass, my goodness this kid is all skin and bones. Then down his legs and finally his feet and toes.

The water looks like mud as I wash him off. I sit him back down under the falling water.

"Sit there and be still."

Then I wash the dirt of the day off myself and get out of the shower and dry off.

"You just drip dry there slaveboy. I'll be back for you later."

I throw some on clean clothes from my bag and just then dinner arrives. I tell the slave delivering it to tell my Sherpa in the next room; and he joins me to sit and enjoy a very nicely cooked meal.

"Where's the kid at?" he asks between bites.

"In the tub, cleaned up rather nice."

"Mind if I take a gander?"

"Help yourself, but just a look."

He gets up and walks into the bath. Just as he enters I hear it.

"What the fuck ya doin'?" he cries out.

I quickly get up and go to see what the commotion is about.

"What's goin' on?"

"Little runt was playing with his cock."


"Yeah, jus' slowly rubbin' it like, as I came in, had 'im eyes closed."

"Is this right, slave?" I demand to know

"Y 3; yes, master." He meeky answers. At least he's honest.

"Needs to be punished." I say.

I drag the boy out of the tub by his armpits and put him over my knees as I sit on the toilet. My hand finds its target, his ass, finds it hard.

I slap him hard at least fifteen times. I lost count. But after the second one the boy was crying hysterically and his bound legs where flailing up and down madly. I ignored his begging me to stop and his promises to be good and just stopped when I thought he'd had enough.

I push him to the floor and he continues to cry as he curls up into a fetal position.

"Tell your sister that I'll take advantage of her property storage room for the night."

"No, please master please don't, no please." He starts to mutter over and over in between the sobs racking his body.

Sherpa leaves the room.

He returns with a teenage slaveboy.

"Sir I was sent to assist you with the storage of your property for the night, Sir," he bows. "Would you like me to take it for you or would Sir prefer to take it himself?"

"Take him." I order.

"Yes, sir. Any special instructions, sir."

"Do not untie him, no food, no water."

"Yes, sir," he picks the crying boy up off the floor and cradles him in his arms. "I'll be right back with your key to the locker, Sir."

As the two slaves leave the room my little slave cries out, "Please daddy don't lock me up again, I'll be a good boy daddy, please!" I can hear genuine fear from his voice as he hysterically pleads for mercy. I'm obviously not his father.

"Wait." I say.

"Sir?" the slave asks.

"Leave the lights on in the storage room and you personally stay next to the locker all night."

"Yes sir."

"Go." I order and the pair of slaves leaves the room and head down the stairs.

My Sherpa and I go back to eating our dinner.

A few moments later another slaveboy knocks on the door.


A younger blond boy enters, comes over to me kneels and holds out the key to the storage locker. I take it from him and he gets up to leave.


"Yes, sir."

"Tell your mistress that you're staying with me tonight and be quick about it."

My Sherpa stops eating for just a moment and looks me right in the eye, and gives me a wink.

When the slave darts out of the room he breaks his silence, "Good'on ya boss, that un's got a good mouth on 'im, knows how to use it good too."

"Good." And I go back to eating.

The blonde slave comes back in, in under two minutes and takes his place kneeling next to me.

"Slaves don't wear clothing around me, get naked now!" I order.

He strips off the simple loincloth he is wearing, the same as other slaves wear.

He's on his knees his head is bowed and his hands return to being clasped behind his back.

We finish our dinner, damn fine it was too. My Sherpa bids me good night and heads downstairs, I imagine to visit with his sister and probably have a drink.

"Slave crawl over here." I order him when I get back to my bed.

He lowers himself onto all fours and crawls across the room to me.

I open my pants and take out my cock.

"You know where your mouth should be, slave."

He just flashes a quick smile and devours my cock right to the hilt. My head slams into his throat. His tongue clamps down on the underside of my shaft and he sets to work sucking like there's no tomorrow.

'I fucking love this hotel.' I think as I lay down on the bed, the slave following me the whole way never missing a beat with his mouth.

Chapter 6

After the blonde slaveboy had sucked my balls of their first load for the night I decided it was time to hold him fast, tie him up and torture him for a while, then try out his ass for load number two.

I drag him by his wrist into the bathroom and force him to his knees. I roughly push his head down so he's looking at the floor. I have him in the middle of the floor so I can have easy access all around him. I had my Sherpa bring in my bag of goodies as I had planned on using them on Nathan tonight. But the ropes and implements will work on his rented boy just as easily.

I pull his left wrist to his left ankle and quickly wrap rope around them securing them together, tight. Then repeat with his right side and I snap a thick leather collar around his neck giving him just enough slack to breathe. He takes it all in stride, this boy with his cute face, bright blue eyes, and silky blonde hair must be very popular and I'm sure he has had lots of experience.

I pick the kid up under his arms and put him in the tub. There's a clueless look on his face and I can see he has no idea about what's to come for him. Then place my cock back in his mouth and he begins to suck away trying to make me cum once again.

"Stop and just hold it there." I order.

I pull my cock back so the head is just about half way into him and lying directly on the center of his tongue.

"Take every single drop and swallow it all." I order.

His eyes get real big, now he knows what's about to happen.

The first dribbles start, I try to control it a bit, the boy sucks tight and swallows; then I let more flow becoming a steady stream of piss. The kid's throat is swallowing as fast as I am putting it his mouth.

He retches, but doesn't let go and doesn't spill a drop, yet.

Then I really let lose and just let my body do what it does.

The slave is my toilet, my biological waste receptacle. He's doing a decent job. Tears are flowing from his eyes as he continues to gag and retch from my bitter urine.

Then I finish, the last drops fall out of my cock and onto his tongue.

"Lick it good and clean, slaveboy."

His tongue goes to work washing my cock. He licks all around the head and the shaft in his mouth and then probes my piss slit. Once I am satisfied I pull it out and pet him on his blonde hair. "Good little slut, have you ever drank a man's piss before?"

He coughs, "No, Sir never."

"Do you have to piss, slave."

He nods, "Yes, Sir"

"Well then," I pick up his little cock and point it at his belly, "Start pissing, pig."

He starts slowly, then as the feeling overcomes him he lets go, a fountain of hot yellow piss flows out of his boy cock and all over his stomach.

I aim it all over him, up to his chest covering both nipples and across his folded legs. The boy reeks of urine. He peters out and I let go of his cock.

"You stay here to stew in your own juices for a while." And I take a towel and wind it up and then around his head covering up his eyes and knot it in the back.

"You move a muscle when I return you'll regret it."

"Yes, master I won't move, sir."

I go out of the room turning off the light and closing the door. I think about ten, fifteen minutes to marinade will work out just fine. Teach the slave his rightful place.

I pour the contents of my equipment bag out on to the bed and take a look. Ropes, two lengths of chain, four sets of handcuffs, sets of leather ankle and wrist restraints, nipple clamps, a couple kinds of gags, and a few blindfolds. A black leather case with long thin needles on one side and sounds of several sizes on the other. There is also a large dildo and various sizes butt plugs, and two paddles, one solid wood with holes drilled and another one of leather, a whip and some miscellaneous little torture devices and toys.

I packed all this in case I got to test drive my new slaveboy pick at the slave farm and of course I need several ways to securely transport the slave back to my home in the Coastal.

I think the slave has stewed long enough so I go back to the shower I quickly remove the towel from his head and turn on the shower full-blast cold. He's a little off center of the stream so I push him under it. I would expect most boys to scream at the cold water hitting their skin, but not his well trained slave. He just draws in quick breath between his teeth making a small hissing sound. I let him freeze for about three minutes. This bores me but I won't have a piss covered boy in my bed.

I drag him out of the tub by his collar, of course he strangles a little but no real harm is done. I pick him up bodily and carry him to the bed and toss him among the restraints and torture devices.

"Ready for some real fun, kid?"

"Sir I am yours to do with as you please. My body is here for you enjoyment."

"You're well trained, how long have you been slavemeat?"

"Several years Sir, I don't know for sure."

I begin to untie his wrists and ankles and lay him on his back in the center of the bed.

"How did you become a slave?"

"I was taken from my family during a Nomac raid of our village. And sold to mistress here at the hotel."

I pull his arm to the corner of the bed post and tie it securely in place.

"And you've been here ever since?"

"Yes Sir I have."

I pull his ankle to the foot post and tie it off tight.

"Do you like being a slave?"

"I have no choice sir, I am a slave."

I pull his other ankle to the other post and pull it tight, his tied arms stretches taught.

Then up to his free arm and pull it tight. He's as tight as a bow string now and the tightness of his spread eagle bondage has exposed his ribs under his skin. He's clearly uncomfortable. Good. Now my fun can begin.

"I wanna hear you scream, boy." I give him an evil smile and pick up one of the long thin needles from the bed.

I take the needle and touch the tip to the edge of his areola and start to slowly push it into his skin. The kid goes even more rigid and shuts his eyes tight as the pain hits him.

I keep the pressure constant.

"Come on kid scream for me."

The needle is about half way under his full nipple and I can see it moving under his skin and it reaches to the other edge of his areola.

The tip is just under his nip bud now and then he can fight it no more.

"ARRRRRRGGGHHHH! STOP PLEASE! IT HURTS! AHHHHHHH!" he screams bloody murder in his little-boy high-pitched voice. Music to my sadist's ears.


Just then it pops out of the other side. The point again exposed to the fresh air after making its trip through the kid's nipple meat.

I place my hand on his chest. His breathing is hard and fast as he tries to overcome the pain, his heart is beating a mile a minute.

"Relax, kiddo. That was wonderful."

He calms down after about five minutes and I pull his head by his chin to look me in the eye.

"You okay now, slave."

"Yes, sir." He pants out.

"Good news, slaveboy. You've got another nipple and I've got another needle. Here we go."

This time he starts begging and screaming for me to not do it again before I even touch his skin with the sharpened point.

I decide this one will be inserted differently so he doesn't know what to expect. I pinch the skin just in front of the tip and jab it in quick and hard and push it through his skin as fast as the point will borrow beneath his flesh.

Again he screams like a banshee and is in such shock and pain he can't form coherent words and just screams and screams. I get this one through his skin and out the otherside in record time. He can feel the pressure from the moving needle has stopped and his screams fade away to moans and sobbing. He's crying, tears are coming from his eyes, his nose is running and he's literally blubbering like a baby boy.

I pick up a thin piece of twine from my selections of ropes. I tie one end to his right nip, around the needle and pull it tight across his chest and tie it tight to his left nipple under that needle. I jerk it tight putting constant tension on his pierced and suffering nips.

"Deep breaths slave, keep breathing." I warn him. I have no desire to have him pass out from the pain. What fun would that be?

I go down to his feet and begin rubbing his soles. He moans as I gently massage his arches and the balls of his barefeet. I take each little soft toe in turn and gently twist it back and forth, kneading it up and down with two fingers. He actually coos a little at the gentle touches. As I work on his right foot I reach over with my free hand and pick up a clothespin.

I have his second toe in my finger and I work it over. I let it go and snap the clothespin on it as quick as I can. The shock from a good gentle feeling to the increasing pain caused by the pressure is too much for him and he screams again. This time his voice breaks mid-bellow. I think he's starting to go horse. And he's got nine more toes to clip.

I take my time with each one, gently massaging it then clipping a pin on to it. I let the pain of each toe sink in and increase before I move onto the next toe. I also don't do them in order, jumping back and forth from foot to foot and picking toes at random.

Between his speared nipples and clamped toes his brain is getting nothing but pain signals overloading it. He's crying, his chest is racked with heaving sobs, which causes more pain to shoot across his chest as the nipples pull against each other. And he's uncontrollably begging for the pain to please stop.

I go to his midsection and rub his smooth belly. I tickle his belly button as I continue to pet his piss filled tummy. I reach up and wipe the tears from his eyes and cheeks.

"Shhh, little one. You're fine. You're doing so well."

He quiets a bit at my tenderness on his tummy but is still obviously in a lot of pain.

I go a little lower with my hand and grab his cock and start to stroke it. Like most boys his age he gets hard instantly. The pain and the pleasure is too much for him handle and he's rock hard and throbbing.

I clamp my hand tightly over his mouth and nose, blocking all air from entering his lungs. I devour his cock into my mouth. I suck it hard and deep. The second time I take him in fully – I bite down on it at its base and chew, just a bit. He screams violently into my hand. I shake his cock now held between my teeth. He tries to break his head free of my hand and get some much needed air.

Then I let go with my mouth and raise my head up and licking and sucking the tip. Then suck his little slave cock back into my mouth. This time I do not bite down but race around his hard shaft with my tongue. Now he moans in pleasure and in pain. His brain is a confusion of the two. He wants it to stop but can't deny himself the pleasure he is experiencing. I quickly move my hand and he sucks in a deep breath and I clamp shut again smothering him as I suck.

I give him a proper blowjob. The slave kid twitches as he fights to take in air around my hand. But my seal around his mouth and nose is complete. I won't let him breath until after he cums. I can only imagine his eyes are filled with panic.

Quickly, like all preteen boys he shoots. I take his preteen seed into my mouth and hold it there. I release the hold I have over his mouth and clamp my lips to his. Without thinking he opens his mouth to accept my tongue and I push his own cum into his mouth as we tongue wrestle.

I leave him tied up as he is and take the whip in my hand and begin to work on his stomach, cock and thighs, over and over with it. Just hard enough to sting and leave nice stripes across his smooth skin.

A sheen of sweat covers his whole body as I whip him for the next twenty or so minutes. Kid must be used to this treatment he's too quiet. I drop the whip on the bed and pick up my crop and begin to slap the soles of his feet with it over and over. This gets his attention once again and he begins to scream and beg for mercy again.

"Two more, slave, one on each foot." And I totally let lose on the balls of his feet with all the force I can muster. The second hit is too much for him and his passes out from the intense pain shooting up into his body from the ball of his left foot.

A quick whiff of smelling salts and he's awake again. Then I take the clothes pins off his toes, one by one, sending new waves of pain through his body. I give him a few minutes to recover and refocus from that indignity. Then I untie the twine connecting his nips.

"Time to take out the needles, this is gunna hurt slave."

Tears are already forming in his eyes as he recalls the pain from the beginning of our session.

I take hold of the right needle and yank it out fast and quick.

He pulls on all four ropes with all his might and I swear lifts his whole body from the bed.

He collapses back in the heap and I take the second needle. I liked his reaction so much I yank the other out just as fast. Same scream and tensing and thrashing about within his bondage followed by the collapse.

"All done kiddo. Now just lay still." And I begin to untie him from his spread eagle. And clean off the bed of the other bondage implements.

I pull his wrists to his ankles, this time in front of him, and secure them together with the leather restraints. I lay him on his side on the far side of the bed and crawl in next to him. I turn him so his back faces away from me and slowly and gently insert my lubed cock into his ass.

He moans and coos as I enter his tight hot hole. "You like it?"

"Oh yes Sir, please fuck me!" he begs.

"You got it," And I push in balls deep and slowly withdraw.

For the next thirty or so minutes I slowly and lovingly fuck my torture slave. He's well trained in anal service and uses his ass to massage my cock deep inside him.

I cum and coat his insides with my seed. I pull him close to me, his warm back against my chest. I leave my cock to deflate in him as we both drift off to sleep.

Chapter 7

I could tell by the gray light seeping in around the curtains that dawn is breaking outside this little hotel in the middle of nowhere. I am still holding and spooning the blond slave I had so unmercifully tortured last night. He is still sound asleep.

I reach down to find one of the paddles I had tossed on the floor last night, my searching fingers find it and I lift it onto the bed with me and the slave. I take in the smell of his hair and the softness of his skin on my hand and against my body. The slave's long blonde, straight and silky hair has fallen down across his face. I just lay there and watch him for a few minutes.

Time to wake him up. I move back from the sleeping slave, take the paddle in my hand and aim it directly at his totally exposed ass. Take a nice back swing and let loose.

Swing and a SMACK!

The kid's legs try to fly straight out – but being bound to his wrists he only manages to violently jerk his arms. The combination of the smack to his ass cheeks and the pain he's just caused himself, of course, make him issue a loud scream.

"Morning, slave." I am up on my elbow looking down on him.

He turns his head, hair still covering most of his face. "Mo 3; Morning, Sir."

Damn they train their slaves well here. "Time for my morning cum and you're the dumpster."

I roll the kid over onto his back. The soles of his feet are flat on the bed with his legs bent and his arms straight down at his sides

"Spread those legs wide open," I order.

I then position myself at his head so I am facing his legs and insert my morning wood into his waiting mouth.

Instantly his tongue goes to work licking and massaging my cock to even greater hardness. I begin to work my hips up and down and my cock goes in and out of his warm, wet slave mouth.

After a few minutes of this gentle playing around I rip into his mouth and really begin to face fuck the slave bound under me. He tongue is working its magic on my rapidly moving cock.

It doesn't take long. The sight of this boy under me; the wide open access to his cock and balls that bounce around as he and I bounce up and down on the bed in time with my fucking his face. And the memory of his torture at my hands last night push me over the edge.

Just as I am ready to shoot I pull out and give the kid a massive facial with my cum. In his eyes, over his cheeks and across his soft, pink lips. It takes a moment but I finally come down from my cum high.

I take my middle finger and scoop up my jiz and start feeding the boy. One finger at a time loaded with my spunk goes into his mouth, which he dutifully licks clean each time. I have no idea how long it took but I finally feed him the last of my cum.

He looks up at me and smiles, "Thank you, Sir." And licks his lips.

I playfully slap his exposed cock and balls, "You're welcome, slave."

Without another word I get off the bed and go take a shower.

When I reenter the room the kid hasn't moved a twitch. I did say he could so he hasn't.

I push the kid over onto his side once more and take his left ankle in my hand and examine the bottom of his foot. There it is. A round shaped black and blue bruise from my crop last night.

I press a finger into the middle of the mark, "Does this hurt?"

"YeeEEEss, Sir!" he cries out getting louder as I increase the pressure.

I drop that foot and pull the other out from underneath him and take a look, not quite as prominent but it also has a bruise on it.

"Gunna hurt to walk around for a while, slut. Hope your mistress has a soft spot for injured slaves." I laugh. I actually don't care; in fact I'd love to think of him having to walk around on nothing but gravel for the next week.

I'd love to keep playing with the kid, but I'm on a schedule so I need to pack up and get out the door. I leave the kid lying on his side as I clean up the equipment and my clothes.

As I drop the bags off in the lobby with Sherpa I ask the owner for a length of rope, very long I tell her. She informs me that it will be sent up to my room right away.

I sit down on the bed and pet the slave as I wait. He's still bound wrists to ankles with my leather restraints. Something I do not wish to leave behind but I want to leave this slave tied up in the room after I leave. Presently a little slaveboy, no older and five, knocks on the door and enters with the rope. I send him on his way with a light swat to his ass and the naked little tike quickly pads away after seeing his fellow slave's red ass and him lying bound on the bed.

I cut the ropes into four lengths two long, and two short with my pocket knife.

I undo the leather cuffs and order the slave onto his front laying face down. I tightly tie his ankles together and a quick couple of loops tied around his big toes for good measure. I roughly pull his hands behind his back and cross them at the wrists and tie them off with an extra yank. He grunts.

Then I take the one shorter rope and loop it around and through his bound ankles and wrists and pull with all my might until his palms are literally touching his bare heels. The kid looks like a taught bow. I take the last piece of rope and insert it between his lips and teeth and pull it as hard as I dare. I knot it behind his head and take the ends and return them back around the front of his mouth and tie a knot directly I over his oral cavoty and as I set the knot in place I make sure it seats itself deep inside.

"There you go cutie-pie, all wrapped up like a neat little package." I joke and ruffle his hair. Damn but he is cute. I'd think about making an offer to buy him but he's too broken and I want the fun of breaking a slave to my will, my way. I don't want another's training messing things up.

I pick up the leather cuffs and head out of the room locking the door as I go. I turn in my key; pay the bill for the slave rental and the storage of the little one; and wait on the over-stuffed couch in the lobby for the return of my slave property from the storage facility in the basement.

The same slave I assigned to watch his locker last night carries him up the stairs and out in the lobby. My slave's hair is a mess, he's been crying, a lot, obviously and still shaking in the teen slave's arms. He sees me and immediately starts apologizing. "I am so sorry, I'll never do it again, I'll be a good boy, I promise, please believe me, I'll be good." He's babbling

The slave stands before me with my pleading slave. I place my hand over his little mouth look him directly in the eyes and tell him, "It's over little one, it's done. You've been punished. Now let's get in the truck and get going."

"Take him out and put him in the passenger seat," I tell the older slave.

"I hope you enjoyed your stay with us and all our special amenities," the owner says as she shakes my hand.

"Very much so, you've got a mighty fine establishment here. As for the entertainment, its still in my room, secured. I suggest you leave him there for a while.'

"Oh really, well that room isn't reserved for the night so there's no rush to get it clean." She smiles wickedly.

"It's up to you how you handle your slaves, but he's got very sore feet from my attentions last night. Not that he deserves any punishment, he was very well behaved and pleasing. But if you want him to remember the night you might make him doing lots of chores on his feet. Maybe outside on rough ground."

"I see, sir. Well – the parking area does need to be cleaned, weeded and re-groomed with the rake. It's about a two day project for one slaveboy to perform."

"Very good."

The teenage slave returns and takes his place kneeling next to the front desk.

"Its time for me to go, goodbye."

Out in the truck Sherpa already has the motor running the slave is sitting quietly. I hop in pressing the slave beside me rather than on my lap.

"Everything kosher, dude?" I ask Sherpa.

"Tippy-top," he replies.

"Let's do it," And we pull out heading toward the slave farm. "How long do you think?"

"Shouldn't be more then five, six-ish hours."

"Cool, late afternoon. Nice."

"Any thoughts on the desty-nee of this lil' thing?" he nods toward the slave.

"I don't know really. Once I have purchased my new slave we might not have room for him in the truck here. Maybe just stake him out on the side of the road all tied up and hope someone finds him before he roasts under the desert sun," I wink to Sherpa.

The little slave instantly breaks down into tears. I'm such an evil tease.

Chapter 8

It's an uneventful morning drive and the miles pass by in relative silence. The motor just drones out its one long single note. We can't even get any radio broadcasts out here.

The dust from the road has died down a little so I open the window and let in some fresh air. The little slave lifts his head and sniffs at the cooler breeze blowing around the truck. I pull him up onto my lap with his head leaning toward the window and his barefeet toward the driver. His knees are bent and I pull them to rest against my chest.

"Lets have a good look at you."

His ankles have been bound since that first night when he came into my room and his hands have been bound in one way or the other for just as long. I finger probe his ankles around and under the ropes. He has deep rope marks and a little redness but nothing serious.

I pinch his little toe and he jumps. I then tickle the inside arch of his other foot and he pulls it back instinctively and lets a little giggle escape his lips. Just checking to make sure he still has feeling in his feet and the ropes aren't dangerously tight.

I then look at his wrists for damage. I feel his hands and fingers; all warm and pink. No loss of circulation in these limbs either.

I stroke the side of his face with the back of my hand. He closes his eyes and leans into the tender touching. His skin is so soft and so warm. The puffiness around his eyes from crying has disappeared and I can see just how cute the little bugger is. Too bad he's not a natural blonde and his eyes are brown. But both things can easily be changed.

The contacts he has in right now are ones I developed for people back in the Coast who wanted to change eye colors, and then I modified several sets so they go totally black rendering the wearer blind. Don't get me wrong I like a slaveboy with a blindfold on too, but this way I can take him out in public and people will just think his naturally blind and he can't learn anything about his surroundings and try to escape.

"Open your mouth, kiddo."

He does, a little bit.


I take a good look, for an abused kid he's got decent teeth, a little on the yellow side, also easily fixable, but straight and none missing. I stick my finger in and feel around. His tongue is warm and wet, but totally smooth as are his cheeks. I feel no sores or anything out of the ordinary.

I put my finger right on his tongue. "Suck it, slave."

He closes his mouth and begins to suck my tongue like a baby suckling a bottle.

I start to pull my finger out, I rub the wet tip across his lips and push back in. He closes his eyes again and loses himself in the moment. He has sucked cock before, but not many. He's too inexperienced but seems willing to please and is doing his best. A good cocksucker is a mix of natural ability and learning by doing. I think he just needs more learning.

After a few minutes I pull out and run my wet finger down his chin and down his chest to his cock, which I grab.

"Now I'm gunna ask you a few questions and if I even think you're lying to me this gets hurt," I wiggle his cock in my fist, "understand?"

"Yes, master."

"Can you read and write?"

"Only a little bit."

I squeeze but not too hard. "Only a little bit, master. Don't for get who you're talking to, slaveboy."

"Sorry, master."

"Did your former father touch you in the ways other men who used you did?"

"No, master."

"Did he touch your sister like that?"

"Yes, master."

"But he would lock you away?"

"Yes, master."

"If I hadn't rented you that night would you have been locked up?"

"Yeah I would've, master."

"Tell me about it."

He swallows hard and then begins as I gently increased the pressure on his cock.

"Sometimes when there was no one stayin' at the house he had no uses for me. He'd put down in the basement and in this little room and lock the door. It was all dirty an' smelly inside an' had a bunch o' bugs in there. There was no window and I had to pee and go poo in a old bucket.

"He'd leave me in there like that for like forever. I got no food most'a the time neither. And when he did let me out I was all dirty and smelled real bad, he'd take me out in barn and hose me off with real cold water."

A couple tears ran down his cheeks and I made him drag up painful memories.

But it proved the point I was right when I thought the kid was starved for attention. I had my hand flat on his chest right between his nipples and gently rubbed around in small circles.

"But that's all over now, slave. Now you're mine. Understand, your old life is over now."

"Yes, master."

"Aren't you glad that I bought you and took you away from the mean man?"

"Uhm, yes master." I could see he was unsure on how to answer me on that one. I'm not really sure if he believed that one himself quite yet.

"Good boy," I patted his chest.

After a few more moments of silence he turned his head toward me and dared to ask a question.

"Master, uhm, ah 3; you won't really leave me tied up in the desert to die would you, please don't master I'll do what you want, I'll be good, I promise I will, master."

"We'll see, boy. It's not your place to think about the future anymore. You just concentrate on what's happening to you right now and what I tell you to do. You just keep being a good slave for me and I'll decided what happens."

"Yy 3; yes, ma 3; master."

I tweaked his little nipple getting him to refocus.

"Do you have anything I should know about? Sicknesses, can't eat anything special, stuff like that?"

"No, master."


"Not really, master, but I am kinda thirsty." He eyes the open water bottle by his feet.

I laugh and grab the water bottle from the center console and tip some warm water into his mouth, just a few simple mouthfuls.

"Thank you, master," he smiles for the first time on his own.

"You just relax now, slave. Put your head out the window, feel the wind blow your hair around."

"You're such a softy, boss, you're falling for the ankle biter me thinks." The Sherpa said.

"Just drive."

"Sorreee for pointin' out the truth," he fakes his indignation at my brushing him off.

"Alright, slave one more thing I wanna see. I wanna see you cum for me. Grab your cock, get it hard and make it shoot your white stuff." I order.

He grabs his little cock with his bound hands. His little fingers interweave themselves together and he begins to move up and down the little member. It goes instantly hard.

He's got no hair at all on his cock and balls, none on his legs and only a light covering on his arms. Of course his chest and pits are totally smooth. The kid is like most his age, he just wants the feeling of climax, he rapidly flies up and down his cock with one goal in mind. Cumming.

He tilts his head back, his lips part a little and he sticks his tongue out like kids do mindlessly when they are concentrating on something.

He closes his eyes and moans.

"Are you almost ready to shoot?" I ask.

"Yesssss, master."

"Do it, do it now slave, cum for your master, do it, come on baby make that cock squirt. Now!" I egg him on.

"Ahhhhrg!" he cries out as he does just that. A couple little thick pearl-white gobs of cum shoot out his piss slit. They land back on his hands. I'd expect a boy his true age to be able to shoot at least half way up his chest but this little thing is so undersized and underdeveloped he's lucky he can even cum at all.

"Let go of that cock now boy, that's my property." All the cum is indeed on his fingers. "Lick your hands clean, slut."

He crinkles up his nose at the thought but doesn't hesitate to do it. I guess he meant it when he promised me to be a good boy.

He sucks his last finger clean.

"Pull over a minute," I tell the Sherpa.

"Why for?"

"I just wanna give the little slave a present." I wink to him.

I push the kid back over to the inside side of the passenger seat and hop out and go back to my bag of goodies.

Back at the open passenger door I grab the slave and pull him toward me turning him to face me with his legs dangling out of the truck. I put a hand on each knee and spread his legs to the point of pain.

"Keep your legs there."

I reach into my pocket and pull out a little clear plastic pod. I pop it open into two halves. The back half has an opening with an adjustable iris-like closure. I slip his cock and balls through the opening and slide the iris closed around the base. Just when I think it's tight enough I go two more clicks.

The slaveboy whimpers.

"Are you feeling any pinching at all?"

"No master, but it's really tight."

"It's supposed to be tight you silly slaveboy."

Then I take the other half, a dome of solid plastic and line it up with the half secured to his cock and balls and it snaps shut. The plastic seam effectively disappears as the nanobot locks engage and seal him off. There are three little holes in the bottom to allow his piss to come out and the iris is self-adjusting to him as his balls shrink and swell with temperature. They will even engage and begin to quickly tighten if there is lateral pressure to them from inside signaling that someone is trying to pull the device off by force. I can even set it to cleanly slice his cock and balls off if there is unauthorized tampering, if I so desire. Nanobots attached to the dome will keep the inside clean and free from infection and perform the same function for his cock and balls. They will remove and sanitize any germs, sweat and urine that might cause him skin irritation.

"There we go, all locked up tight. No more rubbing your cock hard and no more cums for you," I ruffle his short brown hair.

He looks totally confused but also very curious about the device.

"Go ahead feel it, rub it, you can't get any access."

"But master what happens when I have to go pee?"

"There are holes on the bottom," I help his fingers find the openings, "just there feel 'em?"

"Yeah, master."

I pick him back up and get back in the truck with him on my lap as before. He tilts his head back out the window and closes his eyes just enjoying the wind through his hair. I put my left hand on his bound feet and just pet them and his toes. Every so often I reach around and tickle his soft little soles getting him to giggle.

Chapter 9

Eventually the little brown haired and bound up slaveboy in my lap fell asleep. I guess he didn't get much sleep last night in the storage locker. His head bounced back and forth and the truck bounded along the rough track. His brown hair is being blown around by the wind. I reach into my pocket and push the little controller box button and turn on the contacts. When he wakes up he will be totally blind once again.

"Here we be, bossman," Sherpa finally breaks his silence, "just over this ridge and you'll be able to see the farm."


Just as the truck crests the next ridge the farm comes into view on the valley floor below. Its is a vast, open field and in the center lie several, low-slung buildings surrounded by a fence. We're in the middle of the desert there is little vegetation and the ground is mostly the color brown.

"Wait, what the hell is that?" I ask pointing to two long straight lines. They appear to be two broken roads next to the building complex.

"Runways. Used to be an ol' air landing strip. Military type place from back in the day b'fore the fall."

"You're kidding me?"

"Nope, sir. About 'hundred years ago this was called Dreamland. Now they kept themselves the name and it's known as Dreamland Ranch. But they be ranching slave kids these days."

We get to the front gates, which is guarded by two military garb dressed adults with very noticeable rifles.

"Buying, selling or trading?" one of them asks Sherpa.

"Buying." He replies.

"Welcome to Dreamland Ranch, gentlemen. Pull up to the central building."

And we're waved through the security gate.

Gazing off to the right I see that those long abandoned runways are being put to use. About half way down one runway I can see a bunch of kids chained together in a line. They are being driven, herded might be more accurate by three adults on little motorized four wheelers. Exercising the stock I guess, or punishment.

The main building is nothing special, very utilitarian and plain. There is a single glass door as the main entrance.

"Better leave him here," Sherpa advises.

I leave him on the front seat, still asleep and pull the seatbelt across him. This wake him up and after the confusion of being blinded yet again passes I tell him to wait silently and not move. He nods his understanding.

Sherpa waits along side the truck and I go inside the main building alone.

Inside it doesn't change. The place is dingy and plain. The floor is old tile, the chairs are utilitarian and wooden and the heat is almost oppressive. The walls are cement block and brick with peeling paint. The place isn't filthy, but certainly not what I would call clean. It's just a level above rundown.

Along the walls are lots of children with their wrists crossed and bound above their heads and attached by those bound wrists to solid metal rings embedded into the hard walls. I guess this is the showroom. They do have the kids divided up by gender. Boys are on the left and the girls to the right.

A man sits at what I assume serves as the place's front desk. Needs a shave but otherwise clean and dressed very casually; in a short sleeve collared shirt and tan cotton pants.

I don't bother to count the boys but there are plenty, all ages, sizes, races and looks. All the children are standing up with their hands above them, all of them gagged with various gags, and all their ankles tied or chained or in shackles. Of course they are all totally naked.

There are teenagers and some pre-teens all along the walls. There are even several toddlers here, boys that can't be more then three or four years old bound and gagged in the same harsh manner as the oldest teenagers on display. Being young is no excuse for special treatment or mercy.

"Take a look around, I'll be here to help you when you make a decision," the man behind the desk calls out to me.

"Thanks," I reply.

I walk over to one of the toddlers, my shoes echo on the hard floor surface, he's a little round headed boy with brownish-red hair and blue eyes. He is very cute but not what I am looking for. I lift his head up with two fingers and I can see the fear in his eyes. I don't think I have ever seen a boy so young with a gag tight in his mouth.

"He's a newbie, just got delivered a few days ago. His sister of on the other side of the room if you're interesting in a pair," The man calls out.

"Nah, only want slaves with cocks on 'em. Got any younger ones?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

"I've got boys as young as six, eight months, we keep 'em in the nursery I can take you over there if you're interested."

"Nursery you say?" I call back still staring into the toddler's eyes.

"Yeah, we don't bring out here for display until they get to about eighteen months. They gotta be able to stand up."

"And how old is this item?"

"Him, he's about two and a half, maybe three, his sister is four."

"He adorable but I am looking for something a little older."

I let go of his head and his chin drops to his chest.

I walk down the line of bound boys along the wall. I grab several of the boys' little cocks as I walk by and give them a hard yank getting a yelp out of each one as I pass.

Then I find my first slave of interest. A blonde of about age ten. I see that couple boys over from him another one about age twelve or thirteen.

I stand in front of the younger blonde and yank his cock a few times. He gets hard very fast and moans behind his bright red ball gag. He has light blue eyes and around the gag, rosy lips. A few freckles sprinkled across his face and just under his eyes. A button nose and small ears complete his little round head. His has a very flat chest and a little inny belly button; slim hips and a small little prepubescent cock and balls. Slim but shapely legs and just past the rough ropes tying his ankles together are small and what I can only guess are soft feet and little toes.

Despite the dilapidated state of the surroundings I notice he as well as all the boys are all very clean, well groomed and smell fresh.

I pinch the boy's nipples and he screws his face up in pain and groans. "How long this one been here?"

"Him, let me see, about two weeks now."

"Any training?"

"Nope, we don't train any of the items, just teach 'em to do as they're told and stay quiet. Other than that most are blanks, some others have a little training by their old owners."

"I want a blank." I call back.

"That boy is a blank, came from Nomac's who got him from the north by the big lakes. They still grow 'em blonde and cute up those parts."

"What about this boy?" I ask as I walk front of the older blonde on the wall.

"Ah, he's a real newbie, only came in two days ago, different band of Nomacs. Don't know where he come from, but that tan he's sporting says someplace warm and sunny."

He does have a lovely all-over tan, all except an area where he must have worn a loincloth like covering. He has a cherubic face and being in the sun has given him even more freckles then the littler boy. He looks me right in the eyes, defiant, willfull. But his eyes are actually green. Just what I was hoping for, but I don't let my desires show, that would drive up the price.

He has a strong chest and well-toned arms, a flat stomach with just the faintest hint of a six pack and that sexy V shape around his hips leading to his package. Well hung for a kid with no crotch hair.

"Do you shave the merchandise?"


So he's not yet sprouted and his pits are smooth too. I reach behind and feel his ass, soft yet firm and round. Warm mounds of boy flesh. I slip a finger between his crack and feel my way to his rosebud. I place my fingertip right at its entrance. He arches his body away from the wall in an effort to avoid my probing touch. He's up in his tiptoes, he's reached his limit and the very tip of my finger feels his boy cunt wink and let me in, just a bit. The kid's a virgin that's for sure.

"I wanna try these two out before I buy," I shout.

Both boys get a very scarred look in their eyes. The man gets up from his chair and comes over to me. "Head to room four and I'll unlock the items and bring 'em to you."


Chapter 10

In room four there are more wall rings for securing slaves, an exam table, a chain from the ceiling with rings at its end in the center of the room; and large amounts of ropes, a couple whips and a few paddles. Everything you need to test-drive a slave.

The man enters with both boys, their hands secured behind them, the younger kid's feet are free but the older one's are shackled with a hobble chain.

Both gags remain in place and he's added a collar around each boy's neck.

"Rules are no ass fucking, not till you purchase. Fingers ok, fuck their faces if you have to get off. Other than that, remember you don't own either one yet so no permanent marks, cuts or damage. You break it you buy it. When you're done just shout for me, my name's Frank. Enjoy yourself!"

"Kneel!" I order the two slaves.

The younger boy immediately follows orders, the older one stands there. "I said kneel, slave," and I back hand him across the face.

"Do yourself a favor, you're going do it anyway, why not avoid the unnecessary pain."

The younger boy has his head bowed and is shaking a little bit.

The older slave thinks about it, I reach for the paddle.

He shuffles his feet in the chains and begins to lower himself. Defiant, but not an idiot this boy.

I let him get down on his knees next to the smaller boy. I go behind them both. They both have incredible asses. I swing the paddle and slam it into the defiant ass.

He screams out around the bit gag between his teeth.

I lean over into his ear and whisper, "Next time don't make me repeat myself."

He nods vigorously.

I give him nine more swats to the ass. Nice and red and hot by the time I lay the paddle down again.

"I am going too remove the gags and I don't want to hear a single word out of either of you."

They both nod.

I put my hand on the top of the younger boy's head and say, "You're number one."

I move my hand to the older boy and say, "You're number two."

"Number one spread your knees apart as far as you can."

He awkwardly bounces back and forth.

"Number two lay down on your back with your head between number one's legs."

I raise the paddle as a warning but he quickly gets into position as best he can – that is with his hands bound behind him and his feet hobbled.

"Number one lower your balls into number two's mouth. Number two open up and suck those balls in."

I tap number one's balls with the paddle lightly just as warning. He opens and the little skin sack slides neatly in place.

Number one goes hard and his little cock is pointing straight out and over the chin of the older boy.

I have already decided to buy the older slave, but I don't want Frank to know that.

I figure I might as well get some enjoyment out of having the boys put on a little sex show for me.

I grab the collar of number one and begin to bend him over so he will lying on top of the older boy.

"Number two, do not let go of number one's balls."

I get the little slave into position and hold him by the neck. He's so light he's not choking.

"Number one suck up number two's cock into your mouth and suck him off."

The little guy does just that, he might not have any training but he can follow directions. Either he's smart or he's a natural submissive, or both.

I push down on the top slave's butt with my foot, jamming his balls farther into the other slave's mouth and limiting his breathing. I make the little guy grind his hips rubbing his nail hard cock against the other slave's face.

"Better cum fast number two, I won't move him out of the way of your nose until you do."

Number two begins to raise and lower his hips off the floor pumping into the little mouth sucking away at his cock.

As number one grinds forward number two takes the chance to breathe and I hear him sucking air through his nose quickly each time it's free of number one's flesh.

After a few minutes number one shakes violently. Obviously a dry cum had racked his body. He goes right back to sucking the cock before him. A few moments later number two cries out and arches his back shooting his little bit of cum into the younger boy's mouth.

I react quickly, "Number one spit that cum back out all over that cock!" I order.

Number two's cock is covered in little boy spit and his own cum.

"All right boys back up on your knees, and take a hold of both their collars, one slave on each hand and pull them up."

I place one in front of me and one behind, my cock pointing toward the older slave and my ass to the younger.

"Number two, you are going to suck my cock and if I feel any teeth 3;" I slap the paddle against my open palm. He just nods with fear in his eyes.

"Number one, bury your face in my ass and begin licking my hole."

I can almost hear the boy gulp with fear and trepidation.

Oh yeah the warm wet mouth of a young boy, nothing like it. So small so tight, you can feel his tongue and his cheeks all at the same time. My cockhead is tickled by the roof of his mouth and my glands hit his throat's entrance repeatedly.

The little guy is totally inexperienced but giving it a good try. He's doing his best to find and lick my ass, all his fumbling feels nice though and his soft hair feels great against my ass cheeks. The warm air coming from his mouth and nose as he breathes is wonderful brushing across my anus.

I grab the slave in front by his long blonde hair and begin pulling him toward me then back away and toward me, back and forth over and over.

"Tighten your lips around my cock, slave."

He's got the idea now.

"Number two, when you feel my cum enter your mouth, do not swallow just hold it in your mouth."

I pump his face for all its worth and shoot cum into his mouth.

"Arrghawwww," I cry out and shoot my wad into is waiting mouth. "Hold it there, slut."

I move to the side and pull the two slaves together and put their lips against each other.

"Kiss slaves and number two, push my cum into number one's mouth."

The both get looks of disgust on their faces as they open their mouths to feel each other's tongues.

I let them go after they French kiss each other for about two minutes. Quite hot seeing to bound slaveboys kissing each other.

Each slave has a little dribble of my cum dripping from the corner of their hot little mouths.

I pick up number one and stand him on his feet. "Well I don't know if I should say sorry or congratulations slaveboy, but I'm not gunna purchase you," I inform him.

I put the gag back in and sit him up on the exam table and take one of the ropes and bind his ankles together and tie a length between the chain and his bound ankles. I engage the hoist and lift him off the table so he's swinging free by his ankles from the ceiling.

I then pick up the other slaveboy from his knees and put his gag back in, "You, slave, you I am going to buy."

I give him an evil smile and a wink and an open-handed slap on the ass.

"Let's go negotiate a price for your ass."

Chapter 11

"Frank, I'll take this slave here, what's the price?" I take the slave to the front desk dragging him along by his collar. I love the sound of his chains as he shuffles his barefeet on the hard tile floor.

Frank just takes a quick glance up and down the boy, sees his dry cum on his face and cock and balls and smiles.

"This one, he's going for forty."

"Forty!" I act surprised knowing full well that's not the real price. It's a starting point of bargaining. "Forty for this piece of inexperienced boy cunt."

"Ah, you say inexperienced – I say virgin." Frank counters.

"I'll give you twenty-seven for it." I shake the kid a little by his collar.

"There's no way I can take such a low amount for this. Maybe one of them toddler things you looked at first but not a slave in his prime." He looked at the boy again. I let him stew a moment remaining silent until he spoke up with a new amount, "Thirty-five."

"Hmm," I run my hand through the slave's long blonde hair as I think, "Thirty."

"Thirty-two and you can keep the gag, collar and ankle shackles it's wearing."

I look the boy over from head to toe once more giving Frank a moment to ponder if I am accepting his offer. "All-righty Frank, my man, deal."

I smile and stick out my hand; he grabs a hold of it and we shake. Even in the Scrubs that means done deal and honor between men.

I take a hand full of the slave's long hair around the back and turn his face to look directly at me. "Good news kid, you're all mine now."

"Frank follow me out to the truck and I'll get your payment."

I push the slave in front of me with my fingers holding tight around his collar from behind. Frank and I walk side by side.

"Fine piece of slave meat you bought yourself there," he compliments me on my purchase.

"Thanks, he's acceptable. Let me ask you this, Frank. Those toddlers you got and the younger ones. Where do you get 'em, you breeding here?"

He laughs, "Most of them come to us from their parents. See out here the only asset most gots is their kids. Women get preggers, pop out a kid and bring 'em right here to sell. Others come from Nomac raids. See Nomacs know business, they get the item but know it costs to feed and water 'em, they don't like to keep slaves longer then they have ta. But if we're real lucky one of the female cunts we buy is already pregnant. We just put her up for sale after she pops and then put the kid up about eighteen months later."

"Seems like a lot of work – running a slave nursery." I mention.

"It's just a business. Besides got some older nurse slaves, they do all the work."

"Well here ya go, Frank, your fee," I say as I hand it over to him. He quickly counts it; smiles and we shake hands again.

Frank then notices the little slave bound in the front seat. "Wanna sell that?" he nods toward the boy. "Give you a good price. I have that empty spot on the wall just waiting to be filled up."

"How much?"

"Nineteen." He offers.

"Hmm, not bad. Twenty-three," I counter.

"Twenty," he raises his offer.

"Best you can do?" I ask.

He nods.

"Thanks, but no – I think I'll keep it for a while yet."

"That's your right, nothing like two young slaves for some fun!"

"Got that right, and oh and I left the other test-drive in the room." I inform him.

"Yeah I saw that on the camera, nice touch inverting it like that."

"You were watching me? Yes, of course you were."

"It's business, nothing personal, my friend."

"Thanks, and with that we'll take off now."

"Safe journeys," he bids us farewell and heads back into the building.

"Nice looking slut ya got there, boss." Sherpa says.

"Yeah I think he'll do nicely."

"Where ya wanna put it?"

"I think on the back seat with the other one."

We clear off the space on the back seat, I lift the little slave out of the front and place him in the back.

Then take out my contact storage case from my toy bag and put in a set in the new slave's eyes. I take that set's controller and show it to the boy.

"When I push this button you'll go blind."

He violently starts shaking his head 'no' in protest.

I slap him across the face and grab him by the chin.

"You never say no to me, I fucking own you now. If I want to cut your cock off and feed it to you I can. If I want to break each and every one of your fingers I'll do it. If I want to fuck your ass with a sword you can't stop me."

The boy is in tears at the threats I have just made. Honestly I think that a terrible waste of a slaveboy and the money, but it was necessary to make him understand his has absolutely no control or say about what happens to him, ever.

"Now as I was saying when I push this button you'll go blind, but only for as long as I want, I push it again and you can see." I push the button.

The slaveboy squeals with fear and begins to breathe faster in his panic.

I ignore his crying and pick him up and place him in the seat right next to the other slaveboy. They can feel their skin touch as I force them to sit in a single seat and pull the seat belt across their waists and chests.

"I don't want to hear a sound out of either one of you, savvy?" I warn the two bound, gagged and blind slaves.

They both nod 'yes'.

Sherpa and I get into the truck and head back to the front gate.

About twenty feet out the guards slide the gate open and we drive right through, I breathe a little sigh of relief.

"Don't get too relaxed like 'till we be over that hill. But I think we got nothin' to worries about."

"We're not going the way we came?" I ask Sherpa.

"No, boss to dangerous ta retrace our route, gunna head the south route home."

It's late afternoon and the sun is setting behind the mountains, just as we round a hill we see the Nomac traders heading in our direction. It's the same ones we traded with earlier on our trip. All the little slave kids are dragging along behind them. One agonizing barefoot step after agonizing barefoot step with the horses pulling them along on their chains.

We pass them as Sherpa picks up speed to get away from the farm and the Nomacs. The leader of the Nomac's makes a gesture to us as we speed by; kinda like tipping his hat. But they let us pass unmolested.

"Now ya can have that sigh o' relief, boss. We're well away from 'em all now."

Chapter 12

Darkness totally surrounds our truck now, Sherpa has his night vision on. Nothing like speeding across the desert in the pitch black. I look back at the two slaves behind me and notice that the older on has his head on the younger one's shoulder, his eyes shut tight and sleeping. Guess they don't get much chance to rest tied up against those walls all day long. The younger boy is awake but totally bored as he hasn't seen anything most of the day, including the cute blonde using him as a pillow.

I reach my left-hand back and tickle his little foot. He instinctively pulls them up, I just push his knees back down and give a little yank on his cock pod and the iris automatically tightens getting a whimper of pain from the slave.

The other slave sleeps through it all.

After two more hours of high speed driving Sherpa slows down and stops.

"Camp for th' night."


"Yep nothin' 'round 'ere for miles of miles and miles."

"Is that your way of saying we're on the middle of nowhere?"

"Bingo, boss."

"Well I could eat and it would be nice to get out stretch my legs. Plus there's something I have always wanted to try with a slaveboy and this will be the perfect place to do it."

"You get dinner started," I tell Sherpa, "where's the damn tool box?"

"'Neath da truck strapped up next to the spare." He answers.

I pull the toolbox out and find just what I need a hammer. Then I route around in the truck and find a set of tent stakes and two pieces of wood I can use as stakes. And I grab the rope from my bag and find a spot near the fire.

I walk out the distance and hammer the metal tent stakes and the wooden pegs into the ground. The six stakes are in a line parallel to each other about six feet [1.8 m] apart. I tie a length of rope from the corner stakes and toss them into the center. The two center stakes get two ropes each.

I go back to the truck and drag out the new slave waking him up in the process. And drag him over to the stakes and ropes. I untie his hands from behind his back and unlock his ankles. I lay him on his back in the dirt and sand and begin to tie him spread eagle to the stakes. I start with his right wrist; move to his right ankle pulling tight; his left ankle stretching his legs to their limits; then pull him as tight as a bow string as I tie off his left wrist. I leave the gag in.

I go back to the truck and pull out the little slave and carry him over to the stakes. I untie his wrists and pull his right wrist up to the ropes; move to his left wrist and open him up into a wide Y shape. I move down to his feet and untie his ankles; pull his right ankle down to the ropes there and do the same with his left. He hasn't been out of bondage since the first moment he sat in that chair the night I bought him.

I stood back and admired the sight before me. Two lovely young slaveboys spread eagle on the desert floor. The light from the fire bouncing off their skin highlighting the lightness of the smaller slave and glistening off the tan skin of the boy I had just purchased. Even though it was warm it will get cool, much cooler overnight and both boys would feel the kiss of the nighttime desert air all over their slim bodies.

Sherpa has dinner ready and we sit down to eat in our folding chairs.

"Ya know you've done used the tent stakes we needs to put up da bloody tent, boss."

"So we sleep under the stars. Those slaves stay there all night. I want the sun on their bodies in the morning."

"You're the boss, boss."

I hold up my paper cup of water in a mock toast to his statement.

After dinner I get out the radio and manage to get a single station to come in. It's not total crap music but it's not my favorite; at least it's noise and provides a little entertainment.

By my watch its about an hour after dinner and during that time Sherpa an I have been making small talk, drinking some beer I brought from the Coastal and some Scrubs made shine he brought and smoking a bit of pot.

I have to piss and piss like a racehorse.

I go over to the slaves and stand at the new one's head. I push both the controllers' buttons and let them see again. I want them to know what's coming.

I then begin pissing all over the new slave. Staring with his hair, across his face and some time over his gagged mouth. I'm sure some managed to find its way in judging by the amount of gagging that he did. Down his chest, his crotch, and down his legs to his toes.

But I was still pissing strong not wasting time on the body of the slaveboy and moved over to the smaller slave. I do him in reverse order from the toes up to his gagged mouth; got some into him as well and finally wetting down his hair.

Both boys are completely miserable, they should be thankful its warm out right now and the desert seems to be relatively bug free.

I rejoin Sherpa by the fire.

"Mind if I have a'go at 'em, I could shake the dew off the lily me'self."

"Be my guest, wet those slave's bodies down good." I encourage him.

Sherpa seems to have a liking to the smaller slave and expends most of his piss onto and into him with only a little bit saved for the new slave bound next to him on the desert floor.

I go over to the boys after about another hour and pour a little water over their eyes and into their mouths around the gags. I rinse out their hair for the night; the drying piss will remain on their little naked bodies and they will stay lying on the piss-wet ground.

I whisper into both their ears that if they have to piss they may at anytime, but of course it will wet the ground under them even more. I get an evil thought and get some medi-tape from the first-aid kit and tape the new slave's cock to his stomach pointing up at his belly button. Now if he has to piss he will of course wet himself again in the process.

Chapter 13

Dawn broke early, to damn early.

I ended up sleeping in the chair next to the fire; with a few modifications and propping my feet up it wasn't too bad. I'm sure I had a better night the either of my two slaves; spread eagle on the ground. I take my time waking up, the fire was down to a low flame but still burning.

"Mornin' boss." Sherpa calls out as he stokes the fire to get it hot enough to make coffee and cook up some breakfast.

"Morning, dude."

I sit upright and shake the final remnants of sleep from my head. Get up and stretch out the kinks. Damn I miss my bed, but looking over at the two boys staked out I think to myself it's all worth it.

I get up and walk over to the boys and squat down next to the smaller boy. I pet his hair, which is now a mess from the piss and water shower last night and dirty from the desert. He looks up at me.

"How you doing this morning, slave?" I ask as I remove the gag from his mouth.

"I'm cold master," he replies.

"Aw, poor thing. Well the sun is coming up that will warm you up."

I go over to the newest slave, brush the blonde strains of hair out of his eyes. I can see the anger behind his green irises. Breaking him is going to be so much fun.

"How are you this morning, slave?" as I remove his gag.

"Fucking freezing!" he spits.

I slap him across the face.

"Too fucking bad. Maybe you should pay attention to your friend here, it would make your life easier, dumbass."

I go back to the fire and Sherpa has eggs and bacon and some coffee ready for us to eat.

I whisper, "make three more eggs but leave 'em on a plate. I'll feed the slaves in a moment."

We sit and enjoy our breakfast, the sun comes up and the warm air returns with surprising quickness. Every so often I glance over to the boys and see they have both finally stopped shivering.

The ground under the little slave's cock and balls is a puddle of urine while the older boy's stomach is wet with his own piss. They must have had to go after I talked with them and couldn't hold it anymore. Probably the going of the one triggered the release from the other. Got to love little boys.

After I finish up my breakfast and down my coffee I take the three eggs over to the boys, but now they are quite cold. I kneel down next to the little slave.

"You hungry?"

"Yes, master," he smiles.

I slip one egg into his mouth whole and he chews slowly and swallows it down. I take the second egg and feed it to him slowly in small pieces. He takes each piece like a little baby and chews it and I can see in his eyes that he is really enjoying the taste even if they are cold eggs.

After I finished feeding the second egg to him I move over to the second slaveboy.

"Are you hungry, slave?"

"Y 3; yes, m..m 3; master." he answers. I can see it was a struggle to submit for him but he is learning.

I stuff the remaining egg into his mouth roughly. He coughs and struggles but he manages to chew it up and get it down his throat.

Sherpa has gotten the supplies tossed back into the truck and is ready to go.

I get the new boy up out of his bondage. He is filthy and I can only imagine that the other slave is just as filthy. Out here in the middle of nowhere there's no way to get them clean enough to ride inside the truck. Not to mention the smell from the piss.

I can't have them trail along behind the truck on chains; walking speed is way to slow for our journey.

I take the slave over to the truck and temporarily secure his hands to the bumper and I untie the other slave from the stakes. Feet first, the rebind them together and then his hands and right back together. And take him over to the bumper and secure his collar to it allowing him to sit down.

"How we gunna transport these two slaves without getting the truck covered in their filth and smell?" I ask Sherpa

"Shoulda though o' that before we pissed 'em up," he answers.

"Yeah will, live and learn," I laugh.

"Gots me an idea, we got a roof rack up dare we can just tie their lil asses up top 'till we get someplace to hose 'em off."


I get a couple bandanas from my luggage, flip on the contacts blinding the boys and tightly tie the bandanas around their heads. Protecting their eyes from the dust, dirt and rocks from the trail.

I untie the new slave from the bumper and with Sherpa's help we get him up there with his head toward the front of the vehicle. I lift his hands over his head and secure his writs to the front rack bar and then tie each ankle to the rear rack bar then for good measure a rope around his tummy and the support bars of the rack. He'll bounce around some but not enough to get hurt.

Then back down to the little slave sitting on the ground. "Ready little, slave?" he nods.

Up he goes and gets secured right next to the other slave just the same way.

I remember to get the stakes from the ground and hop into the truck and off we head, back toward to the Coastal and home.

About two hours later I ask Sherpa to stop for a moment, I climb out of the truck and check on the slaves.

They are covered in dry trail dust. I reach in; grab a bottle of water and poor half of it into each boy's mouth; keeping them hydrated under the desert sun.

They are going to look so nice with tan lines from the ropes around their wrists, ankles and stomachs. Plus it will fill in the crotch area of the bigger boy and put some color on the pale little slave too.

Safely back in my seat we take off speeding across the desert. The slaves I am sure are getting a new layer of dust added to their naked bodies by the mile.

"That older fuck seems ta have a attitude situation on him, don't he." Sherpa said.

"Yeah, he's gunna be fun to break." I replied.

"Sounds like'a lotta work to me. The lil guy seems have gotten right with the program."

"Yup, lil guy had some training I'm sure. Taught how to act around his betters. Little beast probably served quite a few at that little rundown shack he called home."

"You gunna keep both o' them?"

"For the time being."

"How ya plannin' on getting' two slaves 'cross inta th' coastal?"

"Shouldn't be an issue." I left it at that.

For the next couple of hours we made additional small talk and listened to the radio fade in and out.

Chapter 14

"See dem buildin's up ahead there, boss?"

"Yeah, our destination?"

"Yup, lil town we can stop at, get some lunch, get the flesh up top hosed off, rest a mo."

"Sounds like a plan." I could use a break from the bouncing around and I'd like to get the boys back in the truck, much easier to play with them that way."

We pull into the small town. The main street is lined with a few buildings surrounded by several houses. There's even a little diner, the slave brothel, what passes for a hotel, and a trading post. At what used to be the old gas station and garage there seems to be a commotion.

We pull into the diner's parking lot. Right next to where the men of this little village seem to be gathering on motorized four wheelers and horses.

"What's the doing, gents?" Sherpa asks the group of men.

"Dude, ain't seen you in an age. Where the fuck you been?" one of the men calls back. A well dressed tall man astride one of the horses.

"Working, bro, gotta put food on the table. So what's the doings here?"

"Oh we got ourselves a couple of runaways, two slaves got it into their heads that they could do better running across the desert then staying put in the brothel. Pair of brothers that we got about two weeks ago, guess they wasn't as quite broken as we thought them to be."

"An ol' fashioned slave posse? Ain't seen that since I was a nipper." Sherpa replied. I could see the idea of a slave hunt was exciting to him.

"Wanna join us, we wouldn't turn down the help."

"Can't do, on the job." He motioned his hand toward me.

"He can join us if you want, any friend of his 3;" the man spoke to me for he first time.

"Could be fun, what about my two pieces of cargo here?" I asked.

"Be more then happy to keep 'em stored and safe for you while you're out with us."

Sherpa nods to me that I can trust this man at his word.

Sherpa and I get the boys down off the roof. The little guy has indeed picked up some color from the sun even through his dusty exterior I notice a little redness. The older and newer slave also has some red color to his skin. A little less as his darker color protected him some as did the trail dust.

I take off the blindfolds and the cleaner skin underneath makes them look like reverse raccoons and I turn off the contacts. They are blinded by the flood of sunlight assaulting their eyeballs.

The man in charge must have signaled for assistance because just as the boys' eyesight returns to semi-normal two teenage slaves in loincloths and collars come over to Sherpa and me.

"Just hand your cargo over to those two boys and they'll take care of em for you. No worries either, they ain't got no balls so there'll be no hanky panky and since the cargo is under my protection no one in town will play with 'em neither." The town's boss, as he obviously is, says.

I put a leash and collar on the new slaveboy and hand the free end to one of the slaves. The smaller slave is still bound hand and foot as I don't want him out of bondage yet so I hand him to the other slave who cradles him in his arms.

"Wash both these slaves up, get 'em clean outside and in. Do not untie the little one for any reason and once the bigger one is clean bind him in the same way as the smaller one. If they make any noise gag them, tight."

The slave holding the leash bows at the waist a little and replies, "Yes, sir, as you command."

"Where and how will these things be stored?" I ask.

The town boss answers me, "They'll be taken to my home and locked inside a cage in my stables. Would you like them fed and watered?"

"Only if we are gone more then overnight, give 'em some water after they are clean and then again tonight but no food till tomorrow afternoon – if we're not back by then, and then only a little bit with some more water." I instruct.

"Alright, Toby you heard the man, take care of his property as it was my own." He commands the slave who spoke to me.

The slave bows again and replies, "Yes, sir master, sir."

The two teenage slaves take my two slaves and head toward the largest house on the street.

"Can you ride a horse?" I am asked.


"No problem we'll get you an ATV."

Sherpa gets a horse and I get on my ATV and off we head into the wilds to locate two escaped slaves.

I learned that the two boys escaped some time during the previous night and are completely naked and collared. They couldn't have really gotten too far. But they are Scrubs' boys so they know how to survive the desert. It's the men's opinion that we should be home with the escapees by nightfall.

We head north out of town, about a dozen or so men all searching for two little slaveboys on the run. I notice that one of the men has a little tracker in his hand. I guess the boys have chips in them. This won't take long. Just follow the direction finder and we should have our little runaways.

We're out in the desert for about forty-five minutes when we get to a little rocky canyon. Stupid slave kids got themselves trapped in a box canyon. Being Scrubs born and raised I would have thought they'd have known better.

The tracker points his arm dead ahead and the boss heads in that direction. The other men position themselves as a blockade in the canyon – in case the slaves try to bolt.

'They didn't get very far for being gone so long,' I think to myself. 'Maybe there is water in this canyon or they simply thought it was a good place to hide?'

"Alright, slaves come on out. If you surrender yourselves it might go easier on you. If I have to come down and get you myself you'll learn the real meaning of punishment." He calls out, his voice echoing off the canyon. He has such a commanding way and voice that if I was one of those boys I'd be pissing myself scared and running to give myself up. When he said punishment you know he meant it.

He gives them a few seconds to think it over. "Come on now lads, don't make me wait on you."

A few moments after that final warning two scared little boys emerge from behind a rock. The little one hiding behind the older one for protection. They are both shivering and crying their eyes out. I guess the older one is fourteen and the younger one is about eight. They are obviously brothers. They have the same dark hair, straight and shoulder length. They have the same slim features, the same slightly sloped nose and the same mouth shape. I'm sure the older boy looked just like his younger brother when he was that age.

"Please, master, forgive us. It was all my fault don't punish my brother for my actions, master. Please, I made him come with me." The older boy bravely takes the blame and offers himself up to protect his little brother.

"Well boys will be boys," the boss replies as he gets down from his horse and pats the older boy on the head.

For a moment the two boys seem to relax just a bit and the older boy smiles a little.

"But, you're not boys, you're slaves and runaway slaves need to be punished." He cries out.

Fear instantly returns to both boys, the little boy is crying hard now.

"Men secure these ungrateful pieces of slave shit and let's get back to town." He orders his men.

Two men get up off their ATVs. One grabs hold of the older boy while the other takes the younger boy. They tear the two apart.

The little boy screams for his brother and flails his arms wildly to get a hold of his brother who is being dragged in the other direction.

"Please, master, mercy for my brother, please, punish me instead, I beg you master, he didn't know what he was doing." The older boy pleads.

"Ryan! Ryan!" the little boy calls out over and over.

"Oh you'll be punished, don't you worry about that, you'll get your wish," The boss tells the older brother.

The man with the younger boy quickly binds his hands tightly behind his back with very harsh looking rough rope, his wrists crossed and then takes another piece of the same rope and wraps it around his head pushing it between his lips gagging him. Then he takes the little guy's cock and balls and ties them off tightly with a lead, which he ties to the back end of his ATV. They intend to make the slave walk along behind him pulled by his balls.

By now the older boy is crying just as hysterically as his little brother, screaming he's sorry. The man holding him drags him kicking and screaming to his own ATV and binds his hands and cock and balls in the same manner as his brother, he gets even more rope wrapped around his head gagging him tight.

"Let's head out men," the boss calls out with a sweeping arc of his arm and we all turn back toward town.

Two men on horseback follow behind the two slaves keeping watch. The men on the ATVs drive slowly but every once and a while jerk the boys forward. The slaves both stumble and fall several times scraping up their knees and legs. A few times each they fell over so completely that they couldn't get themselves up again and got dragged a few feet before the men on horseback called for the ATVs to stop. The men then place the boys back on their feet and the forced march continues.

It took us just forty-five minutes to find the escapees, but over two hours to get back to town. By the time we reach it both slaves bodies are a mess of their own saliva, dirt and blood from the forced march. Both their cocks and balls are deep purple and their faces are puffy and wet from tears and dripping snot.

The parade of men, horses and ATVs drive right down the center of the main street, right passed the brothel. The effect is not lost on the town folks or the slaves who get a glimpse of the two battered slaves trudging along behind the ATVs.

At the far end of town is what is marked as the sheriff's office. In front of that building is a raised platform with a crossbeam assembly over the platform. It's a gallows. I guess old west justice rules in this town.

Both boys are untied from the ATVs, and their abused and sore cocks are released from the ropes. Their hands are left tied and their gags remain. They are dragged up onto the platform and stood under the overhead beam.

They are both hysterically crying now. The older boy is shouting into his gag for what I assume is mercy for the two of them. The little guy is just screaming unintelligibly. No one says a single word as they go about their work. The boy's hysterics and pleading is totally ignored.

Two men hold the boys in place, as two other men toss ropes up and over the crossbeam. They grab hold of them and pull them down to the levels of the boys' necks. A few quick motions from these men and a newly fashioned noose appears on the in front of each boy's face.

Their eyes go wide with utter terror. The eight-year-old's bladder releases and he wets himself in fear. They both begin screaming and violently shaking their heads no. They try to tear away from the men holding them, but they are just little boys being held by two strong, very large men. They're going nowhere. I stand and watch dumbfounded the scene unfolding in front of me.

The two men slide a noose over each boy's head and push the knot tight just behind their right ear.

They grab hold of the free ends of the ropes over the crossbeam and begin to pull. The nooses tighten around the slave's little necks and snug up under their chins.

The men pull slowly.

Just as the boy's toes are barely touching the platform the boss calls out, "Far enough." And the upward movement of the boys stops. They are both dancing on the ends the nooses on their little toes.

He gets down off his horse and walks up onto the platform and stands in front of the very frightened slaves on the verge of being hanged. He just looks them up and down and pauses a moment. Both slave's bodies are racked with sobs and shaking with panic.

"Slaves," he starts, "you have committed a most terrible crime. You have tried to runaway. We have taken you in, fed you, housed and protected you. And this is how you repay us! There is no defense. But you did willingly surrender yourselves so I will deliberate on your punishment overnight and pronounce sentence on you both in the morning. You shall both remain here just as you are."

He turns to leave the platform the men follow him. Just as he's ready to come down the steps he pauses and turns to the ropemen, "Two more inches [5 cm]."

The men pull the ropes even tighter raising the boys up another two inches [5 cm]. They are a hair's breath from swinging freely by their necks. Strangely enough the older slave's cock is as hard as a rock and pointing out from his body like a dagger.

As the town boss comes down the steps he sees I am watching the boys up on the platform in shock.

"Gotta teach these fucking ungrateful brats who's the boss around here. Don't worry that rope will stretch a bit, they won't straggle."

I just nod dumbfounded.

"You hungry, son? Come on, my wife's got dinner waiting, tonight you're my guest." He puts his hand on my shoulder and leads me back down the street toward his home.