Barefoot GuySam's SagaChapters 10-14Chapter 10Sam couldn't believe he'd been so clumsy, so stupid. Of course he didn't mean to do it, it just happened. His bare heel had fallen squarely on top the handheld video game's screen and he and Tyler both heard the crunch, they both knew it was all over. The game was broken.He'd apologized to Tyler over and over. Tyler was upset but not angry, it was a simple accident and he knew Sam hadn't done it intentionally. Sam had simply stood up, Tyler had moved the hand that was cuffed to Sam, causing Sam to lose his balance and his foot shot out to steady him and landed on the game- crushing its LCD screen. While cleaning up the pieces 3; "I'm so sorry, Tyler. I didn't mean it! This is so bad, I can't believe I did that. Sorry, sorry, sorry." Sam pleaded. "Sammy, stop apologizing. I know you didn't do it on purpose it was an accident. I am as much to blame as you are. If I hadn't pulled you over with my arm you wouldn't have stumbled and tripped on the game." "I'll buy you a new one, I promise. As soon as I have enough money saved up. I will, I'll get you a new one." "Don't worry about that, Sammy. But we'll have to tell Cole and Jonah." "Do we have to? Jonah will kill me if he found out I broke this. Can't I just buy you a new one? Keep it between us, eh?" "Yeah, sorry, we have to tell them. If we don't and they find out it will be worse. Much worse." "Guess you're right." The look on Sam's face said just the opposite though. He really didn't want to tell either of the other boys about the broken game. "Come on, let's go down and tell them." Tyler instructed. "What's gunna happen do you think? What will they do to me?" Sam asked nervously. "I don't know, Sam. But like I said I'm just as much to blame as you are so whatever happens we'll be in for it together. Okay?" "O 3;o 3;okay." The two younger boys walked downstairs, hands cuffed together and one naked and one dressed; to inform the two older boys, their Bigs, about the accident and the broken game.
Cole and Jonah talked quietly on the couch about the punishment for the two boys. Tyler and Sam had been ordered to kneel facing the wall across the room and in the corner while awaiting their fate. "Boys, come over here and stand in front of us." Jonah ordered. The two chastised boys complied. "We've decided that each of you will spend two hours bound in the garage as punishment. Sammy, since you're the one who actually broke the game by stepping on it you'll get the harder position, and Tyler, since you caused Sammy to stumble you'll help bind Sammy and then you'll be bound and watch him suffer for you're actions." Cole informed them. "What's that mean, that I'll have to suffer the harder position?" Sam asked. Jonah could swear Sam had some tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "You're not allowed to talk right now, Sammy. Now be quiet or you'll be bound up longer." Jonah ordered. Sam cast his gaze straight down to the floor.
The three other boys had tied Sam's hands behind his back. Then they tied his knees together, cinched in the middle to pull the rope tight against his skin. Then a towel was wrapped around each ankle and ropes around them numerous times and cinched tight, even his big toes were bound together with twine. A rope was pulled tight from his bound wrists to his bound knees to keep his hands nested in the small of his back. Sam was on his stomach on a beach towel. This was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. He could do a couple hours like this he thought. Tyler reached around Sam's face and inserted the hated ball gag into his mouth as Cole had ordered him too. Tyler pulled the straps tight around the back of Sam's head and locked it in place. As he did so he leaned next to Sam's right ear and whispered to him, "Sammy, I'm so sorry about this." Sam just nodded slightly, as that was all he could do in his position. Cole and Jonah then began the job of binding Tyler for his punishment. Cole pulled off Tyler's shirt and white socks and shorts. Leaving him naked as well. Jonah pulled a chair from the far wall and set it in front of Sammy so when Tyler was seated in the chair he'd be facing Sam. The two older teenaged boys tied Tyler's chest to the back of the chair, then his wrists and elbows to the arms. His thighs, knees, and ankles bound tight to its front legs. Then Cole produced a ball gag and strapped it tightly into his younger brother's mouth. "We can't have any chatting can we?" Cole joked. "Nope. That wouldn't be very much of a punishment if they could chat away the time would it?" Jonah joked back.
Having completed their work on the boys and once Cole was satisfied Tyler was tight and not going anywhere, Jonah double checked Sam's bonds making sure they were all secure and not in danger of coming lose. "Shall we finish up Sammy now?" Cole asked Jonah. "Yeah, you got the rope?" Jonah relied. "Right here." Sammy strained his neck around to try to see what the others were talking about. What he saw was a long piece of rope, which was very thick in diameter. Thicker then anything he'd be bound up with to date. For a moment it looked like a whip to Sam from his low position and he began to squirm about and plead into his gag. The older boys ignored Sam's protest. They rather enjoyed the boy's confusion about what was happening next. Tyler having had more experience at being a little and knowing the dark sense of humor that Cole had knew exactly what the boys planned to do to Sam. He too began to shake his head no pleading for them not to do what they had planned. His gag blocked all intelligible words and all the two bound boys could do was make mewing sounds and grunts. "Sorry, Tyler, but you helped Sam into this and now you have to suffer by watching him for the next two hours." Cole teased. By this time Sam was very scared and was trying to roll himself away from the two boys standing over him. He had no leverage in his bound position but he managed to roll himself over onto his back, which hurt his hands and wrists. Jonah rolled him back into his original position crushing Sam's semi-hard boy cock under the boy's stomach. He then threaded one end of the thick rope between Sam's legs and back through the arches of his bare feet and repeated the same procedure three more times before tying it off. The thick rope was now wrapped around the roped securing Sam's ankles together. Cole took the other end of the thick rope and threw it over the exposed roof beam and caught the other end of it as it came back down. Both Cole and Jonah then took hold of the lose-end and began to pull it down. On the other end of the rope Sam's feet were lifted off the floor, then his legs, knees, waist and so on. Within minutes Sam found himself hanging upside down from his ankles in the cabin's garage. They pulled him up so that Sam's head was at the level as the seated Tyler's chest. The two bound boys where about five feet apart. Jonah and Cole each took a regular piece of rope and tied it to one of Sam's biceps and strung it to a side-wall. These worked to keep Sam straight, not allowing him to twist around- forcing the two punished boys to face each other. The strain in Sam's ankles was starting to set in and Sam protested and pleaded into his gag. But neither Cole nor Jonah took mercy on the upside down boy. Tyler added to Sam's pleas through his gag, but Cole shot him a look that said to be "quiet". Tyler not wishing to compound the punishment got silent and stayed silent. A thin piece of twin was then tied to Sam's cock head and strung tightly to the tip of Tyler's boycock. The two boys were now physically connected. "Now Sammy, the two hours begin now. Remain quiet, if you don't we'll increase the amount of time by fifteen minutes each time you make a noise from now on. Understood?" Jonah informed Sam. Sam nodded.
Cole took an old radio off the shelf and tuned it between stations. He'd found the white noise he wanted and increased the volume to an almost uncomfortable level. All the two boys bound in the garage would hear for the next two hours would be static. Tyler and Cole looked into each other's eyes and Tyler tried to express his apologies to his upside down new friend. Sam got the message and shook his head to signal understanding, at least he hope that's the message he conveyed to Tyler. 'Even though Tyler is bound tight in that chair, I bet he is more comfortable than I am,' thought Sam. But he wasn't mad at Tyler for his relative ease of position. He knew that like himself Tyler had no say at all in what was happening to them. Cole and Jonah had left the garage but after a few minutes they returned. Jonah had an egg with him. He leaned down to whisper into Sam's ear, "I'm gunna put this egg between the soles of your feet. If you struggle too much it will fall and break. If I find a broken egg on the floor when we come back you'll get extra punishment tomorrow." Jonah pulled a small A-frame stepladder over to Sam and placed the egg on the boy's soles, balancing it between the arches and against the rope that suspended him by his feet. Cole spoke very loudly to be heard over the radio static. "See you in a couple hours guys, you both behave yourselves!" and he and Jonah laughed as they left the garage closing the door behind them.
"Are we really gunna leave Sam like that for two hours?" Jonah asked Cole. "Maybe- maybe not, but why not? Never done a little that long before. He'll lose track of time with that static on the radio, anyway. We'll think about it. Then we'll go get them and have dinner." Cole reassured Jonah.
Chapter 11"Come on, Jonah let's go get the boys. I'm getting hungry and as soon as we have them taken care of- the sooner we can have dinner served to us." Cole said about an hour and ten minutes after leaving the two younger naked boys bound and alone in the garage."Hold on a sec, I want to get my camera. I have an idea, it'll will be pretty funny. Why don't you go get two blindfolds, I don't want Sammy or Tyler to see what we're doing." Jonah replied. "But Sam's been hanging there for a while, I'm sure his legs are hurting by now." "I know, but this will only take a minute. Then we'll let Tyler and Sam use the hot tub together to ease their sore joints."
Out in the garage the radio continued to play its static noise blocking out all sounds of the outside world. The two older boys, the Bigs, entered the garage and walked over to the two younger bound boys. One in a chair, the other hanging by his ankles upside down from the rafter. Both bound boys gagged and naked with their cocks connected. Both boys faced each other but Tyler was the first to notice the other two enter and he cocked his head to look. Sam saw this and looked by craning his neck as best he could. Cole walked up to his little brother, his brother both biologically and in the definitions of the Brother's Club rules, and blindfolded him. Tyler didn't make a sound; he just assumed it was more of Coles' sort of little mind games, showing the younger boy who was in charge of things. Once finished with his brother, Cole did the same to the inverted Sam. Jonah pulled the small digital camera out of his pocket and darted over to the wall and took down one of the fishing poles hanging on hooks from the wall. He handed the camera to Cole. Jonah took position next to his little, holding the fishing pole in one hand and standing next to Sam as if he had just landed the "catch of the day". Cole had to laugh out loud and he quickly snapped a picture. The two boys traded places and Jonah took Cole's picture. The blindfolds where removed, and Sam's gag was taken out.
"Let me see if he dropped the egg I put on his feet." Jonah said. He looked at the upturned soles and saw the egg had indeed disappeared. "It's here." Sam said and wiggled, as best he could, the unbroken egg in his bound hand. "How on earth did that get there, Sammy?" "I sneezed, causing me to jerk my body and the egg fell out, rolled out really, and I was lucky enough to catch it before it hit the floor." "Well I didn't say the egg had to stay on your feet, I just said it wasn't to get broken and it didn't. I can't believe you caught it, but you did and so there you have it. The good news is it's time to get you down." "Great, this was really getting to me; I can't believe I've been like this for two hours." Neither Cole nor Jonah said a word and of course being gagged, Tyler didn't speak either.
Sam was standing up all though on wobbly legs, right side up, rubbing his wrists and regaining his balance. The cement garage floor was cool under his bare soles, but it was July after all and the coolness was comfortable. Cole was finishing up his untying of Tyler and finally removed the boy's ball gag. Tyler moved his jaw around to work out the aches. He leaned into his older brother's ear and whispered. "How long was it really?" "Little more than an hour and a half, but don't tell Sam that. Understood?" Cole replied. "Yeah." "Okay guys here's the deal. Tyler why don't you take Sam and the two of you can go use the hot tub to relax and work out the kinks." Jonah told the two littles. "Cool, thanks!" Tyler replied and the two boys walked, Tyler helping Sam with his balance out of the garage into the house and headed toward the hot tub.
"So, what do you think about all this so far?" Tyler asked, probing for information. That was part of his job as Sam's guide. To gage Sam's reactions and his thinking to this new situation. "Ah, I don't know really. It's not the end of the world I guess. Is it?" "No it's not. But really, what are you thinking?" "Well 3;. At first it was really weird and kinda scary. I had no clue what Jonah was going to do to me. I thought he'd gone nuts! But as time went by I kinda realized he wasn't going to hurt me. And he said as much before you guys got here. It's against the rules, right?" "Absolutely. No physical harm is to be done to us littles at all." Tyler replied. "I never knew that so many people were into this 'being tied up thing'." "Yeah there are tons of us. Check out the internet sometime." "I did, Jonah showed me some sites the other night." "What do you think about being the one to be bound up all the time?" Tyler pushed. "Well 3; I mean 3; it's not so bad. Please don't laugh at me, Tyler, but I think I kinda like it. Maybe except that hanging upside down thing." "I won't laugh at you, Sam. Go on." "Well at first I didn't like it at all. I hated it in fact. But I think that's 'cause I was so scared at the time. But I've been like this for days now and wait, this is the first time since that Friday night that I haven't been restrained in some way." Sam realized. "Funny how it becomes kinda natural isn't it?" "Whad'ya mean?" Sam asked. "Well I mean you've been naked for almost a whole day and just been hanging upside down for hours and you've only just now noticed that you're not restrained at all. It's like being bound is second nature to you." "Yeah, I guess you're right about that." Tyler winked back. Tyler decided it was time to change the subject, he'd learned what he wanted to know. "So, Sammy, tell me something, you have a girlfriend or anything?" "No, no girlfriend." "Anyone you're interested in?" Sam paused a moment looking down into the bubbling water of the hot tub. Then he looked up and directly into Tyler's angelic face. He almost whispered, "Someone, yeah, kinda." He smiled. Sam noticed his cock getting hard. He was glad that the pulsating water hid his erection below the surface and out of sight of Tyler. Sam wasn't fully aware of the reasons yet, but he began to suspect that Tyler was the reason for his inflating member. Tyler grinned. The two sat in silence was the hot water bubbled around them and massaged their aching bodies.
"Hey guys, we've decided to go out for dinner instead of eating here tonight. Cole and I have laid out some clothes for you on the guestroom beds. Tyler you'll know which are yours. Sammy, you're to put on the other set and be down stairs in fifteen minutes." Jonah informed the two soaking teens. Upstairs waiting for Tyler was a set of blues shorts and matching red and white polo shirt along with a pair no see white foot-socks and white sneakers. Waiting for Sam was a pair of jeans and light blue polo shirt, no shoes or socks. "I think Jonah forgot my shoes." Sam was looking around confused. "I don't think so, Sam. If he wanted you to wear them he'd left them out for you." "But I can't go out to eat barefoot." Sam protested. "Why not?" Tyler asked honestly. "Because, because, it's not right. It's not 3; I mean 3;" Sam just stopped. He really couldn't think of a reason that would sound intelligent before his new friend. "Just go with it, Sammy. I like being barefoot, but Cole knows that and makes me wear shoes and socks all the time. It's like he lets me be barefoot as a reward or when he's 'feeling generous'." "But people will laugh at me if I'm walking around town barefooted." "No they won't. You might get some looks, but trust me no one will say a word about it. Boys our age being barefoot isn't all that abnormal in the summer. Come on we've got to go, don't want to be late." The two teens presented themselves downstairs before the two Bigs and the four of them went back out into the garage. Sam decided to push his luck a little. "Jonah," he asked softly "can't I have shoes? Or at least flip-flops to wear?" "Ah, no." he replied. The four boys got into the car, the two Bigs in the front seats and the two littles on the back seat.
Chapter 12Sam's Journal EntryWell there I was with the three others; Jonah, my "big brother"; Tyler, and his big brother both ways- Cole, all having dinner at this little place in this tiny town up here in the mountains. And I'm barefoot! Barefoot in a restaurant! I was so embarrassed I'm sure that I had a bright-red blush on my face through the entire thing.
Tyler was very supportive though and told me that no one would say a word; at least he was right about that. No one did. But plenty of people looked at the four of us and I know they saw my feet. I mean how couldn't you? I was fully dressed but with no shoes. I don't get the whole "keeping me barefoot" thing that Jonah insists on, but whatever!
It honestly wasn't too bad I have to admit it. Except for walking from the car to the restaurant and then we had to walk around town and then back to the car. The parking lot was stone. I guess up here in the sticks they haven't heard about paving and asphalt. During dinner Jonah told me that I'd have to be barefoot all the time except at school. As soon as I get home I'd have to be barefoot. Tyler, who told me he likes to be barefoot mentioned- well whispered to me actually, that he was jealous and thought that I was lucky to have such a, quote, restriction put on me. He did of course have a hint of sarcasm in his voice when he said the word restriction.
The dinner was pretty good, I just had a burger and fries but they were those thick cut fries with the skin on, very tasty. Tyler had a salad and then some mushroom sandwichy thing. Apparently he's a veggie. Weird huh? But I guess it works for him. And he didn't even give me and hassle about eating cow. That was cool of him. Sometimes veggies can be pretty militant about being a veggie and think that everyone in the world should be a veggie. But not Tyler.
After dinner, as I mentioned above we all went for a walk around town, what there is of it. Jonah and Cole where ahead of Tyler and me so we got to talk. Tyler seemed to make it his business to stick close to me as we walked around the town. On the smooth sidewalk and the grass I almost forgot I was barefoot, except for the coolness of the cement and the slight wetness to the grass, you know that kinda dewy stuff it gets at night. I imagine that's what walking through a fresh salad feels like. I didn't think that was possible in the middle of summer, but this is the mountains after all. I have to admit it, it's kinda cool up here, and I don't just mean the weather. Hehe.
I'm getting used to the being tied up thing and Tyler is pretty cool and fun to hang with. I'm not sure about Cole though, we haven't talked much and he seems pretty happy just hanging with Jonah. Except for all the crazy new rules he comes up with even Jonah has been cool. Maybe, and I hate to admit this, maybe this Brothers Club thing might not be so bad. Plus I'll get to go to a better school and hopefully it will have nice people there too. I hate going where I go now. Plus Tyler goes there too! And we're in the same grade.
Back to the walk. We went into a couple shops that were still open; of course I had to go in too- barefoot. One of the teenage clerks at the third shop we stopped in really looked at me funny and kept staring at me the whole time. I'm not sure why she kept doing that other than the fact that I was not wearing shoes! I hate that part of the rules! But Tyler and me talked as we walked and the other guys shopped. And he's really a great guy. He's very nice. Very smart and seems like he's genuinely interested in other people and doesn't seem to have a selfish bone in his body. He's polite and seems to be at ease with all this bondage stuff, rules, and the brother's club. He's not even mad at me about stepping on and breaking the video game. He said it was just an accident, which it was, and to not worry about it. He won't even let me buy him a replacement. Yeah, he's a cool guy.
By the time we got back in the car, after walking over the stone parking lot again, my feet were really dirty. Once we got in the car, and the seatbelt held me in place facing the back of the front seat. Cole turned around and handed me a set of handcuffs and told me to put them on myself. Tyler protested saying I shouldn't have to ride home that way. But Jonah told me to do as I was told. And so with a click I snapped them into place.
After that was done Tyler slipped his hand onto my knee and whispered in my ear so the Bigs couldn't hear that he was sorry for the cuffs and he would make it up to me later on tonight. Not sure what that meant.
Tyler told me to put my feet up into his lap for him to inspect so he could make sure they where okay. Between the seat belt, the moving car and the cuffs around my wrists it took a little work to do that. Tyler helped by pulling the cuffs of my jeans for some extra leverage. Tyler looked them over and said that there weren't any cuts or scrapes on them that we'd have to worry about. He said he saw a small cut, but I didn't feel anything there. During the drive home he massaged the cut a little to help it feel better and held on to both my feet in his lap the whole way home. From time to time he'd rub them up and down. That gave me a strange feeling I have to admit 3;
Anyway back here I got to take the cuffs off and Tyler washed my feet off and applied some stuff to the cut and put a bandage on it. After asking Jonah's permission first. He didn't want me to get into trouble for not being completely barefoot. I would have never thought about that, but he did. Guess that's 'cause he's been at this thing longer then I have and knows all the ins and outs. ? After he put the bandage on he did something really weird- he kissed my big toe, saying that kissing it would make it feel better.
Anyway, it's like I said, he's never seems to think about himself and is always doing for others. How can someone be so good? Anyway I think that's kinda why I like him so much. He's not like anyone I've every met before.
Well I think that about all for now. Tyler just came in and told me that we're all going to roast marshmallows on the patio again. I love s'mores! But first I have change out of what I'm wearing now and put on a pair of Speedos and a leather collar. No way these skimpy short are gunna cover up the woody I have now! Why am I getting hard all the time this week?
Tyler told me that Cole was happy with him today so he's allowing Tyler to go barefoot for the rest of the night. Tyler actually had a twinkle in his eye when he told me that. He was already wearing a leather collar around his neck and was shirtless too. It was really cute. Oh shit, did I just write that?!
Gotta run!
Tyler and Sam were sitting and relaxing on the back deck. Jonah and Cole allowed them to spend some time together. Not only to allow Tyler to instruct Sam as to the ways and rules of The Brother's Club, but so that the two could become better friends.
The two boys were dressed in what seemed to be their customary uniform. It was Tyler's standard for a long time, Sam's for only the past week. Tyler was in a pair of canvas shorts, tan with a light blue polo shirt, white sneakers and white ankle socks. When outside Tyler had to put on his shoes if he went inside he had to remove them as per his Big's, Cole's orders. Sam was in a pair of shorts, shirtless with his ankles connected with the shackles, something he was now used to; but still didn't enjoy.
Sam was pretty much up to speed on the ways of The Brother's Club. How to identify a member, if they were a Big or a little, and how to act toward each depending on the situation. In school, littles could socialize all they wanted too. They had to keep their grades up though. They could socialize after school if okayed with their Big and didn't interfere with other plans or obligations, such as sports, studying or attending the Big's soccer games, which was mandatory. Around other Bigs, the littles had to remain respectful and speak in a soft voice. Outsiders might assume it was the deference shown by a freshman for a senior at any high school. Only members of the club knew for sure. Most of the other boys and girls at the school knew about the club. It was an open secret. Actually there were multiple clubs, one for each major sport and separated by gender. Different sports would mix official club functions from time to time, but never the different genders, that was strictly taboo.
A couple of the teachers knew about all the rules and ins and outs of the club, as they where school alumni and had been former club members themselves. Teachers according to club rules were all Bigs, no matter their previous roles within the clubbing structure.
Tyler told Sam about the other members they would be most likely to interact with on a daily basis. Skyler, Kevin, and Ryan were all littles, their Bigs were older and therefore not in the same grade and Sam and Tyler, but they where bound to be around with the littles from time to time. Benji had Skyler, Lance had Kevin and Andrew had Ryan.
"So, Tyler, when will I get my little ankle charm that ID's me as a little within the soccer club?" Sam asked. "You'll get that at the first official meeting of the year, about two weeks after school starts. It's a big ceremony. Jonah will get to attach it himself. It goes on with pliers so won't come off. See, like mine 3;" Tyler placed his ankleted foot onto the chair where Sam was sitting and pointed out the secure attachment of both the chain around his ankle and the charm attached to one of the chain's small links. "It never comes off?" Sam asked. "Nope, I haven't had mine off, except to add a few links to make it larger as I grew." "As you grew? How long has that been on?" "Uhm, let me think," Tyler paused and looked up as one does when searching for an answer not on the tip of one's tongue. "About five years now." "Wow." Sam said. "Yeah, pretty cool." "I don't know if I'd call it cool. Isn't it annoying?" "Na, I don't even notice it anymore. It itched the first couple weeks it was on, if I remember right. But it is cool; it means I'm part of something. Something special; with all my friends. It's like we're all an extended family. Get it?" "Yeah I guess that is cool."
The two boys sat back in the patio recliners and looked out over the lake in silence for a few moments.
"Sam, Jonah mentioned you had an issue with the boat out there." "Yeah I don't like boats." "Why?" "I just don't. Please don't ask me about it, okay." "I'm sorry. I was just curious, that's all. If you don't want to tell me, that's okay." He gave Sam a warm friendly smile. "Thanks man, I don't mean to be rude. I just don't talk about it, that's all." "Consider it dropped." Tyler reassured.
Silence once again over took the boys as they sat and relaxed in the summer sun. A gentle breeze was blowing off the lake keeping them cool. "Want a soda or something?" Tyler asked. "Yeah, I'll get 'em. Gotta ask the Bigs first." Sam replied. "I'll get 'em, you don't have to get up. I know my way around the cabin well enough. I'll check with the Bigs and be right back, plus I hate making you walk with your ankles like that more then you have too." "Thanks Tyler, that's nice of you. I've pretty much gotten used to them now. I actually have to re-think walking normally when they aren't on rather then having to think about taking short steps when they are on. Weird huh?" "Yeah. But I wouldn't expect it to be any other way with you, Sam!" The two laughed and Tyler bounded off for the Bigs and then onto the kitchen.
With in five minutes Tyler was back with two cans of cold soda, he handed one to Sam, after sneaking up on him from behind and placing the cold aluminum against the nape of Sam's unprotected neck. Eliciting a yelp and good-hearted threats of "getting back at him" from Sam.
After a couple more minutes of silence and soda drinking Sam decided to start a new conversation. "Tyler has a little ever tried to get out of the club." Sam asked. "Sammy, you don't even want to think about that, dude." "But has anyone done it?" He pushed Tyler for an answer. "Look Sammy, this isn't a good idea. But yeah, two littles rebelled and left the club. Before my time, but you don't want to do that, trust me." "What happened, Tyler?" "Look, I'll tell you, but once I tell you forget it, okay." "Okay." "Promise me." Tyler was dead serious. "I promise, Tyler, tell me." "This was way back, here's basically what happened. They wanted out, but the rules of the club, and their Bigs wouldn't allow it. So they hatched a plan to get thrown out.
"They caused all kinds of problems. They disrupted meetings, they were loud and nasty to the Bigs and other littles. Oh they got lots of warnings. Both Bigs and littles tried to talk them out of acting like that. No luck, I guess the both of them just wanted out. So after a while the Bigs agreed to put them out of the club and removed them from membership. Their Bigs were seriously peeved, they'd lost their littles and without their littles, there's no membership in the club. They got tossed because it was judged to be their failure that their littles rebelled against the rules and the club. "Anyway they had their ankle chains cut off with a huge bolt cutter and that was it for the club. As far as the rest of 'em were concerned those littles didn't exist anymore. They just went back to classes." "So everything was okay for them after that?" "No everything wasn't okay. The elders within the Bigs put the word out that these two were no longer members. Within days their life was hell. They got picked on mercilessly by other Bigs, and ignored by their friends, the other littles from all the Brother's Clubs. And that wasn't all- word got to some of the teachers. You know that some of the teachers and even the principal of the school are former members?"
Sam nodded.
"There's an expression from England. Old School Tie. The teachers began harassing the boys. They flunked them on every test, sent them to the principal's office almost daily. They got detention for like life. It was really pretty bad for them. One of them ended up leaving the school for public school. The other ended up having to go to summer school and in-school tutoring just to be able to graduate. He didn't get into the college he wanted 'cause of his bad grades and supposed behavior problems." Tyler paused. "Have I made myself clear here, Sammy?" "Ah, yeah. Leaving the club is a bad idea." "You weren't thinking about trying to get out of the club were you? I mean you haven't even tried it yet. It's actually kinda cool after you get initiated and all. The beginning is the worse part." "Was it for you?" "Honestly, no. Cole pretty much treated me this way his whole life anyway. Being his real little brother and all 3; I knew I was gunna be his little in the club from about age seven. He actually made me want to be a member long before I could be. I guess it's that little brother worshiping his big brother thing you hear about." "So did you had a choice about joining?" Sam asked. "Well 3; not really. It was like I was going to be member because Cole wanted to me be. So that's how it is." Chapter 13Thursday"Ugh, good morning Jonah 3;" A still groggy Cole mumbled as he entered the kitchen, "How's things?""Morning yourself, Cole, thing's are doing good. How's you?" Johan replied smiling "Tired. I am so not a morning person." "Get yourself some coffee and you'll be fine. Where's Tyler this morning." "Mister Morning Perky-boy is just finishing getting dressed; he'll be down in a minute. What about your little, where's the very cute Sammy?" "Oh he's safe. I think we'll send Tyler to get him up when he gets down here." "Yeah about that. I think that your little Sam has a little thing for my little Tyler." Cole grabbed a mug from the cabinet and shuffled over to the coffee maker. "Tyler told me that he asked Sammy if he had anyone special in his life, like a girlfriend. Sammy didn't answer directly but mentioned that he was interested in someone but he didn't say who, Tyler could tell it was him though." "So you think Sam is gay? He's interested in teaming up with Tyler? I don't believe it." "Come on, Tyler is usually never wrong about this stuff. You've seen the way Sam looks at that boy." He added his sugar to his hot cup of joe. "Everyone looks at Tyler that way! I don't think Sam's gay." "You don't know him that well yet. Trust me he's gay, or at least bi. He probably doesn't realize it himself. He's just reaching that age where he's becoming aware of himself and his feelings." "Well then, little Sammy might be gay. That will make sending Tyler to get him up even more fun!" "Why, what did you do?" Cole demanded. "Not telling. Just drink your coffee."
A few moments later the two bigs where joined in the kitchen by Tyler. This morning Cole decided to dress Tyler in a multicolored tee-shirt that had a small set of bare foot prints embroidered on the breast, in the same place other shirts had little animals, a pair of khaki cotton shorts and white ankle socks. The boy was not allowed to wear shoes in the house so his sneakers where in his left hand. He walked over to the patio door and set them just outside on the decking, ready for wear if he should be required to step outside.
"Morning, bigs." Tyler said after his sneaker ritual was finished. "May I get myself some breakfast?" "Ask big brother Jonah." Cole responded. "Brother Jonah, may I get myself some breakfast, sir?" "So respectful, I like that. Can't wait until Sammy begins to talk to me that way." He was speaking to Cole for the moment. Cole just nodded, smiled and took another sip of coffee. "But to answer your question, Tyler, not yet. I want you to go wake Sammy up first." "Okay, where is he?" "He's in the last room at the end of the hall, on the left." Tyler nodded and padded across the room. Just as he was about to leave and head upstairs when Jonah gave him one more order. "Tyler, you have my permission to have some fun this morning. And, I expect you to have some fun." "Not sure I understand." "You will, now go." Cole padded up the stairs in his cotton clad feet.
"Why do you keep that boy in socks?" Jonah asked Cole when the pair was alone again. "Because he hates it, it drives him crazy. Anyway what are you doing to our two boys this morning?" "Just wait." He flipped on the little TV on the kitchen counter. Up on the screen appeared a picture of Sam in his bedroom. However Sam was laying on a single bed bound very securely. "What the hell?" Cole said in surprise. "We cleaned that room out while the boys where in the garage for a reason, Cole." "I know that but I thought it was just to make a little sleeping room for Sammy, not so you could turn it into a dungeon. I like it!" "It's not a dungeon, a single bed in an empty room isn't a dungeon." "But the way you've got him bound kinda makes it that way. How long has he been like that?" "All night, but I added the little bit around his cock and balls just this morning." "Cool, I like the bow you tied in the rope, it's like a little present." "Do you think Tyler will enjoy unwrapping it." "Yeah Let's keep watching and see."
Upstairs Tyler opened the bedroom door after a couple light knocks on the door without any answer from Sammy.
Downstairs Jonah pushed the record button on the VCR. The little video camera he had set up last night in a dark corner of the room was sending the picture wirelessly to the TV set in the kitchen.
The light from the hallway flooded the room lighting the bound boy on the small bed. Tyler gasped when he saw Sammy.
Sam was on his back completely naked. The small twin bed on which he was laying had a metal head and foot board giving it an old fashioned look. Jonah's family had the bed in storage at the cabin as a backup in case guests showed up and they ran out of sleeping space. The two bigs set it up after sorting out the room.
The bed had no sheets and only a single pillow with no pillow case under Sam's head. Sam's hands were over his head, each locked in one end of its own handcuff with the other end locked to the headboard railing. His arms were locked to both sides of the headboard. He was blindfolded with a padded, black leather blindfold and a pure white bandana was tied around his mouth lightly gagging him.
The boy still had his leather collar, locked in place around his neck. His chest and belly rose and fell as the boy's breathing became more rapid.
Next his cock and balls were neatly wrapped with white rope. The entire package was wrapped with several coils lifting it away form the boy's body and making his little ball sack even tighter. The knot was just under his balls with the two ends tied in a neat little bow.
Next his cock, which was hard, was wrapped at the base with more coils of rope just tight enough to keep it hard and standing straight up from the prone boy's body.
Next the boy had rope wrapped around his thighs cinched in the middle, then a set of coils above and below his knees, also cinched tight, then his ankles had lots of rope encircling them and cinched tight and finally his big toes had been bound with smaller cord and keeping it consistent Johan had cinched it tight. A rope from his ankles to the footboard was stretched keeping the boy taught in his overnight bondage. Sam's body formed a naked letter Y.
Sam of course hearing the door open had turned his head toward the noise and was mewing a little into his gag, asking to be released.
"Oh wow" Tyler whispered.
When he heard Tyler's voice he froze. From head to toes he turned bright red with embarrassment.
Tyler walked over to the bed and sat down along side the bound naked boy facing his blindfolded friend. He placed his right hand on Sam's tummy. The bound boy went rigid. Cole slowly moved his hand up Sam's naked chest. Sam shuddered. The two teenagers downstairs watched the opening move on the small TV screen.
Slowly Tyler reach down to his ankles with this left hand, stroking his bare leg on the way down to his white socks, he removed them one by one and left them on the floor. Tyler's hand now rested in the center of Sam's chest. He could feel the nervous boy's heart beating faster, feel his chest rising and falling with each quick breath.
He leaned over to place his mouth at the boy's ear. "Sam, don't worry it's just me, Tyler. I'm gunna make you feel wonderful before I untie you. I know you have been thinking about this. Just enjoy yourself. He-he, you don't have much choice." Then his licked Sam's ear lobe.
He moved his hand to the left and found Sam's nipple, he gently rubbed it even harder. Sam's cock was bouncing ever so slightly up and down keeping rhythm with his heart beat. Sam was mumbling into his gag. Tyler couldn't make sense of the sounds. Just barely touching the hard little nub with his finger tips he brushed over the skin, back and forth.
He traced his hand over to the boy's other nipple and repeated the same procedure. His mouth lowered to the nipple his hand just left and the tip of his tongue licked the hard point. Flicking the nub with his warm wetness. Sam was taking deep breaths now. The nipple under his finger tips got harder. Sam's cock strained against its rope prison, bobbing like a metronome.
Tyler's hand moved down the naked flesh to Sam's unprotected belly button. His finger found its target and slowly traced around its outline. Tyler moved to lean over Sam's face and licked the tip of the blindfolded and gagged boy's nose. Just as he did that he pressed his finger tip into the belly button and tickled the naked boy under him. Causing Sam to pull his tummy back and trying to fold himself in half to protect his exposed flesh. He didn't get very far in his tied up state which allowed Tyler to play with Sam's dimple some more.
Slowly Tyler's hand moved even lower until he found his target. Sam's bound cock and balls. He played with the tip of the cock, tracing the slit of the little boy's tip. Sam tried to mumble "stop" into his gag. Tyler ignored his pleas and continued to play with the boy's cock. Lightly and gently touching the throbbing member. He traced around the cock head, circling its helmet with his finger nail. Sam was getting more and more excited and more confused by the feelings assaulting his brain. He again tried to plead for Tyler to stop. Tyler placed his hand over the boy's gagged mouth and pressed down to silence the boy.
Tyler kept playing with the bound cock for sometime, frustrating the boy by not bringing him to the edge. But playing with his cock just enough to consistently increase the level of sexual tension the boy was suffering.
Tyler then shifted position; he removed his hand from Sam's face and from the boy's cock. Tyler took off his shirt and moved to straddle the boy's tightly bound legs. He placed his knees even with the prone boy's knees and their bare feet met at the end of the bed together. Tyler softly rubbed Sam's feet with his own. Caressing them up and down.
Tyler leaned down and used his mouth to increase the boy's enjoyment of his torment. He lifted the cock out of the way and began licking the hairless bound balls. Sam screamed at this new sensation. Tyler just adjusted his angle of attack on the boy as Sam thrashed under him. Tyler moved his attentions lower to the spot where the boys balls joined his body and licked there like a mother cat licking her kitten. Soft and gentle – but determined and persistent. Then he traced a line with his warm tongue from the underside of his ball sack up and over his balls, taking time to gently suck skin encased marble as he passed. Then from the underside of the rope tied cock all the way up to the tip then without warning his plunged straight down taking all of Sam's tool, ropes and all, into this mouth.
Sam screamed in ecstasy.
Tyler's hands were rubbing the sides of Sam's chest and tummy as his mouth, lips and wet warm tongue worked Sam's cock from tip to root. But it wasn't Tyler's intention to let Sam climax, not yet.
Sam began to buck his hips instinctively in reaction to the mouth that was milking him. Tyler was having none of that. He placed his hands on the boy's hips and pressed down, keeping the boy still. Tyler was enjoying his morning very much!
Then he turned completely around and faced Sam's bound feet. He moved down the bed lowering his head and began licking Sam's toes. Lightly and softly, at first Sam didn't even realize that he was doing it. Then as Tyler increased his toe sucking Sam became aware of the actions and being rather ticklish began to giggle and wiggle his toes to avoid the tickling licking.
Tyler took hold of Sam's bare feet, one in each hand to steady the boy and to gently massage the soles with his finger tips. With his own bare feet Tyler again found Sam's cock and balls and rubbed and played with the tortured and as yet unsatisfied cock with his own toes.
Tyler pushed his tongue in between Sam's toes, and just as he had done with Sam's cock he took each into his mouth and sucked it like a little penis, up and down and caressing them with his tongue. All the time his fingers kneaded and massaged Sam's bare soles.
Tyler quickly jumped off the bed and went to work on the under side of Sam's feet. Licking the soles and arches as best be could considering the bondage the boy was in. He paid special attention to the spot just under Sam's toes, a most tender and sensitive area on a boy's barefoot.
The ropes hindered Tyler's fun a bit but he had no wish to untie Sam; he liked him helpless, a plaything at his mercy. Tyler took to massaging Sam's ankles, legs and the tops of his feet with his fingers as he worked the bottoms with his tongue.
Sam couldn't believe anyone would lick someone else's feet, at first he thought it was kinda gross. But as Tyler continued Sam began to enjoy the feelings of having his feet worked. He moaned with pleasure and giggled at the tickling. His could feel the ropes tighten around his cock as it got harder and harder.
Sam's brain was flooded with what seemed like thousands of new sensations and feelings. He had no idea that anything could feel so wonderful.
After some time Tyler ended his attentions on Sam's feet and pulled his shorts off leaving him as naked as Sam. He again took his position over Sam so the two were now face to face. Tyler quickly pulled the boy's simple cloth gag free leaving it around Sam's neck. Before Sam could utter a word Tyler placed his mouth over the boy's lips and kissed him hard. He forced his tongue between Sam's lips and found his pink muscle inside. The two boys' tongues wrestled back and forth.
Tyler found both their cocks with a free hand and placed them side by side as he lowered his hips down to press their boymeat between their pre-teen bodies.
Tyler started rubbing his body up and down Sam as the two continued to kiss and lick each other with increasing passion. Their cocks sending them farther into sexual bliss. Two hard cocks rubbed and played for position against each other, one bound with rope and the other completely free. Tyler ran a hand through Sam's hair. The kissing, mouth sucking and tongue licking continued. Their cocks rubbed together and against both boys' tummies.
Their breathing increased as they panted into each others French kissing mouths.
Then after several hundred thrusts Tyler came. Only a small thin clear liquid sprang from his pre-teen, pre-pubescent cock, but the orgasm was no less intense for the sexually charged young boy.
He continued to rub his still hard cock on Sam, a short time later Sam arched his back off the bed, raising Tyler up with him and shot his juice all over between the two pressed bodies. Being a little older Sam was able to produce a little more cum then Tyler. The two boy's bellies were now coated with their mixed boycum.
Tyler collapsed on top of Sam and the two continued to kiss. Slowly after they came down from their climax they stopped kissing. Tyler rolled off of Sam and lay next to him on the bed. Neither said a word. Their mixed cum slowly dried on their naked bodies.
Tyler turned his head to look at his friend on the bed next to him. "Sam, thanks man, that was great! Did you enjoy yourself?" "Yeah. I never thought I would get off like that, especially with another boy. But wow!" "Hungry?" "Yeah, can you untie me now?" "Let me get us cleaned up first, then I'll untie you and we'll get some breakfast." "O 3;okay."
Tyler left and quickly returned with a warm wash cloth and dry towel and cleaned his friend and sex partner up, first he washed off the boys' toes and feet then took care to gently cleanse Sam's cock and balls, and finally the dried cum from his stomach and chest.
He took care to release the boy's cuffed hands first, rubbing the wrists and shoulders for him and slowly brought Sam's arms to his side. He untied and removed the gag that was still around Sam's neck. Then he untied Sam's thighs, knees and toes. Then worked to free his bound cock and finally the boy's ankles.
Lastly he removed Sam's blindfold. "Morning, sunshine." Tyler said. "Morning, Tyler." "Seriously, did you enjoy yourself?" "Yeah, very much! But can I ask you something, something personal?" "Sure, can't be more personal then what we just did." He giggled. "Uhm, I don't want to, uhm offend you, but are you gay?" "Yes." "Oh. I'm not really sure 3; but 3; I 3;I think I might be too. You know, I mean might be gay too. I've liked you in a special way since I first saw you, now I think I know why." "Can I ask you something personal too?" Tyler asked. "Of course." "Were you a virgin before today?" "Uhm, yeah. I was." "Ah man, that's so sweat. Thank you. I am glad I could be your first." "Me too." The two boys hugged pressing their still naked bodies against each other again.
Releasing their embrace Tyler spoke first, "We'd better get down stairs and I'm starving!" Tyler put his shirt, shorts and socks back on. "I guess I should put on some shorts first." Sam said. "Johan didn't tell me to get you dressed just to get you up, so I wouldn't put anything on until he tells you too. Besides I like seeing you like this!" "You're something else! But okay." The pair headed toward the kitchen.
Back in the kitchen the two older teenage boys just looked at each other. "Wow! Were did Tyler learn to do that?" Jonah asked cole. "Hey, he's good. I wish I knew half of what he knows about that stuff." "So are we gunna allow this little relationship to continue?" "I don't see why not. If they want it too. They make a very cute pair and as long as they continue to perform their little's duties I don't see any reason to stop their fun. As long as they behave that is." Cole replied. "I don't think we should mention to them that we watched that." "No way. Be sure to put that tape someplace save and sound!" "Yeah." "Sam is going to be very popular in the club." "I think so too, just as popular as Tyler." "Yep." "Well they're on their way down here. I guess Tyler can get them both something to eat." "We'd better act natural, not let on that we know what they just did." Cole said.
"So what are we gunna do today anyway?" Jonah asked "I'm thinking of doing nothing, nothing at all. I think you should do just the same, absolutely nothing. You can have Tyler as your servant for the day – if I can have Sammy." "Cool, trade littles. I like it. Today we'll do nothing, as for Sammy and Tyler I think they'll be very busy."
The two littles entered the kitchen each had a smile on their face and obvious afterglow from the sex they had just enjoyed.
"Tyler get something for both of you to eat. But first strip out of all your clothes." Jonah ordered Tyler looked at his Big for permission. Cole nodded for him to obey. Tyler soon stood as naked as Sam. "Now Sam put on Tyler's clothes. All of them." Jonah ordered. Sam obeyed and even though Tyler was slightly smaller then Sam he fit into the boy's clothes pretty well, even his white socks which were still warm from Tyler's feet. "Now Sammy, you're to serve Cole today and Tyler you'll be mine for the day. We've traded you." "O 3;okay" both boy's almost said in unison.
"Today Cole and I plan on doing nothing. You will serve us all day long. Understood?" "Yes, sir." Tyler replied to Jonah Following the more experienced little's lead Sammy responded the same way, with a confident "Yes sir". "Good now have some breakfast, whatever you want. Clean up after and meet us out on the deck for your duties."
Both boys nodded.
Sam kept sneaking looks at Tyler's naked body. Little sideway glances just when he thought Tyler wasn't looking. Tyler being the more experienced of the two boys did take notice and while he was not obvious about it he positioned himself in ways so Sam could get good views of his flesh, from head to toes. "Breakfast is served," Tyler announced pulling the waffles from the toaster and plating them up, "can you grab the juice from the fridge, Sam?" "Uhm, sure." He was jolted back to reality. After the boys had their breakfast and properly cleaned up their dishes and the kitchen they headed out to the deck. There they found the two older Bigs lounging on the deck chairs over looking the lake and chatting away. As the two littles approached they discontinued their conversation. "Ah, good you're both here," Cole said. "Please stand next to me Sam and Tyler stand next to Jonah." The two littles did as instructed. "Tyler please teach Sam how to properly stand at rest next to his Big," Cole said. "Yes, Cole. Sam, you need to stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and with your hands together behind your back." Sam eagerly watched the younger boy as he assumed the position next to Jonah. Of course Sam was a little distracted by the naked body of Tyler, but he followed suit and stood the same way. "Life is good, eh Cole?" Jonah asked. "Sure is, buddy, sure is." The two Bigs relaxed in silence for a while. Sam kept stealing sideway glances over at his brother little, Tyler. Tyler just stood still and stared out into the distance. He let his thoughts wonder around. He liked the warm sun on his naked skin, the feeling of the deck boards under his bare feet. The little bit cool morning breeze wrapping itself around and playing with his cock and balls. He had to concentrate with all his might to try not to get a boner. He loved being barefoot, and all the outside stimulations against his naked body were almost overwhelming for the young teenage boy. Sam loved the way the breeze would toss Tyler's hair around his head, over his eyes, and then away from his forehead. He took it all in stride. He never lifted a hand to brush his hair away from his face. Jonah just sat and enjoyed the view and the morning, his last morning at the cabin for this trip. He sat quietly and just watched. Cole, on the other hand, with the inexperienced little on his hands was paying more attention to the teenage Sam and getting him ready to join the ranks of their club. He noticed that the boy let his eyes wonder over to his real younger brother's naked body only to quickly return them to looking forward then slowly let them slide over to take another glance of the naked boy. "Sam, lean over," Cole ordered and Sam did. "You want him don't you?" he asked. "What? I don't understand." Jonah looked over at Sam. Cole just waved him off. Tyler never broke his stance. "You want Tyler, don't you? Go on admit it." Cole pushed. "I 3; I," Sam stammered. Cole interrupted, "I thought so," and winked at Sam. "You can stand up again and think about what I said. Sam did as told, but his face was bright red and he was glad he was wearing clothes as he felt his cock start to get hard. After a couple more minutes Cole spoke up, "I'm thirsty, Jonah, are you?" "Yeah." "Well have your little there go make us some coffee or something." "Good idea, Cole. Tyler go make Cole and me some coffee and be sure to bring out the sugar and milk with you." "Yes, Sir," Tyler said and left bounding toward the kitchen. "Sam you just stand here and be silent," and Cole got up out of his chair and headed to the house. Once in the house Cole avoided the kitchen, he could hear his brother making the coffee but didn't want to be seen by him. Cole had a little surprise in mind. He headed to the garage, the scene where the two Bigs had tied up the littles earlier in the week. He picked up the ropes from the shelf where they had been stored away from the bondage punishment. He coiled them up and headed back out to the deck. He quickly returned and stood behind Jonah, "Jonah I have something in mind, can I use your little for a while. I want to test something." "You want Tyler back for a while?" "Well I won't be using him I have something in mind for Tyler and Sam," and with that he showed Jonah the ropes coiled in his hand. "Ah, got ya dude. Go right ahead." "Sam, strip!" Cole ordered. "Huh? What?" Sam asked not expecting that order. "Did I freaking stutter I just ordered you to strip. Now get naked, now!" Sam did so and Cole picked up Tyler's clothes and tossed them on a chair near the French doors to the house. He returned to the newly naked boy standing on the deck. "Sam, have a seat here." He pointed to the chair he had been sitting on. Sam sat down feeling the rough wood against his bare ass and thighs. "Put your arms on the arms of the chair." Cole proceeded to securely tie the boy's wrists to the wooden arms of the deck chair, then ran a rope around the boy's chest several times and pulled him tight against the back of the chair. Just as he finished up securing the confused boy Tyler returned to the deck with a tray of coffee, sugar and milk. "What's happening?" he asked. "Never mind, Tyler." Cole said. "Just set the tray down and wait a minute." "O 3;okay." He stammered. "Jonah, can I borrow your chair?" Standing up Jonah replied, "Sure thing." Cole slid the identical wooden chair so it was right in front of the bound Sam with just enough room between them so that Sam's still unbound legs could fit in between the fronts of both chairs. "Tyler, sit here." He pointed to the chair he just positioned. Tyler sat and Cole tied up his wrists the same way he had done Sam's and then Tyler's chest identically to Sam's bondage. "Sam, give me your right foot." Sam pulled up his leg from between the pair of chairs, with a little difficulty, and gave his foot to Cole. Cole took his ankle and put it on the outside of Tyler's left leg and tied Sam's ankle to the back support of the chair. He then took Tyler's left leg and lifted up and placed it on the inside of Sam's right leg so that Tyler's barefoot was near Sam's exposed cock. He turned his attention back to Sam and took his left leg and put in on the inside of Tyler's right leg and tied it off so now Sam's foot was near Tyler's naked boy cock. Lastly he took Tyler's right leg and tied it to the support arm of the chair on the outside of Sam's left leg. The boy's were now interlaced with their legs and feet. Each had one foot and of course their toes next to the other bound boy's cock. "I think I'll take my coffee inside. What about you Jonah?" "Uhm, yeah," he was awakened from his awe of the bondage job Cole had put the boys into. "Tyler, talk number thirty-nine." "Really? Thirty-nine, you're sure?" "Yep, just wait till we're gone." Tyler nooded. As the two walked off Jonah posed a question to Cole, "Dude, what's this talk number thirty-nine?" "Don't you worry about it, it's something that needs to be between Tyler and Sam, at least for now." "I'm not sure I like this, Cole." "Its nothing bad, don't worry, if I'm right, which I think I am. It will make things a lot better for all of us." "Better. How?" "Dude, just trust me on this, I'm not completely heartless you know. Let them talk and we'll play some X-Box or something." On the deck the two bound boys looked at each other. Sam was taking all of Tyler's naked body in as they sat with their legs intertwinded. Sam was thinking about touching Tyler's cock with his conveiniently placed toes. Tyler picked up in Sam's desires. "Go ahead, Sam, I won't mind." Tyler broke the awkward silence. "What, huh?" was Sam's response. Trying to cover up his interest. "Go on, you can touch it I don't mind." "But 3;" was all Sam could get out. "Sam listen, Cole put us here like this for a reason. Did you hear what he told me before they left?" "Something about talk thirty-nine." Sam was mostly back to normal and had moved his foot as far away from Tyler's cock as his bondage would allow. "Yes. Sam, he knows, I know. Its okay." "You know what? What's this talk thirty-nine anyway? More of the Brother's club rules and stuff?" "No, this has nothing to do with the Brother's Club. It has to do with just you and me. And kinda about what we did the other night." "Us, what's it got to do with us?" "Sam, I've noticed the way you look at me. They way we've become good friends in such a short time. I've gotten to have a good look at you too this week, with your lack of clothing and all." "But that wasn't my choice. And I havent been looking at you weirdly or anything." "Sam just let me finish please. I promise I'll explain it all, okay." "Okay, sorry." "Nothing to be sorry about," Tyler smiled to put the boy at ease. With Tyler's good looks and perfect smile it worked, Sam visibly relaxed. "Sam, I am not just Cole's little in the Brother's club, I'm also his real brother. It may not always look like it and he may not always act like it but we do love each other and he does want to see me happy. He's really a great big brother. He sees that you and I have something and he is giving us the chance to talk about it and to explore it, together. The being naked and tied up is just his little way of being funny. "See Sam, I'm gay. I have been all my life; that's just the way it works, but I've known I am gay for about six years now. The little boyhood crushes on my friends, thinking other boys my age in movies or on TV are cute and getting that little sexual thrill when I see them. "I've wanted to have a real boyfriend for a while now. Cole knows this and supports me. He didn't even blink when I officially told him I liked other boys and not girls. It was like it didn't even phase him. "Sam, sometimes gay guys don't know they are gay at such an early age as I did, sometimes it takes something to arouse those feelings in them. "Sam, can I ask you, have you every had a girlfriend?" Sam thought for a moment and lowered his head a bit and then whispered, "No." "Do you seem to find yourself getting sexually excited by seeing girls?" Sam was turning red in the face, but not from anger at the questioning, but from a little bit of embarassment he was beginning to feel. Once again he answered, "No" but more quietly than before. "Now a personal question Sam and I'm sorry but I need to ask it. When you, uhm masturbate, do you think about girls or boys?" Sam's head was still lowered and his eyes closed, he felt on the verge of tears. He too a deep breath and quietly whispered his answer. "Boys." "Sam," Tyler began, "Sam, it's okay. I was hoping those would be your answers. Sam I like you very, very much and after the little playtime we had when you were all tied up I knew for sure that I even loved you. See I would like it very much if you would be my boyfriend." From deep down in his soul those words broke through something inside Sam, the barriers fell, he looked up into the smiling sweet face of Tyler, met his eyes and said, "Yes! Yes I'd like to be your boyfriend!" tears feel freely from his eyes as he accepted who he was. "Oh Sam, that's so great, but please don't cry. There's nothing to be sad about." "I'm not sad, I'm crying because I'm happy! Finally someone understands about these feelings I've been having and you've just made it so easy." "Aw, honey, it's okay." Tyler said. "No, it's better then okay, it's great, Tyler." And he smiled, no he beamed from ear to ear. Inside the house Cole had kept one eye on the bound boys outside. He watched as Tyler did most of the talking and he watched, as best as he could, Sam's reactions. He really hoped he wasn't wrong. He liked Sam and thought that he'd make a great boyfriend for his brother. Once he saw Sam crying he thought all was lost and he'd reall misjudged the situation, however when Sam looked up and smiled while still crying he knew that all was well. "So are you gunna tell me what the hell this is all about, Cole?" Jonah asked. "Well, dude. Here's the story. Tyler's gay and so is Sam and I think they just decided to be a couple." He was blunt. "What?" "Dude trust me on this." "What do you mean Sam is gay, Tyler is gay, and now they're a couple." "Dude relax. It's obvious to anyone that Sam is gay, I don't think he realized it totally himself until just now. But it's a fact." "And Tyler, he's gay too." "Yes dumbass, that's what I've been saying." "How long have you known about this?" "About Tyler for years, he told me a longtime ago that he liked other boys in that way. For Sam I knew for sure this morning, the way he was looking at Tyler naked, but I suspected all week, I mean they just got along so well. Remember when we first got here and Sam saw Tyler for the first time. There was a spark there and that grew into a fire." "And you don't have a problem with this?" "Why the fuck would I? Tyler's my brother and I love him, I want him to be happy. Do you have a problem here?" "Uhm, no, dude it is the twenty-first century after all, but it's kinda a shock for me." Cole laughed, "Well you'll get used to it." "What's this mean for Sam being my little?" "Dude you always have your priorities straight, don't you? I love it, spoken like a true Big. But it doesn't effect that at all. Their relationship will be outside of that, and we'll both let it develop on its own." "Okay." "No interference from either of us." "Okay calm down." "Promise me, Jonah." "Okay, okay, I promise." "Good, now let's just leave them there, they need to talk about things and I like keeping them tied up and out of trouble for a while." Out on the deck the two boys where chatting away and laughing and talking about their likes and dislikes in movies, music, video games, and everything else under the sun. Tyler was telling Sam about the school they'd both be attending, filling him on the other students and teachers. Sam hadn't even realized it, but his foot had drifted over to Tyler's cock again and he played with it with his toes. Tyler was completely hard and a little bit wet on the tip. But Tyler was doing the same thing to Sam, and Sam was enjoying it a lot. After several more minutes of the toe-job Sam said, "Tyler if you don't stop soon I'm 3; well I'm gunna have a problem here." Tyler looked down at his boyfriend's cock and precum was flowing from the tip. "Really?" Tyler teased. "Yes!" "So if I do this," and he began to rub harder and faster with his foot and toes, "You're gunna shoot your load?" "Yes! Stop!" "Make me!" Tyler teased and kept it up. "Argh!" Sam shouted, he head flew back and he screamed again as his cum shot up out of his balls and splattered his chest, tummy and coated Tyler's toes. It took a few minutes for Sam to come down from his climax. "I am so gunna get you for that!" "Promise?" "Yeah, right now!" And he started on Tyler's cock with his foot. "Oh, Sammy that feels so great!" Sam just kept going he didn't even mind Tyler calling him Sammy. After about another hour Cole and Jonah came out to untie the two cum covered boys. Cole asked Tyler how everything went and Tyler filled him in on the story as Jonah listened on. Sam and Tyler remained naked together for the rest of the afternoon, sneaking gropes and touches at times. The two Bigs were easy on the boys allowing them the time to get to know each other better. When it was time for dinner they sent the two younger naked boys inside to prepare it. Once alone Tyler grabbed Sam as they shared their first passionate, we're boyfriends kiss together. Sam melting into Tyler as their tongues explored each other's mouths. Both boys remained rock hard during the preparation of the meal. After dinner the four boys packed up and made sure everything was locked and turned off. Tyler and Sam promised to get together the next day at Tyler's house and after securing permision from both their Bigs a time for their first real date was set. Both boys hated parting from each other. They held hands and kissed again before heading to their respective cars for the drive home. Sam was of course barefoot and Jonah made him remove his shirt before he handcuffed the boy for the ride home. Telling him he may be in love now, but he was still his little and had rules to follow. Sam just nodded and accepted his bondage. On the ride home Sam was rather quiet as the sun set. He starred out the window and as the two cars played tag- passing and repassing each other. As they passed again and again Sam and Tyler would wave to each other. As Jonah opened the door for Sam to get out of the car Sam looked at Jonah and simply and sincerely said, "Thank you, Jonah."
The End |