BC Dude
On A Wing And A Prayer
Chapters 24-30
Chapter 24 Transition
The day of the funeral was the pits. Not because of the weather or anything like that, it was just the pits. Sean asked to go – I guess he went for us, and that was nice.
Kevin, Justin, Ken, and I stood as family. We really were the only family Bill had. Ken had raised him and everyone simply accepted Ken as his father. We knew better, but no father could have loved him more. Most of Bill's office staff knew about Kevin, but they only thought Bill was acting as a guardian, at least that's what the legal papers had said. No one even questioned their relationship. If anyone knew or suspected, they never even hinted at it. Justin, Sean, and myself were accepted as friends. Everyone was really nice and several people genuinely missed Bill.
I had been terrified thinking about the social gathering later. I figured the questions would come then, but they didn't. I was thankful for that. Eventually, everyone left. A few had stayed behind to help clean up the mess but the house was finally quiet. The five of us sat around the living room in the silence. We all felt a piece of us was missing, but we were coming to terms with it, each in our own way. Kevin, who we had thought would take it the worst, was doing remarkably well. Both he and Justin had been inseparable all day and now they snuggled together in a large lounge. I was very proud of Justin for providing that support.
No one was interested in supper, mostly because of all the snacks during the day. Probably just as well since no one felt like preparing anything. The sun was going down and casting long shadows into the living room before anyone moved.
Sean broke the silence. He stood, looked around the room, and shook his head sadly.
"What a sorry bunch. I've seen more lively conversation in an old folks home! I'm going for a swim. Anybody coming?"
We all stared at Sean like he was carrying the plague or something. Sean looked around the room, turned around, dropped his pants and mooned us. That did it. We couldn't help ourselves and started to giggle. The giggle turned into a laugh, and soon we were out of control. Sean walked over to Kevin, held out his hand, and asked him if he was going swimming with him. Kevin reached out and Sean pulled him to his feet. We all followed Sean and Kevin out onto the deck.
Sean stripped and did a perfect dive from the board. The diving contest was on!
For the next hour we tried to out-do each other. Who could execute the most complicated dive, biggest splash, or the worst flop. By the time we were exhausted, there was more than one pink stomach or back from a bad landing!
When we pulled ourselves from the pool and eased into the hot tub we were tired and the sullen mood had been broken. Thank you, Sean
Justin and I started telling the tales of the first part of our trip and the stupid things we had done, then Kevin joined the story-telling when we got to the part where Bill and he had joined us. Ken and Sean sat wide eyed listening to the tales. As the stories grew, both Justin and Kevin became more animated. Finally Sean joined in when we got to his part.
Ken had the strangest smile on his face the whole time. I think this had been the medicine he had needed but hadn't shown any sign of his need. He gave each of us a hug and thanked us for sharing our stories and announced he was going to bed.
Kevin got the strangest look and then blurted out, "Good night, GRAMPS," and started to giggle. Ken turned around with that strange smile, "What did you call me?"
"Gramps," Kevin replied.
"I'm not that old ya know!" Ken responded.
"Yeah well, we can't call you OLD MAN, we've already got one of those," Justin blurted out.
"You little shit," I replied.
"Yeah, and what are you going to do about it?" Justin taunted.
"You'll find out," I shot back.
"Yeah, you and whose army?" Kevin challenged.
"I don't need an army, I can take both of you any day."
"Oh yeah?"
"Prove it."
"I don't want to hurt you."
I took a lunge at Justin, but Kevin tripped me on the way by. The next thing I knew they were both on me and had me pinned.
"Okay, we've got him, Sean, you'll have to take care of him."
"Not me, I'm not getting into this one."
"I'll do it," Ken broke in.
With that Ken moved between my legs and started sucking on my flaccid cock.
"Holy shit Ken, you're asking for it."
"No, I'm giving it," he said with a smile and went back to work on my stiffening cock.
Kevin called to Sean, "Hey Sean, get over here and shut this guy up."
I saw a glint in Sean's eye as he moved over, straddled me and stuck his cock in my mouth.
"MMMMumph" was all I could get out. I quit struggling too.
When I quit struggling, Justin and Kevin let go of me. I really went to work on Sean's cock, balls, and ass. My hands were everywhere. 'I hope these guys beat me up every day of my life,' I thought to myself.
Justin and Kevin looked at each other and smiled. They both disappeared into the house.
Ken was sucking on my cock like a mad man. One of his hands felt between my legs and a finger started to poke at my ass. I let it in.
Meanwhile I was working on Sean who was now fucking my face with abandon. My finger found his prostate, producing huge amounts of pre-cum. I eagerly sucked it from Sean's cock and poked for more. He didn't disappoint me.
Ken was giving my prostate no rest, he was hungry for cum and was going to have it
3; soon. My ass tightened on his finger as I felt the first shot of cum surge through my cock and blast into Ken's sucking mouth. Another, and then another. Ken kept up the attack on my prostate and I kept shooting, even after there was nothing left. I had never had that done to me before.
Sean was close and I really went for it. His pre-cum was a steady stream in my mouth. Every stroke of his prostate produced more. Finally, his ass gripped my finger and the first blast of his cum hit the back of my mouth. He was really loaded. I couldn't swallow fast enough and some escaped from my mouth and dribbled down my chin. Like Ken had done to me moments before I continued to rub his prostate and Sean kept pumping, even though there was nothing left. Slowly his cock stoped pulsing and Sean wrapped himself around my head as I sucked the last drops from his softening cock. He shuddered as my tongue swirled around his sensitive cock head. Eventually, there was no more.
Ken, Sean, and I fell back into the tub and collapsed. We were drained.
A few minutes later we got out and went into the house.
We found Justin and Kevin in their bed, asleep. Justin was spooned in behind Kevin and his cock was still in Kevin's ass. Justin's arm was around Kevin and he held Kevin's still hard cock in his hand. The smile on their faces said it all.
We slept late the next day. The pressure and strain was released. We awoke to another of those California days.
Ken made a few phone calls and announced he was flying back to Vancouver that afternoon. The other lawyers in Bill's office had been given their instructions and things would be looked after. He had his own clients to look after.
We took Ken to the airport and took a turn past the University Sean would be attending. Turns out it was in easy commuting distance from Bill's house. A tour through the University and we were back at home around six.
The house was mine, but it was Kevin's home. I asked Kevin about my idea before going further. Kevin didn't object so I called Sean aside.
"I'm not planning to sell this house for at least a year. I'm just not sure what I'm going to do and I don't want to make any snap decisions. How would you like to live here as a 'house sitter' while you're going to school next year?"
3; I can't afford this place!"
"No, no. You live here free and I'll pay you to look after it."
"Are you serious?"
"I'll take that as a yes?"
"You better believe it!"
"There is just one little thing
"I knew there would be a catch – what is it?"
"You may have to put up with us when we come to visit."
Sean smiled as he walked over and threw his arms around me.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Hey don't thank me, it's really Kevin's house."
"Oh, okay, I take it back."
He walked over, picked Kevin off the floor and gave him a big hug. "Hey, thanks little bro."
"Yuck! Don't get gushy on me!" Kevin snickered.
"How about something else then?"
3; well
3; okay."
Sean carried Kevin away into his bedroom and shut the door.
"Do you think they like each other Justin?"
"Duh, I don't know."
I sat with Justin at the kitchen table discussing our options and what we had to get done. We had to get back to Vancouver in the next month, there was my wife to deal with, where would we live, the list went on and on. Justin helped a lot, except with the big one – my wife. He steered clear of that one.
Justin and I agreed we did not want to live in the city, acreage would be best. He didn't care about being out of town, and besides, he was sixteen now and could get his license. A cold shiver went down my spine on that one. Justin grinned.
Justin and I had been preparing supper while we talked and it was nearly ready when Sean and Kevin emerged from the bedroom. They both smiled as they sat down at the table.
I started the meal with a toast. A toast to our new family and a toast to Bill.
Sean really got things rolling. Actually we couldn't stop him. He talked non stop about his new life, University, what he was going to do when he got out, what he wanted to do with his life. When he slowed down, both Justin and Kevin started in.
Justin startled us all by announcing he wanted to become an accountant.
"WHAT?" we all said in shock.
"Yeah, an accountant. What's wrong with that? They make good money and you get to help people plan their future
3; and beat the government on taxes."
"Yeah, well I want to be a lawyer," Kevin added. "I just loved it listening to Bill describe how he would win this case or that case and how he did the research to make it happen."
"Hmmm," I thought out loud to myself. "A computer engineer, a lawyer, and an accountant. What a team that would be."
"Huh?" they all asked.
"Oh, I was just thinking. Sean could design the stuff, Kevin could make sure we don't get screwed, and Justin can make sure we keep our millions straight."
I was just kidding but you could almost see the lights going on around the table.
Sean stood and raised his glass, "To my friends
3; and partners."
We all returned the toast. The meal was abuzz with plans and talking, joking and stories. For the past several weeks we had become friends but we had not really gotten to know what each other wanted to do with our lives. I guess we were all too busy having our adventure to talk about where we wanted our lives to go. That was changing. Justin had already expressed his interest in living in the country, while Kevin was fast coming to the same opinion. His trip with us had left him with many happy memories and of course, it was the city that had killed Bill. Sean told us he always wanted to live on a ranch, with horses, and about 10 miles to the closest neighbor. Both Justin and Kevin nodded happily at that one.
Justin turned quiet and added, "I also want to have a safe place for other kids to be able to come instead of having to live on the street."
I don't know if Kevin and Sean understood what he meant, but I did. Justin knew where he would be now if I hadn't helped him when I did. He'd either be dead or hustling for a living and on drugs. Justin wanted to help other kids.
"Kids need a place they can come to that's safe, loving and caring. A place where they can get it together and then go on with their lives," Justin continued. "There's probably millions of homeless kids out there and I can't help them all, but if I can help some, it'll be worth it. How about a ranch up in the Redwood country? A lot of those kids travel through that way."
"Hmmm, ever been up there Kevin?" I asked.
"Yeah, Bill used to take me up there all the time. It's beautiful."
"How about you, Sean?"
"Never been there, but I hear it's pretty nice."
"Well, how about this
3; Sean's got his living accommodation fixed up so he's got a few weeks before school starts. Why don't the four of us head up that way on the Wings? Kevin can come back here when it's time and we can carry on back to Vancouver to settle things up there. Sean, think you can handle Bill's Wing?"
"I think so."
"Hey Kevin, you mind riding with Sean? We can take the car if you prefer."
"NO WAY, I'll ride with Sean."
"I guess we're going riding."
We spent the balance of the evening talking. Old times, good times, plans and dreams. I don't know about the kids, but I hadn't been this happy in years. I also knew now what I was going to do about my wife.
Later in the evening I decided it was time to bring up another subject, our sleeping arrangements.
"Guys, I think we need to discuss something. It's not reasonable for the four of us to share a bed on an ongoing basis. We also need to be considerate and not hurt anyone's feelings. We also need to consider what anybody might think when they visit. You're all going to have straight friends and bring them to the house. I don't know what to suggest, but we need to talk about it."
Everyone was silent. I could see the wheels turning. It wasn't a case of anyone being afraid to speak, they just hadn't considered it before.
Justin broke the silence. "Okay, I think we should all have our own rooms with our own stuff. Where, when and with whom we sleep we'll just let happen."
That sounded like the best solution to me and Sean and Kevin quickly agreed.
"Anybody for a swim?" Kevin asked.
The boys were gone before I had my mouth open. I was left sitting at a very empty, cluttered table.
"Oh well," I thought to myself. I got up and started cleaning up. I was half way finished the job when three wet, naked boys walked in.
"No fucking way!" Kevin shouted.
"Huh?" I responded.
"There's no fucking way we're going to leave you to keep house for us. You treat us equal, we have to act equal."
Sean, Justin, and Kevin flew at it and everything was spotless in minutes. The three then turned to me with a grin. They rushed me, pulled off my clothes and carried me to the pool and threw me in. Actually, they kind of fell in with me, but who cares?
Twenty minutes later we moved to the hot tub. We discussed our next trip and generally got our stuff organized, in our minds. As we talked, we had moved closer to each other. Suddenly I realized I was getting real horny with all that body contact in the hot water. I also noticed there was another reason. There was a hand rubbing between my thighs.
"You know, we really shouldn't do this in here."
"Then let's go inside," Justin replied.
"Goodnight guys," I announced as I climbed from the tub with Justin.
Sean and Kevin grinned as they waved.
Chapter 25 Together Again
Justin pulled me to him as we entered our room with a warm embrace.
"Do you know how happy I am?"
"I think so. I know I'm happier than I've been in years. I'm also scared."
"Why Jim?"
"Because I'm afraid I'm going to wake up, or you guys will grow up and leave, or
"Shhhhhh. The only way you'll wake up is with me, and I guess we will grow up but you'll always be part of our life. We love you too much
3; I love you too much."
"You know I couldn't live without you."
"I wouldn't be alive without you."
We crawled into bed and held each other. Somehow sex didn't seem important. Justin was important, Kevin was important, and Sean was important. The kiss on my cheek was important.
3; sorry Justin, I guess I wasn't paying attention you."
"Yes you were. Not here and now, but you were."
I looked into his eyes. 'Could he read my thoughts? How did he know?'
"Simple, my dad never did. He never thought about me. I can feel it when you do. That's the nicest thing I've ever felt. You can do it anytime you like."
Justin kissed me again and I squeezed a little tighter. We just held each other. Justin nuzzled into me and nibbled on my ear.
"Trying to start something?"
"I'm trying to finish it."
"Anything in mind?"
"You'll find out."
I did.
BANG, BANG, BANG. "Hey in there, you gonna fuck or ride today?"
"What time is it?" I answered.
"Nearly eight!"
The door opened and Kevin burst into the room.
"Morning, breakfast is ready," Kevin said with a grin..
There was something absolutely fishy going on and only one way to find out.
"What you guys cook up?"
"Nothin' much. Scrambled eggs and sausage."
"Sounds good, come on Justin, let's go eat."
Justin and I climbed out of bed and followed Kevin into the kitchen. Sean was just finishing putting the eggs on the serving plate as we entered. We sat down at the table as he came around the end of the counter holding the plate quite low.
Justin and I cracked up. The eggs were neatly arranged on the plate on either side of the rather large sausage, Sean's sausage. There was even a little 'sauce' poured over the center piece.
Kevin was rolling on the floor. Justin and I looked at 'breakfast'.
"Looks like a dare to me," Justin snickered.
"Yup, that's what it looks like to me."
Justin and I moved over to a surprised looking Sean and started to eat breakfast. The eggs weren't bad, the sauce wasn't bad, and the sausage was right tasty!
We were loaded up and ready to roll by ten.
Our route took us through the maze of freeways of LA and north on Highway 1. Today we would go only as far as Big Sur, making it easy the next day to pass through San Francisco and north to Fort Bragg and into the Redwoods. The first part of the trip is freeway driving, really boring but it gave Sean a chance to get used to the Wing. Sean had a smiled pasted on his face all day. I'm not sure if it was the Wing, or Kevin perched behind him. Either would bring a smile to my face.
The ride was real pleasure that day. The temperature was just right for riding and the traffic was generally light. We rode side by side after the first hour when Sean got the feel of the heavier Wing. Between the intercom between rider and passenger, and the CB unit's on each bike we maintained a constant chatter all day. I was a wonderful day for riding! We pulled into the campsite at Big Sur around seven.
Sean said he needed a shower, and Justin and Kevin said they'd set up camp so I may as well get my shower now. We grabbed our stuff and headed for the showers.
Camp was set up like magic on our return. I guess after a month on the road they had become really good at it. The boys had put up two tents. I wasn't going to question it, but I was curious. Kevin seemed to anticipate my question.
"We decided that tonight the three of us wanted to have fun and didn't want to keep you awake."
I did a double take. Was he serious? Were they trying to tell me something? Or was this another setup? I didn't have to wait long.
The boys had been standing together against the table and slowly moved apart revealing a bottle of Champaign in a bucket of ice. Sean stepped forward and extended his hand.
"Tonight you're mine." As he spoke he handed me a glass. "I told the guys I wanted a special night with you. Will you?"
How could I refuse. Sean lead me to the table and Justin and Kevin served. This was really special. During the meal Sean told me he really loved me and had told Justin and Kevin he wished he could do something special to tell me. The meal and the private tent was their idea. This was to be a night to remember. As the last dirty plate was removed, Sean lead me to the tent.
"Jim, I love you. We all love you. Justin and Kevin wanted to give me this chance
"Sean, thank you. This is a time when you don't have to talk."
We knelt facing each other as we spoke. I pulled him to me and our lips met. Sean threw his arms around me as we kissed. Sean and I had certainly made love before, but this was to be a commitment of love. Our clothes fell to the tent floor. The trip had been good to me. I was well tanned and well toned. Probably better than I had been in years. Sean wasn't bad either! his teen body was beautiful, toned, and just the right amount of muscle. His uncut cock was also an object of my desire.
"Have you ever heard of docking?" Sean asked.
"Yeah, but I've never done it. Never been with someone with the right equipment."
"Wanna try it?"
We placed our cocks tip to tip and Sean pulled back his foreskin and then slid it forward engulfing the head of mine. With his hand holding both of our cocks he started to stroke back and forth. This was a totally new sensation to me and felt wonderful. I kissed him and ran my hands over his body as he continued his magic. All to soon, his cock had hardened and lengthened to the point where we couldn't continue any longer. He pulled me to him grinding our cocks between us and against each other. We rolled to the floor in our embrace and continued to touch and kiss, feel and stroke each other.
For nearly an hour we held and touched, nibbled and kissed. Our hand roamed freely over the other. The hot touch of skin touching skin, the electric feel of our cocks grinding against each other, the pounding of our hearts, the gasps as we breathed kept us at a heightened state of arousal and readiness. Our cocks slid freely in the ever increasing amount of pre cum leaking from our hot and throbbing cocks. Sean freely gave his love and said so, over and over.
"I don't want this to end."
"I want you to fuck me tonight."
"I wanted you to fuck me."
"We both can't."
"I know, but I want to."
We continued to cuddle as we pondered our dilemma. We concluded that we would do each other and Sean pleaded to be first. In return, I would have him in me to go to sleep with.
I rolled Sean onto his back as I kissed him. I slowly kissed down his wonderful body, his erect nipples, tight stomach, and onto that leaking cock. I pulled the skin back and engulfed the head with my mouth. As I kissed and licked down the underside of his shaft his legs came up and I continued down, sucking in each loaded ball, and then further down toward his waiting love hole. I licked around it and it flexed each time my tongue touched that special place. As he relaxed, my tongue easily slipped inside as he moaned.
"Oh yes, YES. Do it, fuck me now. I want to feel your love in me. I want to feel your cock pumping in me, pulling and pushing
3; now, do it now."
We were so hot I didn't think we'd even need the KY, but I rubbed some in anyway. I couldn't bare it if I ever hurt him. As I positioned myself he was writhing on the floor. He wanted it, and he wanted it now.
As the tip of my cock touched his puckered hole it was like it opened up and pulled me in. Suddenly I was completely inside him. My balls bouncing against the checks of his ass. Sean looked at me and smiled. He closed his eyes as his head rolled from side to side and his hips eagerly started rocking. I began to thrust slowly. With each thrust Sean would moan and another drop of pre cum would appear at his piss slit. I could see his balls were pulled up close to his body and his cock was unbelievably hard and large. It bounced slightly with each thrust I made into the warm, moist space. His warm insides seem to grip my cock with each thrust and his breathing was becoming faster and faster.
I was intentionally not trying to hit his prostate. I didn't want him to cum. I wanted him to cum in me later, but all my planning was useless. His ass was clamped on my cock like a pit bull and he was going to cum. I reached for his cock and stroked it a few times and he blasted his cum to his chin. Three strong shots were followed by a few more of lesser force before his orgasm subsided. I scrapped some cum off his chest with my and brought it to my mouth. God it was delicious. Thick, white, and salty. I leaned forward and licked the shots off his chin and neck before kissing him. Sean eagerly sucked at my mouth trying to get some of his own cum.
Sean was squeezing on my cock and I was getting close. I moved my position to prod his prostate and that resulted in another immediate hard on for Sean. Thirty seconds later I lunged deep into Sean as my seed burned down my cock and deep into his insides.
"Thank you," Sean whispered, "thank you."
I kissed Sean for my reply.
Sean lowered his knees and well laid together for some time as we recovered from our shattering orgasm. Twenty minutes or so later I felt his fingers exploring my crack as he worked the KY in. I could fee his cock stirring again too.
"I don't think I can cum yet," Sean said, "but I can get it in."
"MMmmmm," was my only reply.
Seconds later I felt the head of his cock pushing at my ass and slipped inside. I felt Sean's cock slide in it's length and then his pubes against my buns.
"That's nice," I responded. "That's really nice."
We both drifted off to sleep.
I awoke some time later has Sean gently humped his still hard cock into my ass. His hand held my cock and was slowly stroking.
"MMMmmm, that's nice," was all I said and allowed myself to melt into his body.
Sean continued his slow ministrations, almost dream like, and I fell back to sleep. Some time later I remember having a very sexy dream and started to hump. I guess I was humping into Sean's hand and awoke as I shot my second load of the night. Sean gently milked my cock dry. I could still feel his cock in my ass and his gently rocking motion, but quickly fell back to sleep. Sean was still there the next morning when I awoke. I'll never know if he came in me that night and I didn't care. It wasn't important to me or to Sean. We were together for a night of love and that is what was important.
The smell of coffee and breakfast was heavy in the air as I regained my senses. Justin poked his head in the tent to tell us breakfast was almost ready but we had time for a shower first. Sean and I headed for the shower and returned for breakfast just as the pancakes and sausage were ready.
Justin and Kevin giggled as they looked at us.
"Enjoy yourselves last night?" Justin asked.
Both Sean and I answered with a grin. Neither Justin or Kevin pursued the topic.
Today we decided that Justin and Kevin would switch bikes. Kevin would ride with me and Justin with Sean. We packed up and hit the road by ten. We proceeded north, past Carmel, on through San Francisco and back on the Coast Highway. We decided not to go to the State Park at Fort Bragg but pulled in at a more rustic campground at Manchester Beach. There were far less facilities, and fewer people too. We set up camp and then took our supper down to the beach and spent the evening on the beach around the campfire.
There were no other campers in the entire place and we had the beach to ourselves. We talked as we ate, watched the sun set and the evening mist roll in. Somehow, the four of us around that campfire, alone on the beach was magical. We enjoyed being together, we enjoyed the sound of the pounding surf, and most of all we felt an inner peace that comes from being with the ones you love. Near midnight the four of us returned to the campsite and into our one tent and the big bed. We cuddled together and fell asleep.
We awoke early when the sun hit our tent and sent the temperature soaring. In our haste to get out of the sauna we grabbed our clothes and crawled out. Much to our surprise and embarrassment, some other campers had arrived on bicycles while we had been at the beach and had gone to bed before we returned to the camp. We simply had not noticed them. They were already up and making their breakfast as we emerged from our tent. Their hoots and whistles got our attention. The whole thing was rather good nature'd so we didn't bother trying to hide
3; we just pulled on our shorts and went about our business.
Being on bicycles, they had even less equipment than we did so we invited them over to share breakfast and some coffee. The other group of campers were a group of teens traveling down the coast for their summer adventure. They were from Seattle and had already been on the road for two weeks. There were six of them in their group, all just graduated from high school that spring. As we talked over breakfast they filled us in on their trip and we told them about ours. We did leave certain details out, however.
With breakfast over, we all packed up, the bicycles headed south and we headed north. A few hours later we were off the coast and back on Highway 101 and into the Redwood area. It was somewhere from here to southern Oregon, and between the coast and I-5 that we had planned to look for our 'ranch'. We decided to travel the entire area and then talk about what parts we liked, what we didn't like, and then go from there. For the first part of our exploration, we would travel north up the coast as far as Coos Bay, checking the areas along the way, then we would cut over to I-5 and travel back south to Redding, and then traverse the areas between I-5 and Highway 101. It might take a week or more but we had the time and we wanted it to be right.
At Weott we turned west on the old highway to Honeydew. An incredible narrow, twisting, and step road that winds through the mountains to the coast. The road starts in the Redwoods, then into pine forests, and finally into open grassland. Old homes and cabins dot the hillsides. A few miles beyond the road crosses Mattole River near to the coast. We decided to camp the night beside the river.
Camp was set up quickly and we all felt the need for a swim in the river.
Chapter 26 Justin's First Boys
Sean noticed them first. Four youths were watching us from behind the cover of some low brush on the opposite bank. They didn't appear to be threatening but I was a little concerned since we were skinny dipping and you never know who might take offense. Neither Sean or I felt like challenging them so we chose to ignore them. Unfortunately, Justin and Kevin had been playing a little grab-ass and were both sporting erections. Both Sean and I tried to settle them down without drawing attention to our unwanted guests but Justin and Kevin simply directed their attack toward Sean and myself. In the half minute or so it took to get control of the situation the four youths had taken off.
A thousand thoughts came to mind in the next few minutes. Would the police turn up, or a group of angry local parents, or worse yet a group of red neck locals ready to take us on? The looks on Sean's, Justin's and Kevin's faces mirrored similar concerns. For the balance of the evening we kept our clothes on and kept our activities 'respectable', just in case. By bed time nothing had happened and we turned in, however, the fear of uninvited visitors kept our activities to some quiet holding and snuggling.
I was nearly asleep when I heard a branch snap fairly close to the tent.
"Careful," I heard someone whisper.
"They're asleep, don't worry," came an equally quiet reply.
"Fuck, I can't find it. Where'd they put it?" another voice whispered.
I put my hand over Justin's mouth and shook him awake. Justin seemed to understand immediately. In turn, he woke up Sean and Kevin. We had all kept our shorts on in case of 'visitors', so we were ready to go. Sean opened the tent door quietly and we burst from the tent.
Three very startled kids were going through our stuff and had already gathered some things in their arms. They froze in the beams of our flashlights, absolute terror on their faces. We quickly surrounded them while watching for the fourth youth we had seen earlier.
"PLEASE, PLEASE, DON'T KILL US!!," one of the youths screamed. Fear filled his face, his eyes open wide. Another youth had fallen to the ground and was crying.
"Okay everybody, hold it!" I said.
"Please, please, we're sorry, we're sorry. We're just hungry. We weren't taking anything of value!" the third youth pleaded.
Sean spoke up, "Just cool it. No one is going to hurt you. If you're hungry, we'll feed you."
"Please don't call the cops, please don't beat us up," the second youth begged from the ground.
"Okay, enough!" I said. "You three sit over there beside the fire. Justin, get the fire going. Sean, check the Wings."
Within minutes the fire was going and Sean had reported the Wings were fine. In the light of the fire I got a good look at our visitors. The three boys were dirty and ragged. They were probably around 14. One had the remains of a first class black eye. I don't think there was a pound of extra fat between them.
"You guys hungry?" I asked.
They didn't speak but nodded.
"Is your friend hungry too?" I asked.
The three looked at each other in surprise and horror.
"Don't fuck with us," I added. "Get him in here, now."
I reached for the kid who had been crying on the ground. "Go get him, NOW!"
The kid was scared to move and scared to stay still. "MOVE IT!" I ordered.
The kid sprang to his feet and stumbled from the campsite. He must have tripped and fallen twice before he was out of sight. The other two looked at each other and tried to put on a brave face.
"When was the last time you guys ate?" I asked the two.
Neither spoke. They were too scared to answer. The look on their faces said at least three days.
"Justin, Kevin, see what you can put together for these guys will you."
Justin and Kevin grabbed the food and went to work. I had no idea what they would make, but I was sure the kids would eat anything put in front of them. I could hear some heated discussion coming from the woods about twenty yards away. I couldn't make it out, but I guessed they were debating coming back to the campsite or running.
"Hey," I shouted. "You guys get back here right now. The food is nearly ready."
A few moments later two boys shuffled reluctantly into the campsite.
"Sit there by your friends," I instructed.
Four very dirty, very scared, and very hungry boys sat side by side. I suspect they thought they were about to meet their end.
Justin and Kevin walked over to them with a huge pile of sandwiches and a pot of hot chocolate. The boys tore into them like it was their last meal, or at any rate their first meal in a long time. The feeding frenzy continued through the first pile of sandwiches, then the hot dogs, and then a few cans of beef stew Sean had bought.
"Now what?" one of the youths asked. Still just as frightened but a little more confident. Funny how a full stomach can improve your attitude even when you think you're going to die.
"Now we talk."
"Huh?" four startled kids echoed.
I introduced ourselves and told them a bit about how the four of us met and where we were going. Justin, Kevin and Sean each added their own little details but we all avoided discussing the fact that we were all lovers.
Slowly some facts came from the boys. Their names were Doug, Mike, Terry, and Dave. All were thirteen. Doug and Mike were from San Diego and Terry and Dave from Seattle. All claimed to be from abusive homes and either left in self defense or were thrown out. They had been on the road since early spring and had just meet up a week earlier. It wasn't so much what they told us, but rather the obvious fact there was a lot they hadn't told us. None of us pushed the issue. We knew they would tell us when it was time.
"So, where is your stuff?" I asked.
"Back at our camp," Doug replied. "It's about half a mile [800 m] up the river."
"You guys want to stay here tonight?" I asked. "You'll be safe here."
"You mean
3; you guys
3; after we
3; "
"Yes," Justin replied. "You guys were hungry and weren't trying to take anything but food. You'll be safe here."
"Okay lets go," Sean said.
"Huh?" the rest of us replied.
"Lets go get their stuff and bring it back," Sean answered.
"Oh," Justin answered.
"Now?" Mike questioned.
"Now," Sean replied. "Whatever you guys have will be safer here."
"Come on guys," Justin added. "We'll help you."
Sean and Justin pulled the four to their feet and headed up the river.
Kevin and I remained behind and cleaned up the campsite. We didn't know if the boys had a tent or what so we got our second tent out but decided to wait for their return before actually putting it up. We had pretty well gotten things squared away by the time the boys returned. We heard them coming from some distance. I thought I even heard a few short laughs.
Sean and Justin didn't need to help. The boys had so little stuff, one of them could have carried it. There were two ragged blankets and four small back packs barely half full. I don't think it had been a very good summer for these kids.
We gathered around the fire as a damp fog moved in from the Ocean. The damp went right through us. Our guests huddled together and pulled a blanket around them.
Kevin started putting up the second tent. Justin and Sean quickly gave him a hand.
We put the four kids into the second tent and we retired into ours. We weren't sure how warm they would be but it was better than sleeping on the ground without any protection. I think I heard some snoring before we were in our beds. This time we took off all our clothes and snuggled in.
Justin held me tightly and I could feel his body shaking as he cried softly against me.
"I know, Justin, I know. It hurts to see kids like that." I held him tighter.
"I think we just found the first four guests for your ranch, Justin," Sean whispered. "I think I really understand now." Sean gave Justin a hug.
The morning sun hit our tent like a blast furnace. It's amazing how the temperature in a tent can climb to unbearable heights in just a few minutes. I crawled from the tent and made a dash for the river. Justin, Sean, and Kevin were in close pursuit. I guess our splashing and noise woke the four boys and they were soon out of their tent.
"Come on guys, the water's fine, and you really do need a bath," Justin shouted.
The boys were heading for the water when they stopped dead in their tracks.
"What's the matter?" Kevin asked. "Come on in, the water is fine."
"Uh, well
3; we
3; I
3;" Mike stuttered.
"Come on," Justin demanded, "spit it out."
"You, you, you guys aren't wearing anything," Dave responded.
"Oh, is that it," Sean smiled. "Never been skinny dipping before?"
3; well
3; no," Terry replied.
"Didn't stop ya from watching yesterday," Sean said with a broad smile.
Terry, Mike, and Dave all turned a bright red. Doug looked puzzled.
"Well, now we know which of you were watching yesterday."
"We weren't watching. We were
"Don't worry about it," Kevin giggled. "We're all built the same. Get in here or we're gonna come out and bring you in. You guys need a bath."
Doug, Mike, Terry, and Dave slowly pulled their clothes off and quickly jumped into the water.
We all smiled to ourselves.
Sean went back to our stuff and got some soap. As he walked back to the river his cock swayed with each step. God he was beautiful, a fact which had not gone unnoticed by our four new arrivals. Sean handed them the soap.
Half an hour later they were clean and we were ready for breakfast. As we pulled ourselves from the river I took a good look at the clothes these guys had been wearing. They were filthy, ragged, and who knows what else. I asked Justin and Kevin to see what extra clothes they had that might fit the boys until we could get them cleaned up. They quickly produced a couple pairs of cutoffs and some shorts.
I asked Sean to get the sizes of the boys and take one of them and go back to the country general store we had passed a few miles back the day before and get the boys some decent clothes. I then put the old clothes on the fire. The boys just stared as their only clothing went up in smoke.
3; what are we gonna wear
3; that was all we had!" the boys protested.
"Don't worry. Sean is going to get you some new stuff. Who wants to go with him?"
"What?" they all said.
"Who is going with Sean?"
"But why are you doing this?" Mike questioned. He actually looked worried. "We can't pay you and we're not going to have sex with you."
I was stunned, but I should have known. I guess these guys had been come on to more than once in their travels.
"Look, you guys," Sean broke in. "I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. We don't want anything from you. Jim has rescued all of us and you don't need to worry. There's no strings attached."
"If you say so," Terry countered, "but nobody does something for nothing."
"You'll see," was all Sean said.
Sean and Doug got their sizes and headed out on his Wing.
A few hours later Sean returned with Doug loaded down with new clothes and a few other necessities. The boys acted like Christmas morning. A single tear rolled down Justin's cheek.
We packed up and prepared to continue our search. Justin gave the boys some food money and told them to move back out to Highway 101 in about a week. He told them what we were up to and that they would be welcome to stay on our 'ranch' until they got sorted around. I think the boys were still in shock when we pulled out.
The next week we traveled north and south, east and west through our selected area. We found several areas we simply fell in love with. It was going to be tough.
In the end we decided on a 320 acre piece of land not far from Highway 101. The land included a nice mix of Redwoods and Pine forest, and some open range land. A substantial river flowed along one boundary of the property. The house wasn't up to much, nor were the old farm buildings, but the land was perfect. The owner had been forced to move to the city for work so we would be able to take over ownership almost immediately, and they agreed we could start using the place as soon as the payment cleared. A letter of credit from my bank solved that problem within an hour.
Justin reminded me of the four boys and our promise. I rented a car for Sean and Justin to go find them. Kevin and I would remain behind and survey the property for a new home site and see what else might be around. The four of us would spend the night on our new property and Sean and Justin would leave in the morning. There was no furniture in the old house so we decided to camp out on the property near the river. It was a magical evening.
We sat around the campfire beside the river. We were far enough away from the ocean that the evening remained warm and comfortable. The silence of the forest was nearly overwhelming. We must have sat in silence for nearly an hour watching the flames dance in the fire. At one point I looked up and Sean and Kevin were sitting side by side, leaning into each other each with an arm around the other. As my eyes met Justin's, he shuffled over and sat in front of me between my legs, leaned back into my chest and pulled my arms around himself. He sighed slightly as I kissed him on the back of his neck and gently nibbled on one of his ears.
We remained this way until the fire died down to a bed of red coals. I don't think any of us wanted the evening to end. Although we would remain together for years, we knew our summer adventure was over. We also knew we were home and had each other.
"Let's go to bed. I want to make love to you."
Sean and Kevin watched as we moved to the tent. At the doorway to the tent I turned and looked at them. Kevin who had been so devastated just a few weeks ago by Bill's death was happy again. Sean fit into our little family like he was born to it. His whole being screamed, "I'm happy and in love." A tear ran down my cheek as I looked at them. Justin wrapped his arms around me in a hug and our lips met.
"Thank you," he said as our lips parted. I think I noted a tear in his eye as well.
Inside the tent we stripped out of our clothes and crawled into our double sleeping bag. I wrapped my arms around Justin and pulled him to me. The heat from his body immediately warmed me and my cock sprang to life. Justin's hands roamed over my back as we explored each other's mouths. Our cocks ground together, precum making them slip and slide. As my hands ran over Justin's back and buns I allowed a finger to slide into his crack and gently massaged at his love hole. Each time I ran a finger over the puckered opening he would buck against me and his breathing became hard. I could feel his heart beating against my chest. Slowly he started to hump against my cock and groin. I tried to roll Justin onto his back, but he resisted.
"I want to suck you off Justin."
"No, please. This feels so good, and I want to feel all of you against me."
How could I refuse? Love isn't about getting off, love is about being close and about enjoyment and about giving yourself to your partner. We continued to hump against each other slowly. More and more precum streamed from our hot cocks creating a slippery coating between us. Justin was right – he usually is – this was right for us that night. I slipped a finger back into Justin's hot hole.
We continued our gentle love making, moving gently each other as one. Justin and I sensed Sean and Kevin enter the tent but we remained focused on each other and continued our climb to ecstasy. As Justin clamped his ass on my finger I knew he was there. He lost control and humped madly against me and with one final thrust, froze. I felt his cock pulse against my groin and the spray of hot cum. The added sensation sent me over the edge and my cum mingled with his. We held tightly as we recovered from our orgasm.
"I love you," Justin whispered.
"I love you," I replied although I don't think he heard it. Justin was asleep.
I heard other soft sounds of love from Sean and Kevin as I drifted off to sleep.
The shadows danced on the tent as I woke up. It was morning. Justin was still wrapped around me. On the other side of the tent Sean and Kevin still slept, Sean on his back and Kevin with one arm and one leg loosely laying across Sean. Both boys at peace.
As I stirred, a yelp escaped my lips. The cum had dried gluing Justin and myself together. Each movement yanked another hair from my groin. Justin was startled by each tug as well.
"Morning Justin."
"Morning Jim."
"I think we're glued together."
"It's okay with me Jim. I could stay like this forever."
"Yeah, but I gotta
"I know, take a piss. Old man!"
"Young punk."
"Let's go for a swim."
"We gotta get unstuck first."
"YEOW." Justin ripped us apart.
"You little shit."
"Didn't know that special sauce was like crazy glue, did you?"
"I'm gonna remember that."
"Me too. That was one of the nicest nights I've had."
Justin kissed me before I could reply.
"Ready for that swim?"
"Am now."
Justin and I headed for the river. Sean and Kevin had a strange look on their faces as we left.
"Do you think they'll ever be sane?" I heard Sean ask as we walked away.
"I hope not," Kevin replied.
Justin and I had been in the river for only a few minutes when Sean and Kevin bounded from the tent and jumped in.
"Morning guys," I greeted them.
"Morning Jim, Justin," Kevin replied with a grin.
"That's a shit-eating grin if I ever saw one," Justin observed.
"Just thinking. You guys were pretty hot last night."
"Jealous?" I asked.
"Not at all," Sean replied. "You really got us going."
After breakfast Sean and Justin headed out in the rental car and Kevin and I started our search of the property.
Throughout the morning we walked the property. Huge Redwoods created a magical atmosphere. We almost expected to see a hobbit. The pine forest, the open range areas, the river winding through the valley all blended together to create our paradise. Something was wrong though. Kevin clung to me like a vine. By mid day I had to ask him.
"Kevin, what's wrong?"
"Kevin, don't. Something's wrong. What is it?"
Tears rolled down Kevin's cheeks and he clung to me.
"I miss Bill," Kevin managed to get out.
"We miss him too."
"It isn't fair. I love him so much and we always dreamed of this. Now I've got it and he's missing it."
"Kevin, he isn't missing it. He's here with us and always will be."
We sat and Kevin crawled into my lap and cried. I could feel the pain but couldn't take it away. All I could do was to hold Kevin and be there. Nearly an hour passed before Kevin could talk, but then it poured out. Finally it was over and Kevin had purged the grief he had held inside since the day Bill had been killed.
"I love you, and Sean, and Justin. Promise you'll always be here."
"Kevin, we'll always be here."
Evening was falling by the time we returned to our camp. The boys weren't back yet so we made some supper and spent the evening by the fire talking. As we talked, Kevin snuggled up against me.
"Yes Dad?"
A lump formed in my throat as the word escaped his lips.
"I think we need a swim before bed. We're pretty dirty from walking all day."
"I'll get the soap," Kevin replied.
In the river we washed each other with loving touches. By the time we were finished we each were sporting a major hard on and returned to the fire to dry off. We laid out a sleeping bag by the fire and enjoyed each other as the heat of the fire warmed us and the stars sparkled overhead. We had just moved into a 69 when Sean, Justin and the four boys walked into the camp.
Chapter 27 Facing the Facts
Kevin and I were so lost in our love making we didn't notice Justin, Sean, and the four boys walk into camp. It wasn't until they were standing next to us that we suddenly realized we weren't alone anymore. I was on my back with Kevin on top in our 69 when I opened my eyes and looked up into Justin's face. Justin was smiling as he looked down at us. Suddenly I remembered he might not be alone and looked around to see the other four boys standing to the side, trying their best not to watch and looking very embarrassed. Gently, I rolled Kevin to the side and pulled some clothing over us as I blushed.
"Sorry guys," I said looking directly at Dave, Mike, Terry, and Doug. "We didn't know when you would be arriving
3; I'm sorry."
Kevin finally saw the boys and turned bright red and covered himself up. He didn't know if he should run or what.
The four boys stood silently, looking at each other, for what seemed like minutes. I could see their mouths working but nothing came out.
Sean finally broke the awkward silence. "I think it's cool," Sean said. "We talked about most things today and they accept us as we are. I think they're just a little embarrassed too. They said they're not interested in this type of sex and have never seen it either."
Sean's explanation seemed to help and we all relaxed a bit. Finally, Doug got some words out.
"Yeah, I guess we're just a little embarrassed. We know you guys are into this but we just didn't expect to walk in on it. We should have let you know we were coming into camp."
"Yeah," Mike added. "It's a good thing Sean told us. Otherwise I'd be running like hell right now. A few guys tried to put some moves on us this summer and a couple of guys raped me. Sean PROMISED you guys wouldn't touch us and I think I believe him. Besides, if you guys were going to do anything I guess you could have when you caught us stealing your food. I'm just a bit nervous is all
"Not to worry," Justin said. "NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE will ever lay a hand on you here. You're all safer here than you would be at home. Jim, Sean, Kevin and I have all we need with each other."
Both Sean and Kevin nodded in agreement.
As Kevin and I pulled some clothes on I whispered in Kevin's ear, "I guess we'll have to finish this later." Kevin giggled an approval.
"You guys hungry?" I asked.
"No," Sean replied. "We had supper back in town."
"How about some hot hocolate?" I asked.
Seven voices answered with a "Yes."
Sean told Kevin and me why it took them so long to find the boys and return. The boys were actually hiding and had been looking for the Wings, not the rental car. Seems as though some guys had been chasing the boys all week. The boys weren't sure what the motivation was, but they didn't want to find out either. Couldn't blame them.
Sean and Justin had pretty well filled the boys in about the property and our plans so we spent the evening talking about their future. I explained that there could be legal problems if any of their parents decided to make a complaint and we hadn't spoken to the local authorities yet about our arrival. Everything had to be on the up and up or it just wouldn't work. I also told the boys that since September was just around the corner, school wasn't an option. They HAD to go and work at it.
All four looked a little shocked at that one but Justin jumped in and supported it fully.
"Look, you guys," Justin began. "This may be a safe place for you to work things out, but you've got to look after yourselves too, and that includes school."
The four grumbled a bit but didn't argue the point.
It had been a long day for everyone so the discussion was quite short. The four boys used one tent and we used the other. As we crawled into bed Kevin and I snuggled up together to deal with our unfinished business.
"Hey Sean, thank God you told them about us. When you guys wandered in and caught us in a 69 I figured those four were going to freak."
"Yeah, I figured I should tell them. They were going to find out eventually and I didn't think we should start with any secrets."
"How'd you get so smart, Sean?"
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe watching you and Justin."
"And now you're watchin me and Kevin," I said with a grin.
"Nope," Sean replied.
"Justin and I are gonna rape you two while you do each other."
Kevin giggled and I smiled.
The four of us moved together. I'm not sure who did what to whom, but then it didn't really matter. All I know is that being surrounded by those three wonderful boys was enough for me. I also knew we would soon have to be apart. Sean had to leave for University, Kevin would likely have to go with him for now, and Justin and me would have to head for Vancouver to settle affairs there before moving back to our ranch. I think Sean and Kevin knew too. The emotion in that tent was really high.
The next few days were a blur. Building plans had to be agreed on, building contractors hired, and some kind of supervision had to be arranged for our first four boys.
Somehow, it all came together with a bit of help from my lawyer Ken. A few days later a 'burned out' social worker arrived. Joe had made the mistake of caring too much about 'throw away' kids and had lost his job and family from trying to make a difference. Joe would also provide the credibility Justin needed to do the things he wanted to do. Joe was 32, straight as an arrow, but accepting of alternate life styles. His main passion was helping kids get an even break in life. All eight of us liked him at first sight.
Sean and Kevin left the next day for LA. Sean had to start University and Kevin would continue at his old school until our new home was ready. I think Sean was secretly pleased about not having to stay alone and Kevin could help him get used to the new place.
Justin and I headed for Vancouver leaving Joe in charge. With his contacts, he had already arranged legal status for our 'group home' and Mike, Doug, Terry, and Dave were enrolled in the local school. The ride back to Vancouver was a hard time for Justin and I. We enjoyed each other's company, but really missed Sean and Kevin. I think it brought us even closer – if that was possible. It also rained most of the way back to Vancouver. Few things are colder and more miserable than riding a long way in the rain. By the end of the first day we were so cold and wet we booked into a motel.
Justin and I shivered as we carried our stuff into the room. We climbed into the shower and just stood there in the hot water for nearly an hour. We were still cold but now we realized we were hungry as well.
"I didn't feel this bad even after I was beat up," Justin complained.
There was no argument from me. I pulled him to me and he rested his head on my shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His body was still shaking from the cold. I was actually getting worried. I ordered supper in and put Justin to bed. Justin and I ate in bed. The food helped but he was still not right. We fell asleep holding each other and Justin still shivering.
I awoke slowly. I was hot and horny and in the middle of a very erotic dream. My hips were slowly thrusting and I was on the verge of cumming. When Justin's lips met mine I knew it was no dream. Justin was making love to me.
"Hi," I managed.
"Hi yourself," Justin replied. "I think I finally warmed up."
"Yeah, and you got me hot as hell."
"That was the idea."
"Believe me, it worked."
"Shut up!"
3; mmmmph." My reply was cut short as he lowered his lips and his tongue slipped into my mouth.
As Justin continued to stroke my throbbing cock, I reached down and started to stroke his, but he pushed my hand away. I attempted to protest but Justin insisted. Justin kissed his way down my chest, stopping briefly to nibble on my nipples and then worked his way down past my navel, and past my cock. He gently sucked on each of my nuts and then continued his journey. I nearly came when his tongue started to prod my hole, but he kept licking and poking his tongue further and further in. Finally, I could take it no more.
"Justin, fuck me!" I screamed as I lifted my knees to my chest.
I heard Justin giggle as he shook his head "NO," and continued licking and poking my hole.
"Justin please. I can't take it. Fuck me, fuck me PLEASE."
This time Justin agreed. There was so much spit on my hole and his cock was leaking so much precum that he slipped right in.
"Oh YES!" was all I could say. "Oh yes, fuck me Justin. Fuck me hard, now."
Justin's hips started bucking and he thrust with strong heavy strokes. He was as hot as I was but I hadn't even touched him. Justin was like an animal gone crazy with lust. Long powerful strokes, his face was flushed, his eyes clenched shut in animal lust. Yet, for all his power there was still a gentle loving touch. He could have split me in two but his love would never allow that.
I grabbed his cock with my ass and reached under him and grabbed his balls. As I gently squeezed on his balls and clamped his cock he went over the top. His cock shot stream after stream of hot cum deep in my ass. I couldn't hold back any longer either. As Justin blasted his load into me, I shot mine between us. Justin's orgasm was so intense I don't think he even noticed I had cum. I didn't care, Justin was okay and enjoying himself. Slowly his body relaxed and I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him to me.
"Thanks, Justin, thanks."
"My pleasure. Now it's your turn."
"Too late."
"I came when you came."
"Damn, I didn't notice."
"I know, you were pretty into it."
"I'm sorry."
"Oh no, don't be. It was perfect."
Justin slowly slipped out of me and fell asleep on top of me with my arms around him. He was still there in the morning. The rain was gone too.
We packed up and drove the final leg back to Vancouver and a meeting with my wife.
It was late afternoon when we pulled into town but I had arranged for Ken to have my wife meet me at his office for 'some important business'. She and Ken were having coffee when I walked in with Justin.
I had decided to tell her the entire story and about my hidden desires all these years. I had thought of different things to tell her, or not to tell her, but decided to tell her all. She had a right to know the truth. She sat there for over an hour as I told her the short version of my trip, meeting Justin, Kevin, Bill, and Sean. I also told her about myself.
When it was over, she sat there with tears in her eyes. No anger, just tears.
"Do you want a divorce?" she asked.
"I want to live my life for who and what I am," was my reply.
"What about the kids?" she asked.
"I'll have to tell them too."
"Jim, I've known for years. I knew there was always something there I couldn't give you and I suspected it was this. It still hurts, but it's not like you don't love me anymore, it's just you've finally figured out who and what you are. I really hope you'll be happy now."
"You know I still love you, it's just not the way I'm made."
"I know. I'd like to meet these guys that stole your heart."
"Any time. You'll always be welcome."
"It won't be too often. I don't think I could deal with being with the people you love more than me."
"Do you want to divorce me?"
"I don't know Jim. I know our marriage is over, but it's not like you need a divorce so you can marry these guys either. I'll have to think about it."
"When you're ready, let me know and Ken can work it out."
The meeting was over. My wife walked over to Justin and looked at him for a few moments. She started to say something but reached out and gave him a hug instead. Justin was caught by surprise but returned the gesture. She whispered something in his ear and I heard him say, "I will" as they parted and left the office.
I slumped into one of Ken's overstuffed chairs. I felt awful.
Justin walked over and put his arms around me and gave me a hug and a kiss. There was a tear in his eye too. Ken excused himself and said he'd be back in about an hour. Justin slid into the chair with me and just held me. It was nearly half an hour before I was ready to say anything.
"Thanks Justin. Thanks for being here. I don't think I could have done that by myself."
"Shhh, no need. You needed me, that's all there is to it."
"Justin, how am I so lucky."
"Simple," Justin grinned, "you saved my life."
"Oh right. Right about now I'll bet you're wishing I hadn't," I said with a grin.
"Are you kidding? It was worth it to watch you squirm," he said with a giggle.
"You little shit."
"Old Man."
"Yeah, PERVERT. I don't have an OLD MAN for a lover."
That one got Justin. He was doubled over laughing when Ken returned.
"Well, I see you guys are feeling better."
Justin and I took one look at Ken and burst out laughing again. There was no way we could get serious. Of course Ken was standing there with his cock hanging out of his fly.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I questioned.
"Oh, I just figured you'd need something to lighten you guys up and this was the best I could come up with. I can see it was wasted though, you guys are fine."
"Ken, I really owe you for setting that up with my wife."
"Wait till you see my bill."
"I mean it, Ken."
"I know, but I think she already knew. Not about the boys, but she knew you weren't really happy. She knows she'll never make you happy either. She's one special lady."
"So now what?"
"I'll keep in touch with her and keep you informed. As for now, I've got some papers for you guys to look at."
"What?" both Justin and I questioned.
"First, here's the formal adoption papers, then there's some stuff from Bill's estate, and some stuff about selling off your business, and then there's some stuff here from the US about some reward money."
It was nearly midnight before we finished going through all the papers. By that time all three of us were getting a bit punchy. Ken invited us to his house for the night and we were too tired to argue. I think it was pushing one in the morning before we got there. Both Justin and I nearly fell over when we walked in.
As we came in through the front door a voice called out from the top of the stairs, "It's about time. I was getting worried." The voice was followed by a young teen bouncing down the stairs and flew into Ken's arms. After a hug the boy suddenly saw us and recoiled in fear.
"Shit, I'm sorry! I didn't know you brought someone home."
Ken caught the boy as he was trying to disappear and held him. "Mark, this is Jim and Justin."
The boy stopped struggling and looked intently at Justin and me. Slowly the corners of his mouth turned upward into a huge grin.
"You guys are Jim and Justin?" he asked.
"Yeah," we replied.
"Ken," I asked, "are we missing something here?"
"Oh, not really, but I've told Mark about you and Justin. Actually, it's because of you guys that Mark is here," Ken continued with a smile.
Ken took us into the family room and made some hot chocolate as he told us about how he met Mark and how his fond memories had been brought back when he visited us in LA. He had decided he wasn't too old to have another son. Mark had been in and out of foster homes since he was two. He had become harder and harder to handle as he got older and finally got into some legal trouble for shop lifting after he had run away and was living on the streets. Ken had known him for a few years through being appointed his lawyer by the court. Mark was now 14 and Ken had asked to be appointed as his guardian.
We slept late the next morning. It must have been nearly ten before a knock came at the door.
"Yeah?" I mumbled.
"You guys gonna get up or sleep all day?"
"Come on in," I replied.
Slowly the door opened and Mark poked his head in.
"Come on in. We're not gonna bite."
Mark moved into the room. He was wearing a very small speedo which left very little to the imagination. Mark was quite small, probably no more than 5 foot 6 inches [1.70 m] and couldn't have weighed more than 120 pounds [55 kg]. I guess life on the street had not been that kind. There was no fat, but not much muscle either. In a word, he was a scrawny little kid, but he had a smile that more than made up for it.
"Morning Mark," Justin blurted out.
"Hi Justin, Jim. Dad's gone to work and won't be home till supper time. He told me to look after you guys. You want breakfast? I'm not a very good cook yet, but I usually don't burn the corn flakes."
Justin and I grinned.
"Yeah, I guess it's time we got up. Come on Justin, let's get with it."
Justin and I slipped out of bed and walked toward the shower. Mark stood there staring.
"What's the matter?" I asked.
Mark was turning a bright red.
"N-n-n-n-nothing," he stammered.
"Oh come on. Something's wrong. What is it Mark?"
"I-I-I-I've never seen two hard cocks before!"
"Oh, well it's the way most guys wake up in the morning," I replied.
"Yeah, I know that, but most guys would be to scared to get up in front of someone like that. I'd be really embarrassed."
Suddenly it hit me. Maybe Ken and Mark weren't lovers. Maybe Ken really was being just a father.
"Mark, I'm sorry if this embarrasses you. You did know that Justin and I are lovers don't you?"
"Yeah, Ken told me
3; but I don't really understand what that means. I think that means you have sex together."
"And a lot more, Mark. Look, we've got to get showered up, but we can talk about it over those corn flakes
3; as long as you don't burn them."
Mark smiled at that. I put my hand out and messed his hair up. He really smiled then.
Twenty minutes later we were gathered around the kitchen table. We discovered Mark had a keen sense of humor. He was an excellent cook.
I had just taken my first mouthful of his wonderful eggs benedict when the phone rang. It was Ken and he wanted to talk to me
3; in private. I took the call in his den.
"Jim, I just realized I forgot to tell you something."
"Gee Ken, what would that be? Like you and Mark aren't sleeping together?"
"Shit, Jim, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you. I hope it hasn't caused a problem and I hope he doesn't think I'm an animal or something."
"Ken, it's okay. Justin and I figured it out before anything was said. All that's happened is he saw us get up naked with a morning hard on. We were going to talk about it over breakfast. At least now I'll know where he's coming from. Don't worry."
"Thanks Jim, I was really scared. I love that boy but I won't touch him unless he makes the first move and I don't want him finding out until he's ready. See you for supper."
When I returned to the kitchen I announced the call had been about business, and that was that.
We were on our second cup of coffee before Mark finally got up his nerve and asked what it really meant to be lovers. Justin and I told him about us and Sean and Kevin. How we met and how we felt about each other and what being lovers meant to us. Mark listened quietly, but was clearly uncomfortable, at least he kept squirming in his chair. Eventually he excused himself and tried to hide the erection in his speedos as he left the room. With Mark out of the room I quickly filled Justin in on the phone call from Ken. Justin nodded and smiled. I had done nothing but confirm his suspicions. Mark returned a few minutes later wearing a very baggy pair of shorts.
Mark was a wonderful host and the day quickly passed. He kept bringing the conversation back to the subject of lovers too. He wanted to know more and more. What was it like, what kind of things do they do in bed, what was it like to be in love, and on and on. Both Justin and I tried to answer his questions as honestly as we could. It was clear to us that Mark's questions were going far beyond a general interest and I began to feel uneasy about it. Not that I am uneasy discussing such things but this was a job for Ken, Mark's new Dad.
Justin finally called a halt. "Mark, I think you should tell us where you're going with this. You're asking too many detailed questions for just simple curiosity."
Mark looked at the floor for several seconds and his face became flushed. There was a real conflict going on and it was causing some real pain.
"I think I'm in love," Mark stated very quietly.
"You're very lucky," Justin replied. "What's her name?"
"Uh, I can't say."
"Why not?" Justin asked with real concern.
"Because Ken would be real upset," was his reply.
"Mark, why would he be upset? Ken loves you and would be happy for you," Justin added.
"Oh no, he'd hate me!"
"I don't think Ken could hate anybody, unless it's that guy that killed his first son," I replied. "Mark, he loves you like a son. He wants you to be happy. If you're happy, I know he'll be happy."
"But you don't understand," Mark protested. "It's Ken that I love. He'd hate me if he thought I were gay and wanted him. He'd kick me out."
Mark hung his head and sobbed into his arms. Justin and I looked at each other. We were both happy for Ken. We were happy for Mark too, but we couldn't tell him. It wasn't our place to do so. We felt Mark's pain of being in love with someone who he didn't think would ever accept it, let alone return it. Justin moved over and took Mark in his arms. Mark wrapped himself around Justin and cried and cried. Justin tried his best to comfort Mark but failed miserably. The biggest reason was that we just couldn't bring ourselves to tell Mark the facts. Nearly an hour had passed before Mark was able to talk again.
"Mark," Justin began, "you really should talk to Ken about it. I know he will understand and he won't hate you. Ken is very understanding and open minded. Besides, he already loves you. Telling him that you love him would hardly make him mad."
"It's not the same," Mark replied. "I know he loves me, but not that way. He'll hate me, I know he will."
"No he won't Mark. You'll be surprised. He'll probably love you even more for being brave enough to tell the truth. He really respects people who tell the truth, especially when it's hard for them."
I smiled to myself on that one. Justin was becoming a real expert on dealing with problems and not giving away a confidence. Mark was also thinking that one over and he knew he had been trapped. I don't think he thought of it as a trap, but he knew he didn't really have a choice. He had to talk to Ken.
The door opened and Ken walked in. Mark was up in a flash, ran to Ken, gave him a hug and ran upstairs. Ken just stood there with a puzzled look on his face.
We had to call Mark from his room when supper was ready. All through supper Mark avoided eye contact with Ken and disappeared right after. Ken looked worried.
"Not to worry Ken," I finally offered. "Mark has a little problem but he's got to work it through himself. He'll work it out."
"I know it's been rough on him," Ken replied. "He has these moods every now and then. He'll hide in his room for hours, then he's back with a smile."
"Mark is one lucky kid," Justin offered. "I sure wish more kids had understanding parents like you and Jim."
"Thanks, Justin," Ken replied.
We spent the remainder of the evening discussing details about business, our move to the States, my legal adoption of Justin, and our lives in general. Mark had remained in his room for most of the evening and finally emerged for an evening snack just before we were heading to bed. Mark was still very quiet though. We cleaned up the kitchen and headed to bed.
Justin and I had just started to snuggle when the door opened and Mark appeared naked. He walked over to the bed and looked down at us with tears in his eyes.
"Can you teach me how?" Mark pleaded.
"How what?" I asked.
"How to make love."
"No Mark, we can't. Learning to make love is something special and there is no right way or wrong way. It's something special you should share with the person you're in love with. My first time with Jim was special like that. We could show you how to do things, but it'll be better if you explore love with that special person."
Justin swung his feet to the floor and held Mark as he sobbed. We didn't want to hurt him but we knew how special his first time with Ken would be
3; if only we could get them together. We also knew there was no way Ken would make the first move. This was getting tougher by the moment.
Moments later Ken's voice sounded at the door. "What's wrong?"
Mark bolted from the room, pushed his way past Ken and we heard the door to his room slam. Ken stood there with a puzzled look, while both Justin and I sat there with our mouths hanging open.
"Go to him Ken, go to him right now, and don't leave until he tells you what is wrong. It's important, believe me."
Ken wasn't sure what to do, but there was something in Justin's voice that made him turn and leave. We heard the wild sobs from Mark as his door opened. Ken closed the door behind himself and all was quiet.
"Do you think he'll tell him," Justin asked.
"I don't think Ken will leave him an option. You really put a burr under his saddle. He won't give up until he gets the answer."
"I hope so," Justin replied. "Mark loves him so much and it's tearing him apart. Boy, is Ken in for a surprise!"
I pulled Justin to me, "Shut up and hold me."
Chapter 28 Beginnings
Justin's breathing had been the focus of my attention for nearly an hour. His chest gently rising and falling with each breath, his body relaxed in sleep, and a peaceful expression on his face that only a teenager has. God, how I loved this boy. I had to fight myself to keep from attacking him, not that he'd complain about it, but I was being selfish
3; I just wanted to watch him. Maybe I moved the bed, maybe he was ready to wake up, but he blinked a few times and slowly opened his eyes.
"Morning," Justin said, a smile coming to his lips.
"Morning yourself," I replied and returned the smile.
"What's up?"
"Absolutely nothing."
"Then why are you looking at me?"
"'Cause I like to. You're just so fucking lovely."
"I do that too sometimes."
"I didn't know that, Justin."
"That's 'cause you were asleep."
"Oh yeah. Hope you like what you see."
"Of course, I've got a thing for OLDER MEN." Justin giggled and snuggled into me.
"Guess that makes us even."
"Cause I've got a thing for you."
Justin snuggled in a little closer. We continued our loving exchange for nearly an hour, just enjoying being with each other. It had been some time since we were together like this and I know we were both looking forward to settling down and establishing our lives together. Sean and Kevin were an important part of our family and we both loved them, but Justin would always be special to me.
A knock at the door broke the spell.
"Come in," I called out.
Mark walked in with a grin on his face that would rival the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. He walked over to our bed.
"I prepared some more of those burned corn flakes for breakfast. You guys ready to get up?"
Justin and I smiled and agreed to get up. Mark skipped from the bedroom as we headed for the shower. The smell of coffee was heavy in the air as we entered the kitchen. Mark was busy putting another masterpiece on the table and Ken was sipping a cup of coffee watching Mark's every movement. Ken's smile was bigger than Mark's.
"Take the day off, Ken?" I asked.
Ken shook his head.
"Gee, another lawyer lost for words," Justin giggled.
Ken and Mark looked at each other and couldn't contain it any longer, they started to giggle.
"You guys are sure in a good mood," I said.
Ken and Mark couldn't get control of themselves. They were gone. I put Mark in a chair next to Ken while Justin and I finished getting breakfast on the table. I don't know about Ken and Mark, but we sure enjoyed the breakfast. Both Justin and I knew what was going on and it was clear Ken and Mark were on cloud nine.
It was noon before Justin and I gave up on the two love birds. They were useless. All they could do was look at each other, smile and giggle. We had things to do so we went about our business and returned at supper time. Ken and Mark were still on cloud nine, but at least they were able to talk.
"So what did you guys do today?" Mark asked.
"Jim and I were looking for a place to stay."
"What?" both Ken and Mark questioned.
Justin explained it would be at least Christmas before our new house would be ready so he was going to start school here and we would move down when things were ready.
"No fucking way!" Ken blurted out. "You two WILL stay here!"
"Yeah," Mark added. "Please say you'll stay!"
"Naw, I don't think so," Justin replied. "It wouldn't be right."
I'd had two months on the road with Justin and I knew when he was setting somebody up, so I decided to play along and see where it went.
"What do you mean?" Mark questioned, his smile turning to a frown.
"We don't want to be a bad influence. Young kids shouldn't learn about the things Jim and I do. It's not right."
Ken's jaw was on the floor but he isn't stupid either. The look in his eyes gave him away.
"What do you mean, 'young kids'? And what the do you mean 'bad influence'?" Mark was close to tears.
"Well, you know," Justin continued. "You shouldn't be in the same house with a couple of queers."
Well that did it. Ken was laughing his guts out and Mark was ready to cry, until he noticed Ken. Mark's expression changed but he still wasn't sure what was going on. Justin decided he had carried it far enough.
"Of course we'll stay," Justin conceded.
"Oh YOU!" Mark blurted out then jumped at Justin and gave him a hug, then me. "I'm gonna get you guys for that!"
"Promises, promises," Justin giggled.
After supper we decided to hit Ken's hot tub. The four of us headed out to the deck. Ken, Justin and I dropped our clothes and climbed in. Mark was still dressed.
"Come on in Mark, what's the problem."
3; I
3; never
3; done
Ken got out of the tub and went to Mark and whispered something in his ear. Mark hesitantly slipped his clothes off revealing his hard, 4 inch [10 cm] cock.
"Oh, is that it. You're embarrassed about the hard on. Man I couldn't keep mine down when I was your age," Justin said calmly.
"Yeah, kind of."
"Justin, you still can't," I added.
"It's also so small," Mark said shyly.
"Oh shit, Mark, you're still young. It'll grow when you're older. I'll bet mine was smaller than that when I was your age!"
"Sure, mine only grew last year."
"But it's so big now."
"Yours will be too."
Mark climbed into the tub with a smile on his face and his hard cock bouncing. I couldn't help myself. I pulled Justin to me and hugged him. He really knew the right things to say.
Mark snuggled in against Ken and Justin sat beside me. We enjoyed the warmth of the water as we talked about things. Nothing in particular, just things. After an hour in the tub we decided to watch a movie on Ken's huge TV. Mark was getting a bit more comfortable about being nude so we just toweled off and moved into the TV room.
After the movie, Ken called us aside when Mark went to the bathroom.
"Thanks guys. I'm the luckiest guy in the world."
"He really loves you Ken," Justin replied.
"And I love him."
"We know," both Justin and I replied.
Justin and I had just climbed into bed when the door opened and an object hurtled through the air and landed on the bed between us.
"Mark!" both Justin and I shouted.
Mark quickly crawled under the covers and pressed his body against Justin and then me. Somehow Justin and I ended up with Mark firmly sandwiched between us and Mark was just beaming.
"Thanks guys," Mark finally said.
"For what?" Justin asked.
"FOR WHAT? For getting Ken and me together. Last night was the best night of my life. It was fantastic!"
"You're welcome," we both replied.
"And thank you for letting Ken be the first one to touch me. That was so special. I came almost as soon as he touched me. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
Mark squirmed around and gave us each a warm hug. We were both getting so horny with this little whirlwind between us, we didn't know what to do. But as usual, Justin solved the problem.
"Mark, is Ken waiting for you?"
"Oh, right! I just came in here to thank you and tell you guys it was real special."
With that Mark hugged us again and climbed out of bed with a giggle.
"I can tell you want to be alone. Goodnight."
Mark proudly walked out of the room, his little hard on pointing the way. He paused at the doorway, turned and wiggled his hips a few times and was gone leaving us alone. Neither of us said anything, we just smiled, turned out the light and snuggled into each other. Of course we were both horny as hell after having that hot boy between us.
"Fuck me from behind tonight."
I grabbed the KY from the night table. I was just about to open it when I put it down.
"What's up," Justin asked.
"You'll see," I replied.
I rolled Justin onto his belly and kissed him on the neck, slowly working down his back while keeping one hand under his groin and gently squeezing his hard cock. As I reached his crack I got him to get up on his knees and spread his cheeks while I continued kissing and licking. As my tongue passed over his hot hole he shivered and let out a moan. Eagerly licking I forced my tongue into his hole as Justin writhed and pushed his hips back against me. I could feel the precum leaking from his cock each time I forced my tongue further into his puckered hole. Eventually, I couldn't restrain myself – I grabbed the KY and greased my cock and forced some into his hole. My fingers slipped in easily. He was ready. As I positioned my cock at the opening he forced his hips back forcefully and my cock slid inside in one motion. We laid back down on our sides.
"Slowly," Justin said, "slow and easy. I want this to last and I want to feel it."
There was no argument from me. I humped very slowly and gently as I held his cock and nibbled on his neck and ears. I could feel his cock harden with each stroke and it was obvious I was really hitting his magic spot. Although I was hardly moving, I could tell Justin was very close. I stopped to let him cool off a bit. At first he humped back against me but soon got control of his urge. Justin didn't want it to be over either.
We started up again a few minutes later, this time being careful not to go so far so fast. Justin continued to moan and groan and my sounds soon joined his. This time there would be no stopping, however we fought to keep from going into high gear. We both prefer to go slow and let the climax build and build until the final moment. Tonight we managed to keep from giving in to the urgent need to hump wildly, and let it build to incredible heights. I could feel his cock getting harder and harder as we neared the final release and I tried to allow myself to build at the same rate. I felt his cock start to pulse and his ass clamp down. Two quick thrusts and I was there with him as we came together. I licked Justin's special sauce from my hand and replaced it on his softening cock and fell asleep with his ass pushed back against me in an effort to keep me in him.
I opened my eyes to find Mark looking down at us.
"Why does it smell in here?" Mark questioned.
"Because Justin and I fucked last night," I replied.
"Oh," Mark replied.
Mark pulled back the covers and was climbing in when he realized I was still in Justin. He blushed a bit.
"Sorry, I'll leave."
"No, that's okay," Justin mumbled.
"But you guys are doing stuff," Mark answered.
"Not now," I replied. "We're just enjoying being together."
"Oh," Mark said as Justin pulled him into the bed.
As we snuggled together Mark kept up a steady stream about how wonderful it had been that first time with Ken, and how special it was, and
"MARK, STOP!" Justin finally stopped him.
Mark was silent for a moment and then started to get up. Justin held on to him.
"Let me go!" Mark pleaded.
"What?" he sniffed.
"Mark, we know you're happy and it's hard not to share that, but some things you should keep between just you and Ken," Justin replied.
"But why?" Mark asked, "I'm so happy I want to tell the world."
"We know, Mark and we're happy for you. We know how you feel and it's nice you want to share that happiness with us, but some things should remain between just you and Ken. That way it's something special just the two of you can share."
"You're not mad at me?"
"Of course not," Justin answered. "We're happy for you. You just need to keep certain things private."
Justin hugged Mark a little harder and kissed him gently on the forehead as Mark melted into his arms.
"Can I at least thank you guys for getting Ken and me together?" Mark asked.
"Yes, but you already have," I answered.
"By being happy," I replied. "Besides, we didn't do it, you did."
"You're the one that told Ken how you felt, we didn't."
"But I thought
"No Mark, we didn't. Justin just told Ken to talk to you. You did it, and we're proud of you. We know how tough that was."
"Thanks anyway. Thank you, thank you," Mark squeaked as he snuggled in again. "This is so nice to be around people that really love me."
Neither Justin or I could argue with that.
Almost an hour later Mark suddenly jumped. "Oh, oh, I think I really burnt the corn flakes this time."
Mark ran from the room for the kitchen with Justin and me on his tail. Smoke was billowing from the oven and Mark was trying desperately to grab hold of something inside. Finally a pan full of very black muffins emerged from the smoke. Mark put the hot pan on the stove and hung his head. Tears were streaming down his cheeks.
"I wanted them to be perfect," he blubbered. "They were just for you guys."
Justin put his arm around Mark's shoulder. "Come on little bro, let's make some more."
Mark looked up at Justin and his face lit up like a candle.
"Okay," was all he said.
Mark and Justin moved around the kitchen and soon had a new batch in the oven. Justin sure knew how to get to people. For a brief moment I thought about what an ass hole his father was for not loving him to death. But then, I wouldn't have him now. I thanked his father in my mind.
The next months were wonderful. The four of us became great friends and Mark followed Justin around like a puppy dog, at least when he wasn't following Ken. We called Sean and Kevin every night and they were doing fine too. Sean had taken to University life and was doing very well and usually placed in the top five of his class. Kevin had started his school year poorly but Sean soon had him on track and they would study together every night. Kevin started turning in solid "A's." Justin, who had been an average student at best, was moving ahead as well. His teachers couldn't believe it was the same student from the year before. Justin also earned his driver's license for both a car and motorcycle.
I had also seen my own kids. I had told them about things a few days after the meeting with my wife and we had visited a few times. They were really shocked at first but came to accept things and liked Justin
3; but then who wouldn't?
Joe kept us up to date on the building progress, and on the progress of our 'guests'. By the end of September there were eight kids at the Ranch. Their marks weren't quite all "A's," but they were all going to school and Joe was helping them with their individual problems. At the rate of construction, it looked like things would be ready for Christmas.
Near the end of September we had been missing Sean and Kevin so much we decided to go down to LA for the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend in October. Ken and Mark decided to come with us. We were all so impressed with the progress the kids at the Ranch were making that we invited Joe to bring them for a weekend at Disney Land. Everyone was excited about the upcoming weekend.
Our plane touched down at LAX just before six on Friday evening. Ken, Mark, Justin and myself were waiting for our baggage when we heard our names being called. We turned to see Sean and Kevin running toward us. Kevin and Sean flew into our arms and a very teary round of hugs followed.
The car was alive with constant chatter as Sean drove us through the maze of freeways. Sean spoke of University life while Kevin and Justin talked of their adventures at school and the previous summer. Mark listened in awe to the boys and their stories and asked many questions about what was being talked about. The boys in turn happily answered his questions and made him feel a part of the group and not an outsider. We were all in high spirits on our arrival at Bill's house.
Inside we were met by another group. Joe and the boys from the Ranch were waiting.
Doug, Dave, Mike, and Terry immediately came over and welcomed us warmly. They even managed a hug for us. The remaining four boys held back and even eyed us with some suspicion. Joe introduced them, John, Shane, Todd, and Eric. They ranged in age from 13 to 17 and all had been brought to the Ranch by the local police. They had done nothing wrong. They were found hitching on the highway, dirty and hungry and were brought to the Ranch to be looked after.
Sean and Kevin had obviously worked hard to set up things for the visit. Beds had been set up everywhere and a huge buffet supper was waiting. A very noisy, friendly meal followed. Lots of talking laughing, stories, and good times. I was, however, a bit concerned about the four new boys. They kept to themselves and avoided the rest of us.
After supper and more conversation we decided to head for the pool. It was still warm out and a bit of fun in the pool appealed to us. That's when it hit the fan.
Following our usual habit, we simply dropped our clothes and jumped in, except for the new boys. They stood on the deck for a few minutes and retreated into the house. I got Justin's attention and followed them into the house.
"Hey guys, don't you want to go swimming?" I asked.
They turned and glared at us.
"Okay, what's the problem?" Justin asked.
They still refused to speak.
"Look, guys, this is supposed to be a fun weekend for everyone. Let's not spoil it. If you have a problem with something, speak up. If we can fix it, we will."
One of the kids, the older one, Todd, finally cleared his throat.
"We're not fags. There's no way we're going near you guys."
"Oh," Justin said. "I thought there was a real problem."
"What?" Todd replied.
"I thought there was a real problem, like you guys are allergic to water or something."
"There IS a problem," Todd repeated, "we don't do any faggy stuff!"
"Good," Justin retorted, "I won't have to worry about you guys trying to seduce Jim."
"Are you for fucking real man?" Todd continued, "I just told you I don't like fags."
"Look you stupid ass. I'm gay, Jim is gay, Sean is gay, Kevin is gay, and so is Ken and Mark. We're gay, we're not fucking rapists. We've got NO interest in you."
"Yeah, we've heard how you guys are setting up your Ranch for boys. You're just looking for a fresh supply of cute little asses."
"I'm setting up the Ranch because I was on the road and fucking near got killed when two guys picked me up and were going to rape me and then kill me. Jim rescued me. I got some reward money when we caught those ass holes and this is what I'm doing with the fucking money. Trying to provide a safe place for other kids on the road. That's it. No strings. Now if you guys are so fucking scared that we're after your butts, or too shy to go skinny dipping, then wear a bathing suit, but I NEVER want to hear that bullshit again! Nobody, and I mean NOBODY is going to touch you!"
Todd stood there glaring at us for a moment, "What do you mean 'YOU' are setting the Ranch up? You're just a kid."
"I told you, I got some reward money and I wanted to help other kids. Jim may be buying the land, but the shelter is my idea and I'm paying for it."
"You're paying for this?"
"Yeah. Look, my real dad kicked me out. He used to beat me all the time. Eventually he kicked me out because he found out I was gay. None of my friends parents would help me, so I went on the road. I was hitching to San Francisco when two guys picked me up. Turned out they were real bad dudes. They were going to rape me and probably kill me, but Jim heard me screaming and saved me. Later we found them and turned them into the police, but by then they had killed another kid and were wanted for a lot of other things as well. I just want to see other kids get a fair chance at life and not get killed."
Todd stood there in silence but I noticed Shane was looking just awful and tears were streaming down is face. Justin noticed too.
"Shane, what's wrong?" Justin asked.
"Nothing," he replied, although it was hard for him to speak.
Justin walked over to Shane and gently lifted his chin up. "Shane, we really do want to help but you have to let us. What's wrong?"
Through his tears, Shane finally managed to get a few weak words out, "it happened to me."
"Have you told Joe?" Justin asked.
Shane shook his head no. The other three were just standing there, shocked by the news. Justin tried to comfort Shane and I went out to call Joe. I quickly filled Joe in and brought him into the house. He immediately took charge of Shane and I moved the other boys outside. Justin was real emotional by now and I put an arm around him and walked him from the room.
Outside on the deck Todd, John, and Eric had stayed together and looked at us as Justin and I came out. The three came over to us.
"Maybe I was wrong," Todd said. "I really thought the Ranch was nothing but a come on for some old pervert that had a thing for kids. I had no idea a kid was running it. When Doug, Dave, Mike, and Terry told us you guys were gay I just assumed you would be after us. I figured they never told us about any sex stuff because they were embarrassed to admit it. I guess there was nothing to tell."
Todd held out his hand and Justin took it.
"Bet you never shook hands with a nude dude before," Justin quipped.
Todd turned beat red and smiled. "Nope."
"Ready to go swimming now?"
"Yeah, but can we wear something? I'm not ready for that yet."
"Sure, there's extra bathing suits over there in the pool house."
The three boys headed for the pool house to change while I grabbed Justin and pulled him into the pool. Moments later three kids flew over our heads into the pool.
We soon had a first class game of water polo going and played until we were exhausted.
Back in the house we finished up some left overs from supper and everyone started heading for their designated sleeping arrangements except for Joe and Shane who continued talking into the night. That kid had a lot of baggage to deal with and we were really glad Joe was there to do it.
Finally just Sean, Kevin, Justin and I were left and we sat for a few minutes to talk before heading for our room. Sean had arranged two double beds together in the master bedroom. The four of us were together again.
Chapter 29
"Morning guys," the voice next to the bed said.
I opened my eyes and looked over Justin to see Mark standing next to the bed. I smiled up at him. Justin, Sean, and Kevin stirred as I replied to Mark.
"Hi Mark, what's up, more burnt corn flakes?"
Mark smiled and asked the question with his eyes. Justin pulled back the blanket and Mark climbed into the bed.
"Morning, li'l bro," Justin said as he pulled the blanket back up and Mark snuggled in. Both Sean and Kevin were raised up on their elbows looking at the intruder.
"I like having big brothers," Mark commented. "I hope you guys don't mind."
Sean smiled as did Kevin. Marked rolled over Justin and was soon spread across the four of us wiggling and giggling. Sean grabbed him and put him in a head lock and gave him a playful knuckle rub on the head.
"Help, help!" Mark yelled in mock pain.
"Hey, take it easy on my brother!" Justin challenged as he rolled over me toward Sean.
Arms and legs were everywhere as we played out the game, of course the giggling was louder than the protesting. A few minutes later a sweaty pile of guys were catching their breath and Mark was accepted by Sean and Kevin.
Breakfast was a noisy affair. Even John, Shane, Todd, and Eric were getting with the program. Shane was still a little down from the previous night, but Joe had clearly done his job in helping the little guy and at least the healing could begin.
The day at Disney Land was an absolute blast. We did most of the rides at least twice and it was a toss up who could do Space Mountain the most times. In the end, time won, it was closing time. The kids from the Ranch had never been there before, probably hadn't been anywhere before, and were still running at Warp 9 as we headed back to the house. Sunday was a repeat performance but we left early to enjoy a huge supper. Sean and Ken had stayed home that day to prepare the feast. The smell was wonderful as we entered the house. The meal was a formal affair, served in candle light.
After the meal we headed for the pool and the hot tub. John, Shane, Todd, and Eric finally felt comfortable enough to skinny dip with us. They actually enjoyed themselves and good naturedly even put up with some of the jokes.
The next day everyone had to head home although I decided to stay and visit Sean and Kevin for a few days and then visit the Ranch before heading home. Our Ranch boys would miss a day of school but Joe assured us their teachers had all been warned and were happy to see them have a bit of reward for their hard work.
Joe and the boys left early in the morning and I took Ken, Justin, and Mark to the airport while Sean and Kevin headed for school. By the time I got back from the airport I barely had time to clean up the house before Sean and Kevin were due home from class. Sean picked Kevin up from school and the two arrived together.
"Hey Jim," both greeted me as they came in.
"Hey guys, wanna do something before supper?"
Sean replied, "Sorry, this is our study time. We can do something later."
With that, both boys headed to Bill's office which had been converted into a study room. I looked a few times but they were both hard at their books. I couldn't believe it. I sure wouldn't have been into my homework when I was a kid without someone nagging at me. Every now and then Kevin would ask Sean something and he would get Kevin going in the right direction and they just kept working. I didn't have anything to do so I made supper. I had to be good for something!
Supper was ready around 6:30 and I called the boys.
"Thanks Jim, we usually break a little earlier to cook something but with you doing it we kept working. Now we've got the evening free," Sean explained.
"Yeah," Kevin added. "We've really missed you."
"Hey, I've missed you too. I'm glad I stayed over. Do you guys really study like that every day or is that for my benefit?" I asked.
Both Sean and Kevin gave me a look that said it all. They really did study every day.
"Lets eat," I suggested.
We had a leisurely meal and I listened intently as each told me about the things they were up to and how their school year was going.
"Is there anything you guys need?" I asked. "Did I send enough money for the bills? Do you need anything for school? Is there anything in the house that needs fixing? Is
Sean cut me short. "No, but we sure miss you guys."
"Yeah," Kevin agreed.
We sat looking at each other in silence.
Sean spoke first. "I don't know if I can do this by myself. I'm doing okay with Kevin here, but it's gonna be hell after he leaves at Christmas time."
Kevin looked over at Sean with real concern on his face. I'm not sure if he was totally concerned for Sean or if he just realized he would miss him.
"Jim," Kevin said. "I know I said I wanted to get out of this city, and I really want to be with you guys but I don't think I can leave Sean here alone."
"I know, we miss both of you guys too and we're all gonna
3;" I stopped in mid sentence. A lump was developing in my throat. The room was silent.
"Lets go to the hot tub," Sean suggested.
The three of us moved out to the deck, dropped our clothes and got in and snuggled together. I think under any other circumstances we all would have been horny as hell but that night we were just glad to have each other. We soaked for nearly two hours, barely speaking, just being together.
"You're a real son of a bitch Sean, this is really unfair," I finally said.
Sean looked over at me and smiled. He knew fucking well an hour or two together like this would scramble my head.
"Sean, I know you've got some plan in you're head. Talk."
"It's really selfish. It's not fair to you guys."
"Fuck selfish. We're a team
3; a family. You can share anything with us."
"Well," Sean began. "Why don't you guys move into this house until school is over and then we can all go to the Ranch. Besides, the high school here is better for Justin and Kevin, and we can always go to the Ranch for weekends and stuff, and
"I'll talk to Justin."
"What do you think about this idea?"
"I like it."
"I knew we kept this house for a good reason, and Justin will be ready for University in a few years too, then Kevin."
We all felt better, much better.
"Let's go for a quick swim and head to bed," Kevin suggested.
We crawled out of the tub and jumped into the pool. Twenty minutes later we shut down the house and went to bed.
Turns out that Sean and Kevin had been using Bill's room. I didn't think Kevin would ever really want to be in there again but I guess time had done its work. Kevin still had his room to keep up appearances when he brought friends over, but he rarely used it. Of course having Sean helped. The three of us slipped into bed, snuggled together and fell asleep. I guess the last few days had left us tired, but happy.
I woke up from the sound of Kevin moaning in his sleep and his gentle thrusting into my butt. He was asleep but hard as hell. Smiling to myself I grabbed the KY from the book case headboard and put some on his cock and my ass. It didn't take him long, with a bit of careful positioning on my part, and he slipped in. He tightened his grip around me and continued to thrust. My hard cock was now poking Sean in his groin and the rocking motion from Kevin was starting to arouse and wake him. Sean figured out what was going on soon enough and he kissed me gently on the lips, then my neck, and slowly moved his way down to my hard dripping cock.
Sean turned around on the bed and offered his hard cock to my waiting mouth. He had grown in the past few months. His cock was a little thicker and perhaps a bit longer. His fair pubic hair had also filled in a bit more, not that I could see it. Sean and I continued our 69 while Kevin continued to hump me in his sleep. We didn't know if we should wake him or just let him continue, but we didn't need to think long. Kevin woke up with a start.
3;" Kevin moaned.
"Oh, you don't like doing that?" I asked.
"Shit, I thought I was dreaming. I didn't realize
3; how the hell did I get in you?"
"I guess you were having a nice dream," I replied. "I just aligned things a bit."
"Nice. Thanks."
Kevin squeezed me a little tighter and continued his assault. Of course, now that he was awake, his actions were a little more meaningful
3; probably for both of us.
Our little three way continued at a slow pace for several minutes. We were all enjoying it, and each other, too much to hurry. But when Sean started rolling my balls in his hands I was going over the top. I quickly put some KY on my finger and probed for his prostate. I knew that would quickly get him up there with me. Kevin was close, but had been keeping a slow pace to keep from cumming too quick, but now he was going to get left behind. I handed the KY to Sean and Kevin soon his prostate was receiving special attention from Sean.
I exploded into Sean's hungry mouth and I guess my orgasm and resulting contractions on Kevin's cock did the trick. I felt Kevin give one last thrust as he started to pump his cum. Sean's ass clamped down on my finger as his first blast hit the back of my throat, then another, and another. Moments later we relaxed, basking in our post orgasmic glow.
Sean turn around and spooned into me. My cock was still hard so he put a little KY on it and backed onto it. We fell asleep.
The alarm broke our deep sleep with a shattering noise.
"Fuck!" Sean exclaimed, as his hand searched for the thing to turn it off.
Sean turned to me and kissed me. "You don't have to get up yet, but we have to get ready for school."
Sean and Kevin headed for the shower. I got up to make them breakfast.
My day passed quickly. I cleaned up the house a bit and visited the lawyers. There were still some papers to get cleared up. With that attended to, I went home to wait for the boys to return from school.
We had a really great evening together, and they really filled me in on the happenings of the past few months. This conversation convinced me it was right for us to stick together. Being apart was just too tough on all of us. I decided to head out the next day, visit the Ranch and then get back to Justin and talk him into it as well.
Construction at the Ranch was going well and it would be finished on time. Joe was really enjoying himself, doing what he had always wanted to do. I asked him about his salary but he deflected my attempts to give him more. He was the happiest he had been in years.
One of the first four boys, Terry, had been able to get his life turned around and Joe had been in touch with his parents who had both been getting help. Terry decided to try living at home and had already gone. He knew he was welcome back if necessary and that living on the road was something he would never have to do again. We all hoped it would work out for him.
Todd took me aside at one point and thanked me. He even gave me a hug. That was worth everything to me.
I decided to drive home rather than fly. Of course I had something I wanted to do and driving was the only way to pull it off. I checked into a hotel in Portland and called Jeff.
"Hi Jeff, it's Jim. How's it going?"
The moment of silence on the phone was deafening, then he remembered. "JIM, how the hell are you? How's Justin? Where are you?"
Jeff was at the hotel thirty minutes later.
He greeted me warmly, and I him.
It didn't take long to find out things were not too good for him. His three friends were the only friends he had left and his family only tolerated him in the house. His friends had remained loyal but somehow the secret got out and most guys in the school wouldn't have anything to do with him. His mother was okay with his orientation but his dad just couldn't take it and ignored him. His grades were falling too and he was concerned he wouldn't make it through the year.
I filled him in on all the events since we parted company. Bill, Kevin, Sean, Ken and Mark. I told him about the Ranch and that we might be living in LA during the school year and then the Ranch for the summer. He was happy and sad.
"I wish I could leave this town. There's not much for me here now," he said has he hung his head.
I wasn't sure what to do. I just can't stand to see anybody feeling like that and I knew he had great potential at school.
"Jeff, you're always welcome to stay at the Ranch," I offered.
"Really?" he replied. "But I'm not really a runaway."
"I know, but that's not the point. It's for anyone who needs it. Besides, I know Joe could use some help running the place and you're old enough for the job. Think about it."
Jeff filled me in on all the details. He was one unhappy kid. It was also clear his three friends were his only friends and they were finding it tough as well. I gave him our phone numbers and addresses and told him to call anytime. Jeff went home pretty late that night, but not before a few warm hugs.
"He's a good kid," I thought to myself as the door closed.
I made it home to Vancouver in mid evening and both Justin and Mark attacked me in the driveway. Man, were they glad to see me! The feeling was mutual.
"Jim?" Justin started before the front door had closed.
"I've been thinking about Sean and Kevin."
"Yeah, what?"
"I really miss them and I know they miss us. It isn't fair leaving them down there all alone."
"So what do you think we should do about it?"
"Well, I just think we should do something."
"I know you've got a plan. What?"
"I don't want to push, I know you've got your heart set on living at the Ranch."
"So do you."
"Yeah, but we gotta do something. I really miss Kevin and Sean."
"So what?"
"Maybe we should stay in LA during the school year and spend summers at the Ranch, and long weekends."
"I thought you didn't like LA?"
"I don't, but I want to be with Sean and Kevin."
"I've got something to tell you."
"Sean and Kevin suggested the same thing and I told them I'd have to talk you into it."
3; you
3; you had that planned and let me go on like this? You .. you OLD MAN!"
"Whoa, now that's low."
"I know, but it was the best I could come up with."
"Good enough for me."
Justin and I went into the living room to tell Ken and Mark. Ken wasn't too surprised but Mark was in tears.
"I thought you guys would be here 'till Christmas."
"Mark, we're really sorry, but you knew we would have to leave eventually."
"I know, but
Ken held Mark as his emotions drained. This would be a tough few days until we left.
The next morning a smiling Mark woke us up and announced more burnt Corn Flakes for breakfast. I don't know if Mark had resolved his problem or if he was just putting on a brave face. Either way, we weren't going to question it.
The next few days passed quickly as we made the final arrangements for our move to LA. The legal issues surrounding the adoption of Justin were finalized and we were finally ready to go a week later. The night before we left the phone rang.
"Jim," Ken called, "it's for you."
"Hi Jim, it's Jeff."
"Hi Jeff, what's up."
"How do I find that Ranch of yours? Dad just told me to get out."
"When do you have to leave?" I asked.
"He gave me to the end of the week."
"Can you be ready to go the day after tomorrow?"
"Sure, but I'm not packed or anything."
"Get packed. Justin and I will be in Portland tomorrow night and you can get a ride with us."
"You're kidding!"
"What about my bike?"
"Don't worry about it. I've got it covered. Just be ready."
"Don't worry, Jeff. Things will work out. Goodnight."
"Bye Jim, and thanks."
I decided not to tell Justin, it would be a surprise.
Chapter 30 End of the Beginning
Justin and I arrived home at Ken's about 6:00 on our final evening. A smiling Mark met us at the door. The aroma of dinner was in the air, not just any meal, but something special. The table was set in formal fashion, complete with candles. Ken was already bringing food to the table.
"What's the occasion?" I asked somewhat sarcastically.
"Oh, nothing much," Mark replied. "We're just having dinner with our best friends. Hmmm, I wonder when they'll get here?"
Mark couldn't hold it and started to snicker.
"Thanks, that's really special," Justin said as he gave Mark a hug.
Dinner was great, although it was rather somber. We were going to miss each other and agreed to visit back and forth often. I would have invited Mark to visit for all holidays and summer but that wouldn't really have been fair to Ken. I think Ken knew I was holding back and I could see the appreciation in his face. Justin seemed to sense the situation and didn't make it worse by extending his own invitation. Justin and I retired early after a quiet evening, talking about the events of the summer with Ken and Mark. We were going to miss them too.
Justin and I we had just snuggled in when a soft knock came at the door as it opened.
"Can I come in?" Mark asked from the door.
"Sure, what's up bro?" Justin asked.
Mark came in, closed the door behind him, and walked over to the bed.
"Can I sleep with you guys tonight?" Mark asked softly.
"What about Ken?" I asked.
"He told me it was okay," Mark replied.
Justin pulled back the covers and Mark slipped in and snuggled up. Justin grabbed Mark and rolled him over between the two of us.
"MMMMmmm, Mark sandwich," Justin quipped.
That brought a giggle from Mark, the first one we'd heard that night.
"Were you hoping for something in particular tonight Mark?" I asked.
"No, not really. I just wanted to be close with you guys."
Both Justin and I snuggled up against our 'Mark Sandwich'. We weren't really in the mood for much activity that night. We talked a bit and were drifting off when I moved a bit and my hand landed on Mark's hard cock.
"Hmmm, what have we here?"
Mark giggled.
"What?" Justin asked.
"Oh, not much
3;" I replied as I slowly stroked Mark's throbbing member.
I took Mark's hand and guided it down onto Justin's cock. Justin jumped when Mark's hand made contact. We snuggled closer together and gently continued to stroke each other. Somehow this provided the closeness we needed. It was not a night for high energy level love making, just being close and giving each other a little pleasure was what we needed.
I woke up in the morning with Mark's hand holding my cock, and mine was still on his. He was snuggled up against me and Justin was spooned in behind him. Both boys were sleeping peacefully with the look that only boys have at that age. I hated to move but I had to go. Mark rolled over and wrapped his arms around Justin as I got up. When I returned from the shower, both were still asleep so I left them and went out to the kitchen to burn some corn flakes. By the time I had prepared breakfast and returned to wake them, they were already awake and were heading for the shower. I stopped in at Ken's room and told him breakfast was ready. The four of us ate and talked about the next time Ken and Mark would be able to visit. Finally Ken gave in and agreed that Christmas might be a bit long to wait and they would come to visit for the US Thanksgiving in November.
After breakfast we loaded up the rest of our stuff, hooked up the trailer with the Wing and headed out. Both Justin and I looked at the Rest Stop where we met a few months earlier as we rolled by and Justin snuggled up to me. I don't think we would have stopped there even if it meant we would have wet our pants. We did stop at the next one though!
We rolled into Portland in early afternoon. I suggested we should give Jeff a call and see how he was. I had a hard time keeping a straight face, but I figured it would be worth it. I called Jeff from a pay phone to see if he was ready, then drove over to his place. Jeff had his stuff ready to go and his bike was in the driveway. Jeff was standing in the driveway waiting for us.
Justin bounced from the car and greeted Jeff warmly. It took Justin a few minutes to figure out something was wrong, but I think Jeff's red eyes were the real give away.
"What's wrong Jeff?" Justin asked.
"What do you mean?" Jeff replied.
"You look like hell, and what's all this stuff out here for?"
"I've been kicked out."
"Dad kicked me out."
"What for? What did you do?"
"He can't handle having a gay son."
"Fuck, nooooooo!"
Justin was near tears himself. I could see the hurt. He felt for Jeff, and it reminded him of his own ordeal.
"Where will you go Jeff?"
"Oh, I have something lined up," Jeff replied.
"I heard of a neat place south of here. Some friends of mine own it and I'm going to stay there awhile."
"Great!" Justin said. "I hope it's safe."
"I think it is. You did say it was safe there, didn't you Jim?"
3;" Justin turned and looked at me. I couldn't keep a straight face any longer and burst out laughing.
"What's going on here?" Justin demanded.
"You're a smart kid Justin, you figure it out while you help Jeff load his stuff."
Justin's face lit up and then that smile of his spread from ear to ear.
Jeff's stuff was loaded and his bike tied down so fast I couldn't believe it.
Just as we were ready to go Jeff's mother came out. She gave Jeff a warm hug, and looked at us with the look that only a mother has. I knew what she was thinking.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine, and we'll make sure he wears his coat when he goes out."
She smiled and gave Jeff a final hug.
"And we'll make sure he calls you," I added.
We pulled out just as Jeff's father arrived home from work. We watched as he got out of his car and went into the house. He didn't even look at Jeff or watch us drive away.
Between the three of us we decided to blast right through to the Ranch that night. We could take turns driving and it didn't matter what time we arrived. Joe knew we were coming and would be ready for us. It was late, or should I say early, when we pulled in. We were all so tired by then that we didn't bother unloading anything. We just went to bed.
We slept late the next morning, but the sound of construction finally forced us from our sleep.
All the boys were at school, so Joe was the only one around, if you don't count the construction workers. The new house was nearly finished and we could hardly wait to look it over after breakfast. Jeff was amazed by the place. I think he fell in love with it, at least he couldn't stop talking about the trees and the river, and peaceful setting.
The boys returned from school on the bus and the noise level rose to unbelievable levels. It was happy noise, though. It had become their habit to play football, baseball, or basketball before supper and today was no exception. They had quickly changed and were out in the field playing football before any of them noticed we were there or who we were. Justin and Jeff decided to go out and play as well.
Joe brought me up to date and it was clear he had everything in hand and was truly happy himself. I knew kids can eat but I hadn't thought much about what was involved in feeding the regular crew of kids, which had now grown to nine, plus ourselves. It seemed like we'd never finish peeling those potatoes!
Supper was an incredible affair. Nine hungry kids, plus Justin, Jeff, Joe, and myself. Talking, joking, the odd prank. I think I noticed a tear in Justin's eye on more than one occasion. After supper the kids cleaned up the kitchen and just disappeared. The silence was almost deafening.
"Study time," Joe explained. "There has to be a time for work and a time for fun. They didn't like it at first, but they've come to accept it. The video games, TV, Internet, or whatever don't come on until two hours after supper and that's it."
Sure enough, two hours later the noise started again. More noisy happy kids!
Joe really liked Jeff and it was clear they would do just fine together. I think I saw Joe sigh a little with relief at the prospect of having some help too.
As we were heading to bed, Justin turned and looked at Jeff.
"It's up to you," I whispered in Justin's ear.
Justin walked over to Jeff and pulled him out of his chair. Jeff was smiling.
He was still smiling the next morning
The four of us had breakfast after the kids had gone to school and we were soon gone as well.
"I hope Jeff will be happy there," Justin commented as we turned onto the highway.
"Why wouldn't he be?" I answered. "He's accepted and needed."
It was early evening when we arrived home in LA. Sean and Kevin were out of the house the second they heard the car in the driveway. A huge group hug in the driveway told me this was the right thing to have done. We would always be together.
Sean and Kevin had figured we'd be home in time for a late supper and had waited for us. God, it was good to share a meal again! We didn't quite make as much noise as the mob at the Ranch, but we had fun trying.
True to our agreement, Sean and Kevin had set up four bedrooms, one for each of us. I didn't feel quite right about being assigned Ken's suite, but that's what they all agreed on. Besides, this was for appearances as much as anything. Most of us would never sleep in our own rooms anyway. Sean had an early class the next day so was headed to bed early. Kevin simply kissed us goodnight and followed Sean to bed leaving Justin and me in the living room.
"Wanna head for the tub?" I asked.
"Yeah," Justin giggled. "Haven't been fishing lately anyway."
We were both giggling like kids as we crossed the deck, dropping clothes along the way, heading for the tub when I caught my foot on something and landed hard. Real hard! I heard the crack as my head hit the cement, but strangely it didn't hurt.
I could hear a siren in the distance, constantly wailing, and I felt blinded by a bright light. There was darkness all around but this damn bright light was blocking my vision. There were some voices, garbled voices, talking about something and I couldn't figure out who they were or what they were talking about. The bright light went away but I couldn't see anything. It was dark and quiet. I felt someone shaking me and telling me to wake up, but I couldn't see them or tell who it was. I yelled at them to leave me alone but nothing came out of my mouth. It was a silent scream. Slowly, I realized I was dreaming. I tried to wake up, I tried to scream again, but nothing. What was going on? I could feel my pulse rising and I felt short of breath. "What kind of nightmare is this?" I thought to myself. "Fuck, I'll take monsters any day over this." I started to scream as loud as I could but I couldn't hear myself. I couldn't hear anything else, except that damn siren in the distance and that bright light in my eyes every few minutes.
Finally the siren stopped. "Thank God," I thought to myself. I yelled again but couldn't hear a sound. Suddenly I realized the siren was the only thing I was hearing and now there was nothing. I wanted it back. "Please, anything!" There was nothing, I was alone in this dark place without sight, sound, or touch. "Touch!" I thought. Maybe I can feel around. Then I realized I couldn't move. I tried with all my might but couldn't lift an arm, or move a finger. I tried to scream again, but nothing. Just silence and blackness.
"NO, NO, NO, NO!" I heard my self saying, over and over. Wait, I can hear that.
"HELP, HELP, CAN ANYONE HEAR ME!" I yelled. I was thrashing my arms wildly as I yelled and felt them moving against myself. "YES!" I thought. The dream is ending. "YES!"
Light began to filter into my brain, not the bright light, but light. Shapes began to appear. Overhead lights, curtains, switches on the wall. "Where the hell am I?"
A face appeared in front of me.
"Jim, Jim, can you hear me?"
I mumbled some kind of reply and the face smiled.
"I'll be right back," the face said and disappeared from view.
Moments later several faces appeared.
He asked me all kinds of stupid questions but wouldn't tell me anything, not that I could ask. All I could do was mumble gibberish in reply to their questions but they seemed to understand. The guy asking the questions smiled and left the room and the other faces followed him.
"What now?" I thought. "Will somebody ever tell me what's going on?"
Another face appeared. A young man, probably about 16. He sat down beside me and took my hand. "Well, at least I can feel that," I thought to myself. The young man sat looking at me for several minutes.
"Who are you?" I thought, but to my amazement I heard the words.
The young man looked at me, smiled, and said, "My name is Justin."
"Do I know you?"
"Are you gonna tell me what the hell is going on?"
The young man shifted his position and placed both of his hands on mine. It felt so good.
"Jim," he began, "Do you remember what happened? Like how you got here?"
"No," I replied.
"What is the last thing you do remember?" he asked.
I thought about it for several seconds. At first there was nothing. I couldn't remember a damn thing. Slowly memories started to fill my head.
"The last thing I remember was
3; leaving home on my Wing for a vacation."
"Oh!" the young man said, clearly upset by the answer.
"Do you understand you're in a Hospital?" the young man asked.
"Yes, I think so. Sorry, what was your name again?"
"Justin," the young man answered.
"What happened? Did I have an accident?"
"Yes," Justin replied. "You slipped and hit your head."
"Fell off my bike?" I asked.
"No, you tripped while walking."
"Who are you?"
The young man shuffled again. "A friend."
"Does my wife know I'm here?"
"Yes," the young man replied.
"Is she here?" I asked.
"Not tonight. She's a long way away. She'll be here tomorrow we think. We want to be sure you are awake first."
"Oh, how long have I been out?"
"Several days."
"Days? What day is it?"
"November 2nd."
"What? I left home on July 1! What happened to the
3; uh
3; four months?"
"Memory loss is common with head injuries."
"Where am I? I mean what city?"
"LA! How did I get here?"
The young man said something but I didn't hear him. My eyes closed and I could feel myself falling asleep.
My eyes opened, and the young man was still there.
"Hi," he said.
"Hi," I replied. "Sorry, I couldn't keep my eyes open."
"That's okay, I needed some sleep too."
"What? How long was I asleep?"
"About six hours."
"What is your name again?"
"Justin, do you know where I've been in the last four months, what I've done?"
"Yes, I've been with you."
"Are you my son?"
"Yes, Dad."
I could see tears in his eyes and rolling down his face. He squeezed my hand and started to say something as two more people entered the room. One was about 19, the other 14.
"Who are these guys?" I asked.
"More of our family." Justin replied.
"I don
"Shhh," Justin said. "They know."
The new arrivals gathered around the bed. I could see the love in their eyes, but I couldn't remember them.
I felt my eyes closing. I was falling asleep again.
I awoke with a start. The boys were gone and my wife was sitting beside me.
"Hi dear. I don't know what happened, and I'm real tired, but I think I'm okay. I just can't remember the last four months."
She smiled and moved forward and kissed me and I kissed her back. At least I remembered somebody, I thought to myself.
"They're going to keep you here until you stop passing out, but that won't be more than a few more days, then we can go home," she said.
"I don't think I'm in any position to argue."
"That's right," she said with a smile.
The next few days were a blur of doctors, nurses, my wife, and those four boys that claimed to be my sons. I really didn't understand it all, but just accepted what I was told. I was staying awake more, but still passed out every time I had been sitting up and laid down. The doctors figured I would be able to go home in a few more days. They passed quickly as nurses and doctors came and went, taking samples of this and samples of that. I was beginning to feel like a pin cushion.
The final day came and I was leaving the hospital. I could see the taxi through the glass doors at the end of the hallway from my wheel chair as my wife pushed me towards it. The doors swung open and we rolled out into the sunlight. The sun was amazingly bright and hurt my eyes. As I moved into the taxi and sat down I could feel myself passing out again and collapsed into the seat.
I could hear frantic voices calling my name as I struggled to open my eyes but I couldn't. I heard one of them yelling, "Where's that fucking ambulance? Fuck, what do we have to do, buy our own?" I heard someone else telling him to "cool down." I could feel the pain of the bright light in my eyes again, and suddenly my head was pounding. I moaned in pain and suddenly the voices stopped, but that damn light wouldn't go away.
The pain was too much, I yelled, I heard my name being called.
"Jim, Jim, wake up, please wake up!"
I became aware I was lying on something cold and hard. It felt like cement. I slowly opened my eyes and realized the light was a spotlight mounted on the side of a building. I could see Justin, Sean and Kevin kneeling beside me.
"Justin, Kevin, Sean, I'm so sorry, how could I ever forget you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
The boys looked at me like I was crazy, but somehow looked relieved as well. Justin leaned down and kissed me as he hugged me and sobbed on my chest.
I looked around and all the boys were looking at me, but Kevin was holding his skate board, standing there naked with a hard on and holding his skate board. I started to laugh. It looked so funny.
Kevin was in tears, he threw the thing as far as he could and ran into the house.
"Would someone tell me what's going on?" I asked.
Sean told me I had tripped on Kevin's skateboard and had been out for about five minutes. Kevin had been sure he had killed me by leaving the thing on the deck.
"You mean that was all a dream?"
"What was?" Sean asked.
"The hospital, my wife taking me home, my not recognizing you guys in the hospital?"
"What?" Both Sean and Justin gasped.
"Help me up."
I was still dizzy but Justin and Sean helped me up and guided me into the house. Kevin was on the Chesterfield sobbing out of control. I kind of collapsed onto him and held him.
"Shhh, Kevin, it's okay. I'm not mad at you. I love you. It's okay."
"No it isn't," he sobbed, "I nearly killed you. First Bill and now you, I couldn't live without you."
"Shhh, I'm okay, and I should be watching where I'm walking. It's my fault."
Kevin wrapped his arms around me and cried into my chest. I slowly told them about my 'dream' and we were soon all together holding each other.
We all slept together that night. Holding each other and afraid to let the other go. Love is the force that binds the universe, and our universe would never be broken.
The End
I want to thank everyone who wrote to me during the three months it took me to write this story. Your comments and encouragement have meant a lot to me. I've made some wonderful new friends. While the story is fiction, I've written it from my heart. The feelings and emotions are true. I hope you have enjoyed reading it. I have enjoyed writing.
Another story will follow after a bit of a break. I'm also working on another project which is a collaboration with a wonderful young man whom I love deeply. Love is out there, you just have to keep looking. Never give up.
Stay strong and enjoy.
Jim, BC Dude